07/01/1968 - 5895��U7,,�R COUNCI� MEETING AGENDA - JULY l, 1968 - 8:00 P, M. _______. �-------.,.....-.--_.�.-� �' ��E f1F' �T�IaE�I�1NCE ; ��������: �c��� ����, : x �,�'�'1tQV�I� Q� MINUTES t � Sp�cial Public Hearing, Tune 10, 1968 (�ab�ed for verification of e�ror) k�egula� Council Meeting, June 17, 196$ A�?�?F�'��N 0�' AG�NDA: � �U��T� �d�R�NGS : 1� Conti���d Pub�.�.c Heaxing of the Vacation of Marshall Street (Con�#��.ued from 6-3-68/6�17-68) Q��! �L1�I� S � ^ �'ag�� � � 2� Pa�� 29 �, F��'&t ��adlr�g of �n qrdinance for Rezoning Reques� (�QA ��E�$-0�) �S� ����t�� from R-2 �o CR-1, Dr, K. H. �ngebrigtsen �p�g� �Q oe�►��t; '�his item was table� because the Councilman of Che Ward was not present) �, ���+��d R��ding o� an Ordinance Approving the Rezoning �tequest ��Q.A ��F2�-Q6) Hirs�h Brothers Properties. �he ���c�nd R��d��,g of an Ordinance Approv�ng Vacation of Streets (�AV ��6$��1) , ���'sch BroChcrs . �, ���ctt�d ��asl#�n� o� an Ordinance Regulating and CQn�rol.�ing the ����`�� p� W�eds, Grass, Brush and 9�her Rank, Fqi;�onaus p� �a���u1 y�g���tiQn �n the City of �ridley, Minnesota �a��� 31 & �� Pa�� 3� �"s�R� ��1 �# �� 1�GU� ��UNC�� MEETING AGENDA, JULY 1, 1968 PAGE 2 � 4T�,�,�[JaTNE9� (Continued) �, j?i��6��9�on in Regard to Extension ot 3rd Street �rom 57th Flace �A ?7th Avenue �mtns�t: A letter has been written to the Highway Department and �he Holiday Representatives to appear before thP Counci�, and they verbally have promiaed ko be here) 7. +Gon��.deration of Variances Requested by Max Saliterman (Tab�ed 6-17=68) Ccacnm�nt: This item was tabled because the Councilman af the Ward was not present) �. �,�cia l.ar�s Report Cc��nm�nt: This report is being included in the same envelope with the Agenda. Please being it to the meeting with you) ��� � 1�. Se���.C�g Aate for Public Hearing, Vacation Request (SAV 4k68-03), Saff�rt. CQmmec�t�: This is to set up the legal requirements t�s recommended by the City Attorney) Ais�us�ion of Present Park Facilities. �amm�nt; �his item is on the Agenda at the request of Councilman Liebl Faga 36 Pag�s �7 = (+0 P�ge 4� ��., C���ci1 Approval of Rules and Instructions for Use at the Sep�embe�' and November 1968 Elections pa,�� 42 � G�4 Comment: Section 206.03 of MSA requires that the City Counci.l not less than 30 days preceding an election where Eleck�'onic Voting Machines are used, sha�l prescrib� sui.table rules and instructions for conducting the �l�ctipn and the same shall be submitk.ed to the #1t�pxR�y General for his approval.) R�GU�,� COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA, JULY 1, 1968 PAGE 3 12� �R4�n��,� App�oval of New Volunteer Firemen �,3s Cc��l��il Ap�rcaval of F'ir� Department Payroll 14. Ap�roval p� $uilding Standards -Design Control Subcommittee ��nu��s, JunQ �.9, 1968. 1�� A�p�'QVa1 0� Planning Commission Minutes, ,Tune 27, 196$ �6. Agp�'ova]� 9f Board of Appeals Minutes, June 26, 1967 �.7: ����ivi�$ $ids on ST. 1968-10 (Sealcoating) and Awarding Cta�tract Coaun�nt: These are bids for our 196$ $ealcoating Program) �$e ��s�]�u�ion Aslvertising for Bids for a new 3/4 Ton Truck With �Qx e�mm���: '�h:Gs �.s far a truck for the Street pepartment �n�d �s budgeted) 1�: ��s��1�t�pr� 4xdezing Pxeliminary Plans, Specifications and �����l�t� o� Gs�ses Thereof. ST. 1968-1B, Addendum ��4) (C��'l�I��: �h�� i& in response to Petition ��15-1968 whict� i.S i.r�c�uded in the Agenda under Petitiona, �s�d is for the streets in the area south o� ��1p0 HOr�zon Drive and Crown Road. Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 � Pa�a 4$ Pagea 49 & �Q Fa��o 31 & S2 P��9 �� i � ' R��;U� GO�T�IC�L M�ETING AGENDA, JULY 1, 1968 PAG� 4 �.�„ � SS (GON�ZNTJ�D) �4e �����4b�ipTi Receiving the Preliminary Report and Calling a , Ft�1��.�� �I�aring for ST, 1968-1B, Addendum ��4 S��nt; This is to set up a Public Hearing for impxovement � of Horizon Drive, Crown Road and Ventura �yenue) Pa$s� 54 & 5S �1, P�et�.�iQn �14-�9�i8 - itequest for Stop Signs at intersection of Rice Creek Terrace and Oak�.ey Str�et Page9 56 -��i Comment; See recommendation of Police Chief and City Manager) �2e P�����P� �k15-1968 � Request for Street and Curbs - Horizon Drive and Crown Road. �3. Cl�ims � 3 ,�j, -�..� � � �`� � �-�. �_�.., �-�--,,—..� z�+, ���i�►a�sa ��s Li��t���� ��� M�.t3t6ts$ c�� the Faxks and Recreation Commission Meetin� of �T�n� 2S a 1946 Cv��nt: The M�nutes will not be ready in time to ins�ert in �h� �genda, but will be handed out at th� M�et�ng,) 2�� A��C1������1 RA$ardit�� Chies Land Alteration Permit. � C. L-�l'L'�7 y�-� e� �.�i�J/ r / u- / Rit�i� / � 7�`'�� ' - � � � �,� .� c� . Pages 60 - 64 Pago 65 Pa�ea 66 & 67 Pagaa 6$ - 7� m. �SPECIAL PUBLTC HEARING MEFTING OF JiJNF� 10, 1968 PAGE 11 � ' � ' , ' . ' � , . • ' . ' ' ' . '. *��� Cor.rection: Liebl: Strike the word "narrow". Meeting of June 17, 1968 � (This was a word used by Councilman � ' .� Samuelson during the discussion, rather � than� Councilman Liebl) .. ' . ' � ' � . � " . � HARRIS: ItiTSSSU �TEMS FOR DISCUSSXON: ' Coun�ilman Liebl presenzed another proposal for the trade of '**** land inv.olved in the NSSSD vacation. It �aas � for a long strip o� land along East River P.oad. He said that some people ' from his ward had indicated to him that they felt that frontage land �vould be more valuable, and he felt tnat this proposal would be better for the good o� the City . . ' Council.man Harris indicated that betore �ahen the trade of equal property was discussed, the surveys by the City Engineer and�Bob ' McGuire pointed up the need for parking places for additional cars: There are no structures contemplated for this area. The Council � has already indicated to the District Board it's wishes and the ': Board has made a motion to concur_ with the City of Fridley's first � proposal. � � ' . . . ' � . . . . r � 0 � SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 10, 1968 _ PAGE 12 ' Councilman Samuelson said that he could not agr�e that the strip of frontage land would be a better trade. It is eas?er to worlc with a square parcel of land. He said that he could not see what � good the frontage land would be if there was only one access any- how . . C � �� � Councilman Liebl pointed out that th is is cornmercial property and on East River Road would be very advantageous, however, this is up to the Council. Councilman Harris said that the Board felt that with the trade proposal the City would be gaining about $5,OQ0 in valuation. � � Councilman Harris said that he had talked to Bob McGuire and� he indicated that he cannot build to the south as there would be no parking space. It cannot be expanded�to the east as there would not be enough room, so the storage area to the north would have to be moved to the back and e��pansion would be to the north. Councilman Harris said there was another item for discussion from ' the Board regarding the direct connection of Minco S.n the Commerce Park area. The NSSSD Board recommendation by the Administration and staff is that they set up a procedure to eliminate inside drops ' as a method o� hooking up. Maybe Council should go on record as to whether or not they would be in favor of that. Mr. Comstock said'that he thought an inside drop would be better. So far, all ' plans have been submitted with inside drops. He agreed that the Council should go on record as favoring inside drops. ' Councilman Sheridan said that he thought a precident had already been set in Circle pines where the District was going to run down some lines for a park area and Circle Pines was yoing to duplicate ' the line in the street. The District moved their line into the � street and allawed connection. This caused costs to be more to the District, but condemnation costs were less. The City Engineer ' said that there is an outside drop for the City Garage at the insistance of the District which cost the contractor $400 more. ' � , ' Councilman Harris indicated that at the Board meeting they will be � discussing these three items: _ 1. Elimination of inside drops in manholes. - 2. Determination of number of direct connections the City might make with the District. � � 3. Requesting Fridley to.install flaw meters on all connections. � ' � � ' ' � � ' ' � ' , 1 ' � , , , ' SPECIAL PUBLTC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 10, 1968 PAGE 13 The Gity Attorney felt that to meter every connection was ridueulous. He suggested finding out what ather communities are doing with regard to direct connections. Councilman Harris said it appears the Board does not want any more direct connections. He said that he will go to the Board Meeting and report fihe Council's feeling and act as he thinks best for the City. PARK5 AND RECREATION COI�II�ZISSION APP;3INTMENT: Mayor Kirkham said that it had come �to his attention in the Minutes of April 22, 1968 of the Parks and Recreation Commission that Mr. Carl Larson will be forced to r�sign from his position on the Commission due to the pressure of his private affairs. Councilman Samuelson said that Dick Donlan had indicated to him � that he would be very willing to serve if the Council so desired. Councilman Liebl pointed out that there had been no letter of resignation from 1�1r. Larson and that the Council had never discussed any possible replacements prior to this Meeting and woulcl have appreciated an opportunity to discus this. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to appoint Mr. Dick Donlan to serve on the Parks and Recreation Commission. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon�a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared caxried unanimously. � •� � Councilman Liebl commented that the City Council has been slipping lately in it's policy of not discussing anything which does not appear on the Agenda, and he felt more strict adherence was in order. VISITOR: MR. ELDON SCHMEDEKE: Mr. Schmedeke was present at the Meeting and expressed a desire that h is rezoning request be handled as expeditiously as some of those that have been before the Council in recent months. He said that he would like to have the Council talk to the Planning Com- missa.on t,o see if his request could not be taken care of, as he has had possible renters for his building, but it must remain empty until a decision is made. ADJOURNMENT • MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adjourn the Special Public Hearing Meeting of June 10, 1968 at 11:40 P,M. There being no further ' � ' ' �I IJ ' ' IJ', , � THF MINUTES QF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEE'1'ING OF JUNE 17, 1968 Maya� Kirkham called the Regular Council Meetiny of June 17, 1968 to order at 8;00 p,M. �+�I��,� OF ALLEGTANCE: Mi�yot K�rkham asked everyone to stand and join in saxing the P1ed9e o� A�.�egianee to the Flag . RQ� CAT�L : 1�E�„RF�,RS PRES r: Kirkham, Harris, Samuelson, Liebl �ERS ABS,�NT• Sheridan APPROVAL OF �INUTE3, REGULI3R C(WNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 3, 1968: CouACilman Liebl said that he w�uld like to strike the work "if" on Fag� 14, Line 6 in Paragraph 2 under the heading: "Consideration flf Txa�fic Pattern Near Filister Apartments on East River Road". MATZON by Counc�lman Harris to adopt th e Minutes of the Regular ' Counei� Meeting of June 3, 1968 as corrected. Seconded by Council- it►�„n L�.�bl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham d�l�red the motion carried. ' AFPROVAL OF MINUTES, PUBLIC HFARING MEETING OF JUNE 1Q,� 1968= � CoutlCil.man Liebl said that he would like to have the word "narrvw" atxuck from Page ].1 of the June lOth Meeting Minutes, Line 2�.n �t.l�� �irst Paragxaph under the Item headed: "Harris: NSSSD ��kems 1 fqr Discuss�,on" as this was not a word he used. Mayar Kirkham suqgested that this be checked on the tape and the Minute� b�couqi�,� b�Ck $t the next regular Meeting for adopta,on. � , AL OF TH NUTES OF E SP IAL COUNC M}'s IN O 2 1� MfJTION by Councilman Harris to adopt the Minutes of the Spe�ia], COUri��,l Meeting of June 12, 1968. Seconded by Counci.l�n L�Qb�. � Counc�.lman Liebl said that he would like to make a commer�� �t� oonjur�ction with the Canvass. He said that he had told tx#�.� Cpunv�.,� �Ad ta'ie Park Commission many times that unless a cleax� �.ndic8�ipi� ' Q�` w�i�t the electorate would be getting for theix money vat�� g�,v� �q� �ond �,ssue would not pass . ' ; REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 17, 1968 PRGE 2 �� ��,i�l tha� he k�ias ��lt that you cannot ask the people to vote �c��� � m�.l�.ior� and one half dollar blank check with no clear ��d�����ndir�g of what the money is going to be used for. He ��is� �hat �h�� e�.ectorate has spoken and given their answer, and ��� �� � f�at no. ����,����►an L,�.ebl said that he also has always objected to having ������,ai ���ction as he felt that thi,s would be a waste of m��,4�►, bt�t �}g said tYie Cou�cil would not lis�en, therefore, he ��,�,� ��i� CQuncil has failed again in providing leadership and ��dc��c�fl� �,ccording to t� e voice of the people at the ballot box. �I��� T�E MATION, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the �pqtiQ�, �ar�ied. �� Q�� OF AGENDA- ��p1�1 by Councilman Liebl to adopt the Agenda as presented. ��Q���1 by Cauncilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting ��r�, l�iayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. �p�T, I1�1UED pUBLIC HE�itING OF THE VACATION OF MAI2SHALL STREET x CpN+r Tt�'i ED FROM JUNE 3, 1968 ): �r. �ar�'is was present at the Meeting and stated that he was not ��t �eady �or c�nsideration. 1�ZQTTQN by Councilman Liebl to continue the Public Hearing to the �n�xt �egular Council Meeting in July. Seconded by Councilman Samu�lson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham d�l�ar�d the motion carried. Q�j,,,1�.nNCE FOR REZOI�I�13C; REQUEST (ZOA #68-05 ) TO REZONE FR_OM. R-2 TO CR-1, DR. K.H. INGEBRIGTSEN: Councilman Liebl asked the City Eng ineer if th is Ordinance was drawn up according to conversation of last Meeting. The City Engineer replied that at the last meeting the Public Hearing was closed and this Ordinance is in the Agenda for the Council's consideration. Councilman Samuelson suggested that u�ti7� Councilman Sheridan is present �.s ir� his ward . ' � ' , ' � ' ' � I � ' ' � , � ' I this Ordinance be tabled � inasmuch as this rezoniru� ' , ' REGULA.R C C OUN IL MEETING OF JUNE 17, 1968 , PAGE 3 FIRST READING OF OR.DINANCE APPROVING THk; REZONING RE4UEST (ZOA #68-06) ' �,��RR�� BROTHERS PROPERTIES: ' M��Q� by Councilman Harris to approve this Ordinance and waive the �°���l��c'�g. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Councilman Liebl �sk�d t]ne �ity Engineer if the legal description is correct. The City Engineer explained that the Council did not give explicit , �.��t�'uctions and that the Ordinance was drawn up for Council �p�si,deration, UPON A ROLL CALL VOTE, Kirkham, Liebl, H�r.Zi.s, , and Samuelson voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared th e motiori �aXried. , � � , C � FIRST RF•1�DING OF AN ORDINANCE APPROVING VACATION OF 6TREETS (SAV #68-01) HIRSCH BROTHERS: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to approve the Ordinance and wa�.ve the reading. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a roll ca�l vote�, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, and Samuelson voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CONSIDER�FIT�OF VARIANCES RE4UESTED BY Ml�X SALITEFtMAN ($OARD OF APPEALS MIDiUTES. MAY 22, 1968): � Councilman Liebl called the attention of the Council to the last paragraph of the Board of Appeals Minutes and asked if th�.� constitutes a hardship. The City Engineer replied that the Board Members felt this did not create a hardship as there is �vailable land on the south side of the street. The City Engineer said that inasmuch as the petitioner has re- I quested an appearance before the Council and is not naw present, that this should be set aside. ' I�OTION by Councilman Harris to table this item until the petitionex is present. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voiee vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. , , � This item was again discussed later in the meeting. �ISCUSSION OF HORWATH AND HORWATH LI4UOR STUDY AND REPORT FROM MAYOR'S LI4UOR STUDY COMMITTEE: Mayor Kirkham said that it seems th e Council has exhausted the �venuea of approach in getting facts and figures. This item was pla��d on the Agenda at the request of Councilman Liebl, and ' originally had been initiated to inform the public of Muni,�;Lpa�, vs, p�ivate ]iquor. This Council chose to make a concer�ed a��px� ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 17, �968 PAGE 4 to find which was best, and bring it to th e public to help th ean make up their minds. This was difficult until tYae information was obtained. We are naw close to the Legislative session, and it might be well to see what the next sesaion will do in th is regard before the Council makes any recommendations. Councilman Liebl stated that the Council had received a letter from Mr. Pikul of Horwath and Horwath stating he was unable to attend the Meeting. Councilman Liebl said the Council has to make a decision regarding payment of the bill and he requested this item be on the Agenda because he would like to ask the follawing five questions which he feels have not been answered. Following are the five questions as presented by Councilman Liebl: 1. "In projecting the various establishments that Mr. Pikul considered likely, to locate in Fridley, he must have acquired certain information concerning available sites. From whom did he get his information? 2. What members of this Council have met with Mr. Pikul and discussed certain pY►ases of this report and developed some of the information in it? 3. The Horwath Report is so obviously slanted in favor of private liquor that this fcllawing question is upper- most on everybody's mind. 4. Was Mr. Pikul instructed to prepare such a report or was he asked to make an honest and impartial study� 5. Tf it was supposecl to be an honest and impartial study, why is it so totally slanted, containing numerous errors and oversights, misrepresentations and contradictions? It is quite obvious in the opinion of the Mayor's Evaluation Committee �.he work that Horwath and Horwath has done is questionable." Mayor Kirkham said that he was sure that Mr. Pikul would agree to meet with the Council, and that we should give him some latitude in naming the time possi.ble for him. Councilman Liebl said that he was not trying to discredit the firm, he just wanted an hone�t answer . ' ' ' ' �I� ' � i� �I ' � , l_! � ' ' ' LJ CJ , ' REGUI,AR GOUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 17, 1968 PAGE 5 ' , �Q'�'�ON' by Councilman Samuelson, that in an ��fort to al].eva.�te '�h�ia problem, the Administration be instructed to contact Mr. 8i.kt�l and see if a meeting could be arranged for the week of ' +7't��x ��th at his convenience. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. U�Q�: � Voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the mw�i9n carried. , CJ ' M�ayox Ri.zkham asked Mr. James Gibbs if he felt this payment should be made� or if the Council has grounds for deferrment. Mr. Gibbs xepli�d that unless there is a substantial showing of fraud or tnalfeasance, the Council is liable for payAnent, and payment should l�e made. He said that he was sure Horwath and Hoxwath would not iaind waiting until the meeting in July. �ONSID�TION OF A RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE ALLOCATING OF FUNDS , �OR A PEDISTRIAN BRIDGE AT 51ST AVENUE NORTHEAST AND UNIVg.RSITY AV : ' �J ' ' Mayor Kirkham said that he had a copy of a letter from the Mayor of Columbia Heights. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the communication dated: June 12, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman Harris asked if we have received a letter from the Highway Department. Mayor Kirkham said we had not, but tlzat he ha� another one prepared to send regarding their status. ' MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to dispatch the letter. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayqr Kirkham declared the motion carried. ' ' , � � ' Councilman Liebl said that the reason he requested that this be put back on the Agenda is that he feels that if we do not give the Highway Department saae indication of our wishes, they will not move. The people in tiz at area have indicated their need to him as there are no sidewalks. He said that the Council has r eceived a petition from the hom e awners and if we do not qive some concrete indication within the next 30 days, the City will lose the pao j ect for this year . Meayor Kirkham said that this was started 5 or 6 years ago, and the prablem with the Highway Department at that time was that they had no established policy, but naw there would be no problem in getting their 5096. It was his opinion that before we pass thi.s resolution, we should hea� d�£��i���.�r f;om the two bodies involved, as we must get assistance. REGUI,AR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 17, 1968 Cc�AC�.�man Samuelson suggested a resolution could b $�atisig that Fridley will be responsi.ble for l/3 of Councilman Harris said that he felt that the letter pepartment should demonstrate the City's good faith. COuncilman Liebl asked the audience if there was i� ��Yor of the bridge. Jack Velin, 5105 Horizon he was in favor of the bridge and felt that it wa Gour►cilman Harris added that everyone is in favor it is just a matter of cost participation. PAGE 6 e passed the cost . to the Highway ' ' ' anyone present Drive, said that ' s about time. of the bridge, C�rl Paulson agreed that thia should be held i,n abeyance until th� City hears from the other participating bodies, and wondered if by putting this in the City would not be setting a precident. 1rli0TI0N by Councilman Harris to continue this until the City receives answere to the correspondence sent to Columbia Heights and School District #13. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voiee vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. gipenr rwrT� i?�, 87 1968 A RESOLUTION AU'I'fiORIZING ABATING STORM SBf�iER ASSESSMENT ON LOT 1 TH&OUGH 30, BLOCK 10, HAMILTON'S A�DITIODT TO MEQi�N�CSVZLI+E: SACRED HEART OF JESUS POLISH CATHOLIC C'�,C s_ �it. Gimbs, representing the City Attorney, reported that he had reviewed the Minutea, Deecl, and the Letters and in his opinion that if the Council chose to assess this property, their chances ara extremely slim of being upheld in Court. The Agreement is qoo� and valid. MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the letters and the researched material from the Finance Department. Seconded by Councilman Saa�uelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, !�l�ayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimoualy. MpTIO�i'by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution No. 87-1968. l�otion seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor ICitkham declared the motion carried. . . . • �+�! ' , _; . . �.!' •� tis. _ : ��� ! • s ,� • .,�• • , Z'he City Engineer explained that last December a public Hearing waa held for Trinity Dxive und� th e 1968 street project. A preliminary cost of $9.98/ft. was given to the people. Z'tiey felt that ths cost was too high and were told that after the bid letti�g ' , � , ' , , , ' ' ' ' , ' ' � ' , � ' , � � �] , �IT�AR GQUNCIL MEBTING OF JUNE 17, 1968 PAiGE 7 �'-��e �igurea would be availabla to tiiem. Therefore, tho poople �I�e m�ke�l to thia Council Meeting to exprsss their views.on �ether �� a��ta,��te figure of $8.00/ft ., or a 1 ittle bit over, is agree- �ia,�� to thetn or not. �+ou��lm�u� Liebl aaid that he was in receipt of two letters in ��vQ� of the improva�sent . One was fraa l� . C.A. Peterao�, 6241 Txini�y Drive, and the other was from Morgan Lund, 6221 Trit�ity ���v�. NO�IO�t by Cow�cilmsn Liebl to reciiv� the two caamunicationa. i��cc�ded by Councilman Harri�. Upon a voice vote, all vating �I,,,y�, Kayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. 11�. N.H. Faber, 6181 Trinity DrivO, ro8e and spok� in favar of ti�� ,im�rov�e�aent . He said that he had talked to !�r . Natt�, a�,$o �� Trinity Drive, who was unable to attend the Meet:Lr�q, but k�ad ��1 k e d !�. F a ber to speak in favor of the project for him al�o. ��qaT by Councilman Harris to keep Trinity Drive in &�acaefi �1p►�ov�r►ent Project St. 1968-18. Seconded 3.