03/13/1967 - 00021059THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 13, 1967 The Special Council Meeting of the City of Fridley w�s called to order by Mayor Kirkham at 8:04 P.M., March 13, 1967. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Sheridan, Samuelson, Liebl, Harris (Arrived at 8:12 P,M,) MEMBERS ABSENT: None Mr. Schroeder was present at the Council Meeting and showed the Council maps of his plans for the area. At this time he was asking for the rezoning only, and had no final plan of development, but had some design work which had been prepared for discussion purposes. He explained to the Council his reasons for feeling that single family use of this area was inappropriate. He said that it would 6e low cost housing wh�ch would not be desira6le th�s close to East River Road, and the nearest park for children is across East River Road. He said that single family dwellings could be built substandard unless the build�ng standards are raised. Mr. Schroeder said that if this is rezoned for multiple residents under Planned Development, the first thing they would do would be to obtain an architect statement which would utilize the beauty of the area, show the landscaping and point out any drawbacks. He said they were thinking of 2Z to 3 story apartment units which could be connected, with parking garages, which would be properly landscaped and orient themselves to the creek level, and alang the other bank they would have townhouses, and if the srtuation developed, they would have a convenience type shopping center. He pointed SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 13, 1967 � out that this was only an idea to show the scale of thinqs they were thinking about. Gouncilman Lie61 asked how many dollars are involved in this plan. Mr. Schroeder said that it would be in excess of $500,000 for �ust the housing units, and the shopping area would be in addition to this. He explained the convenience shopping area as shopping that would complement the neighborhood, with perhaps a superette, dry cleaners, small office or possible clinic. The City Manager asked �f he was considering walkevays. Mr, Schroeder said Chat thay were planning the whole creek area as a park area for the residents, with the possi6ility of an enclosed swimming pool He said there would be paths through the creek area, and ultimately he felt there should be side- walks. Councilman Harris asked Mr. Schroeder if he lived in this area, and Mr. Schroeder pointed out his home on the map. Councilman Samuelson said he felt the concept was a good one. He said that he was not in favor of 12 to 18 unit apartments set here and there, but liked them in complexes for better land use, architecture and so that they fit in better with residential zoning Gouncilmah Liebl asked if they planned to develop this in the near future. Mr. Schroeder said that under the Planned Developrnent they will have to develop a time schedule and a phase schedule, and they have been hoping to get Phase 1 started this year. Councilman Samuelson asked about the sewer and water in the area. Mr. Schroeder said that it was all in except the storm sewer, and he asked the City Engineer if it would be possible to put two new catch basins � on Ruth Street. The City Engineer said that there should be an overall plan for the whole area, and that a main could 6e put rn that would serve the whole area, but they would not extend it all the way, Mr. Schroeder asked if the Council could take the first steps to get this implemented. Councilman Harris asked if they could get the homeowrvers in the area to sign with them in their petition. Mr. Schroeder said that the money was already in escroe� on Ruth Street, but it did not done the last time it had come up, as it was too big a scope and the whole area had not subscribed to it. The Crty Manager said that there had been a preliminary report which could 6e brought before the Council again. The C�ty Engineer said that they can report to the Council on how much it would cost to put in the leg from the Creek to Ruth Street and have it before theCouncil at the next meeting. Mayor Kirkham closed the Hearing at 8:3D P,M, MOTIDN by Councilman Samuelson to adopt on First Reading, waiving the reading, an ordinance to change the zoning from R-1 and C-1-S to PD (Planned Development) as requested. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Harris, Sheridan, Samuelson, Liebl voting aye, nays, none, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously RESOLUTION #5�-1967 REGARDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN ANOKA COUNTY COURT SYSTEM: Mayor Kirkham said that he would iike to make some suggestions for � rewording a portion of the resolution. Ne read his proposed changes to the Council and explained that they will strengthen the argument for post- poning action at this time, and will indicate a need for an accurate cost estimate as the bill in its present form has no estimate at all Council- man Liebl asked Mayor Kirkham to read the resolution in its entirety, MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution �50-1g67 as read by Mayor Kirkham. