07/14/1966 - 00021406� � � BOARD OF ��UALIZATION MEETINC� OF JULY 11.�, ]_9C�i � e�, 2f1l,A'fiF, `fhe ��r.al Board of Equalizati� oi the Citu* of Fridley� �noka CounLy, was ��lled to or�3er at 8i.00 P,M, July 11�x 1966, Roli Cal.l; Mayor Klrkham; Counr,ilmsn Harx�? s and Samuelson, Absen+ were Counrilmen Sheridan and Wright, Also present werp: City Manager wagner� Cit,y Ass�v�ara Herrman�, Leon Mads�n, ➢eput,y A�Qessor �f the w`ridley Assessors OFficr �nz3 V5rg31 Wern�,�x^� Deputy AFSess�x o+' the Anoka Covnty Assessor� Office. Local residents g�re;�ent were; John E� Kassulksr, 6525 Main St, N.E. Mrt�. W. B. Strub�, 7890 Broad Avenue N.E. Robert J, Aollenbeck, 571 - 79th 'rlay N.E. Robert W� Kretloua 788� '3road Ave. N.E, Mrs, �'err: 5wanson, 312 Rice CrePk Terrace} Charles Swanson, 312 Rice Creek Terrace D, L. Sr,herer� b525 F 2n� St. N, E, iiuno A. Ro�+ponen, Fi280 - 6th St. N.En Ke Kravik� 7�6 Talmadge Way N.E, David D, Sahaaf1 TteForter far the Fridley Re�rrd The Riverview Heaght� area rras discussed. Ms°� H�r*_�man state�i that 4n 1q65 15� depreci.ation had heen allowed in the flood ar�a and ir 1966� 2C�� hac� been allowed. Mr;,, Strub of %89a Hroad Avenue N.E�, stat��l that her taxes £or t�e year aP 1966 had been increased, Mr. Herrmann F�urarerl ont that hFr taxes on t,he home and the 2 lots on which the hnuse is situat�d, had taeen decrease*3, M�^o Krei�low stated th�t sper.ial at;essm?r.ts had been addnd Yox• this year in the ?tiverview Heiphts area, Nayor Kirkham asked Nrs. St,xub if ah� would like to haae� {he amount, of tax_e� so that she could checic wzth her laan compariy, She stated she would have the loan company ch=ck th�_a out,. Mr. Kretlow� %B8s Broad Ave. N.E.? statacl that tiie 20;� was ns�t adeasate inas�-rtucki a� the area is not liveabl�, llra Werner of t,hG� Gounty Asses��nrs Oit9�ce statsd that the City of Aroka gave a 3;� to 5% depre�a�tion l�e,t �,.ear b�,t. �_t rras remov�d for this year. Mr. Ho].lenbeck mentioned the Storla home at 7°�1 Rive�^��eFu Terrace had been sold rer,ently and th�_s ha�, been thr, only sale in the area this year, The amount ot the sale had not been g�ven, Mrs. Stnib than asked if there were an;� plan� for �,,,king a park ot�t of t,�g area� Mayor ftirkham stated that nothing had k�Fqn madr- definite i_n this are�:, Nr. Charlea Sw�nson asked about the storm sewar £or the Eighwa�, 5?fi was i�'aformed that this should he taken up at a regular Council meeting and he should arrange to be on the agenda for a£nture meeting. '�he value �lared on him hnme was qiioted as ;65610 Fhll and True, Mr. Kassulkera owner of a 4 urzit apartment at 6530 Main St, N.F„, statFrl that his i.aaces an the building were too high �n�d this was makir,� 9t impos;,ibla to sell. Mr, Scherer, builder} asked what the valuata_cn cn tre kauilding was, $a;r5C0 was ouoted and both Mr, K_a�sulker and Mr, �cherer stat�d it was to+� hi�;h. Nr. Kra�ik of 1l�0 Talreadge Way N.E.r stated there c,.as a drainage problem back oP his property, He �aid it was catts�c? by drainagc fr�m the Nel�iriy Man�ar a_�ea, His home was �ralued at $19,110. Mr. D. L, Scherer, owner a£ a 7 ur.it apartmenE at b525 - 2nd St� N.E., etated that he £elt his valuai,ion was too high, The sraluati+�n fi�i�res were n�t available as the County Assessors oificP takes nare of thi_s, Mr, T?err.F�r stat�2. he would get the neu valuation £igure� to Pi�, ShGrer wl#ha.r� a day ar �o. Mr. Uuno Ropponen, 6280 - 6th St, N.E�, stated thai he had a problem of backup fram the san2ta�- sawere It �ras advised �,iaa� t,h�. a�ee�ssnr t,ake anoths- iaok at the prnp?rty and see what co�zld be �i.,z,� Arrangemen�s �aere -n�d� �,c� ��..1? �t the ha.ne ;ither Gn P'ridayr d�a?,- 15 9r Satur�iaya �u1wr �.b, Mr. :{r? tlora again stated tYiat he wou? _' prefwr �iure than the 20� depre�iation, It was siated that the depreciatior was fair a.-�@ shoula stand as is, tnr. �M1Teraisr �� 7/1 ���'6.h thun ,tatec3 thai the. aw:lers o�` pz•o��erty in th-r, area r.+�ul� take recos�rse to the Co��s�ty T��ar� ne �,�1131iza.tieri which will meet on Mondayy Jnly 1?, and �h�n 'tb i.1'18 J't�tC ,�^�•Pi �° i.�'1C?� *df_'TZ I1C�� 5dt,1$fi'�?�t Ms. Wernnr �-�ro��gl�t up the persanal F*-c�erty of the Fridley Hardur�re, Tha :i:a•�pnt�ry aa ai Ma;� 1, 1?66, was not acceptable an3 N�. �nTerner requested that a l�1z1.1 &"'r^i� a^ �����10 b� sit. The Counr.il approved the request. PI��,�.on was mad� and ;,e��nded that t•he meet�ng �F the �nard nf Equali?aLion re alosed. Mee#,inv clnse� at 9:1a`� P�Mo ResP��;�£u1'_,y su�m5tt�cz, ,�'.linor Th�ennesj Ar,tin� S�cretar�- 'r�r Pi1h�q'i�S 0� TItI nF'r'-�ii,Aj? COTJNCSL MEETINr- OF J�,TL'l ].B� 1?fi� Th° Regizl�^ i�[ee',�ti� of the �ity ��c��incil oi Fridlev was cal.led ta nrder b;� Pr�vor Kirlcham at �s03 F.M. T��T_L r,AJ L ����EN� Pi�ESF�TTt Kirkham, Harris, Sheridan, Wright, Sar:uetso�i �MLF'R,°, AR,i'NTS idnne ' 9PF���IaT OF 1�?PAJT;'S REGULAR CfJUp7f'IF, MP+,E'�Il�� OC JULi' K 196h: ' ��es_�.