05/01/1972 - 00017468��� THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY l, 1972 � The Regular Council Meeting of the Fridley City Council was convened at 7:45 PM, May l, 1972. PLEDGE OF ALZEGIANCE Mayor Liebl led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INVOCATION: Mayor Liebl of£ered the Invocation. ROLL CALI.. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mittelstadt, Breider, Liebl, Utter MEMBERS ABSENT: None PRESENTATION OF PROCi�AP�TION: Mayor Liebl explained that he felt it was time that we took a serious look as American citizens at our £reedoms and opportunities. It is time that the � people re-examined their consciences and their duty to their country. It was with this idea that he placed this a.tem on the Agenda. Mayor Liebl read the proclamation proclauning the first week in May as "ONE NATION UNDER GOD WEEK" to the audience. PRESENTATION OF AWARD: Mayor Liebl presented a Certificate of Achievement Award to Paul D. Larson for attaining the rating of Eagle 5cout and read the award -to the audience. Mr. Larson was not present at the meeting so the City Manager was directed to for- ward the award to hizn. APPROVAL OF MINUTE5: MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to adopt the Minutes o£ the Regular Council Meeting of April 3, 1972 as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote,all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Sreider to adopt the Minutes of the Pul�lic Hearing Meeting of April 10, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voa.ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. VISITORS- Mrs. Dee Anderson, 5873 7th Street N.E. Mrs. Anderson explained to the Council that she had become awaxe of a petition filed against her business which is Item #z6 on tonight's Agenda and asked that the item be moved up. Councilman Breider asked that the item be moved to Item #1 under New Business. � q � c� REGIILAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 1, 1972 PAGE 2 � Mr. Henry Peterson, 6312 Pierce Street N E., Eridley American Legion Mr. Peterson asked that the City supply the American Legion and the V.F.W. with a list of �obs open a.n the Parks Department that could be passed on to Vietnam veterans. City Manager, Gerald R. Davis, was directed to supply them with the list. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Mayor Liebl added that there was a communication to receive from Mrs Ruth Kelshaw offering her resignation from the Eridley Human Relations Committee. Item #26 (Receiving Petition #4-1972 - Requesting Business Trucks be Removed) to be moved to Item #1 under New Business. MOTION by Councilman MittelsTadt to adopt the Agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Brea.der. Upon a voice vote,all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION REGARDING EROSION OF HILL BEHIND SKYWOO➢ MALL: Mayor Liebl said that this problem has been brought to the attention of the Council by Mr. Steve Kantorowicz, 5200 Taylor Street. The City Manager reported that the City Engineer, Director o£ Parks and Recreation, Mr. Sheldon Mortenson � and himself had met on the site and secured Mr. Mortenson's agreement that he would take the following corrective action: l. Clear the laack area of the shopping center and the embankment of all debris and litter. 2. Clean and repair the txoughs w$ich dixect the water to the bottom o£ the embankment. 3. He would use topsoil on the embankment in the southeast corner of the property and seed the area. (The City would a11ow him to use some of the topsoil and peat available £romthe area north of 79th Avenue where the City is putting in utilities under Pro7ect #102). 4. In the areas where there are washouts, he will repair and peg some sod to retard furthes erosion. 5. He will use the Boy Scout troop which has been meeting in the shopping center free of charge to plant seedlings along the embankment for further erosion control. 6. The area up to the toe o£ the embankment wi11 be mowed in a straight line to give it a neater appearance The City Managex continued that they hoped that this would cure some of the ma7or problems zn the area Mayor Liebl commented that this seemed to take care of two of the ma�or problems, cleaning the troughs and solidifyang the topsoil and seedinq. Hopefully, this would last £or awhile, but he felt the neople abutting the area should be willing to work With Mr. Mortenson. � Mr. Steve Kantorowa.cz, 5200 Taylor Street, wanted to know who was going to maintain the embankment after the seed grew. It would become 7ust weeds. Mayor Liebl said that he £elt the owners o£ the shopping center should take care of their property and the people in the abutting areas should take care of their own property. � �,'r ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 1, 1972 PAGE 3 Mr. Kantorowicz asked what was going to be done about the property he had � already lost. The Crty Manager cocmnented that he had checked the area around Mr. Kantorowicz' property and he hadn't seen any great amount of erosion. Councilman Utter added that he had been to the site with the Engineering Assistant last week and found Mr. Kantorowicz's stake in the corner of his sod. Mr. Kantorowicz said that was not his stake. His stake should be on the other side of the telephone pole. His lot should measure 120' X 120' and it no longer does. Councilman Utter said that it might be possible £or the Engineering Department to Pind Mr. Kantorowicz's back corner stakes. Mr. Mortenson will put in black dirt and level out the area. It will be a good 7ob. Ae continued that he had talked to the City Weed Inspector trying to figure a way to mow 'the embankment but it is too steep for equipment and would take too many man hours to cut by hand. He and Mr. Barnett will continue to work on the problem and see i£ they cannot get the area cut at least once this summer. Mr. Lie£ Henriksen asked why the City could not use a£lame thrower on the weeds. Councilman Utter explained that would burn out all the vegetation and make the erosion problem worse. MOTION by Councilman Utter to concur with the recommendation5 of the Adminis- tration in regards to the erosion problem behind Skywood Mall Shopping Center. Seconded by Councilman Mrttelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REPORT ON PROGRESS OF EASEMENT NEGOTIATIONS WITH MR. TILLER, 1535 GA.RDENA � AVENUE: The City Engineer told the Council that the deed had been £iled at Anoka County and Mr. Tiller had accepted a check £rom the City in the amount of $1500. MOTION by Councilman Mi'ttelstadt to ratify the purchase of the 10 £oot street and utility easement £rom Mr. Sailey A. Tiller £or the amount of $1,500.00. