07/15/1968 - 00020118�� �_ � ' THE MINUTES OF ^1H� Rr:GtiLA.'2 COUNCIL NTl::.`_'"r'LSG U�' Jtib.Y 15, 1�'�° 1Kayor I:irY,ham called the �;egular Council tuTeetic3y o� Ju1y l�, 196� to order at 8:00 P.I�1, PL�DGE OF ALLEGIt�iC�: Mayor �.irkharn asked everyone t� stancl arid �oin che Council �n saying �:he Pledge of A1legiance to th� i'�ac� . IN'JOCe�"P IOPd - Reaerend J.H. Bergren oi the �2edeemer ?,u�h�r�n Church gave �he Invocation, ;20LL CALL: MEMBERS PRESr:N�r: I:ir�ham, Samuel:�on, Har:-2s, i,zebl, Sherld�n (arrived at 8:40) � i�+1r.MBERS 3�BSr,D7`1`: None APPROVAL UF THE MINUTBS Ob' 'PHE RF;GUI��it COUPTCIi, i�Il:LTIIvG C1P� �ULY �, i9G8: Ni(7TION by Councilman i,iebl to adopt the i�IinuL-es oL- the Regular Council Meeting o= Ju1y 1, 1968. Secondec i�y Counc1lman Samuelson. IIpan a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor t;_i_rkl�rarn declared '�he ntotion carried. APPROVAL UP THE MINU'1'i.0 Qk THE S72ECIi:T� °-"U�' �_�LC L-1i�PIt1NG P�ILl:TTiVG Ula' SULY 8, 1968- MUTION J7y Councilman FIarriu co ado�t �he 1�YZnul.es ai the Speciat Public Hearing 1�teeting o� �u1y 8, 1962. .;ecorided b�� Counciltnan LieY�l. Upon a voice vaLe, all voting aye, 1�iayoa° Klrkham declared the motion carried. ADOPCION OF AG�NDA: Mayor i:irkham said thaL- there were a nu�nl>er :3f �tems to be added ta �h� Hgenda as =ollows: Item y�2/: Letter oi rec�tnmendation for Clerk o1- CounLy CourL- � Item ;f28: Agreement with �iorthern States Pov�er on raL-e reduct�on £o� City fIall. Itern t,.29: �Sp�aintin�int o-'r Civi1 Deienae Uzr�cL-or Item ;;30: Tn7aiving of ��uztding L�ermit ce�: iar Icc Arena Item ;p31: Hook-up a� SchooC Dzstrict i,i�, sc�rrn sewer rec�uest �c 59th �lvenue and ,Teffer�on. �'� � 7 � ��?� .};�6�: �diJD1CSL i�Ii;ETli1G �.71° JU7�Y 15, 1�63 i�FyGr� 2 �L-em -f,-32: t�uthcrizaL-�oti ❑i CertifrcaL-e� v1= .��3preciation ;4U'1'IViV by Ccunc? ]_man 3amuelsan to ad�pi: th° Agenda as amencied. Gecanc�ed i�y Councilinan r[arrls. Uraon a vo�cc vote, aYi voting aye, t�layor iC�rkhacn ueclarecf the inotian carried. CJYJTI�7Ulill i'UBLIC HEt��IDSG 'JF' T�1r". VACA��It�LJ OF lti4t'�;2SHALi� STRr'.E'P: (Concznued r'r�m G-3-b8/�b-?.%-u8/7-1-68J T�I�?`i'IiJid 3�y Councilman rl�r� � s to c1o�e the i�ul�llc F3earing sor tne s,iacation o� T�larshaLl Stre�t. Seconded by C�unciLman Samuelson. U�on a voice v�Le, al"� voting aye, Nizyar i,irl�ham declared the rilotion currlec's. .'i3B"L1C HF,ARING F'01 STRL''L:'P 2T+IPF.OV�A3EN`i Pi'.OJLCT ST. 196E3-1$ r1DDENliUI�1 #4: T��t�yor �:ar];�Yam saic, chat chzs I�uY�lic Hearing'was called in res�onse t� PetiL-ion No. i5-1968 znc� included the L:�11�wing streets: Iiorizon Urive: 53-rci Avenue to Interstate ¢���4 Service Road Gro�en R�ad� i^Iain ;�tree� L-a Hori•�on Drlve Vantura i�ve.: f�4aln �,treet to Hoxizon L'rive '1'he Cl�y Engineer e:cplainacl that 13�rizan Drive and Crown Road were �etitzonec� ior and Ventura i3�enue was adcied by ttie City as the accaition oP this street ��ould coinp�lete Lhe �inprovernents in this are�. 'J'he petitian i�-r I3orizon I7rive was by 5�1; by front iootage and u0;6 by pro�ertyy o�aners and ior Cra,vn ,Loaci 6�,� by front footage and 63,� ]ay ��roY�eri.y owners. 1'heodore t�'r�tte, tne irnZ�rovement. �ercentage �hia ;si7:7w . 1].8 Vencura Avenue, presented a petition agains� Counciln2an Samuelson as7ted hlm if he knew what re�resenLS and 1�7r. Prette replled that he did not PET�'1'IGPV Nt7. 3.E3-1_"368: Ui'POSED i'6 T1Ili IMPIZOVE1NdNT OF FOLLOWING F�'TRN'L+'T�: IlUFCIGON D1CI�7�: 53RL '�'VEL7l7L'' '1'O IN'1'ERS'PATL'' Tk694 SSRVICE I:tJt1D, Cc�Ol91V ROAD: NL�iIN �i7'REL'1' TO HOI2IZUN DRIVE, AND VEN'i'URA AUr`NiSG: Lv111IN S`PRtsL"i' 'TO I-SORIZON DRIV1: UI3DliR STF2EET IPQL'ROVLML'CQ'r PI2OSr�C'P ST. 1963-1B 1iDUF;NDUM 1�4 P�ZO'1ic71�3 by Councilman Samuelson to receive Yeii�ion No. 18-1�68. Seconded by Cuuncaliaan L.ac.}.>1. Uaon a voice vute, all voting a�e, 1�iayor t�irlcham declareQ the motion carriecl. � � � �r� REGUL["�I2 COUNCIL I�4r:LTSNG OF JULY 15, 1�63 2�Gv 3 , Councilman Liebl said that he would lix� L-a point out to L-lza Zeol�l_e ln the audience that e�en though one s�reeL is done and the s�_cle street is not, they would have a partza: assessment for `z ol Lhe block, so it would be co the people's advantage ta put in ai1 Lhe streets ii one is put in. I-fe said thaL- he wanL-ed tne l,eople to icnaw this so there woulcli�e no eomplaincs abou� the assessments later. IIe said that he has received ca17_s to �alease rix up Lhese streets and that he wished that the pe��le �aouid �nake up Lhe�r minds. He pointed out l-o che�n that ii t!zis is not done under L-'riis year's contract it will 7rubably cost � du11�r more or less per ioot next year as the costs �t construction �re ri5ing iast. He said that he felt that it is a waste oL �naney L-o try to maincain these roads when �or a].itcle more, the� coulc� have a nice stree�. ana war.er control. The Finance Uirector L-urther elaborat�d 'chaL- oti a streeL- �rogram the cost is placed �ust on i.he street. 1E chere is a szde street� the assessrnenLS go �Z way down the bloc;._ The cast wlthouL- the storm sewer is $8.1c3 �er io�t anci the cc�si wi�1z �he starrn sewer � is $9.37 per �oot. iNr. H. [,indblad, 1b0 Crown I2oad pointed ouc chai a.n the pec-��zon aqainst the irilprovement the cost that �vas quoced L-o some of the people was $12.60 per .Eoot, and the petic�on iur the sm�rovei�ent c�uotec� a price of $8.50 aer ioot. Councilinan +�iebl told Mr. Lindblad that the $12.00 tigure was in error and ihe est�rnated price given tonight was quite close. Mrs. Cornelius, 5469 Horizon Drive, sald rhac nobody c�uoted L-hu $12.00 prica to her, buc that she did n�c siyn because she could not see why the streets �ust could not be ��.