10/21/1968 - 5859, , � � � ' � , u � � , ' ' L�J � � � � JUEL MERCER - COUNCIL SECRETARY REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA OCTOBER 21, 1968 - 8:00 P. M. ' ' ' , ' 1 ' ' � � ' ' ,L�� ' ' �J ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIPIG AGBNDA - OCTOBER 21, 1968 -$: rit� �. 1rI. PLEDGE OF ALI,�GIANCE • INVOCATION• ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF MINUTES• Regular Council Meeting, October 7, 1968 Public Hearing Meeting, October 14, 1968 ADOPTION OF AGENDA• PUBLIC HEARINGS• 1. Continued Public Hearing on 1969 Budget. (Continued from 10/7/68) OLD BUSINESS• 2. First Resding of an Ordinance for Rezoning 2 Areas from R-1 to P . D . (Dumphy) Co�ent: The hearing for this rezoning was held on October 14th. The Ordinance is cn the Agenda for Council consideration) 3. k'irst Reading of an Ordinance for Vacation Request, 24' Service Drive Easement West and Parallel to East River Road (Lindberg). Comment: The hearing for this rezoning was held on October 14th. The Ordinance is on the Agenda for Council consideration. Our recommendation is that the second reading should be held up until the whole intersection financing is resolved.) 4. Receiving Agreement and Covenants in Relation to Great Northern Registered Land Survey. Comment; �he Council has already been supplied with the agxeement and Covenants. If you have any chaages or additional recoamendatione you should advise us.) Pages 1 - 25 Pages 26 - 42 Pages 43 - 45 Pages 46 & 47 5. Cons�deration of Tree Bids (Opened July 31, 1968). Page 48 ' Com�nent• These bids were tabled at the August 19, 1968 meeting) ' � ' ' ' � ' , ' � ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , Il I� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA OCTOBER 21, 1968 ��'� 2 OI,D BUSINESS (Continued) 6, R�port on Park Construction Excavations. Coanment; Park Construction has staked their land and they are taking the material out to eonform to the requirements of the Land Alteration Permit. This work should be completed by the end of the year.) 7. Appointment to the Board of Appeals. NEW BUSINESS• 8. Consideration of Ordinance Regarding Issuance of Liquor Licenses - Service Clubs 9. Consideration of Placea�eent of Restaurant on Max Saliterman's Property. Comment; This item is being brought back on the agenda at the request of Wyman Smith,.Attorney for Max Saliterman.) L0. Consideration of Request for Renewal of Building Permit by . Ed Chies and Bernard Julkowski. Com�aent: This item is being brought before the City Council at the request of the City Attorney. 11. Cansideration of Request for Sewer Extension for Shopping Center on Southweat Corner of Osborne Road and T.H. �k65. Comment; Thia is the request to provide a sewer extension. We wanted to make the Council awar� of the total layout before allowing them to pro�eed with the partial extension. Additional info;�mation is incluc�ed in the Agenda folder.) � � Page 49 Pages SO - 57 Pages 58 � 59 Pages 60 & 61 ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - OCTOBER 21, 1968 ��c��:� � ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' NEW BUSINESS (Continued) 12. Receiving the Minutes of the Building 3tandard's - Design Control Meeting of October 9, 1968 13. Receiving the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of October 16, 1968. 14. Receiving the Minutes of the planning Commission Meeting of October 10, 1968 15. Receiving Bids and Awarding Contract for HCC Rock Salt (Bids Opened October 14, 1968.) , 16 ' Consideration of Withholding Lot from Tax Forfeit Sale, Lot 28, Block A, Riverview Heights Addition. Comment: If this lot is to be withheld, the City Council should take action asking that this lot be withheld from the tax forfeit sale.) Pages 62 & 63 pages 64 � 65 Pages 66 - 72 Pages 73 � 74 Page 75 ' 17. Consideration of Assuming a Portion of a Bill for Weed Cutting on . Property at 68th and Oakley Street. Pages 76 - 78 ' �L� ' , ' 18. Receiving Report of Sewage Flow Measurements at,69th Avenue and University Avenue to NSSSD. Comment: This is the report of independent study �the City did for the flow at this location in response to the additional REC assignment by NSSSD for e�cessive flow at this location. The material is in the agenda folder..) � ' r � ' ' , ' ' �I ' ' , � �I , ' ' ' ;�� ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - OCTOBER 21, 1968 '��`,- y� t' NEW BUSINESS (Continued) 19. Authorizing for Acquisition of Right of Way for East Loopback at 57th Avenue and T.H. 4k47 Service Drive. Comment: The Council discussed and concurred with the plans supplied by the Minnesota Highway Department at this location. If the Council wants to proceed with this construction,the next step would be to acquire the right of way.) 20. Consideration of Proposals for Renaming Streets. Comment: We have three proposals. The first one covers the changes which should be made due to safety reasons, the second is for getting some conformity. and the third is complete realignment. We feel at least the first proposal should be put throug;�.) 21. Cansideration of Proposal for Plantl.qg Trees on 73rd Avenue Between T.H. 4k47 and T.H. �k65 to make it a Boulevard. Pages 79 - 80 r� Pages 81 - 89 Comment: The City has installed a double road for 73rd. This could "be a good opportunity for the City to-provide good planting between these roads to make it a boulevard and provide a good barrier between residential and industrial areas.) 22. Discussion of Building Permit Request on S� Lot 4& Lot;S, Block 14, Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville. (McClish) Comment: This item is back on the agenda to get a final resolution.) 23. Resolution Regarding County Transportatio� of Criminal Offenders. Pages --- Pages 90 - 94 � , i � 24. Resolution to Advertise for Bids �or Park Garage�(Metal Building� Insulation. Pages 95 & 96 ' ' REGULAR COiJNCIL MEETING AGENDA - OCTOBER 21, 1968 �'.�.��. 5 r � u 25. Resolution for Approving Stop Signs in the City of Fridley Comment: This resolution will legalize all the existing stop signs in the City of Fridley and also give the Ad�inistration suthority to put up new signs as needed.) 2b. Resolution for Naming Street "Siverts Lane". ' Coaunent; The Council approved this name for the street access to the proposed park east of Central and requested us to bring the resolution before you.) � 27. Resolution Receiving the Report and Authorizing Preparation ' of Fina1 Plans and Specifications for Testing Program to Locate Futµre Well Sites: Water Project No. 75 H. � � ' � ' Comment: This report is supplied at the earlier instructions of the Council. Action would be to receive it and authorize us to proceed with the plans and specifi- cations for the program. The material is in the agenda folder.) 28. Resolution Ordering Improvement and Final Plans and Specifi- cations and Estimates of Costs Thereof: Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Project No. 90. Comment; The hearing was held on October 14, 1968. This resolution is brought for Council consideration to order the first phase of improvement in the Great Northern Registered Land Survey) ' 29. Claiats � 30. Licenses � ' 31. Estimates � � Pages 97 - 101 Page 102 Page 103 Page 104 Page 105 Pages 106 & 107 Pages 108 - 110 � ' ' ' , � , , � ' ' r � ' ' � ' ' ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - OCTOBER 21 , 1968 _ ��'.�;� 6 32. First �t�ad�ng of an Ordiaance Adopting the $udg�� �or F].sea�. y�ar 1969 33. Resolution petermining the Necessity of and Prqviding for a T�x Levy �n Excess pf Nozmal City Chartez Tax Limits. 34. Resol,u�ion Certifying '�ax Levy Requirements for 1969 to the County of Anoka for Collections. CONI��ItJNICATIONS : ,�. �n�o�'ma��iAn Copy of Lett�r pf commendation to James Hensley $. �ubl�.� S�rvice Commission: Public He�ring on discontinuance o€ a service. �'age 1 �,1 Pages 112 & 11� Page 1�4 Page 115 Pages 116 � 12Q �• Tc�W�.e Gpmp��y: Letter of appreciation on Industrial Dev. Tou�. Page 121 p. �i�s� NatiQnaJ, Bank of Mpls: Letter of apprecfation on Tour V�S ITORS : ADJ,�._—�UR'J s Page 122 ' �� � ' ' ' LJ THE MINUTBS OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 1966 M,ayor Kirkham called the Regular Council Meeting of October 7, 1968 to order at 8:05 P.M. PLEDGB OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Kirkham requested the audience to stand and join the Cauncii in ssging the Plecige of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MErIDERS PRSSENT: Kirkham, Liebl, Samuelson, Sheridan, Liebl MSMBERS ABSSNT: None ' PRESENTATION OF AWARDS• Mayor Kirkham read the Certificate of Appreciation aloud to tt►e ' audience, and presented it to Mr. Itobert Ylinen for his service on the Planning Com�a3.ssion and the Board of Appeals. ' , ' ' �� ' ' � ' ' He also read the Certificates of Appreciation for Mr. William Milbrath, for his service on the Human Relations Comnnittee, arid Mr. Donald Muri, for h is service on the Fridley Housing and Re- development Authority. Both men were unable to attend so the City Manager was instructed to see that the men receive their a�wards. i ' ; �J i_ • v ��ty _ • , : i s �l� 1� v�- ;M /, • V�: .i; �lOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt the Minute8 of the Reqular Council Meeting of September 16, 1968 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. �pP$t�VAI� OF MII�iUT&S OF THE SPSCIAL PLT�3L�,C HEARING MEETING OF SgpTBl��ffit 23 , 1968: MOTION by Councilman Harria to adopt the Kinut�a of the Special Public Hearing Council Meeting of September 23, 1968 as presented, Seconded by Councilman Sanwelson. Uppn a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. , • �• � ., . _�•,� l�layor Kirkham said that Item #15: Consideration of Ordinance Regarding Zssuance of Liquor Licenses, is to be deleted from this Agenda and placed on the Agenda for the next �egular Council Meetinq. REGUIJIR COUNCIL MBS"PING OF OCTOBF.It 7, 1968 pAt;g 2. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt the Aqenda as amended. Secaaded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayar Ktrkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � ` 1= _ z .z : •. 4 � �:s Y'_ �lt : • � � 4 - 4 � • � l�ayor Kirkham read the public Hearing Notice to the audience. The Financs Director expliined that thia includes thre� etreet pro��cts1 St. 1967-1, St. 1967�2, and 3t. 1967-4. He ohow�d th� costs on the screen for the information of the audience. Mayo�C Kirkha=a then asked if there was anyor�e who wished to speak on a�cy o� the streeta. Mr. Ed Chies, 7651 Cent�ral Avenue, said that he wished to ask what the assessments were on Baker Street. =.� � i � 4 � � :i • • . • • • � Z'he Finance Director explained that ti�is is a State Aid Street, and that the lots on the west side of Baker Street actually front on Able Streat so that this street servas a�ore as an allfy far thie proparty. On the na�th end, the people on the west side of the strNt are asseas�d for � of the coat of a typical residential strNt, at the rats of $3.45 per foot. Oa the east aide the peaple ar• beiryg charg�d for 3/4 of the cost of a typical industrial street, the rate being $14,03 per foot. At the south end the sat� of aasessment for the west side is $1.95 per foot and on the eaat side of the street it ie $7.24 per foot. T'he southerly pattion of Baker Street was given credit for the value of the eociating stre�t. He said that the total cost of the street is isore than is being aseesasd aince it ia a State Aid Street. rhs City SrygiAOar said that the total cost was over. $60,000, but the City is asaessinq about $33,000. `� 1.�+ � , �t' � � � . :, • . ,L" �lr. W.H. Faber, 6181 Trinity Drive N.E. asked what his assessment would be. Councilmari Liebl told hia► it was $7.61 per foot. The City Enqineer said that this was l�ess than the fiqure given to t ha p�opl• at the improvement hearing. � ' ' ' 1layor Kirkham asked if anyor�3 else wiahad to apaak at tbis public ' n�as� inq . �o one anewared . MOTIO� by Councilman Harris to close the Public Hearis�q on the , linal Aaasasment itoll for the 1967 StrNt Projecte. S�ndsd by Coutnciloaa Samuel�on. Upon a voics vote, all votinq ay�, _ ltayor Kirkham declared the motion carri0d utsa►nimously. � LJ ' gEGULAR COUN�CIL ��:'�'���r, �F OC�1yU��it i� `136£� PA�GB 3 ' ' � ' ' � �J ' �� t�.1 1 /• �', � � `'� 1ri0TION by Councilman Sasauelson to continua this Public H�ucin9 _ to the next regular Meeting. Seconded by Council�►n Liebl. Upon a rroic• vote, all voting �ye, MaYor Kirkham cleclared the aotiom carried unanimously. ��TA�CE #404 ADi ORD R DSB S�"rTCatJ 12.07 QF TH� �ZTY S . mNF crrx CoDgs (56th Avenue from 6th Stroet to 7th Street) M�OTION by Co�uicilman Harris to adopt .Ordinanc� #404 .on �oad reading, waive reading, and order publicatioa. Secondscl by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson and Sheridan voting aye, �taYor Kirkham declazed t�e motion carried unanimously. • . • _.• y • , � � _;. •. � ��,; • . • �i t � -"�1l�t��' • :� i � �i• + �, • � •� !�; �> - y�pT IO�TT by C o�nnc i lm�an ' solution #141-1968 at by Councilman Harris. xirxnam aeclarea the , � � � ' , ' L�' ' Samuelson to reaffirm action t�cea on Re- the Meeting of September 16, 1966. S�COnd�d Upon a voice vote, all voting ays, lisyo� motion carried unanin�ousl. Y - �+T�n**aai'i+i? Q�n�►ut,TNG HORi�VATH AND HORWATHt (TSbled t0 th18 lb9et1T19� from the l+beting of September -3, 1968) Mayor Kirkhani said that Mr. Pikul �ad call�d him and had ir�dicat�d that he wants to be placed on the Agenda. He was advised by tl�s irlayor to contact the City Manager either by talephone or letter. T'he City Manager said that he had not done so as yet. Councilman Samuelson said that he did not th ink anythinq could b• don� until the Council hears fro�n Mr. Pikul. Councilman Sheridan said that there was a motion tabled froa the iKeeting of September 3, 1968 to this Meetiryg. H. said that hs felt that this organization should be able to meet Mith the Coiu�cil sometime within a ten months time. He then asked if there was anyone present 8t the Meetir�g from Horwath aad Hoz�►ath • T1"►et'• Mas no xesponse. iie then read the motion made by Councila�tn Liebl fron4 the Meeting of S���ember 3rd which was tabled, vrhic:h vraa= "� l�DVB THr►T this Cvuncil refuse to pay tha bill fraa Hoxwath and Horwath as pr�sented, and that Mr. Pikul b� infors�d ti�at it i$ the Opinion of th is Council that he ia in default op hia contract- with the City of Fridl�y. " REGULAR� COUNCY%, ,��� �_°= �?F �TOB3�R 7, 19�i�3 ,��g 4 MOTIO�i by Councilman Sheridan to remove this motion from the table and bririq it back for action. Seconded by Councilman Liabl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declar� the nation carried unania�ously. Councilaan Liebl said that th e City Administration has aant num�erous letters to the firm aaking that their represmtative be present at one of the Council Meetinga, plus telephone calls. Z'he City �tanaqer said that he had not received any calls asking that they be placed on the Agenda. Couri,cilma�n Liebl said that Hoz�►ath and Hoxwath did not seem to be interested in gettinq this situation Eesolved. He said that he ielt that the firm has not kept faith with the contract as written. He said that he would still like to act on this motion for denial of payment, ar�d instruct the City Attorney to take the necessary action. Mayor Kirkham said that he would have to refuse to vote for denial of payn�ent. He said that this Council hired a firm to make a study, and this they did, whether the results were to our likinq or not. He said that the contract was rather siaq�le, the City aqreed to pay a firm a certain anaunt of r�or►ey for a study. Councilman Sheridan said that he felt very strongly that t�hea a consultant of any kind is hired, he should be available for�3dis- cussion at a Council Meeting. He said that all the City is askinq is that he appear. Mr. Pikul has not appeared in the City of Fridley befo=e th is Council, even though he was asked to appear when he presented his report. He said that he felt that until such time as they agree to appear at a Council Meeting that he vrould like to see a refusal of payment. The City Attorney said that he did not feel that Councilman Sheridan's comments were out of line, and that th is Council is:�not being unreasonable in asking him to appear. Councilman Harris said that he had much the same feeling on th is as Councilman Sheridu�, ho�wever, tho motion befos� tr s Council is to refuse paymant, and m�aybe this ehould be char�ed so that payment would be made if he appea�r�. Mayor Kirkham pointed out that a8 a result of the motion, he received the telephone call from Mr. Pikul. M�TI�T by Councilman Harris to amend the motion on the table to include the stipulation that payment will b�e m�ade if Mr. Pikul appears before the Council. Seconded by Co�uncilman Samuels�. Councilman Harris said that in this �.�y, if he doee not appear, he would fo�feit hia riqht to paymant. Councilman 5herid�n said that he felt that �this amer�dment ia th• revers• of the intitnt of the original motion. Mayor Kirkham said h� did not tt�ink so, only � � , , ' � � ' � , ' � ' ' � , � � ' �J � � , 1 J� , � ' ' � ' � � REGUI,AR COUNCIL MEET�i,� �JF �CTOBER 7, 1968 ���� � that the Council will not pay until he appears. Councilman Harris asked if Mr. Pikul were to appear before the Council, would be be fulfilling the contract. The City Attorney said yea, unless the Council would want to contend that as the report was late, it did not serve the purpose intended, but he did not feel that this would be a strong position. �yor Kirkham said that the argue- ment was whether he defaulted on his contract, but it surely was not an iron-clad contract. Councilman Sheridan said that the Eouncil has never received any correspondence as to �hether they would or would not meet the estimated date of completion of the study, nor did they ever ask to extend the deadline. UPON voice Liebl THE I�OTION TO AI�ND THE MOTION OF SEPTEA�ffit 3, 1968, there being a vote, Kirkham, Harris, Sheridan, Samuelson voting aye, voting nay, Mayor Kirltham declared the motion carried. THE VOTB UPON THE M��TION OF SEPTEHIDER 3, 1968, that � is�Council refuse to pay the bill from Hoxwath ar�d Hozwath as pres�ted, � and that Mr. Pikul be informed that it is the opinion o� th is Cou�icil that he is in default on his contract with the City of Fridley, but that payment will be made if Mr. Pikul appears before the Couricil for diacussion, was a voice vote, all voting aye, M�ayor Kirkham declared t#�e motion carried unanimously. �. s. ��iY�:� � • • • � � « � :�. �� ' �+� ; : � � , • 'i� � �� :,� tZ Councilman Sheridan said that it was his personal vieiw that because of the narrawness of the street, that he must concur with the recom�nendations of the Police Chief and the City B,ngineer. Mayor Kirkham said that he agreed, although he realized that it would be a hardahip on the residents. Cauncilman Liebl said that this would not solve the residents problems and asked what could be done. The City Engineer said that there was some open land avail- able on the west side of the apartntient building. He said that he tiiought that the apartment house had bben sold, but that the land had been retained. Councilman Samuelson asked if this apart- ment house is in compliance with the ordinances. The City Sn- qineer said that it was. Councilman Harris said that he went clawn and looked at the parkinq area behind the buildings, and although it looka on paper like they are livir�q up to the ordinanc., there are actually other things in the parking lot which are beinq stored there, and utilising the parking area. Cout�cilman Sheridan commented that maybe our ordinaaces shauld atate that in addition to the one garago per unit, thare should alao bs 1� open spac�a laft. Z'he City Nanaqer suqqoet�d #.�1� �}� RECCLiF,�i�t �:tyUl�t+::iL ��i�'� _. _;:;�` � ��'�.'��ffi;:���a `�� � :t.��y�' P?�C='; Council cauld deny issuance of permit if the garage is to be rentod �n addition to the rent for the apartiaent and the garage uses space needed to comply with ordinance parking space requiretpents. MQTIO�T by Councilm�an Fi�'r'is to direct the Administration to go over to the apartment house and make a count of evailable parkir�g spaces, and if there are not enough, that more land should be made available. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimou8ly. MOTT�T by Councilman Sheridan to receive the City Engineer - Chief of Police memorandum dated October 1, 1968. Seconded by Couricil- �an Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkhaw declared the motion carried unanimously. :`_• �1! •� � •.: : � • r ..�. �• �: Y►• �� _i �. i y • � _ r sl • • � : :1' . • . -��• � z ' l.L11� : . . �� � - Mr. Charles Hall, 5818 Hackmann Avenue, of the Fridley Jaycees was present on behalf of the Fridley Jaycees and the State Jayce•s. He said that he was called upon by Mr. Dunbar, the President of the l�iinnesota Jaycees to assist with this proclamation. In ao doinq, the Fridley Chapter of the Jaycee� will be aending a letter to all the local business places telling them of the advantages of hiring the 'handicapped. He then read aloud the Proclamation signed by Mayor..Kirkham. Mayor Kirkham said that he was happy to be of service in such a worthy cause. MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #154-1968. 3econded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a vaice vote, all votir�g aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � �''. � � 4. '. � ��lJ� ' � � : � � -- _� s. � ' i � � 1; ! 4• • �' �1�!'Y. �� • 1: �• •:. �:�•; �%1 • t ; •-,f ). • •{ i � i� _� � s. • ;�� _ � : � �� r � � • . �, . � • : .�jY�. . � . �� , � Y' �� ' 4�__..�! . __�_ • : �►'� ; •, . . �•� : - _ , .. . _ - .s � ! _ - � - s • �, • « a� : _ � � i . : � . • y �i�;f= • T'hs City �nginee= gave a run-dawn of the st:ipulatioas reco�c�nended by the Buildir�g Standards - Deaign Control S�ubocmmittae. He said that it ha$ been Council policy to up-grade •,th� �t,�}��tu,���� �r�e� � � LJ � � � ' �� , ' � , , ' , � � � , it " ' � L�' ' ' C� ' ' ' � � � � ' ' ' , REGUT,AR COUNC3�, 1��'ING OF OCTOBER 7, 196� PAGE '� additions were made, this would mean that blacktopped parking a�aces and curbing should be provided and the front landscaped with sod rather than crushed rock. MpTION by Councilman Liebl to concur with the r�camanendationa of the Building Standards - Design Control Subcoranittee. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson for discussion. Councilman Sanauelson asked how zauch blacktopping would be involved. The Ci,ty Engineer said that there would be a considerable amou�i� as the blacktop is in bad siiape. Cauncilman Sheridan asked if the applicant had been advised.of th is. The City Engineer said that the Council sets these atandards. Mr. Erick LaVine, representing Electro-Cote, said that the plans as submittecl shvwed blacktopping in front and qradinq and cru8hed rxk on the sidee. He said that they would n��ed a total of 50 parkinq $paces at the most and blacktopping this whol• asea �rould b� an extra burden on the cwnpany at this time. He asked that the City Bnqineer sha�► the plans with the white cruched rock rather than ti►� grey rock, which the City Engineer did. Mr. LaVine said that he felt that this makes a respectable looking building and would be an in�rovement to it. 8e said that they m�ade their last addition to the building about 3 years ago and at that time they we�e in- formed that they could have crushed rock in front of the buildi,ng. Councilman Samuelson said that he could appreciate his position, hvwever, the C�ncil must maintain a degrea of consistancy, Z'he City $ngineer suggested that Eiectxo-Cote could be given a year for compliance, to give them time to make funds available. Council- man Samuelson suggested posting a bond so the City would have ths assurance that this would be done. Councilman Harris askeci abaut how muCh the blacktoppinq and curbing would coet them. 'I'he City Engineer astimated�about $3,000. �lr. LaVine said that he `alt that it wo uld be unreasonable to blacktop an area for about 109 cars when they have less than 50 emplayees. He asked that the Council consider the plot plan as submitted. Councilmaa Liebl said that he thought the City Stiqineer'a euggeati,on as a coa�prc�ise was a qoocl one. Councilman Harris asked if the caopany has sufficient parkir�g e�aces avtsi.lab�e now,. Mr. LaVine eaid no. Cour�cilmen Liebl asked if they plarinad to add any addition� in the future. Mr. LaVine said yes, as t2��ce is mrnco land available. Councilman Liebl said that he did not want to sae any buain�s loat, at�d because of future expaneion plans, p�thapa in thia ca$e, the policy of •the Council ehould b� waived. lla�or r �SGCi:a.�t.�a` , r,;; . . ..L: r`�+f� _ ._ . �.. � �� . � �f;;.: _� Kitkham said that he was in favor of sticking to the requiremsnts a� is dor►e with other businesses, and that he would agree with their postir�g a bond. Councilman Sheridan aaid that with th• parking in front, and area for parking in back c�f the building for a total of 50 cars which could be located �`ra�re it would not interfere with futur� plans, he did nat f•el the Council shouid require parking spaces for 1Q9 cars, since 50 is all they nesd at this time. He said that he did not want to discouraqe qraKth. THE VOTB iJ�CJ�i °I'HS M�ION was a voice vote, 1[irkhasn, Harris, Sheridan, Liebl votixYg a�r�, Saanuelson uoting nay, Mayor Kirkhan► declared the motion carried. Councilman Shex°idan asked if there could be parkir�q on the side8, as there would be no expansion in that direction. T'he City $n- gineer said that triere was only 32' on the side, which was not sufficient for pa�kinc�. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan, to ask Electro-Cote to provide additional p�king �paces to make a total of 50 blacktopped parking spacea available to be placed to their best advaAtaqe, takinq into conaideration their futur• expanaion plans. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all votir�g aye, Mayor Kirl�aua declared the wotion carried. •.� .��� :�� � �. ! } � ✓�� ��� �' V: ay '�5�� �l.a, �� �' �.ii Y`i�Y. .L'i -� � �T� i1�� --i_ i i '�i .i�i.� �� �'�? , •.�.. �� L �� � .Y�� �1� Y..��`. a 1f ��1.'1, The City $ngineer �aid that the Building Standa,rds - Desiqn Contr�l 3ubco�aatittee had recoumended appraval ot the plot plans subj�ct to some stipulations which he outl3ned. Mr. Filister said that he had juat received thrse plans at about 5s00 this eveninq hi�naelf. He said t�at his request ie for 3 more buil�li�►q4, 2 qaraqes, . and a recrestion center. He said that his buils3ings are sZi�tly diff�rent than those alr�ad�• built. They are of a difforent ele- vati on, but the decor is basically t�e same. He said that his recreation center is a 17,000 squ�re foot building, which is'Mrood on three sides arid brick on one side. He said that there would be a party room, gaaie roo�a, swimming poul, exercise room, sauna batha for both men atid women, 3 gu�st apa�rtm�ents, aa3d ox�e resident nsaa- qer's apartment. He said that possibly �.n the futur� ho might poesibly in the future he might want to add a bar�ber ahop, beauty shop, a sa�all qrocery etore qtc. � � ' � � ' � , � � ' ' , � � , Council�n Li�l a�k•d if the traffj ,� patt�ucn is all rig'ht now. ' Mr. Filiatot said thut the people have tq wa�k A�,o� �t�y �q ��� garaqss, but that cannot `� help�cl, Councilmari etheridan ask�d� �,� i , COUNC L MEET�G �F OCTOBER 7, 1968 R� I , ' ' ' ' ' �J � � ' LJ ' ' ' ' ' , , pAGE � there vras enough open area parking in addition to the garages. rir. Fi1�„ster �aid that there will be more parking �rea avsilable than wi,11 be ueed. Z"he City Engineer said that his staff would check the parkixig requirements. There follawed a discussion at the Council Table while looking at the plot plans. Mr. Filister said that they were working on the 1ar�scaping plan no�w. MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the request, subject to the stipulations of tlie Building Standards - Desiqn Control and review of the revised plot plan by the Buildiru� Inspector, and submitt�.nq the landscaping plan. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkharn declareci the mation carried unanimously. ,R��IVTNG TFiE MINUTES OF THE BOA►RD OF APPF.I�S� �i� �OF S�PTSl�F.�i 18, 1968: . � �,i� ! �.. � � i i • �� �i •� • � " � • � _ � .�1�y= '�� i.1� .�._ Y `� �. •� � • ��.Y .. �lV� •. • + i � � .� . . -�. ►� ,_ �•1 ., M � • � M • `:n c� • - � Y �+� • • • ''' 4s ' � _ ��. �: • y, �� Y 2-] Z L ,� f -- � .� �t .�� • � - � r .a � 4 , r r � • _ r. -• Th• City 8tigineer said that the Board of Appeals had dsnied this request for waiver for construction of a house because of an unusual sewer easem�ent. He said that this is a corner lot ar�d the 2p' sen,ver easement cuts through. Counciln�ar► Sheridar� coiamented that this lot came before the Council once before. Councilmaa Harris asked if there was anyth ing on th is lot naw. Z'he City 8ngineer said that�it was vacant. There follawed a diacusaion at the Couneil table while looking at the half section n�ap. Z'he result of the diafcussion was that possibly an a�.ternata plan could be deviseci, snch a s moving the garage back furthe�cy or ma]cing a tuck- under garage. It was suygested by Counciln�an Liebl that tiiis lot should be used either by trying to put a house on it, or the City using it, and he suggested that the City Bngineer should talk to the applicant about altarnate plans, r.;zich could be accomtnodated on this lot. �. s.� • ; • � � • • .�� � ; �: �� � _�l� � ti � • .��- :,!� �t_. � ��1i'. • � �. �, �' �,, • �- �• � • • :'�! � � � � �. ' � � �. � ,i«; � 1 h M i:>1► i__ii �i�� i_i ..i•►. -.� � REGUI.AR �OU]C���": ?!�F�: r�"�'''r�dr �� p�Tt�BER 7 m 1368 � P�GE .10 ' + ��v � � 1 �, • i ' ' ; � , v : =y � �, M:1 � � • �r • :'yl • �1 ,Iyl� �,� •.i1 �.� ,� r• _�; � �1 �1 �V- •s. �!� ', • y. x :,�..1�= �1� . �. � - r�� �'- csi ; �1> r� �f. ��yi, • : • � • �.r� r.�• � �.� :� _s. '�1__ '�• �� � , -• T'h� City Bngineer showed the Council the plans ar�d explainaci tho stipulatioris imposed by the Board of Appeals. He said that all the objections frow the people in the area have bean overcoaae. MOTIO[J by Councilman Liebl to concur with the reco�dation of the Board of AQpeals. Seconded by Councilman Sanauelson. Upon a voice vote, all votirrg aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the nwtion carried unaniawusly. It was pointed out that they will come back with park:tng lot p�,ans later . MpTIOI� by Councilman Harris to receive the Minutes of Appeals Meeting of September 18, 1968. Seconded Sam�elson. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. ' ' , � ' ' ' of the Board � by Councilman Kix'kham ' ' r � � • - . _ _ •- � _4: :•..� � ,..;� :�: . . . ._ , .. x_. . �, • ' ��� :, !�. .. bTOTIoIi by Cow�cilman Samuelson to concur and receive the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of October 2, 1968. Seconded by Cauncilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all votinq sya, Mayoc Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. + s. � �, 4t �,. • • Y yT.- > > • S�� � `:«i � s. • � • Y�y .. Y1:,:�1 .. • ' � : yi: :,�; . MOTIOIT by Councilman Liebl to receive the Minutes of the p�]cs and Recreation Co:amission Meeting of Septembar 23, 1968, and concur with thwir recoamendation of naming "Sivarts Lans". g�co� b�i Cauncilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayo� Kirkham declared th� motion carried unanimously. • =. �= • _i ; � � .,. ��,. _ . , ------ u. Z'he City Attorney eaid that he requested that thia be put on the Aganda becsuse, as the Council will rscall !�. Cbiss parmit and bond was axt�nded throuqh Septe�abar. He . said that ba..�,rould lik� to get the Council approval on resolving this as h• haa b�n getting � � LJ � , � , ' , ' , ' �J � REGUI,�IR COUNCIL MEE'r�NG �F OCTOBER i, 1968 PAC� 11 calls froaa people interested in what wa� going to be dono about this. He said that he talked to Mr. Ld Chi�s, who told him that Mr. Carlson has had a request for a larg� am�ount of fill from T�get, aad poseibly he could take so�m�e from f�he Ehies pit to lower it to grade. Hs said that he would check with hie brothar and let him kno�w tomorrow. The City Attornry eaid that o�igina].ly he had requested that this be put on the Agenda to obtain autha�ti- zation from the Council to start action against the bondinq coApany. ' Couricil�ar� Liebl asked if the $9,000 bond was suf�icient. The City Attorney said that he could not say v�ihether that would cover all the work involved. ' ' ' ' ' � ' ' ' CJ , � , Mr. �heilmann, 1540 Rice Creek Road, said that they are �till hauling steady in th is area. Councilaan Harris said that 3t seems that we continue bo go around and around arul�that every time he submits a request, it i• gxanted and he promises to take care of it, but he has not satia- fied this Council ancl the people in the area, and that he could see no reason to fu=ther this program. MOTION by Councilman Harris to instruct the C.ity 1�►ttorney to st�rt action against the bonding company to get this property up to grade, at�d to post or barricade to prevent further:hauling. Seconded by Councilmar► Liebl. Z'he City Mat'iager suqgested getting a court injunetion. Tha City Attorney said pos�ibly this could be done but that he would prefer sending the Poiice Department up there advising them that thair permit has expired. If they continu� to haul without acknvwl�dging this order, then a court injunction could be obtained. '�he City 8ngineer said that on September 6, 1968 he aent a memorandum to the City Attorney advising him that Mr. Chies was not close to completing any final grades. He said that soamethinq should be done as it is a hazard and cauld be dangerous to chil�c�. Councilman iiarris asked if it was not belcyw qrade now. 1dr. .Theilmann asked what would happen if the $9,000 is not enoucjh to cover the work. The City Attorney said that work would be done to the extent of $9,000 and that any exceas vrould not be aseassabl�. Co�uncil�san 3aa�aielson said that some discretion would have to be used in leveling off this area so that in five years or so if there were homas bvilt there, there wasld not be prablems 8ue to is�opar eoaipacti�. REGULAR COLJN��L �;1;�.