05/16/1966 - 00021490� �) / 5/9/66 OURSTIONNAIRE TO SEND OUT TO FRIDLEY RESIDENTS: Councilman Harris showed the Council a copy of a questionnaire that Edina had sent out with their homestead exemption £orms. He sua�ested that Fr�dley consider sending out something similar with their �.*ater bills or some other mailing. He stated that the,y had asked many good questions-and t,he,y had expected to receive a response of atout 20�, but hac� potten back aoproRimately (30;P, of them. He said some of the questions c mld be eliminated and some of them chanped to pertain to Fridle,y. The Cit7 Mana^er stated that he had started lookinp into this idea also and thou�ht perhaps they could be^sent out with the annual report. He supge•sted that the Council could pive their sug�estions and he could make up a composite by the next meeting� if they could �et their su�gestions back to him ri�ht airay. ADJDiJRAIMENT ; There heinp no further business� Mayor Kirkham declared the Special Counc2l Meetin� oi May 10� 1066� adjourned at 10:15 P,M. Respect£ully submitted, fl i) 7'�� � � � �z�� ���t�� ���k���� Marv Ln Strnm Sack 0. Kirkham Actin�* Secretary to the Counc�l , MAYOR TfiF MINU'I'ES OF Tf3E H�GULAR COiiNCTL MEETINr, OF MAY 16, 1966 The Meetino was calle� to order b,y Mayor Pro Tem Harris at 8:05 P.M, -- ROil GALL MF�MHER9 PRF'�SENT: Harris� Sheridan� Wripht,, Samuel�on� Kirkham (arr�ved at 8:f17 P.mo) Mi?MRERS ARSH,NTE, None TYPO�,RAPHICAL EHROR TN CITY HALL D7SHttRSEMFNTS: Councilman Sheridan called t,he attention of the Council to the City Hall d�shnrse- ments r�nort of Mav 31� 1q66, whtich the,y had received in their folder. NP state�l that on the last, pa�e� check �81�92 should he listed to the Suburban Enpineerine Companp� i'or testing on the Locke Park site, APPROVAL OT�' MINUTES, RFGULAR COUNCSL MErTING OF_MAY 2L_1966� Mayor K�_rkham arrived at the meeting at 8:07 P.P4, and took his �lace as Ma=ror. T^nTT(�N by �rnmr,ilman Harris to adopt the Mlnutes of the Regular Council Meotar��� e" Na�* 2� 1966, as submttted. �econded by �ouncilman Wri�ht. Upon a voice trote, t,here be�nF no navs, T^ayor Kirkham dec]ared the moti�n carried. �FPROAAL OF MINUTE53 �PRCIAL COUNCIL_MF�,ETING OF_MAY 9, 1966: M�TT�N by Crnm�ilman Harris to adopt t,he Minutes of the Special CounciJ Meetlna nf Mav 9, 1966� as submitted. Seconded by C�llncilman Samuelson. Upon a��o�re ,��tP, t,hPre he�nE� no na,ys� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carrjeri. °T�RTTr 1rrpRTDiG Oid A RP��tiE,�T TO RRZOAIR FROM R-1 TO R-3A P PORTION OF LOT 8� REOISED AiJD7T0Ii'S St)BDTVIS70N N0. 1�'� - �rF,nRr,R FR9Tp: � J i ��� ThP C�ty Manaper read the Notice o£ Hearing. Mayor Kirkham asked if anYone ia�shed to be heard on thls reaoninp reqliest. No one �nGhed to be heard. The C�tv ManaaFr sald that Mr. Froid has submitted a sketch of a prel�m�nary n7at wY��ch will be vZewed bv the Planninp Comm�csion at t,heir Jtm e Qth mPetin�, at crhich t,�me the 7ot line z,nll hE� m�vPd ovAr to make it 21,;�� �qiiarP FP�t, whirh ic ih? 7�nd araa Tl@P(IP!). C�uncilman F�rriG asked Mr. Froid thP ��ze ef thP mult�nlP dw?llinp he wil7 huild� anri the dirE�ct�on the hulldinr� will farP. M,r. Frn�d answerPd that he plans one seven un9t anartment vah�ch wall face Troni,nr, RtrFet. .„.c)V �/16/66 Ma�Tor Kirkham closed the Public Hearing and stated that it will be back on the a��enda when the plat was ready. PUflLTC HEAHING ON A RERUFST TO RF;70NE FROM M-1 (L7GHT INDUSTRIAL ARFASJ TO R-3 �GENFRAI, MIiI,TIPZE F�LMILY D'✓IF1�L7N(',S OR R-3A'' erEl9ERAL MtTLT7PLE FAMILY IFrr1FILTNGS ONJ,Y� 7,OA�]�h�+-�-IOT 10, PLOCK-T1� SPRING BROOK PARK� ALL LYING IN SECT7�N,� T-'�, A-?2i�,C0UNT1' OF ANOKA�CTTY �F FR7nLEY, STA'�'E OF M7TiNF50TA - THE SAME BETN('r WEST OF 231 79TH WAY - PRTER PLATAKTS: 15T READINC': �F �RDTNANCE ON RE7,ONING: � The Cit,y ManaFer read the N�t3ce of HearinP and the Planning Commission�s rer.omrnen�iation for approval. Mr, Platakis explained that he owned two lots and had be]ieved them to be the same zoninp unti.l he noticed a differsnce in iaxes on t,he two lots� and that he needs one lot rezoned whirh will �ive h�m f�0� frontape all to�ether. Coimcilman Samuelson asked why the rezoning was _ not, to R-1, as 1t looked like land available only for a single family dwellin�. Councl]man Wripht said that it was htis vnderstand3n� it woul�l be R-l� hnt, then both lets would hatre to be reaoned� but he will re2one one to R-3 or R-3A to ^et them �n the same zonln�. He asked Mr. Platakis is he planned on a ssn�le fam�ly residenoe on this property and Mr. Platakie answered yes, MaTr�r K�rkh�m �los�d the Fnbl�c Nearin� after hearznP no objections. MOTION by Councilman Wright to adopt, upon first readsn�� an ordinance comp]ying w7th the rezon,_ng of Platakis�s lot as requested, and to waive the readinp. Seconded b,y Cotmcilman Samuelson. U�on a voice vote, there hesng no na,ys, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CONSIDGRliTION OF ORDERTDIG IMPRO[�EMFSIT - ST. 1966-2 (TAALED li/1H/66� 5/2/66)' Councilman Sherldan explained to the public that the resolution called for three p�rce]s of streets, and to be able to have an,y of these parcels con- strvct,ed zn the ]966 construction season� the Council wil] have to act fairly soon. HP stated that the City had received a petition on West Moore Lake Drsve - Raker Avenue to T.H. #6K (State Aid No, 302) and on Rice Creek Road - T,N. //b5 to Old Central (State Aid No. ?02), but there had been no petition �n WPSt MoorP Lake Drive - Carol �rive to Aaker Avenue (State A�d No. 302)� and afi a Public HearinF the Conncil had held, the peo}le had been a�ainst it. He stated t,hat it would be hXS recommendataon i.hat West Moore Lake Drive - Carol Drive to Baker Avenue be delet,ed from t,hls pro�ect. Mayor Kirkham aGked Councilman 5heri�ian if he recommended that the other two parcels �o in. Counrilman Sheridan stated that he had talked to Mr. Saliterman, and Mr. Saliterman wnuld like a decision on whether this project will go in this vear or not, If not, he w�1] surface the temporary road that is there now� because of ha5 lease with h�s tenants. Mr, Saliterman indicated that i£ 3G does not, Qo �n th�s vear� and would be four or five years be£ore it went in� temporarv snrfacin� would be worthwhile. The City Kttorne,y stated that in a cnnversation he had had w�th Mr. Cochran ahout the 7ocation� i�r. Cechran requested £rontage to the propert,y to the north as well as +,o the Saliterman property. The City Mana�er said that the idea was to �ive Mr. Cochran as much frontaFe as possible before swinp,in� the road, Councilman Wrieht, noted Lhat the map shows the aliPnment of the new Staie Aid Street r*oinP throu�h the Saliterman property hut the temporary road does not. The City ManaPer sasd that Mr. Saliterman was told purposely to stay out of the way of the street. Mayor Yirkham said he felt the counril shoitild �o ahead with this i£ there as adequatP draina�e. Councilman Sheridan said there would be min�mum levels as one nroblPm area is some 8" above the lake area, The City En�ineer said that this prob7_em will he taken care of, as the Cit,y reall,y needs a storm sewer �n the fizture, and it will pick up this area, q}�,gnLrrT I on{ �f77 _1 ��f�(, n1;PF,RTN�= ZN�F'ROVEM�,`�tT AN➢ FINAL PLANS AND SP�,CIFICATIONS AND ESTIMA7'FS OF Cf�ST i THFRFOF: STREET IMPROVEMFNT PRO�TROT ST. 19�i -� MOTION bv Councilman Sheridan to delete "West Moore Lake Drive: Carol Drlve to flsker Avenue (State Aid No. 302)" £rom the zmprovement and adopt Resalution �71-1y66 Ordering Improvement and Final Plans and Specifications and Estimat,es of Costs Thereof - St. 1966-2. Seconded by Councilman Wri�ht. Upon a roll call vote, K�rkham� Harris� Sheridan� Wright and Samuelson votin� aye� Mayor Kirkham der.lared t,he motion carried. ��>J 5/i�/6F HIRINr, OF INSURANCE CONSULTANT (TARLED l�/18/66): Counci]man Harris asked the Ci_ty Mana�er i£ he had checked into exactly what performance is done� by the compan�es� for the money, and why there Zs such a lar�e difference in pr�ce. The Cit,y Manager anscrered that he had ,7ust the �nformation included in theiF letters. He pointed out that one company char�e5 �25 an hour and the other �20 an hour. He stated that it was difficult £or these companies t,o �ive an estimate, but they had tried to do so, based on comparab]e cit,ies thP,y had done, to give the Counr.�l some idea, Councilman Samuelson stated that he had been told t,hat the Anchor Compan,y �n St. Pa�l also did thls type of bustiness� and he felt that, the dtfferent companies should be znvited t,o a Council Meeting. Councilman Wri�ht su��ested that some of the differences in price between the comnanies could be xhat the,y include in the price� for instance, one c�mpany may include transportatzon char�es that the 5econd company ma,y not have listed as inczdental. Councilman Harris said that he concurred cn th Councilman Samuelson that the Council should interview the companies to £ind out what work the,y do for the money. P10TION by Councilman Harris that the Administration contact the Wm, Pest Comrany, Bachman-Anderson, Ine.� and Anchor 7nsurance Company and invite them to a meeting wzth the Council to fully determ�ne what pro�ram they wil] present to the Council and the actual cost as close as possible. Seconded by Connrilman Sher2dan. 1lpon a vosce vote, there beinR no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion r.arried. APP�ICATION FOk LTCENSESZRED'S CLUB: Mr. John Terpstra was present at the Council Meeting� representing Mrs. Huetmacker. He briefly reviewed the facts that Mr. Huetmaker had been the £ormer license holder until revocation because of a conviction. He said he wovld like to comment on several things the Council is probably wonderin� about �n their decision o£ whether or not to �rant the license to Mrs, Huetmaker. He said that the first item would be her experience. He stated that Mrs. and Mr. Huetmaker had been in bus�ness for 20 years. 