10/13/1970 - 5811' ' ' �J I, ' , ' , ' �� , , � , ' ' JUEL MERCER - COUNCIL SECY. COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 7:30 P.M. OCTOBER 13, 1970 GITY CQUNGIL PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING - OCTOBER 13, 1970 - 7:30 P. M• PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ROLL CALL• ADOPTION OF AGENDA: PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. On Improvement - Street Improvement Project ST. 1971-3 z. �eceiv�i�g Resolution Adopted by Fridley Independent School pistrict 4�LG Board of Education Regarding East Rivei Road project. NEW BUSINESS: 3. Receiving the Planning Commission Minutes of October 7, 1970 ADJOURN: r.�---- 1 Pages 1 & 2 Pag�� 3 & 4 Pages 5 - 7 a OF�'ICIAL PUBLICATION CIT�' OF FRIDLEY (EXHIBIT�A) NOTICE OF HFAP.ING ON IMPkOV�MENTS ST. 19'71-3 WHERE.AS, the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, � Minnesota, has deemed �t expedient to receive evidence pertaining to the :�mpr.ovements her.einafter described. �1UW THEKF.FOFE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVFN THAT on the 13th day of October , at 7:30 o'clock P.M. the City CounciJ. will meet 2t the Ci_ty Hall in said City, and will at said time and plac� heax' all parties interested in said improvements in whole or in part. �.'he gene.ral nature of the improvements is the constxuction (in �.he j,�nds and stxeets noted below) of the followi.ng improvements,.to-w�.t: CONSTFUCTT.ON ?TEM _...__-_-_� Stxeet i.�nF�roqements, including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix. bitu�r�itic•,�^ mat, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, storm sewe7r Fystem, and other facilities located as followst j„ �',11ST RIVER ROAD• Interstate �694 to Hartman Cixcle 2, EAST RIVE,� ROAA WES`i' FRONTAGE ROAD• So. line of N� of Section 22 to �h� ' t 1" e of the Eas� Rivex South proper y in Estates Plat and then Westerl.y a�ong � South side of Plat to Anna Avenue 3. PItOPQS�D 6QTH WAY; runnin� along the N. pxoperty iine o� I�ot 1 of Hayes River Lots: Anna Avenue to East River Road � jF,�,ST RIV�R ROAD EAS� 450 feet N. of the S. line of N� Sec. e" �'AONT�AG� ROAD; 22 to 600 feee S. of the N. �.ine o� N� Sec. 22 1 b� '�. YR,OPOSED 60TH WAY ; running . ,�1ong an �ast West �ine 600 ��et S, o� the N. line of N'�, S��, z�, East River Road East to the Railro�d �/W . �,. �sfilor� �v�:rru� �TLNS�oN; - � ��tr�ing along Railroad R/W: �he alleysbetf 61'� Way�and 6�.st Way��. �� , I, - - �, ' ' " , Hearing On Improvements St. 1971-3 7. ALLEY B�TWEEN 61ST WAY AND 612 WAY; B1. 20, Fridley Pk.: $. ASHTON AVENUE EXTENSI:ONs running along Failroad R/W: 9. 612 WAY: 10. 63RD WAY : 11. 63 2 W.AY : 12 . MISSISSIPPI WAY : 13. RIVERVIEW TERRACE: Pa�e 2 East River Rd to fiailroad R/W Alley bet. 61st Way and 612 Way to 64th Way Bet. East Ri.ver Rd. & Railroad Tracks Eet. East River Rd. & Railroad Tracks Bet. Fast hivcz Rc1. & Railroad Tracks 300 feet W. of F.ast Fiver Rd, to Hickory Drive 62nd Way to 63rd 4Jay 2 �STIMATED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 939 ,161. 00 '� THAT `�H� AREA PROPOSED TO BE ASSEfiSED FOR SAID IMPKOVLrf�NTS IS AS FOTILOWS: ---------------------- For Construction Item above ------------'-- " -` All o� Che land abutting upon said streets named above and all lands within� adjacent and abutting ttiereto. All of said land to be assessed proportionately according to the benefits received by such improvemeiits. That should the Council proceed with said improvements they will consider each separate improvements, except as hereaftex �therwise provided by the Council all under the following authority, to-wit: Minnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 429 and la�as amendatoxy thereof, and in conformity with the City Charter. , pATED THIS T7TH DAY OF AUGUST , 1970, BY ORDk�R OF THE CITY COUNCIL. � �'ubli�sh: September 30, 1970 Qctobex� 7, 1970 MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham 6000 WEST PAOORE l AKE D�iIVE, FRI[):_E_Y, T.;INNESOTA `i5421 �� 560-6100 October 2s 1970 Mr. Marvin Brunsell Fridley Cit�r Gouncil 6431 Univereity Avenue N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Dear Mr. Bruns ell: Would you please see that the enclosed resolution adopted by the Fridley Indeperxdent School District l�to. 14 Board of Education on September 29, 1970 :s �read .g�ul��ai�r �t the approgriat� Goan.c�.l rrieeting and hearing. I v��xd�r��and thac th� nearing is going to be �eld on Octob�r 13, 1q70. Sincerely yours, �\1 l�L� C -�✓1`-� � �C.