06/05/1972 - 00017384C _ .1� THE MTNUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF S[7NE 5� 1972 ' The Regular Council Meeting of the Fridley City Council was convened at 7:40 P.M., June 5, 1972. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Liebl led the, Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INVOCATION. City Manager, Gerald Davis o£fered the Invocation. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT. Mittelstadt, Breider, Liebl, Utter MEMBERS ABSENT: None ADOPTION OF THE MINIITES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 1, 1972: MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of May l, 1972 as submitted. 5econded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice , vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OE THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MAY 8� 1972. MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt the Minutes of the Special Public Hearing Meeting of Nlay 8, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF TIIE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 15, 1972: Mayor Liebl called the Council's attention to Page 2, third paragraph from the bottom, "Councilman Liebl" should be changed to "Councilman Breider". MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of May 15, 1972 with this change. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Mayor Lieb1 said the following items are to be added. Receiving Resignation o£ Lillian Wegler £rom Fridley Human Relations Committee. Discussion of Appointinents to the CATV Advisory Committee Receiving Letter from Brooklyn Park Mrs. Jaycees Regardiny Island o£ Peace. Receivinq Letter from Fudala., Remes & Fudali Regarding Sewer Charges , Receiving Letter from Fudali, Remes & Fudali Regarding Water & Sewer Bills Por 7845 and 7875 P,ast River Road. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to adol�t the Agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � �4� REGOLAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JONE 5, 1972 PAGE 2 � VISSTORS: Mrs. Elsie Hanscom, 6000 Stinson Boulevard Complaint on Sewer Line Construction: Mrs. Hanscom said that New Brighton has tapped into their sewer line for service and she felt this would put them in a bad position if there was trouhle with the line. She said the blacktopping only goes about 6' beyond her house so if there is any action needed, it should be done before the street is com- pleted. Mayor Liebl asked the City Engineer to check into this and report back to the Council in one week with a copy of his report to be forwarded to Mrs. Hanscom. The City Engineer said that the Engineering Assistant has checked this out and there was no problem to his knowledge. He said he would check it out to see i£ there was any corrective work needed. This is work that has been done by New Brighton. ORDINANCE #512 - AN ORDINANCE P'OR VACATION REQUEST SAV #72-D3, GENE HETLAND BLOCK 7, ONAWAY ADDITION= MOTION by Councilman Sreider to adopt Ordinance #512 on second reading, waive the reading and order publication. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a roll call vote, Liebl, Utter, Mittelstadt and Breider voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared � the motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE #513 - AN ORDINANCE FOR REZONING ZOA #72-01, AL NITSCHKE� 6591 MAIN STREET, TO REZONE FROM R-1 TO R-3: Councilman Breider asked if the permit has been finalized and the City Engineer said yes, the Council reviewed the plans and approved them, and he is in the process of getting his building permit. MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Ordinance #513 on second reading, waive the reading and order publication. 5econded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a roll call vote, Sreider, Liebl, Utter and Mittelstadt voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESO.i,UTION #66-1972-A RESOLUTION WNFIRMING AS5ESSMENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROSECT ST. 1971-4:(Tabled 5-15-72) The Ca.ty Engineer said that the revised roll found in the Council .Aqenda is the result o£ the last meeting and the City Assessor has prepared a revised assess- ment roll for the Star Lane area and the 57th Avenue loopback area. Mayor Liebl said that he had read the memo from the City Manager dated May 30, 1972 and read a portion aloud to the audience. The point of dif£erence is as follows: "FOr the loopback portion of service roads along trunk highwavs, where the prime consideration Por their construction is traffic safety, the assessment � rate £or R-1 and R-2 properties be set at 2/3 the cost of a normal residential street. Al1 other existing policies relating to the assessment of state aid streets and other roadways to remain the same". He said the Staf£ and the Council has discussed this very extensively and the Council has always followed the policy set out in 1962, however this is a different situation. T �; �, �L d.� 4 REGULAR COUNCIL NIEETING OF JUNE 5, 1972 PAGE 3 Councilman Sreider asked if the roll in the Agenda has been run with this formula and the Crty Assessor said yes, it is 2/3 cost on residential property and actual cost on commercial property. MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #66-1972 using the modi£ied roll for the loopback portions of the pro�ect at Star Lane and 57th Avenue at 2/3 the cost for residential property and the actual cost for commercial pro- perty. The assessable cost would then be $6.60 for residential and $12.50 £or commercial; further to instruct the Administration to prepare a change in the state aid assessment policy to re£lect this type of situations. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Mayor Liebl said that the Council tried to give credit where possible, but of course, a new street could not be put in for nothing. The original roll was $9.90 and this is $6.60 and he felt the people should accept that. THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION, being a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION t�67-1972 - A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING EUNDS FROM THE STATE AID REVOLVING ACCOUNT TO THE ST. 1971-4 STREET IMPROVEMENT FUND FOR A PORTION OF iMPROVEMENTS TO TH� INTERSECTIONS AT 57TH AVENUE AND UNIVERSITY, AND 61ST AVENUE AND UNIVERSITY: The City Assessor said the blanks should be filled in as follows: second paragraph, $89,705.98 and the fifth paragraph $43,844.26. MOTION by Counczlman Breider to adopt Resolution #67-1972 with those figures. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, rilayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH VERN DONNAY AND AUTHORIZATION FOR ISSUING BUILDING PERMITS FOR 16 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS IN MEADOWMOOR TERRFICE UNDER FEDERAL PROGRAM 235: (Tabled 5-15-72) The City Engineer said that a representative £rom Vern Donnay's Nrill be present at the meetiny tonight, however he has not axrived as yet. He suggested passing on and coming back to this item. MOTION by Councllman Mittelstadt to table this item until later in the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION ON CATV ADVISORY WMMITTEE: Mayor Liebl said that ua January and February of this year the Council invited comments, proposed amendments or changes to the CATV Ordinance from anyone who wa.shed to make a suggestion, or to discuss any portion they did not like or was not clear to them. This invitation went unanswered, which makes it quite clear to him what their intentions are on this issue_ He said now he is asking for volunteers to act on a CATV Advisory Committee, and he would like the Council's suggestions next week on who should serve. This committee could then be given 60 days to bring forth any amendments or changes to the CATV Ordinance. 1 , , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 5, 1972 PAGE 4 � l,�r� i� v� �% ' These people that would be appointed should be open-minded and the appointments should be taken out of the political realm, and the only consideration should be the good of the community. He said he would like to have someone from the education field, perhaps Councilman Utter could make a suggestion here. There could also be people from business, religion, labor etc., to accomplish a cross section of people. He said he would like to find out i£ the people want amendments, and if so what, and also i£ they get their amendments, do they sti11 want the re£erendum? He then asked the rest of the Council if they agreed to work on this and put it on next week's Agenda and the Council replied yes. Mayor Liebl continued that the appointments to the committee should not be based on partisanship, but on service to the community. Forming this committee would let the people of Fridley know and understand what CATV is all about. Mrs. Helen Treuen£els, 5248 Horizon Dra.ve, said that it is not true the petitioners have not said what they wanted changed. One instance, they did not feel the franchise should be 15 years and another, the schools had asked for a 6 month moritorium and that was not granted, and they did not like that. The 15 year franchise length was disapproved of by the people in many discussions, and to say nothing has been suggested is �ust not true. Mayor Liebl saa.d one o£ his suggestions would be Father Ed Chmielewski of St. William's Church. This man a.s neither pro or con and is very community orientated and would serve on that basis. This committee would be appointed by the Mayor � with the agreement of the Council. He asked, do we want Metro control? Since January the school districts have had sa.x months which is what they asked for. Mr. Sim Gibson said that in April he was in DesMOines, Iowa and he noticed in the legals that they had had a referendiun on the CATV question. Under the Iowa law a re£erendum is required. The vote showed SSo in £avor of cable television. The ordinance they passed was not as good as Fridley's, and mentioned that it was $12.50 a month instead of the $7.50 it is here. Also the City was not receiving anything for the franchise and Fridley will receive $25,000. There was no pro- vision for senior citizens and the charge for hooking up was more. He said he thought Fridley had a tremendous ordinance. Mayor Liebl said that this Council has no personal interest in any CATV company, his only interest was to in£orm the citizens befare they go to the polls, and let them hear the truth. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to place the appointments to the CATV Advisory Committee on the Agenda for June 12th. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING REPORT EROM CITY ATTORNEY REGARDING ISLAND OF PEACE TRANSFER: The Crty Attorney reported that he had met with some of the people from the Conservation Department and has found that the State has a policy which prevents � it from giving the City title to the island, but they can lease it to the City o£ Fridley. The maximum term of a lease is 1D years and the suggestion was made that a payment of $100 would be appropriate for the 10 year pera.od. He said he was told that there should not be any reason it could not be renewed at the end of 10 years. Ae said they were in Pavor of the proposed use of the island, but by state statute they must charge enough to cover the paper work. This is the ��� REGULAR COi7iVCIL MEETING OF JUNE 5, 1972 PAGE 5 island north of Durnam Island which has no name. He said the State wants the , City to retain the responsibility during the 10 year period that it would be under the lease. They have no ob�ection i£ Fridley enters into an agreement with other organizations, as long as the responsibility rests with the City. If the Council is in favor of entexing into this lease arrangement, authariza�ion for the City Manager and Mayor to sign the lease is required. Councilman Mittelstadt asked if there are any limitations on what can be done to the island while under the lease. The City Attorney said that you cannot interfere with navigation, build builclings that cannot be moved and i.f there are going to be any structures built on the island the State would want to look at the plans first. Mayor Liebl said that a 10 year lease ior $100 would seem reasonable, and added that he was very much impressed with the response from the various organizations. Mr. Richard Harris asked if a structure is planned. Mayor Liebl said that would be under the 7urisdiction of the Parks and Recreation Commission and the City Manager added the plans have not been finalized yet, but any plans will have to come before the Council for approval. Mayor Liebl added that it may be possible for Fridley to get some funds £rom the Secretary o.f the Interior £or the maintenance of the island. Mr. Harris asked where the access would be and the Crty Manager said that the proposal so .far is to use Chase Island as an access point, then during the sLUnmer, Uoats could be taken to the north island. Mr. Harris said that if the City is responsible then they would also have to pro- � vide police and fire protection. The Crty Manager said yes,and added that the Pire Department �ust put out a grass fire on the island last week. Mr. Ed Wilmes said that Fridley and the State of Minnesota are very fortunate to haoe citizens that care enough about the handicapped people to do something about it, and are willing to assist with this pro�ect. Throughout this project he has been met with a warm welcome and open doors. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to authorize the City Manager and Mayor to sign the lease agreement with the State of Minnesota for a period of 10 years for a fee o£ $100. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH VERN DONNAY AND AUTHORIZATION FOR ISSUING BUILDING PERMITS FOR 16 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS IN MEADOWMOOR TERRACE UNDER FEDERAL PROGRAM 235: MOTION by Councilman Mrttelstadt to remove this item £rom the table. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimouslv_ The City Engineer said that on Page SC of the Agenda is a map showing where Vern Donnay is proposing to build the homes. He said he has met with the appla.cants and there is a list of improvements to the existing ordinance on Page 5B that he would like to see incorporated into the aqreement, and Vern Donnay has agreed � to them. Also in the proposed agreement there is a provision for a aompletion bond or a cerY.ified check. He said the representative has arrived at the Meeting, and asked him to comment. � ���1 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 5, 1972 PAGE 6 � NLre Robert Gottsacker said they had looked over the agreement and the stipu- lations and agreed to them. Councilman Mittelstadt said that as to Stipulation #8 regarding the sod, he felt the back yards should be sodded also. At the hearing there were many com- ments heard on this issue. There is top soil provided in the stipulation, but he £elt that unless the sod was required, there would be a problem. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to amend Stipulation #S to require sod in the back yards along with the front yard, side yards and boulevards. Mr. Gottsacker said that this is not required of anyone else and the F.H.A. does not require it. He asked, what if the people would want to put in a garden in the back yard, then the sod would have to be ripped back out? He said it �ust could not be provided, they could not afford it. Mayor Liebl asked i£ he agreed with all the other stipulations and Mr. Gottsacker said yes, they will sod the front yard, the side yards and the boulevards and in addition they plan on putting some trees in the boulevard area. Councilman Breider asked if by "topsoil" they plan on using black dirt and Mr. Gottsacker said yes, it wi11 have to be hauled in, that area is all sand. Councilman Mittelstadt said that the people in the area £elt very frustrated on this issue, and he felt that the Council had the right to go that far in requiring the top covering. He added that he felt that Vern Donnay could really afford to sod. Mr. Gottsacker said it would wst about $250 to sod one back yard. Mayor Liebl suggested that since all the � homes would be build within a certain length of time, that the sod operation could all be combined and then he could get a better price. Mr. Gottsacker said they �ust could not do it, and said that they are already providing quite a bit more than the Code required. Mayor Liebl asked i£ any o£ the Council wished to second Councilman Mittelstadt's motion, with Councilman Utter offering a SECOND. Councilman Breider asked the City Attorney if this requa.rement could be made legally binding, and the City Attorney said no. I£ Fridley wants to require the back yards to be sodded, there would have to be an amendment to the ordinance and that would apply to all lots in the City. He did not think this require- ment was enforceable. Councilman Breider said that in looking at the Slaine pro�ect, he did not see any topsoil, just sand. He did notice some people trying to do some yard work such as planting shrubs etc. He thought the 11 wnditions £or building would make this pro�ect a substantial improvement over that in Blaine. The City Attorney added that he believed that Fridley's Code is more stringent than Blaine's. THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION, being a voice vote, Mittelstadt and Utter voting aye, Breider and Liebl voting nay, Mayor Liebl declared the MOTION FAILE➢. Mayor Liebl then read the 11 stipulations aloud £or the audience. He said he did not see any driveways in the Blaine pro�ect. Mr. Gottsacker said that they are all done at one time, when the weather is warm_ � MOTION by Councilman Sreider to approve the agreement as found in the Council Agenda and the 11 stipulations proposed by the City Engineer. Seconded by Councilman Utter. ✓� J��� a _, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF �"UNE 5, 1972 PAGE 7 Councilman Mittelstadt said that as to Stipulation #10 in regard to shutting ' the water o�f, this would hurt the home ocaner, not the contractor, and he would hate to see that happen. The City Engineer explained that the water is turned on when the house is under construction, but it cannot be occupied unta.l there is an inspection and the CertiPicate of Occupancy is issued. This is also a requirement of their F.H.A. financing. Mayor Liebl said he would like to cofimend the sta£f for working out these stipu- lations and if the Buildinq inspectar keeps on top of this pxoject, it wi11 be a good �ob when it is done. Councilman Mittelstadt asked what were the chances of maintaining this agreement a£ter July lst. The City Attorney said they would have to meet the existing Code at the time the application was made. In this case, they have agreed to abide by the existing Code. He pointed out that if this had happened some time a£ter the State Code went into effect, and the zoning was proper, the Council would have no alternative but to grant the permit with the greatly lessened building requirements• Councilman Mittelstadt said that the fact that Vern Donnay could have waited until after the State Code went into effect to take out his permit, but chose not to, is a big plus for his company. Mayor Liebl commented that everyone cannot afford to buy $50,000 homes, and he surely hoped Vern Donnay will keep his word. THE VOT� UPON THE MOTTON, being a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Engineer said tliat the Vern Donnay Co. has been very cooperative and he hoped they would continue to do so while they are building the houses, because , o.f his limited staff. FIRST READING DF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE BY ESTABLISHING TAE OFFICE OF ASSISTANT CITY .MANAGER/PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR AND AUTHORIZING DUTIES FOR SAID POSITION: N1r. Gerald R. Davis, City Manager, said that it was with great pleasure he would introduce Mr. James P. Hill, Assistant Crty Manager/Public SaPety Director. He said he was pleased that Mr. Hill could �oin the City Hall Staff and put the reorganization plan which the Council adopted for the Police Department into e£fect. Mr. Hill said