08/04/1969 - 5487COUNCIL SECRETARY-JUEL MERff.Ii COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 7;30 P.M.- AUGU'ST 4� 1469 REGULAR COiINCIL MEETING AGENDA - AUGUST 4� 1969 - 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF'ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Council Meeting, July 21, 1969 ADOPTION OF AGENDA: VISITORS: (Consideration of Items not on Agenda - 15 Minutes) PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Street Improvement Project ST. 1969-3 (Riverview Heights Area) Comment; If the City is proposing to improve on the temporary dike which cost about $65,000 Federal and City money, then this improvement should be ordered) - OI,n BUSINESS: 2. Second Reading of an Ordinance for Vacation (SAV ��69-0+) of a11 thaC paxt of Horizon Dxive lying east of.the east right of way line of Third Street N. E. (City of Fridley) 3. Consideration of an Ordinance Amending Section 402 of the City Code Autharizing the Tssuance of Tickets 3a Consideration of an Ordinance Amending Section 105.01 of the City Code. ' Pages 1 - 25 Page 26 Pages 27 & 28 Page 28 A Page 28 B , ' ' ' ' � , � � , - � � , ' , , � � � REGUTAR COUNCIL rLETING AGENDA, AUGUST 4, 1969 OLD BUSINESS (Continued) 4. Ratification of Resolution �6119-1969 Deleting Certain Streets fram the Proposed 1970 Street Improvement Project, ST. 1970-1 and ordering these streets to be improved in the year 1972. (Passed July 21, 1969) S. Ratification of Resolution ��120-1969 Authorizing Submission of Split Liquor to the Voters. (Passed July 21, 1969) NEW BUSINESS; 6. Resolution Ordering Improvemeat and Final plans and Specifications and Estimates of Costs Thereof; Street Improve�ent Project ST. 1969-3 (Addendum 962) Riverview Heights Area. 7. Receiving the MiauCes of the Planning Comnission Meeting of July 23, :969. 8. Receiving the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of July 30, 1969 Comment; Not finished in time for agenda) PAGE 2 Page 29 Page 30 Pages 31 & 32 Pages 33 - 35 ' � , � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA� AUGUST 4, 1969 NEW BUSINESS (ConEinued� 9. Receiving Bids and Awarding Contract ST. 1969-3 (Riverview Heights Area) (Bids Opened August 4, 1969 at 11;30 A.M.) Comment: We cailed the bids on the same day the ' Council was holding the hearing so that if the improvement is ordered, we can take care of the problem immediately) ' ' 10. Consideration of Proposal and Agreement - Financial Consulting Service (Ehlers-Mann & Associates) ' I 11. Discussion of Extension of Riveiview Terrace Between ', Mississippi Street and Riversedge Way (Requested by Councilman Lie61). Receive petition under "communications" on pages 92 - 97. ' 12. Consideration of First Reading of the Sign Ordinance Co:nment: This incorporates all the changes discussed with the Council) 13, Consideration of the Proposed Zoning Ordinance. Comment: Please bring the proposed zoning ordinance wiYh you) 14. Consideration of Resolution Opposing the Use of Rice Creek Watershed Area, or any Lakes Connected thareto, as a Recipient of Sewage Effluent. PAGE 3 � Pages 36 - 51 Page 52 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDAS AUGUST 4, 1969 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) 15. Resolution Designating Polling Places and Appointing Election Judges for the August 19, 1969 Special Election 16. Appointments: Housing and Redevelopment Authority Human Relations Committee Members of a Police Pension Committee Comment: The City Manager recommends you appoint 3 men, one from each Ward) 17. Claims 18. Licenses 19. Estimates 20. Report on Request for Street Light on Skywood Court PAGE 4 Pages 53 - 56 Page 57 Page 58 Pages 59 - 64 Pages 65 - 77 ' � ' , , � � , , � ' � i ' ' ' , , ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA, AUGUST 4, 1969 NEW BUSINESS (Gontinued) 21. Resolution Directing Preparation of Assessment Roll for Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 89 22. Resolution Directing Publication of Hearing on Proposed Assessment Roll for Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 89 23. Resolution pirecting Preparation of Assessment Roll for Water Improvement Project No, 92 24. Resolution Directing Publication of Hearing on Proposed Assessment Roll for Water Improvement project No. 92 COP4IUNICATIONS : A. Mr. and Mrs. F. Shimek: B. Charlotte Game11: C. Memo to City Council: D. Petition: Problems because of Dike Requesting Improvement of Dike Approval of Communication Regarding Police Cars Opposing Extension of Riverview Terrace and ConsCruction of Semaphore PAGE 5 Page 78 Page 79 0 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Page 83 Pages 84 - 91 Pages 92 - 97 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA, AUGUST 4, 1969 COMMUNICATIONS (Continued) E. Mason, Kaplan, et al; Mr. Filister's Registered Land — Survey Approval Request F. Suburban Engineexing; Corrective work on ST. 1968-1B G. Copy of Memo to City Mrs. Strub Property in Riverview Attorney; Heights. H. Sokolowski & Peterson: Roadway for 1641 Gardena Ave. N.E 25. Receiving the Minutes of the Liquor Study Group Meeting of July 21, 1969 ADJOURN; PAGE 6 Pages 98 & 99 Page 100 Page 101 Pages 102 & 103 Pages 104 & 105 , � , i � ' , � �I THE MINUTES OF TtIE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 21, 1969 Mayor Kirkham called the Regular Council Meetiny o£ Ju1y 21, 1969 to order at 7:35 P.M. PI,EDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Kirkham lead the Counoil and the audience in saying the Pledqe of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Liebl, Samuelson, Sheridan, Kirkham� Harris MEMBERS ABSENT: None Mayor Kirkham asked that Councilman Harria be excuaed fran the Council Meeting to attend the Meetinq on Split Liquor, and he will rejoin the Council Meeting when the Split Liquor C�nittee Meeting adjourns. (Council�^ man Harris rejoined the Council Meeting at 9:45 P.M.) PRESENTATION OF AWARDS: � Certificates of Achievement: Police Department Pistol Team Serqeant Robert Cook Officer Thomas Kennedy I Officer Kenneth Wilkinson Officer Dallas Nelson i � 1 , , , � 1 � Mayor Kirkham explained that these Certificates of Achievemeat are Eor the Fsidley Pistol Team whick took second place in the State Meet. They were beaten out only by the State Conservation Department. He read a CertiEicate of Achievement and the Council congratulated the four Policemen on their ability as marksmen. Certificate of Appreciation: Waldo w. Hoffman, Police Commission Mayor Kirkham read the Certificate of Apprecia�ion and presented iC to Mr. Waldo W. Hoffman with the Council's thank you Por his service on the Fridley Police Civil Service C�ission. Pedestrian Safety Citation to the City of Fridley: Mayor Kirkham read the Citation which congratulated the City of Fridley on not havihq any pedestrian deaths in the year 1967, and receivad it on behalf of all the citizens of the City of Fridley. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETING OF JULY 2, 1969: MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt the Minutes of the Board of Equali- zatioa Meeting of July 2, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Msyor Kirkham declared tha motion carried. REGC?��R CL� ",^ZL ;: .::'r C e-:,�,`�' 23� I9e':9 t1PPROVAL OF MIC�??Tc:S OF ••�•i� '=-r..',�g CC???�I^IL MEETIS,•.^- C.° JVLy 7, ?.959: Pr'�G%. 2 �;O^xIOP7 "_^ C�un�.='.'_m.,n r•.-�;_1 '-.:7 =d��y.;t t.'�e N:inutas �f �:.':ae n�quia.r Counei�7. Meeting�oi July ?, 1�65, S=conded by Councilman Sheridan. L*pon a voice vofie, aIS votinq aye, P�1�.y�or Kirkkiam declared the motion carried. pP�Y�"/T.� ng i<^Zrm?g �, iH��: SP°CTPL PUBLIC HEARI?�?G P,uID �n?CPRSHOP MEETLNG OE JULY 1�_', 1959a � MOTIODI by Co��ncil:r�an Samuelson to adoot the Minut�s of the �pec�.al Public Ii�ari_-';; and b'�:::kshop i1�e?:inG o£ Ju1y 14, 1959. Seconded by Counci.lman Liebl. Jp�n a��oice v��te, a.11 votie.� aye, Mayor Zi.rkha,� decla:ed the moticn carried. FtDOP-^T��N Oi' A�;2'_v'DA.- MOT�OD] by �� �..:il; _,;...e-c �,<�� -�o a; s;��� t �c �.-:�,. b��`c '�.�P �.�ould, like to ask th«� certai� .. _�ms CcurczJ.ma:n Har.r; s shou).d b� ��_-esex,.t io;: ; ba :, aid over until he ar'ri��5 from �he other Meeting. Sec�-,^.c.ec�. b�� Co�x:?c3..'_Zta,n Samuelson, Upon a vaice *�,�ta, ail voting aye, Mayor xirk',•.�i,: declared the motion carried. VISITORS� Mayor Ri�kt�.am ���cpt.ained the Counezl �oiicy of allowing i5 minutes for the aud.ience to a�eak on non-agenda type items, and asked if th^re was anyone present iahc u:cr.�.ld w�..sL. to speak. A resident f.r.c_a the. T�.=-;a�� ar�a asked whai: ha� been ccne sinc� the last Meetinc, when e. formal carc'�aint was issued agGir.st the Target Store of Fridley ior u>i..�g �h�ir i�ci_-�.��rator. The City 42ar,ag�r replied t'1at a letter was received from t:e Target General Office, s±ating that they will cease burning a.id i.�i�:La',.e oiY��.�r ^eans of dis�ao�;_ny of *heir trash. The City Managex c:,7.d i-:nat. ii: rro��ild probahly take a:aout two r�eel:s to go into another type oi ope,-.=iL-ion. Th� resident then asked about the pile of food being thrown out t)ie bz:ck door. Shere is a pile about 6' high and about 30' �- 4�' cai�.�. Is thi_s going to be allowed? The City Manager reported that th, �eai�_`x Sazlitarian has already notifi�d Ta.rget o£ this, buL it u�ill talte e. _�t'�le ±i-ne for them to get their balin� o,�er�tion in. Mrs. Faye Ehlenfeldt, 5880 8tinson Boulevard said that their �ar7_1 is going dr.�- and she e-?dnr,tc^? that a water line has been cr:.ere2 in, and would like to I•,ave �.� a.,, s��n as possibie� Sha then prese!-*_�c a petition. PETITION �28-1°6� -?cTiTION FOR 41ATER LID?E POR THE T^:EST SIDE OF STINSON BOULEVb�:RD FROM GARDENA AVENUE SOUTH: The City Engineer sa.id that the Public Hearing has alread,v been held for the improvement, and has beea ordered in. The City is working with New Brxghton £or cost participation in the street portion of the improvement project. He said tiiat it is h�ped to !.et the water and sewer contract late this fall. Ceu*�c:_lr.!an Slie-ridan asked how much distarce was involved. The City Engineer said about E00' and that i.t was socth of Gardena Avenue. Cour.cilman Sheridan asked if it could be added onto another project, The City Engineer said i:haC Project #90 is s;ith Great Northern Railway. and they wanted to leave it s.s a separate contract. Councilman Sh�ridan explained , � I2FGIILAR ��,�UNCSL MBETYA'G OF JULY 21, 1969 ���E 3 ' that the pid would be let 1ate, so that possibly better bid price� cauJ_s� � be obtaineda Mayor. Karkham a.sk=_�. when she could expect t_o get the water and seH�er �=aai�i.LVe The City :nginaer said befare the h.Aavy snow. The centzart could be let nooa, but the prices would be higher. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive Petition #28-1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, hiayor Kirkham declared the motion carri�d. RATSFZCATIOI3 OF ORDINANCE #426 - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE FOR THE MODiFIC:,.T20D1 OF AND REPAIR OF SEWERS: (Riverview Heights Addition) MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to ratify IInergency Ordinance #426 in the.amended form. Saconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a roll call vote, Samuelson, Sheridan, Kirkham and Liebl voting aye, Mayor Kiricham declared the motion carried. ORDINANCE �,427 - A\5 ORLT_BSAP+C`E Ahlt�'ND3NG SECTION ?0.01 QP THi CITX CODE: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Ordinance #427, waive the reading and order publicatio,z, Seco.nd.ed }��� Counczlmz.n Samue]_so�. Opon a roll call vote: 7aeh�, Samaec�cr;�, Shesidan aad Kirkham eoting a}%e: �Yayo� Kirkham decl�aze� the motioa carried. ORDINANCE #428 -�AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC^tYON 71.01 OF THE CITY CODE: MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Ordinance #428, waive the readinq and order publication, Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a roll call c�ot.ef Samuelson, She.ri_da.n; Kirkham and Lieb3 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. C.'RDINANCE #429 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 72.01 OF THE CITY CODE: MOTION by Counci3�.n Liebl. to adopt Ordinan.ce #}429, wa.+'_ve th� r.eading and order publication. Seconded by Councilman Sar.�uelson. Upon a roll ca11 vote, Kirkham; Liebl, Samuelson, and Sheridan voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried, ORDINANCE #430 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 99.011 OF THE CITY CODE: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Ordinance #430, waive the reading and order piahl�catior.. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a ro1L ca.l2 vote, Kirkham. Liebl, Samuelson and She�idan voting aye, blayor Kirkh�:i declared the motion carx:.ed, 'ION #108-1969 - MUNICZPAL BONDS 7„ 1969) IiOTION by Counca�?man. 3amt�e�.so� to zatify Resolution #108-J_969. Seconded by Councilmzn Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting age, FRayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. REriTLng .- - ' ( " n�rT.7:'. OF JULY ?.1. � 1QE�.9 '-;E 4 RE UEST FOR RENEWAL OF BUIiDING PERMIT, 5920 ANNA AVENUE ( DAVID CAROLL): Councilman Lieb1 pointed out that all the information is in the Council Agenda, and that it wae granted once before and said that he would have no objection to the issuance of the permit. The City Engineer said that the permit was �pproved in August cf 7968. A building permit �xpires in 90 days. The applicant plans to build the building, then sell it. He said that he would recomnend approval with the same stipulations. This would be just south of the present apartment buildings facing Ar.na Avenue. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve the building permit request for 5920 Anna Avenue subject to the same stipulations placed on them by the Board of Appeals and the Building Board and the Council last year. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANC�' FOR REZCNING REQOE NELSON: (Generally located on the south side of of Lakeside Road) h-v< 1 n x .� .....,.. Street and west Mr. George Nelson Jr. was present and explained that this is for Lot 30 and the north � of Lot 31. There is 125' on Onondaga Street left for R-1 as a buffer. The area was shown on the screen for clarification. He said that he has agreed with the Planning Commission to leave a 25' easement to the middle line of the lots, if the rezoninq is approved. This is in case they would want to put a road throuc�in the future. Council- man Sheridan asked if the property to the south is Onan's. The City �Engineer said yes, and there is also a strip of land already zor.ed R-3 along 7"srd Avenee. If this rezoning is approved there would be a need foz some right of way for access on the west side. Councilman Sheridan asked Mr. Nelson if the building would be located on this parcel of ground, cr_ would it be used for parking etc. Mr. Nelson said that he did not know as yet. He said that there would probably only be one building "L" shaped facing Onan's. Councilman Liebl said that Mr. Nelson's father indicated that there would be R-1 on Onondaga Street and the building would be faced toward 73rd avenue. He asked if he felt that he would be providing an adequate buffer. Mr. Nelson said that there have been no plans drawn as yet. htr. Dennis Herbst, 1482 Onondaga Street, owner of Lot 28 said that he did not want a 3 story apartment building right behind his house. Mr. Nelson said that he believed that it would be 2�S stories. Councilman Samuelson asked Mr. Nelson if he understood thdt the rezoning would not go through unless plans and specifications�are presented. The first reading could be held, but the 5econd reading would have to be held up until receipt of these plans and specifications. Mr. Nelson said that he understood this. Councilman Sheridan asked how many units the present zoninq could support. Mr. Nelson said about 40 and with the proposed rezoning, it would be 76. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to deny the request to rezone by George Nelson. Seconded by Councilman Liebl for discussion. Councilman Liebl said that the south side is already zoned R-3, and further south there �s Unan's• The Ci�y needs some �zea that would give some pro- tection to the people on Onondaga Street. He has said he will build R-1 , � RE6ULAR CC�ut7CIL MEETING OF JULY 21, L 69 � �J 1 PAGL 5 homes in the area fronting on Onondaga Street. Councilman Sheridan asked if Couacilman Liebl is suggesting tki�t there k:° building p�rmitG taken out for the R-1 portion be°orP tl�^. .°�on3 rezdir.r of 1.� �*'� ls �•^•��. h" for added protection to tki pec�ie �n Cn�nda�-,a =... "t. ��' ���-' ��� li^'= said that is corzect, an3 *_'-'.1.�� �.�"r�id that there will cot ie an adequate buffer. THE VOTE UPCTd THE DfOTiOtS, Leing a roll call vote, Sdmuelson and Kirkham , voting aye, Li�bl and Sheridan voting nay, Mayor Kirkham declared the motien FAII.EIi. , �� , , , Courcilnan Sheridan asxed that further consi3.�ratic.i cf t;;is r� �uest be laid over until Councilman Harris arrives. ror cla."ific�`.io7 of the Minutes, the disci:.ssion followir.g Ceuacilm�n 1:Urris' arrrval to `�.+e Council Meeting will f�?liow: MCTION by Councilman Samuelson to bring back the item uf the rezoniny request by George Nelson for reconsideration. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all votir,g aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimoulsy. Councilman Harris said that in light of discussion� h�bc� p�eviouslge the fac`_ that he tia� receive3 telephrr.e ralls, anci that tka�a� as a e�,�:�s��^ Y.e-..^,iv: stu?y t� be undertaken by the Planning Ccr,:.^iission on 4:2:� �sa�,z�� �-�rtnent problem within the City of Fridley, he did not feel tnat l:e c�u13 sct favorably upon this request. 1�;v "+ i�� �.4u�:,:: i![::an Sa�^+uels�r. t'� �� `:°sed �u this di_��u' sz_^n,� ar..'� the , _:���;osc.: �tu3y by the Planning Co^.ur.�ssion which wil'_ not a� cer��l�tad until atout September 1, 1969, he would MOVE for the denial of the rezor.�ag ;.equest by George Nelson. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Councilr..an Harris pointed out that this denial would not pzeclude his c.,:��t:y t�.k '_at�_r, aftet the completion of the Planninr Commission study. b:r. :^l�on asked when that would be. Councilman Samuelson said that the Planning Coe�ission hopes to have their study done about the 1st of September, thea it wi11 be studied by the Council during October or i�➢ow°�+ber, s� he eculd perhaps re-initiate his action abouC the first of the year. Counc�b° r,.an Sai^•uelson said that there were some questions in his mind concerning �i;,,= Y��i;ESL� in that there were no plans cn what would be going in there, or what if he should .,ell the land and the City would not have a3equate co^�rcl. He added that he could still build on the land now zoned R-3. i:_, Nelson said that he was told that it would be smarter to wait to see ii the land could be rezoned, before going ahead and spending any money �n plans. The land as it is now is virtually useless because of the h�avy assessmeaats. Councilman Harris explained that he was not finding fault with his plaras, but rather that the Council would rathes wait for the Planning Commission study before making any determination. I�:r. T'oi�on s�id that his c�iginal proposal was to rezone all the way to ^>>ondaga St. ti:en it was cut back to satisify the people in the area. f?a ai,ke3 if the Planning Commission did not take chis into con�i3eraticn wiien they recom- me.^.ded approval of the requesc. THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION, �a+3� as folS,cws� Harris, Samuelson and�Kirkham voting aye, Sherida� �nd Liebl voting nay, May9r Ri;kham declared the notion passe3� and the request denied. � ?2F�i '.:. :�.. 1.��, ?_ ..T_.N6 Gf .i'�Y Ll. 1969 ,y_^ 6 FIRST READING OF AN ORIIINANCE FOR VACATION (SAV #69-04) OF ALL THAT PART OF HORIZON DRIVE LYING EAST OF THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THIRD STREET NORTHEAST: Councilman Liebl said that he wanted to be clear on this point, that by this vacation, the :.ity would not be giving up the right for a future pedestrian walkway, if this should happen in the future. The City Enqineer said that this was correct. MOTION by Counciiman Liebl to approve the Ordinance on first reading and waive the reading. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a roll ca11 vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Samuelson, and Sheridan voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. APPROVAL OF FTD]AL PLAT (P.S, k69-OS? bL'�RION'S TERRACE BY HOWARD CRABTREE: (Generally located at 71st Way and Riverview Terrace) Councilman Sheridan pointed out that this is an older area of tk�e City and is hard to plat out. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to a�%prove the final plat Marion's Terrace requested by Howard Crabtree. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voiee vote, all votiizy aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. The City Engineer asked if this meant witii the private easement, just.as it was presented. The Council said yes. CONSIDERATIODI OF APPROVAL OF A SPF,C 'PWO FAMILY DWELLING IN R-1 'LONING: Roger L. Peterson L USE PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A Lot 3, Block 4, Ostman's Addition) Counciltnan Samuelsor. said that in view of the letters that have been received from the surrounding neighbors, raising a varicus number of questions, he would have to vote against this. MOTION by Counc±lman Samuelson to deny the request for a special use permit to construct a two family dwelling in R-L zoning, request by Roger L. Peterson. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Councilman Lieb1 asked the City Engineer if he ever had any plan. The City Engineer said yes, and asked Mr. Peterson to bring them forward. Mr. Peterson presented his architectural plan for the house. Councilman Liebl said that their vote against the special use permit was no reflection upon the plans, but rather that a special use permit is a privilege granted by the Council ar.d the question is raised, what would happen to the house should he ever sell it. THE VOTE UPON TFIE MOTION, being a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF A SIGN PERMIT REQUPST FOR COUNTRY BOY STATION STORE: Sohn Baucom Councilc�ian Sheridan asked if this is as� addition to the existing pylon. The City Engir.ee: said. the existinq sign is 62 square feet and the addition would add another 32 square feet. He _:a=.' that he would recommend approval , ?�� .., � -... . n�_rNC or �rur,�, „, l�F>y � ❑ � ' i, GE 7 of the requesr with the stipulation that no other sign be allowed on this pylon, or any additional pylon. MGfION by Counr,ilman Lieb1 to grar.t approval of the sign permit request for Country Bcy Staticn Store by Jchn Baucom with the stipula*ion that no other signs r.ay Le adc��d. Secended by Councilman Samueison. Upon a voice vote. all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. REPORT CONCE��rNG '_tEQUEST ^t0 BuII,D A GARAGE ON A PUBLTC EASEMENT: (Mr. Edward Wiibert, 110 63i F7ay) ' The City Engineer reported that his depertment recommended denial because if there should ever be a break i.n the sanitary sewer line, the repairs would have to be made iimnCCiia�Cely and would use up the full 20 foot easement. ' It wouSd be a time consuming ;ob to take doum Lhe superstrurture o£ the garage and a break in a sanitary sewer line cannot wait. Iie felt that this would in*_erfere with t',-�e health. and safety of the citizens. ' ' u �J r ' �I � lJ � , ' Councilman Lieb1 asked. =f t'�is would go before any of the subcommittees. The City Engineer said. no, as it affects only one person and the� City of Fridley. Councilman s'amueison poir.te3 out that h+.r. Wilbert is willing to sign an agreement holdi.ng the City har.mless if any break should occur. The City Engineer said that this •.aas r.o` the mair. oroblem, but rather the speed with which the sanitarp sewer line would have to be repaired. If it was a storm sewer, it would be different. N.e feJ_t that as a matter o£ Council policy, this should be discouraged. Councilman LiebJ. commented that he was in an unfortunate sitL�atioi�. with easements on both sides oi his 1ot. The storm sew+ar easemer.t for East River Road runs zlong the west side of this house. The City Enqineer suggested 'chat the ga.rage could be gut hehind the house, as the lot is quite dQec. MOTION by Counci]sr,an Liebl to instruct the Administration to advise Mr. Wilbert that his request cannot be approved, and suggest to him that some plan whe.reby the garage ceni3 be 1e.^.ated belin3 his house. Seconded by Councilman Sneridan. [Ipon a coice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carri-ed. RECEIVING T�I£ MINL`TES OF TI-� LTQUOR STULIY COMMITTEE MEETIN6 OF JL'LY 8, 1969: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the Minutes of the Liquor Study Com- mittee Meeting of July 8, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. opon a voice vote, al1 vo*_ing aye, Mayor xirkham deciared the motion carried. RECEIVING THE MT_NUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 9, 1969: l. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. �69-18, L. GEORGE WELLS: The east 12' of the north 100' of Lot SC, Second Revised Auditor's Subdivision #21. The Cit_v Engineer explainted that Mr. Wells' house is on Lot 8A and he also owns 100° of Lot 8S. He would like to retain 12' of Lot C to go with his house and yaxd for screening, if the north 100` of Lot C should be sold in the future. If there should ever be a road between Brookview Drive and Oakley Drive� there wouid be a 25' easemen� p�cea�azy alQ�c� �he easterly :ic� �.t. . .. _ � ._ _ ..�- ', 'i?L9 3GB s ' ' portion of Lo'. 8;+ a,:_7 8B. i�ir. Gleils said that ne coulu not see the relevance of a scree� dedicati.on with the requested lot split. The City Engineer said t::at the.°e shou7.d be some �or� of a strez'c pattern set. These are very biq lot<; and *_ner_e may be a need in the feture for a road either from Brooicview ^_-_ve o� fron P1_�.ssissippi Street, �s possibly west ir_om Oaicley Drive. Cov.a.c�lman Sam����,elson ask.ed is he di.d not receive a separate �ax sta`.ement cn. the two parcels. Mr. Wells said that he did up to *_his year, b�:,t t�.�_� .•ea= ±hey wer° toe�ther. Mr. We2�s expla.ined trnat 1:is house s�ts so f� back on '�o� ��� the` i£ Lot 8C should ,.-..° be solc:, tlus 12` c,�oald, be v�r�> ;mpoYca.r.� to him as screexiinq. MOTION by Cour�.cil.m.an 6ammaeJ.se:� to grant the lot sp:Lit tequeste�? by George We11s •:L.S. #��5--=8), _=_�r_nded. by r,ot�nca_]_man Siie-ridan. Upon a voice vote, a11 vc��.ng =, i�try . .��rs„_: °e � _ � ...t,io:. r.rried. T,he C; �l n.-i. �_e� ._.� -�'a -. 1,s wG�:�:ec. �_ r�:-at �_,_ _. f_� ..� � m�y be a, possibilicl o-- ��.�'oa.d go�nr, thro�.gh ;omewhere in this area, and he wanted N.