�eecl up. The City Sngineer explaznect that these were �ust temporary streecs in the beginning and that it was a poor �ob, ple :,aid thai it has served about LO years already, and that ir _�s about 3m�osslble ta �atch upon patches. He said that he cauld no� understanc7 why rv is that peo�le are willing ta spend $20,000 -$30,t70G on homes UuL- seem to want to s};im� un the road going L,asc the house. FIe saic� that the City will nat push any improvc:ment r,oL- wanted onco L-he people, but pointed ouL- ttiat the cost �L construction is rising taster than the cost ol- living. � Mrs. Cornelius said that the homes in L-h=s are� are not ¢2p,000 - $30,U00 houses and thaL- one house in the neighl�orhood has a bunch o� mocorcycles that run arcuzid, and across clze sL-reet there is �ust a basement. She said that tl�e �ark is unsa�te as 3i the childran go down there to �lay, L-hey get beaten u�. She s�iG that the taxes are too high now and i� ilzey go any hagher, sYie W31�. }J2 iorcec� L� ruave. c ,�1 r" �'1 e�d c� �� 12;3GULFu'2 Ct7UNCIL I�7L;�,TIYJC �JF ,7ULY 15, 1�6£3 PAGE 4 t^layor i�arl�han polnteQ oui: chat Lhe Councii has L-ound by e�;perience that �.t is a wasta �� money to put in an irnprovement without the curb ana gutter to go tivlth it and tha Council has established a L�alicy to l-hat eifec�. I3e explained L-hac the curus and gutters wLll �rotect the im�roveinent and will m�ke L-he improvement lasL- much longer. �1 visitor tc� rhe Council MaeLing saad that he was confuaed as to just wh�t im�r��ements were proposed, as un the petition Form it sald s�arm sewers etc. �ihe City Lngineer e�cplained that this is �. standard torm used Por a11 3mprovements anca that there are �ust Lwo proZ�osals ta aec-�de on. one is Lor au;�t the street with cur;� anc� gutter, anc3 a iew extra catch basins. This would mean tha� L-he 17eap1e wculd h�.ve io live with the additional v�ater running aiong the c�utcers occasionally. He also pointed ont that vahen the water has co run along che surrace, as it gains velocity, ?L wa11 cac;;e more erosion �roblems. Tha other proposal is Por a storrn „ewer to be inciuded vrzth the improvement. He said that the Czcy Goes have a conL-rac� ihat this could be aclded onto at the price c-uoted i.hia year. �ie said that the choice ie ug� to the peo�le, and that the �,rice c�uoted is a preL-ty close estimate. Councilman Lie;�i asYea aboui: uti�.itz�s already in, and the City Lnginee-r said that l-here 2s a starm sev�er in the area that has been rr. Por many years, anca although il- �s inierlor ana under- aesigneo, il seems L-o worlc a1i right and that the addition ot sorne more catch i�asins would i�e a11 right. N,r. Robert Havlov�c, ��b2]_ Horizon Dri�e, s�id that he is sub�ect �.o transfer and he fe]_t that he would not be able to get his in- v estmenL- baGc out of hl� hause and thls iu haa reason �or not si�ninc� zhe peL-ition in 1z�..�or o� the amL�rovein�nt, The 1'znance D�rector �oinced out that the payinents would be spread over a 1U year peri�d anu� �hat the first y�aycnent would not be until 1y iU L�roUaply. 7i vlsii.or to �lie Council f�ieetang as7sed ir that can be paid uI� inuaediately without interest being added on. The �inance Uirector ea;�lained ihat after the vaorr is done, the assess- anenc hearing �:; he1d, ihen l:he money is due and if paid beFore 36 days L-here waula be no zncerest. TW1r. Ilavlovic as]c�d � � there were any �idewallcs considered. Councll- man Samu�lsar. saici no, not at this cime unless petitianed ior. r:in�r �er�, 5444 H�ri�on Drive, said L-hai he was noi askeu to sign any 1�ecic�,on �nd rhaL- he lived on a corner loL. � � ' � �➢ �V C; � RSGliLAF� COUNCIL M�ETING OF JULY 1'�`, 1968 �AG� 5 Mr. F1ayfi Knudson, 100 Crown Road, suy�es4eca ci_rculating a cor- rected �etition as tnere is so much iricorrecL- inLOrrnation. Councilman Liebl said that it should �E pointed aut that the City can add only up to 25"/ onto the arigina� contract. I3e then as;ted it this could be dtine thls year ii orce-rer.�` in. The CiL-y Enyineer said that nobody coulcf guarantee this a;, au rnuch depencls on ttz2 weather. He said that ii the weather h!�lcl onG, this coulc� ��ss�k;7_y ]ae this year yat. Mayor Kirkhazn suggested that even if L-he wcrk can not be done ch�s year, it could be added onto this year's cc�i7L-ract to talce advantaye of this year's prices. MOTION by Councilman Harris to continue L-he Pub:Lic Hearing oF sL-. 1968-1B Elddendun #4 pending the r�sults oi the pei.ition, and place on the Agenda for August 5, 1968. Secondec� by Councilman Sarnuelson, Mayor Y.irkham asked if the �revious petic,��ons � ould then b� voaded and the City Manager said l-.hat any new peciti�ns wauld superced.e the old ones anyhow. Mayor Kirkham then called £or someone in Eavor caf the improvernent to volunteer to circulate the petition. iVLr. D. P$anthei, 533% Horizon Drive said that he would. CQUNCILMAN SHERIDAN A]2RIVED AT 8:40 P.P�Y. 1: visitor to the Meeting asked what kind oF a road this w3ulca be. The City Engineer replied that it would be 4" of stabilized base, and 1'�" asphalt rnat on top. The visitor L-'nesi asked if there wou�c; be a necessity tu remove any trees. The CiL-y Lngineer re�lied that the proposed width oF the street is 36' bacic to i�ack and that no trees would have to be taken out. UPON A VOICS VOTE, f:irkharn, Liebl, Sautuelsan, and Iiarris �acing aye, Sheridan aba�aining, Mayor Iwirkham decl�red the motion carriecl. ORDINANC� NO. 399 - SECOND REZ�DING OF i�N OF2DILJr�NCL•' FOR REZONING R�S?USST �ZOA �#68-OS) TO REZONS FROM R-2 TO CR-1, Dr. I..H. INGx'BRIGTar:N: � MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adapt Ordinance ;�399 on second reading, waive reading and arder publicai�on. Seconded J�y Councilman Liebl. Upon a roll ca11 vote, Kirkham, i3arris, Sheridan, Lzeal, and Samuelson voting aye, Mayor Kirkham clec]_ared the moLion carrieG unanimously, �t�L� REGUI,I�R COL7NCIZ, Mr�li'PILVG �7F JULY 15, 1a68 P11GE 6 � L'I�CLTSSION k�LAT'ING TO THE Ai,LOC<�TING OF }�'UNUS FOR A PEDEu'PRIAN BRIBG�. AT 515T AVSNUF. N.'r'�, i-1ND UNI�7liRISPY HV�NUE: Counc�lman Liebl asl;�d i= L-he rld�nin�stration had received any furtYier com;nunication in regard to this item irom either the Schaoi i7istrict, the Highway Department or Columbia Heights. The City P4anaqer replied 'chat there was only the one from Columbia Heights that was received previously. Counczlman S,ieb1 said 'chat there are no sxdewalks from 49th Avenue to 53rd Avenue an ei�her side of the Highway and people run across the Iliyhway and should be controlled, fIe saad that he has seen fenciri� in t"txe rnicldl� of nowhere and feels that this is an area which needs fencing ancl the briclye where people are to cross. FIe said 'ne a�preciated ke�resentative Savelkaul's help. He then asked the rnen �rotn the Highway Department to speak. ��Ir. Charles Burrill, Di.3L-rict 5 Engineer, said that the State felt L-haL- the fencing shoulct be financed 50% by the 8tate and 50;o by the i�lunicipality, but thaL- chere is no �olicy set yet on urban ' ex�ressways. 1Ie said �na� the State had kLO�ed that the total pro�eci could be lool;.ed ac caith all the snterested parties betore a decisi�n Ls reached. rIe said that he is afraid that the ped- esl-rian iaciliL-y maght be lost if the City were to push too hard tor i.he Pencing. 