08/22/1966 - 00021359�
the possibility oi the restoration or destruation o£ the nozth secti�n of the
M& I Aut� Supply btn lding. The City Manager said that these people had been
to see him� and he will have a report on it nn the agenda at the ne�ct regular
Mayor Kirkham said he had received a Notice from the Senate Cormnittee Office
of a Public Hearing te be held in Duluth August 21�, 25, and 2b, 1966, and
asked if anyone could attend the meet�ng. Counci]snan Aarris said he would
be in Duluths and �11 be able �o represent the City at sc.me o£ ite
MOTION try Councilman Wright ta reimburse Counci�man Harris for the reg3s-�
tration Pee and any necessary expenses. Seconded hy Councilman Samuelson-
Upon a veice vete, there being no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared the mcti�n
Councilman Samuelaen said that 3f the north wall Qf the building is to be
painted, the ,yard out in back of City Hall is r�eplmrable, the fence was
lost in the tornado, and the trucks could be parked in an orderly line. He
felt this should be cleaned up also and the Council agreed„
There bein� no iurther business� Mayor Kirkham declared the Regular Council
Meeting of August 15� 1966 adjo�.rned at 12e15.
Respectfully submitted�
��'-� � �' ,
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Mary Lu �trom
Acting Sncretary to the Gounail
;���� k �n i�'z �C -����_
, �Jaok 0. Kirkham
The Special Council Meeting o£ August 22� 19b6� was called to order by
Mayor Pro Tem Dave Harria at %:ls P.N.
M�'IBE}LS P]2ESENT: Harris� Sheridan, Samuelson
ME:MBF�FtS ABSENT: Kirkham, Wright
The City Manager ra�ad the Notice o£ Hearing� There was no one present t�
object ta the assessment rsll and there had been no written ob�ections.
Mr. Olson o£ Comstsck and Davis explained the prmjeet for the benefit vf
the Couacil, The Ceuncil had no questimns,
Mayor Prn Tem Harris declared the hearing closed at 7:3G P.M.
No. 73�B: �
The City Manager read the Notice oi Hearing. Counciiman Harris asked i£
there were any written or oral ohjectiona. There were nor.e. Councilman
Samuelson asked if there had been petitions £or thie preject. The Finance
Director drew the Council�a attention to the listed petitions, but pointed
oui that Project No. 73 envelepes several things, and some mf the petitions
should not be on the list far this particular parte
Mayor Pro Tem Harris declared the hearing closed at 7:31� P.P?„
r"� u u
d 3
Councilman Harris said that although this item was not on the agenda £ar
this evetting, he was sure zll the members of the Council would agree it
shauld be taken eare of at ance. �e stat�d that the Twin City Suburban
Taxi had been granted a license on August 15� 19bb� and sinc� that time�
f,t,ere has been seme in£oxmat,ion given to the Police Department £or the
Cmuncil�s ccrosideration regarding some o£ the drivers hired bj� the licenset.
Ee said it appears that some of the drivera have a number af violations.
He handed the list t� the Ccuncil for their study. Councilman Samuelson
askedy ii the Council revokes the license, how will they be assured the
lic�nsee has hired adequate drivers on renewal? The City Mannger suggested �
it could be a suspension, until the awner shoxed cause why 3t should nmt be
revoked. The Cit,y Attorney recommended they make it a temperary sus-
pension and ask the Administration to noti£y the owner that the license has
been auspended until such time as he appears before the Caur�cil and answera
the ob�ectimna nated by the Council� based on the Police repart,
MOTION by Couracilman Samuelson that the Council suspend the license of the
Twin City Supurban Taxi� anc direct the Administration ta notify the
licensee o£ such suspensian� and ask him to report back to the Athninlstration
the reason for emploging s�h drivers, which are im conflict witti the City
Ordinance. The suspension shall be until such time as he can assure the
Councrl that the drivers have met all qualaficatiens as requ�red by the
City, Seconded by C�uncil.man Sheridan, Upmn a vaice vote� there being nm
nays� Ma,yor Pre Tem Aarris sieclared the mation carried.