that he was very happy to be here and would work to his utmost ability for the betterment o£ the community. (Applause) The City Manager said the City Attorney drew up this ordinance which formalizes the previous Council action. It clariPies the duties previously assigned to the Chief of Police which are now assigned to this new position. The City Attorney will be codifying the Cocle Book this summer so any other small discrepencies will be cleared up at that time. The City Attorney said this could be looked upon as a temporary ordinance and that when the Code Book is recodi£ied, where reference is made to Y.he Chie£ of Police, the new wording will be put in. MOTION by Councilman Sreider to approve the ordinance on first reading and waive the reading. Seconded by Councilman Utter. ppon a roll call vote, La.ebl, Utter, Mittelstadt and Sreider voting aye, Mayox Liebl declared the motion carried � unanimously. °? a.,� � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 5, 1972 PBGE 8 � CONSIDERATION OF BLACKTOPPING LICENSE APPLICATION FOR ASPHAI.T DRIVEWAY COMPANY: The City Engineer said this company's record in other communities is not good, and before a license was issued, he wanted a representative from the company to appear before the Council. Mayor Liebl said according to the report they had a license in Fridley £or the 1966-67 and the 1967-68 years but were denied a license in 1970. Ms. Albert Frienchik, General Manager for Asphalt Driveway Company, said that he has been with the company three years, and has been the manager since 1971. At that time they did some reorganizing of their company, and prior to that time they had a man that was not doing his �ob properly. He said, as to their bad record, they have spent thousands of dollars on the complaints. Mayor Liebl asked how many people they have in their company and Mr. Frienchik replied about 25. Mayor Liebl asked if they work in the whole metro area and Mr. Frienchik said yes, they 7ust do driveways. Councilman Breider said that he understood they had the most complaints a.n 1971, and asked i.f they had been taken care of. Mr Frienchik said yes, they provide an unconditional guarantee that they will take care of any de£ects in the next year. They like to let a driveway set one year be£ore going back. Their guarantee would cover the period from the beginning of one season to the end of the next. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to grant the blacktopping license to Asphalt Driveway Company, 1211 East Highway #36, 5t. Paul, Minnesota £or one year. � Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl dec- lared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF USED CAR LOT LICENSE APPLICATION FOR FRANK'S USED CAR LOT, REQUEST BY FRAIQK GABRELCIK: The City Manager called the Council's attention to the inspection report in the Council Aqenda on Page #9A and read his memo dated June 6, 1972 which contains the Staff recommendations, should the Council wish to grant the license. Mayor Liebl asked if Mr. Gabrelcik had paid the $SO fee for the license and Mr. Gabrelcik replied yes. Mayor Liebl said that he has had car bodies with the caheels oPf, and parts sitting on his lot, however, only saleable cars are allowed on a used car lot. Mayor Liebl said that Mr. Gabrelcik has stated in the past he would comply with that requirement Mr. Gabrelcik said that he does not have any �unkers sitting on his lot, except once in a while, but they do not sit there very long. Mayor Liebl said he understood that Mr. Gabrelcik has acquired a 40' tax Por£eit lot. The license granted did not include this lot. It has also been brought to the Council's attention that Mr. Gabrelcik has been parking cars on SSth Avenue and this is not allowed, as it has not been vacated. The Police Department has told Mr. Gabrelcik several times to move them. Mr. Gabrelcik replied that he did move them. Mayor Liebl said that if the occasion arises where it is necessary to tear down a car, he should get it out of sight as he does not have a license for a junk yard. This business is located on University Avenue and should present a good appearance. Mr. Gabrelcik pointed out that he � does not actually have a back yard. Councilman Mittelstadt suggested a£ourth stipulation that he is not to park cars on 58th Avenue. Mr. Gabrelcik said he did noL-, those are customers cars. �� � REGULAR CDUNCIL MEETING OF SUNE 5, 1972 PAGE 9 The City Manager read the first stipulation regarding the requirement for cyclone ' fencing and asked if he would agree. Mr. Gabrelcik said that then the used cars could not be s�en. The City Manager said that this would de.fine his property Prom the right of way. Mr. Gabrelcik asked how he could get onto SSth Avenue then. The Crty inanager said that a gate could be installed. He then read the second stipulation that the property is not to be used £or junking, repaix ox dismantling of vehicles, and Mr. Gabrelcik said that he did not have any "7unkers". The City Manager then read the third stipulation providing that any other property he owns would also require a permit Por its use. Mr. Gabrelcik said that he owns the land and he plans on vacating 58th Avenue, so he cotzld see no reason for the £ance. Mayor Liebl said that the vacation o£ the street would depend upon the tra£fic pattern. If someone were to want to develop the whole block, then 58th Avenue would have to be considered in that tra£fic £low. He said people call the State to complain about the cars parked on the right of way because it is unsightly. Mr. Gabrelcik said that he did not want "�unkers" on his lot either because they don't bring in any money and he tries to get rid o£ them as soon as possible. All used car lots have this same problem. Councilman Mittelstadt said there is no provision in the ordinance which allows a potential buyer to dismantle or to work on a car on that lot. There is no other activity allowed except for the sale of the used cars. Councilman Utter said that he had gone down to look at the lot and it is in pretty bad condition. There is a body of a truck in the back that has been there � as long as he could remember. Mr. Gabrelcik denied that the lot was in bad con- dition and said he would take care of his place. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to approve the Used Car Lot License for Frank Gal�relcik, 5740 University Avenue for one year, sub�ect to the following stipu- lations- l. Cyclone fencing at least 4 Peet in height on the north and south portions of the property to de£ine his property £rom the public right of way. 2. Agreement and understanding by Mr. Gabrelcik that the property is not to be used £or �unking, repair or dismantling of vehicles, but merely for used car sales. 3. Any new territory other than that contained in the original area for which permits were issued will require proper permits and approval. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Eldon Schmedeke, Planning Commission, said that 58th Avenue is still in the "Circle Flow" pattern and rt could not be vacated until the tra££ic flow is determined. He suggested that there should be some boulevard socl put in on the south side of SSth Avenue and on the east side of 3rd Street. This would help beautify the area greatly and it would be protected by the £encing the Council is requiring. Councilman Mittelstadt said that Mr. Schmedeke's suggestion was a good point and asked that it be discussed with Mr. Gabrelcik when he comes into City Hall for his license. Councilman Mittelstadt said that there are people in the audience for Item #Z1 ' (the walkway for Robert Louis Stevenson School) and asked that it be considered next. ������ oJ l ° / REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SUNE 5, 1972 PAGE 10 ' CONSIDERATION OF PROPO5AL FOR WALKWAY BETWEEN RIVERVIEW TERRACE & ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON ELENIENTARY SCHOOL: The City Enga.neer said the City Council has been concerned about pedestrian safety for some time. About l� years ago there was a proposal prepared for East River Road which included pedestrian access to Robert Louis Stevenson School. Last year the Council did approve funding for this walkway and there have been meetings with the school concerning maintenance. The school has agreed to provide the maintenance of the walkway, such as snowplowing. The area has been looked at very closely to determine the proper location of the walkway and the proposed location is in the Council Agenda on Page #21A. This would provide the most direct route to the school. Letters have been sent to the property owners affected if the walkway is to be put in by the City. Mayor Liebl said that he received a call shortly before Memorial Day and that person was very upset because they had 7ust received the letter and within a week there were stakes in their yards. He said the original intent was to put in a full street Prom 62nd Way to River Edge Way but that was denied Uy the Council. The City Engineer said yes, the Council had decided to put in the walkway instead. It is a very dangerous situation to have the children walking on the west sa.de of East River Road £rom the apartments to the school. The School Board feels this is definitely a safety problem. This walkway would be to provide a safe access to the school for the children liva.ng in these areas because there are no buses. � Mayor Liebl said that he did not want it on his conscience if a child gets killed walking to school along East River Road. I3e said if the people involved sincerely feel that their individual rights are being in£ringed upon, they could seek legal counsel, but he personally felt that this situation cannot be ignored any longer He said that everything possible will be done to retain the individual's privacy, including a fence if they wish one. He appologized for the misunder- standing in regard to the stakes in their yards. Councilman Mittelstadt said that although this plan has been considered for about two years, he became aware of it last January. He has contacted the School Board on what routes they planned