11/21/1966 - 00021202�o� 11/14/66
MOTION by Harris, seconded by Sheridan that each political party in
Fridley appoint two members to serve on a committee to investigate
p?-esent preciact boundaries in each ward and suggest precidct lines and
polling places, Mayor Kirkham advised the Council that a vote upon
this motion would constitute a waiver of notice of its inclusion on
the agenda Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham
declared the motion carried
MOTION by Wright, seconded by Samuelson, that the Councilman-eLect from
the Third Ward, Frank Liebl, receive an agenda for each Council Meeting
for the Ualance of the year. Upon a voice vote, there '6eing no nays,
Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
There being no further business, Mayor ICirkham declared the Special
Council Meeting of November 14, 1966 ad�ourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Earl P. Wagner
Acting Secretary to the Council
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The Regular Council Meeting of November 21, 1966 was called to order by
Mayor Kirkham at 8•OS P M
MEMBERS PRESP�NT: Kirkham, Harris, Wright, Samuelson
MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt the Minutes of the Special Council
Meeting of October 31, 1966 as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson,
and upon a voxce vote, there being no nays, Mayor,Kirkham declared the
motion carried.
MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council
Meeting of November 7, 1966 as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Wright,
and upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the
motion carried. ,
Mayor I�irkham pointed out that on page 43 of the Minutes, page 13 of
the Statement of Canvass, the wrong Ward numbers were listed for the
candidates Tt should read, "COUNCILMAN WAR.D 3- Frank Liebl" and
COUNCILMAN WARD 1- Leonard W. SamueLson "
MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt the Minutes of the Special Council
Meeting of November 12, 1966 as amended. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson.
Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Izirkham declared the motion
MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt the Minutes of the Special Council
Meeting of November 14, 1966 as submitted Seconded by Councilman Wright
Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Izirkham declared the motion
The City Manager read the Notice of Hearing Mayor Kirkham asked if any
� member of the Council had aay questions. The City Manager pointed out
that the City had a waivex from both parties that would be assessed
Mr. ChaYles S. FowLer, 7425 Bacon Diive Northeast, said that he understood
that he would be assessed for water and sewer, and he did not understand
the storm sewer Listed in the Notice of Hearing The City Engineer said
that this was �ust a standard form that was used. Mr. I'owler asked about
his assessmeni and said Chat he had to have a committment and asked if the
figure listed is the one that will be used The City Finance Dlrector
said that �5,760 is the price of the whole pro�ect if it went all the way
down to Onondaga Street, and if less than this is put in, it will be
cheaper The CLty EngLneer saLd that the cost wL11 be $5,760 if the
pro�ect is completed, but the Council has instructed them to do �ust
these two blocks, and this 135 feet is done already He said that on a
Public Hearing it is felY. that all people in the area should Ue contacted
Mr. Qureshi said that if the Council does not order ln the water 1oop,
the cost will be $14.90 per lineal foot. Mr. iowler said that he would
like to be sure there will not be any more cost to him if it is looped
Councilman Wright said that when the City loops this, Mr. Fowler wi11 not
gain, but the City as a whole will. Mr. Fowler asked if L-he cost of $14.90
will stand. The Council said that this is correct, there wi11 be no further
cost on the looping Councilman Wright pointed out that Mr RowLer should
understand that this is not equivalent to a ptomise ehat he will ne�rer be
assessed again as there could be further improvements made on the system
' MOTION by Councilman Haxris to close the Public Hearing Seconded by
CounciLman Samuelson Upon a voice vote, there being no aays, Mayor
Kirkham declared the Public Hearing closed at 8:15 P M
Councilman Wright explained for the benefit of the people that this idea
is a pro�ect that has been in the works for some time, in fact, he said
it was started before the toraado and has been reactivated He said that
it has the support of many groups such as the League of Tdomen Voters and
the PLanning Commission He said that the proposal, wit_h the approval of
a11 the agencies, would make it possible for Fridley to hire a planner to
study the entire City with an eye to zoning maps, zoning ordinances, and
future planning for the City. He said that the costs for this ma�er
effort would be borne �ointly by the City ol Fr�dley and the Eederal
Government, and the cost would not start unt;.l the Government's approval
has heen obtained Councilman Wright stated that at this time he felt
it was proper to hear from Mr. Thomas Hodne to see if he had anything
to add or anything new to make the Council aware of before the action
is started
Mr Hodne said that this was not the appxopxiate time to go through the
p1�n in detail, but that he would hit the highliglrts and then Mr Robert
� Eidem from the Department of Business Development could answer any questions
the Council may have. Mr, Hodne said that the July 7, 196b revision o£ the
proposed Comprehensive Planning Progam fnr Fridley sti11 has some flexibility,
and it is not necessary to accept every item as designated, IIe said that the
Federal Government in the 701 funding is in bad shape and whatever is sub-
mitted wi11 get a hard look from HUD and�many items wi11 be questioned
He said that he is speaking from watching some of the programs that have
been before HUD. Mr. Hodne said that $33,000,000 of the money allocaCed
for this first year is only now being d�_stributed, and they already have
close to $27,�00,000 worth of applications ahead of Fxidley on a fixst
come basis. He said he thought we were sti11 9 to 15 months away from
any approval. Mr. Iiodne said that there were sti11 things that the Council
may want to discuss such as the visual inventory and the neighborhood analysis
� 1 � ���:���66
approach. He said he felt strongly that these should be made a part of the
total program, but there may be some other areas that the Council feels are
more important. He was sure these tools wonld a11 be accepted but they may
have a 1ow priority with the Government. His feelings were that the ingred-
ients in the program as such are all eligible under the 701 Program, but
that people are ta[cing a very careful look at different items so he cannot
assure the Council that the Program as outlined will be totally approved
Councilman Wright asked Mr, Eidem if Fridley could c1a�.m a priority on the
grounds of the tornado disaster. Mr �idem said that his office was supposed
to have received a list of priority ratings, but they have not come through
with it yet and he does not know what it wL11 be based on Councilman
Wright asked if Mr Hodne would be the one to speak fox the longevity of
I'ridley's planning program whea the txme to argue priority comes. Mr. Eidem
said, yes, and some documents will be needed He said he had not been able
to submit an application for three or four months, and at that time a11 the
items that the Council has discussed were eligible, but whether they wi11 be
in the future or not, he does not know.
