04/02/1973 - 5783PATRICIA ELLI5 COUNCiL SECRETARY REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 2, 1973 FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 2, 1973 - 7:30 P. M. 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Given. ' INVOCATION: offered by Mayor Lieb1 ROLL CALL: AZ.I Present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: � Regular Council Meeting, February 26, 1973 Adopted Regular Council Meeting, March 5, 1973 Adopted Public Hearing Meeting, March 12, 1973 Adopted ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Added: Item #17: Resolution by Finance Director, Opposing H.F. Z192, interest on utility deposits. Item #42: Letter from Glen R. Ramsdell, request for fence. Item #43: Letter from Ed Wilmes, Islands of Peace, request for appointment of two members to committee. Item #2-B: Report on Stevenson 5chool Walkway investigation by Councilman Nee. VISITORS: Consideration of Items not on Agenda - 15 ,Iinutes Henry Melcher, 6500 Pierce St., discussion on dyinq shrub fence and rep.ianting by City. Wi11 be brought back April 9, 1973, with recommendations from statf. DeWayne Lennox, discussion of construction of double bungalow facing on Symphony as Mr. Lennox reguests or 74th as property owners of the area indicated they prefer. Mr. Lennox directed to submit a petitzon and at that time, the matter could be considered. PIiBISC HEARINGS: NONE . I r---- � I- , ' , , � ' � , � � _, � CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, APRIL 2, 1973 pAGE 2 OLD BUSINESS: J Receiving Report on Fridley's Designation as the Pilot City 1- 1 M for Local Government Information System Association Approved to concur with 5taff and authorization given to sign the binding agreement to app�ove Frid.Zer� as the Pilot City. w Receiving Report on the Proposed Metro Rate Authority (Tabled March 19, 1973) Public Heaxing Notice to be prepared and Public Hearing set for May 14, 1973. Report Received. REPORT ON INVESTIGATION OF POSSIBLE SITES FOR ROBERT STEVENSON SCHOOL WALKWAY BY COUNCILMAN NEE People of the area to be notified. On agenda for discussion April l6, 1973. Discussion Regarding Bids - Furnishings for Liquor Store (Bids Opened 11:30 A.M., March 15, 1973)(Tabled March 19, 1973) Contract awarded to Disp.Iay Fixtures in the amount of $Z8,775.00. NEW BUSINESS: Consideration of a Request by Mr. Kenneth Gill and Mr. George Schumann to Erect a Fence Barrier Behind 4630 and 4638 3rd Street in the Easement to Deter Motor Scooters Letters received. Administration to prepare alternative pro�osals for so.Zution. To be discussed ApriZ 9, Z973. � 2 = 2 A 3 - 3 D 4 - 4 B CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, APRIL 2, 1973 pAGE 3 NET�T BUSINESS ( Continued) Receiving Feasibility Report on Landscaping Plan with Costs for Lot 29 and 30, Block 12, Hyde Park Addition (Lawrence Muggli) P1an for staggered wood posts approved. Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of March 14, 1973 1. Receive notice of PubZic Hearings from Spring Lake Park: no action taken. 2. Continued: Comprehensive P1an: Public Hearing set for May 14, 1973. MINUTES RECEIVED. 0 Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of March 21, 1973 and Receiving Communication from Sam Templin Dated March 26, 1973, Regarding Rezoning Request 1. Rezoning reguest ZOA-#73-03, by Samuel Templin: Public Hearing set for May I4, 1973. 2. Vacation request SAV #73-02, by Samuel Templin: Public Hearing set for Mag .14, 1973. 3. Rezoning request, ZOA #73-04, by North Air Home Association: Concurred with Planning Commission in denial for rezoning. Variance qranted for construction of addition stipulaint $3.00 per �00 square feet be escrowed for storm sewer and additional .Iandscaping to be done. 5 - 5 A . . � 7 - 7 0 �� CITY COUII�CIL AGE1f1DA, APRIL 2, I973 � PAGE 3 A Receiving•the aunutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of March 21, 1973 continued. 4. Rezoning request, ZOA #73-05, bg Robert Schroer: Pending before Planning Co�nission. 5. Proposed preliminary P1at, P. S. #73-01, Rudolph Bayer: Publia Searing set for May 14, .Z973. 6. Proposed preliminary P1at, P. S. #73-02, Innsbruck North Toranhouses Phase IP and V of the townhouse area generaZly located One guarter mile East of Matterhorn Drive and North o.f Interstate No. 694.: Pending before PZanning Commission. 7• Preliminary Plan approval: Phase IV and V(1Z8 unit townhouse) By DarreZ A. Farr Development Corporation: Pending before Plannint� Commission. 8. FZ'el�msnary p1at� P. S. #73-03, Michael 5ervetus Unitarian Society: Publia Hearing set for 1Nay 14, 1973. 