The Regular Council Meeting of the City of Fridley was called to order by
Mayor Kirkham at 8:15 P.M.
Mayor Kirkham asked the audience to stand and �oin in saying the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Harris, Liebl, Samuelson
Mayor Kirkham explained that the meeting-had started"late because the Council
had been meeting with the architect on the new City Hall. He said that the
building was coming along very well, and is on schedule as nearly as can be
MOTION by Councilman $arris to adopt the Minutes of'the Regular Council
Meeting of May 1, 1967 as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. IIpon
a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
MOTION by Councilman Lieb1 to adopt the Minutes of the Special Gouncil Meeting
as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. IIpon a voice vote, there being
no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
Councilman Liebl said there were two items under 01d Business and two items
under New Business that he would like to add to the agenda. Under Old Business
he would like to add Item Sa, "Spring Cleanup" and Item Sb, "Status of Hazardous
Building Actions°. Under New Business he would like to add Item 21a, "Street
Sweeper" and 21b " City Employee�s Facilities". -
Councilman llarris said that under Item 2 of Old Business, ^Planner Specifications",
Councilman Sheridan was going to report back after talking with a planner, and
as he is not present, Councilman Harris said he would like to lay this over to
the next meeting, and asked that Item 2 be deleted.
MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt the agenda as amended.
Mr. vanDan said he would like 30 seconds of the Council`s time for correctioa of
minutes. He said he had talked to Couttcilman Sheridan about thi5, and he had
agreed to make the motion, but Councilman Sheridan was not present. Mr, van➢an
said that this was from the minutes of the meeting of April 17, 1967. Mayor
Kirkham said that the Council does not have these minutes before them. Mr. vanDan
said he would like to correct a reply he had made and which could be checked on
the tape of the meeting. Mayor Kirkham said that the minutes have already
� been approved and are not before the Council at px�sent. Mr. vanDan saad
he would like to add several words to his statement on Page 24, 3rd paragraph
DOCUMENTS", In answer to Mr. Gibb's quesCion, asking Mr, vanDan if he was
an attorney and competent to make such accusations, Mr. vanDan said that his
answer was as follows; "Mr. vanDan said he was not an aCtorney admitted to
practice, but hecause o£ bis training, being a 1aw graduate, he could interpret
the law." Mayor Kirkham told Mr. vanDan that he could leave this with the
secretary. Mr. vanDan said he would do this and that an appropriate motion
could be made by any one of the Councilmen.
MOTION to adopt the agenda as amended was seconded by Councilman Samuelson.
Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion
Councilman Lieb1 said he had taken the time to taZk with the people in Yhis
area. He listed the individual property owners that he had seen, and said
that 85% of the people were against the improvement. Councilr,tan Harris asked
if these were single family residents. Councilman Liebl said they were, and
he had also checked with the owner of the 8-unit apartment building and he
ob�ected also. Councilman Harris asked if these peog3e have off-street
parking. Councilman LZebl said they did not because they would be right in
the way which is the complication. Councilman Lieb1 said he noticed that the
� City has put the extension in, in case some time in the future the people
want this storm sewex. Councilman Samuelson asked if the laterals had been
put across into the stTeet. The Consulting Engxneer said that a change order
had covered the construction of the main line to the property 1itte, and the
public hearing was to be held to cover the property line to the low spot.
The Crty Engineer pointed out on the map the area where the water drains into
the 1ow hole and explained that the City oxdinance on off-street parking can-
not be enforced because of this problem as� the people park on Main Street.
He said that this pro�ect can be deleted but eventually this will have to be
fixed. He said it probably could be done when Main Street is improved. Council-
man Liebl said he would like to point out to the Council that the people will
have to replace txees and fences that wiLl have to be torn down, and they have
spent a 1ot of�money €ixing up their yards, beside paying for the pro�ect.
He said that the people have indlcated that they have signed a petition against
this pro�ect twice, and Councilman Liebl said he would oppose it a-t this time
as it wi11 be an extreme hardship on the�se people if they are assessed. He
said that the apaxtmenC owners could pxovide an alley to get to the back property
and he did not feel they have to park on Main Street, although he realizes the
land is uneven, but he felt if they go ahead the people would be very opposed
to it, and he did not feel it s�hould be undertaken aC this time, Councilman
Harris asked if there was a dedication for an alley there. The City P�ngineer
said yes. A visitox to the Council Meeting said that a few years ago thas had
been a nice field, then a nice apartment building had been built wiih off-
street parkin.g, and then three apartments had gone up with no off-street
� parking. He said they appa'rently either did not check the ordinance or disre-
garded it. He said that now it seems the ordinance is being enforced, and the
home owners should be assessed to pay for a mistake of a contractor, He said
that it has been rumored that the property owners wi11 have to pay for the
a11ey for off-street parking instead of the contractor.
MOTION by Councilman Harris that this pro�ect not be put in at this time,
but be returned to the Administration for an alternate solution on enforcing �
the off-street parking for the affected property.
The City Engineer said that the Adm�nistration had written letters in 1962
telling the people they were zn violatxon and that they had to provide
parking in the back, but they had come to the Council about the water
problem, so it was now up to the Council osz whether it be done now or not,
but he felt that it should be brought to their attention.
The Motion was seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Councilman Liebl asked the
people present in the audience if there was a water problem. One of the
visitors said that the first apartment has water in the spring as it runs
down the slope, but an a1Yey would j¢st make it a runway and increase the
The vote upon the motion was a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham
declared the motion carned,
Mayor Kirkham reminded the Council that this is the letter he had read at the
last Council Meeting, and the Council had decided to reconsider the last
paragraph. Niayor Kzrkham suggested that they �ust eliminate the first two
sentences of the last paragraph, and start the last paragraph, "If this be
your position, we suggest then that you commence a declaratory �udgment action
to have the meaning of the supplemental agreement detexmined by the District �
Court." Councilman Samuelson suggested that in the fourth paragraph, they
eliminate the word "ignore" and substitute the words, "to use their own
interpretation of!'.
MOTION by Councilman Lieb1 to adopt the letter to the NSSSD with the proposed
changes. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, there being no nays,
Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
Councilman Samuelson said his feelittgs were that this was spot zoning and
would be putting a multiple dwelling in the immediate center of an R-1 District.
MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to deny the Double Bungalow Use Permit. Council-
man Lieb1 asked aboixt the zoning surrounding this lot. Councilman Harris said
that it was a11 R-1. Councilman Lieb1 said he assumed that the people opposed
this. Councilman Samuelson said there had been no one present at the meeting
either pro or con except the people making the application. Councilman Harris
said he thought this had been disposed of at the last meeting. Mayor Kirkham
said that the hearing had been closed but no action had been taken.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being
no nays, Mayor Kir[c[aam declared the motion carried.
The City Engineer pointed out on the map the different zonings requested.