Councilman Harris asked Mr. �idem if he had a chance to look at our program,
and if there were some areas he felt would be approved, and if there were any
he felt would not be approved, and what these would be. NIr. Eidem said he
was not sure about the visual inventory and he would like to wait for the
second application with this Councilman Wright asked if he felt it would
be wiser to take it out of the program now, rather than putting it in and
letting them take it out Mr. Eidem said that this would be a test case as
far as their office is concerned. Mr Hodne showed the Council a volume of
Visual Form and Appearances which is used as an advisoxy Councilman Wright
asked was it correct that the cost of the item as estimated would be under
54,000 of which $2,000 or 53,000 would be paid by the Federal Government.
Mr. Hodne said that this is a relatively small item, but the Counczl knew
his strong bias. He said that Hodne Associates would make a smaller modi-
fication similar to the copy he showed them, and he felt this would give
them a stronger basis for recommendation to the Planning Commission and
visa versa, and would give the Council more substance to work with.
Councilman Harris asked Mr. Eidem how he viewed the economic study which
would be tied to Metropolitan Government. Mr. Eidem said that he had never
seen the economic study as will be done for suburban communities. He said
that some aspects of it would probably lend themselves to a capital improve-
ment program which may fit in with the 4th stage of the Planning Progam for
Fridley. He said it would �ust be a matter of putting things in their proper
place The Council discussed briefly the economic study and the fiscal study
Mr Hodne said the fiscal study item of $5,500 is interrelated and an essential
part of research He said they want to luu[c at the fiscal aspects through
all the planning
Mr Hodne said he believed he and Mr. Eidem had come to an understanding,
but there was still work to be done on this prior to submitting it. He said
it is �ust a matter of putting different emphasis on different things in the
program. Mr. Hodne said that with the resolution, they are asking the Council
to give them more confidence in doing more work on this project, and let them
know what the Council wants them to do and what the Council does not want
them to do. Councilman Harris asked, if the resolution were passed, when
would the reviewing that he and Mr. Eidem are doing be completed. Mr. Eidem
said that they were working on it now, aad he needed some more information
from Mr Hodne, Mr. Hodne said they were closer on the specific items that
are Lo be sub-contracted because these wi11 be definite. He said there is
bound to be some give and [ake on some i�dividual items, and they are dxs-
cussing the overall program. Councilman Harris asked if before the City
expends money, they wi11 have another reply from them to be reassessed.
Mr. Eidem said that the Council wiil not be committed in any way 6y th�s
application. IIe said that the next step would be a specific resolution
which would be the Council's commitment based on money, which would
authorize them to come to agreement with the State.
Councilman Wright said he felt the public should be apprised that the total
cost of this program would be $46,500 of which the government would pay
$31,000 and Fridley's share would be $15,500. On their tax statement this
would amount to about 1 mi11 for 1 year. Councalman Sdright said he felt the
Planning Commission and the Council desperately needed this kind of information
which is based on research and wouLd be a way to communicate to the people.
`r� JL �
He said that the Council has no set basis on how the City should be developed
and in mosY cases must just use the�r best �udgment when a property owner comes
forward with a plan. He said this program will let the Council know what land
can best be used for what purpose. Councilman Wright said he felt that whether
or not funds were available, Fridley should go ahead and apply As it is now,
by waiting a short tiine, it may only cost Fridley 1/3 of the total cost.
The form of the resolution was discussed and the second to Yhe last paragraph
was deleted and also the words "with the follawing reservations" from the
� NOW THEREFORE, paragraph, and the words "that with the above reservations"
from the last paragraph were stricken.
MOTION by Councilman Wright to adopt Resolution #165-1966 as amended.
Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no naysy
Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
Mayor Kirkham said he would like Mr. Hodne to make whatever cuts are possi6le
without sacrificing the integrity of the plan. Councilman Samuelson said that
if there are no funds available, he felt the Council should pursue This,
taking out what items can be taken out, and perhaps making it a four year
prograin, and pursue it as a City project. Mr. Hodne said that it costs from
10% to 25% for the Administrative aspects of setting up the program, which
could be cut out. He said that if they get to a point where they could look
at the priorities and see that there is no hope, they would 6e glad to submit
an alternate non-701 program. Mr. Hodne said thaY the program has already
been cut from $59,000 to $46,000 and they have taken off the cream in doing
this, 6ut they could still take another look a1though he felt there would
be a better chance of understanding if the v�sual inventory is left in.
Other than that he does not feel there is a great deal left to skim off.
Councilman Samuelson asked if Pedf;ral money was not available for two years,
could Fridley continue a program, and slip into the 7D1 Program at a later
date. Mr. Hodne said, yes, if the City were willing to pay for 100% of the
first research and analysis. Mr. Hodne said that with the unceriainty of
� funds, they feel that they will not start a program until they have a
contract in hand.
Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion
Councilman Harris said that realizing the time and effort it takes to put
together a water rate schedule, and because they have to consider the bond
retirement, and capital improvements are hard to pin down, he suggests that
water rates be lowered in stages and that the rates be cuC 10% now and they
be re-evaluated at a later date, perhaps April or the end of the next
quarter. He said he knew that there were some funds in the water accourit,
and his suggestion would be to agree on a 10% reduction of water rates
and take a look at this at a later date, and vrhen it can be fed through
the machine, try to get it to 25%. The City Finance Director was asked
how the change-over could be made. Mr. Brunsell said they would do it
proportionately on one rate schedule. For instance I/3 at the old rate,
2/3 at the new rate. He said that ie does �take more time but they have had
changes in the rates before. The City Manager said thaL- the Hdminist;ation
now has an idea of what the Council wants and they will be able to run off
the schedules on the 1966 figures.
MOTION by Councilman Harris that at the next billrng date, the schedule of
, water rates be reduced by 10%. Seconded by Councilman Wright.
The City Manager said that the Counw 1 can set rates at any time, bue some
people may expect to receive the one rate and then have to go higher.
Councilman Harris said that no one should have to go any higher, ihis would
�ust show faith to the people that they are not trying to make a profi t on
water. Councilman W n ght said that this does not mean this will be the
only ad�ustment thae will take place in 1967, and rt will not be upwards
for water, but certainly will 6e for sewer. He said the people should
not take this to mean that all util rties are running in the 61ack because
they are not, but he said quantity users need a break and they will get it
Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion
Councilman Harris said that he had talked to the City Attorney about this
ordinance, and the City Attorney was going to reword a portion of it. The
City Attorney explained that the reworded ordinance embodies one new idea.
In addition to requiring a permit and a connection charge at the time of the
initial bu�lding, any business or industry that enlarges or expands their
plant would also have to request an additional sewer and water permit at
that tiine. He said that the reason for this was that the City requires
commercial and �ndustrial users to pay a REC charge on volume, and a plant
could inrtially have a small use and later expand and use a lot more capacity.
The City would have to reimburse NSSSD so the wording will be as follows;
"SECTION 47.071. Every person, before proceeding with the installation or
construction, improvement, enlargement or alteration of a sewage disposal
facility or water supply facility," and there would be a third paragraph
added that would say, "Said Ordinance to become effective January l, 1967".
Councilman Wright said he felt this was very closely in line with the
intent. He suggested that the City have a graduated fee schedule for
heavy users to give an incentive to plan ahead for future sewer demands
and to save a double fee if they do it in phases. Councilman Harris said
he felt this would be hard to control as a building could have a potential
of expanding 1D times as large. Councilman Wright said that the pipe size
when laid could determine this. Councilman Harris said he felt it would
be hard to pin down what type of service a building has. Councilman Samuelson
said he would like to see a provision to go in and re-evaluate RECS. The
City Manager said that the ordinance only applies to sewer and water systems
and the building could be enlarged and the Ordinance would not apply.
Councilman Wright suggested the ordinance should say "facility" instead
of "system", so that everything would be included. Councilman Harris said
that the sewer billings should be based on the water usage and the City
would be able to pick up any change. Councilman Wright said that he agreed,
that his only point was that the charge has to be flexible. The City Manager
read the ordinance with the suggested changes.
M OTION by Councilman Wright to adopt, upon first reading, an ordinance
prescribing permit fees and connection charges for the sewage disposal
facilities and water supply facilities. Seconded 6y Councilman Harris.
Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Harris, Wright, Samuelson voting aye,
Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried,
Councilman Harris said that he has talked to the City Attorney about the
wording oF this resolution, and there seemed to be some changes to be made.
The City Attorney said that in Item 1 and Item 2, at the bottom of the page,
the $10 fee for water and $2D fee for sewer should be added, and in Item 3
under the "Now Therefore", it should read, "Commercial and Industrial
Establishments - a Minimum Fee of $100 00 plus $100.00 for each additional
REC over the lst equivatent REC as determined by the North Suburban Sanitary
Sewer District less a credit of $300.00 per acre of property used by the ,
commercial or industrial enterprise" and the following should be added,
"and in no case shall the credit exceed the minimum connection charge".
MOTION by Councilman Wright to adopt Resolution #166-1966 as amended.
Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there 6eing no nays,
Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
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The City Manager said that Councilman Sheridan is not here, but he thought that
he intended to approve this request. Councilman Sa�n�elson said he thought the
connection was fine and that a letter should be wr rtten approving this and
stating that the connection charge should go directly to NSSSD, and a letter
to the NSSSD letting them know so they can do the collecting.
M�TI�N 6y Councilman Samuelson to allow the Mounsview connections, and that
� a letter be directed to NSSSD to collect from Moundsview for the REC charges,
Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays,
Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried,
Mayor Kirkham asked if there was anyone present in the audience that wished eo
speak on this or had any questions. There was no reply.
The Consulting Engineer said that his firm was instructed to investigaCe this
Block. He said that this had been surveyed and showed the Counu 1, on the map,
the way the water flowe. He went back into the history of why this area is in
this distl-ict in the first place. He explained that there is a service road
dedication, and the Council must determine whether this will be a service
road in the future or not. If soa the property abutting the service road
would be constructed so it would drain into the right-of-way, and one resident
on each lot will ha�e a service road in the 6ack and a street in front, and
this does not follow the general policy, He said there are three or four
lots that drain to the highway right-of-way and approximately four that drain
aNray from it. Mr. Comstock said they will need an answer to mihether the
service drive will be constructed or will the present contour 6e prevailing.
Councilman Samuelson said he had talked to the people, and there does not
seem to be any need for the 30 foot easement. He suggested it could be
vacated and each property owner receive 15 feet, but the people had turned
this down so it appears it would remain City property, so he would go on the
6asic assumption that it will not be improved and that it will remain City
property. The GonsulYing Engineer said that if the contour is to remain as
it now exists, they could perhaps square up ihe property. Councilman Harris
asked if they would report back on what will dra rn rnto the district.
