05/23/1966 - 00021482i��' 5/16/66 Reapectfully submitteds �� �r � ��� �-�/ �-i. ,-j��-� t� � / i �t � i�� Mary Z� 5trsm Acting Secrotary to the Council rl j/ rr �� rc . ����i� ��� �i �tic- l� � i �i i � �� � ack 0. Kirkkiam ! MAYOR THE MLNUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 23� 19bb Mayor Kirkham ca7.led the Special Council Meeting of May 23� 1966, to order at 5:10 P.M. ROLL CALL MEMBEAS PRESENT: Kirkhnm, Hxrris� Samuelsan MEMBERS ABSENT: Sheridan� Wright Mayor Kirkham stated that the first thing on the agenda Was the Public Hearing on the storm sewer portion of Project 1966-1. He explained that the Council had n�a desire to push a proiect, but that Public Hearings are called in response to petitions as it is the desiro of this Council and most City Councils to honor reauests or petitions and hold hearings so that the peopls can express their opinions. The Mayor said that a atraw vote may be called £or� but that in the end it is the Council who must decide. He said the aignature of the Niayor on the bmttem of the Notice of Hear3ng �loes not necessarily constitute his endorsement of a project. He then called on City Engineer Qureshi to explain the project. 1 The City Engineer said that there have already been two hearit�ga held mn thia� ' and that thia hearing is called because of a petition £or atreets on Hickory Drive and Hickory Circle. He explained that txo meetings ago, the peaple wanted to lmow what happened to their original petition for street�, but to put in streets, th�.s arta must havc a storm sexer. Nrs. Jordis Mittlestadt� 69�10 Hickory Dri�e Northeast, asked what hearing had been held on the street improvement, and the City Engineer anawered that a he�ring was held on November 15� 1965. Mrs. Mittlestadt asked i£ this petition was still working� and if each petitiun did not receive a hearing. The City Engineer said that another petition had been received, because the time period ef the first petition had run out� and that it is not necessarily true that each petition gets a hearing. Councilman Samuelamn explained that some of tha people had asked £or atreet, but they could not be ordered in until there was a storm sewer� but that people on the lsw level want streets and they must have the storm sewer first. He e�lained that a patition was received, whic;h was appro�matelp 50� from Hickory Drive. The petition was urithin the six month period, and it vas suggested the Council hold a storm eewer Hearing, which is this eventng. A visitor to the Public Hearing asked if this excluded 70th Way. Councilman Samuelson pointed wt on a map the area that would be included, and explained that this t+l2ole drainage area wauld drain to catch basins, and he shmwed xhere these would be located. He said that these storm sexer facilitiea would be minima7. according t� the area drained. The visitor zsked i£ these new catch basin� would require facilities through the properties. Council- man Samuelson said yes� to the lake. The visit�r asked again if thia will include 70th Way, Councilmsn 5amuelson sa�d that it would include part oi it. The lines are set up by the grade of the terrain� and the arat�T flows ta the lake, catch basins, or river. The visitor askei if the City will be putting the street in on 70th Way� ac�d Couneilman Samuelson saie� that it was not requested in the petition. Mr�. Mittlestadt asked i£ Hickory Place xas to be done, and Councilman Samuelson said that� yes it had been included in the petition. Mrs. Mittlestadt asked that the petition be read. Mrs. Mittlestadt said that the last time this was discussed� the people on Hiekory Circle decided they did nmt want the petition after all� but there wax no way to remove ths petition. She said that at that time the assessment had been figured for each propertr, and she asked if these were available new. ' ���� 5/23/66 Councilman Samuelsen said that the st�rm sexer assessment would be approximately $2.90 !er 100 squan faet. She asked for the street cost and the City Engineer sald that the approximate cost wouli be $11 per front £eat for straet and eoncrete