Councilman Harris asked if Ashton was a deadend. The City Engineer said that
it goes to Ironton now, and eventually wi11 go to the City limits at the
railroad tracks. Councilman Samuelson asked if this was the Planning
Commission's scheme. The City Engineer said that it was.
MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the request and study it in con-
aunct2on with the planning Commission. Seconded by Councilmaa Liebl. Upon
a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kir.cham declared the motion carried.
Councilman Lieb1 said that he would like to discuss Spring Cleanup. He said
he was not talking aboue open space, but lots in residential districts.
Councilman Liebl said ttaat this has been discussed in past Council sessions,
and he suggested to the City Manager that letters be written to empty 1ot
owners about cleanup, and he was wondering if these people have been contacted,
He said he is sti11 getting calls from people about it. He said the CZty
Manager had said that he had someone in mind to do the work, and he wondered
who it was and how this was being done. He stated that this was a bad image
for our City. Councilman� Liebl said that Sectlons 37.0�., 37.02, and 37.03
of the City Code cover the cleaning up of praperty by May 1st, the enforcement
provision and the penalty whereby it can be assessed to the property owner Zf
it has to be done by the City. Councilman Liebl said he had received over
40 ca11s indicating that the people want the empty lots cleaned up. Council-
man Harrzs said he would suggest Yhe City Manager send letters giving a date
by which this must be done, probably 30 days, oeherwise Che City will do it
and put it against the taxes.
MOTION by Councilman Liebl to direct the Administration to write letters to
the property owners with a given date, stating that it will be assessed
against them if it is not done. 5econded by Councilman Samuelson.
Mr. Pauison, a visitor to the Council Meeting, said that in many cases a
letter would be sent to the property fee owner, who would �ust throw it in
the waste basket, as it is usually the contract owner who has the real
responsibility, He said Iie thought some decisive action must be taken on
this, and he felt that more efficiency was needed in the fronC office, FIe
said that the Council cannot do the good �ob they are trying to do, unless
there is more efficiency in the front office. He sa7�d that perhaps a petition
is the answer, if they cannot get action. Councilman Samuelson said he
receives ca11s, writes them down and brings them in and then the City Manager
writes a letter. He said he would like to ask the C�ty Attorney if the
Council has the legal right to post property,saying that it must be cleaned
up by such and such a daCe. The City Attozney said the usual legal require-
ment would be that a notice be sent to the address where the tax statement is
sent, and in most cases if there is a contract purchaser and the contract is
not recorded, the County Sreasurer sends it t-o the contract purchaser and the
1aw wi11 require that the notice be sent to the address that the tax statement
is sent to. He said that rather than a leteer, he felt it should be drawn in
the foxm of an official notice. Councilman Samuelson asked if the person
concerned does not recieve his notice, would the public posting suffice. The
City Attorney said yes, either thaC or publication is a sufficient substrtute
for the actual service if thaC cannot be done.
Councilman Harris suggested that the motion be changed from a letter being
written to official Notice and publication. This was agreed upon. IIpon a
voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor ICirkham declared the motion carried.
Councilman Lieb1 said that this was supposed to be done according to Orlinance
by May lst, and they need 30 days to remedy this, He said it is late for
this already, and he would like to ask the people in his Ward who have this
problem to try to be patient, and the Council will try to rectify it as soon
as possible. He said that we have an ordinance, he feels it should be
enforced, and this is the reasan he brought this up this evening.
Councilrua� Samuelson said he had talked to the City Manager last week and
that a number of letters had been sent out, and he would like to direct
the Administration to bring back a list of the names, and addresses to whom.
letters were sent in respect to the cleamup program so the Council,knows
what action has been taken so they do not duplicate themselves. Mr. Paulson
said that in some communities the City Manager wi11 spot check these yards
and talk to the residents. He said he thought that we should have this
kind of public service and the Council must assert themselves with the admini-
strati,on to see that these things get resolved. He said there should be a
follow up program and we do not have this kind of public relations. Council-
man Samuelson said he_agreed.
Councilman Liebl said he would like to ask the City Attorney what contact he
has had in regard to the Benson property on East River Road. The City
Attorney said he had prepared a report on four properties, and that on this
particular property the owner had indicated that he wanted to co�e in and
meet with the $uilding Inspector to rehabilitate the building, If he does
not do this, it will have to go to court and it will be a borderline case on
whether the court te�ls them to tear it down. Councilman Liebl said that
this was a terrible piece of �unk, and he felt the property could be
developed and put to,better use,. The Citq Attorney said the owner had
indicated an interest in coming before the Council to get the ad�oining
property rezoned so they could build a more substantial building. Council-
man Samuelson asked if there was any time limit on the other buildings. The
City Attorney said that on the M& I Auto Supply Company, he had received
a letter indicating that the property had been purchased by the Miller Con-
struction Company who will be in to get a permit, and he is sure they are in
earnest, He said that the notice on the house on Apex is up in two days and he
has' not received an answer yet, and if he does not xt wi11 then go to court.
Regarding the house on 5809 2nd Street Northeast, he �ias written the fee
owner in Chicago, but he had not been found, so he has started service by
publication. ,
BIDS - ST. 1967-1 AND ST. 196?-2 (OPENED NOON, MAY 15, 1967):
The Finance Director read the following bids;
Alexander Construction Co
4641 Hiawatha Avenue
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Dunkley Surfacing Co.
3756 Grand Street N.C.
Nlinneapolis, Minnesota
Hennepin Black Topping Co. II.S.F. & G. $145,125.05 ,
P,O, 2675 5%
New Br2ghton, Minnesota
Oct. 15, 1967
October 1, 1967
September 15, 1967
C. S. McCrossan, Inc
Box 322, Route 2
Osseo, Minnesota
Northern Asphalt Const. Co
1631 66th Livenue N.E.
Fridley, Minnesota
Great American
Insurance Co.
Home Owners
Insurance Co.
As specified
Councilman Harris asked the City Engineer to relate the streets included in
these pro�ects for the audience. The City Engineer said that these pro�ects
would include 63rd from University Avenue to Sth Street, 61st Avenue from
IIniversity Avenue to Main Street, Rainbow Drive - 61st Avenue to Comet Lane,
Hugo Street - East River Road to the east end of the street, Baker - from
73rd Avenue to Osborne Road, and Arthur Street from Mississippi Street to
the north end of the school property. Councilman Samuelson asked if the
City was getting the required easement for a cul-de-sac on Hu�o Street,
The City Engineer said that there has been a different recommendation from
the Planning Consultant on how it should be developed, and this will be
brought back to the Council at a later time. The City P�ngineer said that
the estimated cost had been $130,098.30, and the bid was under that.
Councilman Lieb1 asked if this surfacing company had done work for the City
before, and if it had been satisfactory. The City Engineer said yes, they
had had a contract las,t year.
' MOTION by Councilman Liebl to awaxd the bid for ST. 1967-1 and St. 1967-2
to the Dunkley Surfacing Company, 3756 Grand Street Northeast, Minneapolis,
Minnesota in the amount of $129,665.22, to be completed October 1, 1967.