Mr. Comstock said they would delineate the area on a lot basis and give this
to the Finance Department, and they will have a report ready for the ne,ct
meeting based on the present topography.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to refer this matter to the Consulting Engineer
for further study and that he report back to the City Manager. Seconded by
Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham
declared the motion carried.
The City Ma�ager read the bids and the letter from the officers of the
Fridley Fire DeparCment recommending the bid of the Peter Pirsch Company
in the amount of $34,594.00. The bids were as follows:
Peter Pirsch
Kenosha, Wisconsin
F. C. Goyer for
$eagrave Corp.
Ward LaFrance Truck
Elmira Hgts., N.Y.
� :� �
$35,7z4.00 $5oD 00
537,916.50 Add
Travelers 5%$35,Z50.OD NO BID
Not to exceed
Add 26�/
$1,750.00 365
$7g4 00
"' � 6 11/21/66
Councilman Harris asked what Alternate A was. Fire Department Chief Hughes
said that this is a cab forward. He said that the Fire Department does not
have paid drivers and deducting this is a safety factor as they are not used
to turning corners in this type cab. Councilman Harris asked if they did not
have any cab forward trucks now. Chief Hughes said no, there were none.
Fire Prevention Chief Aldrich said that the driver has little between him
and anything he should hit, and the Pirsch Company has done a better �ob
than some of the others. He said they have given this a lot of determination
and they have held up the letter to the Council to look this all over again.
Councilman Harris pointed out that if they had not taken Deduct A, the low '
bidder would have been Ward LaFrance Truck Corporation, and he asked them
if they had been asked to bid on this as an alternate. Chief Aldrich said
that they had not bid on this, and he was led to believe they would not 6id
on this. Chief Aldrich pointed out that there were two pages of exceptions
to the 6id from Ward LaFrance where they would not meet other spec�fications,
and he enumerated many of the things listed. Chief Hughes stated that if
both prices had been equal, they would still want the Pirsch truck as they
offer the Department more of what they want. �He said they liked the looks
of the other one, but the safety is not there. Councilman Samuelson pointed
out the longer delivery date, 6ut Chief Hughes said they would rather wait and
get what they want. Chief Hughes said the Pirsch ladders amount to about
$20 more, but they would like to have them as they are better ladders.
MOTION by Councilman Wright that the Council accept the recommendation of
the Fridley Fire Department and award the contract to Peter Pirsch Company,
Kenosha, Wisconsin for one fire truck in the amount of 534,614.00. Seconded
by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there 6eing no nays, Mayor
Kirkham declared the motion carried.
Chief Aldrich said that Mr. Rylander was present if the Council had any
questions they would like to ask him. Mr. Rylander thanked the council for
their consideration, and he was sure they would be very happy with the truck.
Councilman Samuelson asked Mr. Rylander about the guarantee. Mr. Rylander
said L-here was a one year guarantee
Mr. Boisvert was present at the Council Meeting. Councilman Samuelson said
that the Board of Appeals had recommended granting the variance if Mr. Boisvert
got a letter from the Trailer park. Mr. Boisvert said he could have gotten
one as he has oral permission. Councilman Samuelson asked if the entire front
could be blacktopped, and if he could show this on his plans. Mr. Boisvert
said he had talked to the blacktop contractor and they will do it in the
Spring. Councilman Harris sa�d he wondered if they should blacktop to the
building, or if there should be a grass area, Mr. Boisvert said there is
an area 20 feet wide for grass and then the blacktop. The Council looked
at the present plan and Mr. Boisvert showed the area to be blacktopped. The
Council discussed the possibility of breaking up the 6lacktop area with curb,
sidewalk and a grass area. Councilman Samuelson said he would like to have
some assurance or notation that he planned to do some landscaping. Mr. Boisvert
agreed that this could be done very easily and he said he would work out a plan.
MOTION hy Councilman Wright that the Council co�cur with the recommendation �
of the Board of Appeals and grant the variance sub�ect to a site and landscape
plan as discussed by the Council that is satisfactory to the Building Board
and a communication from the trailer court. Seconded by Councilman Harris,
and upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion
�� �
The City Manager read the moeion recommending that the Building Perm rt be
MOTION by Councilman Wright to concur with the Buildinq Standards and Design
Control Committee and grant the Building Permit to the Fridley Methodist
� Church wrth the suggestions noted in their minutes. Seconded by Councilman
Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the
Motion carried.
The C�ty Manager read the motion recommending that the Building Permit be
granted and explained the discussion about pa�nting and a planting program.
Mr. Stotts was present for Colum6ia Millwork and Councilman Samuelson asked
him if he had a planting plan. Mr. Stotts said no they did not but they
will su6mit one.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the Building Standards and Design
Control Committee and grant the Building Permir with the stipulation that
they present a landscaping plan and that not only khe new portion of the
building, but the old part be painted when weaYher was satisfactory for
painting. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there beinq
no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried,
� The City Manager read the motion by the Building Standards and Design Control
Committee recommending that the Building Permit be granted with the stipulation
that the four parking spaces show� on the site plan in front of the structure
be eliminated recommending that the architectual treatment on the front of the
building be carried around on the 31 foot wall on the north side, and suggest-
ing that the 6lacktop be removed in front of the building.
The property owner, Mr. Weiss was present at the Council Meeting. Councilman
Wright asked Mr. Weiss if this landscaping were acceptable to him Mr, Weiss
pointed out to the Council that he did not have a great deal of parking. The
Council looked at the plans. Councilman Wright asked what the space to the
west of the building was used for, and Mr. Weiss said that th�s was yard.