�y Councilsaz� Samuel�o�* '�7pQta a voice vote, all voting aye, l�laayor Kirkham dec�.ared t�a,� wot,iron carried. D�SCU$BIO�TT IN REGARD TO EXTENSION OF 3RD STREET FRQM 57T$ PLAt;��TO ,�7Tii AVS�iUBs , �'he� City inginees explained that we do have some interesfi �iy fih� �ollday people in building a�reetaurant in this area. q� �� wsat side of the exteneion of 3rd Street is an apartment ax�A �� b�t�3,+��,��� �� �o� owned by Holiday. He eaid ha would lik4 tp �e� , t�►+� �Qwr�ci.�.' $ feeling if at any tim�e they would 11ke to 1a�tv� ��� �itre�� �xta�nded. If so, do they feel ths logical plac. oi �xfi��� , w+�u�d ba v�ihere tt�e new street ie terminated. This w�ould Al�gt�► �+►ifi.�, tb,� ,���mrid �uta ou 57th Avenue. He eaid that he had t�►�k�d tG► t�1� �i�'�t�r�� Departmetit and the City would need about 50' ftowp th� , �Q��.di►y �x'o��a�'ty. �he City could request the vacation o� the ������q �.,�n�c in the east froa� the Minnesota 81qhw�j Ae�t��, �c� �i�.� ra►ad ri,ght of wsy couid go , to Holiday. �e �►p�„�d i�ae � ��Yl�� 4�p �out 25' and would be getting abaut 50' . Tii• q1�eA��QI� ��, i� �i� ��ty ahould open up the road. I�� ' ' �• A��,� t,�#a�t ha had had $ome �reliminary discuesiona wit�, �io��s��� 1� t��ry ax� willinq to give t�e 50' althouqh it i� ao� p�qp,���. �� fi.,1'�� �c�i�. �$ v►�111ng to go through with this he �u��eG�1 �1fi #.he� �tuthori�e the Administration to Mtite a lstt�a�C tp �� g,�GUiaAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 17, 1968 �AGE 8 �,�,��;x popartmsnt to seo if they would be w�llinq to aqree to t���i. �ie said ho folt that thls ahould move alorig fairly easily, �a,y� Ki�khaua expressed the view that openinq up 3rd Street would �� �1e�►i�cable. Cauncilman Har=is suggested that the Adainistration 1�ite ta the State aad also Holiday and ask thean to be p�eaent at � M,�etin�g . ����,medeke eaid that the Planning Com�nission was asked about a x� �go to extend this road. It was his feeliny that due to th� �Q�gmstion of traffic in this area he would be in favor of the �s�ad, an�d that he was sure there v�could be no problem with the p�a►p�,e, Co�ncilman Samuelson suggested that this be referred ba�ck �s� t"�'�e Planning Coamaission to study the traffic problems as ��e� k�AWe hir�d a planning consultant now, or at least that the r �11an�nin� Co�nnission be kept aware v� this . ��� �x Caunci.lman Harris to ask Holiday representatives and t�a �ig�►�x Department to be present at the next Council Meeting.. g�q�ed by Councilman samouelsan. Upon a voice vote, all votiz�q Aye, l�xor Kirkhaaa declared the motion carried. :.�' � �. 4t Y ��i l� • ' � _ ' ��i_i.. � : • �M�_i • �I: :.'� �� � � � �� � ' • . � i ��., • i.Jl� • ��� �..�� �� .a � : i Y =�]�.. � 1; • • � � � __ •' � Y ` 4� ' � Y4�_' • � � =a.� • ` r ' �!• " i � �!� � � i , � � - i - � :a i �!s_. � � :'? Y_ . �.� �1 i ; • )• ; • c�• w �:� � _� -";.' 4�! �", � �; • :'t 1_ r,�� ��1.. �4 Citx Snqineer explaine� tizat this r�quest was fo� a 7 unit ap�u�tment iwuse, and that th� petitior�er had agreed to all th� �t�.pt�lationa, ho1�►ever, the City would need about 16' on th• ncnc�� w��� co�r�er �or a right turn lane from East River Road to 77� K�y, ��,s y►ould leave an island of about 20 or ZS' for a fi�ic�m 1,���tax�t a�nd a catch basia. Cc�c�.lman Saauslson asked about the land to bu,ildinq raticr. Th1! ��,�,X �c��,r�,e� repli.ed that this is ali right and that he m�et� +��1 ��u�lt��� . ' , , ' L ' CJ ' � ' , ' , ' � ' 1K�IGN by Councilman 3acau�elaon to authori�te iesuanca of th. builc��.ng ���t 1�►�th the etipulation� set forth by _ the Buil.dinq St�a�CdA - pq�� Got►tacal vrtti� .addition of "H's A dediCStion fos a riqh� turA , ' ' L1 , ' , ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 17, 1968 PAGE 9 �,�,t�� ��om East River Road to 77th Way as designated by the ��,�� �,gineer." SeCOnded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice yc�t�, ��1 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. 2. CONSTDIItATION OF A RE4UEST TO CONSTRUCT 7 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS . 5 GEN�1t.ALLY LOCI�TED �N 78TH AND BEECH STREET AND 2 GENF.RALLY LOCl•�TED ON 78TH AND ELM STREET , THE S�1ME BEING LOTS 12-15, RND 21-30, BLOCK 2, ONAWAY ADDITION. �REQUEST BY BERNARD JULKOWSKI, 1420 MOLAN TERRACE. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA): ' �'1'�e Gity Engineer said that this is the area east of the railroad ����KS on Elm and Beech Street. He said tha� there is a resolution +�p�e�'�.ng later in the Agenda fqr consideration for water and �;�we�c in th is area, and perhaps th is request should be considered ' t���ex' the resolution. He pointed out that this represents 7 ��pl.ications and that there were 2 previously, and it has been �he Cou�cil's policy not to issue permits to buildings where there ' is not proper fire protection. ' Mr. Julkcywski, representing his request said that he has 5 buildings up the�� naw and has never had any problems. He has septic tanks and we].1s there naw, and planned to have them in the proposed ' ]�uildings . He said that he would g ladly hook up to C ity water a�.d sewer when it becomes available. ' Gouncilman Samuelson asked Mr. Julkawski about the flooding. Mr. Julkawski replied that the flooding had nothing to do with his buildi.ngs . , 1 ' 1 It was then agreed to come back to Mr. Julkawski's request after consideration of the water and sewer in the area. (Project #88 Aaa�a,� #2 ) 3. CONSIDERIITION OF A RE4UEST TO CONSTRUCT A COUNTRY VILL11� SiJPER MARKET (116' X 40') ON PARCEL 2025, AUDITOR'S SUBDNISION #10, THE SAME BEING 1301 MISSISSIPPI STREET. (RE4UEST BY GEORGE WAL4UIST, 4230 CENTRAL AVENUE, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA): The Ci,ty Engineer said that this proposal for a ' far the �northeast corner of Mississippi Street He said that he felt that this proposal is much one previously presented for a drive-in. There , �ence shown on the plans on the property line o east side. Councilman Samuelson added that the L_J super market was and Central Aver�ue, better than the is a 6' redwood n the north a�d sidewalk will be REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING O�' JUNE li, 19Fi8 , PAGE 10 ' alo�g the back side, and parking on the Central Side, and a 5' carry-out area on the north side. � MOTI4N by Councilman Harris to grant the builcl�ng permit subject to the atipulations put forth by the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommittee. Upon the vote, Kirkham, and Harris vo�ting aye, Sa,meuelson abstaining, and Liebl voting nay, Mayoz Rirkham called for a ruling from Mr. Gibbs on the Robert's Rules of Order. Mr. Gibbs said that it would carry if there was a second, if there was no second made, it would die for lack of a second. Mayor Kirkham replied this was not necessarily so, as the Chair has the right to call for a vote with no second. Mr. Gibbe thexi researched this and it was xe-considered later in the Meeting. R�..^ONSIDERATION OF THE VOTE ON RE4UEST BY GEORGE WAI�4UISTs Mt. Gibbs said that after research, he finds that the Chair can cal� for a vote without a second. A Point of Order can be m�ade if there was no second, but the Nbayor would then be requested to Qrocqed again and ask for a second. If there was no second, the motion would die. If th ere is a no vote, only the dissenter can call for a reconsideration. Mr. Gibbs said that the person voting no is the only one that can request reconsideration on t2ie vote. Councilman Liebl explained that he had he had some questions about whether the adaqu�te. In the interim he had gotten a re-vote. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , , voted nay on the motion as parking facilities were ' his answer and would like MpTION by Councilman Liebl for reconsideration of Motion to grant the building permit to George Walquist. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declarecl the motion carried. MOTIO�1 by Councilman Harris to concur with the Building Standar�ds Design Control in their stipulations and grant the building per�mit to George Walquist. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voic� vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris voting aye, Samuelson abstaining,t 1�Layor Kirkham declared the motion carried. � 4. CONSIDERATION OF A REC2U ST TO CONSTRUCT A 7 UNIT APART- MEN'r BUILDING LOCATED ON LOTS 11, 12, 13, AND 14, BLO�K 3, SPRING BROOK PARK A.DDITIO�I, THE SA1�E BEIDTG 231 79TH WRY, FRIDLEY. MINNFSOTA. (REQUEST BY PAUL BURIQ30LDER. 7860 ALDEN WAY, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA : _._,� ' ' � L_� ' �J ' ' ' �EGUL�AR COUNCIL MEE'I'ING OF' J?TNt; i7, 1968 ' �I�xc�x �Ca.rkham asked the petitioner if he was aware 1,ations . Mr . Burkholder repl ied that he was . 'i'he ' added that he had agreed with the stipulations and �C�.�y Code. � �_J L. J � , � ' PAG �; 11 of the stipu- City �nginee�' meets the M�IQN by Councilman Harris to concur with the Building Standards � peSign Control and issue the building permit subject to the stipu- l,ations. Motion seconded and upon a v�ice vote, all voting aye, �I,�yo� Kix'k�am declared the motion carr ied . F'Q�,SIDERATION,QF RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT, PLANS AND �p,�C�FICATIONS FOR WATER AND SEWER PROJECT #88 �DENDUM #3s ��� �ity Engineer explained that this Public Hearing was held �ast 1�ionday and is being brought back to the Council for the�r �s�ns�d�ration. If the Council wishes to proceed with the project, 1�� wQU�d sugg�st they pass the resolution, and authorize the ,�dministration to approach Spring Lake Park and the Highway p�partment on their share of the cost participation. He said until we get agreements from both bodies, we would not do any additional work on the project. He suggested that the Council aCtion can be recinded at a later date if no agreement can be �eaehed for any of the three systems with Spring La}ce Par7c and �he Highway De�artment. Councilman Harris suggested that the resolution be passed but to , �t�a,ke the wozd "improvement" . The City Engineer felt tha� tlle ��wncil should adopt the resolution for the final plans and spec�.fications before we should approach Spring Lake �ark and the ' �,�g�way Department. After that, it would just be a mattex' o€ �hoi�e o� w�i�h of the three proposals the City wishes to choos�. � 'I � , ' ' i I ' M(Y.CIOL�i by Cainc�.l.man Harris to adopt the Resolution stril�ing t'�,e word "�,mFrovement". Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. �, RQd�, Attorl�ey for J.W. Bernstein, said that he appre��.a��d �� �,ndu�genc� by the Council in moving this item forward on t�,he �►��t��� � He sa�.d that it was his understanding that if the ��so] ut�.s�� �.s passed this would mean that the Council n�ed no� '���� &nothe+z Public Hearing, hawever, the particular �mprovem�r�� �,� �s�� kncywt�, nor is the cost knawn at this time. He would like i� ��� �.2�� �ou��i1 instruct the Administration tp bring in plans ��c� ��a+ac�.�i��tions and costs, rather than ad�pt the resolutioi�. �, ��bbs �eplied that the Council felt that it was a quest�Qr� q� }����.n,g tk�,e re$olution to enter into agreements wi�h S�a�'�.i'�g �,�,�� g�,rk �nc� the Highway Department and that this w�s th� ����1 ��q���r�, '��� �ouncil ia well within it's ri9hts to Qrdea� il� REGUI�AR COUNCIL MEETING OF JLTN�; 17, LG68 PAGE 12 the improvement at this time, h�aever, they could choase to authorize the Administration to proceed without the resolution. Coun���.man Liebl pointed out that the Council should indicate to the people which plan would be adopted. Councilman Samuelson's �eeling was that perhaps the minimum system would be better at this time, and would suggest that this be tabled until further information is available. COUNCZI,MFIN HARRIS WITHDREW PREVIOUS MOTION. MOTION by Councilman Harris to authorize the Administration to mee� with Spring Lake Park and the Highway Department for cost sharing participation study. Seconded b�r Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayar Kirkham declared the motion carried. Mr . Rodman requested that he be informed when this item will. next appear on the Council Agenda. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION ORDERING FINAL PLANS AND SPLCIF�CATIONS FOR WATER , SANITARY SF�IER A1�iD STORM SE�nIER PROJF�CT #88 � ADDENDUM #Z • The City Engineer said that th is is for water anc� s�we�c and if this project is ordered in naw the cost factor would be good, later, the cost will probably be higher. The Fire Department would like to see the Council order in th is improvement so the area could have fire protection. Mr. Harold Harris, 6210 Riverview Terrace, asked if th is is the same plan brought in before�Ovhere the water would be jacked �.n under 79th Avenue and then an enlarged pipe would be put a,n to �erve adjacent properties at a cost to the people in the area. What �ost differential is there between the water and sewQ� naw ana not k�nawing �.f the ditch is to be an open ditch o� a�a,a,�t�a�. conduit or a full conduit. If it is a full conduit, hqw dQ yQu �ut one past the other without considerable expense. , ,.; . , , M�, CQmstock re�lted that thi� will have to be resolvQd be�or�t � th� final plans �nd specifications are presented. Tl�,e s�.wve� �d wa�er will have to be designed in conjunction with the �torm ��wea� p�an. If thQ ditcY� is to be en7.arged, �here wc>uld be �u�.verts und�r E1m and Beech Streets � T�e dxa�nagQ prc�x�tn w��.� �ave �Q b� considered with the sewer and water projeet. H� s�,id ��x �'e consid�ring j acking under the tracks and �o�nnectl�c� �� y�►��,�c ��. 79�h Avenue on the 8" line, this would lpo� b�Ck �p � ' ' ' ' ' � ' ' � ' ' ' ' ' � ' , � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 17, 1968 , , , ufi��Y�'��,ty Avenue. There is no connection planned �'� ��al,� �a.me. There are problems in each direction �� �� ��solv�, but it �eems the ra�lroad crossing �� �,I� i s t iine m PAGE 13 for 77th Ave. that would have is the best �Quneilman Harris agreed that it seems the drainage problem has ' tQ b� �'esolved first, then a more precise plan could be arrived �� �Q� the water and se�wer. He felt that the City should do it �r��� and do it right. Councilman Samuelson agreed that these two , �ro,�ects go hand in hand and that they should be done together. CAUn+��,�.man Liebl agreed. ' ' �0�,'�O�T by Councilman Liebl to table this k�� �retwrned when proper arrangements are �o���a,l.man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, �CiXkham declared the motion carried. resolution and that it made. Seconded by all voting aye, Mayor ' �TA3T RF.AAING OF ORDINANCE REGULATING AND CONTROLLING THE GRQnITH ,�li' W$EDS. BRUSH AND O'1'HER RADTK, POISONOUS OR HARMFUL VEGETATION �T 'I'HE C ITY OF FRIDLEY , MINNESOTA • � I _J , ' ' �. Gibbs said that the form has been prepared by the City Ma�ager, Che�ked over by the City Attorney, and approved by the Attor�ey C��'�l . �C?TTQ�T by Counci�tuan Samuelson to approve this Ordinance on ��,��t zeading, waiving the reading. Upon a roll call vote, Lieb�, K�.�'k'1'i�, Harris, and Samuelson voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared ��Q �totion carried. CQNSIDER,ATfiON OF ORDINANCE ADOPTING PURCHASING MANUAL ' �, ��.labs auggeated that this be ordered by resolu�ion ratk�� tk���, hy �ri O�ciinance as an Ordinance would necessitate th� �u�.i1�,��t�Q� o� �e whole manual at great expense. He had a resolution prepar� ���or�.zing the City Manager as purchasing agent and adopting , �ity pux�chasing policies. ' '�he� CitX Manager passed out an additior� at the Meeting to go �nto ��� �ua]. dea]�ing with emergency purchases which is to be m�,dQ ��t�� s�� the Manual. ' ' ' B�OLUTION NO. 88-1968 - A RESOLUTIOIj REGARDINQ �%� AD�pTfip N UBGHASING POLICY AS SET FORTH IN THE PURCHA$TN� MA,N�JA�s! REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 17, 1968 PAGE Z4 �p���?N by Councilanan Samuelson to adopt Resolution No. 88-1968, � ResB�a�.ution adopting purchasing policies set forth in the pu�c�as�.ng manual. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a vo�.ce Yq��, a�,l voting aye, Mayor Kirlc2lam deClared the motion car�i�d. RECONSID TION OF BUILDING PERMIT RE4UEST BY BERNARD JULKOWSKI FOR i BU„�, LDINGS IN ONAWAY ADDITION: $e�lCnard Julkawski said that he would be building 1 or 2 at a t�,m�. Councilman Samuelson asked him about the front yard parki�ng, �nd Mr. Julkawski answered that there is par]cing space for 8 cars �.n the back, and the front yard parking was a stipulation set up bX the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommittee beeause they Wanted 3 additional parking places and was not one of his a�eq,t�ests . Th� C�.�y Engineer explained that the alley in the back is not �daquate to bring in the traffic so there are 2 drivgways provided for loas�ing and unloading. He suggested that th e front yard park�.ng be moved to t he side yard, then the front yard could be land�caped. He also suggested a fenced area for hiding ou��i,d� s�tQ�age. He said tha� the buildings meet the requirements. Mr. Ju�kvwski agreed,that he would rather have the parking in the back ar�d emergency parking in the side yard. Councilman Samue�lsor� agr�ed and did not concur with the Building Standards - Design Cpntrol on th is item. Mr. Julkawski added that there are the two drive�ways and room for parking 3 or 4 cars in each d�iveway �or �mergencies. Coul�cilman Harris pointed out that there are 40 parking spaces �d to make sure the plantings are adequate before the buildin,q permit is issued. Councilman Liebl said that this CoWneil, tries �Q improve the quality in the building permits allowed. �pt�ra,ci�tcw,n Samuelson asked about the possibility of 78t'k� Ave�ues ev�' being vacated, if 78th Avenue is going to stay h�; auggested ��t t�,k�e buildings be placed further back to provide a 35' s��tb�ck. M7� . Julkcywski said that he vwns another lot behind the bu�,],c�1�ng� �n�d �,��� l�e could shift the buildings north and cut dawn the ��.�e by �Q�� 3' to get the 35' setback. Councilman Harris a�greed with �'��,�s �u�[gestion to obtain a 35' setback off 78th Av�tnue, MQ��QN by Councilman Harris to delete Item C(front parkin�� ��Om! �he stipulations, add H: 35' setback in the front art� �c d�#��,gn��e a fenced area for storage w��q;� ��d s�wer when available, and ��,�,�u�,a��ions a�d grar�t a permit ior and J: agree tQ hoc�k �p �p concur with the �est Q� '�� 2 buildinys on Beech 8����t. ' ' � L� ' � ' ' � III , , ' � ' ' ' ' , � , ' ' ' REGULAR COUNCIL M�;ETING OF .7I7NE 1 i, i968 pAGE 15 ��o�nd� by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting �t�e, M�,�or Kirkham declared the motion carried. RECETVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARI) OF APP,�LS MEETING OF JUNE 12, 1968- , 1�4T�p�I by Councilman Harris to receive and concur with the Minutes of tMe Board of Appeals Meeting of Juen 12, 1968. Seconded by Gouncilman Lie�l. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham ' declared the motion carried. �a�1 paulson said that on Item #2 (a garage setback variance , �'equest for his neighborhood) the Minutes were correct as he had �t�p„31d�d the Meeting and that he had no obj ections . ' � J I�ECE?�l?�TG M?Ni1TES OF THE FRIDLEY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMEDTr COMMISSION ��_„�NG OF MAY 2, 19 68 - � Mf?'�Z�N by Councilman Liebl to receive the Minutes �riduStrial Development Commission Meeting of May �Q�,d�d by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. of the Fridley 2, 1968. Se� all voting aye, E G THE IrIINUTES OF THE PI�LVNING COMMISSION MF.�.'TING OF JUNE ' 13� 1968: 1 ' ' ' � , ' ' l. REZ4NING RE4UEST, ZOA #68-09, I,A,RRY FERGUSON• Lot 1 and 2, Block 3, Gunderson Terrace. Rezone from R-1 to R-3. �t was pointed out by the Planning Commission in the Minutes tha� Mr. �'erguson was not in attendance at the Public Hearing be�ore �he Flanning Commission due to a mix-up in time, and this fact wa� noted by th e Council. The Petition in opposition to the �e�or�ing request was then considered . PETITION NO. 13-1968 - FOR DENIAL OF REZO�IING REQUE�T ZOA #68-09 - LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 3, GUNDERSON TERFtACE. TO REZONE R-1 DISTRICT TO 1�1NY OTHER ZONE ,—.� TFiAN R-1. �ZON by Councilman Harris to receive Petition No. 13-�.9fi8. Se�onded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all,voting aye, ��rca� Kirkham declared the motion carried. b14TI01� by Counc�lman Samuelson to concur with the Planning Com- �����s�� in th� denial o� the rezoning request ZOA #68-09 by Larry �'��t��Q�, Seconded by Councilman Harris . Upon a voice vQte, a�.7� ttca�i��g aye, Mayor Kirkham d�clared the motion carried. REGULAR CO[JNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 17, 1968 PAGE �.� 5. CARTER-DAY COMPALVY REGISTERED ItAND SURVEY RLS #68-03: �TON by Councilman Harris to concur with the Planning Commission in their approval of the Registered Land Survey for Carter Day. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Maynr Kirkham declared the motion carried. 6. VACATION RE4UEST• SAV #68-03, HENRY G. SAFFERT: Lots 22A and 22B, Block l, Lyndale Builders 4th Addition, for garage. �'hp City Engineer explained that this request was for about 2' so h,is proposed garage could use about 18" of the land in question. �,''he�e is a question of whether th is can be done by resolution or miu�t go through the usual channels as an Ordinance. Mr. G3bbs said he was not sure,if a resolution would be sufficient. The C�.ty Engineer snggested if the Council concurs, then to go through the u�sual procedure. �ION bx Councilman Samuelson to concur with the reconm�endation ca� the Planning Commission for approval of the vacation of 2' requeste� by Henry Saffert. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion Ca�r� �ed • 7. PROP00.�n pRFT.TMTNARY PLAT. P.3_ #68-04, BARTH ADDITION. MFRWIN BARTH: Lots 16 and 17, Block 2, Spring Lake Park Lakeside. Thp Cifiy Engineer explained that this preliutinary ap�,�n�,�a.un requirements and if the Council concurs u� t,'t�e Public Hearing for the final plat. ' , ' ' J , LJ � � , ' ' plat meets all ' they cauld set ,��A�i 'by Councilman Harris to concur with the Planning Con�aission a,�c� $et the Public Hearing date for the final plat on July 8, 1968. �3�Cqr�ded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, ,��c�� ��,�ckham declared the motion carried. �. LQ„T SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. #68-12, CENTRAL SF.RVICE C�., �� HOLVffidSTOT, AGENTz Lot 15, Block 4, Bennett palmer Addition. �� ���,�r �in�er explained that Ericksons wish to extend to the �}p�� �o7r moxe parking space. 'T'xie aplit would be 24' on the south �d ��i' on the north of the lot. � ' LJ �� 1 �� � ' �I J ' � , R$GULAIZ COUNCIL MEh'TING OF JUNE 17, 1968 PAGE 17 MQT�ON by Councilman Liebl to concur with the Planning Commission �r�d 7recommend app,�oval of Lot Split Request L.S. #68-12, Central ��vice Coa�any. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice yote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. MpTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the remainder of , Planning Com�ni�sion Minut�s of June 13, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Ki�Ckham declared the motion carried. � ' � � J ' ' ' J ' ' ' , ' ' , th e Mayor �ouncilman Liebl said that he would like to point out to Mr. Schmedeke that the Planning Commission is going ahead with their pl�n� for hiring a Planning Consultant as they have obtained Counci� approval. Mr. Schmedeke said that he did not knaw if the ��op1e would go along with all of the Planner's views, and that k�e would like to work with the Planning Commission and Planner if possible. �,CON$IDF1iATION OF RE4UESTED VARIANCES BY M�'►�X SALITERMAN Wyman Smith was present representing Mr. Salitesman. He said �a�t he was hoping Councilman Sheridan would be present. He �c�int�d out that this property of Mr. Saliterman's has always i�een zoned C-2S. Rice Creek Road bisects his shopping center, this was a road the City wanted, not Mr. Saliterman, but he went ��ong with the City's requests. There was no talk at that time a� having trouble with requested vax iances in the future. He pays �s��ssments on this road on both sides and ha� pretty well paid �or the road. He said that he felt it was un�air for the City to r�a���� �.�s��� �ard�walks along the street and that it would actua��,y detract froan th� �uilding, aazd that it would take some parking �� �way. This request is for a Sandy's Restaurant and not a d71�i�t.e��.� type of establishment. Sandy's is a good national chain s�� �ee�aurants and there is one in existance in St. Anthony at '�i��.