1-Ie sa�cl that by participating xn the cost ot the fenc3_ng alony thls e����resscvay, the State waulc� be setting a�arecident. P�iayor K�ri;ham said L-nat h� ielt that chaneJ_l�zing pedestrian traP£ic cc� a t�ush i�uttoti s�1na1 shauid be consiclered the same as to a L�edest�ian bridge. i'air. Burriil sald thac lie caouicl lalce ta see some �artieipatzon in the iuncting ati the L-encing. Mayor �:irlcha,n suygested putting tne Cence down �he �nediasl as then the cost va�uld he 2 as much. Mr, �urrlll said that the Staie's choice would be right oi way fencing. Councilman Shericlan poinced out that the access was moved from �9th .ivenue co S3rd Avenua ana �izat the apartinent buildings back righ� up io che ri9hL- aF way. I�e s�id that he did not like the idea of 11awzng the two ic2ms crecl coGether, and that he felt that it was an ove�sight on tha origina3 �lan L-o have the ai�artment buildin�s so close �o �he lilghway wltix no �rovisions =or chanellizing. , 1�,"x. Burrill sa3c1 that �lie Staie would 1ik� to see some reactian co �he brlr���e beiore com3n� ta a solu'czon with che �encing. �� � , d. �� ��s R�GULAR COiTiVCTL T�SL'�`PING Gi' JL3LY 1.5, 1�S`d 1�t�Gl� i` � Councilman L�iabl asked Mr. Burrzll ii L-ha C� L-1 ot- Fricliey wi�_i �ay Z pf the cast Eor t7ie bricl�je, will the ,�;taLe pay �or tlze oiher l�zli and the cost of the Fencin�j. C�. Burrll'._ saiu ,3u. � � Mayor ICirkhaul said that zl. was conaid4race oL tlie Hiyhway Uej�ar-LmenL- to send re�resentatian co the Mee-cinc�, anci sugges�ed seL-ting u1� � meeLing wiLh the HiyYiway De},�artment, ;;c1z��L i�is�ric� ;t13, anct Colunwia Heiyhts and sugyesi.ed that the CiL-y t+ianager try Lo seL- up this- meeting EoY the Ju1y 29th Meeting, centativ�ly. L�lr. Burrill said that this would be Eine. i2E�FFIRMING EM�,RG�,NCY ORDI1`�IE�NCE #398 -!-1N ;dML1tGLDfCY 012DIh7ANCL^' i+`�a2 SANITARY Sr,'F7ER HOOK-UP TO NOR`1'Fi SUBUF2Br1N �L1L�I7'11RY SPs47liR DISTt�II:'P: MOTION by Councilman Harris �o reaffirrn Lmerc;ency rJrdinance iVo. 398, adopted at the Meeting of July l, l900. 3econded k�y Coui�calman samuelson. Upon a roll ca11 vote, Fiirlsharu, Sarauelson, Harris, Lieb1, and Sheridan �atang aye, Mayor FC�.rl:ham declared the mot�on carried unanimously. F'ILISTER APAFLTM�TIT COI�1PLi:}:: The City Manager explained that Mr. Fiilsier has changed 'n�s plan to conlorm roughly wit1� wYxat was cliscussecl at L-he last GGUYICI�. S4eec�i7g. There is an internal roacl running along EasL- lt?ver Road. Th2 CiL-y En�2neer agreed ancl said that ivLr. FilisL-er lias cYianyed h�s �lans. I3e is now as};ing io1� Council approval o� che �lan, ana au�horaza'cion to subrnit the plans to aze County far cheir at�provai ol h�s use aP their riyht oi way. Councilman Lieb1 a�kecl L-i�e �vi�y Manager i.L he haa looked this over. Tne City Manayer sa�.d Li�at the plan s;�o�vs an encroachrnent oi 10' on the c;ast Itiver Roac ri��nL- oL- caay. PTe sa�d i.7iat wlzen tlze plan was Lirst received it sl�owed a connectinc; roac� to Anna Avenue, but Mr, Fzlrsier had been askecl to elzminate the streei ]�ehind the yarages co the north as iand as nai. ar could noL- be maae available to put in the streel; aL- a�aL-er d-ate and thc City does not desire to 1et anyone yat �he �clea tha`c ic could. The Councal had inda.catecl iha�. he was to re�ilove this street as the apartment building i.o ttie north neads a11 'che l�nc1 it has ior aar;:inc spaces. On Mr. Filister's plara ci�e encroachinenc ac 10' was ior quite a distanc�, but by removsixg che possibility oi ever connecting to Hnna eaenue, �he road would 5L-o�� by the a�artrnents and the use ot the County r�.ght of way wou�ci be onl�T �or a shax� distance, brougnt about uy the need ior a wLder radius L-o-r L-he iurn into the garayes. The City hngix�eer saic� -c1:aL- there is nol-. coo mucli choice leit as he has already poured li�s J�rac�es. It was a3so pointed out that in this plan there couid iae prov?ded a slip oi� which could be used as a decel2ration ?axie in tlie eveni signal2- zation is ever provzded. ! � � j( 1A .I � "J Rs'GJ��EVt CiJUNCII h1li��1'1'NG QP JULY 15, 1968 Council�nan 5amueiscn saicl L-lzat he wouid cancur with the trail�c pattern. Councilrnan l�iebl ayree� so 1�nc, as he �rotectlon tn other L�ro�ertv awners. �rhe City Enyineer chat by L�l�cing �ne roa� a�l on i7zs pro�eri.l, tne edge would be che edge o� �:�e yarages. YAGE 8 in�ernal Gave adec�uate p3inted oui oi tlze streei Councilman Harris aslced abcut the in�erconnect?on with Anna tivenue. The Clty ManaGer sa�d thaL- on cne oriyinal plans he was usinc� 15' rrom tiie F=+roperty ov�ner on the norL-h. He was told that he would liave to deviate �rorn nis ��?_ans as ti�ie apart3nent house could not aL-torc to l�se this 15' 01 parJcing �pace. Ii the street vaas to be comzec�ed behind �he c,arac;es L-o Hnna �venue, he was then supposed co L-urn hzs yarayes. rIa��ever, ii L-h�s was not done, tne City vaanis �o ma]fe it clear that 11z is would not i�rovide an access beYiinci ��he �arages to l:nna :�venue. Councilman lIarris sa�.cl L-lxa� i:e thought t7xat Anna Avenue should somel�oov have the righL- io connect in the EuL-ure. It was pointed c�u� that L-here c�as a sinall y�orL-lon oi lanc� -chat the Ca.ty does not o�n. MD`i'I�7N by Councilman �Iarriu ta direct the r�c�rninistration to pre- pare ine necessary docunenL-s ior L-his iu�ure cannection, and hold clzz� unti3, sf or when needed, beL-ore �oing alieac�. CounciZrnan r;heridan a�reec; �hat there should be some kind ot access which cauld be used by e:nergency vehicles. Counci� rnan Samuelson su�,yer�ced that chi:; p3 an be forwarded to �lie Coun�cy ior the�r conunents herore anythinc{ else ls done. CGFJNCILa`�,N FLF�2RI� T���ITHi7ft�'f�7 MOTTON. i�i0��'ION by r�uncllman 5amuelson to Porward tne L�lans ior tlze road pattern �o the County ior tneir comnzents. Seconded by Councilman Laebl. Up�n a voice vace, all voting aye, Mayor Kzrkham decZarecl tlie m�ca�n carried unan�moixsly. UISCUSSYON V,iITH DAi"1'ON CORPOkATION: Cc�uncilrnan Harris said t,zat N�r. Al Nelson and C1iff Race or" the Uay��n C�rparation are �ri attendance at che bleetiny tonight, and thaL- �hey have a pro�osal co present to L'1ie Council. He said tk3at L-hey� ��iohed �o have t�7eir oians loo}ced at conlynt as their bicl �pening Ls soosi anu chey wanted to have some assurance that chey wau�d be yrani.ed a buiidin� permit. He sasd that the Dayton ' , � ��� P.LGULAR COUNCIL ME.ETING Oi� JULY 15, 1�62 P[�GL a � Cor�oration has ayreed c"ti�n to go to t3ua_1a�ny 3L-andarc.s - Desiyn Control Subconunittee lor their recozrnnendaL-�.ons. Mr. L:1 Nelson said i�hat che�.r sit� is ruuc�lil-y baunded lly 73ru Avenue on �he north, Nlinnesata Trans�er 1Z��lwa�- on the south, encl T.H. =;F65 