9. Pacatiokzi request, SAV #73-04, by Wayne Simoneau:' Public Flearing set for Ma� 14, 1973. I0. Dedication of .9 miles of State Aid Roads: Concurred with Planning Commission designating 63rd, Monroe and Brthur as State Aid Roads. MINUTES RE�ZVED. .:.;,,. II � � � � CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, APRIL 2, 1973 PAGE 4 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) Receiving the Minutes of the Building Standards - Design Control Meeting of Ma.rch 27, 1973 No action taken. MINUTES RECEIVED. Receiving the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of March 27, 1973 1. Sign Variancer for Geor�etown Court Apartmentse Concurred with the Planning Commission in approving the variance. 2. Request for variance for section 45,053, Fridley City Code, to reduce minimum square feet to 8070 squaxe feet to a11ow construction of a draelling, 581 53rd Avenue N. E.; Approved. MINUTES RECEIVED. • Receiving a Report on Discussion with Fridley Little League Officials Regarding Request for Free Water Report received. Bi.I1 reduced to $300 of the $600 past due amount. Provisions to be made to read the meter. Receiving Summary of Public Forum �k3, Northtown Corridor Task Force, Held at Spring Lake Park Jr. High SchooZ February 27, 1973 Received. 8 - 8 B 9_9E � 11 _ - 11 D �� � , � . CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, APRIL 2, 1973 `PAGE 5 � � NEW BUSINESS (Continued) � Consideration of Letter Written in Response to Questions 12 - 12 B of Senator John Milton Regarding Northtown Corridor Letter received. Letter drafted br� City 1Kanager approved. � � . � Consideration oF Extention of Ti.me on Building Permits 13 - 13 B Issued Before the First of the Year ! Extension approved. ',1 � I'� 1 , i� � Requesting Soil and Water Conservat�on District to 14 Evaluate and Solve the Water Problem Along Oak Glen Creek � Received and approved. Ma�or authorized to sign. � s ' ;; � Consideration of Approval of Change Order ��5, 15 - 15 A SS&SW ��102 ' i Approved. � � [1 4 � ,� . . � . . � .. _ — �� ��–�� r..rvu c.v Q � [_r_i�ii iiin-+s+r i n� �Trr � . �� 1 � CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, APRIL 2, 1973 PAGE 6 � ' NEW BUSINESS ( Continued) � Receiving a Report on Senate File 1283 Regarding 16 Cable Television Received. Cit� Manager authorized to attend meeting and , express opposition to bi.�1 on belhalf of the City. � ! . � Receiving a Report Regarding House File 1192, 17 - 17 B Interest on Utility Deposits Received. Resolution #39-1973 adopted. � i 1 Consideration of a Resolution Designatir_g State 18 _ 18 A , Aid Streets Resolution #40-1973 adopted. � � �' Consideration of a Resolution Receiving Pzeliminary 19 - I9 A Report and Calling a Public Hearing on the Matter of the Construction of Certain improvements; Sanitary ,� Sewer and Storm Sewer Improvement Project �k113 , , Received. Resoiutaon #41-1973 adopted. „ � I� I; �y � . � � � � . � . J CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, APRIL 2, 1973 $AGE 7 NEW BUSiNESS (Continued) Consideration of a Resoluti4n Ordering Preliminary Plans, Specifications and Estimates of the Costs Thereof: Street Improvement Project ST. I973-1 and ST. 1973-2, Addendum ��2 and Receiving Petition Requesting Improvement ' Resolution #42-1973 adopted. Petition received. Consideration of a Resolution Receiving Preliminary Report and Calling a Public Hearing on the Matter of the Construc- tion of Certain Improvements; Street Improvement Project ST. 1973-1 and ST. 1973-2, Addendum �k2 � Hearing set for May I4, 1973 Resolution #43-1973 adopted. Consideration of a Resolution Approving Plans and Ordering a Advertisements for Bids: Sanitary Sewer, Watermains and Storm Sewer, Project ��112 Resolution #44-1973 adopted. Consideration of a Resolution Ordering Improvement, Approval of Plans and Advertising for Bids, Project ST. 1973-10 (Seal Coating) Resolution #45-1973 adopted. 20 - 20 A 21 - 21 A 22 23 ' •" � CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, APRIL 2, 1973 PAGE 8 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) Consideration of a Resolution Opposing Registration of Voters on Election Day Resolution #46-1973 adopted. Consideration of a Resolutian Authorizing and Directing the Splitting of Special Assessments on Outlot D, Parcel 3000, Innsbruck North Addition, and Platting into Innsbruck North 2nd Addition Resolution #47-1973 adopfed. Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Splitting of Special Assessments on Part of Lot 18, Parcel 2840, Auditor's Subdi�rision No. 39 Resolution #48-1973 adopted. Consideration of a ResoLution Authorizing and Directing the Splitting of a Special Assessment on Lots 15 and 16, Block 6, Spring Brook Park Addition, and Transferring the Entire Building Site Charge to Lots 13 and 14, Block 6, Spring Brook Park Addition, the Portion of the Property on Which the Building Stands (Owner has Requested this) Resolution #49-1973 adopted. 