�^, in�a�ls to b� _.. �..__ :,r *_'_^.i�a 2 -�yE F�-FS1 ��zg.i.uD� �-: =�.��ucSz�- Z� a#t�9-G A: P�c..:.;: 824.7 feet of the �.as�, -� ."_,. . ._� ...,_ _.,. i�, �e, � E:--c.�. R-1 to R-3A. T; ��±v i �,__P,r r�n��'��d rhzt the nr.�^•,ous Co�.n��1 acti.on has be�n '�o s �_ae Pi Lc _. ��, d.3�t=_ ior t+ug�aat 7_l; 1969 ior -�;,�_s �equest. 3, .�.P��...41 � _ t� '-- �F:i^,�i '.Q_iF�T 7ri?. n.. _ i3OCS rJr 6� D73i 0�= 7, n�o Y �:., � ,_..;'. ,'s s ec:a.u_on 'co hiechai: � _',.].e; to zezc-�e fr.-a�i R-� _., 3-�... ,�aC, r- - _ _. _ . _ . _._ :t,:.� c -_rq ;;.t� fo3' the re �n . � _�.. , .,���ceo .,. .__ ���li ,....� .:o_;�.� � ].1, 195�•. Seconcied by C� xi.�__mc.. ..,s.,:�,.:..,�,:, L�„n ��,,o_.c� -�ote: a7, �•vo+- �^y �.pe 14ayo�� Kirkham �,r,,�zred ?:h� n�.otic,,: car�-ied. 4_. VACATION REQJE"T• SAV #69-03 GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY: Alley a:�d streets in 31ock 6, Berlin Addition �;OTION bv Co�nci�:ca:� Liebi �.. .._� tlAe Public Hearing date for the vacation recuest for G'�c:::c 'i4or`hern Railw-v for A.uqust 11, 1969. Seconded by Canncilman Sv,i��.elson. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham ceclared �:ae .��otion car:�ied. 5, ap�-,�^Pn,r'iJ'" SL�P"E`i 1'v T�E CIZ'Y OF FRIDLEY: The City E:.a,inen-r zepor��Z that the Engineering Departmen*_ nas been taking care of supplying the Planning Coaunission with the material and most of it has alrea3y b�°n taken c�._e oi. Tt u�ill take some time to study the number oE school cniidren ir:Yrelac.ion to apartment d�aelLerse They are hoping to have their report done aboat the first of September. MGTION by Ccuncil.rnar. Liebl to r-Ucei.ve �.'�e ."linutes of the Planning Commission Meetinq of Jniy 9, I969. S4conded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice votie, al1 vo���ing a','c, ::ayo� :tirkh�:.m declared the motion carried. � REGU:,�'.�° , "S!"S, ;':-� TIIQG r,r JUL=C 21. 1969 -aGE 9 ' , , , � UEST�FOR R.EMOVAL OF GS �M PROPERTY ON RICE C r��� Mr. C'Bannon reported that he would like to remove 7,000 cubic yards of dirt from his property. This will help to meet the overall topography plan for his area. There was some dirt hauled f'rom his land last spring to be used on the di.ke. He said that the ?�auling wi11 be closely super- vised so the slope will be gradual and that it wi11 probably take about three days, The City Engineer said *_ha-t Mr. 0'Bar,non is in the process of getting his plat reaciy for approval, and should be ready by this fall. This is yart o.£ th.e overall Rice Creek plan. Councilman Sheridan asked if there would be a land al�eration permit required. The City Engineer said yes. It was pointed out that the City owes Mr, O'Bannon £or dirt used for the Riverview Heiqhts diice. ' MOTION by Councilmaii Sheri.dan to grant a land alteration permit to Mr. Mike O'Bannon, the.excavation to conform to the Engineering topography, and the City to withhold pa,mient o.` $1,000 for fill used on the dike in , lieu of the $1.000 bond that would be required. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, hiaycr Kirkham declared the motion carried. ' RECEIVSNG T,IE MINUTES OF TFiE BUILDING STANDAR7JS - DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY l6, 1969: ' 1. CONSIDE.�TIOPI OF A R�' UEST TO COPISTRUCT AN OFFICE AND WAREHOOSE ON THE EAST 5 FEET OF LOT 3i, AND ALL OF LOTS 32 AND 33� BLOCK 8� ONAWAY ADD7TION, THE SAME BEING 15 77TH WAY N.E.. FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA. (REQUES' P-j�' MINNESOTA The City Engineer said that this request is for another buiiding on 77th Way. There are two exi.sting buildings there now. Zt is going to be a block building, and tlzen hE explained the Building Board's stipuiations. He said that he would recommend approval of the request, and wanted to point out that there must be adeqi.aate parking. Mr. Richard Aarris, 6210 Riverview Terrace said that there is more sguare footage of blacktopped area than building area, but sanehow they came up with two less parking stalls• He said that he thought that he could work this out with the City Engineer to get the two necessary parking places. He said that he would like to wait with the curbzng beyond his property lines until the location of Main Street is determinecl, As of. now, he is not sure where it is. Mr. Harris said that there are some di°€.are�ti�ls in tha street gradeso There may be a cut of about 2' and there may be some difficulty in establiehing street grades• He said that he did not think there wouZd be any problems with the parking spaces, that this could be arranged. ' MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to grant the building permit with the Building Standards - Design Control stipulations. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote..5heridan, Kirkham and Liebl voting aye, Samuelson ab- staining, Mayor Kirlcham declared the motion carried. , 2. CONSIDERATION QF A REQUEST TO MOVE A RESIDENT DWELLING FROM 3614 ' 6435 ASHTQN AVENUE N.E: 3614 MARSHALL STREET N. BY MR. NICK ZROKA �wc„1. � �r ,r,�?.�, ?i, i��;� c� io ' , Councilman Li�b3 asked Mr, Zroka if he aas aware of the stipulations imposed by 'r.he Building Board. Mr. Zroka replied. that he was. MOTION by Councilman Tiebl to grant permission to move his house from 3614 Marshal� Street, P1i.nneapol?_s to 6435 Asn.ton :lvenue, subject to the Building Board's stipulations. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting a.ye, Mayor Rirkham declared tne motiar. carried. 3. COP7SS^�S:`-.TI6�' CF A RSOUSST TO CONSTBUCT A SEARS DEPARTMENT OliTLET STORE O^i -�=.�:-aT G^ �O`."�16 AAiD 17, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVI570N #8E3, THE S_T*NiE BEING 6199 :H=GHrv:vY '„`���: , F°.IDLEY� D7TNNESOTA. (REQUEST BY �TSL�ITERMAN REALTY COMPANY, 25 UN7VERST_T`1" A�JE�U$ 8_E., MINNEAFO.�AS, MZNtvF;S�TF�j � The City EngineeY sa.id that this proposai is for tne s�.���;��.-='-. side of Rice Creek Road, The Evilcli.nq Poard recommended app-aval of •`_Ya� re��,ues`_. although thev si�io�.:.la.!:ed t!:a-t a13. fonr sides of the b�-i'_d%ng shoa2d b2 brick ir.ste�:d ^.� -. th� t':� sides as the Council h�d discussed. Counci'�- man She.r?de,n aske�.���_`_f _ y� c_" these plans have been present�d to him. The City �ngineer_ sa.i8. : c,��Cc�t ^ci'.-�an Semuelson said �hat the question is now shoulc �he �z ���^k o� on�.y :ws :cs �= the bt c'.in.a cs on a11 four sides. :�- �.���-�? if �b.a:-'r. :��€:� any pedesxian entr�nc� �rcm the south side � �F _ of the bui?d.i^=, _. C-.<__ r -,�_. saia ch�.t ne 2YU� ,i�'c -.-�.'.r.k so. The • , o _ _ entrances are on ��e �.r_i:r G_* co;_ _ a.r.� en c�:e wes� q�s'.ee Coc:... .lme^. Samuelson said ihat _.. �'c�c c4se �t °:'ot'.?.r. se°m cha�t if ��'�'r.� paric�.^.; --. in back, the� crc„1� +r�r,t � ._..4.- .. -r� �ch°_ ba.ck. The Ci�_� Engine��- -a suggested movir�, . a_�: �. ��z. rv� tru� �o �_' r• `er �-nre paskiny space in £._a.t cE � v��i]u.�ni . ro, nc e_...:. :. S�.n;.,c _� ..,,. �n.�� � 4�c�.�?_d concur with th.e sov n^ic e 1:`_ i,he '�L,i �i�_^.g Seinq .�_. . ..-. _�!�ao� Store. •Counci'_ma� $IS�Z1C�cX1 }]O]ria�?[� OUt t':lat �i16 �1:ya�'..:i5�;`',". riG!._,.. :.. the eas:o MOTION by ^cu�.�c��_;.�: ...�:�rt�?.z'_?. to ^,r_ nt the request iar a. b�:�ildi.eg pera•G%± subjec�� tc �n� :Sr, • �s;;.��ag s`z.��u:.at::.oas: A) The north, *.aes� e.c�.d s.cth �•_..'�eri_o::� waSls are ��o be '�.cick. B) S�.ised co-?.c:�et� sid.eN�a1k fu�_,". length of north anc wesP. walls. C) Th° sei:ba.r_k shecid �4 a.t least 130`. D) Elimina�:. ,-c�:�.-....� dnprmssed. ].oading ramp bec�use o` �irainac,e problem E) Su'.;mi� ':_i ^'.�,^. `�.�i�i�. cnrLi.ng, landscaping and aarking �:it.la the recommen<?Gd ^3�a;'9e �'�f_ �he ioading ramp to t1:e soL�.th w�ll. P) Curb deta.il. Seconded Ly Co^..'.nci?.m�r. Liebl. Upor a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham cecl�r-' *he mo�5.on car.ried. Councilme.n Szan�:a.�'sor_ brought up the diecussion 'chaY. was held previously abont Mr. Sa_t?.e�e9-man p:�.*.tang in s�_dewalhs for pedQstr}ans ar_d bicycles alonq the sa��?= p::oner_rt, line £or �ccess to Moore :.eke. The City Eng:neer added ::.hat also the nerth ,ortion of the shopping center needs fixing u�, 4. C0:3SZE�EF:..�',.'"�T:i:� 4:? �_ RY.Q".;.TS'u�` 'rJ nl:uT^ R` al. � .?rTt?a;.^?� �^r: B� LS3CRT:'D ON PART OF LOTS 16 F,PIf.) 17� .TiYJDSTOR'S SU�BDiV?SRON "^ft� "-"=� ��a"_',�, 1200 RICE CREEK POAD N E FRIDLEY MINNESOTA. ,v=Qti� 4" `^+`�+�-fi�'��`�� RE.4LiY CC;�.2P,T7Y; 75 UNiVERS2TY AVENUE S.E.. MIh'Nz'••P�OLIS, MINN�S+".7'�`A? T ' MOTION by Councilman Liebl t� table t::is item until the stipulations of the Building $g��d r�,Y� (np�e The City Engineer said that this couid be approved with the stipulation that these requirements are met. ' '_ � 1GF. 11 REGULAR '�GU'-`1CSL i4EETING OF JOLY 21, 1969 ' COUNCII,MAN LIEBL WITHDREW MOTION. ' MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to grant the request for a restaurant to be located at 1200 Rice Creek Road subject to the stipulations imposed ' by the Building Board and that they provide a landscaping plan and sidewalks along the road to the north. The motion�was seconded and upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion�carried. ' , 5. CONSIDERATION OF A RE UEST TO CONSTRUCT A BUILDING FOR COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL LEASING LOCATED ON LOTS 22 AND 23, BLOCK 2, ONAWAY ADDITION THE SAME BEING 7855 BEECH STREET N E FRIDLEY MINNESOTA. (REQUEST RY D.W. HARSTAD COMPANY, 7101 HIGHWAY #65 N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA) � p RE [3EST TO CONSTRUCT A BUILDING FOR COMP7ERCIAL OR AWAY ADDITI ' INDUSTRIAL LEASING L(xATED ON LO'PS 20 AND 21, BLOCK 2, ON THE SAME BEING 7865 BEECH STREET N E FRIDLEY MINN£.SOTA. (REQUESTv BY D.W. HARSTAD COMPANY, 7101 HIGHWAY #65, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA). ' The City Engineer explained that they are following the same plan as for their previous buildings. There are two buildings to be 63' X 70' with the same basic construction. The City Engineer explained the stipulations ' and showed the plan at the Council table. He said that the reason the 5' strip is to be blacktopped rather than sodded is for ease in maintenance. They understand that water and sewer will be available next spring. ' Councilman Sheridan asked if the applicant has agreed with all the stipu- lations. Mr. Dick Johnson of the D.W. Harstad Company replied that they did agree. r , ' , , ' ' , r MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to grant the building permits for 7855 Beech Street and 7865 Beech Street subject to the stipulations imposed by the Building Board, req�zested by D.W. Harstad. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice votie all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. 7. CONSIDERATION OF A REQ AND MANUFACTURING BUIL DIVISION #78, TAE SAME (REQUEST BY LA MAUR IN MINNESOTA): ST FOR GENERAL TO G 5 EAST RIVER RO, 110 NORTH STH 14 OF AN OFFICE 'S SUB MINN. The City Enqineex explained that the Building Board approved the general concept, but�wanted more detailed plans. � Mr. Augo Schulze of I.aNSaur Snc. presented some preliminary plans and an elevation at the Council table. Councilman Samuelson asked what kind of screening would be used on the freeway side of the building. Mr. Schu]ze said that he did not know yet. The tanks will be 10' high and 30' long and they will be depressed, so they will not be seen from the freeway. The building will be screened from the tank farm site. Councilman Liebl commented that at a height of only 10', it will be easy to screen. Mr. Schulze� while showing the elevation to the Council said that there would be black brick, off-set with white vertical accent strips. He said that there would be 300 employees on a one shift basis. Councilman Sheridan said that the ingress and egress is shown south of Downing Box. The City � Engineer said that there wi],j, l�lv� to be d drive to bring the cars up to the REGULAR CCUtdCIL MEETING OF JOLY 21, 1969 PAGE 12 , proposed signals. Councilman Samuelson asked if there would be land- scaping between the north-south road and East River Road. Mr. Schulz� said yes, they plan on landscaping. Mayor Kirkham asked if the material in the tanks was flammable. Mr. Schulze said yes. Mayor Kirkham said that in that case, they would have to be diked. Mr. Schulze agreed and said that they had planned to do so. Councilman Samuelson asked what is the anticipated investment. Mr. SchulZe replied that there would be 200.000 square feet, at $7.00 to $10.00 per square foot, •..n�uld mai.e it at,out a 52,OOU,OU0.00 project. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adogt the general concept as proposed and request detailed plans, and to grant a foundation permit. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. 8. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR GENERAL CONCEPT AYPROVeL ur' a �ys UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX TO BE I,OCATED ON LOTS 1, 2, 3� 4, 5� AND 6, BIACK 2� PEARSON'S 15T ADDITION, AND PARCEL 8400, SOUTH �t OF SECTION 3, T. 30, R. 24, ANOXA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, THE SAME BEING 7805, 7825, 7845� 7.855, 7875, 7895 EAST RIVER ROAD� FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (RF.nUEST BY N.CRAIG JOHNSON, 4517 OXFORD AVENUE, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.J The City Engineer explained that the Building Standards - Design Control had approved the general concept, but had requested more detail, and plans showing the individual units. He suggested that the City should acquire 12' along East River Road for a future turning lane. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to concur with the general concept and to request more detailed plans. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, Samuelson, Sheridan, and Kirkham voting aye, Liebl abstaining, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. 9. A 1 ADDITION A N E FRIDLEY MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY FRIDLEY L7NIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA): G.Yi�] LOT 2 The City Engineer explained that this building xill go tn ne�ct to the Telephone building. There will be provided a 60' setback, also there is enough land for sidewalks and parking for their needs. Ae recommended ap- proval with the change that the sidewalks should be put in now. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to concur with the Building soard except for the change in the stipulation regarding sidewalks, and that the Council does not want an �greement for future sidewalks, but that they should be put in now. Seconded by Councilman Lieb1. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the Minutes of the Building Standards - Design Control Subcotem�ittee Meeting�of July 16, 1969. Seconded by Council- man Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman Liebl asked the Chair tp move xt��{1 ��7 up, as there were a great many people waiting !or this it�tR, :_.,. - REGUT�: �':� J�-� %+���"=IPdG OF JULY 21, 1969 '>;1T' 13 RESOLUTION #118-1969 - RESOLUTION ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENT AND FINAL P1,ANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF COSTS THEREOF: STREET IMPROVF,•M£NT FRnJECT ST. 1970-1: Mayor Rirkham rcad tiie streets included in the Resolution for the benefit of the audience. f�l•.��Pvl (ST. 1970-1) PETITION #30-1969 - PETITION GPPOSIDIG STREET IMPROVEMENT :'OR 63RD WAY. ST. 1970-1) PETITION #31-1969 - PETITIGN OPPOSING STREET IMPROVEMENT FOR 53�5 WAY (s'T. 1970-1) ^!OTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive Petitions #29-1969, #30-1969, and #31-1969. Seconded by Councilman Lieb1. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham 3eclar.e3 the motion carried. � The City Engineer explained that these streets were presented under the 10 year street improvernent p��ooram, and all these streets are ir. need of zepair. If the Cowicil does nor want to improve them, then th� ;�iaintenance .:n;--r.; �.viil b� hiyher, so perhaps the Council may want to �ut t;:er., in e,ith- , ::at curbir.g. These streets were presented to try to keep the maiatenar�ce costs down, which comes from the tax payers of a11 the City. h:ayor Kirkhan sugg^r,tec'. that a� t;iese streets are a part of the 10 year .,�`reet improveiaent progra,-n, perhaos an alternate would be to put in as proposed, or put in some temporary surfacing. Councilman Sai:�ne7.�or� and Counciln::r Liebl both a;reed that they should either be done corr.ect:ly o- dzleted. ;r�;�7;qCIL,�tT7 HARRIS AIiRIVED AT THE CO(7NCIL MEETING AT 9:45 P.M.) Nlr. G°arge Danielson, 6305 �ast River Road said that he would very much� like to have the trucks re-routed so they are not using these streets which are residential streets. They come down 63rd Way, and he proposed posting "NO Truck Route" signs at the Public Hearing Meeting. He said that }ie did not feel that they should have to pay for a road the truckv will be using. The City Manages explained that the City Engineer proposes the technical reco�nendations and lays out the plans, and the people and the Council decide what they want. The best improvement would include curb and gutter, which is what he proposed. mhe City Manager pointed cut that the use of buckshot as Mr. Danielson had proposed would not be as good as a curb and gutter and blacktopped street, and would xavel out and cxack, and water would get under the surface and cause frost boils, and gradually destroy the street, which would result in high maintenance costs to the tax payers. Mr. Danielson said that they just got through paying for an improvement, and he was not in favor of this one. It was not his intention to run down the City Engineer. Mr. Richard Brown, 6103 East River Road said that he was not in favor of this improvement. Mr. Richard Harris said that as there is a spur off the railroad tracks, he wonderec� �,� �hcre ehould n�� $m a 9�q� axl�g r(e;�y}�� p����t put in. It .., . seemed that th�S waµi� be to everyones' best advantaqe. Mt. Richard Knol1, 12F.GJI,T=.R �.�.�:='i;;vCT_`. C:£E"'TNG OF JULY 21. 1969 F ?�GE 14 , Plant Manager from Designware Inc. reported that his di�patchers were told to make other arrang�ments t� keep the trucks off the residential streets. Mr. Daniel.son asked how much the railroad is willing to pay for a 9 ton street. Mr. J.A. Evans, Great Northern Railway Co., Gaid that they are willing to pay like everyone else, if the improvement goes in. He said that the railroad does not oppose this improvement, if paved, some of the area will develop as industrial. Councilman Samuelson said that he would like to suggest that the following streets be deleted: Locke Lake Road: 69th Waye Hickory Street: Bacon Drive; Proposed Roadcaa.y: East River Road to Hickory Street East Rivez Road to Hickory Street Locke Lake Road to 69th Way Ononda.ga�Street �0 75th Avenue Rzverview Terrace to cul de sac to east C.cuncilman Liebl said that he would like, to suqgest that the £ollowing streets be deleted: 61st Wa.y, East River Road to a11ey on the East Alley bet, 61st Way & 61'� Way:East River Road to alley on the East 61� Way: sast R�ver Aoad to alley on the East 63rd Way: F_ast River Road to alleg on the East 63�5 Way: East River Roa3 to alley on the East Alley on W, side �f Railroad Tracks: 61st Avenue: Sylvan Lane. Starlite Boulevard: 51st Way to 64th Way Starlite Boulevard to Main Street Starlite l3oulevard to Jupiter Drive 61st Avenue to Sylvan Lane Councilman Li.ebl felt that although the streets for the area between Mississippi Street and 63rd Way were to be deleted, there still should be a 12' walkway for the children to go ta the semaphores. Councilman Sheridan queskioned the T.H. #6h E�st Servi.cp L�oad from 734 Avenue to Fireside ➢rive and asked if there wi1Z not be a need for more �ight of way. The Ci�y woul.d need to corsdemn another 25' whick� will tak.e four or mor� of Poter Brook's Mobile Home lotso He won3ered wlaether i.� should be deleted. Tkte City Engi.neer said that the City i,, �cquirimg lahd for the we11 and booster station and the plan is to charge '� to the s�reat project and � to the water utility fEund. Mayor Kirkham commented that as there was no opposition, the City may as well put it in. The City Engineer added that there would be some land locked parcels that would need access without the road. Caunc�,lman Ftarris said that it would behoove the citizens oX Fridley to understand that the people who live on improved streets are also paying through their taxes on the maintenance of the unimproved streets. This cannot be an open end thing, and this is why the 10 year street improvement program was implemented. Councilman Samuelson agreed, and wondered if when the Engineering Department feels that a street is very bad, thaC the City could sap �,jy}t ��}p� �t�reet w�.�� �� �lonqQZ �� ��nt�g,'$�,��}A Councilman xarris ' ' REGJLAR COUNCIL A�i.s:P,TING OF JULY 21, 1969 PF:GE 15 ' said that he did not feel that this is the way it should be done. Council- man Liebl agreed that the streets could wait, but that it should not be open-ended and that a time should be set. The City Engineer said that he ' would agree with Conncilznan Liebl and Councilman Aarris, thut if a time is set for these streets, then they should go in without any further delay. Councilman Harris asked Councilman 5amuelson and Councilman Liebl if these ' streets axe deleted now, do they agzee that these should he a deadline for the improvement of these streets? Councilman Liebl said that by 1971 the Council may know about the truck route in that area. Cour.cilman Samuelson agreed. Councilmzn-Liebl also pointed out that perhaps Starlite ' Boulevard should not be put in until it is known how the industrial tract will be developed west of there. ' MOTION by Councilman Harr.is to adopt Resolution #118-1969 with the deletions as stated. Seconded by Coincilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimous3.y. , Councilman Harris asked *he rest of the Council if they would agree tc pass a Resolution that the streets deleted will be ordered in in 1971 with completion in 19',2. The rest of the Council agreed. RESOLUTION #1i9-1969 - RESOLUTSON DELETING CERTAZN STREETS FRCM TAE PROPOSED 1970 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: PROJECT ST. 1970-1 AND ORDERING THESE STREETS TO BE IMPROVED IN THE YEAR 1972: MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #119-1969, for the ir.iprove- ment of the streets deleted from the St. 1970-1 Improvement Program to be ordered in in 1971, with completion by 1972. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimoulsy• Councilman Liebl said tihat he would like to ask on behalf of the con- stituants of the third ward what could be done about the truck traffic, as it is the truc;:s that did the damage on 63rd Way. REPORT OF MAYOR'S SPLIT LIQUOR COMMITTEE: Mr. John Swanson, speaking for the committee, said that the job is fairly well completed. The committee has had three very productive meetings. The requirements have been set up for the Ordinance, by taking the better parts of other communities' Ordinances. The first meeting set up the criteria, the second was for a proposed rough draft of the proposed Ordinance and at the third meeting, the final draft was made and will be available for the Council in the next couple of weeks. The conunittee is recommending that the Council take action tonight to set the referendum before the people, probably about the middle of August. t�tr. Swanson said that on behalf of the co�nittee, he hoped that they did a good job, and that he had enjoyed the work. Councilman Liebl asked what the price of the license fee is. Mr. Swanson answered $4,000. Councilman Liebl then asked about the seating capacity. Mr. Swanson answered that the Ordinance requires 900 square faet of dining area. Councilman Liebl asked how many licenses they were recommending issuing. Mr. Swanson answered five. Councilman Harris elaborated that the REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 21, Z969 , PAGF. 16 , 900 square feet was used instead of using a number of seats per estab- lishment so as to eliminate the question of how many could be squeezed into any specified area. Mayor Kirkham said thank you to Mr. Swanson for their expediency. Mr. Swanson said that he hoped to get the final form to the Council in a couple of weeks. Councilman Sheridan asked if it would be possible for the Council to meet with the coimnittee to go over the Ordinance with them. Mr. Swanson said that this was not discussed. Councilman Sheridan asked if this required a special election. Councilman Harris said yes. Mr. Swanson requested that a Resolution be passed tonight setting up the special election for August 19, 1969. RESOLUTlUN ii1LV-17b7 - x��i/iuiiviv. DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PROCEE: SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD AUGL'ST LIQUOR: THE NECES 69 ON TttE IAL ELECTION AND ION OF MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #120-1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. There followed some discussion on how the ballot should be prepared. Councilman Samuelson a�ked if there should be any type of. town-house type meetinq to make the information available to the public. He questioned if the committee felt that this would have merit. Mr. Swanson said that the committee felt that this would tend to confuse the issue. Councilman Harris said that they have worked within the State r�inimums and the Ordinance wou2d have terminology that would not be of value to the public. Mr. Gibbs, representing the City Attorney said that he would agree with Council- man Harris. The Ordinance is 26 pages long and it gives the City of Fridley every bit of protection it can give and is very comprehensive. Councilman Lieb1 asked Mr. Swanson if he felt that this is in the best interest of the co�nunity to take this step. Mr, Swanson said yes, it will bring in new businesses and it will replace the loss of the on sale liquor business. Councilman Sheridan said that the committee is to be congratulated. PETITION�#7-1969 - RE UESTING STREET LIGHT IN CORNER OF SICYWOOD COURT: A representative from the area explained that at the time the petition was presented originally, there was a pole sitting in the wrong position. Now the pole is where it should be and they would very much like a light as soon as possible. He explained that there have been numerous break�ins and the women are afraid to walk on the streets at night. The whole back area is very dark. Councilman Sheridan asked if he was asking for an additional light or moving the Iight up from the cul-da�f�ac� �?�ie ����,�en said that they wanted an additienal Sight. Councilmdn 5he;ldan said t�£�as Councilmaa of his ward, .. ., ___ - he would reeoimnend moving the light from the cu�-de^S?c Up tke street. The City of Fridley does not have that many lights. The citizen said that he ' u ' � �J LJ u � REGP:.IR �CUNCI?. �'?