17 of those ,years had bean in a tavern in Minneapolis with no violations� and the last two years at Hed's C1uU. He Felt thls 20 years of Pood business was qulte an accomPl�sh- ment. Mr. Terpstra said he wanted t,o point out a few circumstances of the Hearin�. The char�e had been allowin� a minor to lolter. In a municipal court hearinp,� the ,7ury� after deliberating tha�ee hours� found £or the in£raction� but there had been no evidence to show a minor was �erved or consumed liquor. He eacp7a�ned that the minor had come �nto the club in the company of her fiance who was over 21. The minor had been checked when she came in and she only planned to sta,y to pick up another couple. Mrs. Huetmaker left at this time and when the Police Officers came in they cound three minors. Mr. Terpstra ststed that he did n�t think the Council would jeopardize their position by granting the license For Mrs. Huet,maker. He sa�d that a minor can enter a 3.2 establishment for a pnad reason� it, is �ust against the law to stay or do anything a�alnst the law while in the establishment. Councilman Wright asked the attorne,y the date of the infraction� and i.he att,orne,y answered it was last October 25th at a_o:15 P.M. Coim cilman Samuelsan asked Mr. Gibbs a6out this case. Mr. Gibbs stated that he had tried this case in Anoka and what Mr. Terpstra had said was substantially trtte. He said that as far as he was concerned� he was not going to retr,y the case here, but the jury had felt it warrented convictlon. He said that Mrs. YuPtmaker was the bartender when the minor entered, that Mr. Huetmaker was procecuted as the lir,ense holder, but that he felt� quite frankly, that Mrs, Huetmaker was � respons�ble as Mr. Huetmaker was� ss she remained on the nremises almost the total time ihe couple was there. Councalman Harris asked Mr, Gibbs if it were possible to have more than one name of a l�cense. Mr, Gibbs answered that he did not believe so, it would be jur,t one indsv�dual's name. Ccu ncilman Harrls asked if her name had heen on the license also, would they both have been tried. Mr. G1bbs answered ves, but that Councilman Harris was assuming facts not poss�ble. Mr. Gibbs said that the l�censP holder is responsible for what �oes on in the club whether he is present or not. �'ouncilman Samuelson a�ked Ch�e£ MrCart,hy �f he had any comment to make on Ped�s Clnb as the law enforc�n� a�ency for the Clt,y or if there had been an,y ca]]s to cnmment, on. Chief McCarthy stated that, the,y have had several ca]ls� and he helie�red the Council had a list of these. He stated that other t,han the calls t,he Police DePartment has had� he did not want to make any comment. on thi�, Cnnnc�lman Sheridan asked Ch9ef McCarthy abo�zt, the im�PSt9�ation on 5/16I66i' the or9{�inal liquor application, Chief McCarthy stated that thts license appl uatian come in like so many others and the Police Department was not {�iven a fair opportunity to check it. He stated that the Police Department ha� never done a thorough back�round check on any o£ the license holders in the City because there has never been ample time. He stated that a lirense applicataon comeG in on Monda,y mornin� for act�on at Mondap's evening Council Meeting. Ma,yor Kirkham asked Chief McCarthy, if there had been time for an invest,i�ation, what hzs recommendatYOn would have been regarding an employee o£ a convicted ]_�cense� who had been workin�; at the tlme of a violation, which the emplo,yee should not have allowed. Chief McCarthy pointed out that he does not make recommendations to the Council on an,y application, he either initials them or he does not in�tial them, and in this case, he probably would not initial it. Councnlman Sheridan st,ated that he did not £eel this quest3on to the Chief of Folice was in order. He did not fael the previous lirense holder's conv�ctlon was a reflectaon on the new applicant, The appl�cation before the CoUncil is for an entire]y new person, and the onl,y question should be whether the new applirant is capable of running the establishment�the wa,y it should be run. Mayor Kirkham said that this was true, and his point was that he is wonderin� if this applicant. is capable as she is the one that was on duty when the minors were allowed to loiter. Councilman Sheridan sald he would assume the present aPpli�ant ha5 lParned a lesson from the previous conviction. Councilman Sheridan sazd that he had checked tin the Minneapolis LicensP Bureau and as has been indicated, the huetmakers had not had any infractions within the City of Minneapolis, an�l he would recomm�nd �;rantin� the license. Councilman kirir�ht said that he wished to speak in agreement wit.h Councilman Sheradan. He stated that he had talked with Chief Deputy Inspector Carl Pearson, who was at, the time of the Huetmaker's Minneapolis license jrd �n command of the Minneapolis Police Department� and at that time iri rhar�e of investigations for 11c'enses. Mr. Pearson had stated that he was personall,y familiar zaith the establishment r�m £or 17 years b,y the Huetmakers and it had bePn an outstandin£ one. Councilman Wright said he did not think it, xas a case of a husband and rrife havin� identical skills, styles and personalit-ies. When an employee buys an estahlishment which has been closed for any reason, he is not t�kely to run it under the identical proceduxes. He said that Mr. Fluetmaker is ill and retired. He said he felt the time lapse from the _, t�me she �ave her permission for the man to brinP his fiance in out of the �o7�i and wait for a ride, and the time she left was not su£ficient time to constztute loitering� but it was the contsnuinp time after she left that constituted loiterin�. Councilm�n U1ri�ht said he felt it was important that the Counc�l r11r1 not remove the family livelihood on a technical violation that did n�t lI1VO��rP, minor consumption� or any felonious activity at all, and he urged the Gounc�l t,o consider care£ully and �rant the license as applled for. He sald that if the Council wished to instruct the Administration and Pol��e Department to rall an,y infraction to the Council's attention, he thou�ht, th�s wonld be fine. Mr, G�bbs said that if zt was the nation of any member of the �ouncil that Mr. Huetmaker was convicted on the basis of a man havin� his fiance come znto a cluh to r�et out of the cold, they were mistaken as the facts were far more diffi��x]t, and serious than that. He said that the Police found three minors zn the r,1uh s�ttinp with an adult in a booth with four heers. The adult testi- fied in froni, of the Jury tY�at he was drinkinp all four beers. Mr. Terpstra said t,hab Mr. �ibbs was brin�ing forth inference that he should answer. He ^a�d that there had heen do dzrect testimany of the minors drinking, Not one policeman had testifzed that they knew the minors had heen drinking or that they had smelled beer on their breath, C�,�r+cil_man �her�dan drew the attention o£ the Counc�l to the su��estion of Cotmcllman Harris at the previous meeting that the proceedings of the hvar�n� be studied anrl this was the reason he had investi�ated the license �n Minneapolis. Mr. f�ibbs said that no offlcial record had been kept. There was a discussion between the Police Ch�ef and Nir. Terpstra on whether a m�nor has to be arcompanied by a parent or �uardian Zn a 3,2 estahlishment. City Attorne,y Herrick said he felt there was no need to po into references to drinkin� or not drink�nP, the Council should make a dec�sion snthout trylnP to exnand o* detract from the Court's decision. MOTTnN hv Councilman Wr��ht that the Counc9l t�rant a l�cense for non-intoxirat�n� malt hev�raaes to Mrs, Huetmaker for the estahl�shment known as Red's Club for a normal 1zr,Fn4inp oeriod. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Counci7man -�- � C/16/F6 ��ri�ht ad�led that if the secon�3er aFre�s, anv st�ings the Counril would FPP fat. re�ardin� surveillance or periodic reportin� to the Council would hP acreFta6lo. Councilman Sheridan anreed. Upon a roll call vote, Sherldan and 1�IriffhY, votinp aye; Klrkham� Harris� 3amuelson votin� na,y, the motion Fas1Pd. ('ONSTPERATIGN QF ONDINANCE REGULATING WATER SOFTRNFR 7NSTALLATT�T1 (TARLED 5/2/66): C1ty AttornPV Herr3ck sa�d he has talke�t to thP Plnmbin� Inspector ahrn�t th�s ord�nanre, and there arP a few chanpes they would like to make in the wortiing and at the next meeting he would have the amended version ready. MOTTON by Councilman Harris to table the consideration of this ordinanre to the next, repular �o�mcil Meeting of Juen 6� 1966, Seconded by Councilman �aimielson, ilpon a voi�e vote� there bein� n� nays, Ma,yor Kirkham der7_ared the motion carried, S'^,�'�ND FLti;ItDIN�, OF ORDINANCE #337 RE7,ONINCi �pMN�RCE PARK: The Citv Manarer r.a11�3 t,he P]annin� Commiss�on's motlon to the attention nf thP ���m�i �} and on a map showed t.he lots 22 t,hrough 25 of Rlock 2*�hi�h thP �'7anninv �nmmission, wath the concurrence of the petit�nner� rPrommendeA he rnznnFC� erom the proposr3 M-1 to a CR-2 classtfication, i��T7�Tf hv �ounrllman Wr��ht to wa�ve the readin� and ad�pt OrdinancP ��'�" ni�nn a seconr� readin� and puhlieh. SPCOnded by �ouncilman Harris, hTnTTC1N hV Crnlnrilman Wripht to amend thP ord�nance at its second readin�, t,o chan�e the �7asix�nation of ]�ots 7_2� 23, 2l-4� 25 from M-1 t,o Cg-2 �n Sectinn threP an-� ���PtP �ertion four. The motion wa� seronded. C�nncilman ��)r�pht said that hiG �lissentinp vote� the last time this ordinanca was hefore the Counr�l was h�sPr� �n Prr�nrnus �nformat3on and n�w the fact that the Plannin� Commisslnn haG s�Pn t,his an�i has eecured the anproval of Mr. ?iodne� hP arrees thP Cztv chot27� rlo t%�is. �70TF„ upon the amPndment, to the Ordinance, all voted aye, and Mavor Rirkham �lerl�red t�he motion carr9e�, vn'1'F; iinnn adoptin� the Ordinanr.e: Ur�n a roll �all vnte� Kirkham� Harris� - ShPr�,dan� tnrright and Samuelson voted �,ye and t,he moti�n was carried. SFCONP FF4niN� OF OR➢INANCE AMEA1DTrTG f;HAPTFIR K6,02 (?) �TABI�ED 5�2�66): ThF C�t,r Mana�er said he had s�nken to two s��n companles about the s�zes thr��r felt would be adequate. Chie s�,v,n company fPlt that 60� was a very min�mum, hUt in the interest, of t,he people in Fridley� they could lzve Fri th �t. The second si�n company was not enthusiastsc about thas size at all, �nt �ould not dec�de upon a size they felt reasnnable at that time� but he had not called back 35 he had sazrl he was goin� to. Mayor Kirkham asked if thPq ha�l rli sr�zssed t,he hei�ht of a sign, as th� s would influenre the size. Thn CZty ManaPPr answered that thev had �ust disciissed what was referred +o �n the ord�nance. Fie sa�d the �ouncil Still mav have some walvers at this si�P, �r perhaps they may want to drop th�s sPrt�on complete]_y. Councilman SamuPJson sa�_d he flet 1(10' wou2r] be he+t,�r. Counci7man lArinht did not th�nk 100� wa� rnzt of l�ne� but he did not believe "Automobile Servir_e Si�n" �s aroronri�te. He felt it was pre�udic�al to snme compan9es not catering i,o automobile service� and should simply refPr to peography. He proposed a new orr�znanre t.rlth a new definition which woulri define a catapor;� of hiph- �*a-� h�iGiness sipns and limit the use to l,us�ness acl�acent to �-1ane �iv�_ded Yii�h�aays and set a maxim7lm size of ]��� square feet, Councilman �rarr�s mentaoned that t,he Cnuncil had discussed poss�hly chanPing the 32� s�vns nn othPr streets also� and he flet the Council should review thi� seci�on and make it more compattble. Councilman Samuelson au�pested 100� on 1i-lanr rlivided h�phways and 50' Por other Gtreets. M��TION t-;y Crn ncilman Narr� s to refer this ordtinance +,o the Administatinn fbr furthPr G+n�lv. Seconde9 by Cr,uncilman Samuelsnn. Councilman �rrripht asked sf the dlscussion this evenln� is the line along which the Administra+�nn sholild proceed and the Counril agreed, Upon a voice vote� there bein� no nays, Mayor k'� rkham de�lare�d the motion carried. The Cit,y Mana�er sa�d that this will be rewrit,ten� and the next time it appears hefore the Cnunril it w311_ be as a new ordznance for thP first rea�linP. �rCOND REAiIT�r� OF ORDINANCF #33� - AN ORDT�iANCF TO AMFSID CH?PTF,RS 18.OK PND 7ff.q6 OF THF CTmV rOPE OF THE CITY OT' FRIPLEY AND T� ADOPT SRr,TTON 1�,(�b� RFrfiii,�'�I v'G���T�-A �EL�L"I'Ft7�iANS Ait�i FT,BNIFl�AS: - --- - -- - - -- - - - ,��L 5/16/66 MOTION hy Councilman Harris to waive the reading, and adopt Ordinance #338 upon second readin� and publish. The motion was seconded� and upon a voice vote� there hein� no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. SECOND �EADTNG OF ORDINANCE �339 - AN OR➢7NANCE TO AMEND SECTION I�S.16� `�i�HDI�IISION NO.