Seconded by Councilman Harris.
Councilman Lieb1 said he had a petition signed by 85% of the people on
Jupitor and he �ust wanted to consult with one more person, and if the
people concur with putting the street, in on Comet Lane from the park to
Trinity Lane, he would like to have these put in this contract if possible.
The City Engineer said that they can only add up to 25% to a contract, and
they already have two streets on whuh a hearing has already been held, but
they may let another contract. He said that when Councilman Lieb1 has the
petition, he can bring it in to engineering, and he will be able to give
him a better answer.
IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion
Councilman Harris asked if this document had been executed. The City Attorney
said it had been his understanding that it was not to be executed until the
Council had approved it.
� MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive and approve the Claim Satisfaction
and direct the City Clerk to execute the document. Seconded by Councilman
Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the
motion carried.
Mayor Kirkham said that he was not ready to consider this at this time, �
Councilman Samuelson said he was not ready eLther.
MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to table consideration of the annual report
to the next regular meeting. Seconded by Councilman i,iebl. Councilman Lieb1
mentioned that he did not like the picture of the sidewalk included in the
report and would suggest a different one if possible. Mayor Kirkham suggested
he bring it to the attention of the City Manager when this is brought back on
the agenda. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared
the motion carried. �
Councilman Liebl said that he would like to ask the City Engineer and Consulting
Engineer to present him with the specifications for sewage and water pipe
installation which he felt were important for Fridley!s future utility grbwth
and expansion. He said he would like to study them and then present to the
Council, with the help of experienced people, a unified sewer code for our
City, and he would like the cooperation of the Council.
MOTION by Councilman Liebl to instruct the City Engineer and the Consulting
Engineer to furnish presently available specifications on sewage and water
pipe installations for the purpose of research and study, Seconded by
Councilman Harris. He said he would like to have a11 members of the Council
receive this. Councilman Liebl said that this had been his intent, Upon a '
voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
Councilman Harris said that the Planning Co¢unission had made no determination
at their meeting, nor was there anything in the minutes about it being brought
up again. He said he would like to request that this appear on their agenda
again, for a final determination. Mayor Kirkham said he did not feel that it
was necessary to go back to the Planning Commission as they had had it for
many months, and in a sense this had been an informal hearing. He said he
felt most people would like to see the extension made, and there was a
proposal from the people through whose property the street would go, Mayor
Kirkham said he would entertain a motion to direct the City Engineer to
proceed with drawing specifications for this extension. Councilman Harris
said he had no oh�ection to this, but he had brought this to the Council's
attention because they had discussed a wider street, and the improvement of
the street would be tantamount to any design. Mayor Kirkham said that there
was a 60 foot right-o�-way so his intention would be to have a 40 foot street
back to back with curb. Councilman Harris said then rezoning is not necessary
for the width of the street, Mayor Kirkham said he felt a 40 foot street
should go through regardless of what else is done. Councilman Harris said
that if the Cossncil chooses to approve this street, he suggests the Council ,
ask the Planning Commission to again consider the rezoming request. Mayor
Kirkham said that that was another matter and it could certainly be considered
separately. Councilman Samuelson said he agreed. He said he felt the
connection should be made so there was a good flow of traffic through for
fire and police. Councilman Lieb1 said that at the hearing last Thursday, he
felt the people indicated they were willing to wholeheartedly support this.
� Councilman Harris said he felt the length of the street should be determined
and where it should start, Alayor Kirkham said that this part of the street
could be done immediately regardless of whether anything is done farther
north or not. He said that there is road up there and whether it is to be
improved or not is another question. He said that this pro�ect has been
discussed since last fall, and if something is not done soon, we will be
into another season. The Council discussed following the general pattern
for connecting 3rd Street between 58th Avenue and 57th Place. Councilman
Samuelson said that when the engineers were through with the plans, they
should refer it to the City Attorney for the easement requirements if
MOTION by Councilman Lieb1 to approve the construction of a street from
58th Avenue Northeast to 57th Place as suggested in Exhibit A.
The City Engineer asked if it was the Council's intention to have the
property owners improve the street or for the City to do it. Mayor Kirkham
said that the City Engineer is to draw the specifications, but the property
owner wi11 do his own improvement. The City Engineer said that there were
several lots that do not have water and sewer services, and he asked if the
Council wished to hold public hearings. There was only one owner involved,
and Councilman Harris suggested they get a letter, �nd then there would be
no need to hold a hearing. The City Engineer said that there is another
problem as this area is 1ow and needs a storm sewer, and when they do the
street would be the time to put the storm sewer in. He said that this would
� be a matter of money, if the street is to be paid for by the property owners,
they may not be willing to do this. Mayor Kirkham suggested that the City
Engineer bring this back to the,Council when he has some figures, so they
wi11 be able to talk to the people. He quE5tlpned whether the Council was
considering closing off one street, in which case he said they could probably
get by without storm sewer. Councilman Harris said this was not going to
be vacated at this time. The City Engineer said they would bring a11 the
specifications back before the Council.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there
being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the m�?tion carried.
The City Engineer said that the Planning Commission has not taken any action,
but he pointed out on the map what they were proposin�. He explained that at
present they are planning on leaving the low land go. He said that the Planning
Commission suggested that there be an agreement that in three years he would
give the City the easement and move the house off so that Arthur Street can
go through. He said that the house is on the easement, but that Mr, Templin
want time to get the area developed, then he wi11 move the house. Councilman
Samuelson said then this is coming in in two plats. Mr. Templin said that
basically yes, this plat and the outlot. He said that Lots 7- 18 would be
in the outlot and he could build on Lots 19 - 29. Councilman Samuelson asked
� Mr. Templin if these homes could meet the 4' water table. Mr. Templin said
yes he had checked this. The Council discussed with Mr. Templin the fu�ure
streets, where the storm sewer goes, and the fact that the water line was
already in. The City Engineer suggested that they ask for escrow becauee
the assessments will be high. Councilman Samuelson said he would suggest they
also get a subdivzsion development p1an. Mr. Templin said that this was the
reason for bringing this as he wants the Council's preliminary approval.
Councilman Lieb1 asked if Mr. Templin is the one who wi11 develop the land.
Mr. Templin said yes. Councilman Liebl asked if he would be the one that �
would put money in escrow. Councilman Samuelson said that it would become
part of the final plat, and a11 that he needs at the present time is prelimi-
nary approval of the general concept so that he can proceed with the pro�ect.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the general concept, and that
any plat filed wi11 be with the provision for escrow for storm sewer and
street with a drainage plan as part of the hardshell. Seconded by Councilman
Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared
the motion carried.
Councilman Harris asked if the water service that went down 64th Avenue
would be included in the escrow, The City Engineer said that the escrow would
be for any lots that he daveloped.
MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the minutes of the Planning
Commission Meeting of May 11, 1967. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a
voice vote, there being no nays, biayor Karkham declared the motion carried.
CfTANGE ORDER N0. 1- SS&SW ��84:
Councilman Harris asked if this is the change order that had been discussed
at the last meeting. The Consulting Engineer said that there were two
changes that had been discussed at the last Council Meeting and they were
incorporated in this one change order. One was the realignment of the sewer
in Nage1's Woodlands and the other is the reduction of the storm sewer on '
Stinson Boulevard. Councilman Samuelson asked Mr. Ray Carlson about a
petition they had signed to stop the sewer at a particular point. The Con-
sulting Engineer said that this would not affect this change order.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve Change Order ,�F�1 for sanitary sewer,
water and storm sewer Improvement Pro�ect �k84. Seconded by Councilman
Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the
motion carried.
Councilman Samuelson read Petition -0�13-1967 which requested that the sewer
lateral end on the west property line of the lumber yard. He asked if
this would affect the change order. The Consulting Engineer said that the
realignment was �ust through Nagel�s Woodlands, but the remainder wi11 stay
the same as it was at the public hearing. The Gity Engineer pointed out
the way this had orLginally been planned and the realignment. He said that
this petrtion will require another change oxder.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive Petition i�13-1967, and direct the
Administration to ask the Consulting Engineer to draw up a change order
for the deletion of the sewer lateral as stated in the petition.
There was a discussion at the Council table with Mr. Gordon Staenson and '
Mr. Ray Carlson on whether the sanitary sewer should go to the back lot
line between the lumber yard and Nagel's Woodlands, and where the line was
to be stopped.
Councilman Samuelson asked that the motion be read back, and with the
approval of Councilman Harxis changed it to stop the sanitary sewer line at
the northeast corner of Lot 4 in Nagel's Woodlands. Seconded by Councilman
Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the
motion carried.
Mayor Kirkham said he thought the Council should discuss the service road,
� Councilman Liebl asked if this is put in wi11 they have to rip up the
street. The Consulting Engineer said that another way would be for the
property owner to provide an easement for the construction of sanitary sewer,
Councilman Harris suggested that this be completed before the pro�ect is
ordered in. CouncLlman Samuelson asked Ray Carlson if rt was feasible
for him to give a sanitary sewer easement. Mr. Carlson questioned how big
an easemenC it would be. The Consulting Engineer said he thought 20 feet,
He said that it was possible also that a buxlding could be serviced from
the rear. He suggested they get an easement in the front and it could be
traded in the future. Councilman Samuelson said he thought they should get
a17 the easements in the hands of tAe City at this time. Councilman Samuelson
asked Mr. Gordon Swenson if it was agreeable to him, and he said no because he
plans to build his building a11 the way to the back of the p��.perty. The
Consulting Engineer said that another alternative would be to put the entire
easement on lumber yard property or the sewer line down Osborne Road which
c�ould be a very expensive proposal. Mr. Gordon Swenson said he needs quite a
setback and would rather give the easement in front along with the lot
Mr, Nagel wants to se11, as those buildings wi11 have to be as far back as
his will. Councilman Harris said that there seem to be a number of approaches
to this problem.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to return this sewer line problem to the Engineering
Department and request them to prepare a report regarding the routing of the
sewer line aad the necessary easements before this pro�ect is continued.
� Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays,
Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
Mr. Carlson asked if this meant there would be no action taken tonight.
Councilman Samuelson said n�t until all�th¢se other things are ironed out,
MOTION by Counci7�an Samuelson to approve Change Order-�k6 for Water Pro�ect
75-A. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no
nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried,
Councilman Liebl asked the Consuiting Engineer if this change order will
take care of the problem. The Consulting Engineer said that this change
order will complete Water Pro�ect 75 A.
Councilman Samuelson asked for an explanation of what went wrong with the
we11. The Consulting Engineer said this was primarily a pump repair. He
said there wi11 be a continual request for emergency ordinances on the
Hinckley We11 pvmp installations because it costs in excess of $1,000 to
pull the pump and reset it, which has to be done without inspecting it.
Then from $75 to $125 to break the pump dawn, so it is a minimum of $1100
to $1200 �ust to determine the problem. Councilman Samuelson asked if
� the water department was providing proper maintenance. The Consulting
Engineer said that this was a problem of alignment and the bearings, spiders,
and shaft need repaa.r. He explained that the problem exists because the
shaft was extended, He said that an alternate solution would be to provide
a commercial pump which would require the purchase of a new pump. Iie said
they asked for an estimate for discussion, and it would be $7200 for the
pump, plus installation and control changes, and he said it appeared to them
that it woixld be a reasonably good gatnhle to invest approximately $1200-.and
some dollars in the repair of the pump.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Emergency Ordinance �F363. Seconded by
Councilman Lieb1.
Mr, Paulson asked Mr. Comstock if the pump has to maintain a vacuum.
Mr. Comstock said no. Mr, Paulson asked if the pump was at the bottom of
the shaft. Mr. Comstock said yes. Mr. Paulson aslced if the manufacturer
had been consulted. Mr. Comstock said they had consulted the manufacturer
dozens of times, and the expert from the oil field had been consulted.
Mr. Paulson asked why there had not been a final inspection when the
installation was made. Mr. Comstock said that this had been checked at the
depth called for which was between 240 and 250 feet, but about three years
atter this time it was determined the setting should be increased, so the
pump setting was deepened. Councilman Liebl asked when they expect the
pump back in service because of the sprinkling season coming up. Mr, Comstock
said he did not know, that it would take a while to have it repaired.
UPON a ro11 ca11 vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson voting aye; nays,
none, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution ��92-1967. Seconded 6y
Councilman Samuelson for discussion.
Councilman Liebl said he had received a study of which is the best car on
the road from the Consumer's report for this year. The report compared
Chryslers, Mercurys, Buicks and reported that the accommodations of these
cars are no better than -the lower priaed ears, and in some cases worse.
