11/18/1968 - 00019841, � 6� 6 wl ' I 4 , '1'HE MSIVUT�S OF THE i2EGUL'r`S.R COUATCIL NIE�TZNG OF NOVEMBER 18, 1968 tdayor Kir]sham called ihe n,egular Council Meeting of November 18, 196II io order at 5:10 P.I�i. PT,EDGE OE ALLEGIF�TCE: Mayor IC�r]cham requested the audience stand and join the Council in saying the Pledqe ol �llegiance to the I'1ag. I�'7i70CAT I ON - A representative from che Ministerial AssociatYOn gave the lnvocaL-ion. RfJP�L CALL: NLEMBERS PRESr,NT: I,ir]:ham, Sheridan, Liebl Mr:Ag3LR5 ABSENT: Samuelson, Harris AnPR�VAL OI' MIIJUT�S OF 'THl; KEGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 4, i963- MOTION kry Councilman Sheridan to adopt the Minutes of the Regu- lar Council Meeting o� November 4, 19G8 as prasented. Seconded by Cotmcilman Liebl, Upan a voic� vote, all voting aye, I�iayor I:ir7tham declared the motion carried. �PPROVAL ar THE MINU7'E5 O� 'PHE SPECIAL M�ETING AND STATEMCNT OF CZINVASS OI' NOVEMBER 9, 1968: MOIIODi by Councilman Sheradan to adopt the Minutes of the Special Council MeeL-ing and Statement of Canvass of bTovember 9, 1968. Seconcted by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, i�Zayor I�irkham c�eclared the motion carried. ADOPTION OF r1GENDA: Mayor Kir�;ham said that there was a license L-o be added for consideration lor Bob's Produce Ranch Pox a Christmas Tree Lat, and a communication irom Lhe Chamber of Commerce. I4o'PTON b� Councilman Liebl �o adopt the Agenc�a as amended. Se- conued ]ay Councilman Sheridan. U��an a�aoace vote, all voting ale, Mayor I:irkham declared L-he motaon carried, � � LJ � REGIILAR COUNCTL D'iF:ETING OI' NOV�MBER 12, L96n^ PAGG 2 � CON�i'INi7ED PU&LIC HEARING ON Z969 BUDGtsT: (COT1i;1YlU0c� irom 10-i-68, 10-21-68 and 11-4-68) The City Manager gave an outline ot the 1969 Budget �or the bene- �it oi the audience. I3e said that the 2_969 Hudget estimate a� 43.92 mills against 41.73 mi11s in 1968 represenxs an approxi- mate 2 mill increase. In 1969 one mill will brtng in $20,123, whereas in 1968 the same :nill provided $17,7F37.00. He sald tha� our actual dollar Budget in 1969 is $1,e�82,154.00 comparecl�arch $1,423,336.00 in 1968, which shaws an _ncrease o: $258,818.00. He wenc on co explain the reasons for che �ncrease; being increased personnel to gice the City be�L-er servzce, increase�.' maintenance oL- the par}c system, increasec+ rec�uirements b1r State Legislation on Pub1�.c Employment Retirzment, Police Quarters remodeling, and salary increases. He ex�Eainect i:hac by ta]cang all the estimated revenue, �rom the toca�_ increase over last year's Budgec, i.here is $44,200 which vait]_ ��e a tax ievy �or 196�J. fIe explained that a11 the new industries, plus che new homes in Pridley have done much to hold dawn L-he znill 1evy, and yet � provide increased £acilxties and services. Council.man Sheridan added that i.he net increase on an $18,OOG house with an estimated mi11 rate ot 43.92 �or 1969 as com�ared to 41.73 i-or 1968 would amount to $2.22, T1z� Cicy tar. amounceG to $51.48 on an $18,000 value in 196� and has gone io an estimaL-ed $53.70 tax ior 19b9. Thia does not ta],e in re-evaluatioxx o= all properL-ies an 1968. Councilman Liebl said ihac everyone is aware ��nat L-raffic is heavily increasing and he said that h� was concernect abauL- che allotment £or sa.gns and signals and wonclered i!= they were ac�e- quaL-e. He as}ced the City Manager ii he �e1c chac it was enough to take care ot the safety problems on ;�;ast 3�ver Road, r.II. i;65, and T.H. ��47• The City Manager explained thac L-he money a11oL-ed was for signals for which the City and SL-aie have already signec� agreemenL-s. If the State woul� act on �he rec�uest =or the study on safety on �ast River Road, then at uiac time we wou?d know how much money we would need. Mayor I{ir};ham said L-hat i� probably would not be beEore 1970 anyh�w. Councilman Lieb1 szid that if money is not provided, the problems cannot be solvect. He sa�.d that he has received many calls on L-he need ior signals � on �sborne and Universii.y Avenue and on Last R�ver Road. He said that he wanted it fu11y understood �haL- he would not be held responsible if any more deaths occur on L'ast River Road. �Phe City Engineer explaaned that the money budgeted this year is for signals ior which we have signed agreemencs. These are on 53rd Avenue and University Avenue and qsborne P.oad and Universii.y. , � RLGULAI2 COULdCIL M�I:TING Or NOV�MBER 18, 1968 PAGE 3 Councilman Liebl then asl;ed about the City share o£ the pedest- rian bridge costs, and aslced the City Manager why this item was noi, em�hasized. �.Cne City Manager said that oi course he would lilce L-o have ii:, it was noL- in the £inanced portion oP the Budget and that he ascumed �he Council ielt that it would be coo much oP a �olt to L-he caxpayers. Mayor Y.irkham added that lil�e L-he signals, ii ic was built in 1969, it would be taxed in 1a70. He said thai: Lt would probably be budgeted for 1970. Councilman Liebl said that the State was wa.11ing to pay Z, but Lhe other governmenL-a1 bodies were nat willing to participate, and he L-elt that i.his should have been gone into in more depth. i�7i. Richard Harris as7�ed what makes up the general revenue. The Pinance Director said that it was Eines, liquor store revenue, general fund interesl: earned, permits, etc. INr. Harris asked how inuch was transferred Prom the liquor score. The Finance Director answered $180,000. Councilman Liebl pointed out that now the City is even wrth the requirements o� the Public Lmployees Retirement Fund according co the ScaLe Legislature. He �ointed out that this amounts to rnore than one mill increase in itsell-. T�lOTION by Councilman Sheridan to close the Public Hearing on the 1969 Budget. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Y.irkham declared the mocion carried. dRDINANCE #406 - AN ORDINANC�, REPEALING S�CTION 45.463 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE D�;SIGNATING THE CITY MANAGER TO SERVE AS SECRE- TARY FOR TH� $OARD OP APP�ALS: MOTION by Cauncilman Liebl to adopt Ordinance #p406 on second reading, waive the reading and order publication. Seconded by Councilrnan 5heridan. Upon a roll ca11 vote, Kirkham,-Liebl and sheridan voting aye, Mayor I:irkham declared the motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL US�, �EFtM2T FOR USED CAR LOT: (BOard oL- Appeals Minutes oi October 30, 1968 - Tabled 11-4-68) MOTION by Councilman Sh�ridan to table th�.s item, as the fu11 Council is not present, to che next regular meeting. Seconded by Councilman Ziebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor iCirkham declared 'che moiion carried. � � �1 REGULAR COUNCIL NLBETING OF N�VEMBLR 18, 1968 P�GE 4 � FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGST POR FISCAL Yr,AR 1969: The City Manager said that be£ore the consideraL-ion oi the Budget, perhaps a memorandum L-rom tlhe Director oi public V7orks dated November 15, 1968, 5hould be considered. I3e said that L-he sL-orm sewer on 75th Avenue between Central Avenue and Stinson Boulevard is in very baG shape, and some decision shou�!d be reached bewore adoption oi: the Budget. Councilman Liebl asked ii the L�irector o� Public j�,or]cs could give the Council any assurance tha� a.y the wor7�. is done, ii iL- would end the expense. �l'he Director o,` YuUlic U�dorks said tha� al�out $10,000 has alread� been spent, and the work don�, does no good as the leaks keep moving and showing u�� someplace else in the line. He pointed out that Coms�acic and Davis, Consulting Gngineers made a study oi this in 1966. 