� tiias. His choice of placement north of Rice Creek Road was becauae there are possible developments south of the road that �� Q�literman has been working on. This was also the choice of �.2'te �ar�dy's representatives. Further north would interfere with t.�a c�r. c�cery store . Mr . Smith said that his cl ient did not feel �at hQ could live with an 80' setback as the Code requires, there- ���'e 3�e is requesting the 25' set�4ack from Rice Creek Road. Tf t��� a�ea were zoned for a restaurant, there would be no problems, Mr� Smith said that on theae grounds, he would so appeal to this Cou�cil on the basis of propriety, and that Mr. Saliterman knaws w��t �eat serves the long run value of shopping centers and the ���� that this restaurant really does not take up much land. REGUI,,AR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 17, 1968 PAGE 18 �o��i�.man Harris pointed out that this is not a particular case �s Hp]-�y Center Yias sidewalks on Mississippi Street. He said �at on one occasion when he went to th e ShoreW�od Shopping Center tMg ca�s were parked all the way out to the street, with very feW ���ces �.ett. N�1CC, Sm�th said that when the south side is developed, probably �ic�,�walks would be neeaed to run nortn and souLh, but not running ,���� �.�d west as this would be a�etraction, and tlzat he could ��� no immediate need. He said that it see�ns unreasonable to �aiCk out a particular parking space. He pointed out that Holiday and Target shaw peak periods of use, Whereas this shopping center '�as a more steady flaw of traffic. Councilman Harris pointed out that it would be unfair to act at th �s time as the Councilman representing this ward is not }�resent. �e �l�,ought that Councilman Sheridan had initiated the motion �7enying the request and it would be unfair to him as Representative Q� the second ward to act without his concurrence �, �aliterman said that the shopping center has room for 550 cars, }�u� 250 spaces would be sufficient, and that land is being wasted. �I� said that there is naw more than a 3 to 1 ratio of land to �ulldings, and with the restaurant there would still be sufficier�t �a�king area. He said that the variance was requested as there is �,p bQ no retailing on the south or west side of the buildi�g, a�d that even closer would be beneficial. The Sandy's Restaux'ant ��, ��. Anthony is a very successful operation and they �'e fine tenants. He e�cpressed the view that this restaurant would be an ��set to the shopping center and to Shorewood Liquor Lounge, ana ���� �.f the Council saw fit to turn this request da�m, the City would be the loser too. �Iay�� K�.rkham told Mr. Saliterman and Mr. Smith that they presented a��od ease, but he must agree with Councilman Harris and t�,hat t'k�� Council should wait until Councilman Sheridan is present. ' ' LJ � ' � I, ' , ' ' � , ' ' , �. Smith said that he would be unable to attend the next r.�cjulaac �c�u���.� Meeti.ng so he would talk to Councilma� Sheridan �:n t�e , �.13t�'im• ��pN by CQUncilman Harris to continue the request fo�' va��.a�c�� �x ,��t Sa7�iterman for a Sandy's Restaurant to the nex� Regul�: �quT�cil Meeting . Seconded by Councilman Liebl . Upon a vaiee vQt,�, r�1,1 vQ��ng aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion car�ied. ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' REGUI�t COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 17 , 1968 PAG�' 19 ��''�''nIING BIDS ON CARPETING FOR SHOREWOOD LOUNGE (OPFI�IED 10:30 A.M. � 12. 1968 : : e � B ID�D R Herman Weiss Carpet Co. , 2501 Central Ave. N.E• Minn�apolis, Minn. ' ' Graves Interiors 5251 Central Ave. Fridley, Minn, , BID TOTAL SECURITY TYPE COST Cert. Ck. Nylon $2,004.98 $101.00 Cert. Ck. $154.00 Cert. Ck. $160.00 Same Ck. for both DELIVERY DATE � Wool 3,066.25 ---- Nylon 3,195.00 Wool 2,049.00 30 Cal , D�ys 30 Ga�. Dax� ' Co�.ncilman Harris asked about the bid by Garves Inter�ors. Mr. G�,bbs said that the reversal of the prices on the wool and ny1Qn cartpeting by Graves Interiors was an obvious error and suggest�d ' that the award by made to Herman Weiss Carpet Company, and retu�cr� the bid security check to Graves Interiors. ' �QTZON by Councilman Harris to award the bid for nylon carpeting �or the ShoreWOOd Lounge to Herman Weiss Carpet Company �r� �he amount of $2,004.98 and return the bid security check to �rav�s ', 2nteriors. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voicQ vote, a�,l voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. ' ' � ' ' CONSIDERATION OF AUTFiORI,ZING THE ADVERTISENiEDTT FOR BIDS ON ELP:CTRONIC VOTING MACHINES: MOTION by Councilman Harris to authorize the advertiseme�t for �a�.ds on electronic voting machines. Seconded by Counc�lman Liek��. ��9n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham decl8red th� �n��, �Qn► carr i ed . �. Gibbs re�narked that the City Attorney would like to +�ee tl�e NQ��.�e to Bid before publication. �tF�,SOLUTI�N NO. 89-1968 - A RESOLUTION ORD ING IMPRO�VE�iT. PT.ANB 31ND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET Ii�ROVEMI'�tT PROJBCT Sx 1968-1 ' � REGUI.�AR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 17, 1968 PAGE �� �}� ��,�,Y �ngineer pointed out that at the last Council Mee�in9 an �.��Q�'T�1 �eaxing was held and the gene�'al concensus of the people ��,�pd 'tG be e�enly divided on a temporary street . �qu��;�,1�tt�an Harris pointed out that by figuring the two lots that g�an� ��i Central Avenue at a weight of 1/3 the same as for assess- ���� �he percentages change from 57% to 46� meaning the petition �q�,�.��y�, the imProvement failed. ��q� hy Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution No. 89-1968, orde,rir�g �h� i�emporary improvement of 64th Avenue. Seconded by Councilman �,�,��. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared d�'�¢ mc�tian carried. �� ��,�y Engineer pointed out that this will just be a temporary ������,, and about 30' dawn the center of the street will be done �O k�eP �e cost dawn. He said that if the contractor is agree- ��,,�� �,t will be included into the contract. M�Zp� �y Councilman Harris for the Administration to writQ �,��,te3a�s to all the people to be assessed informing them o£ the typ� p� street, and also giving them cost figures. Seconded by CqunG�].ma� Samuelson. Upon a vaice vote, all voting aye, Mayor K�,��ck�,a�m declared the motion carried. �,OI`STD�R.�TTON OF RESOLUTION ORD ING IMPRC7VEMENT, PI�ADiS ANA SPECI^� � QNS FOR WAT S AND STORM S PROJ 88 D ' Th� Cit� En9�neer refreshed the Council's memory on tha.s it�t and �plained that this hearing was held last Monday. The peop�.e w�t�e told that the cost would be higher than anticipat�d at abc�ut $�.0.00 per foot. He said that if this is included in th� �pnt,�'act for Project #88, the cost consideration would be goca�A, �QU���.]�n Liebl asked if it was not decided to have th� A�dmin�s- �x��ion contact the property awners. �qT�QN by Councilman Harris to table this Resolution and au�ho�ri�� ��a,g ,A,c�tr��.��.stra�ion to write to these property awners +e�Flair�ing �,h� �ost, the reason for the higher figure, and the r�eed �o� �a$��ta donated, and whether they want the improvement. S�- +�s�nd�d by Gouncilman Li�l. Upan a voice vote, all voti.ng ay�, ,�f,�,�pr iCi�kham declared the motion carried. ��p� �Cirkhaun suggested that Wayne Sether be contact�d ana e��k�gd to re-�irculate the petition. ' ' � ' ' ' u , , � ' �, ' ' � ' CI , i ' J ' ' ' l� R�GUI.,AR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUL�IE 17 , 1968 PAGE 21 �y ����.r,�i�,,��(� `T ?^�'C�� ���'�.��� �' FTESOLi7TIAL� �.�C�i�TNG THE PRELIIrLTNARY ,�"�„��,a��i,�TD CP�LI1dG A PUBLIC HF.�RING FOR ST. 1968-1 SADDENDUM #3) : ��7,� 4��y Engineer ex�lained that this resolution app���s �.n tl�e A��d� $or the purpose of ineeting the regulations rega�rdi.i�g �����,�� �he Public Hearing date. He suggested that it could be c���d� later whether 73rd Avenue should be run all the way to th� ra�;ilroad tracks, or just to provide access to the Minco park�ng i4t Qn the west. The alley appearing in the Notice of He�ing �i�s3 b�en pet it ioned for . �9t�3��ilman Harris said that Minco would like to knaw what the , ��a���.� is going to do about access, and whether the cost of the ���olr+�ry mat can be applied. Zrhe City Engineer suggested providing ��� base and the mat at this time and the concrete curbing and ' �dditional finishing mat can be installed later on. If there are n4 further utilities put in, the proposed construction na�w can ka� used to improve on. The storm s�wver is in so it is just a , ����r A� extensions. In no case should the base and mat pro- ����:d bp assessed twice. � ' ��luncilman Harris said that it seems first we ask Minco to move tk�eir parking lots into the back and then we ask $4,000 for the �Q�ei. He suggested the possib ility of puttinc� in utilities bu� �Q� �ooking them up. Then the mat could be on top. ��� Finance Director said that that has been done before, but no ' u�s o� the improvement could be made. Funds are borrowed �rom anQther fund, then replaced when a project is orderad in. ' ' ' J �'iOT�QN by Gouncilman Harris to adopt Resolution No. 90-1968, �ecQnc�ec� by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, al]. voting �xe, �ia.yor Kirkham declared the motion carried. �S��,u'i'ION NO. 91-1968 - A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PRELTMINARY R�PORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC iiF,ARING FOR ST. 1969-3 (73RD AVENUE)• _..-_._._.,....._ �IQN by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution No. 91-1968, witis �Q d�t� �k�anged to August 12th. Seconded by Councilman Harris �or c��.�scussion. �Q��i�,�a�n Harris said that as he has indicated in the pas�, h� ' ��c� ��� Ci.�y Engineer have m�t with the County and hav� ��u�sfi�d t�� �A take �his street as a county road. He said that �h� Ci�y �g`iz�e�sr ar►d h� had received some indication from th� Cqurity 1 t,'h�� th�y would be willing to do this if the City wou].d a�u�p ��� �,��as�ary right of w�y. He said that the City may �i,nd t'h�t ' �C,Uj,A,R COUNCIL M,EETING OF JUNE 17, 1968 PAGE 22 �;g�,,Q00 is too mach to bear, and if the County would pa►rticipate, �,�, �Q�t would be reduced to the City . �c�C�l�aan Liebl asked if this is all industrial property. Z'h� ��,�y �ngineer said that it was. He said that it would require �bput $10,000 for the right of way acquisition. The Sangineering Depaa�tment tried to get the people to dedicate the land but that �id not get very far so it will have to be done by condemnation. �I� a��d that there were 8- 10 property vwners involved. He said �,�t tl�er� is no hurry on our part and that before figures are ��, the City should have some indication from the County of t��t amount of County participation. CQwncilman Harris asked if the he��9 �►as held August 1Zth, would t2�at be adaquate time. The City Engineer said this wauld be al.l ��c,�ht a� the proj ect probably will not be until next year • C�1�Ailn►an Saiauelson asked about signalization and the Enginee�r s�tid that the County was asked about it, also the problem is, how m�u� �Ka�►ey doea the City have for signalization. Councilmari Harris offered to accompany the City Engineer arxi �t with •the County in regard to this item. He Mas so instructed by M�txcar xi.rxnam. UFC�1' A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, �he Motion to pass Resolution �to. 91-1�68 was declared carried by M�ayor Kirkham. � ; � � � . , � . . � � p � , ' 1�MI r �. � � ' �►� • . i �.�i+_ � 4e ' _� � _i_ � • . 1 1 • 1 � �, ' �� � � ' � � ��Q�1 by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution No. 92-1968. �»�ot�d� by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all vofii.nig ��r,�, �l,ayar Kirkhaia declared the nwtion carried. �;�-� • �� • •.: � • • _• � «t-i� . • 4r g+11 �. M 5M 1 � � � r ' a+" r � _ � ; • _ .'� �. � � -�4� yY . . � . ��i�i "�y Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution No. 93-]���8. �,���d�l by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, a�1]. vQti�$ �Y�� �YQr K��� declared the motion caxried. ' ' ' '� � � , , �� ' �� , I 1 ' ,� ' ' � ' ���j� COtJi�iCIL M,EETING OF JUN�; 17, 1968 PAGE 23 ,��i�� ` ��Z�.�. � . � _ . POSITION SAI,ARY R�LACBS ; $et�y �u�a�n Reir�laart Accounting Clerk $324.00 Am�y yi• Ebext ; 5550 5t.'� Street N.E- Utilities Billing . � �'�'�dley, I41nne sota , MO►�IO� �y Councilman Samuelson to concur with the Administration �;�n, t�e �tppointment of Betty Susan Reinhar't • Seconded by Counci].�- �n �ie1�1. Upon a voice vote, all voting aYe, Mayor Kirkha�a d�lared the motion carried. ��� s �ION by Councilman Harris to authorize �e paYm�nt of General � C�,��,m 15Q34 throuqh 15144 and Liquor Claim 2293 through 2347. ���Qndgd�by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, ��qr K�.rkham declared the �tion carried . ���� �?� by Councilman Liebl to grant all the follawing licenses: 0 0 I � , ,r,..*• � V �4�G'� STAT�qN BYs � w�+�,*-*�•,,� — APPRaVF�� ���1 �'tt�a 011 ftanan Trautt Fire �t�peCt�O� �i� ��Ckmr�nn Ave, H��11c�"n�g ���Ag�c�� ���,+I►�'� !��nneso ta ' �fi �$�i� �1�� FEi3?'IIT FQR A FIR'EWC)RK3 nISPLAY ' �Ip�T�e7mlw�+e++* e .� �. �,f,'10 � 1�r�rs�In Fi.r� Ir.��►o�o� ft�t�x�►' 6�' & T-�69i� � . �idl+�� M�nea ota ��,# peP�7ni� ie tor Lhe jth ot July or if rained out will be on the �th. '�� �,� ��n�,�r �pp�iab'�e foT one oP theae two daya. �t�GU�AR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 17, 1968 , ����� �'0 B� APpROVFD AT 1�iE JtJNE 17, 19�COUNCIL ME��TING ���T� BY: �fAL �l�oQd �'harm�cy Sheldcn Mortenson �� �?? �3s�'�'�ra� A�re . N . E . �idle�, Minnesota . ,'!, � � !� ��'4 011 � � F�+�ak�ua� Ava. 1��+�Q'1�Y� ��eaota �� Ted 4a�ai�or 1bA�. �i�.a� Rtwk Road 1�r�d�.pT, Hinnesota TIP� � l�onna�b P�te�raoa �e �tib�� Nae�.eat �.1 i��i.n s t, �'�r�.�.vy� Minnsaofi�s ��ii'P�G'� STATTON Ii.d�1 �i�.l.�0 9ez-:ios . ` ��Qp M��rehzll �'�d7.t�,y'i Miru�eaat� �,A� �c,r� R��n �onoca �� �3�� �7���r+��a�.tT A�e. f��d3��7� Mi�oeaLa �Nlll�r �►i�T1.'�' !� Te�r,,�.cq b�!?7. Un�TOrs itT A�►o, '��'d7.�'7'�, I��nr�e�ota A,t� � A $he��. � �►� �In�v�r�►i�4y A.ve. v�r. '���s�,�r�r'i M#.�asot� �II� �fA��A�'�r�s4n SerTl.oe �',,i�� C���rsl I1.0. �'�4�.*Ti Minnsaot,�► �1� � � �► ��t � �.. �il.��� �oad c��,o�# �d;i►�nnsaot.� �►l�+ 9��i R�,1� R�Q+��d Qar�RE �� �G! �t��ror Road �'���a�# M�.nnesot,� Raean Trautt B=. Ted (3or►e ior BYs 1Cennsth petereoa � Habert Nelaon BT: — Nilli.�m 3�retin T�i Ry�n �'r�cia Hunt t3ary Lcngerbone Erasat pert�en Msrlos Ilndereon Joaeph Dolin 0 PAGE �': APPROVED RY: �'s�lics Chie� ' ' ' Palica G�iet' , AP'P�RO_�P�,'.D AYs 1 �111aing inepector ' VbD : , 'I �ii0 aX 1'i.r� ItsapeOxOr , AP�ROVED ��: ' . Flx�e Tfaspec�qfi Httl.lc�.� ���,4�+' �'i.z�i ��Pe��or Bnildi� ���1�9�A� t 1�ir� IAep.�tor Bui.7.di� Inapsp4R� ° Rir�► Inepso�o�+ , ' Huild'�a8 ������' ., . ■ D'!te �a��p�+ ' � Rt�l.�.d� ���l9�Si� � ; , �'iro �nap�pfir+�� Au��.�.d�.nK ���Q'k�►� , P :;.; �'� Tnepevt�►� Bu��.d�r�� ��ap��'Co� ' eE 4 R$GUI�AR COUNCIL ME�TING OF, JUNE 1'7 , 1968 Jun� 17, 1968 PAGE 25 �FPROV�D BX �XC,�VATING . � o Kadl�c �xcavati�ng . � ?2�+ Main St . N. W. At�oka, Minnesota By: Aonald Kadlec' RENEWAL Bldg. Insg. GAS SERVI��S • � Fx'esl Vogt & Co . •3240 Gorham Ave . � �'t�nn�apolis, M�nnesbta By: Fred Vogt RENEWAL HTG. INSP. G�NERAL �QNTRACTOR . . Custom Pools, I,nc. 909 E. Exc�lsior Blvd. � � �lopkins, Minnesota By: Alvin J. Troyer NEW $LDG. INSF, A. L, Scherer 65252ndSt.N.E. Fridley, Minne�ota By: D. L. Scherer RENEWAL $LDG. INSP. Thor Construction � 7101. �1. E . Highway 65 Minneapolfs, Minnesota By: Russell Jorgenson NEW , BLDG. INSP. HEATING F�ed Vogt & Co. . 3260 Gorham Ave. � •� � Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Fred Vogt RENEWAL HTG. INSF. PLASTERING � Geo, W. Lovgren � _ .. ._ . S9QO Wisconsin Circle • l�ew Ho�� , Minnesota By: G2o. W. Lovgren RENEWAL $LDG. IN$P,� �iy U!lOTION to grant all licenses seconded by Councilman iiarris. Upo� a voice vote, all votiriq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the moti�an carried. � Covtncilu�an Harri• asked if all the applicants fos license$ for� u�ed car lots are being checked. The City M,anager said th�1t the Chief of Police was notified a week or so ago to check all 'servic�•" _ �fi�tions again. Councilman Ha►rria suggeste�l that this be made. � t.hh� Lteual procedure and t�at they be checked before iasuanc� o� �7��1�+�i11R � . A REGUI,AR COt1NCIL Ni�I'ING OF Jti�NE �";� ,' y�c� PAGE 26 �,�'��-._. NjCY�'�QN by Councilman Harris to approve the following estimates: I���p� a�nd Erickson Inc., Architects 2�Q1 W&yzata Boulevard p�j��naa,pc�lis 5, Minnesota Apx�1 Inspection for Fridley Municipal Garage Bexg7.und-J ohnson Inc . ��1 S�cQnd Street ��c�p�sion, Minnesota 55331 E�tzmate #6 (Partial) Fridley Municipal Garage Aacording to the Contract Hq��man �lectric Company, I�c. Anoka, Minnesota 55303 E�timate #12 (FINAL� Fridley Civic Center for period ��pm December 1, 1967 through April 15, 1968 Cpu��to�k and Davis, Incorporated C4n�u�t�ng E�gineera 14t�6 Caunty Road J M�nne�polie, Minneaota 55432 � 200.OQ �4,749.00 �5,333.00 �atima.te #2 (FINAL� for the Furnishing of Professional �ngineering Services for Plarining and General Supervision of Storm Sewer Improvement Project No• 87 �1,249•4� F,D. Chapman Conetruction Co. and Assoc. Cpntracting (A Joint Venture) ],Q17 Rhpde Island Avenue North �I�.nn,eapolis, Mi.rinesota 55427 Eatimate #7 (FINAL� for Materials on Hand This Date, for Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 87, According to the Contract � 750.00 ' ' , I , ' , ' � , '`J , I C! THE MOTION seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voi.ce vote, all votixt�g aye ' Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. BIDS ON STREET II�ROVIl�lENT PROJECZ NG CONTRACT OP'ENID AT 10:30 A.M. FI�ANHOLDEft BID DEPOSIT Victor Carlson & Sone, Inc. IInion Pacific Ina. 2246 Edgewood Ave. Co. 5� Bond St s �+�u,�,s Park, Minn. 554�6 68-1B AND ST. 1 68-2: 12 1 68 : GR.AND T0�'AI� THIS CONTRACT i346,314•63 � ' ' ' ' ' ' � �GU.L�AR COUNCIL MEErING OF JUNE 17, 1968 i 1 91' A�t�lcley Surfacing Co, , Inc. �7�� G�and Street N.E. 1"��ea�aolis, Minneso�ta 554�]. ' Iiaxci.rives , Inc . P.o. Box 579 St. Cloud, Minn. 56301 ' ' BID DEPOSTT Aetna Cas. & Surety Co, 5/ Bond St. Paul Fire & Maxine Ins. Co. 5�o Bond Hennepin Black Topping Co., U.S. Fidelity & Ix�c . Guaxanty C o . �400 Highway No . 8 5°fo Bond New Brighton, Minn. 55112 C.S. McCrossan, Inc. " Box 336 ' Osaeo, Minn. 55369 Aetna Life & Casualty Co. 5 f Bond PAGE 27 GRAND TOTAL THIS CON�'RACT �302,070.05 �315,691.80 �322,984.63 �329,137•57 Th� City Engineer explained that th�re axe some problems with this project. ' One i� the Chase Island Acceas Road. The bid on this portion came in at �2�Q0 above the F�gineering estima.te, the reason being that the storm sewer is a tougher job than anticipa.ted. He said that he had met with District ' #�.4 School Superintendent in regasd to providing 16 paxkixig spaces for the �it�zex�$ for the paxk on school property and they axe willing to give ua the righ�t of way needed (20' on the south portion for road access� however, they feel that they ahould not be assessed as there is no benefit. This wou].C1 ' in turn raiee the asaesaments on the remaining property. He suggested puttixig �.n asphalt curbing to bring the cost down somewhat. He $aid that �he �ch4o1 wants to sod now and they want to l�ow if we will be blaaktoppiz� the ' �equeeted paxking space. It would be about $1400 for blacktopping area toward the rivQr. The bid does include eome for blacktopped paxking �pace� , 1 , , �I Councilman Harria au�gested that thia be talked over with the Park Direictox. Oz� the University Avenue East Service Road, the Engineer explained, we had. fa.�ee fox a 36' road in the Public Heaxing. Thie was increaaed to t}�' by ths Council. The Engineering estimate wa8 �48,000 and the bid came i.x�, a� $9&,59�•5�, the reaeon being the increase from 36' to 48' which accounted fo� abotzt �3°b i.ncrease, and the iact that there was more subcutting than allowed fo� iz� the eetimate. Co�n�il�►an Ha�ris aeked how much the County ahaxe was. The Ci�y �inee� �e�l�ed that the County share would be about 1�3 of the cost. We have �bout 4QQ' ��.ght of way. Councilma,n Haxris au.ggested talking to the Cpunty� �,'��+u� th�.�, The City F�gineer said that the contractor ahould be made awax@ o�' tk�1� a.nd �hould be made a conditional award, ao the construction coulc� b� �otts� u.nder way on eome of the other streeta with no problema. �'he City E�gineer explained that on the 6g� Avenue crosaover, the k�ix�ee��� , �e�imate was �17,000 and the bid came in over �23,000. The major �Qx�ica� p� ihe c�c�st will be the City's aa the State did not seem to be a.gre�a�b�� w�,°�h �ya.;ra� �a� the con$truct���� �n �he di�oh. ' RDGUL9R COUNCIL N�'EI'ING OF JLTNE 17, 1968 PAGE 2� �ou,t�csi�,man Samuelson asked �f a.n awa�d can. b� �a d en �, �' ths ri� ��:�� o� T�4�8 oYex the Engineering estimate. The City E�gineer said that the tot�,l j��,c� �8 x�ot 10°'fo over, just in the axeas me.ntioned, He suggested that we let the �Qx�tra�� sub�ect to getting State Aid approval on the State Aid portion �d th&'� we �et thp contract on the road to the ice Arena subject to �ta'�e and Cou.nty' participation. �out�oilman Ha,��ris euggested that th� County ahould pick up the d%.f�'��^ene� in �Qet between the 48' wide street and a regulax residential street. Mayor Ka.r�ham pointed out that so far the County has been very cooperative. The City Engineer pointed out that there axe 3 or 4 lines of etorm sewer that d�a�,z� �the Zce �ene pxoperty and the cost ahould be paesed on to the County. 1�OTION by Councilman Samuelson to awaxd the Street Improvement Project St. 1968-18 and St. 1968-2B to Dunkle� Surfacing Company, 3756 Grand Stxeet Nor�heast, in the amount of $302,070.05 aubject to County a.nd State parti- Ca.�tion in axeas where applicable. Councilma.n Harris secoz�ded the mation. Caurlcilman L�.eb� added that we request the Coun�y to p�ck up the difference betweex� the �Q' axld 4$" atreet. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayo� ���khau� dee].ared the motion caxried. CQMMUNICATIONS: Mayo� Kirkha.m read a thank you note from Mise Leslie Hansen, 5809 Tennisox� D:c�.ve, thanking the Mayor and the City Council for her Certificate of Aahisvement. MO'.['IQN by Councilman Samuelson to receive the communication. Seco�,ded by Cquncilman Haxris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham dec].a�7ced the tnotion caxxied. � e ��- i ��+ MQTION by Councilman Samuelson to adjourn the Regular Council Meetit� o� 1Tune �.7, 1968. Motion seconded and upon a voice vote, all voti.n� aye, Ma,yor Kirkham declared the Meeting adjourned at 11:50 P.M. fte��actfully aubm�tted, C���� � Jus1 Mexaer S�a�e��y �to the Cauncil Jack 0. Kirkham Mayor � , ,'� �I , ' ' ' � , ' ' ' , ' � ' ' , . � c.,,�, i , : , / . '�_._/ .. � ` . • ' - ` -MLS. Afon � /n6I • ' � . On J/in! d CMr�f. /•f2 v� 1 .�_ . . �E,v1fR �LI.f L.�� ��•n in 51.�l�//r _ ' S£C J4 --- -' ' - ' . • ...,�•�� " _ � -- - ---•-- - - _ _ ._�_-� _._ : �,� �'�;�!: ,1 ,:, ?5' �� -�� �I� � . 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V\ ` , � � ' '� � �� � � � �. y I �� y _ /� _- . /l���1- �� 'ti. � � _-�- ---'-•' � � I.. .� � ^S.r.antunA , �.a.1..,JO.J��ii° ._..:,� t�: I � 1_ .:�,: - --- - � =r- _ ��� �» �- - -t t �.=-�n_. �_- _ � _ �.;.i'.,, t -�—. . _j_r , .'.v.•r.-�":"'� ��'�`f-7� _-_ -.-�-.-__'---- :rs: �./.ce�/ . �" ,� V \` � //4FG�lI�i7,YER ---'r--'D _ .::. , " � S£G34 ' —, �.� i ;" . - �ML.S. .iJun. �/On/ �-�� /i!p/ot:1 o1J i ✓f . _ � � • / .t/..i �Ao// . ' . ... � � . . . . 1 ��_..... : � � � � � 30 ; 1 . . .. y � � � ORDINANCE NO. . . . � ' AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND TH� CITY CODE OF THE ' CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA BY MAKING A . � . CHANGE IN ZONING DISTRICTS ' � The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows:- �. _ . SECTION 1. Appendix D of the City Code of Fridley is amended as • , � herei.nafter indicated. . . . . SECTION 2. The tract�or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and described as: � , Lot 11 Block 1 Moore Lake Highlands, 3rd Addition , � Tying in the South Half (S2) of Section 13, T-30, . ' � x-24, � City of F`ridley, County of Anoka., State of : . Minnesota. ' - ; Is hereby designated to be in the Zoned District ka.owri as CR-1 (clinics and allied laboratories � . _ district.) . . � � . ' SECTION 3. That the Zoning Administrator is directed.to change • the official zoning map tb show said tract or area from � �zoned district R-2 (limited multiple family district� '- � to CR-1 (clinics and allied laboratories district). ' ' �PASSID BY THE CITY COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS � � ' DAY OF , 1968. � � , : - - � - - ' . . ._ .. ._ . � MAYOR Jack 0. Kirkha.m � ATTEST: - ' . _ .. � ' CITY CLERK Ma.rvin C. Brunsell � . ' - blic Heari. : June 10 96 � � • Pu ng . _ First Reading: "� • • ' ' ' " Second Reading: � - - � . Publish.. ... ' ._ ' . . . _._� _ ____- ---- - .