�a TO PERMIT TF1f? FSTABLISHMENT OF HiJMPTNG YHRIIS� PIGGY-BACK Y�RD9 AND RAIT, TRIJCK TRANSFER TERM7NAL FACILITIES IN M-1 PROPi�tTY SUAJECT TO SPh�;lAL IISF PERMIT:-��— ----i----�--- ---- - The City Att,orney su�gested that the Council delete the figure 3,�� £eet and replace at wi+h 1�K00 feet. This would mean that an,y use closer than 1,500 feFt of a residential distrir,t would be proh�hited. Mayor Kirkham explalned the Ordznan�e to the public. MOTION b,y Cnuncilman S�right to waive the read�n�, and adopt Ordlnance #3�9 uron -" se�ond rea�llna and publish� substituting the ntunber "1,5(l0" for the number "3��00" in t,he last l�ne. Seconded by Councilman Samiielson, Councilman Wrlpht askPd C�t,y Attorney Herrick if pi�g,y-back ,yards means the same as hlun�in� yards, and the City Attorne,y suppested they insert that also. MOT70N bY Councilman Wrieht to amend the ordinance to include the additional lanPUaoe "humpinr, yards" and insert tn the ord�nance before the wonis "p�epv- hark �rards"'. �econri��i hy Councilman Harris. 'rhe vote uPOn thP amenrlment was upon a vo�ce vote, and there be�ng no nays, Ma,yor Kirkham declared the mot�_on carried. The vote upon t,he adoPtion o£ Ord9nance #339 was upon voice vote� and thPre being no navs� Ma,yor K�rkham declared the motion carried. RIpS=TRUCB (pplz'NE➢ NOON� MAY 16� 19�6): ThP r,,+t� Mana•er read the followin� bids nn a 27�5�0 pound V,G:r1. ➢ump Truck: BIDDFR Anoka Tnt'1 Harvester Hip,hway /�10 Wes� Anoka� M�_nnesota Arook�lale Ford 2K00 County Road 10 Arookl,yn Center, Minn. Freeway Ford 6i�00 Lyndale Ave, So. Minneapolis� Mznnesot,a Art C'.POhPI Ford Co. 12 Puh7�� Square Anoka, M�nnesota Main Motor Sales 222 East ATain St. Anoka, i�",innesota Mc�,ee Trnr�is, 7nc, 88 Glenwaod Ave. P�I�nneapolis� P�innesota ___ _ __ am —_, ___ SECURITY ____ Certifi?d �heck `�335.�0 Certified Check �375.00 Fecleral 7ns. Ca, 5� ('vrtified Check $310.00 Cert,i fie�l �h<,ck �312.K0 ^t. Paul FPyW 5� CASH PRICE Model 1R90 �6l�r9.10 Ford F-800 �h9R7 ,f�7 Ford F-S00 $K71,�.00 Ford F-800 $6193.no Chevrolet C83o3 $621,9.00 GMC HM 761�00 $6D(io.00 DM,T,I�IERY_DATE � Soon as possibl� 90 Calendar ciays 4S - 60 Cal, da,ys 75 Calendar davs Non Specified 120 Calendar days Paron Motors National International 120 Calendar day� 1561 HiPhwa,y //P Surety Corp 1890 Load Ster New BriPh+,on, Mi nn. 5q $6ly95.00 The Cit,y Manager read the report of the Publ�c Works Director which staterl that althou�h thP low hid was £rom Freewa,y Ford in the amotiint of $57a8� he was recommendting the second low bid from McGee Rrucks, Inc, in the amount nf �b01�0 becauee thiG GMC truck was a heavier trurk and a better buy for the mone,y, F[e £elt t,hat for the $292 difference, th�s truck would last lon�er and do morP �aork. The City Mana�er said he concurred cnth thP C�ty En�ineer and the Super�ntFnc�ent of Pnblic Works. MOTjON by �;oun�ilman Wri�ht to accept the second lowest bid of $6�OIa0 from the FfeGpe Trurks� Inc.� for a GM� HM 76L�0 V Dumn Trnck� and ihat a conv of the C�t,y .� `t J 5/16/66 F,naineer�s letter of May 16� 196C hP available to the public if amJonP wants t,o know why. Secnnded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, Ma,yor Ksrkham declared the moiion carried. BI17S_ _!� DOOR SEDAN=(OFENID NOON�MAY 16� 1965): The Czty Mana�er read the following bids: - --- - ----- --- ---RTD ��--- -- ----- -- F3IDD,�,R STCiTRITY CASH PRTCF Brookdale Ford 250o r.o,intv Ro�a io Rro�klyn CentPr, Minn. r,vntral Rambler Sales 2628 Gantral Ave. N,F. Minneanolis, Minnesota FrP�wan Nord 6800 Lyndale Ave. S�. T9�nnAan�l�s� Minn. Art Goehel Ford Co. 12 Pub11c Sqnare 4nok3� M�nnesota ATain M�{ nr ;�ales 9�9 F,ast Main itreet Anoka� M9nnesota C�rt,i ri ed Ch eck $100.00 Certified Check �92.l�6 Fer3. 7ns. Co. K� CPrtified Check �]_00.00 Certi£ied Check Rloo.00 Ford Custom 5!i-F R1998.BE3 Ambassador 6685-2 $lflh9.25 Ford Custom 3472 �i9i5.00 Ford Custom 3472 �1978.no Chevrolet 15369 $1954.0a DFT.ZVFRY T1ATE 1�0 Calendar Davs 2f3 ra] en�iar nsys 30 - tt5 Calendar Days 30 CalPndar Days 30 Calendar Day� Tom Ward Motor Sales Certifi��] Check Plymouth Fur,y 45 Calendar i7ays J_31 �nlest Main Street `5110.�0 $2088�00 ",r �'�a � Mi nne^ota The �%�ty ^lanader e��ained that this car w�71 be used for inspection purposes and can he use�l for szx months out of the year by other departments. The C�ty En�„sneer has examined the bids� and recommends the low bid of $18l�9.25 from the CPntra7 Rambler Sales� for an AmbaS�ador car. MOT70N by Conncilman Harris to concur w�th the recommendation o£ the C�t,y i�:ngineer and accept the low bid of the Central Rambler Sales �n the amount of $18L9.25 for an Ambassador 6685-2. Seconded by Councilman Wri�ht. Councilman Sheridan asked if the car had been bid on weight or horsepower. The Clty Fln��ineer said that State Highway speciriations had been used, and the Cit,y Mana�er pointed out this was the the same kind as the City car. Council- man Sheridan asked if they had considered the future trade in valus of a Ford over an AmbasGador. Councxlman Samuelson aslced how many miles the �ity uses a car beforP it trades. The City Manager said £rom 50,000 to 60�000 miles. Cnuncilman Wrlght said that it has been the Council�s e�cpex3ence that, uhllke the squad c�rs� the City cars are run into the �rwnd. The City En�ineer ;+a�d that with the Ford bid, the Clty would receive a cheaper line of Ford, and the Ambassador is a better line of Rambler, and the City keeps them as lon� as thev keep running, tipon a voice vote� there being no navs� Ma,yor Kirkham declared the motion rarried. AOAR➢_OF APPF,ALS MEETING MINUTES, MAY 11, 1°66: PUALTC HF,ARING ON A _ `� R�MBN'T F FOR A VARIANCE FROM SECTTON �iS.2��� �ITY CODE OF ISED DEC'EMBER 19�, BY WAIVER OF A SIDE YA}?D MINNESOTA. SAME tl�1PIG "/S'(� - 5'1'H 57RSET NORTHEAST, FRTDI,EY, MTNNESOTA. (REQUEST 9Y ROSI?RT L, ANDERSONi 7�'7�y -�TH STRFGT NORTHEAST, FRIDLE� MINNE�TA� 32 : The Cit,y Manaper read the motion of the Board of Appeals recommendin� that the varian�e be �ranted. The City Mana�er pointed out that no one had been preseni at the hearin� to objer.t� and Mr. Anderson said that the next door neip_hbor did not ab�ect, although this, of course was hearsa,y. MOTION by Councilman Wrip,ht to concur with the Board of Appeals and grant i��r. An�ierson's request for a variance� Seconded b,y Counr,ilman Samizelson. iJPon a vo��e vote, there beir.� no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. ... i 1 5/1.6/66 PLANNIAifI CnA'Q�IISSTON MGETING MINUTES, MAY 12, 1966: r(�pfTTNiJED PURLIC HEARING: REZONING RE9.UEST (20A #bb-02) EMMY HIEDEL: The City Mana�er read the motion of the Planning Commiss3on to recommend that the specif�c plan for rezonin� be denied and the Public Hearing closed. The C-�ty Manager explained that the Plannsng Comm�_ssion was not shuttin� the door for rezoninp, but they felt that a more specialized ordZnance t,hey are workin� nn should he �n effect first. If the Cnuncil conrurs with the Plannin� CommisG�on, Mr. Skjervold could request another Public Hearing, Mr. Sk7ervold, represent�n� Emmy Riedel� was prPSent at the Council Meetinp_. He �tater� that he had su��*ested to the Planning Commission that it would be a11 ri�ht with the R�edels to leave a strip 125' wide to act as a buffer� and they would also be agreeahlP to arsythin� the Council wanted. He said that at one time he had written the Csty Atto'rnev, Wyman 5mith, about the storm sewer draina�P on t,he Riedel TronPrt,v a� he l,l'�r�np*ti�+ zt uras Zll�val, but they agreed to hold in abeyance because of Urban Renewal possibilities at that time, He ,tated that they would be a�reeable to give some o£ this land to the C�t,y if this would make it possible for the City to control the develo�ent. H� si,atPr3 that thP P]annin� Commission had he]d a meet�ng on Npril 28th at wh�ch he had not been present, but from the minutes of the meeting he gathered there was no one in opposition and he thought the request would be appmved� and then it was denied. He said the pronert,y, as it is, is b,y no means a cred�t to the City as the,y are not receivin� the taxes they would if it were deve]oped� nor is it a credit to the people next door� but it could be a benafit �f it were rezoned snr3 Used under the �ontrol of the Coiincil. He said if the problem is that the City has to take the first step, and if the on]y t,hin� is the method� the Riede]s are wLllsng $o a�ree to any covenants or even a�ree to Rive land. Councilman Wripht sa9d that Mr. Skjervold has piven an actual summax,y, except for one exception. In part it is the ordinance, but also hecause n" ner�ssarir enPineertin� for sewer drainape. The �ouncil has three choices of the way +� take care of the draina�e prohlem� and on= of the wa,ys may requsrP a part,zal pan�itinp� and another oi the three mi�ht take as much as four acres of the 15 ar,res in the south. He su��ested perhaps there coul�l �, be a narrower strip as a planting area, and a larger area in the south for a park area with pond, Mr. Skjervold said he was sure the Riedels would serloizslv consider this. Coilncilman Wright stated he felt that it is imporLant t,o �et the engineerinP advice i,o the Plannin� CommissZOn and hold a meetanp to considPr this. The �ity ManaPer asked the Cit,y Attorne,y if the City were a nroperty owner, could restrictive protectice covenants be enforced, and the Czty At,tnrne,y said vPS. Councilman Wripht sa�d that there would be two things to work out wath the �"n�ineer and the Riedels, an area suitable for ponding and protective zoninp without a new ordinance, Councilman Samuelson said he t,hou�ht the City needs a new ordinance and the City Manager said that the Plannin� Commission was workin� on it, and thev will dlsr�zss it on the 2C�th nf May, Councilman Wripht Gaid that the Cit,y Attorney savs he could help speed up the process with the Plannin� Comu�ission so they could get zt to the Counc�l zn reasonable form rapidly. He said that assumin� there was an appropria+P ordinance� a Public Hearing crnitd be called at the earlsest �'or ,iune Fth, or a more normal �late o£ �une 13th� and the City Attarney said th�s woul�i hP fine. The �oupc�l discusse�i whether a Public Hearing date should be sPt. Thp Citir Manap_er sup�ested the CounciZ give the Plannin� Commis�inn a lit.tlP t�.