for the walkway. He has looked at the plans and he said he and Mr. Sangster agreed with the plan as proposed, and that he had invited Mr. Sangster to attend the Meeting tonight Mr. Gordon Sangster, Chairman of the Board of Education, District #14, said that the schools like to have the children walk to school rather than riding the bus if they live within one mile o£ the school and do not have to cross a main thoroughfare. Statistics favor the safety in walking over riding a school bus. There have been two bad accidents associated with the school and since that time the lights have been put in. Now only the children on River Edge Way walk to school, if the sidewalk was put in 98% would walk. The School District will run a sidewalk from the walkway across the school property to the school building, and will assume the responsibility for snowplowing from the schocl to 62nd Way. Mayor Liebl said there was not enough right o£ way on East River Road to put in � a sidewalk and maintain it, there would be no place for the snow. He said the people are the most concerned about their privacy and what this would do to thea.r property. Mr. Sangster said that in Pebruary the School Board formally adopted a resolution for matching a sidewalk from the building to the walkway and for the maintenance of the walkway. �A �� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 5, 1972 PAGE 11 The City Engineer said that the stakes in the yards were only to locate the � property irons for the purpose of this discussion, and to better visualize how this route would af£ect �the property owners. He said he had talked to 5 of the 6 property owners involved to give them the information on this proposal, but was unable to contact the sixth. He then showed the map on the overhead pro- �ector and pointecl out the properties involved. He said the first thing that must be established is the route. Then there would be some discussion with the property owners on the e£fect this would have on their property. It is legally possible to condemn,but he was not suggesting that, it would be much easier to cooperate with the people. The City Attorney said first the City ought to negotiate with the property owners to arrive at a price for the property both the people and the City think reasonable. In the negotiations there should also be some discussion on whether there should be fencing and/or landscaping. The next question is whether the City should c'to the fencing and hedges, or let the home owners do it on their own. Councilman Mittelstadt said that as to the fencing and any plantings, he felt that should be done by the City because then it would be uniform and there would also be the assurance that it would be done. He said he understood the people at 128 River Edge Way were not notified and the .first they heard was when the stakes appeared in their yard and they were quite upset. He assured them that the stakes were only to locate the irons. Mr. Bert Slater, 128 River Edge Way, (LOt 21, Block 1, River Edge Addition) said they were new residents in Fridley, and he heard about this from his neighbors. He said he has come down to City Hall twice to find out about this proposal, but � has had difficulty in getting the in£ormation. He said he had heard there were proposals Por three walkways. Niayor Liebl said to the best of his knowledge the only proposal considered is this one. Mr. Slater said in his opinion the walkway going between Lots 20 & 21 would cost three times as much as if it was on one of the end lots. Mayor Liebl said that in the School Board's 7udgment, this is the most logical place to put the walkway. Mr. Slater said that he was against this proposal, he did not know al�out this proposed walkway when he bought the property, or he would not have bought it. He said someone should have notified him, and he only £ound out about this from heresay. He said he understood some of the people are not opposed to the walk- way, but he is going on record as being opposed. Mayor Liebl said that human life was more important than any piece of property, the people are entitled to reimbursement, but as a father, he felt this improvement must go in. Mr. Bob Erickson, 164 Itiver Edge Way said that he had everything to gain and nothing to lose by this proposal because his property was not involved, but he would like to know how the negotiations would be conducted and i£ there would be ha.gh pressure tactics used. Mayor Liebl said the City Attorney, City Manager and the City Engineer would meet with the people. There would be no high pressure use, and this pro7ect should proceed in the spirit of cooperation. Mrs. Slater said when they moved here, they did not know a soul, but since hearing about this, their phone has been busy. She said she called the School after the � stakes were put in, and was told there was nothing official yet, now she hears from Mr. Sangster that the School Board already passed a resolution. She said they have no children, but she could not see how this can be done to a tax payer. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE S, 1972 ��k� PAGE 12 ' Mr. R.ichard Harris, 6200 Riverview Terrace, saa.d that because of the new road in A1 Rose Addition, condemning the Mico Station on East River Road, and allowing right turns only of£ East River Road, he wondered what the increase in traffic would be on the side roads from the apartments to 62nd Way. He suggested that motorized vehicles be banned from the walkway at the times when the children would be using it. Mayor Liebl said this is intended as a walkway and would not be for vehicles. Mr. Harris said that perhaps bicycles should also be excluded, as sometimes bikes and small children do not mix too well. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Harris if he was in Pavor of the walkway and he replied yes, he did not believe in busing children to school, but he had no opinion on 7ust how it should be done. Mayor Liebl said that the traffic on Riverview Terrace would be neighborhood generated, or he would not be in favor of this plan. Ae would want to maintain the traffic as it is, as a residential neighborhood. Mr. Bud Davis, 170 62nd Way, (Lot 3, Block 1, Potasek's Addition) said that his only question was how this was to be handled, but �that seems to be answered, so he believed somethinq could be worked out. Mr. Robert Latz, 161 River Edge h'ay, (LOt 9, Block 1, River Edge Addition) asked how tra£fic would be controlled on the walkway between the homes in regard to the motorcycles and motor bikes. Mayor Liebl said the Law En£orcement would take care o£ that, and that this walkway would be put in for a speci£a.c purpose. Mr. Latz asked who would be responsable if there was an accident and the City Attorney said the City would be i£ there was negligence. Mr. Latz asked if this would be an easement or would the City purchase the property. The City Attorney � said that it would be to the property owner's benefit if it was to be an ease- ment as then it could only be used for this specific use and if that use ceased, then it would revert back to the original property owner. Mr. Latz asked if i,,,der an easement arrangement, would the City be liable in the event of an accident. The City Attorney said that there could be a stipulation made that the City and/or the School would be responsible, and added that this walkway could not be limited only to children. It could be posted and made a mis- demeanor to ride motorized vehicles on it. Councilman Mittelstadt said that an educational program through the Stevenson School would be helpful to fully inform the children. Mr. Slater said there are other lots along River Edge Way with more £ootage and it would cost about three times less at some other location. He said he was sorry he could not agree, but he was really quite aggravated. Councilman Mittelstadt said that whether the easement was between Lots 22 & 23 or Lots 19 s 20, would not make any difference as far as cost was concerned, they are all 120 foot deep lots, so he did not understand Mr. Slater's point that it would be 3 times less elsewhere. The exact route could be left open and discussed more Pully with the property owners in light of Mr. Slater's comments. Mayor Liebl said that there have been comments made as to a statement being made; "$50 - Take it or leave it", but he could not understand where that got started, no one at City Hall would make such a statement. He was sure this could be negotiated to the satisfaction of everyone. � The City Engineer said that the proposed walkway would be 5' wide, with 5' being taken from each lot on each side, so there would be 2'�' between the sidewalk and the home owner's property on each side of the walkway. As to the statement, "$50 - Take it or leave it", he had never made such a comment, although he has `�U'pi REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 5, 1972 PAGE 13 advised them what the proposal was, has checked into the property values with the ' Ci�y Assessor and checked into the wst of the fencinq. He also did advise them that the City has the rtght of condemnation, but that the City did not want to go that route. The City's zntent is to try to protect their property, not take advantage of them, and they have been told that the City is willing to consider fencing, bushes or hedges, or a combination o.f these. One property owner did not care to have a fence as he £elt that it would not be aesthetically pleasing. There has also been some discussion of prohibiting motorized vehicles, and whether the property should be given by deed or easement. He said he would agree with the City Attorney that it should be conveyed by easement because then the use would be restricted to only this purpose. The taxes would be based on what the property is worth and he had been advised by the Assessing Department that that £ootage would probably be taken off the total land value. Mrs. Kenneth Anderson, 132 River Edge Way, (Zot 20, Block 1, River Edge Addrtion) said she did not oppose the walkway, but it seemed to her that it could be moved a little. There