�a �;...z.:.; �,��° �TO�E�t 7, 196£� The City Attorney said that Mr. Chie$ is not th a Mr. Paulson is, ,and that he had talked to hixp had indicated to him that if lyr. Chiea does not would cax�cel hie car►tract. ��l�,��" � _� e fee a�rnor, tha� and Mr. Pauls� coaiply, that he 'M,ayor Kirkham asked when the $9,000 bond was set. T'he City Sn- gineer said that this haa been the policy for so�ae tiiae. �he $9,000 would make the property look decent and it would not be atn eYe-sox'e. This permit was issued Qn september 20, 1965. Council- man Lieb1 .said that IMr. Chies has had plenty of time to get this area cleaned up. Mrs. Theilmann said that she would like to maice the Council aware of another situation which tiiey may not be aware of. She said that there were very deep holes dug by park Construction on the Cc�chran prog�erty. S'he said that this was leveled off once, and Mr. Carlson told them that they were done and there would b� no more gravel hauled from there, The City Attorney told l�s. Thei1- mann that the Cochran pit is under a grandfather clause, and the legal problems t.here are quite different. Z*he Council and Admin- istration indicated that they did not knvw that there was more digging going on up there. Councilaaan Sheridan asked if up to this time, park Construction has been adhering to their plan. The City 8nginser said that they have a permit a,nd bond and havs not been in violation that he knew of. Mayor K��� ��iBed Mrs. Z'heilmann that the City Engineer would cheek into this. TH8 VOT$ UPOTTT THE MOTION to instruct the City Attorney to start action aqaingt the bonding company to qet thia property up to grade, and to post or barricade to prevent furtlier haulinq, was a voice vote, all voting aye, i�ayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ► -��S - � : ; � � �. �,1�Y!! •, . � . • :�;j.,c�• - �i� , �,, • w; �� �� � �- Councilman Harris said that he had consulted with t he Police Department on the transporting of criminal offenders to and froat the Arioka County jail to our County Court. At preeen� tiiis is dons by the Fridley Police Department, hawea►er, �ince t2zis is na► a County Court.system, the responsibility should be the Cu,irty'a. This would free our policemen and cars for work within the:City. He said that he could see no reason �,thy t11e City should continue thia servic�, �ince the canrt is handled by the County. Council- man Harria suqgested drawing up a reaolution to thas eflact, as the County would prefer to act-on a resolution. Mayor Kirkham suggasted also asking for the recommendations of the Police ' ' ' ' � ' ' ' � , ' r ' � ' ' ' � ' � ' , , ' ' � ' ' ' ' , � L ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 1968 PPeGE b3 Department before drawing up a resolution. Councilman Sheridan �ai.d that this would also be true for Blaine, Columbia Heights, and Spring Lake Park. He suggested that this could bs mad� e��ecti�g as of the lst of January, 1969. Councilman Harris agreed, as this would allow for inclusion into their budget. ` The C'hief o� Police said that transpqrtation of prisioners is already the responsibility of the Sherrif's Office of Anoka County by State Statutes. He suggested the use of a panel waqon which could also serve Blain, Columbia Heights, and Spring Lake Park. He said as long as the municipalities continue thie se�vice the County will not be forced to undertake their share of the res- ponsibility. He said as long as the City continues to do this, a car and two men are not in service. He explained that this brings about a duplication of work, as an example, this mornir�g the City went up to Anoka County to get a p�isioner for Court her�, and at the same time, Anoka County sent down a car with a prisioner for the Fridley Court, so there were actually,two cars doing what could . have been done by the one county wagon. !rl�OTI0�1 by Councilman Harris to concur with the Chief of Polic• in his recom�►endation and direct that a resolutior� be drawn up referrixig to the State Statute designating th• responsibility of the Sherrif's Offica of Anoka County in transportation of prisioaers, to be presented at the next r�gular meoting. Seconded by Council- man Samouelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkhaaa de�lared the motion carried unanimously. [`MTRTT]FRATTAN OF MAINTENANC$ STATUS OF 2�4 STRF•8T BBTV�T$EN 57TH P�,�i�C$ AND 5 7'� AV ENUE : �he City Engineer said that this street has aever baen maintained and is in very bad shape. There is only � dedicated right of way and he felt that it should be closed and barricaded, but not vaci- ted because of drainage problems in this area. He said that it was no� needed naw since bo�:�: Z'hird Street and Main Street provide connection. Councilman Liebl said that he appreciates the City Engineers' and , the Acting Directot of Public Works' effori�s, ar�d that hs agreee t�at the traffic should n� .7c�rped. ' ' ' M�OTION by Councilman Sheridan to concur with ths recoirmendation of t2�e AcLRinistration to barricade 2� Strset to cloao it to autosol�ile traffic! Seconded by Councilma►n Liebl. Upon a voic• vote, all votiag ay., Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carri�d unanimoualy. REGULAR COUNCI]L '�`�,�G OF OCTOBER 7, 1968 �1� � � :'�� ' �,. � H � / a The City Engineer suggested that the one on Riverview Terrace and 71st Way as it bad].y needs a�ight. The other request wai,t and be considered with the rest of • 1�IOTION by Councilman samuelson to concur of �khe City Sngineer and place the stree Rivervivw Terrace and 71st Way. Seconded U�an a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor motion carri�l unanimously. R�T�TNG PROPOSED ZONING ORDI�tANCE: PA�GE 1 � light left over be used s a 90 deyree corner aned or 66th Way will have to he requests for 1969. with the recomaer�dation t light on the corner of by Councilman Harris. Kirkham declared the T'he City Engineer said that it was apparent from the proble� on 52nd Avenue that a complete revision of the City's zoning ordinances is badly needed. He said that he felt that ttiis ordinance is some- thing the City needs as it is in the era of greatest industrial 9rowth. He said that the Council has been supplied with copies of the proposed zoning ordinance. T'he ordinance was compiled trotn the present code, Blanning Commission recommendations, and portions o� other-progressive communities' codes such as B�c]ina and Bloomington. He said that in compiling the ordinance, he, and his staf� have tried to keep each zoning catagory separate, this way when a person asks about a specific zoning district, he can be given only what is pertinent. He said that there is also sketches included so it would be easily understood. He said that it is also being supplied to the Planninq Commission for their recom�nendations and has taken a lot of time and energy. Hope- fully, the Coun�il may be able to publish it around th• lst of the year . Mayor Kirkham said that the City Engineer ha�l done a good job and gave the Council more than they asked for. The City Rngineer said T'hank You. He explained that this ordinance should include all the requirements so that the Cowicil will not have to go over all the plans at the Council Meeting as they do naw. MOTION by,Councilman Liebl to receive the proposed zoninq ordinance con�ilecA by the City $ngineer and his staff, and request that the Council be given two months to study it. Councilman Liebl said that he hoped that it wauld be ready aroumd:, the first of the year so that when people coma in with questiona, the category in question could be pulled and answers could be given easily and quickly. He asked if the:Citx Attp��� '��d a � �..��►!�!'�� this proposed ordinance. The Citx At�arney repl�:ed th�� h� �,�d �u�„ plied the Planning Co�¢nission with aome��n�at�rial, but he hac�1 not '� , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' , ' , T G OF OCtOBEFt 7, 1968 REGULAR COUNCIL MEE IN l! , , r � ' ' ' ' � PAiG� ��.5� read the proposed ordinance, but would do so in the near futuze. THg 1�i0TI0�T was seconded by Councilman sheridan. Upon a voica vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkhana declareci the`mation carrisci unanimously. It was decided that they did not want to hurry the Planning Coan- misaion on their study of this proposed ordinance, but to ask th�n if they could be ready with their recoianendations by the lst of the ysar. �� . M�OTION by Councilman Harris to app�ove payment of General Claims #16042 through #16284 and Liquor Claims #2586 through #2637. Seconc'iod }ay Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aYo. M�ayor Kirkham deClar�cl the motion carried unanimously. �_, . T� _ MOTI0�1 by Councilman Harris to pay the follvwing estimatee: Arcoa Construction Company Morar Minr�sota Partial Estimate #4 for work completed this date accord�Enq to contract: Street Improvement Project St. 1968-2A Partial 8stimate #4 for work completed this � date according to contract: ' Street Improvam�ent Project St. 1968-1A , Dunkley Surfacing Company 3756 Grancl Street Minneapolis, Minnesota , , , ' , g7l�tAL $stim�ate #6 for construction work ons Street Improvemant Project St. 1967-1 FINAL Eatimate #5 for construction wo�ck ons street Improvement Project St. 1967-2 (IyBAS) $24,086.97 $ 780.30 $14,571.70 $ 7,776.66 Z'hs motion rraa secondecl by Councilaan 5hsridan. Vpoti a voic� vat*, al.l voting ays, l�ayor Kirkham declared the motion carri�d unanioously. , REGi�I.��`�2 CQU�C. ;-�- ; ,r ,;, •�)r, t�C;'1'U�ia�� 7, i�;� , = - -. _------ �'a��' �` 9 : . ' Counca.lrnan Lieb1 asked about the cost of seal coating for Jupiter Dr�,ve, ga�.��,,i Drive and Co�n�� Lane. ' on new streets seal coating is eonsidered part of�thercostaofnat �e Pxoject• On old streets the cost comes from GerLeral Funds. RECESS• � �YQx Kirkham declared a 15 m�,nute recess at 10:20 p�M� � �TCENSES: � �IO�1' bx Councatlman a � S muelson to approve of the follawing li.ce�Ses: Oc�ober 7, ],968 BI,ACKTOPPING �'red J. Ke11er Asphalt Paving � 450 Hatch Avenue Sr. P�ul, M�nnesota By: Fred J. Keller GEN�RAI� CONTRACTOR Ca�mp �onstruction CArp. b28Q Un�,ve�csit� Ave. N. E. �'x���sy, Minnesota By; William Camp MASONRy _ Bendiake Masonry sss z,�.n�4�� st . . . Amoka, �����$ot& By: Arr Bendiske O�aon Conc�ete Co. �400k kth Av� . S . Mic�meapo�,��, Minnesota By; Stanley Olson ��b�ll �zothers 1405 Pat�kview I.ane W. Rolwnb�a He�,$hts, �tinnesota -$y;' 1?ona�d Si.bal , i 4ARSAGE J �C W Picku� Service � ?E��, �,ak� I�rive ��'��� P�.nes# Mir�nosota .SQ��C�TOR Co�a�n ��.eu CQ. � ,36�2 9:*y�ant South M�eu�e�aA"lia, �fi,n�n�sQta aY. Leo 3. Bruder � . H7 � �'+� Jo� And�raon NEW NEW RENEWAL RENEWqL NEW 0 AP p' PROVED BY . ' BLDG. INSP. , , $LDG. TNS�, r � r BLDG.INSP. � BLDG. INSP. ' BI.AG. I�iSP, , ' APPROt►�A BX ' 'Health Trisp�atar Poli�e C�,ief ' ICP�'ROyEp 9Y ' Y '. � ' ' � ' , ' ' � ' ' � ' : ' � ' � , � � RE�u� cotrN�:x � � ° ,Iv°: ° � �� oz� o��rc��� � , 19�� MULTTk�LE DFVELLTNG L�CENSES: PAGE 17 OWNER ADDRESS UNITS FE� �Willlam L. Zaier Jr. . - ; 6723 Overton Dr. � � Fridley, Minnesota $761 - 2nd St. N. E. 3 10.00 Harold Schmidt ' 59ot n 2� St. N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 5901 - 2� St. N. E. 4 10.00 Ralph J. White ' �+840 Washington St. N. E. � Minneapolis, Minnesota 5644 - 4th St. N. E. % . 10.00 61enn Mostoller 2895 James Ave. So. ' � Minneapolis, Minnesota $420 - 5th St. N. E. 4 5.00 . (�eimbursement for overpayment 1967-68) William L. Zaier Jr. 6%23 Ov�rion pr. Fridley, Minnesota Maurice M. Filister 1312 , 21st st. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Paul Sanden �5�1 NQ, Ferry St. ,Anoka, Minncsota Kenneth F. Peterson � Hubert M, Nelson �441 I.yndale Ave, So. Minneapolis� Minnesota Edstrom Realty 64 East 2�d St. Wi�ona, Minnesota Edst�4m Realty Co. 64 Et+st 2nd St. Wi�ana, M��nesota Carl A. Swenson, B�ooklyn land Co. Route 1, �ox S9 Qsseo, Minnesota 6550 Central Ave. N. E. 5940 East River Road 6417�Highway #65 6011 Main St. N. E. / ` �155-175 Satellite Lane �95 Satellite Lane N. E. __., 201 . Satel l i te Lane 0 � 4 4z $ 4 33 20 - �a_ . 10.00 42.00 10.00 ]0.00 33.00 20.00 � 11.A0 REGULAR COUNCI� t��NG OF OCTOBER 7, 1968 PAG$ 18 THE MaTION to approve the licenses was seconded by Councilman Harris, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. • r��!4YI:� � : �. 1� •. . , . . `.� —- _ -_ - �1:�5=+��i7.Z1Y'�t'��C�:»:��.i�����1�Sc�����1.��—r7� ��R�S AND RECREATION COI�iISSION Counci.lman Harris suggested that Edward Fitzpatrick, from the 3rd ward, now serving on the pa�rks and Recreatian Co�nmission be e1e- vated to Chairman, thereby makinq hi�q a m�nb� of the Planning Commission. He said that Mr. Fitzpatrick would be willing to serve as Chairman of Parks and Recreation Commissian. Councilman Liebl said that he had not contacted anyone, but that �he Council must make sure that the man appointed is competent a$ it takea a lot of time to serve on Planning Commission, and the a►an appointed would have to have a good background. He asked haw the appointments are handled. Councilman Sheridan said that the Council appoints the Chair.men of the Subcom�nittees as they caa- prise the Planriing Commissian and the Chairsean of the Planning Commission is also appointed by the Council. He pointed out that the expiration term is in December and asked if Mr. Fitspatrick kziew this. Councilman Harris said that he would continue tryir�q to call him this evening to explain this to him and ascertain if he was still willing to serve as Chairman. Councilman Harris said that there ia sans eiaergencl, in the appointments fo,r the Planninq Commission as there are only three members naw and Mr. l�hra is going into the hospital, which would not leave a quorum. It was decided to inove on to tlze next appointment as Mr� Fitzpatrick could not be reached on the telephone. � 1: � �: ur r.� �. - - -- - -- - -�_�,.-.ai���Y9'�_"=�1�1=1`'1�'r .c�4.l�.l�:'�,_'� �lUT�ON by Councilman Samuelson to appoint Donald Batterson, 6490 East River Road to the vacancy on the plats and Subdivisions , Streets and Utilities Subcommittee vacated by Harold Albrecht. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, l��ayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanim�ously. Si�I`1' 7 '� ��1_ �1Y�Y �ayor Kirkham said that John ivers, Chairm�an of the Committee, had smlced if a member of the Police Department r,rould be willing to 8arv�. He said that he had asked John Oc1�n if he would be willinq to sAZ've, ar�d he indicated that he would. � ' ' ' ' ' �J ' , ' ' ' � ' � ' � ' � � REGLTLAR COUNCIL MEETIDTG OF OCTOBER 7, 1968 ' PAGE 19 ' �!0'�'IQN by Councilman Samuelson to appoint John Oden, 5899 H�cl�m,a�run Av�nue N.E. to the Human Relations Conmaittee, position vaea�ted k,iy tk�e res�.gnation of Mr. William Milbrath. Seconded by Couneil,�n Sher�.dan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor ' Kirkhana declared the motion carried unanimously. ' � , ' ' � ' � ' � ' , �I �'� � F$�L��'�' H4USING ,AND REDEVELOPMENT AUT�iORITY Cpttn►cilman �aiauelson said that he would like to submit the na�aae o� p�a�ko�c ,Arnold Stono, Recleemer Lutheran Church, if this r�elyed �h� �oncurreance of Mayor Kirkhana. Mayor Kirkham said that he was agx�eea��,a with this. He pointecl out that tYie terms are staggered and eaeh fiern� is for 5 years. MQ'��QN hy Councilman Samuelson to appoint Pastor Arnold Stone, C��O �iiakory Drive N.E. to the seat on the Fridley Housing and �tedevelop�uent Authority vacated by the resignation of Mr. Donald �'. �i. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all vo�ing a��, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unaniaausly. ,�I,�iN,�ING CO�1�iISSIOL�i: (BO�RD OF APPEALS) � Cottnci,lmain Samuelson said that he would like to submit a nam�e, Mr. E�'1 Bierm�ann who is an Engineer for F.M.C. Coun►ciimas� Harris said that he knew that Mr. Biermann is weil. c�u�li�ied for this appointment, but he wondered if sozneone on the Board o� �►ppeals should not be moved up, rather than appoint a neN ma� over the old members. In line with this thinking he said that he would lilte to submit the name oF Donald Mittelstadt fqr Ch�t9,acmitn of� the Board o� Appeals, thereby making him a:�maber of �e �+�.�ing Commisaion. He said that Donalcl Mittelstadt has ,ir�c9�catecl that h�' would be willing to serve. Councilman Liebl said t.h�t h� ha.ci no doubt that Donald Mittelstadt would be well qua11� ��.ed �4 serve. �p�,unci�.man Samuelson then withdrew the name of Earl Biarmann. ��� ��.Qounailman Harris to appoint Donald Mittelstadt to �ai,xm�n o� t�.he Board of Appeals to fill the vacancy created by �. Ro�aea�t �:. Y�.inen's res�gnation. The motion was seconded and ��ac�r� � voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the �� �Qn �+�trr �ed unan:Lmoua ly . �,�tyQx �Cirkham instruct�d the City Manager to place the other vacarscy on �h� Board oF Appeals on the Agencla for the next meeting. REGULA,R COUNCIL 1��;`�.��:��g ;�F pCTOBER 7, 1968 P�� � � MOTION by Councilman Harris that in line with the conc�pt of ap- pointing the senior members of the committees to Chairmanship, he would like to suggest Oliver R. Erickson for Chairman of tha Planninq Com�nission. Seconded by Councilman Sarnuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ��S �ND RECREATIOI�T C ISSION Later in the Meeting, Councilman Harris was able to contact Mr. Edward Fitzpatrick to see if he would be willing to serve although his term would expire December 31, 1968. He said that Mr. Fitz- patri�k was still willing to serve under this condition. MQTION by Councilman Liebl to appoint Mr. Edward Fitzpatrick as Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Conunission in the vacancy crpated by Mr. Robert Hughes' resignation. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Iy,$yvr Ki�kha� d�clared the motion carried unanimously� Councilman gamuelson said that he would like to submit the name °� Mr• QarY Stimmler, 7841 Alden way to the vacan �c� Recreation Commission. He said that he was an acti een�er Qf tx'�►e connaunity and interested in the parks system. Councilman iiarxis said that this was a good sugqestion and felt that he was qua].i�ied• �ayor Kirkham ag=eed, and commented that the co�ity wox]c tha�t he has done has been in line with the work done by tl�,e Parks and Recreation Commission. Cot�r�,cil.man Liebl asked the City Manager where, in his opinion, wexe parks most needed. T�he City Manager replied that he would auppose that in the area across Central Avenue, in the 3rd ward, and ir� the area arourid Meadawmoar. Councilmar� Harris said that 3n no area has the gro�wth of the park system kept pace with the qrawth of the coiarnunity completely. Councilman Liebl said that it did not do much good for the Parks and Recreation Coimnis�ion to �ay oufi a park proposal and then have .ti�e budget slashed. �ie said that he felt that the parks system should have a high priority. D�JOTIO,T by Councilman Harris to appoint Gary Stimatler to the vacancy on the Parks and Recreation Con�mission creat�l by l�ir, Edwatd Fitzpatrick moving up to Chairnwn. T'he nation was Bsconded artd upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared 'tkt�a motion carried unariimously. � C, u ' 7 � r ' LI � L� �l � �' � �� � , '; 'Jl. ' r N 1 , ��, � , � ' , � REGULAR COUNCIL f��`�`"?'�i�� 7F OCTOBER 7� 1963 .:, �:H, .. .- .. .: �:�_ •• �•i 4s PAGB ai T'he Gity $ngineer said that his department was working on a total reView of atreet names. He said that there are �ome instancea where a street is called a atreet and should ba avenue, aad thar• are saae streets that sound alike, such as Tennison Drivs and Kenr�aston Drive, which can be ve�y confusing in an �mergency. He said that he would like to request that this street nams be laid over until the entire proposal is ready. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to table this item until such titae as tbe Enqinearing Department is xeady with their total atreet na�ting proqraat. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voic� vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ; • , l+ • � ; � •; • �j/ ' � i.�l � �` • • ��:� � � • . i I. � y�t• I�TION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #155-1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there b�inq no nays, 1Kayor Kirkham declared the moti�n carried unan�molxsly. ; • I • : ; • �! •� �+ �. : •+ '' • • . .., � � r .�t� � � ' • � :!! ' s'� • �..�=i , MOTIOM by�Councilman Harris to adopt 8esolution #156-1968. Se- conded by Councilman Samue�son. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, 1Kayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � ' � LI � , � � � � . • . Y • � • �� • � r. � :. i � • .h! �. � 1 1 �r' - �a.! : _4 r . `. I -'� ii. '1 ,. ��j(i. • • � � q � _ Y . :a ; ' �Mi0TI01i by Cauncilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #157-1968. Seca�d�d by Councilman 3amuelson. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayo� Rirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. i=.. • � �;� ; _ ' • � � � • •' Yi �_ ii� ''�i �i! Y 4. . . �; y - 1,�� . ��• � tca, • • � r • . � - ,�� _'• ;!� yl �; : • .I� : �` �1� :+•1: �' _Jt��� ��_"il_-. ' �- ��� � �1� ,► i . _ '�. � �. � • �. �t • � � ♦ Mi4T�t�1 by Councilman Harris to adopt Reaolution #158-1968. Se- �or�ded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vate, all votinq aye, 1�ayor Kiskhan► declared the motion carried unanimously. �UI�iR �.o��'.li.; �'�"`,,�s`'�.3'3'.���.'�� �Y�'' �:`io$�t % � 1968 PAGE 22 ' i • . � �.� ' � • : i. i • � � t i i � `�� i �1 ��.I�. �i �.r �! � �"��u � • • � � MOTIODT by Councilman Samuelson t Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the o ado�t Resolution #p159-1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting motion carried uriat�imously. Cour�cilman Liebl asked why the tran5fer of money. The City Bnqineer said that tha sealcoating money comea from State Aid Revolving Funds, then it is transferred from 3tate Aid to tho sealcoating fund. �SOLUTION #160-1968 - A RESOLUTION� DZ_R�"'��' THg ISSUANC� OF T O OV B S ACC E W S F 1 57 �PTER 385: (Sanitary Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Improvawe�it Project #88) MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Reaolution #160-1968. Saconded by Cauncilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayos Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ;�. • � � �,, ; • ' • : i ; - _ • li � � � � .� s _ ' ' � ; r � • 1 � �'t z.. • � V �' • � i i _Y�. . � C,Y g' � • �.'�i.. �_ i.�. �[i �.z `1..= _4_• _ • • «ii_�. �'�� i i • • � - c � - MOTT�i by Couricilman Samuelson t Soconded by Councilman Sheridan. aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the o adopt Rosolution #161-1968. Upon a voica vote, all voting� motion carri�d unanimously� � _�..• . �_ • ` � ' _ ; • � !,� �! �1. �i �� i• =Y4` y ' - � _ .Y' •:r �ii�� . �� Y ":1� if. � :� ' . i�OTION by Councilman Sheridan t Seconded by Councilman Liebl. aye, l�ayor xirkham aeclared the � adopt Resolution #162-1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting motion carried urianimo�usly. Councilman Liabl said that he had -��tten aalls corzcerning the coats on Horizon and Ventura Avenue. He asked the City Snqinaer if ho had made any other committments concering the price. Sh� City �nqineer replied that the Council miakes the committmente. Cou�cil�an Liabl aaked if it was not correct that with the sto�a sewar th• cost would be over $9,00 per as�assable foot and without th• stos� eew�r it would be over fi8.00 par aeeeasable foot. The Ci.ty Engineer replied that the Couricil gave tho poople the choice o� t�lh�ther or not they wanted to gut in the etorm sewer. The people olect� to have the bare a�inimum of work dor�. T'his would involve some c�tch basins. H� ;said that narmally catch baains ar� plac�t �bout 6p0' apart, in this case they are over 1200' apart. T'his ia not the� �t eolution, but should not give the people too much J � � , u I� � r J � � r-,, � � LJ � � �J C� � �J � ' ' , � � L�J � � �J � � , � I�I I �J ggGU7,AR COUNCIL DiE�IN� OF OCTOBER 7, 1968 PAG$ 23 trouble except in an excessively heavy rainfall. Z"his they under- s�QOd at the time of the Public Hearing. Mayor Kirkham cocacnented tha�t what it amounted to was that the people bought the $8.00 ra�er� -than the $9 .00 j ob . , y �,, �` • �;� i� .�1 i � 4i_._._ .]� � �;�� Yi:��� '���• '�� �:i •.� �� �� i� ��• � �. � 4; • � i _ `'i �c�' � • �:H � ��:r s� �� � i ! Y � t� • ' :�� � : t� • � _ • � i` _ �L; � li'�� : � � --''� ti�' � • :a i. • s • . �M'IOTi by Counc3.lman Harris to adopt Resolution #163-1968. Z�he �ation was �econded by Cvuncil:nan Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all votir�g aye, M�ayor Kirkham declared tha m�otion carried unani�wu�aly . Counci�n►an Liebl asked if there were any changes in regard to the cost of Crown Road and Ventura Avenue. Z'!1e City Enqineer said that the costs will be in the $8.00 -$9.00 range. COI�QTN�,CATIONS� • _1�i: r.�+ w • • �� __,,'' � • '-''�Y MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the con�aunication from Columbia Heights School District #13 :ated September 27, 1968. Coun�cilman Sheridan seconded the motion with tha addition that the Admi.nistration be instructed to write to Columbia Heic�ts ScY�oo1. District #13 advising them that the City does not vwn the necessary right of way an�d as the over-all plan for street iteprove- mc�nt i�n this area is not completed, that the City doas nat r+iah to �7o thi.s street at this time. Upon a voice vote, all voting sye, �,ayor xirxham aeciarea the motion carried unaninausly. 8. FRIDLEY 1�JNICIPAL COURT • �40TI(�T bx Councilman Samuelson to raceive the letter from �tdqe �'ohn�ion dated October 3, 1968, and direct the Administration to wr�,te to Judqe Johnson advisin�q him that the City funds ara ex- pe�nded, aad that thia is nvw the responsibility of tha County. H� al$o inatructed that the Administration write to Anoka Couaty Court �x8te� appraising them of this request. 3econded by Councilman yi�b3,, -t7pon a voice vote, all votinq aye, 1Kayor Kirkha�a declarsd tii• motivn carriad unanimously. •e � • _�y �a: • we r�..�.� 4�!_ �� �.r �'! :�+' '.'; . w: • I, '1. ;� • �! j! _,� ' • � '.i' �'i�_�'� REGUI�R COUNG �.t ��" �:."" ` �,'r : �F �°1'C7B �;Y2 7 19 6 � � = PAG� �� MQTIoI�T by Councilman Liebl to receive the letter from Chief Umakichi Ohnishi, Chief of the Sapporo, East Police Department dated September 14, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. r r. ��;Y� •� •' •' •„�� �. • y• • � ..,�. aLf]l 1i �rf=iT�\ / ■✓f�r�� , , • ` ' .�_' � _' � MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to receive the informational copy of the letter written by the Cit1 Attorney dated September 23, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declane d the moti on carried. � Y�Y�'1 � � � � k � � � _:._L� � _, �`. � � � Y �!!.i_'.� � MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the co�nunication fran the Chief of Police dated September 20, 1968, concur and authorize the change from green to blue. Mayor Kirkham commented that he thought that this was an excellent idea. Councilman Samuelson agreed. Chief irl�cCarthy explained that hopetully the whole Metropolitan area will be i�n blue in a few years, at the local levels. This would differentiate from the County and State Police which have different colors. He felt that as more and more consaunities are signing ma�tual aid agree- ments, this would be an advantage to have the uniforms consistant. THF MOTION was seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vot�, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried un- animously . 57TH AV$NUE A,�TD T.H. #47 FRO�ITAGE RQ�l,D DETAQiMENT; The City B�ngineer explained that the Council had authorized the preparation of preliminary plans for the frontage road detacha�ent ior 57th Avenue and T.H. #47. He said that the preliminary plans have naw been received from the State of Mirinesota, and he wished to knvw if the Council still feel.s that this is a good plan. He said that there may be some people in the area that will not like thia plarl. Counci�man Samuelson said yes, he felt that this is a good plan. Councilman Liebl said that he would like to talk to tho people in the ar�a and look the site over. Mayor Kirkham comnented that v,then the Holiday people came befo�e Council, they were appraised of this possibility at that time. The City Attosney added that � � � � � ' n �I� � � � � � � � r r � �� � LJ � � � � � � �tk'iGUT�R COUNCIL Ni�:k±`1`i�T� OF OCTOBER 7, 1968 PAGE 25 UX was also �old, in about 1965, that there was going to be a �,00�a-back in this area probably. MpTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the co�aunication fraa the Sfi�ate of Minnesota, Department of Highways, B.B. McCarthy, ��strict De�ign Engineer dated October l, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Liebl said that there will be some objections from aome of the people in th is area. The City Engineer said that these , people will have the right to speak at th e Public Hea�ing Meeting. MQT�ON by Councilman Samuelson to concur with the concept of the frontage road detachment of 57th Avenue and T.H. #47 on the east side, as presented by the State Highway Department. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, M,ayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ' � • � y l:�i � Mayor Kirkham declared the Regular Meeting of October 7, 1968 adjourned at 11:35 P.M. � � .... � � � � � , r Res�pectfully submitted, �����e� 7� .7'tlel MetCer 6ecretary to the Council Jack O. Kirkham May or , , � ;, � �' � � � �� ;� �_._. `' � �_ _ � ���; � � � : � PAGE 26 TH�; M�NU`J',�S 0�' THE SPECIAL PITBLZC FI�,A� ZNG COUNCIL I�:ETING OF oc�roBE�z 1�, 19�8 I�tayor Kir}:ham called the Special Public Hearing Couneil IZeeting to order at 8:00 P.M., Oc�:ober 14, 1968. PLEDG}� OF ALLEGIA,�'QCc.: Idayor K�rkham requested the audience to stand and join the Council in saying the Ple�ge oi Allegiance to i:he Flag. ROLL C�LT� • MET�3ERS P�ESENT: Kirkham, Liebl, Samuelson, Sheridan, Harris (Arrived at 9:]_0 P.M.) NLCidBZ:RS ABSENT: None ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor �:ir:cham said that T_tem =;t6: Appointmen'c to Board of Appeals, was to be laid over until the next regular nee-cing. He said that there were two adclitions to the [�genda val�ich were: It�m -�r9: Comrnunica�ion �rom James Hen�ley, Public Healih Sani- tarian: F��esignation Item �r�10: Coun�ty Court Space R�nta1 MOTIUN by�Councilman Liebl to adopt the Agenda as amended. Se- conued by Councilman 5amuelson. Upon a v�ice vote, all voting aye, Mayor �:irkham declared the motion caxried. PUBLTC HEARTNG OL�? P�Z,ONTNG_ REQULS�l' Z,t7� +�68-10 & ZOA -'rr�68-10a) TO CH�NGE 2 AIZ�AS r�Or�'t F�-1 TO P. U. ( i�12 : DUI�LpF�Y ): P�tayor �:ir}�am zead the Public Hearing Notice to the audience, and asked the City Engineer to give a shor-c e��planation of the Plan- ning Conuna.ssion's recommendations. The City Engineer said that the P_lanning Commission has held a Public Hearing on the request for zezoning these 2 areas trom P.