03/05/1973 - 5780PATR7CIA ELLI5 COUNCIL SECRETARY REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 5, 1973 0 ' ' MEMO TO: DEPARTMENT HEADS Following are the "ACTIONS NEEDED". Your answers should be ii ' in the City Manager's office by Wednesday 14, 1973. Thank you. . ' FRIDI.EY CITY COUNCIL - REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - MARCH 5, 1973 - 7:30 P. M. , 7:43 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Given ' ' TNVOCATION: By City Manager ' ROLL CALL: All Present ' PRESENTATION OF AF'ARD: ' Youth.Achievemant Award Charles S. Welf, Eagle Scout Presented ' • � ' APPFOVAL OF M�'NUTES: ' Regular Council Meeting of February 5, 1973 Adopted. , . ' ADOPTIOid OF AG�'NDA: ' Adopted, no additions. ' 'VISSTO�S: • ' Consideration of Itens not on Agenda - 15 Minutes) Mr. William Gates, 67Q1 2nd St. N.E., Fridley, request for chanqe in schocl bus si:op at 67th «nd 2nd to in front of park. ��ITX MANAGER ACT�CON NEEDED: Check with School District #14 ' I� 'CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, MARCH 5, 1973 . Page 2-A I I VISITORS CONTINUED: II ' 120 & 124 Rivers Edge Way - Snow being stacked from Stevenson School _ and flooding the lots. NGINEERING ACTION NEEDED: Check out drainage. 6I34 Woody Lane - Duck lines on South Side should be taken care I� � of by Telephone Company. i ENGINEERING ACTION NEEDED; Check with Telephone Company. � ' , Mayor commended City Manager and City Engineer and Public Works i' Department for cooperation and time on Saturday, March 3, 1973, in solving drainage problem in Municipal Liquor Store Parking � lot. ITY MANAGER ACTION NEEDED; Write letter commending Public Works Employees. , • 1� �1 1 ' ',CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, MARCH S, 1973 . • ' PUBLIC HEARING: ' NONE ' OLD $USINESS: ' Consideration of Second Reading of an Ordinance for Vacation Request SAV ��72-07, Northwestern Be11 Telephone Cocnpany, to ' Vacate Portion of North/South Alley in Bloc�. 11, Hyde Park Addition Ordinance #533 adopted, publication ordered. (�TY M�INAGER ACTION NEEDED: Publish Ozdinance. ' ' • Consideration of Appointment of Robert Barnette, 541 Rice Creek Boulevard to Ad Hoc North Park Committee (Requested by Mayor Liebl) � Appointment approved. I, �TY MANAGER ACTION NEEDED: Notify Mr. Barnette. ' iNEW BUSINESS: ' Consideration of First Reading �f an Ordinance Amending Section 3.05 Relatiz�g to the Use of Sick Leave for City Employees ' First Reading adopted. CITY MANAGER ACTION NEEDED: Put on next ager.da. • � � PAGE 2 ITEM NUMBER & PAGE NUMBERS 1 2 3 - 3 A I , ''CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, MARCH 5, 1973 . • ' NEW BUSINESS (Continued) I' Gonsideration of First Reading of an Or�inance Amending Section 3.08 Relating to the Use of Funeral Leave for City Employees ' First Reading adopted. C' TY A4ANAGER ACTION NEEDED: Put on next agenda. ' Report from Ed Wilmes in Reference to U. S. Navy Seabees and Letterhead and Brochure for "Islands of Peace'' , Letterhead and brochure received. Concurred with Mr. Wilmes' comments . �S NO ACTION NEEDED: ' � ' Consideraticn of a Request for Building a Iiouse in Fiood Prone Area with Water-Proofing and Other Safety Measuxes; Robert DeGardner, 8125 Rivervi.ew �'errace � Request approved. Stipulations nust be water proofed and , valves must be installed t� cZose off water and sewer. �NGINEERING ACTIOI3 NEED�D: ?�dotify contractor. � ' Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of February 21, 1973 ' Received. t IN ER�NG NO ACTION NEEDED: ��� � � ' ' PAGE 3 ITEM NUMBER & PAGE NUMBERS 4 S �� � � � �— � 6 - 6 C 7 - 7 F i � � � . I� 'GINEERTNG � , i ' i EN GINEERING � � INEEFtING �' • � li r St3�NEERING 1 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, MARCH 5, 1973 NEW BIISINESS (Continued) Consideration of Request for Side Yard Variance, Richard Miller Homes Request approved. ACTION NEEDED: Notify Applicant of approval. Consideration of Request for Variance to Increase Maximum Sign Square Footage, Pella Products, Inc. Request approved. ACTION NEEDED: Notify ap�.n.licant of approval. Receiving Bids and Awarding Contract oa Water Improvement Project ��110 (Bids Opened 11:30 A. rI., March 5, 1973) Bids received. Awarded to Rysgaard-Masters Co., Inc. 1253 West Connelly St. St. Pau1, Minnesota - 55112 � in the amount af $29,800.00 and 45 Cal. days. ACTION 2JEEDED: Notify contractor o� acceptance. Receiving Bids and A�aarding Co;�tract for Street Improvement Project ST. 1973-1 ard ST. 1973-2 (MSAS) (Bids Opened 1I:30 A. M., March S, 1973) Bids Received. Con�ract to be awardeci March 12, 1973 meeting. AC`i'TGi1 i�i"r;EDLD: Put on n.ext agenda. PAGE 4 ITEM NUMBER & PAGE NUMBERS : : 9 - 9 B 10 _.►�'�/'7 /� i 11 �♦ � �!I � 1 CITY COUNC IL AGENDA, MARCH 5, 1973 . . ' NEW BIISINESS (Continued) I' Receiving Report on Sanztary Sewer Problems in Capitol Street II ' Report received. I 'GI..E�nI".:G ACTION NEEDED: Prepare a list of alternatives for further 5tudy. I , j' Consideration of Establishing a Walkway Location for Robert Louis Stevenson Elementary School and Authorizing Further Action I' Councilman Nee authorized to ne otiate with four 5 ' property owners. II �G�RING ACTION NEEDED: Work with Councilman Nee. i , �, Consideration of a Request for Drilling a Well at 5800 21� Street by Mr. Albin Johnson, For the Purpose of Sprinkling Lawns Only ' ' Request approved. Stipulated he does not connect this ' to Municipal system. ' ENGINEERING ACTION NEEDED: Notify applicant of approval with stipulations. ' , Receiving Notice of Northtown Task Force Meeting with the Area Councils on March 14, 1973, 7:30 P. M., at Blaine ' City Hall , . Lf_'C�'1V: C�. ��TNEF'RING NC ACTION NEEDED; PAGE 5 ITEM NUMBER & PAGE NUMBERS 12 - 12 G 13 - 13 C 14 1S _ J ' 'CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, MARCH S, 1973 . . ' NEW BUSINESS (Continued) ' Consideration of Resolution Supporting the Adoption of Senate File 342 and House File 439 Increasing the Length ' of Trucks Permitted on Four Lane Highways Tabled. Chair obstained. �TY MANAGER NO ACTION Nr^.�DED: ' , Consideration of a Resolution Authorizin the Chan in g g g of Budget Appropriations Within the General Fund (Legal - , Year 1972) �Resolution #33-1973 adopted. � �NANCE ACTION NEEDED: Proceed as authorized. , ConSideration of a Resolution Supporting House File 410 Increasing the Number of Allowable Liquor Licenses , for a Municipality Resolution #34-1973 adopted. , CI'�Y MANAGER ACTION NEEDED: Forward Resolution to appropriate parties. �r - , R�ceiving Notice of Dinner Meeting with David Kennedy, Legislative Liaison for City of Fridley, to be Held ,6:�0 P. M., March 8, 1973, Greenhaven Country Club, • AnoG,a , Noiice received. Meeting changed to March 22, 1973, Gx�tenha�len Country Club, Anoka. +�TY MANAGER ACT�OIQ T;E�D�D: Determine attendance. PAGE 6 ITENI NUMBER & PAGE NUMBERS 16 - 16 D 17 18 - 18 C 19 , �CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, riARCH 5, 1973 , • ' NEW BUSINESS (Continued) � Claims ' Approved. FINAr10E ACTION NEEDED; Pay claims. ' � Licenses , Approved. ��NANCE ACTION NEEDED: Notify applicants of appxova�. ' � o"nt n App i me t of New Police Officers , Approved contingent upon receipt of letter of agreement from officers to be placed on P.E.R.A. ancl contingent , upon receipt of letter from Police Pension Association indicating agreement of new officers being placed an P.E.R.A. CITY MAiv'AGER ACTION I�EEDED: Prepare supportive data for next meeting. COMMUNICATIONS: , Anoka-Hennepin School District �E11: Meeting Scheduled for March 28, 1973 ' Received. �TX MA!'?AGER NO ACTION I�:EEDED : ' , ' ' PAGE 7 ITEM NUMBER & PAGE NUMBERS 20 21 22 ,e i � � � f� Z 23 I � 'CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, MARCH 5, 1973 � ' C�LUIUNICATIONS (Continued) ' DeWayne Lennox: Special Use Permit, Melody Manor ' Received. Mr. Lennox to wait six months before submitting request for special use permit. Counci2man Breider to discuss the matter with Mr. Lennox. IGINEERING NO ACTION NEEDED: ' Representative Paul McCarron: Intersection of T.H. ;k47 and 69th Avenue N. E. iReceived. TY MANAGER ACTION NEEDED: Provide correspondence with Mayor's signature to Representative McCarron. ' • ' ' D 0 A J URN: 10:40 p.m. � � Results of the Study Session on East Ri�er Road. ENGINEERING ACTION NEEDED: Prepare appropriate resolution. ' ' ' • ' I .� PAGE 8 ITEM NUMBER & PAGE NUMBERS 24 - 24 A 25 - 25 A THE MTNUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 5, 1973 The regular meeting of the Fridley City Gouncil was called oz order at 7:44 p.m., February 5, 1973, by Mayar Liebl. ' PLEDGE 1�F ALLEGIANCE: Maypr Liebl led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INVOCATION: The invocation was offered by the City Manager, Mr. Gerald Davis. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Utter, Nee, Breider, Starwalt, Liebl. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 18, 1972: MOTION by Councilma�n Nee to adopt the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REGULAR COLINCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 8, 1973: Mayor Liebl called the Council's attention to page 7, paragraph 5, and said the word 'he' should be changed to the word 'him'. MOTION by Councilman Sreider to adopt the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Liebl listed the following items as additions to the agenda: Islands of Peace report by Mr. Ed Wilmas, to be changed from item #34 to item #5-B. Resolution Offering Suqgestions for Modifications of the Minrlesota Fair Standards Act (H.F. 9) � LICENSES: VFW #363 - Sunday Liquor COMMUNICATIQNS: 1 Receiving cqmmunication from Chester J. Moegle.in, Office of Military Affairs, dated January 29, 1973. � � Receivinc� a communieation from•William B. Hopkins. ���.ei+ving a communication from Mayar McDon�ld, Robbinsdale, dated Jaaivary 29, 1973. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1973 ADOPTION OF AGENDA CONTINUED: Communication from Thomas G. Valerity, Pres3dent of Onan Page 2 Rec�iving a communication from Henry Melcher, Mississippi, East of Highway #65. MOTSON by Councilman Utter �o adopt the agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mo tion carried unanimously. ViSITORS: MR. DONALD MITTELSTADT, 6940 HICKORY DRZVE N. E., FRIDLEY: Mr. Mittelstadt said one'of the major problems in the City of Fridley, now and during his term in office, are the traffic, speed and hazardous conditions on the East River Road. He stated there had been two fatalities within the past month on that roadway. , Mr. Mittelstadt said last April he had worked with the members of the police department and that East River Road was patrolled heavily at that time and shou7.d be patrolled heavily now. During that time up to 180 traffic violations were recorded. Mr. Mittelstadt said that sin�e he had not completed his planned program, he asked the newly elected third Ward Councilman Nee to take some action and work for a solution to the problem. i Mayor Liebl said he was aware of the sel.iousness of the problem, and asked the Council and the City staff for their help in reaching a satisfactory solution. He said the traffic laws should be strictly enforced. He added, when this was done last year he had many complaints from people that they were losing their licenses. He said, most of the complaints were fr�m person� in other communities. The Mayor suggested the City repeat the action of last year and attempt to stop the major violators on East River Road. Mayor Liebl said the City should talk to the Sta�e, County and the law enforcement agencies involved in an at�empt to canatruct a bridge across the River. He safd the Gity does not have any juris- diction o� who may travel on East Rivar Road, so this would be the only solution. Councilman Breider asked the City Engineer, Nasim Qureshi, if a bridge would reduce the traffic flow by one third? The City Engineer said it would xeduce the traf�ic by 40 to 5Q�k. The Gity Enqinesr said the Noxthtown Corridor S�udy Committee involving seven communitiss, thr�e aountiea, the Minx�esota Highway Aepartment, 7ransit Gommission and the Metro Counail are stu�ying the prablem. He said, only Sta�e Legislatian caz� activate a plan such as this in the Hiqhwax �ep�ztment Sy��em, He said this may take five to ten years REGULAI2 MEETING FEBRUARY 5, 1973 VISITORS CONTINUED: to complete the facilities. Page 3 Mayor Liebl said waiting five to ten years would be ridiculous. He added, it must be done now. He said with the construction of the Northtown Shopping Center, traffic had doubled. He suggested indicating to the legislative representatives that it is imperative to build this bric�ge now. Mr. Mike Paripovich, 8200 East River Road addressed Councilman Nee and asked him if he thought it would be possible to dig a trench across the East River Road, terminating the traffic at Coon Creek? Councilman Nee said he thought they should attempt to significantly reduce the traffic south of the creek. Mr. Papipovich repeated his question to Councilman Nee, and Councilman Nee said he was planning to work on the East River Road problem. Mr. Paripovich asked if it would be possible to reduce the speed limit to 30 miles per hour as the area is residential. He asked if someone was presently working on this? Councilman Breider said the speed regulations are determined by the State. He recalled the City had requested a reduction in speed, and asked if there had been a reply. , The City Engineer said the City does not have any jurisdiction on the roadway. He said East River Road is a County Road and all the speed limits are set by the Minnesota Highway Department. He said, the City had asked for a program of reduced speed limits there and the limits were lowered on a small portion. Fie said all the parties involved are concerned, but he added, the City may get some results if a little pressure is placed on the legislators and the Highway Department. Mr. Paripovich said, then, nothing has been done. � Councilman Nee said he had only been on the Cour.cil for three weeks, and in his opinion, there would be no solution to the problem if a freeway were constructed through the area. He said he did not believe the solution would be unreasonable, and continued by saying � it is a political problem. He suggested putting some muscle together to be heard in Minneapolis. � PUBLIC HEARINGS: There were non�. DISCUSSION AND REVIEW OF PROPOSED SIGN FOR NEW MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE AT 63RD AND T. H. #65: � Mayor Liebl called on the City Manager to present the plans to the Council. The City Manaqer said he haa asked Mr. Milt Anderson, Lawrence Sign, Ina., for assistance in providing technical advice in the proposed design. He added, the City would not be obligated to Mr. Anderson in any way, as the � plans would have to go out far bids. He placed the drawings of the pxoposed ,Ea�ans on the easel. � REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 5, 1973 Page 4 The City Manager said he wanted to provide a plan for a distinc sign with some class, and he presented the artist's sketch. He said he believed the proposed sign would fit in with the building. He explained that the sign would be six feet six inches by fifteen feet, double faced enabling it tio be seen from both directions. He added, the l�t:ters would be raised from one to two inches and he believed it could be seen easily from the highway. He added, the sign would be lighted and as a conveni�nae factor, the City could install a telephone in the base of it. He also proposed the installation of lights in the sign that could be directed to shine on the liquor store building. He said he had some pictures to enable the Council to see how the sign would fit into the area. The City Manager stressed the i�portanae of reaching a d�cision on the prQposed plans as cans��uctian had prog�essed to the point where the installation should be doae soon, Couacilman Uttar asked the position or placement of the sign on the property. The City Manager esid it would be free etanding aign. Councilman Utter questioned the installation of the telephone and the ability of the public to use it. Councilman Brsider said they would not want to clutter up the area with other itema if they planned to hsve a distinctive sign such as this. Mr. Andersan said there would be three flood lights installed in the sign that would light the building. Mayor Liebl asked if the proposed sign would meet the budget allocation, and what price range was being planned? The City Manager said $6,000.00 had been appropriated for a sign if it were to be purchased outright. He said, the City could also consider a lease program in which the maintenance would be taken care of for the City by the sign company. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Anderson for his opinion as a sign specialist, would $6,000.00 be appropriate for this type of sign? Mr. Anderson said the sign would nat be that high, possibly $5,000.00. He added, the price did not include the masonary work, only the sign. He added the phone is not a necessary feature, it is only a convenience. He said the total sign including the lights on the building would be in the $6,000.00 price range. � Mayor Liebl asked what the life expeatancy of the sign would be under nortnal usage? Mr. Anderson said it would be very durable as it would be constructed of plexiglas, but they could not guarant�le against breakage. The City Manager said the sign would be insured against breakage. Councilman 5tarwalt asked if the brick on the sign base would match the brick on the building? The Gity Manager said it would match the brick on the building, not the stone work. Mr. Andsrson said thex planned to use fluorescent lightinq as a maintenance conv�nience, as the bulbs could be zeplaced at any time by �nyone. He added, if neon ligh�ing would be used, only the si.gn contractor aauid raplac� tha liqhta. Councilman Utt�er aeked the eize of the cer�ter �il�a�. Mx�. Anderson eaid, it would be 18 inches thick. Counailman Utter aske$ if thexe would be brick un,der the sign. Mr. Ander�on sa�d no. � � r-. � � � � � � � I � � �• I � I � REGULAR COUNCZL MEETING FEBRUARY 5, 1973 PAGE 5 Mayor Liebl said it is very important to have an attractive sign as the liquor business has become very competitive since the new tax law. Mr. Anderson said they had decided the words 'Bottle Shop' would be better suited than 'Liquor Store'. Mayor Liebl agreed saying, - there are already too many signs that say 'Liquor Store". The City Manager said he had chosen blue for the color of the lettering because there are so many using red and there is a red sign next door. Councilman Nee asked the City Attorney if the; were required to say 'Municipal Liquor Store' on the sign. The City Attorney said no. --The C�.ty Manager said some of the City's present signs are worded 'Liquor Store'. . The City Manaqer said the action that is necessary at the present time would be to approve the conoept of the sign. After this is done, the City will have to receine bids on the project. Mr. Anderson offered his assistance in preparing the specifications for the sign. MQTION by Councilman Utter to approve the proposed sign concept, authorizing the specifications to be drawn and bids to be received. Seconded by Councilman Sta�walt. Upon a voice vote, aIl voting aye, Mayor Liebl _declared the motion ca�xried_unanimously. `� ORDINANCE #531 - FOR REZONING REQUEST ZOA #72-12 BY JAMES LLIND CONSTRUCTION, � • ! ii�]C. , 3'0 REZONE FROM C-1S TO R-1: MOTION by Councilman Utter to waive the reading and adopt Ordinance %#531, and order publication. Seconded bX Councilman Nee. Upon a roll call vote, Utter, Nee, Breidar_, Starwalt and Liebl voting aye, , Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE #532 - VACATION REQUEST SAV #72-06, BY STATE i�AND & DEVELOPMENT ' COMPANY� PAUL BURKHOLDER: ' - MOTION by Councilman Nee to waive the reading, and adopt Ordinance #532 and order publication. Secanded by Councilman Breider. Upon a roll call vote, Liebl,Utter, Nee, Breider and Starwalt voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carriec�"tinanimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF.RFGISTERED I.AND SURVEY P. S. #72-Q6 BY DONOVAN A SCHULT2; GENERALLY LOCATED AT 15 RICE CREEK WAY (TA3I.ED 1-22-73): AND CONSIDERATION OF PROBLEM OF OWNERSHIP OF LAND UNDER LAKE BY HOMEOWNERS AROUND LAKE: ' MOTION by Councilman Nee to receive the letters; from Nasim Qureshi, City Engineer, to Locke Lake Home Owners, dated January 26, 1973, from � Nasim 2uY?5:11 � LO i-.P.C1C3 CO117'i�y �v3rC 02 �OT:lTIl15SlOY'E: S� �.: �.i T�Gi1 Dor.ovan ti A Schultz to the City o� Fridley Co:uicil, c�a'.ad FeDZU�ry 1, 1973. �.Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared tlae motion caxried unanimous].y. ��Mayor Lieb� call�d on Mr. Frank Nebe1, President of the Locke Lake Associatior► to present the views of the asscciation. , J R�GUl.a►!Z a•aL�'111V1i Ur : r;b..UiiHY 5 i 1� �.S t�►(a!: 6 Mr. Nebel said the Locke Lake Association had met on February 2, 1973, at 8:30 p.m., to discuss the proposals of the City Engineer for acquiring the land beneath Locke Lake. Mr. Nebel said the members of the association present included: Mr. Gene Gruenberg, 6963 Hickory Circle _ N. E., Mr. Wayne Pearson, 6801 Hickory N. E., Mr. Blair Berg, 6809 Hickory N. E. He said the Association discussed the Council's action on the registered land survey submitted by Mr. Schultz. He said, they had come to the decision that no partial transfer could be contested and Mr. 5chultz should not be denied his request as submitted. Referring to the letter sent to the homeowners by the City Engineer, _.____Mr. Nebel sai.d they had discussed point number one and would not like to participate in such action. He added, they have not'reached any decision on points number two and three of that letter. Mayor Liebl asked if there were any comments. He said it was his opinion that Mr. Schultz should not be denied the registered land survey as � requested. He added, the property had been exchanged from one private party to another. He asked Third Ward Councilman Nee if he had any questions concerning the Registered Land Survey, stating, he believed -it was in order to approve the survey. � Councilman Ne� said from the i.nformation he was able to gather, ___ . _-- __ _,__ --- - _ �several of the property owners expressed interest in the City obtaining the lake bottam. He raised the question of why there are four lots in the survey. He said in all other instances it was not done that way. He continued, what would happen if some time in the future Mr. Schuytz wants to build on the land, can he reduce the level of the lake and use the property. Mr. Andrew G. Kohlan, Attorney, stated the reason for the land survey being sub�►itted as it is,is because it was requested by the Planning Commission that it be done in this manner with the land in two tracts. He explained there would be no problem in registering a title if it were not a torrens certificate. Mr. Kohlan said Mr. Schu.ltz had no thaughts of the lake becoming dry, he in fact wanted the water there. He added, through no action on the part of Mr. Schultz, there has been dirt cast on the shore. Through engineering surveys, it has been determined that there is now land between the lake c'�nd what was originally his land. He said the orginal agreement was, that these were lake shore lots and they would meet the water. Nir. K�ohlan said, in his o}��nion, there would be m problem of independent �wnership of the lake bs�ttom unless someone tried to obtain the entire lake bottom. The City Enginear agreed, the Planning Commission had recommended that Registered Land Survey be done in two tracts. Councilman Nee said that according to the people he had talked to, the tesidents worald like the City to accept title far the lake, he added, ,he was not sure how the City fel� a.bout accepting title for it. � MOTION by Cotxncilman Nee to �able any action at the pr�sent time or until the xesidents of the area come to a unified decision. Mx. Kohl�n s�id if the acti�r. wEZe tab'sed i.t w��ild on7.� �.reate a prcblem which would �e more emotic�,nal tha,n �ha present �roia�,em. He said, as far as the Gi�y acquiring the land. the City would hay� to abtai�n titlea from Mr. &�istman and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Schultz and al�o some individuals on the oth:er side of the lake e HP �iddsd, he ciici not know if thoss involved wexe willing to aeed *_i�e �.�and ta the City. He add�:d, if they are not wi��.inq, t.'h� City WOL1�C�, Ild'tP6 to conde.ua.-� the lanci. H� said, the water ha� b�en dia��peari,ng, ans3 i� has left land be�w��r� tha l�ke an� the ..�� i � � � � � � � � � r � � � � � , � � I � � � � _. . .,I � I � � �J � � � I � • REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 5, I973 PAGE 7 individuals' lots creating a question of who owns land abutting the lake. He ac3ded, if the Council did not approve the registered land survey at this time, they would be making this request into an issue that it is not. Councilman Utter asked the City Attorney if the Council couZd legally -�deny the man the registered land survey7 The City Attorney said, if the Gity were to deny the request, the judge would direct the Council to approve it. Mayor Liebl said the people had spent a great deal of money to obtain this action, and he did not believe the Council would be justified in denying it. The City Attorney said he would question the Locke Lake Association's desire to have the City acquire the lake bottom property. In his opinion, it would be a better situation if the individuals around the lake own it, if the land were to become smaller, they would �ut the lake, it would be better if the abutting home owners would take possession of the land. Councilman Nee asked the City Attoxney if it would be better for the City to take possession of the lake than have the individuals in the area acquiring t'rie property? The City Attorney said it would be better for the individuals to have title. Their property should run to the water's --edge, not just '-x' n�mber-of-feet.- He said, the present situation where they do own 'x' number of feet would be fine if the lake increased its size, but not if it would become smaller as lots would not meet the --water's edge. He said, he knew of one person who was under the impression that he had purcnased a lake shore lot. He said he had to spend more money to acquire the land to the water's edge. The City Attorney said the other residents should follow the procedure that Mr. Schultz has to obtain property, but through the County if possible to save money. Mayor Liebl asked the City Attorney if, in his opinion,they should deny the registered Iand survey. The City Attorney said if the stipulations of the Planning Commission had been followed and the iand was in two lots instead of four,he thought it would be in order to approve this item. Councilman Nee said there were several of the homeowners of the area present at the meeting, and asked if any of them would like to comment. There were no comments. �' � Mayor Liebl called-for"a second to Counci2man Nse's motion to table the action on the Registered Land Survey. There was no second, and the Mayor declared the motion DEAD FOR LACK OF A SECQND. MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the Registered Land Su�vey, stipulating two tracts instead of four as recommended by the Planning Commission. Secon@ed by Councilman Starwalt. ' Councilman Nee said the adoption of this motion would eli.minate any idea of preempting by municipal ownershi�a�. He added, there would be no purpose of ob�air.ing t�re�-fourths of t�e lake �o�tom a::d not ali of i�. Council:aan Brei���r s�a �eci, the:re are oti-�er inci� iwuals ;+��:o own. porticns .of the lake bottom and if the City were to desire to obtain title to tlze land, the C�ty would have to negotiat� with several people. Fie added, the Council is not giving something tp someone tk�at they do not cwn already. If the City wished to acquire the land and Mr. Schultz did not RE6ULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 5, 1973 ; Page 8 want to sell the land, could the City condemn it, Councilman Brefder asked the �ity Attorney. The City Attornay said Mr. Schultz already awns ths land. He has a quick claim deed from Mr. Ost�nan. The present action only enables h�► to complete torrens action, and it does not change the number of owners of the lake bottom. Councilman 8reider asked if the Ci�y would have to negotiate with the indivudual owners to acquire the land. Z`he City Attorney said Mr. �chultz does -pwn tha� portion now. He said the registered land survey would be just a matter of him attempting to register it and have it as torrens property. UPON A ROLL CALL V�TE, Utter voting aye, Nee voting nay, Breider voting aye, Starwalt voting a�e, and Liebl voting aye, May Liebl declared the motion carried four to one. Mayor Liebl said he did belisve Counci�an Nee had a point as ha was � following the wiahee oi the �eople of tha area. Mayor Lisb7. sa�:d i� tY�are are othare who wish to obtain title to �he land, h� believod the City and County should Eind a way for them to accomplish this ior 5200 or thereabauts. He ask�d the City Attorney if there were any methods to accomplish this for the people so they would not be �:equired to spend a great deal of money? . The City Attorney said the problem at the present tima was due to the __ __-. Registrar of Titles in Anoka County insisting on a registered survey. He stated one alternative would be to obtain the manpower from the Engineering Department staff at cost. Another alternative, said the City Attorney, would be 1�o persuade the Anoka Count_� Surveyor to prepare �he survey without charge or at cost. Perhaps, the County Commissioners could persuade the Registrar of Titles that the Registered Land SurVeys are not necessary. The City Attorney said, the City has already written letters to the County askiag �or possible solutions. , Mayor Liebl said when they undertaok a project of fixing up the dam, they assessed fifty property owners, He said he could not see each of these property owners spending $1,000.00 per lot. The City should came up w ith some help for them, he said. Councilman Breider said some people would have to da some f.00t work with their representatives. He added, he would like to table the action until tha people of the area have had their meeting in February. He would 1ik � to know if they favor p,�blic or privaye awnership of the lake bottom. Councilrnan Nee said he w�uld like soMe clarification and direction on whether the City wished to aecept the idea of puhlic owner�hip. Mayor Liebl stated he was in no pQsition to decide at this tiune, this is a man-made lake that must be maintained at a certain level, and this is being done with the coopexation of the City �nd the Locke Lake Associaitar►. Ha said, it is a pzivate lake anci he did not believe the owners wanterl the entire City of Fridley involved. Counciln�an �:rsider sai.d he w�s z:�t f�mila.�x tiitn tt�� leg�� a;spec�s af maintaining the water l�vel. He asked a.f it would be passible �or tYae City AttaXney ar�d the ��y Engine�r to attend the me�ting �rith the Locke Lake Association and inform ths peopl4 of tk�e advant�►ges and disadvan�ages o� publ�,a �awnersl�ip� Cpur���.l.mart I3r�zder �ske� Mr. ivabel ? f thsre had been REGULAR Mi TING OF FEBRURRY 5, 1973 PAGE 9 a meeting �ate set. Mr. Nebel said there had been no specific date set, but }:a believed it would be within the next week. Counailman Nee said he was not aware of the City's responsibility for maintenance of the lake at the present time, but he did not believe it included maintaining a certain water level. He said the documents that he had seen did not give the City the right to flood peoples' property. He said he was certain Bob Buckley could advise the Council on the matter. The City Attorney said on page 4-B of the agenda there was a map and according to this map there are eight property owners involved in the ownership of the lake bottom. � The City Manager said it wouZd be imperative that levels of maintenance be set if the City acquires the land.. He said, the Association must tell the City what they will expect so the City can determine an esti.mated maintenance cost. Wou1d this involve extensive dredging, etc., he questioned. Mayor Liebl added, if the price of yearly maintenance wouZd come to $25,000.00, there wou.Id be many people in Fridley that would object violently. Councilman Breider asked the City Attorney if it would be possible for him to meet with the people of the area. The City Attorney said he would. Mr. Carl Paulson, 430 57th Place N. E., asked if there is public access to the lake? Mayor Liebl answered, yes, in one place. Mr. Paulson asked what the City is planning to do with the silt from the east going into the lake. Mayor Liebl said he was not prepared to answer. Mr. KohZan addressed �he Council. Mayor Liebl asked him if he were speaking for himself or Mr. 5chultz? He said he was speaking for Mr. Schultz. He talked of making a plan of the Zake, sayin� it would not be an easy task as the lake is very irregular and the level will, and has, changed. He added, it wouid be.difficult to make ane plat. Mr. Kohlan said there would be difficulties in public ownership. He said the City must think of the creek east of the Iake. He added, what affects the lake, affects the creek and what affects the creek, affects the lake. He said this is not a si.mple matter, no one knows which end the tail is on. Mayor Liebl suggested Councilman Nee meet with the people in the area and return to the Council with some indication of what the people want, He said, if the people want to acquire the land through a combined action, the City will attempt to find a feasible method of doing so. �` If they desire public otar,ership, the City would acquire the land, but this would have to be discussed again by the Council. MOTZO:v by Co;:ncilman :dee ta authorize the City AttoYney to resvarch and investigate possible methods oi obtainir.g title xpr tne people on Locke Lake. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Caun¢i].Inan Starwalt asked �f a method of obtaining t�.tle for the property owners at Locke Lake is deterrained, should n't this have been done for , REG[TLAR MEETIiVG OF FEBRIIARY 5, ].973 PAGE lp Mr. Schult$? He added, Mx. Schultz was willing to go the required xoute and pay for it. Mayor Lieb1 commended Councilman Starwalt for his �� �� concern for the taxpayers of Fridley and also.for his concern for Mr. Schultz. He added, he kould like to see the people of the area obtain any help the CYty cou]_d give them to cut the cost of the survey. Councilman Nee asked if there could be some clarification on the City's - -z�esponsibility for maintaining the lake. Mayor Liebl said he had studied the matter and as far as he knew, the only responsibility of the City was to mazntain the dam. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unani.mously. Mayor Liebl called upon Mr. Donovan Schuitz to address the Council. Mr. Schu2t� said there were many facets to the current problem and what had happened to him could happen to anyone. He said, after the last meetinq of the Council, he used his intuition and listened to and recorded that portion of the meeting dealing with the registered land survey. Mr. 5chulta continued, saying, after the Council tossed arguments � back and forth for about thizty minutes, Councilma� Nee said he had been , _ _ _ _ _____ _ __ in tvuch with about six people, Bob 8uckley and Gordon Nelson, and he hated to admit it, but Mr. Schultz was supposec� to be a pretty hard nut ____.___,_ to dsal with. He added, Mr. Nee had said i� thexe is a desire to dredge .the lake, Mr. Schultz would not allaw this. Mr. Schulta addressQd the mambers oE the Council and the City Manager individually stating ke did not think they would concur with this as they were aware of the amount af time h+� had spent aince 1970, how much money and how much �ffort, also. He said Councilman Nee had better ao his hom�work. Mr. Schultz said he would like to step a li�tle out of line and stated he did not like what had been done. He said, he had called the two people that Councilman Nee had mentioned and he would_like to know the , names of the four other people that Councilman Nee had referred to on the tape. He said he was not able to attend the meeting of the Locke ?,ake Association. He �aid it was indicated on the tape that he would be the one to stQp any dredging of the Iake. It seemed the reason for this was that he would be in control of the lake because he owns most of the inlet. He said the City also had a big part of the ini'et, which was to be a City Park, and�has not been developed. H� mentioned the existance ' o� a�ew homes in that area at the present time. Mr. Schultz asked Councilman ri3e$ why he did not ju�t ask him what h3s intentions were for the iand? He said if he had �anfronted hi.m, he would have been ha�py to tell Councilman Nee. Mr, Schultz sa.id he had never seen Councilman Nee befare, he hacl voted for him, as he _ thought there should be some vazity of inputs on the CQUncil, and yet he was h�a Ward Goun�i3man, He said again, he wauld like to know who fi.hs oth�XS were that Councilman Nee hAd talked to, He said he may be wrong and b�: foXC�d to �gpoloc�i��, �:z� i:� w�:^ :�:�� tQ k^c�r, Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Scnultz i� he was addressing th� C:hairman 4r Mr. Nee. He said he was ad�reg�ing C�uncil�ran 23e�:, Maycr Liebl sa3d he wQUld ask Mx. Schultz not to h.axas� a.ny o� the m�mbers af th� Cauncil. �e added� perh�,ps, Counca.lman Neq wa� not famiZiar with t:�e actions of � i i REGULAR COtINCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY S, Z973 � � � � I ___ �.____ � � �J � I� � PAGE 11 Mr. Schultz in the past and his good intentions. He said he knew that Mr. Schultz was oery concerned about the water level and amount of silt being deposite8 in the lake. He said, it had been a matter of the City not being able to raise the $100,000.00 to prevent this. Mr. Schultz said this is why he had done what was done up until the present time. Mayor Liebl asked Councilman Nee the names of the six people he had talked to and stated to the Council_that he had talked to. Councilman Nee said he did not believe he had said he had taZked to six people. Mr. Schultz assured him that he had said six. Councilman Nee said he would not name the people as he did not wish to expose them to what he had just experienced. Mr. Schultz aqain insisted he name the six people. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Schultz not to take the previous action by Councilman Nee and the vate against his proposal as a personal vendeta. He said if this is what was.thought, he would publicly appologize for Councilman Nee. Mr. Schultz said he would have rather heard it from Councilman �tee, but he did respect the Mayor. NEW BUSZI3ESS : RECEIVING AN ORDER APPOINTING CHARTER COMMISSION MEMBERS FROM CHIEF JUDGE �-�ROHERT $. GILLESPIE, TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: � ;I — � � Mayor Liebl stated a list of fifteen suggested appointments to the Charter Commissior. had been submitted by the Court and Chief Juc3ge, Robert G. Gillespie, Tenth Judicial District. The Mayor believed it would be in order to appoint those listed and asked the City Manager to notify them of their appointments, set up a meeting before the 20th of February a.nd qet the Charter Commission into action. The Mayor called upon the City Manager to read the list of appointees and their term length. He also asked the City Manager to provide a list of the proposed membezs to the press. The Gity Manager read the list and the length of terms to the Council and audience as foilows: For a two (2) year term: �, - (1) �2) (3) (4) (5) (b) (7) (8� U�laine Knoff, 6766 - 7th Street N. E. Jerry Radcliffe, 7350 Memory Lane Peg Mc Chesney, 541 - 67th Avenus N. E. Robert 0'Neill, 861 Rice CreekaTerrace Roy I. Mc Pherson, 5808 Tennison Drive Paul M, Shaw, 6380 Madiscn Street Donald Wegler, 6$1S East River Road Jackie Johnson, 1415 Trollhaugen Drive For a four (4) year.term: (9) (10) (I1,} (12> (13) (l.�) (25) Francis Ca�ey� 7�}D - 67th Avenue P1, E, Fi�:rbert Bacaz�, 159 Logan parkway Edith Colline, 6854 Channsl Road Ole �jerkeq�tt, �.00 N. �. 63� Way kiarry Crowd�r, 146 N. E. 63 Way Raymond Sherid$n, 1302 Hillwind Roa� Jack Kirkhazn, 430 - 67th Avenue REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 5, 1973 • � PAGE 1"c MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the order appointing Charter Commis- sion Members. Seconded by Councilman i3reider. L'��on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ISLANDS OF PEACE: Mayor Liebl called on Ed Wilmes to present his plans to the Council and audience. Mr. Wilmes placed several drawings of Chase ai�d Durnam Island and the access to those islands from Charles SCreet and East Ri�.7er Koad. Mr. Wilmes introduced Mr. Dunwiddie, designer of faciliCies for the handicapped. Mr. Wilmes explained some of the background of the Islands o� Peace project t,> date. He said Ct�ere had been a�hange of plans due to the location of Chase Island being in a proposed flood plain area. He also mentioned that, in his opinion, this was the reason for LAWCON funds being denied. He said tYiere are two lots available on the Charles Street access tfi�it could be utilized for the construction of the shelter buildings instead of using the island within the �lood plain area. He discussed the proposed methods of construction of the buildings, walkways and biacktopped areas. He said that if access to the islands were to be a footbridge rather than a large bridge built for vehicles, this would greatly reduce the cost. Mayar Liebl asked if 'the entire Isiands of Peace Committee had concurred in the propflsed plan. He told Mr. Wilmes that he must work through the Park and Recreation pepartment when making requests and changing plans. He also suggested Mr. Wilmes talk to the Councilman of the Ward, Councilman Nee. The Mayor said Counciiman Nee had requested Mr. Wilmes to work through the Parks and Recreation Department. He asked Councilman Nee if this was correct. Councilman Nee stated it was correct. Mr, Wilmes stated he did not believe the Park Board had ever had any experience in this type of project. Mayor Liebl asked if this project could be completed without disturbing the area? Mr. Dunwiddie explained, the island is in the flood plain and is subject to about six feet of water at times. He said this leaves two alternatives: Con- structing the building above this level t�r,filling in the area. r:r. Dunwiddie said if the buildings were to be constructed on thE two lots planned, there is limited danger of £looding, He added, thss *.��ouid p�-eserve th� isl�nds and their ecology. Mayar Liebl asked if the plan could be carried out fr�m a practical standpoint. He asked Mr. Dunwiddie if the Co,��:nittee, tt;e Pa�ks and Recreation �epartment and the Parks and Recreation Co�mission concurred and if he could recommend this proposal witbout reservation? Mr. Dumaiddie sakd yes. Mayor Liebl asked in what manner did the Com,mitte� inten� t� fund th� proj�r,t. rir. �,i1�:QS stated j.t would be possible to obt�ir. funds f.�om a nu,-�b�r es ��,�s-:dations. He asked the Council if it would be possible to set up a foundation for th� pro�ect at the Frid�ey State Bank? . �. . . , 1 . , . �ayor L�e�i :::��c _ �e t.;-a�ec�= --s �i�:: r,��% ior C�x_ . .- , , .n��... ��� _ �e�_t ,�..c'—...._, . k r+ : :, . _ •, .,- , � -� .. ... for tt1e ��ty ,�y ,,, _ ,_t.,rn .. _ w_ _ �,.,,�_ ;�::�; .-;;� � , ... ..:.0 �:�� be l.and��-_i by the Git;�. �he Ci�y Manager stated that all m,aney �rom off�,cial Git� co,t„i,it��eL, shouid be handl,ed by t:�e Ci.�y �r�asu:�z, �iayor �,iebl �si:�d i.z' ir_ Y:ould be possib�2 ro s�� up auch a foundation. T'he C�.ty Attoraey rai�r�a th� �uestzcn if the Ford - I F�EGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBR�(ARY 5, 1973 PAGE 13 I �oundation'or some other foundation wished to contribute to the project, �ould they be willing to donate to the City? If they would agree, he said the �►oney shouZd be handled by the City Finance Director. He said it would be �ossible to establish a non-profit foc�ndation independent of the City of Fridley. �ouncilman Breider said a few weeks ago, the Committee asked the Council to ,�ndicate that tl-ie City wa.s behind the project. He said at that time the C�uncil �ndicated they were behind the p'roject and would maintaicz the area. What would �khe Ford Foundation say today if this were to be changed? �Ir. WiZmes said if the additional two lots were received, they could be independent iof the project. Councilman Breider asked if part af Chase Island was in the project? �r. Wilmes said there is an agreement with the foundation concerning the expendi- Itures. Councilman Breider said he had no objecti�n if some foundation or individual. �aanted to buy two lots for part property. Mayor Lieb1 sazd the Council had given ,their support to the project. jMr. Wilmes stated this is a$250,000 project. He said, the Committee had been working to raise funds for the project without reimbursement wlien they had to �individually pay their expenses. He added, the Committee assumes all the expenses. �He said he had set up an advisory board. He stressed the need for people who know �what they are doing. IMayor Liebl said he did not believe Mr. Wilmes had the authority to set up such a �Board, the Council has the authority. The Mayor said Mr. Wilmes and the Committee ;could not just do what they pleased with the money, they must have experts tell ithem what to do. He said he questioned whether or not the Council could come to a decision on this matter at the present meeting. He aaked the City Attorney for !,his ideas. 