Gouncilma� Wright asked if it would be feasible to develop a parking space
or two in the back of the property. Mr. Weiss agreed to eliminate the four
parkinq spaces in front of the building. He said he would like a driveway
from Mississippi Sireet that would go in front of the building Councilman
Harris pointed out the problem with people coming out the front door and
cars stopping in front for just a few mi�utes. The Council and Mr. Weiss
discussed the placement of a drive, with the sugqeseion that the inside of
the property line be landscaped, and the outside of the property line be
blacktopped, Mr. Weiss asked if the Council would give his permission to
drive through on ehe front of the property. The Council said that they
could not give this permission as this was County right-of-way.
� MOTION by Councilman Wright to concur with the Building Standards and Design
Control Committee and grant the Building Permit to Sandees Cafe, 64g0
Central Avenue Northeast with the stipulation that within the property
line, immediately north and east of the building, the area be landscaped,
with pedestrian access provided, and no vehicular access. Seconded by
Councilma� Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham
declared the motion carried.
The City Manager expla�ned that the motion was in three parts and read the
motions. Councilman Harris asked what the ultimate plan for this area was.
Mr. Robert Schroer said they planned to have commercial across the front
and multiples in the rear. He said that right now they are on four lots
and their stand �s the width of Block 22, The Council looked at a map of
the area, and Councilman Wright explained the rezoning changes that have �
taken place in the past. Councilman Harn s asked if they were planning
on doing something to the building. Mr. Schroer said yes, they planned
to move rt back and down to the north end of the property. He said they
are now 50 feet from the County road and they plan on setting it back 100
feet. Councilman Wright said that the Planning Commission wants to set
some boundaries against creeping commercialism and Mr. Schroer has worked
on a permanent type building for a county market. Councilman Wright said
that Mr. Schroer is saying in effect that he will provide his�owh buffering
which will stop creeping commercialism and Counu lman Wright felt he had a
workable plan.
The Council discussed the road dedication. It was stated that as long as
this would be almost a private road to the multiple dwellings, it could
perhaps be 50 feet instead of 6D feet which would give added depth to their
property for multiple dwelli�gs. Councilman Harris said that the Council
might want to limit some of the things that would go into C-2-S. Mr Lindberg
asked what they would suggest. The Council named such things as gas stations
and drive-in eating establishments, The City Manager said there would have to
oe a hearing, and at that time they could have a covenant covering things
that the Council did not want to permit. The Council discussed the possibility
oi making this one portion of the property PD zoning. Mr. Lindberg said they
have an idea of what they want to do, but they do not have definite plans.
The City Attorney said that Planned Development does not initially need ,
complete plans. It was stated that only one or two locations will be left
after Mr. Schroer uses what he presently has plans for. Counc�lman Harris
said he thought this could be covered by covenants. Councilman Samuelson
said he did not feel this was big enough for PD zoning. The Council decided
to call for a Public Hearing.
MOTION by Councilman Wright to set a Public Hearing, on the three rezoning
requests, for December 19, 1966 and to apprise the Planning Commission that
the Council would like any further ideas they may have, and that the Attorney
be directed to work out land use restrictions in the form of a covenant to be
executed by the owner. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote,
there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried
The Cify Manager read the motion of the Planning Commission, and the Council
looked at the map showing the proposed split. The Council did not feel it
was advisable to grant this rezoning as there will be an isolated piece of
commercial behind it. Councilman Harris suggested they let Mr. Nygard split
one piece off the back. Councilman Wright said that it appears that the
alternatives suggested by the Pianning Commission are also the concensus of
the Council, and if Mr. Nygard could come up with one of these solutions or
a variation the Council would consider it.
MO710N by Councilman Wright to deny the current lot split request 'r#65-14 ,
and the Planning Commission's version of it, and tel,l Mr. Ny9ard that any
of the alternatives implied or specified are an acceptable basis on which
to reapply. The City Manager said he would write Mr. Nygard a letter.
Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays,
Mayor Kirkhan declared the motion carried.
y Y �
The City Manager read the motion of the Parks and Recreation Commission asking
for a statement from the City Council of their w�shes in the matter of planting
and maintenance of 6oulevard trees in Fn dley. The Council discussed Lheir
� feelings that the boulevard trees should be replaced in the tornado area
first from the City center outward.
MDTION by Councilman Samuelson that the Parks and Recreation Commission
pursue plans and specifications and let tree bids on a two 6id basis, (1) On
a furnished 6asis with Yhe City providing the planting services. (2) On a
planted basis; that the minimum size tree will be from 1',— inches to 2z inches
in diameter; that the iirst primary boulevard planting schedule will be done
in the tornado area, and that approximately 50 trees will be allocated to 6e
used in Commons Park, Moore Lake Park or the parks that the Commission may
choose. The Parks and Recreation Commission is to come up with specifications
and tree types for the approval of the Council, so they may be bid as soon as
possible. Seconded by Councilman Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no
nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
Mayor Kirkham asked if any member of the Council had any preference. Council-
man Harris said he had sat through the interviews and there were four he
thought should 6e eliminated 6ecause of prior committments, and there were
four he thought had me n t, which were Touche, Ross, Bailey � Smart; Drotzman-
Olson Company, Arthur Young and Company, and Anderson, Helgeson, Lieser &
Thorsen. Mayor K�rkham said he thought that Touche, Ross, Bailey � Smart
were able to give the earliest date with the most confidence. The Council
asked about the bids and the City Manager pointed out that they had just
� been estimates and not actual figures. He said he believed that Main
LaFrentz had set a$6,000 figure as a maximum and that Anderson, Helgeson,
Lieser & Thorsen had been the lowest. Mr. Frank Liebl said that he had listened
to the interviews and of the eight auditors, Touche, Ross, Bailey & Smart
had the largest staff to handle rt, and that Arthur Young & Company was very
eager to get the contract. He felt �t shou1d be between these two firms
Councilman Samuelson said these were his feelings also. He said he would
lean toward Touche, Ross, Bailey & Smart because the man handling the account
would be a Fridley man. Mr. Liebl said he had taken time to study the
literature and he was quite impressed. Mayor Kirkham agreed that these two
appealed to him also, and he would favor Touche, Ross, Bailey & Smart because
the local man would show more interest.
