08/08/1966 - 00021385��
The Special Council Meeting ef Augnst 8� 1966� was called to order hy Mayor
Kirkham at 8:06 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESEIdT: Kirkham� Harris, Wright, Samuelson
The City Manager read the Notice of Hearirig to the Public. Maymr Kirkham
explained that the Council holds hearings for rezoning and for street, sewer
an�l water projects to hear the peoples� viewpoints, either ior or againat the
project, and because the Cnuncil calls a Public riearing does not necessarily
mean t,he Councit is pushing for the preaject. He said the Cvuncil takes into
consideration the opinions voiced by the people in their final decision.
Mayrsr Kirkham said that 1�5 rm.nutes had been alletted for this Public Haaring
nnd the f`irst 15 minutes would be for the propmnents ef the project, then
15 minutes for the people who may wish t� speak aga3nst the project, and the
last 15 minutes would be used to sum it up.
N:r. Ke�th Holvenstot was present at the Counc�l Meeting repreaenting the
Erickson Petroleum Corporation and presented their reasons for requesting
the re2oning.
Mr. Holvanstet said that the Erickson Company Yeels that the land under �
consideration properly shnuld be rezoned commsrcial ae the imprevement of
University Avenue� the signalizing at �7th Avenue whieh they have been tmld
will increASe traffie �n 57th, the Main Street imprevement, and Hvliday North
apening sc.on, niakes the land unsuitable £or singls hmmes, and their Company
feels there should ba some type of gradual zoning inte commerci�.l. He pointed
out that they own all the specified lots in queation in � two block aroa, and
they would hope, in time, to acquire mor� property in the area.
Mr. Hol���nstmt said that the Erickson Company would like to build buaineas
ventures in this area that aould be supplementary to Aoliday North� but whieh
cannot be taken care of entirely within a main building� for example: a car
cure center and a garden recreatic,nal center, �°e said they have addiiional
ir.complete plans for z drive-in of a Savings and Loan Company stnd a Marine B�a�
.-s.d Moter Sales which are under consideration. He said the buildings which
woul� be built would con£orm with the City Ordinances. They feel the highest
land use is crnmmercial which wi11 increase the tax base mf the City. He said
Holiday North will employ apprmximately 3� People and have a payroll rf
approximately $1��000�000� and this will create additional �obs Mr. Holvenstot
said he h�ped the people and the Counc3l would laok with Pavor on this rezoning.
Councilman Wright said that the Fridley Couneil takes a p�sitien against spot
rezoning and creeping commercial in favor of buffering� and he asked if
Erickson Company wou].d be willing to speci£y what the actual sites taill be
developed as,be wllling to bufier the back with £encing� and keep all �
storage inside. Mr. Holvenstot said yes� they were prepared to build such
liuildings i£ the land is suitahle, and they can be done according to the
ordinances and off street parking. He said that the storas would be open
1G to 12 hours a day� and when they closed all supplies would be secured,
and as to screening, they were prepared to follaw the Council�s requirements.
Councilman t+!right asked� if if; w�re requested� rn>uld they execute covenante
�rk,ich agreed that the commercial prejects they propose would be the ones they
executed, rather than something else. Mr. Holven€�tot said yes they were ready
*,c agree that the anticipdted land area which at present have no set plans,
would be restricted to this classificatien. He said there werE many uaes in
C-2 which Erickson would not like either. Cauncilman Wright asked if they
w�re willing to a�ree to restrictions that wcould set a limit to the expanaion
to the northa Mr. Hnlvenstot said they had no designs further to the north.
�' �
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Mayor Airkham asked if any members of the Council had any further questions
or i£ anyone else wished tm speak in favar of the propoaed rea�ning. There
was na answer. The people xho were opposed to the rezonin� were then asked
to give their viewpoints.
Mrs. Abitz� 216 - 57th Place� said that the hrickson Corpmration had bought
all the homes except hers and one other neighbor�s. She said she was getting
up in years and did not want to be squeezed out. She said the Erickson
Corperation had ofYered her $12,500 for her home� and she had put more money
than that into'it. She had asked $20,000 and they walked off. She said that
she xould be in favor of the rezaning, if the;y- would �ive her $20,000 £or
her home.