�.STING OF JUi,Y 21. 1969 ;'?.:�':B 17 was sure that if he went down there, he would see how dazk it is. 'che City Engineer said that all the 1969 street lights have been ordered in for the year. There are still intersections that do not have lights, and they should have first priority. The lights are placed on a priority basis. He suggested that th.ere may be a light to be removed from in fr9n.c. of McDOnalds, a.s i�. aa not needed there, b�t then aq�in ±he question a.rises �.�z c�r�re it is Mast r�e.ecl�do He suggeste� that some peo�le have �,otte� uce�E��t,�r e�ri.th. :1SP t:o n�y �or a light on their own. The resident asked, if �a_i. th� people in this area want a light, should they not get ane. Council- man Sheridan said no, tha: intersections must come first, this is not an intersectzon, but a"T". These lights cost $60 per light per year. The resident asked ho�* iiaey can get a. li_ght. th°n. Councilman Sheridan sv.ggested possibly it could 3ae as���ssed and Mayo�: Kirkham suggesfed a private agree- ment with NSP. MOTION by Councilma.n Samuelson to receive Petition #7-1969 and refer it to the Engineering Department to check out the possibility of re-locating the McDonald light on Skywoo3 Court, unless there is a higher priority. Secon3ed by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ' RECESS: ' ' ' ' i I , ' � Mayor Kirkham declared a recess from 11:00 to 11:35 P.M. RE UEST FOR DETERMINATSON OF SEWER CONNEC'PION CHARGES FOR DESIGNWARE INDUSTRIES, IhICORPORATED: Mr. Richard Knoll, Flant Manzger of Designware Industries Inc. was pxesent for the discussion. There was a considerable discussion, with the con- clusions reached as follows: Designware wishes to requesi ar expansion pexmit, if Designware does have additional effluence into the City sewer, they are to pay additional REC charges in accordance.with increase over present level. Designware is to continue placing effluence into Rice Creek provided criteria established by the State Pollution Control Agency is complied with. If Designware places all effluence currently into the City of Fridley line and additional effluence caused by expansion into N.S.S.S.D. lines, then such charge will be in accordance with N.S.S.S.D. and Design- ware agreement, if N.S.S.S.D. agrees to direct charge to Designware. If N.S.S.S.D. requires the City of Fridley to wllect charges, in the event of hookup to their system, on all effluent to include that currently being deposited into the City of Fridley lines, then Designware would be charged the same amount the City o£ Fridley becomes obligated to N.S.S.S>D. to pa3r. The City of Fridley to accept onZy the �dditional effluent into its system that results from expar.sion requirement of three additional stools or as agreed upon at a later time. Designware is to check with N.S.S.S.D. on intent of motion, a copy of which was provided by Councilman Harris. Mr. Knoll was advised to proceed as discussed. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETSNG OF JULY 16, 1969: � MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to receive the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of July 16, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, MayQ; ���]5�am declared the motion carried unanimously. ' REGLJLAQ C��:".=:I�TL MEETING OP JULY 21, 1969 T_ �:�E 18 AWARDING CONTRACT FOR SANZTARY SEWER PROJECT #91: � LUMP SUM COMPLETION PLANHOLDER BID SURETY BID TIME C.S. McCrossan, Inc. U.S. Fidelity &$21,495.00 150 Cal. Days Box 336 Guaranty Co. Osseo, Minn. 55369 �5$ $•B• Randal Brothers Cert. Ck 3400 Si2ver Lake Road $745.00 Minneapolisi Minn. 55418 Charles Lovejoy Co. U.S. Fidelity 2506 Cedar Guaranty Co. White Bear Lake, Minn. 55110 5� B.B• $14,900.00 30 Cal. Days & $12,292.00 60 Cal. Days Councilman Sheridan reported that he had not been able to talk to Don Savelkoul, however, bir. Walquist represents over 51� on the petition. MOTION by Councilman Sher?.dan to award the contract for Sanitary Sewer Project #91 to Charles Lovejoy Company in the amount of $12,292.00. Seconded by Councilmarz Samuelson. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ____ __ ,..___.,... ,..,.,T.n uv _ emoFFT 7MPROVF:MENT PROJECT ST. 1969 AND ST. 1969-2A: MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve Change Order #3 for Street Zmprove- ment Project St. 1969-1A and St. 1969-2A. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, a]1 votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unani.mously. REPORT ON REPAIR OF STORM SEWER IN 73RD AVENUB BETWEEN T.H. #65 AND CENTRAL AVENVE: The City Engineer reported that there are repairs to be made to the storm sewer before the street qoes in. The repairs will run over $1,000 and he would like the Council's decision on whether to pass an Emergency Ordinance or add the cost to the improvement cost. MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the report and add the cost of the storm sewer repair to the cost of the street improvement project. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT OF INTERSECTION OF T.H. #65 AND WEST MOORE LAKE DRIVE ADjD RECEIVING COMMUNICATION FROM MINNESOTA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the communication from the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways dated July 3, 1969 and refer the infor- mation to the Engineering Department for their study. Seconded by Council- man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Samuelson commented that he felt that the first plan shown would be the best solution. � ' �,nz� ��;'��,* r*, MER"'rNC OF ,7ULY ?.i� 1969 '�.',�GE 19 REGTI ' CONSID£RATION OF THE PROPOSED SIGN ORDINANCE: , The City Enginser reported that there is a difference of opinion between the Chamber of Commerce and the City concerning whether or not to allow flashing and revolving lights. �The Chamber of Commerce feels that they ' should be allowed, we do not. Councilman Sheridan pointed out that some of the gas stations have revolving lights, which could be allowed. The City Engineer asked if it was the Council's int>ntion to have the Ordinance written then to only allow the slow revolving lights such as used by ' gas stations, but dis-allow all others and have no flashing liqhts or changes in intensity. The Council agreed this is what they felt best. ' � 1 ' � ' � Tkte other point of disagreement was on the control of billboazds. The Fridley Industrial Development Commission felt that they should be allowed. There are now about 40 ba.11boards in the City and they have been mostly placed in undeve].oped areas. The Citp Engineer said that the r�iestion was, does the Council saant to allow billboards, and if so, with restrictions? Councilman Liebl said no. Councilman Samuelson felt that the City already has enouqh. Councilman Harris said that it coulcl not be open ended. The City Engineer said that the Council cannot deny a request for a permit if it meets the requirements. Mr. Gibbs said that the State has given local goveznments the right to control aesthetics. � The City Engineer said that once an area develops, there would be no room for billboards. Any request for a sign would have to meet the existing Ordinance. All the signs along the highway would be illegal in the pro- posed Ordinance, but the City cannot make them ta7ce them down right away, so they must be allowed to stay until they need some major changes then it could be deniefi. After ak�out 5 years a billboard would need repairs anyhow, and this is when they should be phased out. The Fridley Industrial Develop- ment Commission feels that they should be allowed in industrial and commercial areas. Councilman Harris pointed out that there is a great difference in the quality of a �ign such as the "Welcome to Fridley" sign and some of the others. ' Mayor Kirkham suggested allowing billboards only by a special use permit, which would have restrictions. It was agreed by the rest of the Council that this would be the way to control them. ' , ' ' , � The City Engineer said that the other point of disagreement was in the height of the billboards, but if it si to be controlled by special use permits, this can be taken care of for each individual request, to fit the circumstances. CONSIDERATION OF THE PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE: The Ordinance was not gone into because of the late hour, however Council- man Liebl did ask how many votes it would take to adopt the Zoning Ordinance. Mr• Gibbs said four votes. Any changes in the zoning Ordinance would also have to be by a 4/5 vote. 1969 - RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT IC HEARING ON STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJr.CT ST. 19'�0-2: MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution #121-1969. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared tha motion carried unanimously. REGt,*LAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SCJLY 21, 1969 r PAGE 20 ' AND ESTIMATES�OF THE COSTS THEREOF: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. ly/U-1 ADDENDUM #1: MOTZON by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #122-1969. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Ki�kham declared the motion carried unanimously. #123-1'969 - RESOLUTION RECEIVING CALLING A PUBLIC IiEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS: STREET IMPRO 0-1 RDDENDUM MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #123-1969. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #.124-1369 - RESOLUTION ORDERING PRELIMINARY PI�ANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ESTIMPTES OF' TH� COSTS THEREOF: STREET IMPROVEMENT 2R0.�ECT ST. 1970-4: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #124-1969. Seconded by Council- man Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Eldon Schmedeke asked if this resolution was setting the Public Hearing. Councilman Sheridan said that these resolutions ordered the plans and specifications, and set the Public Hearing date. Mr. Schmedeke asked if there could be no changes made after that. Councilman Harris said that changes can be made until the project is assessed. Mr. Schmedeke asked what if you live on a corner. Councilman Harris said that in that case there may be three assessments, one on front footage, one :or the rear and one for the side yard. The City Engineer explained that the assessments on the service road and loop will be spread over a larger area. Mayor Kirkham added that the City is obliqed to assess for any benefit to a property owner. Councilman Sheridan added that the State would have taken the service drive by acquisition, but it stopped at the alley line. Mr. Schmedeke said that the man in the northeast quadrant of 60th Avenue is fixing his house and he thinks that he is planning to sell, and felt that he should be notified of the proposed changes. Councilman Harris asked if the Notice of Hearing that appears in the paper is the same as that which appears in the Agenda. The City Engineer said yes. The City Manager added that there was a proposed zoning change also in changing part of the property from CR-1 to C-2. Councilman Sheridan said that for the purpose of the Public Hearing, he hoped that the figures wou13 be broken down and spread for each individual lot. The City Engineer said that these will be broken down so that individual figures can be given out. Councilman Sheridan said that it should be pointed out to the people that this will be a staged program. Councilman Liebl wondered, what if a company would want to come in and buy a large amount of land, then they would not have any use for the new streets. Councilman Harris said that tlais may be, but the costs will still have to be broken down. Councilman Sheridan said thdt the Plan Circle Flow and the service road were to be the first stage. ' ' ' � I� � CI� ' ' ' � � ' , ' 1 ' ' ' REGULAR COUP7CIL MEE2ING OF SULY 21, 1969 1 ' � °AGE 21 RECEIVING DAMAGE SURVF.Y REPOP.i'S F:N➢ i+UT}iORIZI.�G TO °F.00EED WITH FLOOD REPAIR WORK: MOTION by Councilman Sanuelsj�,�n to receive the reports and authorize the Engineering Department to proceed with the repair work. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkhar,i declared the motion carried, unanimously. RESOLUTION #126-1969 - RFSOLUTIO:d DI ' IMPROVEMENT I30NDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH Zmprovement Project #92) ' ' , � i OF OF TEMPORAl:'i R 385: (Water MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolutnon #126-1969. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirk.�am declared the motion ca.rried unanimos,ly. RESOLUTION #127-1969 - RESOLUTI0.7 DIR?CTING THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF Ta24?CR?RY IMPROVEMENT BONDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH I1�WS OF 1957, CHAPTE 3E35: ([9ater Improvement Project #i92) :?OTIOh by Councilmar. S��;mtalso:i to �dopt Resolution #127-1969. Seconded Ly Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Rirkham decla�ed the motion carricd unanimously. . RESOLUTIGI4 #128-3969 - iiF. I�?F:OVE'�IEhT BONDS IN ACCO :ON DIRECTING THE ISSUA CF I957. CRAPTER I�ax'o�ver�ent Praject S�. 1369-1 & St. 1969-2) tdOT�Ot� by Councilman S:_�m_lson to adopt Resolution #128-1969. Neconded b7 Cr,tmcilman S;icri.dan. ��pon a voice vote, all voting aye, ?�ayor Kirkham cecl.lred the mction carrir_-d unanimously. RPSOLGTION #129-1969 - RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE SALE AND PDRC:HASE OF TF:KPOFPRY IMPROVEidENT SOHDS IN ACCORDF�NCE WITH LAWS OF 1957, CF1�IPTER 385: (Street Improvement Project �t. i969-1 & St. 1969-2) MCTION by.Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution #129-1969. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a coice vote, aIl voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the noticn carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #130-1969 - IMPROVEMENT BONDS Sewer, Water, and Sewer Project THE ISSUANCE OF TEMPORARY ' 1957, CHAPTER 385: (Sanitary r:OTION by Councilman Samnelson to adopt Resolution #130-1969. Seconded by Ccuncilraan Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham �eclared the motion carrird unanimously. RESOLUTZON #131-1969 - RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE SALF. AND PURCHASE ( BONDS IN Sewer, Water, & Storm Sewer Project #90 385: (Sanitary MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution #131-1969. Seconded by , Councilman ��e��dar�. YTPor� a voicQ vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared ��}�. {q9tion carried. unanimously. , >;.�1 .- . �. ,:'� ',7"r'G ilF 3U�`I 21, 1969 SOLL'TION #13?.-19f9 - RESOLUT20N DIRECTIIdG THE I nonvFrv!��iaT RONDS IA1 ACCORDFNCE WSTH LAU75 C�F 1957 PAGE 22 E OF TEMPOIU�xs PEfi 3R�: (:.torm S_w�r �ti9) ".���:5 b�• Conn.•i.. .ar�. S_.mi. _:_:n c.. _�cp� r;clution #132-196�. S� e.ondad i�y Councilman Sheridan. Upor, a voice vct�, all voti;;q ay" I�iayo.- Kit'k.�.t�m d�.�lared the motion carri.e3 uaan;.�oulsy. T" "OLT7TZ0?� #133-1969 - RESOLD`I.'ION PIR�CTI4,C: T?T-E' SF�i.F AT`iD Pt+:CHASE OF ... : _-____ ...____'_ _—_"` .�...__---- ..�. __ . TEi_PO4r1RY SM1'BOVc.PS� I=7T BO'uD5 It? ACCGRDANCE WIZ'H ;,AWS Ox' 1��� .,-HAi'TT3R 3:s�• -(�`'n S�Wer PYOjeCt &89) f MOTT�N Ly Councilman Samuelson T.o adopt F.e^:olution #133-1�u�. Seconded by Councilman Sheril.=:n. Upon a vni.re c-ot-�, a11 voting aye, Y:ayor Kiskham �eclare3 t1-P nJtion carrieu u:z�nimcusiv. - �, r yir.� r - ':L;1 F3.'.:USINv AND REDEVELOPNu�_"dT AJT:_`O:�Z'Y'_/: __ .._.__. . -, - ��ears`_. �i `::d.:�. . s k��e tab�-ed :��� ��e..s� Regtztar �'� -�cil..� i :,i�:ul .. - .',=e!:;.ng, ",'!:o _...:�st oi t?:e Council agre�d. i;.'_ �IDIS : . ;�;,^.r_�_; ;;y L'uuncilman HarYis to approve payment of General C1�;���'� i�18614 through #18709 and Liquor Claims #3509 through #3563. The motion �rc•i.r«, ,ote -��l v:sci�g _�e. =:ay:- Kirlcham was seconded axzd up�n a r�- ;eclased �.:... ;r�ocic ; c:ar-,. � �. a:�r. � � ..� . LiCE�i�=�"�c.: s�acxTOa��,a, .,.,;;L:f��on Blacktop Co. 516 4th Str?et ti.�. :...i*--.�_;.lv�., ?ii.:.. ��-_..� EXC*,�Iic"'..:.f�' :... �._.._. 3:.x_c�ti�,-.cing C�. ,�.. i-.&in S�. L1.W. PnctG, Minnesote, /•m::..,.�L CODi'.L'YP.C`_'vii ;,;:.�'uer King Co. 5145 Oliver P.ve. S. Minneano'_is, Minn. AEAT IPIC: Jerry 9aeX Htg. Co. 307.4 4th Avemie :�^-. Nlinneapolis, r�tizui. Ti"DF,OVLU SiY - "r=: •.:tor u, : . ._: � � _�'scn ::�is ,_ _� _ .. _ . ;i=i �. i,on ;:ad::ec R]id�:7AL P.i.i�.�:.;.n9 Inspector gy: Jerome Lorbezbaum RENEY7AL I;�illing Inspector gy: Jerome Baer NEW Heating Inspectcr ' , ' � , , ' ' , r , ' � , r ' ' , , gr�' ;- �.. ,__➢ ��ING OF JULY 21, 1969 ":'�GE 23 Licenses Contina^d. � ?IOUSE MOVERS ApPROVED L�Y Dale Movers 7II16 Central nvenue n�.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Lp: Daie Peterson. RENEWAL Building Inspector ROOFING �atvin Sales Co. 7341 Commerce Lane Fridley, Minnesota By: Felix Yotvin NEW Buildinq Inspector SZGN ERECTION Comm:,nder Boaru of �linnesota, Ir.c. �G lst Street 5.�. New Brighton, Minn. By: R.M. Tucker NEW Building Znspector NGTIG.] by Ccu,-.cil*nan F:ar'tis to approve the foregoing licenses. The motion w:is sccor,3ed and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the .otion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: Randall & Sergiin 6S01 Flaza Cur.�e �•iir.neapoiis, Minnesota 55432 FILSAL ESTI[�TE ° Floo3 Disaster Work $ 426.00 Keys Well Drilling Company 413 North Lexington Parkway Sy. Paul, Minnesota 55104 FINAL ESTIMATE - Repair of Well i;7 $ 598.39 Marvin Rehbein Con±r., Zr.c. Route 2, Hox 22 Forest Lake, Minnesota . PARTIAL Esti:nate kl St. 1968-1B (69th Avenue Crossover) $ 5,537.32 nrcon Construction Cozpany Mora, D7innesota � PARTIAL Estimate #2 Street Iraprovement Project St. 1969-1 $80,922.73 PAP.TIAL Estimate #2 � Street Improvement Project St. 1969-2 $15,958.43 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 21, 1969 Estimates Continued. Peter Lametti Construction Company 615 Dzake Street St, Paul, Minnesota 55102 PARTIAL Estimate #2 for ccnstruction of Sanitary Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Improvement Project #90 Comstock and Davis, Inc. Consulting Engineers 1446 County Road "J" Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 For the furnishing of resident inspection and resident supervision for the staking out of construction work. PARTZAL Estimate #1 St. 1969-2 from June 2, 1969 through June 28, 1969• PARTIAL Estimate #3 St. 1969-1 from June 2, 1969 through Sune 28, 1969 PARTIAL Estimate #3 Sanitary Sewer, Water, and Storm Sewer Improvement Project #90 from June 2, 1469 through June 28, 1969 Bergexson-Caswell, Inc. 13120 Wayzata Bouleuard Minnetonka, Minnesota 55102 Well and Pump Regair foz Well �2 under IInergency Ordinance #414 Dunkley Surfacinq Co., In. 3756 Grand Street N,E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Work done according to contract: PAGE l.4 $25,263.02 $ 468.34 $ 4,105.88 $ 1,841.33 $ 1,546.60 Street Improvement Project St, 1968-1B $36,827.03 MAS Street Improvement Project St. 1968-25 $ 1,730.20 $38,557.23 MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve payment of the estimates. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS: A. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS: FLOOD DIKE FUND MOTION by Councilman I,i@�?l t9 F�ceive the communication from the Department of the Army, St. Paul District, Corps of EngineerS dated July 15, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham d�c�ared the motion carried unanimously. ' ' � ggGLl,p", -.. ��T.�.].L �'Sl'"�:;`NG t?F JOLY 21, 1969 'F 2S B. ROBERT LOUDEN: REGARDING SOD BEING INSTALLED BY STREET CONTRACTOR MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to receive the commvnication from Mr. R.C. Louden, 391 67th Avenue dated July 14, 1969. � The City Rngineer explained that it seened that Dunkley Surfacing Co. contracted with a bad sub-contractor and all the sod along 67th Avenue is poor. He said that everything will be taken care of and a11 the bad sod ' along 67th Avenue will be replace3. Mayor Kirkham agreed with Mr. Louden and said that he had trouble witri his sod also. Councilman Sheridan asked when the sod was put in. The City F.ngineer said this year. Councilman , Sheridan asked if all the other streets were all right. The City Engineer said yes, the only bad sod was on 67th Avemie. He said that he has told Suburban Engineering several times that this will have to be taken care of. ' Mayor Kirkham added that there was also a bad hole in 67th Avenue that should be patched before someone damaqes their car. The City Engineer was to make note of this and refer the information to the Consulting Engineers. I , THE MOTION was seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. C. LAVERDi E DORNB[JSCH• RE UEST FOR STOP SIGN ON ASHTON AT 64TH WAY: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the communication from t9r. Lavern � E. Dornbusch dated July 10, 1969 and honor their request for a stop sign. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously• , ' , D. GEORGE M. HANSEN CO: SUGGESTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH ANNUAL AUDIT: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the communication from George M. Hansen Company, Certified Public Accountants, dated July 3, 1969, and refer to the Administration. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. E. REPUBLZCAN PARTY: PICNIC AT LOCKE PARK , MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the communication fsom the Fridley - Spring Lake Park Republican Club, Mrs. Virginia Wahlberg, City Chair- � woman dated 3uly 17, 1969 and qrant permissi.on to use Locice Park August 20, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. i , ' , ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Mayor Kirkham declared the Regular Council Meeting of July 21, 1969 adjourned at 1:15 A.M. Respectfully submitted, %�/!X `�'�'1�--... Juel Mercer Secre�axy ko the City Councll Jack 0. Kirkham MaYon , . OITY OF FRIDLEY ,`���j , �� �' �. J � I ' � � �J � �I � , , (EXHIBIT A) NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS ' ST. 1969-3 (nnDE�IDUM x0. 2).. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Hinnesota, has deemed it necessary and expedient that the improvements hereinafter described be made. . . �W THEI�EFggE— HEREBY GIVEN THAT on the 4th day of Auguat �, 8t"$;00 o'clock P. ,[he City Council will meet at the City Hall in said G�ity;-a� v# said time, and place, hear aIl partiea interested in said improvements in whole oz in part. The general aature of the improvements is the construction (in the lands and streeta noted below) of the following improvements, to-wit: CaT1STRlTCTION ITEM ' , Street improvemente, including grading, atabilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat, boulevard work, water and eanitary sewer linea modi£ications, water snd sanitary sewer servicee, atorm sewer and other facilities located as follows: 79th Avenue: Buffalo Street: Cheryl Street: Dover Street: Ely Street: Fa3rmont Street: Riverview Terrace: Broad Avenue: Riverview Terrace to Apex Lane Riverview Terrace to Broad Avenue Ri-rerview Terrace to Broad Avenue Riverview Terrace to Broad Avenue Riverview Terrace to Broad Avenue Riverview Terrace to 300 feet East '/9th Avenue to 120 feet North o£ Kimball Street Buffalo Street to Fairmont Street FSTIPfATED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 65.700.00 ' THpT THE AREA PROPOSED TO BS ASSESSED FOR SAID IMPROVEMENT IS AS FOLLOWS: For Construction Item above - - - - - -�- - - - - - - - ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' All of the land abuttingeupon said streets named above and all lands within, adjacent and abutting thereto. All of said land to be assessed proportionately according to the benefita seceived by such improvements. That the Council proposes to pxoceed with each of aaid improvements as �eparate improvements, except as hereafter othervise provided by Council, all under the following suthority, to-wit; Mf.nnesota Laws 1953, Chapter �98 and law amendatory thereof, and in conformity with the Charter. , IIATED TNIS 7th DAY OF July _, 1969 ORDER OF THE CI11' COUNCIL. , Attest: 1�1[�YOR - Jack 0. Kirkham , CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunaell 4^ YubliEhs July 23, i969 �- a�iy 30, ig69 , ' � ' , ' , , ' � ORDINANCE N0. �f�— T— AN ORDINANCE U�DER SECTION 12.07 OF Ti� CI1Y CHARTER TO VACATE STRESTS AND ALLEYS AND TO AMEN� AP��IR C OF THE CITY CODB The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain ae follows: SECTION 1. For the vacation of the st=aet descrihed as follwa: All that part of H,o=ison Drive lying between the Sast right of way line of Third Street Northeaot and a line located twenty feet (20') West of the West right of way of State Trunk gighvay #47 (Univeraity Avem�e Northeast) All located in the South Half (S�) of Section 26, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, Coun[y of Anolca, Minneaota , be and ie hereby vacated except that the City of Fridley retaine easement sights for utility, drainage and pedeetrian walkway purposes. ' �1 ' ' , , � �J SSCTION 2. The eaid vacation hae been made in conformance with Minnarota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the City Code ehall be eo amnnded. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS � I)iAY pp , 1969. ATTEST: CIT7[ CLF.Rit - Marvin C. Brunsell Public Aearing; Julv 14 1969 First Reading: Second Readf,ilg; Publish . . . -" ` `.`° MAYOR - Jack 0. Kiskttam 1'7 � .�r '.Yf � i k ♦ � ' ' � • . � � . 1 �. .._....�. t,/.'_ �W �e�� g s ...j�a3 �� R �� �$,�.__ .$ �`o,;'�'�� � ` ' �t � •�i i'f�! q u �. ".� c • " , s �=� �—�r°-« r ;,;� '��=' ��': r i' ��•�u .�: s CITSC OF PRIDI.ESC: SAV �69-04 �� �� , n�N� �- � Vacate Aorizon Drive East of 3rd St. ,..� �S �..�n�<,.,av '_: N�+�i a� 3 to T. H. #41 J :� . ° - .' . ; (Ben 81goe, owner of Lots 2& part of �(f� '_>, S�]9 """ �/ :i �? 1, Bl. 9 and Lote ll and part o f 1 8, �j�� : _ �.,,`, , �F o- S �z � - i w..� _ �,,_ ,a i;," � B1. 4, Carlson'o Sum t Manor . *. • ` South Add. ) .1/�{1 •..r �+'4. ° iiif' � � -� .Y`� � ^ s � �l S � - L �NRIiM ��� ` • + `v . — 1/E � _ � � 1 �y 9 i S,� �„ 3 i� ��w � �S?�j � � � f ,; (�l u `w .y'�'� -s:::i�• t� w�. /l w 2 tY I'� �. J a � y,yr k; � '� ,. -�.. � � � . �b8,' S. u� : «ip �,�L ' . 53e1 • ,� J : . .- � � ` � , n �' :; .)�. � si M ��a� ij � � j 2 � al.._ y��/� �: � c— ' L . 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At . 1 ��� < is ;'j;3' i39 ���19 ; �61 iRs n�� ei+� 94t91 �„ y9PP ,» � I�`, �� � � M I !s � 3 ., Gi�RAL-'f�ff"�=-RO'�� ,�$99, ��b � ��.:"�' � I ''�'�`; �3y f,bo �i'' 4�i,,�_ k �i •�' �. 3' ;'{ ,+, � : t rq�, : ,. ,.r, �' � � i '�. -; •-r .i � 1 rz z! � �9p y ��r.� fi.. �� �I N�611 , ,i..ri' _ � �/ > � ! � ,I 1 N _+l i =L_._ri al �. .. 'r+ I_ ir. � �io I M �� q. r� � � � � I � .w 21 � .. �, I '— � `' yq.�3 �. . 49SY,� ���^i"� � +�,��i'a-� I CG �. zr , ... . � �> i�c � � � � � � .'