02/05/1973 - 5603' ' J ' , ' ' ' PATRICIA ELLIS COUNCIL SECRETARY REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 5, 1973 � . c 1���� . tEMO T0 DEPARTMENT HEADS; Following ere the "ACTI�S NEEDED" on Agenda ltema. Answera are due ' ' back in the City Manager.'s office by Wednesdav noon Febru 21 1973 � ffiY , . . ' CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - REGUTAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 5, 1973 - 7;30 P. M. 7:44 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, Given. INVOCATION: By City Managar, ROLL CALL; All PTesent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES• ' Re�ular Counci,l M��Cia�, Aoo�mbn 18, 1972 Adoptad aa prsaeated. ' $agular Council Meeeing, January 8, 1973 I Changa 'he' to �him�, paga 7, paragraph 5. Adoptad as corrocted. ADOPTION OF AGENDA• ' S-B-islands of Peace raport l� Ed Wilmes 16-A-Resclutlon pffering suggestions for modification of tha Minnesota Pair Labor Standards Act, � Liceases - VFW 363 - Sunday Liquox Communicati.ons: Chaster Mardllna, OffiCe of Military Affairs ' Wi111em B. Hopkins Mayor McDonald, Robinsdale Thomas G, Valenti, ?resident of Onan Hensy Melchar - Missis;ippi, East of �65 VISITORS: Consideration of Itecna ao� on Agenda - 15 Minutes) Don Mittelstadt - T6quested $ction on xaducing speed, traffic and hazards on East Riyer Rc�$. ?UBLIC HEARIlVGS� None ' ' , ! REGUTAR COUNCIL I�ETING� FESAUARX 5, 1973 `�_� 2 OLD BUSZNESS. I1EM NUMBER & PAGE NUMBERS Mecusalon and RevieW oP propoaed Sign for New Municipal 1 I,iquor Stoxe at 63rd and T.B. #65 City Mansger � Mr. Milt Mderson from Lawrence Sign, Inc. prasented propoaal for liquor stora sign, Plans were approved. ,-jTY_i'1ANAGER : ACTION NEEDED: Prepare specificatione for biddiag. � , Conaideration of Sacoad Reading of an Ordinance for '' Rezoning Roqueat ZOA $72-12 by Jewea Luad Coestruction, IRC.,� to Reaone Pran C-15 to A-1 � Ordinance if531 adopted, pubiication ordesed, ',Sif, Y� R pCTIOrI NEEDED: Publitb osdi�pnce. , ' ' £It' MANAGER ' � Coneideration of Second Readiag of aa OrdSpance for Vecatlon Request SAV �72-06, by State Laad 6 Development Company, paul Barkholder Ord3aance N552 adopted� publication ordered. ACTI�ED; publiah ordlnance. Conaideratlon of ppproval ot Regiatered Land Survey P.S. �k7-206 by Donovan A. Schultz; Generally I,ocated at �: r:•ce Creek Way (Tabled 1-22-73) ipproved. Councilman Neo voted nay. yGII:iERING ACit��N N$EDED; Proceas luc splic - Conelderetion of P=ob3em oi Oq�nerehip o£ Land Under J.eka by the Homeownes• Arvuad the I,ake Frank Nebal, Locke i.ska As;ociation said people agrea with item M1 of letter to hem0 owners, N2 and �3 to be discussed. City Attornay auehorizad t i '�.!c:INEEh�NG & 0 nvesti�ate possible solutions, c'iT�� A1'�URNE_y pCTION NEEDED: geaearah City's reapvnaLbillk e a� privrte oF �Nhl;� PwnO��til�T . �# percaino co 2 - 2 A 3-3A 4 - 4 F ' ' , .�---�-, ' REGULAR COUNCIL 1�ETING, FEBRUAAY 5, 19$3 - PAGE 3 ' I1EM NUMBER & NEW BUSINES9: pAGE NUMBERS ' ' ' , , , 1 Receiving aa Osder Appointing �hazter Commieaion Membere from Chief Judge Hobort S, Gilleepie, Tan[h Judiclal Dietsick APPointed. ' +'CT1 MANAGER ACTION NEEDED� Notify appoiatesa. I5I,ANDS OP PEACE - ED WILt�S, ' Presented plans and requasted a foundation be set up. Authorized to set up foundation urtder control of City. -�- A�$ PU ACTIO'N NBEDEp , YUL E ' It!ti�INEERLNG ' ' � J � Hearing on poselble Suepenaioa and/or Revocation of Llceasea for Canterbury pub, Deana Gruye, Ouaer Mr. Deane Gruya addrassed Council. Tabled for 60 days. To be reviawed with repori giyen to Council at that time by administration. Further violations will result in suspension and/or revocatlon of licenses. OCTION NEEDED: gaView report ia 60 days. Receiviag the �finutea of the Plaaning Commiasion Meeting of ,7anuary 17, 1973 Received. . NO ACTION NEEDED 0 S 6 - , t 7-70 Reeslviag the Mlnute� of the Plqnaiag Commiasion g_ g� Meetiag of Jnnuary 24, 1973 Ni-Mr, Gabralcik dixectqd to sesubmit request and furnish Planning Cotamissicn w�th information requested by them. Place on ageoda ir vne month, -�'�_ ��.xjN� RCTION NEEDED� platq oR oRxt 81aap�ng CoWmis�ion agenda, return to Council, in 30 day�y. , ,7 � ■.�. .. . . ,. . . . . . . . �.� �. . . - .. . : . ��:. REGULAR CQDNCIL MEETING, FED&UARY 5, 1973 PAGE 3 A Recel.viag P1analag Commiasion Mtqutea of January 24, 1972 (Continued) x• Robert Schroer: Lot Split, L.3. �73-01: This item had already heen Cakea care of at che meettng of January '2, Iq77, ACTEQ4 NEEDED� proces• lot split. 3, Btate yand 6 DavelopmsaC Company; Lot Split, L.B. i73-02: This item is stiit panding before the Ptanoing Commisaion. HO A�T�N NE� gDgD 4• 1`Ir. Muggli Requeat on triaagle made by 60th AYeaue �lip-off. T$is request waa raferred Co the p1aCS and Subs. A�TIQ�1 NEEDED; Procea� lot aplit S. Flood,plaia ZoRing: Tabled uatil aex[ meeting, Kos� fafarmation to be obtaiqed. L1�TIQi NEEDED` Provida additioaal infoswtioa at 1u:t e�tt�ns, A l�inutsa aeceivod � ' ' ' , ' �}GINEERING ' � ' GITY PIANAGER � � ' �V�I___� r � � �NGINEERING � dNGINSERIN.rz. ,���'�c�i: �--- REGUTAR COUNCIL t�ETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1973 PAGB 4 � NEW BUSINESS (Continued) Heceiviag the Miaute� of the Board of Appeals Meeting of January 30� 1973 1. gobert Degardner; Variance af Lot Area. Approved. ACTION NEEDED: Nottfy applicant of approval. 2. Gordon Drake: Variances on lot area, at tuur difterence eddresses. Approved. ACTION NEEDED: No[ify applicanc of approval. Minutes Receivad. Receiving the Minutea of t6e North Park Co�ittee Meetlag of January 31, 1973 Received. NO ACTION NEEDED Recelving gids $nd Awarding Contzact for Water Impro4ement Project �109 A(Bid� Opeaed 11;30 A.M., February S, 1973) Bids Received. ACTIO�gp� place bid award on �ext meeting. Rocelving Bide and ANarding Contract fos Waeer Improvement Project �k110 (Bida Opened 11:30 A.M., February 5, 1973) Bids roceivad. Contrac! Awarded to Schwaan Bros. for 418,uro.00. ACTION NE_ EDgp� Notify bidder af accep�ance. Receivlag Btde and Awardlag Contract for Water Improvement Projeet qlll (Bids Opened 11�30 A.M., February 5, 1973) Bids received, Contract Awarded to Hydor Engineering, lnc., for $22,687.00. ACTIODi NEEDED• Notlty bi,ddar of aoceptaaee. ?1 _ � 7 ITEM NUMBER & I PAGE NUMBERS 4� �B._ _ l� �� �°�.,� / 11 ,^� . H , �;i-� 12 �Y � v' I 13 �r�""-. 'Q � 3, b � � ' 1. � '' A R ' , ' 4 r � " { ' , ' � LTY�Eg r 0 I_f NAGER r- x N E �GULAB COUNCIL MEETING, �gRppgy g, 1973 _ _��_ �W B��I�; (Continued) PAGE 5 Z�M NUMBER 6 PAG'E,�g Scheduliag a Study Seasion oa I,iquor gtcre pparat;oae 14 Set for February ly, 1973, 6:30 p.m, in Community Room, —�.�,_ ACTI���Di 9at up meetln g February 12, 6;3p p,M„ Comm�nity Room. xeeeiviag Report on Automatic Door6 for the New Liquoz Store Authorizad. ACTI�ON Ng� g� DgD^ Iaclude aukomatic door• in �p�cification�, 15 Disouaeion of I.egq1 gerv3eea for 1973 Weaver, Talie and Herrick to do 2ega1 work for Adm;nistrative staffb/� Sm3th, Justar, Feikeaa. Haskvitz � Gasserly to handle.Prosections. (p '� Mar►ager and/or City council to assign liligations at Distsict Coust level, assignments to bs relat3vely equaL Bath firms xidl assist Council, if they wish, in reforminy Hone Rule Ch:�r• 8ach firm will'file resignation at end of year. I ACTZ�p�1 N, g�gp; Notify appoipteeo and negotl.ate reCalners. CONSIDERATION OF q Jt8&OLUTjpN pgFERING SU6GESTION FpR G1pDI�F1 MINNBSOTA FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT (H.F. �): Appsoved. epolutlon �"20-19 Conaider�tlon of a Jolnt aad Cooperative ,�greemeat Among tde Cltiea of Fridley� qaoka, Columbia Heighto aad Coon �•17 E Rapide for gmpZoymene oP pavid Kennedy a8 a Legielative Rapreseatae��e, and puthor�satfpn for the Mayos and City ��j������. Manqger to SLgn Said Agreement Authorized /�"' '�1 G �CTION NEEllEL orward resolution. �� Process agreemeat. Conaideration of a gRaoluKion Approprlatiag uP �o $8,000 for Payment o,� a I,eglilaCtve Repre�eatative Rasalution �19-1973 �dqpted. S4,o0o.00 to be paid in 1g73, evalustlon of sesvicea after one year and 54,000.00 to ba paid in 197A, Utter Nay, ION NEEDBD• Make kr�astes. t ti � , ���� . REGULAR COUNCxL 1�ffi$TING, FEBxOARY 5, 1973 �— PAGE 6 �W BUCrxrraa (Coatinued) ITEM NOMBER & PAGE NUMBERS Receiving Iaformation from I•IT� � Exieaded Service in Anolca County 19 - 19 A , Received. ,_iTY MANp�R NO ACTION NEEDED , , Receiving Memorandum from Bartoa-pschman Aasociateo, Ia�, ' , &a�arding NorthCown Corridor Study Forum d3 Rsceived. ' �,�, NO_ ACT�ON NEEDED , '. ' ' ctiGj_ (�lEggl� ' , ' ' i.PIGT�$RTN(` &eceiviag CommunicaCloa from Repreeentative Paul McCarron AeBarding a Traffic Slgaal at 69th Avenue on T,H, 447 Raceived. NO ACTION 1�gDED xaceiviRg Communication froa� SCate of tiinnesota Regasdiag Fuading probleme Por the Improvemenc of the Iaceraections oa T.�, ;64 aad T.B. 647 Received. NO ACTION NEEDED 0 20-20F 21 - 21 B 22- 22G � ' � � ' ' C 11T 1�ANAGER , , ' tN(:[�E�� ' � ' th�. NE HIN6 r1� ABGULAR COUNCIL MEETING� PEgxUARY 5, 1913 �_ • PAGE 7 NEW BUSINE33 (Contiauad) Raceiving tha Minutes of the Quarterly Meetiag of tde Suburban 8ate Authozlty, January 17, 1973 Received. NO ACTION NEEDED Consideratioa of a geaolutlon Approviag Plane Psopoeed by the Minneeota Highway Depastmeat for � Laadecapiag froo� 37th Av�nue to 69t6 Aveaua on T.H. p47 Resolution R21-1973 adopted. ACTI,_ ON�gD: gorward reaolution. Coasideration of a Resolution to pdvertise for Bida - Sidewalk Snawplow Tabled to Feb. 12, 1973, meating. Additional information to be obta3nad. A_�T�N P1E,_ BDED� Supply add�tional lnformation at the next meeting. Concidera[ion of a Reeolutioa Chaagiag the pro�ect Number of tha 1971-3 Street Impsovement Project to the 1973-3 Street Improvemea[ project, and Traasfesriag Coata and Expensee from the 1471-3 Street Improvement Pzoject to the i473-3 Stseat Improvemeat Project (East Rives Road) Rasolution �'22-1973 adopted. ACT�ON NgEDED• ----...�._ Make chang4. I1EM NUMBER & PAGE NiTMggRS 23-23D 24-248 25 26-26A t �-���� t � � � t'INANCE � � • � � � ' ,'� � ._.-----.�- REGULAR COUNCIL �ETING. FESRUqRY 5, 1473 PAGE 8 j1EW BUSINESS {Continued) ITEM NUMBER � PAGE NUMBERS _ Considesation of � Reqolution puthorizing and Directing ehe Spllttiag of Spacial Aaeeesmente on parcel 3150, Section 12 Resolution �'23-1973 adopted. ACTION NEEDED: pzoeeed as authorized. Coaalderacioa of a Reeolutlon Correcting the Certification of aa Aaeeesment for tha ST, 1970-1 Stseet Improvement Psoject Which was Placed on the Wrong parcai Through Clerical Error Resolution M24-1973 adoptpd. ��TI�.�D� Make eorseceioe. � � APPoiaemeoto , �Approvod. `-_�T A R ACTION NEBDED� Not�.fy. appoiatees, � . , !_. G6 � Acceptance o! Reeignatioa; Mr. H. J. Sondhelmer. Board oP Appeal• Aecapted. ACTION NEEDED• prapa�e a certificate of app=g�iatlon. Clatms APProved, i l'tiA'; ACTION NEEDED� pny Clalma, e m ; 27 28 29 30 31 i � ' ' ' , ; ►�•4'iCE � � , 1—� ' ' ' ' : _ ..,�., _ .:.�:w. : RSGUI�AR COUNCIL ME$TING, g6gRUARY 5, 1473 �- PAGE 9 NEw BUSINESS (Concinued) Liaenaes � Approyed. ACTI�gDgn� Notlfy applicants of appzoval. 8ecimates Approvad, ACTI�gD; pay e�timaeea. y, COM�tUN�T=�i � Sd Wilmea; Data oa Recent Developmeata oa qhe Ialaade of peace projecC • Changed to NS-8 THIS ITEM WAS TAt�N CARS OF EARLffiR IN Ti� 1�gy�G. • Dsrrel A. Farr Development Cosporatioa; Innabruck tlorth Developmeat, i.e.� qr8i�ge plan, �cmm�Qity park aad ��p�� grame Suilding and Shared Recreational Facilities Recofved. I �_ � .� Rl:�i; Fridley VDlanteer Firewan�� Relief Associa:ioa; prcpoe�d Pensioa Changes Ra�oived, NO pCTION NEEDE� _ „^ ITSM NUMgER & PAGE NUMBERS 3��j 33-338 34 g5 - 35 A 36 � , REGULAR QOUNCIL I�$TIIVG, FEBltUqRY 5, 1973 PAGE 9 A C01�4tpN_� I�p�� (CONTINUED) � Chester Mer$line, OPfice of M111tary qffeira: To be ' placed on Agenda naxt Monday, February 12, Recelved. ? ! lY MeNecrrn pCTION NEEDED• Put on agenda for next meetiag, ' '�' ' �,r_ Y� �� R , ' ' ,%._,_„��.LPrEER NG ' 1 i F+ Yi �� � Willia�q B. Hopkine Letter received NO ACTIO�gDED Heary Melcher - Mieaiasippi Stzeet, East of T.H. #65 Given to Couneilman Stanaalt'. I,etter received. �CTI—gD, Work w��h Couacilman of Seoond Ward. Tbomas G, yalenti, Preaideat of Onan Corp�ration Letter received, pnawer hae been fprrparded NO ACTION N�gDgD � K — _f � , i I• NeYpr McDonald, Robbinsdal�, Cit �?�_� AGER Y Maneger to return coaments. I �_ACTION NEEDED• Psepare aaswer. • � 12;55 A.M. e , � CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - REGUI,AR MEETING - FEBRUARY 5, 1973 - 7;30 P. M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE; INVOCATION; ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF MINUTES; Regular Council Meeting, December 18, 1972 Regular Council Meeting, January 8, 1973 ADOPTION OF AGENDA: VISITORS: (Consideration of Items not on Agenda - 15 Minutes) PUBLIC HEARINGS: None REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY S, 1973 OLD BUSINESS: Discussion and Review of Proposed Sign for New Municipal Liquor Store at 63rd and T.H. 4�65 COhAfENT: At the meeting we wi=1 present a design for a sign for your review. Mr. Milt Anderson from Lawrence Sign, Inc. will be present to answer any technical questions regarding the sign. If you approve of the concept your action would be to order preparations of specifications for bidding for the sign) Consideration of Second Reading of an Ordinance for Rezoning Request ZOA 1k72-12 by James Lund Construction, Inc., to Rezone from C-1S to R-1 Consideration of Second Reading of an Ordinance for Vacation Request SAV ��72-06, by State I,and & Development Company, paul Burkholder Consideration of Approval of Registered I,and Survey P•S• ��7-206 by Donovan A. Schcltz; Generally Located at 15 Rice Creek Way (Tabled 1-22-73) and Consideration of Problem of Ownership of Land Under Lake by the Homeowners Around the I,ake PAGE 2 ITEM NUMBER '& PAGE NUMBERS 1 2 - 2 A 3 - 3 A 4 - 4 F 8 REGULP+R COUNCIL MEETING, F'EBRUARY 5, 1973 NEW BUSZNESS: Receiving an -0rder Appointing Charter Commission Members from Chief Judge Robert B. Gillespie, Tenth Judiciaf District Hearing on possible Suspension and/or Revocation of Licenses #or Ganterbury Pub, Deane Gruye, Owner Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting o£ Sanuary 17, 1973 Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of January 24, 1973 _i PAGE 3 ITEM NUMBER •& PAGE NUMBERS 5 6 - 6 E 7 - 7 0 � REGUI,AR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1973 flEW BUSINESS (Continued) Receiving the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of.January 30, 1973 Receiving the Minutes of the North Park Committee Meeting of January 31, 1973 COMMENT: These minutes wi11 be available at the meeting Monday evening) Receiving gids and Awarding Contract for Water Improvement Project �p109 A(Bids Opened 11:30 A.M., February 5, 1973) Receiving Bids and Awarding Contract for Water Improvement Project ��110 (Bids Opened 1i:30 A.M., February 5, 1973) Receiving Bids and Awarding Contract for Water Improvement Project �{111 (Bids Opened Y1:30 A.M., February 5, 1973) PAGE 4 ITEM NUMBER & PAGE NUMBERS � 10 11 12 13 , ' ' , , , � ' ' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEgRUARY 5, 1973 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) Scheduling a Study Session on Liquor Store Operations COMMENT: We would like to discuss pricing policies and placing the liquor inventory on a data processing system with the Council. It is suggested that you schedule the session for 6;30 P.M., February 12, 1973, in the Community Room preceding the Council Meeting of that date) Receiving Report on Automatic Doors for the New Liquor Store Discussion of Legal Services for 1973 Consideration of a Joint and Cooperative Agreement Among the Cities of Fridley, Anoka, Columbia Heights and Coon Rapids for Employment of David Kennedy as a Legislative Representative, and Authorization for the Mayor and City Manager to Sign Said Agreement and Consideration of a Resolution Appropriating up to $8,000 for Payment of a Legislative Representative PAGE 5 ITEM NUMBER & PAGE NUMgERS 14 15 16 17 - 17 E 18 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1973 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) Receiving Information from MTC on Extended Service in Anoka County Receiving Memorandum from Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. Regarding Northtown Corridor Study Forum ��3 Receiving Communication from Representative Paul McCarron Regarding a Traffic Signal at 69th Avenue on T.H. ��47 Receiving Communication from gtate of Minnesota Regarding Funding Problems for the Improvement of the Intersections on T.H. ��65 and T.H. ��47 PAGE 6 ITEM NUMBER t� PAGE NUMBERS 19 - 19 A 20-20F 21-21B 22 - 22 G REGITLAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1973 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) Receiving the Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting of the Suburban Rate Authority, January 17, 1973 Consideration of a Resolution Approving Plans Proposed by the Minnesota Highway Department for Landscaping from 37th Avenue to 69th Avenue on T.H. �647 Consideration of a Resolution to Advertise for Bids - Sidewalk Snowplow Consideration of a Resolution Changing the Project Number of the 1971-3 Street Improvement Project to the 1973-3 Street Improvement Project, and Transferring Costs and Expenses from the 1471-3 Street Improvement Project to the 1973-3 Street 2mprovement Project (gast River Road) PAGE 7 I1EM NUMBER & PAGE NUMBERS 23-23D 24-24B 25 26 - 26 A RL'GULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEgRUARY 5, 1973 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Splitting of Special Assessments on Parcel 3150, Section 12 Consideration of a Resolution Correcting the Certification of an Assessment for the ST, 1970-1 Street Improvement Project Which was Placed on the Wrong Parcel Through Clerical Error Appointments Acceptance of Resignation• Mr. H. J. Sondheimer, Board of Appeals PAGE 8 ITEM NUMBER & PAGE NUMBERS 27 � 29 30 Claims 31 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1973 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) Licenses Estimates COMMIJNMMI�TIpNg . Ed Wilmes: Data on Recent Developments on the Islands of Peace Project Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation: Innsbruck North Development, i.e., Drainage Plan, Community Park and "A" Frame Building and Shared Recreational Facilities Fridley Volunteer Fireman's Relief Association• proposed Pension Changes� . CONiMENT: The Volunteer Firemans Relief Association is requesting a meeting with the Council to discuss changes in their pension plan. Your action would be to set aside an evening for a meeting to hear their proposals) ADJOURN; PAGE 9 ITEM NUMgER & PAGE NUMBERS 32 33-338 I 34 35 - 35 A 36 0 ' I� , ' 1 ' ' ' ❑ T� MINUTEB pg THE R�GULAi� COUNCTL M�$TTNG OF D�CBMRER 1$, 1972 Tho Aegular Council Meakin� o� Che Fridley CiCy Counoil aa• c+�lled �o ozder ac 7i45 F,M., Decembor 16, 1972, by Mayor I.i.ebl, PLDGB OF ALItiE A < Mayor Liebl lad tha Counqii and xhe sudieaae f.n saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the F1ag, INVOCATIpN: Tha Invocation wae oP�er�d by Councilatan Mltteletedt RQLL CALLt MEMBERS �RESBNT: M1tkeletaQt� Breider, $tarwal.t� �,eibl� Utter I�MBERS SENT: Nann PRE&$NTATION: ' Both Mr. Larry Conrad, Fxidley pmvete Clu6 PreaideaC, and Mr. Do� Bona, Fridley Lione Club Preoi,dant, were preeent to presenC the anowmobile to the Fridley Polioe DepartmanC, They etaCed the anowmabilo wae 1n use at thak time so they wera unable to ehpw it Co the Councll anQ audieace.� They said they ' intended the enowmohilo Cp aid Che Pq11ce Department in their taek of police protection and public aafety,. ' ' � Mayar Liebl acceptod xhe gift on behalf of the clCxzens of Fridley, the Adminietrakian and Cha City Couacil, and thanked Che FTlslley Amvets Club and Che Frid7ey Liona Club �o� theis gen�roue gift ta aid in the protection of the City of Fridley res�,dent�. APPROVAL OF TFffi MINUTES OF THE REGUTAR C�OUNCIL MEETING„OF NOVEMSER 20 1972, MOTION by Councilman Breidar to adopt ehe Minut�e of the AegulariCouncil �teating of November 20, 1972, Seconded by Goun¢il.man Starwalt. 4Upon a volce vate, all vatisg sye� Mayor Liebl deolared the ¢hoCion carried un�animously. M01'I�N by Councilman ML�C�lot�dt to �dopC the minutcq pf the Speqial Meflting oP Novombes 27, 1472, fa4onded by qaunellme� Utker, Vpon a voiae vote, all votiag aya, l�yor Lieb1 Aeclarod tho motion carried ynanimously, ADQPTYON OF AGENDA• The Counoil added the tpl�oWing iteme to the qgeada= Add; Pappy'e Food Campany to the �,icena�e, IOew 24 � 2k A ,Addt I,etter trom Frldley Woa�en's Club, Item 28, , , , REGUTAR COUNCIL MEETING QF D�C�MB�A 18, 1972 In many communitlea, he added, projecta heve boen completed withauC proper , planning and axecukion and the aroa doey not eorve the handicapped, but are turned back gon gensr�l �eq 8� sacreational aresa, , , ' r , ' PAGE 3 Mr. wilme�secat�d Cha ari��nal planr by Mr. Foster Aunalddle, with the propoeed cost of Q6,2pp� p�,�ced Ghe ehelter building above flood p!a1n and alsa above the high water level. The plana cslled for rampa ae sccese route� for [he hendicapped. Mr. Wilmee lelt thero was a need to clarify the terminology uaed iq tha de�Criptipn of khe planned buildings, He etated Chat what was descxibed ae o!lioe apaee wae an area aet aside Por the administraCion of firet aid, and what wao ealled a dining area would ba a coffee room. Hs added ehese t�atu�g��,a �; muqt ae p!� �a�.,�� •t, ,"�.�P, �$.�e.W� ld nQ� be able to juat run to their � �,"� �. �kt+�� 3��;�r' ��t� _� __� . ,._� _. � . � , .. . Mr, Wilmes next augg�At�d 14pking into the poesib111tiee ae mentipned in Item #6 of ehe Land and FTaker Cpnearvatian Fund Qualifying Requirement Checkiist �tating ��propo�eed pxa��ecta which are by character, oz in the amount aE assist- ance requeated, suth Chtst it wauld be advantageoua [o Pund from other federa� granCe-in-ald programa (i.e, Open Spece, P,L, 566, etc) the state agency may elect not to program Che projaot under the Lan4 and Water Coneervation Fund", Ne euggested ae an a��prp$tive, the,City ,of Fridley submit an application and faces on khe pro�jact to ehe DepartmenC of Hou�ing and Ur6an Development, He aleo mentioned theC �q tha letter from Jamea �, golem, Director o£ the Office of Local and Urban pffa�,ra, i,C Was poseible to resubmit an application for LAWCON Funda. He said accord�ng to a call placed Oo that office, a review o� the applieation far funda wou�d be poeaible, but not for eight or nine monthe, Adding another pasai.ble funding eourse, Mr, , aubmik specificationa o�' tha antire project conaideraGion, and he aaid he would do thia � ' Mr, Wilmea Wilmea said he had besn asked ta to the Ford Foundation for eheir bafore December 20, 1972, :._ .._ _6$me ro6 ,keeF4 =` a � --,_ ,rr�p�w�akcy a;. a m� jor league baseball source, He added�he�hqd 'discusaed�this�wl�th�Celvin�GrifflthQandbhe waadvegy latereqted. Mx. Grank, FaeaLdent, atated he wauld like to waiC until the City officially adopted the aame oR Kha ielaad as ��Gil Hodgee Ialand��, He added if thia wera plAyod, 1,t may 1�� e$fective to hava a demanetration by the blind showing how thoy play bq13, He also euggested approaching sarvlce organizationa euch ae tha Amerlcan I,e�ipn, Va�eran� oP Forelgn y7are, and the Dieabled American Veterans to oe11 tieketa Co ihie event, A button driye would be an4ther meana of finanaing the project Mr. Wilmes a$id, With a project of thla pp;k tAe young people cauld become lnvolved beoausa they could etloo ben•fft by L�, It the dT1ve would be,uaed 1n conjunction with a 8chool projaot, �,15 ouC oP every dollar could be g��en to the echaal preaect. Mr. W;lm�e eksted he h44 roceive�l aaauraqoe of support from Midweat Federal and tha Fridley Stata gank �.n thia p�opoaed drive, Mr, Wilmee uw.ad [he Uni,Ced 8tate,� gvreat Service project in Florida as an example Q� how a projept of thiA pyp9 cop�d be effect�vely main[ained and operated. Ha me�tioned receiving lekto=e of aupporC and offere of aesietance from Senator Humph,gak's �x. � l����r����l,�n�,:;�t��'� oi P�'���a�t�,@fi�t��#�g: V�teran'a Hoapital, .�::...��''�'�e�1�' '��'4 r%>'� . . _ ,�.<- E . .. _.. _� � - ' , ' , , � ' ' , � � REGULAR COUNCI� I� ETING QF A$C$M9ER 18, 1472 PAGE 5 Councilman Br�ider atated it was noC the intantion of the Council to stap the project, but that they are working through the administraClon to try Co cantinue the projecC. Righk npw �WCON is hedging by not accepting our p�ans, but 1t does not stop us from lqoking for some other meana of financial support. He eald that at thia time Chey were simply trying to make eure the Third Ward Cauncilman was ingp�@�d eo he may be kepe abreast of thinga, The Council's Lntentions are the aame ae thay were a year ago and Che administration should help find alkernate eou�cea ot funding, Mr. Petereon stated they intended to keep on solicitng whether or not LAWCOH granted appxoval, He added it was neceaaary for the American Legion to eatabliah a goal, be aure the project w�ll not be dropped making it necessary to rekurn donations, and after Chia the American Legion could put the project on its feet. Thi� could be done without any City money, he believed. Council- man Breider reminded Mr. Peterson it is essential ta work throught the administration and assured Mr, peterson that three members of the Council have committed their suppork to the project, and added they are not about to change their minds. Mr. Wilmes atated he had contacted Mr. Nee and informed him on the background oE the project. Mayor Liebl asked if it was necessary to take any action on the project at Che present time, Councilman Breider suggested the City Manager look intv oCher posaible funding sources. Councilman Mittelstadt suggeated a reyiew of the LAWCON application making improvements in the weak pointa and submitting ;t again, �yor yiebl said this could be done in six montha. Mr. Wilmes sugge�ted the City �anager arrange a meeting with [he FiLiD people as they had offered their asaistance in completing an application, He added, LAWCON had referred him to HUD. Councllman Breider said the Coun�il should pursus the matter of funding the project. ' Mayor Liebl asked �f there were any visitors who wished to address the Council. VISITOR3: , Marv ChrlaCen 800 Rice Creek Terrace; Mr. Christen stated he was a anowmoblle vwner and thought there was a need for ' clarification of the ordinance governing anow�ohiles, He stated that with the present restrictlona, he has no aceeas [o Locke Park either aummer or winter. In order to uae his anowmobfle in the areas set aside as snowmobile areas in , the park, he must driv� around vn Highway 65 or Univereity Avenue. He auggested designating an area at the end vf Madieon Street or Mpnrpe Street for snow- mobil�rs to cross Che creek. Councilman $reider ataked khig had been brought to his attention and he had many aimllar complainta from sAOWmobilara. He s�ggested the matter be discussed with the people in khe area and aleo the park Department, He also suggested a trail be mapp�d ouk for the �oCko Park area, Mr, Ghrlaten askad if it would hg poasible to con�truct a foot brldge for s��eL accees eo the park, The City Manager sald thls is included in the budget, but he d1d not remember exactly where it is to be locaeed. MOTION by Coun�ilman �reider Cq eeK a9ide an area for eccess to �ocke Park from the eouih, and set up a map as a matter of record for trails for snowmobiling in the park. Seconded by Councilman Mittelatgdt. Upon a voice vote, ail voting aye, Mayor Liebl dap�ased the mpq�pn carzied unanimouslp, ' REGUI.Ait COANCxi, M$�TING QF D�CEMBER 18, 1972 , � � � � PAGE 7 Mayor I.1eb1 read khe ariglnal motion to approve [ha prelim�.nary plan from the minutes of the Jun� 2�, 1971 Council Meeting. He asked if the regulationa set in eha preliminary approval were abided by. The City �ngineer said they were. Mayor Liebl expleined �puncilman g=eider'a concern atating it was his impression there would be no more aCudio apartments in the complex. He then asked what asaek it would be to have theae officieney apartmente. Mr. grank Reese, ArchiXpct, atated there are 251 units in the etructure and they are larger in eyuare footage $nd ar¢ $g0 to $g0 a month more �n rent than the other building, He ad�ed the apa=tments are more luxurioua throughout, whether they are afficiency apartmeata or not, Mayor Liebl etated that caxe should be taken in restricting the apartmente to a I qertain lncome clase. Mt. Reeae oaid anyone who was able to pay the renk was welcame in the complex. � � � i Councilman Breidex queaCiot�ed whak percentage of houaing units in pridley are in the low or m�ddle Lncome tange, Mr, pQGer Heriofsky, Administrative Assistank, said 17% are in the loW and moderate income brack�t as defined by the �etropolitan Council, most of which are apa=tmenta. Councilman $rgider addr0e��d the Maypr etating hie pbjectiona ko Che complex. He said two yeara ago ia a meeting with the people o;E innabruck and the pec�,le lnvolved 1n the proj�ct, tt�ey wer� assured at that tlme that these would be ultra plush apazCmente, H@ added that 60 efficiency apartments is nox his idea of plueh liviag, He said, aow they are proposing a total of 72 e£ficiency apartmente in the complex, and this was not whet wae agreed upon with the people in the Innabruck Homeownery Aesociatipn. � not theYtype�of hui$ding zheyahadihopedifora igetaskedrwhatukindnofarent8was being projected in the nQpr compl�x, �, Reese sald the atudio apartments would be $135 a manth, the one bedroam �420Q per month and the two bedroom $250 per month, He ' said beaeuse Chey ase sCUd�.p pr �ffici,eney apartmenta doea noC mean they fall into the category af low 1nco�e or cheap. Many people wlth a high income seek en aparCmant wiCh ane big room. They will pay more money Por the aparCment because , thay want Co use the recreationai faoilities he sa�.d. xn his qpinlon, he said, Ghere are not Coa many studio apartmen[s in the complax. This building completes the multlple hou�ing in thls project. ' Mayor L1eb1 asked the City Engineer if the building ie up to code and all the etipulations of the Hu1ldiRg SCandarda Committee have been met. The City Englneer aaid the 6uilding w4s up Co code, but that he was aleo disappointed at first � bacause the building Was aat what wae expected, Mayar Liebl egreed and aqid he hoped Chis buildiag would be lmproved 1n quality. , He added ane imporxant fackor ln hie �lnd �+aa wheCher or nat peaple could afEord Cheae apartments, Ha seid tha Counpil could be atrong�y crtticlzed on thls aotion, He said with Cha �aro populatton C=end perhaps the one and two bedroom apartments would 6e mosk practical. The ep�e=t�lnment aspe�ts of a complex of this type, , be said, are grea�ly emphaej.aed, He atreased tho need por an improvement in quality eaying he would li.k� Co eee 2Anebruck North with the best possible features _ under ecanvmlcal and Eeasib�s atandpp�,�t�, , REGUI.AR COUNCIL ME$TING OF pEC$MBEA 18, 1972 � �� PAGE 9 MOTION by Councilman MitC�leCadC to r�ceive ths lettex signed by paul Burkholder, Preeidant of the State I,end end Development Company, Brunie 9moka, Chairman, Cemetary Commi,ttee, 8aore4 Heart of Jesue Church, and $mil J. Jakubie and 8�an1nY-�68es.e of-the Cema[ary Canmittee, dated Decembar 13, 1972, walving the righC for a public heasing tor the vacation of the alley in the property alaa known ae the narkh ha1P o£ ths Sacred Heart of Jeaus Polish Catholie Churah cemetary properGy. 9econded by Councilman xreidez. Upon a voioe vote, all voting $ye� �yor L1,�b1 declared Che motion carried unanimously. The City �nginees explaineQ the purpoae of the letter aa protection to hold the C1ty harmle�e of any legal reaponeibility should they want to eta�ct coastruction pxlor to Che vacation being completed. He added, eince tha only peop�e lnvolv�d haye agreed to the vacation and eigned the letter, the building plana could be approved as long ae they inclade khe atipulations set by the Building Standards at their meeting of Oetobar 26, 1472, MOTION by Councilma� MiktelaCadt to approve the conetruction of a�2 unit apartment building wikh 16 garagee to be located at 5451 - Sth Street N. E. by Stete Land and Deve],opment Co�pBny, with the Pollowing stipulationy; ■ , 1. That � stal�.e on the northwest cozner of the pTOperty may haye precaet cuzbing, , 3• ThetParty waij.,fanddseparation betweenrfloore�be h�ilttto�code, ' The motion wae seaonded by Councilman Breider, Before a vote wae taken, Mayor Liebl asked tha Ciey �ngineer if there was a drainage problem in this area. The City Enginoe'r paid instead of eurface drainage, the water will be piped ineo the Highway Departmen[ dikch tp the north along I, 694. Councilman Utter asked what , Che Highway DepastmenK �aid ahout thie. The City Engineer anawered, a permit muat ba obeained from them, � Up�`1 A VOIC� VOTE, Bzeider, ��8rwalt, �,iebl and Mittelstadt voting.aye, Council- man Utter voting nay, (�pqr Liebl declarad the motion carrled. Mayor Liabl cel,led pn MT, I{en Iesacaon of Viking Chrevrolet to addreee the Council. Ms, Wyman Smith, Atkorn4y Faprespnring yiking Chrevrolet, sald Mr. Isaacaon was not p=�sent. ge said that Mr, �erk Dooley, �eneral I�{anager oP Viking Chevrolet would add=esa Che Coun�x�, apd explain the reaulta of a Cour of the premises on Decambar 13, 1972 by Mr, xwaacqon, Mr. parrel Clark, Community Aevelopment Adininiieretor, I�r, ,Te=ry gQaxd,�n� planning Aaeiatant, and himself, Ha said Mx, Dooley wea not preaenC aC tha meeting w�th Mr. Isaacaon, Mr, Boardman and Mr. G�ask on NpVember 29 when thp 8[�ff waa Cxying to interpret conditione when tE1QJ' CppI4 ov�r the bullding, He �.ntroduced Mt. Dooley, ' ' REGULAA COUNCIL MEExING OF AECEMBER 18, 1972 �] � LI � , � � � � ' ' , i , PAGE 1 L Mayor Liebl euggaeted th6 CounGil, discusa i,tem number four, acreening pf the outaida ru6biah area beh�nd the building, Mr. Daalep said he honestly did not believe they wese doing an excallent job of policing the area, He mdded, the aituation has rscenCly changed in that they were having the rubbiah hauled away every two days. Ho said there would no longer ba an accumulation of fendera and bumpere. Thie cannot be seen from the outaide by the public, one must drive lnto kha area bafare it san be seen. Mayor Liebl said there would be no exceptione as far aa rubh�sh accumulating, thie muet be taken care of. Mr, pooley atrepsed the ppint that it waa not an accumulation of rubbiah,but oaly fendera and bumpere and it i,a being taken care of every two days. Mayor Liebl said thie ahould be takeq care of by next month. Councilman Starwalt stated this hae been lpoked into by Dar1'el Clark, who sai,d there is a tremendqus pile. He added in hia opinion the poeaibility of screening the area should bq looked into. He added,the area ia not viaible from the street but it is visible from the eide. He eaid that if !t is not feasible right now, he would suggest it be done in the next aix monthe. Ha also auggested another pick up point as a method of xeducing the aecumulation, Gouncilman Mittelstadt stated this i� a requirement for all the industry in Fridley, CounciLman Starwalt said the winds have been known to 61ow in Fridley, and so¢�e meana had to be used to contain the material. Mayor Liebl etressed there would be no exceptiona ta item four. Mayor L1eb1 referred ka item number fiv�a, a da�e for curbing along Fireside Drive should be sat. He asked the City Engineer the reason for this action. The City Engiaeer said he had talked with Mr. Isascaon who had said there was a large aum of monay nceded to make ql� the neceasary improvementa to live up �o tha Code, Ms. I�eaesan, according to the �i,Xy Engineer, was unable to do all the work at the prasent time. Tha qity $nginoar esi,d they were in agreement and willing to do the work which 1a the addit�,on af Gurbing a�ong the parking lot, qouncilman Staxwalt conaurred with Che City Enginasr atating Viking Chevrolet was absolutely willing to do this, He aeked the City Engineer if there were probleme from an engineering a[andpoint, waa the etraet grade higher than the property and if a grade level had been set, The C1ky �ngineer eaid ha did not believe there would be any probleme with drainage. He empheaized the expenae of the project and again suggeated a complekion daCe be eet, Mayor Liebl auggested it be completed befare the end of the 1974 aonatruction eosapn 1� it were not financia�ly feasible for this year, The City Engineer agresd that the ourbing along the pazking areas on the west side of the property could be waiyed, . He etated the ipstallation of a planting atrip conld cauae eome problems and added that painting the area green and placing two or throa cement Planterg thaC could ba removed in'the wlnter may be a more practical 80SUG�OR, Mayor Li.ebl eaid iC was their in[ention ta do wha{� is moat practfc,al but he was not in favos af p�aai.ng plaotic trsae in tha area, H� streosed the importance of an environmental impressl,oq and eai.d whan artificial�faliage was uaed on the Holiday property, it looked a mosa, Ho added, that at tha t�,me they were con�idering the pl.ans they were told it would ba eaey to maintein, Mayor Ziebl eaid the area ehould igok clean and aet in qrder co invi,ta euatomera. He said in h�.s opinion � planting atriF shvuld ha malRtai�ed in that ares eventually. Councilman Utter aeked if the plowing a# enow qoul,d hxegk up �he planting done in ihe �rea and how Cpk1d the oare bs p�en fran Che road aitex the p�owing, Mr. Dooley said after the CLCy plowe the anow Viktng Chevrolek removee it, Mayor L1eb1 said he would like bQ aee �oma greenexy in the aT�a, He aoke� how wida the ecrip wae, Mr. Aooley asid it wa� under fifteen teafi and possibiy only about 12 feet, ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEE'�ING OF DECEMBER 18, 1972 � , ' ' � , � ' � PAGE 13 The City Attarney said Khere ,are thxee other citiea in Anoka Counky under the jurisdicti� o£ Che County Attorney. He agrees, the pasaing of these ordinances would give the City more flexibility 1n handling drug, barbiCuates and glue offenees. The uae of Chese subetancea are prohibited under the State 3tatutes, but 1f this le approved by the City, 1t would sllow the Ciey to handle some caees as miedemeanors and taken care of by the City Attorney's office. He added in some cases, eepeoially when young people are involved, theae ordinances woaid enable the CiCy to handle the case es a misdemeanor instead of the County Attorney's office handling the cise under the State Statutee as a felony with a eevere penalty, He aaid, in hie opinion, the City ahould adopt theae ordinance. MOTION by Councilman Mitteletadt to approve the firet reading of ihe foregoing foux ordinances and waive the reading. Seconded by Coun.cilman Utter. Upon a roll call vote, Mittelstadt, Utter, L1eb1, Breider and Starwalt voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motlon carried unanimously. � RECSIVING THE MINUIES OF THE PLANNING COMhIISSION MEETING UF DECEMBER 6, 1972: _ . _-_ _'"__ _"_'_'" .. .. �ivn nc ov nnainvnU A Cl'YiRT7 � �� The City �ngineer eald ths plan was basically one of combining some property and did not in any way change khe Locke Lake shorelina. , MOTION by Counailman SCarwalt to approve what the Plaaning Commisslon had recommended. P91F72-06 for U. A, Schultz. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all vatiag eye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanlmously. � The City Engineer aald that the next item which ie a Rezoning and Special Use Permit requeated by Un�on 011 Company ia still pending before the Planning Commi�sion so ao Council action La needed at this time, � ' ' ANp , M4TIt�I by Councilman Mittelatadt to eet a puhlie hearing fos January 15, 1973. 5eaonded by Counailman Utter. Upan a volca voce, ell voting aye, Mayor T,iebl declared the �notlon carxied unanimouely, � �J � The 41ty $ngineer aald Chak tho Rext ltem, whLch was a requesk for a Special U4e Pormtt by Frank Gabrolsik� NBe ati,1.1 pending befoce the planning �ommissian aad no Counsll actian waw iqqui;ed ae khip time, , REGUI.AR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 18, 1472 ' ' There are three buildinga af slmilar conatruction, ha said. The revisions allowed the community faCiliClas to be placed in tha center of the complex and available to both tawnhouse and apaztment rentera. He esid there are to ba fifky s1x garagea in the center of the parking area and an open court � yard. He polnted out thq exp�cted eight and fifty year growth projection of the tsees in the area, He said khere will be a fountain aystem, waterPall and ditch which will L`low in�o a permanent pooi 1n the center of the cpurt yard. ' He poinked ouC tha locat�ng of the tennis court, indoor pool and recreation cenxer. , r_. PAGE 15 Counailman Utter raised a question regarding the permaneat pond saying there , is a drainage problem an the �prner of 7th Street snd 63rd Avenue. He added he thought tha ariglnal plana-had called for dzainage of thab area into the ' permanent pond. Mr. SohWarz explained the corner of 63rd would be landscaped , and the present pLpe would connect to the normally dry rock lined bed and continue under a 6ridge to the ponding area. He added that in the case of a rain atorm the water would be channeled into the storm aewer. Councilman UCter � asked what the alevations on tha site were 1n comparison to the road. Mr. Schwarz etated he was not certain buC he thought the preaent elevation of the pond was planned for 840' and the elevaC�an of the roadway on 63rd is 849' or 850'. Counoilman Utter aCated he waa very glad to see the installation of the ponding ' area ae he had been in contact wlth people on 63rd qvenue and they have problems with water in theis haaementa, Mayor Liebl asked 1f the aurg� xuq ofF water would go inta the storm sewer, Mr. 5ohwarz replisd it would slowly go inta the aCOtm eewer, Mayor Liebl asked if thpre wauld be a row of tawnhouses on Miseiasippi Street. Mr. 3chwarz eaid there would be one row with the front of the unit having a higher elevation than Che back, The units wili hav� tuck-under garages, he added, The �.iving roop�, dini,ng soom and kitchen of these unita will overlook the ceatral court yard area. Tbe second floor, he s�id, will contain three bedrooma, a bath and an additional lavatory, He eald there would be a stucco and wood triangular bay aC tha end of each unit and a window on the landing of the akairways. Mayor Liebl asked if tho out�i,de plana called for any briok. Mr. Schwarz sald they had planned a etucoo and w4od lmage; the stucap being off-white and the wood medium to dark brown Cones at dlfferent locations. Mayor Liebl asked if lt might give a sturdip; appaqsance if the bottom of the buildings were brick. Mr• Schwara seated thie wae tha kiad of building Wall Corporakion wanted and khe image they wanted Co psoject, Mayor I,Sobl aoked whaC RCyla apa;tment bulldiage were p�anned, Mr, Schwarz said thay wore of ehe same atyle, Tha Mayor � ked i£ khe materlale generally aifect the p=iee of the unit. �iF, SohWarF eald rtucca wae a zalatively expens�va m+lt*rial and it waa h1e og�.ttion tha ema11 awouACs o� �etucca would enhance the wood. He added wood alona cie�ted a oameneaA that could get dull. He sa�d they piaaned to c=eaCe a higl{ apnisael:between the etucco end wood and lncroduCe eome eoPt colorq, Mayor Liabl aCseated th� 1.mportance+af having che complex of a high quality material 9AyS.4�g �C ti111 be i�q the ceiiter o� the City and on a prime pieae oY raal eaCate, k�e agaLF� aCated he would like to eee bsick atructures CheTe and aaked it 1C weFa po#a�.plo to do thle snd keep the unita 1n the same prioe ranga. Mr. S�hwarR aeld Kt{p=e ware 11[Pitatione on how �ar maeonery oan�tructlon and bri�k could b� inpluded 1n Chie type of �ullding. ' REGULAR COUNGIL MEETING OF DBC$MBBR 18, 1972 ' ' ' � PAGE 17 The City Engi.nesr aeked the Guunall to conelder the deletion of the additionai garages ae requested by the Wall Corposatlon. Mr. 9chwarz asked to defend the Wall CorporaGlon'e approaah on the lasue and added according to maLket reaearch done, thie wpuld be a gzaater percentaga of garagea than would be needed in this complex. He edi.d khey haVe.planned to market a petcentage of [heae unita to the elderly, and in most caeea Che elderly will not have a need for garages. Gouncil- man Breider eaid the unit4 were elso to be marketed to the handicapped and they would have no need for additional garagea either, ae many af them do not drive. If there ie a need 1n the future, they could be added. pMt;NDMENT TO TNE MOTION by Cauncilmaa Breider to delete the twenty-two , garagea wlth;tha underetanding xhat if they axe, needed at a later date they will be builb. �aoondad-by Counc�lmen 8tarwalt, U�tan s voiee vote-, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motiva carried unanimously. ' The Cou�il commended Mr. Schwarz and the Wall Corporation for doing what they eaid they would do in their original pinns. , � ' r � , .., L � � ' , , Tho City Engineer said thie plan has been authorized before and this was a revieed plan, Councilman Mittelatadt referred to the Minutee oP the Building Standards meeting as liated on Page 13 B oE the Ageada and eaid he was 1n agreemenk with Ms. Tonco, Ha believed thie build�ng wae very large snd wantad to know what meana wae being uaed to break up the monotony. The C1ty Engineer stated, there would be aoneiderable planting proVided and that there were also wiadows in tha atructure that would break up thq wa11. He said the bulldiag was to be conetructed of break-off block. MOTION by Counci�lman Bsoidsr to �pprove tha requeae for construction o£ a ware- houao located ax 7901 Heech SCxeet N,E,,.Fridley� Minnaeota, by &ryaut pra�klin Corporaeian, 90Q W. Co, Rd. D, New Bsighton, Minneaota 55112. Soconded by Councilman MittqlatadC. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion oarried unaqimoaaly, Tho City Englneer•eald t'hp grPpo�ed coqetsuction wao tha sddition to the exloting etructure, and a meana to clean uy the aroa. Thera wae a diecw�lon o! NhsCher or nae pontable eoncrete curbing wae Co be used, Mayor L1eb1 statad he ChouBht iC waa a waote ot monoy and oited the Fxoneier Club ae an axample. He eaid t�sey bad to eventually saplaae thom. A repreeentative of . 8 4� W Roalty seated thp pyan� had been xeyiaed to �ncludo parmanent curMng. � REGUI.AR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBBR 16, 1972 IJ PAGE 19 1 Mr. Jack Wooda, Lea Avenue NorCh, Srooklyn Center, owner of Pappy's Food Company, 7874 Beeah StreeC N, E., Fridley, addseeeed tho Mayor and the Council. Mr. Woode stated he �ad eaked Mr, Harvey McPhee, pr�eent Fr�,dley Health Inapector, to aome in and tell him tho aquipmant and auppliea he needed to comply with the Health , Inapec[ion regulatione. H�,e reaaon wae to eliminata the number of inspectora and the amount of money apent to comply with the ideae of all the inapectora involved, He stated hy Pollawing Mr. Mcphee'e euggeationa and ordering the necessary � materials ho saved ap to $1,000. He eaid in his opinlon the approval of the plan wovld be a great help to the bueineasmen in the area. Mayor Liebl.said�,�hq:,gi�# #�q;�ld �a�l�£ar ttie retestian of Mr. McPhee's servlces, �� qnd _b@ '1�.�#��ti���"#�s����6����r�r' ���!�y� a�sa...,�ae� added that the , �v*°!�'8�r'-�'tguf'���W4s�ti�tiR'�" b�a '�CCO`rd�tg Cc�-�v1[�`"�i[�''k�"thought the plan should be tried out. ' Counailman M1Gtelatadt aeid thaC in his opinion, the City ahould�adopt the plan for 1973. , THE VOTE UPON TF� MOTION WAS A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � ' � ' � � r �: ' Mayor Liebl aeked if Charo wara any questions on the recommendationa of Marvin Bruneell, Asaiatant City Menager/Finance Director. Tho C1ty Manager eaid the propoeed sewer rate chargee and connection charges had been studied by Mx. Virgil Herrlck, City Attorney, Mr, Marvin Brunsall, � and othar memharg bE:`tit#t.#d�tiniatrative ataff., �hey have atudied the matter oi apa€taentr astd th� �iitp thay.pay aa to the amounC of sowage that ehey con- tii6ute.' Louacilman 8raidex sald it should be the intention to have the people pay what their flow rate dictatea. Councilmaa Mittelatadt aeked 1f 1t wae the mai,n intent at the present time to have money in eacrow for SpC chargas. Mayor Liobl said it ie alao an �mportant point that the apartmenta uae the eewer lese Chaa a haae would. The Ctky Attorney stated Che ei.ngle Yamily house, townhouse and duplex ehall compriea one ua1e, condominiuma and apartmenta ahall each comprlee 80%. of a unit, mobile homes ahall alao each comprise 80% of a unit. He added, the 41ty ha� a ialr numbes of one bedroom apartmente and alea a numbar of vaeancies elfmiaatea any uee of Che sewex eyatem at all, He aeid ha was eatisfied with the propoeed roaolutian, Councllman Starwalt aaksd i£ multiple dp6111nge would be eharged $10 per quarter. Mayar biebl staked thay muet psovide the neceaeazy Punde ior charges, otheswi.ee ehe only other way wduld ba will levy, Tha C1ty, Mnna$er etatad thst all new conetsuctioq pill pay an additional amount far connection chergea in tha tutura aad thiw uill onabla the City to obeain the eddiei,oaal PuRda, xa4he; ��a)1 increa�ing the ind�,vidual quarterly ratea, . � � � ��,� _. . , ,; . .��T�it.?�1_�`�c#�i�°;BLtLd+ll�;�t��i�ttd�i.Ra�dY#�#t3!%:{'��#(��.9��;:.etarting the firat of Januerg, 1973, ae pe; tho iigusea stated Ln the reaolution, Seconded by Councllman MitkelaCadt, q�on a yqlce Vote, all votiag eye, Mayor Liebl doclared the motion carriad up�n�moualy, ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 18, 1972 ' PAGE 21 ' The motlon waa seconded by Councllman MitteLatadt.. Upon a voice vote, ali voting aye, Mayor Liabl declsrad the wotlon carried unanimously. crax�s: MOTION by Councilman Mittelatadt to approve the claims as £ollows: General Clalma �630k40 thxu �k30587 and Liquor Claims �F7293 thru ii7323. Seconded by Counci.lman Uttar. Upon a volea vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion oarried unanlmoualy. �T,CENSES : � r :, s o 0. R. Anderberg Company 2923 Oakland Avenue Minneapolis, Mlnnesota Cooper Conetruction Company 8437 University Ave. N.E. Minneapolis, Minneeota Ching Johnson Buildars, Inc, 3507 West 50th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Keyway Buildings, Inc. 10910 South Shore Drive Minneapolis, Minnesota SIGN ERECTOR (1973) Gold Med81'`Bevex�ge Ct�lp�iaFtiy P,O. Box 3466 5S3 North Faixview Avenue St. Paul, Mlnneavta FOOD ESTABLISI�NT Pappy�a Fooda Company 7879 Beech 9t. N.E. Fsidley, Minnoaota ; ��° �`�a::.�:..�� � By: Orin Anderberg By: Thomae Cooper By: Ct�ing Johneon By: Dave Morman By: Haskel Fishman By: Jack F. Wooda APPROVED BX Clarence Belisle Clarence Belisle Clarence Belf.sle Clarence Belisle Clarence &ellsle Clarence Beliele �,�[I`IPLE D'WE�.LING LI,Q„ENSES � ADDRESB TS F,�„E APPROI�ED BY Donald Aunan 5770 - 2ad 8t; N.E. 8 $t0.00 Aobert A. Aldxlah n Fire Pzevention Aept. � MATION by Caunci.lman Bralder Ca approve the above noted licenses. Seconded by Councilman UtCer. Upon +s volce vota, all votiag aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion aarrl,ed vnanimou�ly. r.. , . ..- .. , ._._� , � , .._�:� � �� , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 18, 1972 , • ' Council check wlth Coon Rapide to determine some of the advanta�ea. He added that within a year Che program was self eustaining 1n that area. Mr, Harrts saggeeted the uee of funde saiaed by tho golf course be us�d ta develop other ' park areas in Che City. �. Harris eaid this is the only area within the City large enough for a golf couree and ia hia opinion there are many other areas more auitable fcr a nature cente�. PAGB 2,3 The Chamber ie planning to prepqre a detailed report on the coat of a golf oourae in this area he said. He expresaed concern at whether the Council would take action oa Che matter before the Chamber has completed their atudy. Mr. Harris said there are maay questiona to be anawered, and the interest of the ciGizena of Fridley should be deteratiqed. Ha aeked the Council for eome asaurance that they would not make a decision before a certaln date. He added there has, and will be, a great,deal of time aad money put into this atudy by the Chamber and they would like. the City Caunc3l to refra�n from any action until their report is completed. Mayor L1eb1 atattd ha Would aot like to take any action until the atudy 1s analysed. He added he would like to eee a feaeibility atudy on how much a golf courae would oost and what it would do for Fridley. He added, in his opinion, a golf course is a metropolitan psogram. He eaid he would also like to see a complete study an the feasibility of a Nature Center. Mr. Harris again asked the Council for time to prepare the report. He said Che Chamber mµat collect data and ¢acta to do thia and they need a coneiderable amount of time and a daedline. Mayor Lieb1 said the Councll must not only conaidex the Chamber, but also the ' people of Fridley, including thoAe eupporting a nature center. He Htated h1s main concern would be the financing. He atated hia concern in holding a special election to determine the intereat of the people. In a apecial election, only � thoae oppoaing the program would come out to vote. Ia a general eiection a greater percentage af the people would be iavolved in the deciaion, He atressed the need for a study from both aides of the queation, He said he would be willing to wait for the ldese from both sidea backed up by reporta and a meana of ' fiaancing both programe. • . � Councilman Breider etated Mr, Hazria is �pesking�for the Chamber who is apending , a great deal of money, how could thelr report be unbiased, he questioned. He suggested the City hire a flrm af conaul[anta to study both sides and prepare an unbiased reporC on the advantages and disadvanta es of both suggested uaes. � Mr. Harria atated he was not pseaent to ask the Council to fund the study. He eai3 the busineae community does aot want additional taxation for a use of North Park that is not aelE euataining. He stresaed the Chamber'a lnitial figures � ahowad a golf coursa would be self suatalning. Councilman greider aseured him this would be a pare of any conpultanCa considexation, , ' 11 Meyar Liebl recalled the oPfer made by Medtronics to pay $8,000 for a atudy with the proviaion fihat the City abide by their reco�rmendaClon, He questionad whether or not thie atudy qould haye beest unbiased. Ha atressed the Council"s obligation to grovide an unbiaeed atudy. Mr, AaxTis auggested Choaa in favpr of a golf courae eubmit Cheiz findings a�nd thos'e aupporting a natµre eeqte�+ submit �heiX ggther�d data and the decision would be Left up to.th� Cc+uncil, Mayor,Lleb1 atated thaC there is a possibility REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING QF DECEMSEA 16, 1972 PAGE 25 the diamonda are uaed only eix monthe out of a year and by a very few of the Fridley residenta. Mr. �azris continued eaying he was not against a nature center, buC he conaldared �t a�natter of psiorities. There are other areas available for a nature canCar and aot othex deeirable areas for a golf caurae. He stresead the importanem of the golf course being self sustai.ning and profit making, although the plana da aot oall for a major league course where th� U.S. Open could be played. Ho aaid �f the nature center were in a different location, it may not be major league either, but iG would be poseible to have both. Counailman Starwalt asked i£ 90 to L00 days would be an adequate amount of time to etudy the utilization, Mr, Harris asked what the Chember was to do if they go ahead and apend the money on the study and the Council decidea on February ea a deadline;:aad Che_Chamber.is_aot ready at �b�t'.�ime.'.Councilman Starwalt stated he was not likely to make up hia miad in 90 days. Mayor Liebl atated, in hia opinion, Mr, Harria was preeeating a aimple request for setting a date whlch would ena6le them time For a etudy and, if the Chamber wants to spend money on a atudy duxing thie kime, that would be their prerogative. Councilman Mitielstadt suggeated the Council agree not to deliberate beyond June 1, 1973. Councilman Breider said tho Council hae the right to deliberate at anytime. He aeked hrnv iC would be pqesible to set a date for June 1; 1973, all they had talked about were Che Chamber's plana. He said the Council ahould also talk to the other aide, or pexheps allocate Punda for the skudy of a nature aenter or the atudy would not be adequate. Barbara Hughes, 548 Rice Creek Terrace, League of Women Votere, said the League of Women Voters would nevox do a�feasibility atudy on a nature cenCer. She added, the figures they have are broadly gauged, national figurea provided by a land- acape architect. Mre. 'Hughes explained that League had aubmitted the flgures ia good faith, but they are aot based on soil teata, just one man's experience in developing nature centers. She added, the League will urge the City Co atudy tha matter. -Mayor Liebl aeked if the flrst oi June would allow enough time for a atudy. Mre. Hughee atresaed the fact Chat the League will continue to urge the City to do a atudy on North Park, addiag� the information the League can provide ie not the kind of repost the Council neade to �ake a decision and take action. Mr, Harsie said he was noC there to say if it would be a good effort by the City ' to atudy the utilization aa a nature center. �ie said if the Chamber doea the atudy for a golf COtllBE and th� City eonducta a atudy for a nature center, it wi11 look like the City favora the natura center ut111zation. ' � ' , ' Couacilman graider euggeated the atudy be made by a consultant who hae done both golf courses and nature centere, adding this would be a good indication of the aueeear or failure of the propoeed plaae. Mr. Harris voiced concern over this plan 1f it were to be done by a 1oea1 firm, atating this may involve planning a project with the intention oP making a profit by doing the work. Mr. Harria eaLd the Chamber was willing to do a detailed atudy on parking and a clab houee, presenting ooata o£ the plan. He iadicated a need for guidelines Co be aet in regard.to how much money wae to be speat on the utilization, Councilcnan Bteider again +�Aid both sidea had Co be presented, and the declsion haeed oR what ie beat £or the aommunity, He continued by saying if the situation remaine two aided with the League on one Qide and tha Chamber on the other, Chis REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF nEG$MBER 18, 1972 not find fault with Che coneultante. Councilmaa Breider euggeated the Council get the consultant's flnd�pgs and evaluetq them. Mdyos L1eb1 eummarized the dlacuseion by atating np diacueaion sbould be made until June 1, 1973. MOTION by Gouncllman Breider tP pcopoae a courae of action ta take on ,�une 1, 1973, with some kind of tlme table eo both sides know what the Council is planning. Seconded by Caunoilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declaxed tha motion carried unanimausly. PAGE 27 MOTION by Councllman MitteLeCadt to recelve the letter from the Fridley Women's Club dated Dacember 16, 1972, and Co direct the Adm�niatration to work wlth the Frldley Womea's Club with the planting of the treea. Seconded by Councilman Uttar. Upoa a voice voke, all voting aye, Mayor Ziebl declared the motion carrled unanlmously. �ITY HALL EMP�,OYEE'S Hq�DAY: Mayos Liebl said iK 1s propoaed that the City Hall employeea receive a holiday , either the day a£ter Chxietmae or the day aftar New Year's Day. The City Attorney added the daye off will be epiit up between the total number of employeee and the offiaes would remain opea both days. t� , ' , � ' '� ;� MOTION by Counoilman Starrralt to �llow the City Hall Employeea a holidy, one helf to [ake that holiday an December 26, 1972, and the remaining half on January 2, 1973, with the City Hall to aremsin open, Seconded by Qouncilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voti.ng aye� Mayor Liebl declare the motion carried unanlmously, �.70URN : MOTION by Councilman MiCtelatadt to adjour the meeting, Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upvn a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and khe Regular CouncSl Meeting adjourned at 12;OS,A.M. Aespectfully submLtted, i `����� ��� Patricia Ellia Secretary to the CiCy Couacil Fzank G. Liebl Mayor THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 8, 1973 T'he Regular Council Meetin� of the Fridley City Council was called to order at 7:35 p.m., January 8, 1973, by Mayor Liebl. PGEOGE OP ALLEGIANCE; Mayor Liebl led the Councii and the audlence in saying the Pledge of A3lagiance to tha Flag. INVOCATION: The invocation was afferad by Councilman Mittelstadt. AOLL CALL: M6MBERS PRESENT; Hroider, Starwalt, Liebl, and Mittelstadt. MEMB&RS ABSENT� nono. APPROVAL OP MINUTES: APPROVAL OP THE MINU'fES OF THE REGl1LAR COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 4, 1972: MOTION by Councilman Brelder to adopt tha minutes of the Regular Council Meating of Decambex 4, 1972, as presented. Saconded by Councilman Mittalstadt, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared tha inotion carriad unaninously. APPRQVAL OP TN8 MINUTES OA Ttff: PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OP DECEMBER 11, 1972: Mayor Liebl made a correction on page 7, paragraph four, change the word 'and� to 'had'. MOTION by Councllman Mittalstadt to adopt tha minutes of the Public Hoaring Meeting of Aaceuber 11, 1972, as corxected. Seconded by Councilmaa Uttor. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl dealared tha motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor 4ieb1 statad there waa an ztam undar new business to be addad; Lettex from Ed Wilmes regarding tha maintenance of the Islands of Peace. MOTION by Councilmas� Mitteistadt to include the letter from Ed Wilmes as � Item number 23 of the agenda. Seeondad by Councilman Uttar. Upon a voice voto, ali voting sye, Mayor Liebl declarod the motion carriad unanimQusly. ' ' ' YISI� TOAS� MRS. JOYCE STORLA, 75g8 Alden Wayl N. E., FridieY: . Mrs. Storla �sked tha Gquncll fox permission to have a meating definad as a peaca gathering sQ Bisenhower Square on January 20, 1973, at 9:3Q p,m. to 11:3U a.m, Sb¢ said �fter tha gathering at Eisenhowex Squara the group will bo transpoxtqd to the S�,axe Gapital to continue , , ' , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 8, 1973 POSSESSION OR PAGE 3 OF CERTAIN MOTION by Councilman Mittalstadt to adopt Ordinance #528 on the second reading, waive tha xeading and order publication. Seconded by Councilm�n Breider. Upon a roll call vote, Councilman Utter, Coungilman Mittelstadt, Councilman Breidex, Councilman Starwalt, and Mayor Liebl voting aye. Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liabl asked the City Attorney, Virgil Herrick, to explain the action of the City Counci.l to the public. Mr. Herrick said items number two through five on the agenda concerning the posseasion, use and sale of drugs wera.raquested by the Police Department. He added, they have been adopted by other com�unities in Anoka County. The adoption would enable first offendars to be charged with a misdemeanor rather than a felony. It would allow the County Attorney and the municipalities mora flezibility on offensas and uniformity throughout the County. ORDINANCE M529 - REGIlLATING THE PURCHASE, SALE OR POSSESSION OF GLUE ncr em n ennemnrarve eurn eenvrnrvr DC\IATTTLC m�.mnennno. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to adopt Ordinance �529 on reading, waive the reading and order publication. Seconded Breider. Upon a roll call vote, Councilman Starwalt, Mayor Uttar, Councilman Mittelstadt, and Counci3man Breider votin Liabl daclared the motion carriad unanisously. PURCHASE. SALE the second by Councilman Liebl, Cotuxcilman g aye. Maypr OF MOTION by Councilman Breider io adopt Ordinance M530, waiving the reading and ordering publication. Secondad by Councilman Utter. Upon a roll call vote, Councilman,Breider, Councilman Starwalt, Mayor Liebl, Councilman Uttar, and Councilman Mittolstadt voting aye: Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. AND RECEIVING A REPORT ON SALARI85 OF SUPERVISORY POSITIONS IN THE PO , Mayor t�iabl aallqd on the City Manager to give h1s recommendmtions. Mr. Davis said tha City and the Union rapzesenting the Patrolm�n and Dispatchers in the 4'ol�ce Department had baen engagad in negotiations fox tho past few montha. He said the contract furnished to the members of the ' City Council and Mayor a woak ago xepxaserrCad the rasultg of thase negotiations. As the co�tract Was quito len�Chy, he aaid ha would note some pf the aignificant changea, The new contraet bssically spacifies an employer ' authority clpusa wjtiCh has qpt been lncluded in pxevious contracts. Thare is also A mepommpnd4d grlevaACa procedure and definitipns a.n the naw contract. ' REGULAR COUNCI4 MEETING, JANUARY 8, 1973 PAGE 5 ' him luck in the naxt yeax. However, the comments T make are concerning ' two Gouncilmen, Councilman Utter and Councilman Breidar, who I have thanked privately fox their support on many issuas that I have confronted them. After, I think, a very shaky start at the beginning o£ the year, and after this Council was reduced to a four member Council I falt that this Council had a distinct advantage over past Councils in that it was a real team e£fart. I felt that this Council had a sense of responsibility as a team to its people. It is a matter of public record that 98% of the issues that faced this Council were unanimously adopted hy this team and I want to publicly thank both of these Councilmen, they have been a rsal help to me. No one Council member can do the job without the support of his pears on the Council. It want to thank the City Manager, Mr. Jarry Davis, who is one of the outstanding Managers 1n the State of Minnesota. He and his staff certainly mada the transition between the Council resolutions and thosa procedures implementod by the City Adninistration one of easo. And our City Attorney, Virgil Herrick, who has guided this Council in its counseling on many of our major issues. Also, briefly, I want to thank the volunt�ar members of the Planning Commission and all of its subcommittees, all of the other aammissions and committees that report to the Council. I know what it is like in this involvement as a volunteer. I spent the last seven years on vaxious committeas and commissions. These people giva up their time and privata lives to halp this Council and help theiz City, and I thank tham for their unselfish involvement. I think the City is blessad with an outstanding leader in the Mayor, Frank Liebl, who has shown a great deal of integrity and given this Council a great deal of integrity during the past year and he has established himeelf as one of the best Mayors in the State of Minnesota. � Looking on the bright side at some of the achievements for the yaar, I think, was one of the outstanding years in terms if Council achievement, the Council becama extremely sensitive to communicate with its paople and it orderad quarterly reports which I think were great documents, and also ' the Community Calendar which most of us raceived during the Christmas holidays, and I undarstand will be totally received within the next week or two. Aftar a long pariod of time and affort in 1972, tha City was ' blessed with a 53.7� tax base for business and industry. Quite an achievamant. It also recaivad an A rating for municipal bonds. With a concarted effort to attack the problems of tha sanitary storm and red ' watar problems, whiCh is an ongoing problem, which I think will be success- fully concluded, It wss a succassful closure of a serious administrative problem within the Police Aapartment. It was a successful conslusion to the ' Cable Tolevision controversy. And other major changes occurred; we establishad the Islands o£ Peaco project, the undorpass and so forth. It was quite a year, Quita a year p€ achiavemant, and I am proud to have sarved an this Council. ' , � On the dark side, this was one of tha first major ef£orts by outside powex groups, outsi$e �.ntezaat groups, a few dissident elements within the City, to controi'the City, a rapresentative govarnment to control it by reierendum, took away the constitukional xight of the people to have a rapreeentative govornment and I think that xhis is the first of its kind. I noticed tha State Legzsiature the uast faw years: tha vast majority 1 ' ' CJ , ' , ' , � !I i ' , REGULAR COUNCIL MHETING, JANUARY 8, 1973 PAGE 7 of the incumbant und the nawly elected Council. He thanked the membars of the 1972 Counc�,l for the help they had given him as chairman, making his job an easiar one. He said he thought the two new members of tha Council would find it a challenga to work with the Council for the benefit of the citizens of Fri3ley. Mayor iiabl said ha found it regrettable that the news media tried to sow tha seed of dissent betweon himself and one of tha newly electad Councilman. He added, the Council is not a forum for feuds, but there to serve the paople of Fridley for the bost interest of the total community. He stated, if aome people thalnk they can ignora this, they will find themselves sadly mistaken in the long run. ye said the Council already has a difficult task to solva the local problems as thay arise and also to plan and continue to build a community with pride. He said he was looking forward to this new Council giving its bast in'talent and sound judgamant to provide good end frugal governmant for the people of Fridlay. Thore will be times of disagreement, he added, among intelligent and good meaning people, but ha encouraged the other members to work together and find a way to come to reasonable compromiSes when tho well-being of the community is involved. He said he would listen very attentivaly to avery mamber of the Council and cooperate positively. He addressed the Council and said since their decisions affect the lives and pockat books of ali tha citizans of Fridley, he asked them earnestly to constructively work for a better and more prosperous Fxidley. He thanked the members of tha Council for their cooperation and called on the City Manager to address tho Council. Mr. Gerald Davis, City Manager,said on behalf of the staff and the employees of the City of Fridley, ha would like to walcome the new Councilmen. He pledged his services and the sezvicos of his staff to give their bast advice, best work and bast xesearch to provide tha Council with any aid possible. He said this was whethex it be thera at the Council Tabla at maetings, or if individual problems ceme up presented by thair constituents. He said thay could call him at any tima to work out problams that occur. He cited the fact that with 125 empioyee9, a certain amount of problems come up Nith all the Punctions that are the rasponsibillty o# the City Employees. Ha continued saying thay are honestly trying to correct any problems that arise. He agaln pledged tha best posaible service in 1473. , �i Mayor L1eb1 thankod Mr. Davis and aaid there had,baen a good relationship ,�� batwee and tho Council sinca he had joinad the City. He added, he was sure Councilman Broider and Cwncilman Utter would verify this. Mayor Liebl said Mr. Davis had damonstrated his ability since ha had joined tha City ' and atrassed the noed to work for tho coauaon good of tha people of Pridley. '� ' � Mayor Liebl thankod the peopla for the chanca to say a few words; adding actiona ageak loudar than words, and ha would prove his words through action. Tha Mayor said the next item on the agenda was the presentation of tha plaqua to the retiring Councilman of the Third Ward. He called on outgoing Councllman Mittalatadt, Ha addressed Mr. Mittolstadt saying, in his judgemenL aa the Mayor of Pridley and also man to man, Mr. Mittelstadt had sarved th• paopla oE Fridley to the best of his ability. He added, he did not ba11}ye Mr. M�,ttalstadt 9hQ��a ba resentthl bacausa the people of tha Third Ward had elected a di�ferent man ;o ragresent them. Mayor Liebl said ' ' �'� � � � � REGULAR COUNCTL h1EHTING, JANUARY 8, 1973 PAGE 9 of Fridley from the Coca-Cola Bottling Company. He added, Mr. Zimmerman is single, age 25, strong and a fine additio� to tha Police Dapartment. Mayor Liab1 addressad tha naw staff inembers and welcomed them to Frigley. NEW BU9'INBSS: RESOLUTION �2-1973 - DESIGNATING TIME AND NUMBER OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETINGS: MOTION by Councilmaxf Breider to set the Regular Council Meetings for the first and third Mot�day of each month at 7:30 p.m. and the Public Hearing Meetings for the socond Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Secondad by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting sye, Mayor Liebl declared tha morion carried unaniso+isiy: -• - -_�'���=��`���'�'� ` � ICATION ' MOTION by Councilman Braider to recaiva the communication from the Fridley Sun. Seconded by Counciiman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all votinII aye, Mayor Liabl declared tha motion carried unanimously, � , MOTION by Councilman Bxaider to designate the Fridley Sun as legal newspaper for the City of Fridley for the year 1973, and adopt Resolution N3-1973. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. 4-1973 - DESIGNATING AUTHORIZSD SIQIATURES Fi _ _ __ ' FRIDLEY BANK DEPQSIT: MOT'ION by Counoilman Breider to approve authorization of signatures for ' the Qty of Fxidloy bank deposit as Marvin Brunsell, City Finance Director, an& Gersld Davis, City Mana��x„ and.,ads�pt Resolution #4-1972. Socondad by Councilmen Utter. Upon a volce vota, all voting aye, Mayor � Liebl daclared the motion carried unanimously. CONSID6AATION OF A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATIVE ' � � ' � �� MOTION by Councilman Breidex to tabla this resolution until tha ramainder of tha resolutlon is raceived. Sacondad by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liabl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl calJ.ed on the City Engineer asking iP there were any problems involved in the raquest. The City Engineer said according to a memoxandwn from the Pxnanca Airactox, there are no problems. He said in order to obtain aoma up to date figuras, the matter was presented to tho Financa Departmont. . ,p - .�.: . . ,a�3�.,, The 9inance Airactor said ha had arrived st #1,325 as an estimated amount per lot. He added, ha £elt this was an adaquate amount to meat the cost of the 6txaet improvemmnts at Ehis �ime. ', REGULATC COUNCIL MEET1aG, JANUARY 8, 1973 PAG£ 11 Council is the property south of the statlon; Union Oil is requesting approval to sall this land with tha intendad use being the construction of a superette. He added, this pxoperty 1s properly zoned for this type of building at present and they can build this at any time. The basic requast is for rezoning the property t1�e gas stat�on is located on now. Mayor Liebl askad i£ thay could grant or dany either of the requests at tha presant time or would it require two Public Hearings. The City Engineer said i£ the plan for the superette meets all the xequirements of tha code a permi,t would be issued. The raquest is to rezone the property where the gas station is,in order ta a11ow Union Oil to plan a modern gas station. Councilman SLa:vralt said he had been in contact with many of the principais in tha area involved, but there wcre many he had not been able to contact. He said it is a complex problem involving zoning, traffic wid assessment considerations. The City Engineer recommended a Public Hearing be set in March, allowing tirae to discuss the problem with Ward Councilman Starwalt, and arriva at a solution to the serious traffic problem ahead of time. He said thera axa going to bo 2,000 to 3,000 people in the new Innsbruck Noeth area and this problem should be resolved before it gets tao sarlous, He added they had bean working with the Highway Department and also Anoka County, and tha plans hava bean approved on a concept basis. He said ha bolieved March was the best time for a Public Hearing, as this would allow the Councilman of the Ward more time to becoma aware o£ the situation. He suggested March 12, 1973, as the data for th� Pu611c Hearing. Councllman Noa asked why the Planning Commission had recomnended denial of this rezoning; did they have a better plan in mind? The City Enginear said eha members of tha Planning Commission did not fully undaxstand what was being proposed. He pointed out the various accesses to tha area on the overhead projector, stating there aro over 3,000 paople. involved 1a �tite traffic problem. He said thay had beon working vrith tha gas station for about two years trying to xesolve the various pxoblams, a�d they had not done a good job in informing the membars of the Planning Commission on what was plannad. He added, not all the people are going to agroa with the plan, but a Public Heariag on March 12, 1973, would a11ow all the people concerned to air the whale pmblem. Councllman Nae again, askad if there was a better plan. The City &nginoer sai.d a possible access was tho use of Polk Straet and this cons.idared whon devalopmont is approvad. Councilman Uttar said he had resd the m3nuLes o£ the Commission and the Commission had recommended deniAl of tha spaciai usa pexmit. Tha City 8ngineer said 1t had been raco�andod, but the Pinal aation must come £rom the Council for appxoval or danial. He said the Council must grant a Public Hearing, aftar that thay can eithez approve or deny the plan. Mr. Hubbard, Resl Bstate A$ent for the Union Oil Company, said the Comgany had been in business £or ii£teen years at that location and without any a�tion qn t11e pa�t oP the Company, the zoning requirement had beon changad and tj►� station is now non-con�oxming.. He added, Lhe Gomp�nv h�td �e�� worj��,�� }y�,j,j� the G}t;y En�lAevxB' a£ii&p £or two velars to�-,c lv�i the'e�ohlsw_ .. �., ., , r�..a�•: .�n v�,�. LJ REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 8, 1973 ' ' OF ALLEY PAGE 13 , MOTION by Councilman Breider to raceive the petition. Seconded by Councilman,Utter. Upon a voice vote all voting sye, Mayor Liebl declarad the motion carried unanimously. 1 �� , � , ' � ' � ' ' ' ' � ' The City Enginear stated the only othar item in the minutes would be the mention oP the Co�eprehensive Plan meetings of the Planning Gommission. He said the tapes and slidas would be receivad at a January 10, 1973, meating and tha Public Hearing meeting of the Planning Commission an the Comprehensive Plan would be on January 17, 1973. He added, any member of the Council or audience who xished to attend thesa meatings were walcome. MOTIOtQ by Councilman Broidar to receiva the minutes of the Planning Commission Meating aP Dacembar 2Q, 1972. Secondad by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carriad unanimously. TROL MEETING The City Enginaer said the addition would be similar to the existing building on Highway M65. Mayor Llebl said 4a had recaived a few calls from persons who are concernad i# his plan included beautification of the area, such as was dane hy.Dlsdtxonlcs.. 'Che City Er+giae�r aaid he had talked wlth Mr. Dick Johnson and ha was sure that this problam would be workad out to the satisflactian o£ the pxoparty ownars. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to concur with the Building Standards Dasign Control Subcommittae and theix stipulations. seconded by Councilman Uttox. Upon a voica vota, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declarod the motion carriod unanimously, The City knglneer said the plan was to build a pancake housa just north of 9ob�9 PTOduce, He said the Subcommlttee had recommendad approval and he thought tha building would be a presentable one. Coµryp�lmsn 8raldax ssk�d which of the viaws on the plan on the easel , , ' ' REGUI.AR COUNCIL M�ETING, JANUARY 8, 1973 repairs and maintenanae and will update the existing facilities. PAGE 15 Councilman Utter askad iP thexa wexe any provisions planned for security so young people do not spray paint the facilities. The City Engineer said thay have plannad to lnstall an electronic sensary device to deter tham. ' MOTTON by Councilman B�raider to adapt Resolution f�6-1973. Seconded by Councilman Uttar, llpon a voica vote all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion canled unanimously. �I -1973 - ORDERIN6 IMPRQVEMENTS, APPROVAL OF PLANS , MOTION by Councilmsn Breidar to adopt Resolution M7-1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice voto, all voting sye, Mayor Liebl declared the motian carried unanimously. - �RDERING IAfPROVEl�NTS. APPROVAL OF MOTION by Councilman 9reider to adopt Resolution #8-1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote all voting sye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carriad unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Breidar to adopt Resolution 1i9-1973. '3econded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice voto all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. OF RESIGNATION: BLDON SC}�lEDEKE I�TION by Councilman Bzeider to accept the resignation of Eldon Schmedeke upon completion of tha meetings on the Comprehensive Plan, Seconded by Councllman Utter, Upon a voice vota, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carriad unaaimously. CLAIMS: GENERAL LIQUOR 30588,- 3Q800 732A - 7396 MOTION by Councilman Utter to pay tha claims, general and liquor. Saconded by Councilman Braidar. Upon a vaice vota,' Councilman Breidor voted aye, Councilman Starwalt voCed aye, Mayor Liebl voted aye, Councilman Utter votad aye, Councilman Nee votad nay. Mayor Liebl declarad the motion carxled. , ' ' L_ J ' I� REGUI.AR COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY $, 1973 ,ESTIMATES: I.ea Elactxic Company 3775 Highway M52 Robbinsdalo, Minn�apta 55422 PARTIAL Eetimpte M1 - Arldley Off Sale Liquor Store �lacLxical Dated 12/26/72 Comstock � Davis, Inc. Consulting Engineexs 1446 Gounty Aoad ".1" Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 ' 1. Burlington Nartharn Storm Sewer pesign, Review Jo1nt Stoxm sawex No. 12 - Columbia Haights. 1�Il�1D, Fridley $ 1,595.74 ' 2. Sullivan Lako Gawsuit, Columbia Heights � Pridley 306.08 ' ' 1 LJ , , �� LJ � � , PAGE 17 $ 900.00 3. Investlgation T. H. N47 - Culvert installation batween 83rd Avenua and 85th AYSnue N. E. 72.93 $ 1,774.77 MQ'fION by Councilman Nao to approva the payment o£ tha estimates. Seconded by Councllman Utter. Upon a voice vota, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared tha moCion carx�ed unanimously. Mayos Lie61 read the leit�er to the Council and the audience. MQ'fION by Councllman Uttar to raceiva the lattar, Seaondad by Councilman Breider. Upon a volao vate, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared tha motion carriad unanlmoualy. Mayor Liabl askad the Council ii thay could giva Mr. wllmes s�me kind oP sssuxance they would wainEain the propert� i.f the Aord Pou�dation was to grant the �2Q0,253 t4 the..Islanda of Peacd'Project. Counc�lman Nea asked 14 tha�Paxks and Racse�ttion Dlrector, ��ul Brovm, would feol this ia a raasanablo raquost, Me�,Tor Liebl assurecli him that Mr. Brown would do evarythia� pQSaib7,e to hoip �n thi.a pro�ect, � 'Tho City Attornay asked if Mi, Wilmas has �ubmltted a specific plan to the Pord Ppundalion= Ha added, tha City reservea the right ta apprave what goes or� City property. Tbe C1ty Manager statad thexa ara sketches o£ the vvarall plan, but they ar4 not toa defini.ta. Ha stid all plans must be seviewad by the Planni.ng Coaunlaeion and the Councll. Counoilman Nee asked how the Council could ba sure they are agreeing ta maintain aomething that is malntainablo, The C1ty Mana�er answered, the City must first approve tha pian. REGULAR COUNCIL h4:8TING, JANUARY Q„ 1973 PAGE 19 Councilman Braider suggasted the Council remain at the Council table after the meeting is adjourned and discuss the appointments informally. A➢JOIiIWMHNT : MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adjourn tha meeting. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon..a voica vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the Ragular Council Meeting of January 8, 1973, adjourned at 10:00 p.m. � Reapectfully Submitted �G�it�t.C.�orJ �'C'u'� Patricia E11is Prank G. Liebl, Mayor Council Secretary 0 � ' ' f 1 � � . ' T 1 1 DIBCl188�ON ANA RkVxEW OF �ROFOSED SIGN FOR NEW MUNZCIPAI. ' LIQUQR eT4R� AT 63�R (►lVD '�,H, �b3 , (�OM�,NT� At She weoCi4g we will pxeaent a deaign £or a elga [or yauT rsview, Mr, Mi1C �ladexqon fram Lawrence 81gp� xnc, �ill pa psa�eRt to aaswer eny Kechnical queatione ' se�arding �he v��s�, ;�' you �pprove ot Che concepe, your acCion woµld be sq o�4�� preearatlona aY epeciflcatioas Lor blddlag tp; tha �1.gn) ' 1 ' ' , , ' ' ' _ ' , , '- � 1 ' � ' ORDINANCE N0, �� �,� pN pSpINANCS TO A1�Np T}� CI1R CODE OF THS CITY OF gxIpLEY� MiNNESOTA 8Y MAIQNG A�� _IN. �(f11IliG DISTRiCTS Tbe Ccwncil of the City of Pridley do ordain ae followa: SECTIQN 1, ApQendix D of the Citq Code of Fridley is ameaded ae ' . bereinafter indicated. BECTI� 2. Tha tract or area vlthfn the County of Anoica e� the City of PridYey aod dascribed as: ' � Tbe iieart 230 teat of Lot 13, �aiitoc's SuDdiviaiaa� ' 310. i29, iyl1� in the Mort#► lisl! o# Sectim i2, T-30, 8-24, City of Bsidleq, Cousty of lnoka, i7lmeaota, ' • ' 1 ' II 1 � ,� � ' ' I� hereby duisaated to ba in tl� Zoued Aisirict Imawn aa i-1 (�i�l� family dMalling areas). SECTION 3. That the Zoning Admfnistratos Se directed to change the officlal aooing map eo show eaid tract oz area ' !o be reaonnd from Zonad pietrict C-IS (local shogping' aseae) to 8-1 (eingle family dwelling areae). PA88ED 8Y T!� CIT1f COi1NCIL OB Tf� CITY OF PBIDLSY 14iI8 �� DAY OB „__/���� 1973. _ .. .. MATOR - prenk G. Liebl ATTBSTs CITY CL)�RK - Marvia C. 8suasell Pubiia �iesriag:J,p��,zy �. iq;3 8ir�e R.sd�ngs 3anusr 22 19 3 Second HeadiagE� .f-(L„ Publi�h:......� ' 2 1 .�>�rr . �>. 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' ��Y oanixivacs ;xo.� A1Q OHtDINANCB iJNDER SBGTION 12.07 OF THE CITY QHARTER TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLBYS AIiD TO Al�liD'Apk� C 0� THE CIT1f CODB The Council of the C1ty of lridley do ordaia ae follows: SECTION 1. Fpr the vacstioa of an alley descrl6ed ae follows: ' All that part of the 12 foot alley Yocated in Block 10, Hamiltoa'e Addition to Mechanice- ville that 10 located South of the Weeterly ' extensi� of Loe 1, said Block L0, aad 8orth of the Werterlq exteaeion of Lot 15, Block 10, Hsmiltoa's Addltion.to Mechanicaville, � � , ' II , ' ' , u � .� All lying !a tha South HalE of Section 23, T-30, 8-24; f'.�y el�1►ridley, County of Anoka, Ttinaesota. Ba and 1s hereby vacated. 3HCTION 2, The eaid Vaeation hae been made in conformance xith Miaa��o[a &tatutee and pureuant to Sectlon 12,0T of the City Chartes and Appetuif.x C of the City Coda ahall be ao amended. PASSBD BY,THB CITX CWl1CIL OF Ti� CITY OF lSIDLE! 1lIIS DAY OB , 1473. ' MAY� - Freuk G. Liebl ; , ATTSST; � # � CI�TY C3.BRK - Dl�rvi.a C. Ssuaeell Publio Hearingi January 15� i973 Hirat Aeadiagt, Januarv 22`��j,} Sacoad Resdiags Publleh,..,,.,i c 5 _.... v� � � - - -- -- V3 .. /'_ N . • i� . � a' • l � , � ,. io • • _._ __ _ i y- .. � t /.S, $ � �16s R 3 �/Su_.� �� � K � :F /S : ,� . . 3 A + `�- r � �'^i.a • In � �.� .r i '7! .l..r--._.. ``3 6 T.H,. AV E • I ; , ... . .1' 4 .. i �.J� �' ' ,pw � . ;,,. . •• ; a . '� a »` � • •. SAV �172-06: State Land Ise \� � 't vr t� + h i .x- . . __ _ ' _-. - <� ; ° x : and Development �, � - �- ` " , — ` = �.' � - . - - Paul Burkholder) .� - _ , �' � • �:�p : " _ , Vacate alley in B1oc1e;.10, . • • �. ` , ?��T� �` � '._.� ' `� s ! & SStfiAve. bet. Sth &' ' --es ,i. � , � � y - - ! '� � ; sr =i �' I t t. ..., � _ r� '` e '� i ;-�.� -- ; � _. 'r . -s . .� S' . _-�I I♦�� _ �� "�_ ''. $�-. 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Some of the possible aoluttons to the problam are as tollowaf I) Foriaing a Ieya2 associatton of a11 the home owners around the 2aks in Nhich aI1 the home oaners would have equal ahares. Thia asaociation wil2 acgutse tha Droperty froailYr. Oatman around the ahore ltne and under the 2eke, and in the future pay the property taxea on tha lend. ' 7) Prepartng a plat of a21 the property owmed by Mr. Ostman along the shore ltne end under the Iake which wu2d theR ba divtded up into the differant piecss and then theae ptecea would be deeded ' to tha adjoining homs owtiera. II all the home ownera pnrttcipate in thia, ths cast aoald Ao from �150 - 5�00 per home arner for the platting end the I�gel2 tsanafsr. ' ' ,.. . ' ' � � 3) Freparing an individua2 regiatered land survey wherebg each propsrty owner wouYd get a rsgiatera8 land aurvey pzepared which would encoumass hta own propszty and the adjotning property owned by Mr. ostman, up tb tho prsv�oua cresk bed. For thls the cost could run from 8600 - S100Q for taah home oNner• Mr. D.Rri Schults haa yone through this procedare as you can aee by the attached regtstered 1eTtd survey presentod by h�m to the City Counctl fpr approvel. Thia is the ma�t expenaive way ot solving the problem. Hr�. Schultt'� requ9st w111 again be Considered by the City Counotl on Fabruary 5, 1973 4t 7r30 B.M. Zf you have any comments ragarding hia ieQaeat or thq other prob2mns �ong the Iake propezty, we encourago yoa Co be psesent at thia coanci' maeting, or hAVe your viswa kno►rn by letter 1f it ta inconvenient fbr you to be present at th.i• mseting. Thank yoa. NMQ�, jm Youra very truly, IJ� M �ti. Naaim M, Qureshi, P•D. City Engtneer - Airactor af P2dnning . ,,,�,: 4 � � 1 I1 , ' ' , ' ' O , ' ' ' , ' ' 1 Jsnuary 29� 1973 Anoka Counry soara of Commisatonera Anolca County Cour[house Anoka, ?tlnnaeota Rea Pro6lem of property betveen the homeowner's pzoperty line and water line and propertq under laice bed owed by othar thaa the hame- owners aroucui the lake Gentlemen: 1ltere hae been conaern ahown by eome of tha homeoWners around Locke Lake about the above meationed problem. 2he Citq Council of Frldley haa directe8 the Adminiatretion to requeet your Honorable Body to suggest tha poseible waye of aolving the psoblem without costiag a aubataatial amouat of money Co theae homeowners around Ehe laks. �,,/�- � One meth�d euggea[ed was where tha Countq could help by sllowing the property ownere around the lake ta acqutre the lake bottom by a metes end bouads description. Thie was poseible e fea yeara back, but wa underetand there has been a change in the rules that would not mako it posaible now. The City Council is holding s public mea[ing regarding thia item on Februszy 5. 1973 at 7:30 P.M. See at[ached notice snd materlal aent [o the property owners. tie vould eppzeciatn getting any help and lnformation zegard- iag the resolution to this problem. Sl�anic yon ao much. Very truly yours� NASIM M. QURESHI, P.E. Ni3�:ik Ciiy L�Y�gineer - Dixector of Xlanning Attach: 3 CC: Bernie Steffea, Coumty AdminiaCrator . D(iko p'Bannon, County Co�iesionez Gerald R. Davie� Citq Manager � 4N ' x�- ��i� � � w ,,�� � �� �� .�C �. ♦ J, ♦. .7V, �. L rr C/TY � OF FR/OLEY `..=/ .. „s.4G ¢� H�S xHiRDI !� ApfG p ' I I . � ^/ / � AA �'"__ �~_ ��Y� '+ �-- - , - i k , � +. .I .�,R �� e'� • r { M r �. -� � � .. � „ , , . , ; � ,,_ - �� • • � � Pr_ : . � A!A''� i � � * • I i�•1 �P,' • w« � -�t� _ w IJi�Q � � r , , ,� +4'�.-- � , i q/'�y rr 0 i{�_�l, I .' '+H''., �+�. +�+ � ri� 4' ' � , � . 5 �� p ��' F ! 1 q i° : ±� �Oy� ,, EJ".�,.. , � rl,ri' i �� _ •__ f�'� I �S i�-�Y ; • � ♦.. ; ° � $ � � ' ; ICE C . �. + I P� . � � i{ : ..+N -. � ��-' as i u � A.v v ~ � rer � Np r' � S� x �' RfV. AUD. SUB. N0. 23 a , . � .�t. a � r, � , . , d r>.i1T "�„i + 69 wA� r � I . � � ,• .r�.