1�e added that he could not see spending the City's tax dollars for �this project. Mr. Wilmes said the project would b� funded by private funds. IMayor Liebl suggested Mr. Wilmes work through the Committee and present a pLan of 'funding implementation enabling the project to get rolling, Mr. Wilmes agreed this would be a good method. He added he could get people to volunteer their serVices. He stressed the point that it will be the citizens of Fridley who use the parkland. Mayor Liebl said there had been a committee set up for the purpose of impleme`nting plans and obtaining funds. He said the land in question is parkland, it must be used properly and usage must be approved by the Parks Department and the Cammission. Mx'. Wilmes said he had approached the Parks Department and he had been discouraged. He recommended the Council giVe consideration to the Advisory Board, because the land is ko be used by the handicapped and they must have advice from people who are familiaX with the needs,of the handicapped. ICouncilman Breider said the Council had beea told in �he past that the money would j saon b� rolling in. '�he Council, had agreed to maintain the islands, and there is ' still no mon�y for the pXOject, �Ie asked what could be done without money? ' Mx. Wilmes sCated he believed the reason�there had not been any contributions is that all the money was to be sent to the City of Frid�ey, Couacilman Breider said the books are audi.t�d and Mr. Wj��mes may �ome inkv the offiGe and look at the books a� any time. Counc�lman Breider said, the probl.em is� the City daes not have any money to spgnd, He acjdeda it was t�ot possible to hire a planner for the pxoject. Mr. Wilme6 stressed, �f tk�e addra�s for the foundat7ton were �he Fridley S�a�e �ank, more fund� would be allocated, , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 5, 1973 PAGE 14 � The City Manager said there had been a letter sent requesting cantributions be sent to the Fridley State Bank. The bank, he said, would be actin� as a depository ior the City. Mr. Wilmea said a brochux'e had been sent out by some 'members of the cammittee stating this fact, but he had never seen it. He menCioned this is the reason £or setting up a new brochure. He a.sked if the money was going to be sent to the City or the Bank? Mayor Lieb�, said he could see no pxohlems in the method being used. He added that all the money being sent in would be used exclusively for the IsLands of Peace Project and nothing e1se. He suggested Mr. Wilmes go out and obtain contributions. If Mr. Wilmes would raise the money for the project, the City would cooperate. Mr. Wilmes listed several foundations, stating �hey would donate to the project if a foundation was set up. Cauncilma� Utter asked if Mr. Wilmes wanted a name attached to the foundation? The City Attorney said there was no need to get involved in a discussion of technical mattexs at the present tim�. kIe suggested Mr. Wilmes refex any persons with a question to the City Mana&er o� himself. ARING ON PQ3SIB� S[7SPENSION A1�IA pR It�VOCATI�N pF LTC�NSES FOR GANTERBURY PU�, DEANE GRUX�, �WN�R: � � � Mayor Liebl said in his opin;Can the Canterbury Pub was a clean and attractive eaCablishment. He called on Mr. Gruye and his wife to make a statement ta the � Council. Mr. Gruye sa.id he knew that there had been a problem in the past, but assured �the Council that this type of activity would not occux again. ,Mayor Liebl aeked Mr. Gruye how many years he had owned the Pub and if it was his only source of making a living. Mr. Gruye said he was employed by his father in addition ko operating �he establishment and he had been in business there f4r one yeax Last August, Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Gruye if he had invested a substantial amount of money in the business. He added, the reason he was questioning Mr. Gzuye is that the Council had been informed of the case from an o£ficial standpoint and now they would like Mr, Gruye'S personal feelings. Mr• Gruye said he had invested a considerable amount of monsy in the establish- ment and he felt he had been very fussy about many fac�ors in his business thex�. He added that he was not aware of the severity ar extent tk�at the activitiea were being, carried on. He said he thought he had taken the necessary steps ta sto� the activity and this included many changes �.n personneJ.. Mayox Lieb]. �'eminded Mr, Gruy� �tiat it was a gr�a,t priviledge and a great reapanaitai].iCy to have the l�.censes: He said Mr,� Gruye must comply with the State Statutes and hire p�ople thaG he can txust to also cpmpl� with Ghe law. �Mayor Liebl warned Mr, Gzuye tha�k he would be very care�ully scruti,nized when his liceases were up for ren�wal. He said h� hoped Mr, Gxuy�a will continue to carefully Qp�xa.te his �2stablishmen� in acco�cdance with fihe law. Councilman Starwalt aak�d Mr. Gxuy� what was,lthe strangest corxecti.on made in hi.s pperation, M�e. Gx'uy� said he be�.i.eved tha reinoval af the items and khe xepl.a�ement o� pexso�nnel w�re th� most effecti.ve measu��s ta�Cen. Caunci.lman Starwa�.t asked how l.Rrig �he new peo�le had,been the�e? M�. Gruy� said he had aet v�ry �t�rict xules .io� k►is persoanel and did aQt beli�ave thea�e would be a probl.�m i� the fu�uxe. REGUI,AR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 5, 1973 PAGE 15 GQuncilman Starwalt asked if Mr. Gruye was present when he was not able to be there. Mr. Gruye said this was true. Mr. Gruye added, either he or his wife a�'e there 80% of the time. Gpuncilman Nee s�ated he had read that Mr. Gruye had been advised by someone :�n City Hall that ilis activities were alright, Mr. Gruye said this was true3 he had been told if it were kept at a smal�l scale there would be no problem. Counci]- man Nee asked him if it had been his understanding that the law would not be enforced. Mr. Gruye repeated, he thought it was alright if it were kept on a small scale. Councilman Nee asked him if he had ever operated in another City. 1�(r. Gruye said he had operated in Minneapolis. Councilman Nee asked him if this Cype of activity is considered alright there. Mr. Gruye said he had not aperated under this type of license before. lyayor Liebl said Mr. Gruye had camplied with the law when he was asked to do so. Gouncilman Utter asked if he had been advised by a City Official? Mr. Gruye said he wauld rather not say. Councilman greider said this was in his Ward and he was mystified by this violation. I-Ie said he thaught everyone had been operating according to the law. He suggested delaying any action at this time allowing Mr. Gruye to operate for a set period of time and reviewing his method of pperation at the end of the period. MOTION by Councilman Breider that the suspension and/or revocation of the license be�tabled for 60 days and at the end of the 60 days the admir.istration review his pparation and pzesent a report tb the Council, and if any further violations pccu�' during this time, license will be denied, Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. �oun�ilman Breider clarif�.ed his meaning of a violation stating if he were to r�emain open past L:00 A.M., or if there were any gamblino violations, this would �onst�tuke a violation. He added, if for some reason t ere were a disturbance �t his establishment, Mr. Gruye would not be criticized if he needed protection pr aid from khe Police Department. In these cases, Councilman Breider added, we would expect him to call the �'olice to stop trouble. Mayor Liebl agreed, stating �his protection is due him under the law. The City Man��er said that no City emplayee had sa�.d a little gambling was okay. UPON A VOI�E VOTE, all vat�ng aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, AECEIVING TH� MI�IUTES OF THE PLAN�IING COMMISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 17, 1973; 1rjOTION by Councilman Ne� Go r�ceive the cninutes of the �lanning Commission Meeting af ,�anuary �7, 1973, Seconded by C4uncilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor �iebi declared the motion carried unanimc�u�iy. R�CE�,V�NG T�iE M��1UTE� OF THE �LANNING COMMISSION M�ETTN� OF JANUARY 24�, 1973: l�iayo�r �,�ebl� callsr� on �he City �ngi,neer �o explain th� action of the Planning CQmmission, The G�.ty �n�in.eer said Chat ite�n t�umbex' onQ o� the me�ting has been d%s�usaed �� �h� end �a� the P�ann�.n� Comm�sa;Car� Mee�in� and he would discuss the spec�.al u�e p�rm�.t r�que�� by Mr. G�br+e�.cik �n that ordex. I' REGULAR COUNCIL MEE�ING OF FEBRUARY 5, 1973 PA GE 1 E� � I REQUEST FOR .A LOT SPLIT; L.S,�k73-01 ROBERT SCH$OER: The City Engineer said this izem had been taken care of at the meeting of Jar�uary 22 , 1973 . VACATIQN REQUE�aT: SAV�k73-01, BRYANT FRANKLIN CORPORATI�N: The CiZy Enginee� said �his item was still pending before the Planning C�ammiss�on. REQLIEST FOR A LOT SPLIT : L. S. ��73-02 , STATE LAND AND REDEVELOPMENT COMPANY: BLOCK 10, HAMILTON'S ADDITION; The City Engineer said this lot split had been approved by the members of the cemetary board and the apartment complex. MOTION by Councilman Nee to crn cur with the Planning Commission and approve the lot split. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upun a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REPUBLISHED, REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT3 SP, ��72-19, BX FRANK GABRELCIK• Mayor Liebl said ahaut two to three months ago, Mr. Gabrelcik was asked ta comply with several items by the City. He added that the Council had authorized the Mayor to talk with Mr. Gabrelcik. Mayor Liebl requested Mr. Gabrelcik hav� someon� come before the Council and present his case. The Mayor said he was sure Mr. Kohlan, Mr. Gabrelcik's attorney would do Chis. The Mayor expl�ained the item being the used car dealership and �dded Mr. Gabrelcik had been in business for over twenty years in that location. He aaid Mr. Gabrelcik always had obtained a license and felt he had.complied with all the necessary regulations o� the City. Mayor Liebl said at thi.s ti.me he tried to communicate the City's wishes to Mr. Gabrelcik, stating there must be some cleaning up of the parking facilities on his property. He added, on some of the points mentioned, Mr. Gabrelcik felt he could cooperate, and on othexs he felt he could n ot a£Eord to comply. The Mayor said in order to clarify the position of th� Chairman, this is why he had contacted Mr. Gabrelcik. He added he had been suthoxized to do so ox he would not have dvne so. Mayor Liebl addx�essed Mr. Gabrelcik, askin� :Lf the Ci.ty has not tried to cooperate wiCh him in th� pa�t, He added th.at the City had i�aued him a license and then, wi�hdr�w �t, He questia�ed Mr. Ga,brelcik, if this was aoxr�ct. Maya� I,�,eb1 sugg�sted Mr, Gabrelc�.k have hie attorney spsal� far laim, H� added� h� �hought kh� p�oblem at pre��nt is �ha� tRe Planning C�ammissi.on wa� no� �ware of what Mx. Gab�slGik wa� planning ta do witb th� land. He said Mr. G�b�e1�1.k mus�t �1�o pr�av� how mac�y o� the Lots he own�d. Mayar �.i�bl sa�d th� p�,anning �ammisaion has na c�b�ectian to t he us� of th� p���e�nr,�.y �wned �.ots �vx a used �,a� deal�rship, but when hs request�d usi.ng �dditiona�, 1ot�, thsy want ����'v�y. H� �xpressed the hope tha�. th� �aun�il was w�11 aware af the de�ails in the matter, and said he wa� sur� �hey had �r�ad �he minutea p� the P�,ar�n�.ctg Comm�.ssior� meeting. Wh�n ��, ��bx�lc�k had a�p�ared b�fca�e the P�.�nn�,ng �ammiss�.on it was very unfc�r�u�aC� th�� his �tto�ca�y was npt pxe��nt, Mayax Li,�l��. called an ithe �ity ���arney tca exglai� �he �.e�al a��ec�s o� th� maG�er and also th� ota�.i�a�i�ana o� th� C�urtc�l � I � I � �I � � � � � , � � � r � � �' � '�, THE REGULAR ��;_ETING OF FEBRUARY 5, �973 PAGE 17 The City Attorney said Mr, Gabrelcik needs a special use permit on that property that was not included in the grandfather clause on the property that is now non conforming use. He added, according to the minutes of the Planning Commission, they had requested Gertain information and they did not receive this inf�rmation. He continued, the Plann+ng Commissior� asked if he was going to submit this information or should they act on the information they had. Mr, Gabrelcik said he was not going to fur- nish this information and they should act on what t4iey had. Acting or; the available information, the Planr�ing Commission denied the special use permit. He added, it seemed the Council had two alternatives, one to advise Mr. Gabrelcik to again appear before the Planning Commission, providing the information they requested enabiing the i�lanning Commission to determine whether a special use permit should be issued. He said t�e other alternative would be to advise the attorney to take action on the violation of carrying on a used car operation without a special use permit. Mayor �iebl addressed Mr. Gabrelcik stating the Planning Commission re- quests. He said they had asked for evidence of purchase of the property, title to the property, evidence of when he had acquired the property and a plan on how he would like to use the property. The Mayor continued, Mr. Gabrelcik had indicated he wanted to use lots 12 and 13 in addition to the lots he had been using, and for the same purpose as he had been using the others. Mayor Liebl called on Mr. Gabrelcik's attorney, Mr. Kohlan. Mr. Kohlan said it had been unfortunate that he had gotten a last minute commitment and was unable to'represent Mr. Gebrelcik at the Planning Commission meeting. He said according to the minutes the Commission wanted some absQlute deeds. Mr. Kohlan said as he saw it there were two problems; one, the special use permit whith would enable Mr. Gabrelcik use lots 12 and 13 without relying on the grandfather clause, and that portion of land that was being used for a used car lot when the ordinance went into effect. The other question is that of getting the area in order or cleaning it up. He said, the Planning Commission wanted to know how much land in square feet would be in use and how many cars w4uld normally be placed on that land. He added, there had not been much of a turn over in used cars recently, but Mr. Gabrelcik was attempting ta dispose of them. M�• Kohlan,said whatever the current action, the used �ar lot is still going to be there, and the current action could be settled. He recommended, Mr. Gabrelcik return to the Plannin� Commissiran presenting the nec�ssary information. Mayor Lfebl asked Mr. Kohlan whv had informed Mrt Gabrelcik he needed a sp�cia) use perml�, was it the Gity Adminlstration? Mr. Kohlan said this was hi� under5tsnding. The Mayor said it had also been his underst�nding. Mr, Kohlan said aecording to the ardfnances, if Mr. G�brelcik wanted to •use any oth�r par�t of the�land nat cov�red by th� grandfather clause, he would hav� to obtain a sp�cia•1 use permit, Mayor �iebl sald th;s had been hi� understa�dinc�, as �hi� ls what th� City �n�ineer Mad advised the Gouncil at the time. fH� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 5, 1973 PAGE 18 Mayor Liebl called on the Ward Councilman Nee to express his views. Coun- cilman Nee said he was astonished by the minutes of the Planning �ommission, He said he could not help compare this matter to the matter discussed with the management of Viking Cheverlet. He added, the Council had quite �rc.- erly enforced the Ordinance. Counci I�nan Nee said he was sure the Plan����7g Commission wanted the same procedure followed here. He added, he is not opposed to a used car lot in that location, and is in favor of sending it back to the Planning Commission and reopening it, but he thoughtthey shou.d come up with a site plan that they can live with. Councilman Nee mentioned the existance of junk cars on the land, stating these are the type of things the neighbors �bject to. He r��t�ated the high standards placed on the Viking Chevrolet o�,�eration and saia he thouqht the City should at least try to enforce s�nie rc°yulations on Mr. Gabrelcik's property. He said the Planning Commission had left the question open and he was able to return. Councilman Nee said he did not believe there was a need for prosecution. Mayor Liebl said Mr. Gebrelcik was in somewhat of a bind, He said the land had been zoned comrnercial and Mr, Gabrelcik was trying to sell the land, just as many of the other property owners in the area. When Mr. Gabrelcik had been confronted with the long list of requirements, the Mayor continued, he said it would cost $10,000 to conform. The Mayor said the City had given five variances to the Viking Chevrolet operation, and he said they also planned to be reasonable with Mr. Gabrelcik. the Mayor said he believed Mr. Gabrelcik was entitled to a license, the City only asked he.comply with the requirements and provide proof of ownership and present the Planning Commission with a plan. He added, all the Plan- ning Commission was asking was for Mr. Gabrelcik's cooperation. The City Attorney said he did agree in principle with what the Council and Planning Commission was doing. He added, he thoughtMr. Gabrelcik should go back *o the Planning Commission. He suggested Mr. Gabrelcik present the Planning Commission with a diayram of the b0undries, driveway, and parking spaces, enabling the Planning Commission to determine a maximum number of cars to be placed in the area, He said, if there had been a map prepared, it should be submitted to the Planning Commission at their next meeting. Mayor�Liebl addressed Mr, Gabrelcik saying, the City was just trying to get him to comply with the law. He added, right now, Mr. Gabrelcik did not have a license to operate, and the City wanted him to have a license. He stressed the location is on University Avenue where everyone can view it, and they wanted him to comply. Councilman Nee asked Mr, Gaprelcik if the statement was true that he did not wanfi to make an investment in the area? Mr. Gabrelcik said this was true, as he was planning on selling the land, � i � ,I� ' THE REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 5. 1973 � , �� � � � � � � �� , � , � � � , H4 GE 19 Councilman Nee said the City did not want to 5upport more of the same type of use in the area. Councilman Breider said the City was concerned with getting�some of the junk cleaned up. He suggested sending Mr. Gabrel- cik back to the Planning Commission. Councilman Nee stated that most o� the cars in the area are not for sale. Councilman Utter said the prope��y on University Avenue was not too bad, but behind the building there is a lot of junk, including a large stack of tires. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Gabrelcik if he had hauled away a few loads of material and Mr. Gabrelcik said he had. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Gabrelcik if he thought investinq $10,000 in an area he was trying to sell was foolish. Mr. Gabrelcik said this was his feel- ing. Councilman Nee expressed the hope that the area could be cleaned up to the satisfaction of the neighbors. MOTION by Councilman Nee to direct Mr. Gabrelcik to resubmit his request to the Planning Gommission, furnishing them with the requested information and materials and placing the item on the Council agenda again next month. Seconded by Councilman Breider, Upon a voice vote, all v�ting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION QN MUGGLI RE UEST REFERRED TQ PLANNING COMMISSION BY COlJNCIL: The Mayor called on the Ciry Enqineer to present the action taken. The City Engineer said the item had been referred to the Plats and Subdivisions- Streets and Utilities Subcommittee by the Planning Commission. CONSIDER�TION OF FLOOD PLAIN ZONING: Mayor Liebl said he recommended adoption of the suggested resolution in the agenda. Councilman Nee said there had been some problems raised by the Planning Commission Chairman, Mr. Erickson. He added, the adoption of the resolution may cause some damage in th� area and he suggested these questions be worked out before the adoption of the resolution. The City Engineer said what the Planning Commission had recommended is the adoption of the resolution as suggested. The Legislatures 1g69 Statutes require all communittes who have floods must adopt the plan when the information is made available to them. He said, it will only be a matter of time until the City will be forced to adopt the resolution. The City Engineer said that according �o Mr. James Wright, Department of Natural Resources, the City could adopt a resolution enabling tnose in the flood plain to obtain flood insurance in about three weeks without actually design'�ting areas in the flood plain. H� added, this method may not have full impact of the proposed plan. The City Engineer suggested making up such a plan and establish the necessary area5. 1 . REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, �973 PAGE 20 Mayor Liebl questioned the meaning of the �'rnotherhood" clause as listed on page 8-I of the agenda. He asked if the statement was correct that this type of plan would not hurt the remainder of the Community? He asked�if the Engineer could check into this possibility and report back to the Council. He also questioned the fact that the State could force the p,<<r: on the City. The Cit;i Engineer said the S�ate could force the City to adopt the resolution, but he did not know when it would be. Councilman Nee suggested trying to get the boundries of the plan limited rather than waiting for the State to farce the entire plan on the City. The City Attorney d�fiined th� motherhQOd el�use a� h�vin� t�i� ir���nti�n of approving the plan. He said, i� there were an am�n�nd��n� �o �h� ��nin� code, it would not a Ffect the Riee Crc:ek arsa, �s th� buildings in that area are already above the level required. He said, they would only re- zone that land which is subject to flooding, Mayor Liebl said he did agree with Chairman Erickson in that if the City cooperates, they will have a better chanca of,reaching an agreement Councilman Nee said the lower part of the lots along Rice Creek may be involved in the flooding, but the houses will not be flooded, Council- man Breider said there are eight lots along Locke Lake•under water. Councilman Breider said the houses along Rice Creek are not in the flood plain. Mr. Kohlan stated there are no provisions to separate that part qf the lot in the flood plain fron, the remainder of the lot. He said if any part of the lot is included in thE flood plain, the lot is not entitled to the zoning protection. Councilman Nee said not too many of the Rice �reek home owners would be financing through FHA or VA, most of the mort- gages are conventional. Mayor Liebl quoted a statement from page 8-H of the agenda saying it would be possible to call the Rice Creek area R-1, flood fringe over-lay or some other name. The City Manager said, as lang as the questions could not be answered at the present time, he suggested checking into,all possibilities and re- turning to the Council with the answers. The City,Engineer said there had been a meeting scheduled for the co�ring Friday, in which some of the questions could;be answered. He said they had asked if F. H: A. would finance the homes in'the Flood Plain area, and they would not answer in writing, He added they would not make a determination, they said part of the lots may be financed. ° Mayor Liebl expressed concern, saying those who wil) need F. H. A. financing may not be able to obtain it. He said at the Public Mearing Meeting where the flood Plaln Zoning h�d been discussed, the �ouncil and Planning Commis- sion asked for the answers to several questions and they had not been �nswered, Councilman Breider asked how the Goun�il should act on tMe zoning if they were not told what F. H. A,'s palicies were? The City Engineer Said he did not believa thsy �ou1d finanee any property in the area. Coun- cilman 6raid�;r asked how they were to make a determination when F, H. A. . � , � � II � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1973 . ,PAGE 21 0 would not commit themselves. The City Attorney suggested preparing a detailed letter including elevations and pictures and sending it to F. H. A. as this may bring about more results. The City Engineer said " it had taken two weeks to�schedule the upcoming meeting. He said they would try to satisfy some of the Council's conce rns in the area and _s_uggest--the. Rice Creek area be eai}ed the Creek protection area. He added, we wi)1 try again to get the answers to the questions the Council is asking. Councilman Bre;der asked what the attitude of F. H. A. would be if a house was associated with flood insurance. Mayor Liebl said this is the type of question that should be incorporated in the letter pre- pared by the City Attorney, He asked the City Attorney if he would assist --- --t-rr-this p}an: The City Attor�ey answered yes. - �. MOTION by Councilman Breider to table any action until the next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a)1 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. _ - - _ _ ', RECEIVING THE MINUTES GF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF JANUARY 3�, 1973: '� !I A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45 053 IB FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE THE MtNIMUM RE UIRED LOT AREA FROM 7500 S UARE FEET TO 5250 SQUARE i FEET AND SECTION 45.054, 2A, 26, FRIDLEY CITY COD TO ALLOW TNE FINISHED � _�__._r__FLODR LEVEL OF THE UPPER STORY JN A SPL4T ENTRY DES IGN HOUSE TO BE LESS � THAN 6 FEET ABOVE GR.ADE TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING TO BE ', LOCATED ON LOTS 27 AND 28 BLOCK S RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS ADDITION THE SAME I BEING 8125 RIVERVIEW TERRACE N E FRIDLEY MIN(vESOTA (RE UEST BY � '�,I ROBERT DEGARDNER, 7950 EAST RIUER ROAD N,E „ FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA,) ', The City Engineer said the request for a variance by Mr. De�ardner had � I been recommended for approval by the Board of Appeals. He said the lot is within the proposed flood plain area and the prospective property owner �, should be notified as to the level of the flood waters in 1965. He said he believed the new building standards to be required by flood plain zoning � , should be met in this area to prevent further d"amage. He said, in this , area it would not be too difficu}t to build a building at a higher level. �J � 1� �' Mayor Liebl asked if Mr. DeGardner was present and if he had any comments. Mr. DeGardner addressed the Counci�l saying the water level of the 1965 flood just came up to this lo�." He added, in the event there should be a more severe flood, it may fill 'the basement with water, but the living area is five feet above the grade and should not be affected at any time, He said the road in this area had been raised three feet since the 1g65 f 1 ooii . Mr. DeGardner said he had constructed ten to twelve homesin this area and had never sought F. H. A. financing as f. H. A. had turned the entire area down. He said they had been app)ying for MGiC financing. He added, it was his opinion the MG1C financing would take over all F. H. A, financing within the next five years as they were not so restrictive. H� said, they only require 5% down. He questioned whether this financing would be affected if the flood plain zon;ing were to be adopted. i___. ; REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY S, 1973 ' PAGE 22 � I Mayor Liebl asked what price range this home would be, Mr. beGardner said it would be approximately $28,000. Mayor Liebl asked Councilman Nee if he had any comments as this was within h�s Ward. Councilman Nee said in the future he would like this type of proposal to be accompanied by a site p}an and waiver. He said he believed it very unfortunate that the house on the south side of this has an im- pro.per profi le. .. . . . MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the variance with ali future proposals submitted to the Council for approval accompanied by a site plan of the structure. The City Engineer said this information is always present if the Council- men wish to see it. Councilman Nee said the building mentioned takes up 80% of the lot. The City Engineer said as these are all small lots.in this area, they will all look a}ittle crowded.� SECONDED by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the rnotion carried unanimously. - Mayor Liebl asked the City Attorney if it had been the practice of the City to obtain a letter waiving the City's responsibility as it pertains to flooding? The City Attorney said he did not recal) such a practice. The City Attorney said a better protection would be to not allow an individual to build at too low an elevation. The City Attorney asked the City Engineer if there were any st:pulations to this effect in the zoning Ordinance. He said they did at one time request such a latter when a permit to�build a garage was issued, but he added, all buildings in the area should be built in accordance with the flood plain zoning regulations. MOTION by Councilman Nee to restrict building in proposed flood plain areas to those conditions set by the new standards. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor�Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, IB, TO REDUCE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED LOT AREA FOR A LOT IN A PLAT RECORDED BEFORE DECEMBER 29, 1955 FROM 7500 SQUARE FEET TO 5500 SQUARE FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING ON LOTS 15 AND 16, BLOCK H, RfVERVIEW HEIGHTS ADDITION THE SAME BEING 529 GLENCOE�STREET N.E „ FRIDLEY, MiNNES�TA, (REQUEST BY MR. GORDON R. DRAKE, 7226 RIVERDALt ROAD, BROOKLY�i CENTER, MINNESOTA.) MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the variance. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE 0� SECTION 45.053, IB, TO REDUCE THE MINIMUM RE- QUiRED LOT AREA FO R A LOT IN fi� PLAT RE�ORDED BEFORE DCCEMBER 29, 1955 FROM 7500 SQL'AP,E FEET iU 6875 SQ�JaRE fEET TO AL!_0�.�/ ThE CO"�STRU�T ION OF A DWELL I NG JN LOTS 1 �� ;��; � i 3, r,�<J �ic= '!��T - Oi= i_t)T i 2 B!_uC,f: N; 4. I VF RV l E!r! HEfGNTS AGDITlOTi, 7N�. S�P'tL 8El�VG 5�i �!�tJCOc Si�-;ct; PJ.E. FRii�l_EY�, MINN�- SOTA, (REQUEST BY MR. GORDON R, DRaKE, 7226 RIVERDA�E ROAD BRCiOKLYN CENTER, MINNESOTA.) y , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1973 , a , � i PAGE 23 M07tON by Councilman Nee.to approve the variance. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mo- tion carried unanimously. ' A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053 IB T0 REDI1fE THE MINIMUM RE- QUIRED LOT AREA FOR A LOT IN A PLAT RECORDED BEFORE DECEMBER 29, 1955 FROM J�00 SQUARE FEET Td SS�Q SQURRE �EET TO ALLOW THE CONSiRUCTION OF A DWELLINi ON LOTS 57 AND 58, BLOCK I RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS ADDITION THE SAME BEING 520 GLENCQE STREET N,E, Ff:IDLEY MIf�NESOTA (RE UEST BY MR GORDON R DRAKE, 27 26 RIVERDALE ROAD, BROOKLYN CENTER. MINNESOTA_) MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the variance. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a)] voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mo- tion carried. ', A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45•�53 IB TO REDUCE THE MINIMUM RE- ' QUIRED LOT AREA FOR A LOT IN A PLAT RECORDED BEFORE DECEMBER 29, 1955, FROM ' 750Q SQUARE FEET TO 5500 S UARE FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING ON LOTS 55 AND 56, BLOCK I RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS ADDl�'ION THE SAME BEING 526 GLENCOE STREET N.E „ FRIDLEY MINNESOTA (REQUEST BY MR GOt�DON R DRAKE, 27 26 R�VERDALE ROAD, BROOKLYN G�NTER. MINNESOTA_1 MOTION by Gouncitman Nee to approve the variance. Seconded by Councilman �Utter. Upon a voice vote, aI1 voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously. � MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive fihe minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of January 30, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECElVlNG TNE MlNi/TES OF THE NORTH PARK COMMlTTEE MEETlNG OF JANUARY 31 1973' Mayor Liebl said as they had not received the minutes until ��ust before the present meeti;�g, they did not have a chance to study the�i. Councilman Breider, Moderator of the Meeting, stated the meeting had gone wel1, and the Committee had discussed a wide range of topics. MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of thP North Park Committee Meeti�ng of January 3i, i973• Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all'vating aye,�May�r Lieb} declared the motion carried unanimously. RECESS: Mayor Liebl called a ten minutes recess at 11:00 p.m. RECONVENED; � Mayor l.iebt deciared the meeting reconvended at 11:20 p.m. F � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETiNG, FESRUARY 5, 1973 DISCUSSION OF LEGAL SERVICES FOR 1973: PAGE 26 ; Councitman Breider said he had been on the Council for four years and in his opinion something differen� should be done about legal services. . MOTION by Councilma� 8reide� to appo�int the firm of Weaver, Talle and Herrick, and the firm of Smith, Juster, Feikma, H�skvitz, and Casserly to be employed by the City Councii for iegal services to the City; that Weaver, Ta11� and Herrick attend the Council Meetings and do law work for the admin+strative staff; that Smith, Juster, Feikema, Haskvitz, and Casserly handle prosecutions; that the City Manager and/or Cfluncii shall assign civil litigation at the District Court level to either of the f�rms, with the understanding that the assignments will be relatively equal between the two firms; that both firms will assist the Council in reforming the Home Rule Charter so that the attorneys for the City will become appointive by the Manager and hence removed from the present poli- tical situatian wherein the Council appoints� And that each of the firms will file written resignations by the last day of December, 1973, in the event that the Charter change becomes effective January l, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Councilman Breider said he believed the legal services serve an administrative function and should �e directed by the administration. He added, this would allow a much better �valuation of the performance of the legal service. He said it would aTlow or,e firm to completely handle the prosecutions and will attempt to arrive at a situation to get the Charter changed. Mayor Liebl said he agrePd with the first stipulation. He expressed concern that the Charter Comrnissio� would be a)lowed to take away the authority to appoint and gives it to the appointed officials. He said, the Mayor and Councilmen are elect��i by the peaple to do a job. He said, it would be p�ssible for the entire Council to disagree with a� appointment if it was the choice of the City Manager. }ie said this could cause many problems. Councilman Breider sa�d the decision would not be corripletely left to the City Manager. He said if the City Manager does not agree with the Council, the Council may tel} him zhey no ]onger need him. He said, the Council does ha��e the right to disagree. Mayor Liebl asked if the appointments would come under the scrutiny of the Councit annually, and would they be paid on a retainer basis.- Counciiman �reider answer�d'yes. Mayor Liebl stated tF�at any time you take power away from the elect�d officials and give it to appoir�ted officia)s you are taking away the representation of the people. Councilman Breider suggested accepting the proposal and testing if it would work. Councilman Starwait asked the possibility of accepting the first part of the �roposal only.as he felt tnis was valid. He askc:d if they had to approve the entire proposal. Council�ra� Breider said tney could approve ur disapprove the Charter change. If the Cou�cil does not agree, he alded, it �an be voted do�m. Ne sa i d i t wou 1 d be �r�ss i;� e to a� k� t;�t peo� i e b�• go i ng t� a refe rendum. The City h1a�acer asked if the Ca;arter Co�rmissio� recomr,�ends this action wo�ld it take a unanimous vote of t�e Councii? He said he beliGved the change would become effective in a periad of time unless a petition is filed by the people, i� III� ��� �_ REGULAR COUNC IL MEETING, �'EBRUARY 5, 1973 PAGE 27 � Councilman Breider said he had included this as part of his proposal so the City would not run into any opposition to legal counsei while they are lobby- ing. Cou�cilman Nee said typically, attorneys are selected by the Council or by the electorate. He added, it is basically a potitical job. The City Manager said as he was from California he was accustomed to the Coun- cil appointing the legal services, he added, he had seen it done both ways. He said it would take some time to work out an agreement of terms. He suggested setting a date when the agreement could be brought back to the Council for rati- i� fication. Councilman Nee asked if it should be handled in two different motions; one, who I' ' you want to appoint and two, how you want to appoint in the future? Mayor Liebl said the only way it could be handled is to withdraw the second to the motion, he reminded the Council that there was a motion on the floor at the present ti�►e. Co�ncilman Utter said he agreed with the first part of the motion, but had some reservations about the second pa�-t. He added, the Council should have the power to accept or reject. He said the Council is not close e�ough to the wo�kings of the adminis_tration �o approve recommendations of this type. MOTION amended by Councilman Breider to add the words "if the Council wishes" __to_the sentence "both firms will assist the Council 'if the Council wishes' in reforming the Home Rule Charter." Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion to amend the motion -�carried unanimousiy. �PON A VOICE VOTE Councilman Breider, Councilman Starwalt, Mayor L►ebl and Councilman Utter voting aye, Councilman Nee vating nay, the motion by Council- man Sreider to appoint legal services carried four to one, Councilman Starwalt suggested changing the iength Qf the term to extend to � April and not end at the end of the year. I ; � t � y ' r oN #2o-t973 - OR STANDARDS 1NG SUGGEST e ATION OF THE MINNESOTA Mayor Liebl read the Resolution. The City Manager said the proposed Act would call for time and one half pay for�any work over forty hours per week. He said the Firemen work sixty hours per week without time anc! a half at the present time and this would invotve a great expenditure on the part of the City. MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #20-1973. Seconded by Council- man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor L'+ebl declared the motion carried unanimously. COP�SIDERATION OF A JOINT AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AMU;iG TNE �ITIES OF FRIDLEY, �NOKA, COLUMBlA HEIGHTS AND COON RAPIDS FOR EMPLOYMENT OF DAUID KENNEDY AS A LEGISLATIVE REPRESENTATIVE ANQ AUTHORIZATION FOR THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO SIGN SAID AGREEMENT: AND REGULAR COUNCtL MEETING, FEBRUARY 5� 1973 ' :PAGE 28 � I 0 RESOLUTION #19-i973 - APPROPRIATING UP TO �5,8,000 FOR PAYMENT OF A l,EGISIATIVE REPRESENTAT I VE.: Mayor Liebl suggested aliowing $4,000 for the 1973 session and $4,000 for the i974 session, in order to take care of both years. TF�e City Manager said he believed the Council and administration should eva)u- ate the services of Mr. Kennedy after the first year. Ne also suggested working closely with the other communit+es involved to designate work which will be rele- vant. H� stressed the importance of all the communities keeping track of the rep resenta t i ve's �wo rk. . Mayor Liebl asked who could attend the session. Councilman Nee suggested the Mayor be the City's representative. Mayor Liebl asked if one of the members of the Council woutd be able to attend the morning meeting. The City Manager said the meeting had not been set, but they had been having breakfast meetings. Councilman Breider asked if it would be possible to provide the Councilmen with a complete list of the meetings and they could divide them up between them. Councilman Nee suggested the City Attorney be authorized to represent the City at the meetings. The City Attorney said he believed it would be better if an elected official would be the City's representative. The City Manager said these meetincs would not replace discussion by the Council on those" points that affect the City. - Councilman Utter said he could not see spending this kind of money on this type of operation. Mayor Liebl said they realized the amount of expenditure was great, this was the reason for the proposed evaluation after one year. He added, any item that may affect us should be discussed with Mr. Kennedy pro- viding an input for our ideas. The Mayor added, the L�gislators and Representa- tives would be very grateful for an input and some assistance. He said the City does have some problems that it needs their support�on also. He said they had stipulated $4,000 for one year and an evatuation after fihis time before the expenditure of the second $4,000 to determine if the input is a workable one. The City Manager said there will be an upward figure of $15,000 of all the cities until June. He said, the;City wili be able to know more after it has some experience. %� Mayor Liebl said he would attend the meetings if it was at all possible. Coun- cilman Nee and Counciiman Starwalt said they would aiso be able to attend the meetings. MOTION by Counciiman Nee.to approve RQSOlution #19-1973. Seconded by Council- man Breider. Upon a voice vote, Councitman Breider,.Courci)man Starwalt, Counciiman Nee and Mayor Liebl voting aye, Councilman Utter voting nay. Mayor 'Ciebi� declared the mation carried four to one. I � � I1 , � ' I � � C� � � ' �- _ � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1973 PAGE 29, 0 Councilman Nee said he did not believe there could be an improvement in the first session as the program was put into effect too late in the se,ssion. Councilman Starwalt said he had met Mr. Kennedy and he is confident Mr. Kennedy will do a good job and report back to the City. He added, Mr. Kennedy is very capable and he will try to do us,justice, Mayor Liebl said after meeting the gentleman he felt he was very capable and his knowledge and skills could only help the City. RECEIVING INFORMATION FROM MTC ON EXTENDED SERVICE IN ANOKA COUNTY: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the information from MTC. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIV6NG MEMORANDUM FROM BARTON-ASCHMAN ASSOCIATES INC REGARDING NORTHTOWN CORR I D�?� STUDY FORUM #3 : The City Engineer_said the information incorporated in the agenda is concerning study information and materials relating to a meeting to be February 27, 1973� and anyone interested in working on the Northtown Corridor Study would be wel- come to attend. Mayor Liebl stressed the importance of a bridge across the river as related to this study and also mentioned it wouid be a help to all of Fridley. Mayor Liebl asked the City Manager if he would work on a resolution to express the need for such a project. The City Engineer said a project of this type would run into millions of dollars, that is why the City was part of a group. Mayor Liebl said there are two foat bridges within one block of one another � in Edina. He pointed out, it may be, the one who makes the most noise, gets the most accomplished. � , ? � � , Councilman Brei�'er said the City of Fridley puts many tax dotlars into tne State Government, and what is done with it? He added, it does not cost them the total amount to plow the roads. The City Engineer said they had continually pushed for the approvai of projects, but there are other areas where the need is more critical. The City Manager said there is something to be said;for doing a little squeaking. MOTION by Councilman Utter'to receive the communications on the Northtown Corri- dor Study. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor �iebl deciared the motion carried unanimously. . RECEIVING COMMUNICATION FROM REPRESENTATIVE PAUL MC CARRQN REGARDING A TRAFFIC SIG��AL AT 69TH AVENUE ON T,H. #47:' MDTION by Councilman Breider to receive the Communication from Representative Paul �1cCarron, dated January 22, 1973• Seconded by Councilmdn Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimous�y. � REGULAR COUNCIL MEE�1��, FEBRUARY 5, 1.973 CEIUING COMMUNICRTI�N FRd E )MPROVEMENT OF �EiE INTE SiATE OF MINNESOTA REG ECTIONS ON T.H. �65 AN PAGE 30. ING FUNDING P ,H. #47: MOTION by Councilman Sr-eider to receive the Communication from the State of Minnesota, N. R. Osterby, District Engineer, dated January 24, 1973. 3econded by Councilman Nee. l�pon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES fl F THE QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY, JANUARY 17, 1g7L: i�tOT10N by Councilmarr iitter to receive the minutes of the Quarterly Meeting pf the Suburban Rate Authority., Seconded by Councilm�n 8reider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #21-1973 - APPROVING PLANS�PROPOSED BY THE MINNESOTA HIGHWAY DEPART= MENT FOR LANDSCAPING Fi�OM 37TH-AVENUE TO 69TH AVENUE ON T.H. #47: The City Engineer said the proposed resolution is a step in the right direction by the High�ay Depart�nent, but he was still not happy wit.h the plans. He added, the area is divided into a very narrow strip and the planned planting is very skimpy. He suggested approving the present proposal, but when they complete the development from Rice Greek to T,H. #10, let them know in writing that the City wants addition planting. Councilman Breider said after looki�g at the map, he could only find a few trees to be planted in the area. The C-ity Engineer said�there is so little area to plant. He added, the City is looking for aesthetic improvement and also some- thing to cut down on the noise. The City Engineer pointed out the proposed plantings on the map furnished by �the t�ighway Department. • MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt Resoiution #21-1973. Seconded by Coun- cilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mo- tion carried unanimously. - : � '. - CONSIDERATION OF A RESfl �UTION T0 ADVERTISE FOR BlDS - SIDEWALK SNOWPLOW: Councilman Utter asked when a plow suyh�as this could be used, and why had they not considered �ne with a buc�fet' on it. The City Engineer said the pri- mary purpose of this piow was plowing sidewaiks. Couricilman Utter said when they had worked on tk��e buctget they discussed a,plow that could`also take care of the cul-de-sacs in addition �o ptowing.snow. The City Engineer said their primary concern at tEae present time was tbe plowing of the City's seven miles of sidewalks. Mayo� iiebl asked if the machine could be used within the width of the sidewalks? He a}so yuestioned if it could also be used for some sweep- ing, or was the machir�e made strictly for pl�wing? The City Engineer said it was primarily a pla�r. Councilman Utter said the City has already purchased lSvo pieces of.equipment for plowing.the sidewalks, they tried the equipment a few times and decidecf it could not take care of the job, He added, now there is a request for anoti�er plow. s � � , � � � REGULAR COUNCiL MEE7ING, FEBRUARY 5, 1973 PAGE 31 � The City Engineer said the present equipment would only take care of two to three inches of snow. He said they had been purchasing cheap equipment, which forced them to increase their man hours on the sidewalk plo�•�ing. He said they are required to keep the sidewalks clean for the schools and a)ong Mississippi Street. In order to do this job, the City must have the right kind of equ.ip- __ ment. He mentioned the fact that White Bear Lake had been using this proposed plow and it was doing the job. Councilman Utter asked if the snow on the side- walks could be plowed by the schools? The City Engineer said no, the City has agreed to take care of the plowing. Councilman Starwalt asked the possibility of the concerned department foreman making a presentation to the Council on the need and purpose of the proposed equipment. The City Manager said they had already tajked with the people who are to operate the equipment. The City Engineer agreed that this has been done. He added, they had also visited two communities to determine the type of equipment needed. Councilman Utter said there had been a problem in the type of equipment that wes purchased last spring. The City Manager agreed there had been a problem at that time, but they had gone back and corrected the problem. � The City Manager said, if the Council wished, the Ci*.y could continue con- tracting the work, but at the time when they had worked on the budget, they talked of buying equipment and this is the present proposal. Councilman Utter said the amount discussed at that time was $6,000 not $9,000. He questioned what the other equipment was being used for, if it was being used at all. The City Engineer said it was being used for the clearing of the City Hall Grounds � and sidewalks along the street. � ' � MOTION by Councilman Utter to table action on the resolution untilthe next meeting, February 12, 1973, obtaining more information and personally con- ducting an investigation on the proposal. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, atl voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RE50LUTION #22-1973 - CHANGING THE PROJECT NUMBER OF THE 1971-3 STREET IMPROVE- MENT PROJECT TO THE 1973-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND TRANSFERRING COSTS AND EXPENSES FROM THE 197�-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT TO THE 1973-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (EAST RfVER ROADI� ' MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt�Resolution #22-1973• Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, atl voting aye, Mayor Liebl de�;ared the motion carried unanimously. �� , � , � RE_SOLUTION #23-1973 - AUTHORIZIPJG AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON PARCEL 3150: MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution �23-1973• Seconded by Council- rr�an Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, hlayor Lie�l declared the motion carried unanimously. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETiNG, FEBRUARY 5, 1973 PAGE 32 RESOLUTION #24-1973 - CORRECTING THE CERTIFICATION OF AN ASSESSMENT FOR THE ST. 197�-i STREET IMPROVE�EPa� PR�JECT WHICH WAS PLACED ON THE WR�NG PARCEL THROUGH CLERICAL ERROR: MOTION by Councilman iVee to adopt Resolution #24-1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously_ . . .. , . APPOINTMENTS: . EFFECTIVE NAME POSITION SALARY DATE Paula Long Clerk-Typist, $468 Feb. 12, 7473 West Circle prive Engineering per 1973 Fridley, Minnesota Division month Rex Sackett Operations & $835 4656 2nd St. N.E, Maintenance Spec. per Fridley, Minnesota Pubiic Works month _ __ _Division Feb. 12, 1973 REPLACES Nikki Crepeau Joe Gonsior -MOTION by-Councilmar� �reider to concur with the City Manager and approve the appointments. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,.Mayor Liebl deciared the motion carried unanimously. ACCEPTANCE OF RESIGf�A710N: MR. H. J, SONDHEIMER BOARD OF APPEALS: MOTION by Councilmar� 8reider to accept the resignation of Mr. H. J. Sondheimer from the Board of A����:als. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayear Liebl declared the motion carried �nanimously. C LA I MS : Gene ra 1 #30962 - ,�31081 � ` r Y, Liquor # 7452 - # 7495 NOTION by Councilman �reider to approve the claims. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice wote; all voting aye, Mayor Lieb) declared the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES• � - GENERAL CONTRACT�3R APPROVED SY Don Mathis Contractor 7969 Jackson Stteet Minneapolis, Mt�nesota Ey: Don Mathls C, Belis�e � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY S, 1973 , ON SALE SUNDAY LIQUOR Fridley UFw Post 363 ' 1040 Osborne Road Fridley, Minnesota � ' � PAGE 33 APPROVED BY FEE _.. Public Safety $83.30 . Director MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the Licenses. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt, Upon a voice.vote, ail voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: � Comstock � Davis, Ins. (TH1S ESTIMATE WAS TABLED JANUARY 22, 1973) ConsuTting Engineers ; 1446 County Road "J" � Minneapolis, Minnesota 55�+32 Engineering Work Provided on Project No. 104. Locke Lake Dame fmprovements �atch,-Erickson, Madson �-I{awson, Inc. � ' 28Q� Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, Minnesota 55405 � ' , ' ; , $ 2,929•56 Estimate #5� PARTIAL, January Inspection Fridtey Liquor Store $ 100.00 MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the Estimates. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. DARREL A, FARR DEVELOPMENT CORPORkTION: IlJNSBRUCK NORTH DEVELOPMENT i.e. DRAINAGE_PLAN, COMMUNITY PARK AND "A" FRAME BUILDING AND SHARED RECREATIONAL FACILITIES: MOTION by Councilman Utter to rece'rve�the agreement and communication; dated November 14, 1972. Seconded by Councilman 8reider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb'l declared the motion carrie:d unanimously. FRIDLEY VOLUNTEER FIRENIAN'S RELIEF ASSOCIATION: PROPOSED PENSl�ON CHANGES: MOTIGN by Councilman Utter to receive the communication. Seconded by Council- man Breider. Upon a voice vote,a�l voting aye, Mayor �,iebl declared the motion carried unanimo�sly. LETTER FROM CHESTER MERDLINE OFF4CE OF MILITARY AFFAtRS: MOTICN �y Councilrran 8reider to �iace this iter� on the agenda February 12, 1g7y. Seconded by Councilnan Utter. Upa� a voice vore, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl deciared the motion carried unan�mously. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETt��, FEBRUARY 5, 1973 PAGE 34 RECEIVING LETTER FROM WILLIAM B. HOPKINS: � � MOTtON by Counciiman Breider to receive the letter. Seconded by Countilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, aii voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unani- mously. RECEIUING LETTER FROFt NENRY MELCHER - MISSISSIPPI STREET, EAST OF T. H. #65: MOTION by Councilman 8reider to receive the communication from Henry Melcher. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, atl voting, aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING LETTER FROM THOMAS G. VALENTI, PRESIDENT OF ONAN CORPORATION: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the letter. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimou.sly. RECEIVlNG THE LETTER FROM MAYOR MC DONALD ROBBINSDALE: MOTION by Counciiman Sreider to receive the tetter. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried-�unanimous ly. ADJOURN: MOTION by Councilman Bredier to adjourn.the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Utter. : Upon a voice vote, ail voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unani- mously, and the Reguiar Meeting of February 5, 1973, adjourned at 1:00 a.m. Respectfully Submitted � .. ���',e.,� Patricia Ellis Secretary to the City �ouncil �� �, , Frank G. Liebl, Mayor � ' 1 ' II� ' 1 ' ' ' � � ' � ' � �33 ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 12.07 OF THE CITY CHARTER TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS �ND TO AMEND APPENDIX C OF THE CITY CODE The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as iollows: SECTION 1. For the vacation of att alley described as follows: All that part of the alley located in Block 11, Hyde Park Addition, 2ying between the Westerly extension of the North line o£ Lot 7, Block 11, and the Westerly extension of the South line of Lot 13, Block 11, Hyde Park Addition, All lying in the South Half of Section 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fzidley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Be and is hereby vacated. SECTION 2. The said Vacation has been made in conformance with Minnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the City Code shall be so amended. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS � � DAY OF , 1973. MAYOR - Frank G. Liebl ATTESTe CITY CLEItK - Marvin C. Brunsell Public Hearing; February 12, 1973 r First Readin�: February 26. 19]3 Second Reading: �j �,�, � ��; Publish,,,.,.. _ /►I �w�i. ♦�/� I !'1; ' ' . 1 ITEM NO 2 APPOINTMENT OF ROBERT BARNETTE, 541 RICE CREEK BOULEVARD TO AD HOC NORTH PARK COMMITTEE (Requested by Mayor Liebl) 2 � � �� ' � C� �� LJ ' i , � , ' ' ' ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.05 RELATING TO TI� USE OF SICK LEAVE FOR CITY EMPLOYEES The Counci.l of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Section 3.05 of the Fridley City Code is hereby amended to read as £ollows: � � ' �I , 3.05 Each employee of the City who has worked regularly for the City for a period of not less than six 6 successive months is entitled to sick leave away from employ- ment with pay. Sick leave pay shall be computed at the regular rate of pay to which such �mployee is entitled. An employee who has worked a minimum of six 6 months is entitled to one (1) day of sick leave for each month worked, cumulative to one hundred twenty (120) days of sick leave. After one hundred twenty (120) earned and unused days of sick leave have accumulated, one (1) day additional vacation shall be granted to an employee for every three (3) sick Leave days earned and unused. The employee may elect, after ninety (90) earned and unused days of sick leave have accumulated, to receive one (1) day additional vacation for every three (3) sicic leave days earned and unused. Sick Zeave days shall not accumulate beyond one hundred twenty (120). Before any sick leave compensation is gaid, the City may request and is en- titled to receive from any employee who has been abset�t more than three (3) days in succession, a certificate signed by a competent physician or other medical attendant certifying to the fact that the absence was in fact due ta sickness and not otherwise. The City also reserves the right to have an examination made at any time of any person claiming absence by reason of sickness; such examination may be made when the City deer�s the same zeasonable necessary to verify the sick- ness claimed and may be made in behalf of the City by any competent person designated by the City. Sick leave is to be used normalZy �or the sickness of the employee only, however, two sick days per year may be used for the following speci- fied uses; (1) Serious illness of the spouse. (2) Serious illness of child. The special use days cannot be accumulated from one year to the next and if they are not used, they are included in the normal sick leave accumulation. Time off with pav can be charged to the specified special uses listed above. For additional reasons. time_ off with. Eav can be charged to sick leave only if the employee is sick. � ORDINANCE N0. PAGE 2 ADOPTED BY TE� CITY COIINCIL OF T�E]E CITY OF FRTDLEY THIS DAY OF , Z973 ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL MAYOR - FRANK G. LIEBL 3A �� � I , ' ' � , , � ' ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.08 RELATT,NG TO THE USE OF FUNERAL LEAVE FOR CITY EMPLOYEES The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION I. Section 3.08 of the Fridley City Code is hereby amended to read as fol�ows: 3.08 An employee who has been duly summoned for jury duty in any court or who has been duly summoned as a witness in any proceeding, shall be excused from work for the purpose of com- plying with such summons, and while absent from work in accord- ance therewith, such employee shall be entitled to receive as pay a sum of money equal to the difference between what he receives as compensation for such jury duty or witness fees and his regular pay. Any employee absent from work in accordance with the order of a duly established military authority shall receive pay and compensation during such absence as is provided by State Law. In case of death occ�ring in the immediate family of an employee, such an empZoyee may be excc�sed fram work for up to three da s with additional time off �ranted b the City Mana�er if additional time is needed. This time off shall not subject the employee to loss of pay. For this purpose, mearbers of the immediate family of the employee are considered to be the following; spouse, child (natural or adoptec�, parent, grandparent, brother, sister, mother-in-law or father-in-law. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1973 � � ATTEST: ' � ' i CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL MAYOR - FRANK G. LIEBL � �- , , ��� s a � � s a � , � � � � � II , Ed Wilmes, D.A.V., Originator COMMITTEE ' Elmer Olsan, Chairman Linus B. Fritz, Treasurer I Jack O. Kirkham, Secretary � �R. F. Burton Fridley Senior High School Rev. M. G. Denyes ' Assembly of God Church 1 Rev. E. A. Chmielewski St. Williams Catholic Church Tony Qtson I ' VFW Post No.363 Henry S. Peterson American Legion Paul Brown, Ex-0fficio I �ISLANDS OF PEACE � CITY OF FRIDLEY ' 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, N.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 PHON E: 612-560-3450 ' ' i __ 1 -� � 1 � r = � � � February 28,1973 Dear Mayor �rar�c Liebl: Because some coimnents have been made in reference to the II. S. Navy Seabees, I would appreciate�3-5 minutes to explain some facts about their unit. Also, I would like to present the letter heading and broch�re of the "Islands of Peace". Sincerely, . - -% . �-i.. '�C... � �/;�:t.�. � EGl W1�11185 Chairman � � ._��. , ' , ¢. _,,,.:-,•.�� �,-�-�-• , z - g: r."'"r''� " ,., LL ` ' ryL"_ � j,��` l � _� ` {� wi.�. � , y �w ._pi j . �� �y � `��» _,i..e' - . -� c � ! `' � � L ' ` 11 e �;r {' (p ? � �,'� . �.y ia T` ;,z ,�� , ., \ � � 3 � t � �� d�. f..� � r `�� � . � �� �� :� ,_ R,..aNS.R� ��Iit T�i�R S�DS OF PEACE 4DVISORY BOARD I i�E DALY efatiorney erans administration :VERETTEDODGE c�pal /ing School for Crippled Children =REDRtGK J. DRESSER V�ce Pres%dent west Federal ings & Loan Assn. �R W. QUNWIDDIE Vice Presideni hitects of Barriers or the Handicapped Ult M GREGG dminrsirator Veterans Home State tiC�f Minnesota RD JACOBSON President fridley Sra[e Bank RANKJOHNSON u[ive Director neapolis Sociery of he B1ind IOBERTJ. KOWALCZYK � ctor er Schoo! for the entally Handicapped IA KRUEGER Chief, Recreation & ehabili�ation rans Nospiial f. EPH D. MORIARTY , Mercy Hospital, Anoka E �OLSON utive Drrecior /nc., Trdining & mployment of Handicapped Adulis 'OC � SCHMAUS ipal ert Louis Stevenson iemenfary School 'tLLIAM SCHOENBOHM E utive Director eapolis Society of rrppled Children and Adu/ts . BROR S. TROEDSSO� I �f, Physical medirt5' rans Nospital ``� C p ,O � � � � � _ J J J ` '� w m m � � c n. .v W c, x NUS_=�:z EQ �E� E►'.`_.f-`�YQZq i � %. e � � � .S � � �t �1 :r < �`< �r ; . _. .,+ `�� ��. + i. � �. .- -��s -- ---- - � � 'II� R.�y....� �.-�--.z•�w•.. ., _. 4,...,•�e�- : r H i � � . . � - , ._�� . � , � . � ; , � , .� . � , i ' •� �:���� t %<-.. _ _i ���'E��3:���";;y,�_�.... ....a `� f�ri i3-�ay rnornin� en 1944, Ed Wilmes, then in the Navy, saw many injured`soldiers and wished tte�re +nras �methi�� he could do to helo them. : IYcrurr, a(rna� �3 y�cs later, the former pharrnacist's mate is trying to untangle �ed tape to make �tr�-st�x�ed is�nds in t�e Mississippi River near the communities of Fridley, Brookfyn Park, ar�cf Br�tc�� Cer�er into a park for the handicapped. He calls the 2,000 foot stretch of land the �s[a�c�af Pe�e. �ke e�.41s the entire pra�ect the "Islands of Peace" project. �it�ttes' d€ea�, skr�eed by dozens of otk�ers won over by enthusiasm, is to make the islands of F'eace ar�ri ���by El��ram and Chase's istands into places where wounded veterans, the blind, and �hase o�te€r�i�e �r�c�icapped, could go �vr an outing. The �rRc. v�ouic� be fQr "tittEe ones vuho never have experienced nature, and for old ones who t�ave c�'ven ecp hope� of expeEier�cing Et again," Wilmes said. Elur g�a� is to �ov��e an aetivity for the handicapped that is not provided for them now. �Ve, ioo are concer� aCtio�t tf�� preservation af areas for tomorrow but we are equally concerned abou: the needs af the un�ortur�ate peopEe — Tadav. . "We aticipate that patients of all ages and disabilities wo�ld find some need and desire for use of this area. They v�rould range from the young Viet Nam era veteran through the veterans of Wor!d War I. The severefy disabted patient who is confined to a wheelchair, the amulatory patient v�rith long-term medical problems and the patient vaho is suffering from emotionat problems —��I of these can find something meaningful and helpful to their rehabilitation from an area such as :I��s island. There is .,,,+�:�„ .�..--- --------�=-- -�— - • . . . . _ . wildlife." -- �fl��/ Wlt� preciar � L� �.. , _ 6 . �. .. .. ,�,._. .w� ,-� .,,....p.., �' � . .� . �. .. t . _ � ..�.... �.:...�...._. _ .� �. - . � Y � s , . � ' .. Ir ' • . ... . . �r 2. . / � . ' � , 4 (� . [ .. ..�.�+ev-y,.,-+..�.•'^+"BLi..,..'W:.. _<+,�� .YM��._.% • � . ... F ` .� � . ?At_:(a ��i.�; t . , "_` ' " ...:ws._.. L . a , . „ ', . . . . .��,y1. "� -.. - ti. ' � - � � . ..,� ..,.� ,... :,t_.. . . . . �. _ .... _. . � . ... � r . . . .. . . � """"^v'�r._�"'°�-:eL. �.. . �. �. . . ' �'. ^r....-�.:; �'` . .. .. ~ c��w' w ..„ ��^rJ+..-.w witiJ►�._ • - . .-�._ sV,aw.i�s. �. . � ' _.. �.._ .. .. . ..... . . . �. �i r -r � - .. _ ��n .: . . . ..� �. . .� IR^'_1�M., . . . . .0 �"c�n.... . � ` ' ..... IT..� _ �/rc", .. �lu..ullt-+�.. w . ... . e. av y . _ . . . ."�� �. �, ) � � . ...,. � .� . _ . _ - �"` . . �. . a�� ..« s. . . . ... � ..,... . --.�+'��„ .: iq.iv�Y-n.. �.�_ �-v�� .. � ..r. ..�/�+� y�' . � ...> :��.'vc --.� . ..�.. ., . � � _ ' s""r+' :C�= ��� - " _a ��.wn . '�, � � . ' }... .�.-��� .'�...�� � - .� V��'M�� _. ,.. ... .r+ �.... . -r.. .. -.. v.... �7'vf "'�`1!'ri.,...'_." . ,:'��rY'+aw.".': ,_ .�w,�, " ..�._ _ �-+r- `r -�.�.. ��. � _. �- .a .' "...,,�. �''.1r ��, � y ��-. �w. .. �:s:'ta11� a..y �. _ .. �. p . - ._+... ` .' 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' . . .... � voluntee� spirs� tiras been one of the �e�€ �;� �;�tt� A�eeerican �itage and your out- ing achievemerr•:g show how much our �ienc k� �nefrttec� �om that vadition. On be- . of all our fellou� r�tizens, I welcome t�is�r{,�csr.���tq•tn �oam�end �aur dedicated efforts �nd to extend my t�t wishes for contine�ext s� uaa � yea�s a�ead. -t��ctrar�a Nr'xon "island of peaee"'ean truly turn out tc�bearc �e�fcs+�at�rer staies ta foE6Qw. C uery h hope your dre��.�scan become a reatil3� � wiY�� i� e�es�c li�y� t� he1R an this �ny way 1 CBft.—Hubert H. Humpftrn� Y r example and ini�iative fostered so much car�.�it�r �si�trt of t� Rro�ect that it is only � a tter of time bef�ac�your dream is a rea�etY. -�sc�,4�+sa�n Congratulations to yc� for your magnificen� effo� �s��'� �r�eee�h you have rna�e the islands �o ce project one of the most imaginative fos tfi� F►anrfepp�ci ff is actions such as yours i v��truly underscor� the American spirit �n �xevaific►4 against l�avy odds, fighting on, and �X r ing a very difificult goal. -wairer F Mondate ratulations for alt the hard work and energy you have put 'sntn this very exciting and w hwhile program. Yau have set an example for public service thai will be hard to match b ny of us. -BiIJ Frenze/ T�people of Minnesota - particularly those with ti°^-'�^°^° -^•-� ••-�• --•-�- -t -�__�__ r__ y undying efforts on behalt of the Islands of " , � `i^�`�� � �� "� .,_ � p, � � � '���%! � .� . � i � ,. � „ �� : �f`��;�', �� , �',� :i- � T:. 'T � ���t f.��� l�l � } J.7 ��� �': w ; � +°d L '' � `'' i .. L. a.� �E., .. .......Na �. ; �' -f v We have approximately 400 veteran residents liv�ri3 at the Home who I am sure, on a planned program of v+s- itation, would enjoy spending ume on your enchanred island and benefit from the experience bv the enjoy- ment and its theraputic value. — Wi!liam J. Gregg, Minnesota Veterans Home Surely the enjoyment of nature and wildlife wili er.- rich the rehabilitation process for blind and visualiy handicapped persons throughout Hennepin County and the state. — Frank R. Johnson, The Minneapolrs Society for the 8/ind, lnc. tt looks like a great idea to me, and I wish you every possible success. — W. B. Schoenbohm, Minneso:a Society for Crippled Children and Adults, /nt. We are very much aware of the needs of the handic:ao- ped and alway welcome with great joy any new serwce which offers an opportunity for ne4v and mean�nu���: experiences for the hand�capped. —Rober[ J. Kos.�l- czyk, Fsase� School Amputees and other persons who have been hosp����- ' �s� a n as Recreation ' L�, and Nature Study o fP Ge e a for Everyone ,� ADVISORY BOARD , EUGENE DALY, cnie) q rmrney Veterans AdminisCration EVERETTEDODGE ' Principal Dowling School for I�' Crippled Children FREDRICK J. DRESSER Midwest Federal Savings � and Loan Association FOSTER DUNWIDDIE ' Vice President Archirecn o/ Banie�s /or the Handicapped WILLIAM GREGG Administraroi VeterensHome Srate ' of Minnesota RICHARDJACOBSON Vice President Frid/ey Stare Bank FRANKJOHNSON Executive Director , Minneapolis Society af the Blind ROBERT KOWALCZYK Di.ecror Fraser School for the Menrally Handicapped ' DAVEKRUEGER cnier Recreation and Rehabilitation, Veterans Hospital, Minnesota DR. JOSEPH MORIARTY Mercy Hospital ' LEON OLSON Executive Direcmr Training and Emp/oyment of Handicapped Adu/ts Ri e, lnc. ROGERSCHMAUS ' Principal Robert Louis Stevenson Elementary School WILLIAMSCHOENBOLM fxecutive Director Minneapolr's Sociefy of � Crippled Children and AdWts DR. BROR S. TROEDSSON Chief Physical Medicine of Veterans Hospital, Minnesota I' ED WILMES Originaror Chairman ' ISLANDS OF PEACE COMMI TT E E ELMER F.OLSON LINUS B. FRITZ � RON F. BURTON REV. M. G. DENYES REV. E. A. CHMIELEWSKI TONY OLSON V.f.W 363 � WAYNE PETTIS American Legion Posf 303 DONA CEBULA American Legion Auxilliary Post 303 RUTH STARK ' V.F.W.AuxilliaryPosr363 PAULBROWN Ex-Of/icio Ciry of Fridley CARROLL KUKOWSKI Secretary S� � - CITY OF FRIDLEY•6431 UNIVERSIT1f AVENUE N. E. • FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 TELEPHONE (612j 560-3450 " Where peace is a way of life every hour of every day." � ' � ' ' ' C� � ,� ' '� RE6ULAR COUNCtL MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1973 PAGE 21 wouid not commit themselves. The City Attorney suggested preparing a detailed letter including e�evations and pictures and sending.it to F. H. A. as this may bring about more results. The City Engineer said- it had taken two weeks to-schedule the upcoming meeting. He said they would try to satisfy some of the Council's conce rns in the area�and suggest the Rice Creek area be called the Creek protection area. He added, we wi11 try again to get the answers to the questions the Council is asking. Councilman Bre:der asked what the attitude of F. H. A, would be if a house was associated with flood insurance. Mayor Liebl said this is the type of question that shouid be incorporated in the Ietter pre- pared by the City Attorney. He asked the City Attorney if he would assist in this plan. The City A ttorney answered yes. � • . �. . . MOTION by Councilman Breider to table any action until the next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Utter, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVtNG TNE MINUTES OF THE BOARO OF APPEALS MEETING OF JANUARY 3�, 1973: A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SEr��ON 45 053 ►6 FRIDLEY C T^ � EDUCE THE MINIMUM RE EET AND SECTIOPJ 45.0 LOOR LEVEL, OF TNE U HAN 6 FEET ABOVE GR.A OCATED ON LOTS 27 AN EING 8125 R14'ERVIEW OBERT L�EGARDNER _ 79S UIRED LO 54 2A , 2 PPER STOR DE TO AL D 28 BLO TERRACE N 0 EAST R I _� ITY CODE AREA FROM 7500�SQUARE FEET TO 5250 � FRIDLEY CITY COD� TO ALLOW THE FI� !N A S PLIT ENTRY D�SIGN HOUSE TO B OW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING TO K S, RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS /�DDITION THE E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA (RE UEST BY ER ROAD N.E „ FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA_) SQUAR ISHED E LES AME The City Engineer said the request for a variance by Mr. DeGardner had been recommended for approval by the Board of Appeals. He said the iot is within the proposed flood p)ain area and the prospective property owner should be notified as to the level of the flood waters in 1g65. He said he believed the new building standards to be required by flood plain zoning should be met in this area to prevent further damage, He said, in this area it would not be too diffi�ult to build a building at a higher level. Mayor �iebl asked if Mr. De6ardaer was present and if he had any commenLS. Mr. DeGardner addressed the Council saying the water level of the 1965 flood just came up to this lot. He added, in the event there should be a more severe flood, it may fill 'the basement with water, but the living area is five feet above the grade and should not be affected at any time. He said the road in this area had been raised three feet since the 1965 flood. Mr. De�ardner said he had constructed ten to twelve homesin this area and had never sought F. H. A. financing as F. H. A. had turned the entire area down, ye said they had been app�ying for MG1C financing. Ne added, it vras his opinion the MGIC financing would take over all F. H. A. financing within t�he next five years as they were not so restri�tive, He said, they oniy require 5% down. He questioned whether this financing wou)d be affected if the flood plain zoning were to be adopted. 0 � �i. �J I _ . , i_ _ � �' 4 ♦. �_J , , ' ;� � . � , ' , ' , t-- Mayo� Lieb1 asked what price range ihis home would be. Mr. DeGardner said it would be approximately $28,000. • , Mayor Liebl asked Councilman Nee if he had any comments as this was within his iJard. Councilman Nee•said in the future he would like this type of Rroposal to be accompanied by a site pFan:and waiver. He said he believed it ve ry unfortunate that the house an the south side of this has an im- proper prof i le. . . . : . . - - � _ -- . MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the variance with atl future proposals submitted to the Council for approval accompanied by a site plan of the structure. The City Engineer said this information is always present if the Council- men wish to see it._ Councilman Nee said the building mentioned takes up 80% of the iot. The��City� Engineer said as these are at 1 smal l lots in this area, they wi11 all look a litt�e crowded.� -- S�CONDED by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl deciared the motion=carried unanimously. �- -. Mayor Liebi asked�the City Attorney if it had been the practice of the City to obtain a)etter waiving the City's responsibility as it pertains to flooding? The City Attorney said he did not recall such a practice. The City Attorney said a better protection would be to not allow an individual to build at too 1ow an eievation. The City Attorney asked the City Engineer if there were any stipulations to this effect in the zoning Ordinance. He said they did at one time request such a latter when a permit to build a garage was issued, but he added, all buildings in the area should be built in accordance with the flood plain zoning regutations. � MOTlON by Councilman Nee to restrict buitding in praposed flood plain areas to those conditions set by the new standards. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor l.iebl declared the motion carried unanimously. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45 �53 t6 TO REDUCE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED LOT AREA FOR A LOT �N A PLA7 RECORDED BEFOR� DECE��IBER �9, �955 FROM 7500 SQUARE FEET TO 55Q� S UARE FEET TO ALL04! T�tF CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING ON L07S 15 AND 16 SLOCK H R;VEP,4'lE��! NElGNTS ADDlTlON THE S�1ME BEItJ6 529 GLENCOE STREET N.E, FRIDLEY MINNESOTN. (RcQUEST BY MR, GORDQN R. DRAKE, ]22b R)VERDALE_ R_aF;D, BROOKLYN CENTER. MlNNESOTA_ ) MOTtON by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice carried unanimously. Nee to approve t;�e variance. Seconded by Councilman vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45 053 IB TO REDUCE THE MINIMUM RE- QUIRED LOT AREA FOR A LOT IN a PLAT RECORGED BEFORE DECEh16ER 29 1955 ,,.� � FRO_M 7504 S UARE FEET TO 6875 SQUARE FEET TO ALLOW TNE CONSTRUCTION OF A ;� DWELLING ON LOTS 14 AND 13 AND THE WEST � OF LOT 12 BLOCK H RIVERUIEW '`- HE I GHTS ADD IT I o�! , THE SAME BE I NG 52 % GLErdCOE STREET rl E FR � �LEY , M I':"lE- SOTri. =`_ �=5i `! '� GO���;+ R, C�;;-�K� 722:i R�v'E; .L�.. ���HD :u�.LY�� CEt�TER, �tl�:""�SOiA,) ' , • � �� 0 UD 8125 Riverview Terrace L. 27 & 28, B1. S Riverview Heigh�ts Addition Robert DeGardner =o ��r _ � �t - I � . ....... ' 1 � ? � �: � u , I a � � , � � r , O ___ __ �, � �6 � � � ! C�� +� `� � Y � �Jr�+6 � W �' '� � "Q ; _ f '' � 4- - � r ,} S ? P-�—o - __ . � c1 � � C . �G5p � � �:� t _ __- --------: __ _ � , � o , _�i ��. , � ..` � � a 4 �. s 0 D 0 � � � 1 ; r% �' ;� /1,+ �,-�';� � � , 6 C 1 , � _ ____._. ___.__ i 1 . � i_.. �S r� �' r ' ' _.___....__L.._�.._.. _,.�..��.�..._...._....__.�.. � .. . ,� _. _..._._._._._._�_�� � � � , r� � � �� �� � �,A `r � � � V ' ' �__�._... ,____.____._„__ ; ! , ; i 1 i l ' ` � s . s t• �,, � N . � , ; : _ �r n -' ; � .- _ -.._ �� . _.:,.. �. ._.n.,...�,,.: ,,..._.�.� � - ......_ .._, „_.�..,__.,..._�,.__,__�: ♦ . � � ..� a ��y� i �` . , � �t V' _ ' � �/ � 1� �' 1�J � 1 � � i � , � 6 i' . . ...__....... ...._..._� .�...._..._ . . _.,.. � : . ; 3 �`, � ' � � � . __________ ________.__ _.__ ._ __. _...,_.,_ ..__..._._._..-__� _ ..� � _ _ __ .. . :� � �� � _ # ;1 � ' ,' ._ __ --.,.....� _.�.._.w. r,�.. .. _ ....,_ _... �^_,._ , � _.._ ..�. _. __�-____— =; �. � � -s/� � t � ' o, x �. � . . � � . SyW �J � F I 'M1 '' ...__...-y._y.,._.,w.............�._.........�_.� � ,.��.__._- - . i �' ' n � � .__..._.__�__....____.���..�_._.._ ._ ___..__.,_____--.._.__.__. � , �: � n � �� 1 � ' i • �\ - �.; 1 ��� 1 �- � 1 � ;� CITY OF FRID�LEY � PLANNING CO1��IISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 21, 1973 PAGE 1 7 CALL TO ORDER• Acting Chairman Fitzpatrick called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL • � Members Present: Fitzpatrick, Minish, Schmedeke, Zeglen ,� Members Absent: Erickson Others Present: Darrel Clark, Community Development Administrator Jerrold Boardman, Planning Assistant Nasim Qureshi, City Engineer-Director of P].anning APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: FEBRUARY 7, 1973 MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission minutes of February 7, 1973 be approved. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: FEBRUARY 13, 1973 � MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission receive the Board of Appeals minutes of February I3, 1973. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried ur.animously. 1. CONTINUTED: PUBLIC HEARING: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Acting Chairman Fitzpatrick asked if there was anyone present who hadn�t seen the slide presentation, Everyone indicated the} had been present at the first Public Hearing and saw the presentation at that time. Mr. Fitzpatrick said we would not have the slide presentation thaa, but would review any areas anyone had a particular interest in. Mr. Qureshi said a presentation was made to the League of Women Voters and the Chamber of Commerce, Most of the remarks were quite favorable . to the Plan. There were a couple of areas they had questions on, and - if there are any members of these organizations here, we would like a chance to answer these questions. Mr. Fitzpatrick stated that if anyone had questions or input they would be recognized by the Chair at this time. Mrs. Lee Ann Sporre, 301 Ironten Street N.E., said she t•ras a resident of Study Area 1 and she would like a freeze p�t on ar.y deve?opr.i?r.� ?.^, this area for t:-ie present. The City is in t':e p_o<:ess ai spendin�; :;_'__,i:CO £or a feasibil.ity study of the use of the park land in tris area. Ti.ere are propcsals in the Comprehensive Plan that are going to affect this } � � ' t ' � ' ._ �a Plannin� Commission Meeting - February 21, 1973 Page 2 parcel, and will have an environmental impact. I feel the proposed crossing at 83rd'Avenue N.E: wi11 affect a ponding area we call Pau2son's Pond and it will also affect the beaver dam. I feel the proposals are premature, and we should use the money we are spending for a park study wisely. Chairman Fitzpatrick said the park study was something new and the Comprehensive Plan was a long time in the making. Mrs. Sporre said the 79th Avenue crossing will make East River Road accessible to the multiple dwellings. It will create a traffic . problem on 79th and 83rd, because these are not expressways and will ereate neighborhood traffic, which she objects to a1so. You are also talking about a North/South extension of riain Street to 85th. This will create two more right of ways along the South border of the park land and on the Easterly part of the park. ' Chairman Fitzpatrick said he agreed that this park study should be brought to the attention of the Planning Commission. There isn't much stated specifically about this area in the Comprehensive Plan. Mrs. ' Sporre said there was reference made that there will be new additional crossings needed in the Northerly part of the City. ' Mr. Qureshi said the concerns that have been mentioned are the �concerns that the City has is� the past taken into consideration, to come up with the proposal that is in the Comprehensive P3.an. He said our concern is two-fold. One, being at present there are three ' crossings in this area; one at 77th, one between Liberty and Longfellow, and one at Ironte^ Street. These crossings are unprotected crossings, and there was a family of three killed at one of these crossings last ' qear. The plan we had for this area was ma�e in 1961. The new proposal will eliminate one crossing and relocate two, to align them with 79th and 83rd, to provide better and safer facilities. The second concern is, to ' take traffic out of a residential area. All the area along the railroad tracks is zoned industrial. The property along 79th is all zoned industrial and multiple. The reason it was zoned this way, was to keep commercial traffic out of residential areas. The present use in this area is multiple, ' although there are a couple of homes on the North side of 79th that are in industrial or multiple zoning. These lots could-be subdivided and used as they are zoned. The area abutting 83rd in Coon Rapids is also zoned t industrial. Even though these proposals are in the Comprehensive Plan, and have been in the planning stage for some time, there would be a . Public Hearing on any roadways or improvements in this area, to meet the 1 legal requirements, and this would be a more appropriate time to show local concern. Our concern is for few crossings and safer crossings. � ; '�J �ir `1 � Mrs. Sporre said there is a holding area for Spring $rook Creek in this area and the beaver dam. She felt the proposals made would be disturbing these things. Mr. Fitzpatrick said the people making the park study should have an opinion er statement to a�ake on tne proposals in this area. ,` r- Plaanin� Com�►ission Meeting - Februar_y 21, 1973 pa e�3 I ' � Mrs. Sporre said they were a self-coatained neighborhood, and while it was true they could sell their lots to fit the zoning, they would be forced to sell, because if the crossing goes in, they would have double ' frontage on their lnts, and with the increase in taxes, it would be not economically f�asible to keep their property. � • Mr. Renneth Sporre, 301 Ironton Street N.E., said that about a year ago they went to a meeting in Coon Rapids. Coon Rapids presented a study of this area and in this study there w�re no roads in this area and it was laid out for an industrial site. ' ' ' � ' � ' � ' L� ' � � � 1 Mr. Fitzpatrick asked the City Engineer what amount of coordination there was in our plan and Coon Rapids. Mr. Qureshi said the City knows about this study. This property is zoned industrial and is owned by Burlington Northern. There have been statements �ade that this crossing would affect the ecology. At present, the beaver dam is North of this property. There is a ditch which brings in the drainage from th� East and South to a large culvert. The ponding area will not be affected by this crossing, There are a number o£ steps the City has to take before it can fulfill the overalZ development of this area. We have [o get permission from the Public Service Commission, there has to be Public Hearings and all affected property owners notified. This is an overall plan, and it is not infallible, We are concerned about the ponding areas and drainage. This is public land and whether it is used as a nature center or golf course or for any other use, our reco�endation would be to keep the ponding areas, but the concern here is for 120 acres in relation to the 20,000 acres the City has to be concerned about. The development of Blaine and Coon Rapids will have much more affect on the'drainage problem. It also affected our decision on where the public land would be for a park, because this area does have large ponding areas. Mr. Schmedeke said there has been reference made to the beaver dam and beaver house. No one can say how long one colony can live and multiply. They could move out on their own if they run out of food. Mr. Schmedeke said he had some experience with this. Mrs. Sporre said she felt we shouldn't make premature decisions that can affect the largest area of park land in the City. Mr. Schmedeke said that because there are studies going on in this area at the present time, he didn't think the Planning Commission would be making any �irm decisions on this area at this time. Mrs. Sporre said any proposals that affect the environment will affect the use of the park land. Mr. Qureshi used the example the property formally known as Peck's Woods, which has been developed, using the same concept, which preserved the ponding areas and the ecology. Mr. Norwood helson, 7321 East River Rcad, asked if there �•�as an��*rin� proposed for a 73rd Street crossing, ylr. Qureshi said this crossing is no Ionger in the plan because at this time there doesn't seen to be a need for a crossing in this area. �J � ' ' � C ' � �c Planning Commission Meeting - February 21, 1973 Page 4 Mr. Tom Harren, 2479 Mississippi Street, wanted to know the relation between the proposed comprehensive plan and any future rezoning. Mr. Fitzpatrick said the Comprehensive Plan is not a proposal for rezoning. Every rezoning request would come from the property owner, as it has in the past. If a property owner from one of the study areas came in with a rezoning request that coincided with the Comprehensive Plan, he was sure it would have a more favorable response; if it was different, it still would be judged on its own merits. This Comprehensive Plan is a generalized statement on what the City would like in these areas, The five study areas are either undeveloped or under going development with the exception of the Hyde Park area. Mr. Qureshi said the proposed Camprehensive Plan in no way changes the legal requirements for rezoning requests. Mr. Harren said there is a green area in this study area that is zoned R-1 and you propose high intensity housing ia this area. Mr, Qureshi said such development could be around the ponding areas which could then be preserved. Mr. Bill Nee, 219 Logan Parkway said he still had stron g reservations I' on the 83rd Street crossing. No one has convinced me they need a crossing to East River Road. I have some prejudices about addditional crossings. ' ' � ' ' , Mr. Fitzpatrick said there had been a lot of discussion on where the crossings should be. Mr. Qureshi said this area has been studied for a long time and this recommendation came from the Planning Commission and Council over two years ago. The reco�endation was to eliminate one crossing and relocate two to keep the truck traffic on the main roadways and out of residentia]. areas. There has been overall planning in this area and now we are participating in the North Corridor Study. If a bridge is built between I.694 and Champlin, we will have as many cars on 85th as we have on East River Road now. They estimate that in 1985 there will be 23,000 cars using 85th and only 10,000 cars using East River Roa�. Mr. Nee said that when you give access from Highway No. 47 to East River Road, it will. be two way traffic, so a lot of traffic could be generated. Mr. Qureshi said that no one is saying this crossing should go in at this time. This is a study area. ' Mr. Minish asked how extensively the existing crossings are used now. Mr. Qureshi said the 77*h Avenue crossing is used, but not the others. • Mr. Qureshi added that in 1961 they did designate both 79th and 83rd as ' State Aid roads, which gives us money to maintain them, but not to construct raads. There was a specific hearing for this area, and from this hearing came the recommendation to eliminate one crossing and relacate two. '� + ' , ' ' � • Mr. Schmedeke said this recommendation may have been a mistake, because — the park land wasn't designated as such then. There are different things to consider now. Mr. Fitzpatrick said that after the Public Hearing is closed, we may want to chan�e our reco�endation on the crossin�s. j`'�'• Board�an said the plan doesn't recou:.ner.d at:y specific crossings, but railroad crossings should be designed for safety purposes. J 1 7D Planning Commission Meetin� - February 22, 1973 Pa�e 5 Mr. Nee said in studying this'area he thought somehow we should get � pedestrian and bicycle access to the North Park area. It would be quite remote to children. Mr. Fitzpatrick said �he Park Commission is studying interconnecting paths from one area to another. Mr. Nee said that when ' they are developing this as an industrial area,:they should recommend something that would benefit the people. Mr. Boardman said the City Staff would be working on a Park & Recreation Comprehensive Plan and ' will be looking for locations for bicycle paths. Ms. Janice Seeger, 324 Ironton Street, said there should be some way to get from the park area to the Y,M,C,A; also. Mr. Minish said there were people at the first Public Hearing who were quite vocal who weren't here tonight so he thought the Public Hearing should be continued. Mr. Schmedeke said he had been told the League of Women Voters were quite sati�fied with the all-over plan and the Chamber of Commerce had no objections. He said he wanted to commend the City Staff for coming up with a plan that wasn't causing agitation or rezoning. He thinks it is a good guide and will suggest to the people what the City would like to see in the study areas. MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission coatinue the Public Hearing on the proposed Comprehensive Plan to March 14, 1973. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously, 2. MUGGLI VACATION REQUEST Mr. Darrel Clark said this item had been recommended to the Subcammittee and a copy of the letter sent to Mr. Muggli was included in this agenda. Mr. Muggli will be making a formal request. 3. FRANK M. GABRELCIR, S.P, 4�'72-19 Mr. Clark said a letter had been sent to Mr. Gabrelcik, which was included in this agenda. Mr. Gabrelcik was requested by the City Council to submit the information asked for by the Planning Commission. Mr. Gabrelcik has brought in the requested information and this item will be on the March 7th agenda. 4. P.D. DEVELOPMENT BY CASTLE MOBILE HOMES (FORMERLY HOWARD DUMPHY) Mr. Dave Rotter, representing Castle Mobile Homes, was present. Mr. Darrel Clark said this property is in the 8100 block East of East River Road. In a PD zoning alI the plans should be approved before �, any construction begins. In the original plan submitted by Mr. Dumphy, � souie of the land was R-3 and some commercial. Castle Mobile Homes wants to begin construction in the area that was :?esignated as commercial. In order to submit the plans for residential housinQ individually, the� should rezone fro:� PD to R-l. They are read_y to start constr��ction r.o::, a::d Gour.cil has given them permission for two building per�its with the recommendation that they come to the Planning Coumiission for rezoning. As the rezoning takes a couple af months, they want permission to �et building permits in that part of the PD develop:�ent that was designated as co�ercial. 1 � �- 7E Planaing Commission Meeting - February 21, 1973 � Page 6 • Mr. Rotter said they want this area to revert back to R-1 because the land is more valuable as residential. � Mr. Minish said we are being asked to rezone one part of a PD District and leave the rest in a vacuum. When this was rezoned to PD it was considered as one whole unit and I would like to see it rezoned as all I one unit. Mr. Qureshi said that is what he is requesting. Mr. Minish said no, you are asking us to consider only the top portion of the PD District. Mr. Qureshi said this is a PD District as it stands now. The City agproved one part as commercial and one part for apartments. What Mr. Rotter is asking is to change the PD plan, He's asking to down grade �the cammercial area to R-1. Mr. Minish said it was his position that as Iong as its zoned as a PD District we should be considering the entire District and not just a part of it. If the top portion is rezoned to R-1, the entire PD District should be R-I. With the urgency of the petition, this is the time to cansider the entire District being rezoned. Mr. Fitzpatrick stated that as this is zoned PD, it isn't legally zoaed for R-3. Mr. Qureshi said the reason they want to change the commercial area to R-1 is because the sewer and water are in and the streets are already platted. In the plat South of the Creek, streets and utilities would have to be put in before it can be developed R-1. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if the people who are buying houses in this area Mr. Rotter wants as R-1 are aware that the property across from them is planned as R-3. Mr. Rotter said they caution their buyers to have an attorney before purehasing a home. Mr. Fitzpatrick said he didn`t know how effective this is because everyone who bought a house in Fridley thought they bought a house across the street from a park. Mr. Minish said he didn't disagree with the request of changing the caumercial area to R-1, but I question just considering a part of it. I think it should all be rezoned R-1. If they want part of it rezoned to R-3 later, a request can be made at that time. This would protect the prQperty owners who purchased homes in the R-1 area. They would be notified of-the rezoning request and would be aware of R-3 zoning across the street from their homes. � Mr. Rotter said he wanted to get permissio�i to hav� the building permits issued. It takes about two months for a rezoning request to be processed and the peak season for selling homes is now. If the � _ 7F Plannin Commission Meeting - February 2I, 1973 • Page 7 Planning Commission wants to have a stipulation on this request that_is � up to them, but his prime concern was getting authorization to obtain the building permits. a � � Mr. Qureshi said he is just modifying the commercial area of a PD District to R-1. Mr. Clark said the proble� with this modification is if anyone _ calls the City to find out the zoning is this area, we would have to tell them it is PD. They would ask what that zoning means and we would have to tell them it can be ang thing from single family dwellings, up to and including commercial. MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission recommend to Council that the �tire PD District be rezoned to R-1 with the stipulation that no building permits be issued until petitioner . makes application for the rezaiing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried uaanimously. S. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES Mr. Schmedeke thought a reco�►endation should be make to the City Council to check into underground utilities for Fridley. Mr. Darrel Clark said this was being done in some new developments in the City. The high voltage vires couldn't be put underground. I� underground utilities were put in areas that are already developed, the property owner would have to stand the expense, Acting Chairman Fitzpatrick adjo�rned the meeting at 10:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, , _.� CV��,c� /' ,C<1i�' Dorothy Eve�on, Secretary 0 a - _. I . g OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEi�ORE THE CITY COUNCIL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE13 THAT the City Council of the City of Fridley will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, March 5, 1973 to consider the €ollowing matter: A request for a variance of Section 45.053, 4B, Fridley City Gode, to reduce the side yard requirement from 10 feet to 8 feet 6 inches to allaw the continuation of construction of a dwelling on Lot 2, Block 2, Briardale Addition, the same being 1618 Woodside Court N,E., Fridley, Minnesota. (Request by Richard Miller Homes, 1600 Rice Creek Road N,E., Fridley, Minnesota.) Anyone who desires to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at this meeting. FRANK G. LIEBL , MAYOR CITY OF FRIDLEY 0 8A . t�� Sv���,�* . �i���%���I �� i � : •pt Y.w' t /! N'M"�'f h� if r t �..�. ��.,.�, 1�.11�//l��'i�!/�, .!llr. 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D�hsi /A.s /��• •�_. 4 O 1��_ � Sf� SULtJRSRN INGINEiRINa, IKC. � ��� � fi � .;� \ '«� iwsi��vi �,. 1v..��+.' . r1 � j t � J ` l/ i' � f � • ��� � 't�.� �` � .-. . ��• -- -- - - - - r------� ____,c_ _�_� `� -�1 I �� � 9 �i �t �l OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the City Council of the City of Fridley will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, March 5, 1973 to consider the following ma.tter: A request for a variance of Section 56.05, 3a, Fridley Sign Ordinance, to increase the �imum sign square footage from 1140 square feet, which is 15% of the total wall area, (1304 square feet of sign area is existing), to 1319 square feet, to allow the erection of a 5 foot by 3 foot sign to be located on Lots 1-5, Auciitor's Subdivision ��153, the same being 5257 Central Avenue N.E., Fridley, Minnesota (Skywood Mall Shopping Center). (Request by Pella Products, Inc., 929 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota.) Anyone who desires to be heard with reference to the ab�ve matter may be heard at this meeting. � FRANK G. LIEBL MAYOR CITY OF FRIDLEY 1 . 0 ;: I � �� e� � � �-- 3 . _-� ' . � �� � �' :;��"""'_�_++.v� :� i � I '.' :N ' "/�`` . f TI�G,,'yy. �':Ly� yOl— �� �'�_.+''• . f *r r . � . . , •� ' � o � S _ - : :_.� ��� �.�.: � r f. �t..�:. � 1K -1 ,.; f °a.'=' ;:' � ,, � t _ . � ''�:; c ��`�.•� 1 E';�G.' l,��C�.� i :fe F ��._ � r' 1 i a� }•: p f r z � _� 2 G � j �F i E., � � � � �ji °--_� _ � .0 � ., . ��w "� �� ' �...�=.1 �. � � - ; �` � � � w '� -�� ��'��l�--y ' �.11 t. � i � � `� � �� ��' � ,t;. " f� � � . .t r ,� ,✓ . i�• � . f �� - , ,. �, ,, 9A ', . . . . �. .I � l : � � . 1j � ' . .'� � . .' 'x � ♦ Ir . . .t. I . • I j . � . . . �j • , t • • ,j ..I . . � . � � � � t' '. ; � - . �`%:G/, !'1 .t�i'' ; �� • �•_ �. . ' f � �; � �� . '' s � . , ` ., �_ j ,.