curb and gutter. Csuncilman Samuelson pointed out that the contracts that have been awarded are coming in much less than the estimates atated at the hearings. A resident of the area said that with reference to the storm sewer, there has been a water problem only on three or four sccasions, and drew the Cuuncil's attention to the txo getitic+ns whieh he said were signral by $0 residents out of 65 that oppose it. Mayor Kirkham said that the Council ' has the petitiona be£ore them. Mr. Mengelkoch� 70 - 70th Wap Northeast stated that the City haa raised the level oF the street in front of his home above requirements� which put the drainage into his property, and he theu6ht the atreet ahould be put where it was originally 3ntanded. He said h3s property is Lst 9, Blwck !�, and the Council looked at the map. He said that the water sits in his front yard� and he has been trying for 9 years te� get the street level changed with ne luck. He said that if the atreet were at the proper level, he would have no water problem; all the water xwld run the other way, and he would not have this assesement. Councilman Samuelson said that this atreet had been pavei in 1957, and did not have a finish mat on it, Mr. N!engelkoch said that it yras a gopd street, bvt had been built 8n too high in £ront of his home. Councilman Samuelson asked i£ the street had be�n in before the house, and he anawered} no sir, anal asked xhy he should be assessed when the City eonstructe� the atreet with a hump. Mayor Kirkham said that thia was a problem that should be directed to the City Engineer. Mr. Mengelkoch said that he had at the time. Mr. Robert E. Leea 6911 East River Road� asked if he were included in the assessment. Councilman Samualson told him that he xas� and Mr. Lee said that he had a sesrer in front oF his home. It was pointed out that his lot drained into the drainAge area. Mayor Kirkham stat,od that if the projeet is to go in, the lines datermina the area to be coverad, and at that time the boundary lines xill be made more definite by survey. � Another resident on East River Rcad� two houses from 70th Way said that there is a storm sewer in £ront o£ his home and his lot drain6 t�uwari the highway, Mayor Airkham said that there was a small portion of his back yard that is included in this drainage area, Mrs. Hedman� 60 Northeast 70th Way, said she understood that every one was supposed to get a notice, but that she had not received one, Mr. Gibbs, who was at the Council Meeting for City Attorney Aerrick� who could not attend, noticed that her name was not on the list oP the people notified. Mrs. Hedman said that she pa3d water bills and t�es for £3ve yeara. The City Manager pointed out that the County lists must be used, and are not always accurate. Mr. Lem Cavin� 6901 Hickory Drive Northeast, said he felt that when a drainage system is put 3n� end �s accepted ty ti�e Cit,y the City should accept the responsibility and maintain it, and he felt tha City should bear i,hQ respensibility for putting in a new one i£ the old one was not maintained properly. Mayor Kirkham pointed out that to maintain and r�place are not the same thing. Councilman Samuelson stated that this will include some new lines, thep wi11 be incorporating two new intersectionsa and that the storm sewer standards have been raised. Mr. Cavin asked about thc assessment on the old street thnt is there now. Councilman Samuelson said that the City now requires concrete curbs and guLters} but that the stabilized base they have can be slaaped up and used. Mr, Cavin asked ahy they did not , put a mat on it and use it. Councilman Samuelson said that this coul�' be done� but that there xill be some shaping and stabilizing to get it back �n the pxroper contour. Mr. Cavin said that for three or £our months East 1Ziver t�oad traffic was diverted this caay, and this was zrhat really tore the street up� and he asked if the City could receivs some compensation from the State, A member of the Council said that there should be, but this would be a prmtty tough one. Mr. Clarence Plunder, 6961 Hickory Place, and Mr. Wm. B. Thompson, 6835 East Rivar Hoad� said they had received no notice. 