01/13/1969 - 00019738�� ,�
Mayor Harris Pro tem called the S�ecial Publ�_c Iiearing MeeL-in�a os"
January 13, 1969 to order at 8:05 P.M.
Mayor Harris Pro tem requested the audience �c� scand and ;oin ihe
Council in saying the pledge of AlleSiance L-o �he Plag.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Lieb1, Harris, Samuelscn
MEMB�RS ABSENT: Kirkham, Sheriaan
Mayor Harris Pro tem �aid that there was one additional zcem he
� would like to add: Item 6A: A requesL- �or assistance -=rom the
garbaqe haulers to the residents r.o place their ,�arbage cans near
the driveway during ihe snow emergenc�es.
MO`PION by Councilman Ziebl to adopt ihe Agenda as amended. Se-
conded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, a11 vot_ng aye,
Mayor Harris Pro tem declared the motion carried.
Mayor Harris Pro tem read the Public Hearing Notice to zhe auGicnce.
The City Engineer explained that the reas�n �or this gro,7ect is
that the area at the wesc end of Noruon Avenue anc� norch cf the
railroad tracks gets =looded after heaw rains. Ta alleviate this
problem, the proposal is to update the size oi �he culvert running
under che zailroad trac;cs. Iie explained tha� Lhe total cos� oi
ihe pro�ect is about $30,500.00, but some oi the cost wi11 be borne
by Spring Lake Park as some of their waL-er drain,s into chis area
and 20/ of the cost wi11 be borne by Minnesota '1'ransier Railway
Company. He then showed the area on the screen �or the bene�:�.c oE
the audaence.
� Mayor Harris Pro tem called for comments �or or against the pra�ecL-.
A visitor to the Meeting said that she laves ac the encl oi Nori�on
Avenue and after the last flood her house had some damage, �n-
cluding ruining her carpeLs, without res�icution. She said thai the
�, �r
D.r^�. t?arstad Company's tanks were floatin, in the water. She ,
saic� that she wanLed to speal: in iavor aP the improvement.
Mayor IIarris Pro tem aslced iE anyone else wished to be heard.
There was no response.
MOTIODI by Councilman Samuelson to close the Public Hearing on
Siorm Sewer Uro�ect ;;89. Seconded hy Councilman Lieb1. Upon a
volce vote, all votinJ aye, Mayor IIarris Pro tem declared the
motion carrzed.
P4ayor Harris Pro tem reacz the Public Hearing No�ice to the audience,
and aslced the City Lngineer to explain the pro�ect.
mhe City Engineer showed a map showing this proposed pro�ect in
relaL-ion to the storm sewer pro�ects ad�acent to it. He said that
L-he storm sewer systems in the lower part or the City have been
up,�raded and the cost has ior the most part been equalized at a �
cosc o� between $3.00 to �3.22 per 100 square ieet. He said that
this ts a very large sL-orm sewer area and showed the boundaries on
th.e screen for che bene�iL- of the audience. He said that the
s�orm sew�r would run along 7th Street, then 68th Avenue and into
Fice Creek, with an extension into Washiniton Street to pick up
L-he intersection oi bF3th Avenue and Flashington Street. He sald
thac �his would give L-his area the same type o� facility as in
oclzer barts of the Ciiy and would be up to City standards.
i�4r. C�mscock elaborated L-hac the boundaries were determined by
ocher storm sewers a.n the area. At the south and west end oi the
pro�ecc, it abu�ts anoiher storm sewer disL-ract i.e. Storm Sewer
Pro�ect ;;5 whicYi was �ut in ln 1955 or 1956. At the narth, Rice
Cree]c lorms i.he natural i�oundary. on the east and north side,
chere is ano�her storm sewer system. He explained that in the
Rice Creelc Plats, i�he develo�er put in starm sewers, but they have
been proven inadequate. In 1962, the Council w�s petitioned to
study chis area because oE the drainaye problems. Studies were
made at that L-ime, chen in 1966 another Public Hearing was held,
but i.he people did not wanc che storm sewer. He said thai. the
criceria used �s based on a 5 year frequency. This means that i�
there ss a ilood once in 5 years, L-he storm sewer is considered �
inadequate. T�7hen Mississippi Streeet was put in, an agreement was
enL-ered �nto w�_ch Anolca County F�hereby they would put in the pipes
uncer p�ississip��i Stree�, wi�h che idea tha� eventually the
sL-orui sewer in ihe en�ire area would have to lae upgraded. �i'his
storm sewer system proposed under Storm Sewer ;;`-80 has been designed
b�r Cum�L-ocY, and Lavzs and reviewed by the Anolca County Highway
Department and the Minnesota Highway repa-rcmenc ingineers_
PAG� 3
yiayor Iiarris Pro tem read the memoraxedarn cro�e the Einance Di�ecLor
�rom che Preliminary Assessment Ro11 �o expla�n the method o=
calculation oi assessmenL-s, which ex��lained L'na� the peo1�le �n�izo
have already paid for storm sewer assessmencs ior storrn secvers �uL-
in by the developer would yet a credit.
The Finance Director said that storm s�aer assessments are general_ly�
spread over 20 years at 6% interest, ancl wou]G be levied in 1_97C.
He e�plained that i� a 1ot size was 10,000 square ieeL-, the
assessment wauld be about $330.U0 and chat credit wculd be ,iven
where due.
The Cicy Engineer said L-hat the City C�uncil has esta7ali,ahec� a
nolicy oi gettiny a11 tne starm sewers �n che City conpletad, and
equalizing paymeni as was done with the souLh end o� Fr3c�ley.
This same thin� a.s being Yraposed wit'� iro�7ect ;��4 at a rate ai
about $3.30 less eredit due. This waulcl �g�ro��imaL-e?I equal 'che
rate o� others paying in ocher parts o� �.'�e CiL-y.
Mayor Harris Pro tem explainecl that each year che City rereives
petitions �or improv�ment oF streets. � number of streeL-s patit-
ioned ior are in Pro�ecL- =(80. `rhese �aeople have been told tha4
the City cannot put in permanent streets uz�less the storm sev�ers
are pu� in first as the streets will na-c 1asc, and they may have
to be iorn up 1aL-er to puL- the storm se��rer down.
Mayor Harras Pro tem then called for cornntenLs crom the audience.
Mr. M.C. Achterkirch, 612 Rice Creek Terrace, said that he vaoulc�
like to see what this proaect includes. 2'he City Engineer pu� �Yie
map on the screen Lor him showing th� bouncaries oL the dis�ric�.
Mayor Harris Pro tem said that some oi �hese sL-reecs have heen
petitioned for. The City Engineer then showed Mr. Achterkirch jusc
what streets had been peL-ztioned for on tlze screen. Mr. AcY.4er-
kirch asked why the entire area is incluued L-hen. The City
EngineeY said that the mazns would have Lo �o tlzrough this area to
ge� to Rice Creek. Mayor Harris Pro tem pointed ouL- thac at c7ze
sL-reet hearing, thas Public Hearing was asi�ed �or as L-hese people
want their streets compleLed. Mr. Achterkirch asked if L-here was
a petition for the storm sewer. Mayor Har�is Fro L-em said no,
that the storm sewer would be ordered in by che Counci�, i� they
saw that it was a necessity.
