06/20/1966 - 00021433�'
C�` �a
The Regular Council Meeting of the City o£ Fridley xas called to ordar
by Mayor Kirkham at 8:10 P.M.
MII•iBERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Harris� Wright, Samuelson
MOTION by Councilman Wrlght, if there is no ot��ection from the Council,
for the adoption of the Minutes as submitted. Seconded by Councilman
Councilman Harris said there was a correction to be mada in the Minutes
on page 19 under the heading "T.H. #�� INTERSiCTI0N5 - NW AND SW QTJADRANTS
He said the xord "curbing° should replaca the word "curving" as 'the first
word in the second line af the last paxagreph. Upon a voice vote, there
being no nays� the minutes were adapted with this correction.
Councilman Harria then noted another correction to be made in the Minutes
on Page 18 also under the same headittg. He said the words� "in my opinion"
shou2d be inserted in the 7th line� lst paragraph after the words Hol"ly
MOTION by Cc�uncilman Harris to amend this correction tu the Minl�tes, Seconded
by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote} there being no nays, the motion
CounciLnan Wri�ht said he wuuld like to call the C��il's attention to
the fact that the Charter requires a xaiver v£ assent from absent Council
membera to introduce new business. He said he felt this nreaaednre of law
shauld be fellawed and all Councilmen informed of ite Mayor Kirkham said
that these aomments are very correct and asked Councilman Wright Sfhich itema
he had reference to. Councilman Wright said he was raising no objection�
but mentioning it as a safeguard.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt the Minutas of the Spec�al Counr.il
Meeting •f June 13� 1966 as su�nitted. Seconded by CQ�cilman 5amuelson,
Upon a vice vote, there being no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion
PETITION # 18-1966
Mayor Kirkhan said that although this was not a regular public hear2ng aa
such� as it c�as not advertised, it would bn poss3bls to hol3 a discussion,
Mr. Carl Nelson read to the Council from a nrepared statement, a list af
the objections the petitioners had to the closing o£ this serr.ice road.
� It stated that there had been no hearing or announcement that. the road fras
t� be closed, and the people had had no chance to give their opinaons. He
said that on the praperty owner�s abstracts, a xwad was shorm, and the eaLue
of the property will go down with no service drive. He said that the people
feel it is illegal to close this road. He said that if accidents were ths
reason for closing this road, the Fridle,y palice report showed no acaident
£rom Januar,� l� 1966 through May 7� 1966. He mentioned that several peeple
who have �ust bought praperty� now f�nd they face an additional 10 block�
te reach Mississipni Street, and with the grocery store� there will be that
many more cars, and he suggested that on 66th Avenue the atreet me curbed
on one side so that cara from the gr•cery store oan not get down 66th.
He said that closing this service drive may affect their fire p�otection
as the pplicias say they are 2ass than a mi].ea and now it will be two or
three mi�es, He said some of the people who s3gned the petition were not
as concerned with the elosing as wlth not having a voice in the decision.
He stated that some of the peonle who agree with the closin�� say that now
the children can play in the streeta, but he pointed out� it will only
take one car to cause an accident. They feel that with the proper signal
lights, the traffic problem could be worked out.
May�r Rirkham said that it would not be as simple as just putting up the
lights as mentioned. He said that this had be�n the Council�s first thought
but when thex had asked the Highway Department, they found it rauch tme
expensive and the traffic too complicated. Mr, Garl Helson said that pemple
have quit gm3ng to Holly Center because of the cangestion� and i£ this
contimiss the3r 3nventory vJll be cut in halY, which would mean less taxes
£or the City� so he felt these taaces would take care of the cost easily. �
Mayor Kirkham said that it is the State thaL must do this' axid not the
C,_ty af Fridley� and he called on the representative of the State Highway
Mr. Kurplus� mf the Minnesota State Highway Department, e�lained to the
people that a11 the cornera o£ the main interaectior� are giving them prmb�,ems,
and they find that when they are too close to the highway they are impossible
to signali7a� as there are too many hazards. He said that the Department
felt that s�11 £rontage roads should be detached if possible� and they had
worked £or over � year with the Council and Mr. Hochze, the City Planner,
on this. He said he Pelt it logical to use an adjacent north-south street,
He said that when the southeast quadrant is Yinished, the highway department
wil7. busld a small center island on Mississippi which wi.11 further eontrol
the tr�ffic on Mississippi Street, and again said that the Service Drive
w�as ieleted on the 6asls oP the recpmmeniati�n of the Highway Department
to the Council. Councilman Samuelsm pointed out. that this was State
Highway I�epartment property and they can close it. Mr. Carl Nelson said
that they have on their abstr�ct that a service road i� provided, so he
feels t�e Highxay Den�rtme��� shc+uld investigate this hei�re they elose
ths road.
Councilman wrighi said that he appreciated what Mr. Nelson and the other
l�nd owners were saying. He said that he had voted with the Council to '
clese this r�ad, and felt the pe�ple should get the full p3cture. He
pointed out that a raised median which the State will put in tc the ed�e
m£ the State'a prooErty will prevent certain turn-oYis ar turning onto
this road. He said that the Mayor was correct in saying that the Council
does not have abselute right bvt considerable pressure c+nuld be �ased if
the Council had a mind t�, but he pointed out that the Highway Department
has agreed to pay £or another street made aecesyary by cl•sing the service
drive, and the Counail agrees with the Minnes�ta Highrrap Department that
they upgrade a strest a block diatant rather than the sernice cirive right
next to the highway.
Mr, Paul Dannenberg, 31s R3ce Creek Terrace� asked if the street which
would be put ?.a� �a�rrallel would he I�th Street. Councilman Wright said that
'��� State will not assiat with purchasing right-oY-xay, but will help pay
for the surfacing - F•ot frr foat. He gave as an example 531d Aver�ue which
the;� paid £mr as a trade for the service driue which was given np. Mr.
Dannenberg said he lives on the corner and_�aow has to go 10 blecks t0
get to kiississippi �treet9 and asked what will have to ta� dane te get the
City to pnrchase right-of-way �;a finiah 4th Street. Mayor Kirkham pointed
that hames would have to be ta�ken to do this.
A v3sitor asked zf their taxes would go dawn now that they cannot eet out�
and the f3re degartment cannot get in, She said they xere told there
was going to be a road behind them. Mayor Kirkhazn said that the service
road mentioned in the abstract �s on property that was never imprmved. �
I3s said there 3e right-of-way to the east of the Service Drive. Cauncilman
Wright said that the State once paid the property owners £or the right-of-way.
Mr. Dannenberg sald that when the petitioners had met in commitkee� many of
them realized that ever,ything was eut and dries 6e£ore the peAple had their
say, but they apreed i£ nothing xas dene, they would hire a lawyer. Councilman
Wright said he sras not de£endinp, that the Council was always right� but
a�l�ed if they would be satisfied i£ the Court said the Council was right and
thesa peo�le wrong. Mr. Dannenberg said he guessed the,y Weu1d have to be.
Mr. Lar� Johnson� 6600 Gentral Ave. N.E, said he wondered if this was
being closed because of the probability of someone bein� killed or injured�
and if so� in his experience it was justi£iable reason as so�eone�k life
xas worth all the cansiderations of sa£ety,
: �;)
Mr. Duane Hanson} 365 - 66th Avenua N,E., said that he had signed th�
petition to have the service drive opened� if there was no exit or entrance
£rom the gr4cery atere� as this would take care of part of their problem
i£ there was na service drive. Mayor Airkham said that last October, when
he xas Councilman, he had suggested aimply cutttng through the vacant property,
but that it was too late now.
Mr. James Thayer, 377 - bbth Avenue N.E.� said that the north half •f the
Theisen pr�perty is zoned residential, and he asked if a parking lot is
put in, coulc Mr. Theisen arbitrar.ily put in access on 66th. Mayor Kirknam
� said he did not think he would as he had not asked the Planning Commission.
Mr. 'fhayar asked if he could put a curb entr,y into his property if the
service road were there, Mayor Kikrham said he would have to have clearance
to do so, but he couli.
Mr. Swanson from Rice Creek Terrace asked what the City will do with the
platted service drive, as it is covered with weeds�nd haa been used as a
dump3ng ground for the Highway Department. Mayor Kirkham said the Council _
was not prenared to answer this question, nothin� has been changes as far
as that land in concerned� and the weed ordinance onl,y covers nox�.ous xaeds.
Several people diacusaed garagea they will have to turn around to have access,
Mayor Kirkham said that the City would de what ever they cou�d to help, and
xould take the matter o£ the abstracts under adviaement, Mr, Carl Nelson
said he thought the City Attorney should be instructed to look into the matt�r,
ae the City shmuld have his opinion on wh�fi,her it is legal to clase the road.
Mayor Kirkham said that the �ouncil can have the City Attorney da this.
Mayor Kirkham thanked the people and said the Counail would see if they
couldn�t consider some of the points that were brought out at the meeting�
and said that they xould do what they could,
MOTION by CQUncilman Wright to receive Petition �18-1966 opposing the Service
Drive closing. Seconded by Councilman Harris. U�on a vaice vote, there
being no nays, Mayor Kirkham deelared the motion carr3ei,
Mayor Kirkham asked i£ a representative of the Outdoor Sign Asaociatian
was preaent at the meeting. Mr. Dennis Dunkirk sa3d that he was snpp�sed
to meet Mr. Arthur CruRe hexe and diacuas it with hi�na but that Mr. Cruse
had not arrived yet. Mayor Kirkha, recommended the �ptuicil mave on and see
if Mr. Cruse is preaent at a later time.