-1 to Planned Development. He expla-ined that the Planning Commission �elt that this request should be a�proved and included unc�er the PD District so the Council could control �he use of these parcels a1so. Under the present zoning the developer could use the land far parking as he wished, withou,t the control oi the Council. He shov�eci the areas in ques'cion on the screen for the in�or:nation o� the audience. H� reminded the Council that they had received a peti- ta.oz� against this and all rezoning in this area previously. SPECIAL PUBLTC HEEIRING NIEETiNG OF TIi�: COUNCIL, OCTOBEfi 14, 196�3 PAGE t�iayor Kir}cham called for ob j ections from the audience. V7yman Smith was present representing the people in the area of the Planned Development District, and said that a group o� neighbors had go-cten together �vi�h him last Friday. He said that it is his und�rstanding that -L-his request is in addition to the original PD. He said that in this area there are all single family resi-- dences and when the people bazght there, the land was zoned �or R-1. He saia that they �aere very much concexned about the effect of thi� Pll due to the increase of traffic, noise and many more children. He saic� that the Supreme Court has aelved into this problem oL multiple dwellings next to single family residences, anu there has been some concern with heal'r.h and the security of the people living in residential areas. He said that they are also concerned about property devaluation, and there is also the question of roads, sanitary sewer systems, and the prablem of whei.her th�ey are adequa-ce to take care or a much more densely populated area. Fie said that this ha� come about since these people bouc�ht their homes and they teel 'chat this rezoning does, in effect, take away their property without compensation. , Mr. Gary Pe�rson, ?.81 Ely.Street, before. There were notices sent although he di� receive a copy oi He said that he thoughL tha-t this that it would seem to him tha-� wh� there must be some sort of planni: areas, business areas, indus�rial when he bouc�ht his hoz�e the lancl � that the Plansiing Commission and � duty in not preven�.ing th� s spot ; He said that it wou]_d seem that a place for an apartment house, rat7 said tha-c tlie peopl� in this neigl said that he has ga�e over this �ut, bu�t he did not receive one, the �lanriing Comr►ission Minutes . cons-c.itutes spot zoning, anc n a City scarts develo�ing, g to allo�� iox residentia? areas, etc. He saicl thaic as P.-1. He sai d that ha feels ouizcil are derelict in zheir oning, as it is detrimentaZ. business area would be a better er th an an F-1 districto He borh'ood did not need anv addi- I..LV11c1.L Sii�NN.�iiy ictc.l,L 1 G1�S dS t�zare 1S a± reacty a g� OC�S'y S'GOx2 close by, and sho�L�ing centers ancl �nedical iacilities within 3 miles of this area. He said that he understood that it �aas Councilman Samuelson's o�inion that -�he tax revenue to the City would be much gr. e�,-�er than if � c remained as an R-�l c�istric-t, however, this is not imp��tant to i:h� �eople immediately involved. He said that as Councilman Samuelson is a builder, perhap, he has a personal interest in this. He said that he undexstood that the first concept was far tov�n.houses, but since f�nancing could not be procur_ed, the apartme�t complex was devised. Nir. Pearson said that he had heard �roin Mr. liurnphy, that the dev�loper coulci put a parking lot on this land anyhow withou-c -L-he rezoning. Fie ' 27 � � � � � � �i � � � � �J , � ' , � '' � � I � � SPECI�L CO"JNCIL MEE�i'ING OF OCTOBER 14' , 196� pAGE 28 pointec� out that there is already an industria� area on the rail:coad tracks eas� of the area, and he felt that if this is permi-tted, it wauld be a gYietto area in 20 years, and that it did not seem intelligen�. planning to put in a rnu?tiple dwelling area cvithin 300' oi an R-1 District. Piayor Kirkhara said that this Council is noz pushing this, but when any good zoning ordinance is written, it must contain provisions for any lanc? o���ner to atteinpt to rzzone his land, if he so desires . He explained that this is simply a Public Hearing and the Council will not be passing judgernent at this time. Councilman Samuel_son said that he has had no contac-c ��ith Nir. Dum�hy, and the in:�erei�ce �haz he could gair� a contract is out oi order and he requestec� ihat further in�erences such as this please be discontinued. � Mr. Jerry Potts, 8066 Ruth Street, said that he objecteu to t his change of plans which vaould allov�� P.D. and the shopping center. -. He said that this would increase the children in an area �vhere � there 3s alreac�y a,lack oi adequate parks and playgrounds. He poinL-ed out that in business areas it seems that there is always the problem of paper blovaing ab,�ut. He also pointed out the � problem of the tra:�fic congestion as thzs would add perhaps 100 - 200 more cars, ancl trc-re is alxeady a problean o� get-ting onto �ast River ;oad . He said tYiat he mus'c ok� j ect b�cause he � �ee1s that not much c�nsideration has been given to the adjacent property owners. He said that he mus� also object as when he bought his proper'�y, ii: was R-1 in the area, ancl there was no � zoning map showing anythiny but R-1. fIe fe� t that properLy values would decrease wa.ih anything bu-c R-l. � 1 � � � � T�Ir. ,•,illiam I'orst�r, 29g �ly Sireet, said that he lives on the corner of E1y and P.u'ch Stree�, He saic� tha� it was brought up at the P�.anning Corrli-�iss�.on tZeeta.ng the �ac� that the price o� a persons property a�ter a� z,partment cornp]_ex gaes in comes down 5/ - 10; . He as7�ec�i ��rho will make up �che c�iirerence the individuals wi11. lose on their propexty. He asked Councilrnan Samuelson, �ahy, since he is their Counci_lman, he is not more concer.ned. Council- man Samuelson ans�•�ered -that he did no� i�eel that he had to say ei�cher yes or no, un-til ai�er the Public Hearing. Mr. Forster aske� how much wilJ_ i-� cos-L- to pu� in se���er ior i:he apartment house. Nlayor k;ia�]cham ans��aered that any�hing requested by the a�ar�ment com�lex and bene�it�ing them, ���ould b� assessed to them. He said that whenever assessments are made, they are only on the ben�zitting property. D�Ir. Forster as7ced abou-i� signal lights, and how rnuch they ��ould cost. The City Engineer estimated about 0 SPECIAL PUBLIC fiEARING i�i�,ETING OF OCTOBEt`t 14, ].968 PAGE 29 $34, 000 . Mr . Forster as7;.ed �aho would �ay �or them. Councilman Liel�l ansvae-red that since �ast River I:oad is a County P�oad, � coula be � id by the Ccu nty and 2 by i:he City. �he City Engine�r add�d that as to the question aboui. the sewer, o� course there would be more sewage with an apartrnent comnlek, hoti<�ever, the line would not have to be redes:igned as it is an 8" line now and adequa�e fo-r any local areas. Counc�.lman Liebl said tha� �:i?e whole proj�ct is assessed the same, as thez� would be more sewage going through the pi�es Lrom the apar�men-c house, they �aould have to �ay more. He po�.n�ec1 out to the audien�e that the r�la,jor por-tion oi the rezoning has already c�one �hrough, and this hearinc� is only on 2 small areas and these are the areas which we should be tal3cing about. The Ci'cy Enc�ineer ad�ed -�hat �the Ordinance v�as passed 1�Iarch 2�r, 1967 and 15 days ai�cer pu'olication, it became law. T�Sr. ��orster said tha-c the people on the balcony o:E the apartment would be able to look righ'c do�an on his house. The Ci�cy Engineer saic� that �here will be anofiher Public Hearing for the purpose of app�.oving the �inal plans, and that would be the time to discuss this problem. A� . Forster said that he vaished to sta�e that he is not ior the rezoning nor the cornplex. AZayor I;irkham explained again tha�t the major portion of the_land has a_lr�ady beezz zoned to i�.D. and it is 1aw. 2�Ir. Po�tts said t'nat he ob- j ec ��d to any cliange � n-�'ne 2 areas in question and he ob j ects to the whole P. D. Dis �rict . t�layor I:irkr am pointed out tha-t the 2 areas �n c�uestion �a�e -�he areas sho���m on the map with diagonal hash marks, and this is the only portion tha�L- can be considered. , � � � � i•Zrs. 5tan P��or�•c};o, 228 E1y Street, said that she felt tha-t i:he � co�n:~nunity must stand iirr;l on this small re�oning to protec-c their interesLS. She said that these a-re their homes where they � live. . t•ir. :��illiam Young, 8Z21 Ruth CircJ_e, said -tha-t he realized tha-t the major poriion ai the lanu has already been zoned to P.D. �Ie said tha�:. he received a� e�c-c.er ��� the tii��e oi the rezoning with -�he nam� a� Sch.roecier on tlie Hear�ng Not�ce. F?e said thaL he went �o tre Planning COi?1i11iSSi0�1 Public �Iea?�-�ng ancl it was his under- s�tanding �rozn t•Z.r. �chroeder tha-c �ra'na-L- �x�as being considereci �,��re toV�n hous�s, �•�i-ch jus�c a sma11 apartrneiz� cornolex. He saa.d tha� he fe1.� that he and h�,s neigh7�oxs vaer.e con�irrnec� in this beliei by th� fac-c t'nat T•-Lr. Schroec�er o�,�ne� and 1_ived in an e�;pensive horne in the area. Councilmari Sheridan saac� tlzat the P1�.n.zz;nc� Co�nmission recomnencled a�p-roval and sug �es �.ed �:.hat the Counci?: reqv �st P�1r . Dumphy supoly proo� o�= �urcnase o� �.he J_anc; in ques�c�_on: I-Ie as�.ec� , T�Lr. . Dumphy ii he has czone this. Pfii:. Dur�r:�hy said i:ha-�: he has tYie p�pe:�s wi'ch h:�m. l � R � � ' ��, � � � � � � S��CIA:t, PUBLIC HEar.ING I�ii��TTIJG OF OC`"1'0�3:�R l�!•, 1968 PAGE 30 i-Ie said that tne o��rn�r o.� i.he s���L; on on I3uy�o Stree-� had been kil? ec�, so he had �o c�eal with the esi:a'c�, r�u-c tha� this has been set--cled. In th� o-cher sec-cion, I�ots 32� anc: 33 had b�en lying do?-man�, anc� he haG -L-rou'�J_e loca-i�ii�g �che o���n�x. Ha����ver, he four�c th� c�•aner in Sun Valley, Cali-=orn? a and has since purchased �his �roperty. Councilman Samuelson asked AZr. Dumphy 'co give a brie� descrip-tion of his proposed land use Lor these areas� P�Lr. Dumphy said that -�he soi�i:h area ���ill be used as parkir.g sL�ace and to pro�ide a bufier a;�ea Lo the residents, ancl the norch area wi]_1 give access to Huc�o Sireet anci will be used to provic?� ac�di�� onal_ parring area. A�ir. Ralph Oi-cicer, 315 �-i�ug�o Strce'c, said that he had followed i.his irom its incep-cion. Th� firs-L- PZanning Commission Tf�nuzes indicai.ec� that til:. Schroeder was the �?e-ci-cioner. Up un-L-i1 the �izne o�.� ihe ac�tual r�zor_ing, Sc1z-ro�der �•�as on z11 the recorus . I3e understancls thai. NL . DumL�hy di� have t�t1e to the pro�e.rty. �;e said tha-c �h� ?�1.anning Coi< < ission has recor��er.ded apL�rova� o� i:hese ?_ areas ior rezoni.ncJ as Ific. Duin��h1 could pu� in a Ulac7.- -coL �ed �ar7iing 1o�c anyho�c•a. FIe saiu ��ha-c he did no-i� �eel i.ha�. .che U1ann�ng Commission and Council we-re u:U�.?"� thai. IfIr. Dumpliy also o�-r�.; ra�re � and in this ar. ea anc� �aoizdered ���h1-c �•�ov? d prevent ��Lr . rur�lL�hy �=rom ac?�� � ng on rno?-e and �nx e 1_and into the �. D. District in a snaU�-r�al_ling e_�=-L-ect, such as ne�.�. yea�, raaybe submitting axzother request o:;: -�h7 s s�me nature to ��e added to the Dis�ric-c. He ie]_-c tha� �chere shou?c? b� sorn� kinc� oi cu.r�.ai1?ng o� -�h� amoun�� w'nich coutd go in-co -chis Distfici. IIe said tha-t �ehen i.111S ��Ic�.S originall.y G�i'! SCLISS2C � ��'l.e 1C�Aa. WJc"IS i�own houses, btli. ���hen iinancing coulcl not be ob�aa_ned, i�t �,•�as casually �ro�ped and the apar'crnen� c�in��12X iornu7_a�Led. � trZr. �ear�an saiu iha�c he �e1t that the ori,�ina1_ pl_an wa.th •town houses anc� Lly Street ending� in a cul-ue-sar_ ��oui_a have been a n�_ce addi�ion, i� �aoui c� 1_007� l.ike resic�en-c� al pro��erty. Notia, he woald 1 il�e to se� it as an F.-1 Dis-tric��. Counci?_rnan I�ieb1 sa�.cz -cna-c he has no-c seen the plans. They came be�ore 'r.he Council a:hou-� z year anc� a half ago, bu-c since then t'nere �ie-r_e so;ne chancJes made, and he �e� � i.ha�c he would have to . see i�he I�lan:> j_n oruer io make a maLUi: e anc� com�eien� j udgemeni . C�uncilman Sheriu�n saic� ��hat �he �oho1_e �rogxam was brough� �n in 19G�. �.I�he ��roposa�_ now ?_s some�L-hinc� very d� �ierent than wha-� the original �roposal t��as. jl?t�z an� ���:JJ1.'�le changes �n this pro�osat, the peaple st3.11 too7c �_n gooc? = ai-ch that it �•�ould st� 11 be �����n hou�es ��hich zhey ��a�e �•�_C11ing ��o acr.e�-c. He said that he cculn i�ee1. ���hai. the p�ople are now goi_ng �r.hrouyh, ancl until such tim� as h� can see i.he p�_ans he woui c1 i�e unab].e to make a judgemen-t. SPECI��L PUBLIC HE1�:LNG P�JIELTING OI' OGTO�ER 1�=, Z968 pAGE 31 Councilman Samuelson poin'ced out thai: ii �he anplication had been made under I:-3 z�nin�, the Council could not have stoppec? him, but under Planned Develo�raerit the Counci� s�l-.ill has contro_t and the ric�h-c t� rev;e�� i;he ��lans, �hereby prov?ding proter_tion of �he peo;?le's in-teres-cs. P1lr. Young saic? -L-hat he iel�. tha� it should revert bacY to P,-1, as the �lan was sold on the basis of b�ing toian houses, then late-r changed over �o apar�.n�t°nt houses, the�-eiore, �he V�hole rezoning shoutd rever-c bac7� to what it was o-ric�inall j. I�Iayor F;ir}-�ham saicl th��� the ordinances are set up so that any h��ne o��ner can apply for a zoning change, and the Council canno'c a-rbitrarily change bac]L . Mr. Cur-cis ��?alberg, 265 Ely Street sa�a i:hat they ].ive about 200' from -chis compleX and he iel�� that Counci� man Sheridan summed up ��ha�c they i elt nicei y. A member o�� the auc��_�nce asked Caunci i- rnan Samuelson if he <<�ouZcs like zo live ac_ross t'ne stree� srom a comoJ ex such as th7 s. Councilman �a�n�zelson saic� that he migh-� no� li7�e it, bu� tha-t, he would not ob j ec-c, ancl he ���ould question any iinancial loss.tha�c �he people have been talYing about having to -ca]�e. Mrs. Morit7��o asl�ed Councilman Samuelson how much ac1- van-cage, tax-wise woulc� there be i n ihe aL�ar-cment complex over R-.l . Councilman Samuelson answered a�ou-�. 3 t-� mas as much per acre. . Mr. Po�ts asY.ea whai:. a��ou�� the schools, as there would be rnore children. Mayor �:ir.�ha?n said tha-t �]zer_e are less children of scho�l age in apaz-�men�i: houses �han in residential areas. T�•7hen questioned on this, he said tha-i: these �a�ze no� his statistics,but hac� come Lrom the scho�Zs . AZrs . Jack Yal:1 ic1•3 said thaL she was concerned about the schoo� s. She said that �t�he buses are over.cro�,�dec{ now. She said i�ha-t two years ago the%r chi�.dren had to ba bu:�ec7 across the river �.o go to sc'nool, noz-� the�� r ne�v school is corapJ_e-i:eci, and she did not wan� �o see i-� YJ�COlilE overcrowc3eca. She also poini.eu out tha�c in 'chis c�ay and age near?_y everyone has two cars, vrhich vaould make more conges-tion. A3,r. F°7yrnan Smit'n said tha-� probably the hancj-up is adju�tinc�� a P,D. Disira.c-i�. in�.o an r-1 Discrict corn�.or-i:a7��y. He said tha'c these peoj�le �elt that they coul� live wi�ch a Lo�an house type a�_ develo��- ment, �ut v�ere no�� ap�rai s�c1 0� -�he c��a;:� �� i;., plans whiclz v30L1I_C� azi ect �th� density oL the area consir�e�a�1y. He said that he agr�ed ��aii.h -iyhe Mayor in that an ordinarzce must al]_ow any land owner tlz� right to apply �or a zoning change, and also appreciated � �� � , � � � � �� ' � , � � � �; � j � � � � i � � � � Si'ECIEl.i., PUBZ:LC HEA,I'�TNG P�Ir;i;TING 01.� OC'.POL'ER 1�'., Zg6g PAGE 32 the fiact that wi-L-n �.D. ther� is a. grea� c�e:Jree o� fZexibil_ity. lh is is what is concernin� the�e peoPle, iizey sit bacY in their homes, -chin]cing that Lheze ���ill be a-cown house type oi develop- ment, •�hen upon i� nc�i.n, ou-� that it is to be apartmen-ts they are L���derstandably u�sa�., und conzused as �o �v1�iaL can and can noL go irnco a P.D. Dis�ric-t. He said tha-c -chese people have a good comrnuni ty area there and these people a-re -_eariul that the com- ple�> will chanc�e the charac-�er o� their neighborhood . He said tha�c he would agree �vi�i:h Councilman Sarnu�lson that an apartment complex would increase the tax base, bu�� it se�rn�d to hinl �.hat there is already enough P--2 anci R-3 areas to be deve?oped, and ve-ry li�tle R-1 1_ei�. P�ir. �u��lpn.y said tha�c �he original plan sho���ed to�an houses, then it �r�as �ound �ha-c �chis ���ould be inadvisable, so this nev�� plan was caevised, which �•.=en�� ihrouc;h the norinal channels and ai proved by Council. FIe sa�d -'cha-c the people have been talking abou-c i:he whole a-rea b�iny R-1, bu-� ��his is no'c -che case as al� oi Fair- mont Circ].e was �,or.ed C-1-S. �°then he tried to geL financing, he :cound �hai. i-t cottJ_G no-c be done as �l�.e -towr� houses would �ace the backs o� the shop1�in� areas.. - This is why the plans were changed. Nir. Dumphy wen�� -L-o -c�ze rnap and poin-�ed ou-c a por�cion oi Bourc?eaux Sprinc� Brook Ac�di�ion �(:ha-�: would be lanc?-1ocYed, and this is ��hy tne adc!itional 1�e{ues-c -conight, to �ai.n �cce.�� co Hugo Szreet. He said th� �ie thin,�s � �3zis � s a c�ood plan and utiliz�s the l�lnc? :����Ler Lhan unaer i:he ��:o-rrner zoninc� be:�ore i:.he Planned DeveloL�- men�c wen� . through. Iie saic tha�c par�L- o:� -the ].�nd �•�ill be kep� na-cural anu tn.at there ai:e provis� ons :�or ��u-�=iers for -che people. hs. "t,orster as7�ec� rL�-. Samuelson i� he had peen up into th_,'_s area 'co i_oo]ti it o�Jer. CQUnca.lm�.n Sa�nuel�c�� ,�azd thaL he had been up there many times, anc7 haci been throu�;l�. �.he z-rea since �l-.he si.ree-cs, curbs and ,utters have ;��en put in. t�1:c. S-tanley i�lorii.];o, ivla.�. Jerry Po-4ts anc! :�e-_m�L �Peigen said LhaL � � they l��ad not rece;_ved no-cices . �i� yor I:iri�izain said if tlzey 1.a.veu wztlzin 300' , they shoulc have receiveu -chem� un1_ess they went to a con�L-xact .�or deed holc�er. P�ix. S-canley I�'iori-cl�o asl�ed when -chis � ���ill be br_ ou�ht b�ck. P�Iayor ICirlc'nam �.old him �hat it v�ouZd be bac7� at the next T,1ee��in� . � , � T�70"'ION by Councilman Szn�ael son i:o c1os� f:he Public Hearing on the Ree�ozzin:� RequesL ZOA ;;=6&-10 £: GOA ;�68-101� -�o change 2 areas i:rom R-1 -to �lanneci Developrnen-c by NIr , �7um�1,y }:�e c_losed . Secoi�der', '�v Counci�! rnan Liebl , Upon a voice vote, a?_J_ vo-cincj aye, blayor � I,ir�Cilc�.111 ueclared tne m�L:i.on carried. • SPEC�AL PUBL�C HE�'-�.,.�':CIQG A'iEETING O�' OCTOBL�'P. l�rl 1968 PAGE 33 PIJB "L�C FiFA�:TNG OD7 V��CATIO�I P.��?U�ST SAV �;-60-05 24' SERV�C�. DRIV� �ASEI%i�IJ1 t�^�ES�I� AD,TD k'E�'•_'A�7�i�L �1�0 E�'�.ST F.IVl�i'. F.01J: SP�Zi2 L�D?U�3Ei2G) COUNCILl u�i� ii�'.�:IS ARI'�.iV�D AT 9:10 P. T�2. Iviayox I:irYham reau ihe Public Hearinc� I�To� ice to the auc�aence, ancl as]ced 'ch� City Engine�r ;or a briei run-cioti�n. The Ci�ty Enginecr s«i� that as �he Counci? is aware, this is c'iirectly in a_ront o� the area xec�n�.? 1 rezoned �:.o P.-3 , in Bo'p' s Produce area . �i�hey are dec3icating 13' on th� eas'cer_ly po:�tioiz o:� their property. The det%elopexs a: ihe apartm�nt com�lel� have submitted plana 'co the �uildinc� S�andards - Desi�n Coiztral �L�cor��-nittee ior t:neir develo�mv��� in this area. Iie said -tha�: he ��JOUld SLiyLjeSt holc�ing up �che 2nd xeading oi the o-r_uinance, ii the Council �r�ishes to ap�rove it, un�c�Z �inal pl.ans are appra�ed i�r the area bea.n� uevel opec�. He said tha� there v��ill be six lanes of �raffic on Eas-t River Roaa ana �hat �L-Yze City woulc� be �=�iving up 2�' road easement, and the cleve� o1��-rs oF the cornple<> �?re deec7ing back i 3' ior stree-L- right ot ��ay . � � � � � � , �_� Councilinan LieU1 said that Judge_ Johnson is interestec7 in ��ho �aill be p�ying for this s-�ree�t cio�an '�y his house. T�Lr. Jirn Gi�abs � exp:Lained i.o JuucJe Johnson i:hat �-aha�L- is �eir:c; uiscussea is f.he vac�.tia;z o� an ease��nent 'r�ut it does no'c go in�co the �udc�e's properi.y. As the p� �ns are ncw, they E-70L1.�.C1 not afiect the Jud�e's � proper�y. The Cizy Engineer said that �his �_s jusL a re-adjust- raen'c oi �ast Fiver Ro�.d ra.ght oi ��ay anu �•aould not change the �rai:�ic pa�tern i� i.r e JLZC�g e' s ar ea . � Councilman Samuel son as].ed what the s�ta-cL?s o�: the intersec�cion is ��ith -the Coun-ty no�°�. `i�he Ci.ty Ln;ineer s�i.d thaL i�hey want Lhe Ci�cy to ge� Lhe righ� or way and the Ci�Gy �•�ants them to. .__ Thia is the problem, to acquire t'ne necessary rirht ot ��ay. This would be one s-tep ccwarcl the i�otal ini:ers�:c-cion plan. Council.man Lie'�l as}>eu ubou�L- �ch� Ge?^�Z2n pro�er-c.y. Councitrnan Samuel.son pointed out �har. IL'iurphy U-� ? Com�any '.�ac,ced ou'c on their co�;lmi��t- rnen�l: to I�L . Ger�zen. Cour�cilr��an Lieb? saic� �c'nat Lhe Council was al�•;ays 4•�illins to cool�e�;ate e�ii'n I'�-r. Gex'�czen and i�iurphy Oa.l Co. The Ci-L-y ; ncin�er saic� thu�� this is Lhe �•ray U�e caould like �o have the plan, and -�his was �he in:� oxrnaui.on �L oviGed to T•�.r . Gex'�tzen anu the I4uxphy oi? Co�.npany representa-civcs . MOTION by Counci)_nan Lieb� to cJ_ose the Pu��lic Hear_i. ng on the Vacation Rec�uest (SAV -;;�Go-05) 24' S:c�-rvice Dx:�ve Laseinent, t�;es-c ana Parallel to EGst �.ivex �:oaci Reques c�d by i�ir•. Lindberg . Seconded by Counca_l.rnan S«i:iue_1_son. Upon a �o7ce vote, all voting aye� r,ayor I;ir];ham c,eclared the motion carxa.ed unanimously. r C� � � _ i.� � � S� ECTAL PLBLIC HLE�RING I�.;LTING O�:' OCTO�ER 14-, 19G8 PAGE 34 PUBT�IC �IE��R_i.I�G O�� 12' ALI�EY VACA�rzoil �:L�?U�:S�i' BLOCI: B HYDE PL��t: AllD�.`.L'TOLJ: (I�i2. P�'IcI"��Ti�T) _ tZayor Kirkharn xead i:he PL?]�1ic IIearing Tlotice Lo the audience. The City Eizginee?� saici f-.ha-c the Counci 1 has had this problem bG�io:t'e -L-hei�1 c�ui�e a ie��� .times. �-Ie showed the dxainage area for Bloc}� 8, Hycie Par]: �cac�i�c�_on on the screen. Iie saic3 tYiat �he Ci�y I�Ianac�er had made a co:n�le�c.e study oi this and has given the Council a report on the possii�le clzo7 ces the Council has avail- able. 'I'he Ca.ty Enc�ineer e<n�_a; ned Proposal ;�1. whic'n v�ould be to open the a11ey and provide LYie ir�l�tovemen-cs, �hereby makin� tne parJcinc� in the rear, iron-c yard ienced ior a playing area ior chiluren, and a11ey access :�or trash cans. He said that i.he people on the eas�, s-±c�e oL the alley have a1_so fenced oi� par� the a11ey. In the no�:-ch end there is a c�araye �>>hich was built �-` into the alley easeraen-�. He said that i-c ��as build contrary to che plans su:F�r�i-c�ed to the Buildin� xns;oec-cion repartrmnt tvJO y�ars ago. th e In ��ie Proposal ;;-2, Lhe rear yarc� �aoulc7 re��Zain �eneed -� or a children's play area, bu-� froni: yard par}..�ng would then have to be required. Unc�er L'na s p1 an, the only persozz �aith a pro}�lem woulc7 'oe 6003 2nc� Stree��, who ��•�oulu neecl �.n aceess �rom the a11ey i:o his paL);ing :in -�he 'oack. �lr'he Ci-Ly r�ianayer added that there woutd h�.v� io be iron-c yard pa_rking ror the Lrree a��ar�c- ment houses on Niain S�'ree� as �ne buil_ctinc;s are too close to proviue dr � vet,aays be�c�,•; een thern. . Counci7_man Samu�lson as7:ed ii the tha:ee a�ar-crnen-cs, G035, 60?l, anu 60� 0 are a11 o��med 'ny �he sarae person. The City Enc�ineer saic� Lha-t there ��ve:� e se`parai:e o�,,�riers . oi Couzici]_man �Iarris po-�xzced ou�c that whe� iYiain �treet is im�roved, the City �nroulca r�o-� �,��anz a lon�� curb cu-c in�o t'ne �ar)ting lo�L-s. Councitman Samuelso�� as7�e�� ii there was any urgency. The City Engineer said that P•ir. ilc:i,ain ���ants -L-o have this resolved one �r�a�� or ano�l��er, ancl tha�� this problem i_:� oL 1on:� s�andinl. Council- man Sc'1111UC'.�_5011 as,�ec� ;;= -chis lias been :o,ou;ht to the at�en-�ion o-� the pJ_ailner stud�Tinc� IIyc;e park. Couneilman Har-ris as)ced I�L�. McLa?n whiciz ptan he ��3ou1c� pr.e�er. Pyir. i�ic7�ain ans��reteu that he caou�d be a��re�abl� �co �calc� iz�� hi� sizare or �li� 12' a11 ey ���ha.ch would l�e 6' , bu�c �that tl�.is �-a�u? d necessi�ta-L-e 600� 211d S-cree�� blac}�copping his shure oT 'cne a7.]_ey for ac�c�ztional p�.x;;; ng and he would tYien have to have access i�om 2�1c� ;tree-L-. The Ci-cy i�ianac�er agreed that the own�?_ o�:: �00� 2r�c� S�c-ree�c �•�ouid neeci to do sorae adui-i. i onal t�orJt. 5PECTE�L PTJBL.7_C H�i3t�IZdG P�:C�l'�NG OF OC`T'OF:�R J.�1, 1.96�3 PAGE 35 Cou;lci_lrnan :t,iebl saa.c� 'cha�. he has a pe��i-�� on signec� by about 80i� o� L1ie peo��.� on �he ali_ey agains-c openzng ancx improcin�j the a11ey. �13�':L�'TO% ;`33-�.96� � ��G�'�i_TJS'r O��EiQsN� t��I�D _:�r��ROVING ALT�r,Y EOT�I-L�?I:3i�TJ t3y 60`;:l"j �-3�'::.',i`7Ui� Oi� 'J'H� SOU lil,___olS'1.'._AV���NU�; OLT Tki�,' i�0 �TH, 2ivD J�'�i�l',L1' C�Iv �i''rI� �:�5'i' r��D i%k�IT�I ::��J'i��i,`_I.' O?�7 �i��iE t•7L�1: TVIOT�oiv by Counci7 raan Liebl -co receive PetiLion ;-r33-1968 . Seconaed by Councilman Sarauelson. Upon a voice vo-�e, all votiny aye, Mayor Kirkham declared �clze ra�tion carried . M:c. Clza-r? es 13eliveau, �_10 6J s-� Avenue N.L., said tha-4 iy 'cYie a11ey carne �ch:couc�'n i'c �•aoul.cz be -i:oo close -�o -�he beciroorn �>>inc�ows . Counc:i.l.inan Lieol cor�tnen-�ed i:ha�L I�I.r. Bei iveau has solved ��is par)�ing problems by lzi�ns�? z. M1:. Gi3�:�� expla�.ned �.ha� ii tlze a1l�y ti�aas closed oi:� down -to the nor�herly line o� 7�o�cs 14 and 17 -�h�re woulcl be no problern, bu�� i� it ���as ci osecl o�=�. al1 �i.he ��aay, i�c �vould necess:i.tate conde��na�ion. He saa.d �c�ia'c it is a ma-i�•r.e�� o� �_a��a thai. Lliis al�ey is r,o��� open, and i� �he C:_-�.y wa.shes �o clo �e ii�, uhey could p�sa:�7�ly leave tYiemselves op�n to a la�•�sui'c iar 'ca7:ing awjay #:he access to 6008 2nd S-i�ree��, unless -che o.��er o�: 6008 2nd Si.ree�i: t,»u�_c� zgree -to �•raive -c�ieir ri�jli-t i�o -cliis access and provide access �rom 2nd S'cree•c . P�Lr. Beliveau said 'cha� 'ne uid not rece�ve a 1eL-cer ab�ui. this m��-��_nc� . Councilraan Lie7�_t sa5.d tnai. he hacs seen tYie 1e�ct�rs seri�c out and dic7 no-� kno�a ti�ahy he did not receive his, as he had seen i�. I�`�O�i�:CON �y Councilman H�Lris i.o close ��he PubJ.ic Heariny on the ) 2' Alley Vac�.tion Rec�ues-c, B1ock 8, Iiycle Par7� .�ddi-cion requea-L-ec� by I:Ir. T�2cLai.n. �econd�u }�;I' Councilrnan ; am�ae*son. Upon a voice . vo-ce, al? voting aye, �-iayor F:i:�kharn declar_ed the mo�cion carried unan-� mously . ' i�1�ri'.�Oi�7 '�ay Councilrnan T�ie:oJ_ �to u-� rec'c the Adrn? nistraLion to zsk -che o�,aner o�� 600�3 ?.nd S-L-reei� to sign ax� ac�reemen-L- waivinc� h� s right to access �Lhrough the a11ey i.o 60th F�ven�a�, a_n rei.urn he vaoulc� ge�i: the adci:i.-cioxzal 6' o-� the alley, anc� to provide access zo his parking l�i: i:com 2nc� S-cre���. Sec�nc?�d by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice voc�, a11 vo-cing �ye, T��Iayor 1::�_r):�zam declaxec� the mot�_on carx;_eu unan_,'_rnousJ_y. `l�he City Lnc�in�er poin���c� out cYiat the o�,vners oi the i.hree apar�:- rn�n�: hc�uses ��ould lzave -�o corne xn and apo� y ior a ���aiver oi the ordinance to permi-c �lze i�:ar�t yard par7�ing. I�iayor ��ir7charn acsre€c�, i : � I', � � ' � � ;. � , �: � , � , � � SPECI.AL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF OCTOBER 14, 1968 PAGE 36 and Conunented that as they axe already in violation of the ordznance they really do not have much choice. The City Engi.neer said that these should be blacktop�ed parki.ng:_ spa.ces with curbing on their awn property and only with 20' driveway curb cuts. Councilman Liebl said that if th� apartment house owners got together there would be enough parking. PUBLTC H�At2ING ON FINAL PLAT {P.S, �;68-05:� GREAT NORTHERN RATL- WAY REGTSTERED �,AND SURVEY. (.SE CORNER OF I. 694 AND EAST RIVER ROAD : The City Engineer said that the Council has received a petition for sanitary sewer, water, and storm sewer services to serve Plywood Minnesota and have chosen to go through all the legal channels. He then passed out a preliminary report prepared by Comstock aizd Davis, Inc., Consulting Engineers. He said that they were contemplating doing only a portion of the worlc at this time. He said that the basic plan shows the lines and a lift station. There was some discussion on how deep the lift station should be bec�use of the question of whether the area to the west would someday want to connect. He said that the total cost of the project is $420,000 to serve the whole tract and the cost to serve the Plywood Minnesota area is $160,000, fcor sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer. Councilman Harris asked if in laying this out, the Railway Co. is not thinking of going through this in sicages. Mr. Glenn Shaw, 175 East 4th Street, St. Paul, said that the petition was for installing the services, but that he did not wish to say all are going in, as they may not. He said that this Registered Land Survey was designed for great flexibility. He said that he had agreed to design the road with the loop-back at the south access. The roads wi11 not be dedicated initially, just as it becomes necessary, whi,ch is an item the covenants cover. Ti�hen the Registered Land Survey is complete, we can just petition for improve}anents in additional areas as they develop. Counci�man Liebl said that the City has been lenient with the Gr�at Northern Railway Company. Mr. Shaw said Thank You to the Couxicil and a�.so to the City Engineer for h is help. He said that Great Northern Railway pays a good share of real estate taxes. He said that all the requirements have been followed, except that the roads will not b� dedicated before registering. Th.e City Engin�er said that the basic plan has been shown to the Planna�ng Comma.ssion and the Counci.l, and that he has been working with �he Railwa� Company. He said that he felt strongly that the permanent access to the tract should be ai: the south end. There � SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF OCTOBER 14, 1968 PAGE 37 will be a signal at the south leg of the intersection of East River Road and I. 694. He said that he had requested them to provide a loop-back at the south access so that it would be about 250' east of the intersection. Th is they have agreed to do. He said that he felt the temporary crossover for Plywood RZinnesota should never be a permanent one, and if and when signals are installed at the south end, the access for Plywood Minnesota should then be closed. ° Mr, Shaw said that he had written a letter to Anoka County and they have indicated to him that this intersection is satisfactory to them. He said that there is stacking room for one truck. This north access is over � mile from the south access. He said that the Railway Company could not agree to put a loop-bac]c there also, as they are reaching the limit of funds available, and that they are appxoaching the point where this proposal would not be market- able. Mayor Kirkham commented than when the north access becomes a traffic hazard, it must be closed up. Mr. Shaw said that the projected traffic figures show that in 1985 there will be less traffic on East River Road south of I. 694 than-there is on Una.versa.ty Avenue going past City. Hall ra.ght now. It may be possible that there will never be a signal necessary. Council- man Harris pointed out that the State and County would be making that decision. Councilman Harris asked if they would be willing to wrate into the covenants that the 2 parcels of land abutting the east-west access road would connect onto the access road rather than the service drive. The City Engineer said that he was not too happy with this crossover pattern and would like to see some additional pro�ection., such as the entrance from these tracts being back from the intersection a certain amount of �eet. He said that in the new ordinance being considered now the entrance would have to be back 75`. The City Engineer said tliat he could work this out with the City Attorney and Mr..Shaw. The City Engineer brought up the question of the 5/ of land which is to be used in som� way by public use and said that there will be a well n�cessary and would like to have it in the south end if possible. Mr. Robert H. Brokopp o� Great Northern Railway said tha� they ccu ld not commit any speci�ic parcel of land to well use. Mr. Shaw added that a)_though he did not care for gas stations, it might become necessary to sell this parcel of land and agreed with Nir. Bxokopp that this parcel could not be promised, although a.t may �a�: poss zble at a later date . Mr . Brokopp said that the drilling of test wells etc. is covered in this agreeznent and that Great Northern Railway Co. has to be in total agreement with everything also. He said that they must get this goa.ng as ',, SPECIAL PUBLIC HF�RING MEETING OF OCTOBEP. l�, 1968 PAGE 38 �� Plywood T�Iirinesota is being held up in their constructa,on, and � that the test well drilling can be taken care of later. Mr. Shaw said that the Company is willinc� ta let the City drill for wells and erect a well house, but then they will not agree to ::t give any pa�k 1and. Councilma.