08/16/1971 - 5837' ' � u ' ' ' � ' ' � ' ' � �� C' 1 1 1 JUEL MERCER - COUNCIL SECY. COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 7:30 P.M. AUGUST 16, 1971 FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL - REGULAR MEETING AGENDA - AUGUST 16, 1971 - 7:30 P. M. 0 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: ROLL • CALL : APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Council Meeting, August 2, 1971 Public Hearing Meeting, August 9, 1971 ADOPTION OF AGENDA: , , � VISITORS: _._._-- Consideration of Items not on Agenda - 15 Minutes REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA, AUGUST 16, 1971 PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. On Final Assessment Roll - Sanita�y Sewer and Storm Sewer Improvement Project ��100. OLD BUSINESS: 2, Announcement Regarding Viking Chevrolet (Tabled 8-2-71) (COMMENT: The Public Hearing is scheduled on August 18th before the Planning Commission and their minutes will be before the Council on August 30th) r =' PAGE 2 Pages 1 & la 3. Consideration of 1972 Budget (Tabled 8-2-71) CONINIENT: The 1972 Budget is currently under preparation and should be ready for submission to the City Council during September. It is requested, therefore, that considera- tion of the 1972 Budget be tabled until our first regular meeting, September 20, 1971) � Q�L' . REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA, AUGUST 16, 1971 NEW BUSINESS: 4. Consideration of First Reading of the Ordinance for Rezoning Request ZOA ��71-03 by Jo�in P. Youngdale (From R-3 to C-2 in the Northeast Corner of University Avenue and Osborne Road) and Consideration of Special Use Permit SP ��'71-03 to Construct a Service Station in a C-2 District (General Business Area) in the Northeast Corner of University Avenue and Osborne Rd. (COMMEENT: The Public Hearing was held on August 9th. Only , one gentleman was objecting) 5. Consideration of an Ordinance Regulating the Licensing and Manner of Conducting Dances _� /' 6. Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of August 4, 1971 PAGE 3 Pages 2 & 2a Pages 3 & 4 Pages 5 - 11 � REGULAR'COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA, AUGUST 16, 1971 NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) 7. Receiving the Minutes of the Bui�ding Standards Design Control Meeting of August 5, 1971. 8. Receiving the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of August 10, 1971 _,� / PAGE 4 Pages 12 - 14 Pages 15 - 18 � 9. Consideration of Request by Park Construction Company to Pages 19 & 20 Allow for Extending Working Hours - Burlington Northern Hauling Operation ' SCOI�IMENT: If Council is going to allow this, they should allow it subject to possible revocation if it creates traffic problems or problems with adjoining residents) _ REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA, AUGUST 16, 1971 NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) 10. Receiving Bids and Awarding Contract for Project ��104 Locke Lake Dam (Bids Opened 11;30 A.M., August 16, 1971) 11. Receiving Bids and Awarding Contract for City Garage Expansion (Bids Opened 11:30 A. M., August 16, 1971) � / PAGE 5 � � 12. Authorizing the Use of the Professional Services of Pages 21 - 23 Soil Engineering Services, Inc. to do a Soil Analysis Investigation for Project ��102 ' S,CONIMENT:` Because of difficult soil north of 79th area, we would like to engage a professional soil firm to run analysis. Estimated cost is about $10,000) 13. Approving the Second Phase of Street Light Program for 1971 Pages 24 - 27 , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA, AUGUST 16, 1971 NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) 14. Receiving Report on the Metro Sewer Board Rules and Regulations Regarding Waste Discharges to the Metropolitan Disposal System (COMMENT: The report is in the Agenda folder. The rules provide that all cess pools would have to hook up within one year and �"also provide private arrangements for individuals dealing directly with �ietropolitan Sewer) � 15. Consideration of Submitting LAWCON Application for North Park Area � PAGE 6 � 0 Pages 28 - 31 16. Consideration of Resolution Regarding Holdin� Lot 30, Pages 32 & 33 Block 11, Hyde Park Addition for City Park Purposes 0 , . , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA, AUGUST 16, 1971 ' � NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) , 17. Consideration of Resolution �onfirming Assessme�t Roll , Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Improvement Project ��100 � � 1 ,. . 1 � 1 � 18. Consideration of Resolution Ordering Preliminary Plans and � Specifications for Project ��106 ' i- � - 1... . . � 19. Receiving Resolution From District ��14 Board of Education Regarding Reducing Speed Limit on Mississippi Street , � � " - ' ' � 20. Appointment (City Employee) � 1 1 � . � 1 �� 1 PAGE 7 Pages 34 & 35 Page 36 Pages 37 & 38 Page 39 . , REGULAR�COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA, AUGUST 16, 1971 PAGE 8 NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) 21. Claims 0 22. •Licenses 23. Consideration of Request to Hold Auction - Michael Servetus Unitarian Society, September 6- 19, 1971 24. Consideration of Request For Time Change For Auction to Be Held August 21, 1971 - Fridley Auction Page 40 Pages 41 - 47 Page 48 Page 49 � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA, AUGUST 16, 1971 NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) 25. Estimates 26 . COMMLTNICATIONS : A. District ��14 Board of Education: CATV ADJOURN: i 6 PAGE 9 Pages 50 - 52 Page 53 1 , , � ' , �_J �• THE MINUTES OF THE F�GULAR COUNCIL MEETING O1� AUGUST 2, 1971 PI�EDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ldayor Kirkham led the Counail and the audience in sayinq the Pledqe of Alleqia�nce to ths F1Aq. • INVOCATION: The Invocation was offered by Reverend Berqren, Redeemer Lutheran Church• Mayor Kirkham called the R�equla►r Council Meetinq of Auqust 2, 1971 to ox�der at 7:�45 Y.M. ' RfJLL CALL : M�MB�EgS pRESENT: Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Breider, Kelshaw 1�lgERS ABSENT : None APPIipVAL OF �E� MINUTE9 OF TE� REGULAR C0�7NCII+ MEE?II�i("s Op' JUI'+Y 12. 1971: MOTION by CounciLnan iiatris to a�dopt the Minutes ot the Aeqular Council Meetinq � of July 12, 1971 aa presented. Seconded by Caunci�lman 1felshaW. Upoa a noice vote, all voting aye, Mapor Rirkham declared the motion carried ur►animcuslY• ' e � � AppROVAL OF THE MIN[1TL�S OF TF� REGUI�FiR OOqPICIL MEETING_ OF JULY 19, 1971: MO'Ti6N by Councilman Kelshav to a3opt the Miautes o! ti�ee Req�lar CaunCil Meating of July 19, 1971 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, a21 ayes, Mayor Kirkhma declared the natian oarried unaniu►ous ly . �OpTION OF AGENIaA : Mayos Kirkkaia said thsre ws ,ane itea to add aa follars, a�nd Motild be 27A: Resolution requesting tha Minneaota Hiqhway Deps�tment to install tra�fic signals at th� intersection of T.H. �47 (Unitr�rsity Avenue) and 69th Avenue. ' MOTION by Councilman Liebl to a►dopt the Aqenda as amended. Secondad by Councilman Kelshsw. Upon a`roice voter all ayes, Mayor lcirkhaai declared tbe motion carried uuanimously. � �. vIB� i . � � � � � 'S Mr. -Galay aaked What Was go�nq td be �iorie abaz� his problma MiCh �he �alieY: Councilman Liebl said that he and the Citp Manager �vent�3oMn tb�re and � inapected the alley and he vculd asaure Mr. Galay that it vrould be graded and stabilized. Mr. Galay asked if tiie alley would not be opened out to the north end. The City Manager said that ha had reviewed !rlr. Ga1ay's situation � i RaGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 2, 1971 PAGE 2 with the City Engineer and found that at the tia�e of the hear�nq the majority of ti�e people did not �zant the alley opened. The City Eaqine� add,ad that the improveaient of the alley was talcen out of the projsct in response to the people's wishes. Mx. Galay said that he could not aitord to lose tiene frc� vrork because he could not qet aut the alley. Councilaan Liebl saiS that he Mas fully aware oi thia proble�. For 3�i year� th� Caunail tri�d to op�n this alley, but the people were opposed to tnis; so the Council concurred with the xishes o! the peop2e, He said that he believed that when 5th Street was put is�, curb cuts were left ao that he could qet to hia garaqe lro�n 5th 3treet. Mz. Galay said that the qrade is too steep to qet his car in. CounciLAan Liebl assured him that sta�biliaing tLe a�ley w�ould be taken aa�re o!. � '• MJ� :d� ' Y ' � M.1' '-• Maypr Rirkham announced that at the request cf the attorney for Viking Ghevrolet, this itepi is to be tamled to the Meetinq of August 16, 1971. DISCUSSION REGARD�DiG TAX BZLL UNDER CONSIDERATIOId 8Y STATE LEGIS7�}lTURE: Mayo� Kirkham said he was sure the z�st of the Council appreciated his ooncern in �ec,�a�d to the proposed tax bil7, and this is why he asked for the information furnished by the Administratic�n. This tax bill would etranqle commt,uzities such as Fri8ley. He lelt a teleqraaa ehould be sent to the Gonernor asking him • to veto ths bill. Part of this bill concerns the propesty tax freeze which w�ould malce it iangossible to operat�. �e suggested that this vire shau�;d be ssnt riqht now, if the rest of the Council vcncurred. CounciL�an Liwbl s�i� he understood that this bill would provide for no limit on school distsicts, but it ar�uld oa� municipalities, l�yor Kirkiu� sai�d yer., all gov�a�cnmental boSies depend on real eatate taues,�bnt the munfcipalities w�auld b�e frozen, the sci�ools w�ulfl not. Municipal gavern�aents depend on real estate taxes to operate the City. It also does not pravide �for the cost of livinq spira�l, for instance to replaat tbe City Hall incinerator v�u3.d coat about �ai wore Aa► than �t ras spen� oriqinally. Equipment coata are qoinq up l�ster tisan property taxes. Municipalitiea �st provide responaiv� govern- merit to tt� voters aad the a�cnsy spent is spent in x�spor� to v�tera wisiLes. To aa8dl8 wnnicipa], gov�rnwents �►ith this fre�se wauld eake it imposaible � to operate � a,nd be r�ould antertain a motion to ar�k the Ciov�ernas ta vsto ti� bill. lIOTIO�t �y Cpunailaian x�lal� to instruct tt�tt a tolegrao� b� sent to the Gows�r�or asking fox a veto on the psropo�d tax bill. S000nded by Councilman Liqb�. �ou�pilu�an Liebl said that he lalt un8ss tir� pressat bill as prapo�ed it does not qive �aough proparty tax relisf to ha�es owr►ers. TMty �auld like to aee sao� praperty t�x relief . Mayor 1Cirkham said thaC he ttiouqht that Nhen they ask for property tax relief, they really r+ant relief is�aa taxes, but this bi�1 would increa�a ina000ae t�xes and tbey �rould en$ yp payinq aiore in the er►d. .. Tti� VOTg.upon the motion, beiaq a v�oice vote, ull ayes, Mayo7r Kirkham declared tha motion carried unani�ousl.y. � jKE�UI,�R COGNCT� �EETING OF A�GUST 2� �971 PAGE 3 ' f�`ji� [NG TO WARD'AN Couricilman Breider asked that the Gouncil excuse hisn tor beinq unprepared at the last meetinq arid thank�� theia iox giving him the opportunitp o�' epeaking tonight beforQ consi.deratian of the propar�sd Ordinance. He $aid ha could nat takt c�amplete credit for the plan hs was pr�sentinq because it i• an exact re�lica of the one presented by the Adtainistration. He svggested in ta3.kinB of ths plans, for identification, they call them iiarris' plaa an8 8r�tider's plan. Conoerninq ths one man one vote rule with an allawed la deviation, aftes som� retabulation by the Administration to correat saa� error� made, bo�h plans meet ths rul• aet by the Suprema Court. He pointed out under the Hreider plan iiard.One w�oulsi be in one Legislativa Di�ttrict, usinq tYs� re- di�rtrictir�q plan as propo�ed, and under the Haxris plan it �ld be in two districts. Counailman Kelshaw said that w�der the Breider plan Ward Three w�ould be in , twop Taegislative Distticta. Councilman Breider continued that conceming Councilman Harris' co�nent in seqard to economic balance, he assumed he was talkinq of e�rning gawer of the pepple, If this is what,he mean�, both p].ans w�ould mset that criteria. Councilman Haxri�' thiitd point was qrawth potential. He ielt tha,t what Cqnuaeilman Haxrie st,►ted Na� not entirely true as the only area in i�'d Une under the iiarris proposal for qra�tiz r+ould be the Riedel property. Also under th� Harris proposal in Ward_Three are�both the apartment� o#f 79th and East RiveX RAad and the GeorgetoWn apartments. Councilman Kelshaw's ward t�ou�d incxea�e substanti�lly because of the development of Peck's Woods. Under the Breider plan the apartments off 79th w�ould be in Ysrd one, the GeorgetoMms would be in Ward Thre� and in Ward Tw�o wouid be some xecez.tly rezoned propert�i to be developed. He felt this would typify qrowth potentisl better.than t�e Harri� plan. As to his pcyint regardinq the natural topography this w+ouid be true ai both--plans.. As to hi.s.claim -that:the precincts w�uld be nearly equal in si�e, he.tslt that:w�ould_b� questionable at this time. It ie not kna�n Mhara the leqislative bainda►ries will be_and he would hate to have one precinct �,n two �egi.slAtive di�atrict�e. He ialt� it wauld behoave the Ccuncil to wai� t,a st�ruature the praci�cts uatil the leqislatl7s kwvindas'iea are rwt.- �an a man runs for public a£tic� he malees a oantxact w3th his peopl��and it a�eans that Ward Cauncilme� �►ill represent his people. Hc pointed out that he, as WArd One Councilma�n, has.marked With the poople Wast of the railroid tracks a�nd if the Harsis plata were to qo throuqh,� he Mould be placed in an embair- rassinq�-position. He.felt that the areider plan better typifies true rep- reaentation of the peopl�. Z'hs Harri� plan puts the Ward One Councilman �.n the section south of Mississtppi 5treet which he is �ot familiar With, and tha Ward Three Councilman in the position of having to get to know those people in t,ize north enc� of Fridley. Iie felt there w�ould be a lapss of tiwe before the Councilmen tn their respective wards could truly s'epressnt thsir people. He suggs�ted the %est procedura Nould be to wait until the leqisl.ative district boundarie� are set, but if tl�e (7ouncil wiahes to qo at�ad, he hop�ci they would oonsider the araidsr plaa. Cour�c�.lm�an Relshaw asksd vh�re the Administratiea qot-their tiqurea. The Finaace Dire�tor said th�y have received tbe Fedesal ceneus figures that.are set out � in la�rge blocks. then the �chool census Mss uaed ta break those into �naller units . CounGilaa�n 1Gelshav askad ii thi� t�rould meet I_J fiyures down ths requir�aents REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 2, 1971 PAGE 4 and if thi� i$ an authorized source of information. The City Attorney said the Federal census fiqures are an suthorized source, He said he vas not fami- liar with the procedure gone through with the school census, but he assumed it was the best information available. Councilman Harris �xplained t,hat he understood that `ahen tbye �iqures were transferred from x:he ariqinal m�p to the new one, there arere sa�e �rrors made in the figures, but with the corrections made,.he agreed with Gouncilman Breider, both plans meet the Supreme Court rulinq. He addod that the proposed legislative redistricting shows Fridley in three difterent districts. He pointed out that Ward Two would be in thre� different legialative districts. He said the legislative redistricting was not a good +�hi.ng for Fridley, but we may have to live with it, no matter ho�v the ward bound�ries auce dra�rn. He �aid as he lc�oks at the Bzieder pian, in Nard Three, aside_�� the Georgetowns, there is very little room for residantial graW,th. iie felt that with the xarris plan tl�ere is room for industrial, coaa+aercial and residential growth. He felt. the prablems dealinq with topography are best served by the plan he present�d. He added that the precincts sthould be nearly �c�ual in size For voter cozxvenience, and h�.s plan has that feature. CounciLnan areider said as to growth potential, the first consideratian should be representatioir of the people by population rather than industxial or commercial growth. He added that with the i�arris proposal Ward_Tw�o would only have the Riedel property for growth. Councilman Iisrria said that there Mere scattered lots throughout the community that were not yet developed. He saw Ward One continuing to grow toward the north, and possibly befors the next census may qutstrip the other wards. Mayor Kirkham said that both plans were worthy of consideration. The plan brought by the Administratian was found to have some errors, this is what prompted them to try to come up with something else. The Council deaided each man was to take the figures and try to draw up the boundary lines. Finally Councilman Harris prepared a proposal which showed a balance of population, which is the prime concern in xedistricting. Anotber important consideration is to try to avoid major redistricting in the future and to try to predict the population qrowth in certain areas. It is a matter oE opinion which of the two plans best do this. He said the legislative redistricting cannot be considered at this time, because there a�z+e no firm boundaries set yet. If th� currect plan in adopted, there would be problems in setting the preoincts with eithex plan. He said Councileaan Haxris' camment an topoqraphy was good, and pointed to the problems oP East River Raad. ieAien the City trie� to resolve one problem on East River Roa,d, it seems to have a chain reaction up and down the road, and he felt it w�ould be an advantage to have it all in one ward. Councilman Breider asked the Finance Director if it w�ould not cost more to have two leqislative districtrc in one ward. The Finanoe Director said it would depend o� ri+hether there are more than 9 precincts. If there vrere more, it �tould vos� more. There would be same expense in keepinq the cards and some sdditional judges. If the precincts are kept in ona legislative district that �nould tend to keep co�ts lower. Councilman Breid�r asked har+ many precincts the7ce aice in the Harris.plan. Councilman Harris said three per ward, just as there are now. . ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' � , ' u ' , '+ ' �Gi�IAR COUNCZL MFETII�DG OF AUGUST 2. 1971 PIlUGGB 5 Counci�toan�Harris aaid i�.was a ahame Fridl•y conld not be unilied �.nto one lsqisletive dis�sict. 7►a proposed�!'ridlep t�u2d have nulLi-rsprs�ntation in tbe Leqi.slature . He �dded ti�at tLsre sss alao fous sa1'�ool districts in Fxidlsy. Gouuailaa�i Braider. �aid ti� Hreider plan puta the p+�opYs s�t of C�sal i.�►to Ward ,T�. which see�M1 to be tl�s aia�ural �ray o! doinq it. The H�ia pz'oP�� takea tl� Peof?le west ot tho t�aaks and puts ttww • in llas'd � Tl�res. atid t2ie ��.i.d�ac _ D�� 7�esv4�. tn6,t in _ itas'd.: t�a . i�e said� h� __tri�d to qine ueople �^ �q to id6ptify �v. C3v�nQiLaa:► xa►rxis sai�l_tt�a� the c�aent Mas wd�.+�bo�= �v �t»e aAd ���cil- ay,n�a particular Ward.. but t.i�ia,.Counoii is m�►8e uP maq votes on every i�ua. Baai► man kould atill ba►ve th� � vo�.�, u� aatter vrt�se the lines are draMn. CounciLan Braidor said tAat i�� satwlly goes out �,� c,QU�u1�8 with hi• peoQie:lrt his Mard b�to� aasia� 'to �i1 r�T� °Ot�s �inq on �oa+ much aaoa�wn3�tion he:qeta isas bis__�qpl�. . Eaah t�o�unci]�an i� � a sespcnaibili.ty to �+�i�=�t i�e: PeoP1� ot '�- �` Coanailaia=►- �ia�cri�1 N1d . ttu►t =w Mttar Mh� t� line s:. ar� : 8ra�s r:this ro�tl-d ooatiuns bo b� tsw • p�cilaaa Liebl aaid t1�a1t b�r• has � looi�ad .tbe . Has�is plau o�va�. aud ielt tbat rsaideatial �area� sooh it .�iolatss bis am aztt�tia►. . 8e has taken �Ceate�. o�t o! 1f��d �ree #►� $Ylvaa Aills and the atea �t�ozrth of Hc�lly S'hoi�P�9 �rrd pu�t it in �ard One. ZA th�se areaa thi str�eta etc. sQe all in aad ti�er� have bNa �=,asaesso�enta. --and t�rsre as�� no , f�- ps+a�blws. In s+�tnst► tLs Harrie pla�a p�ts -Baat •Bivsr - t�t :�sa bo East _River B�rd heshad wan�d be�h�i� and 11atd Thsae.. He said it saible M�pted.fi•be-ip�e3a�ta hase,thain say. li�-f�i# .thi.a:�l,aa Mwld!aak'�s impo Co 96t the �ratioa ia. �:�res xi.th .i�ps�da ona aaS �w. _ Ha 3.ndiaated that bir c�sl�d _�� understaa�d haw Qo�riatlaan $sl�� va�uld _so qui�klg -usess • the Eatris plan, decide 3t was a�a�kabl� P�ais� aaad �C° 1�S �°��" H° falt iie ��Aould huve takeua time tc consi�r �athmr this plan �raa 400d� for �'cidley. and- a1le�ed •�or a week a� at�: ,: iUt said .he wa�t�d lika t�o . urqe the people to �s�twraE� i petitioA asl�inQ -for: a refere�a� .�hich � they are ent.ttl�cl to un�der ti� Ct�rtar. to dstermi�e .MLicfi Plan tbe vrrters :�raat. :� Councilain Breid�s�c's plan shares the problems� e pas shock�dsat the�ctiontol�the Seaond %tnrd �a �iea. He aa_ �1iu.: iia ha�d worksd �rith him to try �o help solisapue�, t�t-ths Ms1ro=$+►Pgoiat r�'d. - l3e • auqg�sted � bQ� ic�P ti�.s a aou-pe►rti�aa tva psopl+� W a�ork on - a► ..noa�►itt�e ta draar yp �a p},aa , He po�tmd o�ut . tbat _ the �tY iMi wwt ye� raes�ved a2,1 :t�e oigici�l c�naus iiqe:r�r and ths Citg i�as - unt�l nast +tparinq tA reso�ve the boundax7 linea. �._TAia. is. �fi� lu did not vwrk : y�; a propc��l of his o�n. . Ha aaid both : the ..Barris .