0. prop�rty ozrner, 7027 Hickory Drive, asked why they had receive� a 1e�ter as they had a brand new street and curba� and asked if the Council was �-oing to tear them up. Councilman Samueleon said, no they were not. Mayor Kirkham pa�'inted out that the letter �hat h� had received was in reference to the storm seuQr project. A visitor said that the water in i�is yard laid 3n the m �6� 5/23/66 back yard instead of draining. Mayor Kirkham again explained that s stvrm seWer ia assessed by area, The Engineer detes�mines what area is involved in water draining to one specific place� for exampls� the water pockets in the low part of the street on Hickory Drive comes eventually from this areas aither on the surface or by storm sewer. He said he was flot speaking for this portion of the project, but For the method uf asseasing a storm sewer. He said that it was their water, coming oFf of the3r property if they lived on a hill. A visitor said that the hill was there bafore the people came iny and they caule not heip it if the peopLe baught praperty down there. Mrs. Konz� 61 - 70th Way Northeast� asked if her lot xas included, and added ' she did not see why a good job was not done in the first place. She said that i.n 3�� years thers na�ver had been a water problem, and this i9 the f3rst time they have had complaints. PETITION #15-1966 AND PETITION #16-1966s Mayor Kirkha-n said he had be£ore him the petitio�n rece3ved agAinat Storm Sewer Project 1966-1, Ostman�s Third Addition� and he read the heading on the second petition which stated that the petitionera continued to oppose the "Curb and Gutter Projectn as they oppose the '�Storm Sewer Project�R. , , ,,, MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive Petition #15-Z966 agalnst Storm Sewer Projeat 1966-1, Ostman's Third Addition and Petition #16-196b against Curbs, Gutters Project 1966-1, Hickory Drive Area. Secended by Councilman Samuelson, iJpon a vaice vote� there being no nays� Mayor Kirkham declare� the motion carried. Mr. Leo Canin, b901 Hickory Drive, Northeast, said ihat he had hear� difPerent prices, and asked what it would run £or the curb and street� and how the street is figured on different size lcats. Tha City Engi�eer said that t,he estimated cast of the street only was $10.98 and the starm sewer was $2•90 per 100 square feet o£ 14t that draina into the storm aewer. Fie siarl that the strset is figured on a front foot basie. Mr. Cavin sai� that this wou1�3 mean the street and curb w0uld xvn him over $1600. ' Mr. Robert Schmidt said that all the time the atorm sewer Was working there was no problem� but now it is deteriorated� and he asked why. Mr. Schmidt said that if it was a matter of repair the City should pay for it and maintain it. Mayor Kirkham asked the City Engineer ii' this could bs a prohlem of only r�pair. The Citp Engineer said that there would be an adequates survey mad� so that the water Nould be pioked up i� more placea �o there would not be the high velvcity �f water running th�t tends tu tear up the streets. Mayor Kirkham said that since there has been more buildin� in the area, the storm sewer is simply not adequate te take care oY the run +rfY from the new developments. Councilman Harrib askad if everything on north Hickoxy Drive from the cul�de-sac to the turn towards East tZiver Road would all drain alvng the street. The City �ngineer said yes that everything basically is draining along the street. A visitor to the Council Meetin� said that he did not think anyone complained too much beeause there xaa natural drainage t� I,ocke Lake. Mayor Kirldiam said Chat thn xater waa carrYing sand and tearin� up the street. A visitor said that his drainage was absorbed by the sandy soil. �ouncilmat+ Samuelsan asked if a sudd�►n 2" •i rain would all soak in� and the visitor asked how often that would happen. Mayor Kirkham asked if there uere �ny progonenta of the project in the a•sdience who wished to be heard. There was no answer. A viaitor to the �ouncil Meeting