11/04/1968 - 5860C� 0 � � � 1 1 ' , LJ ' � , � ' ' � � � � JUEL MERCER - COUNCIL SECRETARY REGULAR QOUNCIL MEETING AGENDA NOVEI�ER 4, 1968 - 8:00 P.M. � �J ' u ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - NOVEMBER 4, 1968 - 8:00 P. M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION. ROLL CALL• �; APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Council Meeting, October 21, 1968 Pages 1- 30 ADOPTION OF AGENDA: PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Continued Public Hearing on 1969 Budget (Continued from 10/7/68- 10/21/68). OLD BUSTNESS: 2. Liquor Study Report, Mr. Pikul, Horwath & Horwath � � 3. Second Reading of an Ordinance Relating to Licensing and I�$ulating the Use and Sale of Intoxicating Liquors by Congressionally Chartered Veterans Organizations and to Provide Penalties for p$ges 31 - 34 Violations. 4.' Consideration of Resolution for Approving Stop Signs in the City of Fridley (Tabled 10/21/68) . Pages 35 - 39 Comment; Thia Resolution will approve all existing stop signs in the City of Fridley.) 5. Resolution to Advertise for Bids for Park Garage (Metal Building) ' Insulation (Tabled 10/21/69), and Memo from City Manager. ' 6, ,Approval of Registered Land Survey, Covenants and Agreements with ' Gre+at North�rn Railway. (R.L.S. 4�68-04) Comment: We have worked on revising the agreement in cooperation ' with Great Northern Railway. The City Attorney should have the revised copy available a't the Council Meeting.) Pages 40 - 45 � , ' � ' I , ' ' ' ' � ' , ' ' ' ' ' , PAGE 2 REGUI�AR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - NOVEMBER 4, 1968 OLD BUSINESS (Continued) 7, Cansideration of List o€ Violations to be Corrected by �i[oor� Plaza�^ Pages 46 - 48 Comment: After numerous meetings the owner agreed to elimiestions the violations and work with us in regard to sugg for improving the property). 8. Consideration of Proposals for Renaming Streets (Tabled 10/21/68) Pages 49 - 57 Comment: We feel that at least the first section of the Possible should be considered by the Council as soon as p )• 9. Rati��,catian of Resolution No. 164-1968. ,�ouoinent; This Resolution was passed at the October 21st meeting) 10. LO Xear Street Improvement Program. Comment: The Council advised us to bring trobablckset upeir attention in November. You can p Y informal hearing dates for the Public Hearing nites in November and December for the two parts of the informal hearing.) NEW BUSINESS: il, First Reading of an Ordinance Adopting the Budge�t for Fiscal Year 1969. 12. First Reading of an Ordinance Regarding tealsiMeetinaser Designating a Staff kiember to Attend the Board of App 8 Comment: The CityAttorney is preparing this Ordinance) page 58 � Page 59 � , REGULAR, COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - NOVEMBER 4, 1968 PAGE 3 ' ' 1 �BUS�TESS (Continued) � 13. Consideration of a Sign Permit for Minnie Pearl Chicken on University Avenue. Page 60 Comment: This sign request meets the general ' requirements of the Ordinance. We felt it should be brought to the Council's attention because we are getting too ' many big signs in this area.) 14. Consideration of a Request for Deviation from Plumbing , Code - Target. , ' 15. Receiv�.ng the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of Oc�ober 24, 1968. ' t16. Receiving the Building Standards - Design Control Meeting Minutes of October 30, 1968. ' ' �7. Receiving the Board of Appeals.Meeting Minutes of ' October 30, 1968. i ' � 18. eceiving the Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of ctober 28, 1968. � ' 1� ' ' � Page 61 Page 62 1 . . 1 ' Pages 63 - 66 Pages 66A,B, C � ' REGULAR COUNCTT� MEETING AGENDA - NOVEMBER 4, 1968 PAGE 4 II� � ' ' , � ' N£W RUST�NESS (Continued) 19, �tec�iv�.t�g Bids on 27,500 pound GVW Dump Truck opened Qctobex 28, 1968 at 12:00 Noon. 20. Receiving Bids on Liquid Chlorine, Hydrofluosilicic and Ammonium Sulphate Opened on October 29, 1969 at 12:00 Noon. 21. Dis�uss3.on in Regard to Drainage Improvements East of Highway ��65 and North of Railroad Tracks, Project No. 89 Comment; D. W. Harstad property and the area near it has ' been getting flooded. We had meetings with Minnesota Transfer Railway and their proposal in in the agenda.) LJ �1 , ' ' , ' ' , 22. Consid�ration of Different Storm Sewer Proposals in Relation to Stxeet Improvements in Rice Creek Terrace Plats ��3 and �k4. Comment: We have petitions in this area to improve the streets. Council asked �is to bring back the report showing on what streets we have to lay the storm sewer lines). 23. Reso�ution Receiving Final Plans and Specifications and Calling For Bids for Project No. 75-H. Comment; This is calling for bids on our testing program for future wells. 2�+. Rsso�ution peterming the Necessity of and Providing for a Tax �,evy in Excess of Normal City, Charter Tax Limits. 25. Resalution Gertifying Tax Levy Requirements for 1969 to the County of Anok.� for Collections. Pages 67 & 68 Page 69 Pages 70 - 72 Pages 73 - 76 Pages 77 & 78 Pages 79 & 80 Page 81 ' ' REGUTaAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - NOVEMBER 4, 1968 PAGE 5 ' 26, R�solution Directing the Issuance of Temporary Improvement Bonds in Accordance with Laws of 1957, Chapter 385, ST. 1968-1 and ST. 1968-2. ' , ' , 27. Resolution Directing the Sale and Purchase of Temporary Improvement Bonds in Accordance with Laws of 1957, Chapter 385, ST. 1968-1 and ST. 1968-2. 28. Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Combining of Special ' Assessments on Lot 69, Bloek A, Parcel 350, and Lots 70 and 71, Block A, Parcel 360, River View Heights Addition. ' ' 29. Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Combining of Special Assessments on Lot 73, Block A, Parcel 370 and Lots 74 and 75, Block A, Parcel 380, River View Heights Addition. I ' Pages $2 - 87 Pages 88 & 89 Page 90 Page 91 , 30. Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Combining of Special Assess- ments on Lot 42, Parcel 215, Lot 43, Parcel 220, and Lot 44, Parcel 225, Block A, River View Heights Addition Page 92 ' ' 31. Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Combining of Special ' Assesaments on Lot 18, Block A, Parcel 90, and Lot 19, Block A, Parcel 95, River View Heights Addition. � ' 32. Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Combining of Special Assessments on Part of Lots 2& 3, Parcel 200, and Part of Lots 2& 3, Parcel 240, Auditor's Subdivision No. 59. ' ' Page 93 Page 94 ' ' R.E!GUI,A.R C4UNCIL MEETING AGENDA - NOVEMBER 4, 1968 Pe� 6 ' 1�W BUSTNESS (Continued) �33. �.eaolution Authorizing and Directing the Combining of Special As$essments on Lots 13 & 14, Block J, Parcel 2445, and Lots 15 & 16, B1ock J, Paxcel 2455, River View Heights Addition. 1 ' 34. Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Combining of Special A$sessments on Lot 41, Block T, Parcel 4675, Lot 42, Block T, Parcel 4680, Lot 43, Block T, Parcel 4685, & Lot 44, Block T, , Parcel 4690, River View Heights Addition. ' 35. Res . olution Authorizing and Directing the Combining of Special Assessments on Lot 37, Block W, Parcel 5385, Lot 38, Block W, ' Parcel 5390, & Lot 39, Block W, Parcel 5400, River View Heights Addi,tion. ' ' 3�i. Consideration of Changing the Date of the November llth Public �iearing Meeting (Veteran's Day - Legal Holiday) C1 � 37. Claims ' ' 3$. �sta��nates ' ' ' 39, I,icenses , 40. Discassion of Installation of Mobile Computer Center - Midland Coop. Page 95 Pages 96 & 97 Page 98 � Page 99 Pages 100 - 111 Pages 112 & 113 � � � R�GTIT.AR COTJNCIL M�ETING AGENpA - NOVEMBER 4, 1968 PA� � � QOMMt�TNICATIONS • A. League of Minnesota Municipalities; Request for Designation Pages 114 - 116 � of Officials to Assist on Committees. � B• Br�g. General Schulz; Eisenhower Memorial Square. Page 117 C. City of Coon Rapfds; Resolution Urging State Regulation Pages 118 & 119 ' of Utilities. , p• Miruteapolis Gas Company; Congratulations on Governor's Page 120 Special Award. ' E. F. N. Shaffer Real Estate; Thank You, Industrial Tour. Page 121 ' F. Mr. R. J. Hughea & Son; Letters of Thanks for City Employee Pages 122 & 123 Helpfulness. � G• Hokkaido Youth Training Promotion Council: Expressing Pa e 124 8 Appreciation. � , VI3ITpg8: ' ADJ—�..i � ' � , ' � , � ' � �� ' � � � Tk�� i�Yi��F � �S U� TH� �6�:!���, � .. _ . �? I._- z; "m �: ME�T IDl� U�' �.�`�'� � � �'� Mayor Kirkham called the Regular Council Meeting of Octob��C 21, 196$ to order at 8:15 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Kirkham requested the audience to stand and jpin the Counc�.� in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INVOCATION• Reverend James McChesney o� the Fridley Methodist Church gave the Invocation. ROLL CALL• MEI�ERS PRESENT: M�NIBERS ABSENT: Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson, Sheridan (Arrived at 9:15 P.M. ) None APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER , 7� 1968; . CQUncilma.n Samuelson pointed aut that Councilman Liebl's nam� was ' listed twice on the roll call and Councilman Harris omitted. He asked that this be corrected. � � ' u u ' � ' MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of October 7, 1968 as corrected. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared tYie motion carried. APPROVAL OF MINU'I'ES OF THE SPECIRL PUBLIC HE�IRING N1�ETING OF OCTOBER 14, 1968- MQTION by Councilman Harris to adopt the Minutes of the Special Public Hearing Council Meeting of October 14, 1968 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. ADOPTION OF r�GENDA: Mayor Kirkham said that there were some changes in the Agenda ��i��� weres to move Item ##1 - Public Hearing on 1969 Budget to #3�A, Add #7A: Appointment of Health Sanitarian, and #7B: Dis- cussion on Accident Report on East River Rca d. REGUIyAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1968 PAGE 2 MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt the Agenda as amended. Se- conded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Mayor Kirkham suggested that inasmuch as Councilman Sheridan had indicated to him that he would be a little late, that they take up t':e Ordinances after he arrives. i3ECEIVING T�iE A�R '-�F-t�tu�r AND COVENANTS IN R r.Am�r nN TO TH8 GREAT NORTHERN LAND SURVEYs MOTION by Councilman Harris to officially receive the covenants and the agreement for the Registered Land Survey by Great Northern Railway Company. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Councilman Liebl said, in referring to the memorandum from the Finance Director that it was important to the City to make sure the City is protected and he felt that it was imperative that the Council follaw the Finance Director's advice. The City Attor- ney said that he had already discussed this with the Finance Director and it can all be worked out. UPON THE M�OTION, there being a voice vota, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. The City Engineer said that he had met wiih several of the Great Northern Railway Company staff and it was their general feeling that if the Council wishes to add anyth ing that they ahould do so before the November 4th Meeting so that it can appear in it's final form for that Meeting. Councilman Liebl brought up the point made by a member of the audience at the last Meeting about the method of future assessments. The City Attorney said that Great Northern Railway are interested in putting in the improvements, and the reco�endation of the Finance Director and City 8ngi neer is that when the improvements go in, that Great Northern Railway Co. should pay 100%, then if there is any other benefitting property, they will be assessed. CONSIDER,ATION OF TRES BIDS: (Opened July 31, 1968) The follawing are the bids submitted from three different nurseries for the 1969 Spring planting Tree Beautification Programi Honey Maple Maple Bidder Linden Ash Locust 81�1►�r g` Bob's Produce Ranch $37.95 $25.85 $54.45 $25.85 $37.40 Minnesota Tree, Inc. 41.25 31.35 74.35 32.45 69.30 Gurtek & Ramberg 38.00 33.50 40.00 33.25 45.00 �i � � l._J , � II � I! �� � � , � ' L� ' LJ ' , ' ' u ' � ' RF�iJLA� ���C�� �s°��"��fG pF OCTOBER 21, 1968 PAG� 3 1'he City Manaqer said that the Ash and Silver Maple are the law bids, submitted by Bob's Produce Ranch. Councilman Samuelson said that in the past the City h�s b�en �sing mostly green Ash because of their endurance, but since the price is equal between the green Ash and the Silver Maple, that the Park Director be q3ven an opportunity to plant either. He comnented that the program calls for 150 trees. Councilman Liebl asked haw many were planted last year. Bob Schroer answered 150, and that 143 lived and the 7 were replaced. Councilman Liebl aske� what the price was last year. Bob Schroer answered $22.50. �,,.. ��luncilma�i Liebl said that the people in the 3rd ward have not seen many of th� trees. Councilman Samuelson said that the program was established to pro- ' vide 50 trees to go into park areas, the balance to go into the tornado areas, althouqh the Park Director tried to distribute the trees equally withiri the City on land other than park land. He , said that no trees were placed on private property, but in boule- vard areas. ' The City Manager suqgested that both kinds of trees be used in the event that one kind of tree should become susceptible to a certain disease, we would not lose all of them. ' ' ' MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the Administration and award the contract for Tree Beautification Program to Bob's Pro- duce Ranch at the b id price of $25.85 for Ash azd Silver Maple. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. REPORT ON PARK CONSTRUCTION I's?CCAVATIONS: ' Z'he City Engineer said that this item is brouqht back before the Council, because of the question raised as to whether or not Park Construction was follawing their plans. He said that he had checked ' this and they are putting in stakes and follawing the plans, and are hoping to get done by the first of the year. Cound lman Samuel- son asked when the bond expires. The City Sngineer said that the ' bond expi�es Deceaiber 31, 1968, and that Park Construction is pro- ceeding on that premiae. He then pointed ou4 the area park Con- struction is usinq on the map. Councilman Liebl asked if that will ' take care of the problem in that region. The City Enqineer said that it was the Chies pit and Cochran pit that are presenting the problems. --- - __ -- ------ _--- REGULAR COUNCIL NSEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1968 AppOINTMSN'I' OF HEALT� SANITARIAN: PAGE 4 The C�ty Manager said that he had received a letter from Harvey J. McPhee expressing his desira to become the City's part-time Sanitarian. His term would run until December 31, 1969 as he would assume James Hensley's term. At that time it would be in order for the Council to re-appoint him. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to concur with the recommendation of the City Manager and appoint Harvey J. McPhee, 3463=Zarthan Avenue South, St. Louis Park, Minnesota to the Fridley Board of Health and Health Officer and to approve his appointment as the City Health Sanitarian at the same salary James Hensley was re- ceiving which was $4,135 per year. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. DTSCUSSION OF SAST RIVER ROAD ACCIDENT REPORT: Mr. Richard Harris said that he had called Councilman Lieb1 and asked that this item be put on the Agenda tonight. He said that he had also talked to Councilman Samuelson about th is. He said t2zat we naw have had our second traffic fatality in Fridley in 1968. He said that maybe nothing could have been done to pre- vent these two fatalities, but that two are two too many. He said that he had no intention of condemning anyone, but that some- thing must be done. _---- � Z"he Chief of Police said that he had checked the figures on acci- dents on East River Road from January lst to October 18th, and there have been a total of 77 accidents. Forty five have been personal injury, and the rest property damaqe. The qreatest single reason is failing to yield. He said that left turns accounted for 15 accidents. He said that his recommendations to reduca accidents on East River Road north o£ I. 694 wauld be for the County to put in either a grass or concrete median, to ask the County to do someth ing about the water on the streets, as in the early morning this is ice, which later turns to water, both of which obscure the striping, and th ird, he would like to see some additional street lighting, as East River Road is very dark. Mr. Richard Harris pointed ou• School area there should also that a semaphore is badly nee� supposed to be bused, but the: East River Road. He said tha growth such as the Georgetawn be some control provided. He that in the Robert Louis Stevenson be �w�me controlled access, and felt ed. He said that the children were e are still children trying to cross he lik�s to see nerw industrial apartment complex, but there must said that there w ill be 1000 - 2000 ' ' u ' � ' , � Ll � ' ' ' ' , REGU ���.1'Y+i�:;� Y, �s. �.� _ _ _ ,.� .._ � �, . ? � b � �:; ��, � � �-�C�.� �. cars trying to get onto East River Road. He also said that the center line is obscured. He also pointed out that some homes along East River Road are such that they have to back onto the street, which is a very dangerous situation. All up and dawn East River Road from I. 694 to the City Limits there is mostly R-1 zoning. He said that when coming from the south tryinq to make a left hand turn especially between 4:00 and 6:00 P.M. it is very bad. He said that if signals are needed, the City should get them, and if maintenance is needed the City should insist that it be done. He said that lives are important, and since this City is rapidly grawing, it is his hope that the Council can keep abreast of the problems at hand. Councilman Liebl said that he had prepared a resolution that he wished to be read into the minutes: "RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TfiE CITY OF FRIDLEY CONCERNING TRAFFIC CONTROL CfIANGES ON EAST RIVER ROAD WHEREAS, another fatal accident has occurred on Sast River Road in the City of Fridley, and WHEREAS, the speed rate on East River Road was increased ' to 45 MPH at the requ�st of the County and at a time when T.H. #47 was under construction, and WHEREAS, Robe�t Louis Stevenson School baas reC�ntly pper�eu� and involves many ch ildren residing east of the East River Road, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Fridley City Council, meeting in regular session on October 21, 1968 as follows: l. T'hat the speed rate on East River Road north of I.694 be reduced at once. 2. '1'hat an automatic semaphore be established at the entranceway for the Georgetown Court Apartrnents. 3. That a pedestrian school crossing with a flashing signal be established at the Stevenson School entrance. 4. That copies of this Resolution b e directed to the Anoka County Board of Commissioners, Commissioner Harvey Peterson, and the Commissioner of the State Highway Department. Adopted this 21st day of Octobe�, 1968 with the followinq Councilmen voting aye: ___ and the following voting nay: REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1968 (Councilman Liebl's presentation of Resolution Continued) ATTEST: Mayor Clerk " PAGE 6 MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Harris �or discussion. The City Manager said that actually a resolution such as this would take quite an Engineering study. He said that concrete dividers in the road might be the answer and suggested checking with �dina and other communities to see what they have done. Councilman Liebl said that with the Georgetawn apartments traffic will increase more and more, and that he would urg� the Council to adopt this resolution and indicate Lo the County Commissioners that we would like their help. Councilman Harris said �hat he agreed with the theme of the resolution. He said that in 1962 the City made a request for right and left hand turn lanes and signals. At each signal left turns would be allawed, but no left hand turns would be allvwed without the signals . Mr. Wy�an Smith said that East River Road is a narrvw road and was built when Uriiversity Avenue was being constructed. He said that people are taking their lives into their vMm hands when trying to make a left hand turn. He said that the County never took any right of way, and what they did was make maximum use of the land. There are no shoulders and no place for pedestrians or bicycle riders. He said rhat he felt that the speed should be reduced. When he goes 45 MPH, everyone passes him. He pointed out that Mississippi Street and Osborne Road are 30 MPH. He said that if a speed reduction was effected, the people in Coon Rapids and above, would then adjust and use University Avenue for throuqh traffic. He said that people along East River Road are applying for rezoning to R-2 and R-3 because a 45 MPH speed limit is not compatible with a residential district. Councilman Samuelson agreed that a 35 MFH speed limit may be the answer. He said that there are some Engineering studies being done, but the reduction in speed wrould give immediate relief. Councilman Harris pointed out that there will be a County Road and Bridge Conunission Meeting soon. The City Engineer said that he was going to meet with them. Councilman Harris said that the problem is two-fold, and that he.would like to see that portion of the resolution dealing with the speed reduction passed imzaediately and refer the remainder over to the Engineer. - _ � ' ' � ' � � ' � , ' � , � ' ' � � � 5<.��. 21, l�ro�3 : �:�-�, % ' R�GI3LA.� ��idi3CIL M�E`I'��� ;u` �: �° ° � ' ' ' ' ' �� ' ' ' ' , , ' � �1*he Chief of Police said that it was his understansling that no one can reduce the speed on any road except tYi� State Higl9waY Comtnissioner. Mayor Kirkham pointed out that the City did ask for a reduction in speed on T.H. #47 and T.H. #65 but did not get it. �I'he City Sngineer said that he had shown the Council an over- a11. plan for East River Road proposed by the City in FebruarY of this year and the Cau ncil had accepted it, and directed him to write to the County, wh ich he did, but has received no answer• He said that the Council passed a Resolution in April of 1968 reiative to the intersection of East River Road and Mississippi Way and forwarded this to the County, but the City has received no answer on that either.. He said that as this is a Caunty Road. the City can only ask that the County take care of this. COUNCII+MAN SHB1tIDAN ARRIVE� AT 9:15 P.M. Councilman Samuelson askecl if it would do any good if East River Road was re-striped. The Chief of Police said that that wouid be fine until the first snaw fall, then it is useless. Councilman Harris said that he thought that the resolution should not be passed at this time, but to make sure that iteis�i�kalCountyrrect form before it is passed, as it will go to th Commissioners. Mayor Kirkhaa► cominented that the resolution is qood, but not complete enough. Couricilman Liebl said t��at the purpose of the resolution is to indicate teri he and to makeisuren�s and the State Highway Department the emerg �Y� that they are aware of it. He then asked that the Chair call for �e question. UPON THE MOTZON, thex'e being a voice vote, Lisbl voting aye, Kirkham, Sheridan abstaining as he had just Harr is , Samouel son voting nay , arrived, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion failecl. Counc ilman Sheri�an said that in February, Council approved the East River Road design. It was then sent to the SWill�surveyg for their support. He said that he was sure they this before making any reconmtendation. He sackageadeal andtperat the study should be put together to make a p haps include a semaphore at Riverwood School. Councilman Sheri- dan said that he was quion Meeti gat �ec�Yorgsaid t atCitnwould Road and Bridge Comar►ispi�$$�le could go. be well i f as many Councilman Harris suggested passing a resolution at this time dealirig with the speecl reduction problem. Councilman Sheridan suggested recom�nend�ng speed limits the same as in other residentiat �,��as . REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1968 PAG� 8 Mr. Stan Kawolski said that he would like to see crossovers for the Robert Louis Stevenson School rather than semaphores as they are much safer. Mayor Kirkham pointed out that they are also much more expensive. Mr. Richard Harris said that he is intarested in getting the speed reduced also. He said that he would l�ike to see some action. He said that passing the resolution pertain- ing only to speed would at least be some help. Counc 11man Ha�ris pointed out that the City has made their requests and are waitinq for a reply. Mr. Richard Harris said that the County has been sitting on this too long. He said that Mr. peterson, County Commissioner, said that he would be present at this Meeting, but he is not here. He said that if it w� uld take a petition to get sonte action, he would do this. COUNCIII�N LISBL WITHDREW HIS MpTION. 164 - 1968 - A RESQL,UTIp �LTESTING THE STATE AY CO SSIONBR TO REDUCE SPEED LIMIT pN A�T RIVB ROAD FROM I. 694 TO NORTH CITY LIMITS FROM 45 MPH TO 3� �lOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution ##164-1968. The rest of the items to be held, pending study by our 8ngineering Department. Copies of this resolution to be forwarded to the Anoka County Com�nissioners and the State Highway Dep��t� Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Sheridan suggested including a clause in the resolution indicating that due to the traffic accidents on Sast River Road in recent months, that this should substantiate our claira for immediate help. Councilman Shezidan said that he was sorry that he was late, but due to prsvious commitfiments during the day, he was unable to get to the Meeting on time, therefore he called the Mayor telling h im he would be late. �1�TDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMLN�� COMMI3S ON A�nT,A,RD. Councilruan Harris said that he had received a letter from the State of Minnesota, Department of Economic Development, dated Octaber 8, 1968, Mthich he read to the Council and the audience. He then presented the award to Mayor Kirkham stating that it was made to Fridley for outstanding achievement i� com�nunity development in the year 1968 in the 8 county Metropolitan area. He said that one of the reasons Fridley was chosen was that Fridley had more than _' I� LJ � � J I` J � ' , ' ' , ' , , � � � ' � ' ' ' ' C� �l �C:��..� �::�3��C:�L ��"�':��� �r�' ��',.�,u,� 21, i�E,� ,a,� .� 50`/o more building permits in the year than all the suburban com- munities in the 8 county area, amounting to in excess of $20 Millior� Dollars. This is � e first time this type oF an award '�as been given ta any community in Anoka County. Mayor Kirkham said that he would receive the award on behalf of the City of Fridley with a great deal of pride and it is a pri,vilege to receive the State'� most coveted award in this field. He said that he did not realize that so much has been done in the 2� years, since he asked Councilman iiarr�.s to head up the Industrial Development Commissior►. He said that for this community to be judged as a leader in economic growth is a great accowplishm�ent, and should help in our future endeavors to gain caore commercial and industrial grvwth within the City of Fridley. He said as Mayor, he would like to ask the City Manager to prepare a suitable award for Councilman Harris, Chairman of the Fridley Industrial Development Commission, to replace the one given to the City of Fridley. Councilman Harris said that as a result or" this award, Fridley ' will be honorsd in the Minnesota Progress Magazine with feature articles, which w ill qo throughout the State of Minnesota and tY�e Country. He said that it will also go into soiae of the ' foreign countries, utilized by the Department of Economic Development. ' Councilman Liebl said that he would like to say Thank You to the Chamber of Com�r►erce for being so cooperative and also to the City Engineer for all the long hours he worked in order to bring these , industries into the City of Fridley. MQTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the com�►unication from the , State of Minnesota, Department of Economic Development, dated October 8, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice ' vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unan imou s ly . � � J ' � �ONSTD�RATION OF RN ORDINANCE FOR RBZONII�►� � AREAS FROM R-1 TO P.D. (l�t. DUMPHY) : Councilman Samuelson asked if the affidavit had been checked. The City &ngineer said that it had been checked by the legal staff. T'he City Attorney said if the Council did not wish to accept the a�fidavit, that Mr. Dumphy will produce the original docwaents. MpTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the affidavit from Mr. Haward J. Dumphy, dated October 17, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared �h� moti4n carried. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1968 PAGE 10 Cauncilman Liebl asked Mr. Dumphy what he proposed to use the additional areas for. Mr. Dumphy said that Lots 32, 33, 34, & 35 are to provide additional parking for the complex and the north area is to provide access to Hugo Street. The City Attorney expl,ained that if tha Council wished to pass this ordinance, then later a Public Hear ing would be required for the final plans. Councilman Samuelson asked haw much mona land he was adding, by percentage.:Mr. Dumphy said a little more than 1096. Council- man Samuelson asked if he had a contract for dded or an o�tion on the land. Mr. Dumphy answered that he held a contract for deed. Councilman Sarnuelson then asked Mr. Dumphy what is the total estimated evaluat�.on of the whole complex. Mr. Dwaphy answered about 2� Million Dollars. He then asked him what the overall acreage was. Mr. Dumphy said it was about 13 acres. T'he City Engineer pointed out that the plans were submitted to the Council, they made some suggestions, which wers taken back to the Flanning Comwission. Mayor Kirkham then read the Ordinance proposed, �or the benefit of the audience. Councilman Samuelson askec� if the Council did not agree that if the first reading was approved, that the secor�d reading be held up until the Einal plans are ready. Councilman Sheridan agreed and coia�aented that in another area there was a request for a rezoning from R-1. to R-3, and after qetting some concessions from the people acress the street, there was nothing done to the land. If not co�npleted within 6 manths, then the applicant must start over again. Councilman Samuelson explained this Council policy to Mr. Dump�:: to ma}ce sure that he understood that this is what is being done in qvery application for land use chanqe. Councilman Samuelson asked if parking-�wise and access- wise, if this additional land was necessary. The City Engineer said that he thought the additiona.l parking was necessary if the si�e of the commaercial buildings was to be as shown on the plans. and the Hugo access was necessary to serve the area east and south of the area under question. Cou ncilman Sheridan asked if we cauld request a switchback from Hugo 5treet. The City Engineer said that the Council has complete freedam to work with the deve- loper. Councilman Harris asked if, because of the change in the area, resulting in i.ncreased traffic volu�, Mrs can provide traffic control. The City Engineer said that there would be a signal at 79th Way and that another signal would probably be nec- essary, such as if Hugo Street loops back into Ironton, perhaps this would be the place for an additional signal. MOT�ON by Councilman Sheridan to approve the Ordinance on first readi.ng for rezoning 2 additional areas from R-1 to P.D. requested by Mr. Dumphy. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a roll _ ___ __ _ ! � , ' � �� � , � � ' , ' ' e ' ' � ' ' REGULAIt COUNCZL MEET]CI�TG l`J� ��°�g� 2�1, 1968 � 4, , ,, �_��. ' ' ca�.�. vpte, Harris, Samuelson, Kirkham voting . vo��nc� nay, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion b�,��g a 4/5 vote required to change zoningj. aye, Liebl and Sheridan i:ailed. (Z*here FI.�T READING �' AN ORDL CE FOR VACATION REQUEST 2�' SERVICS ' DRI`7_E_�ASEMEI�IT WEST AND PARALLEL TO EAST RIVER RQAD: (l�t. LINl1 �'he City Engineer explained that this is �or the vacation of an ' easement. We are getting in returr� 13' of property. He said that his zecommendation is that the Council approve on first reading, if they so desire, then hold up the second reading until the final ' plans are ready for the development to the west. MOTION by Councilt�n S]���,d� to approve the first readinq of the ' va�at�,Qan �r��,��� �o vmcat� a�4' sa�x�vi�� dr�,v� �a��n� ��ues�,� by Mr. ��„ndber�, �nc� w�ive tho r.adiriq, 9��c�de�d by C�ilmaur� Li.e�b�. upQn a �c�►�.�, call vc�te, �a�acsi�, S��lso�, 9i�eric�a�, ' Ki.a�kham, �nd Li�b]. voting ay�, �►yo� Kirk��� doa].arod thw mQt�ic�n car� i�d ux�►anianw�� ly . f _i I� � - - - - -- — � . .;- x • �.� • ..�� �.= - �,, _ - _ . .. . .. _ . - . , «i..i._J _ t.. �._�:�_.! ''i. '..1..L �. • .1. ��._ ' • • � � • • - • � �;�. ...� . � „ i . . � • • , .: ' Councilman Liebl aaked the City At�orney what hea would recomc�snd �or liabillty insurance. The City Attorney said that the State 3tatutes require $100,000 for one person and $200,000 for more than 'one person for the City, but he did not feel that this much wau ld be necessary for the aervice clubs and he would suggeat $50,000 �or one persor►, and $100,000 for uwre than one person. irLayor _ 'Kirkham com�aented that the liquor liability insurance for the City is One Million Dollars. Councilman Liebl asked if this qrdinance was based on the State Statutes. The City Attorney '�nswered that the State Statutes provide the authority whicli this �ouncil can pass on this Ordinance. Councilman Samuelson asked about the provision underSection 7-E, which said that a license 'could aot be granted if the service club is within 600 feet of a �chool or church, and asked if the V.F.W. asked for a license, �QUId #.t be granted. The City Attoz�ney said that it was nare than ,fi00 ��aot from the existinq school, but if the Council wished, �hat the provision could be taken out. , � D�'TON by Counciln�an Harris to approve on the firet reading and w�i.ve the reading of the Ordinance dealing with liquor licenses fo� service clubs and that under the aection dealing with liability, 'k�at $50,000 for one persor,, and $1000000 for n�ore than one person. ?�e �►aerted. Secorided by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a roll call vo��, Ki�khaia, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson, and Sheridan voting aye, REGUI,AR COUNCIL M�ETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1968 Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. A,,,,�pOINTFME_NT TO THE BQARD OF APPEALS : PAGE 12 Councilman Liebl said that he would like to submit the name of Mr. Richard H. Harris, inasmuch as he has shc�wn ao much interest in'the improvement of this community. He asked Mr. Harris if he would accept the appointment, and Mr. Harria said that he would. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to appoint Mr. Richard Harris to the vacancy on the Board of Appeals brought about by the resignation of Mr. Robert Ylinen. sec�nc'Hd by Councilman Sarnuelson. Upon a voice vot�, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carr i.ed unanimous ly . ��o�r.nnmTntJ n� v�CSbLFNT OF RESTAURI�INT ON MAX SALITERMAN'S PROP$RTY: l�c. Wyman Smith, representing Mr. Saliterman was present at the Meeting and said that as Mr. Saliterman's attorney, he would like to respectfully aslc reconsideration of the previous request. He aaid that this request had gone through the com�aittees previously adversely, but Mr. Saliterman feels that this is a qood nationally franchised chdin of restaurants and would be an assdt to his shoppi.ng center. He said that he wishes it to be placed n�rth of Rice Creek Road and requests a waiver of setback from Rice Creek Road and a waiver ��f sidewalk requirements. He said that the shopping center is only about � to 1/3 developed and that Mr. Sali- terman feels that these.problems can still be worked out, and that he would like to see the wai•. �s granted before the frost goes dvwn, so construction could start. Mr. Saliterman said that this would be an improvement to h is shopping center. He said thz.t Sandy's is a tenant in St. Anthony Village Shopping Center and has been t2lere 8 years. He said that Sandy's would like to get as close as possible to the service road, as that side of the building is not merchandisable anyway. If set closer to the service road, then the area saved cauld be used for more parkinq. He said that he would not be interested if he did not feel that this is for t�e betterment of h is property and the City. Councilman Harris said that h� did not feel that the Counci]. could grant the waivers unless the request had gone to the Board of Appeals. �I'he City Attorney said that it had and they had refused i,t. This would be final unless the applicant chose to appeal to the Council. � ' C_J , � � � , ' , � L__l ' � � � � l_. I ' REGULA,R COUNCIL MSETING J�° ���� 21, 1968 �_o .�_ � ' ' Councilman Sheridan said that he wanted to have a clear under- standing o£ what was being requested and said that it was his understanding that Mr. Saliterman is asking for a waiver from�80' to 2S' setback from Rice Creek Road , and asked if they would' consider a 30' or 35' setback. He also brought up the question o� the 5' sidewalks and the 15' plantir�g strip as required in our ordinar�ces . � Mr. Sin3.th said that they are requesting a 25' setback but that a 35' could be lived with. He said that Mr. Saliterman would at ' least like to delay the installation of the sidewalks on Rice Creek Road until iie has more plans he is contemplating for his shopping center. Mr. Smith pointed out that Rice Creek Road bisects his shopping center which was not a�oad that Mr. Saliterman asked ' for but that the City wanted, and he has paid heavily for it. ' Mr, Saliterman agreed with Mr. Smith, ar�d said that maybe when �ome future plans are developed, it would show a need for the side- wa�lks. Councilman Sheridan said that the City might feel that the sidewalks are necessary on Rice Creek Road from Central to T.H. #65 � before the area is developed. Mr. Saliterman said that in that case he would agree to put them in. Councilman Liebl pointed out , ' to,Mr. Saliterman that when he came before the Council before, he was told that a setback waiver to 35' would then be within the reaidential requiremerits. Mr. Saliterman said that the 35' set- �ack was acceptable to him if it would be acceptable to Sandy's ' Restaurant. ' The City Bngineer pointed out that the parking requireaents do not iaeet the code naw in the area north of Rice Creek Rosd. ' �ir'. Smith said that the problem seemed to be a matter of terms. Mr. Saliterman would be satisfied if the Council would delay the parking requirements until his future plans are finalized. He � �aid that there is plenty of land and the problem of parking could be resolved at that tima. He said that parking is adequate now. He said a study of parking was made, and it has been shvwn that , they vary from time to time, with no peak periods, such as Target �nd Holiday have. He said that on behalf of Mr. Saliterman, he t�ould like to ask for a delay on the parking requirements. Mr. ' Smliterman added that there was land available, but it was just not b].acktopped. He said that there was land north of Rice Creek Road t'�at could be blacktopped. ' ",�h� City Attorney said that if the Council wishes to delay the parking, it could be left up to the Council determination of need � when Mr. Saliterman would have to install additional parking. Mr. __ _-- -- � REGULAR COUL�TCIL MSETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1968 PAGI� 14 Smith �acplained that if parking areas are iatd out naw, it may be that in the future that land would be wanted for other use. Mr. Saliterman said that if more parking spaces would become necessary, it would be to his advantage to provide them and would be anxious to do so. Th� City Engineer said that in the ex�sting shopping center north of Rice Creek Road, there are not adequate parking spaces according to our Code. T'he zoning ordinance requires more land, even if he paved all t he land nor th of Rice Creek Road. Mr. Carl Paulson pointed out that if more parking was provided south of Rice Creek Road, it would necessitate customers crossiryg Rice Creek Road. Mr. Saliterman said that this is not th e first shopping center he has built, and that he plans to build raore facilities there as he has more land available for customers. Mr. Smith �greed with Mr. Paulson, and that the point is that this Rice Creek Road does bisect his shopping center not through his cl.ient's choice, and when the land to the south develops, the custom�ers will have to cross Rice Creek Road. Councilman Liebl asked Mr. Saliterman ho�w much it would cost him to comply with the City requirements on Rice Creek Road. Mr. Saliterman replied about $25,000 for sidewalks. He said that he had already paid about $10,000 in assessments this year for Rice Creek Road. Councilman Sheridan said that he did not feel that the 25' setback could be granted, but that he would accept the 35' setback froan Rice Creek Road. He said that as to the sidewalk delay, this could possibly be done as a temporary measure until the future develop- ments are formulated, unless the City decided that the City needs them before, at wh ich time Mr. Saliterman would have to put them in. Mr. Saliterman agreed to this. He said tY►at it is his under- standing that there is room for 500 cars but only about 250 cars use the center at any given time. MpTION by Councilman Sherid n to grant a building permit for Sandy's Restaurant in the N� quadrant of Rice Creek Road and T.H. #65 service road, with the variance to be from 80' to 35' on the south property line, and with the understanding that if the Adminis- tration feels that the additional parking is necessary and the sidewalks � ould be installed at sone f��.ure date, that Mr. Saliter- man must comply. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Mayor Kirkham said that the City has a clear cut Ordinance and has been insisting on strict adherance to them. He said that he felt that they would be doing a disservice t� the City by gran�i�g these variances, after making other ent�rprises adhere to the � � � _ _�_ _ ' R����.:� ��'���L M�T�:L`ic� �� �'���� 21, 1968 ' � ' Ordinance strictly. He said that he would have to take the same po�ition he had taken before. Ca�rl paulson asked if thia waa not in vicalat�,on of the Ordinances theln. 1�Layor Kirkham said thafi within the Ordinance there is a provision for graxiting o� variancea, Councilman Sheridan said thnt ono oi the thi�ngs that was said by ' the Onan people at the Induatx�,al Tou� be��o�e 80 people was t%►at the City of Fridl ey h�d gxe�s�ly �ar�s�ed tl3�ir management ar�d what had helped them n�ke� up theix minc��a �o �ui].d in the City of ' Fridley was that tlaa C�.ty of �ridley af�'��d no concession$ and ins�.sted on adharanc� tq th� �ode. , i� U I� ' ' ' � ' ' � � ' �7PON THE MQTION, ���e b�ing a ro�.l call vote, Sheridan ar�d L�,ebl v�tinq aye, Samue7.�ran, Ki�.rkh", arid Harri.s vo��.nq nay, Mayax K�rk- ham declared the motion ia lec1. � . . . . .-. . � •� •�;� !�� •. �.:� . •� ��.��y'.�_ •_ - • � _ ��Y - - !+� ' �L� • i_ � 1L • ' � Z'he City Attorney said that Mr. Chies was in his office to ask about the two parcels of land in Meloc�y Manor. He said that the memo prepared by the Engineering Departm�ent spells out the histoacy of the R-2 zoninq changes. The zonir�g regulations have been changed from time to tintie as pertains to R-2 zoning. In 1964, it was changed to only include one or two family dwellings. In his opinion it is questionable whether this could be grandfathered in, and th�t in 1964 nwltiple dwellings were not allawed in R-2 zoni.�g diatricts, thene fore, he felt that it would require a rezoning to R-3. Councilman Samuelson asked about the lancl area. Mr. Sd Chies said that the smaller parcel is 90' x 150'. Z'he City Attorney said �hat would be 10�6 short of land area for a four-plex. Mr. Chies sa�.d that the larger parcel was 110' x 200'. Councilman Liebl asked if there was R-3 between 74th Avenue and 75th Avenue naw. Counci,lman Samuelson said yes, both R-2 and R-3 and that they face t►orth and west. Councilm�an Harris asked if there were any sinqle ��1,1.y dwellings in that area. Mr. Chi�s said no, but facing onto �,yric Lane there are.single family dwellings. Councilman Harris aaid that it was a compatible use, but should 'be bx�ought back as a rezoning and then prabably a variance would �e r�eeded. Councilman Samuelson agreecl and said that for aesthe- t:�c reasons he fe l t t ha t t he larger parce l s hou l d be R-3. R�;GULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1968 PAGF. 16 M,�'• Chies conanented that on one side of the parcel there is an $ wnit apa�tment house and on the other side, an 11 unit building, one Q� which he awns. The City Engineer cbmmented that some of these apartm�ent houses up there need son►e landscaping work done. Councilman Harris said that he felt that the thing to do is to ask the petitioner to go back and formally request a zoning change. Gou��ilman Sheridan added that they should be two separate requests, as it is possible that there might be some objection to one and not to the other, therefore, they should not be tied together. MOTION by Councilman Harris to deny granting a building permit for a multi��le dwelling in an R-2 district under the graridfather clause and request that the petitioner go back and make formal rezoning requests. Seconded by Councilman Sbmuelson. Upon a voice vo�e, all voting aye, M�ayor Kirkham declared the motion carried una�imously . �,ANSI $Rl�TION OF RE4UEST FO� SF,W$R EXTBNSION FO$ SHOPPING CENTBR ON SOUl'HWF.ST CORNER OF OSBORNE ROAD AND T.H. �F65: The City Engineer explained that the Council has received a request for extension of a sewer line to serve the shopping areas fronting on Osborne Road. He said the only problem is haw �o serve the Fridley Sanitation Ottice if they wauld desire to hook up in the future. He said Mr. Comstock has checked with Fridley Terrace and if we can get sewer service through Fridley Terrace, �t would be much easier. ,�OTION by Councilman Harris to approve the extension as requested subject to supervision by Comstock and Davis. Tho City Engineer asked Mr. Larson if when the work is completed, h� intends to deed the sewer '.±.ne to the City. Mr. Larson said yes , Mr . Comstock commented �hat bids were let for this j ob p�evzously, but then the property awners came in and objected, so it was deleted. Councilman Samuelson said that any work would have to meet City Code. The City Engineer said that. the proposal is to keep the line deep e�augh to serve the property to the south. He said that Mr. Larson wpuld have to work with Mr. Comstock as he had drawn the plans and provided the Engineering dat.a. Vrhen Mr. Comstock �ertifies that the work is completed to the satisfaction of th� ��.ty Code, then it would be deeded . THB M�0'FION by Councilman Harris was seconded by Councilman Samuel- so�. _ ' � u � ' � i� �� , LJ � ' ' ' � � � ' _...'___--_-- - ������T;.: �i�I,���I, MEE'�ING AF QCTOB�t 21, 1968 PAGE 7,7 ��u,�C�.�.�nan Sheridan said that we have requested our Consulting ��g�,neer� r�ot to be involved in private interests through the �ity of �rid�.ey. It was agreed that Mr. Larson would pay his �ox��xactor, and also pay the cost to the City for the work done �ay �cams�ock and Davis. The bill for Comstock and Davis is to be subm�.tted to the City. The applicant is to reimburse the City �or Com;�t�k and Davis' work. t�1�r, Comstock brought up the qu�stion of in�urance protection. NQrmally, bids are let aad there is a performance bond, but this is� �ot the case here, Nlr. Larson said that he has contractecA with I,�o�d Jarson, who is a licensed contractor in the City of Fridley, fi.lherefore, he would have a certificate of insurance on file. Ccat�rlcilman Sheridan added that if the standarcls are not up to wha� the Cit� requires, then the City would refuse to accept it. Va,�iac�el asked haw the assessments would be on this sewer line. �'l�� Fianax�ce Director said that only the benefitting property would be �ssessed. Mr. Nagel said that certainly his line would make it �asier to put in th is line. Councilmari Sheridan added that tYie north end of this�would be an extension from 73rd Avenue. iJ�'QN THE M�O'1'lON, there being a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor �{ixls�am declared the motion carried una►r�imously. C�uuzicilman Liebl commented that Comstock would then provide the �e�e�sarX Engineering data to Mr. Larson and his contractor. ,�CEI�'TNC3 THE MINUTES OF THL BUILDING STANDI�IRDS - DESIGN CONTROL �UBCOM.M.,ITTEE MEETING OF OCTO$ER 9._�_,_,19,^,68,; 1. CONSIDERAT�,ON OF A RE4UBST,�T,O CONSTRUCT RIVERVIEW COM- M$RCIAL CENTffit COI�TSISTING,OF A CAR WASH, SUPERSTT$ AND OFFICE BUILDING. LOCATSD AT 6500�SAST RIVER RQAD, FRIDLSY, �KINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY ROBERT SQ�ROER, 6520 EAST RTVER ROiAD. FRIDLSY. MINNSSOTA)i '�h�e C�.ty �ngineer explained the stipulatioris requested by the �u�i,�d�.ng Staandards - Design Control Subcom�nittee and said that the �alans have already been modified to conform with their requests. �� a��d that he wanted to bring up the problem of the 8ast River ���d and Mississippi Way intersection. He said that the Council a���oved the intersection pattern, �e then forwarded it to the �Qi,�n�y, bu� he has had no response to date. Under this plan, ths ga� ata��on has ta be taken on the northwest corner. He said thatt tk�e City certainly needs cooper�tio� frqa the County. He said that he did not want to aee two exits, o�e on each side of the siqnals, �d he felt that the Council should ineist that there not be tWo , _ __ _ ___ � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1968 pAGg lg o�eninqs by the siqnals. He said at this time the roqusst ia for t,1�e superette and the car wash. He said that the parking facilities are adequate for the two bu�ldings, but not for th• office building. He aaid t,�at thery did not have enough land to put in sych a large of�ice bu�lding as they propose, therefore, approval should only be on the car wash and suparette. He said that they propose both an inlet and an outlet. He re-emphasized that the traffic pattezn must be reaolved. Councilman Harris pointed out that as this area is rapidly develop- inq, the County will soon be f��ced to act. �'here follvwed sane discussion while looking at the plans. Council- xqan Sheridan suggested allawing a temporary enfixance. Councilman Samuelson said that the residential portion should be closed up and the com�ercial opened. The City Engineer agreed that a t�opo- raxy acces�s might have to be provided, but that it nwst be closed up later. He said that he felt that this would be a nice addition to the area. ,M�OTION by Co�uncilman Harris to approve the building permit for the car wash and superette at 6500 East River Road requested by Robert Schroer subject to the Building Standards - Design Control stipu- lations, and subject to acquisition of easement and the suggestions of the Engineer relative to access on Mississippi Place. Secondsd by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, and Sheridari voting aye, Samuelsori abstaining, Mayor Kirkham decl�red the motion carried. Councilman Liebl said that he would lika to have a chance to look at these plans that the Council is expected to act upon. The City Engineer said that they are always available at his office a�nd he is welcaae to coane in anytime to look at them. R'ECgSS s Mayor Kirkham called a recess at 11:10 P.M. 2. CONSIDERATION O,F' A R�;QUEST TO �'�NSTRUCT BOB'S PRODUC$ $��. I.00ATED AT 7620 UNIVffitSx�'Y AVENUE liT,�g� , FRIDLSY 1�I�1N$SOTA. (R�(2UEST BY ROBBRT SCHROSR. 6520 EAST RIVER 1'�OAD. FRIDLSY. MINNSSOTA): � 'I'he City Engineer explained that the Buildinq Standards - Design Con�krol concurred with the general concept, but that Robert Schroer has to get a rezoning from M-2 to C-2S, therefore thera is no Cou�ci�l, action necessary. �� ____ __ __ _ ___ � RE,�.,i3� : �:�:��:����L �T:i��t� :��'' w�°�������, 2�� �.��$ �I � �• S9��ERATION OF A� iF�T TQ GONSTR[JCT A Gj.LRA[`F F �.jg PURPOSE OF STORAGE OF TNm LO�ATSD AT ,.�� ENANCE VF.EiICLES, 980 OSBORNE RQAD� FRIDLEY, MINN$SOTA. (REQUEST BY J& W BUTLDING ACCOUNT, 8411 CBNTSR DRIVE, MINNRA,pOLIS, MlNlii.); 1 The City Eng ineer Standards - Design se�back waiv�r in ' other lat�ildings in 8oard of Appeals. Cou�nc�.lm�tn Harris �e City Ex�gineer a�nd the sides are explained the recomcaendations of the Building Control ar�d said that they are applying for a the front yard from Z00' to 60' to conform with the area. This is being considered by the asked said to be He saa�d that it was 60' I�,OQO. if there was to be any outside storage. no. He said that the front is to ba brick block and '� will face onto Osborne Road. x 2Q0' for � total square footage of Councilman Samuelson asked if the paxking lot was blacktopped. T�he City 8ngineer said yes, and that it is adequate now. He pointed out that one side is only 1' from the property li:ne, and asked if it Could not be made into a common wall when there is future development. Vi Nagel said that this could be done. Councilman Samuelson said that there should be an additional requirement �or 5' sidewalks across the front of the building. Councilman Sheridan asked if the parking in front of the building was necessary. A v�sitor to the Meeting said that this was the �sugc��stion of the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommittee, and was not on tY�,eir original plans, but was added on their re- eQnmaendation. He said that if the front yard parking was eliminated, there wou].d still be plenty of room for parking. M4TI0�1 by Councilman Samuelson to concur with the recommendations o� the $uilding Standards - Design Control, with the additional requ�,rements of 5' sidetivalks in front of the building, and the eliminati,on of the front yard �arking. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, ali voting aye, Mayor Kirkham de- cl.dred the motion carried unanimously. '4• ' ION OF A 1�t�rtASm mn CONSTRL�' A FTT,N nte�s�T.,,�,�.t„ SERVICE BUILDING AT THS MOON pI,AZA SHpppING C�TTffit 62ND AND UNIVERSITY. FRIDLSY. MINNF°'�TA. {g�QLTgST BY FOT0�IAT CORpORATION. 7843 12TH AVENUE �JUTli. BI,pOMINGTpN. MINN.); �Qi��ilman Sheridan asked if this would be an ieland type of e$tab��.shment. Mr. Knickerbbcker said it would, and would be manned by an employee. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1968 PAGE 20 '�'h�3 �ity Engineer shvwed the plan to the Council. He said that bioon Plaza Shopping Center needs a lot of maintenance and the park- �.nq lot is in bad shape. l�t. ICnickerbocker said that it wc�uld be a 4' x 9' building, so it wouic� be only 36 square feet. Councilman Samuelson asked what the sQtback was from the front property line. Mr. Knickerbocker �aid it was 92'. Counciliaan Harris said that he had no objection to granting this �ermit, however, he felt that Moon Plaza should be made to clean ug the�ir violations, aa they have promised. Councilman Sheridan agreed with granting the building permit subject to Moon Plaza a�eaning up their property, to m�eet City standards. The Council assured Mr, Knickerbocker that their objections were not directed taward him, or his company buttawara Moon Plaza Shopping Center. Councilman Harris said that he tho��ht that the Building Inspection Department has a list of violations. The City Manager said that he thought that there was a new awner nvw, a Mr. Gearman, and that some progress has been made in cleanir:g up the problems. Councilman Harris suggested inviting the awner from Moon Corp. to corne to a Council Meeting to get this straightened out and to insist on compllance with our ordinances. �KOTION by Councilman Liebl to gran t the building permit request by Fotomat Corporation subject to correction of the violations of the Moon Plaza Shopping Center. Seconded by Councilman Sanwelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Harris asked that this list oi violation.s be brought back on the next Regular Mee�ing Agenda. _i_. + .� . M* _� Y .�L � . S _ i� _ � � �v _ � � Y_.__ � � • I � � • � i�lOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the Minutes of the Planni.ryg Coa�cnission Meeting of October 10, 1968. Seconded by Councilman S�unue�son. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham dec�.ared the motion carried unanimously. The City $ngineer said that there were only two items which needed Cauncil attention. l.. �,�OT 3PLIT It84U�ST: L.S. #68-16, ROBi�RT WILSON: Lot 4, Block l, Wi�son Addition. Split into two 50'9" Lota. __---_ _ � �J � � � � � � i �� � � � , � ' i , � __ .._ _ RE(J�7� �:��i��il, t��°� .�.., _ :>_ , �J � , � , s_ ;��r. 23 � .i36� __ __ __-- ���� by Cquncilman Liebl to concur with tYie zeeommendation of the Planning Commission that a building per�it be granted for onl� one hQuse until the propeCeYvptereallevoting ayeco�eclr Y Counca.lman Harris. Upon a voi Kirkhan► declareci the n�otion carried. Lot 4, � 2. LOT SPLIT RE4__UEST• L S. #68-1 Block 1, Nagel's Woodlands � ' � � � � , ' � � CI � � AV 68°�6 V • Lots 1 VACA O through 4, Block• 1, Nagel'�so e°do�a�d soutY�line of utility easement between Outlot #1. (970 osborne Road) Councilman Harris said that as �otr4��ol�g southnof1Lo�t 4,vi�g �e easemeRnt from the north of L IpN b Councilman Harris to concur with tlze Plannin9 Com�ssion MpT Y arecoumaendations for the vacation requ�elat4SABl�k 06 �d��e sou�hge � ut��,3,ty easement between Lots 1 �ine of Outlot #1, Nagel's Woodlands68an5 insaplitt�ing offi216�e lot aplit request by Vi Nagel L.S. # ortion of Lot 4 and Lot �e,�� from the west and that the easterly p Cour►cil- �, must be maintained under s ing le awnerslz ip . aee ��y ryKi�.1�� �,n gamuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting y. d�cla�zed the motion carried unanimously. �. Vi Nagel comaaented that he had already recorded the deea for the easement with Arioka County . 165-lybts - r� �a..,�.,�.._-- --- - DEFEND S ANOKA COUNTY MUNICIPAL COURT: 1�iayor Kirkh� read the resolution aloud to the audience. MiOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resol.ution #165-1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. iJp� n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Ri��� declared the motion carried unani=aously. - 0 �8. Councilman Lieb1 asked Mrs. McCait buildsaesingle family cl�►elling. McClish ansv�►ered that she wante ��e explained that she had written a letter t� �cilitiesdinffering h� .�e 15 � that he would need for his parrking re��p for payment of the back taxes a� he•� stno ei t�estsaved no a�swer, so she said she assumed th REGUT�AR COUNCIL 1riSETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1968 PAGE 22 �°�n�ilman Harris said that this has been a problem for some time and it wiil not get solved by allawinq the land to stand vacant. �'8• �IcCl�.sh said that there should be adequate parking space belzind the tri-plex, Councilman Samuelson conuaented that tlze build�.ng corporation is naw defunct. i''1rs• McClish said that she is planninq to build a house 24' x 40' and placing it the long way on the lot. �ION by Councilman Samuelson that to resolve a problem of long �fianding, this building permit be dwelling and waive the ordinance. granted for a single family Carl Paulson raised a question about setback r City Attorney said that there wa �u��nts. The Kirkham said that the Council att�le room and no problem. �yor door to get ad �Pted to get the tri-plex next equate parking back in 1960, but we cannot force him. Carl Paulson asked if this was an error of long ago that the Council is attempting to correct and Mayor Kirkham told him that was right. TH� MpTION made by Councilman Samuelson was seconded by Council- �n Li��• Upon a voice vote, all votin a e declared the motion carried unanimously.g y��y°r K��� L_ TCENS,�ES,� �IOT�ON by Councilntan Ha�ris to approve the following licenses: MULTIPLE D�Wgi,I,ING • � Address Lester �1ayo 5974 3rd St. N.g. 4950 Mac3i.son St. N.E. Min�neapoiis, Minnesota A & G $nterprises 5701 Highway #65 Fin� Tree I,ake Road W��.�� Bear Lake, Minn. �+ & G Enterpzises 5650 Polk St. N.E. p�z�� Tree Lake Road Wh�fi�e Bear Lake, Minn. Units 4 32 32 A& G$nterpr�,aes 5700 Polk Street N.]3. 32 1�1ne Tx'�� Lak� Road White� aear Lake, Minn. Fee �_ 10.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 -- ' ' �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ' Rl:+GV�� 4�iJV144J-J...t 1'c�-.Ljrl �.14�." �. , , ..: ,.: �. G.�'.. y 1y��i ' Continued: ��,�,��,��,t� pwel.J,ing Llcenses � �uget�e I,ashinski 4030 Main Street N.E. 1.435 �o1]c Pl.ace N.E. � �+'�,�.��ea�ao�.is, Minn. ��,ACKTpPI.'I�tG � Pioneex �lacktap Co. 26�t2 3a�n�s Ave. N. � �iz�nea�al�.s, M�nnesota $y: Art Scherber NTEW ' GENERAI.� CONTP.ACTING ' �, Garl,son I,aVine,Inc . ' 2831 A].d�ci.ch Ave . South 3 �Ii.