�rc. �r,.�l „ „ f AlO. -. _. \ H• • F �1. r.. Ne�J1 = �.e: _ / Y • I P �' � ' I ` � v' -° � , i � `4'_.� ` (. _ , __ _. I 1 ' , ' , ' � � ' � �J ' � , ' ' , _ __ _ _ _ `�8 � ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 402 OF THE CITY CODE The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTfON I. Section 4�2 of the Fridley City Code is hereby amended to read as foffows: 402. Section 4, Authorization to Issue Tickets. The City Council hereby confers the power and authority h� issue and serve written or printed notice, hereinafter referred to as a tag, upon persons charged with ordinance violations, upon the Fire Ch+ef, Health Officer,`Building Inspector, Zoning Administrator, and all duly appointed, qualified, and acting inspectors and authorized police officers, of the several departments of the City charged With enforcing the ordinances referred to in Section I hereof, provided, however, no inspector shall arrest or otherwise take a vid ator into custody. Such tag shall be served upon the person creating the vid ation, the owner, lessee, or person in charge of the premises alle8ed to be in violation. PASSED.BY TNE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C17Y OF FRIDLEY TH1S DAY OF ,1969. ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MAR IN C. BRUNSELL Firet Reading:�N�, �_ Second Reading: Publish: MAYOR - JACK 0. KIRKHAM � : 0 ' � � ' ' , � ' , , ' �I `�� 8 ORDINANCE N0. AN �tDI1VeNCE AMEDIDING SSCTION 105.01 OF THE CITY CUDE The Council of the City of F�idley do ordain aa Yollrnra: SECTION 1. Section 105.01 of the FYidley City Code is hereby amended to read as follrnrs: 105.01. Every person who violates thia code ia subject to all penaltiea provided for such violaLion. F�cept ahere a difYerent, specific or more particular penalty is provided or allared vith respect to anq offenae, any person guiltp of a violation oY thia coae ahall upon conviction oT euch oYfenae, be fined in an amo�mt not to exceed $3�-� or be iepriaonsd in jail for a period not to ezceed niaety (9oj daya for each offenee of xhich he is convicted, together i+ith the coata of proeecution thereof aa are alloaed by lax. Whenever a diYYerent, apecific or more particu].xr psnelty ia provided, or allowed or required vith reapect to a conviction of any certain ofYense, then such penaltq ahall be imposad therefor in place of the general penalty as isTrovined harein. Pa�S� BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDIEY THIS DAY OF a 1969. ATTBSTt C. HR , Firet Reading:���� second Readings PUblieh: ' I` MAYOR - R . � 1 , ' ' RESOLUTION N0. 119-1969 A RESOLUTION DELETING CERTAIN STREETS FRQ+1 THE PROPOSED 1970 STREET IilPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1970-1 AND aRDERING THESE STREETS TO BE II�ROVED IN THE YEAR OF 1972 WHEREAS, Resolution #15-1969 adopted on January 20, 1969 by the City Council of the City of Fridley apprwed the Ten Year Street Improvement Program for the City of Fridley, ' WHERF.AS, Reaolution #90-1969 adopted on the 16th day of June, 1969 called a public hearing for the 1970 Street Improvement Program of the Ten Year Street Improve�nt Program, ' WHEREAS, the property ownera on certain streets have requeeted delay- ing the program until eame of the ia�zovement plans for Eset River Road are available, NOli, THSRSFORE, BE IT RESOQ.VED by the City Council of the City of Fridley that the following atreeta be deleted from the 1970 Street improve- ment Program: Locice Lake Road: Sast River Rvad to Hickory Street 69th Way: East River Road to Hickory Street Hickory Street: Locke Lake Raad to 69th Way 61st Way: East River Road to alley on the East Alley bet. 62st Way and 61� Way: East River Road to alley on the East 61� Tiay: Baet River Road to alley on the East 63rd Way: East River Road to alley on the East Alley on Weat Side of Railroad T=acke: 61st Way to 64th Way 61st Avenue: SCarlite Boulevard to Main Street Sylvan Lane: Starlite Boulevard to Jupiter Drive Starlite Boulevard: 61at Avenue to Sylvan Lane Bacon Drive: Onondaga Street to 75th Avenue Propoeed Road�ray: R,�� rview f�rrace to c� sac to East ..�n LA.� �� Y, .1�'f,Y y5/(�c'��y.., AND BE IT FU� AESOLVED, that these et�reets will be imprwed no later than 1972 const=vction eeaeon. ADOPTED BY THB COUNCIL OP TH6 CITY OF FRIULEY THIS 21 ST �Y of ,1ULY AITEST: CI CLERK - Marvin C, ��ans��� 1969. � � MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham 2:3 , � ' RESOLUTIOH N0. 120 - 1969 A RESOLDTION aUTHORIZING SUBiSIS3I0N OF SPLTT LY4�UOR TO THE vO�F�tS , Wf�REAS, ESccperience hae indicated the difficnity of maintaining higka qnality eating eatablishmenta itt coemunitfes xhich do not iasue pri�ate a , "on-sale" liqaor licenaes; aod WREREAS, MoniCipalities are now authorised b� law to iea�ae "�n=�al�n ' , ' � ' ' liceneae to hotels a� reataurants srhile contirniing a ounicipal diapensarp for ihe "off-eale" of into�dcating liqvor; BE IT RESOLYID BY THE CITY COUNCTL OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTAs It ia desirable aad in the public intereat to ias� private licenues for the eale of liquor for consweption on the licensed presiaes �'ox�sxle") xhile continuing the operatioa of the mmicipal diepensary to eell intoxicating liquor in original p>ckagea off the preoisea only ("ofi-eale"). A�rauant to Ckwpter jlt0.353 lava 1969 a apecial election ahall be P�3d at the City of EMdley on the 19th day oi augnat, 1969 f�'os T a.r. to 8 P•�.a at xhich ti■e aad place the Yollaring propoalLion shaii be submitted to the ' voters. ' ' lJ � ' ' ' "3ha11 the City o! I�idley be avthosiaed to iasae "on-eale" liquor liceaaea to hotels and restauranta poreuanL to (the "aplit liqnor bill, beia�g) lfieaeaota Ststntea 3h0.353." ?Yie Cit7 Clerk is hereby anthorized ar�d dirscted to p�ep>re the neceaearq ba7.Zots and oLhsr e2ection auppliea, give proper notice, and arrange othea detaila nscessar� for the election. Adopted by tha City Council oY the City oY Fridley Thia 215T dag of JULY -� 196g. AT'i$Si i a c x c. »R �, f � � (i5:�/,[�Z�7� i�i:1;�:I1', 30 ' xESOLUxiox No. °� 31 , t RESOLUTZON ORDERING I?IPROVE2ffi�IT AND FIN/1L PLANS AND SYHCIEICATIONS AND ESTIMATSS OF COSTS THEREOF: STREET It�ROVF,hII:NT PROJSCT ST. 1969-3 (ADDENDUM N0. 2) , W[�RFAS, Reaolution No. 112-1969 adopted the 7th day of July, 1969 by the City Council, set the date for hearing on the propoaed improvements, se apeci- fisally noted in the Notice of Hearing attached hereto for reference as Exhibit "A", and ' {iHEgF.A�S, all of the property ownera whose property is liable'to be aesessed vith the making of these improvements (as noted in esid Notice) were given tan (10) ' days noifce by mail and published notice of the Council Hearing through two (2) weekly publicationa of the requiYed notice, and the tnearing was held and the property o�me=s hsasd thereon at the hearing, as noted in said notice. � WHERgAS, a temporary dike �aas bu�lt on Rivervieer T'errace and 79th Avenue to protect the homea in the Riverview Hefghte area from the 1969 flood with Fedaral and City money, ' WHEttEAS, it is advisable to impawe on this dike end make it a semi- permanent flood protection� ' WHEREAS, the City Council, by Reeolution No. 114-1969 ordered the adver- tisement for bids so that the exact impawement coet figures could be given to the affacted property atimere, ' ' , ` J � ' �1 , � ' NOW, Tt�ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council af the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Mismeeota, as followe: 1. ltut the following improvementa ptopoeed by Council Reeolution No. 112-1969 are hereby ordered to be effected and completed ae soon ae reaeonablq posaible, to-wit: Street impravemente including grading, stabilizad baee, hot-mix bituminoua mat, concreie curb and gutter, water, sanitary •ever lines and eervices, incidental drainage and other facilitiee located ae follws: 79th Avenue: Buffalo Street; Cheryl Street; Dover Street: Ely Street: Fairmont Street: Riverview Tenace: Broad Avenue: Riverviev Terracs to �pex Lane Riverview Terrace te Broad Aveuue Riverviev Terrace to Broad Avenue Hiverview Terrace to Broad Avenue Riverviav Terrace to Broad Avenue Riverv3aw Tenace to 300 feet East 79th Avenue to 120 feet North of Kimball Street Buffalo Street to Fairmont Street 2. That the P1ana and Specifications prepared by Naeim M. Qureshi, City gngineer, ordered by Resolution #113-1969, are hereby raceived and approved. , ' Res. No. St. 1969-3 (Add dum No. 2) Page 1Go ' ' ' ' , , ATPEST: 32 3. lhat the City Engineer, Nasim M. Qureahi, and the City'a Consulti� Bogineere are hereby designated ss the Engineers for this improve� ment. They ahall prepare £inal plans and specificatio for the making of such improvement. ADOPTED BY Ti� CdUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS _ DAY OF � , 1969. ' CITSi CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell ' ' � , L_J l_ .l l� ' LJ ' MAYOR - Jack 0. ICirkham � �� , PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JULY 23, 1969 PAGE 1 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Erickson at 8:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: - Members Present: Erickson, Jensen, Fitzpatrick Members Absent: Myhra, Mittelstadt Others Present: Darrel Clark, Engineering Assistant APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINOTES: NLY 9, 1969: 33 MOTION by Jensen, secanded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission minutes of July 9, 1964 be approved. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion caxried unanimously. � RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: NLY 2, 1969: MOTTON by Jensen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Board o£ Appeals dated July 2, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: JULY 16, 1969: MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Co�nission receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals dated July 16, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all vpting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEiVE BUILDTNG STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMAfITTEE MINUTES: JULY 16, 1969: MOTTON by Sensen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Con¢nission receive the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee dated July 16, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani.crtous ly. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT P.S. 4�69-09 MIKE 0'$ANNON: Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14, Auditor's Subdivision ��22 and Lots 1 through 16, 24, 25 and 26, Block 1, Irvington Addition. Mr. 0'Bannon was present. The Notice of Hearing was read by Chairman Erickson. He cormnented that the Subcommittee had approved the preliminary plat with apparently no instructions. Mr. 0'Bannon explained that there were thxee property owners involved with the platting -- Mr. John C. Carrol, James W. Skog and himself. He planned to put the sewer and water in himself and will submit his plans to the City. There will be no storm sewer. The sewer and water would go in this fall and then the road next sucmner. ' J'i ' Planning Co�nission Meeting - July 23, 1969 Page 2 Mrs, Ted Gonsior and Mr. Ervin Kassow were included in the discussion. ' They were shown�the overall plan of the Rice Creek Road/Central Avenue Study and Chairman Erickson said that Mr. 0'Bannon's plan follows the original one almost to the letter. The Commission asked for a slight change in the alignment of Lot �t enlarging it. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by ,Tensen, that the Planning Commission close the public hearing of the proposed preliminary plat, P.S. ��69-09, Mike 0'Bannon, of Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14, Auditor's Subdivision �k22 and Lot 1 through 16, 24, 25 and 26, Block 1, Irvington Addition. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Co�nission table the pxoposed preliminary plat, P.S. ��69-09, Mike 0'Bannon, of Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14, Auditor's Subdivision ��22 and Lots 1 through 16, 24, 25 and 26, Irvington Addition stating that the layout has the general concurrence of the Planning Coromission, and it seems to be done in accordance with the overall plan adopted for the area. However, the Planning Commission wants to be able to look at a more finished drawing showing the topography and lot dimensions prior to final action; requesting that the Council sel' a public hearing at their earliest opportunity� the drawing should show the --_. --- - existing houses in relation to the lot lines. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT P.S. �'669-10 GALLAGHER ADDITION, WILLIAM H. GALLAGHER: West 5 acres of NW'� of SE'�, except South 4 acres, Christie Addition. The Public Hearing Notice was read by Chairman Erickson. Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher were present and also Leif Henriksen. The Engineering Assistant explained that at the last meeting, there was some discussion about the boulevard width at the Southwest corner. A field check indicated an existing boulevard of about 5 feet. The recommen- dation of the Engineering Depaxtment was that thexe should be at least 13 feet, so that an additional right of way should be obtained of about 8 or 9 feet off the corner. Mr. Gallagher said the lot was big enough to allow this. He was asked if he knew how far from the West line his house stood. He thought aUout 18 to 20 feet, and about 32 feet from the East line. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission ' close the public hearing of the proposed preliminary plat, P.S. d�69-10, Gallaghex Addition, William H. Gallagher of the West five acres of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, except the South four acres of ' Christie Addition. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ' Mr. Gallagher was asked to get a certificate of. survey and show the existing building. The suggestion was made to change the 75 foot lots to 80 feet making them more buildable. Mr. Gallagher said he �aculd do so if he would not lose his trees. ' � ' ' ' P1amlin�; Concnission 14eetinF - July 23 1969 P��- ' 3. 1 ' ' � • MOTION bg FiLzpatrick, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Co�nission reco�nend to Council approval of L'he pxoposed preliminary plat, P.S. �Fb9-10, Gallaghex Addition, 4Tilliam H. Gallagher, of the West five acres of the NorthwesL' Quarter of i-he Southeast Quaxter, except the South four acres, Christie Addition erith the provision that there be a minimum of 13 feet for the boulevaxd provided on the South�o�st coxner of the plat and that there be a cextificate of survey su6mitted sho�aing the position of the exist-ing structure before final approval Uy Council. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motioii carried unanimously. t PROPOSED PRETIMINARY PLAT, P C6d00D ESTATES i THOMAS Sl-dANSON: All that part o£ Lot 34, Revised Auditor's Subdivision �k77 lying East of the East line o£ Block 1, Mississippi View Addition. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Jensen, that the Planr.ing Commissiou continue the continued proposed preliminary p1at, P.S, �f69-07, P,rentwood Estates (Revised) by Thomas�Swanson for all that part of Lot 34, Revised Auditor's Subdivision ��77 lying East of th,e East line of Block 1, Mississippi View Addition. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani.mously. , ' k. CONTINUF.D RF.ZONING RE�UEST; ZOA ��69-QS R. W. WORIyISBECKER: Nid4 of NW'�, except Noxth 16.6 acres and SW4 of NG74 of Section 2; also the North 34.68 acres of NE4 0� NE'� of Section 3 to be rezoned fxom M-2 to R-3. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Comnissioci � continue until the next meeting, the continued xezoning request, ZOA �669-08, R. W. Wormsbecicer of the NW4 of the N[d'�, except North 16.6 acres and the SW4 of NW� of Section 2; also the North 34.6£ acres of the NE'� oi the NE'y of Section 3 to be rezoned from M-2 to R-3. Upon a voice vote, all voti.ng aye, the motion caxxied unanimously. ADJOUP.NM�NT : MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Pitzpatrick, that the Planning Coirmiission meeting af 3uly 23, 1969 be adjourned at• 4:45 P.M. Respectfull,y submitted �i'w,�% d:�.�..--„�- Raz 1 0`Brian Recording Secretaxy i ' ' ' ' 9PF ORDIl�ANCE RDGIILATIPG R'HE ER�)TION, CONSTRIICTION, � HEPAIR, ALTEiiATION, LOCATION, 0& MAIP'1.'ENANCE OF' SIGNS AND BILLBOARD3 WITHIN 'PHE CITY OF FRIDLEY, PROVIDII� FQR THE POSTING OF BOND3, '!`8E ISSIIBNCE OF PIItMIT3, INSPECTION: AND F'II�, PROPIDING PN3tALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS, APID 9ME[�IDING THE nCISTING CH6FTF�t 56 (SIGDTS & BILLBOAiiDS) FROM 56.0� mo 56•�2 o�"rHE C�TY CoDE. The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain ae followe: SDCTION 1. Chapter 56 by emending to read ae followe: 56.01 - Purpoee and intent r i: ' The purpoee of this Ordinance ie to protect and promote the general welfare, health, safety and order withi.n the City of Fridley through the eetablish�nt of a comprehensive and impartial aeriee oS etandarde, reg'ulatione ' snd procedures governing the erection, uee and�or diepley o£ deviaee, eigoe or eymbols eerving ae a visual communicative media to pereone situated withia or upon publio right-of-ways or propert3ee. ' Ths provieiona of this Ordinance are intended to eneoursge creativity, a reasonsble degree of freedom of choice, an opportunity for effective oo�unicstion, and a sense of coacera for the vieusl smenitiea on the part of , thoee deeigaing, dieplsying or otherwiee utilizing needed communicative msdia of the typee regulated by thie Ordinaace; while at the same time, aeeuring that the public health and welfare ie not endangered. , �6.02 - Definitione ' 1. "Aocesaory IIee" meane a uee which is eubordinete to the principle use being made of a parcel of land. F�amples: ideatification eigas, off etreet parking, off etreet losdirag, telephone booths, etc. ' ' � ' ' • � �l ' 2. "Advertising Sign" meane a eign, geaerally known ae a billboard, whioh ' is used to advertiee producte, gooda, or eervioee whiah are not rs],ated or incidental to the products, goode, or ssrvioee an the premiaee on C , which the siga is loasted. � j. ""Wirese 3igu" m�ane identificatiaa numb�rs only, wh�the� �itiaa ss. `iq m�rio form, ¢. "Area Identi£ication Sign" meane a free etanding aign which identifi�� the name of a neighborhood, a reeidentisl eubdiaieiona a ffiul��,ple reeidential complex coneiating of three �3� os mor� etructusee, a ehopping oeater coneisting of thr.e (3) or wore se�at� bi:sUt��� conoerna, an induatrisl sree, an offiae complta consi��tic� 02 t�ai'aa (3) or more struotures or any combinetion of the above. 5, "Bannsre and Pennante" mean attention gettiag dewice� vslaiah reewbl� flage and �re of a noa-permaxient paper, oloth or plwetid•lidce owviat�aoq> 6. ^Henoh Sign" meane a eign mhiah ie afPised to a banoh st a bue etop. �±• #fi'' 7. "Bueineas Sign" meane a eign relating in ite eubject mattar to tYu �';��� �'�a�• premieee on whioh it ie looated, or to produate, s000mmodstioae, esrrsqlr,� or activitiee on the premieee an whiah it ie located. � _� _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __- - --_ _ _ - 37 1 ' , , � , 8. "Church Directional Sign" meane a eign which beara the addrees and�or name o£ a church and directional arrows pointing to a church location. 9, "Canopy and Marquee" means a rooflike etructure projecting over the entrance to a theater, atore, etc. 10. "Diatrict" refers to a apecific zoning dietrict as defined in the Zoning Ordinance. 11. "Free-Standing Sign" meana a sigxi which ie placed in the ground and not a£fixed to any part of any etructure. 12. "Governmentel Sign" meana a eign which �.� erected by s g'overamental unit for the purpoee of directing or guzding traf'fic, 1j, ��111UiIl1218t2d Slg'[lt1 meana any eign which ie illuminated by an artificial light eource. 1q, "Information Sign" meana any eign giving informQtion, containing no ' advertieing or company name, to employeea, visitors, or delivery vehicles. ' 15. "Iaatitutional Sign" means any sign or bulletin board which identifiea the name and other characteriatics o£ a public or private institution on the site where the aign is located. , � 16. "Motion Si�n" meane any eign which revolves, rotates or hss any moving paste. 17. "Nameplate or ldentification Sign" meane a eign which bears the name and�or addreas of the occupante of the building. � 18. "No.nconforming Sign" means a eign which lawfully ezieted prior to the adoption of thie Ordinance but doee not conform to the newly enacted requirements of this Ordinance. 19. "Portable Sign" meane a eign ao designed as to be movable from one located to another which ie not attached to the ground or any etructure. ' 20. "Porta-panel" reYera to a 10' by 20� bQCk to back mobile edvertising device, mounted on wheela and ueed for commercial ae well ae civic promotiona. � � ' ' 21. "Private Traffic Directional Sign" means a sign which ie erected on private property by the owner of euch property for the purpose of guiding vehicular and pedeatrian traffic. Such sign beare no advertising information. 22. °Projecting Sign" meane any eign, all or any part of which extenda over public property more than twelve (12) inchea. 23. "Permanent Sign" is any sign which ie not a temporary eign. -?- , � ' �� � " , ' , � 24. "Roof Sign" means any sign erected upon the roof of a etructure to which it is affixed. 25. "Roofline" is defined as the top line of the coping; or, when the building has a pitched roof, as tlxe intersection o£ the outside wall with the roof. 26. "Sign" means any letter, word or aymbol, device, poster, picture, atatuary, reading matter ox represe.ntation in the nature of an advertisement, announcement, measage, or visual communication whether painted, posted, printed, a£fixed, or co.nstructed, which is displayed outdoore for informational or cnmmunicative purposes. 27. "Sign Area" meana that area withi.n the marginaZ lines o£ the surface which bears the advertisement, or in the case of inessages, figurea, or symbols attached directly to any part of a building, that a.rea which ia included in the smallest rectangle which can be made to circumscribe the messa�e, figure or symbol dieplayed thereo.n. The atipulated maximum eign area for a free standing sign re£ere to a eingle facing. 2B. "Street Frontage�� refers to the proximity o£ a parcel of land to one or more streete. An interior lot hae one street £ro.ntsge and a corner lot has two such frontages. 29. "Temporary Sign" meane a sign which is erected or diaplayed for a ' limited period of time. Such temporary eigas shall include but not be limited to those listed in Section 56.03 � Section 56.05 4 b2> and pennante, banners, paper and other eimi.lar type aigne. �J j0. "Wall Sigzi" means any sign which is affixed to a wall of any building. j1. "Window Sig�n" mea.ns a sign placed on a window, or eny sign placed ' within a i�uilding £or the purpose of being visible from the public right-of-way. ' S6.03 - General Provisiona Applicable To All Districts ' , ' 1 � Addreas Signe One addreea sign ahall be required per building in all diatrict�. Bench eigne ehall be permitted only at bue etops. j. Canopiea and marqueee ahall be coneidered to be an integral part of the etructure to which they are an acceesory. Signa may be attached to a canopy or marquee but euch etructurea aha11 not be ca.asidered ae part of the wall area and thus ehsll .not warrant additional sign area. � q. Church directionsl signs ehall be permitted in all districts provided the total area of euch aigne shall not exceed £our (4) equsre feet per facing. , ' -3- 38 � G , ' ' ' t , 3.`3 5. Conatruction All signa shall be constructed in such a manner and of such material that they shall be safe and substantial, provided that nothing in thia Ordinance shall be interpreted as authorizing the erection or conatruction of any sign not now permissible under the Zoning or Building Ordinance o£ the City. � 7 Free Standing SiKrns a. Any free standing sign within twenty-£ive (25) feet of any inter- section of street right of way linea and�or driveway entrances ahall have a minimum vertical clearance of ten (10� feet above the centerline of the pavement. b. The total sign area of any multi-�'aeed free `�tanding sign shall not exceed twice the permitted area oS 8 single face sign. General Requirementa a. No gign shall contain any indecent or offenaive picture or written matter. � b. No sign other than governmental aigns shall be e�eoted or temporsrily placed within any street or public right of way or upon any public easement, , c. A permit £or a sign to be located within 50 feet of any atreet or highway regulatory or warning sign, of any trafSic sigxi or signa2, or of any croasroad or crosswalk, will be ieaued only if: , ' ' , , , , ' ' {1� The sign will not interfere with the ability of drivers and pedestrians to see any street or highway sign, or any trOffic eign or signal, or any croseroad or crosawalk, and; (2} The sign will not distract drivers nor of£er any confusion to any street or highway sign, or any traf£ic sign or signal. d. The iasuance of a permit may also be aubject to conditions in order to promote a more reasonable combination of signa and to promote con£ormity with the character and usee of adjoining� property. The conditions will be subject to the diecretio.n of the Building Znspection Department. 