10/20/1969 - 5569u ' ' ' ' ' , �J ' ' ' � ' ' ' ' ' C� �'� COUNCiL SE�i,R.L'i.4R`i'—al7�;_:, rv��'RC;�'R GOUNCTL MfsET�:x�G AGF1�T�,A 7o3Q PoM<— OCTOBER 20, 1969 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIN� AGENDA - OCTOBER 20, 1969 - 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: ROLL CA�L: PRESENTATION OF AWARDS: Certificate of Appreciation - Richard Donlin, Parks and Recreation Comm. Certificate of Appreciation - James KeaCing, Police Civil Service Comm. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Statement of Canvass, October 3, 1969 Regular Council Meeting, October 6, 1969 P$ges 1- 19 Public Hearing Meeting, October 13, 1969 Pages 20 - 29 AAOPTION OF AGENDA: VISITORS: (Consideratioa of Items not on Agenda - 15 Minutes) PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Continuation of Public Hearing for the 1970 Budget OLD BUSINESS: 2. Consideration of Questionnaires, Rezoning and Improvements in Hyde Park and City View Additions. Comment: On pages 30 and 31 is the tabulation of the people responding to the questionnaire who are going to be assessed for the slip off and the service road t Page A Pages 30 - 38 REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA, OCTOBER 20, 1969 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) 8. Receiving the :�Iinutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of October 8, 1969 9. Receiving the Minutes of the Board oF Appeals Meeting of October 15, 1969 10. Receiving the Minutes of the Fridley Human Relations Committee Meeting of September 25, 1969 11. Receiving Bids and Awarding Contract Water & Sewer �k93 Comment: This is for water and sewer in the area north of Osborne Road and west of University Avenue) 12. Receiving Bids and Awarding Contract Water Project �k95 Comment: This is for additional wells and for the two existing wells) 13. Receiving Bids and Awarding Contract for Debris Clearance from Chase Island and Alden Way Park. PAGE 3 --•�--- -- Pages 47 - 53 Pages 54 - 57 Pages 58 & 59 � � REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA, OCTOBER 20, 1969 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) 1.4. Receiving Bids and Awarding Contract for one New Snow Blower (Public Works) 15. Receiving Bids and Awarding Contract for Regular Gasoline and Ethyl Gasoline (Public Works) 16. Discussion Regarding Hazardous Intersectioa East River Road and I 694 Area and receiving Planning Commission Resolution 17. Consideration of Acquisition of Right-of-Way on 61st Avenue (Lenny Cochran) Comment: Developers of Amber Oaks Plat are anxious to get the Right-of-Way to develop the area) 18. Consideration of Approval of Bridge over Rice Creek (Medtronics) Comment: Medtronics owns the property on both sides of the Creek and are requesting approval for a bridge over the Creek) PAGE 4 � � Pages 60 - 62 Pages 63 - 65 REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA, OCTOBER 20, 1969 NEW BUSItVESS (Continued) 19. Receiving Report on Status of Different Hookups to NSSSD Lines (Comment: This will give the Council the picture if they want ta pay any connection charge for any existing hookups.) 20. Receiving Apartment Survey Report (Comment: This survey covers the School Districts ��14 and �i�16 only. �and will be found in the Agenda envelope) 21. CocB ideration of Amendment to the Fridley Volunteer Firemen Relief Association By-Laws. 22. Resolution Authorizing Bids on Outdoor Warning System Comment: Specification and proposal in agenda envelope) 23. Resolution Ordering Improvement Plans and Specifications ST. 1970-1 (Addendum ��2) (Comment: This orders the improvement of 3rd Street Connecting to 57th Avenue) PAGE 5 Pages 66 & 67 � Pages 68 & 69 Pages 70 - 72 Page 73 REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA, OCTOBER 20, 1969 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) 24. Resolution Transferring Funds from the State Aid Fund to the 1968 Street Fund 25. Appointment; Vacancy on Parks and Recreation Commission 26. Resignation; Mr. Donald Batterson, Plats, Subs,Streets and Utilities Subconmittee 27. Claims 28. Licenses 29. Estimates 30. Communications: A. Rudy Boschwitz; Approval of new Speed Limit B. N. Pacific Ry, Company; Crossovers on 79th & 83rd Ave. ADJOURN: PAGE 6 Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Pages 78 - 81 Page 82 Page 83 Page 84 ' � ' ' � THE MINUTES OF THE CANVASS QF VOTES COlJNCIL MEETING OF OCT��ER 3, 1�69 The Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order by Mayor Kirkham at 4:45 P.M., Friday, October 3, 1969. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Samuelson, Sheridan, Harris MEMBERS ABSENT: Liebl STATEMENT OF CANVASS, PRIMARY ELECTION SEPTEMBER 30, 1969: ' MOTION by Councilman Samuelson, seconded, that the City Council adopt the Statement of Canvass and Declaration of Results of the Primary Election for City Councilman for the First Ward held September 30, 1969, as reviewed ' by the Council. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the Statement of Canvass following on the next pages was adopted. ' ' ' II ' ' ' ' ' � �J P.DJOURNMENT : MOTION by Councilman Harris, seconded, to adjourn the Speci�3 ��et��g o�t October 3, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried, and the meeting adjourned at 4:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ���/ Juel Mercer Secretary to the City Council Jack 0. Kirkham Mayor STATEMENT OF CANVASS PRIMARY ELECTION SEPTEMBER 30, 1969 DECLARATION OF RESULTS THEREOF In accordance with Section 4.08 of the Charter of the City of Fridley, the City Council declares •the results of the 1969 Primary Election to be as follows: A. The total number of ballots cast was: 637 Ward;l - Precinct 1 150 Ward 1- Preci nct 2 Ward 1- Precinct 3 g Absentee Precinct - TOTAL 637 B. The votes for each candidate, and the number of defective and not voted ballots is as follows: Tim Breider Shirley D. Brimer Donald R. Mittelstadt Ed Thayer Spoiled, Defective, or Not Voted TOTAL: CITY - CQUNCILMAN WARD 1 W� 41 9 82 15 W� 43 13 130 30 W1-P3 82 4 148 31 3 1 3 � 150 217 . 268 ABSENTEE PRECINCT 1 1 - _. ? TOTIII 167 26 -� 36� 76 -____._.._._ 7 , 637 C. The following two people are hereby declared entitled to have their names placed on , the General Election Ballot for Councilman Ward 1 on Nove�nber 4, 1969. TIM BREIDER DONALD R. MITTELSTAOT 0 � ' ' ' ' ' PAGE 2 'STATEMENT OF CANVASS PRIMARY ELECTION SEPTEMBER 30, 1969 , , D. The following is a true copy of the ballot used: ' � i � ' � ' � 1 � ' , ' ' ' OFFICIAL B�►LLOT CITY OF FRIDLEY PRIMAKY ELECTION September 30, 1969 ��� ��h�'`'�...� � - - City Clerk COUNCILMAN WARD I Vote for One ED THAYER DONALD R. MITTELSTADT TIM BREIDER SHIRLEY D. BRIMER � � � � ' � ' � u � THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1969 Mayor Kirkhazn called the Regular Councii Ideeting of OctobeX 6, 1969 to order at 7:35 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Kirkham lead the Council and audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance ta the Flag. zrrvocATZOrr : A member of the Ministerial Association offered the Invocation. ' ROLL CALL; � MEMF3ERS PRESENT: Samu�lson� Sheridan, Kirkhd,m, Li�b� MEMBERS ABSE�IT: Harris APPROVA� OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL M�FTTNG OF BEPTEMBER 15, 1969: ,MQT�pN by Counci.lman 5heridaz� to adppt th� M�.nut�s of the Reg�lar Council Mesting of September 15, 1969 a� pres�nted. Seco�ded by �ouncilman Liebl. Upon a voic� vote� all voting aye, Mayor Kirkhatn deelared the motian carried. � ADOPTIQN OF AGENAP�.: 'Mayor Ki�'kham said that he had some communications that he wished to add wh�ch were: C. James Keating: Resiqnatipn from Poli.ee Gomzn�.ssion A, Lea Lemke; �tequest for recons%derati�ran pf vaca�i.ox� request ��. Res�.dents in Vici�nity a� S�artans: Requ�st fo�r spartan� to cease burning. E'. T�eac�ue Af Womez� Voters: Co�gratulatc��y �e��er fox obtaining the Park Grant. �MQTIQN bX Gounaa.lman La.ebl ta adopt the Ag�nda as amend,�d, Seconded by Council- man Samuelson. Uppn a voi�e vo�e, a11 voting aye, Mayor K��kham declared the mata.on aarried, � � � � VTSITORS: Mayor xi�kham informed the audienoe of the Caunci.l pz�c�dure and asked i� there was anyone who wished to sp�ak on a non-agenda itean, w�th no re5ponse, FUFdLTC HEARING ON F�NAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR STREET' TMPROVEMENT PRO�'EG'I" ST. 19f 8-3 ; ._.�._--a....� MaXor Kixkham Xeac� the P�bli� Heaxing noti�� aloud for the benefit o� the &udi�ncQr ��d state�, �hat the stxeets wpuld be taken in order. 73rd Ave�nues Central Avenue to Stinson Boulevard (no sidewalks) 1 There was na one present to speak on this street assessment. � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1969 PAGE 2 ' , Mississi�pi Street: T.H. #65 �o Central Avenue Mr. Russel Burr�s, 1150 Mississippi Street, read a lettez aloud fram Mr. Eu�e�e �. Lane, 11�2 Mi�sissippi Street saying that originally the estimate quoted was �ess than the amount of the assessment, and wondering how the �ipblem pP snpw r�moval would �e handled. Mr. �urris continued to say that �ast wi�ter tne ��dewalks wexe never seen in �ront of h�s house. The ehildr�n n�ed the ��d�walks �n the wi�t��tim� du��ng �ehoQ�, and �hey axe no� nscessary in the �umme�tame wh�n they are clear, H� said that he did not want s�dewa�k� �n �he �ixst place. M�. Joe M. �a�da11, 121p Mississippi Street presented pictures of �he snow tp Maypr K�rkha.m, and said that origi�ally the residents only wanted curbing, then the snow �low could plow right up to the curbing. He agreed with Mr. �uxris that in the winter when the childre� need the sid�wa�ks, they could no� u�e �h�m as they w�re nat cleared. The City Ma�ag�r said that he was s��xy� �n� ��at zt is �he Cp�nty responsibility to keep th� street Glea� �nd �ha� �hs City ha� had troub�e coordinating th� work with the Caunty. xe ��i��ad �u� ��at the street plowi�g must com� �irs�. Councilman Sherida� �dde� �h�� th��e is ��eques� be�ore the Council tonight �Qr author�aat�on �Q g�xchas� a��th�� snow �lower and t�e pu�pos� of this ec�ui�me�t �s �o c1e�r t�� �id�wal�s. T�e C�ty Ma�ager �aid that �hi� wiil be purc��s�� an� �� w�l� b� ��ad� for the snow th�s win���R Mr. Randall sa�d that m��� �e��ve�� al$� �Q��� � p��b�em, �t ia deliver�d by ca� and the s�d�walk� �o� be�ng p�ow�d �as ���u�t�d in the people nat getting �heir mail. He said thafi h� underst�4d th�� the assessment �s based on usage, and the peop�e do �o� u�e ths �id�walk that much. He zeq�ested that the CQUnty take care a� maxe of ��� cos�. ��e F��ance �ir�ctor expl�i�ed that with curb and gutter ��e Cvunty pa�� �, with the City's share being S2.Q5 per �oot. The cos� q� th� sidewalk� �� �h� ����dent� �� 52,�6 per foo� a�d t4 the commercial ���s $5.51 pe� �oot, Th� C��y ���ks u� � o£ t�e cost of the �idewalk5. T�ere i� no s�re�t sux��c��g a�s�sam���. Mr! R�nd��� asked if there was a�y coanm��cial �and tha� w�s a�s�s���, Cou�����a� Sheridan said yes, and �xplained �ha� t�� ��d�walk wi�l �Y��tual�y cQntinue east of Central Avenue to at least ���hur St��e�, �t �� ���_�ust � pQxt�4n of sid�wal� t�a� gpes now�ere, but is part of �� ov�r��� �1��, �x. �a�da�� �a�d t�at �his �nswers a quest�o� o� som� o� the pea�1�. M�. R�nda�l ��ked �f everyone faeing Mis$issippi Str��t �s �ay��� th� �attl� �QUnt. ��u���1.�►&� sher�dan sa�d yes th� res�d�nts aze, �he cQmn►�x���1 an� mu�ti��� �w��1���s �ax �w��� tha� amou��, Mr. Randall �hen asked w��� th� �nt����� �� ap���ed. �he �i�anc� A��ec��x sa�d ��o� th� da�e �f th�� m���i�� un�e�� ���d �ri 3Q �ax�. The City Enginee� added �ha� ���,�Qta1 c��� W�s �Ye� �36,QA0 and t�e �eo�1e �re payi�g �ess than � ��� �orinal ass�ssm�n� ���a ior ��s�d�n�ia� pro�erty. M��siss�ppi St�e��: 2nd Street to �.�. #47 . � �QU�Q���� ����� �Q����� QUt ��d� ���5 �S hc� CammeXCia� p�9�e��ye ����� W�� �o �as p������ �� �p��k. �,�. ��7 W�st Service D�ive: Mercur Drive to 67th Avenu� (nQ s�dew�lks) NQ ��� wa� ����e�t �� ��eak 9n ���s assessme�t, ��T��� b� C�u����.tn�� ��i►tu���9� �A ��QS� ��� �u���c �ea�ing �n S�r��� �����v��n� ���j��� �t. ��68�� F�n�� A���ss���� ��ilf �������� �y ������1��� sh��i���. u��� a vc�v� ����, ��1 v�ti�� ax�r M���� �����a�► ���1���� �he ����i�� �����d �t 7��� �,�. ' R�GULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1969 PAGE 3 ' PUB��C Ii�ARING ON 197Q BUDGET: 'Th� C�ty �a�a�e� repa��ed that th�r� ha� besn na s��tlement with the union as y�t a�d th�t thsy hav� be�n working vsxy haxd on �he budg�tr and it is ho�ed t�a� it wi1� b� r�a�y PQr the ne�� regular �puncil Meeting. � �J � � � � � ' � ' � � � � � MQ�TAN by �o�nci�man Samuelso� tq �ab18 conside����on �f ths �974 budget to t�a �ex� xagu��x �e��in� o� pctob�r 20, �969• Seconded by Cou��ilman Lieb1. U�on a vo�G� vQ�e, th�r� b���g �o nays, Mayox �irkham declared ��e motion caxr�sd. OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CARL IiIPP AND CITY OF FitIDLEY REGARD 9TH �1' The City Mana�c�er �x�lained that this is the agreement the Counci,l a.nstruated 'kh� C�it� Enc�iae�r �a pr�:Pare. The G��y �nqineer said that this is the piece 4t' prcaperty. H�un�rlund �nterprise� s�azted to rs�one. �he Gou�tcil had authcaxi�ed si.gning �he ac�zeemen� be�'c�re, bu� du� to the death of the man h�ndlir�g the r��anir��, wor�C was s�ca�ped. it is now a.�9r���1 by Mx, and Mrs. Cr�r1 iiipg and th� Gcar,�Aratic�n, Ra.�� cre�k ]��v$1o��xs. Au�.hori�ati.Qr� is ne�,ded �Rr �1�� Mayor ar�d the ��ty Ma�agex� �a �i�n �M� ac�xeamen�. The �ity �tterney s�,id th�t h� ia�c� �xamined the agreement and everything �eem� to ba �n carder. MQT�ON by Cour��a.�.man Sk�er�.+��a� �ca a�u�h�a�ri�s th� ���y Mar��gs� and Mayor Kirkham t� �igr� the agr�em�nt. Se�pnded by Cc�u�c�lman L�.�b1, Upon a vaic� vo�k�, al� vc�t�.ny ays, Mayo� Kirkham d�clarea the mation �arried. FI1;ST RFADTNG OF' ORAI�iANCE FOR REZQNING (ZOA #G9-08A) KAYE W. WESTERLUND: The City �r�gins�:r raminded tk�� �ouncil tha� �hia is the pxoP�r�y that was b+�ing h�ld u� wh�.le waa.�i�r�g to se� what tha ].and d�v�lopers to th� east woulc� b� doin�. �caun�il�nan Sau�ue�.��a� a�ked, �.� tl�a.� woul.d 1axi�� �.� up to a�peai�ic �9levatior�. Th� Ga.t� �nc�inaex sa�,d Xea, F�s raa.d t,hat th�xe is a diffearen� p�o�a+�x'ty szwri�x �Q �h� sauth ar�d tha� �he �i�g �.� nvt gs�ti.ng as much land irc�m thi� g�7r��1 �s frr�m th� �tice �reek Tlsvelt?pe�'�' parcel. Mx'. WaQt�rl�nc� s��.d �h�t h� d�.d nc�t kr�ow whca tha own�r raf �h� �ieae of �xap�+x�kx ta ��►s ����h is, i�� sa��,� ��a� Y�� k��l:tev�� ti�a� the �awn�ra af the �ou�h pi�ca are a�lso �hir�k�n� Q� ����a��r�g� �Q m�1ti�1�e dw�lla.ngs. Counci7.�man samuol- �an a�id that �i�� �flu��i� would �,�.�s� t4 �on��.de� the whsa7.e �r�a tQq�ther, r�athar �ha� pia�e�-m�ai. �1�. Wes���lund ask�d ii the �QUnca,l wAU�.d liic$ h�.m to try to �aicic up th� addi�.ian��. �.�ns�, T�e �i�y ��tQrr��� sa�.d �ha� �hi.s o�di:�a�nae cQUld b� pas�e� on f�.��t s�:adin,g wi�h the ccans�i�i.on that thaytry t�o plck ug �he �dditiona�. parc�7, ��a� �ity us�. �aunc�.lmar� Samuel�an said 'kh+�t �h� ie�,� th�t �h� ��ty �hcauld PrQCeed w�,tk� the xezoni�ng as i� wauld ba ��terio�i� �C+'khQ �ity tQ tie all the land �o�ether. 1�� wau�d lixs t4 have �k�p �'iret �'�adins� tor�a.c�ht and the second when th� �.ar�d d�d�.�ation ie made: 'Tk��o City �ra�ir�e��x au9q,st�d th�� an �gx'eement cou�d be drawn up similar to th�� �o�'�kha �i�a �x�ek U�v��,�$ar�, Mr. W��terlunc� �afd t�at th�.� would be #49resabl� tc� �khsm an� ask�� i� fih�x� wo�7.d bs a�. month �im�.�a�ion tl���. Gaur►�ilm�tt� ��nua�.son said �hat thi.s ha� be�n st��dard council �11�yr bu� t1�e 6�1cr�th� �im�a ��r�.c�d �QU1d ba wa�.ved i� ��ca���rx. �ounailman Sheridan +�41�d the►� �he ��ur�cil ��1� �hat i� shQU,�d z�o� bs lef�k o�en �Qr +� qr�a� �,c��p�h p� �iem� r k�ut i� �ome ��'o��'e�� �.� eVide�� ��d �om� d�ta17.$ ktei�� com� �1�,���, �.� cc�u�d k�8 ��cta�aea, t��. WQster�,und �ai� th�t �s �hougk�� �he s�,�c .,� � °* � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING QF OGTOBER 6, 1969 PAGE 4 , mp��ha wc�u�d b� ����u���. Cpu�c�lm�n ��znusl�An sai� ��a� �h� �x�� �������� m�� ��� ����e��� w��� w�r� tpge���r on the oy�er�h�� o� the p�o�er�y �� �h� �Q�t� a�d �hat th� �����me�� ���u�� ba ��ady f�� him �o p��� u� �y �h� and �� ��� W���. �Q���N by C�u������� ��u��s�n t� �PProv� ��� ����na�ce �n f��st rE����� ��� ��i�e �h� ��adi��, w��� t�� und�x�ta���ng ��a� �� ������n� �� ��z`tC►��a�e� ��� �����d b��Q�� t�� ��c�n� zea���g �t t�� ���������. �������� �y C�u������� &h�����n� U��� a x�il ��11 v�te. �herid��� K��k��mr ���b� ��d �amu�l�o� Y����� �y�, M���� ��rk�am dec�ar�� ��e m��io� �����.,��. ��oM �� �����r ����k��nt as)c�d �� �h� t��u���i��a ���a��s���sd 4��x ��oa� �e��s�nd�.r��, '�h� ���x M�r�+�g�� ���.d ye5 r �'t�� ��.�y ���in��� ����; ���= �h€��e w��e ��ou� �� 1�����'� ��?�t o�� �nc� �� wa�� �'��u����,, �,�s �c�n��1�k� b�ough� �z� �kx��� 22 b� h�rad , M�`�IQN k�� �����a,].man Sh��'�,d�r� �c� �����.v� ��� vc���n� �.��a�1���Qr� �h�a°�s. ���ond�d �a�► G�unc�1��� I±��k��.. U�A� a vs���� vs?��, al�. v���r�c� �y�► Nl��t3�^ �ixlcha�m d,��1���� �h� m�+t�,�a� �a�ri�cA, �� a M��vi� 0' �ere�, �9�7 2� ��ree�, a�k�� �c►� the resu��s �c� �� ��a� ��c�m t1�c� �.�k�u].�,��.�ax�e �caunF��m�r� Samu�l��ar� ��ad �h�m alc�ud� Mrs. Q'���� a�ke� wh�n �h�� w��� �� c�a���d��ed aga�r�, �aun��-�,�nar� �amue],�on said pQS�3.b�.y �� w��.� �� t?ra th� �►c�and� �a�' �he ��x� ��qula� �s��inq. He s��.d �k�a� h� wsau�d ��.k� �ri o��aortu�n��y ��r ��us�� ��� ��su7.ts mor�. Mrs, 0'���g wc?x�de�:+�� w�,� �.h� �QUr���.l chc��� °�c �QUr�� nca ����ar�s� �s a��� vc��e. �c�unc��i�x� T��leb�, tc�1� Y�e� �,�at �h� t�k�u����.�� c�Q�� �s�� �.�c�u�� ��,e �n�-�'��,�e��� �'Qt�s, �ra1� �k�c��� w�o ���t�x�,�d ��4 fiQx'�1. M�'� � c� ��exc� c�ue�t��a�ec�, Wk���h�� �n9�'� �� t��= ��c��?1� WY�c� YQ��d ��r �,� di� r��� 1�v� �� 2� �t����, sh� ���c� t1��+� .�n ��e ���v�e�us �����s�?�c�n ��. w�� p�air�t�d �a�t �h�� t��; ��iy �,s ����r�� � �'��' t�� ��d�w���� �a� &��,ss�.s��,,���. ������, �M� �A76: ��� ls��� ��Y fiA�,:� �SF���1?� .F•R M4A� �M� I.3IAn �ld�n� e � M�f..�.. ar'J'M.kl..1 ���%� N7�\�. ���f�'r#'� �tc�v� �h�� ��� r��Q�ir�s� wc�ul� r�Q� .c�sa tk����xgh u���ss ���re �.� a s�:�.�Z o��' ��mg, ��le w�� +���'��.d ���'� th� l�r►d W�u�� �e ���gi� �� %� 8ma3�, j�u��r�sssa� ���, #39 ���`s�a �4r�c�r� v��1d �c�m� ��n, �� '���-S ����, �a�'�ka�b�� Z�S S��'��t wQU�,� ste�y �h� �am�. sh� �aid t1�at $he ��c� �as�� ��� k�9w �1�� ��.�.� s��� �r�l�, c�� h�� �r►y qoodE ��d 'the�'� ��� will nev�x be��f�.� ���m �h��, i+�, �l��ir� i9�kur►�de�� �a�-d t,k��� �►s ��c�uc��a� �ka�� �h� ��k�.�.� I����'���� w���a av�ar c�r► �khi� i�erm. 7C�.� ��.�ky A��QZ'��� ���� ��?a� th� �caxm��. ��a�^inc�'� we�� ��,�i���� Mr � SQhm�c��k� '�i��� a��k�� �k�� ��� v��+�� ��nit�� ���an ����]�� �a, 23 ��� 2� 3a� di�aouz�t+oc1 �� �h�y ���s Q� ��a� w��t ��.d� �� �� ������ a?�d wc���d �Q� b� ���s���+�. �ou����an �i���a�. �a�� ���� ����� w��� ��e Q� �h��� �.nc�.�c��d �,n �hc� v�a�� ar�d Maxo� �Ci���am �d���1 �ha� �� �ir�� ��.a�ca they seem�c� t�a abc��� av�n �au�, �t��se ��c� �.i�� �h��gs �I�� 1�� ��� t'�a� h� wQu�d� 1�.�� t� �t�dy �'u�t���'. �'� �s��m�s�e�� �aid ��a� �k�i� w�� su��?c�s�d to an��a�r �1� t�� c�a���io�a� a�ru� �k��t ��"'��x �'�ce��a� of th� qu��ti��?�a���� � d��i��on evu�d k�� mad� ��aza� SIGIVAL A'.T R.�BER'�' a�r�� ��.�� ����.a���� �������� ���� r�� ��.� ���+� w�.t� ��� ������ ��� ���� ��� �+�a���d�.r�q w�th a �em��x�.�g ��s�na�, '��� ����,�,���n,� w�� ��� ��.�� w�u�d �a� � ��� �h� �e'����€ w�u�s� �a� � W�t� ��;� ����?� k�i,�� �� �� ���� �a� ��e ����a�� � ' � � � ' � � � ' � � � � I � � REGU�.,AR COUNCTL MEETING O� OCTOBER 6� 1969 PAGE 5 ' , � � ' , i , T�is wauld cost ths City about 53,000. The Gounty is praceedxng o� an �mergenGy basis. MQTIQN by eounc�lman �amualson �o author�ze the City Administration no� ta ����ed $3,QOQ Q� an �mer��ncy basis, �or t�e installat�on o� a tamporary ��gn�1 �or �ab��t �ou�� S�evensa� School and �o entsr �n�o an agXeement w�th t�e Cou�ty and �chool if necessary. Seconded by Cauncilman �h�ridan. Upon a vo��� vote, a1� vot�ng aye, Ma�or xirkham dec�ared the motion carrisd. CQUncilma� She�idan ask�d iP any of the $34Q0 wou�d be recpverable on t�e p�rznansn� �ns�a�l�ti4�. The City �ngineer said that he did nQt think so. Ths Co�nty �Q�s not have any plans as yet. Councilman sheridan said that on �.H. #65 �o�� north and south of �9th Avenue �hexe is a flashing amber light wa�ning of a school crossing ahead and wondered if this could not be included in this area a1so, as it �s �ocat�d on a curve. The City E�gineer said that he wpuld check this out. He pAinted out that both hand aignals ��d flashing sign�l� a�� 111ega1 an� ar� used only on a� emergency basi�. RECE�S; Mayc�� Kirl�ham de��ared a recess from 8:3p to 8:54 P.M. APARQVAT.� OF REk1U�ST FOR BUILpING PERMIT FOR TWO aUILD�NGS ON 79TH WAY AND EAST R�V��2 ROA,As (k'TV� SANDS. TNC. ) T �— Nix�. N, �raic� ,Tahnson sa�.d, �hat t'he GQUncil has alxeady a�pxoved the con�ept �. a�d �he p�a�s a�'� naw com�leted. Approv�l of the p�ans as to the traffic ha�t b�an rac�iv�d f��am �he County. �e said tha� they are r�ow ready to start the twc� nQr�hwQSt bu.i�.d�n,gs, ' J � � ' ' � ' � ' Cpunc�lman.�a.eb1 asked if th,ere was some sort of an agr�ement �reached wi�h �he ���perty �wr;ers, �z. Johnsan �aid that the major Goncern was traffic. The�r� �i�� k�e c�ne o�aenir�g on 79th Way and theX ha�e agreec� tQ �ave the opex►ing a� �ar as pA�sibl� to the w�st• The peo�le we�'� also �oncerned about parki�g can 79�h W�X and he said that there is thouqht be�ng given to putting up no p�z'k�.r�� s%��as on tk�e south side of 79th Way, the� no one .in the Gom,plex wauld bs paxking the�'e. The pecaple in �he area were eoncerned about snow removal, with �h� �ars p�rk�d san �tha �t�eet. H� said that he di,d not bel�.ev�e the people rc�a����:� hc?w �ar baak the complex wi11 be �rom 79th way and when thsy undex- staad �i�at �.� wauld be over 100 feet from 79th Way they s�emed p�.eased. The�e wi�.1 bs ?��gk�� tu�r�s a�� �a�t Riv�� Road, but no �-e�t tu��s onto �ast R�.v�ex R�ad, oth��' t�art at the 79th ir�te�'section. MX. ,7phr�spn sa�id �hat there wi11 b� a r�aad pa�a���1 to �as� Ri.ver �toad �hrough �h� �rojec�. The Gi�y �ngineer sh�awed ��;a „�aalan� �Q tk�e Council and said tha� al.l � left turn� wil]. be made at 79�h Way w�x� �h�x� a.s a signal �xc��osed, �his wil�. be th� Qnly exa.t �or tlie cQmp��x. i�s said that� there wer� a�ew �h,an�es �.