are two garages which abut each other, and she thought this would be a more logical place, and would be cheaper. The walkway would then jut a little, rather than being stra�ght. The City Manager said that he believed the behavior of children is such that they will take the shortest route, whether there are sidewalks or not, and if they had to walk � block to pick up a side- walk again, they would not do it, but go across a lawn instead. Mr. Gerald Maecke]hergh, Principal of Robert Louis Stevenson School, agreed and said they have planned to run their sidewalk £rom where the walkway comes out between Lots 20 & 21 straight to the school. If the sidewalk was moved £urther down � they would run into trouble with a receiving area £or the kitchen. The children would take the shortest route, sidewalk or not. The City Manager said that children do not really pay much attention to property lines, for that reason the sidewalk should be a straight shot to keep them o.ff people's property. Mr. Maeakelbergh said that the Sylvan Hills walkway has been successful, they have not received any calls about the children using areas other than the walk- way, and there have been no vehicles. Mrs. Anderson said the City Engineer has said there would be a 10 foot easement, 6ut how much more would the City want for the £ence� The City Engineer said the fence would be placed within that 10 £eet. There would be a 5' sidewalk and S for snow storage. Mrs. �nclerson asked when they would be meeting. Mayar Liebl said if the proposal is adopted, that the City Attorney and the City Enqineer will be contacting the people to arrange the financial settlement. The City Engineer explained that the actual cost of the sidewalk is not too great, the cost is in the fencing, shrubbery, and the cost o£ acquiring the easement. The criteria used for determimng the payment £or the property will be the assessed land value from the City Assessor's office. 2£ too much is o£fered, the City would be open to criticism also. He said throughout this proposal, they have tned to keep the impact on the neighboxhood to a minimum, and added that hedges would provide a bettex sound barrier_ MOTION by Councilman Breider to instruct the Administration to meet with the six property owners to explain to them what the sidewalk would look like and the possible locations, then to establish the easement lines and negotiate the cost , of the easement, and to include in the discussion the fencing and/or hedges. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Mrs. Slater said that she would like to be in£ormed by letter of the next meeting concerning this item. , �I o� � p�� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 5, 1972 PAGE 14 Mr. William Hoyt, 190 62nd Way N.E., (LOt 2, Block 1, Potasek's Addition) said that everyone is concerned about the safety of children and in that vein he would like to point out that he believes that the corner o£ 62nd Way and Riverview Terrace is a very dangerous corner. Mayor Liebl commented that there are 400 cars going down Mercury Drive from the apartment houses and there are over 20 children on his block, but they manage to survive. Councilman Breider asked how long it would take to put in the sidewalk. The City Engineer said that most o£ the people want the walkway a.nstalled as quickly as possible. As the Council has given authorization to acquire the right of way, once that is completed, the sidewalk could be done in two weeks. The Council asked for a report on the progress on Sune 19th. THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION, being a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECE55. Mayor Liebl declared a recess at 10:20 P.M. The Meeting was reconvened at 10:45 P.M. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ML�ETING OF MAY 17, 1972: The City Engineer reported that Item #1 (Vicki Ski£f) and #2 (miscellaneous a.nformal discussion items) required no Council action at this time. PRELIMINARY PLAN APPROVAL, PHASE I(QUADRAMINIUMS) BY VIESdCON, IIGC. Condominium portion of total multiple unit comple�c on part of Outiot H, Innsbruck North Addition being the 1600 Block. The Crty Engineer showed the location on the overhead pro�ector and Mr. Mike Wirtanen of Viewcon, came forward to show the Council a model o£ one quadra- minium. They axe four units in a cluster, each facing a di£ferent direction so the yard is private, with detached garages. Each unit has one garage plus a parking stall. The Planning Commissa.on reviewed the plans and recommended approval. If the Council approves the preluninary plans, Viewcon must go back before the Planning Commission for final approval of the plans. Councilman Utter asked i£ the garages were ra.ght along the road, and if this is a private road. The City Engineer said yes, it is a private road which will be maintained by the Townhouse Association, and it is connected to onc o£ the main roads. Councilman Utter asked what if the Fire Department got a call. The Crty Engineer said the City still has the right oP access and the road would be like those in Georgetowns, and would not be high tra£fic volume streets. He added this proposal isn't the best, but the traf£ic would be minimal. Mr. Wirtanen said that the only trafPic there would be would be the residents. Councilman Sreider said, supposing one couple invited four couples over to their � house, where would they park? The City Engineer said in the street, there would generally be spaces available. There are two parka.ng spaces per unit. Council- man Breider said that most people have two cars and on occasion most people have guests, so he thought this would create a parka.ng problem. Mayor Liebl asked how many plans for the quadraminiums Viewcon has submitted, and Mr. Wirtanen said this is the second and they £eel this one is better because it saves more land. The clusters can be moved up, down or sideways to miss the trees. ��„ REGULAR COUNCIL NIEETING OF JUNE 5, 1972 PAGE 15 Mayor Lie7�1 asked if the plans meet the Code requirements. The City Engineer replied that £or R-3 the requirement is 2 parking spaces for a 2 bedroom unit, however, under the townhouse portion o£ the ordinance, this is a minimum and ad�ustments are a Councll prerogaiive. Councilman Breider asked if the quadra- miniums represent an increase in density. The City Engineer said no, the agree- ment was for the whole pro7ect and they are still within the number of units approved. Ae e�lained that the problem with the first p1an was that there were some fire requirements they could not meet, so they redrew their plans. He suggested the Council could grant preluninaxy approval with the understanding they are to work on thezr parking .6e£ore going back befare the Planning Com- mission. MOTION by Councilman Utter to table tlzis rtem until Viewcon can come up with a better plan for the parking in the quadraminium portion of the project. Seconded by Councilman Brea.der. Councilman Breider said in looking at the plans, it appears that everything is stuck in so close together. The City Engineer explained that the only di£ference between this plan and a normal townhouse is that townhouses are usually in a row side by side and these are grouped in a square. Councilman Breider asked how a fire tsuck would get in if there were cars parked on both sides of the street. The Fire Prevention Bureau Chief said this is a 26' street, and if cars were on both sides, they could not get in. The City Engineer pointed out that this would be true also if it was a normal townhouse layout. The reason this was done in this fashion was to conserve the natural beauty of the area. Councilman Utter said then if the Fire Department got a call, then got hal£way down the street and found they could not get through, they would have to back up and go around from the other direction. The Administrative Assistant said there were 60 units, 60 garages and 60 parking stalls which is the minimum allowed. They planned on moving the parking around as they went to save as many trees as possible. Councilman Breider said the garages are so close to the street, that as you would back out of the garage, the back of the car would be on the road, and you would have a blind spot. He asked i£ these were the same as Viewcon was building in Brooklyn CentAr and Mr. Wirtanen said no there are none like this in the metro area, although they are building some in Colorado. Councilman Utter asked what about the one on 57th Avenue North and June Avenue North. Mr. Wirtanen said those are townhouses and there are adequate garages there. Mayor Liebl said that we are talking about a very nice area in the City of Fridley and when the concept approval was given the main concern of the Council was to integrate the buildings into the environment as closely as possible to maintain the ecological balance. Councilman Utter commented that it seems that the clusters are so close together there would not even be room for a tree. N1r. Wirtanen said on the contrary, they are 40' apart and in some cases more. Each front door looks out onto their own private court. Mayor Liebl commented that rows of townhouses would not look too nice either, and could end up looking like a barracks. This plan would break it up and use the land to better advantage. The City Engineer said that Councilmen Breider and Utter are correct, thre are problems with the parking and traf£ic, but the concept of the building itself could be approved. Councilman Breider said that he would pre£er to table it until the parking solution could be looked � 1 � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 5, 1972 ���� PAGE 16 I into. Councilman Utter said that there could be 120 cars in that immediate area if everyone had two cars. As Councilman Breider said i£ a few of those couples had parties at the same time, the emergency vehicles could not get through. He agreed that something should be done about the garage placement that Councilman Breider mentioned and also the visitor parking. THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION, being a voice vote, Liebl, Utter, and Breider veting aye, Mittelstadt voting nay, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of May 17, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Utter_ Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Mittelstadt said that he noticed that Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Kellner were in the audience, and suggested that the Pirst item under the Board of Appeals Minutes be tGlcen next. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF MAY 23, 1972: A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, 48, SA, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD WIDTH ON A STREET SIDE OF A CORNER LOT FROM 30 FEET TO 20 FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A GARAGE ON LOTS 7& 8� BLOCK G, RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS ADDITION, THE S11ME BEING 8182 EAST RIVER ROAD N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY ME2. ALFRED KELLNER, 8182 EAST RIVER ROAD N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA): � Councilman Mittelstadt said that this request was approved by the Board sub7ect to the Council receiving a letter from NSP stating they have no ob�ection. Mr. Kellner came £orward to present the letter from NSP stating they have no easement in this area. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the communication from NSP dated May 25, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unan.unously. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to concur with the Board of Appeals and gxant the variance requested by Mr. Alfred Kellner. Seconded by Councilman Breider Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: The remainder of the Board of Appeals Minutes discussed later in Meeting) RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS - DESIGN CONTROL MEETING OF MAY 8. 1972• CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A 60 FT. X 96 FT. A➢DITION TO AN EXISTING BUILDING IIJCATED ON THE WEST 402 FEET OF THE EAST 852 EEET OF THE SOUTH 32D FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECSION 12, T-30, R-24, WHICH LAST DESCRIBED TRACT I5 ALSO , KNOWN AS LOT l, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION #89, THE SAME B�ING 1241 72ND AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY DETERMAN WELDING & TANK SERVICE, INC., 1241 72ND AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTAJ: The City Engineer said the Suilding Standards approved the request sub7ect to stipulations and his suggestion is that if the Council desired to approve the request also, that the applicant be required to meet the normal requirements 2��� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 5, 1972 PAGE 17 of the ordinance, which he has neglected to do. The landscaping should be � maintained and the drainage taken care of and the property should be cleaned up and put into good shape. He was also required to put in a screen £ence. MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the building permit £or Determan Welding & Tank Service sub7ect to the Building Standard's stipulations and also that the property be cleaned up, £enced and maintained to the Administration's satisfaction. 5econded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A MODEL HOME ON PART OF LOT 14 AND 15, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION #78, THE SAME BEING 5401 EAST RIVER RQAD� FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY PLYWOOD MINNESOTA, 5401 EAST RIVER ROAD� FRIDLEY, MINNE50TA 554211: MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to approve the request to build a model home by Plywood Minnesota, and grant the waiver £or a sewer and water hookup with the understanding that they must hookup i£ and when the City requires it, that the model home facility will only be open the same hours that the store facility is open, that if there are any revisions or changes, they must come back £or a revised permit, and that if this model home is moved £rom the site that the property will revert back to its original state. Seconded by Councunan Breider. The City Engineer said that he understood they were going to stul� in the sewer and caater lines in case they were needed later. A representative from the firm said yes and added that they had only planned to have the model home open during , normal store hours. THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION, bea.ng a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanunously. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A STEEL STORAGE BUILDING LOCATED ON 10.5 ACRES OE THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, T-30, R-24, ANOKA COUNTY, THE SAME BEING 7900 BEECH STREET, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432. (REQUE5T BY PARK CONSTRUCTIDN CO., 51 37TH AVENIIE NORTHEAST, ERIDLEY, MINN.): The City Engineer said that this was going to be a tin building, covered with baked enamel. Mr. Jerry McDOnald said that this building is going to be used £or cold storage and is not to be considered any main building. It will be 24' X 80' and would be used to store tires and chains etc. They want to put in a building that will fit in with the main building, and they felt this would. The City Engineer showed the Council a picture of the proposed building. The City Engineer suggested moving the parking over so there would be an additional 10' for plantings to help hide the building. Mr. McDonald said this building wa.11 not be an eyesore, that it will be a nice looking building. Mayor Liebl asked how much he will be investing in this building and Mr. McDonald said he did not know, but he would guess about $20,000. MOTION by Councilman Breider to concur in the approval o£ the permit requested by Park Construction Company. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, , all ayes, Magor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the Minutes of the Building Standards - Design Control Meeting of May 18, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETTNG OF SUNE 5, 1972 �i * y .:a % �- PAGE 18 � RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS - DESIGN CONTROL MEETTNG OF MAY 23, 1972: CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT PHASE II AND PHASE III OF AN IN- DUSTRIAL WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE BUILDING LOCATED ON LOTS 1 THROUGH 5, BLOCK 3, ONAWAY ADDITTON� THE SAME BEING 7880 BEECH STREET N.E., AND LOTS 6 THROUGH 10, BLOCK 3, ONAWAY ADDITION, THE SAME BEING 7850 BEECH STREET N.E., ERSDLEY, MINNESOTA. 55432. (REQUEST BY AL ZEIS CEMENT CO., INC. 225 94TH AVENUE N.W., COON RAPIDS, MINNESOTA 55434): MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve Phase II and Phase III requested by A1 Zeis Cement Co., sub�ect to Building Standard's stipulations. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the Minutes of the Building Standards Design Control Subcommittee Meeting of May 23, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE REMAINDER OE THE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES OF MAY 23, 1972: A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECSION 56.05, 3A, FRIDLEY SIGN ORDINANCE, TO � ALLOW THE ERECTION OF BOTH A WALL SIGN AND A FREE STANDSNG SIGN TO BE LOCATED ON LOTS 10� 11� 12 & 13� BLOCK 4, BENNETT PALNIER ADDITION� THE SAME BEING 5831 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNL'.SOTA. (REQUEST BY SIGNCRAFTER'S INCORPORATED, 13 77TH AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA): The City Engineer reported that the Board of Appeals recommended denial. McDOnalds has a mansard roof, so the question was whether this was to be considered a roof sign or a wall sign, and showed the Council pictures of how the sign would look. He said McDonalds will be taking their arches down. Councilman Utter said that when he thinks of a roo£ sign, he would think o£ one that would be on top of a building. Councilman Breider asked if this sign would be standard on all their buildings across the country and the City Engineer replied yes. Mayor Liebl said that they already have been given permissa.on £or a non-con£orming sign that will have to come down in 1974. The City Engineer explained that that provision applies to billboards, and this is considered a business sign, so that does make a difference. The Administrative Assistant said that if this is con- sidered a roo£ sign, he did not feel that it was that ob7ectionable. Mayor Liebl said that if this is granted, there would be one roof sign and one free standing sign, and he thought the roof sign was supposed to take the place of the free standing sign. The City Attorney asked if the free standing sign meets the ordinance. The City Engineer said yes, i£ you only consider the lettering, if you include the arches, it does not. Councilman Utter said that this is a sign on a building that faces Universrty , Avenue. They will be taking their arches down and want the building sign to con- form with the structure of the building and the rest of their buildings across the country. They will be putting 1 leg on the arches, rather than two. G��; REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 5� 1972 PAGE 19 The City Attorney said that he would envision a roo£ sign as one that sits on ' top o£ a building. This one, strictly speaking, would be more like a wall sign than a roof sign. FIe suggested the Staff could work on clarifying this question in the Sign Ordinance, so that if it comes up again there will be some definite distinctions between a roo£ sign and a wall sign• MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to approve the variance £or the sign on the front of McDOnald's building, providing the arches are removed, and instruct the Staff to strengthen that part of the Sign Ordinance dealing with roof signs and wall signs, and clearly distinguish between the two. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carra.ed unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Sreider to receive the Minutes o£ the Board of Appeals Meeting of May 23, 1972, Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSTON MEETING OF MARCH 27, 1972: MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commissa.on Meeting of March 27, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REC.EIVING TAE MINUTES OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 24, 1972: ' MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the Minutes o£ the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting of April 24, 1972, and concur in their request regarding the Moore Lake pollution study. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstaclt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE FRIDLEY HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 27, 1972. MOTION by Councilman Ma.ttelstadt to receive the Minutes o£ the Fridley Human Relations Committee Meeting of April 27, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor La.ebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF WATER AND SEWER REQUIREMENT FOR MODEL HOME, PLYWOOD MINNESOTA, INC.: This request was granted during the discussion of their model home under the Building Standards - Design Control Minutes of May 18, 1972. RECEIVING MEMO FROM COUNTY ATOPNEY TO CITY ATTORNEY REGARDING PROPOSED SETTLEMENT OE CONDEMNATION, ICE A.RENA AND CITY GARAGE PRQPERTY: MOTION by Councilman Ma.ttelstadt to receive the memo from Mr. Robert Johnson, Anoka County Attorney, dated May 23, 1972 and the Stipulation of Settlement accompanying the memo and concur with the sta.pulations. Z'he motion was ' seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. , � 1 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 5� 1972 RECEIVING BID5 AND AWARDING CONTRACT - AUTOMOTIVE TRIICKS A.M., May 30, 1972) Type of Truck 1 27,500 GVW Cab & chassis, alternate transmission MT-40 Total 2 Standard 3/4 Ton Pickup 1 4 Wheel Drive 3/4 Ton Pickup TOTZIL AMOUNT OF BID International Harvester (60 to 90 days) $ 6,710.22 726.00 7,436.22 5,743.10 3,432.56 $16,611 88 4�� � � PAGE 20 �Bids Opened 11:00 Boyer Ford $ 7,095.48 (30-90 Days) Not o£fered 7,095_48 6,294.22 (30-60 Days) 3,692.12 (30-90 Days) Not accepted MOTION by Councilman Breider to concur with the recommendation of the Adminis- tration and award the bid for the trucks to International Harvester Company in the amount o£ $16,611.88. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF SECOND PHASE 5TREET LIGHTING PROGRIiIK FOR 1972 AND ALSO ESTABLISHING POLICY FOR STREET LIGHTING IN THE AREA5 WHERE UNDERGROUND LIGHTING IS PROVIDED: MOTION by Councilman Utter to concur with the second phase o£ the street ].a.ghting program for 1972 and also the policy £or underground lighting as proposed by the City Engineer as found in the Agenda on Pages #2D - rk20 I. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CON5IDERATION OF APPROVAL OF INTERCEPTOR MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR 1972 WITH METRO SEWER BOARD_ MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the Interceptor Maa.ntenance Agreement for 1972 with the Metropolitan Sewer Board. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REPORT ON STATE SUILDING CODE AA7ENDN1ENT5 AND AD➢ITIONAL AMENDMENTS PROPOSED BY THE CITY OF FRIDLEY� MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the report dated May 31, 1972 and approve the proposed amendments to the State Building Code. Seconded by Council- man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REPORT ON ANOKA COUNTY'S REQUE5T TO STOCKPILE P'ILL MATERIAL IN EDGEWATER GARDENS MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to direct the City Manager to proceed with making arrangements to have Lots l, 5, 4 and 3, Slock 6, Edgewater Gardens filled to grade if sufficient materials are available and can be secured £rom the Burlington Northern construction site, and a£ter the overpass and underpass models are com- pleted, to direct the City Manager to set up a �oint meeting between the Anoka �� � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 5, 1972 PAGE 21 County Board of Commissioners and the Fridley City Council to discuss the ' crossing at Burlington Northern tracks and Mississippi Street. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Councilman Breider suggested that the discussions should also include some method o£ preventing that material from blowing. The City Manager indicated that the models are vesy close to completion. A£ter some discussion, the Council decided to invite the County Commissioners to a Meeting at 6.30 P.M., Sune 12, 1972 before the scheduled public hearing Meeting. THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION, being a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF FINA1, E5TIMATE FOR LOEFFEL-ENGSTRAND WMPANY, GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND NARRTS BROS., PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FOR THE ADDITION TO THE MIINICIPAL GARAGE AND FINAL E5TIMATE FOR PATCH & ERICKSON, ARCHITECTS• (Request by Fridley Volunteer Firemen's Relie£ Association) MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve payment by the Fridley Firemen's Relief Association of the following £inal estimates for the Fridley Municipal Garage: Patch & Erickson $ 387.42 Loeffel-Engstrand 8,389.00 Harris Bros. 2,953.50 Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ' REPORT ON CORPORATION YARD IMPROVEMENTS Mayor Liebl said he would like to commend the City Manager on the £ine �ob he did on the report for site improvements for the garage. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to authorize the Crty Manager to proceed with the site improvements for the corporation yard as outlined in his report dated Sune 2, 1972 wrth the wst of the pro�ect not to exceed $16,500. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING HEALTH SANITARIAN ACTIVITY REPORT FOR THE FIRST OUARTER OF 1972. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the Health Sanitarian's activity report for the first quarter of 1972. Seconded by Couricilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING REPORT REGARDING THE NORTHTOWN CORRZDOR STUDY AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SEND LETTERS TO DIFFERENT ORGANIZATIONS IN THE CITY: The City Engineer furnished the Council with copies o£ a letter he had prepared over Mayor Liebl's signature, which if authorized, he would send to the various organizations in the City. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the report by the City Engineer and ' authorize the Mayor to sign the letter, and instruct the City Engineer to send it to the City organizations. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REGUI,AR WUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 5, 1972 .,i � ti PAGE 22 , RESOLUTIDN #68-1972 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT BET[aEEN THE CITY OF FRI➢LEY AND THE CITY OF COLUMBIA FIEIGHTS AUTHORIZING FIRST ALARM JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT RESPONSE TO DESIGNATED PROPERTIES WITHIN THE TWO CITIES: MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to adopt Resolution #68-1972. Seconded by Councilman T)tter. The Fire Prevention Bureau Chie£ advised the Council that he £elt this agree- ment would be of benefit to both communities Councilman Breider asked if this would mean that Fridley's ladder truck would be down there at every ma7or fire. The Fire Prevention Bureau Chief said yes, but Columbia Heights has equipment Fridley would be able to use also. He said St. Anthony is looking at this proposal very closely also, and they would then be able to help out a portion o£ Columbia Heights. He said he sees this program as a means to ellminate too much duplication of equipment, and it should have been started years ago. Councilman Breider said that he would hate to see Fridley's equipment down in Colum6ia Heights without any compensation. The Fire Prevention Bureau Chief said that they were not looking at this on an every call basis, there would be some specific assignments. For instance Columbia Heights can get their engines into the south areas of Fridley £aster than Fridley can, so their equipment can be used to protect some o£ our high value districts Councilman Breider asked i£ there were too many calls into Columbia Heights, to please report back to the City Council. � THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION, being a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #69-1972--A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE MINNESOTA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TO INSTALL "30 MPH SPEED LIMIT"SIGNS AND DIRECTIONAL ADVISORY SIGNS AND CENTER LINE STRIPING ON UNSVERSITY AVENUE EAST SERVICE DRIVE BETWEEN 57TH AVENUE AND M25SISSIPPI STREET: MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to adopt Resoluta.on #69-1972. Seconded by Council- man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RE50LUTION #70-1972 - A RESOLUTION AIITHORIZING THE CI-IANGING OF BUDGET APPROP- RIATIONS WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND: (WARD TWO) MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #70-1972. Seconded by Council- man Mittelstadt• Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #71-1972 - A RESOLUTION AMENDING R�SOLUTION #72-1971 AUTHORIZING THE CSTY OF FRIDLEY TO ENTER INTO A JOINT CONTRACT FOR TH� PURPDSE OE UPGRADING THE TERMINAL EQUIPMENT USED IN THE POZ,ICE COMMUNICATIONS SY5TEM , The City Manager explained that the purpose of this resolution would be to remove tYie Bureau o£ Criminal Apprehension, Department of Public Safety as grzntee for the program and to name the Metropolitan Council. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to adopt Resoluta.on #71-1972. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. �� 1 l REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 5, 1972 PAGE 23 CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZING A CESSPOOL FOR LOT E, REGISTERED LAND 5URVEY #3 ON CENTRAL AVENUE SOUTA OF 69TH AVENUE: (Emmett O'Loughlin) MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the request for a cesspool, due to the £act that there is no sewer available in that area. The line is a block away, so the cost would be prohlbitive. This approval is granted with the understanding that when the facility is available, they will not oppose the improvement and will connect. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor La.ebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING RESIGNATION - P1R. WALLACE STARWALT, FRIDLEY HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the resignation o£ Mr. Wallace Starwalt from the Fridley Human Relations Committee. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING RESIGNATION - MRS. LILLlAN WEGLER, FRIDLEY HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE: MOTION by Councilman Breider to accept the resignation of Mrs. Lillian Wegler £rom the Fridley Human Relations Committee. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. (City Employee) Name Ronald W. Morris 5644 16th Ave. So. Nlinneapolis, Minn. Position Salary Effective Date Replaces Engr. (Adm.) $764 June 19, 1972 David Triplett Aide per month Mayor Liebl asked if $764 was the normal starting salary. The City Manager said this salary is slightly above the normal starting salary. This man was well qualified and to match the salary he is receiving now, the second step caas o£fered. This is the salary he would have been receiving after six months, but he will be held at this salary for one year. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to approve the appointment o£ Mr. Ronald W. Morris. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: MOTION by Councilman Mrttelstadt to approve payment of General Claims #28496 through #28610 and Liquor Claims #6691 through #6731. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. LICEN5E5: BlacY.topping A.B.C. Blacktop Company 1308 Main Street N.E. Minneapolis, Minn. By: James L. Turpin Approved Hy Building Insp. RENEWAL ' ' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 5, 1972 ' LICENSES CONTINUED: Blacktopping Approved By Fairfax Asphalt 5841 Zenith Ave. No. Minneapolis, Minn. By: John Pfaff Building Insp. RENEWAL Norihern Asphalt Construction Inc. 11064 Raddison Road N.E. Minneapolis, Minn. By Gerhard Larson Building Insp. RENEWAL General Contractor Aquarius Swimming Pool Co. 16900 Cedar Ave. So. Rosemount, Minn. By: Maynard Nickelson Building Insp RENEWAL T.M Campion Company 6418 Bass Lake Road Minneapolis, Minn. By: T. Michael Campion B1dg. Insp. NEW Construction 70 Inc. 1430 West County Road C � St. Paul, Minn. By. Douglas Chesnut Building Insp. NEW Lei£ Henriksen 495 Mississippi St. N.E, Fridley, Minn. By: Lei£ Henra.ksen Building Insp. RENELAAL House Clinic Stose 3918 West 49i St. Minneapolis, Minn. By: Rol£ Kirkegaard Suilding Insp. RENEWAL Roger Sheehy Company 7091 Highway #65 N.E. Fridley, Minn. By: Roger Sheehy Building Insp. NEW Stuart Construction Co. 109 Lowry Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Minn. By: Richard Seveers Building Insp• RENEWAI. Solicitor Youth Employment Service 1801 A Nicollet So. Minneapolrs, Minn. By: Michael Goodin Police $12.00 Boy's of the City ' 2510 E. 24th St. Minneapolis, Minn. By: Robert Cook Police $12.00 a�, � �� � PAGE 24 C� .sl � i� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 5, 1972 LICENSES�CONTINUED: Cigarette By Minn. Linseed Oil Co. 25 44th Ave. Quist Vending Target 755 53rd Ave. Pioneer Systems Casino Royale Casino Royale 6219 Awy. 65 Corporation Dick's Texaco 6071 University Ave. Richard Middaugh Canterbury Inc. 6481 University Ave. Dean Gruye Kurt Mfg. 5280 Main St. Sir Vend, Inc. Bob's Produce Ranch 7620 University Ave. Robert Schroer Food Establishment FMC Corp. 4800 Marshall St. Canteen Corp. Medtronics Approved By Police Police Police Po11ce Police Police Police PAGE 25 Fee ' $ 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 I 12.00 SEE MOTION 12.00 12.00 1 Health Insp. 25.00 6970 Central Ave. Interstate United Health Insp. 105.00 Holiday Village No. 250 57th Ave. N.E. Canteen Co. of Minn. Health Insp. 100.00 Fridley VFW 1040 Osborne Road Fred Bennett Champlin Station 7298 Hwy. 65 Coca-Cola Tavern Health Insp. 30.00 Health Insp. 15.00 Casino Royale Police 6219 Hwy. 65 Casino Royale Corp. Health Insp. 12.00 Canterbury Inc. Police 6481 University Ave. Deane Gruye Health Insp. 12.00 SEE MOTION Street Vending Barbara Glommen 1048 87th Ave. Blaine, Minn. Barbara Glommen Health Insp. 20.00 ' ��, � cl PAGE 26 RE6t1LAR COTJNCIL MEETING OF .7UY�E 5r 1972 ' LTCENSES CONTINOED: Ey �pproved By Fee good Establishment Fullerton Metals Health Insp• $ 15•DO 5170 Main St. Coca-Cola Goxdy's Countxy BoY Iaealth Insp. 15.GD 1042 dsboxne Road Coca-Cola Ron's Standard Health Insp- 15.00 6490 University Ave. Coca-Cola Dick's Texaco Health Insp• 15.OD 6071 University Ave. Go1d Medal Bev. �'iesta $eauty Salon Health InsP• 15.OD 244 Mississippi St. Reanee Lincoln Fridley DX Health Insp• 15.00 5701 UniVers�ty Ave. Duane Schlottman Golden V Health Insp. 25.00 5865 Univezsity Ave. Robezt SLrpless � Health Insp• 5.00 Pyck's Texaco g1chard Middauqh 6071 University Ave. Casino Royale Health Insp- 15.00 6219 Hwy• 65 Casino Royale Corp• VLking Chevrolet I3ealth Insp. 35.00 7501 HwY• 65 Bill's C7ending Minn. Linseed �zl Quist Vending Health Insp. 45.00 25 A4th Ave. Chanticlear P1zza glchard Kempe Health Snsp• 25.OD 630A Hwy. 65 Garbag� °p Dan's Pisposal z5.OD Route 1 Health Insp. Cedar, M�.nn. Daniel Johnson J & w Pickup 45.00 7E31 Lake Drive Leo Bruder Healt'1�. Tnsp• � Circle Pines� Minn• i.i � .:./ --e 'V REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 5, 1972 LICEUSES CONTINUED: On Sale Beer Casino Royale 6219 Hwy. 65 Canterbury, Inc. 6481 University Ave � Casino Royale Corp Deane Gruye PAGE 27 Approved By Fee Police Health Insp Police Health Insp , $120.00 120.00 SEE MOTION MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to approve the licenses as submitted with the exceptions oP the Cigarette License, Tavern License and On 5ale Beer License for Canterbury Inn, which are to be tabled Por one week. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a �roice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ESTTMATES: Thomas J. Currier (Reporter) 915 National Building Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Reporter services rendered £or depositions, CATV Austin P. Keller Construction Co. 481 Front Aaenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55117 PARTIAL Estimate *�1 - Sanitary Sewer, I�later and Storm Sewer Improvement Pro7ect #106 Nodland Associates, Inc. Alexandria, Minnesota 56308 PARTIAL Estimate #4 - Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer & Watermain Improvement Pro]ect #102 Comstock & Davis, Inc. Consulting Engineers 1446 County Road J Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 For the furnishing of resident inspection and resident supervision £or the staking out o£ the following construction work• PARTIPS, Estimate #1 - Sanitary S°caer, Flater & Storm Sewer Improvement Pro�ect #106 £rom April 3 through April 29, 1972 PARTIAT, Estimate #4 - Sanitary Sewer, Storm SeWer & Water Improvement Pro7ect #102 from April 3 through April 29, 1972 $ 38.50 , $47,042.87 $119,081.93 $ 713.64 ' $ 8,715.26 1 � I__.i (�1 r.� � kEGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SUNE 5, 1972 PAGE 28 MOTION by Councilman Breider to authorize payment of the estimates as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice wte, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS: SCHOOL DTSTRICT #11: APPRECIATED COOYERi3TION DURING ELECTION• MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the communication £rom School District #11 dated May 18, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carr�ed. MINNEAPOLIS SOCIETY EOR BLIIUD: APPRECIATE SUPPORT OF ISI,PSdD OF PEACE: MOTION by Councilman Mlttelstadt to receive the communication £rom the Minneapolis Society £or the Blind, Inc., dated May 19, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MINNESOTA SOCIETY FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN AND ADULTS, INC.: HOYE TO HE OP A5SISSANCE - ISI.AND OF PEACE PROJECT. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the communication from the Minnesota Society for Crippled Children and Adults, Inc., dated May 16, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS WANT INFORMATION ON PLANS AND PROGRAM5 - ISLAND OF PEACE: MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the communication Prom the Veterans of Foreign Wars dated May 15, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Sreider. Upon a voice vote, a11 ayes, Mayos Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously_ MINNESOTA VETERANS HOME: IN SUPPORT OF ISLAND OF PEACE MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the communication .from the Minnesota Veterans Home dated May 22, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. PARK MRS. JAYCEES: FOR ISLAD7D OF PEACE PROJECT: MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt toreceive the communication from the Brooklyn Park Mrs. Jaycees dated May 23, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carra.ed unanimously. FIIDALI. REMES AND FUDALIc CITY OF FRIDLEY S�WER CHARGES ON APARTMENT EUIZDINGS: MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the communication from Fudali, Remes & Fudali dated June 2, 1972 and re£er to the Administration Por review. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. `� .� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SUNE 5, 1972 PAGE 29 FUDALI� R�MES AND FUDPLI: WATER AND SEWER BILLS - 7845 EAST RIVER ROAD AND 7875 EAST RIV�R ROAD, FRSDLEY: MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the communication £rom Fudali, Remes and Fudali dated June 2, 1972 and Porward on to the Administration for pro- cessing. Seconded by Councilman Brezder. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanunously. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Councilman Breider to ad]ourn the Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motlon carried and the Regular Council Meeting of June 5, 1972 ad�ourned at 12:05 A.M. Res ectful� submitted, i/L�'G��'�—' uel A. Mercer Secretary to the City Council n��. �:�e � Frank G. Li bl Mayor � ' �