� � � � i -� � , oxvr;v�T;cr: �10.� _ ,��,� _,_ AN ORD I NANCE 1'0 AP,IEND Tf IE C 1 TY CODE O1� Tf IE C I TY O1� FRIllLEY, R�IINNESOT�'� �?i i4'��,'�T;�I� ,� ^'l �.A.; �'�� ip�J ZONING DISTRICTS � The Cauncil of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: ,' ' ' � ' , SECTION 1. Appendix D of the Ci.ty Code of Fridley is amended as hereinafter indicated. SECTION 2. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley presently zonecl C-1S (local shopping center district) and described as Pzrcel #1: All that part of Block 22, Fridley F'ark together with the vacated alley and Olive Street that is not no�v zoned � R-3 and that lies North of a line drawn at right angles to East River P.oad and 362 + f:eet �Vorth o� the South line of Block 22 as measured along t?ze West right of way line of East River F'.oad, Is hereby designated to be in tlle zoning district R-3A(apartment and multiple dwelling district). SECTION 3. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the ' Gity of Fridley presently zoned R-3 (general r�ultiple dwelling district)and described as Parcel #lA: , All that part of vacated Olive Street that lies adjacent to and {Vest of Block 22, Fridley Park Addition generally described as follo���s: .4 strip of land approximately S feet �vide and ���:� i�e� � l�n� t}irit ' lies adjacent to and IVest oi the centerline of vacated Olive Street and between the South line of Block 22, Fridley Park and a line located a��roximately 323 ' feet North of said South line of Blo�k �' a� meas�;c-��a parallel to the west line of East River Road. Is hereby designated to be in the zoning district C-1S (local shopping center district), ' SECTTOV 4. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and th� City of Fridley presently zoned R-1 (single £amily dwelling district) and described as Parcel �2: i � All of Block 23 together with the vacated River Street lyirig adj acent to and F.ast of said Block 23, Fr�idley Park Addition, , Is hereby designated to be in the zoning district R-3A (apartment and multiple d�velling district). �� � -' --- - -_ _ _ _- - -_ --- _ _ ___ _ _ -- _ _ , Oxd. No, Fti�s�h ��as, Properties ��. S��TI�N 5. The tract �r area tivithi�i the County of Anoka and the �i�v of Fridley presently zoned R-1 (single family dw�ll�ng district) and described as Parcel #3: All that part of Lots 7 and 9 Au��s Sub • . , division No. 23 that lies between the North line of Fridley Park Addition and a line dY•awn parallel to and 106.51 fe�t Southeasterly of the Northw�sterly line of said Lots 7 and 9 and bounded by the East River Road on �h� East and by the Mississippi River on the West, Is hereby designated to be in the zoning district R-3A (apartment and multiple dwelling district). All lying in the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) vf Sectioii 15, T-30 R-24, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. SECTION 6. The Zoning Administrator is directed to change the official zoning map to indicate the above zoning changes. PASSED BY TFiE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 17� DAY OF .�NE ATTEST: CI Y CL�RK Marvin C. Brunsell Public Hearing: May 13, 1968 First Reading : ,Tune 17. 1968 Second Reading :��,,, �, � y` g Publish ....... T'- , 1968. MAYOR Jac 0. Kir am � ' � ' ' � ' _ _ _ ___ ----- - - - ORDINANCE N0, J �' �o AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 12.07 OF THE CITX CHARTER TO VACAT� STREETS AND ALL�XS AND TO AMEND APPENAIX C OF THE CITY CODE. The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. For the vacation of the street described as fallows: All that part of the thirty foot (30') street ' along the North side of Fridley Park Addition between East River Road and the Miasissippi River, i � � � � i� �� ' ' � i ' ' All lying in the North Half (N�) of 3ection 15, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota, be and ia hereby vacated, except that the City of Fridley retain an easement for drainage and utility purposes over the portion of the street herein deacribed and vacated. SECTION 2. The said vacation has been made in conformance wi,th Minnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C af C�ty Code ahall be so amended. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCII, OF TI� CITY OF FRIDLEX, THIS f� ��� AAY OP , 1968. AT�'EST : CITY CI.�RK �'1,asvin C. Brunsell Public Hea�in�: �M�av j,�,�, 1968 F�r�t Reading: 3scond Reading: ��� Publish . . . : MAYOR Jack 0. Kirkham .� � ,� - 1 � U � ' � J � � � ��D�N�cE �oa .� �'9% i AN Q�il?T,N�lNCE R�GULATING AND CONTROLLING THE GRO�WTH OF WEEDS, GRASS, BRUSH AND U'�iiEl� R.ANI�� POISONOUS OR HARMFUL VEGETATION IN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA Th� City CounCil of the City of Fridley does ordain as follows: Section 1. Cu_tting and Removal of Grass, Weeds and Other Rank, Poisonous or Harmful Vegetation. It shall be unlawful for any owner, lesse� o�' occupant, or any agent, servant, representative or employee of any suGk� owner, lessee or occupant having control of any occupied or unoccupied lot Q� �.�nd c1r any part thereof in the City of Fridley to permit or maintain on any 1At Qx l�nd any growth of weeds, grass, brush or other rank vegetation to a ��'�$���' h�ight than ten (10) inches on the average, or any accumulation of dead W��ds, gr�ss or brush. It shall also be unlawful for any such person or persons �o C�use, suffer or allow poison ivy, ragweed or other poisonous plants, or p��nts detrxmeratal to �a�alth to grow on any such lot or land in such manner that ��y part o� such ivy, ragweed, or other poisonous or harmful weed shall extend apcin, overhang or border any public place or allow to seed, pollen or other poisq�ous parti.cles or emanations therefrom to be carried through the air into any publ�c place. Section 2. Duty of Owner, Lessee or Occupant. It shall be the duty of any owner, lessee or occupant of any lot or land to cut and remove � o� cause to be cut and removed all such weeds, grass, brush or oeher rank poisonous or k�armful vegetation as often as may be necessary to comply with the provisions of Section 1; provided that cutting and removing such weeds, grass and vegetation � at least once in every three weeks, between May 15 and September 15 shall be deemed to be a compliance with this ordinance. � Section 3. When City to do Work. If the provision of the foregoing sections are not complied with the City We�d Inspector or Police Department shall serve written notice upon the owner, lessee or occupan� or any person having the care or control of any such lot or land to comply with � the provisions of this ordinance. If the person upon whom the notice is served fai.ls, neglects or refuses to cut and remove or to cause to be cut after date o£ such notice, or if no person can be found in the City of Fridley who either is or ' claims to be the owner of such lot or land, or who either represents or claims to represent such owner, the City Weed Inspector shall cause such weeds, grass, brush and other vegetation on such lot or land to be cut and removed and the actual cost ' of such cutting and removal, plus up to 25 per cent for inspection and other additional costs in connection therewith, shall be certified by the City to the Anoka County and shall thereupon become and be a lien upon the property on which such weeds, grass, brush and other vegetation were located and shall be added to � and become and form part of the taxes next to be assessed and levied upon such lot or land and shall bear interest at the same rate as taxes and shall be co].lected and enforced bq the same officer and in the same manner as taxes. � � � Section G. Penalty. Any person who shall neglect to cut and remove weeds, grass, brush or other vegetation as directed in thia ordin�t�ce, . or who shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with the provisions of any notice herein provided or who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance or who 34. � ____ _ - --- ___ - - _ - _----- - , O�DINANCE NO. 3 / (Continued) � � � � � � �ha�.�. r�sist or obstruct City of Fridley employees or contractor engaged for w��d and grass mowing or his employees in the cutting and removal of weeds, grass, br�tsh and ather vegetation, shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of no[ cqore than $100.00 and each day on which such violation continues shall constitut� � separate oftense. S�ct_ ion 5; Definition. The word "perso n" as used in this ordinance sha11 mean and include one or more persons of either sex, natural p�rsan�, corporations, partnerships, associations, joint stock companies, societies and �1�. other entities of any kind capable of being sued. Section 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, THIS �_"'bAY OF � , 1968. � � ATTEST: � � CITY CLERK, Marvin C. Brunsell . First Reading: ' Second Reading: Published: � � � � June 17, 1968 ��� / i �y� � MAYOR, Jack 0. Kirkham �� � � -------- ' , --� �,�:"(�l—AVE------N� c� -- �--�—`-_.!'�_--�-----------��-- � • �J r-- Q v Q '�_`_ T H —_ � ? . �,'1 P�AC� _ � ` - - �c- �' -.--�- -� \.�.\` -T � ; \ \ I\ , �.) . . ` \ \ � � \- '' \��� , �\ ' i ��� '�.\ `.\ �� \ j, �. � \�. . , - _ ___-�-_ ' —.• __ ------ I a:� t T;. �. ..I_". ! F_ , _� R� , --,--^-- ----� � �`t. � �° . , m� } t �_� C_ M��___--- ------ '�J l �-___-- - -- -_� � � �--- =-- -- �--- __ � : � �_;,__----- " r----.� _,_ .._ ._ : �.,1.� � (�-�--.- ,�? !� �; ;� j T I ' } i� i ! 1; � ��. , i ., .1 :���� �; ' '� � ` I ! 1 I � `, �; �4 .; ��I 1: �� �E; � � �; . � � � r�__ NoI:��A� �.: v�"tiFi � G O x 2'� O � ,-------�. � . ____ ; �_.�_ 4 ----- —�- � �_ �__� � i r 'T � � ; �1 � � ;; � �� ; � � 1 I. I �' ' f ��' , `j;� � '� i ' i �,� i ��1 ;�' ;� 'Ii t' `!� i ► �1T V � � �.. ,\: , ` �,...r. — _— __- _— -` _ _ _-_ ' , T- \ �� �• � .\ �� • �.� . ' . c� . _+ — � °—.__.-.� ' -�� __._ . —� _' _...�', \ . ' '�� r�� �� �: �`� . . .�- • r . . ' W �S . . � �;_ .� . � j;' . ' 3� i�� ?' � � , ��., i�, I i 1 � �;', a-:ctc ; � , 4�.'� �:� i� �,. . �____-! } � ; ��— --5 ��'' --'�-' _. r � + ; � t. j • � � ; � �: � ._. . ^� - �J L�_..J --- �7T" t_ � —;� � ` ,\ .�. ,\ � � �OU�;t� l.At,�E ��� F� ► � h ��.�,� , .__�..�..._._..._ � . ^ __......_ --_-' �, F�`��' ��bU h5 :. A`�`• ^_ �1 P � �. � N_v r � - , --- — �, �.,�,.�,,..- � •-,----� \, � ;-�- -- --- � _ , � , ' � � � � � � ' � ' � � � F1A�,{,�„� �(M'�T�� .JU9TER, FORSBER'G AND FEIKEMA � ^k� � y/,/'/`�jy" ��-�r+ Y+iY" /.; � � �`� . `��`ii+.^*� � � Mp �l.��y t .ri ' � �.1. M DqyP4�AM MA�►.�, W�`M9+M �MI�M �.�An��a r, ,�aarcw TMI4MI�� �� pppp6RR47 NCN�� M� FL!KFMA 11RINA�1.11 I�� h1A/KYIT$ ;�, �ymond Sheridan 1391 Northeast Hill Wind Road F�'�d].sy, Minnesota 55421 3?e�� Ray: !� j�� ; �< .� ,1 P+ � {b y' . �/�' ,� �`� r :� �` % Y✓ CL �/... s.a. _sa ��r O i' {�- � _ IOSO Bl11LOER5 E%CHANGE BLDG.. MINNEAROl16, MINNEBOTA �r6A(�,a PM ON E 339•l4� 1• O FFi C E6 IN: O a BEO. CQ ON pApIDO, FRID4�RY Ju�e 19, 1968 � Re: City of Fridley - Request by Max Salitsrman for a Vari�naa M�x S�1a.terman and myself appeared at the Council meeting on June 17. Xvu We�s I�ot presen�. I tried to present the request to the other membe�s �rs$er�t. In deference to the fact that you are Councilman for the S�cond W�7rd �'he mat�er was passed to the next meeting on July �. I advised the l�yo�' Chat iz� the interim I would get in touch with you and explain oux' posiCioz�. T am doing it by this letter, I am going tq bs ouC vf �h� Ci.ty or� Yacation during most of July and will not be available July 1. Mx`� Salit�rman is asking for variances particularly for the sidewalks along Rice Cxee�k Road through his property and to waive the 80 �oot setback Co 20 f�e� so Cl�a� a restaurant chain may be located north of Ric� Creek RAad �t�d wea� c�� Che �rontage road on Highway 65. He feels that at ths �ime h� dediea�Ced th� road that the construction of sidewalks alor�g the road W&s ApC Co�temp�.�ted �nd that the sidewalks would not have economic use, would tAk� away ��i��C�ng parking spaces in his shopping center and tha� sidew�lks ici Ch� �ho�p�n� est��er aze better located near the store fronts. On�,y you �nd ���" �YQ�: �a�� K�rkham, were on the Council at the time tk�e road wa� ded�.cated. Xc�u W��,1 ��em�mb�x that Che road dedication was something that M�, �aa�.iCerm�� did with xeluctar�ce as he had access from Old Central as we11 as f�am HighWAj� N+�e 6� to his ��pppixa� ceneer and thought there was no particu].ar z�ee�d p� k}+AY�,T►g ���w xoad �croas the center o£ his property. He did acced� Cp Ch� QQµi�Ci��11 W�.B'��&. H� also gave another parcel of land so Chak a�qthsz' Ci�y .� �% Mr. Raymond Sheridan � ' nurye 2 0 June 19, �9v.� ��� 1 �t�CeAC Gou1d be completed and run into tlle new Rice Creek Road� PzrC ox C�].s xo8�d was paid from gas tax funds, bu� a loolc ar the City records wi.11 ihqw �h�� t11e pqrtion NIz. Saliterman was assessed for is liish anc] L'lic ruad , parh�ps a.s �s expensive a road as ttlere is in the City. Tlie first ap��cal t��n �9 ,just to fair play and for the City to give some recog��ition to tiie �canS�.de�ation that Mr. Saliterman has furnished. He would prefer to not have to put in sidewalks along the frontage street, but he is aware tliat / tha,s g�esents a di�ferent problem in that it is sqmething tha� the CiCy Tnigh� have required regardless of what he did on the road dedication. Ii� Wauld like to have the proposed restaurant within 20 feet of that irontslsC ' �'oad but is willin� to live up to the 80 foot setback if that is s��n;��thinE Chc� Clty a.s ad�tYtan� on. He has no problems with the requircmenC ol Cli� City as to green azeas and the tree planting. This is som�thing thaz hc 1 WGUId w�C�t ko dq �or �he shopping center in any event. The restaura�t chai.tl i� a sucaess�u� ane. They have been lessees in his St. Anthony Vi.l.lage Shcappi.ng Center for eight:years. The company is anxious to proceed wi�h aonstructxon at once, Mr, Saliterman feels that the restaurant wi7.1 make � a substantial con�ribution to the City. � � � � , , �J ,- �'ox the CiCy to literally apply its Code as to the setback and the sidewalke �101�g Ri..�e Cx'eek Road through the shopping center appears to me CQ �orge� that Chi$ parcel was originally presented by Mr. Salxterman as a sin��e S'hoppi.ng cen�ex� and is not comparable to any of the other shopping a�Qas i�1 �he City. I had a very pleasant converation and dialogue with the Coun�il c�ri ,Tune 17. Councilman Harris reported that Holly Shopping Center was agxe�- &ble ta tha sidewalk in front of their property along Mississippi $treet, � dp z�oC th�,nk �his is an exact comparable situation since the Ho�.�y Shopp�,t�� Center nevex e�ctended across Mississippi Street. �'urther, we should under- 9�a�d thaC M�.ssis&ippi Street is being improved as a County road and th�� the�T�oll� ShQpping, Genter �s not.paying for even one side of the cost o� C��� i�mp�c�vec�t��i�. The assessment that it may get foz curb and sidewalk will bs m�.n,im�1 to �he general improvement to the shopping area, Mr. 5�1�.te�nar�� Qn, �he other hand, ha� substantially paid for both sides o£ the road and th� Cuxb a�nd i,� �aGt has allowed a public road to be built on his dedicated �abe- ment throu�h hi�s shopping center. T�1�iz'e �te Cwa r�aspns why he does now want the new restaurant sou�h of ��,ce Cx'��k Rpad. The first reason is that the company has selected th� propost�d a�.t�, Secondly, he does not want to make changes in the area south of Che �oad uc��i.], he has eome to some full and complete conclusion as to the natux'e Q� �hc� bui.ldi�ngs and the tenants that he will have sou�h of Rice Gx��� �p�,d, A sh4pp�.ng cent�r is a big investment, It has always seemed to m� that Che oW�a�x �� a shopping center should have some affizmaCive, s�rpng x�igl�t� CO ' do 1��� s�w� planniz�g. He is the one that ia in competition and h�s to meeC � , Mr. Raymond Sheridan �ao` � _ �� � June i9 , _ .',.� ��� damand� o� the market place. H�s insistance that the sidewallcs he shou�.d �i#��' �'A� shou�d b� in =ront of his si�op windows appears to me quite consistcnC �'��� fi�►� Y�-�w Cha� you and the other members of the Council had when you puk fihQ 8�,�ieWalk in front of the City Hall deciding that was a more appropriaCG F���►� Ch6�nt �f it were located off next to the curb on 64th Avenue. Shouldt��t �3m ktaVO �11e sams di,scxetion? ��4m ��tidi.ng a copy of this letter to Mr. Homer Ankrum so that he may pass �� OTl �0 Che othex members of the Council if he thinks it is necessary. Yours truly, W�/a� 4a1 Mr, Homer Ankrum C�,ty Manager Ci.ty o� Fxidley 6431 University Avenue Northeast Frldley, Mi�nnesota 55421 Mr� Max Saliterman 2S [Tniversi�y Avenue Southeast Micltleapoli.s, Mi�nesota M�'. .Jack Conant 616 Clinton Street �,aCrQ�ae, Wisconsi.z� 0 Wyman Smith s � : � . .� , I . , '. : � . ___ �� 40 i � `� �� , . ' j _ � �tic�.•� �-- _ �--- __� � - �- � 'r' - -- - ,._�_---�- ,� , . ��',.' . _.. __ _� _ _ � %�'O� /� ��{ � �-t ' J s�, 1'`�� -.� � • _ a� � � �_�,_`_ l . � �� ?s` v _._ ;��� - , � t1e � . . __..,,� -.....�..._.. ,..,..,.�,r.�1,.��._ ....-_ ''�.�_.J �, � - _ ._...�.._._�: . :. ,-; . _ �, , -.�, �_ `_ �_'``V _ j ; -- - ---_ _ � ' . . _ � f ^ :'� - ----- - --- -- - . . _ _ _ - _ . . 1 . . - ; � ' . `• � . ' . '\ t . �c � . - _ y ' �, i�y� _ �' , =;. �'� c. � � �7 � t �j._` i't� ��� . ' - �� / i � �t. _ '- ' ' - ` � • _r ' y ,i�n/ �) . ��}� �� ��� . _ _ _ _ _' t�;1s � . .�. .- , ,r�, \ � �-' ��� = '' ,_ _. �- ' — : �. . , �� �.: - : �.. �- . .; � a ' ' �- . �..► � � � . . . `./ . . � ' . � � ��Q`-� . � ` 4. . . � �. � . . . . " . . ' .�, 4 . � .... .. . _ . ; . _ . _ _._ .: _ . _ _ :_ . . � _ . . - -_ _- � ` - c ^, .: _ ___ . __ 'a.. - - - dS i � �� a :. r__i ' .__ v, ' '.'r� s �`- + ' � " .;, <�� , � � `� � � , ' . - I � .� a � ,;'-J J '; ��� ; ��.� . L2G � ���� ' .. ,,�,.�-. rY,�, � / �, � - ,� , t� � : , , . �� . ' ' ( i 11 / � � � .'� S � � ; �� ' � _ _ � . \� � } : . _ . .. . � t � f �i f . , , r . ,� / � �`��i. . . . . � . . . � � . . � +` _ _ ^ . . ♦ . . _. - + ! . �. . ` . ._ � � . 1 _ '` �-'L�' ,•_ '-1 : u�� J \` � t � i �� _.3 a ` . . _ , . • ' . T .` ' ( G / a /� � -� � ,� � 1. . � � . � �: � i . � . _ . 11 � _�.��._ 5� . - ' -�____ -- - , � -I . (% ` �� �` � , . � , � . , ? � i' - _' �' � ` . � . Y4� _ ' � j'_' ,- - ' ,_.�_ _ . .�. : . � �" �, . �� . _�� �1�_.;: _-�_ � . o� _ _ P�.. � ,.� � � ,� �____ � = �-_ -- _ _ - �r `�� ? `� • N � � � ' S' � c�s.. G i d _l� __/_ � �- -- - - ---- - - -_� ---. _ - - - � --- -- -- _ .____ __ _.. .__-- -_. _ _ ...___ ___._ � �.� ._�. .....� _ .. .- . . .rl r, � t . �l.f� . �� 1 " � r�, ' ; � _ . � _ _ . � � \ � � ; . _ `-.:� �_� ) � _---- � _ ,. __- ;; ♦ .,C_ � y l+�' . ��1 __... �-_:'' ___ ,i .`_ �,.._ 1--- n.} ..� ; _ . � �`,, . __ . � - .T.__. . - . �• . . , • - - - . 1 � � 6 � 5 �� ��' � �Y r ` � ✓ . /``jt C`� /� �� 1� �" C'� f\ h.t v S � r� / � I � I �j/� O � G� �'' - _ . � V � . _ . .,<<- . . ) .) /_ � ^ � � --- 1 1 1 � � , i � , , , � � � r � , OFFICIAL NOTICE CTTY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL TO WNQM I'T MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there w�ll be a public hearing of the City Council of the City Af Fr3�d1�y in th� City Hall at 6431 University Avenue N.�. an August 12, 1968 in the Council Chamber at �:QQ P.N�, for th� purpQSe of: The vacation (SAV #68-03) af all that - part of a utility and d�a�nage ease- ment described as £ollows; The Easterly two feet (2') of the Westerly five feet (S') of the Southerly £ifteen feet (1S') of the Northerly twenty feet (24') p� Lot 22A, Block 1, Lyndale Build�r� 4th Addition, and lying in the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 23, T-30, R-24, Gity of Fra.dley, �pun'�y of Anoka, State of Minnesp�a. Generally located at 521 54th Avenu� Northeast. Anyone desiring to be heard with r�fe�'enc� �p �h� above matter may be heard at this time. Publi�h. July 24, 1948 July 31, 1968 JACK 0. K�RKI-iAM MAYOR 41 � , ' � � � , � �J , ' , , L! CITY OF FR.IDLS'Y PRIMARY & �3ENERAL ELECTION SeF•tember 10, 1968 & November 5, 1968 Telephanea: City Hall: 560-3450 city �ttorn.T: 560-38�0 PRECINCT CHECK LIST BS�'Q� OFFN�(4 THE POLL3 - - - - - - - (1) Pxec�a� judgea rnuat report to the proper polling place by 6:30 a.s�. (2 ) The lsx rsquirss the fla.g of the United Statea to be displsy�ed at e�,cb �l�ce xhile the polla are open, either inaide or aut. Be ce�t��.n the flag ia disp2i.yed. i3) P�t �Qticea ind sample ballots in a conspicuaus place. (�) �'3�1►c0 $lectronia Vots Record�sr which containa actual bsllots in es�ch boQt,h� and connect lighta. Check Voting Mschi:us to be sur� you hay the CQ�'+�Ct an�s for paur precinct. e� (5) �a• the de�KOnetration 9oting �Ischin� on a tsbl� at a convenient p1�cs ns�x� �h* box oi rsgiatrstion csrda. Pla�cs the Saw�pls ballot cirds (r�d) x�.t,h the deaonatration maahine. (6) Ba�.lot B�� �ust be publicly opened and all p4pers or ballote found thsreia sha11 be destroysd. Close and lock ballot boz with padlock furnl.'hsd. (?) C#�ok auppliea l.iat to bs aure yau have ererpthiag to properly conduct the �leatica. (8) Ch�ck the 1p�st ind higheat nu�ebere oP the regular ballot carda (muiila) to be certs.ia theT ehedc �rith ths nwebera ahoxn oa the . receipt. (9) Uaing � s�uapls ballot card, check each machins b� pluiching e�ery ' svsilable positio�. Remove ballot card, and check that the positiona A'�moh�a� sxe the aame as thoae listed on the ballot psge�. � �� r i (10� C�+p1�#,� Cejc�titicst� oi Preparation Por Oeneral Slection. (11) Fa17.� �ure ened fro�a 7s00 l.M. snd cloes at 8:00 P.M. Illl, paters in 21_n� at�s 00 P.1+I, ahould b� giveti aA opporturait� to �Qte. �.� � � r -, il I� PRBC�NCT CHBCK LIST --- PAC�E 2 DtJ�N� TE� AiAY w - - - - - - - - (1) �#� �,+� pot�r aign the white c��tificatm. (�) �, ��h�ajc the aignatnre and address againat the ragistration card. t `�,�� �at �a . AI T lT��"� � � ' , � , � ' ' LJ , , ' ' ' b - �� #�bs regiatration card. �- F��,s �ths �hite certificate behind registration card� in back ��'�ls drs�rer or in l.args envelope ba�. i3) �+1� 9a�t��r should be aaked if h� xauld like � d�aonstration of the VQtr�' M�.�hine. 'Ptioee �o hsve not used the $leatronic Voting M�chinea �e� � gi� instn�ction Ta�1'�o�rmd to p�unch s d�aonatration csrd tt��aelv�e�. (�t) Ue� ths fat�r�oint dedeonatrations (a� Tmaert card xith both hande. Push all the xs4y down and place hol�� avpr tiu txo rsd pir�. (dsmonatrats) ('�� �ch thraugh �he card and punch atraight up aad daim. (ds�onatr�te) (�) �$er� yoa try it.N Tncaurage the �oter to punch s hol� or txo. (d) "Rw�e�t�e card xh�n Yiniah�d, ch�ck the back aid� for an4 hanging panal�sa� pl.ice in the envslops, and give to bsllot boz j�dge.N (�) �'�,~io� to giving ths �oter. the ballat card, reraove the mnsll nunbered ��uia �d atapl� it to the votsr's certificate. (�a) 'F��eaA th� �ot,mr returaa �ia enve].ope and voted .card to the bsllot �ox �+dgl� check h� nams and re�on tha lsrge m�tbered stnb and atapl� �,� tc� the vate��a certificate. (Both s�t,ubs on a gi�n cmrtificst� �,�� t�ax 'tt�a �s�s rn�ber). Drop the envelopa xith the vot�d cax�d �t,� th� ba�.lot box in the �oter� s prasence. (7) �p9il� 8�llots ahould bs r�tarn�d in the en�elope to the judgea b� '�k�� votsr. The correst amsll atnb ie then renio�ed irae the Csrtifi- �at� ot Registered Voteac an� atspled to the ballot eat+elope xhile th� b�7,.1pt ia stiZl encloasd. Plac� the apoiled ballot xith the atnba ud b�t111lt ea��slop+ in large e�elope marked �oiled Ballote. Iaaue Vol�x mrM 'ba,a.lot �ard and envelope snd place neK sma3T� af,u on �oters cert�.�'i-� C��! ��' Ab�u�`� a�l].ot,� ..... Cheak vot,er z�sgiatr�tion a,e aooa a� poasib�Q. p�ei `��► en�v�elopea and plaae ballot in baac at 8 s 00 P.l�i. (9� ��l� �� Voti.ng Mt�hi.n�a hau�� �uring ths day ior openbility �und �47�p1�#�r�ea. R�move amr ea�paign materisl fraw bootha. ��.�� C�l ��� 2: 00 P.M. and 6s 00 P.M. giring the ��r ,►otea ,�a r�q�ts�t� ar�qr ad�ditional aupplies. 4�� , ' ' � , PR�C�CT �ilil�X LI3T - - - - PAGE 3 �L06�4 � PO�,LS - , - - - - - - - - - (1� �� rot.