04/03/1972 - 00017536, �, �i r� � THE MINUTES OF THE REGUI�AR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1972 The Regular Council Meeting oP the Fridley City Council was convened at 7:37 P.M., April 3, 1972. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Lieb1 led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INVOCATION: The Snvocation was offered by Councilman Mittelstadt. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Utter, Mittelstadt, Breider, Liebl MEMBEitS ABSENT: Kelshaw. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAP4ATION. , Mayor Liebl read the Proclamation aloud, which proclaimed April 29, 1972 as KEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL DAY, and called upon the citizens of Fridley to cooperate with the efforts of the Girl and Boy Scout organizations. He then presented the Proclamation to Mrs ➢orothy Gatlin, FYidley Girl Scouts Volunteer Director. PRESENTATION OF AWARDS: Trophy to Grace High School Basketball Team and Coaches for Beinq 1972 State Independent High School Basketball Champions: (Mr. Louis Mitteco - Head Baske�tball Coach) Mayor Liebl read the trophy aloud wizich included the names of the boys on the team and the coaches. He called Mr. Mitteco forward and pxesented him with the trophy with the Council's congratulations on his victorious team• Trophy to Grace High School Wrestling Team and Coaches for Being 1972 State Independent High School Wrestling Champions: (Mr. Tom Emond - fIead Wrestling Coach) Mayor Liebl read the inscription on the trophy,including the names o£ the boys, and presented the trophy to Mr. Tom Emond with the Council's congratulations and wished him good luck with his team for next year. Mr. Pat Casey, Superin�en3ent o£ Grace High School, said thank you to the Council � for their recognition o£ his school's achievements. Certificate of Achievement to Mr. Scott Johnson, Fridley High School for His AchieVement in the State Hiqh School Gymnastics Tournament on the Side Horse: (Mr. Bob Johnson - Head Gymnas�_ics Mayor Liebl called Mr. Bob Johnson and NLr. Scott Sohnson foxward and read the Certificate of Achievement aloud. He then presented it to hir. Scott Johnson with the Council's congratulations. rT v `� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 3� 1972 PAGE 2 A➢OPTION OF AGENDA � Mayor Liebl said that the following items are to be added to the Agenda: Receiving Offer of Shed £rom Mr. Walter E. Ball, Wal-Don Builders & Realtors, Inc. at 631 Bu£falo Street N.E. Receiving Resignation from Councilman Kelshaw. Receiving Communication from Bernard Heille, 14I8 Meadowmoor Drive, Complaint on Contractor. Receiving Communication from Congressman Frenzel Regarding CATV MOTION by Councilman Mrttelstadt to adopt the Agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declaxed the motion carried. VISITO.RS: Mr. Wayne Simoneau, Building Standards - Design Control� State Building Code: Mr. Simoneau came £orward and presented the Council with a memorandum written by the Building Inspector dated April 3, 1972, at the request of the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommittee on the sub�ect of amending the State Building Code. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the memoYandum from ClaYence , Belisle, Building Inspector, dated Apxil 3, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the mota.on carried. Gail Kay Alar, 1657 161st Avenue N.W., Anoka, Minnesota: 12equest for Kennel License: Gail Alar came forward and presented the Council with a lettex which explains her request for a kennel license on property located at 1524 Osborne Road. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the communication £rom Gail Alar dated April 3, 1972. 5econded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. The Czty Manager read the letter aloud, at the request of Mayor Liebl, who asked that the City Manager check this out to see what requirements she would have to meet under the ordinance and informed Miss Alar that she would be able to have an answer in about one week. William Tonco Building Standards - Design Control: State Building Code: Mr. Tonco said that he wanted to bring the Building Standards - Design Control's concern about the State Building Code be£ore the Council; specifically the lessening o£ Fridley's Code by the State to allow single wall construction. He ' said the Buildzng Standards disagreed with the State on this section of the State Code and that allowing single wall construction, they felt, would be detri- mental to the community and the State as a whole. Minnesota has a severe climate and this would not give adequate insulation. He felt the requirements should be left as they are. r�i �� REGULAR COIINCIL MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1972 PAGE 3 , Mayor Liebl said that he had noted the Building Standard's request to amend the State Suilding Code in their minutes, and he agreed this should be implemented, if possible. The State Building Code is not as strict a5 Fridley's. I-Ie commented that Mr. Tonco has been on the Huilding Standards for many yeass and the City is proud of his activeness. Mr. TonCO is in the building trade, and knows what he is talking about. He said the Building Inspector should meet with the State Administrator to try to get some answers on this new State Building Code. Councilman Breider asked Mr. Tonco if his only comment on the State Code was in relation to the single wall construction. NLr. Tonco said that was the only rtem he knew o.f now, there may be more a£ter £urther study. The City Manager said that the City has received copies of the State Code. There is a meetiny scheduled for April 26th, if any o£ the Building Standards Subcommittee would like to attend. The State Administrator is going to explain the State Code, which would preempt the Fridley Code on July lst. He said that he was not sure at this point how exceptions or amendments can be made, but this is one o£ the things they want to find out at the meeting. Councilman Breider said that he would like to have any amendments Fridley would want to make ready to be incorporated �.n the Code before it goes into e£fect July lst. He asked that the Buildinq Standaxas study the Code for any deviations and make a recommendation to the Com^cil shortly after the Meeting April 26th, and the Council could have this back on the Agenda in May. The Engineering Assistant explained that the IIniform Building Code is used, Uut Fridley's Code amends it to cover what the City does not £eel is adequate. The City Attorney e�cplained that after July lst, Fridley's ' requirements cannot be more strict that the State's He commented that the Fire Prevention Bureau Chief was on an advisory committee dealing with the fire standards, and his commit�.ee objected quite strongly to the lowering o£ the fire standards, however, thea.r ob�ections did not meet with any success and the Code that was adopted is considerably lower than Fridley's. ORDINANCE #509 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 6ECTION 3.03 OF TH� CITY CODE - HOLIDAYS: MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Ordinance #509 on second reading, waive the reading and order publication. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a roll call vote, Liebl, Uttex, Mittelstadt, & Breider voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. ORDINANCE #510 - AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA BY M71KIDiG A CHANGE IN ZONING DISTRICTS. (RObert McGregor - R-1 to R-2) MOTION by Councilman Sreidex to adopt Ordinance #510 on second reading, waive the reading, and order publication withheld until the building permit can be issued. Seconded by Councilman Uttes. U;an a roll call vote, Liebl, Utter, Mittelstadt and Sreider voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried REPORT FROM CITY ATTORN�Y ON SKELLY OIL 5TATION AT 79TH WAY AND EAST RIVER ROAD: (Falkenstein vs City of Fridley) The City Attorney called the Council's attention to the brie£ memorandum he had � written dated Apri1 3, 1972 on -this matter. At a previous Council Meeting there was discussion on this and it was hoped that the matter might be resolved without litigation. The Counail had asked him to contact Mr. Falkenstein and Mr. Fudali, however, Mr. Fudali has been out of town and he had been unable to talk to him. The City Attorney said he had talked to Mr Falkenstein's attorney, Mr. Sokolowski, on a few occasions. In the meant.�me, the City ha5 had served upon it a motion � �_y__ __ r� ti REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1972 PAGE 4 on behalf of the apartment owners to intervene in the lawsuit. This motion , will be heard Friday, April 7th. He said at that time, he will have an oppar- tunity to discuss this matter with both parties so he would suggest that the Council table this matter until a£ter the Court appearance. Mayor Liebl said that he had stated that the Council would make a deczsion at this meeting, however, he would certainly like to see this settled out of Court, so it appeaxs the Council will have to wait until after April 7th. He said he would like to see Mr. Fudali purchase this lot. Mr. Falkenstein said he ob�ected to prolonqing this. It is obvious that Mr. Fudali is not trying to cooperate with the City in any way. The City Attorney said if some agreement cannot be reached on Friday, he would have to give up and go into litigation. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to table this item to the Council Meeting o£ April lOth. Seconded by Council.man Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REPO,RT TO CITY COUNCIL FROM THE "ISLAND OF PEACE" COMMITTEE: NLr. Elmer Olson, 5361 Horizon Drive N.E., introduced himself as the Chairman of the Island oP Peace Comma.ttee. He said he had two requests to make of the Council; the first, is to give the authority to develop Chase Island, and second, he presented a list of nine committee members iox Council consideration, and he ' would like the committee to be appointed by the Council so that this commattee can represent the City in the £urther development of the pro7ect. He saifl this pro7ect is quite well known, and was well covered through the news media, and would be the development of three islands in the Mississippi River for the use by handicapped, the public and students for nature studies. He then xead the committee members as follows: Elmer F. Olson, 5361 HoriZOn Drive - Chairman 560-5769 Linus B. Fritz, 6339 Van Buren N.E. - Treasurer 560-2616 Jack O. Kirkham, 430 67th Avenue N.E. - Secretary 560-3681 Ed Wilmes, 6350 Riverview Terrace (D.A.V.) 560-3011 R.F. Burton, 741 Pandora Drive 560-1626 Rev. M.G. Denyes, 7460 Van Buren 786-4216 Rev. E.A. Chmie.Zewski, St. Walliams Catholac Church 560-5600 Tony Olson, 5215 4th Street N.E. (V.F.W.) 560-4978 Henry S. Peterson, 6312 Pierce St. (Am. Leg.) 784-8804 Mr. Olson continued, the question has been raised, is this plan practical, con- sidering the fact that it is a flood plain? He said he had discussed this with the Corps of Engineers and read a portion of the letter from them indicating that this would be an appropriate use of a£lood plain area. He said as to the funding, that it would be 50% by Federal grant, 25o by the State and 25% by local donations. This brings them to the point where in order to go further with the funding arrangements, they must have the authority to ask £or funds, and they need recognition as some sort of o£ficial body. Throughout tlzeir diseussions wa.th the various service organizations their project has been received � enthusiastically. He said they had been advised that the Navy Seabees and the Minnesota Teen Corps would work with them. He said they had a target date of June 12th and he would appreciate a prompt response to their request from the Council. � _ �i 5f. REGULAR COi1NCIL MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1972 PAGE 5 � Mayor Liebl said that at this time Chase Island is park property, and he wanted it understood that the City has no funds for development, but he would have no objection to the committee proceeding to lay out what they want to do. What- ever the committee plans for the pro7ect will have to come back be£ore the Council for approval, they should also present their plans to the Parks and Recreation Commission. He said he would have no objection to appointing the people Mr. Olson mentioned who have worked so diligently on this pro�ect so far. I3e asked that it be kept in mind, as Mr. Wilmes pointed out, that the nature be undis- turbed as much as possible. There must be someone to maintain these islands, but there is no money in the budget for this use. If the "ISland of Peace Committee" is successful in getting this pro�ect off the ground, then the com- mittee must also have the authority to be sure they have the .funds for proper maintenance• Mr. Olson said that their committee is well aware the City has no funds available They are very optimistic that the 25o in donations will be forthcoming £rom the public and the sexvice organizations. He said they are also fully aware Chase Island is City property and before any detailed plans are implemented they would go through the City Engineer's of£ice. They will receive technical assistance from Camp Courage and the Society for the Bla.nd. He assured Mayor Liebl that the islands would be main�tained in a natural state Mr. 01son said the islands involved are; the small island,about 6 acres, north of Durnam Island that is uncharted, and will pass from the Federal Government to the ' State, then to Fridley, Durnam Island which is in the process o£ condemnation, and Chase Island which the City of Fridley owns, and which the committee would like authority to develop. Councilman Breider asked what the SOo Federal funding was. Mr. Olson said that was 50a both for acquisition and development. Councilman BXeider asked whose name would be used on the application for the grant and Ms. Olson said it would have to be a.n the name of the City of Fridley. Councilman Breider said that if the City of Frxdley bewmes party to requesting the SOo of the cost through Federal £unding, then they would be responsible for t7.�e local 25a if the com- mittee cannot raise the £unds. Councilman Breider wondered if Fridley had the legal right to be a party to developing property to be used by a group outside that governmental agency. In this case there would be a grant application £or 50o Prom the Federal Government, 25o fromthe State and 25% would be a local share. If Fridley authorized this endeavor, and i£ the committee is not success- ful in raising the 25%, wouldn't Fridley be responsible? These islands would be used by other agencies and other governmental units outside Fridley, so could tax payers' money be used? This would seem to be the first problem, the second would be the conta.nuous effort. After it is initially set up, there will be maintenance required and no one knows �ust what thzt would entail. The question then becomes, who would maintain this if the committee cannot raise enough money each year? I£ the City decides they cannot afford to tax people for the maintenance every year, it would die, so how is it to be perpetuated? The City Attorney said he wuld not answer these questions at this time, however, , the ownership of the property would have io remain with the City of Fridley, and it would have to be available to be used by the citizens of Friciley as park propexty. He said perhaps an arrangement could be worked out whex'eby there would be a written agreement between all the parties concerned on the financing and who is going to contribute how much. There should also be an operational and maintenance agreement stating who is going to operate the facilities and who is responsible £or the cost, 1 F '11 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETTNG OF APRIL 3� 1972 PAGE 6 Mr. Olson said that they do not at this point have detailed plans for the ' total improvement, but they do have a ball park £igure. E'irst they need some o.f£icial rewgmtion to obtain the 25o donations be£ore they approach the other agencies. The City Attorney inFormed Mr. Olson that to make an application, detailed plans are not needed, o�ily the concept. Mr. Olson said that the preluninary plans have been studied Uy the governmental agencies, and they are aware of the estimated figures. The City Attorney asked Mr. Olson, then he is asking the City to lend its municipal name to further negotiations? Mr. Olson replie$ yes. The City Attorney said he did not see that that would be putting the City in a difficult situation as long as negotiations are still proceeding. Mayor Liebl said he understood that Fridley was not going to be asked to contribute in any way in the 25o and Mr. Olson said no, they will raise the money. Councilman Breider said that he believed it would be impossible to make a grant application without going through this body and without a guarantee of the other 250. Mr. Olson said the 2S% would be from service organizations, but be£ore they make the donation, the wmmittee has to be recognized by the City and have some o£ficial standing. They have to have a name to put theix funds into. The City Attorney asked if they had submitted any papers to the State or Federal Govern- ment and Mx. Olson said no, they wanted to take one thing at a time, but a.