�_�._z.__=_____e - � �.���,�. Cr�:�nci3man Harris state�i that on Pa�;e E� o° the Minutes, iinder the heading� 1DFa�ks and RecrPataan Meet�.n� Mic!utes - June 27� 1966��� he had made a motion �o approtre the appo?nt2n� ry�' an sppraiser, and that al1 the ca*nment.^ in the �a:�ond para�rapli �ere r.art oi tha mntaon. ?�;CTS4N »� Co�ircilsnara I3arris to app?^ove the ?�inu+es �F July S� 1965� as amendefl. Seccndcd by Catanci]man LJri;ht. Upon a�r���e vate, there being na naysa Mayor Kirkham der,lared tbc motian carried. A°bRO�t��, p� piINIITr.SS SP�GIAL COUNCIL M�rTrNG OF .JtJLY 11, 19bb: �1CTi�A� r,r a;ozuic� lmaxs Harx� s to �pprove the Minntes of July 11, 19b6, as submitt�rd. Secc�ncled bJr Counci3�man Sam�.aelsona anc� t�von a vc,ice �Fotey t.here L•+ein� no nays, NSayar K�rkham declared the motion c�rried. P±i�`]' Rk,AD11QC OF RFVIS&Lt ORDTNANCF' AMFNDInG CH(4YTFR 56,02 (2)z Mays�r Kirl�l.°m ��k�d td,a Ci�y i�ananer to r�,a3 th� Drdinance. Counci]man Sheridan askerl the City Attc,y^:ae;{ 9f he thou�ht it would be hetter to adopt I.;,�c on thF 35t reau�in� as th�ee month.� hac elapsed since the original read�ngs and +,here h��*e heen amPn�3:nAnts. The Cit?� �t+,�rney said that thas would a�move B.P,yy �'LL'C�llTE; Q!] P.5 t 1 E1T1'�+' . � t4�TSOPI hw Cne-:r�cilman Sheri�ian to adopt, titr,nr; first rc�dinG� the revised C�rr?�na�r� ��r�nci�4n� Ch�tp+,t�r rf��0? (2). SAconde�i by Connrilman Wright, iTpc�� � �roic� vatP, there bPi:�g no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the mot3on carried. PR�PrJSED PRF7I4IINARF PLAT - PSGC��J1 - �,A`tDPIFR'S PIJtT ,�l (TARI,ES 7�j/bEa): M�vn.^ Kirkt;a:n aske� if Mr. Templin w^s present at t,h� Cotancil Meetin�, �zzd he was not. '1'he ��unc_�� det�_��?�;4 to �+nstpone this item until sn�h t�me as ?Ir. TemplWn i � nre�:�nt. � �_'� � 7�).5/h5 I�7INIMAL DRA7NAG� PROPOSAI� - SYT.VAN HIILS Rf!�'TENTION BF�S � N s The Consulting Eng3neFr showe� the Canncil a-zcu° r�ini?rnac� site grsFaaration p?an £or solving i.he problem in the Sylvan Hills ponding arra. He sta'ed that they c�ild only come up with somethin� stmilar to the last nlan. Fie s�id thai, they wou19 anly be adding storage for lbrnit on�*'�-hs�,lf th� n��ce�.3ary azno^mt on a f�T=� year a^�sign� and that the philosophy of thiS design �s not their rerommendation. Caur_cilman Har-ris said that he had thought it could �:� a mi�n�*mun ezmenci��ure ni $�,000 ar $?a�Q00 to alleviate some nf tJhe �r�hlPCn, but thi_s s�emed t�.� costlar to him for a projer,t tY�e�r knora will be �nadequatc� He aa�d he coul� � not justif,y $1l��(b0 far this kind o£ er_nenditure, and perhaps 3and cotzld b� purchased somewhere else in the Sylvan E;1]s a*^ea� Councilman Wrigh+. questioned the possibilitv af making at an a#,traci,i�� holding pond, ?�ut excavatinh and putt�ng a 7_�v�>.l contrel on it, Mr. Comstnck said the cor,t of the exr,avaiing and truck;n� ayr��� �r�ulcl �`�� an ex_pQnsa.*�e item, � � tiOTTON by Counr,ilman Harz�-,.s to table thzs prop�asal and ask thA Parks and Recreation Commission to report itu the Caunra.l i£ there is any pos=ibilit�* of additional land aoGUisition before an e�enditure of this nature ia cantemplaLed. Seconded by Covnoilman Wrzght, Counr.ilman y,1rlght said that the Adm�nistrai,i�n Sho.�ld comrey to +,rie ?'arks s�!rl Recreafiion Cc+mmission some o±' the de�trii±ls of the prQ��lem tbat the Cotzne2l :?s up against, and eacplain the gra��ity of the ��?_t���tion, He said #,hat the entisP Sylvan Hills area should face on an attrecti4n oenter az-ea, whether a.t is athletically desagned �4r not, and tfle area �h�uld be, at a mini.mum, aes+iietic and water proaf�d. He tksonght the Council sh�u73 ir,3�estigate whaL r.an U- ciane� including buy.in;; land if necessary. Gonncilman Satcn��lson suggesta�Y that perhaps s��mw af th� resicien�g o� the ar°a mt�ht have some ideas on hor� �t could be iit�liz��1. VO'"E upon the Motion: Upon a voice vote� ther� bcing n� ea�s, Mayor Kirkham declared ths motion carried. BIDS - SS�S[^I �79 (OpENSD NOON� JUi,Y Z� 1966): The Cit�r Mana�er reaa #,he io.11owing bieis and i,i�e re•ri�x �f th� �ids frnn� Comstock & Daviss inr„a in wh?ck� they recomrnenc9ca *he contr�ct �e awardQd to the low biddPr. SABi, SFWF,R, WATER & STORM SE6JFR TMPR, PROJ� 74 BID OPENING AT 12 .00 NOON DPI �T(iLY '�3 . 1956 PI�ANHDLDER Ia�,�n�tti & Sc�ts} Inc, 2�60 Ne. nlev�land Avee st. ?aul, Minn.S 55113 B.�rhamssz & Sons, Inc, Route 3 �sseoa Mann, 55369 Walbon Fxcavatzng Co, 32f}2 Highway 8 P4inne3�alis; Minn. Noz•thern Cant,ra�ttng Co.� Inc., Box 272 Hopkzns� M9nn. Randall P� Berglzn, Inc. 6$Ol Plaza Curve Mnisa hlinnsso#,a �5�i32 Peter Lamett3 Con�tr. 615 Drake St, �t, Paul, �Iinn, �'K7 m C. S, M�Crossan, Inc, Route 2 Csseo, P7inn. BID SUR,�TY Seaboaxxl Surei.;� 5� St. Paul I'ire �u Marins 5� St. Paul Fire & MarJ ne 5� Transamerica ZTla^., CG,a 5% Glenn Falls Snc. Group 5� Co, Seabc��d Surety K% United B��n+ia ng Ins. Co, 5� LU.