�e, hP was sore t,he,y wou7�l nu=h as hard as they can. Councilman ShAridan sup�PGted that Mr. Skjervold and the Engineer go over it with the F.la�nsna Commission on May 26th, and at the same time the Council can be talklna abaut t,he thrPe choices for storm sewer drainage. MOTION by Councilman Wright to table thas rezoning request and to ask that Enpineer�np reports be made availablp to the May 26th Plamm�e Co�mniss3on _ MP�t,zn� to help the City Attorney, the Riedels and their rPpresentat�ves, the Engineer and an,y member of the Council xho can attend. Seconded by Councllman Harr��. iTrnn a voice vote� there being no na�s, Mayor Rirkham declared the mni i �n caI�rlPd. The City Nana�er asked Mr. Skjerveld if he was in a positjon to say how thP Frahleni wriih +,he cewer• and water sexvsce� js to be handled before Mississ9rn� �t,r�ot iG na�reri, as t,he�r ar� �nadeqiaate to the propert,y at the present time if ? t wPr�° � e hr� rnmmr-r��al , ThP Attorney sai�l that he d1d not knnV7� i f hP yr�n h�w rh� nr�n��ri.r wae to be utili_7vd, hP wonl�l haz�e no prohlems. The Cit,�* I°Iar,ager asked h9 m i f he could talk i t, ot�Pr tri i h A7r. Ri Pdel, and if they r_nol �l come �n the next rlav a�r9 =pe the Citv Fhc*3neer concerning it. Counc�]man .u`��) 5/1F/6F Samuelson asked Mr. Skjervold if they have an,y preliminary la,yout of the FroPPrty, and the Attorney sa�d no� that first they were trying to finci o�it, what the Council Uranted for a bufFer zone and so forth. PLANNl nir, COMMISSI ON MINU'I'ES : PUF3T,TC FIF�R7N('r: RR7,ONING RF�irFST (7�A �F6-01a) f1RRAI�P G. JONNSON: Tr� C�ty Manafer read the mot,i�n of t,hP Flannina C�mmisGinn recommending denial of thP rezoning request, an�l referred the C�uncil to a report t�y Mr. Hn�1nP, The Ctity Manaper stated that if the Coiancil overru]PS thP Plannin�; Comm�ssion, they would call a Public Hear9ng. Councilman Wright said he could understand why the Plann�ng Comtr+isrion had tmuhle with th�G �ne� as at is a 7arge lot, but he is dispo�ed to a�ree wlth the Plannin� Cnr�m�G�ion at t,h�s time. He mentioned that the Counci] is always in the Posttinn of havin� the owner ask� if you do not like our plan� what do vou want th�re, and �t seemed to hzm t,he answer was resident�al. Mr. [d�llian RPlI � 5f�7r N,F, Jackson Street, said that Counrilman Flripht �s rorr�ct and that everyl�e�ly prefers single family dwellin�s, HP sa9d that Mr. Johnson had pronosed the idea that the neighbors �et together and discuss what t,hey do want� and Mr. Kell sa�d he would tal�C to them and see if they want to �et topether� but at this time the consensus was nothing other than =zn�le fami]y dkrellings. Mr. flroo]<s} representing the Standard Oil Company� and Mr. Johnson were pre�ent at the Council Meeting. Mr. Brooks referred to the report from Mr. Hodne and his eu�geGtiens that the land he used for multiple dwellin�s� a serv�ce station on the south side of the propert,y or rezonin� the entire parcel of land into R-3 if site recommendations are followed. He explaznad that Mr, Johnson would like to meet with the residents. Ma,yor Kirkham asked Mr. Kell if he had sPen t,he letter from Mr. Hodne, and if an,ything mentioned were acceptablea Mr. Kell said at the present} rmthang was acceptable. Coiincilman Sh�ridan asked about Mr. Hodne's 2nd reeommendation� and asked ii the south Port�_on w�s not satisfactorily zoned for this. Mr. Brooks said that with a special use perm�t� there was 200� fronta�e, but this was not the most desirable and would leave the front quadrant zoned residential. Councalman Sheridan asked if their request was to rezone the total area, and Tnr. Prooks answered ,yes, and they taould pick the side exposed to traffic for the Gervir,e station and motel. Mayor K�rkham asked Mr. Kell to find out if the nei�hbors were a�reeable to meet, Mr. KP11 could show them Hodne�s letter, and get some su��estions of their own for Mr, Johnson. Mr. Kell ap,reed, and asked for a copy of the era�t nlans also� whzch he received. Coimcilman Sheridan offered to meet r�ith the people on t,his� and said it should be left up to Mr. Kell to see when the nei�hUors can get together on this, The City Manager su��ested that it be put on the June 20th a�enda, and he Fn 11 wait to hear from them. MOTIC�N t�v Counc�]_man Sheridan to table th�s rezoning to the ReRular Councii Meetin� of Jt�ne 20th assumi.np the residents and Mr. Johnson will be ready. ThP m�tion was seconde�i, and upon a voice vote� thare bein� no nays, Mayor K�rkham declared the motion carried. PLAr,M��, COMP;7�STON MINIITFS: I,OT SPLTT RRG�i1GST:_ T„S. #�F-07�_AL FOR�YTHE & SONSc The Citv Mana�er rPad the mot�on of the Flanning Commi=sion recommendin� the lot split with the proper draina�e, The City En�ineer showed the Council the property on an aerial maF, anl the Council discussed the draina�e on this lot. riOTI(�N by Councilman Harris to table the recommendation of the Plamm�g Comm�ssion until the Regular Counci,l Meetine o£ Jwie 6, 1966. Seconded b,y Councllman Sher�rlan. Upon a vo�ce vote� there bein� no nays� Ma,yor kirkham declared the mot,ion carr�ed. HiJMA4i R��,Lt�T70NS COMMITTEF� MEN�TING MINUTE� MAY 11� 1966: The C�t,y Mana��er reborted that he had not ,yet received the minutes from the Human �elations Committee, �,.� � � �/16/66 COMM[iNi CATi ON S : HOKEN50�1 - CTVIr, CFNTER: Mayo: Kirkham asked the Cit,y Mana�er to read the letter £rom Mr. C. Mark Hoken=on, in which he questioned the le�ality af movin� the Cit,y Hall to Lncke Park. Mr. Hokenson, l�61 Rtice Creek Roulevard was present at the Coimctl hiPetinp and sa�d he would like to hear the Cit�J Attorney�s report on the legal�tv of �uch a move. The City Attorney had a prepared memorandum wh�ch he handed out to the Council and read aloud to the public. It st�ted that he had founrl no snecif7c location named in the of£1cia1 6allot, which he read, n�thinp in th� nfficsal notice� whir.h he read, and no lorztion named an the bi�s on bonds. H�s memorandum stated ihat Locke Park is t,orrens property, the lan�uaFe _ of the CiPP.d sa,ys the land is for the use of the City and the public for a park and for its public purposes� and the torrens certificate further reveals the property may be used £or "other pnblic purposes deemed necessary". His onlnien Was t,hat Lorke Park can be used le�ally by the City, and there is nothinp to prohibst the C�tv from buildinp, the Cit,y Hall there, The only restrict,�on he could £inci was on the fee title� which prohibii.s selling liquor there. Ceuncilman Wrlght asked the CZty Attorne,y if he exam�ned the bond issues for the purchase of Locke Park. The City Attorney sa�d the bonds were not for the specific` �urchase o£ Locke Park� but there were t,wo issues for the purchase of Park property. Co�xnc�lman Wri�ht� asked Zf t]Ze first bond lssue was not. executed pr�or to the closin�; of the purchase o£ Locke Park, and approximat,el_y Ii0°r of the Purrhase pr�ce was from this bond issue, and subsequently there wa� � second bond issue for park purposes. He sa�d that because both bonds were for the purpose o£ purchasin� park land�, whether or not they specified I,oci<e Park, and were used entirely for the acquisition of Locle Park� except for incidenta] eapenses� wouldn't it be correct that an,y of the restr�ctlons of that authorization from the votel's are carried over to the subsequent use made of Locke Park. The Cit,y Attorney said that, based on his research, th,_� would not be true, Mr. I�okens�n mentaoned that Councilman WriRht and CoLmcilman Sheridan have pr��ared a memn to the Council considering the five o�tions to bujld or , relo�ate, and at this tune he would like to ask the Council to reconsider moving to Locke Park. —� Councilman Harris said that th�s was not a discussion as to where the ]ocation of' Cit,y Hall should be, bnt he would like to cangratulate and commend Councxlman Sher�dan and ulrl�ht for the work done �n providing this �nformat�on. He said it was unfortunate that it was �iven to the publ�c before the Council had a chanoe to review it completely. He had not had a crance to firther scrutinize the fi�ures as s�ated sn the columns, he ment�one.d he did find some errors, not of commission� but of ommission, and before the public assumes this is a documented findinP, he felt the rest of the Gouncil and the Attorney should have a chance to review this and nrovide to the public a combsned pro�ram showinp, the choices and £easibilities based on economics. Co�xncilman Wr�pht said that he would like to specify speciiicall,y that this anal,ys�s was not an attempt to ar�ue for any one alternative, but was the fairest plcture they could come up with. If there are errors, it was he and C�u�rllman Fherldan Frho made them as neither the Administration nor consultants were znvolved in this project. He said they real�ze that no £inal dec�sinn has been made nor w�l] a f_inal decasion be made this evenin�, but he Pelt it was proner to release as much �nformation as possible to the public as quickly as the Cotmcil can �et it� as lon� as the,y underst?nd the source� and that the rost estimates are nothing more than estimates. He sazd that when tentative aPreement was reached to move City Hall, it was done .nt,h varying degrees of enthusiasm and various stipulations, and was not a formal meet.in�. He stated Be a�reed to support a move that was fl scally feast6le and responsible provided that if park land were used� it be renlaced at once, xie stated that the analysis they have made shows one £actor of pr�mary smnortance� that 9S the C�ty Hall should move to the Locke Park szte or the HaFner site, it would be far less expens�ve to do so and leave the fire and po]ice station here� remodelin� this buildinp, for them� and this is not the understandinP he had before, If we do move the City Hall and leave the fire and police station here, we cannot sel]_ this land, and where are thP f,an�ls {,o rPn]ace the I.ocke Park acrea�e-- so the nri,mary, requ,rement is missin�. He felt �t shoul�i pet a full hearin�� and the Admin�stration should hP asked to wnrk ii over anr] Prepare a ver=�_on in�orporatzng thPSe facts an�l an,y others Ceunc�lmPn ma�r think of� ancl make lt available t,o the nublic. .