Mayor Iiirkham said he understood that Mr. Kurpius has brought some maps oP
the different intersectionsa so the Council could gm veer them one by oner
Mr. Kurni_us caa� forward and said that he had the maps prcpared by Mr. HQ�e�
57TH QUADRANT: MT. Kurpius said that on tk�e west side of T.H, �l�7 there
was no particular problem� He said that Ho7ida,y �toa� is going in there�
and they have hir�d an engineer crho is working with tha State Highway Department
�n what the signaT situation wlll lool� like there. On the eas-� sirie of
T.H, #1�'7, he said that the State�s ansxer ta the Coun��l�s proposal for a
one �ay goin� south and then east ia that it is not according to ccmventian
te have a onc+ way gsing tAo crpposite vay of the main ha.ghway� and they feel
it should remain a two way, and he said thers wera some solu#ic�ns with
medians to zllov the road te work as a tv�o-xay, He said they w�uld then
� ask £or regulations to centrol the egree from the Drive-In Theatre by
making a mandat�ry right turn out onto 7th Street at the time the theatre� is
lettins� �ut. He said the,y recommend the median at 57th Avenue be extended
back to the easterly entrance of the gas station} and deletian of the front
seivice drive. Mr. Aurpius said the median was necessary to control conflict.s�
The City Manager said that tiaith the median st�3p €ts preposed providing no
possibility of tuming onica T,A. #a7� th� people wi11 ��U" turn around the
island. Council.man Samuelson said the Council was aoing to direct the
tra£fic up 7th 5t, to 57th Avenu� and he could not see the value of disconnectin�
1�th Street. Mr. Kurpius said that the Co�xncil had not wanted #.o use that
street fer heavy tra£fic. Councilman Wright said ii, seema that agreement had
been met by the State�s stipulatians to connect 4th Street and have a right
turn only out of the drire-in. The Counc:il again discuseed the reasons for
the two sesvice drives-in the northeast quadrant. FIr. Rarrow, a visitor at,
the Council Meeting� asked i£ the Counc3l was suggesting that bottz servi�c
drivea might be kept. Mayor ICirkham said that this had been thr original
proposal. Councilman Samuelson said it had been the Council's intent to
acquire property and when congestion goi heavy on the front service drive,
build the ane behind the service station. Mr. Kurpius said that. he has
heen informed bp Mr. Egan that the State has stopped cnrb and gui�ter
constructiun there at present. Cmuncilman �`right suggested tnat the Cciincil
declare their poaition to the Highway Department before they leave this
MOTION b�r Councilman wright tt�at it is the Council policy to develdp the
germanent constructian of a setv3ce drive on the northeast quadrant ef
57th Avenue and Unir�rEaty, in the area described by previmua motion ae the
�rl�0� Graves lot 'r,ce the �ast o£ the D% Station14. Councilman Flright said that ,
in case the Highiray Department dec3des it is the City�a movea itt light eY
Mr. Kurpics' preaentationy thie shoulc3 take care of it. Coeneilman Samuelson
said it was hib bel3ef the motion has been madey the City is just waiting
for the land acquisition. Councilman Wri�ht said"if bhe motion is unnecessary
in the op�r�icm of t,he Cauncil he wonld withdraw it� bnt he sa3d the previmu�
motiwn had to do with opening two drives, and this motion goes a helf step
+_'urther t� suggest tha� the Cmuncil policy is �o develop th�+ eastern
alternative as a service drive,
The Motian was seconclad b3* Councilman Harris� and upon a voica vatey there
being no nays, Mayer Kirkham declared the motion carried,
Councilman Wright asked ii' it would assiet the Highway Department te have
a moti�n aceepting the two-way on the southeast corner provtded there ia a
connectian to fovrth and 56th.
MO`PIC7N by Councalman Wright that the Gouncil establish as ita policy the
construction of a twen-way service drive in the southeast. quadrant of 57th
Avenuca and University provided the State agrees tc the physical connection
of this road with the intersection of 56th and l�th. Seconded by Counci3inen
Samueleon. Upon a voice votc� there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared
the motion carr� ed,
�1ST AVENUE: Mr. Kurpius explained that the State proposed on the w�st side
to detach the £rontage road at the sauth quadrant and k�uild a slip rama which '
would be vnF way ont� se+uth bound T,H. #la7. Star Lene will be built tm
£rontage standards ax�d will terminate at 32tesllite Lane' so thnt residents
wishing te �e� to Missi�sippi Street will COTRP, out onto T.H. #1�7 or use inner
residential streete as the State feels it is necessary to separate the homes.
Councilman Wright asked what would happen tca the present service drive in
the f.irst block north of 615t and Mr. Kurpius said this �rill tie in�restigated,
and may vm tm the fee owner. Councilman Wright said� in other words� there
rrill no be north-so�zth traffic on it� and it mzy revert to parking for
the apartment ansl Mr. Kurpius said yes.
A viQitar to the Coun�31 Meeting askerl whAt residential street thev xould
take ta Mississippi Street. Councilma� Harris e�cplained that the Couneil
has a proposal before them which they are in the process of discussing�
whieh is the pessibilit� of eonnecting Main Street and Sattllite Drive.
Mr« Kurpiva said ihat on the eagt side o£ the 61st inf,ersection tbe State
prapose�, a Median barrier to the easterly gas station entrances, and they
feel detachment of the service drive should be pursued. He said the
Construction of the median wiil control tra££ie until the frontage can be
detached. Councilman Wright said that the Holiday prorerty is only half o£
the potential co�mnercial strips and even if only a minimum development �ccured,
r�id the State favor the s�utheast quadrant going ire as drawn even 3f the
riortheast quadrant were impossible� and Mr. Kurpius said yes.
Mr. Kurpii�s explained that the State was propoaing to build a sLig ramp �Pf
of T.H. �1�� north�ound, and then it wi11 be one way, going north. He said '
the reason for this was that the State did not build slip rampa ontm two-
way frontage r�ade anym�re� and Highway #100 in Robbinsdale mr Crystal wsuld
be a g�od example of why this does not work. He said that the City �ill
try to get an easement from the Moon Plaza to make this modement passible.
`Fhe City Atborney asked if the state proposed to conatruct the mqciian on
blst ����nue laefore they put in the slip ramp� as he had noticed they wer�
putting in curbs, Mr. Kurpius said they are not dming the slip ramp at
this time� and the median will be done at thP same time the slip ramp ie
MISSIS'�ZPPI STFtFETo Mr. Kurpius said that this was the restl problem area,
and he explained to the people that there was no signal syatem that would
give waiting traffic justifiable timing� and there would be aome signs you
could see, that you should not aee which would be c�nfusing. He said they
will use an interconnected system which should handle traf£ic very well, so
that if a car made the light at Misaissippi he should als• make the signzl
at 61st Avenue. He explained that it was a closed system, based on the
traffic it counts� and that pedestrians ar� accommodateal,
Mr. Kurpius said that the northwest quadrant w�ll be a detached £rontage
road in line and across £rom th� southweat. quadrant whach will be two-way
then 6l�th will be one way with a slip-on xamp t�+ T.H. #�7. A eisitor askeal
how they will cross Missiasippi on this side and Mr. Kurpiva said that it
� prvbably eventually trill have to be signalized. Mr. Kurpiu� said s.lso that
the Shopping Eenter may find it beneficial tm review their parking pattern
according to the ingress and egress of traf£ic,
Mr. Kurpius said that in the northeast quadrant, the State had recmmmencle� arad
the Couneil passed a resolution t0 delete the service drive, �e ex�lained
that the State dmes have controlled access which was purchasad from tha
progerty owners.
A visitor asked xhy the State could not build an ovex�ass sver Mississippi
Street� and Mr. Kurpius said that the Sts.te feels that eventually an
interchange xill be necessary, and if they had an infinite amount of funds
so they could remove the ahopping center they �ould do it, but they feel
ths present plan rrill eperate satiafactorily Yor a number of years. A
v�sit�r asked how children were going to get up to Mississippi Street,
Mr. Kuxpius agreed that pedestrian contrel was expensive and a real �ral�]em
even with a pedestrian brl+lge} as You cannvt makx• the peo�Ie us� it,
Councilman Samuelson said that there would be sidewalks on bath sades of
tliss3ssippi Street and with the signals it will be a lot safer, and then
next year there 5ri11 alac+ be sidewalke on the other side of the highway ta
East River Road. Mr. Kurpius said that children should be taught to use
the crossing at Missiasippi Street. Coixncilman Wright mentioned that Fridley
was o£Sered and tnrned doxn a pedestrian�� bridge through Federal funds,
which the City oannot af£ord to do on theix ownr so in ef£ect the Council
has been told by the pe�ple they are not interestedm The Red C1w1 parking
� lot was disrussed sgain. Councilman Wrigbt said that� Mayor Kirkham�s
motion to ga through the parking lot had been suggested before the building
was built, and Councilman Wright�s motion had heen for limited access t�n
the parking lot� but the otmer knaws that it would become public right-
�f-xay in time if he let people go through, unless he raould cl�ee it on�
day a year to prrove he owned it� buL the Council aould not ordain that from
k,ere. Mr. Kurpius said that going throup�h the parkin� lst was not �ccr-
looked, but that it was not feasible. Mr. Meyrers aslced i£ there wa;, room
between the building and the propertg line, Mr. Dave Sorenson� an engineer
for the Red Oxl Store� said the stare was 30 feet irom the edger and they
xould need this room for the trucks unleading.
Mr. Kurpiva e�lained that in tlie southeast quadrant the State had d�signed
and will build a detachment on 61�th and 5th Street, They also propmsed on ui
interim basisx to do something with the land in £ront of the Chr�stensvn
property. He said there are limitations on what land is available and there
is also a gigantic power pole on this corner. He said that the road would
tae slanted so that traffic could still get in, and wo�1d remain a public
roadway under the care of the City of Fridley,
Mr, Kurpius said the State has had a request frc�m Fridley for a free right
turn on the north side oi Miasissippi Streeta but the volwne of traffic
there does n�t indicate that it is an essential type of construction. He
said they recognize that it is desirable, but it takes addif:ional right-
of-way« The �ounty will be grading this week anci it wou1� be impvssihle
� to get the right-aP-way fram the Red Owl Store in t�me to build. He said
that the State proposes a median on Mississippi Streei, and they have
approached Mr. Lundheim on constructing it so the 2�� wide boulevard which
exists is elim3natedt which would widen the street in this area by 5� and
permit a!�� island. Councilman Samuelson asked i£ it hos te be that wi.de,
and Mr. K�rpius said y�s as it must be signeal, and ii' it were any narrower,
the aigns woul� be lrnocked flown. Councilman Harris asked i£ there ever was
a street baek of Red Owl, uould the islanr3 strip be extended down £urther7
Mr. Kurpiva said that would be up to the County. The Council dzsri�;�r� i,�i=�
!'uture possibility of a street going in hehind the Red OwI, and that �ven-
tually this $rea may develep commercially as the pr�;:s�i*e could eventualZy
be overKhelming.
Mr. Xurpius said that in thE soatheast quadrant it was the feeiing of
the Department to pursue the detachment and allow 2� between the highVray
curb and the curb of the £rontage read. He said that as £ar as turning
�� �
back propert;�� the ➢epartment feels they sho+x].d not tid thsmselves to any
prmmis�s on what can be done with the right-of-aay. He then showed the,
Counc�l a mpa of their proposal for this corner� and there was a discussion
at the Council table concerning this corner. Mr. Y.urpius said that there
was little +�hance to get this done unda?- the present contract. He said
the design staff has a program to follvw, and he thinks the earliest it could
be ready Yor cc;nstruLtion would be latar next seasan.