� SLTM BID $sa,3���m�, $118,041.3�1 $11`t, 878. j; �11 i�nrlt7,Q0 $9�z222,C.S $12L,776�96 $1l�K, 3t�1,1s AITEFNa7'� �1 C!]MPL, ",IN� -�s��,4o None il31�0.C' +�1 s {1{70 .IXJ -`��-n � t�0 A�0 �$ 829.7s� i� on� Sa�n� P.OLZ4." S ame y` Cal, Days 12sa Gal. ➢ays z2o ca�, n��r�� oQ Ca.l, Davs 7�2Q Csl� Da� 1^4' Cai� Days i�fi (�i�1.e D"sl� ��� ? ml'3 �55 �cDtin�'��Lub3n,4 tlssoco� aexc,, 211 i?�, ptt��aJ St. Paul9 Minn JamiE� 'D. �i��l£f C� . }��0 U�h� {a11 �t o St. Pa^1, Mann. K�101 Se�hc�ard 5ure t,,-v rra �;a ��' O Fa!'meTB ir_� Go„ 5% yz�a,75c_o� �13.7,177.33 Aarb:t �onst,r. Ce„ Mar;,r�+and Casu- �55� HighWa•f 1n altr�ym* Co. � 9�,89G.5tr L`".i�II nr��0�j.3a NL1Ylri� y JrJr�-C.�� 7!� A�istin P. Ke1.1�� Canstr, Co„ Ghiu �armers rl�1,486.2s 2�uh7 Na. A1b�rt Tns. Co. st. P�:�i, M��,��.� 55i�.3 5� Jnhnsaa� Brns, Hwy, & Hvy. Travelers Rox ].002 Inaemnaty Co. � 92s��J0,� Litrhfio7.d, M2nn� }� San3st,rom � Hainwr3 Inr, Glenn I'alls ?1�9 Farest Dale Rd, rrrc+up Ins. uto Pa��t, l��nn.� 5�112 y� TMf�+r�tti�.i C�nstr. 85" ,�re�#�c�.n3 s��r St, Pa��l, Mannoy ('e� 55to1 Se�c�oar�3 �e.7rA$� �'�. K� � $7�180,00 $ 97,1�5b.o0 xone Same �] ].!�y 585.3� t3one Same None �ame �$l.� �JO , 00 No change ����750,00 icao c�� . ��Y� 155 �al. Dayfl 120 Cal. L�aya �� �.31 • � Days BO Cal. Da3�s it5 Ca1, I��y;s 60 Cala Da�[s Ftanda�J. � iPed Cl�x�n ralls 637 ° 81st 4vP, NyBo Group Ins, �i545922.11 +$ 2�0.00 �?Q Ca1, �ays Manneagc�lteay *��nn. a� MGTIOrT h,�. Cot�ncilman Harra� t,� award the b3_�l :�r �an9tary Sewx-.r� Water and Sto,-rn Sew�r Imc�ra*rement project #79 to S�n3strom & Naflter, Snc. in the a�.ount �S $8?yiRd, as recommercl�r_t by the Consul*,irg En�in�er�, Seccnded b,y Ceunc��?�+an krr�ght. ?Ipnn � ztoic:e �rcte, thes•� bein� no ray>� N[ayor Kirkham declared the � m�a#,�mn carri�d. PLANN7Ad�x CCI��iTSSS�N n�IEETI�ir MINCiTE�__iTzJI�Y 7� 1956= n7C+7!" C�MPRP"FiENSI«F PI4NNIrir, °�OGRAM: The Ci#,v i�"ana�c;ri hand�d oixt �dditianal sheets on the pro�ram from Mr, Horine, He sai� '�hai, the P��rn7n� Cornmmssion had already received these. He read the motinrs bv the Plannin� Commass'?nn recommendin� approval of the ��701" Progr�m� an,�i P�*la�r�ar3 that the Plarniz�� C�mmission had spent. ahout fcur hours with *?,r� Ho�np geing over �hi_� pro�ram' and he ass�zmed +,he Council wi17 want to �a the samp. Tha �ocmcil �*9cu,^,�Qr3 � n�ssible date £or a meeting with Mr. Hoclne. n.0`PI01� k+y C�runr,�l�an parris ta tabl� thia �tem until the ��unc31 has had a chsnce to t,a]k to Mr. Hodn�, anc� that a mcet�n�; be arr;n�eri w°ith him £o�^ . �:� :' "i, e�ue�is+ 2?, 1965� fieconded b;� Gounrilman Samtxelsnr. i?pon :� voic�: �rrhe, �her� k�ei�n� na n�yc, Alavor Kirkham �ieclar.� ti�r motion carried. iiEr�FZ�,ANI?k.m;�;ni nr PLA.r,rRlTAdc, COP�h�TSSTON: TR�� C�_tv r4€+n��er� read tr�e mr�ti�in ��r tbe Planning Gommissiora rer,r+mlr�endin� that T1W' Te?O7"�y2II1Z3i,�.CY Of '�t1O P�.�t1Y7_IIg vCIDIlCitiS'!DN� �C r"inr9°i+�l'i�7� At Fil=;' �j111G. t'oi�r±r�iim�an A�rz-i� sta+e*a ?r,s.+ re ',���,�1 _l;�ctx;=seci thia with the C=ty 1�LYfJS'IiP}' and he had gane ahead and c�n+,acted the r,ezgue of Minr,esoF,� 2nim.ic5palitiPR �n�i a�plainrd a rtz�,tit� +,hat had been enacted by t;he 195r Legi�taturFr, m�2,� r;,�. A�t�+rn��� sa;d tkie Z,ea�,uc, has ,r,a�e�ed an orc�t,arzce, su,gP_est�� for 2�lurnir�p°lit��r;, w}i;ch ct-�com�;a,�cs the changes ma:ia *�;� the .1.96� TegiGlatur�. :re ('ii�, �Lii.e��e,y s���! 1;tiat h� l�a� been un�bte tc nitt it, in written Pcrm in time for th� Grnar.c,i� Mee?,ing +onigt^t. Iie s^=_+i t,he ?�e^t, plr�n ny-cbably would he rc� s„r� the Cc��u?cii �.Y,e ?_S55 �i.atue anc� thp prr�rvosed ardinanre by the League hras di^a��:, and ;,hen t�� Counca? cnulr ask c{a��st,acn,s. He saic3 he hr�p�:d tr� get it mn:�e�� �y t,�? errc� oi thr �reeky al-sich Ur�uld ,�fi.��A ±*a�m a xF�k cr so t� 1��ok �i c���e� ar_�i ttey c�u1c cn�ie Uack rr�t}i their t?�n_re�ss:nn. '�SOT'nni k�,e CouncYla�an W�^i�,h± ihar t?_e Cr�unri� re�,izesJ, +he Gxty 9tto?Tae�• ±� <_i�rvlt�e�uely Yi��+; c�ap;,r�s �c t�� F�anr�ir,g Coram7�sinr_. ['�xz��r9�man [dri�ht ���.c tha+, th�:� co�i�o eicre th� P1,qnninn Ctinmissivn and thM %Cl1iECi�! 2. t�2Ce: ir,, niAl"�' OI'i �-'A, �7,e�lAS5;0I1 Oi` 7'E4T�/dR1.'L7t.7_OII. �"TB Si{'±r1 %i_. kaF1c � � L _l � U�cn awkwa; d for a,h� ;'] annin� Commi ssicsn when the Councz' �°eq��est� an Ordinance revisir,n, but �ioes r.nt say what tl-���� �ant, Co�uicil°�an Ii�rri� saar' that `h5.s had been the intent o£ h�.� ideas ar.d he apprec�a+eri the City° Attorne�� taking the time to cher,k rrith the I.eague ef Mxut�ciFalit�aes, Councilman ��anuelsen asked ii' the P7.annirig Cemm9ssi.cr� shauld be iu,��t�d t�+ the mee+,irg of August 22. Councilmar_ Harrz� sa�� he kiopeti tY.e*r cnulcl revi�*..