�TS in line at 8t00 P.M. ahould'bs given an opportunitq to vots. (2� R�tcrn Voting I�chinea from voting booths a.nci plscs in thsir boous. ( 3) Og�n th� bsllot box ai.nd reanove ths ballot carda xnd ernrolopes . ' (�t� �3�t t�►i bal�ot carda� WhiZe still in th�ir envelopea� in graups o! ;�Of �'h! tottl rnua'ber must be the same us the rnimber oi �oter c�rti- �'���t�r4. � ' ' ' ' ' , , � L__J (�� ��kii�g th� firat granp of 50� remove the cirda iraa the env�slopea, t�d c�tt�eck th� en�elopes for r�rite-in votea. (d) ��' ther� are no s+x�ite-in votsa, place the carda in one pile snd tl�s �nvelopes in another. f7) �'�' t�ha�� snrelop�a that hsve Writ�-ias, check the ballot csrd to 1Mi ��t there is no punch for that office. If this ia corrsct, t�h� ballqt card nsy bs placsd with the other good ballot csrds a�ad �1�! A��lape aet aeide to be count,�d when the carde ars couated. �,� � voter haa xritten in s name and punched on�e of the candidate� ti�s Tote for thia otfice doea nat count. Likexiae if the toter ��a� �'or moret than oru candidate. (8) R�ove ths sbaentee bsllots fram the loallot bca� and count th� sbaen�es b�llo#�a with ths laat �pila of cards. (9) R��ia�uat �ach bundle, tiha jndgaa changir�g o�i reading and r�cordiag. (10) �o�epl�te ths Bsllo� Re�turn Recsipt. (1�) �eou��f regudlsr voted bxllot carda xith rubberbanda and hea�r esrd- ba+�d pi�aea snd place in large euvelops narked "R�tura of Voted �3�,]At�e �►" (12) ��7. Q�een emvelap� an�� sign scrooa flap. (�.,�) P�t�t� up �7.1 anr eupplir�s snd rsturn to City Hall. Ths Yotit�g �i+�,at�ii�►�a �hanld be in �their esrdboard casea inaid�s ths bsl]Itt i.�� s.nd #�e ballot bao� shonld be locksd. Th• boot�hs and th� '�7.�.�►t box ehonld be tli� only citT equipment lett st the pr�cinat. ' P.9. �e who �Svs more thxi► iaur potiag Machines� bring the sxtrs one � �i'�jj►' �i��l. , a4t��t �'�g�t to caaplei;s and aign ywr tias she�t. , •r � ' ' ' ' �"o 0 ' From , Subj ect e Date FRIDLEY VOLUNTE:ER FI;RE DEPARTMENT' June 25, 1968 Honorable Mayor and City Council Robert So Hughes, Chief, Fridley Fire Department New Volunteer Firemen �une 25, 1968 The normal number of personnel in the Fire-Department is thirty sAx (36)o We have lo,st four (4) men from the Department in the last two yearso �"wo have moved.out of the city, one was unable to devote enough time to the Department due to,his employment and one was dropped from the Department while on probatson due. to lack of interest. 9 subm6t the follo�ing names for your approvala Ral�h Wo Messer, Haghway ##100, Fridley, Minnesota Walfor-d h10 Anderson, 36 m 70th Way. No Eo, Fr6dley, M,innesota Raymond Wagar, 1128-Qnondaga-Way.No:Eo_, Fridley, Minnesota �erry IFo Hsggins, 5�24 - 7th St, No -Eo Fredley,_ htinnesota �°he offecers er�terv�ewed the men and recommended them to'the members of the Department, °�he Department voted to accept them as members, It will be necessary for them to pass a physical examination and to sec-ve a six month probationary period; Respectfully submetted ���• Robert Se Hughes, ire Chief � j ' ��-=�-� ,�� ' � ' ' ' FI RE DEPART'MEN7 PAYROLL �,�,,,,,; �, D�s��mkaer 1�, 1967 th ro.ur�h June �25, ) 96$ Alarms Alarms prI l ls pri l ls *o�al A]arms .��~��-� OFFIC�fi,S C� S�+aSQ Cf ty•Time (� $4 50 (� $6 OQ � D�-i l ls A�nount Ju� � : ___ ��� Hughes, Robert 5� Olson, Ar�hur Bl�amst�r, L�Ray Aidrich: Rob�r� Ellfs, �dward P�k� � I.awr�n�� O��G�m, D�nni� LQngerbone► h��rle 93 206 1Q3 101 �� 1�� 173 199 .. 62 12 �6 1�2 14 13 14 $ 5 176 223 115 176 lOtl 161 1�0 211 5oz.5p i,QqS �4 517,5A 520.5p �t$OP 09 733,50 $5���Q �5S.5Q ' FIR�FI�HT�RS Alarms prt l ls C� 54�� 00 C� 4 OQ -�,�.��-- Andarsan, Ray ' And�rso�aF Rober1 B�kke, D�a 1 e ��fie�sy ,lam�s ' Gars�i gan, Don C�as�, Harry Chesney� Les � C1,ark, Qarral Froom, �cn Narstad, Gordon Kasiek, Ch�rles ' K�11y, Thomas Krcmcr, Richard l.a rson , Ga ry ' Lundgron, Arne Nors�an, pennis Paulson, A1 Sa�hs, Don 'S ar►d i n, W i i l i am Schr4d�1, l.ca Sil�[t�h, Arthur ' Simon�anp Mow�rd Vlger, R�tar Wai nha�nd 1 , Tvm 'Woiss� Cliff MasaerR Ratlph T'QTAI. ' � � � � °1^ ��i.�1;7• i�.�l� • �� i21 13�+ 154 196 � �z �z� 116 157 61 108 $7 99 1a3 164 127 36 61 1�8 1�9 116 7S �z2 l� � ,��.. lIF Y � } �+�s�ll� ■� 15 12 12 io � 5 ,4 15 6 ,9 lo 1� 10 13 1$ 13 20 13 i7 2 � � i36 137 �66 208 zoi 131 121 16� 72 123 93 116 122 174 143 8 46 74 173 65 202 136 88 139 1� � ����oa 548 a OQ 664opQ 832,00 �o�s , oc� 524>Q0 �+�4 0 00 6+44 o QO 28$�OQ 4g2°OQ 37� 0 0(1 �+66, OA �t$$ , QQ 696�0� �72�QQ �2�OQ 1$4�00 29��oQ 692o0Q 260aOQ sv�, oa ��±4 � OQ 352. � OQ S���OQ 56oQQ +� i�>OQ ( J 9 �1�'Ll,Ont 0a t►he ori�it�ua.t copies T showed Tom Weinhandl aa t�ving nt#,�t�ded � dr�,�.�.�� vtlereae he iaad aatuslly attended 17. Tl�e diff�r�nce bein� �.� dt'��.1l� �'� '�h� r�ta qt �4•OQ �er dri],1 � amounting to =6t?.9Q, �espact�.�,y y�r�v i • ,q� ' " Robert �. i#t�he• C !' w ' 1 , 4 `7 B`(TIL�ING �ST.A�ARDS-DESIGN � OI��'I'ROL SUBCOMM�TTEE MEETING MINUTES - JUI�E 19 � i 968 The Meeti.ng was called to order b.y Chairma.r� Erickson at 8013 P,Mo ' MEMBERS PRESEI�1'I': Ericksor9 Tonco, Dittes, Hauge MENIBERS ABSENTo Eierma.nn , 1. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FO�i CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION OF 28 81 SQUARE FEET TO THE EXISTII�G BiJII�DING QN PART OF I,OT 8 PARCEL 1300 AUDITOR o S SUBDIVISIOl�T # 99 ANCKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, TH� SAME BEING 80 44�' AVENUE N E FRIDLEY9 MIT�V�SOTAo (REQUEST BY MID-COIQ'I'INENT ENGINEII�ING, 80 44 AVENiTE , �TORTHEAST , FRIDI,EY 9 MII���ESOTA e ' ' �_� � Art Popehn and Ja.mes Crowley were at the Meeting representing Mid-Continento a. Trees to be mai.ratained along Main Street except those which are necessary for construction of �uildi.ng. 1Vo additional landscaping required except suriaces to be grassed in, not to be crushed roek. ,� G`� t�,.��' �;,,�.c�- ; �, .> � C � ` a.' � :i.� `,�: b. Co.ncrete block to be pai:nted. ' �Lf A� �CJ f y� • :r:` , �%�� � :` ` MOTICN by Tlittes to recommend approval of building permit with the above �'`'� ��� {� f �, stipulations. (���-°'�`�"°� 1�«��� � ���`�` - Seconded by Tonco. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motio.n carried unanimously. ' 2. HOJSE ON 4020 MAIN STREET, FRIDLE'Y, WHICH WAS GUTTID BY FIRE SOME TIl`1�iEE AGO ' 3. House to be inspected a,nd possibly condemned as a hazaz�dous dwelling and removal thereoi to be ardered. CAR WASH AT SUPER AMER.ICA STATION AT 7449 �ST RIVER ROAD, FRIDLEY, MINrTE�OTA Buildi.ng Inspector to write a letter asking for compliance with provisio.ns of the building permit. ADJOURI�IMEN'I' : The Meeting adjourned at 9:52 P,Mo Respectfull.y submitted, CARROI, HAUGE Acting Seeretar,y ' ' ' � -- , ' THE MI�I[TT�� C�' 'I'HE BOAR� OF A.P�EA,�S MEETING OF ��ZTi�TE 26, ��68 The Meeting was �alled to ord�z by Chai�m�,n. Ylinen. MEt�'�II�.S PR.ESEI�PI': Ylinen, Mittel�tadt, 0� B�.nron9 Ahonen ME'iKBERS ABSEN'I': Minish OTHERS PRE�II�I'I': John Breher 9 Bui�ding Offzcial MOTION by Mittelstadt to amerd the mi.r�utes of the June 12, 1�68 Boa�°d oi Appeal.� Meetin.g� Item 29 Paragraph 5, to read as .�ollows: MOTIOI� b,y Mittelstadt to a�cept the variance as the iaet the garage ar�d its lo�ation is existing, it does not obstruct traffic� and it is an improvement to the propert,y. 9 and to accept the reznainde� oi the minutes. � Seeo.nded b.y Ahonen. Upon a. voice vote9 there being no nays, the metion carried unanimousl,ye CJ � ' ' ' ' , �� , ' 10 REQUEST FOR A VkRIANCE OF SECTION 45,23 FOR RIDUCTION OF SID�Y9RDS FROM 10 FEET TO 6 FEET 7 INCHES AIV�J 7 FEET INCHES TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTIO�T 0�' A.N ADDITIQN TO THE EX.ISTING STRU�TURE ON LOT 22 BLOCK 22 HYDE PARK ADDIT�QN ANOKA COUNTY MINNESCTA THE SAl`� BEING 5825 �2 STREET NoEo, FRIDI,EY9 MINNESOTA R� l7EST BY �HARLES R LINDBERG9 5825 2� STREE'I' NoEo, FRIDLEY9 MINNESOTAa � Mro Cha,rles Li.ndberg spoke o.n his own behalf. MCTION b,y Mittelstadt to allow a 5°0'� setback on the �outh �ideyard and the .No:�th sideyard setb�.ck rema.in. the same as the exist�ng stru�ture, that N(r. I�indberg acquix°e a written relea�e from NLrs, Malm residing at 5821 22 Street ?�.Ea 9 for a eh�,nge in the sideya.rd setback from the proposed 7'5�9 to 5�0t° or the South lot linem Seconded by Ahoneno u.na.raimou� 1y . ADJ OURIVMENT : Upo.r� �, voice vote 9 there being .r_o nays , the motior car�°ied The Meeting ad,�ourned at 8:10 PeM, R.espectiully submitted9 John Breher Building Ofiicial � cV � i�� �� �� . �-`� ^���. ;, �ru�'` ��` `\ � � _ ENGINEERING DEPARTI�NT �, ' � �, City of F�idley � � \ � STREET IMPROVETIENT PROJECT ' � . � ST. 1968-10 (SEAL CQAT BIDS OPENED ON JUNE 26, 1968 AT 10•30 P M PLANHOLDER ABC Blacktap Co. '. 130$ N,�, Main Minneapolis, Minn. Allied Blacktop Go. 2900 14th �1ve . S . Minneagoli.s, Minn. ? Anderson A�gregate, Inc. '100 N. 7th St. MinneapoX�s, I��nn. � Vernon A. A�d��:son �lack� 372�+ Cal�ax Ave, S. top Co. � Minneapolis, Minn. S �itu�n�.nous Cons��. Co. 'S83$ Peax�or� Drive Minn�ap�lia, �13.nn,. ' Ba.tuminous RA�dways, Inc. 282$ La�n,�f���,4W AVe. rc�,�n�a�� � �� � ��.�� , � Comm�xci.�1 �Aggre$a�es� Inc. ��a3oo ���r► �v�, �. Oeseo, M�nn� � ,7ay W. Cr�i$ C�, 65o No. �m�xsor� �1v�, '_Lc���r�a��� r��.��, BID SECURITY I BASE BID � COMPLETZON pATE ��� �f t �Ll'� 4 �{� c� ,,,� y, �:�_ -� ���) l �' �- 'r � �- ' �' � t / �� `i QL� C �.� C' n�����y su�����.n� c4, �-��.� .�(�-�« 3756 �ax+�x�d a�x��t �?.�. � �')� � � Il. �; �� / `�4' �l �' ��/�S f � ;� �,� ,( � ,�t. � . i � �-f �` ���� ��� E�� �/ �� � � - n •�• g S� ��.� � �,y ° t- . °� c; ,�;, j- i � / �f �(' / � � ��(- i�', �>�� ' ' st, � T�o Q o �, fa7 (� &� C at) ' Sid Q��nin� Pag� �wQ ■ ��, �'%�A,NI�41�D�R �� n�nna�a�.rt ts.��a�s 'iopping c:o. � P.Q. �ox 2675 ' New A�ighto�, �inn. � Ci� �e ��'.�X'Q�"$al�� TI1C. Rt, 2� Bax 322 Ossso, Minn. _- � — , MadQl Rs�adways 30f�9 3l+th Ave . So . 1 M�.�neapvli.s, Minn. � No�th��x� A&phalt Const. Co. 1631 66th Ave. N.E. Fri�l�.ey, 1�Iinn. ._� _ . � . . - y NoXtlawes terz'� Ref ining Co . P.4, Dxawer 9 � St, Paul Park, Minn. J. L. Shi�ly Co. � 1101 Sx�el.li.ng Ave. N. St. Paul� Minn. _� ltay Sin� Contr. Co., Tnc. �o� ����t� ,���. r�.w. New B�'���1tPn� Minn. ' _s.� � - � � � ��� �u� � . ���- � �� r� �� � r ' � f�'`" � �'�3..� � � � � � . . ;� � � , .` � . � . BID SECURITY BASE BID COMPLETTON DA�E 1 �, (' �� �: _ � - �C�u �r� r.':.;..�% l� �� — l54 �( _ _ �' , � Y �`^r � , � ^� s~�r . � ,�' l ` , �� C l� ti�< )��r � / �� , l�- �i� �__>� �� �/ f �_� . ti� �� �� 0 : � 1' ' i ' � ' � � � � � u � � �I � � L� � . yC ,I RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTIOI� TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Fridley, as follows: 1. That it is in the interest of the City to award bid contracts for the following items or materials: ONE NEW 3/4 TON TRUCK WITH BOR 2. A copy of the specifications for the above described iteuts and materials, together with a proposal for Che method o� purchase and the payment thereof have been presented to the Council by the City Manager and the same are hereby approved and adopted as the plans and specifications, and the method of acquisition and payment to be required by the City with respect to the acquisition of said items and materials. 3. The purchase of said items and materials as described above shall be effected by sealed bids to be received and opened by the City of Fridley on the 17thday of July , 1968. T'he City Manager is directed and authozized to ad� vertise fox the purchase of said items and materials by aealed bid proposals under notice as prav�ded by law and the Charter of the City of Fridley, the notice to be sub- stantially in form as that shown by Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a p�rt of by reference. Said notice shall be published at least twice in the official newsp�pex of the City of Fridley. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CI COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRID� �• , LEY THIS _ i� DAY OF _ , 1968. A�TZ'ES�: CITX CI,EItK Marvin C. Brunsell � 0 MAYOR Jack 0. Ki�'khata r� 1 i ' •f �. ,. .� I� ' � C_J � i , CITY OF FRIDLEY BID NOTICE for 3/4 TON TRUCK WITH BOX EXHIBIT "A" �'he City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota will accept sealed bid$ on One (1) New 3/4 Ton Truck with Box on the 17th day of July 1968, until 11:30 A.M. on said date at the Fridley City Hall, 6431 University Avenue Northeast, Fridley, Minnesota 55421 (Tel: 560-3450). All bids musk a�ee� the minimum requirements of the specifications. Failure to comply with this section can result in disqualification of the bid. Each bid shall be accompanied by a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, Cash or Bid Bond and made payable without conditions to the City of Fridley, �'Iinnesota, in an amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the bid, which check, cash or bond shall be forfeited if bidder neglects or refuses to enter into Contract, after his bid has been accepted. The City reserves the right to accept the bid which is determined to be in the best interests of the City. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any informalities or technicalities in any bid re- ceived without explanation. � Tfie City Council also reserves the right to consider such factors as time of delivezy or performance, experience, responsibility of the bidder, past performance of similar types of items or materials, availability of pro- , ducta and other similar factors that it may determine to be in the best interest of the City. � I � , �� � , Copi,es o£ the specifications and general conditions may be examined in kh� � office pf the City Engineer-Director of Public Works, or copies may be ob• tained from his office. �l,11 bids taust be submitted in sealed envelopes and plainly marked on the �uc,�ia� with "3/4 TON TRUCK WITH BOX". • 0 Publisi�; July 3, 1968 July 1Q, 1968 0 HOMER R. ANKRUM City Manager , • ' . ) 'L. , � � � , ' , r � LJ � � � fiy� � RESOLUTION N0. 7 A RF�SOI,UTION ORD�ING PRELIMINARY PL11NS, SPECIFICIITIONS, AND �ST�MATES OF' THE COSTS THgtEOF' : STREET IMPROVII�NT PROJECT ��',1�68-1B (ADDENDUM�'4) �3� �T RESOLVID, by the Council of the City of Fridley as follow�: 1. That �t appears in the interest of the City and of the property pwner� aff�cted that there be constructed certain improveme.nts, to-wit: Street Improveme.nts, including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bitum- i.nous mat, concrete curb and gutter, water, and sa.nitary sewer services, storm sewer and other facilities, located as follows: (The petitions received and filed by the City for the improvements are i.ndicated opposite to the relative street.) r '? .�� Petition No. Horizon Drive from 53rd Ave.nue to Interstate 694 Service Road 15-19 8 Crown Road from Mai.n Street to Horizon Drive Ve.ntura Ave.nue from Main Street to Horizon Drive �5�1968 2. That the City Engineer-Director of Public Works, Nasim M. Qureshi, is hereby authorized and directed to draw the preliminary plans and apecifications and to tabulate the results of his estimates of tYae costs of said improvements, including every item of cost ixom inception to completion and all fees and expenses incurred (or to be i.ncurred� in connection therewith, or the financing thereof, and to make a preliminary report of his findings, stating therein whether said improvements are feasible and whether they can best be ma.de aa proposed, or in connection with some other improvements �an�i the estimated cost as recommended),including also a description o#' the lands or area as may receiye benefits therefrom and as ma,y be proposed to be assessed. 3. That the City Clerk shall act to ascertain the name and address o�' the owner of each parcel of land directly affected or within the a,r�a of lands as may be proposed to be assessed for said improvements ��xtd each of them�; and upon receipt from said E�gineers of the said preliminary report, calculate estimates of assessments as may be proposed relative thereto against each of said lands. it}. Tha� saicl preliminary report of the Engineers and estimate� oi assessments of the Clerk, shall be furnished to the�Council, and m�,d� available for inspection to the owner of any parcel of ].an,d a� ul&y , be affected thereby at any public hearing held relative thereto, as we1� as at any prior time reasonable and convenient. � ' A.DOPTEp BY THF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS %�� . �... DAY OF , 1968. A'T"�'EST : � J'aok 0. Kirkham .� « �� �. _ � .�......r:-- . � � � 1, 1 � � �� ,�y RESOLUTION NO �� �1 R�SOI.UTION RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REFORT AND CALLING A PUBL�C HEARTNG ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS STREET II�ROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1968-1B (ADDENDIIM ��4) WHEREAS, the construction of certain improvements is deemed to be in �h� interest of the City of Fridley and the property owners affected there- �y.. BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley, as fol- lowa: � 1. That the preliminary report submitted by Nasim M. Qureshi, City Engineer is hereby received and accepted. ' , , � , , ' ' � ' ' 2. That this Council will meet on the 15th day of July � 1968 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. at the City Hall in the City of Fridley for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing on the improvement noted in the Notice attached hereto and made a part thereof by reference, Exhibit "A". 3. Tha� the area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each of them as noted in said notice are all the lands and areas as noted i�: said notice: All of the same to be a.ssessed proportionately according to the benefits received. 4. That the City Manager is authorized and directed to give notice of such Public Hearing by publishing a notice thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Fridley according to law, such notice to be substantially in the form and substance of the notice attached h�xe- to as Exhibit "A". � ��f . ADOPTED BY HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF \... , 1968. ATT�ST: GITY ���RK - Marvin C. Brunsell 0 MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham � :l•� � 1� � r .5.� OFFICIAL PUBLICATION CITY OF FRIDLLY (EXHIBIT A) 1 NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS St_ 19hR-1R Addendum ��4 � i � � WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, �I�,'�ne�ota, has deemed it necessary and expedient that the improvements h�x�i.x��ft�x described be made. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on the 15th day of .�ul.�►� 1968 , at 8:00 o'clock P.M., the City Council will meet at the �ity Ha17, 3,n said City, and will at said time, and pl.ace, hear all pa�'ties interesL-ed in said improvements in whole or in part. The general nature of the improvements is the construction (in the la�ds and streets noted below) of the following improvements, to-wit: , �f?}VS�1tTJ�TION ITEM: Street Improvements, including grading, stabi�ized b�a�, hc�t-mix bituminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, water and sanitary sewe� &arvi.ces, storm sewer and other facilities, located as follaws: � Hoxizon Drive: 53rd Avenue to Interstate ��694 Service Road Crown Road: Main Street to Horizon Drive Ventura Avenue: Main Street to Horizon Drive _ � � ' ' � ' � , ����1TED GOST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 40,420.00 THA� THE AREA PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED FOR SAID IMPROVEMENT �S t�S F�?LLOWS s �Q� Constxuction Item above - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -� � - - � � _ A�.1 of the land abutting upon said streets named above and a11 ��tx�ds w�.Chi.'�i adjacen� and abutting thereto. ' ,�11 Qf sa�d land to be assessed proportionately according to Ch� bene�its xec��ved by such improvements. T�'��t �i�e Cauncil �roposes to proceed with each of said impxQVems�nta a� �ep��'a�� �.�ngrQVements, except as hereafter otherwise pxovided by Cou�nGi.1, �1l. und�r the �o�lowing authority, to-wit; Minnesota Laws 1953, Chapt�7c �98 �t�d �.aw atnendatory thereof, and in confoxmity with the Charte�^. p�A,��D THIS _�� DAY OF ., 196 8 ORDER OF 1'H� �I1'�,' 4QUNC'�L. N�'��+�#� s , � ���.'X GI.��tK - Max'vin C. Brunsell �'�b � �.�h : MAY - Jack 0. Kirkham � r 6-z5-68 ' � Memo to: City Manager , From: Chief of ?olice Subject: Petition 14-1968 ' � � � _J � i 1 LJ , ' , , r , � In petition 14-1968 the petitioners are asking for stop signs at three locations on this intersection. They state, as one of their re�sons, the alleged "hot-rodding" by teen-aged drivers. As has been previously stated to the Council, stop signs are not a deterrent to speeding, but rather would provoke the drivers into spinning away from the stop signs with loud squeals. '�le have recorded two accidents near this intersection, but none at it, nor was the intersection a factor in the two recorded. This corner is a school bus stop and probably should have some control. Consequently it is my recommendation that a stop sign be installed to stop the Oakley Street traffic as it enters t�ice Creek Terrace, and leave Rice Creek Terrace as it is. ��: CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY MANAGER I concur with the recommendation of the Police Chief `�---- - i2 _'�-.._ft�,. Homer R. Ankrum . ;> > � �w .' . � ' ' f 1 CITY OF FRIDLEY PETITION COVER SHEET , Petition No. 14-1968 � ' . � pate Receiv ed June 20, 1968 Qbject Requesting installation of three " S T 0 P" signs at the � . intersection of Rice Creek Terrace and Oakley Street. � 1 �.., , petition Checked By Date 1 p�xcent $igning • i���erred to City Council � � �' Di.�posiCion . � ' � , , ._ , , � '. , ' . � . . • , , ' , � � �, �r Arilsr'un, Ci.ty Manager �'�'�.Qy, Mir►r�esota A�' �ir: Fridley, Minnesota Jur�e 10, 1968 i�. the un3ersigned, are requesting the installation of three , " S T 0,P " Signs dt the int�ersection Of Ri.ce C7eek Terrace and Oakley , Si�eet in Fridley. We are requesting that the signs be plaaed in t,�as �ol�.vwir�g mannez: �e stop sign t�o o�rrt�'ol the traffic on Rive �'teek �ex'�c�qe flawir�g w�est; �e oantrollinq the easterly flaw oa'i Rice CY'eelc Z�erraoe; and the last tA oontrol the traffic rn�^th from Oakley ontro Riae Cteek Tez�raoe . Ttbe fallvwinq reasans explain ar�d justi.fy our request: 1, As vae are a yaing neighborhood ar�d, oonseq�eritly, one with a large papulation of pre-scizool and grac% scHool diiLdren, we feel that a traffic �trol at this intersection would qive us qreater peace of mir�d. 2. This oo�e,r is a sdiool bus pidcwp poirit. �. Several aocidents have oocurred at thi.s intersectio� within fihe last few years causirg prapert�y da�ge. 4, 7� i.ntersection is an attractiv�e nuisanoe fo� tsena�qe c�'ivex� who 1ik� to hot rod this oo�ner --thus, it is beoan�ir�g a �p�edwe�y fa� aur L�m age populatian. , !� aak t,hat ackion be taken NOW as a�r�v�nttive measure•before �o�tt��,;1g � drastic happens ar�d po�sibl�► saneor�e is kilLed... That�lciryg xvu fC� yout inmediate att�eltioci to this laetttet, We! t�ucb t ��� ' r ' CJ � , ' ' ' , � CJ 1 ' ' 1 ' '�J ' ��� � r'� _ _ '� ; � �� ' ' � ,�,1, ��� � �.. <-; , fj _, �/,� �., . � ° :--� �- - '.0 h� � � . �� �^ �i .1rv� Ow � c�e.�. �' �.� �-�.. �„�, . . � �� . �-�L� � ` �, : (. , w � �'- �r,, � � ,� �' "r/ . A5�`��%.��' `�i� . •� • iI�S" �`i � � � ��; �. , '�, 1 � , ,_�; ? ►<J�� � ��, y� ,� ;�-- �. , � '/7 �, � / � ,7 �i / r7i. p�f .�6 IL��'� '" ���� GaL/C;�i(�G �� .. , ; .,. �� ,. ( _S� (., ' ��2 . � �i •-'� . � � .�' - i. `, `" l �-`� cJ ;� �-����:� S�� � -�' �� �°� -S�c ._�c c C �� . � . , . � � .�, � �,`,% � -,- ,. .��� � � '!< <, - ' �- ... _�/ , _ ., f ' • _ - _ �`+��� � �C).�Ic. .�i-v � � 1 � •L_ ���� .� �E,c� •�ti�c� .S�l�c� �����a � -- — �----- — � �' � + �'� e� .�z� 4' �� � �`� � c-�--�� � �{..�//L . , /�. � � /' /. . . .. �,...: t , tG- . t. . r � - - `�-�c1 ��� � �� . �rn� �.�; �'� �% � � � �` �� r, � � C-; f'�� -«. �l . "�..,� , �;, ; �� - Jw C - !.> _1 � 1 � -� '%�r�� � �r f r �'� b �. �� . 6� - ���,.._ ' `~ �' Cc� �� . � � ,1,11 r �`- i�� �� • l / � � gl ' � �,��1 J' 1.�(_ �.� /.i-i�� l. Lti t, t � t � � � / ��� ��� `�, � ,. =- �� ���� �.�, C �� �t� ��r ,� ., `' / / G.� � �.� f C'�%�f� � " � , l�; � �� ��di��� _-� ,. ��/,c — i� ���; .. �y ���� Received June 20, 1968 Petition No. 15-1968 Q���Gt Street and Curbs - Horizon Drive from 5300 to 5600 and Crown Road from 100 to 200. � �►�titioz� Checked By Dia.ne Date .T„nP �� T 1;ihR �?��ccent Signing Horizon Dr. - 54/ F F,L6� P�Q C or�n Rd. - 6� F_F_ fE�3� p.p. �t���rred to City Council Ai.