24 - 24 U 25 26 27 i , � � � � ' ' ' ' ' � , , , i , , , ' , ; ' � �;', � _. .__ _ _ . CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, APRIL 2, 1973 $AGE 9 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) Coasideration of Resolution Designating Director and 28� and Alternate Director to Suburban Rate Authority Resolution #50-1973 adopted. Councilman Utter ap,pointed director and Councilman Starwalt appointed alternate director. Consideration of Council Representative to North 29 Suburban Sewer Service Board" Councilman Starwalt appointed. Acceptance of Resignation from Island of-Peace 30 Committee Member - Ronald Burton Resignation accepted. �0 � Mr. Don Bona and Mr. Burt E31is appointed ta IsZand of Peace Committee. Consideratioa of Legislative Liaison Agreement Received. 31-31C � . I CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, APRIL 2, 1973 PAG�E 10 ' . f� NEW BUSINESS (Continued) Claims 32 � Approved. � ` � ' Licenses � 33 - 33 F Approved. ' ' ' Estimates 34 - 34 F Approved. . ' i , COMMUNICATIONS Representative Joe Connors: Thank you for Support 35 : ' Received. � � ' . � I^, � �� li � ,_ ,� . . � - � CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, APRIL 2, I973 PAGE 11 � . � � COMMUNICATIONS Continued , i ) ' t Wyman Smith: Glover Suit vs. Columbia Heights 36 - 36 A and Fridley � Received. � , _ A J. R. Cottingham; Quarterly Report on North Suburban 37 - 37 K , Youth Service Center Joel Koempton, Project Director to give presentation , _�..%!�.!�r. 1973 ; 0��► �, � Administrative Assistant: Review of City Code 38 ' (This will be available for Council Monday evening) /G Received . To be discussed at Apri1 I�, 1973. �,1 - 3 r Q , � � ? � �. ..7 ; � ? ADDITIONAL NEW BUSINESS: � ' � Consideration of a Resolution Ordering Preliminary Plans, 39 � Specifications and Estimates of the Costs Thereof: Street '' Improvement Project ST. 19�3-3, Addendum ���. a Resolvtion #51-1973 adopted. , ' . ,� � � � � � � � � � � ' ' � , � ' ' ' � ' ' , . � � ' ' ' ' � � CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, APRIL 2, 1973 PAGE 12 ADDITIONAL NEW BUSINESS � Consideration of a Resolution Receiving Preliminary Report and Calling a Public Hearing on the Matter of the Construc- tion of Certain Improvements: Street Improvement Project ST. 1473-3, Addendum ��?/ Resolution #52-1973 adopted. 40-40A Consideration of Addendum ��l to Phase 1, 1973 Street Lighting 41 - 41 D Project (Underground Lighting for Innsbruck North) Approved. REQUEST BY MAYOR,LIEBL TO CHECK INTO INSTALLATION OF STREET LIGHT AT y� 53RD AND TAYLOR. REQUESTED BY MR5. BRUCE NARWOGKI. Councilman Starwalt to check into the matter. Receiving Communication from Glen R. Ramsdel2, 400 57th Place, request � 3 for fencing. Received. Mayor Lieb1 requested City clean up property at 6431 East River Road, burned home. City Attorney said the City cou3d clean up the property and assess the property. Receiving memorandum from the City Attorney, Virgil Herrick, regarding Sale of Used Motor Vehicles, dated April 2, 1973. Received. �� �� �I � Councilman Nee distrubuted information he prepared on East River Road .�% ` situation. He asked it be reviewed, considered and discussed at a later date. ADJOUR�yM�NT: 13:15 p.m. i 1 ' � THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1973 The xegular meeting of February 26, 1973, of the Fridley City Council � was called to order at 7:38 p.m., by Mayor Liebl. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE• , ' u ' � ' � 'I� ' ' u �l � Mayor Liebl led. the Council and the �u�ienall in sayit�g the Pledqe of Alleqiance-.to the Flag. INVOCATION: The invocation was offered by the City Managex`, �erald R. bavie. ROLL CALLs MEMBERS PRESENT: Liebl, Utter, Nee, Breider, Starwal.t. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. PRESENTATION OF AWARDs CERTIFIGTE OF APPRECIATION, MR. HANS SOl�1DHEIMER� HOARD X� AFPEALSs Mayor Liebl called upon Mr. Hans J. Sondheim�r to cane foxward for the prasentation of the certificate of appreciation. Mayor Liebl read fr�n the certificate a� followa: CERTIFICATE OF APBRECIATZON CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA AWARDED TO HANS J. SONDHEIMER . The City Council of the City of k'ridley extenda�its approciation to y�ou for your services rendered by you Aux�ing the period of March 16, 1970 to January 25, 1973, as a�er oi the Fridley Board of Appeala. Your contribution of ti� and efforts towa►rda the betterment of you coa�uuriity have bssn notevrorthy. The will- iaqness aind devotioa in the sexvioe af your Fommunity ha►vs b�en coa�nendable and you may be assuxed you 2uve �ontributed muah to the orderly aeathetia devalopment pf the Git�. Date; February 26, 1973 Fox the Council Fru�k G. Liebl, Mayor MAyox Liebl thanked Mr. Sondheimer fox his servicQa a�nd �aid, u�tp.