Mayr Prm Tem Harris called a recess while the Council met briefly in the
Clerk's office. The Meeting was recmnvened at 8:10 P.I�.
Councilman Narris said that the Cpuncil has received a memo from the City
Attorney with his opinion about tdie £ollowing three types of elections �
which have besn discussed by the Ceuncil. (1) "Re£erendum�� bin�ing on
the Counc�.l. (2) An advisory Ball�t (9) An 3nitiative as described in
the Fridley City Charter. Counc3lman Harris asked the City Attorney for a
synopsis of his report. A£ter the City Atterney had revieued his memo £or
the Coancil he sa�_d that it was his opinian that a referendum binding on
the Council is not permissible under State laH� under the ceurt decisions
rep�rted by the League of Municipnlities, by the Attorney G�neral�s apinions
and by a leading Minnesota Supreme Court case. The City Attorney said that,
as far as the Advisory Ballet is cancerne�� the Council doss net have
authorit,y ta expend public funds� however, there is an opinion that an
Advisory Ballet cculd he handled by private organizations er by the use of
private fund�. He said that an an initiative as described in the Fridley
Cit�r Charter� there is a question of whether the l�cation of a City Ha7.1 is
a proper questions fer an initiative. He said that if it is an administrative
matter, it would not be a proper question; if legislztive, it wm ld be a
proper question, lf the Couneil decides this is the pxw¢edure to be foll�wed,
he recommended they �et a declaratory judgement on this from the District Court,
MOT10N by Counailman Samuelson that the memo £ram the City Atterney be made
part af the ml.nutes. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan.
Mr. Jahn Meyer, a visitor to the Council Meeting� asked if th� ruling on the
referendum had anything to do with the timing left befora the primary er if
it was a legal question that no re£erenaium could be held. The City Attorney
eacplained that referendum as used in the City Charter was nmt cor'rect '
usuage as this would he a vote on whether an ordinance which has been adopted
should be continued in effect. He said that what he was referring te was an
ir.itiativ� which woula be a matter that is placed on the ballet for the votera
te determine whether er not an ordinance should be adapte�, The City Attorney
explained that the courts have ruled that unless there is specific statutory
authority to submxt a questZOn ta the people, it is a delegated responsibility
o£ the Council to make decisions, and they cannot be redelegated� so there is
no way a vote can be taken to bind the Council if the question is determined
administrative, and a District Ceurt ruling would be needed on this.
Mr. Meycr asked if the wording o£ a petition a group o£ people were can-
siderin6, pxohibstin� the Citv from erectin� £acilities in any of the public
parks which are not directly concerned uith recreatian� would be a proper
sutject for a true ordinance. The City Attorney said that it frould be more
likely, but there prabably would be a legal question of whether such an
erdinance would be� in effect� a restriction on the title of a piec� of
property� when it was acquired without a restriction.
Vote en the motion to make the memorandum a part o£ the minutes: iJpon a
voice vmte� t�ere being no nays� Mayor Pro Tem Snrris declared the motion
Fellweing is the memorandum from Virgil C. Herrick' Fridley City Attorney�
to the Fridley City Council� regarding election on City Hall location:
The question o£ the authorit,y ef the Council to hald an election on the
subject o£ the location o£ the neK City Aall has been referred to me for �
�p3ni�n. In this conr.ection, three types of elections have heen discussei
by one or more parties. These are:
1, "Referendum" Binding on the Couneil
2• An AdYiSOry Ballot,
3, An initiative as described in the Fridley City Charter
I will discuss each e£ the proposed elections individually.
In reviewing the authority for one or more of the above elections, I have
consulted with the M3nnesota League of Municipalities and reviewed material
compiled b,y them as well as twe attorney general�s opini�n} Minnesota Supremo
Court cases� and general texts vn mun3cipal law.