^Ice Council th�nked Mr. Kurpius £or attending, and £or the constructive
thinking on the City�o problem. �
Mayor Kirkham zsked if the representatives ot the Outdoor Sign Association
were present now. Mr. �unkirlt said that Mr. Cruse is not going to be able
to atter.d the meeting, and that he, h�msel£� is totalZy ignarant o£ what
the ordanance is about. Councilman idright e�cplained that it was the
liberalisation of the sign mrdinance, and that the Council was laoking for
a reasonable saae5 but perhaps the Sign Companies are not as interested in
this as the Council thpught they xere. Mr. Dunkirk said they were very
interested, and he would like to look the ordinance over.
MOTION by Councilman UJright to table this item until tha next regular meeting
and forward� through Mr. Dunkirk to the association all the Council's records
and current draft o£ the Ordinance and any questions from the minutes that
his Association may havs to answer. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon
a voice vote� therP being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carrir�d.
Mr. O�Bannon expla3ned that this sign was going to be an Embers Restaurant
sign built by Brede Sign Company which will sit on vacant property t,hat
hA owns, He said that the sign is dmnble Feced, but the other side has not
been sold. Councilman Wright said that parhapa this sign application could
be rea�lvecl without an outright denial at th3s time� by being pursued uxier
Article 56.10 and re£erred to the Board of Appeals for their re�ommendation.
MOTION by Counaflman L�iright to re£er this sign application to the Board o£
Apgeals under 4rticle 56.10 which reqnires a full hearing. Secvnded by
Councilman Harr3s. IIpor a vmice vote, there being no nays} Mayor Kirkham
declsred the motion cax�ried.
This was an applir.ation Yor a temporary sign advertising the stmres opening,
and wi11 be removed as soon as the stmre vpens.
*tQTS�N by Cnuncilman Samuelson to grant a waiver of the temporar�3 ordinance
requirement� f4r a 72� square f�ot sign to the Holida� Store� on a temporary
basis anly� until the store o�iens. Secqnded by Councilman YJright, LTpon a
voice vote, there being no naysi May�T Kirkham declare�i the mot�mn carried.
The auplicant explained that the one sign wi11 be on the facia o£ the buildir�*,
mhe individual letters wi11 be 6� high and vary £rc�n 5�3'" to 9� in width.
The other sign wi11 be a pylon sign of an owl ]10 square Peet. The Council
looked at a plan for the pylon sign, The Council discussed the placing of
the sign.
MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to grant the sign permit.to the Red Oxl
Stere with the pylon sign beinU placed 10 feet from the westerly line and
1�J £eet frmn the s wtherly line� and that the facia sign be granted on the
building preoper as reqnested. Seconded by Counrilman Aarris. Upon a
vo2ve vote, t�ere being na nays� 'Kayor Kirkham deelared the raotion carried.
MOTSON by Councilmazr Harris to table this application until it. is again
r?quested to be on the agenda. 3euendad �y C�uncilman Zaright. IIpon a
voice vote, there bein� no n�ys, Mayos�Airkham declared the motion carried.
MOTIOH Uy �ouncilman Harris to iraive the reading and admpt Ordinanee #3k2
Regulating Water Softenera upon Ser.ond Hearing and Puhl3sh. Seconded by
Councilman W�ght. Upon a voice vete, there be��� no nays, M�y�r Kirkhaun
declared the motion carriede
Mr. Meyeba asked the Council what was beiny done to water so£teners, and
Councilman Samueleon explained the ordinance and the fact thai, a regular
installer must get a permit if he is not a State licensed plumber.
Mr. Ratley was present at the Cmuncil Meeting. 2'he City Manager reviewed
the previous Council action. Mr. Ratley said he wondered whv the let eplit
� xae denied be£ore as the lsts are a bigger size than the usual lot. Councilman
Wright said that it rras a matter of clarificati0n rather than denial as the
Council had not been sure which way he had wanted ti�e split the lot. The �ouncil
discussed rrith Mr. Ratley� the fact that there will be an additional lateral
assessment on the addit3anal lot that he will have ta agree to assume,
MOTION by Councilman Wright to grant the lot sp1St request of Orville itatley
for a split along a north - south line into two lots (%0' and 60") on the
property at 531p - 7th Street Northeast as per the drawings received� subject
to the owner agreeing to aesume the connection oharges on lateral assessments
and signing such an agreement. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a t�oice
vote� there being no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared the mc�tion carritd,
At this time Mayor Kirkham dsalared a 5 minutes recess, and the meeting
rasumed at 11;00 P.M.
MOTION by Councilman Harrie to roceive and £ile the Minut�s of the Board
of Appeals Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Wright, Upon a voice vmte, there
being no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carriesl.
� BOARDTOFnAPPEAISnMEETING MIt3t3TESn-^JU13E 15, 1966; ?*^ "n^ ^T ^T T v^
— m. �.,e� „ „ ,�r „ r - � —
�_ �
The City Manager read the motion of the Board of Appe�ls recommendinp, the
granting of this �arzanee contingent upon thP drainage and utility easement
vacation. Councilman Harris noted that the minutes quete Mr�. Wo�ack as
saying the neigH6or was in c m�plete agroeme�nt and wonder�d i£ this was
checked out. The City Manager said that notices are sent out, and i£ they
are not at the meeting, it is assumed it is alright with them,
MOTION by Councilman Wright that the variance for construction af an attached
garage 3 feet £rom the north line of Lot 16, Bl4ck 2 Parkview Heights Addition
be granted with the atipulation recotmnende3 Uy thP Board of Anpeals. Ser,or,rlpd
by Counc3lman Harris. Upon a voire vote�there being no nays, Mayor K3rkham
declared the motion carried.
The City Manager read the motion of the Building Board appraving ihe aesthetics
of the nursing home� with two exceptions� and recommending that no building
pesmit be granted until i1i11 conetruction and landsaape plans and speci£ications
are presented and approved by the Building Inspecta�•+n Department. The �ity
Manager said thai there was still a road easement involced t,hat theY are
working on. The Winslox representatzve was present and ahowed the Counoil the
plans. The �ity Manager pointed out that this was not £or a building permit
yet� but i� the Council approve the aesthetics} u�inslow and Associate�, Inc,
can g• ahead with the final plans and specificati�ns.
MOTION by Councilman Wright to concur with the Build3ng Hoard and appreve
the aesthetics and general. plc+t plan of the nursing home of Winslow and
Associ,ates� Irc.� to be located west of Unit�r Hosgital, south of 76th Avenue
Northeast, east o£ Sth 5txv!et, and north of 75th Avenue� subject to the
dedication of a 30� street easement £rom the s3de of their property for street,
Seconded by Councilman Harris. Lipon a veice vote, ihere �eing no na,yg� Mayor
Kirkham declared the motion carried.
r.r�r+�tUNICATTONS :
MOTIOI�' by Councilman Harris to receive and file the letter from the Holly
Merchants Assdciation. Seconded by Counrilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote,
there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
C��mcilman �n'ri_n,ht said that some peoole present had showed some curiosity
as to the content� of the letter, and explaired that the letter stated the
posztion of the Holl3� merch3nts which e3cpresaed their belie£ that the present
site o£ the City Hall is the best one for all concerned.
Councilman Harris asked if requests for the use of Locka Park are not cleared
through the Parks and Recreation Department. The City Mana�er said that up
ta now ths C:it� has not �one through a reservation system, 3nc� althaugh
bser is permit+,F�� they thought they wcntld call these requests to the Council�s
at+�nt.ion wherc� beer zs �nvolved. Councilman Harris said he assumed this was
an ope�n dat�. The City P4anager said yes, otherwise they would not have put
it on the a�enda. Couneilman Wrigkt said this really should go bef�ire the
Parus anc� Reereation Commission. The City Manager pointed wt that sometimes
this would be impossible. Mayor Kirkham said he thouoht that Mr. Brown was
to handle this. The ��ty Manager said ,yes, he handled the reservations� but
t,�,st t,his item deals with beer. Cour�c�lman Harris said that this will be
after tYie regular picnir, houre, £rom 9sp0 until 12:00 and they are not selli_ng
N!OTION by Cou_ncilman Wright to recei_ve the commun3cation from the Mra. Jaycees.
Seconded by Counr,ilman AarY7a. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays�
Mayar nirkham dec7_ared the motaon carried.
Councilman Wright reauested that th�s letter t+e read to the Public, Mayar
K� *�kham reari the letter al�,ud.
?IOTION by G�nncilman HaxriG to receive and filP the communir,ation from
Mr. Eerder re�?.gning from the Fridlew Human Relations Commi.ttee, and that
a letter o± commendatian be gent to I•ix�, Tier�er for his serv3ces rendereci.
SPCOnded hy Councilman Wright. Upon a vo9_ce vote� there being no nays,
Mmyor K�rkham declareci the motion carried.
Mayor Airkham read alon�l the leti,er from Mrs. Herder resiPn�ng £rom the
Building Board.
MOTION b,y Counci-lman Wright tm receive and file the cemmiu�ication frem
Mrs. Herder resigning from the Building Board and that a letter of
appreciatton for serving on the Building Board be fmr�aarded to her. Seconded
bg Counoilman Harris. Upon a vmicev vote, there being no nays} Mayor Kirkham
declared the motion carried.
MCITION by Councilman Samuelson to raceive the letter irem the Minnesota
aTa}cees. Seconded hy Conncilman Wright. Upon a voice vot�� there being
no nays, Mayor Kirkham dacZared the moti�n c�rried.
The City Manager said that the Csty has never giv�n these waiver€. t� ar�yane
and may want an opinion Prom the City Att�rnr,y. The City �L+,tonr�ey said ti,at
he would like to give this some censideration, he said that many serrice cluba
t:aPe this kine o£ machine, but he would que�tion the waivcr of lir.ense feess
� MOTION by CounciZman Harris to refer thi s le+.ter to the City !�tt•orne�� for
his on9niwn. The motion fras seconded, and upon a roir.e vote:, there bein�
no nays,� Mayer Kirkham decland the motian carried.