�md ble�a you. Mr. Sondheimer thwnked Mayor Liebl. APP1iI�VAL OF MINUTES.t FUBLIG HEARING MEETTNG OF JANUARY 15, 1973s Motioa by Cauncilpaxr Starwalt ta +►dogt the miaute� a� presented. S4CAad4d bY �ouncil,aian �ftttex. Upar► a vo�ca vote, sil vatinq sye, Mayor �iebl declared the motion ca�ri�ed unanisnausly. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1973 REGULAR CQUNCIL MEETING OF J,ANUARY 22, 1973: Page 2 MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the minutes as presented. 9econded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting a�ye, Mayar Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENAA: Mayor Lierbl aaid the following items should be added to the agenda: An udditional recommended name for-the Ielands of Pehoe Committee, and xecqannended members of an Advisory Board for the Islands of Peaae, Cammittee, by Ec3 wilmes. MOTION by Councila�an Nee to adopt the CounciL�an Utter. Upon a voice vote, the mation carzied unanimoasly. VISITORSt �� ' � ' f_J ' agenda as amended. Seconded by ' all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared The Ci.ty Manager asked:`if it would be poasible to introduce a new City employee to the Council and the audience. He added, he knew this was not the general practice of the Council, but he did not want to incormenience the new employe� by making her remain throuqh the entire agenda. Mayor Liebl agreed with the introduction at thht time in the meetinq. The City Manager introduced Ms. Peggy Holsather, Billing Machine Operator, Aocountinq Depart�nent, to the Cour�cil. The City Manager said Ms. Holsether is a resident of Coan Rapids, a qraduats of St. I.ouie Park Hiqh Schocl. and had baen em�loyeed by Control Data as ara, accountinq clerk. Mayor Liekil welaome$ Ms. Iiolsather to the Ci�x of Fridley. DONATaD KERSTEN, 565 HUGO ST. N. E.r FRIDLEYt Mr. Kers�en expresaed concern over the hazaxc�au� conditions on iiugo Street crea�ed by excessive s,peeding and the sxi�tence of many children in the area. He stated he hatd �ka2ked to the Police Department about the pxoble�nn �nd also had txied to aontact his Ward Councila�n, Mr. Nse �, He c#t,�d �rome aceaent oaaurrarioee exx�axea�ir,q a neod �ox snforcezaant o� ���ed �equlations. He stress�d k�is conae�ra �d said�hle attampts far ac�;lon �Sd �ai.led. �3e said he w�ae r�queeting the Cowncil t.�� ean� action ta eliminate the problem. Ma�yor L�.eb1 ��aurod Mr, Kex�ten t�,� prob�.em would be inveatigated � au�d u�.to t�saured him he would qet �h� aoope�a�ion ot th� Waxd Cauriail- -ma�a. ' . Councilman Nes A9�c�G� Mx'. Kerate� how th� a�t�em�a�� 'Ct� kietit�h, 'hi.� h4d fail�d. Mr. R�retan �aid he had aor�tiaua►11y rece�.ved a�u�� aigaal. Cc�nai�l.nwa N�s� Aakod Mx. iCerster� to ���a by hia hom�s over �h,�a we�kead tc disausa the g�c,�leat. . � � LJ !! e � ' � � ' � ' ' � ' � �� �_ � 1ZEGULAR COUNCIL MEETTNG OF FEBRUARY 26, 1973 MR. MIICE O'BA�NNON: Page 3 Mr. O'Bannon said there is a problem in front of thA Day Care Center Building on Arthur Street. He believed ti�e installation of a no parkinq sign in front.of the Center would alleviate the probleta. He said the buses can not get in and out of the area. xe asked if the City crould take some action to solve the problem. Mayor Liebl said the administration would check into the problea. APP�AL QF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIDDIS FOR LIQbOR STORE SIGN AND DIRECTING T�A� BZDS BE ADVERTISED AND RECEIVED FOR THE SIGN AND DZRECTING THAT BIDS $E ADVER�'ISED AND RECEIVED FOR LIQUOR STORE IAITERIOR FURNISHINGS: Mayor Liebl�aalled on the City Manager to explain the item. The City , Manager said the action of the Council would be to take action to qo out for bids, He added, all equipment that could be used from the other store will be utilized. He explained this equipment as shelvinq, gondolas and ' intericr furniahings. He said when the bids have been received they would be braught back bo the Council for approval or denial. � ' � ' !� ' Mayor Liebl. asked the City Manager if there was a drawing of the proposed sign? The City Mana�er said there is a drawing, and the sign plans were the same as previously presented to the Council. Mayor Lfebl asked if there were any_queations on the various items pzeaented. The City Manaqer said the plan remained the same with the exception=�of the installation of the telephone in the base of the sign. He said �tis had been discussed and it was deaided it wauld be impractical. Caunci Lnan Nee asked what method of advertisinq ws�uld be done for these bids. Tho City Managex said r�otification wau].d be aen� to all knawn sign c4mpanys, he added, they do not depend on the lec�al publication for advertisemex�t of thia sozt. May4r Lieb� a�ked if they would be sending a�etter of advertisement. The City �nager said thie would be done, Councilman Starwalt sa�d h�+ thovght the ,�lan+� snd aut.