� �he com�lex since oxigina],ly �.caoksd at. T�ere was oz�.g�.na].ly a cover pr�avided ov�r the swimming �001. now .it �.a �r� uncc�v�x+�d ou�doo� AQG�. �e sai.d tk�a� the Gi�x wpu7.d l�ke �Q keep the com�al�x o£ l�i,gh gualitx and these �acilities tend to keep rsnt hiqher and th� 1au�.ldinqs we11 maatn�ained, Thera is also a need for some �asements whi�h �hey have ag�'esd to provide. Cour�cilman ��mue],sc,n ask�d �.f th�x'e i.s to be � xegistexed �.az�d survey or p7.at�ing c�Qne. Th� City Er�gineer said that it is all undex one ownership and �� �4QSCr,ibed �y m�t6s and bounds now. Counci.].man� Samuelson asked if it wou�.d REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1969 PAGE 6 � �o� b� �e�t�x ii ��a�t�d. Mr. �okui�on said th� �e�d is al�ar► t�� moz�gaqe company i� d�4���gtio�, as it is under ona owx�e�shi�. �hat it is tozzen� title now and sa��s�i�d w�t� t�e m���s and bound� Councilman �haridan asked in an5we� to the question raise� by �h� Ci�y Enginesr, i� he �sant ta infer that the quality is not wh�t the City has been striv�ng �or. �he City Enqineer said that it is of avera�e quality, but of course �a�ks �he river �rontage like those �oc�t�d on �as� River Road, and the CaVQ�e� �AO1- Caunc��man Sheridan said that he did not s�e that it wou�d be unxeasanable t� �equ��� d COV�K�$ �Op� with this amount o� u�its. Mr. �ahnso� s�id thia �e trus, howevex, they have t�ied to p��vide mo�e �iv�ng spac� xather than the covering over �he �ool. He said t�at the� have found that people �ea11y da �ot use a pool that much, as much as the� would other �acili��e� ��s� have tried to make �icer. They f�1t that it would be bette� to uss th� a�ditiona� �und� for add�tional liv�ng space. The�e are �ennis �auxts. party �oams. ��ng Pong� Plaa�S fox ch�ldren� a�d � sauna. H� sa�d that �t was the�r �e�ling that a aovered �ool would look ���y nice, but wau�d n4� ��a��y �� u��d �hat muc�. The C�ty Engins�r said that they hav� �o man� o���r �scrsa�io�al Paci�ities, it s�ems �h�t the pool should be cove.red. �ou��i9.ma� Sh�r�d�� said �hat �he Gouncil do�s w�nt th�m t4 be com�e�it�ve wi�h Q�he� comm�nities. Mr. �ohnson s�id tk�t they w��l txy ve�Y hard tQ keep up �o da�a ��d �hat p�rhaps �� the �uture, the �ool wi�l be cov�red. Ma�ox Rirkhazn �aid tha� he w�u�d like to see the poo� cover�d, but woul� have to agr�e with M�, ��hnsan that he wQUld not �ike to see any af the more a.mportan� �acilit�es sacrifia�d. MOTiQN bX Cau�a�lmar� Sh��idan to authpxize �he �dm�n�s�ratzo� to g�an� a bu�ld�ng p�x�m�t �ax th� first two �u�ld�ng� �o� Five sands T�c. in the v�e�ni�y of 7�th Way and Eaet River Raad sub��ct t� eas�me�ts �e4uir�d by �h� Adm�nis- txatian. S�cQnda� by Cqunc��man Samu��so�. Uppn a voice vote, a1� voting ay�, Mayor K�rkh�n decla�ed the motion carr�ed. RECETVIN� THF; MINLJT�S OF THE PARKS ANt? REC�TTQi�1 MEETTNG 8�' SEpTEMBER 22, 1969; MOTTON by Counailm�an Lie7�1 t�o receive �hQ Minute� �� �he Parks and k�eareati�on �oma�issior� Meeta.ng o£ Sspt�znber 22, 196�, seconc��d }aY Gounai�.man Samu�lsan. [i�p� a vQic� vate, all voting aye, Mayo.r Kixl�ham declared the moti,qr� carx�.sd. MQTION b�r Counollmar� sheridaz� to �.nstruct the Admina.s�xation to prepar� a Gex�ifica�ke ca� Ap�r�aiation ��r Ri.chaxd M, Aanli.n. Seconded by Gounailman Samuelson. u,p�an a voic� vote, all, votin9 aY�, M�yo� Kiar�Ch�tn dQClax�d �he motion casr�ed. Th� Ci�y A�k�korney pc�in��;d au� �k�t �1�� Comm���ipn �s �9�in a�eques�ir�g �n Qrdiz�anc� changa �rcah�b�.�a.ng the �9e o� matar�.�ed v���.c�,es in t�� �,�rk area�, �tnd ��ked ju�t wha� they mean�. '�hr� City �anac��r bel�.eved tha� wh.at was me�r�t wa� al�. veh�.c�.e�, exaept w�.th�n �aQ���d ��eas. �'he �ity A�torr�ey said �hat h� would dx�aw on� up. Gouncilman L��.eb1 �ao�n�ed c��t t�at �.here was sQz�� dxscus�i.�� car�cerning havinc� t� �'�presan��t�.v� �xAm tk�e �tudsnt Counci�, a���nd th� �oznm�.�sion Mes�a.rag�. H� se�id �khat ha L1rad��;s��aQd that th�..3 w�s be��g dana in '�lcaomirxg�on suc�ssfully. M+�yaar Kiz�ham �qr�ed that �it was an a.���n to co��a.der, bu� �k�at he w�� r�c�� ���,dy �Q ��'k. �ot�i��ilman ��m�e�.s�n �g�eed w��h ti�� Mayor and pointed Qut tl��,� �,�,� City i� com�a�i.��d o� �caur schQC�1 ��s�r�.c��, ' ' � , , ' � � � � , ' � � � , , � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1969 PAGE 7 ' ' ' , ' , ' , , ' , LJ ' � MINUTE� QF TI�E E 'TFMB�R 2a. 1969: - AESTGN SUBCOMM 1�, GQNS�DERATZ�N QF A RE�UEST TQ CONSTRUCT AN ADDITTON TO EXTSTING WAREHOUSE T,OCATED TN THE NORTH 174 FEE�' OF LOT �. BLOCK �, DQN.'� 1�DDITION, THE SAME fi�OQ C}:Nt'RATa AVENUE N.E., FRIALEX, M Ra �'IQV��2� .�i400 G�NTRAL AVENGT�; N. E. � HARRIS �'he Cit� �r�gi�eer �xpl��.n�d that �he proparty they bought �.s not a canplete ��.�ce� ,�nd r�e�ds a lot split. T�,ey purahased 179�' af a 20q' 1Qt, This leaves 2b �. �caunci�man Samu8lsc�n �tsked wk�at advantage �l�ere would be tG the �ity �o grant tk�e 1ot sp�.i�. The Ci.ty �ngineer z�plisd no advantage, except that i� wc��J.� seXV� to c7.edn up the ar�a somewhat. A�������n����ve of xarris Maver� said that the pxoperty is alzeady fenced with �h�in link fen�e on the north and south, and a� the back th�r� is a wooden �'ence. Ha said �khat he l�ad �rr�uble ,�urahasing this amount of 1•and from the owner, an$ h� di.d not �hink tha� k�s �auld get the remaining 26', Counailatan Lisbl asked i� they ar�'w�.�ling to confo�m wi�kh all the s�ipulations put on them by the 8uilai.ng �caard. The Gity Enga.nee�: said they wers. Th� Gouncatl cauld authox��r�e the �ermi� on the whale parcel sukajec� tq the appli.cant coming back �tar a lv� s�lit. The representat�ve said tha� he alread� had a certif�cate of st�x'v�y whi�h has been £i�.ed with the Coun�y, �punc;��,�nan Slneridan said �tu�t �t St,ill h�� �Q b� ��a1�.t wa.th the Gity, M��'ION k�y Counailman Sher�dan to authorize �hs building peznni.t subject to the ��pli.cant eoming in for a lot split and abid�ng by the stipu�a�ions set forth bx th� �uildi,nq Board. Seconded bX Gauncilman Liebl. Upon a voice,vote, a11 vo�inc� aye, Mayor �Cirkhaxn declared the motion ca�risd. Th� City Engir�eer asked i� there was anx discuss.�on at th� Building �oard M��:ta.ng �or�cernir�g slats to bs put into th� chain link fen�e for screening the tz�aak.s, 'r}�e �ep�esentative answer�d no. 2: CONSIDERATION OF A RE�UEST TO CONSTRUCT ONE �3 iJNIT APARTMENT BLiILDING TO BE LQCATED ON FART OF LOT 13, AUDITOit'S SUBDIVISION #89, TH� SAME BEING 125p, 127Q ANA 1300 NORTON AVENUE N.E., k'RIDLFY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST HE M�t. WALTER THUFTEDAL, 3213 32ND AVENUE N.E., MINNEAPpLIS, 1KINNESOTA)t �. � Tk�e Ci�y �ngir�esr expl�ined that priginal],y the plan was fox t�e� �2 unit }n���dings m�d now they h�ve been �haMged on Qne 33 �u�ait bui.ldi.ng. F�e �hen �r�sented th� �la�s to the Councij,. He.saa.d �hat th� plans meet al�. the Code requi��ner�ts, �.s 2�S stori�s, and wi11 be a11 carpeted. M4TIoN by Cour�ca,a-man T�iebl �,o c�ran� the buildir�q permit �c�z one 33 uni� apart- me�t iauildi�►g �'equ�s�ed b� Mr. Thuf�edal sub�ec�k to �hs Building Bo�xd stipu^ l�tion�. Sa�ondec� k�y CQUncilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vo�e, Sheridar�, K�.rkham and �iebl vatir�g aye, samuelson voting nay, Mayor K�rkham dealax�d �h� motioz� carxied, 3. C�NSTDERATION OF A RE�,UEST FOR CHANGES AND AN ADDTTION TO THE ANA COMAUTER AREAS TN THE T&RGET WAR�HOUSE T�UCATED AT 7120 HI (REOUEST SY AAXTON - TARGET ST(�RES INCORPORATED, 700 ON THE M R�GULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1969 PAGE 8 , ' (P�a�s not cons�der�d by �he �oaxd. Proposed addition stil� b�ing conside�e� b� �a����.) MOT�ON by G���ci�.ma� ��eb� �Q rsa��v� th� �n�o�ma�io� ap�ta�ne� i� the remaxn��r a� �h� �ui�di�g S�andards - Aesig� �ontro� Minu��s. Seconded by Councilman ���r��an, U�a� � vo�ce vAt�, a1� vQ�ing aye, Mayo� K�rkham dec�axed the motion ��x�ied, MQ��ON �� Cou�cilman �amu�lson �o �eceiv� the M�nute� o� the B�i1d��� S�anda�ds Design �ontro� Sub�omznittee Minutes o� Se�tembe� 25, �969. �econde� by �QUnciunan Li�bl. Ugo� a vaice vo�e, al� voting aye, Mayor. Kirkh�zn declared �hs motion carried. R�C�IVING TH� M2N(JT�5 OF THE BOARD OF APPEAI,S MEETING OF SEFT$MBER 24, 1969s A R�QU�ST FOi� A SFECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW Ti�i� CONSTRUCT�ON OF A SERVT�E STATIQIV TQ 8E I,OCATED ON LOT 1, BLOCK 2, EAST RANCI� E^�TATES 1ST 1�DDTTION, TH� �aAM� }'�E�NG 761p UNIVERSITX AVENU� N.E., FRIDLEY, MINDTE60TA: (i2El�U�S�' , �Y SFi�LT� QIL COMPANX, 778 O'�TO AV�Ni7E, ST. pApL, MINNESOTA) s Th� Ci�y �ngiz���� �xplain�d �hat this request i.s far a s�xvice stat�or� ix� �.he ri�axthweS'� corr�ear ca� Qsbarne Road and Un�.�e�sity Avenus. The question is if �h� Ccaunc�.� w�.she� tca ap�rove a rpeca�al u�e pe�'mxt�at this sit�. �f a�,p�oved, h� wi11, wr�r]€ with �hs app7.i.cant on �he glans ?a�c�us� as they a�e �ow, fi�ey dc� racat me�� �hQ Cc�d�. Ma�qr Kirkham cc�mmented th�t h� wQU1c�, agre� wa.�h �h� Bq��r�l thE�t a c��s station is the only su�.table struc�ure for this intersec�kicrz�. Cour�cilman ahexi.dan asked if the sQecial use permit was grante�, wcat�id �h�rQ b� a�,ime li.m�.t a.z�volved. The Cit� �ng�.neex said tk�a� there is no 1.imi�a�icrn, the ps�'mi� wou�.d k�e only for this Goxn�?any. Tk�e �ity Attor�ey added tha� the ,�olicy k�as been six months. Mx', Rog�;r �].strup of Shell Oi.l. reques�ed that tY�e si� mo�nth �ime li_mit be �rsxn �he time th� �inal plan� ar� aQ�,rpv�d, �h� City At�arney said tha,t tha.� would be a�ter �he speea.al use perm�.� is ap�rc��ved. �� is to preven� a��xmit being giv�n and tk��t� n,o�hing done wa.th th� l�nd. �t would be between the ta.m� oP Qran�ing t�he special use perm�.t and the bu��d�.ng permit. Couneilman ��is�idar� addsd tha� if Mr. I�.stru� or one �xom his concern we�e to come back w�.�h p�.�n� ac��p�abl�; to t�h� Counci.� a�d �� i� was 3- 9- 5 manths be�oxe cAns��'uo�iqn we�� to s�art, �his would s�il�. }ae fine with the Council. ��ir. �1.s�xup aa��, that this would be agreeab�a tQ ha.m. M+�'TON k�X Cauncil�nan Sheridan tq ��ar�t a spaci,al uss �ermi.t �'or i,cat 7. ��loak 2, E�st Ranch ��ta�es lst Addi.ti.on, "�610 Unive��i�X Av�nue N.�. �ra She11 c�i,7. w�.th th� s�k�.pulatian that the �1ans are reeeived by the Council wit�ir� � mc�Mth�. S�acanded by Councilman Liebl. upon a voice vote, I,i�b1, Sher�.dan ar�d Kirkham vq�i�� �ye, Samuelson. abstaini.ng, Ma�or Ki�kham declared �h� matiQZ� cax��.+�d. Coun��.lmaa ,h�rid�n said that he wpu�d c�uestion tk�e wisdQm of h�v�.ng thr�s openir�g� within 30Q f��t al.ong c?slao�ne Road. Ths City �ng;t�eer �aid th�t h� wc�ul.d wo�k� wi�h Mr. Ilstxug on the plans and r�soJ.v� �ha ��af�ic �aa�tt���, b��care �k�s bu�.ld�n� �x�m�.� �s i��u�d. MAT�c�N by Co�zrac�.l.m�r� �ieb�, t�a ar�c�ive the Minu��� o� the �aa�'d A� A�p�alr Me�t�,r►g o� �����mk��x 24, 7.969. ��cona�a �� Cp����1m��n ��i��r����, U�aQ� a vca�.�� vo��, �l� v���.ng ay�, M�yc�r K�,rl�h�m decl�red th� mc����r� c�.���,�d. ' T�EGi7LAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1969 , II � , J , , 1 ' ' � , ' ' �� ' � � �_J L_J PAGE 9 Ft�C�IVING TF3� MINUTES OF THE INDUSTRIAL AEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING OF SE�TFMF3�R 16, 1969s MQT�QN by �ouncilman T,iebl to receive the Minutes of the Tndustrial. Develop- mer�� Gomm��s�.car� Mreting of Septeml�er 16, 1969. SecAnded by Councilman �h�r�.c�az�. UpQn � vo�.�� vote, a17. voting aye, Maypx Kirkham declar�d the mo�iQr� aarried, R��'�IVINC� '7.'i� REPC?RT ON ANQK.A COUNTX I3IGHWAY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM IN FRIDT,�Y FQR Y�«AR �,97Q: The CitX �ngir�eer reported that the County plans are to widen and blacktop osborne Road from Central, A�venue �o atinson Boulevard, Rice Greek Road from ���tra�. Avenu�: ta �tinson Boulevard, Mississip�i Street frcxn East River Road to 2r�d Stree� and fo� Main Street f ran 43rd Avenue to 57th Ave�nue, the plans are �car ar� overlay, The question is if the City would like to request anything mox� b� done whi�.e undez construction. Councilman Sheridan said that he felt tk�at the curbi�ng should be completed along Main Strs�t. There are places where �h�re is not anx, Councilman Liebl asked if the Mississippi Street plans �.nclude �hs i,n�ke�s�ction of East River Road and Mississippi Street. The Ci�y �ng�r����r sai.s� Yes, and that the City is s��ll try.in+g �to �gt the ovexpass or un�Aexpass a� �he x�ailroad tracics. The County hired a cpnsu�.tant, ar�d he felt t�,at �.t is not ne�ded foz the amount oE t�affic. He felt that as theXe is no bx`a,dg� c�n �ent.�'a1 whe�re �k�e txaffic is grsater, one is not warranted on Mi��issi�a�i e�.�h��. The �i��'s pcai.nt ian tY�e discuss�on a,s t�hat there must be .p�a�r#,ded F�re and Fo7.ice pxQtec��.ox� �Q the other side of the rai].ro�d tracks a�d �hi� �,s �hs o�ly �rossing �or sc�me clistanc�. Helen T�ruenfels, a mamber o� �h� audience, poin�ed aut that tk�e txain traf�ic o� tl�e �oo line over Centra]. c�nno� be com�ared to t}ie I�Toz�hern Pacifi,c tra�fic oVer Mis$issippa. Street. Ma�4r K�.�kh�m said that he f�lt th.at the Gity should qo alang wi.th the iz�n�dia�e iznprovement rathe� th�n w�at fc�r the uncler�ass or overpass, whiah may be �.0 - 29 x�ars in the �uture, Counailmar3 Sher�dan commented that it is a�h�,me �hat �"ri.dley w�11 h,ave ta sus�ka�.n a loss ot l�fe oz a home be�are the G�aunty will ��.s�en to the City's are�uest. H� �aid tY�at he wou].d ac���e, that t�� C.�t� sk�auld have al�. fauX imp�'Avements the CountX is conte,znplat�.ng, �ounc�,lmar� I��:�bl aslted wha� was �:he City's acammit.men�. Tha City Engie�,er said tha� caur shaare would b� curbin�, sidewalks, and obtai�i,ng th,e easements. Gouncilzna� Sk���'idan asked about the int�rsect�.�� of Mississippi S�reet and �a�t Rivar Ro�d, '�he �i�y Engine�r said that oris��,na�-ly th� plan was �or the removal o� the gas ata��,on, a� shawn on Page 69 �f th� Agenda, thex� ther� was an alterna�� prQVi.d�d as sk�own c�n Pas�e �8 which wauld b� much chea,per a�nd would 1eav� th� gas stata.on. '�h� Ccaunty Wi-i� Qay fc�� the �mpxovement, but ths City must �cc,�ui.re �hs l��nd. CQUncilman �i�bl sai�l �ha� aoa�sa,dering �h� apaxtment pott�7,��c m�d �he businesses located c�o�e �o th�-s corner, he fe�t tha� the ts�t�� �.m,�xovement A� the intersecti.on shou�.d be consis��red, and that 7.eaving th,e gas statior� would nat improve the.bad situatian at this interseetion. Gouncil- ma� Samuelaon aq�eed with Cc�uneilman Lieb1. �Y�e Cxty Engineer said that i.t woul.d �ro�iab�.x cost clase tp $1Q0,000 to remove the ga� station and do all the isn�a�'ovsm�nts. Cauncilman Samuelson fel� that as long as the jab was going to �a@ �lqn�a, it �h�au�.d be dor�s x�.ght. The Gity Eng�ne�r a�so agxesd that thq �lan �an k's�g� 69 i� the best, but want�d to go�.nt out tha� �,� is a7.so much more exger�aiv�, Gauncilman Sherid�n saa.d that hs did nak disagre� that the total ,�1�� waa the best, bu� questi,oneci where th� Ci�y wau].d qet $100,000 in on� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1969 PAGE 1Q yaar. Ke wpndered i�� a cammuni�� o� abou� 30,000 could justify a capital imgrovemen�. �'he F�nance pixec�o� sai.d tYiat� fo� �n impXavement bond, 20� h�� t4 b� t�sses��d. M�yor Kirkham sa�.d �hank you �o the C�ty �ng�.neer �qr ��QVid�.ng an r�l�srnate, bu� saa.d tha� he must �g��e tha� the b�st im�rc�v�men�t wauld be the �anly cou���. �'he �i.�y p,ttorney sai� �hat if th,e cou,na�.�. were to authpx�i�e negpt�,ation with the prop�rty ownex, and it was unsuccess�'ul within 3�ar �{ months, ccandemnation could kaa in�tiat�d. He said �hat i.t ma� iae possib].� to buy �he land undsr con�ract s�read over 5 years. M4�i0N by Gouncilman �iebl to instruct the Administration to part�c�.pa�.e ir� n�gota,ations for �he acquisition Qf �.and from Mieo at the inters�ction of Mi�si�sippi �trest and East Rivex Road. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the mation carried. CONSIAERATZON OF DEEp FOR CHASE ISLAND ACCESS FROM INDEPENDENT SCHOqL AISTRICT #14: �'h� �it�► �ngi.neer ex�laxned that ],agt year the Ctiy sent a deed which cavered th,� nA7rth 30 �se� a� the raad and alsa �l�e property £or a�axking lot. When the agreeznent was r�ached he sent the same d��:d baak, What theX are requas�king a.s acGeptar�c� o� a deed on,ly for �he roadway, MoT�ON by �our�c�.7.man L�ebl to concur wi�h the praposal of School Aiatra.ct #�.4 and aGC�pt the easement �o� the xoadway on1y. seconded bx cou�ci�man Samuel- son. U�on a voic� voter a11 voting aye, Mayor Kixkham decl.ar�d �h� motiox� carried. CpN$TDERATTON OF ACCEBTANCE OF ROAD EASEMENT FROM MINNESOTA TRANSFER RAILWA7t: The Gity Engineer said that this wa� over �roperty just west of Target. Thi� wil� ,pz'ovide access to Lock Park, which the City has been negotiating with Mir�n. T��nsiTe� Rai,lwaX fo�. Targst is �lanning to build the road for access to their pax'kir�g lot. Actua�.�.y, now the Gity is using an il�egal crqssi,ng to get into Tac�cke Park. MOTTON by Councilman Samuelaqn ta acce,�t the easemer�t from Minnsota T��ansfe� Rs�ilwa�. �ecpnded �y Counc�.lman �,�ebl. upon a voice vote, all va�inq �ya, Mayor Kirkhc�m dealared the motion carried. �QNSIDERATTQN OF �S�'ABLISHING TWO HOUR PARKTNG LIMIT ON FIRESIDE DRTVE: Gouncilman Sherid,an rs�aqr�ed that h� had �e��aiv�d a call from the pwnsr of th� mrabila k�ame y�ark c4ncexna.ng c�n--street parka.r�g• He wpulcl l.�.ke �o see the two hsaur paz�king 1.�.m�.t a.nitiate�l, �s l�e has had some com,plaints frpm hz,s ��nants. The f�a�.�.�� was tY�at th,e cazs may b� �zom the ir�dustry t� the no�'th or may be par�ies workinc� at pz�ar�' s. MG'I'IQN �a� �ott��i��n �amue�.son to authorize �,nstallation of two hour parking ��.�3�� �1Qng F�.Xeside priv�, Seco�ded by Councilman Liebl, Upox� a voice vQ�e, �1� vo'��.�g axe, Mayo� ICirkk�am declared the motion carried. The �ity �nginsex sa�.d that, there is a simila� �a��uat�.on a�ong 73rd Avenue �n� Fiaye� S�krs�t. �t i� bel,ievec� that the ears be;lQng to peop�.s wo�:king a� Qi�a�' &. I�� said �ha'� k�e has b�en working with the O�an peop],e and tk�ey i�,v+� inct�a��d t1�s�.r p�xking �.ot and �ae �'e1t that the people work�.x�g a� Qnan's �ho��.d ,��rk �.�, �h� �az�ki�� �,a� ,��fiavided �R� ����}� I�� ��,�,d th.at h� has b�en in aAn�ae� With tha Cc�unty cQ�aaxning sigr�$ �Q7r �hi.s ar�:a �,] so. � J ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' , 1 � r� � ' ' � LJ L� L_J , REGUI.�AR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1969 PAGE 11 �I I� ' , ' ' ' � � ' , �PN�TD�Ft�TTON OF CLAZM REGARAING SEWER BACKUP - APEX L�,N�: TMQ 1���c���Qx p� k'ublic W�arks reparted that all tk�e m�ss has �ieen cleaned up and �h� p�,ly damaga was ths �urr►aee moto� whiah Mr. HoCh E�e1.3 can be replaeed �o� alar�tat �59. Q0. MQTTQN b� Coun�a..�man Liebl to aoncur with �Y�a r�comRnendation af the Administ- �'��i�a� 3nc� pax Mx. 8z'ucs Hac�, '78�5 Ape�c �a.ne $�Q as compe�sa�ion for the x+���ir� �p his hsatir�g system. Seconded by Cauneilman Samuelson. Upon a voi.ae vote, a�l vo�ing aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried, R'�G�IV�NG �aTAT� A[JAIT k'ROM FRIDLEY VOLUNTEER FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION: M�TION by Cou�ncil.man Samuelson to receive the audit from the Fridley Volunteer Fir� Re�ie� Rssociation. Seconded by Councilman Liebl, Upon a voice vote, �11 votinc� ays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. I�N #174-1969 - RESQLUTION TO ADVER�ISE FOR BIDS FOR ONE NEW SNOW MQT�QN by Councilman Samuelson to ado�t Resoluti,on #174-1969. Seconded by C�auz�cilman ��.ebl. U,pon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham dec�ared the zno��.pn caxrisd. FiESQI,UTIQN #�.75^1969 - RESQLUTION TQ ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR REGULAR AND �THXL GASOLIN�t MOTIQN by Councilman Samue],son ta adopt Resolution #175-1969. Seconded by Caunci.�tnan Sher�:dan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Maxor Kirkh�m de�].a�ed the mcafiion carried. R�SQ7.,(J'I'IQN #176--1969 - RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTTSEMENT F�R �TAS: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1969-3: MQT�aN k�y Counc�.�.man Samuelson to adopt Resolution #176-1969. Seconded by �auno�.lman Liebl,. Upon a voiae vcate, all vatinc� aye, �ta�qr Kirkham decla�rsd �ha mot,�an caxried. AT�a�U�aSxON �N REGARA TO STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST, 1969-3, RECEIVING BIpS ANA AWARAING CQNTRACT: (Bid9 ppened 11:30 A.M. Qctober 6, I969) • , Planholder Bid Ae osit Base Bid Coan letion Date � �� �� ' , �� Aur�kley Sur�acing Co. 375b Gra,r�d St�eeet N.E. iK�,nn�a�olls, Minnesota G��.� & NB��OI'l �OIl$�. CO. 84�i4 Cenfisz' Dx�.v� N.E, Sgri�ng �ake P�rk, Minn. C.S. Mc�rossan, Inc. Sox 322, Route #2 q�sio, Minnesota U.S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. 5� B.B. Natianal Indemnity Co. 5$ B.B. U.S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. 5� B.B. $67,896.40 $63,587.2$ $79,681.85 As specified June 30, 1970 As spaai�i.ed REGUI�AR COUNCIL M�E�ING OF OCTQBER 6, 1969 PAGE 12 , �t� 1969-3 8�ds Co���nu�d. 81a ho�dex R Bid De osi� �ase Bid M���-K�ta �xcava��ng Inc, Ham� own��s �n�, 573,202.88 3�Q1 �5�h �v��u� Nar�h COmQdnX ����ea�Q���, Mi��esota 5� �.8, Com�letion Date � Th� ��tx �n���QSr �e�oxted fihat th��� �ids came in 2Q� high�� than the E���ne��in9 ����mat�. ��is i� be�t�r thari ��� ���� bids ��� an this sam� ��Qj�c� w���h we�e 2�� h��he�. H� said thafi G��� & Nelsan Ca�s�ructiQn �o. �� ��� �Qw b�dde� a�� �hat th�y h�ve been doin� s4me sub-co���actor work i� th� �i.�X, �s� �� i� ��i1�.ar with th��r wo�k �n� can�idere�l th�m a satisfactary cac��any. '�h� Gx�� �ngineer sai�1 �kkiat th�: �pc��att�,��tions �allec� for �0 stiroxking �ayt� �c,�m�leta.ca�n d��e � Counail.ma�a �,�ebl as]ted i.�' thi.s amount o� money w�.11 ��ke cAx� o;� aa.� tk�� wc�r�. The C�.�x �r���.nes� saic� ���� they .have �omp��.�d w��h �1�. �h� ��evif�c�tica��. i�� sa3.d �ha� wk�en �ig�r�.r�c� �he �st.ima�� �ra� th� �ub7.a,c h��xing th� k�i,gh��t un�.� �os� �or each i�e� w�s �.akez� from b�d� re�e�.v�s� r�����ly, 5� was ac�ded� and h� t�c�+a�h� �ha� i£ a�axt��ng, the p�rices e��ixnated wc►�a�.d b� �.00 ha,gh, �vsn sa� the ��.x�t bi.c1 cam� ir� 25� ave� ��,� estimat�. He �a1d th�'� he wa�a�ed �tQ em�hasiz� thi�s g�ir�t so ti��+ CotlnGa,7. will k�e �re�red �cax the �'�ir�a� ass��sm�nt hearing, He' saa.d that i.� is hoped that most �� th,e d�.ks woxk wi1�. k�e d�z�� �et thi5 fa],�. Councilman Sheridan asked what i� th� Cifiy we�� �o �� ths work and xent the ec�uipment. Th� City Enginee� sa�,d t�hat thi� woul.d be mQrs �x�aensiv� as �he Citx is not geared to th�.s kind of work. MOTxQN k�y C�un��lman St��a��.�ian to rsa�ive �khe b�s ax�d awa.rd �he contract to G��� �r�d N�,1,sa�, Gcan��Xt�ctian �ompanx in th� ainOUnt of 563, 587. 28 fo� St�eet .- �mp�ovem��t Praj��� St, 1969�-3. Seconded bx Caunc�].�man Lielal, Ups�n a voic� 'VO�k�� a11 Yotit�g aye, Ma,yar Kirk'�am declared the moti�n cax�ied. FtE$QT,,CTT�ON #�.'77�^1969 - RESOLUTTON ItELATIV� TO ADATTIONAL HOOKUP TA �'FiJ� NOk�TH uUi3URB�1N SANIT�IRX S�WER DTSTRICT SYSTEM: (�or �roject #93) Tha Ci�y ��g�.r��e� sai.d that the �aJ,an has a].rea�1X be�n supp�iec� to �he Aist�iet a�d tha� this wauld ��.a�minate t�e+ tem�or�r� �c����c�ion fo� �ob's �'roduce C�n�e�. 'I'h� C��y A,ttoxney s��.d th�t he hac� eacami�ed �h� x's�p].ut�.oaa and found i�� �sat���actc�ry. �t Was pointed put that �h� Iaistrict sY�ould b� z�c��ified �hat th� �,x�.��.�,�g tempo�ary conr�sG�ian wi�.l �a discontiz�u�d. �iQ�'TC?N by C�ur���.lmar� Sheridan �o ad�,�t Ress��.uta�ca� #�77�-1969. uscunded by Courio�l.m�n Samu�l�c�n, Upon a voice vote, a�1 v���.x�� aye, Mayo� Kirkkiatn de�c7.ar�d �.ha ms�t�.s�n �arried. RE�OLUTI4ZV #1`7a-7.969 - I2ESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS F�R TREE AND DEB�t�S ,k�.�M4V�D FROM PAFtIfS : MQT�O�I �jY Ccaun�i7.mart Samue�son to ado�t ��soluta.on #.�78-1969. Ssaonded b� Council� m�n . T��.ebl . CAunc�.�.m�n S�.e��,c�an. woz�d��sd what �h� �c�in� was of cleaxa.ng �ha�� T�l�.nd wh�n �k�exe i� not ����s� a�nd �v�rx tian� tk�e riv�r �cam�� uA, �'h��� wi�l b� th� same ,��abl�nr +��� ��� !������ w�.�.l hav� t� be x�m�v�d �c�ain. The city �ngi�ee� aaid tha��k �h�r� a�� c�.�.�. f�r��.s �v��1�ka].s ��+r ���� s��s to ].��t ��r�nc�s' �1AOd�, ��+8 P1�r� �.� ts� bua,Id �.k�e a�ce�a �o Chas� �sland �o qs� �Q ;t� �a� th� d�b�r�.s S � � ' ll � ' I�_� � ' , ' , ' � t� J C� Ft�GUTaAR COUNCIL M��TING OF OCTQBER 6, 1969 PAGE 14 , MQTIAN bX Gou�ci�ma� Samuelson to concur with the Administration and �ay �he ��Q�srtx tax�� ����r� �re deadlin� to avpid the �enalty. Se�ond�� by Council� �� ���bl. Upon a vQ�c� vot�, �l� votin� aye, �ayp� Kixk��zn decla��� t�e mo��on o�x�i�d. T�e City As�essQ� sai� tha� he be�ieved �he C�ty could get the deed from Ss����a a�d Fcre�►an bst�r� Novembez 1, �969 and this would auoid the paym�n� �� �ax�� �or 1970. A�C�FT'.�1i�1C� QF R��TGNA,�'IAN OF MR. RT�HARD M. DONT�IN PARKS AND RECktJEAT�ON �QMMISS�Q�i t MP��A1V by Counviltnan Liebl �c avqppt tl�e x��i,qn�tipn ca� Mr. Richaxd Aon].ir� �rcam th� �arks an� Recreat�or� Commissian �t� p��santed in h�.s �.�tte� of Se�temb�ar 17, �96�, Secondad b� Council.m�i� S�ae�a.