•.; ,N OSTMA�'S . ,'AOD.',� iy 3 �! j �. ro � � � �•,� �� i- .• • r+r 3 �.+r{"r •y `��-- �•'r���.., \ 1 � � -, �( �y� i � � . Y 1 •i� ��,�'v � � � \ c�� I ��i � � \ , , , y :,, ±' , � �+ � �\ �� .:: ,� tt '._� _ f �Q O T �+ " a' ` � O � 'v r,C, .ar � t� # ' �� ' ♦ � r:.p ,� ' p ° � �yy �. aY IMi J oi� /M�R J�.. µ� ii. fep 1��. i 1/< /.y J.r. i G / S e �$� d' N ��� ��r � / l �f �� , � •,` r '. ,.s ��. s � i . +1 - . � Y , ' ,��- NF ' J � � , ., ti , ; , � r.,;- , � �:- � a a � � ;+ , � � ti= ,� a � h� ,� � �. 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' v, � � z. . � '�-,. i' '� -� 1 _ , ^-' _ � ,, `� ''� S,r i ^� �� " ;�� '���i , , ` 1 ' , , , ' ' �J ' � ' � ' , ' ' ' To the Council City of Fridley Anoka County, Minnesota City Hall 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Gentlemen: This letter is forwarded in connection with our re— quest for approval of a registered land survey in respect to our nroperties on Locke Lakee We believe this letter will help the Council and any otners as may have an interest thereiri to better understand some oi the legal aspects of the present situation, and as well our own individual �houghts and purposes in the ma*ter. ir.� From private legal counsel, we are aclvised that Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Edcewater Gardens (which we ?reviously acquired several years back for purposes of our home}and Lot 3, Ftevised Auditor's Subdivision No. 23 (an abuttino Nart of which we have recently acquired) are real estate property, the title to wi:i�h is recistered in Anoka County under the Torrens Law uf the State o£ Minnesota. 'v1e are also given to un�erstand that Locke Laixe is itself not a natural laice, but a"man—,iade"lake, an�l of cor.ioaratively recent oricin; and place� u�on land, the title t^, which is registered. By reason o� such �acts, nerna�_�s so,ae rec,ulatior.s xelative to water �ollution and reyulations or ti?e state tnrough the Division or Public i�ater, as �vell as tne ezistence o� some oenerally stated o1d cuater ease:nents in zav�r of the City ot Saint Paul, and the Boar:l oE TVater Co<nraissione�s of Saint naul as aifect Rice Creek and the water thcr<in, a::d the general nature o� the sitcation �s a whole, the �ichts anu oblicati�ns(public and private), of the abutting property owners and any �thers nay not be entirely clear, and certainl-� they are not 5tiscePtible o£ easy and simr,le state:nent. Thus, one is reeuired to act uoon the iacts as found and only as they are. T_t may be that neither �ublie nor private law wili help c�rrect the situation that we �ind where Locke Lal:e is concernecl. Havinn lived on Loc',ce Lalce for a numaer oi years, ai;u having raised most of our far..i1_y here nest to the lab=s, we r_eadil�.� a�preciate the calue, bcth public an� �riv�te, o� ;ceeping t<::e lake in goo3 and useable ccndizicn and available c�enerally co t.ie ' �' ' ' ' ' Ll � t ' 4E use of the people of Fridley, as well as to those who inmediately abut the sarne, For ourselves, we have always encourac,ed the recreational use of ti-ne lake nat only to' our iamily and children but to others as well. In this resnect, ��e a-re vicrorous in our £eelings of support towards i:�rovement of the lake as are made, an3 we believe our actions, of personal worY,, and expense, and public solicitations attest the same. Acain, as we previously already have announced, we �eel that simoly improving the dam at the outlet of the laY,e without further specific and additio.ial efforts toward cleani.na out the lake itself to preserve its con- tinued life and use neets only part of the oroblem--a problem thus developed over a period o� tirae, w:zich we believe lirely will get worse i� no corrective steps are taken, botn nublic and private. Our present orobleai an?ears to be one of the results, Following the original acquisition oi our oressnt ho:-.�e- site particularly during the last few yea-rs, we have f_ound that a great quanity o-= soil, dirt, and debris has been carrieci by Bice Creek into Loc;;e Lake; so much so tnat not only is tne �ri,iral betto*� of the laY,e covered and adversely aifected, bnt as well in our own case our own original shore line an� boundaries nave somewhat become segarated from the water of the la;ce, since soil in the lake was cast u� upon the shore, and the wate-r in the lake was caused to secede. In timE, su_�icient sccn chanc,e unon our properties i�ave ' occurrea so as to ra�se witii�n the mind of our 1e�,ai counsel a serious question as to our own �roperty ownership aad boundaries o£ the same under the Torrens Law. ' 1 ' ' , ' ' Investiaation by our attorney of the title to our own original lands, anfi tnat of wh�� 7iqht be considered oart of the original bed of the lake has snown that tl�e propert,� we oricirall�� bought as Lots 1 and 2, Bloci: 1, Edgewater Gar�ens was originally part of and abutted upan property now described as (pa_t of) Lot 3, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No, 23. The title to such oart of Lot 3, Reviseci Auditor's SuL�ivisian No. 23 of record was registered an3 assessed for ta�:es in the na::�e o= Otto Ostman and his wife Eciith J, O�t�an. In our own interests and to assur.c the continued abntment o` our proaerty upon the water of Lo�;ce Lal:e, we proceedF.] to accuire �,� aurchase and recently oitaiacd from the Ostmans by quit clai;n �eed title to tP2at ?a:� o� L;t 3, Revised Au:itor's Sub:;ivisior: P7�, 23 as lies ;:,�etween tne extensions of the original east and west li7�s o� :>ur nrooert�; as the same extended to.aard the center of tre la;ce; Thus, i� might be said that should further soil be cast upon +,.he shores ' � ' t , ' ' ' 1 ' � , ' � ' 1 ' ' ' of the lake in front of our properties, or should the water of the lake further recede, title to such exposed lands is in ourselves, and not in the Ostmans, or�someone else (this, we understand, is the usual situation relative to properties abutting upon a lake.) Thus, we will have continued abutment on the lake at: all tirnes. Should we be fortunate, and fin8 in the future that the present level of the lake acain is raised, or that the soil, dirt, and debris therein is in sone way removed so as to re- establish the original bottom and shore of the lake, we woulci nevertheless continue to abut upon the lake, and be ;-.hankful not only for ou,:selves but also our neighbors and ou= friends as well. Thus, for ourselves, we wi11 alcaays act tocvard the preservation of the lake, and invite others to do likewise as a matter of common and public interest. Any actions we have taken earZier,n�w,or at any time, both public an� private, have always been based upon what we believe is sound advice of counsel, and what we believe is toward not only our own per.sonal interests Dut as cvell that o£ our neighbors and the public in aeneral. We aslc, tne-Y�fore, that you view our present actio : as an ef�ert t�caarn the sar,ie. Yours truly, GrlTi �� , , v ��i 7 3 4F I STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF ANOKA ORDER APPOINTZNG CHARTER COMMISSION� CITY OF FRIDLEY DISTRICT COURT TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT � The above entitled matter was considered by the Court on the _ day of December, 1972, upon receipt of a resolution from the City Council of the City of Fridley, County of Anolca, State of Minnesota, requesting the above named Coart to appoint members to a Charter Commission for the City of Fridley, pursuant to provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 410. The Court having considered said resolution and the acconpanying list of eligible nominees, hereby appoints the following persons to serve on eaid Charter Commission: For a two (2) year term (1) Elaine Knoff, 6766 - 7th Street N.E. (2) Jerry Radcliffe, 7350 Memory Lane (3) Peg Mc Chesney, 541 - 67th Avenue N.E. (4) Robert 0'Neills 861 Rice Creek Terrace (5) Roy I. Mc Pherson, 5808 Tennison Drive (6) Paul M. Shaw, 6380 Madison Street (7) Donald Weglez, 6815 East River Road (8) Jackie Johnson, 1415 Trollhaugen Drive For a ., ' , ' ' ' . i. � 1 ' ' , � � 0 c C�t� of �'r�dle� ANOKA COUNfY S4i1 UNiVHR$ITY AYENUE NE . J�nusry 26, 1973 sso•�so �, I 6 FRWLEY, M�NMESOTA 55432 l�c. Deane Gruye � Ceuttesbtuy Pub 6481 Universlty Aveaue, N.B. Aridley, Mi.naesota 55432 Dear Mr. Gsuye; • Yow �re heraby aotified to appesr at tha Fridley C1ty Council meeting on Pebruasy S, 1975, at 7:30 P,M: to sho+v causes� if any, why your licensea for; 1. Public Drinking Place, 2. Tavern License, and 3. Non-Intoxicaiing Malt Liquor Li.censa should not be suspended or revoked. The aboYe action is taken in consideratlon of your arrest on December 30, 1972, and subaequent plea of guilty on January 10, 1973, for permitting gsoblin; ip a buiidimg cvntrailed by yourseif �ontrary to City Ordinance 99.16i subi 2. ' very cruzr yQur:, GesRld R. Davis CiLy Matcager GRD:cb � , 0 � 4 ' , � T0: FROMt ' DATEs ' SUBJECTt MEbfORAVDUM 0 1 VIRGIL E�RRICK, CIT'Y ATTORNEY JAMES p, HIf.L, ASSISTANT CITY MANAG$R/PlJB6IC SAFETY DIRHCTOR �JANUARY 19, 1873 GAMBGING VIOLAYION AT CANTERBURY INN , Atlached you w111 find tha pertinent daia regarding the gamb.ling violation at the CanLer6ury Inn which occurred on Decomber 30, 1972. As a result of ths �amblin� violation, tha ownor of the Canterbury Inn, Mr, Deane'Gruye, wa� Rrrested. Mr. 6ruye appeared in Fridley Municipal Court on January , 10, 1973 and plead guilty, Mr. Gruye received a;25.00 fine or S daya in jail; the �25,00 #'ine wss pa1d. I! ie s�questod that you zevi.ew the attached doc�ments to ascertain whethar m or not the Pridley City Council ahouid pursue this matter further in a£orm �oF suspension of one or more oi the attached licenses, � `Thsnk you for you cansideratiaa, � �. I � I � ' � '' , � �r . � A}Jaaxs P.�Hill I,Assistant City Manaae7r/Public Sa�ety Oirector � , . � d : �� � , ,�,� � � , � � ' . _. ___ . . ._�....._... .._, _ . ' � r 1 � I � , .. a ANOKA COYNTr MYNICIML COQRT , COMP{.AINT p SIOh OI MI11RN0lC� N -�''f � � y/�r�/ , COYIIIy�IAl10M �CW�� �.��fVf-'�"f�; -••��".��..'�LM.O J C11 � ■d, M�M Mrh r.,w1� N�yr bNA..�. Op * � /a� a+r - y) Q dOM�IN�(��.r?���iary.�.�i.4S%-�w�3(.����f��!%J�%!:�/a,,��,L� (�,y,^�����.�M��� 4.� ' r _ �IIAN.�nI _L:.��1 af�:f"-�'�`-yv..;:...� ���IIM.�4t��,� ������••'�••-\41�O�M.,/.E��L�:.��'��i�{I�MLn�n�w/M�r�q wM1MNiI�rIn��N�n���Q � ^,�`' I^ ` l ��fl:i��YM�� ���iY �I_ II _-�t.' —���`�S.r+i+�- '�'•. ;`R�� --:+tt.8..j�- --------------- .:��'�r.�"�. s.�. , --�.+�-�-l4-----------------------------.F-► .�--------�----___.._-----,.__..____...-_ _ -.._^_.._._.._..�_.._..,�;�..,.._^_�....'..-'.._�._..__..�..r� �'^I"�/"'�%.-^� ^;-- � -'-' invNl�N�edl�lOd.N�.,,�fy�*����...�......�_�fay{MwwNa.,, ����.�...y.�y.� 4%EtJJ�-`-�� In �wh a�� md� rnJ �N�. ,� . rt 1M� wnHnfp�� I�rlh INN� N�d A� M� i���"�rrepne►4 �r�+nN - b►r�N•�. �nd ���� li�w� M�I �A� �•.ww M� �►w� ��w�iMd �C���IMbN�.���...:.tA�i����:..��..�.���'i1r �h��H�n��Mn�in�N- rM,Nnbr�MN�. . fr�ari►�� ��! w�r� y ►dM� � � M�14 �.�..�.. �..,r'.��►..1�.���....il..�.�.�n.�� MMa. ! ' � . � /I�H...��_t../qd.,.�....�����"_�' ,,.... 1 p��nln N qNa �e M� �bvs irdlH YI�h�Mn �w��� ��` �,.� .:� ..� _-_----------�-- f_s�,��-..=---__ eNhle 7 Hp M�m M� bN A�rpL . N�,�� "yyn•hi.� �1 AT�h��oni r : : ,, .+�.�....��,._....��_�..........n--...._.... _...__ �----- . '4�j.N..:.io.r«uns.i'" � � .�.1 � �, ; * � � ■ � r , � ! � �! lJ r �. � ' _ - - --- - i 9TATE OF DtL'VNESOTA fi C Combination Application for Retailer'a (On-sale) (Off-sale) Non-Into�ficating Dialt Liquor License To th� C�'«! eF FC2�Ol.F`Q � . . ZIUM� d li«ada .urLm(b /wev) (ei4) (�i1LS�) COIiAtj/ O' F.�NClGj7� /� . I. ��N6 ��LE(� (f�.ii►��E' O� ETl6 OCEt�. VLEtlLQCr OT bwn of oownty of Q�N�ttA _.. Stata of dlinneavta, e�eby mahe appiioaEion Jor a Iietailer'a (On-sale) (0/f-sale) .Yon-tntoxi.cating d1alE Ljquor Lioerus to aall such .Yfalt l(quor under and pa*su4nt to an ordinance (reaolutionJ pwaed by city, vtlla�e wunr.tl, county bo�rd oj ' aatd Chapter 340, .1(inneaota $tatudea 19.I�5, aa ameaded, P�'oudin� for bicenain� ared re�uiatin$ the � p� non-tnGoxioating malE iiqwor. Dr4rin� tJta paet /iva years, my reaidence haa beere aa �oilowa: . ���.� ..��.iw..es�t C�.. C Md1_! ��� �123 i�Q\ �.. SZ e��t. �••� 'gg9 Mexattos l�► E --MOI.� I wa+ born �� SS \9t►C �;; Yeytp p�� Ye�� Clq Yillq� Q.antcw , M���sc�'c t� ' Norvos6 . Tawe S�.c.o.Ceuna I am a(native) (naturadiud) oittzan oJ the Oxikd Statea. j am M.arried. .liy (wira'e) (kuaba�ul'.,) name and ad�lress ia �►�p �2 •�.R ��._ '1d1��f R%KQCTa N,� SS�ti11iL LA�R�_�C_ �`R�fl"�1 , 1 am proprietor. CC�R�i'l'FR[it1EZ�'-fNC. "' Ftrrrs toas inoorparated SCC�[ �4i \af`t0 ;n the �tate of �1N!�1�¢,�tA Coryorettton ia autJtardsed to do huacpe�3a dn .dtinneeoia. Ltaanie i�r Jor.i9�atFC2Bqj3�? 'SMKE —(utreet) (hiQhu•ay) dceated w Joliow�: G►1g\ U' N�U`*'sR�•�rV N E MGR.'� . �NN • 5�.'i3� Tha ltcenae u•�dd Le in conneotion witJi�SS�Ii DNf sWS+, G��. R�+uunot BoW. C1uC Whiah has bun in oyeration _,.9 6 !{antlu 4wn Tha eatabdiahnaeret ia Zac�eEed on QTte �a�K lloor. Th� bnatness premtaes are owned bU �•�•�• ��QF'�-�ES The taut qr+ E1ie propert� are nqt deiinquent, 1 am �nga{�cvi tn Ehe retail sala of intoslcatinq itquar. I hava KS"d� �ad an app6icatton. far;iaerwa rejacted aa Jollous: I hars never besn canvietul of a fe�onp nar oJ s•iolatin� any rl''ational or atnte liquor iaw or In_al �Tdi�tpnca relatin�s Ea the n+anufa0dwro, dajBOr EranaF�Ortaii0n, or �9os�essian J'or saie or trana�prtaticn pf (71fOS�'4tirt,� 1(qt�pr. (3amblin,e pr gambZinQ devteea tc11E nqG b6 At*mitted o+i tha ;turtsed vremiaea. J am tha owne* af the leaae1t41d, furnitura, fa,�turea, and equipment in t1u pTemiaea for whieh tlu jjq�pna6 11 aPPlied, C�t'GF= .. . � j hqvp pa inteado� oR e¢reemeqt to trRUS;er the Iticeaae Lo apother persoa. I tubmit the {a!loa-inq nnme= oF peraene. :r.�ii�di�z a ban.k, to� sat4reqcr, with whom I have hnd 6uaicev re!a::on� p fojiowa: ��+i'F�3__�EiQ4S'.S.�iiSL,-'S�T��1$�I1�iS101`�^� 'SN2.�`t"*,p'14LS� 1 .,....-�---- - -----� : � ,,;g:,�' - - "^_-�---- - - ,----._ ._____._-_-.. � �. (_„�.__ .__tql ^.3 b. en�:.t•�.. :q 4�.r i;:;' °' icaiing I��qpof xr', will��hxat a�I'e.io:a; J:c.��a-.ionA� jnx :: :.^.t � �� ` • ' • , 1 � ' , � I � ' . t� � + � , . � �, t � � 1 � rp � � � � a w" ? Y � � y � o � � ! W yj .7 e a AZ '� ,}e � ' r•r t ' a i�:i ,. " � w � '` 1 I � � . . N ,, ,' « 0 � �� z � , �,. ' F � '.'� , � ,. : 1 � � ;, r� :. ; ^ � t� � .:� � .� � � ° � �' o u � : v � �� o � a a' � = � U � m u � ' A ! � � �� � ' 1 tti'+ ' , � ,, � :� ;� ., � g��� F • y� • k , ��� r � � .� � � � � � � � � � � �� �� c� : a. . 6D �� �- , � � � '. �..- . .. w... Y .n.MAa...r�w�1�"ti`h.wt r n . . ..� . . . . . . . I . � � • 1 : 1 • , ,. : LF'PLICATZ02i FOR TAP�`T LI `G..,G*tS8 r �.. �OHB ADDIt� '19�4 �etrtte4 ['l E. " ME�S psoxa xo. �fl�-�q2 u. s. crriz�rr ,±�_ a� �_ IF 7NU HAV3 C'.•*JL"I�TD A�D.'."53?3 WiTfSIN TH.', I.�ST 1^.�r1.Ri LIST PR.�'JIOJS ADDFtE98 �'i'Z3 L°a(� �T- -'�' T �i� � �A�tdM BU3INE93 PT� ['t�Nl�QOt�LV , =*[�G arsu�ss a��ss !G�2+t Uv► ,�4•�y t�•,t �.l.E avsn�..ss �ca��. xo. �f.,�..a9os � LicErtsW � _1,� _ o cr �p��torr naxs ��r1��. �� � . �� � � , . Cd�FJT9 a e 1 . I �� . � �� '� z SIfF,7ATUi.:i G^ :l.'?s.T�-l'�1 � iTC.IIS� Y0. _ _ 'Tv C S� ?{ECaIPT I'0. �^ !! ?, � � _ � .� L/, � . r.ro ;r�=�-^ " . � z.. ,�� � � , �' � . �, � , , t � 6E � , i� , � � C � � ��� ra�a cae�ea,�azat �ar�a a�: i�� 1973 PAOR 1 , y, , _ ,, Cbaire�w is�ok�oo 1++d las�iti� and +�k�d Ms. �itspatslek to Chair th� �ntLaR� AoRls� Chais�an Iitspats�ek e�il�d ths ssstin� to osd�s ae �e1C p.1t. • �1. OALi. � N�b�s� Pra��qCi lirialuoa� lltspaerlek� !lisi�h� Belwd�lt�� EKlan �:. Qa..ae� Aoa. QCMe� h�H�att {lasr�l Cl;sk� Oa�uoity D�valopMSe Ad�lni�eratos ' J�esold lossd�sd, riaam►1eR M�i.eaae Nyf,� qweahi� Clt� in�ln�ss - Ais�nLar oi ll+�aaia� ,.�.._!�� � � ..�:L'� �1'.ci_ �_ ! r!��1'Z.. ..1'._,1 � 1�'1'Ial br Aobnwd�Uu, ��cpt4�d b� Illnl�b� tlue th� lla�n� Qaw�l�sial •laut�� o! J��asy 10� 197� bs �pprowd. U�os a voic� vot�� all votis� �y�� th� �ot�,oa e;ssl�d uaaai.eu�i�. �giv�.�,�s �,AacRanr:aer caa�asaiaer�a�rrsa: �ovnou„�� i9�s 1 MD'1'ION by Mial�h� ��cond�d b7 Ls;l�o, tlut elu Plannin� Ca�d�aioa r�asiw tM o�inuts� ol khs Tssk� i�aes�aCiou Co�1��ioo w�Cin� ot Uow�b�s • 37� 1911. YPpa �1 voie� vot�� +�ll votini a��, tb� eoeioa a�ssi�d uaaaf.�owl�. , �,v� ,�o� rn�.:a ��yn�g: �cnon ii. is�s 1 L� � ' � 1 �oR by s.�i�a, ..eooa.a ��n..a.k. ea.c sb. Maania� Casi��loa ��q�f�w e1u� �iautn o� tM JoL4e �ublle R�ssia; Matio� b�ios� tM City Oewloil �Rd !b� Pl�un�e1/ Cowal��ioa oo ilood pi�in saeio� aq D�oaiD�r 11� 197�. {Ipoa a v,oio� voe�� �11 votln� ar, CM �otion eatr��d uoaniaou�lr. 1• tbs a►d �� �I�,I�,,.��110 al TM� QOi4RE�l182Vi � Aeeit� Cb;lsmaa t�e�pstsiek mud� ao �p�ninE �tae�oaat� •esiini th�t ahl��! Puspq�� p�' Ch� ss�t�a� toai�ht�i++�� to hs+�r ;nd 's� a�prsseae�tlqa, to tu+n a 9ublta hs+��ris� oa ehs yrop �d ao�pcshamiw �laa. 'thi� i� s oPporlaaikr N e�li�}�a to R�v� l�oPu�t 1Ato th� plae.� 7 Me� 1iR��+Riiofi eontiaw4 tMt oa� q! t1� pusyw�s ot tM plan� b�roud ie� o..d tar ;a ord��fy ��e.m h�r� !a tb� ClC7, 1� that iu�h a pl�n i� s�qutsa4 a! tha Oiq, �t t��7 tn+lt� �Ry s�vw�t Lor. i�d�sal aoni�a ehsough tt►� l�sC�apolit�q Cvw�oi, '1't►��� s�qa��t� �wC bs a�campaniad br s campreh�a�iw pl�a, p�apa=�d Co �ttlnr�s any Ow�t�,eo� Cb�r slil►R s�k. , � � � ' ' '' � 1 � I ' , � � � I� 1 � ►l'1 . lisonis� Oa�wi��loo !la�tint • JaauarY 17�i��� r;t� � Tbs rx+adq �r�s� qo bv psassatad toaiRbe ;r� ;enasally srea� thet ar� wd�wlop�d ar +�s„� b�ie� dswlopad. lk�a pr000rai� ase aot r�soninQ. An� s��oaiuu� !a tiq�� a;�;� wquld sCii� bs eowidassd ladividaally, on it� ow a;le�� apd at ebs c�que�t o! tbs propsstr own�r, Tb� colar�d rli�da� aad n+�sr�tive aar�. psu�need. Tha narraCiv� ia a� tollo�n � , -i�►ttrawrat t� aos� qun jwt aaCUSS. It !s th� ral�tionship o! m�a !o hi� antis� �usrpuodias�, M�n has tlui koov;ed6� and the ab111t� to eontrol 1�1a �sviroaosal, but aan al�o b�aae� �lawA i! psopsr lore�i`ht and e�erola ae� aot ati11RS4. !M �svlso�nC o! � aa�uaie� l� d�t�d to a larp dys�s br th� � �od duis�a a� le� iakabilane�. T4��• ss�d� �nd dqir�� a�a b� a�a�s- talNd b� ��eWdy o! t4�is ebasaet�si�tie� aad br eh�ls owa voaal aepsusi'oa�i M�t �� n��d� �nd dplrw alt�s vl.tl� ahao�la� olwsaoC�si�tia�� �o it i� �aae� Re wsluat� es.sd. aqd eha.�W to �aeablirb iueue� oasesol� !or ous �awlsvaMatal �. Tb� ea�awit� awe pia lmari�dp oi t!H variow l�ator� ttist d�teaot ,l�oa Cb� dNis�billt� ot l.t� aarisaaMae asd talt* th� MNY=�� �Mlai �dil iear�aa� �aviraeNaesi has�os� vitpia tL� aewunit�. fl6�n �aviroa• M�tal CTaAqulllipy !a di�suptad !a asr p;st ot t6a ea�uait�� eh� vhol�'balsncM 1ilUlis t61� Qa�ueie� eao b� stt�ei�d. hl�iiq'� p�yysN��lv� Ma i� s�ss# o! t!� aoseieuia� oa�usiq Plaaaie� Kep�a d�li�oN �e a�iatsl,s aad laipsew tb� usbq �svisoe��nt. Thi� e�pes! !� a��seiao ai ai1 tb� Mosk saoa�ipli�l�d to dst.�, vith el+� pus�a� e! dls�alis� �ns latus� �!lort.� te t4� Rala aad obj�aeiwr dit�s�ia�d by ons aasuait�. � QaPer4�l� rias i� w�d eo Nid� �sd aooedisaa ail �Dlio asd psivat• Mw1o�aR ao thae th� psop.s s.latiaw4lM ar� ��eabliab�d and d�wlopm�at ��ai�lau� 4ad� b� eh� Cit�'� �tati aad iu el�ee�d o!liaial�� Co tbs eoasPss- Iw�lw =o�l� asd poliaia ��labllah�d b� tlul aem�mity. Ths �lan its�lt da� oot s�soa +s7 Pso�sR7• �� s�soeiai wquld •titl b� dow ��pasae�ly, on it• oNe Ms�e�� s� psayid�d b� tb� City�Chastas �od th� toaiai Osdiaase�. Z1q �l�a !� a biwpsioe to b� w�d ia d�t�sminin� th� eoatiouiai d�vslop- fa►t �ad =�b�bllttst;ap bt ous Cit�� f; ta aot inia111bU sad dou not elaim to 0�. Th� plsania� psoo���� Li iC i� to b� �ttaeeivs,, w�t msiataia lts vltaliqr tbsou�h aontlauaw ssvi�+r. ' Istttall�� th�'Cempsah�w lw plan t� ps�p�sad by th� Clty Adwiai�tr�tiv� iNtl, Th� FlsnoipR 4p�i��loa s�v1�u+� sad wodlii�� tht initi�l plan snd �ivu V��l�a+t� +OPTO�Ml to th� P;an, Tha llaqniog Coamia�ia► th�n psrrsnts ehe M1d!li�d y�,;a at • pub�.}e p�arie�, tb� ylao i� lurch�r �aodiiisd Co iaaluds l�oy� lioal oiCis�u�� ae�d a�Laild�d Plaa L� ps�asoad to tl�� City Cou�¢ll. 'rM OouaCil i�Yls�n �tnd di�cu��s� thl� plsnf it msr oail aa additioaal public I�ria� i= ia �o cpoaa�. iiaallr ek� Plaa i� adopcad by tha Gity Couacil oad l� ia;oee�d joiaCly hy e!M Counel� �1id ths admiai�Otskiw �t�ft. Th� fleo �we b� ooaelav�iy upa.e.d eo psovta. ior t1u� ahaagiag ae.d� of ch. Ciey, !As Rlwptl� ot a eoo�prshe4�iw pl�a iRalud� �uswy and saaly��a, and �al� �nd objeoCiva�, Euacvsy sad �asly�i� i� s study ot ths sxl:ting condi- tipM� �avivoaaisat� laad u��� pppulat�on, hw�ing� eommuaity t�oilitiea, *aA{►oole� aop t:aa�pop�atlaa. Zhsae 000dtCloa� xhan �sl�ted to the goa�s ;uid b6�j�Ci1�W� o� th� �paawal.Cyj �etety� Dal�noe, d�versi,ty �ad envicoameat, produr.e � r �v�q�cie r�n� Rv� ��c�a�� a��'�a�y!��s ��aFe �� ��� �t��e �� � ua�Pf��;�� ���� �'�#A+ ,, �, -.���� , � , i i� � � i� I � ' . , ' ' , � ' -� � I � 7� P�aDa1oS Coe�o�i��ion M��C1nB � JanuasY 17�}973 �a1te � �I�ssativr o[ tina Cwnps�hsR►aiw Plaa (coatlawd) Is pqe4�sin� Ch� eose ait� ot MiaaeapolL�� lxidlsy �haser maay eoam�on op�saot�si�tic� viith other lis�t rata subutbe, It psovide� a tragiic �idos to Cb� C4etCs�1 e1ti��. It aeC� as a traa�itioa son� oi d�velopoi�nC ti�C�nl�a th� b�;vily d�wlap�d a�nt�s aiey �ad th� �Oas��Ly d�wlop�d out�s •�fiuslr aad 1e t�nd� 'to haw • aos� peur� poaul+tios. Unlik� mwt tisst siy �ubusb�, �eidlq Prvvid�� �or� jo6 opportuniti�s t�han ar� r�Qulr�d Co �yppose le� yoOuiseioa� topul�tlon i� � m+ljos los�� ia d�tsrminiag eh� futurs of a city. Mov�msat � o� �opl� i� tollwnd ala�l� b� t6� naed !os ��svieN. Thi� i� why iC i� �0 ltPostaot iq plaaalo� Los ths tutus� tp tsy to aeeurat�ly ior�ca�t ehanfa 1a p�uiseioa ahuaat�si�eia� add oopuiscioa �roweh tr�ad�. MwlopMnt la Tsidl�� has b��n on� o! th� majos lutor� �upposeing pplaeiaa ��ia� in Asoka Ca�nty. a�tww 1990 aAd 1960, cds populstion oF �sl�iq �wne lsesi 3��9b to 15�179. fsao 1960 to 19ES, t6� Ciay had it� la�t��e sat� o! �areh, Tl►�-po�+l+�eioa ju.p�! Lsas li,G00 to 24,000. iy 1970, ch� 0!t Md a toeal gopulstioa of ows Z��OOO.. I! tlu �ruase sasioR map r�aaias use��d� alqs 1973, ih� population �roweh xill �tare �o lswl ofl� dus to qae total d�wlopa�n4 0! eboi4s rs�idsnti�i land. Th� proj�cC�d populstion e= 39�000 vi�l b� rsaehsd by 1900 aad th� wci�m s�iusatioo polnG p! 4G,000 �ill bs s�aab�d, br Z010. TIN Cit� rN.11 �sa populstion a6angas vith ui increase iu Che �Ldarly, • �os� bal�nc�d fniddl� gcoup sad s d�ellns !a rchooi ags population. Thesa as� Cha ehssaeC�r�.�tio� ChaC �►l.11 •hapa futura planniag !or Fr�dlsy. Thara Ml11 h�r� !o bs tacc�s�ins cop�idasati� ia plaooins for ths,�ldeslq ia both 1lflwlsi 1u�d ��tvl.o��, a mos� b+lancad plan fos th� diffassat inao� lsvel� to in�� s b�ttse qual;ty oi llvia4 �nvisoomeat +imong it� populstioa aad a '100� loek aC tb� youni population needs vhlch �rlll be daelialn� in tbs future. . Howin� !� tha lss�{��t �ia�la w• o! l+ad lo a eomivaity sad 1s usually tM �at imporp+iat faaCar by Mbiob ; eomownity !� judged. Ths saput�tioa of a ewewsie� ii �h+�y�d by ths qualit� snd eooditloo o! ies re�idsntisl aseas. �ou�los a��td�r vaty tbspwghcut tb� lilaeims o! �ay iadividual. Yasi.sty e! houatai cype� .►ou14 p.r�se rsielq eo aat�r to �L1 ags groupr aad �uppoze • ilv�s�lii�d populsti0n, Thi� divessifisd population vould allow the City !o d�Wloy a ows� astus� populacloa •tructus� raCher than a yous►g moblls yitt�le� ' It Mttl b� l.mpostaat !os th� Clty oi fsidlsy to pjovide slteraative Aowte� ns�d� la osd�s to pr¢vant th� yrobleou oi a�igsatson co ch� outss sr�;�. . Tb� pcu�n! tic�ad� o! la4s����d high dsMity uait� a� a�ll a� new toWn- bow• �ad quadiqmiRlum dw�lapmasEp asa 1lknly Ca eoatinua, ,It will b� tnpor• e.at eo o+�s�tully plsp ob•w. d�Vi1�OpOteAt� ta ss�ch a balaoced variety of bou�iag. zb�r� rbould bs a4 tnos�A•ea i„�„c.ee. pl+c�d on the quality o! develop• �t� !as the psot�otioa o! cbe cisiasn�. � � � , � 7C Ti+iaolat Coamis�loa Meeting - Januarv 17 1973 � rage y Nas�pativa of th* Comprshsw lw Flan (contlnued) A tosra�ut of Euturs lsad use i� an es�ea�ial atep !n ehe plamiag psow��. 1!�los� !t can ba dets�lned vhat 1a naeded for future developmant, !t !� a�ess�sry to conaldar 6w eaiasing land ie u�ad, vhat laad is v+�c+�nt, M6at slt�et s:lsting lsad w• patt�sms wLll hava,on th� vaeane land, and to �sa�nsa psojsctiow ior t6� type � quaneity ot land saqutrad for futuse pooula�ioa nasd�. ' 1�aaas� !ha vasi�d l�nd w�a in Ch� �aoaivaitg as� r�lated and inesr- ' d�P�od�at. aoosdinatioa� d�si�t and adjwtm�ae� ase appliad ia determiaiag �� loeation� ae�d rs1aCiowhip� ot ehs�a wss, Unlssa th��a foilow • Com- � , isNua�iva 81an datinin� tb� io+i• +od ob��etive� o! the ea�+aity, �erious �alad�wts�nes can oecus, � i ' , ' � 1. , , � , , , i lsu�at laad u�� ha�r psoy�,d� � tatias graand vh��� th� iuccea� o! lasd w� pset�ra� and s�laCloasbips caa �� studisd in order to mors coaiplataly �aCi�ty hwean sqd �eoaqnic e�ed�,. Ia ord�r fos a community to attain an lod�od�n! �tabiliCy, a tisl� in land w• i� sa��otial. A bslanc�d aa�uslt� 1� �ttaia�d �a eo��reial �ssvleH MaC th� s��ds ot !h� rs�i- ;d�aR popuLatioa spd iodwCSp psovid�� th� aNdad joya aod s�wnw !or th� oo�usie� � pso=s��� . � N�eb tlu hi�l+��t p�re•ats;• of industsial land w� io th� Matrppqlltan �s�a� �sidl�y 11a� •uftiei�at iodu�tsy to •uppost it� proj�ce�d popalstion. �T�=�r +n7 lutue� �odwCs��l d�vslopernt �hould b� consid�rad tor th� ostus� ot iCS nqrk iorc� aad 1e� impset upoa Chs ay�uaitq. !h� wasall +►p8�ar�ae� o! a cit� i� ow o! i�a mo�t valuabl• sas�e�. It �� tb�r�ios� imposCaat Cq prqarvo th� elty'� eatussl bsauty a� mueh a� posai- bl�. Thi� ha� b�pa� and �hould eontinw !o bs� �� of th� majos ooaaid�satioa� i4 Alapain� Comou,wiCy ls411�ti��. , M� re�ulC o! btip�r iaeam• lawl�; moss l�i�us� tims. and incsss�lag PoPulakion, th�s� h;� baa aa iaersulog d�waad tor highar lawla oi coam�unity �4SV�C��. TFu Clty o! lsidi�Y h+� b��a swar� ot th3• obsagiag mood �nd has besa Wi'r mueh io th� ioralsone �tn �atablt�bi� pa�uo,lty lscilitiea in kaepiag �rlth th� awawoily ns�d� �ad d�sise�. A e1o�s �,00k aC th� •ehaol �nrollm�ne ebssaetssietle� will be ;�mportsnt '�s Plancin` tk� t7P�� p;[ ;+��itiRa that Wi.11 bu ne�d�d in our axea, With � d�os���� tn �lemsatasy +tg� ahildren� thsrs abould.bs • dscraas• ia the N�d !or tsallieis� te ��ew i6� sod adju�tmaata mada to �aeisiy Ch� aaedA ot a �ws� n�tas� coo�uaity� Th� 0it� o� Yel,dl�r ha� b��q wsy COA�C1�pC�pY� in �he d�velopmsnt of �R� COamu4ley ��tvic�a ia ordar to be�C t�rva it� eitisans, Ther� will be a R��d toc � �oa�tap� upd�Rtng p= �ha�� ��syic�e in order to serve th� aseda o! a g�owiag populatiuo s� rn 11 •� ; autusing populstion, , At ptqeat, tba CiCy bas provided ewca thaa tha recommended minimum oi OtN Aore o� csc=a4tion laad par l00 psopla u aet by tha MiaoesoCa �gjESU of OuOdooe Rk,seatiqa. �Npy ;F ��� � Rot;�, o,� 4�7 s0i�s �or � population of , � , � Fl�, Pl+aulns Coaals�ion Ma�$ins - Jaauary 17. 1973 P Uass+�eiv� of ths Caapsnhsnsive Ylaa (coatlnued) apqsmcimately 31�OOQ pmoplt, 40'�G oi ehis laod remains und�veloped aod thera- ,• los� devalopmsnt to t1t tha populatioo nead� a�uet luw a 61gh psiority in lvtur� pask apqsopsiat'lo4. , !hs City ai 8rid1�y �njoy� Ch� advaoCag�� o! �a�y seai�• rout�� thaC �s� s��d�d 8or tks d�v�lopm�ae ot any ar�a. Th� City ia sesv�d by a major Istssslat� liak a� a�ll a� wjos l�d�sal, 8tat� and Couatr highwaq�. Tha�e , �i�+Y� D=�d� Ch� aa�d�d a�svie�a Chat ths s�aidsoe�s, bwia��s�s and i�ldwtri��l o! eh� CiCy e�quir�, Thsr llnk tiu City to oe2�ar ajor c000�ssMal •�sd traw�oreation esoC�rs tor ths eoavsni�ae� o! th� City'� cieisws. � , ' , , , !J ' � , � Aw to it� loestien� Tridlsy acCS as a tsatiie i+�e�l Co eh� caaeral elR�� or�aei� •oma tsa!!ia �oaaid�ration�e aotis pollutioa. auto talsty, Ndatriaa �ais#y, bieyql� s�i�ty and a co�sidssation for maas tranale. =�tabll�hmsR! oi eaemwiey �osl� i� n�eusasq to t�sa succss� oi ths �Utmiai psogsam, Wlthast propar dissction, the plan would mot bs abl• to lunotioo. Ona� th��• g�n�s�lly aceepeed goals haw bNn e�tabliehed, mors s�o!!1e poliai�� ean bs de=iv�d over s period oF tim� to rork withia eheee oa ioia` Proce��ea. Th� comoounity goal� �ad polleis� ar� •at�ty of Che sNid�nt� ca�unity balanc�, div�r�lty oi •srvin�s and anviroom�atsl psa�ar- �stlon. , Th� Covps�h�wiw 81an result� isom the eompari�on of th� �oal� o! tha tam�ueil� to all tha nsed� and ds�ire� of tb� City'� ini��bitant�, Thssa nasda �ad ds�is�s csa bs saeastaia�d by a �tudy oi theis eharactasiit�.es, •q iC �,s s4e��raty to �val,uata tssud� aod a4aoQ�� eo utablish iutur• control� tor oux �svis�atal susda , . � oa�mualCy awie 6ain a kawl�dg� oY tke v�riou� facCosa ehat datract !!as tk� dt�ir�bLlty o! it� �AVlroomeat aad tska the measura� wliiah will isCSta�� �nvircrwm�atal harmOny within t6e eommunl,ty. Whsa enviso�aaeal. ts�nQuillity is dl�rupt�J 1� inq part ot th� comowniey. th� vho1� baJ.aacs withi� Cbi� ao�wnity a;4 b� �;i�c��d. tos Chl� saa�oa, !h� oompseh�asiw pl�n mu�R coa�idsr eh� chsnging char- selsslaCip�� aepd�, and da�is�� of th� toCal aommunity !a a11 pha�as oE davelop Iaal. !4s eampssh�eulv� pl�n caa bs u�ad a� an �id to achiave • d���ssd reauLk It l� 6ep�sa��y aaa�pt�d plaaning cona�pt ch.c a hiah lotepsity use ia W�4s�lrabl• a�xt to # Lotr iaesn�ity uee arsa without �om� tsaaattlo�al iatenaities, yask buttas�, vr �pptopri+t• plancla; striAr, ' �ijk �RC�p��tjt {1�� ;=�i� t�Ad CO essat4 a�s�at�r eraliic vclum�, •sf�ey , A;taTd� � bigh poi�� l�v��, aod �zc���iva viaual pollueloet, Wh1ch will dierupt , �h� tesnauilltty Oj tk� 1ov iotsn�ity u�e�, � 1 r '1'b� C��y oi Yti�dla� csR 0� divid�d iato iour inCensity 1eve1�; high, YNdtw bi{h, m�dium LoM �ad �,oi+. th� hlgh �apea�ity levsl �+ill inelude ia- du�pilaJ, area�, ma,joC appa�;p�al cpqtsca, ts�eway� and expr�eawaye, Tha medium A!{k iaelwiay i�wi MSLL #p41YS1p bi�,h daa�ity hou�ina iael.uding l�rg� �par�manc , � 7E Flwniag Coa�ieeion �Ieetlna • JaauarY 17. 1973 Pa�t b llasrativo of the Compsehea�ive Plan (coatinued) '� Cawylsxas and high ri�ea s4d thosoughfasea, Tha medium low inten�ity level M11 include msdium d�naLty housiog includiag eownhouses, quadromlaiums, CoadamiRlms, gardsa apaxtment� as vell as acattesed cocmnscial areae. The I lo�r intew ity laval ls Compri�ad o! aingle femily reeidentlal units. Park bufiers can b� usad iA Con,junetlon vith all intenaity levels. Planting stsipa aaa sl�o b� used ae buft�s�� provid�d that these giva the neceaeary viaual . •psotsatioa fos tb� loaa; �.atsw ity aone�. ' � , � In drslopia� � oaoipr�h�naiv� l�nd u�• plaa it i� n�e��aarq to locaa easiliaein� ine�osiCi�� and numiaa all d�wlop�d and undsv�lop�d land. Tbi� ��amiaation hs� yi�ld�d t4v� sp�ciiie ar�a� o! eoae�ntrse�d �tudy. �!� LwaeN ia 1� NostMw�b oe�e o! �ridl�y� aad i� bosd�r�d �s t� ifMC b� l��G �iwa load, on eb. �a�t by 1lalwri�ty Avwau�� en eh� Nostk 1� th� aosPes�e� limlC�� and oa eh� ieut6 b� O�bosn� Road but isalud�� eh� �lliaswe Addition. , � � �tud� �r�a Ao. 1 apotslor th� lar;��t tract oi �md�wtop�d land ia th� Oit�. T61� ss�a �rill b• psoioundly ati�et�d bq th� Norehtoan ShoppinR C�atss. I! Psotse�t� Cha oppostunity to dswlop a wll plaoaad toeal wiahboshood con- 1 a�Oe by psovidi� a vari�Cy'oi land we� vhieh ar� complim�nt�rq to ehs &hop- v�t c.ne.:. I Ia �oma ��otion o! thi� �rea, m�dlum and hlgh dan�ity deyelopmeata W:I.11 M Rh� b��t typ� oi rpidaatlal uae �a thi� ars� due to tha high co�t of land dW�lopmsot� th� praximity o! hlgh lutsnaity uses aad the need fos houalag to ��sw tbe Plaansd loduats141 aod co�eselal cenear�, This medium and high � dswity howin6 would awet •lficinntly ut111ss the 1and, allowing Large portioes 0! th� land to sama�a ppsa 1q aon]uacClo4 wich tha Nosth Pask Ar�a and pseserving • Ch� e+►tural dssinag� �ad pcndlug asss�. ' , ' , Nitb tiN d�vRlopowat o! Ch� !to=lhtown Sbopping Canear, thera exiots an o�ortunity to d�v�lop a xeiion,al otfice p�sk aad eatertainmepC eenter. This �rovld provids ihs �loymant appostunitie� aad racs�stional facilitia needed to alts;ae a morr b�lanaed populstioa. • Tlti� typ� o! peslmatsr u�s is �vident,in mqet major regional shopping e�ates� sad eaa b� �ssq at 1lrovkdal�� Southdale, �oaedale, etc. A 2 1• looatsq in E��t esatTal Fridleq aad i� borderad on the Easc ' ;hs nospocatr 11mit�� pn tha North by 69th Aveuus, and on the Weat by C�anASl Ao�d� �Ad on tlls Soutp by Axee Cs�ek Rpad and Moore Laice, � pevslopo�ept q� m�dium aad hlgh daa,iCy houeing 14 the best typa of T��ld�nt�aj uae ln �ooie �scexop� oE Chis �tudy area, The vacanc Land batweaa 69Ch Av�nua p.�St and RiC4 Gre�tk 1t uo,suitable tor �ingie family development, ' •SaC� Ch� lapd pocih ot ehi�� �►sea i� =os high lataa�ity usn, Thi• £acior al0a� vith ehe p=��„vattoq p�' aioe Cveek fos publie use makes medium deasiey ' dsyUlopm�ae } ds�ls�bl� laad ur�, L__l r The �aa�nC laqd b�tv»eA RLC� Gs�ek Road and Hiasissippl Screet ia a main d=a�as�r aallec�loa a�ea !o� th� Moqss L�k� b�sin, Therefose it ia nacessary Ca �s���rve 5he poa�ieg aoe�� �nd tho ecq�o�y aad epl�l be able to use the iH! Of Chs �+14d tOS d�vslopmea�. By initiatlztg med�um density developmunt thr , ' ' , 7F � p�,soaiag Commiseion }�t�etiag - ,iia,nuary,�.7, 1473 P+�r � lls=r;t1v� pf th� C�preh�aal,va Plaa (contiauad) �. +taolo�ie+1 pte�asv;ticxs c+�o bs aecomplleh�d ae xeil aa justiilcstlon of high dllvslopme4t co+t�. Aa'�x�mpLa oi this typ� o! d�velopment coaeepc reeaatly •y�sovad i� tbi pisn !ot tha psoperty jwt eaat a! tha Civie Gentar, ' , ' , � �� � , , T!!Y laad ja�� aorih oi Mpore Lake Deach Park ia mads up oi a numbes of �aina��xsy� to ltoos� i,akt� a varieey oP slevation ahangss and poos soil op4diEtoa� make 14 +1 di.ltiowlt area to deve�op. Io osd�r to couat�Tb;laoa� the davelopaant coat and pre�srve the aatural .dsal4sg�tNl�jr�� th� srea sbould b• devslopad !a �Sigh quality, mediuw deeeity � bowia� vait� . Thi� tY9� o! d�wlopwat �ra+14 not oaly make it fsasible to �WIoP th� laad� bu! NOUld �+� ; d�iinlCs u��t !o th� oawraiai d�v�lopm�at e! ikos�oed rlaaa, M�di� d�arlty unie� in thi� ar�a vould b� �a�ily ��rv�d Uy !h� �t+oPpia� C�RC�i� e!N publla pask Lsnd�, aad eh� m�jos ooll�aeor �tr��t�; pd eould Psovids th� �eoloRie+�l pr���rvatioo ase�a�asy and �till malu lull W� et eb� l�ad, � �t �rill 6� �r�satial Oo psas►id� tb� a�cu��sy Laedseapla` in ,ord�s to �sobot ths prs�snt rs�id�ntiai ar�a� lram ths adi� hii4 iateaslty u�s of thi� tyys o! d�valopwsoC. ♦ar luseA�= d�wlapment a! ca�srcial land aloog Cantral Aveau� would soC b� totaily ds�lrabl�+ bseaue• of ths already developad coamaseial csntesa !�o tM Rs��. Any dawiopmsnC oi eoowzcial land ia ehia sraa should bn givsa 01�l�1u1 �tudy 1A ardas Rq tik tha nslghborhood �asvice� coac�pt. Cas�ful tbeu�ht �hould be ;iwa to akhsr po�sibls u�er !os ehls lsnd. �'}j(j�{ AA1s�, 3 14clud�� th� ara� ea�oqly r�isrrad to a� 8yd� Pssk and is loeat�d !a BouCb-C�4ts+�I, �ridley. ' Tb� ss�a �lon� TaCes�tat� 694 ia at prsaeaC a tsmporary usa area and oould peovid� sq axaellaaC loaatiou ids th� devalopmsat of a major chain hat�l Oi'tn0��1. Tht dav�lopaesnp o1 thi� eqp� oi asa trould provide an exasilane ' CssaqlCloa b�Cyssa th� high inCsaelty tsailic volume on Iater�tat• 694 and tla lon iat�a�ley hou�ina vait� tq eh� aorih xith ths proper plantlog or buil�s. ' ' , SM as�a tM�C o� Uplves�lty Av�nue hs� pxoparty soaed Lor re�id�ntlal, � opwMeoial apd i�adu�t�i�l v���, Thi� otl�ss an opposcuaity to establish A lN11 plann�d Cotsl d�v�lopweat, Oo� aauepC Chat could give spacial l,dentity ko th� ax�; would be th� u�a;o! ��11 plsna�t architectural th�me Chroughout th�• d�wlopmaat, i , �, l�,A, i� psiassily, th+it a��a bst�+e�a �a�t Rtv�s Road and th� Burli4gton- oreb•oa raiLSOSd c,c�okr sR �p. int����etioa vt Mie�i�iippl Strnet, ' IC MouLd RO! bw dq LesbT� t0 sxCand iqduttsial t�c111t1as Purthar �ato ih� s��id�nki�l aF��a a�,oa4 Ch� salisoad� �outh e! aic� Creek, Thi� asea �h0u�.d =�t��a �t� re�ld�ati+►1 ahassck�r tp fit ialo Che �ursounding residential , p�t�kbo=kopd. Msdiµa d�a�iKy howiag would urve •a +� cran:ieiun ior cha 1171i�ltng =Illro;d +�od �aduetiX Rnd would p=e��sve the publ.ie uae ot Rica Cr�ek, , , . 1 ,, 1 ' , � ' ' ' , , , ' j�amioe Coami��ioa,�le��n�Jaqqar� 17. 1973 Z�F � � R�ss�tive o! tha Opeys�hen*iw Man (cootiaued) � asea alou� ths Mest aid� o! the rsil;aad ts�cks aad south of Mis�is- slryl atssst p.tov�id�� a4 opportunit� to devslop a neigt�borhood entity. Because A� t1N tsslfin 1ltats49 Qau�ad oa $a�t flivns Hoad by the numesoua streeC acceass it 1lould 6a de��rablo Cp dewlop a neighborhood vith limited aecess. Medium d�oiit� aad elw ter dAVtlopmant rould ba beet suited for this typa of clrcula- tlqa. l�ia typs o! dswtlopm�nt xouid ba aas: reasistsst vith high intsaslty w 1�wL �ursa�adin` !t. 1� loaae�d b�ttw�e Ea�C tlws load aad tia 1li�sis�ippi Riv�r, ot IntssstaC� 694. It t� d�tisabl� to ysastsw a� suth o! tiu astaral buuty o! th� Mis�is- �lOpi Riwr p pos�ibla, Z'hl� psasasvation aouLd b�st bs ueonpli�h�d by RM d�MtopmsaC o! m�dium �nd hi�6 dtstity dev�lopoMau . ihls eyp� of ubs s0uld ps�avids twa Eunneion�; prs�asvatlon oi th� b�auty ai th� siv�r by �siop��ne o! open •Osas� aod pswialoa oi housia� ior tlu iadw trial dwsl- qMaC aLosi ��at Aiws load. It is �s��atial that sesict ea�oseeo�at o! t!� s�ing ordiuinca b� �st�d au! !n ordas to provida th� awdsd visual and aoiss psot�etion isom lMwts� wd th� b��vy tsstlic voiuma. !h!� plaa 1� th� tir�t �tep in a planned development pracass dssigned ,• CO oNt thR �oals aad pbjectivss of a balanced aau�uaity. The plaa aoe oaly Deovld�s diractlan ior futus� devalopoent� but also satablishe� guidelines 1ee �siaLioi ww . � ' ' ' � , , , ' ' !IN plaa wsC b� eoatiawily swiswd in ord�s to m��t Ch� ohaa�isy w�ds �ad dNis�s o! th� aieis�u, ' Qoatiawd aitle�q iapaC 1� n�e���ary !pr tha �uee���iul impl�ntatioa o! thi� plsa. CiCissq pastieipation i� a Wy faeeor ia th� d�v�lopmsnt of a lot+�l baisne� aoawnl.ly� vih�x� Lndiridwl� maq work, liv� and plaq ia �nvlroa- INatsl h�aaa�. � Tbi� i� ths �od oi the pr�psr�d pressatacion. ♦CCinR CF�six'm�a 8itsp�at�lak �ai� it it �+r inteatioa ae thi� time to op a u0 tlt� di�eu�sioo in �•�ris� ot fiv� halt•hour dlacuaslons. I! any oae ere� �Aowld `snssat� enou�{h di�ew�laa ior mots tban a heli hous, dlseus�lon oa this assa xt11 b� eontiaued tp R}aear d�ea. �iYd;� ��• 1!� loeats�d'ia tlse Nosth`n�t cornar of Pridl�y, batwaesn Saet Rlwe Ao�d a�td Ualwls�ity A���� Thi� laeludss tde Nosth Pask a�re� bue we as� aoe h�r� to di�euq tp� �i�a ot tbs paTk beoauee whsthes a nsture aenter or {Ol# aous�� gw� iRko Ch+k ar�a� Cfi�y Nill bath ba low intw�ity u�es, ss notad !o tM Propa�d pl,aa� Aeesa; Chsirnaa alespaerick •eksd th� �udi�ace, Lf they wanted Co ask a 4w�tlal os m+�k� s•t���ae� to addr�s� tbwwaive� to cha Chair, ead ko idantlfy p11Mp*1vp� by aama. TIIASe wa� no diaaw�ioa oa Study Ares 1. llr. Fiespatsick �ai4 w� xould So aq t0 th� aext �s�� snd com� back to Araa 1 lates if Aecesoary. ' ' ' ' , , / , ' ' , ' ' • IJ ' ' 7H 8lanniru Cammieeioa Mesti�tg . Januarv 17. 1973 Paxr � ?i�. 81Czpstxick �+id $tsd� �� a ie Bouth of Onan'r, Bsst of Old C{ntsal� Soueh Cq Riee Crsek xoad aad the atcess bordariag Moors Lakn. Mr, tibasl�r 8mith, I.M.C. Corpoxation, said ha vaa confuaed on the t�smr h1�h� medium higb� aedium low, and low �atensitiea. Mr. Boardmaa ++�ld th� asdlum low inteneity or madium hiqk iateasity refersed to tra£fic gal�rsE�d iA +tse+t� and this is nhat thR coLox chazts refer to. The mediw� d�wity aud high densiiy terau seier to bousing, Willi� Dieta+ 1280 Aathawsy Laae� �a1d ha would 11ke to lanow vhat eh�� as� �oia� Co do about th� tsaffia patt�sa at th� Old Gntsal aad SiihMSy �bb inCas��atlon� 8� �s�,d tiaChawy w� a ieat� Aid sad and 1e''� d�ad-�nd�d, Wi11 ie io bhrou�q to NatC�rhors. !tr. 1leipaCriak �aid Ch� Oit� bad'bsou�ht a psopaal to eh� flamin� Co�i��ioa �riCh ehan�u in t6� Css!l�,e paCe�sn ia thi� ar�a, Nr. Clark •�id ehi� bsopo��d eomps�lNtuiv� plan i� !or Lsnd w• oor� ehaa tratiio plan�. Th�s� as� aamps�h�n�iv� plan� ln tk� a�sly ata=�� !or tralfie paCt�sn� and pasiu, �ta.� but it trill b� �asi�s Co eam� ap vlth eralfia �ludi�� ii w hav� s=ood aampr�h�n�iw plan !os land u��� ' Dob L�r�oa, 1482 Mi��is�iypl 8ts��t� had aa inquir� on ��etion 4 0! Chi� �tudy ar�a. � s�lud 1! tb� Cit� plana�d to u�s ths pond� ss they ar� os �! tbsy aould b� puttiag in �torm se�+ars. 14. Clsrk �aid !E thi� ysoya�d yLan i� adopt�d !C will be wsd as a guids aad depending upoa how Cb� laad 1� u��d nill a!lsaR th� dsci�ioa on this.' If thi� srea vae w�d as a townhow• d�wlopment� tor inataac�, ehen t4s ponding could s�mal,a. 1lwrows� tl�� might �till haw • aaed fos soms �torm sst►sra. !L, Jaeki� Lnu srked Che dtilss�nc• betwa4n Lw intnnslty apd w�diue� �.aCeasity hqwiag and whst thsy Was� going•to put ia ths bluo �s�a� Ms, li.tRpat;lak �sid rn� as�n't gping to � apyching in the asuu�� thl� !� m�s�l� ;`u�ds, Ms. Swtdma4 e�id lov inteasity houeing Ms� �ipgl• lamlly dwlliqa�, pasks os bytter aone�. Tha green area� •r� m�dlup Sat�n�lCr� ruah u to�ahou�n o; quadromiaium�, aoC high si�� or �pasem�ue eaepl�x��. , 1lr, J1a1 Lsa`� 6k�0 /4thux $tr�ei p�6,� sRld he livs� clo�a to as�a 4 0! th�� �tudr aod eher� Wa� �� pork b�iag done !a that area, till bait� haul�d !n� •Co.� �q th�s� mw ! ba �ame plans for tba area, 1ih�a �tL�1 ie poaw µp tqr a F4iblia fl�asingt lh�, Derrsl Clask �aid the City b+�d aqC aad aay lorenl s�qus�ts ipr seaoaing or davelopmeat oi this �=�11 �i y�l� buk lnb�io ���:ing aoClt�a v►ouLd b� �eat out i! �ay saque�e� 1hII� pKd�. Ks, AaLCpq llat�lc�, 1464 Mi��l,��ippi Se;�at, aude th� rscaameadatloa , to tM F1�a43a4 Comn���l.,oR Co pt�+rsrvll th� N+�tar table for tutuso ganesation�. il� •tse�d h4 ielt x� ��r.o �hould noe turn ; deat eas eo ladu�try ahea oches oitin �►as� b�;iip� ;o� �ndu�ts7, , ' I ' {4v, �ik;pl�tf�FN IRiq �,�, �� �,�nsr�lly kao� as the Ayda 8ark ��s rqd �i �a sx�� ihn4 �or� Np to bl�t Av�nu�� ws�e oi i, �694, , ' , ' ' , , ' ' ' ' , • , , , , �� � Planning Cammiselon MaetiaB - January 17. 1973 I+k, Al+n Jenaen, 5955 2} Street N.$., eald that most of this area ie de�lgnaCed as hlgh Sateastty. xs there any Specific type of develoymenc C4at tha Plaamiag Comaissioa is thinkin$ of when they suggest a we11 planned aschitectural kheme� auch as motela os hotele. liz. Fitzpatrick said much oi this as�a wa� rather recantly zoned co�eraial. Where most of the •eudy ar�se �re propossd d�velopment, [hie srea follows th� psesent zoaing quite �La�ly. • lts, Sassdmaa said it 1s hard for a daveloyer to come into thie area beaau�• th� property ir amed by so maay diifareat peopls. The only way Me could ti� the davelopment together ie with aa architectural thema. W�'ss aot tdiaking partieularly of any high inteneity uee, per ee, but ns vrould 21ka to esa �ooia type oE oi£ice typa aamylax. A motal or hot�l sloa� I#694 oa Cb� pr���at driw-in �h�aCr� prop�sty would b� s Sood u�• bue �nl hav� ao propo��l• aC Chi� Cim�. 1lr, L. A, Mus=li� 3973 3sd Btr��t N.E., �sk�d ii in ss�ard to thi� srchi��etural tb�m�, �rould you b� pointing st a�pseilic ela�s os typ� o! bu�ln��� os diii�s�at typat. You as�a't limitia� it to s certain asahit�etvral Cyp�, Mr. Fitspatsiek �a1d only eertaln thing� wera allownd in �ach aoaiog c1a��itication. There xere ssgulstioaa gn desiga aad esrtsin �ppoaranca�, !!r. Soasdmaa �aid tho asohitectural tF�ema could ba th+►C th� sras Lolloaad tha sama klnd oP land�capiag. Thi� vould be an arehitsetural thsme, , Mr. dsm ea s�ked 1t there was any thought of,developing the South �id� o! I.#494 u�ia$ tbo lour oorners iastead of two, Mr, Fitzpatrick �a�d th�t bsri.aally the entirn City is oovmred by th� psopoeed campreheneive plaa but tha Elve �tudy areas rera ths asaae malected that aeod lmnedisCe atC�ntipn. scuav �Tea 4�e batwaea ths xailsoad trscka aad Sast &ivas Rosd lraoi Che lnees�saClon oi Fast River Road snd lSisds�ippi Street aad NotCh of Pti�sL��lppi aKr�at dwn eo 61�t Aveaua. Ms�. Gsrbssi bZ75 Ea�t Riwr Road� ��ld you �uggeet that tha asee •Cay �� i� baC hav • ltmitsd aeeosa. iihesa would the limited acceea ba. Ms. Cl�sk aaew�s�d ehat th� +�r�a would stsy the eame a! far na land use, but ve N�sa Qxojecting �h�ad maay yssrs, As tha homas get oldec and tha lsad v+tlu0e OxcCed ths•velus• oF thn pome�, the plder hamea would go and 43u�t�r hppe� a0uld b� bu11t. In 8-� soal,a$ the xaquirement eaLU for a wiaimum ot 9,qpQ �quasp 1�et. Io a twattiowe davslopmeat the requirements �s� iiow 3�OOQ CO 9,000, Mr�. Gerber �s1d ehe didr,'C th�nk anyona would Msat tq build cl0ee to �ha railroad tracks. Mr. Clark said thare would M� � b�rii�r beew�am che'home. and th� eraoka. Mre. (ierber seksd him to axpl�in Mh�t � bu!!at M*�, ?k, Al+�ck ��1d it could be Cssea, barme, fences, �tC. �aythlo� Co �kop �oi�e sad vi�usl pollution, iu'. J. A� LOVe�b=aad, 214 1.ogan 8srkway, asked whst.plaaa they had for ' Clf� y�1�.oM IaaDio4 at Alc�s k, DIr, Bo�rdmen eaid tha �rrow mesnt that it bptdes� th� ilL1MT, Thsxa as� ao opecitiR plan� for th• area but any futura plart� •hou14 !s►e�,uda p�e4ssvatioa of tha river, ' ' , , ' , C! 1 L� ' ' . ,. � ' ' , ' ' ' � �f , ' �lsnnina Comniaeion Meet#aR Janvary 17, 1979 �T Mr. I.ovs�tsmmd eaid ha ehought Ea�t xivpr Road had ae much craffic •� Uaivesiity Ave4us aqd plane for the fgture should include a method of dl.mloi�hiag tha Crl�lflc, Ht. Clark eaid you won't aee any chaagea on Ra�t Aiws Rvad uatil agtar the North Corridpr croeseown ia complated. Ms. Doardywp ��►1d thesa t+leFe thsee different sites where a now rpad could ba 1.a�Calledx all Nosth oi Fsidley, ia the vieinity of tha Northtowa ase+►. Accord�.ng to thie �tudy, by 1985 traffic could be r�duced by Cbse� tima� oa 8�st xivas Road if the North Qorridor gces into effect. 