�d Breid�sr plaa bave =gooa pp��, }�yt ahy ths iiur�cY? -.:.8aah .Ccuncilm�► -shoul�i�be qiv�n s aha�ce _to :. . r�ucaasnt hia : PeoPi� . If �the ordinaaor bss�d �u :t� ilarri■ plaa . is rrot�d :oa ��� toniqht, tt� ��nly alto�cnativ4 voul�d :�e to p2ace tbe pzvposals •. oa:. _ a r�t�r�. Cainci3aan l�slshsw has etstecl thnt La �d be aa IY►d�ape�snt a�c3. �t be politiaali�� ��tivated. _ Tits ti�u Mard :.O�uocil�ai --hav.� to. tr�rk _ tcqoti�r ap�i share the coam�n probleos, bu! i! tha S'hird lfard Catnoilman p 2�as the inti.re East River leo+id prablem, it r�vnld sarivualy haadicalp �• . . : - - _ . . " - .sit� �and � �uncil�un �I4alshaoM said ti�t �:t�uce haw b�ren �a�e thi�Js , at1 hi� . psrl�ps �qw'is a qood t#� ��! t�• `��d �tiss� las� �uq�st:�d►au 2�e ' out in tht �udience. he iu►d never hesr8 a Counai]aoa�� politic�g Co�i�n$ om so many iasues. Zn the seven� months i�s ha� b�sn SeAo�l ' sat h� REGIILAR COUNCIL MEETII� QF AUGUST 2, 1971 PAGE 6 , haa be�n around his wt�rcq many ti.aies a�d �aaors�c»r night ho has another msstinq t�t.ii �b! geople. in his� ward,. H� sai� he did not• t�a�e t3�e. to - aainpaiqn. He �3.d:he- v�s :put in oftice_ far- tbree -y�az*s. and� thr+e� yeass:.oniy and -at � ti� end af that. tima; : if 'the,- ]?eoPie ap�recia�e -trBat be='-lta�! done= and •�d'.he' �ile �tqain. they will have �he chance to say to him that they �rould like to have h�ea xepresent them again. He said he was here to serve p�ople, n�ot a party, and:he.:Maptad that� clesrly-�nder�taod:- He �aid that-Coun�ilm�ru Liebl hae �qad thalt ..he - n►�ti� - A qui�][ decisl0�s r�Wt fOZ s�[ . to Aiqht �eeks t�e - Cou�cil lookad a�t the Administxation pxoQc��l. then hs tried -to dtaM up �hi� c�ti. Eaah Co�avilaan was to �rork on `bi� a�m p1�tt�. -:.It ssMa4- that��in "s�ecitii �eaaion" o� thinc� ctar► k�e said and whea the Council caeses cu� i�elce �'�#hiAq enti.s8ly di�fsseAt Nill be said. Hs said he distinctly r�ber� i�ear�i.ng fz�a�a t� QovtlCi3#�at1� :"draM t1�P whi►t you: t�aAt� 3t� -i22 �1�Qht► ��ftlY=lli" .- CooAOi��t` B+u�ris did 8ra� • up a�lan, it =�+a� lOofied- at � ancl d3sc3uti�i, theA- he �a�pted it, and maa2o bis �otion:. -�He-.told-��o�unci]man Lisbl, as- tar ss=bis �rski�nq wi�h him- on hf.s pz9oblems in Ward Z1�o. he has- a1�o -�torked With soma �peaple �in Warci Three and n�oted c�n - iase�e� =voncer�ing both -liards Onm anQ ��: He sa►id he �auld seacve., the w�hole City, : aad he was not-�laeted tt► oon�fder only s boundary � itae:_:He_s�aid Counailasn Lisbl-bronght:�p.poli�Cia�l par�3e�, �n �e ran he ti41d - p�opl�rhe _ �►as . a�p . �pandsnt -and it ise -true, -Bo � said -he did not believe party affi�.iation has any place in City Gavernment. You must stand up and be aoun�eei oa:#ndi�ridual .iaagues ..c�► what yon beli�ve ia - best far the City snd it�, s�sy��::�apc�rm�s. ,�pubiicaas and Iisdepersder�ts aad Mil2 a�on�tinue to do so -for t.i� tt�uct t�to y�t's . . . . �. • . . - � . , .:, , . _ . CauAailaRn tiatacts �aid =tha discai�sio� . haGS de�tiat�d tr� tb� � basiaeas st hauid, but M a�ust � sa� ��►a - t�o::s'�Pzes�ntation a! the Nasds by e�ah Cou�cilmaui, he is Couaailaiarl 71t Larqe aad hs rec�ivss � oalla ��tx+om ws�cy �ard. D�cisioc�a as�s ma3n at t.bis'Council.tabl�:that affect each Ward aad eqery_ma� has:.a vots. Those dec�3siona . are based caz �Mi�at is best tor the comsuaity. �e said .hr �auld like to . be =se�aembesed - as s�xvinq evssXone fair2y and hociestlp. �e s�ai.d tha area aorth af .I;ollY. . 3hoppiaq -Ceut.er that Couuci]man Liebl �poke of was ..in irard One qot -:fim many t�aucs ago . Couiacilman Liebl has said -"lets appoint a committee" , bqt-.h�_said aa-he read� the CLarter� it-charqe� tt�o-eouncil witli-the job, not the �m�inistration and aot a committee. He.-said. b�eause he took=-the ti�ae to drsx u� �► plan. and it �►as not to Councilmaa Li�bl'-e likinq, iie is accusinq him�af beiag politioally motivated..- _ _ . � Ma�yor 1Cirk#iam said =tbat t�he City is set� -up =�o that - at la�t ti�coe Councilmsn � ars #orcoci to - coms -�rom dfflererrt - part; of t�a ooa�auntty, �but - th�y atill serve the �iole City. A c�o0.ulailma�a 3s not � here ju+at -tfl serve hi� awa tilard. The C��cil'+i� qoal i.� to -saake 1°'=idley � better place to l�ae. . The vnly reason this c�ww �• is that: the la�t- dictatea .that it au�t ba �.done.- .The 71�1inistratiaa� first bz�v�9ht is,� � proposal, but -tt- did �tot sieet tihe �-8upremm Court rulinq. Cauncil- aar�;iiarris =is:.the only one tbat took the time ta offer a sugqeetion although ��vary-man-had thff opportunitg.: �iis p2an has a very close.popglation count batwes�►-t�e Wasda. :.I� saiS i�e also would take Offense-at Cquncilman Lfebl chars�i�q.tiaat it was polittcaily mvtivated, �ust beaause it rloes not aqgree with :Nhat i�e wants. He :pointed wt tbat in tbis .pear' a eleaticin, if aifects none , of --t3�em. _ _ . � . , . Cotmci�,�n I�iabl said to taks all political conrwta►tions out of this ite�a, ll�rpini�tration p].ari Would be the best. He said tisat the ilard Tw �eople . in Inas�ruak - amd cui Gardena Avenne knvw �a.t the Tiiard Thr�e Councilssi'� helped the the�a. ' �V�x cotrHCiz �ss8�ri� oF wcvsT 2, 1971 . - P�1GE 7 11� told CaiACilwaa Harris f! hr belisved %is p3an Waa the be�t, then he sAould t�twt tha i�dge�nt o! tlye psap3� and �t obiect �o-q�ttinq enouqh signatures !or a reterendum. Councilsaa Harria •aid that i! tirre is to ba • r�ler��dia on every iesue that ti�e C�ouncil i� s�,pposed Lo bevide. there Mou1�d be no �ed ior a Council, and tivsrd Meuld c�]y be� a�d �or a C�ty Mani�. The Cowncil has beeA il�cted tfl c�acry out tl�t r��poasibilit3.�o ot e�fit�e. Mr. Richard Harxis a8k�d Mhaa tbs City oould s�sct the oc�p1�G Feci�ral cerssu�s fiqure�. Tbe Pinance Dfae�ctor said thsy �ws� pro�issd in JulT. Ms'. itarri� �sked if they Mvul3 b� �►ithin the yea�c and the Finuics Ai�c�oto� said he �eid orrta�y exp�a'k t�eir -i�o ie . Mr . Harrfi � as�ced how the s�roo2 c�asu� � vaa � us�d and the gf naAa� Dir�ctar explained ti�►t tl�y haw r�t�i�i! ttu� 1►�d4za2 fiquse� �tAat at� set a�ut in cen�us bloaks . Tluy �re larg� blocics a�i�� t3u� ��choc►} o�naos � aas eued �� bi^mak tYfe� -� °�15o in�ivi.dua�. bloaks. Nr. �H+trris Ni;d tha� � Qid not be�ia�ve ` the - e�cbool c�#ns f iqures �i�te aocurate . � b� affi hiri- i�ile �!e �et oeunt�d '�Decsttse ttu'jr dia n�ot� 2utve i:hildraa, � nor wre hie parents. I� tt� City is to r�ceivb �he total cansus #iquras. it seeiw th�y �hov�ld wait uatil they are receiv�ad. He also felt the Legislatu�� should mct betore the 11ard Doundaries are set. The t3aainae Di.s�atar said that kha school ceusus do�a c�unt people �itilaut childsen, but perhaps a mistak� �a+s �i a4lth�h the t�M6 s�ti�-oi li�ttres tally seY'Y clo�ip. . . , .�. . MOTIOA"by Councilaian Harris to acbpt tiN ordinanoe (bas�a on tbe Harris plaa) 4� ' �iata� �uRdi�ag�::�vve �t�t �adin4= � � gecaQndad � by Couaai]aan 1�1�ishao�►. Upc� �i� �oii call ��� Barris, Relsi�n� and Ki.xlctum votinq aye, Liebl aad ereide= voti�aq nay. . Mayar lcixkha�a deala�ced the notion aarried. � Ilpityor �khaas said � ti3se O�tdiri:uo� WouYd be ba�ck �oa tlte �iact � r�pular ]rgenda for �w� s�ada.�g and it � is � al�s in ordar ` tb propose -an arioii�nt . He aaded u' f.b� paat vot�ez reyiatsmtion c�e�is �e used to set up tha baun8ary liAes an�d , this swthod has to b� uare accarate. . ..: � ie�ad ) � MOTI011 by Caue►cilwan Liabl to �dd'pt ordinance �485 0� `s�cond r�adiA4 • rniae the r�a�i,aq and arder puialication. Seconded by Co�naiLaa Rela�. Opob = rou � ca�i ve1�lh�. 'iGrlaha�+. �Cirkhetr� •Lie3r2. 8arsis and �i�r �Ootiriq aye. li�Yor l�irkhan declar�d ths motion carried unani�eously. ' 1 �� C ' 1 11DTZWt by Cainoi].mati Lisbl to adopt o�rdina��ai �f8i 'on s+��oad 't�i�din9. wtiva tha raadiirq ar� order publication. sec�onded by Cauicilman lcalshaM. O�on a z'e11 call v� f�r��der. lCe�ehani. x; rt�, �,}�l aac� Haxria votinq ays, ltayeae lcirkham dilaD3�ue�R #� �rotion car�isa mna�iitexi�lly. � . . , 0 RE'GULi�R COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGtJST 2, 197� PAGE 8 The City .,$ngineer aaid. they are ,,��ill waitinq; for tbe o,iq�e�i:. Aqxs��t. from �be _developez . and suc��tsd tablinq the; ,seco�pd, rea$[.nq:�g th� Ordinanae _ until it is received. : MOTION by Councilman Liebl to table this item., Seconded ]ay Counc�.lpan Kelshaw. t7po�zi a voiae vota� all aYes �.Aiayo� Kirkhaun .dec�ai�ad the mQtion c��cried u�s�ninausly. _ _ S: M+��: ltirk#u�., declar�d a rece�ts. at 9;10 P.11. The Council� l�t��q� vnw r��onvened at 9�30 P.M. , � . � i�k�en the Council xsoo{�w�d� , pour�cilmen xelsbaw;_a�d ��iehl r�rsre _ st;L11 abseat, so th� Council decided-to.go;abead with ather 1�4ms and waiyt until they return for.Iteat �7 (8pacial Oao Permft for �kelly.0i�j whar� ttl�ere �„iill be a fu1l,Council to consider that itetn. CONSIDERATION OF SLTDGET FOR 197Z: • _ _. :. . ...�.:._ !�lOTION by Councila�ari H�ris 1ro table this item. . S�co�ed. by �ouncilman Sreider. tlpon a voice note, all v�oting aye, Mayor Kirkham declarsd the aotion carried. THE_ MINUTES OF THE PARKS AND RECREATIf�i QO[�lLI$S.T l�1SRTIDiG OF JUNE MOTIO�1 by Councilman Bs��der tp receive the Minutea o! the Parks,aad Recreation Co4iaaion.Mestinq oi Juae 28, 1971. The motion �tas �oonded arW upon.a voice vote ,� ai,ll votin9 . aYe r�� �Cirkl�n dec�ared , the �oticu► casrietl. .-_ w• � � • • � « � � - � • � � • • � : n -.• �� •� ► :� • MOTIOId bX Councilman . Breidez to authori�e . payment of t2�e clai�a sub�aitted by Robert Dueholm, 290 Craigbrook Way,.in �he a�wunt ot�S60.00 as reooam�en�d by the Admi�istration. The motion was sevcnded and upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared ths motion carried. QONSIDER�TION OF INSTALi�ATION OF "NO PARK�". �S �I�{S O�T 59Tii AVB[+TIiE 71I�ID 7TH STRFET: _�_ MpTIqN by Councilman Kelshaw to ooncur with the recoe�nendation of the Adminis- tration in placinq "No Parking" signs on 59th Avenue and 7th Street, as outlined in the memorandiun fraa the City Enqineer dated July 23, 1971,:Memo Number CbI �71-09. Seconde$ by CounciLnan Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, !ylayor.Kirkham declared the motion_carr�ed. . CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL USF, PERMIT �k71-08, RE�iTEST BY C�i aULI�tAN �'OR TFiTs SRELLx O�L COMPANY ON � SOUTi�AST CORHER pE' F�►gT gIV�R �AD pND 7gTH AVENUEs Mr, Spsnce� Sako�owski representinq Skelly Oil Cc�mpany,� said he uauld reiterate the poaitiot} traken by Skelly Oil Cc�panY th�rouqhout �he hs�ings. This ioa�tipn ia on th� cc�rhar o! 79th Av�enue and East River Rpad and ia zoned c-2. In 1962 a building Qennit �t iasued to estsbli,�th`a gas ststion. This area haa been, a�fd still is. C-2. The area direotly to the south, Mhiciilrlr. gudali REGDLAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 2, 1971 PAGE 9 o�na, wa�s rezoned to a�ltiple in 1969. Skally oil• Comp�ay,is in the proaeas ai�i�psoving their aervice stations aad they will maet all the crit�ria required by the City. �He understood that ?9th Avenue v►ill beoo■ie a thorouqh- fare to T.H. �i47 wh�ch w�ould make this a qood intersection oa tdiich t�o be located. He sazd he w�ould like to point Qut that the main abjector i� the maa who ovms the apar�nt ocmpl�x to the south, yet vi�an he bnilt the gara,gea, the rear of the garaqes faces•their parcel ot latxi. He lalt s nica Skellr Station w�ould be an aeset to the ca�unity. Nhen Mr. !'alksnstein puzchased the land �here was no r�quirement of a spsaial use �ermit. He lelt one siLOUld be qranted now ;nd respecttully requested t2zat ths Council conaidar their proposal. Coun�ilman Liebl asked the City Attor�sey, if, ainca a� building permit was iasued 7 years.ago, the City could be found prejudiced if it was dsnied ncn�. He added that in the years interveninq, the Or3inancsa ragardinq special use permits #�ave been �tiffened coasiderably. The City has tried to upqrade the development of lots such as this. The City Attorney said it was difficult to predict what a judge miqht say, but he.would say that municipalitie� do upgrade their Ordinances,,and a land awner is not assured that zoning or other standards will never change. He must mest the standards aet at the time he makes an appli- cation. He felt a court w�oµld say that 7 years i• an unreasonable length of time ar�d that the land cx�mer �rould have to meet the Gity stsndards at the time of application. Councilman Breider said that qas stations must be compatibi� aith othor businesses in the area. In this case, there are abutting haaes on all sides, and would not be considered a con�nercial area, and therefore not voa�atible,�so � on that basis he would make his m�tion. � AlOTION by Councilman 8�eider to deny the special use pezmit reque�t by Skelly Oil Co�pany, SP #71-08. Seconded by Councilman�Harri� with the co�nent that he seconds the motion on the sam� basis that Co�nciLaan Breidar madQ his taotion. He reviewed this property on Saturday, and upon viewinq this area, with the exception of some property south of the cresk, this area is.solidly residential and he did not find this use compatible to.� general area. Mayar Kirkham said that he mu�t v�ote agafnst..the motion. He said � made up hi� mind based onihe history of this parcel of land, and he w�ould`have to aqree with Mr. Sokolo�+ski. This property was held for many years in good faith:that it could be d�veloped ae prepented now. He thought tha gat station as propoeed is aa attractive aa a station oould be, and that the City owes it to them to allaw develo�ment as proposed. ' THE VOTE upon the motion, beinq a roll c�ll trote, llCels2uM, Lisbl,.Harris and Breider voting aye, Kirkham votinq nay, Mayor Rirkham declared the taotion oarried. . ' �_, RT ; ,_RZG�RUING 1i�4UE�TTD KIDDIE PARKS u1 ��ms p,�}vc �► � �L�' s . ' C u . . . . Councilm�ri Liebl aaid that Mrs. Holmberg was in tt� audiance for thi$ it� and requested that the C�ty Manaqer read the revo�ssencl�tion of the Parks and R�ecreation Coannission fram the memorandum datsd July 29, 1971 iram the Parks Director aur�d aleo the memorandum fraa the City Manaqer dated J1ily Z9, 1971. The City Manaqer read the memorandums as requested. REGfJLAR COUNCIL MEETIIVG OF AUGUSI' 2, 1971 PAGE 10 ' MOTIGN bX-Caincilman Liebl to concnr in the recaarsendation of tiu Paxks and Racr�ation Director and the City manigsr snd infrtxuct tbat th�y proceed acco�dinqly". Seconded by Councilaan Kel�ha�►. Upon a voice vpte, all ayes, Maypr�Rirkham declnred the motion ca�ried nnaniwotta3y. � T Th� Eity Ma�agex� explained 'thh�t !'r3dle�r vrouid bs� cx�-�ponsors becanse a City wh36h ha�s a• fu2i tise Parks and le�ecreation Director is the anlp ories who can spon�or the sof tb�l l taurn�rent . Mr: hdoipiz I�ilco�rsyci, Pses3deii� of the Fridiey- �a�yceee, �tniS thdt Fridley is re�sonsible for ��the tndustri�al slo�v pitch taurnameat: The oniy oz�es that caxi be�vonaidered as aponsora !or this-lunc�ion are a�icipalities that have'a Fmrks and Recreation Director. The Parks Direator asked the Fzidley Jaycees if they� t�oald cb�chaiz thie program. . This� i�-one o�# th6 better' things that cou�c3 � happe#� to the Citp ot' Fridiey; - aa�d they-�anld like a` chance to � shaw Frid�ey oif .- He fel� it Mouid be ` good adir'�rtisfng Por 1"ridle�► as thsy �rould be attiactinq some '6d aoftball teams in'to 4he �ity: IC �rcaald be b� ra8io and TV because it •is a sttaCe�wfde taurnament . T�+e - Jayc=eea �re r�queating that the C�,ty proviflQ O�e n►a� to assist the Jaycees �►ith-this tunctian. The Parks Director felt that the Jaycees sbould not be responsible for the equipment or tha field, and this a�an Moul�d be responsible for the equipment and to make sure the iisid is up to tourab�t standarda. . .._ _ ��il� Breider said- that he vras the ba� that- had- asked for�-thia �pciicy to be �ra�+n up to make certain that the outlay woald be oi benefft to the City. MOT�o11'by GaunciLnan Hreider to concnr and provide on� supervisery man at Citg cast•for the SCate Open 5oftball Tourrian�ent, to b� August 13, 14, and 15th. Secos'tde4 b�r CounciLna�n' Harris. �ow�ciXman`Haz'ris asked if the City woald qet a share oi the proceeds fro� the qate. Mr. Kukowski said the proc�eds �re split 4 ways. The Jmycees qet �, the Gity and State qet �S and the winning tea� gets �S. He added that the �aycee share would basici�2ly; oame back to the City in same form to help same department. � Tia;`VbTE upon the motioa, beinq a voice vote, aZl voting aye, Mayor lcirkham d�dlared the motion carried unanimously. - _ . - R�CEIV�NG BIDS ON MOTOR FIRE APPARATUS 4 WFIEBL 100 RE�11t' '(Bids OpeneB 1Z:0(? Noon, Auqust 8, ` 197i) eidder Bid B�ond Base Bid .,..+.._...r� �.� SeatqraVe Co7Cp. " �!lSrylYtaB CaB... $67,50�. . v Cl�.nto�vi3,le, i�isc. 5$ H.B. Pi,ett'e Thi,battlt " Natt' l. �ank � �66, QOO.OQ Montreal, "Qt�bec .: . Canaida v.S. Punda . $3,300.00 . . Delivery Date 340-iworking Da�ys i2 months afttr rec�ipt a� order R�GiJ7�AR GOUNCIL MF.E'PIN G OF AUGUST 2, 1971 Si r Bi�d Bond Ba_ se Sid i�ia,rd Ia�France �la�ira, Nevr York ,�mericaxi La�P'ra�nce �Laira. Nev Yo�k Pstoac Pirsaii iC�aa�lca, Wisg. TraveLrs In� . 5� H.�. Trar��•sa Ind . 5i H.B. l�ryl�and C�►s. 5t �.,. ��l.�3Q.00 S66.9�0.00 $63,947.00 P11GE 11 DslivarSr Dat� �� lataz 2�0 �rorki.ng da�s altar coatrsct �iot 2at�r thu� Z60 days eft�r o�d�r. 1io� latt�c th�n 360 wrkinq gaYa attsr receipt of order IiOTTON by Cauncilman Liebl to sec�ive th� bi�da. S�ooi�dad b�f Cauncils�tn icelahaw, . ConnciLi+l�n Hseider a�sksd tha City. l�ttorney iyow lonq befors a bid ha� to be •ither aacep�t{sd o� rejaat�d. The City Attorney said unleas t.be bid aotica states othes'wise, 30 daya. Councilnan Breider said that ssrlier this evening the Council aent a tsleqrm to the Gavernor ooncarninq t.ta� p�opcsecl tax bill. The City. al� is build3,uq an additfon �o the qarage, and i� ths tax bill qoes ti�rouqh, the City oou�d �sd up with trucks and qaraqes, bnt no�peopla. 8sio�re a�ctiop is takep `costiriq; t�s City awr� �ei, he �ou�i�d lik,s to have the Legisiatwce act. � Citp Ati�oaer�ry said that if the City vould Naat an extension o�f time beyond the 30 days, t2�e law bidder conld bs asked if he �atxld abide by his bid for lona�er thaa 30 days ,.and 1 i! an e�lanation aas qi�ren him �. he thouqht the. -1c�w. bidder w�ould be willing to _ do this .� THg VpTg upon the motio�n, b�iAq a voice vote, all voting s�. 11ay�or iCirkham declared the awtian carried unanimo�sly. �IYYI�IG TI� �Y •,�Oa'j' FIaOMt i�ilLTgi S� � �AT�D Ji3LgE 13. 19?1 s � . � - 1�lQTION by Cauncilman Harris to receive the quarterly report frop ths Heaith 8anitarian dated July 13, 1971. Seoonded by Gouncilman Kelshaw. Upon a voice vote� all,v�o�ing aye� Nayar Kirk2�n declared.tbs awtion curried unani�ouslp. �lID (+�NSI7]ERATION UB �P�VAL OF Tba•City Enqina�r eaid that vrhen the Council rsvieMred tb�e pian.Eor Innsbruck Dic�stilt, i� ir�diaated tiut �tha�a the plat vaa 'rea�dy in final foxm, he Mould brinq it back beiora the Gounoil. i�a then aha�d the plmt on the easel, and said �isat ti�. trrestsrly postia� � has 130 lots and tbe east;rly hal� is for multiple uae. The aoutheast oornar has been cb�9� �� apartmea�s to tovnhQnaes. C�o�unciLaan Harris asked if the chanqe affsctad the aversli density. The City Bnqineer said thati the I�3an a� theY -no� �propos� is �an imprweaent over the origiaal plan. T'ture-was same voncern e�cpress.d by the Innsbruck South people. They are proposinq to pl�t sase lots:into resi�ntial lota thsn.oriqinally for tha first staqe. Th�ce is a total o�;IZO'Yot�.to be platted. There i�ave already been three buildiaq pezmits issued for houses alonq Mattarhoxn Drive. The � area • in ti�e no�rtheaat. jw� south of the park �►ill be apsrtaents. Couacil- aan Iiarris aaked bo�w mauy acres there �+�auld b� 3n .park laad. T'he Ci�y Enqineer eaid betve�a 20 and ZS aazea, incluaiaq the taz la�feit-lots. He aafd tiut park Nill probablY.� %wc t�� most part, be pzeserved in its aatural atate. He i�a� met `►ith tbe Parks Directox c�;#�,� tha Pa�k. .. Thsre is also REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 2, 1971 PAGE 12 a s�aall park to the southwest of there to serve the local residents. Council- man Harris asked how access w�ould be to that park. Mr. Chuck Van Eeckhout �aid theX plan to dadicate 30'.