� � � � � ., ,�t_ � r • . . . F � , ', f '. 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S � • �. .a . � � �� .. � ' � 10 � 1 1 1 RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT ON ' WATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #l10 (BIDS OPENED 11:30 A.M., MARCH 5, 1973) � ' � ' � . , , ' � s - ;, ' ' / , � ; � , ',I �' ' ' �� � Pl,�ii(iI.I�� �5T1MAT .j 3= D-�� � g4� s�-e�r %6� f '� ta'i��� �` y?3.(iy��dT FKfD��-:G'i k�Q: I.irJ . CI�4I��ifiG �P.�gh.�.:.}'.G �.idD Ta't.rSL�iii'1aC13�v 0� IAiiERIQR. I.5 I'�oGo 8��:::�il(3L�t ��i�i E:=;i��'..�T.GR SU���'�°S ��• ' �icTDLEY, r;b��;id�sC��1� ,� i � ^ h�:�� �ros� e , ��� , ,� �593 .� o P�.�ala 2i�a�e�a��g 55114 BID OPE,.'dlt�� — t�LBCh 5, 19�3 —:�1:3i� A.ii, �� � c� ;°rr3�t3_�.xts�n �si.���.�;;,, Iu�, ... �t:t �t�'-3�T; �ak-�e �;�t�l�..y , �i.����a�a s��a�2 � 3 �n� �; �� k���a� �"Sa ���°a�h 7;.����r� s�=r��� �C 5�4 �'.�a��.� i�s"..s►uo 55�3.$ t ' gi��wW�;� .�6 g�� ���. �i�aa �t�a s 2�-�a�FC�C� 55z�J� aQr.�;,�• , r.,.. � -r.., �,�...._s —�� S �.._ �.�Ja s .."" 4 53 �;��� £����x a�� � f ���:::��. . �€:Lt�. � �:::.i �. 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STREET IhIPROVEMENT PROJECT ' _ ST. 1973-1 � 2 � . � CITY OF FRIDLEY,�ANOKA COUNTY' ' � � ' PLANiiOLDER � ��� BID DEPOSIT '�- Alexander Construction Co , tv+^c,u . p,�.s�+J �► __�_�. _ ._6o.--Rd.-- 42 _� FairgreenAve A�ple Valley, Minn. 55068 i� ��, , v '_� Arcon Const. Co., Inc. T�`"��f Mora, Mznnesota �'" ��` ~���� . . " � • . . �ti �� ' TIeINlt� 4 t�i�-S � Q �re�,^: e�s=`.rc: f.,,,rrZC,t�rg ��, p�w,��,�•� . B�x 368 Osseo, Niinn. 55369 .i'°�� �� d;�,,_� --'� � 4shbach- Const. Co. I9I0 w. Co . Rc� . C- �� _ St. Paul, Minn.. 55113 1 '� Bury F� Carlson, Inc. ,�s4 � �,�-�,���.Ty �'� 6008 �ti'ayzata�_ I3tiulevard biinneapolis, hiinn:. 55416 �, p`�,F,-� 1 � � Dunkley Sur�f . Co ., Inc . d• S•0.� �� 3756� Grand Street N.E. �, ��� ' I�Iinneapalis, A1inn. 55421 � �lj / �Ldyc� � _ ' � Bituminous Roac�W2ys, Inc. ?Q?� rP�2,- avPnt�e �eJ o :Hinneanolis, �iinn. ' / . �/ r v's•��D � • H f� S Asphalt Co . •� ' Box 791 c�• � :r.o.:a, �•,:�:�. 55��73 .S� pe-,.�-�. , ' ��j, Hardrives, In�. Sy-.f�t�.�.I /G� ,� ' L' 10I35 Central�Ave. N.E. ' 1�iinneapolis, �1inn. 'S5433 S"''�a ��,u� �- �. � BAS� PID ' // -/�9 '�' - , �$id Opening: March.5, 1973 I1: 30 A.b2. � . � �, 3/y . 4S' 4 �s � o �-/ . 4� $ f(� 3 , 9- � � • �./ f�t Jj . �=t�s p♦ �e � 2 , ,Q.� � �3�'��'�3•,ro !� � . lt�'�a�ll ��� �.� 1 f � z � • �-9 .� CO'�3L� TO:t DlITE �_�.�. r�.�..���n��1► __---- �-S �P� ���� .�t . S ��e �fic� _ _ . _ �.,�;. � ,- � : , ilfl��;/ - . STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT .. . �,�, :. ' . . . ST. 1973-1. � 2 � � - - . ' CITY OF FRIDLEY, ANOKA COUNTY. .. � � Bid Opening: ' � M�rch 5, 1973 11:30 A.M. , PLANFiOLDER �- BID DEPOSIT ' C.S. McCrossan, Inc. vs �L/O'� ,r,� , ID Box 336 Go ' Osseo, Minnesota 55369 ��� �� 0 � I�Y�/ M�+�'. � C) ' Ir Minn-Kota Excavating, Inc 3401 - 85th Ave. No. M Minneapolis, Minn. 55429 _ !tJ ��� ' ,a,. �c,.,.�f �t v Northern Asphalt Const. I c.� '�631 - 66th Ave. N.E. ��� �Y Minneapolis, � Minn. �j ' -Ha?let Const� Co. �� . �Rex 78 _ /I%O St. Peter, Minn. 56082 ' � Concrete Curb Co. • ' (�, Route #1 • �� �1 Savage, Minn. 55378 ' . ,- Park Construction '�� 7900 Beech Street N.E. N p Fridley, Minn. 55432 �, � ' ' . ' . . , ' � ..� - - - - -- EASr. PZD R � 4� 7 3►/ s'3 • 9=� � ��-o� 3?3 .�� CO�r3LET10id DATE �_.__�.., � �_ i 1�3 s+e—� i y- • _________.. i�``� i . ��� � � " �l� .. � �'r � .. � 0 � MEMO TO: MEMO FROM: MEMO DATE: RE: Councilman Nee Nasim M. Qureshi, City Engineer February 23, 1973 Report Regarding Sewer Problems Street � � ,� % ��� - v� � � 1 W 3�� a3� 1� in Ca�itol Attached herewith is a report and background material regarding the Capitol Street sanitary sewer problem. Also attached are copies of the answers we got from the different property owners regarding this problem and the two letters I wrote to them. � I specifically requested in my letters that they should advise us of the dates when they had problems, the types of problems with the sanitary sewer, and the action taken by the hone owner or the City. It is obvious that most of the people did not respand to the specific questions I raised; rather their answers are of a more general nature. Our information since we laid the bypass line through the park near the intersection of Hughes and Horizon in 1967 shows that the City Puolic Works Department has no record of sewer back-ups and it is true that we did have problems before that time. Laying the bygass line seems-to have solved most of the problems. Our basic reco�endations are that we proceed as follows: 1) Re-lay and/or repair the Capitol Street se�aer line as recomr,ien3ed by the television pipe service company before the new street pavement is installed. 2) Maintain a permanent naintenance progra� to clean and tlush the sewer line periodically, i.e. every 2- 3 months. I am submitting this material for your review as you had sho�.m a special interest in this. I would like your renarks and/or input and if you need any further infornation or material, please feel free to advise me. We hope to make a report to the City Council at the meeting of March 5, 1973 for their review and action. rrri�/ j�: CC: City�Manager — �1 � � �� f =�-C.� . .� /1 � � � � � , � NasiM :�.. Qureshi, P.E. Citq Engineer - Director of Pianning J � ' ' ' ' ' � t '; ' ,i �. A television inspection of the sewer line was also conducted. American Pipe Services report sh.ow that�approximately 91% of the 8-inch VCP is in adequate condition, Recommendation is given to replace 49 feet (9%) of the 563 feet of existing 8-inch VCP (see attached report). The sewer problem could be permanently corrected by relaying the Capitol Street sewer line to provide a more efficient depth and grade. However, the costs involved to construct a lift station to transfer the se�ra�e to the trunk line (approximately $20,000.00) or the com- plete reconstruction of the trunk line system (approximateZy $100,000.00) make this type of corrective action prohibitive. SUMMARY The majority of Carlson's Summit Manor South Addition sanitary sewer system functions adequately. Correspondence from the property owners indicates no specific sewer problems since construction of the bypass sewer line. No reports of sewer complaints on Capitol Street have been made to Public Works Department since construction of the bypass sewer Iine. The report from the television inspection of the sewer line on Capitol Street indicates only minor repairs required for adequate per- formance of the sewer line. Permanent corrective construction costs make such action unfeasible. RECOMMENDATION Repair and/or replace the Capitol Street sewer line as recommended by the Television Pipe Services and as directed by the City Engineer. The repair and/or replacement work can be done by City forces prior to the street improvement project. Permenantly schedule a maintenance program to thoroughly flush and clean the sewer line periodically (approximately every eight weeks). c 2 - Richard Sobiech, Assistant Engineer � ' _ __ -► ► M I , v,r �w � � �r _ w , '� � � �y vs / ti� /�� �� ��_ . .p,l� . / ,' ' •� � � . , a I . d J !� � / � rdl / ~� - N �� � ,i �� a � �� � � � ��' an. ..�s f ' � M O � � �- N '_��..��.�..�....�.�� w �� � r� Iv� �` . . ��� � � �V� . 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' , 1 � ' ' � � ' _ 12 E 560•3450 ��t o r��le� . � � J ANOKA COUNTY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55+d4i- Januar� 11, 1973 55432 Re: Analysis of Sanitarr� Server Problem in Capitol Street Dear Property Owner- We would appreciate your help in supplying the attached requested information reqarding the sanitary sewer problems in Capitol Street, so that we can have the data on the fu11 scope of the problem. From there, we hope to come up with a possible solution to the problem and report back to the City Council for their r.eview and action. Thank you for your he1p. NMQ/jm Enc. 2 Yours very truly, � �S� � ' C�? /��.a . .f.��Vfre Nasim M. Qureshi, P.E. City Engineer - Director of Planning � / ��- 560-3450 0 . c� t o Y�d �e � � ANOKA COUNTY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 554Z]._ January 23, 1973 55432 Re: Analysis of Sanitary Sewer Problem in Capitol Stzeet Dear Property Owner: On January Z1, 1973, we sent you the attached Ietter requesting information regarding the sanitary sewer in Capitol Street. 2o date we have not received any response from you. We would appreciate qetting an answer from �ou indicating the prob�e,-ns, or if you have none, just mark "no problems", and send the Ietter back to us. This wi11 give us the ciata on the fu11 scope of the problem so that we can reDOrt to the City Council. If we do not receive an answer by January 29, Z973, we would assurr,� that you have nothing to report. Thank you so much for your he1p. N���/j� Enc. 3 Yours very truly, �JI ��:�L-t�:.Z !', 1��. `iX�_-i . Nasim M. Qureshi, P.E. City Engineer - Director of Planning 12 F J ♦ '• . . � .� ' � HOME OWNER: NAME ADDRESS 12G REFERENCE: SANITARY SEWER ON CAPI2�L STREET, FRIDLEY �� � � 1 i , � 1 �� � 560-345Q �/ �iio �`NidCe � _ � � ANOKA COUNTY � 6431 UNIYERSI7Y AVFNlJE NE FRIDIEY, MINNESOTA 55421 - :" , �' _ � i'� , RE: Proposal To Construct A Wa2kway For Childrens' Safety ��r' '��'� From Rivers Edge Way To Robert Louis Stevenson School �' �'°~ ��1�� -�L� � Dear Property Owner: There has been concern on the part of the City, School District and general neighborhoad in Rivers Edge Addition about unsafe pedes- trian access for the children along East River Road to Robert Louis Stevenson School and we wouid like to provide a safer access for the children of this area to the school. Over the last three months the City's representatives have been ' working with different property owners along the South leg of Rivers Edge Way to get their permission to install the waikway. � ' � � i� �y' - Basically all along this roadway property owners appreciate the wisdom of instal3ing the walkway but they ieel it should be installed on someone else's property rather than theirs. - On August 17, 1972 we met again wi.th the representatives of School District No. 14 to see what different alternatives for the locations of the walkway they wouid definitely want the City to consider. Four locations were discussed with the School District representatives as shown on the attached map. �Ie are making a report regarding this walkway to the City Council at their meeting of August 21, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. We encourage you and your wife to come before the Council at this time to express your views regarding the proposal. cc: y�City Engzr.ezr City 9ssessor Att: GRD/de Yours very truly, � �� • 1�2tc�c� fC �!x��-c� . . GERr1LD R. DAVIS City rlanager �1 /� /.? y 7� l IM � � , ,_ yJ , '1 1J l� " ! � i ;--- � � , � � ( � ( � + � � � ; � i �� s � i � `� . ' . � � � � � � y 4 � � � �� � � � � ? �. + � � ! t � i � } , `\ ., �. : �,..._...'}, - ._._ . .._ .... '� � . .� � . . � .. . . . . . _ .. ... .. . � . . . _ �. j ' � . � , R�vEas CQc,t u� � I � . _ �-- – _ —_� ,_ .� - __ _ . _ , , ; �� �-4 . ,: ��r:,-- � 7 _. � ��- ; �. ; ' _ � .:, � r_- , _� _ � � _ . �.r�iy - - - - - • . . r . " � • ' "" "'�_ • . . . . � . . I 1 �� ���.�.,..-..�_ . . . "�.. �_�--�_�.�_L���.��.."-.��.�_����..���� ���-�""'.'w.�¢�+� a�s..�q��,pyV�w��>��.r.,,��w�'�.w-�� . . . ' . � _�� . . � � ���+�ir. 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' ! � . - . a .✓ � `� �> � �w t '� ` �i �,�` '—� �" �`_ \ `�� ^� 4• . r - � • • ,` ' , _ _� '�•- � �7,`_'�^'' � �_ ��' '' � � ' /( . ' . . . � ���y.` j���' .��.� .. ': � . _ ', �+Yw�.i..��► .'d,W�_�'1 �r-ww '�,.J.�-�� " '7iG/�. .�j-"` �\ �`*yti«O� ar' "" ' -_. . . ���.`�'�`.�. /����_����-.i�'_�j"- � µ �i��""^.���v..y;.��,,,j , J ' � �r J . . {� . ,+.74•1kv.sV=r.44_��. '4 f�f+�'' . � . f , ' ' � ' , ' ' , ' ' ' � ' , ' � , ' � MailinQ List 8-18-72 RE: Proposal to construct a walkway for Childrens' Safety from Rivers Edge Way to Robert Louis Stevenson School Mr. & Mrs. F. C, Harvey 108 Rivers Edge Way Mr. & Mrs. K. L. Olson 112 Rivers Edge Way Fridley Mr. & Mrs. D. C. Tyler 116 Rivers Edge Way Mr. & Mrs. C. Ho Mikulak 120 Rivers Edge Way Mr. � Mrs. G. E. Kairies 124 Rivers Edge Way Mr. & Mrs. B. Slater 128 Rivers Edge Way Mr. & Mrs. K, Anderson 132 Rivers Edge Way Mr. & Mrs. C. F. Herring 136 Rivers Edge Way � C � J February 28, 1973 Honorable City Council Fridley City Hall 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 , 0 Re; Drilling A Well � Dear Sirs: I would like permission to put in a well at 5800 - 2� Street N.E. for the purpose of lawn sprinkling only. Zt would not be used for drinking purposes at all. Sincerely, ��v�. �., Mr. Albin Johnson 6824 Ewing Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota � 14 < �`' � ,�N� CiTY pfi ,: �•< . � � ^ i�" ` � :� , C�ON RAPIDS THE CITY OF COON RAPIDS '1313 COON RAPIDS BOULEVARD COON RAPIDS, MINNESOTA 55433 612 755-2880 February 28, 1973 TO: NORTHTOWN CENTER TASK FORCE FROM: ALAN HAMEL, CITY OF COON RAPIDS SUBJECT: MEETING � The Northtown Center Task Force meeting with the City Councils and other officials of Blaine, Coon Rapids, Fridley and Spring Lake Park has been rescheduled to Wednesday, March Z4, a� 7:30 P. M. at Blaine City Hall. At that meeting, the general work of the Task Force will be reviewed, data related to the study area will be presented, and the recommendations of the Task Force will be relayed. Please mark your calendars for the 14th. � AJH TWIN CITIES FASTEST GROWING SUBURB COUNCiI-MANAGER GOVERNMENT 1� - ' 0 . RESOLUTION N0, RESOLUTION SUPPORT(NG THE ADOPTlOM OF SENATE FILE 342 AND HOUSE FILE 439 INCREASING THE LENGTH OF TRUCK� PERMITTED ON FOUR LANE HIGNWAYS WHEREAS, efficiency in transportion is vital to the economy of the State of Minnesota, and WHEREAS, Minnesota truck length laws are substantially more restrictive than the laws of the majority of other states, and WHEREAS, these variations affect efficiency in operations and result in increased transportation costs thereby putting Minnesota industry at a com- petitive disadvantage, and WHEREAS, the business and commercial economy of Fridley is highly dependent upon efficient and economical trucic transportation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Couneil of the City of Fridley that the City Gouncil endorses and supports Senate File 342 and House File �+39 wh�ch when adopted wouid authorize 65-foot combinations of truck�traiter, semi-trailer and trailer to operate on four-lane highways in the State of Minnesota. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCtL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF � 19]3. ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell � � ., . � MAYOR - Frank G. Liebl 0 - - , . , H.F. No. 439' ' � � ! . � ' ' , 1 A hiil for an .�ct � • 16 f� ' 2 relatinq to mator v2hlcles� deflnition . ' � anci lengtri of t�rUi ler� and vehicle t � combinations; ar�er,c±r.q ;�1:::�esota ' 5 Stat�ates 1,971, Sections 16�.021r . 6 SubdivisZens 13, 14, and 16� and 169.81r � by adding a subdiv�sion. ' B Bx, x7 E:JACTEp D�' TIif; L�:GiS;;�TUR�' QF' T�iE S;ATF: 0�' IdIN11ES0'�Ai 9 Section I. Mi7nesota S�atutes 1971, Section 1b6.011, ' 10 Subdivisi on 13, Is aMenned to reads ' 1�. Subd� 13. [iRAiL�P..7 ���irai:er�� means any vehicle 12 designed for carryin� pro�erty o; passerzqer on lts o�;n � 13 structure and fa: be�.nq dra�:n b a:aotor e� Y v. Scle but shall .... _... _ _ _. _. , _,,.. ' 2� not inc? L�e a trall�r c3ra-r:n b�� a truck�tractor se;;�itr��lcr .,._........._.,._.._.,._._...__..,.,._..__ ___.�...__....._�__.�._._�_�_.........��__ _.._�.... 15 corr.binat�on , � ----....__..._...._... ' 15 Sec. 2. t�inneso�a st�tutes 1971, 5ection 168�U�1, •17 Subdivisian 1�1, is ampnde� ta read: ' !8 Suba � • ,�, „ _ �� , 1. [S�..ix TRkILk.n�� SenS,�tra±ler'� means e ' 19 vehic�e of the tra�ler tyFe so deslr,ned and Used in 20 conjunctia:� with a truck�tr.?ctor that s•considerabie part oi �' 2x Sts o��n ��;e�grlt ar ti:at of its lo.�d rests upon and �s carried ' 22 by the trvc�c-trac�or �nci shall include a traller dravrn by a �w...�1r�.M.�.�.w...��.r....wrr...�..w.��.w.�+.�.��.w�a.�+��.� . 23 truck-trGc�ez semltrailer ccr;�lr.a�ion . � ......___,_......-.._...__.......__.,._..__... _.--___....._�_ . :-. _ • �.�: Z4 Se� • 3 �! a •, . innesota Sta;,+ates 1971� Sect�on 166.011, '25 Subdlv��icn ib, !.s amended Co rea�: . 2b Subd 16 •.�� . ^ . . IGR.OSS ti,�I�n,, �3 ��Gt•oss welghti'� r�cans the ' 27 ac�ual unloadea ��eigr.t of ttle vehicle, eitiher a ttucY. or � 29 tracter� or the actuul ur�o��d�d comhined neic7ht of a � 29 truc,:w�.actor and se�itrai��=, or of ~he t���c!�..L � � - rGct.,r, -.--.---..._ _.._._____..__.a__.4._____,�_,. � 30 senitrailer and ene additi�r�:�� se�itrall^r, fu?ly equipced M�w �w w� �� w�w wr �rw w Y �� �� �r� r�� Yw��ti ��r�++r �w�w 1� �� .w�w� � 31 for se: ���ce, plus the <<rei,ht oi the maximu� loa.d k�hich the � ' 1 applicant has elected to carry on such vehicle or combined 2 vehicles. Th� term c�ross weight appl,ied to a trucY. 3 occasionally used for towing a trailex means the un7.oaded � weight of the trvck, fnZ2y �quipped'for service, p2us the 5 weight of the naximum laad which the applicant has elected 6 to carry on such truck, but not inciudinq �he weight of such 7 part of the trailer ar.d its load as may �esfi upon the truck, 8 The term gross weiqht applieu tc schoal buses n,eans the 9 wei�ht of the vehicle fuZly equl.pped rrith all fuel tanks 10 full of fuel, pius the weight of the pass�nge:s and their li bag�ar.e co�rputed at�the rate of 1Q0 pounds �er passcnger 12 seating capaci�yr inc�,uding that for the driver. The term 13 qross �;eiqht applieci to otr�er busns ^eans t2.e �eicht af the 14 vehicle fully eo�inbed hith u�1, fuel tanks tul2 of fuel, 15 plus the weight of passengers and their baggage car�tputed at 1b the rate of 150 pounds �er passenyer seatinq c�paclty� 17 including that for the driver. For bus seats designed for 16 more than one passenger, but which are not divided so as to i9 allot Sr.�ividual seats for the passenqers that occupy them, 20 allor: t��ro feet of J.ts lenqth per passenger ta determine 21 seatin5 capa�ity. The terM aros� �,�elght applied to a 22 truc;c-tractor use� exciusivQly by the oYrner thereof �ox 23 t�klna an equi�r.►e7t daily shall be the artual weight of the 24 truck�trac�or a�.one, and the ecuiPment do11y shall be 25 separate�y 1lcensed�and taxed as a trailer, as prcvided �n 26 section 168�013, subdivision 1� oara�raph 7. The tern 27 "equip�ent do�.l.y" �s used ir. this s�;hdivlsion �^eans a heavy 26 semitraiier used so�.ely by tr.e o;�ne.~ thereo� to transport ,2 E 16B .-----_ _____ __ ___...__ __ _ -- ._ _ _�__.. ---_____.�_.__ � I ' ' I '. - 1 h1s construction machinery, equipnrent, Smplenent5 and other 2 3 4 5 obje�ts u�ed on a construcCior. project, but not to be incorporated in or to become a part of a completed projeCt, The terr� gross cveight applied to a trucY,-tractor or a truck used as a truck-tractor transpor.ting �nfinished fozest 6 products or used b y the owner �hereof to tr��nspor� 7 6 9 I4 agricultural, rorticul�ural, dairy, and othe: tarm products� inc2uaing livestock, prodcaced or iinisried by the o��rner of the truck, and any other personal property o.�ned by the farmer to whom the llcense fer such trucK- is �,ssued, from 11 the farm to nar�et, an� to trarsport prcperty and supplies 12 to the fa:m, of the o�;ner, as aescribed in sertion 166�011, 13 subdl.vf sion 1? r shall be the unl.oaded v;eight of the 14 truck�tractor ar converted truck plus the ,ti�ei�ht af the 15 16 maxlmu;� load which �he appitcant has eiected to carry on the t�urY,, but in no case shsll this �e ],ess than 21,040 pour.ds, 17 �shsther hau'.�ny a sernitrailer or not, and th� ,emitrailer 18 19 24 used ror such hauling in canjur.ction with such truck�tractor or converted txurk shall be reqlstered and taxed separatiely as provided by section 168.013, subdivision 1, paragraph ?. 21 Sec. 4. ;�Sinnesota Statutes 1971� Section ib9.81, is 22 amended by addir.� a s�,tbd�vision ta rea�t 23 SUbd, 3a� [OTNER CQ2;Ri1�ATi0P15. J i'r.e lls,± tations o� ............_......--- .....-..r_,_._.........._...._._........_ 24 �sub�ivlsion 3 relatin� to ler.qth of cor^ninations a�d nuTber I�r��r����I���������v����Y���+� �r�w�����wr�r����������.w���✓��������+a���������s�� 25 0� units in a combin�t�or., do not apal�� to a co�rinatlon of ....�_.�...._._.____..___._.___.._--___.___ .�..............._.____.._._._.,._.._r 26 truck�tractor anri semitrailer dra���in7 one �-�r,�?� �Soral �.._...�..._�:....___��_..____..�_._.__._...�._..»....,��_..._....._��.� 27 trailer. For the purGOSes of th±s suti�:iv� ;ic;� '�t:��ller" is �.�..--_,�.... �_______.____...._....__...�� ___..�.__.....___��..__�...�,..�..._._._ ... .2� ,��t'.1��E'C t0 ci s_°;i,i�i �s1:.E':' eQ!;i7rC''.7 :91tt; ctCT iiU��.A �ciiV ri0�.1}' ..�.... ' 16C :;. . _:�: � :* I ' �—�.,.,..—.�—...e....._�._..._._.�.....,........._................._.M............._.,.._.,.._�........��.�.,..__.�. � 3 � � � ' � 3 ,. __.�_ _ _ ; 1. •` . . 1 1 2 I � 3 � 1 s G i ' 7 I 8 ,. . 9 i , 10 � il �I � 1�2 . � � t 13 � �■ , � I � � � ' _ � ' ' ' � ,----_.� 16D k•hich shall be �leened an int�gra.l p�rt of such trailer. In �r+w.�r.ew..��rw..+�....«r�+..�+.....�....� ..�.�r �....�...�r..r.�M+�..���..�..rw. no cc�se shall the conbSn�ltions spec�.fied in this subdivision ..,�.r.�.��....._.....�....,.....-.......�...,�... _....-.�...-,._....�«»......-.r... ...�.... _._..�.�.,. exceed a tota]. lenqth of 65 XF_'P'�. Such co�binations may be ....�_ .....__..._.___...._._,...__.�...... _..�..._...........,__._.,.�_ w_...,....._.,. operated only on high?��a}�s having four or rn�re lanes of Mr.rww..w�.f..rwr�.r....r.......�.r .r.�.��. �r�.�..w���� rrA �Crav�l, and on ��ch other h�.ah�ays as maY be clesianated by .�..._...__ _.,....__._r__....... .._..�.�.w.,...._...� __........�...___._.., the commissioner ot hinh�r�jys, for the purpose o� providinq ...._.._�._._ _...._._....._.__...__..._._....._._._..._..._..�__.._ .�.__.._..._.__...�......... access het:�een such hiah:;�ays of four or �ore lanes of travel ^....._�__.__.�.__..__._______»_.__._._._____.�.____.__...�_r___.__.__..__ __.__..__.... t�nd track terninals anci marshallinc� yards, All vehicles �.rr ...���..�w�.�.���..�.rr.rr.�.rw�..�a�r.w.ti...��.. v�.��w�rr�w� operated under Che provislons oi thia section shall confo:m ......_......_.._.._.__.,.__....._.._....._.a._.....�._,.�.�._.. _._..�_....__...._._.,..._........_.. to the standards for such vehicles aS pr�scribed by the ...._..�.._.______,_._....._�....._......_ _.,._.._.�..+__._._ ..._._.�._.�__... - United States Deaar�nent o� Tra;�sportatior., F�deral High��ay ...._.._.s.�__._.r.�_....�..�.�...._......�.r._...Y..�._._.p...�..._.�. AdminSstrationo Bur�au or r;otor CArrier SaWety� and as may ._....._..,.. .,.. be amenaed9 «..,..... _........ �.. o. � 4 . . ��� � RESOLUTION N0. � � 1973 A RESOLUTION AtiTHORIZING THE CNANGING OF BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND (LEGAL - YEAR 1972) WHEREAS, the City Cvuncil has authorized certain expenditures for legal services beyond the budgeted amounts allocated in the 1972 Budget. NOW, TNEREFQRE, 8E IT RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Fridley meeting at a regular session on the 5th day of March, 1973 as fo7lows: - 1. That the appropriation for the following activity be reduced as follows: Reserve for Contingenc�es $3,300.00 2. That the appropriation for the folloaring activity be increased as fol]ows: Legal $3,300.00 PASSED AND ADOPTED 8Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TNIS DAY OF , 1973. MA OR - FRANK G. LIEBL ATTEST: CI Y CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL � MEMO T0: SUBJECT: OFFICE OF THE CTTY MANAGER FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA March 2, 1973 THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL HOUSE FILE 4�410 Under existing State Liquor Laws, the City of FridZey is entitled to six liquor licenses, with the condition that when the last liquor license is issued, the City is obliged to cease the operation of its off-sale liquor sales three years from tE►e date of issuance of the last on-sale liquor licence. The section of the State Statutes which contain these provisions is Section 340.353, Subdivision 5. This in effect limits the available liquor licenses to five (5). House File 410, which is presently being considered by the Commerce and Economic Development Committee of the House, would repeal these existing limitations. The limitations that would then exist are those applicable in Minnesota Statutes Section 340.21, Subdivision 6. These limitations are that a City of the second class may issue one on-sale liquor license for every 2,500 inhabitants according to the most recent Federal Decennial Census, with the iimitation of no more than 18 on-sale liquor licenses. The City of Fridley with a population based on the 1970 census is 29,233. According to this change, the City would be eligible for eleven liquor licenses. The City would, therefore, be able to give out ten on-sale liquor licenses and keep the remaining one, thereby, maintaining its existing off-sale liquor stores. � GRD/PJH/ms � � ' �J Very respectfully, . ,�/�,•t� � � �y � Gerald R. Davis City Manager � , . 18 A , RESOLUTION N0. 0 A RESOLUTION URGING T1� PASSAGE OF HOUSE FILE 410 RELATING TO � IAiTOXICATING LIQUOR, NUMBER OF ON-SALE LICENSES IN MUNICIPALITIES OPERATING MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORES, AMENDING MINNESOTA STATUES 1971, SECTION 340.353, SUBDIVISION 5 WHEREAS, the City of Fridley Council has received and carefully considered � House File 410, which amends Minnesota Statutes 1971, Section 340.353, Subdivision 5; and WiiEREAS, House File 410 would repeal the existing limitations on the number of private on-saie licenses which may be issued pursuant to the split liquor law; and WI�REAS, House File 410 gives more authority to municipal councils in deter- mining the appropriate number of liquor licenses for its community within more reasonable limits; and WHEREAS, House File 410 would provide that the general limitations of Minne- sota Statute I971, 340.11, Subdivisions 6 and 7, would apply,thereby significantly increasing the maximum number of allowable licenses; and WHEREAS, additional liquor licenses are an important attraction in the development of quality restaurants, hotels and motels in the City of Fridley; and WI�REAS, tEze City's municipal liquor store operation has proven to be a significant means of liquor control as well as a non-property revenue source for our community; and WHEREAS, tE�e existing Minnesota Statute 1971, Section 340.353, unrealisti- cally limits the number of private licenses that can be issued by municipalities; and WHEREAS, the existing Minnesota Statute 1971, Section 340.353, limits the ability of a muuicipality to control liquor sales and the accompanying revenues; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that the Council urges the Commerce and �conomic Developmerit�Committee of the Minnesota Legislature to adopt House File 410, which amends Minnesota Statute Section 340.353, Subdivision S. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1973. MAYOR - FRANK G. LIEBL ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL . T _: R. �'lndersen -- ,.` FcUruary S, 1973 ,� Ref. to Com. on Co:n�merce � Econor�ic Development Reproduccd by PHiLLIPS LEGISLATIVE SERVICE r� _ �� _ �� 1 A bil2 for an act . 2 3 � 5 6 � .,� a . �., ., . . 18 B Ref. to S. Com. VC._ - . relating to i�taxicating li9uar� number of on-sale licenses in municipalities oper�tinq mu�aiciPai li�uor staresj amending t;innesota Statutes 1971� , Section 340.3�3r Subdivision 5. 7 HE �T ENACTE:D BY THE LEGiSLATURE OF '�HE STATE OF MINNtiSOTA: 8`,, �... SEC�ion la. Minnesota S�atutes 1971� Section 3�0.353� ., ' . .9 Subdivision 5, is amended to readt ,. ,_ 10 -- Subd;'� 5. '[ISSUAKC£+ OF LICENSES TO PRIVATE P�RSON5. � � li Clause 2. Natwithstandin9 any provision of chapter 3�0, 12 whl.ch may indica�e�the contr�ry� any city, village, or �.3 borough ov,ning and operatin� a municiPal �.lquor stoze or� the �,Q effective dat,e of, ihis act_ may� a� the discretion of the ��15 goVernin9 body, issue °on-sale" liquor licenses to Drivate .. .. , , _. _ , , ... 16 persons for the operation of liquor stores in �onjunction 17 with��ny establishMent defined in sECtion 340,07. as a-hotel 16 or restavrant, and the requS.rements of those definitions 19 re�latinq��t� seating capacl�ty and the nt�mber of guest rooms 20 •sha�l appiy for purposes of this section. The city, 21 village, or borough issuing �nY "on�sale" licenses pursuant :, 22 to this subdivis_ion snall thereafter in connection with the 23 operation of the municipal liquor;store engage in onlY the 24 "off•sa�e�� of intoxicating liquor. 25� Ciause 2. The nur�ab�r of �'onRsale" licenses issued �26 pursuant to this sectian by anY municJ.Pali�y shall not 27 exceed-..���: r :.•�-r�r*�-��-�:-f��»t--o-r-������e�£?a���-��-�� 2V 'M�S'i_.�'r'�.b.../�O�'�"%`+T�Z�:fT`t�`.t'�.�1'Z'1V�'.�if""�'C'C��S���71"�V"1"�J�dd"°Q`�� ! 29 'i�/ / ����ars�+..��.9.�.�..{...����j�{i�30�„'�.{�i"n:'Z=��4'��1�'�1'�i�� tlt� �wrw 30 number authorized �y sectlon 340.11, subdivision 6 or 7, a� �.�..�+�r..�� �.s����....�.�..Y..++w�..�r�rw��+a�.�r r � � 4� ` ..:..�.__._.-_ _. __ .:. _ .. �.. �._ ._ _ .. _ .._ �: .� __ . .:..,____._... . - - _., - nP ~i e i F ~ �.: � aiaib . . . • � . . � . 18 C . _ . - � _ . _ _ ,�.'� � � s subaivision, - � 1, the case may be . For purposes o� thi • �.�.� _...-..... '�.� 2 population shall be established by the most recent availa�le �� � 3�federal decennial census as of the date upon which a license , .�. 4 is issued. � 5 Clause 3. No�rity, villaqe, or borough shall issue " 6 1lcenses as provided in thls section until autharized by the . '� y voters of the city, vi2lage, or borough votinq on the �� 6 question at a special election called for such purpose, the ,` 9 election to be conducted in accordance ��tith the applicable 10 provisions oi the Mlnnesota election law. ��� il Clause 4. A municipall,ty which issues pursuant to this ' 22 section the maximum number of ��on�sale" 2icenses permitted � 13 by subdivfsion 2 shall cease enga9ing in the �'oii-sale'� of �`. �14 intoxicatin� liquor not later than three-Xears from the date 15 of issuance of the last� such �'on�sale�� license. � �� '' � .. ' . � ,, . . . _ � ; � � - �� ` � ' �, , , � . � r ' � , . . � � � � . . ;� , ; ' • ` . � � � ITEM ��19 NOTICE OF DINNER MEETING WITH DAVID KENNEDY, LEGISLATIVE LIAISON FOR CITY OF FRIDLEY, TO BE HELD 6:00 P. M. ON MARCH 8, 1973, AT THE GREEN- HAVEN COUNTRY CLUB IN ANOKA COI�IMENT: Purpose of the meeting is to brie7E the various Councils on items of legislation which affect municipalities and develop a position on these issues so Mr. Kennedy can make a proper representation to the Legislature. Please notify Peter Herlofsky if you will be able to attend this important meeting) . � iy � �f� �/°a %� GC� � O'� � ,% � [!'J 0 C L A I M S GENERAL 31248 - 31293 LIQUOR 7563 - 7587 3 " % � � � � , � I � , � 1 � , � ' � , , � � , .' ' � CONTRACTOBS LICENSES TO BE APi'itOVED BY CQUNCIL AT THEIR REGULAR MEETING ON MARCH 5, 1973 GAS SERPICES APPROVED BY P & D Hech,anical Contractars 1116 Lowry 1�venue North Mfnneapolis, Minnesota By: Herbert Paulson W. Sandin GENERAI. CQNTKACTOR Blaine Construction Inc. ].0152 Butternut Street N.W. Coon Rapids, Minnesota By: Blaine Edmundson C. Belisle Hutton and Rowe, Inc. , 39S8 lUth T,ane Anoka, Minnesota By: James Hutton C. Belisle HEATING P S� D Mechanical Contractors 1116 I.owry Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Herbert Paulson W. Sandin 0 ti` �7 ' . � � � ITEM ��22 APPOINTMENT OF NEW POLICE OFFICERS CONIMENT: Information on the appointments will be available for the meeting Monday evening) �. , i � � C,: _ � � � � � ' ' � ' T0: ' ' ' ' ' 0 MEMORANDUM 0 CERALD R. DAVIS, CITY MANAGER � ,l�oGO[,cGC..., �� � � � FROM: JAMES P. HILL, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR • DATE: MARCH S, 1973 . SUBJECT: APPOINTI�NT OF FIVE (S) NEW PROBATIONARY POLICE OFFICERS FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY I hereby submit to you for your concurrence, and confirmation by the City Council, the appointments of the below named individuals as probationary patrolme� for the Fridley Police Department. Name Jerry_P. Huntley Charles B. Hanson ' Gary W. Lenzmeier Phillip J. Salewski David L. Younkin Effective Date March 19, 1973 March 19, 1973 March 19, 1973 �Iarch 19, 1973 b4arch 26, 1973 Salary � 828.00 per mo 828.00 per mo 828.00 per mo 828.00 per mo 828.00 per mo Replaces Robert Rass New position New position New position New position All of the above appointees have satisfactorily completed an intensive new application process which includes filing a comprehensive applicat�on, FBI fir�gerpxint record examination, state and local record checks, written examination, police Civil Service oral exam, physical exam, polygrap;� exam, psychological exam, background investigation, and �ersonal intervietia �aith myself. The.final examination grocess will be through vbservation and evaluation of the above individuals through a twelve (12) month probationary period. • Jerry P. Huntley is 27, single and livas in St. Pau2. He has a B.A. degree with a major in Psychology and a minor in Military Science. �tr. Huntley is a lst Lieutenant in the United States Army Reserve and is a self-employed painting contractor. Charles D. Hanson is 26, married with two children, lives in Anoka, and ' operates a£oster-home. He is currently continuing his formal education part- time and has nineteen (19) quarter-hours, hir. Hanson is currently a deputy sheriff �ti�th :�-�.oka Countv where ne has served for t�,ao vea.rs. ' , � u � . ��� -/ b Memo to Mr. Da�ris • March 5, 1973 Appointment probationary officers Page two Gary W. Lenzmeier is 27, married with no children and lives in Brooklyn Center. He is completing his requirements this month for a B.A. in Sociology. Mr. Lenzmeier is currently a full-time student. . - ,. Phillip J. Salewski is 26, married, no children and lives in Minneapolis � with immediate plans to move to Fridley. He holds an A.A. degree in Engineering and has plans on continuing his education. Mr. Salewski is currently employed by the Mid State Manufacturing Company and is also active in the Hennepin County Water Fatrol. David L. Younkin is 27, married, no children and lives in St. Paul. He holds an A.A. egree in Law Enforcement and is completing his requirements for a B.A. degree. Dir. Younkin served in the United States yiarine Corps as a military police officer sergeant and is currently a full time student. T0: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Z�-c MAYOR £ CITY COUNCIL GERALD R. DAVIS, CITY MANAGER MARCH 5, 1973 APPOINTMENT OF FIVE (5; NEW PROBATZONARY POLICE OF�'ICERS FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY Attached for your review is a report on the appointment of subject officers. I wanted to advise you of the current status of negotiations and discussions with the Fridley Police Pension Association. Mr. Brunsell, Mr. Hill and I met on March 1, 1973, with the membership of the Association. The purpose of the meeting was to review the financial problems the City is having and wi1l. continue to have in financing the present benefit level of the Fridley Police Pension retiremeni plan. 2'wo alternatives were discussed as solutions to the problem as follows: A. The level of benefits of the present plan be reduced, i.e. escalator eliminated, retirement age raised to 55, etc. This would reduce the City obligation to a level closer to the 210 of Police payroll desired by the City Council. OR B. Place all newly hired Police Officers (after March 15, 1973) in Public Employees Police and Fire Fund cperate3 pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 353.63 to 353.68. In Mr. Brunsell's report of February 2, 1973, entitled "Comparison of Police Pension Cost", he outlined the various financial aspects of placing new men in P.E.R.A. The Fridley Police Pension Association met on Satur3ay, March 3, 1973, to discuss these proposals. Mr. Dick Huss an@ Mr. Waldemar Olsen, Secre�ary, advi.sed me today the men had voted to accept the City's proposal to place new employees in P.E.R.A. Mr. Olsen advised me he was preparing a letter outlining the terms of acceptance and such a letter should be available by March 9, 1973. The timing of these present d�scussions on pens�_on matters has been aimed at getting some resolution of the problem prior to hiring the five new police officers. In order to place the new men in P.E.R.A., a special act will have to be passed by the legislature authorizing this action similar to ±he legislation passed for the City of Mankato in the last session of the legislature. I called Mr. David Kennedy, Legislative I.1dSOI7� ...�., `> >,-!G .:.__ .:iS 3•�V?^.° O:. .:2 __.�.��_.,, _.� '--,__ti. 1?�' _.J_S�.i�S� �;i1.� :Aa�.:�_ r �t�ia _.1. _:°i:Il��..��i� ?I_@�E c:YE�' tb.'O �;Gil_S^S GT iiC�IOR _.:° !"..�li72C1.1 could ta'r.e should i�hey approve the plan of placiny new orficers in P.E.R.A.: I ' '`.. ' ' ' , ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' , , Mayor & City Council Appointment of Five (5) New Probationary Police Officers for the City of Fridley March 5, 1973 T� �•---- � Z �� Page 2 A. Approve the appointment of the new men in the Police Department effective March 19th. The bi11 p-repared for tne legislature would contain the date of March 15, 1973, as the date for new men to enter P.E.R.A. Mr. Kennedy feels *_his would be possible. All new men entering the Police Department would sion a statement outlining their membership in P.E.R.A. and the fact that they accept this as a condition of employment. B. The more conservative approach would be to wait until successful passage of the k�ill prior to hiring any more Police Officers. The steps involved include, (1) drawing up the bi11, (2) finding authors for the bill, and (3) carrying the bill through the legislature. Mr. Kennedy feels the chances of p�ssage of a bill of this type are good providing there is agreement between the Police Pension Association and the CiL-y on the bill. on: I would like to discuss this matter with you ta find out gour wishes A. The proposal to place new Police Officers in P.E.R.A., and B.. The decision on when to hire the new Pol.ice Officers. Very respectfully, r��� Gerald R. Davis City Ma:�ager cc: Assistant City Manager/Publi.c Safety Director Assistant City Manager/Finance Director GRD:pe a ANOKA-HENNEPIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 11 Anoka, Minnesota Memorandum To: C17Y MANAGERS AND/OR MAYORS AND/OR CLERKS OF TOWNSHIP BOARDS Subject: MEEfING O� THE ELECTED OFFiC1ALS OF SCHOOL D1STRICT NO. 11 AND REPRESEN�ATIVES OF THE CITIES, VILLAGES AND TOWNSHIPS At various times during the last severa! years Anoka-Hennepin Independent School District No. 12 has issued an invitation for a meeting"to tne elected officials of the municipalities -- including fiownships -- that are tofially or in part located within School District No, ll . Such a meeting is planned for Wednesday, March 2$, afi fihe Blaine Senior High School at 8:� p.m. We hope thafi as many of the elected personne! and administrative staff as possible from your unit of government will be able to atfiend. The purpose of these meetings is fio improve communication and promote the best undersfianding possible among the elected officials. The agenda for a meeting of this type is very important, We can develop a good agenda if we have the cooperation of all of you. What wou�d you I�(ce to discuss? Whai ques�ions would you like answered? Please send your thoughts regarding agenda to me prior to March i5, i973, t shall then devzfop anagenda, based on yo�r response, and mail fihat agenda to you with a reminder of the m�eting date. During the last year there have been quarterly meetings of staff inem6ers of the municipalities and some elecfied officials from fihose units of government that do not have a staff, (fi is my observation that these have been helpfvl in promoting good communication. Be sure to mark your calendar for Wednesday, March 28, afi $:00 p.m, at fihe Blaine Senior High School, We hope you will be fihereo Th�s invi�ation is going to anly one person in each unit of governmente It is the responsibilifiy ot fihat individual to extend the inviTarion fio fihe o�her elected officials and staff inembers. , 2-27-73 , � , 4-: nfierd�nfi of Schools � :J �� ��I ' 1 � � I , 1 � � ' , 1 , 1 1 , i L.�_. , ' � 1 :, � 24 ; _ �-�� �; �. `�, / 9 7 � ! � > / � ' r' j�, �,�, ��c�,�-G., � �� �� /�' . �,. � � , � % .,�'..�G�%',�'J �� �Gctic �r-ct=v�-�-[ � �,T /'u-G�� � � ,� � � , , - -�'c�"'�-y ' �.' ��-�-�".�c.<�" � c'��i � ��:1 ? 2 � a--l� � � �o �� r� � �� '/' „ � , � ��o ; T`l�.-�-.� � . � ��.�� �����,v' • �.C:� �' =-m .��r-e.i �,,�.—�u-- �' �`i: �C�: c��. , � !�, �,� �'t' ..�'���� • > �p� f , , j� -���,�-L� / -�-L�__.�i � ���!�G- p. , �' ��-C./ �cR.��;c.csvc /� � ^� � � /�% � � i !�/; l/ � �� W'YL�C .r%` Li.,�r-L' ��%�'.%Z'.%'7`TiL��it�'L/ (� �/� � .. 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" ji'i.-G E./L �iCli+ �- C.�f 'L� �? vi' ! . G C.� . �y�--f, � :L��t- - :j..� ' � � ;� �� ' /' ' ,�G-C.� � " : � � � L��yc.�� � ' }/1'� L:.� �� p� � � �� �i� �.. C:Z ���. :�i.�.�--C�" • -`L �-��/� p . '--- / � , ;L� �^ (a �� L�� � ,�--���- ;�� _ -�-t� —� j�:-��:l-ti < � � r�� --r .�_��i.��i-C-C�' �-zz � (� Lz t: ,�- ��cj.��i' .�..� � L � �� c.� t° / �. ' �� n � � / - � � L � �-t'�ch.. G��-c.�L=�.-t�e. fGCu- �` ��•�.��,.�� ��• �,� �r.%:c. V-�L� <<Jd� (�.-� /' � � �i`/ ��J. . � �� �J �j v �/ � y � , � � !'f---/� • � q � : �7` :.i^ _� � yl./ .. i ..��. -� �. ,C /'.l � � jf �-� / l..'_ _•�_ ! � /;� /� � f .. /. .� � /. � . .. �',. ._, _. �'� r � �� � / � y ' 4 .� �_ / .i /�� � r � (%�--� _ . _ � ,::>�:..;,. � �/ -/L-� ����f .� � .oL. %' �� -'--4 ,�� f r � �/� � , � � l � � ; �r���-���� yi � .Q— 1�.� c�.s� `w'���— `�Q1�v� � � .� .. - � PAUL MCCARRON ' � . DISTRICT 46A - � ANOKA•RAMSEY COUNTIES 732 82NO AVE. N. E. SPRING LAKE PARK, MiNNE50TA '55492 1 ' �.J -;3 � � �. ..�,'.���{,T .a'. \�� �.t � y �:� r. � � � �S��;t "�y� � •�� . .� . t. � ---,�...,,_,i3� � —s ,_�,�e �'* ..,. . �- �...a� 'i p r.',_'-rS ,a �*� r f.�• r rCt1"v:: . •�_� �'� X•.Ai e a,x.y 8...rt� cr i..•f> . ...:% b Y'..� siac.:. o i e' li� i t ��.?: f. p ADis ' r-= ♦ l i..2 , j, i . � � 'j. �.� � �-.. ,�,r-� r�'..: -�- s[' .�.,� ' ;,� ��, _ —' � " ��a�e o� ��ilzneSOf a HOUSE Of REPRESENTATIVES MARTIN OLAV SABO, Speaker February 26, 1973 Mr. Nasim M. Qureshi, P.E. City Engineering Director of Planning City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Dear Nasim, 0 COMMITTEES: - APPROPRIATIONS CITY GOVERNMENT � CR�ME PREVENTION AND CORRECTIONS GEItiERAL LEGISLATION AND VETERANS AFFAIRS . I have received the enclosed answer from Commissioner of Highways, Ray Lappegaard, concerning the intersection of Trunk Highway 47 and 69th Avenue N.E. His answer is no more satisfactory than the answers �you have received in the gast. As a former local elected official (councilman), I am sympathetic with the frustra- tions that are encountered when working with the Highway Department. His suggestion that curtailing le�t hand turns would relieve the congestion is designed to put us on the defensive. ` - Talk things over with your council and let me know what I can do to help. PM:ns Sin cerely, pa� '%� `�';..�0�✓1 Paul McCarron State Representative \ , ='�kt;� � - , ��„�,��T_�: � �, �, .� - . � , � LJ , ' lJ � STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ST. PAUL. MINN. 55101 February ?� 1973 Honorable Paul McCarron State Representative State o� b�i.nnesota Saint Pau1� D4innesota 55155 In Reply Re�er To: 315 O.S. 0205 T.H. 47 � 69th Avenue Northeast Dear Mr. McCarrons Thank y�ou for your recent letter concerning the intersection of 69th Avenue Northeast and T.H. 4? i�� �e Traffic IInit oY our Distri.ct 5 Oi�ice has re—examined this ' intersection and found that it does not meet any of the warrant criteria set Yorth in the Federal and the State �ianual oi UniYorm 7.`rafYic Contrnl Devices to establish need �or traYfic , signals. Using a priority rating system� a relative vaZue of 250 was determined. Values in the range of 50� are typical tor intersections meeting signal warrants. � ' t � An accident analysis indicates that nine accidents have occurred at this intersection between 1969 and 1971 (inclusive� o� which only four would possibly have been correctable by signals. �vo accidents have occurred Prom January� 1972� �o October 1� 1972. The computed severity rate is ozil,y 0.552 which places it out o� the 300 worst intersections in District 5. One oP the problems with this particular intersection is the narrow median and the lack of storage space Yor cars crossing T.H. 47. As an alternate so3ution I wou2d recommend that consideration be given to banning left turns �rom 69th Avenue Nort2ieast onto T.H. 47. A1.though this would be unpopular to the local residents because extra dist�nces would have to be driven it would eliminate the potential hazard caused by crossing T.H. 47 t�Pic. � � Sinc rely� � � �Y �PPe;;aard Commissioner o� Highways , ' � , �� ��o 2� u .� �� �.� � � � �,� * . x� � . "�� , ;, �. . . � � o; t�Hr��" . . . . _ , e ^'�x',7 aJ � �' � � � � �.. ��w�. ;�� � �Yrv� ;. � . . �. '� . . .,-,�r. : }• � #" ... �, STUDY 9E8�`+�41�t . `+� '`� :&IiiER I�: ' "�`� � x: � � �� � � :-� �� REPAR�S , B�i W7'I;M BILL A�1. . . � �;� I . NA�"r�:'Q�S�I : �, , . � , ���: _� �� .� � � � . . 2 �� � � � � 's j � � � � ��: �T �r � �� � �; • � ��. ' t ;5 ��' '� ; rt "� � f' � x ; :z ,� y . .. � �. : i;i.. - "� y •m . . ,,,� ���-�� � � �, y; � tT �� 6 . � .. s`�� �` ;z . . . ��>�� i�. K �� ,. .. , . .,:. .. ,y, :.... . - w �>,fi ,.:.., �:; i i • ;I ( �5;4� , 7 . . � y �a .� � �,; �. "7 �` ; . .. � ��� f � ; � ; . � � , E �� ' t� � � � � �:�� �l� � . . x;.,}•� a i � ,' i ,� � . _ �� eT,�7,i�g` . �� �. } � ' 3��r � � i A '. � .� � 7 �� ' � ' � �� � , . . . . . .. �. . _ . '�:ii { � � � 9"�� { f, �. �a .. . .._ � �Y. . � . . . . .'tr: . .. � _ � . � � }.;i �x': 1 ��; h � �v . . . , ,� S' �. . ��:; A � . ��� �� !" � . I �� .. �P . . � . ... v, t w §;`% ' , te, . ,r�£t�. * ti �„N,. J3ai . t g � ,� w,�`� , � . . . . k � ',� . . . � . �. � � ' � +; � 4� } 'A � i' p :„ r a� �a : � �� �� dq, � f. ��', t y�., 03�� �i ,� � L �+ � � , ; , �� �, � � � +=' �: �tP � i �' 4 �d �,'��" ..� �3 ' � . 3."�' � '� � �� . �Y . N �� 1". $ • I 3 �(�� � i �� 1. � � '� � � � , 9 ' Tfl : FRQM: 0 MEMORANDUM GERALD R. DAVIS, CITY MA2IAGER � �-�f,� , � : l �i" �,'�i� . . -. . -.. ... �, ��, � r� r� JAMES P. HILL, ASSZSTANT CITY MANAGER/P�B LIC SAF'ETY DIRECTOR DATE: FEBRUARY 23, I973 SUBJECT: EAST RIVER ROAD ENFORCE��IENT PROGRA��1 . Attachec� you will find an accident survey for East River Road covering a period of thirteen (13) months from January, 1972 through January, 1973. With respect to the enforce�nent effort, it is interesting to note that for a thirteen (13) month peyiod, 151 accidents were reported on East River �toad or an average of 22% of the total accidents in Fridley, while 268 moving hazardous traffic tags were isssued or 270 of the total for the Citv. This does not include numerous violator warninas and nonhazardous ta;s, In proportion, the amount of enforcement action an East River Road by tr,e Police has been very high and in excess of the accident rate. Consider- ation must also be given to the fact that East River Road oniv represents approximately six (6) miles or the approximate total of 120 r�iles oz streeets in the City of Fridley. , The above enforcement effort is the result of the "Special :�tte:�tioil" given to East River Road by regular police officers on patrol as I had indicated would occur in my s=emo of June 23, I972 r�g3rciing tne same problen�. � The Police Department's concentrated enforcenent effart on East River Road in May of 1972, that is assigning police officers on a special detail fer traffic enforce,��ent, was 3 bZ'e3t success with respect to the :��a;::�er of t� T� issued. As you may recall itie devoted 16� manhours �o this prcject and is�;;;;d 152 citations for violations. One must also look at the disccuraging a�pe;:t; o£ effort which are as fo?loks: I. Of the 152 eitatians is�ued, 1�11 ��:ere for s�eed �•iolators, �-et speed is listed as b�ing the contributing of c�use o� an accident in only 19 of �he 151 total accidents recorded for tt:� I3 �ontn period on East River Road 2. During the concentra`ed efTort we recorded 10 acc�de::ts ori East \�.Z.