Mr. John L. Markielder, b13 Rice C�'eek Terrace, said that mosL- o-�
the people here L-onight were here in 1966 when �hey did noc want ic.
He quesr.ioned ii the meLhods oi procuring the siudies may be wrony, ,
and ��oinL-ed ou� L-hac it is the same Consultant as in 1966. He
said thac he ltnew oi oniy one iamily north of Mississippi Street
thaL- were in ravor oi �his irnprovement.
AYr. i�aul Yagyu, 617 Rice Creek Terrace, said that he Iives on the
creek and selected a ��iece oi property which had good drainage and
cha� he ielt chaL- an addiL-ional assessment would be unjust. If
L-he people in L-he cenL-ral portion oF �ridley chose a piece oi
pra�ercy �hat was 1ow-lying, that was their choice and he did not
wanc to pay L-or cheir errors �.n judgment, and that this was the
chance they coo]c. He said that he could not see how this pro�ect
could bene'�it him anc� quesL-ianed the wisdom or running the water
lnto Rice Creelc. FIe said chac the 1asL- cime Rice Creek was dammed
up, he lost 4 trees.
Mayor Iiarris pro �em as]ced if all the water did not go int� Rice
Creek anyhow. The City En�ineer said yes, eventually. He said
tha� eveyone evenrually wiil be in one storm sewer districL- or
another and L-hat tnis is inevitable as the City continues to grow. ,
Mr. C.tZ. Swarslcy, 4J1 61sL- Avenue N.E. said that he lives on the
northu�esL- corner o� 61st Avenue and 7th S�reet and he fa�.led i�o see
how this pro�ecL would beneL-iL him. Mr, Coms�ock said that even-
cually the storm sewer would be going north. Ac the present time
chere are cwo caich basins on the corner which pick up the drain-
age and drain it onL-o pri-vate property.
t� Visr�or co ihe Meetin�j said that he did not see why the people
at tne south end sh�uld help the people in the Rice Creek Plats.
�Ir. Cams�ock said ,.ha� ii ha was not assessed under Storm Sewer i;5,
he would be assessed under -chis one.
IZr. �ohn Pin]c, 465 Rice Cree7: �Perrace said chac he was at che last
Nleeting abaut this. He questioned the legality of storing water
on cammercial privaL-e property, and would ihey be assessed. Mayor
Harris Pro tem said thaL- the law states that anyone within a dis-
L-ric� pays che same rate in any gacen storm sewer district.
Mr. James 'Phayer, 377 o6th �venue N.E. said that he has lived in
che Czcy oF Fridley 13 years. He said that the developers of
Chr�stie Addrtion pu� in starm sewers. He said that he had ca1- �
culated his assessment on l�is lot and it vrould come to $550, and
che waL-er is beincJ drained co the creek�already. Mr. Comstock
said �hat all the water which ends up as surface water, par� of ic
L-i11s in L-he Riedel property area. If a heavy raan falls there is
vondinJ as the conduic is not biy enouyh, b�<t eventually the runoii
�a �
�� r i
� yoes to Rice Creek. Ae said �hat the exiscing main would augrnenL-
the new one, so the iwo x�ipes would actua].ly act as one.
Mr. 'Phayer said that he did not ob�ect uo che storm se�aer ac cirst,
bui he cannot see where his property wou�c� be 7aene�ztted $55i3
worLh. INr. Comstock commented that it couLd r�e proven zn a court
o� law the necessity of th is storm sewer syscem.
A Visitor to the Meetinc, asked who owns che Riedel property now.
She also asked iF r.hese were exact boundar�es. Mayor t-darris Pro L-em
answered that ihese were a�groximate Uoundaries drawn for L-he
preliminary hearing. She said that ic seemed 'co her �naL- the
Riedel property owners would bene£it most.
Mr. Roberr Mepherson, 500 Bennett Drive N.3. said thaL- there are
manholes at the intersec�ion o= Bennei:c llrive ana 7th Street, 7�nL
rhey do no �ood as they stick up too ni�h, so 'chere is sti11
floodin,. If �hey were lowered, the waler could run into L-hezn.
Mr. A. Miller, 525 Bennett Drive ayreed wiL-h Uir. McPherson and
said that he had complained about this many years aga.
� Mr. Lloyd Bennethum, 369 G6th Avenue Pd.L. said that there is a
s�orm sewer at 66th Avenue and Universic,r Avenue Service Road Lha�c
was put there when University Avenue was re�amped. He said that he
could not undersLand how they could beneL-�t on 7L-h StreeL-, when
ihe water runs the other way, He said chaL- L-he water is ta7;en
care oi now since the Couniy did some work.
Mr. G.G_ Ingaldson, 6777 '7th Street N.E. asked where all the
drainage prablems are. Mr. Comstock said 'chac he had done no
work on this since 1966, buc. at that �ime chere were some iamilies
havinc� flooding prob'lems on Ra.ce Creal� ���errace. Mr. Ingalcson sazc,
chac it seemed strange tl�at this should be karoulht up now, when
no one in 4he area was aware that they were having problems. �l'he
City �nyineer said that the water i� being poncled on private pro-
perL-Yes and this is the reason the people are not havin� more
i.rouUle than they have naa. Mr, Ingaldson saicl thaL- he understoou
at the last Meetin� held on this problem, chaL a drainage area
could be creaLed at considerable less cost uut L-he reason th�s is
not being consadered is that the Council does not know how Lhe
Riedel �roperty will be developed, ana that L-here could be izic,n
, tax revenues from this property iE developed co a higher use.
Mayor Harris Pro tem agreed that there �aere alternates, Ln� L-hey
would entaal the Ciiy purchasiny a porta.on oF_ L-he Rzedei properLy
Por a retainage basin. He pointed ouL ina'c L-he hi�h cost oi L-his
propercy could make the pro,7ecc exceed i,.ze cost a� improvemenc
withaut the pondinc� area and c�oing direecly to �he creer. FIe said
that the cost af condemnacion o= a por-cion �i the Riedel �roperty
�� �� �
3s an inLan;ible amounL-. IIe said that the alternate proposal was
$180,000, but did not �nclude �he condemnaL-ion costs on the
P.zedel pro�erty.