� Harris said that he agreed with the City Engineer and if a good well site is foun�, then we should go to the Railroad Company for their agreement. TY:e City � Engineer commented that under the new proposed zaning ordinance the mina.mum building site is 2 acres. L� 1 _ I_ � , LJ � , � �; : � I ' Mr. Brokopp sa�.d that this agreement has not gc�:e to the Great Northern Railway for their approval yet . The F?nance Director as7ced about Section E ot the agreement; wherei� �t says that the City would partici�ate a.n the construc- tion costs of providing sanitary sew�.r, water and storm sewer. Mr. Gibbs said that ihis just means that anyone outside of the R�gist�red Land Survey who ben�fits trom the services would be. assessed. Mr. Shaw said that it seemed that a l2" water pipe would be larger than they wou ld need and felt that if anyone else benefits from it, they should be assessed. He said that the sanitary sewer pipe is alAo vexy large and if anyone else benefits such as the property across East River Road, they should be assessed. Councilman Liebl told.him that this is standard City practice. Mr. Shaw pointed out that they want to put in prefabricated gum- waod crossings across the railroad tracks. He said that it has beez� found that they are far superior to concrete. He explained that i� any later work is necessary it is very difficult with the concrete, but with the preiabricated crossing all that is nece- ssary is to unbolt the sections, then raise or lovaer the track, or do whatever is necessary then bolt it back in place and this makes a very nice crossing. This is a very new.concept in rail- road crossings and is being used in Montana and Minnesota so far. He commen�ted that L-he City of St. Paul has some like this. The City Engineer suggested that if the Council has no further. questions, they could direct the Administration to negotiate the agreement with the Grea� Northern Raa.lway Company after the Council gives the information they wish i.o the City Attorney so it can be �orwarded to Great Northern Rai.lway Company for their review and approval. Mr. Shaw said that he would estima.te that it wou].d take their company a week or a week and a half to check it over. SPECTAL PUBLIC HEARING NlEETING OF OCTOBER 14, 1968 pAGE 39 Mr. Richard Harris asked how, with this type oi development, we can tell the Great Northern Railway Company a�igure of $420,OOQ for development of water and sewer services. He said that some- times these things raove along rapidly and sometimes very slowly. He agreed that the need for P�ywood Minnesota is immediate and there is no question about the $160,000, but the rest af the land may not develop for 5 years, so how can the City guarantee that it would not exceed $420,000. Nir. Shaw told Mr. Richard Harris that Great Northern Railway always pays their assessments. Mr. Harris said that his point was that he did not want them to come back in 5 years time and say that the Council told them that it vrovld cost them $420,000. He said that he would also question Mr. Shaw's supposition that the traffic would be 7.ess in 1985 than it is in front of City Hall naw, as there a.s open land across East P.iver Road and no one knows how this would develop. Mr. Sha�a said that ir th is problem should come about, th�y would not be creating it. He said that there is very little traffic problems on East River Road below I. 694 exc�pt at the time of the shift change for FMC. Mr. Harris said that outside o� FMC about the only ot�,er customer that would want to use the 12" water line would be N.S.S.S.D. and that they have a large parcel of Iand. He pointed out that FMC has the�r�own water supply. Mr. Shaw said that then they would not neec? a 12" ra.ain. MO�:CON by Councilman Harris to close the Publa.c Hearirr� on the Registered Land Survey (P.S. #68-05) requested by Great Northern Railway Company, and that the agreement be brought back for the November �th Meeting in its final form. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vot�, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carxied unanimously. MOTTON by Councilman Harris to approve the concept of the pre- liminary Registered Land Survey dated October 10, 1968, subject to further negotiatiorzs and future well sites. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham decZared the motion carried unanimously. Ntr. Shaw said that when the agreement is ready, he wanted to ■ emphasize that tl:e exact wording must be right, as if there is a small change, it would have to go through the whole legal staff � again. He said that it would take at least a week for their staff to give their approval of it. Councilman Liebl corunented that he was very in-::erested in this as this is a very large in.dustrial park located in his ward. R T � PUBLTC HEAP.SNG ON II�?I20VET�lENT PROJECT 54-�NITARY SEWER, WATER AND STORM SEV�ER PFt.OJEC`1' ;i 90 : � The Cit �n ineer said that much of the material has alread be n � Y 5 y e gone ove.r a.n the p.reva.ous item. He said that we wa,ll be going �� I ', , i i � � �-, � �_ ' ' u � � � ' ' SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING NiEETING OF OCTOBEF 14, 1968 PAGE 40 back to the Great Norther::: Railway Company later telling them exact figures. He said that the question i.s whether to put in the lift station deep enough to serve the property on the west sis.� e of East River Road. Mr. ComsLOCk sai� that there was not too rctuch additional cost in malcing tk�e lift station deeper. He said that F1�1C was included in the Public Hearing. He said that the preliminary report covers over 106 a�res and actually gives more than was petitioned for, so that it could be used for other future development, such as if FMC wishes to be i.ncluc�ed, the lii't station could be lowered. He said that FMC does have some land below the flood plain. He said that there was about an 1800' area which caa.ld connect a:nto this lift station. Mr. Shaw said that in that case it should be i.n the agreement that they would pay their share of use_o� sanitary lirt sta�ion and use of the 12° line. Councilman' Lie'Al e�:plained that this is a long range plan submitted by Comstock and Davis. Mr. Comstock said that there were two parcels at the south encl oi the City getting water fro m the City of Minneapolis. There is also a parcel owned ny the Railroad of about 200' - 300' wh ieh could at some future time be developed. . Mr. Brokopp said that� it seemed to their engineers that a 10" line would 'oe su�'ficient and that it ��ould make a di:�ference of about $30, 000 which migh-t be d.a.i�icult to explain to t'neir company. Mr. Com�tock said that i� this was a complete City project, the lin:es would be run and th� people assessed per assess- able front foctage. Mr. Shaw said that he had no objection to paying their �air share but thai: he cerLainly would ob j ect to paying more. �, MOTION by Councilman Liebl ta close the Public Hearing on Sani- tary Sewer, Wai.er and storm Se��er Project -�,'�90 and direct the City Engineer to see if FMC wished to be ?ncluded. Mr. Richard Harris asked where the additional r.loney is going to come from. Councilman Sheridan said maybe"from the utility��und: Ms. Brokopp commented �hat $420,000 is a sizable amount. Mr. Shaw said tlzat arter the contract is let, the entire anount could be assessed. He did not want to pay $420,000 for utilities they Yiad not requested. Councilma.n Sheridan said that the City will not do that. Mayor Kir]cham pointecl out that this cost is if it is done now, if the work is done in stages, tlie cost wau ld be assessed in stages also. The City Engineer. sa�.c': that until the contract is SPECIAL PUBLTC HEARING MEETING OF OCTOBER 14, 1968 PAGE 41. let, the Company cannot be given actual figures. Mr. Shaw said that he would get together with Comstock and Uavis and the City Engineer_ on the secver problems . Mr. Ken Y•nutson o� FMC said that his only reason for being here is that he was i.ncZu�ed in the Public Hear:ing Notice mailing list. ?�e said that there is some lana b oth on the west and east side of East River Road ovmed by FP�IC. He said that they have no plans for this land at �resent. THE MOTION was seconded by Counci].man Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. . COMMUNIC�'1TTONa • A. CONi:�TJ�7ICATION FROI�I ROTARY CLUB OF FRSDLEY REGARDING DEV i LOPMENT O� A PI�.RK IN FRIDLEY MOTION by Councitman Harris to receive the communication from the Ro•tary Club of Fra.dley dated October o, 1968 and turn it over to the Parks and Recreation Commission for th�a.r comments. Seconded by Coun�ilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting:aye, Mayor Kirkham decla-red th� motion carried unan�.mously. B. COMMUNICAT20N FROM STATE OF MINNESOTA REGARDING PAR.CEL OF LANA BESNG RELEASED TO PROPERTY OYaNER AND PORTION BEING RELEASED TO CITY OF FRxDLEY MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the communication from the State of Minnesota., .C.E. Burri]iL� District Enga.neer dated October 9_, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Y.irY.ham declared the motion carried unanimously. C. JAMES HENSLI:Y�_PUBLIC HEALTH SANZTAPIAN• RESIGNATION MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the letter of resignation from James Hensley, dated October 10, 1968 and direct the Adminis- tration to write him a letter of commendation f�r his fine work, although he is a paid employee of the City. Second�d by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkharn declazed the motion carried unanimously. �� I ';, I,' LJ � L� � , , � , � CJ � � , ' SPEGIAL PUBLIC HF,A.RING NLEETING OF OCTOBER 14, 1968 D. COUNTY O� ANOI'•1�: COUNTY COUP.T SPACE RENTAL PAGE 42 MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the letter from Bernard E. Steffen, Anoka County Administrator dated October 11, 1968 and refer to the Administration for their review. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all.voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adjourn the Me�ting. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, a].1 voting aye, Mayor Y.a.rkham declared the Special Public Hearing Meeting of October 14, 1968 adjourned at 11:15 P.M. Respectfull.y submitted, � �� Juel Mercer Secretary to the Council Jack O. Kirkham May or I� ( , f ' , � � ' ' r--, �a �I � � � � II ' �? ORDINANCE N0. . ��� AN ORDIN�NCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, ��-�°� . MINNESOTA BY MAKING A CHANGE IN ZONING DISTRICTS ����� . . �r .r'�'-v � �. r � � The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: ,}�///A' �f:� � 4` ,��s `U r. . - � �..1. � ��� , 3ECTION l. Appendix D of the City Code of Fridley is ammended �<-`:�t as hereinafter indicated. f� f�� � E--' � ✓ SECTION 2. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley presently zonecl as R-1 and described as follows: : From R-1 (Single Family Dwelling) to PD (Planned Development District) Lot l, Block 2, Bourdeaux's Spring Brook Addition. Lots l, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, all in Block A, Riverview Heights, together with the vacated street and that portion of the right of way of the Minneapolis, Anoka and Cuyuna Range Railroad Company that lies between the north line of Lot 4 and the south line of Lot 1 extended west. From R-1 (Single Family Dwelling) to PD (Planned Development District) Lots 32, 33, 34 and 35, Block 10, Spring Brook Park Addition. All located in Section 3, T-30, R-24, City of Frid- ley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. Is hereby designated to be in the Zoned District known as PD (Planned Development District). SECTION 3. That the Zoning Administrator is directed to change the official zoning map to show said tract or area from zoned district R-1 (Single Family Dwellings) to PD (Planned Development District). PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS OF ATTEST: , 1968. � � � MAYOR CITY CLERK Marvin C. Brunsell Public Hearing: October 7, 1968 First Reading.: Second Reading: Publish.,,,..... DAY Jack 0. Kirkham 0 ` , � ___ _ �:: .. , Y>. .. : ' . . ' . _. � •' � ,,` _ �� 4', . ' �:: !� F ,�: ��..t.`.1 .. ` 1 I � � V °�� � . � � �"� � I � � , ' �� � HOWARD DIThLPI3Y ZOA ��6 8-10 "� •� � �'-, l� _' { s,>�� � � 7 l � s . ' � , �� -, � � y'�, � 7 Rezone from R-1 to PD �� ::.� v � ��� I�� � ':�,.__-_.__.____._.. . _._._ -�"-�, � I, ' l ' M�.p shows prop, owners �---�--� � .._�.__,.__._.�.._..�..__.._._._. ._,.._._.:._�..�.,.__._..,..._,L _.,._., ,� . "� � ,�,� , opposing rezoning. � � , ' Y� # + ' i _ ._ __ , � � . s • , , . . . . �_... . �' � . y t ,., f -.�..�. � . , �t.; � .. '°�h . . 't - � �i �, - .. `� �J � : : J r � t ,+ J k��, �� ' � f ,, t � i� I i. l{ �At Y f � 1 1� l\ � � 1 ..= !� � S�:. l , _., �. . , . ., j*" v! .�. '9 !: � " f ��i�) f fr��' �'i �` . 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Cit;� of Fridley; Lots 32, 33, 3�. �nd 35, Llock 10, Sprir_g �roolr Park 2nd Adaition9 City of i�ricley. 0:�;1�?�RS IxT �'r�v; I,ots 2 th-ru _l_2, Blcc�: 2� �3aurdeau�ts Si;_r, ing Br. oo'� Acdition� Cit�t oz �`ridley; Lct J�' BJ.ock 2s Bourdeau�;.t s epri.nL t�rook Additior.� Citv of Fridley; Contr� c� Lor �eec� Purchase Ins�rtur_en�. 0'�.?���RS I.� FEis: I,o�;s 1� 2J 3� 5 anci b, Bloc�. l, B�urd::�ul:is Si�rir.� Brook Ad�!��t�on� I:ot 1�9 Bloci> 1, Bourdeau:n�s Snr9_n�, Broolc Addi_t�o�n oFtion to buyo _ r�i' C:T,rT?�!..CT FG:� D�LD T?�?Si i UT-;�TdT: �ots �� 2� 33 4� 5� and 6� A1.1_ i.n B1oc?c A� alse �na�ti�; as Sec-Lion � RiverVieti•r Iieightso Also tnat por�i.en of the r�.ght. cf :,Ta�r of the i-:plso �:noka and Cuyux��a P�a��e :?a,il�oac� Co, 7n th� S�� oi T�:�1= sec� 3 T30Pd P�21R;i lying ?,;est of Lot 1 to Lot 1� above described. Subscr. abed and �<�torr� to bef.ore rne thi> 17th da..y of �ctober, 1968. � ��,�% . � � � �.. � �_ _- -�-�'���.�,_e,�.�_____ i � JEAN F. STINSON Notary Public, Anoka County, Minn. My C�mmission Expires Sept. 14, 1975 �:� �i! <<%:l 1 �=� �-�� � �, Hov.ax°d �T, Dumph:T � l� _ � A:� e�te E o Dv�.�h,y � � ORDINANCE N0, ' AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 12.07 OF THE CITY CHARTER TO VACATE STR�ETS AND ALLEYS AND TO AI�IEND APPENDIX C OF THE CITY COD�. ' The Council of.the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: , ' � I , I , I �' SECTION 1. For the vacation of the 24 foot service drive easement described as follows: All that part of the westerly twenty- four (24) feet of the easterly fifty (50) feet (except the south ten (10) feet) of Block 22, Fridley Park Addi- tion, all located in Section 15, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. All lying in the north half (Nl/2) of Section 15, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota, be and is hereby vacated, SECTION 2. The said vacation has been made in con- formance with Minnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12,07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of City Code Shall be so amended. `' PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, THIS DAY OF , 1968. ' ' lJ � CJ ' ATTEST: ; MAYOR - Jac 0. Kir ham CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell Public Hearing: October 7, 1968 First Reading: Second Reading: Publish ..... . i �_� i' -:,_ � `' ' ,�' - — a✓ r • . , , � D [ ! +�, .a�.r• ,; s_ ar, � � • --- • �;� �-: � ,_ -�'•,� ; r � � `� �"'', � 4`.i _ �. ' 4� �' �� r �' d � 9�'., ! �`�:� � a, � �w.d„�.• �...�; .;� M...,., C., < . ..y _F, � ✓ .`...,�. �' t � f ,.�. 4 � � : �"�� � �, � ,� ° � w�r � . S "J ��� a' + ` � � ,( t� •�.:"�� u� � (�a,;. V � ��. •_�� �' rJ Q,x /or�.ew/�i✓• , � �t . . t �7g /��i1fv�' er �/ /I � , ri �fil� ` `',�-. - . .. ` . ' _ ' �: j � � � � �Of r r� • /- � � _ . . • ' r • �! r, • �: �. ° , i � ` . � . 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' ' �� � ������� � � ANOKA COUNTY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE �.�� ^a5�t-���J FRIDLEY, kiINNE50TA 55421 July 31, 1968 Honox��?�1� Mayor and City Council � Hom�r Ankrum, City Manager City a� Fridley 6431 Uraiv�rsity Avenue N.E. FridZ�y, piinnesota 55421 RE: �ids on Txe� Beautification P�ogxam Op�ned on JuIY 31, 196� at 10:30 Ae21. �'i-�e follc�ring are the bids submitted from �h��e diffex�ent n�a����-i.es for our 1969 Spring Planting Tree B�autification Pr�rai:�: Aj.d�1�� Li�ndan Ash Honey t�p7.e Idiaple Bob's Produce Ranch iKiaYaz�: ota Tre�, Inc. Guwt4h & Rar�berg Locust Salv�.� $37.95 $25.85 $54e45 $25.65 41.25 31.35 74.35 32.45 38.00 33.50 40.00 33.25 St��.�t�x $37.40 69.30 45 .00 I h�vQ Eaxaminod thQ bids and fi�nd that the 1�� bid on aur 1�6� Tree B�auti�ication Progxam was sial�mitted by Bab's Produce R��n��.. You ��aill find that the Gxeen A�i�. and �i.�.v�r �3apl� both qual�.f_y as law price on �contractor install.atioa� a� r�uix�d by :�p���.ficatior�s. , �I r�o��nd th�t their propoaal fo� th� G�e�x� As� and Silv�r� B�'��pl� trees be ac�c�pt�.'' by the City Coun�j.l. Re�?pactfullx subrr�itted, � GR� PALT� $F2C�Z2�, D� . �tOi' �a�2�c� a��3 i��c���t�.c�n DQp�tr��n�. APPOINTMENT FOR CONSIDERATION - OCTOBER 14, 1968 BOARD OF APPEALS Appointment to replace Donald R. Mittelstadt as a member of the Board of Appeals. Mr. Mittelstadt was appointed Chairman of the Board of Appeals at the Regular Council Meeting of October 7, 1968 � APPOINT TERM EXPIRES U,al. �� �' Q!`h�%' December 31, 1969. � 0 49 � , . . '� ' � � ' , . 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Seconded by Councilrnali Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, rlayor Kirkham declaz-ed the motion carried unanimously. �,..: t � J- NIINUTES OF Tf-]E BUILDING ST�NDARDS - DESIGN CO1�'TROL 1�1EETING, APRIL 10, 1968: 1. CONSIDI:RATION OF A DRIVE-IN ON NI�X S�LITER3�tA\r'S PR�E T BEII�TG PAI:T OF LOTS 16 ANll 17, �UDITOR'S SUBDIVISIO�. REQUEST BY ST. kNT�IONY SHOPPII\rG CENTER, INC. , REPRESENTED BY ji'1'i�IAN SDIITH: The City Engineer said that this was a reQuest fpr a Sandees Drive-In. He pointed out- the proposed location on the map and said that there is not adec�uate parking to meet the present standards. He said the Com- mittee �aould reconunend that they provide 425 additional parking spaces, �hat ihey submit a final landscaping plan, including sideiJalk, if .the Council feels they �aant to continue this zoning renuirement, and that they meet minimum setback rec{uirements. He said they would be asking � for waivers as they are too close to the road. Councilman Harris said that the Certificate of Occupancy should be �aithheld until the additional parking is provided and this should be checked before they move in. The City Engineer suggested that the permit be given, subject to these conditions, and they be checked before the Certificate of Occupancy is given as they have had difficulty�with this shopping center before. Councilman Sheridan said he felt the drive-in should go on the south side of jVest Nloore Lake Drive and not in the parkirig area designated. , He s.aid he tlioiight the rec{uest for the location should be denied as laid out on the plat. Councilman Harris said he would suggest that the City ask them to take back their plan and provide an alternate location � or acleauate setback from ti�lest Moore Lake Drive. The City Engineer said he tiaould recommend no iaaivers. He did not see any justified reason to put everything in one area. r � ' � �l ' ' D70TION by Councilman Sheridan to return the plan to the appl.icant and ask him to possibly find a�iother location within his property; to meet the rec{uirements of the Building Staildards - Design Contl•ol Subcom- mittee I�leeting Dlinutes of April 10, 1968; and to indicate to tfie ap- ' plicant that the Council frotians on any waivers of the present ordinance.- Secondecl by Councilman Sam.uel.son. Upoii a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared _the motion carried. 2. CONSIDER�ITION OF A b1ANUFACTURING AND DISPLAY BUILDING, 120' x 225' ON LOT 5, BLOCK 4, COi�1�IERCI P�RK. (REQUEST BY btINCO PRODUCTS, INC. , 7304 C0�f�1ERCE 1.,ANE) : . � The City Engineer said that the Subcommittee motion had been to grant the permit subject to proper erosion control, adding more trees, and cuxbs on parking spaces, except the�employee parking lot. The City Engineer sai.d that if tlle Coul�cil renuests curUi.ilg, he ��rould s��ggest there be a :' machine formed li:p on the parking lot, an�d he feels there shoul.d be some kind of curbi�lU. EIe said t}iat Yie also s'ugoested that insteacl of • v blacktop to tlle bui_ldinn, it start S' away from the builcli.zlg. - ' Jti T2EGULAii COUL�C:CL I�iEti.+.,"I'ING OF JUN� 17, 1968 PAGE 3 � � ' � ' � � � � LJ � ' � � � � � kt�,�,_ ST R►,.�F,���G OF O�'�DTSIA>t�TCF �'PROZI�LLdG TH� RE�ONING R�UEST (,ZOA #�68-06) ki1�SGH BRQ`?'HFRS PROPERTIES - I�`,,,OTTO�T by Councilman Harris to approu� this Ordinance and waive i:he ��ad?ng. Secaz�ded by Councilman Samuelson. Councilman Liebl �s}�ed the City Engineer if the legal description is correct. The Ci�y Engi.neer explained that the Council did not give explicit �.�?stx'uctions and that the Ordinance was cir�v�n up for Council cpr�s�d�rata.ox�e UPON A ROLL CALL VOTE, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, �nd Samuelson voting aye, l�iayor Kirkhanl declared the motion cax�ri�d . F:��aT ����NG O� AN ORD��TANCE APk'ROV�L�iG VACAT�ON OF STREETS (SAV ���i8-Ol,� HIRSCH ii�20TH�S: �i0��+��T b�� �caunci L�n Samuelson to app.rove the Ordinance and waiye the reading . 5c:cond�d by Councilman Harris . Upon a roll cal]. vote, Kirk.�iama Liebl, H�-��is, and Samuelson voting aye, Mayor Rirkham d�clar�d t]:ie moti�n carried. ca�,�zx��:�o�a o� vz�.�.�ac�s R��u�sT� Bx a� s�z,aTExt�x (so� oF ���,�,.L� R°II��IJT�:�, t�i?�Y 22, 1968) : Counc�l.r�n Liebl called the attention of the Council ta the last p��gx�ph of the I3o��d of Appeals Niinutes �nd asked if this constitu�tes a hardship. The Ca.ty Engineer replied that the Board t��c���ers ��li, thxs did not cr��te a hardship as there is �vail�.ble land on the south side af the stre�t. The City �ngin�er �aid that inasrnuch as the petitionex has re- quested an appearance Y�efoace the Council and is not now present, that this shou].d be �et aside. r�?f7rI0�T by Councilman Harris to table this i.tem until the petitionex� is present. Second�d by Cauncilz�n S�muelson. Upon a voice vote, �11 voting aye, t�iayor Kirkham decJ.ared the motion carried. This it�m was agair� discussed later in the meeting. �S�USS.TQI�I p,k'�,_O��;iATH _AL�;D FiO�'JATH L�?UOR STUDX F1IvIl R�PORT FROA� 2��YC��'S �.,,��U��. STLTUY COZ�^�I�STTF.F: i�ayor K�.xkh�m �aid that �t seems th� Counc�.l. Yras exhausted the av�n.ue� og ?p�araach ix� getting fact� and �igures . This item was plac�d on the A��nc'_=a at tlae rec�u�v� �i Counci.lman Lieb1, and ' or_i,gin�lly h�d ka�pn �_rnitia�t�d to info�m th� public og Aiunicipal vs, p�iv�.te ].iq�.oro This Council chose to m�ke a cancerted effozt � � ' ' REGUT�A�Z COUNCIL M,EETING OF �UNE 17, 1968 F.�GE ].7 i�T]:��' by Caunci].rl�an Liebl to concur with the Planning �oms►aic�ion and ��commend approval of Lot Split Request L.S. #�68-12, C�altsal S�v3.ce C��.��any. S�c�nded by Councilman Samuelson. Upozi � voice yot�, all votang aye, riayor Kirkham declar� the motion carried. j>�OTIQ�T by Counciln�n Samuelson to receive the rezn�inder of ' �l�ing Ca�rsaais��.o� I�ia�nutes of �une 13 , 1968. Seconded by Counc�.lm�n I,ieb1.. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, ' ' ' � I�f�'�� d�cla��c� the �otion carried. th e 2�Layor �o�ancilrctian Liebl s�id that he would like to point out to Mr. Sc��d�ke that tYie Planning Commission is going ahead with their ����s fox hi�ring a Planning Consultant as they have obtain�d Council approval. M�. Schmedeke said that he did not kna�a if the p�op2�� would go a�ong with all of the Planner's views, and that �� c�ould lik� to work with the Planning Commission an�d Plann�a: if possib l�e � 1�5.�� ��ON OF Rk�U�STF� VARIADICk:S BY f�AX SAL�T�?1'�d: H ,l�i ��� � ' • �iy��� Sr�a�.�h was pres�nt representing t�r. Saliterman. He said t�.�t �� ��as hoping Counci.lman 5heridan would be present e Fie �Qint� o�'� tha� this property of ��ir. Saliter�'s has al��ys b��� �onc�d C-2S. Rice Creek R�ad bis�cts his shopping centes, '� `,�'th�.� c•aas a ro�.d the �City wanted, not �ir. S�literm,an, but he went G �1.ox�g �ai�h the Ci�y s requests. Thexe was no talk at that tin�e '� x' .��� of iiav�.Y�g taroubl� ��ith requested vaxiarices in the futu.�e. He pays ���v a��ars��t� o�n this ro�d on both sides and has pr�tty well paid fo� t�� ro�d. H� s�id that he felt it was un�air for the Ci�y to �,�e;�,���� �_,x,��� ��c�.�kaalk� along the stre�t and tiia.t it would actually d��a��ct �'x� t�i� k�azil�� �:�, aa�d th�t it �ould take sora� parkixag ��� ��°iay . This r�quest is for a Sandy' s Re€�tauraxit arad not a ' d��,v.Q��.�? typ� of �stablishment. Saa�dy's is a good national cilair� p� 1C��taura�,�t� �d tiz�xe is one in existance in �t . AxitJhony at fik��� t�..�. His cl�oice af pl�cP.m�nt north of Ric� Cre�ls Ro�ci ��as ' b���u�� th�e a*-� poss-ible d�velopments south of t3ae ro�d th�� ��,� ��lite�a��n has been 6�orking on. This was also the choic� of ��Q ���y' � x epre�ent�tives . Further north vaould interfere writh , t?�e g�'c��y store. t�r. Smith said that his client did not ���1 �h�.t he could live with an 80' setback as the Code r�qui�es, there°- �c��� he �.3 rec;u�sting the 25' set�ack from Rice Creek Roade If ' �i.�s �.re� e,��� zoaned foar a restaurant, thexe would be no prob�.�. ��, ��.��� s��d t�h.�t on these grounds, he woul,d so app�a7. �o this �c�,�u�,��.�. an �.Ya� ba��,� of pxopr�.ety, �nd th�t t�rr. �alit�rr:��n kx�ava� ' d;� ��� 2���� s�v�� the lo�g ru� value of shopp�ng cent�x-e ans� ic.2�� ��.t��; �'l��t this �:���tausc�nt re�lly does not. tak� up much lamd. , 1r _:. � ' REGULAR COUNG:LL MEETING OF JUN�; 17, 19bi3 , ' ' ' ' �`��: PAG�; �8 Ca�n,cilman Harris poin.ted out tha�. this is not a particular case �s Hp�-ly Center has sidewalks on Mississippi Street . He s�.id tl�at on one occasion when he went to the Shorewood Shopping Cente.r the cars were p�rked all the way out to the street, with very fe�a spaces lett. NIx, Sm�.th said that when the south side is d'e�eloped, probably �a.d�walks woul.d be needed to ruii nort:n and sou�.h, but not running ��st and vaest as this would be a detraction, and that he could see no i.mm�diate need. He said that it seems unreasonable to �ick out a particular parking space. He pointed out that Holiday and Target shaw peak periods of use, whereas this shopping center �as a more steady floPw of traffic. 1 Councilm�n Harris pointed out that it would be unfair to act at thi,s ta.me a� the Councilman representii�g this ward is not �resent. He �hought that Councilman Sheridan had initiated the motion ' denying the req,uest and it would be unfair to h im as Representative . Qf the second ward to act without his concurrence i� � il� ' ' � ' ' � � �2r. $ali.terman said that the shopping center has room for 550 cars, but ?.50 spaces would be sufficient, and that land is beiny wasted. �i� 5a�.d that there is naw more than a 3 to 1 ratio of land to �u�.ldii�gs, and with the r�staurant there would still be sufficient �ark�.ng area. He saa.d that th e variance was requested as there is to b4 n� retailing on the south or Faest side of the building, and that even closex' would be beneficial. The San.dy's Restaurant �� St. Anthony is a very successful operation and they are fine t�nan�s. H�: exp�essed the vieW that this restatarant would be an �sset to the shoPping centex and to Shorewood Liquor Lounge, and ���at �.f the Coui�;cil saw fit to turn this request d�, the City wquld be the los�r too. Mayor Y.irkham told Mr. Saliterman and Mx. Smith that th ey presente� a good case, but he must agree with Council�n Harris and that th� Coun�il should wait uxitil Councilm3n Sh eridan is pres�nt. I�Lr . Smith said that he would be unable to attend the n�ct regular �QUt?��.� T�4�etix�g so he would talk to Cauncilm.az� Sheridan in the in,texim. �CY7CZON by Counciln�n Harris to continue the r_equest for varianc�s �,y t�ax Sal,it�rman for a Sr�ndy's Restaurant to the n�ct Regular Coui�ca.l hieetinq • Seconded by Councilman Liebl . Upon a voice vote, a11 voLznq aye, t'Iayox Kir�cYiam declared the motion cazried. ': � � CJ �. R�GULAR COUNC I L t��ET I P!G Ju 1 y 1, 1968 Pag� 3 Councilm:�n Lie�bl askcd just what type of restaurant F1r. Saliterman intended buildir�g.` Mr. J�m�s Casserly, representing htr. Saliterman� shaw�d him a brochure cavc;ri��g the Sandy's Restaurant and explained that therc ar� now over 100 of these restaurants throughout th� country now. It will s�at approxdmately 109 people. Mr. Casserly.said that it vaould be about the sam� as the one in St. Anthony and that one has been able to draw a good guallty of people to the restaurant. M�yor Itlrkham said that the City's Ordinances are set and to allow this would b� an infringem�nt on other property owners. . J�mes Cas��rly explain�d that M�. Saliterman feels that this restaurant would supply a necessary drawing card, as the shopping center does not do the business it should. He further explained that Mr. Saliterman would rathor not divulge his plans for the south portion of his land. � Coun�ilm�n Liebl asked Mr. Casserly if Mr. S�literman is sure�that he has all the parking places he would need. Mr. Casserly replied that if more are �_ ev�r n��ded, t�r, Sali�erman would be the first to admit it and would b� � ;�nxi�us to provid� them. ,. �. . �� C� '` �_. Councilman Liebl then asked if ther.� was �nough room for operation. Cqun611man S�mu�ison said that he thought so. H� ¢elt that it would stand to re��s�n Chat sFioppers would uti 1 ize the close� possi ble parking space so they would not have�to walk so far, and in this way, the restaur�nt would be compatible with the shopping center. HoWCVCr, he said that his reasQS� for being ag�inst this w�s tfiat it s��s tb�t_fr�hen you �a�ve a c�mplex sueh as a restaurant or filling station out in front of a sho;�ping c�nt�r it has a t�ndency to d�grade the overall usage and appearance. He felt that 35' veas �wfully clo�e. Caunci.lm�n Sherid�n pain�ed out tha� at thc la�� rn�seting, Mr, Smi.th had said that he could not live with an �0' setback. Cot�e�ci 1m�n S�amu�lson agr��d and said that th�t wou}d put fiim out in the middl� of th� p�rking lot, ho�vever ev�n in a r�sid�ntial arsa less than 35° is not �,1 ta�v�d. . . . .�, _ .. . . � . ,, .. . C�r.) P�uison asked if fhis w� in any Laa�r a driv�-in type r�staur�nt:- � Mayor Klrkham inform�d him that it is a sit-dr�;n ey�� of• resta�rrant and ther� would b� no c�rb service. Mr. Casserly ed��d thai it might be compa�able to Emb� rs . : . . � . . . . �. N�yar Kir�.h�m point�d out that v�e, this Council, ht�s b�n forcing other �2v�lopers� to �d�ere to the setb.�ck requi r�nents. Gounci lman Sha�ridstn � �-- �gr��d �vi th Counci Iq�sn ���muelson's eorr��nt a�out the s�tb�sk re-�ut r�m�rets ' in ���id�ntial are�s and that perhaps a 35� se��ck ax>uld be b�tter. �is would gtve � better vic�r.r�h�n driving off th� servic� �ro�rt. O�aancilm�rr S�� e s� l� c � n a g r e� s d t h m t � 5' � r o u l d b e b� t t� r t h an t h� 2 y' requ�s t� r l. ' i r '. � Councilm�n Lt�bl f�lt that tho 35' v��iver sho�ld bQ granted to ���t the st��nd�rd s�t 1n r�sid�ntlal arems and that to still r�uire thcs 80' s�tback wauld.b�.A h�rdyhip. �fith this �mount of lar�d� a d�velop�r should be able to use 1t preaA�rly. Mayor Klrkh�m potnted out th�$ �fir•. S�l�i.term�n d�s�s aware of the s�tib�ck rcqulrem�nts wh�n hc bullt the oric�in�l shopping c�ntEr� but na�� hs cc�m�s to th�: Ca�nci 1-�-�9uestjn� vtsri�nc��. j�r� �ssserly an5tivesred that I�r. S�lltarn��n did not i'ores�� tho posstb(llty� o� a Pest�Ut"ent in this are� . , . ,. . .. .. . ; . . . . � .� � -� -: _ -- -- :� ___ _ __ - _ _- _ __ _ _ _ --- _ _ _ -- __ _ _ __ _ ___ .. S �' � ,, , � � ��"�.�9��.��;� Ca��,��. �@.. f�.�:��' 0 i� � J u 1 y 1, 1958 P.3g� 4 ' ' ' � r � L _J , � . '. .' ' � ' ' - ' , ' . ' Y .. ; , �t t6�4�t �ir.�.�, �.a�ea th�st i t i s Mr. Sa 1 i term�+n's S'��i i ng tP�at tlli s re:�Y:a�jr�?nL E�,��ld t�� ��� <<��:��:� to tno City af Fr-idley. ����s�,i lE?���+ �,i�tai ���n`�:� oaat that t�r. 4�t itEr�;�a� �fid d��:t�a�i:c� €;o��^ ����>�� �',�� �� tt�.,�C�3g+ �s�si h�� ta�en �^��se�s�d he�vtly �or d¢. ��+1� �s a a:�i�a�ble pi�ce of pr�;a�r�y �s�� i�;����:e�vi� a� P�e� i� a ta.; p�y�r �iw4; �he����ci rec�dv���t� i���t ���v�. ���:�;��c;:�d s�. �t�v s t d�v� D k� ar� a r�iu�t • b�t ��aa `,�� A s�;scba��c vs��l d b�r e� ��:� Gs�.��;�rarn� �^ F3� fQi t. . !��'��t�e! by C�u�ci 1m�an Sharidan to grant a setbacic w�iver on Ric� Cre�k Road fr:°�*::� �3f�' tca 3�' far �h� c4nstr�s�tio�� of a�Sandy's �Ei�.:�3��ur�n�=r��as�st€ci F�� �,ux ��i t tee�rn�,n. S€����c��d by Counci lman Liebl . U�SC�n e ra��i c�l i voYe, L i o`�1 �r,;3 ��ar i d�n vot i ng �y�, and Ki rkh�m at�d S�rssca�l see� vot i ng n�y, F����aY..�yE �'�N�:��aa .�4�cla�€�� Lf�e rnotion FAI L�D, - - . . . . . �,�'.� ��.a � '� �R"��'s�3 �:�a, � _ . . � . . Th� Ci ty P�:��►�c;ir �x� l� i ned that th i s report +��s .p r�p� r�d by h i n, and h� h�a� rEa�: c,�n��a rrcr,�e o� the C i ty Eng i nc�r and tt�e Ch i�g o� Po 1 i c`. T�� ���aa��� l �d��;d tt3a� ��,cy �gP�ed also. t�"�il�,�� by Gourci lrr:�n Liebl to rcceivc the m�nor.�r�d��rn fr� ti�� C+t� E;�r�ag�sr, cc�r��t�r, a�d �u�4i�sr3�� t�ae Aclmir�istration to sar�d thE �r���rcd lett�r fo th� S€�L� �;i,�,a��^�+ Gcr�r►i�sins��r� Mr. N. Y. bl�lc?�r, r�c;�;�ting th� r�d�tlon in s��;�d iir�it� o:� T.i�3. �r�5.b�tE��een P�2ississi��i ;����;t �s�d O�t�r�►��. � 5c�o:asle:d by Coun� i 1 n���o r a�nu�l son . Upon � vc+i ce vo �� �� 1 1 voc i e�g ay�, 6�yor �� r��,��,� �'�:�i�r�:d thc r;.;�tiori carri��. . . -9MSY 6A �'9 riSi.�► .,��liR\ ��{.-d1.=�� �!,".�i`uSY��i�l]n �v���'+tf;8 �k>1�' 1� �xf.F�� °?jq�VJ i�;T"(: ��' z: '.�� � .�� �.�.,..a... — � . ��..��•�.. .:;,� � { ��:€3RY �.�,,._� { �,: �.s ,;..ti��: � CC�s��:iir�;;i Sv;r:�.���l��n ��l:�d if thi, «as gais�d t� b� �a tirsW con��;nir�c� Public , 1�.�:���tr�r� �a:� �Eu��,t 1?�;t� i�� the /�! r�al :u�d�� �,���3nc��. ii�:� Ci�;�� �r��#r�c�sr� o��;;al6ed �,E�a�at tt�is eM�� ju:�t a form�lity a�c� ��cau3�3 �� t��:e c�►��r ��ainuYes. t;i��i��3 ta�+ Cc�u�ci lr_�.*� Lie�l to cal 1 a Publ ic H�aring es� Augs�J� 12, 1�� for tF�� hc�rdE�� o� �'r, / ve-sc��ion r�e�ue3t by Henry Sa�f�rt (S,�� #��°�3a. Sa��c1 by C����i �r�� n Si��vri d�:°�a - i1�ss � vs�i c� rotc�, a 11 �at�i r�c} ��yc�, �P'�yar Ki r��� d:��B�ra�f �i�v rr�trtion c�rri���. , . � � �. �, • A��'����9f3;J_�� Pr';S���'� P:��'�� �ACl�.i'TlES: C.���`�.�b lar::^.� 4,��b1� ��,id th�� h� h�� .t-�sE�iv�d r:.�g�,� ¢?o�a�w ��:���� �^�a& �l�;�t�� �in ='f��rsi.6a. �';3 ti�'a�� `3Y'tia�a"3$ F7i�,�°3�`s�.'e=eRC9 e�iSU�� �� 'lL,°'i� �:���i ��PZ� •ji.,:3`L'i'c`]� �.:������G� �s s��.� ��.;��0� �:��:�a c�i��uct��! him ��r�� �h�t �h� �r�4.:�, ��� i��t ��c4y�:���;�y t.f�� s� �,°: b e� �� r�e�.a; so t��Y� c�n kh�y vote far c�dd i�� �;� D��.