Councilman Lieb1 said he had recieved criticism because the City bought
Buicks, and it seems that the National Consumer Report verifies the people's
nriticzsm. lie asked Chief McCarthy why he had decided on Buick. Chief
McCarthy said that the Police Department does not decide, they just ask for
a resolution to ask for bids under cerZain specifications. He said th�y
take the cheapest bid with the most dollar value. He said that if Ford or
Chevrolet could come up with the specifications it would be fine, they are�
not asking �or Buick. Councilman Liebl said he thought Chrysler would be a
good deal. Chief McCarthy explained that he va uld agree with this but they
had not bid. Councilman Harris said that Police cars have different criteria
than standard cars, which probably was not part of the test taken on standard
cars. Councilman Liebl said-the cars were fully equipped. He said that he
had wanted to check into this so the Council was not accused of not taking
the lowest bid, which he said he felt should be taken except in very special
circumstances. He said that they had spent $730 more than the lowest bid,
and if they should get a lemon, it is that much more money spent. Chief
McCarthy said that a11 cars are under a 50,000 miles warranty, and as they
do not keep them any longer than this, anything that happened would be
covered under the warranty. Councilman Lieb1 asked if these cars would have
more trade-in value. Chief McCarthy said that when the Police Department is
through with a car, it is worn out and not worth anything, and they do not
consider the trade-in value, only the cash outlay. Councilman Samuelson
said he would like to see the specifications changed to include Ford and
Chevrolet. Mayor Kirkham asked if the specifications expluded anyone. Chief
McCarthy said no. Councilman Samuelson asked if Ford and Chevrolet could
meet the weight requirement. Chief McCarthy said they could. Mr, vanDan, a
PAGE 7 2
visitor to the Council Meeting, asked how these specifications compared with
, the Highway Patrol cars. Chief McCarthy said the specifications were word
for word. Mr. Paulson, a visitor to the Council Meeting, asked how they can
�ustify $750 if the cars could be bought for 1ess. Mayor Kirkham said that
this had been thoroughly discussed, and only three companies had bid, Buick,
Plymouth and Dodge (whose bid had been outrageously high). He said the
Police Department and Administration felt that the difference per car was
money we11 sgent. Chief McCarthy said that the Depastment has one Plymouth
and it is broken down most of the time. Councilman Samuelson asked about the
cost breakdown. Chief McCarthy said that the Council gets it in the agenda
every month. The Council looked at the report. Councilman Harris said
that the report shows the Plymouth is the most costly to maintain. Chief
McCarthy said that 35 to 40 invitations are sent to new car dealers in the
Metropolitan area� and they are 'lucky if they get three bids, as the car
companies do not want to se11 police cars. Councilman Liebl said he
hoped that next time there would be more bids, as this was very frust�rating.
He said that Minneapolis gets more bids, but pezhaps this was because they
have more cars to provide. Mayor Kirkham said that all they can do is
invite them. Mr. Paulson suggested they let bids when business is down for
the dealers. Mayor Kirkham said that this is not always possible. Council-
man Samuelson asked Chief McCarthy if the Council could advertise to buy cars
for delivery six months later, Chief McCarthy said that this had been done
three years ago, and they had received no hids. Councilman Harris asked if
the cars with the special specifications come off the floor. Chief McCarthy
said that all the police cars are specially made, Councilman Harris said
then it would make no difference when the cars were bid. Chief MeCarthy said
� that there is no dealer in the Ttain Cities that stocks police cars - they
have to be ordered from the factory. Mr, vanDan suggested they go to the
factory for bids. Lieutenant Rick said that they have done this in the
past. Councilman Lieb1 said that he had heard the accusation that it was no
use bidding in Frxdley as there was no chance of getting the bid. A visitor
to the Council Meeting said that an Anoka car salesman he had talked to �vas
telling him about a contest they had, in which about six police cars were
inclirled. The salesman said the police cars had been bid out of the factory
and did not count in their sales. Lieutenant Rick said there had been a
problem last year when they had bid a car at an off-season, and the factory
informed them they would not run a police car through the factory at that
time, so the Police Department had to keep one of their o1d cars a ridiculously
long period of time. A visitor to the Council Meeting asked why PrLdley
did not couple their bids with Minneapolis and St. Pau1 instead of buying only
2 or 3 cars at a time. Lieutenant Rick said car manufacturers are not making
much money on police cars, considerably less than a standard model of the same
type. Mayor Kirkham said he thought this might be a good idea, and he would
take it up with the Anoka County Association of Municipalities, however, he
doubted that this would be of interest to the others, because they would be
buying their cars at their convenience when their miLeage was right on their
particular cars, but it merited investigation.
VOTE upon the motion to adopt Resolution �k92-1967 was a voice vote, t[iere being
no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution ��93-1967. Seconded by Council-
man Samuelson.
Councilman Samuelson said he would like to see 79th Avenue and State Aid
Road 310 (which is ahnut 83rd Avenue) added also. He said he thought
the Council should get these hearings taken care of at the same time.
Councilman Liebl said we probably won't get them all at once anyway, but
we may get one or two. Mayor Kirkham said that it wi11 not hurt to ask
for three or four.
With the approval of the seconder, Councilman Harris amended the resolution
to include 79th Avenue and 83rd Avenue, ilpon a voice vote, there being no
nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve for payment General and Pnblic
Utilities Cla�ms �611750 through ;�11860 and Liquor Clauns �61089 through ��1147.
Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Councilman Samuelson asked how much more
work there was left on the Melody Manor Park. The Consulting Engineer said
he did not recall about the utility construction, but that Park Construction
had done most of the grading. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor
Kirkham declared the motios� carried.
Councilman Samuelson noticed that one of the estimates for the Noyes Construc-
tion Company had not been signed, and he said that all signatures should be
on the estimates before the checks are written.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the following estimates sub�ect to
signatures be�ng completed:
D. M. Noyes Construction Company
General Contractors
100 West Franklin Avenue
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Fridley Civic Center - Certificate No, 5
(5-4-67) for period from March 31, 1967
to April 30, 1967
Harry S. Horwitz & Co., Inc.
Mechanical Contractor
1411 - 11th Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Fridley Civic Center - Certificate No. 4
�(4-27-67) for period from March l6, 1967
to Apri1 19, 1967
Hoffman Electxic Company, Inc.
L�lectrical Contractors
Anoka, Minnesota
Fridley Civic Center - Certificate No, 4
(4-30-67) for period from Apri1 1, 1967
through April 30, 1967
$ 9,016.20
$ 2,070.00
Keys We11 Drilling Company
413 North Lexington Parkway
St. Paul, Minnesota, 55104
Estimate �k2 - Water Improvement Pro�ect No.
85 (Partial) (Repair - Well No. 3)
Estimate �k18 - Water Improvement Pro�ect No.
75-A (Fina1D (Three Additional Drift Wells)
SandsCrom & Hafner, Inc.
749 Forest Dale Road
New Brighton, Minnesota 55112
Estimate ��3 - Storm Sewer Improvement Pro�ect
5-C (Partial) (Laterals west of IIniversity and
north of T.H. ��100 - Sylvan Hi11s area)
Park Construction Company
51 - 37th Avenue Noxtheast
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55421
Estimate �k1 - Melody Manor Park Improvement
Pro�ect No. P-1 (Partial)
� Comstock & Davis, Inc.
Consulting Engineers
1446 County Road "J"
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432
For the furnishing of Professional Engineering
Services on Melody Manor Park Boundary Survey
& Topog and Master Site Plan - Pro�ect No. P-1
Estimate �kl (Final) for the furnishing to Pro-
fessional Engineering Service for planning Water
Improvement Pro�ect No, 75-F (T.H. ��47 Water
Main relocation)
For the furnishing of resident inspection and
resident supervision for the staking out o£ the
construction work for the following;
Estimate ;'8 - Sanitary Sewer, Water and Storm
Sewer Improvement Pro�ect No. 79 from Apri1
3, 1967 through April 29, 1967 (Commerce Park,
Swanstrom Court, etc.)