�r�eapqlis, Minnesota By: Erick LaVine RF.NEWAL , Karr�s Erection Co. (�2�,Q �ivervi�ew Terrace F�:id1�y, Minnesota By: Harold Harris RENEtdAL � dl.h�Se A c� A & 2327 �+�t� Ave . N . �. Anoka, Minnesota By: Adolph Egge NEW Imper�ial Garage Builders , 1248� 73rd Ave. N. ' Qsseo, Minnesota By: Gordon Olson NEW � � Weco, In�. . 692J, Logan Ave . N . $rqoklyn Center, Minnesota By: Watson Eggenud NEW ' �'� . � Johnny's Inc . � 6$46 Osseo Road N. �W ��ooiclyn Center, Minnesota By: Don Ro�en � �� H . C . �+lagar Co . , Inc . . ' � 59�+0 Sti.nson Blvd . N. E. Fx�dley, Minnesota By:� H. C. Wager RENEWAT. ' CT�AR'"T`P a BY � «�,...--ti-�,. — � Fooct �ar��nz�;, 7nc John ?^1. Hooley ��Q (iS�1Q2'17Q �O��d Fr3,dlcsy, rl�nn-.sot� _ � .'�` ;a� 10 . 00 APPP.OVF•D Ey Bldg . Insp . BLDG. INSP. BLDG. INSP. BLDG. �Ng' . BLDG. INSP. BLDG. INSP. BLDG. INSP. Bldg. �r�sp. APPR07En BY Chief of Polica NEW _ , i { _ -- _ __.-------- � — _ __' R,EGUI,AR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1968 PAGE 2 �4 �i3E MOTION to grant the licenses was seconded by Councilman �.�.e�l. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham de- �1�tr�d the motion carried unanimously. G THE MZNUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MESTING OF OCTOHER ,��� �� ,�°? 68 � T'he Ci�y Engineer said that there was no quorum present, so there was r�o of�icial action necessary. �QT�fJN by Cpuncilman Samuelson to receive the Minutes of the Baard e� ��P�als Meeting of October 16, 1968. Seconded by Councilma�n� fi,�,�1, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared t�� mot,ion carried unanimously. Mayo�' Kirkham asked if there was anyone present in the audience whQ was present for any of the items covered in the Board of Appeals �iinutes . 1. A RSQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMi`i' AS PER SECTION 45.19 2d FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NURSING HOME IN AN R-1 ZONING ON PART OF OLTTLOT #1, MELODY MANOR 4TH ADDITION, ANOKA apUNTY. MINNESOTA, THE SAMF� BEING 7574 LYRIC I,ANE FRIDLEY, MINNE90 TA. (REQUEST BY MEDICARE DEVSLOPMBNT CO., 640 RAND TOWER, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA)- blr. �'oseph Gitis representing Medicar� Development Company said t��� k�e was at the Board of Appeals Meeting. Ha said that it was ��,s und+�ratanding that a Special Use Permit was granted to Mike �i���ner about 3 years ago for a nursing home. He said that since that� time, his company has taken over the land. He said that this WQt��.� be sauth of the clinic. He said that it would be facing �,�ric �,�e and would have 130 beds. Councilman Harris said that he Wanted to make sure that the access would not be onto Lyric �an� wh�ch is a residential street. �'iU`I"TQN hx Councilman Samuelson to concur with the Board of Appeals W�.th the exception that the egress and exit should be on Madison ������ and upon submitting n►ore complete plans shawing just what �,anc� wa� involved. �oun��.lman Harris said that he felt that the Council should have a� �wx�� �omp�ete plot plan before coming to any decision. Council- tpan �amuelson said that it would be better to rezone to CR-1 than �Q c��t��n a Special Use Permit, since there is a special zonir�g ���+�c,�p�y just for clinics and laboratories. C��T�I��MF1N SAMUELSON WITHDREW HIS MOTION. �i ' � � � , L� , � i � �� , LJ � , LJ � --- �; -� ,"'e^' ; � ' K���;:����.. ��3"E�.v"� �L �'a,� �;::� �4�;` ��>`� �BF.�t . 71, 19b� ,� /-.��r� ' � 1 ' Mr, Gitis agreed to try to put the access paint on Mad�son Street and to come back with more complete plans. Councilman Samuelson �3uggested that he �hould get all the information together betore the Public Fieaacing �aefore th� BQard of A�apeals and to start action on the zoning ahange. Th. Gity �n�aLneer agreed and said that since. th� ec►axd of App�ala had no quorwa, ths Pub1.�.� H+aaaci.n►� wauld have to be held �gain. r . . i: .. ., r ��...•. .. _ r.1 Y _1 i �� � • • C � • ' :i� t: � �i • : :i' ' . .. : , . � __ � _ There w�re thr�e quotas receAvad for tho w�nter salt supply, which we�re s 1. CasgillComZaaany----__ , 2. Diamond Sa�,t Company - - - 3. Internatiana�. �alt Con�ariy � � w� w � � � � - - - - - - -$12.99 p�r tan -$12.30 per ,ton -$11.59 per ton Tt was txae recommendation of the Director of Public Works that the salt be purcha$ed by the City of Fridley, rather than through the Anoka County bid, so as not to lose the City's identity in ths b idd ing market . MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the recom�aendation of ' th• Dia�actor of Public Works and purchase the HCC Rock Salt from International Salt Company, Rand To�rer, 5?7 Marquette Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 in the amourL. of $11.59 per ton. � SecoAded by Councilnaan Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, M�ayor Kirkham declared the motion carried una►nimouslY• • � � : � _ • � � � M.I� • � � � i • v i , � � � .i �1� � :n !'� � � • , �TION by Councilman Samuelson to concur with the recommendation of the Enqineerinq Assistant that this lot be reserved for the City of Fridley for street right of way. Seconded by Councilman ' I�arris. Upon a voice vote, a" voting aye, Mayor Kirkham de- clared the motion carried unanimQUSly. � �0,�,^,PFRATION OF ASSUMING A� �TION OF A BILL FOR WESD CUTTII�LC� O�TT pR�.RTY AT 68TH AVBNUS AND OAKT+EY STREST: ' �1QT=ON by Councilman Liebl to concur with the recommendation of the Parka Director and that the $50.00 be assumed by the City for clean-up of this area. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. ' upo�n a voice vote�, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the m�ot ion, carr ied unanimously . � R$GLTI�AR COUNCIL MBETING OF OCTOB�R 21, 1968 PA�GI3 26 Councilman Sheridan brouqht up another matter which he felt needed attenkion. He said that the area around Spartans needs cleaning up, and also wondered if there was land enough available for the twa large signs which are located there. T'he City Manager said t..hiat he has been trying to get all the owners together to qet thi,s axea cleaned up. �CEIVING THE REpORT OF SEWAGE FLOW MFASUREl�II:NTS AT 69T�i AV$NTJB � IVERSITY AVENUE- Th� City B�nqineer said that the City ran measurements and they showed the flow is no more than 200 gallons per RgC. MUT�ON by Councilman Harris to recc�.ve the report and authorize the City Engineer to refer copies of the report to the North Suburban Sanitary Sewex� District. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. $IffiIORIZATION FOR AC4UISITION OF RIQiT OF WAY FOR EAST LOOpBACK AT 57TH AVENLTE AND T.H. #47 SERVIC$ DRIV$: T'Y�,e Ci,ty Engineer said that this is between 57t2i Place and 57th Avenue for the 4th Street loopback. He said that if the City Council wishes to proceed with this improvement then the City is to obtain the necessary right of way which would be Lots 8 and 9. H�e �a�.d that they were 40' 1ots, and that the City would need the 80' �i,�cause of the fill required. �1�C?TTON by Councilman Samuelson to concur with the recom�►endation o� �he City $ngineer and authorize the City Attorney to proceed w�.th the acquisition of the right of way by negotiation or con- demnatio n. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried un- anim�uely. CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSALS r'OR itF:NAPs�NG STREETS: '1'he City $nqineer explained briefly that there were three cate- gories in his proposal. One was for public safety, one for the n�ce��ary adjuatments, and the third was a complete overall ad- ,� ��taaap,at . Tt was agreed by the Council to bring this back at the next Regular �oun��,l i�Ieeting, due to the lateness of the hour. f��:s:��.� r>.,,�,s.��,�.�:�., `-�..__.�'�e�. ._ ;3��4���� 2�.� :�..��� ' , � � � LJ � � � PAG� 23 `�N�TDFRATTON OF PROPOSAL FOR PLANTING TREES ON 73RD AVENUE �E�,,,WEEN T.�I. #47 AND T.H. #65 TO MAICF. IT A BOULEVARD: CQUncilman Saiauelson comaaented that this would make a good area for boulevard trees, and would be a great asset to tire industrial area there. The City Engineer agreed, and said that it would provide a nice buffer between the residential area on the ncr th and the industrial area on the south. He said that the City vwns the boulevard area and would have to ba maintained by the City. �ayor Kirkham suggested that this might be a program one of the service clubs would be interested in participating in. Mr. Richard Harris suggested proposing it to the school for their arbor day �rogram. MQTION by Councilman Harris to table this matter until more detailed plans can be brought back. The motion was seconded by Cauncilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR PARK GAR�GE (ME'PAL �UII+DING) INSULAT IU N,i, ' Councilman Samuelson asked if this is necessary. He said that he understood that originally the Public Works Garage would be used �or inaintenance of the Park vehicles. � � � ' The City Manager said that the Director of Public Works did not feel that there would be sufficient space for storage and mainten- ance ot both the Parks and Public Works vehicles. Councilman Liebl asked how much this would cost . �I'he City Manager estimated about $2500. Councilman Sheridan asked if the granular fund for the Park Department could be used. He said that it was his understanding that this fund could only be used on park land. It was pointed out that some of that fund was used to im�rove the Parks and Recreation Department new quarters in the City Hall, but that it must be re-paid next year. ' I�'I'ION by Councilman Harris to table this item for further analysia. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared t�^4 motion carried unanimously. � � � CON,,,�3,T.,,�DERATION OF APPROVING STuP SIGN�S IN THE CITY OF FRIDLgY: j��ON by Councilman Samuel$on to table this item until the next Regular M�eting. Seconded by Councilman sheridan. Upon a voice vat�, all voting aye, M�ayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ---_ __ --_ _ � ItEC;ETI�it COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1968 PAGE 28 jj,$SOLU,,,�ION ,�166-1968 - RESOLUTION NAMING STREET "SIVERTS I�ANE" : i�OTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #166-1968. Se- cot�ded �y Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayar Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ,�FSQ�UT�ON #167-1968 - RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE REPORT AND ALTI'HO- �t�Z�NG PREPARATION OF FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TSSTING �'F�OGRRM TO LOCATE FUTURE WELL SITES: WATER PROJECT # 75-H: I�r. Comstock said that there were s�ven well sites proposed. He �aid tha t one well site is in the loopback area of the Great Northern �tailway Company. He said that unfortunately some of the s�tes are on property of high value, although two well sites are in Lo�ke Par�C, and one is on the Moore Lake Park area. Council- mar� 3amuelson said that it was his understanding that ultimately �.h� City would have to develop from 7 to 9 wells over a period o� time. 1�lx', Co�nstock said that naw would be a good time to get the costs o.f the testing program. Councilman Samuelson said that adding wells in the intermediate level is a good idea and thi� could save a booster station for a savings of $40,000 to $50,000. Mr. Comstock said that the map they have of the bed �coc� ].ayers is about the best available. Councilman Liebl asked if the State did not have any. Mr. Comstock said no, and that these a�e the most recent he kno�ws of. MO'�ION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution #167-1968, re�eive the report and authorize the Engineers to proceed with t.h� imgrovement. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vo�e, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unana�mously . j�s$Q�,UT,,,�ON #168-1968 - RESOLUTION ORDffitING IMPROVEMENT, AND FINAL ,��j3 AND SPBCIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF COSTS THBRSOF: WATffit SANTTARY SI�VER AND STORM SEWER PROJSCT #90: MUTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #168-1968. Se- �onded by Councilman 5heridan. Upon a vc�ice vote, all voting a�e, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimo� ly. CT�A.IMS : MAT�ON by Councilman Harris to approve payment of General Claims #16285 through #16405 and Liquor Claims #2638 through #2699. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ' ' � � II � � � � ' � � Ll � I � � r , __ ' ' R�����d- v:.����:1L it�:�'�,: �� .� �`: s�B`�i �1., I��a� ��ST T.}�IATSS : � 1 �OTI4N by Councilman Sheridan to approve payment of the follawing e�timates: � Al.lied Blacktop Company 3601 48th Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota ' i� FINAL ESTIMATE #1 for Street Improvement Project St. 1968-10 (Seal co�ating) according to contract Minnesota Highway Department ' St. paul Minnesota 55101 � FINAL ESTIMATE for work performed on Agreement #55006. City's share of Traffic 3ignal Cost. T.H. #4? and 51st Ave. N.B. ' � ' C� � � ' ' � � $11,404.90 $ 400.15 THE MpTION seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried un- animously. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AI`7PTING THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEA,R 1969: $�SOLUTION DETSRMINING THE NEC$SSITY OF AND PROVIDING FOR A TAX LEVY IN EXCESS OF NORMAL CITY CfiARTER TAX LIMITS: l�SOL•UTION CERTIFYaNG TAX LSVY RE4UIREMIIJ'TS FOR 1969 TO THE COUN'1'Y OF ANOKA FOR COLLECTIONS: It was mutually agreed by the Counc�.l to table thesg three items'� until the next Regular Council Meeting to allvw for further study when the Public Hearing will be continued. COMMUNICATIONS• A. INFOIiMATION COPY OF LETTffit OF COiMMSt�TDATION TO J1�iSS HENSLBY: _.,._,.___ MOTTON by Councilman Liebl to receive the letter siqned by Mayor Kirkham to James Hensley dated october 16, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. -- -__ , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 19�8 PRGE 30 8. g,UBj�IC SERVICE COMMISSION: PUBLIC HEARING ON DISCON- T ZNTJANCE OF A SERV ICE : MO',�ION by Gouncilman Harris to receive the copy of the Notice of �ea��ng by the Northern Pacific Railway Company dated October 14, 1.9�i8. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. C, �OhiLE COMPI�INY: LETTER OF APPRECIATIOI� ON INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT TOUR �iQTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the communication from the Tvwle Company dated October 14, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voi,c e vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham de- clared the motion carried unanimously. D. �IRST NATIONAL BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS: LETTSR OF APPRBCIATION ON INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT TOUR: MpTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the letter rrom the First National Bank of Minneapolis, dated October 15, 1968. Seconded by Councilman H�rris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. BOARD OF APPEALS SECRETARY: �iayor ICir kham said that the Board of Appeals Minutes pointed out �that by Ordinance, the City Manager is the official secretary to the Hoard of Appeals. He said that he thought that the Council �hould get this straightened out by an amendment. Councilman Samu�lson agreed, w ith the comn►ent that he did not feel that it would make a good working situation to have the City Manager si.tting in on committee meetings. He felt that the City Manager should not sit in on any �ommissions or committee meetings. CounCilman Sheridan agreed and suggested that the City Attorney laring back an amendment to the Ordinance on the organization of the Board of Appeals leaving it to the discretion of the City Ma�,ager to appoint an appropriate member of the City staff �to act as secretary to the Board. The City Attorney said that he would �repare this and bring it back at the next Meeting. ADJOURNM�iT : �I�here �eing no further business, Mayor ICirkham declared the Regular Council Meeting of October 21, 1968 adjourned at 12:45 A.M. , ' 1 ' , , , , LJ � r � I , ' � ' LJ R spec £ully submitted, ' �� el Merc`�� Jack O. Kir'kham Seeretarv to the Citv -o �n _ i 1 tita ..,,- � 1 � � , ' 1! ' , � ' � �! , ' � � ' ' �1 � ORDINANCE NO.�-� AN ORGINANCE RELATINC T� '.00ENSlNG AND REGl1LATING THE 11SE AND �ALE OF I NTOX I CAT I NG L i�1t10RS BY CONGRESSIONALLY CHARTERED VETERANS ORGANIZATIONS AND TO PROVIDE PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS. TNE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY DQ ORDAIN A5 FOLLOWS: Section t. Definitions. A. The term "Congressionally Chartered Vetera�s Organ i zat i ons" sh�a I I mean those orgen i zat i ons which qualify for license under the te�ms of Minnesota jtatutes, Chapter 340• B. The term "person" shall mean and include a natural person of e ither sex, persons, co-partnersh ips, corporation, and associations of any persons, and shal) include �he agent or manager of any of the aforesaid. The singular number shall include the plural, and the ma.sculine pronoun shall include the feminine and neuter. C. The term "on sale" means the sale of liquor by the glass fo� consumption on the premises only. Section 2. License Required. No persc�n or organization sh�ll sell, dea) in, or dispose of by gift, sale, or otherwise, any liquor without first having obtained a license to do so f rom the City Council; provided, however, that this section shall not prohib.it the giving or serving thereof to guests in a private home, shall not prohibit the sale thereof by a manufacturer or distributor to a person holding a license thereunder, and shall in no way effect the operatio� of the municipal liquor stores. � [� 1 , ' � II . ' , ' ' u , , , � �� , �f� �� Section 3• Licenses--Kind and to whom issued. "On sale licenses only" may be issued to Congressionally Chertered Veterans Organizations which have been in existence fo� ten (10) years prior to January 1, 1966. Such organizations shall be issued for the sale of on sale liquors to members of the organization only. 5ection 4. Appl ications for I icenses. AI I appl ications for (icenses hereunder shall be made to the City setting forth �II information necessary to show whether or not the applicant qualifies for such a license under this Ordinance, together with such �dditional info,rmation �s may be requi�ed by the C.ity Council. , ' _ ., . . Section $. license fees and liability insurance. The license fee for one year shall be One Hundred and no hundredths $100.00) Dollars. A11 applications shall also be accompanied by a liability i nsurance po I i cy wh i ch sha I( be i n the amount of $ 50,000.00 coverage for one person and $ L00,000.00 coverage for n�ore than one person and sha I I spec i f i ca 1 I y prov i de for the payn�ent by the insurance company on behalf of the insured of al) sums the insured shall become obligated to pay by reason of liability imposed upon it by law for injury or d�mage to persons other than employees, including the liability imposed upon the insured by Minnesota S�atutes Section 34�.95. 5uch liability insu�ance policy shall contain such other and additional provisions as provided by Minnesota Statutes Section 340.12. AIl licenses shall expire on the 30th day of April of each year in which said ticsnse is issued. A fee for renewal of any license issued under this ordinance shall be paid to the City Clerk prior to the Ist day of May of the year for which said license fee is required. Section 6. Applications investiqated. The City Council shall cause an investigation to be made of all facts set forth in the application. Opportunity shall be given to any person to be heard for or against the granting of any (icense. After such investigation of the application, a li.cense may be granted or refused at the discretion of the City Council. 'Section 7. Terms and conditions of licenses. AIl licenses g�anted hereunder shall be issued subject to the followi�g conditions, and all ather conditions of this ordinence, and subject to all othe� ' ordinances of the City applicable thereta: A. The license shal) be posted at all times in a conspicuous plece on the licensed premises. ' r � , �.�i � , 6. No sale of any liquor will be made to any person under guardianship nor to any person under 21 years of age . ' C. No gambling nor any gambling device prohibited by law shall be permitted in any (icensed premises. , D. AI) licenses granted under this ordinance shall be issued for the premises designated in the application. Such license shal) not be transferred to another � place without approval of the licensing authority. E. No license shall be granted within six hundred (600� , feet of any public school nor within six hundred (600) feet of any church. , F. The licensed premises shall be open to inspection by any police or health officer or other prope�ly dosignated officer or employee of the City at any ' ti�e during which the club shall be open to its members for business. ' G. The sale of intoxicating Iiquor under such Iicense is rest�icted to members of the club which holds the license. � ' C� ' H. The (icensee shall strictly observe al{ of the laws re I at i ve to the "on se I e" of i nto�c � cat i ng 1 i quot+ as set forth in the Minnesota Statutes, together with all the rules a�d regulations of the State Liquor Control Coma�ission insofar as the� are applicable. I. The liability insurance policy es required by this ordinance shall be in full force and effect during the term of any license granted hereunder. 'Section 8. Sales to intoxicated persons prohibited. No licensee shall sell or serve such at�kis liquor to any intoxicated person or persons or permit �ny intoxicated person or persons to � remain upon the premises occupied by the holder of such license. C� ' � ' ' � I�rI C � L� ' �� IJ ' � �� ` � Section 9. Disorderly concJuct prohibited. No person or persons shall conduct hi�nself or themselves in a disorderly or boisterous �nanner upon the premises of a licensee holding an "on sale" license, nor shall such licensee permit or suffer such conduct upon such (icensed premises. Section 10. Revocatian of licenses. Any license granted here- unde� �ay be revoked by the City �ouncil for cause. Cause fo� revocation shall be violation by the licensee or its employees ot nny law of the State of Minnesota relating to intoxicating liquor or violation by the licensee or its employees of any provision or condition of this ordi�ance. A license shall be deen�ed revoked upon the passage of the City Council of a resolution to that effect, a�d no portion of the (icense fee paid shall be returned upon revocation. Section II. Repeal. AII ordinances or parts of ordinances of this City inconsistent herewith are hereby �epealed. No provision he�eof shall affect the mu�icipal liquor stores. Section 12. Penalties. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeano�, and upon co�viction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not �nore than One Hundred and no hundredths ($100.00} Dollars or imprison�ne�t in the County Jail for not more than Ninety �90) days. � PASSED BY THE CITY COLlNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, THIS � DAY OF �;,r� - , I968. ' ' ' ATTEST: ' � ' � CITY CLERK-MARVIN C. BRUNSELL F i r st Re ad i ng : OCTOBER 21 1968 Second Read i ng : �"� �; y � Publish: MAYOR - JACK 0. KIRKHAM / 1�,1��e �I� � � i � October 21, 1968 EX�STING STOP SIGNS IN CITY OF FRIDLEY INTERSECTION CORNER INTERSECTION BR,OOKVIEW DRIVE 68th Ave. CENTRAL AVENUE NE Osborne Road 76th Ave. 75th Ave. Fireside Drive Fireside Drive On�ndaga St. 73 /2 Ave. 73rd Ave. Norton Ave. 69th Ave. 66th Ave. Mississippi St. Mississippi St. 64th St. Rice Creek Rd, Rice Creek Rd. Wpody Lane Hillcrest Drive Gardena Ave. Hackmann Ave. Hillwind Road EAST RIVER ROAD Lafayette St. Kimball St. Janesville St. Ironton St. Ironton St. Hugo St. Hugo St. Glencoe St. Fairmont Circle �airmont Circle (No . ) (So , ) sw SW NE NE NE sw NE SW NE SW NE NE NE sw NE NE SW NE NE NE NE SE SW SW SW NE sw NE SW SW NE NE ��� Con't EAST RIVER ROAD ;�:) CORNER Fairmont St. Ely St. Liberty St. (E) Liberty St. (W) 79th Way (E) 79th Way (W) Pearson Way Craigbrook Way Stonybrook Way Craigway (N) Craigway (S) 77th Way Rickard Road 75th Way Talmadge Way A� W Root Beer Stand Glen Creek Road Logan Parkway 71st Way Hickory Drive 70th Way 69th Way Locke Lake Road Hartman Circle Rice Creek Way Mi�sissippi Place 64 /2 Way 64th Way 631/2 Way (W) 631/2 Way (E) 63rd Way (W) 63�d Way (E) 62 /2 Way 62nd Way (W) 62nd Way (E) River Edge Way (N) Ri�er Edge Way (S) 61 /2 Way Charles St. 591/Z Way Downing Box Co. (N) Downing Box Co. (S) Service Dr. to Nursing Home SW sw NE sw NE SW SW SW SW SW SW NE SW SW sw NE sw SW SW NE NE NE NE sw NE SW SW NE SW NE SW NE NE SW NE SW SW NE SW SW NE NE SW ' � �I � ' ' ' ' � I � ' Stop Signs Con!t. INTERSECTION CORNER Con't. EAST RIVER ROAD FMC. (4 Driveways) NE 43rd Ave. (E) NE 43rd Ave. (W) SW 37th Ave. (E) NE No. Dr. to Liquor StoreSW I.ongfellow St. (W) gW Longfellow St.(E) NE HILLWIND ROAD Lynde Drive NE JACKSON STREET N.E. Kennaston Dr. MADISON STREET N.E. 57th Ave. MAIN STREET N.E. 43rd Ave. 44th Ave. 45th Ave. 46th Ave. 47th Ave. 48th Ave. 49th Ave. Pilot Ave. Panorama Ave. Capitol St. 53rd Ave. Crown Road Horizon Circle NE SW SW SW NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE , Page Two INTERSECTION Con't. MAIN STREET N.E. No. Drive to Midland 57th Ave. 58th Ave. 59th Ave. 60th Ave. 61st Ave. (E) 61st Ave. (W) MATTERHORN DRIVE N.E. CORNER SW NE NE NE NE NE sw 53rd Ave. SW Skywood Lane SW MISSISSIPPI STREET N.E. Hickory Ave. NW Ashton Ave. (S) SE Ashton Ave. (N) NW Main St. NW 2nd St. NW Drive to Furniture SE Store W. Drive to Rice Plaza SE �. Drive to Rice Plaza SE W. Drive to Holly Cen. NW E. Drive to Holly Cen. NW Drive to Dairy Queen SE Univ. Ave. W. Serv. Dr.NW Univ. Ave. W. Serv. Dr.SE Univ. Ave. E. Serv. Dr.SE. 5th St. SE 7th St. (N) NW 7th St. (S) SE W, Dr. to Hayes School NW E. Dr. to Hayes School NW Monroe St. (N) NW Monroe St. (S) SE Jackson St. (N) NW Jackson St. (S) SE Van Buren St. SE Ab1e St. (N) NW Able St. (S) SE Baker Ave. SE Oakley Dr. NW Taylor St. SE Brookview Drive NW ;��i , � ' � � I , � ' Stop Signs Con't INTERSECTION CORNER Can't MISSISSI�PI STREET N.E. Lucia Lane NW Dellwood Drive SE Pierce St. (N) NW Pierce St. (S) SE Channel Road NW Arthur St. NW MONROE STREET NE. 68th Ave. NE , OSBORNE ROAD N.E. St. to So. only) , � �I � , ' � r , 5th St. SE Madison St. SE Jackson St. SE Van Buren St. SE Baker St. SE Viron Road SE Hwy. 65 W. Serv. Dr. SE Root �eer Stand Dr. SE Bacon Drive SE Arthur St. SE Lakeside Road SE RICE CREEK TERRACE Oakley St. SE SATELLITE LANE N.E. 3xd St. NW STINSON BLVD. � 75th Ave. (W) , SW INTERSECTION Pa e Three '' S .3i CORNER UNIVERSITY,AVENUE N.E. Osborne Road (E) NE Osborne Road (W) SW 73rd Ave. (E) NE 73rd Ave. (W) SW 69th Ave. (E) NE 69th Ave. (W) SW 53rd Ave. (E) NE 53rd Ave. (W) SW UNIVERSITY AVE. EAST SERVICE DR. 64th Ave. NE 63rd Ave. NE Moon Plaza (3) Drives NE St. Williams Church Dr.NE 60 th Ave. NE 571/2 Ave. NE 57th Place UNIVERSITY AVE. WEST SERVICE�DR� ; Plaza Curve 67th Ave. Satellite Lane Sylvan Lane Rainbow Drive Sunrise Drive Star Lane WEST MOORE LAKE DRIVE sw SW SW SW SW SW SW SW NE Drive to Jr. H.S. SW Carol Drive NW Able St. NW Baker Ave. NW Hwy. 65 West Serv. Dr. NW 3RD STREET N.E. Horizon Drive SW Horizon Drive NE , � ' I � I � , , � � i � � INTERSECTION 7th STREET N.E. CORNER 53rd Ave. (E) NE 531/2 Ave. . NE 54th Ave. (E) NE 54th Ave. (W) SW Cheri Lane NE Hwy. 694 Serv. Dr. SW 100 Twin Dr. (So.Side) SE 100 Twin Dr. (No.Side) NE 57th Ave. (E) NE 57th Ave. (W) SW 57th Place SW 58th Ave. NE 59th Ave. (W) SW 59th Ave. (E) NE 60th Ave. SW 61st Ave. (W) SW 61st Ave. (E) NE 63rd Ave. (W) SW 63rd Ave. (E) NE Bennett Drive NE 67th Ave. (W) SW 37TH AVENUE N.E. Marshall St. NE. NW SW Ent. to Liquor StoreNW SE Ent. to Liquor StoreNW 40TH AVENUE NE. ' Main St. (N) NW � 44TH AVENUE N.E. r � ' , Main St. (N) NW 49TH AVENUE N.E. 2nd St. Rgman Road 21/ 2 St . SE NW SE INTERSECTION Cont' 49TH AVENUE N.E. 3rd St . (N) 3rd St. (S) 52ND AVENUE N.E. Page Four `;� CORNER NW SE So. Dr. to Skywood Ma11NW 53RD AVENUE N.E. Horizon Dr. (N) Horizon Dr. (S) Altura Road 3rd St. Univ. Ave. East Serv. Drive 4th St. (N) 5th St. �N) 6th St. (N) 7th St. (N) West Dr. to Target Center Dr. to Target East Dr, to Target Hwy. 65 E. Serv. Dr. 57TH AVENUE N.E. NW SE NW SE NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW Univ. Ave. W. Serv.Dr. NW Univ. Ave. E. Serv.Dr. NW Univ. Ave. E. Serv.Dr. SE 4th St. SE 5th St. SE 6th St. SE Madison St. NW 59TH AVENUE N.E. (to West) 7th St. (N) 7th St. (S) NW SE , � � � � � � , , i � � � � , � � , ' , INTERSECTION 61ST AVENUE N.E. CORNER Rainbow Dr. NW 2nd St. SE S nrise Dr. NW 2�/2 St. NW Star Lane SE 3rd St. Univ. Ave. E. Serv.Dr. NW Univ. Ave. E. Serv.Dr• SE 4th St. NW 5th St , (N) SE Sth St. (S) NW 6th St. (N) SE 6th St. (S) NW 7th St. (N) SE 7th St. (S) West MooreLk.Dr. (S) SE S.W. Dr. to Jr. H.S. NW West Dr. to Sr. H.S. SE East Dr. to Sr. H.S. SE 63RD AVENUE N.E. HWy. 65 E. Serv.Dr.(S) SE Hwy. 65 E. Serv.Dr.(N) NW 67TH AV'ENUE N.E. Monroe St. (S) Monroe St. CN) 68TH AVENUE N•E• Quincy St. Jackson St. ICennaston Dr. (N) Kennaston Dr. (S) Overton Dr. (N) Overton Dr . (S) Pandora Dr. Oakley St. SE NW SE SE NW SW NW sw NW NW .`3�� Page Five INTERSECTION 73RD AVENUE N.E. Stinson Blvd. (N) 7 5T� H qVENU_E_ N. E_ CORNER NW Arthur St. NW HIGHWAY #65 Fi eside Drive NE 73�/2 Avenue NE 73rd Ave. (E) SW 73rd Ave. (w) SW Brookview Drive NE 68th Ave. �E) SW 68th Ave . �w) SW 66th Ave. E. Serv.Dr. (Approx64thNE 63rd Ave. (W) SW 63rd Ave. (E) NE Moore Lake Drive SW Rice Creek Road , NE Shorewood Liquor Store NE 52nd Avenue N0. SERVICE DRIVE HWY. #694 4th St. 5th St. 6th St. NW NW NW , � � � � �J � �� if o r�d�e c � � 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N� MEMO DATE: OCTOBER 31, lybts MEMO T0: CITY COUNCIL MEMO FROM: CITY MANAGER INSULATION OF PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTN�NT GARAGE. 