P4r. Coms�ock said thaL- there were three proposals possible.
cl�e one before Lhe peo�le n�w, wath no ponding on the RiedeZ
�erty, L-he secand waL-h a ponding area of about 5 acres which
he about $1�5,OD0. The L-hird proposal was a pondin�� area of
10 acres which would be about $174,000. fIe added that these
are iiom t:he year Z96o and since then the cost oi la]aor and
and land has gone u��. It was estimated that the cost oi the
ln 19u6 would be abouL ;50,000 _or 10 acres.
ab out
Councilrnan Lie3�1 said 'cha� the Council is L-ully aware of the a1L-er-
nates. IIe said that L-hia area did not develop in an orderly manner,
ancf thaL- chzs district should have been started with £arethoughL-,
bu� iL- is L-oo lace £or c�xa� now. He said 'chat he telt thaL it
would be unwise {or the City co have 5 acres in the central part
o� the City used as a dum�inq ground and that this would not-be in
the l�est in�erescs o.� L-he Ci-cy, or the people to create a dttmping
�,round. He said �hai L-lze cost oc the pra�ect is not c,oing co get
any ci�eaper, and the reason L-he Council asked Comstock and Davis,
is L-hat L-hey had dane che �aork beiore, and ic would be wasteful L-o
as71 chem ta compile a new re�ort and spend a 1oc oi money on this
�,reiiminary report until �he Council had an idea if the people
were to be recep�ive to L-his idea or not. He said that he must l�e
honesc and say �hat he Pelt thal-. the dumping area in the middle o�`.
our CiLy would noL- be tio anyone's advantaJe, but that the Council
must iind some answer co �his problem as �t wi11 yet worse znstead
oi b��cer. Mr. Ingaldson said 'chat he felt that any alternate
plans should be made nub�ic. If these alternate plans are not feZt
co ba =easable by che Cotzncil,the pul�lic .�hould ]cnow this too.
A7r. Mer1e Sordahl, 575 G7�n Avenue N.y., said that when street
conscrucL-ion was startec� in £ront of his home, storm sewer pipes
arrived, anci h� did not ki�ow that there were going to be any
scorm scwer pipes la�c1. He felt that an overall view of the pro-
k�lem ��ould have co be ta;cen and educate the people. He commented
L-hat rt seemed L-hat mosL- oi the streeL-s could be put in on 68th
�venue ancl 7L-h stree� wichout i:he whole storm sewer system. The
City i,n;ineer said 'chac �here was a portion o E68th Avenue and 7th
5-creet lnat could noL- be don� and this was pointed out at the
sL-reec Public Hearing.
P�Ir. John Gabrielson, 656 63rd Avenue N.E. uaid that the Riedel
properL-y has always been a duc]c pond, and still is. He said that
he has seen no remar3cable �hange in water levels. The CiL-y Attor-
ney said ChaL- che �roner�y �„�s o�med by Emmy Riedel who has dieci,
' and the land is in probace. He said 'chac he assumed thac �he
chzldren would be the owners. The Ci�y or Fridley is ou�lettang
water onto iheir land and he said that ne had 'nad a call irom che
Riedel estate's aL-torney saying that they were �oin�j to br�ng suit
against the City of Fridley for ponding on cheir pYOperL-y. He cald
the attorney that in ihaL- case che City would have to 0o ahead
wi�h thezr proposed storm sewer proposal, zn which case Lha� pro-
p�rty would be heavily assessed. He said that the City will ;�e
iorced io condemn same land £or a reL-aynage basin Lor the excess
water eventually if this is the way out �hac is chosen,
Mr. Richard Kemper, 6736 7�h Street N.y. said chat he had signed
a petition to curb and surface 67th Avenue. He said that as che
City has a 10 year street improvement proc,ram, l�e Lelt that chey
might as well get ic done, beiore the aasts c;o even higher. H4
said that the peiition was accepted, au4 put oif because oL- che
por'�ion of siaxm sewer neeaed. He said he w�uid �us'c as saon put
it in naw,when thin]tiny of L-he costs 10 years from now. He as;:ed
when this drainage discricL- =irst star�ed ta7cinl shape. Ntr. Corn-
stack said that it s�arted when l-.he zirs-� scor,n sewer disLrict
� was put in in 1954 or 1955. Eie said 'cl�at L-his was beiore his rirra
sL-arL-ed worl:iny ior the Ci�y. FIe said L-hac Co�nscocic and Davis
started working ior che Cizy in 1959. I3e said L-hat che �irsc
casJc was L-o outline L-he s�orm sewer 2,rainage districts. He sair7
chat there was noc enouc�n money �o do a com��lete topoqraphic SL1Y-
vey, so some was done by screel- grades and soine was done be aer��al
copoyraphy. The boundary �o the sou'�hwesc s�ras establi:,hed b_y the
boundard o= Storm Sewer Pro,7ect #,�5. The nor�hern bouizdary w�s a
naLUral boundary bein� Rice Cree]c. Some oL- the prablem., n:w� are
caused by the developers o� the Rice Cree7a 1'errace Plats not
putting in large enough storm sewers, P�. I:emper said that zt
looked to him l�.ke Mississippi Street vao�_itu he a boundarp. A7r.
Comstock replied thac some areas sou'c3z ot- P�iias�sszppi Straei: run
inco Rice Creek, but the problem here is chaL- L-ha pipes are too
sma11 to carry off all the caater, hence che ��onc�ing on L-lze Riedel
properL-y. Mr. Kemper said ihat then i� a��gears i.hat this stornl
sewer district was set up without an accual survey. Mr. Comsrock
said tna� this is correct, as other s�or�n sesaer districL-s abuc
�hi� one, and any piece ai land can on1�j ae �_n one storm se�aer
district. Mr. Kemper said that it seemeu� L-hat very ie<N peo�le
compla�ned oi floodinc�, ge commented tirau the Rieael �rc�ercy
, has been a catch basin since the City e�:isted. He then askec; the
Council i� this projeci is going in. Mayoz Fiarris Pra tem saic;
that it is the policy o� rh e Council �o ove�,h c.ze iniormaLion
rec�ived, yet tYie public's opinion, tlien try �� make a�_air anc',
honest decision Por the good oi the C? cy. �Ie said thai L-here �ai.�?_
he no decasion made L-onight. This Public Sleazi.n� is jusL- io gei L-re
CiLizen's ieelin�s.
<� ;,
�>PECT��I, _�UgLIC ;S::A3:IYTG I+'iL'�1^ING OP 3I�IvUARY 13 , 1969 PAGE �
?�r. �4�_chard Nora, 6��5 [��7��sn�n�ton Stree� said ihat he was coniused
about ch� alterna�es NLr. ?nlaldson broughc up. Mr. Comstoc], L-hen
e�;*�lainec� chem again wich che costs. Mr. Nord said that we still
nave grow�h corn�ng to l.he City, buL- there au not a great deal o�
land ?ei� ava,Laple. IIe L-hen brouyhL- up L-he Engineer's criteria
usecl ca�led che 5 y�ar �requency race, and ielt that this is a
higiz cosc �o pay £or a sLorm once e�ery five years. Mr. Com�tocls
conu-nenL-ed L-hat L-he srequency rate used by Lhe ireeway system is a
50 �ear ireauency rate, and they �eel ihat iE a storm causes
�roLL�ie once in 50 years wich a ireeway,�hen it is underdeszgned.
NLr. t1.A. I�u'cowslcz, 6131 Sch SL-ree� N.P.. as}ced ii the storm sewer
would be runn�,ny in iront o:� ,�is horne. `Phe City Enga.neer said no,
the wa�er runs soui.h into L-he University Avenue Service Road openin�,.
P�r. 14u]�owsJcl said �nac �he land directly behind his home is not
included anc� would no{� be assesse6 and wondered why. The Ci�y
t�ngineer said L-haL- onc� the LmpravemenL is ordered in, then e�act
s'zgures can be arrived ac. He said ii he is not assessed under
Pro�ect #;50, he would be assessed under another storm sewer disL-ric�.