� Councilman Harris said the only problem with a narrow road wouid be off-street parking. Mr. Van Eeckhout said ihat they v�ould not encaurage vehicular traffic. What they envision is more of a pedes- trian valk-way to the park. He thought there �rouid not be mora than just a turn-around. This wauld be a quiet walk area with tot app�atus. Councila►an Iiarris said, knvwing human nature, people would not want to walk that far, and he �rondered if there could not be a parking lot acros� th� rol�d. Iie did not wan� to have to have "No Pa�king" signs put up along the $treet. He asked iE there was not s�ae way to pravide parkinq. Mr. Van Eeakhout said that they had not thouqht abou� it, but perhaps som�•research is justified. He said he would work on the park plans to see what type of d;ive-ir� traffie this would generate. Perhaps there could be parking across the street by the apattments, there is room to handle it. •xe said it wonld be oonsidered further if �he Park Depart- ment feelg it is necessary. Councilman Harris queationed whether the 30' - 35' road would be adequate, The City Enqineer pointed out the water ponding areas on Che plat map for this complex-and said they will be oonnected by an underqround system. The porlds rrill be there before the development co�es in ana �till be shawn to prospective huyers. T'hey want to retain the natural beauty oP the area and also take care of ti� drainage. He wanted to make sure there waa enough storage.areas pro- vided so there would bs no problem in the future irith flooding. Counci]man Harris said they have cbne a good job, and it is quite an ambitious project. He asked if the green areas, parks etc. would qo through the Parks and R�ar�tion Coamisaion�and the City Engineer said yes. Cc�tax�cilm�a►n Kelshaw asked what value these h�e s w�ould be . Mr. Vau Eackhou� said th�y a�re txyiza,q to bv,ild the aing].a tamily residsnara t�► a�t law a price xauzqe as poasible and atill m�imtain hiqh quality. H� did not think there would be any urydez 550.000 . Qotinoilman Kelshaw a�lc+�d what type o# roads they �rill have throughout the plat. klr. Van Eeakhout said they were discuesinq thia na+ with the City Engineer. They may caaae back later and ask for a variance in width from the normal � roadway. Because of the number of trees they may have to take down, they may want a narrower roadway, but they do not want them so narraw they would have a maintenanee problem. He tbought they would like them to be narrower thar� 31' as he did not feel it wo�uld hurt their function in any particular area as there would be no parking on'the street. Councilman xarris said, Frhen talkinq about narrow streeta, that it aeems that sometunes they get too wide. Fridley's requirement is only for a sinqle car qarage, but he knew in Chicago they xequire double garages. Mr. Van Eeckhout said that he did not belive anyone would want to bu31d less than a double qaraqe. If the City wwild �t it this way, it would be a ama11 concession on their part. Counctlman Harris said that with a sinqle caac qarage, sa�uetfines there are cars parked on the str�et, but with a do�uble car garaqe, �there would be raan for taro cars in the garaqe, and tw�o more in the drivewap, so.there rauld be no need for parkinq on the street. Co�ilman Relshaw askeS what about the traific aaaning from the w�est. The �itp Bugineer said that ariqinally, the-road w�oald line up with Reqis Trail, nvw the p�an�_are changed to_make it aas3ez ta cane onta Hillwiz�d Rpad.- There �La a direat route out to �ilver Lake aaad and peogle �ould be �talcing that ra�t�fer tha,n winding ?�hrouqh the residential #tt.�oeta , , PAG� 13 1tEGULAR COUNGII, MEETING OF AtJGUST 2 r 1971 � ldr. Van Eeckhout.was aaked 3:f 'rhe price�he quoted included the lot and he Baid ' yes, the lots w�ould range from $9,000 to $15,000 and would include all the assessm,ants in and paid. 1 '• CI � u ' C L_l � , ' , ' ' � � ' M�Q'lION by Co�sncilman K�lshaw to approve the !`inal plat, Innsbruck North, subjeiat to the applicant c�ontinuing to work wi#h the City Enqineer and the Parks and Recreation Depar�ment. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a vofce vote, all voting ave� Md�r Kirkham d+eclared the motion carried unanimously. 1- ESTABLISI�NG WORKING CONDITIODiS. WM'�ES � OF THE CI`PY OF FRIDLEY POLICE D8P71RTi�:NT t The Finance Director said that he wanted to call the Couacf3'a attention to Article IX concerning union dues check off. This is eanetiiinq the A�dmini$' �ratlon aqreed to rQcom�sentl to the Gity Counail. On ot�er occassion� the Council has not approved this particular sec�ion. He said he aiso wa�nted to direct the Council's attention to the memorandutn concerning haae pickup of uniformed �oliaemen. There hnve been �ome concessions made that the men would qive iF this program is instituted. They would qivo 30 niautes o! their own time per wet�c for training pux'.poses, and the minimut aaio�unt of overtime `+�ould be 30 minutes.� � Coun�cilman Liebl asked if th� negotiations are throu4h a�d the �inistration is recoaarnendinq pas�sinq thi� resolution, includinq the mea►orandum, aud the Finance.Direator said yes.! Councilman Harris said ha noticed th�re was additional incentive pay and asked if thi� was_in lieu of longetrity. The Finance D3xector said yea, they wanted it to beconee truly incentive rather than lonqevity. Councilman Harris asked if the dues are checked off, wonld only one chack be se�it Co the union. The Finance Airector said yes, a certain amount s�ould be taken'from each man's aheck azs3 then one check sent in for them. Councilman Liebl asked if the members vot� � if it was a�caaptable. The Finance Director said yes. MO�ION by Gv�nGi].m�n Liebl to adopt Resoiutiou �F90-1971 and appx'rn►e tt►e �nor�uap to the Police Departa�ent Personne� from the Police Chief dated July 23, 1971 rs9ar'ding baen� pick up. Seaonded by Councilman Rslsi�a►vr. Upon a voiae vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkhaua declared the nation �arried unauaimou�ly . RESOLUTION #91-1971 - ORDERING IMPROVEMSN'r AI'PRAVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIF'ICATIONS li1ND ADiVERTISING FOR HIDS: WATSR SANITaRY Sh'�R AND STORM SE'F18R -M103: MOTION by Counailman Harris to adopt Reaolution �191-1971. Seconded by Council- a�an I�el�haw. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declare8 the aotion carried�unaniawusly. , R�SQLTUIOI�I �92 1971 TRAN$P'TRRING COSTS AND EX88ii88S FiYM SANZTIIRX SSI�A ]1ND emnQtr ��A p�L7F.CT �100 TO THE PpBLIC UTILITY F(ll�ID: i1cY�ION'by Councilm�n Harria to aaopt Rsaolution �9Z-19?l. The motion aas seQOri,ded apd upon a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Rirkbaa�declarod the motion aarsied unaninlouslx. REC[TLAR COUNCIL MEETING OF ALiGUST 2, 1971 PAGE 14 ' IiESO.LUTION �#93-1971 - CFiARGING COSTS INCURRED UNDER TF� ST. 1970•-9 STREET IbiPRAVE�IT PROJECT '!'O THE GENERAI, FUND t MOTION by Councilman Keishaw to adopt Resolution #93-1971. Seeqnded by Gouncila►an Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all votinq ays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motior� carried unanimeau��.y. R�CEIVING PETITION #21-1971 - FOR A SKATING RINK �T JAY P11RK ON 2ND STRBET $ETWEEPT 68TH AVENUE AND MISSISSIPPI STREETs MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive Petition �21-1971. Seconded by � Councilman Kelshaw. Upon a vo�}�e vote, all voting aye, Mayor Rirkham de- clare� the-motion carried.unanimously: _ GONSIDERATION OF CHANGE ORDER �l, STREET IMPFt[i'VEMENT PRiD.7ECT ST. 1971-1 AND �— ST. 1971-2. �MSAS) i. - . - - _ MOTI02�I by Couneilman Kelsha� to approve Char�qe-Order �l.for Street Improvement Project St. 1971-1 and St: 1371-2. Seaonded.by.Counci7.aian�Harris. _ _ . � . . CoLincilman Liebl asked if atate aid funds would be used for the.sidewalks and the 1�Iayor said yes. Councilanan Liebl pointeQ out when the sidewalks wera put in on Miasissippi Street and 6ist Avenue the people were assessed. He woxadered if thexe could be any leqal repe�cussions. He said he had had calls froan people wondering why they were assessed for sidewalks and the people on.West Moore Lake Drive will not be. The City Attorney said t;here w�ould be no legal repercussions, and to explain to the people�that there was a chanqe in the state laW in 1969 that allaws state aid fund� to be used on sidewalks. THE VOTT t�pon the motion, being a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mapor Kirkham dec2are� the motion carried unanimously. CI.AIMS : MOTION by Councilman Kelshaw to approve payment ot General Clai�sa �Z578U thx'ough �25934 and Liquor Claims #58Q9 throuqh 115835. Seconded by fbuncilman Hazs'is. Upon a vqice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Rirkham declared the motion aS��ed unanimously. � I+�CFNSE� s . �� General t7ontracto�r Amer�can 8uilder� Inc. � 1201 Wa�+tt 8�road�tay � Minxleapolis, Minnesota By: David Ostraw Appraved IIy Building I�spector Aquszius Swimming Pool Co. . 5275 190 Street West , d Farmington, Minnesota Bys Maynard Nikelson Building Inspector Bar-Ett Construction Co. • 30p5 Ottawai Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Steven Sebochtman Bui•lding Inspector REGULAR CWNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 2, 1971 General Contractor Vern Donnay Homes 73Q0 36th Ave. North Minneapolis, Minnesota By� Vern Donnay Johnson Buildinq Mart Inc. 3615 East Lake St. Minnea�olis, Minnesota Bya Carl E. Johnson Luwbex King Ino. 5145 Oliver Ave. So. ` Minneapc�lis, Mi.nnesota By: Jerome Lorbubaum Dennis C. otteson Builder 43Q Ti,a�erland Drive PAGE 15 Anproved By Buildinq Inspectur Building Inspector Building Inspector Burnsville, Minnesota Hy: Dennis C. Otteson Building Znspector Heatin Hlaha Sheet Metal Eabricating, Inc. 6989 Washington Ave. So. Edina, Minnesota By: _Frank Blaha Food Establisinaent Metro 500 Plumbing Inspector 8255�Ea�t River Road - Fridlej�; Minrlesota : By s Paul CastonquaY . Hoalt.h In�pector CiqaXette Metro 500 8255 Fast River Raad Fri,dley, Minnesota By:� Paul Castonquay Service Station Frank's Sinclair 6290 Central Ave. Fridley, Minnesota Bys Francis Hunt Speedy Car oiash Chief of Pblice Fire In$pector Building Inapector 5201 Central �,ve. -- F'ire Insp. Fridley, Minnesota By: Iiiqhland Car Nash, Inc. Huildinq Insp. Metro 500 fl255 East.River Rpad Fire Inapector Fridley, Mi�r►esota By: Paul �astonguay � Buildinq Inspector REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF �UGU$T 2, 1971 PAGE 1� Drive-Tn Theatre 100-Twin prive-In 694 and Hwy. 65 Frialey, Minnesota Off Sale Beer By : Ciiet Herrinqer Approved By Chief of Police Western Sezvice station �"' - 7600 iJniver�ity Ave. Chief of Police FriS�ey, Minnesota By: Western Stores Oil Co. Health Inspector MOTIOA by Councilman Kelshaw to approve the licenses as eubmitted. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor K3.rkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATESz Village of New Brightqn 803 Sth Av�nue N.W. New $riqhton, Minneaota 55112 � ° ' FTNAL Estimate for New Briq%ton Project 69-14, Fridley Praject St. 1970-1, for the improvement of a portion of Stinson Boulevard, doae as a joint pro�ect. $16,796.79 r#O�r�oN.by Counciiman Lieb1 to authorize payment of the estimate, Seconded by Councilmari�Harris for discussion. �� Coun�iLaan Harris asked if the estimate has been checked out and is correct. �'he City Enqineer said yes, this is work New B�righton did as par� of an aq�ree�aisnt between them and Fridley for a portion o! Stinson Boulevard. The City Engineer said the cost was higher, but �he estimate was in 1968. It took three years to qet New Briqhton to cooperate with Fridley. TI� VOTE upon the motion, being a voice votef all voting aye, M�or Rirkham declared the ma�tion carried unanimously. AUTHORIZATION OF CITY MANAGRR ATTENDANCE AT WORKSHOP AUGUST 26TH AND 27THs MOTION by Councilman T.iebl to authorize the Cfty Manager to attend a City Manager Workshop in Austin, Texas August 26th and 27th. Seconded by Council- a►an Hazria. Upon a vofce vote, all votinq �ys., Mayor Kirkham declared the �paation carried unanimously,' . R�I�7TION �94-19i1 - REOUESTING Tf� MINNIE.SOT� AZGi�Ii�Y DFDART�h1FtJm mn rucmnr_r_ INTERSECPION OF T. H. �_4_7 (UliIVIItS ITY AVENUE 7' i�iND AVENUE: �� MOTION by Councilman Liebl to �dopt Resalution �94-1971. Seconded by Council- man Kelshaw. Upo� a voiee vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the mation carried unaniaonously, 1 RF:GUI�AR COUNCIL MEETING QF AUGUS'� 2, 1971 PAGE 17 The Gity Engineer presented a letter he had prepared to be sent alof�g with the Rs�olution to Anoka County for the Councilmen to aign. J�11 the CounciLae�} siqned the letter. COMMUNICATIONS: A. MACKALL CROUNSE AND MOORE: REPRESENTIN(i NA1�CY �ETRON IN CI+�1IMs MOTION by CounciLnan Kelshaw to receive the cammunication froza Mackall, Crounse, and Moore dat�d July 20, 1971. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all �roti.nq aye, Mayor Kirkham Seclared the u►otion c�rried unaniunouslY• AA70URNMENT: MOTION by CounciLnan Liebl to adjourn the Meeting. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, there being no further business, Mayor Kirkham declazed the Regular Council Meetinq of Auqust 2, 1971 adjourned at 10:25 P.M. Reapeatfully sub�aitted, . . uel Mercer Secretary to the City Council 0 Jack O. Kirkhaza Mayor ' , rl � _l THE MINUTES OF TiiE SPECIAL PUBLIC F�ARING MEETING OB AUGUST 9, 1971 � PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor itirkham led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ' , RiOLL CALL : � 1MENIDERS PRESENT:� Liebl, HarriB; Breider, lcel�ahaw, Kirkham ' MEMBERS ABSENT: None � ADOPTION OF AGENDA: iMatyor Rirkham said that the tbllowing items are to be added to the Aqenda. ' #13. #14 Request from Parks Director to lift No Parking restrictions on 61st Avenue August 13, 14 & 15 for State Open Softball Tournament. Claims ' MOTION by CounciLnan Harris to adopt the Aqenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Kelshaw. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motiort carried unani.mousiy. . � PUBLIC ' , ' ' � , � � �� ' � ON FINAL A�SSESSMEN'P RfJL A SEi�iER AUID WATER IMP1�VE- Mayor Kirkham read the Public Hearing Notice aloud and said that the discussion on tYie improvemen�s would be taken in order aS they appear in the Notiae. Area North of Osborne Road: The Gity Engineer put a map of the area on the overhead projector which included the assessment per foot for sewer and Water. Mr. Richard Harris asked if this is the final cost or if there will be more in the future because of the problem with the D.M. Noyes Company. The Finance Director said the cost they v►ill be payinq is as it was originally bid. The balance is being assumed by the bonding company. Mr. Riahard Harris said that he understood the bonding co�apany is not ve�ry reliable either. Plymouth and Minnetonka have had problem$ with �hem. The Finance Director said that another contractor was contracted to finish the job. T'he City Attorney asked if the bondinq company pa�id for all the w�ork the second contraclsor did, and Mr. Comstock, Consult.ing Engineer, said yes. �he City Attorney said that it appears the bonding coaipany lasted lonq enouqh to canplete the Fi#dley jab. If there should be additional cost because the bonding company faila, in discussions with the staff, it is felt the additional cost should be picked up out of general funds. Mr. Harri� said the contractor left the iite in poor shape. They used aome land !or storaqe of equipment and left trash and uprooted trees. He said they had•cleaned up everything except saane stumps. 61st Avenue: McRinley Street to Stinson Boulevards No oae was present to speak on this portion of the impro�ent. SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARZNG MEETING OF AUGUST 9, 1971 McKinley Street: Cul de sac to North to 6I5t Avonues No or�e was present to speak on this portion of the improvement., Jefferson Street: 57th Avenue to 58th Avenue: PAGE 2 ' Mr. C,H. Benjamin, 5708 Jefferson Street N.E., asked haw the assessments were detez�ined and what his assessment �uld be. The Finance Director told him that for his azea on Jefferson Street the assessment for sewer is $8.90 per foot and for water, $7.48 per foot. Mr. Benjamin asked what would be his total assessment and the Finance Director said that if there were no sewer or water connection charges, $16.38 per foot for water and sewer. Mr. Benjamin asked what would be his share and the Finance Director said that thi� would be his cost to him. Mr. Benjamin asked what the total cost of the project was d�nd the Finance Director told him the figures from the final assessment roll. Mr. Benjamin asked if the people on the east side of Jefferson would be paying anything, and added that his assessments would be more than his property is rrorth. The Finance Director said that the people on the east side of Jefferson are not assessed ais they have already had an assessment for sewer and water and would derive no benefit. He added that for Mr. Benjamin's lots there would be 200' front footage, ao the vost of the project is divided by the front footage. Mr. Benjamin said that he would sell his lots as soon as possible and would not pay the assessment. He has waited for 22 years for sewer, water and streets. The Finance Director said that Mr. Benjamin's cost is not out of line with what ia charqed in other areas of the City, and that it is about an average assess- ment. Mr. Benjamin said that they took a licking on the street. When Donnay put in his development, he took 30', so they ended up with a 24' street. The figure quated to him was $7.36 per foot for the street, now he finds out it will be $9.53 per foot. The,Finance Director said that there are two basic areas in this improvement and added that if the cost of the facilities were divided further, the assess- ment on Jefferson Street would be uare. Mayor Kirkham said that the City could not possibly assess the people on the east side of Jefferson as they do not benefit. They have already received water and sewer and have been assessed for it. The cost of the project must be paid by the benefitting property owxlers. He_ told Mr. Benjamin that the cost to him is just about what the normal aseessment usually runs. Mr. Benjamin said that he would probably agree, he knew the Council has helped him to get the street and he appreciated it, but to be truthful, he felt that he should have gotten the street without being as�eased. They only got a 24' street instead of a 60' street. The people to the east claim they do not use the street, but it is used as a play ground for the children and they have put in gates in their back fances so they ca�n store their campers, boats, etc. in the back yard, so they do use the street. He said he was vezy sorry he ever asked for sewer and water, the property is not worth it. It is only sand and sarfd burra, and he ends up with nothinq after payinq taxes for 22 years. For the first time he has a street he could trave3 on without first shovelling snow. Where have all his taxes gone for 22 years? The City should not have allowed Donnay to have that 30', and why should he have to pay for the Council's miatake? , � , PUBLIC HEARING MEETING O1* AUGUST 9, 1971 PAGE 3 SPSCIAL , Mr. Carl Paulson, 430 57th Plaae N.E., said that he had suggest�d betore that � the alley cou].d be vacaCed. Thia w�ould give tha people on Jetferson 6�ce ' feet so the atreet could have been made wider. He said Mr. eex�jamin has told hira there wa� a big error made many years ago when the Donnay plat �ws accepted ind correction is difficult no�v. He said Mr. Benja�in has al�o told hi�a the , street is onlg 1' fro� their property line and 5' fraa thQ Donna� plat. Mayor Rirkham ansxersd that was done so the snvW could b¢ pushed to the east rather than on the west vhere Mr. Benjamin lives. H� ac�ded that ior streets with a double frontage such as this, the Council had a8o�t.�d a pelicy where � the people fronting on a�ther street do pay a portion of t2ie vo st of the second �street. � � , �.J � LJ ' � ' � � , � ,� � � Mr. Benjami� said Mr. Paul�on`spoke of the alley, v�iiich brings up another problem. t�en the eontractor w�orked on the lots to the west, he toolc fill fxom the alley and naw the dirt from hi: lots washes do�wn into those lots. The contractor took the whole 12' of the alley and used it for fill. He said he stopped hi.m. it seemed nobody told him there was an alley. Naw he had to fill this area to keep his lots fran washing dawn ta+axd the west. He asked r+ho was qoing to pay ior this? Mayor Kirkham asked Mr. Banjamin if he reported it to anyone at City Hall. Mr. Benjamin said he told Mr. Ankrum, former City Manager, anci he came out. The contractor then stopped, but the damaqe had been done. Councilman Liebl asked Mr. Benjamin if his i�ouse �its on two 40 loot lots. Mr. Benjamin said yes, his hause is on one lot and hi� garaqe vti the other. Se also has Lots 1 and 2 north o! his house and Lots 4 and 5 on the south side. Councilman Liebl said that the developer came in and aalced for the utilities to be put in. He asked if the houses built were not nice homes, and an improvement to his area. Mr. Henjamin said yea, but some o# them have probl,ems with the sod because the gxound is so sandy. Couacilman Lieb2 asked if Mr. eenjamin were to se31 his lots, would they not be bu3ldable lots. Mr. Benjamin said yes, they are nice lots, all but Lot 5 ax�e level and have clay and black dirt on them. Councilman Liebl said in regard to hia a�sessments, there was no discrimination, and he was not assessel! more than anyone else. He realized it was quite a bit of money, but he doe+� hav�e 'the oPtion to sell these buildable lots to be developed, Mr. 8enjamin said that figurinq $16.38 per foot for water and se�rer and another $9.53 pez foot far street, haw much would it be for two 4Q foot lots and could they be sold. The City Asse�¢sor said that the assessments for all three would anwunt to between $2100 and $2200. Councilman Liebl asked rrhat is the average aaseasment for SO feet for water, sewer � street. The City As�essor said it trould aawunt to close to $2500. The Finance Director added that the $9.53 figuxe for atreet is still an eatin�ate, the`roll has not been finalized yet. M�OTI�N by Councilman Liebl to close the Public Hearinq on Sanitazy Sewer and 11�ter Improvemsnt Projsct #93. Seeonded by Couriciln►aa Harris. Upon a voice vote, all v�oting aye, Mayor 1Cirkham declared the iiearii'iq closed at 8s17 P.M. SPECZA�, PU.BLIC HEAItING MF.F,'TING OF AUGUST 9, 1971 PAGE 4 PLTBLIC HEARING UN i�l'1'E$. SA�iITARX SEi�ER J1ND STORM SE1�R PROJECI 1�105 s _. ._�. MaSror Kirkham noted rrhere the improvement was to be and the City E�nqineer eho+red the �rea on the onexhead projector. He said this project i� to provide r►ater, sanituy sewer and drainage as requ�sted by Burlinqton Northern. The Enqineering Department is pzo�eed�nq wikh preparinq plans. Counail.m�n Liebl asked if this �►a�s petitioned tor by Burlinqton Northern, anS the City Enqineer s�id that the City receiv�d a�'.letter requesting the lacili.ties. M4TION by C�ncilman Liebl to close the Public Hearinq on Sanitary Se�tex, Storm 5ewer and Water Zmprovement Project #105. Seconded by Cou�ciLaan Breidar. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Rirkhan► decltcred the motion cazxied a�nd the hearinq clbsed at 8:20 P.M. TO C-2 A1�1D �....� 1 ir �� � A-3 IN THE IiO� CORNLR E�' UNIVERSITY'A�IElQEJE AND OSBO� ROAD: Mayor 1Cirkham axplained th� lxation and the request �nd the City �n,qineer shovrod the location on the overbead projector. He said the Minutes from the 8lanning Cc�aission Meeting are in�the-Council Aqenda. They are also requesting a special �rse permit ta use basically-the westerly § of the groperty for a gas �t�►tion. They car� be cansidexed eqncurrentlp by the Council as they are tiAd togethe�. This-hearinq was requeated Ysy the applicant. Itr. pyman Saith said ha Was appearinq on behalf o� the applicant, standard Oil. ?hey ?►ave been t2�e a+ners si�e 1958. In 1957 the �toninq �+as A-1 and there �s an applicantior� m�►de by the owner,to res,onm so they could use tAis location !or a se�tviae station as they had a buyer. It was rezoned to R-3, �►hich at thst'time� cauld be used for a qas station unfler a apecial use permit. Standard pi1 has made �n inveetment in the City of Fridley and they have o�med it since. In 1967 gemeone else.(batore Mr. Yourigdale) preeented a requeat to Gouncil for a sp�cial use permit. This waa still'aTlc�wed�uader--ttse �6ning. There was a hsauiuq and aome neighbors objected and there Nere proiilems with Spring Lake Park and the Highway Department. The last thing mentioned waa a suqqestion by the Mayor that there oould be a public hearing befosRe the Council and that rsquest rraai� ne�ded in writltrg: So�rfe2►c�w ttieir plans aborted and there was no �uzt,he� mention of this pl�n. In 1969 t2ie Ordizu�nce was cshanged ao a gas atation was ru� lonqer a].lawed in R-3 with a special use permit. This current appli- cation was originailly made iri March. There was a public heaicinq before the Planning cb�ission aad a lot o! Work and di�cusaion has gone into the project. He then presanted th� plan on the essel, a� �aid t�t Standard oii is most anxi.ous to develop a unique �tation. They feel iti will be the lir�tt of this olas�a isi the northern 'subLlriis � They ieel thia 1� a 9�d Plan and s good loCation. The d�velbp�aen� is divided into tao pa[�,� ��,e atation �vill be nea� � ' � � ' � � � � � � � ' � � � � � $PECIAL PUBLIC i�ARING MEETING OP' AUGU�T 9, 1971 PAGT 5 T.FI. �47 and further back will be the sbopa. It is 1.8 aarea total. With only 1.8 acres, it is almost impossible to thiaTc irr ter�as-o! development under R-3, the 2�est you coula q�t wuld be about 8 units and the�► w�aild not be del.wce l�ecause Qf the limited space. He said the architectural desiqn vrill vonfarm to the ap�artaents in Spring Lake Park. He said the zoning in Spring Lak� Pa�xk � waa industr�ai for the a�partmenta lxated,ju�t ncrtb o! this parcel, and added there are no letters of objection lrom them oonosrning this proposal. There Nill be no service roads along Osborne:Rpad or T.H. �47. He said he understood there have been some studies made and an Ordinance proposed amendinq Section 45.101 of the Code to upqrade the r�quireioent$ for filling station�. Standard Oil is agreeatble to provide vhatever the Ordinance requires. They cb not in�end to �ave any outside sales, used cars, rental of trailers or anythiriq of thia kind. He said he checked with the City Assesaor and fo�und that their total real estate taxes will be about $10,000 per year. For the siae of that parcel, this is as much revenue as,the City could posaibly qet. i� $aid there were some neighbors present at the public hearing betore the Planninq Ca■Aission to object, and sonte may be here tonight. He said he understood there was a petition presented favorinq the 5tandard Oil proposal and there were thxee neighbors that were much opposed. One of ttie reaeons for the oppoeition was the traffic on Osborne Rpad. With the development of the Clinic and the Hospital, the tra�fic �rill probably increase. Another abjection was concerninq liqhts and interterence �►ith sinqle �asnily d�rellinqs. Mr. Younqdale has told him that there is a 60' strip as an easement along Oaborne Road that is for a St. Paul waterworks line. They will require a concrete slab coverinq it and nothiny can be built upon it. Standard oil will agres to whatever the City may want in that 60' strip. Th�ey �rill also pravide ooaaplste �c�eeniag for the neiqhbors across the street. Their riqhta and interests m�a�t be respected. Standard Oil is most anxious to acca�edate. Zn drirrinq by, hs noticed the man across the street has built a screen to prot�ct himself fraw all the traffic. If Standard Oil put in a screen with treea with svalie height, the neiqhbor acrosa the street wauld be doubly screened. I�e said the Council must think in terms oP use of this property, and it shanld be put to so��e practioal uae. He said he was not sure an 8 uni.t apart�ent building �ou].d best aerve thc ccmmunity or the neiqhbors. S�andaxd Oil recognized Frid],ey is a nice plaae to locate arid are convinced this is �►hat they want to do. He said they tell him this would be one of the niceat buildinQ� in ths northern auburbs. Idr. R.L. Ernst is present ton�t ar�d his intarest is in the convenienca center on the ea$t side. Mayox Kirkham asked Mr. Ernst wiut his plans w�ere for th� conwaience center. I�tr. ��n$t $aid �.t. w�ould be 4,070 aquare feet and �roulS have such thinqs as a ioad shop, barber shop, dry cleansrs etc. Counci]iaan Liebl asked if tlie quality mtou],d com�are aith tbe convenienaa atore oz� Misaies#ppi Streat and Central Avenue. Mr. Fsast �afd it w�ould be hiqher quality because of the zapid imptovement in building materials and construction techaiques. Council- man Liebl �sked�if he ovmed the groperty and Mr. Ernst said Standnrd Oil o�wns the property and he w�ould buy from them. Cauncilnt�ln Liebl asked what were the taxea on this parcel. Mr. Ernst said he had checked and foun8 that the taxes were $624 per year. Councilman Liebl did not Peel an eiqht unit atpart�nent buildinq on that corner �rould be a qood thinq i'or Fridley, and �dded he thought 1t would be a hazard. fi'here is a waterrarks li�e to consider. He said he would b� in favor of the proposal i! it Was the sam�e ar hiqher quality as the ahop by Sandee'$, and he felt this would be an aaset. He said iie �rould want ad�quate setbacks and would not w�fnt this is cause tralfic conqestion. If thore xas enouqh screeniriq for the property a�mers to the.�outh, he thouqht this could w�ork out. SPECIAL PUBT�IC iiEARI10G I�ETING OF AUGUST 9, 1971 PAGE 6 Council.aian Kelshaw asked if thsy would be buildinq tiiair buildinqa exactly as the plan shows on the easel and Mr. Ernst said yea, both tI� qsa station and the caaimercial strip wonld be identical to what is ahaMn. He added the triffic rrould no� be qoinq out onto University Avenue. Councilman xelshaw asked if th�re w�auld ever be loopbacks. The C�ty Enqineer said that there will not be a service road alonq T.H. �47, so thera is no need ot loopbacks. Councilman Harris said Mr. smith referred to an 8 unit apart�ent ba�ilding and asked if that is an enqineerinq figpre of just aa assumption. Mr. Smith said that �s just a quess. CounciLnan Harris said the Code allaws 17 per acre. Mr. Smith pointed out there wou2d be problems with aetback� anfl it ie a tr�anqular piece of property and would be hard to w�ork with. Councilman Breider asked how a►any feet back fraa Univeraity Avenue the approach would be.� The City Enqineer said tbey do not have the detailed plans yet, but if the Council permits the xezoning, the requirea4ent in the Code �+�oulS be 75 fe�t lroan the intezsection �ight of way line. Z�` this parcel ie rezoned, tbsre rrould have t� be s�e work done an�the traf�ic confiquration. Councilman KelshaW asked what was the total construction cost. Mr. Ernst �aid the convenience center Would be about $100,000 and Mr. Youngdale �aid the station would also be about 5100,000, for a total of close to $200,000. l�li: Ralph Lynn, 7599 Univeraity Avenue N.E., said he livas directly across Osbo�ne Iioad and his reason for objectinq i:o the �illing station is covered in tbe �lbnning Camaiission Mihutes, but is basically the fact that no matter hoW well this is landscaped, it would still be a detriment to his hane. He said he has lived there for 20 years. He said he understood from the Planninq Comnission.there was a study carried on ooncerning the tralfic at University �lvenue and Osborne and al�o one on whether a third �tation aauld exist at this in�ersection. He thought sameone at City Hall was makinq a study ori the whole qas station policy. � � The City Enqineer said that the studies were brouqht to Council and an Ordinance Maa paased upqrading the requi�nents for special use p�rmits especially for qas etation. This Ordinance is now on the books. Mr. Lynn asked if the �t�y did not concern how many gas atations there oould be in any one lxation. The, City Engin�er said the study did include haw many statione there are in the City of lridley, but the City does not have the power to dictate lxations. The �ity cannot tell Standard oil they have one station in Fridley, s.o they cannot iiaVe �other: Mr. Lynn said he qot the difinite in�ression that the Council wou2d not i�sue a pexmit if it looked like there would be three atations on ono intersection, anS Qne �uld probably qo out ot business. Ths City $nginser said the City does not havoe that power. Mr. Lynn asked the rasults af the traf#ic ettxly. The City Enqineer said they dc have the re�ulta and if there is qoing to be e qas station�on this corner, th�n cestainly there r�ill have to be l.t�proventents to the inteYsection. The City ahould require the intersection to bQ widened and an adflitional tuxninq lane put in. This corner is not biq •nouqht to Asndle the additional Craffic. Counci�mar► Liebl said the Cow'�cil must consider this proposal both from the aesthetic atandpoint And al�o on.the basis of the tax potential.. Mr, Lynn said hm �ould haCe to �acrifice some value on hio hane, but he must consider th! ovmrall pictut� oi Fridley. There would be hiqh taxe� desived lraan this i �� ' C � ' � ' e ' � SPECIAL PUBI+ZC i�ARING MEETING OF AUGUST 9, 1971 pA� � corner. He said with two qas stations already on the cor�ner, he wou�.d predict that one would go out o! bu$iness. Mayor Kirkham asked if anyone contacted the church, thep M+ere in oppoeition when this last caine up. Mr. 8rn�t s�3d he spoke to the pasto; belor� the Planning Ccuamission Meeting and he was not opposed �o the ccswscial rezaninq, he felt there was a need for this type of service, but he was opposed to the qas station. Councilman Breidex asked if the one request was continqent upon tAe otRer and Mr. Yt�ungdale said yes, they were both one entity. Councilman Liebl asked if the petition received �tas siqned by property owners- The City Engineer said yes, they were•the property o�ners• i�c• LYnn Pcinted out that'they are really nbt adjacent property a�mers, but a�re one tier back. CounCilman Breidei asked"Mr. Lynn if he objected to the total developnent, or just the gas Station. Mr. Lynn said the servics center �ould not be too bad because it is further back from his property and the lights w�ould not shine into his home. ' Mrs. Helen Treuenfels said in the last few vreeks there was a request for a spacial use pera�it by Skelly Oil that was turned down by the Council. The people involved have said they are going to take it to court. The lxations are realiy not that far apart. If the Council qrants this rezoning and special use permit, could not the Skelly people use that to get the Council to change theiY minds? Mayor Kirkham said possibly, but he Was not sure the circumstances were the same. Mr. Lynn cammented that there pere 12 fillinq atations within 3/4 mile. MOTION 3ny Councilman Harris to close the Public H�aring on th�e rezoning request ZOA �71-03 and the special use permit request SP �71'03, Amsrican Oil Cotapany• Seconded by CaunciLaan Keishaiv. -Upon a voice v�ote, all voting aye, Mayor Kixkham declared the motion carrfed and the hearing closed at 8s50 F.M. NICKIAW FOR 6161 HIGii�1Y �65 t Mr. Cbnaie Rallis said he brought the check.v+ith him for'the liquor license and preseatad it to the Finance Dirsctor. The� ci►er,s�c is in the amauat oi $2,666.66. iie said he had the p�eliminary plans for the addition to ShoiCS�ood arsd preaented them at tI�e Council table.� This is for an addition to the exi�tlnq buildinq, and it 1ea�tes the off-satle up to the City whether they want to stay, or if they want to discttss the Gibson property, he would be qlad to. With either Iocation they wauld not be qQtting away frcta the san►e qeneral lxatioa. MOTION by Conncilman Kelshaw to receive the check siqned by William A. Nicklow !or the liquor license in the amount of $2,666,66. Seaonded by Co�uncilman Liebl. CounciLnan Breider asked if the check shoul8 be rsceived before the licen�e ' is qranted. The Finance Director said the City insists on the check before pxxesainq the application. T2�e City Manaqer asked when �- licQnse is effective. He has he8rd the date of 3epta�aber lst, but at this point it did not look like the switch-over would be that soon. Mr. Rallis said they hoped to start ' bxeakiaq qround before tiut date, if they ca�n qo riqht ahsa►d. Foz the loun�qe LJ SPECIAL PUSLIC t�ARING MESTING OF AUGUST 9, 1971 PAGE 8 at 3710 East River R�ad the application was made in March and eince then they have been detained. He could see no reason why they should be held back. -Counaflman Liebl asked iP they have given the City 8ngineer everythinq they �►ere supposed to. They were told by Councilman Harris to �ark with the City Engineer. He asked if he has brought in the landscaping pluis. Mr. R�llis said he had done this, and th@y are willinq to ioll+en the Health Inspector requirements. He felt they had coag�l�.eci with everpthinq the Eity has required o# them, and now the legal departa�ent can draw up the final papero. The City Enginser said his depart�aent received the co�aplete plans last yreek, and they ahould be able to issue a permit by Wednesday. The Health Inspector also checks tha pinna before the ,permit is issued. � THE VOTE upon the motioA to reQeive tba cbeck, being s voice vote, sll voting aye, Mayor Rirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Liebl asked if tha Eouncfl w�ould lilse to discuss the preliminary plans. Mr. Rallis said the addition would be to the kitchen and Frould be 17.6' X 50.2'. He added he w�uld be willing to work on the oif-�ale plans as lonq as the City �wants to. Cou�cilman Harris asked hvw soon they aould atart oonstsuctipn. Mr. Rallis said as a�on as thay can get these plans throuqh the City officae. Councilman Harrie said'he noticed tbere were no plumbing or el�atrical plans. Mz. aallis said they were still coaing. Gounci3,man Harris asked if they wquld like approval of the preiiminary plana. i+ir. Rallis said yes, then they will come back with the detailed pL►ns. Coundtilman Harris sai$, revoqnizing thesa are preliminary plans, that he can see no objection to the p1aAa as preaented. The final plans still have to be submttted to Council, but the Council could take action by approving the pr�liminary plans, if this would be a help. He sugqested perhaps a�oundation permit cauld be issued so th�y oould atart work whi].e drawing up the final plana. Councilman Kelshaw pointed out this is not on the Aqeiida, so a motion is in order. MOTION by.CounciLaan Kelshaw to waive notification and place �onsideration of approval of the preliminary plana for Shore�rood on the Aqenda. Seconded by Counei]amn Ha�rri�. i7pon a•voice vote, all ayes, Nayor Rirkham declared the motion carried unanimo�isly. The Citp Enginaer said, as to qranting a foundation penait, it ie very difficult to approve somethinq, than lind that it doea not�iit. Problea►s ia one area of conatruatian affect other areas. They have besn told what they should b�inq in and tf they brought the plans in they could be approvsd in one Neek. They should have,a plot plan and plans ahowing landscaping, parking etc. By State laW before a permit is iasued�on an investment over $30,000 �here mu�t be final plans. MOTION by;Councilman Harris to approve the prelimi�3axy plana for fiiie addition to Shorew�ood at 6161 Hiqhway #65. Seoonded by Counailman KelshaN. The City Attorney aaid the Council will be meetinq August 16th and aleo the 30th. He did not think it �rould be too much of a problem to get the plane done and throuqh the City offiees before.then so the Counail could see them. He said he aqreed with the City �gineer about allawinq construction to atart before the final plans are ready, eapecially on property still awned by the City. Mr. Rallie can expedite matters by getting the plana into the City, and he did not I�PECIAL P[JBLIC FIEARING MEETING OF AUGUST 9, 1971 ' 1 � ' i ' ' � ' ' � ' PA�,GE 9 thinlc the City w��ld hold the� up. Counailtnan Iiarris aaked if they could be done with th�r•plans by the 30th and Mr. Rallia said yes, if they qet approval of the fvnction, qeneral aestbetic�s and general struature as praented in the preliminary plans. . _ T� VOTS upon the motion, being � voice vote, • all votinq aye, i�iayor iGii'khaa decla=ed the motion carried-unaniaaously. Councilman Liebl aske9 it the City waa in a poaition to qrant � ioundation permit for 3710 East River Road. The City Engineer satd they atill needed additional information in regard to kitchen equipment, but if the Caincil P�els thie v►atid expedite thing�, they could do this. It was aqain pointed out that this is not on the Agenda and notiiication w�uld have to bt MaiveB. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to Naive notification and place considesation of a foundation permit for 3'i10 �ast River Rr�ad on the Aqenda. Seeopded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting nye, Mayos Kirkiiaei declared the motion carried unanimausly. � MOTION by Councilman Liebl to qrant a toundation pssmit for 3710 Ea�t River Road subject to the stipulations of the City Bnqineer and the Health Inspector. Seconded by Caunci].man Ha�ris. Upon a voice v�te, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkha� dealared the mqtion carried un�nimously. Councila►an Harris told Mr. Ralli� the final plana for Shorevrood would be on the Agenda for August 30th. Ths City Attorney added ti�at the Ordinance for the sale of Shorewood should also be on tlae Agenda. 1 - 93 MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Reaolution N95-1971. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Kirkham declared the �tion carried unanimously. . PRi0.7ECT #105: -li / 1 � vxuL' nsa`Ra ialraw.,ac.c.... -- — - -- - - -- OF COSTS 'TI�REOP • SANITARY SENER, WATEiil1AI1�1_ AND ' MO'PION by Coun,cilman Liebl-to adopt Resolution �i96-1971. S�conded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Rirkisan� declAred ti�e motion . ca�rxied unanimously. ' ' n �� ' ' itSSOLUTION #9 -1971 - APPRO�VING PLANS AND ORDERING AD�I88l�1TT FOR BIDS: SANITARY SEWLR WATF.RM1�1I1dS AND 5T01iM SE�R PRQ7B�T �105 t MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resoltition A97-1971. S�ndsd by Counci]aan Liebl. Upon a► voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor 1Cirkham declarad the motion carri�ed unanimously. -- 't. ■ SF�CIAL PUBLIC HSABiNG 1�ETING OF AUGUST 9, 1971 1971 - 1960 FUPD MOTZON by 0ouncilman Harris Liebl . tlpon at voiCe trote r cirried u�aninaus�y. A TRANSFER F1iOM Ti� PUHLIC UT 'UND, WATF•Ri�C�RKS BONDS �' 1970 Z1T HONDS OF 1963 F[JND . I1�ROV �, PAGB 10 to adopt Raeolution i�S8-1971. Sevoad�d by Counci]aaan all voting aye, Mayor Kisk2�am c{sclar�ad the motion RESOLUTION #99-1971 - DIRECTING PREPAR�ON UF FII�1L ASSESS!lENT ROLL FOR IMPROVEMENr PRpJECT 1971 SERVICE CONNECPZONS: MOTIQN by Councilman Liabl to ad�pt Resolution N99-1971. Seeo�d by Councilman iiarria. Upon a voice vote, all v�oting�aye, blayor xirkham d�clased the motion carried unaniawusly. R$SOLUTION #100-1971 - DIRECTI�IG PUBS�ICATION OF �RING 0�1 PI�POSED ASSESSMENT 12pLL FOR 1971 SERVICE CONNECTIONSs MOTION by Councilman Harris to a�pt Rssolution #100-1971. Seconded by Councilman 1Celshaw. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Rirkham declared the motion carrisd unanimously. SE'1'TING A Da►TE EOR TI� PRIMARY BLECTIfiNs The Finance Director said the General Election is Nov�e�r 2, 1971. �3'he Primary Election has to be a minimum of 30 days and a maxinwa of 60 days before the General Election. MOTION by Councilman Kelghaw to set the Primary Electfon for September 28, 1971. Seconded by CounciLaan Liebl. Councilman Breider said that 2�ee hoped that whatever happana with the redistrictinq aOt�].d not afiect this election. Th� City ]►ttarney said ttN State Statutes stipu�2ate�that zedi.strictinq has to be done 90 day� b�fore a�rimary Election. T� WTTs upon �t aation, bsing� a voiCe vote, all votinq ayQ, May�bt lcirkha� declar�d the motion aarried,unaniawusly. E�•7 PR�CZNCT HOUND�ARIES WIT�i T� CITY FPAlY Ti� REGULAA COUNCIL ! 