Mr. Irving Efron, owner of an apartment at 262 - 57th Place, said he and
his partner Dr. Herman� had sufFered through the tornado, rebuilding and
retenanting the b�uldins� and it was not better than when it was first
purchased, but with the traffic as busy se $7th Avenue or busier� it xill
�o doubt causs a loss o£ tenaney. xe said that the Holiday st,�re is a nice
.^,�dition to Fridley� and no doubt wlll be a successful operation� but that
Holiday South has nm other businesses except for a service station, and here
they propose to take over more land and build more busineases. He said they
would not be at a lass far pro£it in a self su�tained building as they havo
now. Councilman Samuelson asked Mr. Holvenstmt to compare the two sites.
Mr. Holvenstot said that the square footage of the Hol9iay North store was
greater� appreximately 1b8�000 square feet as compared to 150�000 square feet.
He said the land area of Holiday South was considerably gre�ter� and they own
the tauilding and prmperty o£ the Perkin�s Pancake House} have a car care
center and a garden store. t#e said there is also a filling station in fronta
but they have no desire to bui1�� a station in £ront oP Hmliday North, as they
do not have the land area� and it would detract from the building.
Councilman Harris asked if they would need additiona`1 land for overflow
parking. l�ir. Holvenstot said that the business peaks at Thanksgiving�
Christmas and just a£ter sehool is out� and ia th their experience and pre-
fessional planning� they Yeel their parkinr can handle the cars during th� peak
periods with no need £or additionsl parking.
Dr. Herman, owner of property with his partner Mr, Efron at 262 - 57th Avenue,
581�6 2� and 5770 2� Street said that his tenants on 2� Street were complaining
that heavy tra£fic e�d sts nox, and he does nmt believe anything can alleviate
this prcoblema and that it is only goin� to inerea.,e on 57� Avenue and 2� Street.
He said that this has been before the Plannir.�; Co�ni�sion and the�r did not fesl
that what Erickson had to offer was ready to be passe� at this time, and he
could not understand why the �ouncil would go against the Planning Commission'a
advice. He said that they would be able to put in anyth3ng under tha classi�
Pication� even a McDenald�s. Councilman Samua�lson said that he was holding
fer a limited C-2, Dr. Herman said that the petitimn was for C-2 and Cour_cil-
man Samuelson sa3d that before it was granted it would be limited. Councilman
Wright p�inted out that Mr. Helvenstot had indicated they would he willing to
agree to restricted covenants� and there was a:trur.g position on the part o£
the Council that the praposed use of the land wro�il.d be the funal use of {;he
land, and the Cmuncil is in a positidn to control this,
Mr. Den Weeding� 247 - 57th Place� said that when all the huildings they want
to tear down are down, and the other buildings put up� the p�ople urill be
looking at the backs o£ the stores� and also Lhat there is a lot of traFfi¢
�n 57th Avenue right now� and people will park at the main store and run baok
and forth across the street to the other stores, Mayor Kirkham said that if
this rezoning went through� the Council would reqnire screen planting,
and adequate control o£ tra£fie would be required, possibly tay widening the
street or by islands designed so that trnf£ic would be adaquat�sly controlled
on 5'7th. Mr. �eeding saial that if the land is cut down in size fnr the street
they xill ncat be able to use it, Gouncilman Samuelson answered th�t lirickson
has looksd at the ordinancesa and feel they can put the businesfies in and
meet all aspects of the ora�inance. Mr. Weeding says that i£ the Council wants
to eliminate creeping commercial� and as the prmperty owne�l now by Erickson
is not emm��h for what they have mentioned they would like to put �_n� why
donTt they make the people an offer if they want to acquire more land. Council-
man Wright said that the Council can limit what Erickson Corporation can doa
and make them keep to their promises. If they are lnterested i.� ane area�
they can get options and protect the area with fencing and planting. The
Council can require special rezoning with limitationa and restrictive cavanants
binding on the use now and on future owners. Councilman Uiright said perhaps
the hearing should be to aee if there are enough restrictions� rather than if
it is to be done.