�r°i:� «i t�:�s�:; �:� ��at�tt� E.."'ar::���� t"'.�c'::� ��i� f;?3ti'L.'-'�V 1� �O VE.' ur��d for. fit3t £'�ut.� �:Yo�� ti�PG'�f3i"u' �':w �ivi'i'il�Q 16io�: tca �.r=:�>�-�c ��3�� �oi�c•a-.i�� fiv�� q��stia€�:v f€�s° ��:sa�:�el cc�n�ica�r�.���c�so: �rt�-�is�t� E .° Fca$�a� E � � �1�� ��� +�c«�ct 1; huv� xo ir:�ier-�trt ��d� €��4�,�€�e�s r� f<�r b�tt�r t'�-�ir�tc�,�tr•��� Pr� 3r:��� S'e� c��a�° '� re:^�c:s�t F'�+�°{::,". (ovm� ti:�-� �y,� ���,rJ �ur ��r��� d�d� �;�� r�:�t�� t6�� sr.�t€���;�wr�c� j�� ��t:�y r���a�d ��nc� e�ss���:��:��.1y �r::>°;r ���i=�J �:r�i�.�,���y�):� t'{^�s �;��<� ����nca 1 a ta�v€� C� i����� i€�€a� �t'�v1 c�� tE�r� r:.��w�'., [�a �h�. f��:�ss-� �c���^'g� �udc;�ti'� to �9v� ��t�° $''��� (�) �°���a�c• �t�c� nc.t.�`ym�ty E>4�=d�- c�t� r:�:�.43:� �s Gc�;;;�ly �ith C�:-� �aE��?:e.� a� tM� �'���la �'� F�i`d�c:�. � J 1 ' ' ' , , MEMO T0: MEMO FROM: MEMO DATE: MEMO NUMBER: Nasim M. Qureshi, City Engineer Darrel Clark, Engineering Assistant October l5, 1968 #36 ENG. #68-31 RE: Application for Renewal of Permits on Lots 8 and 11, Block l, Melody Manor by Mr. Ed Chies. History of R-2 Zoning Changes Zoning Ordinance #70 Adopted on 12/29/55 (R-2) ' Uses: Multiple Dwelling was a permitted use Area: 10,000 Sq. Ft. for 2, 3 or 4 Units 1,500 Sc{. Ft. for each unit over four ' Zoning Ordinance #225 Adopted on 2/4/G3 ' Uses: Multiple Dwelling was a permitted use Area: 10,000 Sc{. Ft. for a 2 or 3 unit 15,000 Sc{. Ft. for a 4 unit and 1,500 Sa. Ft. additional for each unit over four. '. These reauir.ements are not to be used on any parcel platted and of record prior to its adoption. �� �I ' � Zoning Ordinance #260 Adopted 3/2/64 Uses: One or Two Family Dwellings Area: No mention of change Melody Manor Addition was platted and recorded at the County Court House in March of 1961. Building Permits were issued to Mr. Bernard Julko�aski on 11�15/63, for a six (6) unit, on Lot 8, Block l, Nlelody Manor, and an 11 unit apartment on Lot 11, Block 1, Melody Manor. ' Both Buildings met the area requirements in force of that date due to the Grandfather Clause of Ordinance #225. Adopted on 2/4/63. � . { _ �, --�--��L ���• � ' DARREL CLARK\ Engineering Assistant ' �� .� � �..� �`,�. �.�� , .� r��� ,r .r� y �'y��' I� t � , .� .�.�,y. ' ,? r�'�,.r� ,,f/�' .� � v' � � r� / � �} �A 1 _i Q�f1 ���A � ��/ � 3f �� J ��/�! �i ��s %S� � f, �" �i' i/ y �, s�,/ �'��,!r�' �,� �.a�`�f� � r , `:' � �5� � .f` ` _ n� �, y . �r � � . y � /( � �% �-. r .�N �, .�F l �S ' � ` , ,• _ . � ' r � . .' .T s r' r , -< �f'� � `'r��'� '° � ^� "3•'� . "��.�f � %. �' �r Y, .� `�' .,�l, { ��� 1 ,� �, I . s, ��� � � �J f ,!. .•�+; ` �� ` f � .,o '� `E.. ' � .e _r' s ,�+ ' s- .� � .r R s�,e�r y . Jr' e ..a' f,/I�i s' .t . . . - .,. _ .r 1 +'k �.��,,..1 � n, / P� �l �� � � y ..� � __ w �.. _ �- G .�t �.� i r�. � . ` �. �-. 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N�E� rer,uest permission to install. a sewer. r;�ain from the x;resent locaticn 165� west of our. prcperty line to a point 3b0� I:ast of sa�d presetxt location� where we will be able tc hock up to our building s°wer lines. 1rJe would a�prec�ate any ctSS1S�2T1C� you can give us, Than?i you; ��?'IZi:V��D BUiLLE�S, I:iC. / t� ��/ ' � i-^� / �� � ��� � � _. ._... _.....»:_.. ., ._��_�.,_..�..�....__---_.......__..�....._._..�__..� .._.�,._ _,_._,a.....,..._ _ - . . __._,._ . ._... - . ,, � � ` _.. «^. „ , , .:' . ....� : ! . : `. _.._: �. ; ; _, �'-°r � ?�-- .. . . � , r, � . ...,. r �a,..� � , �`', ,-., '�� , . �: -f `� z -, ;� ,�..,, ,,•�°„ � _ �;�� f"""`` , � . . .. _ � .. 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ROLL CAI,L : I'�I"IDII3S PRESENT: Erickeon, Biermar�n, Tonco, Iiauge, Dittee OTi�tS PRESE[�'P; Clarence Belisle-Buildix�g Inepector Mr. Robert Schroer wae preaent to discues his proposal. MOTION by Hauge to recommend the building permit be gra,nted for the conetruction of the car waeh and auperette aubject to the following cox�itione; 1. Dedication to be made of a atrip of land to make a 60 foot right-of-May on Mieeieaippi Street and 13 feet of land on Ee,at River Road to be approved by the E�gineering Department. 2. Eliminate eiz�gle entranoe to car waeh and reviee ieland at this entranae. 3. Add weat accees to superette from Miesiseippi Street at weet end of car rraah. 4. Deeignate epeciee and eize of plantinge. ,� •�: ,�:. �; ,.�-�- -'-�-ti �:%��� `�"l �� 5. Sodding and general landecapixig. �,v { <� ; , ;� / �'� _ ri= L �-%' ''; � '� 6. Parking areas and driveways to be blacktopped. Y � " ri � � � ' �`� � `-f° - � � � � (� � •t r '�-�i'"�..,-t.Lt,o..�-C-�.- �- ° , _ c . e-..L_ . .. , .r._``'"1 Seconded by Dittee . IIpon s voice vote, there being no cisyo � the motion carried `� 1-��� �, f,,�,, unanimoue ly . ' , `� • `"� L • - c� �_ � - � 4 _� u�CY ''-Y�-c�-� . p. �,� �. � , MOTION by Biermann to recommend approval of general concept aubject to the followix�g atipulationa; 1. 2. 3• 4• Submiesion of new plot plan indicating loop back of eervice road with service road to south. J Indicate landsca i. �'� 4 '_ p ng, and epecify plantings . ,,,, �� Drainage of parking lot to street. „� All contingent on rezonixig from M-2 to C-2S. �`� Seconded by Bauge. IIpon a voice vote, there being no xiays, the motion ca.rried ' uxlanimously. ' � ' ' 3• � BIITLDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL MEETING OCTOBER 9, 1968 C��I 0�' A �STRUCT A GARAGE FOR AT 980 OSBORNE ROAD ACCOUNT. 841 STORAG PAGE 2 � c� . �. Eaxl Wy&tt was present to present the propoeal. ' MOTION by Tonco to recommend granting the permit subject to the followi conditio n6' xle ; , �, `i � � ' 1. Precaat curbing around perimeter of the paxkixig area. � �-' :� 2. Oaat curbi. .:",1�c t-•' �-'<- . �f ,,.� ng� around planting areas and walks in front setback. � �;_ � . 3. �lanting ae shown on page 1 of lan - -� i� ��-� � ' , p #3�36, dated September 24, 1968. �.-�.�,�.:� , ' 4. Sub,ject to approval of setback variance being granted by the Board of � als. ���. � j. Su bjec t to changes as noted on pagea 2 and 3, of plan #3�36• ' ' Seoor�ded by Dittes. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion caxried u.na.nimousl�. � ''�. �I� I 1 I � � ' ' � � ' ' Mr. C. K. Knick�erbocker wae preeent to present the propoeal. M4`I'ION by ]�ittes to recommend approval of proposal. Seconded by Biermann. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried u.nanimouely. ; , �� ..,,.t..,,� ,. � ; �. _ .� . . �, ��<1-�r .�ovRt�rrr: The meeting ad,journed at 11:15 P.M. Ree�ectful.ly submitted, �' l � / BELISLE Buil,ding Inspector , ' � THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF OCTOBER 16, 1 The meeting was called to order b.y Chairman Mittelstadt. MEMBEftS PRESEN'I': Do.n Mittelstadt=Chairman, Bob Minish , MEMBEftS ABSENT: Mike 0'Bannon, Bob Aho.ne.n OTHERS PRESENT: Clarence Belisle-Building I.nspector , ' ' 1. � ' �� �J ' � ' 2. ' ' 1 � The minutes of the October 2, 1968 Board of Appeals meeting, were approved by those members prese.nt, even though the,y did not constitute a quorum. Two importa.nt points were brought out b,y the Chairma.n, Mittelstadt: 1. That Council should immediately appoint a"fifth" Board of Appeals member. 2. That it is a Cit.y Ordina.nce a.nd Board of Appeals ground rule, that the City Manager attend all Board of Appeals meeti.ngs and act as Board Secretar.y. A REQUEST FOR VARIANCE OF SECTION 45 26, REDUCTION OF FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM 35 FEET TO 25 FEET TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING �5 FEET IN DEPTH AND MAINTAIN A 25 FOOT REAR YARD ON LOT 1, BLOCK 3, IDGEWATER GARDEN'S, ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA THE SAME BEING 6696 ASHTON AVENUE N.E. FRIDLEY MINNESOTA. REQUEST BY LARS G. ANDERSON, 402� JEFFERSON STREET N.E., COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NOTE: Because there is no quorum, a.nd no resolution can be passed, it nevertheless remains that members present can offer stated opinio.ns for future Cou.ncil actio.n. Mr. Lars G. Anderson was present to prese.nt his proposal. It is the opi.nion of the Board members present that the variance be granted as: � 1. There was no one prese.nt in opposition to the variance. 2. There is .no existing structure immediately to the South of this property. 3. The variance meets all other ph.ysical requirements;i.e., does not �rese.nt traffic hazard, does not obstruct view of other dwellings, etc. _ _ _ A REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PII�MIT AS PER SECTION 45.19 2d FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NURSING HOME IN AN R-1 ZONING OI�T PART OF OUTLOT #1, MELODY MANOR 4TH ADDITION, ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, THE SAME BEING 7574 LYRIC LANE, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. REQUEST BY MEDICARE DE`VELOPMENT CO., 640 RAND TOWER, MINNEAPULIS, MINNESOTA.) Mr. Joseph Gitis, representi.ng Medicare Development Co., was present to offer to the Board, the pla.ns for the Nursing Home, special use permit (See the October 2, �g68 Board of Appeals a�enda and minutes.) It is the opinion of the Board that the special use permit be granted to Medicare Development Co. for these reasons; ' ,.. � 1. The plans show.n to the Board members, after their review, seem very adequate and certainly co.nsistent to good building standards. The plans are available for Council review �two sets of plans�. ` ,Q„/� � �v 1 v � (' �� Y �� � . ��� � _ /�✓�Z� ,� � � .:� � � �,���`. � � `��'� �� �! �i i � , ' ' � , ' I� � � ' � IJ ' �� ' ' ' ' BOARD OF APPEALS - OCTOBER 16, 1968 PAGE 2 2. Joseph Gitis was asked to have a plot plan available at the next Council meeting to offer a clear understanding of parki.ng lot facilities, the locatio.n of the proposed building on the lot, driveways, outdoor lighting, etc. 3. If a lot split is necessary, application will have to be made, and soon, b,y Medicare Development Co.. 4. The nursi.ng home concept fits very well into the hospital, clinic, nursing home t.ype ce.nter. , 5. The special use permit previously granted had expired and construction had not started. 6. The unit will be a free enterprise agency paying full share of taxes• • 3. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.362, RIDUCTION OF FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM 100 FEET TO 60 FEET TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A GAR.AGE FOR THE PURPOSE OF STORAGE OF MAINTENANCE VEHICLES IN AN M-1 DISTRICT ON LOTS 1 AND 4, BLOCK 1, NAGEL'S WObDLANDS ADDITION, ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, THE SAME BEING 980 OSBORNE ROAD, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY J& W BUILDING ACCOUN'I', 8411 CENTEft DRIVE N.E , MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA. Mr. Wallace Anderson, J& W Building Accou.nt Represe.ntative was present to present the proposal to the Board. . Mr. Vilas M. Nagel was also present. The opinion of the Board members was to grant the varia.nce to permit co.nstruction of a garage , for the following reaso.ns; 1. Al1 other buildings i.n the 900 block of Osborrie Road are 60 feet from �he street except Woodcrest School, which is 40 feet from the street. Therefore, the building site is consisten.t with other structures. 2. There was .no o.ne present to offer opposition. 3. The building will be an improvement in the immediate area. 4. The proposed structure offers no obstruction to traffic on Osborne Road. Trucks, autos, etc. leaving the premises have full view of Osborne Road traffic in either direction. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, DON MITTELSTADT Acting Secretar.y �a J � ' �J I � ' ' ' _ � i ' ' � � :' ' PT�INNING COAIMISSION MEETING ROLL CALL: OCTOSER 10, 1968 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M, by Chaixman Exickson. Members Present: Myhra, Jensen, Erickson, Fitzpatrick Member Absent: Mittelstadt Others Present: Engineering Assistant Darrel Clark F��7 0 � PAGE 1 Chairman Erickson explained that one of the new members had previous committments and could not be present. APPROVE PLANNING CONIMISSION MINUTES: SEPTEMBER 12, 1968: Referxing to Item 1, Public Hearing of the Preliminary Plat, P.S. �68-05, Great Northern Industrial Paxk, Mr. Myhra s�ated that the Council minutes of Septembex 16, 1968 indicated that Mr. Shaw, repxesenting.the Great Northern Railway Company, suggested to the Cauncil that thE Plats & Subdivisions- Stxeets & Utilities Subcommittee had expressed the opinion that they did not think protective covenants as regarding the Great Northern�Industrial Park were necessary or important and the Planning Coirnnission wish to go on record_ as stating this is not the case and that they feel very strongly these pro- tective covenants axe needed and_desirable. The other members of the Co�nission concurxed. MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commission appxove the minutes of September 12, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carxied unanimously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: SEPTIIKBER 18, 1968: MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Boaxd of Appeals meeting of September 18, 1968. Upon a voi.ce vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: OCTOBER 2, 1968: MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of October 2, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BUTLDING STAI�TDA.RDS-DESIGN CONTROL MINUTES: SFPTEMBER 25, 1968: MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Cotmnission receive the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control minutes of September 25, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECETVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL MINiJTFS:' OCTOBER 9, 1968: MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Building Standar-ds-Design Control minutes of October 9, • 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carxied unanimously. - , � � I � ' , 1 Planning Commission Meetin� - October 10, 1968 Page 2 �� . __ _ . RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUT�S: SEPTEI�iBER 23, 1968: � MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Parks & Recreation Commission minutes of Septembex 23, 1968 Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE PLATS & SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCONI�i1ITTEE MLNUTES: OCTOBER 3, 1968• MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes o£ the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee meet- ' .� ing of Octobex 3, 1968. Upon a�voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � , ' C � ' � u u , ' ORDER OF AGENDA: 1. 2. Chairman Erickson stated the meeting would pxoceed as listed. MEMO: CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: APPROVE PRELIMINARY PLANS FOR PD AREA AS REQUESTED BY MR. DUMPHY: Continued to October 24, 1968. Continued until next meeting. PUBLIC MEETING: VACATION STUDY OF 73z AVENUE (PROJECT ST. 1969-3): Mr. Cliffoxd J. Thoe, 847 109th Lane, Coon Rapids: Mr. Thoe is the owner of the service station on.the northwest coxnex of 73rd Avenue and — Central Avenue. He said he could see the object to vacate 73'� Avenue in order to run the street through on 73rd Avenue. He has a house on that property close to where the intersection would be, and there are large fuel tanks underground which would be under the right of way. The house faces on Central Avenue and the tanks axe in front of it. His problem would be dedicating 33 feet at the south end of the property. Daxxel Claxk review the problem by saying that if the street wexe vacated, all the right of way would be held by the City for utilities. .If they vacate 73z Avenue, perhaps the•property owners would dedicate 33 'feet in the south boundary of their property for the extension of 73rd Avenue. There are some propexties that would not have public access if the street were vacated. The public was informed that, if 732 Avenue were vacated, the property owners could not build a permanent structure over the vacated land, but could use it for plantings or parking. The zoning in this area is as foll.ows: Block 1, Lots L to l0 are C-2S; Lots 11 to 18, -- M-1: Block 2, Lots 1 to 16 are M-1, Lots 17 to 18, C-1. Mr. Carl Soxenson, 4615 Univexsity Avenue N.E.: He said an improved ' stxeet on the south sitle of his property would be an advantage. If 73� Avenue were vacated, he wondexed if a xoad could be put on the north side of Block 1. , . . ' , � ' � '� ' ' , Plannin� Commission Meetinp - October 10, 1968 Page 3 �� . Darrel Clark explained that Council asked if it would be feasible to ` trade propexty. Because of the building of the Onan plant and future indus- trial expansion, 73rd Avenue was designated to be a State Aid road and it was necessary for access to Highway ��65. If 732 is vacated, half of the right of way would go to the o�,mers on the north side of the stxeet and the othex half to the owners on the south. Chaa.rman Erickson sta�ed thi.s was a fairly si.zable problem and could be sent down to the Subcommittee for further study and call the public back. An attempt should be made to get more of the people to the meeting. Mr. Jensen, chairman of tiie Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utili�ies Subcommittee, said the publi.c meeting would probably be in the middle of November. MOTION by Myhxa, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commission send - down to the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee the matter of the vacation study of 732 Avenue (St. 1969-3) with the instructions that the Subcommittee, in their deliberati.on, meet with the owners of the property. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. It was explained to the property owners present that this study would go to the Subcommittee and in about a month or monCh and a half, they could expect to hear by mail for the informal discussion. The decision, it the Subco�runittee makes one, will come back to the Planning Commission and then to the Council. '-� 3. CONTINUFD LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. ��68-13, ORVILLE RATLEY: Lot 30, Brook- view Addi.tion. . '� � � � 4. '. _ � ' � � 'Darrel Claxk said he was advised by the City Attorney to send the request back to Mr. Ratley aski.ng him to get his wife's signature before the Planning Commission can continue the request. This was done, but we have not heard from him. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Myhra, to table the Lot Split Request, L.S. ��68-13, Orville Ratley, of Lot 30�, Brookview Addi.tion. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. ��68-16, ROBERT WILSON: Lot 4, Block 1, Wilson Addition. Split into t��o SO'9" lots. Chairman Exick�on said it appeared the Boaxd of Appeals and Council has concurred with the xequest.. The.Planning Commission, about a_ year_.ago, _ had recommended xezoni.ng this lot to R-3 with no waiver of the land area. Mrs. Robert Wilson said they wanted to build a fouxplex, but the lot was � -'� only large enough fox a triplex. She added there is a time factor because they want to bui.ld before i� gets too cold otherwise they might not be_able_._: to sell i.f too late in the season. It was noted that�the lot sizes Columbia Heights are on 40 foot lots. are combi.ned to make a standard lot. in thi.s area are mixed in Fridley,� and the fiouses in Some of the smaller lots in Fridley . . Planning Commission Meeti.n� - October 10, 1968 pa�e 4 '' �� " ,_ _ f _ � The Commission felt the size of the lot after the split was not � ' _ particularly out of line for this area. Mr. Fitzpatrick noted that building a single family seside.nce (R-1� in an R-3 zone would be going up;:not down. I ' I � � ' ,� i '� 1 ' � — ' ' ' J �; � � ' � Darrel Clark said this request for a variance was se.nt by Council to . the Board of Appeals to see if they would grant a varia.nce before the request for a lot split was made so that it wolzld not be necessary to pay the lot split fee of $15.00 if the variance would not be granted. The Chairman said there was no objection on the size of the lots, eve.n thou�h they are below the, minimum standards, but under the inco.nsistancy of the rezo.ning, it seemed to him granting a variance and waivi.ng the rezoni.ng on that lot, would be in line. MOTION by Jense.n, seco.nded by Myhra, that the Planning Commission recomme.nd to Council denial of the Lot.Split request (L.S. #6s-16) Robert Wilson, Lot 1, Block 4, Wilson Addition. Before the vote was take.n, there was further discussio.n. � Mr. Mhyra said the Commissio.n felt it was probably lack of under- standing of procedure, to some extent, to voice approval of a lot split before the Subcommittee and Planning Commission had studied the request. The Planni.ng Commissio.n thought they did the right thing when they rezo.ned for a triplex, and orderly procedures are set up to make any necessar.y changes. In this instance they felt that orderly procedures should have been followed and Council could have over-ruled it. They were co.ncurring with the Pla.nning Commissio.n recomme.ndation of rezoning to R-3. They understand the Wilsons have to try to work with what they have and that si.ngle family reside.nces would be better. The time factor involved} if. it were a.you.n� perso.n who had the time to wait, they would consider it differe.ntl,y. Although he seconded the motion, he still had the feeli.ng to approve the split continge.nt upo.n the fact that it should be rezo.ned back to the original zoning of R-1. Mr. Fitzpatrick said he knew the house and area. He knew that they do not wa.nt a house that has been burned out re-conditioned and didn't �see that was very feasible. . The suggestion was that Mr. Wilson could take out one building permit right away and the.n petitio.n for the la.nd to be rezoned back to R-1. • Referring to the above motio.n, a voice vote was taken, all voting nay. The motion failed.� MOTION b�r Myhra, seco.nded by Fitzpatrick, that the Pla.nning Commission recommen o e ounci approval of Lot Split L.S. 8-1 , Robert Wilson of Lot t�, Block 1, Wilso.n Addition subject to the condition that a rezoned to R-1. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, unanimously. ' motion carried ' � Planning Commission Me�;-�ir:g - October 10, 196t3 �._,. �v� x.��:s�;�� , 5. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S #68-15, VILAS NT 2d�GII,: Lot 4a ylotik i, iz��.��1' �. Woodlands. �' ' 6. VACATION R IIEST: SAV #68-06, V M NA�F�L,• Lot� 1 thru 4, Blo��s 9, Nagel's Woodlanda. Drainage and utility ease�ent betwe�n above lots and e o u t h line o f Q u t lo t # 1. (970 Osborne Road� , , , , � ' ' -_ � ' , ' , , ' � � The Engi.neering Assistant explained that Mr. Nagel �ras asking for a vacation of the easeme.nts as given on the plat because they are not in uee now. The utilities would then be put alo.ng the line between Lots 4 and 5. He the.n presented a letter from the.Telephone Compa.ny stating they had no objections to the vacatio.n. MOTION hy Myhra, aeconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commiasion receive the letter from the Northwestern Beli Telephone Company relative to concurrence of vacating easement in requeat, SAV �68-06, by V.M. Nagel. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Na�el commented that, insofax as the eas�ment� c3re conce�ed, thie goes back to �962. At that time they did not pay too much attention about putting utilitiee on the bottom of Lota 1 and 2. He wae asking the City to move the sewer eaeement down to the bottom of Lot 4 so they would have more epace between Osborne Road and the sewer so, if they did want to put in a building, it would not be over the sewer line. He had never recorded. the easeme.nt so that thiQ could be an even excha,nge. The sewer line ie in and the easement is nc=a of record.. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Myhra, that the Plar�nix� recommend approval to the Council of the vacation requeet� � Y.M. Nagel of the drainage and utility easement between Lota Block 1, and the south line of Outlot 1, Nagel's Woodlands. vote, all voting aye, the motic-- carr.ied unanimously. � ommie�ion v ##6a-o6, � thru 4� IIpon a voice MOTION by Myhra, aeconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commiesion co.ncur with the Plata & Subdivisions-Street 8� IItilities Subcommittee a� recommend approval of the Lot S lit re uest 68-1 P c1 , 5, of Lot 4, Block 1 Nagel.�s Woodlanda aplitting off 216 feet from the Weet and that the Easterly portion of Lot 4 and Lot 1 must be maintained under e�ngle own_ ership. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. 7. PROPOSID PRELIMINARY PLAT : P. S. 68-06 MABX.ElT Tg�R CE THOM�iS E. M9RXEDi: 4�he North 4 q feet of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdiviaion 108 For the benefit of the new member on the Plannin.� Commieeion, a brxef review was given by Mr. Jensen. Originally, Lot 5 wae much larger, but it had been eplit with Mr. Marxen purchasing the larger paxt. There ie vacant land abutting Yiie property, and, inaemuch as the Plannix� Commiesion does not favor rela�ively narrow lots, it was felt that if it were feaeible, Mr. Marxen should acquire enough land to bring the lots to a minimum lot aize, whicYi; in the long run, would be to hie benefit. The etreet dedication in the center of Lot 5 was given at the time of the original split. The North paxt of the Lot 6, which ie a narrow lot, ie vscant and is tax forfeit, but the taxes are exorbitant and Mr. Marxen �� 0 � c ' ' ' ' ' ' Planning Commissio.n Meetin - October 10, 1968 Page 6 �� �� does not feel he can purcha,se it. The south part of the lot has a house � _ o.n it . - Mr. Jensen said that Lot 4 may be platted in the future and there is the possibility of working with the owner to acquire a portion of the land. Mr. Je.nsen asked if Mr. Marxe.n would try to submit a revised drawing for the public hearing on November 14, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. MOTION by Jensen, secanded.by M,yhra, that the Public Hearing o.n P.S. #68-06, MEIRXEN TEFZZFtACE, T.FIOP�tAS E. MARXE'[J, the North 464 feet of Lot 5, A.S. �108 be set for November 14, 1968 at 7:30 P.M: IIpon a voice vote, all voti.ng aye, the motion carried unanimously. 8. REZONING REQUEST: ZOA #68-12, ROBERT A. SCHROEft: Easterly 452 feet of Parcel 6000, Section 2: All of Parcel 3150 E. 3 Acres� and Ea,sterly 200 feet of Parcel 3150, Section 11 (Osborne Road & Hwy. #47�. Rezone from M-2 to C-2S. MOTION by Myhra, seconded b.y Je.nsen, that the Planning�Commissio.n set the ' . Public Hearing date on ZOA #68-12, Robert A. Schroer of the Easter�y 452 feet of Parcel 6000, Sectio.n 2: all of Parcel 3150 (East 3 Acres) and Easterly 200 feet of Parcel 3150, Section 11 to November 14, 1968 at ' 8:00 o'clock P.M, to be rezoned from M-2 to C-2S. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � _r ' 4 ' ' I; , � ; , � � � , ,! � # . :; , 9. LETTER F'ROM_URBAN PLANNING AND DESIGN, INC.: JOHN S. VOSS: MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Jensen, to receive the letter from Urban Pla.nning and Design, I.ncorporated, John S. Voss, Preside.nt, to Homer Ankrum, City Manager in co.nnection with a proposed schedule of part time planning consultant. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried una.nimously. , It was noted Mr. Voss would prepare the agenda for the Planning Eommissian a.nd attend the Planning Commiss�on meetings and at least o.ne Cou.ncil meeting a month. Mr. Myhra commented that not knowing the ge.ntleman, it is hard to make a decision. However, there are many times the Planni.ng Commissio.n wished they had the services of a planner. Mr. Fitzpatrick added that the Parks have talked about this kind of planner. He wondered if his time would be taken up with specific duties for other committees. Mr. Je.nsen said he was sure the ge.neral proposal of Mr. Voss may be desirable, but he did .not think it particularly fit the Pla.nning Commission needs. Having a potential planner available a.nd making a recommendation on every move, would in his opinion, tend to make a rubber stamp of the Commission and he felt that would be bad. However, he recognized the need fo�' a planner on specific items. There are ma.ny projects if Fridley which do need this kind of assistance. With that i.n mind, perhaps it would be proper for the Commission to ask John Voss to attend a meeting i.n the ne�,r future a.nd discuss some of this with him, and then the Planning Commission could make a decisio.n. � I � � ' . � , Planning Commission Meeti.ng - October 10, 1968 � Page 7 Mr. Fitzpatrick said whe.n the problem of looki.ng for outside nelp �� came up in the Park Department, Ed Braddock was hired. Mr. Jense.n said - that the help Mr. Braddock provides is somewhat more comprehensive than what the Pla.nning Commissio.n would be able to expect from the planner. Chairma.n Erickson wondered if such a perso.n would be available on a contract or on call. Mr. Fitzpatrick said it seems to become a matter of the Pla.nning Commission's understandi.ng of what Mr. Voss had done. It was decided to check if the budget allows a fairly sizable . amou.nt for a planner for this type of planni.ng a.nd ask Mr. Voss to . come in, in November. . 10. PROPOS�D ZONING ORDINANCE: , The Commissio.n decided to read the Proposed Zoni.ng Ordinance privately � until the first meeting in Movember when a meeting will be set up to discuss it together. � , ' l�' Ii � � I� � ��' �! ' i i ' � , �i � I�' 11. MII�IO FROM_CITY MANAGEft: RE T.H. #47 SERVICE DRIVE AT 57TH: The Engineering Assistant said that if this happens, Holiday will put a road east of the apartments to line up with the present Third Street. This will be deeded back to the original owners who will then deed it to Holiday. MOTION by Je.nsen, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Commission receive the Memo from the City Manager dated October 9, 1968 relative to T.H. #47 Service Road at 57th Avenue. Upon a voice vote, all voting " � aye, the motion carried una.nimousl�. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by M,yhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the meeting be adjourned at 10:05 P.M. . � �Respectfully submitted, r � V ��Sl-u�-�' HAZEL 0'BRIAN Recording Secretary. ; 0 � _ �._ �. s�,.�.�.:��. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMO T0: Homer R. Ankrum, City Manager MEMO FROM: Lester E. Chesney, Director of Public Works DATE: October 15, 1968 SUBJECT Salt Quotations ' I have received quotes for our winter salt supply. I have the following three quotes from: 1. Cargill Company - - - - - - - $12.99 per ton 2. Diamand Salt Company -----$12.30 per ton 3. International Salt Company --$11.59 per ton . I recommend that the City accept the quote of the Inter- national Salt Company. We do have a right to buy salt through the Anoka County bid. This was bid in at $11.55 per ton, which is a saving of approximately $6.00 for the season. The reason I do not recommend buying through the County, is that I do not believe the City of Fridley should lose its identity in the bidding market. I think we can keep a more competetive market with at least some show of competition. We have had higher and lower quotes than the County, so I feel we should have the option to make our own choice. � LEC:ik .�� `�"��- t'7 [� G Z c-'1/r'L LESTER E. CHESNEY :�� Director of Public Works �� E ' 1 , ' ' � � �� � � � � � - i ' I � � i CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA PROPOSAL SHEET FOR HCC ROCK SALT QUOTATIONS OPENED AT 12:00 0'CLOCK NOON ON OCTOBER 14, 1968 QUOTATIQN �.EQUEST SENT T0: � - Quotation Price per Ton Name and Address Bid Securit. Delivered � � �,,� r �(����1 %/ J � Cargi2l, Incorporated f '' ` � � � Y % %�/-/' 7en� Cargill Building • _ ` :-_-- _, _ ---- 110 South 7th Street � _ , T ��� �� � y:� � ,� .� Minnea olis Minn. 55402 r r.`/ `� f=��� r �X, Cutler Magner Company �` � . Rand Tower / � �'� .� j _ 527 Marquette Ave. So. Minnea olis Minn. 55402 r�[ �.. - jj l t= r� l c Diamond Crystal Salt Co. ���: � F'r� I�.hi�in�_ Plymouth Building 12 South 6th Street / 1, .3 �, i��� j � �1/ Minneapolis, Minn. 55403 Hardy Sa1t Company 4040 Washington Avenue No. Minneapolis, Minn. International Salt Co. Rand Tower � 527 Marquette Avenue So. Minneapolis, Minn. 55402 Morton Salt Company 1027 Childs Road St. Paul, Minn. ; � Northwestern Salt Co. 94 - 6th Avenue S.E. I Minneapolis, Minn.� 55414 '_ , __ : �' , ' w ;� ; . t � � �l � , i1.%�r / � i � �� ��ic'l� 0 S � �� . � ;#" t �-- T � t- <r ! [.= l / /, S` l /�' 1, /' Ic�.Y `74 , ; Price per Ton Picked Up . F%.� _ - --_ ._ TTENT�ON OF ' =-- . r _ .._.._ ._. Fi�.J: . .__ . _. _._ .__.__.._. ---.___ _.___... _..__. ......_ .... ro :^i'1 +� �.�►.�> � -- � R,� ,2,:,<.� ���;� `�.) � �L. 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(� { _ __ .. __ �(-t � �� i Z. � -� : ('`'� (~ � e. r\� ___ f � :L �_� j�.=�-!�___ �° .Z; ,'' � ""�� , . l _ __ _ v`- T�2, � D L� j �c: �2 � 1�,�C� __.. ._ .L,w .. --- --_._ _. _ -._ _ __ . _ _.__ _...._ - --- ---___. _.._. _._.._._--.__ T __. _ .._ - _. _ ._ ____ _� -� - _ ____ . ..____ . . �....._..__ . �. /�� /1 �� _ ___ __ .." ��: ___� _ _ _ . . _ _. _ _ _ __ _ _ __ � _ _ . _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____. __ � __.