P4r. i;ulcowski poinLed o�zc l-liac che soil is o�ery sandy and the water
soaks in very iast.
Mr. R.D. Habe1, 392 66�1z Avenue N.E. said thac he had recei�ed four
1el:L-ers oP noLliicacion oL nub1�C Hearin�s ioY improvements. He
sa��ci chat he has iound 'cha� Yiis assessmenL-s L-or all the improve-
menL-s wi1J. be in er,cess os $3,000 and he ielt that he, and a good
many oi nis neighbors could noc af£ord chis kind oi assessment
and would be driven ouc. He said tha� he would encourage the Council
�o loo?: at areas such as hLS co see i� there was not some way oi
accoznpla.shing chis zn scayes so that �he assessments would not he
such a�alow all at once.
i�4r. Darral Saari, G161 5L-h S�reet N.r'.. :,aid ihat he a��reed wich Mr.
I,u];owslcy thaL- che soil is very sandy and there is no problem as �he
wacer soalcs ln very tasL-.
NIi. Georye Meissner, 3%3 Mississippi StreeL- asked how the Hayes
Cchoo]_ woul_c� be assessecl. �iayor Harris Pro tem said that t11e
sch�cl vaould be assessecl ai the same race. i�. Meissner said then
accually L-he Citizens would �ay into Dis�rict ;r14, and also pay
their o�an assessmenc. IIe said thaL the problem always seems to
come back to ihe Riedel pro}�erty where wa�er has always stood.
'Phe Cil-.y AL-torney said �chac the City has an ouliyation to provzde
L�roper draina�e, and poinL-ed ouL- tha� ii i:he City was the avner oi
chis �lece oi �ropercy, vae would be enL-iL-1ed to use it, however,
he 1e1L- L-liat it L-he heirs were L-o bring su�L against the City, they
would not win their suit. He said that c1�e ovmers of thas �roperty
� �; ,
� are enLitled 'co prol�er storm sewer draina,e L-he same as everyon�
else. Mr. Meissner saic3 that he felL i.ha� i�= �he Riedel people
were interested in draining their properc�, chev would have to
pay more, as they would derive more 'aeize�iL. IIe said thac he coui.d
noc see how his properLy would ben�fi�.
A Visicor to the Meetzng said that he lives on Baker Avenue anu
there wi11 be no pipe in his street, so iLe coulci not see why he
was included, Mayor Harris �ro tem saiG i.hat iP a person is �n
a drainage disirict, they axe contriuu�in� vaater io the dis�rac�
by runoL-i. The visitor �rom Saker Avenue said chat he has on]_�T
laved in Pridley a short Lime, but wiL-h L-his heavy ass�asmen�, he
could noc stay_
Councilman Samuelsan said that it seems L-haL- i.he prohlem cornes back
to L-he Riedel propercy and 'che questioi� i= che City should purchase
some o�` a.t ior a cosc o� possibly $200,000, or ieL it i�e deve_�opec,
to a higher use wha.ch could mean a milllon dollar valuaL-ion =or L-he
City oi Fridley. Councilman Liebl �aic7 i:hac he appreciaced �he
� commenzs �rom �he Citizens, and that he 'r_el� that the ric�hc decis�on
has not been made in i.he past and thac ch�s Cauncil musL- 1oo]t ac
ihis problem =rom a long ranye point oi' viecv. Mayor Harris ?�ro �em
s�id that lie would li]�e to L-hank a11 che �eo�1e Por their pac�.ence
and diliyence in coming to che Meetin5r tonic,�hc. He aslced -or a
show o� hanas of the people who were o���osed to che pro,7ect. A
large ma,7ority were agains� ii:, only chree hands were raised in
ravor ol tkie pro�eci:. Mayor Harris Pro cem sald that L-his ilem
will be baek on the next Agenda next Monc7ay when Nlayor KtrJclzam and
Couneilman Sheridan will be able to accencl. I�e said chaL- the
Council w111 make sure the people will be noLZ�_ied beiore clze
item is placed on che Agenda for a decision and 'chac notificacion
will be placed in the Pridley Sun leual sec��.on.
MO�i'ION 7�y Councilman Samuetson to close L-he Pui�lic Hearing on
Stoxm Sewer Pro,7ect ;;80. Seconded by Counc�lman Liebl. U�on a
voice vote, all voLing aye, Mayor Harris Pro iem declared the
notion carried.
Rr:C�SS :
Mayor Harris Pro tem called a recess at 10:10 n.Pd.
Mayor Harris Pro tem read the Public Nearincr Notice to the aud�ence.
r ���
�Ie e;c�laaned tha� th� Fvas not ��eL-itioned for, but came about by
T�Lr. Harolc� Ohlsson having � problem with h�.s well runna,ng dry:
ge s�3c. tha� Mr. Ohlsson has been �,ranted a permit f-or drilling a
ncw tivell, 'r_cYSVever, L-here have been other hearings on getting a
va��er Izne on this screet which the peo��le objected ta, and the
Cnuncil Pe1t tha� it would be only L'air to apprise the residents
oi L-he pos.�ih?liL-y oL- �helr we11s runninJ dry a1so.
The City �ngineer sa�.d 'chat ihis street is che only street in ihe
a-rea L-hai. does nor. have City water. At th� previous Public Hearings,
L-he people fel'c L-haL- il�ev had food cvells and dzd not want City
waier. The _�rop�sal is to ma]ce an e�.tens�on ot the water line irom
G7th lvenue, a��nc,+ Untr�ersity Avenue L-hrou,h 66ch Avenue to ;th
S-creeL- and Mississippi Screet to com�l�ce L-he loo� and also extend
the iine into the easL- end o= u6th l�venue into the cul-de-sac.
The estimaLed cost is $26,800,Oq,
�he ninance Director added �hai the rate per foot would be $6.15
plus $150 per service si�reac'. over 20 years at 6go interest.
Mr. Iiarold Ohlsson, �76 66i.h Avenue N.E. Nazcl that he has experienced �
well trauble. He �ried i.o get a man to put in a well, but there
is only one man licensed zor chis in L-he Cicy of Fra.dley. He
szid chat zt would cost hlm about $1,000 and would be about 93'
deei�. Ee said thaL- i� L-he City deczdes to put in City water, he
wau:d lilie them to wri�e an agreement that he wouZd not have to
hoo}; up iE he has already ��uc in a new we11. He said that natur-
ai�y iL- he goes ahead and puLS $1000 inco a well, then he �•�ould no�
be in ravor o� City water. Fie said that aL- this time he is bor-
rowing water from a neic�hbor as a �emporary measure until the re-
sults o� che Pzablic Hearinl are knor,�m. He said that if the rest
oi Yiis neighbors want l-he vrater 1ine, then he would not oppose it,
ii he has already puL in a new we11, bu� would want the agreemeni
chat ;ze cvauld noL- hav� L-o hoo]c up.