said that it aeemed that the only ones for the project were the Cwncil. Councilman Harris said that personally the ' Council could care less� bu-t that a petition had been presented. He stated that he did not believe the Council would be here this evening if eomeone had not wanted the project. Mayor Kirkham said that the Gounr,il had the consensus o£ tha group, and if n� one else wished to be heard, he crould cloae the hearing. Mayor Kirkham closed the Public Hearing on St. 1966-1 Storm Sewer Portion at 8s50 P.M. Mzyor Kirkham pointed out to the people that na decision could be made this evening, as legally all £ive Councilmen ara needed. A viaitor asked if the people woul� be notifiad �f the decision. Mayor iCirkham said that it wouli be on the Jane 6th agenda. Mr. Johrt Saba, !�7 - 70th 1Jay Northeast� asked if a petition was not enough. Mayor Kirkham said th�t it wou3d weigh naavily xith the �ouncil�s decision. Another vislter said that a petition � �I � `� � ��- � � 5J23/bb shouid be ensugh, that it vas obvioua they do not want it� and that the taxpayers cannot take it. She said there should be more engineers and more opiniena� and that it should have been don� right the £irst time. Mr. Gevrge Kelly, 50 - 7Qth Way N, E., asked if it will be noted in the minutes that there xexe no praponenta at the meeting, and Mayor Kirkham said that it would be. Ceuncilman Harris ssid that the people had come to make their opinions lmown. He said that it had b�en xell presented and was very clear to the �ouncil. The Pull Cpuneil was ne��ed for a decision, and they would pasa the outcoms oP the hearing on to the absent Councilmene APPOINTM�,NTS: The City Managar said that Patricia L. Sykes was being recommended te £ill a vacan�y iFt the Fngineering Department. Cauncilman Samuelsan asked about ths methmd of hiring, and the City Manager explained that there was a six month probati4nary period, but that this was not Civil Service. MOTION by Councilman Samumison to concur with the recommendation of the City Manager and appreve the Yolloiring appointments NAME Patric3a L. Sykea 51�32 Madison St. 13.E. Fridley� Minnesota POSITIDN SAI�ARY Clerk-�'ypist $302.00 �EPLACES Bonnie Lee McHahon The notion was seconded by Councilman Harc3s, and upon a voice vete, there being no nays, the motion carrie�.. '!'he next nam� on the list e£ appointees vas Clarenv� J. Belisle� recemmended as Building Inspector. Councilman Samuels�n said that this was the gentleman who has worked as Allan Jerasen's asaistant and asked the City Manager if this was temporary or for a pexmanent pasitimn, and had the Administrat3on leokeel at all for semeone, The City Manager said that at present Mr. Selisle is work3ng £or Brooklyn Center� and that he had been their choice out o£ 17� applicanta. iie said that he was respected by his fellow workera, by several buildera who had c�me in to recemimend him, and the City Manager added that his background is very gead and he can reccmm�end him highly. Mayor Kirkhme said that he had no chance to review this appointment„ as this was the iirst official notice he had received of the vacancy and he felt thi� was an �mportant position in the City. He stated that he had no reaso� to believe Mr. Belisle was not cagahle� but that he wotild like to check it out, The City Manager urged the Council tm get Mr. Belisle on the job as soon as poasibla, and that as City Manager he is the one that will be w��king with the Building Inspactor� and rill be naponsible for �hatever the employee does. Mayor Kirkham asked if there had been any other applicants. The �itp Manager said that one draftaman had applied and there haal been several calls. He said thai Breoklya Center had done a thorough �ob of screening and that he would receive the same applicants. He saia� that Mr. Belisle i�ad been Superintandant £or Carlson LaVine for 12 years until a back injury� had a total of 16 yeara in construction� and one year here in Fridley. He state� that one of Fridlep�t top builders had aome in ts r�cmmmeni him. The �3ty ritanager said that this was nat a�epartment head