1ls. litapatriak askad !L Ehaea maetings had seached a point i+hero Public A�sslags vould ba held. �Ir, DosYdmaa uld tbey have had two hearinga snd there qi1.1 b• s Pub11c Heasiaa for citisew coming up eomn time in �ebruasy. aeL.t�v �ea ��,a goutd pE I. #644 to th� Mistneapolie woaed property, b�twua SasC R1Yet Road aad Uaivarsity Awaue. • Ilr. Wh��l�s 8mith �a1d thi� Naa hia tLi'rt Coatsat viCh Cb� plsa and Chou�hC lt M�� vsry wll eoacelvsd, Ia lookiai owr th� copy o! Ch� esrsstiw h� aae�d th� �tatement� thaC pr���at sooiat s�quis�ata ehould b� �niora�d, aad thi� Ka� soaad r��id�atial{ ehae hi�b d�a�ity dswlopmeaC Mu part ot thi� plaa Co taka ear� o! indu�CS�al worlur�, you'r. Cslking about hi`h ti�a apasta�sot� and dav�loporot with op�n �pao��, and �+hea I think o! tps tss!!io psobl�w xith tb� tr�ilie con=��tion noa, I'm aonlus4d. Mr. Clsrk �aid th� ■onin� la�n p�staia to �stback raquir�mant�i by open �Pae� w� mUaa pn a bu11.d1� lik� s high si�� th.re would b� opaa ar�as srouod tla buildiag, fl� doo't aant th� as�4 aovessd with blacktop �ad soot�. Mr. 11tsp+�trlck �aid tha dt�cu�aioa:�oa the fiv� stu�y arsa� wa� com- plst�d qviCe sapidly ro ae can go back to say area for luFehar d;l�cu�sioa or hsar •ama� geaeral statsmeats, llse, Sasb�sl� Nugbe�, Lesgua of Rm�ea Votasa', eaid sha underetood thi� wssCinR tra� !ar Ch� Ylanaing Cocmireioa to give laformation and Chere would bs oth�r•m�atia�� �chedulsd !or eitis�a iapui. Soth Mr, pltzpatrick and Mr, Clask aap�rssnd Chat they 4xp�cCSd aar� inpuC this evening than they hed sta�lwd aad �ay dsol�ioa to contipus th� Pubiie Heariap� aould be msde bsioa� tbs �vsaia� aa� was, iis�. Hugh�� rsid �he waaa't prepsrEd with all k�r qws�tion� buC eh� ponda;ed ahat coa�idesstion had been glven to a�a�� Crss►�iC iR th• ptoposad eompeehen�ive pian, 'Mr, Pitzpatsick eaid vhil• tbes� va� �pp� l,nformstioa on trsn�it 1a the propoBed plan, ie ia ba�io�lly • land u�� plaa. Mr�. Hughn� �$!d ahs dida't thlnk you could con�idar l�nd w• wi,Chout making oome pro�jialon oa how trafH c would be Caksn ear� o� ia eh� ars�. Mr, Fiecpatri�k an�wered thac the t'iva atudy area� wer� ralsti,v�ly un�vslop�d or undi��oiag a change and hopeiully th�cs Mas nothlna pro�o�sd ChaC would 6aa�rata traffic. Mr, 8oasdman �s1d Cke qua�tion p�' oisri t=an�it hs� ko w�1e for s decielon from the Matropolit�a Couaoil. Tb� propo�ad comps�h�aslve plan ia ordor ko be �tt�aRiw +1t al�� M�1� Asve to b� don�tanCly updated ne ereae develop. �It� ?l�tropolttsA Councll wlll h�va publle Hsaxiage oo mds� tran�it alth lnput lrom tha eiCi+� iavvlv�d, end atpsr a plsn is svolvad 1t wiil hava to b• spprpv�d by the City. ' � 7� Planning Coumd,saion Meeting - January 17. 1973 Page 12 Kr. Mugg11 6aid thia was all new infoTmation and 1t was difficult to � make aay meaaingful Commant on something you werea't that famillar. He thought 1f people had a chance to think ebout it and calk it over with thair neighbosa thay would have some eo�enta or suggeationa, 1 ' 1 , ' ' ' , � 'J ' tl ' ' ' ' ll�. Maxy 8chroiner, 6851 Oakley Streat, asked whst the timetable Mould be after the Yublic Hearinga were w�r and thie plan weat eo Council. Whea would the zoainp chaagea be made. 14r. Fitzpatrick said this pian pouldn't ahaage any zoaing. All thie is, is a proposal, ehat has been prepasnd by the City Staff, modified by the Planning Conaisaion and we are no�ir aC tha point whete we want iaput from the citizena, Mr, Boardman said this plan has to go ko tha Metropolitan Couacll and it ia withia their sights to hold the plaa for aixty days, before it can go to our City Council !or eppsoval. Ms. Sehreiner asked if tfiere were zoning mapa available. lir. Glark said wa have the large wall zoning mapa dated Jaauary 1972 and a smslles oae dated January 1969 that ase avallable at City Hall. Mr. Qureshi said updated zoning mapa will be available in about a moath. lSr. Wheeler SmiCh said the Planniag Conmisaioa haa indicated that this plaa wauld be updated and ehanged froa time to time. What would happea i£ aomeoae csme in with a requeat that was diffareat from the yroposed p1aR buC the Planning Co�isaion thought it had merit, Mr. Biizpatrick aald eseh request would ba handled on its own merlt but if it waa in line with tha propoaed plaa he vould think the Plaaning Co�is- tioa wauld look fatvorably upon it. The Co�ission would not be bound com- plately by the 4ompre�hensive plaa, but probably more bound than they were before. , l�tr. 8311 Nea, 219 Logaa Paskway, eaid there was no foundation for any � of this epeculatian iR the atudy areas, He woadered 1f any of it was feasible. He aeked if there waq aay documentatioa on whether it was viable or not. Mra 8ltzpatrlck eaid the�e was basia for the proposed aomprehensive plan. Mr. Soardmsn eaid the atudy azeas wera �ust an addeadum to the plaa, and i.f aeceaaary they could be updated or changed, lSre, 8arbara Hughea asked What was the baais for the atatemenC thaC 8r�dley._!a a maturlag caom�uaity. Mr. Boardman said the present trend is that peaple with families are atoving #ur[het away from the cota city. The achool sgB eRx'ollmaaC has reached ita p�ak and will be on the decline. We ssa at the poia! ahe;e people from ouCSide the ares are Coming into Frldley Co Work. ` i , Mr�. Dave Harri9, G?0 Atee Creek Terrace, said he wanted Co commend Cha Plaataing Commieaiontand the C±ty Staff oa thia proposed comprehenstve plea. �ha plea ChaC wa¢ developed and the City hae been operating on, was madt Ln 1F58 ao a aew p).an waa long oVerdue, In prepazing e plan which chaagea land uae�what s�PeeG is this going Co have relaCiva to the Metro- politaq Couqcll aad it�a Sewer Board on the reaerve capacity and in the utillties eyatem. Mr, Daz;el Clark eaid thio plan has to So to the Metsopolitan Council Por approval. Mr. Harsia said he xealized that, but iP tbangee made in the atudy areae would Fequire a reserve capacity, would rra pay for aomathing Cod�y that we woulda't ba usiag for yeare, Mr. Qureshi 1 � ' ' 1 1 , ' ' , ' ' ' t ' ' ' ' t 7� Planning Commission Meeting - Januarv 17, 1973 Page 1� ans�tered that begianing the firat of thfe year we went on a SAC basis. Any new aottatruction will pay Co conaect to the ayetem and any existing con- - atrucioa w111 have no added eharge, He said that for instance in Area No. 1, thie was planned £ox aq industrial park and the City has taken 120 acres for park arca, so the utilities in this area are more than adequate. Mr. Harris asked what would happen ia aew development areas from the atorm sewer etandpoint. Mr, Qureahi said the whole planning concept is based on conservation. The goa],e ara safety for our City, a balance in housing so all typea ot housing a;e available, diversity, so there is some industry, eome ahopping area� and recreational areas. The other goal is environment. Aa example of thia is in the Innsbruck North area, where the ponding areas and the natural beauty of the area is being preaerved. There is a lot of open area in a towahouse development. Industrial areas demand more ground cover. Th1a is why apartments should be cloaer to an industrial area, where storm sewera are most necessary. In Study Area 1, the drainage could be used to preeerve part of the Creek's beauty, iihen we can develop an area and make yse of what's natural, for housing, parks, shopping areas, etc., �ae can have more of a total coamunity. Hr. Harria said development in neighboring communities is something ve have no contro2 over, auch as the Northtown Shopping Center. This development will dictaCe what goes into Fridley. Mr. Boardman said we do zealize that Northtowu will have an impact similar [o shopping centers such as Brookdale and Southdale. The City Council has sent me to p>rtici- pata ia the Northtown Task Force Council set up by the Metropolitan Council. Thia 1a a atudy group made up of Fridley, Blaine, Coon Rapida and Spring Lake Park. We xealize there will be c�tanges in the area and we would like to see an office complex in the araa along with the park land and industrial ar@a. Mr, Harzis atated that if Fridley doesn't devzlop the area, same other suburb surrounding Narthtown would. Mr. Boardman said Blaine is developing an office complex and high rise mixture. If the City Council gces a�ong with the study on this area, then all this area will be studied for traEfic patterae aqd traffic generated and land use. Mra. Hughea said Fridley was compared with 13 other first ring suburbs in the comprehenaive plan. Why was this uaed as a basis of comparison, Mr. Boaidman said as Fridley is a first ring suburb we wanted to compare it to suburba having the same characteristics as us. For instance, we have pxoblems thaG $laine doesn't have because we're almost completely develeped and Blaine has abqut 60% of its land undeveloped. The Metropolitan area includes aeyen tounties, some highly developed and some of it still farc: land, so you couldn't compare all the cities to Fridley: Mrs. Hughes said Fridley was low in the rankings in housing and development. hfr. Boardnan answered that Chesa atatements are based on the rankings and Lookin� at the trenda to eee how our community ia developing in comparison to suburbs of almilar rankings, MrS. Hughes asked 1f we would have the same chara�teristi:s as the communitie� we are being compared with if we didn't do anythino. Mr. Boatdman sa:ld khat basipally we have to set up some type of goal, a place where we want Co go� otj�erwise we wpuld have piece-meal deveiopu�ent. By eetting up goals and objectives according to rankings and trends we can see hOw we fit in witi� ot�ef coamwaiCies. The Teason for this Public Hearir,g is to find out if titese are the thinga we want to strive for, and !o de- tet�mine what ia hapPeRing in our cocmtunity and if it is desirable. ' ' , ' , Planning Commisaion Meetiag,,- Januerv 17. 1973� '�� Mt. Hasris aaked if there had been any consideration of a specific use nithin a general use. By thie ha meanC ii lt was possible to have inter- mlxing of hqusing. A�cording to the requirementa for a single family home tbe LoC pivaC ha�re'a wi,nimum of 9,000 cqua=e feet, Maybe one individua� ra+ld traat to bu11d a small house on 5,000 aquare feet and someone else might want 20,000 squase feeC for a home. With the same requirement for all housing,, ia aome areas a�l the homes look the same except for the paint. Ms. Clask aaid there Was a housing guide from the Metropolitan Council that suggeats that houaing ahould be intermixed. The Plaming Commission and City 9taff has aot said if this is good or bad. Mr, Fitzpatrick said lhara is preeaura for the community to provida low coet housing. l�r. Clark said the alide preaentetion ia available to any group that , might waat iC during Cha moath between Publie Hearings. Mr. Qureahi said t6s propoeed comprehenaive plan eonid ba made available oa a cheek-out plan, ' lls. Qureahi eaid in answer to Mr. Harsis's queetion on the North Park area� ve heve joined the Korthtown shopping area Task Force, which includes 8sidley, Spring Lake Park, Blaia and Coon Rapids, There is aleo a North- ' Covn Corridor etudy which involves 15 governmental uaits in three counties where a bridge will go 1n eomewl�era between the Moka brldge and I. tP694. Th1s irill +s£fect the Craffic through our community. This can be an asset ' aad also an aggravatlan as we aze a traffic funael to the core citias. Acoordiag Co tha corridor study, if the addltional brldge is built on the Misaisaipp.i River the tra�fic w111 diminiah on East River Road by 1985. We r+ill have to update and adjust the e�psehensive pl,an, according to the ' Changing development and characteristica. Without the shopping center, we watld aever ba psopoei.ng xhat we are propoaing now. ' Ms. 8ern Newman, 375 Rice Creek Terrace� said there were many statements made on what the commuaitp wanted and how do you know what we wanti Mr. Fitzpatrick said Chis io only a propoaed plan and we want citizen laput. ' Ms. liewmaa answered that we can't give much imput whea most of us here have never seen the complete plan uatil tonight. Mr. Darrel Clark said the aomplete propoaed plan was aent to eeveral organizations, and we had hoped thBC theae oxgani�atioas would heve people here to give lnput. ' � Mr. Walt SCarsoalt, �1021 Ha�1�an Cirl.le, said the proposed plan was giving +�a awarenese of present zoning an ueage, and the desired trends. ' It Wes µoC a firm thing� pir, Fitzpatric� sald he thought he should stress agaia tliat thia was a p�:opased camprehen iva plan. ' ' � � , , Mr. Qureshl eaid if the p].anning Commiasion was going to continue the Public Hearinga they ah�ul,d set a specific date so the people here wpuid know vhen the next Heari.ng was, aad the paper couid probably help us get the iaformation to the pu611e, We cannot notify people again by mail beeause of the excesaive cost. ?ttYIION by Minlsh, seconded by Zeglen, that ehe Plaflning Commisaion oontinue the Publia Hear�ng oa the propoaed comprehensive plan until February 21, 1°73. Upan a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried uaanimously. 1 , ' ' , , - -7� Planning Co�isslon MeetinR - Januarv 17 2973 PaRe 15 ?fr. Sahmadaka e�id he wsnted to thank all the people who apoke. He sald thi4 plan hae been prepared by the City Staff, modified by the Planning ' • Ca�i�aioa� and he thought it vaa a good plan. - Mt. Miniah aaid ha thinka ve ahould emphaaize that there are other areaa that are being studied, but [his ia basieally a land use plan, not a traffic ar park plen; Ms`, Quseahi taid we are iq the procesa oY preparing a comprehensive park plaa, a comprehenaive sanitary sewer plen, eomprehensive water plan, snd a compxehensive drainage pl8n. We ara studying individual areas and tranait aud tranaporesion piaas and other things of this type, but the plan beiag preseated here ia basicaliy a lacsd use plan. 2. COPTINUED= CONSIDERATION OF FLOOD PI,AIN ZOtQING Yublic 8earing 'opea. ' Ms. Aarrel Clark atated that the CiLy Council ia aot goiag to act on flood plain zoning until they get a recommendatioa from the P�,anning Commissioa If Cha Council ia going to act on flood plain zoning they would like to do , 1t eoon� 1£ tha Plaan�ng Co�isaioa feels this should be doae. Mr, Qureshi �aid there is aome urgency because they would like to have a decision before the potential Spriag flooding, � Chsirman Erickson said we may be damaging property values in these areae, It appeara fran the feed-back that there isn't much interest from the publlc oa flood plaia zoaing. F.H.A. and the V.A. won't make a mort- ' $a$e commitment oa property in the flaod plain. He wondered 1E Frldley had s resolutioa pn flood plaia zoaing if this would be filed with the proparty by the County. ' ' 1 ' ' , . � Mr. Mlniah eaid he vould ba more favorable toward flood plain zoning if ae could pick aad Fhpose vhat area should be zoned flood plaia. Mr. Boacdmaa atated that whether flood plain zoaing goes into effect in Fsldley or not, the P,H,A, will not give mortgage loans on anything aoted aa flood piaia by the Army Corps, of Eagineers Study. Mr. Fltzpatz�ek �$id ano[her point that perhape should ba checked more alosely is whether Che City a�ts or not�the State Legislature will pass leglslation on this, �, goardman aaid the Legiaiation has already been yassed, Ha didn't kaocw'how lenient they would be'before it hatl to go into effeet but he telt Chat all eammunities will hava to have flood plain legis- istiaa, Chairman Erlckaoa felt that due to the lack of reeponse at the Public Haaringa, ahy would we r�rant the zoaing. Mr. Minish eaid may�e we eould deslgnate certain azeas as flood plain •o the City could tegulate the building iq these areas, i1r. Sosrdman said ws could break awsy fran State ataadarda and designate certain areas flocd plain to regulatg bui�ding, but no one vould be eliglble for flood insurance. , � , ' , , PlanninR Comm�saion Meetiag - January 17. 1973 � �� 14. Minieh eaid he dida't like to recwmend approval of aomething when �►e treren�t sure oE the far-reaching coaaequences. Mr. Boardman.stated that when the State legislation is in effect the municipalltiee w111 have to follow the guidelines. The State legislation i� mora sestrictive thaa the Federal requiremente. Chaismaa 8ricksoa aeid auppoae we adopt flood plaia zoning only 1a the sseao ae feel it is seally needed, would thay reject our request? Mr. Boardman said it would go to the Departmeat of Natural Resourcea aad they t+ould aend it dowa to XUD, Chairmaa Erickaon aaked Mr. Qureshi 1f the City would normally record s resolution with Che County. Mr. Qureehi said it would not be in Che property file at the County, ' Chai�Cma� Exickson said that during the flooding of last year many eommunities were critieized for not having f1ooS insurance. We went through the motlotts of lettlag the people know what was available and the response � waa yoor. Mr, Fitzpatrick wondered if we could reco�end to Council that ae have another Publ�c Hearing, Mr, Qureshi said we have met a11 the sequireoneats and another Pubiic Hearing wouldn't be held, ' � , ' Mr. 9ehmedeke said the problem aeema to be that the C�misslon feels eomn property auch as Riverview Heights should be in the flood plain, and the property aloag Rice Creek should be flood fringe. Mr, Schmedeke thought it was the City'a duty to tell people their property ia in a flood plain. Mr. Ciark said we do teZl people when they inquire about property in that alea� but many people don't inquire, Mr. Boardman said Chat HUD and the State legislation include both the Riverview Heights area and Rice Creek area according to the Army Corps, Engineer�s Study. Chaixman Erlekson said inquiriea should be make to see if it were poaeible ko nok designate all areas in this Study as flood plain. � HOTION by Erickaon, aeconded by Miniah, that the Plaaning Commission Continue the consideratioa of flood plain zoning until the City Staff inquires iato t4e poasibility of not zoniag the entire area of the Army Coxps of , Bnglaeer�s,Study as #lood plain, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motioa carried unanimous7�y, �I „ � � ADJOURNMEAT: Acting Chairmaq Fitzpatrick adjourned tha meeting at 11:00 P,M. Reapectfully aubmitted, ��!�Gf.,�y... t.�L.t.ery�/ Dorothy Sve oa, Secretary ' 1 , QTY OF FRIDLEY . YLANNING GOMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 24, 1973 CALL TO ORDER: ' Chai=man Erickson called the meeting to order at 8:00 P,M. , , � 1 � ' ' ' � � � , ' r , , 8 PAGE 1 � BOLL CALL• Members Present: Erickson, ScUmedeke, Zeglen, Fitzpatrick, Minish Members Absent: None Others Present: Darrel Clark, Co�unity Development Administrator Jerroid Boardman, Planning Assistant ��r.�i MOTION by Fftzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission receive the Quarterly Parks and Recreation Department Work Report for October, November and December, 1972. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani.mously. 1. ..va.ii�r�a:.L runt�ii, nLtitcttVl�; 2(LYU15L1Sli�ll lt"C, UGST FOR A SPECIhL USE PERPdIIT, SP ��72-19, &Y FRATQK GaBRELCIK; To continue the existing iise as a Used Car Lot and conduct inside Repair Garage Shop to be located on Lots 6 through 10, Block 28, and Lot 16, Block 21, Hqde Park Addition,.and Lot 12 and 13, Block 2, City View Addition, Per Code 45.101, 3 B, D, and G. Mr. Frank Gabrelcik was present. Chairman Erickson asked Mr. Gabrelcik if Mr. Kohlan would be present tonight. Mr. Gabrelcik said he hadn't heard Erom him and didn't knov: if he would come or not. Mr. Erickson asked if it was-agreeable with tFe p�titioner to wait and see if he came. Mr. Gabrelcik agreed. Chaircian Erickson said the other items on the agenda shouldn't ta:ce long so they would go on to the next item. , 2. REQUEST FOR A LOT SPLIT: L.S. �73-01, ROBERT SCHROER: Lot 3, Block 2, East Ranch Estates 2nd additicn. Mr. Robert Schroer vas present Mr. Schmedeke said this item was on the agenda of the P1ats and Subdivisions - Streets and L'tilities Subcommittee agenda tonight. What it amounts to is to split off the South 204 feet of the East 200 feet of Lot 3, glock 2, East Ranch Estates 2nd Addition, to construct a structure. Mr. Darrel Clark said this property is just North of Capp Homes, a � ' � ' � , Plaaning Commission Meeting - Januarv 24 1973 lot split that was approved just a few months ago. This lot is more �..__ adequate for the eo�ercial requixements. The resulting North lot would be a little smaller but meets the requirement xhat the lot either be 160 feet wide or the entire lot be 20,000 square feet. The Plats & Subs Sub- co�ittee recommended approval contingent upon an additional 17 feet being added to the existing 20 feet sever easement to make a 37 foot easement so the lot to the rear of the property has access to the sanitary sewer [hat runs through this parcel. Chairman Ericksoa asked if this was an approved plat. Mr. Clark said the plat the Commissioa had in their ageada was the approved plat. The plat he was showing them was a proposed replat that hadn't been acted upon. There is a proposed road that will run entirely West of this parcel. Mr. Schroer said after they had platted and recorded this plat, Suburban Engr- neering had recommended the road. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if the original easement was where they had Iexpected the lot line to be, Mr, Clark said the easement was put in for commercial requirements, so it would either be to the rear or in front of commercial development to eliminate the long run out to the service drive. , This part of the lot would either be a parking lot or boulevard so it doesn't interfere with the development of the lot. � � , � IJ ' � LJ , � , Mr. Clark said the pla[ he was showing the Commission would either be East Ranch Estates 2nd Addition, Revised, or East Ranch Estates 3rd Addition. Mr. Schroer said the reason for this lot split being larger than the last one was because the developer of this lot wanted to have more parking. Mr. Schmedeke said this split off did leave the North lot quite narrow bu[ if Mr. Schroer had no objections, it wasn't the concern of the Plannir.� Commission. Mr. Schroer said they had been at the Council meeting of January 22 with this request. The developer has mortgage commitments that have to be closed by February lst. The Council approved the request subject to the Planning Commission's decision. • � • MOTION by Schmedeke, Seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission reco�end approval to sg2it off the South 204 feet of the East 200 feet oi Lot 3, B1ock 2, East Ranch Estates 2nd Addition, subject to an additional 17 feet being added to the original 20 foot easement to give the lot to the rear of the property access to the sewer. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani.mously. Mr. Darrel Clark said the only ob}ection the property owner might have to this additional easement would be in meeting the sign ordinance require- ments. Chairman Ericksaa and Mr. Fitzpatrick said they didn't thin:c the petitioner would have any problem getting a variance for a sign. 1 Planning Commission Meeting - January 24 1973 g� . pa� , 3. _VACATION REQUEST: SAV �k73-01 BRYANT-F drainage and utility easement on the So 16, Block 3, Rice Creek Terrace Plat 2. , � �J �I � � TION, To vacate of Lots 13 through Mr. Darrel Clark said this vacation request should be on the agenda with the rezoning request which wiil be on the February 7th agenda, They woa't want the vacation if the rezoning isn'f approved. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission continue the vacation request, SAV �73-01, Bryant-Franklin Corporation, to vacate drainage and utility easement on the Southerly 5 feet of Lots 13 through 16, Block 3, Rice Creek Terrace Plat 2, until February 7, 1973. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 4. REQUEST FOR COMPANY; Block 10, Hamilton's Mr. Darrel Clark said the City Clerk does not have to split assessments until a lot split has been approved. This is the property of Paul Burkholder, and this request will officially approve the development of land between the petitioner and the cemetary, Mr. Fitzpatrick said the alley vacation was approved but not the street vacation. The Planning Commission was confused on the description of the lot 1 spiit because no lots were mentioned, Mr. Clark said there has been some problem with the survey but Mr. Burkholder bought 234 feet of this block no matter how it is described. , tJ � MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Minish, that the Pianning Comaiission recou�end to the Council approval of the request for a Lot Split, L.S. ;�73-02, by State Land and Development Company, to split off the North 234 feet of Block 10, Hamilton's Addition. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Erickson asked Mr. Gabrelcik if Mr. Kohlan was coming. Mr. Gabrelcik ' answered that he hadn't spoken to Mr, Kohlan since the last meeting. Chaircan Erickson said they would continue the Public Aearing on Mr. Gabrelcik's request for a Special Use Permit at this time, , � , I , Mr. Erickson said the last time you were in, Mr. Gabrelcik, we asked for a sketch of the proposed use of your lay-out. Do you have it? *ir. Gabrelcik said he hadn't drawn any sketch, Mr. Erickson said ae also asked for proo: of ownership on the lots you are using or wish to use so we would lmow what part of your property is covered by the grandfather clause, Mr. Gabrelcik said he brought some tax statements, would they do. Chairman Ericksa said he didu't know if they would or not, but the Commission would Loo:c at them. Chairman Erickson asked Mr. Gabrelcik why he hadn'[ brought a sketch oY , , , CJ IJ PlaaninR Commission Meeting - Janua 24 1973 Pa! 8 � his property. Mr. Gabrelcik said ehe City was making up a sketch. Mr. Clark said they have made a sketch but they didn't think Mr. Gabrelcik vould like it.' Chairman Erickson examined the tax statements. The tax statement for Lot 6 and the S� of 7 is in the name of Carl Sorenson, Frank Gabrelcik getting the tax statement; the N'� of Lot 7 and all of Lot 8, is in the name of Raymond Meggit, Mr. Gabrelcik getting the tax statement; Lots 9 and 10 are in the name of Carl Sorenson, Contract Purchaser, Harry Johnson, Mr. Gabrelcik getting tax stat�ent; Lot I6, Block 21, is the State of Minnesota, Mr Gabrelcik getting tax statement; Lots 12 and 13, Block 2, City View Addition, in the name of Carl Sorenson, Mr. Gabrelcik again getting the tax statement. Chairman Erickson said tbat according to the County, you don't have title to very much. Mr. Gabrelcik said be just hadn't got over to the County to register the deeds, , Chairman Erickson said there were two things the Planning Commission specifically asked for; one, evidence of purchase of the property, and this to me is not evidence. You may very well have title to this property, but we are interested in when you got ownership of the property you have purchased. ' We also asked for an outline on how you plan to use this property, which you have not furnished. Mr. Gabrelcik said he was only asking to use Lots 12 and 13, in addition to what he vas using before. � I� , ' ' ' , ' ' I , Mr. Erickson asked if Mr. Kohlan was still Mr. Gabrelcik's attorney. Mr. Gabrelcik said he guessed so. He said he didn't know who appointed Mr. Kohlan or anything. Mr. Erickson asked then why was he here before re�resent- ing you. Mr. Gabrelcik said he didn't hire him to represent him, he thought someone had appointed him. Mr. Gabrelcik said he paid a lot of money for the property he has and Pays a lot of taxes on this property and now the City says he can't use it. Chairman Erickson addressed Mr, Gabrelcik and said you are here asking the Planning Coumiission to give you permission to expand your used car 1ot to two lots North of 58th Avenue and to one lot South of 57Z Avenue, that you haven't been using before, as I understand it. Is this right or wrong? Mr. Gabrelcik said he has been using these lots for years but i11�ga11y, ; guess, I'm asking to use Lots 12 and 3:3 because they aren't covered 'oy the grandfather clause. Mr. Schmedeke said he hadn`t intended to get involved in this buE he said he had copies of minute� of ineetings by the City that go back several years. Over ten years ago the property East and West of University Avenue in this area was described as an eyesore. In tne minutes of April 12, 1971, the City Engineer stated that the last time Frank's Car Lot had been in for a license, he had taken pictures showing cars parked on City streets and junk on the lot. Later the cars had been removed from the treet, Ns. Schmedeke said that as Chairman of the Plats and Subdivisions - Streets aiid Utilities Subcommittee, he thought it would be proper to ask for a survey of this property, There are same lots in City View that have peculiar boundaries. The Planning Cocm�ission should be more infozmed before we act on somethi:ir� or this nature. Mr. Schmedeke didn't think Block 21 should be included in the Special Use Permit as far as the street or alley is concerned, tmtil the I 1 1 J Planaing Commission Meeting - Jauuarv 24 L973 pag ., . traffic pattern was firm in this area, He continued that Mr. Gabrelcik - needs some sod around his building, sad around the sidewalk area, some planting of evergreens, some existing rrees removed, and the junk and lumber cleaned up as it'is very unsightly. He said Mr. Gabrelcik should decide what type of business he wants on the lot. He has four businesses now; used cars, body repair, truck repaiz and a cab business. If we get a �survey of this property, Z think ve will need some planting to protect the neighbors to the South. These are things we require of everyone else, and we should treat everyone alike. Chairman Ericksoa said to Mr. 6abrelcik that you say you're not actually , asking for anything. Mr, Gabrelcfk answered that he wants to use Lots 12 and 13. Mr. Erickson said then you are asking for something, expansion of your used car lot. Then we understand each other. , [l ' , ' � ' ' ' , ' , ' Chairman Erickson told Mr. Gabrelcik if you want us to vote intelligently on this request, we shouid get samething from you, Otherwise you`re going to have to ask us to vote on the information that we have now and I can't see that that's going to do you any good. Mr. Darrel l:lark said he thought we should verify what his present license covers, it doesn't cover Lot 6 or the N'� of Lot 7, The license request is for the NZ of Lot 7, and all of Lots 8, 9 and 10. When this license went to Council, they reqnested Mr. Gabrelcik to get a Special Use Permit for what was covered by his existing license plus whatever else he was using, which includes Lot b, the N'� of Lot 7, Lot 16, and Lots 12 and 13. Chairman Erickson stated that Mr. Gabrelcik said he has been using Lot 6 and the NZ of Lot 7 all this time and I believe that is right. Mr. Clark asked why this wasn't included in the license request. Mr. Gabrelcik said his wife made out the license request and he didn't know cahy she didn't include these lots, Chairman Erickson asked Mr. Gabrelcik what he wanted to do. Mr. Gabrelcik said he wants the right to use Lots 12 and 13. Mr. Erickson said if the rest of the Cammission feels the vap I do, we're not able to make a decision on this, except adversely, unless you can show us something that we'd lilce to see, and that is how you intend to use the property and coatracts cn when you bought the property, and I'm not sure that's going to give you what you want, Mr. Schmedeke said it would be hard to come to any decision unleas we bave a survey of the lots. He understood when Mr, Kohlan was here at the last meeting, that there was some problem with a fence line. Unless �oe know where the property Iines are, I don't feel we can vote intelligentiy. Mr. Schmedeke said that years ago you could come in and do as you plea;ed, but times have changed, and we should have a plot plan of some kind. There are rules and regulations to follow now. Mr. Gabrelcik said wh?n he talked to Mayor Liebl and Mr. Kohlan, he thought they caere going te take. care of this for me. Mr. Zeglen askad i= Mr. Kohlan was representi�g ?tr, Gabrelcik. On his request for a Speci_a1 Use Permit it has the notation, if there are any questions, ca11 Andrew f:chlan. , , ' ' , , PlanninR Ca�ission Meeting - January 24 1973 � � In the discussion that followed, it was'determined that Mr. Kohlan made out the request and Mr. Gabrelcik signed it. Mr. Gabrelcik said he didn't ask Mr. Rohlan to:,prepare the request. He said when he went to Council about his license, first it was given aud then he got a notice it had been voided. Mayor Liebl came over with a list of things the City wanted Mr. Gabrelcik to agree to do to improve his property, so the license could be iasued, but Mr. Gabrelcik refused to sign the agreement. Mr. Gabrelcik said Mayor Liebl then told 6im Mr. Kohlan would help him. He said he had paid $50 for the license, and the Council asked him to request a Special Use Permit. Mr. Gabrelcik said he didn't want to spend a lot of money on the property, because if a buyer came alang he would sell it. Mr. Erickson said to Mr. Gabrelcik, you are asking the City, and this is the first step, to run a used car lot on certain property, some yau!ve aever used before. We've asked you for proof of ownership, which you haven't done. We've asked for a sketch of how you intend to use the property, because ve're not too happy with the way you`re using it now, which you haven't done. Do you want the Planning Co�ission to act on this now or do you want to come back and bring us this information. We can act right now, on information we don't have, and we will have to recoo�end denial to the Council. Mr. Gabrelcik said he hoped to move same of the cars he has and maybe he woa't need to use the additional lots. , Mr. Erickson said you will have to agree that when you drive by your lot, it doesn't Look like a used car lot. The cars have snow on them, they're packed in there, and there is no evidence that they've been moved , for some time. There is a lot of material on the lot that really doesn't belong on a used car lot. '. Mr. Gabrelcik say everyone tells hici how to make the lot look nice. The Highway Department wants trees, Fridley wants sod; it looks like he's supposed to maintain all four corners and where is he supposed to go with ' the cars. He doesn't have a crew to keep the snow off the cars and keep the batteri.es charged up and move the cars like a large operator. rIr. Gabrelcik said he would sell the property rather than make all these improve- ments. � LI , , , , ' Chairman Erickson again asked Mr. Gabrelcik if he wanted the Commission to vote on the information they had. Mr. Gabrelcik said they should go ahead and vote. I don't want to use those Lots (12 and 13) only when the regul.ar lot is too full. It's too far away from the building anyway, I only want to use it occasionaily. Mr. Clark said he still needs a Special Use Permit for the property, then it is no longer a legal non-confoiming use. I don't think you have to act on the entire parcel. Mr. Minish asked Mr. Clark if the City has a sketch of the property. Mr. Clark said we did, an�e the sketch met some of the ccde and setback requirements. Mr. Gahrelcik didn't say i€ fie approced or disapproved ef the sketch. Mr. Minish said the notice says to continue the existing use, but � ' , , ' , 8F Planning Commission Meeting - Januarv 24, 1973 , Paf includes lots that people who got the notice, might not be aware that this. constitutes an expansion of the use. ' Chairman Erickson asked Mr. Clark how the expansion lots got in the notice when they''re not on the request. Mr. Clark answered that at the last meeting in December, Mr. Gabrelcik asked that these lots, 12 and 13, be included in the notice and it be republished. Mr. Fitzpatrick said the notice is erroneous then when it doesn't mention expansion. Mr. Clark said legally, you may have a point, but Mr. Gabrelcik says he is using these lots now, Mr. Fitzpatrick said if he got a notice saying to continue a use, he wouldn't assume automatically that it applied to Lots 12 and 13. Chairman Erickson said it was questionable in his own mind that people would recognize the legal description. They would recognize Mr. Gabrelcik's name and the general location. , MOTION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission close the public hearing on the request for a Special Use Permit, SP ik72-19, by Frank Gabrelcik, to continue the existing Use as a Used Car Lot and conduct inside Repair Garage Shop, to be located oa Lots 6 through 10, Block 28, and , Lot 16, Block 21, Hyde Park Addition, and Lots 12 and 13, Block 2, City View Addition, per Code 45.101, 3 B, D and G. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ' ' Mr. Schmedeke said he would like Lot 1Z, Block 21, Hyde Park Addition, left off the motion until the decision on the street was firm. Mr. Erickson said that would depend upon the motion. Mr. Clark said from the standpoint of administering the license and ' Special Use Permit, the Staff would like to have a plot plan that recomuzended what should be followed in placement of the cars on the 1ot. It is impossiblz to administer a used car 1ot or any business without a plot plan that both , the owner and the City agree upon as we can't tell if there's a violation of what's agreed upon or not. ' , , ' , ' , Chairman Ericicson asked if there was anything that can permit Mr. Gabrelcik to operate a used car lot without a Special Use Permit. Mr. Schmedeke said he can use the lots covered by the grandfather clauae indefinitely. Mr. Minish said we vould all be inclined to consider this request more favorably if there was an indication of a willingness to cooperate with the City in resolving what could be charitably described as an eyesore. I suppose we could consider a Iayout that would encompass Lots 12 and 13, if it was coupled with an effort to restructure the whole operation, but until t:�at point, I would be reluctant to do anything to change anything or give him more legitimacy to his operation. I don't want to do anything that caould in anyway put Mr, Gabrelcik out of business. Maybe holding up on the license would be the way to get the information we asked for. ' ' ' ' ' Planning Commissioa MeetinR - Januar 24 1973 pap H � Mr. Darrel Clark said he thought that was the intent of the Council in asking Mr, Gabrelcik to get a Speciai Use Permit on the land he wants to use. It's two�old; one, he waats to expand on these lots that weren`t on his license prior to this; and two, draw up a plot plan he could live with and the Citq could allow. Mr. Minish said we're prepared to work with him, but it doesn't appear that he's prepared to cooperate in furnishing th2 imformation we requested. Mr. Schmedeke said he had expressed his opinion earlier, and it hadn't changed. ' MOTION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission recommend to Council, that based on the lack of information by the petitioner, that the request for a Special Use Permit, SP 4k72-19, by Frank Gabrelcik, to continue the existing Use as a Used Car Lot and conduct inside Repair ' Garage Shop, to be located on Lots 6 through 10, Block 28, and Lot 16, Block 21, ftyde Park Addition, and Lots 12 and 13, Block 2, City View Addition, per Code 45.101, 3 B, D and G, be denied with the stipulation that it could be re- , submitted at such time the requested information is forthcoming. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ' , ' ' J �I , , , , ' Chairman Erickson told Mr. Gabrelcik that he would suggest strongly that he go an see Mr. Liebl and try to get this worked out. I'm confused and we're a11 confused. We're not too sure who's responsible for sending you here with this type of request, I think yon'-re-confused. Mr. Gabrelcik said they told me I need a Special Use Perwit, Mr. Erickson answered hlr. Gabielcik by saying we didn't get the information from you that we reauested so we couldn't vote any other way. Maybe you were misinformed. I su2�ast you go back and talk to the people you talked to before and pursue this matter further. This comes to Council on February Sth. Mr. Erickson said we realize we have certain problems in improving property that was in existe.nce before the ordinances went into effect, but wherever we have a chance to improve these, I think we are going to do it. The opportunity comes when someone wants to expand the area of their e�eratioa. The last thing we want to do is put you out of business, but if you are going to expand your business, it is our duty to bring it up to more modern standards. DISCUSSION ON MIJGGLI REQIIEST REFERRED TO PLANNING COrutISSION BY COL'IvCIL MOTION by Fitzpatrick, and seconded, that the Planning Co�ission receive the request from Council to �etermine the use of the triangle made by the 60th Avenue slip-off. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, [he motion carried unanimously. Chairman Erickson asked if the P2anning Commission was supposed to act on the letter from Pir. Muggli. Mr, Darrel Clark said he had snoken to the City Engineer and if Mr. Muggli wanls to petition for vacation on a portion of the right of way and show how he would use it, we couln act on the petition pro or con. , LJ , ' ' tJ , ' ' l JI ' ' , , ' ' ' , � Planning Co�ission Meetinq - Jam�ary 24 T973 . pag Chairman Erickson said Mr, l�gg2i is'astcing to use a portion of what? Mr. Clark said it was the slip-off ramp;oa 60th Avenue.. The City paid about $15,000 for that lot. . : Mr. Fitzpatrick said he had been at the Council meeting and after — discussion, they decided to refex it to the Planning Coamiission to determine the reco�ended use of this triangle. Either let Mr. Muggli request the use of the triangle or the City should keep it and plant evergreens and sod the area. Mr. Schmedeke said it is in the minutes, and all over, that none of this; the zoning or circle flow plan would go unless all of it went. We got the co�ercial zoning and the slip-off and then it a11 stopped. Up uatil six months ago, Mr. Muggli thought the City was going to buy his property. He bought some property further out to put his machinery on. Now he has two forty foot iots on a one-way street. Mr. Schmedeke said he didn't lmow how Mr. Muggli intended to use this triangle, but he thinks it should be left as is, with Mr. Muggli getting first chance to use the triangle when our traffic pattern is developed. MOTION by Fitzpatrfck, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Cocnmission refer this request from Council to the Plats and Subdivisions - Streets and Utilities Subcommittee and reco�end that Mr. Muggli make a formal request for vacation ot a portion of the triangle created by the slip-off at 60th Avenue. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. CONTINUED: CONSIDERATION OF FLOOD PLAIN ZONZNG Mr. Jerrold Boardman said he bad talked to Jim Wright from the Denartment of Natural Resources, this afternoon,�-'and he said there is the possibilty _ that we could eliminage the Rice Creek area fom the.�lood way, They would still be in the flood plain and stiil have the restrictions, but the area could be called R-1, flood fringe overlay, or some different name.t There is the possibility we could handle this with some type of ordinance such as a Creek PreservatiPn Ordinance, and then we could eliminate this area from the flood plain.� Mr. Darrel Clark said the State did pass a statute in 1969 that made it mandatory for every cc�unity in Minnesota to zone flood plain. It's only a matter of time before they start checking to see if we have complied. We should do something and try to vork with the State, Mr. Schmedeke said they wi.11 be forcing us to do something within a couple of years. We should pass an ordinance or take some action before the State forces us to comply. Mr. Minish asked hov the Rice Creek Watershed District will affect the flood plain restrictions, In several wa[ershed districts there car be no construction unless it has had clearance from the district. If the Rice Creek Watershed District has restrictions, maybe it would take us off the.hooii as far as tIie Rice Creek s?tuation. Mr. Clark said if we are going to revise ou� zoaing ordinances as far as restrictionsin the flood way, we should check with Hud and the Rice , Plaaaing Coumiission Meeting - January 24, 1973 � ' ' , � � ' , � , ' O d I Creek Watershed District to see what the:guidelines of each are, so that all the restrictions are the same, Chairman Erickson asked which restrictions would override. Mr. Clark said the most restrictive would override. We can check and see what the Rice Creek Watershed District restrictions are. Chairman Erickson said we are approaching something that we can live with. I think the areas in Riverview Heights should be zoned flood plain. I think these people should get the opportunity to have flood insurance. �� Mr.�Boardman said Jim Wright told him that possibly the route to go, was to have the City adopt what he called the Motherhood Clause, saying that the City will develop some type of flood plain management and with the adoption of this clause, we would be eligible for flood insurance in about three weeks, without actually designating areas in the flood plain. Then we would work with the State of Minnesota to set up some type of management control.il Mr. Minish asked what would hagpen if we adcpted the resolution and never came to terms with the State. Mr. Boardman said we can adopt the resolution; if we don't agree with the State, we can alway pull out. We wiil be forced to have a resolution later on. Chairman Erickson said he thinks the State is anxious to get this program working and the more cooperation they get, the easier it will be for Fridley. MOTION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission recommend that Council adopt this resolution to be used when applying for flood insurance in Minnesota. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the cotion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT ^ Chairman Erickson adjourned the meeting at 10:05 P,M. Respectfully svbmitted, '. .. � : . . �:Zn✓-t'��.: �7�C-s-so�"�1/ Dorothy Eve�ison, Secretary , ' ' , � , Plannin� Commission MeetinR - Januarv 24 '1973 Sect1� on IV. , 1 . � • SUGGESTED RESfit.ilTION TO BE USED WHEN APPLYING ' FOR FLOOD INSURANCE IN MINNQSOTA ' � ' ' ' ' � , ,' . -1 t1� 1 '' f �V MHERBAS, certain areas oP the (COt)NTY}(CQ3�?dWITY) ars subject to periodic ilooding from the (STR�AM(s) causinB serious dauagas to properties within these �:'0tii tAd . '� � k'�EREAS, relief ia avsllable in the Yors of flood instu�eaee as authorized by the National Flood Insuranc� Ikt of 1968 ss arieaded; ar►d � h�R£AS, it is the intent of this (80ARp, CC11FlCIL. ETC.) to cor:�ly with land u�e and �na�omant criterfa reguiatioas sa requirod in a�id act; and Wft.°REAS, it is mlsso the intant oi this (�pIRD, COU:dCIL, @TC.) to reco�ize and duly evsluate flood h�zazda in a�l of:icial ections rolating to lend us� in tho flood plain ueas having sgecia2 flcod hnzsada; and t+�EREAS, tha Codo Citatlon(s) o.° Stato enafllin� lcpisl�eion and of nny sasulting loeal ordinanc� that aathorizos this (COwrtY)(Ce:.�.;;;.aI7Y) to adopt l�nd u�• �nd Control oosaures ara: kiinn. Stmiutos Smctions ;i�d,-01 ot sea cnd 505,09 to 505.13 (counties); Minn. SLatuYes 462.551 - 452.363 (citioa, vxiia�as, boroughs); tlirui. Statuto�. C. 104 (Floo� Plain kianaEeaent Act); otc. • Y9Y�, YfiERpF0�.5, 89 IT FnS�LVeD, that this (60�fiD, CQtztiCIL, ETC.) horeby asauros tha Federal Ineurcnte A�,ainistration that it ta„os tha �ollouing le�islaLivo action: (1) F.ppoints (officisl, offico or agancy� with the rcaponsibility, suthosity and coans to: (m) Dsiinente or satisi the Ad�ini�trnto:, at hi� resquoat, in d931aeatin� the li�aita of ths areaa IidY�11g Y4£fLAl #iC'�Qd }33igS�jg on availsbie loCal csps of sufficiant scala u identify tho locatian or building sitc�a. (b) Provido auch inforsation aA the h�inistrator nay r�quast ooac�rning proaont uses and occ�ancy of the flood plain craa. (c) M,�intain for pubiic insaeetioa and flsrni€hin¢ v�^.,on rcquast, al.tk rasnect to each aroa havir.p avocisl flood hnzrard2, inzor.3tion on olevations (ZA n�taLion to eann son lavel) of the loxest Yloora oi� $1� r.gx or aubstea�tisily lr:�roved structuros; end 1 ' (d) ,Cooporaca aith Fa�ernl, �tato� end local a�sncioa nnd private $Sa°ha �leh undertnke to ¢tt�y, fuzvey, �:a, rsri s�„n�1YV zTcc.:� tsla:in arfl:.s, end ,��e?sg:t�te aith R0�(!}1DOil:itj co:.:�x:ities kit� r�ys�;.t to r,�.�c�o:.;s,t of �djoiciin� '; fla�d �lafn arccs in or�er to Fr,�vcnt crgrevatlaa oY �„ircizz3 n;�::k.;us. (e) Su�ii cm ths �an,+�ivaraary d�to of t�sa (CQL^r'TY'. )(tt;G'^"JNITY'S) ' ��soaab �1+^f�i�f4�, E �;.r�r�ai =��rt to ,;:� f�,;;s2�istsator on tr a 7ro;�raae e�aee du�in,� Cia :=aae ybar k�ClStA 4f.a ��;av;t�}(�f-- -�ttr) in tho aevela�::�sit nnd i�)e�tatacm of f�ood piain u,snei�a��nt'::;;aa�r�i, ' ' �.. Planning Commission Meeting - January 24 1973 ��� (2) Take such other official acLion as may be reasonable necessary to carry out the objectives of the program. BB IT FURTHER RBSOLVES, that this {BOARD, COUNCIL, ETC,) hereby appoints (-4GEDTCY or OFFICIAL) with the overall respoasibility, authority and mean to implement all commitments made herein. ' 1. THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF JAiv'UARY 30 197-J The meeting was called to order by Chairman Minish at 7:38 P.M. ME1`iBERS PRESENT: Minish, Crowder, Wahlberg MEPSBERS ABSENT: Harju, Sondhei�� OTfIERS PRESENT: Ron Morris 1�9JTION by Wahlberg to approve the minutes of the December 12, 1972 meeting as written. Seconded by Crowder. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. , MOTION by Wahlberg to waive reading the public hearing notice. Seconded by Crowder. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. ' Mr. DeGardner was not present to present the request. Chairman Minish stated the Baard vould consider the requests by Mr. Drake and ' return to this request after �Sr. DeGardner arrived. _ 2. , ' 3. ' ' I 4. , , I 1 a PT ;T : - ,.,: =0_,-` i'FIC'HT� - i'Qi cST — 29. 19,5 �,�.. ` D;;; r*- - - _ �.G 0>; ., ��0 C;T .:.��.. _,,��_� � I ::... � ' s. � 1 ' ' , � il� � ' The Minutes of the Board of Avpeals Subcommittee Meetin� of Januarv 30 1973 � Mr. Gordon Drake was present to present his requests. Mr. Drake explained the sizes of each prospective lot; those north of Glencoe were to be 622 feet each and those south of Glencoe were 50 foot lots. Mr. Drake further explained that the homes were ramblers laid lengthwise on the 1ot and that each house placement would meet a11 zoning requirements. Mrs. Wahlberg asked where a garage would be located. Mr. Dralce indicated a drive�aap along the side of the house with a garage in the rear yard, to be built later if the owner desired. Mr. Crocader asked if Mr. Drake felt the cost would be prohibitive to purchase additional lots abutting the present lots. Mr. Drake replied that the 50 foot lots abutting the property were being sold at the cost of an independent building site and consequently would put the homes out of range of other homes in the area. These homes were to be at the top of the price range in this area, $24,000 -$25,000. Mr. Crowder moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Mrs. Wahlberg, upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. MOTION by Cro�ader to recommend to Council approval of all four requests by P1r. Dralce, for variances of the square footage reauirem2nts on Lots 15 and 16, Block &, Biverview Heights Addition, Lots 14, 13, and the 41est ? of 12, Block H, Riverview Heigitts Addition, Lots 57.and 58, B1ock I, Riverview Heights Addition, and Lots 55 and 56, Block I, Riverview Aeights Addition. ' Seconded by Wahlberg. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. �I � ' , r , , 1 �� Chairman Minish referred back to item ;�1 as PSr. DeGardner had arrived. Mr. DeGardner explained that a building was presently on the site, and this building would be razed and a home built in its place. A discussion followed in regard to the likelihood of future floods in this a.rea. Chairman Minish reminded Mr. DeGardner that this area was part of that being considered for flood plain zoning. Mr. DeGardner seplied that he realized this, but he lives in the area and cannot see where there would be a problem since the road was raised. Mr. Crocoder asked if he would consider waiting until the flood plain question is settled. Mr, DeGardner indicated a desire to begin imr.iediately and would lilce action this evening. Mr. Minish was concerned about the welfare of the prospective oemer in that .e be informed of the location of the house in relation to the 1965 flood and the flood plain. � �I , LJ CI ' ' 1 1 � � ' ' � r � � � The Minutes of the Board of A eals Subcommittee Meetin of Janua 30 1973 A discussion followed regarding bank loan proposals and requirements. Mr. DeGardner mentioned the price of the home to be in the area of $2H,000. A gentleman fran the audience co�ented that his son owned the home to the north and he had no objections to the variance. Mr. Crowder mwed to close the public hearing. Seconded by Wahlberg. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mation carried. � � Mr. Crowder stated he was concerned with the 5200 square foot 1ot but was willing to act. He felt it might be possible for the future owner to pick up additional land but that it would presently be a hardship especially considering the utiliti.es running along the north boundry of the property. Mr. Crowder said he would have preferred to wait ti11 the river plan was complete but since the petitioner desired immediate action he would act of the request. MOTION by Crowder to recor,miend to the Council approval of the variance if Mr. DeGardner would be willing to notify the prospective owner in writing of the high water level of 1965. Seconded by Wahlberg, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. AA70URNM�'ATT : The meeting was adjourned at 8:42 P,M, by Chairman Minish. Respectfully submitted, , , %T��� ��, xo� r:ox�is Acting Secretary 0 zxeM ak �o RECSIVING TTiiE MINUIES pF THE NORTH PARK C(7t�tITTEE I�ETING pF JANUARY 31, 1973 • (Theas minutee wi11 be available at the meeting Monday evaning) n � � ' � NORTH PARK COhRfITTEE MEETING �JANUARY 31, 1973 � � � / � The first meeting o£ the North Park Committee was called to order by Moderator, Timothy Breider, Councilman Ward I, at 7:35 p.m., January 31, 1973. � ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Lee Ann Sporre, Jan Seegar, Dave Harris, Duane Prairie, Tim Breider. , MEMBERS ABSENTc None. Councilman Breider introduced suggested topics for discussion as follows: � ' ' Expanding the scope o£ the Committee. Study o£ criterias. Whether or not there should he a study. Approval of the prospective Consultant Brauer $ Associates. He stated he would refrain from making c�ents as he would like his participation to be that of Moderator. He called on the League of Women Voters representatives to start the dis wssion. ' Mrs. Lee Ann Sporre, 301 Ironton St. N. E., Fridley, League representative, said they were very happy with the propased study. Her only suggestion would be to expand the scope of the Committee. She"added, with a community , of 31,000 people, there should be more people represented. Mrs. Jan Seegar, 324 Ironton St. N. E., Fridley, League representative, agreed saying, the interest in the utilization is greater than the two named organizations. Mr. Dave Harris said it was his hope to look at the proposal as he had some questions concerning it. He said he would like to keep the Committee at a reasonable size rather than have problems arise from creating a large Committee. He added, he believed it was the purpose of fhe Committee to accomplish satisfaction on the basic procedures, those things which will be the grounds of agreement. He added, the representatives present can not make commitments for their organizations, they must return to their respective bodies to indicate the positions they would like to represent. He suggested returning to the meetings of the North Park Committee with the organizations suggestions in writing. He said he now had a list of ten items to discuss with the Committee. Mrs. Sporre said she did not agree with Yhe plan of putting everything in writing, she added, the study will be a process of learning, which may change our thinking. She suggested they limit the Committee discussion to those things which could be brought back to the Council to offer aflditional information to aid them in their decision making. Mr. Hanis again stressed the point that the conunittee must come to some basic agreement in order to complete the study. He said, so there will be no misunderstanding, the Committees thoughts should be brought to the organizations, discussed, and the results of these discussions presented to the Committee in letter forni. � . I, U !I r ' I � L_� LJ ' ' �J ' ' � ' ��. / � i � NORTH PARK COMMITTEE MEETING, JANUARY 31, 1973 PAGE � � Mrs. Seegar asked if all the members present wished to keep the meetings limited to League and Chamber participation? - Mr. Harris answered, no, he believed all groups should have an input on the utilization. Councilman Breider said their purpose was to set Some groundrules such as levels of the projects suggested. He added, they were not to make any decisions on the outcome. He hoped the results of the Committee's work and the study would list the assets of a nature center and the assets of a golf course, giving an overall view of both utilizations for comparison. Mr. Harris expressed concern at whether they were to agree in advance of the completion of the study. He said they should agree to abide by the findings of the study and the Council should also agree upon this. If one member of the Council does not agree, will the project be thrown into ' a drawer with noti�iug done?. He said he believed there should be some input on the part of the Council on this point. Councilman Breider said he would like to set some groundru2es which would enable us to see what kind of study would be done. He did not agree with Mr. Harris' view that the Council would hire a consultant to do a study and not Iook at the study. He said he could not speak £or Ehe entire Council. He said he would like to present the Co�ittees groundrules to the Council for discussion and allow them to approve or disapprove. Councilman Nee addressed Mr. Harris saying he thought he was asking for something that would be impossible to obtain at the present time if he requested Council concurrance. He added, the Couacil could not make a policy decision which would be a point of fact without the presentation of the conclusion. Mr. Harris said it was not his intention to put the Council on the spot, but he was concerned that if the issue is forced to go to a special election in 1973, it would minimize the number of people's participation. He said it would be more representative of the entire community if it would be brought to a general election in 1974. Councilman Nee, commented, it would be quite a task to sell the people on a bond issue. Mr. Harris said there had been a Chamber of Cownerce Board Meeting the previous week, and at that meeting the Chamber had discussed the proposal and listed the items they believed should be expressed and clarified before they would support the proposed study. Councilman Breider asked i£ anyone had any suggested guidlines or rules they believed should be associated with the study? Mrs. Sporre said the feasibility study did a good job of looking into both aspects and studies. Councilman Breider asked if there were any comments on the number of people to be served by the utilization, and Mrs. Sporre said she believed all the determining factors were covered in the report. _ Mr. Harris suggested the folloxing as some.topics for basic groundrules: � � ' � ' , ' �J , � ' J ' ul ' ' , NORTH PARK COMMITTEE MEETING, JANUARY 31, 1973 ! i� ' � PAGE 3 1) Prior agreements on guidlines should be communicated in writing, including the Council's approach. 2) Capital inputs for each suggested utilization 3) The firm that does the report should not be allowed to become involved in the construction. He said after these items are discussed, the Committee could go on to the discussion of what is necessary in the study. Councilman Breider said he was not sure if it would be a good idea to have the consultant just do the study and not bid on the work. He stated he was not prepared to come to a decision on this point and asked if anyone knew how many others may bid on the construction? Mr. Harris said there are four companys who can develop golf courses and only one who can construct nature centers, Brauer $ Assoeiates. He added, how objective can the firm be, they may be eliminating competition by proposing a nature center. Mrs. Seegar said Brauer and Associates did have competition in the construction of nature centers. Mr. Harris expressed concern, stating he did not believe this is a good situation. Councilman Nee said the consultant would have to do some preliminary designing to determine the feasibility. He added, Brauer and Associates have asked for copyrights. They would want to be paid for the design as they would have time in the plans, Councilman Nee said. Mr. Harris repeated his view that those who do the study should not participate in the bidding. Councilman Breider said they had considered the possibility of obtaining direction from another local firm, but did not want to get in to the position where there would be two consultants arguing, as this would not present an objective study. Mr. Harris said he was not advocating Brauer g Associates were not capable of doing the study, he only asked that they be eliminated from bidding and this point be established as one of the Committee groundrules. A member of the audience said Brauer and Associates had done this type of work before and he did not believe the firm participated in construction. He cited Brooklyn Center as an example. Mr. Harris said if the Committee got together and set some guidelines and presented them in writing no one could scream 'foul ball', and the Council would be hard pressed not to do something. Mrs. Sporre said in her opinion, it would not be a good idea to rule out one of the best firms in the 11vin Cities. Mr. Harris stressed, Brauer may allow the competition to force his decision one way or the other. Helen Johnson, Execu*ive Secretary, Chamber of Commerce, asked if any one present knew what firm had designed Lee Rose in Washington County and i£ there were any other firms in the area who were able to construct nature centers. Mrs. Sporre said there are other firms and it is a growing field. A member of the audience said it is stated in the proposal report that ance � ' NORTH PARK COMMITTEE MEETING, JANUARY 31, 1973 a / o �,D PAGE A the study is compiled by the firm and presented to the Council, the study can not be made available to someone who wants to bid. , Gouncilman Breider said this was strictly a tenative proposal and the City is not bound to anything. He said the City Attorney, Virgil Herrick, would go through the proposal before it is approved. Councilman Breider continued, ' the City will be allowed SO copies of the study, and it will be difficult to keep the results of the study out of the hands of the bidders. Councilman Breider the existance of the surface water problems in the ' area. He questioned if these conditions would be best suited for a nature center or a golf course? Helen Johnson asked what would happen as the result of a severe storm? Councilman Breider said the only thing that � would save the area is the beaver dam and would this be washed away? He said the cost for utilization and elimination of these water problems should be figured for toth alternatives. ' , ' ' , ' ' ' � , ' , Helen Johnson said Ramsey County is planning a limited nature center in the Rice Creek area. She added, if the County is planning on constructing one and picking up the cost, why should the City of Fridley also plan one? Councilman Breider said this type of data and information relating to it would be included in the study. He said the consultants plan to indicate what would be more economical, what would be needed more, and what the soil conditions of that area are. He said the City would not be spending any money until they are allowed to see the facts that would enable the Council to make an intelligent decision. Mr. Harris said he had not found any indication of minimum capital inputs for either suggested utilization. He added he had piayed golf on courses that had ranged in price from a million dollars to $300,000, the later not being much of a facility. He said i£ the £acility planned would be inferior and no one would use it, it would not generate much revenue. He stressed the need for the establishment of some kind of minimum cost. He said the same principle applied to the construction of a nature center. He said'if it were an inferior study, it would not generate much participation. If the facility is attractive, he added, the people are going to use it. Mr. Harris continued saying, constructing a golf course for less than $750,000 would be a mistake. He mentioned t}�e possibility o£ allcwing someone to lease and operate the club house i£ they planned a dining and bar facility. He said the $750,000 may only be an adequate amount to construct a snack bar and a shower room. Mr. Harris suggested an amount of $500,000 be used £or the construction of a nature center. Councilman Breider said this would be $300,000 less than the amount used for the Wood Lake nature center, which was $871,000. Mr. Harris said there had been a great deal of money put into the North Park land. He added, one does not buy a$SO,OUO lot and construct a$20,000 house on it. He said he felt it necessary for the Committee, the Council and Brauer F, Associates to come to some agreement on cost before the study is made. Mrs. Sporre said she did not believe there could be a minimum cost establisF:ed for the construction of a nature center. She said at the present time many school groups are using the land and this was only a small part of what could be done. She added, the land will become more precious ��_ ' NORTH PARK COI�A4ITTEE MEETING, JANUARY 31, 1973 ' 1 � ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' , ' �J ������� t (�•Z" - � � D -.C� PAGE 5 as time goes by. Mrs. Sporre said there are parts of Fridley that could not be used for a nature center, they do not have the correct shape, the contrast, wildlife, marshes and prairies. She said the minimum could be any amount of dollars, this is why she believed the study was necessary. Mr. Harris said the useability of the utilization would depend on a persons interests. He mentioned he had driven by Locke Park last July 7th to do some picture taking and at that time there were only 19 cars in the parking lot. On the same Sunday afternoon he counted the cars in the North Oaks pazking lot and there were over 100. He said that a nature center may only draw the same 19 cars if there is no more to attract interest. The City could use a mobile home in conjunction with a nature center and it would attract more people. This way he added, the land would retain its shape an� could be used for years. He added, i£ the land were to be used by classes and schools, it would only be utilized during certain months of the year. Richard Young, 5695 Quincy St. N. E., Fridley, said a gol£ course could not be used during the winter months. He expressed concern at whether the the members of the League of Women Voters were being allowed to present their views. Mr. Harris answered Mr. Young saying he had answered his questions at previous meetings and would not like to dominate the program with this repitition. He said the Chamber supports the utilization of a golf because it is self supporting and the people of Fridley should not have additional taxation. He said, the construction of a golf course would not change his participation in North Oaks, but he felt all who wish to should have a place to play golf. Mr. Kenneth Sporre, 301 Ironton St. N. E., Fridley, asked if the proposed $500,000 nature center would include any building facilities or would the entire sum be used £or reclaiming the land? Mrs. Sporre said it would not be the decision of the Cownittee, this would be another o£ the purposes of the study. She added, the expensive type situation of the Carver Nature Center probably would not be repeated in Fridley, she added, two buildings have been constructed in the Carver Center. Mrs. Sporre said this would be another reason for the study, we would like to know what a North Park Nature Center would cost. Mrs. Seegar asked if this was the reason for the study, and Mr. Harris said no. Mrs. Seegar said the North Park area is being used at the present time with no buildings and no trails. Mr. Te*ry Kirkham, 430 67th Ave. N. E., Fridley, Parks and Recreation Commission, said present use with no buildings is not what the nature center supporters really want. If this is what would be proposed as a nature center, those supporting the project may favor the construction of a golf course. Mr. William Drigans, 1060 Lynde Drive N. E., Fridley, asked if the feasibility study would inclvde the type of building materials? He asked if this was the type of thing they would include in the guidelines? Councilman Breider said if the land were to be used as a nature center, some land reformation has to take place. He added, the water running , � ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' LI , NORTH PARK COI�AIITTEE MEETING, JANUARY 31, 1973 - G��� /d - � PAGE 6 through the property from East River Road will have to be regulated and this will cost some money. Helen Johnson asked if it would be possible to dredge the property and have some ponding? Councilman Breider said it would be necessary to create ponding areas for wildlife. Mr. Harris said the figures he had mentioned were just examples and should not be considered his suggested minimums. He added, he would hate to see a report completed with the figures too low. The construction of a facility that is inferior would only allow 'pasture pool' he said and the same thing would happen with a nature center unless it were worthwhile. Mr. Bob Schroer, 7886 Firwood Way, Fridley asked if a nature center would still be in use ten years from now and if the industry in the area would drive the wildli£e from the areaT Helen Johnson said #he people must stay on the trails and would not be able to see the animals, but added, she believed the area would be compatable for either utilization. Mr. Terry Kirkham said there.are 120 acres and this should be a sufficient area for them to roam and run without pushing them out. Mr. Harris sai3 he lives in the Locke Park area and before the pumping station was constructed they saw deer and fox frequently, and seldom see them anymore. Mr. Chuck Sheridan, President of the Chamber of Commerce, said this is what the study will determine. Mr. Schroer said he hoped this would be taken into consideration. Mrs. Storre stated that in section 1-B, page 2, of the proposal there should be an addition covering the wildlife evaluation. She said with the help of a land manager, wildlife could be either encouraged or discouraged. Mrs. Storre said they did not want to create a zoo, but there are ways to encourage wildlife with fencing and caging. Mr. Storre said it is not often that one finds deer out of their habitat, they generally stay within one mile of their home. He said if no one chases them out they will probably stay there. Mr. Terry Kirkham asked if it would be possible for Brauer and Associates ' to provide the high and low figures for each utilization. Mr. Harris commented, he would not like this to be done, as if there were not enough money allowed for a golf course, he would rather see a nature center in , North Park. He added, the report should be a fact gathering study and the community should tell the consultant what the City is able to spend. Mr. Harris said another quastion arises, how is the money going to be paid ' back. He added, we have to give the consultant some levels to work with. He mentioned if a golf course were planned, this wouid enable the consultant to say 'X' number of golfers would pay back the principle and interest. ' If the money were to be obtained through taxes, this would not make a great deal of difference to the individual in Fridley, but it would be alot of tax dollars to Onan and Medtronics. 1 ' � Mrs. Sporre said a nature center could be used by a great deal of people during all four seasons. Mr. Schraer asked Mrs. Sporre if the children who had been attending sessions at tlie North Park area would be as ar.xious to attend i£ it were not a part of their schooi activities. hlrs. Sporre said the same children can be found at the Park in the evening as their interest has been aroused. Helen Johnson said they would have to iigure out a method to attract the children during the summer months. She added, there could be a security problem. L • ' ' ' ' ' 1 1 LI � ' ' ' NORTH PARK COMASITTEE MEETING, JANIIARY 31, I973 PAGE 7 Mrs. Seegar said being the Park is located so far from the residential communities, the children would have to rely on their parents for transportation. Helen Johnson said the Washington County Center is also a distance from the community. Mr. Harris said this fact would be true if it were a golf course or a nature center. �� i� ` i Mr. Harris brought up the fact Yhat the construction of a nature center may be a duplication of effort if Anoka County builds one. Mrs. Sporre said this information should be included in the study. Councilman Breider agreed that what is being proposed in the area would be included in the study. Mr. Harris asked at what point the City should agree not to continue the study? If the City determines that tha County is going to build a nature center, does the City continue to study both utilizations? He added, the citizens of Fridley would be paying taxes for a duplication of services. Councilman Breider said he did not believe the City could decide to drop their plans if Anoka County develops a nature center. Mr. Harris said often times when talking about capital improvements, a figure is used to determine cost per individual. If the City would say the cost per child will be $1.23, this does not mean a great deal to the individual, but it does to the industry in the area. He said this sort of tactic gives the people the wrong impression. Mr. Sporre asked why it would hurt for Anoka County and also Fridley to have nature centers. He used as an example, Hennepin County has seven nature centers. Mr. Seegar asked if Anoka County would build a nature center and Brauer $ Associates were preparing their study, would they still charge the City $14,000? Mr. Harris said he believed this should reduce the cost o£ the study. He asked what would be the use of a study if this £act were not determined until after its mmpleting? Councilman Breider stated that both Coon Rapids and Blaine have golf courses, and if this were to be used as an example, there would be no use to study a golf course utilization. Councilman �reider asked if they were trying to imply if Anoka County builds a nature center, Fridley would not need one? Mr. Duane Prairie, 489 Rice Creek Terrace, Fridley, Chamber o£ Commerce representative, said if Blaine builds a nature center, the citizens of Fridley would not have to pay taxes on that center. If Anoka County builds a nature center, the peop2e would have over laping taxes, and be compelled to pay for both. Councilman Breider said this would work both ways. If the County would decide to build a golf course, there would also be double taxation. ' There was some discussion on the double taxation for those who contribute ta�c money to the Columbia Heights library system. ' , , Mr. Harris said they must determine the number of people who will be served by both of the utilizations. He added, a determining factor should be the golf course is revenue groducing. Mrs.;Seegar said there had been no mention of the use of a naturalist in the proposal. She added, it is esential for a naturalist to do an in depth study of many factors if a nature center is to be studied. Mr. Harris said it would be possible to obtain the same sort of input for a golf course by using some one £rom the National Golf Foundation. ' � NORTH PARK COMMITTEE MEETING, JANUARY 31, 1973 ' LJ , ' ' � ' � ' l__l ' �I ' ' PAGE 8 Councilman Breider said it would be impossible to hire an architect without telling him what kind of money would be spent on the project. Mayor Liebl said they may have to pay as much as $300,000 to regulate the water in the area. Mayor Liebl stressed the importance of setting some minimum amounts for each utilization. � � i, , i /a -� Councilman Breider suggested submitting a minimum price to the consultant stipulating a naturalist be used £or the plans of a nature center. Mayor Liebl said the cost would always be iustified, i£ the project were to be used a great deal. He suggested reaching some agreement to bring the people of the community together in reaching a goSl such as was done in Aichfield. 'He said he would hesitate to support a project if it would cost $80,000 to $90,000 a year to maintain. Mr. Harris said the golf course would not cost the City anything to maintain. Councilman Breider said this would be another factor to study, the maintenance cost. Mayor Liebl stated, the City should determine whether or not the County would be willing to participate. Councilman Breider questioned if this should be a task of the Committee. Mr. Prairie asked if the Committee could get the County's feeling on the subject? Councilman Breider said they must determine the number of dollars to be used before asking for participation. Mrs. Sporre asked if the County would want to be involved at this point since it would be becoming involved in internal affairs? Mrs. Sporre asked if there would be a possibility of obtaining funds from the Federal Govenment? Mayor Liebl stated, this would not be possible £or four years. Mr. Edward Fitzpatrick, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission, said there had been many items introduced at the meeting that had to be remedied. He added, he thought it was necessary to provide the planner with proposals for information which had not been included in the proposal. Mr. Harris agreed saying, there are many things that are legitimate concerns that are not included. Mr. Harris added, are all the items listed in the proposal necessary for the study? Mr. Fitzgerald stated, the study should provide the Council with enough information to make a decision. Councilman Breider suggested going back through the points discussed in an attempt to reach a decision. He mentioned a minimum capital outlay or capital impovement. Mrs. Sporre said she did not believe the League would agree to suggest a minimum cost for a nature center. She added, the League believed the study would include �his type of information. Mrs. Sporre said a nature center could be developed in states. She added, buildings could be added i•rhen the money became available. It would be very difficult to determine a minimum cost, she added. Councilman Breider said $400,000 over a eight year period still costs ' $400,000. He added, this is the method used to set up parks. A golf course could be developed in the same manner, one hole per year. He stated the need for submittir.g complete com arative P prices. He said they must keep in mind the water regulation may be $200,000 alone. Mr. Harris said ' it would be difficult for the Council to make a decision if they were not furnished with a repayment figure. He stressed the need to furnish a figure based on a useable facility and not present a low figure to sell ' the people on a utilization. Councilman Breider said he did not believe the Committee would be able to set a dollar figure at the present time. , .� � ' �J NORTH PARK COMhiITTEE MEETING, JANUARY 31, 1973 PAGE 9 � � . /0 " � Mrs. Sporre stressed, in her opinion, the consultant should 'provide the high and low figure. Mr. Prairie said if a contractor were to build a home he must know the amount to be paid for the home. Mrs. Sporre said the League did not know what the City could afford for this project. Mayor Liebl stated, not very much. Councilman Breider suggested they talk to the members of the League and determine an amount. Mrs. Sporre asked if they would like a maximum figure also? Councilman Breider said he believed this could be left open. ' Mr. Harris stated another question of concem would be who will be using the facility? Wouid it be 10% Fridley people and 90� from other communities? He also asked if the project would be related to the ' activities of the YMCA. Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation, said he had met with the people from the Y and they have expressed interest. He added,they are interested in being included in the plan. , Mr. Harris asked what the method of funding and the method of repayment would be? Will the study include a number of areas and methods o£ funding? Mrs. Seegar asked if this should be a concern of the consultant ' or the concern of the City Administrative offices? Councilman Breider said he believed this should be a concern of the City. ' Mr. Harris asked if it would be possible to eliminate some of the items in the study and reduce the cost of the report? He added, i£ some agreement is made, will the study continue and the cost remain the same? Councilman Nee said he had been concerned because the matter has not been channeled through the Park Board. He said in his opinion the nature center is a higher priority item at the present time. He added, the land is one third of the City's park land and should involve a great deal of study before a decision is made. He said the City must consider what the people will want fifteen years from now. He added, at that time the people may have a better vision o£ the use. He asked if the City might consider multiple uses of the property such as a picnic area and a bridle path. He said he did not know the pros and cons of such a useage, but stressed the need for further study. Mr. Harris stated, Mr. Nee had made a prior commitment before the study had been completed and this was a cawse £or concern. He asked Councilman Nee what would happen if Brauer F� Associates decided against a nature center? Councilman Nee said he believed it to be a political decision and in his ppinion the majority of the citizens favored the construcLion of a nature center. He added, if the study proved something else or if he were shown something else, he would reconsider. He stressed the need to determine what the people want to do with it. Mr. Harris said in his_opinion, the people of Fridley favored a gol£ course. He said they must consider the fact that a golf course would be self sustaining and additional re�enue could be put anto other City parks. a Councilman Nee said the people did not want to commit the land to the use of 5� of the people. He suggested using a method of trying to determine the interest of the people. � • � NORTH PARK CO1�&dITTEE MEETING, JANUARY 31, 1973 � � C,�,w�"c� �p� /-/ PAGE 10 Mrs. Sporre agreed, the people of Fridley fifteen years from now should be considered. She added, she would rather wait a few years to develop the land than be sorry. She said, once the bulldozers go through, there will be no chance to reverse the decision. Councilman Breider asked Paul Brown if the Comprehensive Park Plan of , 1968 included plans for a golf course? He continued by saying if the property were to be fenced, the City would still have to consider regulating the water problem. ' ' � Councilman Nee said he would rather spend $14,000 to find out what the people want than spending $14,000 for a P� L sheet. Councilman Breider said it will be necessary to determine how many peopie the area will serve and how many of these people would be in Fridley. Councilman Nee said the City should not always make decisions on a monetary basis, he added, the City could sell all of its park land and make money. Mr. Prairie asked if any other groups have come to the surface in support ' of any other uses? Mr. Harris said the only other alternative that he was aware of was no utilization at all. He reminded him of his earlier comments about Locke Park, asking, how much land should be left like this? � IJ ' , ' ' ' � � Mayor Liebl said it just happened that the League felt one way the Chamber another. He said it would have been a big job for the Council to do the job of setting guideiines. He stated, the City had applied for LAWCON funds and they were critized for doing so. He said they were very fortunate in obtaining the land. He stressed the need for guidelines in financing. He said he did not believe the City could just fence the land and let it sit for another fifteen years as they had said the land would be used for parks and recreational purposes when they asked for Federal money. He mentioned the difficulties involved in a special election. Paul Brown said there should be another use for the property included in the planners study. He said the planner should know if the City wants the facility to be first class or economy. He said it would be possible for his depaMment to come up with a plan for a park in that area. He said the Committee should consider many areas when making decisions on utilization of the area. He used seasonal sports and activities as an example; there will be snowmobiles in the winter months and mini bikes in the summer months. He said the department had begun updating the Comprehensive Park Plan, but they had to consider priorities. He added, in some areas in the City there are no parks or no access to the parks, these must be considered first, he said. Councilman Breider stated that the Council would have to make the final decision on the utilization. Councilman Nee suggest a crew be sent into the community to investigate ' lifestyle, interests, goals for park acquisition and generally fin3 out what the people of Fridley want. Councilman Breider said the Committee must present some facts to these people before a study could be made. ' Mr. Young asked where the money would be used after a golf course was paid for? ' , �� , ' � , � NORTH PARK COMMITTEE MEETING, JANUARY 31, 1973 � /�' i; �� �� PAGE 11 Councilman Breider said it wouid be placed in the parks fund and in the general fund, decreasing the total mill levy. Mr. Young asked if it would increase the park budget. Councilaan Breider said the budget was determined by the Council and r.he City is also limited by the State in how much the mill levy can be raised. Mr. Harris said he believed the Council could save time by coming to some agreement with the people and not allowing the issue to be brought to an election. Councilman Breider suggested the memben of the committee present their proposals on expanding the co�ittee and suggested minimum costs to the co�nittee at their next meeting. He suggested adding other organizations to the participation. Mrs. Sporre said the.participation should not be limited to those involved i.n organizations, but all as most citizens do not be2ong to organizations_ Mr. Harris said he did not believe this point was necessary as the committee was not making any decisions, they would only be making suggestions for the Council to discuss. Councilman Breider suggested the representatives present should talk ' with their memberships and come to some agreement on the items mentioned. He said he would talk to the City Attorney about the copyright clause. � ' Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if the ca�mittee should be expanded before the next meeting on the 14th of February? Councilman Breider said they could discuss expansion at the next aeeting. He said there had been°a tenative schedule set for the consultant to answer questions at a Council meeting, February 5, but this was a schedule that could be changed. Councilman Breider said the wriYten statements should be presented to , the committee at the February 14, 1973, meeting. Mayor Liebl said it would be possible to delay the presentation by the consultant to the Counci L ' The meeting closed at 10:45 p.s. ' � I 1 1 , ' 1 1 1 ' ' , , , , 1 , , ' ' , , ' RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR WATER II�R6VEMENT PROJECT 9�109 A (Bids opened 11:30 A.M., February 5, 1973) Recommendation wi11 be available for meeting, ].1 � . . ' ' ' wexEa r�xov�x rawscr �o. ios-a PAINTING OF FILTSATION PLANT N0. 2 FRIDLEY � l�hII7SSOTA BxD OPENING - PEBRUBBY 5, 1y73 - 11:3U A.ri. ' PLANNOLDBH 1�e 8 Sroboda 2 South Aobert Stnet West St. Paul, l:inn. 55118 asson Sandblaat 3 Painting 4 6 Verg Craa Avenue� North $obbiaedale. Mian. 55422 ■ �snu Sros.. Enc. 8599 Paul. Mianwota 55110 I Keller Paiating Sarvi¢e te No. 1 lard, Wisc�sin 54493 �uetal Coatings� Inc. �!5 Dodd Boad sc. raul. xsnnasoea ss121 Chtistianswa PaintinS� Iac. 25 8ouith St., N.B. ra.aneapolis, r�sm�. ss432 ss 8. JaNa Dacoraticg Co. 4821 Fouxth Avaaw, So. �po21s. hinn. 55404 ' ' , � � � � �, � � BIB DEPOS3T � LUMP SUM BID I BHMABKS 8ond 5! Hond 5% Bond SX Dio Bid xo axa Bcnd sz Bond 5% Corplstion by Narch 30, 1973 Specified Ca�letion within $18,71Q.00 40 Caleadas Days $13,500,00 � 50 Calendas Daqs $11,213.00 � As Spesifiad $ 9,787. W � 30 Daps $ 6�400.W I 43 Daya � RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR WATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT �110 (Bids opened 11:30 A.M., February S, 1973) Recommendation will be available for meeting � � � ' ' ' , , , ' ' ' ' ' ' r� . �Z -i9 ca�sxoc�c a nnvts, ixc. caooultsng sngsn.srs 144b Cotmty Boad nJn Minneapolie. iiianeeota 55432 February 5, 1973 Hoaorabl� Nqos md City Camcil C/o Mt. Nariw Qure861, Citq Hnginaer Cit� o! Fridle� b491 IIoiwsaity Aveune. 19.B. �innapolls, ltianesota 55432 Subject: iiater Isprove�at Pro�act No. 109-B Painting of 8lavac� Matas Tank Qentl�ni ite havs zwias�d tha bids receiwd at 11:30 A.!!. � Tebruas� 5, 1973 for the d+o�e =��aren�d pro�set. A copp of tha tabulatioa of Eha bids raceived i, attach�d 1►erato. Tlu lar bid Yas sabd.tted by Seh�c�a Broe., Ine., Hos 8389. St. Paui. Ni�e�ota SS110 ia tLa a�o�mt of $18�000.00. 1La sscond 2ar bid tree subsitted by Abha 6 S�robada. 1152 SonW $obert 8ereet, idaet St. Panl. Kinnosota 55118 ia tha aaw�nt ot.¢18.290.00. The t6ird lov bid vae subuittad by_Aadasscn Sandbl�st & Paiatiug1 _ 43�16 Yers Cras Avea�e� North. pobbiasda]w� Miaaeeota 35422 in tha a�ut of $18�900.00. �a caostractlon �ost asti�at� for thia pro�ect was $20,000.00. W� ther�ioia.. noo�ad tLat th� cmCract ba avsrd�d to ScLm�m 8rw... Inc. in she a�ount of tD�ir bid of $IB,OOD.00. 11ie ep�cified co�p7,�tioa datb for the project ia J� 1. 1973, basad on an avard daee of Pabrnas�r S, 1973. The camplatian tiaes r112 6a �t�ndsd if We �atd is aada at a latar daE�. Qmr r�praentative vill bo psrseat at the se8alar mseting of Pabrnarq Sth to �rsr an7 Qwstions you aq hava coneesning tho abova prn�act. ' ' ' �/�6 , ' Ves� tru]J Yours� (70�SYOCe 6 DAVIB. ING. gY % cr.�"'�' . Paul Y. Aaud, P. E. , � . ' ' ri.a�oLUSs iiATBR IMpRnVBl�liT PROJECT N0. 109-8 PAI81TIIiG OF ELSVATED WATBA TANK FRIDLBY. MIPIDIESOTA BID OPSTiIN6 - FBBxUAHY 5, 1973 - 12:30 A.M. � BED DBPOSIT UR� SUli BIA !�e s svoboda sond 1152 South Robert Strnet 5Z $18,230.00 �t St. Panl, ![inn. 55118 Andsraoa.Sandblaet 6 Painting 4 6 Vera Crus Avenue, North binadale, ltinn. 55422 S umann Bros., Iac. � 8599 R__ Pnul. airmeontn SSllO ,a�l,er Painting 34zvica R�tta No. 1 Willard, Wisconoin 54493 2V�ItnaAn Co. ConttaCtois� IaC. 8223 South Harles Avsnus t7�c Lawn, I11inola 60459 , � ' ' Cosplation Date - J�me 1, 1979 , , ' Boad sz Bond S� No Bid Bond SX gis,9oo.00 $18,0�.00 $22,500.00 i i -' � � 25 Calendsr Days 35 Calendar Daqs As Specifiad 60 Days or I.ess RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR WATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT �klll (Bids opened 11:30 A.M., February 5, 1973) Recommendation will be available for meeting . � , � L_J ' , , J ' L� � , ' I] ' , � 3 - i9 casxa� a uevis, rc�c. C�sulting Snginsara 1446 Camty 1l9ad "d" . 