07/11/1966 - 00021417��� a�z�/�� THE MIPIUT�S OF THE SPECI4L COrJNCIL MFETING QF JUL� 11� 19bb The Special Coun�i3. Meeting cf tha Ci�� of Fri.dle�r wa:� called to ord�r by Mayo!^ I�ir���m a° gE�lt� ?.M� h7� T L �� � P.L MFMAERg °AEgrp,rm: Barkham. Rarris, �amuelson ?�IF'NIDFRS AB.S,�grTt Sherictan� Ulr3ght Ma;�e�r K� rkh�m ej!olaineci th� t ci�1s �ae�ting has �+een �a11ed fnr tha purp�se of hn7ding � P��blic He�ran� on twa prapos=� improvements. STR�3ET SMPROVE?"L�NT PROJ_F,��' 19�i6�2 (ADDENDUM #2): T�q�yr�� x�ri��am rza� the Notic� a£ Iizaring, and stated that each ser,ticn woa�ld b� +,�ken indivici9a�llg as it appears on the Notic� �f Hearin�!. 6lST AVFI�7F,� iINI�TF',RSS�'Y A�T��LrF T� 7TH STR,E��'Tt Mayc�r Kirkham as!cer� if anyone present wished to be hearri on this eect.ion, Mr. �dn+o-�ci A o Swarsky, 1y91�61st Avenue Northeast, st.ats 1 that hP wo,alc� l�ke ��n know xhy t,hey are ge+tin,� sidew2lks. ?Say�r Ki*kham sa,d that tkis was a h�avil�,° tr�en�^,d street leadin� to the school,s. Mr, Sworek�r askerl how it heneiatte� hi� proper+v. �IP sai�l that for many yeare, he has let the rka�ldre� �valk on k�iG 1a�n to keep them out of the street. He said tha± as ?t wa� for thF schnol;,, they should pa,Y ior them, Mayor Kirkham eacplained t-hat t,hi� is 1Agall,y imposs5l�le, ?�?-. Sa1 Guzizbsirgers 62�9 Baker tl*renne N.Ev, e,a3d that his lot slopes down and �sked i£ *he Cit.y wi11 build a sma�l ret�inino ua11 when they build the sidewalks? The C1t,y En�inee* sai�3 that tt?� City does ttot propose any retainzng walle, an� that his lot could be slop�d to the sidewalk. Mro Gu.^.zbnrger asked who had made the application for sidewalks. Mayor Kirkhzm ansxerad tha� the School Board has requested them, and a1s� the Cz�;r Covnc��., Mr, Tha��Q?�y fr�+*n the Sr,hor.+1 Pnar�?, stated that the Schoml Hoa.*d has bPen r�q+�estan� sadewalks aro�ind the school }aui��iings fbr 8 or 9 years. They haxre requeste�i sidewalks ara,.mr� th�: main srhocl complex which �s in th� cwnt�pr of thr r, yty. Mr� C,unzbairger aeker� why all the street was �ncluded with the except,ion of ('a-^.�l Dr��re t,o Sak?r, Councilman Samuelson sai�l that this preject had been abjected to hy the pr•�perty crnasaers, and there was no reason £or sidewalk in that area at t?vis time, M�yor Airkham said that th3s was all one prc,ject. Th� streets w�re �eing to '�e imnro�rnd also and a he�ring had ]>esn he`�_�i at which Uim€ #.he St,reet wa� �?Pfeated so the e�dew�lks were elim7na+a�1 also. Ms. Gymzlnirger �aad that he had b�en at the m�eti:za that, had heen held and ehev harJ prot�sted the ra��arth si3e of the stseat £rom Haker to T.H. �65. Cc�zancia.man Samuelsnn explaine�i that th� City was trying to channel chi�]�Iren zn thP directic�sa of the fut.rrre signal, whem the�r �a�u1d be able to cross the street with a k�3xtton r,ontr�l s�>st�m, �nd the siclewalk will chann�l the ch9_ldran. S�r. Gunzburger said that not half a dozen people walk here in a day. Councilman Harris ,aid that, th� Couneil �as not fully di�c�ssed t�ni�, anc3 pernaps there i_s some merit ?.n havin� sidewalk on onl,y one s9.de fram 3aker to ".'.I3, ?�6,ri. Mr. C.unzl�ur�er said tha+ he c�id n�t, want to be assessed f4r this prniect, ?3e caid he har� lived here 10 v°a.xs anc� ?t was gettinn ��+ that hF e��al� noi, even pay for S.t n�w. Maycr Rirkham sa3�i that� t��e re�snr fpr h�ldir�u the hearing was tc givA everyone an oppartvn�ty ��� let th� Council knpw how they feP�. rq-�, S.,r�rsky said that everyone going to the Seni.nr Hi2,� School ualks herey �n�3 ne mtzst pay fdr 7+h Str��+ now and fer�ls other people sh�uld pa,y also. ,e;�ri_�man Harris said t,hat th�re ha� heen �ome c��scnssion w5th�n �he Caunri2 ab�r,t the possiYsi].a.ty t,hat the pro�erty oxnern mieht npt re asse�sed tl�e total �mc,uYt,, but a perr,en�age o1' the to`a7_, bat that� a,st� I.