job� but came urider the general superriaion of the Engirteering De�artment. The Couneil discussed the salaryy and the fact that in six months it woul�l be the same as Mr. Jensen had been receiviag, and whether this mas in line with what •ther coeummiti•s were paying. Councilman Harria said he xou].d hoaor the Mayor�s wish if he xished to wait lmnger. Ma,yar Kirkham said that he would like thie on the agenda of Jun� bth. The City Man�ger said he considercd this a routine appsintment, as Mr, Bmlisle rrill be directly reaponaible to h3m if anything g�os wrong. Mr, Samuelson aske� ab�ut insurance because of his back injury. Tha City Manager said Mr. Beliale understood that he would not be covered by the City's Workmans Compensation, but that there is an insurance pool with the 5tate that cwera th3s aituation. Mayor Ki.rkI�am said again that he xouli like ts wait until June 6th. The next appointme on the lisi aas fmr a SpeciaZ Assessmenta Clerk. Councilman Samuelson asked if the £unds were available for this position. �n.I � � 5/23/66 The City Manager explsined that the girl whe had been doing this job had been on a temporary basie, but now that the lax saya that Neticea on Impr�vement,s and final asseasment� must be sent out, he feele the need for a tlall time employee. He explained that this srill be paid fer by the 1� Administsati�� cests en assesaments. Mayor Kirkham said thnt if a part time girl was working as much as a full time girl, he thought it would be better having the f1i11 timm employme. AK)TION by Councilman Harris tm concur with the recommendation of the Administrat3on and approve the following appsintments NAME Rooemarq Hanson 501 � 17.th Ave. N.Wo Coon Rapids� Minnesota POSITION Speeial Assessments Clerk SALARY ffi302.00 REPLACES NeW P�sition The motion was seconded by Councilman Samuelson� and upsn a voice vote� there baing no nays, Mayor Kirkham deelar�d the motien carried. The �ity Manager explained that the last two names vere £or the Council�s information as they are present employees bein� transferred to a higher classi£ication' but that Beverly Strand wi.11 be a new employee. MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the recommendati�n of th� Administration and appr�vo the fellowing appointment and tnans£ers: NAME Beverl,p Kay Strand l�550 Central Avenue N,E, Hilltop� Minnesata Laura T3osvold 5870 - Ltth Street N.E. Fridley� Minnesota Kathleen Lenor� Schmitz 5850 - 5th Street N.E, Fz�a.dley� A'Linnesota POSITION Accmunting Clerk Liquor Inventory Clerk Accmunting Clerk Bookkeeping D�pt. SALARY $302.00 �325.00 $335.� REPLACES Laura Tjasvold Kathleen Lenore Schmitz � Caryn Gay Lundqui� The motion was secon�ed by �ouncilman Samuelson� and upon a voice vote� there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. The� City Manager said that before the Council moved on ta the next item, he woul�i like to ask them again to reconsidery and tm approve the appointmen� of the Building Inspectc�r. Councilman Samuelson said that he would like tm check this with Mr. Murnhy, Mayor Kirkham said that it appeared that at least twv of the Council prefer to wait a little longer. COMMIT'Pl^:E APPOINTMn�1T5: HUMAN RELATIONS CGMt1ITTr�:: The City Manager said that perhaps the �ouncil is not ready at this time t� mako appoi�tments to the various committees, but he has ino].uded this for their information and he knows that the Parks and �ecreation Commissie+n would like to have another cormnittee membes soon. ' Mayor Kirkham sazd that he was ready to make his appointmettt tm the Hwnan fielatians �ommittee to replace J, D. Amerman, Attorney Robert C. Hynesy 665 �$7th Avenue Northeaet� FridZey} Minnesota. MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur xith the rec�mnendatimn of Mayor Kirkham and appoin� Attorney Robert C. Eynes to the Hwaan Relativns Cocmr,ittee� Seconded by CoUncilman Samuelson, Upon a voice vte� there being no nays� the motivn was carried. POLICE COAINII SSION : Council�nan Samuelson submitted the narae ef Mr. John Johnston, 7381 Concerte Curvey Fridley, Minnesota for the Pulice