�orization for bida for the si.gn a�nd the furniehinc�� should ba he�r�dled ae aepmrate items. � ' ' MOT�ON bp Councilman Sta�rwalt to ddverti�e �ox bids �or the Liquor Stora Pix�.ur�s �d �c�ui�ament. S�conded by Counci].maa Bxeider, Upor� a voia� � vote, a11 vatir�g aye, Mayor I,isb1 declar�d th� motioz� carxied unanimou�ly. � � MoTiON by �our�ailman Staxwal� t4 ad,vertis�a �ox bide fox �ha Liquox S�oz� sign. Sar�sanded by Counoilman qtter. U�on a voice vpt�, all voting ax�, Mayor Lieb1 d�alared ti�e mo���a carzied, unanimau�ly, DTSCUSa��ON (?N NORTFi PARKr A, R�C�IVTNG TFIE MINZJTPS OF '�'iiE NORTH PARK �TINCt OF FESRUARX 14 1973a �t0�'�QN k�x �our�ailman T��tox ta x�oe�.vo tiia a+�u�ee a:� the North � � ���k �ommittee M��tin� a! Feiar�a�► �,gr 197�. Secondad by Caur�ci�mart B��i,d�r, � Upon a voice vote, a�ll votix�q a�r�, Mayox Liebl declared t.�e mo�ion aaxr�ed unanimou�ly, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1973 Page 4 H. APPpINTMENT OF MEMBERS OF TiiE AD HOC NORTH PARK COMMZTTEE: Mayor Liebl called on Councilman Breider as Mpderator of the Narth Park Committee to outline the events of the last meeting. Councilman Breider said there had been some constructive inputa a� the last meeting of the Committqe. He said some of the points i� queetion were brought to Iight a,nd answered. xe said the Co�nittee expressed the request that they be officially appointed by the Council and also they agreed, Srauer and Associates ahould be authorized to do the.feasibility study. Councilman Breider said the oriqinal expenditures set were $200,000 for a nature center and $750,000 for a golf course. Councilman Bzeider said this has been chanqed to an optimum figure, not a minimum or maximum figure. The Committee �was in agreement that they will receive the completed study by Brauer and Associates and they will review it. Councilman Breider said after review by the Committee, the Committe� wi11 made recommendations to the Council and their recammendations will represent a unanimous decision. Cauncilman Breider said they had discuss+ed bidding procedures and had agreed that Brausr and Associatea should not be eliminated irom the bidding. Councilman 8reider said it had beea recananended by the consultant that a member of the Sahool District be placed on the Como�nittee. Mayox Limbl read the recammended list of Committee members. They are as follows: Councilman Timoth 8reider, Moderator, Jane� 5�egax, T,eAnn Sporre, both of the League of Wanen Voters, Da�te Harris and Duane.Prairie, bath af the Fzidley Ghamber of Co�aerce, Doug Peteraon, YMCA, and Riahard Stanton, �ridley Senior High School, Caunailman Nee asid he aleo had som� naaies of people who ha�d e�tessed interest in beiz�g member+a of the ,�d hoa North Park Cc�rmxttee. He said he would pr�aerit the names, He first sugqested a m+�er of tha Park Baaird b� ir�cluded in th�a Co�nittee. He euggeated Mr. Edwa�rd Fitzpatriak, Chairman o!' the Parks and R�oaceation Commiasion or i�ir, Gazy Skimcnler, a member of the Parks and Racre�tion Gc�mm3.a�}ion. He �dded, he aould �not Bae thfs deve�lo�,arnc�nt or p1u► `beinq ��udie� witlaau� the partiaiyiation of the P�r� BQa.rd. Ct�un�i�.man Nee n�ned t�h� �ol].Qwing �eraone who had sxpre#��d ir�tere�t: �i�, ��tty �+�ah, Rolanc� ,1lndereon, Roqer icAy, Bob We�zner a�nd R�aha►rd Xoung, Counci�.mar� Nee �aid ea�ch of the aa4med persona had an axea► o� sxp�rtise� whiah tvould be ueefui ta the Ca�nmittee. May+ar Li.ebl �dis� in h�,a� opiniox�, the number �a� p+��sor�A on �he �o�nittae ahauld b� a�r� ev�r� �ano. Gouncilmmri 8z�eider aaid he wme no� a voti.r�g membe� pa tha Camm�.tte+� a�ow �a� eix member�a. Mayor I�iebl �uggss�ed on+� � pe�sAa �rcam ti�� Pa�rk �om�d b� �.ncluded �and pexhape � �a�her member sugc�e�e�ed by �oua��ii�msr� �1�+� a �s�unaiiman Nee au�go�ted M,r. Fi,t�patri,ak re,px�s�n� t.�e �aa�y o! �h� �'�►ack as�a,x�d. MAyor Liiab�. aaid he t.liought �ir. R�a1aa►rd Xo�g t�a�d ox,paceeaed � gr�+m� d�+�l o� inte���t� in th� u��l�.�m�ion �und h�►d at��a�ded a11 c�� t.�� �►$atin��. Cc�una�.lma� Ne� �ug�+�+�t�ed� 8ob Werner alao be al?geint�d, to t�e Cc+�mittea. , ' � I � � ' , ' � � , ' � � � � i 1 � � � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1973' Page 5 MOTTAN by Councilman'Utter to approve the xecommended appointments to the� ad hoc North Park Ccunmittee and add the names of Mr. Edward �'i.tzpatrick, Mr. Richard Young and Mr. Robez� Werner�: Seconded by Cc�uncilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, al1 voting aye, Mayor Liebl deelared the motion aarried unanimou�ly. GONSIT�EI2ATION OF PR 8. 