1li.aneapolis, 2linneeota 55432 February 5, 1975 ' Hanosabl� Mapor aad City Ccuacil a/o �ir. Natia Qureehi, City Bagineer City ot IsidlQy _ 6431 Dnivertity Avmue, N.B. l�llaneapolta � lf�meaotka 55432 Snbjeet: Water I�pravemeat Pso�act Ho. 111 14odificatiod of.Welle N0. 3, 9 and 11 GentLMn: � iie haw ra�tart+d the bida receiwd at 11:30 A.!!. on.Pebruary 5, 1973, for the . ,aho�s rs%raacad pro�ect. .Tha tabnlatioa of the btde�received is sttached ,, 6esato. Tk� lov b3d aas' sub'itied by Hydm 8a81neerii►8;> In�., Soz 98. Yo�mg ' Aiarics, ![l�mesots 55977 in ths saount of $22,687.00:::The eecond lar bid vah t sWiat.tt�d by �a iiell. Dsiilina Ca�mpaoy, 413 �orCh, Le3cfagtoa Aveaue. St. Pat:l; ll�ota 55104 ia the asount o! $26�880.00. T6e "third lw bid ras aubd.tted .. bT L°7a'�wsota Caspm►Yr 3147 California Stze�Cn;N.B... 3tlmsaPclias Minaesota' ':59418 in the aome oF $27,�37.00. . '�lis coostsnatim cost ratimsts fos ehia project wae. $45,000.00. 1t� mtimste; 3nslud�d a� allovanea of $8,000.00 for puap zepair thst,i.a not inclvded 3n tlse bids sacaiwd. 15e amo�mt to b� spant %r PmP nPitir vill depsnd on the eoaditian of aao6 pwp that vill bo sacartainnd folioving thair ratiwsl and iwp�csiou by ths Coatractor. '.iis srca�ead Wat tha contsact ba avard�d to 8ydro �gineariag, Inc. ta tha.. alwlmt o! tl�ir bid of $2Y,68�.00. Tbe apacified ca�oplstian date of the psojact is Jm� l. 19J9, based on an avard date of Pebruaa� 5, 1973. �e �piation iias nill b� �u�nded if ttie arasd is meda at a laEer dais. Our rspawmt�tiw �rill be present at tha rsgular aaating of Fabruary 5th to �_ �7 Q��� Y� � hava concasoing Lits abova project. , ' ' ��� � 9ary tsulY 7��. COlBTOCK 6 DAVIB, INC. By �-� � Pau]. &. Sand, P. E. , , ' c�az�x xrtrzto�ix rsoazcx xoo zii MODIFICATIGN OF 41ELLS hpS, 3� 9 ANA 11 FBIDLEY, I-iINNBSOTA BftD OPEhIN� - FfiL��UABY 5. 1973 - 11e30 A<.*t. PLANFIOLDER State Idrlllling 8 Squip� Co. , Boz 548 saea, Minuasota 55391 I�6 3i :cenner & Sa�ns. Inc. 54b5rk �°.cunty Rond 18 Nozth l�nuea�aiie, t31nn. 55428 ■ I kt�dxe E�giaees3ng, Iac. �x 4& urg 4�rica, i�tnaesota 5537� YgP.S80ifi-T,aeNe11 p InC , ave �12U W�ysata Slvd. nnesonka, r;iim. 55343 �s�ota Dxiileze z 68 Madisony Minneaota 5625G r rta Ccmpany sia St. � IJ.E. Minn. 55418 thy Ws7.l Compan9 iSast 80th Strnet apolis, r3nn. 55420 �, � _ � _ L 73Iil d1EpOSE: + ZUMp SL2`_ BID i R�MAF;�S Ho Did Un1tr.� Pacific 3ne. 5� $38�675.Oa 9s Spsr.ifled 4merican Empize Ins. SX $22.683.00 As Spec:iffed Paul Pire 6 Ffarine SY No Bid $39,135.00 ! As Speclfied Onited Pacific ins. SX $27,93i.00 As SpeeiPied No B3d a3n Well Conpmy ara Cit�, Mian. No Bid Zaa �s Wel1 Driliiag Co, Fire�n Pund Ias. 3 �Tosth I.ez3ngtan Ave, Sz St. Pauly Mlnaesota 55104 � ' , ' $26..880.OD � As SFerified ' 1 � � 1 , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � ' ' ' ITEM ��14 SCHEDULING A STUDY SESSION ON LIQUOR STORE OPERATIONS CObP4ENT: We would like to discuss pricing policies and placing the liquor inventory on a data processing system with the Council. It is suggested that you s�hedule the session for 6:30 P. M., February 12, 1973, in the Community Room preceding the Council Meeting of that date) 14 , � � , ' ' ' , ' MEMO T0: SU&TECT: OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER FRIDIEY, MINNESOTA January 31, 1973 THE MAYqR AND CITY COUNCIL AUTOMATIC DOORS AND O�NERS FOR THE NEW LIQUOR STORE Since the time of drawing the plans for the new off-sale liquor store, the staff has come up with the idea that automatic doors and openers would be a nice feature to incorporate in the store. These doors would be quite useful because people are often carrying in empty beer cases on their way in, and of course, carrying out goods when they Leave, and automatic doors would ease the tlow of traffic considerably. I have contacted Mr. Patch, our architect, to find out what these would cost and he has given me a price of $5,425 for these doors installed in the store. It is an item that, if we were to consider them, must be instailed during coastruction of the building because of wiring and mechanical work required. I am enclosing some informatioq on automatic doors for your review. The estimated cost that I gave you for work done to date was $121,500. ' To date, including the one change order for the stone work, we have obli- gated construction costs of $110,000, indicating that we are presently about $11,500 under budget on the store. The only two large items to be , bid are the signs and the internal furnishings of the store. We have not, to date, used any of the 10% contingency fund which you have set aside for construction of the store. ' ' ' � , ' ' . I feel that we are trying to make our liquor store into one of high quality and service, and the addition of the automatic doors would be a nice feature in the store. If the Council desires this, they could do so by authorizing Change Order G-1 and authorizing me to proceed with the purchase and installation of the automatic doors. GRD/ms Enclosure Very respectfully, ���-�`s'�� " l • L/ Q.l%� Gerald R. Davis City Manager .I5 �. � �' . 1. � _. _.�.:Y .� � . �,�„ . - � ' v . b - .. . -.ti�A ��: . .. r. � . . . .. ' - , � , �_-�, :- � : ♦C t+ . _. � u� 1 � � � i � z � - �� . . � . . �, � � i ; � r� . V�.� A . F� '1 � � � ,.__... I-'� ' ' , _ ,, �' � � � I L; � e�. E �( t ` �� �� ±,; ' t� 4 4 � � s' �% � � i, i' . ' ; . k j � ( . . 1 : ' �,�:. t...sas�na�i�'at+&� :r��;. .,� ._l+.rs�� '�.'��..�e. ' , � • . �'� _ . . . . . . . . � I 1�+� � ' � � , � 1 ' i ' ' _ � � '�_ �1 .. � ��a � ; � �� BY � � � � �' ��I�1 � � _-�� � 15q ; ' ����� �� �,�.� ...� 7 }I� +s.� I . I I � � � � I � t �a . . . Y:� ��Y9. i1°+l � � v+ 1� ����� � � �� ' '_� � � � �� , � ' ��- �� �_ . DQR-O-MATIC � ' INYISIBLE DOR•MAN SLIUE 'n' SWING '. .-a,...r �+,-��„i-•��-' �- Y �-^ --,-,-.,, f„ . . � � ��� 1 � �� T FE' 1 � i��� :��, ,� �fi ��t i �INDEX • Swing Doors page ' 7100/7600-Dor-O-Pak .............. 3 , ' ' 1533-1 to 2 doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1643--1to4 doors ................. 6 1973/83--1to 30 doors ,..------... 7 Sliding Doors � Slide 'n Swing . . . .. . .. . . . ... . . . . . . 8 Astro-Slide ....................... s ' Vert-I-Pak, Head-R-Pak ...........:.... 4 Actuating Controls ....................10 ' CarpeF Controls ......................11 ' , � 0 1 RepresenTatives ......................12 . . p[l�)YMNMO OOdI M[Nxr M � � /WMA All �W�4 �OOf � TMICRNLY l%' ! fX . w sw _ � xc Yia �� �x ... s �. .sx M1 ]N . � IM Y M�I ... Nf .. { .. . N �Nb . . TI . � .. .�N4 MN1wGn ._. lM.... ..... .- XIbG .. J ... .. _ New�wti Nf ... M ... ...W iW�Yr51/ 5 .... . - iMMbOw N'llt� I4�M���6. ian[n�]Clu�...._. ....._.M•IF� .. ___ Wlh.wrp�l HVm W OI Op�h WM M WY MN p GOM. YOlMw[ aM (WNF\ tK4. tM P Irpwmy. DOOR HANDING U.S. S7ANDARDIZATION PROCEWRE INSIDE ' LEtT iUN� RNiNi HAND OUTSIDE ' INSIDE �^yf LER MANO � �M HAND. REVEftSE BEYEL OUTSIDE REVERSE 8EY(y 2 THE NAME IN AUTOMATIC DOOR CONTROL SYSTEMS For over 16 years, Dor-O-Matic has 6een supplying ihe most effective, efficient and adranced a�tomatic door operating systems on the American scene. Since the manu- facture of door controls is our aoly 6usiness, we have 6ad ta 6e the outstanding specialists io the fieid. Architects especialiy have recog- nized and accepted our products so enthusiasticalty that their spe- cifications have made us nne of the largest producers of control systems in the world. The effici- ency, architectural versatility, in- stailatian ease and long-lasting, troubie-free operation oi Dor-0- Matic systems have coaVibuted strongly to that acceptance. So, too, have the many Dor-0-Matic "firsts"; development and intra ductian of innovations that dave 6ecame industry standards. So, when you louk for the one "righY' automatic door controi system, look first io DOR-O-MATIC. _ . , _..., .._>-. ,- � -,.v R .,,-,..- . 15$ '�` , ,'._..z___.__._._._ _ -- � � � f� �� I l� l fs � (+; 1, � 7 / �' ;-, � _�_4 � :r�_ J _ l� ! � , ` � '.�,�/ � � i l� � vF _ t _..'�v. � .. ' � �� ;� ; :� : � ,j; n � � : jf ; i- .,G , , � '. � j � �, :'i � � j �,�• . `.�� ; ir��i�� � �! ,� � � �'k 1��' : 1 ' . �� ' � : i ;� � � , : � . `_ �� F.�. ��, �; � 11 � �. � �. f, ( 's. ' , 1 ' ' ■�.� 1 � h'r:_..L `-xc�Gl� -�..iu � _ , c._�- .5�'. _ � _ ��" fit'�i�yl �. 8.31 / � � Self-Contain�d Automaiic D�or O��r��or . for Swing Type Doors 7100/7600 Series DOR-O-PAK—Concealed Overhead or Surface Mounted Closer The two DOR-O-PAK systems are both automatic door operator sys- tems housed in a 6" x 6" aluminum housing that may be installed center pivoted above a center pivoted door, or may be surface applied to the head jamb to operate offset pivoted, butt hinged or center pivoted aoors. The unit houses a pump and motor assembly which provides hydraulic power to open the door when 24V circuit of the actuating mechanism is energized. Electric current is supplied by a separately fused line at each entrance. 115V, single phase, 10 amp power line is required. Two systems are offered; the basic difference being that one employs Spring Power combined with hydraulic force to dose the door while the other uses Spring Power alone. SPECIFICA7lONS: tor por-O-Pak � � Automafic door operarors shall be DOR-O-MATIC overhead, sell-contained, efectro-hydraulic Center Nung (or Sur�ace Applied) DOR-O-PAK !, power . open/power assist close or DOR-O-PAK 11, power open/spring close en- closed in a 6" x 6" extruded alumrnum case, anodized tinish. 115 Volt A.C., 60 Hz., 10 Amp. electrfcal power supply to header focation turnisbed by others. ACTUATING CONTROLS (See Actuating Cootrols, Pages tU and 11) ? r 1♦ - /� ; � ; % � �.. � ��` . . � � ,� __ _ .._ . \ \, .. -- - ��; i Ganceaied �iv�rhea�i � �i - - a <.._ � _ � � gY _ _ �� DOR O MAT1C 3 � � , , 1 � � � t���T - I- P���t ���� - R- PA� Self•cantain�d power unit .concealed in sitle jamb, mul(ion, or header. A continuous pressure system totally contained within a 6" x 6" square tube concealed in side jamb, mullion or header (not shownj. Used fot "Slide 'n Swing" or swing type doors and capable of operating a single door, simultaneous pairs or independent pairs of doors. The system eliminates the need for remote power units and long runs of hydraulic lines. Can be used with almost all types of Dor-O-Matic Hydraulic operators. For complete details see your local distributor or representative or write directly to Dor-O-Matic Division of Republic Industries, Ina -_�:..._..._ �_.�.��,�,,. I �.� � -- w— I i — - —. , �, , ; ------� � � � �� � � �� : �,, - ��; � ,,� :��� �` `� + � �_�� t T 1 � , � � -`v � L� •� _ .� ' , 4 - `y�' i �' ;; , _�� � :,;�, , r� ' ' J �� ��, .��x. .., ,_.,. ._ -� �.� _. � 15D 1I � � � �� � i � : �. � � � !i ; t; � �� - � � � ��; � : , ?� � i�� ; ; ► �,� 7 �� ;{ � , � ,� ; . , ' j s ' k t � . — _.—�.f s�.; x:�=; ; �.� �__ ���-��_�._. �::.:.�.. _ _ _ d -., : ------r �_.._ __._. — - _ _ SPECfFICATlONS: "Vert-l-Pak"—"Head-R-Pak" Power supply for automatic doors shall 6e DOR-O-MATIC "VERT-I-PAK" comp/ete/y containad with a G' x 6" extruded aluminum door lrame vertica! member, Side Jamb or Mullron (or "HEAD-R-PAK" contained wifhin a 6" x 6" extruded alu- minum Head Jamb) anodized finish. 1l5 V. A.C., 60 Hz., 70 Amp. electricaf power supply !o power unit /ocation by others. � BY _ - DOR Q MATIC � ;_ _`� ' � 1 , �, _ �. � 1 . w: ,, . `%.0;: , •:>; i '; , t� . . . ,. �� ' - '� , • ` ��. , , ' 1 , ' ", � iS» PO�.tiE9 ��!1rt cCw iryy' -.rvpc:E'A'_`Y: BpfWi [� -".,,.��,.,..� ( E i . � � ":-:, �� � _" r1 , � � f �,. �►a � � . yi, `�1 �-- � _ _. , , . . �� �r�.� . __. a.s�, 15 E Remote Po�°�er Unit Automatic D��r S��t�� � for 1 io.2 Swing or Sliding Doors NO. �533 INVISIBLE DOR-MAN Concealed in Floor or Overhead and Surface Mounted Overhead A start on demand automatic door operating system capable of sup- plying one or two doors from a single power unit. The automatic operator for swing doors, installed beneath or above the door, is hydraulically powered. It provides controlled manual opening and closing when electric power is of{. Adjustments for the 2-speed opem ing and 2-speed closing, including hydraulic back check can be made while unit is in operation. These power units can also operate sliding . +doors (see page 8). SPEClFICA7/ONS: 1533 Series Sy.stem shall be DOR-O-MATIC = 1533 Start-On-Demantl Type, capaWe of operating one or two doors automati- cally, and consist of power unit and operetor, one spring close operator per doo�. Power unit shal! Contain %z H.P. Mofor; 7)5 Vo7t, 60 cy., 15 Amp. �requiretl. Other voftages available. Power Unit shaN be focate0 in venti- lated area within 50 leet ol door location, and 30 leet abbve a� below doors. Operating presswe 540 p.s.i. � ��� OPERAiOR M 9 cOB SivGLE OOCe �a,. _ I "- � \ _ s''! ,•' J", s,� i i" '"` :i� ' -:�'; � > � . , � Cement Channel with Operator installed ACTUA71l�G CONTROLS (See Actuating Controis, Pages 10 and 11) 3 r BY .� aoR-o-n�.���c R��r�fe Po���� U��t ��to�atic ��or ��stem for 'I to 4 Swing Type Doors NO. 1643 INVISIBLE DOR-MAN A continuous flow hydraulic system capable of operating 1 to 4 doors automatically from a remote, single power unit. Doors can be oper- ated independently or simultaneously and the system provides power opening and power assist closing to the automatic operator. Con- trotled manual operation when power is oft. Adjustments for the 2-speed opening and 2-speed closing, including hydraulic back check, can be made while unit is in operation. . . �j � �' awas Swqw I �lI5 V 1 XININ� - . � I�. II �rfi[5��� � IMTDa1Ul�C <°ti° � �nannel with installed�,,,,..- ` � . - , a;a.r:,�, , . \ �M �� �. �� ..:.� , --�--,-------�---;-- N Y.C�Ri[Yµ�RCS iINISNED ���A iLOqI lMF ACTUATING CONTROLS (5ee Actuating Controis, Pages 10 and 11) UL LISTED SPEGFICATIONS: 7643 Series Sysfem shall 6e DOR-O-MATIC t 7643 Continuous Flow, Nydreu- lica!!y Operafed System, capable ol operating one to four doors. Consists ot power unit and operator, one power-assist close operator per door. Models #1601 and #1602 to have �/s H.P. Motors; Models #1603 and 1604 to have 1 H.P. Motors; 115 V., 60 Cy., p0 Amp, required; Other voltages available. Powe� unit shaR tre /ocated in well venfilated area within 50 /gef ot door location, and 30 feet above or below doors. �� BY �L' DOR-O-MATlC L �. f.t f�� �' �.� t _ ., �. � �l. . �. F ... ,- a - ,; 6$T3/03 - Oti 66T91&3 F�OOR AtOUNTED. SWiNG �OGR $.si/r 15 G Remote Po�d�er Unit Au#omatic ���r 5�st�� for 1 to 30 Swing and/or Sliding Doors NO. 1973/83 INVISIBLE DOR-MAPI—Concealed—in floor or overhead . A continuous pressure system capable of operating up to 30 doors with spring close or up to 20 doors with hydraulic power close. A single power unit system with pump operating oniy when required for maintaining continuous door operation. The 6673 series operator ls used for spring closing and the 6683 series operator for power closing of swing doors. Adjustments for the 2-speed opening and 2-speed ciosing, including hydraulic back check, can be made while unit is in operation. These power uniis can operate swing doors, slid- ing doors or a combination of swing and sliding doors. (See page 8) 2C V.� n5 v. i s <aiv'_�---=.-Z . . or. o�= c�.: Ro� S�.n.cr Boz—� i � ELEC. hiR���G � VOIiNGE >5 RE00. � 19W SE�:ES P'JWEN UNIi � •.aa�.e: �! �� � t'�i l Itc'. � -tite °� � �.-' ��.✓ ACTUATING CON7ROLS (See Actuating Controls, Pages 10 and 11) SOlEe�010 VAIVE C�'��� '��_� ; . roaci�uG � w`_' ' �IY MYOF4ULIC 5'JCEH.ii:�rlG SLIDIN6 �UOAS isee ,,.,:_ & ,; 3, 3� ,. =_�.rv�s �w � �� V� usrEo SPEC7FICATIONS: 1973/83 Series Sysfem shall be DOR-O-MATIC =1973/83 Continuous Pressure Accumu- fator Type and shalf run on;y when pressure drops to p�esetlevel. Powei unit shal! supply up to 30 operators (spring cfose) or 2G operators (pov�er close), one operator per aoor. Power ur,it shal! be availa6le in 'iz N.P., 115 V., 60 Cy., 20Amp. 1or � 797U; 7 H.P„ 115 V., 60 Cy., 25 Amp. lor = 79�0: 11/z N.P., 20S V., 3 Ph., 10 Amp. for -1930. Other voltages availab/e. ?or.�er unit shall he� located within approximately 700 feet ot operato�s, 3G feet above or below. � a � ��� � BY — — - QOR O MAT1C �,.aM....���.. �.,4« � �� 1 � ' Auto��tic ������g L��r ��Lrators . Slide 'n Swing Siiding single or bi-parting doors provide full width, in and out traffic flow. Powerful concealed controls open doors fast, ciose quickty, positively, quietly. System utilizes either hydraulic or pneumatic power source. (A) . , Headliner concealed overhead closer for swing action assures posi- tive control, both in and out, when doors (not side paneis) are used for emergency egress. (B) ' ' ' ' J ' ' EXCLUSIVE! The Dor-O-Matic breakway panic release is the oniy one that converts to double-acting operator, permitting doors to swing in or out. (C) ._�,._..- _ . � � ,� i � . t __ : � ` �:. _ SPECIFfCATIONS: Slide 'n' Swing Slyding door system shall be DOR-O-MATIC "Slide 'n' Swing" and consisf ot an ex- truded aluminum header assembly, 6" x 6!h" in sectional dimension with replace- able track. Doors shall be hung on a modified "C' Carrier wrth polyurethane rollers, and tef/on �guide. Vertical jamb to have lateral door adjustmenf. System-sha71 have built rn emergency re/ease in the event ot power lailure, doors shall be se!/-closing and when under emergency conditions shal! swing rn either direction. Plastic tinger-guard/weatherstrip shall tifl space 6etween sfiding jamb and side panels. A buift in Burglar alarm wirrng is optionaL . : Sliding door system shall 6e available to operate from either a pneumatic or hy- draulic power source. Pneumatic cylinder to operate at 80 p.s.i. nominal pressure and shal/ be sell closing with adjustable laich and back check, power f�om any sfandard air compressor. Hydraulic ope�ating cyfinder ro have built-in openrng, closing and checking controls. No adjustmenf necessary. Hydraulic power may be by erther 1550 series or 1900 series power unifs (see fable 6elow.) SYSTEM � POWER UNi7 , /56ao Mytlraulic System 1551•Sa Singie Ooor (to 2 Ooors) 1552-50 SimulWn¢ous Pair Start on DemanE 7557-5! Two � � ��tlepmEe�t Doors ' Verti-i-Pak NeaC•F-Pak 19b00 Mytlroulic System (to 30 tloors) � May De u5etl in ron- . lunction wiM automatic swing-type tloof. 70600 Pneumatit System ' ' ' 18 � l/p to 2 Ooors 1870 Up to 10 �oor5 7920 UO to 20 pp �sate valving 19�0 UO to 30 Doo Scte valving wRh remote vaNing 70600 Comprasor Siie DOOR OPERATOR 5•n' S 600-1 per poor 5'n' S 6U0-1 per poor 5'n• 5 7G0-1 per Simultaneous Pair of Doors S'n• S f00-1 per poor 1 Valve per single tlaor or SimWtaneous Pair 5'n• S 600 PN—1 per Ooor fUll wiGth StdnEirE Openingi in SinR�! tlo0rs: 36', /2', 48^. iWl WiElh Stan�ard opening5 in double tloors: 48^, 60^, 72^, gq•. g5�•. ACTUATING CONTROLS • (See Actuating Controls, Pages 10 and 17) � "� BY � � m DOR-C�-MAT1C s �p) `�IG F--- i — � I� " �H � _ �, - ; ,, _ �� - ��� _.. _ � , 3 - - F F �C� _ ,..-a `� ''� Y M I{ � i � E �•� ' 1; . 1 --. __ :� . : Autom�tic S���ing ; , ' �ls I .��- _ ::, Door O��ra��r Astro-Sl;de� Quiet ASTRO-SLIDE patented mechanicai drive system with instant reversai and variable speed control, provides coordinated opening, positive back-checking and secure closing for single or biparting slid- ing doors. Should power fail ASTRO-SLIDE e ui ed door d ' __ ---_ � 4 PP s an ex- :--� ' terior panels can be opened manually for emergency exit. � , • � � ��� ���—.� � ,, ` �- , %` i � �� �� � _ . . � 't ; ` �'� : s , . � �; a r � `�`� � : z ;� � � sa.�aat�� : � Y �-r��w�*,�.,�.� . � - � In normal operation, ' . . ASTRO-SLIDE opens, back-checks and cfoses ' sliding doors smoothty, :"' * v:"'�""' uietl EI . ' . �. ' - , , ' ' , . , , , 1 q y. iminates gears, clutches, pneumatic and / or hydraulic power systems or complicated electrical motor drive systems where reversing and checking are accomplished by the motor. In emergency (or for extra-laroe access for wide objects) doors and exterior panels breakaway manual ly. ASTRO-SLIDE SPECIFICATION Sliding door operators shati be Dor- O-Matic's "ASTRO-SIIDE" self-con- tained electro-mec�anical operator in extruded aluminum header 7�/a" deep x 6Yz" hi9h, anoCizetl tinish. Power source shalt be patented Roll- Guide with shaft running at fixetl rpm io-.one direction only. Pneumatic, hydraulic, or electric power tlrive Sy5t0m5 not accep!able. Doors shall be hung from the ooer- ator without any atltli[ional vertical support. Doors and Side Panels snall break outward. in emergency, and shail 6e self closing. Doors shall have safety switch edoe which causes doors to reopen upon con- tact. /75 Volt, A.C., 6G Hz., 15 Amp., elec- frical power supply to junction in header by others. �---- _-- __ __ � + � �, t� � 'j i I R E' f ;: �• i , —��'--z� ti c , �� � � i I �'! I � �:_ `�� �.c .._ _. .� _.. i I� .' N 7 �1 ' `=`` : - I �� � � AC7UATING CO � (5¢s Actuatinq ( -0ages 10 and 11 _ � � ; ��, I i �,. Ii � � I [I t '—lF— ` lj � � JTROLS onlrols. 1 �3 � BY !� �OR-O-N��TIC � ��m;.�sa*v.�qi��il3iia��ZHril+..�.-++-��, c .. , . �Y�'� —�yr.� � ACTl3�;T�ivG C�s�T�OI D�:��CES 1 ' ' , ' I ' I ' I ' I , . PRESENCE SENSOR (for Slide 'n Swing doors only) A brand new Oor-O-Matic actuating device which reacts to people and objects passing within a pre-set range. The scanning head, attractive but unobtrusive, is mounted on the head jamb, the transom area, above the head jamb or on the ceiling. The system, which permits the use of static free floor tile, has nothing in or on the floor, nothing to push or pull, no light beam, and does not cancei when the door frame is touched. It operates on 175V, 60 hz. A.C. power supply. (For more information on P.S. cor.tact your local distributor or representative or write directly to the tactory.) _s.a .-- _ � - i '= ) � ' F ; t. _. . �. � � . i TOUCH TOE S'd'ITCH Ex Sas cn P��{�lITCH �-� PANIC ACTUATOR ($ee comDleh ca�alog, s=c6on -9.32 Oor) ' 1 ' ' ' � 10 � --"-�--' TOUCH�D�MATIC `' � . Vertical for b'z" � ' and?b" tempered -- - � , glats. Pia!e . � � Acsembly for --��-" tene?redglass, � R=lalorwood Pl'SH PLATE SINITCN doors. �+. '�.d,�� ' __ = PUtI TYPE,SWITCH � � _ ----��* TOUCH-0-MAiIC � _ HORIZONTAL HANDLE �--"-_�� � . ° . BARRIER ROPES � 5 G%ey rovereG cnam aiES in Eirectlne IraKC �hr0ugh pro0h Gaors. 9reah- away Earrier rupe: useC witA vanic rc- lcase eQUi0Ge0 IM tloors. __._--��_— SIZE BNEAN STANO- AWAY AND 6P" lang fot BRG-30 9Rd0 tloors f0 36" wiCe 53" long for BRP.36 BRd6 <oors ta i2" � � wi0e GUIDE RAIIS - Also available without screem � BY � DOR-O-MATIC �� v ' - - i, � '�'r I I' � � i.�� � I �� � �\ � �7 � � II i II� 4I�� � ���i; ,II I � �� ''�'I � DOOR APPLIED CARPET �.':.-.<_,,...._ --� 9 ? `� { i ' < � � � ! :'" _. . . —�-- _� ; :� 1� i ' , , ' . . .. ..... ' ' ' : , ' ' 1 ' 1 ' ' r 1 �.� � � ..� - - ls- � . f Dor-0-�atic Carpet C��#r��s SINGLE DOOR Slide 'n' Swing or Swing Type SuMeca Trim, RecesseE Frama end T�rea�olE — Aluminum, Mill FlniaA, Oimenslons listed in tablez are far use with 3�/i" Ihresh� old. For 2" thresholtl reduce tlimension "A" by 1�/i' and dimensions "C" and "D" by 3/i". When specitying ca.pet assemblias antl carpet trim atltl suffix M600, and delete SUHix "A". Por additional mat combination sizes,. call your local representative. SIMULTANEOUS PAIRS OF DOORS Slide 'n' Swing or Swing Type � •..�: :a � o �: a.:., � p O•....0..'O. ►�xaxco noop uN[ (AIIIfAtE l�7PLIED CARPFn �- im�rwa� n�.Hneia rixuxeo ��nw uxe u� � y ,::��. 9�= �j-= ` i+. �°1► T �s • L'�i AIUIIIR;yt11 �fM f!(d11111l11dCd . � . la wrtxe appl�etl carpets Surface Trim, Recessed Frame and ThreaholE — Aluminum. Mill Finiah. Oimensions listed in tables are tor use with 3°/ " thresh� aid. Fol 2" [hresholtl redure dimension "q^ by l�z" antl tlimensions "C" and "0" by °/.". When speciiying carpet assemblies and carpet trlm atld suttix M600, antl delete suffix "A". For additional mat combination siz>s, wll your local iepresentative. fIMISXm ROOR LINE ��� o. y- ��t � I.�� ' � Ly �NlC[51lE Gtp[f hM1! i15¢I16 G� as inStaAeE tw ��le Ilopring � I---3Yx`—i J ��:� i � .� � �---�� 5 4 l . i i FIHISNEU FLOOR UNE L1RPEf t �PS ,�_ � _ =� � :3' Receued cnree[ Irame assemo:r a�w �fllll }0! ICffiIIO 1ICC! :f.ii3�'�t�::f. � � BY �� � DOR-Q-�,�1 �T� � KA �.:�.. :... ! y �r.� ..... �.. �.._..�... ...� " . . . . . .. � �!T'ae_:' ,, ITEM �k 16 DISCUSSION OF LGEAL SERVICES FOR 1973 16 , � ' , .V � , O , � ' ' ' �� . . . .. . � . .. . . . . . . . . . R . . J �G � � MEMORANDUt� Weaver, Talle and Herrick and Smith, Juster, Feikema, Haskvitz and Casserly to be employed by the City Council for lega7 services to the City. !Jeaver, Ta11e and Herrick to attend Council meetings and do law tidork for tfie administrative staff. Smith, Juster, Feikema, Haskvitz & Casserly to handle prosecutions. The Manager and/or Counci7 shall assign civil litigation at the �Jistrict Court level to either or the firms, with the understandinc that the assignments wili be relatively equa7 betsaeen the two firms. If the matter is of unusua7 importance the two #irms may have joint assignment_ 5. The ret�iner shall be on an equa] basis and in an amount of at least $1,000.00 per month to each firm. i�'fg�� �;sh, 6�. Soth firms will assist the Council/�in reforming the 4ome Rule Charter so that the attorneys for the City l�Tll becor!e appointive by the Nlanaaer and he»ce removed from the oresent political situation wherein the Council apnoints. 7�. That each of the firms will file written resignations by the last day of December, 1973 in the event that the Charter change becomes effective January 1, 197,� , � , ' `� �� , � C � � , ' �t T v_. ' � ' ' ' , MEMO T0: SUBJECT: OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA February 2, 1973 MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL LIAISON WITH STATE LEGISLATURE ' On January 23, 1973, Mayor Liebl, Councilman Starwalt and I attended a , meeting with other Anoka County municipal officials to interview Mr. David Kennedy for subject position and discuss a joint powers agreement. ' It appears at this time four cities -- Fridley, Coon Rapids, Anoka and Columbia Heights wish to proceed on a joint powers basis to hire a Legislative liaison. A draft of the agreement is enclosed for your review. , Mr. David Kennedy is an attorney in private practice at the present time. He has formerly served as legal counsel for the League of Minnesota Municipalities, an attorney for the State Planning Agency and as an attorney for the Minnesota ' State Senate. He is very experienced in dealing with the legislature and is personally acquainted with a number of legislators. , The agreement calls for a maximum expenditure for each particip2ting city of up to $8,000. Mr. Kennedy's compensation would be at the rate of $40 per hour tor actual hours spent and this includes a11 expenses and overhead costs. He esti- mates the total costs for the first session of the Legislature (betweainow and June) ' to run around $15,000 depending upon the amount of work the cities require of him. The maximum allocation could then carry the cities through both sessions of the Legislature, ' ' The contract terminates June 1, 1973 unless renewed by a11 parties. It would be appropriate after the first session has ended to evaivate the services and bene- fits received and then decide on whether or not to continue participation in the program. Recommendations: ' 1. Authorize the Mayor and City Manager to execute the Joint Powers Agreement. ' 2. Authorize employment of David Kennedy as Legislative Liaison Representative for the City of Fridley and other participating cities in Anoka County. ' ' 3. Appoint the blayor or one Councilman to assist the Manager in keeping informed of the Legislative Liaison's activities. ' GRD/ms Attachment Very respectfully, . <j�J"".."� �M1./Q.U{/1 Gerald R. avis City Manager U JOINT ANII COOPERATIVE RG�EEMENT ANOKA COUNTY MJNICIPALST�ES � LEGISLATIVE REPI2ESENTATIVE The part•ies to this a;rea:�ent are qov�rn_meat�l units of the State oi Minnesota. This aqreement is made pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sectioa 4?1.59. I. PUF.P05E The purpose of this agree�e�t is to enable tha parties to morQ effectively represezt their joint interests beior2 the State legislatuze by the rnte:ntion of the professional servicas of a legislstive reprasentati;�e. Ii. MEbIIIERuHZP The initial parties to ;.his agreeMent are aay o` th� £ollo•,��ir.y municipalities cahich hara executed this a�:reenent oa or before February 1�, 1973: City �z" An�l:a . C2t1' O° B122II� � � . Cits o•` Ce:.i:mbi� Iteigh�s City oi Coor P,�pids City af Fri3ley Vi11;�_;� pg cp�3r., �a`r:e Pari: Any ot2��r citJ or village in A.^.o;;a Couaty s;aj• b�co-::� a par.ty to th; ,-ee::=nt p � S%.y^+ U 01] t'.Ilc.. Z!?��CVd? 4f t}lE' 7.:11t1.21. T�'�-:.^;}JC'.`.':� 8R'3' t.ili�: ex.ecutinn of a copy o£ t;:i.a acrre�m�r.t. UA � , II2. FIL7AidCII�L AND Api,II1ZSTFi:TIVE 1. The City t�iana�er �f tha City of Coon Rep:ds shall sert�e ' as the aci:ciaistrato: of this a�;ree�nent. He :�s autf,orized to coa- tract £or tiie services of a iegislatire represeatativ�� an beh�lf ' of the partias and ta receive an3 disburse iunds ta caxry out tl;� , ' , ' 1 ' ' ' purposes af this ayree.�ent. The making of contracts ar.d disuurs_-- r:!-^-nts of ���r.ds siiall be in a^r•� �-, ,, rc.a..ce wit.. t!:e proceci<:rr_s and law.s governin; tii_ Citz� of Co�n Fa�zLS. 2.• Each party agr�es to make an initial pa�nent of $4,pOQ to ba placed in a special fund maintained by th� acLninistrator. The initial payment shall be made on or beiore Februazy 15, 1973. When the baiance of the speciai fund is less than 52,000, the administrator shall notify each party who shall pror�pt2y sub:�it an additional payment of $1,000 to the administra�or, N� oarty is cbligated for total pa�ne^t to the special fun3 in excess of $8,000. 3• Upon termination of this agreement, any balance of th;: special fund shall be returaed to the parties in proportion to ' the ampunts coritributed. 4• =he aclmir.istrator is responsible for tiie accountinq of ' tha special fund and shail Feri�dfcally report its status to th� partie�. , � i ' 1 1 IV. LEGISI�TI4E FtrpRag�hTAT2VE The adzni;�istra�az is authozized to retain the services of a pers�n, qualified by e�parience and tra_ni;-,y, to p�rfo-.; the foi2oGi�g services for th� parties: 1. T� ini�rm hi�s��:` an3 keeg aureast ef a?.1 p-ndi:c ].egislzti.cn an:z �e ;;nowl�vac�; �,2 c _ e o� t'a<. Gff�ct it h•ill 'r�av� on tne �articipatir.; Municipaiir.i�s. llB �i � UC ' 2. To meet regularl�, if not d4ily, during legis2at�ve sessiozs, witn representatives of th� Tu:oka Cour.t� 2egislativ� de1�,4tion aad the chairMan o� i�portai�t ' aor+u:iittees near�: c,r,roposed legislation saaicn wou].d affect aur municiFalities. ' ' � , , ' �. To m=_et and caafEr regularly wit.`: th� Cit� "3:13t3ers an3 Cit_� Cour_��.ls as requirec: to deter.;in� �;:� ef`�:ct �f pendi7g legislaticn on eacn munici�a.lir•T :;:1 t; solicit tt�e posi±ian oi City Councils ea variou; legislatiaa, 4• , To testify to 7.er..z9lative co:�mittees rn�arnin7 th� p�sftion an4 ef�e.t of various 2egislat;oa cn the participatir.g nuzi.�,��lities. 5• . �'`f'"°'TS .th�? 0�17310:5 [�i part�Cipatir.^ I1iI.i.'.n:L,�t,�,if1@3 C7�. ¢"i' . � ^ ::.�'.. E_ :.r., a�'. :' v aan i:e a�3reed to :n�th�ebestainter�st,,o;°DZ111concerr.ed, 6• To establish a c;.ose worY,ing rela�inns�;:.0 ��ith renre- . SGl1t8Y.1VE'3 ::+{' .-if:U::c3 CCll1 .�'y'� k}lx:. %i:3'y'i:° p7'. i•�:i11I1G50id FiLr.icigalit�.,s; a,: ; GL:i?� COTiit10:1 2i1t'.�e°_E_'S� [34C+!,'rS T'�^ garding pEr.ding le�islai:ion. 7. To perforr� auch oth�r duties relating k� pe.�nling o� ' propased le,islatxon as xequ::ated by ti;:� ;�;,c;;3 County Ass�ciati�n or indivicival participat�ny runici� paliti�s. $. To gLrforn such x�asor.abls services as may be rec�ues�ed by l�gislators fro:� Anoke County froM tir.:a to tir„e, 9. To perforr.; such ether services as are i:ecessary to insure effective representation cf the joint interest:> of thQ parties before the legislature. The parties agree to establish such forieal and inforn:aZ ar.ran:y�ment� ae are necessary to insure an adequate excliange of cors,7unicatic:, between tkiemselves and the 2egi�lative representative. ' � � � � C� I ' I ' U D- V. EFFECTINE IIATE Thia agreer,ient is effective when executed by four or more ef the partfea listed in ArticlL II, provida3, how�ver, that the le3isl.atz��� representative shall not be retained uttti2 t:� initia2 Pa}'.�ant i� received from each of khe initial narties, VI. DURA,TION: TERl4IP:ATION This agre"��n� ;g s;� effect unti3 Jwne 1, 1973, zn3 may be renew�� F�ter that date for such psriod as the F+arties may ��3zee. Tiii.s aqreer..��rit sha22 terminatc -,-:zenever the ns*�Ler �� pa�ties is les� th�;� ---�._• Ary garty may ��ithdrzs� by filin;: n°L�.== wiL•n th� atiministrator advisira of i*_s i:,tent to wzth3r�.w wici:i.r 3!i nays of sucn netice. Any in�mber so withdrawing s;;all b� r.�iurnQd its prcportic.^.al contribution cut of any unenc.L;;�-red 'ca2:;nce in the sp�ci�2 fu-�d, YTF 472T�;EcS ;sii�FtEOF, the undersigned governmental unit �tAa caused this agreeme:,t to be signed and nelivered to the ac:sini- strator or, its b�hali. � Ii'i'TEST: �C:�ty r,r;. ' ' ' CYTY O� ANOY�'1 By Its t?ayor pat-c I.nd T L4.f.` �ts City i-:ar����r - - �3- ' ' ' '`J ' ' ' ' i ' ,� � ' � ' � ' ' ' ATTEST: City C er ATTEST: Cxty C zr - ATTEST: City C er ATTEST: City C2erk ATiE: S T : Vil age CierY, CITY OF BLAIPIE U E, ; By . ts Mayor aate And Its City Manager Date —` CI`i'Y OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS BY Date Its Mayor --�.__ �d Date Its City rianager CITY OE' COON R1IPIDS By Its PRayor Dute _ � Ana IIts Gty Manager D�tV CITY Or^ FRIDL�Y By Its :•laycr �atc And IIata Its City 24anar,er VILLAGg OE SPRI2?G L�I;E PRRY. By Its l-layor Date And Its Vi lage Clc:rk �a``— -4- ' ' ' 1 1 ' , ' , , ' ' ' � ' ' . �, � ��3 RESOLUTION NO.�_1973 - A RESOLUTION OFFERIN6 SUGG&STIONS FOR MODIFICATION aF THE MINNESOTA FAIR LP.BOR STANDARDS'ACT. (H.F. 9) ���,, �� WHEREAS, the City of Fridley, being a fiscally reaponsible municipality in [he State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the City Council of Fridley has beea furnished with information concerning the contents of House File 9, Minnesota Fair Labor Standards Act; and WHEREAS, the contents of this proposal contain the following provisions: 1) Establishment of a$2 per hour minimum wage for virtually all employees in the State including Iocal government employees; 2) Establishment of a maximum work week at 40 hoars and require time and one-half for the time worked in excess of these 40 hours; AND WHEREAS, the City of Fridley would be adversly affected by the proposed law for the following reasons: 1) The use of volunteers, seasonal, and part-time help would have to be severely scrutinized and restricted; 2) The status of our volunteer £ire department, police reserves, and the members of our volunteer citizen's committees and commissions would be in question; 3) Jobs for the young adults of our community , and others throughout the State, would be seriously reduced; 4) The cost of maintaining our existing full-time firefighters would be increased by 75%, and since,typically, firefighters work 50 - 00 hours a week, counting hours during which they eat and sieep as well as perform normal station duties and answer fire calls; AND WHEREAS, the municipalities of the State of Minnesota are already Limited in levying additional taxes to produce revenues to support these additional costs, thereby making a cut in services as the only alternative; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Fridiey recommends the following changes in House File 9, Minnesota Fair Labor Standards Act: 1) The $2 minimum wage, if it is to be established, include only full-time permanent empioyees. � � . � ���2��r"-r�ri" ' ' RESOLUTION N0. 1973 / / � �� PAGE 2 ' ` / , 2) The maximum work week provision to be excluded from the hi1L ' ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1973. ' ' ATTEST: � � CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL , ' ' ' , ' ' ' , MAYOR - FRANK G. LIEBL ' � ��3 .� ' RESOLUTION (� T973 tA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHANGING OF BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND (LEGISLATIVE REPRESENTATIVE) , WHEREAS, It is the desire of the City Council to authorize certain expenditures for a legislative representative up to $8,000.00, and WHEREAS, The 1973 Budget does not specifically provide for this expenditure, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Fridley meeting at a regular session on the 5th day of February, 1973 as follows: 1. That the appropriation for the following activity be reduced as follows: Reserve for Contingencies $8,000.00 2. That the appropriation for the following activity be increased as follows: City Council - Consulting Service $8,000.00 , PASSED AND ADOPTED B� CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS �/ DAY OF --��' i973. , ' ' , ' 1 , RTTES?: CITY CIERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL MAYOR - FRANK G. LIEBL ,. : ' �1 ,� �° ■���_��� �� �c�� � iem 9�`.4�_. i' �� YINNEtPol1S e'�... y e� � r.«P '"� ���`� Q� 19 �� ���a� iF.: � S.�d � �� F t ura uaes s � __ ��F+wmont .. COME FEBRUARY 3 service in the affected area will look like this. Solid lines represent service presentiy in exis- tence that will continue exactly as is. Broken line: are route changes or additions that are effective Fe6. 3. �J 20 � Barton-Aschman Associa.es, inc. 1821 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104, Telephone 612-645-3911 MEb10RANDUM T0: Northtown Corridor Study Management Team FROM: COPIES T0: DATE: SUBJECT George J. Scheuernstuhl, 6arton-Aschman Associates, Inc. Northtown Corridor Study Technical Task Force 1/13/73 Northtown Corridor Study Forum #3 The Northtown Corridor Technical Task Force, meeting on January 17, 1973, recommanded: 1. That one public meeting.would constitute Forum #3, 2. Tuesday, Februarv 27th as the date foz the Forum, 3. That there be a joint meeting of the hIanage- ment Team and Technical Task Force on Wednesday, Feburary 14th at 8:30 a.m, for the purpose of Lfanagenent Team approval of the Forum Objectives and Activities as des- eribed in the enclosed memorandum as well as a more detailed explanation of the materials to be presented at Forum k3. As noted in the memorandum, the consultant feels it important that all hlanagement Team members, who wil; also be Forur.i r3 Group Leeders, have a common understanding of tha reasons for the selection of the alignments which will be presented at the Forum. The Technical Task Force requests each D?ana�ement Team member to eoice his aereement or disa�reAr�ent o-��th the above r;entioned neetin� dates bv calliar Geor�e Scheuernstuhl at Barton-:1sch;.ian r',ssociztes on or betore �anuurv 24, 19i3. To aid rou in your revietic of these meeting dates, enclosed is a calendar indicating regularlv scheduled schocl board, Planning Commissior., and Council meeting dates. .I -� :� ::� �� _� � : � � � � � �p '� i*�� � '� � ��'L RC u; - C3 .e.� V] ;9 z! w O; Er �n a ��� (j F �= /Y �w � � � az az� CS `� O v� c� II �� !I 1 ii C. c� N u p •ri 1-�i. •N s, �,N 7•��J �' 'N �t! H GJ V� �: I �� c� � �� �, � �, r+o y,� � � u �v O ya CJ O� �-+ � ��' o � N m� �; r� � ��� .� �� �--:� �; ti . ,,:� :. c�� �� � . �� �� x� �� r � � ���I �' � ��a�. N 01 � l r: l c�'v .�;x� 1�.� F�'..i.:;n i� � �7 •.�i a l a �o;���� tl�3ojo3s.+ N U H� O' Nt AJ . � �a N c��c��z�v;i �� ��;0. � ' ti d. ' oi�, Qi� Oi +� N' . Hi }�, y� m r_;oi .�:, � �. �a�� N CG � '�iC�i �; [' • ~( � M O h�T r i 1 � C: _) _ '_., �,� a Ir rac �H° L�,. ^ � � r_ = .�._;r ? .Y yl ___ C 3 �_= r � S�. o�t N A} J� N_N � Ci U•'a �. � � r � � .�G iJ '�.1 N� N � h_�� � r.ri ' O�'.-� LL C Q�-.�v T V� 1^ G Q o u., .�; c� c; �:� C;7 , ..:o�_ . . �--, � L � ry H� �' � � : � '�� :- _ — .-�_ ti F���r,� �' � Jh- '__ � ;�^������f .. .% ��rvc '���—. ` � v '7 e'�^oo'^ti;y" N� . _l� � fV rV _- �- �3 :Y ' l� ' � CJ _� e E �� t � � �QStia � �..� . r�ri.�A x .. -� ,Y.j 3. a+ 0 ° �� ::1 *��� . H J, �' m 'i � � G°�. ��G) � N ��� 'ra c�.�' �;" �o�'ti� o m •-� U � c�� � � � � v w Ni O � , :��s;� ��>'H � FV: �e�i 0 oi � V t�i�� cA' r s1 � i{ j� ,� x � - � N.V � a � •�� I? Y •a z � � .�; � � u �a ��.. � � ! � U •.� N N d O O'�1 �:b��:SJ' tl,ti�' � C7 � 'L' O G.`; q GI : (�. O•� A. O S„ z.ti c��cus� z�,cs_.a. ¢W G=<:O¢I�_Ca �:c:.�h�� c: � f`-a V ;�� ( J� `' � r� � �� �l� � . � N b a a a�! � o,.ti� �. >� [,� �,��� %{�\ y � " � ��', � �� ,�.� ���j t::: � ~ F O � n ;� s.) a � �.L :� -M �-+� x. h ' tl � � � N �SD CL C� � � � •<� ci•.{ � � �a �.> u-� � � L � N N C'] (Q 'n C� O O ^ �! G J C� O O�_, r z� w s, .o : , �d COta W �,� r.� �! �.� � _ - ZO B � 8arton-Aschman Associates, lnc. 1821 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104, Telephone 612-645-3911 ' MEh10RANDUM T0: Northtown Corridor Study Management Team • Northtown Corridor Study Technical Task Force Fk�: George J. Scheuernstuhl Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. DATE: January 17, 1973 SUBJECT: Northtown Corridor Study Forum t�3 This memorandum describes the objectives of Forum �3 and the activities to be conducted at the Forum to accomplish the objectives. It is sub- mitted for your approval. Forum Objectives The objectives of Forum �3 are: 1. To present feasible alternative alignments for the Northtown Transportation Faci2ity. 2. To describe the rationale for selecting the align- ment alternatives. 3. To present examples of design techniques and multiple use opportunities to make each alter- native facility pleasing and compatible with the environment. 4. To obtain citizen reactions to alignments. Forvm Activities Forum �3 will be composed of three major parts. These include: 1. General description of plan alternatives. 'I 2. Group discussion sessions. 3. Brief explanation of Evaluation Process. ■ I Page 2 1• � � A copy of the suggested Forum Agenda is attached to this memorandum. During the first part of the Forum, the consultant will present the basis for the selection of the Corridor and of the alternative alignments within the Corridor. A series of slides showing each alternative alignment will be shown to familiarize the citi¢ens with the area through which the alignments will pass. The pros and cons of the alternative alignments will be presented as well as the �ultiple use opportunities and design techniques to make each facility as visually pleasing and compatible with the environment as possible. The consultant will prepare illustrative boards for these purposes. 7'he group session activities will proceed as follows. Each group will be given a map of tfie corridor area with the alternative align- ments identified. A clear acetate overlay will also be provided for this map so that revisions to the alignments can be drawn directly over the proposed alignmen±s. In addition to this map, each�group will be provided with a set of aerial photo prints of the area alono the alignments and the constraint map used in Forum Session n2. In addition to these materials, each Group Leader should bring with him the set of planning data maps prepared earlier in the study and dis- tributed to each participant. These maps wiil be ussful as reference materiaL Each group shouid syste�atically evaluate each alignment by moving across the alignment in an east-west or west-east direction. In considering the alignment, the Group Leader should attempt to have the citizens identify: 1. Issue/conflict points along the route. 2. The reasons for the issues and/or conflicts. 3. The method by which these issues can be resolved. If the group desires to select an alternative alignment to those presented, the reasons for the selection should be determined by the Group Leader. Prhile all types of citizen input are encouraged, it would be more helpful, however, to concentrate the group's efforts upon the alignments suggested. It is important that the group secretary's response be structured in the above order. Therefore, the cansultants would provide a set of note paper with these items indicated. The Group Leader would check to make sure that the group secretary properly fills out the note form and wili collect the notes at the end of the group session and submit them to the consultant for later swr,mari�ation. 'I Page 3 As in the case of,Forum �2, the Group Leader will ha�e an iu�portant role in Forum k3 in guiding the discussion and probing for the citizen inputs requested above. To do this, the Group Leader should familiarize himself with the area involved by reviewing the planning data maps distributed by Barton-Aschman in the earlier stages of the planning program. - 20 D a �- - 1 �I �I ' ' I , I ' I � I ' I , I � I ' I 1 I ' I � � ' NORTFri'OiVN CORRIDOR STUDY FORUM i3 - AGFx\DA 7:30 P.M. � .. � 20 E I. SNDY 0&TECTIVES AND ISSUES - Mr. Bernard Steffen, Chairman Northtown Management Team and Anoka County Administrator Mr. Herb Klossner, Hennepin County Lngineer (A brief statement of the purposes and objectives of the study. A synopsis of citizen expressions at Forums # 1 8 2) II. ALTERI4ATIVE ROADNAY ALIGh'MEir'TS - Mr. Richard P. Braun, Vice President, Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. (A presentation of alternative roadway alignments deemed feasible and the general process by which they were selected) III. ALTERNATIVE PRO'S AND CON'S - Mr. George Scheuernstuhl, Project Director of Northtoti,m Study; Associate, Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. (A brief description of the good points and bad points of each alignment. A description of design techniques and pultiple vse opportunities to sake each facility pleasing and compatible with the environment.) IV. DESCRIPTION OF GROUP DISCUSSION PROCEDURES - George Scheuernstuhl (An iridication of how the group sessions are to proceed.) V. SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION - All participants (Coffee will be available) VI. RECO�fENDED ALIGIQAIENT SELECTION PROCESS - Richzrd P. Braun TaTAL ALL ITEhfS 5 min. 20 min. 20 min. 5 min. 60 min. 1Q min. Z hours � I � -� � � � , � � � � � ' � � ' � � . [J 1 NORTIiTOiVDI CORRIDOR STUDY FORUhi �3 LOGISTICS L Determine location. 