Cemmission. He stated that he ha�l had eight yesrs of police experience. Hr had previously been xith the Ft. Worth Police Department and is well qualified in background and ealucation. He is naw living in Fridley and Counci2 Samuelson felt he would be an stsset to the Police �orrunission. Councilman Harria asked if he had contaated him personall�, and i£ he was willing to serve. Co�cilman Samuelson anekered that he was. 1 ��� 4� 5/23/66 MOTIUN by Councilman Samuelson to appoint Mr. Jvhn Johnston"to the Pslice Commission to replace Mr. John Bastolich. Sec metod by Cauncilman Iiarris. Upon a voiee vote, there being na nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. BUII.DING STANDARDS CHAIIiMAN AND PLAHNING COA9MISSION: Councilman Samuelson said he had checked with Mr. Oliver Erickson, 1315 N.F. Hillcrest Drive� FridZey� Minnesota� who is knrnm throughout the City, is a past president o£ Minneapolis Home Buildere, is a builder in Fridley, and zlso oY Bronson-Erickson Realty Company� and he is willing to serv8 on t.k!is � Comnisaimn. �ouncilman Aarris said that he had a wonderful knoxledge of building and of Real Estate. N!OTION by Councilman Samuelson to appoint Mr. Oliver Erickson as the Building Standarus Chairman and to the Plannin� Co�mni.ssi�n tca roplace Charles Johanson, Seconded by Counci7man Harris, Upon 2 veice vote, there being no nays, Mayer Iiirkham declarscl the motion carried. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION: The City Manager said that he imew Mr. Dunphy had someone in mind, and 'the Council may like te ask him £or hia recommendation. Mr. Dunphy said that the name he aould suggest rrouli be Mr. Ernie Burkett� and nithough he had n�t spokan to hi.m yet� he thoughi he wovld accept. Councllman Samuelsc+n sa3d that he had two people to suggest. One uas Mr. James Spenee, 6311 N.r`., Monroe, who was very active in the Soy Scout program. He had been �nstrumental in lining up the "clean up parks�' program and Scout Master of Troop 20 vhich was the Lion sponsored clnb. He has said he would like to serv�l, The oth�r suggestion was Mr. Darrii Vernille who� he etated� ie very aetiva in the Jaycea prograai. MOTI�N by Councilman Harris to appoint James .S"pence to the Parks and Recreatiem �ommi�sian. He said he felt he had done a sood job a£ter the � t�rnade. Secanded by Councilman Samuelaon. Mayor Kirkham said that Mr. Spence rias the only one of the three men that he kneu, and he heartily concurred w3th his appmintment if he cras willing to serve. Upon a voice vete� there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motian carried, Councilman Harris said that at some time xhen there is an opening� he would like to see eomeone from the Jayce� �rganization on the Parks and Recreation Commissian, as they are very interested in ya�uth, and ha congratulated Councilman Samuelson on £inding such qualified men for the appointments. Mr. Frank Liebl, 222 Mercury Drive, addressed the Council and said that he weuld like to see each Ward have £air represantation on tha Parks and Recreation Com¢nission so that aome ;rese would not get beautiiY�1 parks and other parks be neglected. He suggested the name ef Mr. Victer Molingro� 6111 Rainbow Drive in Sylvan Hills as a member of the Commission. Councilman Harris sa3d that this Hae a�ery good ides, he agreed that the Council should keep this in mi.ttd. Councilman Harris said that the Council leoks £or qualified men and hope their po,itien will not be prejudiced by the area in which they liee. Mr. Liebl alsm added that the position of Building Inspector rras very important and should he someone �o is tQUgh and should be decided by £ive Councilmen. He stated that altlrou�h the people voted against Urban Renewal, they did not vote to keep University Avenue as it is nox. The City Manager � said that he is interested in finding someone who is tough and hard working. He sa1� that i£ anything goes xrong� the City Manager is the man the Council turns te� and he must have a man he can work rrith and that can work witti him. Councilman Harria asked if one rrard was