£ they qot the go-ahead, it could be done in a£ew days. Mr. Sack Ka.rkham said that Councilman Breicler has raised some good points. He ' explained that so far they axe 7ust a small group of citizens with an idea and they speak with no authority. When they speak to the American Leqion or the V.F.W., they are interested, but are hesitant to give the money because they are �ust a group of people with no official standing, and in effect they would be giving tl7ezr money to nine men. He said they did not want to obligate the City, but what they want is some official recognitiQn. If they had this they could act as an official group and say "yes, the City owns Chase Island and we are a group of people putting plans together for the development of Chase Island." They could then move ahead towards getting commitments. The City Attorney suqgested they could be given a letter stating that this committee has come before the Council with their ideas, spell them out, and say that the Council is interested in getting mare in£orntation in regard to the amount o£ use the islands would be receiving, plans, development, and funding available, and this committee has been authorized to acquire this in- formation. The Council would not be wmmitting itself to any use or any plans or specifications until further authorization, and added that they could not ask the Council to give a blank check. Mr. Olson said that is all they need. People are very interested, they 7ust need a name. Councilman Mittelstadt said that he thought that the Council could recognize the nine man aommittee, and that a letter could be written under the hand of the Mayor as indicated by the City Attorney. He suggested that the committee could xeport to the Planning Commission and Councilman Utter acided also the Parks and Recreation Commission. MOTION by Councilman Breider to set up the "ISland o£ Peace Committee" as an ' advisory commrttee to the Council. He commented this has been done before on other issues, such as the liquor study. They are to report £inancial arrange- ments to the Council and the developmental plans are to be jointly with the Parks and Recreation Commission. Their duties, other than the development, � ' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1972 PAGE 7 would be to look into the questions he brought up earlier in the discussion. The nine members are to be as listed on the list submitted by Elmer Olson dated April 3, 1972 and designated "Exhibit A" with Elmer Olson Chairman. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt wa.th the addition �that the Treasurer, Linua Fritz and the Secretary, Jack Kirkham be nanted. Also with the request that minutes by kept and submitted to the Paxks and Recreation Commission and the Council. The City Manager suggested, that since the Council had previously directed the Crty AdministYation to work with Mr. Wilmes, that to continue the coordination on this pro�ect, Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation, be named as an ex officio member. The Council agreed and Mr. Olson said this was a good idea. Councilman Mittelstadt commented �that he could see no reason for limiting the committee to nine. If there were more, they would include the ex o£ficio staff inembers. Mr. Ed Wilmes said that he would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to Gil Hodges. This country lost a good man and he said he had been his friend and has been a help to him. THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION, being a roll call vote, Breider, Liebl, Utter and Mittel5tadt voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. OF CHANGES IN SCREENING SPECIFICATIONS AS REOUESTED BY TIIE CECO CORPORATION: ��cr The City Manager explained that the Ceco Corporation had their plans approved by the Building Standards - Design Control using one type of screening. The plans and specLfications included provisLOns for bidding two different types of screen walls. This would be facing Main Street N.E. When the bids came in there was quite a difference in cost. The plan approved was for using precast concrete panels, now they would like to use fluted split £ace concrete block. Since this is a change from what was originally approved, they £elt the Council should be made aware of the change. The Engineering Assistant passed a picture of the screening around to the Council, and said the screening wall would be 150 Peet of£ the Main Street right of way. Both would be for screening, the security would be the same, they would both be 8' high and painted white. The only di££erence is the way they look. Mayor Liebl asked if he was recommending approvaL The Engineering Assistant said they would bo�h serve the same purpose and are of equal quality, and would not make a great deal oP di£ference. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to approve the request by Ceco Corporation for a change in the screen £ence as outlined in their letter dated March 28, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLFID3NING COMMISSION MEETING OF MFIRCH 22, 1972: The Enga.neering Assistant reported that there was no Council action necessary on any Planning Commission a�tems at this time. !�y � i REGULAR COUNCTL MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1972 PAGE 8 MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the Minutes of the Planning ' Commission Meeting of March 22, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Breider £or discussion. Councilman Breider asked where Item #4, a rezonZng by the Wall Corp. was located. The Engineering Assistant replied that was for the Reidel property. THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION, being a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS - DESIGN CONTROL MEETING OF MARCH 28, 1972: 1. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY PL�AN APPROVAL OF PHASE 1(NINE (9) FOUR UNIT QUADRAMINIUMS) OF THEIR CONDOMINIUM PORTION OF THE TOTAL MULTIPLE UNIT COMPLEX LOCATED ON PART OF OUTLOT H, INN5BRUCK NORTH ADDITION THE SZ1ME BEING IN THE 1600 BLOCK OF INNSBRUCK NORTH ADDITION� FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA, 55432. (REQUEST BY VIEWCON INC., 5901 BROOKLYDT BLV➢., MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55428): The Enga.neering Assistant reported that the quadraminiums by Viewcon will be before the Planning Commission on April 5, 1972 for their review and recom- mendation, so there is no Council action at this time. They will be coming before the Council a£ter the Planning Commission makes their recommendation. 2. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN OFFSCE, SHOP AND WAREHOUSE BUILDING LOCATED ON LOT 19 (EXCEPT THE EA5T 190 FEET THEREOF) AND THE WEST 'S SUBDIVISION #129, THE SANIE BEING 7325 CENTRAL AVENUE N.E LITHOGRP.PH COMPANY. 782 29TH AVENUE S.E., MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 554 The Engineering Assistant requested the Administrative Assistant to present the plans to the Council, as he had attended the meeting. The Administrative Assistant came forward and showed the plans at the easel and said that this building would be located on 73rd and Central where the exlsting American Legion is now. The Euilding Standards - Design Control recommended that the blacktopping be extended £urther back and that there be precast concrete curbs installed around the dock parking area so traffic would not be on the unpaved areas. There is to be poured concrete curbing along the sides. The Subcommittee felt there should be a more complete landscaping plan submitted and that there should be some provision for security lighting. There was a question raised in regard to the blacktop to be used in the dock area. The speci£ications will be checked to make sure it will not break up when used by the heavy trucks. MOTION by Councilman Uttex to concur with the Building Standards and approve the request to construct the of.fice, shop and warehouse building by Aetna .Lithograph Company sub7ect to the Subcommittee's stipulations. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. ' Mayor Liebl said he would like to see more of a landscaping plan. Mr. Lance , Bartlett said that whatever is not blacktopped on the plans will be sodded. Mayor Liebl said he wculd like to see some evergreens used £or plantings and Mr. Bartlett replied that there are some shown on the plans. v� REGULAR COUNCTL MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1972 PAGE 9 ' THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION, beinq a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor L1ebl declared the motion carried unanimously. 3. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN OFFICE AND A SERVICE BUILDING GENERALLY LOCATED ON 10.5 ACRES OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUART�R OF SECTION 3, T-30� R-24, .ANOKA COUNTY� TII� SAM� BEING 7900 BEECH STREET N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNE50TA. (REQUEST BY PARK CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, 51 37TH AVENUE S1.