1 SUBJECT: � � i � � � � ' � � , ANOKA COUNTY 560-3450 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 I have reviewed the Parks and Recreation Department request for a project to insulate that Department�s garage, attached hereto as Enclosure No. 1, and have reviewed the cocaments of the acting Public Works Director. The justification appears ample for the insulation of the parkuia�nt Recreation Garage. The Public Works Director in�heaequipmenthindoorspduring must be ready to go on snow removal and keeping cold weather facilitates �°orksrDirectorpsnremarkssattachedVas Enclosure No. 2. emergencies. See Public W Statement of Parks and Recreation Directorbeuneededltoeadequately storea sizeable portion of the maintenance shed would htfull kept in- his Park$ and reasonslindicatedein EnclosureoNoth2.items rig Y doors for the Since heat has already been installed, it appears the added space for wintex operations can be provided atds andatheeParksW andsRecreationngranular be made available from emergency fun fund could be preserved for park land purchase• ro ect and transfer of aPProximately $2500 Recommend approval of the insulation p j in funds to Parks and Recreation from the Emergency Fund. HIiA/mis Enclosure - 2 �r�^-��- R R . ANKRUL`4 CITY MEINAGER � PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT ' - Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Paul Brown, Director 6431 Universit Avenue N.E. Phone: 560-3450 1 T0: Cit Manager, City of Fridley Y ' THRU: Les Chesney, Director of Public Works , ' ' DATE: October 24, 1968 FROM: Paul Brown, pirector Parks and Recreation Dept. SUBJECT: Park Garage Insulation Project * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The City Council in their session of October 21, 1968, tabled a request for insulation of the Parks and Recreation Garage located on Highway #65. The Council questioned the necessity of an insulated garage and further wondered why a portion of the City Maintenance Garage could not be used. The request was returned for further analysis of the Parks and Recreati�°+ Director, the Director of Public Works and the City Manager. , , I submit additional justification as follows for the insulation of the Parks and Recreation Garage: ' 1. 2. , 1 3. 4. � 5. 1 6. 7. � , ' ' , � 8. �1 Used as a Central Meeting Point. Entire park naintenance operation is based at this Garage. Used for Protection of Equipment. Mechanical Equipment Automotive Equipment Recreation Equipment (�i�rishable glues, paints, etc.) Used as Main Area for Storage for Park Department and Recreation Department. Used as a Machine Shop and Wc^d Shop. Garage has section set aside for bench work and power saw work. Used as Office Space plus phoning of orders and delivery of supplies and equipment. Park Leadman is headquartered in this building. Phone has been in- stalled to hasten the work load. Used as a Lunch Break and Coffer Br�uk Area. Pop Machine has been installed for the men's convenience. Used for Hose Storage during the Winter months - prevent freeze-up. The hose must be stored inside after flooding and sprinkling skating rinks. Used to �iark department vehicles. Three trucks and two tractoars�must be inside away from the elements. Trucks and tractors must be ready to clear rinks and sweep snow. It must be understood that since the Garage has been installed in Locke Park, we have used it as our center of maintenance for the Park Department crew. It is a central point where Qquipment is readi�; �vailable for use in any section of the City for the betterment of our Department's efficiency. We wish to continue this process. It is my understanding that room is not available in the City Garage for all the above mentioned equipment and supplies that must be protected from the weather elements this Winter. It should also be pointed out that our Department has saved the City considerable amounts of money by installing the original heaters from the old City Garage that was located on our current Civic Center location. This was passed on to us by the Public Works Department. N(EMO TO CITY I�ANAGER, CITY OF FRIDLEY PAGE 2 Request concurrences and/or comments from the Director of Public Works and the City Manager on this project. This Department wishes to have this request for bid returned to the City Council Agenda for Monday, November 4, 1968. '� � �- - , � ' � , , � , ' ' � � ' , PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY 0� FRIDLEY October 25, 1968 RE: AVAILABLE SPACE FOR PARK DEPARTMENT I will have to concur with Paul Brown, Park Director, that there is a definite need for available space, in which his men would have a central place from which to work. I believe the insulating of the Park garage would be a justifiable expense and a great help to the Park Department and the Public Works Department. I mention the Public Works Department because we cannot accomodate the Park Department with space in our City Garage, as we do not have enough apace as it ia for our own equipment. There is certain equipment which must be housed, or the City will be handicapped on emergency calls. I feel that the following equipment must be housed: 1. Sewer Rodding Machine 2. The 6 inch Pump 3. Grader 4. Losder 5. We have 6 snow trucks 6. We have 5 pickup trucks (2-Water, 2-S�wr, 1-Street)_ , � ' LEC:ik � ' ,!�.-�'n✓C � � �` LESTER E. CHESNEY Director of Public Works ��.� , � , � , , , ' , ' � , � ' � � / � t� RESOLUTION N0. j �� __ A RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Fridley, as follows: -1. That it is in the interest of the City to award bid contracts for the £ollowing item, materials and work: PARK GARAGE (METAL BUILDING) INSULATION. 2. A copy of the specifications for the above described items and materials, together with a proposal for the method of puxchase and the payment thereof have been presented to the Council by the City Manager and the same are hereby approved and adopted as the plans and specifications, and the method of acquisition and payment to be required by the City with respec� to the acquisition of said items and materials. 3. The purchase of said items and materials as described above shall be effected by sealed bids to be received and opened by the City of Fridley on the 1968. The City Manager is directed and authorized to ad- vertise for the purchase of said items and materials by sealed bid proposals under notice as provided by law and the Charter of the City of Fridley, the noticz to be substantially in form as that shown by Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part of by reference, Said notice shall be published at least twice in the official newspapers of the City of Fridley. PASSED AND ADOFTED BY THfi CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF FRIDLEY THIS � �'�/ DAY OF �'//�� � , 1968. ' , ATTEST: � , ' CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham •� c'� 0 ' CJ � I� i� ' ' ' 1 ' 1 ' ' PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Paul Bro�vn, Director 6431 University Avenue N.E. Phone: 5G0-3450 NOTICE TO BID CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA PARK GARAGE� (METAL BUILDING)INSULATION EXHIBIT "A" The City Council of the City of Fridley will open bids at 10:30 A.M. on ;�� t� �' %� ' at the City Hall, 6431 University Avenue Northeast, Fridley, Minnesota, 55421, for the Park Garage (Metal Building) Insulation. Information as to the terms and conditions and other data pertaining to the bid may be ob- tained from the office of the Parks Director at 6431 University Avenue Northeast, Fridley, Minnesota, 55421. The bid should be in writing, sealed, and on the form prepared by�the City. The bid should be delivered or handed to the office of the parks and Recreation Director on or before 10:30 A.M. on the of November, 1968. � Publish: '��.�2; � �r� / �% � � �� 6�� l � � � � L � HOMER R. ANKRUM CITY MANAGER CITY OF FRIDLEY .�; � 0 � , � � 'MEMO �0: 'MEMA FROM: SUBJECT; C I�Y COTJNC IL CITX MANAGER MOON PLAZA DEFICIENCIES , Fir� P�evention Ch'ef turned 'n x i a list is attaahed hereto as Enclosure No. 1, and �been attached hereto as Enclosure No. 2. November 1, 196$ of deficiencies on Moon Plaza and the li�st the City Engineer turned in a list which has City Man�ger and Engineer met with the Northwestern Investment Company representative, �a Mr. Novak, on Tussday, October 28, 1968 on requirements. The City Manager met again with Mr. Nov�k�ac�d the property owner Mr. Gearman. A 1Rtter was directed to Northwestern Investment and the following commitments have lbeen made: The north incinerator to be removed within the next two weeks (has individual who �wantS it a[�d wil�. take out). In conversation November 1, 1968 Mr. Novak (NWI) indicates he wi11 try to have out November 4th or 5th to enable fence installation. �,'he r�ma�.�.ing two incfnerators will be removed by December 15, 1968, or will be �lociced up to prever�� further use. (The lease with occupants does not obligate them. to pravide burner or trash and 'garbage removal). Some occupants, bakery, etc., have �already bought dumpters based on our request and owner urging. �xapexty on whiGh the unauthorized business signs sit belongs to the Highway Dept. and some of th� signs are of a size not covered by our Ordinance as requiring permits. �Highway Departmen� has requested our assistance in having signs removed and letters are being px�eparecl to be foxwarded to each business asking them to remove signs, or signs will be xemaved by the City. , A grader is t�t� be removed from the premises within 15 days from October 29, 1968 as provi,ded fox �.t� our letter (Attorneys advice was sought on this and he advised this pro��dutrE: b� followed). If grader is not moved, removal is to be accomplished by the �City uader khe Nuisance Ordinance. Cl�anup of the area on a continual basis has been assured by the management in their �lett�r, Mow�,ng was accomplished in some neglected areas this year by agreement, but ,ale�t�up has been unsatisfactory, litter, etc. If the good faith of the letter is not kepC w� w3.],� ssxve notices, abate the nuisance ourself and charge them or take them to Court. Althaugt� � fence along the north line was not mentioned, this stipulation wss placed on ��le Bu�.ld�.ng Pe�cmiC. Last indication from RMJ Co., who was given the Photo ConsCruCt�o►� job, �tae tha� the Pho�o Co. would go along with putting up the fence, as they wi�l be 'contx'i1�uCir�� to th� litter. The fence is to be chain link. ' � •i Fi , ' PAGE 2 CITY MANAGER MEMO , The bus has been removed from behind the building. INorthwestern Investment indicated they have made arrangements for grading and putting topsoil in north of bakery and will see if they can also sod. �Items that were made as suggestions by Engineer are being conveyed to the owner. These were discussed with the owner and he indicates willingness to cooperate. When the business signs on the highway right-of-way come down, I am sure the new sign will be erected by Moon Plaza - consolidating businesses located in that area. rA permit was issued to allow them to move the building to the site in preparation for erection. A close follow up will be made on getting these deficiencies corrected � as committed. �� �'' ' HRA/mis � , �� � �,�.-,-���. Q HOMER R. ANKRUM - CITY MANAGER 0 ! aTtr�tzrar oF: � � .1 _ U�-� �✓�-�---�--Y�-G�.;-,..` U��: -rrt::--t._ ,� j � ' ,� • L �BJE�T ' � 1 1 � � J �n �'�o S c.�c. r � � ^ i b� DATE � �� ~ , ���t- �L �G � � � - �� . L i-r„�-�,... u �.!%� , �-r,'� '�1 , �,,Ct.� t ���1�•4� ' ,�'a i' ryi.�,/y � �.,,, ,,,t�� � . �' ,�' � . . / - :,�'-- _ .:..�--�r �� .�.�C,,.�..c-•�..{�J �i+�. I'.� �� �. � '•-�.� � i_�.r�,�ti--�n.�.�-�. r. -� . L � ,lG�.A,,f, l,u.-- -n , /� /� .� . "-G-c�c..�1 _.-t- ��.-<' � Y iiv'C- .A'v�r.�. . �. _/i, <<s. f� �„�, � t�-b"'Y•-t,iLv:..v;.� �✓.i�l�L. .Y�- , �.✓i� �Y�'"�`-��C� �D� c � v� �GNATURE � � �PLY: Tbs d�flcias�aiss that ar� Aoted by thia department ar�s ' r i r ' � i 1 Re�oval of the inainerators due to the poor conditien. R�pair is not being allo�r�d b�causs they do not comply with the standarda set forth in the City Cod�. Ths ord�r a► thie �raa iasued to the previous owner but the n�w o�mer haa been sad� ar+are of it. 3PRINBL�c P}�0'!'FCYIOTI. Anta�atic sprinkler protection ia nar being installed in the buil�ins. �J3F.KEEPIHG. w� are hoping for better houaskaeping ot the prsmisea in genersl but this is a continuin �roceaa I k for better coo yytioa fran the aex O�M[1CT �A tt1�S rea�qrqt�� 8 — �-��o-�-- S! G N A T U R E�ct� � ,:.. . �� . . _. . � r:...c . , . . i � . � � ' � , � � � ' � �� � 1 � � � • � Y�: October 28, 1968 LIST OF ITEMS NEEDING CORRECTION ON MOON PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER .+1�. 1. Area neax North end of the building must be graded, cleaned and main- tained free fxom weeds, litter and papers. �. Tt►e bus parked in the rear of the bu�lding be removed and no parking to be allowed in the rear of the buildings. The rear area be maintained free of litter and junk. • 91k 3. The grader at the North end of the buildings to be removed fram the preraises . 4. �ndividual signs put up by lessee of Shopping Centex on City property ta be xesnoved by tenants . A si.gn designating the Moon Ylaza Shopping Center be put up and belaw it the namea and business of the tenants could be indicated as it is done d� the Fridley Center North of this area. (Suggestion only) ��. Ger►era�. premises be kept clean and free of paper and othex littex. 6. Weeda be removed from the base of the North light standard. 'j, A11 af parking lot be striped and precast concrete curbing be provided along the peximeter of the parking lot. (Suggestion only) $. Plant two (2) green ash trees in the parking lot with rock planters �tt the base. (Suggestion only) � g� The+ aorth incinerator to be removed by the end of this week and the � othex two i.ncinerators be removed or locked by December 1, 1968 and a pxoper alternate arrar.gement to be made for removal of the trash. � � , � ' ' *" AI.�oY A4�Q� ED R�.� �.,,�..�r E r�.._ 0 . ► �L�.4C.i.t /6.'1 ' 1.��.( 'L�� l, - - NASIM M. QURESHI, P.E. City Engineer C 1 C�ty o� �x����y, �• D3�7I����T� �'�Rl�i'� ' p�xtna,t �or amovin su er structure onto the site. ��: Mm.�_. �,Oct�.. 30,__ 1968 _.____.. __..._.__ � , Rec. � 44824 � � N,° 10UO3 Bwlder .._. __._...�.�-._—.._ F ot oma t C orQ._. ' _.._.. L.r.._M: �J �.._.__�.�.......___...__._..._.. . Ovvn�er: _._.__._.._..__.._..____. ..___.. . ____.._._..._.._.__ . 843 12 th Ave _ S�..,... _..__.._._..._..._......._.._. Address _...� 1011 W__...80th__S t..,_,...._.._._._..._...__._.�_— .. ... Adaress _._..�._ .................__.._...._...._._..•. _. • Bloomin ton Minnesota ' No. 6207 __ S�t Lot •-- Block � � � � ' ' ' ' �I , � ' LOCATION OF BUILDING University Ave . N._E . � p� of Lot Addition or Sub-Division Corner Lot —_...--.._.___ Inside Lot __.._._...__._.....__... Setback _.._......._.__..__.__._ SideYard Sewer Elevation Foundation Elevation DESCRIPTION OF BUILDI{�1G To be Used as: � 36 396 g m Developing,__ Front �-.._4 � DeP� --_-_-9 �.._ Height _ll___..._ &'!• �—._....._.. Cu. Ft - � Service _ �Pth -____...�_ Height �---_ SQ• � --.__.._. Cu. F't. — �ront �..__ '�" "�l��� 4500.00 Frame . _.. To be Completed _- •_— .--. �ype oi Construction _..._..___.�_.. ._...__. Es� Cost -......__._..---..W__....._...-• _ Subject to the following: 1. Letter from N• With�theeCity & trying2to68o�ly with 2. Owner working suggestions to improve property• artiall on East sida 3. Chain link fence on North side & p Y . by Fotomat Corp. e�,t is issu�d, 4. No concrete to be poured until full p 5. Check with NSP for power source so that when 115 KV line is removed from University that the City is not liable for changing service. In consideration of the issuance to me of a permit to construct the building described above, I agree to da � proposed work in accordance witY► the description above set forth and in coTnP��Ce �� �1 ��T�°ns� crdinances of the dty of Fridley. (� �� �, t' .�� C�T'1" ' C �tc�-L�1` 1" 0 8 .�tVt 6 00 L. M. J. Co. In consideration oi the psyment of a fee oi S.-..-----' -����-��•��-�-�� Perm�t is hereby granted to._._._._•-----•-- to construct the building or addition �` 'agent�.sde pl yees ia�d w rk�en�� � w°k ��acpress condition that thepe rson to whom it is granted a�d of buildln8s done in, around and uppn said buildir►g, or any part thereof, shall mnform in all reSPects to the ordinances of ��ey� �nnesota regarding location, construction, alteration, maintenance� rePai� and raovin8 within the dty li�nits and this Permit maY �="�`rolced at any time uPon violation of any of the provisions o! said ordinances. �-c � � �7�P�x Nasi,m Qureshi Citv Engineer NOTICE: lumbtn �s h�atin aw�r x wahr. !� wn to � ihis p�emh do�s not sever f1N eonstwNian, instaliztion ter wi�in0. P s� 0 9' fh� buildiny Insp�ctor for sepenN parn�it: for fhsse itonn. ' � � MEMO T�: MEMO FROM: MEMO DATE: MEMO NUMBER: Homer R. Ankrum, City Manager Nasim M. Qureshi, City Engineer October 15, 1968 67 CM #68-22 RE: Street Name Changes � The Engineering Department has formulated three (3) proposed "Stxeet Name Change" plans. The object of these plans is as follows: � � ' , � � �J l _J ' ' � ' , 1) PUBLIC SAFETY -� ma e or sa ety names sound so to confusion in posars are for and for streets The changes in this proposal were reasons. At present, some street much alike that they may contribute �Fire and Police calls. Other pro-� streets which have no present name, which have neighborhood proposals. 2) NECESSARX ADJUSTMENTS - The changes in this proposal were ma e to e more consistent under the present street naming patterns. All streets west of the railroad tracks which run east and west were uni- formally named "Way". Other proposals were for the sake of continuity, which has suffered due to the City's rapid growth, and the public safety proposals of Plan l. 3) OVERALL ADJUSTMENTS - This plan attempts to reorganize t e street naming procedure through comprehensive standards: a. All North-South Streets are called "Streets" b. All East-West Streets " " "Avenues" c. Winding Streets " " "Drives" d, Service Roads " " "Roads" e. Street Circle Patterns " " "Circles" (Not Cu1-de-Sacs) f. West of railroad tracks " " "Ways" (East-West Streets) Exceptions: Where long standing familiar names have become associated M�ith specific areas. These should remain unchanged. All of the proposals give the City variouS alternatives for action. The most important for immediate concern is Plan 1, due to its effect on the Public Safety. However, the"Weces- sary Adjustments" in Plan 2, are just as important. The suggestions made, due to the subject matter, are dependent on individual taste and values. This disadvantage can be easily overcome through careful study of the street patterns. �� LJ j�, �' Memo to Homer Ankrum, City Manager Page Two ' , � � Some City stxeets can be more suitably named to fit into the pattern af neighborhoods and some street name changing at int�ersections can be eliminated. The major readjustments in Plan 3 cannot be implemented as easily as the changes in Plan 1 or 2. Also, in order to ob- tain the maximum effectiveness of a major street reorgani- zation, this should be attempted by the Metropolitan Area rathex than on the Municipal level. � The proposals made, are recommendations that something "should" be done. The longer it takes to change what is out dated, the more difficult the change becomes. The � purpose of these proposals is to show what can be done, and to create a starting point for future discussion of the problem. �I � � � � ' ' , � � ti- � � �: (� f�.� . �� 'i,i, � 'l �--, i ��,. t c,�:1 ��� City Engineer 0 .5(� i� �� I � � PROPOSAL #1 PUBLIC SAFETY � 1. 2. , 3. 4. � 5. � 6. 7. � � , � � � � i 1 Page One STREET RENAMING Tennison Drive - Regis Drive (Similarity of Sound) Panorama Avenue - 50th Avenue N.E. (Similarity of Sound) Hickory Street N.E. - Maple Stxeet N.E. (Locality) Meadowmoor Drive , Spring Drive (Similarity of Sound) 64�/2 Way - Bennett Way N.E. (Neighborhood Petition) Sex�vice Road (Hwy.#65 � 694) - Skywood Road (No Name) Service Road (Hwy.#47 � 694) - Oak Hill Road (No Name) �� � r I � I � � i � � � � �� � � � � � , l_ ' � Page Two PROPOSAL #2 STREET RENAMING NECESSARY ADJUSTMENT 1. A1� of Page One 2. Altura Road - 3rd Street 3. Baker Avenue - Baker Street 4. Buffalo Street - Buffalo Way 5. Carol Circle - Carol Drive 6, C�arles Street - Charles Way 7. Cheri Circle - Cheri Lane 8. Cheryl Street - Cheryl Way 9. Craig Way - Craig Circle 10. Dover Street - Dover Way 11, Fairmont Street - Fairmont Way 12. Glencoe Street - Glencoe Way �,3. Glen Creek Road - Glen Creek Way 14. Gelene Place - 57th Avenue 1S. Hickory Avenue �, Street - Hickory Drive 16. Hickory Place - Ashton Avenue 17. Hillcrest Drive - Hillcrest Circle 18. 1Hugo Street - Hugo Way 19, Ironton Street - Ironton Way 20. Janesville Street - Janesville Way 21. Kimball Street - Kimball Way 22. Lafayette Street - Lafayette Way 23. Liberty Street - Liberty Way 24. Locke Lake Road - 68th Way 28. Longfellow Street - Longfellow Way 26. Mississippi Place - Mississippi Way 27. Oakley Drive - Oakley Street r�� .7 �- i� i� I � I � � � , � � � � � i �J � � u � i NECESSARY ADJUSTMENT Con't. 28. Rainbow Drive - lst Street N.E. 29. Regis Drive - Buchannan Street 30. Regis Terrace - 56th Avenue 3�. Regis Trail - Lincoln Street 32. Rickard Road - Rickard Way 33. River Edge Way - River Edge Circle 34. Roman Road - 2nd Street N.E. 3S, Satellite Lane - 64th Avenue N.E. 36. Star Lane - 3rd Street N.E. 37. Sunrise Drive - 2nd Street N.E. �38. Topper Lane - 2nd Street N.E. 39. Trinity Drive - Main Street �, 63rd Avenue 4Q. 2nd Street - lst Street 41, 2�/2 Street - 2nd Street 42. 57th Avenue - Hathaway Lane 43, 711/2 Way - Meyers Way �� rj�� Page Three STREET RENAMING 1'RQPOSAL #3 pVERALL ADJUSTMENT 1, North-South = Streets 2. East-West = Avenues 3. Winding = Drives 4. Service Road = Roads S. Circles = Circles 6. 1/2 Streets = Lanes 7. West of Railroad Tracks = Ways (East-West Street) i� I � I � � � � � � ' LJ ' � � , � �_ J � � OVERALL ADJUSTMENTS (Con't) �. , Altux'a Rd . - 3rd St . 2. Anr�a Ave .- Anna St . 3. Anoka St. - Cleveland St. q�. Apex Lane - Apex St. S, Ashton Ave. - Ashton St. 6. Bacon Dr. - Garfield St. 7, Baker Ave. - Baker.St. $, Bennett Dr. - 64th Ave. 9. Bexne Rd. - Berne Dr. l0. Broad Ave. - Broad St. 11. Brookview Dr. - Brookview Rd. 12. Buffalo St. - Buffalo Way 13. Capital St. - Capital Dr. 14. Carrie Lane - 56th Ave. 15. Channel Rd. - Channel Dr. 16. Charles St. - Charles Ave. 17, Cheri Lane - 55th Ave. 18. Cheryl St. - Cheryl Way 19. Clearview Lane - Clearview Dr. 20. Clover Place - Clover Dr. 21. Comet Lane - 6Znd Ave. 22. Concerto Curve - Concerto Dr. ��, �x�,�g �Yay - Craig Circle 24, Crown Rd. - Crown Ave. 25. Dellwood Dr. - Fillmore St. 26. Dover St. - Dover Way 27, �ly St. - Ely Way : i.`i 28. Fairmont St. - Fairmont Way 29. Fireside Dr. - Fireside Ave. 30. Fridley St. - Benjamin St. 31. Gardena Ave. - 59th Ave. 32. Gardena Lane - Matterhorn Dr. 33. Gibralter Rd. - Gibralter Ave. 34a Glacier Lane - Glacier Dr. 35. Glencoe St. - Glencoe Way 36� Glen Creek Rd. - Glen Creek Dr. 37. Hackman Ave. - Hackman Dr. 38. Hathaway Lane - Hathaway Ave. 39. Helene Place - 57th Ave. 40. Hickory St. - Maple St. 41. Hickory Dr. - No. Locke Lake Dr.� �� 71st way� Hickory St. - Hickory Circle - " 42. Hickory Place - Hickory St. 43. Hickory Ave. - Hickory St. 44. Hillcrest Dr. - Hillcrest Cire1� 45. Horizon Circle - 54th Ave. 46. Hughes Ave. - Hughes Dr. 47. Hugo St. - Hugo way 48. Ironton St. - Ironton Way 49. Janesville St. - Janesville Way 50. Kimball St. - Kimball Way 51. Lafayette St. - Lafayette Way 52. Lakeside Rd. - Benjamin St. i� �� I , ' � � � i � L � � � � , � � , � : -��� pVERALI, ADJUSTMENTS (Con't.) S3, I,i.bexty St. - Liberty Way 80. River Edge Way , River Edge Cix� 54, �,acke I�ake Rd. - No. Lock Lake Dr. 81. Riverview Terr. - Riverview Dr� 5S, Langfel�ow St. - Longfellow Way 82. Roman Rd. - 2nd St. S6, T�uci.a Lane - Fillmore St. 83. Sat�llite Lane - 64th Ave. 57, I�ynde Arive - 57th Ave. 84. Skywood Lane - Skywood Ave. S8. i,yr�.c Lane - I.yric Dr. 85. Skywood Court - Skywood Dr. �9. Marigold Terr. - Marigold Ave. 86. Spring Brook Place - SpringBrc�p� Street 60. Meadow Moor Dr. - Spring Dr. 87. Starlane - 3rd St. 61. Memory Lane - Memory Dr. 88. Starlite Blvd. - Starlite St. 62. Meyers Ave. - Meyers Way 89. Sunrise Dr. - 2nd St. 63. Mississippi Place - Mississippi Way 90. Sylvan Lane - Sylvan Dr. 6A�. Oakley Dr. - Oakley St. 91. Talmadge Lane - Talmadge St, 65, Qakwood Manor - Arthur St. 92. Tempo Terr. - Tempo Dr. 66. Qnondaga St. - 74th Ave. 93. Tennison Dr. - Buchanan St. 67. Panorama Ave, - 50th Ave. 94. Topper Lane - 2nd St. 6$. Plaza Cuxve - Pla�a Dr. 95. Trinity Dr. - Main St. $ 63rdAV� 69, Rainbow Dr. - lst St. 96. Woody Lane - Woody Dr. 7Q, Rainer Pass - Rainer Dr. 97. 2nd St. - lst St. 7�. Reg�.s Dr. - Buchanan St. 98. 2�/2 St. - 2nd St. 72. Regis I�ane - 55th Ave. 99. 531/2 Ave. - Skywood Ave. 7�, Regis Terr. - 56th Ave. 100. 571/2 Ave. - 57th Lane 74, Regi.s Trail. - Lincoln St. 101. 591/2 Way - 59th Lane 7S. Rice Creek Rd. - E. Moore Lake Dr. 102. 611/2 Way - 61st Lane (63rd Ave.) 76. Rice Cree� Blvd. - N. Rice Creek Dr1U3. 621/2 Way - 62nd Lane 77.�Rice Creek Terr. - S. Rice Creek Dr104. 631/2 Way - Sylvan Way 7$, R��e Creek Way - S. Locke Lake Dr. 105. 6a1/2 Way - 64th Lane 99, R��k�xd Rd. - 76th Way 106. 651/2 Way - 65th �ane I , I � : �'7 OVERALL ADJi1STMENTS (Con't) IJ , 1p7, 66�/� Ave. - Rice Creek Terr (New Brighton) 1Q8, 66�/2 Way - 66th Lane � 1Q9. 68th P1ace - 68th Lane �],p, 7��/2 Way - Meyers Way � ].11. 73�/2 Ave. - 73rd Lane � , , ' ' � , � ' , , ' , �J � � LJ ' r ' , 5� :�����i��N N0. 1_ 64 - 19�$ A RESOLUTION REQUESTINC4 �HE STA'�� HiGHWP.Y CU�IISSI�IVER TO REDUCE THE SPEEp LIMIT ON EAST RIVER ROAD FROM I. 694 NORTH TO THE NORTHERN CITY LIMITS FROM 45 MPH � TO 30 MPH. WHEREAS, seventy eight accidents have o�curred on East River Road_in the City of Fridley during the period from January 1, 1968 to October 18, 1968 to include one fatality; and Wi�FtEAS, the speed limit is established at 45 MPH and the road is not designed to carry large volume, high speed traffic in the congested residential areas from Interstate Highway 694 on the south to the north City Limits of the City of Fridley; and WHEREAS, Robert Louis Stevenson school has recently been constructed in this area and two new large apartment complexes are under various stages of construction in the area with a total capacity of 602 units, adding to the already heavy residential area; and WHEREAS, East I extreme danger to and River Road is now being used as a t►igh speed commuter highway at the commuter as well as local vehicular and pedestrian traffic; WHEREAS, Trunk Highway 47 and Highway 65 are only a short distance to the � east of East River Road and are designed to handle large volume traffic at higher than residential district speeds, and East River Road is substandard and cannot adequately carry large volume communter traffic, � ' L_J � NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, that the State Highway Commissioner be and is hereby requested to immediately reduce the speeds on East River Road from Highway 694 north to the northern City Limits of the City of Fridley from 45 MPH to 30 MPH, pending further engineering study in the interest of saving lives and reducing injuries on this extremely dangerous substandard highway. ADOPT�A BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 21ST DAY OF OCTOBER 1968. � ' � ' , ATT'EST: . CITY CLERK - MAR I C. BRUNSELL ,,,� a. 1 � .w�... MAYOR - JACK 0. KIRKHAM � ORDINANCE N0. AN ORAINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1��� �HE CI'�Y OF FRTI�L+EY ORDAINS: �-6 c � / � '�I r� J �ECTION 1e Th�� '��� ���ual budget of the City of Eridley for the fiscal year beginning Ja�,�ary l, 1969 which has been submitted by the City Manager and modified and a�px�oved by �h� ��ty Council is hereby adopted; the total of the said budget and the major �iv3��.Qns �h�x� o� b�ing as follows: � AVAILABLE REQUIREMENTS Tt�V�NU URR�NT R�VENU�: eneral P�^op�rty Tax I,icenses and Permits ��n�s az�d Fc�rfeitures rom Oth�r Agencies SerX�ae Char�es �on-Rev�r�ue Recei�ts TOTAL EN�RAT� PRO�'�RTY TAXES OR QTHER FUNAS: ebt SsrviCe �'und - Parks Fub�.�.e �mp�oyees Rstirement �'uz�d �'i.�me�n�s Rel�.�� Fund: Ir��ura�nae Refund Mi7.1 Lsvy �tate Aid- Highway� eb� Se�vic� Fund - Improve- msnt �ands �ebt Sexvi�� Fund - Civ�.c Centa� Bonds �o1�.ce �'eA�i9n Futid TOTAI� OTAL ALL FIJNA'� � r - , GENERAL FUND: City Council City Manager's Office Municipal Court Elections & Registrations Finance Auditing Le gal Boards � Commissions Buildings 6 Grounds Police Fire Building Inspection Civil Defense Engineering Public Works Street I�ighting Sanitation � Health Parks, Recreation � Band Health � Hospital Insurance Library Reserve TOTAL GENERAL FUNA OTHER FUNDS: P.E.R.A. Firemen's Relief Debt Service-Park Bonds State Aid -� Highways Debt Service-Improv. Bonds Debt S:ervice-Civic Center Bds. Police Pension Fund TOTAL ��� � TOTAL ALL FUNDS EC'��QN 2� That the City Manager be directed to cause the appropriate accounting �ntr��s to be made in the books of the City. pA,£S�D p►ND �DQPT'ED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THIS DAY OF , 1968. � SIGNED: JACK 0. KIRKHAM, MAYOR �TT� ST : M,�q, � �, $ UNS�LL� C�TY CLERK � First Reading: Second Reading: Publish i � c �� - fi0 -. ��; J CITY OF FRIbi��►7f, �N:�3�TA � . , APPLICATION F� SIGP PEit�QT . Oct. 18th (g ----- 19 �OCATICNs ' �ECAL DRSC�P1'YAIi•- - - _ . �'�li�"1' �*38 t �....� . � 1rR=�.t�! �18� �r EpILpI�f.� t �� ��r��iRad iar�b� rkea spplicstioa t� a ������~* ���i� to do all �k in strict acc ��t for th� �k ��is �����8� o� the pap�rp�t o� Duildi Oz�ca �th the Cit� p�i��Q� ��l�Mplt�tiooa •tat�d �n thia aPPi�a�ic�n ar��trwaaad�c�troctt all t!r f+Kt� ■� _�� �1$�x1."ICATIGl1 0! Pa0PB1tT7=--_r. ����' �W�Tis M�nnia Pearl�s h c en + f�' BIGf: � 1) -- - - - IAS��D: � p�pl x (I+raa . • t rou� a �' FL�AN�1I SE O�i �.D� � � �� , i'IA1 �1D � p� � h/68 �� 12/10 6diALL C�",.ET�p � — --�.., �aenr a. s�u,� S� s3soo.00 . Wa�.1. � -y`" �C �O � DESQtI p!� ��lA$�C��" /o ' - io�i ,. Cl! SjQI _ ��!'D�I�InE G' � -r—HZD1H P `- z" TNICK�a vZ , � � �X QT� �f ~ N � �i�tNt !RQ Q` �' �IAG AREA— �—�.� �., ,... �' L� (� )�p f.� • RoOA �s I� % i,IbOD ---��� �7►lan) lrhtt'• —�_ ir'°�t a r� o� : �� -----� �� �R'� 8I�= •. p�'�i APkZICANx'a dIGNAT�itgt �� � ence 3igas . ai: �'�'� � C�?L? ii1�Tl1 OdtDII'�Ali� 'i70. 318 Arp t MA� �,� 19��� /►a PiR 8E L T I p� 5 6, 0 3� Y A�. 2, 6 3 S � iiITB �yyt �� _ S6.Oi, lAR� 9.A f� � �t �l�I.� i� iC ��t� ��' � cx�r �����a ----- ��X 8l�C�.�A �'_' �cscr�ccu, a �ixa-;-�r ci�s I 1 1 � ' , , , ' � �1 PLAIVNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 24� �7�� The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M, by Chairma.n Erickson. ROT�L CALL : Members Present: Erickson, Jensen, Fitzpatrick Members Absent: Mittelstadt and Myhra (convalescin�� Others Present: City Manager-H. R. Ankrum, Engineering Ass't- D. Clark. APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINiTTES: OCTOBER 10, 1968: MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Jensen, approve the minutes of October 10, 1968. Upon a aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: OCTOBEft 16, 1968: tha.t the Planning Commission voice vote, all voting MOTION by Jensen, �econded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planxiing Commisaion receive the minutes of the BoarC �i Appeals meeti;.