The generai principle is that a munici�al body cannmt dele�ate its authori.t�
ta maka a decision to submrdinates ar other pers�na withvut spe�iiic statutory
Ia McCle�lan on Municipal C�rporations� Sect3sn 16.�9, the follew�ng
appear�s � ��
'�In nm enent� hoHever, can a municipality submit an
ordinance to a vote o£ the electors without 1ega1
autherizati�n� which must ceme from the Consti�utien
or £rom constitutional provisi�n of the Charter or
general statutes.'t
Als• in Rhyne on Municipal Lawa Section 7-1:
�"The requiroment er authorization For the h4lding o£ an
election must generally be found in ssme constitutional
prarvision� statute, or charter, £or there is no inherent
p�wer in municipalities to hold elections; indeed sub-
mission vf a question tm the voters b,y a public agene,y
in which has been vested power to deal with the question
but no authority to refer it to the voters, may constitute
an unlawful delegation of power. (Citing the Minnespta
Supreme Court in Meuhring v, School District No� 31 of
Stearns County, z2l� rrinn. !,32, z8 rrw 2z 655 (1947?.)
Discussion at the last Council meeting centered around a sugge5tion
� te hold a xreferendum'" which xould be binding on the Council rather ihan
an advisory bellst. The use ef the term "refExendum° in the Fridley City
�.harter refers to a procedure whereby citizens may petition to have the
question o£ a prior ad�ption o� azi ordinance submztted to a vote 's� the
electors. Obviously this is n�t the type of procedure thai was ref�rr�d t•
at the past Council meeting.
One of the leading cases on the authorit,y of a governing body t� ::�zbmit
a question to the vsters is the MinnesoLa Supreme Court case of Muehring U,
Sch�ol District No. 31 sf Stearns County referred to above� Here the court
'�Where there is no statutory authorization for submission
o£ a questi.on to the voters for their decision, such a
submissi�n by a public authority clothes with power with
respect to the question submitted canstitutes an un-
suthorizad redelegation of delegated power. In such a
� ��
case, because the veters lack p�xer vrith respect to the
question submitted and becausc the public authoraty lacka
the power to confer it upon them, submission o£ the question
to the vaters is without legal effect� and their decision is
in no way controlling or binding. Galinde v. +7alter, B Cal.
App. 23l�, 96 P. 505g Town oi Klamath Falls v. Sachs 35
Or. 325, 57 p. 329, 7�1m. St. Rep. O1; 3 C.J „ Municipal
Gorporattons�8 2yb. �n Tc+wn o£ Klamath Fa71s v, Sachs� 5upra�
the view was e�cpressed that the result of such an unauthorized
referendum might be "advisory", but it was held that it was
not biaading.'�
The abc�ve rase� together with the Minnesqta 7itt�rney GeneralFa Opiniona
datesl Janaary 19, 1956j and October 23� 196�tr hold that st question-referred to the
voters :rithout speciYir statutory authority cann0t be madebbinding upen the
Cotmcil. I have not found any statutory authroity within the Mi.nnesota Statutea
or the Fridley C�ty Charter authorizing such a vot�. I have alsa eliscu9sed the
matter w3.th Mr. Kennea�ly mf the Minnesota Lea�ue of Municinalitiea, and he hai
indir_ated that he does not Immw of an,y theory •r authority for such a binding
The two Attorney Generalrs op�nions referred te above, together with the
infarmati4n £rom the Mi�nes�ta League of Mttnicipalities� raises the quest3on
as to (1) the author3tg of the Council to submit such a question to the
rc�ters, and (2) the authority •f the Council to expend public £unds f�r an
advisary opinion, In re£erring to propesitiems submitted to the votera where-
in the Counoil has the pswer to decide the matte^ for itselYa the lea�ue statest
'"1£ submztted ts the noters at alla these questions are
submitted solel,y £or their advice and the result of the
vote is nmt bin�3ing on the Ceuncil. Because of the
absence of specific authority ior such advisory electiuns,
the Fower to spend mune� in cmrinectimn with them is ssme-
what open to questiony and if the Ceuncil des3res to call
an electton o£ this kind� e�cpenaiitures ought to be kept at '
the minimum."