Mr. Frank Szgplinski� 233 - 57th Place� said he was against the rezoning for
a number of reasons, and mentioned that the land is only 136 feet deep� ani
if the buildings are ofFset at all� they would be backed up all the way ts
57th Place. He said they mentioned a$��000.000 payroll which is impossible
unless every person is getting $10�000o They say the car center will handle
only things like t3res and batteries, but in time he believes they will add
things like mufflers, and he works nights and vrill have to listen to them
wh�n they are open 10 to 12 hours a day. Mr. Szyplinski said there is plenty
o£ tra£fic already� and property values will go dswn, as nobody wall want te
buy their propert� look�ng at the back of the stmres. He said that Eriekson
has been working on this from April nntil new� and he cannot understand xhy �
they could not come out and say r�this is the plan £or the bu5lding�' and let
the peaple judge then. He Pelt the rezoning wm�uld be limited £or awhile, and
then they would hire attorneys, fight it and w1n.
Mr�. ;fax Hapka� 281 - K7th Place' said that the property next door to them
and behind them has been acquired and i,hey will be sitting almne on the corner.
She said they had just rebuilt after th� tornado� without knewing about this� and
with the noise and traffic, she did not feel this was a residential area anymore.
She said that Erickson said they were not going any farther, but now they
are coming across the street. Mr. Holvenstot said that the Erickscm CarpsrAtion
has no plans now nr in the £uture to develAp commercial enterpriees north o£
5%th Place. Couricilman L7right said he suspected that this was because the
City Planner suggested that if additional access were necessary in the i��ure,
the Company would be well advised to be able to provide that acoess as n
street. Mr. iiolvenstot said this was cerrect and in addition houses could be
moved onto this empty land with the understanding they are brought up to code.
Mr. Szyplinski asked where the off street parki.ng would be to take care aY
the cars if commercial wera established betWeen $8th and S�ibh Place. Mr.
Holvenstot-said that Off street parking is required as outlined in the ordinance
and when they present their specific plans, they must mcet all the requiremernts.
They have studies this problem� and they are sure they can meet all requirementa.
Counci]man Wright said that this threw it right back at the Council to enforce
their ordinanees, and that the buildings will have to be farther apart for
parking because the land is narrcw. Mr. Szyplineki asked if they would petitien
to be 1°6�� from the lot line as some other business has d0ne. Mayor Kirkham �
sai� that everything Mr, Szyplisski has mentione� �amul.d be in the covenanta.
Mr. Szypllnski s�id that everything should be known befcre they get the r�zonin�.
Councilman Samuelson said that if the rezoning is granted� everything Will be
Dr. Herman zsked why Erickson had not gone throngh the Planning Commissiom m�
acquiring o£ land north of s�th Place. Mr. Holvenstot said that any plans
fur this are two to iive years in the future� and all conditions can change in
that time� s� it was not brought up. Dr. 9erman said that then the way it
still standsi the Planning Commission is aginst it.
MayOr Kirkham closed th� Public Hearing on Rezoning Yrom R-2 to C-2� Lot 2 and
2� Lots 6 through 12� Block 7� City 4iex Addition and lots 'j through 15� Block $�
City View Adelition zt 9:10 P,M.
The City Manager read the Notice of Hearing to the Public. Councilman Harris
said that Mr. Dick Sherry� 5220 Buchanan Streat Northeast had presente� a
petition ta the Council oppoaing thi� project.
MO'TION by Councilman Harris �o accept Petition #28-1966. Seconded by Councilman
Samuelson, and upon a voica vote, there being na nays, Mayor Kirkham declared
the motion carried.
Mayor Kirkham asked Mr. Comstook, the Consulting Engineer, to explain the �
improvement project. Mr. Comstock pminted out the area involvei, on tha map
and said that there was a probZem maintaining �he water level in Sull�van Lake,
and that Hole "934" on the b�rder of Fr�aley and Columbia Heights will no
longer hold the water as planned and will overflox as Mathaire develops. He
said that Innsbruck g�es into catch basins and then into �lmver Pond� and there
is a hole s�uth sf Lincoln Street which some back yards drain ints. He eacplained
that tkie storm sewer outlined in green on the map� for Cl�ver Pond will pick
up the low hills and eliminate Hole ��934". He said there were twm facilitiea
in already that empty into Sullivan Lake, one culvert under the highway ani
one culvert under 53rd Avenue.