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421): The Administrative Assistant showed the plans on the easel and reported the Builda.ng Standards - Design Control recommended approval of the request. They made some stipulations a.n regard to a final landscaping plan and security lighting and they are included on the plans the Council has before them now. The applicant had not made the decision on what kind of exterior building material they wanted to use and were advised that they should be ready to present their exterior materials at the Council Meeting for approval. Mayor Liebl said he was glad to see they had included some security lighting. Mr. Dick Harris has a business in that area and there have been some problems wrth burglaries in this area so some lighting is very important. The Police Department is already over-burdened. Mr. Ron Krank commented that the suggestion for the securrty lighting was a good one, and they intended to light the building. He then showed the Council a � rendering depicting what the exterior building materials were going to be. Mayor Liebl asked what was their total investment. Mr. Krank replied about $30�,000 for about 5,00� squase feet of office space and 10,0�0 square £eet of service building. Councilman Breider asked what the parking lot in £ront would be used Por and the Administrative Assistant replied rt would be for employee and visitor parking. There will be a gravel sur£ace in the back £or the heavy equip- ment. The Engineering Assi5tant added that all the streets are 9 ton industrial street. IP, and when, 79th Avenue runs between East River Road and University Avenue, that would become their maa.n access. Counmlman Mittelstadt said that there were complaints about truck traPfic now from the north end of town The Engineering Assistant said that the area he is thinking of is further east in the vicinrty of Libexty and Longfellow. That area does not connect physically with this area. The access £or Onaway Addition would ]ae either 77th to East River Road or Main Street to Osborne Road. They have 20 acres and they plan on developing 6 acres o£ the first 10. Councilman Breider asked what they planned to do with the remaining 4 acres and Mr. Krank replied that they would use that for future expansion in the storage area. Later on, they may add another metal building for storage o£ parts and tires etc. and asked if they would have to come back for approval o£ that building. Mayor Liebl said yes, to the Building Standards - Design Control. Councilman Utter asked what type o£ fence they would be using. Mr. Krank replied that the decorative £ence would be wood and would not be used in the truck parking areas where it might be knocked down. He said they plan on using , a 2" mat with a 12" svb-base for the entrances. Councilman Breider asked if they would be storing gasoline and diesel £uel. Mr. Krank said yes, in the portion where there will be rock and it would be about 100 .feet from the building. �F � Y1 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1972 PAGE 10 Mayor Liebl said that the Council has been very strict in regard to landscaping ' and parking requirements in recent years, and he would like to urge Park Con- struction to live up to what they have presented to the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommittee. Nlr. Krank said that when talking in terms of trees, berms, landscaping etc., that is their business and they want their building to reflect the quality of their work. A gentleman at the Meeting associated with Park Constructzon Company added that when speaking o£ the fence, the wood £ence will cost more than a metal one, but they feel it will add more aesthetically. As to the metal fence, they had not intended to put the metal slats in the fencing on the north or west side, as it would serve no screening purpose. Councilman Utter asked if they would be storing anything outside of the .fence and the gentleman with Park replied no, everything will be inside the fence. They want to make this building so that people will be proud of a construction yard, and they want it to be a showplace in the area. He thought when they are completed, the Council wYll be pleased with it, and they felt it was a very nicely designed building. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to approve the reque5t by Park Construction Company to construct an o££ice and sen�ice building, sub�ect to their exterior building material being what was presented to the Council this date, being stone aggregate and face brick on the office portion of the building and concrete block on the maintenance portion o£ the building, the secur�,ty lighting and that the final plans be approved by the Engineering Department. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayar Liebl declared the motion carried unanunously. � MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the M.lnutes of the Building Standards - Design Control Meeting oP March 23, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO USE NEW BUILDING CODE WHICH BECOMES EFFECTIVE JULY 1� 1972 - SNNSBAUCK NOR'S'H QUARDAMSNIUMS: The Engineering Assistant reported that he had talkeci to Viewcon and told them that the Administration would like this item tabled to the lOth of April until aFter the Planning Commission had reviewed the plans, Councilman Breider said that the Council did make a commitment to the Building Standards - Design Control and no matter what Viewcon comes in with April lOth, he would still want them to meet FridZey's Building Code. The Engineering Assistant agreed, in his opinion that would be preferable, and added that he believed Viewaon will be present at the Council Meeting April lOth. MOTION by Councilman Breider to table this item to the Council Meeting o£ April 10, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEAL5 MEETING OF MA$CH 28, 1972• The Engineering Assistant reported that Item #1 (Variance requested by David Dockter) has been tabled by the Board of Appeals. , r� o� �Y�7 REGUI�AR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1972 PAGE 11 , 2. A REQUEST FDR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45 053, 4B, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE MINIMUM SIDE YARD REQUIREMENT FROM iD FEET TO 3 FEET TO ALLOW THE CON- STRUCTION OF AN ADDITION DNTO AN EXISTING DWELLING LOCATED ON LOTS 21, 22, 23, 24� 25 & 26, BLOCK Q, RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS ADDITION, THE SANE BEING 8215 RIVERVIEW TERR7ICE N.E.� FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA (REQUEST BY ROBERT P. DOHERTY, 8215 RIVERVIEW TERRACE DS.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA) The Engineering Assistant said this request a.s for a side yard variance for a house located on Riverview Terrace. The existing house is 3' from the lot line and the request is to maintain the same sideyard on the addition. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to approve the variance requested by Mr. Robert Doherty sub7ect to the stipulations that some consideration Ue given to elimi- nation of a fire hazard and that there be no windows or an overhang on thc north side of the addition. Seconded by Counci;lman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. 3. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45_063, 4B, 4A, TO REDUCE THE STDE YARD WIDTH ON A STREET SIDE OF A CORNER LOT FROM 17.5 FEET TD 12.5 FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OP A TWO FAMILY DWELLING ON LOT 5, BLOCK 5, MELODY MANOR ADDITION, THE SAME BEING 7396 SYMPHONY STREET N.E , FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY JOHN D. CHRISTENSON, 929 CROSS STREET, ANOKA, MINNESOTA) The Engineering Assistant reported this building would be located on the corner , o£ 74th and Symphony ancl is zoned R-2 (double bungalow). He then presented a plot plan and the plan for the building on the easel. The neighborhood has presented a petition in £avor of the building as presented. PETITION #2-1972 - TO APPROVE THE VARIANCE REQUEST BY JOAN D. CHRISTENSON FOR PROPERTY I,OCATED AT 7396 SYMPHONY STREET N.E., WITH THE CONDITION THE CONSTRUCTION BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH TI3E PLANS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF FRIDLEY: MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive Petition #2-1972 dated March 28, 1972 and received this date. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unana.mously. The Engineexing Assistant explained that there is to be a single car gasage on one side o£ the double bungalow and a double car garage on the other side. The Code requires four parking spaces, therefore, the neighbors would like the fourth parking space in some inconspa.cuous place in the back yard. The side yard set- back would be 12.5 £eet. The variance is to reduce the required side yard £rom 17.5' to 12.5'. Councilman Breider asked if he meant that it would �ust be a piece oP pavement in the back yard and the Engineering Assistant replied yes. Councilman Breider said as a practical matter, the fourth parking stall would be in the driveway the same as for single £amily dwellings with a one car garage having two cars. The Engineering Assistant said that is probaUly the way it would work, however, to meet the Code, they must provide four parking stalls. He said that this area may become a place to park a boat, snowmobile etc. Mayor � Liebl commented that this looks like a good plan, they use brick =z way up the building. He agreed with the comment in the minutes, that he would hate to see a good plan sacrificed �ust because of a Pourth parking stall. MOTION by Councilman Breider to concur with the recommendation of the Board of Appeals and approve the request for a variance by .7ohn