� of October 16, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ORDER OF AGII�TDA • Chairman Erickson said the items would be disposed of as listed. ' PUBLIC HF�AR REQUESTID B � ' : APF'ROVE PR NARY PLANS FOR AS Chairma.n Erickson explained that Council, at their meeting on Monday, by a two to three vote turned down the PD Ordinance, which action made it impqssible for the Planning Commission to consider the Preliminaxy Pla.ns. He stated Mr. Dumphy called him sa.ying he wished to re-study hia proposal and find out for himself if it is feasible to go ahead. The question riow was how long legally could this request be tabled. The PD Ordinance (No. 349) was studied and because � meeting in November was Thanksgiving� Day, it was decided Planning Commisaion would table the Public Hearing until in December, which is December 12, 1968. ' � , ' ' the second that the the first meeting MOTION by Jenaen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commissian tabl� the item of the Spring Brook Park PD Plan, Howaxd Dumphy, to the December 12, 1968 meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion caxried unanimously. REVISION TO SIGN AND BILLBOARD ORDINANCE: The Planning Commiseion began with Section 6, Administration and conti.nued the atudy to the end of the proposed revision. There were portione of the proposed revision which the commiss�.on felt ahouid be reviewed by the City Attorney. Homer R. Ankr�zm, City Mansger, agreed to get Mr. Herrick'e. :i recommendationa on the propoaed revision. ADJOURI�TMENT : Chairman Erickeon adjourned the meeting at 10:45 P.M. ' Reapectfully aubmitted, Iiazel 0' Brian Recording :ecretary f2 ' BUZLDZNG STANDARDS DESIGN CONTROL SL'BCOMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES, OCTOBF�t 30, 1968 ' __.,_.___-__._.._ .� T�� �eeti,n� was called to order by Chairman EriCkson at 8:05 P.M. --- �� � ' ROLL CALL: MF��1BF�tS PRESENT: Dittes, Erickson, Biermann, Hauge , Mk�LBERS ABSEN`I': Tonco pTH�g pRESENT: Peter Herlofsky-Se.nior Engineering Aid I1. CONSIDERATION OF A RE UEST TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITFI�OIDLEYSUM�NNESO�i�AGITH�E SNAME BEING INCORPORATID LOCATID AT 68 HIGHWAY 6 THE NORTH FEET OF LOTS 1 AND 1, BROOKVIEW ADDITION TO FRIDLEY AN�KA COIINTY, MINNESOTA. REQUEST BY CAROLYN MINDER, 55� RICE CREEK BOULEVARD, FRIDL , MINNESOTA. ' ^ T. Bob Mitlder was present, representing Carolyn M'inder. NL� MOTION by Biermann to recommend approval of the above request and the issuing of ' a building �ermit subject to the following atipulations; 1� Mr. Minder sign the request along with Carolyn Minder as he owns ' part of the land under consideration. 2, There be concrete (precast� curbs arou.nd the island at street only on parking lot side,. Alao precast curbs at edge of parking lot ' adjacent to open space 0�-� S..��-� �''`�� 3. There be two trees (6sh or Maple� in island. i t}. Sodding and seeding in areas not used for building or parking lot as marked in red on the drawing. 5. Block design to conform to existing building' and painted to match. � � 6. All other cha.nges marked in red on the plot plan. Secanded by Dittes. Upon a voic� vote, th�re being no nays, the motion carried ' unanimously. Q, CONSIDERATION OF A R UEST TO CONSTRUCT A LIGHT TNDUSTRIAL BUILDING IN A C-R2 , ZONING LOCATID ON LOTS �IDLEY MIONNESOTA�ON�RECUESBY RO ER LARSONN& ASSOC., jJDTIyF�SITY AVENIIE N.E. 10 2 OaBORNE ROAD Fridle Minn�s�ta. ' MOTION by Dittes to grant the request and the issuing of a building permit with the following recommendations; ' 1. Changes marked in r�d on building elevations. 2. Changes ma.rked in red on plot plan. ' SeC9nded by Biermann. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unani,mously. ,�. U�ST BUTLDING DEPARTMEN'i' TO CHECK CURBING R UIRII�NTS ON GDORGETOWN APARTMENTS • IA1)JOURNMF.�1T: ' �hp meeting adjourned a� 9:30 P.M. �iespeQtfully submitted, Qar�o� Hauge, Acting Secretary ' ' �� THE MINITTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF Ut%'runr�c ' was called to order by �tilairma.n Mittelstadt. The meet�ng ' ' ' 1. ' ' ' ' ' , � �BERS PRESENr: N:l±t•P=stadt, 0'Bannon, Mir.ish, Harris �EftS ABSENT: Ahonen pTIiERS PRESENT: Clarence Belisle-Building Inspector MOTION by Minish to accept the minzt�:� of October 16, 1963, as written.. 'Jpon a voice cote, there being no na..ys, the motion carried ' 2. ' ' ' ' , ' Seconded by 0'Bannon. ,�nanimously. Mr, I�ars Anderaon was present to present hi.a proposal. MOTION by 0'Bannon to grant the request for t?�e following reasons, which were also atated in the October 16, ?y68, minutes. 1. There was no one present in opposition to the variance. 2. There is no existing structure immediately to the South of this property. The variance meets all other physical requirements; i.e., does 3� not present traffic hazard, does not obstruct view of other dwellings etc. Seconded by Minish. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried una.nimous l .y . _ The Boarda opinion is that Mr. Gitis has not, in due time, submittea a y��� ry4H ox I,ot Split request to the Building Inepector. � Mp�ION by Mr• 0'Bannon to table this requept until we hee►r further from Mr. C itis. Saconded by Miniah. Upo.n a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimouely. '�. Gitie i� to be notified of this action. 1 ' ' �. , ' ' ' ' , �. , ' , � ' � ' ' ' �4 _ nCTOBfft 30. 1968 z �'IOTTON by Minish to grant the request for the following rea�eona, ��G1cn $re .�+.•ti stated in the October 16, 1968, minutes. 1. All other buildings in the 900 block of Osborne Road are 60 feet from the street except Woodcrest School, which is 40 feet from the street. Therefore, the building site is co.nsistent with other structures. 2. There was no one present to offer opp osition. 3. The buildix� will be an improvement in the immediate area. 4. The proposed atructure offers no obs� ect�emisesthavelfull �viewrof Road. Trucks, autoe, etc., leavin� P Osborne Road traffic in either direction. �econded by Harxis. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. A��11can� or a representative was not present to present the proposal. MpT�ON by Mini.sh to close the public hearing. Upon a voice vote, there being no na.ys, the motiotn carxied Secanded by 0'Bannon. uzlax�imous 1y . 1g68, meetin�, to Mp��pN by 0'Bannon to table thia request until�,tto bevhea�d wi�h reference to the ��v� �. Campbell an opportun%ty to attend, Y� ; � above me�tter. Seconded by Minish. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion caxried unanimously. '�h� Board feels that they could not grant the request until they could talk to M�c, Cam�bell. ___ __ . ,.T,.,, v11DT vnrn�meRY T.7NE �j. A __ __......'.....r, �,r c•c+l�TTl11J �.� ' ' BOAR�Q OF APPEALS �' TOBEft 30 ,��€� ---- PAiE 3 The applicar�t or a rF;p^esentative was nct present to present the proposal. ' OTION b. 0'Bannon to table this req�.lest until ±he applicant or a re�resentative M Y is able to at+end the mee+in� and t�� brin� with tl�em a plot plan and a design of , the proposed buildir��. Seconded by Minish. Upon a voice v��P, tY�?re being no nays, the motion caxrie3 �unanimously. 6, .A R TJEST FOR VARIANrE GF ��C �'IdN 1 RrDUCTION 0�' ::i`REF'P LINE SETBACK FROM MISSISSIPPI STREET ON THE SOUTH F'fiUM 80 FEET TO 62 F�''E'I' ANT- FROM EE4ST RIVER ROAD , ON THE EAST FROM 80 FEET TO FEET TO PERN:IT CONSTRUC'PION Gr A CAR WASH ON THE �p�i� 2 FEET OF BLOCK 22 F�� �TJLEY PA.TtK ADDITION THE SAME BETNG THE N.W. CORNII� OF THE INTERSECTION OF MISSISSIPPI S�?'REET AN� EAST RIVER ROAU. R II�T BY ' ROB�T SCHROEft 88. FIRW�GD WAY N.E. FRIDLEY MINNESOTA. Mr. Eldon Schmedeke was present �c present his views. ' Th� apFliqa.nt or a rPpresenta*.ive was not present. MOTION b,y Minish to �lose the public heari.ng• ' Seconded b,y Harris. Upon a�.oi�e ��ote, there being no nays, the motion carried � u�la.nitnous ly . '' ; IMOTION by Minish to table the request �zntil Mr. Schroer could come in and 3iscuss � the traffic patterns £or the car wash because the BOard feels as the traffic patterns stand now, they wo�:id have to deny the request. , Seeo.nded by 0'Bannon. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mo�ion carried u�animously. , '� A R UE5T FOR CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL L?SE PERMIT UNDfft SEC`i'ION • �� , pARAG.RApH 20 ' TO PERMIT T'riE ESTABLISHING OF A USID CAR LOT IN C-2 ZONIN'i ON LpT� 1 ANp 2 BLOCK CITY VIE4J ADD:TION ANOKA COUNTY MINNESOTA THE SAME , �EING UNIJ�SITY AVEN7E N.E. F`RiDLFY MINNESOTA. RE UEST BY COURTNEY R. SCHUUR 6-2 STREET N.E. F'RIDLEY MINNESOTA. � Mr. Courtney Schuur was present to present his proposal. �J,�. Ranko Schuur was also presen+• ' MU`.['ZON by 0'Bannon to close the public hearingT Seconded by �Iarris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carr:ed , u.nanimnusly• . MO`�ION by 0'Bannon to grant Special Jse Permit for the following reasons; ' 1. There was no one present in opposition. 2. The applicant stated there would be no more than 15 cars parked ' acroas the front area. j. There woald be �io traffic problems. 4. There would be no effect upon a proposed sidewalk. 1 ' , � �Q�? QF AP�EALS - OCTOBER 3Q, 1968 PAGE 4 ��po�lc�ed. by �iarriR. Upon a voice vote, there being ox�e nay, the motion carried. '�. �Ij.x�ish apposed this request, as he felt the granting of this request eom�ou�lc�ed the pxoblem of illegal �arking of used cars i.n this area. ,A�1?.l"QURI�' : '�Y�e �RQ�'ting' was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. �e�pectfully submitted, �� c � 1�Y' HIN'.� �.J �eoretarY � �� MINUTES OF REGULAR PARKS AND RECREATION CONID9ISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 28, 1968 ' eetin Was called to order by Chairman Fitzpatrick at 7:50 P.M. ���'1 � g � � � � L_J L� C LJ ' , � � � � � LJ � � � MEMBERS PRESEN'r: Fitzpatrick, Dunphy, Cochran, Stimmler MEMBERS ABSENT: Donlin OTHERS PRESENT: Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation Mary Lou Erickson, Secretary MINUTES OF REGULAR D4EETING OF SEPTEMBER 23, 1968 MOTION by Cochran, seconded by Dunphy, that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 23, 1968, be accepted. The Motion Carried. LETTERS Letter from Mr. R. P. Minder, President of Fridley Rotary Club, to Mr. Homer Ankrum, Fridley City Manager, Subject: Development of West Moore Lake. MOTION by Dunphy, seconded by Cochran, to receive the letter of October 8, 1968, from Mr. R. P. Minder, President of the Fridley Rofary Club, pre- sented to the Commission through the City Manager. The Motion-Carried. Vice Chairman Dunphy stated that the Rotary Club is probably not aware of the Commission's ideas for this piece of land. We should acquaint them with the Commission's and the Park Consultant's ideas for the development of West Moore Lake. Member.Cochran felt that their offer was a very good idea and wished to express his genuine interest in having more civic groups interested in projects such as this. Vice Chairman Dunphy suggested that once we have a basic plan for any property and the general overall grading is done, perhaps civic groups could plant trees and shrubs. In this way, the greenery would have a good start before any other development would be done. MOTION by Cochran, seconded by Stimmler, that the letter of October 9, 1968, from Mr. R. P. Minder, President of the Fridley Rotary Club to.the City Manager, be answered by the Director in behalf of the Department and the Commission expressing our desire to cooperate with their request and set up a mutually a.eceptable date to meet with representatives from their organization and discuss an overall plan. The Motion Carried. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Parks and Recreation Memorandum At the September Meeting, the Commission questioned �•��hy the�information on the Spring Lake Property, Unplatted Section 12, Parcel 30 and Parcel 100, was given to them. The Director explained that this information was requested by the City , Council. (See further information under heading, REVIEWAL OF LAND INTERESTS, Spring Lake Property.) Also at the previous meeting, the Commission discussed whether or not the Fridley Youth Football Association had a rule about each player participating in each game and also for how long. The llirector stated that it is a rule that every boy must play in every game but there is no set time length that he must play. Mr. Adolph Kukowksecreation DerartmentilthetusehofCthe pr pertyeonttheeNorth sidee to the Parks and R p of the church. , , �J � -- - OCTOBER 28, 1968 PAGE 2 �� B REGULAR PARKS AND RECREATION COD�JISSION MEETING, MOTION by Dunphy, seconded by Cochran, to reaognize the kind offer made by St. William's Church through Mr. Adolph Kukowski, to lend use of the property on the north side of the church. The Commission has no immediate plans to use this land for recreational facilities but. it will be kept in mind for future use. The.Motion Carried. The 1969 Tree Beautification Program was discussed by the Commission. Vice Chairman Dunphy suggested that perhaps the Commission could recommend to the Council that it is their desire that the species of trees planted be more varied and not all the same kind. No further action was taken. Under Number III, Recreation, of the Memorandum, the whole program for the � coming season will be listed and all.up to date information will be given the Commission in all future Memorandums. , , ' ' ' � � ' ` � As it is now, only the Spring and Summer Bulletins are mailed to the residents of the City. Member Cochran suggested that the Fall and 69inter Bulletins be mailed also to assure that all adults receive them. He thought that perhaps they. couid be mailed with the water bills. Parks VVork Progress Report At the September Meeting, the Commission requested a more detitiled report on the vandalism at Plymouth Square. This report was written by the Park Leadman and sent to the Commission. It explained that the warming house and apparatus had to be repainted and the blacktop surface court was resealed, because some- one using spray paint had written on this equipment. Due to the heavy construction around Locke Park, some of the fences are down in the park resulting in cars parking in areas other than the parking lot. It was suggested that perhaps temporary No Parking signs could be installed. Also be- cause of the construction of a storm sewer from the new Target warehouse through Locke Park into Rice Creek, many trees and shrubs were removed and destroyed. The Commission feels that the Council should try to recover damages to Locke Park from Target. The Director stated that he would check into this. The Com- mission requested that this item be placed on the November Agenda. The request to advertise for bids to insulate the Park Garage was tabled by the Council at their October 21st Meeting pending further information as to why this was requested. The Director has sent a memo to the Council giving many reasons why this building should be insulated so it can be used this Winter. 1968 item will again be considered by the Council at the Meeting of November 4, IdEW BUSINESS " Plan for 1970 and Review of 1968 Summer Program Plan for 1970 and Review of 1968 Summer Program were presented to the Commission. They decided to carry over these two reports to the November Meeting. Monthly Budget Report The Quarterly Budget Report the Commission will receive Department from the Finance will no longer be put out by the Department. Instead a copy of the Monthly Budget Report received by the Department. . �� � rRCGULAR PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 28, 1968 PA�GE 3 , ' ' ' � �� , I ' REVIE�'�AL OF LAND INTERESTS Spring Lake Property MOTION b Dun h, seconded b �timmler, that Parks and Recreation Commission call to the attention of the City Council their desire to acquire the propert described as Spring Lake Property, Unplatted Section 12, Parcel 30 and Parcel � � a- 1�, o r h meeti Lots 43 and 44, Block 12, Spring Brook Park Addition MOTION by Dunphy, seconcied by Cochran, that the Commission would appreciate the Cit not actin on the Cit -owned ro ert described as Lots 43 and 44 Block 12, Spring Brook Park Addition, until the Parks and Recreation Commis- s'ion can eva uate t is property. T e Motion arrie . NOVEMBER AGENDA The Commission requested that a note be written to Mr. Harvey Peterson, County Commissioner, requesting that he attend the December 16th Meeting along with Mr. Edward Braddock, Park Consultant, to discuss the County participation in the developing of the river front area and the Spring Lake Property. The Commission decided to discuss also at the November Meeting, the Ordinance Book from the Minneapolis Park Board and see which of the ordinances could be adopted and enforced in our City Parks. ' ADJOURNMENT ' � , � ' , ' � ' The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M. The next regular meeting wi.11 be held on Monday, November 25, 1968, at 7:30 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Civic Center. Respectfully submitted, G�-C. ��-Gt�� -C����'-�� �� � � Mary Loti Erickson, Secretary to the Commission � ' I ' I � I ' � , ' ' ' , , ,. .� lJ ' '-' � �J '_ , , �F! PUBLIC WORKS D�PARTMENT CITY OF FRIDLEY October 28, 1968 Honorable Mayor and City Council c/o Homer R. Ankrum, City Manager City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Re: Bids on 27 500 Pound GVW Dum Truck 0 ened on October 28 1968 at 12:00 o'clock Noon The following are the bids submitted for the above mentioned truck by these five different automobile companies: Bidder Model Shipping Wt. Cash Price Del. Date Main Motor Sales Chev CE 61403 6,476 Lbs. $6,027.68 60 Cal. Days 222 East Main St. GVW 27,500�� Anoka, Minn. Hopkins Motor Sales Dodge D800-157 $6,704.00 90 - 120 701 Excelsior Ave. W. GVW 27,500�� Cal. Days Hopkins, Minn. McGee Trucks, Inc. GMC HM-7640V 8,900 Lbs. $6,790.00 45 - 60 3001 N.E. Broadway GVW 27,500�� Cal. Days Minneapolis, Minn. Market Ford Sales Ford F-800 7,000 Lbs. $6,935.00 60 Cal. Days 725 West Broadway GVW 27,500�� Minneapolis, Minn. Bill Boyer Ford Ford F-800 $7,188.16 30 - 90 88 Glenwood Ave. GVW 27,500�� Cal. Days Minneapolis, Minn. I recommend that the City purchase the GMC truck, even though it is the third highest bid. A11 the other bids are short in one or more cate- gories. Z`here is also an economical reason. We do have three GMC trucks at present and this tends to save money on maintenance, as we do not have to keep so many spare parts around. The weight of the truck is a big fac- tor in plowing snow, and the GMC outweighs all the others. My second choice would be the Dodge, and my third choice would be the Chevrolet. LEC:ik r- ` `- � � � � 'Z_�:�_�r--, _ �.�c / `�?i�/C /�� - t� LESTER E. CHESNEY Director of Public Works ;..:, �� PUSLIC WOFtKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF FRIDLEY October 28, 1968 INFORMATION ON 27 500 POUND GVW DUMP TRUCK BIDS Main Motor Sales: Chevrolet - low bid Short on torque Short on front springs Short on frame Weight is light for a 27,500 lb. truck Hopkins Motor Sales: Dodge - second low Short on rear springs Short on frame McGee Trucks, Incorporated: GMC - third low Meets all specifications Market Ford Sales: Ford - fourth low Short on engine Short on rear springs Bill Boyer Ford• Ford - fifth low Short on rear springs � Highest bid � ' I ' ' i � ' i ' , .' 1i �9 PUBLTC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF FRTDLEY October 29, 1968 Honorable Mayor and City Council e/o Homer R. Ankrum, City Manager City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Re: Bids on Liquid Chlorine, Hydrofluosilicic and Ammonium Sulphate Opened on October 29, 1969 at 12:00 o'clock Noon The following are the bids submitted for the above mentioned chemi- cals by these three different chemical companies: � • AMMONIUM HYDROFLUO- LIQUID CHLORINE SULPHATE SILICIC Amt. per Amti. per Amt. per Amt. per Bidder 150 lb. 1 Ton CWT �WT J. W. Jones Co., Inc. $13.785 $ 99.40 no bid no bid Box iii Hudson, Wisconsin Hawkins Chemicals $17.50 $120.00 $4.20 $7.00 3100 E. Hennepin Minneapolis, Minn. Lyon Chemicals, Inc. $17.50 $139.00 $4.60 $7.00 2313 Wycliff St. Paul, Minn. I believe we will have to split the chemical bids, as we.will realize a definite saving by buying our liquid chlorine from the J• W• Jones Com- pany and our ammonium sulphate and hydrofluosilicic from the Aawkins Chemi- cals. ' I recommend that we award the Liquid Chlorine Bid to the J• W. Jones Company, Incorporated, and the Ammonium Sulphate and Hydrofluosilicic Bids to the Hawkins Chemicals.. � � � LEC:ik �' , , ..'Ck� '' + � J r L, �/ � � `` �_ "�(- �� �� ..-t' i�- �' LESTBR E. CHESNEY Director of Public Works %� ' � i� I I L 'THE MINNESOTA TRANSFER RAILWAY COMPANY PROPRIETARY GOMPANI�S CHeCA60, MIL,WAUKEE, ST. PAUL & PAGFIC R. R. CO. CF��CA60� a NDR7'M WEBTERN RY. SVSTEM ORFAT NORTMERN RA�LWAV COMPANV �'�'pqp� rACIFIC RA�LWAY COMPANY ' JOHN L.. JENS�N CHIE#' �INEeR � ' ' � ' ' , ' ' CNICA60, GREAT WESTERH RV. CO. CHIGOO BURLINGTON R QUINCY R. R. CO. 800 LINF RAILROAD CO. CHIG60. R�CK ISIAND 6 PACIlIC R. R. CO. 2071 UNIVERSITY AVE. SAINT PAUL, MIN�IESOTA 55104 FILE October 18� 1968 NJr. Nasim 6Eureshi � City F�-igineer Village of Fridley 6431 University Avenue.� N.E. Fridley� Minnesota. Dear Mr. Qureshis With reference to our meeting yesterday� concerning proposed installation of a 54" storm drain under Minnesota Transfer ma,in line track a short distance East of Highway No. 65 replacing e�riating 24�� culvert. Please be advised that the Minnesota Transfer Rail— way Comjaany would be agreeable to pay for 2� of the construction cost across Minnesota Transfer right—of—way not including the cost of �'emoving and reinstalling the railroad�s track. The Railway Company is agreeable to assuming the total cost of removing and re— �.natalling its track to facilitate the installation of the 54" PiPe by the Village's contractor. ' �W��1 cc s Mr. W. F. Bannon ' ' ' ' 1 ' Yours truly, �^�1� � // John L. J en �� Chief �g'ineer ; � -., .;..c. `� '�..�•: yti2� .�... � r� �.. n , , . �' iG,_ . .;..0 � 'Fi�. _ %n 1 1 1�'lF.�iO T�? : ' Mi;MQ F�.OM : ' SUB�EC'� : DATE: ' ' �J ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' N�si.s.sa Quxea�i, P o� o Fr3.dley C�.�y En�ia�e�x Cc��ock & Da+ris, iac. S�o�cm Sewer Improvemen� �'roject I3oo 89 Octaber 29, 1968 We have received a copq of I�, 3oL, 3en�en's let�er �oacerning cor�t partici- p€�tion in ehe proposed su�ver� �aader the Minnesota Tramsfer main line track �asterly fram Tot�e #65o Their proposal af �sa�n�q perc�nt of the cans�ruction cost plus one buudr�d p�rc�nt of the tracl� re�oval and replacemen� appesx�s ta� be a fair offer and shoul.d be acc�peed by th� Cigq. The preliminaty xepost eseim�stes th� cost for storm s�et culvert Wogk to be $27,00O.00e Sp�fng Lake Pgrk's ahare accord�.�g to the existing agree- �nt wo�].d be So46X oY $1,475,OOo Th� Railroad's �hara would bs 20X of �he railroad culv�rt cros€�i�g oAly t�++hich would seso�t te $4,056.OA9 leaviLng h $21,469a04 to be financed by the Ci.ty of Fridley if both culvesta ate re- pXacado � Under P�ojsct �88� stor� �c�aers w�re conatructie� from tbe Norton Avenu� eu2.-de-sae to the creek aasl culc�r�s were extemded aad catch baains i�n- s�alled on 72mmd Aven�e, NoEa Hoth of thess ie�s of cmnstr�tion were cowered uader p�lic hear3n8� fos Stsest Zmprove�eent P�o9eet 1968-18. Tha total amc�m� transferrea fxo� Pro�eet $88 for these atore� sewegs sud �1 culeea�s �as 58,8�6.440 . We �u��est t�e �h� �0�9� �ade� Proj��� �89 �t�d the �torm sewesesof assesrts f�s �i'or�on Ae�ne.e aad �2nd liveniae, N o� a be co�b���d for putpo sm�nt, �me1 t3��� at h�ariaa� b� cond�s�t�d ce����a�� t�� total estimaged cost . eah�.ch is $96, t�0 0 00 0�e �x�� ��������� a��$�fBT oH�# 5�w��e of Central : the prop��ty �oo��h of 73� Av��tau�, I3e��„ � A�ues PtoBea snsi atorth of th� I�Lisas�e��g� ��$�s��g ^R.�S.l�a� � w:�� �in l�sne �r��ka, �hi� �+�s mo� b�r�af�.�esd or sss��s�d a�d�r I� Pr�ject I�oo 2+�—�m 7l'�� ���i�t�d cos� f�r ����s��nt pu�oa�s 8gs3nst the ys�rop��ty isa F°�cid�.ey �o be b�n��i�ed ����lusiv� of Itailwaq Pso�erty) ' wauld be $30,Sd0ot30e W� t�a� aslced Mrp Ma ��cuta�ell to ��l�culate th�' are� benefited so sn ea- t�.m�Ced r�t� per ane �iunal�e3 sqea�r� fe�t casi be. d����inede �1 ' , ' ' , , , ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' �. �/�. �C� J��� eo,�' '��� P6one: SUna�t 4-8221 �� G��f�RAL CONTRACI'ORS 7101 Hiway 65 N.E. Fridley, Minaetota 55432 October 21� 1968 I�.� 1laeia �ureshi City EagiBeer City Hall gx�dley� Mi�esota Dewr Mr. Qureahi� Pla�se relar to vur letter dated J'uly 24, 1968, aad a coPY e? vur letter to Mr. Je�cuutenr Ghief En8laeer� Minneaots, Traasfer Railvay Coe�PaRY� n6�� tb,e cretl� behiad o�ur ottice building. Since We lasven't had �Y� stp°�this�problea.etThere hss beea aa�excessive8 youx attention, oance a8a , amount e2 nin rec�ntlY and this creek has �1re�dY �1e�1°W°d �ich�ill yes►r. Ia the 3prin6, it will probablY be a big problem agains no daabt causa coa�siderable danage to our equipseat sn�d possibly evea ta tur'bnilding. We a�a �PinB tha►t same action caa be taken ia the very neai' �tura. Tbaak ya� sor yo�ur cooperatsos. Yaura t�ly, •'' � -� ��( Don Lr�tad •b cc i IKr. Sol.�er � Directo��blic Work� �Ix. Les Ch�aaey - w�� . ,� . ,- . �;-�_ - -.. . �.• � , / � � � �� T� ' �� I E1 �� • t �'- '' _ ' .� . . .. �....J F 69TH AV�. N.�. �n .Sr �E i! rS N.! 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A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING BIDS FOR WATER IMPROV�ME'NT PROJECT N0. 75-H WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution �k167-1968 of th� City Council ado�Ced Qn October 21, 1968, Comstock & Davis, Incorporated, Consulting �ngineers, have prepared the plans and specifications for all of the improvements proposed by Resolution �k167-1968 and has presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fzidley, Minnesota, as follows: 1. That the plans and specifications, a copy of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2, The work to be performed under Water Improvement Project No. 75-H shall be performed under one contract. The City Manager shall accordingly prepare and cause to be insexCed in the official newspaper advertisements for bids upon the makit�g of such improvements under such approved plans and specifica- �i,qns. The advertisement shall be published for two (2) weeks (at least 1Q days), and shall specify the work to be done and will state Chat bids will be opened and considered at 12:00 o'clock (noon), on the �8th day of November, 1968 in the Council Chambers of the City �ia�.�,, and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City Clerk, and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond or GexCiE�ed check payable to the City for five per cent (5%) of the amourat of �uch a bid. That the advertisement for bids for Water 7ampxovement Pxoject No. 75-H shall be substantially in form as that �noted in Exhibit "B" attached hereto for reference and made a part hexeof. ,.7, N-� � I �`� 1968. ADQPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF FRIDLEY THIS ��►Y OF 11J" "' . ' ' A7.'T%8T s ' ' ' u GTTy CLggK - Marvin C. Brunsell MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham ' ' ' L� ' ' �I �� ' ' II ' �I ' ' ' ' ' ' NOT�CE TO CQNTItACTORS Sealed bids wi,21 be r�cei�d aud puh23cly opened by the C3ty of Fric3leq, Anoka Cauaty, Minuesota, a� the o€fac� of �he ��,�y Manager, oa the l�th day of November , 1968 at 12:00 N�oa, �ncl will be cons�derecl by t�e Ci�y Cr�uncil of the GiCy off Fxidl.ey at a C�uncil Me$ting at $:oo PoM. oA the 18th daq of November , 2968, for the furnishiag of woxk and materiala for the installation of Wat�r Improveffient Projec� Ivo. 75-H. The Pro�ect cattsists of the follas�in�: �- 8" diamet�r test wells in the g�$��.al dg�.ft A1� in accord�ncs with plaus aud specifications psepared for ehe City of Fridley, Minn�:sota by Comstock & Dsvis, Inc., Cansa�lting Sngineers, 14�+6 Countq Road "3", Mlnneapolis, Minne�ot� 55432, Telephone 784-9346. plans aind specif:i�atione may be egemi�ed at the office of the C3.tq ManaBer, anci copies maq be obtain�d for the Coaatr�ctor`s iudividual use by applyiag ta the Engineers and depositing wfth the Engineers $10.00 for each aet• The depoait w�,ll be refunded to each bidder aubmi�ting a bonafide l�id upon rerurtu of the docisaneixss in gcaad cond�.tion �ai�hin �en (10) dsqs from the date of op�ning bic�s, �nd �o non°bidd�xe, xx�o� regum of the dacuments in good canditio�a pri�ar �o �he bid op�:uin�. Bi�s must lbe na.de c�n �he basi�t ai ca.�h pa��r►t fdx the �o�k, said accompanied by a cash �ep�ai�, certi.iied ch�cic io� �����g��'�� b�� ���e 5tate of Mixu�.esota) , o� a� b3.si�der' ffi�ond nnd m�de p�q�.b1e w��hov�t cESaditic�n to the Ci�y of Fridl�;y, �.��ao�� i� ����t �� aaot les�a th� SX n� the �otal amount of �he bid. Tiee Citq Councii xeserv�s �he ��.ght eo �e;�e�t ,any �nd �1 bids a4td to waive an� informalitie� �.n any b�ds receieed witho�a� ex��anat�.ome No bid may be wi�hdsa�n for a periad �f +tlaigt� �3Q) day�. Da2ed this clsy of i 2968. Homer Ankrum City I�unagear �� ' _ . ' � �J ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � � ' � _ . ,. _ , ..� .•.f : c .,.�, . .. ._ " � RESOL�TION N0. A RESOLUTIQN DETERMININ6 THE NECESSITY OF AND PROVIDING FOR A TAX LEVY IN EXCESS , OF 110RMAI+ CITY CHART£R TAX LIMITS . BE IT R£SOI,VED, by the Council of the City of Fridley as follrn+s: SEC?ION l: Tbat the Council of the City af F�idley heretofore receiwd fro� the C ty l�anager � proposed budget of the City of Fridley for the year of 1!i! Mhich praposed bud�set Mhen exa�ined evidenced the nec�ssity of an additional tax levy in excess of th� City Charter limita and, accordintly, there was then adopted on the 16� day of September, 1968, a resolution declaring the necessity for aa additional tax levy and specifying the purpose for t+hich such additioaal tax levy i� �g�s.�a, FURT�iER+, th� Council procended to hold public hearings pursuant to three , ( 3),�reekm pub��shed ,notice in the o�ficia], anewspap�s• of the City, Tk�at- such pub-lic - heariag xas h�ld on-.the 7th day. of Octobsr,,,,1.36,8,, 4,�ad all persons interested therein Wera afford�ed ur opport:unit�, to be�:�gan,� r�:��et• o�-je,ctions,. if• any there be, to the budget as theo proposed. That afte�,such �earing and after full discuaaion of the contents of the budget and all objections thereto the Council further proceeded to correct and amsnd the budget in such way as was deemed necessary.by the Council to be in the best iAt�rests of the City; and after such corrections and amendments the Council did pass azid adopt by Ordinance on the day s 196A, a budpt for the City of Fridley for the operation of ts business dur ng the year, 1969, a copy of Nhich budget is attached hereto for reference purposes aa EXHIBIT "A". SECTION 2: Further, upon the examination of auch budget originally proposed, corrected, an amended and adopt�d by the City of Fridley on the �y of , 1968, it reasonably appears, and e Council doee not find t at t e tax evy t�ceasary to provide monies for the operation of the business of the City of Fridlhl�ing the year of 1968 un8er said budget, is and will be, when com�uied in accordanw �ith lax, in excess of the normal City Charter limit of thirty (30) mills o� e#� ��' of the assessed valuation of the property in the City, but tbat, t�awrtheleas, it is reasonable and to the best interest of the City in order to pro�i+t1� for tM p�wp�r`� operation of the business and fuctions of the City duriat the year of�196a, to e�oc�ed such normal City Charter tax levy limit, and to levy ta�as thersof aufficient to provide the monies �eFe,ssary to tt�e operation of the business of thr City in accordance with said budge�`:" ` .