The City Manager pointed out that they are not programming this si�nxl
until Januazy= Februazy �r March �f next ,year. Thia is a bpel intereerti4n
and Skyiamod Mall t�rmuld like the date pusher,t ahead. He suggested that the3*
request the City Attorney to draw a reaoluti4n for the next meeting aski.ng
all p`asible haste t� have it installed aownere
?;OTION by Cowacilman Harria t� re�ei�.e the cemmur�cation frem the Minnesota
Highxay Depar#.ment� authorizin�r signslization •f 53rd t�vanue3 aad requsst t.he
City AttcrnAy te draw a Resolutisn asking £�r all possible haster Seceadcd by
C�uncilsian Wright. Upen n vsice vote� there being no nays, Mayar Kirkham
declared the motion carried.
MOTION by Councilman Harri.a ts receiw� the a^cport ir�m the Board of Heat*.h,
Seconded by Counci3man Samuelson. Upon a voice vot,e, there be�ng na nays,
Mayor Kirkhaan sleclarcd the moti�n carried.
Mr. Barr�H, a visit�r to the CoUnoil Meeting asked fer an idea �£ what was
� contained in this report. May�r Kirkham eacplained thnt it listed ail the
prmperties that had bcen checked eat because of complainta and what acwiAn
had been taken. Councilman Samuelsan said that he theught this was a fine
job, and that he thought Mr, Hensley was doing a warvelou� joh, He said that
perhaps it,c�ul� be posted on the bulletie� board, ThP City Manager said that
hr did not' giv�e this to the press b'ecause i1t could cause smbarrassa�en� te
s�me people had h�.d not realized there wsa s�mething xrang an their prGperty.
C�uncilman Wright pointed out tha.t sametimes th� feG �wner 3.� not the aocuFant.
Mr. Rarrerr said he would like to see°iP Mr, Samu�alse�n�s sugg�stion could nnt�
be follewed ne that interestzd ps�p]e could look at the reporte Mayor Kirkham
said he `rmuld hesitate on thia as! by the tizne the Counczl get� #h� rer�c�rt2
most �f the pepple have usnally complied. Mr. Barrew asked if the H�usirag
Authmrity could see the repart,
MDTION by Cauncilman Wright that present, pzst, an� future Health Reparts
be made routinely available to the FHRA, Th� moti^n was seconded and �a�nom
a v�ice vat�e, +.hPre being no nays, Mayor Ki�rkham decla*�^.d thr. mmtion czrrled�
Gouncilman Harris suggested that if an item were ts ap�ear two ar thrc�
times on the list then it could be published. Mr. Meyers asked what kind Qf
penalty xould be imposed if it were on the list three times. The City Manager
explained that after notiae is given it can be cleaned and assessed a�ainst
the property.
� MO'1`IOAi by Ceuncilman Harria that if complaint� and prahl.ems o£ this nat�xrT
,�ppear tMCe c�neecutively on the rep�rt £rom the Board of Health9 the itema
wi11 be pasted on the bulletin board. Seconded by Councilman Samuelswn.
Upon a wsice votea Councilman Wrigh#. votin�r nag, Ma�rar K�rkh�m declared the
mution carried.
Councilmax� Harris said that he believed the Lea�ue of Women Voters have
brwght up some concrete and interesting items whioh the C�uncil ought to
review. He saSd he thinks these questions shc�ul� be looke�i intm by the
Council and the Administration, and try to come up with some palicy that
would ansxer many of the questions raised.
MOTION bv Councilm�n Harris to receive and file the letter frmm the League
mf W���.cn A�te�. Secemded by Council�nan Samuelsmn.
Cduncilman W�ght said he wauld like t,o ask a peint of information. N�
askei if it was anp member n±' the Co�mcil�s undera�,and3ng that the City'hae
ka3> c+£ficial actian of the Council adopted a policy for a site location for
the Fridley C9ty Aa11 �ommittinS •r bindin� tha Council. Mayvr Kirkham
said that the3 were not b4und as they could alxays change their mind� and he
was af the opinion that the Council did agree that the Lmcke Park Site be
adoptedb although thia aas not at a convened meeting. Covnci�mars Wri�ht �
said that of tbe n�epl+ present at �,he meet,ing� only three were memhera of
th� Council. Councilman Harris said that the contract was entered into �
aft.er tha first af the year, as he recalled. Cauncllman Wright asked i£ the
Council xe�arded enterin� ints a eontract with an archit�ct as a publio
adaption of a policy fer t]�e location of City Hall� �r as in other maiters
c£ planning, a feasibility investigatiarn. Councilman Sameulson e�eid he
felt you waxld regard �t as a pml�_c�F as an architect cannet pr�ceed xlti3out
�nt lenR*, ravin�; the �ite location to p]an the bvildin�. Caunailman Wright
said that in many cases of planning, the fact that the planning is dene
does not mean they are going to complete the imprmvement, it takes a�eparate
vote to execute �t. Ceuncilman Aarris said perhaps not in this �a�e� ars the
contrar_t en#.ere� ints was not only a design on the building, but sitm
preparations for the construction ef the building on what the area srzs eomprised
s£. Cauncilman Wright asked if i,t was their understanding then that when the
Covncil .rders buila�ng plana and r�ite proparatlons and �ther studies n�cessaryy
they are committir�g themselves? �ouncilman SamueZson said that he would say
so. Ccuncilman Wright said he would then assume the Counr.il hAS a contract in
effert on a similar design on tdie present sitz that has never been rescinded
by actibr. oF the Council. Council�an Haxri.s said he £elt this was n�t i_n
eadstence any more, if it was paid fa+r, it was completed, Mayc>r Kirkham said
that the City is certainly not gainr ta build tt�m City Halls, and his theughts
were th�t when ihc CounciZ abandoned one site, and went to another, it meant
the Counc�l would build on the second site.
Co�uncalmara Wri^ht said that peon?e ccmr. with quertion9 that require an �
ansWer and he feels they shc�uld P�t one, sA he is requested that the agenda
actually have a resolution speci£yzng the Council�s intent ta �?��ild a
npw City Pa11 or ihe L�ck� Park Siwe� if that is the present consensua,
and get �.t on the rec�rds. Councilman Harris pointed out that the Council
has reservsd the right� to rei�se any and all bids iP a particular design Were
znr�patiblP or mrre costl3� than the mn�,.y available, Council wxight saii
#,hat the int�s�t does �ot commit the Council to any particular deaign, but he
�'RSt, t,he pub]zc wac entitled to some assurances of a plan at a given monent�
ancl if the Council w�oulel want to chanhe� fine, but he would like ts se�? it
on the agenda ?.ra any £�rm the Cwa�oil wcruld like te draft it.
Mr, Barrsw said he felt it should bE en the agenda for an open meeting,
*aith the people of Fridle� befcre prwceeding too far. He said they r�Alizc
tk�e financaal end has to be r9alistic� but the feeling is that lt 1�+ bein�
railr�aded thron�h. Mavr�s Kirkham said he had no ob�ecticn to having it
an the agenda at the, next meeting. Gouncilman 5amuelson said he did net think
the Counci.� had enough �nformatzon. Councilman Wright said they coulci be
shawn the preliminaxy plans. Councilman Harris said he felt it would kre
adviasble to have the architect heret Councilman Wright said that if this is
txie current t.hinkit�g an�i the current ir�tent, depending on the feasibilitYs
tht people could 6e t�lal that it is thc Council�s pslicy� xhen �1C3(t1AY8 all
the necessary infermationi to hold a Public Hearin�. Counoilman H�.rr3s saii
that hc agreed xith this idea, and the Council could use some discretion as
to when to hold the hesring so that they hav� all the answers for the people.
Councilman Samuelson said they rould not talk financial figures until they ,
xere kramm and the ��nci1 man Harria said they could show the intent t� hold a
Publir Aeari�tg when tha Council has the Sigures, and the date o�uld be set
up to b� compai,ible with the arehitect.
Srr1?'F up�n the mrt�t,i�n ta rec=.?vF the letter irom the Lea�ue c�f Ylomen Vmterst
the-te lat5,n�; na r.ays, Mayor xirkiham declared the motinn ca*�ra.ed.
1��r,�DA�I by �m»cilman Wright t;h�+ �he Counc�7 request that at it4 next xePnl�r
rneeting there be on #�he agendaY a reaolution indir,ating the Ce��ncil�s intent
as te t,he 7.ocatio� af the future City Ha�ll at this time� and the Council�s
int,ent to ca�1 a Public Hearing when su£iicient facts are available to explain
the decision, ar lack of it' to the puolic, Seconded by Councilman Harris.
Upon a voia� vot,e, t�er� being xao nays, Mayor Siirkham �eclarc±d the motion carri�d.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the monthly builr3a�g ������°^tsrss report.,
Councilman Hzrris azid that i£ the Council agree.s ha would �.3ka to add thia
item to the agenda, as he feels it should nonnally £all undFlr communications,
esneeially the "Estimated Valuations of Buildinp Permiis Isaned"� He said
that as Chariman of the Fridley Industrial Commission hr Was �erg proud �.�
s�e the acceptance of Fridley is continuing to �row, and although the total
figure on the dollar �er 'this year, the Altera�ion� and Additions and tha
Hospital make u� over $3���000 ef �hat figure so the City is rcrosiderably
ahead •f last year� and he �tated he feels it is a credit te our comrnunity
� that we are progreasing us we aro. Councilman Samuelson said that the thing
that was h€+artwarming to him was that at the Industrial and �ommercial level,
the City was almost !� timea what it was last, year at #h�.s time,
Cmuncilman Harris said he £elt this repnrt ou�ht to be cons3derad as a,
cmrmnunioation when it appear�y because he feels it is their responsibility
to pramote the City eT H�idley� and thia ia one way to do it,
The motion to recei�e was seconded by Councilman Wright, and upon a wice
vote� there being no nays� M�yor Kirkham declared the moti.on carriad,
MOTION by Counc�lman WriPht t� hold the official meeting mf the City Cotuacil
on July $� 1966. Seconded by Couaic3lman Samuelson,
hlr. Liebl� a visitor to the Council Meeting, said that there was one Councilman
vho was elected to the C3ty Council} but never shows u�. Councilman Wright
called £�r a point of erder� and asked that thia be declared out of order„
i2ayor Kirkham told Mr. Liebl there was an item relative to this on the agenda.