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor I,iebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REPORT ON WARMING HOUSES: The Crty Manager explained that this item goes back to the March 6, 1972 Council Meeta.ng when the Council rejected a bid from Capp Homes £or a mobile warming house because it did not meet specifications. At that time Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation, was asked to contact Cliff Industries of Elkhart, Indiana £or a quotation on a 10' X 36' mobile warming house similar to the warming house we have already purchased from this company. We received a quotation of $3,047 including freight. With a small transPer of money within the Park Department budget, it would be possible to purchase two of these wasming houses which we had originally budgeted Par. The reason for utilizing mobile warming houses rather than permanent houses is the relatively low square foot cost of these vehicles. Secondly, they can be used on property � which the City is leasing for park purposes. With proper care they hold up very well. � �� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 1, 1972 PAGE 4 � The Director of Parks and Recreation added that he had been asked at the last meeting to check with other communities concerning cost comparison figures for permanent structures. He showed the Council pictures and plans for some buildings in Brooklyn Center, New Hope and Columba.a Heights. Brooklyn Center recently bmlt six identical units in their town at a cost o£ $15,000 each for a 25' X 25' bua.lding. The City of New Hope uses one basic design with th�-ee different sizes and £loor plans. The prices o£ the three units are: $18,000, $22,000 and $35,000. Mayor Liebl asked if it would be possible for the City to purchase permanent structures without a bond issue. The Director of Parks and Recreation said it ma.ght be conceivable but very doubt£ul. That would be a cost of £rom $70,000 to $90,000 for two or three buildings. Mayor Liebl asked about the li£e span of the mobile units and i£ the one we already own had su£fered any great vandalism. The Director of Parks and Rec- reation answered that with proper care they would probably last from 10 - 15 years. The only vandalism we have is on the outside of a unit. The unit the City owns now was custom built with heaviex doors and windows. Councilman Utter asked where they would put the mobile units. Mr. Brown ans- wered that they would probahly be placed in Meadowland, at the Burlington Northern leas�l property or possibly at Logan Park_ This would depend on the concentrata.on of people. � The City Manager commented that these should not �ust be looked at as warming houses. Especially in the case of a permanent structure, these would be utilized year round for inside and outside activities and for storage. Mr. Brown added that with well structured buildings the City would be able to open some of their park facilities at night. Councilman Mittelstadt suggested that the mobile units could be used in the summer to tour the different parks or neighborhoods where there are no parks. He felt that leaving them in one spot all of the time was asking for vandalism. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt �o concur with the Administration's recom- mendation and authorize the City Manager to purchase two 10' X 34' mobile warming houses from Cliff Industries at a cost not to exceed $6200. Seconded by Councilman Breider. IIpon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION REGARDING APPEAL OF LAWSUIT TO SUPREME CDURT� CITY OF FRIDLEY VS. VILLAGE OF SPRING LAKE PARK,STORM DRAINAGE: MOTION by Councilman Breider to table this rtem until Mr. Wyman Smith appears at the Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Mrttelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING PETITION #4-1972 - REQUESTING BUSINESS TRUCKS SE REMOVED � N1rs. Dee Anderson, 5873 7th Street N.E., presented the Council with two affidava.ts showing that her business trucks had not been parked at her residence for 45 days. � � `% REGULAR COIINCIL P7EETING OF MAY 1� 1972 PAGE 5 MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the a£fidavits. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl read the petition to the audience. Mrs. Anderson commented that the only people who had been affected by the parking whose names she recog- nized on the petition were the Pattersons. Her garage would have b2ocked the view to the people behind her property. Her a£fidavits showed that for the past 45 days their employees had been paying rent to park the trucks at Fridley DX Service Station and Sunnyside Mobile Home Park, Inc. They do have a small camper which they keep in their driveway but it is smaller �than most campers you see. She agreed that the Patterson's had had a legitimate complaint, but they had taken care of this as soon as possible. Al1 of their business is taken care of by phone, no customers come to the house. The only time the trucks are at the house are to pick up and deliver work orders. They received their first complaint £rom the Police for parking on the street £or more than 24 hours. Then they were told that you could not park within 20 £eet o£ a cross- walk. They immediately moved their trucks and now one of the petitioners (Keeley) parks his car in this area. They would be very happy to move to a business area iP they could afford it. Mr. & Mrs. Gus Fetland, 5900 7th Street, stated that they have no objection to the business and don't think it causes any problem in the neighborhood. They live directly across from Mr. & Mrs. Anderson. Mr. Dick Dulong, 5836 Washington Street N.E., said that he had been to the Police to see i£ there was an ordiannce to get all industrial trucks off the street. He was not �ust aoncerned with these people but all other trucks too. A memUer of the audience commented that he travels this street often and these are �ust trucks not semi's and he does not see how they would bother anyone. Mrs. Frank Keeley, 5861 7th �reet N.E., said that the trucks had been parked there for 5 years and she £elt that they were a danger to the children of the neighborhood. A meml�er of the audience commented that she had been awakened at all hours of the night by the trucks and she £elt they should move to a business district. Councilman Utter explained that he had received coinpZaa.nts from the people in his ward about the trucks and had notified the Police and asked them to check. He had driven by the house on Sunday morning and one o£ the trucks was parked in front of the house. Mrs. Anderson explained that the truck had been there for less than 5 minutes to drop off some work orders. Councilman Breider said that he would like to wnsult with the Administration before any decisa.on is made and find out exactly how the orciinance on parking reads so that Mrs. Anderson could be advised of the rules. Mayor Liebl suggested that the item be re£erred to the next Regular Council Meeting £or discussion. MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive Petition #4-1972. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � � � l 2.� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 1, 1972 PAGE 6 � DISCUSSION REGARDING MAKING AN APPOINTMENT TO FILL THE UNEXP7.7tED TERM OF OFFICE OF SECOND WARD COUNCILMAN:( On Agenda at Request o£ Mayor Frank Lieb1) r� RESOLUTION #59-1972 - DECLARING A VACANCY IN THE OFFICE OF COUNCILMAN SECOND WI3RD: Mayor Liebl explained that thexe had been a vac�.ncy in the Ward Two Council- man's seat since April 1, 1972 and as Chairman of the Ca.ty Cauncil he felt it was his duty to give the people in Ward 2 representation. He would like the City Council to agree on a candidate to take the seat until this £all when he would be up £or re-election for one year and then have to run again for a full term. He had been shocked to read in the paper that one of-the Council- men felt that it was impossible far the Council to agree on an appointment. He £elt himsel£ that it would be a good idea to have a lady in the Second Ward Councilman's chair as 50% o£ the votexs in Fridley are women. He had dLS- cussed this with many people and £elt that the politics of the Second Ward were £airly conservative. Mr. Sheridan had been Councilman for 13 years and Mr. Kelshaw, although he caucused with the Repubiicans was an independent in his decisions on the Council. Mayor Liebl offered the following names for con- sideration as Second Ward Councilman: 1. Oliver R. Erickson - Chairman of the Planning Commission £or many years and has devoted thousands o£ hours for the good o£ the City. � 2. Walt Starwalt - Resident o.f Fridley £or 12 years. Said he would file £or re-election. 3. Jacqueline Johnson - Member of the Industrial Development Commission and the League of Women Voters. The Mayor continued that he could vote for any of these three pe�ple. Ide had asked them all their opinion on the Cable TV question and was told that i�hey would make no co�nitments. This was good, he would not want a"yes" man on the Council. There are rezoning actions coming be£ore the Council soon that would a££ect the Second Ward. They deserve representation. Councilman Utter said that he would like to add four names to the list of people to be cansidered by the Council: 1. Kenneth Krantz - Resident of Fridley for a number of years, President of the Lion's Club. 2. Douglas 011ila - Resident o£ Fridley and school instructor. 3. Ray Mondloh - On Fridley School Board. 4. Robert Astrup - Active in Eridley• Mayor Liebl asked what Mr. Astrup had done to give him the qualifications to be appointed to the Council. He felt that Oliyer Erickson had more qualifications than anyone sitting on the Council now. Councilman Utter answered that he had talked to Mr. Astrup on the phone and feels that he is capable Conncilman Breider said that he did not £eel that a person had to have served � on Commissions to qualify for the Council. xe felt that being a resident of Fridley and having interest in the �ob were more important. The voters had shown this. We are talking about representation of the people and yet recently the Council turned down a petition to give the people the right to vote on Cable TV. If an order comes back Prom the District Court to accept � �i ++� Y REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY l� 1972 PAGE 7 the petition the ma7ority of the Council will have to decide and that � ma�ority could be one elected official and two appointed officials. Mayor Liebl commented that before the election he had come to every Council Meeting £or 18 months to acquaint himself with the intricacies of the Council. He had never stated that he was against the referendum, but wanted the Court to state if the petitions were valid. If the Court decides that the petitions are valid we will have a rePerendum. Mayor Liebl continued that he had not looked at the people's political background when he had decided on his nominees and had not chosen them because he felt they would vote with him on CATV. He simply felt that these people could be of bene£it to the people of the Second Ward. Councilman Breider asked if the District Court declared the peta.tions valid, would Mayor Liebl go along with that decision? Mayor Liebl replied that he would if the Court said so. Councilman Mittelstadt added that he thought it was important that the person appointed had experience in this case because there was such a short time before the new election. Oliver Erickson is a good man and knows what he is doing. In 2 months the person appointed is going to have to run fos re- election for 1 year , then next year, run for a three year term. This will be a great hardship on anyone. He would not ob�ect to anyone who would accept the commitment o£ time to the Council and the hardship o.f campaigning. Mr. Don Cisar, 540 Cheri Circle, stated that he was a resident of the Second , 4.ard and strongly urged that the Council appoint someone, a lady would be fine. Mr. Bob Pierce, 609 Bennett Drive, stated that there were some rezoning matters coming before the Planning Commission this week and they would soon be before the Council. A Ward Councilman represents his ward constituents in these matters and it would be nice to have someone to represent them. Oliver Erickson would be the best and most experienced man. Walt Starwalt was also a good man. He did not know the lady. Mr. Henry Peterson, 6312 Pierce Street, said that the Council should quit playing CATV, a.t has nothing to do with the matter. He did not care if a lady or a man was named, but the Second Ward needs a representative. Mr. Erickson is a good man. Councilman Utter commented that he felt this matter should have been dis- cussed before the Council Meeting. There should have been Executive sessions o£ the Council. He did not know about the item until he saw it on the Agenda. Mayor Liebl answered that anything that had to be discussed could be ciiscussed in front of the people. He would have no secret meetings as long as he was Chairman o£ the Gouncil. Councilman Utter replied that he had not asked £or a secret meeting. Mr. Sames Gibson, 6289 Highway #65, said that this was not the time or place , to wash da.rty linen. As a