���I 1�'.�- ... .`.JY �.P� a._�. �i: .. il. - _'"7 . ' ` " ` + - �_ " ) s.._�. ..�� � � .._..i.��ii ....� F� CC= _�..__. _ _�....'-C' _, r -.. . , . _., ;� _ .,. , .._:l'� ... �. � _••- r.►ontii oi '•:ay ror 19 i i, 1'370, �n j iy:;9. S �. • � � � � � � � � � � � � � Gerald R. Davis Memo 2-23-73 E.R.F�. Enforcement Program Page two . � We must also review the apparent cause of the 4 fatal accidents recorded during the 13 month period and the time of the accidents, 1. 12:25 p.m. - violated traffic signal 2. 1I:42 p,m. - left roadway, hit tree 3. I2:16 a.m. - failed to yield, over center line 4, fi:49 a.m. - left roadway, possible driver fatigue It would appear that the fatal accidents are occurring at times and for causes other than for what we constantly receive the most citizen complaints, that is during rush hours for speeding. After considering this statistical data involvin� the accidents during this 23 month period, and enforcement action taken, one might consider that it is reasor�able to assume that if the City of Fridley devoted 5 full time police offic�rs for the specific purpose of enforcin� traffic laias on East River Road, which would result in one squad car on patrol at any one time tivent}�- four hours a day seven days a week, that the end result would not necessarily have prevented the four fatal accidents nor necessarily have reduced the accident rate in general. It appears that the solution to the traffic probl�m on East River Road is too deep-rooted to be solved b�• an enforcement e�fort alone. :here :�ust '�� a concentrated and coordinated eirort of the tradition�al three "E's" thut is, Engineering, Education and Enforcement, h�e are all aware of the consider- abTe amount of effort that has been underta�en by the City of Fridley in `he area of Engineerin; and Enforcement with the Enzorce::ent eflort previouslv descxibed. In the Engineering area plans are currently underway to place guard rails. on a sec�ion of East River Road ti�hich r�a�� c•;ell have arevented =�Yo of our fatalities this year. In addition, it is my understanding tnat t��.e are p�ovisions for providing m�dified intersections ar.d/or s�:�anhores at t:,e intersections of Osborne Ro2d and tifississippi Street at East �:�ver Road includzng left turn signals, i�nich may also reduce tne nurber of fataliti�s or at Ieast reduce the nt;.�ber of accidents. These are aIl ste�s in th� ri:�nt direction to solvin� the groblem. T'he basic problem, as I vie:� it, is oneV of an ever iacreasing hz�h volur.ze of traffic on a street not initiallv desi�ne�t to carry tiiis volur::e. • � Ti�ere has been very little effort in the area o�' Education, Although the ne;•:s media can be utili�ed to faciiitate this objecti�r�, it is my oninion that �i,is �,oui� h �e •.�rti. l�ttle r� . - e tc rs c;' F t . �: . � , �� ... _., � _ ,� � .. 4, I _ a� .. i:l .,;:1 ::__�1C�.._u2' :it,:�SY�<2�(;i' Oi. Z'�:CLIO Si.ciLlc;II hOL[tCf �)I'OU�pl�" tiC 2Z't(Ii�;�;� at least to the degree that tiie ir�pression k�ould not b�� lcn� !astin�J, pr��,�� � � o �� � ., 7 �,,, ttie or►ly effectiti�e metiiod of educating the users of I:ast Rx 4re-r x;o�d is r.tlrou�n the use of large signs along tire entire lenot}i of Easi: Ri•rer Itoaci at st�•ate�ic �. . � Gerald R. Davis Memo 2-23-73 E.R.R. Eniorcement Program Page three 0 � locations with various slogans. This system is usea quite effectively in the state of Connecticut. Some examples of the slogans could be as follows; � 1• THIS IS A KILLER HIG�:iVAY then quote the number of deaths and all personal injuries il �. CAUTIQN DAIVGEROUS INTERSECTION then quote the number of a I� occurring at that intersection for turning violations cGldents 3. NOTICE 4. NOTICE THOSE WI-IO TAKE DRINK FOR THE ROAD GETS �FFICER FOR CHf?SER � HIGH{JAY FATROLLED BY RADAR AI�(D U�fARKED POLICE CARS. In conclusion i would make the foll.owing recommendations: 'i � � � ' , � � � � . � � � � � 1. Engineering - That the City continue to work with the State and County officials in an effort to improve and correct engineering problems on East River Road at an accelerated rate, not only in areas of large scale and expensive projecrs such as semaphores and road design, but also in immediate and less expensive methods such as guard rails, reflectors and clear road markings 2. Enforcement - The police continue t� devote "Special Attention" to the enfoxce�r,ent and traffic laws on East River Road ��ith emphasis on violations that are causin; the �ost accidents. One squad, :chen available, may also be assigi�ed durin� rush hours to gi>>e the impression oi ever presence of the police to the greatest amount of vehicle operators during the shortest period of tzme 3. Education - Consideratio� should be given to a si;n program along East River Ruad, as previously describeds which could be considered rather s�rong action but may have v�ry be:ieficial results. '�: � i � � T0: ?�s J.p. Hill FRQi:: Lt H, Rick �A� : z—zo--73 SUBJ.�CT: fiaciden� �urve�, Fast Rr.ver Road � In referer:ce to ;:our reaues� the �folloti�:i.n� infa.rination I�as been cor�piled and the faci;ual data obtair_ed fro� ito � 1. The recor�� for t?-e per:'_ac Januar;* 1972 io a.nd includ�ng �Tanuar� 197: were researcb.ed ar.d all acci�ents ��rrich ha��e:�ed on ��'ast F�i�;er Road 1•rere extracted ard. li�ted on a_r. eccident �urve;� �or^t Kivin�; basic ir_forr:^ation � relati-�G to them. �jhese were divided into ;^rouns b�r mor,th and each :�onth entered o� a separate s?:eet o ihis infor.::ation is provided on nttac�.�er.ts �-1 throu�h 4-13. � 2. The records for ti�.e same ��riod concerning traffic law eriorce�en� s•rere researched and ai1 traffic e:-rorce.�ent actit•ity tr;as ex.tracted. `'ince tris infor�:�«.tion had alread�r b°en ewrtly i?:corporated i::�o a�-earl� report a^d detailed r��anthly- I.istin�s �ou?d nav� er.tazleu a�.reat de2.1 of ti�e, t`�e � results �:�ere prenared to s�os, the to �al acti�; itv ? or t� e first 9 r.:ont.ns of 19'%2, tl-_e �e�arate activiiy for the last auarter of 1�72' and t1-e r�ori,l,l� activi�� for Janu;.r`r 1973. � A perce� � ile c�mpa_rison }ti-as r�a c'�e b�t�reen t?:n �:.ount of accidents ;•rhic'� had occurred on East =iver �c :d to tl�.e �:,o::r.t o� traf�i.c lc.tr er_force�me^t h*1'ilCi1 irlSS expended OTl �B,S� �=?,;Ter Poad• i�';US a co^�rarison C3ri n8 TiSi;@ �ii0-.•i ^� � the ac�tion tal-,en �-r tl-�e Polic� �ep�.rt*�°^t ��.»�r�- �?�� sal?ct�c: Terio�s ';o provid� �r? e�?forcz�:.en� �EVE� -^_'J?:S�.L2P_� :'�t�': t.':e 2.CCZC..�P,?-'t, r?�e• 'ii:1S i�°or,.�.:_�=tior_ is ,rrc;rided o^ f ��ac'-�mer� ?, � � � � � 3. A f�trther anal�rsis h�^n5 ma4s of tre accide� inforr.:�tion rrovi�?�a on attachmen�s r"_—Z �i,�''_T`Oi.1^h "—Z3 �O ��L;ST.T'2.;i,c^ f. _2 ar;:are,~i, C2USES Of' �':�Sv� accide:�Ls. Ti:ese ;i�ures �.re �rovidee e� a�i2c::.�:en� C. Zt'. srould be :l�t°CI t�''='"i, i;i^T'0�:2' +i.UT'7'iS cCCO':?�.�EC�. iOT' +i.�° :!'�OSt. 8CC1G�°"`�8 - � �. and alJO ��': � t� e Cate�or�T �� :_°cY'—E:;uBQ c".4' iD,lO�rT =00 �ZOS2�� 2.iB °O::?°h:''8.t S;�IlO21j'Y"OUS. 10 fti��ti1�7' �.�{`�1G?.31 the a^�re'�t ca.u�e ?�� 2.CC10E,'?�T,S '.-:��1C�'� produc�d r?ar e:�d collisio�s ::�t� ar_ot::e: aL�o::oUi?� ::ere c?a��ed as 11Rear--er.c.ed'', ;�!rile t'�e sa�:.e �;�?e of acciden� titi^ich ;,roduced a coLision with anT�hin� else �,ras classnd as Follow Too Close. ` � � � � rn � � � .+ � � c3 � � O � I--1 �' O �.-� � = r-: � '� W � �H E-� v � U r � w G � � :-c� a �I U U <• F. G C=i G, > � � � F- �� � � � � c:� � ;a �±� H �: •-, � W C � E+� E�� d G� FO' H H d U � _ � a • .,� 0 . o � � � � 'O '� � � � �, a� � � � > .� � � �" �• a� y: � � c� i�+ N N i." t-i .0 N .� � '� 'CE N cd 'C3 cC �� r--I �r�{ '� �N 'CS � H rl r-i F+ r{ 't3 O .�: � N � � i�-� Q •'J� •'r�a +� U •� U � �-1 O � � U � � F U .� � � o o � zs o ro � � � aroi � zt v� Ts � •� -N -N a� +� a� u� •� � .s� a� � a� � �, � .N � zj �s �, � o Tc o zr .+' a� a� � a� a� z; � a� � a� s, Ts � � � �. m s� k a� a� �, a� �-. �a a� +� � a� .� a� � 0 0 +� � � � i � i o a v �n o t c t�� s. � -N � � -� s-� � � �, � •� �. •� � •� � ,� �a •� .r-► •� � •�+ aa a. .+-> •� .f.� � �.: o� � �. H f� Lz+ txi� � [� f�-+ H' � xu1 � �� i�-i .� i�-� � A H H H A H H 1-� Q A H G.1 C� A A A �'i a w u. a� a a: a a a a a a a �. a a a � � � � �' a� ci �' c� � u�i u�i u�i •� -rv-! � �' '[s' ,d �' tn 'CS � � '� Ki ,s t,t n� ca t, i� z.�7 '� F�+ � i. s, .� :, •.��-I ii si T, S� f. F-� cd cd � cti �� aT c*; ;� cd ' ai cJ cd cs� c� c� N N O O N O a.� J O Cil O �J .^J N CJ � V rl r! r1 r: rl � ri r. �: ri ;: ri ri r rl r{ r-i M U U U U U l0 U U U. U G] U C� U U U U (V C�: C`Z C'�l t�i rl C�2 CV M CV C�: ri C\t t�l C�I (�.' C�l O O O �L' O Q � O � r1 O � ri � O O u, ir. O r-I c*1 c� O c'1 c� � u'� rl ri C u� �z cn c-', � u: � a� r L� � r� � c c� ^a cn c� c� � �.� O �-i O � ri C� r-1 O O ri r-i O r-r r-1 r-! � r-+ Q C� M L� O� C�2 � t0 � tv r-� f+'1 � � r-1 r-{ r-1 r-I r� C\t C�. C�: C`: .•, i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I+ r-I r-1 r-i r-{ r-{ � r-( ri r-t r-I r-f __ r-t i-t ri ' cd ; cd : cd c : � .- .=- a, a� x Zii� GL � � .� � ' -� � �' � � � 4 u� C�L � t�.r., f�-� � F-+ � U - sC (A .� Q� .0 +� G) �al; � 'L3 t!) N � 'CS +� U) C� i.� •� ) V3 c� �✓ s-t `l .� U i-� �- •� ._. �'; I c� r-�1 :. -� �r c� _� �� •� cn f*t _ r--e L�- r i ',:u i i=s F�, �C -3 t-7 C�'-�' C�'• � �, rti r�i � �� V] .� C. � L\ V \ � N rn � a � �' � � .� � �: � � �� O .-. ..:. �+ A �a O G: � ., , �'; � � U U�j c� t Q � : � t� � � 0. ' � i E �: � �- w c �; G- � U� � 0 � � � E-+ i� �� � : F-i Z: � C=� C � H�e`-� ��ca U H H � U 0 a Tf . @ � � cd O cd e-1 � � .�. � � ,� ti fy � � � U (A ci1 � 43 �-i •r-I N •ri •r�-i ff1 •� .� � U r�-{ � � �a`�i � c� � � � � � ��-, .� u �C�i ,� �: r� � � . . � o r-i � � •r�-! r° .ti' -{ � � '� .ti 'L3 -i� -{ � � �+ 'i� N � -i-� N f-+ � •rl � � , O � N i-r 'd (`J Tl r-1 � V N +� O U O cd � 'C � -ri ri ai 4-� O c�d r�i N �. O i-r � -r-I � r� � � �� t-�i G-.o. r�-t H �� � � c.-`�.. L� A H �1 H H A f� q � ca G1 Cl a a F.. a. ' a a, a a a � �., a a. w � � � � � � � � � •� � � •� � .� � � � '� S•-i S-+ S-� fr 'i� � F-� i� S-i S-� f� '� .x �a �a � c� � �� �a � � �v � o �. c� c� a� a� o o c� c� �� v �; � tL3 r-i r--1 rl rl rl � r-� r, ri ri r-� �� '� U V U U U (l] U U U U U C�1 C� -� C'� LZl C1t nt C1; C�l C�I r-1 r-1 t�i O O .c� G� O O O O u� u� �.n L` O u\ u� -: O �- tin � u� ut i�i -,7 r-i -3 L` � u�� �G C� O �l O� �O C�: v ��t �C � ri rl ,—f ri r--1 ri rl r-! r-i r-1 Cti r-i C�l (�t �C C` L� M C'J r-t -� � M i� i�- ri ri ri .ri ri rl r� C� C4 t � t t i t r � i � t c i t�t c�t c�t c�; cv c�t c�t c�t c�t c�t �: c�l c� 0 a; ,,�, v � • � v ,`� � u � � .� u� o� °� r�r rn �n -rt v� v, `��, .r rn +� u� �D C� .o .:� cn � m u� �; ,� .p � ,�i 1 -. ! 1 4ri cv •rf •� •r-I O 1 :.� F-i G. I-� H �C:> ' - u. H a . � � 1 � � � rn � d � .�i U � ?� � T, O .. .=. � 5-+ � A � .O �; � .:J C: f� = H � � H �+ U U] � a ti �- �. �� � � � a: 0. � C U U c; � �: a' �; 2 � � � � a h� �G-1 � ta �i F-I �: �-, 5 c.:. G � ��E-+ H c: Q �'. U H E� � U °a � m � • . 0 . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � b � � � � cu, . � a� v •�I � u. •� bu f-�i � O 'Ci ri �. •r: U) A. � .5; r�-1 � u O �, � O � 4-f � !-r f�-r u � u�1 m O � t�r. � ° a� � i � i y r° a� �' � a� 'cS .� -� r--r -r-i T1 �v r1 Ts •�r o r--i �s � o �--+ � G •ri f , � a) •ri Q: �+ •ri N N •EI N � � G> .� '� � � N N a> 'cJ O .� N N �U .� R � � � a � �` s.�. P' P' P." � -° 3 � � � r .� .� s-� v � +� o � 2s � Ts a� ;� a� a� •� a� a� +� a� .�� �:; a� a� a� c� � i, D '� -+� y � � y +� � '� � � F-+ 'd •� N � �� N N v�i �. �t�n S�, �rA a�i �? �i �v�i - � �, y m 'd 'd -�-� u% O a� � cr. .+� O 1 tn G� d .a� � f� � ri 41 -t-� ri F+ CJ � f-+ U � �, H od cd U G. U •r1 U cd ri cd U U F. c� � xv] � Q ti H N •� � {s+ � H Cz+ S�-� N N •ri f�-i �.�...�.� E--� A- A A. A A Q H Q A H H q H H A A �l a a a a a a. a a a a r1, a: a a c., a a a .. � �' � � �' �' .� ,.� ,e��, � � e�i ° � �i '�' s�', � �' .� � 3 � ro � -� -t� m -� � tfi t� Z+ •r�-I L� t-i S-� fti i-� S-� S-+ S, f-� f-� S�, � S-� f-+ � S-, t3 S ni c� Cd R7 c� c3 cd � c� c0 c;; � Ri R`, ;. t� c� o c� � a� cu c� e� � c� � ,,� cu •� e� c� o � r-'I ^': r-i r-i ri r-1 �-i rl r1 ri r! --� r-i c'S ri ri � r: U G� U U U U U U U -U U J U ,''-� U U G] <J r-I C�! C�! r-I nl (�t C�2 C�! ri C�2 C� r-I (�1 (�! c�l ri C\ C�l tn t�l ►r� u� O� � u� O O :v O � O in u� L� Q rl c'1 O -� O �.c1 O� O G O c� c� i c^l �-I �-I C4 C� O c_l � � � r-; r_�-I c\; tY r-i �O r; O cYl M � u'� r! � r�-1 ri rl � r�i r�-i r�-1 c a C c, C� �J t 1 1 1 1 i I l 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 I i C'1 c'1 C'l M c�1 c'•'1 M M c'1 c�l C'�l hl c`'1 CYl Ca1 M c!1 cYl N r-{ r��. �-i r i v�,. id u � ��� � f: .� cn .� rc u� 'd u� � tn .s: Q� .f: .:. �: '� t :, +� +-� tn -.� G v; S� v� C.� c^ .,-� -+;^. •.J r-� .� -- tp t� �.-t O ri �rj c( ; �r j � ,r-1 �O crl 1 L''� O� � C�; O ('r'1 C`- �tii ,='i �L �:� �-? � : l:l �ti :tl f- i � .. 1 �. � 1 � l � I � � � rn i� � �_� r-+ � � r-�I •r-1 � �. � � � � � l 1 _ �A I � ° _� �� 1�� H E-+ V �� U �° `v � . � � �:: � � CY G � � �^ � U U �; C=.e C � � � U Q� O � � �i H (=i ��� i—�' 5 C I �I �a� �� E-i �r � � � � ¢ c� Q F—I b a � o � � � � � �o .� .� � � � Q. U � � �, o .� R U U u� � m O -t� � �� O •ri N Ti .�j 1 Oi � � r (!7 ri r-� rf TS � O O U •r. ri •r{ C� N �i ri o �N r � � c. � O p O � `�� v� � �+ +' 'c1 'Ci O O 'C7 � � C.:, 'C� 'L� }' � } 'Lj � O O � � � J N •ri � V U 'O I 1 � � � i � � �-1 f� F� rl ri � �+ p RS N -r-+ •rl U c[1 S �1 O a> cu csi � Y, a� :� F, ii Ci. i�. N S� �1 H H q H t--I q H Q a. �: a a� a � a, a a �� U f-� � � a+ S-� � � •rl 'c7 tn m z3 '� 'ci � CuJ iJa rtia �a � O �U N O J U O U •r�i r�1 r-i r� ri r-I r-i r-I r-1 V U f� U U CJ U U re (\ rl c'� C�; -� C�t c�l r-i M °o °. � o g°- o co 0 t7 Gr� � tD �Ci G� u�-� -� C1 O O r-i O r-I r-I ri O (V 1 1 1 I O Q I � � ��������� m !�3 C� � i � • � ,� � [� G"; k.� (!� r-I � n; i, f�, oi 'CS C) .� U? � .. a-= cn -C M c�3 •.-{ N i. � tc, �:� •r� • � �; , � ` _ `, '/ f � u � � � C 11. C�- E � � � � � � � N � c •o � +, F, �r1 •�-I � rl � U h�-i r�i � af .� � O t+ rl � � . � U U ,� f� c0 l2u t.;; '�= cd Fa K � 'G ,� v � .x � � ai � � � r � ,o{ w .� O O •ri U fr }S �7C � U 'N O � � Q 1 � Si S-� U O � � � 'i� � ? -+�-� 4�-r 4�-i 'd -F-� f+ �� �. Z3 �� �`� � G:; � � � •r ,� � G N � � � O S-�i O � O -.�+� O � 4� 1 O !� � �-1 ,V � � �-�+ 0 � � � � P, •� f-�i �. H F� -N H 'r�i 4-�� � U U � - C . � � Q H H H A Q p q H H q � r a a a a a, a a a a a a � � � � � U� �` � _ � � � � � +' � �' � � � �' � � � � � � � � � � � � � - , �,. � :' � � � � � � � t� `� � � � '� � � � '� � � c; o ,-� cu cu •-; a} c� a� •�t c� c� � (_� I 'r V r' r--� c: rl r-! r-i (� r-� rl J j� U U U ii U U U � C� U Q �f' � .~'-. 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F, G, •� +-� �ri � cd U � r-I G. �rl G, •r'� •� 4-� x(r.' H N 4-t 4-� •� 4-� •� G-1 H- H q i-{ H H G] H Q Q a a a a� a a a a a a a � � U� � � U � C�J N U U 'cJ � � u� u� •rl �n ,�s $� •r1 � �G S�a f-i S-� � etia at ct3 cr; c��,+ c'i-�.3 c��3 c�'d X .r�,t �� � Cil W N �J � Q> (U S-r � �ri O r--� r'- i r--i r-1 r-i r! r-1 �� r'i � r-i U U U U U U U '� U F+ U C1! c�l N C�1 C�1 C�t N c� C�i C� C�1 C`i ln �t1 u1 O �; O O tYl 4� �^. C� � rl t11 � C�! �t1 ul � r� (`l a` C- i� v' CD u� �O � C� :!1 .--� .--t .-t n ..a r-, _, � .. � r, —, �D '�'� p� r-I rM-! � r-i C�`.' C1 C�i� C��1 �ci � (�1 fl � IV (�1 � (�1, c�1, c�1 ! r-i r-1 r-I r-�l r-I r-i r-1 r-i r-I r�-41 �_, � � ! ya H � � � N c:: � -� � . • o } �, �. � � � '� m �' a� +� .� c � .c o .� � c%i .� C •��-1 r-v+ � `c: .,� cr, -�-� � t �_ �y � � ' � � ~ / � � , ' � � � � ! � � , . � �' � � , � � , � ,O .:. � � � � + ?-+ A E� o � � cz k-: � U � � � � �" I � � 4 W C � H � �� p �! a H a � �-i � G� C � aIE-� �� � � . � • s, � . � � � � � � c� U � � � � � � v'1 � � � � U � O � � �' 4� U � � ri ri T3 � � U � 'd 't? ri 25 i+ '`i '� � '� •r+ N a� •� � a� � � N `�' �' � � � � o � � �. a � .,.�j +� � o o- � +� � o v� v� � t� � � � +� � � � � � � � � � y � � � � � � � .� � � � � 0 0 � � � � � � a �� �. � ' � '� � . � � � � � � � � � � ° �° ° � � � .� .� � �--� �. � •�, .� � -� .�, �. �, �. �: � � .� .�: �, `� •� H ��-r � axi w � •� �° •� � ° � ai � 5 a°, r-i � H A � H � H H H q q H H Q H H q � a. a a w' c=, a a a a a a a, a, a a a w � c.�'i � v � -N +� +� +� +� +� � •� u� .,� � � � � � � 4 � -�u, ,r ,� � � � � �o �� � � � '� � � � � .x � � � � � '� > � � �' e� o �N c� � � � � ^� c� o a� c �,, R3 ri G Ci r'-i r'i ri � r-i r-i r-i r! rl � � ri r{ n v �n 4-r v U v '� U V V v V u; �'a U U v C�I C�l (�2 C�i (�I C�I C�t C�t t�2 (1i hi r-� r-�i r-I C�2 C�I r...� � � � O ,_�..� c`1 u� O � � 4, �O C �d �n � � �^ � v ra o t '� cn :� u� ri � c1 � � � �-1 O O C O Q � Ci r�-1 r-� G O ri c i r-I rl p 1 j �rl u1 `� � �-.� C1 t` O� CV c; „ tr, ,J 1 1 I 1 � 1 � r�-� 1 [ �I �I 1 j ' r-t r-t r-i r-f r-i r� r-i ri r-i r-i r� r-I r-i r-i r-I ,-�► r,.� ;� .> r: < < 'W� N-� H `�'' � y , � ~-= ~_ � U � p a� ;� .�; � �J � W �-1 � � ' � v `- � �, a� � .' u� '� zs c�, u�i v .� � °� _� ui •�-�i .� � 4i � u�i � � `� .� G� � fil fil ,c: Tl C� � N •rl F� � � � �O U .a� � +� U ) +� CJ r � �''l .=. c� �c 1 .0 �; 1 c- .;-� .r-t C� c^, c�n 'c-+ G� F-i L� :[ � i-�{ ;+y ' �_.1 t� u� r� � � . ATT �CHT:��"r� Report to iIr Hill Accident �urveTr East River Road CO:�ARISON FIVFCRC�•�\'T TO ACCIDE�:T R�TE 0 m Duri�� t?�e first nir:e rsor.tY:s of 1572 there were a total of ?_37 propert}* da.�age accicients, 201� personal iniur�� accidents, and 3 fatal accider.ts withi.n ihe City of Fridley. Of these 1��.1� accide*:ts, 101 of them tool: place on E�.st River Road,or 23� of the total. During tr.iG sa.�-ie nir.e mon�h period there were 705 traffic er.forcem�nt actior.s taken of which 1$2 were taken on �ast River Road, or 26;� of the total. �uring the trree �!onth period, October threugh Dece:;�ber 1972, 167 accidents occurred in �he Cit;; of Fridley9 Of these 33 occurred on Ezst RS.ver �ozd9 or 2U� of the total. • During the sarne three month period 279 traffic er.fercemen+ ac�ions were taken, of ti�r?�:ich 63 •tiere ta?:en on �st River :?oa�, or 22;� of t: ° total. During ti�e month of J��uar�� 1°!3, 61 acciuer-cs occurr�a �n ti_� City of ' Fridle�, of :�._nicr. 17 occurred on �ast River ?o�d, or 28� o�' t:-:e to+�al., ' During t;h.z sau;e pericd 68 tr�lfic enforce:^er.t actions were �,a'-en, of �•r�ich 2? were t�ken on �ast P�iver Poa.d� or '�� of tre toi�l. , � , i 1 1 To sumr�arize t�:e thirteen (13 ):^or.th pe= ioa there occurred on � ast ?ive: Road 151 accide�?ts or an average o� 22� of tre total �.cride�+s. �o c-�:n'�at tr:iG� 268 trafiic e:lforce � ent actions �ere ta'-en, or ��; o� �he zot�la � �� All Other Careless Driving E�cessive �pe:ed I,OSt COrit2'OZ Follo�r Too Clo�e Inatt er_t ive Vio Traffic �igr:al Defective Lq�a:i�r_:ent V1S1^22 �tiJSCl1T'I'2t� Impro�r Turn Rear-ended °kid�ed � Failure to Yei1d ' D.U.I. � � .,, � � F � , U � C=r C7 � � H H �� �1 r-i � � �.. � .' � �� � � � � � a U � � , H � � � � � � � � � m . � � r..� L� r-I C� r-1 c�'1 r! r-I M O� r-i r-�I nt r-I r-� r-I �O r-i r-1 r-1 c�t c� r-I c�t c�t �—t c�1 � ri � � � . � � � � �i rn � � � � M � M C� � � ri ri � c'1 r� (�1 M c�1 C1i C�2 �' u� C�2 tV M t�l � M �D ('� !�'S Crl N rl r-i rl r! p C1 � r'i ri r-I Lr•� � I �''1 C�t r-1 (�l r-i (�l ri ri M u1 r-� h � � � � � � � � �"'i � � �, P� �' s, � � �--j �.� - - ,., '` ' < U ._ , „� : -: `:� �.' �.. ; �. `. O� ctf � cii f�. �� � � � �J U O aJ �: � [z. .-� ti. '� '� -=t U. G �� q � � � � ;=_: i, I �3 � ��—t I O H MEMO T0: MEMO FROM: NrMO DATE; FE; City Manager and City Council Nasim M. Qureshi, City Engineer March 2, 1973 East River Road Safety Improvements, Accomplishments, fx Future Plans and Needs Eas;. River Road is, and has been, one of the most hazardous roadways in the City of Fridley and I have in the past made numerous reports to the Cit� Council for the needed ir�provements since 1963. - In the attached report to the City Council dated February 22, 1971, I � pointed out that in the 8 years there were 24 fatalities in the community of which 12 were on East River Road, whereas, East :ti.ver Read forms or.1y a litt'e over 5% of the total mileage in the community. This r:al��s East P.iver Road i0 times more murderous than an average street in the City of Fri��ey. It is obvious in Zooking at the reparts of the different acc�dents that speed is oniy one portion of the total problem with the roadway. There is a need for pro- viding improvements to the roadway to make it safer to drive upon. On attached Page �E4 I have listed the different causes of deaths and acciden�s and �he proposed sol.utions. On Page ��11 of the report is the 1970 traffic flow map on East River Road which indicates that there were alrost 19,000 vehic?es travel�ing just north of I. 694 on East River Road and a little over S,OOC leaving Fridley's boundary going north on East Ri.ver Road. This shows that almost 3/4 of the traff�c on East River Road was basicaily local Fridley traffic, so the tnajority of people using East River Road are Fridley resi.dents. There- fore, it seems that Fridley is responsible and r�ust be concerned io4 prcvid�.r,e a safe roadkay for its residents. Even in 1975 the rlow =-:,p on ?a�e ,i,�,•� y indicates that 2/3 of the traffic on East Ri.ver Ro�.d ;V��1 sti?.i be rrid'e•,-'s. In all my reports I have always pushed for pi�viding s�fety imrrovements on the roadway maldng it safe to travel, and esp�cial�v �:a'-•_in^ it possible for local people to ge*_ on and off the road sa�ely. Th2re. has never t�een a gr��- posal to orovide any additionaZ traveling i anes on East �iver Road. In 1970, I, along with �zoka Ccunty, went to t�e �"�:�neso�a Higt;way Department to get advance fu:�di.-.g for the improvem2nt of ���t Ri�er Road under the new fiederal program of TOPIC�. We were able to get �t>preval for al�ost one million dcllars towards the improver�ent of East ?:iver R.o�d along the lines approved by the City Council. In 1971 we had a number of pubZic hearings for the i:�;�rovement of East Rivez Road �,here there were serious objectiocis fro:; tne adjoia�^� property owners to wider.ing the road to Di'OVide t'�e shoulders and CllTi��^ �� because of t�e necessity of ta�.ing sor�e of their property. On .•iarch l, 1971 the City Cour.cil sent a R.esolution to Anoka Couaty Con*nissioners requesting char.Les to the pro- nOSe!� *}�.?n r..i.i �� .'..:' ���...ro �` �.�- -�-. _ ^ *' - '- --' . . _ ._1.�_ .___.. _.._.__ _�c _.. _... . _. _".. ... ..-^.'_ .. _ -_ _ . ._�v _`'_:._ , ..._<L: l...i�i . _t:;:.'_; �.�u:l�" �i:�.i::FiLt.S �i:� � ..;:�.c.il;c Ui . �._ic. C�IJ;a::- grading af the safety zmprovements, that they were ui.able te geC *I.E TOPICS ' ' �I J Memo to City Manager and City CoUncil March 2, 1973 0 � funding from the Federal Government, except for a portion of the project which i.s basically in the area of th� Mississippi Street/East River Road intersection. This portion of the project has been let and will be under construction this � construction season. � ' ��� I feel that we have to keep working towards reducing the total traffic on East Rive.r Road by diverting traffic from the r.orth onto other hiohways from East Rive.r Road and keep making the necessary safety improvements to the road- way that wzll make it safe to travel on, keeping in mind that the majority ot the people using this roadway are our Fridley residents. � I should also point out that there ar� limits as to how much traffic can be di.verted onto T. H. ��47 & T.H. ��65 as these highways are getting more and more over-loaded, as indicated on the attached Pages �t13 & 14 outlining the 1970 & 1975 peak hour volume/capacity ratio. �I � Attached herewith is; , 1. Copy of my memo to City Manager and City Council dated February 22, �' (Pages 1971 regarding East River Road safety improvements and related work 1-12) between East River Road and Rice Creek. � 2. �Copies of two maps showing 1970 & 1975 peak hour volume/capacity ratio �, (Pages on T.H. ��47, T.H. ��65 & East River Road. 13-14) 3. List of different positive actions tanen by City of Fridley r�garding (Page safety improvements on East River Road ,in the last five year period �S) ' f rom 1968 to 1972. ' 4. List of needed improvements or actions to make East River Road a (Page safe roadway to travel on. 16) ' � I have put this information together in a hurry and in sor,:e areas detai?s may be quite sketchy. It the City Council in the future wants some additional information, I will be glad to provide the sar�e. I hope with the concerted effort of the City Cour.cil and ti2e City Engineering and Law Enforcement Staff, and working with other governr,iental a�encies, we can make East River Road a safe and a pleasant roadway to drive on. �. � � />'�;:�.l��4 � • e - / � 1,.�',�- . , — — -- - Y=-_�___._ — - ------ C1.�'. .'" _ ��C ✓i ±C_Ji J- '; ; __ : S- -- - ---:..;::._� � �Q��m � . f . . . . . - - . � ' hiEAiO T0: City I�Zanager and City Counci.l . �. . , . I�iEh10•FR0�1: Nasim bi. Qureshi, City Enoineer-Director of Planning � ME�10 DATE: February 22, 1971 � � � ; , . � 1 . � 1- � , ♦ EAST RIVER ROAD SAF�TY I�IPROVEi�1E:vTTS AtiD RELr1TED jV'ORK �� BE�'l4'EEN II:TERSTATE r 694 A1�D RICE C�.�Ei: The City has been concerned over �`e last five years about the high fatality and accident rate on East River Road, especially between I �694 and Rice Creek. After dozens �f ineetinbs and commun.ications iaith the County, the County last year ca�ne up with an improvement plan for East River Road betweer: I r694 and Rice Creek. Also, 1,re were able to ge� appropriations from the �ederal government for advanced funding of part of the cost of � the project under T.O.P.I.C.S. as this program iust started last year. We have had numerous meetings and Publi� Hearings in xegard to this project and after all these Psblic Hearin�� the Cour:cil advisE;d me to work with the County to r�inimize th� ir�pact o� the �'projec.t on the abutting propertiES by takzng intc; consideratinn the camments made by citizens at the Hearzng meetir.gs. At the first Public Hearing the bas_ic concern ttilas to provide thre� signals instead of two. I tivent back to the Ccunty and me� with the District #14 School Board and got the County to agr�� wi.th providing three signals. A� the next Public �-.earin� the concern 1�las the actual cost of the project and side streets being paia by residents in tr.e area by assessments. There were also indications that the rlshton Avenue fixtension cost siiouid U� paiu by tlie i ountv. yfi,�r ,��e��i�� with the �ounty ��d;�inistr�tion and the Ccunty Road y Bri��e Co�unittee where the :najority of �o�nission�rs irer� present i,;e were able • to convir_ce ihe Count�- to carr�• a larger portion o� �.ne improvement cost titihich reduced the C�ty-'s particina�ion in �he project to less�than �100,000 or about 10 per t_ent o£ :he to�31 px�ject, from a figure ef �250,000. T;.is ii�.:ludeci �za County payirag the pal-ing portion or Ashi.en Ave :u� �:c���nsier.. The next mee�ing these chan��s as Iisred on pa,�s 6 to 9 were presented to �h� puolic. Then ���e �ot �ndicatior.s that the people �idn't iyant tr.c di!rider, especially �he sectien beti�;�ez: 61st Avenne and ��Iississippi S�reet. On the attached �a�e �:� the fatali*y ard accid�nt record � J�_�_.�- --_- . - _�__� .__...� ..�... _ .�:.. _�',_� .. .:_.._ �...� �� � Page il 0 �� � Page 2 �age 2 . - . all th�se solutions would improve t}ie safety and loi�er the probability o£ fatalities and accidents on t}ie roadc��ay. About 5,000 to 6,000 citizens of Fridley are using tlle roadti,�ay and Fridle,y citizens are involved in over 50 per cent of the accidents. The Co�uncil has to iaeigh this conc°rn in relation to the people living along East River Road and their feelings. � If I get a clear indication from zhe Council about the , improvements they ��ould like to have on this stretch of roadti�ay, as I•have done in the past, I would go back to the County and iti�ork � , with them to achieve these improvements as approved by the City Council. A1i indications are that all o£ these improvements pxoposed ZJOUld help to reduce the fatality and accident rate on � the roadiaay and providing any of the improvements would be a step in the right direction. � To get a clear picture of the Council's feelings I have listed on page 3 the possible.?mprovements that might be considered by the Council at this time after taking into consideration a21 meetings and discussions we have had with the public. I feel � that t.he City should not ask the County to drop all�the proposed improv�ements but should iry to get the Courzty to provide tne improvements which the Cit}� feels the people along East River � Road Y�ave no serious objections to, as the unsafe condition of East F�iver Road is quite serious ar_d providing any of the improvements would make this roadhTaa� a little more sa£er. �l � � � � � � � � � � I have tried to bring the facts and figures and the County's reasons �or proposing certain improvements to give the Council and tP�e public a full picture. �otia the steps needeci are: �. The City Council determ�ines ���hat portions o� the improvenert should be done at this tir�e and passes a resolution to that effect and sencis it ar. to the County. 2. To get the County to provide the improvements on the roadway and keep the cost to the City to a minimum. 3. Also, to convznce the Federal government to participate in the revzsed reduced improcement. If the City Council needs any additiona? infor��ation or additional particulars, I will be glad to p:avide them. Enclosures 1. Fatality and accident record 2. Fatality map J. �11... ��--._. _., _1„An �� .�' : v ti •J � i; ;. L�,.: i�. 1 C S. 1970 Traffic flo;v 6. 1975 Traffic flow ) ��-�'�-�-� � �tc.����--1^ - .,.� 7�r�CT.r . ,, r , c T , �. ., i�: �� L. . .�`. . _ . � _. . � � { � . . ' ' ' ' ,. � _ � . - l, .� I J t. ' l.� ' ' _ " ' . ' _ '_ =�b.ials �nap map � i •. I �. . I � � �— � � � � � CONSIDF.R1y:TI0N OF REDUCED SAFF.TY IM°RO��.��PdT PROGP.11A1 F�R F..A.ST RI s�.'R ROAD l. The.re seems to be a general consensus that ther� should be 3 fuZly actuated signals at Georgetoc�m Apartments, the School North entrance, and Mississippi Street along caith the full development of these intersections and providing the com- plete storm sewer system ta take care of the drainage and icy conditions. 2. Objections to divider, esoecially be*_�aeen 61st and Mississippi Street, so divider should be eliminated except at intersec- tions. 3. Whether or not to remove the house at 100 Rivers Edbe Way to give the people in tfie area a choice to be able to �ake a safe left turn at the pro�osed signal {no additional cost to the City -- f ull coMpens�tion to homeowner). 4. Whether or not t� grade and build P_shton Avenue connect�on to proposed blst Avenue signal to give the property owners on East side of East River R�ad a choice of making a saf� lert turn at 61st Avenue signal. • 5. ��Thether or not to prev�de the roadway connection and �•ral?.�,� a� s to provide possibia sa�e �edestrian access to Lhe schooi prcrperty. . 6. Whether or not to take the who3e gas statiozt for i*�prove^:ent Oi 1F11jS1JOi��l ���2`�`. �.�2�52C���: �r2r� Q� C•TCrk dc.^.e ?!- ready according to plans). 7. Whether or not to provide divided roadway as Scuth of i 694 alc�no industrial prooert�.- (ead curve - 4 dea�.ns. Dr�aerty abutting mostly industrial and �ultiple d:�eilin�s. Better chances of Federal fund;rg for at least tais pUrtien up to 61st) . Page ,3 � Council Approval YES NQ____-..— Once Council approves an� portion of this, we will �ursue t�:is work vigo:ousl�� with the Cour.ty alc�ng with trying to keep the co:st to the �ity to a min.ir.i��. � ., `/ � � �� .✓ % V , . I . �•' s� b � � .--t •� I�i ` .� �ao cn •� � � a ' o a� � , � N ^� bA ^ H � � � � , a o � c� � o ..� s� � � �I � c!) !n ;J • r1 • r�1 U at tt3 � � � A A 00 � �"' w � � •� � � +� c� ed . ,Li •r� •.-1 � b � � � •p'� Q� Q� , � , a � � � . � •� • . o � � � ro � �. • �. • Ts ' � rn a �a ¢ >. a �n a >. .-� w � �c a� �a �-' �n cn o� o� oo � � H � N M�", e--{ '� r—i •ri w H .. � .. � . �, .. �., ca � m �n F-• �, cn v� � c?. � rx w �: O Q � W ►--+ G � � � w z H w � u ►-+ O rn � .� � f+ ' � � � cn +� LG¢ U >-+ a� e� v Q � u�i •r�-+ •� � -� � � ra .--i � 'Li .� f�+ �+ � � � � W b � �-.i +.► � � � Cn "CZ • r-f 'i.' �.' Q X � U U U N + �+ �+ � � 'L'3 � � tA - � > y •�-i � O O r-+ a U c/� b0 bA � • ?. � � U � •.-t �rf Fr 4a VI t!7 o ro v� v� � �n o 0 O K �• i-+ � � . a V U � � � r_` r�� ^i 2 i r-i A . ' � a � .o � � ¢ � � .a �n � w rn rn rn rn� }. r--� .--� .-i � � ' � c�a a . '� � f., • � � .� H 3-+ � ''d U K 7 � ^ '� O � � � H � s� bo � v► N •� a •-+ •d a O � � � OD O � •r-I .� . a3 . � � • � w w t/) GQ �i i�-. r'i (� � CO :it c3 %; . .r{ •ri C. •r�1 �d v oo � a� a� •�, �. . � � cn . ca rn � . rn r-1 i-4 H � a � a z ' o\o o\� o\� o\� Q � W .� O F-� � U oo CO �' O � cn � x �r r� � o H W W � � .�.. > G� � 2 � R; W� O cHl.� U y+ - � '.'�-� Q � � z ' � h Page 4 F.' W �1 01 M 00 O � N N �D z U N .� a� � U . � '�} � � � W r-� 00 c3 � �U •r; � •r-1 ri L'., � y. b0 O ' U --, J •� -, - __. M �j Vj 04 c3 O � .� �cs " c�.� � � � a � t�. a .� ' F� � c� 4 �., . , « ___._..�_- r-• . - . , . „ 64 �.--_ • � � CITY OF FRIDLE-� � � �� � � � � { � _� � � L� � � ,; �, � .� , � � - - - ..,. � \ � ,�'�-�; f } . ,-.,.. ..._.. , TRAFF Z C FATAL I T� �-', ,��,� : -�_ •� ....< � � �_e't. �ei- `T'-� : �' . . \ r-� ;,l,.--:` "' �\ � �����a`�<<,=,__ ,,,� _ - 2�6� - zs�o t raov) � �y� �,t��_--'-��, ��; - .�:a., �:•� =„—;, � \'�'C`-� — y .. � � . . "^ )1 � . ,ll �,� -� . , � �ti,�ii=� , . \\.��', \�; �\� 'J'r'.,,;�'�`� . :, - (/-~ . . . \ ��_✓ \ � , ..� ,�� �, a�1 ••� �\ \��/ �', r�-�`� J ! �� _ i �i ��, � Y� i,__, �! ��..:t F �^`� _ b� ��� ^�` � ,� ��.' _'_� �_-� LI� r � ( "3 I � 2P � �'` ` � b� "\' _{�` *i�� /' �rJ� � � �f � �� r-_ j-> �r_---��- - i i { t � \ '�CJ,ii'`?` - 1: �..L , ;Cy; =--_� �--'•; i � 1 `=-r-� '� ! r'_ '-�! 9 iil� N'.� f! i';=r �. ��,��'�.�-:1 j � t F6-8 �_-�, J r�' i ��I i � . . N "I ; �. 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The road connec�ing Rivers Edge �Jay and 62nd ti�lay has been. eliminated. 2. Three fully activated signals (at Georgetown Apartment complex, 61st Way, and Tlississippi Street) iaill be installed on East River Road instead of only two as originally proposed. 3. The entrancA to Robert Louis Stevenson School has been moved from South of the school to North of the school. 4. The East service -road North of Downing Box has been eliminated. I �! 5. The jVest service road IVorth of �he Georgetown Apartment � r � complex has been planned to go straidht to 59 1/.. �tiay inst.ead o` goin� behind the oara�es. 6. The service road along the Georgetown Apartment complex will be moved turtner East from the existino locatior.. 7. A signal will be located just North of Interstate n694 at t.he Georgeto:�n Apa� tr�ent complex and La'�Iaur entrances . 8. A�ditional r�_ght of way will not be taker. en the � West: side o£ East River Road near the r.er, hor�es i�, :ich are already close to t}:e roadi,ray. I � � ' 9. The main traffic lanes will be moved six (6) feet furt:her a�-ay from the horr.es s;;lich are closer to East RivE�r Road on the lti'est side. Page 6 �,. �I � � • Page .2 10. New lighting has been added to briohten the road at .night. 11. An �:xtensive storm se�,rer will be provided to take c�.r�: of existing drainage problems. 12. Impxovements to the side connecting streets will be part of the total project. - �� � 13. Conx�ecting roads between Rivers Edge ��'ay and the school entrance wi11 be shifted an additional S feet to the , East go give the abutting home owner more protection. I � �� 14. The City of Fridley's original estimate for the preliminary assessment roll ivas �476,735.00, the total project cost ti�ras �939,161.00. This cost was figured without Federal assistance and with the following conditians the City would pay: A. All work on the service roads. B. All right of way acquisit�on. C. One half the si�nal cost. D. All draina�e improvements. E. Al1 lightin� costs. Now t,re are assured of Federal assistance of fifty per cent. This wuuld cut our ccsts to �ess than 5250,000.00, but: with additional Caunty participation an:' project modifications our dollar participation has be�n estimated to be around $100,000.00, �:-hich is approximately 10 per cer�t of the project. The folloj�zng items have been ne�;otiated wi�th the County: A. Al1 paving on side connecting roa�s �ti�ill be charaed to the County�includirg :lshton .avenue extension. B. All right of i�ay along East River Road ,�:ain ? ir.e including the home at Rivers Ed�e i�,'ay ?nd th� �as station ac�uisi�ion at :�iississipni Stre�t i�;i'1 be pazd by the County. � C. The City will only participatz in oiie of the signals. D. The City wzll split the cost of the li�htin� �.- - - - _ _. .-- . - . . i . Page I . .. . • . . . � . . ' '.. , . . � . . � ' .. , . � � �t . � , � � � • �) ��~ •. � . . . � . ' ' •. ..Y' ' ' . 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I ..1 •` � _ � , - ,� � � _ _ _� . _.s_.�_�'.�U -1 � _ _� � .., \� ,•- ,�`,� . � �% ' � .._ + �i' .� , ; � 1 �Y � ' �I � � � ' � , Page 15 SIJN�IARY Or ACTIONS TAKEN IN THE PAST 5 YEARS FROi�I 1468 TO 1972 Bi' CITY OF FRIDLEY Z968; 1) Approval of overall plan for East•River Road safety study. 2) Resolution ��1b4-Z968 requesting the Highway Corrmiissioners to reduce speed limits on East River Road, 3) Numerous street lights installed. 4) Acquisition of right of way in southeast quadrant of Osborne Road and East River Road in.tersection for right turn lane, as part of development of gas station. Right turn lane was installed by County at no cost to the City. 1969: 1} Speed limit reduced from 45 MPH to 40 MPH on � portion of East River Road. 2) Acquisition of right of way in the southeast quadrant of the inter- section of Mississippi Street and East River Road as part of the develogment of gas station and ir_stalling a right turn lane at no cost to the City of Fridley. 3j NuIIierous street lights instalZed. 1970• 1) 2) 3) 4) 5 ). �ao traffic signals at the ramps of I 694 onto East River Road installed by Minnesota Highway Department, at no cost to City. Traffic signal at the entrance of tlie Robert Louis Stevenson Elementary School instal.led. Tnstallation of asphalt shoulders from 37th Avenue to I 694 on East River Road, by r�noka County. Numerous street lights installed. Acquisition of right of wuy for right turn land for Five Sands near 79th Way as part of their development at no cost to the City of Fridley. 1971; 1) Resolution ��22-1971 adopted requesting Anoka County Commissioners to reduce the impact of through traffic on East River Road. 2) Resolution �23-1973 adopted approvino the improvement of East River Road for the area of the Mississippi StreetjLast River Road intersection. 3) Monies authorized to participate in NorthtoFm Corridor Study, with other neighboring con�nunities, to get a bridge across ths Mississippi River. 4) NumErous street lights installed. 1972: 1) Tnstallation of fu11y actuated signal at 71st Avenue & East River 2) Traffic signal agree�ent approved in August 19%2 for the signal at 37th Avenue and E2st River Rosd. - 3) Road connection of Riverview Terrace between 62nd Way and 63rd Way completed for pedestrian safety. 4) Dorstad plat approved in the area of Osborne P,oad and East P,iver Road, which provides for imoroved controlled access to the signal. S) Numerous street lights installed. 1973: 1) Requested the County to install guard rails, reflectors and road (incl, markings, especially in the dangerous cui-Le areas. Feb) 2) Ordered seven additional street li�hts in the first -��ase of rhe ..- - - -_ , J� �_. _:: �.�. Page 16 � '� ��". � �� `�,_� .�_�._._�_h-..--=-:�- ` � � � �, y�;: NE�DED ID4PROVEDIENTS AND/ARE � .. _J�_,,, �� I��i --�===� �`• �; ACTIONS FOR EAST RIVER ROAD TRAFFZC SAFETY � �� : ;-,-"F►� -� �. .-..tii.k_..�_ . ..� � i s:� � -� ���~ 1; `' �- F�-�'-- �- _ '��' A. Traffic Si nal Intersection im rovement such as , ��=�s � ��.:_-_�_ _. _ � :• � P � ,,�� F__� � ,�; turning lanes, etc, and intersection lighting \ , �.: �, ���� , - ,4�. .1- Programmed and funded. ��� �. _ _ �.:� �� � � � � t �f �� ` '. .� . •. \���' �'-�� F ��� ; � B. Future traffic si nal, intersection im rovement - \ i� �- --�.�. � � P .b -=��s=�- 1-:%�,:such as turning lanes, etc, and interseciion '''�b� �`; ..F`�: '' ,�i -'% lighting planned as cross traffic warrants and ' `-' ''' funds become available from Anoka Count � � \ _�_r_- - � � . Y • 1 � _''' �� J— , ; .�, , ; � ; � `,� _- J�;=��+� �_ C . W�1�� :_,--,�►E � �="� - -'.:''' � � � -� -- ! j � ' �-'_ ��T D . � _ �� - , r s � � , ' ,=i , ' _- L i�"� .— t_-_ _ . . � � ' Q. I'"�� �'�; � ,� �� ��' - N ��' _ `^'� n ^ : ��:�c \ � y 4 � 'i.-� i��. --_ • _ H �� � �-�. ^_ _ , : f f � .� '�,- j� i ��--� �I �- �` F. =--� ; .., - " _.�. �--- �`' .. -_;, __ 1 �, _�--'�=1= - � "�'� �' -' =_ = � `,, �. � :' : ,: -, � =- _ G . )��._ Z`- ___ , , - - _ -'=� _ j � t.` .'_ �._ . .�' - � `'-- r�,,�, ._ =',� � °'1 H. k .t, i i: . � __ �� �� l � � ,� ' ! ' � � �� �.��r� t�. - i I . ���� � _ �.:�E - . _ - P �- --� � ,� �_� ! R_ J . �. '¢- '� _ '� - a � �__ .; �l K. �� � � ---�-- . � _� ��; ��i! � r r.�.,.c. __�� t ;`-� L. ' � --t �-- -� �-_; - � �.�i, _-- 'i _ `-- , .� _. ' �� Ni . �`1� � �-T. =_ ----- � � � �;� - � ` � .' i ' rr . ; �6 . .�_ . ,r ". � _ _ � 1_ : � �_ ,_ ; � , :i.1-,. .»�,— `� Q � -- -•-,i.�_�- -�- , �� , p.` ' _ -- `� � -�-° � _ f i - � . , .. � . _:, �'F' ,� 4� � � �� . . � - � � r� `��_ � � � P . ,' � -� � I f' ' � !,���+ '_. �:�_ ` .., .� _ , 4� I Guard Rails, refle.ctors and road markings and planned (1973) . Addi.tional street lights all along roadi�av especially on curve sections= t�rovid.ed by City of �ridley wnen funds become available. Existing traffic signals. Curbing, shoulders, partial divider needed. Up�ating of eYisting signals, inte.rsection i.:n- provement and lighting planned, bec�me a�ailable from Anoka County i�hen funds are available. Sidetiealk access for children to schoo�., planned for 1973. Road��lay inprovement for vehic:ular and ped.estr:_an traffic ne�ded. Updating exzsting traffic signal intersection improvements, and Iightin� needed. Drairiage problem ncross road correction planneci 1973. Drainage prabl�m across road c�rrection needed. Diverting traffic from North as much as possible. ivorkin� iti�itn adjeininQ com�ilur.ity and coun�ies as part of the :Varthtocy�n Cor: idor stuuy to provide additional bridge betitieen I. 694 and Cham�plin to reduce the load on East River Road. �ti'or�; wi�h biinneapoli s to provide better access on T t� t^ c T.T'.-'ii �(' �'.�;'(�`71•��-�n 'r^�."n� ^'' __ � . _ _ ; � - i Q . .^ �.. . .. _ � � �, .. _�_ ., . _ . . .. � . . _ .� ��� .. ... .i . �Vork �aith tiiinnesota Hi{.;hti��ay Department for the completion of I. 9� from I.69� to downto��n MI.I11iP$j?011.5. ' ' ' � THE MINUTES OF THE REGUI,AR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 /i/� � The Regular Counail Meeting of the Fridley City Counc3l was called to order at 7:43 p.m., March 5, by Mayor Lieb1. PLEDGE OF ALI,EGIANCE : ' ' Mayor Liebl led the Council and the audience in saying the �ledge of Allegiance to the F'lag . ' ' INVOCATION: The invocation was offered by the City Manager, Gerald R. Davis. ROLL CAL'L: MEMBERS PRESENT: Nee, Breider, Starwalt, Liebl, Utter. MEMBER5 ABSENT: None. ' PRESENTATTON OF AWARD; XOUTH ACHIEVEMENT AWARDs CHARLE5 F. WELF, EAGLE SCOUT ' Mayor Liebl called Charles F. Welf, 113 Gibraltar Road forward to receive the award. Mayor Liebl read the award aloud. ' ' ' ' ' �� ' ' ' XOUTii ACHIEVEMENT AWARD CITY OE' FRIDLEX Awarded to Charles F. We1f The award c�ted Mr. Welf Eor achfeving the Eagle Scout Award,the highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America and also the Pro deo et Patria Award, the highest reiigious honor in Scouting. Ma�or Liebl and the membera of the Counail congratulated Mr. Welf and Mr. Welf thanked the Council. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGUT,AR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 5� 1973: PAGE 2 MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of February 5, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimousl�. ADOPTION OF AGEI3DA : The City Manager said he had distributed a memorandum to the Mayor and members of the Council to be discussed under the item on the agenda concerning the appointment of Police Officers, MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt the agenda. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Lrpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. viszTORS: � _ WILLIAM H. GATES, 6701 2nd 5TREET N. E.: Mr. Gates addressed the Council requesting the school bus stop on 67th and 2nd be changed to several hundred feet down the block to in front of the park. He said the bus is currently stoppinq in front of his homs and the children continually run axound his property and he ia unable to keep a lawn. He said some of his neighbors are having the sazn� problem. He said�he thought it would ba just as convenient £or the bus to stop in front of the park. Mr. Gates said he had talked with members of the School Board and he had also valled the bus company. He 9aid he had not received any results as the bus would have to travel one block out of the way. Mayor T,iebl said he would ask the Ward Councilman to look into the matter. I��e said there was a policy detexmining the locati.on of the school bus stops i.n Schaol District� #14. He told Mr. Gates that he would get an answer, 120 & 124 RIVERS EDGE WAY: �ayo� Liebl said lae would like to bring a matter to the Council's attention. He sa�d the �roperty owners at i20 Rivar:� Edge Way, C. Mikulak,and 124 Riv�rs �dge, G. �. Kairies, which is in the Thizd Ward, and north of Stevensc�n School, have ten feet pf snow that �ag been piled up.from plowing the sehoa7� parking lot, ad�acent ta their lots. kie said the warmer t+emp�ratuxes are eausing the snow tQ melt and �'lood the back yaxd�. Niayor T,iebl direcstec� the City Managex tca advise the proper depaxtment ta taks care o� the problem. 6134 WOOAX LANE: Mayor �iebl mentioned the pro�erty at 6�,�4 Woody Lane be9.onging to Mx* and Nlrs� Ri.chard Wilske. He said he #aelievec�+ the Telephone Campany �hould a.ns��ll the duc� lin�s a�n� take care of the problem on the no�t� side as it had b�en done on the south $�de. H� said it would be a golden qpportunity to take care of the work in one operation. � ' , ' �J ' � ' C'I ' � ' , ' , �L J � CI , , ' ' ' � , , ' ' , �I � � � ' ' ' ' ' REGULAR CpUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 3 COMMENDTNG CITY MANAGER, CITY ENGINEER AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: Mayor Liebl commended the City Manager, the City Engineer and the Pub�lic Works Department �or their assistance in solving the stoxm sew�er problem the previous Saturday on 37th Avenue and East River Roa.d. Mayor Liebl said he was very pleased with the effectiveness; within an hour the entire area was clean, and the water was running perfectly. He said a great deal of the appreciation is due the mer� who were doing the job. He said he called the City Manager on that Saturday and he was at the location within fifteen minutes. He added, that is the kind of dedication the City appreciates. Mayor Liebl directed the Administration to write a letter to the Pulalic Works Department commending them for their prompt and knawlegeable action. OLD BUS7:NESS : ORDINANCE #533 - VACATION RE UEST SAV #72-07, NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, TO VACATE PpRTION OF NORTH/SOUTH ALLEY IN BLOCK 11, HYDE PARK ADDITION• MOTION by Counailman Nee to waive the reading and adopt ordinance #533, Secondeii by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a roll call vote, Breider, Starwalt, Liebl, Utter and Nee voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and ordered publication of Ordinance #533. CONSIDERATIQN OF APpOINTMENT OF ROBERT BARNETTE, 541 RICE CREEK BOULEVARD TO AD HOC NORTH P.ARK COMMITTEE (REQUESTED BY MAYOR LIEBL)• Mayor L:iebl said he had personally recommended Mr. Barnette because he had done an out�ta�ding job as weed inspector and his background would enhance the knowledge of the ad hoc North Park Committee. MOTION by Cauncilman Utt�r to add the name of Robert Barnette to the ad hoc Na�th Park CQmmittee. Seaonded by Caunailman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, a21 vot:ing aye, Mayor Lieb], declated the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liab1 sa�d the City Manager should noti�y Mr. Barnette of the upcoming Com�nittee meeting on the 8th of March. FIRST RFADING OF AN ORDINANCE AMEIVDING SECTION 3.05 RELATING TO THE USE OF STCIC T,EAVE FAR CITX EMFLOYEES: �Iayor Lieb1 called on the City Manager to expl�in the content and implementation of the propos�ed ordinance. ' The City Manager said the City of Fridley employees eurrently receive twelve sick days per year. He added, the purpose of ths ordinan�e would be to allow the employee� ta use two of the now alloted �ick days to be used in case of serious i�.