The Attorney General� however� has uniformly ruled that this is not a
proper eacpenditure. The Minnesots Supreme Court has also held that any attempt
to held an electian not authorizef or required hy statute or char'r,sr conetitutes
an unauthorized redelegat3on a£ a delegated p�wer. See Muehrin� v. Sc�mol
District, supra.
Sance an advisory election is not an election in the usual sense ef that
term, it is not necessary to follow the Pormal procedure set out in the statutes
for a special election. flallets do not need to be printed and ao particular
form af notice is requireel.
Notw that in the Attorney General�s opinian dated January 19,195b, it is
the conclusion that the Citv Council o£ Austin is not empoaered to submit a
question concerning f2umrclinatien mf water to the eleetorate in order to obtain
an advisory opini�n and is not empowered to expend city funds for the pux�-,ose
of obtaining an advisory po11. In the Atterney General'a opinisn of Octoben 23a
1y64, the Villsge of Broeklyn Park was advised that it might not submit to the
electorate or incur any expense in cmnnection therexith.
While no petition has been £iled requesting an i�hitiativea some discussion �
has taken place as to this possibility. The general rule is that an initiative
may be held on legislative questions but not on an administrstive matter.
Whether the locati�n of a City Hall would be cmnsidered legislative question
or an administrative matter appears to be an open question in Minnesota. TY:e
California decision has ruled that it was a proper question t� be submittei
on initiative. Mr. Kennedy of the League indicated that he thought it was
probably an administrative matter< lf the initiative procedure is Yollnrei
I woul.d suggest that the liistrict Court be asked te render a declaratery �udg-
ment to determine the applicability of the initiative to this particular
�, -.
_ �-
rmv uer.r_.
The City Manager read the Res�lutim.
MOTION by C�uncilman Samuelson t4 adopt Reaolution #135-196b, Seconded by
C�uncilman Sheridan.
A viaitor to the Counc3l Meeting asked if the Council had considered the
land between Moon Plaza and the Fridley State Bank for the City Hall, as
� the lznd is available and is in the center of the City, Councilrnan Harrie
euplained that the Council had discussed a number of lacations} and there
had been the pr�blem mf the`sost of land acquisition, which had also held
true vith the site that Mr. Ha£nzr had offered the City,
TJpon a voice vote, there being ne nays, Mayor Pro Tem Harris declared the motion
The City Manager said that the Public Hearing has been ardercd for
Septtznber 7�} but that a place for the meeting has not been set, He asked
if the Council wanted to hold the hearing here at the City Hall or if he
should contact one of the schoola� The C�uncil dzscussei posaible placea
£ar the hearing, It was pointed out that Ha,yes Sahool does not have adequate
parking, and the fire barn would not have enough seating. The Admin3stration
was instructed to c�ntact the high school to find a suitable place for the
The C�uncil discusse� the brochure� and whether it should be sent eut befmre
the Public Hearing, Tt will be sent out with the questionnaire as soen as it
is prepared, and seme can be handed �ut at the Pui�lic Hearing.
Mr. John Meyer said he had understood �ir. Herrick to say that the City cannot
espen� t�nds on this, C�uncilman Harris said that the Council can put �ut
informational material� and this was an area o£ cormannication. The City
� Attmrney said that the printing cost of the brochure is not an expense asseciatei
rrith the conduct �£ the electiun� and the hrochure can be sent out whether
there is an election ar not,
The City Manager axplained that this agreem�nt cavers a mutual situation rn_th
Colwnbi4 Heights i'�r a large drainage system. He said that Cslumbiz Heighta
will pay 76-7/10,� •f the cost� Fridley vrill pay 23m2/10,� and the State mf
Minnea�ta xill pay $93�• He explained that everyone�a water dra2a�s int�
Sullivan Lake an� this is to get it out, The Finance Director st�te� that
this prejeet has been aided to Pr�ject �5.
MOTION by Councilman 5a�rcaslson that the Mayor and City Manager enter into a
contract with Columbia Heights on the 5ullivan Lake Outfall, and the assessments
against this project be apread �ver the large storm sewer prejeat #5 as
previously discusstd. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upan a volce vote,
there baing no nays, Mayor Pro Tem Harris declared the motion carried.