Christenson, sub�ect to the Board's stipulations. Seaonded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. �� REGULBR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1972 PAGE 12 4. A REQUEST FOR A VARiANCE OF SECTION 56.05, 3B, TO INCREASE THE MAXIMUM SIZE OF A FREE STANDING SIGN FROM 100 SQUARE FEET TO 144 SQUARE FEET AND TO INCREASE THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF A FREE STANDING SIGN FROM 25 FEET TO 30 FEET TO ALLOW THE ADDITION OF' A 4.4 FOOT BY 10 �'OOT PANEL TO THE TOP OF THE EXISTING PYLON LOCATED ON LOT 1, BLOCK l, EAST R71NCH ESTATES 1ST ADDITION, THE SAME BEING 7620 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRiDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY BOB'S PRODUCE RP.NCH, 7620 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA): The Engineering Assistant reported this variance would enable an addition to an existing sign to be installed. This sa.gn would be similar to a"Twins-O-Gram", the message would be controlled £rom inside the building. It is recommended that the message not be changed oftener than once a day. The reason for the request is that the Shell Gas Station sign on the corner screens the Bob's Produce Ranch sign. The Board stipulated that Bob's Produce Ranch signs should be taken off the building, and there has been an agreement reached whereby Green Giant will also take down their signs. MOTION by Councilman Breider to concur with the recommendation o£ the Board of Appeals and approve the variance requested by Bob's Produce Ranch, sub�ect to the signs on the building for Bob's and Green Giant being taken of£ the walls of the bua.lding. Seconded by Councilman P7ittelstadt. Upon a voiae vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. NOTE An excerpt of this portion of the unapproved rough draft was sent to Council on April lOth £or a clarification as to the intent o£ the motion, specifically in regard to the message. See Minutes of April 10, 1972. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of March 28, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unana.mously. RECEIVING BIDS FOR S5&SW PROJECT #106: Bid Base Planholder Deposit Bid Walbon Excavating Corp. American $109,9�]1.50 3242 Highway Fi Casualty Minneapolis, Mznn. 55418 5% B.B. (Bids Opened 11:30 A.M Alternate Alternate No. 1 No. 2 Add Add $ 8,204.00 $10,240.00 April 3, 1972) Completion Date 120 Calendar Days 1 � American Contracting Corp.Employers $ 97,735.03 $ 6,882.00 $ 800.00 120 Calendar Days 1540 Yellowbrick Road Commercial PVC Deduct C627.60 Coon Rapids, Minn. 55433 Union Co. 5% B.B. Orfei & Sons Seaboard $ 98,045.21 $ 7,806.55 $ 6,640.OD 185 Calendar Days 1156 Homer Street Surety PVC Deduct $1,102.20 St. Paul, Minn. 55116 5o B.B. Lamppa Construction Argonaut 324 South lst Street E. Insurance Aurora, Minn. 55705 5% B.B. Dunkley Surfacing Co.Inc. Capitol 3756 Grand Street N.E. Indemnrty Minneapolis, Minn. 55421 5o B.B. $125,000.00 $13,900.00 $10,000.00 120 Calendar Days � $103,830.34 $ 9,892.18 $ 5,600.00 120 Calendar Days (� �5 REGULAR COIINCIL NIEETING OF APRIL 3, 1972 ' Planholder Nodland Associates, Inc Alexandria Minnesota 56308 Barbarossa & Sons, Inc Route 3 Osseo, Minn. 55369 Bid Deposit St. Paul Fire & Marine So B.B. St. Paul Fire & Marine 5o B.B. Base Bid Alternate Alternate No. 1 No. 2 Add Add PAGE 13 Completion Date $102,931.00 $10,356_00 $ 8,000.00 As speci£ied $ 99,677.50 $ 7,083 00 $ 6,D00.00 120 Calendar Days Julian M. Johnson Constr. Siu�nit $ 98,641.00 $ 9,866.00 $ 6,800.00 120 Calendar Days 1229 Osborne Road Insurance Minneapolis, Minn. 55432 So B.B. C.S. McCrossan, Inc. U.S. Fidelity Box 336 & Guarantee $109,484.00 $11,508.00 $ 4,000 DO 90 Calendar Days Osseo, Minn. 55369 5o B.B. Park Construction 51 37th Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421 Peter Lametti Const. Co 615 Drake Street St. Paul, Minn. 55102 Beatson & Kelly Contr. 327 W. California Ave. St. Paul, Minn. 55117 Erwin Montgomery Const 10883 S9th Ave. No. Osseo, Minn. 55369 Austin P. Keller Const Company 481 Front Street St. Paul, Minn. 55117 U.S. Fid.& Guarantee Sa B.B. Seaboard Surety So B.B. Ohio Farmers Ins. So B.B. Ohio Farmers Ins. 5% B.B. Ohio Farmers Ins. 5o B.B. $103�000.00 $ 8,700.00 $ 8,000.00 12D Calendar Days $118,642.75 $ 9,219.00 $ 8,000.00 120 Calendar Days $101,063.00 $ 9,855.00 $ 7,200.00 90 Calendar Days $ 93,404.70 $ 9,013.20 $ 3,60D.00 100 Calendar Days $ 87,559.29 $ 9,329.00 $ 4,OOD.00 As specified Krohn Dxainage, Inc. St. Paul $101,091.00 $10,297.00 $ S,D00.00 150 Calendar Days 1501 West 80th F& M Bloomington, Minn. 55420 5% B.B. Northdale Construction Fidelity $101,327.50 No Bid $ 9,600.00 100 Calendar Days Company, Inc. & Deposit 8208 Northwood Parkway So S.B. Minneapolis, Minn. 55427 �� REGULAR COTJNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 3� 1972 PAGE 14 The City Manager said that the Administration's recommendation is to receive , the bids at this time and make the award on April lOth. MOTION by Councilman Mrttelstadt to receive the bids, refer them back to the Administration, and request that they be back on the Agenda on April 10, 1972. Seconded Hy Councilman Utter. The Engineering Assistant reported that the bids received are 15% - 20% below the engineering estimate. He said the reason they would like to award the bid on the lOth rather than tonight is that there are some questions on easements that he would like to have settled £irst. THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION, being a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. WNSIDERATIDN OF REQUEST FOR "SLOW - CHILDREN PLAYING" SIGN AND POSSIBILITY OF LOWERING SPEED LIMIT ON IRONTON STREET: The City Manager said that in the past signs o£ this nature have been authorized to be installed at the expense of the citizens. Ironton Street is a 9 ton street and allows for truck travel. As to their request to lower the speed limit, that is set by the State and the City does not have 7urisdiction, so Fridley could only make the request. If the Council wishes, the sign could be authorized at the home owners' expense. ' MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to authorize the installation o£ a sign reading: "Slow - Children Playing" to be on Ironton Street at the home owners' expense. Seconded by Councilman Breider £or discussion. Councilman Breider said that he thought this same sign could be used in many other areas, and that he might be making the same request himself. He said he would like to have the fee waived. MOTION ANENDED by Councilman Breider to waive the $5.50 fee. The City Manager raised the question of the people that have already had the sign installed and have paid the fee. He asked if this was covered in any place by an ordinance or resolution. The Engineerinq Assistant said no, it has been Council policy. The reason these signs have to be authorized by Council is that it was felt there should be some control to avoid overuse. It has been found that if there are too many signs, the motorist tends to ignore them, even though each sign may have a valid reason for being there. Councilman Utter felt that there would be trouble in waiving the fee. He said he had made this request, and was told there was a$5.50 fee. Mayor Liebl said that he Pelt the Council should stick to the policy of the past, or there will be many such requests. He asked Councilman Breider to withdraw his amendment and Councilman Breider said no, he did not agree. The City Manager said the Administration feels this sign is of lunited value, and that it is not worth it to expend City funds. This is an optional type of sign and if it was a neoessary sign, it , would be a City expense. Mayor Liebl said that whether they pay for it directly or not, it is still the tax payer that pays, but if they had to pay For the sign directly, it may discourage too many signs. If there are too many signs, they will be disregarded and the purpose would be destroyed. Councilman Breider asked what signs the home owner pays for. The Engineering Asst. said that this is the only one he could recall, with the exception of a"No Dumping" sign. �) � ' ' REGULAR COUNCIL NIEETING OF APRiL 3, 1972 AMFNDMENT WITHDRAWN by Councilman Breider. PAGE 15 THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION, being a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RE50LUTION #45-1972 - A RESOLUTION RENAMING THE 1970-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT THE 1971-4 5SREET IMPROVEMENT PROSECT, AND TRANSFERRING COSTS AND EXPENSES FROM THE 1970-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT TO THE 1971-4 STREET IMPRO`JEMENT PROJECT: Mayor Liebl �sked what was the purpose o£ this resolution. The Finance Director said it was because of the length of time the pro�ect has been going on, and that it has been renamed two times already, and this would be the third time. Mayor Liebl said that he thought that a pro7ect had to be done within one year. The Finance Director said that the pro�ect was let last year, but there were some first incidental expenses started several years ago. This pro7ect is for the loopbacks on University Avenue. The property owners will not be assessed the actual cost, some wi:.l be taken £rom State Aid £unds. Mayor Liebl asked if there would be any additional cost as the result of renaming the pro7ect and the Finance Director said no, 1t is only a name change to simplify the administration of the improvement pro7ect. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to adopt Resolution r#45-1972. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upbn a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #46-1972 - A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ST. 1971-4 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROSECT: MOTION by Councilman Brea.der to adopt Resolut�on #46-1972• Seconded by Council- man Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Li�bl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #47-1972 - A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ST. 1971-4 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #47-1972. Seconded by Council- man Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT: Name EPfective Position Date Salary Replaces Margaret D. Goranson Reproduction & March 8, 1972 $425.00 Frances E. 5625 5th St. N.E. Typing Clerk per month McLaughlin Fridley, Minn. 55432 MOTION by Councilman Utter to concur in the recommendation of the Adminis- � tration and approve the appointment o£ Margaret Goranson. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. �� REGUI,AR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1972 ACCEPTANCE OF RESIGNATION MR. ROBERT C. HYNES, FRI➢LEY POLICE CIVIL COMMISSION: PAGE 16 MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the letter of resignation of Mr. Robert C. Hynes from the Police Civil Service Commission dated March 25, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Utter to appoint N1r. Wilbur Whitmore, 440 12ice Creek Terrace, to the unezcpired term of Mr. Hynes on the Police Civil Service Com- mi.ssion. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebi noted Mr. Whitmore present in the audience and asked him to cooperate and to continue to work on the Commission as he had in the past. Mr. Whitmore said he has worked on the Commission and would be glad to do so again. CONSIDERATION OF OFFER OF SHED AT 631 BUFFALO STREET BY WAL-DON BUILDERS AND ERECTORS, INC.: The Ca.ty Manager said the City has received the offer of a quanset shed at 641 Buffalo Street N.E., if we remove it. The Police Depaxtment has investi- gated this along with the Parks Director and it is felt that this building could be of some use. He then read the letter aloud dated March 23, 1972, and said the Administration's recommendation is that the of£er be accepted and proceed taith the removal and that the shed be stored until there are adequate plans for it. MOTION by Councilman Breider to concur with the Administration's recommendation and authorize the removal of the shed and the storage o£ same until there are plans £or it. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unana.mously. CLAIMS: MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to approve payment of General Claims #28009 through #28117 and Liquor Claims #6528 through #6554. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES: Type o£ License Approved by Fee Puhlic Drinking Casino Royale 6225 Hwy. 65 Casino Royale Health Fridley Corp. Inspector Food Holiday Village North Establishment 250 57th Ave. Health Fridley Erickson Brothers Inspector Target 755 53rd Ave. Target Stores, Health Fridley Incorporated Inspector $100.00 100.00 75.00 ' ' 1 1ZEGUISiR COUNCSL MEETSNG DF ApRIL 3, 1972 , LICENSES CONTINIIE.D: Pood Establishment � , Target 755-53rd P.ve. Fridley Holidag Service Station 5807 IIniv. Fridley Country Club Market 6275 xv�y. 65 Fridley Gordy�s Country Boy 101�2 Osborne Road Fridley Red Owl 5525 Unzv. Fridley Unity Hosnital 550 Osborne Raad � ridLey Snyder�s ➢rug Store 6582 Univ. Fridley Target Food Store 755 - 53rd Ave. Fridley Mc Donald�s �831 Univ. Fridley 3imbo�s 2l18 A:ississinpi Fridley 100 7.`�rin Drive-In Central and I-594 Fridley Burge: King 61i10 Cniv. Fridl ey McGl,�nn Bakeries PAGE 17 Approved By Fee Health Inspector 25.00 Health Central Service Co. Inspector 30.00 Health Country Club rqarket Inc. Iaspector )�O.CO Health Gordon Surenson Inspec�or 25.00 Health Red �rl Stores, Inc. Insoector 2�.00 Health Unity Eospital Inspecior 25.00 Health Synder�s Drug Store� Tnc. Insoectar 2�.00 Jonathan Stores� Inc. P4cDonald�s oi ::pls. James Scnooley Outdoor Caterers Burner King Corp, IIealth Ins�cctor 25.00 Aealth Insuector 25,00 uealth Insoector 2�.00 Health Inspector 2�.�0 ?ealth 7nspector 25,00 �� ,� � , a ��.. f_,. � �, � � 1 l.� REG[TLAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRSL 3, 1972 LICENSES CONTINUED: TYP ; 0 �' LIC :P�SE BY FO�JD BSTA°LIS;'1��'i?T Daiuy. �ueen 230 Mississippi Frzdley Fridlep Food i�larket SlslF East R�ver Poad Fridley Shar�s Snack Sar 52nd and Central Fridley Mr. Steak 5a95 Unic. Fridley Penny�s 65ly0 IIniv. Fridley Rapid Sho� Superette 6530 East River �oad Fridley Ember�s 5!G00 Central Fridley tidestern Station 760o Univ. Fridle� Frostoo Drive-In 7699 STiron Road Fridley Chamolin Station 72 sa � R�,�=. 65 Fridley Country ICitrhen 250 - ;7th Place Fridley Fireside ?.ice Bowl 72�0 Central Fridley Reserve Suooly 5110 P�Iain Fri dl ey Kurt fifg. 5280 Piain Hridley - •-„ �-- Ernest Fitcts John Rieck Sharlene Clochie APPROtiT�'D ?y Health Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector i5 J s � L, . PAGE 18 F�' 25.00 �D.00 25.00 Health Robert Schachtschneider Inspector 25.00 Aealth Penny's Super _4arket Inc. Inso�ctor 30.00 Health Irving Gold�erg Inspector Health Central Ember�s� Snc. Inspector Health :destern Stores P,iv. Inspector Shernan Hanson Larry Liludford tdicko'_as Funaro Glenn ?1on�; SirVend� Inc. SirVend, Inc. 25.0� 25.00 25.00 Health Inspector 25,00 Eealth Inspector 30.00 Health ;nsnector 25.00 ilealth Insoector Health Inspector Health Inspector 25.0� Ss•0� � �0.00 � � A � .x REGULAR WUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 3� 1972 LICENSES CONTINUED: � R'iPE OF LICEfdSE HY FOOD �STA�LISHIIETi^ Columbia Arena 7011 LTniv. Fridley Moore 'Jay Vending S4aple Lanes[r 6310 xvr�r• VJ Fridley Moore Lday Vending Mico Ind. Oil 6500 East River Road Fridley Kenneth I4ix Soeedf Car �Tash 5201 Central Fridley Stuart 'iF,lstrom Phillips 66 6500 IIniv. Fridley Pioneer Distributing Phillips 66 56�7 Univ. � Fridley Pioneer Uistributing Riverside Czr 'Tash 6�20 East River Poad Fridley Robert Schleeter Automatic Eng. 7191. xwy. 65 Fridley Automatic �ng. Burke!s Texaco 6301 xw��. 65 Fridley yarl �urke Fridle3r State Bank 6315 univ. Fridley �dilliam Beery Strite - Anderson �a �� � Y �i PAGE 19 APP�OV�'D 3Y rr�s Heal�h Inspector 50,OD Health Inspector 70.00 Health Inspector 15.00 Health Inpsector 15:G0 Health Inspector 5.00 Health 7nspector 5•00 Health 3ns�ector 15.00 Health Inspector 5.00 Health Inspector 10.0� Ftealth Insoector 20.00 75g5 Viron Road Heaith Fridley Servomation '1�,*in Cities Inspector onan Corp. 1f�00 - 73rd Ave. Health � Fridley Servomation 24ain Cities Inspector Railroad Accessories t�650 ?iain St. rridley Griswold Co£fee Co. Electro Cote - � 5220 Main St. Fr�dley . F�.'t Vending 5ervice 15u.00 905.00 Health Inspector 65=00 Health InsFector i5.o0 � �, WI .,. REGUISiX COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1972 LICENSES CONTINUED; TY°E Or LIC�?SE BY FOOD ESTA�LISHI�1r�rIT Larsen Mf�. 7421 CaR�rnerce Lane Fridley Plywood P4innesota 51101 East River tioad Fridley Holiday Village North 258 - 57th Ave. Fridley Fridley Sr. High 6000 �Iest 1Koore Lake Dr. Fridl ey Fridley Jr. High 5100 West 17oore Lake ➢r. Fridley G and R Laundry 621�5 CentraZ Ave. Fridley Sear�s Roebuck 6199 HUr�J. 65 Fridley Buzz�a I�arber Shop 622t7 Univ. Fridley Powdour Pouf 5251 Univ. Fridley Hem�el�s Spur 6485 Eas� River Road Fridley Sperco Taol 771$ Beech St. Fridiey Red Ocal 6525 IIniv. Fridley Fridley Auctions 7500 Univ. Fridley Magic Swirl 6369 Univ. Fridley ' .