RES 1972-141 - 00008559RESOLUTION 110. 141 - 1972 283 -- I A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZI "1; A!10 DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON Pf'. ?C''! S 10 P.N3 200, SECTIOM 13 WH-2EAS, certain special assessments have been levied with respect to certain land and said land has subsequently been subdivided. NOW, THEREFORE, 3E IT RESOLVED as follows; That the assessments levied against the following described parcels, to -wit: Parcels 10 and 200, Section 13, may and shall be apportioned and divided as follows: Original Parcel Fund Original Amount Parcel 10, Section 13 Regular SA $ 1,6210.50 W if34 SW ;?3 (Sewer Lat.) Sll ;fC3 (!•later Lat.) ST. 19 u3 -23 Street 1)72 Sarv. Conn. (!later Lat,) 3;72 Serv. Conn. (ewer Lat.) ' Parcel 200, Section 13 Regular SA W U34 SW 33O (Sewer Lat.) SW w'13 (',later Lat.) ST. 19603-23 Street 3ivision of Parcel Approved Fund Parcel 10, Section 13, Regular SA City of Fridley Park Property Parcel 20, Section 13 Regular SA W� ;; 3 4 4 JW tI'JJ (ewer Lat.) SW ('.later Lat.) ST. 1963 -23 Street 1372 Serv. Conn. ('Water Lat.) 1972 Se rv. Conn. (Se�:cr Lat.) Parcel 200, Section 13, Regular SA City of Fridley Park Property ADOPTED 3Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIOM THIS December , 1972. A 7 ,4TT� Pia MAYOR CITY CL.3K rvin C. ; amrunsell Paid 4,229.40 1,953.00 4,125.00 1,333.84 2,996.80 $ 1,385.50 Paid 3,323.10 1,534.50 2,043-751 Original Amount $ 662.64 $ 1,415.64 Paid 7,552.50 3,437.50 6,164.75 1,333.34 2,996.80 $ 933.72 6th AY OF Frank G. Liebl