16, 1971 TO THE R�G[JL�R COUNC�L MEETING OF Ji1UGUST 30, 1971. ... • �-�. �_,�. Councilman Kelshaw explsined that he had to be outt of ta+n that �ne�k and he Mould appreciate tablinq thie item to the 30th. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to table the seaond re�►ding of the Ordiance for ward redi�txicting to the Reqular Cauncil Meeting of l�uqust 30� 1971. &econrled by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor 1Cirkham declared ti�e mot�on carried unanimwusly. ' 1 ' � ' ' ' SpECIPiL PUBLIC HEARING MEETII3G OF AUGt7ST 9, 1971 � ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' , ' I � I ' pAGR 11 CLATMSt � _ �,...�-.... The Finance Director said ha.�ould like to subnit the tollo�vinq clai.as for payment appro�val. This i� for the refund of REC charqes. Ia thes� cases the aontractors felt they were entitled to the maney and �rent to Cqurt. The City Attorney addad that the original ch�cks wore made out to the psnperty aMne�r and ti� contractor jointly. The Court decision was that the contss�ctos$ Wez'e entitled to the money,� so the old checks ahould be cancellad and ne�+ o�s written with only the contracto�'s name on th�m. S�a Templin, Contractor . 64 Aice Creek Way - . . (Voraon Bartels, Haa�o�amer,l 5100.00 33 66� Way (John Mayer. Hameowner) $100.00 5�00.00 Suith and Andersan, Contractor �. � 5761 7th Street N.E. (Kat�erine xolmstrom, �;omeowner) 5771 7th Street N.E. - (Mary F1or, Homeowaer) 4591 2�i Street N.E. :{Donald K�opecky, H�eowner) �� �. $100.OQ $10^ �•0� . £300.00 $500.00 MOTIOH by Councilman Kelahaw to approve isauance of new checks to�the contractors as sul�nitted, upon the return of the checks to the City that wsre issued jointly. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voive v�ote, all vating aye, Mayor Kirkl�am declared the motion carried unanimoualy. AD.TOURNMEt�fT : There being no further bu�iaess, Nayor Kirkham declared the Special Public Hearing Meet;ing of Auguat 9, 1971 adjourned at 9s25 i�.M. Reapectfully s�k.iaitted� i����� v `�y�i�� - Juel. Mexcer Secretary to the City Oouncil. • Jack O. 3Cizki�am Mayor ' ' CITY OF FRIDLEY , ANOKA CdUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING OI' ASSESS�IEN'T FOR SANITAFY SEt�TER AiiD STOPu�i SELdER Ii1PFOVEi�tENT PROJECT N0. 100 � ' Notic�e is hereby given that the Council_of the City of Fridley c��ill meet at the City Hall in said City on the 16th day of Au�ust, 1971, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon a11 objections, if any, to the proposed ' assessments in respect to the follo�•ring improve;nent, to-wit: SANI�ARY SEGIER AND STORl`S SEG7ER IiIPROVE�IENT PROJECT N0. 100 � ' , � � ' � � � ' � The proposed assessment roll for each of said irnprovements is noc�T on file and open to public inspection by all persons interested, in the office of the Clerk of said City. • At said hearing the Council �aill consider �aritten or oral objections to the proposed assessments for each of said improvements. The general nature of the improvements and each of them is the construction of water mains, sanitary sewer and storm sewer, laterals and service connections and other facilities to serve the streets in the area bounded by: Osborne Road on the North, Central Avenue on the East, � Fireside Drive on the South and Viron Road on the West. The.area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each of them is all that land benefited by said improvements or each of them and lying within the general area of the above noted streets. Said improvements will�be assessed against the properties within the above noted areas in wliole or in..part proportionately to each of the lands therein contained according to the benefits received. DATED THIS 19th DAY OF July, 1971 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY. . ATTE ST : CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell Publish: Ju?y 2E, 1971 � August 4, 1971 � MAYOR - Jack 0. Ki.rkham 1 � � . �_ 1 /7 j MEMO T0: GERALD R. DAVIS, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL - SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEh1ENT PROJECT N0. 100 DATE: AUGUST 2, 1971 Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 100 involves the installation of sanitary sewer and storm sewer in the area lying south of Osborne Road and west of Central Avenue, otherwise known as the Anderson Plat. The final costs for the project are as follows: STORM SEWER , The final assessment rate is $2.86 per 100 square feet. SANITARY SEWER The final assessment rate is $18.48 per foot. The cost of the improvement will be spread over a twenty year period with_interest at the rate of 72q. Assessments may be paid within thirty days of the date of the assessment hearing without the payment of interest. If the assessment is not paid within this thirty day period, interest is calculated from the date of the assessmen�t hearing. If the assessment is not paid by November 15, 1971, at least the first payment will have to .be made on the taxes due and payable in 1972. � �, � ' � � � ' ' , I ' v �: ` 2 . t� , � �,� ',' � ORAINANCE N0. �_ !� ORDIIiANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE OF THE CI'1'� OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA BY MAY.ING A CHANGE Ti1 ZONI�IG DISTRICTS The Couacil o€ the City of Fridley do ordain aa folloas: SECTION 1. Appendix D of the City Code of Fridle� is amended as hereinafter indicated. SECTION 2. The tract or area within the County pf Anoka and the City of Fridley and described as: All that part oF the Northeast Quartes of Che Northweat Quarter of Section 11, T-30, R-24, ti�at lies East of the ceaterliae of th:iversity Avenue aad North of the centerline of Osborne Road, as said roads are naa laid out and coustructe� (1960), Is hereby designated to be ia the Zoned piatrict C-3 (general business areas). SLCTION 3. That.the Zoning Administrator ia diracted to change the official zoning map ta eho�+ said tract or area to be rezoned from Zoned District R-3 (general multiple family d�telliags) to C-2 (general business areas) . ' PASSBD BY THL� CITY COUNCIL 0�'THE CITY OF FRIALEY THIS . DiAY OF , 1971. ATTEST: CITY CLERR - Marvin C. Brunsell Public Searing: August 9, 1971 Firat Reading: Second Headinffi: Publieh.......: MAYOR - Jack 0. Rirkham , - _ � "•�- � : --,-r-�, . /JG�:-CO, �:c!'i The A:�erican Oil Co. ��'1' T � ��� �( ,?,� zL�A ��_ 71 �3 , N_ � f � � t— - ' 3�° ��71 03 • ,.,,, - 1 , _`_ sd��p'.-.'�,� -- �_ _._,L - �w'�"� �;�.0 � u,k w«... . . . .... • , �a � R , ,,.A :,, �, = - ' .�� ��w ^ � � '� �' � I � � , �`" ' ' � . , � . _a �' ,'���''(, `:�- •a � � , � � � �5�,. , . �o ��� � ��y t , � ` „ .', _ K.a , 3 ; � �r ! i � 4 �.r�:�H � � K . 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A21 public dances within said City sha11 be conducted in accordance with Minnesota Statutes which regulate the c�onduct of dances. SECTION IT. No person sha11 cbnduct a public dance unless he shall hav� firsttobtained a pexmit therefore from the City. Fees for such permit sha11 be as follows: For One day $10.00, for one week $20.00, for one month $50.00 and for one year S100.00. It is further provided that the Council may grant permits without charge, when it is satisfied that the dance is non-prof�t or is the nature of a civic undertakinq. The verified application to the CZerk sha1l be upon blanks furn�shed by the City. It sha11 stete the name and address of the applicant or organization. It sha11 state the location where the dance is to be held and the size of the dance area. The applicant sha11 be required to state if he has been convicted of a felon� or gross misdemeanor within the past five yeaz�s. The Clerk shall submit said application to the Council. � The Council raay gz'ant or refuse said permit in its discretion. Tt sha11 not grant a permit un�ess it is satisfied that the applicant is a person of good reputation, has not been aonvicted of a felony or gross misdemeanor for five years, that the Ixation is proper and suitable, that sanf tary facilities are proper, and that applicant is capRble of maintaining order. SECTION III. The permit sha1Z be posted in a�sable place at said dance. The applicants for said permit shall be held responaible for the manner of oonducting said dance. aln officer of the law must be pr�sent at a11 times while said pu.blic dan�e fs bei g he1d. , �. �� , � 3 ' � ' ' ' � ' ' ' ' ' r � � � � � � � ,`- � j! t � � :�� ; ,�_. �� , SECTION IV. / Any persan violating any ravision of this ordinance shall be gui ty of � misdemeanor, and upon co viction thereof shall be punished by a ine of note more than $300.00, imprisonment for not more than 90 days. Person means any pez�son, persons, firms or cbrporations. SECTION V. This ordinance shall be effective on passage and publication acoording to 1aw. ATTEST: C.i ty Clerk First Readinq: Secnnd Reading: Publish: Mayor - Jack O. Kirkham 0 4I PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 4, 1971 � S PAGE 1 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Erickson at 8:05 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Miniah, Zeglen, Erickson, Schmedeke Members Absent: Fitzpatrick Others Present: Darrel Clark, Engineering Aseistant APPRAVE PLANNING COMMYSSION MINUTES: JULY 7, 1971 MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission minutes of auly 7, 1971 be approved. ilpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried t�nanimously. RECEIVE $UILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: JUI,Y 8, 1971 MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by 1Ninish, that the PZanning Co�ission receive i:he minutes of the Building 5tandazds-Design Control Subcommittee meet3ng of Ju1y 8, 1971. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motfon carried unan.imously. RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: JULY 1, 1971 1NOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Cormnission receive the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee meeting of Ju1y 1, 197Z. Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting aye, the motion carried unaniraously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPF.ALS MINUTES: JULY 13, 1971 1�IOTION by Minish, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of Ju1y 13, 1971. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: JUNE 28, 1971 MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Parks 6 Recreation CoAanission meeting of June 28, 1971. Upon a voice vote, a1I voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ORDER OF AGENDA: Chairman Erickson ezplained that there would be three changes in the agenda: 1) Take out item �6 (Preliminary Draft of Proposed Comprehensive Plan for the City); 2) Add realignment of Matterhorn Drive: 3) Set a public hearing date for Special Use Permit� SP �i71-11, for September 1, 1971. �. PUBLIC HEARING: SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP �71-09, BY SOCIAL DYNAMICS, INC., JAM�S LEIDICH, PRESIDENT: Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Oak Hill Addition, to build and operate a day nursery and learn3n� center under Section 45.051, 3F of City Code. _._ ._.. _ .. _ � Plannin� Commission Meeting - August [b 1971 P$ge 2 Mr, James Leidich represented Social Aynamics, Inc. He said they operated several day centers in the 1�iin C�ty area -- Bloomington, Robbinsdale and Bxooklyn Park. They seiected the piece of land located on 53rd Avenue because it boxders between residential and commercial and is essentially the type of location as the other three unita. The building axea ia 5,600 square feet. Ages of the children are generally three to five years. The City of Fridley has 12x af childxen under the age of five years as compased to about 8�% average in Minnesota. They felt there is clearly a need hara, as throughout the 1�ain City area, �or this kind of program. The staff is to be a combination of licensed teachers and child profess�onals, trained in child care. One of the great necda facing our country is to solve some of the problems of mothers working. T�o yeara ago figurea showed 40X of the mothers were working, it is probably 50X now. Curxently, the facilities for day care are substandard. 80X of the children are taken care ot in private homes by unlicensed peaple. Children under th� age of five years should be in a-place xun by professionals in education'and social work. This is the need they t�y ta serve. ' Mr. Leidich continued, the day care centers in Bloomington and Robbinsdale were opened in 1970, and they are almost operating at capacity. They are work- ing with the University of Minnesota doing teacher training. They feel this is quite an accomplishment in less than a year's time. The name of "day center" ' is mis�eading as it is not a custodial service where the children just play and look at TV. The center ia open from 6:30 A.M. to 6:00 in the evening. T�affi� pattern: Parents bring the children to the day center from 6:30 A.M. to about , 9:00 or 9:30 A.M. Some come in the afternoon. They start picking up the chil- dren between 3:00 to 3:30 P.M. and it lasts until 6:00 o`clock. The center operates five days a week. The acceas to the center should be close to the flaw of traf�ic from a peraon's residence to their job and Central and University ' Avenuea are essentially that. The day ceater takes up two of th� three vacant lots available on 53rd Avenue and would be a buffer between residemtial and the large com�nercial azea to the East. The building they plan to conatruct now will have 5,600 aquare feet with a licensed capaeity of 120 children. Ceaters, such as this, are licensed by the State under the pepartmeat of Welfare and the Fire Marshal's office. They are given �san�.tary guides as they serve meals. The figures quoted earlier regard- ing the percentage of children under the age of five years in Fridley were gottem from the Department of Commerce in Chicago: Regarding parking, the size of the lote is 25,000 square feet, 5,600 square feet will be the building and 11,000 aquare feet the play area. The children are in the building 80X of the time, but the playground area has swings, sandboxea, horses and culverts. Thes playground is fenced, and there would be no children in the parking area. They ]srltve room for twelve to £ifteen cars, and provide a circular drive. The procedure is a drop o€f one, cuatomera don't leave the cars at the center. The staff consists of ten members at one time,half of these drive. There are a few extra spaces for visitors. �.'he Engineering Assiatant explained that the request for a special use permit does not apell it out to the letter that this request is a special use � �� . , � . � Planning Commission Meeting - August 4, 1971 Pa�e _3 _ , in an R-1 District,, but it was fe�t they would rather not have this land rezoned and then ask for a special use permit. It would be better to have the day center • under the present zoning. ' ' ' Mr. Leidich said that the day car� center in Bloomington is across the etreet from a supermarket, and it operates there under special u T permiEs. It i� difficuit to characterize the day center as either commercia�^private school. The fee is charged by the week. Chairman Erickson said that in R-1 District additional £acilities were allowed. Anoka County xuns a aay center across the street from Rice Creek School, but it is government owned. � Chairman Erickson asked Darrel Clark about the possibility o� getting utili- �. ties. Mr. Ciark said that there �s water and sewer available some dista�ice from the �.ot, It will have to be a Council decision as to whether or not it sk�ould be run from the area to the North. There would be no need o� a petition � for water and sewer unless the use is permitted. The sewer is deep enough, 40Q feet from the corner of the property. It goes North up to Hwy. �694 to a lift station. The sewer stops about in the middle of the Target Store. This would not be that much closer to make it preferable. A sewer lift station ' service along Target Store was designed to take care of this area. � The 600 squax� feet on the second floo"r of the building would be used for remedial reading. Mr. Russell Hedge, 649 53rd Avenue (Lot 1, B1. 2): He said he owned the house �� . adjacent to the propased building. There is heavy foot traffic through the vacant lots to the Target Store and he wondered if there were any means of , alowing it down. I , � J�� � u Chairman Erickson was told the entrance to the day center would be from the Target side on 53rd Avenue. Recommendations would be made along that line. . . : , _ . , _ _ .Mr. Hedge said that between his property and the Target Store are three _. , vacant lots and a street easement. There ie a ditch through these lots and they are low. I� the day center is �ointz to be built on the two Eastexly iots, will the third lot become a catch all? _ The Engineering Assistant explained that there is � culvert on 53rd Avenue. That pipe will have to be either extended to the North.to piek up Target or to the East to the existing parking lot storm sewer. ' Mr. Hedge asked if the fence running along the property would continue to � the end of the second and third lot.. Mr. Leidich said they would completely fence their own property. . , � , i • Mr. Hedge $aid they have had three broken windows so far this year. There is a natural path to Target, and the proposed building will be nearly on it. He felt the people would go through the lots even more. The average age of the �respassers was 15 years. Th� members of the Commission, Mr. Thomas Baker (Lot 6, B1• 2), Mr. and Mrs. H�dge discuss�d the trespassing problem using a Half Section for reference. �. g Planning Commission Meeting - Au�ust 4, 1971 Pa�e 4 Mz. A1 Barnett of Target Stores asked what would happen to the swamp. Mr, Clark said the laad was zoned R-1 and the owner was Jahn Glover. Sheldon Mortenson was taking care of his affairs. MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planninq Co�nission close the public he�ring of the Special Use Pezmit, SP #71-09, by Social Dynamics, �nc., �ames Leidich, to build and operate a day nursery and Zearning center under Sect�on 45.051, 3, F of the City Code on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Oak Ai11 Addition. Upon a voice vote, aZ1 voting aye, the motion carried unanimq�sly. Chairman Erickson asked for the location of the learning center in Robbins- dale so that those membere who could would visit it.�� Mr. Leidich said the addrese was 4012 Adair Avenue, across the street from the Jeanette A. Fair Elementary School (3915 Adair) and located between two homes. Chairman Erickson said he would like to view one of the facilities, and while waiting for two weeks before the next meeting, request an opinion from the City Attorney as to whether or not the Commaission can interpret the City Code by approviag the request in R-1 District. MOTIG►N by Minish, seconded by ZegZen, that the Planning Gommission table fqr two weeks (August 18, 197Z) the request far a 5pecial Use Permit, SP #71-09, by Social Dynamics, Inc, by James A. Leidich, to build and operate a day nursery and learning center una1er Section 45.051, 3, F of the City Code on Lots 1 and 2, 81ock 1, Oak Hi11 Addition. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimousZy. 2. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING: ZOA �71-05, REAL ESTATE 10, INC., FRANCIS J. � GIRDLER, PRESIDENT: Part of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 25 to be rezoned from R-3 (genexal multiple family dwellings) to CR-1) general office and 1lmited business). , � � � Darrel Clark said the Commission was now dealing with a parcel of grnund that had metes and bounds description and not approved by the City Council. There is the question of the legality of the lot split which resulted from the �partments being built simultaneously with the platting. Mr. Girdler said that he waA not aware of this problem. Chairman Erickson said that, in order to split assessments, a lot split is xequired by the City. Evidently what happen�ed was that part of the property was sold and parz of the pxoperty was never assessed. If this is the case, the owner should be willing to split the lot. Darrel Clark said that you really have to stretch the lot split ordinance ' to legally fit the lot split division. (Mr. Girdler stated the title was abatxact.) Bernard Julkowski had the plat approved but found some title problems and could not record it. The apartment house had been built on the premise that ' the plat wauld b� recorded and this parcel is the result of the apartment house sglit. If all the pwners could go together and plat, lot for 1ot, there would �, be a lot and block description. ' � The Commiisaion and Mr. .Girdler checked the final unrecorded plat. , � , � � ' � , , � � , � �� J � � , ' 1 . •- � planuing Commission Meeting AuAust 4, 1971 _ Page 5 I Chairman Erickson said that there was no proposal at the time of the, plat to do anything with this parcel. Now the description reads "Lot 5, except that part ---------��, a metes and bounds description. It seemed to him that matter should be resolved. If the Commissioa and Council desire to act favor- ably on the request, they should put in whatever conditiona they want as f ar as the descriptions are concerned, but he thought the matter of the petition should be considered fi,rst. He could not see any sense talking about the necessity of filing a plat on that one lot until the request €or rezoning is resolved. MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Schmedeke� that the Plarining Comr2ission con- firm the date of August 18, 1971 for a public hearing of a rezvning request, ZOA #i1-05, Rea1 Estate 10, Inc. by Francis J. Girdler, to rezone part of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 25 to be rezoned from R-3 lgeneral multiple family dwellings) to CR-1 (general bffice and Iimited business). Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 3. REt�UEST FOR PUBLIC flEARING: ZOA #71-06, DONALD W. REESE: Lot 16, Block 1, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 10: Rezone from R-1 to R-2 (double bungalow). Mr. Donald W. Reese was present. Chairman Erickson said that he wanted Mr. Reese to be aware af the set- backs required under R-2. Mr. Reese said he had been briefed by Mr. Herlofaky, and that they do not plan to build for a year. He said they had been looking for property for a year. They gave up on zoned property. The realtor ran aea ad that this lot could probably be rezoned. Chairman Erickson said that the setbacks on the property on the East has to be considered. A11 of the houses Esst are setback further than 35 feet. Mr, Reese would have to have a waiver of the ordinance as he could not be more than six feet ahead of the houses an either side. Mr. Reese said if the rezoning request went through, they thought that eventually they could split the lot into two lots. Chairman Exickson said there is the possibility it could be done, but there would be no room Eor a street easement. The lot for sale just South of this property has a driveway, but it is only a driveway. There are other problems at the East of this area. There is no sewer on Central Avenue. Water is on the other side of Central, but this line could be extended. There is sewer down the middle of 69th Avenue from Central Avenue to the City Limits. Mr. Reeae should retain an easement to go from the_back of the lot out to 69th Avenue. MOTTON by Zeglen� seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission confirm the public hearing date of August 18, 1971 for the rezoning request, 20A #71-06, by Dor�ald W. Reese, to rezone from R-1 to R-2 (double bungalow) Lot 16, Block 1, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 10. Upon a voice v4t.e, a11 voti�g aye, the motion carried unanimously. � � � ' � � , � ' �� � ' ' , ' � � ' ' ' 10 Planning Commission MeetinR - Au�ust 4, 1971 Page 6 I 4, MOTZD�N by S�hmedeke, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Cotmnission r�ceive the letter from Winston W. Jacobson dated Ju1y 18, 197� regarding low swamp land North of 79th Avenue between Univers.�ty Avenue and Bur�ington-Northern Railraad taacks. Upon s voi�e vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unani,mousl y . � 5. The Chairman requested the item be put on the August 18th a�enda. JULY 25 MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Minish, that the Flanning Commission reoeive the letter ,from Sans Sond�ieimer dated July 25, 1971 to Robe�t Minish regarding trestment for Substandar8 Lots. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Minish explained that at the Board of Appeals meeting of July 13, 1971, there were two requests for a building permit for construction on substandard lots, and in this same area are one half dozen more lots in an identical situa- �ion. If the Board had acted favorably on them, there would be no basis for not acting f avorab ly on ctthers . The Chairman suggested the first thing to do in getting atarted on this study is a survey of the substandard lots in the City of Fridleq. Darrel C1ark commen�ed checking owaexship of the lots and whether or not it has been changed. As most of the lots are tax forfeit, it is too bad the geople next door do not see the need for purchasing them. Chairman Erickson said the question of the City allowing tax forfeit lozs to be put back oa the tax role and then saying to the purchaser "you can't use them" pxobably would not hold up in court. Mr, Schmedeke felt the lots could be used with a small home built on them. Peop�e have built amall homes for years. We would rather have these lots back on the Cax rolls. Mr. Clark felt that 90X of the substandard lots are corner lots. A forty foot lot in the middle of the block would nat present as great a problem as a corner lot. Tentative comments: O�ne suggestion was to reduce the required size o� the house and set up guide lines, A hardship could be considered if the adjacent property owner refused to purchase. Stipulate how many bedrooms a house could have. Check to see how many 40 faot lots are vacant and in what zoning district. Reaommendation from the City Attorney what stipulations can be legally imposed. U�e of adjacent lots and tppes of houses. Continued to August 1$, 1971 agenda. 11 ' pl�nning Commissian Meetingj - August 4, 1971 �age � � , �1 CI � 6. SET PIIBLIC HEARING DATE: SPECIAL USE FERMIT SP $71-10 VIKING CHEVROLET: ' ��ew and Us�d Car Sales on Parcels 2850, 4360 and 435Q, Section 12, as per • GiCp Code, Section 45.101, 3, B in a C-2S District. MQTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Minish, that September 1� 1971 be set as the public heaXing date for the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #71-10, Viking Chevrolet for a new.and used car sales on Parcels 2850, 4360 and 4350, SeetioM 12, as per City Code, Section 45.101, 3, B in a G-2S District. Upon a voice vo�e, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimousZy. 7, �REALIGNMENT.OF MATTERHORN DRIVE BY GRACE HIGH SCHOOL: Mr. Clark said that Grace High School has asked that Matterho�n Arive be realigned sa that the road connects to Gardena Lane and will separate a row of pXOposed lats on the West and the recreational field on the East. The City would retain a 20 foot utility easement and rededicate Matterhorn Arive. Chairman Erickson sai�d that Matterhorn Drive has been one af the gaod factors in approving the Viewcon propasal. Improving of the street will have to be ' imperative. Grading, probably will take place this fa11. This was proposed all the way to MatterhQrn Bridge as a collector street for the present vacant prqperty. The Church will plat the Easterly portion abutting the residential ' " houses into lota. • MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Conanission .tecom- '� mrend Matterhorn Drive be vacated, that the City retain a 20 foot utility ease- ment and accept the dedication of the new location of �latterho�n A�rive. Upc�n a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unaniraousZy. , ' ' , � � ' ' ' � � ADJOURNMENT : There being no further business, Chairman Erickson adjourned the meeting at 10:20 P.M. ' Respectfu,lrnly .s� ubmitted V� �5liu-��^- Haz 0'Brian Recording Secretary 1 ' ' 1 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' 12 BIIILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN COriTROL MEETING OF AUGUST 5 1971 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Zeglen at 8;05 P.M. 1�1�ERS PRESENT: Zeglen, Tonco, White M�1�ERS ABSENT: Lindblad, Gnerre OTHERS PRESENT: Hank Muhich-Chief Building Inspector MOTION by White to approve the minutes of the July 8, 1971 meeting as written. Seconded by Tonco. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unaaimously. 1. CONSIDERATION OF A RBQUEST TO APPROVE THE PRBLIMINE►�tY PIAN FOR A TaWN80USE DEVELOPI�PT TO BE LOCATSD ON THE NORTH 813 FEBT O�F T�IE EAST 3/4 OF THE pORTfiEAST 1/4 OF TH8 NOBTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTIOR 13, FRIDLEY, MIIipESOTA, THE �...o �pT,Qn Tuv i�nn RT_MY c�v 69TH AVENUB N.E.. FAIDLEY, MINNESOTA. iREQUEST L�ir. Roger Larson, Mr. Jim Wiensch, and Mr. Bill Rova were present to present the request. Mr. Muhich gave each of the Board members a copy of the Tawnhouse Ordinance to follaw in checking that all requirements were met. Mr. Wiensch stated that this would be a 141 unit rental project. He said the rent will be about $270 a month plua utilities. He said they will be deeding some of the land to the City for a park. He said that they wiil be furnishing sowe of the park equipment but that the City will maintain the park. He said they would also be putting in some tot lots within the complex. He also said that all roads within the camplex will be maintained by them. Mr. Wiensch said that there would be 288 parking spaces including the garages within the complex. The Board asked �f this was sufficient parking for a complex of this size. ' Mr. Muhich stated that he had just been checking through the Townhouse Ordinance and parking was not mentioaed there so he assumed it would be the same as for multiple dwellings. As these would all be three bedroaa► units, they would be ' required to have 2� parking spacea per unit and, therefore, they did aot haye enough according to the code. C ' ' 1 � ' Mr. Wiensch stated that it would be imposeible to add another 70 spaces. He said that this would take away too much of the green area and that is one of the ways a townhouse differs from apartments in that there is more green area. He said that if they were required to add another 70 spaces, they would have to abandon the townhouse project and put in either apart�nts or else just leave the land vacant until some future time. The Board stated that they glso felt that adding more blacktop area would apoil the image of the camplex but they did not have the authority to approve the parking as it was because it did not conform to the code. They said it would have to be checked before a final decision could be made. Mr. Rova said he would also check with Mr. Reese, another gentleman in the iirm who had had previous discussions With the Bngineering Department, to see if parking had been discussed or if seme arrangement had beea made regardiag parkiag. Mr. Rova aaid that this ia usually one of the things Mr. Reese checks on first. � ' � Building Standards Desi�n Control Meetin�,of August 5, 1971 page 2 In discussion of the landscaping it was mentioaed that poured cancrete curb was required aa all blacktop areas. They were also told that a LO' radius would be required on all eatries and also suggested that they should try for a 10' radius on all roads within the complex. 13 1�. Wienach said that all the greea areas were shown on the plans. They will ' have either gas lights or electric lights throughout the parking lot. They are getting a rating so there will not be any dark areas and this will be shown on the final plan. He stated that all the outside utilities will be under- ' ground. As far as refuse areas were couceraed, they would all be covered so no garbage containers would be visible. He also stated that the water and sewer were ia in this area. ' , ' ' � ' � The townhouses will have shake siding and asphalt roof shingl�s. Bach unit wiil be 1214 square feet not including the basement. The buildings will be 22 to 24 feet in heighth. They will be all carpeted, have central air conditioaing, built-in appliances, and a full basement with a� bath. The basement will be completely block. The walls will be a one hour firewall. They will have staggered studs with insulating sound board to get a 52 decibal soundproof rating. Mr. Muhich said that when the final plans are ready, he will nead 3 complete sets. Also, they would need a performance bond for the exterior work. Mr. Wiensch asked if they �ould have a letter of credit from the bank instead of the performance boad. Mr. Muhich said he would have to check on that. MOTION by Tonco to recoa�end approval of the preliminary plans subject to the notations marked in red on the plans including the follawing stipulations: 1, That all entries to the complex have a 10' radius. 2. There must b� poured concrete curbing around all blacktop areas. 3. That p8rking must be checked since it doeen't conform to the ordinance. Seconded by White. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried ' uu8nimously. ' ' ' ' ' ' 2. CONSIDERATION OF A RLQUBST TO MOVE IN A TSMP(HiARY STORAGE SHED AND ALSO CONSTRUCT A LQADING DOCK AND REFUSE STORAGE AREA LOCATSD ON LOT 6, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION SI1�R �'UMP CO , 5960 MAIN STREET N E, FRIDLEY, 1�III�ESOTA • Z Mr. Loren Simer was present to preseat the request. Mr. Simer atated that they had moved to Fridley because they needed more room. Their business had tripled in the last three years and they expect to need an addition to the building in about three years. They would like same additional inside stoxage, however, and would, therefore, like to move in this building from their old location. Mr. Muhich stated that the st�ucture was well built. He said it was 16" centera on all structural me�ers with double wall construction. � � , ' � � ' ' 1 ' � ' 1 ' � I ' � , .. 14 Building Standards-Desiga Control Meetiag of Auguat.5, 1971 Page 3 Mr. Simer also said that they will be putting this storage shed within the axea of the proposed addition so that any blacktop torn up in the process of removing the shed will be within the addition. Mr. Simer stated that they would also like to make some improvements to the lpading dock and would also put ia poured concrete curbing arouad the blacktop axea. He would also like to add a covered refuse storage area. MOTION by White to recommead approval of the moving in of the storage shed aad also the construction of a loading dock and refuse storage area and poured concrete curbing arouad the blacktop areas with the following stipulation: 1. That there be a three year time limit on the temporary storage shed. If it is needed for a longer period of time, they must eame before the Board for an extension of time. Seconded by Tonco. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. AD`TOURNI�NT : The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Zeglen at 9:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, �, c� �.,� ! � ��.u.�.a��� CA$OL CHUDEK ^ Secretary ' ' � Ti� MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF AFPFALS MEETING OP' AUGUST 10 1971 7.'he meeting was called to order by Chairman Minish at 7:33 P.M. 1��BERS PRESENT: Minish, Dxigans, Harju, Sondheimer, Wall OTHERS PRESENT: Clarence Belisle-Building Tnspectox 15 MOTION by Harju to amend the minutes of July 1.3, 1971 to add the following ' statement under item #5: "Mr Sondheimer's reason for voting nay is based on tha fact that under the present circumstances justice cannot b� done to either party. His nay was to highlight that some action is required by t1�e City Planning Commission and by the City Council For in his conviction the prppe�ty o�,mers also have rights ' when they are paying their taxes and especial�iy wheri their sights go back to the time when the t�ew City Code was not yet in e�tistenae. It should be recorded that the cdeasage of the profeasing party wae good and was received loud and alear. In the ' �uture he would feel obliged to join the majority until the basic issue of the 40 �oot lots is satisfactorily resolved." Seconded by Wall. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Chaixman Minish reported to the Board the action taken by the Cauncil on the July 13, 1971 Board items and also stated the lettex contafning the above statement was before the Planning Coamnision and before the Council and the City is working on getting a report made up on the 40 foot lots. 1, A 1tEOUEST FOR A VARTANCE OF SECTION 45 053 4B. SUBPARAGRAP� 3. FRIDLEY CITY CODE, Mr. Henry Koester was�present to present the request. A survey of the lot and a letter of "no objection" from the neighbor to the eouth, Mr. Kukowski, were shown to the Board. 1�lOTION by Dz�igan$ to receive the letter of no abjection from Mr.�Rukowski.'' Seconded by Aaxju. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ' M�c. Kaester atated he now hae a single garage that he wants to enlar$e by 8 fee� to hacve a 22 foot double garage. There would be�2 eingle garage doors and he would keep the hipp roof design. ' ' ' ' I� Mr. Sondheimer asked why it was necessary to in�crease the dimension of the garage to be 3 inchea over tha aode requireanent. Mr. Koester answered that 8 feet is a atandard board measurement and he might just as we11 have the�whola S feet than to cut off 3 inches from the boarda. It wouldn't coat him any m�re money for material but it might co�t a li.ttle more fox labor. I�TION by Wall to cLaae the public hearing. Seconded by Sandheimer. Upon a voice vote, thes^e being no nays, the motion carried, 1 ^ 1� � Mr. Drigans stated he could not see the hardship as it would meat► cutting one �' facia boaxd to stay within code. He did feel that it was a minor varianee but h� did�n't like it because no one would know whether it was a 22 ioot garage or a 21.9 €oot garage. 2. Mr. Koeater said it would not just be a fa�ia board that would be cut but also the roof sheathing and he added he wants the full 8 feet aa this is a standard bui�ding material measurement. 1�DT�ON by Wall to xecoatnend to the City Council approval of the requeet for the following reasons: 1. It is an 8 foot addition Which means the use of standard cut building materials. Without this variance these materials would have to be altered which would create samewhat of a hardship. 2. The neighbor to the South has no o�jection to the variance. 3. The variance, being only 3 inches, is a minor deviation from the code. SeQpnded by Drigans. Upon a voice vote, thexe being no nays, the motion carried un�tniaeous ly . Mx. O�sen was present to present the request. A survey, pictures and the aexial map's�owing the lot� we� ehown to the Board. Mr. Olsen stated he would like to build a 22 foot by 15 foot addition onto the , top of $n exi.sting 22 foot by 22 foot garage, The addition would be flush with the back and side of the garage and the setback in front would be decked and railed. The addition would be used as the master bedzoom as the extra room is needed.due to grawth of the family. The present dwelling is a split level design ' with 3 small bedrooms. The present garage is 7.1 feet from the lot line and there is 11 feet 10 inches between structures (foundation to foundation), ' Mr. Olsen eaid this ia the only way he can enlarge the houae and etill keep the same contour. ' There was a petition preaented with the requeat, signed by the four adjacent neighbors and the one neighbor directly acroas the street, Which stated they had no Qbjections to the variance. ' kir. Harju asked Mr. Belisle what would be required, by way of fireproofing the existin� garage, in order to build on top of it. , ' , 1 ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , � ' 1� of the Board of Appeals Meeting or � Mr. Belisle answered it should be sheetrocked with a one hour fire rated boaxd on the walls and ceiling. �. plsen stated he had planned to use one houx ii.xe rated sheetrock on the ceiling of the gara$e. The Board asked him why he couldn�t build the addition flush with �eefwhich and back of the garage and have it setback from the eide o� the $ata8 , �ould then meet the code. Mr. 01sen answered to support the addition the way �e wg tPw�eo�i�e ould i.nvolve placi.ng a support beam under the joiat at addition. This beaa� would not interfere with the �e suppo�trb� underz�e. The alternate plan suggested would involve placing the South wall of ths ai�twould a eo mean loeing,ean existing hou►seewindow. door operation. Thi p Mx, Harju asked if he could cut back �e erchance of a fire starting infthe 3 feet to 1 foot� as it would decrease th event the adjoining property owner's garage was on fixe. 3. �� qlsen said he could cut it down to 1 foot. �r. prigans stated if propex fire protection and praper conetx'uction design were used, and ma.de aubjsct to granting of the permit, he would be in favor of granting the variance. Mr. Qlsen said he did not have the plans drawn up because he did not think he needed then at this meeting. MOTION by Sarju to close the public hearing. Seconded by Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, there b eing no aays, the motion carxied unanimouely. MOTION by Drigans to table this request until the appli.cant hB�ructural drawn up �hawing elevations with a section throug,h indicating details and fire walls as required. These plans are to be approved by the Pires Chief and the Building Inspector before the taeeting. Seconded by Wa11. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unani�naus 1Y . Dr, Akbar was presenx to pxesent the requeat. A survey of Lot 6, together wii�h suxveys o�' the two adjacent properties, pictures and the aerial map wexa shown to the Board. 