__.,..w......_... .' . SECTION 3: That to provide nwney in accordance with the needs and purposes of the u g�t o the City ior the year of 1960, taxeB shall be levied in accordance Nith laW sufficient to provids �ani�s provided for any purpose herein ehall be appropriated to and used for any othar purpose, excegt as might otherwise be authorized by law, either under the sene�ral laM of the 3tate of Minnesota or t he City Charter of Fridley. m ' ' ' . - e 1�� .. .. , .. .. ' .. , - �.y�� .�, 4 .., ., ,-�j- , . , . , .:. . . _ , - . . ' ' 1 �. i i' . . . ♦ , �1 U L,I � �/+ . . .� .. . � . ..� .... L . . w,.{' . � . .. .. , . .. . ,-. .� ,. r - , •, , , , ; � � � , � ., ,. , ,. . . . , . ' � �' � �': `' ".?} .:i� �'."Z r 14 i�if! �r %, ��: _ . , , , •:,... - . v .. , . , . . . ... . . .".y' �'' .. ... ..__ . . _ . _ _ . , . _ c ..►• � ,.:,.� . , ' , ' 0 For the General Fund For Firemen's Relief For Police Pension Fund For Debt Service - Parks For Contribution to Public Eaployees Retirement Ftraid For Debt Service Fund - Improveeient Bonds For Debt Service Fund - Civic Center Bonds � PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1968. ' , ' ' ATTEST: ' CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL � ' ' ' MAYOR - JACK 0. KIRKHAM ' , ' ' , ' � � , ' � ' ' ' RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLVfIO�I CERTIFYING TAX LEVY REQUIREMEHTS FOR 196! TO COUNTY OF ANOKA FOR COLLECTIONS. BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Fridley certify to the County Auditor of the County of Anoka, State of Minnesota, the following tax levy to be levied ia �t69. General Fund Debt Service - Parks Contribution to P.E.R.A. Debt Service Fund - Iuipr�v�ement Bonds Debt Service Fund - Cfvic Center Bonds Firetsen's Relief Police Pension Fund BE IT FURTHER RESOLY�D, that the amount herein certified with reapsct to the Public Employe�s itetir�eent Association is in the amount required by law. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1968. ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRi�'ISELL MAYOR - JACK 0. KIRKHAM `� � , � � ' � , , • ' , ' � � ' � � ' ' � ��� � /�� RESOLUTION NO. ��_ 196s A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE OF TBMPORARY IMPROVBI'�i� H�iDS IN ����E WITH LAWS OF 1957, CHAPTER 385 E8 IT RBSOLVED By the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County. l�tinaasota, aa followa: SEC. 1. The total estimated cost of �^^ - "'a*' ���P[�tC has been estimated at $555,000.00 � SEC. 2. It is now estimated that the sum of 5555,000.00 is currently neceasary to prowide financing of the projects above noted, and it is hereby determined to be necessary to borrow said amount for the payment of obligationa now incurred and for expenses necessarily fncurred in connection vith the construction of said improvement project. SEC. 3. There.is hereby created 1968-1 and 1968-2 Street Improvement Fund (Temporary) which �hall contain a constructioa accouat as part thereof into which shall be paid all proceeds of temporary bonds iseucd pursuant to this resolution and 3imilary subsequent resolutions, and out of Wt►ich shall be paid all amounts due and payable as costs or expenses incidet►t to or incurred in connection with the making of said improvement. 88C. 4. There is also hereby created 1968-1 and 1968-2 Street Improvement Fund (Temporary) a Sinking Fund Account, which account in said fund may and shall be termed as the Sinking Fund, into which shall be paid the proceeds of all special assessments levied against benefited property by reason of makizg of said impraveoenta as well aa all other soaiea therein to be paid as pravided by law and out of which shall be paid the principal and interest on all te�mporary improvement bonds iasued to finance said project. SBC. S. It is hereby determined that the s� of 5555,000.00 shall be borrowed to financa aaid 1968-1 and 1968-2 Street Improvement Projects vith respect to cost of pQnetr�c��Wq an� exgenses neceasarily incurred relative .� 1 � ' � ' , � ' ' � L___� , , ' LI � ' ' ' � 83 thereCO to this date, by the issuance of tempora.ry tmpruvc�nent bonds af the ���' y of Fridley as authorized in Minnesota Statutes, SEC. 429.01, Subdivision 3, as am�tnded by Laws 1957, Chapter 385. SBC�6, Said bonds st�all be �ayable from the Sinking Fund of the follow�n�; 1968-1 and 1968-2 Street Improvement Fund but the City further recognized its duty under the law, as pravided by Sec. 429.091, and aavenants and agrees with the purchaser and all holdere from time to ti�e, of said �emporary impravement bonds, at or prior to the maturity thqreof that it will pay and retire such bonds and the interest thereon out of the groceeds of definitive impravement bonds which the Council shall issue and sell at or prior to Che maCurity of the temporary improvement bonds to the extent that the same cannot be paid our of funds available in the Sinking Fund of 1968-1 and 1968-2 Street Improvement Fund or out of other Municipal funds which are properly available and are appropriated by the Couacil for such purpose. SEC. 7. It is hereby determined to levy special assessments againat benefited property by reasoa of the making of 1968-1 and 1968-2 Street Improvement Fund and to levy ad valorem taxes, if necessary, to prc�duce sume at least SR in excess of the amounts sufficient to pay principal and intereat when due on said temporary impravement bonds and on any definitive bonda to be issued as herein pravided, such special assessments to be placed on the tax rolls at such time when said imprav mnent projecta have been cavpleted or the total cost thereof has been determined. SEC. 8. Said temporary improvement bonds in the amount of $555,000.00 shall be denaminated 1968-1 and 1968-2 Street Improvenent Projects Bond Series "A" (Temporary) shall be one hundred eleven in nu�ber and ��bered fram 1 to 111 inclusive, each in the denomination of 55,000.00 shall bear interest at the rate of per annum, payable semi-annually on Mav lst and November lst of each year and shall mature on November 1, 1971, shall be subject to redemption and pre-payment on any interest payment date, at par � ' ' ' , ' ' ' , � ' ' � I �- ' , , CJ , and accrued interest. Not less than 30 days before the date specified for redemption on said bonds, the City Treasurer shall mail notice of the call thereof to the holder, if known, said Treasurer shall maintain a record of the names and addresses of the holders of said bonds insofar as such infor�ation is made available to him by the holders thereof, for the purpose of sailiag , said aotices. The principal and all interest on said bonds shall be payable at Fridley City Hall, 6431 University Avenue, N.E., Minnea olis, Minaesota 55421. gg,C� 9. Said temporary improvement bonds shall be mimeographed and vhen ao mimeographed shall have attached thereto an interest coupon which bond aad coupon shall be substantially in the following fozm: (Form of Coupon) No. $ ;�� �� (Unlese the bond described belav is called for earlier redemption) on the day of , 19r, the of �_ County, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at , Minnesota, the s�an of dollars la�fttl money of the United States of America for intereat then due on its UATED ' C ITY MAHACbR �Y� gEC. 10. Said bonds and coupone attached shall be prepared under the direction of ity Manager and shall be executed on behalf of the City by th� signatures of the Mayor aad Manager, and the corporate seal of the City shall be aftixed 1 ' ' � � r �' ' ' � ' _. _ 8,5 thereto, and the appurtenant interest coupun shall be :uimeographed and authenticated, by the printed, engraved, lithugraphed, or facsimile signatures of said Mayor aad Manager. When said bonds have been executed and authenticated they �hall be delivered by the Treasurer to the purchaser thereof, upon payment of the purchase price heretofore agreed upon and accrued interestto date of delivery and said purchaser shall not be obliged to see to the application thereof. � ggC. 11. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with County Auditor of Moka County, together with auch other information as he shall require and to obtain fram said County Auditor a certificate that said bonds have been entered on this bond regiater. SBC�_ The bonds issued hereunder shall be payable for 1968-1 and 1968-2 Street I rovement Fund which ia hereby created. T6e I Treasurer slull cause all monies received from the proceeds of said boads, �all 1 monies appropriated and transferred fram other funds and all special asaesssents � for Che improvements provided that if any payment of principal or intereat atull ' become due when there ia not sufficient money in said fund to pay the same, t6e Treasurer shall pay such principal or interest from the general fund of the City � and such fund shall be reimbur�ed for such ��dvances out of moaies to be credited ' , ' ' to said fund when said monies are collecte�. All proceeds for said bonds except accrued interest shall be credi.�.�d to th� fund and used to pay the cost of said impravemeats. SEC. 13. It is further pro��d�� that should it appear at any time that the nonies credited to said fund and �rovided for the payment of principal or interest oa the bonds when the sums become due are not sufficient to pay the aame, that then the City shall issue furthe �efiniti�e imprw ement bonda as authorized aad prw ided � in accordance with Micazesota Statutes, Sec. 42�?.091, Chapter 475, aad that the procesa of said further definitive bonda s�all be first used to pay the principal ' and interest as is th�n :ue and to redeem th� te�mporary bonds issued thereunder. u ' ' � , ' , � ' ,� �J ' � '�, ,� , I 1� � ' , , ' ' ' SEC. 14. The City Council has determined chac not less chan twenty percent (20�) of the total cost of said impravements will be paid by special assesemante to be levied against every lot, piece or parcel of Land benefited by the said improvements. The City hereby cw enants and agrees that it will do and perform, as soon aa they caa be done, all acts and things necessary for the final and valid levy of auch special assessments, and in the event that any such assessments be at any time held invalid with respect to any lot, piece or parcel of land, due to any error, defect or irregularity, or in any action or proceeding taken or to be taken by the Council or any of the City Officers or employeea, either in the making of such asses�nent or in the performance of any condition precedent thereto, the City and this Council will forthwith do all such further proceedings as may be required by law to make auch asaessments valid and binding liens against such property, and also shall take such further proceedinge as may be required by law to pravide monies for the payment of principal and interest as the same fall due on the bonds iesued hereunder and to provide for the redemption of the same. SEC. 15. It is hereby determined that the collection of apecial asseasments and the proceeds of monies appropriated and transferred from other funds ia and will be in an amount of at least five per cent (5�) in excesa of the amount required to pay the principal of and the interest on said bonds when due and that no ad valoren tax levy is accordi.ngly r�quired. SEC.. 16. The officers of the City and the County Auditor of Anoka County are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furniah to the purchaser of said bonda and to the attorneys approving the legality of the iasuance thereof, certified copiee of all proceedings and records relatiag to said bonds and to the financial affairs of said City, and such other affidavits, certificatea and infonnation as may be required, to show the facta relating to the legality aad marketability of said bonds as the same appear from the books and records uader � , �h�ir custody and control or as otherwise known to the, and such certificates, cortified copiea and affidavits, including any heretofore furni�hed, shall be d�om�ed repre8entations of the City as to the correctness of all ststements comta�aed therein. � / � PASS8L1 AND ADOPTED BY TI� CITY COUNCIL OF T1� CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS � __ AAY 0� ��'' , 1968. ATl'aST : C�TX CL6RR - Marvin C. Brunsell ^ ' ' MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham CITX MANAGB$ - omer , n rum �� ' ��� ' ' � ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � ' , ' � LJ •• RESOLUTION NOo % % � _j968 . A RESOLUTION DIREC'tING TIIF. SALE AND PLIRCtIASE OF TEPIPORARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS IN ACCORDANCF. WTTH LAWS OF 1957, CHAPTER 385 BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: TNAT Wi�REAS It has heretofore been determined by this Council to issue temporary improvement bonds in order to provide the necessary funds for the construction and payment of expenses relative to the following improvement projects to-wit: 1968-� �nd 1968-2 Street Impxovement Projpcts as per plans and specifications appr � ed by the City Council: and WHEREAS It has been determined that there is at the present time an amount in excess of 5555,000.00 Regular S. A. (Sinking Fund) in the following fund, to-wit: which sum will no[ be re quired for other purposes prior to November 1, 1971 � IT IS THEREFORE Determined to be in the int�er�st of the City of Fridley that the s�ua of $555,000.00 (Regular S. A. Sinking Account) �BE INVESTED As authorized by law and in accordance therewith it is hereby determined to purchase the swn of $555,000.00 of the aforementioned 1968-1 and 1968-2 Street Improvement Projects Bond Sa �es ►'A" (Tamporary) issued . under date of November 1, 1968 � 1 � UPON Their initial issuance in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sec. 429.091, 471.56, and 475.66, out of funds in Regular S. A. (Sinking Fund) and �n behalf of said fund at par and accrued interest as of the date of delivery of said bonds and completion of such sale; ft being further determined to be reasonable and advantageous to Regular S. A. (Sinking Fund) . to invest in said temporary improvement bonds and [o be reasonalbe and advantageous to [he City to sell said temporary improvement bonds to the Regular S. A. (Sinking Fund) in accordance w�C�{ ��Qy�,�i.ons of this resolution. ' ' ' � ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' , , ' ' ' ' ' � $�,1w The City Manager and Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed � Co C�ke aily and a�l step� n�cessary �Q eff�c� the provisions of the sfpregoin� resolutions and to make such transfer of funds as may be necessary from ti�e to ti�e to give effect to the provisions hereof. � PASSED AND ADOPTBD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS _�T DAY OF � / , 1968, ATl'S8T : CiTY CLBRK - Me�rvin C. Brunsell MAXOR - Jack 0. Kirkham - cITY t�nxnc�R - Nomer R. Ankru�n� �� �l � , ' CI, � RESOLUTIQI�� t�0. � - 19b$ A RESOLUTI��d i��1Tt#O�IZI�€G A�4D Dif��CTif�� TFi� ��M6IF�It�G OF SP��I.�L ASSLSS,�irNTS 0�� LOT G9� Bl.00;E A� Af1RC�•L 3��s l�,E;O'�.Q7S %Q At'�D �1' 6LOCK /?� PRRCEL 3E�� RIVER VIE�rt HEIG:9TS A�€3iii0,�t W'rif�E�kS, ce�°ti�i n s�:vci �1 as��s ,ra�er�is h�:v� f���:n 1 c�v� �d ti�i �h r�sp�ci: to certai n 1 an� and sai c� 1 anc# ti�s sub��qu�r�tl y b��:n con�i �:�ci, Fl�J��l, TN�R��QRE, �� IT RcSOLVED, as foltoi��y: Thr�t ttze ass�ss►n�nts levi �d agai n�t t�;� fot lowi ng clescri bed parcet s, to-�di fi: L�t 6g, E31ock A, Parc�l 35Q� an� Lots 7Q and 71, Btock A, Parcel 3b0, River Uiew H�i gi�ts Addi ti are, may and �hal i be apporti on�� �nd cornbi ned as fot l o��as: ' O�i �t n�l Farc�t s Lox h9, Btack A, P�rcet 3��, Ri�r�r Vi��e Pi�ight� Adciitior� ' ' ' ' � Lot� 70 �r�c� 71 , Bloc�c A, Parcel 3�Q, Riv�r Vierr Hvights Addi�iQ� C�n�°.�ir�iny �f P�rcels A��<°avec! Lut� 6q, 70, anci 71 , Eil oek A, P�rc.�l 351 , Ri v: r Vi e►r N�i yhfis Addi ti �n Fund SW #i 3 (Water h�ai n) Rec�ular S. � W. (S�v�Lr Main} S',� #�21 (4iat�� and S�w:�r Lat�ral s-F:a S�rvi c�s) S�! #i3 (ldatQr Mair�) Rc:gul ar S. � L!. ( S����r Main) SW �;21 (4lafer ar�d S�.•�vr Lateral�-f�3�i S��vic��) � Fu�:��i - sw �13 twa±�r rtai n) R�,u i �� r S. � W. { Se���r �s�i n) S'�1 #21 (�ta*�� �:�d SPva�r Ori � nal Amount $ 31.82 5.01 E�t .50 $ 63.f� 9• 9$ 123.00 29 •�•97 Origin�l Amount $ 95.�6 1►�. 99 ' Lat�r�t�-i�o S�; viees) 1$�.SO 29 •95 �- AD�P7ED RY THE CIiY C4UI�lCIl. QF T1�E CIiY Qr FRID�.£Y T;iIS �� OAY CF ' , 1 ��r3. , ' � ATTES7: , ' ' CITY CLd�t}��M � t�E�rvin C. Bruns�ll MAYOR Jack G. Ki rkhr,n �o � �� �I LJ � , � r __ �1 / RESOLUTI01�, t�0. �5 - 19�.`3 A RESaLU'���w AU��i�:�l�IZIP�G A,i3O DIR�C�'I'�G Tt�E CC;��BINI�IG OF SP£Ca�! ASSfSSMEhTS 0!� LOT 739 CiI.QCiC /1' i/lRC�L 3]0� Ai�D LOTS ]�! A�aD %$� �LOCY A, PARC�l. 38Q� RItiER �/TEW i�lEIGtiTS ADDiiIOi� . WFfE��AS, c�;�tai n sp�ci a� �ss�ssrne�ts have b��n le��i �� ►�; ih reap�ct to certai n 1 and aiZd �ai d 1 ar�d F��.� sGbs�au�.�,� t y b���� c�.��ii n�cl, t�E�W, T�fiEFiEFORE, SE IT RcStlLb'ED, as fol l os.s: Th�t thc asc�ss;;;�nts i�vied a��inst the folica,�is�� d�scrib�d parc�ls, to-evit: l�t 73, B�c�4: /�, ��arcel 3]A, �r�d Lots 74 and 75, Bloc;lc A, Parr_�,1 3$0, Ri�Lr V�e�a Ff�i rE��s €�r�c�i ti �ri, m�y 4r�d �h�l t be �pp�rti or�ecl and cc�mlai ned as f�11o��a: Ori�ira�l P�rc�ls , L�t 73, �toc!c A, Par��1 3�0, Ri �e� Vi �:�a tiei gr�fis ���di ti or� , ' ' � � , ' F��n�3 SW lf13 (t�aicr M�i n) Regu 1 as� S. � W. ( S����r �1�i n� SW #?1 (aJat�r ar�d Sewer Laterats and 1/� S�ervic�) Lot� 74 ��s� 75, [§lo�,< Ap SW #13 (Water M�ain) Parc�l 38Q, Ri vcr Vi es�r H+�i g�zts Regut �r S. � W. ( S�s�Pi.''' Ad�1� t i ori Mai n) . Sw ;#21 (ldater and S���r Lateral� and 2/3 S�rvi�e) Comk�i r�i nc� o� �3rcc1 s F�pprc►v�d lots 73, 74, �nd 7S, �i�d!< F,, P�rce� 37 t, Ri v�r Vie�i� h9ei ghts Ad�ii ti o� func! s�t r�t 3(�Jat�r h��i n) R�g�►1 ar S. � 6�1. ( Sea•aer 14ain) SW �t`21 ('��:t��r ar�� Se��t:�r Ori gi na1 R�r.�uc�t $ 31.8z. 5.Q1 2�£3. 69 $ 63. E�+ 9• 9s 497.38 ���, 5�2 Ori qi nal P.njoLnt $ � 95.46 14.99 L�ter�is 4rrd Szr�-�ces} 7�SS.Q7 �~8 5�2 /� ADUPTED �Y T�iE CIiY C��P�CIL OF 7Fi� CITY 0� FRIDLEY THIS � G� ./ DAY OF v�...o.�...�. , �9�• , ' , arr�sr: , � � CIi� CLE�� F1�,rvi n C. Q�ur�sei � MAYOR J�cE: 0. Ki rkh<�� , ' ' � LJ ' ' , � u ' , '� J ' ' RESO(�UTIO�i ��0. �c�- 19� A R�SOLUiION /1�JT►-10RIZIP�G AtdD DIRECTIP�?G TKE C�MBIPIT�G 0�' SPECIP,L �1SSESSs�1CPlTS Ot� L07 ��?� PRRG�.L 21�, LdT �+„ PARC�t. 27.C?' A",D L01`' 4��9 PRRCEL 225� BLUCF; It� RI'I�R VIE�; tf�I���iS /kD�FTI(�t: � WIiE��F�S, certain sp�cia� Gss�s�rr��nts h��e �e�en l�viec� wi�h r�:s�ccY to certain l��u� �nd sai ci l�r�cf has su�sequ�ntiy been ca���`:� r��d, P•IO'�J, 1°HiEREFO��, B� IT RESOLVED, us f�i tows: Th�t thd u�sessm�»fis 9�vy �;d agai nst 4 hc foi 1 a�ri r�g dpscri bed pare�t s, to-vri t: Lcat �a2, P�reci 2��, L�rt '�3, Parcel 22�?= anif Lat �4, P�rce1 225, B1o�k A, Riv�r Vi ��r �i�i gf�ts �4eiui �i or�, m�y and sl�al i be app�rti vrved anc! eQ;nbi r,ed as fo91a:<�s: Ori �?i r� l P�rcel s Fund Qr•i gi nat Arn�unt Lor 42, Qtock A, ParcA1 215, P, i v�r° U� e��r 1�l�i g�rts Ac��i ti an �ot 43, atock A, ��rr.�t 220, Ri v�r Vd �yr h�i ghts A�e±i �i ot� Lo� �a��, 81a�lc A, Parc;�t 225, Ri v�r .Vi e�r N�i �hts �d�i ti r�r� C��'�i r,i r�c� �f P�rce�l s A� r�nv�c3 Lots 42 f 1+3, and t�4, ��c�cr R, P�rc�i 216, Ri ver l�i ew Ffei ytit W Rdditi�n SW #i 3 (W�ter 1��i n) $ R�geaiar S � W (Se:v��r Main) SW #21 (Lla��r � Seti�a�r Latcrats ar�d 1/3 S�rvice) S�d ;�13 (t�t�;ter t�,�, r�? $ Regutar S �- lJ (Se�,��r f�iair�) SW #21 (��later � Se�:er Lateral s and 1/3 S�ervj ce) 31.E2 5.R1 292.97 31.82 5.01 248.b9 Ss+! #�13 (�Ja��r A1ain) S 31.82 R�c�utar S � W {;,�;�;;wr Nrasr,) §.O1 SW ��21 (4Jafi�r & Sc;tiyer� L�t�ra?s arid i/3 S�rvi c�) 248.69 �"9fl0` .$� Fu;�d Ori yi nal F�mour�Y S!t #i3 (W�ter h9�:n) $ 95.�6 Regutar S S W(Se�•�cr �iainj 15.a3 SW #Z1 {4Jater � S��v�r Lafieral s 92 and Ser�aices) 790.35 . 900. T AOOP"fED av iH£ CYTY COJt�CIL 0� TFIE CTTY dF FRI�± EY TFlTS �� OAY OF �, 19bS . ' AT7EST: � ' , CI1�Y CLERY �Flarvi n C. Brunsel 1 MAYOR Jack 0. Kirkham �Jt� , ' , ' �_J � , , ' iJ ' ' ' ' RE SOLU7I OI� h0. j%� - 1 g68 7r,�,. A RESOLUTIQtd AUT}-'s�RIZIPIG ftf�D �I�CCTItdG Tli� COtii3lt�Ihdu OF' SPECI�L ASS�SSMEFlTS ON LOT 1�3, 83.00K A, PARC�L 90, AtcO LOT 19, BLOCK A, PARC�L S5, RIVER VI�W NEIGHTS ADDITIO"i �lHFREAS, ccrt�i r, s�::ci al asseJsrn��►ts hav� b�c� 1�w� �d wi Yh res,�ect to certai n tand and said land has subs�quently been corn�in�d, PfObl, TH�Rt�'OR�, BE IT RESflIlIED, as fo11o�.�as: That th� assessm�nts levi�d against th� fclla�Jir.g described parcels, to-wit: Lot 1�, Sta�k A, Parcel 90, and l,at 19, Black: A, Parc�] 95, Rivcr View H�ights Additipr�, may and sha11 be apportioned an� co:nl�ie�ed as folloa,+s; Ori gi n�i f'ar-c�l s lot 1�, �lock A, Parcel 9Q, Ri v�r Vi ew Fiei ghrts Ac#di ti on Lot 19, �tac�; R, P�r•��1 S�, R���r• Vic�w t-i�i�i���. A�CIi C1GPi Combi ni n�of P�rcel�A�prc�v�d Lots 18 a»d 19, Block A, Parc�l S1 , Ri v�r Vi evr Hei g�ts Adcii t� i c�n Fu���i _ Ori�inal Amount SW #13 (W�ter Ftai n) $ 31.82 R�guiar S� W(S�;a�r tdain) 5.01 SW �E21 (W�t�r � S�w�r 342,28 Lafier�is and 1/2 Serv�c�) SW #13 (�l�ter Main) Re�C��lar S � W (S�wer Main} S��1 �r21 (W.�t�r � �.:��e Lat�rais and 1/2 S�rvic@) Fund SW #13- (bl�ter F�ai n). Reyui�s: S � tid (Sew�r t��in) SW #21 (W��er � Scc�r�r $ 31.$2 5.01 3�2.2$ 75 .22 Qriainal Am�unt $ 63.54 10.02 � Lat�rais �rz�i S�rviees� faPt�.56 75 .2z AD�J�TED BY TME CITY COUlr'CIL OF TtiE CITY OF FRIDL�i' THIS 0�1Y OF , 19F33. ' ATTEST: ' ' � , CITY CLERIC Ma� vin C. Brunsel l F1AY�R Jack 0. Ki rlcham 1 ' RESOLUTICN th0. � - 19� . � 94 � /� RESC�LU�'SO�t A�Tttf3RiZIP3G A�3D nIR�CTIE:G Th6� COt�3ESFEIhG �� Sf'�CI�tL A5S�SS�9E��iS QN �l�RT CF L07S 2 At3D 3, PARCEL 200, AP;D PRPT Oi' LOTS 2 A�1D 3, PAP.�EI 2s+0, AtlL�ITOR' S SUf3D1UiSIQtr t:0. $J � ' �I'� � �_� � ' �I , � � ' ' u 4ltiERERS, c�rtai n sp+�ci a l assessm�nt5 hav�c b��n 1 evi ed 4:i t;� r�spect tia Cer�ai n 1 anci and sai d t anc� has subs�qu�nt 1 y bcen ca�ui r��d, PiOtJ, THtpEFURE, �E Ii RESOLVED, as fot i ows: Tt�at tt�� ass��asmen,s i���i �d ag�i nst th�• fot l oc�ai ng c�escri bed p��rcel s, to-wi t: Part o� Lots 2 and 3, Parc�i 2Q0, �n� Part of Lots 2 a�nd 3, Parc�l 2�0, Auditor's S�bdi v�� s i ar� �tn. 59, m�y and shal 1 be appor ti ondd . ansf cc�mbi n�d as Fol l ows: Qr� i r��l P��rcet s __.__.�- .-- - Part of d.ats 2 and 3, P��°cet 2R0, (Exo �. 165.6' ptatted as Sarady Terracc} (Ex. tract to Paw�;11) �EXe �i• �oa� B� $• Z��j� CI ���• 1507 • 5' a� w'; a� E'2 �� S�1'4� S�c. 1�+•�34-?��), Auc'i �or�s Subdi vi si�n t�n. 5" Part of La�s 2 ar��l 3, Fzrcel 2�0, -' 1`• �V�� �1 �• Li`9� Q� �7e ly�/�)� of E'Z of � of �•,> a� 5�,�'4, S�c. 1 G�-3�-2�+ (�x. £. 1&5. C�� pt �ttcd as S�nc1y T�rrac��, Auditor's Subdivisi�n Ro. 59 Caml�i n� n; o� Parc�l s A�pr�o��:� Fund R�gular S F� W (M�ins � Storm S�wer} SW #66 (wat�� Lat��a1, 153' on Universiry Ave.) ST. t96;-3 Stre�ts SS #� -A( Storm S�v:er } R£C�UieiC $ fr W Fut7ti Sw �#59 (Se�v�r LaC�ral on 63rci Ave:�suc�mt:o Service} S�1 #59 (Wa�er L�t�ral orr 63rd Av�nuc-t�o S�rvi c�:) SS #5-A (S�c�r�ni S�w�r) �taPltt F'ar�t a` La�s 2 ar�f� 3, P'�e°e�t ?_0�,, R�yu�ar° S� W(i�t�in� � (�x. ��. �t���c�e! a� S�s�c4y 7cr��ce) Si�rr,� S���r) (Ex. F�. 100� of S.2�9' af N. S'r1 #�{�6 (�d�s��r �.ai�rat, 153' 1507•5` a¢ W; of kd2 0� E', c,f S4�'w an Vni ���rsi ty F�vc. ) of S�c. 14_�C'�2L;) (Sia�j. to ease. Si. t965-3 St;°�:Lts on La� 2 to ;SSP 8/19/C�3�, A�aditar'sSW rr59 (Ses:�er l���ral cra Subdivision '�rs. �; 63rti Av�:�,��-F;� Servic�) SW #5� (Wat��° L�teral Qn Ori�gi nal Amount $ 75t.3� 1,156.6° 1�+9.�6 2,391.�4 $ 180.37 §QY��� gOb.9s 384. �r5 � , +z�.3 OP° 1 yl Pl� � �OUP1'C $ 931.73 1,156.C�3 t ��9. �+6 5ok�.21 63rd Avert��a-F,� S�rvs c�) 906•99 SS #5-fi (S�o:'��s S�i�a�r) 2,77b•29 �;�+25.%. ADOPTED E3Y TN� CITY C�:1��CIl OF THE CIT�' OF FRIDL�Y i4°1IS � OAY OF �,�,� , � �ha. ' ATTEST: ' � Y C�ftY Idarvi n C. B�uns�l 1 MAYOR Jacic 0. Ki rki�a� � � � ' � RcSOLUTIO?� r10 0%1� Q% - 1 gb8 �1 A RsSQLl�TIOf: l��JTt�C?R�'7Z�aG A"t� �IRECiItJG 1'I-iE CG�3�IP�ItdG OF SQECIAL ASStSSM�tdTS OP� LOTS i3 /�t�D 11�, �;l.QC� J� Pf�R��L 2'�"�:>� Ai$D LOTS 1� A�ID lfi� Bl.00�C ,!' FRRC�L 2�SS:. RIVER UI�'rl FiEIGi-iTS ADDITIGid WN�R�AS, c�r���in s�e:ci�1 �ss�ssr,��nts h�i��: b�r��n t�vied �riYh resp�ct Lo certain tand an� said 1�n� h�s subsequEnLly been cc�bir�cd, NOi'J, T�E�EFORE, BE IT 2ESOL1l�0, as folio��s: Th��t th� assc�s�rtint• levs�d against th� fallov�in� described parcets, to-w.it: , Lats 13 �nd 14, alock Jy Parcel 2����, �n� Lht� 1S �nd 16, Stock J, Pare�el 2�55, River Vi ew t��i �,hts �ic;di fii on, may �nd shal l be apporti onad and cc�bi ned as fol loars:. � ' ' � � ' ' � 0 Orig7naf Pa;r��ls Lots 13 attd 1�, Bla�k �I, Parc�t 24l�§, Ri v�r Vi eY� hlei ghts P,dcii �i or� Lots 15 4nd 1�, Blo,:l: J, Pas c�l 2�+; j, R� ver 1!i es� tEei gttts A,�di �i on Fun�l SW #13 (Water N'�ain) R�gu4ar S � W (Se�w�r F�1�in) SW ##21 (Water and Sewe�- Lat�rais and 1/2 Sc�-vi��} SS �#79 ( Sterrn S�v;�r ) sw �#t3 t'�J3ter r•�a;n) Regular S � W (Ss;aa�r ipain} SW #21 (blat�r arsd S�wzr Laterais and 1/2 Srrvice) ss �79 (s�orrr se:��r) Ori gi nal �',rr:ount $ 70.00 10.99 403.78 111.65 $ 7 0. 00 t0.9g 403.7$ 111.65 1,1�2. � Comt�i ni rsg of Parce� s��prav;�d Fu�d Ori gi n�) A��+�nt Lots 13, 1�, 15, and 1G, Qiaclr J, S4! #}�3 ('��t�r° N;�ir�) $ 140.00 P�rc,�t 24�€b, Ri��r Ui�ra t;cigt�ts Rer�sT:�E• S� td (S�:��r�r T'��in) 2i.9$ A�l�f� tion S'�+ I�2t {bd�ater �nd S�wer L�te�a�s �nd Services) 8A7.56 SS #79 ( Storm S�:ti=r�r ) 223.3a 1,192.� ADOPT"r0 �Y TiiE CITY COUtdCIL OF TFlL- CIi'Y Or FRi DL�Y Th�I S ��_i DAY QF � --- ��� , t 9�. � ATTEST: ' . ' ' ,� CITY CIERK t�larvi rt C. Grunsei 1 �.� MAYOR Jack 0. Kirkhatn �- � ' � � , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' �� � RESQLUTION h0. � � - �9� A RcSOLG7I0f� AUTFiCldIZIPZG A�tD DI4�C7IfdG THE CG�'�13It�IFdG OF SPECIAL ASSESSh1LhTS ON LOT 43, F�LOCit T, PARCEL 4675, L.OT 42, BLOCK T, PRRCEL 1f680, L07 43, BLOCK T: PARCEL ���5, A�aD LOT 4�, aLQGK T, FARCE� �a�9Q, RIVER VIE'�d HEIGt-lTS A�DI1'ION W�{ERiAS, certain speci�t assessm�nts hav� be�n levied witii� r�spect to certain tand and said tand h1s subsequently b�en cor�bined, tvOW, fiHEREFORE, BE IT R�Sd�1l�Q9 as fotlo�as: That th� asse�sments levied ag�inst th� �otlovr�ng descr-ib�:d parcels, to-wit: Lot �al, B1ack ?, Parcel �s675, Lot 42, alock T, Parcel 4680, Lot 43, Black T, Paa�c�t. 4G$5, and lat t��+, 61ock T, Parcet 4690, River View li�ights Addition, may and �h�11 bc ap;s�rtior��d and cambin�d a� foitos�s: Ors�qinal Pa^ rc�ls (.c�� 41, Blc�ck T, Pare�t 4L-�75, Ri ver Vi evr NLi ghts Adcii ti hn Lot 42, Pstcsck T, P�rc�l 4r'�0, Ri v�� Vi �vc Flei g�Ots Addi ti o� Lat �3, �lo�� T, P�r�el 4�8�, Ri �+�er Vi ew H�i ght�, Ad�i fi o� �ot �5�+, �tack T, ParcPi �:69�, River Vi�w H�ights R�difiian C�mhi �,i ro�� c�f Rarc�1 � A{�proved L�i:s ��1, =�2, 1�3, � �*1�, QDack T, Pvr-e:el j��73, f�} vLr 11i e�y Hei gh�s Additian Fund Or1 �7 na1 Amc:sani SW #�13 (Wate� Mai n) Pai d Regul�r S & W (S����° �1air�) Paid SW #}21 {W�tcr � S�w�r Laterals an� 1/4 S�rvicc) Raid ST. 196b-1 Stre�t� $ 19�•25 SW #fi 3 i°��ter Mai r�� Regut ar S& W( S�va�r Mai n) SW #�2i (k+ater £= S��=.�r° Later�is and 1/4 Servic�j ST. ly6b-1 Stre�ts $ SW #13 ���'��'�r F1ai nj R�gular S � S� (S����;:r M�ain) SW #21 {W�t�r � S��.er Later��ls a�d 1/�� Seraic�) ST. 19€6-1 Stre��s $ S1f. 13�6-1 Str��t� SW #13 iWater hlai r9) R�gul ar S& W( Se�;er M� i n) S�1 #t21 (SJater � S��r�r Laterats anci 1/� S�rv�ce), ST. 19�5�� Str�e�s Si. �19G�-1 Str�::ts Fund Paid Paid Paid 19z.25 Pai d Pai d Paid . 31 •2S 192.25 Paid Paici Pai d $ 31•25 19�•25 831.Sa Ori�c i nal Ars:ca�.�nt S��1 fi{13 iw���r Mai n) Pa� d Regul�r S� W(S�w�r Main) Paid S1�1 r'#�i (i�l��cr anc� Se.�r�r La.�rals Gnd Servic�s) Paid ST. 19bo-1 Streets (aroad A+v�.)$ �?•5� ST. 19G6-1 Str�ets (Gl�ncoe St.) 769.0� - �831. yo �F ('a�:: 2 g� RESOLU7I0�� h0. �_ - 19� �% A RLa'Oi_J11�OFi t'�°Si�40F;ZZItJ� A?:D DIRL'Cii;Yi� i�-�E Cc;i�L x��I4�G �� SF'E�;AL ASSfSS�;�t�T3 GP� Ld� Lil � FiL�'CK Tr PARCI�L j46]5� LOT �2� E;L�CiC T� PARC�L �4��30� Loz 43, [3LOCK T, PARC�L �a6B$, Aiti3 LOi' �!�, �l.00K T, PA�C��. ��!s9�, RIV�R VT ELJ I-3�IGBiiS !�l��IiIOt� 6�' AO�PTED 9Y i'�fE Ci7`Y COUtdCII OF THE CITY OF FR�DLcY 7WiS _ �'� DAY OF "��Ull � � , 196$. ATTEST: CITY CL�K': Marvin C. Bruns�ll MAYt}c� Jack 0. Ki rkhar,� I� � RE SOLtiiIOfd t�0. %� - 1 °'� --F----- A RE:S6L.l1TICtt� AUTPiOf':£Zl�da laF:�J DIiECTi%�i TFi� C��ia��szP�s o�' s��C�r�L Ass�SSr�Et�iS Oj'� ' LOi 37s BI.00K W, F/tRC�L 53�Ss L�� ��s ��-OCl�, W, PARCE�. �190, AP�D L07 39, �LGC6C L•!, PARCE�. ��a{?t�, RI�lE� 1{I�W fiEI�G:i'i°S �DD�iTIOP� , , � � � ' � ' 1 _- � � � � � W�9LR�AS, c�rt�i �a ��rci �1 ass��s���n�:s hav� ���;� levi �� w� tn r�s��tt to c��tai n la�ci ar��! �ai� larid h�s s^��sec�L�en�*ay t�@�n c.��bir��r9, t�0'+J, Tt�ER��"ORE, �E IT RESOL1fED, �s foi i c�rs: That the ass�ssm�nts �E:�J'1 �Li s��� nst tt►� �oi lotvi ng d�;scri b�d parcet s, ta-wi t: Lot 37� alock W, ParcLi �3`�5f Lo$ 3�, 81ocE: W, P��c�t S39o, and Lot 39, Btoc3c W, Par��t §44Q, Riv�r i(ie��r l��ights Addition, rtiay and sMatt b� ap�S�rYioned at��! corr..�� n�d as fol l asfrs: Ori �i r��i Parc�l s � Lo� 3%, Btocic W, P�s cct 53�5, Ri v�r Vi c�Nr li�i gi��s Addi ti on Lot 38, Bl�ck W, Parc�l 539�, Ri ver Vi �w� hSei ghts Addi ti on Lot 39, Bi ock 4�d, Parcet 5400, Rive� Ui�w H�ights Addition Co�:t�i ni n�of Parccl s A�prr�ercr� lots 37� 38: ��d 39a B}A�k �� Pare�t >386, Ri v�;r Vi �w� ' h Ad€i' t' Fund Ori gi nal A�;a�nt SW #S3 (Wat�r M�ir�) $ 3y.00 RPgui ar S� 1d ( Sevrer M3in) 5•52 SW •r'#21 (W�t�r � SL\"i�4� Laterai s anc� 1/3 Servi ce) 2�•69 SW #13 (Wat�er �Sai ri) . $ Regcil ar S& W(Se��er t�s�i n) SW #21 (1Jater � Se��r Laterals ar�d 1/3 S�rvice) SW #13 (t�l�Z�r t•tai n) Reguiar S � W {S��e��: P1ain) SW ,�21 (Water � SMw,�r Later�ls �nd t/� Spr-vice) Furrd S4! #13 ('+1�tEr ?4ai n) �egu 1�r S� W( S��rer Mai n) SW �2i (Water � S�Ey�r 42.40 6. 6t 260.99 $ �z.00 6. 