� � -l� d K/]6/6b MOTION b,y Councilman Wright to receive the document from Councilman Wri�ht and Councilman Sheridan. Ma,yor Kirkham said that since Mr. Hokenson asked to be heard, and the Coimcil is cons�dering his request� he wi�ll not ask for a second at this time. He asked Mr. Hokknson if he had any further comments. Mr. Holeenson said that he asks the Cotmcil to look over this pro�ect vexy careflxlly, as the,y are �nt,erested in t,he cost. Mr. Tom JohnSOn� a visitor to the Council Meetln�� said that his company� Ar,me Metal Spinning, and others in the southern part oP Fr9dle,y were interested in Fridley�s fire and police protection, and they wou]d like to see these departments remain where the,y are or �o farther south, and they stron�ll feel that the park system should be used only for parks. He said that Fridley wanted a center� and if they move City Hall� they will be dispersing it, and the bus�nessmen £eel they would like to see it stay at its present site. Councl]man Sheridan said that he did not dispute the findinps of the Csty Att�rney on t,he le�alit,y oi' the move� but he would like to call the Council's attent�on t,o the pr�posal matiled to the resident voters wh�ch referred to i,he C�ty Hall bond issue. I'� said on the proposal that the City Hal1 was to L�e located a+ 6l�th and IIn�versity on land owned by the City and that additional land was to be acquired to the rear. He stated that morally he felt the Council is required to keep the City Ha11 at its present site or �o back to the voters for a vntP to allow the Gouncil t� move the Gity Aal7, The City Attornev sa9d he hed rommented onlv as to the le�al limitations, and whether there was a moral obl��ation was not for him to sa,y. Mayor Kirkham said he thou�ht. the Counc�l has spe�ht morP time on this thari they should have at this time, and they should Qo on with the a�enda� and come back t� t,h�s later if des�red. MOT10N bv Councilman Harris to receive and fi7e the letter from Mr. Mark Hokenson. 5econded b,y Councilman Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, there beinp no nays, Mavor Kirkham declared the motion carried. P40TIC'N by Councilman 41ri�ht to rece9ve the communtcations from City Attorney Herri�k. Secon�ed by Councilman ShPri_dan. Upon a noice vote� there besn� no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared the mntion carried, MOT70N bti Conncilman Wrip,ht to receive the report £rom Councilman Wrieht. and Councilman Sheridan. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote� there heln[; no nays, P4ayor K�rkham declared the motion carried. COMMUNICAT7�N: LEAGUE OF MCINICIPALITIES - CONF�RENCE: MOTTON hy Councilman �ari�ht to authoria.e the e�cpenditures for the City ManaPer� Finance D�rector, and Ghe C,Zty Attornev to attend the annual convent�on of the Lea�ite of MinnPSOta MiuiicZpalities� June 15� ]6� 17, 1966, SPronded bv Cr,uncilman SamuPlson. IIpon a voice vote, there hejn� no nays, Ma,yor Kirkham declarPd the motion carried, VACANCY ON POLIrE G�MSTISSI�N: Mavor Kirkham �aid that hP has had a communication from the Pol�ce Commission statinp that Mr. John Sastolich is moving, and requestin� the C�t�f Council t� fill the vacanc,y. MOT70N b,y Councilman Harris to receive the commun9_cation from the Police Commisc�on and direct the Administration to send a letter to Mr. Bastolich comrrendin� him for his past service. Seconded by Counc�_lman Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no na�rs� Ma,yor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Mrs. F,v�ns� member of the Po]_ice Commission� stated that her colleagues had sup�ested the name of �rthur Hayes who is an PlPCtrical enpaneer for Honeywell� 32 vears old with a Masters de�ree in en�Zneertin�. Her collea�ues are confident that hP wZll give full consaderation to police problems and not consider them on pre�udicial evzdence, as he is not politzcall,y orientated one way �r an�ther. Counr�lman Harris thanked Mrs. R,Tans £or her su��estion and said that annther name had been proposed to him, an� he s�zg�ested thF Crnmcil �ive more con- saderatzen t.o t,hese men. Mayor Kirkham said that it will be on t,he a�enda at +h� next Council Meeting. COPQMUAIICAT70N.: Fft7DL�Y JLmIIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - CARNIVAL: ThP Cit,v N�anapar reviexed the 1Ptter, and the C�ty Attorne,y said that there �.. i �l ;/16/66 was a provi=ion for granting a 3.2 beer license for events of this type, there is a provision for prorating the license fee for short term events, and n�st Counrils have wa3ved this. This wonld be to the discret5on of the Council. He could find nothing that T.rould prohibit this as lon� as it does not get into thP act�vities mentioned �n Chapter 99•11 dealing with itanerant carnilrals� but ba�ad c+n the Ja,ycees carni.vals zn the past, there is noth�n� of this sort. The City Manar�er said that zn repard to �ingo� the Council usually sa,ys the,y da not oh�ect to it. MOT10A1 by Coimcilman Tn�ripht to prant a temporary 3.? beer licettsP to the Fr�dley Jun�or Chamber of Cnmmerce for operat,�ng a beer garden, as disriiGsed, at the�r June 9th throuPh June l2th carnival� and waive the license fee and lnd�cate that the (;ouncil has no objection to other activities as proposed nrnvtdPd the,y are operated an a mannerl,y fash�_on, Seconded bv Councilman Sher�cian. The City At,torney sug�ested that he and t.he City Mana�er ceuld draft a l�ttcr �nd set f�rth the Ztame li�ted in Chxnter 4�,11 t,hat are rr�- h�hit,ed r�ncl �Pitinp torth ;�ome recomm�n�lnt,9nns nn t.ha 1�nndlinp, of thi�, �"��uncil- man Sheririan said he be7aeved that ]n the p8st the Co�cil has requested the Jaycees carrv enouph lnsurance to cover an,y possib�]it,y. The Caty Attorne,y saZd they would request this and also that they des��*nate one per5on to he resnonsiblP for the operation of the beer garden. Gouncilman WriFht said that t.he su�gestions of tbe Cit,y At.torney and C�ty Mana�er are �n full complianEe with the substanr.e of h�s motion� if the Cr,nnr�l a�rees. UPon a voice vote, Co�mci]man Harris ahstaznin� 6erause he has an mterest, �n this or�an�zation, Mayor K�rkham declared the motion carried. �OMi;iTNIr,ATTON: MI�3NFTONKA FT,F,cT�IC COMPANY: The Cit.v r"�nager explained that this was another 1?tter received dealin� w�th the licens�nF- of plumbers and e]ectricians� and just a general motion had hPPn made to refvnd licenses. The Co�ncil discussed th�s and £elt that, al7 1966-1967 1ir�n�e fPes should be returnPd immediately rather than waitinP Tor a companv to renue�t 1t. N`�TION hy Covnc�lman Wricht to request that the Adm�nist,ration reflmd all fPes na�d for Pliimhin�* and Electrical Licenses for 196Fi and later, as requared ,, of the Conp��7 by r.ourt decision� as quickly as paseible, whether or not the,y are requeaied, and these shall be the onl,v fees the Council is goin� to reitm d. Seconded hy Councilman ShPridan. IIpon a vosce vote, there bein� no nays, Ma�Tnr Kirkham �ier,]ared the motion carried. �;OMMtiNTCAT70N; T�OkRD OF HEAI�'_�i RFP(`RT: The C�tv ManaFer said that the HPalt.h Off�cer� Mr. NenslPV, had checked on the rropertv at 6K91 Main Street ton��ht, and the prooert,y is properly secured at th�s t1me. ��rnincilman Harris suppested thls �tem be on the a�Pnda prinr t� tha Julv l, 1Q66 date. MCT7t�A1 by Crnmcilman Wright to receive the report from the Aoard of Health. "FCnn�+.F�i h�* r,onnci7man Samuelson. Uron a voice vote� t,here besng no nays, Mav�r Kirkham declared the motion carried. CoMAiJNTCATTON: FINANCE L�IRFCTOR -'r1ATER METFR DEPOSSTS: The Ctty Mana�er explained t,hat the met.ers helnnP to the City� but a deposit is rec�m re� +o Fuarantee payment o£ the water bi11, The last hill ts char�ed a�ainst thP mPtar rleposit� and iF there �s anv balance it, is rPfunded. Co�m��7man Sheridan state�l that st i_s apparent that fr�m the risin� cost, of r_opner an�l brass� thls is not the last raisP in t,h� C09t of water m?trrs� an� h�� ;up�estion would be that th� �ouncil Po to a denosit chzrp,e of �IiO. �ouno�lman Samuelson said that he also a�reed with t�h�s. — M�T1�p) hy �nnnri]man Sheridan that the meter dPnnGit he raised to $1i0. Secnnr�e�9 hv Co�znr��man Wri�ht. The City Mananer asked the City Attor�e,y if a mot�nn �•�� �uf"icl�nt, or 1f this shouls 6e done h�f reGO]iation, and the City Attorneq s�iri a m�ta on i�ras all ripht. lJpon a_ vm ra �mt?, there hein� no nays, ylapnr F-� rkham decl arec3 t,he moti on carri Pd. r,OMN1IIri7C4TT�N: HUMAN RF,r,AmIpNS r,Qpq�7TT�E: YQiITH CENTER: Mr. Ker�9�r snm��nr� z��; '�rtefly the rP}�ort thev had subm� ttdd to the Cotin�� l nn +r�a Youth Center �1u11dind. He sa�.i +��t thev Pound the bui]ciing timdeslreable. Thv=r ha�r� +allcFd to man,y people and have fo,anci �?eneral a�Proval an3 acceptan�e of u 'f � ��/16/46 thP prrnin, which is an independeni, corporation which was founded with the help o£ rom� of Pri�ll�v's leadint� citizens. The report recommended that the C�t,y further morally support the �roup and that the Councsl shift the leadershYn ba�k to t,he Recreatlon Commiss{on, He stat.ed tbat this was an outlet for the 17 +,� lo vear a�e Qroi�r, and there will be a lar�e inrrease in this ape �roup �n the fu bzre. ThP Committee Found in thelr manv conversations that Frid1P7 has a lack of informal recreation� and the teena�ers are unwelcome in the few we rio havP. The Committee wou]d like to see pr�vate developers encouraPe �rmF- nn� t,o look into this age �roup, and perhaps this could be discussed ar�ain Unth the School Pn�rd, Mayor Y.�rkham said the Fr1�1ey Industsial Development Commission is ]ookinP for this tvpe of development in Fridley, and �omeone may be interested in buildinp a th��atre in Fr�dley. Counc�lman Wri�ht sa�d that the youth r,enter idex works mn^*lv in rvral areas, and it seems �f t,h1s concept is to survive'at all, the k��ls must rnn �t themselves. The parents �annot z�lan what the,y ltike and havP it po over necessari]y with the t?�na�ers� it has to be what the teenagers like an�3 t`�ev miist k�e �nvolverl in �o%h thP rlanning and execution themselves. M�TT�Ai h�r ('nunrilman ��Iri;*ht to receive and f�le the report from the Fridley Human Relat�ons Committee, which he feels is a well done report and good advire. S�r�nded hy Counci]man Haxris, IIpon a voire vote� thPre be�nr no na;y�s, Mati-or uirkham declared the motion carried. Nr. ?jerd�r �a�d that the Youth Center proup has �iven uF +,he �dea of us�n�* thA hnl7�in�* hecause nf i+,s inadequacy, McTION bv Counr.�lman Harris tt�o terminate the lease on the Youth CentPr. ThP mot,i�n waG seconded, and upon a voice vote, there bein� no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared +,he motion carried. Councilman �rlri�ht asked if he could add a rider to the mr,tion. tha+, the plamm�� for the v�uth recreational activities, to rep]acP +,hie, be a continu�nQ r�snonsibility of the Human Relataons Comm�ss�nn in an adv�s�ry capacity. M�mlr�N hy Cnnnc�7man lnlrir�ht th�t thP �ounril request the Fridlc�v Numan 4elations Cc,mmitt,ee to make it a matter of cantlnuinR concern and responsib�l�tv, anri to *enort to the �ouncil from t�me to time on an,y means available to mePt, the nPed.^, for vouth recreataon in Fridley, or any chanvP in needs. Seconded by Councilman Sher��an. Upon a voice vote, there being no na,ys, Mayor Kirkham dec7ared the motion carried. 