�r�ess of th�ir child or spouse and to be used for the caxe of said s�ous�, o� child. He said it has beer� the practice of the employees to take days �or the care of their children or spouse, he added, this is not a good �it}uati�Qn �.� the days are nAt �llowed. He said the two days would be deducted from their s�.ck �eave. REGLILAR C�UNCIL MEETIIIG OF MA1�CH 5, 1973 PAGE $ �tOTION by Councilman Breider to waive the reading and adopt the first readinq of the ordinance, for the use of sick leave for City �nployees. Seconded by.Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unani.mously. Mayor Liebl said this is no exception to what is done in private enterprise, and he added, it would make the operation a�smoother running one. FFRST �tEADING OE' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.08 RELATING TO THE USE OF FUNERAL LEAVE FOR CITY EMPLOYEES: Mayox Liebl aalled on the City ManBger to give a short summary and reason for the proposed ordinance. The City Ma�nager said the ordinance was to clarify the number of days to be used for �uneral leave. He said the ordinance previously said a reasonable amount of time should be granted to the emplayee for funeral leave. He said the languaqe change would say three days with additional time granted by the City Manaqer if necessary. He said the employee may use the three c�ays in case of death of spouse, child (natural or adopted), parent, grandparent, brother and sister. This ordinance also added tha mother-in-law and father-in-law. MOTTON by �ouncilman Breider to waive the reading and adopt the first readinq of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon.a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayox Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Lieb]. said thie ordinance is keeping up with the benefits offered to e:aployees of private enterpriae. REPQRT FRl�M ED WILMES IN REFERENCE TO U. 9. NAVY S�ABEES ADID LETTERHEAD BROCHURE FAR "ISLANDS OF PEACE"': Mayor Lieb�. called on Mr. Ed Wilmes, 6350 Rive�r View Terrace, to addre�� the Counail, Mr. Wil.mes said there had been some concern expresaed about the Navy �eabeea. He said he would like to assure the Gouncil �►nd the citizens of Fridley that there would not be any development wozk done on the islands of Ped.ce �xoj�et without the okay of the City of Fridley. He said the Seabes$ will not come in and cut down the trees. He added,the Seabees �re a construat�on battalion tha�G have expres�eed interest•in helping with thia pro jec� foac the hand�.capped. Mr. Wilmea said ever�► plan that is worked on by the U• S. Navy Seabees must be first a►uthorized by the iocal municipalitX, He said he �houqht the City should be grateful to the Seabees for volunteering to help. �e asked if �here were any questions. May�ax Lieb1 said he dig no� have any que�sticana, He sai.d before Mr. Wilmes would do anything, he would le� the GounGil knQw, ao khey are dware o� cahat is gQing on. � Mr. Wi].me� said there would be a mes�ing af tha I�land� of Peace Comm�,ttea the fa].1aw�.r�g evening, Marah 6, 1973. He aa��,�ed �h� CAuncil tha�� �hey would be n�ti�ied be�Qxe a ahovel ia �ut into tiie grvund, Mayo� Li.ebl said it Wras the �oncarn o� the Councilman of the Third Ward tl�at there n►ay be some construation atarted b�fore the plans ' � � � �I � LJ ' I� LI � � �I ' � � � , ' ' fJ ' ' ' � � � ' � � , � ' � � � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF INARCH 5, 1973 were approved. PAGE 5 Mayor Li�bl said he had received a copy of the proposed brochure and letterhead for the Islands of Peace Committee aend project. He listed some of �he features of the proposed material suah as the list of the members of the Advisory Board, pictures of visiting dignitaries on the Islands of Peaee and the picture of a handicapped child. Mr. Wilmes said he had met with Mr, Stanton of the Fridley High School and he had agreed the High School students would do the printing. Mayor Liebl urged all the members pf the Council to attend the upcoming meeting. He asked if there were any questions from the Council members. MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the communications from Mr. Wilmes and the :Islands of Peace Gommittee and concur with Mr. Wilmes' comments. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIAERATION OF A REQUEST FOR BUILDING A HOUSE IN FIAOD PRONE ARFA WITH WATEA-PROOFI�G A14L1 OTHER SAFETX M�AS[dRE�: ROBERT DEGARDNER, 8125 RIVERVIEW TERRACE: The City Engineer referred to page 6-B of the agenda and said the drawinq represented the height of the houffie if it were built one foot above the 100 year flood 1eve1. He said it would be nine feet above the adjoining houses, He explained that the City had not yet adoptsd the flood plain zoning. He said the house could be water-proofed and�valves could be installed to valve off sewer and water connections. 8e said the latter suggesti.on would fit the house into the area better than building it high abave the other homes.. Mayor Liebl asked if Mr. DeGardner was present at the meeting. The City Engineer said he had �alked with Mr. DeGardner and he had indicated to him that he wouid be able to live with any condition� that the Council could propos�. The City Engineer said the Council would have two altexnativess one, to build the home above the 100 year flood elevationj and two, to allow him to build it as planned and stipulate the home should be flood-proofed and a valve system installed ta valve off the sewer and water. Councilman Nee said he would pzefer the �econd altexnative. He said the construction of one high house would conflict with the area. Mayor Liebi asked if the City Engineer had a photo for t�►e �ouncil to view. The City Engineer showed the photo to the Council and they discussed it at the �ouncil Table. Mayor Liebl said ite dicl Mot believe th� Counaii should create a�roblem and allow future damage to tkiis house. M4T�ON by Councilman Nee tr� gxant a building permit to Mr. DeGaxdnex sta.�aulat�.ng �he htause be flodd-proofed and valves be i�►stali.ed to yalve of� the sew�r and water prpteoting the base�nent �rom flQOding. Seco�aded by �ouncilmaa Breider. Upc>� a voi�e vate, �11 voting aye, Mayor Lieb� deelared the mca�ion carr�.e� una�imous],y, ,Ml��o�' T��.�k��, a�ked the admini�tration to notify the contra�tor accorsiingly. REGULAR COUNCIL Nl�ETING OF MARGH 5, 1973 PAGE 6 RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF' THE PLANNING COMMIS5ION MEETING OF FESRUARY 21, 1973: The City Engineer said there were no items in the min�tes that required action by the Council. , MOTION by Councilman Nee to receive the Planning Commission Minutes of February 21, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERA.TI4N QF THE RE UEST FOR SIDE YARD VARIANCE, RICHARD MILLER HOME5• The City Engineer said the problem was one of varification of the survey. The City Engineer said the basement is one and one quarter foot off what had been or�ginally shown to the Engineering Department. He said Mr. Miller .,.� requesting the Council waive the ten foot requirement so he can proceed. He said the requirement is five feet on the garage side. He said the nouae is about fifteen feet in and he is b/10 of a foot off in one corner. He said the building ia slanted on the lot. The City Engineer said if the variance is not gran�ed, the contxactor would have to tear out and rebuild the entire basement. MOTION by Councilman Breider to waive the reading of the notice and open the public hearing. seconded by Councilman Ut�er. upori a•voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Cour�cilman Staxwalt asked if there were any questions from the audience. Mr, Mel Fordr Vice President of Richard Miller Homea said'no part of the home is closer than 15 feet to the next 2�ouse. He added, the cement men goofed, and the mistake is there. MOTTON by Counailman Starwalt to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilma�n Uttez. upon a voice vcte, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion �axried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to grant the variance request fox Richard Miller Homea. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voti�g aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion aarried unanimously. CQNSTAERATIO�T OF REQUEST FOR VARIANCE TO INCREASE MAXIMUM SIGN SQUARE FQOTAGE� PEI,LP, PRQDUCT�, INC.; ' T MOTIQN by �ounailman Starwalt to waive th� reading of the publia heazing notice and o�en the �ublic Hearing. Seconded by �out�c�.lman Breider. Upon a va��e, vote; a11 votinc� aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion caxried unanimous�x. Mr. �s,�nes M�try, Pella Producte, inc,, addressed the Counail saying ha had made �khe rec��at and �he buainea�� waa the 1as�k �ema�ir��.n� offic� space i.n �]sXtaood Mall withou� a eign. Ha �said �he request wa� l� feet over tk�e variance x�guir�ment, Mayor Liebl a�sked if th�e sign would be on �he nor�h s�id� o� the lamp �o�t? The City Er�gin�er said it woµ�d be between th�: top c�f the canopy and the �xi�stix�g s3,gn as shown on paqe nine 8 0� tk�e agenda, , ' � ' � I� � , , � L__I � � ' � � i � � � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCiI.5, �.973 PAGE 7 I Mayox Liebl asked if it would be a roof �sign? The City Engineer said it � would be basically a wall eigYi. Councilman Starwalt said it would be three feet by five feet and asked why there was a problem? The City Engineer said there are restrictions on how much of the wall the sign may take. , ' � MOTION by �Councilman Breider to close Councilman utter. Upon a voice vote, the �tion carried unanimously. the Public Hearing. Seconded by all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the variance request by Pella Products, Inc. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayox Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT ON WATER I1�PROVEMENT PROJECT #110 (BIDS OPEI�TED 11:30 A.M. , MARCH 5, 1973) : _. _. � `_��ae City F:ngineer said the bids were for cleaning, repairing and resurfacing 1 �.�: the interior of the one and a half million qallon reservoir. He said the low bid w�s submitted by Rysgaard-Master Company, Inc., 1253 West Connely Street, St:. Paul, Minnesota 55112, in the amount of $29,8'00. for 45 calendar days. The only other bid was submitted by Anderson 5and Blasting and ' Painting, 4346 Vera Cruz AvAnue N., Minneapolis, Minnesota in the amount of $35,949. ��I' � ' MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the bids and award the contract to Rysgaard-Master Company, Inc., 1253 West Connely Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55112, in the amount of $29,800 for 45 calendar days. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING BiD5 AND AWARDING CO TRACT FUR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1973-1 AND ST. 1973-2 (MSAS) (BIDS OPENED 11:30 A.M., MARCH 5, 1973): The City Engineer recomar►ended that the Council receive the bids at the � present t.ime as the low bidder had made some mistake in calculation and it had to be clarified before the contract would be awarded. � ' � � � � The following bids were received: C. �, MCCrOSSan, Inc. 8ox 336 psseo, Minnesota 55369 Minn-Kota Excavating, Inc. �401 85t.k� Avenue N. Minxaea,polis, Minnesota 55429 �lorthezn Asphalt Const. Tnc. �,631 �`r6th 14,ve. N. E. MinneB,polis, Minnesata A7.exander ConstruGtion Cq, Go, �, 42 & k'airgreen }1ve. , ,Ag�l� V+�lley� Minnesota 5506$ $ 473,153.48 $ 440,373.55 $ 539,000,02 $ 486,312,45 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETiNG OF MARCH 5� 1973 Arcon Construation Cam�pany, Inc. Mora, Minnesota Progreseive Contractors Box 368 Osseo, Minnesota 55369 Bury & Carlson, Inc. 6008 Wayzata Boulevard MYruzeapol�s, Minnesota 55416 Dunkley Surfacing Company, Inc. 3756 Grand Street �T. E. Minne�polis, Minnesota' 55421 H. & S. Asphalt Company Box 791 Anoka, M�nnesota 55303 Hardives, Inc. 10135 Centxal Ave. N. E. Minnespolis, Minneeota 55433 $ 475,041.49 $ 483,468.21 . $ 460,622.40 $ 534,963.10 $ 468,316.93 $ 479,421.29 PAGE 8 MOTION by Counailman Breider to receive the bids. Seconded by Counailman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING REPORT ON SANITARY SEWER PRfJBLFMS ON CAPITOL STREET: The City Enc�ineer said when C+�pitol Street was placed in the Street Improvement Froject, the City hired a company to do a T. V. report an the sanitaxy sewer aystem in that area. He said the report had been sui�anitted by �he aompany. In 1967 we laid a by pass lir.: thrauqh the park. The City Enqineer said the City had been receiving nutt�rous canplaints fraa the hame ownexa before the tvork had besn done in 1967. 'He said they had not received any zeaentl� or since the aorrection was made at that time. He said he had writ�t�n a letter to the home owners on Capital Street asking them to i advise the Citx of what groblems they had si.nae 1967, what action they hac� • � taken and what work had been done by th� Gity. They did in�icate that they had bean havinq �roblems, but d1d aat give time� anci specigic ptoblems. w � The City Enqi�neex said he believed the hous�� were bu#lt too 1ow, with ao� � enougl� di��`exen�e batween the hause a�nd ths �ew�r lin�. He said he believed the majQrity of the probl�na had beer� Qo1vQd in 1967. iie aald mos�k of the probl�tna Yu�d be�n e],l�nin+�ted, but 'kiaere +0.ace acxi+ne area�s ' in ��he� lir�s that need fu�ti�ex aarrsation, H� aai� t,i�� Ci�x woul,d coxzeat thee� ,�rob��ms batore the road v�ark i� done , Tk►e GitX ��n�inesx sa�id these� aorr�atian� would elimina�e� or minimize tt�e grable�►�, �ie a►er�tioned ask�.ag the ��apl$ c�� the a�rea to �ind aut w�a�t they wo�ld w+ut� to do and give� them • a�nctl�e� a�.taui�e ta make a deaiai.on. Mmyor Liebl �aaid �he bwmea �.n the a►x�s+� �� k�a►vi�g ��k►�.�ma be�cay,se ca# t,%e �,�a�.�.ow �ep�h of i}he ��we,z ��►�tem, H4 �a►id �iaeze is n� ins9ica��ion ths peogle want� to be aa�esaed ��ar anothar q�wer �X��em, t.i�ey ha'Va al�ea►dy paid for it. Ho said #hat ii the�� prob7.ems were nat �a�lccen car� o�. Gapit�l stree� � � , � , , �I � � � , r , , ' �J � � � ' REGULAR C��UNCIL :��;r;TING OF MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 9 , . would-be the only street that would not be improved. Mayor Liebl , said it was his feeling and the people had indicated at the hearing that they would not object to the City taking care of the.�ewer problems. � ' � i ' ' ' , Councilman Nee said he had spent quite a bit of time with the people of the area the past weekend, and it was his feeling that the people do not know what to accept at this point. He said they were a11 very happy when the Public Works Department flushed the system for two or three months.` He said the people do not know if they can t�ust the City. He said the people do not support the idea of paving the street, and there is a grea.t deal of hostility because of the street improvement idea. He added, three Families on Capitol Street have been flooded just last week. Cauncilman Nee said he did not know if it was the lateral or service l.ine that was creatincj the problems. The City Engineer referred to tha responses to the letter he had sent �o the ar.ea property owners, and he said the Council could see the responses. The people would not be specific. He said if they would provide the City with the necessary information it would be easier to determine the causes o� the problems and the neaessary corrective actions. The City Engineer said there are some pieces of pipe broken. He said not all t-.he problems could be pinned down to the break in the pipe. Eie said the City was hoping to correct the problems and at no expense to the property owners. Councilman Nee asked if the problem was that there was not enpugh pitch. The City Engi.neer said the system was not enqineered �roperly in 1956. Mayor Lir�bl said if the City does not repair the system and the ' main is l�laced to� shallow,the system will not work properly. He said he believed it wou�d be foolish to continually send the tnaintenance staff to the a:rea to repair, as this would be costly. � ' ' • � LJ , ' . Mr. Gregory Olson, 5237 Capitol St. N. E., asked the City Engineer t�hat he would do to solve the problem. The City Engineer asked if he was c�festioning the problems of the sanitary or storm sewer? Mayor Liebl said they.botii have to be taken care of before the street can be put in. The City Engineer said the installation of a lift station could be an expensive proposition. He recommended providing some corrective measures as sooa as possible. He said the major portion of the probiems have been minimized since the woxk in I967, and this was a step in the right direction. Mayor Liebl said he is verX aware of the area and the problems'need not be pointed out ta him. He said he be].ieved there were ttvo pxoblems, the saiaitary se�wer problems and the installation of the street, curbing and qutters. �ie said i� is of the utmost importanc� that the street be ug-qracled, Ma�or T,i.eb1 �sked the Gity Enginear how �uah it would aost to completelx take care oi the sanitary and starm sewer �roblema ao the City can proceed with the str�et impr4vem�rat praject? The C�.ty Engine�� said a complete solution wnu],d mean lowezing khe l�ne and adding a lift station, liftinq sewag�' to the south. He added► this would verx expensivQ: REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 10 The City Engineer said a positive solution to the stortn water would be to improve the roadway. Mayor Liebl asked if $10,000 would take care of the problems on Gapitol street? He asked if this would do an adequate job. He suggested taking the money out of the general fund and save money by eliminating the need for constant maintenance. The City Engineer said to insure there would be no problems in the future, the City wauld have to lower the lines and install a lift station pushi�g sewage into the lines to the south. Mayor Liebl asked if it would take a new lina? He said the present line is not deep enough. A resident of the area said the houses were there before the sewer line. He coz�tinued by saying there had been money put in eacrow for the project. He said the miniunum depth of the line is tan feet, he asked where the Fridle� inspector was when the proaeat waa put in? He said the money in c'scrow was spent Eor the present eyatem. He added the City pays good �:�r�ney for the inspection of the systems, where was he? Mayor Liebl asked the Finance Director if he would check the records to determine the reason for the matter being questioned. The resident said no one gave dates for the prablema with:the sewer as it is vexy hard to detern►ine exactly what daye it needed repair work. He said he had called out a professional firm to take care of his sewer probleme and they had charged him $40. He eaid he went out and bought • his own equipment. Mayor Liebl asked if the installation of the line on Hughes Ave., across from the paxk had helped. The re�ident said there had been pralalems all af the preaent week with the eewer. He added, there is fine si1C in the lines. He said the water i� etarting to back up undez his laundry tubs. The City Enqineer said the questionnaire beinq coanpleted as requested would enable the �nqineering Department to determine the cauee of the problenas. Were they oacurring during the�dry geason, wa�e there a break in the line, he questioneci? The reaident said fluahing tihe linee had helped, but thia hacl been disaor�tinued. Councilman Nee said the problem would go beyond the lateral problem, it would also invpive the residential linea. He said the que�tion waa one of , repairinq oz maintenance in order to pave, xe said �he people,of the a�rea do not wari� the street paved. He said in any event �he program would not be a comp],ets solution. xe said they may have an interest in pavir►g in the future. He said hs believed it would cea� twice �s much to install the lift sta�ion and line� when the re�idential lines wauld also have to be lifted. iie said he tl�ouyYtt the,�stxeet sisau�,d be ae►la�ed �rom the paving schec�ule �,t his time . Mayor I�iebl �aaid this would te►ke three votes, x� aaid when he first caume on the Cauncil, there ware eight homes with �wo �eet Qf aewage intheir baeements. He sa�id �e wc�uld like to set up some proqram where t�ie would not happen aqai.n. �ia�qx L�ib], r�acxnmcnded a prQgram fo� �indinc� a peacmanent soiu��on. He eaid �s aanitarX sewer probleme on Capitol street have to be solved befaaC� t.he e�kree� im�rovement g�oject can begin. F�e sai� the $roject had b�en de�leta� onca befor�a becAUS� af t�he financia►1 buxden. I3e s�id all the other atreets �.n Frid�.��+ have mesn inSprou�ed an�i the �eop�e had paid �the assessments ior the � � � � , , � L�i I , � �J , � , L�J � � � ' , REGtJLAR COI:JNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE ll L� , improvements. If the Council deci8es to delete the project it will have to vote on this�action. Mayor Liebl asked the City Engineer Y�ow far into the 10-year Street Improvement Program the City had progressed? The City Engineer said now only 20� of the Program needed to be completed. � � ' Mr. Donald Mittelstadt, 6940 Hickory Drive N. E., said the City should seek Federal funding fpr the project because of the faat�r of flooding. He suggested the administration check inta fefleral help. He said the people of the area do have sanit.ary sewer and storm sewer, but they do not do the job. He said he did not b�lieve the City should put in a piece meal project. He stressed there should be no need for the people of the area to fight these problems, the City should seek some help in solving the matter. Mayor Liek>1 asked what the people thought to be priority? A resident of the ' �rea said he had not marked the dates he had problems, he said if he had, there ����ld be rio place left to write on the wall. He �aid there were a number of t.:;.rr,es when he had made the necessary repairs hi.mself. He added, the park is 1 f'�.c�oded aYl the time. He said the people of the area would like a permanent :�olution �nd a storm sewer. ' ' � ' Mayor Liebl asked the City Engineer if the proposed method was the only method available for solving the problems? The �ity Engineer said the water flows down hi11 and there is a section of line where the pitah had to be changed. He said the pitch is too shallow and the houses are very 1ow. He said at the present level the sewer backs up in the basements of the homes. He stressed the importance of knowing the dates and weather conditions in order to determine the cause for the problems. Mayor Liebl asked if the eystem was a gravity system? He asked if the lines ' were lowered, would the mains also have to be lowexed? The City Engineer said the entire line is f�at, and if it is �ifted, this may cause additional problems in another area. ' Mayor Liebl asked if a problem would be created on Horizon Drive? He said the ' City would have to build a lift sta�ion somewhere in that vf.cinity. The City Engineer aaid this may take care of the current problems, but it may create problems �or others down stream in the City. ' � � � ' , Mr. Richard Wedan, 5256 Capital St., said he had problems with the back up and menticned he had hired a firm to clean out his sewer lines and was told they were �ull of silt from the house to the atreet. Mr. CharAes Welf, 113 Gibraltar Rd., said the water had been backing up in his basement,. He added, with the street problem at the pxesent time he aould like to see i� p�ved oz reinforced in some way. He said h� could understand the problerns of the people who did not want to agree to the completion of the roadway until the entire program is solved. Mr« Olson asked the location of the break in the line. The City Engineer said there are two man hcles on the street that are quite close together, the brea3c is just �south of the man hole. He said there is a broken bell and saddle. He said the;re is aiso a break in the line on Hughes Avenue that must be repaired. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 12 Mr. Olson said his home was close to the broken line. Cpuncilman Utter asked how low the line is in that area. The Ci�y Engineer said it is seven or eight feet. Caur�cilman Utter asked if the line depth were to be varied or a lift station put in, would the resident also have to lower their lines? The City Engineer said no, the water would just drop into the line. He added, there is not enough drop in the line that is in. Mayor Liebl said he did not believe the problem could be solved at the present meeting. He mentioned the fact that the streek i.mprovement project must be considered. He asked what day should the authorization be given to go ahead with the stzeet improvement project? Ha asked if this could be done at the next mee�ing7 Mr. Olson said if the sewer problems are solved, the people of the area would still not waz�t the curbing and blacktopping installed. �xayor Lisbl �aid the City had a ten-year street improvement plan and they wanted to stay pretty close to the completion of the plan as scheduled. Mayor Liebl said the area in queation is an established reaidential area and if the Council adopts a policy, it must live by it. Mr. Olson asked if a petition would be usaless in deleting the street from the etreet improvement project as thare would be a unanimous vote required? Mr. Olson said he believed the delation of too many areas would be a step back- wards. He added, the City must evaluate tha people's ability to pay. He said he was sure the Council was aware of this fact. He added, if the people feel they have to go to court, they will. M�yor Liebl said the area ia not in good condition, he mentioned the condi- tian� on Gibraltar Rd. He added, it is up to the Councilmen to solve the sanitairy �aewer problema before they do anything about the road conditions. He said he aannot be euze this would be a permanent solution. xe naid he did not beli�ve the Council could aome to a decision that evening. He asked the Councilman of the Ward, Ne� for his ir�put on the situations. Counc:llm�un Ne�+ asked i� the elfect� of the pe�Eition would incre�se the voting requirement from three ta four, He sai�A if the Council ehould support a lift atation and th,e probleme were permenent�.y solvad, ft seemed to him it would requixe repaviaq. He said in this event, the property owners did not believe it could be �aved and curbed properly. Mr. Olson said they have had the problem for 17 years, maybe they should pu� up with the problem, Councilms.r► Nea �aid, h� beliqved it would h�lp the ma�ter if they could get some oo�mmuniaAt�icn s�o�ng. iie said he would �.;lke �c� l�z�ow if the hydrolic cleanez had inare�a�d oz deaxe�sed the problems. Mr, qlsor� said he l�ad to call Roto Rootex tk�� ��ut►e d�y the �yatem was flusk�ed, He addsd, there are eleven fami- lis� �.n th�; r�eiqhboa�hood and £ive �:� them had moved there within the last five yeara,. �c�c�.ltnan Ne� snid he wae� awar� of the cha►nq� ir► ownership of the axea. , � � � � � � � � � � fl � CJ � � � � � ' , � � REGULAR C017NCIL MEETIN OF MARCH 5 1973 �' ' PAGE 13 ' Mayor Liebl asked Councilman Nee if he was against the ten-year street improve- ' ment project and what had been done in the past? Councilman Nee said the people of the area have a problem and it has ta be solved. He ac3ded, no, he was not against the street improvemant project. , ' � � , � � , • ' MOTION by Councilman Nee to delete Capital Street from the Street Improvement Project. • Mayor Liek>1 declared the motion DEAD FOR LACK OF A SECOND. MOTION by Councilman Nee to receive the report on the sanitary sewer problems in CapitaA Street. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 8eclared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl suggested Councilman Nee talk to some of the people of the area. C:t�i�SIDERA'PION OF ESTABLISHING A WALKWAY LOCATION FOR ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON �LF=MENTAR'Y SCHOOL AND AUTHORIZING FURTHER ACTION: The City 1Enqineer said the item was on the agenda because it would soon be the construction season and the City would like to determine what the proposals and alternatives are for the walkway. He aaid he would like to determine what action to take in the safety program to eliminate the need for the children frotn R�c►bert L..Stevenson School walking on East River Road. He added, the plan is feassible engineering wise, but it has to be w�rked out with the property owners. He said the walkway would eliminate busing in this axea. The City Manager said he would like to add that last year when the administra- tion worked on this plan one property owner would be in favor of the plan and the othex would be strictly opposed to it. He said he did not have any infor- mation that made him believe the situation had ehanged. He said if this is the case at the present time, the City would have to condesnn the land in order to acquire it for the walkway. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. B. Davis, 170 62nd Way N. E., if he was willing to cooper- ' ate, but �here remained a question of money? The resident said yes. Mayor Liebl asked the resident if he had also wanted the installation of privacy screeninr� to a1Zow some privacy? Then Mz. Davis said this had not been a fac- ' tor of d.isagreement. The City Manager said there had been two appraisals from independent appraisers on the land. ' Mayor Liebl said the City may have to ap,�ropriate more money for the property. He asked if the City had offered to provide a�rivacy screen? He said if it was provided, it would be more in Zine to accomodate the children. He asked which proposal the School Board recommended? The City Engineer said there ' were four different possibilities and there are certain advantages and dis- advantages to sach area. He said each oi the proposed locations were feasible. He said those between two garages provided maximum privacy. He said one property owner is fo� the plan and the other is against it, Councilman Starwalt asked ' if all af the eight fclmiiies had been contacted xecently? The City Engineex said they had been co�;tacted last year. He added, the reason for the item being on the agenda is to bring the Gounail membera up Co date on the plan and pro- I posals and inform the new Gouncilman of the action taken and planned. He said k�e w4u�c� �.�.ke to determine a direction to take �or the proposed actian. ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 . , PAGE 14 , , Councilman 5tarwalt wanted to know if there had been any softening effect recently. He questioned if the people of the area were aware there were four alternate routes? Councilman Breider said the Council would like to wait for the Third Ward Councilman Nee to do some groundwork. Councilman Utter asked if the map presented on page 13-A of the agenda was a new one? Mayor Liebl said this was the same map used before. The City Engineer said the map indicated some of the obstructions in the area such as fences, hedges, and garages. He said it also showed the relative location of the it�s in the area. Councilman Starwalt asked if the proposed number of locations would only confuse the people? He stresaed the need for some quidelines being set to stop the confusion. Mayor Liebl said the City Manager had worked very hard and had obtained the riqht of way on the North side. He said the problem is on the south side. He s�'i.d he was very impressed by the presentation by the Principal of the school. i�e said the plan should be dona with the input of the school and also with t:ie condition that they maintain the walkways. The City Manager strassed the importance of reaching an agreement through nego- tiations as he did not believe it would be in the best interest of the City to condemn the property. He said the City should pay the assessed value of the land. He also suggested putting in some kind of screening o�r give the property owners the money to provide the screening if they want to put it in. He sai� if the land would be condemned, there would be no money for screening provided. Mr. Mittelstadt mentioned the Council had pa8sed a resolution stating no action would be taken before June 1, 1973, on the proposal. Mayor Liebl said he was fully aware of the resolution. He said the people of the area had come home and found stakes in their yards. He said he thought the City could work aut a solution. He said he woulci not favor the installation of a walkway in the frent of anyones home as their privacy should be considered. He thought this would devalue their property. Mayor Liebl said he would recommend the walkway between two garages or two houees, he added, this would be the most desirable solution as it would show some concern for the people. The City Enqineer �aid the"children living on the south are walkers and those on the north are bused. Councilman Breider said this was the same situation as on Melody Lane. He said the first year there were mdnor problems, but the situation has gotten a lot bettez. He said the children tend to stay within the walkway area and it is working out very well. Councilman L3tter said the walkway in his area was working out iine. Councilmar� Bxeider eaid he believed if there were to be any further negotia- tions with the area people, they should be conducted by Councilman Nee. He said when there were two to three different approaches being used to talk with the people, th�.s is where the disaqreements atem¢ned from. Councilman Utter asked Couneilman Nee if he had been in contact with any of the area people. Counoilman Nee said he had mentioned the question to Mr. & Mr�. F. C. Haxvex, 108 Rivers Edge Way, and Mr. & Mrs. K, L. Olson, 112 Rivers Edge Way, and he felt it may be negotiable betweea the �ity and the partiss. He said there was a problem as Mr. Harvey voiced the desire to expand the size of � � !I � � ' � � � ' , � , 1 , � ' , ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 15 � his garage and had also favored screening. He said he believed the City should , review the cost and include privacy fencing in the plan. He said he believed he could �egotiate with the people. He said he did not want to condemn the land for the walkway. He stressed how he believed this to be an undesirable ' situation and he would like to avoid it. He �sked for some authorization to speak with the property owners to negotiate and also for some time to do this. He explained the property being discussed as between 108 Rivers Edge Way and 112 Rivers Edge Way and designated number four on the site plan. He said the , proposal is the least desirable as far as the sahool is concerned. He said he would also look into otYier plans, but it wonld be his recommendation to tYte Council to try to negotiate the Olson and Harvey route. 1 Mayor Liebl said Councilman Nee would rather negotiate than condemn the property, . and added he did not wish to tell the people the pxoposal was a take it or leave it condition. He said this would be a reasonable solution to the problem, � �r�ing tu negotiate for a reasonable route rather than condemn. MoTION by Councilman Nee to negotiate with the Olsons �and Harveys for a , reasonable solution and route for the walkway. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unani- mously. � CONSIAERATION OF A REQUEST FOR DRILLING A WELL AT 5800 2� STREET BY MR. ALBIN JOHNSON, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SPRINKLZNG LAWNS ONLY: � Councilman Nee suggested the City grant the request. The City Engineer said he recomanended some conditions or stipulations and �hat would be that under no con- ditions would the water from the proposed well b� connected to the public water , system or be used for drinking. He said his second recommended stipulation Would be that the water be inspected to see if it is not hazardous for drinking and not too close to an area�ptic tank. He said a test of the water should be � made at least once a year to determine if it is safe for drinking, if it is not safe, it. should be marked not safe for drinking, as children often pick up hose s and drink from themo � Councilman Nee said he would like to include the condition that the water be used only for sprinkling. � , ' Mr. Johnson said sometimes there is repair work needed for the faucets and also at time the City water is colored black. He said las� spring the lines had been flushsd and the water did�get better. He said the location whexe the water is black is 5800 2nd Street, he said he was the caretaker for the property. The City Engineer said the City would again begin flushing the system when the weather warms to a point where water will not freeze on the streets when the lines are flushed, He said the City had been getting away from private wells and �ep- tic� tanks. ' Councilman Nee said he did support the stipulation that connection would not be made to the public water system. He said he did not know whether it was necessary to put the property owner through the bother a£ insisting on yearly inspection. He said if the property awner would agree to this stipulations, fine. He said � he beli�sved this to be a good idea as this type of we,11 would decrease the enor- mous cost of the municipal water aystem causea by.the watering of lawns. , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 16 MqTION by Councilman Nee to grant the request for a well at 5800 2�S Street by Mr. Albin Johnson with the stipulation that it not be connected to the exist- ing municipal water system. Secondec� by Councilman Bredier. RECEIVING NOTICE OF NORTHT4WN TASK FORCE MEETING WITH THE AREA COUNCILS ON MARCH 14, 1973, 7:30 P.M. AT BLAINE CI�Y HALLs MOTION by Councilman Starwalt receiving the I3otice of the Nortl�town Task Force Mee�ing with the Area Councils on March 14, 1973, at 7:30 p.m., at Blaine City Hall. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Engineer said the meeting is basically for the Area Councilmen. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTIQN SUPPORTING THE ADOPTION OF SENATE FILE 342 AND HOUSE FILE 439 INCREASING THE LENGTH OF TRUCKS PERMITTED ON FWR LANE HIGHWAYS: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the resolution as listed. Mayor Liebl pECLARED THE MOTION DEAD FOR LACK OF A SECOND. MOTION by Councilman Nee to table the Resolution. Seconded by CounciLaan Breider. upon a voice vote, Breider, Starwalt, Utter, and Nee voting aye, Mayor Liebl abstaining, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. Mayor Liebl said he believed this decision ehould be made by the State Legis- latures, not the County or the City. He said the matter that the action may have some bearinq on increases of consumer price from state to state should be considered. RESOLUTIOI3 #33-1973 - AUTHORIZING THE CHANGiNG OF BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE GBNERAL FU�1D (LEGAL YEAR 1972): MOTION by Councilman Nee to adapt reaolution #33-1973. Seconded by Counailman Utter. Upon a voice uote, all votinq aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #34-1973 - SUPPORTIDIG HOUSE FILE 410 INCREASING THE NUMBFsR OF ALLOWABLE LIQUOR LICENSES FOR A MUNICIPALITY: MOTIOIJ by Councilman Nee to adopt Resolution �34-1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter: Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ma�►ar Lieb1 rieclarecl the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING I�iOTICE OF DINNER MEETING WITI3 DAVID KF.NNEDY, L.EGISLATIVE LIAISON FOR THE CITY QF FRIDLEY, TO BE HELD AT 6:00 P.M., MARCH 8t 1973, GREENHAVEN COUNTRY CLUB, ANOKAt Mayor Liebl said the meeting had been rescheduled for March 22, 1973 at the Gr.eenhaven Country Club �n Anoka. . � C� e , � , i ' , , ' � ' � r-, �I � � � , � i� REGULAR C�UNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5� 1973 PAGE 17 , , MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the notice of the dinner meetinq with David Kennedy, Legislative Liaisom for the City of Fridley. Seconded by Council- I' man B�eidez. Upon a voice vpte, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the metion carried unanimously. GLAIMS: GENERAL 31248 - 31293 LIQUQR 7S63 - 7587 MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the claims. Seconded by Counci].u�an Breider. Upon a voice vote, all'voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. LTCENSES; GAS SERVICES P & D Mer.hanical Contractors 1116 Lowry Avenue North Mianeapo:lis, Minnesota GENERAL CONTRACTOR Bisine Constructioh Inc. 10152 Butternut Street N.W. Coon Rapid�, Minnesota Hutton and Rqwe, Inc. 3958 'iOth�Lane Anoka, Minnesota HEATING By: Herbert Paulson Bys B].aine �dmundson By: James Hutton APPROVED BY W. Sandin C. $elisle C. BeZisle P & A Mechaniaal Contractors 1116 Lowry Avenue North Minneapalis, Minnesota By: Herbert Paulson W. Sandin MOTION by Counci].man Nee to approve the�licenses. Seconded by Councilman Breid�er. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lisbl declared the motion carried unanimously. � APPOINTMENT OF NEW POLICE OFFICERS: The Public Safety Director, James Hi11, read the 13st of names of the five pro- poseQ new officers and gave a brief description of their qualifications ae follows: Jerry P. Huntley is 27, single, and lives in St. Paul. He has a B.A. degree with a major in Psychology and a minor in Military Science. Mr. Huntley is a lst Lieutenant in the United States Army Reserve and is a self-employed painting contractor. 0 ."EGULAR CO���'�;�"��a ��'iEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 18 Charles D. Hanson is 26, married with two children, lives in Anoka, and operates a foster-home. xe is currently continuing his formal education part-tisae, and has nineteen (19) quarter-hours. Mr. Hanson is currently a deputy sheriff with Anoka County where he has served for two years. Gary W. Len�sneier is 27, married with no children and lives in Brooklyn Center. He is completing his requirements this month for a B.A, in Sociology. Mr. Len�meier is currently a full-ti.me student. Phillip J. Salewski is 26, married, no children and lives in Minneapolis with itt¢nediate plans to move to Fridley. He holds an A.A. degree in Engineering and has plans on continuing his education. Mr. Salewski is currently employed by the Mid State Manufacturinq Company and is also active in the Hennepin County Water Patrol. David L. Younkin is 27, married, no children, and lives in St. Paul. He holds ��n A.A. degree in Law Enforcement and is completing his requirements for a B.A. deqree. Mr. Younkin served in the United States Marine Corps as a military police officer sergeant and is currently a full-time atudent. Councilman Breider said he w�culd like to hear the recommendations of the City Manager on the proposed candidates for the police department. The City Manager said he concurred with the recommendations of the Public Safety Director. He said the applicants had been intensly scxeanad and are the moat hiqhly tested employees in the city. He said they had taken a Civil Service examination, psychological examination, a lie detector test and several oral examinations. The City Manaqer said he had submitted a memorandum to the Council that even- ing, and if the Council wished he would go throuqh the information and present it fo the Council. He said the uemoran$um was regarding the Fridley Police Pension Association and their recent negotiations and financinq the present level of the retirement plan. He said the meeting between himself, Mr. Brunsell, Finance Director, and Mr. Hill, Public Safety Director and the membexship of the Association diacussed tyto possible alternatives to the problem: 1) the level of benefits of the present plan be reduced, he gAVe as an example eliminating the escalator or raising the retirement age to 55, this would redmce the �ity obligation to a level closer to the 21� of Police peyroll desired by the City Council= 2} Placing all newly hired police officers after March 15, 1973 in Public Employees Police and Fire Fund operated pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 353.63 to 353.68. He added, the City Finance Director had outlined the varioua financial aepects in his report to the Council pn February 2, 1973. The City Manager said the Fridley Police Pension 14ssopiation had met on Satur- &ay, March 3, 1973 to discuss ttie proposAls. He added, Mr. Dick Hus� and Mr. waldemar 01aen, Secretary, had adviaed him the Associa�tion had voted to aceept the City's proposal to place new men on P. E. R. A. He said the Association is preparing a letter outlininq the terms of acceptance a�d such a letter would be availahle by March 9, 1973. L� ' � ' LJ � � , , , ' � ' ' CJ , � ' , i � , ' ' , � � �i:`�ULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 19 The City �tanager said the ti.ming of the present discussions on pension matters has been aimed at getting some resolution of the problem prior to the hiring of the five new police officers. He said in order to place the new men on P. E. R. ;A., a special act will have to be passed by the legislature authori- zing this action, si.milar to the legislation passed far the City of Mankato in the last legislative session. The City Manager said he had discussed tne matter with Mr. David Kennedy, Fridley's Legislative Liaison, that day, and Mr. Kennedy felt there were two caurses of action the Council could take should they approve the plan placing the new officera in P. E. R. A. His first proposal was to appoint the new men to the Polica Department, effective March 19, 1973 and prepare a bill for the legtslature containing the date of March 15, 1973 as the date for new men to enter P. E. R. A. He said under this agreement all new officers would sign.a statement outlining their membership in P. E. R. A. and that they accept this as a condition of employmant. The second proposal from Mr. Kennedy, the City Manager said, would be the more conservative approach to wait until successful passage of the bill prior to the hiring of any additional police officers. xe said the bill would be drawn up, authors would be found, and the bill would be carried through the legislature before the hiring of new men. The City Manager said Mr. Kennedy believed the passage of such a bill would , be good as long as there is agreement �rom the Police Pension Association. He added up to that day, no committment had been made regarding the new men and the pension plan they would be on. The City Manager aeked the Council for direction ' on the proposal to put the new men on P. E. R. A. and when tp hire the new men. He added, the Association had reached an agreement to the proposals, in concept at least, at their meeting the previous Saturday. � Mayor Liebl said he would like to receive a letter from the Members of the Association before any action by the Counail is taken. Councilman Breider said the Council must make a decision. He said if the plan set up by the Finance Director is followed, the percentage of payment will in- crease before it begins to decrease. He said the Ci.ty was in the process of Police neqotiations, he added, some time in the future Fridley may have a 100 man force, and it behooves the City to manage the plan at a sufficient level. Councilm.an Breider asked if he understood correctly, �nd the Police Pension Association was to give the Council a letter of agreement from all the new officers? He asked if the preaent officers were to remain on the pre�ent plan with no change? Councilman Breider said with these conditions, he would favor qiving tentative approval to the hiring of the proposed officers. He said the approval. would be contingent upon receiving the statements from the new officers and receiving the letter fzom the Police Pension Association statinq their agreement to the proposal of putting the new men on P.E.R.A. He said he would recounnend the Council authorize the City Manager to hire the new men if it is acceptable to them to be placed on P.E.R.A. as outlined. Mayor Liebl said he would like to see the letters of agreement before any action is taken by the Council. He suggested waiting until the meeting of the 19th, which would be in a period of two weeks. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETII3G OF MARCH 5, 19�3 PAGE 20 Councilman Breider said this may not be reasonable in regard to the hiring of the new men as most places of employment require tFro weeks notice to be given. He asked if there would be a possibility of not obtaining the desired men if there is a two week wait? The Public Safety director said he felt there was no threat of loosing the desired men by the delay. MOTION by Councilman Breider to give tenative approval of the hiring of the new men contingent upon receipt o£ a letter from the Police Pension Association outlining their acceptance to putting new men on P.E.R.A. and not changing the benefits of the present Police Officers; and upon receipt of a statement of agreement from the proposed officers that they will accept the P.E.R.A. plan as a condition of employment. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. • Naayor Liebl said too much is being taken for granted. He added, if �:he Association agrees, this will be fine, but he felt from his experience in the past, the Council should not take anyone's word for an agreement �f this type. He said the Council should have something in writting before going ahead on the proposal. Councilman Breider said he was fully cognixant of the fact that there had been no formal written agreemant, and he had made the motion contingent upon receipt of such affidavits of aqreement. Mayor Liebl questioned if all the new officers would be placed on P.E.R.A. after March 15, 1973, and the present officers would stay on the plan as i� is now? He said he believed the change in the plan should be another matter. Mayor Liebl asked the Public Safety D�rector if he foresaw any problems in the Department caused by the split in pension plans? The Public Safety Director said he saw poesible morale problems either way. He said he did not share the concern of Ccuncilman Breider over the split. He said the new men would have to agree to the P.E.R.A. pl� before they are hired, and the present force were not loosing any benefits. The Public Safety Director said there was another point of consideration that may be relevant to the matter. Hs explained the poasibility of the establishment of a laterally traneferable peneion plan throughout the country. He stated, there are currently 50 pension plans. He said the plan ia being considered carefully, and it would have advantages and disadvantages. He said the morale problem would depend entlrely on the type of applicant and his future qoals in law enforcement work. xe said there are men who rtsnt to qo as high ae they possibiiy can. He added, the man with goals such as this would not want to stay on the Fridley force. He stresaed, it would depend on the individual's considerations. - , � Mayor Liebl questioned the City's possible burden in implementinq the two different plana. He asked if there would be an increa�e in the payment under the proposed plan. The City Finance Director said some tables had been worked out with the intention of payinq the actuarial deficit. He said the plan that was proposed would not only pay the normal costs as required by the Guidelines Act of 1969, it would also eventually completely pay the actuarial deficit. xe eaid as each man retires, there would be snough money to take c.are pf him. He said the plan called for the defioit to be payed by a certain year. He mdded, the co�t cpuld be lowered at the present time by extending the date s�t for completion of payment �or the �le��.Gi�, r-, II li ' ' �I �' ' ' � L� ' LI , �1 � J , , � ' , � � , ' R:;GULAR CUUNCIL MEETTNG OF,MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 21 Mayor Liebl asked by what year the actuarial deficit would be paid by. The Finanae Director sa�d there were many ways to implement the payment. He added, the present plan would pay the de�icit as soon as possible, this coulc3 be extended, it just depends on the way the City would want to go. The City Manager said it would be about 30 years. The Finance Director ' said next year the City would save $6,000 and down the line for a longer period of time. xe said the City would save money, some now and some later. ' Mayor Liebl said.this would only be true as long as the State Legislature maintains the Guidelines Act. He said if P.E.R.A. increased its benefits, this would cost the City much more, he asked if this was correct? The ' F�nance Direetor said the City had no control over the benefits of those �.�n P.E.R.A. He said he cannot determine what they might do in the future. , , ' r ' , �I � L .J ' � ' �- �I J :'ne City Manager said what the City is proposinq goes beyond the Guidelines Act requirements. He added, the Guidelines Act only states in ten years the norn�a.l costs must be paid. He added, within thirty years the City w�ould eliminate the deficit and the plan would be eliminated. The City Manager added, P.E.R.A. requires a payment of 12$ and this is far le�s expensive than placing the new men on the new plan and continuing to puy 50$. Councilman Breider said he believed the State would have to take a good look at any proposal to increase the P.E.R.A, benefits as this would involve increasec'i payment by a lot of municipalities. Councilman Breider said the City plan may be more stable than the State program. , . Mayor Liebl stressed the importance of the new men understanding the program and the differences between that and the City program. Mayor Liebl questioned the City's limitations to aet a mill levy except for the percentage of ,payroll. The Finance Director said if the City hires new people, the new people are not exem�b-from the tax levy. Mayor Liebl said he believed the agreement with the present force should be mailitained unless the Aasociation decided to change the agreement. The Finance Director said negotiationa had reached a point where both sides agreed. Councilman Breider said the present dekemma.is whether the City ahould uQhold the plan and live up to the co�nittmente it made in the paet, �ak the members to agree to reduce their benefits, or place the new men on a plan with their agreement. He said he did not believe the benefits that have been promised the men should be reduced. He said if all parties agree to the proposal, he did not see that there would be any complaints. Councilman Starwalt asked when Robert Ross, listed as a replaced employee, exited from the Department. The City Maenaqer �aid it was last fall. Councilman Starwalt asked what day the Counai], was recot�anedinq the. new men be placed on the Department. The� City Ma�ager said unless he had been qiven the wrong information, the Association had taken a vots and approved the placinq the new men on P.E.R.A., REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 1973 PAGE 22 he added, the reason the agreement is not completed at the present tune is that they w�nted it to be looked over by their attorney to be certain it had been worded correctly. He said, the agreement should be back to him with� a week. Councilman Starwalt asked what agreement had been made for the men preaently on the force? The City Manager said the City of Fridley agrees to the preaent level of benefits. He said there is wording that states the City of Fridley Police Pension Association will make changes in their bylaws if there is any change in the State Laws. He said tYsey also stated that any men placed on the force after ldarch 15, 1973, would not be eligible for the Pension Plan, but would be placed on P.E.R.A. The City Manager said the men had been guaranteed that the benefit levels would remain as they are at the present time. Mayor Leibl said he agreed with the proposal, but he would likg to see a ietter stating these facts. He suggested waiting until the next Council meeting. The Public Safety Director said it would be poesible to start the new men on March 26, 1973, this was the first day of the training session, but they w�ould have to put in some ti.ttte on their own the previous 5aturda�y for cca�pletinq necessary forms, etc, The City Manager asked the Public Safety Director if this delay would endanger the chance�of hiring the men? The Public Safety Director said he did not believe the men would object. Councilman Breider said the motion had besn a conditional one. He added, final action would not be confirmed until there was some sort of sction, it was continqqnt upon receipt of the letters. Mayor Lfebl said he had been on the Council for sane time and had learned the Council should not take action until the facts are at hand. The City Manaqer said he had been told by two members of the Association that the letter is coming. Mayor Liebl said he believed the Council should vote. UPON A VOICE VOTE, Utter, Nee and Breider votinq aye, Starwalt voting nay, Liebl abstaininq, M�yor Liebl declared the motion carried. Councilman Nee said he believed the Council should complement the City Manager, the Public Safety Direc�or and the Fina�nce Director for bringinq theae negotiations to a close. Mayor Liabl said he had attended the meeting the previous Thursday evening, March 1, 1973, and he had pointsd out to the Aasociation that the ta�t pa.yere must be considered and the Council intended to contribute•218, and no more. A130KA-HENNEPIN SCHOOL DISTRICT �11: MEETING SCHEAULED FOR MARCH 2$� 1973: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive �he communication. Seconded by . Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, ail voting a�ye,�Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried uruanimously. AEWAYNE LENNOXz 9PECIAL USE PREMIT, M�I,�ODX MANqR: „ �, MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the com¢nunication. Seconded by � ' ' � ,� �i �! � ' � � � � , Ll � C� �l �I ' , � ' ' ' ' ' ' � ' ' i' _l IJ ' ' ' ' ' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 . Councilman Starwalt. PAGE 23 Councilman Breider said Y_e was instruated to work with Mr. Lennox. He said he t:alked to Mr. Lennox and the area property owners. He said Mr. Lennox wanted the building to '�ace Sympathy Street and the home owners want .t:he building to face 74th. He said he had told Mr. Lennox he would work witY� him to obtain the Special Use Permit on the two lots �oned R-1 and R-2. He said Mr. Lennox did not agree with the views of the administration or the surrounding property ownera. UPON A VC>ICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Breider said he was unable to go any further and Mr. Lennox would n�t budq�:. He added, he did not want to give him a Special Use Permit and t.ne City had denied him a Special Use Permit. Cauncilman Nee asked if the matter should be past to the administration? The t::ity Eng:lneer said it had been denied. He added, it cannot be brouqht back for six months. The City Enqineer said the action to be taken at the present time was to receive the letter fram Mr. Lennox. He said there may be a way of working with Mr. Lennox, he said it may have to be a compromise. Councilnnan Breider said he would talk to the gentleman. Mayor Liebl said there had been objection� to 2eaving a large empty 1ot in the back. Councilman Breider said the area property owners would like the plan completed as it was originally planned, he said he believed this to be understandable. REPRESENTATIVE PAUL MCCARRUNs INTERSECTION OF T.H. #47 AND 69TH AVENUF N.: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the coma►unication from Representative Paul McCarron, dated February 26, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor �iebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayoz Liebl asked the City Manager to write a lettex to Representative McCarron. Councilman Utter asked what the City could do to get something done at the Hiqhway AepE�rtment? Mayor Liebl said it had taken five years to get some planting done. He added, the Gavernqr's affice has also expreese$ frustration in dealinq with t21e Hiqhway Department. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Councilman Uttex to adjourn ti3e meet�.ng. Seconded by Counciln►an Breider. Upon a vofice vote, nll vatinq a�ye, Nlayor L�ebl deolared the Regular Couneil rieeting of M�rah 5, ].973, adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Respectfully Submitted � �----�,�� � � �� ' Patricia E11is �'ra►�k G. Liebl, Mayor Secretaxy to the City Counc�.l � � � ����� �i /'fi � � Mayor Lfebl cdlled the special session of the Fridley Ctty Council regarding the �ast River Road problems to order at 6;40 p.m., March 5, 1973. Mayor Liebl appointed Mr. Marvin 6runsell, City F+nance Director, as acting Secretary and asked him to call the roll; � ROL,L CALL: MEMBER$ PRESENT: �.iebl, Nee, Breider, Starwalt MEMBERS ABSENT: Utter � LI Mayor Liebl said the members of the Council and the Mayor had received a memo- randum regarding the problems on the East River Road from the Public Safety Direc- tor, Mr. James Hill, dated February 23, 1973, and also a memorandum from the City Engineer, N�r. Nasim Qureshi, da�ed March 2, 1973, regarding East River Road Safety Improvement.s, Accoroplishments, and Future Plans and Needs. , Mayor Liebl said he would like to have the City Engineer address the Council for 4-�� purposE� of demonstrating or explaining to the two new Council members the project thE� �ouncil had approved by Resolution. Mayor Liebl said the County Board h�d also approved the project which ran along East River Road from M+ssissippi � Street ali the way to Interstate #694. � � � � � • ' �� U , ' � The City Engin�er said he did not think it was necessary to explain to the Council that East River Road was one af the most dangerous and murderour roads in all.of Frid)ey, He said he had made reports ta the Council which date back to 1964, He �aid if th� Council had a chance to read the report submitted with the memoran- dum to th� �ouncil, it pointed out the numbar of accidents and deaths on East River Road. Th�; City Engineer said half of the City`s accidents have been on East River Roacf, which is only six miles of roadway out of the City's 120 miles of roads, or onty 5% of the total mileage and 90% of the total accidents. The City knginaer said th� Public Safety Director had pointed out that in recent w�eks th�re had been a couple of deaths on the roadway and over the past weekend there had been two seriaus accld�nts. The City Eng+neer said this is a continuing problem that needs attention from the City Administration and the City Cou�cit, the Caunty, the Highway pepartment, and all the governmental bodies protecting th� safsty and hsalth and w�)fare of the citizens. The City �ngineer said there is some progress in the improvement of the highway� He said, originally the rqad was designed for very law volumes of traffic, but qv�r the ysars du� to the development of the northern areas of Fridley, and with- in FridlPy, the volumes have jumped many folds, and now the �ity has 20,Q00 yehicles nprth of the Freeway and over 5,000 veh+cles leaving th� community. '�The City Engin�er said hevould like to emphasize the great concern about the traffic coming from the north, but there is a large volume of traffic which is g�nerated to the F'ridiey residents. He sa�d the figures from 1970 when the City took the traffic counts indicated that three quarters of the traffic was generated pr was coming from Fridley and one quarter was coming from the North area. He added, ir� 1975 or 1976, it 1s prajected that twa thirds of the traffic will be ��om tha Fridley area and on� third wilt be �rom the north area. He said the balanG� af the traffie wi11 shift, but the majprity pf the people that will be u$ing the �o�dway will be from the Fridley area. SP�CI,AL SE5SION^ F�AST RIV�R ROA�. M�RCH a, �g73 PAGE 2 The Ci.ty Engineer said he would like to go over some of the thinqs the City had dQne in cc>operation wi.th the County. He said their responsibility is basi�ally to move the traffic from one end of the County ta the other, whexeas, the �ity's r�sponsibility is to see that local tiaffic ean use the roadwaya sa�ely. and get on and off the highway without hazardous conditions. He said he would like to quickly go over what had been done ir► the last few years. He said originally, eight years ago, the City had only one signal on this roadway. He added, progress had been made in this direction as at the present time there are at least a half �ozen signal� on the roadway, and for the long range plan, the City planned to add a number of additional signals on the highway to protect and control the traffic on East River Road. He said the signal on 37th and East River Roa� which the City had been t�ying to work with' the City of Minneapolis to obtain would hopefully be installed this year r►s the City did get an agreement with the City of Minneapolis and they were in the process of preparing the plan. He said �his would k� a step irL the right direction. The City Enqineer said the area where the Railroad area is a15o a very bad azea, and for over ten years the City of Columbia Heights has been trying to get a safe crQSSing because of the cross traffic which gets blocked up quite irec�uently because there are seven tracks in one area an� two in another area for a total of nine tracks the traffic must cross. He added, �eaause of the devel4pment o� the marshalling yard there wauld be an�overpasa, He said the �aiers are up and hopefully, tYiis would be fully completed and there would be a good access from East River Road to this area and eventually as the tra�fic warrantg, there would be a signal in this location: The City Engineer called the Council� attention to the 100 acre portion of �and owned, by Burlington Northern and wi11 be developed. ,He said at the pres�nt ti.me, there are only two industries in the area, but when it is fully developed, i.t would generate enough traffic that a signal would be war�nted at this location. Iie said thiS would t�ke care of the northerly area and also the large parking lot of F.M.C. He said this would be a logical area foX a s�op signal and would give the City a good break for the F.M.C. trz���i� £rom the sauth to �nter and exit the highway safely. The Gity Engineer said in the last three years the City did get twa mdditior�al s�.gnals on the ramps that hook off the Gity pox'tion of the freeway sx�tem and the Minnesata Highway Aepartment installed them two or three year s ac�o . �'he City En�ineer �aid from that location to Rice Creek, the City had an ovex'a11 plan pzepared as pointed out in the report to the Councilmen. He said the pla� was prepared and had also been approved by the Minnesota HigY�Wax Department and the Federal Government under the TOPIC5 program, but wiaen the City had hearings, there was s�me serious ob3ections from the n�iqhbA�ing property owners and the program was cut back. He added, becauss 4f the dawz� grading of tha safety improvements, the City was unab�e to meet �oma of the re�uirements so they were dropped fram the � �undinc�. � �Ia,yc�x T�i.�la1 asked the CitX Enc�ineer if he was talkinc� about the area from �the nQrth end cf Mississippi, which was marked in blue on the map. Th� �a,�,y Er�c��.n�sr sa�d t.k�e area was �xom th� �'reeway to 61st. He added, this ar�a h�d been drop��� from Federal Furiding. H� said the on�.y area v�rhere the Cit�y was ahle to obtain Federal funding was fram 64th to aouth of Ce r�ek, �'�' �� f', � � a � � � i � � ' ' � � ' � I_1 I. I ,� � ', • SPECIAL SESSION - EAST RIVER ROAD, MARCH 5, 1973 ' �J �I� PAGE 3 The City Engineer said the City Council had approved providing widening of that area. � He said he would like to quickly recap what the City had proposed at that time and this was no increase ir. additional traffic lanes, providing shoulders and curbin� and providing a divider with lighting so the traffic could safely use the ra�dway and get on and off the roadway. He said they had planned to take out tze bad curves that had been creating the problems. ' He said baaieally, in the area from 64th to south of Rice Creek this would be done. ie added, there is a bad curve just south of the 64th area and also just north af Mississippi Street. He said the City is providing some drainage 1 structures, whi�h would eliminate most of the dzainage problems, plus it would have additional shoulders so a person may pull off the roadway and be safe. He �aid the plans also call for right turn lanes and left turn lanes. ' ---, � ' ' � � • � J � ' ' �I � � The City Eigineer referred to page four of the report he had submitted to the Counci'. for their consideration stating each item in the project had its specifi� �'inction and he had listed in the report 3ifferent items that were needed. H�� said on this page of the report a cause was listed for each accideht auid also tl�e solution to the problem. He referred to the death in 1964 where the cause ��as a motorcyclist skidded under a truck and the solution for this would b�, a shoulder. He also called the Council's attention to an accident of the px'e��ious week when sameone ran off the roadway and hit a tree and died. He sa�d he felt no matter how many improvement that are made, this can never guarantee �:his will not kill an.ybody. He said it is only a matter of probabilit.� that th� City provide a safer roadway, less people will get killed and less wi11 be involved in accidents. He said in this case, if a shouldex �ad been provided, this would give additional reaction distance. If there w<.s curbinq, someone.would bump this before he would bump a tree. He said a1: of these thinqs add to the total safety picture, no one thinc� can ke the ultimate so�ution to the problem. The City Engineer said �f you el�r�inate the ears, then nobody would get killed, but within the eonditions that are given, people are going to use cars, people are going to drive aid there aze limits of speed. Speed is certainly a consideration, he said, btt, this is not the total thing either. The City Eirgineer said if one would t�avel 20 ta 3Q miles an hour and hit a tree, they would get killed, to4, He said this is what he had tried to point out in hi5 report. He calleel tkie Counci�.'s attention to the second listing on the report of 1966. The inciGlert was unsafe apeed and the vehicle hit a house. Lighting, curbing �nd �hQUlders wer� all considerations working against safety. He called their a�ter�tion tp the 1967 and 196$ accidents causing deaths and contributed to c�osrinc� over the eenter line. He said this would be median and drainage �roblems. I'he City Engineer said the two accidents that occured last weekend were contz�buted to the same problems. He said, there is a bad drainage problem a�d no median. In one case, he said, the man crossed over the center line and got clobb�xed. �'he Git� Engineer said these are facts that they had all heard be�o�e. The City �'ubiic �aaf�ty A�rector said at 6:22 a.m. that morning, the same thing had hap�ene� at 66th and East River Road. He added, the caz crossed over the �enter �.ine and stxuck tv,�4 vehicles in the northbound lane, they a11 went off the roa$, h : adr3ed, � . SPEGIAL SESSION - EAST l�lVER ROAD, MARCH �, 1973 PAGE 4 The City Engineer said he did understand the clesire of the neighborhood. Tf he were living on the roadway, he would like to minimize the traffic on that roadway, but the facts of life are, as he pointed out, there axe 20,000 vehicles traveling just north of the Freeway. Any road that carries 20,000 vehicles, undex no stretch of the i.magination is a residential roadway. He said perhaps under �.,000 could be considered residential, but not 20,000. He said if the txa�fic from the noxth was blocked out, there would still be 15,000 vehicles traveling north 4f the Freeway. Even then, this would be a highly tzaveled roadway, he added. He questioned, what do we do? He said, it mus� be raade safe, so the people who are using it can use it without hitting each other. He said he can see why the proposals are unpopular because of the large number of residential dwellings on the roadway. The Cit�y Enyineer said the accident that Mr. Hill had brought to the attention oi the Council would be eliminated after the improvement because the p1anS will prcavide a divider in that area. He said he was sure the construction af the �.ivider would have an impact on the number of accidents and fatalities, fihey wi21 hopefully be reduced. The City Engi.neer said from that area to north of the creek, basically, will be tal�en cars of. He said they were installing curbing and correcting the drainage problem and installing lighting. He said over the years, the City has heen adding more lights and in the first phase of 1973, there had been seven more lights adcled. He said by ration, the City has the highest number of lights on Ea,at River Road. � Mayox Liebl said thia was up to this year. The City Engineer said yes. The City Enginee� said from this area to 71st, there had been nothing at first. He said then the City installed a push button type flashinc� amber lignt. The Cit� Engineer said last year a fully actuated signal which turns onae a car cames from the side. He said it aiso has cycles. �e City Engine�z said the next area, Osborne Road, had a substandard signal, but he hoped in time they would be upgrading this signal. The City Engineer said there i.s a plan which the Council has approved on the west side of East River Road that will provide access going on to East River Road. He sai$ this would provide access to all the areas going on to East River Road and have moxe o� a� s�ta�'e pattern of intersection than a"T" shape intersection as it is r�ow. The City Engineer said the next signal which is more logical is 79th as the t�affic ean be xouted. He ,pointed out the various routes on t'he map. The City Engineer said there ia a�ogical progression of signals, He added, sigrials are a� large im�rovement in helping the local traffic. He sa�.d he had poin.ted out to the Council in the last page of the x'eport (pac�s 1�) what �k►e variaua things that are needed on East River Road are. #�s poir�ted Atat a� an exa,mple an area where curbing would be ir�stalled. Fie �aid the c�,ty was working wi�.h the County �or tYae possible i.n�tallation af marke�'a and barri.�adee in the bad curve areas so a vehic�e would not just go of�' th� rAadw�y and hit the trees or the constructicaz�s. He s�id this is th� �'axtlne�t ste� �hat had been taken, the City was r�ow woxking with.the 4QU� M� s ktatyox Li�b1 ��i�i hs wQuJ.c� like to ask a question. Mayor T,iebl read the titl� cf_ �aBe 3, ��consicle�ca�ion of Reduced Safet.y Improvemsnt PrQgram for � ' , � C', ' , � , � � ' � � � � , �PEI:IAT.� S�: SION ^ EA5'r RIVER RC,::..D, MARCH 5, 1�73 ' ' ' ' , ' r � , � � , � � , � ' ' r HIiY: 5 East River Road", item from one to seven, he added, it says, some items the Caunci] has approved, five of them. He said it is implemented in the xesalution that was sent to the County. He said he would like the Cit,► Engineer to �ead the items and ask the Council members what their opinions are on the items. Mayox Lieb7 asked the City Engineer to read item number one. �he City Enc�ine�r seid it basica7.ly means that there is a general consensus that there shouid be ihree �ull� actusted signals �t Georgetown Apartmen�s, 61st or th,e schoo� entrance, and Mississippi Street. The City Engineer said the City dc�es h,ave two �iqnals, the third signal as he had pointed out, he said, had been e;i.minated because of the non funding of the Federal Government and th� noa. availability of funds. He said the City had passed a resolution other than this requesting the construction of a signal at Georgetown and Downing 8a: : , Mayor Lieb:. asked the City Engineer if he was correct, if the Council by a unanimous �'esolution in 1972 did approve the three intersections signalizatian, right? Th�� City Engineer said yes. Mayor Liebl said the Council also approved the develoa�ment of this intersection including Mississippi, Georgetown and powning Bo:: and 61st. The City Engineer agreed. Mayor Liebl said this would also provi�le the complete atorm sewer system to take care of the drainage and icy condit:.ons towards Mississippi Street to about 300 feet down. Mayor Liebl asked the �'ity Engineez what he thought was behind this, h ow it would be implemente�t and who would pay for it. The City E�iqineez said thi� would have to be broken down into two stretches lrecaus� the Cpuncil had approved a plan from north of I. #694 to •Ri.ce Creek and basiaally said that you wanted three signals, would allow dividers n�:xt to the interse�tions, but you would not allow dividers in the stretches _n between. The City Engineer said at present the stretch from 64th to ab��ut Ric� Creek has been approved by the Federal people, and they are participat.ng in this project. In that project the City, County and Federal Go'►ernment are participating, this is the way that stretch will be funded. Mayor LiebL asked what percentage would be contributed by the City, County and Federal Government, so the new membexs of the Council would knaw. The Cit� En�ineer said the Federal Government will pay 50� of the major �mpr�vements. He added, the Federal Government will not pay for utility eas�:ments, they will not pay for certain improvements which are apecifically fo� the �ity or County, The Gity would pay for some of the drainage, curbing and the re;t of the cost wi1.1 be paid by the County. He said the next level of c�st ia paid by the County and the lowest level is paid for by the City. Mayor Lisb1 asked if it would be about 25� of the cost. The City Engineer. said it wQ.�ld bs less than that amount. Mayor Liebl said this wauld include the curb ar so�.ne o� the curbiny. The City Er�gineer said it would include the curbing, draina�e, and the fixing of the sod and items suah as this. M�yor Li��l said th� Cauncil k�qd unanimously agreed on this bX resolution a& th� minute� wiil state at the respective Council meeting. The Maypr �►�ked th� ;ity �nc�ineer i� he had any idea how many �eopl� are involved in ths �ea��� cnents on �.k�� p�ro j��t? Mayox Liebl asked �ox' an approximate �umb�r, Rhe City ex�q�.neer said basically it involves the people abutting along tk�e xQa�Awa ��and :Ln some areas, there axe not many, He said Hirseh Brothers ie stne �,ax ge a�partm�z�� Qwr��r and aouth of thie, there is more prcperty, The Ci�.� Engina�x �dded, the Gity i� talking about or�ly � smal� stretch of the to�al �sn�th of tha �oadway.. He said the hearing had been, or� an area large.r ���� ��� � ���tG1� .���� �.� ���z�� cam�le��?� t��?w� SPEGIAL SESSIOIV - EAST Tt:IVER ROAD, MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 6 Mayor I,ieb1 asked the City Engineer just for the recprd, if the Council had th� prqper hearing and went through the procedure and then did the Council adapt� a xesQlution? He said he thought this would have been in 1970 when hs was Third Ward Councilman. Mayor Liebl added, the Council readopted the xsso].ut��.on w�.th same modification in 197'l. He asked the City Engineer if this information was carrect. He said the dates of �he action should be furnished to the new Councilman. Mayor Liebl also stated at the time of the adoption of the xesolu�ion tY►ere was no objection by the people after the hearings, so ths Counail unanimously adopted the resolution. Mayar Liebl again questioned the C�.ty Engineer saying, to the best af your knowledge, is �his COZ'X'E'.C� . The CitX Engineer said the majority of the objections were eliminated because the p�:o,pl� just did not want the crossov�:r and the project was divided and the croasov�r w�s eliminated. He said this was the basic objection. Mayor Liebl ac}r��d.' Mayor �,i�bl questioned the City Engineer asking, but there was no objection to ths M�.ssi�si.ppi intersection as it was presented and the Council unar�imously voted on it, takinc� in the whole Micro Station and acquiring it ta make ,a, pXOper interaectio� �s the City Engineer laid it out and as it was presented to the City by the Gounty? The City Engineer agreed. . Mayor Liebl said they would go to item number two of page 3, stating "'Objections ta divider, especially between 61st and Misaissippi Street, so divid�r should be eliminated exce�t at intersections". Mayor Liebl said, but the people did aoncur and the Council concurred that a divider would staxt 200 feet south of the intersection in order to get the left turn lan� insta�,led t�hexe. Mayox� Lieb1 said, this was approved by the Council, he asked if he was correct in this poirl�.. Th� �ity �ngi.neer said the Council approved dividers basically on the inters�ction wherevex �� was necessary for channelization and the intersec�ion areas were in thia ares�, He added, this would vary accprding to the intersection. M�yqr I,ieb1 ca7.led the Council's attention to item number three, "Whether or not tq remove th� house a�. ].00 Rivers Edge Way to give the peop].e in the area a cho�.ce to be able to make a safe left turn at the proposed signal (no addition�i cost tq the City --- �ull compensation to homeowner)". Mayor Liebl said this item was not approved, he asked the City Engineer if he was carrect on thia point. The City Engineer said yes. He added, there was to be a house tak�n �xtd we choose not to take this. Mayor Liebl said this is north of the �rossin� at 61st. The City Engineer agreed, saying, it is by the school. Ma�ar Liebl wer�t san ta number four, "Whether or not to grade and build Ashton Avenus connection to praposed 61st signal to give the property owners on the east a3.de of �ast River Road a choice of making a safe left turn at 61st Avenue signal." Mayor �,i�b�. said this k�ad not been approved by the ,Cauncil and there was k�eavy oppas�.tion by the geople at that �ime. He asked if he was correct on tl�:Ls . '�he �ity Enc�ine�r saic� yes . MayQx Lie�i1 referred �e► i#�em number five, "Whether or nat to pxQVide the roadwt�y ��►nnecti oz� �nd walkways to provide possible safe pedea�rian acces� to tkyq s���ool"' . �ia�►o� I,�.�pbl said the C..pnci], had concurred with this item and � L� ' u {I ' ' � � ' � � I � ' O l.J , 1� � ' SPECIAL SES�ION - EAST RIVER ROAD, MARCH 5, 1973 ' � �I ' ' � ' � ' � ' ' , ' �l PAGE 7 so did the �eople at the public hearing. He added, this is the walkway and the Citl is going to have a hearing on this matter again. Mayor Liebl said number six, "Whether or not to take the whole gas statian fo� improvenent of Mississippi Street intersection (part of work done already according t� plans)". Mayor Liebl said this had been unanimously approved by the Counci�, Mayor �iebl said number seven was also unanimously approved by the Council. "Whether or not to provide divided roadway as �outh of I. #694 along industrial property (b�d curve �- 4 deaths. Property abutting mostly industrial and multip�L dw:llings. 8etter chances of Federal funcling for at least this portion up to 61st.i" Mayor Liebl said this was approved and asked the City Engineer if �his was correct, The City Engineer agreed. Mayor Lieb1 asked the City Engineer if he would suggest those points which are approvei would be implemented? The City Engineer said certainly, that is a ste�a il the iright direction. He added, but what the Council approves, does not r�ally nean it is goinc� to be done because the City contributes a very small porti�n of tk�e money �oz the actual improvement of the roadway. The Fedezal �nd County Govex'nments are partici�ating more in the cost. He said in o�her az�as, unless the Federal Government gives the City money which has been denied at tiis stage, the County would have to fund the section from abou� north of 61st to the Freeway. , Mayax Lieb]. said he had one question which was very important in his mind. He added, h� thought this should be understood by the membsrs of the Council. He asked, w�en did the City adopt a policy that the Council. had so faithfully fr�114wed aizc� he M.ad been on the Couneil for seven years in regard to assessing the people Eor the cuxb on a project like this? The Mayor added, for normal curb and far the gutters? Mayor Liebl asked when this was adopted? The City Ean�ineex �said this policy had been in effect for as long as he had baen wikh the �i�y, and this was ten years. The Gity Engineer said the Finance T�irac�ar �ould te11 the Mayor more about th�s, Maycar I�iebl aeked the Fiz�anGe Director if he had any idea when this had kaeen �dopt� � , what y�ar? Tk�e Finar�cs D�.�ector �aid h� d�.d not know, but it was prabably a lit�le more than4 t�en y�ax� � �o . ���cax L�,eb� a�c�id the Gity had set a preciden�. where no property owner would be �,�s�����d far more than a�.orimal curb and gutter on a residential street. The �'f�anance Dirsc�oX agr��c� ea�►�.r�g, on a County Roaci. Mayor T�iebl asked �ho ��ty �n �i.n,�er i� thi.s waa correct as he would like to establish if th3s i.a and has t�ee� the Qoli.ay. The City Engineer said the basic policy is that no rasidential pxaperty, no mattez where it is in the community, i� assessed for �nore than a nQrmal �cesiQential street. The City Engineer said on County Roads, what �he City has dqne ia that the curbing and sidewalk are assessed which comes to aiaou� a l�ttle moxe than �alf of what a normal residence in other axeas. �ie re�ea�ed, yAU as�ess the curbing and sidewalks for residents on County Roa�$�, Tk�e City �nc�ineer sald in this case there is no aidewalks being put in so it wauid be basicall� the aos� of the curbing. �l�,yo� �,iQb� a�k�d the GitX Engineer if he wou]�d be cprrect to assume if the Ci�.� wculd nQt assess the property ownera for this, would the City violate the pcalicy whia}� v�a� +�do��ed ten years aga bX th�s Cpunci]. and which has been SPECIAL SESS�ON�- �AST �IVER �tOAD, MARCH 5, 1973 Paqe 8 follow�d by the Council for the past ten years? The City Engineer said he assumes this is the poliey the Gouncil had and also by the resolution last year relaying the whnle thing. MaXor �iebl asked the City Engineer if to i:�ie best of hia recollection the Ci�y has ever asked anybody or in the past has the Council waived this policy? The City Engineer said not to his knowledge. Mayor Lieb1 thanked the City �ngineer, Mayor L#ebl asked the City Engineer if his recommendation wauld be to go ahead this yeaz as the Council adopted by resolution on two occassions, in 1970 and in 1972 with a speedy implementation of this improvement south of Mississi,ppi includ3.ng a camplete renovation and upgrading of Mississippi and Eas� Rivex' Road? Mayor Liebl said as the motion stands now, and the resolution adopted, that wauld be happening this spring. The City Engineer said yes. rnhe contraa� has been let and the work will start this construction season. . k�l,�ypr Lieb1 asked if the�e were any questi.ons from the �o what the City Engineer had told them. Mayor Liebl Nee if he had any questions. Councilman I3ee said no, the City Engineer gq ahead the way he was going. ' r � ' ' � , Council in xegard asked Councilman ' he would just as soon Mayor Liebl said he would like Councilman Nee to be fully aware of what the Council had done in the past so if there is any objection bX the Ward Counoilman he would like to know because the Council would hav� to act with speed �to implement plans before construction. Mayor Liebl said if there is a change of mind within the hanorable body, he would like to know because he did riat want to uae anybpdy's money. He said he would like to �stablish in his mind and also the Councilmen's what the policy of the Council has been and what diXection the Council would have to go to implement a safer road on East River Road, , Mr. Don Mittelstadt addressed the Mayor saying, he thought it was too late to make �ny changes in plans in this stage. He said it goes back to the Federal Government if ths City postpones it five years. Mayor Liebl ask�d the City �ngineer if this was correct. The City Enqineer said he thought at some �tac�e once a resolution is passed, you are bound by the agreement unless it is aqreed mutually by the parties invalved. He continued,he was sure that changes would be difficult with the County and the State. Funds have already been incurrsd, tkie project has already been let, and certainly the City would be liable for some monex if nothing else at this stage. �layor Liebl $�id we shouJ.d certainly live up to it. Mr. Mitte�,stadt asked the Finance Airector �f anyone had been assessed on East River �toad as of thfs date? The Fin�n�;e pirector asked if this was for street improvements? Mr. Mittelstadt said for County im�rovements. The Finance Airectr�r said nat that he is aware of. �he Finance Director said there is no curb aiQng th�re. The City Engineez said not to his knowledge. Mr. Mittlestadt asked �.E zny figures had beez� given out'? The Finance Director said the City had been givsn estimated asseasment figures for curb and gutter, yes, because when �he ��t�X k�eld the hearing it developed an estimated asssssment rale. He added, af cou�se, when the aesessing department qiv�s 8esrches and pnce the Caunei].card�xs a�roject in, the Assessing Departmen� is required to include thia �.n an, asssesment search. The �'inance Director said there is stoxm aswex warl� and also curb and qutter, but no sidewalka. The City �nc�ineer said no, there �� �o �id�walks on {�is propsrty. u �� ' , � , � CI ' ' ' � SPECIAL SESSIQN - EAST RIVER ROAD, MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 9 Nlayor Liebl said he thouqht that answered the question by Mr. M�ttelstadt. Mayar Lisbl said to the Finance Director, you are the man who figues this out in regaxds ta the estimation as you get the figures from the City Engineer. Mayor Liebl stressed that the Council had only lived up to the pQlicy which the Council 3dapted ten years a5o. The Finance Director said there had been no �hange. May�r Liebl sai� the Council did not in any way sway from it or chanqe it. Th� Finance A��ector agreed. Mayor Liebl 3irected the City Engineer to continue. The City Engineer said he had given the Council a quick review of what had been done. He added, the City has come along ways, but he felt it had a long �aay tc� go if the City was going to make the road safe. He said he would like to quickly go over what moxe �ould be done to make the roadway safe. He referred to page 16 saying, he had outlined what can be done. The City Engineer pointed out areas which need i.mprovements such as providing reflectors with i�luminators, rail guards, better marking, better lighting and generally improvements to the signal areas. Councilman I�ee asked what the markings on the map representsai. The City Engin�:er sai� they were reflectors. Councilman Nee asked if they were to mark �he edge�. rhe City Engineer said yes. The City Engineer said if the curve is a bad on�, those guards are put in to stop cars from leaving the roadway. He added, if a better, more permanent solution is clesired, curbing can be used. MaXar Liebl said the Cour�ci� had hearings on the area up to the intersection of � Missisaippi Street and not toa many people w.ere notified north of there. He referred to the red area of the map saying those people were notified and it was a two stage improvement. Cauncilman Nee said he just wanted the language. � ' ' � � ' �'he City Encineer pointed the area of the highway which is already divided saying some additional lighting and signals would help. He said unfortunately, the eexious �ccidenta had happened in that area, but mostiy this i� not a bad st�etch. He said the bad area is from this area on. He said he would like to implement the entire �lan that had been originally proposed with the divider and everythang else. He said if the Council does not wish to do this, certainly they should c�o tca wha� the Council has approved by resolution. He said the c�uestion is wher�; dces the County get the money to fund this project as certainly tYere are other areas they are spending money. He listed the Mississippi St, and tha Railraad crossing saying they wi11 take a great deal of money. He saic� he �ould like to see this implemented and also better lighting which would light both �ides. He added, if the divider is not installed, it would no# be the piacs for the lights as they would be more hazardous than adding �Me �a�ety o� li.qhting. The City Engineer said the area north of 64th to Ftice Cre�k will be taken care of quite well, but beyond this, better turning lanes shqull be pxovided. �Ie said if the area is extencled and the service road is constzueied, �.ndividual drivers should be instructed to come to the intersection and obt�ir� E CCBBS tc� �ast �tiver Road by a left turn movement. '�he Gi�.y En�cine�x refer�ed to the Osborne Rd., Eas� River Road axea saying as ' h� had a].�e� d�r pointec� Qut, there had been a plat that had been approved which wou�.d connect 75th into Oabox�ne Road and East River Road providing a better ix���rsec�ior with tuxning lane. movement ar�d a part of the intersection divided. H� smid th.i� wou�.d allow for a better controlled intersection and people could , qq to �he ir�er�ec�ion and make a safe left turn there. �'x1e G�tx �nc ��qer ea�.d w�il�n the monsy is ava}lable, the same thing wi11 be done , on 7�t�h and a].so on khe north area. SPECIAI+ SESSION - EA5T Ri�'i:Ft ROAD, MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 10 The Cit� Engineer said some p� the other points are that the City work with the County to aee �hat the traffic from the north is minimized, but there ia a limit to how mueh traf£ic can be put on Highway #47 and Highway #65, because alrsady the highway ie getting clogged up with traffic in these areas and unleas the City can do something to a.mprove this, the traffic will get so ,crowded that the people will be forced to come back to East River Road. He said there arQ only three routes available and if ane area is made more $iffiault, they will go onto�the highways, but when the highways become too arowded, the peo�le will c�sne baak to the roadway we are trying to protect. ' The City Enqineer said another pasitive stop would be to work with the 15 gavernmental units to provide another bridge crossing between interstate ik694 and Champlin, xe said this would certainly relieve a n�jor problem on �a$t River Raad. He added, as he pointed out to the Council previously, this is a v�ry expensive project and it would be in the neighborhood of $15,000,000 and it is not even on the map as yet. First the road has to be on the State Highway routinq and for this you have to go to the Legislature. He said �fter this i,s dcane, it is a matter of funding, and they are ao far behind in their �und�ng that the figure that he had given the Council of five to ten years is a�:realistic figure, The City Engineer said unleas a mix•acle happens, the bridge wi�l not be put in soon. Mayor Liebl refexred to page 16 of the City Enginee�'s suimt►ary and asked which items have been approved bX the Council and which items are funded or are �rojected to be funded? The City Engineer said item number A is 37th and East River Road and the City has already sign.ed an agreement with Minneapolis and Anoka County that is under progress now. He said these are things that are not off in the distance. He said he is not pointing out which the City has now, but what they hope to Qrovide in the future. He said at the F.M.C. entrance and the Burli.ngton entrance, there is'enough croas traffic that a signt�l oould be provided, He said the Council had passed a resolution on this, but the County has nat got funds available at the present time for this improvement, He continued to poin� out the various areas which will be improved when the funding is available and the right of way is obtained. The Citx Enqineex said the City is working with the City of Minneapolis to eliminate the clogging of traffic on University Avenue south of the Freeway qoinq toward town. He said if the traffic would move faster in these �red�&, it wou�d ta}ce som.e oP the tXaffic from East River Road which is at pres�nt a c�uick access to the University area. He said iF the conditions an, University would improve, they would use University. The City Engineer said when the Fzeeway i.s completed £rom Minneapolis, this woul� take some of the traffic from the intezseetion at T. �p694 and Eest River Road. Mayor T,a.abi re�'erred to ite� K on ,page 16, Needed Iznpravements and/are Actlons for East Rive� Ro�d Traffic Safety, "Drainaqe problem acros$ road ccar�ection planned 1973"• He asked the CitX Engineer to verify or stipulate the meaniriq oi the item. The City Engineex snid there is a bad curve at the Miasissip�� intersection and also north o� the Missieaigpi 9.ntersection he added, th�re have been eexioua acaidents in the area. He recalled the •r�ce�x�.