1� �� Minutea of the Board of Avveals l�eeetin� of Aur�ust 10, 1971 Paae 4 The aurveys showed Dr. Akbar's house set back 106.0 feet from EaeE River Road and the adjacent houae ta zhe North set back 95.0 feet. Rice Creek runs along the South side af Lot 6. • � Dr. Akbar state�i he wants to add on a 24 foot by 24 foot garage onto the front of the existing garage. The existing garage is to be turned inta a workshop as the pxesent workshop below the garage is wet. (according to the survey there is only 9.4 feet between the house and the side lot lin� which would require a variance to comrert the present garAge �nto a worksh4p.) He also atated he is planning to add onto the back of his home next year or when the City hae completed the work they are planning which involves tearing u� same of his back yard, The Board asked if it would be possible to add on just 11.5 feet and comiert a amaller area fo� workshop to stay within the front yard setback requirement. Dr. Akbaz said he could not as the existing slab would be higher than the proposed slab. The Board asked if he could add on a workshop onto the back of hi.s house and leave the present gaxage as i.t ie. Dr. Akbax stated he would like the workshop where the present garage is because it would be the moet convenient place for it. He could not add the workahop on the baek because that is where he is planning on adliing on bedrooms and enlarging the dining ro'om. Mx$. Eyinck, 6755 East River Road, stated she was against the garage as she does not want her bedroom windows to face a blank wall - she has a view of the creek at this �isne that would be blocked off by the proposed garage. Mrs. A. Kaiser, 6765 �ast River Road, stated she was present to find out what Dr. Akbar was planning on constructing. She was not against any conetruction as lQng as it did not detract from the neighborhood. Mrs. Eyinck stated she had been told by people that it would devaluate her home to have this garage sticking out in front of it. She has also been told that it would mar the appearance of the neighborhood and that it would set a precedent in the area. Mr. Drigana stated he could not aee a hardship in just wanting to•move the workshop. If Dr. Akbar wanted to use the garage for another purpose that Would be another point. He certainly has the right to add on the 11.5 feet that he is allowed under the code. Mr. Wa11 stated that he felt, because of the points brought out, that it would take a hardship of consequence before he could agree to the variance. ' MOTIO�I by Drigans to recommend to the Council denial of the variance for the follawing reasona: 1. Foz the lack of a hardship as atated. ' � � 2. The aeethetic vie�u of the creek Would be affected for the neighbors. 3. There ap�ears to be altezm�te �ethods for building that would be within the code requiremente. Seconded by Harju. Upan a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried. ADJQU�tNMENT : The meeting was adjouraed by Chaismam Miniah at 9:25 P.M. Reapectfully submitted, ' I�lA�RX HTI�ITZ �ecrntaac�r ' � � CONSTRUCTION C0� 19 G RADI N G CO NTRACTD �tS al TN1117'r-�lViNTM AVt. N. R. , MIMMtArqL��. MINN��OTA f�Ail August 12, 1971 ' City of Fridley 6k31 Uaiversity Avenue N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Attn: Mr. Nasim M. Qureshi, P. E. City Engineer Re: Working Hours Burli�gton-Northern Railway NorthtaWn Retarder Yard Park Job No. 38-71 Dear Sir: As you know, Park Construction Ccxnpany has been awarded the contract for the��irst stage of the construction for the Burlington-Northern tailway Rorthtown RetaXder Yard. We hereby request permission to work two shifts. The first shift would begin at 7:00 A.M. and end at 6:00 P.M.. The second shift would �in at 7:00 F,M. and end at 4:30 A.M. The second shift would involve hauling to the FMC dump site on East River Road only. The truck route would not involve passing through any r�sid�atial aru. We would appreciate being grented this pera�it as soan as possible as we will commence hauling on August 16� 1971. If you have any questiona for which we may have further information� please call. Yours very truly� PARK CONSTRUCT �i COMPANX � Gera B. cDona , Administrative Co-Ordinator G&�1/se , cc: James Haskell Burlington-Northern r, ' ' � JIj. � � ' "�F ' � � � ROCK . � �. �\� \ ' , N � ( W ., , E i 1 1 �. 1. � 1 �� 1 1 1 �� 1 , —� ' - , , ._.,.., �:- RAILROAD YARD � _— � �•:- � �_ � �_ ' _ _� -S � --'� - ...,~� �I i 20 ROUTING FOR FILL MATERIAL � FROM RAILROAD YARD GONST. �*,'--� - v.� ,, �.-� --- a!�' "' — _ E_.�-i _ ;� iTi t! _ =-'�i �' =� :�Gi,-� � ... y:, � . _ �i Ji � r � _ ; - -��_2 � ---� �� �I�� �� � CITY OF FRIDLEY ENGINEERING AEPT. Q FILL AREA AUGUST 12, 1971 � � � • Bori�ngs in all areas wauld be continued to a minimum of S feet below the bottom of pxoposed uti�lity main inverts and would be �xtended to r' a'greater depth in the event that organic materials are encountered. , In the unlikely event that the depth of organic materials is so ext�nsive that the use of piling for utilities would be required, a ' ' � limited number of penetxation test borings would be extended to a sufficient depth to p�rmit reliable pile length estimating. Our analysis indieates that on the 100-foot boring interval criteria 21 ' approximately 146 borings would be required. Based on estimated depths ' � ' ' 1 ' � ' ' I and conditions of access� �t app��ars that 34 �f.th�se borings would be o£ tha powex auger type taken with truck-mount�d equipment (a length � of about 320 lineal £��t) while 112 borings (a total of about 1510 lineal. feet) would be taken with txack-mounted equipment and would therefoxe be of the standard penetration test type. In addition to the b xings, a limited number of labaratory tests are suggested to determine properties of the subgrade soils. Basis of Chaxges Proposals fox soil borings are typically based on haurly equipment charges or a cost-per-foot�of boring. In the past 14 years, we have ' performed nearly all investigations on an hourly charge basis. Expe�'ience has shown that wh�n hourly charges are converted to a footage basis, costs p�r foot show substantial variatians. In establishing a cost-per-foot for a particular project, it is thus SOlI LNG/NEER/MG SERY/CES, /NC- �� ' .. ��. � � --�^�"'"�1`" � 22 necessary to add a contingency for unforeseen circumstances. It is thus our firm conviction that basing charges on an hourly xate results i� more equitably reflecting the eomplexity of the investigation tv a speGific project. The services in this proposal are thus based on hourly charges. �. Since predom�nantly granular soils axe anticipated in the area, laboratory testing is likely to be restricted to gradation tests: For proposal purposes, we estimate that approximately six tests would be reqUired. Results of the borings would be analyzed by a soils engineer and a report containing detailed recommendations for allqwable�•so�l pressures �or uti�ity mains, estimated lengths for piling under utilities (if applicable) and other engineering recommendations. Hourly rates, unit charges, estimated times, and extensions are then as follows: �,� Item . Rate E$timated Quantity Extension CME-aS powex auger with , soils teck�nician and operator, per hour - $28.00 CME-55 core and auger drill mounted on Flextrac-Nodwell , FN-160 rubber-tracked carrier staffed wixh �ails technician, operator, arid helper, per hour 55.00 16 hours 150 hours 0 $448.00 8250.00 !0/L EN6/NfER/NG SERV/CES. (NC. . r------ .. , _�.--- "'^�� ' � � ' ' I ' I ' I '` � :� I ' �'� I ' I ' I ' I ' � � I ' 23 Gradation tests, each 12.50 6 75.00 Report and recommendations services by; ' 225.00 Sr'. Soils Te�hniGian, per hour 11.25 20 450.00 Soi1s Engineer, EIT, per hour 15.00 3Q 152.00 Soils Engineer, P.E., per hour 19.00 g ,: The `total estimated cost of the outlined investigation is then:�96' 0�0 .00• This proposal is based on estimated times shown. Those time estimates assume that all alignments would be staked in the field by Comstock and Davis, Inc. prior to our performing field work. �Scheduling of the Investigation It has been indicated that construction would likely no�. proceed until ' the winter of 1971-72. It is then likely that this investigation would be seheduled during the later part of the summer and into the fall of 1971. Current commitments would permit us to proceed with the investigation within �proximately one week after receipt of an authorization, Since�we are now operating eight testing crews, we are confident that we would have the equipment and staff available to meet any required time Schedule. � . As pxeviously indicated, if there are questions on this proposal, we would welcome an opportunity for discussions with you over the . telephone or in person at your convenience. � fOIL ENGINEER/NQ :ERVECES, /NC. .,�� --_'_--- � - -,�,i*.^'� �'-- Ci f o rid�e � � ANOKA COUNTY 6131 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE ► r �i� i �►Y T0: NORTT��RN STATES POW�A C�ANY 4501 68TH AVENUE NOATH SRQOIa,YN CENTEA, MINN. 55428 S60•3rl0 FRIDLE�, MINNESOTA 5b�Z1 !�' ' PL�ASB lUKE A SUitVEY AND PROCEED WITH THE INSTALLATION OF THE I�T�CBSSAAX STxB1� LIGHTS FOR: Mercur Va or ' 1. Dover S�. (W. end) att ,2. Ely St. $ Dover St. 175 Watt 3. 810 Kennaston Dr. 175 Watt ' 4. Univ, Ave. Serv. Rd. Loop (West)-No. of 69th Ave.at Univ. Ave. 175 Watt ' S. 66th Ave. (Mid-Block) E. of Central Ave. 175 Matt , 6. Arthur St. � 67th Ave. 175 Watt 7. Anoka St. � 67th Ave. 175 Watt ' 8. Fridley St. �, 67th Ave, 175 Watt� ' 9,' �ib$�txy St. �� EB�t Riv�� Rd: - S.F.- of Int. on Existing Pole 175 Watt 10. Lincoln St. (At Curve) 175 Watt ' 11. 59 1/2 Ave. � Anna Ave. 175 Watt 12. Tennison Dr. at Cul de Sac 175 Watt ' 13, Oakwood Manor �, 60th Ave. 175 Watt ' 14. 75th Ave. fi Hayes St. 175 Watt 15. Onondago St. $ McKinley St. 175 Watt , 16. Main St. � 8�8ti� Ave. ' 17S Watt 17. Coa�merce Ln, (Bet. 73rd Ave. $ Osborne Rd.) 175 watt '�.$. Kexx Ln, R.C.�t. 175 wa�x ,Y $ ' � Th� follow�ng are night ��ghts and should be charged to the Paxks and Recr�ati.on I�epartment Code 475.12 ' 1. Altura Park , 2. Terrace Park ' 3. Flar�ery Park 4, Plymouth Square Park 1 5. pak Hill Park 'Please Contact Faul Brown, Director of Parks �, Recreation Before Installation of Lights in parks. I ' I ' I , I , I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' OaDISR AATB: VF.RY TRULY YWRS NASIM M. QURESHI, P.E. City Engineer-Director of Planning WATTS �� 400 400 175 175 25 ' �� N ' _�� `� - -+ .�,;. ���1� � � �� ' �:�, �oc�., \ � � � � � `� o \� � � 1 � ��"` N 1' ' w � � � ,� , S ' _- F � � � �� � �PROPOSED STREET LIGHTS 1 � I f �1 PROPOSED PARK LIG TS I il � � � � -_ . � p, _ ' j , / ' N / � 1 I _ 'I ' ! I ' ------ ' � .-- , \� � � "^i� �—" t�7Y OF FRI�LE�Y '� . �-• - ..a� cuwn. . i ir ' '"�?T .� t � �°� �.�.,..:< q `-_.... �..., �ri # � - _ i °� - �. „ _ e — -- � � . « �, • �=-� 3 � - w. . . .� , ,.., ' i��;� � ��:� � - �� l j � � � � �� ��" �� � �� � � y ��i' I�j� � il'r' � ;I fr _. . � a- , �°'1���� •"�. �';,'. � `�' �� . -IP � 1; ��,,,� �;� _ E r ���� � � �� �r � _ � i� ��' �.. � f � � ,;, , = � ;. -� �1.�'1; � � ' ��I11f111 II M i . II '�l I�- ��������'�,� � ! �r- � ,�1,� �.� � � � � I �I II "" ���', � `�y�� � i -i��� ` �� ��I��11i0 I �i" i��i:�� , � �i � '� ' � �- o , ,; .�� 1 R O� J � ,� �. :_ I ;,�'��, :s ' � - � '•, � ',, __ . � - 1 � . __. � ,� Q - - 1 �. � � -.' _ - ��. �i -- !' — ,� � s� d � � � .i � �., � .� 4 �_�_�� ����� �..: � : i� � �,.'.. �' I�`-�'�J �-�-�i`���� - - ��gg a� � � i � sr-aa �.: �3 r.��s � � _ �� � ��- �� � !£ � � ,: it���� �' � � � ��S � �-� ��� � � � ��-_� - � i � _ _ � �� �=4_-� ��� � _ — �: � � �� � , y+� � R� — g � � z ^- F `� �: xx� _�� � �--. �� ��- � tt�= � �-� �` � n r� u _ -� ��� µ� �s - �, � ..� �� � �€- �� lTREET MAP-CITV OF - � ' - FItIDLEY .��_H. �._�. �" �`��_ - 26 ' , , 1 � _. 0. I,OCATION �. 73rd Ave. Just West of ' University Avenue ' . 1 ' ' ' ' . ' , ' ' ' ' ' • , ' ' 19 �1 STREET LIGHTING PROG1tAri (PHASE II) REFJE��'AL AP�D CHA"�GES . CHANGES RDQUESTED R�lacate to Intersection of 73rd Ave. � University Ave. Service Road West. 0 0 � l�r I I CI7'Y ORAFR N.3.P. DATE COMPLETID • � . c � ' ' ' � ' MEMO T0: SU$JECT: ' ' , � C� OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER FR�DLEY; MINNESOTA August 11, 1971 Mayor and City Council LAWCON Application for North Park Area The City Council, per Resolution No. 208-1970 passed on November 2, 1970, authorized the Administration to apply for parcels 60 and 600 in conjunction with the acquisition efforts in the North Park Area. The Office of Local and Urban Affairs, State of Minnesota, who is the agency responsible for adminiatering the grant, would not accept the application prior to July l, 1971. The clo$ing date fax receiving applications is September 3, 1971. Since some tia►e has gone by since you authorized the filing o� this application, I wanted to advise you of our plans to aubmit the application and receive any coaraenta you may have. Attached is a coat breakdown for both the first and second applications indicating the share of the Federal, State and local shares. Encloaed also is a map of the area to be acquired. ' Regarding the intended use of the area, we are indicating that to be acquired for a regionally located park that would have in it park complete with additional space to be used as a municipal golf ' with the course would be a club house plus additional buildings for maintenance. ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' this area is a neighborhood course, Along storage and The atatement above, of course, is the projected use of the property and does not co�►it the Council to this use should it later be determined that this is not the best utilization of the property. A pre-submission review conference with the Park and Recreation Grant Section, Office of Local and Urban Affairs, will be held in the very near futuxe. Uaiess the City Council directs otherwise, I will plan on submitting this application prior to September 3, 1971, on the basis as outlined in this report. GRA/ws Enclosures - 2 Very reapectfully, �� ��� Gerald R. Davie City Manager � m MEMO T0: GERALD R. DAVIS, CITY MANAGER FROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CITY'S SHARE OF NORTH PARK AREA DATE: AUGUST 9, 1971 Shvwn below is the cost of the First and Second Applications and the expected State and Federal participation with the balance of funds to be provided by the City. COS7 OF FI�ST APPLICATION � � 143�096.00 Cost of First Application - Sam Finkelstein - Cost of dismissing suit. 500.00 COST OF SECOND APPLICATION 118,000.00 Cost of Second Application - Taxes and Assessments to extend option for one year. 8,060.00 $ 269,656.00 , TOTAL State's share of First Application $ 35,750.00 Expected State's Share of Second Application. 28.750,00 Federal Share - First Application 71.50Q.00 Expected Federal Share - Second Application 57>� , Provided in 1970 Budget Provided in 1971 Budget City's Share � 35.000.00 � 25,000.00 $193,500.00 � 73,156.00 � 60s000.00 • BALANCE TO BE FINANCED $ 13,156.00* *This amount could be reduced by $6,045.00 if the State and Federal �Governments share in the $8,060.00 cost, � 0 � .� � o � o � � � � 3 n � � � � � � I � . . ► . . . .. . � � i � �////////� s* �� ///////////////. / � � . .. �.�: � �� � D n . � A o A � o O � � � m r N W O ° O � Univers�t� C.:@ 5+ ���. H�r No 47 � � , � � rn z D r CJ „� p�2 N = 37 N V� m I v o D o �W � r' { o0 n � 0 z �D � � n. 0 � r D � C"i O � �. D -� ,_,_ -o ..,. _. c� � � � .. .-- C„� . O D� n. � co► � _. � � �- � � O � � � W 'C7 0 0 � � � � 3 � � �.. � �Z 30 L_.I �� 1� � RESOLUTION NO. 208-1�970 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO APPLY FOR FUNDS FOR THE ' NORTH PARK AREA UNAER LAWCON FOR PA�ELS 60 & 600, EXCEPT THE EAST 70 FEET AND AUTHORZZE THE CITY ATTORNEX TO OBTAIN AN OPTION TO PURCHASE SUCH PARCELS , � � ' ' WHEREAS, the project application has been made for State and Federal assistance under LAWCON for the North Park area, and WHEREAS, the original dollar amount contained in the original project application is such that the City cannot complete the acquisition of the desired acreag�, and WHEREAS, it is the intention of ttie City Council to proceed with acquiring approximately 121.7 acres in this total a�ea. WHEREAS, the owners have aqreed to qrant an option to purchase Parcel 600 and Paxcel 60. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESQLVED, that the City Administration is � hereby authorized and directed to make a project application to the Office of Local and Urban Affairs for funds under LAWCON for the purchase of Parcel 600 excep� the east 70 feet and Parcel 60. ' LJ �� � � ' � �� ' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City P,ttorney is authorized to enter into an agreement for the purpose of obtaining an option to purchase Parcels 600 and 60. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 2ND DAY OF NOVEMBER , 197Q. ATTEST: CITY CI,ERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL I�IAYOR - JACK O. KIRKHAM 31 OF� ICE OF TiiE C ITY MANAGER FRIALEY, MINNESOTA August 13, 1971 I�MQ T0: Mayo� and City Council SUBJECT: Playground in the Hyde Park Area The City Council has directed the Ada►inistration to investigate possible sites in the Hyde Park Area for a kiddie Park. Thexe are �no tax forfeit lots over a k0 foot width in the area. There is on� tax foxfeit lot at the southeast corner of 60th Avenue Northeast ac�d 2� SCreet (Lot 30, Block 11). The Lot next to this Cax forfelt lot is presently vacac�t, and if the City eould acquire this lot �hrough purehase and combine it with the tax forfeit lot abutting it oa the north, i� would b� feasible to establish a kiddie park at this 1.ocation. This would then pravide a playground 80' x 130.55'. A resolution is on your Agenda requesting the Anoka County Auditor to withhold Lot 30, Block 11, Hyde Park Addition �roat the tax forfeit sale. Favorable Council consider�tion an this resolution is recommended. GRD/ms ' � � ' ' Very respectfully, �� Gerald R. D�vis City Manager 32 RESOLUTIQN N0. 1971 A RESOLUTION REGARDING NOLDING LOT 30, BLOCK 11. HYDE PARK ADDITION FOR CITY PARK PURPOSES WHEREAS, Lot 30, Block 11, Hyde Park Addition is now in a tax forfeit status, and WHEREAS, The City of Fridley is analyzing the posslbility of purchasing Lot 30, Block 11, Hyde Park Addition for park pu rposes , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council ot the City of fridley requests the County Auditor to withho1d from sale the above listed lot. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRI�.EY THIS DAY OF , 1911. Y - J , I K ATTEST: �I��Z���i:�: u1:1:�'�1►T�:l:ill►i►9��� ' , � , �'\°., , ; 33 � �j . / -� � RESOLUTION N0. U 97 � IRESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT FOR SANITARY SE�+TER AND STORM S�WER ' IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 100. 1 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, as follows: ' 1. The City Clerk has with the assistance of the engineers heretofore selected by this Council for such purpose, calculated the proper amounts to be specially assessed for the ' - SANITARY SEWER & STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 100 � in said City against ev ery assessable lot, piece, or parcel of ' , land in accordance with the provisions of law, and has prepared and filed with the City Clerk tabulated statements in duplicate showing the proper description of each and every lot, piece, or parcel of ' land to be specially assessed and the amount calculated against the same. ' 2. Notice has been duly published as required by law that this Council would meet in special session at this time and place to pass on the proposed assessment. ' � 3. Said proposed assessment has at all times since its filing been open to inspection and copying by all persons interested, and an opportunity has been given to all interested persons to present their objections, '__ �if any, to such proposed assessment, or to any item thereof, and no objections have been filed; except: � , 4. The amounts specified in the proposed assessment are changed and altered as follo�s: ' . 5. This Council finds that each of the lots, pieces, or parcels of ' � Yand enumerated in siad proposed assessment as altered and modified was and�is specially benefited by the � ' ' ' � SANITARY SEWER & STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 100 in the amount in said proposed assessment as altered and modified by the corrective roll in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece, or parcel of land, and that said amount so set out is hereby levied against each of the respective lots, pieces, or parcels of land therein described. 34 C�� ' ' .- � , ' ' ' ' '� � ��page 2�- RESOLUTION.NO. �-1971 6. Such proposed assessment as altered, modified and corrected is affirmed, adopted and confirmed, and the sums fixed and named in said proposed assessment as altered, modified and corrected with the changes and alterations herein above made, are affirmed, adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments for each of said lots, pieces or parce.ls of land respectively. 7. Said assessment so affirmed, adopted, and confirmed shall be certified to by the City Clerk and filed in his office and shall � thereupon be and constitute the special assessment for SANITARY SEWER & STORM SEWER IMPROVErSENT PROJECT 100 8. The amounts assessed against each lot, piece, or parcel of land shall bear interest from the date hereof until the same have been paid at the rate of seven and one-half (72) per cent per annum. 