Dr. James Mathews, 1259 Skywood Lane� asked about the storm sewer that Skysrooi
Lane has nox which is z separate pro�ect that gees to Moore Lake. The con-
u� �
sulting l�:ngineer szid that the �klifferent properties would be in one district
or anothea, maybe in some casea � o£ the yard would be in one district and
� in another. He said that if the property owner has been assessed fer
Project !�3 under 1966-1 Streets, he rrill not be assessed under this project.
He e�cplained that the Eiearing Notice published in the newspaper is a larger
area as they tried te follow atreets to make it easier to understand� and
moro pemple m�y kave been aent notices than will be assessed.
Dr. Mathews asked how Skywood Lane will be benefitted as it has an existing
drain. Mr. Comstock said that certain portions from Sullivan Lake tv the
Mississippi have been conatructei� but not fully assessed, and some construction
� has been done by C�lumbia Heights of which a certain portion will be assesseal
to Frialley, Mr. Mathews asked why both new improvement and financing of that
which has alreac�y been conetructed are being put together. Mr. Comst4ck
explained that the larger the area� the £airer the zssessment� and as every-
one is getting rid of the water on their property� the benefit is even and
lhis is an attempt to equalize the assessment. Dr. Mzthews asked xhat
happenei to the natural law that high land has drainage and loFr land can
expect to be wet. He said that Sullivan Lake had always been there, and he
asked if this was the easieat vay this could be done. Mr. Comatock said that
assessments, like taxes, are never completely fiar. He said there have been
many ways proposed in ditferent communities, and in the casea contested� the
general rules are that if the land lies within the Distx3et, it benefite from
the storm sewer construction, as he has a responsibility to take care of the
water that falls an his property just �s the other perssn does.
Mi'• �PPe�, 5313 Matterhorn Drive� asked Mr. Comstock please to be explicit
on where �he storm sewer is going to xvn and what i+ covers. Mr. Comstc�ck
pointed out that the lots in Innsbruck that drained into the facilzty, and showei
the difierent ways it drained. Mr. Comstock explained that the people in
Innabruck lst� 2nd and 3rd Additions have the storm sewer and paving assessei
on a lot basis� and in Innsbruck sth the starm sewer benefits Columbia Heighta
to the extent that they �ill give a credit of approximately what the assessment
Would b�� and the pesple in this area will not receive an additional assessment
for this impr�vement becauae •f the credit.
' Dr. Mathews satd that he was alreac�y in a district and assessed for draining
water to Moore Lake and he wanted to irnow how to get into the proper drainage
aiistrict. Mr. Comstock said that there had been sub-diatricts within the bi�
district, but this waa an attempt to equalize everyone under the big district.
There was a discussion at the Cauncil table on which way his land drained.
The Finance Director explained that he uould receiva a credit toward any
past assessment. Dr. M�thmws s�id that in this way they xould be paying £or
the new people that have moved in and have not paid on the old assessments,
Ccuncilman Wright said that the new psople wi11 be paying for what Dr. M�thes�a
lias paii £or in the past by not getting a credit. Dr. Mathews asked zf the
C�uncil was going £orward with this equalizing from nox vn, or would it be
retroactive. Councilman Said that they xere going forward from now on,
but that it would be retroactive by giving credits.
Mrs. Mathews� 1259 Skyuood Lane� asked fmr a breakdown ¢�� the $80�000�
what Columbia Heights and the State will be paying and why Fridley is getting
the rrhole ball of xa�c. Mr. Comstock explained that one portion of the storm
sewer which will cost $31�y000 will be sp21t approximately 50/50 with Columbia
Heights. He said tha t it has not been computed yet� and may even be less
than this figure, but that the £ormula has been workeei out and it will be
based on the CFS reach method, This measures the capacity of the sewer, the
actual Slow by Columbia Heighta and the flow by Fridley� znd the proportion
e£ the flow in the line block by ilock. One other portion of the storm sewer
will cest $15�000� there are ab�ut $8�000 worth of laterals� and $26,OQ0
� of work that is alTOaety done but has not been £inanced or assessed. Mr.