1�73. TO PR�FORM FQR NpRTH PARKa OF BRAUER & ASSOCIATES DATED STfJDY Gatanailman Breider said due to the nsgotiatiQns between the City 1 Administration and Mr. Hrauer, the cost of the feasibility atudy has been reduae,d by �3,000.00. He said it was orginally $14,000.00 ar�d has been reduced to $11,000.00. , J � LJ � � ' Councilman 8xeider said Mr. Brauer has ac�reed to advise the Coamcni�tee of his feelinqs if at any point i�a the study he becames p�ejud�.ce. Councilman Breider eaid the City will only be chaxged for the sservice� that have been rendered up until that time, not fox the entire amount of the study. MOTTON by Councilman Breider to authorize the �easibility study be done by Brauer and Associates as proposed �'ebruary 8, 1973. S�cozided by Councilman Nee. Counailman Starwalt questioned the reductio�n in the amount asking i,E this could be done becAUSe the City was to provid� aome of the information that had been part c�f tlx� proposal? Councilman Breider said this was correct, rath�r than pay the adr3itional amount, the City wauld assign a, member of the ataff to qo out and qet the infox�natiQn. ' The City Manaqex aa]'ked the attentian of the Caunail to item number e page 2-Q of the agenda a�d �r��exre<,1 to �he awners respQnea.bility. �ie aaid the administr�,tion had looked this over durinq th� revarnping c�f the aompxsheana�.v� plan. He added, the Ci�ky is able to supp�.y the a�s�ded data. The City Manager int�oduced a� repx�esentative fxom 8xaue� anc�i A�soalates that waa a� membex o� �the Audi�nce, Mr, Qaul F�are. Th� G��y Manac�Qr eaid �ox th� in�razan�,t:�o�n Qi t�he audience, the 1 firm had agreed �o tir�i�i� . the� a�ud� in �. ��iod oi n�.nety daXs snd t�ey w��e a}a1e to gt,�tz�k aimm�dia�aly, � ' ' � U�O�V A VOIC� VAT�, �1], vQtinq aye, Me►yor Liabl d4ala�x�ed the mati.on aax�ied uttanisaousiy, Mdyor Li�la1 e�l.led the aitte.rit�oa o� tkte Ca�nail �o '�h� minu�es o�' the► CawnQi.]. m���i�q c�f M�y �, 1972 � whe�n �hin mattor ha4 b��r� discuased by th� �ounc�l. i�� a].$o �c��ca].led at �a� �.m,�t �,eoG�ny o! �khe Cov�ncil, Cauna�.].m+u► �t�►�rra7.t and Counqiiman Uttsr w�ra iaw�xuc�.od ta look into 'h„�,� mat��z. - REGULAR COtJNC IL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, i973 � Page 6 � Councilman Starwalt said there had been quite a bit of action on the subject since the last meeting. Councilman Starwalt said the City Engineer, Coun- cilman Nee, Councllman Utter, Mr. Paul Brown, Director of parks and Recrea- tion, and himself had looked at the property. Councilman Starwalt said the situatian as he saw it was the agreement between Mr. 0'Bannon and the City to place the amount of $800 per lot in escrow would protect the citizens of Fridley and the Administration in solving the future problems of drainage of the area. . Mayor Liebl said at the meeting of May 15, 197�, CouncPlman Breider had made a motipn ahich stipulated Mr, 0'Bannon must put $800 per lot into escrow fo� the development of the storm sewer. Mayor Libel read aloud the motion. "MOTIQN by CQuncilman Breider to approve the final plat P, S. #72-01, Heather Hills Second Addition, consisting of 13 lots, by Mike p'Bannon, with the stipu- laxiOn that thera be $800 per lot put in escrow far the storm sewer at the tjme of clasing. Seconded by Councilman Utter, U�on a voice vote, Breider� Liebl and Utter voting aye, Mittelstadt voting nay, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried." Mayor Liebl asked Acting City Attorney, James Gibbs, what the Council would have to do to eliminate the stipulation. The City Attorney said any action in this directio� would have to be taken care of at the next meeting of the Council. Mayor Lisbl asked if the minutes would have to be changed. The City Attorney said Mr. 0'Bannon would have to appear before the Counci) requesti�gc��nding of the stipu)ation, The City,Attorney said he did not believe this�could be done at the present meeting. Mayor �iebl sald thera must be clarification on the point. The City Attorney said he did not se� a way to rescind�whet a former Council had approved. He said, he dld not bel(eve it could be done. . Mr. 0'Bannan asked the Mayor to read che motfon fram the meeting of May 15, 1972 ance again. Mayor l.iebl said the requirement under these rninutes was that Mr, 0'Bannon put the $800 in escrow. Mr,�O"Bannon asked if the $800 was to ba placed in escrow at the time of� clasing? Ha stated that at the time the parm(t (s (ssusd, or at the time the houso is buflt on the land the bank wtll raqulre the money be,put into escrow. He sa3d, at tha p'resent time he was only raquesting �he plat be signed. Mayor Lfabl asked Mr. 0'Bannan if he was prepared to comply wlth the stipu- latlon. Mr. 0'sannan said he would cros� that, brldg� when he came to it. Tha Clty �nglneer sald th� C1ty had to b� sure M�, Q'Bannon egreed before