8. Illuminated SiKne Nc iiluminated sign which ctiangee in either color or intensity of 1i�t:t shall be permitted excrpt one giving public service information ,�.ch as time, date, temperature, weather, or aimilar information. The City Building Inspector in gra.nting permits for illuminated signs ehall apecify the hours durin� which the eame may be kept li;hted when necessary to prevent the creation of a nuisance, There shsll be no use of revolving beacons, zip flashers, or similar devicee which cauee any of the sources of :ight to change in intenaity, unleBe as noted aLove. -4- , C ' ' , `t �� 9, Maintenarice a. The surface and s�ructure o£ all signs must be kept refinished as necessary to prevent the si&n sur£ace from becoming unkempt in appearance. When any sign for which a permit is requir.ed is removed, the $uilding Inspector �hall be r_otified and the entire si�n and its' components shall be removed, b, The permit owner s�a1l oe responsible for all o£ the o£ this Chapcer, includin=� the liability for expense and mainterar.ce incurred bv the Citvo 10. Motion signs are p�r�itted only in C-1, C-1S, C-2, and C-2S Districts, , Also the only type of motion si�n allo�,red is a revolving sign which revolves 360° but does not excee3 8 RPi7, ' 11, Portable signs ar.e permitt.cl only in the R-1 District. Portable private tra£fic directional signs are permitted in any district, , 12a Porta-Panels v;ay be u�ed in C-1, C-2, C-1S, C-25, M-1, or M-2 Districts with a Special Use Permit issued by the Buildin6 Inspect:on Department for 10 day perio4s, 'out limited to three (3} tir�es a year per business. ' � �l ' �_J ' ' �. , , ' , 13, Private traffic directionsl signs sha11 not exceed six (6� square feet in area, 14. Projecting Si�ms No projecting sign shall 'oe permitted in any district, 15. Roof signs are prohibited, except in C-1, C-1S, C-2, C-2S Districts, The type o£ roof signs oerc;itted in the Commercial Districts shall be parallel to the outsi3e wall of the building and project only £i£teen (15) £eet above ihe roofline of the structure. This additional height, however, shall not be considered as part of the wall area and shall not werrant additional sign area. The supporting members of a roof si.gn shall appear to be free of any extra bracing, angle iron, guy wires, cables, etc, The supports shall appear to be an arclzitectural and integral part of the building, Supporting columns of round, square or shaped steel members may be erected if required bracir�, visible to the public, is minimized or covered, 16. Temporary Si�ns 4k The following are the only type of temporary signs permitted unless specifically allowed in the individual zoning districts, a. Banners, pennants and whirling devices or any such sign resembling the same are prohibited £rom use within the City except when used as an integral part of the design of a building or when used in conjunction with grand openin�s �the initial commencement of business�, or when allowed by the provisions of this Ordi.nance, In the case of grand openings, banners and pennants shall be allowed for the week (maximum '!0 @ays� of said grand opening. Tn other cases a special permit shall be issued for 10 day periods, but limited to three (3� times a year per business. -5- ,_ . ' ' ' , _J �� , ' ' , 1 �� b. Campaign signs posted by a bcnafide candidate i'or political of£ice or by a person or group promoting a political issue or a political candidate may be placed in any distri�t subject to the requirements of that district, Such signs shall be removed witnin seven (7� days following the election. A$25,00 deposit shall be received by the City of Fridley before any si�s may be posted. If all the signs are removed, the $25.00 will be re£unded, buT if removal is not complete, the deposit will be used to defray the costs of removal, c. One temporary identification sign may be installe3 up�n a construction. site in any district, provided such sign does not ex�eed eighty 80 square feet in area. d. Temporarv real Gstate si�-ns may be erected £or tY�.e burpoee oi se�ling or promoting a residential project o£ ten (l0) or more dwelling units or any non-residential project provided: �1) Such si�s shall not exceed otie hundred (100� squa-re £eet in area. {2� Q,r1y ore such sign ahall be permitted per str�et i_a�iy��,� :��,�o:�: which the property abuts. (j) �uch signs shall be removed when the project is 9jf compleied,, sold or leased, and (4) Such signa shall be located tio closer than one hundred (100� feet to any pre-existing residence. e. Temporar si �s for +he purpose of sellirag_or leasing individual lots or buildings sha11 be permit�ed, provie.ed; , (1) Such eigns shall not exceed six (6� square feet for residential property and twenty-four (24) square feet for r.on-residential propertye (2) Only one such sign is permitted per street frontage upon which the property abuts. (EXCEPPION: An additional "open house" sign nay be nsed.) (3) Such sign shall be removed within thirty (30) days following the lease or sale. 17. Wall Signs am Signs attached +,0 2 building wall which extend more than forty- eigh� (45� i*�chea �rom such surface eh�.11 be prohibited. b. A wall eign or other building £acing �which is an integral pari of the structure� may project only four (4) feet above the roofline of a atructure. This additioxial height, however, shall not be considered as part of the wall area and shall not warrant additional aign area (1� Businesa and advertising eigna ahall not be painted directly� to any exterior building� surface but shall be on a aepax°ate �'x&u�� ,�CCe�t for temporary diaglaY windows. Sign letters and ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' 1 '_� , ' symbols ma,y be attached directly to a wall by adhesive or mechanical means. (2) Information signs, containing no advertising, may be painted directly to the exterior building sur£ace. �6.04 - Special Regulation: Advertising Signs 1. Advertising wa11 signs shall be permitted only in the C-2 and C-2S Commercial Districts according to the requisements set forth for those districts. 2. Free standing advertisir� signs shall be permitte3 in only the C-25, M-1 and M-2 Districts, but only after securir� a Special Use Permit, The following conditions shall be considered as the mi.nimum atandaxda for £ree standing advertising signa, but the City still may impose additional conditions. a. Mtiximum Height: Twenty-r'ive (25) £eet above 1ot grade, unlesa the sign is intended to be viewed from a highway, then the 25 foot maximum height will be computed from the centerline of the traveled highway, but in no case, shall ±he vertical di�tance between the bottom of the sign and the ground be reduced to less than ten (1U) feet. b. Maximum Si�n Area: Three hundred (300� aqu&.re £eet per facing and not to exceed two (2� £acir�s. Double faced signs ahall be attacheu back to back. c. Minim�xm Die+ance Bet�.reen Si�,ms; Five hundred (500� feet. d. Minimu��_Setnack rrom Street Ri�ht o£ Wsv Lines: Thirty �30� feet. e. Distance From Street Intersections: Not closer than five hundred , 500 feet to the intersection of two or more streeta or highways, auch distance being measured from the intersection of street or highway centerlines. �J , � ' ' LI f. Proximit to Uaes Permitted in Reaidential Areas: Not closer than five hundred 500 feet to any residential district or any paxk or playground. g. Sign Structure Specifications: The etructure shall be all metal. The metal sha11 be either pairtted or treated to prevent deterioration, Lack o£ proper maintenance shall be cause for revocation of the Special Use Permit. -7- . '4 � � ' ` 1 ' ,�6.05 - Distxict Regulations In addition to those signs permitted in all districts, the following signs a.re permitted in each speciPic district and shsll be regulated as to size, location and character according to tr•e requirements herein set iorth� 1, R-1. R-2 R-2A Residential Districts a, Name late Si s: One sign for each dwelling unit, not greater than ' two 2 square feet in area, indicating� the name and�or address of the occupant. ' ' , , 1 b. Institutional and Recreational Signe: One sign or bulletin. board per street frontage for a church, a public institutional use, or a recreational use in the R-1, H-2 and R-2A Disiricts. Such aign or bulletin board shall not exceed twenty�£ou.r (24% square feet in area nor shall it be placed closer than ten (10� feet to any atreet right of way 1ine. c. Area Identification Si .s: One sign per development not to exceed twenty-four 24 square feet in areao d. `£emporar,y Signs: Refer to Section 56.03, No, i6e e. Maximum Height of Free Standing Signs: Six �6� feet above the lot grade. f. Minimum Setback: No part of a sign shall be within ten �10} feet ' of any property line. (EXCEPTION: Nameplate sign may be placed anywhere on the owners property.) ' , 2, Multiple Residential Districts R-3, R-3A and R-4 aa Ide'ntification Signs: One identification sign or symbol per buiSding not greater than six (6� square £eet in a.rea, provided such eign is attached flat against a wall of the building�. b, Area Identification Signs: One area identification sign pe?° , development, providing auch sign doea not exceed t�iez?ty-=c�� (24� aquare feet in area, and further proviCed, such sa�n �3 �laced no cloeer than ten (10) Eeet to any street �ight oa u�y, , � , ' , c. Iastitutional Signs: One sign �er s�reet °ron�ag�s iaer,tif,itag an inatitutional complex within a multiple residential disisict (convaieecent, nursing, rest or boarding care homes, or mobile home complex,) Such sign shall not exceed t�enty-fo�r (24> equare feet in area nor ahall it te �l.aced claser t;v�� te� (lOj '�e�t to any etreet right of hay iine. d, Buei�eae Signs: Signs ide.ntifying� uses accessory to a�:.:,.'�=�1e resinential developmeaat ahall not be lriaible from the publie right of way. _g._ �� � ' � ' ��' C � ' ' ' 1 L.' , ' ' ' ' J �� e, Temporary 8i�ns: Refer to Section 56.03, No, 16 f< Piazimum Fleight o£ Fre� Stendin� Si�ns: Six (6� £eet above the lot �rade, go Minimuei Setb-_cV: No par_t of a sign sha11 be within ten �10� feet of any p�operty line. h, Private 9'raffic Direc'„;onal Si�ns: Refer to Section 56.03, No, 11 and No. 1jo 3. Commercial Districts C-1, C-2 C-1S C-2S a. Wall Si�;ns and HooS Si s: Tne total area of all wa11 signs affixed to a buildi.ng wall and all roof signs parallel to a specified wall shall not exceed. 15 � of the total area of tYiat wall, However, the maxim.um size of any roo£ sign is 80 square feet, The use of a roo£ si�;n will substitute £or a iree standing business sign �,long the fronta�q;: it £aces. b. Free Standin�; Si�-es: One free standing sign for. each buildin� per street fronta�e, The total area of a free standing sign £or a buildin� havin� one street fronta�c :;hall not er.ceed eighty (80) square feet in Commercial District C-1 and C-15, nor shall it exceed one hundred (�00) square feei in Commercial District C-2 and C-2S. 4ltiere a ouilding has two or more street frontages, only one frse standin� sign of the above size sha11 be permitted. Each permitted free st�nding sigr, in excess of one sha11 be no greater. in area than oae-ha1S (2) the area of the £irst sign. The maximum hei�ht of' fre� standing signs sha11 be twenty-five �25� feeto c. Area Identification Si�ns; .One sign per development not to exceed one hundred 100 square ieet in area, do Temporary Sipns; Refer to Section 56,0j, No, 16. e, Private Traffic Directional Si�n�: Refer to Section 56,03, Noo 11 and No, 13. f, Exceptions: Of£ices and nedical �nd dental clinics in a commercial district shall comply with Section 56•o5� E, "Medical and Of£ice Buiiding District", g. Minimum Setback: No part of a sign shall be within ten �10� feet of any property lineo 4. Automobile Service Area means gas stations, drive-in restaurants, drive-in theaters, etc.; or any other type of business where an automobile is used as the recipient of the service or product or where an automobile is necessary to obtain or to make use of the service or product, �i . ._ ' � i , ' ' ' � , ' , , ' , ' ' ' 1 ' `� `i a. Wall Signs and Roo£ Sig�ns: The total area of all wall signs affixed to a building wall and all roof signs parallel to a specified wall shall not exceed 15f of the total area of that wall. However, the maximum size o£ any roof sign is 8� squsre feet. The use of a roo£ sign wi11 substitute £or a free standing business sign along the frontage it £aces. b. Free Standing Signs: (1� Qne free standing sign per principle building per street frontage. The total area of a£ree standing sign for a building having one street £rontage ahall not exceed eighty (80� square feet. Where a building has two or more street frontages, only one (1� free standing sign o£ the above size shall be permitted. Each permitted £ree standing sign in excess of one ahall have a sig�n area not to exceed fifty (50� square feet. The maYimum height of free standing signs ahall be twenty-£ive (a5} Feet. (2} Temporary product sale, stamp and game signs may occupy the remainder of that area not utilized £or the permanent free standing brand si�'n, provided the total area of all permanent and temporary signs does not exceed eighty (80) aquare feet £or one sign and fifty (50� square feet for each sign in excess of one. Also, the ma.ximum total area for temporary signs ia txenty �20� equare feet, c. Rzmp Signs: Lettering or symbols which are an integral part of the design of a gasoline pump shall be permitted. d. Private Tra££ic Directional Signe: Refer to Section 56.03, No. 11 and No. 13. e. Temporar.v Si�ns: Refer to Section 56.03, No. 16. f. Restroom Si�ns: Signs indicating the location of restrooms and containing no advertiaing iaformation siia,ll be permitted aa needed. �, Medical and 0££ice Building Dietrict CE-1 and CR-2 a. Identi£ication Signs: Oxie sign per street fxontage, provided such eigna do not exceed thirty-sis (36) equare feet in area. b. Bueineas Signe: One ide.ntification wall aign per accesaory use attached to the £acing of the building at the ground floor level. The total area o£ all wall eigns shall not exceed fifteen per cent (15�) of the ground floor wall facing of the accesaory uee. c. Area Identification Si e: Qne eign per development, not to ezceed thirty-aix 3 equare feet in area. -10- ' 1 ' Ll d. Maximum Heigh+ o£ Free Standing Signs: Six (6) feet above lot gxade. e. Temoorary Sig.s: Refer to Section 56.03, No 16. £. Private Traffic Directional Si�na: Refer to Section 56•03> IQo• 11 and No. 13. ' g. Minimum Setback: No part of a sign sha11 be within ten (10� feet of any property line. (EXCEFTION: Twenty (20) £eet from £ront lot line when located within twenty (20� £eet of a driveway.� ' L 1 ' ' LI ' C , �J '� 6. HeavY and Light Industrial Districts M-1 and M-2 a. Identification Signs: One identification sign per street fs^mntage not to exceed eighty (80) square £eet in area. One (1� additional wall identitication si�m for each tenant having a private en*ry to a multi-tenant buildir�; and the total area of such signs beirtg displayed at or near the tenant's entrance, shall not exceed ten per cent (10fo) o£ the area o£ the wall to which it is a£fixed. b. Area Identification Si�ns: One sign per development not to exceed eighty 80 square £eet in ares,. c. TemporarY Si�n�• Refer +.o Section 56.03, No. 16. d. Maximum Height o£ Free Standing Si�ns: Twenty five (25� feet above lot grade. e. Private Tra£f�c Directional Si�na: Refer to Section 56.03, No. 11 and No. 13. f. Minimum Setback: No part o£ a eign ehall be within ten (10� feet of any property line. 'j, P and PD Diatricta: Sign requirementa in P and PD areas would be controlled by the Council when the development ie planned. 56.06 - Adminiatration Permite: Before a eign may be dieplayed in the City of Fridley, the owner o£ the premiees on which the sign ia located ahall file application with the City Building Inspection Department £or permisaion io display euch aign. Permits are required for sll existing, new, relocated, modified or redeaigned eigna except thoee speci£ically exempt under Section 56.07, No.1. 1. Permit Application: Application for permita shall be made upon blanks ' provided by the Building Inspector and ehall atate or have attached thereto, the £olloxing information: ' � � �.. iE'� .. __ _ _._ __ __ __ �- ' THE MINUTES �F TFIE BOARD OF APPEALS MEEPING OF NLY 30 196y 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mittelstadt at 7:34 P.Me M�IBERS �fiESENT: Mittelstadt, Minish, Harris MF3+IBk;ft9 AHSENT: 0' Bannon, Ahonen pTAF,'f�8 p$�$E�V`1`; Hank Muhich-$uilding Official MpTION by Minieh to approve the minutes of the July 16, 1969 meeting as.written, Seconded by Harris, IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Mitteletadt continued the public hearing from the July 16, �969 meeting. Thie item wae tabled from the July 16, 1969 meeting� to allow the applicant time to bring, before the Board, a preliminary aketch , drawn up by his contractor, ahowing the poeition of the propoaed home oa the lot. The Board requested this eketch to find out the exact meseuremente between atructures to determine whether there could be room for adequate fire coxitrol. The sketch showed there will be � 2�} feet between structurea and 18 feet between the garage and the living quarters of the home. Thia is above ou� minimum code requirements. The new garage will be 5 feet from the new lot line of the groposed lot split and the buildings as drawn o.n the aketch would allow the applicant to divide his loi into two 60 £oot frontage lote inetead of the angular aplit he firet proposed. MOTION by Minish to cloee the public hearing. Seconded by Hasris. IIpo.n a voica vote, there being no nays, the motion carried u»animouely. - MOTION by Minish to: 1. Deny variance No. 1, of Section 45.23, and variance No< 3, o£ Section 45.35� as they are now superfluous as a reault of the relocation of the proposed house on the lot. 2. Approve variance iio. 2, of Section 45,2'j, to reduce the avera�e depth of exieting front yard setbacka for proposed house from 48 feet to 30 feet instead of proposed 35 f�et. 3. Recommend to the Planning Commiasion to Deny the lot split (L.S, #69-�5) before them at the preaent time. 4. Also recommend to the Planning Commission the following order of events; a. . Applicant to remove existing garage. b. Applica.nt to be allowed.to build his proposed home on the lot as it ie now drawn on sketch submitted to the Board. e. Applicant to tear down exiating home as eoon as poasible after proposed home ie built. d. Applfcant to reapply for a 1ot aplit to aplit his lot into 2-60 foot fro�S�se lR���- .. ...r z .. _ Y � 2. 3• Minutea of the Board of Ap eala ffieeting of JulY 30, 115y Page 2 Seconded by Flarrie. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unsnimously, Mr. Erickson was preeent to present his requeet. He brought with him a survey af Lot 4 showing� the layout of the house on the lot. The structures on either adjacent side lot were also shown on the survey for the purpose af denoting how ma.ny feet there would be between the proposed structure and the exiating� structures. Mr. Erickaon explai.ned that there is a tremendous bank on the back of this lot and it would require removing a lot of dirt to build back farther on the lot. To build on the lot as it ie now requires the two variances. Without the variances the lot would be unbuildable. MOTION by Minish to receive a eurvey with three property owners signatures on it etating they know about but do not object to the requested vaxiancea. The aignatures are: Ben Douglss, 6054 Woody Lane, T.G. Schnagel, 6053 Central and Richard Inlow, 6057 Central Avenue. Seconded by Hr�rrie. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried una.nimously, MOTION by Harrie to close the public hearing. Seconded by Mini.ah. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. MCTION by Ha.rris to approve the requeat for the £ollowing reasons: 1. The front ,yard aetback is compatible with the adjacent structuses, 2, The building ia well situated on the lot to alloK a 5 foot sideyard setback. The atructure does abut a drainage and utility eaeement, vhich ie a ten foot easement, so there should be no problem with distance between this atructure and any future structures that may be built by the adjaceat progerty c°nzxer, 3. In order for the applicant to build on thie lot he does need the variances. Thie lot would be unbuildable without them. 4. The applicant also msintains the 15 feet betwee.n lzis structure and the atructw:e on the South. Seconded by Miniah, IIpon a noice vote, there being no naye, the motion carried unanimouslya __ _ _ ,,-.- - --- y Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meetinv of July 3�: 196g Pa�e 3 �, Silker Qlong� with his builder and planner Mr. D. Pearson and Mr. E: Hansan were present to present his request. Mr. L. StanZey, 7661 Esst River Road, wea present to find out more about the propoaed building�. He had no objectiona to the building but wanted to make 6ure that there would be an adequate parking� area planned for the building a.nd that they would have adequate refuee facilities. �'ir. Silker explained what the building will look like, landscaping and layout pn the lot, drainage, etc „ to the Board, He also explained that the building can't be moved back as they need the room ir. the back oP the io� for an adequate parking area, The corner involved could be removed but it would ruin the aesthetics of the building. MOTION by Minish to cloae the public hearix�'. Seconded by FIarriso IIpo.n a voice vote, there being no .nays, the motion c�rried una.nimouely. MOTION by Minish to approve the request for the following reasona: 1. The variance is for only one corner of the building and to remove that corner from the building� would be a hardahip aa it would ruin the aesthetic value. 2. Adjacent property ownera ha.d no objections to the building. Seconded by Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motio.n carried unanimouely. AATOIIRIdMENT: 'Phe meeting� was adjourned by Chairman Mittelstadt at at 8:41 P.M. Reapectfully submitted, � K�MARY HINTZ Secretary , __ _. � ' ' , ' ' �r a. Name, a3dress and telephone number of applicant. b. Location of building, structure, or lot to which or upon which the sign is to be attached or erected. c. Positian of the si�,-n_ or other advertising structures in relatio.n to the nearest buildings, structures, public streets, right o£ ways and property lines, The drawing showing sucti position shall be prepared "to scale". d. Two (2� blueprints or ink drawings of the plans and specii'ications and methed of construction or attachment to the building or in the ground inc2uding all dimensions. Locating all light sources, wattage, type and color o£ lights, and details of any light shields or shades, e. Copy o£ stress sheets and calculations showing the structure� is , designated for dead load and wind velocity in the amount required by this and all other Ordinances o£ the City if required by the Building Inspection Department. f. Name of person, firm, corporation, or association erecting the structure, g. Any electrical permit re�uired for any sign. h. AI�I AGREFMIIVT WITH THE CITY: (1) Which would authorize and direct the City of Fridley to remove and dispose o£ any signs and sign structure on which a permit has been issued but which was not renewed, if the owner does not remove the same within a thirty (30) day period foliowing the expiration o£ the perait. (2� Which would authorize and direct the City of Fridley to remove the sign and eign structure, at the expense of the applicant, where maintenance ia required and the maintenance is not flirnistzed, but only after a hearing and after a notice of sixty (60) days speci£ying the maintenance required by the City. i. If a eign authorized by permit hss .not been installed within ninety (90� days after the date of iesuance of said permit, the permit shall become null and void unlese an estenaion is granted by the Building inepection Department. j. The BuiZding Inspection Department ma.y require other information concerning sa£ety, 2. Fees: Permit £ees £or signa shall be: a. For signs forty (40� aquare £eet or lesa an initial fee of �10.00 ' � ' � b. For signs larger than forty (40) square feet the initial fee ehall be $25.00 plus 25 cents per square foot o£ the sig2i sur:ace exceeding 100 square £eet. c. 10 ue u�iargeo. f ' The annual fee shall noti be chzrged for busi,riess signs attached directly on a building which identify the a�tivity or advertise products eold cr services provided in that building. An annual £ee will be due cn Aprit 30 of each year. ' ' , ' � � � �J , � ' ' � ' d. No £ees are required for the notz-permit si�ns provi3ed for ir. Section 56.07, No. 1, an3 may be waived for religious, civic, school and public interests. e. For banners, pennants and wY�irling devices and porta panels or any such sign resembling the same, a special fee o£ 35.00 is required for each ten (10� day period or less. 3. Licensea and Bonds: No person, firm or corporation shall engage in the busineas of erer,ting signs under this Ordinance unless licenaed to do so by the City Council. Such lice.nse may be granted by the City Council after written applieatioxi to the City Clerk, accompanied by an annual license fee of $25.00 and it may be terminated at any time for catxae. The license shall expire on December 31st in the year of issuance and each year thereafter. No license ahall take ef£ect until the licensees sYiall file with the City Clerk a corporate surety bond in the sum of $1,000.00, conditioned that the lice.aeees ehall c,onform to all of the provisions of this chapter and indemniSy and hold the City, its officers and agents, harmless from and dama.ge or claim resulting from or related to the erection or maintenance o£ any aign in the City by the licenaee. A licenee and bond shall not be reouired of an annlicant. who ia not 56.0� - Ehforcement i. Exemptions: The exemptions permitted by thie Section ahall apply o.nly to the requirement o£ a permit and�or fee, and shall not be conetrued aa relieving the installer of the aign, or the owner of the property upon which the eig�n is located, from conforming with the other provisions of this Ordinance. a. Temporary sig�ns erected by a aon-profit organization are not exempt from obtaining a permit for aigus, but the City does waive the £ee requirement. b, No permit ia required under thie Sectio.n for the following signa: -?3- -, 4� , ' ' � 1 � , , ' � rl ' � �J ' ' 1 ' ■_Ji �c� (1� A window sign not exceeding thirty per cent (30'�0� of the window area. (2� Signa having an area of six (6} square £eet or less. (3� �igns erected by a governmental unit cr public school district. (4) Temporary signs as listed in Section 56.03, No. 16. (5� Memorial signs or tablets containing tYie name of the building, its use and date o£ erection when cut or built into the walla o£ the building and constructed of bronze, brass, stone or marble. (6� Signs which are completely within a building and are not visible from the outsi3e of said building. 