2. Time: 7:30 to 9:30 P.M. 3. Make sure adequate seating is available. Seats must be movable and not fixed. Seating for at least 100. 4. A blackboard will be required. 5. A screen for slide presentation and a projection table will 6e required. 6. Name tags will be required. 7. A secretary for "registration" will be required. 8. A Group Leader for each discussion group will be required. Group Leaders should come from the Technical and blanagement Teams. It is anticipated that at least 10 Group Lea�ers will be required asstiming 10 persons per group. Groups could be expanded to 15 persons if the need arises. 9. Group resource leaders to meet at 7:00 P.M, prior to Forum. 10. Coffee and cookies must be obtained and made ready (it is suggested that the secretary could make sure the coffee and cookies were in order for the coffee break after she £inishes her registration duties). 11. Invitations must be prepared and mailed by key leaders. Invitations should include a brief description of Forum N3 and a map of corridor area. 22. Telephone calls should be made by participating agencies to personally invite key leaders a few days prior to the Forum. 13. Newspaper releases and radio announcements announcing Forums and in- dicating major results of Forums should he prepared by Barton-Aschman and revieved and sent out by the Alanagement Team. ZO F I ■ _ " �� ' I ' ' , ' , 1 ' � l, �� ... r. f�a�� . � .�...��� - i�:. . . � -ap . -��,� �u�.v, . _ - i �iafe of .�liirci7esofa HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES January 22, 1973 ■ BTAT[ CANTOL � BAIHT rAYI. MINNEfOTA SS�95 Mr. Ray Lappegaard, Commissioner Department of Highways Room 411, Highway Building St. Paul, Mn. 55155 Dear Mr. Lappegaard: The City of Fridley has, what I consider, an emergency problem. The intersection af 69th Ave. and Minnesota State Trunk fiighway #47 is a hazard to safety. Since November 20, 1969 your department has been aware of the problem. , From the correspondence I have been provided, it seems a low priority has been assigned the establishment of traffic signals on 69th and Highv.ay47. ' The City of Fridley feels an immediate need for the installation of the signals. They have indicated to my office a willingness to pay total construction cost if ' the State will agree to reimburse the City for a fair share in two or three years. Anoka County will also be asked to participate due to the close proximity of ' the County Ice Arena. Please give this matter your support so that a situation ' that has been put off too long may be rectified. Very,truly yours, r � ' ' ��. :��� ' � \�� ` .a.: PMcC/jms cc: City of Fridley Paul McCarron . State Representative u �i . .. ' 1 I 1 I ' ' ' � , ' ' ' � ' , , ' , ' ' MEI� 1C1: MEI� FROM: MEMO DATE: MEt�(1 NIII�ER: t7�'��!?�`[�LF � � Nasim Qureshi, City Engineer Dick Sobiech, Assistant Engineer January 29, 1973 DS l�ll (Reply) Request for Traffic Signals in the Intersection of 69th Avenue and T.H. l�47 A discussion of the referenced subject with Ralph Rhudy, Assistant Traffic Engineer for Minnesota Highway Department, District li5, indicated the installation of traffic signals at 69th Avenue and T.H. 1i47 is a low priority with the Highway Department. Reasons for the low priority by the Highway Department are as follows: 1) Traffic control signals are not installed unless one or more of the eight signal warrants in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices are satisfied. a. Low traffic flow indicated by previous traffic counts on 69th Avenue does not satisfy the Minimum Vehicular Volume Warrant. b. Low number of accidents in the intersection directly related to the absence of traffic signals does not satisfy the Accident Experience Warrant. c. All eight warrants have been previously studied by the Highway Department and none could be satisfied. 2) Funding for warranted projects is at a minimum. a. 69th Avenue and T.H. 1147 intersection had been included on a list for possible funding but was rejected due to lack of funds and the warrants problemr b. Many intersections satisfying the warrants were rejected due to lack of funds. Another factor is that the estimated cost to install the traffic signals is $50,000 of which Fridley must pay 50%. To ensure that the present situation involving the intersection is accurate and to further pursue the traffic signal request to the Highway Department, the Engineering Department will proceed as follows: � 21A Memo to Nasim Qureshi Reply to DS �17 January 29, 1973 u B Page 2 1) Install traffic couaters in the intersection (at the left turn lanes) and on 69th Avenue to determi.ne the existing traffic flow. 2) Investigate all reported aecidents, in the latest 12 month period, in the intersection to determine how many could have been prevented with traffic signals present. 3) Study all traffic signal warrants and take appropriate action to determine which can be satisfied. Upon satisfactory completion of the above items, the Highway Depart- ment will be contacted for approval and funding for traffic signals in the intersection. Dick So6iech Assistant Engineer ns/jm . w;•,w�, �� � :� -RF .��.,:�a.. a°�i' .;. ��,° - ,- . STATE OF MINNESOTA � DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS . . � , CISTRICT NO 9 � � YASS NO. �ItAG ONI VE . MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Januazy 24, 1973 Mr. tdasim Qureshi City Engineer of Fridley 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, P;innesota 55421 In reply refer to: 315 C.S. 0205 (T.H. 7) C.S. 0207 (T.H. 65) Deaz' t�i=. Qureshi: ■ We are certain you must be rrorg3ering about the status of safety improvenent projects that ure have been jointly considering on T.H. 65 and T.H. n�, Un; ortunately, we were un�le to program this r.rork zs c•re hzd recuested. The reasons are very real. It is a mat�er of limited ivnding availabil�ty and priority considerations. I� it is of any consolation, there o-rere over 90 such projects that we could not progran over the next three years. T.H. 65 at 53rd Avenue is the one project in Fridley programmed through 1975 and that date is October 25, 197e, Resolution of the storr� seti•rer con- siderations, primarily with Columbia �?eights, needs to be nade before ive can continue with serious layout stucies. Action is being tal:en on this sewer and we plan to offer alternate solutions to the erfected agencies by the end oi T•Iarch. At this time, it zpnears that the letting date for 53rd and .H. 65 is realistic. � We do not consider it prudent to actively pursue studies on the unprogrammed projects until such time as r�e have the programr,�ed projects wlrier cor.trol. 47e do recognize the �esire and need to accomplish the pr000sed v�nrk on T.:i. 65 and T.H. 47 and appreciate the cooneration you have given us in tryir.c to relieve sor.�e of the intersection problems, b9e vri.11 do our best to get this oArk progranmed as soon zs our linited funding oiill allorr. Please call us if you wish to discuss these concerns further. Sincerely, Pt. R. Osterby District Engineer � i ��y.-'LL.(..�.I �:^� C.�:'�-z.G j� . . � . y. D. h. Broom Layout, Research a� Devalopment Enqi.neer � _-_'._� �� s, f � � , ' ' ' 'J , L_� ' ' LJ ' sao-- ..^ . ���� �� �Y�Gd[e� � . ANOKA COUNTY 6431.UNIVERSITY AvENUE NE February 25� 1972 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 Mr. Norman Osterby District Engineer Minnesota Hiohway Dept. Dist. 5 2055 North Lilac Drive Golden Valley, Minnesota 55422 Re: Resolution Requesting the Ptinnesota Highway Department to Prepare P1ans and Provide Improvements for Traffic Safety on certain T.H, i�47 and T,H. �i�65 intersections Dear Mr. Osterby: Enclosed herewith you will fir.d a certified copy of the above mentioned Resolution �=20-1972 of the City Council of the City of Fridley adopted February 7, 1972. Along with this resolution, you will find four sketches sho�aing the suggested improvements on the intersections of Osborne £.oad and idississippi Street with T,H, ir`47 and 53rd Avenue and Central Avenue orith T.H. ;�u5. The City has already acquired some of the right of ways needed on , , Osborne Road and Piississippi Street intersection espansion nest to T,H. �`-+7 except the additional right of caay needed in the Northeast QuaZrant of the Mississippi Street intersection. . Regarding the T.H, i�65 and Central Avenue intersection� we have worked out a proposal with the Union 0�1 Company� in zahich they have staced tttat they wi11 give the right of way for the loopback if an arrange::�nt can be mad� c;ith the hiimiesota High:aay Dzpa-rtment to vacate the sezvic2 road along tlie free;aa;� and make this land available for their use� and also� leave au openin� o�f Central Avenue islan3 into their seroice station as per the attached sketch. The Cit� o�ould also like to see the T,H. 4�65 section� from the soutlz boundary limits of the City to the intersection of �,694, urbani.zed a2o.ig ia�th the�stidenin� and imnroving of the 53rd Avenue and Hi.ghw2y ,',=05 inCe*sectior.. There is a need for acquirin� sotae right of way in thc Southsrest Quadrant of this intersect.ion. f�/ � , ' I ' I ' I ' Mr. Norman Osterby T.H. �47 & T.H, �665 Intersections February 25, 1972 Page 2 The City did supply your staff with some of the large scale sketches for their consideration. If you feel that you need additional copies of those we would be glad to supply you with them or will meet with your staff at your convenience. • A request in the resolution is that the City is asking the Minnesota Highway Department to prepare the necessary plans for the improvement and draw up the appropriate agreea�ent betcaeen the City, Anoka County and the Minnesota Aighway Department. We would appreciate your quick attention to this request. Thank you. NMQ/mh ENC : 4 CC: Mr. J. Lundheim Mr. G. Davis- City Manager Mr. Dick Elasky c Sincerely, !�� 4�-�i-��: i %✓{ (�i �t�l �-t� NASL�f P1. QUFESHI� P.E. City Engineer - Director of Planning / � ' 0 ' RESOLUTION N0. 20-1972 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING MINNESOTA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TO PREPARE PLANS AND PROVIDE IMPROVEMENT FOR TRAFFIC SAFETY ON CERTAIN T.H. N0. 47 AND T.H. N0. 65 ' 11V1r.�L*li'11VN, . ' WHEREAS, the City of Fridley has been concerned about the traffic safety and proper traffic flw on the intersections of Mississippi Street, Osborne Road with T.H. 1i47 and 53rd Avenue, Central Avenue with T.A, ii65, ' 1 ' � ' ' ' , L1 , ' , WHEREAS, the City of Fridley staff has made certain proposals for the improvement of these intersections and there has been some preliminary discussion between the City staff, Anoka County and the Minnesota Highway Department, WHEREAS, the City staff has submitted some preliminary sketches for certain improvements on these intersections to the City Council, Whereas, the City of Fridley would like to provide additional lanes on Mississippi Street intersection of T.A. �k47 and also on Osborne Road and T.H. /147, WHEREAS, at the intersection of T.A. No. 65 and Central Avenue the City would like to see the outer drive detached and put behind the existing gas stations as per sketch attached marked Exhibit "A", WHEREAS, the City would like to see the T.H. li65 section from the South boundary limits of the City to Interstate I1694 urbanized along with widening and improvement of 53rd Avenue and T.H. 1i65 intersection. NOW BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley that the City Council of Fridley hereby approves the general concept of the proposals submitted by the City staff and hereby requests the Minnesota Highway Department to prepare the necessary plans for the improvement of these improvements and also prepare the appropriate cooperative agreement between the City of Fridley, Anoka County and the Highway Department for submission to the City of Fridley. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS OF February , 1972. MAYOR — Frank G. Liebl ' ATTEST: ' CITY CLERK — Marvin C. Brunsell 7th DAY 22 C ti• �� u, a Z S �r Q u 0 z 0 �' c s � zF < , �< � � 4 �' w 0 6 0 1 `� `� j �$11 t� ��L , -- - --� . h i� i ' -�--'^ --- - - � �`�'+J (� �� :� � � �) �r- � V �� ` _ � �V � � � � � � � � � � d� � ' � � O g � V ,J r ,.r �- r � `' � 2i � ❑ C-�I r�i � � . � L � 4 N'1 .. . _ . .. . t�p _ _ � . i � � Lt 2 � 0 W n O y /' , % / O �' � f'".'� i (��' \� / � 22 D z H n s < � q J N > � N �� a a � � z . s� �� ! r S -� � � U W) i" i� � p ,� 0 � � -- � �� � ,` ---� _ _ ,,,.,, e -- I � .�—.. V r- V -. - ..- -r, - � _ L��.ry y - _ _.. __ e :-- — _ __ __. "" __`.; _._ . � _. _.. _.__ _... . _.. i• �� __ _. _' _ .... - � ��� F' . �-- . ,<'I L' � i_i � . � } � r a. o� U '� d 2 �p � LL O t 31 � � � s �� ~ Y Y a s i Z L a D � . � y� *� r � _ t- r "� c y � � w � t- s „ � � � 4 ---. x N Y 4 �V t� K 71E ' 1 ' �--_�.�-�`-_ � , ' , � U Z ;� � �..,_.,.. Dc � ' ` K I � d ! , , ' 1 1 r 1 ' � ' , � ' ' 1. \, y u� i 0 0 i � . � J • _ . _ _. 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'.� Y � � ; � 1 _ , _ �,�� �\\ __ , --: _ ,, �,_..� � __ �- ' , __ _ �� - __ -_ ._ _ 5 � _ .F _-- - - _ -- -- � �� � . - - � �� � __-% ' ' , . 71 G , , ' ' MINUTES OF QUARTERLY MEETIIQG OF SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY January 17, 1973 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Suburban Rate Authority was held at the Ambassador [�iotor Hotel, St. Louis Park, Minnesota on Wednesday, January 17, 1973, commencing at 6:30 p.m. ' l. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Treasurer J. N. Dalen. ' 2. Roll call: Upon roll call attendance was found to be as follows: ' City of Bloominqton City of Brooklyn Center City of Brooklyn Park City of Columbia Heights , City of Crystal C�ty of Fridley City of Hopkins , City of Minnetonka City of Richfield City of Robbinsdale ' City of St. Louis Park City of Wayzata , Village of Deephaven Villaqe of Eden Prairie Village of Edina ' ' ' LJ , , II � Village of Excelsior Village of Golden Valley Villaqe of Greenwood Village of Hilltop Village of Maple Grove Village of New Hope Village of Osseo Village of Plymouth Village of St. Anthony Village of Shorewood Village of Woodland James O'Neil (arrived John ta. Leary Ronald Dow Bruce Nawrocki (arrived t4illiam Langsdorf _ Everett F. Utter John Strojan Lloyd Pauly Gary Eide Dan Briggs Floyd Olson Earl Hanson Rudy F. 2-zeehan William D. Schoell Wolf Penzel J. N. Dalen Russell C. Hedlund Mary Willis Roa,er K. Ulstad Robert L. Martin James Schminkey Orville TA. Legare LeRoy Hokr Lawrence Sullivan Sherman Goldberg Robert Sundland t?illiam Keeler Edith S. Sheldon �� durinq meeting) Present Absent during meeting) Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Absent Present Absent Absent Present Absent Present Present Present Present Absent Also in attendance were rate consultant, George F. Hess, and SRA attorney, Clayton L. LeFevere. � . , ' , ' , . " 23 A 3. Approval of Minutes: It was moved by Mr. Schoell, seconded by Mr. Olson, that the minutes of the October 19, 1972 meeting be approved as mailed. Carried unanimously. 4. Election of Officers: It being the annual meeting of the Board, the chairman ca led for the report of the nominating committee. The nominating committee consisted of Mr. Leary, Mr. Legare and Mr. Pauly. Mr. Leary reported for the nominating committee that the following persons were nominated for the following offices: Chairman Vice chairman Secretary Treasurer Asst. Treasurer James O'Neil Donaid Asmus Gayle Norberg J• N. Dalen William Langsdorf ' The chairman called for any other nominations for any other offica. There were none. It was moved by Mr. Leary, seconded by Mr. Sullivan forttheeelectionlofsnomineeseto thetofficesn or whichathey hadcbeen , nominated. Carried unanimously. , ' ' , ' ' , , ' , , The chairman thereupon declared the nominees to be elected. written reportTforstreryeareending Decemberr3ia�1972ubshowinqhascash balance of $6,045.6g and investments having a total face value of $135,928.93. It was moved by Mr. Leary, seconded by B1r. Utter, that the treasurer's report be received. Carried unanimously. 6. Claims: The chairman then presented the following claims: Consumer Casualty Company - bond premium for Treasurer and Asst. Treasurer $ 129.00 George F. Hess, rate consulting services for October, November and December, 1972 Howard, LeFevere, Lefler, Hamilton and Pearson, legal services and disbursements from October 19, 1972 to January 17, 1973 1,340.00 875.07 Dornholt Printing - minute book supplies 4.75 After examination of the claims, it was moved by Mr. Utter, seconded by Mr. Nawrocki, that the foregoing claims be approved and paid. Carried unanimously, 7. Rate Consultant's Report: Rate consultant, George F. Hess, presented his quarterly written report. -2- IJ ' 1 ' ' ' , , Q�. He also reported that Minneapolis Gas Company has filefl for higher rates in both the City of Minneapolis and in suburban areas in its filing of January 10, 1973. These rates will go into effect February 1, 1973, unless they are revised. He indicated that two principal causes of the rate increase are (a) the increase in the cost of qas purchased from Northern Natural Gas Company, Minneapolis Gas Company's pipeline supplier, and (b) proposed revisions in the methods used €or allocating costs between the City of Diinneapolis and the suburbs, which have the effect of allocating additional cost to the suburbs. As between these two causes for rate increaaes, the pipeline increase is of considerably greater significance than the allocation methods. He reported that Northern Natural Gas Company has had two rate cases pending before the Federal Power Commission. The first was a rate increase filed in 1971 which became effective (for rate collecting purposes) in November, 1971. The other case was filed in 1972 and became effective in December 3, 1972. The two cases together applied for increases of more than $60,000,000 in rates Northern Natural would charge its jurisdictional customers. Northern has been negotiating with the parties to these ' proceedings in an effort to settle these cases. A possible settlement has not been submitted to the Federal Power Commission. This settlement would give Northern about one-half the increase it sought in the 1971 proceedings for the period P�ovember 1971 to December 1972 ' and Northern customers would get a refund for that period. The settlement would give Northern about two-thirds of what it requested in both proceedings from the period beginning December 1972. In ' formulating its rate filings, Minneapolis Gas Company has reflected the proposed settlement rates. , He reported that the reallocation of expenses as between Minneapolis and suburbs relates to (1) distribution operating expenses, (2) utilization expenses and (3) sales promotion expenses ' excludinq merchandise sales and advertising. He reoorted that he has not yet s,ade a final decision on these allocation methods but has indicated that he first wishes to review the allocation of all expenses. ' ' ' ' J ' He expressed dissatisfaction with the settlement stipulation on the Federal Power Commission cases, indicating that he does not agree that advances to secure £uture gas supplies should be included in the rate base, as the stipulation would pex:�it, particularly in areas outside the contiguous 48 states. The Federal Power Commission in a rule-making decision has recommended that advances of this kind for supplies in the lower 48 states are includable in the rate base, but only through tne year 1973 and because such advances have proven to be fairly successful in securing additional ciomestic qas supplies. The same ruling indicated that other advances might be includabie if the gas supplies were accessible by pipeline. He expressed doubt that the supplies for which tdorthern had made its advance payments woul@ fall in that category. -3- , . 1 , ' ' ' ' �C On a different matter, he reported that Minneapolis Gas Company's S�v'aseca stprage now apoears to be operating satisfactorily. Upon inquiry, he advised the Board that Minneapolis Gas Cor�pany's advertisinq budget for 1973, company-wide, is approximately $2,346,000. He said that he had exnressed reluctance to apnrove this item in the 1972 bucget and that the tZinneaoolis Gas Company has not reduced its advertising budqet altilough idSP has. He also indicateci that in other parts o� the country in areas of qas shortage, sos�e reg�ulatory tribunals have ordered discontinuance of any advertising programs. He indicated that in Minneapolis Gas Comaany's case, the company aryued that it uoes have an adequate supply at this time, bv reason of such thinqs as its '-9aseca storage, that not all of its gas is being solci ancz tnat there is a need for it to take promotional action to improve its load factor. There v�as 3iscussion about increases in the interruptible rate. ?�r. iiess indicated tnat ta'�ere had been increases in interruptiAle rates in both the city and suburbs and ti:zt these increases were higher percentage increases for firn� sales. 3. Sales Pronotion �x�er.ses: P.fter discussion it was ' moved by iKr. Pzu y, seconc�ec Ly i8r. Eanson, that the Boarc of Directors go on record zs exnressing the follo�aing views: That the sales promotiom expense budget of $1,521,000 for the su'vurbs far the year 1972 is, at best, excessive. That it is the oz�inion of the Board that such e:cner.se is unnecessary ane unreasonaDle in the light of the reqional arid local energy crisis, tiie yeneral gas shortage whicn perniits the ready sale of the qas supnly available, the fact that other utilities under certain similar circar.;stances are operatinc,� with little or r.o sales promotional eifort anc' t�<e fact that rival utilities in this area have found it possible to re�uce sales promotion efforts and expenses. That in tiie opinion of the Board, the incurring of such exgenses for tiiis purpose raises a serious question as to the econoraical and efficient management of a cor�hany with regar�z to this item of expense in t:ie 1973 budget; and That the SRA rate engineer is requested to give special attention to tnis itern of expensz during his review of the 1973 rate filings to uetermine whether or not such items of expense could be eliminated or substantially reduceu. Carrien unanimously. -4- � . � 1 u ' ' f►Yi7 9. Rate Review Procedure. The Suburban Rate Authority attorney, Clayton L. LeFevere, reviewed provisions of the Uniform Suburban Franchise relating to rate filings and rate review. He indicated that each year the company must file its proposed rate changes by January 10. Thereafter, the rate engineer has 20 days within which to accept or order the modification of such rate. If the rate is ordered to be modified by him, the company has 30 days thereafter within which to initiate an appeal to the district court. If it does not do this, the modifying order by the SRA rate engineer goes into effect. 1 He called attention to the fact that ail of the SRA members have adopted the uniform franchise as an ordinance. (The ordinance book of each of the member municipalities, therefore, ' should contain a coniplete copy of the franchise under which the SRA operates.) ' 10. Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was moved by I�1r. Goldberg, seconded by Mr. Ulstad, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried unanimously. 1 Gayle Norberg Secretary Attest: Chairman Enclosures: (1) Treasurer's Report to those not in attendance. (2) Rate Consultant's Quarterly Report to those not in attendance. , 1 � ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ■� ' ' , ' , � a� ��� R :.T.`�, . �. "ii , b � STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OE HIGHWAYS CISTRICT NO 5 ��� 2055 NO. LILAC DRIVE MINNEAPOLIS, MfNN. Januazy 23t 1973 Mr. rlasir,i Qureshi City Engineer o£ Fridley 6431 University Avenue P:ortheast Fridley, Ninnesota 55432 In reply re£er to: 315 S.P. 0205-42, 27?_6-40 (T.H. a7_156) 0.4 t;i. So, of 37th Ave. i:.E. in Nlpls. to 69th Ave. tL E. in Fridley Landscaping Plan :,pprovzl Dear 2�Ir. Qureshi: Attached zre the plans, special provisions, receipt form and forn of resolution for the a"t�ove referenced project. Please review the riocuments a:7d present then to the City Council �or a resolution of approval. The project is scheduled for a proposed r^ebruary 23, 1973 letting and, therefore, the signed resolutions and the receipt form should be rr turned to this office pricr to February 19, 1°73. Sincerely, N. R. Osterby Distr�ct Er�ineer-' �,�/% � � �� / / f �/ � % ,' / �;� ,' � ; � ` r--���, 4a. r:. �tawforu� _ ; - Assistant District Engir:eer Attzchments � .�.',;;��. �u. 24 I i Form 2523 (10-71) � ' ' � � RES OLUTIOIJ At a(regular) (special) meeting of the ���fage �� �`l�3 - �� ConnciZ of the Citv of Fri3lev duly held on the day of . 19 �� the following Resolutioa was offered bq ; seconded by , > to-Wit: WHEREAS the Co�iasioner of Highways has prepared plans, special ' prwiaions and specifications for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Nimmber �56 renianbered as Trunk Highway Nimiber 47 within the corporate limits of the �itY of Fridlev from the Sa. Corp, Lir.iits to 69th Avenue North ; and WHERF,A,4 aaid plans are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as � ; and wx�;xr:AS said special provisions are on file in the office of th Department of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, Labeled and identified as S.Y. 02G5-':2 z^ p ZqzE_t� �t��_i��� which, together with the hiinnesota Department of Highways Specifications for Highc•�ay Construction, dated Sanuary 1, 1972, on file in the ofsice of the Commissioner of Highways, constitute the specifications for said im- provement oE Trunk Aighway N�ber 156 ren�bered as Trunk fiighway Number 4'7 ; and WNEREAS copies of said plans and special provisions as so marked, labeled and identif3ed are also on file in the office of the �'�+,y Clerk; and WHERFAS the term "said plans and special provisions" as herein- aftar uaed in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and incorporate the plans and special provisions in the foregoing recitals particularly identified and described. 24 q 1 , ' 1 ' ' ' t 1 ' ' ' Form 2523 �5-70) NOW, THEN, BE IT RE50LVED that said plana and special provi.sions Yor the improvemant of Trunk Highway Number 156 renumbered as Trunk Hi�way Number �+7 within the limtts of the �lty of Fridlev be and hereby are approved. BE IT FURTHER R�'iOLVED that the elevations and grades as shown in said plarts and special provisions be and theq are hareby approved and consent is hereby given to arty and aZl changes in grade occasioned by the construction of said R4�unk Highwaq Number 156 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 47 in accordance with sai.d plans and spacial provisions. Upon the ca11 of the roll the followi.n� voted in Pavor oY the Resolution The fol7.owin� voted against its adoption: whereupon the Mayor and presiding offYcer declared the Resolution adopted. Dated , 19 73 . Attest STATE � MINNESOTA � COUNTY OF Anoka �93 , City pF Fridley � Mayor Clerk , I do hereby certify that at a regular meetin� (at a special meeting of which due and legal notice was given) of the ����' Council of Fridle , Minnesota, on the S day of ' , 19��, at which a majoritg of the members of said Council were present, the foregoing resolution was adopted. 1 ' Given under �qy hand and seal this day o£ 19 73 • __ ^�tv C1erk , 24 B ' - �� RESOLUTION N0. � f ✓ A-R�SOLUTION � ADOERTISE FOR BIDS BE IT EESOLVED by the Council of the City of Fridlep, as follorrs: 1. That it is in the interest oP the City to award bid contracts Yor the Pollowing items or materials. SIDEWAIK SNOW PIAW 2. A copp of the specifications for the above described items and materials, together with a proposal for the method of ptu�chase and the Faycnent thereof have been presented to the . Council by the City �'anager and the same are hereby approved and adogted as the pians and suecifications, and the �thod oP acquisition and pavnent to be required by the City with respect to the acqvisition of said items and materials, 3. The purchase of said items and materials as described above shall be efFected by sealed bids to be received and opene3 by City of Fridlep on the 76 th dav oP February, 1973. The City ifanager is directed and authorized to advertise for the purchase oY said items and iaaterials cy sealed bid nroposals under notice and provided by law and the Chapter of the City of Fridley� the notice to be substantial�y in forn as that shown by D�hibit "A�} attached hereto and t�ade a part of by reference. Said notice shall be published ai least twice in the oFficial newspaper of the City of Fridley. PA�� ��DOPTED BY Tf� CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY Tf�S ATTEST: DAY OF � �g73 CITY CLERK h;arvin C. Brunseil MAYOR FR.h1;i: LIEBL � 26 I CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMORANDUM T0: GERALD R. DAVIS, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/fINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CHANGING THE PROJECT NUMBER FOR THE 1971-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT {EAST RIVER ROAD) DATE: JANUARY 31, 1973 Because of the length of time between the start of the 1971-3 Street Improvement Project and the time the improvement will actually be assessed, it is desirable to rename the project. The assessment roll will be adopted at the time the assessment rolls will be adopted for the 1973 Street Improvement Projects. The rolls already have been finaiized and adopted, and the project closed out for all of the other 1971 street work. This would in no way affect the cost to any person or area but is strictly putting a different job number on the project. ,���� RESOLUTION N0. � 1973 A RESOLUTION CHANGING THE PROJECT NUMBER OF THE 1971-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT TO THE 1973-3 STREET IMPROUEMENT PROJECT, AND TRANSFERRING COSTS AND EXPENSES FROM THE 1971-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT TO THE 1973-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (EAST RIVER ROAD) WHEREAS, Certain Street and storm sewer work has been done under the 1971-3 Street Improvement Project, and WHEREAS, The contract is just now in the process of being let, and WHEREAS, It is desirable from an administrative standpoint to have all assessment rolls for a given street project start and end at the same time, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That all expenses of the 1971-3 Street Improvement Project shall be transferred and become a part of the 1973-3 Street Improvement Project, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED> That the 1971-3 Street Improvement Project is hereby closed and all work done under this improvement project will now be considered to have been done under the 1973-3 Street Improvement Project, ' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED> That expenses in the amount of $10.50 incurred under the 1972-3 Street Improvement Project be transferred to the 1973-3 Street Improvement Project. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THF, CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS S� DAY OF �, 1973. ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL MAYOR - FRANK G. LIEBL .. I ■ I RESaLUTION N0, lq��.� �?' - 1973 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTItV6 OF SPECIAl. ASSESSMENTS ON PARCEL 3150� SECTION 12 WHEREAS, certain special assessments have been levied with respect to certain land and said land has subsequently been subdivided. NOW, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOlVED as follows: That the assessments tevied against the following described parcet, to-wit: Parcel 3150, Section 12, may and shatl ba apportioned and divided as follows; Original Parcel Parcel 3150, Section 12 Division of Parcel Approved Parcel 3150, Section 12 Fund Reguiar SA W #34 (Main) sw �z4 W �`34 (Lateral ) SS �24 ss #ai s�d i�84 ST, t°70-1 STe 2970-1 Fund Regular SA '� �34 SW :;24 W �#34 SS �24 ss �1 SW #^u4 ST, i970-1 Ori_inal r1mount $ 45080 Paid 194.54 Paid 1,eo�a88 323eII5 452062 3II3,57 4710;3 2�/��._.._'_'" Oriqinal Rmount $ 16,95 Paid 71.98 Pai d 370070 119.64 4S2.G2 3�?IIo57 Parcel 3160, Section 12 Reqular SA $ Zgog�r � w �*3�} Paid S'.J ��24 122055 SS #24 63101� �' �34 Paid SS #31 204.21 ST. 1970-1 G�l.�n � 2, 7< . �+_, AOOPTED 9Y tiE ITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TH?S � �� � , 1473. � � DAY OF ATTEST: LITY CLERK Marvin Co arunsell MAYOR Fr'ank G. Liebl v i ' 1 I , I ' I ' ' �, � y� 3 . RESOLUTION N0, � - 1913 A RESOLUTION CORRECTING THE CERTIFICATION OF AN ASSESSMENT FOR THE ST, 1970-1 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHILH 4/AS PLACEQ ON THE WftONG PARCEL THROUGH CLERICAL ERROR WHEREAS, a certain speciat assessment has been levied with respect to certain land in error NOW� THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as fotlows: That the assessment levied against tfie following described oarcel, to-wit: Parcet 3150, Section 12� may and shall be removed from this parcel and certified to Parcel 3190, Section 12, as foliows: Oriqinal Parcel Fund Origin�o��t Parcel 3150, Section 12 ST. 1970-1 $ 82II,10 Correct Parcel Parcei 3190, Section 12 (Property of Schooi District (;16) Fund sr. 1970-1 OriQinal Amount S �2E.t0 ADOPTED 6� H�TY COUNCIL DF TNE CITY OF FRI�LEY TNIS ��' / _ �i DAY eF , �973. ATT�ST: CITY CLERK Marvin C, Erunsell MAYO� Frank G, Lieol z8 APPOINTML�NTS FOR CITY COUNCIL CONSENT AND APPROVAL - FEBRUARY 5, 1973 N� • POSITION Paul,� Long Clerk/1jPist, 74Z3 West Circle Drive Engineering Fridley, Minnesota Division Rex Sackett 4656 2nd St. N.E. Fridley, Minnesota EFFECTIVE SALARY DATE $468 per month Operations & $835 Maintenance Spec., per Public Works month Division Feb. 12, 1973 Feb. 12, 1973 REPLACES Nikki Crepeau Joe Gonsior � H• �•'SONDHEI— qE—_—� 5841 67H S7. NE. MINNEAPOItS. MINN. ti..� 55a;2 � � ��Z� Zg � G.i'rf o� �ta�.EY �0431 �� �,c . N c �iTT. NZ• Gr�RkLD R. DAVIS � Gt`r+f MGiR. %�c. 60kRD OF A��Eqi�S, 1`j�3 l.i-ea.r vwr. A�„rvy �-� i�.a- a� R.�r ' c,�..,..�.o..,�i Cfi, � 0.�e,a,,,' � ��`4��",,,,.�.� `� �,,�,.�, � ,�-�.�1,.`" ,� 1 � � �� � �� � �'`-e'.�' v'j- �-�N-,r1C-c.. . �- , � u� � f.. ��� I u� � � �� �� ��� � ��-� 3- c,�.�.�,,,,�.,,E,�,,.,{ ;�,l�, � , � � c-�� ������.� � �..�- �,.ti �;,c,c �-:-..�2 a. ,a�.,;,..�-e�.� � - �'�e,"`"�''"'(— " , � �.�.L.�, �„�.-,� �,,,,� �:� ' ;� , �- �_..-�_ � , �.� .� ,� � %�. ,' �—�..�..e t�``� � ��-�,�",�^°,�¢ . � �.e...-� �,.��-y ,�. � �� ���-`"� a.a rr �?_ ��� , � . � � �d �,� ��� � � � � �����, ! �-:-,.,_. ��1� � � '� • � . '� �'^-�Cve.�,�,,,.�, . 30 31 C L A I M S GENERAL ��30962 - �31081 LIQUOR �k 7452 - 4� 7495 CONTRACTORS LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL AT THEZR REGULAR MEETING ON�� FEBRUARY 5 1973 GII�IEERAI, CONTRACTOR APPROVED BY Don Mathis Contractor 7969 Jackson Street Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Don Mathis C. Belisle m 32 � ' ADDITION6L LICEN� TO BE � ON SALE SUNDAY LIQUOR � Fridley VFW Post 353 20t�0 Osborne Ro�d � Fridlep ' r � i � � � � � � � � � � � � ' ,- � � . , --- ------ - �`�` - !� APPROVED BY FEE Public Safety 83�i`38� Director ESTIMATES FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL - REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1973 Comstock & Davis, Inc. (THZS ESTIMATE WAS TABLED JANUARY 22, 1973) Consulting Engineers 1446 County Road "J" Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 Engineering Work Provided on Project No. 104, $ 2,929.56 Locke Lake Dam Improvements Patch, Erickson, Madson & Hanson, inc. 2801 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, Minnesota 55405 Estimate �r`5, PARTIAL, January Inspection, Fridley Liquor Store $ 100.00 �� 33 ' � � �5lanas o � e. �'pea� , Ed Wilmes, D.A.V., Originator ' �I ' , ' COMMITTEE Elmer Otson, Chairman Linus B, Fritz, 7reasurer Jack O. Kirkham,Secretary R. F. Burton Fridiey Senior High School Rev. M. G: Denyes Assem6ly of God Church Rev. E. A. Cbmielewski St. Williams Catholic Church Tony Olson VFW Post No.363 Henry S. Peterson American Legion Paul Brown, Ex•Officio ISLANDS OF PEACE 'CITY OF FRIDLEY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, N.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 PHONE: 612-560•3450 January 29�1973' Dear Mayor Frank Liehl� I am hoping to appear before the City Council on FeL�ruary 5 1;973T to present data on recent develop- ments in the '��slands Of Peace'� prodject, Hopefull;� we will be given the opportunity to present the fact s in detail, There seer,�s to be a few people who are more con- cerned ir. discouraging the Co�r�nittee than in assist- �g in making this great need a reality. Icean assure you that a sincere effort is being made to obtain the data from people �rho ara laiowledg- ahle in this area. The Council deserves that ef£ort, Thank you and the Council again £or the courteeus attenticn that has beea extended to the '�Islands 0£ Peace'�' Co�ttee, Sincereiy, � � „ r.' _`-- ` Ed Flilnes� Chairman �- COMSTOCK 6 DAVIS, INC. SiA7EMENi Consulting Engineers 1446 County Road "J" Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 DATE 1-12-73 • City Manager - City Council c/o Mr. Nasim Qureshi, City Engineer City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue, N,E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 Pleose detoch ond retorn uppEr portion with your remitfonce. S DATE CHARGES P.ND CREDITS BAL?.NCE Engineering work provided on Project No, 104, Locke Lake Dam Zmprovements Vanderlinde - 222 hours @$5.72 x 2,2 Douglas - 29-1/2 hours @$3.64 X z.2 $2�393.65 Staus - 6-1/2 hours @$3.54 x 2,2 236.24. Osfusen - 1-1/2 hours @$4.44 x Z,Z 50.62 Pearson - 1-1/2 hours @$3.85 x Z,y 14.65 Braans - 1-1/2 hours � 12'�2 Prokopowicz - 23 hours $3'38 x 2,2 11.15 Specifications 6 Plans @ 10�@Z$y,762 Iy7,60 AMOUNT NOW DUE. , . • • • • • • • • .52,929.56 —�_ .�,�.._.,a. F�,.,, ,..:�, ,_F.N�. --------- Your Check is Yovr Rece:p} 34 A STATEMENT PATCH ERiCKSOIV MA�SON 8a HANSON, INC. ARCHITECTS AIVO PLANNERS ' 2801 �WAY2ATA BOULEVARD, MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55405 TEL 612/3�4-3490 January 31, i 9 73 ,/ � ' Mr. Gerald R. Davis,.City Manager " .{�'` City of_Fridley �i`� 6431 University Ave. N.E. /�/t ��'� Fridley, Minnesota 55421 // /f� f„ Co�: 7234 Re: Fridley Liquor Store Inv: 3277 January Inspection - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - $100.00 THANK YOU - , ' ,1 ' , I , : , , ' ' ' ' � ' ' N,ovember 14, 14i2 Mr. \asim C�ureshi, P.E. City�of Fridley 643i Universiiy F✓�nue, P;.=. Fridley, Nlinnesc-a 55432 RE:� Innsbruck Nor+h Develcpment Dear �1r. �%ureshi: Pursuant to your request ai the meetir.o neld in y�ur ofifice Octooer 19, 1972, xe orovide tne follo�rrir.g informatior: I. Drainage Plzn ���Ive agree ±o assume res:,onsibii�ity ror any croblera>� arising from drainage into the Vil�lage of PJe�ri Brichtor and�to bear all cosl-s #o tn� Ci�y� of Fri��ey arisino out of a joint poa�ers agreement concerning -his ardin�ge ,,'i�n be9'ween the Ci�y cf �riGley �nd� t�he `!i'�age or ��lew � Brianion. 2. �Co�mrnunity �ar�c � � `rJe r �� =s _. _ _-�s;� of t -��r _ � ,_-�_-. . � �T�iiO^l0❑ �I�, _.. ._..� ;,(i—. � l:2Ccf:1D@!' i i: .�. I.`]IS � C8-iE I S T�Of ° rQ'c � l �' I C I fl i.(18T I�T� f�l�i5. ! �TO G�.i SCh�'OL I; . �� .fOf �2'J2�Oi7!':E�T OT TiIE c�j�C°Il� e.^8d.� 3. "A," F�ame iuiising .., . kJ8 Ufla2''S '�'� T��i 'r �E � I i�/ Ot i' L I '-.' i I 2::Cc., 1 ��"i° �'�i �.2 D�I. �j:�.� i I ��20 O� '''H- �'J� �!I'iVc c�5 �y� 8 OOf;BT10 ��1�0 Th0 i. i. F�Bf';� JEtidf� 2:1_ zC� 6�, �I'1 .+'1B :a,� CO�^�,Un i f`y 7�f�%�. �i�° ?'° ,^�C� �!'EN'u�E� �T tF�� i 5 ;-.i:^�� TO .� fr'�p- a fit-r9 GOf'l'�lli��� O(1 . t! �1=. .�Sli"IJrI �Of. �-�'ii5 ���`'� �UI.�I,^4 85. fT �5 i:� '�.,f �.� �� �.. � � . ,.'� � . . . � �y, �: .�—t����.. s�, � n;�;to ' ^'y '8?' i s "� '^ ` ° 6°`9^°: F't .- J � ..� �»� . v �`.��Rn� i A : . . �"ices 6c v i-.' r Loi�x'a1a. a,+3un�: q„e. Ucvr r.lexico , : �f �. .� F.zecunve O;fices � TELFPHONE bi2/53's-2555 . . 590t BROQF LY V EOULEVFftD � . . � MINN£P.POLiS.t:llNN�50TA 55429 , 35 � ' 1 , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 , , 1 ' ' ' 35 A ,, 4. Shared Recreation Facilifiies We agree that it is desirable and advantageeus for the two apartment complexes to share recreation facilities such as the teT lot and tha swimming pool. 'vJe cannot, however, perman=n�ly guarantee the shared fzcilities because i� is very I?kely ;hat the apartments �vili have separate o�.�mers. If there �re any questions on this, please give me a call. Yery sincerely, DARREL A. FARR DE'dELOP�`�ti; COR?. <�``�e�� � d' ��%�t/ JH�•1ES E. LONDO:J � � � � ?reject P�1anacer JtL:jg r , , , FRIDLEY VOLUNTEER FIREMANS RELIEF ASSOCIATION .. - �w�o�cr. MiNr+esorw . . � � MINNEAPOLIi III. MINN6fOTl1 ' Memo To: , From . Date . , Subject: � Gerald R. Davis, City Manager � /�� t�T-c�zz Ci%f! rp�-'t--� Robert D. Aldrich, President, Firemens Volunteer Relief Association February 1, 1973 Proposed Pension Changes ' The membership of the Fridley Firemens Relief Association has directed me to request a meeting with you and the City Council relative to some changes the Association desires to incorporate into our pension plan. ' Our plan operates under a special law of the 1969 session of the Minneaota Legislature. It is necessary to return to the legislature if we are to incorporate the desired changes. This presents something ' of a critical time factor if we are to be able to work these changes through the current session of the legislature. ' The Association would appreciate an early opportunity to meet and discuss these changes with you and the City Council. ' Thank you for your cooperation. ' RDA:et ' ' ' ' , ' , ' ' ' 1 , � ' LJ ' ' ' PUaLIC WORKS AEPARTMENT �CIT7i OF FRIDLEY MONTHLX REPORT - DECEMBER 1972 .-_-�— STREET DEPARTMENT 1, 2. 3, 5. 4� 7, Cl,eaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gravel Hauling . . , . . . . . . . . Mlacellaneous Street Work . . . . . PaCching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shop Time , . . . . . . � , . . Signa, Sarriaedee and Crosainga . . Equipment Repairs - Street . . . . . WATER DEPARTMENT 1. 2. 3, 4. 5, 6. 7. a. 9, 10, il. 12, HOURS, . . 8 . , 10 . . 249 . . 7 . . 197 . . 125� . . 263 Fiikration Plant . . . . . . . . . . Final Readinga and Collectione . . . , . Hydzant Repairs and Fluahinga . . . . . Miacellaneoue Water Work . . . . . . . . Pumphouee work , . . . , • . . . . • • . Standplpe Repaire , . . , . . . . • . Valva InepecCione and Repaire . . . . Water and Sewer Inepectiona . , • . • Water Mater Inspectione and Repairs ,. W$t�r Turn-ona . . . . . . . . . . . . . Watermain breake . . . , . . . . . . , $quipmont Repalra - Weter . . , . . , . SEWER DEPARTMENT 0 210� 50� 123� 208 116� 43� 58 7� 42 25 141� 21 , 1. Lift 6t4tion Inspeetione and Repairs ;: 91 2. Miscsl.l+�neoua 8ewer Work . 145 3. Sani,tary Sewer Sreak . . . . . . . . . . 7� ' 4. Sanitary Sewer Cleaning . . : : ; ; ' ; 329 5. 8eaitary 8ewer Inepections . 73 b. Equ:lpmont Aepaire - Sewex ,. 69 ' , 1 ; � ' , ' ST RM S WER DEPARTMENT 1. Gatch aasin �nd Storm Sewer Cleaning .. 16 2. Mf.ecell�neoua Storm Seaer Work ,,... 2 sNOw nxn zc� coxTROr. 1, t�iecelianeaue S�ox and Ica Wark .,.. Si 2� Banding - Tca Cuntsol . , , . , . . . 186 3, 6naw Plpwing , , . . , . . . . . 552 l�, �yuipm��at Repalr6 - Snow end Ice ... 311� Paga 1Wo PUBLIC WORK3 AEPARTMENT MONTHT.Y REPORT - DECEMBER 1972 MISCEI.LANEOUS 1. Holidaye . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 1973 Zabor Negatlatlone . . . . . . . . . 3. Meahania (Paper Work for Keeping Recorda) . 4. Park DepartmenC . . . . • • . • • • • • • 5, Police Dapertment , . . . . . . . . • . • 6. Sick Leava . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. Vacstione . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Weekend Duty . . . . . . . . . �. Equipmnnt Repaire - Civil Defenae . . . . 10. Equipment Repalre - Engineering . . . . 11. Equipment Repa�rs - Fire Department ... 12. Equipmene Repalra - Park Department ... 13. Equlpment Repairs - Police Departmant .. 0 a HW RS 244 7 13� 32 27�, 176 104 44 2� 19 2 83 97 m 0 '� O + 3 N W �z o a 0 0 �7 T T T1 n n r r m m a � A W 0 0 'i� T T 'TI n n r r m m � a� N ' r f') C N O �� ..� N N J V 00 W � �n (Jt A V�i � �' V� W ' ' � � n r C') C N -i w 3 t0 ? �D O A m � � N O O� '� N �� �� � N � W Cn W N N 00 � cT�. cn v v ' t � o- 0 0 z1 T 'T7 �"l . N N N D r r r m m m cn y1 � M f+l N • �•• - a � z cn N oE ��a rn w w �m� .-� m z m �P T A J A � � (n '-� (n N fJt � � � Ol W t0 O 'n � Ol N W � W V tD --� A cTi A � y OD W O � v �i _r� v N � . . . � � � . . . . . �\ W N -� V OD ? � � � W '--' l0 � O JOi � 00 �O N W W Ol � � l0 Ol t0 � l0 fJt W fq 61 f*1 N W ' f*1 Z � O£ pl V W W N p E .-+ m � � � ._. _. z m � � _, p�7 � � Z r^ V N Ol Ol .� G7 7C 1� � .� [n cn tTl Cn G) 7c W 01 A ? V N� '.� W V1 O � N J �--� � N V cn cn (n � \.' � W Ol cn A [n � W pl �•� •� .� .ni W-" O t0 CO A �O �__ � �� N W N N N �...� cn lD O —' � O Z rn m o w a r., r, t0 O W VI N � EA b9 •� � � V N °a O OG D � m yi v. < � � b � _� o r D D O -I .Z7 m � O a? S H Z O C7 m• n , �v v� v� -1 v f m O .'D £ � m � m O 7C O N• O O bq �Vi �<v I -, R; �� � � � -� . 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CT1 l�0 N T O� J 00 W V Vl �\ � � W � N N N 'T1 O A .