09/11/1967 - 5910COUNCIL SEC TARY - MARY LU STROM SPECTAL PUB IC HEARING MEETING AGENDA - SE N�ER 11, 1967 � SPECIAL PUBLTC HEARING MEETING - SEPTEMBFR Zl, 1967 - 8 P.M. PI.�DGE OF aLLEGIANCE : 2 minutes ROLL CALL: 2 minutes ADOPTION OF AGENDA: 2 minutes L�TEW BUS INE S S• 1. Opening of Bids += $1,830,000.00 Tmprovement Bonds, page 1. __- --- _ __ 10 minutes PUBLIC HEARING• 2. On Final Assessment Roll - Project No. 79, Page 2. 30 minutes D7EW BUSINESS: • 3. Resolution Confirming Assessment Roll - SW&SS Project No. 79, 5 minutes Pages 3- 5. 4. Awarding of Bi.ds �$1,830,000.00 Improvemsnt Bonds, - __ __ _ ' 5 minutes 5. Consideration of Building Permit - Ronald Smith, 7786.Beech Street Northeast, 10 minutes Pages 6- 8. � ADJOURN: ' ' ' u ' ' (9:06 P.M.) . , . , " '' I' I, � ' , ' ' , � 1 ■ SPECIAL PUBLIC HE;ARING N�FTING COP4I�ZET,`�TS - SEPTEI�ER 11, 1967 - 8 p�M� NEW BUSINESS- l. OPENING OF BIDS -$1,830,000.00 INL�ROVEi�NT BONDS: The bids will be opened at 8 o'clock P.M. The Fiscal Consultants, Ehlers & Associates, wi,ll tabulate the bids whi].e the hearing on Project �79 Assessment RoII. is being he1d. The Nota.ce to Bid is on Page l. PUBLIC HEARING• 2. ON FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL - PROJECT �.•'i0, 79: An explanation of this project will be found a.n a separate booklet in the envelope with your agenda. The NoLice of Hea-ri._�g is on Page 2. This is the final assessment roll. NEU] BUSIl�'ESS: 3. RESOLUTION CONFIRMTNG ASSESSMENT ROLL - PROJECT NO. 79: Un�ess there is some reason for delaying the passage of this reso�.ution, it should be passed at this meeting so that the roll can be run on the accounting machine as tk�ere ar� four big street assessment rolls that will have to be �processed yet this year. The resolution is on i�ages 3 through 5. 4• AWARDING OF BIDS -$1,830;000.00 '_r�'�IPt�pVEPIIENT BONDS: Mr. Eh].ers wiil be prepared to make a recom.-nendation on the awarding of the bids for the improvement bonds. P2r. Ehlers will have the resolution authorizing the sale o� the bonds. 5. CONSIDERATION OF BUILDING PERMIT - RONALD SMITH - 77$6 BEECH STF:EET NORTHEAST: An item of this type would normally not be put on�i-.'r�e agenda for a public hearing night, but Mr. Smith asked that I place tlzis on the agenda because a delay wou'ld create a harc�ship for him. Material pertinent ta th is item is on Pages 6 chrough 8. �� , � I . 1 � EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. . � FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS ' FiRST NATIONA�-SOO IINE CONCOURSE 507 MARpUETTE AVE. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 339-8291 (AREA CODE 612: . � ' _ 1 ' September 6, 1967 ' . , NOTICE TQ BIDDERS � RE: $1,830,000 IMPROVEMENT BONDS ' CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA � SALE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1967 AT 8•00 O'CLOCK P M � The following ratings have been assigned to the above bonds of the City of Fridley: ' � Moody's Investors Service Baa St,andard & Poor ggg , � Independent School District No. 14, Fridley, has called ' an election on $1,100,000 School Building Bonds on September 12. These are the bonds mentioned as future financing on page 7 of the prospectus. ' ' EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INCo Financial Consultants to the City ' � ,� ' � -- _- - ; _.. , _ ' '� '� � '. I' , ' � ; cr-:� ar F�x�i.F:Y �.xo�A caucalY, r�r.