resident of the Second Ward he £elt that any of the thxee people Mayor Liebl had mentioned were good people. It was placing a severe burden on them to have to run £or election twice in one year. He suggested that the Council recess £or 10 minutes, come to an agreement and make the appointment tonight. l�� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY l, 1972 PAGE S � Councilman Mittelstadt commented that he did not feel that the Council should make a positive statement that any candidate has to rerun. If they want to file in August, it should be up to them. Mayor Liebl stated that the reason he was so anxious to appoint someone is because it is the Ward Councilman's duty to see that ha.s Ward is represented. Also, there is no Mayor Pro Tem and he has to attend all of the committee meetings that Mr. Kelshaw had been appointed to. The Mayor continued that he wished the Court would make the CATV decision so that the Council could forget it. The Council should not be split by one issue - the person appointed for the rest of this year shauld be someone who can add to the Chair because of experience. Oliver Erickson would do a good �ob. Mayor Liebl added that he £elt that it was his duty to bring tha.s sub�ect to the Council's attention and he felt the Councilmen should make up their minds according to their con- sciences by the next meeting. It does not matter whether the person is a Republican or a Democrat, but he should have experience because there isn't much time. Councilman Breider replied that he agreed that it was the Mayor's responsi- bility to bring this to the attention of the Council and he agreed with Mr. Peterson's comments. The Councilmen should contact people a.n the ward and get their views and two weeks should be a fair amount o£ time to make an intelligent decision. � MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution ,�59-1972 declaring a vacancy in the ofPice o£ Councilman Ward Two and table the appointment to the May 15, 1972 Counail Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Utter Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carra.ed unanimously. REQUEST FOR CITY WUNCIL TO PLACE ON A FUTURE AGENDA A SLIDE SHOW� "THE TALE OF TWO CREEKS". REQUESTED BY LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF FRIDL�Y: Councilman Breider asked the length of the slide show and was told it was 30 minutes. MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the letter from the League of Women Voters and set the date £or the showing of the slide show, "The Tale of Two Creeks", as June 12, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor LieHl declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION REGARDING APPEAL OF LAWSUIT TO SIIPREME COURT� CITY OF FRIDLEY VS. VILLAGE OF SPRING LAKE PARK, STORM DRAINAGE. This item had been delayed until Mr. Wyman Smith could appear at the Council Meeting. Mr. Smith reminded the Council that they had decided several months ago that he should Pa.le a Notice of Appeal and order a transcript. This had been done and the transcript had been dela.vered. He had reread the transcript today and � f'elt good about it. He £elt '�'e have a novel question and ihe Court misconstrued our ob�ection. We had tried 'to get the Court to consider that 5pring Lake Park's pipe is a 56" pipe and the M.H.D. pipe under University Avenue is a 60" pipe so we have to start with a 60" pipe to get the water to �the Mississippi River. We had to pay for the extra sizing and are trying to get them to help shaxe in the cost. Mr. Smith commented that he had talked to Charlie Howard, a A f-I \ f REGIILAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 1, 1972 PAGE 9 municipal law expert, and he feels we have a good chance. 2£ we win at the Supreme Court level the case will go back to the District Court to set a formula for payment. The total cost to the City should not exceed $3,OD0. Mayor Liebl asked if Mr. Smith was saying that he recommended that the City pursue the case to the Supreme Court and Mr. Smith answered yes and the City Attorney concurred. The City Council then ordered Wyman Smith to pursue the case to the Supreme Court. RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT - TOWING SERVICE: (Bids Opened 2:00 P.M., April 28, 1972) Day Call: Night Call Snowmobile Snow Bird: Trailers: Motorcycle Accident: Police Cars: Storage Rate: Inside: Outside: Dicks Towing Service 327 8th Avenue N.ini. New Brighton, Minn. $8.50 10.00 10.00 9.00 10.00 10.00 9.50 No Charge 3.00 2.50 Shorty's Towing Service 5755 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota $6.50 7.00 5.00 6.50 10.00 per hr. 7.50 12.00 per hr. No Charge 3.00 2.00 , depending on size. The Crty Manager explained that the City had received two bids, one from Dick's Towing Service and one from Shorty's Towing 5ervice. There were several cata- gories and in all except 2 cases, Shorty's was lower or the same. The Pur- chasing Agent has analyzed �the bids and submitted his report. His recom- mendation was to award the bid to Shorty's Towing Service and the City Manager concurred. Mayor Liebl asked if the City had received any complaints about Shorty's service? The City Manager replied that he had checked with the Chie£ of Police and there had been no complaints. Mayor Liebl asked if it was necessary to let the bid every year. This seems to be a good bid and wouldn't it be a benefit to the citizens to award the the contract for more than one year as long as Shorty's would guarantee to continue his good service? Councilman Utter asked if Shoxty would be willing to hold the rates for two years and Shorty replied that his rates had been the same for the past four years. He felt it would be an advantage to him to have a two year contract and he would continue his same good service. The City Attorney explained that the bid could be let £or more than one year as long as a one year contract was not speci£ically stated in the bid specifi- cations. The contract does not have to be bid at all, but if it is the City must al�ide by the low bidder requirement. � � ��6 REGIILAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY l, 1972 PAGE 10 � MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to award the towing service contract to Shorty's Towing Service, 5755 University Avenue N.E., Fridley, Minnesota for a minimum of two years unless the adma.nistration finds that a definite amount o.f time was stated in the specifications. Seconded by Counca.lman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � � RECES5: Mayor Liebl called a recess at 9:45 P.M. The Meeting was reconvened at 10:00 P.M. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING WMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1972: APPROVAL OF PRELIMTNARY TOWNAOUSE PLAN P'OR ROB�RT L. MCGREGOR The North 824.7 Feet of the west quarter o£ the northeast quarter o£ the northeast quarter, Secti�n 13. The City Engineer reported that the Planning Commission had recommended Pre- liminary Plan approval and that Mr. McGregor be granted permission to start construction of the north cluster of 8 units along 69th Avenue. Mayor Liebl agreed with the recommendation but he had two questions, would Mr. McGregor be willing to put sand £loat finish on all exposed block and was he agreeable to the $500 figure set ior the the park fund? The City Engineer commented that the Park Department was not sure that the $500 figure would be su£.ficient and it might have to be ad�usted. Mr. McGregor stated that he had already agreed to the sand £loat £inish on the blocks but he would not agree to pay any more than $500 for the walkway and � he wanted a£irm Pigure set now so that he could finalize his construction costs. The Condominium Association would maintain all the land and he hoped to have construction £inished within two years. Mayor Liebl mentioned that he wanted to be sure that Mr. McGregor was going to complete his plan exactly as shown on the preliminary plans and not be coming back before the Council in 6 months asking to make changes that would lower the quality of the pro�ect. Mr. McGregor explained that �ust because he got preliminary approval did not mean that he was going �o go ahead with the pro�ect. He sti11 had to make sure that it was economically £easible, but once he began the pro7ect, it would be completed as his plans showed. He would not begin the 8 units until he was sure the whole pro7ect was feasible. Councilman Breider asked if there were any garages. Mr. McGregor answered that there was a garage and carport for every townhouse. This gave every unit 2 off street parking areas plus the garage. They do not want people parking on the street and there will be a time allotment for any parking done on the street. The Association will police it. He also mentioned that he was not in £avor o£ putting concrete curbs on the internal streets because o£ the cost, but he would do it. The pond will drain into the storm sewer which drains into the Rice Creek area and this will be controlled drainage. They do not want water from the lawns draina.ng into the pond because the fertilizers and other chemicals can cause algae growth in the pond. They will fill the pond themselves. There � .Cd J REGULA.R COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 1, 1972 PAGE 11 is exterior lighting about every 50 feet and these will beoperated eithex with an electric eye or by a time switch. All of the power lines and telephone lines are underground. The City Engineer made the comment that these are preliminary plans and there are many items which have to be resolved be£ore any building permits are issued. MOTION Uy Councilman Mittelstadt to concur with the Planning Commission recommendation to approve the preliminary townhouse �lan for Robert MdGregor o£ the north 824.7 feet o£ the west quarter of the northeast quarter oP the northeast quarter of Section 13 with the £ollowinq suqgestions: Concrete curbing to be used in the complex, that the contour line at 890 as speca.fied in the rezoning be changed from 890 to 880 meandering, sand float finish un all exposed blocks, cash contribution to park fund in lieu of construction of walkway, and the sum of $500 be accepted if the Park Commission considers it would be reasonable, and permission to start construction of the north cluster o£ 8 units. Seconded by Councilman Utter. IIpon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ENVIRONMENTAL 9UALITY COMMISSION IN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY: The City Engineer explained that the recommendation of the Planning Commission was that the Council f.trst appoint a citizens committee and then later it could become a subcommittee oP the Planning Commission by ordinance. Mayor Liebl read the motion of the Planning Commissa.on £or the benefit of Mr. Winston Jacobson, 121 79th Way, who is the chairman of the group, and asked i£ he understood and agreed with the motion. Mr. Jacobsan asked if this meant the members would be appointed by the Council. Councilman Mittelstadt commented that he felt rt would be better for the commlttee to present a list of names to the Council for them to choose £rom. Mr. Jacobson answered that the com- IRlttee would �terview people and then present the Council with a list of possible candidates for the Environmental Quality Commission. The City Manager commented that the Council had directed his office to secure comments £rom the sta£f and other community organizations concerning the advisability of creating this commission. He had an appointment with the City Attorney to review the comments this week. The City Attorney agreed that it would be a good idea to wait for this other input. MOTION by Councilman Mrttelstadt to receive the recommendation from the Planning Commission concerning the Environmental Quality Commission and table the item until the May 15, 1972 hYeeting to a11ow £or the Crty Manager to pull together all input from other community organizations. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried �,,, animous ly. LOOPBACKS. The City Engineer explained that the suggestion o£ the Planning Commission was that all access £rom the main thorough£are be discouraged; however, if access onto the main street is considered it should be allowed only at 150 £eet or 2/3 of the lot width from the ma�or intersection. This would limrt access on the main soad to one. The other would have to be fmm the side street. � �� � � � � � '�� "� � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 1, 1972 PAGE 12 Councilman Breider asked if this is not what we hav� been trying to do and the City Engineer answered yes. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to approve the recommendation of the Planna.ng Commission that a11 £uture construction in the loop of a loopback access be considered only from the loopback or service drive; however, if access onto th� main street is considexed, it should be xestxicted to a distance o£ 150 feet or 2/3 of the lot width from the ma�or interseciion, whichever a.s the smaller. Seconded bp Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl dec- lared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Breider to recea.ve the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meetiny of April 19, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS - DESIGN CONTROL MEETING OF APRIL 20, 1972: CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A BUILDING TO BE USED FOR A RESTAORANT LOCATED ON LOT 9, BLOCK 3, BENNETT PALMER ADDITION, THE NORTH HALF OF VAC.ATED 59TH AVENIIE� LOT 16 AND 17, BLOCK 13, HYDE PARK ADDITION, (LEGAL DESCRIPTION SUB3ECT TO CHANGE WHE1Q WE RECEIVE R�GISTERED LAND SURVEY), TH� SAME BEING 5905 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E , FRIDLEY,MINNESOTA 55432. (REQUEST BY CONSTRUCTION 70, INC., 1430 COUNTY ROAD C, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55113): (ZAPATA RESTAURANT] The City Engineer explained that this is a request £or a restaurant north of Mr Steak. It is a very limited property, and they are planning on blacktopping almost the whole area. The Building Standards - Desiqn Control Subcommittee had recommended approval of the building permit. There are some Engineering problems. Mayoz Liebl commented that this building will set a precident fos the whole area and for this reason he felt the request should go be£ore the Planning Commission on May 3, 1972. Mr. Zeglen, o£ the Planning Commission was in the audience, and commented that he thought the item could be placed at the end of the Agenda on May 3rd. MOTION by Councilman Breider to table thi� item until the May 15, 1972 Council Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Mrttelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. WNSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION TO THC EXISTING BUILDSNG LOCATED ON THE SOIITHERLY 370 FEET OF TH� NORTIiERLY 1120 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER, (NEa OF NW3), AND THAT PART OF THE SOUTH 370 FEET OF THE NORTH 1120 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER, (NWa OF NW%), OF SECTION 12, T-3D, R-24, LYIN G EASTERLY OF T.H. #65, THE SAP4E BEING 7585 VIRON ROAD N.E., FRIDLEY, MTNNRROTA. fREOT1F.ST BY STRITE-ANDERSON MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 7585 VIRON ROAD N.E.. FRSDLEY, MINNESOTA): The City Engineer explained that this is 7ust a small garage addition to the main building. R+��� AEGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY l, 1972 PAGE 13 MOTION by Councilman Utter to concur with the recommendation of the Building � Standards - Design Control Subcommittee. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voa.ce vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A BUILDING MART (RETAIL STORE BUILDING) LOCATED ON LOT 1, BLOCK 4, GUNDERSON TERRACE ADDITION� TAE SAMF BEING 7421 CENTRAL AVEN[IE NORTHEAST, FRIDLEY, MINNBSOTA. (REQUEST BY 55432): There was no one present to represent the company. MOTION by Councilman Breider to table this item until the May 15, 1972 Council Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the Minutes o£ the Building Standards - Design Control Meeting of April 20, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF APRIL 25� 1972: A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, 4B, 4, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE SIDE YAR➢ REQUIREMENT FOR AN ATTACHED GARAGE FROM 5 FEET � TO 1 FOOT TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ATTACHED GARAGE TO BE LOCATED ON LOT 13, BLOCK l� MEADOWMOOR TERR2\CE ADDITION� THE SAME BEING 7639 BACON DRIVE N.E., ERIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY MR. GARY JULKOW5KI� 7639 BACON DRIVE N.E., FRIDLEY� MINNESOTA): The City Engineer explained that the Board of Appeals had recommended approval of this request with stipulations. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to concur in the approval of the request £or a variance by Gary Sulkowski subject to the Soard of Appeals' stipulations. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. A REQIIEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.D53� 4B� 5B� FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE SETBACK FOR A GARAGE OPENING ON A SIDE STREET FROM 25 FEET TD 17 FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING AND GARAGE ON LOT l� BLOCK 4, EDGEWATER GARDENS ADDITION, THE SAME BEING 1D 66'-z WAY N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY TRI-CO BUILDERS� INC., 7555 VAN BUREN STREET N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOSA): MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to concur in the approval of the request .for a variance by Tri-Co Builders. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, 4B, 4A, TO REDUCE THE SETBACK � REQUIREMENT FOR A GARAGE OPENING ON A SIDE 9TREET FROM 25 FEET TO 17 FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DETACHED GARAGE ON LOT 4, BLOCK 1� SHOREWOOD ADDITION, TI-IE SANIE BEING 6260 ABLE STREET N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY MR. DONALD C. BAILEY, 6260 ABLE STREET N.E.,FRIDLEY, MINN.): � � � � �� � REGTTLAR COUNCIL NIEETING OF MAY l, 1972 PAGE 14 MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to concur in the approval of the request for a variance by Donald C. Bailey subject to the Board of Appeals' stipulations. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unana.mously. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, 4B, SA, TO REDUCE THE MINIMUM SIDE YARD WIDTA ON A STREET SIDE OF A CORNER LOT FROM 17.5 PEET 2 FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN AD➢ITION ONTO AN EXISTING HOIISE LOCATED ON LOT 1, BLOCK 2, MURDIX PARK ADDITION, THE SAME BEING 53D CHERI CIRCLE N.E., FRIDLEY� MINNESOTA. (REQU�ST BY MR. WALTER OLSON� 530 CHERI CIRCLE N.E.. FRIDLEY): The City Engineer explained that this request was to construct a small addition with a ramp into the home to accomodate their son's wheelchair. Mr. Donald Cisar, 540 Cheri Circle N.E., the only neighbor a££ected by the variance, stated that he had no objections. MOTION by Councilman Utter to concur in the approval of the request for a variance by Walter Olson. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting o£ April 25, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voa.ce vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE ORDER IN FIRE DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS FOR 100 FOOT AERIAL LADDER FD 71-1: MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to approve Change Order in Fire Department specifications £or 100 foot aerial ladder E'D 71-1. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #52-1972 - AUTHORIZING MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE SOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR PARTICIPATION IN A LOCAL GOVERNMENT INFORMI-1TION SYSTEM AND NAMING A DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO THE ORGANIZATION: MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopti Resolution #52-1972 and name Gerald R. Davis, Da.rector and Marvin Brunsell Alternate Director. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #53-1972 - AUTHORIZING THE TEMPORARY TRANSPER OF FUNDS PROM SHE STATE AID REVOLVING ACCOUNT TO THE NORTH PA.RK CAPITAL FUND. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to adopt Resolution #53-1972. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #54-1972 - DIRECTING THE TSSUANCE OF TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAWS OF 1957, CHAPTER 385 (SS&SW #102) � ° : �) ,� y� ,� � kEGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 1� 1972 MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #54-1972. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. PAGE 15 RESOLUTION #55-1972 - DIRECTING THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF TEMPORARY IMPROVE- MENT BONDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAWS OF 1957, CHAPTER 385: (SS&SW #102) MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #55-1972. Seconded by Councxlman Mittelstadt. Upon a vozce vote, all ayes, Mayor Laebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION �56-1972 - DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE OF TEMPO.RARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAWS OF 1957, CHAPTER 385: (ST. 1971-1, St. 1971-2 and St. 1971-4) MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #56-1972. Seconded by Counca.lman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanzmously. RESOLUTION #57-1972 - DIRECTING THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAWS OF 1957, CHAPTER 385: (St. 1971-1, St. 1971-2 and St. 1971-4) MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #57-1972. Seconded by Councilman PAittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REQIIEST FOR SEWER HOOKUP BY MR. QUAM: (6895 Channel Road N.E.) The City Engineer explained that this line was too shallow when it was laid. These people were assessed. We had a similar case on East River Road and the Council at that time authorized an expenditure for sewage ejector pumps for the home. Mayor Liebl commented that he felt this was only a temporary solution and we needed a permanent one. The sewer was faultily installed in the £irst place and we are asking £or problems installing an e7ector pump in each home. City money should be spent on a permanent solution. Councilman Utter asked what the cost of a new lift station would be, and the City Engineer said the cost could go as much as $20,000. The cost for the six sewer e�ector pumps would be from $9,000 to $11,000. We would then get a waiver Promthe property owners sayinq the City was not responsible for any £uture problems. The City would be investing 3 to 4 times as much money as these people were assessed. Mayor Liebl asked if this would not be wasting money on a temporary solution. The City Engineer answered that the e7ector pumps would be a move in the direction of a permanent solution. MOTION by Councilman Breider to table this item until the Meeting oP May 8, 1972 to enable the City Engineer to give the Council a cost comparison of the two solutions. Seconded by Councilman Utter. IIpon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ' � � � � l�`� . REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY l, 1972 PAGE 16 RECEIVING REPORT ON REPAIR AND IMPROVEMENT OF WELLS #5 AND #6 AND CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION #58-1972 AUTHORIZING CALLING FOR BIDS: MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #58-1972. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the mota.on carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR LOT SPLIT FOR 5PLITTING LOTS 3, 4� 5� BLOCK 7, HYDE PARR ADDITION INTO TWD LOTS (LS $I69-15). REQUEST EY LEIF HENRIKSEN: Councilman Mittelstadt noted that Mr. Henra.ksen had appeared before the Board of Appeals in 1969 and had been asked to semove his garage and tear down the house. Had this request been complied with� The City Engineer replied �that it had been done. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to approve the Lot Split request by Leif Henriksen. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING INFDRMATION REGARD2NG MERITORIOUS ACHIEVENIENT AWARD IN TRAFFIC SAFETY ENGINEERING AND AUTHORIZING A PERSON TO ACCEPT THE ALSARD AT THE BAN- QUET: The City Engineer commented that this award proves that we are doing something in the £ield of tra££ic safety and making progress. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the information and authorize a member oP the Engineering Staff to accept the award at the banquet. Seconded by Councilman IItter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve payment of General Claiins #28258 through #28356 and Liquor Claims #6603 through #6638. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES. Type of License USED CAR LOT LIVESTOCK � ON SALE BEER By Smitt's Motors 5649 University Ave. Wallace 5chmedeke Audrey Theilmann 1540 Rice Creek Rd. Audrey Theilmann Howard Johnson 5277 Central Ave. Howard Johnson Co. Approved By Building Insp Building Insp Police Health Insp. Fee $50.00 26.00 12D.00 1 � `5 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 1, 1972 LICENSES CONTINUED: TYPE OF LICF'tdSE BY FOOD FSTABLISH,"�N'L ' Gene�a Flawr House 62l� Osborne Road Fridley CUB� Inc. 250 Osborne Road Fridley Metro 500 8255 East River Road Fridley Metro 500 5333 University Ave. Fridley Assurance t4fg. 7753 Beech St. Fridley Hofrard Johnson 5277 Gentral Ave. Fridley Holiday Auto I-69l� and University Fridley Lemm�s Country Boy Village 1301 Mississippi St. Fridley Hob�s Produce Ranch 7620 University Ave. Fridley Steiger & Gertzen Garage 6519 Central Ave. Fridley Fridley Youth Football 75�3 Lyric Lane , Fridley Spartan Atlantic Store 5351 Central Ave. Fridley Moon Plaza Restaura_nt 6215 University Ave. Fridley Phillips 66 5667 University Ave. Fridley � �. (iene Eckstein CUB� Inc. Metro 500, Inc. Metro 500� Inc. Assurance Mfg. PAGE 17 APPROVED BY Health Insp. Health Insp. Health Insp. Health Insp. Health Insp. Howard Johnson Co. Health Insp. 2��� Eagle Industries Health Insp. 3D.00 Henry Lemm Health Insp. 25.00 Robert Schroer Ernest Gertzen Health Insp. 2$.00 Health Insp. 15.00 Fridley Youth Assoc. Health Insp. 25.00 Spartan�s Health Insp. 2��� Ronald Weis Health Insp. T$.00 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Health Insp. 15.00 �� �� � � , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY l, 1972 LICENSES CONTINUED: � OF LICII4SE BY .,iOD FSTABLISHI�fENT Phillips 66 6500 University Ave. --�-- - i�AR�AGE PICKUP SERVICE STATION � 5LL � �� PAGE 18 .