Estimate ��1 - Sanitary Sewer, Water & Storm
Sewer Improvement Pro�ect No. 84 from Apri1 3,
� 1967 through April 29, 1967 (Baker Avenue between
Osborne Road & 75th extended east, Onondaga between
Central and Stinson, etc.)
$ Z,340.00
$ 500.00
$ 5,197.50
$ 1,113.00
$ 726,48
$ 52.50
$ 444.00
Estimate 4�15 - Water Improvement Pro�ect No. 75-C,
Schedule 2, from April 3, 1967 through April 29,
1967 (High Service Pwnps and 3 Additional Filters)
Estimate �p1 - Melody Manor Park Improvement Pro�ect
No. P-1 from April 3, 1967 thraugh April 29, 1967
$ 90.D0 '
$ 148.00
Estimate ��3 - Storm Sewer Improvement Pro,7ect No.
5-C from April 3, 1967 through Apri1 29, 1967--
, (laterals west of University Avenue and north of
T.H. �k100 - Sylvan Hi11s area) $ 1,387.00
The motion was seconded by Councilman Lieb1. Upon a voice vote, there taeing
no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
MOTION 6y Councilman Samuelson to approve the following licenses:
Rosetoian SanitaLion Inc.
1408 Coon Rapzds F's1vd.
Coon Rapids, rlinnesota
Welesl:i & Son
9316 JamesLocan
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Boyce Gonstruction
1366 Highway 100 N,F,
Minneapolis, Minnesotz
By: Kenneth BerghorsL
55433 By; George Weleski
� L. Dailey, Custom Euilders
8251 East P.iver Road
Fridley, Minnesota
By: Charles D. Boyce
By: Leonard Dailey
Sonny Mi11er Construction Co.
4237 West 25th Street
Minneapolis, hlinnesota By: Gerald Mi11er
L.W. Samuelson Construction Co.
7800 Ezst River Road
Fridley, Minnesota By; L.W. Sanmelson
Tom S. Silvis Construction Co
6020 idynn�rood Road
Minneapolis, .finnesota By: Thoc,as S. Silvis
Swenson ELUldino
5615 Camden Avenua North
Minneapolis, Minnesota
By: Ray Stoznson
Ryan Construction Co., of ilinn „ Inc
7515 Wayz.ata b7vd
Minneapolis, Minnesota By
Vaiunan Construction Co., Inc
258 tIumboldt Ave, North
James F. Ryan
Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Richard Vanman
Faircon, Tnc,
20?_1 [d. County Road C.
Roseville, MinuesoCa }3y: il�lliam Forder
West End tlir Conditioning
6408 CambridJe Street
Minneapolis, Ntinnesota
Telke Signs, Inc.
1 3940 hlinnehaha Ave ,
Minneapolis, Minnesota
t:ew h.inr,esota I,inseed Oil CornFanJ
25 1it�th E.v°. i�L�.
Fridley� i�anr,csota
Ne�: Piortherr. Ordinance
4Bth °� i:ars�all P,.E,
�'ridley-� P�,innesota
Eest River Road Gara�e
5501 F. Eiiver Rcad N.E,
Fridlev� i'irr.esota
tiinneaota Linseed Oil Con,ran}-
2i 44tr Ave. T`.E.
Fridley, P�iinne�otn
Sut.er f�rreric�
7k5i E. R�v�x• Ftoad Id.E.
Fridley� i�_i!r�esota
By: E. C, Gorham
By: Richard Telke
PAGFi 16
by: Interstate Uni�ed Corc, oi ?Iirmesota
by: Canteen Co:iaraticn
b�: Joseih Dolin
by: InLerst-_te Un�ted Corr. oF iltnnesota
by: J. Dennis Pauc�ra, Jr.
Ar.oka Dry Cle«ners
i9�_i �a nVE.
.4nok3� P-inne�ot�
2'ay Brothers Co*rp�ny
3501 t"arsn�ll P�.E.
Fridlc,y� ?;ir r.esot�
"ON S«LF,��
KniEhts o° Colu;rtus
b831 Hi�n-,�-, ir65 N.�.
rridlei-, i'inn�sota
Super `rerica
74`)7 -. ktv�r :Zo:rl _ ,'r',.
Fridlev, i-?-rES,�t�
Favre�� SFur Service
S7_5; �. ii�vzr Hc,�d ."'.E.
Fridle�� ?�nn�s��;,a
East Rive.• Ro<<d G� ra�e
�501 E;. it�v�r Road Pi.�,
Fr�3]ey� I'�nn�su.a
Knic�n �s of �olu*n';us
b831 N,�h�,«y 1`b5 t;.E.
Fridle�, t inn�s�ta
by: San� ;I,,�nanson
by :
S'21t�, i;ay
T�orth Air Home Ascoc?ation
J, Da-�iue ^auccr� Jr,
Dennis FavrE
by: Jose�h Dolin
b; : North Air Efome Associat�on
The motion was seconded by Councilman Liebl, and upon a voice vote, there
being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
The City Engineer asked if the Council wished to put in storm sewer in this
area. Councilman Harris asked if people are aware that the'petition did not
include storm sewer. Councilman Samuelson suggested they include the storm
sewer in the public hearing.
MOTION by Co�uncilman Harris to receive Petition #9-1967 and return it to the
Administration for processing and that storm sewer be included in the Public
Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no
nays, Mayor Airkham declared the motion carried. �
� �
Mayor Kirkham said that the peop?e prefer not to have the bus run on 66th
Avenue. He said that this is a temporary turn-around necessitated by the
work on the Methodist Church where the bus used to turn around, and *_he
people have notified the Council through petition thaC they do not want
to have the bus there any longez, and that the street is unable to take
the pressure. Mayor Kirkham said he had called Mr, Gerber and he had come
out to City Ha11, but fie had ta�lked to Mr. Sheridan and they talked about
a different alternative, so Mayor Kirkham said he did not know where it
was standing at present as Councllman Sheridan a.s absent,
There were iive signers of the petltion present at the Counca.l NIeeting.