Mayor IIarris Pro tem as;�ed �he audience co show by raising their
hands, how many have had we11 rrouble. Three people raised i:he3r
hands. Mr. R.n. Habel, 392 G6th Avenue said in his case the sand
i�ainc clogged and ai cosc him about $125 ior repairs. Mr. James
Thayer, 377 66ih Avenue asl�ed what the poant wa�� in the loop bacli
oi the waL-er line. �i�he Czty Engan�er said it was L-o prevent the
w�ter L-rom becomzng stac�rnanc, and by doing so gives added �ire '
procecLion to L-he reszden��. He added that �here are also three
Fire hydrants pru�osed on this line, Mr. Thayer asked wha� ihe
;150 charge is far. '1'he Cizy Lngineer said that this was for the
serv�ce -rom che sL-reec waL-er line ca the house property line. He
added that che Cauncil �olicy is that no street wi11 be improved
unL-i1 ali tl�e uL-ili�ies ase in, also thac as a general rule, they
�' —
have not been allowin9 well permits.
nl,GE 11
Mr. Habel said L-hat wi,.�n he moved Lo ihe Ciiy he was surpriser�
that there was not City water chere. Be�ore he had always had
Cicy water and felt that he eould reiy on �.c. .Ie asked ii L-he
water line yoes in, �aould everyone have to hoo7c up. The CiL-y
Lngineer said that �11 the �eople v�onld 1�e assessed, but i� sofne-
one did noc wish to hook up, i.he Counc�l ha� noi been iorciny che
people to do so. p4r. I�abe1 then asl;ed about 1-�ooking onL-o ihe water
syscem and also keeping his we11. Counci7.man Samuelson said 'chaL-
this is all ri9ht so lone as the private u�eli systiem is completely
divorced fzom che City system. Mr. Habel sald 4haL- in this way
the we11 could be used ior sprinklinJ lawns eLc. and cuL- down on
che wa2�r bill.
A�isitor to the MeetinJ said that wher. che se�aex izn� v�as 1�L�t =_n,
ic went in on the norch side oi tne street ancl she aslcecl ir �lxe
wacer line would yo in the south boulevarc�. ^he Czty Enc�ineer
sazd that yenerally �he sewer line is pu4 do�an the middle o� L-he
street and the watez line 10' �rom it and ln che boulevard are
�as lines, telephone cables etc,
Mayor Harris Px'o tem as7;ed if there was a chui�agu �r. i:he water irab;_e,
z� be lowered. Mr. Comstocl: said that lze did nol-. knou�. T�Ir.
�hayer said 'chat his well is 100' deep docvn to �lze glacial driLL-
�he Ciiy uses. A viaitor as}>ed if ihiu w�.11 be coming in some�ime
anyhow, Mayor Harris Pro tem answered 'chac no one CDUiC� ce11.
The we11s mlght be good ior a number o- �rears or maybe other peo�le
wi11 have Lrouble within a year.
7.'he City Lngineer said 'chat generally L-ne Cil-1� does not let smaJ.1
pro�ects, such as Lhis, bui. �ies them into a iar�er 1�ro�ec� so as
co �et a better bid price. He said thaL- L-hey w,il be 1ei,r_znc�
a contracc within 2 or 3 months. He added c1zaL- it is more e:ct�ensi��e
i.o do in the winter�ime as the contractor lias to cut through che
�ros� .
� pisitor to the Meecinc, asl.ed what the manimum charge was Eor
wacer. The Finance Direc�or said $5.00 per quar�er or 50� per
1000 gallons £or the iirsL- 10,000 gallons. 7'Y�e meter deposir is
$�0.00 which is re�und�cl wnen a person le�ves �he �?roperty. C�t:ncit-
man Liebl said as an e�;am�7.e he pays abou� $25.00 �er quarLer tor
iive children and this zncludes sprin7clin� ln che �ummer.
Mayor Harris Fro tem called L-or a stra•.a voi�e of the audzence. I-L
showed 10 in iavor and 8 in opposition.
•} iiV
tr �
bir. Ohlsson poinL-ecI otzc �ha� in L-he 10 year street improvement ,
program, 55cn ��venue is scneduled to be im�roved in I973. At
cha� L-iine the residenis w�l]_ have to have water, and it wi11 surely
"ae �L- a higller ra�ce.
I+s. ��i�ayer as7�ed zE wzL-e-r and sL-reet im�rovemen'cs were to go in,
ho�r, woul.d ':nis a�:ecL- L-he �axes. The Assessar said that based
on a 75' lot the L-axes woula be raiued about $10 -$12 per year.
�TO'I'?ON i�y Councilman Liebi to close the Public IIearing on V7ater
Trnprovement Pro�eci ;;90 Adclendum -itl. Seconded by Councilman
Saraue7son. Upon a voica vote, ai1 �oting aye, tYayor Harris Pro
cem decl�red che mot,on carr�ed.
?�aayor I�arris Pro cem sai� chaL- because a� che emergency, this �vi17_
;^.e brought back ac che nez;L- MeeLing, January 20, 1969.
Mayor Harris �ro tem =eac1 the Public Heariny Notice to the �
auc�__ence. 'Pl�e Ciiy En�ineer added tha� the porLion under con-
s�c�era��on as a part oi �lze old Marshall Streei. Ii: extends from
3;ch Avenue co the prap�rL-y owned by Minneapolis. He said in
chis screec there are many_= utiliL-ies such as N.S.P, lines, ;as
?_ines and L-elephone ca]ales, along wiL-h i�iinneapolis waterworks
iii�es. IIe said 'che City has received letters irom the uc.iliL-y
coin�antes as7cing chat we retain the easemen� ior the utiliL-ies.
�ames d3yde �i che Minnea�olis ,Vatervaor7cs said he was here to
oapose the vaca�ion o� tnis �ortion o� Marshall Street.
Raynoncl Hegna, AL-corney �or L-he Ci�y oI- Minneapolis, said L-hai:
he apL�reciaL-ed �he opportuniL-y to ap�ear before L-he Council. He
said �hat relaLions beL-ween L-he City oi Minneapolis and the City
o� '?ridley have always ]�een quite good, buc in thia case he Naa.d
L-he Cicy o� Minnea�olls rnusL- ob�ecc �o che vacai:ion. He said L-hat
L1�e Cic�i oE Minneapo]_is has i�een gradiny and plowing snow on that
section oE the road. I3� said that Lhe main water plant is a� the
norch eno. fIe said thaL- Minneapolis uses this road to haul sludc�e
iroca the sludcJe beds. 10 close this road would mean they would
have La use Easi River RoZCl ior their hau?lnc,. He pointed out that
L-h� CiL-y oi M,nneaaolis has G" sanii.ary s�wer rnains in the street �
anci?�,S.P, has lines �here also. Iie said 'chai vacation of ihis
street would be decrimenta? ta the Caty o� Minneapolis. He said
chac h� underscood NoS.S.S.D, petitioned lor chis vaeation. Fie
�ald 'ne {el� thac N.S.S,S,D. zs prernature a.n it's request. In a
few years, ihe City oi P�inneapolis �azll need only one sludge bed
' rather than Lwo. He said ihat he would like �o asY. that L-he re-
quest ior vacation be held in abeyence ur.'ci� a year from now.
Councilman Liebl asked i� �hey really needed �nis s�reet. Mr.