00�7MIJNTCATION: FHRA - CIVIC CF,NTER: Mr. Herr�er stated that althou�h Fridley�s eli�ibility for federal funds for urban renewal has come to a final end� the Authority's ideas and plans conlrt he n��d in an advisory capacity, and they would like to sugp,est two con- siderations to the Council. They feel that it is �mnortant that the Cit,�r Hall be located as conveniently as possible to as man,y citizens as possible and that, it would seem a shame i,o move it farther to the north. The seconrl �emmP�t is that the concept of a central city area has not been ��ven up� �ust the wav in which it +.r�ll be £inanced� and th1G area needs a cornerstone. 7f City Nall were to move it would take with it some of the office and bus,ness potentaal nf this arPa. He said that unt,il tom �ht the,y did not know of R�edel's of£er of land for a possible pond which would make the current loration unique for a City Hall, and they hope the �ouncil takes co�nizance o£ these factors in their decision. Counc�lman Uarris stated that some of the comments in the communication were or�en for discussion. He said that it may be o£ interest to the public, that the Coimc�l is hanpy to announce, and especially himself as Chariman o£ the Inc7ustr�al CommissZ�n which is keenly interested �n industrlal development 1n Fr;dlev� that one of the areas which had been incluc3ed in the Urban Renewal Pro,ect w�ll be developed hy the Frickson Brothers, Holiday Stores. The area �s a �Frin �lon� the east s9_de of Universit,y Av�nue� bounded bv 57th and 6let A ��anu a . rlav�r Rirkham said that as far as thP library is concerned� on the e�cpert c�pininr of the llhrarian, 2t was decided not to rnclude the 1lbrary in the Ci+,y Y�11 as a shopning center would get more traffic. Conncilman Wripht ^aid h,ha+ he ha�i a more recent commun�cation from the Librar,y Commlttee which i_s'substantially whnt the Mayor said, that if the City Hall is to he moved t,o anv other site� or any oth�r basic �lesipn, tfie Libraxy Committ.ee wov��F nrr;fer to rent space� hut he had spoken to Mrs, �iu�hes this evemnp, and she had said that iS for an�r reason, the City Hall were to return to t,hP nrA�ri rnis r�ncnnt on this site� the iibrarV wan7 �i be quit.e hanpy to use the �ri�inal sparP pl�nned for lt. �u � 5/16/66 MOTION by Councilman Harris tn receive the comcmznication from the Fridley Housin� and Hedevelopment Authority dated Ma,y 11� 1966, Geconded by Council- r;an ,Samuelson, ilpon a voice vote, there being no nays� Mayor Klrkham declared the mot��n ca�-ried. Mr, Meyer addressed the Council and stated that he was concerned about the der.islon to move the Cit,y Hall for a number of reascros. He stated that the C�unc�] had not r.onsulted the Plannin� Commission, Parks and Recrentioci Committ��, C�ty P]anner - Hodne, �ire or Poltce Departments, Chamber of Comm�r�e or a number of other Cii,y Comittees, He ,aid that none of these, vthether voluntar,y or paid� were officiall,y consulted. He said that, the renort wki�r,h was presented tonight, which was not full,y examined by all I the Council ;,��t, is the sort of thznp, that should have been done last ,Tanuary. He said that the statement has been made �hat there is no commit- -J ment yet., hut that the architect is designino a plan fe* Locke Park, and a goori part is alread,y expended� so there alread,y is a heav�r financial commitment in the Locke Park scheme, He asked what the City is getting in Lncke Park that, they could not get here 3n this C�ty Hall, as an architect can make a building cost anywhere irom $10 a square foot to $30 depending on the qual_it,y of consbruction. He pointed out they are cutting out the concept �f a community room and library room. Mayor 'f,irkham said that perhaps the Council made a mistake in tak�ng the recommPnd�i,ion of ihe Fridle,y Hous�n� and Redevelopment Authority not to add to t,his bui]din,a,. Mr. Herder sai.d that this is not the same as moving the site. Mr. Mepers sai_d he would like to sa,y one thing as a po�nt o£ lnformatzon. On the consideratlon of the Hafher site� it is most important to realize that the architPCt is �*oing ahead expending money in the Locke Park site, and he is Poing to charge to re-do the plans� so Mr. Meyers recommends that the Connc�l iG^n� a stop order on a11 pre7iminary drawinp. COMP'rONT�ATTON: AMi�RMAN - R�SI�NATIDN: MOTiDA1 by Gouncilman Wri�ht to receive the letter of reG�gnation from Mr. AmPrman, and to d�rect the Administration to write him a 1et+,�r of commenda- I tion fnr services rendPred on the Human Relations Committee. The motion was � secondPd, an�l uT�n a voicF ��ote, there heing n� navs, Mazror Kirkham declared the mot�on carried. COA�IU1dTCATION: CTTY FNf:IN1�I� - MISSISSIPPI STREF,T PAVING: MOTION hy Councilman Sheridan to receive and file the communication from the City Nln��nPer. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, ihere bein� no nays, Mayor Ki_rkham declared the motion carried. COMMiTNICATTON: PAT1('rSi1ND - .`�iBWGR SERVICE: The Clty h,np�nePr showed the Council a map and explained that it would be expensive for the C�ty to service thls area because the Cit,v does not use less t.han stan�lard s�rv9ce, and the property owner can do it cheaper. He stated it is 3 matter of economics. Mayor Kirkham said that the owner has to put i+, in, th� G'onncil should allow h3m to do it in the most economical wa,y. M�T70D1 bv Counrilman Harris to grant Mr. Morris Banqsund permission to put in a sewar ]�ne to his property� iipon receipt of a$100 deposit which vnll be retazrnPd npon satisiactor,y completion of the project� and upon Mr. Han�sund securin� a sewer permit. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, there beinp no na,ys, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. I I SCHILLINGER: WORKMEN�S C�MPENSATION. _; MOTION b;r Councilman Harris to receive and fi]e the communication from the Insuran�P �ommlttee. Seconded b,y �nuncilman Wripht. Upon a voice vote, there be�n� no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. S�HILLINGNR: AL�DTTTONAL LIFE INSiJRANCE: The C�t,y Nanaper e�lained that the Pol�re Comm�ss�on had asked fnr this in- fo_rmation, M01TON bv Counc-ilman Samuelson to receive this communication and refer it to the Pc�lice C�mmission. Seconded by C�uncilman Harris. Upon a voice vote� there be7np no nays, Mavor Kirkham declared the motion carried, h. , j r K/16/66 RECESS: Mayor K�rkham declarPd a 10 Minutes recess at 11:1�5 P.M. LJTTLP' L�AGUE LEASE RR�U&ST: The Clt,y Attorney stated that he had prepared a slceleton lease apreement based on the discussion of the previous Council Meeting. If �t can be hased on the f��+ures mentioned without correction, it indicates the Little Lea�ue would pay 5� of the total cost of the City�s interest per vear, or what it wou]_d cost the Cit,y in interest to purchase the property. He said the annual rental would be $1200 or $100 a month� and he has prepared a five year 7ease with a f;ve ,yPar option. The Little Lea�ue would pexmit, the City Rer,reataon program to use it when it is compatihle, and the Little LeaPue �rtll be respon,ab]e to keep it free and clear and responsible for the maintenance. He stated that the I,ittle Leapue will not be responsible when i,he RPCreat,lon Department is usinp, the property, U1hen the a�reement is to be tFrminated, the Little Lea�nie as authorized to remove any removable improvements, and the Cit,y will pay � fair cost for non-removable items. T�e Citv ManaPer explained that ihe doZlar fi�ures have chan�es a little bit. The �;ty had hou�ht all of $lock 16, The County carr�es the property as not c�ty owned, with one-half of it carried as tax delinquent. He stated that the add�t�onal cost would be �n special assessments, making about $1q,000 rather than �25�000. Counrilman Samuelson said that the Czty should make a dec�sion on what the rltv is willin� to do and send the representatives of the Little Lea[�ue a letter. Councilman `�IriPht su��ested perhans the L�ttle LeaPUe would phase it, as the�� want i'ive diamonds. Crnincilman ShAridan SR7(i C,t1Rt, }1P wAS n�t, 3n a�renment t�, charge `�1200 a year for a lease of property. He said that the Little League is takin� a portion of the Recreation pro�ram and handlinp, it, supervised by adults. The,y derive their funds from solicitations from citizens in the c�mmunity� and the property would not be used by outsiders. It would be hls recommendation to �ive them a lease on th�s property, but do not char�e on a lease bas�s as indicated� and with $1200 they could put that many more r,hildren on the fteld fullv 5uited. Councilman Harris asked if Councilman Sheri_dan would a�ree with a lesser t,ype of e�cpenditure, say 2K�. Counc�lman Sherldan said that would be more in line as this was a non-profit or�anization. Councilman Wri�ht said that his feelings were that the Council cotLld not let any orr*ani�,atton, no matter how noble, operate on a basis that creates a losG '.,o the C�ty, in a sense subsidizin� them. He stated that our own Parks and Recreation bud�*et.is very tigh't� and needs mone,y for site acquisition badly. Counci]man Sheridan pointed out that if the land is leased to the Iattle Lea�ue, they in a sense would he developing park land. He said the,y had a surpins of funds toda,y-� because the,y have not had to pay for ball parks, but the costs w�11 go up as they bring in more teams. He stated that the Council wnuld n�t he �eopardizing the park pro�ram hy letting the Little LeaPue lease land t,he CitV already owns. Councilman Harris su��ested they find the break even point on the interest and assessments, as he agreed wlth Councilman Wri�ht that it should at least be a break even proposition. The C1ty Mana�er sa�d he would like to che�k into these fi�ures more. MOTIDN b,y Councilman Harris to refer the leasinq of land to the Little Lea�ue back to the Administration £or a breakdown of the cost of assessments and interest. Seconded b,y Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vbte, there bexng no nay�, Mayor I(irkham der,lared the motion carried. APPLICATION F�R SIGN PP;RMTT - S69S HACKMAN - PURE OIL: The preprietor of t,he serv9ce station was present at the Council Meetin� and d�s�ussed t,he proposed si�n with the Council. The �ouncil looked at a plan and discussed the size. The proprietor aFreed it was a hig si�n� but that it did not obstruct an,ythin�. The Councs]_ talked about �ettin� the letters in a sm�ller size 5x5 or 1�x6 to conform with the Si�n Ordinance, The propr3et,or was instrizcted to go back to the Pure Oil Company and inquire ahout a smaller si_2.e, anr� rPt��rn to the ne�t Counc9l Meet�ng. MnTION bv Councilman Harris to table t,he si�n permit application to the next, re�u]ar Council Meetin� of June 6� 1966. Secended� and upon a voice vote� there '��=,in� no nays� Mayor Rirkham declared the motion carried. ��d 5/16/66 APPLICATTON FOT� 5I(',N PERMIT - 7365 EAST RIVFR ROAD - SUPERIOR OIL COMPANY: A representat�ve for the Superior �il Company showed the Gouncil a site plan, and there was a long discussion about the proposed size of the si�n. ^7CiTTON hv Councilman Harris to table this siPn nerm�t appl�catlon until the next regular Council Meetin� of June 6, 1966, Seconded, and upon a voire vote, there beinA no nays, Ma,yor Kirkham declared the motion carried. T.H. �'!