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. SPECIAL CDUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 13, 1967 Mayor Kirkham asked Representative Jack Meyer if he had any comments. � Mr. Meyer said that there is a possibility that the extra �udges will not be approved, at least not all three of them. He said that the Columbia HeighL-s Council is also acting on the same question, and he felt their feeling would be approximately the same as what the Fridley Council has mentioned, although not necessarily bringing it back in two years, as there is still time to get 1t through if it went through as an Anoka County delegation billy if they were able to get some good estimates. VOTE upon the motion to adopt Resolution �50-1967 was voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried, VETERANS PREFERENCE BILL: Mayor Kirkham said that Mr. Meyers was present at the Council Meeting because he was interested in another item, the Veterans Preference Bill. Mr. Meyers said that there has 6een a development so that it now appears the revised Veterans Preference Law will be put through Statewide. He said that the form will marntain the same veterans preference for hiring, and for promotions it will give a 5 point preference to the veteran and a 10 point preference to a disabled veteran in being put on the list. Once on the list no further preference will be given to veterans. He said that the American Legion has gone along with this revised form. Mayor Kirkham said he felt this sounded fairer than what we do have, and rt was his opinion that it was time this was changed. Councilman Harris said thal he thought it sounded good as outlined, and pointed out some � repercussions where sons had difficulties getting positions because the preference reverted back to the fathers, who were usually already set in their positions. Mr. Meyers said that the law will be changed to redefine a veteran as anyone who has served from December 7, 1941 until all emergencies cease. Mayor Kirkham asked Mr. Meyers if he wanted a resolution from the Council, and Mr. Meyers said he did not feel it was necessary at this time. Councilman Harris asked Mr. Meyers if a bill from Fridley had been introduced at the leyislature on the liquor split. Mr. Meyers said he was positive that Mr. Savelkoul had introduced a bill for Fridley, 6ut that he would check o� i t for sure, RESDLUTION ;{51-1967 REGARDING WATERSHED DISTRICT LEGISLATION: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution �51-1967 as presented to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Sheridan asked the City Attorney if there would be a mill levy if the $20,000 limitation was deleted as suggested in amendment ;�4. The Crty Attorney said that it presently read 1 mill or $2D,000 whichever is less. Councilman Samuelson ques[ioned amendment f�2, and asked tf this bill provides for local consent. The City Attorney said that �t does not, but the manager would meet with the Commissioners and Municipal Councils before � they write the plan for the WRB. If the Council was opposed to it they couid go before the Water Resources Board and state their reasons, Councilman Harris said that it appeared to him that setting the one mill levy established the method of paying this obligation of the City, City-wide. The City Attorney said that the one mill levy for Administrative purposes wilt 6e against all the property within the Watershed District, and not all the land in Fridley is in the watershed district. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING, MARGH 13, 1967 � Councilman Samuelson requested that the Administration direct to Mr. Howard Grivna a copy of this Resolution. The City Manager said he would do this. RECONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION �49-1967, OPPDSING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF MULTI-PURPOSE METROPOLITAN GQVERNMENT: Mayor Kirkham said that Councilman Liebl had asked that the Council reconsider Resolution #49-1967. Councilman Liebl said that he would like to request that the Council delete Paragraph 5 from the Resolution. Mayor Kirkham read the following paragraph; "BE IT FURTNER RESOLVED, thae the Fr�dley Gity Council favors in principle those legislative 6ills that would expand the authority of the county com- missioners to coordinate activities withln the municipalities within their county and among the various counties." Councilman Harris asked Councilma� Liebl why he would like to see this paragraph deleted. Councilman Lie61 did not feel the County Commissioner's authority should be expanded. Councilman Harris sa�d that he felt one of the reasons the Council has been pressed so much in this legislative session is the fact that the County government has not 6een given the authority, nor have they asked for it in many cases, to handle some of the area wide bills. He said that the enactment of the Anoka County Association of Municipalities achieved some of this type of thinking by coordinating the activities of various functions. He said that there are some areas that could be coordinated � such as disposal of solid waste, and some areas where the municipalities could save money if coordinated by the County, such as 6uying police cars of the same type at the same time, or buying salt. He po�nted out that a municipality would not have to partake of the coordinat�ng act, hut they could at the�r own option. He said that the Commissio�ers are elected by the people of the County and they would serve the functions of the County. Councilman Harris said he felt �t would be an injustice to the resolution to stn ke this paragraph. Mayor Kirkham said that in Anoka County the Association of Municipalities is not a year old yet, but they would do what Councilman Harris is suggest�ng be done by giv�ng the County Commissioners more power. He said that he would rather see if we cannot handle it ourselves, rather than take power away from us. Councilman Harris said that the resolution reads, coordinate, Mayor Kirkham said that it also reads, expand their authority. Mayor Kirkham asked Mr. Jack Meyer if he would care to comment on this Mr. Meyer said that he felt that for problems that cross the municipal lines, the County was the proper place to handle these problems. He said he would tend to go along with the statement because if there is something bigger than the municipalities, the County should try to coordinate it. He said that the County government is already set up. Councilman Harris said that the