�!�zLsor.� r��r�c� cr ��E�zzr�c o� �sssss.�;,:�ir WATF;E; � Sa;,;rT:���• S::��:�>>2 Aivi) SiU?a�i S?:;J�F: Ii�fPROVEt�N1 PROJGC!' IVO. 79 NOTZCE IS N�REI�Y �liJ�I1 tha* th� Council o` the City oF Fr:.dlzy will m2at at the Ci.ty Ha?.1 i�; sai.d Ci.ry o:� the llth day of S�ntecnb��r 1967 at £:00 P,;i. to hear and pass up;�n all ob jactiozi� , if any� to the ?ropose� :ssLss:nents in respect to til� foZloc��i�g im�r�ve�ent t� wi,t: WA'1Fit, SA�iTA3Y S�,�;�R A2�D STOP.td S::�JaR IriF2oV�r.ur�T PfipJ'�CT Np. 7g The praC��ed assnssni�c�t ro?t fer e�=�h oL said iair.r�zrer;,�nt� is rtr,w �n file an� o�e:� tio p�,sbl�c in��,�ti.o� by aIl p�rsr,ns in�erestLcl, in t"he of.fice of the Gierti o1' said �itv. AC said he�ri�c;, r,�� ��,,,,�it k�ill consid�r writt-�� cr ora?. objacti�ns to th� propo�e3 asse�s�����n[:s f.or ea�2: of sai.�i in�rove=aents. The general natu:�, of th� ir:prove�,�•;�ts and each of thc��n is the constr�ict�on �f. watar mains a�.� cc�::c�ecr,in� l ines � �ani.tarv s�c•r�;. �;aitis artd conne���'-l-t� li.hes ana stor�}� �^=.•:Qr in the ia��3s an� s�*_-eets desi�;�ated in �anner as fc+l;ot.�: 1) Plat �f Coi.�-t�rce Par'� - �11 2) Plat of S*��anQ rr�'s �Q;lr �_��s 1-S, Bloc:k 1 3) �ac�n;� Dx:.v�; : S.rS�` fron existi*�� Wator .- -- - �,� . � ___ __ ., .. �: Se�oer lines (S�a� 75..h Avp) .�i_ssissip�:. P2ace fro�n ?zve�vi�w Ter;�ca to East Riv�r Rc,ad � �iverviac: Te�rac2 Pro�n 330' �;��f �iississxp�i Pi.a,ce to 6�1� Aver�ue .;. 5) _ ly and Dorar Svre��s -� �r��d io Sprino Ero,�>� Cr�e�: Th� 2rea ?��,;;osrc' tf� b� a�sa.^s�.� far. saz� i�r;�co`e�ti�nts and each c.+f �hem is � all.that l�ncl ���:�efite� �y saic� inp_rov�:n�n*_s or sa�h of ther� ar,d a��:.tin� oa OI' IJ7LTtY ?d l�n.�;� t�`.q tnC �'C�(�J"a' nac:e� cr� o y .5'c31� :..+i��'OV�ufi;f3Fl�'S �77.� Z'�;: 1SS13SS�d against �I-�e prop�rti�s �ith:.n the abov� noteci ar.e3� in whol, nr in p:�r� pt'O¢OF�l.��i,a_r�Iy to eac;:L of the Iands t?�er_3.n cor��ained acec�rdit:p to the 1 benefits r�;:�i��e:�. T�.e t�ta: cost of tne im��o;�ez�.nt �s $130,o97.21, ' DATr,a''�"dZS M, DAY OF _L_�_.__._.._ _ 296�, B`l Q��JER OF T� CI Tl' CO�td�I L Or THE C3'Z'Y ON r RI C�LFY, ' . . ' MAvOR - Jack 0. K�rkham � AT'CF S'I' : CITY CLr RK -�Iarvi.n C. Brunse 2I FU3LISH: An���;� Unio� r: ShoaQer Fridle;� Fr�p Fress 25 Auo st 1y67 2 Sa�iecat�er 1967 � � 2 EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF SPECIAI:, ME�'TI�TG OF THL CITY COUi�TC1L HELD SEPTEMBER 11, 1967, AT 8:00 0'CLOCK R.M., AT THE CITY HALL, CI'TY OF FRIllLEY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to due ca11 and notice thereoi', a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, was duly held at the City Hall in said City on Monday, the llth day of September, 1967, at 8:00 o'clock P.M, I The following members were present: - and the following were absent; � � � * � � The Clerk announced that the proposed assessm�nt for � WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER.IMPRO . VEMENT PROJECT N0. 