�ar�. [�pon a voic� vote, �here bsing r�o nays, Mayor zt�rkham d��l�rsd th� mQt�.on aarra.ed. APPQTNTMENT: SPECTAL ASSESSI�NT A�COUN'�'�NG C�,ERK: �arbara ,A, Raldout AcGOU�titlg G�.e�'k 143 lQ2nd T.a�e N.W. SgeGial Assessment Gacax� Rag�.d�, Minx��sota 1��.vision Replaces Betty ,7ohnson MOTTQN Iay CounGilmara Lisb3, to canaur with tk�a appointment a� Barbara Ridout, a� recommanded by the Administration. Seconded by Counc�,lmar� Samuelson. Upoan a vo�.ce vote, all voting aye, Mayo� Kizkham cleclar�d the motion carr�ed. ��EIVI�TG BIDS �TD AWARDING CONTRACT ON ONE NEW 150 C,F.M. COMPR�SSQ�,i,a (Si�s c►�ez��d Segtember 25, 7.969r 12;Q0 Nocan) �i.c�de� � Arrow �c�uipm�nt Carp. �i�ll �gui�ament, Inc. '�n�: zeco company Fioad Mach�n�ry & Su�plies Co. Atto N. Esch �qu�.P. Su�p�,y �o. Ryan �canstructipn �c�u�.pment Ai�r Power �c�u�.pm�:�t �orp. Qlsoza �qui�xnen� Gampanx Minr�eapalls �c,�ui.pm@r�t� Company Gash Frice �g�9g4.QQ �a,���.Qo 54,56�.OQ �a,a$�.op $3�95Q.QA $3.67�.40 $��598.Q0 53,590.Q0 $3�580.Q0 �e1i.v�rX Da�s � �al, A��s 3Q Gal. Aay� ].5 Cal, Aay� zl ca1, t��,ys 7 Cal, Days 7^�10 Ca1. Days 21 Cal. Days 15 Cal. Days 14 Ca7.. paxs MQTION by Counciunan Samuelso� ta coMcux w�.th �hQ �eaammer�dati�on o� �h� Fubli�c wark� Airec�a� and award the bid to Minneapo�.is �qui�msnt Campan� ir� �he �maur�t� of $��58A,04. S�conded bX �auncilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vot�, a17. vating aXe, Mayo� K�.rl�ham dsclared the motion carried. CT�TMa: �� MA�'IcJN by Coun�i�.m�,r� La.ebl �a �ax G�ne�al ��aim� #19291 through #1�4'73 a�nd Liquo� C�,a�m� #3725 t�hh�:ou�h #k�76�• s��qr�d�d ?ay G�aunai�.man �a�►ue]�son. t��ao� A vaia� vQ�ke, al�. v�a��.n� ay�� i��yor ��.rl�ham d�clare� �he ma�kion caxxi�d. ' ' , ' r ' ' ' , � � ' ' ' �J ' , � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1969 . i , �I , PAGE 15 �ON��D�RATION O� �I�S ANA AWA�DING GONTRACT QN SANITARX SEWER #96; (Bids p����� QC�O��� 6� ����� �Zf�Q �.�.� Th� Ci�y �n�znee� �aid �ha� �hi� �� necessar� ���ause of the sani�axy SEWE� sy���m �amaged bx �h� f�QOds last spring. MOTION by Gouncilman sam�e�son �o receive the b�ds and re��r back to the Adin�nistrat�an for ��bu�ation and retur� �o the Specia� Council Meeting of october 13, 1969. Seconded by Cpuncilman �ieb1. Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayqr Kirkham declared the motion carried. DISCU�S�ON OF NOTTC� pF AFPEAL OF A�SESSMENT - MINNESOTA TRANSFER RAILWAY: �h� Gity Attprney a�ked when the assessment was a�opted and when the notice was s�rv�d. The Finance Airector said that the assess�e�t was adopted i� September and the notice was served last Thursday o� Friday. �he City ��tq���� said that there is a 20 day limitation for serving an appeal. He ��Q�gh� �h�� ���� ma� �� � v���d ���a��. �� ���� ���� �h� ���� �ay ��na th� daaum�nt� re��e���� �n tha ���s�1, a�d t��� �� w�u�� ��� �� �auch w��h �heix at�orney• MQ�TON �y G�unc��znan Samuelson to rece�ve the natice of appeal by the Minnesota Transfex Railway Campany. Seconded by Goucnilman Liebl, Upan a voi�e vote, a11 vflt�ng aye, MaXor �irkham declared the motion oazried. �TCEN�ES: Gas ��rvic� � ��mm��c�a� A�� C��ditioni��, i��. Arthur vanselQw '7C?7 ��u��i 7th ��x'�e� _ M�.nn�a�Q�.�.�, �i�r���pta . , Gener�7. Contractor �app°#�4mes, xz�c. 3�55 xiawa�kk�a Ave. M�nneapoli.�, Minnesota E.W. A�o�.ey Ccanst. Co. 81�.7, 6Q� Av�z�u� N. New �Io�e, N�.innesata Hl�I1�C AuE3v�7, COris�. CQ. 9307 5t� Stx��et N.E. M�.21I14x'��P�.�SR M�I'1I1E3SP�d �xl'��'�'^��.�� F�31�1�.f��'�'S 25QQ Muxx'ay AY�=nU� Mi.nnea�aQl,is, Minnesota Heating �c�ram�x�ca.al Air �ond. Co, 7Q7 Scau�.� 7�h Star��� M�.nr���po�,i�� l�iar�sso�.a ,7�ae 8eard Edwax'd ppoley Hank Auev�1 �7qseph F . Shun Arthur �ans��c�� �I3EWAT, NEW NEW NEW l:i�l���:�i:�� A��raved By Heat�ng TnspsctQz 8u:tld�.ng �napector Building Inspector Bu�.lding Ilisspec�ox Building Inapectar ktEN�WAL Heating Inspecbor REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1969 �. TRATL,ER P�RMTTS �a�tl� Mobile Hc�m�� ca 77.51 Highw�y #65 F'ridl�y, Minnesc�ta 8yzd Norton 1f�67 73xd Avenu� N.E. Fx'id7.�yr Mi.�nesot2� MUT+T�BL� AWEL�,INGS Natne Roy Peter�on Address ByaCd Noxton PAGE 16 �3uilding Tnspector Plumbing �nsgeqtor �ui7-di,ng Inspectr�x' 'A7.umbing inspeator Unita Fee D�az� R. Ma�ser 5770 2nd St. N.�. 8 $10.Q0 6972 H�al�oxy A�iva Fri.d�.ey, Minn�sota Richa�d �. Cha�aman 5955 3rd St. N.�. 4 $lO.QQ b20Q 67�.h Ave. No. 8rooklyn Park, Minn. �dc��r Bernard 5370 5th St. N.E. 3 $lO.OQ 2605 No. 9th Ave. Anoka, Minn. MoG1Xr�n�-GarmakeX Co. lOSO 52nd Ave, N.�. 16 516.00 9u�.te ��a5, 126 So. 9th St. Mi.nne�palis, Mit�n, McGlynn-Gaxznak�r Co. 1090 52nd Ave. N.�. 16 $16.OA Su�.te 255, 126 So. 9th St. Miriri�apolis� Minn. McGlynn-Gaxmaker Ca. 1�.20 52nd Ave. N.�� 16 $16.00 �uita 255, 126 So. 9th st. M�.nr�eapolis, Minn. M�Glynn-�Gaz'make� Co. 1170 �2nd Ave. N.�. 16 $16.OQ Suit�s 2�5, 126 So. 9th �t. MinnsapQlis, Minn. Willi.am A. Mechels �51 74fih Ave. N.E, 11 $1�..Q0 155 97�kh Ave. N.E. Minnea,polis, Mi.nn, MOTION by Caunci.lman Sheridan �Q approv� �he �oregoing licenses. Secpndesi by Counci�ma� S�mu�laon. upon a vaice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared th� mota.on Gaxri�d. , I, I REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOB�R 6, 1969 ' EST�MF�'��� : �„�.._.....-�-....��- ' ' � � , ' '{ ' ' � , ' ' �a�n���ck and Aavi.s, Tn�. �s�r�s�7,�ir�g �n�i,nsex� �.a46 Cot��ty FtQ�d "�7" M��nn�apqli.s, Mi�a�,�so�a �5��� FART�A� E��imate #� �or the �uxni.��i.z�c� ca�` �'�s�d��,t in�pection and x�e,,�ds�� suA��'v�aian �'or the stakinq c�ut c�� ���n�truct�,+�r� work �caar �t. 19C�^-� ��cam ,7u�x �$ througk� Auc�st �Qr 1969. ��1RTIAT� �stitnate #�. for the �uz'na.sh�ng of re5ident insp�ct,io� and sup��visa.�r� �or the stal�ing c�u� o�' eos�s�ruc�ia�, work fo� Sar�, S. #9� �r�a� Ju].y 28 �hrcaugk� AuguSt �Q, �969. PA�t�I�L �s�imate #3 fo� the fuxnisha.ng c�f re�a.dent insp�ct�.on� and su�ervision fQr the staking ou� o� the cons�xuction work fox �T. 1969-2 fram �'u�y 2� �khrough Auc�ust 3Q, �969. pARTTAL Estimate #5 �'or th� furni�hiz�g of r�sa.d,mn� ins�ection and �u�erv�.sion fc�r the staking Qut of the constx�uat�.o� wca�l� for Sax�, s, w. & SS #90 fxom �u1,y 2� ti�ro�gh Augus� 30► 1969. P�,RTTAL ���imate #4 �or the �ux'nishing of �e�ic��nt �,r�s�a�ation and superv�sion fca� �h.e �taking oµt af constxuction work �ar W #?2 �'rom �'u].y 28 thraugh August 30, �.969. FARTIAL Eatimat� #1 far t�e furr�ishinq of resident i.z�s�aect�.an and su,��rvi�i�an �oz the ��aking out of the construction wo�'k fa�' W#9� fxo�t► July 28 through Augus� 30, 1969. Gharles Love�Qy Company 2506 Cedar Avenus W�ite �ear I�ak�, Minnesota P,�.RT�A� Estima�e #1 �or work completed according ta con�kract �Qr San, S #91. PART�AI� Es�ima�s #2 far wox�k qompl�ted accoz'ding �a contra�ct �or �an. S. #91. � M & M Pxsapert ��� (Mike p"Bannon) �2�8 F�.lmcars S�reet N.�. Minn�apcali�, Minnesota 12,i2Q cubia yaxds of borrow materia�, @ �.5� per yard. � PAGE 17 S2,2S5.1S $ 3Q9.67 $ 603.04 $ �.00.19 $ 15.3]. S 43.03 �2,563.OQ $6,349,92 $1�818.00 '�1�� ���� �r��ir����' ��a-c� �.k��� he l��c� r��Q�v�� a �a?,�- ���cernir�q the �ayrc!�n� tu rl��� �'��n��r�. �k��.� �a�r�Q� ob�e��ed tQ Y�1�n1 be�,ii,� P��d as he was not t1�e �ee €�'W���`F '��k� ���� d���s��'d��� �c�id ��a� Mr. O'���?�Q�? �^?�� buy�.i�� the �.and 4n �w. ___ qc��t����� ��s� m�� �Qw �e t�� ��e c����, i�� �ug��s�e� �h�� ��, o��anno� ba ��l�ss� ��a� �?�4�a� �� �w�����i� ��f'��€� �h� �aal�m�n� i.s mad� . ���'I9t� �� �our���.�m�n She��-d�� �Q �a�� th�a �s��m�t�� ��c� �ec�ue�� M�. �'Bar�no� �c� �u��i�k� ����� �� �w�?e��k��� 1������ t.�e �a�ez�� �5 m�d� tc� h,im, ����:-����. �y �Q�a�����►�� �r��u�7.���• upQn a vc�i�e vote, a:�:� �ao�in� aye, �t�.Ya� ��-�:;�;a�.m �e��,��'�a '��� me'��.�� ca�`r�,ec1. �:C?MMU��CA,�'TC?N� s �i,, J�1M�S VF1I�1 �EiiDENi REQUEST FqR STREET LIG#�T oi� ST�NSON �OULEVAktD 1`��T�QN b� �ota.r��ilman ��nu�l�sa� �o r�:ceive �h� letter ��Qm �Ir. �7ames Van Eex'c�e� ����:d ����.�ttlbe� �6, 19�� �r�d �nst�'u�t the �+c�tiinist�ation �to c�irect a l��.ter �,c� ��� �,���,�,�g ��.� ��c�� t�� ��gl�t is ��n the 1�70 program. T�e motic�n was ���4�d�� c��� �P�� a Yo��� vo�� ���1 vo�ix�9 ay� r�?3yor I�irkham deel�red the �����t? ����ied. B, F�2��1T,E� 1�ME}����1N LEGTQN: CONSID�F�ATION OF' PROPER�'X FOR QFF-SAI,E LTQUOR �'�'QR� � �O�'�Q� �i� �our��7.��t1�n S1�e��.�,�r� �o recei.ve �he co�'unu�ic.atior� �ro;n Fr�dley 1�mEx�,�ara �eg�a�a c�ated oc�obe� 6, �.969 ar�d �e€er tQ t�� ?adm�.nist�a�io�? �or �u��.t����c��, �ae�o�d�d by CoU,?�c��ma�l Samuelson, Upon � va�Ge V9te, a�l vQ��-ng a��r�, Ma��� �i��h�m d��laxed �he znotican carzied, �, ,T��a IC�A,TTNG; RESIGNATION k'ROM FRIDLEX POLTCE CO�IMISSION M��a� I��r�ha�n a����, ��e �,e�tex a�.o�d stat�ng t,k�a.� he mu�t resign ��Pm the ���c11ey �p�,�.ce 4��zt1.����.ca� e��'ective Qctobe� 15, 1969 as he is movzng �o Fa.rib�.u�t, �'Ja-i1?�BSQt� x Mc��'��i� �� �o�.?����,�ar� �hezid�� �p ��c�iv� th� �'�s�.��.a��,p� f�om M�. J�me� �C�a��-n� e�f�;��,�ve �c�Qber 1$ � 19�9 ��d asl� �i��; Ac°tm�n�.strati.on �o ��rapa�� a ��r�����a�� o� ,�������.a�ior�. SECOndec� lay GQUr��ilmar� L�.eb1, u�on � vcaa.ce v�t�, ali v��a.�g aye, Mayox' �Cir��.�m d�c�.�r�d t�e znc2�a.can cazri,�d. j�. �,�p �,,�M�CE: F2�QU�ST FOR RECONSIDERAT�ON OF STREET VAC1�TTq1V ($A�1 #69 06) '��e C4u�e�.1, ���ex' a�k�ort discussi�a�, dec�.�ed tha�. noth�.ng would be 9�i��d }a� fu��hs�r �ra�n��d���tiQr� as r�o crne ha� cha�ged thsir mind. I�Q�'�Q�V kay �o�nc�.�zna�t Zi$]�1 tsa r�ceive the �ommun,ieatic�n ��o� M�, �ea �emke �l��t�� ���s�be� lr 19�9. ��ccand�d b� �QU�,cilman S�?n���.sp�: Upon � voa��� Yra��, �1�. v�kin� �yp, M��A�' xirkha�n d��l�red �he mAtior� earr�ed. �, I���j��i�'I'� ��I Vi�TNITY C)� SPARTAN' S: REQUEST FOR THEP� TO CEASE �[1RNfiNC:, �sa�a�t��.��?1a� �h��ida� �a�d tha� h� �ad �receiv��l �o�l� Calis co?�ce�n�.ng the rtna�e �'��� ��1� k�t��3��.�� �A�� 3�y Spar�ans. He sugge�t�d �o ��e p�ople th�� a�e���� �� y������ �,4 �.�}e �ou���.i, ar�d t1�� s lette� �s t�e �esµlt. The�r wo��.d 1�ke ��r�,��,�x�$ �� ��a�� }au�r��.r�g and sta�t 9���� me��� �� c��sposing c�f �h��-� ����� �� T����� 1�a� c����, � C�� �� , u J ��� I'� �I� ' ' � i� u , , ' �, , ' � ' ' ' i ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1969 PAGE 19 MQ�I9N k�y Caunc�.��nan Sheridar� �.a x'eceive the communication �rom the group of xt���.d�r�t� in �h,e vicinity �� Spartans dated September 29, �.969 and d�rect the Admini��rat�.car� to �arQCOed as wa� c�„ane w�.th Targ�t and �aqu�s� that �hay stQp bta�°r��ir�� and ��.a�t scams o�kher msmn� pf d�.a�osa�., suoh as balin9, S�conded by ��u���.�.m��, ��nus�.son, t7.poz� a voi�e vot�, al�. votinc� aYe, Ma�ar Kizkham d����r�d �Gh� m�?�.�.car� �arr�,ed. k' ., ��GUE C�F Wc�M�N VQTERS o �QNGRATUI.�TxQN� ON F�DERAT, �.��+.,.RK GRANT MQT�QN ka� �o�xz�c�.].ma� T�.iebl ta r�ce�.ve th,� �.ette� �rom the ��ague af Women Vate�s s�a�ed Ao�n��� 2, �.969. �econded by Gounoilznan Sheridan. v,pon a voice vo��, a11 va�i.�g �ay�, Maxox' Ki�kham declared the motion ca�x'ied, FACTS FROM FRIAT,EX BQOKLET: MayCtx' K�,�kh�rt sai.d that he would J.ike �o have the Counci,� oificially receive th�= k'�cts from �'�idley bookl�t. Councilman 5amuelson commented that he felt tk�at th� bca�kls� was very well done . � Mf�T'�QN �y Councilman Samuelson to receive the Facts from Fx'�dley booklet and Qxc��r 1��t�.�r� o� ccamme�dation }ae writ�en tq �eople concerned with �utting the bas�k tc�c�e�k��;r �u�l� as �hs Chamb�� o� Commerce � Fr�dl.ey In�lus�ria� Development �omm�.�si�n, Noxth,ern �tates Powe�, and �he �,Eaque of Women Vo�ex�, �econd�� ' b� Gou�cilman T,�.e�a�. Upan a voice vo�e, all voting ay¢� Mayo� Ri.�kham dEClared tYae mc���,on c���r�.ed. �_� � ' ' C, ' C! I�,I L_1 ' � LJI �TTX OF FRI�?I,EX EMBI,EM: Mayc�� Kirkhaaa sa�.c� that h� wqµld l�ke ta see the emblem used on the book7.et bs adnpted as the raf��.ci.al C�ty of Fr�.d�.ey embl.em and be used on �he veh�c�e�, The G�,�� A�torney suc�c�ested that ,�qssibly GQUnGilmaz� F�arris could get �h�m made �Y�rcaugh the compan� he works w�t�. The pia��ctq� of Pub1�c Wvrk� sa�,d tha�. tk�e�e are nc�w abou� 7.�0 of the ��esent emblems on ha��. M�JTION by Cc�un���l.man Sh��'a.dan t� adopt �he �mblem used on the Facts from Fr�.dley bocakl,et �� the C�.ty ezNalem. Se�onded bX Couneilman Samu�lsan, upon � vaica vv�a, a�.l voting ay�, Maxor �cirkham declared �he II1,At�0Ill aa�xied. �TT`� OF FFt�ALEY �ANN�R: Mayc�r Ki��cham brcaugh� u,p the b�nna�' that was u�ed £ar �he Ta� Arena dedivation and comm�nted that he thought that it �urned ou� �o w�l�., he would ].ika to see a f�:w mo�e purcYaased fcar Ci�y Ha],1. He sugges�ed one far th� City Manager's af�i�� �nd cane �cax� the CQUncil Chaxnbers, MaTIC�Pa b� Counc�.lman Liebl to authorizs �aurGhase of two Ci�y o� Fridley banners. �e�Qn�ed by C�aunailman Samuslson. Upon a vaic� vca�s, all voting aye, Mayor decla�ed the mQt�.on carried. AA�TC�URNM�NT : �'h�7�� ka�ing no i'u��hez k�us�ness, Ma�Qr Ki�kham de�lared the R�gulax Council Meetii�g r�f p�tobex 6, 1969 ad�ouzned at 11:Q0 P.M. Rss ectfi�a�.1y submittad, ��%�y��/J�='`�ce�.- Jue�. M�rcer Secretary t4 the City Cau�ncil Jack A. Ki�kham M�yor ' 1 t ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' PAGE 20 THE MINUTES OF TtiE SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING ANU WORKSHOP MEETING UF OCTOBER 13, 1969 Mayor Kix'kham called the Special Public Hearing and Workshop Meeting o� Oc�.ober 13, 1969 to order at 7;35 P.M. BLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayar Kirkham x�quested the Counc�.l and audience rise and jpin in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Samuelson, Sheridan, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris MEMBERS ABSENT: None ADOFTION OF AGENDAs Ma�,pr Kirlcham �aid �ha�. there were some additi�nal �.�ems to add �p �he Agenda which wara� 12 , Resca�.ut.�on C�rtifying Gharc�e� ta the Gour�ty fcaar W�ed� 13. k�espluti.pn Cexti��ing Charges tp the Cpunty �ox Weeds 19�. Aena7.d Ni.elson, 115 71st Way: Reques� fcar Dedica�ed Road Aac�s� ta hi� F�op�x�ty . 7.�. Rescalution D�tez�mir�ing tha Neaessi.�y o�' �nc1 Praviding iAx .� Tax LeVy iA �xvess oi Nc�rmal Cxty Gharter �'ax Limits 16. Fiscussion an �ar.tenders Job Status and Severan�e Pay. M�TIQN by ��un��lm�r� ��usls�an �� ado,pt the A��n,da a� �m�nded. Secon.ded by CAUnsaa.lm�n �i���ie> �1Pcan �, v�a,��� vote, al�. v�a�ir�g aye, ,��yc�r Kir�hatn d��laxed tha mc���.oM �arr��d una�i,anous�,�, AUB��C T3F.�AR�NG �Qz� ��RE��" �M�RpV�ME�tT PROJECT ST. 1968-���: (53r�3 Av��lu�) AND - PUBLIC' H�ARIIVG ON �'TNAL ASS�$SMENT ROZL FOR STREET I(�PROVF�MENI' PROJECT ST. 1968-28,�z (53rd Av�nu�) . A l�yo� Kirkham �ead both �l�e Publa.a �i�a�i�nc� n�a'��.c�s �q� �ha �.in,��ov+amen� and the rial �tae��ame�� xca1�, a�d sta�ted �ha� bo�h heax.i�s�s Wou7�d b� h�l.d togat�ie�. Cs���iqi��►� .tiisia�, ��id th�t th� ,��azpcasa o� �hi� h������ is �ca c�o thxou�7k�: th� ��+p+�l prs�c��duza flc�� ��sE��i�g tk�as� �a�o��.� �ha.t wsau�.c� r�ca� k�e �������d undex t1�� �+��v'�.�?u� ���,� wh�.�h w�,+a �,sa�d �� the 1a�� ��,�I�,� ����'�n� Ms��.i,r��. Fip e�a�ac� t��i� �i�y A��orr��y ��' ��� CQUr�v�7. %ac� �la�. ����� to .����a�� th��a p�as�� w�� d�,ri r�cat x����,v� an o��.��.r�a�. not�.c� P� �he px9���a�� �m��'aY+�aa�t, �r�� how � �o�� �kh�.� �����t �ae��l� a�9essed �nde� �he ��c�uia� cour�cil polioy �,n �rt3V�f�11� j,"'Q,�,�Sl a `.�'h� City AttQrngy �sa�.d ti'�at ths Gouncil ha� th� �:i,ghfi �o Ghange tha �a],icy� �z� re�q�� �o c�Qrn�x �o��, t.�� as���smer�� 'has �l,waX� �een �Ar�a� � way up az�d � W6►X' df�Wt� t�R b14C�S �10 �ha� .the ,�eop�e Gri GQ�riq� �Qts do Ao't ���x t1i� 8u�1 � � SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF OCTOBER 13, 1969 PAGE 21 ' brunt of the assessment for both front yard and the side yard. -This parti- -" cular street is different as there is no intersecting street. The objection raised by the people was that the people at the north end of Altura Road would not be assessed. Councilman Liebl asked if this then would not be a change in policy. The City Attorney said only where there are not two intersecting streets. Councilman Liebl asked if the City would in any way be legally liable if there is a change in policy. Councilman Harris said that the �ntention is to include that portion that was not assessed, by considering it a collector street as there people utilize the street much the same as for a cul-de-sac. With this thinking, it would be the �came policy. Mayor Kirkham asked that inasmuch as this has been heard on two previous occasions, for the audience to please limit �he comxtents and only �hree representative at the people speak on each side of the question. Mx. Leonaxd Kos, 5468 Altura Road N.E., said that he had a �iritten objection from the people at the north end of Altura and came £orward and presented a petition to the Council. �ETITION #40-1969 - OBJECTING TO ASSESSMENTS UNDER ST. 1968�2B FROM 54Q0 ALTURA �OAA AND NORTH MOTION by Gouncilman Samuelson to receive Petition #40-1969. Seconded by Cpunc�lman L�ebl. Upon a voice vote, al� voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared t�e mo�ion ear�ied unanimously. Mr. Kos went to the screen and said that he would speak in behalf of the rss�den�s at the no�th half of Altura. He said that at the north end of Altura thex� is a joining street. This is departing from the standaXd Goun�il policy. He said that they will be assessed again when Altura i� imp�pved. Cauncilman Harris said that when the improvement gQes in, t�e ass�ssment would then be spread down Harizon Drive. Mr. Kos said that they have access to the �orth also. He said that nothing was said abau� assessinq the txucks that use 53rd Avenue. Councilman HarriS said that there �s no 1��a1 wax i� which they can be assessed. Mr. Kos questioned whethex he would �e� more benefit a� the north end of Altura than the 40 trucks a daX th�t use 5�xd Avenue. In �ssessing the north �nd, he fel� that thex would get hit aga�n wh�n the corner lat at the north end would b� as�essed. �e sa�d �ha� eve�yona will have to pay a bill, but let's be �air. �i�her assess the whole a�ea or else st�ck to the Cauncil po�icy. Counc�lman Ha�r�s asked i� he was qoing downtown, wou�d he use the north exit, or go out on �3rd Avenu�. Mr, Kos repled that it would depe�d o� the whim of the day, GQUncilman Har��s said that it would seem logiaal that if he was �o�ng south, t� use the south exit. Then it could b� con�idered a eollector street. Mz. Ko� sdid that to �p south he does not use Univ�r�ity, he uses Main ��xe��, then over to East River Road as it is faster. Cpuncilman Liebl s�id t�at w�e� tMe ar�g�nal contract was let, there pe�ple were not notif�ed, this i� why ha aak�d far an apinion from the 1e�a1 counsel, ��e �inanc� Air�Gtqr said that 53�d Avenue cost about S31,pp0 but the �ctua� as�ss�m�n� to �he geo�l� is about ��9,QOQ. The bala�c� is made �p o� St:ate �id �un�s. He then expla�ned the p�pcedure fQ� co���� �at� �a �h� peop�a in �he audi�n�e. There ar� corner lots o� Horizon Drive �hat ar� �pread dowr� Hp�1zo� Arive, prpbablX at a greater percen�age than o� Altur�. Th� 1 � , ' L� ' � C ' ' ll ' � ' ' ' , � ' � , ' , ' SP�GTAL F'UBLIC HEARING MEETING OF OCTOBF.R 13, 1969 PAGE 2� ���� ,���cax"�eX ��ked �� at t'ha nc�rth end of A�.tura �here w�auld b� a sid� ��x'd ������m�n�� �'�� �'�.n��a�s Axx�cto� said cane �c��. Th� ��t�y ,��tozr�eX �aid �h�� �� ��,� ��ur��i� ��o��� �h�; a���s�msn� �ca1.1 p��a,�cased �ca��,gh� a�.� the w�y u�a k���u�� ���c� f�.� �Y�r�u�d be k�as�� on ��e ��em�.�e �'�ex�� W�11, k�� na addit�onal ��.�� ���d asse������ �� �1tu��, T� �hi� ���i��,p�, �,� mac�� 1ax th� �cauz�ca.� �� �hs����! �� ��� ��t�ur� ��a1�.�� ��-�Q. �our�cx�,m�n ���x�-� ���-� th�� �h�,s i.� �he k����� ra� wkai�h i� was i��eau�l�t k?a��. �� ��1�ed, �ha� �he �.ud�er��� Y���ali�� ����k����� ?a�Q�k� . ���� �� �QU ��n see, �h�r� wpu�.d r�4� �� an Qv��l�pp�.ng �������n��a� �nd �k���� wou�d ka� Q�� s�.de �a�c� s��s�ssm�r��. ��. xca� ��ksd �.� ��i�� c�?+��c� �aQ �,ca�� k�� a �����u�i,c�� �� �th� ge���� w�uld '�av� �'h�.� �,��u��nas. �aur��i�m�r� �h���.��n �a,ic� ��a� w��i? ,�#1tu�a g�,�� �� ��o3'n �t�ar�,�s?n A�'�.V� �Q �3�'s� ,�v�n�a� i� w�.�7. i�� �,car,e a� or�� u�i.�� w�-th ��.�. �arc,�,��t� asses��� san an ��ual �����. . M�. G��� T�u�l, 5�92 Altua�a Road said tk�at h� wa� a���ss�d for �ha ful], co�t� ' �Q� F3car���r� 8x�v�. Mayc�r xi�kh�m said that, k�e woul.�, have �,n ass��sm�nt fox� �.f� c�� �he �i�e yard. �k�e F�-r���.ce ��,xector �,dded �ha�. ��,i� man waa r�4t �n�1us��� ir� �k�i.� �ro�ca�ed �c�il 1a�cause he i� �,1�e�dy �?�ying �07� his frontags �nd wil�. ��� ��r �.f� ca� th� ��c�� �ra�d wk�en Al�u�a �o�� �,r�. T�e �/3 would ' ia� ����r�d ��w� �,1�ur�, �u�. �.t wcaula k�e a ve�� ��n�7.�. ��s��s�rian�. �ouncilman ��x��� ¢�.�, a�e�� ��e1 �ha� �h�,� ws�u�.a be as �c�ua1 a� �,ss��st11��� a� th�� �roT �a���� �r� ��� x��l�. �t�. �s�� saa.d �k�at these �eo.�la a.�� a �ons�;c�e���� d�.s— ' ����+� �rc�t� ��x� Avez�u� ��a k�ow c�o yo� pr�ve th� benefi� accordisng tca k�ow tha k����'�,�s� s��kt��� �� �'e+���.v�d i� w�a�'c�e�. �t �.s n�iths�' ��u�ti.r�c� �a� +�d�a��nt ��r�d � ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' �r. Rt�����1 D�l.}�, 53�a Al�uxa �o�c�, �elt tha� thex� �hould be a��a� ������z��r�� u� az��, d�w�?. ��,���a. Tk�en tk�er� w�auld be ��a�� �c��� sh,a�i.n� k�Y �ve�yon�. �� ���.� �ha,� k�e �ses both a�����s �nd �s w�-�.ling tv �a�► ��a� ��� � Mr. M�;�� ��w�saw�.��, ��A7 �1tur� Ro�d, �v.��, a�l�ed ��a �� �l�owzi �ar� �.he m,a� hc�w ��r �h� a��w ��a���m�r�� ws���.�' gp ax�d wk�at the n�w ass���mex�t wouJ.d ba. Tha �ity ������p�' �oi.n�e� ou� �1�e lots on t�,e ma� �n�. �he F�.nan�e ���e��o�r �a�d t��t �h� ������msx�� �at� a�s 5�.40 p�r �szo� �or ��� s�.�1� yards af tk�a�k p�Q— ���'ty �k�u���ns� s�ra 'S�r�d Av��ue a�d $!�3 pe� foo�. �o� �h� ?�a.�axac� Qx� th� pr�a-� ,�c��"�y �,� �1�Q �a�e�sm�a�� �oll�. '�his would be ��read over 7.0 xe�r�, I�. �t������. Wc���,���� �4�� ��.tu,x� Raad N,�, ���d tk�at �e st��� �o��.d z�o� t�n���s�a�a� why ���.k akaout th� n�a�'�� ar�cl sau�h �nd� a� A�.�ua��. Th��'� ax� �oxn�r �.��� a� ���k� ez�d r��' ��tux��, CQUne�l�na� Hax��.S sa�.d �ha� tk��e �ropC�sd�. �� an ����m,�t �.� ��taali�e the a,sesstn�n�.s } Qr� pt��� st���ts wh,��'e the %�Q�1�s ax'� �'�g��.�ar ��c��,n�].�� ��d �k�e �e�c�th �s �es�, �h� ���essm�r�t �,� h�s��,��. The Gi�Gy A��.c��nc�� �a,i�, �.�,�� i� th� �wc� �ox�.l� lot� an� �h� �W� sc�ut� �.c,ts wsra a��p���d �.r� �11� u��,��, w,�y� �.t Wcruld m�,ke v�;�'� 1�t�7,�; di��'R�'�ncs. l�.x'. Wp�,lit� a��CSd t��r� why deviz�te �xom Ccau�ci-1. poZiGy, �lt�ar.� Raad �.� n4� dor�� yet, k�u� ,�� wi1�1 k�� �nc� �k���a �hs 2l�. w��� #�e s���ad. M�, �,ewkow�.c� sai.d �ha� he �a��-sy�d 'kh�� thi� �ro�osal, is fair to all and the group he �epr�sex�ts ������ w��h �.ha �3� a���s�msnt ��r foat, �c, ��:����a� �ro�ak� 5110 �rd ��r��t N.�,, saic� �ha� k�� would a1ac� p�t assa�as�d, Mpw�ver, tk��ra a�� �n7,x �wa hau��$ a],ong �k��.� �tx�e� and t�a� r��t axe a�ax��^ �1e�� �o�am�e wh�.�h caar� b��te� ak�sc�rk� th� ass��stnent. #�e sai�! that k�� h�� ,����,�,�� �o dQ w�i�t� �Iltur�. SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING Mu'ETING OF OCTOBER 13, 1969 PAGE 23 ' �ayor Ki.