Comstock said that the State has paid over $9�000 on one section of the
sewer. Mrs. Mathews said that the highway has blocked off Sullivan Lake
and the highway ��partment should pap, Mr. Comst�ck explained that th�s
has been negotiated by Columbia Heights on a proportion basis o£ the flow
into Sullivan Lake, calculated on CFS reach, and thls is the State+s actual
Mr. John H, Glover� l�207 Dupont Avenue North, was present at the CounciZ
Meeting and said that he was the owner of the pond and has a cert3ficate of
title to the land under it. He stated that he is in litigation at the present
time� and feels that the irainage problem is mastly the highway+s fault as
they shut off the water going to M�ore Lake. He said that the G'ity
cannot do anything but xhat they are doing now� but that if the H3ghtray
Department would do what they should, the City would not need the storm
sewer. Mr. Glmver went on to explain te the peo;ale present at the Pulelic
: ..
Hearing th� way the riifferent storm sewera and drainage areas have develeped
aver the years. xe said there was nothing wrung with what the Council was
t�,�ring to do� but he felt the Highway Department should have to pay £er it.
He mentioned the suit he had pending «nd said he would �o as high as the
Supreme Court i€ necessar��� and asked all the people that �a� water draining
to the nortr, before 1942 to send him their natt�s� and maybe he c�uld bring
back some of the money from Washington,
The Counc37 thanked �r. Glever for coming to the meeting.
MR. J, J. Smith, 5272 Matterhorn Drive� asked if the Council was prepared iv
give an indi�ridual lot owner an idea o£ what his share of the #80�000 wmnl¢] �
be. The Rinance Director said this was not the assessment hearing on the
imprarements bui he rras sure tha top limit xould be $3.00 per 100 square feet
less the credit they have paid� Mr. �mith asked if the people wou].d be able
to call in and Yini what the crndit would be in the individual case. The
�inance 4irect��r �aid they woul� be able to receine this by phone.
Mr. R. J, Oul3eky, 5332 Matterhorn Drive, asked if the sewer was going tm run
down NIatt�rhorn. �'�r. Comstock explainei! that the blue line on the map was
outlinin� the pro�ect. Cmuncilman hiright e�laihed that the Gouncil outlines
a larger area rather than hacing the people come back later and amk why they
•,•ere not notiPied.
Mayor Kirkham closed the hearing on Improvement SS#82 at lOsDs P.M, and called
a short x�ecess. The meetin� was called to order again at 10:17 P.M,
The City Manager read the Notice of Hearing. There was no one present at the
Council Meeting who wished to speak in opposition to this rezoning. The City
Manager said the one telephone call he had received was in favor o£ the
rczoning. Counciltnan Harri� asked what long range plans they had for the
rest o£ the property up to Osborne Road. Nr. Nagel said that the Plans fer
sll the lots north m£ Lot 9 wauld be ce�mnercial� but that aewer yrould have
to be put in to serve indub",fy. Councilman Harris asked i£ they had pro- �
visions to grovide access to Baker Street. Mr. Hafner said thay would �o
this if the Council wanted it. Th� Coun�il looked at the map and discussed
:ccess for th� resident vehicles, possibly a one way "in'� and �nother ene way
��out^ as a pr_ivate access for residexats which wovld cut down on the cars
turning left on T. H. �65. Councilman Samuelson said his feelings were fi,l�at
the trailer park was pleasant and nice and a benefit to Fridley� and that he
would like t� see Baker completed to Osborne.
The Council and petitioners discussed sewer and water fr�m 75th north mn
Baker 9treet. Councilman Samuelscn pointed out that this would help develop
the area. Mr. Nagel asked if they were to petitisn f0r this now� would it
be assessed �r� the next year, Councilman 5amuelson said that it would be
and asked if the Council could get a petition� wh�ch Mr. Nagel agreed ta.