Commissioners being elected by the constituents of Anoka County would lean toward a more reasonable settlement than b�ing handf:d to an organization in which we may have one representative out of seven. � Councilman Liebl said he would withdraw his request that this paragraph be deleted from the resolution. CITY ENGINEER - A�DITIONAL WORK ON WELL #3: The City Engineer explai�ed to the Council that a bailer has been found in the repair of Well �3, and the company that is doing the work did not bid on drilling through the bailer, so the Administration is asking the Council's SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 13, 1967 permission to go ahead with the work on a time and labor basis until next � Monday at which time they can give the Council a report on how it is going and how much it will cost. Councilman Samuelson asked how much money has been spent so far. The City Engineer said that the contract was for $2,880, and they have not spent all the money yet, but the material has not been taken out yet Councilman Samuelson said he thought that the bailer should have been added to the specifications if they had any idea it was there. The City Engineer said ihat there had never been any proof that the bailer was in the hole. The Council discussed whai would happen if this did not work out. The City Engineer said that it would work, but at reduced capacity. Councilman Samuelson said that there is $80,000 in the well now, and it cannot be a6andoned. Mayor Kirkham said that he thought they should go along with the 6 day ex2ension, and look to someone else for additional costs, either Comstock & Davis or some- one else they could get it from. Councilman Samuelson said he agreed they continue the requested extension and let Comstock & Davis pay for it. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to grant the 6 day extension of work on Well #3 as requested by the City Engineer, the cost of the�work to remove the bailer -�-•--� From the well to be borne by �omstock & Davis. Seconded by Counciiman -•-,•-� Harris. Upon a vo�ce vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. LETTER TO COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. RE:� OVERHEAD BRIDGE Councilman Liebl asked if the Administration had received any answer from � the Columbia Heights City Council or the Minnesota Highway pepartment on the stand they had taken on the proposed overhead 6ridge. Mayor K�rkham said that ihe State had indicated that it miqht be some time 6efore they would reply. Mayor Kirkham said that there had only been one Councilman representing Columbia Heights at the meeting that had been held discussing the bridge, and he had made no committment. The City Manager agreed to w n te a letter to the Columbia Heights City Council requesting their decision. Councilman Liebl also requested that the Administration write a letter to Senator Nyquist on behalf of the Council, asking him to consider this pro�ect, as a member of the State Highway Committee. COMMUNICATIONS FROM STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT AND MINNESOTA POLICE AND PEACE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION: Mayor K�rkham read a letter from the State Highway Department acknowledging receipt of the City's request for participation in the cost of a storm sewer facility. He also read a letter from the Minnesota Police & Peace Officers Association which apologized for having printed that Fn dley Police Officers had voluntarily participated in the bannering line of the Minneapolis Police Officers, which was found to be untrue. MR. VANDAN COMPLAINT ABOUT ILLEGAL EQUIPMENT TAG: Mr. vanDan addressed the Council and said that he has advocated stricter traffic law enforcement and asked for a more constitutional police adminis- � tration, but he had not asked for what had happened to him, which he felt was shoddy. He explained to the Council the details of a tag he had gotten for illegal equipment because his directional s�gnals were red, He listed provisions he felt the Police Officer had violated and read statutes in which he could iind no color stipulation listed. He also said he had attended the court session and found the presenLations vague. The City Attorney said that the Courts are a61e to make decisions, and it is not up to him to second guess the Police Department or the Courts. The City Manager asked Mr. vanDan if he had made a complaint to the Chief of Police about these officers, and when �%�%�-�CORRECTION TO MINUTES MADE AS PER COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 20, 1967. SPECIAL COUNCIL I�EETING, MARCH 13, �967 � Mr. vanDan said that he had not, the City Manager suggested he do this. Mayor Kirkham suggested that Mr. vanDan reduce his complaint to writing and present it to the Council at the next regular Meeting so they can re- ceive it officially. Councilman Samuelson pointed out that this was a -•-�•�• Special Meetin�c and this item was not on the aqenda and that a better adjective than the word, "stupid", could be found wiCh reqard to our Police Officers. The City Manager said that if Mr vanDan would go to the Chief of Police, anything valid in his complaint would be brouqht to the attention of the officers involved. Councilman Samuelson stated that he did not feel that the Police Department issued enough tickets and felt that the Officers should be presentable, pleasant and courteous at all times. , � ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Mayor Kirkham declared the Special Council Meeting of March 13, 1967 ad�ourned at 9:35 P,M. Respectfully su6mitted, �� ,/ , �i'� ���,- -'%l �c� ,��� � ��,-�-�-,. �` Mary Lu S{rom � ` Secreeary to the Council �� '�<�c��� �����.^��. � �YOR - JACK , KIRKHAM ;� ��'��'� CORRECTION TO MINUTES MA�E AS PER COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 20, 196%.