One of the visitoxs said that a11 of a sudden one morning at 6:Q0 the
bus was running in front of their home. He said-the buses weigh 30,000
pounds and the street was posted for 4 ton axle weight. He said that nosa
when it rains you can see two grooves down the street. I3e said he watched
the bus go over a curb in making a turn, and he felt the asphalt curbs
would go with the heavy bus going over them. Mayor Itirkham said that the
Council appreciates this problem and they have already instructed the bus
to make a change, however, they need direction, He said he had told them
what xouee to take but he was not sure what had happened because the Gity
Manager and Councilman Sheridan had �ontinued the discussion, Another
visitor said they have had 20 ar 30 peaple call the Ci[y Manager and they
get no satisfaction at a11. One of the visitors said he had talked to
� Mayor Kirkham who had said he would try to have the bus off the street by
Wednesday. Mayor Kizkham said he had contacted Mr. Gerber Monday morning
and he had come out, but he did not know where it was standing now after he
had been intercepted. One of the visitors asked why the people had not
been notified. Mayor Kirkham said that they were to be notified. IIe had
understood that the bus company wanted to cr,ntact the people first, but
they said there was plenty of time as they had to go to the Railroad and
Wharehouse Commission first, then they found out they did not need a
special permit so they went ahead with the route before Mayor Kirkham had
a chance to Calk to the people. The visitor said there had been a sign
that said 4 ton limit, but the sign had been taken down now. Mayor Kirkham
said that-if the street needs repaixs, they wzll be made. A visitor
asked about the 35 children on the block, and said he felt buses should
be on main streets instead of residential streets. Mayor Kirkham said
that the bus does need a place to turn around and they are attempting to
do what they can as fast as they can. A visitor asked about the bus going
on Yhe service drive along T.A. �F65. Mayor Kirkham said that this is not
allowed as it is too close to anothex bus line on T.H. 4�65.
Councilman Harris said that this problem cannot be solved this eventng but
perhaps they cauld give the people some encouragement, and he asked Mayor
Kirkham i£ he could ca11 Mr. Gerber again. Councilman Samuelson suggesCed
t6ey give some direction to the bus company, and his personal choice would
be from 61st Avenue to 7th Street, to Mississippi Street and then back south
� on University. Mayor Itirkham said that this was the route he had suggested
to Mr, Gerber, but when he came out the City Manager had intercepted him
and called Councilman Sheridan so that �.t had gotten sidetracked, but he
would do what he could to get it back on blst and 7th Sereet.
Mr. Paulson asked if there was some way they could require the bus company
to provlde a Curn axound on private pxoperty. Mayor Kirkham said that he
thought if they requested this, the bus would terminate in Columbia Heights.
Mayor Kirkham said that at one time they had assessed the possibility of '
going up to Osborne Road to serve the hospital, but they did not find this
financially feasible because of the wide expanse of undeveloped land. A
visitor asked if the Council had the authority to determine the temporary
route. Mayor Izirkham said they could say which route was allowed, and
the bus company could decide whether to servzce it or not, Mr. Paulson said
that the bus company could decide to discontinue service. Mayor Kirkham said
they could petition to discontinue service, but they would need a hearing.
MOTIOn by Councilman Samuelson that the bus temporary route be from 61st
Avenue to 7th Street, from 7th Street to Mississippi Street, from Miss�ssippi
Street to University Avenue. Seconded by Councilman Harris. IIpon a voice
vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kxrkham declared the motion carried.
The City Engineer said that the petitioner wanted to build a building, and
he showed the location on the map. He said he wanted City water and sewer or
he would have to put in his own water system and septic tank. CounciZman Harris
said that if the Council called a hearing, mayhe other people would be interested
in it also.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive Petztion �'�11-1967 and set a Public
Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Lieb1. Upon a voice vote, there being no
nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion cazried. ,
Councilman Liebl said he had talked to many people on thls sub�ect, and he
would like to bring it to the attention of the Council. He said he would
request that the City utilize their street sweeper. He said he has checked
and we do have one, and the people indicate they want and need the streets
cleaned, He said he had recaived about 40 calls on this and Spring is the
time to start on this, and he has not seen the sweeper yet. Councilman Lieb1
said he *a�u1d mal¢e a motion to use the street sweeper if it is zequired, as now
is the right time to start. Mayor Kirkham asked the City Engineer their
pattern for using the sweeper. The City Engineer said that the pattern was
changed every year, but that the sweeper is in constant use on dry days.
Councilman Samuelson asked how many miles it could cover in a day. The City
�ngineer said this would depend on how bad the street was or how far it had
to be hauled. Councilman Harris said he was glad that this had been brought
up, ad one of the best public relations would be to keep the streets clean
and to keep the sweeper going, this would also be doing preventative maintenance.
The City Engineer said that this is one thing he insists on, and that they
have a map drawn up on what is being done, and he can assure the Council they
are using the sweeper. Chief McCart'uy mentioned that excess stones had never
been swept up in their area after the street had been sealcoated last qear.
Mr. Paulson said he would like to mention that 57th P1ace to the west is
quite broken up from heavy equipment that has been going in to fi11 an area, '
and he asked if a petition is necessary to get this takett care of. Mayor
ILirkham asked if this heavy equipment was coming in while the roads were
posted. Mr. Paulson said no, it was after the signs had been removed, but
that the street was somewhat pulverized and weakened and needs sweeping and
MOTION by Councilman Harris that the City Engineer prepare a report on 57th
, PLace as to the condition of the street, and what the Engineering Department
would suggest as to improving the street, Seconded by Councilman Samuelson,
Upon a voice vote, there being no naysj Mayor Kirkham declared the motion
Councllman Liebl said that he was not ctiticizing anyone, but he had people
calling him and as their Cpuncilman he feels he should ca11 these things to
the attention of Che Council.
Counczlman Lieb1 said that as Councilman of the 3rd Ward he is very interested
in the City employees. He said that last week he was on vacation and he had
a chance to inspect the City facilities and followed some of the City's very
dedicated people on their jobs. He said he has come to some con�clusions. He
said he asked himself if the Public Works employees have an adequate reporting
location with wash facilities, a�id }�a asked himself if the City as an
employer has been living up to their responsibilities in regard to their
employees. He said he felt that there were improvements necessary that�
should be forthcoming in the near future, and he would la.ke the Council to
remedy the obvious shortcomings. He said that some of these people work
under very difficult and trying circumstances. He mentioned the City
Mechanic who had to work on the aiuipment last year under very cold conditions.
He said he would like to urge Councilman Haxris to come up soon with a
garage site because it wi11 help the City as a whole. Councilman Samuelson
' said that last Thuxsday ehey had met with the Planning Commission in this
respect, because they feel concern for the employees also and are all anxious
to proceed with the facilities. He said they had meant �o expedite this if
they could. The City Engineer said that as Director of Public Works, he
has written four memorandums concerning the poor conditions they must work
under, and also about the need for a garage, Mayor Kirkham said that, as
Councilman Samuelson said, they met wath the Planning Commission and they
have conducted a survey about possible sites and they are proceeding on this
as qu�ckly as possible.
Councilman Lieb1 said that to conclude this, he would like to say he had the
impression that some people felt we were a second class City, and he felt
this should not be. He said the City em;loyees should get the same treatment
as if they were working for private industry. He ielt the Public laorks
Department has very,dedicated men who do not hesitate to go out any time of
the day. Councilman Harris said that the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
of Maq 11, 1967 under Item.6 covers their next approach as to location for a
City garage.
Councilman Harris said he would not want to move to receive something that
' he could not read, indicating the reproduction of the report in the agenda.