Hegna said yes, Eor about three years. Afier Lhe reclamation
process is insL-alled, then it will only have �o be cleaned abou�
once in 20 year� instead o� twice a year, Councilman Lieb1
as]ced 'chen a�ter three years the City oE Minnea�olis ieels Lhey will
not need the street. Mr. Hegna said L-hac is ri9hc.
Councilman Samuel.son said L-hat there is a disacJreement 7aetween the
City oi Minneapolis and N.S.S.S.D. He sugges�ed �he possibi?ity
ai building a dam on the Mississippi Rioer, as �his wou]_d also
provide a recreational area. Mr. HeSna sa�d 'che Corps oL- r,ng�.neers
siudied this, but did not think it fea�ible.
Mr. Hyde said that it cosi about $6Q,000 ever}r year L-o empL-y Lhe
sludye beds. He said the machinery rtiey use is very heavy. fIe
said in regards to the Uam proposal, �he arnounL- o� water Minnaapol�_s
wil]. need as 300 miliion c�allons per c1ay, and in look�.ng at che
� ponding area, it was round it was noc deep enough =or ii..
Mayor Harris Pro tem asked if, since �he CiLy o� Minneapolis is
a iarst class city, would L-hey pay for any services, such as sL-reet
li;hiing and Police protection etc. Mr, Hyde sai.c� tha� he dicl
noi icnow any street 1i�hi.ing was proY�osed L-or L-hac area.
'Phe Finance Director asked what is the pos�tion oi Minneapolis
with regard co paymeni: on assessmencs on property. Mr. Hegna
said normally af assessmencs are on thern, they have been paid,
although he dad nol: thinl: there is any abitgation to pay. The
Pinance Director said his underscandina was thac some agreemen� was
reached for payment on services.
Mr. Harold Harris said 'chaL- his access easemenL- has not been
resolved yat. He said 'cha'c he must have access on the west side
oP Marshall Street. He said their only access to their properL-y is
�rom Marshall Street. Mayor Harris Pro cem as7�ed iE chat was noc
a 99 year lease. Mr. Harold I3arris repJieci chaL- was correct. The
CiL-y AtL-orney asked ii he had discussed thzs wi1�Ix r1.S.S,s.D. Mr..
Harris said he had discussed this 6 months ac,o bui nothxng has come
� oi it. Mr. Richard Iiarris said that he is also involv�d in Lhis
�iece oi propercy. He said that he thini;s ic zs up to D+lr. P+Ie��ers
(N.S.S.S.D.s'lawyer) co ta7ce care o� getL�_n� �his access. He said
thac he has never made a move to approach his Eacher or him. Iie
said he would lilce to see an agreemen� in writ�ng =or access 7ae£ore
�his vacai.ion goes throulh.
r ,J
SPi,C7t1L PUB?�IC Eli�liplld� I•L:�'1ILQG OF JAi>:UAi2Y 13, 1969 PAGE 14
M�-yo�_ frarris Pr_o cern e.:��1a!neU �ha� �his Lal;es so;nc t�me. I?e
sa�.cl anocher_ problc,n wa� i.h�� N.S.S.>.P., hired ano�her la�ayer.
Nir. Ricliaa-c7 Flarrls satd �hac tze and his �ailier have ineen ac this
ior 5 years and have bcen ��'y�ng co be p�ci_enU. He sa�.d thai cney
3.L"G� 170L �jd1RSi: G�11:i VclC�1�.10i7� ]'JUi., an rJ lt@c-1,i",� �1.5',S.S.IJ. SC111 �il�i5
no� come � orc}i 4�ich one ch�ng tor them. =�h! s�_s why �hey le] c
ihey mus� have an aareemenc �"or access �_n �ar.�tinc�. He then brought
up L-he quest�on oi t;ho �;as c�o�nJ �o main�atn �h?_s street ii a�c
i.s vaca��d, th� City or i�f.S.S.S.D,
MO�'TOid by Councilman r,i�nl to cicsa Lh� Pu'alic F?earin�; on the VacaL-ion
OL "cl POI:�10ri Oi j�lcl'�Yl.:l!1 SL-�eC'.."i=. S�C:;RCIC.C� .'Jj COL1riC31111cY1 ,i�IP�UG150T1.
Upon a voice voce, a11 vociny aye, i�1ayG_ Iiarr�_; Pro cem deci�'red
�he rnoc�on car-r�ed.
PUF3LT(�' FIk:�1ii:CNG 01Q 57'P.i�'s`2 IL1-iOVLP4i:�7T P1.Os7PCT FiT. 19Ga'-lc
b'iayor FLar?�is Pro tem reau tne Publ�c EIearing \o�ice co the ,
� audience.
R1_V2YV1�'vJ ��'C�1"L`cCC.':_ 1T15S1551�.7�1 P�.�C�' i.0_i�llaalSS117��1 ��c1�T
The C_�L-�� Lngincer satd ;.1,� c �h: s sL-ree� �A�as brou�ht be:"or_e ti�e
Council io JeL- scrv,cc io the comme'rcial_ �zc�a. He said ic would
be 36' �a�ch concrece curb ancl guLL-er and a b1ac;:top surPace_ The
tocal zi%iproven2enc cost �s �74.6Q. He satc� �1-eere a're some u�zlitles
Lo be 3_ns � allecl and �oii1 1�e insta7 1ed by Llie develo� er build?_ng
north o� i�Lss�_ss�pp� Way.
The F�n�rice n,reccor added that the esL-�ma�ecl co,t pe'- ioo� is
Mayor ISarria Pro tern cell_ed for commencs ior or ayz�nst tne
impr.ovc.menc. There ��as r.o respons2.
Miss�.ss�pr�t ,;zy_;asL- R1ver Raad co �;�_�crv�_ec� Terrace
(SOUth oF FricU_ey Yar7:)
The C�ty ;�r.J�ne2r said tha� the re�scn ior t?zis �.�s to prov�de
scrv�_ce to �he aparc:ien'_ comule:: area �n the northti�es� cort.:,r o� �
t�11S51SSJ_�?"�-�1 `'�a�� �1I7C1 i'.�Si.� I;1VL�Y' �O�Id'. T.jE :�c 1Ci �;L 1,70Ua:� �JE' cl 3E �
5�.YE.'e� �71L7"1 SOilC= U�1)_1"�105 �LO be insi:a11ec1 i�'� ��iC.' CfeC'�_j;l�>�rv _O '�i12
north. ile said therc �,�ere u�,ne problera� wich -r�c�lzt oi o,a1 �,�
Easi P.lver P.oad ancl i,.1��ro��emen� o� inLe'r_sect_�on o` P�iiss�ssip7�_ St.
ft,riC'l L''c�.Sti P�1VCi ROftC�. !�TlO�,c. Councy lias CO c.���>1'OVG' t�i1P_ 1ri�E]"Sf'CL.7017.