�. (�l�r�0 ) Mary Sc`hxeiner Gl�rk of the 5chool �oard /hj Enc. DR. JOHN K. HANSEN SUPtRINTEIVDENT JAMES H. HEDREN DI REC TOR BUSINESS AFFAIRS JAMES G. RAPPAS ADMINISTRATIVE ASSI9TANT � �04 .,' ._..._ _ ' I' I' �' �' RESOLUTION ON EA5T RIVER ROAD PROJECT WH�R.EAS the Board of Commissioners of the County of An� AnokaaCounty Minnesota, have proposed the upgrading of the East River Road, Highway #1, from Interstate 694 north to Rice Greek, and WHEREAS the plans for the project were preeented to the Board of r.ducation o£ Fridley Independent School District #14 at a regular meeting on Tuesday, Auguat 2�, 1970 by Mr, Jake Lundheim, Anoka County Highway Engineer, and Mr. Larry Gardner of the consulting firm of E. C. Bather and Associates, and WHEREAS the proposed project directly affects the Robert L ouis Stevenson �lementary School and indirectly affects C� # 41 ana bothElocatedton pr perty ad oining p�rt o� Fridley Independent School Distri th� �ast River Road, and W�IER.E�S the objections of the Board of Education of Fridley IndependeAt SchQQl J,�istxict #lx were pres�nted orally and recorded at a public hearing for project �SP- p�-bA�-16 held on Wedneaday, 5eptember 23, 1970 at the Fridley City Hal]., �'xidley, N�inne s ota, and WHEREAS, the objectiona to the project are: (1) 'The plan proposes the acquisiton of school property along the so�tb boundary ],i,ne of the Robert Louis Stevenson School for the construction� of a sia$le acceas road to the large multiple dwelling complex located soutk� of tk�e school. This site is now minimal in size� 8 acres versus a recomxnended minimum of 12 acres for a school population of 720 students, and the dedication of any property to a road would seriously limit the developed play area now ,�n the proposed roadway and adjacent to it. (Z) The construction of t�e proposed accees road would result in heavy vehic�,e traffic veTy close to the main area of the school structure, (3) . The �roposed plan makes no provi$ion for pedestrian sidewalks along the East R.iver Road. (4) The proposed plan provides for a continuous median strip along the �ast ! River Road with all left turns at sig�alized crossings except for one laft turn �,ane near fhe north achool boundary. This open turn area will �x�sent a�edestrian safety problem as it can be expected that chiT�dren will attempt to c ros a at this opening. (5) The study area for the proposed project was limiteci to the length of ��adimg East River Road frQr�ci Interstate Highway 694 to Rice Creek. The up� o£ this section of the xoad without planneek to A oka Cou ty H ghway �10 e xexnaatrnder of the road north of Rice Cr could result ia incr�eased traffic pressue qn the East River Road adjacent to tl�� Riverwood Elementary School at ?lat Way N. E. and the Eaet R.ive� RQad thereby increasi�ng the danger to pedestrians at an already dangerous cxosaing. '' '�'�iEREF4RE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of Fridley Iz�d. $ch,pol L?is�riGt #14 is not in agreement with the plans for the proposed project and �,�p�� ����by request the Anoka County Board of Cornrrlissioners to restudy the � �p'b]:��an of the �ast R.iver Road to eliminate the need for school prapexty, to e1im- � � in�,t�e the �ecessi�ty of placing an access road adjacent to school property to pravi e for �eciestrian safety with sidewalks and overpass walkwayslan forathe�modi#p a�ian of ' t1�e existing school entrance, a�d to determine the overall p �he Ea�st River Road from Interstate Highway 694 north to Anoka County Highway �10. � �� ' ' � , PI.ANNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 7, 1970 PAGE 1 S The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman Erickson. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Minish, Harris, Erickson, Fitzpatrick, Schmedeke M�mbers Absent: None APPR�VE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: SEPTEMBER 9, 14_70 , Mr. Schmedeke explained that he abstained from voting on the approval of the September 9, 1970 minutes because he did not have time to read them before the meeting and wished the minutes to shom this correction. � ' MOTION by Fitzpatrick, �econded by Minish, that the Planning Co�issior� minutes of September 9, 1970 be approved as corrected. Upon a voics vpte, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: SEPTEI�ER 15, 1970 , MOTION by Minish, seconded hy Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission receiv�e the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of September 15, 1970, Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the m�tion carried unanimously. I� RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MLNUTES: SF.P'rFM�E8.2;�, 1470 MOTION by Minish, ' receive the minutes of af September 28, 1970. unanimously. I' seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Corn�n.i.ssion the Buildinq Standards-Design Conrrol Subcammittee meeting Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: SEPTEMBER 29, 1970 ,!►A�TION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission , receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals rr+eetinq of September 29, 1970. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. I, I, I, " I � RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: SEPTEMBER 28, 1970 MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Camnission receive the minutes of the Parks & Recreation Cozmnission minutes of September 28, 197a. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � ' 1 I �'' �J ' I , I' I� I' I' I ' ' , � Planning Commission Meetin� - October 7, 1970 _pa�e 2 1. PUBLIC HEARING: SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP �70-11. C. H. BENJAI�IIN: Lots 1 thru 5, Block 4, Adams Street Addition, to build a second garage on Lot 2. Fridley Code Section 45.051-2A. Chairman Erickson, referring to Council minutes of October 5, 1970, stated Mr. Benjamin could receive a building permit upon receipt of a petition signed by the surrounding neighbors saying they did not object to the second garage. Mr. Benjamin called attention to the fact that the Building Inspection Department told him to get the names of the people within 200 feet, while the application form given him by the Engineering Department stated 300 feet. Chairman Erickson request the Engineering Department check this with the Ordinance and City Code. Mr. and Mrs. David Pohl, 5891 West Moore Lake Drive, and owners of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Adams Street Addition were present. Mr. Pohl said they had no objections to the proposed second garage. � Mr. Benjamin stated his plans were to build a second unattached garage on Lot 2 even with the existing dwelling on Lot 3. He stated he had many chances to sell two lota, but unless he could find a buyer for the "whole package", he wouldn't sell. Referring to the existing garage, he said that it is at the back of Lot 3 abutting the alley and there is a steep drop off on the West side of the alley malcing it impossible for him to use it in the winter. The alley has never been opened, and Mr. Benjamin has had to do whatever maintaining necessary in order to get out. When the houses on the lots in back of his property were built, the contractor took the dirt from the alley, and when he was asked who gave him permission, the answer was no one told him it was an alley. Tiie Chaix�man asked him how he got in and out of the alley. Mr. Benjam�n said "you back do�rn aud pull out or pull out and back down". Mr. Benjamin commented on the width of Jefferson Street saying that origipal.ly