P4ayor Kirkham closed the hearin� on Rezoning from M-1 to R-4, Lots 9 thrmugh
22� Bleck 1� Nagel�s Fioodlands at 10:j0 P.M.
MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt upon First Raading� an Ordinance
r�zoning from M-1 ta H�1�� Lots 9- 22� Bleck 1� Nagel�s Woodlands for the
purpose of a Mob3lehmme Trailer Park, and the petitioner agrees tm petition
for street� sewer, and water on Baker Street £rom 75th Avenue to Osborne Road.
Secanded by Cwncilman Wright. Councilm�n Wright pointed out that the discussion
should show that the Council acknoeledges that this is a departure from the
normal precedure, and noting the absence of erppasition and the approval oY
the P2anning Commission, that the motion was acceptable. Upun a roll ca21 �
vote: Kirkham� Harris� 7+�Iright� and Samuelson voting aye, Mayor Kirkham
declared the motion carried.
Mayor Kirkham said that the Counci3. has no policy for the disposition oP
impounded prapertq such as stolen z�.cros� mr items turned in and not c]simed,
and as there is a large quantity of a variety of items� tte felt it was t3me
the Council had a policy for their dispositicn. He stated that ather
comrnunities have auct3on sales� and if the Couneil is agreeabZe he wmu7.d
direct the City Attorney to draw up a resolution establishing such a policy.
The City Manager stated that he would check into it� but he was sure the
Pmlice Department could do so without a RGSelution. Councilman Wright
said he felt that this does need a clarificatiun� but since it was not �m
� iC
�� �
the agenda and Councilm�n Sheridan is not hex� to waive nvtice, the discussion
presented sheuld be su£ficient te help him make up his m3nd for a drawn
version at the next meeting. Mayor Kirkham agreed that rather than acting
on it tonight, the City Attorney sh�uld draw up a resolution for the next
meeting. He said he tt�ought once a year would be sufficient, and it coulcl be
dmne more often if necessary. The City Manager suggested that he check on
how it has been done irt the past, and if it does not require any e£ficia7.
action� they could set it up once a year on the Adminietrative lev�l.
Maqor Kirkham said he felt a resolution zsazld be directive of the Council
tm make certain that it is eatabliahed.
Councilman Samuelson said that it was his understanding that most oi the
informatien vill soon be available on the Civic Center� ani as it is avail-
able the public should be informed as to the Council�s choice� costs, and
location either through a Public Hearing or some type of brachure so theyr
knox what is being done on the Council level. He stated that because
construction £or tha year will be elosins down in three or four montha� it
should be awarded as aoon as p�ssible, and he prepoeed that the Council get
the information and set it up for the primary electi�,n, because ii it ia
delayed until November cests will be higher. �ouncilman Wright asked what
form of ballot he had 3n mind, did he propo�e to say something like "ShouZ�i
the City of Fridley use fluida to construct a City Hall at 69th and University
estimates to cost $ "'. Councilman Samuelson said� more or less, He said
they could have the plans complete to present at a Public Hearing, and
iniorm the people of the architects estimate, preblems, site locati�n and
this could clearly be etated on the ballst. The Council discussed the
tenor of the ball•t� and whether each Councilman�s individual opit�ion
should be in the brechure, the £act that no effmrt shoul� be msde to se31
one site or the other, and that the exact wvrd"n�, ef the ball�t shoulc� be
the consensus of the Nho1e Council. Mayor Kirkham ssud that he preferred
getting the feeling of the public at a Public Hearing rather than on a
ballat� but that he wil7 go along with the rest of the Counci2.
N,r. Jokui Meyer� a visitor to the Council Meeting, asked if this woulc� be
1 an advisory •r a mandatory ballot. Councilman Samuelson sa�d that he felt
if the ballot was 3 to 1£or one mf the sites he would not vote against it,
Mr. Meyers exFlained the vetition a group was preparing that would (1) prohibit
the building oF public buildings on land de�igna,te�l park lands, and (2) when
a bond issue was sald by the City� wlth �rachures and advertis3ng at publ3a
e�cpense, the general intent must be followed in the final construction.