9. Such assessment shall be payable in twenty (20) annual installments payable on the lst day of January in each year, beginning in the year 1972, and continuing until all of said installments shall have been paid, each installment to be collected with taxes collectible during said year by the County Auditor. 10. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make up and file in the office of the County Auditor of Anoka County a certified statement of the � amount of all such unpaid assessments and the amount which will be due thereon on the lst day of January in each year. ' The motion far the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilman �;�C� , and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in avor t ereo : ' ' � �I ' , ' ' _�, i and the following voted against the same; PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS � `� � � , . DAY OF ' � �,�_ , 1971. _ � MAYOR - JACK 0. KIRKHAM ATTE ST : CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL 35 :, . -�_. ' _3 v v . . �c.��' �l� . �• ' ' , �� ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � ��II � � ' � l RESOLUTION N0. �� A RBSO�LUTION ORDEitING PRELII�II�IARY PI.ANS � SPECIFICATIOl�I3 AND ESTIMAI,'ES OF THE C06TS THERFAF : SANITARY SEWF�� WATER �►ND STORM SEWER PROJECT N0. 106 BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fxidley as follaats: 1. Tt�at it appeare in the interest of the Ci�y and of the prope�ty owaers affected that there be constructed certain improvements, to wit: Sanitary� sgwer, waterm�sin, laterale and aewer connectiona, etonn sewer and appurtenences aerving the follawing area: Presently aochxan's Addition, Lota 1, 2� 3� Block 3 and Outlota 1 and 2, being repla�ted as Briardale, and � Benjamin Street fsom �iee �eak' Raad- to L�e�daler/aqase ?. That Comstock and Dsvia, Incorporated, Consulting Er►ginaers are hereby authorized and directed to draw the preliminary plans and specifications and �o tabulate ti� �a�t:�Cs of his estimatea of the costs of said improvements, including c�verq item of cost from iaception to campletion and all fees and expenses incurred ( or to be incurred) in connection therewith, or the financing thereof, and to make a preliminary report of hie findinga, etating therein whether said imgrovementa are €easible and vhether they can best be made as praposed, or in connection with some other improvemeats ( and the estimated cost as recommended), including also a description of the lande or area as may receive benefits therefrom and as may be pxoposed to be assessed. 3. That sai,d preliminary report of the. B�gi�►ee�inr ahall be fumiahed to tk�e Council. . �� ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEIE CITY OF FRIDI.EY THIS ,� , UAY OF �' '� ' , 1971. w r.. '...rr �: ATiZST : CI1Y CLERK - Marvin C. Bsunsell MAYOR - JaCk 0. Rirkham C 6000 WEST MOORE LAKE DRIVE, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 / 560-6100 ' August 2, 1971 Mr. Gerald Davis, City�ager City ot Fsidley 6432 University Ave. N. E. Fsid�y, Mianesots 55432 Dear Mr. Dsvia: Enclosed is a copy oi �he re�olut}oa pss�ed st ouY`Soard nueting on Jaly 12, 1971. We vv�auld like to Z►sve you present tbis matter o� y�!ar sgend�t at pous �ie�ct Couacil meeting. If you hav� aay questiauas, pleaae call tae at *�b0-3045 os o�r Bueiness Manag�r, Jamee Hadrea, at 5b0-6100. • Nice meeting you and welcome to Fridley, • Siac�rely yaars, Lr i7�/7CZ� !'a-C'i/�/�.6tA�-�� ��i (Mrs. ) Mary 3chreii�er Clerk of the Bot►rd Ms/hi Enc. � . 3� DR. JOHN K. HANSEN SU►ERINTENDENT JAMES H. HEDREN DIRECTOR �UNN[!S 11iFA1Rs JAMES G. PAPPAS AOMINNTRATIVE ASS�STANT ' ' u , "WHER.EAS the Board of Education of Fridley Independent School Dietrict #14 hae received ma.ny cpmplaints of the apeed in the proximity of the Hayea School and whereas the Boa�d of Education is concerned for the safety of ' the children crossing the street on Mississippi 5treet: THER�FORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education recomtxiends ' to the A�noka Coutlty Board of Commissionere that the following action be taken: , 1. That the County redv�ce the speed to 30 miles per hour oa Mi4siesippi 5treet from University Ave. to Highway 65 and install signal lighta at the Monroe and Miseissippi Street intersection or , 2. That the County reduce the speed to 30 mile� per hour and inetall a four way stop at same intersection. " ' �I ' r � � � � � � � � . ��.J �. 39 APFpINT1�NT FOR CITY COUNCIL AYPROVqL - AUGUST 16, 1971 NAME PUS�TION EFFECTIVE DATE SALARY REPLACES David V. Triplett Engineering Aide Ju�.�► 1, 1971 $730.00 Clyde V. Moravetz Rt. 1, Box 108 Canbridge, Minn. 55418 �i 4\ ♦ � � �., C L A I M S 8-16-71 GENERAL: #25935 throuqh �26084 LSQUOR. #5836 through �5887 . � ' 41 1 � MULTIPLE DWELLING IICENSES TO BE APPROVEp , BY CITY COUNCIL August 16, 1971 � Ssptembar 1, 1971 to September 1, 1971 �,AF1� ADDRESS UNj,TS FFE , l. Sokolowski for 5801 - 2nd St.N.E. 4 10.00 Bert Cross 556 - 40th Ave.N.E. ' Glenn Barrott 5830 - 2nd St. N.E. 4 10.00 11130 Madison St. N. E. Mpls. Minn. , Delta Land Inc. 6291 Comet Lane N.E. 5848 - 2nd St. N. E. 8 10.00 Fridley, Minn. , ' John L. Calguire 2018 - 36th Ave. N.E. 6008 - 2nd St. N. E. 4 IO.pO ' Mpls, Minn. 55�+18 Walter Sinner ' 4427 Monroe St. N. E. 6511 - 2nd St. N. E. 4 10.00 Mi�n�apolis, Minn. 55421 D. l. Scharer " � 6525 - 2nd St. N. E. 6525 - 2nd St. N. E. 4 • 10.00 Fridlsy� Minn.___ �; ohn E. Kassulker `` 6530 - 2nd St. N. E. 4 10.00 '� Rt. 2, Box 124, �, \, Onamia, Minn. 5b359 � . ' '\ ATb,�n Johnson 6824 �-i�ng. Ava.--I�o . 5800 - 2� S t. N. E. 4 10. p0 Mpls, Minn. � Albin Jahnson 6824 Ewing Ave. No. 5810 - 2� St. N. E. 4 10.00 ' Mpls. Minn. Gary Novak 5315 �- 4th St. N. E. 5820 - 2� St. N. E. 4 10.00 ' Mpls. Minn. 55421 Or. Irving Herman ' 1135 Mkdical A�ts Bld. 5846 - 2� St. N. E. 6 10.00 M�ls. Minn. 55402 � Harold Schmidt 5901 - 2� St. N. E. 59ot - 2� St. N. E. 4 10.00 Fridley, Mt�n. ' Arnald Elmquist, 5860 East River Rd. 4913 � 3rd St. N. E. 7 10.00 Minneapolis, Minn, 55432 � • , ' Multiple pwelling Licenses to be approved August 16, 1971 �Arnold Elmqui•st 5860 - East River Rd. 49z1 � 3rd St. N. E. �7 Frldley, Minn. , Arnold Elmquist 586Q �ast River Rd. �+935 - 3�d St. N. E. 7 Fridley, Minn. � Arnold Elmquist 5864 East River Rd, 4949 - 3rd St. N. E. 7 ' FridiGy� Minn. John M. Miller ,47 Rice Creek Way 4965 - 3rd St. N. E. 11 Fridley, Minn. 5543� C. H. Mliler '1095 Polk �ircle N, E. 4985 - 3rd St. N. E, 11 Minneapolis, Minn. ,C. H. Miller 1095 Polk Gircle N. E. 5005 - 3rd St. N� E. 11 Minneapolis, Minn. � Waino W. Untine 43�+7 University Ave. N. E. 5025 - 3rd St. N. E. 11 Mpls. Minn. 55421 ' William H. Lee � • 4322 Arthur St. N. E. 5�35 - 3rd St. N. E, 7 ' Mpls. Minn, 55421 �en�Bigos 5200 - 3rd St. N. E. 11 �Ben Bigps 5201 - 3rd St. N. E. Il 1215 LaSalle Ave. Mpls. Minn. , Ben Bigos 5230 - 3rd St. N. E. il , Ban Bigos 5231 - 3rd St. N. E, 11 Ben Sigos 5260 - 3rd St. N. E. 11. � Ben Bigos 5261 - 3rd St. N. E. 11 ' Ben Bigos 5290 - 3rd St. N. E. 11. Ben Bigos 5291 - 3rd St. N. E. 11 'Larry D. Mainert 5900 - 3rd St. N. E. 4 272$ County Rd. H2 NGw Brighton, Minn. 55112 , ' ' � Page 2 10.00 . ' ' 10.00 10.00 11.Q0 11.00 11.00 I1.00 10.00 11.00 >>.oa 11.00 11.00 11.00 I1.00 11.00 11.00 1Q.00 42 i� ' Multiple pwelling Lice�ses to b� approved August 16, 1971 Leo J. Hynes '2724 Irving Ave. No. 6051 - 3rd St. N. E. 3 Mpls. Min�. 'Francis deRidder 5347 � 4th St. N. E. 3 7913 - 37th Ave. No. Mpls. Minn. 55427 'Jon Pendximas 4417 - 78th LaAe No. S�+O1 - 4th St. No. 4 Mpls. Minn. 55�+29 ' LaVerne M. Bauer 5800 - 4th St. N.E. 5800 - 4th St. N.E. 4 ' Mpls. Minn. John J, Baros 5370 - Sth St. N. E. 3 Rt. 2, Anpka, Min�. � David W. Adams 2807 Garfield Ave, So.' S378 - Sth St. N. E. . 4 � Mpls. Minn. 55�+08 Glenn Mostoller " 7b32 Bryant Ave. So. 5420 - 5th St. N. E. 4 � RiGhfield, Minn. 55423 LeQ J. Hynes '2724 Irving Ave, N4. 5402 - 7th St. N. E. 3 Mpls. Minn. 'Ban Bigos 1215 La�Salle Ava. 213 - 53rd Ave. N.E. �+ Mpls. Minn. 'Francis DeRidder 7917 � 37th Av�. No. �5� � 57th Placa. N.E. 8 N�ls. M1nn. 55427 � Charlas W. Wish� 10719 Braewood Circle 380 - 57th Place N. E. 4 Minneapolis, Minn. �5431 ' H�rold M. Battig 293Q Qouglas Or. 15Q - 59� Way N.E.' 12 ' Mpis. Minn. 55�+2� C1lfford T. �akko �9119 - 13th Ave. So. 190 -§9� Way N. E. 12 Mpls, Minn. 5�420 'Qtto G. Westenfield 5$30 - 5th St. N. E. 110 - 61st Ave. N. E. 8 Fridley, Minn. �5432 C pa9� 3 10.00 10.00 '1 Q. p0 1Q.00 10.00 10.00 IO.QO iQ.00 10.p0 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.Q0 10.00 _ . 43 � ' Mulziple pr,rell i ng Licenses August 16, 1971 ' Gien F. Wilkes 290 - bist Ave. N. E. 290 - 61st Ave. N. E. 3 � Fridley, Minn. �5�►32 Arnold Elmquist S$b0 - East River Rd. 6370 Hwy. 65 N. E. 15 ' Fridley, Minn. 55432 Arnold Elmquist 6393 Hwy. 65 7 IArnoTd Elmquist 641� Hwy. 65 8 ' Leonard S. Jacobsen, 1408 Frankson 6379 Hwy. 65 N.E. 8 St. Paul, Minn. 55108 , LeRQy W. Drew 1 Oriole Lane 1441 - 73rd Ave. N.E. 18 ' North Oaks, Minn. MidWest Fork Lift T�ucks :$89 - 74th Ave. N. E. 11 ' Real EStats 2'711 g roadway N , � . Mpls. Minn. 5541� ' MpdWest Fork Lift Trucks Co. 415 - 74th Ave. N. E. il Mfles Construction , �+500 Lyndale Ave. No. 1Q6 - 77th Way N. E. 4 Mpis. Minn. ' S. N, Jordahl 6657 W. Broadway, 6542 Central Ave. N.E. 4 Mpis. Minn. 55428 ' &P'GA Associates 909 �armerS & hlechanics B1d.6551 Channel Rd. 11 h�1sR Minn. 55402 � SPGA Assoc�atas 6571 Channel Rd. 11 Nathan Scliwartz 'S916 Mediclna Lake Rd. 101 Charles 12 Mpls. Minn. 554xz '' Natha�-Schwa rt: 179 Charles St. 12 Nazhan Schwartz 180 Charies St. 12 ' ' I . _ . 44 Page 4 10,00 iS.00 10.00 ip.00 10.00 18.00 1 1.00 11.00 10.00 10.00 11.00 11.00 �z.00 12.Q0 12.00 � ' Multfpla p�„�ei�(ng Licenses August 16, 19 1 7 , Michae) Tema 59�+0 East River Rd. 470) Unive�sit Ave. N. E Mp15, Minn. 55��1 � Miles Constructton Co. 4500 Lyndale Ave. No. 7673 East River Rd. ' Mpls. Minn. Fiv� Sands Development � 7845 East River Rd. ' Five Sands Inc. 24Q$ Central Ave.N.E. Mp�s. Minn. 5�418 ' Five Sands 7875 �ast River Rd. same as abov�e ' Ben Bigas 1215 LaSalle Ave. S100 Horfzon Dr. Mpls. Minn. ' Ben Bi�os 5101 Horizon pr. ' Stanley Kania 430 i�onton St. N.E. �+30 I ronton �t. N. E Fridley, Minn. 55432 ' DeeBee Contacting 667p Lucia Lana 333 Rice Creek Terrace Fridley, Minn. 55432 ' DeaBee Contactin 6680 9 Lucta Lane ' DeeBee Gontracting 6690 Lucia Lane William A, 5haw Jr. 7400 Lyric Lane ' 73�+3 Hayes St. N.E. Fridley, Minn. 55432 ' Eugene E. Lashinski 1035 Polk Place N.E. 4030 Main St. N. E. Minrieapoi is, Minn. ' Jarr�s Rud�itski 1658 - 77th Ave, N. E. 6035 Mafn St. N. E. F�idley, Minn, 55432 , Chris Jelavarov 160 Misstssippi c/a N.W. Investment Management Mpls, Minn, ' Highland park Development Co. 540 flanhaven Rd. 630 Osborne Rd. ' Anoka, Mtnn. 1 12 4 59 59 5 � 3 � � 6,� 16 8 L'� 4 4 34 ��,. Page 5 12.00 10.00 59.00 59.00 10.00 lO.Op 10.00 16.00 16.00 lb.00 10�00 10.00 10, 00 IOROO 34.00 45 ' . ' Multipla pwellings August 16, 1971 ' Highlartd Park Dev�loprr�nt Co. 540 Greenha�;�en Rd. 690 Osborne Rd. Anoka, Minn. 55303 ' - Michael C. Gressar Z057 Quartz Lane 6111 Star Lane N.E. ' St.Paul, Minn, 55122 Darold Johnson ' 4216 - 7th St. N. E. 6541 - 2nd St. N. E. Donald E. Johnson � ' �37 . Mississippi Place 137 Mississippi Place FridleY► Minn. 55432 ' Clifton Investment 5145 Woodlawn Blvd. 151 - 5g2 Way N. E. Minneapolis, Minn. ' Ude)1 Larson 6848 Knall St. 5460 - 7th St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minn. 55427 ' K�nneth G. ��rson 6848 Kno11 St. 350 - 75th Ave. N. E. Minneapolis, Minn. 55427 ' William C. Warner 2813 Gasco Pt. Rd. 6021 Main St. N. E. ' Wayzata, Minn. 55391 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Page 6 34 34.00 18 18.00 4 10.00 4 10.00 12 12.00 34 34.00 11 11.00 4 10.00 . � I 1 �. 4� I ' I ' , �� �J LJ ' ' � fJ , ' , ' t , ' ' CON'I'RACTUB'S LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL AT THEIR REGULAR MEBTING pN AUGUST 16 1971 G E�RAL CONTRACTOR APPRWED BY M. J. Arndt ConsCruction Co. 20$0 Sherwood Road Minneapolis, Minn. By: Marlan J. Arndt Bldg. Insp. Bo�d Builders 3312 Hopkins Croesxoada Hopkins, Minnesota By: Bob Pauerman Bldg, Inap. BTiar Construction 10134 Central Avenue B1Aine, Minnesota By: Orval Dalberg Bldg. I� p. Good Value Homes, Znc. 11061 Foley Boulevard Coon Rapids, Minnesota By: Donald Hardle Bldg. Insp. MAS,�,�ONRY $ibell Construction 1405 Parkview Lane West Calumbia H�ights, Minnesota By: Donald Sibell Bldg. Insp. � 1 ' ' , 311 Logan Pbry., N.B. P'ridle�►, Yi�,. 551t32 ♦uguat 2, 19T1 Fridley City �ouricil City Hall Fridley, Yi:m. 55lt32 �ntLemsn: The Yici�ael 3�rvetua �itar ian Soaiety oi 980 67th ,��e, N. B.,Fridley, will be ho]ding ita ai�cth annual �uction cn Laba� Dqy � Yomlay � 3eptenbe� 6� 1971. The auctioneer will be lLr. Vernon �anaon o�' C�rcL Fir�sa, llinneaota. I wish to thank you in adv+�cs on the aaauepLiaa that the su ct�i on pe �it wi 11 b e s ppr avsd and a ry t e• wai�sd aa it haa been in the past. ?ours ve� y tru � . • iZlian . Ne]sea� CLairman 1BU� AUCTiald COlO�ITTTBS ( 78L-1928 ) . • . • �i t` o ri��e � � ANOKA COUNTY 6131 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE 560-3450 FRI�LEY, MINNESOTA SS421 Auyust 12, 1971 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Cyril �ink and Jsmes Petenon of Fridiey Auctions — roquest a time charpR i�or a special Auction on Saturday, Auyust �ist, 1971. Starting time to be 10;00 A.M. inst�sc! of 12:00 A.M. A�ngements hav� been made to use (2) vacant lots North of the Auction buildin� belorpir�y to Ray Swenson snd Gwdon Aspenson for parkiny purpose for this date —(&21-71►. Police chief McCarthy has indicated no objectiona to these arrarqwr�ents, A fridl�y off�.luty police- man will be hired to over see pa�lcing and other particulors at th7s �le. We thank yau fw your consideration in this matter. Cyril Link James Peterson ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ESTIMATES FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL - AUGUST 16, 1971 Alli�d Blacktop Company 3601 48th Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55429 FINAL Estimate No. 1 for Street Improvement Project ST. 1971-10 (Seal Coat) according to contract Suburban Engineering Inc. 6875 Highway No. 65 N. E. , Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 PARTIAL Estimate for Professional Services on Project 103 League of Minnesota Municipalities 33Q0 University Avenue S. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 For membership dues in the League of Minn. Municipalitiea Beginning September 1, 1971 $1,654.00 Metro Section Dues 827.00 $2,481.00 Weaver, Talle & Herrick 316 East Main Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 Augwt billin� Ju1y Retainer Sale of Fridley Liquor Store Fridley vs. Metro Sewer Fridley vs. Barbush Right of way - 61st & vniversity Acquisition of L 29, 30, 8 12 Hyde Park Dunkley vs. Fridley Noyes Construction, etc. Vieacoa D�evel. SS 1�143 SS & WIF #Q3 3 hours 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours 3 hours 4 l�urs 2 1�ours 2 hours 1 hovr 1 hour 27 hours 1,450.00 945:00 $���Sr�O $ 13,950.43 2,843.75 2,481.00 ���1J.00 50 ' � � ' ' ' � , , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' CITY OF FRIDLEY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Fridley c/o Gerald R. Aavis, City Manager 6k31 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minn. 55432 Gentlemen: CERTIFICATE OF THE ENGINEER Auguat 10, 1971 We hereby aubmit Final Eetimate No. 1 for Allied Blacktop Company, 3601 48th Avenue North, Minneapolis, Minneaota 55429, far Street Improvement Project St. 1971-10 (Seal Coat) according to the Contract. 26,400 Sq. Yds. Seal Coat W/FA-2 @$0.17 42,941 Sq. Yds. Seal Coat W/FA-3 Txap Rock @$0.23 Total LESS: 23 Hrs. City Sweeper @$18.00 AZ40UNT DUE FINAL ESTIMATB N0. 1 $ 4,488.00 9,876.43 $14,364.43 414.00 $13,950.43 Reapeetfully eubmitted � ud...r.,,l� ' NASIM M. QURESHI, �.E. � City Engineer-Director of Planning Checked by ` Prepared by � cc: Allied Black Top Company 51 1 . _ __ _ _ . 1 � .....FridleY...... ................... „ 29.,.233... .... Population (latest census) , To League o� 1'�.nn��at� 1��������.�.��i�e� ' Organized 1913 - 3300 University Ave. S.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55414 ' { � Dves Schedule MUNICIPALITIES WITH P�PULATION OF: ' 249 or under . . . .. . . .. . $60.00 250-2,493 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60.00 plus 10¢ per capita over 249 2,500-4,999 ........... 285.00 plus 8¢ per capita over 2,499 , 5,000-9,999 ...:::::::: 485A0 plus 6¢ per capita over 4,999 10,000-19,999 . 785 00 plus 5¢ per capita over 9,999 20,000-49,999 ... ...... 1,285.00 plus 4¢ per capita over 19,999 , 50,000 and over ....... 2,485A0 plus 1� per capita over 49,999 This schedule adopted Iune 1969. Total rounded to nearest dollar. ' ' Far membership dues in the League of Minnesota Municipaiities for year , Beginning September 1, 197_1— $1, 654 00 METRO SECTION DUES $27 00 . Payment from Public Funds Authorized by Minn. Stats., Sec. 465.58 �$1 QQ 52 _� / I declare under the penalties of law that the foregoing account is just and correct and that no part of it has been paid. -� ° ;, `� ���_: ,.-, �, �� � � . ��.; ._..- , ,_ - . , . ._:�:-�- - � _., Execuiive Secretary, League of Minnesota Municipatities Dated...........�.– ............... 195.... ., 0 � � , �� ;�J ' ' ' ' ' �J I � �� ' i � � 6000 WEST MOORE LAKE DRIVE, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 / 560-6100 Auqust �Z, 1971 ' � Mr, Gearald Davis, City Maaag�r City of F�idley 6431 Univeraity Avenue N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Dear Mr. Davis: OR. JOHN K. HANSEN SUPERtNTEMDENT ._ . JAMES H. HEDREN DIRECTOq - � BUBiNEE3 AFfMRS JAMES G. PAPPAS AOMINIlTRAT/YE AMI3TM/T The School Board of Dist�rict 14 haa inetructed me to iaform �e City Council of our di.scussion on Auguet 10 of yo�r concern regasding cable television. #Hearinge are presently in pro�reae beiore tho Federal CommunicaMcsns Comm�esioa. Teetinnony ie b4iag given by interested parties to •et sside a0 percent of the spectrum space on CATV systems for educatioaal us�m. Schoola, colleges, librarie� and civic groups could �11 make uae Qf the$e otherwise unused channel8. - There �►re eo many poteatial a�p�icationa thet �an be msde if ar� w�da pls►tua3ng ia done properiy. VITe are awase t�st duria�{ tAe nest iew weeka the Couacil vvi11 be cQnducting pezsoaal iaterviaws with applicaata for a GATV issacbise in Fsidley. Ws uaauinao�aZy arge yai to bold np contxact� natil w�e icaow better wbat is desirab�e fram the eel�ca�Ei�ai view poiat, Pleas• bring this ma�tter to t� attenHo+n of the C�vucii. 'Tl�aair �on. Sincerrly, � •�%� � �� (Mra. ) MarT Schreiner Clerk of the �Board af Edncatioa ' MS/hj ' ' ' i • � PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT � CITY OF FRIDLEX MONTHLY REPORT - ,NLY 1971 STREET pEPAR'TMENT Hp[)g� ...,..—.. 1. Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372 2. Crackfilling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2p 3 . Grave 1 Hau 1 ing . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . 11 4. Miscellaneous 3treet Wark . . . . . . . � . . 225 5. Patching . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . 646 6. 3hop Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 . 7. Signs and Barricades . . . . . . . . . . � . 86 8. Equipment Repairs - Street . . . . . . , . . 273 WATER DEPARTMENT • 1. Filtration Plan� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214'� 2. Final Readings and Collections ......, 53� 3. Hydrant Repaira and Flushings . . . . . . . . 107 4, Miscella�eoua Water Work . . . . . , . . . . 29� 5. Pumghouse Work . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . 92 6. Standpipe Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 7, V$lve Inepectione and Repairs . . . . . . , . 24� 8. Water and Sewer Inspections . . . . . . . . . S� 9. Water Meter Inapections end Repairs ..... 31'� 10. Water T�rn-ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6� 11. Watermain Taps . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 3� 12. Equipment Repairs - Water . . . . , , . . . . 50� SEWER DEPARTMENT 1. Lift Station Inspections and Repairs .... 96� 2. Manhole Repairs , . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3. Miecellaneous Sewer Work . . . . . . . . . . 50� 4. Sanitary Sewer Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . 337� 5. Sanitary Sewer Inspections . . . , . . . . . 25� 6. Equipment Repairs - Sewer . . . . . . . . . . 63 STORM SEWER DEPARTMENT ' 1. Catch Basin and Storm Sewer Cleaning .... 88 2. Miscellaneous Storm Sewer Work ....... 217 ' , ' i � ' � Page lwio PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMEN'� MONTHLY REPORT - JULY 1971 ' ' ' ' ' I ' � 1 I , � M�S CELIANEOU S H� � 1. Fire Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1� 2. Funeral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3. Holiday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 4. Park Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174� 5. Sick Leave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 6. Vacationa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524 7. Weekend Auty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 8. Equipment Repairs - Engineering . . . . . . . 14 9. Equipment Repaire - Fire Department .. .. 23� 10. Equipment Repairs - Liqyor Stores ...... 1 11. Equipment ltepairs - Park Department ..... 45 12• Equipment Repairs - Police Department .... 99