111e Cicy Manager asked if this work has L-o be done this year, The Direc�or ot Public Works said that some af Lhe street is gane, and lt was �ust put � in. Councilman Sheridan asked when the ?ine was �ut in, The Director oi Public Worlcs answered in ].961. He said i.hat that tppe o� desi�n is not compatible with thai: �aarticular cype oi soiZ. Councilman Sheridan asked what guarani:ee soil solic7i�icatzon wouid yive us, and how che soil solidi:�icatzon method worked in othar areas. The City Engineer said cha� in certain cases ther� is no choice other chan solidi£ication due tc soil conditions, unl.ess it would be to re-Tay the whole 1zne, Cauncilman Sheridan said �hat a determination should be macle �aheL-her to spend the temporary $13,000 or a permanent impro�,einenc oi about $30,000. The Cicy Engineer sa�.d that he could come bact. wic.h exact �igures for re-laying the pipe, ai this is whac the Council wishes. The City Manager asked if in the event tha-c iL- caould be necessary to re-lay the line, ii ihis could be ozi a general improvemenL- bond. The Finance Director said on a general obligation band, a vote oE the people is required, if puc on an �.mprovement bond at least 20/ of the total project would have to be assesseu. r-Ie did not think this particular wozk could 1�e assessed. I-Ie sazd that ic might be possible to tie it inc� another bonG and be extended over a longer period oi years. The City Attorney aslced i� this could be assessed. Councilman � Sheridan said that he did not th�.nk it could Le assessed to the properL-y owners because the line is iau1L-y, i�e said �hat he felL ihat they should aslc Por �urther study, ihen puc it inta a larger improvement bond, ii found to be necessarv. I� cnere is going to be a contractor doing a similar type oS_ work in the City, then it could be cied in. The City Engineer said 'chat there wi11 1�e bads let in the near £uture ior other va�r]c in Fridley, zt was ,. � �� R�GtiL.�P. COUNCIL MP;STING C�1 NOVEMBER 18, 1968 PAGE 5 L-hen agreed by the Counczl, noi; to rnclude this item in the � Buclgec, but to ask the City �ngineer to make iurther studies and bring back some iigures. Councilman Liebl commented L-hat if we are going to do the Job, z� should be done right, to prevent -uL-ure problems. MO`PTON by Councilman Sheridan to approve the Ordinance on lst reaaing ado�ating the Budget for the Eiscal Year 1969, in the amount oi ,�1,6�2,154. Seconded by C�uncilman Liebl. Upon a roll call vot�, I:ir;cham, Sheridan and Liebl voting aye, Mayor :.irkham declared the mo�ion carried. r'IRST R�ADING OF AN OP.DINADTCE AMENDTNG SECTION 46.5 OF THE CITY CODE POR TI3E PURPOS� OF PERMITTING NEOPRENS GASI{ETS ON SANIlARY 5�,4aER LINES: The City I-ittorney sa�d thaL- this was to elimina�e the necessity oE ap��iications of waivers oL- our code Por neoprene gaskets, which are acceptable by L-he Minneapolis code. MOTION by Councilman sheridan to approve on first reading and , waive the readiny. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a roll ca11 voL-e, Liebl, Sheridan, and Kirlcham voting aye, Mayor I{zrkham declared the motion carzied. RESOLUTION ,�'-182-196c� - A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING REVISION OF THE CT�'Y COD� OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA, DA1^ED MAY 31, l96$: The City A�torney said L-hat the orig�inal Ordinance gives the Council 'r.he riglzt to recodi=y the Code, thereiore he has pre- pared this P,esolution. i�i0'i'ION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution -�182-1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all vo�ing aye, Mayor Kirlclzam declared �he mo�ion carzied. DISCUSSlON AL'GAADING C+iURPIIY OIL STATION: (East River Road and Misszssippi r,day} The City Engzneer said �hat he was approach�d by a representative oi the Murphy oil Company regarding their plans for a gas s�ation on the southeast corner oi �ast River Road and Mississippi T�7ay. � PIe said tha= the original plan approved by the Council had one opening on East River l.oad and one on Mississippi Y7ay, He saad thac this revised plan has an inlet and autlet on Missassippi 4�iay anc� one on iasc River Road. He said that this would not ease the traffic problems, certainly, but might prove to be a REGliLAR CpUNCIL MEETING OF NOV�MBER 18, 1908 PAGE 6 � compromise to 5olve the ��ro7�lems with ti�!s c�rner. Mr. Richard A. Lllia said that he was a reai estate agent anc� was present on behalf oi the Murphy Ui1 Corp. and the Gertzen inLerests, to see if a solution could be reached. He said chat the intent is �.o put an eyress and ingress �n Niississip�i bday. He said that the question that then arises is iz the Lirst cut to tYre west would lmpede the right and 1e�L i�and turning pat�ern. I3e said that he would like t� get the City's appraval and then he would have to approach the CounL-y for their appro��al. Councilman Laebl said that he assumed that 4o rnake this plan ieas�.ble, iL- was necessary to have the cwo openings. Mr. Ellis said yes, this is what t11e Murphg Oi1 Cor��oration has stated. Councilman Liebl asY.ed Mr. Donald Savelkoul, representing NLr. Leonard Gertzen it he is in agreemenc wi�h cl�is. Mr. Savel7coul said that he was here ,7us-L as an observer and �hac this matL-er is between the City and the County and che MuY��h�r Oil Corp. He said that anything that these parties cauld corne up wiL-h � would be acceptable L-o r7r. Gertzen because a� the litigation pending. The City Engineer poinL-ed out thac by adding L-he additional opening, it reduces the capabila.ty oL- car starage on L-he pro- perty. He said that it i�he Council ap��roved oi this plan, �,t would have to be sub�ect to County concuzrence, Mr. �llis said that he vaas not trying to change any oi the variances pre- viously approved. Councilman Sheridan asked how Par the wescer.ly o��eninrj is ilom L-he corner o� the property. The City �nq�neer said aboui 15'_ Councilrnan Sheridan suid �:hat he woulc7 �i��rove or tlze concent, ]�ut L-hai. he did no� ieel L-hat the Counc�i.1 ir in a poszt�on tr+ aL���ro�e anythincJ forinally. A1r. Elli,s s�id chac approva? oi ihe concepL' would be enour�h at chis time,so chat ii can go to L-he Councy �or their approval, MOTION by Councilman Sherician to cancur tiai�h che concept as pro1�osed this eKaen�ng on ilze revised �],�zn dacea I�ovem�er 1�, 1968 for a servzce station on the souL-heast quaclranr oi Las'� River Roact and Mississippi ;7ay, and aslc L-he CounL-y for Cheir � concurrence. Seconded by Councilman L�eia�. IIL�an a �oice vo�e, a11 vo�ing aye, Mayor Y.irkham declared 'che 11o��on carriec�. F,L^'CEIVING '1HF. MINUTF.S OF �C'IIL HTIMAN RE]y�TIOL`Jv COMI�Si�1'L�'r^�' ML�TING OP OCPOBER 17, 1968: '� MOlION by Councilman Liebl Lo receive ��ne iKinuces o" L-he �iumar. �J - � � zGiii�7-�"2 C6UNCIL NLh.E'1'ING OF NOti7EMBEP. 