� �G�idsnts reported by the Pu� ic Safet� Director. He said these plans ca11 for � structu�'� to carr� the water ratfj�er than let it run acrosss ' , I � I SPECIAI, SESS CQN - EAST �tIVER RO�,D, MARCH 5, 1973 PBge 11 the �coadway �d fx�eze causiriq hazardous conditiana. He said he must point aut t,hat the structur�s would not eliminate the water, because the water mu�t b� caugl�k by the struc�uxsa betore it ran aczos� the roAdwaX. He eaid sny vta��r aaning from the ea�t up to the curbing would be caught by the atruatuxea, Any wa�er that falls west of the etructure would st�11 run acro�e, eo, th�re wauld �ti11 be sane water running acroas tYje roadway, buk the amau�t will be much smaller. Mayar Lieb1 s�ked the City Engineer if tk�e drainage proble�a whioh he is referring to wouid be included in the coat.of the ovezall road constructi.on project. Th. Citx �ngineer �said yes. Mayor Lieb1 asked who would be paying fox this, th: averall project or the property owners, themaelves? The City Erigineer �aii it would be both. Mayor Liebl said this would be done by the policy o� th: Council under �revious action. The City Engineer agreed. He painted Q�� the area where the drainage problem would be taken care oE alonq Eask River Road betweer� 64th and Riae Creek. He added, this is also ,� problrm in other areae on the raadway that are not in the program, but he hop�d in�time theee drainage problema w�ould be taken care of. xe said h� i� sare Coun,eiLnan, Nee is awaxe ot the aumbeX of areae �here the water run� a�rosa the roa�dway. The City Engineer said in tiime, these arese would hav� t� be talcen care of with the cooperation of the County, Mayor L�ebl �sked the City Engineer if he had cmapleted hi$ presentation to tha Council, The City Enqineer said, unless soiaeone has so�ae questions. Mayor �.ieh1 eaid he would like to open the meetinq up tor questions about the present�tion oz abaut what the Council had done at two previous meetinqs when they ad�pted two resalutiona, after two public heazings and the people were informe� who would be involved in the plans alonq East River Road. He said the pecple were informed by notification or by letter. Mayor Liebl said Councilman Breider and himself had worked extensively for tw�o years on thia matter, and they are fully aware of the matter. He �aid he beiieved Cauncilman at 7aarge, Utter is also very aware of the problem. He said he �+ns direct�ng hia queations on what the Council had done in the past to Caurcilman StArwalt and Councilman Nee. Councilman 4tarwalt said he did not have any questions at thie time: Mayor , Liebl said the R�pxesentativa of the Third Wa�rd at that time did vote in favor of the averall project. ' Councilman �ee aaid he k�ad talke8 to Dick Brown at the meetinq recently and he thoucht ma�be, he could clarify it for Councilman Nae, but he had eeemed quitE busy and maybe, the Mayor could clarify the point for him. Councila►an Dee aske� wha�t the thinkinq of the destination pattern that the '� bridqe an�t t he pians that a�e beinq ta►lked about on the northern coridor, �uld re11e`e the load and the expenae that has been suggeeted. He said the n�ana►qemen� c aa¢nittee had inade a judgement that his east/Mest sort of thing ' .�ou� be thE way to go und Mithout reference to extenaion of the freeway up the weat ai�e of the River or anything like this, Cauncilman Nee asked the.Ctty Eneineer if he oauld explain how this would w�ork. ' I�i ' � The G�.ty �ncineex aaid yea. He added, the City hae had what is ca�lled daatination stud�er� to come up with who is ueinq the roadw�y a�nd where they �re coming 9raa and qoing to. He eaid in five yeara the trafiic wauld inareae� aQ� , ano.t.k�er five xeare� another increa�se. CouncilmAn Nee said there a�e <,e��ina�tion �studias that show �his? The Gity Engineer eaid there �rQ, �'k�,e C� ty Engineer ��id there �,re peo�le Mtiin do� go up and loop axound L S�ECIAI� �ESSZQN ��A�T RIVER RQAD� MARCH 5, 1973 and once the �zidge is in, this wou�d be decreased. PAGE 12 Gouncilman Nes �aid �he City did no� have to resolve the whole system o� �reeways in order tQ document our benefit of the construction of the bzidge. Councilman Nes added, it seems to him that the City could do mQre in �he dir��tion of gettinq the bridge than they can in getting 18 miles of £reeway that goes from.now�ere to nawhere, as far as he can see. The City Engineer said the City must h�ve adequate roadways to carry that k�nd of traffic. He added, at this ti.me, if there was a bridge and not a roadway, the traffic wouid not work because at this time there are 65,000 vehicles crossinq the bridge. The Engineer said where can the City put 65,000 vehicles? The City Engineer said eventually, if the bridge would be put in, this means theze would be a large volume going across that bridge. He added, i� there are 10,000 to 20,000 cars, there has to be a roadway provided to disburse those cazs. Councilman Nee gaid he is looking at the plan, if he would go to the Highway �epartment and try to build a case for the whole structure that is being discussed, he could not because a11 the road goes to is 1,000 acres out at th� ather end. He said he could see going to the hiqhway department and s�yinq laok at the#nmediate future, we need this and you can study all the other factors as much as you want. The Gity Engineer said what the planning pxoblem has been in the past is that the Highway Department only projects for five ysars and the minute a facility is built it is obsolete bacause the funding is not provided and they do not plan ahead. The City Engin�er said what they are talking about is not 1975, it is 198p and 1985 and 1990. He added, you must look a the picture better, in 20 years, what kind of City was �ridley 20 years ago, what kind of population �rowth, zoning, and ehange in areas have taken place in Coon Rapids, Blaine, and Fridley? He said it must be pictured 20 years from now, and what kind of papul�tian can be anticipated from the north area. He said if the growth ra�e cantinues as it has done, there is going to be an almost doublinq of the population. He said there has�to be some kind of system to handle that qrowth. Gouncilman, Nee said he did understand this. He added, he just thought the �ity aould make a much stronger and more urgent case for the bridge and a few miles Qn each side a� i� than could be made for 18 miles of highway .that goes ncawhexe . The City Engineer said there must be an overall plan, hs did not say the bridge and the highway would be put in one overall package. He said certainlX, one sectian of it can be built, but it has to fit into some overall plan. CounGilman Nee asked if the City Engineer knew what the schedule was on the west side? The City Engineer said yes, it was supposed to be completed in 19'T2, �ouncilman Nee asked to where? The City Engine�r said al.l the way irom Zr�terstate #69� to downtowr�. Councilman Ne,e said so the bridge wquld �ot take an,ything from that, would i�? The City �ngineer asked if he wa�s tc��.kix�g about the north? Councilman Nee said yes. The City Enc�ineer said �.he roadway in this arear I. #694, is not planned for improvement for a lonq time, kIe ��id the basic problem that has delayed the construction of the freewa�x is c�oing through the park. He added, �here has been conflicts back and #'o�r'tia � and €i,nally it• has been solved and it has been put back on the schedule� but �.t will no� be comple�ed until 1975 or 1976. , � SPECIA� SESSaON -- EAST RIVER ROAD, MARCH 5, 1973 ' �1 � ' J PAGE 13 Coun�ilman Nea asked, so �he bridge is reallX not going to be the major solutian? Tre City Engineer s�id it wi11 be a major solution, but it must bs proj�cted ahead 20 years. He said once the �opulation is doubled, and th� peo�a] e cnra croes the� highway, the problem will not be solved. Hs adr�ed, unaeas t�ere is some kind of crossing, this problem wa.11 not be so]�vsd, He � aid a�1], th� traf�'ic systems are going to take billlons of . dallaura and a� i� going to take a while. The City Engineer said the a�uc�i.es tku�� are being used now go to 1990 and they indicate that only 15� of the people will be using the transit system at that time. He said tnany will drive from the outer areas and came to areas to piak up i� 1.J1% .i�" s Mayor L�.ebl �aici he would like to recess the special session until after an adj�unnert o� the rec,�ular meeting. ?h'he City Engineer said he haped the Council would listen to the Public ' �lafety Directar, because it is the�x impression that the City Engineer is ,�.ahing fox n ore roadwaya and highways and the Public Safety Airactor >�salces the sit uat�on very clear. ' , ' �J , r Mayox Lieb� �aid they wauld call on the Public Safety I�irector after the reqular m�eting. �iECESS: Me�yax Liebl sacessed the, special sess�on at 7;36 p;m. RECON�IENEA : Mayor Lieb1 xecanvened the special session of the Council at 10:41 p.m. Mayor Leib1 called on the Public Safety Director to give his presentation •i� .regard tp the report he had submitted to the Council on the East River Ro�d Enforcen ent Proc�ram. The Public Safety Director said he did not know if the City Engineer had completed his report. The C�ty Engineer said the plan that was proposed wauld provide for , shoulders enabling the law enforcement officer a place to pull off the roadway and also direct the violator to pull off the roadway. He said , the way the zoad is now, there are no shoulders, especially north af the Freeway. The City Engineer said it is very danqexous to pull the people off the road , withou� shoul�ers. H� said proper areas should be provided to receive a di�ahled car �nd �lsp to ticket violators, and this had been provided for in the overall Flan. He said he knew the Public Safety Direetor would agree this ' is � dar�gerous roadWay the way it is laid out at the present time. He added, this improvenerit would al'so be an improvement in law enforcement. The City Engineer said there were not any more questions he would conclude his presentation. Mayor Liebl said he thought the City Engineer had covered ' the material very we11 in his report. Mayor Liebl said the report had contained everything that had been done in the past and everything that shauld be dor.e in the future. Mayor Liebl.said it is just a matter of ' selli�g tp qet t�e people effected by the major improvements to concur With the recGmmendations p� the Engineering staff. � SPECIAL SESSiON - FAST RIVER ROAD, MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 14 He aaid tk�e Counail must do a eelling job�to qet it implemented and find the money to da so. Mayor Liebl asked the Public•Sa�ety Director for his camments on how the City can enforce the law as it is written. The Publ.ic Sa£ety Director said he would like to concur with everything the Gity Enginee� had said, and in essence this is the conclusion he had drawn in his report. He said the prablem in his opinion would be to about $0$ to 90�s engineeriag. The primary purpose of his report was to show �he Gity Manager and the members of the Council what enforcement steps have been taken on East River Road and what the results have been. He said 13 months of accident data had been reviewed on the matter of East Rivex Road,•January 1972 to January 1973. He said from this 13 month period there were 151 aacidenta reported to the Fridley Police Depaxtment, which is 22� of the total accidents for the entire City of Fridley. When he c�npared the number o� traffic tags issued on East Rivsr Road, he found that 27$ of the total traffic tags were issued on East River Road. He said there wexe an additional 5$ of traffic taqs to the accidents on the roadway. The Publi� Safety pirector said the a�ount of miles in length of East River Raad cc>mpared to the 120 miles of total roads in Fridley, has to be coneidered as a matter of devotion of enforcement on East River Road and is subet�xntial. He said this dev�otion may even be questioned by some citizens as to their loss of protection in other parts of the City because of the police being on East River Road. He said there is probably one squad car there at one time of enforcement and with six miles of roadway with Eour lanes, and 20,OOQ cars going through there, the squad car is not going to be that visable, The Public Safety Director said there was a considerable enforcement effort in May of 1972, which was planned again. He said this had been the reason �or looking at the statistics. He said he had found that in the enforcementg effort of May of 1972, that the Police Department was quite successful in the issuing of speeding tickets which can be done at any time on East River Road. The Public Safety Director said,there had been 152 tac�a of which 141 were fox speeding, but what is discouraging, he added, is when th�s is looked at, the accident rate for that month in 1972, went up over the thxee previous years.during that month. xe said obviously, the pxoblem was not being resolved. He said he looks a� it as two problems, one problem, the continuous citizen complaints about East River Road whi,ch crop up and go,down and up again, basically because of the speeding automobiles, and the children in the homes along the roadway. He said, but fortunately,'this has not been a problem with the accidents and fatalities. He added, the accident and fatality problem is completely different from the com�laints of the citizens of the speeding of automobiles. He said that is where the explanation from the City Engineer is the solution. The logical eQlution is through engineerincj. He said he can continue to put additanal enforcement on East River Road, but, of course, this would be done at the ex,pense of the rema►inder of the City and he did not know to what avail except ior the issuing of more speeding tickets. He said the basic asuses of accidents are following too ciose and improper turns, which he underatood are tvro of the most difficult violations for an officex to substantiate by observing. He said there are several factors he has to prove for following too close, for example, it is very simple to put radar up and S�.Y a pe7cs4n is speeding, but on East River Road as the City Engineer has poi�ted ou�� it is no� that simple. xe said as the Council is well aware a, radar c�r must be pµt o�f to the c�de of tl�e rQad and there are just a few. SPECIAI, SESS:ON �- EAST RIVER ROAD, MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 15 places that i.hat can be done on East River Road. He said in the area where most cc+[splaints are coming fxom is a residential area and there is no place to put the squad car. He added, there has to be additional places to stop the ��iolators safely and safely, also for the rest of the rest of the traff:c caning down the road, he said, if you stop a person in a traffic laie, it would cause an accident. The Public Sa.fety Airector said these are all enforcement problems on that section of highway. He said the four fatal accidents for 1972 had been examinec. and reviewed and the hours of the day were �eniewed and again, they almost �ndicate to be inverse of'the way the complaints are. He listed the tjmes of the day that the accidents had ocourred: 12:15 p.m. - violated traific signalf 11:42 p.m. - left roadway, hi� tree; 12:16 a.m. - failed to yiEld, over center line; 6:49 a.m. - left roadway, possible driver fatigte. The Public Safety Director said he thought most of the €atalities a�e from cars lEaving the roadway and going across the center :�ine or stri}inq head on ar improper turning. He said whether this is �ecause there is not a left hand turn signal or what, he said he was not sure witiput checking the particular intersections. The Public Sefety Director said in examining data, what the Police Department is saying is, the reasonable inaction, no matter how much is put out there is not important, within reasonable limits according to what informaiion the Department has, is not going to reduce the number of accidents, if that's what is considered the problem. He said if the City wants tc zeduce the number of complaints, yes, they can continually ,put Police Cers out there and write speeding tickets and show them the number of tacs that have been issued. He said in all likelihood, the traffic woulc be slowed down by this action, it is slowed down for a period of ti�a.e, as has been witnessed before, but as the tickets start droppinq off over a lengthy period of time, and the complaints are decreased and the enfo�cement factor is reduced to a normal level, then the complaints start coming in again because the cars start speeding up again. He said that he woulc like to emphasize that speed has not necessarily been the contributory cause for the major accidents. He said 19 accidents out of the 152 were contriubted to excessive speed, where 32 were for improper turning or fcllowing too close. Mayor Liebl :aid to Mr. Hill, from the presentation, he had said the Atajor cause of the aecidents was the design of the roadway, itself? The Public Safety Direclor said yes. Mayor Liebl added, at certain points of the road within the C�ty of Fridley? � Again, Mr. Hill agreed. Mayor Liebl said in order to get to the bottom of the matter, the City would.have to go to the particular pcints and solve the problems there? The Public Safety D.irector aqreed. Maycr Liebl said then the Police Aepartment could enforce the lawa adequatEly? Mr. Hill said yes, enforcement is very important and has to contirue, it has to supplement engineering, you have to enforce what is constructed there. The Public Safety Airector said he had not examined the problem over the length that the City Engineer had, but in his observat�on, he would have to make the same conclusion that basically, the roadway �s not designed to carry the volume of traffic that it is carrying. HE said, we all know this traffic ia qoing to continue, so the answer is noi to put more police cars out there to slow down the volume. The Public SFfety Director recalled a co�m�nent by Mr. Mittelstadt while he was on the Ccunail, that �.t is � har4h thing to do, but to slow down the traffic,semiFhores can be �nstalled �hat arq �adar controlled and will turn a signa7 light red if a car sPeed�. He �aid you can i.magine the cost of sla�v� ng down the cars and there wi11 �e a jam u� every :ru��, hc�ur, u Q SPECIAL SESSION - EAST RIVER ROAD, MARGH 5, 1973 PAGE 16 The Publ�a Safety Director said there are simple ways to slow the traffic down,but, of epurse, this is not the answer to the fatalities. Mayax Liebl eaid he woul.d liks to aee the resoluti.ona that the Council• has passed an twa occassions after the City had hsarings with the people wha wers involved. He said he believed this should be brought to the Council again and implemented north of Missi�sippi, havinq some projection laid aut utilizinc� the input of the Police Department and utilizing the input of the City Engineer and then going to the people for their opinion before the City proceeds on the second stage of the East River Road .improvemer�t pro.ject. Mayor Liebl asked Conncilman Breider if he concurred with the recommendation. Councilman Breider said yes. Mayor Liebl said the Counoil could also receive the input from the Ward Couneilman, Mr. Nee. The Mayor said as the Public Safety Director had pointed out, the City has to get at the major problem. He said he thouqht �rom Mississippi ta the Creek is the worse area along the roadway. Mayor Liebl said thia had to be straightened out and.in order to do this, it is going to cost some money ta acquire some prop�rty. He said th}s is the area where there are quite 8 few accidents especially where the turn is made, it aught to be straightened out. He said he Chought this had first priority. The second would be to enforce the traffic laws because this would make it mare physicaTly possible for the police officers to do their job as they are now risking their lives to go out there. Mayor Li�:bl said he would like to see, as soon as possible, that the City go ahead with the implementation of Mississippi and East River Road at the intersection, that all lights that had been approved be installed as soon as possible, to lighten up some of the darker corners there, which could cauae a traffic accident, and work after the lower area is completed, to aomplete the area on the south. He said the City would need the cooperation of the County, because funds are needed, but he thought the issue should be discussed intelligently to give the people of the area a proposal. He asked the other members of the Council if they aqreed with what he had said, that this would be the only way to go. He said he also felt it imperative that the City Engineer and the Public Safety Director present their sides at the time of the Public Hearing so the people have an overall idea of what the Council is talking about. He said it should be approached with a common sense discussion as this is what it will take to implement and rectify the problems on the East River Road. Mayor Liebl said he would like to have some comcnent by the other member$ of the Council.Is this the way they would like � to go, Mayor Lieb1 asked, or what else can the Council do? , The City Manager said he would like to discuss one thing as it is ktLnd � of a complicated process to qet the County to do something and of course, � the Ci,ty is the one that has to be the buffer with the citizens in the area. The Ci�y Manager said Qerhaps, to start this process the City should offez some.proposals, pasalbly at sane public hea�ings and then go into the County with a firm proposal as presented by the City Council. xe said this is actually a political process of actually talking the County out of more resourse� for Fridley and we can..approach them with the Council unified plus� � fi,kl� peQ�],e generally satisfied if that is possible and take care of �om� caf �he�e �roblems . ' �aPECIAL SES:�ION - EA�T RIVER RUAD, MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 17 ' Mayor Lieb1 said he agreed with the suggestions of the City Manager that the proqx'esa should be done in stages, and the people should be called in .'fa�'--a pu}�li: hearing. He said the specific sections of the overall plan , should be ecplained to the Qeople, this is the way to present the case based on fa:�, he added, he thought this was the way to present the case instead of :he people relying on hearsay. He said he learned his lesson as one time �he Council was shot down, but the second time the people , understood ahat the City was after. He added, the Council was not trying to blow their horns, but the City will have to get to the County and he thau�ht the Council can unanimously agree on a proposal, the County ' will recognLze that the City Fathers of Fridley are united and want this done. He s�id he thought this action would impress•the County Commission. Mayor Liebl called on Mr. C1sar. Mr. Cisar said he would like to question Mr. Hill on the possibility of getting a radar controlled light that would automaticalLy slow down the traffic. He asked, isn't �t the main idea to get the fast traffic o�f the highway? He added, if it is not fast enough for some peaple, they wi�l take another route. IQA't this what you are tryinq tq a:aomplish, he questioned. Mayor Liebl said he believed so, but asked tne City Engineer if the City had the authority to do so. The Gity En�ineer said this type of lighting is an experimental type of lighting ani he has checked with several coaamunities and also sent brochures ta the County for their review. The City Engineer said Mr. Hill had had soae experience with this type of lighting in another coumnunity and Califoznia. The City Engineer said he would have to stress that only 15$ of the accidents were zelatad to speeding. Speed is certainly one consideration, but not the only consideration, the City Engineer said. He said there are a number of other factors that enter into the safety of the roac wacy . Councilman Breider said he would like to ask the Public Safety Director a question concerning speeding and following too close. Councilman Breider asl+ed, are they not related? The Public Safety Director said not necessFrily. He added, more than likely, a percentage of them will be related. Fe said there can be cases of following too closely in snowy and icy corditions. One might be follawing behind and not at an excessive speed limit and still this is following too close for the conditions. He said if the first car stops, there is going to be an accident. He said even though he was the one who had first proposed the radar controlled traffic sicnals, he still felt they were a good idea, he is not saying this will folve the fatalities or the accidents. He continued, all he . is saying 's that it is going to s�op the speeders and complaints of speedi� g, 2.e said, it may increase the accidents because of the back up of the traffic�. He said the stopping and the goinq and the following too close are-c�ne of the main causes in the increase in accidents. Iie stressed, �.11 this would 3o is stop the complainta of speeding. Councilman Utt�er said over a period of time, this would probably • eliminate �:he accidents because of the reductic�n in speed level. He added, so �►any people take the road because they can go like mad. He added, if �:hey have to go s�ow they will�probat�ly find another route. The Public Safety Director said a� the City Engineer said, this is an '� experiment, He added, he did not know what would happen, it would slow the tX�ff��: dow�, this is the only thing that would happen. Whethex or not it ��rould stop th� acGidents, that ia speculation. He said the ' occassion ;ie had to be involved with it, i� did not involve anything but speeding :-��omplaints. He said �t was �n a side street that ,ch�7.dr�r� Gxass�d. SPECIAL SESSION - EAST RIVER ROAD, NiARCH 5, 1973 Paqe 18 Mayor Lieb1 asked if he ha$ the c�xncurrance of the Council that the Council's poaition be reaffirmed in what had already been approved and what the City had money for £xom the County and the City should proceed? He said the City can proceed on the liqhting basis and the City could work up a proposal which can be presented to the people in regard to the acquisition of land right of way to make this an easier and more�safe route to travel. Mayor Ziebl said one thing to be kept in mind is that if the road is made too wide, �t is going to be another highway. Councilman Breider said the major problem is that the C�ty can design the road and have public hearinqs and have all the people agree on what it laok like and take it to the County and have the County tell us that it doesn't qualify. He said this is a problem the City had with the oCher hesring that was held. He said the City had come to a conclusion and the Gounty drapped it. Councilman Breider said from what he could gather from working with the County, it is kind of an exercise of futility to design a progzam and take it to the Council and ask them for help and have them all tell you, no, it can't be done. He said it is almost a situation where one should get a few in roads to the Coa:nty people and have then join the effarts and say okay, we will work it out and see what best fits and then go from there. Mayor I,ieb1 said he did not believe there was any problem with Mike O'Bannon or Al Kordiak, the County Commissioners, they could be here and give the Council some of their feelir�qs of what the City could get out of the plans, He said thi� is ths kind of cooperation he was hoping for because he felt the problem would be solved, but they had to start somewhere and probably the traffic situation is not getting any better it is getting worse and gettinq worse while they are deciding to put one foot forward. Councilman Breider eaid he definitely felt the improvements on the Mississippi intersection shauld be implemented, it was the improvements beyond this he Eelt would be difficult as a practical matter. The City Engineer said he thought they all knew, but there had been almost a million dollars approved by the TOPICS fund. He �aid the probleia is that the County wae ready to ga for bids on the project at one time, and ' the problem came up when the City cut up the project. He said it did not meet th� atandards of what they wanted to achieve under this program. He said the second road section was pulled out. He eaid the section that they are doing is a,pproved. Mayor Liebl said there k�ad been aome misunderstandinq. He said the people had written lettera in opposition to the original proposal because they felt �the Engineerinq Aepartment had tried to jam somethin,g down their throats. He added, they were aggrevated and did not appxove the original proposal. Mayor Liebl said this is what he would lilse to prevent. He would like to come up with a proposal where the City knows it wi�,l not be cu� down from the Fedexal atandarda. Mayor Lisbl said he did not believe the money would be t,t'��re anymore like it had been. The City Enqineer said he felt a good example was the area of 69th and #47. He said they had gone a�l the way from the Govenor to the representatives, but a� lang as it doea not meet the standards, they are not going to give you money. He said the woney from the City and County level car� be obtained, but when a community wants the money from the State or Federal leve�, � t�he comz�tunity will have to m�et their standards . SPECYAL SESS::ON - i�;AST RIVER RO�:.�, 1�IARCH 5, 1�73 PAGE 19 Mayor Liebl �:old the City Engineer that the City had obtained money for things that ihey never thought they could get it for. Mayor Liebl said the Cit�� Engineer had gotten the money for the Citp, so he felt it would ncat be impassible. The City Engineer said thRy have to take into conside�•ation that the people who live on East River Road are being adversly af�'�cted by this, there is no question about it, but, there are another :5,000 people in the community that the Council has to be concerned wi1h. He said the local area and the overall good of the community ha� to be balanced. He said he thought the overall direction coulcl be ach:eved, and the City should be working on a section by section plan to imprcve as best as it can. � Maypr Liebl :aid he did not believe anything that had been approved and was about to be �n the stage of construction could be changed, but if there were some ideas for the future, there should be some input. Councilman Nee said he had no problems or particular objections. He �hought the �ecommendations for progress were good to go from the ground •ap and work �ith the northtown corridor study. He said, there is one question �e would like ahswered, it has been said that people go across the center line. C:ouncilman Nee said there is no center line. The City Eng�neer said he did not believe the problem was driving. He said there are sone drainage problems and there is a problem with the straightness of the roadwey. He said what he was saying is, anything that is done would be a stap in the right direction, there are about 18 items listed and each one would be a step in the right direction. Councilman Nee said he believed just the item of striping more frequently. would be effective. The City Engineer said this is done by the County. Councilman Nee asked how often this was done? Was it twice a year? The City Enginee� said he thought they did it twice a year, but maybe, they do not. Tf they don't, he continued, the City should request them to do it that ofter . Councilman Nee addressed the Public Safety Director and said his report was excellent, but he had some problems as he believed Mr. Hill was talking �legal descri�tions and they tend to be misleading if the Council just talks about excess�ve speed. Counc'ilman Nee said following too close, there is a speed funetion there, improper turn, Councilman Nee said he was not entirely sure he knew what that was, rear end, there is a speed function titere, and tiat more than triples the whole package. fie continued by reading skidcing, he was aure there was a speed function there, he read failure to y�eld. . The Public Safety Direetor said probably 75$ to 90$ of all the vehicles on East Rivex Road are speeding. He said the listing are eharges or �detex'�ninatiors �nade by inveatigating the contributary factor causing the ` accidents. 7he Public Safety Director said this is determined by admission � of the drivex or by testimony of witnesses. Councilman Nee said wher� a description is plugged into a report and only 20� of the accidents are caused by apeeding, this is misleading. The City Engineez said maybe, hs could clarify this point. If you were travp�.�.�q doh n. the hic�hwax at 30 miles an hour and you leave the roadway . and hi,t a tree, you die, �f you leave it at 45 miles an hour, there is no differenoe, ycu will die too. Councilman Nee said he was evading the c�testion. The CIty Engineer eaid no, the movement of the vehicle is certainly a factor no matter what is done, but if the fatalities are looked at, what is killinq the people is not always spe�d. SPECIAL SE5SZON - EAST RIVER ROAD, MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 20 Councilman Nee said if failure to yield is discussed in terms of a charge or legal d�sce�.Qtion, this is useful to th� police department and other people who may say that failure to yield did not include an operating manner, but this is no� te],ling the whole story. The Public Safety Director �aid usually, failure to yield doss not involve speeding. HQ added, it includes a slow movement type action like coming out of a side street into the main flow of traffic. Councilman Nee asked what an improper turn is as the Public Safety Director had described in his report7 He asked what type of violation this is? The Public Safety Director said an iunproper turn is taking into consideration several factors, whether one is turning fram one flow of traffic, say east or west to north or south, in the improper lane, cutting the corner on the turn, turning in areas where there is no left turn or right turn. The City Engineer said the factor of who has the right of way also enters into the consideration. The Publid. Safety Director said there is no denial, whatsoever, that from the reports of the Police Department that there is a speeding problem. He said this is a known fac� that is substantiated when the Department goes on . a eoncentrated eniorcement effort, when the Department can write 141 tickets for speeding out of 152 in a short period of time, this is obviously speeding. He said�the point he would like to have the Councilmen remember is; even though the radar car was ont there for two weeks in the rush hours oF traffic, the� accidents continued. He said, he supposed this was the support to the data that speeding is not the Qrimary cause of the accidents. Councilman Nee said he thought the Public Safety Director's description nf speeding and what he felt might be two different things, and there is trouble with the data if thia ia the case.. Councilman Nee continued, it is quite often aggressive driving behavior and lane changes that may not exceed 40 miles per hour that cause the problems. Councilman Nee said he had followed one CE the Police cars down East River Road recently and everyone was very orderly until the squad car pulled off the Road, then they broke loose. Councilman Nee said he drove at 40 miles per hour to see what wauld happen, he said, he held up traffic obviously; but, it was mostly people zooming by him. The Publfa Safety Airector said this is technically careless driving. Councilman Nee said there is only one charge of careless driving listed. The Public SafetX Director agreed. Councilman Nee said he would agree with the exgerimental electronic signs, and would suppozt the use of unmarked cars if they are not illegal. The Public Safety pirector said they are not illegal if they are nat used predominatly. Cauncilman Nee suggested putting up signs stating the unmarked cars are in use. He said there is seme talk that the cars are not visible, The Publia Safety Airector said �here is no denxing that speeding is not a m�tjor pxoblem and they should be slowed down over a period of time, what he sAid he was saying ia that the accidents were not stopped by stopping the epeedinq, �iret of all, He eaid secondiy, unless there is a car continually o�t there, the speeding is going to pick back up again. Councilman Nee said he understood this. The Public Safety Director said he would like to get into a p�xtnanent solution to the problem rather than constant concentrated enforcement. SPECIAL SES�IQN - EAST R�VER ROAD, MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 21 The City Encineer said at one time, there was only one signal, now there are seven ard t�e City is proposing five more signals, he added, once there are ten signals on a stretch of roadway that is only six miles long, the signals would be tiFd in and will control what the City is trying to achieve. Coun�ilman N ee said what he would propose is that the City ought to build to accomodate the load or� accomodate the 1oa.d to what there is there. He said he rea]ly did not have any objecticn to the proposals that are being made except on tkis one premise that it becomes more inviting. He said he thought this is why people living on the road opposed it, because basically, they had no confidence in the City that East River Road would not be "the" route and the main route from the north going down to #694, and he thought they were prObably right. He said as long as the City does not have a program that attempts to balance� ff, and the City does not, the people will not have any confidence. He �aid he �ould like to get some kind of declaration or agreement that East Rivex Road is basically a local residential road, and it may still get the kind of loac that has been projected in terms of local cars, but the people have no coniidence in the idea that they are only going to suffez their own traffic, until this is documented, and this has not been done. He said he �admita he may be quite wrong, but it seems to hi�n the City should be quite visable and active in providi.ng alternatives in the south, and as far as he knew, thjs has not been done. He said the City has not been active in talking to the Metropolitan Council concerning their needs, nor has Anoka County and Pnoka County has the basic responsibility for this. He added, if Anoka Count� will not, he guessed the City would have to, He said i,t seemed to him there is a need to systematize relations with the people who have traffic and flow planning responsibilities in both Minneapolis and the Metropolitan Council to try to move other options than Marshall. Mayor Liebl said if the City were to talk to Minneapolis and the Metro Council, it will have to have something to talk about. Councilman Nee said yes, the pl�n must be documented. Mayor Lieb1 said this is what he wanted. He added, he thought the people would have mo� faith in the City if it can document what they are talking about. Councilman ree said at the time the people would have confidence in the City, that the City is making a real effort to handle the traffic but not expand the roadway but, not by virtue of making it a very inviting roadway. At that ti.me, they will suppozt the kind of things the City is proposing, because obviously, there are thoughts behind the p1an. The City Encineer said in the matter of documentation, he said he thought there was mcre documentation for this roadway than any other roadway in F'ridley, Ancka County or any other county. He added, there has been traffic counts takei several times, there are accident reports, and there are a number of plans. He said the question Councilman Nee was raising was that it would im ite the traffic, and in his report he had shown that Highway #47 and #65 are already becoming jairnned up and it has been projected by 1975 that unless there are improvements made, before 1975, there would be more severe problems on i647 and #65 than there are on East River Road. Councilman Nee said thEre is sQace to deal with the problems on those hic�hways, and not on East River Raad. The City Engineer said he is not saying there would be a.ny more daY.ger added, he said the capacity is what adds ta the danger. He said the highways are designed foz greater vapacity, the aurbing, movement and�shouide�s �11 contribute to giving a more safe area. Councilman Nee said �he Q�,ty Enc'inaer did no� have to cpnvince him, he would have to convince �he p�ap],e, anc� there is a creditab�.lity problesq, they do not believe it. SPECIAL SESSION - EAST RTVER ROAA, MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 22 The City Engineer said the figurea that had been provided by the Public Safety IYrector an� himself and also the traffic courits, ehould provide proof to t.he people, he said if they do not believe this matter, there is no other wax i�k can be pzoved, unless the administration would talk to the people door to docar. He said they,cannot say this is a residential roadw�y and the City will keep it that way, he added, there is no way this can be dane, unle$s thera is another super hlghway put in that crossed the hiqhway and takes off the traific, there wauld be no way ta take traffic from #47, #65 or East River Road. He said thare �rould be some traific reduction on East River Road with the construction o:E the bridge, it will drop to a normal level, it would again jump and 8rop back. ,Mayar Lfebl addreesed Councilm�n Nee atating the"City Engineer had very effectively dociunented how the construction of �the bridge would reduce the tra[ffic on East River Road, this had been done last Xear. MOTION by Councilmati Stazwalt to receive the reports submitted by theCity Engineex and the Publia SafetX Director. Seconded by Coc�ncilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declaxed the motion carried unanimously. ' Mayor Liebl snid he thought it would be in order to indicate to the City Engineer what type of action ahould be proposed. He said ha w+auld l:Uce to aee a xesalution brought forth emphaaizing the actian taken last year in reqsrds to the improvements and proceed with those improvements at the earliest pasaible d�te and set out a program which addressed itsslf $pecifically witl� the problems on East River Road on a aection basis keeping ia m�.nd the averail pro�ect as it is laid out for East River Road fraa 37th a11 the way to SSth. Mayor Liebl adressed Councilman Nee saying what he though� had ta be done was to break up the improvemer�ts intq special sec�ions, call the people in explaining to them what the City's inten�iona are becauae the majar fear of the �eople is if an�,►thing is dona, it a►ay increase the traffia, which Councilman Nee had pointed out�te the Counc�.l.: Mayar Liebl said he was aware of this fact, and he r_hought if the City could show them what the City's intentions axe, but the City cannot fool the Federai Gavernment on what the intentions of the City are, beaause their intentlons are justifying putting moxe traffic on East River . Road and the Qeople know that. Mayor Liebl said tk�ie ia the City's biggeet cpn�lict, that is whX the people were not going to buy,the p1an, they knew it would mean cancleming houses and widening Eas� R:Lver Road by 40 feet in some places. He said this would increase the traffic, it is not qoing to decrease it. Mayor Lieb1 said the Ci�Cy must indicate this is residential, but how the City is going to do this a�nd c�et by to meet the �ri�.eria oi the Federai Govexn�ent which has been laid out very atrictly, this is a problem that the City ha►s to mastez. He said �.his cannot be done without the h�lp of Minneapolie and other qovernmental bodies. He said this ia the way he laaka� n� the� matter, and he had �ooked at many diEferent aspects, a�nd thia is the point v�hich has to be so1d. Councilman N�e asked if the City Engineer sti11 beiieves that East River Road wi11 no� be m res9.dential road? ktayor Liebl said xe�, he kriew. Gouncil� Ne,� said he bali�eved it wouid be. xe said he is not opposed to anY c� the t;hinga the City Enqineer had propoaed, he added, �hey axe all vex� aice, the p eople are oppo�ed to them and until the Citx cor�vinces them that there ia a ca�nnittm�nt in this direction, and the County wida view �say� the ��a;ff�,c musp be moved paaeKhere. Cquncilman �1ee said he took a very paroahial view and he beli�sves it, East River Itoad muat �je a ccunmunity rosd. H� said tihis would involve Coon Rapids, south of the aacqejt mnd F�id��y. SPECIAL SESSLON - EAST RIVER ROAD, MARCH 5� 1973 PAGE 23 The City Eng inesr asked what aau,, be done with the 15, 000 vehicles v�ihich � the Fridley reaidents are putting on the road? He added, what can be � c�one with th�tn, Thd C1�y Engineer said any road tha�t ia cazrying 15,000 cara ia under no etretch of the imagination a residential rqadway. iie said he ia not �saying' that is could not be beautified with dividere and treea ta maks it loak nice,.this can be done. He said �.E the roadway is going to be �sed by cars, auzd it is handling 15,000 vehicles, the City ttill have to pzovide a safe area for those Qars to drive, that is �1hy there �are fataliti:s. Councilman Nee said,the people are ki111ng themselves when th�y drive a� they are. The�City Engineer, said it is the reaponsibility of th• City �►nd the County to provide an a►dequate syatem fox the citizens. Councilman N�e said �here is being a load put on the City because of the aaaess to do�vntown and there i,s a load beyond what the struckure justifiea, he said, the load aan b� juatified on Highway ��7, but it cannot be justified on that stre:ch of East River Road and it ie there because Marsh$11 is the best route. ' ='ouncilman;B:eider eaid he thought much of this traffic was due to the :�ridqe acro�r the river. He added, hs never drove Eaet Riv�r Road in the summer monthf. He would always use Univex�ity and Central Avenues. He •aid in the �+inter duxing bad weather he would always use East River R�oad becauae at l�+ast he cauld get to the bridqe. He said if he were to take University A�►enus, it would take him a half an hour to get to the bridge. Mayor Liebl iaid thip is why Eaat ltiver Aoad ie used. Counailman Ne� said he knew thie �►d the City was not ma}cing t�ny efforts in that direction. Tha City Eng..near eaid all the items have to be acted upon. He added, the City would h+�v� to keep movinq in every area, He eaid the City would have to get bette:- �iqaala, better apeed contral, better roadwaya, an�d better access into 1li�neapolie. A11 of theee otepe are in th� riqht direction. He eaid, but he is not aaying th�t only or�e of the eteps i� goinq to ca4plete th� pxoqrese of the problem. Councilman Nee said he agreed, and added, now 1�st'a talk to Minneapolis. Mayor Liebl ��eked the City Engineer it he would bring tha reaolution before the Council �►gain the following Monday. Counaila�n Nee said tisere is no re4olution n��eded, ae the thing io going. Mayor Liebl �aid he just wanted to malce coua� :iiman �tee aware of what ia qoinq on. Caunail:nar► N�e said he i� arrare of � rhat is qoing on. � ' Thm Cit�r Eng:.neer said onae the Misei�oippi area s�nd Ea►et Riv�r Rcu�d ia aaWpleted, �.�: would givo the'people a� part o� the projao� they aaui undaratand and qet a fe�sd back on what has been dona on that ■eation o! the road. MOTTON by �o� �ncilman Nee to a�d journ the speaia►1 meetinq. seaandod by Counail�aaa �tarwait, Va,on a� voice vote, all, votin� �ye, Me►yor Liebl dealared the Spsoiai MeQtinq of �C1�e Fxidl�y Cit�► Council on tha Eaet River Raad pxoblems adjourned at 1]. � 30 p.�a ., Marvi} 5. 3.973. Gt�u�.�x su�m►�.tr.�a � , • . �i ��;�, P+�txivia E11:.� S�are�zx to �#� �ity Cou�ail ' ' � FraNt a. Lisbl, Ma��►or