Untzi L-haL- plan �_; ��ut inco eL�°.eci the easterly few iee-c w=.3_1 have
to 3�e cemporary. F�lso the e�cisting screec il�jht sL-andarc�s wi_"s
be in the cvay �or �ermanent improvement.
tTesc Servzce Road - T.FI. ;`65: R1ce Cree7ti L-a P�tinneso�a
Transier Railway Trac]> Ri�hi of l9ay NorL-h i,ine
�1'he City �ngineer said the reason tha.� ?s befor� �he Caunc�l ,;;
aecause oE che 73rd Avenue loop bacic to >erve che 'Par;el= ware-
house. T-Ie said this was brought to hzs z�tei�l-ion be Counci7inan
Sa:nuelson as N.S.P, is anr,ious to gei the�_r _�ro�ercy lanc�sca��ec�,
I3e said he has not had any response �rom �he peaple �c the nortlz
encl o� L-he property.
�'erry Lohmar oi N.S,P, said he would )_il;e to have a p�c�ure �= thzs
co see ii this would have any eFfect on g�tc?�g anl-o and out os
their property.
Councilman Samuelson said John Pearce, I�lanager oE r7.S,P. said that
'�hey would landscape a�ter the improvaraenc was in, Z�he Citi�
' Lngineer said the only crossover is at che north end at �he
Minnesoia TransLer P.ailway tracks, then �he 'crai�ic woulc�c�a
pac;; down on the service road. Mayor �Iarr�s Pro cern saici the
AdminisLracion will give all the inLonnaiion i:o ti.S.P, anc, then
i� will be placed on che nexc Agenda. He as?ced Jerr;T Lohmar � i L-h�_s
would k�e all riyhi. He replied yes.
C�uncilman Sanuelson asked i� i:here was rio curn around at ihe
south end. 'Phe City �nyineer said tha� che roac� could be stopaed
any place, but was braugh� al1 the way souch co the par7; �ropercy.
T7ie City Engineer was asked to coordinaL-e w��h the Parlcs anc?
Recreation Commission on �he street area involving the Pa-rlc. mhe
Ci4y AtL-arney said 'chaL- che representa�i�e irom Pennsylvania o3.1
Company was here earlier, 7�uL- has left and su,�gested �he �dmint:;-
tra�ion get their ieelin�,s on this.
East Service Road oi Eas i, River �toad: SLa= �ina Erom i, C300 "
Souch oi South T,eg oL- I. G94 Intezciiange Norcheasc to Railr�,�ad
L,ighc of Way (Tract "3" Proposed Regis'4ered ;,and Survey) �
lhe City Enyineer said cha� this was tl.e
development oi Great Norchern Razlway t�
� He said -ckiat it is a�0' industrial road.
wesL- curbing would be put on at this tame
_ placed on when a11 L-he utilities are tn.
Northern P.ailway said they would proceecl
=irst stage oi L-he
serve Plywoad NI�.nnesota.
He said only one mat tx_=d
. Th� c�_nal mat wi11 be
A� . Proko� p oi Greal:
[rom there.
-� �
PF1G�, 16
Seventh Street_ t�izssissipi�i Street �0 68th Avenue
The CiL-y Engineer said thac this sl-,reet will depend on the
ouzcome of the storm sewer heariny.
Mr. Thayer asked if peta.cioned =or Lrom Mississippi Street to
6ci.h kvenue. The City L.ngineer said the pecztion was frorn b7th
?1v�nue north. Mr. Thayer as];ed about the estimated cost. The
F�nance Director sa�d the estiriated cosL- Por proper�y with side
_yards on iL-h Street is $3.19 per iaot. The es�imated cost 'r'or
�ropercy fac:�ng onco 7L-lz S[;reei is $8.2Q per ioat. He added that
i� �h�s whole area is dane ihere would be some combining oL- costs
resul�in� in tt7e actual cost being less, Lhis �reliminary Roll
is dcne in this way L-o be able to give �eople an-idea of w7iat 1L- will
cosc i.hem. He said �•�henever possible, areas are grouped toyether.
Counc�.lnian Liebl said iP L-he storrn sewer, wai.er line, ar.d sireet
zmprovenents were all to 7o in the total cos� should be 1ess, The
Cat�� Engineer added L-hat i:he City geis beii.er bids if areas are
lrouped as unics.
66L-h Avenue: University ;;ervice Road to Cul-de-sac
P, Viaitor to the Meetiny as7c�d ii the water line were to ,o �.n,
�oouid cile conL-racL-or �ix up the street in L-he same condition it
was be£ore. iKayor Harris Pro tem said yes. The City Engineer
aclded that it is ;ele that the streeL- �.mprovement should go in
at �he ;�ame time as �he wacer iine. Councilman Liebl asked zt
�hi,s wc�u=c] resu7.t in a saving. The City �nJYneer saad yes.
Counc�lman Liebl_ poinL-ed ouc tnat f�.Le insurance ior residents on
66L-�� rvenue wou?d yo clown vai�h �he addztion oE three extra �ire
�iydraiiL- s .
:1 VisaL-ar �o the Mee�,nq said ��he san�_tary sewer is on the norLh
s3de, so w�u1d the water line go in �n �he sauth side. Mayor
?�arr�s P-ro tem said �he Council will consicler this point ii the
wa�er 1_1ne �.s o-rderecl in, 7�uL- noL- tl2e street.
A�d is zto�� as]ced how w� de che s L-reet vaould be . The City Lng ineer
sa�d �G' :oac7; to bac]> with concrete curb and yu�ter on both szdes.
A V3siL-or as]ced about �7�h Avenue, The City Engineer said �,t was
� 4-0' road and the assessable cosL- was $9.37 per �ooL-.
NLr. Iiak�el as�ced iF tl�e concre�e curb an�l gutter was extra. 'lhe
�,,�v Fngineer saic� thaL- was zncluded alonc�; v�ith L-he '3lac?:top in
�he 2sti�nate. b"=r, Tizayer sa�d thaL- he Izad been calculating his
�oL-a� assessments and he came up u�ith abouc $2,610. He saicl he
co�lcl noL- see where his �ro1�erL-y wauld ;'�eneL-it �c L-hat amotant.
�- F
68th nvenue: Rice Craek Terrace to 5n7ashington tzven�ae
The City Enqineer saia this was one o� L-he sLreets u�hich need
stiorm sewer. A Visltor asked the estirnated cost. The 'r'tinance
Director answered $2.54 per for�t.
Alden hTay: 62nd Avenue to 200' Nor-Lh
'Phe City Engineer said that when the he�ring was hel� on 62nd
V;ay�it was pointed out that this shoxt seccion shoulci k}e tncludec.
Jefferson Stree�: 67th Avenue co 6S0' P7orth
A Visitor asked if this was petitioned. The C!ty Engineer said
yes, and had received over 51°6 :�agnatures. He said he livec; on
the corner of Jefferson Street and 67th Avenue anc� wondered how
he would }�e assessed, He said his siue vard �s an �Tef�erson SL-.
The Finance Director said in that case iL- would be ior 135', 7_/3
o� $9.97 per ioot.
� Washington Street: 67th Avenue to �:)0' North -co 68L-h [�ve.
A Visitor said he had taken the petitzon arcuxa�?,, but no�a sees
ihat it is scheduled for improvement in 1�73 uncler the 10 year
street improvement progzam. Mayor Harris Pr� cem said that L-he
10 year street improvement program was sL-artec7 before the �ecitior.
came in and that V7ashington Street would ae included in the 1969
Seventh Street: 68th 1lvenue to 480' Nari.h
There was na one present who wished to be kieard on L-ha.s intProvement.