��tal ii�ure miisi. be shown ��r�ti? the Cazmc�� dPC�nF•s cr, hraw mueh of a percentage ;+ �k�rn�1r? k,�, i#' 4hie '?� aga�eed �ip�n, '�r. Sworsky s�i.�l that he vaa� iri favor ' , � `� � u 7!? ��'6� af the sidewalks if they were asseSSed fair]_,�, C�ti�rri-ma* Harr�� arti'^� '-'"�r had no objections to the sidewalk� if the a���esar�ent w�i°e sprea,i !'�zrther, P4r. Sti�orsky said this was correct, Mr. L;�nn Gall��p, a visitor ta the C���x�ci] Me�t,ir�g, sa�t{ tY,at his rk�i)draa� attend Parkview, but that he is noL ar. the assF.Gsm�n+ ?3��t. H� .aid that he was in f;�vor af sinewalks in general for Fri�lley, ard he 9aid be feel* re sheuln help pay, He suggesteri the Cour�e.il sg�nB w ��a� cf tim� �r th=a� an� find a wa3r in �rhich all r.an participaLe, an� p�x•Haps thex•e c3n be s�dew�lks throughout Fridley, Gouunc�7ma� F��a�aA].so� S�i� thaL this w�s part cf the City's overall program. He saari fihat sa.c+ewa7_k5 are going ar � on Mississippi Street n��a. and thPy hope to hzi�*F �ade�ralks an the h�:avil�r cz•avelle3 roads, poasibly East Fciver Road so�n, i,o ge'. th� c�-+� ldren e�"�° the street 3nd �,o*,�+ �idewalks� He sai� t.h<�k, t,h�,, z�: the prizr,ai�} purvo�e af the pro�ect, and there i� no plan to ga taok ir�to the resSc�entaal sect.ions unti� the cit7zens re�uest s�dewal=cs. Px., Sworsky sa� c3 that he helongs to St, W511 a am: an�i ev: ryenr gn7 zA� t,e church wi_ll use the sidewalks, and his point was that he cii�l nat wani, tc+ pay fox• 1��OOQ oz• 5�0�)li athcr peoplem Councilman Samizelsnn �aid that another reasor� £ox• th�� st�ewal.k5 is that as soon as the School Boa-r�l can provide safe me�n. £�r ch5ldrera io get to schoal, thev can cut down cn some p�rr,�:�t�!�e of their� f•,*zsing �asts� I�ex�. Gunzk�urger asked how lon�� the Couzi+ �] ha�? li*r�d in F�^i.d] ey. He sa3 c7 he had liued,here 10 years, and onA of the se2linp poani.e had iaeer. � nn sidewalks. Councilman 5amuelson pointed ouL a,�ir� that szdewalk� ar� noi, proposr.c' for the residential areas. P4r. Meyc;r, a visi#ur to the Co�mcil hreetin^, a�k��# 5_+' th�.� typ^ ot' f'i+,z, £unci,ian requzrPd a petiti�n. Gour.cilman �amuelsan sai.d that a pet��Gi c�n had keen receaved from the Sahael Board, an±i ��yrs5call;t he ?acnld cansacl�_r this more o£ a c2F+ita1 improvement £or the Cit�w, The C�_1,v Attarney e�lained that if a petitian is recei*�ed with over �C�` rapresented the C�mrcil can pa�as ' an improvament w:.th a majoritp Z��t�*, If tl�e peta_tion i� not 3�;� it r�+quire� a!�/5 vc,+_,e, He ^aid +hat setting a 51� £igure a� a pol�cv of the rovaical in most, thin�s. No on? else asked to speak or, thi� sectzon at thir, ta.ma� C�1ST AVh�ITJE: 7TH STREET TO �'E�T MDORE LAK� DRIVE: Mayoz� i�irkham asked if there, wa= an� nnc nresent who wi:,l:eci ta be hF�ard an this sect�i.on� ?'h� rF was no re;,ponse� k1E;ST MOORE I,AFCE DFTVE: 615T A4'�NUE TO CARCJL DRSVF„ May�r Kirkham ssked if thex•e was anyane nreGent who wi^h�d ta be heard c�n th�.s sectiun� There was no response. WEST MCKIRE L4IfE DRIVE: SOUTH PROPERTY LINF �F SENIOR HiGH SCHOOL TO 6�tT AVENl7E WEST SIDE ONLY ; 4 Mayor Ka.rkham asked if there was anyone prFSent wria wiehe��l to bP h�-��rd on this aectian� There Was no resp��nse, TAEST_ MOC�RE LAKE DRIVE: BAKER A4ENUT'� ',"0 HIGI;F�IiY ;�b�: The City 1�±t,orn�ry saia that he had had a c�]1 fram; Si„ rhillipg �hia>•rh and � the record should show