represented more than the others on the Cwmnission. Mr. Liebl said that th• seconel ward was heavily represented and this was un£air to the Gity and the people. The City Manager checked and noted that the Commission had been -- three membere from Ward 1, one from Ward 2� and •ne from Ward 3. With the new appointee, there will be two from Ward 2 and three £rom Ward 1. BUIL➢ING PERMIT SETBACK WAIOER - 6�50 VAN BtIREN STREET NORTHEAST: MUTION by Councilman Samuelson to concur with th� recommendation sr�f the City Manager and grant the Building Permit Set'6ack Waiver. Seconded by Councilman Harri�, Upon a voice v�te, ther� being no ns.ys, Mayor Kirkham eleclared the motimn carried. 5'/2�%�66 HrSOLIITION #7d-1966 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION BY THE CITY FRIDLEY IN ANOKA COUNTY ASSOCTATION DF MUNICIPALITIES: Mayor Kirkham stated that he had the understanding that the by-laxs srere tm be sent to each Councilman. Councilman Harria said that '�e had received a copy and it appeared to him there was a lot mf inerit t0 be hsd in joining� and he endorsed it. Councilman Samuelson said that he agreed� but wondered if the Council should not have the At{.orney look at the by-laws and make recommendations to the Council. Counc3lman Harrie asked if he was sugg�sting that in the fliture the City might not want to belong. �ouncilman Samuelson said that he just thought it was a good idea not ta get in a binel, to be sure nmw. The City Manager said that Fridley will be the biggest contributor - "The Minneapolis e£ Anokz County'�� a�d it prn6ably wou].d be a gooal idea tm look at them closely. MOTION by Councilman Harris that the Council adopt Reselution �78-19bb authorizing the participation by the City of Fridley in the Anoka �ounty Association of Municipaiit3es and refer the &y laws ts the Attarney for judgement arid opinion prior to May 25� 1966, Seconded by Ca�ncilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Mayor Kirkham said that Mr. Dale Hagen, �47B Hayes Street Northeast has purchased a house from Mr. Guaderson� and he wwld like the $1670 sewer a#d water assessment extended over 20 yea�s instead vf payable in ane year as it is at pr�senL. The �ity Manager said that any subdivider has to pay up the assesaments in one year� hut that Mr. Gundereon either cannot er will not� azid only the Counc�l can respread them. He expla3ned that the Council would have to certiPy the respreading to the Co��nty, and Mr. Hagen would have te arrange to make payment frith the County. MOTION by �ouncilman Samuelst�n te adopt Resolution #79-1966 reapreading the assessments over a peri�d of 20 years, Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voire vote, th�re being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Mr, Dals Hagen was present at the Corocrcil PTeeting and thanked the Council Par their help, and said that he had alreac�y talked to the County abmut this' and tlxat they c.*ilI bill him directly. FLAG POLE FOR CITY HALL: Councilman Samuelson sa3d that the fxont of City Hall looks nice srith the new plantings, and he understands that letters fer over the dsor have been erdered. The City Manager point�d out that a flag pole wilZ run the total emst up to �310 and the Council authorized $250. Councllman Samuelson suggested that the flag be put in a bracket on the side of the building. The City Manager said that if this was satisfactery, the cost could probably be kept under $2C0. The �ouncil discuaced whether a£lag would be hi�h enough to Have, because of the building overha�g. Councilman Samuelson said he thou�ht the Council should authorize another $60 to put the flag in the base rather than on the building. Councilman Harris agreed as long as it probably Hould only be about $s6 aore. The City Manager said that this would not have to be done of£icially: juet so the Council under- stood if the cost ran over trie autfiorized sum. PAYM7�IT FOR SAND TAKEN FROM LOCKE PARK: The City Manzger explained that the City had received a check from the Barton Contructicn Company for the �ranular material that was taken £rvm Locke