�-�_ �--_ . Goca-Cola Midwest Coca-Cola t4id*rest Coca-Cola Midwest Coca-Cola T4idwest Coca-Cola P4idwest Coca-Cola Midwest Sears Roebuck E.W. Arndt Lois Scholzen Gold Medal Beverage Gold Medal Bevera�e Gold i2edal reverage Gold Medal Beverage I,eeland Croaker Ik 1 � ,3t S.e,_ - PAGE 20 APPROVSP BY F� Health Insoector Health Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector Eealth Inspector Health Inspector AEGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1972 LICENSES CONTINUED; � ; o� Lzc�:��rs� BY .00D rSTA�3LTSz��4EIiT rSinco Products 7300 Commerce Lane Fridleg Totino�s 7350 Commerce Lane Fridley ?4el�s Barber Shop 6379 Univ. Fridley Holman�s Shell 6101 Univ. Fridley (1971-72) Casino Royale 6225 xv�y. 65 Fridley Standard Oil 7680 Hwy. 65 ' Fridley Dealer's Mfg. 5130 Main Fridley FMC Corp. 4800 Marshall St. Fridley ON SALE BEER Fireside R�.ce Bowl 7440 Central Ave. Fsidley (1971-72) Casino Royale 6225 Hwy. 65 Fridley TAVERN Shorewood Inn 6161 Hwy. 65 Fridley (1971-72) Casino Royale 6225 xwy. 65 , Fridley Fireside Rice Bowl 7440 Central Ave. Fridley Canteen Co. o£ M�.nn. Canteen Co, of Minn. Melvin Daniels James Holman Casion :toya7.e Corp. P&R Vending Service SirVend, Inc. Canteen Co. o£ Minn Glenn Wong Casino Royale Corp William Na.cklow Casino Royale Corp Glenn Wong i� � I j� , � PAGE 21 APDR01�'D '3Y r FE Health Inspector 120,00 Health Inspector 12K.00 Health Inspector 5,00 Health Inspector 10.00 Health Insoector 2,00 Health Inspector 15.00 Health Inspector 100.00 Health Inspector 590.00 Police Health Inspector 120.00 Police Health Inspector 120.00 Police Health Inspector 12.00 Police Health Inspector 12.00 Police Health Inspector 12.00 j _,_ � �, l� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1972 LICENSES CONTINUED: TYPF. OT' LICr2�Sr T?y OFF SlL� BErR Ch�mpl-n Station 729f3 'r?wy. 55 Fridley Larry Liludford G7IRBAGE PICKUP �,; -,�., Holiday Villa�e tdorth �5� - 57�h Ave. Fridley Gordy�s Country �oy 1042 Osborne �oad Fridley Red Owl 6525 Univ. Fridley Couhtry Club T�Iarl<et 6275 xt,�,�. 65 Fridle�* Snyder�s _�u� Store 6582 Univ. Fridley Target Food Stores 755 - 53ra 4v�. Fridley Fridley Food Market fl1511 East R��rer Road = ridley Pennl+s Super ??arket 551�o Unzv. Fr�dley �apid Shop 5530 East iiver Road Fridley '�destem Stores 7bIX] IInive�•sit,y Fr,dley Lofgren Sanitation 9100 Flanders St. Minneapolis Suburban Pickup 3800 Restwood Road Circle Pines PAGE 22 AP°R�[TPD �Y Police ?-Iealth Inspector Pola_ce Aealth EricY>son Brothers In�sector Police Health Gordon Swenson Insae�ctor Police ?;ealth Red �wl Storesy Inc. Inspector Police ?Iealth Insp, Countr�,� Club Flarket� Inc. _ Police Health Insp. Snyder�s Drug Stores� Inc. Police Fiealth Insp. Jonathan Stores� Inc. Poltice Health John Rieck Insnector Police 'ieal th Penn-Frldley, Inc. Insnec+or Pcli.ce Healt'n Irving Goldberg Insaector Poli_ce Health 'destern Stores Div. Tnspector Harland Lofgren Jack Gallagher Health Inspector Health Inspector ,� � , � �._. �'� 15.00 ls.00 15•00 15.00 15.00 i5.� 15•00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15•00 25.� 25.00 h - ��m REGULP,R COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1972 LICENSES CONTINUED: ��RBAGE PICKUP All-State Disposal 757o x�,,y. 65 Fridley Rodney Ka�er Rubbish Removal 1021 - lst St. idW New Brighton John Huny Christen Truckin _)� N P� i� 1 `T1g ^J L,. PAGE 23 Appxoyed By Fee Health Insnector 65.00 Health Inpsector 35,00 35�7- Sllver Lal;e Road iiealth Minneapolis RoSert Christen Inspector Jetline Service 3817 Xylon Ave. Vo. Health Minneapolis John Barclay Inspector Haul-A �daf System 31�)j Larch St. Health St. Paul Charles We�ner Inspector Ace Solid �Iaste 3118 - 162nd Lane -Health � Anoka ➢ean i,dar�en Ins,r,ector Gopher Disnosal 3561 �a. l�l�th St. %- �Iealth NIinneapolis naul Jasa Snspector Gallagher�s Service Frealth 9151 Central Ave. Gallagher�s Service Inc, Tns�ector CIuARETTE 8ob�s Sinclair 6290 Hzay. 65 Fridley Moon Plaza Cafe 6215 Univ. Fridley Ryan's Conoco 63S9 Univ. Fridley Day Co. 500 - 73rd A�re. � Fridley Dot•ming Box 5�51 �zst River 3oad Fridley Precision Sheet iletal 5250 t•iain S t. Fridley Automatic Sa1es Co. Automatic Sales Co, Automatic Sales Co. A.R.A FOO(1 SP?^V1C8 CO ARA Food Servic� Co, A?ZA F`ood 5ervice Co. °olice Police Polloe Police °ol�ce Policc 25.00 25.00 27.0� 25.00 1��.G0 2K.00 12,00 12.00 i2.00 12.00 Lz.aa 12.�0 � a� � 0 ,�-�� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1972 LICENSES CONTINUED. Type of License PAGE 24 Approved By Fee ' CIGARETTE Target I3eadquarters 1080 73rd Ave. Frzdley I3oneer Systems Pol,tce $12.00 Howies 240 Mississip�i Fridley Howard Nelson Police 12.00 MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to approve the Public Drinking Place, Food Establishment, Garbage Pickup, On-Sale Beer, Off-Sale Beer, Tavern and Cigarette Licenses £ound on Pages #18 -#18F of the Council Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, a1Z votsng aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl said that Councilman Utter has brought to his attention that there have been a dozen or so applications £or liquor licenses. He noticed Mr. Weiss of Sandee's in the audience and told him that the Council has discussed his appli- cation in the past. He said Mr. Weiss has contributed a great deal to the City of Fridley, and if anyone is eligible, Mr. Weiss would be. FIe said that this item should be put on the Agenda for April lOth along with a report from the staff. I3e would want to make certaa.n that the applicants consadered would meet , all the criteria set out in the ordinance. He mentioned Mr. Weiss has paid the $4,000 about a year ago and should be entitled to some sort of a decision. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to instruct that the consideration of liquor license applications be placed on the Apr�l lOth Agenda, along with a report from the Staff on the applicants to avoid any accusations that the Council is acting arbitrarily. The motion was seconded. Mayor Liebl sazd that Mr. Weiss' application for a liquor license seems a reasonable request and he thought it should be considered one o£ the first, however, the legal procedure must be gone through that is spelled out in the ordinance. Councilman Breider said that he did not want Mr. Weiss to leave the Meeting thinking he was assured of getting his license. It takes three members of the Counczl to grant a liquor license and be£ore considering any individual appli- cations he would like to have all the applications before him and have them all checked out to see if they can meet the criterza. Mayor La.ebl said this was the intent of Councilman Mittelstadt's motion. He added that as Mr. Weiss has been kept waiting so long, he felt that he was entitled to an answer. Councilman Mittelstadt said that all applications with the accompanying check £or $4,000 should be considered. The City Attorney said that the Staf£ could in- clude in their report how many complete applications have been submitted, how many partials and how many letters of interest have been received. The City Manager added that he has had numerous inquiries into when the Council will be considering this and he felt an obligation to let these people know and suggested two weeks rather than one. Councilman Mittelstadt commented that the applicants would be interested enough to get their applications in in one week. The Finance Director said that in some cases he had in£ormed interested parties that it would not be necessary to pay the money at this time, and that � �� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 3� 1972 PAGE 25 , they could do that later, when the Council is ready to consider the appli- cations. Councilman Mittelstadt said that if these people were noti£ied, he was sure they would be down to City Hall to pay their money immediately. THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION, being a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Masonry Approved By Gerald O. Anderson 2884 West Owasso Blvd. St. Paul, Minn. By: Gerald O. Anderson Sldg. Insp. New Carroll Suzzell Brick & Cement 22001 Lake George Blvd. N.W. Anoka, Minn By. Carroll Buzzell Sldg. Insp. Renewal D.W. Harstad Co. Inc. 7101 Highway #65 NE Fridley, Minn. By: Alton Johnson Bldg. Insp. Renewal L.H. Hout 7723 Granland Road Minneapolis, MLnn_ By: L.H_ Hout Bldq. Insp. Renewal � North Star Ma5onry� Inc. 12236 Riverwood Drive Surnsville, Minn. By: G. Hanelmen Bldg. Insp. Renewal Oil Heating Berghorst Plumbing & Heating 10732 Hanson Blvd. Coon Rapids, Minn. Sy: Kenneth Berghorst P]bg. Insp. Renewal Blacktopping All Service Blacktopping Inc. 11118 Foley Blvd Coon Rapids, Minn. By: Eldo Finseth Bldg. Insp. Renewal Modern Roadways Company 1620 Winnetka Ave. No. Minneapolis, Minn. By: Hldg. Insp. Renewal Excavating Rosetown Sanitation 10732 Hanson Blvd. � Coon Rapids, Minn. By: Walter Hermes Bldg. Insp. Renewal �� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1972 LICENSES CONTINUED: GENERAL CONTRACTOR ABC Siding & Roofing 4541 2Z Street N.E. Fridley, Minnesota By: Donald Kopecky M. J. Arndt Construction 2080 Shexwood Road Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Marlan Arndt Barber Construction Company 10863 Thomas Avenue South Bloomington, Minnesota By: William Barber Winslow R. Chamberlain Equity Corp. 540 Greenhaven Road Anoka, Minnesota By: Fred Donaldson Childs Construction Company 110 West County Road F White Bear Lake, Minnesota By: George Childs DeGardner Construction 7950 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Minnesota Harris Erection Company 6210 Riverview Terrace Fridley, Minnesota D. W. Harstad Company, Inc. 7101 Highway ��65 Fridley, Minnesota Robert Laugen Homes Inc. 6866 East Fish Lake Road Osseo, Minnesota Richard Miller Homes 1600 Rice Creek Road Fridley, Minnesota Sussel Company 1850 Como Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota By: Robert DeGardner By: Harold Harris By: Alton Johnson Sy: Robert Laugen By: Richard Miller By: Stanley