Fourth Street; 67th Avenue �:o Rice Cree]c Terrace
lhere was no response �rom the audience,
Ri�e Creei� Terrace: Highway =;�47 Service Road to 68th Ave.
Th�re was no one who wished L-o be heard.
� Hi4hway $p47 East Service Road: Fice Creek Terrace to 3p0' SouLh
This was agreed Lo be deleted at the last Public �Iearing.
62nd U7ay: Riverview Terrace to Easl.lZtver Road
Councilman Liebl asked why L-he diE£erence in cost 7�etween Aldan tvay
and 62nd Avenue. The City Enqineer saic� �.his eaas becau5e there �,vere
�� � �
� ,..� a,
C;PE;C:1Ai, PUt3LiC H�ARING NL�'LTIi+7G OF JI-�NUAP,Y 13, 1969 PAGE 18
iive side yards on o2nd "vv"aiJ. The Einance Dzrector added that
52nd 1�7ay and �ilden Way w�.11 probably be grouped together for
cost puraoses.
A1c. Ric?Zard Harrzs sai� tlzai he had looked ac i:his site, and could
not see the �ive side yards. The City Lngineer showed him on the
ha1= secL-ion map, Mr. Harris aslced ii any Czty serva.ces would have
to be changed. 7'he City Engineer said he did not think so, but if
so, L-he ai�erat�ons would l�e charged to the proper department,
such as water, sewer, e�c., rather than to the pro�ect. Mr.
Harris as7ced that he Y�e contacted when work is ready to commence
in ironc of his house.
Thiru� Street: 45th Avenue to 53rd Avenue
1'he Cit�� Engineer showed the slide on the screen.
i�iek�1 sazd thac he fe2t chat this should be a 40'
road wi_th part of the funds coming from State Aid.
MOTIO�T by Councilman Lieb1 to close the Public Hearing on Street
Improvement Pro�ect St. 1969-1. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson,
[?pon a voice vote, all votxng aye, Mayor Harris Pro tem declared
the motion carried.
'�'ELd `IEAR STRPE'P IMPROVEMLNT PROGRAM: (For areas south of Rice
Cree}; and east ni Highway ;;=47 in Fridley, M�nnesota)
The City Engine�r explained that in �he last five years the City
has l�een i,-nprovzng the o1d streets at a rate of about 2 miles ner
year. 'ihere are st�ll abouc 17 rniles oP streets not up to
City siandards. He saad this schedule should provide better
sLreet zmprovement through acivanced planning oi construction,
advance in��rrnation to property owners, proper L-emporary repair of
sL-reeL-s until permanently improved, and reduced engineering costs.
He �hen suggestec� that they be taken year by year, giving anyone
an agportanit_y to as7c questions under the proper year.
?� Vlsitor L-o the P�4eeting ].ivzng on Sch Street said that a cemet�ry
is across the streeL- �rom him and asked about assessments. The
Finance Director said that i� would be assessed, as are schools
and churches,
Mayor Iiarris ciarzfied �he polnt that none oi these improvements
ha�e been ordered in and l-hat this i, just an informal hearing and
a legal Public Hearing woulcl be necessary later.
I �
� 1972
Mr. Richard French, 1469 Gardena Avenue asked about
Gardena Avenue, 'Phe City �;ngineer said there were n
plans ac this time. This would be decermined ac che
legal Public Hearing.
the width oP
o s1�eci=cic
i�ime o E tl-se
Mr. Princh said that when this was to be irnproved bePore, he too7,
a petition around against it. He said he was not opposed ta che
improvement, but did not ieel that it shou.ld be a state P.id road
with sidewalk� on both sides.
Mayor Harra.s Pro tem saicl as he recalled, ihe �aeople vaere not
against the improvemen�, but that they Gid not want this L-o be a
State Aid Stree4,
A Visitor asked it Stinson Boulevard is a County Road. 'i'he CiL-y
�ngineer said no, but ii: is hoped that che City oi Fridle� can
coordinate wiL-h New Brighton for the �mprocement.
� Mr. 12odney Sohnson, 1646 Gardena Avenue said �hac it seems the
Cil-y is assuming the residents want Gardena improved, but tha� Lhey
do not. He said when sewer and water wen� in, L-he sLreecs were
not put back in good condition. He said L-hai. ihe street cannoL ]�e
improved without a storm s�wer, He sa�d l-hat maybe quite a�ew
may want the impro�ement, but there �s a].imiL- co whac a person
can af£ord.
� Visitor to the Meeting said that he wouid 1i];e to cornmend 'che
City on the planninc� and forethought thac wenc inL-o L-his program.
1974 )
1976 ) 'ihere were no comments on any oi L-hese sireecs iram
1977 ) L-he audience.
1978 )
MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to close che iniormal public hearing
on the 10 Year Street Improvement Prarram. Seconded by Councilman
Liebl. Upon a voa.ce aote, all voting aye, �Iayor Harris Px'a tem
declared the motion carried.
Mayor Harris Pro tem said that �he City Manager has received
requests �rom garbage haulers an the CiL-y �or assistance �y �he
resa.dents ciurzng the snow emeryency, ihey caould liJce �Yie res�aents
��� �I
L-a t�lace their garbag-e cans near the driveway whenever possible.
Fhe gar'�age hau;ers wi11 7�2 publishing their request in the
MoTIOIv by Councilman Lieb1 to cancur with the request and bring
it bac]c at the ne�t Meeca.ng �ahen the rest o£ the Council will }�e
present. Seconded by Caunciiman Samt?�lson. Upon a voice vote,
all voting aye, iKayor IIarr,;; pra tem declared the moti�n carried.
M0170I�T7�y Councilman Samuelson L-o table this request until
Building SL-andards - Desiyxi Cantrol can review the plans.
condecl]ay Councilman T,ieb1. Upon a voice vote, all voting
Mayor Harris Pro tem cleclared the motion carried.
Gaxv �. Dahlberg
20Q 92nd Avenue N.E.
Blaine, Gvizi�t�esc�,a
G+Tater Dept
Salary Replaces
$606 Clarence Trebus
T�iOTIORT by Councilrnan Samue2san to concur with the Administration
in the ap�ointment oP Gary Dahlberg to the Water Department.
Secondec py Councilman Lzebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
'LIayar Harra.,a Pro tern declared the mation carried.
n4ayor Harris Pro tem asked that the kesolutions appearing on
L-oi3igh�'s Agenda be i�rought back for the nexi regular Meetang due
�o L-he lateness oL- the hour. lhis will also give the Council some
�ime ior cons�deracion.
NiOTI0t1l�y Councilman Samuelson to adjou�n the Meeting. Seconded by
Councilman Lieb1. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Harris
Pro tem declared the Special Public Hearing Council Meeting o=
�anuary 23, 1969 ad�ourned at 1c10 A.M.
t2es�ect'=ullryy/. subm/aLtecl,
.!� � � �/�ln�WV✓
�uel Mercer
Secrei�ary to the Council
�J J �r ��
��.�//l 1��� - ���,.,�
E Jack O. Fzirkham