� the reosganizat.ion befnre the meeting with Mr. H+�clne, �„ it wi�l be #,he Planning �r�mmis�ac�n that will be ra^r�ri-ip out the �rogram� The CiLy- dt*nxRi�-y said that it was his og�nicn that the '�7(1J�� Prc�gram wa_l� �'zt in �rith irse ,�rszceedure arid substance ai fihe 196� Act, ar ths��F re�,ommend that a Counci� �;covmulates n]anning mater�.al., z��hich is what the "70�."' Program t�i11 ba e��irgg� Ccuncilman Eiarris reoizested that the reor�;.anizata_c�n 7±' t.�e 1'lanti�n� Cammitisaon b�: back on t.he �genda at the next resular C�c�nci?_ Me�t.�i,g ef 4trgei,'. 1_F la6E, Councilman She?^idan �ecande� the motion renuee,t:.n� tie Q�ty Attc,zx��ay ta �ive copies oP the 1965 Statute and rrapospd ordananc�U t� tYie P7cnr�nir.;,• Commission also, Upon a voice rc:te� t,here Aeir,g nc nays� Niaya*. g�rkha�r declared the mot2on carric�d. Councilmari Sdright a4;red the City Manager if he had beer. at the Pi?rni�g Gommissinn Mesting, and isked abaut a draft pr��;,e-ni,sd at, thF meet�ng bv Mr. Hug;hes. The C�ty Manager sai� that this ha��t�een Nr,. Hu�hes� ewze ua �wpoint� and nn actian had bven tak_en or_ a.t. Cc�ui�ci"i�nF�r WriUh � atated that he thought i+ was a good idea to have andiviclual�s ag2ninns. Thh Ciiy Nianager said he was surP the Council aou?d :�ave a aa�,y of thQ dra£�, RUILDING BO?1?iD MEETING MINUTES, JDLY 1�, 1966: TION TO CONSTRIICx P. SERVICE STA_TION �T QEPSTftAL A«Ni�t APiOKA The City Mana�?er read the motion of the Bu� ldi�g Bvard re^ec�mmiendir,g apprnval oY the plans with modi£ication discnssed b,y thc��3oard. Mr. Ray �ones� representing the Superior 1�dp Oi]. Cnmpany� w�. present at thc Council Meeting and �howed the Govncil � re•a�eed plan which inccr��orate� the modifications recommended by the Buzldir.g Board. MOTION by Councilman Wright to concur w}th the Bu�iding Boar�3 anrl approve t�he Building Pe:mi_t Application of th� Superi.cr ?xC0 Oil Compan��� 95�0 Lyndale Avenue South, Bloomingtcm# �Iinne�ota, r,�t the basis o£ the� reuised plans submitted to the Counc3] and waiving thr set,r,ar•k reqxuremen� fram BO feet to f�0 feet. The motion was secand�d and uFan a vaice vots, ihere being no nays, Maysr Kix•kham der.lared th� motion .�rried. Thc reprcrsentat�uas oF the Superior 1�0('� Oi] t,ompar�,?F ;�hokrer� the Crn�*?ciZ some prago�ed plans £or a station at 73rd and T.H, #6r� TYar;�- es:rlain�r� that i+, wa5 the �3me site plan the Conncil hac? already $pnr��.��, k�ut that th=w� Hould liRe to changn thQ size o£ the bn�.1�i*�� frc�m Ghe apdravFd eix.e aY KO�x22� ta 29'!y"�cl��� as tlaey would 7ikp +o �'cl7.ow t.hrc;ugh rr�th the same buildir.g plan as the one just appraved on 53r�i and Centxal Avenue Diort•he1s�,, The Cnuno�l dis¢ussed the fact that the neu size w�i;Ic� �rie� Lhe stat9ora '�dthan 2� of the service rnar� and thr £act *he�^e woulc� be nn room ?� st.^*a^e snow. The Conncil said they £elt the statit�r� �rou,_d '�e bui3t at the approved siae to give adequat.e room. Mre Jone, Qazc3 tha+, he cculd �ee �.t�e, Counc3l's prcblems and the Council thanked hina for his copperation, APPLICdTION FQR TitF.ILER PERMST - 68�7 CHAIJNETa R�JATi NDRTHEnST: The Czty Manager exp]ained to the Co�xxacil +hat th:;: wr,s not the Gquivalent af +,he tornado si�.oation of last June as Mr, Ftct,h�nbergex was not th� a�n,ar of the hnme at that time, MOTIODI hy Councilman Sheridan tn der.y tlae apn�ic.,tion because 2t ie with- out rmmioipal sewer, Councilman Wright seconde� the ma�ian stating that +he general lenieney given to tomado victims ir� the paat does not ar?p�u�, 2-4r, Rothenberger was present at the Council Meeting and ask_�d if {he main reason for the denial was the sewage problem or that he was not the or9ginal pwner� Mayor Kirkhan said that th� rouraci�_ �a� roncernsd �aith ��ti^� ,�s� �!?�'i��` f; ��� %✓1$%bF_i both items, Mr. Rotrenber�er sa3d that it has the well and cess poo� that the original ownu^�, used, and that the C�+,y secaPr was ir� but nat up to the xn�per±y, He said the serrer is 8" lower and a new floor would ha�re to be la3d. '"hr. C�*g Marager e�[T:3ain�;� that the Snspection Departmenf� was nat bapgu w�it.ra temPorary �r�okups, ('c�uncilmar� �right asked if had he �Ianned ta canstrur•t a lhe?i.s�^ �!rmediately, and if the pl3rs were completed. Mr. Roth�nb�;rrter s��� that, the money situation was not fsvorable at this time� �n� that plan� were nnt complet.el}r finishec�. CounctLman Tnrright ^=id t.hat, *�han Mr. Ro#henber�er haa a building �erm�+, in ha?:d and was reac�y ?'