Barenbaum S. E. Templin Construction 6184 Stinson Boulevard Fridley, Minnesota By; S. E. Templin � �� i � Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Sldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp, Bldg. Insp, Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp, �� � Y � � ., PAGE 26 � New Renewal N ew Renewal New Renewal � Fenewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal , �4 9, � � REGULAR COUNCIL ME,ETING OF APRIL 3, 1972 LZCENSES CONTINUED: Viewcon, Incorporated 5901 Bxooklyn Boulevatd Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Darrel Farr HEATING Advanced Heating & Air Cond. Inc. 7$OS Beech Street N.E. Fridley, Minnesota By: Donald Hodsdon Berghorst P1umbing & Heating 10732 Hanson Boulevard Coon Rapids, Minnesota Blue F1ame Contractors Inc. 6989 Washington Avenue South Edina, Minnesota Bldg. Insp Plbg, Insp. By: Kenneth Berghorst Plbg. Insp By: Grant Johnson Bomar Electric Company 7026 - 13th Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Robert Buescher � Horwitz Mechanical Inc. 1411 Eleventh Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota By: S. E. Greenberg J. McClure Kelly Company 2601 Stevens Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota By: J. Kelly Clarence E. Nelson Heating & A/C 200 West Hayden Lake Road � rn ,� Champlin, Minnesota By: Clarence Nelson Northwestern Heating Inc. 2296 Territorial Road St. Paul, Minnesota By; Richmond & Sons Electric Inc. 2810 Ma�or Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota By: Sigurd Follese Jr St, Marie Sheet Metal Inc. 79G0 Spring Lake Park Road Minneapolis, Minnesota Standard Heating & A/C Co. 410 West Lake SCreet Minneapolis, Minnesota Fred Vogt & Company 3260 Gorham Avenue St, Louis Park, Minnesota By: Louis St. Marie By: Tony Ferrara By: Fred Vogt 0 Plbg. Insp. Plbg, Insp Plbg. Insp. Plbg. Insp. Plbg. Insp Plbg. Insp. P1bg. Insp Plbg, Insp. P16g. Insp, Plbg. Insp �� �r PAGE 27 Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal � ,; � , -t .�_. _ I)q � �� � REGULAR COUNCIL Mr;ETING OF APRIL 3, 1972 LICENSES CONTINUED: GAS SERVICES Ad�anced Heating & Air Cond. Inc. 7805 Beech Street N.E. Fridley, Minnesota By: Donald Hodsdon Berghorst Plumbing & Heating 10732 Hanson Boulevard Coon Rapids, Minnesota Sy: Kenneth Berghorst Blue Flame Contractors, Inc, 6989 Washington A�enue South Edina, Minnesota By: Grant E. .Tohnson Clarence E. Nelson Heating & A/C 200 West Hayden Lake ftoad Champlin, Minnesota By; Clarence Nelson St. Marie Sheet Metal Inc. 7940 Spring Lake Park Road Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Louis St. Marie Standard Heating & A/C 410 West Lake Street Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Tony Ferrara Texgas Corporation 1430 Old Highway ��8 New Brighton, Minnesota By: Charles Link Fred Vogt & Company 3260 Gorham Avenue St. Louis Park, Minnesota By: Fred Vogt +t f� it. PAGE 28 � Plbg. Insp. Itenewal P1bg, Insp. Renewal Plhg. Insp. Renewal Plbg. Insp, Plbg. Insp. Plbg. Insp. Plbg. Insp. Plbg. Insp. Renewal Renewal Renewa� New Renewal MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to approve the contractors licenses as submitted. Seconded by Councilman LStter. Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: Nodland Associates, Inc. Alexandria Minnesota 56308 PARTIAL Estimate #2 £or work completed for the construction of Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer & Water- main Improvement Pro�ecL #102, according to contract Dycon Corporation Route #1 Monta.cello, Minnesota 55362 PARTIAL Estimate Y�2 £or Sanitary Secver & Water Improvement Pro7ect #105-1 0 $85,189.67 $13,036.50 � r �� I �� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1972 PAGE 29 ' MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve payment of the estimates as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl asked what area the paymen� to Nodland & Associates, Inc. (#102) is and the Engineering Assistant replied that is far the vicinity north of 79th Avenue, west of University Avenue and east of the tracks. COMMONICATIONSc RICE CREEK WATERSI3ED DISTRICT; APPOINTMENT TO ADVISORY COMMITTE�: MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the communication from the Rice Creek Watershed District signed by W.L Goyer, President, dated March 16, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unana.mously. Mayor Liebl said he would like to recommend Councilman Uttex to serve on the Advisory Committee. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to concur with the rewmmendation of the Mayor and nominate Councilman Everett Utter to serve on the Advisory Committee of the .Rice Creek Watershed District. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Councilman Breider asked that a letter be directed to the Locke Lake Home Owners � Association in.�orming them of the £ormation of the Rice Creek Watershed District. They may have interested members that would like to serve on a commit#.ee. Mayor Liebl agreed they may be of service, however, he would like to have an elected official on the comm.rttee to report back to the Council. Councilman Breider agreed and said his only point was that he would like to have as many people as possible that live along the waterway be involved. The City Attorney suggested that the City make availahle to the Watershed District all ihe technical data we already have compiled along with the problems specific to Fridley. Mayor Liebl requested that the City Manager attend, at least the first meeting, along with Councilman Utter. THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION, being a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESIGNATION, SECOND WARD COUNCILMAN ROBERT KELSHAW: Mayor Liebl read the letter of resignation aloud, serving notice that his resignation is effective April l, 1972. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the letter of resignatiora from Second Ward Councilman Robert Kelshaw dated March 29, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl requested that a Certificate of Appreciation be prepared and sent to , Robert Kelshaw Por his service to the community. He said he was very sorry to see him go, and that he always £ound him a conscientious inda.vidual. He asked that the Certificate be sent to him along with the Council's good wishes in his new endeavor. He asked �hat the City Attorney advise the Council on whether a new appoa.ntee would sexve out Mr. Kelshaw's remaining term or whether he would serve only until the next election, as there seems to be some dif£erence �� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIN G OF APRIL 3, 1972 PAGE 30 of opinion. He asked that the Councilmen give some thought to seeking a ' person to serve the Second Ward and this should be done with diligence and careful screening. This person must be honest, sincere, dedicated and willing to serve to the best of his/her ability. This person must be willing to work for all the people in the City of Fridley. He suggested that the Councilmen consider some recommendations and the Council could meet in executive session. BERNARD HEILLE, 1418 MEADOWMOOR DRIVE COMPLAINT ON CONTRACTOR, ED CHIES: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the wmmunication £rom Mr. Bernard Aeille, 1418 Meadowmoor Drive concerning his dissatisfaction in the completion o£ his home by Mr. Ed Chies, dated April 3, 1972 and refer the letter to the City Adminzstration to follow through and report back to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Heille said his motive was personal satis£action, and if a home owner cannot receive any satisfaction from his builder, he would like to know how and why a builder like this can operate in such a manner and continue to carry a license to build in the City of Fridley. Mayor Liebl said that he was £ully aware o£ the trouble Mr. Heille has been having and that when this contractor comes before the Council in the £uture, the Council will consider his application care£ully. When a man signs a con- tract, he must live up to it. -� CONGRESSMAN FREN2EL: CABLE TELEVISION INFORM2ITION CENTER. Mayor Liebl read the letter aloud .from Congressman Frenzel regarding a CATV In£ormation Center in Washington D.C., and said that no matter what the Council did last year, it is our responsibility to follow up and obtain additional information. A motion was made a few months ago and a.t xs possxble to amend the ordinance if there is new information or it seems necessary. The more the Council knows about CATV, the more competent a decision aan be made by the Council. He asked that the City Manager write £or the in£ormation available. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the communication fxom Congressman Frenzel dated March 23, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Councilman Breider to ad7ourn the Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried and the Regular Council Meeting of April 3, 1972 adjourned at 10:20 Re�ll submitted, -��. ��� f�.4� � :�e Juel A, Mercer Frank G. eb ' Secretary to the City Courlcil Mayor