$position � , I ' ' � , - i :' � , � � ' , , ' ' i � rY , ' �• - . . S =.., � �,r�. j � .." k . .. � r ��� I' f � , � ' ; /ti� � �� i z � . � ,� I n4i • � , i M // I ^ ` ^ ,, ,/i JJ � �'' � � , - �p a.a�1�" r ♦� ""'r � � , �� .•!_ � . -� i� ! . ���, � .. � ` ti �. J��� .� �i. � _ i - I + �^'�:l7� • .'. . ��� ;, � t � ��..,1..... � ' ���-� �, � A � � ' J.p=�� � � " 'S-- !_t<id__ � �,:,V•sj.'�" m. , � , - �� � ,i_ t1-'t • p—_ — -----" ' _"`-' -- -` - t Q(�t � - - I . y. �:r..�s_. _ � - I ` �•\ • .v'.s�� ----'�..�- M'�_T- � --•-._-.,.-.-_ ---" --•..I r-'-�""�- .. - . .-._-^�.�-� �_L . � ;r�i r• "�"�—..�.�" ,,� �S TA ..-,�_ � _ _ ,. y�_.___. _ ' ' �' � � �-,.. �» � 3: � �.io• ' .,, ;;�� � ,�� H� � N W A Y :;., �., _, r _ !� � � � SERVIC�E' >Rp •�:4- � 1,. s, t, . �. � ., ,.,.. � � .lsi��„ .� q. � ` .�s.�s`. � ; . { e�►' — ,� _ � , - , zo . '' ; � .�' _ !�" I . ►' � r,, ? ; � , '�t' •. � I . i )r °'� ., e ,� t /,f , . :> ; -+ _, .a � � s, . �.t . � • . �� . 4 . ' .•r a. ,. .. ' � . ' . W ,,, �..- � E .j � r v ` � fr� i'• A• �� '��t .���[ I i � • •• � ` ,.�'y.'` "�.� b._. . ,;I�f I , 9 ..� �,,,._. �k'yYY t �j �a� t, •. �-N��r��X� � � � �+ � ` L y r �� ltr�. 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" ��� � .t" �M �if ., � ��� .. �} ,ft 7 , Y �!_ � { � � .. v�.f c<r M 1 v.i�/! •f! � v' ` A�i /� I e � ry ���p.r:/'.�' .;' � '� i� �' �� !qf ,4 � F, f�„:. �' � w �� N �� w�,,, y `a " , ', ' , � r, � ,I � � fr X�., ' _� 1i ��� : i 1M r r/'N' � � J.3 '� � ♦i�� !(7 +♦ "N//1�.�1.'jI '� '{�. �'.`' p�HN - �, ., , ,� �. � k , � ; - -� - ,., �,,.GR t ', _ ,,F ,.., � j-_' j�� pi't '. r,. ^ � � � 71 � � - ��I'.N . ��� �, � ' ��.��l� e,A . 1 ., r r O !� , � �' ,P �t ; � ".'► � �»R�'� i ,,, N - ,., �� , 1„b• .� ��... /�,. .� ��`°i' ' ar�r � �. � � •'I••<�''��Iw' � /e � i� '� ` � S Q ��,1� ���w .�,A �� �` t�. � ,��;r� M . 1 7` H��., aA .,f;. �� ,� �(�e ,+�� ar ��yy� �` y�l: , � . ' . t .: ` ` . . � �I Ji �F A� P P , � � � � ''�- � . _ ' � a � *t.. .! ., � . . . � � . ^ � ! -.. . . . . . . . . . �� . 1 �1 � � '�t :s - �- ( � .: M: Ii 1 ' _ y L�r. . `.�•� � _.J�t/I � � . � f' . e� ���� /Q � +.> > . f •;�: �� �p ,.i � � 1 �`4, (� 'M. .. �nf"` 'Y `Y s ' .r ° �t � -�±' r �/A �IA'•f2'M . z � i •� " ,+. i� -� � �r.� ��YPt# . � "�?t� . ' r ' , To �he C�.t,y Cauncil of Fridley, ',fiinnesota: f�� We� 1�h� u�nd�r��.gned� constituting more than fifty-or_e per cent (51�) of t:�e propez�t.y owne�5 �� n�tmb�r and in interest, in thn ioilo��;ing streets; � F�D�t�Z9N �?RTVE Street, from �pQ �o �� CAQW�1 R,p, �,�, _ Street, from _ 100 to 2� I Street, from � to ' wh� w��.�, be�efit by the pr^posad improvernsnt, nei•eby petition that the following ir�,- px'ove�n�ri�� be made. 1. ROAT�IA7 �-,� -------_-`—_ 2� CURHS � � — — _ 3, �...�.. � _ ._— --- WQ u�n�lex��ta.nd that the cost of said imnrove;r,�nt :•;ill be assessed against the p�operty �r1 ti:� ab�avQ descri:bed area in equal install��e,.�s for a period not to exceed �n y��,a ;; W�.�� interest payable at the rate of i � per arnum on the unpaid b�lance. � W� ;�z�sia��t�d that, until preliminary engir_eering can be completed, it is impossi.b7.e tc� �iv� accur�.te estimates of what these improvements wi11 �os�; but that based or� ���t ��.�ux�es f�^x sim�Iar work done in the City, i,t is estir:ated tha� these improvemer�ts h'��J. CQSt: � t � �e ' S L� '` r � �_�✓�1 : ��. i �. C � � f=- . �• �• �D.�..� ��4 � —�H.L2ri � ,T. , 5312 �� - . , � �� - �� � � H� 0 ' ' Q�ao I,�I'l�O���T }Q. ..�..,,�-� I�A�.El�alCB�W �A H�.P���+ sI� � ...�_...�.m�.�,-_ Sz�gd+�,S. � .� A,�e�h1�A � 32Lt n �'2 5 11 337 11 �►�o n �-- 5361 �� � _�_ �� --� 5373_ n 537b " �-.,�_ �� _ 5385 . n 1 c i • , , / 7 / _, =—�` =f -�--- � -� � �-. �� p.u.,cti.., �' 1 !�+ � �� ......,e.,...,.�. �� .w.�*..+m..a . ir .` /' �. • .� ...._?7.� ..� ... ,__,..�.� 1 � / � D / i� ..,.^__._ ..__ �-..��'. .. � � if , ' ' � ' , ,. f�,; Pa �� '�t� � �''E'�'�'�'�;(�� �"Q�, �,�T a, SL�;y'�� I��TFF�.�LS API'�1 ST�t� 'r"�?' ��t''ru�ACII'�`J ��'�-�- _ . .�.._...__ _ ADllR���S:i -.__._ ________---_---- ------ - L,i�;G. �� � !���,"�i�:7i �'lil,� ��,�-.�-�„-.-...- .,.� ...^.._,__...__ _..____ ..��--- -�_.. �_.._....��........�_.., _._._. . r � c- _ � � r , l� ��J S R�� — �+ 9 Horizor� Drive T�_._ _���_�� �.�„ � .__.______��.3____._.__�._ . ���'"��1��.F.�; � ''.Li �%L5itG9 �' j�� �' �,,.�. �, .. ....�_____,._�_,__...�._.�.,... _.____. .�-...�...... 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' ' � LJ �J , , ' ' B�► u 1a c���...,..r.,,� �av'�.�,A.� � 5480 �,�,. ��.��.,,.,..�...,�,.�...�..�... � 5t�90 Sor�nsen�,4,P. 5500 " � .�....�,..�..,._ .. _.__ __..�.._... ..__ ------ r. �z� � � i '��� , . / / '�/7 �/^ -- _ _ , ... CRC°vJ,� ROAD A! : � . ...,..,,,�..,..., ........ �,_...._.....�.r �..... �Rudt�en,��,4, 100 Crawn Rd. �1' ____.� ..�..�_. .�..a..� ����Q���t�s 1.�1 tt �.._ .--------- '�^�°� R��?S?I�QaI+� 112 n ��xt1��.11�,Y: 115 �� �� ��� ��.. ����� � * i�4 �f K� J:�. � 1�9 " t�� � _.`_ ��cy �� J.W, 136 n �.�. �.. --- : � �� , 1.43 " - . . . ���.T. r . �R� ��R��t,A.S. 1l�8 " �__-_� �—�—�- --___—_ ! Wo1�Fa].d,J.I.. 157 �� '�. ...,4 ��....,x,.��.�__.,,�,......_ � __. __._ _ ��._. ,.. ._ ..._._..._.— . -- ,,... .� ,� - -- 160 ��� � T��,ndb��dtH�F, " ,�..,�,.,��„�.R.m„�,,.,�..--�-�-�--�.,.-.._...--- .,...._�.�._„R�t1.�.-- ._.�-�._----�-�.__._._.,,:-�.�,,.-,.....�. .>----- ^ A ,�o o �� m � '', � �, u 1 t' , 1 ' _--.�.1�1.E� _._� r' � 17� , To °��i� ����' �Q��.�. Qf Fx�.��lE.y� i�a�lr�esota: ' fi � Ti+1e,� '�}�� �}�d��'��.�t��'d, constitut:��g rtore th�an fifty-one per cer.t (51p) of ;,Y�e �ro�$!"Ljr cYW�'1��'�f ;�� ��I1'���' �d �� �-nterest, �.n the �'�?lloi;�.n� s �� YE i,s ; . � . � . �GM��� V � �trx'eE.'tr� �?'+�iA ', .� C� � �,Q � � 0 � ��-,- —+.-.�..�-- —. .,-.. . . ,.—.,�-- . � .w...�+w•w�.e�rR. , � c�, Street� fro:n � 4 0 to 7 C� L � , , �• r�ct� :.i'or; „ . �,�..,..,..,....�... ------------ -- - --- - - �__ .,�---- — • Yrhp �,,�,�, 'be��,��'� by th� pxoposed imprcve��er-�r,, re;��by Fetition that ti�a follow�.ng im� prov��nit��9 b� ��de � �. '� ��ti � ` _ : �_. � --�-- _-- 2. � . �' _�....., �---.�.�:- ,_._ _ We uiit�!!r�'��ad '�hat t��, �ast of said im_�r•ovemFnt ui11 be assess�d against the p?�o�xty �.�1 '�k16 �tt�OV� �i��ari����l a.�'��. in eq��a7_ ir.s;,a�.i:,:e�ts fo.r a period not to exc.e�d � 0 ,.M.,., ���x': W�,t��i iri`�e�eat pa�'able at the rate of ^�� pe2' 8T1Illliil on �iie unpaid ba1�.�tce, ' W� t��idpx��r,�,�'1�1 'tt►�t� �t3�1 ��e'.�iminary �ngineerin� can be compiet�d, it i� i�ripos��,b],.+ #,0 ��,'V#I �GG�t�'�'�� �s��.�nat�� pf what these _mprovements t�ri;.l cost�; but tnGt 'b�sad pn Co�'�, ���1��'�A �'A�' ��.m�.�� �o�{; do�Q in the Git�r, s.t � s estimat�d that thas� iriprqvemez�ts w:? 1� � 4�0� � ' ),. � � ��i_ i1, � --, �..,.�.��_ �� . �_ _ _��d�!�-�- � . �1�- f ' � � ,_..._ -- ____r — ' ' ' , , �' ' 9. .� _ "� a-� . �� « t x �/ i� . r� ► � i� . i R � � � � L 1� � , � � � / ,' � t �� . . .��'vie�'.�w�*^'+`� . . r���.�- . ���.����� .. .. . .. .... . � �STIMATES TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL - JULY 1, 1968 Anoka County Department of Highways Anoka County Court House Anoka, M:tnnesota 12�% of Gount,y Cost per Agreement No. 55313 Tra�fic Control Signal Intersection of T.H. �k65 and C.$.A.H. �k8 (Osborne Road) Arcon Construction Co., Inc. �[�x��, l"d��n�sota Pa��A.�l Esti��ge ��1 - Street Improvement Project �T. �.96�-�A Par�ial Est�mate �kl - Street Improvement Project ST. 1968-2A �auburban �ngin�ering, Ine. 6875 I�i,ghway Na. 65 N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 Faxt�.a1 Estimate - Street Improvement Pxoject sT. i968-18 ana 2B Camatoak & Davi�' I,r►�. Caneult�ng �n�in���t� 1446 C�unty` �oad �' J" Minneapt��.i�� Minn��dt� 5�432 �'t�r thb furnishing of resident inapection and reaident superviaion for the ataking out of the construction work for: Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 87 from A,pr�.l 29, 1968 through June 1, 1968 (Estimate �k6) Sanitaxy Sewer, Water & Storm Sewer Improvement praject No• $4 from April 29, 1968 through June 1., 1968 (Estimate �k12) Sani�qxy Sewer, Water & Storm Sewer Improvement Px'oject No, 88 from April 29, �.968 through ,7une 1, �.968 (�stimate �k4) $ 3,537.75 $ �2,�2�.03 $ 5,648.49 � �,3, 5d8 � q� $ 22.11 270.00 937.99 F;F; � .' � , ' ANOKA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HI�GHWAYS A�iOKA, MINNESOTA E. J. LUNDHEIM, Hiqhway Enqineer o��a�� Ft�or�� ' HA 1•4'�B� � ' ', ' 1 , ' . ' ' , du�e �,0, 1�96�3 Marvin C9 �3rur��el1 C�ty G1erk � �riclley %4�1 Univer5ity Ave, iJ.�.. Fr;i.dley, P�ir.nesoia 5542i Fte : A�reer.ient iVo, 55 s13 Traffic Control Si mal Intersection of T.H. r�o5 3c C.S.tioHe �3 Csborne :ioad) Dear �ir: ke��.tive to the above Agreement No, 55313 with and between the ' N'�r�esota Departrr�nt of Highways, Anoka Co;sty, ttie City of Frid].ey ar.d the Village oi' Spri, g La�ce Park and cor.cerning the Signal Installation at the'Intersectior, of 12•unk Hi�t►way Noo o� and Cour.ty State P.id Hiohway ;�o0 8(Qsborne Fiosd), COUNTY SH4P HA 1-592Q Total Control Sig.nal Sy stea: Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . $?.6, 700.�Q Cost to Ar.oka County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9;1%{� i51 e Qf� 12�� of Cou�:ty Co�t per A�r•Pem�nt witn City of �ridley oy keso�ution N�o 33-1967•••••••• � 3,537.'75 �.22� oP Coi:nty Cost per A;;reement with �iillage of Spri.ng I,aice ParK by t�esolutipn dated 2�2o�E7 � 3,53707� F].��.�� consider this a proper invoice in the amount of w, �"7.7 0 , Ys�u�`e very truly, (�� �.��L � 1/� 1C c� ti ' Je �ttneim, �.�. Courity kan�inse� ' oc t F�.�.e ' � . � s Fj i �� �,�CENSES TQ AE APPROVED AT TE� JULY 1� 1968 COUNCIL ME�TING , CI�� 11�.' e (�l,t' 7lu�l E, ��.•�er Rosd Fr.�,d'�1ay, Minneeot� Chs.nticles� ��.zz� 6201 U�i.�rai,ty 1���.d].ay, M�esot,� BYs , Ms�rlo4 Anderaan � Richard Ke�pe C� BY: � _ M-K Te�n C1�� (Cas�ino Royale) Michesl Mueller 6z2, x�t�s� �65 �'x�id7.�y, Mitu�esot,s. Chant�.clear �izza 6201 IIni�ers�.ty Fri,dlep, Minneaotu AP'� �� � �i�� � � �#c �cF �3�,� �igh� �� �.s�.eg, M3�,� 't.� 4�1 �� � �t��ddr�.�k & �R�u �a��'��+� I�e►��,Qn Poat 3�3 7��� C� �#ve. �'t'��la��, M#�u�e►aQta �A���(� DR�NI�TNG PLAC� �p�w � a 21�4 �iseioa�ppi �'r�,�4+�►'� I�iiunaaota �+��Q�bu't�' �� & Pub �'���$� '���.�n��,ty �"��d��►'� ��ne�ots �� �1��'�a1� & I�e�Aa�t ���c�� �e►��Q� Ppa� 30� 7���' ��t���c� ��. �'������ ��.��Qt�► Richard Ken�pm BYs Riahard Houle �3Y: Robert fto�ecrans BYs Hoxard Nelson Robmrt Chrietensoa HY: — Robmr� Ros�crana APPRAVED B3C: PaliGe Chi� Pp7.iCe Chi�' APPROVED �!' s Health �napector Hea.lth Tnaptctox APPROV�D BYs Po�.�.as Chi.w� He�1th ��aapacto�+ APPRQVBD BX's Poli,a• Chi.�' Hea7.th �n+�peQtor APPRQVED 8Yt Fol�s�e Chi.s� ile�h znap �a�a� �o7.iae �i�' i�oa�,th xn+�p�0#�ar APP�Y �8� �o�,�.a+t 0��►e�' �i�� tb I�p+���' � � �TCI�!l3�S �'Q �� APPROVED AT THE JULY 1, 1968 COUNC IL MEETIIdG ( CONT � D .��..�,o..�. - • �; .�3 MA�CHINE BY: APPROVED 8Y: 4�,�' �.��..A�l Gary Lotigerbone He�lth InsA�ctor ��� ���.�`o��ity �'���,��r� i��nes� ta � � � Pu�'4 4il ��� �I��c�rn�n Ave. �'�idl�+�'� 1'�iMesOt,a �"�c�7.� V.F.W. Post 363 �9LtQ O�k�o�'ne Ro�d �'��d�.+�y',� �IinneaQtt� ���� �� 2��„ �i e ��.vsx Ros�d F��.d.��y� Mir�got,� F�c� � Tex�ca bQ'i7. UA�FS�rs�.�y �'�idlay, M�.nneaota � � � Ftx�s 411 Pt �69� k�t�a�+�n A�s. �'�ici'�+�y�, �I�.nr�esot� R.otaarl Trautt Erling Eclwards Msrlpe Anderson F'rsncis Hunt Pepsi Col.i Co. $�1#i�1'th �pQCtrOt' Heslt� �n�P��#►o� �os�#tkh �na�aectsax� Hesl.th Inapector Health I�peC��' I,ICFNSFS TO BE APPROV'�D A',T THE JULY l, 1968 Cot7NCIL r�t�,ETIrtG iCONT'D PEDDLERS Red Diamond Club �.L'-�9 5tn st. so. Minneapolis, Minnesota . BY: Evelina Loyd �PPROVED BY: THIS LICENSE DO�S NOT HAVE TEiE APPROVAL OF THE POLICE CHIEF AS YET, PENDING AN INV�STIG.ATION. � n ,_ . fr d � , � � . � � � a �� I,IST OF CONTRACTOR' S LICENSES TO ►>E APPROVED iil' COIiNCIL FOR THE FISCAL PERIOD.4/30/6$ THRL' 4/3�/6� July 1, 1968 EXCAVATING Rosetown Sanitation' 1408 Coon Rapids Blvd. Coon Rapids, Minnesota Bv: Kenneth Berghurst GENERAL CONTRACTORS Karl Dedolph Const. Co. 771 West 7th St. St. Paul, Minnesota By: Karl Dedolph Flood Master Eng. Corp. 1545 Selby Ave. St. Paul, I�Iinnesota By; William Fields Bernard Julkowski 1420 Molan Terrace Columbia Heights, MinneSOta B}�: Bernard Julkowski Lumber King Co. � 4047 Vincent Ave, � . Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Jerome Lorberbaum HEATING Bostrom Sheet Metal Works, Inc. ' 785 Curfew Street • St. Pau1, Minnesota . Crystal Heating Co. ; � . 6324 Bass Lake Road - Minneapolis, Minnesota By; R. L. Perry Perfection Htg. Co., Inc. 2936 4th Ave. S. ' • � Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Russell Peterson Siegler-Minnesota lOb East Lake St. Minneapolis� Minnesota By: Bert J. Mitchell SIG14 HANGERS $igncrafters, Inc. .. $36 40th Ave , N, E . � Minneapolis, Minnesota By: James J. Stafford �ENERAL CONTRACTOR ' � Bennis Const. Co. : 2233 Platwood Road Minnetonka, Minnesota Bq;� Martin J. Bennis � RENEWAL NEW NE W RENEWAL RENEWAL • NEW NEW RENEWAL REN�WA,I. RENEWAL NEW __ �� APPROVED PLBG. INSP.I BLDG. INSP. BLDG. INSP, BLDG. INSP. BLDG, IHSP. BLDG,INSP, � HTG, INSP, HTG. INSP. HTG� INSF', SI,T?G.I�V�P, BLDG. INSP. , � ' , ' ' , � ' IJ , �e,u a,,� � .. � � .+; � ' � � ,�� STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS MAINT. AR[A 6A 2058 NO. LILAC DRIVE MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. June 21, 1968 Hoqorable Jack O. �irkham Mayor of �'ridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fr�dley, Min��sota 55421 In reply refer to: 315 s.�, 0205 - T.x. 4? Fencing between 49s� and 53rd Ave. N.�. Dear Mayor Kirkham: Xour letter of June 1�, 1968 refers to correspondence dated May 13, 1968, written by the City of rridley related to channelization fencing on the east and west sides of T.H. 4'7 in the above referenced area. �he Niay 13�- letter was forwarded to us from the Commissioner as an attachment to a letter from Representative Donald Savelicoul to the Commissioner. The Commissioner has responded to Representative Savelkoul's letter and in- quiries . ' In ansr+er to your letter, we can say that as a matter of policy, all free- ways are legally access controlled and physically access controlled by fencing. There should be no pedestrians at-grade. In the case of convent- i.onal highways such as T.H. 4'7, pedestrian-hi�hway relationships are chan�ed � by local access and conditions related to the highway. It has been determined that a pedestrian bridge is warranted near 51st avenue N.E. Along with this, adequate fencing or other barriers must be provided to force use of the pedestrian fa�ilir,y 3nd if this cannot be done� our policy ' states that the State should not participate in the cost of the pedestrian facility, � The State agrees that additional fencing will be required elsewhere on this project to channelize pedestrian traffic to traffic signal areas. Here again the State feels that the City should participate in construction , �osta for this fencing since this is a mutual benefit to local intex�est a�s well as th� State. ' At this time we do not have a definite letting date for the fencing or ped- estrian facility. In a letter to Fridley dated May 2, 196t3, we indicated that tk�e earliest letting date possible would be August, 1968, and that ' , �O wr� I � ��gE � N'�ayor Jack C. r:irkham June 21, 1g68 this date rrould be dependent upon completion of plans and necessary agree- ment$ for cost sharing. We cannot meet this lettin� date as �,roposed ��rlier, however, we plan to let this project as soon as the necessary ��p�3r worK is completed. , '�ha�k you for your continuous interest in safety and tra:fic matters relatec to �'.H. 47. If you have any furtner questions, please t'eel free to call or, p�e . Sincerely, `� �1/ 1�-�-�--'-'�-� C . E . Burrill District �gir��er �, � ! � 1 , , ' ' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF FRIDLEY MONTHLY REPORT - MAY 1968 �TRE�T DEPARTMENT HOURS ' 1. Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 2. Grading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 , 3. Gravel Hauling . . . . . . . : : : : : : : : : : 3S 4. Miscellaneous Street Work • 189'� 5, Patching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2�3 6. S�ao�, T•��e , � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49� ' 7, Signs and Barricades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7'� 8. Equipment Repairs - Street . . . . . . , • • • • 1Q6 WATER DEPARTMENT 1, Filtration Plant Operations . . . . , . . . . . 2. Final Readi��s and Collections . . . . . . , • • 3. I�ydrar�t Repairs and Flushing . . . e . . . . . . 4. Miscellaneous Water Work . . . . . . . . . , . . 5. Pumphouse Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Standpipe Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. Valve Inspections and Repairs . . . . . . . . . $, Water and Sewer Inspections . . . . . . . . . . 9, Watex Meter Inspections and Repairs ...... 10. Water Turn-ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. Watermain Breaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, Watermain Taps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. �quipment Repairs - Water . . . . , . . . . . SEWER DEPARTMENT 1, Lift Station Inspections and Repairs ...... 2. Miscellaneous Sewer Work . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Sanitary Sewer Break . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Sani.tary Sewer Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Sanitary Sewer Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . 6, �quipment Repairs - Sewer . . . . . . . . . . , 160 69 51 68 70 32 25� 33� 89� �S 66 �F� S 1� 91� S9� $ 6'� 263� 16 42 �TpRkI $EWE�t DEPARTMENT �.. �at�h Basin and Storm Sewer Cleaning , , . . . . 2 2, Miscellaneous Storm 5ewer Work ,.,, � .•• 4 ' ' � ' u ' ' ' � ' ��. � u ' � ' ' ' ' P��e Ztao PIJ$�I� WORKS D�PARTMENT MQN�HLX REPORT � MAY 1968 ,�+�E��AN.�OUS 1. 2. �, S. 6. 7, 8. 9. L0, 11. 12. 13. 14, �.5 , 16. 17. �.$ . 19. 20, 21, 22. 23, �G� , C�ea�lup - City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gle�nup - Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engineering - Snow Fence . . . . . . , . . . . , Fire Department , , , , , , , , , , , , , F�.r� DQpartment School . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funeral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holiday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I�jury on Job - Chester Swanson . . . . . . . . Me�hanic School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �'ark Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S ick Leave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Street Project St. 1968-3 . . . , . , . . , , , T�levising Sewer Lines - Riverview Heights ... Vacations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Water School . . . . . . . . . . . .,,.... Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weekend Duty . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . Equipment Repairs - Administration , . . . . . . Equipment Repairs - Engineering . . . , . . . . �quipment Repairs - Fire Department , . . . , , Equipment Repairs - Liquor . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment Repairs - Park Departme�t . . , . . , Equipment Repairs - Police Departmen� . . , . . �quipment Repairs - Snow and Ice . . . , . , . . HOURS 38� 32 $'� �+8 4 232 LQ4 24 28� 70 $ 86 92 40 28 18 1 31 �6 �0 53� 16� 4 , � � t - ' i . I .: ; ,` ; • . . MEMO FROM: City Manager MEMO T0: City Engineer I have received the attached letter j from the City Attorney as concerns the issuance of the alteration permit for Mr. Chies. � The Attorney has asked that considera- tion be given to the repealing of the ordinance and substituting therefor the use of the Uniform Building Code. . Please review and make recommendations � for consideration of the Planning Commission and the City Council. . , HRA/jm �■ � �-r.0 � Q, ��' Homer R. Ankrum CITY MANAGER . . -- � , CMARLEB R. WEAVCR � . MERMAN L.TALLE� . . � VIR31L C. HEfiRICK � � . ROBERT MUNNS � � � . JAMEB D. C31DB6 . � FREOERICK W. KEISER,JR. � lAW OFFICES � � WEAVER, TALLE & H ERRICK June 28, 1968 Mr. Homer R. Ankrum City Manager . Fridley City Haii b431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Re: Chies Brothers Gravei Pit Dear Mr. Ankrum: .. 1 � . ��6 EA$T MAIN $TR[ET ANOKA,MINNESOTA 55303 aa�-aa�3 � .6231 UNIVCR�SITY AVCNUE N.E. � FRIDIEY, MINNE$OTA 88421 seo-aeao � Th i s ( etter i s to ver i fy our te ( ephone conv�ersat i on of June 27, 1968. . I have previously reviewed the land alteration ordinance and discussed the app�lication of Chies Brothers with-you and Mr.� Spencer J. Sokolowski, the attorney for Chies Brothers. ( am of the opinion that the information furnished the City in the application for (and alteration permit by Chies 6rothers substantially complies w.ith-the requirements of the ordinance. This application together With an extension of the previous bond coverage and the final contour submitted previously is sufficient, in my opinion, to require the C ity. Manager act i ng es zon i ng adm i n i stratar to i ssue the per�►i t. 1 do not believe that the City coufd prevail in a caurt action after Chies Bc���hers have submitted the information above mentioned. 1n discussing the land alteration permit ordinance with the Planning Commission, I have previously suggssted that they consider repealing th i s ord i nance and use th e proces�ure conta i ned i n the lJn i fornr Building Code. I suggest that you have the Engineering Department review the procedure in the building code with t.he possibility that a recommendation be made to the Council to make a change.. I am writing to the bonding company advising them that the permit ha�s been extended until September I, f968, and further stating that the City will expect the land to conform to the contours of the final� plan on that date. I,,am further advising the bonding company that 0 / . � � Mr. Homer R. Ankrum . . - 2- ' June 28, 1968 if this work is not completed by that date, that the City wilF commence legal action against the permit holder and the b.anding � company. A copy of this (etter is enclosed. . If you receive complaints from p$op{e in the neighborhood regarding dust, �no i se, or �+her d i sturbances, I suggest that you adv i se them that they can ap�ear before one of our municipal judges and, if he believes they have adequate cause for complaint, they may sign a complaint for a nuisance violation. 1 trust that this letter will properly advise you of action taken. . . Si ncere l y, ; . � - . � , ,� � . . . � /� ��i � ;f �%�i� G . ��= �---f-�-' �� VCH:jjh �Virgil C. Nerrick Enclosure City Attorney . 0 � . _ . . � - � � � . . � � ��' � 4 0 June 2$, 196� � . � . .� ��.. � G I en F� ! I s I n sur�sr�ce Comp �ny .. . f,01 F�-�rrners ia Palech�:nics f3ui Iding Slinne��pol is, T'innesota . � � Gent l �rr.en : � Th i s l etter i s to �:-dv i se you th at the C i ty of Fr i d l ey 1� �, s i ssued a lan.i .(terrStion perr�it to Chies firothers Contr��ctors, Inc., Del � t'ropertie5, ��nd lester Chies. This permit wus issue� upon the un�c�rst�nuinc� th�:t the �urety bond previ��:�ty i�;;ued 4y ;(En Fa11� 1 n�ur� ncc Comp�.ny w�=s extenued unt i 1 �epteR.k�er !, (;6� , . T!�e C i ty of Fr i d! ey w i!( expect the per�m i t ha 1 der to s� � v"� co:np l eted • the 1�nd �-�Iter�tion in �:ccord�-nce with pl� ns �r�vic�usty �u�;r;itted by Dthc t t i r-�e . ( f th i 5:,�orl� i s not comp 1 et�d E;y �er ter:.��er I, (�E�, the C it;' w i I I 100!. te � 1 en F�,1 i s ( nsur�:nce Con�,c:ny to co��:p I �t.� tne work un��er the terns of the bond or in the alter�:tive �-�i 1 t� cor-r.;enc� 1e�4I action Ci�Rlinst the pern:it hotder anci the bon�inc� �o:��.p�,ny. ( cert�.inly hof e th � t �uch ��ct i on i s not nece�s�ry r.nc� I��-� wr it i nc; to yau to su�ge5t t�at your co�����ny keep �in close Con��ct" �,ith Chi2s er�ot�ers Contr�ctir.-:, Inc., in .� ��ttempi to see th�:t the werl; is corepleted �:ccc.rd i n� to tF}c �er:;� it on or before thu � E�ove mc:nt i oned date . if� yau hav�.