1S, 1963 PAGE 7 Relacions Commitcee Meecina oi October 1/, 1962. Seconc�ed by Counci�n�an Sizerzdan. Upon a voice voL-e, aSl �oL-ing aye, Mayor !�ir};ham declared the mo��on carried. Counci?man i�iebl askec� ur3iac �he function Su3�conunittee was. Maycr SCirkham said i� t� see iE there is any ctiscrimination in ai the Employment �aas to make a study the City oi Fridley. R�CL'IVILdG THL �IINUTES OF THL BOARD OF AI'PLr'1LS MEETING OF NoV;;I�LR 6, 1968: l. A RE�U�S'P POR :: .�,P�CIAL USE PEP.MIT AS PER SECTI0IV 45.19 2d P(�R �i'HL CONSTRUC'P20N OF A Ni3RSING HOME IN AN R-1 ANOKA COUN�l'Y, 1IINNESQTA, �l'H� S[IM.E BEING 7574 LYRIC LANE. PRID%LY, b1INNE50TA. (REQUES'P BY D1�DICARE DEV�LOPA'!EN'C CONu'ANY, 640 RAND 1^OWER, MZNNEAPOLIS, MSNNESOTA); 7'he City �ngineer showed che revised �lan submatted which �howed :he egress anc� ingress e�n Maaison Streei, landscapa.ng,location o: tize 1ropased building on the lot etc. He said that the Board o1 �p�aeals ,zac' a�pro�aed L-his request_ He said tha� the par7�ing as changed so iL- is naw toward �he Clinic, and the area £acing the residencial areas is sodded, and �he lighL-ing plan is good. MoTION by Councilman Lieb1 to concur with the Soard of Appeals i_n c,rranting c.he special use permit �or the canstructaon o£ a nursang hame. Secondeci by Councilman Sheridan ior discussion. Councilman Sheridan ask�cl the City Engineer zi there is any land bet�ween this nursin� home and the Clinic. The City Engineer said i.haL- �he nursing hoine abucL-s the south ]�oundary of the Clina,c nroperty. I3e added 'chat the Clinic is zoned CR-1, the nursing horae ls R-1, and to L-he east oi L-he nursing home there is R-3 zonzng. ^FIr^, VoT3 uaon L-he mocion, ;�eing a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor i�irJcham declared the motion carried. � , 2. A REQUL'uT FOR CONSIDERr"�TION OF A SPEC=t1L USE PERMI'P UNDER YROVISIONS OF ORDINAL3CE NO. 373 TO PERMIT CONSTRUC- TION OF ADT ANIMAL HOSPITAL AND VARIr"1NCE OF SECTION 45.34, � RiDiTCTION FP.OM THE REQUIRED 80 1�'EET, I'ROM THE STREET LINr', TU SS FLET ON LOT 2. R7�OCK 1. H1.RWAT�' S 2ND AnDTTT(�N . AN(-ITLA. AUL. MINNL•'SOTA) ; spEr.TZ . 3224 �� �_ REGUL[1R COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 13, 19G& PAGF, H � The City Engineer explained that this �e� hospical is going �o be norch oi Gearhart Mor'cuary on �P.H. ,'F65. They are requ�sting a special use permit and a variance �rom 80' io 55' �o con'-orm with the setbac]c of the mortuary. He said that L-he ironi will be sodded and no �ronc yarcl parking, ancl that L-his rec�uest has met a11 other requirements. He said tha� i� wa.11 be an all bric]c building, and they plan on boarding animals and all hoardinq will be on the inside. I3e said t1zaL- the Board o- Appeals has approved of this request and showed �he pLan to the Cauncil at the Council table. Dr. Sceve Brandjord was present and er,plained thaL the extarior is being worked on now by his architecL- and wz]_1 look nicer when the �lan is compieL-e. The City Engineer ac�ded ina� �his plan still has to be submitted ta the Building Scandards - Design Control, and there will he required curb�.ng, landscapinq, ecc. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to gran�. L-he special use nertnit as provided =or under ordinance �373 sor '�:he construcrion oi an � animal �linic. Seconded by Councilman �?eb1. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the rnotion carr�ed. 3. A R�QU�ST FOR VAP.IANCE OF SECTIOLd 45.34I, REDUCTION OF STRESi LINE SL^1BAGFC, FROM MISSISSI�PS P7�ACli 4N THL SOUTH FROM 80 FEET 7.'O 62 FE�i 1�'VD FROM EAST RIVER ROI-Lll ON THE EF1ST . rROM 80 FLE�l' TO i 4 PL�^1 TO P�RMIT CONS�1'RLTC- TION OF A CAR WA5H ON TH� SOTT^tIi 3�2 F��1 QF BLOCI: 22, FRIDL�Y PARK ADDTTION, THE S�'1Mt� 13�ILQG THE N.V7. CO1:NFsR OF THE INTERSliC9'ION OF MISSIS:iIPPI FLACE AND EAS'P RTVER Ri7AD. (REQU�ST BY ROBERT �CfiP,OL^'P., 7986 t SPWOOD i^7AY N.E, , FRIDL::'Y. MINNLSOTA) : Councilman Liebl said t1zaL he would 1i7ce �o have some claricicaL-ion o� ihe scipulationu imnosed by the Board oL- Appeals. The City r,ngineer showed che Council L-he rev,sed plan at �he Council table. He saad 'chat a riqht turn has been prevented. `Phey have requested an 80' to 62' setbac7; on the south, and an 8U' to 74' setback on the east. Councilman Sheridan pointed ouL- that one of the stipulatians imp��sed b•�7 'che Boaru oE Ap�eals was the resolving aE the intersection pattern o�` Mississippi Place � and East River Road. Councilman Liebl said L-ha� this v�ould create a bad ira£fic problem. Mr. Richard Harra.s came iorward to the Council table and ex- plained that by having anly ane opening, �he cars would encer ancd circle around on their properLy and e;.it ac the wes'c end o£ the pro�erty. He said i,hat there was room ;_or scackino o� abouL- rt�a�uL�,� couNCZZ rt�Lrzrac or I�dVEMSER ia, 1�58 PAGE 9 20 - 23 cars, ancl addecl thac if he does get a volume of business Lt rnilhc create stacking �nL-o Mississippi Place. He explained cna� the problem zs the {ill�ng sta�ion in Lhe middle oP the =aac?. Councilman Lieb1 saiC that he wanted io make sure that cl�e City aid not ma7ce more trarfzc ❑ongestion sn th�s area, chan there is now, rie said that the only way he ccu ld concur, is ii the traiEic pattern ls resolved first. He said that it would seem that the land where the filling station is, would have to ;�e acquired. NIs�. I;arris said �hat the Board of Appeals realized that chis car wash is adding t� L-he ��roblems in ihis area, but that a man owniny a?�iece oP land has -che right to deeelop his land. He n�intecl out that Mr. Schroer has already deeded same land to L-he Ci�y and this is the reason for the necessity of applying L-or a variance. AL- this poin� Mr. Harvey Peterson, Anoka CounL-y Commissioner, came up to the table to look at the plans. it�. E1don Schmedeke was present and said ihai: he had gone to the _i-rsL- Board oi Appeals meel-.ing when they discussed this, and he had o3ajecced to ic. Iie said that it was hls understanding that �ob's Yroduce was goiiv� to be located there. He felt that a car wash would create ih� problem oi icing, and that there were YecL-er locations ior a car wash. He �ointed out that directly behind ihis, there is a beaul:iful apartment house and felt that L-his would cause a hadge-podge at this antersection. Councilman Liep1 saad chat lze would be against this proposal, as l�e �elt that this would not improve the intersection, but wouid create greater problems. He said that the problem of ihe zntersection is not c1�se to being solved yet. -He added that �lzere is the a�artment complex behind this car wash and agreed v�ith Mr. schmede]ce that it would create a hodge-podge L-he area. also of The City At�orney said that the Board oi Appeals decision is Final an variances, unless the applicant ap�eals for-a hearing bePore l:he Council, or unless a property owher appeals. He said that there is a questian oi whether a variance would be needed, as he did not thin}� the land is actually deeded to the City as yet. He said that the City was not on good grounds denying a variance wiih the reason being street or tra£fic prol�lems, as these are the City's problems to solve, and any property owner shoulcl have l-.he right to develop his land, Mr. Phil Hirsch was nresenc at the Meeting and said that he had no ob7ection to Lhe car wash, but was also concerned about the trafiic Z�attern. Counc�lman Lieb1 said that when the Hirsch r--� I � � , � ,,,' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 18, 1968 PAGE 10 � rezoning was approved, nothing was said about what was going to go in on this corner. Ae said that had he known that a car wash was uitended, he would not have voted for the rezoning as he is not in favor of this. He said that the Council has given up their rights to the Board of Appeals. RECEIVING TFiE MINUTES OF TEIE BUILDING STANDFIRPS - DE5IGN CONTROL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 13,1968: 1. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A 140 UNIT APARTMEN'P COMPLEX, L�CATED AT 6550 EAST RIVER ROAD, THE SFiME BEING BLOCKS 21, 22, 23, FRIDLEY PARK ADDITION, WITH EXCEPTIONS, AND ALSO PARTS OF LOTS 7& 9 OF A.S, �23, �'he City Engineer said that the Building standards - Design Control had approved of his xequest with some stipulations which he explained. He added that there is a landscaping plan � which includes a hedge 5' - 6' from the parking lot. He said that there was one problem with utilita.es in this area he would like to br�.ng up. He said that he has received utility plans from Suburban Engineering. our recoimnendations are that the water line be looped from both sides so that the water does not become stagnant. He said that both property owners should get together on this to develop the utility plan. He said that so £ar he has not been able to get them together ior a meeting. MOTION by Counca.lman Sheridan to concur wzth the recommendations of the Building Board and grant a builda.ng permit, with the addi- tion that a utility plan be drawn mutually acceptable to both property owners and the City Engineer, Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. 2. CONSiDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION TO EXZSTING BUILDING, LOCATED AT 7585 VIRON ROAD N.E., THE SAME BEING THE WESTERLY 5 ACRES OF THE NORTHERLY 310 FEET OF THE SOiPPHERLY 370 FEET OF THE NORTHERLY 1120 FEET OF THE AT.E. a OF N.W.n OF SECTION 12, WITH EXCEPTIONS, THE SP,ME KNOWN AS PARCEL 2750. ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA. � (REQUEST BY STRTTE-ANDERSON MANUFACTURING COMPANI',, 7585 VIRON ROAD N.E.1 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA): Z'he City Engineer passed out plans to the Council and explained the stipulations imposed by the Building Board. He reminded the Council that Strite-Anderson has already obtazned approval of a £oundation permit. He said that there �s an extended parking l( REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 18, 1968 PAGE 11 area shown that should be l�lacktopped and curbed. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to concur with the Building Standards - Design Control recommendations with the addition that the extended par]cing area be blacktopped and curbed. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman sheridan asked about Item #2 of the minutes concerning planting grass or sod in all areas not blacktopped on Strite- Anderson property. He said that it seemed rather vague. The City Engineer explained that the area east of the building is not owned l�y Strite-Anderson. 3. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO MOVE A RESIDENT DWELLING FROM SILVER LAKE ROAD TO PART OF LOT 10, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION #2z, ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, THE SAME BEING 1530 RICE CREEK ROAD, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST $Y LES CHIES, 591 DRIFTWOOD ROAD, NEW BRIGHTON, MINNESOTA): �� It was pointed out that there was no action needed by the Council. � Councilman Sheridan said that a member of- the Building Standards Design Contral asked him about their right to request the posting of a completion bond, The City Attorney said that.the City has that authority, and would become a condition of the permit. He said that the amount of the bond has to be commensurate with the � ob . 4. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A GIANT SLIDE AT HOLIDAY SHOPPING CENTER, THE SAME BEING 250 57TH AVENUE N.E.. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY PINK- OTTER SLIDES, INCORPORATED, NEW BRIQiTON, MINNESOTA): The City Enganeer said that the Buildinq Standards - Design Control had made some stipulations and he said that he £elt that there should be provided some plantings on the south side also. He said that this is proposed to be on the south side of their buzlding, to be 30' high, and made o£ galvanized steel. Mr, James Woodington of Pink-Otter Slides was psesent and said that the Building Board had asked them to have the windloading, due to screening, checked by their Engineer. He said that the , understructure is black, so that a,t blends in with the asphalt and really is not apparent. He said that their Engineer did check this and it was his opinion that adding the screening would greatly increase the lateral wind force and wou].d make it un- stable. He said that it would be well supervised, and open during REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 18, 1968 PAGE 12 � store hours. He said that the slide is 143' from top to bottom. The City Engineer suggested putting up an independent screening which would not be attaChed. Mr. Keith Holvenstot o£ Erickson Petroleum Corp. said that k�e did not feel that the understructure is unsightly and that asking for the screening wauld prove quite expensive, as it would be no small item. Mr. Woodington added that he went by there today on I. 694 and the level o£ view is slightly down, so the understructure would not be seen from the road. He said that the slide will run east and west, and would be seen principally from the east. Mayor Kirkham commented that i£ Holiday is willing to put the slide between the road and their building without screening, it was his feeling that the screening would not be required. He said that the west line oP the slide would be in line with the west line of the building. He said that he did not see the need for the two provisions recommended by the Building Board. � Mr. Woodington commented that if approved, they plan to start right away and it will be completed in 10 - 14 days. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve the request to construct a giant slide at Holiday Shopping Center, and delete the re- commendations of the Building Standards - Design Control. Seconded by Councilman 5heridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. 5. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT AL3 ADDITION TO EXISTING BUILDING, LOCATED AT 7755 BEECH STREET N.E., THE SAME BEING LOTS 20, 21, 22, BLOCK 7, ONAWAY, ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY RON SMITH, 7786 BEECH STREET N.E., ER2IDLEY, MINNES�TA): The City Engineer sas.d that there is limited land avaa.lable and that these plans were brought in at the last minute to the Building Standards - Design Control. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to table this item until further plans are available. Seconded by Councilman Lieb1. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. � MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to receive the Minutes of the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommittee Meeting of November 13, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. /J -� � � � u REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 18, 1968 PAGE 13 CONSIDERATION OF REVISED PLOT PL1iN BY ROGER LARSON ON LOTS 7& � 8, BLOCK 2, COMMERCE PARK- The City Engineer said that this is the revised plot plan for a building which will be Pacing the University Avenue West Service llrive in Commerce Park. He saici that the revised plan has a 60` setback, parking along the side o£ the building, and land- scaping in the Pront. He said that the applicant has agreed to this and also to put brick walls on the east and south sides o£ the building, and the other two walls wi11 be block. He said that he £eels that this is a much better plan than was previously submrtted. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to concur on this plot plan requested by Roger Larson as submitted by the City Engineer, and approve the building permit. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF � NOVEMBER 14, 1968: 1. MARXEN TERRACE. P.S. #68-06, THOMAS E. MAFtXEN: The City Engineer said that the Planning Commission has recommended approval of this preliminary plat and it will be necessary to set up the Publa.c Hearing before the Council. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to direct the Administration to set the Public Hearing date for Marxen Terrace, P.S. #68-06. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried, 2_ REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #68-12, ROBERT A SCHROER: The City Engineer said that this is a rezoning request to be from M-2 to C-2-S, o£ the easterly 452 feet of Parcel 6000, Section 2: a11 of Parcel 3150 (east 3 acres) and easterly 200 feet of Parcel 315D, Section 11 (Osborne Road and University Avenue). Ae said that the Planning Commission suggested that the Council hold their public Hearing December 9, 1968, to allaw time for their recommendation as they wi1Z be meeting � December 5, 1968. MOTION by Gouncilman Sheridah to set the Public Hearing date for the rezona.ng request by Robert Schroer (ZOA #68-12) on December 9, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. i � � _� I REGULFIK COUNCZL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 18, 1968 PAGE 14 � 3. CITY OF MINNEAPOL25 WATER TREATMENT EXPANSION: � MOTION by Councilman Liebl to concur with the planning Commission resolution as submitted to �e Council. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham decalred the motion carried. The City Attorney said that he has been working with Dick Meyers, Attorney for NSSSD and there will be a hearing sometime in December or January. He said that he has talked to Mr. Meyers about getting an outside advisor to see if there is any other land available that the City o£ Minneapolis could use. Council- man Sheridan commented that he thought it was about 22 acres that the NSSSD would need, Mayor Kirkham asked if there was not land north of the land NSSSD proposes to use that could be used by the City of Minneapolis. Councilman Sheridan commented that most of the reservoirs, pumping stations etc. Por �he Cs,ty of Minneapolis are outside thear city limits. City Attorney said that there was a very old statute on the books, which would give them this right, and that this would to be researched to see if it is still on the books. The have MOTION by CounCilman Sheridan to receive the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of November 14, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham dealared the motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF MOON PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER VIOLATIONS: Mr. Emil 5. Novak of Northwestern Investment Management Company, the new owner of Moon Plaza was present and said that he has been trying to get the improvements done as soon as possible, but it all takes money. He said that the incinerator was moved today. He said that he now has a tenant for the south end o£ the shopping center, iie said that he would like to question the fence requirement on the north end of the property. Councilman Liebl said that Council has made it binding, so that something would have to be done. He said that there were rat problems there and it has been a mess, He said that a,t is too bad ttiat the burden fa11s upon Mr. Novak, as these problems are of � long standing, but the Council felt that in this way, they could gain compla.ance with the ordinances. Mr« Novak replied that the rat problem was cleared up immediately as soon as he heard about it, and the other things are being taken care of. He said that he has gotten rid of the bus and the grader, and has made arrange- ments to have the land to the north graded, although it is too ' h " �. _ _.r REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 18, Z968 PAGE 15 late in the season to sod. He said that the requirement o£ the fence, he felt, was arba.trary, as a 3' high fence would cost about $700 - $800. The City Attorney said that he would like to speak as an ad- ,7oining property owner, rather than as the City Attorney. He said that from his standpoint, he da.d not £eel he wants this fence between the shopping center and his property, as he did not feel that the chain link fence would add anything to the appearance of the area, He said that he would-much rather have Mr. Novak's word that he would keep the litter cleaned up and agree to sod that area next spring. The City Manager said that we have a letter from the Highway Department indicating they want the signs down and that the City Engineer has sent out letters to all the tenants con- cerning their signs that are on the highway right of way, and that they must come down. Mr. Novak said that he has also notified them of this. Mr. Novak said that there was a possibility that he may be adding onto the north end of the center next spring, as he has some possible tenants,and if so, this would take care of the problem. 2£ not, he said that he would agree to sod in the spring. He said that he also has plans for cleaning up the area behind his property along the driveway. He said that he is installing a sprinkling system right naa. MOTION l�y Councilma.n Sheridan to rescind that por�ion of the previous order for Fotomat's permit, deleting the necessity far the chain link fence and requiring a letter of intent from Mr. Novak that he will sod by June 1, 1969. Seconded by Council- man Liebl. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kiskham declared the motion carried. RECENING BIDS AND AW2IRDING CONTRACT FOR PARK GARAGE INSUI,ATION: (Opened November 15, 1968 at 10:30 A.M,) The City Manager said that there was only one bid received although there were about 18 xnvitations to bid sent out. Ba,dder is as follows: B idder Dahn Construction Company 995 South Robert St. St. Paul, Minnesota Total Bid Price $3,200.00 � L _J � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 18, 1968 PAGE 16 � �he City_Manager said that there was $2500 allowed for this in the budget, and although it seems that the Park Department can still make it, if they should come up short, he would like to request that the $700 be transferred from the general fund. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to award the contract for Insulation to Dahn Cotsstruction Company in the amount Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF SIGN PERMIT FOR VERN DONNAY REALTY: park Garage af $3200.00. all voting The City Engineer said that the original sign was in front of the Ice Arena. He said that it is a 16' x 40" sign, which is a very large sign and would not be allaaed under the new sign ordinance the Planning Commission is reviewing. He said that we have no authority to refuse this permZt, as the zoning is the same, and the ordinance is the same. � The City Attorney suggested approaching the company to see if they would consider reducing the size to 10' x 32', as 16' x 40' is really an unreasonable si2e. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to authorize the Administration to see if Vern Donnay Homes would be agreeable to reducing the size of their sign to 10' x 32'. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice �ote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF SIGN PERMIT REQUEST BY MINNIE PEARL: Mr. David C. Sommer representing Minnie Pearl's Chicken, was present to explain his request. He said that this is a smaller scale sign;,23'9" total. He said that this is 1'3" higher than allowed in the Special Meeting. He explained that on to� of the sign is a picture of Minnie Pearl, which is thear trade mark. He explained that the chaser lights would perimeter the center portion of the sign, but there would be no change in the amount of illumination; that that would remain constant. Councilman Liebl asked haw high McDonaZds sign is. The City � Engineer said it is aYaout 20', and that he ielt that this sign is a great improvement over the one first requested. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to concur with the request by David Sommer, and grant him a permit for his sign as explained in his letter of November 14, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Icirkham declared the motion carried. � �, .�-�--. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 18, 1968 PAGE 17 The City Manager said that he had received a memo £rom Mr. � McPhee, Sanitarian concerning the license ior Minnie Pearl's Cha.cken saying that he has not approved his license yet. The City Manager said that, however, Mr. Sommers is anxious to get his operations under way. MoTION by Councilman Liebl to approve the license for Minnie Pearl's Chicken subject to compliance with the Tequirements of the Sanitarian. Secanded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried, CONSIDERATION OF DRAFT LETTER TO ANOKA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RE�ARDING EAST RIVER ROAD: Mr. Harvey Peterson, Anoka County Commissioner, said that he has seen the Resolution the Ca.ty of Fridley has sent, and said that Anolca County has also sent a Resolution to the State High- way Commissaoner requesting a reduction of speed on East River Road. He said that the State Highway Commissioner is responsible L-or reducing the speed on County State Aid Roads. He said that � it would seem that there is a lack oP communication between the City and the County. He said that sometimes he is caught in a conflict of interests between the City and County. He said that the County has hired a study to be made on East River Road and the possibility that an underpass may possibly be needed. He eacplained that the County has always operated on a cash basis for the improvene nt of their roads, as they cannot be assessed, but that they are now trying a program whereby the County is bonded when putting in the roads, In this way improvements can be made iaster,and the people using the roads will be the ones paying for them. He said that when additional right of way for East River Raad for a median s�rip is to be acquired, it will be very expensive. He said that there is work that is badly needed in Coon Rapids also. He said that he was very sorry that he cannot attent more of the Council Meetings, and offered to send the City copies af their Minutes as they receive ours. He pointed out that Thursday, November 21, 1968, 9:00 A.M, there is a Road and Bridge Meeting. The City Manager said that the City was not insinuating that ti2e Caunty was doing nothing for us, but that the stress was prim- arily to get the speed reduced on East River Road £irst, and the � Engineering studies done later. Mr. Peterson said that there are five County Commissioners, and Roy Johnson from Coon Rapids was not particularily interested in seeing the speed reduced on East River Road. He commented REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NWEMBER 18, 1968 PAGE 18 � that there are many other problems the County has, such as on the University Extension, there is a school an one szde, and children on the other. An overhead bridge is being contemplated, but who is responsible, school, County, or the Municipality. Mr. Richard Harris said thank you to Mr. Peterson and the Council for considerxng this, and asked if there was any time table he could give for�the speed reduction. Mr. Peterson said that the County is just going into a five year program with the bonding plan, and this is something new, and he did not know how it would work. Mr. Harris asked about Federal Aid. Mr. Peterson said that they were working on that. Mr. Harris asked what would help the most in getting some actzon on the reduction oi speed on East River Road. Mr. Peterson said that personal letters to the State Highway Commissioner would be the most help, not petitions, but hand written lettexs. MOTION by Councilman Lieb1 to authorize the Administration to send the draft letter to the Anoka County Commissioners and to receive the letter from the State Highway Commissioner dated � November 4, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. REQUEST FROM COUN1'Y FOR PERMISSION TO INSTALL STORM SEWER THROUGH LOCKE PARK ARF11: The City Engineer said that about 3 months ago he pointed out to the County that their storm sewer plans for the parking lot were not adequate. They studied the problem and came up with a com- plete storm sewer system, which would run parallel to the NSSSD line, and run to the ditch. He pointed out that the City still has to acquxre some property from them. He asked if the Council wished to authorize the County running this line through, MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to concur with the Anoka County request to run storm sewer through Loc]:e Park. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman Liebl said thank you to Mr. peterson £or coming to the � Meetiny bef�e he le£t, and said that he realized that he is trying to work for the betterment o£ Fridley. CLAINLS • MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve payment oL- General Claims #16511 through #16624 and Liquor Claims #�2727 through �2749. Se- conded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor K�.rkham declared the motion carried. µr _ 0 REGULIiP, COUNClL MPETTNG OP NOVENiBER 18, 1968 LICGNSES: L PAGE 19 MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to zpprove the iollowing licenses wiih the inclusion oi Bob's Produce Ranch for a Christrnas Tree Lot whi.ch was inspected by the F'ire PrevcnL- i.on Bureau Cha_ei that afternooxi, and the Food Estabi�.shment Licc:nse for Minnie Pearl"s Chicken sub�c:ct to compliance oi all the requirements of the Sanitarian. OEF SALi; Food Bonaziza, Inc. 250 Osi�orne Road Frid]_ey, Ma.nnesota CHRISTNi�S TRFE LO`i' NL%7 Fridley Laons C.lub N�^7 Universiiy & 57L-h Ave. Fridley, M_nnesota Frost Top Tree Sales 7699 Viron Road NEGV Fridley, 24innesota FOOD ESTAIiLISHAiPNT Food Bonanza 250 Osborne Road Frldley, Minne:sota US�D CAR LOT Edzson Gi�SC 7501 Centr.al Ave. Fridley, D'Iinnesota GAS SERVICES Custom Pluxnb:�ng � Heatzng Co. 1620 Garland Lane Wayzata, Pdinnesota HFATIIJG Custora Plunbing & Heating Co. 1620 G�rlaxid Lane Wayzata, Minnesota NE�^T NEVT NE[^7 NES4 � John P7. Hoaley Leon Pradsen Sherman Hanson John W. Hooley APPROVED F3Y Chie£ of Pol�ce Health Inspector Fire Prevention Inspector Fire Prevention Inspectar Health Inspector Gerald E. Toberinan Chief of Polzce Building Inspecto� Ted Linden Ted L�.nden Heating Inspector Heating Inspector � �� � Y�. � REGUI�?�P, COUNC.LL 1�1E�TING OI' NOVETI�SSP. 18, 1963 L1CL;NSFS COSS7':CNUFD� B2qS0i�:.Y Bert Hanson Concrete Const. Co„ Inc. k62T aohnsou St. N. $. Minneapolis, tiinuesota Sy: IIert T. I'�anaon I7Eld GENER,AI. COi7TCACTOR King Lumber & Supply Co. ]427 Lovrry Ave, North V PAGE 20 IIld�. Zrasp, Minneapolis, i3lnnesota By; 4lalter P.fchter,Jr. AL�tdEFIA[, Bld�. IiFn�-�, MULTTPL� DU7FLLT_NGS NAME A�6RESS � Sidney Dahl, 6551 - 2nd Sk. N. E. 6551 - 2nd St. N. E. Richard E. Chapman, Apt. 6, 221 Satellite Lane N. E. 5955-65 - 3rd St. N E. Fridley, M��n. Lucile E. Blank, 1170 W. Eldridge Ave. St. Paul, Minn. 5511� 5980 - 3rd St. N. E. Ellis Investors, Inc. 1445 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 359 - 57th Place Minneapolis, M�nn. 55402 Donald Babinski, 333 Rice Creek Terrace 6670 Lucia Lane Donald Babinski 333 Rice Creek Terrace 6680 Lucia Lane � Donald Babinski 333 Rice Creek ierrace 6690 Lucia Lane 0 UNITS 4 L�! 4 4 16 m �7 FEE 10.00 lo 00 l0.00 1D.D0 16.00 16.00 16.00 �� _ � e r � � f �; REGULAR GOUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 18, 1968 PAGE 21 THE VOTE upon the motion f-ar approval of the Licenses was seconded by Councilman Liebl, and upan a voice vote, all votinc� aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman Sheridan asked abaut the used car lot license for Edison GMC. He was told that Edison GMC is the agent for GMC trucks and takes in used cars in trade and has been selling with- out a license. He has just been informed that a license is requzred for this operation. APPOTNTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVE TO METROPOLITAN LEAGUE COMMITTEEc The City Manager explained that the Metropolitan League wanted a representative from the policy making 1eve1 for the Public Safety Committee, He suggested a member of the Council with the Fire Chief as an alternate. He said that the committees meet about once a month. Cauncilman Liebl said that he would be willing to serve, if the Chair was in agreement. Mayor Kirkham nominated Councilman Liebl to serve on the public Sa£ety Committee of the Metropolitan League with the Fire C`hief to act as alternate. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared Councilman Lieb1 nominated. APPOINTMENT OF CIVIL DE�ENSE OPERATIONS OFFICER: Name Position Salar L.D. Scarborough Route 2 Anoka, Minnesota Operations Offzcer $1,200 Civil Defense per year MOTION by Councilman Liebl to concur with the Administration in the appointment of L.D. Scarborough to the position of Operations officer, Civil Defense. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carra.ed . APPOINTMENT TO FRIDLEY FIRE DEPARTMENT: Name Charles J. McKusick 175 Satellite Lane Fridley, Minnesota Position Volunteer Firemat� � � �J � � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEhffiER 18, 1968 Name Vern F. Barnes 7905 Lyric Lane N.E. Fridley, Minnesota Position Volunteer Fireman PAGE 22 �i{he Fire ChieE pointed out in his memorandum to the City Council that he wanted these appointments, as Raymond Wagar, 1128 onondaga Street I3.E. was removed from the roster, due to lack of interest, and Walfred M. Anderson, 36 70th Way N.E. had failed to return his physicians medical report, so his name had never been added to t he roster. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to concur with the xecommendation of the Fire Chief in the appointment of Mr. Charles ,7. McKusick and Vern F. Barnes as Volunteer F u�emen. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RESOLUTIOI3 #183-1968 - A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE NECESSITY OF AND PROVIDING FOR A TAX LEVY ZN EXCESS OF NORMAL CiTY CHARTER TAX LIMITS: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #183-1968. se- conded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION #184-1968 - A RESOLUTION CERTIFYING TAX LEVY REQUIRE- MENTS FOR 1969 TO COUNTY OF ANOK1� FOR COLLECTION: MOTION by Councilman L,iebl to adogt Resolution �#184-1968. Se- conded by Councilman Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION #185-1968 - A RESOLUTION ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS THEREOF: STR�ET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1969-1: 2*he City Engineer said that 62nd Way from Riverview Terrace to East River Road, and Third Street from 49th Avenue to 53rd Avenue have been added by his department, and not petitioned for, as the condition of these streets is very bad, and cannot be maa,n- tained. The rest have been added by petition. The City Attorney asked about 2 or 3 blocks on West Moore Lake Drive £rom T.H. #65 to the High School. He said that �hey were very bad. Councilman Sheridan agreed that these streets , � ,+ REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 18, 1968 PAGE 23 needed work, and pointed out that they will be comang up in the � scheduled informal public hearings very soon. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #185-1968. Se- conded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. R�SOLUTION #186-1968 - RESOLUTION RECESVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HF.ARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONST- RUCTION OF CERTASN IMPROVEMENTS: STREET IMPROVEMENT ST. 1969-1: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #186-1968. Se- conded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION #187-1968 - A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING A PIIBLIC HEIIRING ON 3"HE MATTER OF THE CONST- RUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS: STDRM SEWER PROJECT #89: MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution #187-1968. � Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a vo s e vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion caxried. RESOLUTION #188-1968 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORI2ING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON PARCEL 8400, PART OF SECTION 3, WHICH IS REPLATTED INTO PF.ARSON'S 2ND ADDITION: MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution #188-1968, Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion oarried. RESOLUTION #189-1968 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE COMBINING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON PART OF LOTS 3}1ND 4, PARCEL 460, AND PART OF LOT 4, PARCEL 700, AUDITOR'S SLTB- DIVISION #39- MOTION by Councilman Liebl ta adopt Resolution #189-1968. Se- conded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION #190-1968 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING �1ND DIRECTING THE COMBINING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON PART OF LOT 18, PARCEL � 1240, PART OF LOT 19, PARCEL 1300, AND PART OF LOT 19, PAFtCEL 1310, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION #129: MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution #190-1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham deciared the motion carried. � � , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 18, 1965 PAGE 24 RESOLUTION #191-].968 - A RESOLTJTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE COMBINING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMEN'PS ON LOT 22, BLOCK AA, PARCEL 5840, LOT 23, BLOCK AA, PARCEL 5845, AND LOT 24, BLOCY. AA, PARCEL 5850, RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS ADDITION: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution �191-1.968. Se- conded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor FU.rkham declared the motion carried. CONSIDERATIOPI OF CHANGE ORDER #2: (Improvement of lower leael of Civ1c Center) The City Engineer said that tYe Finance Director has advised ham that there is sti11 about $4000 set aside £or improvements on �.he lower level o£ the Civic Center. He said that any addi- tional improvements could probably be added to the existing con- tract for the Police Quarters remodeliny. He poa.nted out that the hallway and the Employees lunchrAOm still ne�d to be com- pleted. The Council was in agreement with thiu and asked the City Engineer to brinq back some figures as soon as he can get them prepared. ESTIMATES• Harris Brothers Plumbing Company 217 - 219 West Lake Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55408 Estimate #2 (Partial) Fridley Municipal Garage according to Contract Suburban Engineer�ng, Inc. 6875 Highway ##65 N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Partial Estiamte #Z ior Plans and Specifications St. 1968-1B and St. 1968-2B Par�ial Estimate #3 £or Plans and Speaifications for St. 1968-1B & St. 1968-25 Partial Estimate #3 for Staking and Inspection Through 9-30-68. St. 1968-1B & St. 1968-2B $7,717.50 482.57 1,771.94 4,600.88 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 18, 196$ PAGE 25 MOTION �y Councilman Liebl ta approve payment o£ the estimates. � Seconded by Cauncilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. VISITORS: JOHN DUNPHY (Parks and Recreation Commission) Mr. John Dunphy of the Parks and Recreation Commission was present to speak concernYng a memorandum the Parks Director had received irom the City Engineer about the drilling of well sites and the possibility of buildiny a dual-type building £or pump house and park purposes. He sazd that the Commission did not know that drilling on park land was anticipated. He said that the Com- misszon is greatly interested in the park land and they were not advised, and felt that they should have been notitied of the possibility of losing mo�e park land. He said that maybe the dual-type building would benefit both the water system and the park department, but he Felt that the Commission should be con- ferred with, as it does have a Planning Consultant and it would � be possible that the location would not fit into the plan� the Commission and Consultant have for a particular piece of ground. He said that he was concerned that Comstock and Davis chose so many sites �or drilling on Locke Park ana East Moore Lake Park and wondered if they had the right to drill on park property. He also wondered if these sites were chosen because the park land would be free. He said that over the last 10 years there has been considerable nibbling away of park land by the develop- ment of the water system, which amounts to about 68,772 square ieet or 1.57 acres. This does not include any loss in acreage to street systems. He said that he was appearing tonight to make the Council aware of how the Commission feels and to request better communication and to work more closely together in the future, where park land is concerned. Mayor Kirkham told Mr. Dunphy that the Council will try to work together with the Parks and Recreation Commission. He pointed out that Comstock and Davis' report was made strictly from an Engineering standpoint. Councilman Sheridan said that as he recalled, when �he Locke park site was purchased, one of the stipulations was that the City would have the right to construct wells and tawers if necessary, and at that time there was a thought � of putting in a well field in this aYea. Mr. Dunphy said that he wanted to make sure that the iines of communication were open so that their planner would nat plan a football field in the same place the Czty would want to build the pump house. REGULAIZ COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 18, 1968 PAGE 26 � The City Engineer said that he did write a letter to the Park Director, and it would be advisable to get together ior discussian on the dual-type building contemplated. He pointed aut that these are only test dra.11ings. He said that before anything is actually done, there would be meetings with the Parks and Recreation Commission and that the actual construction is still 2- 3 years away. He said that his department nlans to get together wit2i them and come up with a plan feasible ior both parties. COMMUNICATIONS: A. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: OFFICE SPACE IN CITY HALL Mayor Kirkham said that he had received a letter from the Clzamber of Commerce stating that they wish to re-locate in or near City Hall. He said that he would be willing to serve with the City Manager to make a study of the possibilities and brxng back the information at the next regular meeting. � MOTION �y Councilman Liebl to receive the letter from the Chamber of Commerce dated November 18, 1968. Seconded by Council- man Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. ADJOURNMEDiT : There being no further buslness, Mayor Kir]cham declared the Regular Council Meeting of November 18, 1968 ad�ourned at 12:02 A.M. R�pectfully submitted, �� � l��� �.�y;��-�� � .......� Juel Mercer Jack O. Kirkham Secretary to the City Council Mayor �