�r construction3 he could reapp7,y an�l at that timr may get a fa4orable sesponse� VOTE vgoxi �l�e �moti^�n W tJpon :. �r�iice vot,er there bein7 no nays, Ma;,>or Ki rkham � �e�cIarew�� the motic�n carrie�i. ^tPPT.i1,',RTTON �iZ TRASLEA PF'RM?T -�703 NL4RSHALL STR.,_�FT NOftTHF.ASTt ��uncilman_ �Jrigh+, stat�d that hc felt the Council oxed some consideration tc �h� rPSident,s raf �,h� are� as Houser ?s not a�ond housekeQper. Councilman Sa�elson stat�c� thzt the Conre,?1 is asking for �arther �+roblems i�' th��r xere tn allo�: t,Yai: o Ne sa�d he wonld rather see a permanent offi_re. Councilman T�Trigh�I. sai� that this was �_he?w c�lace af busin�ss� ar.d they could build an �ffice� The Councsl discussed giving an extension of time £or the removal �f the trai len c�+�ise. MbTION by Cceinr.cil.man S�ramicls�n that the Cocmcil deny the applicatinn f�r a trai.ler perm� � tr, l�e nsed as �n o1'£ice and �ive an addi tional 90 days £or remeval nf eame, Seconded by Councilman Sheridan, IIpon 8 401CP. vote� there beir.p� n� ra,yG� ths mc��,�on carr�e3. EME RGENCY �RDINANCE #3L3 ADTAORIZIATC Tf�r?. PURCH.48E OF A POLICE SQIIAD CAR: The City Maa���e* eicn3ai*�ec� that n� dealers had nut in a bid �n the last pol�ce car z� the factor?ee were not in production at that time and wauld nut make a car to th� 2isual specificati_ons. The City Manager sai*� l�e believPr� there was one dealnr tha�; had a police car on the floor, parchascc� � ar_ hiw own, that he UelieSred cntialcl be purchased5 or they could look and cRnce close t� the Speci£ica+ions, but they could nut get one through bids at this +in�e. C�unri_?rran'�'Iri,.ht said tha+, tha Fe??ce Chiei ha�l tcld him there is �2�,000 mi1a;; ar. thF preven{, patrol cari at whi.ch t,ime thP�r ususllg change, MOTIOPI b� rouncilman Ii�rris to a�iopt Emer�;enc�� ardinance #31�3� Seconded by Gounc�s]_man GTr.iPht. Uo�n � voace vote, there being no nays� Mayor K3rkha�ri dec7.ared the mot�c�n carrled. Co���cal.ntan Iiarris asl<e�9 %f the C�t�• wonld try +o keep the cost at �1,7/X��Qp t� �1,RGG.CIG� a� tfiF� rid baeis, The Cit.y� Manager said they would make a p�r��hase nat exce�din� $2,KOO,Oe, and then se17. the prenent car so that �.t xsl]_ be an ozitsi;ht ourchasP and outright sale. n1;,P0°ZTI�N �F LISASiFIi 1'�JBi3}�. ThF City P�Ian�ger said t,ha;, at can be ? problem to know wttat to dc� m-i+„h t,h-1s k�ncl +�f mone,y, and one suggestion was £or the beaut3fYCatior. nf T_,ocke Park which �ras severel�r damaged b,y ±he torna�o. Coiznc�i]man H�rris s2id tha'; ik, shou7�i Le tio�a�+h�_r_g from �ich everyone in the Cit.y can benef?t, �rad he ec,i�lcl �ot thi_xrk� af anyth?ng more beneficial than park beautif3catiora. May�r Kirkk?am st�ted that he t�heu�;ht there slxrnald be a nlaque that makes nate of the i'ar,t that thPSe were donated fund.. P40TIC�rT �y Cau�nc37.man Harris thai the disa�ter i`und he turned o.rer to the ' Parks arci R+�creation Comm9.�sion t� be u.;e�i �'or• p�rk heautification, and that a�?erm�nent plaq_ue be purchased statirg that_�he money was donated b;� the r�t�Tyl�c and be meunt,ed 3n an a�propriate place. Seconderl b�� Coimcilm�r �rJrmgh*,. Upon a vo�_ce vate, +,y�ere be3ng no nays� the motion carried unanimously. °1966 QRL7B�IIVG IMFRO�TEMM.NT AND FINAL PLANS AND Maynr Iiir�,ham su��ESted tYiat, the Coualcil omit ±hP nor�h side of the street an Item F(i+la�t i�oo� LakU D�•ive: Lalcer Avenue to Highwa3f #6�), b-tt leave ±he scc.tly s�3e �n the reselutzon as the Church wants the sidewalk. Council- �nan ���tt21�-c� said i�c w,•nn�c 'i?�:e tr* ceA it go in. Co�zncilman GTrsz}-it sug�ested tt�c ca;.,n�ercial *-sir�,��ty h�ve sidewalka and xh�n the residents see � , � it they ma;r want it also. Caunciln:an Shc;r_�cls� saifl tl,a� af th� Co�Mnci� ,r�tenda to put, it in �Z the flature� �t, r.o��� be .rvun dan� t�� t,he xe,�3�n+°� p;opertv line noa, The Coun�9_3 a�reed on �;i3�wa7.l��� o�� th� crn.�th ;:z��e :at` �r'Pst, 1�?oore Lak� Dr��ro-: t:om Baker Avenne to Eighwa,y #o�, and abu#,tm�z; the commercial propert,T n�i the north sidc. iKOTTON by Council:nan iJraght to adap+ Reso�utic�n ;}]01,�1.96b as am�n-iu�' 7;,r thw C�uncil.. SecandPCl hz Coun�i��r.an Harris, and itpa� a voi�� crc�te, �l:e�re b.a*_�*, no nayss the mota�ao r,�rried. Counc�_lman Harris asked when the Council cr,u:�d mFet to dr�t,nrmine ihe ,��sesaineni po?icy on the szdewalxs, Tha Ceuncil decif?e,9 io meet Fos ;�ome ��-P1.�miraaxR�r discuasaozz at 7:30 P.M. August By 1966. 13ESOLUTIOPT ;�102-�1966 ORDFRING IP4PROG'EMENT AND iTPiAL PLANS AND SPRCIFICATiOAI� AN➢ ESTIMATES OF CCSTS THPREDF: STORhi SEWER PRC�J&^T�NO� 81,���^ ��� MOTIDN hy Councalman Samuelson to adogt Re�oiutiati �102-1966, 5��,�ndecl bq Couttcilrian Harris. Upon a voi:oe ve+,e' ther� beinr� ro x�ays; the :no+ion ��i�rLe�, P1�.TITIONSc 23 ;.?66z 21�-7.9bb AND 25-19b6: N:eT10N b,y Counr.ilnan Harris to rereive Petitiuns 23°1'?bb, ?_!i-195b and ?�R�_96a and rP�er to the 9dr_i-�3stration fer processia�, Se�on�e>d �,y Cazuncil:ran Sheridan. IIaon a vo�ce vote, there heing no nay��, .Nia;rar Kirkham declare� tk�n n;�;ion carried� ORDERSPSG PRELIM7NARY �L,qDiu SPECTFTCATIONS AND ES`LIMATFS t �� �- �T.. _ STREET IMPR'DVEMENT PRC�JEC'P ST. 1.9r, .��1 5CHEDULE Id MOTICN hy rouncilinan f:arri: to adopt Resoiutian A1o� 103�?)66, Se�ondec3 by Cour_cilmaa Sheridan. Upon a vo�_ce v�te, th�re heing rr, *�aysa Magcr Kirkham d�G;lared the motion a:a^rzed, TE�E . S P�EP�RT kND ORDERIlVG IPIPF�VEN�1T flEDUL� P.