Park� and the Parks and Recreation Commission feel that since it came off of park property the money shsttld go te the parks. Councilmaxi Harris suggested it go into the Ge�eral �ind as it zrill be redistributed to the Parks from there. Councilman Samuelson said that he disagreed, as he felt it should go directly to the Park Board. He asked if this cauld be held over until the next meeting, He asked if this $%�000 cotild be u�ed exclusively for Locke Park development. The City Manager said that it cauld go to the Park Department to be budgete�l or it could go into the Park Deposit fund for the purchase mf park property. Councilman Harria said that he i�su}.i like to see the south of Fr3.dley acquir� more park lanel. ' 1 � ��� 5/23/�6 Mayor Kirkham asked if this had beem earmarked for anything special when the Ceunc3l had decided to sell it. The City Manager said there had been nothing de£inite� but the parks had been discussed. Councilman Samuelson suggested that the check be deposited in trust uni,il the full Council could diacuss it, perhaps with the Park Board. The City Finance Director said that he would put the money in a special fund £or parks until such time as the Council decides, VISITOR DISCUSSl+'S WEEAS, RAILROAD Y6RD5 AND INTERSECTIONS; � Mr. Frank Liebl, 222 Mercury Drive, said that Sylvan Hills has about 15 empty lots and the neighbors are all compla3ning about the weeds. He sa�d that the present ordinance was net adequate, and asked if the Council has amended the ordinance to take care of thia pr�Ul�m. -Councilman Saiauelson pointed out that noxious weeds were the only ones the �ouncil can aontrol. Mr. LieUl said that the �ity nee�ls a salution to this problem, Ae said that the people in Sylvan FIills are also concerned that the railroad is going to try to move their raalroad yards toward Sylvan Iiills, He stated ihat he also wanted to verify that traffia will not be running right through Sylvan Hills� as that is the understanding many peopl@ have raceived from reading the newspaper. Cauncilman Samuelson said that Sylvan Hills will remain strictly residential, Mr. Liebl said that the slip on and slip ofF ramp that Councilman Harris had suggested was a good suggestion. � AD30URNMr�t3T : There being nro further business� Mayor Kirkham declared the Special Council Meeting of May 23� 1966, adjourned at 9:55 P.M, Respect£ull;� submitted� �� � � , � , �F� �,�, ,�� _�,� V /'� C���� � Mary L ��Strom Acting Secretary to the Council /{' � � �� C' , /��� z !�� -�� � jJack 0, Kirkham ✓ MAYOR THr', MINT7TES OF THE REGULAR COT3NCIL l�'.NETIPIG OF Ji3Y3E 6� 19b6 The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City oF Fridley was ca],led to order by Mayor Kirkham at 8:05 P.M, ROLL CALL MEME3ER5 PRESENT: Harris, Sheri.dan, Wright, Samuelson, Kirkhzm MEMBERS AASENTS NDRB APPROVAL OF MINUTES, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 16, 1966: M4�TZON by Gouncilman Hnrria to admpt the Minutes of tht Regular Council Meetinf o£ May 16� 1966 as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a vaice vete� these being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the mota.on carried. APPROVAI. OF MINUTrS, SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 2j, 196b: � MQTION by Councilman Harris io adopt the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting sf May 23� 1966 as snbmittad. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carTied. HIRING OF INSUR.ANGE CONSULTANT (TAHLED S/16/66): Mr, Aadid A. Fruen� representative of the Bachman-An�er&on, Inc, xas present at the Council Meeting. The W311iam Peet Cempany was not represented. Mr. Fxven said that the firm of Bichman-Anderson had just completed a aurr,�*, for St. Anthony and they had been �ery happy with the"%ork of.�Bactrman�Rnder�on and he Imew they would be vex�r happy to give them a good recoimnendation, He said that the headline in their newspaper had been abc�ut their sud+CeSS, Mayor Kirkhan asked Mr. ?ruen to tell the �ouncil juat what their f`irm would do f�r Fridley. Mr. Fruen explained that they would mak� an audit o£ the