79 ' had been filed in his office on the 25th day of August, 1967, and that notice, of a hearing on said assessment to be held at the special meeting of the Council on ' the llth day of September, 1967, had been given in the form and manner as provided by law. The Clerk presented an affidavit showing publication of such notice in ' the offic•ial newspaper, which affidavit was exarnined and found satisfactory a�ad ' ordered placed on file. ' � ' _ The Mayor announced that the meeting was open for consideration of objections to the assessment heretofore filed with the City �lerk for WATER, SANITAR�' SEWER AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT pROJECT N0. 79 The.Clerk reported that written objection had been filed by the following persons affecting the following described lots, pieces, or parcels of land, to-wit; ' NAME OF OBJECTOR ' 1 DESCRIPTION � OBJ'ECTION ---------- Q� , fl I' � I, I' Page 2 Resolution The following persons were thea heard and presented their objections to said assessment: NAME OF OB.T�CTOR DESCRIPTION After due consideration of all said objections, Councilman introduced the following resoluti.on and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION N0. 1967 OB3ECTION RESOLUTION GONFIRMING ASSESSMEN'T FOR WATER,. SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 79 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, as follows: l. The City Clerk has with the assistance of the engineers heretofore selected by this Council for such purpose, calculated the proper amounts to be specially assessed for the • WATER, SA1�iITARY SE6�IER AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 79 in said City against every assessable Iot, piece or parcel of land in accordance with the provisions of law, and has prepared and filed with the �ity Clerk tabulated statemants in duplicate showing the proper description of each and every lot, piece, or parcel of land to be specially assessed and the amount calculated against the same. 2. Notice has been duly published as required by law that this Gouncil would meet in regular.session at this time and place to pass on the proposed assessment. 3. Said proposed assessmene has at all times since its filing been open to inspection and copying by all persons interested, and an opportunity has been given to all interested persons to_present their objections, if any, to such proposed assessment, or to any item thereof, and no objections have been fileci; except _ 4. The amounts specified in the proposed assessment are changed and altered as follows; � � I' - Page 3 Resolution 5. This Council finds that each o� the 1ots, pieces or parcels of land enum- erated in said propcsed assessment as altered and modified was and is specially benefited by the WATER, SANI7'ARY SEW'Ek AND S'TORM SELdER 1'.MPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 79 in the amount in said proposed assessment as altered and modified by the correctiv e roll in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece, or parcel of land, and that said amount so set out is hereby levied against each of the respective lots, pieces, or parcels of land therein described. 