it was a full 30 foot street. The Council decided to offaet the etreet ��.ve feet and the people were left with about a 20 foot street. Mr. Benjamin said that after the neighbors were assured he was asking for just a two car garage, there were no objections. He presented a list of the names of the property owners within 200 feet. 1�TION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Comm3ssion receive the list of property owners within 200 feet of 5708 Jefferson Street as presented by C. H. Benjamin (later on identified as Exhibit "A")• Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ' Mx. Beajamin stated the second garage would be used for his csxe, aad the old ane would be for the freezer, boat, trailer and otbez miec�2laneots�-i�ema. The driveway would not be blacktopped, but he would use black dirt and clay and cobblestones for the front of the drive out towarda the street. ' ' I� .1�DTION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the reading of the Public Hearing Notice be waived and close the Public Hearing for a Special Use p�.i'�n.it, SP �i7Q-11, C. H. Benjam,in, to build a second garage on Lot 2, Block 4, Adams Street Addition as per City Code Section 45.051-2A. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously, � ' � % Plannint� Commission Meetins� - October 7, 1970 Pa�� 3 MpT.TON by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commi�sion recoa+mend approva.� of the Special Use Permit, SP N70-Z1, by C. H. Be�nj�nin, to build a second garage on Lot �, 131ock 4, Adams Street Rddition as per Ci�'y Cod�, Section 45.OSI-2A. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion c�.�r�.ed it�amin►ously Mr. Benjamin brought forward a letter addressed to Oliver R. Erickson, Chair- man which, he said, was shown to the neighbors before the petition was sigt►ed. MOTTON by Minish, seconded by Harris, that the Public Hearing of the Special Use Permit, SP N70-11, be reopened for the purpose of receiving the letter addressed to Oliver R. Erickson, Chairman, Planning Comrnission, and hereafter be referred to as Exhibit "B", beinq a statement by Mr� Benjamin as to the circum- stances an�l manner in which the Special Use Peratit was presented. U,pon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. �ION by Harris, seconded by Minish, that the list of property owners within 200 feet of 5708 Jefferson Street be considered as Exhibit "A" and a�so $n addi- tional document in reference to the letter addressed to Chairman EriGksp�rtt and referred t�xhibit "B". Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the aation carrf ed unanimously. . NOTION by Hsrris, seconded by Schmedeke, tiu t the Planning Cam�i.ssian close the r�opened Public tiearing of the SpeciaZ Use Permit, SP #70-I1, by C. A. Benj�e- mfn, to build a sec�ond garage on Lot 2, B1ock 4, Adams Street Addition as per Section Section 45.051-2A of the City Code. Upon a voice v�ote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimoasly. Chaizman Erickson, in reviewing the request, said Mx. Benjamin would use the eecvnd garage for storing cars, that there is no way in the world he ca�ld use the old garage for cars as there definitely ig a very severe drop facing West on •the alley. The alley is shown on the plat, but probably never was opened. The Planning Commission has recom�ended approval of the request for a second garage a�d ask that it go before Council on Tuesday, October 13, 1970. 2. CONTINtTED• PLANTING �OULEVARD (40 FT.) IN MOORE LAKE flIGAI�AI�TDS 4T'EI ADDITION; I�Ir. Fitzpatrick said that he brought this up at the last Parks S Recreation Co�mission meeting. The Commission is still working on it and the information will be ready in the near future. The Parks and Recreation meets on the 4th Maedaq of the month, and he extended an invitation for any of the Planning Com- miseion members to attend. ADJOURNI�NT : There being no f urther business, Chairman Erickson adjourned the �eeting at 9:10 P.M. pectfullX submitted 9� �f flaze 0'Brian Recording Secretary