61 2 vS9 e �Q �"g�� Oriqi�al A��ount � $ 119.40 18.7� �� %��1 tJ �5 7 1 Oi9 L�tes°als ard S�rvic�sj 77p•67 $ 8 +1 ADQPTED aY TH� CITY COUi�CIL OF-7HE CITY OF FRI DLEY Tt�I S .,� �� QAY OF Y�''� � , 1968 . � IATi�ST: � ( CTTY CLEf�iC Marvi n C. Srunset l .� MAYOR Ja�k 0. Ki r9c3�am C L A I M S GENERAL LIQUOR 16406 through 16510 27p0 through 2726 � u �� , I� ESTIMATES TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 4, 1968 ' Touche, R4ss, Bailey & Smart �780 North Star Center Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Examination of financial statements of the City � of Fridley for the year ended December 31, 1967 and preparation of report, and preparation of letter of comments and recoamendations. j Park Canstruction Company �51 - 37th Avenue Northeast Mi�n�apolis, Minnesota 55421 FINAL ESTIMATE - Melody Manor Park Improvement ' project No. 1 'Duakley Surfacing Company 3756 �rand $txee� Northeast Min�r►eappl,is, Minnesota � FT.NAL ESTIMATE - No. 7 for Street Improvement Project ST. 1967-1 according to contract � l r REVISED FINAL ESTIMATE - No. 6 for Municipal State Aid Impxovement project ST. 1967-2 according to contract Estiatate No. 2(Partial) for Street Improvement Project ST. ].968-1B Estimate No. 2(Partial) for Municipal State Aid Street T.mprovemen� Project ST. 1968-2B omstack � Davis, Inc. onsulting Engineers 141+6 County Road "J" �inneapolis, Minnesota 55432 Estimate No. 7 for the furnishing of resident inspection and resident supervision for the staking out of the � construction wrark for Sanitary Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 88 from July 29, 1968 through August 31, 1968 � L_J ' _ 1�(� $ 7,500.00 181.80 7,028.08 1,200.12 41,044.40 37,335.66 413.27 .� � :�. c 10UGf-iF, (�OSS, BAILFY LZ SNI:!t[�T Cii,y o:i ��'rid.ley 6�3? Un � vers�tty Avenue IJ. E. � Fr:id.ley, i��nnesota 55421 ■ F'UFi v[F:V(CFS REtdDERFD - Exai<<.i_na,�.ian of fina.ncial stai;ements oi the Ci �y af Frid.ley for the year ei�G.ed. Dece�r�ber 3? , 1967 and. preparation of repo-r � �hereon Prelo�,ra�_�on o� leiter oi corn!��ents and. ""' � reco:n�nenc3.ai;�_ons re�;ard.i_ng the system oi ini.e?�nal contro_l anc�. accoun�ing � pi�aced.t�� es � � � Fee fo•r the above � � � �� � r r � i :� ' � ' � i�� �� 780 NORTHSTAR CEN7ER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 August 1.2, 19y8 - • . � • _ ', � 0 �7,500.00 . I � .a ..`. I ��� . I� ' � � � � ' � ' r ' , ! � ' ' ' , d�i.�i�_.J.9.1✓\Td'a i. L9le;u� � V 3 Ti:LO. [��x !+ T iJ T ��d%% 6:4y=w�3F`�.�1.Le'.J °"�s'�':lti�C'.n�'. ��:�iti' G.L:':->�:5f.j �e��'-`'�.,�`. t%`:3 . F• R 2z�•���=��{,t,: 5�1�,? � �'1':.i�O,YL'«�.53f3.�� 3 g n � �, J'r.�.z3�»C..".:.723�'ri �:i y 1.�3 �! L�6%a u:m�?�3q.S', Tsi.�`��'.1jLf' `�".yfA lr� �.}' 4:,:;::?.`a'�?.°.. r�. �_.,. s� ._�rnS,� '� �_tFiy' L1L� i!:a��•`Zpy �' �',.F � iti�: o �''�'i`L'�,r..= it :Js.':3:. ..� - �, 5.:..� : 4s� � � " � G7: i �':i..GA.s� �r.��E, j?�3.�'�v'z�€q:��,� ���:z�:'� ?S�r: t-:.o �. �- h �� x7': :•_�e'1;�.��<_�i�C"..:� �:�'�'rr�_�.. LA$ G:.�.i..i-.3�1s.�.:�L'+� i' (Y;?u,3�:�.�,'..e:Ai:�� � s,i�.� �,_�,Y_ �,-s� t,'•�;;'t;°'�.�3.F +:i? � �i� ?.!a I:��:;._: 1�2 ��, t, n> �1:!' 2;:�%b".`�,.� �`3 �? .^•�y r� �(7� Y' �a�,•L ��Y'�`' f r`»�e,�.}�.U9! �O , a �� �'�,iraF:i�.f� L'»::ot�.. �.f.c`�..i3p e�'..�� �..i..LL.f? 3i� � �. � ., ti �4.�. �r�'vA.E3 �a��� j'r�.: f,�j;:�: �:;�sr�;�..,}g,;� �'i�d." �4 •^ 0 7 '1r i y�S S ��tiL.�'a� Lu y Z�d�.r..3 � . . � �. l'i'+3,�, !'4n°'" . �;^.� :'sai'-'x L. �a� ,�e � , �,' ?i� 92'�,���� :r.. .y .. `� .� A^ l i✓•_2?i.�a' '�� r: �1�,3�t.�;,--3 �. {3I. ,iw .�3t:+y t3�'�.t? t�''.�_�^ �,r'J ,s ra� .�,. ;a . tl'd.Ll�� 'd>4! �:£s;�.r r".� S,�.wo �e.b tYr'1 . '���. ��� � �� i ? � � . 1y � 7 Le % lJ t.i ? li �i �3.ti'i� a�.t�?3. �_�.�� F'�Sg�.::+ ;,,`��_�e: '4 "� '.,rg;,"e� ��Ls�'f; ��,�.�..��.�5:_.e..?;.�....._.,.�..>.e.. �.. . . �;l�B; 4+a3n :�->�i:'��.t.,it,:...d ",T�'. `f%�U�%oli� ��.':� a A �;.:7• t::.ive:; 2: w i; +. �,�� ' '�:.� , �,� �� T"' yrl.1'i�Ld 60�=✓7.N�6.'.'��d'•`�f� w�il2..U=�i i,�,..,5 �.�?_.,�,�.,G� $7,��1a8� �s���s� .4 r. 0 Ya,r.j,'-},7�. �'i✓;7 Fd�a+ o o a o ! n a e a o 0 o e e e o o e o o / i//'�i0 _�......; �4.'�"' � . {J O �' V � 1 � � � t � �, �. � ` ! �'�'� �A�i,.'�. �'.Q-^�9o�"3...Y"„�Sh,Z�. �S i'�.�.v�'v,� ����i.0� �:Z2 �Y_�� b � b �s.� ' F� L?-. � L. � ; ': f- ..' �� 7� �. � � ;. a i��R . . � . ,�a� �. z-w � �.����:�.�c�':�>z�.i.y �c�r���7L��� �- 7 �jY� ' ' ..� :.:� �, � i.%'� .� � a 1 �F���K �.:s3.L.'"�:'G?..:2� �.>.sj�.`...� +�i y S7 Lr w L«� .ye.��:._'t�;.� `i�.c';.�. i'L�'1� �.Ll�cl.. ',�i:i)+eit�,.' � f As� �ti�'. �.L'ti: k.:�`v' r"G' -`' �� °' "' s -� CASt' L'�'c'!�'�:lfm.., �...EY �"€;£'r ti ? c �-�.;, cv`�.2_`s? , � � ��%:�i; �.s"a^c. ti'ix:.s... �F•. ���.1�.�..::�'.r ».. S ._, L%j';1� � %y... ; � 33;. �r?3 c�"lE.`.�s:��iP-..^.i:�� �-7 � .,�='s:" � � ti�.? T��...;r e t M� �;»a,,�', �. a�Zi �.."i3.� �'t? �c�.. �? 1.£3 a�.a=� 2.:3ii'i -_�. e � i.L:v � i?.�.�..�.� i.t�E�}.;�..i:.v'�,.� tW'e.! �4' J=1JL. ' . / g.�_�z��,"�ie,�1 : ��i�:��:%, .�- $9j ��j C� �� : ��5i!% �.+�rit��,.�'�'.�L�.:.T�S �ii1 e �r.n 1�F� a -, �n r• e �4.' �:l�l��xQi,n ��% C�i-�:._G-�'r _;� .�-, � ,.,�,e.as' F ��y � �� � /Rs��LJ .,� �°"s�.o'�' �'�,s�., =�'°'_..,/ ��� _.� L�,_,..� .__...._�___.-..�.«....�-___.�___.� i'i o� tl o l=Si'in ' �., .r'i' :>. y I o � o , i 1 , I � I , � � � � , , � �J � , ' ' � ti$MO T0: �ROM: i;2:GAfiDII1G: DATE; *sr. Darrel Clnrk Mr. Paul Brocm Co�tock b Davi�, Inc. iielody t•ianor Parlc Imp. P-1 (Park Construction Co. Cantract) c:ctoher 23 � 1968 The gr�din� project for tl�e rielody Z;�nor Park �rnproveL,ent P-1 wae finel on September 29, 1967. 'Lhe final estir»ate sho:�s an overrun on excavation of 404 cuhic yarda. The pl�ns conte�plated u�ovin� 1II,200 cubic ye�rda of excavatian end by final cross-aoction the aAOUnt actu�lly �oved vas 18,b04 cubic yArds. 1he additional excavation ca�� r�long the east property lin� of the park prorertq sbuttia� on the church prapartq. 7.'he ori�inal p].ans chowed the eas�erly liiYe of thc park sloping up��ard to the chureh property in the cut sections. Durin�; coaatruction the church decidcd to cut do�ra their property aloa;,� the park property. This eliminated the alop� and the coatxuctor excavuted this triangul�r section to c�tzke nara level prop�rty ia tt�e park. Ti�e triA��ular aectiou accounts for raoat of the 40G cubic qnrdc� overrun. Should tlierc bc any furtlier qucetion� concQrnin� this project, please contact the writez. 0 0 1� � � ��'� � � � � CITY ENGINEERING DEPARTNIENT' City of Fridley, hiinnesota Honorable riayor and City Council c/o }iomer R. Ankrum, City btanager City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fr�dley, Minnesota 55421 CERTIFICATE OF THE ENGINEER Re: FINAL Estimate #7 (Revised) Street Improveme�t Project St. 1967-1 , Gentlemen: i ���� October 21, 1968 � Fina� Payment Estimate No. 7 for Dunkley Surfacing Company, 3756 Grand 'Street Northeast, I�linneapolis, Minnesota, for work completed and mater- ial on hand this date, is hereby submitted for Street Improvement ProjeGt St. 1967-1, according to the Contract. 1 Item No. Amount Item Unit Price Tota� � ' ' r � ' ., ' ' ' 3366. 3366, 2503.513 2501.511 25p1.511 2503.512 2503.S1a 250b.509 2506.509 2506.511 2506.522 21.04. 503 2105.501 2105.504 2531.501 2331. zsa�.soz 2531.501 2531.507 253�.507 2571.561 2571.561 2576.501 �4 � J O s J V 1 2201.. S02 4 1.5 51.2 78 127.5 47.5 130 104 4 3 13.8 30 12 44 10,438 300 14,479 237 5125 478 312.41 39.94 5i0 190 5869 33.3 133.1 2384 Assem. Vt. Ft. Lin. Ft. Box Lin. Ft. Lin. Ft. Lin. Ft. Lin. Ft. Lin. Ft. Struct. Struct. Ver�. Ft. Assem. In. Di.a. Lin. Ft. Cu. Yd. Cu. Yd. Lin. Ft. Sq. Yd. Sq. Fi. sa. Ft. Sc{. Yd. Sq. Yd. Cu. Yd. Cu. Yd. Sq. Yd. Lin. Ft. M/Gal. Cu. Yd. Hydrant Relocation--FIoriz. $ 250.00 Valve Box Extension 35.00 F� I"K" Copper Wire Serv.l" 4.25 F$ I Curb Boxes for Water 1" 32.00 F$ I 6" V.C.P. - Sewer Servi.ce 5.20 F$ I 30" C.M.P. Culvert 10.00 F� I 42" C.M.P. Culvert 17.50 F F� I 12" R.C.P. Cl.III w/g 0-6' 7.00 F� I 12" C.M.P. Sewer 0-4' 7.00 Construct Catch Basin "A" or"G�'250.00 Construct Catch Basin "K" 120.00 Reconstruct Manhole 42.00 �Adjust Frame �, Ring Casting 35.00 Clearing � Grubbing Trees 3.60 Remove Curb f� Gutter .60 Class "A" Excavation .76 .Class "SG" Excavation .7b Conc. C. �, G. Design B-618 2.05 2" 2331 Asphalt Driveway �2.00 Concrete �Valk 4" Thick .46 Concrete �Valk 6" Thick .60 Concrete Driveway 4" Thick 5.00 Concrete Driveway 6" Thick 6.U0 Planting Soil (Top Soi2) 2.30 Planting Soil (Clay) : 2.00� Sodding .36 Sawing of F.xisting Conc. Drwys. 1.00 Water • 3.50 Gravel Material (C1ass V) 2.50 $1,0OO.00`� S2.S� 217.6C 32.OQ 405.6�� 1,275.0� 831.2� 910.0� 728,OC 1,000,04� 360,0� 579.6� 1,QSO.OF 43,2� 26.4� 7,932.8� 22$.0� 29,681.9: a�a.oc 2,3S7.5C asb.s�. 1,562.0� 239.6-= 1,311.0� 380,pG 2,112.8� 33.3� 465.��. 5,960.00 61,536. (Forwardj '.. I ' FZNAI. Esti.mate # 7 (Revi�ed) Street I.mpxovemer�t St, 1967-1 � , , � I ' � L� ' -, I�em No. 22Q7.503 2207.SQ3 2207.512 22Q7.512 2331.501 233�..502 2331.504 2331.50$ 2356.SOS 2356.507 2502.507 2506.521 Amount 36,525 Gal. 2345 Gal. 11,204 Sq. Yd. 4453 Sq. Yd. 1600 Gal. 579 Gal. 166.1 Ton 3193.6 Ton 4430 Gal. 20,302 Sq. Yd. 1 Cu. Yd. 2 Assem. � Item � QS Page Two Forward. . . . $61,536,96� Unit Price Bit. Mat. AC-1 (85-300 Pen) .13 Bit. Mat for Fog (MC-70, MC-250) .17 Bit. Stab. Base 4" Thick .24 Bit. Stab. Base 6" Thick .27 Bit. Mat. for Prime Coat .17 Bit. Mat. for Tack Coat .20 $it. Mat, for Mixture 28.00 Bit. Mixture 4.45 Bit. Mat. (CRS-2) for Seal Coat ,22 Seal Coat Aggregate (FA-2) .11 Rock Class 8 7.50 Install Casting 30.00 LESS: Estimate #1 $ 2,854.21 Estimate �2 21,169.71 Estimate #3 18,520.11 Estimate #4 20,417.79 Estimate #S $,302.55 Estimate #6 14,571.70 LESS: Reduction for Civic Center Sidewalks 4,748.25 398.65 2,688.96 1,202,31 272.Q0 115.80 4,650.$0 14,208.$5 974.6U 2,233.22 7.50 60.00 593,097.90 $5 836.07 7, 61. 233,75 AMOUNT DUE FINAL ESTIMATE #7 (Revised) $7,028.p$ I have viewed the work under contract for the construction of Street Impro- �me�t Froject St. 1967-1, and find that thP same is substantially complete in accordance with the contract documents. I recommend that the final payment b� made upon acceptance of the work by your Honorable Body, and ,�hat the one year contractual t���.intenance bond commence on the date listed above. , Pxepared By �� �/ 'G���x�a ayC- ; , _ �J ��, , ' Resrectfully submitted, i � �' r c �Lt � ���-� � AS M M. QURESHI, P. . Gity Engineer - Director of Public Works �y ,. FINAJ� �sximat� �7 (Revised) S�, 1967-1 CERTIFICA'TE OF THE CONTRACTOR i(� Page Three - This iS �o certi�y that items of the work shown in this statement o� work certified herein has been actually furnished and done for the above mentioned project in accordance with the plans and speci- fications heretofore approved. The final contract cost is $93,097.90 and the revised final payment of $7,028.08 would cover in full t e contractor's claims against the City of all labor, materials, and other work done by the contractor under this project. I declaxe under the penalties of perjury that this statement is jus� and eorrect. A�ted: �%�/`• .�r j ; �1:�' Signature `� �' � r,�'�,,.,_/ C �ractor � � Title: �j f «, n e . T0: CITX ENGINEER CITX OF FRIDLEY ' . Date October 3, 1968 ' ' 1 n�! REPORT ON FINAZ INSP$CTTON FOR STREET IMPROVF.r�NT PROJECT ST. 1967-1 . : We, the undersigned, have inspected.the above mentioned project and find Chat the work required by the contract is substantially complete'in conformity with the Plans and Specifications of the pxoject. . All deficiencies have been corrected by the Contzactor. Also the work for which the City feels that the Contractor should receive a reduced price has been agreed upon by the Contractor. • •_ So, therefore, we recommend to you that the City approve the attached Final Estimate for the Contractor and the one year maintenance bond start from the day of the approval of this estimate by the City Council. pdditional Remarks : . � ��, � _. __- r ; ,c�� A " � CC'�'" tiRUCTION �^� `_'; / ; � _v „ �`.:.- � .� INCHARGE - ENGINEERING ASSISTA�vT \ . �;' � , . -. \ \ ` 11 , LvTRA TO�t� REPRESENTATIV� . � . C • • ' 1, i w �' J , L '` l,t'1'Y OF t�n1UL�Y ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE FRIDLEY, TIINNESOTA 55421 Honorable biayor and City Council ity of Fridley /a Homer R. An�Crum, City Manager 6431 Universi,ty Avenue N,E. ri,dley, Minnesota 55421 entlemen: � CERTIFICATE OF THE ENGINEER � October 21, 1968 We hereby submit Estimate No. 6, the REVISED FINAL ESTII�IATE for Dunkley �uxfacing Company, 3756 Grand Street N.E., Minneapolis, Alinnesota for Mun- cipal S.tate Aid Improvement Project St. 1967-2 according to Contract. inal inal. ' 1 ' Construction Cost for MSAS 27-302-03 - attached Sheet #2 Construction Cost for MSAS 27-324-01 " " #3 TOTAL LESS: Estimate #1 Estimate #2 Estimate #3 Estimate #4 Estimate #5 $10,000.35 9,130.90 30,325.78 20,532.87 7,776.66 AMOUNT DUE REVISED FINAL ESTIMATE #6 $29,237.06 49 729.62 78,966.68 77,766.56 $ 1,200.12 �have viewed �he work under contract for the construction of Street m�xovement Proje�t MSAS St. 1967-2, and find that the same is substantially com�].ete in accordance with the contract documents. I recommend that final �ayment be mad� upon acceptance of the work by your Honorable Body, and that he one year contractual maintenance bond commence on the date listed above. �repared by � hecked by . C' Respectfully submitted, / f c � AS M M �URESHI, P.E. City Engineer ' ' CERTIFICATE OF THE CONi3�.�TOR This is to certify that items of the work shown in this statement of work �e�tified herein has been actually furnished and done for the above men- io ed project in accordance with the lans and specifications hereto£ore app�oved. The fi�al contract �ost is $78 966.68 and the revised final ayment of $1 200.12 would covejr in full t e contractor's claims against he�Ci�y of al— 1 la�r, materia�s, and other work done by the contractor nder this project. �declare under the penalties of perjury that this statement is just and orrect. �a t e d: _�� �?`,� ��` fS /i � _....� J � Signature, � n ractor Title: � /' /%.��'�' .'�� � u , � � Final Estimate FT.N�T CONS7'1tUCTIOid COS�r N s•rxrtnrL St . 1967-2 , V-----� ^ � STA7'� AID PR01lsC!' N0. 27-302-03 LOCAT�Q�(; 61st Avenue: Betwcen Piain S(:reet and Uiiive�:sity Avenue CLASS Ol� WQI::I�: Graclin�, �i,t, Sta;b, �4��e, C�.�s� 4/ �,�e, Bit �i;'r, �•, f�a�lc. Cuxb , �t�d Cxut�ex `and' ,�u3.d�c�ia�I�:;s LFNGTH: 0.�4 Miles ' , � � CONTI'•AC'1'OR: Dunkley Surfaci.ng Company, Inc., 3756 Grand Street N.E., Minneapolis, riinn. ' I�em No. ,� 2506.522 2104.510 2105.501 '2105.504 2531.501 2331. '2531.507 2531.. S07 2571.5G1 ''2571..561 2576.501 2130.501 '��07.503 2207.503 2207.512 '2331.502 2 331- . 504 2331.509 t2341. SO�F 2341.509 Final Quantities 2 Assem. 20 Assem. 85 Lin. Ft. 85 Lin. Ft. 991 Cu. Yd. 456 Cu. Yd. 2,301 Lin. Ft. 138 Sq. Yd. 33.2 Sq. Yd. 163 Sq. Yd. 180 Cu. Yd. 60 Cu. Yd. 1,778 Sq. Yd. 8 Step 42.7 M/Gal. 18,547 Gal. 812 Gal, 7,476 Sq. Yd. 542 Gal. 30.2 Ton 755 Ton � 39.9 Ton 767.5 Ton Ytem Hydrant Relocation - Horiz. Adjust Frame & Ring Casting Remove; Metal Fence Reset Metal �'ence Class "A" Excavation Class "SG" Excavation Conc. Curb & Guttex B-618 2" 2331 Asphalt Driveway Concrete Drive��ay 4" Thick Concrete Driveway 6" Thick Planting Soi.l (Top Soil) Planting Soil (Clay Soi_1) Sodding � Siiewalk Steps Water Bit. Mat. (85-300 Pen) AC-1 Bit. Mat. for �'og (MC-%O,MC-250) Bit. Stab. Base - 6" Thick Bit. M.,�. for T�1ck Coat Bit. riat. for riixtur.e. Bit. Mix Bit. Mat for riix. Wearing Course Mix. & Filler � Unit Pxice Total $ .250.00 35.00 0.60 0.60 0.76 0.76 2.05 2.00 5.00 6.00 2.30 2.00 0.36 15.00 3.50 0.13 0.17 0.27 0.20 28.00 4.45 28.00 4.45 $ 500.00 700.00 51.00 51.00 753.16 346.56 4,717.05 276.00 166.00 978.00 414.00 120.00 6��0. 08 Y20.00 149.45 2,41J..11 135.04 2,018.52 108. �+0 845.60 3,359.75 i,�i�.zo . 3z415.38 ' CONSII:UCTION COST �'OlZ MSAS N0. 27-302-03 $23,39G.30 TO BB PAID �Y STATF AID FUNDS. ' AMOUNT 0� TfIk: CONTRACT UNDER rLSAS N0. 27-302-03 TO BE PAID FROM CITY ASSESSr�NT FUNDS ' Item No. 2503.�12 2506.506 , 3366, 3366. 2521.501 _' 2521.501. � City Quantities Item 45 Lin Ft. 12" RCP C1 III (�d/G 0-6) 1 Struct.. Constr. CB "A" or "G" 6 Lin. Ft. F&I 1" Type K Copper 2 Un3.ts F&I 1" CurL Box 9,391 Sq. Ft. Concr.ete Wal.k 4" Thick 1,444 Sq. Ft. Concrete Walk 6" Thick Bid Price 7.00 250.00 4.25 32.00 0.46 0.60 CONS7'F.UCTION COST TO EE PAIll �RO�I CITX FUNllS TOTAL CONSTi:UCTION CUST OF rISAS N0. 27-302-03 Total 315.00 250.00 25.50 64.00 4,319.8G 8GG.40 s s�Eo.76 �_2.9 � ?.37 : 06 c_. w�.-. �._� :� .� , F1na1 Estimate St. 1967-2 � FINAL CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIPIATE STAT� AID PFOJFCT 1�0. 27-324-01 �1n ' LOCA�ION: Baker Street: 73rd Avenue and Osborne Road CLASS Ok' WORK: Grading, Bit. Stab. Base, Class V Base, Bit. Surf., Conc. Curb � and Gutter and Sidecvalks . LENGTH: 0.50 Miles ' CONTR.ACTOR: Dunkley Surfacing Co., Inc.; 3756 Grand Street N.E., Minneapolis, Minn. ' Item No. ' 2506.509 2506.511 2506.522 ' 2104.503 2105.SO1 2105.504 '21p6.501 2110 R 52 �. 21�5.5Q1 253]..501 2331 _, 2576.501 '2130.501 2201.502 2331.501 2331.502 '2331.504 2331.508 2341. ,504 , 2341.509 ' Final Quantities 3 Assem. 3 Struct. 13.3 Vert Ft. 4 Assem. SO Lin. Ft. 750 Cu. Yd. 1,912 Cu. Yd. 3,867 Cu. Yd. 1,668 Cu. Yd. 3,984 Gu. Yd.M. 5,183..Lin. Ft. 227 Sq. Yd. 1,987 Sq. Yd. 65 M/Gal. 4,225 Cu. Yd. 2,480 Gal. 550 Gal. 36.75 Ton 922.3 Ton 47.5 Ton 914.6 Ton Item Hydrant Relocation - Horiz. Construct Catch Basin "A" or "G" Reconstruct Manhole Adjust Fxame & Ring Casting Remove Curb & Gutter Class "A" Excavation Class "SG" Excavation Special Swamp Excavation Granular riaterial in Place Haul (Point to Point) Conc. Curb & Gutter B-618 2" 2331 Asphalt Driveway Sodding Water Gravel Material (C1assV) Bit. Mat. for Prime Coat Bit. Mat. for Tack Coat Bit. Mat. �or Mixture Bit. Mixtuze Bit. Mat. for Mixture Wearing Co>>rse Mix. & Filler Unit Price $250.00 250.00 42.00 35.00 0.60 0.76 0.76 0.84 0.88 0.25 2.05 2.00 0.36 3.50 2.50 0.17 0.20 28.00 4.45 28.00 4.45 CONSTRUCTIGN COST FOR MSAS N0. 27-324-01 TO BE PAID BY STATE AID FUNDS. Total --,- � 75Q.00 75Q.00 55$.60 14Q.00 34.00 57Q.00 1,45�.12 3,248.2$ 1,467.8�+ 996.00. 10,62�.15 454.00 i1�.32 227.50 10,562.50 42],.60 11Q.00 1,02�.00 4,104.24 1,330.00 4,064.97 � $43,613.12 ' AMOLTNT OF THE CONTRACT UNDER MSAS N0. 27-324-01 TO BE PAID FROM CITY ASSESSMENT FUNAS ' Item No. 2503.512 ��,�03.5�2 25Q2 , S07 2502.507 2506,516 '2546.521 2506.508 , City Quantities 40 Lin. Ft. 475 Lin. Ft. 127 Cu. Yd. b5 Cu. Yd. 2 Assem. 2 Assem. 2 Struct. Item F&I 12" RCP C1 III W/G 0-6' F&I 15" RCP C1 III W/G 0-6' Rock for Pipe Found. (C1 8) Subdrain Backfill (C1 7) F&I Casting (700-9 Cover 712) Install Casting Const, M.H. Design F Bid Price $ 7.00 8.00 7.50 6.00 65.00 30.00 252.00 Total $ 280.00 3,800.00 952.50 390.00 130.00 60.00 504.00 CONSTRUCTION COST TO BE PAID FROM CITY FUNDS 6 116.50 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST OF MSAS N0. 27-324-01 49 729.62 :� . T0; CITY ENGINEER CITY OF FRIDLEY � . Date October 3 , I968 �� � ��� REPORT ON FINAL INSPECTION FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1967-2 (MSAS) . , We, the undersigned, have inspected the above mentioned project and find that the work required by the contract is substantially complete'in conformity wfth the Plans and Specifications of the project. . All deficiencies have been corrected by the Contractor. Also the work for which the City feels that the Contractor should receive a reduced price has been agreed upon by the Contractor. . � So, therefore, we recommend to you that the City approve the attached Final Estimate for the Contractor and �he one year maintenance bond start from the day of the approval of this estimate by the City Council. Additional Remarks , ; _. . _.,. _ �._ -�.�\,_�.�... ,,� ♦ \ CTION .,\ i �. , , -, -•� '�, �\ , L � ." C GE - ENGINEERING ASSISTANT • ' �� . � � G���it- x?�t C STRUCTION S ECTORS r` �' ' ' ' - � i� >, �' �� � ,� �. . CON CTOR�REPRESENT TIVE • �. � - r 1 � 1 , ' ' � � ' ' , ' ' � ' ' ' ' ' 1�2 MULTIPLE DWELLING LICENSES i0 BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL Nove 4, 1968 September l, 1968 to Septo l, 1969 NAM.E ADDRESS UNITS FEE Darold & Ruth Johnson 4216 - 7th St. N. E. Columbia Heights, Minn. David W. Adams 514 - 5th Ave. S. E. Minneapolis, Minn. Marcus W. Anderson, 213 River Parkway, Champlin, Minn. 55316 Ch r i s J e 1 eva rov 605 Dyckman Hotel, Minneapolis, Minn. 6541 - 2nd Sto No Ee 5384 - 5th St. N< E 251 m 57th Avea No Eo 4 lovoo 4 10v00 4 160 Mississippi Place 4 j �. �� � �� � 1 11'3 LTST OF CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL ' November 4, 1968 Ap�rove� B�v ' GAS FI1",�ING Ideal Sheet Metal ' 4607 Lyndale Ave. North Minneapolis, Minnesota GENERAL CONTRACTOx ' Lance Bartlett 9708 Humboldt Ave. S. ' Minneapolis, Minnesota Encore Builders Corp. 4701 Decatur Ave. North ' Minneapolis, Minnesota Suburban Enterprises ' 5744 Nicollet Ave. l�inmeapolis, Minnesota ' HEATING Bedler Plumbing ' 2519 4th St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Ideal Sheet Metal �nc. ' 4607 Lyndale Ave North Miuneapolis, Minnesota ' � . r C?�R151T�tAS Tf?T'F I,0'r ' Gil'�ert Thompson 133� 59th �ve. N.F. Fr�dley, Minnesota ' S j.�C� I^ STATION ' Paul Castongwa.y Rou*•e 5 Osseo, Minnesota ' ' ' By: A. W. Vasenius By: Lanca Bartlett By: David Adams By: L. C. Reynolds RENEWAL RENEWAL NEW NEW By: Sylvester Hedler NEW By: A. W. Vasenius oy Gilbert Thompson � � � � NE'�J �3y �'?lll Caston�way Htg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Inap, Bldg. Inap. Htg. Insp, RENEWAI. Htg. Insp. A:'?R01lED BY -L�:= . �,�/��- ��� ° I � � � �t' ��._� �.:�� � PPRO«'n 3Y Building Inspector NEW Fire Inspector f 1 �EAGUE OF M�NNESOTA MU�ICAPA�ITIES �AET��PO�sT�E�9 SE�T�OB�! . SIO $(xIAL SCIENCFS BUI[DING •��YIVER517-Y OF MINNESOTA � � MINNEAPOLIS, MINNFSOTA SSOSS • PHONE M1I:j3i3•I32I � � ' � � Mr. J. 0. Kirkham Mayor 430 - 67th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Dear Mayor Kirkham: October T2, 1968 11� Uecisions made during the coming legislative months will set the pace of progress for our cities and villages in the metropolitan area. In response to this, the Board of Directors is making every effort to increase the active member- ship in the Section committees to reflect the interests of all members. ' Listed below are the nine committees of the Section and those representatives of your mu�icipality who are active� `.' GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE C�.�- � GOVERNMENTAL FINANCE ,j}�� � LJ � � � �� � ' � SOLID WASTES SEWAGE COMMUNITY RIGHTS HUMAN RIGHTS PUBIIC SAFETY RECREATION AND OPEN SPACES . ���`^ I would like to prevail upon you, as mayor� to designate either elected or appointed officials from your municipality who would actively assist in this important work of committees upon which you are not now representedo This is one of the most effective ways to be certain the views of your municipality are represented, �nclosed is a description of each comm��*ee's area of interest and a form upon whith you made indicate your selections, Your reply would be most helpful if received before October ?2, 1968e �Sincerely, : ��.--r � 9-a�-�-. Stan Olson Pr�sident MetrQpplitan Section Mayor - Richfield SO;par ' ' LEAGUE OF INNESOTA MUNICIPAIITIES 314 SqC1Al SCIENCES BIDG. �NIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA INNEAPOLIS, MINN., 55455 HONE: 373-2321 - 373-2322 ' METROPOLITAN SECTION September 25, 1968 �he Board oi Directars of the Metropolitan Section met August 14 to re- evaluate the present cominittee structure. � synopsis of Board expression follows: '�Tate: Recommendations made to the Board of Directors are carefully considered, and if there is sufficient legislative signi- fi.cance, referred to the general membership for possible adoption as a section legislative proposal. '�. GQVEitNMENT FINANCE: C.harged with identifying fiscal problems in Ck1e metropolitan area, developing goals and broad directions ' aimed at solution of these problems, and making recommendations tq the Board. 2. GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE: Charged with studying proposed metropoli- ' taa government structure and functi�•a, and its effect upon munici- pali.ties, develop general guidelines at the Metro level, and with m,aki�ng recommendations to the Board. � 3. '4. ' SEWAGE: Charged with the study of proposed sewage disposal plans �or the metropoli.tan area and with formulation of recommendations for co�sideration by the Board. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL: Charged with the study of proposed plans and concepts related to solid waste disposal needs in the metro- pol3tan area and to make recommendations through the Board for the consideration and improvement of such plans. ' 5. COMMUNITY RIGHTS COMMITTEE: Ch�rged with studying and determining those services and functiot�s wh�:ch should be per�ormed priwarily by municipalities, counties, or other jurisdictinna� uaits and those services and functions which should or could be performed by ' two or more layers of government. It is expected that the Commit- tee will consider local consent rel8ted to highway con$truction. ' 6. HUMAN RIGHTS: Charged with the gathering of informatimn on current practices and actions of municipalities and civil rights commis- aions, the evaluation of current problems, tt�e efficiency of pre- ' eent ordinances, and making recomipendations which will improve the social and economic status of the indi��idual. � (over) 11: � v - 2 - 7. PUBLIC SAFETY: Cha�cged with evaluation and needs of the police and f ire services in the metropolitan area and giving considera- t�ion to areas in which services and training can be improved by caoperative efforts. The Federal Crime Act and its impact upon munici�alities should be of concern to the committee. 8. RECREATION AND OPEN SPACES: Charged with study and evaluation of proposed plans related to metropolitan needs for recreational facilities and areas, parka, open spaces, zoos, botanical gardens and complimentary facilities and services, and with making recom- mendations to the Board. - 9. UTILITIES REGULATION: Charged with study and evaluation of pre- sent and proposed utility regulation a.id the making of recom�en- dations to the Board. SWO/PFD:slw ' �, . 0 z ' w x a , ' . � � aa a ' Q a s � x � a 6H �r A W '� � p�j i � a �! � yW WH ,� ~ ' � W v � � H �' H U i � � � z �� H ►.� ' o � � 'j � , w I � � � � � '' z � I H i O a I c 1� j � i ,�4 p � '� , H � � y � H t � ?a ' W W � °� w ' ,� O C� W z z � � 6 W o~G y W � U W d N � y � tJf 3 w U w r a � x a �� �.7 � � U Q � N � U G4 P4 �.w'H NH�� 11� � OFFICE OF DWIGNT D. EISENHOWER Gettysburg, Pennsylvania October 11, 1968 Dear Mayor Kirkham: I have told General Eisenhower of your telegram of October 9th and he has asked me to be sure to thank yu� fur tiia tionor accurdc:.. nim in Fridl�y, Minne sota. If he improves to the point where he can once again travel and the opportunity arises, he of couxse would lilce to visit the Eisenhower Memorial Square in your fine town. - With best wishes, 5incerely, � _..--- � / � � ��� � ROBERT L. SCHUL Brig. General, USA (Ret) Executive Assistant Mr. Jack O. Kirkham Mayo r Fridley, Minnesota , �r , : ' � , ' 11� ' � � .;. � � ' � �� � � THE CITY OF COON RAPIDS 1313 COON RAPIDS BOULEVAR� COC�N RAPIDS, MINNESOTA 55433 612 755-2880 October 14, 1968 Mayor Jack 0, Kirkham 430 - 67tt� .�venue ::.�. Fridley,.Minnesota 55421 Dear Mayor Kirkham: The enclosed resolution was adopted unanimously by the Coon Rapids City Council on October 1, 1968. ' Public utilities are natural monopolies, and as such, should be regulated by the state. Minnes�ta is one of only three states which does not do so. As a result, there is a wide variation in the gas and electric rates paid by users in different cities in ' the metropolitan area. J � ' ' � � F.stablighing "reasonable" rates through audit of the utilities books and negotiation is a monumental task .for ea�h city to undertake. We feel that fihis should be a function of the sfiate, through the Puhlic Service Commission or some similar body. . A bill (SF-368) was introduced in the last session of the legislature by Senators Roher� Ashbach and Dean Nyquist to accomplish this purpose, bt.it ��rns not s�ic�essfiil, We think a similar bill shoi�ld be passed by the 1969 legislature, If you agree with this resolution, i-t would help if you woul.d pass a simil.ar resolution and corrmuni�ate youx desires to your state legislators. Enclosiire � � Vezy truly yours, . %/ ert C. Voss, Mayor City of Coon Rapida TWIN CITIES FASTEST GROWING SU8UR8 COUNCIL-MANAGER GOVERNMENT 11� ' ' ' '. , � � CITy D� COJN Rl��'IDS ANOf:A COUti'7"y, ,�fT1JA►i:SOTA 0 R�S�LUT70N URGING STATt R�G(ILATI�N 0� UTILTTT�S 1�� GIH�P.�AS �he S�a�e �� M�.nv�e�sa�a �,� �v�e �� �v�2y a�ew .6�a�e� cvl2�,c12 da n�� hccve �5�a�e neyu.2a�,�an o� �ub.�tic u��.��.��.e�c; and lVl-f �R�AS, r�un,u rub.��.c u��i..��.��.e�s d env�.ce w�.de anea� a�y � � �he �s�a�e av�d �s�jce�ch aen��s�s .�aca2 govenv�vner�� �un��.d�,e�.ian�s w�,�h p�,pe ancl �nan�s�,�,��5��,ayi 2.iv�e�s; and , � UIH�R�AS, expen�,enee ha� �5hawn �lia� neyu.�a��.an a{� �u�.�.ic u��..2�.��.e'�s ,��s beyand_ �he e{��ec�tive eeanam�.e �aulen ob �.nd.�v�.dua.2 ' .�aeu.2 yavennrren�a.� uv��.��5; . � N�(�J TN�R���P,�, $� IT R�SOLV�D By T{f� C�UNC7L �� Ttf� �CTTY �� C�ON P,AP7�S, MINN�S�TA: ' � ' ' � ' Tha�� �h�d Counc�..�, ac��.ng {�an �he peap2e a� �he C�.�y i'a{� Caon R�t�.icl�s, dve� heneby unge �he .2eg�.�s2a�une o� �he S�a�e o� M�.nne.�a�a �a e�s�ub.�,i�sh ��a�e h.egu2a�-iUii a� a.P.2 �ub.2�.e u��.2- ��.��.e�s; ba�h u�s �a na�e�s a�id �ac,i.2�.��.e�s , b y�he Yu6.�.�e Senv.%ee Carr��r1,���,�on on �sueh a�hen bady a� �he .2eg�.�s2c��:une may deern a�pnc- ,,�n�.u�e; and . Be �.� {�un�hen ne�sa.�ved �haf a..�2 �he muv��.e�,,�a2ti��.e�s as :�h,��5: c�uv��y and �h.i.� �5�a�e 6e_ unged �a 1a�.ve �.� �12�.�s nequea� ard �ha� �h�.�s ne�so.2u��.on 6e �handm�.�fed �o a2.� .2eg�.�s2a�an�s nepne- �� en��.ny aun aneu and �o a.�.2 eand.ida�e�s �yon � uch o{� ��.ee. , Adc,��ed a� a negu.2an r�ee��,ng o� �he Coan Ra}��.d3 C,i�y Caunc�..2 �h,i.