on the eas�. He said that he lias met with tne Ci�� �n�ineer and L-he Hiyhway Departmeni and they have sruwn a �vish ior a iooZ�- Aack type oi service drive. Tne builciing �s 408,000 sivare �eet. He said that he has nad preliininary tal„s tioitli the Fire T2reventzon Bureau Chief and has ac�reed wiL-h the rec�ulrements he set �orL,z �o-r iire prateeti�n. He said that L-he Cicy �ncl1n�er l�as also expl_aaner_7 the setback requiremen�u co hirn and he na:, ac�reec7 io these. i✓ir. Nelson said that as far as ��e knows he lias ineL a11 tl�e necessary� requirements and thaL- these are prela.mana-ry ��lans �na not the �inal plans. He saad that the MinnesoL-�r Transier Railvaay Cocn�axiy has agreed to extencl a rai�.road spur i_nto �1ze4r r�ro�erty and also that he has yranted easements to Nortner�� SLa�es Power Compan�� and utility easemenL�. � Counciiman Harris asi�ed how i:ar i�ack L-he roac! detachment cvou?d }�e anc� Mr. Nelson answered 20U =eet. Then iollowed a long discussion at the Council table whiie loolsin� ai: the plans . CounciZman Harris a5ked NLr, IQelson abou� l-he slope siLOwn on tiie elevation. Mr. Nelson said tlzat the sloZ�e Gaouid be going down away irom the buildinc�. Councilman Har-rzs aslted him vahen his completion date would be and Mr. Nelson sayc� chat they were cryiny for next July. Councilman Samueison asked him in his overaCl planning, v�hat are his plans for seedin; ana qrading. Mr. Nel_,�on said that L-here would be no ��roblem with seeuzng or whateve-r is felc L-o be desirahle. Councilman Samuelson sz�_d 'cliat he woulct li]ce to see some trees in front, in addicion i.0 �ire shrubbery. I�7r. Nelson said that the ratio between buildin� and land was about 50io, including the �uture expansion. ifir. I7elson said that a future expansion would be a continuation of the L�reseni building. �Phe City Engineer saad that i.he problems are a 1ittle dit�ereizt here in regar� to the servace road and access. He said the dra?nage , sti11 has to be chec]Led ouL- also. He sald that �here are siy::als prcposed on 73rd Avenue anct the traftic shoulc�3�e channellzec� to the signals. He said that the Council ahou-c� a7.so nalce a decision �n whether chey want a 36" wida street �r a 30' street. Tizis �s ta be a 9 tan road. t1r. Nelson said 'cha� he had no ob�ec�ion c� a 36" street. a.ri t� �� 12EGUI,t1: COUNCIL Mr^.LTIiVG C}r' JTJLY 15, 1968 PAGE 10 Councllman Samuelson asJcecl about che contours in the northwest sec��aan and what �he elevation change was. The City Engineer said L-r�m 81' to 8S'. Councilman Samuels�n then asJcec7 ii the emergency �ehrcles co,�1d nec�oclzte the turn vaith no trouble. The City Engineer said triat they could. 1�OTIOLQ by Councilman 13arrls l-o grant a bualding permit to DayL-un r�orporatian suk�,7ect io L-inal determinat�on by the City Engineer and rer,�iew by the Bualding :;tandards - D�sign Control 5ubcoinmzttee. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Cuuncll_rnan 5heridan said that he was noc an disagreem�snt with the prop�:,al, however, he would rather see agreernent with the proposal, and lzav2 it Lhen go tc� the Building Standards - Design Control Subc�tnmit�ee ior L-he_ir review and approval. Councilman Liebl a�reed, and sald tYiat ii Wvas a matter o� principle. Councilman 1larris pointed out thaL the Daycon Corporacion is ready co oy�en their bids and w�u].d iiire co l;now ii a buildiny permit will be yrant�d. Cauncili�an Lieul asl�ed if they knew how much the present proposal w�uLd cosc. Mr. C1iii ;;ice said no, they dic3 not know. C�uncilman Sainuelson said that lie Gacuic3 guess it tu �e about $4, 000, OpO. Counc� linan 1�ieb i aslceci about how many truci�s would k�e going in i.hare. 1M4r. Ric� repl�ec, a�aout 40 trailer trucks and 2 freight cars a day. Pflr. �tobert Y:urpiu�, �istr?ct ;;5 `Y'raFilc Eng�neer said �hat he ha@ just pre�ared a letter, a�ier meetiny wrtn NIr. Nelson and the City Sngineer, c�-ricerninl -che L-ruc]c route goiny alonc� the east end ot the pra��er�y. Ti?S ifloTIO1V 7�y Counci3man tIarris was seconcied and upon a voice v�te, all �o�ing aye, Tvlayor Y.�rkharn declared tYxe motion carried unanunously. DISCUSSI6IV OF Ei:T�.NSI4N U� 7'IIIRD STRr,E'P BL�C4It:EN 57TH PLACE AND 57TH AVENUI:: 'Phe City Enyineer said chaL this idea has been in the worl;s ior �uite a while. He said 'cha� che Holic7ay �eople �lan to develoa this area. ?ie sa�d that in so doing a purtaon oi land will be vacated anc] a cul-de-sac -u^ -CC �.1011 3Y1 L-he ��r���r made. �Phss vaould then be the entrance irom the inter- o the area Lo L-he north. ile said that he feels this �s 1�1aca Lor che encrance to be inade. � � , �J� �R �,� REGULAR COUNCIL Mr.ETING OP' JULY 15 , 1963 FE1GE -1l � Councilman Sheridan said that he has seeYi�nani violatians there ar.ci this would hel� to elirninate cliis proille_n. The City Engineer said that there is an exxsL-�n� is�_and J�realc �.i� the island on 57th Avenue �or alignxnenL-. ��Ir�-. Robert Kurpius sa�.c's i.hat through negatlaL-zon the �roperL-y owned ny the state can be returned to Uie orici1nal pr��erty awner_ lie said that a slight shift �n Third t>ireet ina�r be nacessar�,• ior proper alignment with tne islands in 5iL-h i-i�enue. Thare iollowed a long inlormal discusszon tiv? Lri P��a:. IIalvenscoL, Holiday representative, at the Council ta7�:�e while loo]cing over che plans. The final outcome of the discussion w�s tha�_ r�ir. �urriil oE iYxe Highway nepartment stated that the Stat� t�aoulc� not ��acate L-he serWroc:e road between 57th Place and 57th Avenue un�a? they were assureci by the City Lhat an alternate ira£fic flow Gaas �vailabie at another � loeation. Couneilman Samuelson pointecl ouL- chaL- the City alrea�y has a 33 Foot easemenL io tlie VVest. P��. f-ioivenstoL- indicat;ec� Lhat theywould give up 6U' east at the aplr�ineizi.s iE �hey were able to neyotiate witli che �wner and �urc4�ase the land vacated by the Highway Department thaL is now the ser��lce -road be�ween 57Lh Avenue and 57th Place. Otherwise, he 5�tid, F;�lic�ay cauld nat volunteer to c�zve ui� the 60' exterxsion �aiL-houL- suiier�ng lass irom a Property value drap. MO�i"'ION by Councilman Samueison ihat the Cl�y �tanager be ciirected to write to the E3ighwa�* Uepariment, inc��cut�azg tha� the City is in favor oi thzir vacating ihe service raad i�etween 57tYi P1ace and 5 itlz Avenue a� that the CiLy has a 33 �oc�t eaNement on va�iich L-o �rovide for flow oi the traific irom ti�e area, �yr�or to L-he send_ng oL- the letter L-o the Hi�hway De�rartment, tiie Cicy P2anager is cc enteri.ain a letter frain Holiday oiferii.g tu y,ve up L-he b4' e�st �i zhe apartments ior e�cr.ension ot Third ::trae� cc�ntii�gei�L u�»rr tne�_r purchase o� the vacaced irontac�e road. '�econded by Counc�lynar� Lieb1. Upon a voice voie, all votiny a�✓e, P�i� y�r F,�rkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Senmede};e said thaL- c2ie people wanc 'Phird U�.reet opened up and � that they w�nt tne road to pe east oi cT�e a1,ar�mencs. +�� � 1 ; � �i.