2. Violations and Fines: I£ the City Building Inspector or his agent shall find that any sign regulated by this Ordinance is unsafe, insecure, or is a menace to the public; or has been constructed or erected without a permit first being granted to the owner of the property upon which eaid sig�n has been erecte@, or ia improperly maintained, or is in violation of any other provijions o£ this Ordinance, he shall give written notice o£ such violation to the owner or permitee thereof. If the owner fails to remove or alter the sign so as to comply with the provisiona set £orth in this Ordinance within ten (10) calendar days £ollowing receipt of said notice, such signs may be removed by the City, the cost incident thereto being levied ae a special assessment ag'ainat the property upon which tha aigti is located. Any person, organization, corporation or their representatives found in violation of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a miademeanor. IIpon coaviction, a fine of not more than $100.00 shall be imposed for each day the violation remains in existence. All signs are subject to such penalty Y.or violati�n of the requirements of the district within which they are located even though they may xiot be required by Ordina.nce to pay a fee ox acquire a permit. j. pPpeals. a, To provide for a reasonable interpretation of the proviaiona o£ this Ordinance, a permit applicant who wiahee to appeal an interpretation by the City Buildix� Inepector or his agent may file a notice of appeals with the City Engineer and request a hearing before the Board of Appeale. The Board shall hear the appeal and make their recommendation to the City Council, appeals or requeste in the following caees: (1} Appeals where it is alleged that there is an error i.n any order, requirement, deciaion or determination made by the administrative officer in t�e enforcement of thia Ordinance. -�4- r � � (2) Requests for variances from the literal provisions of this Ordinance in inatances where theis strict enforeement would cause an undue hardship. � ' �� � , b. Be£ore the Board shall grant a variance, it is the responsibility of the applicant to prove: (1) That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumetances applicable to the property or to the intended use that do not apply generally to other property in the same vicinity and zoning district; (2) That the variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone; but which is denied to the property in question; (3� That the strict application of the ordinance would constitu�2 unnecessary hardship; and ' (4) That the granting o£ the variance would not be materially detrimental to the public welPare or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity or zone in which the property is located. �J ' � 1 ' � . J �� ' �� 56.08 - Non-conforming Signs 1. Any non-con£orming temporary or portable sign existing at the time o£ adoption o£ this Ordinance shall be made to comply with the requirements set forth herein or shall be removed within sixty (6�) days a£ter the adoption o£ this Ordinance. 2. Non-conforming permanent business signs lawfuZly existing at the time o£ adoption of thie Ordinance shall be allowed to continue in uae, but ahall not be rebuilt, altered other than to change the messag�e, or relocated without being brought into compliance with the requirements of thie Ordinance. After a non-conforming sign has been removed, it shaZl not be replaced by another non-conforming sign. 3. No.n-con£orming advertising signa existing on the ef£ective date o£ this Ordinance ahall become non-conforming ueea and shall be diecontinued withih the �ollowing period of amortization of the sign; unless the required Speciai Use Permit ia obtained. The period of amortization for aigns shall be not more than: a, Free atandin� and wall si .e: Five (5� years £rom the effective daie o£ thie Ordinance, b, Signs nainted directiv on buildina�facix�s• Three (3� yaars from the eSfective date of thia Ordinance. 4. Whenever a non-oonforming permanent eign uee hae been discontinued for a period of three (j) montha, suah use ahall xlot therea£ter be aonti,nued unlese in conforma.noe with tha provi.eions of th�;e Ordinanoe, _� 5_ .�_: ' , � 56,09 - Severance Clauae I£ any Section, clause or proviaion or portion thereo£ of this Ordinance ehall be found to be invalid or unconatitutional by any court o£ competent ' juriadiction, such decision shall not effect any other section, clause, provieion or portion thereof of thia Ordinance. , 56.10 - Repeal ' Any portion of the Fridley City Code inconaistent with this Chapter is hereby repealed. ' ' , , , ' � ' , , , ' ' a�1 ' 1 1 1 �� � I 3� RESOLUTION NO.�_ OPPOSING THE USE OF RICE CREEK WATERSHED AREA, OR ANY LAKES CONNECTED THERETO, AS A RECIPIENT OF SEWAGE EFFLUENT. ' WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota has been informed that certain communities within the Rice Creek area intend to use or permit to be used the Rice Creek Watershed area as a recipient of sewage effluent; and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the City Council of the City o£ Fridley, Minnesota, that use of the Rice Creek Watershed area as a recipient of sewage effluent from any source is not in the best interest of the residents of the City of Fridley or the residents of all communities t6at are in the Rice Creek Watershed area; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Fridley opposes the use of the Rice Creek Watershed area, or any lakes connected thereto, as a recipient of sewage effluent from any source whatsoever. ADOP D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS ( _DAY --� OF , 1969. � MAYOR - JACK 0. KIRKHAM ATTEST; CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL 52 � R[SOLUTION hd0. __ /_��1969 _, _ � � +. : RESOLUTION �ESIGNATI�dG.POLLING PLACES AND APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES FOR THE AUGUST 19, 1969', SPECIAL ELECTION ` , � , �' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by th2 City Council of the City of Fridley> Anoka County, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof on July 2l, 1969. , '. - ' ' , ' , � . ' , , ' , ' ' � SECTION 1: 7hat�on the 19th day of August, 1969> there shall be a City Special Election for the purpose of voting on the follo�rring question: SPLIT LIQUOR ISSUE SHALL THE CITY OF FRIDLEY BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE "ON-SALE° LIQUOR LICEfdSES TO NOTELS AiJD RESTAURAiJTS �. PURSUANT TO ("SPLIT LIQU'JR" BILL, BEIPlG) h1INVESOTA STATUfES 340.353? `� SECTION 2: That the pollirg places for said special election shall be as fol l ov�s : Ward l, Precinct 1 41ard 1, Precinct 2 •_ ' 41ard 1 , Precinct 3 4tard 2, Precinct 1 Ward 2, Precinct 2 4lard 2, Precinct 3 -Ward 3, Precinct 1 Ward 3, Precinct 2 Ward 3, Precinct 3 Woodcrest School Hayes School Riven,iood Schooi Senior High School Rice Creek School North Park School City Hall Parkvievr School - Reserve Supply Co. � SECTION 3: 7hat the polling places wil.l be open from 7:C0 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. SEC7ION 4: That the -Following people are hereby appointed to act as judges for said election except that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to appoint qualified substitutes in cases of conflict or interest as set forth in Chapter 4, Section 4.05 of the City Charter. �� 4111RD 1- PRECIPICT 1 . 1,705 Regisi;ered Voters -�Judges Mrs. Dar�,rin Beck Mrs j .Jayiie ?rovart P1rs. ^�eraldine Sherv.e Mrs. Don� ',�Iolteriqg �Irs. Donna I�tarcucci i�irs. Janic� Devries Mrs. Ronald �tandall tirs. Shirley Godeen Mrs. Alice Flitzeman P1rs. Jean Schultz hirs. JacqueZine Bovy 4Srs. Larry Jamison Mr. Lari°y Janison rfra. ,eorge Hanson A1rs. 3etty Skjervold 1 ���� � � RESOLUTION N0. 1969 ' DESIGNATING POLLING PLACES AND APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES Page 2 ��� � � ��li .1 1 , , ' � WARD 1 - PRECINCT 2 Mrs. Doris Nyline pirs. iaarren Olson t2rs. Carol Lueders Mrs. Judy Rafferty Mrs.��lilliam Jenson Mrs. Mirth La:nge�` pZrs. Mary Schreiner Mrs. Joyce McClellan Mrs. Ithalia Swanson Mrs/. orothy Houck Nirs. �ita Rocheford 41ARD 1 - PREGINCT 3 NSrs. Cvl2tte Bourdoaux Firs. Leona Hubley Mrs. Bon7ie Kuzyk Mrs. M�ldred Kaiser �� i�irs. ShirleytFehlar{Ca�� Mrs. Clarenco iCoenen Nrs. John Jagger ptrs. Lois Rawson Mr, . Don '.legler Mr. A.L. RobidoLix WARD 2 - PRECINCT 1 Mrs. ShirlEy Pitala , ,Irs. Joanne Jochum . Dirs. Grace Ludwig A:rs. Oirginia Locker , Mr. 2iarry Naw�o�lci. Mrs. Jane Barette Mrs . ?-Iazel Anderson ' 1�rs..Arlene Haberg Mrs. Bea Hyvare 4lARD 2 - PRECINCT 2 ' Mrs. Jeanette P4icholski Mrs. Eileen Freeman Mrs. Shirley Kranz � � Mrs. Bonn3e Rognrud t-irs. Carrol Kuko.aski AIrs. Ida 1'Iae Ka�son , Mrs. Rose :•7eyerhoff M rs.Beverly ?tinsman Mrs. Rosella �chnagl Mrs. Iiargaret Knud,en , Mrs. Edna Erickson hlrs. Vi Portsr , , 1,340 Registered Voters Mrs. L.°ona Brnbbakken Mrs. R1che1 Hinz ;frs. Marion Born Mrs. WilTiam Thorpe Mrs. Richard Pratt � t-� Judges lo 1,504 Reqistered Voters -� Judges Mrs. Gloria Swanson PS�s. Gilbert R�n ard Mra. 4Ii11iam Thomason t4rs. Betty pIC13Tljt - " Mrs. Jordis P".ittelstadt Mrs. Jenny Lahti Mrs. riabel Hoffman t4rs. Alico Anderson 1,360 Registered Voters -�,ludges Mrs. Connie 1-4etealf Mrs. Ruby 24iller 14rs. Jane Johnson �Irs. Tdorrna }delson Mrs. Janet ?razak Mrs. Carrol Toveson Mrs. Kath 011ila P•irs. Linda�3ossman Mrs. Mary_Jo Savelkoul 1,102 Registered � �. � Mrs. W.B.Sims Mrs. Rita Pierce ?9rs. Geraldine Engdahl Mrs. Shirley iiadrai:h Mrs. Sue P7essick Voters -�Judqes �I � � ' ' RESOi.UCIOi� �10. ��i 1969 DESIGiVAT1P{G POLL�Pf�i;C�'�Ll10ES ANU 11PPOIPlTItJG FLECTI01'd JUDGES Page 3 .' � g WARD 2- PR[CINCT'3 _ 1,260 Regisiered Voters -�Judges , , . ' ' , �-. � ' i f ' I ' I ' � � 2�rs. Sylvia Gillund �firs. Grace t4anley Mrs. Adelinc Scxanson Mrsi-Judy Ei�gebretson Mrs. Lucille TTesLern Mrs. tlarriet Johnson Mr. Douglas �t'hite Mrs. Virginia `rlahlberg./ 61ARD 3 - PRECINCT 1 �trs. Fverette Heule Mrs. Rosella Arnar Mrs. Barbara Gohman Mrs. Therese Goldfus Mrs. I.eona Flening Mr. David Cha.stan Mrs. Christine Peterson 4lARD 3 - PRECINCT 2 Mrs. Ann Devore irlrs. Bonnie hril.dnan Mrs. Germain �dolsiel�i I•Srs. Ddie hiichalski�`� Mrs. Connie Opsahl Mrs. rlildred `rlatkins � Mrs. Grace Sze�da ' 14rs. $arbara Johnson 47ARD 3 - PRECINCT 3 t4rs. Jean °helan Mrs. t�Iar. �aret Ku-rak Air�. �Ioleri Tr.ue:ifels :+Iru. G7.oria Sne11 Mr�. Pearl �ana.�tro:a ASrs. Betty Aelson Mr. I�es Hunger£ord , rTrs. Phy].I�s Brozak Mrs. Sue Nicholson F1rs. Darlene Coulson i3rs. Eve`Lyn Hildcbrandt Mrs. Jean Sche11 0 1,516 Registered Voters - Judges Mrs: Elmer Johnson P4rs. T9argaret Poc,rell � 4Srs. June Eol�quist. T4rs. Marilyn Cxo;�rd�r• Mrs. Sylvia Kort� Nirs. Yat Dittes 1,316 Registered Voters -�Judges Mrs. Fthc�lyn Pdel�on ;�rs. Rol.and ,•Jhitcom� r1rs..Shelvin Syverson pdrs': Ing Rossing Mrs. Vftlma Pinks YIrs. Ardel Bu�s 9?_7 Registered Voters �Judges Mrs. J�an de�n�a�er� t�irs. Kai,n).cen �dstr . P9rs. vyrtle Hanson 9 j St::t:41Uiv 5: That the follovling juciges are appointed to act as chairman of the � ' Election 6oard for the precincts desi�nated and shall have the ; duties as set forth in Section 203.23 of i��in��esota Statutues. � 41ard l, Precinct 1 ��+.�- N����oy 1 ' 4lard 1, Precinc� 2 �wc�,o� tl�%'� 4tard 1, Precinct 3 �- N.u,GP�,� 41ard 2, Precinct 1 '�- U+�r-.�.� 19Qa.�1�.c� 41ard 2, Precinct 2 �wr.o L���uyG�7�--�?-°—"'li•� tdarct 2, Precirict 3 �,y � � 4larcf 3, Precinct 1 -ys{,t,�- Q�� Vtard 3, Preci nci: 2�ru� ��� 4larcl 3, Pmcinct 3 ryyL�- C r �),_ � RESOLUTIO;! N0. 1969 ' DES1GtJATING POLLZiJG PLACES AND r1PPO1NTING ELECTION JUDGES Page 4 ��' ' ' SECTION 6:. Compensation for said judges svill be paid at the rate of $1.50 per . ; hour for the regular judges and,$2.00 for chairmen of the Election • Board. ' . ' ' PASSED AND DOPTED BY TNE CITY UMCIL OF TNE CITY OF FRIDLEY _ THIS DAY OF � , 1469. , . � ' . ; , MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham ATTEST: - . , -_ . ' ' � CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell • .' � ' . '. , � - � , . , ' ' ' , • � , _ . � _, _ _ _ _ __ , , ___ __�_ • APPOINTMENT FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION - AUGUST 4, 1969 , � ' �;}� FRIDLEY HOUSING AND RHDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY `4 � Eresent Member Tesm Exp3ree ' � Stan W. Carlson 6-9-69 �3� ---k3A_—SZth Pl ` ' \ Fridley, Minneaota 4��� �� Chairman ��°l, � �� ���;� ' • HUMAN RELATIONS COIMlITTEE , Harry Crowder 146 63rd Way Northeast ' Fridley, Minnesota (Resigned February 4, 1969) ' POLICE PENSION COP4IITTEE � i. , ' a. , 3. , ' ' , ' Appointee _ G� f �12-31-71 lo��� � ,� � y � � bd , �a �� .� � � . � C L A I M 5 A GENERAL LIQUOR 18710 - 18823 3564 - 3581 J �� '� -. 1 1 ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' , ' , � , ' , ' LICENSES TO BE APPROVED AT THE AUGUST 4, 1969 COUNCIL MEETING FOOD ESTABLISHMENT BY RECOhMENDED FOR APPROVAL BY Brothen Irtc. 7501 Canmerce Lane N.E. Fridley, Minnesota Rapid Shop Corp. 6530 East River Rd. Fridley, Minnesota VFNDING MACHING Riverside Car Wash 6520 East River Rd. Fridley, Minnesota East River Rd. 6arage 6501 E. River Rd. Fridley, Minnesota SERVICE STATION Riverside Car Wash 6520 East R. Road Fridley> Minnesota OFF SALE Bob's Produce 7620 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, Minnesota Rolf H. Brothen Irving P. Goldberg Robert Schieeter Joseph Dolin Robert Schleeter Robert Schroer Health inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector Bldg. Inspector Fire Inspector Chief of Police 5:3 ' i>:) LIST OF CONTRACTORS LICENSE Tp BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL FOft THE rZSCAL PERIOD Or APRIL 30, 1969 THRU APRIL 30, 1970 AugusE 4, 1964 . APPROVED BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR Random, Inc, 700 77th St._ " Circle Pines, Minnesota By: Fred Rehbein NEW Bldg Insp. D. L. Scherer 6525 2nd Street N. E. Fridley, Minnesota By: D. L. Scherer RENEWAL Bldg. Insp. Vanman Const. Co., Inc. 258 Humboldt Ave. N. , Minneapolis, Minnesota By; Richard Vanman FENEWAL Bldg. Insp. MASONRY H. C. Wagar Co., Inc. 5940 Stinson Blvd. N. E. Fridley, Minnesota By; H. C. Wager RENEWAL B1dg. Insr GENERAL CONTRACTOR St. Anthony Village Shopping Center, Inc, 25 University Avenue N, E. Minneapolis, Minnesota By; Max Saliterman Cunningham-Limp -0o. 1400 Woodward Ave. NEW Birmingham, Michigan By: James C. Slavin NEW Bldg. Insp Bldg. Insp 4` r�_ MUITIPIE DWELLING LfCENSES TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL: - A gust 4, 1969 'September l, 1969 to September l, 1970 OWNER ADDRESS UNITS fEE D. L Scherer - - 65z5 - 2nd St. N. E. 6525 - Znd St. N. E. 7 $ 10.00 Fridley, Minnesota G. N. Miller 1095 Polk Circle 4g85 - 3rd St. N. E. 11 11.00 Minneapolis, Minnesota C. H. Miller 1095 Polk Circle 5005 - 3rd St. N. E. 11 11.00 Minneapolis, Minnesota Lucile E. Blank 1170 W. Eldridge 5980 - 3rd St. N. E. 4 10.00 St. Paul, Minnesota 55113 Leo J. Hynes 2724 Irving Ave. No. Minneapolis, Minnesota Leo J. Hynes 2724 Irving Av e. No. Minneapolis, Minnesota Harold D. Morrow Rt. 1, Hy. z9 Riverfalls, Wisconsin Wayne W. Siewert 3732 - 46th Ave. So. Minneapolis, Minnesota trving Efron & Dr. Irving Herman 3�25 Salem Ave. Minneapolis, Minnesota Clifford T. Bakko, 9119 - 13th Ave: So. Mi.nneapolis, Minnesota Charles J. Beliveau 110 - 61st Ave. N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 6051 - 3rd st. N. E 5400 - 7th st. N. E 3 3 5430 - 7th st. N. E. 34 251 - 57th Place N. E. 7 262 - 57th Place N. E 19� - 59'-z Way N. E. 0 12 110 - 61st Ave. N. E. 7 to.00 10.00 34.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 � �� ' � ' � 1 ' ' , , ' CI ' � , ' ' , ' ' ri`� ' Page 2 MUITIPLE DWELLING LICENSES • Auyust 4, 1g69 Leonard S. Jacobsen 14o8 Frankson 6379 Highway 65 8 10.00 St. Paul, Minnesota Robert N. Conley 5336 Bryant Ave. So. 6393 Highway 65 7 10.00 Minneapolis, Minnesota M. A. Biddle 4800 Cedar Lake Road 211 - 79th Way N. E. 8 10.00 Minneapolis, Minnesota McAllister properties Inc. 126 So. 9th St. 1200 Highway 100 18 18.00 Minneapolis, Minnesota McAllister properties Inc. 126 So. 9th St. 1230 Highway 100 18 18.00 Minneapolis, Minnesota McAllister properties Inc. 126 So. 9th St. 1260 Hi9hway 100 18 18.00 Minneapolis, Minnesota McAllister properties 126 So. 9th St. i290 Highway 100 18 18.00 Minneapolis, Minnesota W. J. Dale 340 E. Diamond Lake Rd, 5960 - 80 Anna St. 33 33.00 Minneapolis, Minnesota E. V. & Marcia Fuglestad 5174 St. Imier Dr. 6542 Central Ave. 4 10.00 Minneapolis, Minnesota Nathan & �arlene P. Schwartz 5916 Medicine Lake Road 101 Charles St. N. E. 12 12,Qp Minneapolis, Minnesota Nathan & Darlene P. Schwartz 5916 Medicine �ake Rd. 17g Charles St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Kathan 6 Darlene P. Schwartz 5916 Medicine Lake Rd. 18o Charles St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 12 12 12.00 12.00 1 Pag� 3 ' MULTIPLE DWELLING LICENSES August 4, 1969 ' Irving Efron b Dr. Irving • Herman 3025 Salem Ave. 595� East River Road 12 72.00 ' Minneapolis, Minnesota Lynde investment Co. , 2700 Raleigh Ave. So. 910 Lynde Drive il I1.00 Minneapolis, Minnesota Cynde Investment Co. ' 270Q Raleigh Ave. So. 950 Lynde prive 11 I1,00 Minneapolis, Minnesota ' Lynde Investment Co. 270Q Raleigh Ave. So. 990 Lynde Drive il 11.00 Minneapolis, Minnesota t Kenneth F. Peterson 6 Hubert M. Nelson � 2441 Lyndale Ave. So. 6011 Main St. 4 10.00 , , Minneapolis, Minnesota Kenneth F. Peterson & 'Hubert M. Nelson = 2441 Lyndale Ave. So. 6019 Main St. N. E. 4 10.00 Minneapolis, Minnesota ' James Rudnitski 6035 Main St..N. E. 6035 Main St. N. E. 4 10.00 Fridley, Minnesota , Edstrom Realty 64 E. 2nd St. 155-175 Satellite Lane 33 33.00 ' � Winona, Minnesota Edstrom Realty 64 E. 2nd St. Winona, Minnesota A. G. & Ronald L. Bruch 212 Penninsula Rd, Minneapolis, Minnesota W. W. Untinen 4327 University Ave, N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Francis de Ridder 855 - 86th Ave. N.W. Minrteapolis, Minn. 195 Satellite Lane 221 Satellite Lane SOZS - 3rd St. N. E. 5320 - 4th St. N. E. 2o zo.00 11 11.00 lt 11,00 4 to.00 �i ; , ' MULTIPLE DWELLING LICENSES ' August 4, 1969 ' Francis de Ridder page 4 ��,� September 1, 1g69 to September l, 1970 $55 - 86th Ave. N. w. 5347-49 - 4th St. N. E. ' Minneapolis, Minnesota Michael Tema 470t University Ave. N. E. 5940 East River Rd. ' Minneapolis, Minnesota ' q�bin Johnson 6824 Ewing Ave. No. 58a0 - 2z St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota , Albin Johnson 6824 Ewing Ave. No, 5810 - 2'—z St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota ' Francis deRidder 855 - 86th Ave. N. W. 359 - 57th Place ' Minneapolis, Minnesota Bric of Minnesota Inc. ' c/o Bermel Smaby Realty Inc. 5309 Lyndale Ave. So. 5700 polk St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota ' Bric of Minnesota Inc. c/o Bermel Smaby Realty 53�9 Lyndale Ave. So. 57�1 Highway 65 ' Minneapolis, Plinnesota Chris Jelevarov ' Dyckman Hotel, 160 Mississippi St. Minneapolis, Minnesota ' Kenneth J. Franko 63z4 Scott Ave. N. 5612 - 7th St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota ' Kenneth J. Franko 6324 Scott Ave. No. 5640 - 7th St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota , ' Harold M. Battig Z930 Douglas Drive 15� - 59i Way N. E. , Minneapo1is, Minnesota ' , 3 l0.00 12 12.00 4 10.00 4 ' 10.00 8 10.00 32. 32.00 32 3z•00 4 10.00 11 11.00 il 11.00 12 12.00 '_ 1 lJ ' 1 ' , ' - 65 HSTIMATES TO BE APYROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AUGUSf 4, 1969 League of Minneaota Municipalities 314 Social Sciences Building University of Mianesota Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 Memberahip dues for year beginning Sept. 1, 1969 $1,477.00 Metro Section Duea 738.50 Arcoa Construction Company Mora, Minnesota PINAL ESTIMATE N0. 6 for work completed according to contract. ' Street Improvement Project ST. 1968-1A $1,931.06 Municipal State Aid Improvement Pcoj. ST. 1968-2 2 117.25 , ' ' E. H. Renner & Sons, Inc. 5465-A County Road LS No. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 ' FINAL BSTIMATE N0. 3 for work completed fot conatruction of Water Improvement Projec[ 75-H according to contract ' ' � ' ' ' , Peter Lametti Conatruction Company 615 Drake Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Partial Eatimate No. 3 for work completed for conatruction of Sanitary Sewer, Wa[er and Storm Sewer Improv�nnt Project No, 90 according t,o contract 0 $ 2,215.50 $ 4,048.31 $ 2,266.15 $ 44,275.28 � � _ � . _. ..__ � E�f .......�Fj.d7.�Y ......................... Population(latestcensus)....24,I89........ To League of Minnesota Municipalities Organized 1913 314 Social Sciences Building, University of Minnesota IvGnneapolis, Mianesota, 55455 Due: Schsduls MUNICIPALITIES WITH POPU1-A'TION OF: 249 or under . . ........ 560.00 ,' 250-2,499 ............. 60.00 plus 10¢ per capita over 249 2,500�1,999 ........... 285.00 plus 8¢ per capita over 2,499 5,000-9,999 ........... 485.00 plus 6¢ per capita over 4,999 10,000-19,999 ....... .. 785.00 plus 5¢ per capita ovec 9,999 20,OOQ49,999 ... ...... 1,285.00 plua 4¢ per capita over 19,999 50,000 and over ....... 2,485.00 plus 1¢ per capita over 49,999 This schedule ndopted lune 1969. Tom! �ounded to nearesl dollar. hr msmb�►ship dws in fhs Laaaw ef IMinnatela MunidpalMi�s for ywr bpinniey+ SspMmb�r 1, 196�L— ltetro Seotion /aym�nl hom PubHs Fund� AuNwrMd by MinR Slab., S�c. I63.'JY 1,477 � 00 I dxlare under the penalties of law that the foroping scaount ia just and correct and tLat no paR ot it has ban paid � �i� ��'�a�� �_� . . EzauNve Seenmry. LtaBus oT 11linnewte 1�iwuciPalittts Datad .... JulY.?1 .................. 1969.. � _ ----� ' ' ' ' CITY ENGINEER.ING ➢EPARTMEN`i" City of Fridley, Minnesota Honorable Mayor and City Council c/o Homer R. Ankrum, City Ma.nager City of Fridley 6431 Univereity Avenue Northeset Fridley, Minneaota 55421 CF�tTIFICATE OF THE ENGINEF�t Re: FINAL Eetimate #6 Street Improvement Project St. 1968-1A August 4, 1969 Gentlemen: , Fina1 Payment Estimate No. 6 for Arco.n Construction Compa.ny> Inc., Mora, Minnesota, for work completed and material on hand this date, ia hereby submitted for Street Improvement Project St. 1968-19. according to the Contract. , Item No. Amount Item IInit Price Total ' S Asaem. 3366. 25 Lin. Ft. 25�3•5�3 30 Lin. Ft. ' 2506.5�1 16.22 4ert, Ft. 2506.52� 5 Aseem. 2506 522 q2 9ssem. ' 2101.501 3/20 Acre 2101.506 3/20 Acre 2104.503 45 Lin. Ft. 2105.501 6,097 Cu. Yd. , 2531•50� 11,376 Lin. Ft. 2331. 35•9 sq. Yd. 2521.501 25.5 sq. Ft. ' 2575•55� 4o Cu. Yd. 2575•5ai 2•99 Acre 2575•502 224.7 Lbe. 2575•53� •749 Ton ' 3 Riaer 2130.501 179 Gal. 2211,501 2,065.76 Ton , 2207.5�3 44,8ot Gal. 22o'j.512 11,122.32 sq. Ya. 2358.501 3,947 �1. ' �341•504 »5.29 Ton 23g1.5�9 2,401.7 Ton 12 Lin. Ft. 5,633 sq. Ya. , , , ' Hydrant Relocation(Aoriz.� F&I 1" Type K Copp. Water Serv. F&I VCP £or Sewer Serv. 6" Reconstruct Manhole Inetall Casting Adjuat Frame and Ring Casting C1ear;�P Grubbi,ng Treee Remove Curb & Gutter-Concrete Common Excavation Conc. Curb & Gutter Deaign B-618 2" 2331 Asphalt Driveway Concrete Walk 4" Thick Planting Soil (Top Soil� Seeding-Mixture #6 Seed Commercial Fertilizer(12-12-12) Sidewalk Stepe-Concrete Water Gravel Material (Class V) Bit. Mat. AC-1 (85-300 Pen.) Eit.Stab. Base-4" Thick Bi� Mat. for Prime " �at Bit. Mat. Yor Mixtuxe Bit. Mixture F&I 15" RCP Sewer Class III Bit. Stab. Baee 6�� Depth LESS: Eatimate #1 = �22,32�•�3 Eatimate #2 = 20,079•89 Eetimate #3 = 11+7a2•31 Eetimate #4 = 780.30 Eetimate #5 = 4,�57.22 $300,00 3a5o 5•75 45•00 25.00 30.00 300.00 300.00 2.00 .50 2.30 1.50 .65 3.00 30.00 .65 100.00 a.00 3,00 1.60 •�3 .24 .25 28.00 4.05 e.00 .25 TOTAL AMOIINT DIIE FINAI, FSTIMATE #b Ei� ��,500.00 e'7.5o 172.50 729•90 125.00 1,260.00 45.00 45.00 90.00 3,048.50 26,164.80 53•85 16.58 12Q.00 s9.�o 146.06 74.90 24.b0 53?•00 3,302.02 5,824•�3 2,669:36 986.75 3,228.12 9,726.s9 96.oa 1 08.2 i 1,577.ei 6 0. 159;931,ob- t 1,93�.06 _ __ _ _ -. --- . 6£� FINAL Estimate #6 Street Improvement Project , st. �96e-in e Page Two I have viewed the work under coritract £or the construction of Street Improvement Project St. 1968-1A, and £ind that the same is eubatantially complete in accordance with the coatract documenta. I recommend that the final payment be made upon acceptance o£ the work by your Honorable Body, and that the one year contractual maintenance bond commence on the date listed above. �. .. Prepered By: �t.�--' -- � Checked By,: Respectfully submitted, �i/'vw"` M - �3�t%��l��--�-. xaslM M. euxESx1, P.E. City EYigi.neer-Director of Planning 0 ' , ' � , ' , , Street Improvement Project 1968-1A $ 2A � Arcon Construction Company Mora, Minnesota ' Final Estimate Y6 ' � AMOUNT DUE 1968-1A = $ 1,931.06 AMOUNT DUE 1968-2A $ 2,117.25 , ' ' C.-_ � % Prepared By �',C.�L�..�/- � �� .�!'.: _ 'T � . � - � �( �. , Checked By �-._..��t ` ��- ; , Approved By ' Contractors ' ' . , ' ' Fi� ', , . _ _ _ _ __ __ , ' , �. • ' , •�TO: CITY ENGINEER ' CI�.'Y OF FRIDLEY �� � Datc June 26� 1969 _ _ � itEPORT ON FINAL INSPECTION FOR STREET IrfPFOV£1��NT YROJECT ST. 1968-1A $ 2A _ - , _ ; , We, the undersigned, have inspected the above men[ioned project and find • that the work required by the contract is substarttially complete'in conformity vith the Plans and Specifications of the project. . '. • . All defici.encies have been eorrected by the Contractor. Also the work � for which the City feels that the Contractor should receive a reduced price has been agreed upon by.the Contractor. • So, therefore, we recommend to you that the City approve the attached �� • Final Estimate for the Contractor and the one.year maintenance bond start from the day of the approval of this estimate by the City Council. ' .. ' . • . , � Additional Remarks • ' _- • . � ' � • . . ' . ' C ' .t ' ' , . ' a . ' - ' . • ' e . . � e �-- --� — ENGINEERING ASSISTA�`IT _ . __ : _ , ,,•. � � * CITY OF FRI�II,EY F�NGINE�R�NG qEFARTM$NT 443� UNIVERSIT'� AVEDRJ$ �RI�LEY� MINN$SOTA 55421 ' Honos+�ble Mayos aad CiXy ¢r�u�lcil C$L�F o� FFid1pY c/p Hpnqr R. IAtlkrw, City M�na�er ' 6A�i1 Uaiversity Alvenua N,E. Fr�d�ey� M�rute�FOt¢ 55421 � ' ' GaqLle�a4n: C�,RTIPICATE QP THE &NGIN�EA �, � � � "%�; August 4,; 19fc9 We herebY a4�b�lit T4ti�pate No, 6� 41�e FINAL ESTTMATE for Arcpn Con�tru¢tion Co � Tac., More. Mi.nnetota for Mun�cipal State Aid Tmproyement Proiee� St, 1A6�-.$ �ccpx¢ing to Contra�Ct. S�na1 Cop�tructiop Cpst for MSAS t7-307-03 - attaehed Sheet M2 �65,Ob9.37 Final ConatrusEiop Comt for MSA$ Z7-309*O1 ° " �3 �,7,� 584.05 . TOTAL i�a,3� L&SS: Estiq�atip N1 Est3mate M2 Estimate �3 Hstisate 1�4 Estiw;tp 1'S s 5,648.A9 �.1, 560 . s9 11,461.22 24�086.97 17, .758�$0 A1pUNT DUB FINAi. ESTIM�ITB M6 70 536.37 S 2�117.25 - — �—,�— , I hav0 yier►�d the �qsk u�¢er ca�tr�ct fop the constructxon of St;eet Imp�ove�ent Bfiqje � N$AS St. 1968,2r and �i,nd tt�at the saAe i� sub¢Lan;i,aliy Fonpltte in a��qs�a�Fco vrith fihe co�tract docwaonts. I recoanme�;d that final ' gaype�� b� eade ppp�t acespptanCO of tke wosk by your Honorabl.e Body, and thax the o�4 r�ar co ra�lv�]'.,aaintenan�e bond commqnc� on the date listed sbov�4 � � � � .i/ Prepare$ ' Checked � [1 n ' ' � . Respect#ul�,y aubmi��sd, �� :� . . � City fingineor-Director Planni�n� C$AT�FI,CAT� QF TH� G�NTR�ACTOR .� T�tia $a to cart�,#y �h�! 3te�ns of t�e work shown in this stuYoment of work costi;Eied ha�°ein'ha� bean aatu�lly furr�ished an@ dpne fpr ihe above :�Qntipaed �rojq�t in Atca�dq�ace x3Rh tha p�,rn� �nd specifications hpxetqfvre app�ovad. Tha f1pa1 �pntr�tc! Gpt,t is 572.653.¢� and the revised �inal payAqafi of ���7�1,7f�d pould cpver in full the contractor' claips agaiqSt the �i,ty p s�l 1 bor� mqResialsR �tnd oth�r work done �y the coqt�ac4as unitrr��i7�s pro�e�t, I dq�l;ss µndl�r the �oAa1R3.es of pprjuFy that this statement ia ,jus! and ccsse.Ct. p 0N9TRU �pN �0 naaed: �aui� aa� i 6�� � SigMtuse: �� � • �►rs � on FaCior . -' _ _ _ _ _ _.. _. _. _-- _ _ _ � Fin�� Estivate St. 1968-2 ' ��NA� NSTRUCTION COST E3TIMATE STATE AID PROJECT N0. 