� l�s� dayo u�y Uc��6en, 1968. � �A��e�s�: ,�� /?1 ��:� ��:IRan y ` e ; i , ' ;. -��,:; ; en��— : �., - - �- � f .,_ ; ' � ��� �' �..s/ � , ,:._y. __�._- - _L S�_ � Ry: eic� C. vo�5�5, uy�h 12n MINNEAPOLIS GAS COMPANY M I N N E A P O L I S, M I N N E S O T A 5 5 4 0 2 Octobe� 22, 1968 Mr David Hazris, Chairman Fxidley Industrial Commission 6431 University Ave N E Mianea.polis, Minnesota. Dear Mr Ha.rris Congratulations to you, your commission members and the citizens of Fridley for the work you ha.ve done during the past year which resulted in your being presented with the Governor's Special Award at the 12th ,�nnual Minnesota Industrial Clinic, October 16. When you have need for additional assistance in the field of industrial development, please feel free to call on us as we are most anxious to assist in the strong programs to develop the area. Siacexely , r' f r' ,' 1,-: ,.,��•-.' v Lee M Humphrys, Manager Area Development J cc; J P Trainor , 1 1 ' ' � l _J ' � AND AP�ItAISAI SERYICE 1 oa6 OSBORNE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 55432 October 18, 1968 Mr. De�ve Harria, Preaident u1d Members of the Fridley Industrial Cuaimi�sion P'ridley, Minneaota aentleaen: It xas a privilege and a pleasure to attend your fine Second Arinual Frldleq Industrial Tour. Mhat an amazing amount af groMth and progress Fridley has made in juat one ahort year: BotM my guest and I xere delighted rrith the tour of �a.n�s great n�M plant, the observation of so much new commerce and induatry, and to see first hand the land a�nd areas a�ill available for even more industriea. � I think you snd our host, Mr. Bill Berry, President oP the Fridley 3tate Ba.nk for the delig3�tfu1 luncheon and informa- tive tour. As a Fridley resident, taxpayer, and busineas Mw�an, I am most interested in the progress of our fair city, � and am indeed grateful for all y�ur fine efforte made to bring about these great eteps of progr�ss Por our area. , ' , � � ' ' May I Mimh you continue�i aucesa in all your endeavora. Youra very truly, � o ra . e e co a, Real'tor, F.N. 3HAFFBR L ESTATE INC. cc: Irlr. Bill Berry, President Fridley 3tate Bsnk «� 12�1 122 October 22, 1968 l�r. Homer ,Ankrum City of Fridley 6431 University Ave., N.E. Fridley, Minn. 55421 Dear I�omer: Thia noon as �qy tive-year old �on was coming home from kindergarden, he let the halloween pioture he wae carryin� blow aw�y. He was standin� beside the street cryin� when a man in a city truok stopped to see what wa8 the matter. Apparant ly t he man calmed him and at art ed him on t he w�► � home. 9hortly alter my son arrived home atill a little tearful, the man in the city truck pulled up and delivered the mi9sin� "art" work. The man laft betore anyone had the presence of mind to a$k who he waa. I wa,nted to let �au know that youn� Bill was deli�hted to have hi s"�+h� st s' back . He ha s t�,lked con st 3ntly about t he "nice man in the or�n�a truck" who nr�ught them. tie hopes that the enclosed note oY thanks �et a to the ri�ht man. Let me add my thanks, to�. We all tell �ur ahildren that eity o2t'ieials, poliee, firamen, etc. are their frienda, and they have to take it pratty muah on faith. Th�nks to "the man in the or3n�e truck" my son and the kids in our nei�hborhood have some real proof that it i$ true. Your tr ly, � R. J. Hu�hes I , ' 1 � � � .1 � 1 _�, 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1� a ��1 � � 123 5,�,�R�EE� AEPAFtTMENT �. 2. �. �, 6. 7. 8. PUB�IC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITX OF FRIDLEY MONTHLY REPOYtT - SEPTEMBER 1968 Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gradi�g . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �rav�l Haulxn� . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . ���c� 1 ].az�eous S �reet Work , . . . . . . . . . . . Patching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , ShQp Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3�gns and Barri.cades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment Repairs - Street , . . . , . . . . . . . W�,TER AEPARTMENT 1. �'il.tration Plant Operations . . . a . . . 2, Fi,nal Readings and Collections . . . . . . � . . � �. Hydrant Repairs and Flushing . . . . . . . � • G. Miscellaneous Water Work . . . . . . . , , . • • . .� . Pumphouse Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fi, Standpipe Repaira . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • a, Valve Inspections and Repaira . . . . . . . . . . $. Wa�er and Sewer Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Water Meter Inspections and Repairs ....... 10, Water Turn-ons . . . . . . . . . . . 11. Watermein Breaks . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . 12. Waterma�n Taps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � �.�. E4uipment Repairs - Water . . . . . . . . . . . , �WER DEPARTMENT xouRs 200� k9� 41 350� 395 9 �. 34� 98 179 7�� 73� 100� 35 44� 56 19 64� �5 35� 3� 46 1, Li�t Sta�ion Inspections and Repairs ....... 112 Z. I�tnho�e Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12'� 3, k�i��ellaneous Sew�r Work . . . , . . . . . . . 52 4. Sanitary S�wer Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1�7 5. Sanitary Sewer Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . , 7� b. 8quipment Repaira - Sewer . . . . . . . . . . . . 34� �,RM SEWER DEPARTMENT �, C��ch Basin and Sto�a Sewer Cleaning ....... SS �. M�.aeellaneous SCo�u Sewer Work . . . . . . . . . , 196 , �age TWa � PuB�IC WORKS AEPARTMEATT MONTHLY REPORT - SEPTEMBER 1968 J � � ' ' � I � MI3CELLANEOUS 1. Engineering Department . . . . , 2• Fire Department . . � ' � � � � ' ' ' 3. Holiday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Labor Meetings , , , , � � � � � � ' ' ' ' ' ' 5. Park Department . � . � � � � � � � ' ' ' 6 . S ick Leave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. Vacations . , • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Voting Booths . , . � � � � � � � � ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 9, Weed Control . . . . � . � � � � � � ' ' ' ' 10. Weekend Duty . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �1• Equipment Repairs -.Administration . . . . . � � � 12. Equipment Repairs - Civil Defense • . . � . � 13• Equipment Repairs - Engineering . . � . � � � � 14. Equipment Repairs - Fire Department. � � � � � � � 15. Equipment Repairs - Liquor • . . . . . . lb• Equipment Repaira - Park Department. � . � � � � � 17. Equipment Repairs - Police Department. . . . . . . HOURS 3� 144 5� 82 128 35 141 2� 2 39� 19 13 31� 62� A G R E E M E N T � WHEREAS, the City of Fridley is preparing to use an electronic voting device at the general election to be held November 5, 1968, and the County of Anoka has a computer facility which can be used as a counting center for the purpose of recording the vote made within the City, and WHEREAS, the City of Fridley and the County of Anoka recognize that pursuant to provisions for the Joint Exercise of Powers Act, Sec. 471.59 Minnesota Statutes Annotated, they do have the authority to enter into this Agreement, IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO that the City of Fridley will, as prescribed by law, supervise and control the conduct of the election utilizing the electronic voting system and using the ballots that are furnished by the County of Anoka. They will follow the procedures set down by statute and by regulations adopted by the Attorney General of the State of Minnesota and will deliver the ballots to the counting center as established by the County of Anoka and follow the written instructions as prepared and submitted by the County Auditor of the County of Anoka. The County of Anoka will establish a counting center., will man it with the proper trained personnel, will carry out the responsibilities of a counting center as set forth by Minnesota Statutes and the Attorney General's rzgulations as adopted and will carry out its function in the manner set forth by the written instructions established by the County Auditor of the County of Anoka. It is further agreed by and between the parties that their respective responsibilities under this Agreement shall be carried out without any compensation by either party to the other party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands this day of October, 1968. CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA In Presence of: By Its COUNTY OF ANOKA, MINNESOTA , , . .. y • , � : , � . . . ,. . _ __ /- ;,• .i',i � , ���;., . j � , � ,� �''ii -p�) E :i ;- � ��� llJ .f'> ��.�.ry.�:��} .4�,'�ifi�,'"�+'1�2.r'�:� �" t-,-,�.f_. 1� ;.�_�Yi � �; QZairman, Board � of County Comm. . _ �. STATE OF MI NNESOTA 6 COtJNTY OF ANOKA PRELIh�IINARY DRAFT DEVELOPMENT AGREEPIENT THIS AGREEh4ENT made this day af � —, tg68, by �nd between GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY, a Minnesota Corporation, hereinafter called the Developer, and the CITY OF FRlDLEY, a h?unic.ipal Corparation in Anoka County, Minnesota, hereinaf�er called the C ity. WITtvESSETH, tha� whereas the Developer intends to develop an Industr�ial Park on approximately 106.%2 acres of land substantially as sho��Fn on th� attached Exhibit "A", hereinafter called the Developn�ent; and WHEREAS, the Developer intends to subdivide the Develc�pment by Registered Land Survey, Registered Land Surveys or normal subdivision plat �ssigning oc�t-lot letters to the areas clearly intended for street purposes, including return radius areas, hereinafter calted the Survey; and � WHEREAS, the Developer proposes to dedicate the areas in the survey ctear�ly intended for street �urposes, including return radius areas, by an instrument separ�te from the survey only when said areas are requir�ed to provide access and municipal services to an industrial use �.� i th i n th� deve I opment; and w � WNEREAS, the Develaper pra��se.s to develop for industrial purposes by either sale or lease to other parties those areas in the survey clearly intended for street purposes, including return radius areas, when said areas are not required to provide access and municipal services to an industrial use ��ithin the development; and WHEREAS, the City must approve the Survey and is responsible for the des.ign and construction of public facilities within its boundaries; and WHEREAS, the City and the Developer intend the development take place in an orderly and predetermined manner. NOW THEREFORE, the Developer and the City for the consideration of mutual benefits received agree as follaws: SECTION !, Street Oeciication (A) The Devsloper shall dedicate to the City those tracts shc�wn on Exhibit "A" which are clearly intended for stre�t �urposes, ineluding return radius areas, by an instrument separate from the Survey at such time as access is required to a tract being devclo�ed for inciustrial pur�oses, whether the street be within the Survey or on adjacent property.owned by the Developer. (B� The Developer shall eventually dedicate an interior circulation pattern of streets not requiring a permanent cul-du-sac except or� the easterly end of the most northerly proposed street adjacent to Interstate Highway No. 6g4, however, such dedications shall not take place unti) required to provide access to a tract being developed for• i ndustr ia l pur�oses. (C� The City shal) accept the dedications in such manner as required by the Registr�r of Titles of Anoka County, hlinnesota, and shall file said dedications in the County Records giving the Developer the Counties filing reference. �■ (D� The City agrees that ali those tracts shown on Exhibit "A", which are clearly intend�d for street purposes need not be dedicated and further agrees the said tracts may be included �ithin industrial sites provided said tracts are not required to be dedicated under (B) abave. (E� The Developer does hereby grant the City the right to construct a temporary cul-du-sac o-F 44 foot radius beyond the term i nu s of any dead-end ded i cat; i on, sa i d teniporary right shall be in full force and effect until such time as a further dedication takes plac� as pravided under (B) above. (F� The City shall accept and maintain the temporary cul-du-sac ar•eas as a public street as if they were permanent dedicated city streets and shall accept alt obligations pertaining to publie streets. SECTION II, Railway Rights of Way and Railway - Street Crossings (A) The Developer sha11 maintain as railway rights of way those partions of the 38 foot strips sho��n on Exhibit "A" not within dedica�ed street areas which are adjacent to _, d�ve I oped tracts of land for so I ong as they are oti,�ned by the Develop�r. (B) The Ci�:y shall accept. the dedication of those parts of the 38 foot strips when dedicated �or street purposes �s provided in Section ((A), (B), and (C), subject to the fc�llowing reser�ation: RESERVING, hot��ever, to �he the right and privil�ge to use tract to cc�nstruct, rnaintain, use, operate, relocate, reconstruct and renew such tracks and appurtenant ra i Iway fac i I it ies a.s it may at any t ime and from time to time, desire within the limits of tract . (C� The City and the Developer shali jointly petition the Public Service Commission of the State of Minnesota for any authority required for railway - street grade crossin�s within the develUpment. (D) The Deve ( c�per sha I I canstruct a 1 I ra i I�.�ay - street grade crossings within thc develapment using prefabricated guma;ood crossing surfaces or the equiva�ent thereof and • shall maintain said crossings in accordance with the Iaws of the State of hlinnesota. �----_ ._ _--- : . � SECTION Ili, Sireet Surfacing Curbing, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Water Mai ns � (A� The Developer shall construct or petition the City to construct a nine-ton road surfacing in accordance with City standards over all dedicated street areas in order to provide access to any industria) tract concurrently with the commencement of operations of an industrial use on said industrial tract. (B� The Develo�er shal) canstruct or petition the City to construGt concrete curb and gutter in accordance with City standards prior to or at the same time the industrial pra�e�ty abut�ing on a dedica�ed street area adjacent to said concrete curb and gutter is developed for industrial purposes exeept when the �treet area is dedicated with a res�rvation in accordance with SECTION II (6� where said curb and gu�ter shall be of bituminaus materia) unti) such tr•acks and other rai (way faci ( ities as may be required are constructed by ths Developer. (C) The City shall not grant any permits for curb-cuts to streets constru�ted under this Agreement �roviding access to praperty not within the Survey or not owned by the DEVeloper unless �hF prp�erty or,�ner benefited by the access provided by said curb-cut shall participate in its propc�rtionate share of the proj�ct cost of the roadway and conerete curb and gutter pr4vided at the sole cost and exp�:nse of th� Deveioper when initially constructed. (D� The Devetoper shall petition the City to construct Sanitary Sewer, S�arm Set�;�r� and Water h1a i ns i n accordance w ith C ity standards in all d�dieated street areas in arder to provid� �hese utiliti�� to any industrial tract concurrently with th� eomrnencemen� af opera�ions af an industrial use on said industria) tract ►�=hen not served by these uti) ities. (E ) Th� C i ty sha I 1 not grant any perm it s for san itary sewer or water connec�ions to the facilities constructed under this Agreement to property owners not within the Survey or not owned by the Devel�per unless the property okner banefited by the connections to these facilities shall participate in the cost of the facilities. h- ----_ _ _ __. . -----� _ ° � �W (F) The City shall not cans�ruct storm sewers discharging additional s{:orm water on said proper�y �vithout adequately compensating the Develaper nar shall the City discharge adclitional waters into any storm sewer constructed under this Agreem�nt, if the additional discl� rge shall overload the storm sewers so as to interfere with the proper dra i nage of the i ndustr i a l par�:. (G� If the City shall collect any money from other property owners under the �rovisions of Section II1, such money shall be applied to unpaid assessments, if any. If there are no unpaid assessments at the time of collection, such money shall be placed in a separatc account to be used for future canstruct i on of ut i I i ty i mprc�vement s made i n the industrial park. If ather property owners use utili�ies constructed in the industrial park at the sole cos� and ex�ense of the Develo�er their� proportianat� benefits sha11 be determined by the City in accordance with the standard procedure used by the City in determining benefits in other special assessment projects. " SECTlON IV, Construction, Payment, and {�taintenance Procedure (A-f� lJpc�n receipt by the City of any petition or r�quest for construction provided for in this Agreem�nt, the City shall dcsign said facilities in accordance with its sp�eifications and pro�ide t;he Developer with com�lete, specifications, estimates and plans for each portion af the construction. (A-2) The Deve! oper sha t I rev iew the est im�tes, s�►ec if icat i ans, and F�Ian� and iF s,�;isfactory notify the City in writing to �roceed with th� construc�ion. (A-3) The City sha11 proceed �s promptly as possible with the construction, letting any contracts required, and shall ` supervise the constructian until com�letsd ta the satisfaction of the City and the Developer. (A-�) Upon ca;npletion of the construction to the satisfaction of i:he City and the Developer the City shall pravide the Developer with an itemized list showing complete brealcdown of al( construction costs including necessary en�inee��ing fees and other norm�-�I related charges. ,---. .__ ___ �� 0 (A-S� llpon recei�t of a direct bill or assessment notice for the completed construction and �fter con�pletion o{= A-I through A-4, the Deve.loper shall pramptly pay the City the Gost of said co►�struction including engineering fees and ather normal related charges, (B) The City shall not �ssess the Developer for facilities not �ctua(ly constructed which have progressed through all assessmen� hearings and procedures provided by law. (C) llpon completi�n of any construction provided for in this Agt•eement to City standards, the City shall accept the faciiities �s City property, pass al1 necessary resolutions �nd shall assume complete ownership and maintenance of these fac i 1 it ies. SECTION V, Telephone, Electric and Natural Gas Service (A� Th� Developer and the City agree to request the various private utility con�panies oper�ating under franchise in the City to pravide telephone, elec�ric and natural ga s service to a I I trae�s �r• i or ta the i r deve ! opmer�t for : i ndustr i a l purposes and further agree to caoperate with said companies dur i ng the con struct i on per i od of sa i d streets, pub I i c utilities and private utilities to provide adequate space and �,rork area �For sa i d ut I i�y �om�»n i es construct i on i n dedicated streets. (B� Th� Devel4per and the City agree to request of the utility cornpan i es that a( I te I ephane 1 i nes and e( ectr i c r�ia i n feeder lines be constructed underground by tlie utility companies. SECTlQN VI, - Building Site The Developer agrees to canvey or lease parcels or tracts of land within the Surv�y for industt-ial deYelopment only of two acres�or more; however, this Section shal) not appl'y when conveying or leasing parcels of land within the Sur���y f�r industrial development to any owner or (easee, a I rc�acly o�rri i ng or I ea s i ng two acres or more w i th i n the Survey when the addi-�ianal pro�jerty being acquired or leased is to be used in conjunction or� camb i ned. �r i th sa i d ex i st i ng two acres or more . �..� SECT{ON VII - Exception The Deve{aper and the City agree the parcel or tract of land lying East of East River Road and ti�est af the proposed frontage road adjacent to East River Road in the Southwest corner of the Surv�y may not develop as an industrial use and all secteons of this Agreement referring to industrial develop:Tient shai) be interpreted to mean any use feasible under the zoning regula�;ions of the City covering said (and at the time of its development and said (and is not subject to SECT101� VI herein. SECTION Vllf - Protective Covenant s The Developer shall f'tle concurrently with the Survey Protectiv� Covenants substantially in the attached �orm designated as Exhibit "B" with pro�er revisians excluding the tract of land described in SECTt,ON VII herein. SECTION IX - Test Well Permit (A) The Develop�r does hereby grant to the City the right to enter upan the �roperty owned or controlled by the Devetoper within the Sunvey except the five acre tr�ct of land in the Northeast corner of said Survey for the purpase of drilling test wells under the follorrin� c�nditiohs: I. A11 ti�ork in cannection with the drilling shall be done in a g�od and workmanlike manner sa as nat to interfere with �he tracks, operation of trains, and communication fac i I i� i es oi= the Detse ! c�per . llpsn comp ! et i fln af the drilling the Develnper's pro�erty will be lef� in tha sar�e � cond i t i on a s i t wa s i n pr i car to the gra nt i ng of th i s permission. 2. Na �,fells arc to be drilled within 15 feet of the Developer's trackage. ' 3. If it is recessary to tak� down any fences, they shall be restot*ed to the same condition as they were in prior entry - on the property by the City. 4. A(1 work and drilling shall be per•formed under the supervision of the Developer's Division Superintendent at Minneapalis or any other such agent or emptoyee as designated by the Developer. � 0 e � 5. The City shal) give at least 10 days' notice to the Developer's Division Superinte�ident before any drilling work i s comnieneed. 6. A copy of the driiling log shal! be furnished to the Develaper showing all soils and ground water information and the location of each test well. %. The City agrees to be responsible for it s own employees and equipment. . 8. I f the wot�k i s performed by a contractor emp I oyed by the City, the City sh�ll require th� contractor to protect the Developer and any other railroad occupying or using Developer's right of a�ay or its (ines against all I�ss and damage arising from activities of the cantractor, his forces, or any of his subcontractors, or agents, and sf�a 1 I furn i sh to Deve I oper a standard Ra i I road Protect i��e (iability Insurance Policy naming said Developer as the insured and providing f�r pra�ection to the Developer in the manner and form c�escribed in the form of policy attached here�o and made a part hereof marked Exhibit " ". The limits of said palicy shall not be (ess than - $500,000.�0 for all damages arising out of bodily injury to or death of one person, and subject to that (imit for each person, a total of $I,OOO,OOO.QO for a!I damages arising out c►f bodily injury to or death of two or more persons in any one accident; and not less than $500,000.00 for alt damages arising out of injuri�s to or destruction of �roperty in any one accident and subject to that limit for any one accident a total limit of $I,OOO,OOQ,QO for a I t damages ar i s i nc� out of i n jur i es and destruct i c�n of proper�ty during the policy period. Said Insurance Policy shall be execu�c�d by a carpor�tion qualified to write the sane in the State of Minnesota �nd be in form and substance satisfactgry to the Developer; and shal) be delivered to the Deve I o�er for approwa 1.pr i or to the entr•y upon or use of its property by the contractor. 0 9. The permission hereby granted may be cancelled �n 10 days` written notice by �he Developer for any portion of the Survey being develn�ed and may be cancelled on 60 days' written notice by the Developer for the entire Survey and shall automatically expire on December 3I, 1969. e , . . .> (B) The City and the Deveia�er agr•ee that if a test well or wells drilled ur�der Section A herein indicate a ground water supply of sufficient quality and quantity to be connected to the City's water system to enter into negotiations for granting the City an easemen� for well purposes in the Survey or adjacent praperty owned by the Develo�er, chaosing a site for said well at a(ocation and of a size agreeable to the Developer whei�e it wii! leas� interfere t��ith the development, and the DEVeloper agrees to grant said easement at no cost if the w�ell and appurtenant pumpirig fac i I i t i es are prov i ded at no cost to t}�e Deve l op er. -- ---- -. - -- _ -- -; Fire Phone 560- I I I 0 CITY OF FRIDLEY �u�eau �f �ir� ��°e�ention 6431 University Avenue N. E., Fridley MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 55421 Memo To: Homer Ankrum, City Manager Memo #68-11-1 From . Robert D. Aldrich, Fire Prevention Bureau Subject: Christmas Tree Lot Application Date . November l, 1968 � The City has received a request to license a Christmas tree lot on the corner of 69rh and Central Avenue. The land in question is in R-1 zoning but is surrounded on the north by the Onan property, the west by Medtronic property and on the south the land is undeveloped down to Rice Creek. Chief Hughes and myself made an on site inspection of this property and agreed that if the owner of the home immediately east of the lot in question were agreeable, it would be our position that the Council, if it so desired, could grant a waiver for this lot to be used for this purposea RDA:et ,' a Bus. Phone 560-3450 YO�I Ca� ]Hel� - STOP Fires - SAVE Lives . ■ �� � ••-- ___. �.�.... . �... .,�.vr n� �vrr�� � TAylor 3-6281 October 31, 1968 City of r-tidley b431 University ��venue Ilortheast �'ridley, i�linnesota P.E: Target Stores, Inc., 7120 High�aay ;�`65 Fridley, lfinn. Gentlemen: ?�?e request your approval for the use of r`ual-ti�c soil pipe, usinJ Neoprene �as?cets, as maizuf�.c�ured by Annisi.on Foundry Com�any, �'innfston,' �1=uban�a, for tlie abave project. Enclosed, is letie-r received fro,i the o;7ner and meci�a;-iical en�ineer app-rovin� thi.s naterial fo-s t�se in the above p;-oject. Yours ve-ry truly, ,,,� �IF.R.t.15 Bi���'ii�� w P:.:Ui�i]3ING CCi�IP.',1\'Y . �: _ � _ . � f,� L; �i�, � , / L j �+,; t.. . P�� ; nci ` ��L ` - Q P4i1es E. Qui�ley / Enc- / / ('� �/ '� � �. �. �_ _ �.M.:� � � , � ' �.� �'. . � � i._ . �'0��_� I3 ;UCII f',NI) irri3I:.IZ�j1' INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ° 1415 NORTH LILAC DRIVE, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 55422 • PHONE 544-3111 October 31, 1968 Harris Brothers Plumbing Company 217 West Lake Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Attention: Mr. Miles Quigley Re: Target Service Center - Fridley Comm 6845 Gentlemen: ,� This letter is written to confirm our approval of "Duat-Tite" soii pipe using neoprene gaskets as manufactured by Alabama Pip� Company, Anniston, Alabama. This approval has been confirmed with Mr. Ho�vard Spaulding of the Dayton Corporation Architectural and Store Planning Offices. Yours very truly, BRUCN and MORROW, INC. �� � � + � t, �� cGn'�����'�y"e � Fra.nk Johnson �, cc: Mr. Howard Spaulding Larson and McLaren, Inc. FJ : wmm ,• �,, ��C E' °, __�, i" Uice-President, A�echanical Division ! DONALD C. CAMPBELL • Vice-President, Elecirir.ai Oivision ; NORMAN F. PODAS, 1R. •��� MEMBER � CI11Cf Cf1�IfiBei, Plumbing � Neating / FRANCIS K. 10HNSON • Chief Engir.eer, Ventilating and Air Conditicning / STANLEY M. CHASNEY i � .� Dayton Corporation Architectural and Store Planning Offices 632 Roanoke Building 109 South Seventh Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 (612) 332-6123 Harris Bros. Plumbing Co. 217 West Lake Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Attn: Miles Quigley Re: Target Service Building Dear Mr. Quigley: ���� ,�4. � �. . � ` � �`�'� ; � . �- � jJ �� � .��/ � � October 31, 1968 It has been brought to our attention by Frank Johnson of Bruch and Morrow that you have requested approval to use neoprene gaskets in the horizontal runs of underground soil pipe. As we have used this method on several previous occasions and have experienced no problems, we have no objections to using it again on the Target Service Building. Sincerely, , . /�" ,. /� r/X./ .. i� ;`!,1 .:..r: %Fe .,:/.���! i i •_�;;�<.�..i, ' . ' . `` - .-.. , r - / : Howard A, Spaulding Project Coordinator HAS:ms cc: Larson McLaren Bruch - Morrow Ryan Construction Company � � FILISTER ENTERPRISES 1312 EAST 215T STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55404 TELEPHONE: FEDERAL 2�6311 Honorable �I�yor Kirkha:� City of Fridley 63u2 University Avenue, N,E, Fr�dley, Minnesota 55!�2�. Dear �ayay� K�.rkharri; Noverab�r l, 1968 Ie �e hat=� r.s�uasted that our plumbing su'o-contractors, H, S. Hor��ri�z & S�n, use the Duo-Ti�e Gas�s�t join�., systL��i of joinino th? under�round soil pipe in our. n°w project at �st Rivzr �Gd. T'�e Cxt�r oi Frid.ley •;�aill b� relieced of the responsibality in connection vvit,h; this t�ari�nce oi. the plu�nbing code, as v�e will �z��,L;;��; this responsibility. Your app�oval o.f t his requested chun�;e wi1.1 b� greatly appreciated. :� 7o�ax's v^Gz;,j* truly� . FILISTER ENTrRiRISES � . �/%//'� i�,�----�� . l�i. Fili�tex � :tl Oy+nex• . , � �a �, �;;, �,�a -, r,� <� ;.� „�� � i i ,� f! r � � .� . .. ., .! a � s'.�, � E �w� r� mechanical contractors Established in 1918 1411 Eleventh Avenue South • 339-1161 • Minneapolis, Minn. 55404 S. BUD GRUENBERG, B.M.E., President and Treasurer MAYER M. KRUPP, B.M.E., M.S., Vice President and Secretary ORVILLE G. THRONDSEN, Director 31 October 196� Honor�.ble Asayar Jack Kirkh� 6431 University Avenue N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421 Honorable 5ir: SUBJECT: GEORGET4tTN AP,�RTAiENTS 58TH � EAST RIVER ROAD We ask that the City of Fridley Council give permission to the � H. S. Horwitz, Inc. coz.;p�,ny to use Duo-Tite neoprene gaslcet joints in joining soil pips and fittings for the underground soil lines in the above subject project. «e have used this method in schools, apartments, �tc., for the past three years in municip�,lities adjacent to I�iinneapolis. I� is my understanding that thxs systean has been approved on so�n� projec�s in �he City of Fridley. I tha,nk you for your cansi.cleration. Yours very truly, � ,;f ��i -C: ; — �- , �.^ _- - / ) f -�—• � / . / � Mayer Krupp Vice Pr�sident riK: bmo ■' ` JAMES M. COOPERMAN • ARCHITECT 7841 WAYZATA BOULEVARD e MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 55426 • PHONE 545-0409 Qctober 31, 1968 mayor Jack Kirkham City af Fridley 6431 University Avenue �dartheast Fridley, minnesota 55432 Re: Addition to George Town Project Fridley, ffiinnesota Commission Nos. 6820 3� 6871 Dear f�1ayor Kirkham: lUe approve the use nf Duo-Tite gaskets in the joining of underground soil pipes and fittings in Iieu of the _ usual oakum and lead joints. This system is approved by the 5tate of R1innesota Plumbing Code and has been successful.Iy used in many schools and other shap buildings. We have no objectians whatsoever of using this system on the subject project, Sincerely, -� JAmES ffi. COOPEfti�IAN \ 'ARCHITECT : , � '` � 1 �� '�r �� �,. � � � ��� � , , �f ( � � � �� l � ��. j, J��,�°i�� .l � ', James i11, �oop rman � ��iC/v e1 MEMBER OPTHE AMERICAN �N6TITt1TE OFARCHITECTB