that 'St. Ph�ll_ps favcar� sadewalk axi the south side of thF s+reet, 7TH STREETa S9TH A�NUE TO 6iST A�IENUE (EP_ST SIPE ONI.Y)_ Mayor Kirkham asked if ther� wa�, anyone pre�ent �sho wished to be heard on this section. Tt�ere was na responses GENE'dAL DISCiiSSION OF PROJECT: Mr. Thayer asked 9f the sidewa3.ks were to�.be '� feet w�.de as thi� as what the School Board would like. The City Engineer sazd that tYis ��sessment.s wer� based on a� foot sidewalk. Mr. Thayer asked why the sadewalk was stonped on the east side o£ �th Street from 61s± Av�zrue to the north preperty 13.ne of t?�e. Frid].ep Commonsm Councilman Samuelsozi sa9_d the mo#•a�t+n} as he recall�sc, A'j 7��6C� tr• ���, txr th� Pub�Pi_c Hearing ha� been stated t1�is way based on the letter x•ec�iyed from th� School 5aard, Mayor Kir�kham said that thi_s covld he added wit,hn�?t a hearin� as it is Cii.�, property. Councilmt+.n Harris Qaid #,hat there �i�d not seem_ tr be �r�,y reason for doin� it at the present t,ime. A pr�per{.-,r rwner asked if the mairtai_n�ne of the s�dewalks had been considered or wou].d ero�r ,�=n�nqa] be up to the property owrea•. The City Engineer said #,hUt th� Cour?ri3. wouiri have t,o set a ncalicy om this. Mayor Kirkham pointed nait tY,a+ �s *he C!ty ha;� ha� no �?dew�]ks ug until now, there is no pnlicy for mcintain3ng ti�e�no Mr. Ga]'_i�� a�ked wlay i� �s impo�sahle to assess the schnol. hlayror Kirkham expJ_ainec3 #h�t tk�e 12w dnae nnt aiiotb assessing £or property that daes not at�ui, their 1?r�aperty. Courari7man Harr�.s said that the Gounr-il woul� not give an,z,� cre,rt?��, to t,t-,r ,+�ho4�, Tlhe;y �rculd pa�r the £itll �see5�ment. �nuncilman Ss�a�.lelsc�r� eacpl�irser? that i£ there was a credit to the property owner, th�► res# ca�uld come iram the Gnneral Fur�d. Mr, S*.aor5ky said that a_f a man five bincks frcm him oaid X number of �o7lars� he w�ulrl pay the same. Ma3F�r Kirkham asked if he was more concerned with the �sses=ment tkiasi against the s�_dewalk and M�, �fiwarslcy answere�l, '�Yes�'. C'firaeeiinan H;�rr?� s^i�? t?�?t, it it wa5 a�;sessed �n a percentage bas3sy anrl ju.t ��s��m3n�• tRat he was as�essed li3 of the tot�vl assessment as a hene£itt3.ng �?rorertg nwne..• anr3 aBStarLirne 213 �va� nnt ot? the general taxati��n r�lls foa� #.he r��t e£ the peo��lf� they weulr� n2y +,hat amount of money� and likewise when a si�te�aalk wae put :in rm their pz�operty they would be paying 1/3 and the reat af the people including Mr. Sw�rsky would be paying the halance, Mayor KLL.rkham3 he�ring no further ebJecti.�n� or questions elosed the hearing on Stx�Fet ImPrnvement Praject 1965-2 (Adde±��um �`2) at 8:1�5 P.M. PUBL7C HEARTTIC ON STbRM SE�rIPR FR��TECT N�, �?l: The City Ma,nager read the Notice of Heari�+g. Ma,yer Kirkha�n asked if anypne �r���nt w=�n interesteti in this particular Project and there Fras no answer. Gonunca.lman �Sartis asked it this prcrject was lOQro petitioned' and A?a,yc�r Kirkham sa���1 he, belaPV�� ee. Ceuncilman S��zuelson said t,hat tk�is wa9 to -t+rreet a bad sit�aation on dble Street, xhicih £ertunatPl�f Mr. Nagel and Nr. Ha�ieec are r�eveloping. M�,rrr Kirkh2m closed the Pub13�: Hearang on St,erm Sewer Project� No. E�l at €�sEtB P.Ma A�1dqTlI{@1M �1T : Thare t�eing nc fnrWh�:r l�usin�ss, Motion by Cauncilman Harris� seconded by Cnuriri7man Sant�?elsnn ta adjourn the meetang. Mayor Kirkham declare+� thR meeting �c?�c*nrned at 8:��:� FoN1. Rr��„crtf��3.ly st�tamn t,tedy � �� )- ,"_ _ `�"" � �" �� ; . , �, -.- ��� .<<�_��� Mary Tai �drrm* I?eting [err�trrv *.A th� �ouncil ����< <n �� ������"� � J.�,�k Q. ?�3rkhr�m � MAYOR � , ,