�7 7�1TERSECTION5: Mayoi•Kirkham said that Mr, Gibbs would be sitting in Citv Attorney Herrir.k�s Place, as Mr. Herrick had to ]eave. ThP CitT� Manaper read a letter he had received from the Hl�hway Department �n which the Hirhwa,y Pepartment concurrec� with the decis�ons made at the last Council P1eetlnp with one_exception� that a free ripht turn could not be permitt,ed . The Counc�l talked about a plan for the ChristPnson corner with Mr, %urpius oF the Minnesota Hi_ghway Department and Mr. Boh Christenson. Mr. Kurpius stated that, it boils down to the fact that the State gains very little, and they will have a hard t�me rationalizing losing almost 9£eet of needed r�pht- of-way. Mayor Rirkham pointed out that the,y would not be gaininp in land, but an a more effic�ent wa,y of solvinp the problem. The Coimr,il said they thouPht the service road^ were to be done for the bene£�t of the C�_ty of Fridley and not, the Minnesota Hi�hwa,y Department. There was a disc�ission of the Ftate asszpnln� their riphts to the Cit,y, and Mr. Kurpius said he was sorry hP had no def�n�_te answer as he will have the right-of-way department check into this. Mayor Kirkham said that it could be done on an exchanpe basis. Mr. Hodne said he thou�ht the owner would find it much easier to have a self rontained parking lot rlther than h�ckin� out on a servica drive, CounoZlman Wripht asked Mr. Kurpius if it wo�zld help him to have a summarq nf the discussion in writin� showina it point b,y point including a 3-way land I trade. Mr. Kurpius said that he should have a resolution or somethinp in wr�tinp. Mr, Hodne su�pPSted that the C�nnr�l should a�ree on a concePt � anrl let the Mlnnesota Hip,hwa,y Department fi�ure out the en�ineer�n�. It was pointPrl out t,hat the Council had a�reed on a concept. Counr�lman Harris said that. a letter should he �lrawn up re�arding th�s con�Ppt a� sh�wn on thP man anrl presented tn the MinnPSOta HiphwaY Department. Crnmrilman iry`r�aht stated that the Ctit,y Manaper should specifv the three-way land trade in deta�l and rem�n� them of the a�reement on 6L�th and 5th. Some- one �u�-E;ested Zt sh�nld saq t,hat the surveys are t,o be made by the State, Co�zncilman Uiri�ht said he had some thoughts on the northwest cornar of �7th Avenue and that A4r. Hcdne wa� at the Council Meetir� to talk about, it, also. There was a discuss�on ahout a median going ln on the northeast corner. The P;innesot,a Ht�hway Pepartment feels that it is absolutely necessary and Navoc K�rkham czid that the Coupcj] was to]d �t was not in the present plan, but rculd be put i_n later when traffic b�atld�i}� nn this corner required it. The Crn mcil talked aboui 1Favin� the service drive on the northeast corner for thP timF helnr. Coimcilman Ulrtipht su��e,ted having a"Y° at 11th and the �erz�i�e drive� and perhaps a cul-de-�^c conld Fo uF to servi�P the usPd car lot an� �Pr��i�� atatic,n, anrl tre +,hrrni�h traffic crould �o iro t,he "Y" nn l;th Gtr��et. FP thnuRht, +hi:; �ould be done with the private a�reemen+ of two nrm,Frtv ��mc�rG. This would make lat,h StrPet the legal sPr��icP dr�ve. N'r. Kurr�izs ar=rPed that 1£ the Oity huslt a'�Y" R� bu�lt, a median, they could live vnth it ror a lon� time. On the northe��t corner oF 57th Avenue� Covnczlman Sheridan Gue�ested Dutt7nc _ sn hoth rer�vs�e drlves, and as a pattern established using the new servlce drive, ihe cld service drive cnulc he abandoned. The MinneGota N��hway ➢epartment renresentatives a=ked whv they wrnzlrl �ive the people an alterna_tiva �n�l Mav�r V,rk}�am Axrlainac� jt was to savP a posGZhla law siz�t„ Tf � mecl�an wPr� tc, �-o in, a represent�tive of the company tha+, owps the land has st�t,�rl i1�at th� �onpanv wi_]1 s�te, and the City should not habe anything to do with puttin� �n a mP�ian. Councilman Y�ri�ht suKg,ested that the City could put in a t.empos•ar,y road in front o£ the stat�on with minim�un mat a�d draina�-e, the State �nul� rnit ln the me�itian� and when the temporary road is closed ofr �n favor of t,hP nPHr ser��ice drivP, the Citv could extend the median, Mayor F"lrkham st,ated t,hat rathPr than ri �k a smt, he thou�ht the C�tv could he nrrrarFd to malte chanr%e^, but not make t,hem now, Coi�cilman Harris stated that he a�re�d Fr,th C�uncllman ShPr�dan thai the State could put �n t,he , �� 5/16/G6 service drive the City considers the permanent one� and the City could put in the Yront ona. Cwncilman Wright did not feel the suit was a major x'isk' ss he did not feel the City xould loae the suit an3 secondly, the State would ba the primary defendant. M�TION hy Councilman Wright that the Service Drive on the northeast inter� section oY I.694 and T,H. #1�7 completa the connection to l�th Street with proper signing to indicate to westbowtd traffic thst the access to University Avenue is northbound on 4th Street, That the Citq acquire the l�0� lot indicated on the map immediately to the east of the D% station owned by Gravea in the northeast quadrant of University and 57th Avenue or equivalent ' access to the proposed northeast service drive. Seconded by Councilman Harri�. The Council discussed the possibil3ty of buying the lat uhich is to the east of the one mentioned in the motion� if it could be purchased cneaper. The City Manager pointed out to the Council that if they are talking about connecting the aervice drive to 4th Stroet� they xill be af£ecting a lot oP people without any knowledg� on their part. Upon m vaice vote, there being no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. MOTION bT Councilman Wright that if the Minnesota Highway Department puts in a median en 57th Avenue, the City zrill put in a minimim s.trface drainsige and 4 temporary service drive iimnediately to the West eF the D% station in thm lacation planned now and request the Minnesota Highxay Department to install the service drive to the east of the D% station as soon as the City has title. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no �naye� May�r Kirkham declared the motion carried. The Council further discusaed �th Street. Counc3lman Sheridan stated that both the City Manager and Mr. Ho�ae had questio�sed making l�th Street the aervice driTa, and he auggasted making the exist�ng service drive frmm 57t1i going sauth a one xa� going south to 7th Streef,, and have z'"do not enterTM sign, so that traffic either had to go norEh on �th Street -- north t� 57th and ceme out or south to 53rd ani go t� Un3versity� thep would eliminate putting all the traf£ic threugh this seCtion oP residential property. Thia xould keap the theatre traffic out of the residential area, and would make � use ef %th Street xhich is a good arterial street. MOTION by Councilman Wright to reconsider that portion of his £irst motion relating to the southeast corner and substitute the f�lloxing: That tF:�� service drive in the northeast intereection oP I. 69.; and T.H, #!t7 be made •ne xay aouthbound and eastbound Yrom 57th A�cnue to 7th Street, Seeonded by Couxicilman Sheridan Mayor Rirkh�n said that the one Kay does not have to be decided now, that the Couneil can do that at any time. Councilman ldright said that it wouli �iva the Highxay Department ssme n�surancea that the traffic pattern is solved and there is no reasan that thep should not do it immediately. It Nas po3nted out that it slso xould be reducing the incentivs for n median. Mayar Kirkham felt that the Cou�cil was l�grr0wing more trouble than they already had. Upen a voice vota� Mayor Kirkhaw voting nay} the motion carried. RFSOLUTION #72-1966 - 51ST AVENUE 5IGNAL AGREENT.ENT - t4HD: The City Manzger said that he had had the City Attorney check this agreement and he said that it was all righi. The estimated cost for Frzdley�s aharo is $1325 and f.�r Cslwqbia Heights $132s. The representati�e oY the Minnesota Highway Department� Mr. Kurpiva said the signal will cost Fridley $1�00,15. MOTION b� Councilman sheridan tm adopt Resolution #72-2965 th�t the C3ty of Fridley enter into this agreem�t with the Minnesota Highway Depart�ent. � Secanded by Councilman Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no na�.s� Mayor K3rkham declared the motion carried. REPORT ON PUALIC EXAMINERS REPORT: Mr. Gibbs stated that they have read through the report and there is no d3fFicul.ty determining its meaning, hut they are writing the Attorney Gcneral�a oPfice asking for Purther information on the three opiniona mentioned, MOTION by Councilman Harria te tabla the Pub11c Examiners ftepmrt until the next regular meeting o£ June b, 1966. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upsn a voice vote� them being no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CIVIC CENTER SITE OFFER: MOTION by Covncilrnan Wright to table this item until the next regular Council �5� 5/16/b6 Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon z veice vote, there bein� no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. LIBRARY SPACE RENTAL: MOTION by Council�an Wright to table th3s item until the nest regular Council Meeting of June 6� 1966. Secmnded� and upoa a voice vste� there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carrisd. RESOLUTION �73-1966 �iPPROVING PLANTING PLANS - 3P 0285-10, 2781-95, 2786-21; MOTION by Councilman Wright to adopt Resolution #73-1966 sppreving the planting plans of the Minnesota Highmay Department. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� Mayor Kirkham eleclared the motien carried. • n�li� FIPIAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS MIIdT PRJJ�CT 5T. 19 -1: Mayor Kirkham said he did nmt thinic the Council sk�ould do anything on thia until the sterm sewer hearing is held. The City Manager said that the b months that the £irst Public Hearing covered waa up now. Councilman Harris suggested grant,ing an extensien unt31 the Public Hearin� is held on the etorm sewer. Councilman Sheridan said he believed it was a State Statute thnt a Public Hearin� cannot be extended. The City Manager suggestei they pass the resolution and they cauld later rescind it if necessarq. MOTION by Councilman Harrie to adopt Resalution #%1y-19�. Seconded by Councilman Y�right. Upon a voice vote, there being no naps, Mayor Kirkham declared the moti� carried. RESOLUTION #75-1966 - A RIsSOLi1TI0M RECETVING TfiE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND MOTION by Counci3.tnzn Wright to adopt Resol�tian #75-1966. See�nded b' C�uncilman Harrie. Upon a v�ice vote, there being no nays, Mayar Kirkham declarod the motion carried. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution #76-1966. Seconded by Councilman Samuelsan. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays� Mayor Kirkham declar�d the motion carried. CLAIMS: MOTTON by �ouncilman Wright te pay the General and Public Utilities Claima #8533 through #8705 and #8380 through #8386 and the Liqnsr Claims �1 through #33 $t the Fridley Hank� and Liquor CTaims #8531+ through #8573 at the Camden Bank. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upmn a eeice vote, there bein� no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared the moti�an carrie�. ESTIMATES: MOTION by Couneilman Harris to apprvve for payment the 4o114cring estimatea: D. W. Hickey & Company, Inc. 18li1 UniTersity Avemie St. Paul� Minnesotz $5101� Estimate �1 (Partial) i�ater Imprsvemeat Project No. 75-C� schedule 2(High surface pump� sni tt�ree adalitional filters - Commons Park) Lammetti & Sons� Zne. 2560 Cleveland Aaenue North St. Paul� Minnesota, 5$113 Estimate #5 iPartial) Sterm Sewer Improvement Prmject PIo. 12 (T,H, #l�7y South •f T.H. #100) � 9,405.00 �22i,754.60 ' , ' � Keys Well Drilling Companq l�13 North Lexington Parkiray St. Paul, Minnesota� 55101y Estimate #1!t (Partial) Watsr Improvement Project Ne. 75 A(Threm Additional DriYt Wella) Comatock & Davis� Inc. Consulting Engineers 1?�lt6 Countp Haaci °Ju Mir+neapolis, Minnesota, 55432 For Purnishing resident inspection and resident supervision for the staking �ut oY the censtruct- ion Nork for the Pell�wings Estimate #1� - Storm sewer Improvement Project No. 12 (Schedule B) from April li, 1966 through April 30, 1966 (T.H. �/l�7� eouth of T,H. #100) (100� FridleT) $ 29,l�76.31 $ 1,83T.5o Estimate �1 - Sterm Sawer Improvement Proj•ct No. 12 (Schedule C) from April li� 1966 through April 30, 19� ��n1umbia Heights) (T.H. #L17� south of T.H. #100) $ 1lt0.00 Estunat� #3 - Water Improvemant Project No. 75�C (Schedule 1) from April 1�� 1966 through April 30, 1966 (3 million gallon reeerv�ir) $ 552s50 Estimate #3 - b�ater Improvemex�� Project No. 75°sC, (Schedul�s 2) (High Surface Pump� and Three Additianal Filters - Commons Park) from April 1t, 19b6 through April 30� 1966 � 62.50 Estimate #1!y - Water Impro�ement Project Number 75 A(Three Additienal Drift Wells) � Estimate #8 - Sanitwr,y Se�rer� Water ani Storm Sewer Improvemeat PrejecE Nwnber 73.-A (51�th and Imnsbruck 5th Additim) Estimatm $6 - Storm Sewer Impr��ement Project Number 12 (Scheiuls A) (Columbia Heights, State of Minnesata} an� Fridley) C, A. MeCrossan Compnny, Inc�rporatei R�ute 2, Boz #332 Oaseo� Minneaota � ,� �� 5/16/66 � 147.50 $ �.10 s �Q $ 1,71�9.00 Estimate #7 �Partial) Street Imprwement Preject Ne. St. 1965-1 accoriing to cezitract (1965 Municipal Program} $ 6�173°07 Estimate #7 (Partial} Street Improvement Praject No. St. 1965-2 accoxding to contact (1965 State Aii Program) S. C. Sni].ey & Aseeciat�s Suite 12 1750 H�nnepin Avenue Minneapolie� Minnesota 55k03 � Prafessional Serric�s Rendereds Fridley Civic Center - Locks Park Site � 4,600.22 $ 1,525.30 The motion was seconded by Councilman 5amaelson. Upon a vsice vote� there being n� nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. I,I CENSES : MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to approve the f�llowing licenses: CONTRACTORS LICENSES: BLACKTOPPING & ASPHALT: All Service Blacktopping 10178 Dogxeoa strect Co�n Itapids� Minnesota Hy; Eld� Finseth NESJ ��� 5/16/66 E%CAVATING: Lenny Cochran Excnvating 6�37 Central Avenue N.E. Fri�ley: Minnesota: 55432 Lloyds Exca�ating 8065 Gro�elan�l Rosti Minnenpolin, 32, Minneaota Stanley Stegora 7708 - 56th Anenue North Crystal� Minnesota GAS SERVICFS: Al�s Plumbing & Heating Co. 8392 Center Drive N.r'„ Minneapolis� Minnesota' S5�132 Natrogas� Ine. $116 Iris Driee North Minneapolis� Minneaota Nygari Plumbing & Heating 7lt35 A�ghvay #65 N.E. Fridley� FSinnesota SSk32 GENERAL CONTRACTORS: Grlon Construction Company 6631 McRinley St. N. E. Minneapol3.�� Minnesota� 5'�'1�32 Empire Salesy Inc. 2213 Johnson St. N. E. Minneapolib� Minnesota 5�418 LoWe Builders 705 - l;9th Avenue i6.E. M3nneapolis, Minnesota, 55�21 HEATING: Al�s Plumbing & HeAi;ing, Inc. �3°� Center Drive N.R. Minnea�lis, Minnesota 55432 H. J. Kleve Hesting Company 78t�8 Yosemite Avenne Sout,h Bloomington 21�, Minneseta Modern Heating & Air Cond.� Inc. 1007 Main Street N.E. �Tinneapolis 13, Minnesota Nygard Plumhing & Heating 7�135 Highway #65 N,E. Fridley� Minnesotai 55432 MASONRY: Rom Bnda, Contractor 1126Q Buchanan Road N.E. Minneapolia 33, Minnesota SIGN HANGERS: Huber Sign Co.� In�. 700 W. Gounty Road nH" 8t. Paul, Minnesota Set*en-Up Bottling Co. 3�1z E. 44th stre,et iKinneapolisy Minnesots bys Le�ard C��hran hy: I1myd Remmera by: Stanleg Stegorn by: A�riA Hillsdal� by: Einar 0. PTiklason by: Nils N,ygari bys Ellroy Lvnd by: Merwin Barth by: Ed Love, Jr. by: Alvin Hillsdale byt Herbert J. Kleve by: Thomas J, Ryan, Jr. by: Nils Nygaral by: Tom Bods� by: Jaseph M. Huber by: Frank P. 7.mndlo i r�1. ,��I��� i,+' ���1 R�3NF!�TAL $BNEWAL ItENEWAL .� RENEWAL HENEWAL RENEbTAL RENE4dAL RENEWAL NEW RENEF7AL RENEWAL AENEWAL RENEWAL �' � ' � � � � MISLTTPLE L�rIELLSNG LICENSE: Lester Mayo 1y950 MadiSOn 5t• N, E• Minneapolis, Minnesota 5542i SEHVICE STATION: Favre�a Spur Servies 82Z5 E. Rivcs Road FY1,dley� Minnesota Ernie's Standard 8100 E. Airer Road EY�idley� Minnesota Gertzen�s Service 61y85 E. Rirer Hoad Frialley, Minnesota CICrAFET'PE LICIIJSE: Len�m Dairy 6l�85 E. ktiver Road Fridley, Minnesota OFF - SAT.E Gertzen Dairy Store 6l�85 �. River Road Fridleys Minnesota 5971t - ?rd St. N.E. Fridley� Minnesota} 55lt21 by: Dennis Favre byr Delmore E. Osirom by: Leonard Gertzen by: Leonard Gertzea by: Leonard Gertzen �C� IM 5/16/66 �i Unit Apart. $10.00 Fee Paii RENEWAL RENEWAL REN�r1AL ��I. 5i�l�/:i/ RENEWAL Seconeled b�r Councilmar. Sheridaar Upon a►oica vmte� there being no nnys, Mayer I�irkham declared the motion earried. PETITIONSa OPPOSITIUN TO THE S(�UTH SIDE OF L. PETTTION #9-19b6 PRdTFSTING THE PROPOSED REZDNING FRDM R-1 TO C-' OR C-1 ON MOTION by Couneilman Wright that the Council receire Petitimn #8-19bb and Petition #9-1966, Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motim carried. MOTION by Councilman Harris tm receive the Petitien #14-1966 and adopt Resolution #77-1966 requesting the Postal Department to rename this portion of Ol�l Nighxay #100, "Hillwind Roaai". Seconded by Councilman �heridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. TERRY�S ADDITION: Councilman Sheri�3an said that as far as Terry's Addition is coneerned he reco�nends that the Council should just let them sit on it as far as the p�ving �f Polk Strset, that they requested� is concerned, and as fnr as Fillmoro Street is concerned have the City Adminiatration proceeai. He said that he di.el not think the City shop2i proceed with sewer and water on the pr�posed glat. They should wait until it is on file, He stated that the owners oP Moon Corporation have made no e£fort to contnct the neople involved in th3s plat to get this on rocord, He suggested the City Manager rarite a letter instructing them of the Councilrs deciaion pending the iiling of the plat. ADJOUANMENTs There being no further business, Mayor Kirkham declared the Regular Council Meeting of May 16� 19b6 ad,journed at 2s15 A,M. ��� 5/16/66 Resgectfully submitted� � J � V �� � � � � ���, ,T� �- � � ✓ � i Mary Lr� Strsm Actiny� Secretary to the Council �I� k � �n f�!_ ;lv,C.���., ,%- ��, � ° ��� � ,:7�ck 0. Kirkham � MAYOR THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 23� 1966 Mayor Kirkham called the Special Council Meeting oY May 23, 1966, to order at 8:10 P.M. RQLL CALI, MEMBEAS PRESENT: Kirkhwn� Harris� Samuelsen MEMBERS AHSENT: Sheridan� Wright G ON IPIPRGVEMENT m STREET IMPRAVEMENT PROJECT N0. 1966-1 (STOAM Mayor Kirkham stated that the first thing oa the agenda was the Public Hearing on the storm sexor portion of Project 19b6-1, He eacplained that the Council had no desire to push a project� but that Public Hearinge are ealled in response to petitions as it is the desire of this Council and most C9ty Councils to honor roquests or petitions and held hearings ao that the peopls can express their opinions. The Mayor said that a straw vote may be called £ory but that in the end it is the Council who must decide. He saicl the signature of the Mayor on tMa bmttem oY the Notice oi Hearing ioes not necessarily constitute his endorsement of a project. He then called on City �ngineer Qur�shi to explain the project. � The City Engineer said that therc hzve already been tcro hearings held on thia, ' and that this hearing is cglled because of a petition £or streets on Hickory Drive and Hickory Circle. He explaineal that two meetings ago, the people wAnted to lmow Hhat happened to their original petition for street�, but to put in streets, thi_s area must have a storm sewer. Mrs. Jordis Mittlestadt, 6944 Hiekory Dri�e Northeast, askeel what hearing had been held on the street improvement, and the City Engineer anewereal that a hearing was held on November 15, 1965« Mrs. Mittlestadt asked if thia petitlon was still working, and if each petition did not receive a h�aring. The City Engiraeer said that another petition had been received, because the tima period of the £irst petition had run out� and that it is not necessaTily true that each petition gets a hearing. Councilman Samuelsmn explainad that some of tha people had asked for etreet� but tk�ey could not be mrdered in until ttiere was a atorm serrer� but that people on the loa level want streets and they must have the storm aewer first. He explained that a petitien was received, which was approximately 50� from Hickory Drive. Thn petition was within the s� month period, and it was auggeste� the Council hold a storm sewer Hearing� which is this even#itg. A visitor to the Public Hearing asked if this txcluded %Oth Way. Councilman Samuelson pointed wt on a map the area that would be included, and e�cplained that this whole draiMage area would drsin tv catch basina, and he showed where these 47�lliCf bC located. He saie that thesm storm sewer facilitiea xould be minimai according te the area dr�ined. The visitor asked if these new catch ba.sins xould require £acilities through the properties. Council- man Samuelson said yes� to the lake. The visitmr asked again if this rA311 include 70th Tday, Gouncilman Samuelsan satd that it would include part •f it. The lines are set np by the grade of the terrain, and the vateT f2ews to the lake� eatch bs.sins� or river. The visitar askei if the City xill be putting the street in on 70th Way, and Councilman Samuelson said that it was not requested in the petition. Mrs. Mittlestadt asked if Hickory Place was to be done, and Couneilman Samuelson said that� yes 3t had been included in the petition. Mrs. Mittlestadt asked that the petition be road. Mrs. Mittlestadt said that the last time this was discusaed� the people on Hickory Circle decided they did nmt want the petition after all, but there waa no way to remove ths petition. She said that at that time the assessment had been figured for each propertr, and she asked i£ these vere available now. �