Gouncilman Wright agreed that these two were the most impressive, but he
felt that the compa�y should be as removed from local influence as possible
and they should employ as totally disinterested a company as possible, so
he would lean toward Arthur Young & Company. Mayor Kirkham said he would
agree with this if there was any gain because of his being a citizen of
Fridley, but his only gain would be discovering something that miqht save
Yhe City money. Councilman Wright stated that there were two functions here,
a public statement to know where the City stands, and a document giving
advice on how to improve, but these two functions cannot be split. He said
Chis was just a minor preference not ma�or. Councilman Samuelson said that
Touche, Ross, Bailey and Smart were looked on very highly on the bond market.
� Mayor Kirkham asked if Councilman Sheridan had showed a preference. The City
Manager said he had not mentioned it, but he vaas sure he would not ob�ect.
Mayor Kirkham asked Mr. Liebl if he would like to give the Council an idea
of his preference. He said thaY it appears they should hire Touche, Ross,
Bailey & Smart 6ecause of the bond market, but that he had really been
impressed with Arthur Young and Company.
MOTI�N 6y Gounci1man Samuelson that the Gity of Fridley engage Touche, Ross,
Bailey & Smart as certified public accountants eo handle the audit for Fridley
for the year 19b6. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a roll call vote,
Kirkham, Harris, Samuelson vot�ng aye; Wright voting nay, Mayor Kirkham
declared the motion carried.
The City Manager said he was sure that the Council would like to meet with
the Highway Department on future plans for the intersectio�. The Council
discussed the different intersections under consideration. The Council spent
some time discussing the 57th Avenue intersection and the possibility of
having a one way southbound street to Fourth Street.
Councilman Wright suggested that a meeting be set up with Mr. Kurpius of '
the Minnesota Highway Department, and it would help if Mr. Kurpius could
see the Council's ideas so he would be prepared to speak on them. The City
Manager said he was sure he has seen the maps the Council is discussing, but
he had not designed them. The City Manager suggested they invite the Planning
Commission to this meeting also.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to set up a meeting with the State Highway
Department's representative, Mr. Kurpius, and the Plan�ing Commission for
December 12, 1966. Seconded by Councilman Wright. Upon a voice vote, there
6eing no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the moti,an carried.
Councilman Harris asked what the City of Fridley's portion would be of the
$Z3,633. He was told it would be 35.41%. Councilman Wright asked the
Consulting Engineer if the bid price looked good and Mr. Comstock said yes
it did.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur w rth Columbia Heights and enter into
the contract with Lametti & Sons, Inc. in the amount of $23,633.00 of which
Fridley's share is 35•41%. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a roll
� call note, Kirkham, Harris, Wright, Samuelson voting aye, Mayor Kirkham
declared the motion carried.
The City Manager pointed out that this ordinance sets this area up as Planned
Development zoning and nothing can 6e built on it without the approval of the
Planning Commission and Council. Councilman Wright said that, as he saw it,
the buffering necessary to protect the residential property to the south is
available to them now iF they include an area at the south end of the Saliterman
property, a6utting on the north Lots 5 and 6, and limit the use of this south
end of the parcel to multiple dwell�ngs wh�ch would give the assurance that
Mr. Saliterman would stop there with commercial and would also give the City
some protection for the park. The City Manager said this could be required
in PD. Councilman Wright said that the stipulation he would like to put on
it would be that that portion of the parcel immediately north and immediately
west of- Lots 5 and 6 shall be used for multiple housing for an undetermined
distance. Councilman Harris said he would like to see it specified as a
minimum of 700 feet.
MOTION 6y Councilinan Wright to adopt an ordinance amending the City Code of
the City of Fridley, Minnesota by making a change in zoning districts upon
first reading, waiving the reading, with the understanding being that, of the
southerly most portion of the Planned Development area, which is described in
the first paragraph of Section 2 of the Ordinance, the southerly most 100
feet of the frontage on Central Avenue 6e planned and developed for multiple
dwelling usage, and that this understanding is not a part of the ordinance '
but by motion. Seconded by Councilman Harris.
The City Attorney suggested the Council could discuss with the property owner
the possi6ility of the City relinquishing some storm sewer easement and in
return ask for a dedication of land. Councilman Wright said that under
Section 3 of the ordinance there was the possibility it could state that
certain lands will be made available in form of dedicated park use, and if
this were done, L-he Council should get this before the Park Commission
immediately so they could investigate the land they would get.
UPON a roll call vote, Kirkham, Harris, Wright, Samuelson voting aye, Mayor
Kirkham declared the motion carried.
Councilman Samuelson said that while they were on this sub�ect, Lenny Cochran
had some property on Central Avenue above Rice Creek Road that is zoned
light industrial and he would suggest that this be sent to the Planning
Commission to see if something more advantageous could be done with it.