��ham then we�� ta the map on the Screen and exp�ained the pxo�os�1 �A �h� p�Qple again. He �a�� that t�xs is an attempt to find the most faz� m���od Q� a�s��sme��. He said that he f�l� that this �p�roac� �s �he be�� an� m��� ��u�tabl�, �veryane will be �s��ssed, either now or �at�r, Mr. W���i�� g��d t�a� �he�e �r� thre� �orner �ots that wi�� be assessed. The �w4 cor�er lots at one end will be more than the one at the other end, so he woul� agree that the plan of spreading the assessments up and dowri Altura would be the most �air. Mrs. Wa�ter Campbell, 5432 Altura Road N.E. said that the policy has always been to assess � way up the block and if this policy is to be changed, then they shquld have been notified when the improvement went in. Any other way wou�d ba undemoeXatic. Altura Road is not a rectangle block. She thought �h�s ch�nge wauld bring havQC on the Gouncil when they levy assessatents in �th�� axeas. �ouncilman Harris said that he would grant �hat this proposa� �� a�t�x �h� £�ct, �ut the Gauncil �s doing what t�ey can tq �qual�ze the d�S�SS��AtSr Mar. T�u�l said that there are three corner lqts, two at the south end and pne �t the naxth end, The people ar� complaining of having two when the people a� the north on1X have one, so he would agree that the best method would be an equa� assessment spread. Mrs. Campbel� said that the people only have until the 31st of October to �ay fp� this assessment, yet this is the first they have heard of it. The �ina�ce Airector said that this is the State law, however, he wquld contact the Aud�ta� �o s�e if there is anything that could be done about getting an sx�ent�q�. MQT�QN �y Counc�lman Samuelson.,tq close the improvement and �i�al assessm��� ro1� heari�gs fQr �treet �mprovement Pro�ect St. 1968�28 (53rd Avenue). �eeo�de$ �y Coun�ilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, MayQr Kirkham declared the hearing closed at 8.50 P.M. RESOLUTION #189-1969 - RESOLUTIpN CONFIRMING ASS�SSMENT FOR STREET zMBROVEMENT BRQJEGT ST. 1968-2B: MOTTON l�y CounCilman Harris to adopt Resolution #1�4-1969 with the alternate roll t4 be uaed, us�.ng the fiqur�s of �9.40 per fopt fpr the side yards abutting �a3x'd AV�x�ue and 93fi per foot for the balance of tMe property. He qom�ented tkla'� h� Pe�t this was most ec�uitable and w�s.not a deviation fxom the pola.qy. '�his has beer� dons irl stprm seWer assessments to equalize the cost, asco�aded bx Counailman sheridan. Cauneil.�an �,ielal said that he xealized that the p�Ap1,e a� the north end af �7.tura were r�o� noti�ied at the �ime ai the improvem�nt hearing, and therefo,r� �s �'�lt tha� the Cquncil sh4uld follow the previous policy. He said that he �el� that i.t wauld be a breach of faith to make this change in policy, THE VQTE UAON TH� MQTION, beir�g a roll call vote, Harris� Samuelson, Shera.dan, and Kir�ham vo�ing aye, Liebl voting nay, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carri�c� . , Maypr �irkham said that his vote in favor of this method is with the feelinc� tha� i,� is in l�eepiz�g w�th th� policy c�f spzeadir�g assess�►ents as ;�aiiCly as ppsr�.b�.e. Tk�is a.s no� the norma�, grid pattern. , ' , 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , 1 ' , ' ' ' ' u C' ' i� � ' SF'�CTAI, PU&I�TG HEARING b1FETING OF OCTOY!'!? 1•3, }��9 �''rC� S S " N��y�r Ka.,�l�h�m s��cl���� a x��eas �x4m 9: 0o t,o 9; �.S B.M. ��I.$� �i�AR�I�C� �'Q�Z T�`'1�R0�i�M�NT ^ aT1�F.ET Tr-!�i�ov�NT PRp�7EG'T 5T. �.970-1 �I��NL�L�M # 2 € : 37�d ���'eet; 57th P1ace to 57th Avenue PAGE 24 M��c�� �ixltham �e�.d �he Public xe�ring �o�kiGe ��.pu�. '�k�e G�.�x �ng�.n�s� sai�i �ha� �h�� �� part Qf the agre�znent woxk�c� aut wi�h the Hol�.�a� �eopl� t�nd �h� haa��nc� �.� he�.d s�n1y tc� m��t �.he �ec�al requirem�nts. The �tr�e�, �nd stax�m sewsx i9 r�Qinc� �� }ae �.r�s���.l�d �y �io�iday. �C� tk�er� is som� additior�al �s$es$msr�t ���� l�s�l�.c��x �ee�l� �ha�. �.hey shquld not hav�; �.o paYr °��� P�'el�minaxy xo],1 w�11 �+�k.� �ax� sa� �h�.s. Mr, K�ith Holv�r��t�ot o�' �riGk�an �et�oleum Gv�'�. �aid �h�� �k��X h�v� a����c� �o ir�s�a��- tk�� st�e��, and �he atorm �ewar. ' MC��Ic�N �?y �ca�n��.�,m�x� ��mu�J-scan �� �lps� ��i� �u�a1'�� �i�ax�.r�� or� Str�st �zttprt����° ' ��r�t P�Q���� St� 7,�7Q�1 S�ad�naum �2, �e�c�r�ded k�x �ouz�a�.l,maz� '�ar��s. u�aon p' vc��GO� vQ��r a�� v���.�� aye, t��Xca� K�.xkh.am d�clar�d �h� mot�.c�x� a�xa:��� ,�saas�imQ� � ].� . ' 1�i��T�i� i��+RING F'O� v�,cF�"�xO�V sAv #��-0$c ��QUr��Xy �;�,�c��n �a�tauran�) C � PUBI�IC HEARING FOR VACATTON SAV #69-09: i��'�-ckson P���rc�leu,m �Q�pR } , M�'�QN b� �e+unc��.z�an i��x�'i� t� wa�ve th� �e�d�-nc� v� �he ��b�.�� H�a�ring r����.c��. ���c�r�c�€:d k?y �caur�ci�.�nan S�muel�on. u,�on a vc��-c� �ote, a17. vc�tin� �,ye, M�y�a� ���J�ha-.znn d�=��.a�'ed tk�e motior� cazr�ed u�animous�.y. ' ' II ' I� �l � LJ � ��� �i�y ��nc�i,r��er e��a���.�aed tk��,�, th� ti��t vac�t�,c�n �s fca� �,s � a�.�a�c� 67�h ��aca�, �'h�.� �.� ���o p�,�t o� the �.greem��� �'e�ched W�.�h GQL1r��xX K��cY��r�. Ti��� w�l� ��:ve �k?em e�o�c�1� ri�l�t a� way a�r�d x�oom �pr 7.anda�a���n� � �k�era Yt�.�� k�� raca t�t�'c���k� tx�ff�c �?� th� �7th ��.aea stuk�. �rhe nex� v�ca��.s�n is �►' �� ��A���tt�n� Y�cation �e�we�� 57th Place �ri� 57th 1�v�nuca �h��'� Th�id �tx'��� w1�.�. �o R 1��. �l�An ���n�d��e sa�.� tha,� h� �e�a.c�d �h�� v�e�ta.�a� aaca��.c� �� �Ms pa��r a�d wca�d���c� �,fi �� wo�1.�. x�c�� l�� � �as�c� id�� �Q ���a�.n thQ �ir�t �o��ior�. �k�i.� �e��a� a� an �7.1sx n�aw �z�d ��au�d �a� us�c� �s an aa��s� t�► Ur��.vera�tx Avp�ua. �'h�x� .�� can�y or�� ia�k��x way c�u�. x� tk�ouc�k�� t}aa�. �Y��.� wq�1,�i mak� an id�al c��� way �t���� tc� ��li�vs tkae �z��l u� o� aax�� �n tk�� aca�-�.���.c�r s�r�st. H� ���d th�� '�� wQU1� �.i]�� to be on �e�c�xc�, as �ta�ing t�at 1� zna� kae n�.cs �o h�v� ��is s��a�r� �oms day. �� aslc�d i,f �ha�s l�as �eer� ba;��x� a�n� on �kt�s �ub^� ���►it�8��5. Mayc�� K��'kham said �hat �.t has bee� before Plan�ix�g �ommie6iPn� �x1d, k���c��� t1�� Ccaur3a�.]. �o�' �hr�s ca�' �c�u�' y�a��. �caur���.�.ma� F�ax�i� pain��d �,ut t�a� �yr�dale ���m�.r��l owr�� botk� �ide� .a� #h� ���eg� a�n� �r►�a�� th�� �a���t�.o� �s�� th� �.�np�ov�m�er��� which ��aem� u�nlik�].y� �t w��� �t+�y ju�t �s �t i,� now� � un?�mprov�d dir� ro�c�, He �said t�a� �p vou�.d pe++� wk���'� �� WR?�,�d ba a benef i.t tc� hav� ,�n ext�'a �X�.�. SPECIAi PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF OCTOBER 13, 1969 PAGE 25 ,�QT�Q�V b� �AUa�cil�nan Harris �p c�ose the Pub1iG I-�earing on 5AV #69-Q8 ar3d �AV #�`��-�9 �nd instruct t�e Administra�iorl tra pXepare th� o�dinance� fo� ��� ���t Meeting, Se�or�d�d by C4uncil�na� Lieb�.. Up4n a ve�ice vote, a�.� y�atiz�g aye, Mayor Kig}�}iam declared the motior� carried ur��n�.mously. �vIx, K��t�; Hc��.v�nstQt came forward wit� a letter to px'ese�nt ta the Cout�cil �ay�n�l tha� this 1�tter states that �rickson Petroleum Cor�. a.s agreeable wi,�h �he stj��ula�ti�s�n tl�at they will put in the sidewal]cS alpng 5"7th Avenue �„� ��e �u��t�'� at �he �auncil's discretion. He �aid that he had an easement �ig?��d �ay tk�� M�.r�neapQliS Gas company for the high pre�sure gas ma�-x� loca��d iX� �he � �' s�r�� , �IOT�QN J�y Cpuncilman �arris to receive the letter from �rickso� Petx�aleum �qxppr,�t�.AZ� dated Ssp�ember 23, 1969. Seconded l�y Gour�cilman Saxnuelson. �Tgon a voic� vote, all voting aye, Mayt�r 1Cirkham �eclared the motion ������d unar�imousl,y, T�WARD�NG �QN�RACT �'OR SAN�TARY SEWER #96; �].anholde�' Bid Suzety Lump Sum Bid iVad�and A���E�.at��, Inc. American Ins. ,�l�xar�d��� Cp. M�n�esota �639� 5� B.B, �amatti, & SQn�, Inc. Fedexal Ins. 2�(p �jpx'th G1�Vela,nd AV�. G9. St, Paul, 1�l�nneso�a 55113 5� B.B. �eter I.,am���� Can�tr, Co, Seaboard ��.5 �raxe �treet Surety Co. �t. �aul, Minn. 55�.Q3 5� B.B. C.�. McC�'ossan, �nc. U.S. Fide�ity & �3p� �36 Guaranty Co, Qsseo M�nn. 55369 5� B.B. $3Fi,782.50 $28,�49.OQ $37,693.Q0 $43,950.00 a�x�dstrom &�Iafr�e�', Inc. Home Indemn�ty Co. $48,750.00 / `i00 !�••Z e �4� �$ B • A • �iinneapolis, Minn. 55432 pur�k�ey Suxfac��g Co, Inc.U.S. Fideli�y & $18�500.QQ 375� Grand St. N,�, Guaranty Co. �1�n�ea�o�is, Minn. 5542�. a� B.B. Comp�,�tion �"im� As specifi,ec� 6Q Cal. Aays As Spe�i.�i�d 17p Ca�. Aays A� Specifisd 60 Ca�.. Days ��c���� ����, Seaboard Surety $3$,000.09 5Q Cal. p�yS 3�OQ S].�.Vex T.�ake Rd. Ca. Mir�neapali,s. Minn. 5$ B.B. Th� ��.�y ��ngiz�eer eatplai�ed tha�, �s th� Coun��.l was �dvis�d p�'eviously �he�'� �,s abpu� S�3r00A �e�ort�d iz� the damage survey ze�o�t �y the o.�,P, �ox ��n��a�'� ��we�' w�r�'k �.n �he R�verview He�ghts area. Some o� the work wQUld �i� i� Ri,v€��'Yi�W TeXr�es d�.d the �'eS� is unde�' PzOject #�6 Wh:��h �s Wc�1rk mQ�t�.y �r� �,he park west af Alden Way. At t�he fi�a�, ins��ct�.o� C?.�eP. : ' SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 13, 1969 L__1 LJ ' � ' �� �I��� ' � u ' ' ' ' . ' , ' PAGF 2h ���a�����a����.v�� ma.� f��l tha� a11 �hese �os�� a�e e1,�gible under �'1QQd ���as�a� mQ�,���r �r�ly ���'�, �x r�or�e a� �1�., sca �t i� �?Q€��3a�.e �he ��ty m��r ��ad �� �?�Y�-�9 ��l t��� c�as�� ��� �k�i� wo�}�, �'h��� �.s abQ�� S2o.QQ0 ���� �a���� �►�r��r��� 6��������� ��2� �ca t�ke ��x� a� ���► �sar�ic��n uraP��� �y �'�e �►�,�, ��' c�F�R�� ����� ���� �h� ��C��s��� w���C ���� �c�� ���� ����� c�'�t���.� ��� ���mb����s��, ��,�r� �.k���� �r��� bE � ���������' ���' ����1��� �n����r�cy ��'d��a���� �� k�� �?����� ��` �1�� �i.��' � �k��x� ca� ��e ���� �u�� �'��� ��� moan�e� +�k���'lA��.��f� 't11�c�A�' �Iltf„s���#��� �JX'��,1i�77AICA �'���+. '�'�� Wc,?�� p� R�v��V�,�W �'�'�'�'s�G� 1��� �� ia� ���s �� ��on a� �oas�k��.s �e� �k�s ���s wc���C a�� �aa ����t�d� H� �������c� �ha� s�u���� w��� ��ke�, Qz� �h� em�r��r�vy w�ark ��a� c�31� �z�s� N+a7.�Qr� ��n��.ru����� ��a�p�r�y �r�d A�ankl�� �u���c�,n� ��a�n���y w��h ��.7,a � ��7.�4� �sami.�9 �� �ka�a±�� 2�� �.Qw�a�. I� �k�� �A�,���:� war�t� to �a�cac��s� w�.�h �khe wa�k, ha ���camm�r�d�s� �h�� t'��? emarg�x�cy �w�rd b� 9a�van �sa G�,1� �z�a Nsl�+�n, The �ity ��k�c��nay pc�in�ed Qut tk�a� th�s was wk�y �texc�ency Qrdi�ance #426 wa� p«�s��d a�a� �ka� �ir�t ,�1.a�e. Mr, comstack said �hat Gi�.� a�.d Nelsor�'s. r����e �.���.u��d a��w manhol�s �r�d Du�kl���" �eh�bil�.�ated ma.nho].sa. '�h�xe a�u1� k�� ��urtY���r r�duat�ic�� �� tl�,� r�h�.k�ilita�sd ma.nk�,al�� a.re usc�d. ��ua����mar� �ia���.� aske�+� ak�ou� tk�� ��w����i.nq' i��, Mx'. GQZns��k isc��.c� t�hak h� ��-� ��t ��aw whx �h� ��.� ��� z�o� �.�ciude �h�- d�wa���ziMC�. , '�haxe w���� r�p ��s� ��1�� mad�a. �'hi� 1��� �,�� ��e�, a w�� a��,��an� +�ca �hez� �k�ould not b� muoh �,�w����i�� n,������x�R �s�ur��.i�m�,� Haxr�.s ���� ��a�.��ez8 ��a��.d b� �cam� ��a���'�a� cav�a; �� �a,�en-°�r��i�d. i�em. �1Q���arr k�� ��ur����.man �a���is �� �w��d �he �mer���+�y �an�.�.a�y ��w�� wc�ric t��e����xy �.� ��.v��v�.�w i��.�gka�� u�s�er ��ns������ C?�c��.��t��� #'�2�a �Q G�,1,� .ar�d � N�1s��. ��a���x�u����� ����?�n�. s�asa�s��c� �x �s�!:������; sh�?r?�d�r�, c�,�car� a vo�v� YQ'��.r ��� Y�'�ira9 �Y�r M��A�' �i�kha�t deClar�:d t�}e mo,�iQZ� c��^x�.�� t�z�a��,�nQRIO�.y� M�'���iV b� ��?L1���,�,z�t��, �k�e�id,��a tQ �.wa�� t�ie ��n,�ra�t �A� Saz��.�ary S�Wax k�a�Qj�c�� #�� �t� l�un�].c�y �����c�.ra9 Cam�any in. tk�e �1s�u�t c�� �].8,50Q.04.' S��car�ds�d b� �c�u���lman T.ai.�bl. U�on a voice v�te, al�. vo�ki�g aYEr ��yQ� Klxkhdm c����,�,r�d ��� m�at�,a�a ��.ra��ec� u���r�imous�.� • �aNSZr����e�c�rr o� AP�Q�NTMEN'�' 'I'� POLTCE c�vrz, s��vzcE cor�ri���zo�v; `(�taplaa�.�g _ _ . �'�un�� ��s���z��) - i��y�a�^ ���kh�zn �a��-� th�t �� had � sus�ges�a.c�n �ca plac� �efca�e tk�� Counc�.i. He �t�c�ge���k�� M�. �c��€���. �Y�e� wk�o �,s a� ���Gzney �nd k��� worked Qn th� H�una� 33�1at��r�� ��arum��.t��, , ��T�QN l�y ��ur�����nar� ��ue�.��zr� �c� ��a�ZSaa.�� �cak���� �TYne� �c� th� Fcali��e �ivi1 �s�v��� ��t�uun�.���.o�a, �a,�k� ,�x� e�c��,��ti�a� da�e ��' �����er ��.. 7��7�f � s�cond�c� i�y► �c�u�ac��.�.�sa ��,z'�^�.�, t��?sa� a v��ce vQ��� a7,1 v���.ng �y�� M�ya� K�.r�ham d�T �1�red '�k�� mea��.s�n ��z�'i�d una�nim�aus�y., DT�C[7&���N O �C)MB7�FITNT FROM M.P. E30�ONY QN S�W�R AI�D WATER LATERALS; ��a �'iz�anc� T�i�r�cto� �a�d tk��� r�� �u��.�.ned ir� h�� me�npz�andum t�a th� ��ty ��tti;3��.� ����d O�tc�b�� �► �.�69, �At 9� A�.�k � �" ��,r�c��u�st � s P,dd�t�.c��n dOe� k1�aV� w���� �z�� ��w�� ����xa�. ah�r�es bu� c�c>es x�s�� 'kuxv� w�t�r and �ewe�r aerv�.ve�. T���� �ck�a?e��� w�re �����,d �r� �F��. �'h� ���k�y �ac��eez' add�c� �hat �th�r� mx�e w���� ��� ��w�� ���n�� �.r� �i��'t�m�n �����.a a�d t.t�er� ia a s�we� lin� oa� tha ���� ��A�� �a� �a�� ��.v�x �r�. �xa.����a,�y �'hs�e 7�a�� wexa �a�ct o� t�e P�ot �,��, '��+� c�eY��.o�s�' �'ec�e�t�ed �k��►� a�l �� �.t?�� k�+ �4�����+�d �'g,u��1X� hc�w�v��'� �,��a ' �����,cu�ax l�a� fra�ts on ���� Rivex Road r�,��er ��ar� �iar�nar� �i�a�.e � ' . SPECTAL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF OCTOBER 31, 1969 , PAGE 21 ' To sezve this 1ot with watez would not be too difficult, k�ut the sewer l�.ne a�� abraut 2' hi.gher, so �here would have to be an ejec�or pump, c�r tunne� und��' Eas� Ri.Ver k2oad to hook up to that line� �ouncilman Sheridan asked if there would not be less maintenance if the line were run ta the East River Road �ine. Th� �ity �ngineer said that he believed so. Mr, M,P. k3ozony said that he could get intp the East River Road li�ne. He sa�d that when he bought the property his lawyer did an assessment search and found that there were water and sewer assessments in and paid for. He knew �h�t he had a well, but did not know that he was not hooked up to Ci�y sewer. He said that he would not have bought the property if the re� cords had besn correat. Counci.lman Sheridan said that the community has some kind of an obligation ta s�a�ve tha.s man and he felt th�t it should be at the City�s ex,pense. It may be ch�a��r right now �Q install a pump, but it may nat be cheaper over the years. He suggested that the City Engineer studx this and bring back �p�ne cost �st�mates. The City �ng�neer said that he thougk�t th,at it would be over $1,QOp to bore under East River Rpad and in t�at �a�e the�'e wAUld h�ve to be a contract let. Mr. Bozony said that he now has the house up for sale. Councilman Samuelson commen�ed tha� foX a� F,H.A, loan tk�ere has to be one Service connected. Councilman Shezidan said that if the CitX were to order the work dane, theze should be some assurance tha� l�e will hook onto the line. He sa�d tha� he did not feel that refunding the money would be the answer, rather that the house has ta be supplied with the services. Mr. Bozan�t said that he would haok up if the Gity ran t,he line. MOTIpN by Councilman Sheridan to supply the wate� and sewer eervices to 68$0 East Ri.ver Road at the City's cost when requested, and t�e City Manager �o prepare a le�ter to this effect to satisfy his fi��ncing aompany. Secpnded by Couneil�ar� Samuel�pn. Upon a voice vote, all vo�ing aye,Mayor Kirkham declared tk�e motion carried unanimously. CON�aIDERATION pF COMMUNICATION FROM FRIDLEY CIVIL DEFENS� REGARDING POLE AT FIRE STATIOIJ: Mo�'IQN by Counc�.lman Har�a�s to concur with the Dir�ctpr of Civil Defense and �he Citx Manaqez as outlined in the memorandum dated Octobex 3, 1969. Sec4nded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vqte, al.l voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carx'ied unanimously. LICENSES: MQ'�IpIV by Councilman Harris to approve �he following licenses: Genezal Contractor B�r Ap�roved BY Gex�a�d �, Clar]� Blders. �271 Arbaar Str�st Crystal �ax, ��.nnesota Gerald L. Clark !�l�:J Countx'y �lder�. Ch�xle$ E1ond NEW 295Q Metx�a Drive t�innea�olis, Minnesota • Building Inspe��,or Building Inspector C CJ � � L__l � Ll � C!' C � ' � u � � �l , 5������� �U$�T� H��R�NG ME���NG OF OG�OBER 13, 1969 �AGE 2$ ' �i'a�n��� G�nti�uea. ' ����� & M�1��d ��ank R�uxr, �r. N�W 8u�lding �n�����Q� �2��5 �?anQxam� Mi'�na�pc�l�,� R �l�z�?��e��� � TH� �IQTIC��I ���c�nc��d �a� �caur���.lm�,n SamuQ��can. U�acan a V�i,�� Vs�ta� a1.1 vA��.ng �y�r l��Y�� ���'1sk��m ��cl�rsc� �kh� tnq��-on ��r��.�d unanimoual�r� � ' � � �I M�'�I4N �a� �Q����.�.man �aamu���s�x� ts� ado�� ���calu��c�n �7.�5�19�9. �ecpnded by CQ1�n��.�n�r� T��,��a� ►��a�n a vo��e vc�te ���.1 vs�tir�g a��, Ma�ax K�.�}��.am #ea�ar�c! �h� m���Qa� s�a��°�,�� u�a��-mcaualy. MQ^,G'I��i lay �c�u���.�.�n�ra �amu�l�c�r� tc� adQp� �t��Q�.ut�.an ��.8���.�69. sscaz�dad by ��al�r�ci,lmar� �.i�b�.. ���an � vs��.�� va��, a�.l votir�c� �X�, Ma„ya� �.�.rkham d���,axed th� mcafiior� �aar�i�d un�z�im�auQ1�. � R� UA�T 8X AQ�+T�� NI�L�ON FOR �UBL�C A�G��SS TQ 115 71ST WAY' N.E a ,. �h� ����r �a��a��� �'�a�aa���� �h�� �� x �i����or� ��d +9�4�a %� �r� %�� Q���.�s ��s� �'��d�� ��� �a n��s�� � s����c���� �'Q�dw�� �c� ge�. �� ���i.�� l�aa�, T��� �� pa�t ' Q� '��� ���'� ��'�ri�W�#Qc� ��ti�t�sr iaut i� �'las �Q� ���C1 a,F,P�'�v8(� �i�'k, �xK ?�s�a�+��� ��+��,a�r� ��� ��+�rwa��d w��Gk� a ������' ���a�n �� a�.����n�. ��Q�a��ty , cat-r���, +���tn�� i�oma ���l��r�, �r�c�. ��a��,r�� ��at the�► w3.�.1 ��.�r� t�h� �t��s� 6+���m���, �l�'��� ca��cab��' �.�,, �.969. �lA�'�c�N by� ��a�nr���n�r� �aaarAU���c�n �s� �r����v� t�a cQmmun3�ca�i�z�• Seaond.��f hy ' �c�ut�c�i3an�ta �i�k�1, v��a� �, vo�.e� vo�e, a17, vatinc� ay�, Mayoar �ci�I�ham da�J.ared ��� ms�ti.or� ca��i�ad ua�ani�nc�u��.y, ' �'1�� ��.ty ��gi����' ��c����r��c� �ha�. thi� �o��, ��s �sxv�sc� Ghs el.emen��,x� �chqol a�r�s� �a� ���n �m��,�taiz��d k�y ���m. �'h� �].a� �� �aeir�� rev�.s�d a�d wi�- ba aaming k���o�'e, �1�� C�a�r�pi�. ��s��,R �i�. Ni�lss�n Wcau�-d �.ik� �Y�� Gi�� to �na�.n�k�in aru'� o��n ' '�h� ��a�dw��� �� �.� �raV�.��n� �h� �i�3k�� a�' w�y► Tk�a Gi�y a��.����� kl�� tY�e ����kTw�a� ���em�r�� aF�� '�h��'� i� +�r�1.X tl�i� ����, ���'�.�c�� d�e�d+�d �.� �ha ns�r�h^� �ca�t� t���"ta�t���. �1i��.��� ea�c� �ha� i�� �a� kaad t�ou��� ��t�ti�,� ar� �,�.�. �a�n �� �.t m�aa� b� ' � a ���Y ���+k��.a��� z'��� �� s��aa��.�y �o� � �Qar�. �aur�v��m�x� �h����an �oin�ec� �aut �h�� t�#�� c��������.c�r� w��,7. �� x���d�� �'s���dl��� o� hsaw �1�e �+�.a� �.e r�av�.��c�, ' t�� � R�1Q�+����c� tti�� tt�s A�m���.����►��.or� wz��.t� ����t�x �ca h:l.m �a��n� �ha� �his ��������► �� t�����T►c� �, dedi��ted �q�8way� ar►d W�.�1 k�4 �1ls��.���i�ad �� fihe� C�.�� �� I �'�'idl+��, � � ' Mta'��9N i��+ ��µr�c�lm��n S�u�1��aan �o q�v� t�� �+attex .�tter �h� deQd �o� �ha riQhk a�' w�� �� ���q�.v�ac�. ����nd��t by Coun��.�.m�n �harid�►r�► u,pa� e� vQ�.G� vo�a� �y�7. v�'��n� ��'+�� ��ya� �i��ham deal�x�� the m�it��� R������3 t�nar►�.mat��7�Y+ . ' ' � t SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF OCTOBER 13, 1969 PAGE 29 ' �ESOLUT�QN #187r1969 - RESpLUTION DETERMINING THE NECESSITY OF AND PROVIAING �QR � TAX �EVY �N �XCESS pF NORMAL CI�Y GFiARTER TAX LIMZTS: MOT�ON by Councilman Harris to adapt Resolution #187-1969. Seconded by Gounailman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham d�clared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF BARTENDERS JOB STATUS AND SEVERANCE PAY: The City Manager suggested that there be some severance paz for t�e people working faz t�e on-sale liquor stores, if they will agxee to work up until the �ime the on-sale is closed. Councilman Sheridan felt that the amount should be settled in the union negotiations. MaTZQN by Cauncilman siebl to concur with the suggestion by the City Manager. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion caxried unanimously. �n,�ouxrr��v�r : MOTION by Cauncilman Liebl to adjourn the Meeting. The motion was seconded and u�on a vaice vote� all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motipn carried unar�iznou s ly . Res ectfu7.�� submitted, // Juel Merce�' Secretary to the City Council Jack O. Kirkham Mayor ' IJI ' ' RESQI.UTiOi; r�0, 157 - 1969 A R�SOLUTIpiJ D�CLARI^iG TtlE: NE��:SSITY FOI; AN AUDITIpNA?. TA}; I,EVY IN ADI)I"'IOP� TO THr 30 P1ILL LIr1I'I'ATION P:;OVIDED RY TI� CITY Cl�r1�TER SPL JIFXING Tt� PURPOSES AND CALLING F02 A PU�3LIC IiEARIi3G BE IT RESOLVF'D by the Counci.l of the City of Fridley as follotas: ' SECTION 1. That the Councii of the City of Fridley in the month of AugusC 196� received from the City ��i�na�er a proposed bud�et of thE City pf �ridley f_or the year of 1'�7U, which proposed budget when ' �:xamin�d evici�nced tFa_ r.�ce5sity of an additional tax levy in excess a� �he Ci.ty Charter limitation. ' SwGTION 2. That the purPoses for which such additional tax 1e�y i.a required include additional. sums for the General Fund, additional �ums for Fi,remen'S Rel.ie£, add�r.iona'.. sums Eor Police Relief., addi- tional sums for a debt service on Parks, additional sums f or a debt , �ervice on Civic Center, and additional sums for contribu�ion to the Public Lmployees Re�irement Fund. � S�C'I'�ON 3. That a public heara�ng be held before the City Council �t �he C�ty Hall at 7:30 P.M, on 6 p�tober 1969 to considzr this mat�er. Tha� a copy o� thi�s P.esolution be publi,shed in the of�icial newapape� p� the Ci.ty on Septeniber 10, 17 and 24� 1969 ta give �oti.ce of such Publi.e Her�ring, PASSFA AND ADG?P1'�D BY TN� CITX COUP�CIL -Ok' Tii� CITX OF FRIDLEX THI� 2nd AAY QF _ Septembor 1969. AT'T�ST; MAYOR - Jack 0. E:i�kham CITX CT.�ERK - Marvin C. $rnnsell Publish: S�ptember 1Q� 17, 2k� 1�69 !,• 0 �� � 1 NAMB , -Miles Homes, Inc. YLawrence A. Muggli ' O.R. Bakke �Lucile E. Blank ' Janette Anderson ' •Erwin Guibard • Bldon Schmedeke ' George H. Pfieffer � ' Ri�hard D. Bodin Maxtin A, Dykhoff ' 'Raymond F. Harris Dale R. Bakke ' Axthur Z. Young ' Ronald Newland John Peka 1 `Edward J. Dobie -John J. May ' 'Daniel J. Erickson ' Anthony E. Pekula Ly1e H. Heins I� William A. Zawislak � Maxi� 8arker ' Louise Almlie ' ��lmex Gabrelcik Albert Campbell ' Axthur Vir�CUs TABULATION SHEET HYDE PARK IMPRO�'EMENTS OWNER For �ainsfi X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X .�n CONTRACT PURCHASER For Against LOCATION X � Lot 1, B1. 22 Lot 27 � 28, B1. 12 Lat 29, B1. 22 Lot 1, B1. 11 Lot 30, B1. 22 Lot 28, B1. 22 Lot 16•19, B1, 12 Lot 30, B1. 21 Lot 20, B1. 22 Lot lo � 11, B1. zz Lat 12�1�, B1. �2 Lot 25-28, B1. 21 Lot 17�,18, B1. 21 Lot 19�20, B1. 21 Lot 25-26, B1. 22 Lot 21-22, B1, 11 - Lot 19, B1. 22 Lot 22F�23, B1. 12 Lot 1, B1. 22 Lot 20, B1. 12 Lot Za, B1, 21 Lot 21-23, B1. 27. Lot 14-15, B1. 22 Lot 9, B1, 22 Lot 27, B1. 22 Lvt 5-6, B1. 22 : L�� �-�, �s�. zz � ' � HYDE PARK IMPROVEMEN'�S � NAM� ' I�estex A. Mayo Dolores T. Mayo ' Hannah I�� Anderson Sr. Jak�n Pawluk / Ar. Irving Herman �Jaseph 2izak ' Jam�s I�. Xaung Diane J. Young ' I�auxenc� I„ Lawson Connie J. I.awson � Alvina M. W�r�ner Aal� F. K�ott ' , Wi�liam G. Pexl�berg , K�nneth R, Stx'and , � Th�camas A. Thpmpson Gr�tcher� S . �'hompson 1 � � Charles R. Lindbexg M�x'v�n Q' Berg Fxank Gabr��.�ik , �Richard A. Tvx��son ' L�rry A, Mei.next ' - R�ymand J� . Hegna ' � Ethelyn M. Ne1s�n GRAN1� TOTALS P�op1e 1 I�ots Lats Er P�ople ta be as�e���d for S�xvice �I ' Ro�d �# S1�.paoff pWNER Fox A�a�nst X CONTRACT PURCHASER For �ainst LOCATION I,. 3F�4, B1. �1 X X X- 4T � X- X X X X, 31 i�. 5F�6, 81. 1Q X i,. 24, $1. 12 �,. z-�, �i. a� L. 6-10, B1. 27 L. 7, BJ.. 23 1�. 16, B1. 22 L. 8�9, B1. 23 X- L, 1�,2, B1. 10 �,. 3�i4, 81. 1A L� 2$�29, �1. 11 L. 4�, Pt.a, B�, 22 X �.,. �z� ��, �z X L. 25-27, �1. ].1 X' L. 2�, �3�.. 12 X �,. 9�10, B1. 28 X I,. 7F,$, B1, 28 X L. 1-3, B1, 27 X' L. ].� $ �.5, B1. 11 X� L. � F� S, �1. 27 X' I�. 17 � 18, 81, 2� 30 12 2 4 � • ss zb � s 27 9 1 2 5 3 � 7 �, 4 , . ' 1 1 � � ��� � ��,�1� � � ��K�► �ou►�TY b#31 IJNIY�RSlTY AVENUE N� I�'XI?E �ARK � ���"X V�EW AI?I�ITIQTTS REZONZNG � IMP�tAVEMEN'�S .,,) r � ` �-�� FRIpL�Y, MINN�SOfiA SS4�1 �'wc� pub��.c ��a�cir��s h�v� been �eld an Che x���,�ing o�' th� areaa baunded can , Chea Wa��t by Mair� �tr�et, au the ��at by Hi�hway t�7, on �ha South by 57t1� ,Av�au� �tad pa �hs No�th by 6Q�k� Av��u�, �h� co���d��a��io� �� ��zQ�,tng was based oa p+at�ti.qas amd verbal. ���ues�� ,�he C� cy �Q��a3,1 he� d���c(�ec� thae p�raparty s►Waers, t�ha� Ws�u1d bs as��ssed �or ck�e sl.ip o�f and �ervice �nad� �aa cou�a�tod to find oaC ' W�,e���ar t�ey d�s��a tha iu�prove�n�xats or opFose tk��:u�. � ' , �� I � � ' , � � L__1 ' ACKGR�UNU� �'h� seaa�d publ�.c h�a��.n�� held A,ugust 1�� �,�6� wae am +� plam that aQU1d h�vs c���t�d �h� ivllowi.n� zoning; (Sketch of ar�a ���ac�ed a� enc�.oaure� C-� c�rcial. Z� �bat a�ea taQUnd�d oza� tk►e �ask by �I�.ghway k7, on the - W�at by Z� &ta��et, on tk�e �a�th by 6Qth Avenue and o� Ch� Sc�uCh by ; 7th �veau� .�1�sa, Cl�e �,Q�s �nd blQCks not alr�ady zou�d coo,�neaccietl wou�d ba $oa�d c�era�,al C=2, creat�t�g cammercial s�on�ng �,a �tie area �ran 37Ch Avenua ou Gh� SQUth: S7� �venue oae the North, 2'� Street om �he East a� Main Str�te�� on �h� W�s�. A��3A ,Mu�.tiple Dwel,lin�a; �t�� �rea bauz�desi Q� �h� �Iarth by bOth Avemuo, oa ' tha Scau�h by �7� Avenu�, ou eh� East by 2� Str�ee� aad o� �he W�st by Ma�n t7����� a Tm ccamjunc��.�� with th� �o�ia$ ��ansid�xat�.