Upon a voice vote, thex+e being no naysa Maywr Kirkham declared the motiocz �arrie�
Councilman Harris suggested the name of Mr. 9�1"� -TPn�en who is riith Suburban
Engineering fur appointment t� the Building Board� He said he was very
qualiPiad ta serve, was willing te serve� and would L�e a credit ta the City.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to aopoint Mr. Bill JGnsen to the Building Board
to replaoe Dr. Eugene R. Chenette who is leavin� Frid'ley, Seaonded b;p
Gouncilman Samuelson. Upon a vmice vmte, there being mm �avs, Mayor Kirkhzm
daclared the motion carried.
MOTION by Councilman Wrzght that the appoint�ent to fill the vacanc� cre�'h��l
hy the resignatian mf Mr�s Herder ba tabled to gzp� the ��her members of
the Council 40 hours nutice t� check this outm Seconded by Councilman Harrls.
TJ��n a woice vote� there besng no naysa Mayor Kirkham declared the motion oarrAed,
Mayor Kirkham said he x�uld suggeat Mr„ Robert Buak]�yt Lecke Lake^ Road�
te fill the vacan�v aaused by the resignation of Mr. Herder on the Human
Relati�ns Cemnittes.
' MDTION by Councilman Harrie to cancur with the Mayer and apprint Mr� Robert
Buckley t� the Human Relati�na Cemmittee. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson�
Upon a voice note� Cmuncilman Wright vating nz�y, M�,�ar Kirkham d�clared the
motion carrSed,
Mayor Kirkhan said the FTiRA vacancy wlll be the replac��ng of Reverend Robea�
Aendall. Councilman Wright called f�r � poin+ �£ inforana*,��n, anci asked
by what authoritv did th�e Mayor find the vacancy. Mayor Kiskham said he was
sure the Councilman Wright recalled tha Att�rney General's report, rrhich was
reported on by the City Attarney at the last meeting, and as Mrb Meyer paixiteai
out st the last mee�ing� the same condition exists with Reverencl K�ndall,
Coun�ilman Wright said that the State Att�rney C=eneral"a opinion was not
directed at Fridley, but the City mi H�pkine� and there is prececience in
AttArney Cieneral's opinions ciiracted specifically ta Fridley, and he remindei
the Csimr„�1 a£ the fi�ding of inrompat2b3�it,y oE the Asssciate Judge anal
City Attorney and said that at that time no attempt Was made to say that the
mnst recent Council appointmeni was voic� f+r�n its iacegt�an� n� one said that�
t,?�� g�tinr had nnt been taken pa�perly, and the persmn in that positien rras
informed that he had a choi¢e, and he said it xas customary to res3gn �t!n firet
appointed position, Counc3lman Wright said that af ior any reason the two
pc�sitions are ine0mpatible, and this would hava t� be found by the Atternep
General or a co,art order, even then the 3ndividual 3�4OU1(I }SAIIC a chmice o£
what to �s?gn, and 3n this ca�e he Y!as and3cated that choice by rea3gning
�he pra.or appairt�ent, f.ounailman Wright said that there was hee� a lsng
and legal history whexe Couxacils have tried to remove menbers of the FHRA ,
far cause, and in every sin�le case, to his knowledpr,, the Council had had
�nr� right �m remmve. He said he wonlsl rather n�t like *o see this tested in
court a+ xrnnecesaary e��ns� to the Citg, Co�:�ncilman Wri.pht said that it was
clear t�a him that until they g�t an Attorney General�s rultng �► this
F,�rticular cage to allorr the nerson t�s remove the incompatibilitq as was
�xtended an Mr, ?ierricR's case9 both this declarat,zon and the preceding �ne,
in resnect to Mr. Herder, �;r the Mayor are inv�lii, He said that the
swearing in o£ Co1�ne1 Hofi'Man has not takea effect and been cleared, and
will not un#il these defects have been removad.
Mayor Rirkham said that Colonol Hofflnan has been ssrorn in hQfsrr, tw�* xiLnessea,
Councilman ?�lright aaid tha� if he waul� �lneck ?he lsw� he wovld find that was
�nt �fFici�xit.
Mayor Kirkham saj�� that Gouncilman Wright was making a parallel r£ tx�
r�fif7ce� that are nmt paral]_al. He said that if he wotLld campare them he
would find the mattes a�� a ljttle different, as it is n+at a matter �f imcempati-
b�lity, but a matter of not bein� eligible 3n the first place. Couiacilman
Wright asked if a Speci�l Municipal Judge, in his opinie�r was eligible f�r
appointment as Cit�r Attorney? The City Attortteg anawered that he felt
Gauncilman Wri�ht was canfusin� �two cla�rlv distinguiehabla legal questians,
Chne •i inr.o�npatibi'"!t�,� in @fFice, where a peraon is hmlding an o£fice and
ar,�eepts an a�pointment to an incompatible Affiae� he autmmaticall.y resigna
his £irst pmsition, He sa3d that the question here is not one of inc�mpatihility �
of officea, but eli.��bility fos appointment� and there i� no parallel what-
soever. Cour.cilman Wxight aska� him what his crite�ia was. The C;_tv Attorney
RR�fl f.l'13t, a.t wae the law describing the people available for anpointment t�
the FHRA} which excludes those people who hmld public office, He said that
they coul3 at this time, i#' they wishe+�' resi@n the incompatible office
and the Council coul€l, if it wished� then reappoint them te the FHRA� but
the doctr,ines are d1£ferent and the resixlts are different.
Councilman Wri�t said he felt the City ef Frid].cr should not hav� only cm�
manrs apinie�, and he would ].ike to have the Attorney Generxl�a aninion to
make sure that they are doing thia properl�. The City Attsrn�y said h!� thinks
the !!ttsa*ney (3Fn�ra1°s oninion is clear in Hspkins, and elear as i�t gertaina
t�a Fridle�.
Mr. John Meyers read a le*ter io the Council that he had preparedj which
statsd that the E'HRA does not ree�gnizt the recent action of the City Couneil
in appointing the Ce�7sne1 Hc�f't'man in plaa;e o£ Mr. Her�er mr anyene appointed tv
replace Rr_+veren� ��ndall, Ccarncilman T3�rris said that the Ccc�nr_il T.rapoger�
the a�1 plannsng pre��r.am, and adv�^.�ted the updating �f planning procedures.
Mra Mey�r said ]he �s refersing only to the FHRA and ne�t any ether planning
in Fr3dley. Councilrrax� Wr3ght aaid that ihe appointee has told h3m he i.�
�ppe�ed to the ?�� prognm also,
Councilman S3nnielson asked Mr. Meyer�s if he held the FHRA in a higher
echelon than the G3ty Council_, Mr. Mr.,yer said that the P'HRA it� separa,te �
^rr�m the Couneil and ia chart�red under the State of Minnesota. Mr, Barrow '
said that i£ the Cmuncil is s� sure it is right� why not get a ruling.
S3e asked if the Mayor woul� resad t.he letter from Reverend 3tendall. Mayor
Kirkham read the letter fram Reverend Kendall in which he z�es3gned from
the Fr3.dley Httman Relations Connnittee ta make his appointment still valid
iS thc Attorne� �eneralrs �+pinion 1� not ntraactive, or eligible for
reappoant.ment to the N1iRA iY the Att�rne� General's �pinion is retroact3ve
and bindin� acrosa the Statr„
Mr. Barraw said that a.n the interest af harmony in Fridley� he vould thlnk
the Counc�l wouie� want to pastp�ne a�?y ac.+ion until there i9 a ruling £rnm
the A.tterne�r Genernl, he said he ccaulrtl see ne reasen t� ride "raughshod�'
��rer xnyone, Mayor K�rkham said nrunning roughsh�dn xas Air. Barraw�s opini�n,
an�? �+e di�i not feol they xe�ce ��x'unnir.g rnta?hsho�" at all� and he did feel
the Council should not have to run to the Aitprn�y C�eneral fa: an opinion
erery time they turn around. He said that we have a Gity Attornsy that has
rule� on an �pinion and the precedent has been established,. Cmtineilrnan Wright
said that the City Attarney has donc it 6efore and bean averruled b,y thp
4�t�rney General„ A v3siter aeked May�r Kirkham what obj�ctions he had to
Reverend Kendall as he is rrilling to:serve. Mavor K�rknam said h� xmuld
prefer to have him on tha Hwnan Ralatisns Coamr�ittea, and th�t he wwld not
have appointed him to the FHRA in the firaC place. He :caid hr. had another
individual whe was al.s• rr�lling to serce. He said that Reverend Kendall
has �contributed a grea+. deal alrso to the Human Relations Commit�te� and waa
instrumental in organizing it and as the Mayor�s latter to him indicated,
he Kould appreciate his eont3nuing to serve on the Hu3nan Relations Committae„
May�r Kirkham said that he felt that the action he teok in re�ard to appoint�ns
Qalonel Hoffman to the vacancy r+as valid, and the naming af_ a rcp�acement te+
the vacancy that now exista due to the similar case with Raverend xenual] i_s
`+rx �rrder� and he said he wwld name Donald J, Mua^i� 6310 Uan Buran Northeast
to the post, Mayor Kirkham said that in trying to ksen in harmony with the
pattern that was already sstablished. Mr. Muri is Deacon at the Raptiat �hurch.
He said he did not want to embarrass any of the me�ers ef the Ministerial
Asa�ciatima sa he cltaae this gentleman xho has been actin� as lay assistant
to the pastmr at the Baptist Church, He said he would have asked the minister,
taut he was not a resident mf Eridley.
240TION by Councilman Samuels�n tm c�ncur xith May�r Kirkham, and appeint
Mr. Donai�' J. Muri to the Fridley Housing and Re�ir�+�e�opme�t Autharity„
�ecended by Councilman Harris.
Councilman Wright said he would like the recox�l to shox that he ohj�ctad t�
this prmceeding, as he did to ttta replacemer.t c�f Mxm H�raie�� aG impronex� and
illegal as the declaring o£ a vacancy unilateraly tay the Msyor is ?�n al]
respects unprecedented and illegal. Mayor Sirkham said that the record :,h4uld
also show the opiniaa of Mr, h'right ind3cates +.his in unilateral„ Ha said tha±
he Yeels that he is in fonformity witr the Attorney General�s rulang and the
opiniviz of the City Attorney on the Attorney General�s ruling, Counailman
k�right said that the Mayor had not made it in £�rm of ,n moti�n, t�as tad
declared it and not asked £or a Council m�tiQn� Cnrnr,�2a�an Wrivh�`, acked jY
this was c�rrect. Mayor Kirkham saa,d he recagnized lthe £act that a vacancy
existed. Ae said he did not need to d�clars it, i:.h� At#,c�rney General dec�ared
3t ir. his ruling. Councilman Wri�t said he woulc like the re��rc� to shrnr
that he objeatecd to that ar being false,
TrC�i'E upon the motion by roZl call: Y>irkham, Harris, and Szmu�lsen votcd ay��
'*iright voted nay. Mayor Kirkham +iPClared thz m�tic%n rarricds
?�+CYfION b,y Cour_rilman Harris tm conr,ur with �he City Manager and appra�ve
the followlnp appointment:
Jac�uelin� Ann Purce7.1
Frldley� Minnesota
Seconded by Coun�ilman Wright. Upon a voice vcate, there being no nays,
Mayor Kirkham declared the motion aarrie�.