__ . _ __ . . __ __ _ __ i _ _. _ _ . � _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ; _ __ _ _ _ i ___ _ __._ _ _ _ _ - _ __ . __ _ _ _ _' _ _ _ ___ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ : _ } _ _ _ i _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ { _ _. _ _ _ _. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ ._ _ _ i _ _ _._ , _. _ _ ,_ � _. _ _ DATE � SIGNATURE � REPLIEP.'S COPY—R�TAIN FOF� YOUEt FILES ' , . ' - . r . � a .g ' , � ^ 'a . � ' � • - ' ' • , � • ' � 1 � ' , � C`t o ���le � � 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE T0: � CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY MANAGER DATE: OCTOBER 14., 1968 ANOKA COUNTY 560-3450 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 �� ' The letter from Mr. Wyman Smith refers to Section 145.22 and 145.23 of the Minnesota State Statutes. We are aware af the $100 limitation under this Statute and in the instance of voluntary agreements, the method oF adding costs to taxes ' is voluntary and the system of adding to taxes as explained in 145.22 and 145.23 is used. Agreements are voluntary and therefore the $100 limitation does not apply. ' � ' When the weed program was inaugurate.d, a form was developed suffice and incorporate the notice requirements under 18.271, the with the destroying of weeds. The form was reviewed by the City County Attorney and was approved for utilization. that would Statute dealing Attorney and The cost of destroying weeds on the Wyman Smith property was done in conjunction with 18.271 of the 1967 State Statutes, and it is our understanrling that charges.in excess of $100 can and are being made in Hennepin and other counties under the Statutes. ' It may be brought to your attention that under our Nuisance Ordinance, passed this summer, long grass can be considered a nuisance. The form developed and utilized only suffices to make implementation of the program from botti the Ordinance and Statutes standpoint simpler. It was not our intent that destroying ' of weeds where costs exceed $100 would be under the ordinance or nuisance statute. t_J � The property concerned on 68th and Oakley was used as a small neighborhood skating rink during the winter months, and for this purpose only, as authorized by Mr. Wyman Smith. The Parks and Recreation Director indicates the area used was maintained by his crews. See report from Parks and Recreation Director attached as Enclosure No. 1 Because we had used the skating rink during the winter months, we arranged for cleanup work to be done on the Wyman Smith property. During our City cleanup week, at least three truck loads of debris was taken from the property. The Engineering Department indicates the property still had a lot of tornado debris on it. ; ' Our Parks and the costs of mowing ' � for a skating rink. Recreation Director recommends that the City absorb $50 of and mowing preparation costs, since we have used the area I feel this offer of $50 is a fair and just one. '�-�"f�;�-.-.�c.�� � �.�-/-��-,-v-�--' HOMER R. ANKRUM '__ .__ _ __ . _ _ _ . __ __ _ _ _ _ ._ ___ _ _ __ _ _ _. . . __ _ �. � ORIGINATOR - Extract PINK copy and Forward WHITE and YELLOW copies. _ _ �� ` REPLIER - Return YELLOW copy and retain WHITE copy. • FORM G-1, MANUFACTURED BY HOLDEN BVSINESS FORMS, 607 WASHINGTOfJ AVE. NO., MINNEAPOl15, MINNESOTA • FEDERAL 9-0241 � ...___._._.._-_._ __._�_____._..._ __...____._ .___-__-__._._'__-___-.___-._. ATTENTION OF: r- _ __ _ _ _ ---. __ _.. _ _ __ _- ---I � _ Homer R Ankrum, City Manager __ 1 -----_ ___---------___----_ __�_.�_ _---- _ __ _._ —. ____ �-- - --------- __._.__ _._ ._ --- ---- _---- __ _ __ ___ ------ ----- - - - -� �g�ECT Property on 68th and Oakley �ATE October 11, 1968 The property on 68th and Oakley as_described in the letters was used as a --_ . _ _ __. . _ __ _ _ _____-- small neighborhood skating rink during the winter months Permission was granted �_ by Mr. Wyman Smith for_this purpose_and this purpose only ____ __ _„______The. City graded the area in the northeast corner of the property__and_ maintained � _. _ _ _ . . _ _ _. _ - - -- ___ __ ----- it during the season by flooding the area, sprinkling the rink and clearing it of snow. The__ area was _cleared_ by the groups _that worked on Spring Clean Up . Day also_. ______ At least three truck loads of debris were transported from the property at this time. _____ _.__. _._. _ . _ __. ____. _ _ ---- - - --- -- --- -, It seems only fair that the City assume a portion of the cost under this sit- �___ _ ___ . _ __ _ . _ __ � __ _...___ _ uation but not the proposed share in the letter. I would recommend a charge of �___ __ _�50. 00 be__ judged in_ this__case .___ _ ______ _ _ _. _ ___ _ __ ._— _____ _.._. _ __- - -- -----...__ ___- -- ____ _ ____. _.._ _ __ SIGNA �-u R E_.—�. .�.. __ _ ____.__.__ �– - _ — 1. - _ ._ PAUL __ _ ._.__.. ___ _ _ ,/ -----__.__.--_ ._._. _ DATE SIGNATURE I' REPLIER'S COPY — RETAIN FOR YOUR FILES : _ . _ . _ . . , ,_,. _ _ . _ _ .� .: . _ . , . _ __. _ �:- �� : o� ' . , r �. s �� , .. � " • 1 • . , • ' � .1 � � � ' , � II ' C� , ' - ' 1 ' LJ �J � �l ' ' �� CHARLES R. WEAVER HER�MAN L.TALLE VIRG�I. C.HERRICK ROBERT.MUNNS JAMES O.GIBBS FHEDERICK W.KEISER,JR. � LAW OFPICES WEAVER, TALLE & HERRICK October I, 1968 Mr.. Homer R. Ankrum ' City Manager Fridley City Hali 6q.3 t lln i vers ity Avenue Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Dear h1r. Ankrum: � 316 EAST MAIN STREET ANOKA, MINNESOTA 55303 421-5413 6231 UNIVERSITV AVENUE N,E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 560-3850 i1R3T STATE BANK BUIIDING COON RAPIDS,MINN.55433 785-1330 I have reviewed Mr. Wyman Smith'.s letter of September 10, 1968, regarding a billing in the amount of $236.10 for cutting of weeds. b1r . Sm i th' s pos i t i on i s that he rras not i f i ed that an assessment would be placed under Sections 145.22 and 145.23 of the Minnesota. Sta{;utes.. As you no doubt know, this S�atute does impose a $100.00 limitation on the assessment against any one parce! of property. If the not ice did refer to these facts, I am of the opinion that the assessment cannot exceed $100.00. � The City could, I feel, call for an assessm�nt hearing pursuant to M i nnesota Statutes, Sect ion 429 • 10 I. Ho�,erer, Mr. Sm ith po i nts out that this is property that the City has used for park purposes including a skati.ng rink. This apparently was done wi�h the consent of the property o�Jners. The property owners feel that a good deal of the debr�is that was cleaned from the property was deposited by people using the park and hockey facilities. 'One suggestion might be that h1r, Smith pay the $100.00 and that the City assume the balance of the cost because of the past use of the property. I suggest that this matter be referred to.the Council for their decision. I f you have any que� i on s,- YCH:jjh cc: Mr. Wyman Smith ' give me a call. Sincerel.y� � � J�.�-r�-y G � 4�� Virgil C�. Herrick City�Attorney • . 0 0 � � ' � ' �1 I ' ' � � �I�' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' y�, �� o- � 0 � �r'z,/ � � � �, "`.-�.� r �� �i��� Y i rx'� ,. �, �d�.�v. �x��`r�� 3��-� '� �� �� ��i � f� �a � �� J � , 4;�. �- _ .L ��_.Y. -' .�. S`T'�`� ��'-. U�' f�� � 1� �! �.�'.' C:+ 1 1� DEPAFdTM�NT OF ti'IGH4NAYS CISTRICT NO. 5 2055 NO. LILAC D�P2NE n� � r� ra �a��i�i_.i.C.,, r� 2�i r�. October 15, 1g68 Mr. Nasim �ureshi, City En�ineer City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Niinnesota 55421 Attention: N`,r. Darrell Clark In reply refer to: 315 s .� . 0205�24 (�r .x . 47=156 ) Right of i�tay Acquisition Dear P�`,r . i�ureshi : Enclosed are prints of our p].an sheets sha�ing construction limits for the constructinn of the Northeast Frontage Road (4th Street I1.E.) extended to 57�n Place. It is understood that the City is to obtain necessary right of way for the frontag� road detachment. The State is to design and con- struct the project on a cost participation basis to be agreed upon per agreement to be entered into. Kindly furnish evidence of acquisition so that proper orders by the Commissioner of Highways can be estak��.ished. We will request that. this project be programmed by June, �.9690 Sincerely, � , C. E. Burrill District Engineer Attachments (2) ��,"� f.�0 t �.. . --- .. ' -- •---.,__ . . ___ . :_ ---- � � • -------�- � � \�-•-`-� � � _...�_ _ \� ._ ��.=_ �o .. _\ \ �\ ;, t`,\ � `\ �\ . �.\ .'" . �` �'. � � .,� � ---'L� \ � \ . 'l ----- � " • . ' �' __._ __ _ _ �.- ---'----�--- -- — "� _- .a. • � . ; i � ,— -- — _ _ _ __-_._ _ _ _ '�_- R14N . _ - _ __.. i � , ' `�,� _ ���--- ' I +�- 71 �; _� , �� ���� , � {-?_2` f�q � � �,.� - � �_.� �, � --� � y . � � r�� M � 1 , � � c'�'1 m i � ' . ' . _ / . - ����' _ �1��. � i � . p/ . � . . . `r 4 ' . , ' . . � ' , 1 • � � � � ' ' , . . - . 1 �-�� ' . . � - '. � � t � � j � � � ' � � ._ � � � - L C'� C� C� , i C r.,.,._,_ � ' 6.J ` ""� cc� co ' . ` .--i r-t I `" _-_-__L.__ �-- - � � � :J..; ..�_L� + . � � �; . .=�- � � - I , - . �` � � : ' - . , �� � . _ � � , `� _ - - -- � � �C_'� ` � . , _ ��jC+'1 ( , � 1 C� � 1 � � � 4 � . �! _ � ?. � i__ - , . . . ; { - �_. �-�l , , ! � i � '� � � � , t j ' � � �____-�---_. �--�- . ' : , _.�... �� M� � � � ^ - i i � , -. . ., � � ; _._,�_ � , i ,:; � ! ----- � i �; . `� .�.� . :. � . : ! , . -�--- ----- - �� � ' • ' -� : , �' ~`�'a, � �' �' ,,� ,- -, ,Q- � ao l;� , , ' V (� � �'S,� 1 ` . � i � _ ; , , r ,� <O --� r �; � �\. ` �:k.���.,_.� � : �� :� �N �.-.:_,.,�.�.�,�„ ! j ; � -�-- ""' """ _ � � - ----- _--__ _- -- --=��` =� . - -,�-�_..� - ==- -- --- _�\ -� -- ; ; - . -- �2_��29'—��;� �t� . . � - � - . _...�_��.��.._._____�__ 56, 71� �a "_-�.___.__�.. ( ► , � ` ' , . _ , ------- ------ -- - -____ , - - , . , ,---- - -----------z-�--�_ : ---- -- - --.��� _ _.: � >� , t � ,.- - - -- -- -� - --------'\ � i :� � i > � � i � ��- � r;,� � i �///�.!� � ' � �� � 1 " •, 1' �" _ / � - ( � \ � ` � K � 1.�.� �r � � ,, . �� �- --- --- --' - ;, �� _,:._�__ �; - - � ° - . � _-______ �=� I Q ' ! 0 -, � � . , _7 -� � �� - � -� ;. {:�. , . , r ---j-'4., `` r._..._._ .�......_._� _ , n'1 L � f n"1 . " . �J � �r) f`/�� (`' i'Y % M C.? `� -� R/`,SI • � - - •---- / � ' ' � �\_---�.. � 9 ` i, !�i ;'� . � . . . - � . � � � � � � �! � i � �:.--'" . `re . ,y. C�_� ' . • r , � � �= � - ��OI�F: ' � Co��,t�-uct �!I e��t��a[�ces 12.0` �n ' ' �� I'� � �J ' � ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' �I ' MEMO T0; MEMO FROM: Homer R. Ankrum, City Manager Nasim M. Qureshi, City Engineer MEMO DATE: October 15, 1968 MEMO NUNIBER : 6 7 CD1 # 6 8- 2 2 RE: Street Name Changes The Engineering Department has formulated three (3) proposed "Street Name Change" plans. The object of these plans is as follows: 1) PUBLIC SAFETY - The changes in this proposal were ma e for safety reasons. At present, some street names sound So much alike that they may contribute to confusion in Fire and Police calls. Other pro- posals are for streets which have no present name, and for streets which have neighborhood proposals. 2) NECESSARY ADJUSTMENTS - The changes in this proposal were made to be more consistent under the present street naming patterns. All streets west of the railroad tracks which run east and west were uni- formally named "Way". �Other proposals were for the sake of continuity, which has suffered due to the City's rapid growth, and the public safety proposals of Plan 1. 3) OVERALL ADJUSTMENTS - This plan attempts to reorganize the street naming procedure through camprehensive sta.ndards: a. A11 Noxth-South Streets are called "Streets" b. All East-West Streets " " "Avenues" c. Wznding Streets " " "Drives" d, Ser�vice Roads " " "Roads" � e. Street Circle Patterns " " "Circles" (Not Cul-de-Sacs) f, West of railroad tracks " " "Ways" (East-West Streets) Exceptions: Where long standing familiar names have become associated ��ith specific areas . These should remain unchaiigec' . All of the proposals give the City various alternatives for action. The most important for immediate concern is Plan l, due to its e{fect on the Public Safety. However, the"Neces- sary Adjustments" in Plan 2, are just as impc�rtant. The suggestions made, due to the subject matter, are dependent on individual taste and values. This disadvantage can be easily overcome through careful study of the street patterns. �� � L� � ' ' ' ' ' ' , � � ' �J ' ' � ' Memo to Homer Ankrum, City Manager Page Two Some City streets can be more suitably named to fit into the pattern of neighborhoods and some street name changin� at intersections can be eliminated. The major readjustments in Plan 3 cannot be implemented as easily as the changes in Plan 1 or 2. Also, in order to ob- tain the maximum effectiveness of a major street reorgani- zation, this should be attempted by the Metropolitan Area rather than on the Municipal level. The proposals made, are recommendations that something "should" be done. The longer it takes to change what is out dated, the more difficult the change becomes. The purpose of these proposals is to show what can be done, and to create a starting point for future discussion of the problem. / � �j � % I V C �-1.�.�.-�-�1 � - �-i,VL - �(�-►� NASIM M. QURESHI City Engineer � �� Page One STREET RENAMING PROPOSAL #1 PUBLIC SAFETY 1. Tennison llrive - Regis Drive (Similarity of Sound) 2. Panorama Avenue - 50th Avenue N.E. (Similarity of Sound) 3. Hickory Street N.E. - Maple Street N.E. (Locality) 4. Nieadowmoor Drive - Spring Drive (Similarity of Sound) 5. 641/2 Way - Bennett Way N.E. (Neighborhood Petition) 6. Service Road (Hwy.#65 � 694) - Skywood Road (No Name) 7. Service Road (Hwy.#47 � 694) - Oak Hill Road (No Name) i__., �� ' C IU � I ' �� � I � � I ' _ I' ' I' ' � � 1 � � � � 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 �age Two PROPOSAL #2 STREET RENAMING NECESSARY ADJUSTMENT 1. All of Page One 2. Altura Road - 3rd Street 3. Baker Avenue - Baker Street 4. Buffalo Street - Buffalo Way 5. Carol Circle - Carol Drive 6. Charles Street - Charles hlay 7. Cheri Circle - Cheri Lane 8. Cheryl Street - Cheryl Way 9. Craig Way - Craig Circle 0. Dover Street - Dover Way l. Fairmont Street - Fairmont.Way 2. Glencoe Street - Glencoe Way 3. Glen Creek Road - Glen Creek Way 4. Gelene Place - 57th Avenue 5. Hickory Avenue � Street - Hickory Drive 6. Hickory Place - Ashton Avenue 7. Hillcresfi Drive - Hillcrest Circle 8. hIugo Street - Hugo Way 9. Ironton Street - Ironton Way 0, Janesville Street - Janesville Way 1. Kimball Street - Kimball Way 2. Lafayette Street-- Lafayette Way 3, Liberty Street - Liberty Way 4. Locke Lake Road - 68th Way �. Longfellow Street - Longfellow Way 6. Mississippi Place - Mississippi Way 27. Oakley Drive - Oakley Street � �� NECESSARY ADJUSTA7ENT Con't. 28. Rainbow Drive - lst Street N.E. 29. Regis Drive - Buchannan Street 30. Regis Terrace - 56th Avenue 31. Regis Trail - Lincoln Street 32. Rickard Road - Rickard Way � 33. River Edge Way - River Edge Circle 34. Roman Road - 2nd Street N.E. 35, Satellite Lane - 64th Avenue N.E. 36. Star Lane - 3rd Street N.E. 37. Sunrise Drive - 2nd Street N.E. 38. Topper Lane - 2nd Street N.E. 39. Trinity Drive - Main Street �, 63rd Avenue 40. 2nd Street - lst Street 41. 21/2 Street - 2nd Street 42. 57th Avenue - Hathaway Lane 43. 711/2 Way - Meyers Way - �5 �� . �--� r' ' F.�+:}Y�-�F.A ��f%'o 1:ii.�L" o �`�.�.3..cS : Y'� �';�i:,�iye.'.it?:1. & S c i.: � C:��;� i',���.;'l,�E;�44° -' Z �:� �:�{::�' Rfiidi"�ie t�sY:os'nw."��.�t�':; C3 l.�E;"'s�`.��..�%p �,.F'i'.do [+`�j!3��C"� + r;^��,m �?a;" � s o � Ji"�.',��..� �';y � ..J. 6 � Li � ! �t"3r .Q�E 1 ��_��:, ��� � �1_2c.i:�.���� &df.�!!�e �'�:oL'.�L�,' ��9 �.�C�6i �a� �u'oai: k::: y+.?.���,: ��� '..^..t'i��:� �2,";�4r(;:�*3 Y%s,£;�s �ay.r iiE3rjna P.o�.°�,�*.5� ��: �s��� ��°fl�}ffi� �l3�t� . t,`L.? ;��e�s:!e,2� 'E''..��.� 3"e?�i��:i"S: %� �:bGt�Tis� L��:,°'i;f vu�,j� .F'a.��.'�7$� fi :�'°"r':�L'�.t'. sfJ �a:9 £3�i3��':�1� 3��.:� �b � C'9�a'�'S G. �`�� v n T r� � 9 ,n ; ..� Li ' ra � •s �. , fY;(2. .`1 ft� e,�:."LF:� �.�'0G 6�:�:,.!�;.,,�,.�.�Z1e _��.'.�.'..�'. ��..ft a3G'ad�€} �.�3 F2 ��'J�; j��e�22 i3i3U`Zv-- �P €i ��1�s.C��4°� :;�?�i?:." 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Page Three STREET RENAMING PROPOSAL #3 OVERALL ADJUSTMENT 1. North-South = Streets 2. East-West = Avenues 3. Winding = Drives 4. Service Road = Roads 5. Circles = Circles � 6. 1/2 Streets = Lanes 7. tiVest of Railroad Tracks = Ways (East-West Street) � ' �� �� _ ' � � � �J , ' ' , � � � I � ' � ' r ' , OVERALL ADJUSTD7ENTS (Con't) 1. Altura Rd. - 3rd St. 2. Anna Ave. - Anna St. 3. Anoka St. - Cleveland St. 4. Apex Lane - Apex St. S. Ashton Ave. - Ashton St. 6. Bacon Dr. - Garfield St. 7. Baker Ave. - Baker St. 8. Bennett Dr. - 64th Ave. 9. Berne Rd. - Berne Dr. 10. Broad Ave, - Broad St. 11. Brookview Dr. - Brookview Rd. 12. Buffalo St. - Buffalo Way 13. Capital St. - Capital Dr. 14. Carrie Lane - 56th�Ave. 15, Channel Rd. - Channel Dr. 16. Charles St. - Charles Ave. 17. Cheri Lane - 55th Ave. 18. Cheryl St. - Cheryl Way 19. Clearview Lane - Clearview Dr. 20. Clover Place - Clover Dr. 21. Comet Lane - 62nd Ave. 22. Concerto Curve - Concerto Dr. 23. Craig �lay - Craig Circle 24. Crown Rd. - Crown Ave. � 25. Dellwood Dr. - Fillmore St. 26. Dover St. - Dover Way 27. Ely St. - Ely Way ��� 28. �airmont St. - Fairmont Way 29. Fireside Dr. - Fireside Ave. 30. Fridley St. - Benjamin St. 31. Gardena Ave. - 59th Ave. 32, Gardena Lane - Matterhorn Dr. 33. Gibralter Rd. - Gibralter Ave: 34. Glacier Lane - Glacier Dr. 35. Glencoe St. - Glencoe Way 36� Glen Creek Rd. - Glen Creek Dr. 37. Hackman Ave. - Hackman Dr. 38� Hathaway Lane - Hathaway Ave. 39. Helene Place - 57th Ave. 40. Hickory St. - Maple St. 41. Hickory Dr. - No. Locke Lake Dr 71st Wa Hickory St. - " Hickory Circle - " 42. Hickory Place - Hickory St. 43. Hickory Ave. - Hickory St. 44. Hillcrest Dr. - Hillcrest Circl 45. Horizon Circle - 54th Ave. 46. Hughes Ave. - Hughes Dr. 47. Hugo St. - Hugo Way 48. Ironton St. - Ironton Way 49. Janesville St. - Janesville Way 50. Kimball St. - Kimball Way 51. Lafayette St. - Lafayette Way 52. Lakeside Rd. - Benjamin St. � i ' � � ' , �� �J � � r , ( � � , I' � I ' I ' I' ' �� OVERALL ADJUSTMENTS (Con't.) 53. Liberty St. - Liberty Way 80. River Edge Way - River Edge Cir 54. Locke Lake Rd, - No. Lock Lake Dr. 81. Riverview Terr. - Riverview Dr. 55. Longfellow St. - Longfellow Way 56. Lucia Lane - Fillmore St. 57. Lynde Dxive - 57th Ave. 58. Lyric Lane - Lyric Dr. 59. Marigold Terr. - Marigold Ave. 60. Meadow Moor Dr. - Spring Dr. 61. Nlemory Lane - Memory Dr. 62. Meyers Ave. - Meyers Way 82. Roman Rd. - 2nd St. 83. Satellite Lane - 64th Ave. 84. Skywood Lane - Skywood Ave. 85. Skywood Court - Skywood Dr. 86. Spring Brook Place - SpringBroo Street 87. Starlane - 3rd St. 88. Starlite Blvd. - Starlite St. 89. Sunrise Dr. - 2nd St. 63. Mississippi Place - Mississippi Way 90. Sylvan Lane - Sylvan Dr. 64. Oakley Dr. - Oakley St. � 91. Talmadge Lane - Talmadge St. 65. O.akwood Manor - Arthur St. 92. Tempo Terr. - Tempo Dr. 66. Onondaga St. - 74th Ave. 93, Tennison Dr. - Buchanan St. 67, Panorama Aue. = 50th Ave. 94. To��per Lane - 2nd St. 68, Plaza Curve - Plaza Dr. 95. Trinity Dr. - Main St. �, 63rdAv 69. Rainbow Dr. - lst St. 96. Woody Lane - Woody Dr. 70. Rainer Pass - Rainer Dr. 97. 2nd St. - lst St. 71. Regis Dr. - Buchanan St. 98. 21/2 St. - 2nd St. 72. Regis Lane - 55th Ave. � 99. 531/2 Ave. - Skywood Ave. 73. Regis Terr. -� 56th Ave. 100. 571/2 Ave. - 57th Lane 74, Regis Trail - Lincoln St. 101. 591/2 Way - 59th Lane 75. Rice Creek Rd. - E. Moore Lake Dr. 102. 611/2 Way - 61st Lane (63rd Ave.) 76. Rice Creek Blvd. - N. Rice Creek Dr1U3. 621/2 Way - 62nd Lane 77. Rice Creek Terr. - S. Rice Creek Dr104. 631/2 Way - Sylvan Way 78. Rice Creek Way - S. Locke Lake Dr. 105. 641/2 Way - 64th Lane 79,. Rickard Rd. - 76th Way 106. 651/2 Way - 65th Lane OVERALL ADJUSTMENTS (Con't) 107. 661/2 Ave. - Rice Creek Terr (New Brighton) 108. 661/2 Way - 66th Lane 109. 68th Place - 68th Lane 110. 711/2 Way - Meyers �Vay 111. 731/2 Ave. - 73rd Lane � �� , ' ' ' ' ' MEMQ T0: MEMO FROM : Nasim M. Qureshi, City Engineer Darrel Clark, Engineering Assistant MF�'IO DATE : October 15, 1968 MEMO NUMBER: ��35 Engr. ��68-30 RE: McClish Single Family Dwellin� Permit Request on the South Half of Lot 4 and Al1 of Lot 5, Block 14, Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville ' July 14, 1960: Permit for triplex taken out by B& M Inc. on Lot 3, except north 10 feet, all of Lots 4 and 5, Block 14. However, he owned only Lot 3 except the north 10 feet and all of Lot 4. ' ' October 19, 1960: B& M Inc. sold triplex with Lot 3 except north 10 feet and the Nz of Lot 4(no split requested) to George Game. B& M Inc. kept the N2 of Lot 4. April 21, 1961: Gaxage permit for entire tract ownership indicated on permit was McClish and B& M Inc. was builder. ' May 5, 1961: McClish bought Lot 5 from Wuckila, ' , ' ' , , ' � ' � � l� September, 1962: McClish appeared before the Planning Commission and inquired about splitting Lot 3 except the noxth 10 feet, all of Lots 4 and 5 into two sites: (1) 50'x130' for the triplex (2) 60'x130'. � for a new single family dwelling or the possibility of building a single family dwelling just on Lot 5. Planning Commission advised that neither proposal would meet present area requirements. Planning Commission minutes of September 27, 1962. February 12, 1964: McClish became actual owner of record of the triplex with Lot 3 except the north 10' and the NZ of Lot 4. June 1, 1964: McClish also became owner of record of the S2 of Lot 4, therefore as of this date McClish was the owner of the entire tract, Lot 3 except the north 10' and all of Lots �t and 5 and should have had fu11 knowledge of the part that at least the City Planning Com- mission thought that the full 1T0' was needed for the triplex due to their lot split inquixy back in September of 1962. August 10, 1964: Ardis McCarty, in a letter to the City, stated she was the new �wner of the Sz of Lot 4 and Lot 5 and was requesting a building permit (she never became owner of record at the County). The permit was denied by Council on September 21, 1964 for the r.eason all the land was indicated on tl�e triplex permit back in 1960 and was necessary to meet the area requirements. ' ' ' , ' u ' ' Memo ��35 Engr. ��68-30 McClish Page 2 �3j_ November 8, 1967: Permit application by McClish to build a single family dwelling on the south 60' of the tract leaving 50' for the triplex. The Board of Appeals did � accept the request. November 20, 1967: City Council asked McClish to deed to the owner of the triplex 15' making the triplex site 65' and the remaining 45' for the proposed single family dwelling. December 29, 1967: New owner of record, Edgar Bernard, of Lot 3 except the noxth 10' and the North half of Lot 4, wiCh McClish still owner of the S2 of Lot 4 and all of Lot 5. March 6, 1968: The Board of Appeals discussed the McClish problem and the minutes state "The Board's motion and Council's action stands as stated. Recourse D�strict Court. ' August 1968: A registered lettex was sent to triplex owner, Bernard, by McClish, copy attached, no answer from Bernard. �_ J ' � , � _J , LJ ' ' ,I �II October 21, 1968: Petition is back to.Council asking for original request to be granted. C�. -R� DARREL CLAIZK Engineering Assistant , _. __ � , I : i' � � .;' ' 3 ' .�' ; -� ' ; � ' � ':i :; ; � ' . � �. ' i� , ;� '. t ' i i i { 3 ' i , ' ,; � ' COPY COPY COPY _._ _ _ COPY August , 68 IIear Mr. Edgar Bernard � I went to see the Ci.ty Clerk & told him what we offered you (on the telephone) & that you wern't interested. But it seems we should have put it in writting & sent it, registered mail. Am writting this in triplicate (one copy for you, the City Council & ourselves). We're making the same offer we made to you on the telephone. They (The City Council) say your Tri Plex hasn't ample parking vicilities so they want us to give you (15') fifteen ft. of our property on the south side of the Tri Plex providing you let us have an easement for Drive�aay to gain entry to garage. We decided to give up our land to you with the undexstand- ing you pay for all the taxes we've had to pay on the (15') fifteen ft. . We woulcl lilce you to answer this letter within (7) seven days, if by then you do not, we will assume your still not interested & we'l1 take the next steps. - � Sincerely Mx. & Mrs. Wm. McClish 6549 Fridley St. N.E. Mpls. Minn. 55432 � � /' � 0 �� 0 ,;� , ,; ` �i i; _ �i �` ' � �. REGLiT,AI: COUNCII� riLL'1']:NG, N0�'Lr1�1;1: 20, 1967 ' I'AGI; 12 0 . 2. co��sin�:hn�zo.� o�� ��ir_n�o:c� cou��T�rY rr,�: AIJiNA 1'l,A�S: The City I;n�inecr sai_d that t.he amount of land i.s sma7.I for tEie type of faci.lity that is bein� pJ_anned, <ltld tlierE: is no storm sewer, lic saicl that water t•:5.11 be dr<1i.ning fr.oai the souttieast corner onto Cily praperty, acid he feels that the County should acquire more property so tfiey can contain - their otan �:�ater. , Tf�e Ci.ty�n�i.neer siioi�Jecl the Counci.l a m� p of the park and sho�•�ed the �•ray ttiat it �•�ill. expand. Counci_lman Samuelson asked hoca the zrea complies ���i.th the Ordinance. The City Fngi_neer said ttiat it wouJ.d co;nply if there ���as a complete st��1-m sec��er. system, but as such, it does not, and they should have niore area so that all the water is con- tainecl on their property. He sai.d tI►is ':'iould be iripresscd upon them. rI0TI0N by Counci.lman Sheri.dan to refer this item to the Administratzon for thei.r recommendation to the Council regardi.ng the Anoka Co<<nty Ice Arena. The motion �aas seconcted, and upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. • • MOT70N by Councilman Samuelson to receive the Mi.nutes of the Building Standards - Design Control Subcotnniittee Meetiri� of November 7, 1967. Seconded by Counci_lman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, tbere being no nays, Mayor KirF:ham declared the motion carried. ' - � �� � �. � L THE A17NU7'ES OF Ttl� BOAP.n oF AP��,�LS rTLETING, NOVF.r1BEP. S, 1967; 1. RF�UEST FOR E1 VARtA\TCF FI:Oi1 SECT'TOid �f5 .391 Z BY t��AIVF.�: 0'r' P.EQiJIRF1�PdTS OF PROVTSIONS F�?LATTI�G TO THE COi�STI. TE-rA:�flLi' D[dFLITi�G _ A _' 'UCT7�ON Or A Oc� _ , _ ON THE SOUTFI Oi:E-FIAT_•F 0�' LOT 4-Z �i�D �^.LL Ol� LOT 5, �LOCK 14, i1�1�tILTO\'S AnDI1�0i�1 T'0 I1F�CHANI:CSVII�T.E. RFQUF;ST IiY tdTLT,TA'i riCCLTSH, 65��9 ��F.II)LFY STF:�ET NOZT��;AST, Ft:IDI',FY, rfINN�S07'A 55�F2� ^^ The City F.ngineer sai_et that there is still a problern wi_tEi .this lot. fle said that there is a gara�e �ahich �•�as bui.lt f�r the tri-pl.ex, cahich Mr. plcClisii �aill use for his 18riCj� WI11CI1 leaves the problem of parking , for the tri-plex, and ttie tri-plex cannot be forced to pro��ide parki.no. The Ci.ty At_t:orney said that he had received a lettcr fr:.m rlr. Glargo � . that at one ti.mc all this '_and �•�as o�,�iiect by'�Ir. 1�fcCli.sh. There was a discussion bett�reen tl�e City Attorney and �1r. TlcClish about the dates at which he acquired the different lots and e�rhora he acquired them £ror,i. The City Attorney's figures sho�aed that, althou�Ei T1r. rlcClish acquired the property at diff.erent: ti.mcs, at one ti.me he held title to all the different parcels. 1'he City t•fana�er su�gested that the Ci.ty Attorney could be directed to see if ther.e was some proceclure that could be enforced by tfie County Authori.ties, wliereby a certi.fi.cate f.rom the Euilding Inspector would be required in the case oi a lot split. Councilm�an Sani��elson sai.d he agr.eed c,iitti ttii.s. Counci_l.man Stieri.dan said that �aEien the ori.�i.nal. request cam� in, it SIlOL•!EC� thrce par.cels, but the ot�iner Iia.d not o�-rned one of ttiese ].ots. CounciJ.man I,iebl asked Tir. �IcClisti to comc to the Counci.l. tab].e and shoc•i �•lhere thesc: loc s�•�ere situ��.ted on the map. There ��ias a lon� di.scussion of the ditferenl: possibil i.ci.es at the Council table. 0 aJt� , RIsGUIL�11: COUtiCIL DIGL'17:NG, NOVEIIL'1;1: 20, 19G7 . . . pn(;}; Z? Mr. ricCl.isli ��as asl:ed if he would be ����i_lli.n� to decd 15 fect of land to tE�e tx'i-plex i.f. he t•�ere all.o�•red to Uuild on a�ES fc�ol lot. Mr. TlcCli.sli said � ttiat he t��oulcl i� tlie ocailer t,�ere �•.illing to �ay the bacic taxes o�i it. M�yc�r Kirkliam su�c;ested tliat i.f he caould try and negotiate this c,li_th the o��Jner of the tT-i--plex, and give him 15 fect, and thc Coui�cil c1110tdE:CI him to build on the �ES foot lot, he could still maintain hi.s 10 feet si.cie yard require- ments, and this may be a satisfactory CO:IlPTOi[11SG. Counczlman Sherid<111 said that tliey could also �aork out a drive�•�ay easec�ient reglyding tEie garage. �.'he City F.ngineer su�gested that tE�e problem of thc required four paved parkino ar.eas for off-street garkin� for the tri-plex coul.d be sol��ed at this tinie also. ' Councilman SI-�eri_clan said this c•�ould be fine, but the agreement should not be contingent on solving' this probleui. riayor Kirl:(ia�a suggested they get tOdCtI1CT 471tt1 the Clty Aldllcl�('Y and try to cYork out an agreement. ��� � Mayor Kirkham said that tt�e Council does not need to take action this _ eveni.ng, but that it can be turned over to the Admi_nistration to come up with a re�sonable soluti.on. , . . � � MOTTON by Councilman Sheridan to receive the Minutes of the $oar�I of Appeals Meeti.ng of. A'oven�ber 8, 1967. Seconded by Council.man Li.ebl. Upon a voice vote, there bei.ng no n�ys, Mayor Kirkhain declared the motion carried, ,��s�£:�=-.: -�,.�D ' ��� PI,Ai�NIPdG_COT1i�fI:SSIO� r1EIs'TlI�G MI\Ui'ES, I�OVT:�.FFT� 9, 19G7; T-- - - -_ t 7 i T �f' �� " � �r ' ' 1 � LJ , LJ ' " . ' 1. INZTRSECTION PATTEhN: MISS7SSIPYI STREFT AND F.AST P.TV�F ROAD, BOB�S PR011UCL RANCFl : Mr. Schroer was present at the Council Neetir.g and came to the Council rfeeting and came to the Council table �t�hile the Council lool:ed at his new plan for his propert}� at the intersection oi Mississippi Street and East River Road. Ttie plan is to go to ttie Plats & Subdi.visions - Streets & U�i.li.ties Subco:nmi_ttee and will come bacl: to the Council with their reconunencTations . 2. PROPOSED PI,.4t�NFD DEVETOPi�D'sNT: INi�iSBF.UC?�' ATORTH. ACRES. INC: MOTIO?� b�T COL1I1C11[Il?Il Sheridan to set the Public Hearing for tlie rezonin� (ZOA �67-1�E) proposed Planned Development for Innsbruck North by Acres, Inc. for December 11, 1967. Seconded by Counci_l.man Samuelson. Upan a voice ' vote, there beino no nays, tlayor �:irktiam declar. ed the n�oti.ocz carri.ed. MOT70\' by Counci.lman Sar,nielson to receive and f.ile the minutes of the Plannin�; Com�lission i�feeti.n� o£ Nove�aber. 9, 1967. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voi.ce vote, there bei.ng no na��s, Tiayor I�i.rkliam declared the motion carried. % , DAI�G�:�;OUS EUTLDI`;G AC7']:O:I FOP._6015^_22 S1'1:EF.T \U:7'�P:AS7': Counci.lmzn I,i.eh]. said th�1r. he has brou�lit tliis property to the attentio►� of the Counci.l by aski.n� tfic City riana�cr. to nut it on the a�enda. He said tf�i.s builcii.n� is not up to standards and i.s an eye •sorc for the CiLy. FIc said tti�t t1ie�-e ��ere ni.ce ho���cs on ci.ther si.de oL tieis bui.l.din�. The Ci.ty Attoi-ney sai.d he iiad preplrc<1 a pcti.ti.or� for coiidctil[7�1tlOri �1nd requesti.n� the removal of- tt►c t>ui.l.din�; ba,ed o�i thc rc��ort. � I� ' ' ' ' ' C�I ' ' ' �I �I� I; ' � ,� ,'' '' ,' .' i RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Fridley, as follows: 1. That it is in the interest of the City to award bid contracts for the following item, materials and work: PARK GARAGE (METAL BUILDING) INSULATION. 2. A copy of the specifications for the above described items and materials, together with a proposal for the method of purchase and the payment thereof have been presented to the Council by the City Manager and the same are hereby approved and adopted as the plans and specifications, and the method of acquisition and payment to be required by the City with respect to the acc{uisition of said items and materials. 3. The purchase of said items and materials as described above shall be effectec� by sealed bids to be received and opened by the City of Fridley on the lst day of November, 1968. The City Manager is directed and authorized to ad- vertise for the purchase of said items and materials by sealed bid proposals under notice as provided by law and the Charter of the City of Fridley, the notice to be substantially in form as that shown by Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part of by reference. Said notice shall be published at least twice in the official newspapers of the City of Fridley. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF ATTEST: �" CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Bruns�ll 1968. MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham �•�" _ , 0 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Paul Brown, Director 6431 University Avenue N.E. Phone: 560-3450 NOTICE TO BID CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA PARK GARAGE (METAL BUILDING)INSULATION EXHIBIT "A" The City Council of the City of Fridley will open bids at 10:30 A.M. on November 1, 1968, at the City Hall, 6431 University Avenue Northeast, Fridley, Minnesota, 55421, for the Park Garage (Metal Building) Insulation. Information as to the terms and conditions and other data pertaining to the bid may be ob- tained from the office of the Parks Director at 6431 University Avenue Northeast, Fridley, Minnesota, 55421. The bid should be in writing, sealed, and on the form prepared by the City. The bid should be delivered or handed to the office of the Parks and Recreation Director on or before 10:30 A.M. on the lst day of November, 1968. � Publish: October 23, 1968 October 30, 1968 0 HOMER R. ANKRUM CITY MANAGER CITY OF FRIDLEY �� G �`. ., ' ' ' I�: � � ' � � � � � � i L� ' ' 1 _�' � !"