�ADDBNDU� M���:' ���� NIGTSC�N by Cnun�ilman Harris t^ adc+�t Resoiution Nn@ 10�y�19�i6. Se�mdr�d L�y Counoilman ShEridan. Upan a troice votea thern l�sino- no n���,-.>. M��yos Kirkt,�m 9eclared the motiar. ^2rried, Th� City En�ineer drew the Council�s ac.t�n}�.�oii to ths F;�rt that ��cdelr ro*�:re putiting in 6�F watar am:t 8" ecwer cc�mn�ric. 1 se�*v? r,�� tn th�>�r propert� _ Mayer ISa�rkham said that they were looking a11�?d� GI.AIP4S : MGTION by Counci'_man Har_•is to appm�m +,he ��nnr�l arid ��'a.li� Ut�.lities Clalms ,-��`9(�7p +�+rou�n ,�{92?8 for payment, Seeariv��i l�v �'oancil:aar 3�muF?;�a�, Unon a voic•e � ot�� ther� being no nays, Ma,y�� Ki.r'�Piam c'�=c�.ared t}ie !*otin�n carried. ;IOTION by Councilman Wrleht to approve the Liyuc,r C�ai_2i�r i-�17� �hrough �{228 f�r p3r�n�nt� Seaar:ded by Counc�_lman Sh�ridan. U�,crr: a voica vote„ tiiare being no nays, Mayor Kirlrham declared uh� motic�n caz�r��esa� �,� TIMATE5: MOTION ry Connc3lman �herid. r: to pay the feT� rnti*in�* estimat.e. : ��^Gtnr_k & Davis} Inc. C�nsultin� Engine�r�. ��t16 Cn•ar.ty Road +�J�r Mirnpapalis, Minne;sotaa 5r�32 rar the £urnishing of resident ir.so�atac�c+ and cesadenh supar�nsion for +he staking out of thc cozzstruction mor� for; ;:sL�mate ;}s - Waier Improveme.n�,, P�njar.t Nivaber 75-^� Schedul� 2� irom May 3�Ja 196� ul_r��.gh duly 2, 1966 <i �} ^( 5„/�& ( f 4�; llf `��` � -��3b,2; �� �1� 8!�� Pc°-,-"smate �i� - br3ter Imprnvement Pro�ect Number 7� A from I+I�y 3�, 196� thrcrugh July P� 1966 �-t•��;�t+� ��; -� Water SmprovemAnt Preject Numbe^ ?±;�^6 Srh�;3ul� 1_, from N?ay ?Q� 1966 throu�h J��� ,�r 2, ? 96C� R,�t:�,a�,e ;�5. y Street Sm�ro✓ement Pro,j 7ct Nuznber �9f�f�5 from May 30, Z956 through July 2, 1965 Eati�r2t� f1'J �- Sanitary SewPr� T9ater & Storm u�:we� Iar.proveme�t °roject Number 73 �? from Majf 30s19r� thre�u�h J��l.y 2� ]96F� Estima*,� ;�$ - 8t�rm SFr��er ?mprovement Project N�*nb�z' 73 �`rc�m May 3�, 196h throiigh Ju2y �, 296b �stimat� �� � Sterm iewor Iz�provement Prnf �°ct Ntxriber 12� Scher3ule P, From ^�fay ?� 196b thro�agh �S��,r 3, � o{� For the �r7a�nishirig of ?raFessioaal En�ineexnng Services �or the Plann�a�gr Ganeral Supervasion� and Residentisl S;�pnz^JWsi�n of the constr!tctian ofa Sto?zn Sewer Impxovement Na� 12� SchedvZe A Stcn�a S�wer Smprc�r�ment �^100 12, SchQdule C E3t�ma Le ;�2 foa^ furaish�x�g *�l a a�_ir-vey party tc� the C� t7 fc°= �t,x��.e+, Tna�xov�:�nt ?rojer,t 19�5-1�� �chedule A� Prn*n iry 9U, 3Q�ib thraugh J«1v� 2, )oFb G, �� P1�Crfl:��an, Inr, FZWttte �2s Bax 322 OGsea„ Mirnesota Estidn�ta �l {Fart�_a7,} Street Impro+rement P+�jeet St„ 1�h6=�, Sche�9ul� �"^" accarding ta contracfi iRrnkls,y� �a��i�c��ag Com�sny � ?'� Gra;�r� Stseat Nart�east t��nne�g��fii�� Ma_nnesota :3w1�:_,nate J�� (?'�rti�1) prvject N�. r�5s�ii acaordi*tr Lr� cnx.t?^,a^`, E�ti*ra,rt� r�� �Pai°'-�ia1) Sir��et ,Mprcvem�nt. Project St. 1;'o5m1 Schadule A, �ocorcling to contract Sa �'tt .�iVK;��3jr R' 115vlaCa l`?�() 13ena�Api?� F,venue �finneapoli s� Minnetiot,� C�.ty Ha? 1 � 257.5� $ 3�6.2� � 2,7Y9.5� ; 11�3.7� , � Bn.oa $ 210.OG $1r�, 66F�. °r3 � �1,1.�5 $ �,26�.00 $�.9, 3�5.3+`- $ 3r a'38 .Ofi $28,196.3b � �,5e9.9� ; a,^��d��d �ut ��v*�,�_lman idr �h�, Uo�n a voice vote, there b�ing nn naysy Ma; ��r r{irk�am dec3are� t�he mc*..i�n car�ed. P�T_CF�?SFS � r10T?ON ia� Courcil�an Narras tc appzrov� t.he £ollc�wing licenses: CIC..4RET'i's L,SGENSE: fIc�l�-?ay �7��?ane Nor�th 25� •° 57t.h Avenue NaE� Fr� dl � yt, tq� nne c�ta GaI-yrf S S$Bi 7_ S�' L'+,2Ge 6?C°� Ur?�re_rs�+<T A;.�nue N. E. Fri,3lmys Mim'ISS�ta SER4ICF; a"TATION LICENSF: b,y: Ez���ksora Brotherw Ly: Gary Longerhone - Garv°s Shell Service G7.��. OnS.versit;* Aner,ue Di. E. r�1�}leyy Mtinn�sota by: Gar� Longerbone L J ' � � _1 � i L I �� �b 7/t8/6� ASPHALT & BLACKTO?PING. Asphalt Dx•iveway Gompaay 11?5 E. Hig,hkray ,3fi �t„ pauZ, Mirnesota EXCAVATIPI G : Hous�x Cnrpt•ration 97f)3 Afar�hall St. N. E,. rridley, Minnasota, KKl�21 GAS S�RTICES: I�orthern Propane Ga� Co� 7_1304 Central Avenue N,E. Manr.e�pol?.s: MinnesAta GEhIEP�.L COIQTR'�CTORS: Lrco} ?r.carporated 3231 Central Avenue N, F, M:innear_,olisz Ninnasota Fern�3la Builders 150� Fcrndale Avenue N. E, Fridley� Minne�ota' S5�21 Steve Hawrysh 256 Mercury Drive Y. E, Fradleya Minnesatat 55421 �;,�: Kennatlx G. SYn=Gth by: �Tnseph Zear by: E. E. S�rcar[nat7 liy: OlivPx F�arks�n by: Lowall Us � Idlgc�vsl:y by : St�:ve Y�v: �ysh Sheldon Mortenson Conratruataon 5?_b7 C�;ntra7 �ivenue Ne E� Fridle,y, Minnesota, s5l�2'! b;�: Sheldon Mor�Fnsan H1;ATZNG; ygan 8� Sons Air Cond, Ca, 71p0 Medzcine Lake P.oad Minnea�alisr PSinnesota P'fASQNRY: by: W, J. Egan R li4M` riF,f1'�In"�I, .2i;ivi;l�(�1L RENF� d? L NZL r RENL+��AL .1,NEWAL ?�;?.;� ��d11L Leo ?i. Huat 7723 Groveland Road M�.nneapolis, N?ionesota ty: Leo H, Huut ?