The Gity Manaqer said that Dahlberg Realty had a purchaser who had requested
a permit for a carwash and he could Cell them to apply for rezoninq if they
wanted to. Councilman Wright said they could be told that if they would
submit some preliminary information on their interests, the Council could
work with them on the type of rezoning that would be best, The City Manager
said he would pursue this.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve for payment General and Public Utilities
Claims #10212 through #10339 and Liquor Claims �#543 through #597• Sewnded
by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, ehere being no nays, Mayor
Kirkham declared the motion carried.
MOTION by Gouncilman Harris Yo approve for payment the following estimates:
Dunkley Surfacing Company
3756 Grand Street Northeast
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55�+18
Estimate No. 6(Partial) Street Improvement
Pro�ect No. 7966-7, Schedule "A" (Oak Grove
Addttion, Riverview Heights, etc.)
� Comstock & Davis, Inc.
Consulting Engineers
1446 County Road "J"
M�nneapolis, Minnesota 55432
For Resident Inspection and resident supervision
for the staking out of construction work:
Estimate No, 3- Fridley Street Improvement Pro�ect
No. 1966-6 (Staking� from October 3> 1966 through
October 29, 1966 (Commerce Park)
Estimate No. 1+ - Sanitary Sewer, Water and Storm
Sewer Improveme�t Project No. 79 from October 3,
1966 through October 29, 1966 (Commerce Park,
Swanstrom Court, etc.)
Estimate No. 20 - Water Improvement Pro�ect No. 75-A
from October 3, 1966 through October 29, 1966 (Three
Additional Drift Wells)
Estimate No. 9- Water Improvement Pro�ect No. 75-C
Schedule 2 from October 3, 1966 through Octo6er 29,
1g66 (High Service Pumps and Three Additional
Filte�rs � Commons Park)
Estimate No. 9- Water Improvament Pro�ect No. 75-C
Schedule 1 from October 3, 1966 through October 29,
1966 (3 Million Gallon Reservoir)
$ 3�+7.50
$ 1,303.25
$ 20.00
$ 617.50
� 105.00
Seconded by Councilman Wright. Upon a voice vote, there 6eing no nays, Mayor
Kirkham declared the motion carried.
MOTION by Councilman Wright to approve the following licenses:
Art's Superette
6483 University Avenue N. E.
Fridley, Minnesota
Central Service Company, d/b/a
5807 University Avenue N. E.
Fridley, Minnesota
Central Service Company,
5807 University Avenue N
Fridley, Minnesota
Strite-Anderson Mfg. Co.
7585 Viron Drive N. E.
F n dley, Minnesota
Soup Unit
Soft Drink Unit
Candy Unit
Pastry Unit
Coffee Unit
Sandwich Unit
Art's Superette
6483 lJniversity Avenue N. E.
Fridley, Minnesota
Maple Lanes
6310 Highway #�65 ,
Fridley, Minnesota
by: Arthur J. Swanson
Acme Vending Company
Arthur J. Swanson
This license is for the lounge area only, which is posted "No Minors Allowed;'
The setups must be purchased and consumed in the lounge area which consists
of one large room completely closed off from the rest of the inYerior.
Councilman Wright said he visited the premises perso�ally and did some
investigating in regard to the Maple Lanes Public Drinking Place License.
There was no second to the motion,
Councilman Wright said that in the absence of a seco�d he withdraws his
motion and wouid like to make a statement. He said that Maple Lanes has
had a 3.2 beer license since 1955. He said the Chief of Police would confirm
that there have been zero complaints on misconduct and zero complaints on
disturbances. He said the 3•2 license had not 6een confined to one room
but had been throughout the bowling area. Councilman Wright said with that
record and with the additional provision that it is a visually and accoustically
closed off area, he felt the license is appropriate and to deny it would be
capricious in view oF one of the best records in the City's experience.
Councilman Harris said he did not feel they could confine the drinkers to the
lounge, this would be his only reservation, and suggested that maybe it would
be possible to restrict the license to after curfew hours. Councilman Wright
said he thought th'ss was reasonable and pointed out that people have been
bowling in the same room where there were beer drinkers and felt this was an
extraordinary operation here, and this is the single longest operation of this
kind in this area, but if there is any doubt, restricting it to after curfew
would be reasonable, Gouncilman Samuelson said he would go alonq with that.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to grant Yhe Publ�c Dr rn king License to Maple
Lanes, 6310 Highway #65, Fridley, Minnesota, with the stipulation that the
license be in effect after curfew hours only. Secoi�ded by Councilman Wright
Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion
� carried.
MOTION by Councilman Wright to approve the other licenses and append the
list to the minutes. Seconded 6y Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote,
there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
MOTION by Councilman Wright to adopt Resolution /,167-1966. Seconded by
Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham
declared the motion carried.
The City Manager said that Councilman Sheridan had asked if the resolution
could more favorably mention the supplemental agreement. The City Attorney
said that this follows the agreement as closely as feasible with the addition
of the word "permanently" in the NOW THEREFORE, paragraph after the words,
"agreeina to transfer". He said that if Yhe Goun u i wished, it might be
possible to refer to the resolution by Section number. The City Manager
said that Counci1man Sherida� had not b�en critical, he had �ust questioned
this. Councilman Harris said he thought it would be better to adopt a
resolution using our own words rather than theirs.
' MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #�168-1966. Seconded by
Councilman Samuelson. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Harris, Wright,
Samuelson voting aye, the motion carried. The City Manager said that
Councilman Sheridan had mentioned that he would be 6ack for the NSSSD
meeting of November 22nd. Oriqinally the Council was to meeT with them
if no action had been taken, but after the adoption of this resolu[ion,
it will not be necessary for the rest of the Council to be there, but he
said that they would be welcome if they wanted to attend.