MOTION by Counc:lman Wright� t.o re¢eive ths letter from Reverend Hendall
� and that a letter be written thanking him £or his services on the Hwuan
Relatians Commi�.tee. Seconded by Councilman Harxis, Upon a voice vo;,a,
there being no nays, Mayor Rirkham declared the motisan carriral,
MOTIGN by Councilman Harri:� tm rPaeine and fitA the cenrununicati�n from
Mr, Meyer. Seconded by Counoilman Samuelson, Upon a vo�ce vate, there
being no nay� May�r Kirkham declared the notio� rarried,
The City Manager handed out a cepy o£ the policy that xa� su�geated� Ee said
he and the Citg Attorney had talked tha_s over, and they fe�l it mak�rR good
sense as a policy. Mayor Kirkhsm explained ta the p�ahli�r t,hat the City Attarr.ey
had been asked to draw up this policy and read the policy to them,
NOTSON by Counciiman Harri_s to ad4�st Reso2ution #86-1966 incorporat3ng the memu
from the City Attarney r�n the use ei ��t,y Hall and equipment. Se.conded.
The Csty Manages asked i�' they regardec� �1 a year a rer.sonab]e f�e. Ca�z!*cilmam
��?eris said that this shonld be eg to +,he City ManagFr� depending on any littering
r3on�, or the cost of cAran up.,
9�1TE u��r the motion: IIp�t a vaice vote� there Tieing na nays� Mayor Kirkham
d���l.ared the motion carriesi„
MOTION hy Caunc�lmatt Harria to tablc this item until
Seconded bg Councilman Samuelsen. Upon a voice vote�
Mayer Kirkham dec]ared t,he mntian carried.
the nr,st regul�r meetinap
there being no nayc+3
Counci�!m�an S�muelsmn said that s��e o£ the Offtcers representinP the �rroup
had invi+.��} him and Mayox Rirkham to meet, and they hac? had a�ery nice
ronversation. He said this was �ua�ier the ;Pu]1 reeagnition of Chinf Mc�arthT,
He said the basic thing they hRd discu:,sed was the equalization ef pay, and
he said t.hat he theught that the Council should be arrare that this was the
major facst o£ dissatiRfact�on as £ar a� they were concserned. Mayor Kirkhsm
���i�3 there was to he a meeting the next evening of the P�lice Cnmmisaion,
kSanager and himself, requested by the Police Gommission Which may have s�me
bParing qn t,his als�. He said they worild prohably have a report f�r the
Couneil at the nexr reo�ar meeting.
The Ci�y Manager said thaC he had gotten this system e£ Yining Srcam Richfieli�
2nd they think they are the a�tly ones who have one. Mayor Kirkham said he
+�ho��ght it was a gc�od idea, and that he woula like a simi.lar plan for Fridley.
Coun�ilr3an Samvelson said he theught it� was a gmod idea. Councilman W��ht
�sbserved that no member had misseai mare than thrr,e regular er three special ,
m�et•in�s� and that thet�e are usually b,y reasonab].e excuse. He said the
Counctlman Sheridan��s nast ahsences have been due t• his former pos�tiAn, but n«w
he will k+e able to attr.nd regularly. Hc said that af the time Councilman �heridan
erga arle to attend,� he was here L00� c+f the time. C�uncilman Wright said that
�this wonld �3isrr�.mznate aga�_nst any memher xha has had ne crarn�ng �f 3t. He
SAid hA had agreed to #each tha.e summer in Wiseonsin, but will make every
possible ef£ort ts attend Grn�ncil Meetings. Councilman Wright auggested
that this be braught up f•r consideration at the first meeting af the reewalar
ra]endar y��r^ t,a apply t� subsec�txnnt. time� Ccn,ncilman Harrls sald that it
is the r+�sp�n��bi.l�ty �_f' the Crnmeal MembBrs to attend for their ward, and
for the C�,�,y pf �sj.dley. He said that there srill be times •f conflict
laccause of businesG and health, He said that if he missesd, it was hia
respansibi.lity to s�r 3t does not happen without cause, and it shovrs the
good faitY, of the CmL�cil to att.end every meeting. Councilman Wright. said
he agreed with the substan.^,� and �eneral fairness c+f this idea, if it ia
executcd at Lhe prmper time„ Mayor Kirkham said he would like to see
aomethir.g like this adopted. He said that the CounciZmen hxve run fo*- nffice,
and this required thPir attsndance at meet�.ngs. He sa3d it could be retro-
active ear placed 3n artion at any time the Council wanted. CounciAman Wriglxt
said that when the �ounri]. is organized is the time.
MOTION by Councxlman Haxris tca receive th�l9 fines �+chedule and have 3t appear
on the agenaa at the next meeting, on the assumgtion that all memhers be here
for a discussion. Seconded by Crarncilman Samuelson. L(p�n a voiae PO'f,Cy there
being no nav�s Mayor X�rkham ierlared the mmtion carried.
The Consulting Enginees had prepareci a repnrt mf a preliminary nature on
the possibilitq o4 a relje£ sewer on 61st Avenue. He shoWed the Council
a map k.�th �rtails of the pe�ssibility. He said +,hat he had discussed thi�
wi*1� N.S.S.S.D. and it wou].d b� P�seible to const^�irt, a reliei sexer disehargir,�
by grauity i��t• the N.S.S.S.D. �n the zrest side of the railroad tracks, He
explained te the Counci� khe area that would be cormnitted to tk�e relief sexer.
He said they have not che�ked into how many properties will be invelveai, as
they thou�ht they shAUl� Pet mare direction from the Gouncil on how much
fhrt.her alang the,p want to Qo before they computed the REC�s. Mr. Comstock
showed the Counci�, the cost fieures, which vould amount to apprcoximately
�36'OQ� tv r^el3eve the area Fnd ar, additi�nal amount +�Y �18�{?C�Q would not
have t� �+e sgent on contemplated repair. Mr. Comat�ck aaid that the big, cost
involved is the REC connection to the N.S,S,S�D� Se said the D�str.�c�
ncommended a metering device which would p�ck up the amount of :Flow when
it was being surcharged int� their liney and there z�*ould have to bP a suppleT
mental agreem�nt far payment, as they rrill want t� make a REC d'et�rmination
for this area and a charge f�r metered over£lds�r,
Councilman Harris suggested they accept the report and the Admiriistratioe
could determine the RECs,involved. Councilmsn Samuelson said thai, the,y
could see what they are facing.
AiQTION by Councilman Harrie te accept the feasibili�y st�zd,y from Comste�ck
, and Davis and direct the A�ninietration to cempute the charges and the co;,t�
involviu�g the RECs encompaseipg the area outlined. Seconded by Cauncilman
Wright. Upon a vaice vnte, there being no na,ys, Mayor Kirkham declared the
mation carried.
Mayor A3rkham asked the Council'a permie5lon to move the I,irenseg ��F on the
agenda. The Council agreed.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to appr�ve the fo5.lornng licensesz
G+mrry Hennes Sewer & Water
27z4 s,�nset Lan�
Aurnsville; Minnesota
Spetz & Herg, Ima,
6�21 Lyndale Avenne South
Minneap�li.s, Minnesota 55�119
Fred Vogt & Company
3260 Gorhan Avenue
Minneapelis� Minnesota, 55�t26
Chet Anderson Construction Ca,
�O1 - 97th Avenue N.W,
Coon i?apids, Minnesota
Hnrold F, Julien} Bldg. Cont,
�c�ute �l�
Ancaka, Minnesota
Park Region Developraent
3242 Highway �8
Minneapolis, Minnesota, s5lt18
Fred 0. Watson Company
11�09 w'illow Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Fred Vogt & Company
3260 Gorham avenue
Minneapolis� Minnesata' S5l�2b
Sto�:e & Bendiske
781K Gloria Circle
Minneapplis� Minnesota, 551�32
Ben Ruf£enach Plast�ring Co,
3611 York Avenue Nnrth
Minneapolis� Minnesota
by: Ger� Hennes
by; Erne;t R� 3petz
by: Fre@ Vogt
by; �hester I. t�n3es:9on
by: Harold E, Julien
by: G.'H. Staf£ord
by; Frederick 0, Wa+,;.Un
by: Freci Vogt
by: Jerc:tnp �,+,one
by; Ben Ruf£vnarh
REi�;�,�tA L
,� t
Jimbo's Pizz�.
E148 MissiScj.ppi Sti�eet N.E.
Fri.dley� M�nnesota
Jimba�s Pizza
21�8 M�.ssiss3npi St, N, E,
Fx•idleyy Minnesota
Aomans Pure Oil
$695 Hackmann N�E.
Frilley, Minnesata
9uhurban Dazry Dish
P. Jv E�ax 721�5
Camden Station, Mznnesbta
Terry Heilman
b261 Atle Stsest N.E,
Frldley3 Minnesota
Romans Pure Oi1
��i9$ Hackmann Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Minnesota
Fridley� Sliper Amer? ca
7lirl East Ha�er Roael
Fr�dleq, M�rm�sota
�t�virj Sr,r;mP�ke
$6l�9 LT��ver�i�y Av�na�c
Fr�dip;�� �'?+�n�sata
�31VD7N�'r TRUCP 3,I"ENSE:
b,y: James W. Scheoley
by: James �. Sr.haoley
by: Raman Trautt
by: �ayt� R. Aendricks
bys ?'erry HeiZman
by: Roman Trautt
hy: Aarbr�ra Baucam
L�;� Oavid Sohme�ke
P�olar Pear Z�rll•e�ee Ice Cream Company
Z ?i�? gi dgemant,
IfSnnea�oiis 27, Minnege�ta by: Robsrt W. Taurin�
and to aLso apps�ve the license of the Royal Aluminum Preaducts Company (Sheet
Tfetal. Cnnt�ractor). �er,pnded b,y Councilma:, Wright. Upon a voice aote, there
being no nays� hlavax Kirkhasn declared the motion carried.