� � October 21, 1968 EX�STING STOP SIGNS IN CITY OF FRIDLEY INTERSECTION CORNER INTERSECTION BROOKVIEW DRIVE 68th Ave. CENTRAL AVENUE NE Osborne Road 76th Ave. 75th Ave. Fireside Drive Fireside Drive Onondaga St. 731/2 Ave. 73rd Ave. Norton Ave. 69th Ave. 66th Ave. Mississippi St. Mississippi St. 64th St. Rice Creek Rd, Rice Creek Rd. Woody Lane Hillcrest Drive Gardena Ave. Hackmann Ave. Hillwind Road EAST RIVER ROAD Lafayette St. Kimball St. Janesville St. Ironton St. Ironton St. Hugo St, Hugo St. Glencoe St. Fazrmont Cixcle (No.) �airmont Circle (So.) SW SW NE NE NE SW NE SW NE SW NE NE NE SW NE NE SW NE NE NE NE SE !, SW SW SW NE SW NE SW Sl� NE NE Con't EAST RIVER ROAD CORNER Fairmont St. SW Ely St. SW Liberty St. (E) NE Liberty St. (W} SW 79th Way (E) NE 79th Way (1V) SW Pearson Way SW Craigbrook Way SW Stonybrook Way SW Craigway (N) SW Craigway (S) SW 77th Way NE Rickard Road SW 75th Way SW Talmadge Way SW A� W Root Beer Stand NE Glen Creek Road SW Logan Parkway SW 71st Way SW Hickory Drive NE 70th Way NE 69th Way NE Locke Lake Road NE Hartman Circle SW Rice Creek Way NE Mi�sissippi Place SW 64 /2 Way SW 64th Way NE 631/2 Way (W) SW 631/2 Way (E) NE 63rd Way (W) SW 63�d Way (E) NE. 62 /2 Way NE 62nd Way (W) SW 62nd Way (E) NE River Edge Way (N) SW Ri�er Edge Way (S) SW 61 /2 Way NE Charles St. SW 591/2 Way SW Downing Box Co. (N) NE Downing Box Co. (S) NE Service Dr. to Nursing SW Home � �::_.. �i ' L_J i'� � � �.. J � ' I' ' � I � � � � Stop Signs Con't. INTERSECTION CORNER Con't. EAST RIVER ROAD FMC. (4 Driveways) NE 43rd Ave. (E) NE 43rd Ave. (W) SW 37th Ave. (E) NE No. Dr. to Lic{uor StoreSW Longfellow St.(W) SW Longfellow St.(E) NE HILLWIND ROAD Lynde Drive JACKSON STREET N.E. Kennaston Dr. MADISON STREET N.E. 57th Ave. NIAIN STREET N.E. 43rd Ave. 44th Ave. 45th Ave. 46th Ave. 47th Ave. 48th Ave. 49th Ave. Pilot Ave. Panorama Ave. Capitol St. 53rd Ave. Crown Road Horizon Circle INTERSECTION Page Two �� CORNER Con't. MAIN STREET N.E. No. Drive to Midland SW 57th Ave. NE 58th Ave. NE 59th Ave. NE 60th Ave. NE 61st Ave. (E) NE 61st Ave. (W) SW MATTERHORN DRIVE N.E. NE 53rd Ave. SW Skywood Lane SW MISSISSIPPI STREET N.E. NE SW SW SW NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE Hickory Ave. NW Ashton Ave. (S) SE Ashton Ave. (N) NW Main St. NW 2nd St. NW Drive to Furniture SE Store W. Drive to Rice Plaza SE E. Drive to Rice Plaza SE W. Drive to Holly Cen. NW E. Drive to Holly Cen. NW Drive to Dairy Queen SE Univ. Ave. W. Serv. Dr.NW Univ. Ave. W. Serv. Dr.SE Univ. Ave. E. Serv. Dr.SE 5th St. SE 7th St. (N) NW 7th St. (S) SE W. Dr. to Hayes School NW E. Dr. to Hayes School NW Monroe St. (N) NW Monroe St. (S) SE Jackson St. (N) NW Jackson St. (S) SE Van Buren St. SE Able St. (N) NW Able St. (S) SE Baker Ave. SE Oakley Dr. NW Taylor St. SE Brookview Drive NW Stop Signs Con't INTERSECTION CORNER Con't MISSISSIPPI STREET N.E. Lucia Lane NW Dellwood Drive SE Pierce St. (N) NW Pierce St. (S) SE Channel Road NW Arthur St. NW MONROE STREET NE. 68th Ave. OSBORNE ROAD N.E. (St. to So. only) Sth St. Madison St. Jackson St, Van Buren St. Baker St. Viron Road Hwy. 65 W. Serv. Dr. Root Beer Stand Dr. Bacon Drive Arthur St. Lakeside Road RICE CREEK TERRACE Oakley St. SATELLITE LANE N,E. 3rd St. STINSON BLVD. 75th Ave. (W) NE 0 Page Three �� INTERSECTION CORNER UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E. � Osborne Road (E) NE Osborne Road (W) SW � 73rd Ave. (E) NE 73rd Ave. (W) SW 69th Ave. (E) NE 69th Ave. (W) SW 53rd Ave. (E) NE 53rd Ave. (W) SW � UNIVERSITY AVE. EAST SERVICE DR 64th Ave. NE 63rd Ave. NE Moon Plaza (3) Drives NE SE St. Williams Church Dr.NE SE 60�h Ave. NE SE • 57 /2 Ave. NE SE 57th Place NE SE SE UNIVERSITY AVE. WEST SERVICE DR SE SE SE SE Plaza Curve SW SE 67th Ave. SW Satellite Lane SW Mexcury Drive SW Sylvan Lane SW Rainbow Drive SW Sunrise Drive SW SE Star Lane SW WEST MOORE LAKE DRIVE NW NE Drive to Jr. H.S. SW Carol Drive NW Able St. NW Baker Ave. NW Hwy. 65 West Serv. Dr. NW SW 3RD STREET N.E. Horizon Drive SW HoriZOn Drive NE INTERSECTION 7th STREET N.E. CORNER 53rd Ave. (E) NE 531/2 Ave. NE 54th Ave. (E) NE 54th Ave. (W) SW Cheri Lane NE Hwy. 694 Serv. Dr. S6V 100 Twin Dr. (So.Side) SE l00 Twin Dr. (No.Side) NE 57th Ave. (E) NE 57th Ave. (W) SW 57th Place SW 58th Ave. NE 59th Ave. (W) SW 59th Ave. (E) NE 60th Ave. SW 61st Ave. (W) SW 61st Ave. (E) NE 63rd Ave. (W) SW 63rd Ave, (E) NE Bennett Drive NE 67th Ave. (W) SW 37TH AVENUE N.E. Marshall St. NE, NW SW En�, to Liquor StoreNW SE Ent, to Liquor StoreNW 40TH AVENUE NE. . Main St. (N) NW 44TH AVENUE N.E. Main St. (N) NW 49TH AVENUE N.E. INTERSECTTON � Cont' 49TH AVENUE N.E. 3rd St . (N) 3rd St. (S) 52ND AVENUE N.E. Page Four ���E CORNER NW SE So . Dr.. to S�Cywood Ma11NW 53RD AVENUE N.E. Horizon Dr. (N) NW Horizon Dr. (S) SE Altura Road NW 3rd St. SE Univ. Ave. East Serv. NW Drive . 4th St. (N) NW 5th St. �N) NW 6th St. (N) NW 7th St. (N) NW West Dr. to Target NW Center Dr. to Target NW East Dr, to Target NW Hwy, 65 E. Serv. Dr. NW 57TH AVENUE N.E. Univ. Ave. W. Serv.Dr. NW Univ. Ave. E. Serv.Dr. NW Univ. Ave. E. Serv.Dr. SE 4th St. SE 5th St. SE 6th St. SE Madison St. NW 59TH AVENUE N.E. (to West) 7th St. (Nj 7th St. (S) 2nd St. SE � Roman Road NW ' 21/2 St. SE NW SE INTERSECTION 61ST AVENUE N.E. CORNER Rainbow Dr. NW 2nd St. SE St�nrise Dr. NW 2 /2 St. SE Star Lane NW 3rd St. SE Univ. Ave. E. Serv.Dr. NW Univ. Ave. E. Serv.Dr. SE 4th St. SE 5th St. (N) NW 5th St. (S) SE 6th St. (N) NW 6th St. (S) SE 7th St. (N) NW 7th St. (S) SE West MooreLk.Dr. (S) SE S.W. Dr. to Jr. H.S. NW West Dr. to Sr. H.S. SE East Dr. to Sr. H.S. SE 63RD AVENUE N.E. Hwy. 65 E. Serv.Dr.(S) SE Hwy. 65 E. Serv.Dr.(N) NW 67TH AVENUE N.E. Monroe St . (S) SE Monroe St. (N) NW 68TH AVENUE N.E. Quincy St. Jackson St. Kennaston Dr. (N) Kennaston Dr. (S) Overton Dr . (N) Overton Dr. (S) Pandora Dr. Oakley St. SE SE NW SW NW SW NW NW INTERSECTION 73RD AVENUE N.E. Page Five ��� CORNER Stinson Blvd. (N) NW " 75TH AVENUE N.E. Arthur St. NW HIGHWAY #65 Fi�eside Drive NE 73 /2 Avenue NE 73rd Ave. (E) NE 73rd Ave. (W) SW Brookview Drive SW 68th Ave. (E) NE 68th Ave. (W) SW 66th Ave. SW E. Serv.Dr. (Approx64thNE 63rd Ave. (W) SW 63rd Ave. (E) NE Moore Lake Drive SW Rice Creek Road NE Shorewood Lic{uor Store NE 52nd Avenue NE N0. SERVICE DRIVE HWY. #694 4th St. NW 5th St. NW 6th St, NW : �_:.. , I � �� 11 ( � I � I1 I' ' � I ' ' ; � I ' I ' I , I , ' � ' RESOLUTION N0. ,,� (- (� � l�j � �� RESOLUTION NAMING SIVERTS LANE NORTHEAST WHEREAS, a new street has been dedicated from 69th Avenue Northeast to the south and WHEREAS, a rec{uest has been received to name this street Siverts Lane Northeast by the Parks and Recrea- tion Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley that: Section 1. .The north-south street located approx- mately 600 feet east of Central Avenue Northeast and bounded on the north by 69th Avenue Northeast will be named and known as Siverts Lane. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to register said street name with the proper authorities for Anoka County and with the proper postal authorities and other in- terested parties. �l- l PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 1 i"- DAY OF �`•, F� 1�- � , 1968 BY THE CI.TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY. MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell �. �1 � 0 . ' I1 I1 I ' I ' � ' ' ' � ' �� ' ' RESOLUTION NO . - / � �o � RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE REPORT AND AtTTHORIZING PREPARATION OF FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TESTING PROGRAM TO LOCATE FUTURE wELL SITES: WA�i�ER PROJECT N0. 75 �3 WFIEEtEAS, Persua.nt to the Resolutio.n No. 58-1968, a report has been prepared b.y Comstock and Davis with refere.nce to this work, and WHEREAS, There might be need of some easements and acquisition of some propert.y, for this project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVID, By the. City Council of the City of Fridle.y, Araoka Coun�y, Minnesota, as follows: 1. TYiat the report submitted by Comstock and Davis is hereby received and accepted. 2. That Comstock and Davis are hereb.y designated Engineers for this work and the,y shall prepare fi.nal plans and specifications for the testing program. 3. The Cit,y Attor.ney is hereb,y authorized to negotiate or condemn the necessary propert,y for the locatio.n of these test wells. ADOPTID BY THE�CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS a( �-DAY OF � � . , � 96g , ATTEST: ; Marvin C. Bru.nsell, CITY CLERK Jack 0. Kirkham, MA�'OR -L�c� � ' ^, '� � R�SOLUTION N0. � � ' / � � RESOLU`�ION ORDERING IMPROVEi�I1,NT t1NA FINAL PLANS AND SPSCXrICATIONS AND ESTII�IEI.T�S Or COSTS TiiEI'.EOF : WATER, SANITARY SEL�TER AND S�'ORM SEWER PROJECT N0. 90 � � �`� WHEREAS, Resolution No. 143-1968 adopted the 16�' day of September, 1968 by tlie City Council, set the date for heaxing on the proposed improvements, as speci- fically noted in the Notice of Hearing attached hereto fox reference as Exhibit "A", and WHEREAS, all of the pxopexty owners whose property is liable to be assessed with the making of these improvements (as noted in said Notice) were given ten (10) days notice by mail and published notice of the Council Hearing through two (2j weekly publications of the requixed notice, and the hearing was held and the property owners heard thexeon at the hearing, as noted in said notice. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka C�unty, Minnesota, as folTows: 1 , ' ' � ' ' ' ' . ATTEST: ' � ' ' 1. That the following improvements proposed b.y Gouncil Resolutio.n ' No. 143-1968 are hereby ordered to be effected and completed as soon as reasonably possible, to-wit: a) Watermain, sanitar.y sewer, laterals and service connection, storm sewer and appurtena.nces serving the iollowing area: The propert.y along the northerl.y street abutting on Interstate #694 and East River Road referred to as track "J" of the Industrial Park. This will be the first phase of the total improvement plan. �stimated cost for.this phase is $160,250.00. 2. That work to be pc�rformed undex this project may be pexformed uncier one or more.contxacts as may be deemed advisable upon receipt of bids. 3. That the Comstock a.nd Davis, Inc., consulti.ng Engineers, 1446 County Road "J", Mpls. are hereby designated as the Engineers for this impxove- ment. The,y shall prepare final plans and specifi.cations for the making of such improvenient. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF TH� CITY�OF FRIDLEY THIS �/ � DAY OF � '�v � . �1968. ' . CITY CL1,P.K - Marvin C. Brunsell MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham C L A I M S GENERAL LIQUOR � 16285 - 16405 2638 - 2699 0 105 0 I , � �� ' MULTIPLE DWELLfNG LICENSES TO BE APPROVED � BY COUNCIL October 21, 1968 September l, 1g68 to September l, 1969 ' NAME Address UNITS FEE � Lester Mayo 495� Madison St. No E. 5974 - 3rd 5t. N. E. 4 10.00 Minneapolis, Minnesota ' A & G Enterprises , Pine 1'ree Lake Road White Bear Lake, Minn. 5701 Highway #65 32 32.00 ' A & G Enterprises � Pine Tree Lake Road White Bear Lake, Minn. 5650 Polk St. N. E. 32 32•00 , A & G Enterprises . Pine Tree Lake Road ' White Bear Lake, Minn. 5700 Polk St. N. E. 32 32.00 Eugene Lashinski : '; ' 1035 Polk Place N. E. � Minneapolis, Minno 4030 Main St. N. E. 3 10.00 ; ' - � " ' � � . ' ' ; , ' � . � • � I � ��� . LIST OF CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE T0 BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL FQR THE FISCAL PERIOD 4/30/68 - 4/30/69 Oct, 21, 1968 APPROVED B' BLACKTOPPING . Pioneer Blacktop Co. 2642 James Ave. N. j Minneapolis, Minnesota Bye Art Scherber NEW Bldg. Insp. GENERAL CONTRACTING � � Carlson LaVine,Inc. 2831 Aldrich Ave. South � Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Erick LaVine RENEWAL BLDG, INSP. Harris Erection Co. 6210 Riverview Terrace Fridley, Minnesota By: Harold Harris RENEWAL BLDG, INSP. Adolph Egge 2327 4th Ave . N . Anoka, Minnesota By; Adolph Egge NEW BLDG. IN9.'. Imperial Garage Builders 12483 73rd Ave. N. � Osseo, Minnesota By: Gordon Olson NEW . BLDG. INSP. Weco, Inc. 6921 Logan Ave. N. ' Brooklyn Center, Minnesota By; Watson Eggenud NEW BLDG, INSP. HEATING . Johnny's Inc. 6846 Osseo Road N. Brooklyn Center, Minnesota By: Don Rosen NEW '- BLDG, INSP. MASONRY H. C. Wagar Co., Inc. 5940 Stinson Blvd. N. E. � Fridley, Minnesota By: . H. C. Wager RENEWA� Bldg. Insp. CI�TAR JTTE Food Bon?nz�� Inc 250 Osborne Doad Fridle.y, P•iinnesota BY John irl. Hooley APPRO`TED BY Chief of Police PiEGT ESTIMATES TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 21, 1968 A11ied Blacktop Company 3601 48th Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota FINAL ESTIMAT�S No. 1 for Street Improvement Project ST. 1968-10 (Seal Coat) according to contract. Minnesota Highway Department St. Paul Minnesota 55101 FINAL ESTIMATE for work performed on Agreement ��55006. City's share of Traffic Signal Cost. TH.,��47 and 51st Ave. N.E. 0 $ 11,404.90 $ 400.15 �.Ob � � C � � � � � � CITY OF FRIDLEY ENGINEERTNG DEPARTMENT 6431 UNIVERSTTY AVENUE FRIDLEY, MTNNESOTA 55421 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Fridley c/o Homer R. Ankrum, City Manager 643.1 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, Minnesota Gentlemen: CERTIFICATE OF THE ENGINEER Octobex 21, 1968 We hexeby submit Estimate No. 1, the FINAL ESTIMATE, for Allied Blacktop Company, 3601 48th Avenue North, Minneapolis, Minnesota, for Street Improvement Project St. 1968-10 (Seal Coat) according to the Contract. � 97,063 Sq. Yds. Seal Coat with Sweeping @ $0.1175 AMOUNT DUE FINAL ESTIMATE $11,404.90 $11,404.90 � I have viewed the work under contract for the construction � of Street Improvement Project St. 1968-10 (Seal Coat) and find that the same is substantially complete in accordance with the contract documents. � � � � � I recommend that the FINAL payment be made upon acceptance o� the work by your Honorable Body, and that the one year contractual maintenance bond commence on the date listed above, ' Respectfully submitted, Checked b -T-A--, _.�".�. -� d.;�t,t ' � ., �% , , % ' L . � � �C ���1� Pre ared b ` � �X � NA IM M. QURE HI , P. E. P y � `" ` - �°``` City Engineer NMQ:bw CC: Allied Blacktop Company �'�:� .' FORM 3028 �(6-64) C PC � � DIVlSl0T1 �O�oO..Ow CCt10R � )IStCIC � Invoice No.__ , � DATE FURNISIIED INVOICE STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS St. Paul, Miran. 55101 Account of C�.ty of Fra.dley Nasim h1e Qureshi� Ci.ty Engr. 6l�31 Universxty Ave. N.E. �1i.nne�.polis, Dinn. 55�21 Remittance by Cbeck, b1oney Order or Drajt should be Payable to: Minnesola Department of Highways DESCRIPTION Invoice No. 1 1�Vork performed on A�reement # 5�006 on Sp 0205t�18, r�.inn.Proj F 081-1(33) Contractor: Barton Goz�tractxng Co, � Contract No. 12229 , ��� 31 TH It7 & 51st. Ave�. N.E. Cityts share of Traffic Signal cost �377.50 Plus 6� EngineerS.ng 22.65 Balance due 00.1 �� % " . �%' ,- ) �c�� ,r:° , :-,,V�,�:�� // S l � (—/ �v �.r'' % X' / f' � C-i `r `�� \ Central Office Use Only 5Q3�i Invoice No. nate_ Au�ust 27�1963 ��� QUANTITY UNIT PEtICE .,.� .-. this i� e AMOUNT ' � �1�00.15 � � � ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YE�;�.;:�;�� THE CITY OF FRIDLEY ORDAINS: i �.� � SECTION J�: That the annual budgert of the City of Fridley for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1969 which has been submitted by the City Manager and modified and �approved by the City Council is hereby adopted; the total of the said budget and the major divisions thereof being as follows: REVENUE AVAILABLE � CURRENT REVENUE: General Property Tax �Licenses and Permits Fines and Forfeitures From Other Agencies �Service Charges Non-Revenue Receipts ' TOTAL 1 GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR OTHER FUNDS: Debt Service Fund - Parks � Public Employees Retirement Fund Firemen's Relief Fund: � Insurance Refund Mill Levy State Aid- Highways Debt Service Fund - Improve- ment Bonds � Debt Service Fund - Civic Center Bonds � Police Pension Fut�d TOTAL TOTAL ALL FUNDS , ' REQUIREMENTS GENERAL FUND: City Council City Manager's Office Municipal Court Elections � Registrations Finance Auditing Le gal Boards � Commissions Buildings � Grounds Police Fire Building Inspection Civil Defense Engineering Public Works Street Lighting Sanitation � Health Parks, Recreation � Band �lealth � Hospital Insurance Library Reserve TOTAL GENERAL FUND OTHER FUNDS: P.E.R.A. Firemen's Relief Debt Service-Park Bonds State Aid - Highways Debt Service-Improv. Bonds Debt Service-Civic Center Bds. Police Pension Fund � TOTAL TOTAL ALL FUNDS � SECTION 2; That the City Manager be directed to cause the appropriate accounting entries to be made in the books of the City. � PASSED ANA AAOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THIS DAY OF , 1968. SIGNED: JACK 0. KIRKHAM, MAYOR � ATTEST: � MARVTN C. BRUNSELL, CITY CLERK Fixst Reading: Second Read�ngs Publish L � ' � RESOLUTION N0. A R�SQLUTION DETBRMINING THE NECESSZTY OF AND PROVZDTNG FOR A TAX LEVY IN EXCESS 0�" NORMAL C�TY CHARTER TAX LIMITS. B� �T R�SQI,VED, by the Council of the City of Fridley as follows: SECT,�ON ].: That the Council of the City of Fridley heretofore r¢ceived from the , C'�.�ana�er a pxoposed budget of the City of Fridley for the year of 1g69 which px�opose� budget when examined evidenced the necessitv of an additional tax levy in eK���s of the City Charter limits and, accordingly, there was then adopted on th�7.6�1 day of September, 1968, a resolution declaring the necessity for an � add�tiana� tax levy and specifying r.he purpose for which such additional tax levy is required. � FURTH�R, the Council proceeded to hold public hearings pursuant to three ��) we�ks pub.lished notice in the official newspaper of the City. That such publiC h��ri.n� wa� held on the 7th day of October, 1968, and all persons interested there�,n � were �ffoxded an opportunity to be heard and made objection$, if any there be, to �he budgat as then proposed. That after such hearing and after full discussion of the cpntQnts of the budget and all objections thereto the Council further prpceeded t4 aarx�sct and amend the budget in such way as was deemed necessary by the Council ta � b� in the best interests of the City; and after such corrections and amendments the Coun�xl did pass and adopt by Ordinance on the day , �9�$a � budget for the City of f'i�idley for the operation of its business during the � ye�r 1969, a copy of which budget is attached hereto for reference purposes as �XHI$I'� ��A'►. � � � � � � � � � 1 � �,� S�CTTON �; Further, upon the examination of such budget originally proposed, cox�l^ected, a��d �mended and adopted by the City of Fridley on the day of , 1968, it reasonably appears, and the Council does not find t at the tax levy necessary to provide monies for the operation of the business of th� Gi�y of Fridley dux�ing the year of 1968 under said budget, is and will be, when computed in accordance with law, in excess of the normal City Charter limit of thirty (30) mills on each dollar of the assessed valuation of the property in the City, bufi �h�t� nevertheless, it is reasonable and to the best interest of the City in order to p7rovide for the proper oper�ation of the business and fuctions of the City during the year oi 1968, to exceed such normal City Charter tax levy limit, and to levy taxes �hereaf suf�icient to provide the monies necessary to the operation of the business ca$ the City �n accordance with said budget. S�CTIQN 3; That to provide money in accordance with the needs and purposes of the bud�et of the City for the year of 1969, taxes shall be levied in accordance with �.aw sufficient to provide monies provided for any purpose herein shall be appropriated fi4 �nd used for any other purpose, except as might otherwise be authorized by law, either und�r th� general law of the State of Minnesota or the City Charter of Fridley. � �: 3 � For the General Fund For Firemen's Relief For Police Pension Fund For Debt Service - Parks For Contribution to Public �mployees Re±irement F�nd For Debt Service Fund - Improvement Bonds For Debt Service Fund - Civic Center Bonds PASSEA AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS AAY DF , 1968. MAYOR - JACK 0. KIRKHAM ATT£ST: CTTY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTION CERTIFYING TAX LEVY REQUIREMENTS FOR 1969 TO COUNTY OF ANOKA FOR COLLECTIONS. BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Fridley certify to the County Auditox of the County of Anoka, State of Minnesota, the following tax levy to be levied in i969. General Fund pebt Service - Parks Contribution to P.E.R.A. Debt Service Fund - Improvement Bonds Debt Service Fund - Civic Center Bonds Firemen's Relief Police Pension Fund BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the amount herein certified with respect to the Public Employees Retirement Association is in th� amount required by law. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1968. MAYOR - JACK 0. KIRKHAM ATTEST: CITX CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL 1�14 October 16, 1968 Mr. James Hensley 5600 B��nton Avenue S�uth Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dcar Mr. Hensley; . Upon your departure from the City of Fridley Boarc� of Health and the posi.tion of Health Sanitarian we of the City Coancil express our appreciation and con4�iendation for a job well done. Your perfor.m;znce ot Heal.th Sanitarian duties for this City from April 25, 1960 to Oci:ober 14, 1968 have been outst��t�ding in every respect and we fee.l. €ortunate indeed to have had your services durin� this period. We are extremely proud:-to have had you on. our staf£ ::artd�-.y,our a�gressive pursual. o� heal.th and sanitary probler�s resulted in enhanced health conditions in the City of F�id2ey. Your apgointment L-o yoar ne�a position :�iLh the P;ih.lic H=.°alth Service attests to your out5tandin� performance of duties and qualifi- catioizs �znd you ma�� be proud indeed of your selection. With r.egre�s at your �eparture, we wis[i you every success in your new posiL-io�a. JOIC; ml. s � Sincerely, For the City Council J�ck 0. Kirkhnm Mt1XOR . 11: � � � C� , � :� - � �� :t ___.__ .._.__ . ;� � '� � BF,FORL TfiE YUL31�rC SEI�V7C}� COi�it�1ISSI0N OF 1^�I'u STAlT OI� %i:CNN�SOTA � paut A. Rasnussen Chairr�ian Ronal.d L. Anderson Cor�imissionez• P� Yennct.h Peterson Co?;nzissioner XN T�iF t�A1�1�Y Or TfIC PETI`I'TON Ol� I�OR�rFiERiV F'ACIFIC RATI1;1'�X CCi�1PANY . FOR �!U'1'HORITY TO DISCOi�7'�iUU� 'PHF TRAr�SPORT�1T70T� OF IF SS--1 H�1N�C�IRLOEtD (L.C.L. ) FRE�IGHT SHIPi�;�T�1T5 OF LFSS • Z'HAN 6,000 POUI�iDS (?-�1ITH CERT�IN COi��I)I`PIONS AND EXCEPTIOiVS) II� � MTNI�t?�SOT�I IN7'R�STA'PE COi��ifIERCE. NO�P:ICE OF H1�ARZI�G e Docice�; ?voo A-�237 �.1. � By peti{;ion fi.led Frith the Commission on �G{,�,h�z• �p , lqdff, a copy oS which .is attached, the Nor�thern Pacific Rai1�•�ay Company seeks au�horii;y to file appro�� riate tariff amenctments to discontinue the {,ra.nsporta{;ion and h3nd.ting af less•- than-carloa.d (L.C.L.) �'reight shipments �.ei.gl�a.ng less than 6,000 pounds ( Vri{�h certain conditions and exceptions) applicabl.e at all poznts on thei_r lane a.n Minneso-�a �.ntr. astate cornmerce. IT APPi;AFtING, That the authorization sought is of suiticient impar-� to require public hearings, IT IS TF�EP�FORE ORDERED : .. 0� n� R � That the above captioned tnat-�er is hereby assigned ior hearing� before the Commi.ssion as foll.ot•rs, at which times and places all interested parties V�il1 be given an opportunity to be hearcl: �tt Rocm 1i10 State Ofiice �3uilding, St. Paul, I�Iinr.esota, at 10:Q0 OtCloc'=t A.M. pn I�londay, December 93 ar.d Tuesday, December lo, 1968. At the Court House, �3emidji, 14inneso�,a, at 9�30 O�Clock A.ht. on ����ednesday, December 11, a_96$. - � At i:he Ci.ty Hal_l, Detroit I��Yes, P•Iinnesota, ��: 9.30 O�Clock �1.��i. on Thursctay� � Decc�ber 1?_, i9bs, � I � BY ORD��,R G�� T}� COi�ii-iISSI0i4 . �s� I FO J . At•1BFtOSE Daf;ed at Saint. Paul, t�iinn�sota, Secretary ihi.s )_��th day of October, 196£�. • • ' ( S F � L ) � � xnquiries pertaining to tha.s rnatter shoulci t�e directed {;o the Rate I)a.vision, teleptione ?.?_7.-231�9, 0 ' I ' .� , � i � ' , ' I '� � LJ � � BLFOFtE THF PU�3I,IG SERVICE COi�iISSION ST�1TE OF MIP1Nt�SOTA Tn the Matter of the Petition of Northern P�.cif:ic R�.il�ray Cornpa.ny for �1u�.hority to Discontinue the Transportation of I�ess-Than-Car- load (L.C.L.) Freight Shipment,s of Tess� Tha.n 6,000 Pounds (l,lith certain Condi�;ions and Exceptions) in Minnesota� Intrastate Comr.ierce, PETITION Northern Pacific Railway Company� pe�itioner herein� states and a�leges as follows: ��� x. That petitioner is a lydisconsin corporation opera{;ing as a common carrier by .railroad in the State of Minnesota and six other states, a�d m�.intains its general offices in the Northern Pacific Building at 176 East Fifth Street in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota. zx. That petitioner presently maintains :,eventy--three (73) open agency stations on its lines of railroad in rlinnesota where the handling and transportation of less-than-c��,rload shipments are provided. Petit- ioner�s railroad also serves an additional one hundred t.wenty-��x (126) stations in the State of Niinnesota at wizich no agency service or pick up and delivery service for less--than-carload freight is provided. III. . - That tariffs are no�r being prepared and will be filed with the Interstate Conunerce Cor�.rlission curtailing interstate less-than-carload service on peti-�ionerts entire railroad system in Minnesota, North Dakota and Wisconsin, effective Nover,iber 15, 1968. Such in�:erstate tariffs will provide ior the continu:3nce of less�than-czrlo�.d service on such shipmentS Z4Y1@Il loaded V.2th c��.rload freight or in sriiFm�nts of 6,000 pounds or rnore from one consignor to orie consi_gnee, provided it is la:�ded by the consignor and unloaded b;; i;he consignee on public te�rn tracks or pr�v�.te �ndustry tracks and docs not raquir�� irei�nt house hand]_in,,, Less--than-carload service wi11 also be continued for certain returnable �_�� materials as specified in those tariffs and hereinafter. IV., That petitioner has attempted to obtain substituted highway-- for--rail authority which would en�.ble it to o�'fer less-�han-car].o�,d service in ATinnesota, Plorth Dakota and 4Jisconsin by the use of its motor earrier subsidia_iy, Northern Pacif ic Transport Corripany. However� the North Dakota Pub]_ic Service Commission has declined to grant such authority for intrastate service within North Dakota� thereby preventing petitioner fro�n providing fast, flexible service �,o the shipping public throughout the three-state area. Since this gap of authority effactively prevents petitioner i'rcm instituting econor_iical and efficient operations to com- pete successfully for sr�all shipment traffic, additional capital expendi- tures necess�.ry to upgrade �nd�modernize petitionerts L.C.L, terminal •� - facilities in �Iinnesota are not warranted and would be a wastefuY``ei'�.s��"'� pation of funds. � That all of petitioner�s sever.ty-three (73) open agency stations in Minne sota are pr.esently served by one or.more rail or motor carriers� and such existing authorized motor carriers operzting within Minnesota can and have been providing the shipping publ.ic t�rith a more expeditious less-than-carload (less-than-trucklo�d) freight service than that.�fiich can be provided by petitioner. T3y reason of the common �.nd permit motor earrier cor�petition, the discont,inu��.nce of less-than-carload serviee by connecting railroad carriers,� and the use of private motor vehicles, the shipping public has, for the most part, abandoned the use of petitionerts railroad for transport�.tion of sm�11 package shipr,ients and such service is therefore no longer required by the shipping public. VI. That during the f iiteen year per•iod f rom 19>3 to 1967, inclusive� . the less-than-carload tonnage, interstate ar� intr�.state ovcr petitioner►s entire systern has dropped froM 11$�1�67 tons in 1.953 to j6,9t31 tons in 1967, or a decrezse of about fi.ft;y-two per cent (52�). � ' � �_ J � , �l � L� ' C� �J ' �. lntrasta�te �;ons oi less-�;han-car oa ra ac in �xnneso a e seven y� � � _�:� three per cent (73�) irom 22�32/� in 1953 i;o 6,091� in 19G7. The cost of providing intras�;ate less--�;han-carload freight service in 1�linnesota far ex.ceeds the revenue at-Lributable -L- o such service and is no longer econor�-- ically justified. VII. That the granting o£ this peti+ion will ir,�prove car supply by making rai.l cars pxesently used•in less-than-carload service available for carload transportation3 which Vrill benefit the shipping public accordinglyb VIII. That the curtailr.ient of less--than--carload freight service in Minne sota intrastate comrnerce by petztioner wi.11 not unreasonably harm or inconvenience any member of the shipping public. The considerable finan- cial loss incurred by petitioner in continuing unlimited less-than-carload service has and would constitute a serious burden �n interstate and intra- state commerce and upon petitioner1s ability to continue to provide effi- eient and economical transporta.tion of carload shipments and less--than- carload shipments as limited in this petition. Denial of this pei;ition would, therefore, be unreasonable and unlawful and would consti�ute a taking of pet_itionerts property without due process of law. TrIf�REFOFtE, Petitioner respectfully requests that �,his Comr.li.ssion issue its order pursuant to Laws 1957, Ex. Sess., Chapter 10� Sect'ion l�� Minnesota Statutes (1967), Section 21$.01�1, Subdivi.sion l, authorizing petitioner to file appropriate tariff amendments to discontinue the transportation of less---�han-carload shipments in Minnesota intrastate cor_�imerce� with the f ollowi.ng exceptions : Exception l. Less-than-ca.rload shi�anents loaded in the same , car arid V�i.th a carloac� shiptnent when the less-than-carload ship- ments are received from the sar,ie consignor and are destined to the sarne corisignee as the carload s}iipment. J ' , Exception 2.. Less-th� n-c� r.load s�li�ents of 6,000 pounds or more, loaded in one car, and �n shipMents of lesser weight when its shipment occupies fu11 visible capacity of the c�.r, when handl.ed from one consignor to one consignee, �rhen the ireight is loa.decl by the consi�nor or unloaded by the consignee on a public team track or a private industry tr�.ck and does not require freig}ii� hou�e h��r.cllin� by peti.tioner, � �� Exce t�� ion 3: Rc�;urnabl.e ma�erial such as, but not limited to� dunnage, bracir�, pallets, etc. when specific tarif.f publication to this effec�. is made ` �cce t��4. OuL'bound less—than—carload slli�nents of used Ne�rs— � print Cores or used Paper Winding Coz•es, being returned to the origina.l. point fr. om t•rhich shipped in carloads with p�.per. Such shipments will be harxlled, pro�ided the shipMent is loaded by ' the consignor in a car designatec�. for Newsprint Loading Only and the route of the return cores as the sa.me as the reverse route of the car utilized. , , i � ,'', � � � ' Exc�n 5, Less--than—carload sh�.pMents of Automobile Parts when r�oving in cars containing shipping devaces for autor�obile parts �rhich are in �.ssigned service when returning from desti-- n�.�ion to original ship��ing point via the reverse route of the inbound carload shi.prnent. � Except�on 6. Less—than=carload shipments of returnable empty iron or steel drums when such drums were used in an ir.cnedia.tely preCeding movement of petroleum products in connection with the Northern Pacific Railway to the point from which the er.tpty drtuns are being returned and provided {:hat �rhere shipments are �o�,aea or unloaded at a point reached by the Northern Pacific Railway Company, this operation must be perf or.med by the consignor or consignee, as the case may be, and must be per�ormed on public team tracks or private industry tracks served by Northern Pacific Railway direct: � Petitioner prays for such other and fur-Eher order as may be deeined appropriate by this Cor:�mi.ssion upon the premises herein. Dated this 9th day of October, 1968. NORTFiERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COP�'ANY By BARRY NicGRATH Its At�,orney 101Fi Northern Pacific Building St. Paul, Minnesota ��� I , I' 212 SOUTM SFXTFE STF}EET ' October 14, 1968 �� ��� �Q��. �s���� ���� • �in.