�NEWAT, Seconded by Counr,lman Sheridan. Upon a voic� uoteA there bein� no nayr, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. COtR�lU1�ICP.TIONS : I. C, M. A. N?DTIGN by Councilman SJright to rr,ceive and Ftle the �Q+'nmuz�ication. SPCOnded by Counctlman Harris, Upon a voice vote, there be3ng no nays, Mayor Kirkhsm declared the motion carried. CONA'UNICATION: FINANCE DIRECTOR - ASSESSMETIT R4LL #79� The Finance Director explained that twa pre]izn3nar,�� ass�ss��nt rolls ha:? l�een nrepared for the hearing that had been held nn this proiect. HF sai� that his dapartment is gettinfl searches ane� he would �ike a d�c�sian on wkair� me+.hod the Council will ll9P, for assessing so t}�at he can give ovt the ac�;ur,^,t� assessment.,, i'he Counci] �-lecided on the smaller are�, �+ss�ssment roll, M�TION Uy- i.ouncilman fIarris that the Co-�ici1 aciopt the prel`xmai*aary rall as pxE;Ented oa PaUe SO o£ the 3tiily la, i966 agenciui, Secc�nded bv �;ouz�ci]�r;an TnTright. Upan a uoice vote� there hein� no naysA NIayar K�rlcham declared the motion carz�ied. �� a/��✓�6 CDP?MUh�TG�".`^ION: ST, AN`PHC;IY 7ILL4GF ,J�T�p?7 CH�NSiFR OF COMP?FRCE - T_,C;CTfJ PARK: :1f�TI0V b�r Cn�attril.man �IarrSs tc recea�ve anci file �he cammunirltion. Seconded h-y Cc�unc�?ln���+ Wri�!�x. Upon �, x=c,1ce vo+,oy there ti�ein� no na,�s� Mayor Kirkham denlared the rrotjon rarriod. C'��i��:LriTC�'rIqnr: BO��RD QF HkALTN � JUN� RFP�RT: Craun���Sman N�rw1� s#,ated t,rat iie ��n,��rstanrls t,he IIealth Tnsoector takes s�mr�e> r�er5od�cab]a� frr�in Lovkc F,ake and T?oore Lake, but, he wt+ndered �£ he tJOk s�m�te:� f�om th� Craek. He sai� t,ha+ S4r. nc�nl3n ha3 ind9_cate�3 tha+„ � he r�,�d hesn askerl k�y tt�e pemple that samples be taken as there ar� a rumL�er oF rhi�.drer. that sw�m i:, i,he Creek. The City Manager s� 7 �l that he knew tha Insperto� took some s�mrle; cf Locke T��ke. '�ut not ^egu��rly, and that the ?ina�`1^ ����pe^tnr had exp�.a7nP�! te h�m that there wa5 no particular test ��at �an t�e made relativ� to eye, nase, skin, and ear in£ect�ons. �'ounc.�l- man id�s�r�e r�qEz��ted that 9am��.�e� be �alc�r_ fr�m P.ice Creeti an�i I�c,cka Lake. ^_+�nxz�c2?m�n �?rniP1 �on ment3c�ner� t�ro ron�1armed holx�;es tha+, P�nple� have m� c-ec' ir��cw The Cit,p i�S�r�ar;er ^d;d tk,aC� t:e hr+�t spoken tcr the B+Llc7ing ;nspECi,o�-, 2nd th�t #hese hous�s sa�re up to reqtii.rements as far as the Gode is concerned. MC��x�.v ��,• r�,turcil�!an H�rr�s t,o r�ceivrt ;�n,a' fi�r- tY:P Eaa?^d of Health PepQxt. Secrn,t�c:rJ�4q Ccwlcilman "^�•e_ls�ri. Upc�n a voice v�te� ther� L-eia�� no nays, p�^�,;nr K�r�cham r,eclared the m�t9rn carr��d. CO�:�JniSCAm�GN: F£�v!�,ICE DI��GT�R - ASSESg�run��; T1ie f`� h;= Nianagrr sairl that thc C�tu±cil cons�n�as, �.ndivi�ivall�-� seemed f�c .;"' il-���� ;,�^n�22EC'Q.�1"oxl Cr1c'!'.,z.�"f� },7W.P� �41 R.�"',('i5 aUa7nst C;OLf1T�lt'TG],.3.1y 3?llr inriustt�_al �rene��*3� p+�esr-,•ntly iin�evelope3, at t,he time 1t is d�celcppr.?, ('nlunri�.r=,an �nTr7�ht G;Y,� *a�a� �.t e�,ou.la he on �^ec�rd tha{. t,here �,a� s`,��nn� ��nT;S�Y15t;4. �la �GlL'1C.1? tliC,C'+rF�'F.4� W��tS �,4 ]]3I1(i].k' CG133T12C{.10.?� C�"��ilk;ac� j�iieth�^ ihev, ��+orr� r.� be doxyr> bq a R� � c�ia,rge dr hy a connectic�n charme, anc c�,ii�,,h�r � r �� �rn,��lcl b� dot�� en � pe-r�2nen� basis. Co+-rciyman T�1r,_� ]�t � ;�'a�cvr +,hat +hn (;i�d- I:t+_o*^reJ had pointed ru� tkiat t,he Counc�l needs �t �^]e�� rut, nn7_yr;,r frr n��o�,i���,ir�ns, and tl�at, pdtential develc�}�er� maf b�: cr,unt�.n� crn ��e lack o?' nn�7c;�� h!a�;��r Y5�•I_P.am s:i-i ik�vi� !:L :•a�e, to ree if' t}:e Crntnr.?1 con]o meet wii.i ,�he ed��SD R�ar� r�` J1�� ;7, The ��.t�* Manaaer s�.ad t,l at ��1r, �}ir-istianson )iad axn7_a� n��ri #,o hi m Liiat theNr cr�ca] d 1 ike tc s� t down ancl � et the ve ewpoirt af the er.i,�r� �cunril. Th�� Grn;x�cii fel� i;hai, their owr.� p�si+ion shc�i,ld be e]rrifi�rl h<��'c�r�e a m��eti�g ��*i�h tkre P,oarc?. Cousiciln�an SY,wr`dan was a�lced _o la+ +�,e ncard kn+��r *,he th�u�:in� of the Council to r]ate� and that thwp z,ri? � n,�c � �r�t.h tt��na laier„ MCYPS02�� b�= Wri�ht t� recrgve rnd file thF report from +he� Fir�ar,ce Gire�etor. S�en�-ir_iR�� ry k^�uracilman :iheric�an. Upcn a vo-ce vote� thPre Mping n� na„r�.� t^�yor• Kia•kham +�eclared �hm m�t.?_cn carriec3, w.Tn�ir±,�PL�C,LS STATi REPfJF�TEE: Th�• C3tc- P9as�a��r zn�r����ced Mr. Ntichael H3nan1� to 1thP City C����ra1, Ae �rr+i_5_ t� tre nnt,r �+�e���;^r c�cerin� #?'�� Cot,n���l Meet�ngs £or +re Mia�neapolis Utar. SAMUET,SO?da TREFS IN LOChF� PARkC: Ccur.cizman 5.,3*izelsnn sasd tr,at ri� ny peo�rl= wry��e roncernr�d with the drvmage , ix� ?ock� Part tha� �r�= <?one ;,�?��•s rrrrth 8�ib�xrban Sanitar-,�* SeT•rer L?ic±,r9.et �7s�±; +,hr�ti�!? the se�er, He, saicl Lhe� Parks Director had photostat;s anrl had co„rited 21 t,a�r�c pcnW *�rhi�h c�r.=y��e ���� or greater. He saici the C? �y- �ould �uon be ni��'�c�.ng � pavmPr L to IT°_SSb, an�i ;£ tlhn ,^_i,y is going ta c]aim ��rn«�:�s +c Tecke Pary fo�,. tY,e i�axn�yers, an aern�ra±e survey sl�c�"ld br ta�.!n, ec that LocLe S'�rk coitl � bry renlant:;' te the same or better conc�s tian th�n �s�re,n ��t,e}° a�nt t*�rough. Th� C{tv P�aras�er said that tt;� �st,,y Co�n�� 21 trees5 but. the Distric.t, says that aF�f�tro�i�y cn��- 3#,rees werie on City *�rc�Pert;r, and that hr+ vi11 txnf to get t?