Cotznc'.?man Wri�hi said that Mr, Hi�cock, the applicant for Red�s Club, was
pr�sent and he th�u�ht it wa� 3n �rder� iY the Chair agrees, to aslc
Mr. H�scwck any questians the Coun�il may have. Councilman Wright told
Mro H�srool� that the Council had a rou�3ne review, which is made withaut
r+.•�ommendation, from the Police De�artment, which is made o�i 13censes of this
kind, He asked Mro Hiscock if there were an,y violations, alleged or judged�
that would have nay bearing on his caparit,y to run the establishment.
Mr. Hascock answered� n�ne that he knew of. Councilman Wright asked if any
oi the matt+�rs on the rr��;�rd inv�lued liquor in any way. M±^. Iiiscock said�
n�o Gouncilman Samuels� asked if he was buying the estabZ�shment or had
an option on i�. Mr, Hsscock said ❑o, but latA* he may. Councllman Samnelson
asked him if he had run an establishment like this before, and he had not
run one but that he had worked at the Dipper on 21�th and Washington and had
worked in his home tawn in St. Stevens. He said he was employed by a Truc's
Grain Servicey and will b� workin? the two jobs, Councilman Sarrnaelson asked
�P he thaxight he could hand]e a11 the aesponsib�.litp under ttae license, and
he s�i.r_1 yes.
Cou^cilma,n Wright askeci Mr. TPr3stca� Attorney for tha Huetmakers, to come
for�,rard, �nd he was shown the ¢nnfident3al document which he read through.
There was a conferenre at the Cnunr.il table between Mr. Terpst.ras #he City
Attorney and the Counca7 on dif£erent pointe in the police rep�r�.
� 1
MOTION by Councilman Samuels�n that the applicanta as presented} with the
£orms and records as presenteda be denied the lioenses as applied £or,
Seconded by Councilman Harris. Councilman Wright said he opposed t,his,
but that he agreed at ihe last meeting that he would nat contest trie decis9on
if it was unanimous� which it sbviously is.
IIpon a voice vote� there being no nays, Mayor Kiricham declared the motion carried,
� The Caneult�ng Engineer explained the contents of his report to the Co��ncil,�
Ae said that the survey had be�n made becauae the Council had asked what could
be done on the i.ntersection. HQ reviewed for the Rouncil the reasons this
problem had developed in the first place. He said this plan may or may not
Be something the Council will xant to undertake„ He sa3d it tiaould alleviate
the problems but that it is not cheap, The Cztv At+,orneu said that the Coun�11
will want to know the impact o£ the assessm�nt s!ar�ad. Crn,�ncilman Harris�
asked the City En�ineer what he had found when k!a had checke�i into one of the
corner:+ o£ the inter3ection� The City �nginesr said that the street could
net be ratsed becauee of a garage. Mre Comstock said that this construotion
•f an additional storm sewer shauld really be along with the relief sewer if
it is decided upon� as they would go in at the same depth in the street anai
it would be $10lQ00 to $12�000 below the two estzm:�teg if they are done
t.o�ether. Councilman ?Tarria said that this was ver,y expensive� The estimated
cost of $70}000 would make it over $20'0�0 an aar�, Mre Comstock said that
this xould also take care o£ the intersection,
MOTION by Counci].man Harr3s ta receive the repu+rt o£ Comstock and Davis
regarding the Sylvan HiJ ls Park Drainage. Secox!dp�3 h�r �'�uncilman Wright,
*Sr. Comsteck said tkiat it would require 11�000 cubic yards of excavation
or the project will not £unctian, or they �rould have to settle for a s,yst�tm
less than designed. Councilman Harris asked where all the yards would comr
£rom. Mr, Comsteack said from the park sit�< Gouncil�an Harris suggested
� they put in a pond inaocessible £or play area by £encing, and rather than
dig up the xhole park, dig rne sump hole< `Phe �o��n�il s�ir;Aated the Consialtin�
Engineer prepare a plan to givn the Couaail an idPa o£ tae size of hale needed,
VOTE upon the motion to receive the rep�rt: Upon a voice vote, there being
no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motian cnrr9+°�,
MOTION by Councilman Wright t� table this item� The motion was secc�nded by
Cauncilman Samuelsm and upon a voice vote, there being mm �aya, Mayor
Ki_rkham declare& the motion earx�3ed.
MOTIOAS by Harris te table this itEm. Seconded bv Cauneilman Samuelson. I3pen
a voice vote� there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
The City Manager said that Pau.l Brown had advised h,m that there would b+
another application for tYte Council"s consideration, He explai�e� that the
yity will pay $31�00 and xill reaeive $31y00 from the State and will receive
$6$00 frem the Federal Government. The City Mana�er said that this must b�
in tm Mr. O�Bannon by the lst of July� and Coun�ilman Wright said that this
� amount had already been eaxmarked by the Gonnb�}r Fe,r Frzd],P�,
MOTIDN by Councilman Harris to accept the principal of the the�rp whi�h
will be adjusted in a supglemental agreement, and ai�thorize nacessary �i.gna�,vrpaA
The mot�on was seconded, and upon a vozne vote, there being na nays3 Mayr�r
Kirkham declared the motion carried,
Couttrsilman Harris said that the Council�s acti4n on dasignating the 1e�;a1
newspaper quarterly was justified as they had siimulatsd a nex newspaper
and upgraded the news oP the existing newspapsx.
M4TION by Counr,ilman Harr�.s adoptin� Resolution #87�19h6 tha+, th«� Fridle;�
Record by d�sigmzted for the remainder of the year 1966� and that at the first
meeting �f ]9�+7 have both newspauers brin� in a certifieal audit oi ciraulatian
to h�]� the Coun�11 make 3ts decisien. Secondecl b�� Ce�unc3lman Wright. Upon A
-roiAe vote, there be3ng no nays, Maymr Kirkham declared the motion carried,
The City Engi.neer explsine�3 that the County �.s impirovir�g Osborne Road from
T.,Fi„ ���7 tt� C�:7�� Gentsal, The}r a�ce just puttin� a mat mn it anc� �nat ourb and
�utter at th3s time Event��ally� he aaid they t�d?1 have concrete curb
and gutt�r,
MOTION b,y Coi.u�rilman Wright t� adopt Reaolutiat� #88-1966 llpproving the Grade - �
ES�'�F? R, Sflr-onded by Gouncilman Harris. Upon a n�ar.e v€nte, there being ne
na�+rs� May�r Kirkham declared the motion carrieu�._
The C�ty Manager explained that thiw tnll ba for the usc o£ the Liquor N[anager�
and although thas car is startin� to shsw wear, the Admin3stration would like
to get the rest oP the xear �nt of it by lettin� the Assessor�s o£fice use 3t.
?'he Counc�l thought this w:a,g a o0od i��a�.
MOT7QN by Con*�ni]man Wr�gh* +Q adopt RPSOlut3on #89-1966. Seconded by
Cc�unriltnun N_arras, U�nn a voice vote� there being no nays� Mayor Kirkham
declared thP melti.on csrrie+��
�ns Grn�mcil c�iscussed *he �'ac+, that Mr. Pewell and Mr. Kay w�re �p�ased to
the project an 63rd Avenue. Councilman Harris said that when sth Street
is co�ne�teci he coul�i �Ae more justiFication For it� but that he could not see
much ntarposc to it naw.
R?�'!'SON by C�unr3lman Wright� t� ad�;+t Feselation #90-1966 ST. 1966-ld (Addendum �2) ,
dele*ing the Imnr�avement on 6�rd Avenue. Seconded by Councilman Hanr�.s. Upmn
a voice, vate, there b.ing mm �ays, Ma,ymr Kirkham cieclared t4+e m�+*ian carrie�l.
CounciLman Harris said ha xas glad t�a see this jo6 getting underwa�r,
?�O�ION bv C�uncilmfin Harx3a t� ac�opt, Res�lution #Q1-1966 for ST. 1966-10
{Saal Coating}, Seconded h�;r Counc3lman Wright. Up�n a voice vote� there
beang nc� nays, Mayar Kirkham declared the motian carried.
.^.ouncilnnan Harris said he thoz��ht the City xa� nat going to service Terry's
�'1at, The City Fngin.er eacnlained that this xill be jnat on EYllmare Street
tc� service the SchoolD and that this r�oes not �ive him any assistance. He said that
these project� ha�rr. been ordered in by the C�uncil, this is ordering the bids.
i?OTT�N by Councilman Harris to adopt Res�lution #92-1966 �or SS&SW �79a
Srconded bv C�uncilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vate� ther� be�ng nc� nayr�
'�ayor iiirkham d�c�ared the motion car�S.ed,
The City Mana�er said that two petit��ns had been reeeived on this preject�
the resL xas bv letter� The �ity Engineer e�cplained where the sidewalks
wot�ld g�. �ouncilman Harris said that Caral Drive to Eaker Avenua should be
delek�d unt2l the 5treet 9� 3mpravPd, as it would give tgouble when building
the �treP#,. S�iaymr Kirkham said he wondered what �ood sidewalks from Baker
Aaenae to N� €�h�ray �6!� wi11 ha. ThP �ity Attorne,y said he questioned that, also,
and asked what. the �ounc�l po�5cy was on asaessing churchea. Cauncilman
°zmuelson answered 100�. The Cit,�,r Atanager said that this would help channel
�ha pPOple to�rd the preper walkKay„
.T!JTION hy Covneilman Harris �o adopt Resolution #93-1966 fer ST. ]966-2
(�d!iendum #2), deletinP West Moore Lake Llrive, Carol Drive to Baker P_venue.
�eeonded by Councilman Ramuelson.
The City �rtgineer drex the Covncil�s attention to � n�e b1�ck lengtl3 oS
blst l:venue frt�m ilniversity to 7th Street with asphalt curbing and he said
if ar;ything was going t� be doas w�th the rosd, all they wonld have ta do
woxil.d be to put an overlay and concrete curb on i.t, he sai� �+therw3.se ±#
is a dauble prviceas, fiPSt yeu go in and pui, sidewalk in and then next tbe
curh, He s�+id that this could come Srom the State kad Fund, The Council
said that it, makes sense to do it� and it shculd be done raeht i.£ �.t is
goin� to be done. Mr, Qureshi said that the Asnha.Lt rrrhin� really is not
toa bad, perhap� �t cou]d be left for awhile and come baek to it later,
Councilman Harris said that the City will be doin� other• aoncrete curbin�
prcjects through the City? anci it would not b� �uch to add this te some
� other pro�ect. Councilman Wr3ght asked the Cit1 Engir,eer if vt was �orrer.t
that he was propoa�nn to put a nex mat on ii to match it �ip witYa t�he other
ones, and he answereda yes.