the plat woutd be signed. Mayor Lie�l asked the Cfty Enyineer tf it wauld b� advtsable to autharize tha Clty Manac�er tQ sign the pl�t and wark out an �greement at tha xim� Mr, 0'Bannan build� an tthe lots? Tha City En�ineer sald the plat had b��n auth- orizod for �Ignature, but the+ requjr�m�nt pf the �ardinanco had not b�en walvad at tho pre�snt tlma. Ne sald it la �n�cessary to t�e�v�a thts guarontee as th� house may be turn�d oyer ta anoxhsr porty, The C1ky Enginaer said th�a plat ah+�uld b� signod lf Mr� Q"9annon agr�e� to �c�mplyQ ' � � � , , � � � � , � � �� � � � � 1 � . i. � , � � � � ' � , , � , � � REGULAR CQUNCI� ME�TING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1973 Page 7 Councilman Starwalt said he had spent some time with Mr. 0'Ba.nnon and he could understand his problem, but he also saw the need to protect the people in the future,.�Gpuncilman Starwalt asked what the cost of the amount to be put into escrow for the project would have been five years ago? The City Engineer said the amcaunt would have been lower. Councilman Starwalt stressed the importance of protecting the future buyer and the other fu�ure buyers of the area. He added, this proje�t wouid invotve a great deal of money. He said he did not see where the Council could approve anything other than what had been.recommended. Mr. 0'Bannon said the City couJd not assess people without giving them benefits. He added, this is the law. He said he would be willing to pay the same amount as the others in the City. He said he was not askingfor an alternative or a determined amount to be quoted that night, he was only asking to have the plat signed. He stated he would like some pratection of his money. He added, when the plan for the sewer and water is worked on, he hoped there would be some lcind of alternate plan for his property. ' �fayor Liebl said the City wouad have to have some kind of agreement from the developer. He said if the people were to be assessed some time in the future they would say they had been asse55ed at the time the house was built. The City Manager asked if it would be possible fo� someone else to build a home in that area? Mr. 0'Bannon said he would be doing all the building in the area. He added, he was in the building business, He stated, there will not be any lots sold there unless he did the building of the houses. The City Mansger said he was ve ry reluctant to agree to signing, leaving the matter in fihe air. N� said there should be same agreerrient before actlon is ta ken . Councilman Utter said Mr. 0'Bannon could defer the $8p0 assessment to the owner. Mr. 0'Bannon said it would be like buying a car. If the dealer talks of too much money, the buyer wi)1 go somewhere else to buy the car. Councilman Utter said he would be providing protection for the home owners of thc a�ea. I�e �t�essed how each area has a dlfferent sewer assessment. He said everyone who owned land in �he area being discus�ed would be paying the same amount. Councl)man Utter added, there is already some money in escrow for that area. Mayor Liebl asked the City Engineer if the plat is ready far a signature and what �ould b� done to work out a satisfactory agreemenx. The Citr Engineer said the fi$Qp is not an assessment,�it is to be pu� into ascrow. Ne said this is different, thls amount will cover any futur� storm sewer assessments, The City �ngin�;er pointad out the area on tha ov�rhead projecto� and stat�d. Mr. p'�annon owns some af the land and there are others who own land in the area, The C[�y Engfneer_s�d any developer In th� area would be required by the ordi� nance to pay th� assessment or escrow For th� system that wi11 be eventually pux in the area. I I . REGULAR COUNClI. MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1973 ' Page 8 Mayor l.iebl asked if there is a system being planned for the area? The City Engineer said Mr. 0'Bannon wants ta develop this area, but the others in the area were not ready for development at this time.. They are not ready for the heavy assessment, he added. Councilman Utter asked if ther� were any requirements as to how the storm sewer should be put in? Th� City Engineer said it should either be ponded or if the Council approves that, piped to the east and then north to rice creek. The area Mr. 0'�annon owns is a very small portion of the 1and, and most of the area is npt developed, he said. The City Engineer said when the land is de- veloped, the majority of the people would have money in esc�ow for the storm sewe� project. � Mr. 0'Bannon asked if he would be assessed after the land is developed or before? The City Attorney said he wou)d be.asked to live up to an escrow agreement, not pay the assessments at this time. Mr. 0'Bannon said the case was nothing like this, the City