�� � FricU.ey Pepsi-Cola Bottling Health Insp. Frontier Club 7365 Central Ave. Fridley Marlane Povlitzld Russ � s S�perette 6253 University Ave. Fridley Russell Paone Gii�s Gulf 5300 Central Ave. FridleY Gurney Gilberg PDQ Food Store 620 Osborne Road Health Insp. Health Incp. Health Insp. Fridley PDQ Food Store� Inc. Health Insa. Target Store Headquarters 1�0 - 73�'d Ave. Pioneer Systems Walter�s Disposal 293d - 101st Ave. Minneapolis Burke�s Te�taco 63�1 xwy. 65 Fridley Ryan�s Conoco 6389 University Ave. Fridlep Holman�s Shell 6101 University Ave. Fridley Mico Independent Oil 6�00 East River Road Frialey Riverside Car Wash 6520 East River Road Fridley Standard Oil 6Lt90 Universit;/ Ave. � John Walter Earl Burke Tom Ryan James Holman Kenneth Mix Robert Schleeter Roland Cox E ,' � a. FEE 15•00 25.� 25.00 � Zs•00 25•00 Health Insp. 250.00 Health Insp. 25.00 Fire Chief Building I.�sp. 30.00 Fire Chie£ Building In�p. 30.00 Fire Chief Building In.sp. jO.GG Fire Chief Building Insn. 30.00 Fire Chief Building Insp. 30.00 Fire Chief Building Insp. 3ne� B a„ -�� _�� REGULAR COUNCiL MEETING OF MAY 1, 1972 LICENSES CONTINUED: OFF SAI,� BEER PDQ Food Store � 620 Osborne Road Fridley PDQ A'ood Store� Inc. Lemm�s Country Boy Pillage 1301 Missiasippi St. Fridley Ae�`Y Z� Russ�s Superetts 6253 University Ave. Fridley Russell Paone CONTRACTORS EXCAVATING Dailey Homes, inc. 8510 Central Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota Hy: Howaxd Thorson GAS SERVICES Ideal Sheet Metal Inc. 544 Summit Street N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota By; A. W. Vasenius Mill City Heating & A/c Company 13005 S 16th Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Wm. Stevenson Schnapp Plumbing & Heating 937 - 88th Lane N.W. Coon Rapids, Minnesota By: Stanford Schnapp GENERAL CONTRACTOR Beier Stearns & George . . 3922 Richfield Road Minneapolis, Minnesota By: William George Jr. C. J. CQrporation 701 Columbia Soulevaxd N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Clem Johnson Dailey Homes, Inc. 8510 Central Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Howard Thorson Jamison Brothers Cement 8428 Sunset Road N,E. Minneapolis� Minnesota By; Fred Rehbein Kiemele-Crispin Corporation 6820 Oakley Street N.E. Fridley, Minnesota By: Allan Kiemele � 0 PAGE 19 Police Health Insp. PoZice Health Insp. Police Health Insp. APPROVED BY Bldg. Insp. Rlbg. Insp Plbg. Insp. Plbg. Insp, Bldg. Insp, Sldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. ��' �� :;- 1�� 15.� 15.00 RENEWAL RENEWA� RENEWAL RENEWAL iVEW RENEWAL NEW r RENLWAL NEW . r• _ �� i 0 � � � REGIILI�R COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 1, 1972 LICENSES CONTINUED: T. C. Kjeseth 4230 Central Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota By; T. C. Kjeseth Leslie 7. Reynolds Construction 3223 Flag Court New Hope, Minneseta By; Leslie Reynolds Rustic Corporation 5125 East Rwin Lake Boulevard Minneapolis, Minnesota By: David Curry Hugo Skrandies Construction 195 Hugo Street Fridley, Minnesota By: Hugo Skrandies Westlund Brothers Construction 1823 Sky High Drive New Brighton, Minnesota By: Roger Westlund Robertson Construction Company 4919 Jackson Street N.E. Columbia Heights, Minnesota By: Don Robertson HEATING Ideal Sheet Metal Inc. 544 Summit Street N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: A. W. Vasenius Mill City Heating & A/C Company 13�05 B 16th Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Wm. Stevenson Modern Heating & A/C Inc. 2318 First Street N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Richaxd Perusse Schnapp Plumbing & Heating 937 - 88th Lane N.W. Coon Rapids, Minnesota By: Stanford Schnapp MASONRY Jesco, Inc. 1101 West 782 Street Bloomington, Minnesota By: Christy P. Judge T. C. Kjeseth 4230 Central Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: T. C. Kjeseth Charles Wallace Cement Company Route �k3 Anoka, Minnesota By: Charles Wallace � Sldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Sldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Sldg. Insp. Plbg. Insp. Plbg. Insp. Plbg, Insp. P1bg. Insp. Bldg. Insp Bldg, Insp. Bldg. Insp �J� �� � � a.. � PAGE 20 RENEWAL NEW RENE[1AL RENE[dAL t NEW NELd RENEWAL RENEWAL I�x41 RENEWAL RENEWAL I�Pi:fll RENE47AL W F <D (.� t 3 C� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY l, 1972 LICENSES CONTINUED- OIL HEATING Ideal Sheet Metal Inc. 544 5ummit Street N.E. Minneapolis, Minn. By_ A.W. Vasenius PAGE 21 Plumbing Insp. RENEWAL MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to approve the licenses as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all. ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: MOTION by Councilman Breid�r to approVe payment of Estimate #3 (PartialJ to Nodland Associates, Inc., Alexandria, Minnesota 56308, in the amount o£ $143,230.14 for the construction of Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Watermain Improvement Pro�ect #102, according to contract. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS: JACK LUNDHEIM: REQUEST FOR FILL ALONG THE TRACKS: The City Engineer explained that they wanted to stockpile this £ill for con- struction of the shoe fly or overpass in this area. The City does not want to make a commitment for the overpass at this t,�me until it has a chance to review the models of the area requested from the County. Mayor Liebl commented that the stockpiling of this material would cause quite a problem of blowing sand for the home owners in this area. The City Attorney said that it would be a good idea £or the City Manager to discuss this problem with the County Administrator and try to move the con- versation on the grade separation along. The fill wi22 be availahle for a few months and it would be wise to get a better statement on the grade separation. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the cor�ununication from Jake Lundheim dated March 28, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motzon carried unanimously. MRS. RUTH KELSHAW: RESIGNATION FROM FRIDLEY HUMAN F2ELATIONS WMMITTEE: MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to accept the resignation of Mrs. Ruth Kelshaw. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to ad�ourn the Meeting. Seaonded by Council- man Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried and the Regular Council Meeting of May 1, 1972 adjourned at ii��n p_m_ Respectfully submitted, � � � '�� _ / � � , ��/O� GLP.�� Nikki Szegda Acting Secretary to the Crty Council Yf���Q� f'QJ,t� �' vN`i Frank G. Lie 1 Mayor ' � �