�.rsy c;uestions, ple� se give me � c� 11. � �incerely, . � VCN:,jjh Virgil C. flerrick ' ce: (��r. Nomer ;t. :�nkrum City Attorney C ity �3a��,ger . ' � I �' MINUTES OF REGULAR PARKS AND RECREATION COI�AIISSION MEETING, JUNE 25, 1968 Meeting was called to order by Chairman Hughes at 8:00 P,M. M�MBERa PR�SENT: MEM$�RS ABS�NT: QTH�R� �R�S�NT: �UEST Hughes, Dunphy, Cochran, Donl�.n (arrived at 10:00 P.M,) F�.t�patxick P�ul �rown, Director of Parks �d �raddo�k, Park Consultant R�,chard Anderson, 5�3z - 7th and Recreation Street N,E., 560-1755 Mx. R�.chaxd Andsxson introdueed himsel£ ta the Commission and expxess�d his d�s3.res o� having the Commission help promote an Amateur Athl�tic Union Swim- mi,ng Frog�'am in Pridley. He sta�ed that there is a definite i.ntarest a�n the City as �aur�y-two childr�n have signed up. With a minimum age of savQn ycaxs a�d �o max�mum age, Olympic Swimmers get their starts %n programs such aS this on�, He wauld like the City �o help pay the wages of the at�endant$ who ar�s x�quiared by th� schoo� to be present while the pool is being used by anoth�r group. The �xoup would meet three houxs per week and the season wau�d b� year around. If mo�'e in£ormation is desired, the Commission is asked to cpntact M�s. Phy11�� Jiblonski., 1505 - 3rd Avenue, Anoka, 421-2616 or Mr, Rabert Mow�r- son, Room 2�8, Cook Hall, University of Minnesota or 3417 Downers prive, Mi.n�- eapoli5, 7$1-7307. The Commission agreed to review and attempt to re$olve any ppter�ta.al dif�ex�nc�s within the next month and tv place this i.t�m Qn th�a Aug� uSt I�e�ti�g Age��ia. M�NUT�S OF R�GULAR MEETING OF MAY 27, 1968, AND SPECIAL MEBTING MINi,JT�S OF JUNE 3, 196� MQTION by Dunphy, seconded by May 27, 196$, and Minutes of ��x�tten. The Motipn Gaxried. FATLURFi OF BONA ISSUE Cochran, that the Minutes o£ Regulax Meet�ng o� Special Meeting qf June 3, 1968, be accsptad as The Chairman xeauestEd that a Special Me�ting b� set within the ne�ct month £or ths Commi,�sion to discuss the Bond Issue. PLANS f�OR CQNSULTANT Ths Commissi.on discussed what the future plans for the Park Consultant, Mx. �d Br�ddock, will be for the next few months. Th� Directox feels that specifiC, d�tailed pla�s �a�e needed for Meadowland, Chases Island, Riverview Hei$hts, and West Moore Lake Park. Member Cochran suggested that a possiblo study be madq o� lyoore Lake, �hairman Hughes felt that a review should b� made of the entire x�v��` fxQnt �ox possible access points. The Commission agreed th�t Mr, �raddoCk shQU�d con�ide�c the river fron�age with special empltasis on a marina �n Riv�rvi�w �Is��ht� �nd �lso consider the development of the shpxe of Nlaor� Lak9. MQTION by Cochran, seconded by Dunphy, to reauest Mx. Ed 8radciock, Fark Con�ult�nt, to begin study consisting o£; 1. Ra.verview Heights area concerning deve�opment toward� fu1� pot�ncial. 2, Entire river front area in gen�ral, 3. Rejuvination of Moore I•ake. Th� Motion Carried. .+ ,� MINUTES OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONM9ISSION MEETING, JUNE 25, 1968 PAGE 2 DIR�CTOR!a R�PQRT P�xkB �rid Reereation Monthly Memorandum ,� r1+�w s9Ctipn titled I. O�d $usiness - Incomplete or Pendi�ng Business of �ommi�$i.ori has been adaea to the MonthJ.y Memorandum. �ach item was da.scusg�d � E ly y the Commission and either drqpped or kept or� 1ist, In S�ptembar af 1,965, the Commission re�uested that a�re�ord of water counts QP MoorQ Lak� b� compiled which has neve� been compl��ed, MOT�ON by Dunphy, seconded by Cochran, requesting City Ma.nager to obtain �or the City, a complete record of water counts made to date on water Con- ditions qf Mooxe Lake. The Motion Carrzed. A 1!�tter was received from the Womens Club regardit�g the bleachers naw lacat�d afi The Commons Paxk. MpT�ON by Dunphy, seconded by Gochran, that the Director be accorded ta contact the Little League and make arrangements for the dispo�al of the b�.eachers. The Motion Carried. A�helter building has been donated by the Fridley Softball Assaciafiion at The Commons Fark ta be used for scoring and concessions at League games. Motion by Dunphy, seconded by Donlin, dixecting Paul Brown to send a lettex of thanks to Howard Lent with deep appreGiation for building received, The Motion Carried. In discussing the motion, the Commission requested that the Di7cector obtain a letter from the Softball Association stating when, why and for what pur- �ose the building was provided for a matter of record. Paiks �xogress Re�ort Vica Chaixman Dun�hy� questioned the reason for so many dand�lions in the paxks, particu�.axly� Sylvan Hills Park. The Director stated that due to lack of per- sonnel, pl.us continual wet working conditions this Spring, the Departmerlt was not able to effectively kill the weeds before the first blossomi.ng pexiod, Bocause Q� the extra summer help, this will be done before the �econd b�ossom- in� p�r�ad, OLD Bl1SINESS Metro Council - Requests for Aid Accoxding to the Director, he has been informed that not bs approved as specific plans are needed a.lthough �at�ons are sti�l being considered. Chairman Hughes �p�clfic reason should be given by the Metro Council ti:on� axe b�ing turned down. NEW BUSIN�SS Parking Lot at Chases Island the HuD appli.cations may the LAND AND WATER appli- expxessed a desix� that as to why the HUA e�pplic�� Th� �ammission ��,�����gd ��y� �og���r ��u�tg�� ����}�e� of June 17, 1968, xagaxd- ing the proposed 16-space Parkfing Lot fqx Cj��se� ���a�c� gn School Aisxrict M14 � . � MINUTES OF PARKS AND RECREATION CO[�A-IISSION MEETING, JUNE 25, 1968 PAGE 3 P�'�p��'tY� � map showing the area and proposed parking lot was shown to �he Com- mi,s��an, h�OTTpN by �ochran, seconded by punphy, to concur with the Gity �ngineer's ��comm�ndafiion concerning parking lot at Robert Louis St�venson �chool= �h�s�S I�lancl area and request City Manager to amend 1969 Bud�cat to i�n- Glud� �his �roject. Furthermore, the Commission recomr►��nds th�t �hE City M�nager �ake the necessary steps to assure cpmple�e under�tanding b�xweer� the C�ty and School that this lot be used by ci�tizens fqr u�� �n �on3uncfiip� with Chases Island and upon completion of prcajeGt, dire�t tha Park D�r�ctor tQ erect a sign denoting parkxng lQt is �or Gha�es I�la�d, The Motio� Carried, R�iver Ac��ss A m�mo rQCSived by the Airector £rom Mr. Qureshi, City Engineer, regarding Publ�� and Emergency Boat Access to Mississippi River was d�scussed by the Commi�sszon. MQTTON by Dunphy, seconded by Cochran, that Paui Brown, Director of Parks ar�d Recreation, hereby be directed to examine the Mississippi Way access €xom the Parks and Recreation point of view and advise Mr. QureShi what advantages there are for the City. The Motion Carried. S� Fla��round Age Level Somp quest�.ons have arisen as to whether or not the minimum age lev�l for th� Playgxound Program is too low. The Commission recommended that the Dzrector ma�ke some division on age for next year's program. This item will be placsd on th� �lext meeting's agenda. Lett�rs R 1Qtts� from Instant Shade, Inc. and also a letter regarding Red Gross Fixst Aid �nstructional Classes were presented by Vice Chairman Dunphy to the Com- mi,ssipn for their information. +AI?JOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 Midnight. A Special Meeting will be held Monday, August S, 1968, at 7:30 P.M, to disuss th� Bond Issue. Th� r�ext regular meeting will be held Monday, August 26, 1968, at 7:3Q in the Gon�erence Room of the Civic Center. The Regular July Meeting has bee�n c�n- �elled pending further notice. R�asp�ct;Eu�ly submitted, �G�GC� ?��iZ�'�C���� Mary Gpu �ri�kson, Secretary to Commission ' f � • • L.S. �68-09 Robert DeGardner ' . . Lots 22 thru 25, Block 7, . .� Spring Lake Brook Park Additio , . . •. � � e .,� j . . s�R��t �` �._ f. '-;s;,�: u . . . . . _ � `!! \ ., . 4' � . . . . . 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N C; I N C. y��,;�,��fa Gwl fr A�uniupol ; SUnief 4-60(v6 En ineerm � 9 � En9ineers � �Su� vec�ors CC]�,'���1C��� O� 5�,�'��' �Oa ���.6t-�r,� G�:��rtdr�c�r . �. � : �. :� • _ _ � � � . � .. - - i��-6 - `�\ . . � ,' . �. � . SC�f L E� - / '= �O � _ , . � �. �; _ - � � ; O - OfNC7 £S l�.�I/. ` � � . � � — --- - _ _ � _. _ _. ._ .__ . . �-- --- - _ _ � _ _ — ___ _ 4 �g ! Q : \ � -A � : , � . r-;. � � a � �, � � � `�. \ � ►1 - � _ �.00�� � �•� f � � � �,.� � � ���+�5"J �� ` -�� �' . r ,� ,-�i � �„ � �'_�'T �� �SJ � �-_ 4 _ __ - _ � "'�j + �. _ . _ . _ ,__ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ �� ' � . Q E'1 � � j - h �a' i ��r — ' . — `,. _ �---_ _ Z _ - -----_--_________.__�� _ - .� � % . L.. ��L�� �� .`,` � _ �� �y' r� - - �Y . " :. I / ' . [. o1`s' - «� �"� ? : ? � �rrf��'� t%_: j f'io�iY - 7, "�',.^, r�r.�.� ti`'ro� % �i; -,¢. _ ' • - <, . � ANo�'A CDli/,/i'r _ . /htneby r�e�fr�'y fhof fhis is c frue o�d correcf ��presenfof�ion o�0 SuY`ve(� �IIIC �vndOrieS �('ll�e abo�r ofcscr�6�ed on�,ond • � � ...- c�'/f r/�nion �all bui/din95 , lhtrcon , vnd o!l risib/� v;croorhrrftnfs ,!`oay, �n or m soid /cnd. As surveyed � me %his 4- _ oby � � A.D �9_�'. . SUB UR 8AN ENG/NEE21NG , INC. Ln ineerS ' 6' Su�r•yarJ . . _ L 309 . � �9,-. . _ 77'-7•:' by ' , � � , � • / � - . . I..i---_�" y. . . . �� � - I� I. � � . . June 28, 1968 E MEMO T0: City Manager and City Council FROM: Finance Director � . ' I SUBJECT: Tornado Disaster Funds The Federal Government has asked for a refund of $42,026.27 on the disaster funds advanced to the City. The�City of . FY�idley is not in agreement with.this request. There is an amount of $11,128.77 which the Ci.ty feels should be eligible expenditures for which the City should be reimbursed. I recommend that the City of Fridley refund the difference between the $42,026.27 and $11,128.77 which amounts to $30,897.50. I would recommend that this amount be refunded . ' and that we take no further action on refunding the other money until we finish our efforts to have these costs declared eligible. I L •. 0 � ,� • . '�"� � ' L.S. ��68-11 � '. � . . :� + � L. 2, B1. 1, Spring Valley Additioa. . (S� Sec. 13) _ �� . Leroy B. Smith ' • ENTE� I � � �JL� UU _� ��EC./ • .... .... � u.��� - ---;�41SSISkSi�Pl -ST— - --- - �o-�_ - -....>��--. _ ;.., ::�"�71�=---7�37--�--; R u, ,1f ,is ,u .if j= S�.S� 2olS7 /lf /IS /S1 �(�.t,m; (�at2 . � � � /6 \� y frto) • . .Y � r. a 101 � y ^ a✓t/�: ` iBOi 1 I' N Ni"t �S H n �J� �� � i � .� �. .,,,`...__ ' .. /,YOl.roa '• ' i "� �% ;I � . . �60, . . . . s.�3� � l�l/l_j_1if , . . NE�' . ; - � 3 •��,�� � 'N0.�88 � � �e�o, �� I . _ . __ . �� � � u.�+J . 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(21e�4i � . . , ; J�t o� �'.y �' � // . �., -- �; 19 ; .,,,�,�s1� Z,Z . � �.... - ��3 : . , . ��a' � ----(Z.�> . -- .� � �. ��� ' - . � 20 � � ;•- . �-- Jsee J •Nd Q � �` r � /:�JORE � � � . , �,s� -' ,.. � ti,N f��� � 2' .3 QI�� s�/ i ��`�` '< .> r� . n ` a., � 6� �� !; ODY �-p• :•",,•;� ' � � I:' WO �. �°_ � i�" 4ri' '� i � • 3 : i'�� p.I �� 7� ,� � � ! / � � . ' � 9 �• �/� 4 � 3 /` ''%' :'.' , � B � ! .° 5 �J � : • ' :a. .%x. � . � _.��-----(►— ••`'i -. //4 OR"'ER .' tJll �l i . 23 Q-`� �O � JO Q � �10 , � I �• . . , , � r r � ._ . ; _ . _ _ _ � � . .,: ; _. _ . � _ . . ..:. . . . .. . _ _ _ . , _. . _ . . _. _ • • • . • • . . . . • � � . . � _ , _... . _ _ __ . :. ._. _ - . _ . .. . .._ :. : __ _ _.__ � •.._ . : � - . r 't ,,.._ . . . � (� . _ __ `> --� . � � v � _ _,. . _ .._. _ . _ .. .. : '•__ , • ' v '� . N .. ' . ' .. . - � � �� . � � � - . _ : �� � ��- . � � . . �=-� � . _ . .. . ` . � , ___ � � . ,�, ' � i ._ _ l .y :� `%/.- � c!�%;.1:w4 3 3 ' � �� , � . � � � . - . � , .- - -- � � � � . - . • —� .. . . c ��������.1— . . -- . . G� . � ��,�� � �,���� ���,��'�ON MEETING - JUNE 27 � �.968 I was called to order at 7: 40 P.M. by Chairman Hughes. �,,� �neeting RQL�— L� Hughes, Erickson Myhra, Jensen, M,�mbers present : Xl�en '�,e�n,bex absent: Engineering Assistant Qthexs present: Darrel Clark, TES• JUNE 13 1968• APP QV� �' NG CdN�IISSION 1�NU � aragraph • correction be made to the third P W¢re ��--these figures �„�p Eri c k s o n a s k ed the following short". �,j,j� bottom of Page 6 and shou l d ran ac�e�ollows : f�ot� ou are about a��,��d correct and now y �o�ission minutes �,pTION by Jensen, seconded by Erickson, that tUpo la�oige vote, all votix�g 1968 be approved as corrected above• o� ��,�,s 13 � MLNU'TES : JUNE 2Q 1968 : ���� �,�e motion carried unanimously. ILITIES SUBC�TTEE ETS & UT + �,� g & SUBDIVISIONS-STRE Co�i�sion xeceive �►� Jensen, that the Planniag ON by Myhra, seconded by ou�l • �QTI divisions-Streets & Utili�hes� t o°�arried unani.m p Y ����,�,�5 of the Plats & Sub all voting aye, ��,�� 20, 1968. Upon a voice vote, �� 5 1968: MLNUTES• BUILDING STAND��'DESIGN CONTR�L SUBCOI�II�IIT�E • �o�ission xe���'�ye ;E�V� that the Planning 1968. b Erickson, seconded by Myhra, �i0TI0N 9 si n Control Subcom�nittee minutes of June � the Building Standards-De g the motion carried unanimous1Y• Upon a�;oice vote, all voting aYe� �E �9 1968: SUBC�I�ITTE'E M��TES • � VE BUILDING STANDA��-DESIGN CONTROL . ,CEI that the Planning CopO°°is$iOO frJu�e �9�e seconded by Myhra, �pTION by Erickson, si n Control Subcouanittee m�$t Standards-De g the motion carried uaaai�moue�Y' ��,�,uteSUpontae Qicedvote, all voting aye, 1968• S: �E 12 1968: E �� pF �,PPEALS MI1`1UT1'' Planai.t�8 �O°1°a�ssion xece3�v� seconded by Erickson, that the �1'� v+a�3.t�$ �Y�� �TION by Jensen, 1968. Upon a voice vote�, t�,e Board of Appeals minutes of June 1. the nnotion carried unanimously• 26 1968: �E� �� pF �,pPEALS 1�N[iTES • � ��,iss�ox� xeaeive Erickson, thatUp n a1��G�vote, a11 vat�.t�$ aYe� I�IpT'ION by Jen,sen, secondea bY 26 � 1968. �e �,o$=d of Appea�s n►inutes of June ��e mtotio� caxried unaaimous1Y • OxDBR, OF A�ENUA' �� ,� pet�.��.ona�ca p�rassn�. , end� ix► the� o�'��"� �� �`_. �� was decid�d to take �he � ,�,,.r, ,�.�«� _ _ _ .. �.�rc�i'�iC��B� _ -� -- , __...,� . _ __��� 4�� ��a.c�C would b� a r�re balconiQS woulc� ��X� wxqu�ht .. .� � �.� ; � � . _� Planning Commission Meeting - June 27, 1968 Page 2 � . REvI;E�i GHANGE IN � . D . (ZOA # 66 -•16 ) CONTINUED HAROLD C �ames Solveson representing co, Inc. l�e�ause the heading of this Item read'ZOA #66-�,6, Haxold Schroeder!'' as it was origi.nally wra.tten up, Mr. Dumphy� xe�erred to the Building Standards-Design Control. Subcommittee minutes of Sept�mber 1,9, 1967 which xead �'Request by Koward Dumphy, Owner �' and fel.t th�s should be corxected and would write a le�ter to that effe�t, Mr. Hughes stated that the Planning.Commission met on tfie 20th of June for an infoxmal�discussion, the results of wh�ch have been given to all parties concexned. � M�. Solveson presented a more up-to-date plan fox the Planned Develo�ment as reva,sed. They added a piece of land at the N.W. lj4 for access on Hugo Stxeet. They have 411. parking for cars compared t�t the original 415 cars. A 24 £oot dedication is shown along East River Road £or �eft and r�,ght turn lanes, sidewalks and space £or snqw remova�. £or service right of way. Tfiey would have to get the City's £inal plans before they can sfiow tfieix' grades up to the Rivex Road. The garages were shown on the map. Mr. Solvesan s��d tI�ey �iad revised the statistics, but have not ch�nged th� builda.ngs in tfie lower level. The original squaxe feet o£ the area of the Site �ras 592,000 and was in exxox. The new figure is 559,275 square feet. The parking stall sa;ze is 9 feet with 64 feet between centers. Mr. Dumphy said he had contacted the Gity Enginesr and mas told there are no actual plans for East Rivex Road so that there is no way for them ta show their •�lans with the Ci.ty�s. Mr. Solveson said the garages wou].d be abo�t 4�ea� below the road, have the flat roof and would use scxeena.ng. Ne was asked if ther had considered the liability paxt of havrng the roof so close th t�ie ground. Mr. Dump�y said the basYC concept is going to be about the same as £ar as the design of the apartments and commercial is concerned. The exterior walls wi1� be Chs same for theap.artments and shopping center, The map shows a brick and stucco combination. Mr. Exickson asked about the brick being'brought all the way to th� gxound and Mr. Solveson stated the reason•for the white stucco was to accent the lower part of the apartments making a CAn,tinuaus line axound the buildir�g. Mr. Erickson infarm�d Mr. Solveso�n that th� City requires that a bri�ck facin$ should cover 60$ of the structure and wondered if th@ two £loors being brick and ane floor stucGO wo.uld be ad�quaxe. Mr. Jensen brought up the fact that a light co7.o� next to the ground would ��pw staini.ng which h� felt might be impxactia� in the lang �ur. M�, Saivesb� said the brick would bQ a ��.�kisfi'brown co�or. The balconias would ��Ye wrqu�ht . . , ..a x �^+, !;"" w _ _ -__- .�� Planning Commission Meeting -June 27 Page 3 iron railing. Chairman Hughes said he felt the layout of the road i� the most important thing left undone. The right Qf way on East River Road is not uniform in w?dth. It is i,mportant to determine what the access pattern will be, turn lanes, etc. The Engineering Assistant said that �h�re is nothing concrete at all as far as the proposed width and media with reference to the access. Ir� the oxi�ginal request, it was decided this would be worked out as the plan developed. Mr. Jensen observed that the East River Road right og way seems to be extraordinarily wide near the South end of this complex and narrow near the North end. Parhaps an additional right of way, even an access of 24 fee� should be permitted near the North and perhaps nothing n�eax the South. This would force some change in the plans, but it might be such a thing that parking spacE may be lost in the North and perhaps additional parking spaces obtained at the South end near East River Road. The Engineering Assistant said they did not talk about a taper up tQ this point. Mr. Dumphy felt there would be ample time �o work out the street pattern as it will take some time tca hav� the actual final plans of the buildings to be dxaw�. Mr, �xickSOn wondered if there were any agreement that �ould be used on the general plan because a rezoning on th� corner of Ruth Street and a vacatian of stree�s wil� �Cake some time to process. He said that he did not £�el �e would object to the change of design particularly if the br�,ck came to the ground. Mr. Jensen felt the landscaping speeifications were fairly comprehensive. Chairman Hughes stated that, at this point, i� the Planning Commission wished to act, it should be i.n th� direction of agreeing in general with the plans as �resc�nt�d and call for additional detailing before final apgxoval is given, and to agree with these plans as preliminary. Mr. Jensen said he thought it would only be �xopex to have some elevations of the commercial property xelat�ve to this change in exterior change in appeaxance at some future time. MOTION by Erickson, seconded by Myhra�that tl�e P1�n- ning Commission recommend a roval of the �hange in desi n of S rin roo ar to t e ounci w� �s re iminar an su ect to a rova o t e ina ans that the Council be re ueste to examine t e xe im nax plans and renort as to their acceptance_o t is � an. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion car�ried. Chairman Hughes stated that they want it to bE clear tQ the Council that the Commission agrees in gen�ral wi'th the plans as submitted and request that Council �lso indiG.��e� ��h��� opin�qn. �'he?�g arg ��umber of things that the Co�miss3on f�und in�pplicabl� or undesirable ox 2. Planning Commission Minutes page 4 subject to some revision name�x in the design as presented so far and apparently should be listed: 1) The brick fac�ng Q� the apartment building should continue down to the finished grade. Also, it must meet the 60� requirement of exterior brick material, 2) Before final appxoval, the Engineerin� Department shoul� resolve the stre�t access problem on East River Road to the commercial property together with pnoper easements, sidewalks, planting a.round the apartment and commercial complex should be sufficient to protect the R-1 property. 3) Elevations to commercial property be provided. 4) Parking adequacy should be determined by the Building Inspection Department. 5)� Necessary request for rezoning of tracts that are not included in PD Development zoning should be requested, vacation of existing streets in tract. All other require- ments of the PD district must be complete before final approval. Mr. Dumphy brought up the matter of Lots 32, 33, 34 and 35. They were shown in the original plan and accepted at that time although he did not own them then. In the meantime, he purchased the property and wondered if he would have to go through the rezoning process again. Chairman Hughes said he knew of no way this can be waived. LOT SPLIT REQUEST Lots 22 � ru 25. CONTINUED : L.S. #68-09 oc c 7, Spring Broo c ParTc Mr. DeGardner explained that he has four East River Road. In regard to Lot 26, which Commission had suggested he purchase, the lot forfeit and he ' b ROBERT D�GARDN�R: ition, lpts facing the Flanning is una le to fine the owner. The sale Q� the lot would not come up until next spring, The Subcommittee's recommendation was that �,ot 26 bt� purchased, Mr. Jensen said, in order to eliminate a driveway onto the East River Road and the size of the prp� posed lot split with the 26 foot lot would increase the size to meet minimum lot size even though there would be a variance on lot width. Mr. Erickson reminded Mr. DeGardner that these are undersized lots. Mr. DeGardner said he would probabl�e have to buy the two lots (Lots 26 and 27), but because of the s3,ze, he d�d not see how he could utilize them. Chai�man Hughes offered that because the owner a£ �,ot 26 can not be located, that the petitioner would be delayed in his construction if we did not take action at this time. Mr. DeGardner has indicated the lot split is reasonable similar to the buildings that are going up in the area at this time. Mr. Erickson said Fie agreed witfi Chairman Hugfie� and would make the followi.ng mati.on� ---- ------- --- _ _ _ - , _ ___ - ----- - _ _ - --- __ _-- . .__ Plannin Committee MeetinQ June 28 �age 5 MOTION by Erickson, seconded by Myhra, that the Pl.anning Commission recommend a roval of the lot s lit (L.S. #6g-pg�� Robert DeGardner of Lots 22 thru 25, Bloc , pring- - Erook Park Addition as submitted. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,'t me otion carriec� unanlmously. 3. LOT SPLIT RE UEST (CONTINUED : L.S.#68-11. LEROY B. SMITH: Lot 2, Bloc 1, pring Va ley ition. Mr. Smith was present and said he had an easement prepared for both the road and utility easement. 4. 5. MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Jensen, that the Plannir�g Commission recommerid to Council a roval of Lot S lit �68-11 sub'ect to t e execution of an easement rom the o tTi ari ti ity easement t roug t e center o e ro ert o e re are� b- the En ineerin e artment, Upon a voice yote, al voting aye, t e m'otion carrie unanimously, CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT P.S. #68-03 SOUTHHAMpTON 2ND A D TIO ' Outlot 2, Worrel a �; � . tior�. Mr. Jensen, Chairman of Plats and Subdivisions-S��ee�s and Utilities Subcommittee, said the Subcommittee did not feel the plat fit the topography and asked Mr. Johnson to try to coordinate with the owners on both sides and he seemed to be willing to make an effort to do so. This item was continued - no action. REVISIONS TO SIGN AND BILLBOARD CONTROL ORDINANCE: Mr. Jensen wondered if the Chamber of Commerce should have a eopy of the Revisions for their comments. Thi.s would give them an opportunity for the business community to offer alternatives or get their desire. MOTION b�r Erickson, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commission continue Item #5 until the next meeting of July 11, 1968. Upon a voice v-ote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously, ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Erickson, seconded by Jensen, to adjpurn �he Planning Commission meeting at 9:40. Respectfully submitted by Hazel 0'Brian Recording Secretary � � � � � June 28, 1968 . Memo to: City Manaqer � From: Chi ef of Pol i ce � Subj ect : Sol i ci tor's Li cense for "Red Di amond Cl ub" . Attached is the application from the "Red Diamon_d Club" � of 414g - 5th Avenue, South, Minneapolis. Atl the salesmen listed are chitdren, and you will note most are from the same famitlY��eT�ast names oftthelsalesmena ture on the bottom, an were added after being told this was necessary. I recommend this license not be granted until we have time to check on the Club to see if it is legitimate.� Minneapolis License Bureau knows nothing about them although they claim to have a license from Minn.eapolis that enables them to solicit in the entire metro area. • . � . �� . . ' , 0 .:�,�. �- . ,�s -t , r y '. `'� Y'.' _ , � �m � �� -�: . , • . � � � , "� - , - D� NORTH COAST LIMITED ROUTE OF THE ?