� �.l Ri:GUI_i[�t C�)UIWCIL T•'Lc���u'�i'IYIG l3i .]ULY 1S, 196u PI'iGt': 1'l 69TH iZsJ; NUL F.LVAI�+IF'ISdG: Tlie C�ty Ln��lnv�r s�.tcl cizaL- the bids lzave ber.n i�t ioi ihis �ro�ect. S��Tr. �.urpi�ls sald thal. the iiiyhway �repartEnent 'rias not carec� ��,o Nar- L-3c�� ai° in �]Le c�si a_ L-17e ,.in��roveznent. Coune_i_linan �iarris r��€nL-ec� c+ut that i�7iere ��ouici be no adec�uate storage roarn �or cars. Csir. F�.urpius said L-nat '/3rc Iyv�nue would be si�nalizecl and ,NOUid .�erve -tl�ie ice =vren�. �,aunr_�11man r�arrls asxed l�ir_ 1'•.urr�ius 7iow inuc� cYie Sta�e woulci par- L-ics��aL-e �n the cosL- r�v�_t?z�_n tkie�r own ricjh� o� way. F3e pointed ouL Li2at ihere was alsc� a s3,aht prok�lein L-here. 1WIr. Yurpxus said 'chaL- ,ie c;ica noi: �ee1 L-here was any visi�n proi�ie�ns and that tYxe State ���i11 not ���rtxc���ate �.n ch_ts cost. � 1�7r. L'iurr�ll said tlza� lxe has to �usizLy any costs oP any iinprave- !nenL-s b� showiny how the Idlghway D��ari:me:�t wi11 benelit. Council- man Harris as]ced i1 � L- Wroulcl h�:.l� ii che ���ty ovould prepare a list ot L-he Jaeneii�s tlie Ci�y iaels that L-he S-caie �vould derive iro�n � c1z�.s iinprovemerrc. t�Lr. Burr�?1 said that ,.L th�s was done, the reasonc woul4 be con�iciered. Mayor Y,�rl:liarn agreed that the 1i5t shoulc� k�e pr�Narec{. 1'u was agreed t1zaL tfils iL-em N�ould be discussed ayaan at tYxe Pneeting oi ,7u1y 2J, 196ci. CGNSILiil:Fil ION VF 1lI�PRI�'J114� UI' }� INAL I�Iu�`1' FOI� Bi1RTH ADDITION (Y. S. ;,=GB-04j : M�'1'I01v i�y C:auncilrnan Harrls to a�y�rove �lie L'inal Plat o1 BarEh .adr�itzan c�ntingenc u,�oii L-he reconunendati�na rnacZe at the lasi Council t�leetinc�, �vhzch were; a 10' easeinent along tne south �ro- �erty line, subinitta.ng a cirainage p1an, and soil borings to checic �t�!e v�a�er table. Seconded i�y Councilrnan ;3heridan. Upon a�oice �oL-e, ali vo�zng aye, P�1�yor I.irlcham declared tize motion carrled u nan iraou s 1y . R3S�IUEST BY FiLL�TRY G. S[1I'ii�R`P FOR AU'PHORIZr1TI0N FROM COUNCIL ^1U BUILI]ING ILVSPL^'C`l'IO� DLPf�I2Ti'�'�.NT Tt� tLLLOW rOi3 BUILDING A GIiI'.t-LGL BLF'032L PHE L�UELIC HEEI:LING l3UGUST 12, 1�6u: Mr. Sa�iert sazcl �har. �hls was an anchor easement, and the request ' �s L-a p�rmic 7�uildinj a t���o sta11 �arage. Tt is to have a 6° over- h�ng wiL-h a gable ra�!- so there wi11 be s..oraJe room in t�ze attic. � � � �e�� REGUL�R COUIQCIL ivIl'.r.'1'ING Ol JULY I5, i96L' L��Gi: i3 The City ]�ngineer explained that the que:;�� an was cvhether it vaas necessary to go throuy'ti a1� L-ne iegai r�ciuirernenL-s, the ��ec�i.ione� has ayreed to do L-kziu. 'Ph�s has been a�pr���ecc;�y the Board o1 Ap�aeals already and i� the City attorney c<c�� :,ee no ��ro}� iein, rie could be auL-horized by Council to ga aYiead. Cauncilman Samuel5on suc;gested that tize hu�. i ding L�ermi�: c�u]_c] ue yranted with the stipulation that ali ��ie _Lec,al L-arrnalsi�tes hac� nai yei. been met. Mr. Saff�rt said �hat he lelt that ic would Le heL-L-er ta wa�.t until it was entirely legal. IIe said that .ie has ie�ters froin l�artl�iern States Pow�r Company �nd che Telephone Co�m�any orantin, Yxzm ��er- mission to use their easetnent. Councilman Sheridan aslced a�out the 2�' l�ng a-rainage easesnent shown ancs sa�.d that it tieemed we would neec� L-o vacate 15' in i eng L-lx o� this easement. Tha Czty Engineer e�,p�a?necl that L-his easemenL- ,.s part oP the plat anci can only ne vacated i��• tize C:ity. Mr. Saffert said that he would rather tiaaz� unt�1 �he �ubllc Hea��_ng tlugust 12, 1968. DISCU55ION OF R�LUEST POR BURGER F:ING '10 INu'1'AF�L .� DRIVh'4d1�Y Oi� SALELLITL L71NE• The City c�nyineer explained that wi�en Bur�er I.�nc�� was iaade Zware o1 ihe plans for disconnectin� �he service roaG ch�1� became concernec7, as e�:plained in the letLer. Councilman Liebl E'ridley Covenant is a 5' aff-set. asked ii L-his woulU nat cau:>e a c�nilicL w�L-li L'l�e Church drl veway. ��lze C1L-1- ling � neer saic7 LhaL- Lliere CounciZman Samuelson sugyested that it oaou�e� be s�etLer L-o have the e�it on t"tie west side as there is alreaciy- a 22' easernenc �here. The rest oi the Counci� ��as Ln agreerm�:iir . MOTION by Councilrnan �amuelson to aila� an access on the wesc sicle oL- Burger ICinq rather tnan an the souch s�c1e. ,econdec7 by Council- xnan Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all vot �i�y aye, T�iayyor i�zrl;harn declared the motion carried unanzmousl-y. CON,iID�12ATION Or STOP SIGN ON 53RD AVLIJUI's AI)7L SI:YSu00L Lt�L, CL�UJ.LNC- PP�AFPIC ON THESF, STRi3�TS TG STOP BEPOP.li LN^1�,RIDTG C=I2�TTERIiGItI3 DR];Vu: The City Manager explained tnat there are stop signs there now, however, chey have never been o'rficia�Iy auchorizecl. Councairnan E�r�,� ..rd1 �,� 12LGUI,AR COUi�CIL P�I�:LTSLdC O� JULY 1S, 1968 Pr1GL 14 �lzeriaan sal� cYi�t th_�u eaoulc7 actually esL-ak�lisn Matterhorn Drive as a L-hroug:i s�reeL-. l�iOl'IUZQ i�y Counczl:�ian Sl�eridan tu authorize t"Yie stof� sa.yns on .i3rc� AW�enue and �l,ywood l�une, causiny trafP�.c on these streeL-s to stop beior° encerzng Matte�harn L5-rive. Sec�ncled by Councilrnan Lieb1_ ti��on a voice vote, all_ voL-Ln1 aye, May�rr Yzrl�iain declared L-he rnoti�n carraecl unanirilously°. D�SCUSSION OF Rr�t,'�ULa1' cOc� CFiEiDIGi I'ROM TP,EE PLANTING TO FENCTLQG ON 7'i3;. EA�ST SSD� OP SUNLi1�1L}2 i'�IOTEL: 'Phe City Lnglneer expla�,necn tnat there are Pour properL-y owners invoived and L-h�ee out ot iour have indicaLed a�reserence ior the Lence. A:r. liart, oi the Suriliner 1�'ic�cel, said tha� he thouyht tlie Z�eu�le ',�e4ziizc+ i.lie rnotel � i!,�d Lhe yrass landsca�7�n�, ana the additional "lac,hting -che motel ��rov_�des, hawever, he aSreed that the I�reierence seemed i:u be L-or tencin�;+ raL-her chan the Lrees. I-Ie saYd that a� wauid be basl:ec weave or L-he equlvalen� and would run ior 285'. Council�i�an L�eb1 ��ointed ou� thaC tYLe clzoice should be determined py :aheL-her visual screeninc� is desired or a noise screen. 