Councilman Samuelson said he wauld like to direct the Administration not to
put a copy such as this in the agenda,
MOTION by Councilman Harris to refuse this co�n,unication and ask that it be
returned at the next meeting in readable coadition. Seconded by Councilman
Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the
motion carried.
MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive this coa¢nunication and refer it ,
to the Assessor for reevaluation, ,
Councilman Lieb1 asked if these taxes were because of Special Assessments
or if rt was �ust the reevaluation. Mayor Kirkham said that it was �ust
the reevaluation. Councilman Lieb1 said he would understand why Mr. Minder
was concerned. Nfayor Kirkham said that this possibly could be an error „
and the assessor will be asked to take a second look.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Harris, and upon a voice vote, there
being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the communication from Smiley &
Associates. Seconded by Councilman �**� **) Upon a voice vote, there 6eing
no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
Mayor Kirk�am asked if this Was essentially the same as their zequest of
last year. The represenfiative ot the Jaycees said that it was, Mayor
Kirkham said that the Council could handle this the same as they did last
year, and not deny the request, simply receive the communication.
MOTION by Counci2man Harris to receive the communicatiAn from the ,Taycees. '
Seconded by Councilman Samuelson, Upon a voice vote, there 6eing no nays,
Mayor ILirkham declared the motion carried. ,
MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the communication from the Municipal
League. Seconded by Councilman Samnelson. Upon a voice vote, there being
no nays, Mayor Izirkham declared the motion carried.
The President of the Shorewood Association'was present at the meeting and
explained that in con�unction with the Fridley Festival they would like to
hold a"Destruct�on Derby" June 8, 9 and 10, in which �unk cars are backed
up into each other untxl one remains as the winner. He said thaf the
owner of the property has approved this, and it will be held across the
new road from the ShorePaood Shopping Center where there are several acres
of dirt. A visitor from Twin Cities Speadways explained that the idea was
very successful at the Twin Cities Speedways. He said that they would bloc[c
off an area and water it down so it was somewhat muddy. He said that as a
drawing card it is a very popular form of competition. Mayor Kirkham asked
the Chie� of Police if the had any comments. Chief McCarthy said that this
would be on private property and sounded like it would be fun to watch, but '
his concern would be about the protection of the spectators. Councilman
Samuelson suggested that perhaps through a permit fee they could have the
Fire Department stand by. The City Attorney said that he was not in favor
of the permit idea from the standpoint of liability. He asked what insurance
coverage they would have in case of liability to spectators, who would provide
(a�*%) Samuelson.
it and in what amount. The Shorewood representative said that the Shorewood
' Association would take care of the insurance, and he had already contacted
a firm who feels that $50,000 liability would be sufficient. The man from
Twin Cities Speedway said that the drivers are required to wear crash helmets
and adequately secured safety belts, and he only remembers of one minor
in�ury at the sHeedway. Councilman Samuelson asked about the velocity they
would be traveling at. The visitor said that 25 to 35 MPH would be the
very maximum, and they would psobably avexage 10 MPH. Mr. Paulso❑ asked if
this would be setting a precedent in Fridley, or if it would be a one-time
dea1. Mayor Kirkham said he would hesitate to grant a pexmit as it is on private
property and h e would not wanC to be a part of licensing such a thing.
Councilman Iiarris said he agreed. Mx. vanDan asked if they would need a
Special IIse Permit for the use of this property. The Council said no.
The City Attorney said that one thing of interest to the City would be
adequate liability insurance. He asked if the Association signs a contract
with the people operating this event, The representative said yes. The
City Attorney asked the contract provides as far as assuming liability to
spectators. He aslced if there was insurance in addition to $50,000 coverage
as this is not very much. The representative for the Association said they
would be looking into this, and he imagined they could increase the iasurance
if the Council felt they should. Mayor Kirkham said he certaialy would not
want to discourage them, but he did not feel the Council should be part of
giving a permit. Mr. Whitmore, a visitor to the Council Meeting, suggested
that straw bails and snow fence beyond that would make an effective stopping
Mr. 3ohn Casserly, 5969-Sth Stireet Northeast, explainad to the Council that
he owned land at 525-56th Avenue Northeast. He said that the home was
destroyed by the tornado and the property is vacant. He said that it is a
split lot 64'x80', and he understands that if he sells it, it will not be
possible to get a Building PermLt because it is a split lot. Ae showed the
Council the location on the map. Mr, Casserly said that he had paid taxes
last year and this year, and wonders what sense there is in paying taxes if
he cannot se11 it. Mayor Kirkham asked if there was vacant property along
thLS lot. Mr. Casserly said there was an easement on the side and then two
lots on the corner. Councilman Samuelson said Chat the Council could not
solve this this evening and that it should go to the Board of Appeals.
Mr. Casserly asked if he would have the right to build on the property
himself if he wanted t6. Councilman Samuelson said not now, as the year's
tornado gxace is ovex, and he would have to apply for a waiver. Councilman
Harris explained the function of the Board of Appeals on granting variances
on side yards, area etc. He said they would grant a iieaxing and make a
determination. The Finance Director took Mr. Casserly's name and address
to see that he appears on the Board of Appeals agenda.
� The City Attorney said that the President of the St. Philip's Congregation
has written a letter to the City Council. Mayor Kirkham said he had
received a copy asking for the vacation. of this service road, Councilman
Harris said that the service road does not serve any useful purposes as
there is no crossover of T.H. 3k65, so he could not see the necessity of
maintaining this service road. The CiCy Attorney said that this is all on
chuYCh property and their intention is to expand their parking facilities,
He said they feel that the service road can best be used as part of the
parking lot. Someone questioned if there should be a public hearing on
this vacation. The City Attorney said that there was no other property
owner involved and it was a 100% petition. Councilman Harris said that
the street cnuld be vacated sub�ect to any future easements.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to vacate the West Service Drive which is
located south of West Moore Lake Drive, west of T.H. 4�65, and north of
the shoreline of Moore Lake, sub�ect to any future easements. Seconded by
Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham
declared the motion carried.
The City Engineer asked about curbing to keep the cars off the highway.
The City Attorney said that there is a 10 foot ditch there full of water,
and it is we11 separated, but they will locate the right-of-way line and
make sure nothing does get over on the highway.
Mayox Kirkham said he had received a list of events to be held during the
festival week coordinated by the Greater Fridley Association. He said
that the list of events includes on Sunday, June llth, at the carnival
site, "Jaycee Board and City Council Water Dunk": A representative of
the 7aycees said the Council members were all invited to attend, and they
would like to ask them to participate. Mayor Kirkham said they would make
no promises.
There being no further business, a motion to ad,7ourn the meeting was made
by Councilman Harris, seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Mayor Kirkham
declared the Regular Council Meeting of May 15, 1967 ad�ourned at 11:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
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Mary Lu Strom
Secretary to the Council
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