�e accvrate 7nforn:atie�a. C�t�ncilman �"emEielg�n sa�.�i �te ha:a asked the C7*��• At;torney� tc re.,earrh the easernents that, were givwn to the Di�tric± ±� �;Fe +�here we legr�lly s�arr�. Cx�rn�'l�r�an Sherid�n s��� that 3n ji.v�_ng t,he eascment,s to *he Distrw_ct, thron�h Cnri�� P�r�y t�c�T �rere ar].� to chanr�� ir�m; a foreea m�in t,o a gra�rit,v aystezn � ��i l t b �1� ;!�%'l�t; wk.ich allo�rad the City to ktaok intc the �raviaty lin� and elirninatP lift si,ations. Couricilnaan Wright raid that this was a savings in ep�ci,al assessmenta. Councilman Sheridan said tha� this save� ihe Distr?�+ unYs�n oeer a 30 year period, and it al�o saved thQ Gity cest, Ae sai�� rF rzas �ust bringing this out as an area far disr,us��ion. Councilman ?i�rx•,i;� sa� c3 that the savinga was ncst to the City of Fridley, but in Special Ita�vs,�zn�ri;s to individuals in the area. The Consulting Er_�ineFlr sai.d th�t thas affects the City as a whole. Ti' the assss�men+, ta be paid by the Ci1,y would '��ue been su�'ficiently more than the area to be a�s�:ssed could be assessed, th� City as a whole would ha�e paid. SAM[TELSON: MEMDRANDiTM - PROF�SED FRSDLEv BEAUmTFICATSOPi RESOLIITIOPS MOTION by Cowacilm_an Harris to receive and fzl� the ccmm�anicat,5_on from Councilman Samuelson, and tnke it nnder advisr�m�nt at thu first bi.dUet m�eting. 5eco�deci by Crn�nr,y�an Stseridan. Upc�n a<re;ce voce, the_re be1n�, no nafe} Ma;ror i��rkham 3ecler�d the m�tion e�rrik.r�� H�FRI�a �5TIM4TFn VALUATION: t>s Chairman c�f the Fradle;r Ind�zstr5al Develapmen� Conm!issiQn, Cn�mcilman Harris dsew the atten#aa�a of tA,e Count�i]. t�: t�F,e £act that thP CezsRmerc:ial and Indnstr.?a1 E�timated �raluatians for 196b *otal c+v�r a milllcr� and hal:#' dollars, as compared to $1130�000,00 last ye.ar, �ar�cb, he sai�, sha�r� we are making -�re�r��ss s DTSCUS5I0*I OF A➢D1T7�NAL MAimERS: Councilm.xl �'right asked the Ca�a?��i7.�� thirki.,� a�aut a polzcy de�z�ian c� the �tt�r nf parkin� small trai]er� on prop�rt,y a° the naal�l3c �$ txn�le?�° �s to their rights� and the Build9ng Inspect�«n £�epar#anr,nt shou�d have same answer £or the �Fnjle complai_nin�;, Tt:� Cii,y Manag�r saia thEa C;1,G does have an Ordinance. Ne said $5 r.ould b� rhar�ed ior an uno.r,eu�iPd r,�mper parked on private property, but the City haw ne�=er en£or�:ed tl-,is, Cour.c:ilman Wright said he di� nc�t thir_ic the prac+i�� was bein� aaa�s�d. � Cc�mailman Sa:ruelson asked the status of thFr o1d ��r�ue�in �Y East Rivsr Road st Mississirni. Councilman Wright s3id that tF:P ��^ive-�n had been sc�7,a., ar_d the.y have been to'Ler3nt of the new ownea, who eaid he was going to knock it down and come in with som�thing comrr��rcia7., but it, seem:s that it. has been long eno�iph�, Councilm2n Wright satd that zt is ncw a d�rgsraus builciing. �, Mr. John Meyer, a vzsitor to the Covncii Meetir�g asked about +he Sunlinf� Motel„ The Ciiy S7anager said thai t,hey will �P rPhuilding it ar b?fO+'ea and trc Cout�ci.l itas ordered tthem ta recona#,ruct ;� arrerdan�, to code„ He ��k�cl the Council i£ they zranted �t t� co:ne, back tss^exr: the.m again, an�? th� Gcunc�l decided, �rv����� Council*nan Sheri dan sa� d he would like tha Coun��il to 1�,str�act k�l�e Administration te put gressure on ihe junk �r�rs a17 ov�r the r,itdr, Ttia!� City Manager said there h�rl b�en twc complai�rt:, t?�at wer_t ±a �:ourt, Thb� r,xty Attorneu said tihat thc previous Building Inspentar had requested an znterpreta#ion on this, and he had su�ge�ted thcst, ratrer than declaring such cars be completely removed, there be an alternativa that ?,hey be scrr:enF�l or heus-r_d, The City Manaaer said th�i, he and the City ��tornev r,ould work this over and give it to ihe Counc��1 and the P°Lanni_r�g �omniissac��. Councilman Wragh#, sai�i the Co1�*.tril has Le be �a��eful o£ the ��nger ��` a�er- leg�slature. 'd'he G�unr.zl d9scvssed �i,ed a�r sale� at seTM,�,.�r- statior,s� ThQ City Man,a�Ar said that en May ir 196K ].etters had �+een mriler] out xequir�^n�,r i,hat they either quit or ask for used car perm�_t; � Crnincilmara Sheridan poirated out that the State requiras them to register as deal�rs if they hav� ovFr^ � certazn nurrber of �ars. Counctlman Wr3ght Gaic� #.hat this wav not ra�7i enforcFC�� and was ha?� t� prave. Thc Gzty A+,tn�n��+ sa;a n� wo,llr3 mak� a nate of th�s and keep it in minc� for a possible er•da_n.�nc�; amenc�cr�ent„ 1DJOURNMF�dT: There being n� Y�rther bvsiness, ?"ayor ?Cirkham �leclax•ed the Fegular Coure�5? I�eeting of July 18� 19F6 adjourned at 10;45 F,M. ?ies�ectfully submitteda i � �^�`ffr� ��%��zv, �'�.c. �/�'j�i�--� ,v NIa f L S4.rrnn F.ct,ing Searetary ta the Counr.il ��, c �� �� !/ u� ,�_, i ��L ` � ,_,�� c. x3��n�� �v�N