6. Such proposed assessment as altered, modified and.corrected is affirmed., adopted and confirmed, and the sums fixed and named in said proposed assess- ment as altered, modified and corrected, with the changes and alterations herein aboue made, are affirmed, adopted and confirmed as the proper special_ assessments for each of said lots, pieces or parcels o£ land respectively. 7. Said assessment so affirmed, a dopted, and confirmed shall be certified to by the City Clerk and filed in his office and shall. thereupon be and con- stitute the special assessment for WATER, SANTTARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 79. 8. The amounts assessed against each lot, piece or parcel of land shall bear interest from the date hereof until the same have been paid at the rate,of six per cent (6%) per annum. 9. Such assessment shall be payable in ten annual installments payable on the lst day of January in eaeh year,`beginning in the year 1968, and continuting until all of said installments shall have been paid,.each installment to be coZlected with taxes collectible during said year by the County Auditor. 10. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make up and file in the office of tl�e County Auditor of Anoka County a certified statenent of the amaunt of all such unpaid assessments and the amount which will be due thereon on the lst day of January in each year. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilman , and upon vote being taken thereon the _. _ followi.ng voted in favor thereoft and the following voted against the same: PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1967 ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell � MAYOR - 3ack 0. Kirkham � �� ,i 0 \ � CIZ� Oi� FRIi3Lr:1', .I�IINNESOTA APFLICATION F0�? NCP7-fiL:SiDi,Tv'•'�T�i't� BGILDiNG FE:�N;IT � � OWNER' S NAr�_ � C' l � � �� `�� ��� 3UILDER _ . �i4 /� { ADDRESS�_� % �G f 4/, �- � �� � `c c!� AUDF.ESS' �f-� /�'L �E LOCATTOIV OF BUIi,DIYtG n ' /��.� �1 N0._ /, �� f" STREET ���� j� PART QF LOT ___.______ LaT— ,� BLOCK � ADDITrOPJ OR SUBDIVISION 1<� �? �,i/�� Applicant attach to this farm; 3 Sets of Plans - 2 Plot Plans - 2 Certificates of Survey with proposed building drawn on these Certificates. � SUBMIT T0: BUILDING BOARD i30Aill OF APPEA�LS FL,AN. COP'LTMi. CflUPICZ'L c�.�G�r/s�� �' Meeting Date C� � p f �,�r 6� Approval Date � , DESCRTPTION 0:� BUILDING To Be Used As ; ���a� t� � /� . ������5 p CIGI 1 ^� � C �� � ' -� . Front .� r, �� �epth �y � � � Hei�i:t �� � — �..._� Sq. Ft. �� 7 , Cu. Ft.��,���, (,� � Type of Con�truction �/� ' / ' �!'GSc:°st?YY �- c��P_!. EsCimated Cast_ �,��0 �� To Be Completed � �{., `?� CFrtificate of Occupancy ---_--- � - � Permit Fee & Plan Check $ �r °O ' ' � . ' ' _ . ; TOTAL $ ,�. : � � � r� / • • ' Land Plonnin� ' 6R%S Ni9hnvy sGS UE'. � Ccn,d Su�vet�ir,� � � � � M;r1��v�r i� 3? � Soils 7cstri�c� � � � � � � � � � � � V � � � �/. .d��nnc,oJv Ciri/ fr Alunicipal SUnief Q 60G6 ' En ineerin / " � 9 En9ineers � SurvecJors `, t���,'°�������� �� ��.