�m ��e �o�aaci.l r�v�,�wec� Craffia , p+��t��'u� �c�� �he are�, alsa�$ w�.th t�e �ublic �learir��. �i�eCimgs w�th Highway Aap�xtmeat rssult�d in d:t��ussious o� tk�� C�a���,,� ��1 ecate�i�g Qa 57th Avet�ue , o� C�►e SouCh w��h chs apiaiom ��sulting th�.t thi�� w�a�a�d av�ar]�o�d �ha iat��caect�on ot Rigi�way �+i a�d �57th, Av��ue N,�, Tlh� ���k�way Aepa�trn��1� �gr�s�d to a sll.p o��` at 60t1� Av�nu� with �Q intex�ex�nce �ra�n �To�t�hbc�uad t�c+��:�i� c�n Third Stseet , This saqui.x�am��t b�QUght aboue pl.aa aaiz�cl� €1ow, ra��,�h +�r�aCs� a servics �oad ia ordex tk�at Northbvund �ra�£�.� on That�cd Stree� can double ba�k SAUeh along 1�i.ghway 47� ia p�d+�x not �a arosa Cr��fi,c slip off �or Sou�hbovnd Craffi.c enCariug Che arsa �'ro� �i�ttway 47. It�!�he firae Pub�i+c Hearing a�a imgravementa, pxape��y owaera 1adiCa�ed Chey dl�d mot Waut atraeta otber than th� sl�p a�� and Che •arvice �asd completad �� t'hi�1 ��me. AC the $scQnd meeeing � pe�iti.ac� was raaaiv�d iad�aa�i,ng th� •lip o�� �tpd +�esvice rv�d ohou�d bo paid ior by �1�� �Ati,re C�,Cy and thaC no aeher erreee imgrvvaa��aca bo mad�, xn Ch� meeti.ng i� ws� aleo �u�ga��ed Chxt all ec�try to �h� ��'aa 'b• ��raa� �he Svuth, Qb,je��icma w�re �ads by prop�rty ahmer+� f�oating oa �� 8txoet yayi,r�g a po�rCi.s�n �� Ch� slip o�f a�d a����c� �Qad �oata. Tho it�g�way . D��►arGa�ea� 'h+�� aa,id Mh�y �!! not pa�v�icipat� �,g say �osta ae ehe acaere is a�' ao b�►�A�'i� to Chem aad dq�� gQ� 44�Y� any exis.ting "txaf£ia P�o��,�?!e , ' LJ ' ' ' � Hyde Park � City View Additions � R+�zonin� and xmpravements �•� '�4 C�c�c�.� has a�cpres�ed ��� �act tha� � sl�p p�`� i� ���d�d ta pa��ve�t R�����c •t��k t�� �t 57th A�v�nu� ,��d ��,��w�y �7 0� ��� ,��vth and easy �ccas�ib�l�,Cy �� ��+�deci �9 �hs �r�� � f �� �s �4ned �49�me�cia�, . �p+��i�� �ssessmen�s €or th� sl�.p Q�� and t�e�vic� �oas! ��v� b+�e� �gp�e+�c� pvo� t'h� �a�i�r+� ��s� �r�n �7� Av�nt�� p� th� Svuth �o �Q�h ,�v�r�u� vx� �h� Nor�h a�,d !x� ��gh���► �t7 �u t�� Ea�� to �� s�rQe� �� �h��W���, b�aed �� �he lae� Che�� a��a� ��� �1� bei�� co�s�.��.r�d �o� eQ�n��cc��,1, zan�i�� a�d a� ���'� i� wa� �&�� che�r �+��p����► wQU�c� r���iv� a�y ��n���.�� �rc�n �h� alip ��� ��s� aerv�.�� rstad wh�c� �x� ds���d �����aa�� by ehE Hig�►Wa� �j�paxGmertt �,nd Co�an��i �� auy .cv��iderst��t a! �p�ic� �t�e are� �o�rane�cia�.. Th� �e����� 9� S��r��mb�r 2, �9�Q c�r� ��� i,����v�a���� ��v�lvad �i�e �recaigt �! ' � g��ikia� by th� ��u�.ci�, a�a�n�� �he ��eci��. �saesams�a�� �ar i�sta�lat�a►n o� Cho •��p o!� ��d ss�v��� �°���1 b,ei�g ��pread ove� t�,+� ���� ��i�n$ �s�ned �c�ne�ei�4�, No�c�h �� �7� Avoau�e. �h�-'C�ux�c�1 d#.$�u�s��d the �act �ha� �.mp�av+�msate c�ecee$iCUC�ad by ' C1�s�t�g�s iA �onin� ta c��rci.al. wouid b� at the expe�,�e u# ��operty c�aere as Ci�p ' ��igd4 Wot�1d tto� b� �pailat�le fox a ben��fitted area. �Aaad ozt �he p���tiom and �xpx�s�io�� by ava� pzop�xty �wnAr�, Ch�e City ' Ccn�u+�i�, taa� d1�ec�sd �hat � l���e� t�e fo�warded Co al�. �hcaae wt�cr would ba d�iRa�td by tho slig ca�'f, ��k�Ag th��r �r�aponse as �Q wh�tk�e�r �hey do �� d� mok w�sh �o bave �he �3,��► c�ff aad service �pad ins�alie�l, a� is �ow b��n� Gs�maid�rad by �he , Ci�Cy C�a�axaci.�., wi�h a�ses$ment$ sp�ead over �he area Nortk� of S7� Aveaue c�u��ont3,y �I+C3A$ cot��d��reci �ox' couime�cial zoain�, � ' A�oanm has taeez� �mcl�a�d �'c�r yoa�� �c��v���¢nc� it� �r�s��� ttu�t ya� a�ay a�ko y�ws daa�.rQS 1cn�wa �o ��e City Coui�G�l, �� az� an�w�r i� �o� �e�e�.v�d f�am you' by S�pteutbet �0' 19f 9� the Counc�l �as indi�ated they will coms�dex th� proper�y At,�m� px coc�tract �u���aser ��p�rm,es o� tt�e �AStallatis�m o:� �he ��.�,p Q�� apd lle�'Vi�� icoac� ou t�� as�essment basis proposed. A,tta�hed,hereeo are e��los�res, i�clud�n$ a���t�h o,� t�a£�ic pattern aad ��A1A$ pmdG�' �pu�s�dera�iotl �Ad 1t1�� p�oppsed ;tm�rctveme�.t$ ar�d �,a��rcnaeio� +�n eh4 1 t� � �paaiai �as+���an,�mt c4st esCimatee applicable tQ the groper�i,ea �nvo].ved. , ' ��I ' � ' �'bar�k yau, p�f-r�.� c �, � � �'4�►�, �01�R �t. ANKRUM "..'^•_..� City I��ager ' , � � �� ' ' , � ' 1 � ' � ' �� I � � �S ; �s �s+��!���d �mp��yv�e�a,�� �r� ���r tl�e T.�l. #�i7 (Ziniv�r�iG�+ Avao�ul�i sli�� Q�� �s� �� ���►�.�� �Q�� ���c�.� fiow a��. a�� di.�,d�� �t� th�e� p�t��r. ���� � �?������� �he �,�. �4! ���p off �nd tk�e weat �exv�c$ �ratd al� �.�� #�t7 �d��l� ��,a,ded ar�8 oA ��t�ch�d ,�ap) � L �'a�t � ie� the loop b�tween� 3xd Street ax�d �.$. �'47 N�s� oe�cv�,a�C �'c�d ��N�1 �►�*��� 1+�1 t�l� �pp@� ��e�i e �+��`�"r �+ �$ ��� �VR�AII�R �?P�i�WC4rA �S� ���'Rr'��'r ��� ���• �7 �1��t �BZi1�r!'i� z4ad t�h+vwn +dc�Ctes� �.n k�e �aw�z mi,dd�.e �� tt�� �a►apj 9 ll�S88881�NT� : A��e��n�n� pro�,����, fs►� ���t ��p��vem��� i� Go s���d tbe co�t w��c A $locica 1�.� 12, 21� �2� �7 aa�d 28 (o��li�ed b�► he�vy 1in�s t�n �bs �ttsab�l maF) �c�u�iiy, �r�����d +���,s�►� aver this ,���� i� $�Q.��/�Q�t. �am��.�t �'a�r �rQ' �id� lot� �8a��+�nt� �as i'��rt ,� imp'c+�vememt woulc� bs � �{y38.00 ��+����� p�'�pp�al �or �a�t � 1,wPrc�v�ea� is �,o �sp�l�td t�e Co�k� 0'Y�; a�� a� ��Q�k� ].� equall�., PxQ�p��ad a$oesamem� ov�x this area ia $4.62/foot. $�u�m�1�: �'o�c �tA" t��de �,ot� a��+�se�neat for �+�rt B �nprovement wctuld be �,dd: A�s+���a�t ?�Qx �ar� � ���cxv�►� �ot�i ,l����st�en� R ��V���Q �' 4 �. . i�� �.• - � As�ess�� p�ap��al for �ar� G imprav�nt i� ta spr�ad ths ao�t o�r�s •11 0� �1a�k �i �ad 28 ec�ually. �rs�po+�ed �o�a+��m�t �►e� thi,� a�e� ia $2.�Q/�oo�. &c�qaple s F�r k0 � w�d� �o�, ��sea�t for Pa�rt C impx+cn►em,ent wauld be �+ $112.OQ Adds Aea�asmeaC �o� p�rt I► �tp�py�� w 4 00 Tota1 Aeaesau�ent 0 : .� +.� � � � � � 4 +� � � + � ,� �* �,L, N �l � � � � � � i � � ' � w� �. ' i/ � � � � � A� �� :i .� ���� ,�. ���; . , 3;�.� � 0 ��. ::. �� � , ' RESpLUTION NQ. �SA�.U�I�QN O�tDFR�NG IM�'R�OVAKENT ANA FINAI. PTaA�TS A�TA SP�]��CAT�ONS AND EST71rI�TES OF COS�S �R�O�' 3 S�REET' TMI,'R4VFM�NT BROJECT ST. 1970-4 �iF � WHE�A�, R��s�luti.on Na. 12�-1969 adc�gted the 21st day of July, 196� ' 'by �'�� C�.�y ����acil, ��t �he da�e Por h�a��x�g o� th�e �ro�osed im�rav�zn�mts, as �pe�i- �'icaily �ot�d ��, �h� 1Vg��.�� �� H�ar�.ng attaalac�d here�o �ox z��er�nc�e as Txhibit ��A"p and , f�R�S, ���. �a� t'�e p�a��rty qw�n�x� who�� ��op�rty �.a l�.e�b�+� �o bs a�e�e�e�c� ���h th+s u�a�ci�$ o� �k���� i�npx�4v�nen�� (a� anated i.n ���Ld Notice� wex� giv►�� �er� ��,Oi �i�ys r�o��,�� by t�►a�7, a�d �ublish�� x�4���� e� t�t�� �Cvu��i,� ���x�,�� th�ou�h �wa (2) w���C�y � �u'b1�Qat��n� a� th� r�qu�,x�� n���.c�� a�d tkx� h��xi�,� was �eld ��.d tt�e Dropex�y ow�p�+1 ��ard EhexeQ� �a� Ch� '�ea�i�g, a� �o�.ed i�n �aid �ao��,��. ' , �T�i'W�, '�H��i,E�'QR�� $E �� R�SOLy��� by �'i'�� COUtt��.% A� t�lEt C�t�► 0� �T�1��eY'� +�tP�i{� �c�ut�t�, M��a��po��, as fo1],aws : 1. �,'txa� the Poll.ow:t�� img�qv�n�r�ta �t7;Q}��$�� ��1' GQ1,�TL4�� R�6o�.lk��At� No. 1��-�969 ��e l�er�s1ay o�cdez�d to be ef��a�ed and c�pl�ted a� aao� aa 7reason�bly possil�l,e, zo-wit: ' �txee� �m.provem�n� i,r�c�.ud�ng gradia�g, s�abil�zed base� hot � bi�u�nimous m�at, aoncx��e �uxb a�d gutCex, water, sani�ary ae�ox i�.�nea �nd ae�vices, incidental drainage'and othex faciliti.es located ae ' follows; 3rd S�xeet: S��ti� pxA�Qrty line p� Lo� 24' 81ock 7.2' Hyde Park Add�.t�.o� fio 64Gk� Av��ue �.ncludir►� the sl�� oEf �a�o�t �,H. #47 ' T.�I. ���r7 West� Seacviae Rd. ; S8th. Av�nue t4 6Qtk� �.v��ue �,00p be�. 3a:d Sfi. a�,d x.H. ��47 West Serv��e �td. ne�r 60th Ava. �8�h Avenue: 2� Street to �.H. ��47 West Seacvice RQad ' ' , , ' ' A�&ST s , ' �. Tha� w4��C to be pexformed under this proj�ct tnay be perforn�ed u�ndex or1� �� mor� contxacts as inay b� dsemed advi.sabl.e upo� rec�ipt oE bid�. �• ��� ��� City Engineer, Nasim M. Qureshi, and the City's Co�aulti�g Engine�rs are hereby designated aa Chs En�gi.ne�xs for th�.+� �mpx'cYVa� t��t. Th�Y �hal� �r�par� fi�a1 plar�8 and s�ea:��ic,�ta.v�� �Qx Cite s�ki.a� c�� auch i�proveme�t, ADO�'7�'ED 8X TH� CQUNGZT, pF TH� GT�.'Y OF F��AI.�Y �HIS ,�,,,_,�„�,�,,,,^ DAY 0� �"i�7x �'il'+�'iRK" � M,ax'V�� Cs 87�ui1tSe1�. , 19G9. MAYOR - Jac 0, Kirkham � ' , L� , , , ' � ' ' � ' ' ' , ' ' � ' ORI�IN,ANCE N0. A'N QRDT,�IANC� �0 �NA �I� CITY G4D� U�' TH� CI�X A�' FR��iL+�X, �NN��Q�A �Y �1AK�NG A CHA�IG� TN zONING 'AIS'�.tZt��S Ths Gc�un��� v� the � Gi�ty Q� F�r�.d�.ey �a or�,ai�. as �o17,aw� ; ����TON 1. AFP�T�d�� � pf the� City �cade of �'zidl�y �.s amend�d ag here3.�- afCer i.x�di.cated. ��TTQN 2. The �x��c� Qr a�ea wi.th3.� tk�e �ity o� ���,d�ey. ar�d• Cunmt�yi_o� �lnoka pxs���tly zon,ed as R-2 (li.mited mul�ip�.e clwelli�ng+a) and deser�.b�d as ; I,Qts 3 �hru 1�, �lock 11, Hyde �ark Addit�on �,Qts 16 thru 2'j, Bloa'� 12 ��yd� �axk Add�.tion �,ots 1� �%u 3Q, B1ock 21 , Hyde Pax�k Additia.o.n Lots 1 thru 15, B1ock �2, Hyde �ark Adda.tion �,ots 1 �h.ru �, �1ock 27, Hyd� Pas•k 4�dd,3t�.on Lot� � t'hru 10, B�.oak 2�, Hyde i'ark Addita.car� �,p�s �} '�h�u 13, �31oCk � , �i.ty View Addit�on I,ots � �hru 5, I�1pGk 7, C�,ty Y�.ew Add�,�ion �,at� 2 thru Fa , B�.ock 8, C�.ty V�.ew Addition T,c��� 1, 2� 1 Fi th�u 30, �lock 11, Hyde P��k Adda-t�ion �c�t� 1� thru 3�, �l4ck 22, H�de �'ark Adda�ti0n ..�,a�� � th�u 1�, �lock 27, �.yde Fa�� Addit�on I��ts � thru 15, ��.ock 1,�i.ty Yi�w Additian �,Qts 1 �h�u �, B1ock 2, Cit,y V�.�w Addition Is hexeby desi.gna,ted t� be in the Zoning District C,2 (general business area$). S���ON �. The traat o� area within the Qi,ty of �xidley and Caun�y o� A�naka, prea�nt�.y zoned Ii-2 (limited multipl� dwellings) and described as: I�ots 1 tr�x�u ��, �,ots 1 thru 30, �,Q�s 1 th�u 30, LQts 1 thru �0, I�o�s 1 thru 10, Lots 1 thru 10, �lo�k 9 , B�.ock 10, �7.ouk �3 ► �1o�k 24, B�.00k 25, Block 26, H,ydB �ark .F�dd-t�ot�, - �yde k�ark Ad.di�ion Hyd� Paxk Ar�.di��.on H�rde Pa�rk �ddit i.ot� Hyde Par1� Add�.tion Hyde Park Addit�,on Za h���by de��.�nated ta be ia the �oni�g pistrict R-3A (apartmenta only - genexal multiple family dwellin�s). All located in the Northwest Quarter (NF�j o� S�ction 23, T•30� R,24� City of �'ridle�+� County o� �oka� Minn, , � �, �i Ord. �� Page 2 SE�T�QN k. The Zoning Adz�t�.nistrator is direcCEd to change the ofticial zo�ing map to i�di.cate the above zoning changes. PASS�D BY THE C�TX COUNCIL pF TH� CITX qF FRIDL�X 1.'�iIS � DAY OF , �.9fi9 . MAYQR - Jack 0. Kirkham AT',��&T : 4��'X'X CI.ERK - Marv in C. Bruns e 11 T'ub1iC �eaxl�gt ,August 11, 1969 �'�xst ��s�di.ng ; �".�- BeGO�;d �t�ad�ng : 1'ubl;l+�h....... � e �:� ' I __J � ' QRD�NANCE N0. .�1N ORD��ANC� UN�EF2 SECT�ON 12.Q7 OF THE CITY CHAR`�'FR Tp VACATE STRE�.+,TPS .AND ALLPYS AND TO AMEND ,A.FPENDIX C OF THE CITY CODE ' The Council pf the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: ' SECTIO� 1. For vacation of the street described as follows: ' The South sixteen feet (16'� of 57th Place lying East of the line extended North that is twenty feet (2Q'� East of the West line of I�ot 7, Block 7, City ' V'lew Ad.dition and West of the lins that is 57.5 feet West qf centerline of Sputhboux�d lane of State Trunk Highway No. 47, � , A1.1 lying i.n Section 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fxidley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Be and is hereby vacated• , SECTION 2. The said va,cation has been made in conformance w�.th Minnesota Statutes and �ursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of City Code shal] be so amended, � ' PAaSID BY THE CTTY COUNCIL OF THE CITX OF FRZDLFY T$IS � A.�X OF , 1969. � ' ATTEST: ' MAYOR Jack p. Kirkham ' CI'T.'X CLERK Marv�.n C. Brunsell Pub1�a Heaxing: October 1�, 1969 k�a.rat Readings , Seaond �eading: �bl�sh , . . s � ,���� , ' i� � � , . i:a � � � ' ��, �■-� 1 � .�� � � � . , ' ' 'r ' ' a ' 1 .' .. ~'7 . �p F? —`�-- --- -�'` � _` r p_. . . . �� � ��� i : - ) �^ /� �: � - T �w� _ '�' . . �„• .r � .�y .. —�� --- .? R iV •e� es � w1 � r-s - � . _. �: . ,, . �. _ � ���_ �,� _ . ;a �., � IV � � �� . ^.. �__ �; � 1 `� � � �) �� ( • �Y� . � . 9 '.� _ . - -�� - - I� .�..� .. � �� {�%i . TM °~ *_. , H� zs , . __ , . ,�; I• ^� �� a .,��. `, -�� . . '. I ~ Fi� � /� /7 T P '��-aa -�.�M+�+.F.�. 5 3 �i" H ,_-?� �•- -----; '-r-r7 - -: - . . t' � / . • • :� � ' : - :`,��-�, � iV+ !� 7 1 ' � ' i � i � � s T .� , ; `, � `, ; � � � , ; � .. � ♦ . j ._..._ � - . ' � �... .` t � •' i' G , • � j ��" - - �% _ ' ' �� .. �= s , a" � � � ,_ , . E r; � � • �� `� . ____ _ :� � . ,' ; ', � - - '.� :r _� � _ ��. ��� � . - l � _ . /�,,�, ,-,' � . ..� _ , � ; � . laJ _ _ . �.j - - - , _. . : ,:- ' . /�' - :' r;, , • � -- - - .,.. ..,- - �' - - . _ ��"o ,Y"G:.. . t' 3!G_�.'ac•:i r✓ .. G � // - c � �- %�'� � � - ,�_' --'/U --- -� /Zl .. _.� . �� 6 . .. .'a. Fp � ,�. �.J .,� �J Q I. t.f � , -��-- � -- - - 9 9 V� — -- •- - ,/� ` n � ` /' - -: � � ; `- . ,� . � � , o � ' ;.,?._ : _ G��� � �: ... . ..,...L_. •w . ` ,.;' o b �� � ...�.i�;,:....,.1 , /� r t 4 �. � t , I'� ♦ r ^ ' � � - ' �� � i! ! , , i ; n V \ h. , q � � i �. i � '�."'' 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For the vacation of the street�described as �ollows: ' A1J. that part of the thirty-three foot (33') street ea�ement between 57th Plaae and 57th Avenue lying �ast of Lot 15, Bloak 8 and Wes� of Lot 1, Block 7, Cit.y View Addition, A11 lying �.n Section 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota, Be and is hereby vacated, ��CTTOIJ 2, The said vacation has been ivade i..ri con�'ox�a►a.nce with Minnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Chaxter a.nd Ap�endix C of City Code shall be so amended. PASSID BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FR.IDLEY THIS DA.Y OF , 1969. MAYOR Jack 0. Kirkha.m ATT�ST; CITY CLERK Marvin C. Brunsell Fub�.ia Heaxa.ng: October 1�, 1�69 Fi.r�t �eadi.ng; S�aond Readin�: Publish . . . : � � ` � I ! 1r ' , � t ' • � � � . �, , I �� �� ¢'e! 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( � � .. . � � '/"'� ,� ` �� ' 'er3� �%, :i1'rii.��� �,� , � �v i *'t � . � �' '�� � t: .� ��r f .y . a� � y: !T ' �t ` � . fG /• .? • �`.� ►f t e t r, 1 . , ri ��'°,,r� �� � : � �.jr��R I I • ' I � + i ` 1 f • ' i t !� +��+,�, ' '.�� � . w.'*�e+�**�-s+w..n+.+w-..-�.w�+�.--+-.+-:'-r..�..�-.�*�....�.�r-. .�....�..t>.��.+......+—�...�.y..�.,+..—+,..+�--w-ti-. -. l-.-•�,�•�e ..�A? � . �RS'^� i�' �+ < . . r - , . , . _.. r.-. . . . ._. ., . . ' jwfs� :i � T , ,6- . . : G�/1 �!�!'L! " , �4�rr;'E�.11 .. ,.� .-- e� ( A����a.ar - !i N'IINN�A�OLIS �AS �OMPAiJY M�NNE/�POLIS, M!NNESQTA 55402 October 1�, 1969 �I� ,Taak 0 Kirkhazu, Ma,yor City Q� Fxi.dley 6431 University Av�nue N,E, Fridley, Minneso�a 5542�. Deax Mx �irkham I�n ths �aatter o� the prop�ased vacatiox� a� 2� Street b�twe�n ,�7 �1ace and 57 Avenue, we have now xe�eiv�d an easeu�ent �'rom Lynd�,le Tez�ninal Company coveri.ng ths gas u�ain in th�,a st�eet and wi,thdraw a�y objection to �.ts vacation, Siz�a�r��y �� � � ; � �'l� +�,•,, ^,�_. �, /,�!.�_.CI��,._ .._ Warn�r p �ilake Qpe��tions Planning Engineer WPB;kg ac ; Dara�ell Clark �s�th Aolvenstot ., � .� � ' REGUI.F+R CQ1't� i:, MF.ETING OF JUNE 16, 1969 PAGE�11 ��� s�rn�+��aoz�. u�on a vQicQ vpte, a�7. vating �y�, Mayor Kirkham d�clared tl�s 1 �w�i�t� ca�xied unar�i.m4us�.y. The C�,�Y �n9.in��� �aid tha� there is sQme stri�a�.r�� r��edsd in th+� parki.nc� lc� ' and �uc�gs�ted �hat �oss�,bly now is the t�me tp gat �G�is dane. Caunci7amaun Fiar�is asked i�' the Jaku�sons would agree to �tri.pe ti�e �arkirtg �ot. Nlr. ,Iqhnson said that their parka.ng 1ot is south of �he z'eatauzar�t and on�y pa►rt p1� �,� i� b].acktopped, but they will stripe that part w�,ieh is blacktopped. � Ccau�c�,].caan Harris asked Mr. & Mrs. ,7ohnson to come into the o��iCe to a�� the �ity �nqiaeer abaut tk�is. � TION OF THE STUDY OF EAST RIVER QF THE t'�AX 23 1969- ION 1 MQTiAN by Couneilman Liebl to rece�.Y� the Mir�ute� of th� Tara�s�caztatian and I«Qnci U�s Caa�amittee Meet�ng of M�y 23, 1969. Seconded by Councilmarx �I���$ fQr �iact�ss.ion, � � , � � � i ' � �,% �, � -�our�cilmar� Har�i$ asked if the Git� wou�d be preparir�g anyth�ng as fax' Ra �r��ineering studa.es go. The City Enginee�r a�swered that the co�ity is goinq Gp make a s�udy from I. 694 to Rice Creek with the use o� consulta�ri�s ta get aA pVera.].�. �1an for any additi.onal riqht of way and �ny otliez' iu�px'ovetn�nts n�eded. Wk�sn t�,� �alans a�e cos►�p���ed, they wiil be co�ning to the City o� F�idiey with the�.r requests and the �ity will have to do �ome �xnprovement� with the �id� xaads mentioned. Gounailman Liebl pointed out I�em �� �nd N� ��ej,t, t�t wti��n a4ime decision is rsached, the people should be infp�qed'throuqh an �n- fQ�mal Pub7.ic Hea�ing o� the anGicipated actior� c�� ths Council. Co�rtci].man HaaCxis �c��sed wi.tk� �hi.s �dea. Counci�man Lieb1 sa�d that �ome people h�v� cabj�pted �ather s�renuously �,ca the condemna�tions. Councilma�n iiarri� sai,d ti�a� Gllsse p�apl� could be asSUred �hat ths�+ will � asked ta caae► in whei� thez'e ia � p7.an r�ad�► fo� their participation in anx discussiorts hs�d. Gaunci7�aar� Lisbl said that he would J.ike to �ee a, :�em�lp�,or� a� 61et Way. �ie said that Since the speed limifi� was reduced to 4Q MPFi ar� East River Road, these izaa been �►o appreaiable di�ference in �he �peed cirivexs drive at� they sti11 �pee�d, The oaly thir�g tk�,�t s�owa thecn dowr� is the sema�hore At M�s$iaei�pi WAy. ile �qgqested tha� the Pol�ce Department patarol F.ai,qt River �d ma�'a ��.osely. �ounc�.ima�n Sber�.dan s�id that �►s the min�tea indic�te, tk�ey are studyinq �ast �iv�� Roatd between I. 694 and ttioe Cr�aek and ti�ie woyt].ci b� pezhaps step Q�� o�' m+�n�+ p�atses of the over�tl]. p2an. He said ttu�t he �€elt �hmt ;f,t w�ts at step �.�t th� xiqht dir�Gtion. The City �ng�neer aqz�eed� �►�,d ca�men�ed that aa naaey beccam�a �tvai�able, th�e job will b� done �n sectio�&. The job ha�a t.q be et:a;t�d aomewheace. A parCion of �ast River Roa►g south of I. EQ4 i.s just no�M bpi� cGapleted, and the portion discuased in the m►inutes Mould be the second ph+�sR. Tl� Wc� upon the taQt�on, beinc� a voice vote, t.�,e�a ba�aq no �ys� Mayor �ci�skt�a� deale�Fed �he motior� carsied unanimously. CONSTDERATION OF 1�PpROV71I, O�f' REGISTERED LAND SURVE1f - FILISTEA GEOiiiG=TOMN #11�11�#ti'MEI�1T$ : Th� C�.ty �nqi�neer explained thak ids. Filistor �.s i�que��l.�� +�p�sav�,i ot A Regis��red �! survey to split his tr�ct ip�Q �i'�p"�rq�is� �ch pesc�l i.s � � �� � � � � ' REGUI.AR COUNCTL MEETING OF JUNE 16, 1969 PAGE 12 �,��,� ��,��,���,� �ay �} �����at� cpmpanyr, this iS why the split iS n�ed�d. The� ������r ��� �e�pmxt4er�ded ��ree signals, o�ne �af wh�Ch i�s to kae �t the ez�taCa�nce of ��� ������pw^� j����tTner�t�. He has d�.scussec3 gett�t�c� the �x'af�iG patt�Xn in ����, C�� �l�s �qm��ex w}�h M�, �ilister, and he d�d �?lace Mi� qa�age� a� $4�ua���� 1�Y tl�� ���� Goi�rs�i1. Mr. Fil�.��er i� in spt�ewh�'� of � h�ic`�y be�a►L1�ge ��' ��,� �it►�����g �r�d wr�uld l�.ke �a b�pa�� �QZ�e eaf �ha lec���. requiremsn�� oP q��,nq �� ��a� �'�a�� s,rad Subda.vi$ians - Stz'eets a�'►d utiliti,ss Subcc�mm�ttee and �h�s �d.ar���� �Qmmi���cn a�,d get a�P�QVai frc��n the Caur�ci�.. �s������xna�� i,�:�b7. s�.�.d that tY�e s�m�pk�oa�e has to be line�, up to �cc�pd�'�� tk�� �.n�us���,�a car� �h,s east sid� o� �a►st Ftiver Road a�.so, The City �ngineex a����e�d t?�a,� �l�+�y w#.�1 serv� the i�dustxies on the eas� aiso. H� sa�d that tiva ��.k�► wc���d �eet� � d�dicat.�on fz�om �r. Filiste� �or the road tq th� np�tl� a�' hi� c�n���x �Q t�.a �r�tQ Anna Averiue. The road wil,7, not qo thrcaugh t�ie G�arge- �qw� cotnpl�x. MQT�O� kt�+ CQU�nCi��� Harxis to approve �he �tegiSte�ed I,and Survey �es,�uested by P'�'. k'�1lstes' s�bject t4 acqui�'ing a dedication far a road to the north of his �pnt�lex �a t�,� i�ntca �nn� Avgnue. Seconded by Council�nan Samuelson. �pul�iGf.�n� �h��id�n asked wha�. could be dor�e about eliminating these typ�s Qf � ����a�$� �'c�� the �,ast lp -� �5 year� piatting has been �'equi,red. H� said �?��t hs cl.�d not aqr�e wi.th reg�.ste�ed land surveys. "rhe ci,ty �ngine�� comment�d �� G�ce�� �iox�th��x� Rai]�v�ax Cc�panX, whca had insa.sted that �hey wanted a �eg�.ste��d �.�nd surve�, has �aw decided that they will p�,a� �nsk�ead, The Gi'Cx ' ,���Q���y �t�yqe��,ec� t.�i�t if the Ccaur�cil desires, az� ordinance could be drawn �a�i wh��'�by �xa���.nc� is �ec�uired and registe�red land survey� �,re r�At ac�sp�abls. He ��ked .�� Mr. Fi�.�.s'ke� is rec�uest�ing a register�d land su�;vesy rather t.kt,an , �������g �p�au�e o�' '�e time element. The C�.ty Manag�r said yes, ��n� �1'l�t th� �'�.na���i A��ect�r�'s Qf�ic� k�s said that they wou],d have dif��,GU7.ty in b�reaking �ow��, ���+�S�smenta o� the platting. eou�cilman 3amuelson agreed that� �ar�c� s�hould b� �+l�t'G�d, @�a th€�'� a b�ack ��,n be b�oken down into lots eas3,�y. 'This makes , �oi,t�g ka��i�►e�s wi�.l� �he mQrtgage companies go mor� smoott�ly. Counci�.max� �Me�`��ar� aa�.� that �s the Council has k�ad a pctlicy, that maybe thi� should 1�e �u� ���,c� � Q�'dinance gorm. Perhaps it couid be that one spli� i,a a7.lc�i�+ed. , bt�t iP thsre �.s anot'hear spl�.t requested, that �hen the land would hav� �o be p�d�kC�. TY11S wou].d �ttalc� th7�nqs e�sier fo�C the �ity, Cou�ty ��d the S�ate, ��►8 �it� Att4�'ne�+ sa�.d t2;�►t k�e would check with the �tegiat�ar of peed� au�d ' w��;� �y t�c� qa� ��►e,�norandtun to th� �ouncil as �o r+hat rac;v,iresneat� the �p�i�t�► �� �a�tt��.�g oa �ceq�.staxgd �.and surv�ys and wk�at lmtitude the Councii �a� pufi �tr� t.�em. CQUnai,Laan xaxr�s ac�xeed w�.th cou��nci�nan sher;ldaz� on, h�.s ��qg+es��o�. �oun�i�t►an She�;ldan said t.hat Mr .�'ilis�er }�as nevar #�ppea��red beiore �hs CQW�C�.1 � whe�tl h1f wm� not i.� a hurry, and wanted to bypass �ane legal xequir�tnen� to ��ad t�h�n�s �ag. � � L_J �Q�ci�tn Saimuel�on asked if a�l the �arcels wil�. hav� Publi� access, �h� ��,�,y ��q�.�e�7� said y�s, when the street goes through. � Vt)'�'� u�or� the Rlat�Qi►r be�.I�9 a vo�,ce vQ�e, all vc��ing �y�. Md►Yox K�l�ckh� ��47,�a;'+ad t�h� m►otiQn �azried �tnanit�tously. STATE OF s MQ�'�ON �tx 4o�ci�n l�a►a�xis ta recei.ve tk�� oca�nmunicl��.om �'rcup the �t�to At ' l��.t�3'1!►�G��►r Aistariat �nc�ineex c�ate�d Jur�� 9, �969. i�l�g}�Qed. b�►► Caun�i�µi �� � ����r������i� �F s��v�� M�L�i�F� t�/. �ARi��Y � �1SSQG1/�TCS CONSI�ITfP�G CIVlI. ENGlNEFRS LAND Sl1RVEY0RS 500 W. N'�YY. 96 • 3lh OP:K ST, 18 47H AYE. S.E. S7. PAUL 12, h11NM. SAUK CENTRE, �d!��t�. ST. CLOI!0, 671Nr�. 484•3301 3523664 251•7751 1 hereby r.ertify that ihis survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and thc+ i or:. c� dviy �t�g;<..�Fr.�;� I.cu�d Surv�yor under ihe laws of the State of tYlinnesota. �_ �-�-�_. •. -�_ �/� � 2_ _ __ Reg. No. 9(?51 _ Date_.__Csct. _9,- 1969 �-- - - _ !� - ;� � � r,�' �° � d C �' �, �, , �, � � �, �"' � :,".�� =J- � �� hi � lots 3 a�d 4, Bloc; 5, CI7Y VI�i1, ��e�;� Count+�, i�inn. LSo.c. /"= Sa 6 7�- s�32 39/-/G 4€� 1 ' PLANNING COMMISSION T✓lEETINC, � , � ' , ' � , , ' � I ' ' ' ' ' � ocTOB� s, 1969 The meeting was calle:i to order b,y Chairma.n Erickson at 7:30 P.M, ROLL CALL: Menbers Present: Member Ak�sent: Others Pres�nt: Mittelstadt, M,yhra Darrel Clark, Jensen, Erickson, Fitzpatrick Enginee.ring Assistant . 4'� PAGE 1 APPROVE PLAIVNING CONIMISSION MINUTES: ATJGUST 6, 1.969 MOTION b,y Jensen, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Planni.ng Commission minutes of August 6, 1969 be approved. tTpon a voice vote, all votinb aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: AUGUST 7, 1969 MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpa�;rick, that the Planning Commission receive the Buildin� Standards-Desi�n Co.ntrol Subcommittee minutes of August '], 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting a,ye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESZGN CONTROL SUBCOMMTTTEE MINUTES: AUGUST 21, 1969 MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, tYlat the Planning Commi�sion receive the.Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee minutes of August 21, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: SEPTIIKBEft 4, 1969 MOTION b,y Mittelstadt, seconded b,y Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission receive the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee minutes of September Q., 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voi;ing a,ye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: AUGUST 13, 1969. MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded b,y Fitzpatrick, tha.t the Pla.nning Commission receive the Board of Appeal5 minutes of August 13, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEA.LS MINUTES: AUGUST 27, 1.969 MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commissio.n receive the Board of Appeals minutes of August 27, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: sE��� 10, 1969 MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission receive the Board of Appeals minutes of September 10, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. , ' ' , ' ' , � , ' , � � , i Planning Commission Meeting - October S, �969 p e� 4� � RECEIV� BOARD OF APPEALS MINIITES: SEPTII"�ER 24, 1969 MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatriak, that the Planning Commission raceive the Board of Appeal� minutes of September 24, �g69. Upon a voice vote, all voti.ng aye, the motion carrie� unanimously. RECEIVE PARKS & RECR�A.TIOid COMMISSION MINUTES• AUGUST 25, 19� MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Planning Commissio.n receive the Parks & Recreation Commission minutes of August 25, 19b9. Upon a voice vote, all voti.ng aye, the motion carried unanimously. ONS-STREETS & UTII,ITIES SUBCOM 1, 1 MINUTES: 1�OTION by Jensen, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Platz.ning Commission receive the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcpmmittee minutes o� Ootobe� l, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion caxried unanimously, RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITT� MINUTES• SF�TII�Eft 25, 1969 MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission receive the Buildi.ng Standards-Design Control Subcommittee minutes of September 25, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1. PROPOSID THOMAS P.S. ESTATES The petitiot�er, '�homas Swa.nson, could not be prese.nt and Mr. Edwin A. Dropps represented him at the meeting. The Chairman brought the proceedings up to date .noting �he public hearing was closed on Ju1y 9, 1.g69 and the last meeting was Qugust 6, 1969. The unsolved problems were the North�South road a,nd the East�West road, whether or not access would be on East River Road or Riverview Terrace. Mr. Swanson had been called regarding tabling of his petition and he had not objected. Because of the number of people present, the Planning Commission had no objections to re-opening the discussion at this time. Mr. Dropps said that Mr. Nielsen had agreed to dedicate his 25 feet on the East side of his lot, and Mr. Swanson had a verbal agreement with Mr. Novak to work out other easements„ ' Mr. Nielsen, owner of Lot 31, asked that if by dedicatin$ 25 feet, this would leave him with a lot too small to be built on. His lot was approximately 80'x227' with the house being on the East side. He would be left with about 202', , and taking 102' for tne lot with the nouse, the second lot would be 100'. The solution would then be to go to the Board of Appeals and ask for a waiver of the lot size from 9,000 square feet to closer to 8,000 square feet. ' Evelyn Goldman, 3518 Madison Place: Mr. Niel�en does not have a road, but an easement for access, and the school takes caxe of it. He wants to sell and has � 1__J � � �II ' �I I � ' ' ' ' Planning Comr�ission Me�ting - October 8, 1969 Page 3 �9 purchased a house in another area, but he is penalized because of the street, as ne ca.nnot get an FHA loa.n, Gor�on Sangster, 7169 RivervieNr Terrace: He felt that by bringing the Eas+�West road through to Riverview Terrace it would encourag•e truck traffic where there is no t.r_affic nowo Ne said he recognized the ob�iections to East River Road access and ielt the corner would not be an.y worse than coming out on Alden Way and Stonybrook, It would permit trucks getting in a.nd out of the area without going through the resideritiaJ_ streets and. this would be a safet,y factor, The school board indicated a willingness to dedicate for a road going East�West, but they objected to a cul de sac as it would interfere with the playground„ Mro Nielsen wondered if a less expensive blacktopped road could be built, probably be a dead end, or go out to East River Road. He was told the Cit,y would object to a dead e.nd because of the difficult,y of plowing. It was felt that the schoolboard could control the truck and bus traffic on the road if it went through to Riverview Terrace. , Mrs. Ho Dickinson, 7175 Riverview Terrace: Ule are against the road con- necting to Riverview Terraceo You would be bringing a11 these trucks in o.n the sharp turn on Riverview Terrace where all the children play around Logan Paxk. We have been against it from the very beginning. There should be only a walk- ' way up the proposed street and fence the walkway from Riverview Terrace to the schoolgrounds. Then the street should go out to East River Road. ' Mro Benedict Novak said that he would just as soon see the street go out to East River Roado Jensen said that the City has been criticized by the County and by � private individuals about safet,y on East River Road. It is a County road and not particularly safe one because of the volume of traffic. There are a great number of intersections. The City has had under co.nsideration, without speci- ' fically adopting it, a plan for reducing the number of intersections along East Riv,er Road from end to end. �his is not oMly one more i.ntersection, but happens to be a dangerous one because of the curve on East River Road. ' , ' �J ' ' Mro Sangster said this is the same inconsistency as i.n Stevenson School. There are many single dwelli.ng lots faci.ng East River Road. He did not feel they are making a problem to pass alo.ng if the road goes out to East River Road. Further, he did not think this is a dangerous i.ntersection if it is properly signalized. The School purchased three lots to change the entrance to Riverwood Schoolo Mr. Jensen said it was the traffic coming on East River Road whieh is the problem. Mr. Novak said he had not agreed t� having his land dividEd i.nto three parcels. If Mx�. Swanson wanted to buy it, all right, but otherwise he would keep it for himself. He was in favor of the road going East. , �� O Planning Commissio.n Meeti.ng - October 8,z969 P�e 4 ' ' ' Mr. Dropps asked that the Planning Commission make a decision this evening either for or against the petition. MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commis- sion re-study the secondary plan and return the request to the Plats & Subdivi- sions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee with the possibility of getting access on East River Road. The Commission decided there were no new factors as Mr. Swanson does not ' own the property, and the request has been made to reach a decision this evening, Mr. Mittelstadt withdrew the motion and Mr. Fitzpatrick the second. ' ' , � �I �I I� ' ' �' ' Il � ' ' THE MOTION FAILIDo MOTION by Jensen, seco.nded by Mitte�.stadt, that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the platting requests, P.S. #69 ,OI, and P.S. �f69-07, Brentwood Estates (Revised� bei,ng the rear 43I.6 feet of Lot 35 and rear 401•9 feet of Lot 33, Revised Auditor's Subdivision #77 (P.S. #69-01� and that part of Lot 34, Revised Auditor's Subdivision #77 that lies East of East li.ne of Block 1, Mississippi View Addition (P.S. #69-07) with the recommendation that street access be provided to Riverview Terrace including the recommendation of the Subcommittee as follows: (Feb. 6. 1.969) appxove with the stipulation that a 20 foot utility easement be provided from the cul de sac to East River Road. IIpon a voice vote, all voting a�e, except Mittelstadt who voted nay, the motion caxried. The Commissio.n felt the Northwest corner of the North�South road should be cuxved (cu1 de sa�� rather than a square corner for safety reasons. Mr. Nielsen sa�.d that if he dedicated 25 feet, he would rather not split the lot at the present time. 2. PROPOSID PRELIMINARY PLAT: P.S. #69-11, ANDERSON DEVELOPMF.�VVT BY ANDERSON TRUCKING SII�VSCE INC.: Northerly 750 feet of Easterly 720 feet of NE� of NEa of Section 12. MOTION b,y Mittelstadt, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commission re-affirm the public hearing date of October 22, 196g for the proposed prelim- ina.ry plat, P.S. #69-11, Anderson Development by Anderso.n Trucking Service, IxtC. of the Northerly 750 feet of the Ea.sterly 720 feet of the N�74 of the NE4 of Section 12. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 3. VACATION REQUEST: SAV �69-07� THE FIVE SANDS, RICHARD FUDALI, ATTORNEY: Vacate two streets: James Street lying East of Lot , Pearson's Zst Addition and West of railroad tracks and the Street lying East of Block 1, pearson's lst Addition and lying West of Lot 1, Block 2, Pearson's lst Addition. The Engineering Assistant said we are wai�ing for a resDonse from the utility companies , although there is no reaso.n to keep the utility easemex�t. It is vacant property. Access to the complex will be on the most Westerly vacated street, and the other access is on East River Road. As a matter af information, he said the Super Ar��,�iG� �tation i:s on Lot 1, Block 1, Peax�on's lst Add�tion whioh fronts East River 1�oad at 79th way, ' , ' �, , � , , Planning Commission Meeting - October 8, 196g Page 5 �51 MOTION by Jensen, seconded by FitzpatriCk, that the P],anning Commission recommend approval of SAV #69-07, The Five Sands, Zr�corporated by Richard Fudali, ViCe President, to vacate the streets an either end of Block 2, Pearson's 1st Addition and the turn around easement South of 79th W�y on James street includ� in$ the vacation of the u�ility easeme.nt �lo.ng the �outh line of Block 2, Pearson's lst Addition. Upon a vo�.ce vote, all vot�.�.g aye, the motion carried unan�mously. 4. VACATION RE�UEST: SAV �69-OS, CITY OF FRIDLEY: The South 18 feet of 57th PlaCe lying East of the line extended North that is 20 feet East of the West line of Lot 7, Block 7, City View Addition and West of the line that is 57.5 feet West of centerline of Southbound lane of T.H. #47. 5. VACATION REQUEST: SAV #69-09, CITY OF FRIDLEY: Vacate the 33 foot Street between 57th Place and 57th Ave.nue lyi.ng East of Lot 15, Block l and West of Lot 1, Block 2, City View Additio.n. Inasmuch as these two items were interrelated, they were considered �ogether. The Commission felt they would like some answers from the Plats & Sub- ' divisions-Stxeets & II�zlities Subcoulmittee regardi.ng the exchange of property for the vacat�on of the 18 feet of a street and taking 18 feet from a 66 foot street. J ' ' ' ' �� � J � ' '� � MOTION by Je.nse.n, seco.nded by Mittelstadt, that the Planning Commission table until October 22, 196g the vacation request, SAV #69-08 and SAV #69-09 by the City of Fridley and that the requests for vacation be sent to the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets 8c Utilities Subcommittee for their recomme.ndations. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unana.mously. 6. VACATION REQUEST: SAV #69-10, THOMAS R. ALB�S: Vacatio.n of Johnso.n Street on the West line of Lot l, Block 2, Swanstrom's Court Addition. Present �or this xequest were Mr. Albers, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Qulicky. The Commission felt that, as long a.s they received this request just this evening, they would like to look over the pxoperty before makixig a decision. Mr. Albers explained that at the North end is #694, the South end is the Fridley water tower. The land, as it stands right now, has half the lanc3 being kept by himself and his ne��hbors, the Oulickys. The area to the South is a collectio.n spot because .no o.ne gives it any care. The whole ,reason for th�s petition is that he needs the additional land to put up a decent sized attached ga,rage . The Commission fel� there would not,be a delay in action if they tabled the item until the next meeti.ng and Council could be asked to set the public heaxing date. MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commis- sion table until October 22, 1969 the vacation request, SAV #69-10 by Thomas R, Albere of Johnson Street on the West line ofl Lot 1, Block 2, Swanstrom's Court Addition and refer the x�QU��t''to the Plats dc. �ubdivi�i.o�l�����!��tS & IItilities � 52 Planning Commission Meeting - October 8, 196g Pa�e 6 ' CJ ' � � ' , �i � � Subcommittee and ask the Council �to set a�ublic hearing date. Upon a voice � vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 7. AFPROVA�, OF PRELIMINARY DEPELOPMENT PLAN FOR PD DISTRICT (ORD. #359) BY HOWARD DUMPHY: Reaffirm public hearing date of October 22, �.9 9. Representing the petition were Howard Dumphy and James Solveson, who presented the new plans for the Development. The explanation of the Engineering Assistant was that the reason Mr. Dumphy went to court was that he had asked for rezoning on Lots 32, 33 and 34, Block 10, Spring Brook Park. A compromise was reached that these Iots should not be rezoned but could be used for parking under a special use permit. A new house had been built on Lots 32 a,nd 33 and the developer can exercise the right to sell or keep the house. I£ the house should be sold, part of the back of the lot will have to be retained as a buffer. Mr. Dumphy stated it was his impressian that the square footage of the lots, walk and boulevard would be counted in the overall footage for the complex. He could also construct a building up to the lot line of Lot 35. Mr. Dumphy added that the commer.cial property was going to be exactly as originally prese.nted. Tk�ey have lost the previous committments and will have to start all over. In regard to access, he said that would be worked out with the engineering department as to how they would work the boulevard and sidewalk. There are two access�s. MOTION by Mittelstadt, seco.nded by Jensez�, that the Planning Commission � verify the public hearing date o#' October 22, 1969 for the approval of the 1're- ].iminary Development Plan for PD District (FD #68-10 and #68-10A� Howaxd Dumphy. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � � tJ � ' ' ' ' 8. MULTIPLE DWELLING STUDY IN CITY OF FRIDLEY: The Engineering Assistant explained that the stt�dy was finished except for the report from Golumb�.a I�eights, and tk�e typing of the material. The Chairman wondered if the number of childre.n per acre and the property taxes per acre per child could be compiled, perhaps picking out three typical s�.ngle family dwelling blocks for comparison. From the figures obtainEd so far, it seemed there is 4 student per unit; twelve unit apartment would have 3 children. No action - continued to next meeting. 9. EAST RIVER ROAD: TURN LANES UNDEftPASS NORTH AND SOUTH OF T.H. #694� The Commission was concerned because of the recent fatality. They wondered if it would be advisable to check the plans to eee if that portion of the intersection was co.nstructed accorditag to plans. It was the una.nimous � � ' Planning Commission Meeting - October 8, 1969 Page 7 � opinion of the Planning Commission to pass a Resolution requesting whatever steps ' g were necessary and ava�.lable to improve the visibil�ty and safety o� that portion t of the highway. The Engineering Assistant was instructed to prepare such a � Resolution for presentation to the Council, � '�I � �I , , , ' ' ' I� , � I� J �I ' ' � ' � 14. MISCELLANEOUS: ZONING ORDINANCE: Re Parking Stalls fox Apartments: �� According to the Code, the present requirements are 1.5 cars per unito � Other suburbs are now requiring 1 garage for each unit plus one stall, and ; cars are not permitted to park in fro.nt of the buildi.ng. � � The Commission felt a check should be made to see if Fridley's Code � is obsolete as it pertains to parking requirements. � � � • �a� MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commission meeting of October 8, 1969 be adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. Respect,fully submitted � .�ts`-s.C.�( Cy :/`�-,4:..�, .,� Hazel 0'Brian Recording Secretary .53 ' , ! � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF OCTOBER 15, 1969 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mittelstadt at 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mittelstadt, Minish, Ahonen, Harris, 0'Bannon OTHERS PRESENT: Hank Muhich-Building pfficial MOTION by 0'Bannon to approve the mirnttes of the September 24, 1969 meeting as written. ' Seconded by Minish. Upon a vorce vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 1. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.23 TO REDUCE 1'iiE SIDEYARD REQUIREMENT FROM 10 FEET T0 5.7 FEET TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUGTION OF A FAMILY ROOM TO THE REAR OF AN ATTACHED GARAGE, TO BE LOCATED ON LOT 16, BLOCK 2, BROOKVIEW TERRACE, THE SAME BEING 801-68TH AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY JOSEPH VANCE, 801-68TH AVENUE N,E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421.) MOTION by Minish to remove �rom table the initial request which was tabled at the previous meeting. Seconded by Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion caxried unanimously. Before acting on the item, the different proposals and agreements were read from the minutes of the previous meeting. In opening discussion, the Board inquired of Mr: Tripp, 751-68th Avenue N.E., if he had any success in selling his property since the Board tabled the request. He informed them he hadn't although some potential buyers were shown the property. Mr. Tripp also stated that a 30 day extension clause was included i.n the listing agreement, granting the Realty Company an additional 30 days after the expiration of the original.agreement. He maintained he had no objection to the garage addition but feared the nearness of a family room, recreation room, or such, because of the possible noi.ses resulting from parties, hi-fis, etc. Mr. Vance suggested using stationary windows on the wall facing the neighbors. Mr. Charles Babcock, 6741 Quincy, a resident fr.om across the street of the proposed addition asserted.that he had no objection to the request. MOTION by Harris to close the public hearing. Seconded by 0'Bannon. Upon a voice vote, there being no naqs, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Mittelstadt suggested the Board probably make a choice of one of two possible decisions; approve or deny the request. To table the request once more would probably solve nothing. � .54 55 Minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of October 15, 1969 During the lengthy discussion some of the following questions were brought out: 1. Have the decisions of the Board in granting some of the past appeals resulted in more requests lately? Gould blanket requests result from leniency? 2. It was pointed out that although not as a point of hardship, porches which are not considered living area are permitted the same setback as garages. It is very likely that there are noisy occasions on porches as well. 3. Do high building costs and'inflated financing constitute a hardship? Mr. Ahonen expressed that the ever increasing demand £or additional facilities resulting from the status change in the family, plus the fact that the only appropriate spot for a family room addition without creating an undesireable room schedule and design, present a hardship. In considering this,together with the family indulgence of the Vances, when the request was previously tabled to give Mr. Tripp additional time to sell his property, a MOTION was made by Mr. Ahonen to grant the request. Seconded by 0'Bannon. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimous ly . Before leaving the meeting, however, Mr. Tripp was reminded that he had the right to appeal the decision of the Board, at the Council meeting of October 20, 1969. 2. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SEGTION 45.26, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE FRONT YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENT FROM 35 FEET TO 15 FEET TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF ATTACHED GARAGES TO THE FRdNT OF PROPOSED DWELLINGS ON LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 AN'D 7, BLOCK 1, INNSBRUCK STH ADDITION, THE SAME BEING 5171, 5175z 5179, 5183, 5201, 5257 AND 5275 ST. IMIER DRIVE, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA, (REQUEST BY RODNEY BILLMAN, INCORPORATED, 151 SILVER L-�.':E ROAD, NEW BRIGHTON, MINNESOTA 55112.) ' In order to aquaint the Board with some of the problems influencing the request, a letter written by Mr. Rodney Billman, to the Inspection Department, was read before the Board. Mr. Moran, 5295 St. Imier Drive, expressed his views of the 15 foot front yard setback as being opposed to the decrease in the requirements,as it would result in an encrouchment of his front yard and obstruct the view toward his house and away from it. Mr. Gordon Murray, 5250 St. Imier Drive, and Mr. William Culbert, 5270 St. Imier Drive, concurred with Dr. Moran in that the shorter front yards across the street would give them the feeling of being crowded. MOTION by Minish to close the public hearing. Seconded by Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanim- ously. � With no further discussion a motion was made by rir. Harris to deny the request, since Mr. Bilh*sian showed no further interest in pursueing it. i . 0 � inut�s_of the Board of Appeals meetin� of October 15, 1969 Page 3.�jfj � Seconded by Minish. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. During a discussion period following the action on the items of the agenda, the Board requested that all stipulations as dir�cte� by the Board of Appeals be recor�ed and made part of.all enauing building permits. � Further discussion regarding the new sign ordinance followed. The Board expressed a desire for a more explicit description of flashing signs. � Mr. Minish expressed concern over the variance, for the construction of a sign, granted on July 2, 1968, to the Western Oil Company, 7600 University Avenue N.E. One of the reasons for granting the variance was stated to be that the 4' X 10' price poster signs would be eliminated. It is evident � that Western Oil has ignored this condition. Here Mr. Minish made a motion that the Board request the �ity Council to obtain an opinion of the City � Attorney as to whether it is now possible to withdraGZ the variance or if � some other action is avaibable to enforce the conditions required when a variance is granted. � Seconded by Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Mittelstadt at 9:30 P.M. Respect.fully submitted, � - ����.. ���.��� � Hank Muhich Building Official � ' , LJ � l� � �� � ' ' � ' .��'1 THE MINUTES OF THE HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 25, 1969 The Meeting was called to order by Chairman John ivers at 8:15 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Starwalt, Rossman, Hynes, Reverend Keefe, J. Thomson, Oden, ' GUEST PRESENT: Mr. Don Crispin , li ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' � DISCUSSION OF QUESTIONNAIRE: John ivers requested action on the Questionnaire (which is attached to the minutes). Should it be recommended to the City Council for mailing to the Citizens of the community? After some discussion a MOTION was made by J. Thomson and seconded, to "Adopt the questionnaire as is, or modified to suit the Committee's needs, and to present it to the City Council for approval and mailing ta the community with some routine mailing notice (Example cited - Water Bill)". A vote was taken and 5 ayes and 2 nays resulted. PROGRESS OUTLINED IN HELPING NEEDY FAMILIES FIND HOUSING: Mr. Don Crispin, Chairman of Home Opportunity, Inc. of St. Williams Church, and also a volunteer worker for the Anoka County O.E.O. of�ice discussed his progresa to date in assisting needy families find low income housing either on a temporary or pemanent basis. He ostlined briefly Government Housing Programs H-235 and 236. Mr. Crispin pointed out there are two types of programs for aiding the Housing Program: 1. Social Welfare - Direct action with individuals 2. Social Action - Contact with co;nmunity, state, and Federal Legi8lators. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Linda Rossman reviewed the Shoreview Human Relati�ns Meeting she attended. Mr. Allen Anderson, a former Fridley resident, spofce on the affect qf zoning restrictions on housing costs. Mention was made of an educational program to �mprave the image of multi-dwelling or 1ow income housing developments ia.a community as most people are afraid such aress depreciate the surrounding property value. Are there private deve].opers who are able to assist in such a program? Demonstrate housing units, planned developments, (landscaping, architecture, ete.). Linda Itossman was assigned to check with Pemton, Znc. to plan a visiz to their Cimmaron City if they were willin.g and able to demonstrate that development in the near future. ' A public meeting was suggested to hear the report by the Citizen's League on "Housing is Everyone's Problem Now". Hopefully a spo�tesman from that group could present the program. ' ' ADJOURNMENT : The meeting was adjourned by Chairman ivers at 10;30 P.M. Next meeting scheduled for Octaber 23, 1969. � Respectfully submitted, J. E. Thomaon 1 HUMAN RELATIONS OPINION SURVEY � _ . 59 'The Fridley Human Relations Committee asks qour cooperation in filling out this questionnaire. With only a vague icnpxession of the opinions held by the residents of Fridley, we find it di£ficult to plan a program that is really relevant. Therefore, we have drawn up a surveY which we are asking you to fill out. We have L'ouched on many controvereial are�s• uesCians 'are neither right nor wrong; we are sim;�ly seeking your opinion. Ii you feel any q is misl�ading, please answer the question and make coaaments at the botto.n of the page or on the reverse side. , PLEAS� INpICATE: Male A�e Grouping; Uc�der 21 36 ' SQ ______,.�.. ' Female 21 - 35_„�__,_ 51 �nd ' over �_ ' 1. Would you object if a Negro family bought the house next do�r? Yes No ' 2. How would you feel if your child chose a Ne$� child as his specia? f�'ien�'? Pleased NeuCral Displeased __ ' �. How would you feel if your child were to have a Negro teacher? Pleased _ Neutral_ Displeased ' 4. How would you feel about including a required course in Minority History in your child's c�rriculum? Pleased Neutral Displeased ' �. Would you resent a Negro joini.ng your churGh? Yes _ No 6. Would you like your church to be directly involved itn human Xelations? Y�sT_� No „� , 7, Do you think it is more difficult for Negros to get out of th� ghetCo Xhan it has been fo� other ethnic groups? Yes_ No ' $, Da you think the matter of race shquld not affect the chances for a good marriage? � Yes No 9. Do you agree with the Kerner Report's conclusion that white racism is at the xoot � ' of the racial problem? Yes___ No,_ 10. ATe you more sympathetic toward civil rights now than a year ago? Xes No ' �,1, po you bel.ieve in the concept of the "Buy Black" program? Yes�,�„ No � 12. Would you agree that there should be more employment of Negroes in our cotamuni,ty? ' Yes ' No T^ 13. Should the Fridley Human Rights CommitCee encourage Negroes to move into Fridley? ' Yes�_ No_�_ 1k. Are there things you think Fridley could da to improve human xelat�ons; ' yes _ No PI,EAS� C0:9k�NT: ' , ' �I 1 � �� �.,��,.. � f a �r� ��� cy � �� bas� ur�iv��siTY �v�NU� N� 1 Mr. NQx'man p&��rby, p�.striGt �ng�ne�r ' Minn�sota S�ate kIi.ghway Aepaxtment 2Q�� North j,i�.ac prive M�nn��gplis, �'Iinnesot� 55422 ' ' ' ' CI 1 I��a� Siaca ANOKI� �O�jNTY Octob�ar 15, 1�6� 560-3450 FRIR�.EY, MINN�$pTA1 §34�1 Th� ����.d�nt prpv�k�,n� i�nt�xse�tion Qf ��st �tiv�r Road and � 6�4 is cauaing de+ap c�c���r�i �e Ch� Fx�.dlsy G�ty Cpunea�l and Fridl�y xe��.d�nts and commuC�rs usi�g ���t Ri�v�� R�ad. '�hu� f�.� this year �h�s i1l-des�-gnEd xnt�rs��tiQn haa b��en Ch�a so+��.� s�� ��t a�cc�tdec��s - sev�n per�oz�al ic}�jury, two ���al� a�a�l f�.�teen property S�9,Rt�l$�I , Q� d�epest �pn�cern i� tb� exitical �zoblem t�aG �xi.a�a wben a driver Xurns qast ��► Che entran�e �f I 6�4. Th�r� is a stap $�.�t� ���cte�� �hat �tops �h� �c�u�hbound Craf�i� b�fQre the motorisc cross�s �he northbound tra��ic lanes. �caw���r, wh�r� a motorisC is st�pped at the sign he �annQt s�e tra�fic approaching ��pm Ch� �QUth �Q� �. d�sta�c� o� mo�e ehan two hundred ya�'ds, whi�h i,s r�at e��agh �ox ��a��ds c�f 55 I�IPH (new spsed recently established) . ' It �.s �h� f��li.n� �� th� Ci.�y Engin�er an� Fo�.�,�� �hiei that corr�ctiv� ��e��,�n �ius� be zak�c� t� p��vide �or b�G��� visi,bi��.Cy thxough �ow�ring no�thbound 1�A� ��'�d� �ax �'�a.��.�� sputhbound grade; or thxough other corxectiV� act�.on. Tk�a �i��y �oaneil reque�ts that yau 1��k� �.mm�d��t� a�ti�on to cor�'ecC �his ' l�����doua �it�a���.�n �4 halt �h� �ass o� lif� and maimi.ng o� peopl�, �'lea8e Caka �m�r�d�,�Ge �ct�an t�p p�ovid� saf�ty measu�'es and haet�n permanen� �orrect�AC� pf thi� �xtreme�y dan���caus �ituation. ' ' ' ,1AK/tn1 � ' ' Xou�s v�xy �xulY, FOR THE CITY CO?JNC�L Jaak Q• Kirkham M�yor �� l_ J 0 � LJ ' L� , , ' ' C ' ' , ' �1E.M� TQ; t�=h1C� FR�7��; SU'�J� �T : � 4.�^U+'O� Ci ty P�I�n�ger and Ci ty Counci 1 Chi �f of Pol i ce RQad grad�, �.. R�v�r "�o�d and z��►� �1n ��'Gr�m�1�� dan��ro�s c�r�d� �cancli ti �n ^xi �ts �� th� infi�r�e��iQn Qf the ���� �iv�r gQ�d �nc� ���%-'�, wh�r� �h� �cau�h �ound �:as� ";iv�r �;n�c� �r�ff3� �urt�s to �Q �a�� s�rt ��Q'�. TMEr� i s� s�o� �� �n �r�Gt�d• th�� �tpp� t�� Sou�n ��ur�� �r��f�ic k���Qr�� �h�y cros� t�� �l�r th �pur�d l Gn�, '-t�aw�ver, wh�n ��er s�� 1� st��;�eJ a� �h� s�c�p sign �'�� ca� ncat s�� trafi'�Fi� a;��raa�hin� frcarn th� �c�utn for� ��i�tance caf mcarQ �M�n � cau�le. of hun:�r�d �F��t w`�ich i� r��t �nc�u�h at �p��c�s c�� 4� �c� �Q fY1�M. I f��l tha� the c�r�d� o�F th� ."�orth �QUr�� 1�n� shc�u 1 d b� 1 otiv�r �d, �r �he Sauth �caund 1 ane sho�i 1 d�A I���S��I' ti�r��ich�v£r is th� most e��nami��t, so �hat traffie is +�i�ible fcar � gr�ater �+is�3nee. �� far t�i� ���r we h�v� ,��� ?!+ �cci����� a� t�is� int�r. ����i �n; 7�a� th�m p�rsQn� 1 i�ur'y, � f��ta 1 s, �nd .�..�, prc��i�,'r�y ��m�ge, A1 1 c�� ��e ��ci c�ents, i n rny o�� ni on, .�r� �u� to �h� ppQr sic�ht pict��r� thy matarist ��s. I f�vl that t�� +�1lminatl�n ��F this v�:ry ��ng�rous situ�tj�� s�ou1�� �� givGn t��� '�ig���st �riori�i�s an� �,�auld a�apre�i�t� im�n��li�tY ���1Q� ay �.�-� ���nci 1�nc� ;i ty ��1�n��e1�. , ' . � ..,, , • ,r�' � .f � ���'f F ��" _ "�. ,� f � � ';�. �1�� ^r k�y �, � , ��1�4'� Q'F �'O� 1C�� ' ' 61 n ' C�� 1 ,�� % � A� �����J`��0� ������Ni� �.Q�'� QF ��`� ���R RQ�U A,IV7� ,�NT�i,����'� HIG�WAY �'�t?, Fi9q. �N'�"k�CI�AIVG�J , .� �,� ' $� IT ��SQ�Vk� by the "' o,� th,a City ai �'.�id�.�y� Anaka� Cou��y, �a.nnescata as �cal.�.ows; lJ ' ' ' CJ ' ' ' ' ' ' �J ' 1 WH�R�AS, the Interch�ngE o:� Ea�t Ra.ver $o�d and Intarstate N�. 69� �a����nt].y c�eates a�tra��ic ha��.�� wha:vh ��d�'Prs �ife s�t�t� prQp�.�ty ��,d doe� not parmit the �a�'� and ef�ic�.ent movewent of tra�'#'ic and �,�'4�iM t f'.�C'�.F3t1C�j' ��.'El�'��Q ��t'itiQ��� �"f'r QQ��1.� ��4. ��� QQ�Q�"�'iPi� &t�d �i�'h� dists,t�er�s lim�.ted d�e tct poo�c �Les�.g� �.nd Wk��AS , ��t R ivs� �i��,d � � an �.'�o�a 9 ��nty H�,�hway �x�d It�t�rst��� �I��hway^ N�. f 94 is a�ta�e �ot�tral�ed hi�hWaY, �'Fi�i,�F"�R�� ,�� ��' ftE�O�V�D �k��,� the �'�id].Qy P��nir�,' C�mt�i��icat� urg�� the. F��.d�.�y City RQUx��a.l '�o t�,ke wh�t�v�� sta�a� poss�.bl,a �o study� maka �ug��atior�s ar�d er�aoura�e the g,�ape� gcav�.��i.ta� �utY�oxitias to corx�ct this extremely aovid�nt Q�or�e a.�ters�h�.nge, � A 1� 0 ,�0�'�I? �3X �� �'���i��_ CQ�S�IQN QF TH� G z'�"Y OF :� �"R.I��AY' '.�'�5�� �I �1�X �'�' QC�'9�F�. 19�� '� =-y��� �_�i. �IQKSC►N C��MA,N �'I+ANN�NG C�aS�ON 0 _ �2 , Form I�l-221 69 ' Section A NOTIFICATION OF PERr1IT APPLICATION (To be completed bz� permit applicant. J Date ��; -- �, -- �--.�, 'T0; (l) Chief executive officer of the v�city, village, town, borough l (Cheek appZicable blank.) of t= ' j t _i�� ' � NA�1E OF CITY, VILLAGE, TOl�1N OR BOROUGH ' (2) Secretary of the board of managers of the N ME OF W T�RSHED DISTRICT ' FROM: �ll � ' " " (ADDRESS) � , �`l 47( �-� � / 1 17�� � � � � �--_� �---�. •----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- ' Section B. (To be eompleted bz� eity, village, town or borough or bz� watershed district,) In accordanee with �he provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Seetion 105.44 as amended by 'Lczzus o f 1969, Chapter 706, the ehie f exeeutive o f ficer o f a citz�, vi Z Zage, town or borough or the managers o,f a �vatershed district maz� provide a written reeorrvnendation eoneerninc� a permit applieation appZied for under provisions of Minnesota Statutes ' Chapter 105, Seetions 105.37 io 105.55. . IMPORTANT 'P�.EASE R.E�iIF►� TNE ENCLOSED COPY OF THE PERMIT APPLICATION AND SUPPOR7ING INFORMATION (L�IHERF APPLICARLF) AN� PRO��I�E COMMENTS AND RFC0�IMENDATIONS TO THE DIRECTOR, DIVISION OF t�IATERS, SOILS ANO MINERALS ON THE.PROPOSED ACTIVITY. THE RESPONSE SHOULD COMMENT 'ON BUT NOT BE LIPIITED TO THE FOLLOI�IING ASPECTS: (1) IS THE PROPOSED WORK CONSISTENT WITH LOCAL ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS? (2) WHAT EFFECT DOES THE PROPOSED WORK HAVE ON THE PUBLIC INTEREST IN THE NATURAL RESOURCES? ' COMMENTS AND RECOM�IENDATIONS TO BE ATTACHED ON A SEPARATE SHEET. ' A coov of a permit anplication by ' has NAME OF PPLICANT ' been received by the - N ME OF GOVERNMENTAL UNIT and the attached comments and recommendations are furnished regarding the proposed activity. , D �► h ' ate t is � ' day of , 19 . Name and title of aovernmental official TNIS FORh� MUST BF Sl)BMITTED TO THE QIRECTQR, DIVISION OF WATERS, SOIl.S AND MINERALS, Mln�r►FSOTA Cn��SFR!�ATIn�� �FPARTME�lT, CENTENNIAL BUILDING, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 ��IITHIN TEN 10 D YS AF?ER RFCEIPT OF THE COpY QF THE APP`ICATION FR0�1 THE APPLICANT. � •w5a Re�, i2is� ' �� - ' MIt�t1ES07A COHSERVATIOPi DEPART!•tENT OIYISION OF WATERS, SOILS & MINERALS APPLICA710� FOR PERMIT FOR �'JORK tN YHE BEDS OF PUBLIC YlATERS Ur_3er �,'. ;;. �. , Chap±�r 105 and anplicable statutes. � To: COPJIMIS>IOIV��I2 OF COIvS���' �i I OI'�, CCNTENNIF�L BUILDING ST PAUL M(NNESOTA 55101 � � � ' � 1 � 64 The applicant herein is tr�e oc�mer of land described as all of the southeast�ne us�'tPr of the southwest one quarter, secfiion 12, township 30, range 24 except railroads and rondt_ (Government lot or fractianal sectionl , Section 13 , Tovmship 3o , Range �4 , Anoka County, which is riparian to Rice Creek � (Lake or Streaml and applies herewith for a permit to work in the bed(s) of the public waters named above, all in accordance with the data which follows and the maps and plans attached hereto and made a part hereof. IT IS PROPOSED T0: Q Excavate, Q Fill, � Construct, Q Change, [� Remove, Q Abandon, Q Other (specify) TF� FOLLOWING: Q Dike, [] Channel, � Breakwater, 0 Revetment, [] Harbor, [� Obstruction, [� Dam, [X� Bridge, [] Culvert, [] Pier, [] Wharf, [] Boat House, Q Shoreline ❑ Other (specify) FOR THE PURPOSE OF: [� �each improvement, [] Navigation improvement, Q Shore protection, [� Safety measure, Q Lake improvement, [] Public Crossing [$] Private crossing,. Q Flood control, [] Erosion control, [] Power development, ❑ Otner (specify) — CNA�IRELS Ezisting Len�;th ( f�°.et) - - - - - - Bottom width (fee.t} - - - Side slopes (ratio; - - - Average dE���th (f�°�t)- �- - ?�taximuR� d�°[-�tti of excava"_�:� (fF-et) �radic;nt (;�) - - - - - - CONSTRUCTIOtt DATA SNORE IMPROYEMENT Proposed Proposed Distance l.akeward (feet) - - - - - . Distance along shore (feet)- - - - Depth of excavation (feet) - - - - Naterial to be removed (cubic yards) P�?uck & silt - - - Gravel & sand - - Rock E�, ston�- - - P�aximum depth of water (feet)- - - :�?;^^er.t i s encl�sc:d in an amount of ";. PIEASE READ BEfORF FILL�KG OUT APPIICATIOY Detailed plans 1����� Fer. �r71-S1� must acccmipany a12 applicatieos ozcept t�ose f��r w<!rk listeA t�e1��W for w•hich a locatioo pla: or sketc�, unly, is reyoireG. 1. BeaCA sanding - six ioch maximum thickness. 2, Approach chanoe:s.. a�t ezc�eAinq 16 feet in w�idth, to Doa! houses, harGors aod piers. 3, Pi ers. !. Shore g��te�:��,o ►^rts oot requiring tilling on lake or stream beds. {COn,ttn,aa+�3 On �fti"S8 SL,�PJ . 1� . � ' ' ' � � � � ' -_ , , ' ' ' � ' � 65 THE OBJECTIVES OF THF.�tiCRI: :or which a permit is sought are: To provide access to o�vr�ers �rapert� south of cre�� which is to b� develc�ed a5 a natural oriva� tP ._ par4c . It is anticipated the area south of the creek will be cleared of under brus�i and used orimari(v by Medtronic employees as a picnic area. THE FOLL04VING SUPPLEPJ"l,t::;''I'"�RY DATA IS ATTACHED; (Check applicable sections below. 1 Q Sketch [$� Topographic ^:�ap � Cross Sect ions Q Sound ings Q Letter []Plat � Plan [] Prof iZe � Boring logs 0 Air photo [� Other (spee ify) ' The applicant declares that the information submitted�herewith and the statements made herein are a true and correct representation of the facts, and ihai the filing of this application and information with the Commissioner of Conservation is prima facie evidence of the correctness thereof. Dated this 11th day of September lg 69 Applicant Medtronic Inc. tPrin o ,type oame) Signe�� � Executive Vice President�cicie► Address 3.055 Old Highway Eight � AFFtDAYIT State of Minnesota ) ) ss. County of Hennepin j On this llthday o° September A.D. 19 69 before me personally appeared T. E. Ho]loran who being first dul,y sworn and to mc know.: to be the person who executed th� fore�oin� application, acknowledg��{�-) tliathe executed the same as his own free act and deed and that the statemc�nts, maps, p].ans, documents, and other supporting data are true and correct according to his best 'tr.or�led�;e and belief. � � , _ �%�_ l'�`'�-- ��� t'� :�;�....,�/ � ,. __ � LG( � STEVEidIN rlOtary Fubl i c_N„��c�r_f`_uhlic� Henn�_?n_Co��nt;•, ?'.7;an COUritj/ Wy Ccc,mi�aon Ex�ue� Juaa 'L�L 19/0. - My commission ex�ires (Attaci� ruzns, fllarts and otter items checked above. 1 19 I � ' � ' M�MQ TO c Home� R� Ankrum , C i��l Nan�.ge.r I�MO �Ql�'�t Na�im �'I, Qureshi, City �r,�;.�,nAe�-D�.rFator o� P�.an�iing MEMO DATE: Oct:ober ::6, 19h'a r�o r�rn��.: cM #�g-26 R�; �tatus o�' Difi'erent Sanitary Sewer Connections to No�th Suburbar Sanitar,y Sewex_� Aistrict Lines R� � �F ' '�he fol�owixzg is a summati.Rn o� the sta�us of �he di��exent ��.n�.ta�y 5ewer connections to North Subuxban Sat�itary S�wer 1�.nes, �'he Q�.ty� to date, has .not �aaid any con.nectiora charges for a.ny p� the Gonnec�j,Q��, ea Qouunerce Pa�k �Toxton & 6�th Avenues �?es�,gnwar� �ndustries Q �, ty Gaxage �incv �'xoduets, Inc„ 4�'eat �or�her:n Indw �'].a� Bob� � Ga,rde.n Center �,aMaur , �zzo � Qx�aw&y �.dd�-t�.on Resolution No,, 13��-.�967 �.6�-1967 165-1�67 49��.96� 76°�-96� ' 2s-.�.9�9 3��1969 165�1�69 177.-1.96g Dat� Tem���r pe� � --•,,,�. . . Aug. 7� �967 . X Aug* 2�,, 1967.. x.. �u�. �a., �967 X AP�• 8 � �,�68 X �a,y 1�, 1968 X �'eb,� �.7, �,969 ,� �, �. 3, �.969 R se�t. a.5, 1969 x Oc�, 6, 1969 x Al� of tY�e above eonnecta o.ns are i:r� existenae n.ow e�Gept Dea�.�nwar� Tndustr�.es at�d pnaway �ddition„ ,��.so �,ttached is a uiap �howi.ng the di�'fexez�� �.oQat�.ox�� o� tk�a�� vonn.ea��,one. � (y�'�Jl�til.. . . N.�7� M• QIIRDSxI � �',�bl, Rity En8'�x�s�x�irec�ox a� F�annix� i t — --- _ . -._..— � --- ----s ---- - -- e • tJ ( \ , <� . ..... ►� r--- _-_•� _�.. `,\ ; :.-,:: .'..` `�� � - ..., �. ... _. ,, .... , , �,.� �. : � � ��< � : ��:: :; �"_ , ��; � . k .�� � , .�- ?,� , • „ � :-: - � � '�C �`� � ..., ..�.,.... , .; -�•, ai;:r. , ...:: ,_. ; __ � � , . � � �E ' _ .,..,e. Y s. _. -`t..-� Y�,�f^`+,,.,��I � . a r_ ,. , .,... ,. � �k„ �,-r�, s� I�i . .... '....". ,. , . � —' 1 � ' ' ' � .. Q F e � . •- ' , ; , 1� ;::: � — � r_ .. ., - _ ; � � ,��- - ,; ;� � �..�::. ; /� ��. � _1 � - ,- �= � A -t,\� ` `«..�-,r� _ k .. 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Rw4�lA� a0'f �1'' RMA�" � �':LJ�� � •w �`�" �a :� N�.T ` \1 u \\y . � � � - " �t. �� r,�� Sc.i � ,�,.,� •, �x T O� �,,, -- � i � �'LlJili� _ rs. �� �z.: - ��� �c ��^R � � � � . ! ' �i �LLILLI� _- — . a r M a�s. tl� .. � � .� � i r� �5� ...� �� a'�� _ —:�,,: :�— � = � e• '"E �..+� 6 ��� x� �� ��� � � 71 p � � � - �T,'+s`—�,` x ��Y Y� '... g ��:� \ j�'I �! I � _ _� � � � � �?'" � �.: s�,�j , I II � I�{ {y w+m+R J .. C..S L « 5��. �� � �r�"�i?_sL�C': { O '1' 1Is �J"L �r � - i ..a� -- � $ �� i�....., .� =�� E a��'@'*'n'.� K I1 ti` `I�.`= � ., c �= �?� ..KS �' n �� � � 'u' N$ � I� � _ _ ..C`.0 ��v'• �_��'t =��.�. .�..� �� C � T..R ' �� �...., � ��.. .� Z '�3 q r / ; I ,, �_ �"° j ss= „ �. � a +"� �+�n-w�,.�w. _ �.. LY"'= "� �T.7•1'C �" 4 si � I, � �. _ '.�TS 4 � S"� C � ��. �� � � p. .. , I , .. .w .. . _ � � _ � i ' { , L °°_� �= �_ � � �'�����''+''�'� r p . _::�'_ °".,... �.. . ,_..� TM�� �. � . ...�., _ � _ .. , - ' , '�' �' . ' , � , � ' � ' , ' � , ' ' ' L_ J F'f<IC)LCY VOLUNT�ER Flf�,r-.�sn;,s f;ELff;F AS50ClATtOt� FRIDLEY, MINtYESOTA MINNEAF'OLIS .41, H!INNcSOTA •October 3, )969 Monorai�le Mayor ana Gity Council, C� ty of Fridl"ey, Friuley, Minnesota Gentlemen: The membership of the F�idley Volunteer Firemen�s Relief Association at �.meeting held Octobe� 2, 195g, unan�mously approved an amendment to the By-Laws of our Association, and respectfully rec�uest your approval of the amendment. � The purpose of the amendment is ta set the same level of benefit to tne level of contribution of the paid firemen. � �Cu.rcently we have two paid men ►•rhose present earnings are less than that of.a first class firefighter. The pension law requires that their ` contribution be 6% of the established rate of a first class firefighter. Hpwever, the level of benefits is based on their present rate of pay. ThiS inequity only appears in the section dealing with paid men permanent disability benefits. Your usual prompt consideration �•�ill be greatly appr�ciated. Respectfully yours, / ��'�� ������ -L-�." bert p. .4ldricti, Pr�sident ric�ley Volunteer Fireman's Relief Association attachment � 0 r ��' Attachment Present Wording of 8y-Laws: Sec. 2- paid Firemen Disability - Any paid fireman who shall be�ome permanently disabled from p�rforming his du�ies as a fireman shall �ec�ive a disability ben�fit equal ta 45% of tha av�rage salary of a first class firefighter, or his present salary if less than that of a first class firefighter. Am�nd�d Wording of By-Law$; � � SeG. 2- paid Firemen Disability - Any paid fireman who shall become permanently disabled from performing his dutiES as a fireman shall reccive a disability benefit equal to 45% pf xhe ave�age salary of a first class firefighter. a . ,, �� 4�.'i�• �3,. � �: ;; ��� jfi� (>�P�G� QF CIVit, D�F�NS� �c �'� s��' '�� �d�e+� b4�] Univgrsi4y �lAye. N,@, �ridlpy, Minn. "�5421 ' A�NOKA Cc�UNTY M�mo To t H�anca rabl � Mayor and C� ty CounG ( 1 H�mer R. Ankrum, City Manager Fr'cam ; Rc�ber�t D. Aldri�h, Givi 1 P�fens� pi rector Dai� ; Sub,joGtc Q�tnb�r 1�, 19�9 I�utdc�s�r W�rning Sybtem I hav� rec�iv�d offl�lal n�atl�icatior� frQm R��ian Four H�adquarters that �Ms �ppllcatic�n fcar f�d�ral par�icip�tian ln I�tstalla�ic�n af an outdoor w�rn(n� �y���rn fAl' �h� Gl�y caf Fric�ley has b��n apProved. ThP� �pprcaval �tic�w� u� �� proc��d with the,lnstallati�n �f th� systam and prc�vld�� that th� Gity wi)) be refmbursed up �o �p% of the cost Af (nstall�tic�r�, I�m r+a�{u�a� t I ng ths C I ty CQUr�c i 1 pas� a resa 1 ut P c�n acc�p� i ng th� p 1 ans �rtd $pecl�le��kiQn� �� att��h�d and further� �,�� � date to r�ceiv� b1d� QI1 th� t�+��s�s�t�y �qulpme�� �nd Pnsta1latiC►n. Thar� ha� ���n nc� r�a�on t4 �han�e any af �M� s��cif�cation materlal from wh�� w�s pre�vicau�ly u��d fior bidding pur�ca�e. (�m mc�st anxic�u� ��a have thls proje�t �amplst�d b�Gaus� I f��l if aur Gfvll Defe�s� Pr�g�+�m i& to �xpanda it is ne�GSSary thaX a satisfactpry warning �y�t�m b� aper�atianal. RpA:et ' ' �o , ,� � R��Q�.UTIGN NQ. ��,�,,, A R���!�.UT'lQi� T� ��V�RTl�� FQR SID� �� IT R��Q�.V�R Iby th� G�un�l1 �f �h� Glty c�fi Frlcll�yt �� fallcw�; 1. Th�t i� ta ln tha In��r��x e1` th� Cixy �Q �ward bld �Qn�ract� fRr �h� followtn� it�ms or ma��r1�1�; � 1^��amplst� Qutdcac�r Warnin9 Syskem can�isting c�f �1x (G� Alr Warnin� Sirens and �appurt�nanfi �qulpm�nt. I,�bor and materials t� install s�id Ou�door Air , W��nin� aystem � . r � " �. Pl��S�D ANR ADc�RTER iH I S RAY �DF `. ° � 19�� �Y TH� �ITY �oUN�II. �TTE�To CiTY Gt,�R� Marvin C, �r+�n��l t 0 MAYQR ���k 0, KtPkh�m � �1 � ' C , r RESOLUTZON N0. ?��' �SOT,U�IQ�' Q�DER�NG IM�RQV�i� �iA �'I�A�'. PT�NS ANA �P�C�F�CA'��QNS ANA �S���ES QF' CQSTS �Tt�OF: ;_�z�}tr�'� ��.�v�:�r P�o��c� s�'� 1�7o.,i ��,�;�v�L�'� #� % �� • ���� R��salt��ica� No, �67--1969 �dq�t�d �'h� �-; t1"1 da.y o�' Septemb�r, 1y69 ' k1y �h� ��,ty �au���l# �s� t�� d��� ��� hea��.�� �� �,�,�; �x�pc�s�d imgxQVe��n�a, as �pe�3,m �'i,�����r �pt�d �.a� �h� �T���.�� of I�e�r#�n� at�tached k��x�to ��ar r�f�x�r��a �a �hibi� "qn� �r�d �I' , � W'k�F�S� �].� �f �ha p��g�r�y aw��xe wha�� �xap�r�y i� l�.�bl� ta b�a a�ae�aod �r�th th� �ki�� v� tk��s� �.mgrQV�m��,�a (as �nQted �.n �a�d �TR�i��a w�r� givsr� t�x� �(�0? daya �Q�ic� t�y ma�.l a�d publ�,ah�d n�t�.Ge o� �h� �4u�n�i.1 I�aaring thxough twQ (�) w�a'�1y �ubl�,�a�ion� v� t�� arequ�.red no�ia�, and �h� t��3axit�g w�s he�d ax�d Che prapexty c7wt��x'� kteaacd th�r�v� �t Gh� haar�.n$, a� x�ated in said natice, �if?W, ����Ft�, �� I� ��OI�V�I�, by the CQUnai.], oP �h� Ci�y .o� �r�.dl�y, Anvk+� Cqu�t�'� Mim'��ac►ta� a+� follcrws : , 1. Th�� �he ,�ol�pwi'�g improveme.nts p�oposed by Gpun�i]. �eap�.u��.ot� No. �.�7-�.969 are hereby orde�ed to be e#'���ted and complete�i �� �oon as xeason.ablY possible, to-wit; ' ' ., ' � � ' �'he iu��a.�QV�m,ents as �,oted ux�c�er th� Con��ructie�n �tem �.� tt�e �otic� Qf �Ieax�.ng ( �.n �'ac��.bi�t �'�," ) �'ox �he �'c���.ow�n� ���e'�t s 3�d. Stree�ti 57tY� Avenue �0 5�th P3.aoe �. �at W�xk �o �� g�xf�x�a�d ande� th�� pxv jec� ma� be p�r�c�rra��d undex oaa �r �c►xe �o���aC�s as �,ay bs deemsd adv���b1� up4t� xec��.�t a� b�d�, ' �. ',�h�� �'h� City �,`ngineer, Nasim M„ Qurest�i and, �ity of k'rld�ey� s Conq��,.� '��.'".R ���a�e%� a,r� �er�rb� dei����:���.d a� ��b�+ ���.F��rRirs .{,Qx th�,e im;iriav„� f�xtt, �hay �hal� px���are �i�.al p1,a,�$ and �pec��i.c�,��,c�.� ��� th�a tnal�it� cr� �uc� impx�ovem�n�, � I�P,�D �X �HE �OUN��� Q�' ',� C��'Y QF FR�D��Y '�TS �,,,,,�,,,� AAY OA' � � �� � � � , �9��. ' ' ATT$S�� �I� ' ���X' QT+��IC - Marv �� _�� axuns Q 11 �tAY9R � Jaei� 0. Kixkham , RESOLUTION N0. ' 1969 A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM THE STATE AID FUIVD TO THE 1968 STREET FUND . WHEREAS, expenses in�the amount of $30,726.22 were incurred in the improvement of Trunk Highway #47 West Service Drive from P�1ercury Drive to 67th Avenue, and WHEREAS, assessments were levied in the amount of $15,753.09 less $720.04, NOW, THEREFORE, SE IT RESOLVED, that $15,693.17 be iransferred from the seal coat revolving account in the state aid fund to 1968-3 Street Improvement Project. � BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the transfer of �3,920.83 from the General Fund to the 1968 Street Fund for the General Fund's share of the sidewalk project is hereby confirmed. � PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS - DAY OF 1969. ATTEST: ITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsel 0 MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham '�4 �FP��N�NT TQ �� M.A,UE BY COU��I� QCTO�ER 2A, 19b� _.-T-,.--�.-�. �'R�A�Y �'��KS �NA i�C�,EAT�ON CQI�iTSST4�t �#PF?� �F .