/isla" rwma 2Y.,, � � �►t � J���p1YE�.LC COLVMUAIASIN ����������� �� ' wi�sNiNaton ' �� _— g � �M D�m� ti�d�' .. cuMODU�E�,or�i � --____ ' �`7 ouwn � � � � • MISSOYU N � � +�M{lEt C�i N����t . . . � Ell[ �IM 6 � � 5` °^�rA �,�*r„�, c��co � � wr� � � � i6COM Q . �4 � WiF t- �O� �F��g' '►lO,y�_"'i1�KEi , �N • % ` r� ��`uuiuE�{ , L��P�,�,�,owuue �,y; �t �Lt�M AIM, "��A � �n�oiu n ruK , . soum o�coi � u e�os . . . `� �O�!lOON i � iW'lOMW�� = r� �MF �� MWInE M�pyE t�r►M tow�sov.0 � a+aTM•°' • SOUM yllqu. f�6860 Pciavd in U. S A. . • � ��� �� � � ' ►-'C' �T ti�:�l�='"'`� ! , E� �r�, �� ,. ����, � . � �. ; � .'k. !�p ����� i'�li ' ' A : L�+�'� I MAIN ' STREE7 ' OF THE )RTMW EST i . �. f.; �• .k �: � : � . � -. � � �' �=�"� � � � � t • . � . i • ,����f� f . � � 4 , . �s�..`�". L�� � , ._ � -��� - � � f �� � . s . � 1 � � . . r � j • . .�, f ' , � ', . ' i1 . . � E 4 � � �, 0 ;, SOLICITOR►S LICEI�TSE APPLICATION e� �,� r . Name of �F,e�y C� � I /�1 ��l/ , C L U.� �aare$$ �/ �� � ��/ � S.r il'l.,.j'L ,S' � ��1sf �o�e �vo. •� � S-� � �Sa � � 8� % 3a 6 � �� �R1`'O� �hTt. List names and ad.dresses of r�ll salesmen C,c> / LL /� �S�M /YI / C!t r'S. � 1�iqiv.DY by S 7'�n/L �'������.� 2� ��°�� A�v��`°va �Ap��= �oyd ��=rr���6����..f��`°�� Pra� �el� /� �r�L+/f/��`C,r��l\ / f•� crr�L��LL'/ • • Type of inerchandise to be soZd C�/1/ i . � �ea to bs �a�vassea _ ��� � �y - � CO�, �E. � - � � License Fee : ;�10,00 . Receipt No. �� f��, Expiration Date _ Authorized Signature Comanents s � 0 . r � - � . . � � . . . � , . . � � � ' � � � . � � . ��` � . . - �- .. � . . , .. - .. . � � � . ., ��ryrh�� . . � AREA CODE 612 - 788 -9234 . • �: ' . . - � , ,. :� ,:: . . . , ' L.:a�7 0 � - � � ���0 �� � ���' En,q . . . . �,, I�,c Manu�acturers o/ Psecise Metal Components For fndustry a0 - 44TH AVE. N. E. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNE507A 55421 June 28, 1968 . •. ' + Honorable Mayaand City Council, ' , City of fridley, Minnesota 6entJ emen: Approximately six to eight weeks ago, Mid-Continent appeared before . ' , you requesting approval of an addition to the present plant. Based .� on this approval, the architects were ordered to prepare plans and . :� specifications for the addition. This was done using the Uniform � ' Building Code as a guide but unaware that certain sections had ' . been deleted or amended by local ordinance. . Upon presentation of the plans to the Inspection Departments involved, the Fire Prevention Bureau noted that the proposed construction ind�cates , areas to be in excess of those permitted by the codeias� amended�by approximately S,OOO square feet. � Chief Aldrich in his memo indicated certain alternatives available to remove the probiem. All of the alternatives presented do not� lend themselves to easy adaptation due to various reasons. � A fact that did not show �n the plans reviewed by Chief Aldrich is � that.this addition will be protected by an automatic detecti�on system . � which is Central Station supervised. � We are requesting that the City Council grant a waiver�of the a�ea � separation on the consideration that in the low hazard occupancy, the alarm notification and detection equipment is equal to a sprinkler � , ' system. . . Yours very truly, • • . MID-CONTINENT ENGINEERING, INC. - � � j��,r,✓,, �- �-�-c''.�z-�<---�.�� - _ . : James J. Crowley, Sec. Treas. � �, Precisiort bletalworkrng in: Sma!! Forgings — Stampings —{Velded Assemblies — Tooling - Sheetmetul '^---• - . ;�.:_ , � . . . . � • . . . . . . . . . ' � � . k ' ' � � � . . File � . . � , , _ iMr. Art Popehn � � . ;'. •� Page I of 2 Bentz Nelson . y Agerbeck . . . � . Everson . : . Tadsen (4) . - 25 June 1968 � � _ �MORADiDUM . .. - Re: Addition to . � ' � . � Mtd Continent Engineerinq Fridley, Minnesota � . • � . Commission No, 68-14 (Bids due 27 June I968) � ' - • , . . � ��: Ronald E. Tadsen . . .. T� CERNY ASSOCIATES, INC. - • . • : I sent�a copy of the final construction documents to the City of Fridley for . their review. On Monday, 24 June 1968 we received a letter/memo from Mr. Robert Aldrich, Chief, Bureau of Fire Prevention, City of Fridley, informi.ng . tts that the above�project does not meet code requirements. � Background data: l. The Fridley City Council reviewed and approved the preliminary drawings • some 6 to�8 weeks ago. 2. The existing building is of similax size and construction and was approved previously. . _ . , 3•. The UBC.clearly permits, by allowable area increases � of this type; Occupancy Classification - G, and Type` V Cohstriictionirig 4. AZso, I have a letter from the State Fixe Marshal�dated 19 June 1968., ap- � � proving the construction documents. There are two things that we were not aware of: - � � 1. The Building Inspection Dept. nor the Fire Prevention Bureau review the . preliminary drawings. The Council and the Design Committee only review the � project to see that it has proper parking, setbacks, is architecturally compatible with the neighborhood, etc. • � �2. Local ordinances void Section 506 of the Code. . � Basically, according to Mr. Aldrich•s interpretation of the Code 5-C may be used), the building area is in exCess of that permitted�byYsome14000 s. • . ft. He proposed the following alternatives: . q. � l. Separate an additional 4000 sq, ft, of the buildinq (ESt. cost $2500 -$3000.� 2. .Install automatic sprinkler system in the.excessive sq. foat area (Est, cost ' $ 9000 . ) _ . r.. .. - . � . . '. . . . . . . . . . . • ' . . � . � � ' . . . . . _ .. . . . � . : . . .. � Re: Addition to ' ; Mid Continent Engineering � ' � MEM��DUM - FridleY. Mirinesota � � : . �5 Jt�ne ?.908 Comm. No. 68-14 . paqe 2 of 2 From: Ronald E. Tadsen � • � � 3. Fireproof the structural steel joists, beams and columns (Est.�cost $9.000 ; . to $10,000.) He proposed a fourth suggestion, in our discussion; that� ; ` inasmuch as there would be a fire detection alann system installed by the Owner �not shown on the drawings) and the fact that there �.s little combustible � • material or equipment in the building, an appeal to the Council could be filed � =equesting consideration be given for these items. Aowever it � , was his feeling � that the owner wouid realize a savinqs in insurance premiums by installing a sprinkler �ystem. � - I�have reviewed this entire matter with the �, . postpone the bid date until ,7uly 9 or 10, 1968to allowttime torinvestigate theld possibilities invoived. � .• . . � ' • � � --- _ _ ._.., . , f . _ _ � - � 3 . � . � � • F _ . . ; . � .. � t . . ; - _ , . . � ' • . , . � . � . . � � . . � . . - i - • � � _ .. .. ._ . - . - � ' • - r . . RET:jf i . � . i - .' � . - 1 . � � � - ( ( , r . ± , � " � - . � . " • i . j , . I . � � ' "'� .. � ..vvv���ly . � . J_ . . . • ' . • • - • ' . . : 8us. Phanc / �_ , . _ . . SGO-3 �50 . : . . .. .���� . • • CITY OF FPIllLLY � . � . � . . � �.� . �� �����.� . �.� .���n� ��°� � � �:�: ., ... . : � . . �• �1'C�� �.�:�� . . . - . _ 6431 University Avenue N. E., Fridley � � � • � ' � • . MINNEAPOUS. MINN. 55421 � � � �MEMO T0: John Breher, Buiidin • � g Offi4iai �b8-6-2 � . . � FROM • Robert D. ' - . . ' � _ . ' Aldrich, Chief •' � ,. Bu reau of Fi re Preven t i on ' � SUBJECT: .Mid-�ontinent En ineerin � ' 9 9 Construction • . ' ' DATE : June T7. T968 . � �. . -. � � - � � Occupancy Ciassification - G UBC Tabi�' - . . • . . e5A . � Canstruction Ciassification. � � • . . . ' TYPe IV UBC Cfiapter 21 • - .. .� . Proposed Area• � ' = t�,�►s , TabTe 17q . ]13 X 2�$� � 28 � . - ,91� Sq. Ft. Owners Plans . � Separate Area . . ' . ' " 5,900 Sq, ft. - ' �' Total � ' � ' Unseparated . • . • ." � . 22,9t$ Sq. Ft. . � � � • ; 'A1IoMiable Area - Type [� Construction - � ' . r t3,5�0 �i- j ` �"� This buildin as ' � /3 = 18,000 sq. ft. . - � 9 proposed does not meet code requirements. : . proposed are in excess of those perm�i tted.. � � Areas .as Alternatives avaitabte are: �• An add•i tionai area� of approximatei t� . separated to come wi thin the 1 imi ts as s . �`�.` �y'' ��'^"�`- Y ,000 square feet shouid.be. . a et forth by tF�e code. ' � /j ,f � � �•• instaiiation of. p ' Z~�`'��`-� ��J ; . Automatic s rinkier ,system. . � ' .=.��j. �,_T �.,,�.� 3• Upgr�ade the structure to a '� TYPe 4 - � N"��� �,: . . LFie exposed structure frame for one hourhdurat� � Tdin . 9 '. bY Protectin9 �•�'--'�'; jU�. . " Additionali � on. � Y, 1 wouid-suggest the�iinkin ' � ffxtures into the exit ti htin 9.of some of � � • emergency 1 i gh t i ng th rou (� 9�' �cu i ts thereb t�e f iou rescen t ' ' •• - . 9 the proposed ac1`di tion P�oviding Type 2 . - RDA:.e t �l!}. r:t7.�i� � '�' • � . . . . CJ. � � . . FI! E I!!: — _ �CLl�t:i'._ ------- � �`'-'��`t _j�: � - �: iJ --• -- _ r��_ � _— • . . . - � - � — ses°;aoto '. •, • Gt�ti ::i:,:—'~_ _`-�._. _ ' " .� — ' . � . . ' PR;i.�: CG;�;:4.� "" ' ---- �' '-- . � ,. . _ � • . _� . . SU3 CU: f i R. �'---'-- . . — . ' - . � ' ' . • -------__ _ -- , . ` --- . —..:_ � . __ ,, ' . . 'l►t■ � .� _ . . ' _ ' • . � . � � MEM4 j'Qt DEPARTMENT HEAOS M�1 FR�1M1 CITY t�A1MAGER MI�1 OMIT� �,Nn Y 3, 1968 1, Th� a�rnda it�� of the .1ulr 1, 1968 Regular Cvuncil Meeting pres�nk�d soiM ItA��F N*quirin9 aatio�= of varioe�s depart�ents. Thi s �nsmorsndu� 1ndi���N �cl10�= �o bil �c�a�pl i shed or coordi n�tsd and provi d�s addi R i ona 1 i nio�at i on f rar th� �it�► M1�++�y*�'s offic•. PI MAItCE DI RECTQR: �w w�wl��.we.�. A. Cauncii approv�d rui�s a�d i�structions for �s� •t tM Nsv��r 19(� •l�ctions. ACtfo� NNded: Fo�ra�d to the Attornsy G�nerai tor apP►ovai. �. The CitY Cauncil approvsd a11 ctain�s. ACtion Needtdt Par ctain�s as approved. C. The Council r�ctiv�d t� fiMnce Di�ectors r�ca�ndativn:. a�t conaurr�d i � br ths Ci ty AttoreMy, and authort:�l tM r�i�iur��w�nt ot th� F+�d�r�i 6owrn�nt fo� }w�ds r�1 wd i n ca� junctie� wi ti� t!a to�nado. Th� total F�d��al r�i�bu�s�w�n� ���st ws 4y =,�,ut ttN Cou�+ci i sti i l dwrsl r�s that 11 12,8�.� contt Rw� to �d as �r �on*r�ln�bur=eabl�. Councii aa tid �ii�burs�nt to b� � o� 3�o,a97.so. Acttoa NNd�d: �ay ciala� a• app�ov�d. D. Council approv�d •stl�t�s. Action Need�d: �ar as w thoris�d. #[. �,tc�n:es as r�qwst�d r+��• app�owd as pr�s�nt�d. Aation Ne�cNd: Issu� licenses. !. Fi R� OtPaRT1�lENT: *w���w�w���ina.r��r� �� A, Council spprowd appoiatw�nt of Raiph M. M�ss�r, I�attord And�r:an, Ray�ond Mag�� and .l�rry N199ins to th� fridl�y VoluntMr Fir� �p�. �nt. Action NNd�d: ibtifr appointee=. A�PA�T'PIR'Mf Ml�1� ME1�110 •2 .lu�Y 3, 19G6 �� "I'�M Cq�+nci 1 appr4ved the Fi r• D�part�tnt payrol I wi th tMe ch��g�� �dq IM#'th� replac�snt sheet fo� the ag�nda. 1'1 N�ededs Add chang� sM�et to aganda to insur� corrl�ctloA in r'lCarr s. Counci 1 S�crtta�y) �„���,QE�I'MENT: �. C+awn�if �pprowd Lucia Lar�t �tudy. See City Manager R�wa�k=. 1� Cp�+ncil app�owd reca�endations of Police �hi�f on r�:t;�� a� �i�n� a� int�rs�ctfons of Rice Cre�k Terrac� and Aakltr St�Nt. Stop ilgns to ba piaced on Oaki�y St�eet, causing �thbound t�affi� on �hat stre�t to stop b�fort snt�ring into Rice Cre�k Terrac�. A�tion Me�ded: Coordinate with the Si,p�rintendfe►t of Public No�ks o nsure : gn is sr•cted. C� �1�11 s�� sti l i b�ing rec�i wd on junk cars and junk th�t nsti�c�s �� s�+-v,d on several wreeks ago. P�ovi d� thi s off i c� wi th a 1 i=t Of addr�tsses, typ� offensivs iaaterial and date coaiplaint i�for�tiot� Mas tur�ed owr to� fihe Ci ty Attorner � s offl ce for proc�ssi �g, '�'h� s office Nii1 th�n coordinate �rith attorners offic� on expec�iRing �Cti�A M th�se� canpt a i nt s. A�tion M�edsd: P�ovid� iist as request�d. 0+ 'Thq Citr Council Kithheld action o� thp issue of a Solicitor�a license for the Red Dian�ond Club, pending sutfictent i�for�aRion b�in� �ad� available by the ciub and recca�a�nd�t{o�s of apprpr+l bp th+� ad�inistration. S. C�TY �MGINEERs ..*��,s...� �,..� .,...�,.,.�.�..,�._ �' A. Coueici i cont i nued Publ i c li�ar i ng on vscati on of Marsh� i l ttr�t to ��r �S, 1968. Mr. Narris had not cawplet�d his n�goli�tions Kith NStSp on ac�c�ss to his prope�ty. tion� d��d= Plac• on Ag�nda for Julr 15, 1968. '� a. Councit h�1d first r�ading ot ordtnanc� oa ��se�ing r�au�st (ZOA No. bB•OSi,► ��i� fto� R-2 to CR-1, Dr. K.M. Irp�brits�n. First h�a�iitg �i v�d. Action Ne�ded: �iac� on Aq�nda for .bir iS, 1968. ,.A����, ..� � ... tiEp�RTM�►NT HEAp MEMO -3- JULY 3, 1958 �►� ��Qr�S� r'padi ng af ordi nance approving th� rezoni ng request ZOA No. 6F��p( �Ni►",�Ch �►pthar�) was he1d. Reading wa�ved, prdinance asse ���►R�Atd. GAUnCiI stipulated that the ordinance not be publishedduntii ��1 ned 8greem��t between Hirsch and the City is accornplished. Th� �rf�Y�p�s stipUl�ltions included the fact that buiidings be a minimum of ���4ty (60) feet from the north lot line and the driv�way be mqved south t�+�ty�tMro (22) f�eet, and when added to the thirty-eight (38) feet Qrj�inally depicted would me�ke the driveway sixty (60) feet from the �qr�h prc�perty tine. Mr. Hirsch also agreed to put a birm alony th� nQrXheas� prpperty line and install plantings. �aAc�ion Needed: Coordinate with attorney for draft of agreement as to ��Pu�t�ons and insure inclusion in abstract of the sixt foot requir�ments. Publish as required by law when the above is (�,' Ec�mp 1 eted. D. S��ond reading of an ordinance approving vacation of streets (SAV No. 6�.01)R Mirsch BrQthers, was held. Second reading waived, ordinance pessed and t�dopted. A�tion Ne�d�ds Publish as required by law, upon s;gnq�9 of agr,eenK�t� �' E. Oiscussion of extension of Third Street from 57th Piace to 57th Avenu� was dei�yed due to non-availability of Holiday representatives. �ou��;� d��irQS Highway Department and Holiday to be present at next rneeting. �Attioei neededs Contact Highway Oepartment and Holiday. Place on Ju�y 1S, Agen a. R. Cpn�ideration was given to variances requested by Max Salittrman on hii ��estaurant request. Councii dtnied va,ria�ces. Aetion Needed: Notify Mr. Salitermsn of Councii decision. (i. The Council set the date fo� a public hearing on a vacation (SAV Ab,� 6$•p�)� S:tfe�t, for August 12, 1969. ACtion Needed: Publish ,s indicated and as required by law. H• Ccw ncil received Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee minuCes, Jun�e 19, 1968, and took the following action. Goun�ii concurred with Building Siandards-Design Control Subcommitte� and approved construction of an sddition of 28,815 square feet to tha existin$ building on part of Lot 8(Parcel 1300), Auditor's SubdivisiOn No, 3j, An�k� County, Minnesota, the same being 80 - 44th Avenue Northeast (Mid� Cantinent Enginee�ing), with the following stipulations: T. Tre�s to be maintained along Msin Street, except those whi�h are n�cessary for const�uction of the building. No additional land• scaping required except surfaces to be grassed in, not to b� crushed rock. n A�PARTM�NT H�AQ M�Mp _4, �ulY 3, � 9b6 �� Cancrete block to be painted. ''�' 3* Waive►� granted allowing �ubstitutiort of fira sprinkier =y�t,� t0 cover extra 5,000 sq. feet of space aa long as det�,ctipn systlqn i� in�tal '� 4. Addition ot' parking 1ot for twent bs installed to bring parkin s aceai9ht (�$) additio��r �ar�, tQ 9 P prov�ided up to Cod�t. A11 �d• p�prking spaca to be bituminous (existing and new) ��d p�A���it con�ret� bumper cu�bs to be instalted around all pdrking a�e��� �� Added by City Council. � I. Cauncil approved the Planning Commission Minutas and taqk the foTlowjng actions R�tviawed change in PrelimiNer�r� piat (ZQA No. 66-16), Haroid S�h�oeder by CAMCO, INC. Th�a CounCil approved in general the concept of the plan �ubmit��d. SQm� discussion was held on the �stablishment of the grade�t prt �h� future impr,pvements of East River Road, ta get tqgether with the City Engineer andQthe�Countydtorresolv��r th�a establiahment of a grade for the Pr�eliminary P1at to b� tipd to, Plan to gp back for further action of Planning Conmi�aiem� Action Needed: Coordinate with Mr. Schroeder•and �ou�xy �o ��t 9r�e �r$ta ished. Provide assistance requested by Planning Commission in Minutes presented. Lo� Spiit Request (L.S. No. 68-Q9), Robe�t D�6erdner� �ots 22,��i Block 1, Springbrook Park Addition, approved by CounGil subj�ct tp granting of easements required by City Engin�er and submiss;Q� Qf Certificate of Survey. Action Needed� Notify requ estor. Coordinate with Assessqr p� p�o�� G�or ng. Lot Splft Request (L.S. No. 68-11), LeRor Q' Smith: Lot 2, 81ock 1, Spri�q V�11ey Addition, approved subject to utility easeme�t� ��ig���*� bY City Engineer. Action Neededs Notify requestor and coordinate with asse�sor o� propltr �'acor i ng, J+. The Council received the Boa�d of Appeals Minutes of June 26, 1968i #nd Concurred with actions as indicated beiow. 1. The Amendnent to June 12, 1968 minutes, Item 2, p*ragr�ph �j� �. Concurred in variance to allow five-foot setback on the scwth side yYard and the north side yard ramai�s the �ame as the exitt• ing structu�e. Mr. Lindberg to acquire a written ;rt�lease t�q� Mr. Ma lm ( 5821 _ 2.f Street N.E. j for change i n th�e propqNd foot s in�h to � fi�.t �n ch. s�!l��1 1at tin.. 7 �Pp�RTM�NT M£Ap M�MO -5- JULY 3, 1968 �A�tion Ne�ded: Issue permit with stipulation and above r�quire�ngnt�� �S� ��1�ir��i1 awarded bids on ST. 196$.1p (Sealcootin�) to Al1iQd gla�ktoQ with �A�4 bid of $9,165.00, with comp�etion date of September 1, 1968. ACtion Needed: Notify Contractor. �r �A4��i1 paased resolution authorizing bids for a new 3/4-ton truck with �ox, ACtion eeded: Publish as required by law. Bids to be r�c�ived ,J�jy j�� j�� uhtil 11:30 A.m. M• R�r�plutio� passed ordering Preliminary Plans, Specifications, and Estim�te �P CQSts thereof, ST. 1968-1g (Addendum No. 4), and Resolution calling fq� P�tk�l ic Mmari ng on Jul y 1 S, 1968. Area south of lii ghway No. 100 - Mq�i zsan Qrl v� and �rowrt Road. AcEion Naededs Publish Public Hearing Notice. N• Th� Coun�il received the petition askinq for cu�b and gutter and �t�eets frsam �30Q to Sb00 and Crown Road from 100 to 200. A�tion Needed: Complete administration. , Q+ Th� Counci) discussed the Chiss Land Alteration Permit. The City Attpr�ay Axplain�d to the Council that the City Manager and Engineer �ere advis�� �p 1�suo the permit as, in his opinion, Chies had met ordinance requiren�nts� HA� advis�d the Council that he would reconmend thet they either rep�a� thQ ordina�ce and adopt the uniform code requirements on land alteration.. Ne indi�ated the bond was to be extended and permit issued effective until September 1, 1968, when Chies was to meet the requirements of his final plan he had previously submitted. He indicated the bonding ettQrney �#�ouid get together with the City Manager and Enginecr in August.to see just how Chiss i s doi ng. Our Ci ty Attorney had �d�ri s�d th� boe�die� �,�p�ny �e wor�ld fail beck on bond if work is not canpteted. The Attorney fndicate►i Chies had been advised to keep down dust and watch hours of operatipn so a; not to create a nuisance. Council subscribed to City Attorner�s recc�nnendatiQn�� Action Needed: City Manager, City Engineer, and Police Chief tp tal�a appropr ate action. Meeting to bc set up in August with bonding companr, P• Council passed an emergency ordinance authorizing hookup of Cam�e�ee Pa�k sewer to NSSSD at a cost not to exceed $5,000.00. Action Neededs Prepare format ordinance. —". Q. ke are receiving ma�y calls on chuck holes in streets. Councilman Samu41sp�1 reports repairs are badly needed on 68th way, 69th Way, and Hicko�y t�pn b�th #o b9th. R. �vp��l of our public works employees do not have rain wits. TFtRrp A�* many jobs that can continue to be accomplished under rainy condition� wiRh p�oper equipment. See if �nr s�n 9�t �h� ��ipped and kept on the job a maximum of �h� time, funds perrn9tting. �1�RAR1'M£NT H�AD M�MO _6_ JULY 3, 196$ �. �� #pme instances, employees on crews ar� sti11 being broughx intQ kh� Fir�p 5��1�ion fiar �offee breaks. When they are out on a job, a bre�k can b� taken irl �#1��� and we qet more work acc anpiished. T• �ounciima� Samuelson asks that we move the large elbow 12��.14�� from behiel�j t� Pump Mouse 4ast of the Filter Plant and store it prop�rly. Thi� shQUid b+� don� to imprqve appear�nces. . �+R PARKS ANO RECREA7ION OEPARTMENT A* �ounCii discussQd the p�esent park facilities and much comment Mas m�clm �bout the maintenance of our present parks. Some discussion was C�nter�ed arQUnd Ehe requirement for additional fuli-time help. CounCilman l.i�b1 pc��Mted out that in his opinion and others the bond issu� faii�d b�Caug! 0� the poqr maintenance of our present facilities. �C�'� �D� N�,6 ded: �ook over present mai ntenance prograni Ni th a vi ew to upgrddi ng m# �+��lance. Atso, City Manager to.coordinate and make recommendation� Qn add{�i�#, pe�sonnei, S. The parks and Recreation Commission minutes of June 25, 196$ m�eeting wwr�*e rec�i ved. Th�e Couneil discussed the proposed ib-space parking lot for �hases Is�and Q� School District #14 property. The Councit directed the Ci�y Manager tR �pntact District #14 to see if an case�nent could be p�ocurred to be e�r�{��t�. wF►�pn Chase Island is prepared for public use. It was felt that inst�lli�� a p�rking lcrt before Chase Island was prepar�d for use was not nacqts;ary, �Ct�o� Needed; parks and Recreation Director to contact School Dist�iet Hlk and a�► i arrang���s for easement can be made. C. Council approv�d Charles Olson and Sons Inc. PicM c. ,A�,�t,_i�pn Needed; Notify Adrian E. Hattenburger, Shop Steward, Charl�ts plson � SA��, nc. %s (.IQUOR $TORE DEPARTMENT �AI 1�1 � R A��� (Not Used) 8� �„+TY „ASSESSOR: (NQt Used) �. TY qTT R. N�Y.:. A. CAUn�il d�ires a resolutio� be prepared authoriZing Civil Servic�t Commi�sion members to s�cceed themselves in office. Resolution to be ready by next Ct�unei 1 Maeting. 0 ��Mi N�Afl MEMO '� JU(,Y ,�, 1 �b8 0. Th� CiLy Manager ►r�s direCted to s�t up ,� meeting date for attorn�py tQ al'te1� the Ccauncil on thg me8ning of' the court's �ulin9s on the N$SSB - �i�y Af Fridls�y case. Councilman liebl �equested an exqlanat�on �}' th� Co�l�� Q�de� in layman�� lan�uage. �Qn Ne4dods City Manager to set a date for meeting of City Attorn�ty - ���....�..,.' C• 1�11 do nqt heve � signed agreemQnt with the Polico Pension Fund �nd G{ty QI' R�idtey on improvements to Police • Parks and Racreation, and �ibr�r�► qua�to�rs ranpvation work, The Engineer and Finance Qirectors ��e jn rleed Q1' thesa as we must back up Co�tract and bo prepared to make parRi+� pa�yments Qn �stimatts. 10• Tr MANA�,,,�,,, GE,� R�,S R�h1A�RKS:, �• C4'ul'�cil approved revised minutes of Special Publi� Hearing of Jun� 1p, 1945$• ACLiOn Noededs M�ke correction as noted and record mirwtes. 0, $etCQ�d ��sding held of an ordinance regulating and controlling th@ grpwth oP rr��ds, grass, brush and other rank, poisonous or ha�mfut,v��ptipn w#� h�e1d• �pding waived, ordinanc,e passed and adopted� A ian N+��ded: Publish as rcquired by taw. �+ Coan�il app�oved the City Managers-Police Department and Engine�e� $tudr eff the (.ucia Lane traffic probiem. ACk1,cN� Needed: Send letter and copy of stud to y petitioners - fprwe�d le�t�r 4 late H g ay Oepartment asking signatization of Highway 65 _(g�h q�e�u� N,�, tnxerseCtion and reduction of speed limits o n H i g h w a r 6 5 frp� b p M P H �A �i�i "�0 MP�,. D� Council discussed the letter from the Highway Department indieating �h�ry wcauld not fund the Pedestrian Channelization fence on East and {�;� ;id�e p' , University Avenut between 49th and S3rd Avenue N.E., Coun�i) desireld to talk this qver with Highway Department representatives at July IS, ��� ma�tt i ng' �• CAUn�ilman Sheridan made the motion that the Administratipn pr�p�r� ,� �p, ye,�e� strett new construction and maintenance program and when rrorkes� yp p�osent to the Councii. �A =�e�„ deds Coordinate the preparation and submit to Counci) for apprqv#� PAOn �ompietion� 0 �i �R'�M�1�'T M�A�1 M£MQ -�- JUl,Y 3, '' '�3 TQ q�n#�1t th� m�nKa !Q reach the Counci 1 an ThursQar prior to tF+� n�xt ���u1�r C4�1r1�i1 MeOt�ng� r�pcart� pn aG�ion� taken by each departn+ent must ba in thi� affice b�► l�QOn, Jul�► 10, 1�69 (NednesdaY). D#Ipll�*tmlrnt Fi�+Bd� are to use the same paragraph number for thei r repo�t �i� �� �+�Rd f n tFkt �nq* Type i n fi na 1 form to enabl e us to assemble report wi �1�out �{� �'� RoS44bte. I� Chdngas are faund necessarY, vMe wi�l make them in thi� office.r� �� �f sub,je�t metter �s in a Department Maad's memo paragraph, he is �stspon�,fblq 1°IA� C�1'din�tlrlg �Iith other dapartments or individual to assenibie tota) a��io� neted�d an th� :ub�eqc. AIgqlldo ite�ns u�1t �o be submitted o� a separate paper attached to tr,� in�or�a,tlon �ubml�fi�d �►Y the Q*p�rtment Heads. If copi4s of letters, etc., are to bs sub�tittod M'�th ��►� m�mQ �s� �h� Courl�i 1, please make in 26 copies for attaching, H�A/b,�j i ��•�. HOMER R. ANKRt1M CITY MANAGER