1�1t��1'ION by Counczlrnan Sarnu�ison to 5' redyvood iencing ior � aisL-ance L-ree �.,lanting orc7erecl �,rev� �ualy. II�an a v�ice vate, ali v��lnc� aye, carraec� un�r�zmous3y. concur with �he request ancl a11ow of 2F35' in lieu ot the reuuired Secondec� b�r Councilman Sheridan. inayor f.tr7diam declared the rnocion APPROVAL OI' SIGP7ING AGhf�t1GN1^ GuI�1'H B.B. CHFI�MFIN G�I' NASON WEFIRI'•7�11V� I:NlG13T, [1ND CH2�2'P�Il1N, INC. I1;; RL�'Sii7N.'S'PED BS TIIC PI,[�NNING COt+IMI:i:iIJN ro�z Y r�VZarv<3 s�rtv�c�s : The City �;n�ineer said �.lyat znis ls the sam� firm as was authorized to he 7ilred previousiy anci that Lhis agreernent had already been �rcierec� and �i's a�aL�earance in the [-�gencla ss just a£ormality. NYUi`ION u1 Councllrnan ;;her�.cian I:o aui:horize sicjn�ny of tY�e ayre�- ment ior p2annlrsy serv_�ces by B.B. Cha�rnan, of Nason, F7ehrman, Knighc, and Cha�rnaiz Inc. Seconded by Cauncilman Harris. U�:on a aoice voce, all voLlnj aye, Mayor �.irkham declared the mot�on carried unanirnously. NI-r. Schmedeke said L-hat tlxzs �articular iirm was not asY,ed ior and LhaL he did noc wlsl� to ta]ce ihe blarae tsom ihe peo�le �.n lize rr�rL-h end o; the area, I3e sald that he diu nat want tYiis area � ' � � �.� .�� R�GULZ-ll2 COUNCIL MELTING OI' JUI,Y 15, 19G� F[�.G& l� � down-zoned or down-gracled iurther than has already bec:n done, anc! that the whole area is now involved. CouncZlman Liebl poirited out that his s�rviceN axe not to e<>ceed $2500. RliSPONSE FROM PROP�RTY UWNliRS ON PROJ�CT ;; 8& , 1�L7D�NDUM ;; �! : '1'he City Engineer e�;plained that letters had Ueen written to all the property owners �nvolved explaininy tlxe �roL�osed irnpro�ement fully, and askiny them �o respond. He s��cl cnat 7 out oi 11 hac�e responded negar.ively. Councilman Sheridan �ointed out that Ln cha� case the Council v�ill haoe to authori�e Mr. Sether drilling a wel1, �r lf he chooses, tunnelinG under East Ri�er Road ior connectln� to Clty water. I�lOTION by Councilman Samuelson to delece z�dclendum ;;-4 irom Yro�ect r88. Seconded by Councilman Sheradan. U;�on a �oice voce, all �o�..;.n� ' aye, Mayor Y.irkhain declared the motion carrlec7 unaniinously. COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE L71ND ALTERATION ORDINANCE WITH THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS: The City Manager said that the Administrat-�n is still preparing the comparative study. Copies of the prela.minary work were handed out to the Council memUers for review. The City Manager pointed ou� that Paragraph 5 dealing with mining operations will have to ]�e deleted. MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the preliminary study and that this item be brought back on the Agenda as soon as possible. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously, Mr. ,Tim G�.bbs, representiny the City Attorney, commented that Leonard Cochran went to court last Fridag night and pled not guilty and is challenging the constitutionality oP our existinq ordinance in claiming that he was grand£athered in, and that he was there before the ordinance was passed. Mr. G�bbs said that he thought this may go all the way up because of the amount of money involved. ' ('s �'> �� La ' REGIILAR COUNCSL MEETING OP' JULY 15, 1968 PAGE 16 RECEIVSNG THE MINUTES OF TH� SPECIAL PARY.S ANB RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 8, 1968: MOTION by �'ounczlman Harris to receave the Minutes of the Special Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting of July 8, 1968 and direct the City Manager to write a letter to the Fridley State Bank thanking them �or the score'AOard for Commons Park over the Mayor's signature. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, rZayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING TI3E MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALu MEETING OF JULY 2 1968• The City Engineer pointed out that there was no Council action necessary. MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the Minutes of the Board o£ Appeals Meeting of July 2, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, al1 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINIITES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS - DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEE�PING OF JULY lO, 1968: l. CONSIDERATION OP A REQUEST FOR TFFE REMODELING OF THE ufiOPPING CiN TER AT UNIVERSITY AVENUE AND MISSISSIPPI 6TREET. FRIDLEY MINNESOTt� Z'HE SAME BEING LOT 1 BLOCK 1 SYLVAN HILL3. PLIiT 7, ANOIiA COTJNTY, MINNESOTA, (REQUEST BY THORSEN S< THORSHOV INC ARCHITECTS AIA 70U NATIONAL BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS, MINIVF.SOTA 55402: The City Engineer explained that the Building Standards - Design Control Sulacommittee has appraved the internal remodeling but are withholding their approval o£ the landsca�ing and outside work as the applicant showed big sign areas. The request betore the CounciZ at �Yiis time is ,7usL- ior the interior wark. He said that the plan is to divide up the interior into a laundry and a retail paint shop etc. MOTION by Councilman Lieb1 to concur with the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommzttee and authorize issuance of the bw.lding permit for the internal work only at this time. Seconded by Council- man Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. L J ' ' ' , 1 REGUI,AR COUNCfL MEETING OP JULY 15, 1968 `��a5� PAGE 17 2. A REQUEST B_Y NELSON CONSTRUCTION C6MF'ANY OF MASpN CI1'Y, IOW�1. TO BE PLACE ON THE AGENDA r1ND SUBMST THEIR PROPOSED WAREf10USE-RETAIL STORE BUILDING OF FOOD BONF�NZA. INC., 1^O BE LOCATED ON LOTS 1 2 3 28 ��I.�3� 29 BLOCK 2 COi�RC� ~ PARK, ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESQTA (RL:QLTr',S'P 13Y PAUL J. SENTMAN, REPRESENTING NELSON CONSTRUCTION Tl MAF.ING THE RSQUEST AND PROPOSAL�: �i'he Ca.ty Engineer commented that this request is for a pacJ,age s�ore - warehouse market on the northeast corner oi Commerce Lane and osborne Road, He said that the building zs set at an angle as �ize applicant felt that they could get more �ar7cing this way, and that the Building Standards - Design Control Subco-nmittee has not approved ot any outside plans as yet and would suggest approval or issuance of a faundation permit. I3e said that there would be 27,288 square £eet building area, and one pualic entrance. Mr. Paul Sentman discount basis. before. said that Food Bonanza is a retail store on a �3e said that his company has buil� for this chain MOTIQN by Councilman Harris to grant a foundation permit for P'ood Bonanza as suggested by the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommittee. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. U�on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared �he xnotion carried. MOTION by Cauncilman Sheridan to receive the Minutes oi the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommittee �Ieeting of July 10, 1968, Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voiing aye, Mayor xirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PIIINNING CONIMISSTON M�ETING OF SULY 11, 1968- MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of July 11, 1968. Seconded by Council- man Lieb1. Upon a voice vote, al1 voting aye, Mayor Rirkham de- clared the motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 97-1968 - A RESOLUTION AU'PHORIZING CIVIL 5;312VICE COMMISSION MSMBERS TO SUCCEED THEMSELVES IN OFFIC�: MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution No. 97-1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. t'��t� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 15, 1968 PHGE 18 RESOLUTION NO. 98-1968 - A RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ON STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1968-1B 1�DDENDUM #3- MOTION by Councilman Eiarris to adopt Resolution No. 98-1968. seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N�. 99-1968 - A RESOLUTION FOR "F12IDLEY NIGHT AT THE BALL PARK": MoTTON by Cauncilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution No. 99-1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. It was suggested that the lution wath a cover 1et�er Commerce, and the Fridley City Manager send a copy of this Reso- to Mr. Gibson, Fridley Chamber of Sun. RESt7LUTION NO. 10U-1968 - A RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS_FOR 1969 TREE BEAUTIFICA^1ION PROGRAM: MOTION by Councilman 13arris to adopt Resolution No. 100-1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: Mo''iION by Councilman Sheridan to approve payment of General Claa.m No. 15361 through 15539. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voace vote, all voting aye, Mayor i�irkham declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman 2372 through 2416. vote, a11 vating aye unanimously. LICEPTSES - Sheridan to approve payrnent of Liquor Cla�.m No. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice , Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried MO'PION by Councilman Harris to approve oi the following licenses: � � 1 � ��' � REGULAR COUL3CIL MEETING OF JULY 15, 1958 PAGE 19 ._ CAF$ � Fridley 7outti Football Aeae. 61sb �C 7th st. (Co�nona P.rk) P'tidla�� liinnseota dEH Clnb la7 6061 IInivsraity Ave. Fridla�� �inammota CTGA��i �idAL ��r Co. 59bo Piain st. Fridley� Hinneeota �IAL !'rank�a Tozaco 6071 IInivoroity Aw. Fridley� Mirmseota ,+i�T Club 1t7 6061 Uai�ereity lric�ey, lY;ssnasota P�TBLIC DAStiE�I6 PLACS ;HSF�TAL 9�nnd�e�a Cafe ��t90 Gen�.ral �vo. Fridl�y� t�tinneaota �Y3 ¢lnb !a7 i 6051 Uniwors4lty Fri3l�ay+, Hinnesota 1 � 9A1aE I �hl Clmmb 1ai � 6061 IIaivoreity i FridZery*� Hinneaota TbVERW �i C]xib h7 i 6061 IIniv�rvit� l�rldl�sy� Hinnesota � HY: Saa Iaquinto Uary Boater BY: dut�atic Salos Co. Automatic 3a1�� Co. Gary Boat�r BY: Hilliem Weiea (3ary Boater BY: aary Boater BYs Oary Boeter i x---_-_—. _-- ___7 0 � �i�.��i BYt Haalth Inapaotor Health Inspector APPRDVED BYs Po ca h Policm Chief Polic� Chi�S APPR09ED EY: Police Chi.ef Health I�pactor Polico Chief Health Ira�pector APPROVSD BY� Polica ChiatP H�1 th Inspeattis� APPRDVLD BY: Polic� Chiei' Heal� Inepoctor i � : a I J��� REGt71�f1R COUNCZL ME�;�l'ING Or JULY 15, 3968 Ju� 15, 1968 GAS 56RVICES E. S. P.,�nc, 511 West 7th Street St. Psul, Minnesota AEATING E, S. P., Inc. S11 Reet 7th Street St, Paul, Minnesotmm SIGN Et��i� Lawrence Signs, Inc. 945 Pierce Hutler Route St, Paul, Minnnsota HBATII'8G Gopher Btg. Inc. Savage, llinneeota By: James E. Ethier By; James E, lEthiet Sy; Geo, H, Lacrrence By: Warren �lly P�cE zu ' APPROVED BY ' RENSNAL f7�:C�"S�il xE�WAL NBW Nkg. Insp. Htg. Insp. Bldg. Insp, iI7G. Inep , `1'HE MO'i'ION seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all vota.ng aye, l�layor Kirkhani aeclared the motion carried unanimously. ES'PIMFITES - MoTION by CounciLknan Harris to approve payment o= the follawin9 estimates: Comstock ana P�avis, Inc. 144�i County Road 3 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 Estimate �13 for the iurnishing oi resident inspection and resadent supervasion for the stalcing out of the work for Storm Sewer Improvement Pro� ect �r84 (June 3, 1968 througYx June 29, 1968) Estimate ,�7 for the �urnishing of resident inspection and resident supervision for the staking out oL the work for Storm Sewer Improvement Pro�ect #�87 (June 3 through June 29, 196F) - -"___ _'"-, i f � � $ 8.84 $ 4.42 ' � � y-i i" �E�� REGULAR COUNCIL MEE'PING OF JULY 15, 1968 PAGE 21 � Estimate #5 for the =urnishing o� resident inspection and resident supervision =or the staking out ot the work for Storm Sewer Improvement Pro�ect #88 (June 3, 1968 through June 29, 1968) $ 29/»99 Randall and Berglin, Inc. 6801 Plaza Curve Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 For services performed under Emergency ordinance �398. N.S.S.S.D. sewer hoo7� up in Commerce Park. $4,019.39 THE MOTION seconded and upon a voice vote, ail voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. PETITION NO. 16-1968: STREF.T SURFACING, CURB AND GUTTER FOR PULK , STREET N.E. FROM LYNDE DRIVE SOUTH, 5650 Y�pLK STREnT AND 5660 1'OLK STREET• The City Engineer said that he would 1i]�e to have Councilman Sheridan comment on this. He explained that this street is part af the plat Terry"s Addition which fell through, Councilman Sheridan asked it this portion oi the street was dedi- cated. The City Engineer said that it was and that the storm sewer goes this far. Mr. A.T. Gearman, owner oi two apartmenL- houses on Polk Street said that the road is very bad. In the summer it washes out and is bumpy. He said that as the street has been deciicated, he would like to see it improved, Councilman Sheridan said that the plat oi Terry's Addition was never filed. He asked abuut Lot 1, B1ucK 4, Lyndale Builders 6th Addition a� said that he thought it was owned by American Lumber. Mr. Gearman said that he would like to have this done this year ' and asked it it would be possible. Councilman Sheridan said thaL- it would be doubt£ul due to the time it ca]ces £or legal processing. Mr. Gearman said that he would like to have some maintenance and snow plowing then in the winter tame. C�u ncilman Samuelson pointed out that it has been the City's policy co not plow unpaved streets as it is too hard on the equipment, �'i(} REGUI,AR COUNCIL M�ETING OF JULY 15, 1968 PAGE 22 Councilman Sheridan asked Mr. Gearman if he had asked American ' Lumber to sign the petition. Mr. Gearman said that he already had 5'7�/ and understood that was enough. He said that American Lumber is trying to get Mr. Gearman to buy their lot. Cazncilman Sheridan said that in the event that he could get 100°6 signatures the public hearing could be waived, but only if it was 100/. This would speed things up considerably. Councilman Samuelson said that if the petition had been received earlier in the year, it could have prabably been done this year. Councilman Sheridan saa.d that the City would do their best in gectirig him his street and would try to get Pol;c 5t:_e:et added onw an existing contract. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan for the Administration to proceed wiih ordering plans and speciiications and calling a public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CLERK OF COUR^1: MoTION by Councilman Samuelson to direct the City Manager to write ' a letter oP recommendation for Virgil Wills to be appointed as Chief Clerk oE Anoka Municipal Court. Letter to be sent to the County Judges, County Administration, and County Commissioners, over Mayor Kirkham's signature. Seconded by Councilman Harris with the addition that the letter be provided space £or all the members of the Council to sign. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. AGREEMENT 6IITH NORTiiERN 5'PATES POWER COMPIINY FOR RATE REDUCTSON FOR CIVIC CEN'lER• The City Manager said that the charge usually runs around $550 per month which is $6,600 a year. This would substantiate the claim thai the City uses more than $2,10U per year, and would make the City eligible. MOTION by Councilman Harris to authorize signing the agreement with Northern States Power Company £or the rate reduction for the Civic Center. Seconded kay Gounciiman Liebl. IIpon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT OF CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTORs ' MOTION by Councilman 5amuelson to concur with the Administration's recommendation and appoint Robert Aldrich as Civi1 Defense Direccor. The motion seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. 4� P� � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 15, 1y68 PAGE 23 ' The City Manager suggested that he could checic out the possibilicy of also appointing a Director of Operations and possibly paying each $100.00 per month, also, to iind out i1 i:he State will raise the allocation to $1200 toward Director pay instead af the present $900. WAIVING OF PERMIT FEE FOR THE ICE ARENA: MOTION by Councilman Harris to waive the building permit fee £or the construction a£ the Ice Arena. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor 1Ci�]cham declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Harris pointed out that this is the same policy as ior schools or churches etc. REQUEST FOR HOOK-UP OF STORM SEWER AT 59TH AV�NU6 AND JEFrERSON STREET BY SCHOOL DIS'PRICT $�14: The City Engineer explained that this a.s ror property eas�c of 7th , Street and north of 59th Avenue. He said the school plans to put in some ball parks. They are requestiny L-hat rhey be allowed to drain rooF water from the rooi of the Senior High into the City storm sewer system. Councilman Samuelson asked if there was any oif street parY,ing. The City Engineer said no, as the school programs are all part o� the athlet�c pragrams. He said that there was some parkiny area in the Elementary 5chool parking lot. He said that he would discourage on-street parking as the residents need some protection. This should be discussed with the school district along with the problems with the Chase Island parkinq lot. Councilman Liebl asked it by letting the school hoo]c up, there would be any problems, such as an overload. The City Engineer said yes, but hopefully there would be no great problem. The storm sewer drains into the river. Councilman Sheridan asked i£ this was part o1 District �#5 and that the City must be careful not to change the district Zines. The City Engineer said that there was no problem, this was �ust rooi drainaye. The rest oP the water from the area west oi the building � wi11 ,7ust drain into the sand. a� d ��+ REGULI�R COUNCIL M�E'1ING OP JULY 15, 1968 PAGE 24 N1oTTON by Councilman Samuelson to autlxorize the Administration to ' c�iscuss this with School District ��14 along with the landscaping oL- Lhe area along 7th SL-reet and 59th Avenue, and the Chase Island parkinq lot. Seconded by Councilman i,iebl. Upon a voice vote, all votang aye, Mayor I�irkham declared the motion carried unanimously. C�RTIFIC7iTES OP 11CHIL•'VEMENT: MOTION by Councilman Harris L4 authorize the presentation of Certiiicates of Achievemeni to Jessee T. V7a11ace tor serviny on ti� Fridley Industrial Deve?opment Commission and to Roberz Moiinaro for serving as the Fridley Civil Deiense Director. Se- conded by Councilman Samuelson, U�on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirlcham declared Lne motion carried unanimously. C OT�INIUN ICA t' ION3 : A, GULF OIL CO."4PANY: It was commented tha� this was the flow pattern the City Engineer ' wanted in tl-,e firsi �1ace. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive tne letter irom Gulf oi1 Company dated Ju1y 10, 1968 and grant th e request to change che tlow oi traf£ic ta the car wash bays to be Lrom south to the north. The ;notian seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor I:irlcharn declared the mo�ion carried unanimously. VISITOL�.�"l: �Lr. lrotaald NlcLain, 6007 Main Street, was present and said that he would like to have the alley between 60th Elvenue and 61st Avenue and 2nd Street and Main Street either opened all the way or closed. As ic is now the people living here are in vioLation of the City ordinance. Councilman Liebl agreed and said that people have put up fences and garages etc. a�hich are in violation of the ordinance. Councilman Sheridan told Mr. McLain that the City Manager is now wor7;inJ on t,h3s problem and should have his sL-udy and recommendation , Por Council consideration ior the Meetinc� of August 5, 1968. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 15, 19oII � ADJOURNMF�NT- PAGE 25 MOTION by Councilman Harris ta ad�ourn �he Pegular Cauncal M�ecing or July 15, 1968 at 11:50 P,M. Seconded by Council Lieb1, and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor I.irkham declared, L-herc: l�eing no turther business, chis Regular Council Meeting af ,7u1y 15, 1968 closed. RespectEully submitted, i 'k�^1< �j��Y,Z�C�Ci � �r'_ C � � L„ Juel Mercer Secretary to the Councal , , / �i �%c^���� �� �o/� la<��,� �Jack O. Y.irkham d�iayor �� � �