Councilman Harris asked i£ the legality of the first part had been checked,
as the lis pendens would override any ordinance wh�ch woulci be aYter the
fact. Mr. Meyers sai� that Councilman Harris had brought up a good point
which shoxeal the benefit of getting together and talking these things over,
They discussed hom soon the information wou7,d have to be ready t� go on the
primary ballot� and the date •f a public hesring priar to the primary. The
Gity Manager reminded the Council that the City Attorney has been darected
te prepare a resoluti�n setting a Puhlic Hearing� and directions to put it
on the ballot could be stdded to that resslution.
MOTION by Ceuncilman Samuels�n to proceed with the resolution set'Uing a
public hearing and the work required to present the questien of the site
location o£ the new City Hall to the public at the primary election,
Seconded by Harris.
Councilman Wri�t asked i£ the minutca could show this motion was
subject to the reconsideratian of the full Council at a regular meeting?
� Mayor Kirkham answereal, certaix�ly.
t�pon a vmice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion
Counailman Samuelson said a reply has been receivead From Spring Lake Park
on the storm sewer hookup, and they seem to be very clase te agreement except
that instead of the basis of $35:000. Spring Lake Park offered $31�000, whsch
according tm the reach method is closer to Nhat Comstock and Davis came up
with� and they added a paragraph that maintenance be paid for pr�portionately
by the reach method. He said that he himself felt the City cculd accep�
their paragraph on the percentage control o£ maintenance, but hald £irm on
�e $35�000. It scas the consens�:s of the Gouncil that the City I�fanager and
Consulting Engineer procaed with the negotiations,
The Council discussed the opinimn poll that is to be ma3led to the people of
Fridley. The City Manager said several of the Councilman have lmok�d at it
and given their approval. The Council said that the City Hall question
cnuld be deleted £rom the poll� as it will not be received in time to have
any bearing.
There being nv nays� Mayor Kirkham declared the Special Council Meeting o£
August 8� 1966� adjourned at 11;10 P.M.
Respect�A+lly submitted,
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Mary Lu Strom
Acting Secretary to the Covncil
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� Jack 0. Kirkham
The Regular Meeting oP the City Council vf the City of Fridley was called to
erder by Mayor Airkham at 8:�lt P.M.
M�MBERS PRESENT: Kirkham� Harris� Sheridan� Wright, Samuelson
Mrs. Stimler read a letter s£ presentation to the Council in behalY of the
Mrs. Jaycees and presented the Czty with a check in payment of a new lon�E
;,peaker system wlaich they gave the City and the Parks and Recreation Commission
in conjunction with the new hockey areaa and for any other use the City feels
suitable. She said the speaker system has not been delivered yet, but that
it consasts of two apeakers and a microphone. Mayor Kirkham extended his
perGrnal thanks, and thanks on behalf of the Council.
MOTION by Councilman Wright that the City�s thank you be recorded in writing�
and that copies be given to the press. The motion was secomded and upon a
voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motimn carried.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the minutes as submitted. Secondei by
Councilman Samuelsan. Up�n a voice vote, there being no na,ys, Mayor Kirkham
declared the motien carriad.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the minutes as aubmitted. Seconded by
Couracilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� Mayor Kirkham
declared the motion cars2ed.
1q67 BUDGETo
Councilman Samuelson asked the City Manager the date the Budget was to be
presented for Public Hearing. The City Manager said that the Charter stated
that it was to be discussed at the first meeting in August, and at any
subsequent meetings� until it has been discussed thor�ughly. He said the mill
levy hearin� was the 12th of September. Councilman Samuelson sug�ested
tabling adoption of the budget until after this he�ring as he would like some
time to cempare some of the figures. Councilman Wright asked i£ he meant that
the F3udget would not be produced until the enening o£ the Mill Levy Hearing.
Cooncilmzn uamuelson said he just would like mnre time� as there are a few
more things that n�eded tying dawn. Counci].man Wright said he would like it