27-307-03 ' LOCATION:' ° 73rd Av�n}4e: Hwy. 47 and Baker St. CLASS OF WORK: Grading, �lass V Sase, Bit. Surf., Conc. Curb and Gutter ' , � ' I,ENG�N: CONT�tACTOR: Ita,,,�1q No: 2503,502 2509.502 25Q3.302 2503.5�� z506.509 25Q6.5;1 25Q6.521 2506.533 �101,5�2 ' 21p1.506 • zia5.soi 2105.521 , 2531.501 2575.5D1 2575.502 2575.531 0.76 Miles 'i"��' Arc4n C,onstruction Company, Inc., Mora, Minnesot� F�nal Suantit�,es Item Uait Price To� tal _ � ..�, a � 156 LiA.Ft. F$I 12" R.G.P. Sewer C1. III W/G 0-7 Depth S 416.Lir�.Ft, F$I 15" R.C.P. Sewer C1. III W/G 0-7 Depth �19 I�in.Pt. F$I 1$" R.C.P. Sewer Cl. III W/G 0-7 Depth 18 Lin.Ft.' F6I 24" R.C.P. Sawex C1. III W/G 0-6 DeptM 15 Struc, Constrnct CB De�si,gn A or G 3 SxruC. Const. CB Special Design 2 Vart.Ft. Reconstruct Manhole 1 Asse�a. Install Casting 5 Assem. Adjust Frame $ Ri�g Casti�g 6.391 Acre Ciearing 6.391 Acra Grubbing Trees 22,129.Gu,Y¢. Common Excavation ��,�51 Cu.Yd. Granular Borrow ,5Q2 Lir�.F�. Gonc. Cuxb $ Guttax Aesign B-618 3.77 Sq.Yd. Conc. D/W 6" Th�ek 2.0 Acre Seedia� - Mixture N6 150 Lbs. Saed .50 Ton Coaimercial Fertilizer iz-ia-iz 2575.511 3.55 Ton Mulch Mat Type S 2575.512 390 Gal. Mulch Mat Type 8 2130.50a 123 M/Gal. Ylatar $Z11,501-1,4'T�S1•�'bn Gravel Material (Class V) Z358.501 4.OZ5 Gal. Hit. Mat. For Prime Coat 233I.508 .S Ton Bit. Mixture 2341.504 78.63 Ton Bit. Mat. for M�xturq 2341.509 1.638.25 Ton Wearing Course Mi,xture CQNSTRUCTION CqST FOR MSAS N0. 27-307-03 TO BE PAID BY STAT� AID FUNpS. � 1.50 � 1,17Q.00 8.00 3,328.00 &.75 1,041.25 7,1. SO 240.00 140.00 45.00 25.00 30.00 300.00 300.00 .50 .65 2.30 6.75 30.00 .65 100�00 55.Q0 .55 3.00 1.60 .25 3.55 28.00 3.95 207.00 3,b00,0U 420.00 90.00 25.00 150.00 1,917.30 1,917.30 11,064.50 3,608.15 10y354.60 25.44 60.00 97.50 50.00 195.25 214.50 369.00 15,484�02 1,006,25 I.78 2,201.64 6n471.09 �65,069.57 ' � � �I Fir1a1 Estimate St. 1968-2 FINAL CONSTRUGTION COST ESTIMATE STATE AID PROJECT N0. 27-309-01 LOCATION: ICLASS OF WORK: , LENGTH: CONTRACTOR. Ite� m No_ ' _m_ ' $506.533 2104,503 ' 2105,505 21Q5.S01 2531.501 ' 2331. 2207.503 ' 2207.512 233i.504 2331.508 ' ' 1 , �I ' '73 79th Way: East River Road and Railroad Right of Way Grading, Bit. Stab. Base, Bit. Suxf., Conc. Curb F, Gutter 0.17 Mi�es Arcon Construction Company, Inc., Mora, Minnesota Final _Quantities 1 Assem. 10 Assem. 20 Lin.Ft. @13 Cu.Yd. Cu.Yd. 805 Lin.Ft. 14 Sq.Yd. 13,387 Ga],. 4,010 Sq.Yd. 18.85 Ton 392.8 Tan Item Unit Price Total Hydrant Relocation (Horizontal) S Adjust Frame and Ring Casting Remove Curb F, Gutter Concrete Muck Excavation Common Excavation Conc. Curb $ Gutter Aesign B-618 2"-2331 Asphalt DW Bit.Mat. AC-1 (85-30U Pen.) Bit. Stab. Base - 6" Thick Bit.Mat. for Mixture Bit. Mixture CONSTRUCTION COST FOR MSAS N0. 27-309-Q1 TO BE PAID BY STATE ATD FUNDS. 300.00 30.00 2.00 .50 .50 2.30 1.50 .13 .25 28.00 3.55 s 300.00 300.00 40.00 406.50 1,851.50 21.00 1,740.31 1,002.50 527.80 ..., 1, 394�44 S 7,584.05 Street Improvement Project 1968-1A $ 2A ArGOn Construction Company Mora� Minnesota Final Estxmate M6 AMOUNT DUE 1968-1A ° � 1,931.06 AMOUNT DUE 1968-2A � 2,117.25 ., <___._.� � Prepared By �,c..G��.:/� �_ _ %' ��� r �"1 (�1 r, r, (1 CJ Chocked By Agprovod By Contractors /� � i.j. ._ » . ...... _ �. � x�.. : - � -W ,: . . .. •. . `.: j . �', , ' �TO: CITY E@iGINEfiR ci�sr oF Fxzru�r .. � _._ .. ._ . � %J Date June 26� 1969 _ _ ' kEPORT ON FINAL 1NSYECTION FOR STREET IiYDiROVEMENT PROJECT 5T. 1968-1A $ 2A . . . . ' ' . • ' . f . ,' �We, tha undetaigned, have inspected the above mentioned projecC and find that t6a work required by the contract ia subatanCially complete'in eon£ormity '� Mt�b the plans and Sp4c�.fications of the project. . . Ail deficiencies have boen eorreated by the Contractor. Alao the work for �ahich Che City feels that the Contraetor should receive a reduced price has ,, b4en a;rsed upon by: the Contractor. . ,, � 60� thereiore, we reeomnpnd to you that thg City approve the attached , . Ztnal Estivate �or the Contractor and the oae year meintensnce bond atart from tha day of the appsoval of this estimate by tise City.CounciL ' . , . . . ' � 1�,ddltionai Ranarks ' . ' ' � � ' - � _' • ' ' , ' , 1 � a r M7. ' � , � carts� � ��nci�, nac. cont�ulcacg ar.ginaars lb�f. Ct-�st:ty &��d n�o. Miz�nea�.�11s F ?finar�so,as 554�?. Jwl; ':.L. 1'i�9 ' 8onorayle tlapor 6 CBtg �uuacil � C4a0 Z{!. flO�L $. ,�ap�d:][IdCi� C�.�y �IC:•.IIg4:i' City ot Fridisy , 6431 Uniwrsity Av�us, N.L+e ltuansayolis� Mi�eeota 5542X , G�utltaen: ' ' ' ' CL'RTIFXC:AYF OF TNR St+GS[dSG�R Ws mubait han�aith i7�timaee Nc. .°., f•iae finab eee�ata� Par E.H. Bmxu�er +ind Soas� Inc. 54fc5-A �uua,ty Road 18 Nar.eh, Y3nr,ss.�olla� Miavasata 553�8� far wazk co�leCed fc►r eonetrcuetio8e of Wae.ez �aprov�c;;$ase PmJeec 75-P, accoxdiag to eoaesaet. OIC1g�1L�r� _bie Sid S2't,954.00 �3'r�r�i�er Ooe - Add 41.00 Tolal Auelari,rad cbatrace fsics $2l, 995. �hr I�dittoos to C�cncra�s: � t Cp amd Taaz Dcvn 3�? $"s00.00 283 L.P. 8" I.D. Caeiag �$9.�0 Eub-Tot�l Wduetlow lrom Conxsacts ' t .- 8cr��a iRilial. oe�tt�.ug - 6@$257.00 8st 30' -&" Scraan upp�r dett4c�: m?!$100.00 46 hr�. D��elopmdmt � 15.00/hr. ' 6=a. lusblsh, inetal2 � r�re a:nss pu�e- isitlal sea:titeg @ $100.60 7 8a. lY�snish, instrpii 6 se�aoca f:ei�st pwp- ' �1' �Qltr. '�8 C ��.� s �o 260 hra. t�se pu�piag N�86.0;1/E;r•. 1,890 L.F. ��sporary diochaage p�.ping @ 31.50 ' Snb-iotal �� , 600.U0 �t�70T.5(► $ 3,307.50 $ 1�542.00 700.00 690.00 b00.U0 700.C1p i,160o00 ��;835.tx1 $I1,227.00 : F; _� � �� , Houorsble liaqor 6 i.i.L�+ ��urcA.l Ftidley� Htnr�esota Re t F�t. B1a. 3, Mna1 IIe�ia�¢a 61aRer Iapra�aeisx FYOje$t 75-H B.H. Reansr aad :'ow, �ttc. gi.nai Ad�uoeed Coatract Pr9.c� Leos: Bst3aste �o. ]. s.ts.sc: tao. 2 _ _ __ i'i ..2_ .�aly 21, 1469 ;; 5,6F:L.3� b,���.ao $yh,079.30 $il„S�:D.� S1:..804.35 . AfIDISIT NAi DUB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . S �:,266.�5 iia hs�s �iwnd the �rc+sk und�r eanRa�.= �, end f3nd that the a�saa Ss eubettust�tlly co�plst� iu accorda�s�s vritk the casFE�sst dor�ente. Wm saca=u+eud that +:ha final 4�7Mnt D� yda upoc accopCaaes Ly S�'iur Hoaer�ab2s Body� amd ;:ise tt*e o�: yee.r eaoRtaatas], matatsnat�d bor,d camamer �vu the date listad abo+�o. Bespe�etfu�.ly aubsi�ttesl� OCN5TA(�C 6 LAVIS, INC. By � . �_.._.�e. S. V. Co4etoe � .S. D00/P�P cc t E.B. Rwner ilell Co. �� i- _ 1 1 � � � assoLUTZON xo. � 1969 Bi40LIITI0N DIP.SCTING PR&PARATION OF ASSFS9�NT ROI.L FOR STOI�i s�a n�tov�Errr PxxatscT xo. es ' HB IT RF.40LVSD, 1rY Lhe City Council of the City ot Fridley� Anoka Couaty� Minneaota ae follwes , • 1. It ia heraby dster�oined that the aeaesaabla cost of conetructim xith respect to the folloving nemed improv�ent torwits ' 3TOR4 SS�IER IIiP'R07�JF.�1T PRQJECT N0. 89 including all incidental ezpenees thereto is eatian�ted at $ . 1 2. The City Manager vith the asaistance of the C1t7 Clerk ahall 4orthvith calculats the proper amounts to be epecial�y asseesed for eaid ' i�provement againat erery asseseable lot, piece or parcel oY land benefitsd by aaid improva�eent accordiag to lax. PASSED AND AD�P'PED ,�Y THE CITf COtJNCI OF Tf� CITY OF 11 FRID7EY THIS �� DAY C�' � 969. i3� �Z�)�fT3'�4i iCj7� _. Gj!Mk�:rf�i ►}�YtNA.��'. �T���:�'��STLT:TiY� :� . __ _._ __ _. '_ , 1 , ' ' 3 1969 RFSOLUTIOh N�. A RESOLUTICN DIRECTING PUALICATION OF HEARII� ON PROPOS� ASSEa,�IEtiT ROLL FOR STOFU( SESJER IMPR�7D�[dT PROJECT N0. 89 WFIEREpS, by a resolution passed by the Couacil on � the City Clerk xas directed to prepare a propoaed aasesement of the co�t of atreet improveanenta, concrete curb aad guLter, atorm sewsr eyatem, eanitary and �rater aervicee� and other facilitiea. ' �R&AB� the Clark has notifiad the Council that such propoaed asaesament roll haa been completed and filed in his office for publi.c iaspectioa. �� NpFf� TfiSEi�p�� BE IT RESOLVED BT THS CITY COUNCIL OF Tf� CITY OF FRIDLBY, ANOBA COUA'TY� 1SINNS30TA, AS FOLLONSs ' 1. The City Council shall meet at the City Hall in the City of Fridley, Anoka Count�, M�nnesota� , on the datq of September, 1969� at 7e30 P.M. to paae upon the proposed aesesmeent for Storm Seror Imprw�ant Project No. 89• � � 2. The City Manager ehall publiah noticea of the time and place of neeting in the official nexapaper of the City, at leaat trro ( 2) Srselca prior to wch meeting. ppS,gEp ppD pDpPTED BY TE� CI1R COITNCIL OF THE CITY 0!' ' FRIDLEY THIS �_ � OF S�i�, 1�9. —7 , ' ' ATTFSTs , ' - ar n C. Brunse R - ac . eei i :� �. � ' � ' , ' ' , ' , ' �J ' � , ' � ' �:so�crrio� xo. ' a a�9 RF�OLUTION DIRECTING PREPA.4.,ITION OF ASSESSM@1T ROLL FOR WATER I�SPROVF7�4EFT PROJECT N0. 92 � IT RI3SOI,VFSi, by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Aaoka, County, i�tinnesota as folloMSs 1. It is hereby detarmined that the aesessable cost of construction saith reapect to the folloxing name3 improvemeat to-srit: WATER IMPIiOVP]�SFNT PRQiSCT N0. 92 including all incidental expenaea thereto ia eetimated at $ . 2. The City Maaager xith t6e aasistance of the City Clerk shall forthrrith calculats the proper aicounts to ba special]y assessed for said improve�nent againat every asaessable lot� piece or parcel oY lend beaef3ted bp aaid improvement according to ].ara. Pd3`S� AND /1DaPTED '�1* THE CI1R COUMCIL OF THS CIT7C �' FRIAIEY TfiiS _�_ DAY OF __ ��� 1969. exzBSr: ar c - xaxv c. ; r ►G7 �/:C�l;i�lf ; r :� iTli' f' , f; �s0 - RESOLUTI02: N0. `i 1969 I A RSSOLUTION DIRECTIhG PIiBISCATION OF HEARING ON rROPOSED A33SSSNI6NT RALL FOR WATE.R IMPROVFS'!ERT PROJPCT N0. 92 Wf�iEAS, by a resolution paesed by the Council on � the City Clerk taas directed to prepare a proposed assesament of the cost of atre�t improvemer.tae concrete curb and gutter, etorm sexer syatem, sanitary arad xater aervices, and other facilities. WHEKEAS, the Clerk has notiPied the Council that auch propoaed assesament roll has been complet�d and filed in hie office gcr public inspectioa. NOW� Ti�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COII�ICIL OF TE� CITi OF FRTDLEY, AN06A COUPI7R, HINMSSOTA� AS FOIS.GtJS: 1, The �ty Council shall meat at the C1ty Ha7.1 in the City of Fridle�, Anoka Cour!ty, innesota� on the d�y of Septmber, 1969s at �s30 P.M. to pass upon the propoaed aeseasment for WATER 1AlPROVFSSI�T PROJECT N0. 92. 2. 1'he City Manager shall publish noticea of the time and place of maeting in the official nerspaper of the C3ty� at loast txo (2) xeeks prior to such meeting. ' PASSEb AND ADOPTBD SY iiS CITY COUNCIL OF THS CZ1"i OF PBSD�ESC THIS � DAY o�F ,1969. ' ' �J ' �_ � , ' ATTd3Tt - n . na tIA - ac . sa �z � _ _. _ ___ -- , ' ' , �� , ' �J 1 i 1 1 �J ' ' , , �, F^s t /;,,.eF (i • / %� - :'�6 / � d j7�1;/ ,,'�C�7J � ��v • .�l R���� �Ll.�Lr+- . �S_i��.� �y,�{///� 1j T.�.�YY�� � /` . . „". / / f ���::: / • �'- ' �i�LC����� L-L�Lii� i✓r� 4-r?��j:_��`��r�>�� r' � ° ��-�� �j1i�Z���� .��ti �'��' %��Z�� � , � � ,,�;� ;���.�� .�C].�1��a.¢e��"��� , � � . _ � � ,�tE v�� ,E�'�'1,:..�LGi�" ' �r�'L' �{�. ��� � �:z������� � z� � ��'`, `�'`� � .�-���--,��.�- _ � � " ��- � ��.�, .�f�_ �i - .� � � 4 �� �l �`,�y'.� �Icz `,r� �J -d� f ,w-e-� ,�, ,d��Z��y-.�`�t; ,G"�J ��2� . ����2� � >�_,��t- _ _ _ %/G/J• `�` ,�� • �J°' rs�1��c' __ _ _... 1 � , � ' � , 1 1 1 1 L ' �� CI� � � � _ ___ _ ____ _ .____. ELVL'IH ANll CHARLO7TE GAMMELL, RsniroRs 4?1 SOUTH BR0�IDWAY SANTA ANA� CALIFORNIA 83 r � l�Je ; .P�.l��v �����' �.1 �� �� , ���.� ��. ��/.� ; ,.�..�, ���—,.�"�f{',-'� �,� � � s� �Q� �7 � U` � � � ,f .�:�-� ) . �-- � � ��f / r � � W.2.� �/Lf% �2{'iC-lC- �t/�j � � ��u! (��� ' � � ��� � �� l � � -� �� -� , , ' _ /� ����� ��� , O 4��''� 4'Ct�t/ �7 1!- 'Y��. /��-Z br /oiYO'� l�tib �j �� ��,� ' , �.�-� �� ��r� , �� ,.,Y. � h��;� 4 `��5' �� g/wl,llt, C/��ty' , � ',. !' �.�'L� �f'a��s.7�� �� �� / �-C.�� ��. 7 � � � -� . ' lJ 1 1 ' SBO-3850 Cit� o{ �r���ee� ANOKA COUNTY 6031 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 ' T0: CITY COUNCIL ' , FROM: CITY MANAGER DATE: NLY 30, 1969 ' I have received the attached correspondence from the City of Mankato concerning Section 1b9.89 Police or Patrolman markings and coloring, and the Minneaota Vehicle aad Traffic Laws, 1967-1968. ' , ' 1 Presently under M.S. 169.98 police cars primarily used in the enforcement of highway traffic regulations are required to be black, as per letter State of Minnesota, Department of Highways, dated October 24, 1968. Several communities, including Mankato, are requesting that authorization be granted to allow the colors black, dark blue or dark green on police cara primarily uaed on enforcement of traffic regulativns, The allowance of the two additioaal colors would not hinder Fridley continuing with black if they so desire. It is understandable that a little variance at the discre[ion of the City would not create any major problem. I recommend the City Council suthorize the attached letter to be forwarded ' to the Minnesota Highway Coc�issioner, N. T. Waldor, indicating the City Council ia in favor of allowing the option of the colors black, dark blue or dark green, ' The Chief of Police concurs in this recommendation. ' HRA)mla ' ' , �..�, R .�t7.-�------ HOMER R. ANKRUM �� 56Q�3i50 c�t� o f �r�d�e� ANOKA COUNTY 6d31 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 August 5, 1969 Co�issioner N. T. Waldoi Department of Highways St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Siz: The City Council of Fridley supports the adoption of changea to the rule that vehicles used primarily to enforce traffic regulatioas all be black. Our City Council would like the latitude in colors of the vehicles used primarily to enforce traffic regulations to be estended to include black, dark blue or dark green, at the discretion of the municipality or other local government legisla> tive governing body. The above would allow for a little originality, cars that can he kept clean more easily. Also, trade in might be souewhat enhanced inaamuch as color is not a stereo pattern and paint matching may be aomewhat easier. Yours very truly, Homer R. Mkrum City Manager gRA/mla C 7a � 1 ' ' , ' , , , , ' , ' 1 �ir, =to�er 18, 19�iS 1MZ. ta. To hakdor Cor,unissionex of Hichways Minnesota Highway �suilding St. Paul 1, Minnesota Dear Conuai�,ion�r: I am w�citing to you in regard to Section 169.89 Bolice or Patrola�en vehicle markings an8 coloring, and the Minneeota Vehicle and Tsaffic Laws, 196� - 1968. The City of :TOrth Mankato has been interested in changinq tho color of our police carc. At the present time they are all blac;�rztn white doora. We would prefer a dark blue color with white doors for the followang reasons: 1. Deauti�ication - The Cit� of �7orth biankato ia conatantly tryirag to i:npzo�� �h� l�e�ke of all c�ur vc�h�.cles and equipment. We f��l i?���t biz��'� ia c�aite o�d-fashione8 and unre�list�e fos tl�a wodezn �imes. 2. B1acY, is probably the hardest color there i� to keep clean, and we etxongly'belie�Q in el�nza patsol cars. ' "s. 6ve taarre personally no�iced that th� C4��a �� B�� Or2eans and Ct�icago presently have blue enr� ta�th o-�hSte doors, and we finu t;aem ves�+ attsa��iv�. ' 1 ' ' ' � k��a�e ra�tie�d two acszaaa�eipalities in Scaa'�13ers� t��a ����t �as�esc��(�by aae�aag bl�ae and white patrol cass, I have also �eQ� t���� ���� �E��s ��ty o1� d•Ylnrseapolis ia st�ztisag to use gr2eas ���t�QL ��g�. g�aa�as�aoaa ia�, �laese musair:ipaliti�e xeceive ttae �?�=��a` �� d� �e, b�c�aa�e a� 7[ x°ead the faror, i� is up to the ���ie�io�aer of E���3:�,-ays tes d�8ignate �.ite given color. The City Co+asacil �� Edo��kn t�rakato �4aeuaa6el �hi� at theis last reguisr me�g9.aag arc� tuaarieao��ly f�lt t3ao c��cas �hotala9 be c3sa:�sg@d �aad x�qoaee��� �sa� �o wsite you, �er�,:�m�S�ng gueis � ehangc ,' _.t._ - 1 1 , Conanis$ioner of High�,aays OctobeY 18, 1968 .2. S'J ' We aze also for a Btandard �olor code, ���'� ��+ all patrol care in the State to l�e apgxoximately tYie oams. but we do not feel ttaat black ie the right coior. ' You may consider this letter a� an officia�. ��gu�e� on hehalf of the City of North Mank�to, or if yoea �S��e aaa , officia3 request form you so wiah u� to use, Ysl�asg E���d it to me and we will reapply. I am looking forward to hearing from you on 4� ��e ' ' , ' 1 1 1 1 1 � 1 1 matter. sR:ap yours very truly, CITY �F NORTH MANKATO IIob Rinqhofer City Adminietrat�x ' cyc3 ' ' , , �I ' ' R� v-!' 1 ) ��y O ., _�l,t.,.,p��,�J!!.}�+ .1�1�:r+�'i+r.�w.Li- STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ST. PAUL, MINN. 85101 July 23, 1969 8ob Ringhofer City Administrator City of North Mankato, Minnesota 56001 Dear Mr. Ringhofer: , In answer to your letter ot July 18, 1969, enclosed please find a copy of proposed Department of Highways rule changes intended to deal with police vehicle color problems. You will note tha ' Department seeks to expand the number of permitted colors from black o�ly a�d wou�d include dark blue and dark green. ' I would draw your attention to the notice of hearing attached which establishes the tfine, place and date of the public meeting scheduled to discuss these changes and therefore invite your attendance. ' CII , ' ' t �l 1 Sincerely, _ � �,�_ .� A _ 'I�-�� . T. Waldor Cammissioner Attach. 1 1 ' - -- -- _ _ _ �__ _ STRTE OF MINNESOTA BEfORE t�. T. Waldor COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS COUMY OF RAMSEY ' In the matter ot the Proposed Adopi'ion of Rules of tha State Department of Highway5 Governing the Colors and Markings tor Motor ' Yehicles Used PrimarilY to Enforce Traffic Regutations by a Police Department, Highway Patrol or Peace Officer ' ' ' � � � ' , � , ' �. , , , NOTICE OF HEARiNG I:oi:Ce is l��areby c��'en that a Nub: ic hearing ��i ! f be :�,e;C , �r ;��,"` ' to M.S. 1967, Section 15.0412, Subdivision 4, in the above entitled matter in i'he State Office auilding, St. Paul, Minnesota, August 18, I°64, commencing at I:00 P.M., and continui�g until all representatives of associations or other interested groups or persons have had an opportunity to be heard concerning adoption of the proposed rules captioned above by submittiny either oral or written data, stateme�ts or arguments. Statements oP briefs may be submitted without appearing at the hearing. A copy of the proposed rules is attached hereto. S7ATE OF MINNES07A DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY / i L�;. /�. �/i2�t� � N. T. Waldor �� STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' , ' 1 1 � ' Hwy 3 A Regulation Concerni�g Coiors and Markings for �tPol�Ce'�Partme�t, Used Primarlly to Enforce Traffic Regulations by Flighway Patrol or Peace Officer. (s) Pur�ose, The purpose of Minn. Reg. Hmy• 3 is to carr^� out the mm2date • of the Zegislature and to effectuate tnat mandate as set forth in the Fftnnesota Statutes Z9G7, Section ZG9.98. �e3 lbJ AIl motor vehicles, which are primarily used in thhi�hwarCeatrolof highway traffic regulations by any police department, 9 Y P sheri#f's department or peace officer, purchased subsequent to the eifective date of the following ruies and regulations shall have the unifurm colors and markings provided herein: .�n (�) Any such motor vehicie used by the Mlnnesota Nighway Patrol shali be maroon in color and may have additiona� shall in goid color except that both front doors and the roof yo white in Color. At1 identification markings on front door panels shali be of a co�or,l� contrast to white. (2) Any such motor' vehicle used by a police department� sheriff'S department or peace officer other than as described in Mi�n. Reg, Hwy. 3, Fa3 (b) (1) above, shail be black, dark blue, or dark gr,een in color and may have additional trim in white color except that both front doors shall be rhite in color. Atl identification markings on front door panels shall be of a color In contrast to white. (3) Ail such motor vehicles shali have the words, "Police", TMH(ghway Patrol", or "Sheriff", whichever Is applicable, dispiayed on tha rear of such vehicle in a color in contrast to the basfc color of the vehicle. AII such words shall be in block prtnt and ona inchewide,sa�d'havenatthree eighths inch brushastrokehes high, (4) Any such motor vehicle may dispiay, and when used shali display on both froni door panels, awhichnshteld9�rhemblomrshall�otfbe cotor (n contrast to white, less than 12 inches in width a�d not iess than IS inches high. The tdentity of the governmental subdivision may be displayed on such shield or emblem. �f Ea}'�b)e(5)hbelowntity must be displayed as In Mln�. Reg. Hwy. 3, (5) Any such motor vehicle not displaying anEe�e(bJf(4)9above,d or emblem as described in tdi�n. Reg• Hwy. 3, 5hali display on both front door panels the words, "Police", "Highway Patrol", or "Sheriff", wh�anelsrinswords,Ctheeidentityall have displayed o� both front door p rint of the agency concerned. AII such words shall be in blxk p and tho lettering shall be not iess than two and one-half inches 7hehietteringhshall bedofaaecontrast colorhto1wh(tgrush stroke. ' � ' ' ' ' , t ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' , 1 - ' (6) Any such motor vehicle may, except where it is requirod by any rules or regulations prescribed by the comm�esi3ne�a;d�����4D a shteld or emblem as described in Minn. Reg• Hwy. , above or lettering described in Minn. Reg. Hwy. 3, Ee� !b1 (5) above on any additional portion of such vehicle and the color or suCh shield, emblem or lettering shalf be of a color in Contrast to the basic color ot the portion of the vohicle whereon it is dlsplayed. Fg� (e1 Private motor vehicles when temporarily used as descrlbed in Minn. Reg. Nwy. 3, be� (b) and only while being so used, shall be equtpped with removable white covers for the door panels. Such white covers shal! be displayed on both front doors and shall display thereon either the identifying shield or emblem as described 1n Minn. Reg. Hwy. 3 Fa� (bI (4) or the le'ttering as described in Minn. Reg• Hwy. 3, . Fe� (b) f5>. � ����� ��� �� r r� � �� � 'r� � � ����r. I'r'r' i Y����Y �1 /� �� � =j , �4 1 Au�ust 1969 ° " ' T0: FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL � ' • FROM: FRIDLEY.RESIDENTS SUBJECT: PETITION IN REGARD TO THE SEGMENTS OF THE ��EAST RIVER ROAD PLANNING CONCEPT° RECENTLY APPROVED BY THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL CONCERNING: (1) The extension of Riverview Terrace, from Mississippi Street [o South Riversedge Way, and (2) The construction of a semaphore at East River Road and Rivers- edge Way South. The Fridley residents who have signed this petition are against the ex- tension of Riverview Terrace to South Riversedge Way. The original development of this residential area was for privacy and safety, and these benefi[s would be lost if Riverview Terrace is made a [horoughfare. This would not relieve the main traffic problems on East River Road, but would only add traffic to this residentiat area. We, therefore, request the City Council to reject [he concept which would extend Riverview Terrace from Mississippi Street to Riversedge Way. The semaphore requested for Stevenson School is needed and should be con- sidered separate from this planning concep[. NAME � ' - '-� . '�� /� �'%��4�� � 0�/u� �^"`c� `�''�•lL=v-�j . CJ 1'J �i � � �:z r.,.,� � .��' ' � w�iC�� �`�-i<(� �� � ' , � ' �.�,.�- y,L� W ��>��.��� . j ��%�a - ," ■�I'l� � ,'�%.2.v '` z�a? �'� fr�"�:�— � �i r `�!y�: � , i �� �' :,u�c; ry�%��� 9 � . � . �,� , �-;��d. : a ��/ A � • ��� �: �� � o ��_,i�.. �..�, ,��L +��r. l --�z� l�� ' `�r-� . � �"i:r,r. ',p�y-� G . � c��,-,-� % !J?�Li. �r ,2iim �i n.� `�•� ;�Ct, c�.�. ' ��. q � '�`� � � � �� ��� � � ��� �� ADDRESS %�'O /Si�ver GdQ� ��y N� i.3�.,�'�v_�,EUC+r' u-'ay Ne "� 1 / � 6 1��. � �-.-z.�� �l' �t, ��6 % �� � �� ��j� k,i . .� a"�, �/� ���������, , � �� l f; i`� r�� �� � �<�, lL�� ���� � �� � -� � , ; )��.�.-t�.�. ��. - �.t.i,r.t., ` J -���ill�-���1 ���� �� �� . � �� � �y 4tt R. �'s�� .�lXiL ; , 1 � / . v /�y � LG �. `"Gc�r-G•—a-�� � ' l � � ,: �? t�:1 ��: � e c�� �!y�� � �L/�� i � �ti� � � r ,�� ,��-f-�S��6T ����y � �.: ���s:r,��� �.,A� . Pade 2 ' 1 August 1969 ' Y T0: FF,IDLEY CITY COL^.�Ci� � F�O.S: FRIDLEY RESIDE:�:S SUB.TECT: PETITIC.�' iN R°G.��D T� T:?� S�G:��:::5 0: i...: ��E�15T �ZV�R FOAD PLA\�'ING ', CONCEPT�� RECE\:LY A2PRCVWD 3Y,: :nl�:.cY C�TY CO'J\CIL. NA..'F'n Ai.�=:: SS '�� r:� /,t� i'C�- � i/� ll 2 R; b P j s P�y N Lva y `'r�l� f n��� � ' ' ��!-ac.r /i` 1 S�'%.. 5�, �� / . �� � � v/ �� �� C� .>�,� . �:. I o �,;�, ���-S �-r�Yc. �✓�-�/ _ //� /r°.u.�,�.-{-�.c- /�G"�'y „� , .,s<.�-,��<<�:� r�'�-� )� '� �'���� �o � � �,. . °`� � ,�� � . � ����� � (j�� _� � ,�. -�.;, .. ` r� �'��� D . ��n�. .����-„- /l7 ��,�.� (� , � G ���� � - � . , `�/���—L�.�f.�,�''�G — �ii:-�c�a-¢.�e�Q 2 ��� ,�'��,,,— /"a � � .�.� ��� i a � �� � . �� �� / ��� ��� ���-��� � �.�.� �-,....:r.�: ''L���'�i �v�`--�-`� � ���� �r..j l ;=, � ��;l�? ^.i� '� •-< /!Yi E� � : �� ���- 1 � ��� / .2 S- w �� . �^.v-e 1, ax-�. �-a, L �/�� �a s- ,�.�ti�.�'y� �J-� J � � �'.,�-�-��1,.��� / �-; �;� , , : � �, r l _�. •� �� �� S 7 � � ` , � A , , _� r ' . ' _ 1 � Page 3 1 August 1969 T0: FRIDLEY CITY COUI�CIL � " FROH: FRIDLEY RESIDENTS � SUBJECT: PETITION IN REGARD TO THE SEG.'�NTS OF THE ��EAST RIVER ROAD PLAA:3ING CONCEPT�� RECENTLY APPROVED BY THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL. " NAME � � �� � ����-�� ���� ;� , .� , , �A'1/C . � , . �/LrLc-�,l t ��. f � m� . �i��. �i%% .�.a�- � � ; � �-� h�-� �� -_ � ; : �� � � . �,,-�.�.�-� �I- � ` � ._._- �Zz � i��- �� - ��� � �. y �.. �-�:� 1 :.� tS j��,-:� c:�f'� � a �hr %� �� � �� � n� � � � � `. .' � (��'✓�..i"�/ �� � �� � � I r�r�„ � ��.�. q ��� I(\I A � C_,e'.J�' �,� �� ADDRESS _��� �'� 4�- �. C � � L��C> ._�c,,_c�,t�vz:>.-,� ,t/t . � i S� ����-P�S>- �� � �o - � � �' �°� «� � ��� C�=�`-� ,��- �� �� y�� �b�-e, ��.�.,�..--,�"�-e h. �. /G � - �:J '-' � �,/ i� s �-N< -- ��� '�� iyy Ol� - � � � ��Z ��.� w�- l 7 � �' � 5r.s�� C�� �'Y�,�-r�-- �'� �% �� I � y ��� � � . � �� �������� ������ � � • � -�8� � � "���"' �' b y Z d �. d�.�..�.�;, l��' . ' � a :tiu� � ��'�°��r�-��'l� � �o � ,�� -�-. � ' �� � Q �1 � . � , ;�,:� . f:.;:: 'Pa�e � � a • • 1 Augusc 1969 ' J T0: FFIDLEY CITY 'COUIdCIL � � FROM: FRIDLEY 'RESIDENTS SUBSECT: PETITION IN REG4RD TO THE S�Gh�.NTS OF THE ��EAST RIV£R ROAD PI.AIv"+4ING ' CONCEPT�� RECENTLY APPROVED BY THE FRIDLEX CITY COIJNCIL. NA41E ADDRESS ' i��f,� � i%/�/.d. .s�o'/LSStd�` /S� " C a•✓D ��4 �%(n _ % ��"`_ . . � . - � �i — G z .r..� t� �. �. 1 `�1� . �! y�l /�J . � � J , 6 a � L+%/"j��%/ � � ' , �� V—�10� / £���ay (/f -'k:��� /r, � � -kd�G:/K'" — l� � T ..,s ; f �f�-�-� ' ��-�L - �� � � �� - G �f /F'. .lJ� � ,��� a �/� e<' (�' �/D —�.v,�lil.i,n-P�cv .eiSJic�c-C..� . , � ����. � ���� 'i' ��� S� ��'l�-t- � �.�ir -��'-�",w- �'� �; `I�it�, � � : �� ���,��.: � 336 � ' � �1.�-a %�./� Q%� ���� b 3� �.��.�� T-u��� , . °f `�\M -�,,M.t�t /�l�.l,.. Q,�Q lT� �' 3 5 � �.c..�.;- J � c.u, � e r V , � 63vo �l:✓evv.'�w iQrr`�e�- `�. �- �. ��- � � � �,� � z 9 / �? �� i"�� %%� .�i � (� 3 a � f��r-�,�.....j i�-f-r-t,-�.�... ' � �`" � � . !r �/6 ,F, + ✓r�v � ,: ,,.: '� : = oF av t , � t.�� /�a�'l �,�, �f , � . . ��, .r� �%'7,.� �r?�j� t� 6 ��P �.0 o� zt��«�� � ��ti z-k « �j. �. i� � � � � � c y �y �- � ,r�. � � �L✓u r✓ .i% i � -� ��,- ;�,�, � �. � o � � ��- R �Q . 1 �.,v- � m�,�, . . � .