� '"� ,� £ l0 � V O � � o w rn w � mz E c-� m (T N � � N N N -+ V Vt W N O A Cn W [T A N A A �O N W W W .P W 64 � � _.a Ol l0 l0 N N O ��O cn W Vt OD Ol � V IW V . m v� � N A � m z —� m (n �-+ < �S ptO� on�� . w m = v � � o o � O � r c� 0 r � � T �trn J O�JT m � .TJC A O �" � � O m f 'p �m j � � C < � ,j A o � � O O n m O �o � m n• c��pv�In r N�� � � � cnl� rn wl � K s, � ? A� An A� .'� Jq I 00''O V V. V W vl., fT+ ` A� �� �� � J� �� � � 1 � 1 J S: J'1 _ j,i .�� p� r--• r tO �pao �p . �p �p �p LD t0 t " 1 �N� WN WN WN W' ' , ' � ' , '• il U I � THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 5, �.���%Gt.tiOC 1973 i � 7 The regular meeting of the Fridley City Council was called oz order at 7:44 p.m., February 5, 1973, by Mayor Liebl. ' PLEDGE �F ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Liebl led the Council and the audience in sayinq the Pledqe of Allegiance to the Flag. INVOCATION: The invocation was offered by the City Manager, Mr. Gerald Davis. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Utter, Nee, Breider, Starwalt, Liebl. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMSER 18� 1972: MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor 7.iebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 8, 1973: Mayor Liebl called the Council's attention to page 7, paragraph 5, and said the word 'he' should be changed to the word 'him'. I MOTION by Councilman 8reider to adopt the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye Mayor i.iebl declared the motion carried unanimously. J �J � � � � l l ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Liebl listed the following items as additions to the agenda: islands of Peace report by Mr. Ed Wilmes, to be chanqed from item #34 to item #5-8. Resolution Offering Suqgestions for Modificationa of the Minnesota Fair Standards Act (H.F. 9) LZCENSES: VFW q►363 - Sunday Liquor COMMUNICATIONS:� xeaeiving communication from Chester J. Moeglein, Office of Military Affairs, dated January 29, 1973. Receivinq a communication from•William 8. Hopkins. �e�eiNing a communication from Mayor McDOnald, xobbinadale, dated Jauuary 29, 1973. � , � � ' � , � ' / ♦ REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 5, 1973 VISITORS CONTINUED: to complete the facilities. Page 3 Mayor Liebl said waiting five to ten years would be ridiculous. He added, it must be done now. He said with the construction of the Northtown Shopping Center, traffic had doubled. He sugqested indicating to the legislative representatives that it is imperative to build this bridge now. Mr. Mike Paripovich, 8200 East River Road addressed Councilman Nee and asked him if he thought it would be possible to dig a trench across the East River Road, terminating the traffic at Coon Creek? Councilman Nee said he thouqht they should attempt to significantly reduce the traffic south of the creek. Mr. P�pipovich repeated his question to Councilman Nee, and Councilman Nee said he was planning to work on the East River Road problem. Mr. Paripovich asked if it would be possible to reduce the speed li.mit to 30 miles per hour as the area is residential. He asked if someone was presently workinq on this? Councilman Breider said the speed regulations are determined by the State. He recalled the City had requested a reduction in speed, and asked if there had been a reply. , ,. The City Engineer said the City does not have any jurisdiction on the roadway. He said East RiVer Road is a County Road and all the speed limits are set by the Minnesota Highway Department. ' He said, the City had asked for a program of reduced speed limits there and the limits were lowered on a small portion. Re said all the parties involved are concerned, but he added, the City may get some results if a little pressure is placed on the legislators and � the Highway Departmant. Mr. Paripovich said, then, nothing has been done. � Councilman Nee said he had only been on the Council for three weeks, and in his opinion, there would be no solution to the problem if a freeway were constructed through the area. He said he did not believe the solution would be unreasonable, and continued by saying � it ie a political problem. He suggested puttinq some muscle together to be heard in Minneapolis. � � , , , PUBLIC HEARINGS: There were none. DISCUSSION AND REVIEW OF PROPOSED SIGN FOR NEW MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE AT 63RD AND T. H. #65: � Mayor Liebl called on the City Manager to present the plans to the Council. The City Manager said he had asked Mr. Milt Anderaon, Lawrence Sign, Inc., for assietance in providing technical advice in the proposed design. He added, the City would not be obligated to Mr. Anderson in any way, as the plans vrould have to go out far bida. He placed the drawinga of the pzoposed p�ans on the easel. ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 5, 1973 PAGE 5 , Mayor Liebl said it is very important to have an attractive sign as � the liquor business has become very competitive since the new tax law. Mr. Anderson said they had decided the words 'Bottle Shop' would be better suited than 'Liquor Store'. Mayor Liebl agreed saying, � there are already too many signs that say 'Liquor Store". The City Manager said he had choseR blue for the color of the lettering because there are so many using red and there is a red sign next door. � � � �. , � ' Councilman Nee asked the City Attorney if they were required to say 'Municipal Liquor Store' on the sign. The City Attorney said no. The � ty Manager said some of the City's present signs are worded 'Liquor Store'. The City Managar said the action that is necessary at the present time would be to approve the conaept of the sign. After this is done, the City will have to receive bids on the project. Mr. Anderson o£fered his assistance in preparing the specifications for the sign. MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the proposed sign concept, authorizing the specifications to be drawn and bids to be received. Seconded by Councilman Sta�walt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. UEST ZOA #72-1 .. TO MOTION by Councilman Utter to waive the reading and adopt Ordinance #531, and order publication. Seconded bX Councilman Nee. Upon a roll call vote, Utter, Nee, Breider, Starwalt and Liebl voting aye, , Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE #532 - VACATION REQUEST SAV #72-06 BY STATE LAND & DEVELOPMENT ' COMPANY. PAUL BURKFiOLDER: MOTION by Councilman Nee to waive the reading, and adopt Ordinance #532 ' and order publication. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a roll call vote, Liebl,Utter, Nee, Breider and Starwalt voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. i� ��oN: DON( ' . AND i � � i 'ION OF APPROVAL OF� LOCATED AT 15 RICE 2-06 BY TASLED 1-22-73; CONSIDERATION OF PROBLEM OF OWNERSHIP OF LAND UNDER LAKE SY HOMEOWNERS A.RA[7ND LAKE : ' MOTION by Councilman Nee to receive the letterat from Nasim Qureshi, City Enqineer, to Locke Lake Haane Ownera, dated January 26, 1973, from ,� Nasim Qureahi, to Anoka County.BOard of Coinmi�aioners, and from Donovan �i A Schultz to the City of Fridley Council, dated February 1, 1973. �.Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upoa a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. pDlaypr Lieb� called on Mr. Frank Nebe1, President of the Locke Lake �Aasociatlon to preaent the views of the aseociation. ! REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 5, 1973 1� � PAGE 7 �-� individuala' lots creating a question of who owns land abutting the lake. He added, if the Council did not approve the registered land survey at this time, they would be making this reguest into an issue that it is not. � Councilman Utter asked the City Attorney if the Council could legally deny the man the registered land survey7 The City Attorney said, if the City were to deny the requast, the judge would direct the Council to ' approve it. Mayor Liebl said the people had spent a great deal of money to obtain this action, and he did not believe the Council would be justified in denying it. I The City Attorney said he would quastion the Locke Lake Association's desire to have the City acquire the lake bottom property. In his opinion, it would be a better situation if the individuals around the lake own , it, if the land were to bec�ne smaller, they would �ut the lake, it would be better if the abutting home owners would take possession of the land. , Councilman Nee asked the City Attorney if it would be better for the City to take possession of the lake than have the individuals in the area acquiring the property7 The City Attorney said it would be better ' for the individuals to have title. Their property should run to the water's edge, not just 'x' number of feet. He said� the present situation where they do own 'x' number of feet would be fine if the lake incxeased its � size, but not if it would become smaller as lots would not meet the water's edge. He said, he knew of one person who was under the impression that he had purcnased a lake shore lot. He said he had to spend more money to acquire the land to the water's edge. The City Attorney said � the other residents should follow the procedure that Mr. Schultz has to obtain property, but through the County if possible to save money. � > � � Mayor i,iebl asked the City Attorney if, in his opiniory they should deny the registered land survey. The City Attorney said if the stipulations of the Planning Commission had been followed and the land was in two lots instead of four,ha thought it would be in order to approve this item. Councilman Nee said there were several of the homeowners of the area present at the meeting� and asked if any of them would like to comment. There were no comments. Mayor Liebl callad for a second to Councilman Nee's motion to table the action on the Registered Land Survey. There was no aecond, and the Mayor declared tha motion DF.AD FOR LACK OF A SECOND. � MOTION by Councilman 8reider to approve the Regiatered Land Survey, atipulatinq two tracts inotead of four as recommended by the Planning Commisaion. seconded by Councilman Starwalt. � � Councilman Nee 9aid the adoption of this motion would eliminate any idea of preempting by municipal ownerahip. He added, there would be no purpose of obtaining three-fourths of the lake bottom and not all of it. Councilman Breider stated, there are pther individuals who own portions of the lake bottom and if the Citx were to deaire to obtain titJ.e to the larid, the G�ty would have to nagotlate with ssveral people. tte added. the Council ia not giving awnething tp someona thak they do not own already. iE the City wished to acquirs the land and Mr. Schultz did not � � > i � � �, REGULAR Mi�PING OF FEBRUARY 5, 1973 pAGE 9 a meeting �late set. Mr. Nebel said there had been no specific date set, but t.a believed it would be within the next week. Councilman Nee said he was not aware of the City's responsibility for maintenance of the lake at tkye present time, but he did not believe it included maintaining a certain water level. He said the documents that he had seen did not give the City the right to flood peoples' property. He said he was certain Bob Buckley could advise the Council on the matter. The City Attorney said on page 4-B of the agenda there was a map and according to this map there are eight property owners involved in the ownership of the lake bottom. ' The City Manaqer said it would be imperative that levels of maintenance be set if the City acquires the land.. He said, the Association must tell the City what they will expect so the City can determine an estimated maintenance cost. Would this involve extensive dredging, etc., � he questioned. Mayor Liebl added, if the price of yearly maintenance would come to $25,000.00, there would be many people in Fridley that would object violently. Councilman Breider asked the City Attorney if it would be possible for him to meet with the people of the area. The City Attorney said he would. Mr. Carl Paulson, 430 57th Place N. E., asked if there is public access to the lake7 Mayor Liebl answered, yes, in one place. Mr. Paulson asked what the City is planning to do with the silt from the east going into the lake. Mayor Liebl said he was not prepared to answer. Mr. Kohlan addressed the Council. Mayor Liebl asked him if he were speaking for himself or Mr. Schultz? He said he was speaking for Mr. Schultz. He talked of making a plan of the lake, saying it would not be an easy task as the lake is vary irreqular and the level will, and has, changed. He added, it would be difficult to make one plat. Mr. Kohlan said there would be difficulties in public ownership. He said the City must think of the areek east of the lake. xe added, what affects the lake, affects the creek and what affects the creek, affects the lake. He said this is not a simple matter, no one knows whiah end the tail is on. Mayor Liebl suggested Councilman Nee meet with the people in the area and return to the Council with some indication of what the people want. Ae said, if the peopla want to acquire the land through a combined action, the City will attempt to find a feasible method of doing so. If they desire public ownerehip, the City would acquire the land, but thia would have to be discussed again by the Council. MO'�ION by Councilman Nee to authorize the City Attozney to research and invastigate possible methoda of obtaining title for the people on Lacke Lake. Seconded by pouncilman Utter. Cpunailman Starwalt asked if a method oi obtaining title for the property owners at Locke Lake is determined, shouldn't this have been done for ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 5, 1973 ' �� PAGE 11 Mr. Schultz in the past and hia good intentipns. He said he knew that Mr. Schultz was very concexned about the water level and araount of silt being deposited in th� lake. He said, it had been a matter of the City not being able to raise the $100,000.00 to prevent this. Mr. Schultz said thia is why he had done what was done up until the present time. Mayor Liebl asked Councilman Nee the names of the aix people he had talked to and stated t0 the Council that he had talked to. Councilman Nee said he did not believe he had said he had talked to six people. Mr. Schultz assured him that he had said six. Councilman Nee said he would not name the people as he did not wish to expose them to what he had just experienced. Mr. Schultz again insisted he name the six people. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Schultz not to take the previous action by Councilman Nee and the vote against his proposal as a personal vendeta. He said if this is what was thought, he would publicly appologize for Councilman Nee. Mr. Schultz said he would have rather heard it from Councilman �Iee, but he did respect the Mayor. NEW.BUSINESS: RECEIVING AN ORDER APPOINTING CHARTER COMMISSION MEMBERS FROM CHIEF JUDGE ROBERT H. GILLESPIE, TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: Maycr Liebl stated a list of fifteen suggested appointments to the Charter Commission had been submitted by the Court and Chief Judge, Robert G. Gillespie, Tenth Judicial District. The Mayor believed it would be in order to appoint those listed �d asked the City Manager to notify them of their appointments, set up a meeting before the 20th of February and get the Charter Commission into action. The Mayor called upon the City Manager to read the list of appointees and their term length. Ha also asked the City Manager to provide a list of the proposed members to the press. The City Manager read the list and the length oP terms to the Council and audience as follows; For a two (2) year term; (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ($) L*laine Knoff, 6766 - 7th Street N. E. Jerry Radcliffe, 7350 Memory Lana Peg Mc Chesney, 541 - 67th Avanue N. E. Robert 0'Neill, 861 Rice Craek-Terrar�e Roy I. Mc Pherson, 5808 Tennison Drive Pau1 M. ShaW, 6380 Madison Street Donal$ Wegl�r, 6815 East River Road Jackie ,Tohnson, 1415 Tzollhauqen Drive For a four (4) year.term: (9) (�0) (11) {12) (13) (lA) (15) �'rancis Caaey, 74R - 67th Avenue N. �. fterbert eaaon, 159 Logan Parkway Edith Cailine, 6854 Channel Road Ole &jerkesatt, 100 N. $, 63� Way flarry Crowder, 146 N. E. 63 Wax Reiymond Sheridan, 1301 Hillwind Road ,�aak Kirkham, 430 - 67th AVenue � � � '� 1 , , � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBR�IARY 5, 1973 PAGE 13 Foundation`or some other foundation wished to contribute to the project, would they be willing to donate to the City? If they would agree, he said the money should be handled by the City Finance Director. He said it would be possible to establish a non-profit foundation independent of the City of Fridley. Counci.lman Breider said a few weeks ago, the Committee asked the Council to indicate that tf:e City was behind the project. He said at that time the C wncil indicated they were bettind the p'roject and would maintain the area. What would the Ford Founda[ion say today if this were to be changed? ,' Mr. Wilmes said if the additional two lots were received, they could be independent of the project. Councilman greider asked if part of Chase Island was in the project? Mr. Wilmes said there is an agreement with the foundation concerning the expendi- tures. Councilman Breider said he had no objection if some foundation or individua] � wanted to buy [wo lots for part property. Mayor Liebl said the Council. had given their support to the project. � � Mr. Wilmes stated this is a$250,000 project. He said, the Committee liad been working to raise funds for the project without reimbursement wlien [hey had to individually pay their expenses. He added, the Committee a.ssumes a ll [he expenses. He said he had set up an advisory board. He stressed the need for people who know what [hey are doing. Mayor Liebl said he did not believe Mr. Wiimes had the authority to se[ up such a � Board, the Council has the authority. The Mayor said Mr. Wilmes and the Committee could not just do what they pleased with the money, they must have experts te11 them what to do. He said he questioned whether or not the Council could come to a � decision on this matter at the present meeting. He asked the City Attorney for his ideas. He added that he could not see spending the City's [ax dollars for this project. Mr. Wilmes said the project would be funded by private funds. Mayor Liebl suggested Mr. Wilmes work through the Commi.tkee and presen[ a plan of funding implementation enabling the project to get Tolling. Mr. Wilmes agreed this would be a good method. He added he could get peopie to volunteer their servlces. He stressed the point that it will be the citizens of Fridley who use the parkland. (�[ayor Liebl said there had been a committee set up for the purpose of implementing plans and obtaining funds. He said the land in question is parkland, it must be used properly and usage must be approved by the Parks Department and the Commisaion. Mr. Wilmes said he had approached the Parks Department and he had been discouraged. He recommended the Council give conaideration ta the Advisory Board, because the land is to be used by the handicapped and they must have advice from people who are familiar with the needs,of the handicapped. Councilman Breider said the Council had been told in the past that the money would eoon be rolling in. The �ouncll had agreed to maintain the islands, and there is ati11 no money for the project. He asked what could be done withqut money? Mr. Wilmes stated he believed the reason�there had not been any contributions is that all the u�pney was Co be sent to the Gitp of Frid�ey, Counciiman greider said the books are audited and Mr. Wilmes may come into the office and look at the booke at any time. Councilman Breider said, the p�oblem is, the City does not haVe any money to spend, He added, it was not possible to hire a planner for the groject. Mr. Wilmes stresaed, if the addreps for the foundatlon Were the Fridley Sta�e Bank, more fund� would be allocated. � REGUTAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 5, 1973 � � � � ' ���' PAGE 15 Cpuncllman Starwalt asked if Mr. Gruye was present when he was not able to be there. MT. Gruye said this was true. Mi'. Gruye added, either he or his wife 6�'e there 80% of the time. �ouncilman Nee sEated he had read that Mr. Gruye had been advised by someone in C1ty Hall that t�is activities were alright. Mr. Gruye said this was true, he had been told if it were kept at a small scale there would be no problem. Counci]- man Nee asked him if it had been his understanding that the law would not be enforced. Mr. Gruye repeated, he thought it was alright if it were kept on a sma11 sca�e. Cvuncilman Nee asked him if he had ever operated in another City. Mr. Gruye said he had operated in Minneapolis. Councilman Nee asked him if this type of activity is considered alright there. Mr. Gruye said he had not operated under this type of license before. I�jayoi Liebl said Mr. Gruye had complied with the law when he was asked to do so. � �ouncilman Utter asked if he had been advised by a City Official? Mr. Gruye said he would rather not say. Councilman greider said this was in his Ward and he was mystified by this violation. He said he thought everyone had been operating � �ccording to the law. He suggested delaying any action at this time allowing Mr, Gruye to operate for a set period of time and reviewing his method of pperation at the end of the period. MOTION by Councilman Breider that the suspension and/or revocation of the license be�tabled for 60 days and at the end of the 60 daya the administration review his pperation and present a report Co the Council, and if any further violations pccur during this time, license will be denied, Seconded by Councilman Starwal[. �ouncilman greider clarified his meaning of a violation stating if he were to 'remain open past l:pp A.M., or if there Were any gamblinq violations, this would �onstitute a violation. He added, if for some reason t ere were a disturbance �t his establishment, Mr. Gruye would not be criticized if he needed protec[ion 4r aid from the Police ➢epartment. In these cases, Councilman Breider added, we would expect him to call the Police to stop trouble. Mayor Lieb1 agreed, stating �his prokection is due him under the law. The Ciky Manager said that no City employee had sald a little gambling was okay. UPON A VOICE VOTE, a11 vqting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, &ECExVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 17 1973 MOTION by Councilman Nee tv receive the minutes of Che planning Commission Meeting caf January 17, 1973. Seconded by pvuncilman Utter, U�an a voice vot�, ali voting aye, Mayor Liebl deciarad the mot�an carried unanimoualy. CEIVING i'f� MICIUTES OF THE pLpNNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 24 1973 Mayor Liebl called vn the qiky Engi,neer to explaln Che action of the p�anning Gommisaion. The Gity Engineez� said that item number one of the meeting has been diecusaad aC the end of the Plannj,ng Commiasion Meetin$ snd he would discuss the speeial uae p�xmit requeat by Mr, �abrelcik 1n �hat order. , THE REGULAR r;_ETING OF FEBRUARY 5. 1973 PAGE 17 � The City Attorney said Mr. Gabrelcik needs a special use permit on that property Lhat was not included in the grandfather clause on the property that is now non conforming use. He added, according to the minutes of the Planning Commission, they had requested �ertain information and they did not receive this information. He continued, the Planning Commission asked if he was going to submjt this information pr should they a�t on the information they had. Mr. Gabrelcik said he was not going to fur- nish this information and they should act on what t4iey had. Acting or, the available information, the Planr�ing Commission denied the special use permit. He added, it seemed the Council had two alternatives, one to advise Mr. Gabrelcik to again appear before the planning Commission, providing the information they requested enabling the planning Commission to determine whether a special use permit should be issued. He said [ne other alternative would be to advise the attorney to take action on the violation of carrying on a used car operation without a special use permit. Mayor Liebl addressed Mr, Gabrelcik stating the Planning Commission re- quests. He said they had asked for evidence of purchase of the property, title to the property, evidence of when he had acquired the property and a plan on how he would like to use the property. The Mayor continued, Mr. Gabrelcik had indicated he wanted to use lots 12 and 1j in addition to the lots he had been using, and for the same purpose as he had been using the others. Mayor Liebl called on Mr. �abrelcik's attorney, Mr. Kohlan. � Mr. Kohlan said it had been unfortunate that he had gotten a last minute commitment and was unable to represent Mr. Gabrelcik at the planning Commission meeting. He said according to the minutes the Commission wanted some absolute deeds. Mr. Kohlan said as he saw it there were two problems; , one, the special use permit whith would enable Mr, Gabre)cik use lots 12 and 13 without relying on the grandfather clause, and that portion of land that was being used for a used car lot when the ordinance went � into effect. The other question is that of getting the area in order or cleaning it up. He said, the Planning Commission wanted to know how much land in square feet would be in use and how many cars would normally � be placed on thak land. He added, there had not been much of a turn over in used �ars recently, but Mr. Gabrelcik was attempting to dispose of them. Mr. Kohlan.sald whatever the current action, the used �ar lot is still going to be there, and the �urrent action could be settled. He , recommended, Mr. �,abrelCik return to the planning Commission presenting the necessary inFormation. � , ' • � Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Kohlan who had informed Mr, Gabrelcfk he needed a special use permit, was it the City Adminisxration7 Mr. Kohlan said this was his under5tanding, The Mayor said it had a)so baen his understanding. Mr, Kohlan said according to the ord(nances, If Mr. Gabrelcik wanted to 'use any other part of the�land not covered by Yhe grandfather clause, he would have to obtain a�pecia•1 use permit. Mayor Lleb) said Khis hed been his underskanding, as thrs (s what the �fky Engineer had advised the Coun�ii at the �ime, ' THE REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 5> 1973 � � C� f�1 GE I 9 Councilman Nee said the City did not want to support more of the same type of use in the area, Councilman Breider said the City was concerned with getting-some of the junk cleaned up. He suggested sending Mr. Gabrel- cik back to the planninq Commission. Councilman Nee stated that most of the cars in the area are not for sale. Councilman Utter said the property on University Avenue was not too bad, but behind the building there is a lot of junk, including a Iarge stack of tires. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Gabrelcik if he had hauled away a few loads of material and Mr. �abreicik said he had. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Gabrelcik if he thought investing $10,000 in an area he was trying to sell was foolish. Mr. Gabrelcik said this was his feel- ing. Councilman Nee expressed the hope that the area could be �)eaned up to the satisfaction of the neighbors. MOTION by Councilman Nee to direct Mr. Gabrelcik Co resubmi! his reques[ to the planning Commission, furnishing them with the requested information and materials and placing the item on the Council agenda again next month. Seconded by Councilman Breider, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION ON MUGGLI REQUEST REFERRED TO PLANNING COMMISSION BY COUVCIL: The Mayor called on the Ciry Enqineer to present the action taken. The ' City Engineer said the item had bee� referred [o the P�ats and Subdivisions- Streets and Utilities Subcommittee by the Planning Commission. CONSIDERATION OF FLOOD PLAIN ZONING: Mayor Liebl said he recommended adoption of the suggested resolution in the agenda. Councilman Nee said there had been some problems raised by the p�anning Commission Chairman, Mr. Erickson. He added, the adoption of the resolution may cause some damage in the area and he suggested these questions be worked out before the adoption of the resolution. The City Engineer said what the Planning Commission had recommended is the adoption of the resolution as suggested. The Legisla[ures 1969 Statutes require a�� communittes who have floods must adopt the plan when the information is made available to them. He said, it will only be a matter of time until the City will be forced to adopt the resolution. The City Engineer said that according to Mr. James Wright, Department of Natural Resources, the City could adopt a resolution enabling tiiose in the flood plain to obtain flood insurance in abqut three weeks without actually design3ting areas in the flood plain. He added, this method may not have full impact of the proposed plan. The City Engineer suggested making up such a plan and establish the necessary areas. � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY $, i973 ,� , � , , i , ,, PAGE 21 would not commit themselves. The City Attorney suggested �freparing a deta(1od lekter Including elovations and plctures and sending it to f. H. A. as this may bring about more results, 7'he City Engineer said it hed taken two weeks to schodule the upcomf�g meeting. 1{e said they would try to satlsfy some of the Council's concerns tn the area and suggest the RPce Creek area be called the Creek protectfon area, ke added, wa wfll try again to geC the answers to the qusstions the Council 15 asking, Councilman Brelder asked what the attitude of F. H. A. would be if a house was associated with flood Insurance, Mayor Liebl safd this is the type of question that should be incorporated in [he letter pre- pared by the Clty Rttorney, He asked the Cfty Attorney if he would assfst in this plan. The C(ty Attorney answered yes. MOTION by Councilman Breider to table any actFon uritil the next meeting. � Seconded by Counc(Iman Utter, Upon a voice vote, ell voting aye, Mayor liabl declared the mqtlon carr(ed unanimously, RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF JANUARY 30 I 73; The Clty Engineer said the request for a varla�ce by Mr. De�ardner had been recommended for approval by the Board of Appeals, ►1e said the lot is wiihin the proposed flood plain area and the prospecEive property owner should be notified as to the level of the flood waters in 1965. He said he believed the new building standards to be required by flood plain zoning should be met in this area to prevent further damage. He said, in this area it would not be too d)fficult to butld a building at a higher leve�, Mayor Liebl asked if Mr. DeGardper was present and if he had any camments. Mr. DeGardner addressed the Council say�ng the wa�er leval of the 1965 flood Just cama up to thfs lot. He added, In the event there should be a more severe flood, it may fill the basement with water, but the living area Is five feet above the grade and shouid not be affected at any tfine. He said the road in this area had been ratsed three feet since the 1965 f 1 ooii. Mr. DeGardner said he had constructed ten to twelve homesin this area and had n�ver sought F. H. A, financing as F. H. A, had turned the entire area down. Me said they had been applytng for MGIC financing. He added, it was his opinion tha MGIC financing would take over a11 F. H. A. financing withfn the next flve years as they were not so rastrictive. He said, they only requtre 5� down. He questioned whethar this financing would 6e affected ff the flood p�aln zon�Fng were to be adopted, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1973 C�"'— _--"' PA&E. 23 MOTION by Councllman Nae to approve the var(ance, $econded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voic� vote, a11 voting aye, Me►yor L(ebl dectared the mo- tion carrfed unanimously. MOTION by Councilman'Nee to approve tha variance. SecGnded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mo- tion carried, . MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the variance, Se�onded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote,'all voting aye, Mayor Llebl declared the rtption carrled unanimously, MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of January 30, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor I.ieb) de�lared the motion carried unanimously, Mayor Liebl sald as they had not recelved the mfnutes until j�ust before the presenk meeti�,g, they did not have a chance to study them. Councflman Breider, Moderator of the Meeting, stated the meeting had gone well, and the Committee had discuseed a wide range of topics. � MOTION by gouncilman Utter Co receive the minutes of the North Park Cortmittee Meetfing of ,lanuary }I, 1973, 5econded by Counctlman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�ayor Liebi decFared the motion tarried unanimously. RE ESS: � Mayor Liebl called a ten mtnutes recess at II:OQ p.m. RECONVENED: � , , ' Mayor Liebl declared the meeting recpnvended at 11;20 p,m. , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1973 ' 1 L_J =� PAGE 25 MOTION by Councilman Nee to concurr with the City Manager and set the meeting for• February 12, 1973• Seconded by Cou�cilman Bceider, Upon a voice vote, all votfng aye, Mayor Liobl declareQ the motlon carrled unenimously. RECEIVING REPORT ON AUTOMATIC DOORS FOR THE NEW LIO 0 STORE: � Mayor �febl called on tha Cfty Manager to explain the proposal. The City Mana- ' ger said the automatic door had not been included in the budget and the archi- tect had not mentioned it. He said thls proposal must be eitheP approved or denied at the present time as the constructton was advancing to a point where Ithey would have to be incorporated if they were approved. Mayor Liebl safd they would be constructing a•high quality service if they approved the automatic doors. The City Manager said the doors were a conveni- ' enGe item that would help the overall image of the store, Councilman Utter asked if the doors would swing or slide. The Glty Manager said he believed they would be limited to the 'swfn t e, sliding door would be a 9 yP Mayor Liebl said he believed the , good idea, Councilman Utter said he thought it may be mpre convenient for the customers returning and carrying cases to get through the sllding rather than the swinging door, The City Manayer said he would con- ' sult the architect to determine whether it would be possible to install the sllding doors. He said, there would be no problem with one door, butthere is another tur� upon exit from the building, and the customer wou)d have to walk around another door. Councilman Starwalt questio�ed whather the money mentioned would be a part of the total money set aside fpr this project. The City Manager said it would be in addltion to the amount budgeted for manual doors. Counci)man Starwalt asked If the installation of these doors would increase the liquor business? The City Manager stated he had toured several municipal liquor stores and gyerly's had installed the automatic doors in their modern store, but Edina does not have electric doors. Councilman Starwalt asked if the wstomer would be more pleased to ha�e a bottle for a n(ckel less than have the automatic doors. The City Manager said ha viewed the installation of automatic doors as a convenience item, He added, it would surely make it easier for a lady to handle a case of bottles, Councilman Starwalt said this liquor store belondged to the people of Fridley, and he belfeved the Gouncil and adminlstratlon could be criticized for spending such a �arge amount on'automatic doors, He said he did believe the expenditure for the sign was necessary, buk not for the doors, Councllman Nee asked �W much maney was made on one bottle and how many bottles wou)d have to be sold to pay for the doorsl The Clty Manager said if this would be divided up oyer the life of the store, jt would be a vary limited amount. The City Eng�neer provi`ded the plans foT the buflding and discussed them with the Councilmen at the Council table. MOTION by Councilman Breider to authorize the automatfc doors as stipulated. Seconded by Councflman Utter. Louncilman Starwa�t strassed the quality and elegancQ of the door, but sald he belfeved they were too much of an expenditure. UPON A y010E VOTE, Councilmdn Utter, CQUncilman Nee, Councilman Breider, and Mayor Lfebl voting aye, Counqilman S�arw�lt voting nay, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried four to one. G e�%�cP REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1973 PAGE 27 Councilman 6reider said he had included this as part of his proposal so the City would not run Into any oppo�,ition to lagal counsel while they are )o6by- ing. Councflman Nee sa�d typi.cally, attorneys are selected by the Counctl or by the electorate. F{e addad, it is basically a politital job. The City Manager said as he was from California he was accustomed to the Coun- cil appointing the 1e9a1 services, he added, he had seen it done both ways. He 5ard it would take some time to work out an agreement of terms. He suggested setting a date when the agreement could be brought back to the Council for rati- fication. Councllman Nee asked if it should be handled in two different motions; one, who you want to appoint and two, how you want to appo(�C in [he future9 Mayor Liebl said the only way it cou)d be handled is to wixhdraw the second to the motion, he reminded the Council that there was a motion on the floor at the present time. Councilman Utter said he agreed with the first part of the motion, but had some reservations about the second par•t. He added, the Council should have the power to accept or rejact. He said the Counctl is not close enough to the workings of the administratfon to approve recommendations of this type. ' MOTIUN amended by Councilman Breider to add the words ��if the Council wishes'� to the sentence ��both firms will assist the Councfl 'if the Council wishes' in reforming the Home Rule Charter.'� Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon , a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor �iebl declared the motion to amend the motion carried unanimously. UPON A VOICE VOTf Councilman Breider, Councilman Statwalt, Mayor �iebl and , Councllman Utter voting aye, Louncilman Nee voting nay, the motion by Councll- man Breider to appoint legal services carried four to one, [� �J ' , J Councllman Starwalt suggested changing the length of the te�m to extend to April and not end at the end of the year. Mayor Liebl read the Resolution. The City Manager said the proposed Act would call for time and one half pay for any work over forty hours per week. He said the Firemen work sixty hours per week without Eime and a half at the present time and this would fnvolve a great expenditure on the part of the City. MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #20-1973. Seconded by Council- man Utter. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � � , , � ' G� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1973 , PAGE 29. Councllman Nee. said he did not believe there could be an improvement in the ffrst session as the program was put into effect too late in the sassion. Councilman Starwait said he had met Mr. Kennedy and he fs confident Mr. Kennady wtll do a good Job and report back to the C�ty. Ha added, Mr. Kennedy is very capable and he wlll try ta do us. Justice, Mayor Lfebl said after meeting the gontleman he felt he was very capable and his knowledge and skil)s could only help the Llty. ' RECEIVING INFORMATION FROM MTC ON EXTENDED SERVICE IN ANOKA COUNTY: MOTIUN by Councilman Braider to raceive the lnformation from MTC. Seconded by , Councilman Sta�alt. Upon a voica vote, all votfng aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carriad unanimously. , , The City Englneer said the informatlon incorporatad in the agenda is concerning study inforn�ation and materials relating to a meeting to be February 27, 1973. and anyone interested in working on the Northtown Corridor Study would be wel- come to attend. ' , , • ' � r Mayor Liebl stressed the importance of a bridge across the river as retated to this study and also mentioned it would be a help to all of Fridley. Mayor Lleb'1 asked the Clty Manager if he would work on a.resolution to express the need for such a projact. The City Engfneer said a proJect of this type would run into mflllons of dollars, that is why the City was part of a group, Mayor Liebl said there are two foot bridges within ona block of one another in Edina. He polnted out, ft may be, the one who makes the most noise, gets the most accompl(shed. Councilman Breider satd the City of Fridley puts many tax dotlars into the State Government, and what is do�e with it? He added, it does not cost them the total amount to plow the roeds. The City Engineer sald thay had continually pushed for the approval of projects, but there are other ereas where the need 1s mpre c�itical. The City Manager sqid there is somethfng to be said for doing a lfttle squeaking. MOTION by Councllman Utt�r to receive the communlcations on the Northtown Corri- , dor Study. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motton carried unanimously. ' MOTION by Cou�cilman Breider to receive the Communfcation from Representatfve Paul hlcCarron, dated January 22b 1973. Seconded by �ouncilmdn Nee, Upon a voice vote, all voking aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimous)y. � REGULAR COUNCJL MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1973 � ' ' , , I ' • ' r � �/ � PAGE 31 The �ity Engineer said the present equipment would only take care of two to three inches of snow. He"said they had been purchasing cheap equipment, which forced them to (ncrease their man hours on the sidewalk plaving, He said they are required to keep the sidewalks clean for the schomis and along Mississippi Street. Iq order to do th(s Job, the City must have the right kind of equip- rnent. He mentioned the fact that White Bear Lake had been using this proposed plow and it was doing the Job. Councilman Utter asked if the snow on the side- walks could be plowed by the schools7 The City Eng(neer said no, the City has agreed to take care of the plaving, Councilman Starwalt eskad the possib(lity of the concerned department foreman making d presentation to the Coupcil on the need and purpose of the proposed equ.ipment. The City 1�Woage� said they had already taJked with the people whp •are to operate the equipment. The Clty Engineer agreed that this has fjeen done, He added, they had also visited two communities to determine the type of equlpment needed. Councilman Utter said there had 6een a problem in the type of equipment that was purcfiased last spring. The City Manayer agreed there had been a problem at that time, but they had gone back ar{d corrected the probiem. The City Manager said, if the Council wished, the Clty could continue con- ' tracting the work, but at the time �yhen they had worked on the budget, they talked of buying equipment and this is the present proposal. Councilman Utter said the amount discussed at that time was �6,000 not $9,000. He questioned , what the other equipment was being used for, if 7t was being used at all, The Ctty Engineer said it was beiog used for the clearing of the City Ha11 Grounds and sidewalks a)ong the street. ' MOTION by Councilman Utter to table action on the resolution untilthe next eketing, February 12, �973, obtain(ng more information and personally con- ducting an investIgation on the proposal, Seconded by Councilman Sta nvalt. � Upon a voice vote, all voti�g aye, payor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, ' � ' , '`J MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt Resolution #22-1973. Saconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a vofce vote, all vottng aye, Meyor Lfebl detlared the rnotion carried unanlmously. , MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolutlon #23-1973• Seconded by Council- men Utter. Upon a vo(ce vote, all �oting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carr(ed unanimously, ��= � � � � REGULAR COUNGIL MEETING, FEBRIJARY $, i973 ON SALE SUNDAY LIOUOR Fridley VFW Post 363 1040 Osborne Road Fridlay, Minnasota PAGE 33 APPROVED BY FEE . Pubiic Safety $83.30 Director _ ,, ,, MOTION by Councllman Utter to approve the Licenses. Seconded by Councilma� ' Starwalt, Upon a voice,vote, a1� voting aye, Mayor Llebl declared the motion carried unanimousiy. r ' ESTIMATES: Comstock � Davis, Ins. (THIS ESTIMATE WAS TABLED JANUARY 22, 1g73) ConsultJng Engineers 1446 County Road ����� Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 Engineering Work Provided on Project No. 104. Locke Lake Dame.�mprovements $ 2>929•56 patch, Ericks'on, Madson b Hanson, Inc. 2801 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, Minnesota 55405 Estimate #5, PARTIAL, january Inspection Fridley Liquor 5tore $ 100.00 MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the Estimates. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayqr Llebl declared the motion carrfed unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the agreement and communication, dated November 14, 197Z. Seconded by Councilman Brelder. Upon a voice vote, ail voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motton carrtEd unanimously. FRIDLEY VOLUNTEER FIREMAN'S RE�IEF ASSOCIATION PROPOSED PENSpON CHANGES: MOTIDN by Councilman Utter to recelve the communication. Seconded by Councfl- man Breider. Upon a volce �pte,all voting aye, Mayor L�ebl declared Ehe pption carried unanimously. LETTER FROM CHESTER MERDLINE OFFICE OF MILITARY AFFAIRS: MOTION by Councilman Bre(der to place thls item on the agenda February 12, 1973. Seco�ded by Councilm�n Uttar. Upon a volce vote, a�� yoting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carN ed unanimously. .