� TQ TtEPLACE Richard Dpn��.c� 477 Rice �x�e�k Terrace �z�dley, Mi,nn, 55�+32 (Resigned �ept, 17, 1969) �5 .:.��. ExP..�. 12��1-7R ' Q., � n �� ` r�� ' . �1 r V�� , � i � ' ' ' ' ' , 1 � October 14, 1969 Mayor Jack 0. Kirkham `7f - � � � � � � ry ; 7 ' I regret to inform you that I must resign fram the Plots and ' Plats, Strcets sud Utilities Subcommittee effective October 14, 1969. I am in the process oP selling my hame and will be moving to aaother community. ' 3incere],y Yours, ����� � Donald M. Battex�san sz � ' C L A T M S GEN�RAL �,IQUOR , 19474 � � 96,�p 3770 � 3829 ,fj � _,. _.. .. �� LICE1ti;�FS 'IO ��t'rROVEi1 t�.T TH� 0���3E'�, �0, 1969 COUNCIL �TING PIJBLIC DRINI{ING ;='��� �andee � s :,afe 61+90 Cer�tral rlve. Id,L. Fxidley, I�,innesota CIGt.;�TT� Kandy �upe:ette 6353 University Fridley� Minnesot& �ircle � �uperette b319 Hwy. #65 Fr►�.dley, p�.innesota Cixc].e S, ->uperette 6483 University Fridley� �`linnesota FOQD ESTABLISHMENT Ha�dy �uperette 6353 Ux�3.vsrs�ty Hve Fr�dl.ey� Minnesota Cj,r�l� S Supexette 63�.9 � #6� Fa�.d�,ey, Nt.�nnesota G�.rcle a �ttt axette 6�.83 University Ave. Fridley, Minnesota : lo'm. weiss Aavid �chw�-,raeh �elma Lou �tarana-v �Te].ma Lou Staranax �av3d achwap��ach Velma I�ou �ta�anav Ve7arna Lou �taranav � � �4F;•`.;U1��iDEU FOIt APF'ROVAL BY Chief of FoLi,ce Henith Inspector Chi�i� of F'olice Chie� o� Fo].iGe Chiaf oP Police �ealth ��nspeator Health Inspector Hsalth In���ct�ox� �• Or F StiLE BY Handy �'u.l erette 63�3 University Ave, llavid �chwap�ach Fridley, r3nnesota � Ci.rc�:e S �ur,erette Velma Lou Staranav 6319 Hwy. #65 � �'ridley, t:innesota Circle � �ucerette � 61�83 University i�ve, yelma Lou �tax��nav Fridley, i•�innesota. kUBBISH :ICKUF , Lofgren �ana.tition �ervice 9�00 �'lan�ers _ Harland i,ofgren Sla.ine, ���innesota Jetline ''ervice - 3817 Xylon Ave. RT. John Barclay N:innea.polis, i��innesota � Takin� oTer Gallugher°s �ervice PAGE 2 LIC�T��SES - �`� i�.EC0i�1��I�DED FOR APFRO�laL BY He21th Inspector Chief of Police Chief of Fo7a.ce Health Insgector Nealth Inspector Chief of Folice Chief of Police � Hea.l�h InsFector Chief of Folice � Health Insrector � �� � so ' MULTIPLE DWELLING LICENSE TO BE APPROVED October 20, 1969 September 1, 1969 to September 1, 1970 I, NAME ADDRESS UNITS FEE Sidney Dahl i,. 6551 - 2nd St. N. E. 6551 - 2nd St. N. E. 4 10.00 Fridley, Minnesota �� ' ' � ' � , ' , I � � � __ 81 LIST OF CONTRACTOR'S LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL AT THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 2�, 1969 GENERAL CONTRACTOR APPROVED BY Par�henon Const. Go. 4744 Grand Avenue So. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: F.A. Hansen NEW Bldg, Insp. J. T. Ranger Inc. 10823 Hanson 81vd. Coon Rapids, Minnesota By: J. T, Ranger NEW Bldg. Insp. American Builders 1201 West Broadway Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Dave Ostraw NEW B1dg. Insp. �STIM�'T�S TO BE APP����� gy COUNCIL OCTOBER 20, 1969 Arcon Construction Company Mora, Minnesota Partial Estimate ��5 Street Improvement Project 1969-1 Partial Estimate 4k4 Street Improvement Project ��6�-2 Unsco, znc. 3307 Highway No. 100 Minneapolis, Minn. 55422 Partial Estimate ��1 for work completed this date, for the construction of Water Improvement Project �k94 (Well House �k2), according to contract Comstock & Davis, Inc. Consulting Engineers 1446 County Road " S' Minneapolis, Minnesota �54�� For furnishing r��ident ins�ection and resident supervision for the staking out of the construction work for the £ollowing projects: Partial Estimate ��2 - Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project 4�91 from September 1, 1969 through September 26, 1969 Partial Estimate �k2 - Water Improvement Project ��94 from September 1, 1969 through September 26, 1969 Partial Estimate �k4 - Street Improvement Project Number 1969-2 from September 1, 1969 through September 26, 1969 Partial Estimate �k6 - Street Improvement Project Number 1969-1 from September 1, 1969 through September 26, 1969 Sanitary Sewer, Water & Storm Sewer Improvenent Project �k90 from September 1, 1969 through September 26, 1969 (Partial Estimate ��6) ' $ 3,324.62 23,988.96 $ 5,649.43 d $ 333.04 71.28 770.�1 320.50 425.57 �2 �TO � Fridley Citq Council 6 31 Univers ty venue; 1T.�. Minneapolis, Minnesota `J l l PLYWOOD MINNESOTA, INC. 3737 E. RIVER RD. (Marshall N.E.) MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 55421 Phone: 788-9666 II � UBJECT: DATE: 10/9/69 FO{.D " We �Oant to thank you and e�ress our approval of the new speed limit on _ � East River Road which was increa-se� rom m.p:fi. to�3 m.p. . � . �i ' -� As you see, ourTiui'I3�g is com�g a ong very we ,�F�iou-gFi ?-s�il2�'fi�n pilasters are not as nice as a straight line would have been. However, , my wife maintains,t at a put-in t�ie p asters mys�an you ns s e � on the straight line, I would have liked the pilaste�rs�best. I� ` �^ Very; uly yours, _--- -- -- -- – --- _ _ — _ �_ � ' �----- - ���EksE �2EPL-� °L:' .-____._�, SIGNED �' Cc: Anoka County Highway Dept. Anoka County Courthouse , E . Mai.n � Anoka, Minnesota � FOLD - , Bos ' DATE .. _ � . , SIGNED . . . . _ �. T :� ,r � iNi� _?.. Cn,.�,�;� '�u� %�^�:� �.�:' r ��' kt_-"Y � � ' I ' � � . � C' � ' ' � ' ' -. �I � �_ I � ��I, ' �� ' • NORTHERN PACI�IC R�41L1f3/AY COMPANY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT J. P. ?ITUS District Engineer Minnesota Disfrict St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 F. A. KEM.PE Disfrict Engineer Yellowstone Dis+rict Fargo, Morth Dakota 58102 D. PEINOViCH Dis+rict Engineer Idaho District Spokane, Washington 99204 J. N. BONE Distriet Engineer Pacific District Seaftle, Washingfon 98104 T•Ir. I,�asi:n 2i. �ureshi, City Ln�ineer CiL-y of Fridley I'ridley, Tiinnesota Dear IIr. Qures:�i : September 29, 1969 5-23 ' �4 D. H. SHOEMAKER Chief fngineer 5+. Paul, Minnesofa 55101 5. H. BARLOW Engineer Maintenanee of Way St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Ple�se reier to our ciscussions on i�1�y 22, 1969,. con�ernin� t���o pronosed nec•r �rade crossin�s of tlie I3orthern Pacifi� and G-reat Northern ��ain lines at 7ith Street anci E3rd Street in the City of �ridley, 1-Iinneso�a. SJe liave thoro�a�izlt� investi�ate�l these proposed crossin�s, ��Ti11C�1 are t�ro oi �iie four. �rossin�s wiii�h r•;ere rec�uested in late 19u7. The F,ailti��ay Co��pznyf s attitude was e:�n;-essed in tii� iiearing before ttie Pui�lic Service Cor.�:�ission on ��:u�ust 1, 19G7 and in the oral arUu�:!ent be€ore the Public Servfce Co:�nission on Januar5 5, 196�. Tae Public Service Coru�aission deniec? ttie City►s petition for authori�;r to es�ablzsh cne four ;cade crossings, and it �aill therefore be ne�essGly for a reversal of that decision before any of these four crossings could be �onsider�d. ;1e �.not•7 of no reason io� tae T_:ailwati� Co:��any to chan�e its aL-titude as tl�en ex�ressed. 0 J�T : srn cc o tlr. D. H. Shoema'cer t�r. D. ,i. I,in� tir. R. 0. Ha:�::�ers�rom Iir. I.. B. I:rencel 2Ir. n. A. Juba iir. G. J. Fe.^..i1L1di7T1 I ' • . Very truly ;�ours, , � �l/ ,, I ;;�, �.%,_;� � �,, Distri�t Engineer PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF FRIDLEY MONTHLY REPORT - SEPTEMBER 1969 STREET DEPARTMENT HOURS 1. Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 2. Grading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3. Miscellaneous Street Work . . . . . . . . . . . 184 4. Patching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 772 5. Shop Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 6. Signs and Barricades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 7. Equipment Repairs - Street . . . . . . . . . . . 270 WATER DEPARTMENT 1. Filtration Plant Operations . . . . . . . . . . 144 2. Fina2 Readings and Coliections . . . . . . . . . 71 . 3. Hydrant Repairs and Flushing . . . . . . . . . . 202 4. Miscellaneous Water Work . . . . . . . .�. . . . 14'� 5. Pumphouse Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 6. Standpipe Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7. Valve Inspections and Repairs . . . . . . . . . 3 8. Water and Sewer Inspections . . . . . . . . . . 26 9. Water Meter Inspections and Repairs ...... b8 10. Water Turn-ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 11. Watermain Breaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 12. Watermain Taps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 13. Equipment Repairs - Water . . . . . . . . . . . 26 SEWER DEPARTMENT 1. Lift Station Inspections and Repairs ...... 90 2. Manhole Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 3. Miscellaneous Sewer Work . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 4. Sanitary Sewer Cleening . . . . . . . . . . . . 329'� 5. Sanitary Sewer Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . 62 6. Equipment Repairs - Sewer . . . . . . . . . . . I7 STORM SEWER DEPARTMENT � 1. Catch Basin and Stomn Sewer Cleaning ...... 13 2. Miscellaneous Storm Sewer Work . . . . . . . . .� 36 � � � � , i Page �ao PUBLIC WOEZKS DEPARTMENT MONTHLY I�I'ORT - SEPTEMBE�t 1969 MISCELI�N�OiJS t��°y1��� 1. Fire Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2. Flood Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 3. Funeral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4. Holiday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 S . Labor Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6. Park Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82'� 7. Sick Leave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SO � o Sicie�aalk by �? ¢?� ��h���. o o , a �6 9. Vacations . . . . . . e . . . . . . a . . � e o 136 10. Voting Booths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO 11. Weekend Duty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 12. Equipment Repairs - Administration . . . . . . . 5 13. Equipment Repairs - Assessor . . . . . . . . . . 13 14. Equipment Repairs - Engineering . . . . . . . . 5 15. Equipment Repairs - Fire Department ...... 59� 16. Equipment Repairs - Liquox Stores .. o.. m. 4 17. Equipffient Re�a�ir� - P�rk Dep�����:s�+� ...... 63 18. Equipment Rep��t�s - Police �eg��xt�nent ..,.. 69 0 ' ' ' LJ � ' i� � ' ' , ' City of Fridley, Minnesota Office of the Bnilding Inspector TOPIC: I�NTHI.Y RLPORT Ta THE CITY MANAGER SEPTEI�ER 1969 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Residential Residential Garages Alterations � Additiona Multiple Dwellings Cammercial Industrial Municipal Churches & Schools Hospitals Signs - Mov ing NUMBER OF PERMITS ISSUED 1969 1968 THIS YEAAS LAST YFAB SE� ER SEPTE��ER_ TO D�l►T$ _ TO D�A1= 4 16 87 138 15 13 90 82 21 9 108 97 1 0 3 4 � 1 13 8 1 2 11 8 1 � 1 1 0 � 1 � 0 � 1 � � 2 30 19 p p 10 2 50 43 355 359 OTHERS Heating 26 18 232 237 Plumbing 24 25 220 230 8lectrical 34 34 416 416 84 77 868 883 � Residential $ Residential Garages Alteratioas & Addition$ ' Multiple Dwelli.ngs Cosrmercial Induatrial Municipal ' Churches & Schools Hospitals Signs 1 Moving $ ' ' ' ESTIMA'1'�:D VALUATION OF $UILDING PERMITS ISSUED 123,000 $ 339,500 $ 2,063,250 $ 2,999,100 29,312 18,470 169,457 139,429 56,915 9,200 ' S02,886 395,527 25,000 0• 1,625,000 388,000 0 1,750,000 851,500 2,203,860 170,000 70,000 3,386,000 1,650,700 11,413 0 11,413 94,000 p p 800,000 0 p 0 500,000 0 2,490 850 20,805 22�970 p p 3 200 700 418,130 $ 2,188,020 $ 9�933,511 $ 7,894.286 1�NTHI.Y REPORT TO THE C ITY MANAGER SEPTE[�8R 1969 NUMBER OF LICENSE CURRENTLY IN EFFECT AND LICENSE FEES COLLHCTED�TO UATE �pE NiTMBER FEES COLI.FCTED BLACKTOPPING 9 $ 135 EXCAVATING 22 330 GAS 34 850 GENERAL 91 2,275 HEATING 46 690 �OUSE 1�VING 2 15 MASONRY 25 ' 375 OIL HEATING b 90 PLASTERING 6 90 ROOFING 2 30 SIGNS i7 425 260 $ 5,305 ' PERMIT FEES 1969 1968 THIS YEAR LA3T YFAR PERZ�ILT NUI�ERS TYPE SEPTE�ER SEP1'�IBER 1�0 IIiATE TO Ik�►1'E ' �10�384-�10,434 BUILDING $705 $18,124 $23,553 $37,334 #7923 -�7956 ELECTRICAL 527 650 13,317 9,054 ' �4576- ��4601 HEATYNG 1 1 ,69 405 8,947 14,261 ' �5003- �5026 PL1JI�ING 857 475 7,848 7,929 3IGNS 145 86 743 676 ' $3,925 $19, 740 $54,408 $69,254 � ' ' ' � 1 � � 8-79 (REV. 11-3-64) (Standard Form of the International Association of Chiefs of Police) {Copies avoiiable ot Federul Bureau of Imestigotion, Washington, D. C. 20535) CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT POLICE DEPARTMENT cicY �c _ Fridley n,,ontt, of Ser�ember , ts�Z2 TABLE ].--DISTRISUTlON OF PERSONNEL Avernge Doily Percent Daily Average Daily Numerical $trength Absence Absence Temporary Details Average Effective $tre�gth _ ._----- --- End of �arnemonth SRmemonth Samemonth Samemonth � Same month this month last year This monlh last year 'I'his month last yean 'Chis montf lqst yeat This rr�onth Last month last year z�ot�t pPr�o�,r,f.�. � 27 �2 7.3� � 7.72 �� � .63� � 11�.bb z.z2 � 1k.28 Chfef's office . � � Recotds bureau . � Unlformed force , �� �� � Detective bureau � 2 � Ttafflc bureau . � � F'i^st re11Af . . . �J 6 . � �. .. � . . . . . . l� p • Second relief . , � - � � � Third rellef . . . - � �. . . . _ � . . � � . . . . . . . � - . TABLE 2.--CHANGES IN PERSONNEL TABLE 3.--DAILY AVERAGE PATROL STRENGTH 1. Present for duty end of last month . . . . . . . . . . `?�_ Same month This month last year � 2. Recrulted durinq month � . . . . . . . . . . . . . �. . . . ' � - � � � - � - � � � ' � � - � . _ _ 22 22 3. Reir.stated durinq month . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 1. Total number of patrolmen . �. . . . . . . � � Total to nccount for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 2. Less perrnanent �asslqnments (publir. � � . � � � offices, clerical, chauffeurs, etc.) . . . 4. Separations from the setvlce: �. 3. Less details to special squads or bu- , � � � reaus (traff2c, vtce, park, etc.) . . . . . . (p) Voluntary reslqnation .., . . . . � .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 9, Avernqe daily absences of patrolmen �(b) Rettrement on pension .... asslqned to patrol duty owinq to: � • (a) Vaca!lqn, suspenslon, rest. . 6.63 6��6 (c) Resiqned wlth chcrqes pendlnq . � � days, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (d) Dropped durtnq probatlm . . . �71 �23 . (b) Sick and Sn)ured . . . . . . ... . . . . � . �e) Dlsmissed for causA . . , . . . . . - .63 (f ) Y.illed ln llne of duty . . . . . . � (c) Tempo:ary detalls . . . . . . . . . . _ i4) Deceased . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � - . 'I'otnl separations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O Total average daily absences , , � o�� �� r 2 5. Present for duty at end of month . . . , . . . . . . . � ( 5: Avallable for patrol duty . . . . . . . . . . ��.66 �} ��O T��LE 4-- CRI�°V�E I�VD�� Af�D PO�.ICE ACTIVfTY TRENI? OFFENSES KNOWN TO 7HE POLICE CHANGE CURRENT YEAR V5. LAST YEAR CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES V5. SAME MONTH VS. SAME PERIOD (PART I CLASSES) REPORTED OR ACTt/AL ACTUAL THIS LAST YEAR LAST YEAR KNOWN UNFOUNDED OFFENSES YEAR TO DATE THISMONTH THISMONTH NUMBER PERCENT NUMBER PERCENT la. MURDER AND NONNEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER 2. FORCIBLE RAPE TOTAL !L o. RAPE BY FORCE b. ASSAULT TO RAPE . ATTEMPTS ' �. 3. ROBBERY TOTAL 2 2 L�. a. ARMEb - ANY WEAPON 2 8 b. 57RONG-ARM • NO WEAPON 4. AGGRAVATED ASSAUL7 TOTAL 1, o. •GUN b. KNIFE OR CUTTING INSTRUMENT c. OTHER DANGEROUSWEAPON ' d. HANDS, FI57, ETC. - AGGRAVATED 1 5. BURGLARY T07AL 2Z Z�. �.23 � a. FORCIBLB ENTRY 2� `��. 1,24� ' b. UNLAWFUL ENTRY • NO FORCE c. AT7EMPTED FORCIBLE ENTRY �, 6. LARCENY - THEFT (except auto theft) 3� 3� 2�F9 n. S50 AND OVER IN VALUE ' 7. AUTO THEFT S 5 3� CRIME INDEX TOTAL 16. MANSLAUGHTER BY NEGLIGENCE be. OTHER ASSAULTS • NOT AGGRAVATED i �j 66. LARCENY, UNDER 550 IN VALUE 1 fjO1 PART i TOTAL �-I�.�. 1-�F1+ a-�97- 70TAL PARTIIINCIDENTS ...............�.��/ ..............................�. gjr(/4�..... TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS NONCRIMINAL CALLS . .�Of2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V.(. ( � . . . . TOTAL CALLS FOR POCICE SERV(CE . . . . . . . �,SQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �Q�.7J✓. . . . . AUTOMOBiLES RECOVERED (A) NUMBERSTOLEN LOCALLY AND RFCOVERED LOCALLY .............................. ............... - 2 (B) NUMBERSTOL�N LOCALLY AND RECOVERED BY OTHERJURISDICTIONS ................................... _ 2 (C) TOTAL LOCALLYSTOLEN AUTOSRECOVERED ..................................................... �� (D) NUMBEfjSTOLEN OUT OFJURISDICTION,RECOVERED LOCALLY ...................r.....................- 1 TA�LE 5-- VALl1� OF P�:UP��TY S�'OLE�! �.�i�3 �tECO�dER�D VALUE Of PROPERTY YALUE OF PROPERTY TOTdI VALUE OF yALUE OF PROPERTY OFFENSE �AWE OF PROPERTY STOLEN LOCALLY STOIEN LOCALLY STOLEN OTHER STOLEN LOCALLY AND RECOVEREQ ANORECOVERED 8Y LOCALLYSTOLEN JURISDICTIONS LOCALIY OTHERJURISDICTION PROPERTY RECOVERED RECOVERED LOCALLY ROBBERY 2 Bt1RGLARY n LARCENY E3 O•� % 2.1./ �OO 32�.7�00 AUTOTHEFT •2 OO 2 OO OOO.�O 2 •OO OO.00 rorA� 26,340.94 6512.00 �000.o0 1o,5�z.00 � 300.00 0 TA�lE 6 - - OFFCI�SES CLEAR�D �Y �RREST year to da�e (include e�c�ptional clearances) NUMBER OF OFFENSES PERCENT OF OFFENSES CLEARED BY ARREST CLEARED BY ARREST CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES TOTAL CLEARED BY ARREST OF TOTAL C•LEARED BY ARREST OF (PAR7 I CLASSES) PERSONS UNDER 18 PERSONS UNDER 18 THIS 1A57 THIS LAST THIS LAST THIS LAST YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR l. CRIMfNAL HOMICIDE a. MURDER AND NONIJEGLIGENT MANSLAUGH7ER b. MANSLAUGHTER BY NEGLIGENCE 2. FORCIBLE RAPE TOTAL 2 1 a. RAPE BY FORCE b. ASSAULT 70 RAPE - AT7EMP7S 3. ROBBERY TLITAL z �. a. ARMED • ANY WEAPON b. STRONG-ARM - NO WEAPON 4. ASSAULT TOTAL 5O %� 1'�- 1'3 o. GUN b. KNIFE OR CU7TING INSTRUMENT c. 07HER DANGEROUSWEAPON d. NANDS, FISTS, FEET, ETC. • AGGRAVATED Z • e. OTHER ASSAULTS • NO7 AGGRAVATED �O c{.( �-�- 1.3 5. BURGLARY TOTAL I.O I.O 13. I} o. FORCIBLE ENTRY _� j b. UNLAWFUL ENTRY • NO FORCE c. ATTEMPTED FORCIBLE EN7RY 6. LARCENY - 7HEFT (EXCEP7 AUTO THEFT) 3� � I2 I} o, S50 AND OVER IN VALUE b. UNDER 550 IN VALUE 33g 25� �-3� -�*� ( 7. AUTO 7HEFT 5 �3 � 1-0 ^ GF�AND TOTAL %�3 350 163 169 T��LE 7-- P��SO�IS �4t��:ESiED, C��t�CED AND DISP�SED OF DU�I�G IVIONTH ARRESTS PERSONS COURT DISPOSITIONS THIS MONTH + PORMALLY (INCLUDE RELEASED NO FORMAL CHARGE) �HARGED ADULTS GUILTY ACQUITTED REFERREDTO I UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES , TNIS OR JUVEN�LE i MON7H OF OF OTHERWISE COURT " � TOTAL OFFENSE . LESSER DISMISSED JURISDICTIONI JUVENILES ' ADUL7S TOTAL CHARGED OFFENSE � 1. CRIMINAL HOMICIDE: o. MURDER AND N04NEGLIGENT MANSl.AUGHTFR b. MANSLAUGHTER BY NEGLIGENCE � 2. FORCIBLE RAPE t 3. ROBBERY I 4, AGGRAVATED ASSAULT I i. BURGLARY - BREAKIMG OR ENTERING � 6, IARCENY • THEFT (EXCEPT AUTO THEFT) �j �} I 7. AUTO 7HEFT 8. OTHER ASSAULTS (RETURN A• 4e) 2 � TOTAL - PART I CLASSES ,� �i I THtS YEAR 70 DATE 2� `�� � Q �j 2 2 6 � LA57 YEAR TO DATE 22S lO 2 1 � 1 �,�j PERCENT CNANGE j 9. ARSON 10. FORGERY AND COUNTERFEITING � 11. FRAUD 12. EMBEZZLEMENT 13. STOLEN PROPERTY; BUYING, RECEIVING, POSSESSING 14. VANDALISM 1 ], ' 15, WEAPONS; CARRYING, POSSESSING, ETC. I I 16. PROSTI7!l710N AND COMMERCIALlZED VICE • 17. SEX OFFENSES (EXCEPT 2 AND 16) I 18. NARCO7IC DRUG LAWS 19, GAMBLING + 20. OFFENSES AGAINST THE FAMILY AND CHILDREN � 21. DRIVING UNDER THE INPLUENCE �_ 22. LIQUOR LAWS ]. 22 1 ],1 ], 23. DRUNKENNESS 1 24. DISORDERI,Y CONDUCT 3 7 lO � 5 2 I. � 25. VAGRANCY ` ]. 1 1 ]_ + 16. ALL OTHER OFFENSES (EXCFPT TRAFFIC) ]_� ].,Z � $ I TOTAL - PART II CLASSES 1-�- �Q ��- 4b 34 6 6 + THIS YEAR TO DATE ; LAST YEAR TO DATE 1`� � �. O 2 II� g 1.12 2 i PERCENT CHANGE TRAFFIC ARRESTS THIS MON7H PNYSICAL CUSTODY ARRESTS WARRANTSSERVED . 1. CITATIONS ISSUED ]1 1 g � 2 2 ]1 TOTAL TRAFFIC ARRESTS AND CITATIONS �-�' 7y 9U `1� 76 3 11' . � ' . a-�9a (Rev. 10-21-65) � � ' , � ' ' ' ' ' ' , , ' �_ � , Police Department c;cy ot' Fridl�v CONSOLIDATED �4UPaTHLY REPORT TRAFFIC SUMMARY Month of _�s?nt-��'_�eT' , 19� TABLE l. ACCIDENT SUMMARY This Month Year to Date This Year Last Year o�o Change This Year Last Year o�o Change Accidenf Total 1�5 1+a +Z2 5�2 3�7 -f'24 Fatal 1 �, Personal InjurY �.g 1.6 �� 2 208 158 -f�3Z Property Damage ' 25 21r -{-/,�, 2�d 225 -F'2�j. Pedestrian 2 + �_3 3 -f- TABLE2. ENFORC�M�NTSUMMARY This Month . Year to Date This Year Last Year o�o Change This Year Last Year o�o Change Traffic Totai 89 1.01 —lz 1253 ��-7 +53 Hazardous Violations 5g b7 -�� 73z ��36 -+-67 Other Violations I.$ �2 -f-5� 3%% 2Zg +59 Parking 6 2� —%� �.�.1. �2 —�. DtiVI • 2 -t� 27. -1- - Accident Arrests and Citations TABLE 3. COMPARATIVE SUh1MARY OF TRAFF;C ACCIDENTS 7his Month Year to Date � This Year Last Year o/o Change This Year Last Yea: o% Change Total Accidents �Z %�.0 -f-12 502 3�'j' +29 Fatal Accidents ]. 1 ' Pecsons Killed ]. ]_ Injury Acciden!s lg 1% +1.2 20$ 158 -F31 Persons Injured 22 21 '+'�. 36� 2�72 +37 Pedestrians Killed Pedestrians Injured 1 'F � 3 -I- Hit and Run Accidents 9 (� -�50 �j2 �j� .}- Cleared by Arrest 2 -}-5Q Cleared - No Areest $ 5 -¢EjQ 1+2 Ja,3 —3 Total Cleared g 6 '+60 1}5 ia.5 TABLE 4. COtJ�PARATIVE SUMMARY ACCIIiENTS AND ENFOR�EM�Pi7 (By Hour of Day and Day of Week) Monday Tuesday Wednesday 7hursday Fridoy Saturdny Sundoy Citation Citation Citation Citation Citation Ciiation Citation Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Time dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest 12 M ' � 1:00 3 1' 2:00 3:00 4:00 �- 5:00 1. ' 6:00 1. �:oo � 2 s:oo �- 9:00 10:00 1, 11:00 �- 12 N 1. 2 1:00 2:00 1 1 s:oo 1 3 � 1 4:00 5 5:00 2 �' s: o0 2 1 �:oo s:oo 1 2 1 9:00 1 1 io:oo ti:oo 2 Note: "Citation and Anest" column should include aII traffic citations and arrests made during each hour period except parking citations. - . I � ' �J � LJ � L J ' ' � � ' � � ' � ' � ' ' , TABLE 5. CQl:1rsARA1'IVE SUPAMARY OF ENFQP.CEMENT (By Violation) This Month Year to Date This Year Last Year This Year Last Year o o Change x���aou, v�ol�c�ons Totai 65 69 765 457 +b7 Dw� � 7 z 33 21 +57 Speeding 31 3i� �.8z zl3 + Reckless Driving 2 � 2 + Careless Driving 3� �i" 51' 2g i-�? Traffic Signal � $ g $i 53 '�52 Stop Sign 3 g 29 3� �4 Other Regulatory Sign �" 3 �"2 � 9 '�33 Improper Passing 1+ 2 + Improper Turning 1- 1 g $ '�'�2 Right of Nay - Vehicle �' 6 7 �15 Right of Way - Pedestrian • Following Too Closely 1. -i- � No or Imp:oper Signal Improper Start from Parked Position Improper Backing 1 2 — Improper Lane Usage 2 1 22 Failure to Drive - Right �- � Defective Equipment 3 7 1-9 5� —3� Other Hazardous Violation �► � �-$ 9 '� Other Violations Total �-�' 12 31+7 �-g +59 Parking Violation Total 6 2U � �-�F2 �1 MOTOR VEHICLES Uz�it�# Unii��� Unit�`� Unit��# Uni�# Unita� 39 1�1 �+2 �.3 44 Milea� 4��+1 � 2ok6 3753 6�55 6337 919 Thia Month G�9 515.1 �-96. �3 471.1, 753 .3 735.3 �3 .3 MPG 9.4 14. !� g.0 g.6 g.b 11.0 Thia Yc�aa� Eq ui�ent & i�arn�.�; Tags g0 g�2 Septe�;iber 19 69 Expant�e l�'70�5 55.28 I 193.70 369.1{1 221.1+0 20.55 C�i 003� .02'� .Os2 .057 .03 � .022 RESOLUTION NO. � 1969 A RESOLUTY4N C�RTI�'YING CHARGES TO THE COi7NTY �UDITOR TO S� L�V��D AGAINST CERTAiIQ PRO�ERTIES FOR COLLECTiON WITH THE T�XES PAYt�.BLE IN 19 70 WHEREAS, a nuisance cond�.�ion has been found to �xist on the lots �isted below, � ' WHLREAS, the owner o� such property was given no��ice to abate such nuisance, and WHEREAS, the owner of such property did not aba�e such nuisance and the Ci�,y oi: Fridley, under authority ot Section 1�5.23 Minnesota State 5ta�ute of 1953 did there�.ore aba�e the nuisance at a total cost of $20.00. NO�tJ, THER�1�'ORE B� IT RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Auditor ior coll.ection wi'ch the taxes payable in 1970, the charg�es �s listad below: � Lot� 1 and 2, Block 32, Hyde Park $ 21.60 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CI�'Y COUNCiL OF THE CITY OF FRSDLEY THIS Y` DAY OF ' � �1'�� �i/�! ' , 1.969 . � MAYD?'. - Jack O. I:irkham A�:�l'i;S`1'. Cl�'Y CLERK - Nl�rvin C. Brunsell