��� �o�t p.�:%�:�%,�` ' ;�ifl� . � /,e.�'i;;r�"'/;�� � .�t;fr" . ' '�� � � . � "l : �`�, �fr il'if� . i�:: � . �. �� '� _ . � ,`� . - � - - /3� y - - ' � . . • . �1 ' w _ r , � � - -�— � --� � � i ,, �'r.... ' %F__ao;: �_`_`,, �: ' ' ` . •4 4' � � } _ � H ' � . . � . . ' . • { . . ' �` �:....�� � � �, , y Ci'r)� �3:�7 t'� f�._�.,,.,,._S"� -'' � f .� � � � ,' . / 1 �` �• �� 5«-- —,•-�-� J C ,� � r ""' _ � r� �� � S' C r 6�'� � +, I \' � �� � .� , i �', L . � : � �"^ _ -_ - - +}` ,,�r 1 { t !;,,� i � ` 1 Q C. Fi;:� E�_S1 //,•'J k 1 � � � � k4 ..t� � ' � . � . . ,L.~ ' ,, � �.�_�.s ;ti..� < ` _.:-.. •�. -� .7� r �` - „ i � .�:\� .'""s:.s`,� _ ___—_ •.-I, ' . � � � i, ,. � K n y � ':Sc �.�.�Sj..�`j { � . ... .. . . . � . . . . . �,.. \ .. i C`a' ; �i�l.. ♦ � `--- _ . .. � � � ` � . . L,.� r 0� � \ x. ' d � � . � . � � . . ' . . q * c . �b��i '—la � } .- ;._ .� . - �, ` . . _., 1 � 1. i-_ .�.- ---- ---- _ . ''2; �'�'c�. 3= ,7 ; � ` � r 1i ' ' _ __ _ _ ?'' ` �. G: ' V1. - ��i .{ � � . ' .. . . . � � i � i_ 4"t . . . . � `(`i-�; . . � . �% �. . ��� `-ti� . . � ,.; � . . . . . - � `L � � � � . ih � . . � ' �; � i�r . .. �,� i`�? N � _ ��'� � ��� -� � � `�.. .� . �,. \ � ' ~~ -.__----- - � ._ t' . . . � � ... .. . . .\ C� � �IO' 1 ���f" �� � � � '�i � \ 4 � � -'- �--- t ' - '- - `�- �-^i ' �� . V �' t � � ���� . � . . , . �� � . . . ��. � . \ . ..� �. „ . � �. . - _ . . . i�ti �1 � ! � r� 4 � 7' .� � - f .. � � - . \� � � i�_ . , . � . �?` � � . � � . � � � � � � . . � . i � ti _ �.; � . . � �, , . _ � � � / _ . , �n # _ - __ - --- —. --- ._ - � . , � . ._ _ _ _ ,f � 4 � �q'_ `., t� �%�;" j /.J „3 //f ���U��: ✓':� � ' i �l1 �P�i,�eari• JjJf /";1 �• � ��� Ll '''���-�� _ �. i./,""I_1. . �,�/; � . � �/-e� / /Ca ' . _ , .. , ,_ --�' f � _ � 1���_ {_� f , .' `r'; ' ' • � L - - ' _ „�•p � _ " `'� - + 3✓ r - --� -----d— - ._ _ . /�� s -� : � �. � � ' ' : � j.� /�rs�'Gr, iy' !'''. ,: ;. ' !/r�ebcf �rii�f� fhof fh�s is o fi-ue o�d corr�cf reP�esenfotion o�0 StA�'vel� ��fll f�vvn�Ories �f'�lJe abarr aEsuibed /onC, ond �, �,, om� { d/orid. As wr'vecJed byme lius ?= : doy u�'%/� lccvfion o�'of/ truild n s flxrean , o,od o// ris�b/e u;a-�ochrnen s i!' , ran or a� sar 4 . .P .R.�q .i� � A O 19-: ��� SUB U28AN El�lGlNEE2GUG , INC. � �E�meers E� Su�royors. . • .� L -.3c� � � %` ~ . i .r S• S'? - ' � /� 3 I-�rj _ �. ;_ _ _- . : , . . .'� ' � ' EXCERPT FROM THE BUILDING STANDARDS - DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 6, 1967; ' . , . . CONSIDERATION OF ADDITION AND ALTERATIONS TO SHOP AT 7786 BEECH STREET AS ' REQUESTED BY RONALD SMITH, 7786 BEECH STREET NORTHEAST, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA ' MOTION by Tonco, seconded by Hauge, to approve future construction at less than the 8 foot side yard setback, now allowed by approval of the City ' Engineer, provided more land is acquired in the near future by the possible vacation of 68th Avenue Northeast. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Acting Chairman Bierman declared the motion carried. ' . , , '. . i 1 1 1 1 � 1� 1. . � : 0 ��