POTE upon the motion: ilpon a voice vote� ther� be�n�; no na��e� Ma.yor i�lrkham
declared the motion adopting Resolutinn #92-?"f� carried.
PRAJFCT ST� 19 ��2 ADnENDUM 2: � �'
MOTION by Councilman Wright to adopt Resalutior� #9L-]966 � ST. lq6b�2
(Addendum #2). Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upe�n a voice cotex ther�
k�etng no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motian ^-�rr'�ed,
MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Res�luti�r� #9�-19E6 commQnding
L�onald Beaudette. The metion was secondedr and npon a voice vmtez there
heing no nays� Mayor Kirkham declnred the moticsn narriad.
MOTION by Caunczlman Samuelson to adopt Resolution �j96-1966 commerc�ing
� Isaci Tavxres De Oliviera, The motian was seconded, and u�o+� a vo��P *��rte,
there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham derlared the m�tior? carr3ed.
:tE50LUTI0N �9']-] 966 T4 COMMH3�ID THE MILTON BA3TEv5 c
MOTION by Cpuncilman Samuelson to adopt Resolutit�n #97�1965 commending
the Milton Baileys. The motion was seconded, and upon a voace vote� therQ
bein�� na nays� Mayor Rirkham declared the motir�n carried„
cLarr�s :
M(1TION by Councilman Harris to approve for payment General and PubJ.ie Utilitie.^.
Claims #8831� t,hrough #8952 and Liquro Claims #66 through #1l�5� The moticm was
seconded� and upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham decJ.are�d
the mot3on carr3ed,
MOTIGN by Councilman Samuelson to anpreve thc follr»war�g estimates:
Comstock & Davis, 7n¢.
Conaulting �ngineers
24�16 County Road '�J��
Minneapolis' Minnesota �51�32
� Estimate #1 for ilirn3shing of a snrvey part,y to the City
fer Stree#,Improvement Projsct 1966-1� (Schedule A7 from
April !�, 1966 through May 26, 1966 (Plvm�uth Addil,i�n}
(See Resolution #68-1986= May 9s 1966 agenda $ 1a05$„�p
For the furniehing o£ reaident inspectien and resident
supervision for the staking out of the cons#xvr.tlon work for:
Eatimate #9 - Sanitary Sewer� Wat�r & Storn? Sewer
Improvement Prc�jeet Number 73 ��'xc,m May ?,, lqb6
throngh May 28, 19� (5�tth and Innsbruck 5th Additic�n) $ 235,00
Estimat,� #!� - Water Improvement Preject Number 7s-C
(Schedula 2) from May 2a 196b thz�pugh Ma,y 28, 1966
(High Surfaee pumps and three addi�t,ional filter$ -
Cammons Park) $ 1Q�.�Q
Bstimate #!s - Wattr Improvement Project Nwaber
7�-�C (Schedule 1? from May 2, 196b through May
28� 1966 (� Mil�ic�n Gallon R.eservoir}
Eatimate #1� - Water Impravement Project Number
75-� from May 2, 1966 through May 28, 19bb
(Thre� additional drift �,rella)
Sui3. Sc,lidifiers, Inc.
i0601 Olsan Memorial Prive
Minneanolis� Minne�ota, 5s�27
$ 378.T5
$ 1G0.00
Es+amate �1y (Final) for work completed on �.�.P,
Di3aster Sewer C��aning Program 1965-66 in Aacardance
w�th tha Contract �1r�660.l�
Ea+akley Surfacing Com�any, Inr..,
3756 Grand Street Northeast
Minneapalis, Mi�nes�t,a, 5Sh2�
RFtimatA #1 (Partial) Strce+, Irnprevement Pr�ject
Plumher ].966�1 (Schedule A) (�ak Grove Acidition�
P�.ver*�iew Hei.vht._,, �t,r�l
�� mo*�rt�;� waW seconded, and npon a voic� vote� there bF�in� no nays?
May�r Karkh�m d�elar��1 the motion carrie�.
!:ounci�man Wri�ht s�i_d that �Fames PPterson would like to hpld Monday night
!�anoes £rom n�w until Sept.�mk�er Kth £rom 8:00 until 12:00 at the Kni_ghts
af Columrus Hall as a private enterprise. He said he has talked to Ohief
1�tr� arlFhy an�] ha� a�reed to all res?ric•tint�4� sn� wi71 k�ave !� pa3d Minnesotz
Uni,uersitg Sn,othal7 F1ay�er� as chapPrones. Councilman Wright said that the
Knights of Columbus wn��].d like some worci in writing that the Council had no
vb�cc�,�on. Counr.ilman Harris asked if there wrnil� be an o£f-duty policema�
r_�r�reni,, anc? Counci]rnan Wright said that there wcmld be at least one, as
Mr. Pet.eraon had said he woulci do what ever Police Chief MeCarthy propased.
MOTIUN by Cotu+,^�lanan krr�gh� that the Cj+u Manager `rs�ite a letter to James
Peter;;on approving the proposed Mond�y night dances. Seconded by Counailman
Samuelson. Ugon a voice vote, there heing no nays� Mayor Kirkham declare+i
t,hP n�ot3 �n rara� ed.
Cpuneilman Samuelsmn said that on July 9th the Planning Commiesion advert3sed
a Publi�• Hearin� on a piece ef pr•perty and only one member of the Planning
Commass�on and Mr. Wagner shoxed up for the meeting, He said ha £elt this
was a poor clisplay mf �overnmental practice. The City P4ana�er said that
��- �alling the members of the C�mmission� they had £oiind out in time that
thr,re wau]ed nat be a quonam and notices had been sent out to the interested
ritizens. �o�ixic�lman Wri�ht asked iY a letter should be written to the
Qoimnissien about thetr at,i:endance. Councilman Samuelson said that when a
Public Heartng is advertised and the Planning Commission cannot even �tt,end
their own �seeting, ii, shrn�7.d nct be run in this wau. C�i�rcilman Harris s�id
that in the iFti.er he rroFose�1 to the Ecnmail, he indicated ti:at he felt
some renr=an��a*i�n was needed on the Planning Commission and one of the
pointa he lx��� m�des on a prelim�.nary basi9 was increasing the size of the
Planning Commission, and ma.ybe this is a justifiable point� heaause if there
is added manpower, it woul.d b� easier to maintain a quort7m. Mayor Kirkham
asked whexe th�s prop�sal stands at ?�reGent and thF Citg Mana;€�r said th�
"?annin� CUnmissioxi wae r?,-+c�y to meet w�_tk± the Council any time. Councilman
Narri.s said that if the Cit,y Manager will remind tu m� he will have somethinp,
fer th� Counril at the next meeting. Mayor Kirkham said that the Ccauncil
�rould get going on scmething. The City Manager pointcd out that th�r�
lack of a r�uorum was t,he iirst t�me i.t has happened in over two years.
Thr� Gity �tt�rney sai d t.h�+#. he had beem ciown to look at the four p� oces
of prop�rty (the daublP bunga].ows on bth Street) with the B�xilding Tnspect.or.
°.P said that they have put in blacktop. almost all of thF god, and some
I�ainting has bpen done on the outside, and some on the ins�de. He said
tk-at the ha�arclou� action would hzve to be stax-ted anew a,�s ir_st the new
owsaery if the Counci] w�nted this. Councilman Ha:rris sai�� that the partial
compliance suggests they are n,oing to da somethittg, and he suggested the
� r�
Council �tari action� and if the work is completed within twenty days,
the Co�cil cou13 drop the actian. Counci]anan Wrigh� said it woulci be
very unlikely the Council vould go all the wav to r,ourt. He said the other
action had been drApp�d bacause the owner had subsi,antial insurance and it
got to a point where they had to go to caurt er settle, The Ci#,� At,torney
asked if it was the Counoil�s desirt to starG a new action t� use as a
lever. Mayor Kirkham said he dad ns�t think a lever was needed, The C2ty
Attorney said that the �eople are still living in the d�.Plex, and hp co�alci
get a court to order them out� but that would take at least 30 da,ys, and
he hnned that it will be done by then.
Councilman Harris said he had talked to the Chairman of the Ligu�r Study
Commi.ttee and the,y have had two meetings and �dll meet aga�n priQr to the
next Ce•�rr,i�,d+Iee+3ng� and will report at th;�t time on the work thev hane do�e.
Councilman Harris said that a number o£ quest�ons have �?een raised ,about
the atatus of the �O1 Program and frondering what �_s ?��ppening� The City
Pianager said that hs had talked to Mr. Hodne and he is working on the
elaboration o£ tha outline, Conncilman Harris said that it seemed incon=
ceivable that 3t covld be taking so loxzg. He said th�t perhaps the Counc�l
should entertain the idea o£ reviewing this prograro £rom its inception. Tha
City Manager said he would talk to Mr. Hodne, Counc�lman Harris sug�ested
the Council direct the Administration to oontact Mr, Hodn� to get some idea
where the program is now situated, and the Council shouZd� in his op�nion,
take a second look at the overall prograzn.
There being no f�rther business, Mayor Airkham declare3 the ReguZar Meeting
oY June 20, 1966 adjeurned at 2:1�5 A,M.
, Respectfully submitted,
��/� r�% `� �\� _ %ii ,�,�� .. _%
Mary Lu Strom
Acting Secretary to the Council
i ,� �
c �c/� l �-
_� �������,
� Ja�k (1. K;_rkham
The Regular Meeting of the City Council was cailed to order by Mayar Kirkham
at B:10 P.M,
MENLAERS PHESENT: Kirkham, Harrls, Sheridan, Wrighta Samuelson
M�TIDN by Cowacilman Wright to apprrre the J�?ianx�es c�f. +hP -TUne "<Oa 1�;F� Mee+�ng
as subr�3tted. .�ieconded b;T Samuslson. IIpon a voiee vote, there being nc> nays,
the motion carried unanimously.
The �ity Manager stated that Mr. Kruz of Twin City Outduor Advertisinp,
Assnciation xas supposed to be at the meet3ng. The PIapor asked �f anyone
was present representing the Outdoor A�3vertising Association. No ane was
present. There was some discussion on the mat#,er �i the aize of signs tha�.
would bs allowed ln the different areas,