�'la�e �a�� ,o�s� /909 • MfNNEAPQIlS, MINMESOTA 55402 • TELEPHON€ 333-2445 Mr. David Ha,rris Counc ilman -at -i�. rbC 6431 University Avenue N, E. Fridley, Minnesota Dear Dave: A brief note to indicate that today's industrial tour of your City of Fridley was excellent in every respect, I felt the tour was particularly eye-open- ing when compared to last years tour which I aiso attended. As usual, the food and hospitality were of the highesi quality. , Thanks again and please be assured that I will keep Fridley and its excellent industrial facilities close at hand when discussing with clients the feasibility of relocating their plants. ' ince rel , , y�, JAMES R ' ' JR B: dh ' ' ' ' ' y y ur • �-----� . BINGHA I]� r FIRST NATION/AL� ����K OF MINNEAPOLIS MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA October 15, 1968 G entlemen, ?�-�•rtainly a,,,�re rta±r th� in�•itation anrl opportunity to participate in your "Salute to Business" Day. Looking over the development that has taken place in your community over the past couple years, I would have to say you have been extremely successful in attracting new payrolls, and after having the opportunity to meet the community leaders and take a tour of Fridley, it is easy to see why you have been so successful. I want to assure the members of the Commission that our bank will do everything we can to assist you in your industria development efforts. Sin rely, '�tL.,, -Pv-^�- Warren Plante , Fridley Industrial Development Commission b431 University Avenue N. E. Fridley, Minnesota ' ' ' ' ��� B-79 (REV. 11-3-64) ''= (Standard Form of the International Association of Chie(s of Police) (Copies available at Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, D. C. 20535) - CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT , ' POLICE DEPARTMENT ����y �f Fr�dle� _ �,��,,,, of _ September ,,q 68 ' • TABLE 1.--DfSTRIBUTION OF PERSONNEL ' Average Daily Percent Daily Average Daily ' - Numerical Strength Absence Absence Temporary Details Average Effective Strength ' End of �amemonth Snmemonth' Samemonth Samemonth � -- ��� Same month this month last year Thisrnonlh lust year 'I'hismonth last ycar This montt last year ThismonthLastmonth last year � Tot�rlpersonne�l. �� �� r��� ���� -� � •�`� ��.5 15�0� ' Z ' . � . _ — .— - Chlrf's office . ' Records bure<iu .. � � " _ .. . � . . Unlformed fdtce . �� GO _ ' Uetective buteau _ -�° � � � - � � Trafflc burc�au . � � � � ' � , .�......... . . . _. . . ... . . . .._ _ .. ' _ First relief .., ,. U . . . . .. . . � � .. .. . . . �"� - Second rellef . . � - � � ' Thfrd relfef . . . ' TABLE 2.--CHANGES IN PERSONNEL TABLE 3.--DAILY AVERAGE PATROL STRENGTH ' 1. Present for duty end of last month . . . . . . . . �2 . , . . Same month • This month last year 2. Recruited duting month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � � . . ' 3. Reinstnted durinq month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. Total number of patrolmea . . . . . . �2 22 7'otal to account for . . . . . . �. . . . . . ... . . - G� 2. Less permanent asslqnments (publfc � offtces, clerical, chauffeurs, etc.) . . . ' 4. Separations from the service: " 3. Less detalls to speclal squads oc bu-. �- �.. teaus (trafflc, vlce, park, etc.) . . (a) Voluntary resiqnation . . . . . . � 4, Averaqe daily absences of patrolmen , - (b) Retlrement on penslm ..... � asslqned to pattol.duty owlnq to:. •. 6 86 C7 7 3 (a) Vacatlon, suspenslon, rest � � (c) Fieslqned with charqes pendinq days, etc. . (d) Dropped'durin .. � q P��t�� . .23 .20 � • . . • (b) Sick and lnJured . . . . . . . . . . . . (e) Dlsmfssed for cause . . (i ) Killed in line ot duty . . . . . . (c) Temporaty details . . . . . . . . . . • �� ' . .. i9) Deceased . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1 Total separations . � . O Total aveTaqe dafly absences . . " � �G �-.93 ' S. Present for duty at end of month . . . . . . , . . . G� S. Avallable for patro] duty . . . . . . . . . ���� ���0� ' • ' _ i. _ . . • r TABLE 4-- CRINIE 1(�DEX AND POLICE ACTIVITY TREND OFFENSES KNOWN TO THE POLICE CHANGE CURRENT YEAR VS. LAST YEAR CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENS.ES ' (PART I CLASSES) ,- REPORTED OR ACTUAL �S. SAME MONTH V5. SAME PERIOD KNOWN UNFOUNDED OFFENSES ACTUAL THIS LAST YEAR LAST YEAR THIS MONTH THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE . NUMBER PERCENT NUMBER PfRCENT la. MURDER AND NONNEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER 2. FORCIBLE RAPE TOTAL �. a. RAPE BY FORCE �, ' ' ' b. ASSALLLT TO RAPE - ATTEMPTS � - 3. ROBBERY TOTAL �. 1. 6 a. ARMED - ANY WEAPON 1 1 b. STRONG-ARM - NO WEAPON 4. AGGRAVATED ASSAULT TOTAL a. GUN b. KNIFE OR CUTT�NG INSTRUMENT e. OTHER DANGEROUS WEAPON d. HANDS, PIST, ETC. - AGGRAVATED S. BURGLARY TOTAL ]. 1. ].Z.O a. FORCIBLE ENTRY �„ ', b. UNLAWFUL ENTRY • NO PORCE c. ATTEMPTED FORCIBLE ENTRY 6. LARCENY - THEFT (except auto fheft) 1, 0 1 39 22,7 a. b50 AND OVER IN VALUE �-�- 7. AUTO THEFT 59 CRIME INDEX TOTAL 16. MANSLAUGHTER BY NEGLIGENCE 4e. OTHER ASSAULTS • NOT AGGRAVATED 66. LARCENY, UNDER $SO IN VALUE 2 PART I TOTAL 11� 3 115 952 TOTAL PART 11 INCIDENTS .. . ... . .. . . . . .��� .. . .. . . ... .. . . . .. ... . .. .. .. , lO� . .. TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS NONCRIMINAL CALLS 4bt� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: . 39�9 • • • TOTAL CALLS FOR POLICE SERVICE . . . . . . .7�� . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . ��. . � . . . .. � . ' : . AUTOMOBILES RECOVERED (A) NUMBERSTOLEN LOCALLY AND RECOVERED LOCALLY ................................................ y (B) NUMBERSTOLEN LOCALLY AND RECOVERED BY OTHERJURISDICTIONS ................................... � (C) TOTAL LOCALLYSTOLEN AUTOSRECOVERED ..................................................... (D) NUM[iERSTOLEN OUT OFJURISDICTION,RECOVERED LOCkLLY ......................................... � 8-79❑ (Rev. 10-21-65) , . _ . ._. _ .CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT - , ., , � TRAFFIC SUMMARY ; Police Department • ' _.; _ City of F�'�d�-e� Month of Sep�ember , 19 68 . TABLE 1. ACCIDENT SUMMARY This Month Year to Date This Year Last Year o�o Change This Year Last Year o10 Change Accident Total _ O � .•Z'� 8'l 8tj Fatal �, a, Personal Injury 6 $ fj� ••� Property Damage 2I�. 22� Za.l.}. '�5 Pedestrian ]„ «. 8 ��j , � TABLE 2. ENFORCEMENT SUMMARY This Mont6 Year to Dote This Year Last Year o% Change This Year Last Year % Change Traffic Total �.OJ. Z�.3 �'S3 81.7 9�� —a.� Hazardous Violations Ej7 a.77 —63 436 603� -28 Other Violations ],2 25 �52 2],$ l8� '�'Za. Parking ZO �.1 -l-8�. �.1.�.2 1.�6 +33 DWI . . 2 -f- 2�. a.�. ♦�� Accident Arrests and Citations TABLE 3. COMPARATIVE SUIdMARY OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS This Month Year to Date This Year Last Year o�o Change This Year Last Year % Change . Total Accidents 1�.0 I.l.II ��.? 3U? 3UU ' Fatal Accidents ]. 1 Persons Killed - ]. �66 Injury Accidents ].�j ' 2 —]. a.. 8 168 �6 Persons Injured 2�, - � �•{� 2Ej2 2], ••]„C� Pedestrians Killed Pedestrians Injured 1. �- 3 9 �-66 Hit and Run Accidents �3 5 '�'2� 60 49 +22 Cleared by Arrest ]. • 3 —bb 2 6 �66 Cleared - No Arrest 5� ]. _+ L(.3 3�. 'i'3l� Totfll Cleared 6 � �.�. '+'S� !{-5 37 '�'2�- _ .� TABLE 4. COMPARATIVE SUMMARY ACCIDENTS AMD ENFORCEMEN7 (By Hour of Day and pay of Week) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Citation Citation Citation Citation Citation Citation Citation Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and � Time dent Arrest dent ArresL dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest 12 M 2 �, 1:00 2:00 �- . 3:00 - - - 1 1 4:00 5:00 6:00 �. �. 7:00 2 - 8:00 �. �. 9:00 ]. �. 10:00 11:00 � 12 N 1 �, 1:00 2:00 2 1. 3:00 ]. � 4:00 a, 1, 2 1, 5:00 1. �. 1. 6:00 ], 1, 7:00 ], 1, 1. �„ 8:00 - �„ s:oo l 2 1 io:oo 1 � ii:oo Note: "CitaEion and Arrest" column should include aII traffic citations and arrests made during eACh hour period except parking citations. , , _._ l `;.,:° _`i ��".��I:i:�'.:�:.,',�r:: �.xa::���;r 35 �j13 =r. r: .:.�: �_3.?: t L7�.� �,,�c 38 � � 39 t�, ��,�:r- 4R7 �.il ui�!�.ut �n cvc�`� n s r�tT T-��� }-� �, i Al:ia"� l:{ I Z S Y T . �.sA�.; a Ii::."s.e :�� 1160 5131 �bo4 5950 J. �.�'°.i �'�a} 41.� C'� � ___ 127 , 2 �_. 610, 7 - 574.2 __.�.. 62 � 4 610.5 r:°;t .• a '_. 4r 9_. _l �.8 �?a: 8.4 9.6. 9.7 r._�{ ,.y i�_.�„� �'�:- � � l�f �:?E LsL�' Equipment & Warning Tags 14s � •�. Septrmber 1968 a �:�C�, :t� !'`•''. i�.;�i."-'3 ��i'•Z ......�.. _•._._.___..�...i_.._......�..._� 7 32y36 ± .028 - .....__._._.. 3 ___..._.._.. �161.28 - �..��31 ,_ ; 218.63 : .045 ~ 17. 07 ��j .028 166.64 � .028 - .__J TABLE 5. COMPARATIVE SUh4MARY OF ENFORCE��IENT (By Yiolation) _ This Month Year to Date This Yeaz Last Year This Year Last Year o o Change _. _ . - Hazardous Violations Total 69 �-7�T �-� t b1.1. —2Ej nwi 2 _ 21 __ _ 11 _+9 0 __._ .:, Speeding _._ 3� �.5� z1.3 �.36____. ��2_ .. _ . Reckless Driving ' . 2 2• l,�, .. . �5Q �_' . . Careless Driving Z 28 - - 4 . 30 —7_ � .. . Traffic Signal $ 6 53 3� +39 _ scop s�gn g 6 3p 3p Other Regulatory Sign (� 16 �� . __ _. _ _-- -- Improper Passing 2 ' ], ♦ __ . _ _ _ Improper Turning 1, 3 $ 5 .FEj� ,. , , . , . . . Right of Way- Vehicle l_ _ l ., _ _` -. ._ ._�,�., : '�"�7 � ; ,,, , .. Right of WaY - Pedestrian - __ : _ _. ' -- Following Too Closely _. __ . No or Improper Signal • 'l . .. . Improper Start from Parked Position Improper Backing �, 2 .�. Improper Lane Usage 2 22 lO .p,20 . . _. __ _ _,: _ _ __ _ ._. . _.._...... Failure to Drive - Right �, l l I�.�E.'�cla. �C .. ' _ . _ _..._. . _ _ -_ _ _, _ Defective Fquipment O + Other Hazazdous Violation 4 _ _ , 9 �;-. _ 21 ._ _ _5a ._: :, Other Violations Total �-2_ 25 2�.$ �-8� '�'2].;. ', Parking Violation Total 2O li 1t�.2 1.�b 'i'33 .` I TABLE 5-- VALUE OF P�OP��TY STOLEN AND RECOVERED VALUE OF PROPERTY VALUE OF PROPERTY TOTAL VALUE OF �ALUE OF PROPERTY OFFENSE �ALUE OF PROPERTY STOLEN LOCALLY STOLEN LOCALLY STOLEN OTNER STOLEN LOCALLY AND RECOVERED ANDRECOVERED BY LOCALLYSTOLEN JURISDICTIONS LOCALLY OTHERJURISDICTION PROPERTY RECOVERED RECOVERED LOCALLY ROBBERY n BURGLARY � 1 G 1 2� LARCENY o 8 8_ 1�_ �32 6 8 6 AUTO THEFT � TOTAL 1?, bot�..99 8698, ��0 6675, o0 15, 373.40 650,:00 TABLE 6-- OFFENSES CLEARED BY ARREST year to date (include exceptional clearances) - _ NUMBER OF OFFENSES PERCENT OF OFFENSES • CLEARED BY ARREST CLEARED BY ARREST CLA$$IFICATION OF OFFENSES TOTAL CLEARED BY ARREST OF TOTAL CLEARED BY ARREST OF , '- (PART I CLASSES) PERSONS UNDER 18 PERSONS UNDER 18 •- ' THIS LAST THIS ,LAST THIS LAST THIS LAST • YEAR ' YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR 1. CRIMINAL HOMICIDE a. MURDER AND NONNEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER b. MANSLAUGHTER BY NEGLIGENCE 2. FORCIBLE RAPE TOTAL ]. o. RAPE BY FORCE 1 b. ASSAULT TO RAPE - ATTEMPTS 3. ROBBFRY TOTAL 1 J. 1. a. ARMED - ANY WEAPUN 1 6. STRONG-ARM • NO WEAPON � 1 4. ASSAULT TOTAL iI,S 2�. �. 6 o. GUN b. KNIFE OR CUTTING INSTRUMENT c. OTHER DANGEROUSWEAPOM d. HANDS FISTS, FEET, ETC. - AGGRAVATED �f e. OTHER ASSAULTS • NOT AGGRAVATED �; ' 5. BURGLARY TOTAL �-��y 8 � � o. FORCIBLE ENTRY 7 b. UNLAWFUL ENTRY • NO FORCE c. ATTEMPTED FORCIBIE ENTRY 6. LARCENY - THEFT (EXCEPT AU70 THEF7) �7 2� � $ o. SSO AND OVER IN VALUE b. UNDER 550 IN VALUE 2 O 175 137 7. AUTO THEFT J. ' 2 7.0 21 � _ GRAND TOTAL �� 2 6 169 $ � .. . , .._-- TABLE 7-- PE��C)�S �i�RESTED, CHARGED AND DISPOS�D OF DU�I�C fVi�t�TH ARRESTS PERSONi COURT DISPOSITIONS THIS MONTH (INCLUDE RELEASED NO FORMAL CHARGE) FORMALLY ADULTS GUILTY UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES CHARGED ACQUITTED REFERRED TO THIS OR JUVENILE � MONTH OF• OF OTHERWISE COURT ' ' JUVENILES ' ADULTS TOTAL ^ TOTAL OFFENSE LESSER DISMISSED JURISDICTION CHARG�D OFFENSE , _ '_ , `�`� 1. CRI�11NA1 HOMICIDE: ' • o. MURDER AND NONNEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER b. MANSLAUGHTER BY NEGLIGENCE 2. FORCIBLE RAPE 3. ROBBERY 4. AGGRAVATED ASSAULT 5. BURGLARY - BREAKING OR ENTERING • 6. LARCENY - THEFT (EXCEPT AUTO THEFT) 2 8 7. AllTO THEFT �, Z 1 8. OTHER ASSAULTS (RETURN A- 4e) TOTAL - PART I CLASSES `� 8 '� THIS YEAR TO DATE �O 2 Z LAST YEAR TO DATE 12 � �,�1 '� $ 6 PERCENT CHANGE 9. ARSON 10. FORGERY AND COUNTERFEITING ' 11. FRAUD 12. EMBEZZLEMENT 13. STOLEN PROPERTY; BUYING, RECEIVING, POSSESSING 14. VANDAUSM � � . 15. WEAPONS; CARRYING, POSSESSING, ETC. � 16. PROSTITUTION AND COMMERCIALIZED VICE 17. SEX OFFENSES (EXCEPT 2 AND 16) 18. NARCOTIC DRUG LAWS 19. GAMBLING 20. OFFENSES AGAINST THE FAMIIY AND CNILDREN 21. DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE ,, 1 � 1 22. LIQUOR LAWS 6 � , 23. DRUNKENNESS " 24, DISORD[RLY CONDUCT 25. VAGRANCY 2�' '� 2 G 26, ALL OTHER OFFENSES (EXCEPT TRAFFIC) TOTAL - PART II CLASSES l� 1� 25 Z5 12 3 THIS YEAR TO DATE 1.2 L �. O 2 1. 1.1p2 p 2 LAST YEAR TO DATE �O� O� 1 V V PERCENT CHANGE TRAFFIC ARRESTS THIS M.ONTH PHYSICAL CUSTODY ARRESTS WARRANTSSERVED 2 2 � 1y � CITATIONS ISSUED Ej $ 8 $ L 6 TOTAL TRAFFIC ARRESTS AND CITATIONS 6 80 86 $2 75 5 fj NOTE Due to c'nan�e over in the �ourt sy,stem, Table $� does not ave � the true and accurate figures. This t,r3:11 be picked up on the Octobe� repori�. , , r_._� d � RESOLlITION N0. 165-196s A RESOLl1TI0N REGARD(NG TRRNSPORTATION OF DEFENDANTS, ANdKA COUNTY P%;�IN I C( PAL COURT BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council o{' the City of Fr'tdley, Anok� County, Minneso-��, �s follows: WHERE�IS, the Anoka County Municipal Court is holding full-time court sessions in Anok�, Blaine, �nd Fridley; and 1rlHERER�, persons being detained for said Court are housed in the Anolc� County Jai1,.City of Anoka; and � WHEREAS, the Statute establishing said Court provided that the AnoE;� County Sher i ff sha 1 I transport defend�nts to the municipalities where the Court is in session. NOl�/ TNEREFORE, be it resolved, that the Fridley City CounciJ respectfu ( I y: reqcaests that appropr i ate steps b� tatcen by the Anoka � County Commissioners and the Anoka County Sheriff to supply the tr��nsportat i on requ i red for the ttn�oka County hRun i c i pa I Court . . �',DOPTED BY THE C I TY COLIt�C 1 L� OF THE C I TY OF FR t D LEY, TH I S �_� DAY OF _ o�.To&FR� � . I968. � � .. . b9AY0R - JACK 0. K( RKH�'.M ATTEST: CITY CLERK - h4ARVIN C. BRl1NSELL 3463 Zarthan Avenue South St, Louis Park, Minnesota October 21, 1968 Mr. Homer R. Ankrum City Manager City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Dear Sir; This letter will confirm my interview and discussion with you regarding a part time position as Sanitarian, on Monday, October 21, 1968. I propose to make sanitary surveys of all food establishments and review plans for all new establishments. This work will begin with emphasis on the larger establishments including motels, apartment houses, factories and commercial establishments. It is my understanding that you wish to concentrate on food sanitation, however, I further agree to do any other public health work as requested by the City Manager and Council. Further, I will review all present ordinances and propose any new ones as requested by the City Manager. I wish to have access to some area to use as an office in City Hall and have someone do my secretarial work. I propose to do this work in return for appraximately the present salary being paid for this wark. If yau have any further questions, I will be happy to furnish such information. . Sincerely, � - ') r -- , �, G����?�:�.� ��= Harvey � ` cPhee � � 0 October 21, 1968 MEMO T0: City Manager FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Preliminary Draft of Agreement Great Northern Railway Company - City of Fridley I have some comments relative to the proposed agreement between the railroad company and the City of Fridley. In Section 3, paragraph E, referring to the installation of utilities and making reference to the City of Fridley paying the developer at a later date for the utilities. I suggest that if property owners other than the railroad company are benefited by this improvement that this determination should be made before the improvement is ordered in, and that when the assessments are spread, all the property benefited be assessed for the improvement. I do not know how the City of Fridley could legally pay money to the Great Northern Railroad Company, at some later date, for no value received. Also, the City of Fridley has never collected money for tying onto lines that were installed by, a developer. We have collected money from people who�tied onto City installed mains and laterals.. Section 3, paragraph F, relating to the discharge of storm sewer waters. If all the property owners in the City of Fridley took the same attitude as the property owner does in this instance, I do not belive it would be possible to install a storm sewer in the City of Fridley. I do not know how the City could guarantee the property owner that additional storm sewer or other drainage other than the amount now entering the property will be discharged onto the property. I do not know that storm water is necessari.ly a problem, but this paragraph seems rather restrictive. Section 4, paragraph A- 4 and A- 5, relating to a cost breakdown with an itemized list showing complete breakdown of all construction costs including necessary engineering fees and paying for construction costs including normal engineering fees. I have a question on the language now used in these two paragraphs. The property owner could claim that his only cost would be the actual ' contract and engineering costs. In reality, other expenses such as interest during construction, administrative costs, special assessment department costs, legal costs, etc. are involved. I do not know what the property owners definition of an itemized list or complete breakdown of all construction costs is. We do normally provide information on costs for different catagories of expense. Whether this is sufficient for their needs or not, I do not know. If something different is needed, it may involve some additional e�;pense. ". . � STATE OF MINNESOTA COlJN7Y OF ANOKA �� Pi2E L I h1 I NARY DRAFT DEVELOPMENT A�REEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this day of , l968, by and between GREAT NORTHERN RAILWRY CO�APANY, A Minnesota Corporation, hereinafter called the Developer, and the CITY OF FRlDLEY, a mur�icipal corporation in Anoka County, Minnesota, hereinafter called the C ity. WITNESSETH, that whereas the Developer intends to develop an ' Industrial Park on approximately 106.%2 acres of (and substantially as shawn on the attached Exhibit "A", hereinafter called the Development; and -� WHEREAS, �tlie beve I c�per i ntends t� subd i v i de �he Deve I opment by Registered Land Survey, hereinaf�er catled the Survey; and WHEREAS, �:he City must approve the Registered Land Survey and is responsible for the design and construction of publ ic faci I ities within i�s boundaries; an� WHEREAS, the City and the Developer intend �he development take place in an orderly and predetermined manner. IV�h' THEREFORE, the Deueloper and the C ity for the considerat ion of mut;c�a ( benef its rece i ved agree as fo I I ows: 0 , . � r • •' •�\ SECTION I, Street Dedication 0 (A� The Developer shall dedicate to the City those tracts shown on Exhibit "A"which are clearly intended for street purposes, including return radius areas, by an i nstrument separate from the Survey at such t ime as access is required to a tract being developed for - industrial purposes, whether the street be within the Survey or on adjacent property owned by the Developer. (B� The Developer shall eventually dedicate an interior circulation pattern of streets not requiring a permanent cul-du-sac except on the easterly end of the most _ northerly proposed street adjacent to (nterate H�9hway No. 694, however, such dedications shall not take place until required to provide aceess to a tract being developed for i ndustr i a l purposes. (C) The City shall accept the dedications in such manner as required by the Registrar of Titles of Anoka County, Minnesota, and shali file said dedications in the County Records giving the Developer the Counties filing reference. (D) The City agrees that all those tracts shown on Exhibit - � "A", which are clearly intended for street purposes need not be dedicated and further agrees the said tracts may be included within industrial sites provided said trac�s are not required to be dedicated under (B� above. (E) The Developer does hereby grant the City the right to construct a temporary cul-du-sae of 40 foot radius beyond the terminus of any dead-end dedication, said temporary right shall be in full force and effect until such time as a further dedication takes place as provided under (B) above. (F) The City shall accept and maintain the temporary cu�-du-sac areas as a public street as if they were permanent dedicated city streets and shall accept all obligations pertaining to public streets. SECTION II, Railway Rights of Way and Railway - Street Crossings (A� The Developer shall maintain as railway rights of way those port i ons of the 38 fc�t str ips shown on Exh ib it "A" not within dedicated street-areas which are adjacent to developed tracts of land for so long as they are owned by the Developer. _ _ _ __..... _ _ _----- ` _ { n � r .i .. \ ! (B� The City shall accept the dedication of those part s of the 38 foot strips when dedicated for street purposes as provided in Section I(A), (6) and (C) subject to the following reservation: RESERVING, however, to the the right and privilege to use tract � to construct, maintain, use, operate, r�ocate, reconstruct and renew such tracks and appurtenant railway facilities as it may at any time and from time to time, desire within the limit s of tract (C� The City and the Developer shall jointly petition the Pub I i c Serv i ce Comm i ss i on of the State of M i nnesota for any authority required for railway - street grade crossings within the development. (D) The Developer shall construct all railway - street grade crossings within the development using prefabricated gumwood crossing surfaces or the equivalent thereof and shall maintain said crossings in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. SECTION III, Street Surf acing Curbing, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Water h1ains (A� The Developer shall construct or petition the City to construct a nine-ton road �urfacing in accordance with City standards over all dedicated street areas in order to provide access to any industr•ial tract concurrently w ith the commencement, of oG�erat i ons of an i ndustr i� I use on said industrial tract. (B) The Developer shall construct or petition the City to construct concrete curb and gutter in accordance with � City standards prior to the time the industrial property abutting on a dedica�ed street area is developed for industrial purposes except when the street area is dedicated with a reservation in accordance with SECTION II (B) where said curb and gutter sh�ll be of bituminous material until such tracks ar.d other railway facilities as may be required are constructed by the Developer. .�- -.... _.......-,. .. _,__..__..1. — -- t 0 , , � .. (C� The City shall allow no curb-cuts to streets constructed under this agreement providing aecess to property not within the Survey or not owned by the Developer unless the property owner benefits by the Access provided by said curb-cut shali participate in its proportionate share of the projects cost of the roadway and concrete curb ar�c! gutter prov i ded at the so ( e cost and expense of the Developer when initially constructed. (n determining the proportionate benefits of each property owner all of the cost of the roadway, conerete curb and gutter abutting and adjoining all property shall be considered. The benefits to e�ch property owner shall be calculated, by the City, in the same manner as in other special assessment. (D) The Developer shall petition the City to construct Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Water Mains in accordance with City standards in all dedicated street areas in order to provide these utilities to any industria) tract concurrently with the commencement of operations of an industrial use on said industrial tract when not served by these utilities. (E) The City shal) allow no sanitary sewer or water connection� to the f acilities construeted under this agreement to property not wi�hin the Survey or not owned by the Developer unless the property owner benefits by the connections to these facilities shall participate in the cost of the facilities connected to in the amoun� normally assessed to such benefits property owner by the City either by p articipating in the original construction cost or by payment to the Developer at the time of said connection. The provisions of this subsection shall be considered met if the City participates in the original construction cost in an amount sufficient to cover the benefits �o property outside the Survey or property not owned by the Developer. � If said connections are made subsequent to said construction the benefited property owners share of the original cost to be �aid to the Developer shal) be determined by the City Firiance Director in accordance with standard City pr•actice at that time. 0 �''_....-. .. _. __._.___.__.--- -- ----: � f � • � [ l 0 (F) The City shall not c�nstruct storm sewers discharging additional storm water or other drainage other than in the amoun� now entering the property of the Developer or allow discharge into any storm sewer constructed under this agreement except with the approval of the Developer or upon the other property owners paying their proportionate share of the cost of the facilities constructed by the Developer. The proportionate share shal! be calculated, by the Ci�y, in the same manner as in other special assessment projects. SECTION (V, Construction, Payment, and Maintenance Procedure (A-I� upon receipt by the City of any petition or request for construction provided for in this agreement the City shatl design said faci I ities in acco��dance with its specifications and provide the Developer with complete, spec i f i cat i ons, est i mates and p! ans for each port i on of the construction. (A-2) The Developer shal I review the estimates, specifications and p I an s and i f sat i sf actory not i fy the C i ty i n wr it i ng _ to proceed with the construction. (A-3� The City shall proceed as promptly as possible with the construction, letting any contracts required, and shall superv�se the canstruction uni:il completed to the satisfaction of the City and the Developer. (A--4) llpon eomp 1 e� i on of the construct i�n to the sat i sfact i on of the City and the Developer the City shall provide the developer with an itemized list showing camplete breakdown of a!I construction costs inciuding necessary engineering fees. (A-5) Upon rece i pt of a c! i rect b i I I or assessment not i ce for the comp 1 eted -construct i on and �f'ter comp iet ion of A- I through A-4� the Developer shall pay the City the cost of said consl:ruction promptly including normal engineering fees. (S� The C ity sha I( not assess the Deve I nper for fac i I it ies not actually constructed which have progressed through ail assessment hearings and procedures provided by law. (C) llpan cnmpletion of any construction provided for in this agreemen�; to C ity standards ths C ity sha ( I accept the facilities as City property, pass all necessary resolutions and shal) assume complete ownership and maintenance of these faci I ities. nt�_.�_.._"_"". .._...._._. _.__._�."'._'•j 6 ► � , SECTION V, Telephone, Electric and Natural Gas Service (A� The Developer and the City agr•ee to request the various private utility companies operating under franchise in the City to provide telephone, electric and natural gas service to alf tracts prior to.their development for industrial purposes and further agree to cooperate with said companies during the construction period of said streets, public utitities and private utilities to provide adequate space and work area for said utility companies construction in dedicated streets. (B� The Developer and City agree to request of the utility companies thatall telephone lines and electric main feeder lines be constructed underground by the utility companies. SECTION VI,- E3uilding Site The Deve I oE�er agrees to convey or I ease parce I s or tracts of I and within the Survey for industrial development only of two acres or more; however, tl�is Section shall not apply when conveying or (easing parcels of land wi��hin the Survey for industr�ial development to �ny owner or __ leasee, ali�eady owning or (easing two acres or more within the Survey when the a�jditional property being acquired or leased is to be u sed in conjuncirion or combined with said existing two acres or more. SECTION VII - Exception The Develo��er and City agree the parcel or tract of land lying east of East Ri�rer Road and West of the proposed frontage road adjacent to East River Road in the southwest corner of the Survey may not develop as an indu:strial use and all sections of this agreement referring to industria) development shall be interpreted to mean any use feasible under the ;oning regulations of the City covering said land at the time of i t s dev�: I oprnent and sa i d ( and i s not sub ject to SECTI ON V t here i n. SECT{ON VII) - PratectiYe Covenants The Developer shall file concurrently with the Survey Protective Covenants substantially in the attached form designated as Exhibit "B" with proper revisions excluding the tract of land described in SECTION YII herein. • G 0 ! , f .' �,\ SECTION IX - Test Well ('ermit � (A� The Developer does hereby grant to the City the right,to enter upon the property owned or controlled by the Developer within the Survey e xcept the five acre tract of land in the northeast corner of said Survey for the purpose of driiling test weils under the � following conditions: (. AIl work in connection with the drilling shal) be done in a good and workmanlike manner so as not to interfere � with the tracks, operation of trains, and communication f acilities of the Developer. tJpon completion of the drilling the Developer's property will be left in the same condition as it was in prior to the granting of this permission. 2. No wells are to be drilled within IS feet of the Developer's trackage. 3. (f i� is necessary to take d�wn any fences, they shall be restored to the same condition as they were in prior entry on the property by the City. � 4• AII work and drilling shall be performed under the supervision of the Developer's Division Superintendent at h1inneapolis or any other such agen� or employee as desigr�ated by the Developer. 5. The City shal l give at least 10 days notice to the Developer's Division Superintendent before any drilling work is commenced. 6. A copy of the d►• i(! i ng I og sha I I be furn i shed to the Develo er showing all soils and ground water informatian and the (ocation of each test well. %, The City �grees to be responsible for its own employees and equipm�nt. 8. lf the work is performed by a contractor employed by the City, th� City shall require the con�ractor to pr•otect the developer and any other railroad occupying or using Deve ( oper' s ri ght of way or its ( i nes aga i n st a I I I a ss and damage arising frorn activities of the contractar, his forces, or any of h i s subcontract�rs, or agents, and shall furnish ±o Developer a standard Railroad Protective liabitity Insurance Palicy�naming said Developer as the insured and providing for protection to the Developer in the manner and form described in the form of policy attached � hereto and made a p�rt hereof marked Exhibit "�". _. _ _. -.- -..' ._ _... _ .-- --. . � 0 � ., The limits of said policy shal) not be less than $$00,000.00 for all damages arising out of bodily - injury to or death of ane person, and subject to that limi� for each person, a total of $I,000,000.00 for ail damages arising out of bodily injury to or death of two or more persons in any one accident; and not less than $$00,000.00 for all damages arising out of injuries to or destruction of property in any one accident and - subject to that limit for any one accident a totai (imit of $I,000,000.00 for all damages ar.ising out of injuries and destruction of property during the policy period. Said (nsurance Policy shall be �xecuted by a corporation qualified to wr'tte the same in the State of Minnesota and be in form and substance saitsfactory to the Developer; and shall be delivered to the Developer for approval prior to the entry upon or use of its property by the contrac�or. 9. The permission hereby granted may be cancelled on 10 days written notice by the Developer for any portion of the Survey being developed and may be cancelled on 60 days written notice by the Developer for the entire Survey and shal) automatically expire on December 31, 1969• (B) The City and the Developer agree that if a test well or wells � drilled under Section A herein indicate a ground water supply of sufficient quality and quantity to be connected to the C ity' s water system to enter into negot i at ions for grant ing the City an easement for well purposes in the Survey or adjacent property owned by the Developer, choosing a site for said well at a location and of a size agreeab{e to the De�eloper where it will (east interfere with the development, and the Developer agrees to grant said easement at no cost if the well and appurtenant pumping facilities are provided at no cost to the Developer. ,.�.__ �_ -- -__ _--..__ __. i .