�� � � '� G��;`� �...��>�`���,�:_ /�� 63 'v6"`..� __ � ` ' /5 � -�3� �U�y '�1�. i�%iL. �' �%- � . . � j/f� � //%.�� - o'�r � � lrta u .(, j�3 - 6 3 % Gc.f� /UL--- b � '►�w,. �- _� � ��.�^ � � I ��- 6 3 ��, a�s � t�, � . �. 6%�t,t . A � � �� -k.a�,Qv� �. l� ,�� i I i 6 5 '��� , � � N . F. 1 Page '1 � r, 1 August 1969 T0: FRIOLEY CITY COUNCIL ' • FROM: FRIDLEY RESIDENTS • SUBJECT: PETITION IN REG4RD TO TAE SEG9SENTS OF THE ��EAST RIVER ROAD PLANNING CONCEPT�� RECENTLY APPROVED BY THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL. , NAME . - �iX�i �� sr¢��"7 ' V � � ���,�,.���� �-C� ' �'� .. �,�o,,, ��_r: ��� ����� ; ��i - ��m,�-� 1 � �� � � ; ��.�' � ��,G %�2 , � �� ���i��- •�� �� � ��� �� ADDRESS ±,�'v - �f'.�-. � �Ck�,.) �..-� . � , , , J_ , ��'' �� � �t c,, i � � . � „ � � /�i �� ���`� �1 �; , � a �c a ' G✓;� �!: � � -� ' �''`� �v����n W o-c, �.� c ' �i27�1. � �� '�(//� �//�/ l li%� I�A.i/ .'IiGl-7'iU'� 1 C[� � , ,`/�I///J,ry ���'-'�/_ '"�"I ���� / /�iIC.' t � c�� � / sis �� LLu� _, _� '/y/,'y�,l. , - / /! ° / ���G�',t2<-G'�y,C..-!%��C�-/ . / S � �r�'' �� �' 2�,�i �. �.��� a � .� ��, �r--�� �, . .> !/ � / 3 3 �c �' . �' / t �/6 - �:j ;/, lr�a� > �7% � U ' �7?2.� ,��_� � �l�er.��r, ,� t -� .�f> �,�;�{� 2'{ .2 ✓ , /� � —� � ���\ �`� ��i.� 171,e y� �,e� �> � F. 3�' 3 �.�,,,y r y/i,�/'`�.>�� ��"'�'" I 7/ �3�' 1Z.�`�. n!' c /� ' . 1 1 ' , �7 a , � ' , T0: F&b:i: SUBJi CT: 1 Pa�e � 1 August 1969 FEtIDLEY CITY COUNCIL ' , FiIDLEY RES7DENTS PETZTIWi IN REGARb TO THE SEGMGNTS OF THE ��EAST RIVER ROAD PLANIvING CAi10EPT�� P.ECEPITLY APPROVED BY THE FRIDI;EY CITY COUNCIL. ' � ; j� �/ I � Y / ofzi �(_/�cc-�-�.c C C' .C. �Cc �r � ,. _ • ' �;� �IY�to � �ti.��-�_.. � ' ���. q ��. Y�i_cha� L�@L�h�n,� %�./z.��'1�.. Wi�r� �-,-.��-c '�-+_ �'t--��-�e lSt%= =Q-A-�-�,-`^ ' ,��2, r_ �%�j ���_ .-C/��-L�� ' `'� ,tvj - �-11..�w�2; � ��, � � � �� ��� � � � � � � '� � ADDRESS , j� CC',� ltJ / / : 3 .� - �. ��',�L � k'� - 63 �v c,�� �i_�, � -» � � y C�.'� y7� /�f � �����-� "'� � �35-63� U-b-� �.� . (J - E � d �� J%�. �� � � `� � ' � � i� i � �) , `� I 3�/- 63 c�w �f. � �. c� v� ' _ ' �' ' ' ' ' ' �a� MASLON KAPLAN EDELMASJ BORMAN HRAND & M=r�ULTY SAMUEL N. MI�SLON' M1'YMAN EOELMeN SMEI�ON nRPlt++ MARVIN BOAM9N IPVING R. BRPNO JOMh.C.M NU�TY SPMVEL L. �'L�N 4LPN STF>NGiS STCP„EN B.SWSRT2 NARVEY F. NiPl4N JAMES B. OAUCF 90N�L� G. VMNTINE RICMnPD >. $MORS PRTMIJW Pf[F[R �"FfD M.JIICOBBCRGEP NEIL i.SL�L q-1435 BLIi�Ofa.i E�Gn1rvGE B�'�Ll�irvp MINNEAGOL15. MINNESOTA 55402 aAen rooe siz/oas-AOis ' lAr. Homer R. Ankrum ' City Mannger PYidley City Hnll PYidley, Minne�ota 55k21 ' Dear Mr. Anksvm: . -rvV . �a�. aN �_�c �9B2'� FCGEH E M �9i�-I�EU� 3uly Seventeenth 1969 I have been out of the citq aad unable to reapom8 before nw to Hasim Qureehi's letter ot J�me 24, 1969 to �r client, Mauriee Filieter. If I correct�q tmderetand the purport of that letter SL ia thaL M¢�. Filister'a xquest far appro�al oi a regiatend lanfl survey vill sot be acted up� �mtil h� hes dedicated a porCion of his property for road purpoeee. In all candor I�at tell you thet both Mr. Filiater ead I are most disturbed by the inference vhich ve are obviously ezpected to drsv iro� blr. @urashi'e letter, to-v1t, thnt the regiatered lend aur�e�r vill not be approved ezcept3ng in the e�rnt the xquested dedicntim of etreet praperty has been made. In our �nd�aent your engineer's appronch is one vhich is aeither approprlate nor legall� permisaible. Mr. Filister seeks approval of his ngistered land sta�ve� sole�y for the purpoee of beiag permitted to file a deed of s portion of the property where the legal deecriptYan for the deedtd portian crentea oamething other thaa "�traight line bounaaries." The npprornl of the registesed land surrer by the Viliege of Fa�idl.ey ie, es I am certain you knov, non�al�y s routine ead customar� mnCter. I am eaLisYied thnt the Attorney Genessl'n opinion thst graaLs � �I n ' ' l� , ' ' ' , ' ' ' , , ' 1 l+�. Hamer R. Ankrum � 2 Juiy 17 , �954 municipalities the xigirt eo �ppaove r�gistered vand �aa: veys r�±�r= coatmpletcd the po�sibility o4' the prncedure being uti�fzed ir� the purpoee af obtaiaing concemms�ons from a develeper na nn4�Cere varelated. I do not beliere that Mr, Filiater is preeenr�y �.iapas�d to aake the requeeted dedication. Hoverer, he certain�y doee nat foreclose the poasibility entirely in that he is perYect� �aii3in@ to have diacussions c�cern�a� �t. Hoveeea, rae aa°� raat �eairous of ha�ing diecuaaions cosaceresi�g Lhe a2reet dedication until the routine maCtes o.° ttae regi�tered l�nd aLrvey appa�val hna been dealt wit.h. The tvo matte�a �� ���33y uax��1�Q��d e�n if the pra�rty proposed to be dedicated includes a portion of that covered by the regiatered 2nnd susvey; obviously, Si a d�a���'�b� wer� to be mn��e it eould ju�$ � ffiga��� b� �� ����a2�uer¢ °o �L;s� Piling oY a re�3e�Er�2� g�� �u�,� s$ p�foa° the�ta. Le$ � cbiao e�ll �car aLiea�ion to the bnaic reaaoa for our vadr_�tekin� So hare the segistered laad �urveg ma3e i� the Sirst tnetanceo We vere obli�ed to aahe a coavtyance of real cRtate t9 n r�fl�$�d FiiiaC�s� corporaCion in az�der to aceompliah vhat ve had ear3ler eet o+�.22 �o do thsough s request for a te�c divia3on. Tlae facte relntiag to our e�xx°17,ar request for a taz division are no lcager of pas�ticular relevammce except for this: When th� c3i�i- a1oF of t�cea ams origina�l�,y requested, the Anoka Crn.uity deadi4�r ac�ed qu3te praap4� aa Cia�t r-Qqaa�s�. TLareaPE�r, the na��e?� aa� forw�ded to the Villeg� of Fridley ior fiCe ac$iaa ea a d��2es��aa Af speeial a�aeea�sate. The matter vas aeves acied upoa ai t►se P'ridley Vil2age Hnll antl sat for mauy deys {�d s�ks) wi$havt reee;.wiag attention. We later learned thst i� ie the po�iti�a of F�a2�fl�y thmt it could not act upon the requeat aithout en app���sA��4 hR�=`.�� b�fore its Plenn4n� Co�i�aion. i€ovev�cr, $R��� �����_�� 9� �� ob�aiaed only ns a coweequence oP ous lnqu�.siee. �'� F�e�ee no q+��rr@1 vith your proced�aa�s, but ve do po$a$ out that mueh time hea alreadbr been lost in this matter simp�y becauee ae �*ere not shova Lhe sorarteny of being promptly adviaed that our req�st coeil.d not be camp3lesi rrith. The relatione vhich Mr. Filieter has had vith the Village of Fridley have, to dnte, been quite satiefaetory. There have been disagreements, but tlaoae di�ogxemeats have been reeolved on an amicnble basia. We trust thnt Che mattera referred to in thia letter cea be aimiler�y dispoaed of. To thst ead, we shall apprecinte hearing iram you ne prompt�y ae posaible. s�:e� , Cc: Mr. Maurice Filf4'��� � / /i �.._: .,,/, �;..� , � � Sub�r��,n I��.�i�e�x���, �r�ca � 1 ' � , ' ' � � � �l I � , �� � 68�5 ��h�ay �. 65 �r. e ,S�iinn�apoi�s, �`JN.�nnesata g549' 784°�� Nasim.Qureshi, City Engineer Gity of Fridley 6431 University Averaue n?�Ea Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Re Dear Nasim: �„o�,Qe�s ��.ouca` : �tiriQac3, �•zq. �ngn. �lJin. t. pertsen �.eg. enga. �'. �. (�u� �aP��aR, �cg. Suaveyon c.� �l � �p � Ertgineening /��<< y�[� a{ �«< a �.ffiRd tJU3v¢jC➢5' 1an� `�' annin9 Soi� �estinJ July 28, 1969 Comgletion of Fridley Street Imp. 1968-1� 1i )0 This is to verify that on Wednesday, J��1y 23s we met with Howard Dunkley of Dunkley Surfaeing and Gary Aoule, the Dunkley sod subcontractor for the purpose of getting a firm schedule for the completion of the remair.ing Fridley straet work. A tour was made of ma.r.y oi the s�reets to observe the various del�nquenci�s with speciaJ emphasis on the sodding requiremen�s. Work ��as scheduled to b���_n on Thux��day morning but was stopped l�.�e Wednesv day afternoon Mhen the problem of the partial paymen� arese, Subsequent�y the wor.c has b�e� �°eschec�u:e;i ve s�art A3�n.�.3y morning based on the premise that the partial payment Farould 1?� rPJ.eased. After confirming calbs to Howard on Frida,yn I am sa`v�s�:�ed that the rema.ining work Ur'�� be completed in an expeciitious and Wo�km2:�z�_ike manner and based on this, would recommend that the partial payment checked be released, Thank you for your attention to the above. Sincerely, susy�A� �������;zxG, z��. �; iy.(.- . , � �.: � y ��L %M'�•-L,K �-,. G. Dale Hamilton cc: Dunkley Surfacing GDA:keb � ���- -�' -�- � �.� � ,� ���� '� � is, �969 � ��'.�� � / �— . ' ' o ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' , - � ' , ' ' , ' ' ' r�r�o zo: FRO:•i: DATE: czl� n�TOS:�Y CITY Yde1�`7AGE8 - JULY 23, 1969 I�� conversin� t,�ith M.s, rtabel Struh concernin� her r property south of 79t1i Way, off tiie west banlc of the Plissisi�pi, Mrs. Strub will considcr an offer of $2,OOJ for the preperty indicated below; • LaCa 10,11,12, und 13, Block 7., Ri.�:eraiew Reights � The ocmer al:�o requests that the City'pay the taxes current2y due, She is willing to take a do�:n paynent, �ihich I reconnend as bein� $SOD and ta1:e the balance on or be€ore January .15, 1570 Will you please draw up an u&ree�ent to thi.s effect, whi.ch I uill pre�ent to the City Council at their meetin� of Au�ust �i, 1969. We are urgently in need of the land es we vant to relocnte , pnrt of the dike frotin 79Ch �)ay, over on h�r property along t6e creek to a point II�:lY the rivcr. This o�ili l�elp on boCh Riverview T�rrnce flnJ 79t[i F;.�y a� th�� resident on the corner of 79th W�y and Riverview Tcrruce is ber.ed in caith hi,�,h dikes on bo[h siclec nnd this c�ill �3ve hir:: a].ittle relief. t�iF,e ,; � ilCi'�1�''.ic P.. At1i'.�iU�$ 1�)� i ,. , ,:.r� , !J ' ' , , , ' ' ' , ' I S. �. @OKOO.OWOlS3 c�ouaue� +. r�sr�Raa� soKO�e� a �o� Aii6�:3�YS Lai LA1fd "i� �3tfl J6v�o �3. r_�v..�.e�m. ���4� E�). Y.lcm 6S8E1 jaPy 24, 1969 Mr. Vtrqil C. Heerick City Attomey City of Fridley 6279 University Avenue N.E. FridleY, Mlnnesota Re: Roadway fcc 1641 Gardena Avenue N.E. Dear h4r. Hsrrick: � Enclosed herein pursuant to ow conversation on July 23, 1969, is a Quit Claim DeeB to an easement right of way for road>•va�+ purposes over and upan tt?e �1ias2esly 12,76 feet of the Southerly 150 feet of I.ot 25, i#u�l?�a'§ S��Avision 92 in Anoka County. 4!°e �rould a�peeciate if you would bring this mat4er to the attentlon of 4he City Councdl so that Mrs. Winkler's propertY may be provfded wlth public access. If you have any further questions regarding thla matter, please feel free to call. ' Very tru yours, � � r, � � ' Do 1 J. �ieraan u9 Attomey et Lawr ' 1 ' � ' nrP:�� Enclosure i�2 ;, ' � � 1 1 . �� ' � , ' ' , ' 1 ' (1u t G:im Uc.d. �]O�� ��. 28•��. �.r[LC � .',., 4Gn�capohs, ••. . )� S°vidtial to Co.pora!ion. . . . .. .. . M- e i Linifo Gor itYanciaC Punks ( �f j�7 . l i) _.___- . 1 � �/ bet�ueen�,....L.oxcaine...H.....Winkler.,...a._tivxdQV�r._......._..�...�...........�y of..._.i`1:..:-:1...:�.._ ................................., 19�... .., � �� �la�benture .�ta� thz8_........ ....�. . � _,.._..`-� _. ..._ ............................... M. i.n..nesota ..........................................., of thc County of ...... .........Az1Qkd...................................._............and State of......_............... parG.Y........ of the fcrst part, aad.....t�l.�...S�ritX..Of..FFid1eX .................................................._................................................................_ ,rnt�nicq.pai....._ ................._...................._..............._....._..................._......_............_._..............._......_.. ._._._........................__.......__.., ._ _._........, dcorporatwn under the Zaws of the State of......... _M.I.RAe.SQ�?......._ ..............._..........., pmrty of the aecond part, �lTtifFl�Ct�j, That the said p¢rEX........ of the fLrst part, in corzeideration of the su»i of ..Q.A.�...Ja.o1l.a.t..d.�.d...Qtk�er...Ca4.9d.. aX�d._V.dluable.. C.o. n s id.era..ti .o.n...-.--.-..-.-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-'--..-DOLL.qftS, to .....................th.�.m.........................in hand paid by the said party of the second p¢rt, the receipS wh.ereof is Ts:r�by acknozvledg<d, da_......... h,ereby GranE, Baryain, Qui.tclaim, and Conue� unto the said party of t:iz e:,ecrad na.rt, iis suceessors and cwsigns, 1+'orever, all tke traet...... or p¢rcel..., of band lyin$ mnd bein6 in the Count o Anpkd ..................................r._._..an.d State of hfirznesota, de.reriLed as foliows, to-wit: y f ...................... The party of the first part conveys all the right title and interest that the party has to a certain easement riqht of way for roadway purposes aver and upon the Westerly 12.76 feet of the Southerly 150 feet of Lot 25, Auditor's Subdivision 92. Qio �abe anh to �o[D dJe �ame, To�ether with rclt thc heredtitaanents mxd appurtenances there- �isto belongena or in an�aaise appertrcineix„ f.o fhe sa:d part� of tTae aecon�t par•t, its succe-ssorx and ossigns, Forever. �fn aGeStimonp �hereof, The said 7�art y.. . o� the frst part JiaS .. hereunto set _ h2i'.._._..._..__.. ha�uZ _... the da.y and ye¢r firat aLovc v;ritte��. 7rz p�c,ence uf � ,j1 /� I{ � I \I:�.'L4�.Y ��C� l :�.1� � �. ....� _.....__.... ! /% � � -"\ I � / J �/ � /, / �.��... �..( J �! .�:��. �%..°i?/.: 7.�.i . ^, �LL � . zx � ,. �-/ �� ��.� ��-�'<..J .:._ ___ ... _. Lorraine fi. Winkle� �i� !J �I ' ' ' �J ' ' , ' . ' ' ' TI� MY@IU'PES OF THE LIQUOR STUDY GROUP MEETING OF JULY 21, 1969 The Meeting was called to order by Chairman Dave Harris at 7:05 P. M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dave Harrie, Harold Harris, Bill Jenaen, Chuck Hell, John Swanson, Virgil Werner, Bob Pierce MEMSE�_ OTHERS PRESENT: SWANSON REPORT: Joe Connora, Bud Ho1Cze Jim Gibbs (For the City Attorney) Shirley Behrens - Sun Publicationa No licenee committee exists in Bloomington although ordinance permits ane, Police Department does most of the inveatigating - they keep the informatLon in the Eilea rathei than in the open public files. Liability inaurance is set at the atate minimum. They have suspended a License but have never cauaed Bond to be for€�ited. All employees handling liquor are Licensed -$5.00 per year. They feel tteis is helpful to the City and to the owneie• MOT ON by Swanson, seconded by Harold Harris and passed to set an employee fee of $5.00 to be issued by the Gity to the employee to be uaed anyWhere within the City of Fridley. yiERNLR SEYORT: Hopkins very aimilar to Bloomington, but they do no5 licenaes employees. Surety Bond set at $3,000. No minimum diatances required from churches or achools. Police Department handlea investigationa. STATE STATUTES: State S[atutes do not require a minimum diatance from churchea or acteoola. Cl+a� licenaea do not apply againat the total alloted to the C1ty. ' MpTIpN by Jensen, seconded by Hall and passed that no eetabliahment handling liquor be cloaer than 400 feet to chuiches and schools measured from corner to corner of the buildings, at their closeat points. ' ' , � ' 1t8VIEH: All recommended changea accepted. LIABILITY INSURANCE: from the firet draft to the second draft were noted and MpTION by Pierce, aeconded by Harold Harris and pasaed to aet liability insurance at $SO,OOU per person, and $L00,000 total per accident. MOTION by Swanson, aeconded by Harold Harris and paeeed unanimouely to approve the second draft as a�nded with section 22 governing licenaing of employeea. gach member of the committeg gflR RQ��°_d ��d�°��k���St and each member approved Che propoeed ordinance in its eatire[y, _. 1� � ' , ' 0 LI UOR STUDY GR011P MINUTES JULY 21 1969 pAGE 2 $ALLOT: The ballot is to be stsuctured as follows: Please vote on both qneations ' Queation 1(as on sheet appended to 2nd draft of the ordinance) Note; (Sentence applicable to 2nd question from above sheeC) � �J � Question 2 (as on aheet) MOTION: By Pierce, seconded hy Hall and passed unanimously to word the ballot in the above manner. COUNCIL REFORT: Swanaon reported on our findinge and recommendations to the City Council. � MISSING PAG$ �: The page will be incorporated into final propoaed draft of the ordinance along with the other changes approved at this meeting. A phone poll oz meeting will t be held to obtazn approval. The committee members are urged to submit their final approral if tti�e}� iin.d the final draft acceptable. , , ' APPRECIATIOPI: FDave fiarr4s expressed thanks to the committee membera on behalf of [he Mayor and himaelf for their interest and time devoted to the committee. ADJ : 9:30 P.M. Reapectfully submitted, ' Bob Pierce ' , � ' 1 it)S ' � �� ' ' �J ` I , ' ' _" , , ' STREET DEPARTMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF FRIDLEY MONTHLY REPORT - MAY 1969 Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gravel Hauling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gravel Surfacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miscellaneous Street Work . . . . . . . . . Patching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shop Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Signs and Barricades' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stabiliaing with Chlozide . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment Repairs - Street . . . . . . . . . . . WATER DEPARTMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Filtration Plant Operations . . . . . . . . . . Final Readings and Collections . . . . . . . . . Hydrant Repairs and Flushing . . . . . . . . , . Miscellaneous Water Work . . . . . . . . . . . . Pumphouse Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standpipe Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Va1ve Inspections and Repairs . . . . . . . . . Water and Sewer Inspections . . . . . . . . . . Water Meter Inspections and Repairs ...... Water Turn-ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Watermain Breaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Watermain Taps . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment Repairs - Water . . . . . . . . . . . SEWER DEPARTMENT xouxs 407� 44 19 8 2332 444� 74� 140� 75� 147� 215� 166'� 55 77 982 4g 10 15� 58 14 19� 12 59z , 1. Lift Station Inspections and Repairs :;:::: 154 2. Miscellaneous Sewer Work . 140 3. Sanitary Sewer Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 , 4. Sanitary Sewer Cleaning . . : : : : : : : : : : 96 5. Sanitary Sewer Inspections . 52 6. Equipment Repairs - Sewer . . . . . . . . . . . 36 ' ' ' ' STORM SEWER DEPARTMENT 1. Catch Basin and Storm Sewer Cleaning ...... 67 2. Miscellaneous Storm Sewer Work . . . . . . . . . 172'� Page 1Wo • PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ,MONTNLY REPORT - MAY 1969 MISCELLANEOUS HOURS 1. Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2. Day Off (Flood Control) . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3. Fire Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S'� 4. Fire School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 S. Flood Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 6. Holiday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 7. Park Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8. Sick Leave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 9. Vacations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 10. Weekend Duty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 11. Equipment Repairs - Administration . . . . . . . 9 12. Equipment Repairs - Engineering . . . . . . . . 12 13. Equipment Repairs - Fire Department ...... 4 14. Equipment Repairs - Liquor Stores . . . . . . . 10 15. Equipment Repairs - Park Department ...... 48� 16. Equipment Repairs - Police Department ..... 15 1 August 1969 FHIDLEY CITY COUNCIL • FRIDLEY RESIDENTS PETiTION IN RECARD TO THE SEGMENTS OF TNE ��EAST RNER ROAD PLANNIN6 CCNCEPT�� RECENTLY APPRWED BY THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL CCNCERNING: The extension of Rivervier Terrace, from Missisaippi Street to South Riveraedge Way, and The construction of a semaphore at East Rivar Road and Rivere- edga Way Souch. ' The Fridlay residente who have aigned this petition are againet the ex- tansion of flivarview Terrace to South Riveraedge Way. Ths original devalopment of this residantial area was for privacy and saf�ty, and thase benefits �►ould be lost if &ivarview Terrace ie made a thoraughfara. Thi� would not relieve the main traffic probleme on Eaet Rivar Road, but aould only add traffic to ihis residential area. ila., ther�for�, requeet ehe City Council to reject the concapt ahich pould ,act�� HYv�rvieN Terrace from Miasiasippi Streat to Riversedge WBy. •�� s�qhora requestad for Stevenson Schsol ie needed and ehould be con- "���sider�d Nparate from this planriing concept. - ., __ , _ .. : ADDR83S _ �'�y'�O /C/VGV' �et Ll�7ay /�E., 13a. 1Pivclteo�b' W A)/ NE � 3 6 /��w;� C�� �� �a � o�-- � w �r� � P � , /� y ;�%d£. � �/��1� ^� /�� �-�� �� . °� i�� � � � � ,�: /�' �-�- ,� � � ��y � �� � - � ��. � �.� �- �- ,y8 ,p,����s� ��y /6f> �i v�riesxnt� r✓.o� . :- ,�✓: - - � � � T0: ` FROM: �tIBJE Cf : t Page 2 1 August 1969 FRIDLEY CITY COLTNCIL FRIDLEY RESIDENTS � PETITION IN REGARD TO THE SEGME_iTS OF TF,� ��EAST �IVER ROAD PLANivING CONCEPT�' RECENTLY APPROVED BY_ Tiic : RIDLEY CITY CO'JNCIL. �� ?.DDR"'. S S G,� 112 R: �t�SPayN �ay �� v�J � �c�--/ 1 o�tQ,ju-S�i� r'✓� ��� /�v,F.aE.�c.e� Gfi�'y /�6 �+�+++.ta¢*,19R/ � / r ie► � ������ ` ��. �o s � . �- ,�� � �� �� �° � ��' 1� � ��� �� . ��.a_ � ` � �-G ` �'j ��a � / R �' i� / �_ � a y I�S � u,�, . 5- ��,.�.Qy�',a�.l�� �� �� � /y? � ,,� i�.�-,������� � �a�O Sr7 �''. j� �-d `� . ,.. . n , ... . . . :^ r .. . _. . . . ,, 0 �, , , Page 3 ., T0: FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL ' FROM: FRIDLEY RESIDENTS SUBJECT: PETITI@1 IN REGARD TO THi SEGMENTS OF THE «EAST RI CONCEPT" RECENTLY APPROVE� BY THE FRIDLEY CITY COU;• NP.lfE �� ��'�� , ,- %y'�,�,��'�C' °�/�� \f �F � �'� � m�. �rn,�.�. . �. .,�...�.�.- �a � /�'�� ///� �. . ��; � �i �/�� �' C/! ��' ' t G�'�c - f �l � � �. �� :� � ,�. �'��� ��� �� � �;, i �� �z , � � �� � , , ; 'C . � i; � � � �� �,s � �.� d � e�'�• A' -9-_ � �� _ gQ�� � , ��. a�� l..,L->"vi-�— I � � �� �Jiuv�F>�c L{/�`� �e.� � w ��. � � y /�^,�°""°'� l�b� � �-/ /8g �. d b y z a �. d�-�%� � � �� � °�`. �= 1 August 1969 =..R ROAD PLAt3NING IL. ' ADDRESS �' .�'le c.�� i, � ���o _,���., �,�-,�-� �� i S� �7� c� .�;. l,C"�`"� , �.� ���-�� �; �(�Q _ . �. Ltr\ �� � �lo/ �� i���q /Cti"a �.� /4 / i9c - 6� l �a� tf,; �'. I,� 8-� l �-� ,.�v.��'i-�' � h � : /G o- 6:J N v` N' / �, s- '�C,�-�- - � � � � ��� �� ►72 � w� :�--�- ,� ��- �M�-� V a�nK �;l�f.4�,y+�,r���� t . , � m _ �y/.� ' Gc , , . :'age i : . .w 5 . .. - � . � � � - � � '�'' ; 1 Augu�t 1469 i .. u ; T0: FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL " ' FROM: FRIDLEY RESIDENTS SUSJECT: PETITION IN REGARD .TO THE SEGMENTS OF THE �'EAST RNER ROAD PLANNfNG , CONCEPT° RECENTLY APPROVED BY THH FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL. 0 '�..� , i .� � � � ;� x� ppME ADDRESS �'� � �_ ���..-�- �s� - 6allo ��y ��- ��"`- t%. � �-�tnq.� • ,�C�. �'1'� . ��""''�/_ � �i - G z .>...� t,�� �� �. ' ' _ 6 a � (.�% `7�. � � �..�•...� _ �ii � �' °L�". �/� �1-�' �.y�� • ,.� . i � � - �� � .1 /D - �► `<.���I.v� �.li}lr ac.�., �. � ?'Krt � 95��„``° ' �z// -d.�'G-�,,' °�.� �.� � � ' ��� �„� �- . �� � � 336 ����• �— �..�� ���-�,.l�7'`,�l a 3� �.�.«� T ��,� " .�'�A�.t Qo� � 3 s. i .c�.�.:� J. cn,v l� r Y, i+ � o��� �� � 6300 �:��rv:•w 'fe�ra..c�, �� G Z 9 I �.-.,...�...rr %�...��..� . � �,,, , � . ^ �. �y � 3� a ,,,v,,,�,w,,�„i (�-�-P�..e.� �� .� . f �.:i fi�l,!/+ S�li� `k/6 �✓dR�/i,a �: i�'/'.3 0� �: ��'� 6f<�P - - .�, �'"r'�' 7'/. �*_ "�'��'�J °� ���� ^ /�E �� � � c y fy �:,�-��.- � ,� � �` ; R �P ��.�, 'IK ,w,,, : w a.t�,j �'.�-�w L � � ° � `. � ^"-�'' • / dc•� - 63 � ��� � � , .... ' 3 % �/,¢y '� �. �'��- � /s ? � . �3�'� �`,`°. ,�w ' � � /�3 - 6 3 % c�,�7 N'�' �,. ��wus. ' t�aC� l9'f- G 3��„ �u �. �: ti ' . . .. � � _. �;= P �1NM.� f; (�% � � � 1 63 ya �1i � N.F. �_. . __ .. _. : - . _ . J. � . . .. . . . . . .. i�l;y 0 �. . . . . f ` S �_ 1 Auguat 1969 i , . 't T0: FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL ' FROM: FRIIILEY RESIDENTS • ; SUBJECT: PETITION IN REGARD TO THE SEGMENTS OF THE �BAST RIVER RAAD PLANNING CONCEPT�' RECENTLY APPROVED BY THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL. r �,,t v%1�.�`��10 • NAME =�( ����� � .'�(� iQ���L�: V 1�, �c'�.,. �'�+ �� , 9� � ���U'✓' // ��`i%'%�-� L�c� 1, ����w ��-�%%:�� �rt� ��� �. f�,r ; 4 : �� ADDRESS l r3/l -'�! d- � 1./a.-,� h:. C� . � 1 / 1 f(1 ��� / /l ` • / � . i '< l�%����r�� d a ja � �� �``� ��' / �5 ��u.�c�.�c 0 � , i��� � � �.� /9� G3 i�'��f y���}� �- . �3�6�. � r�.�, !3� � �33 � %ZZ�', i ��6 - L3�z. Gc�a�/ 7%� �� G�i�iu�- �� Y -v� _,� n- /� z � 3� � �/� . 9 ' /�3 63a`� ��� /%���� � 7I 3 'iU' nrE � 6/ � , — 1 6 '� '�` �.x�� ���� �y�. ��� � � F � �'�': �-� "G%� i.�s_ c.,� � �� �, • ��� � e .�� � 4.s- ��,.� � �� � . ,�.. . . �1. �i��_ ,�_�j �/� �/f ; _____- � t C . Page i � 6 1 Auguat 1969 T0: FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRIDLEY RESIDENTS SUBJECf: PETITIQi IN RBCARD TO THE SEGMENTS OF THE ��EAST RIVER ROAD PLANNING Cpp(�PT�� RECBNTLY APPROVED BY THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL. �ME ADDRESS . �Y/�'l"�-, �'1kat.'�. (.L,-�t.l�i<_re ,.:. �'<.T,.,�—���t � /�// �'% � %/�` � � C -L:-?r�u i'N-u,. � � � - (c 3 ��� � IT'I _ �I � 4 yi`°6' f y��` . q Y711�r�. yC�.t.c,�tQ.hr�L L al�� ' / 70 ��� Gv�a.c� �i�'. %'� r� �� (.✓r�•�-•''� �--�-��c / �l � G 3 � �J,.� �+ �. �' �'l;�t- �'�'"`-� Co�.�..�y lSlr^-cV�r` / 35-6 3� � 11 .� . � - E .3 �' �� ��.r. �T�� /yl�� �'�- �i�� �r� � � � ��-a.�-v I � t� - � 3 1� � 1� � ��. ,�` �j� � �c�.a;. l 3 N - 6 3 w �I. �. . � `�?ii � 7�a u� e�. CI �� / / / - 63�L /L: G ; � � � � �. �-Y�. i�� f�- �7U- �� �%7'��° �� q— �� ��; ��z°�f�,,., /�b — 6,3'�°G�1�, y/ -�. , �i. ; ; s �; P ., ; �� �. , . . _ . ,, . � , ;� . z K� � �jyQ C�% . 1 August 1969 { ,., a T9: FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL ' FRO�ti FRIDLEY RESIDENTS SUB.�C�: PETITION IN REGARD TO TIiE SEGMENTS OF THE "EAST RNER' RMD PiANNING � CONCEPT�� RECBNTLY APP$UVED BY THS FAIIILEY CITY COUNCIL C�ICERNIi'1G: e (1) The sxtenaion of &iverviea Terraca, from Mississippi Straes to . '� � South Rivnrsadge Way, and � . . (2) The construction of a aemaphora at East Riwr Road aad Hivers- , • 8dge Way South. ' �. } � T�e Fridley residents who.have signnd chis Qstitiasf ara sgaiASt tha �x- t�nsion of Riverviex Terrac� to South Riversedge,ils�t• � P� T�e original devalopment of thia residantial araa nas for privacy and sai£ety, and theae benefits xould be lost if Bive�viatz Terracs is mad� a t�roughfare. ?hia would not relieva tha main Crs€fic problema on B�tst Rf er Road, but �rouhd only add traffic to this rasidantial arsa. � � Wd(, therafore, request th� City Council to rsjact the coacept xhich nould exisad Riverview TaYrace from Missiasippi-Stra�i to Rivars�dga Way. , t Ti�n semaphore requested for Stavenson School ia a��ded and should b� con- si�lerad separata from this planning concept. NAI� �� i 0 ;� Lk �7 <j; -Y,x ,k � � . j; h rt�. � ADDRB$S /Sb �� � � %2� �1 ���-' , � � �� �',