The City Manager reviewed the two easements the City would like to purchase.
He said that the Administration did not £e�l the �2l�5 Mr. i'eterson was
requesting far laes af trees and sod was mut of line. He said that he had
requested an appraisal from F, N, Shaffer on the W. G, Shield's preperty,
� and he had not received-it yet. He suggested that the G3ty Att�rney and
City Manager be requested to negotiate this with the preperty o�mer, if the
appraiszl is different than his request, and report back to� the Council.
MOTION by Councilman 5heridan t� authorize the Adm7nistration to preceed with
purchasing an easement from Kenneth P. Peterson on Lot 1� Block B� Snring
Hr�ok Park Addition £or �21��. Seconded hy Councilman Sameelsan. Upon a
voice vote, there being na nays� Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried�
Councilman Sheridan said he would like to call the Council�s and Administratian�s
attention to the fact that, assuming the City could get the easement on W. G�
Shield�s property for approximately $2�000, the cest o£ putting sewer and
yrater in £m�r these £ive l�ts xil). cost somewhere betwean $1��000 ancl $5,000
a lot. He said that there had been no objec#i_on�a at i.he hearing� but the
developer is probably not aware of What the actual costs will be. He
f� `�
stiggestea that when the Administratian has the in£ermat�.on on the cost per
lot, is should be discussed with the developer, so that the City does not
end up in court Uecause the assessments are �reater than the value o£ the
lots. .
MOTION by Caimci]man Shs r.�dan that the City Administration proceed to secure
�he cose of the easement over Lot 7� Subdivision of Lot 10� Au�itor�s
Subdivi:�imn #91�, owned by W. G. Shields, plus assimilate additional information
on thE water snd sewer costs for this pro�ect which will agply against the
Swanstrom'� Court Addition� and advise the develeper, throuph Mr. George
Mewhorter� and if agreeable* he will sign an agreement approved by the �ity
Attorney, Secmnded by Courrilmu: Samuelson. i;pon a vaice vate� there being
na� nays� Mayer Pro Tem Harris declared the motion carried.
Mr. Harry Hendrickson� General Manager of Fhllerton Metal.,� K170 Main Street
Northeast� was present at the Council Meeting requestictg approval oF a Bualding
Permit to buile an additl�n to their present building. He stated that this
wiJl double the size of the present structurea and will be the same type of
structnre. He said they would like to start immediately before the cold
weatt;er startso The Counc�l studies the pj.ans ef the aalditicn.
M(YfION by C�uncilman Sheridan to approve the Building Permi.t far additienal
warehouse space on the r�ullertcm Metals buildin�� subject to cempliance with
a13 Building Codes. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a v�ice vete� there
t�eing no nays, Mayar Pro Tcm Harris declared the motion carried.
Ct�uncilman Harris said that the City Manager has breught to his attention that
on Friduy af�emoon August 19th, a break was noticed in the Rice Creek liit
�tation force mair,, and there is a request for emergenc3* repairs.
Councilman Samuelson said that conceivably this may not be the City'a fault
t+ut the Highway Department�s through overburd�ning the main� and he felt
this ahould be pursued. The Gity Manager said he would pursue this further,
but iimr,ediate repair was n�cessary.
N:OTIQN by CQt�nailman Sheridan to approve the expenditures of $5�C�00 te $9�000
for emergency repair to Rice Creek Li£t Statian £arce main. Seconded by
Councilman Samuelson. ilpon a voice vote5 there being no nays} Mayar Pre Tem
Harris declared the motio� carri.ed.
Mr. Aodne dascussed the dif£erent phases of the 701 Comprehensive Program,
as outlined for Fridley� with the Conncil.
TMe Special Meeting o� Au�ast 22� 1966 xas closed by Mayor Pre Tem Harria
at 1osGS P,M.
Hespectfully sub�eitte�
, ``� ��
� � , �
/C�U��,���_�� ��-t���„z�
Mary Lu�trmm
Actipg Secretary to the C�uncil
l� " �r,� f� �C���z,�
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%� ,
—' Jack 0. Kirkham