MDTION by Councilman Harris that the Fire pepartmeni and Fire Chief scrap
the gear and equipment mentioned in the proposed resolution, as the City
cannot take the responsibility of selling equipment that �s unsafe and
obsolete, and deny the resolution. Seconded by Councilma� Samuelson.
Mayor Kirkham mentioned that they could possi6ly sell it for �unk. Upon
a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
Mayor Kirkham asked about the resolution that had been passed regarding the
sale of equipment that had been confiscated. The City Manager pointed out
that this takes effect in January.
� The City Manager said that this resolution meets the requirements of the City
Code. Cou�cilman Samuelson asked if we had this type of resolution in School
District �14, and the City Manager said yes this was passed some years ago.
Mayor Kirkham said he had ta1ked to Mr. Knutson and he had said there had
been no trouble in Fridley, but they were having some in Columbia Heights
and were sending this to Fridley at the same time.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive and file the letter from Columbia
Heights School District #{13. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a
voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
`� � �
MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive and file the letter from the
University of Minnesota. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote,
there being no nays, the motion carried.
The City Manager said that Fire Chief Hughes will go to this conference
Councilman Wright sa�d that Mr. Orr was a good friend of his, and it was
quite clear ihat his motives were unassailable, but he'said that there is
an ordinance agai�st the discharge of any firearms in the City of F n dley,
and he felt there should 6e no exceptions.
MOTION by Councilman Wright to receive and file the communication frorh
Howard Orr, and that he be informed of the ordinance. Countilman Wright
said he would call Mr. Orr himself and inform him of this. Seconded by
Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham
declared the motion carried.
The City Attorney said that he ha� secured an order for hazardous building
action. He said that it is the standard form used. He said that he had
gone over the repairs needed with the Inspectors and had gotten a written
summary from them. He said that he believed the owner was planning to remodel.
Councilman Wriyht said the Council should adopt a resolution authorizing the
City Attorney to notify the owner and occupants that the Council has authorized
the Dangerous Buildrng Action. The City Attorney said that he could have a
resolution prepared for ratification at the next meeti�g.
MOTION by Councilman Wright to adopt Resolution #16g-1966. Seconded by
Councilman Harris, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham
declared the motion carried.
Councilman Harris said he thought this was a good suggestion and the Council
should take action on it.
MOTION by Counc�lman Harris to concur w rt h the suggestion of the Pol�ce Chief
and Gity Manager and proceed with the traffic re-routing from 68th Avenue to
Lucia Lane. Seconded by Councilman Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being
no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
Councilman Harris said that ironically this license was denied at one time,
which was criticized by Councilman Wright. It was issued at the following
meeting and he felt that originally they had been acting prudently. The
City Manager said that pehaps the Council would like to talk to these people,
or they might like to aske the City Attorney what kind of action they could
take, perhaps the Tax� Company should come in and show cause why their license
should not be revoked. Councilman Harris said that some of the items are of
the type that all taxi cabs have difficulties with, but the items regarding
gam6ling and disorderly conduct compel the Council to do somethrng, and
perhaps this should be turned over to the City Attorney and he could return
an opinion. The City Attorney sa�d that he would suggest they order the
taxi company to appear at the next meeting and show cause why their license
should not be revoked or suspended. He said it may well be that there is an
attempt by some cab companies to avoid competition and this is their way to
do ifi. The Ciey Attorney said perhaps they should 6e invited in to speak for
themselves, Councilman Wright said that if the people making the charges are
here, good, if not, the City Attorney should advise the Council on the legal
standing of the complaints. The City Attorney suggested they invite someone
from the MAC to the meeting.
1, „ 4 �y,
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MOTION by Councilman Wright that boeh parties be renresented at the next
City Council meeting, also a representative oF the MAC, and if only one
party is present, there be an opinion from the City Attorney on the serious-
ness of the complaints. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote,
there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
The Council looked at the map received from Smiley Associates showing the
� proporsed changes on the site layout. The City Manager read the itemized
list of changes. Councilman Samuelson said he felt the Council should
transmiC the Highway Department curb specificaYions to the contractor,
The Gity Manager said that if the Council concurred with Yhese changes,
the Architect will give them to Yhe contractor.
MOTION by Councilman Wright to receive and concur with the letter from
Smiley Associates dated November 18, 1966. Seconded by Councilman Harris.
Upon a voice vote, there be m g no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion
Mayor Kirkham said that Mr. Christenson has an opportunity to purchase the
old garage behind City Hall and move it to his property. He showed the area
on the map that rt is to be moved to. He said it will be built up against
the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company retaining wall, and that Mr. Christenson
needs to know right away �f he can purchase it because they are getting ready
to move it. Councilman Wright said that he should indemnify the City against
liability. Councilman Harris suggested that he post a$1,000 bond. Mayor
Kirkham said that Mr. Ghristenson will make formal application, but he
would like an approval this evening Yo move it or he wlll miss his chance.
MOTION by Councilman Wright that permission be granted Mr. Christenson
with the stipulations Chat he post a$1,00Q damage bond and indemnify the
' City against liability of any kind, and stucco the garage. Seconded by
Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Y.irkham
declared the motion carried.
Councilman Wright said he would like to introduce the new reporter from the
Fridley Record, Mrs. Shirley Behrens. He introduced her to the members of
the Council.
There being no further business, Mayon Kirkham declared the Regular Council
Meeting of November 21, 1966 ad�ourned at 11:45 P,M,
Respectfully submitted,
�/, 4�� C
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Mary L'�Strom
Acting Secretary to the Council
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The regular Council Meeting of the City of Fridley was called to order by
Mayor Kirkham at 8:08 P,M,
MEMBERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Harris, Sheridan, Wright, Samuelson