expec.ted him to pay $)0,000.00 for the privl- lage of platti�g his land. He asked the Council to treat him as they had treated the people of ln�sbruck. Mayor Liebl said every storm sewer costs money, but it has to be put in to get r�d of the water. Mayor �.ieb1 said past Councils have been critized because they created a problem by not having the necessary plans or mo�ey in escrow. H� said'the present Council has a pollcy of being hanest with the peopl� by t�alling them what the projects of the future are to be. He said there mus.t be money in escrow to take care of the storm sewer problem. Mayor Liebl said the Cauncil has ta think of fihe entire area. Councilman Breider recalled the dlscussion of the last Gouncil Meeti�g when Mr, 0"Bannon suggested the City buy pa�k land from him to drain his land. Councilman Bretder said he would not agree to this because the people of the firs� Ward would be paying for the land, He said when the Wall Corpora- tion neede�d drainage tand, they gave the City the land, they did not sell it to the City. Gouncilman Breider said he would not agree to the City buying the land from Mr, 0'Bannon. Mayo� Li�bl a�ked the City E�gineer if the p1a�s for the area would,be feasi- ble for xhe overall comprehensive study? Th�e Clty Engineer said Chere wauld be no storm sewer development in the area unti) it is dsveloped �ansiderably. He said th� peap1e of the area may not want the ponding area because o� the� danger, Then th� City would have to go Into th� ar�a again and construc� a closed storm sewer system. He said there could be addltlona) problems with ponding such as the bulld up of silt, debris, and a hazard to tha children in th� area becausa of the open water. He said Mr. 0!Bannon should advise th� paople that there would be the possibility of future sto�m sewer assessments. � Coun�llman �reld�r asked �he City Attarr�ey if th�y cQUld agree to have� Mr. Q'sannon pery the $$QQ �s�row amount per lat or �n altarn�tive acceptab{e solu- tion? Th�s City Afitorn�y said this was posstbls, but the purchaser of the home should bea natified �ha� in a)1 probabili�y thare wi11 bs some kind of future asse�ssme�t� for storm sawer, C� i � � � �� � � � � � � � ' � ' � � , � � , REGU�AR COUNC L MEETING OF FE RUA 26 1 Pa e I 6 RY , 97� g 9 ' . , � � � The City En�ineer said if the people are aware that the drainage is being taken ca�e of by the pond and some future �ouncil or the neighborhood wants anothe� system, then there would be no problem, and it could be instatled. The basic thin� is that people who buy the house in the area know exactly the set up is for the drainage and if there are improvements made, they will be assessed. A resident af the area.requested the Councii notify the people that presently live in the a��a if they plan to solve the drainage problem by ponding. He said he belleved the people should have written notice of this possible agree- ment and there should be a hearing on the matter. Councilman Utter sajd if the City puts in a holding pond in the area, there would be a lot of people protesting the action, including himself. � Councilma� Starwalt asked if interest would be paid on the Councilman Starwalt asked if there was additional money in district at Xhe present time, and was the rate throughout or $800 per 14t. The City finance Director said there is � and the rate had been $800 per lot. He added, th�re is no the money in escrow. rraney in escrow? the project for the the district the same money in the project interest paid on Mr. Carl Paulson, 430 N.E. 57th Place, Fridley, asked if the development of � the holding p4nd would raise �the water table of the area, The City Engineer said it would not as the area is quite high and the pond is very small. � Councilman Utter said as long as the Council had made a motion, it had been seconded and passed� to put $800 per lot in escrow, he believed the Council should foll4w through. He mentianed there are other developers in the area ' and many lats to be concerned, he questioned th� reason for creating additional problems. , Mayor Liebl asked ,if Councilman Utter.was recommending the Council to recog- nize the motic�n as it stands and was passed on May 15, 1972? Councilman Utter said he did. � . � The City Manager a�ked the City Attorney if thers would be a way of getting an agreement for putting the money in escrow after the plat was signed.. The City Attorney said it wauld be d�fficuit to Qbtain a stipulation or agreement � after this. The City Menager said on the basis af this, he was unable to sign the plat, � Councilman Ne� agked , allowing Mr, Q'B�nnon � In the meantime? , � i 1 the posstbility of delaying actian for a couple of weeks, to continue cQnstructlon of tha sawer and watar systems M�r. p"Bahnon said he was willing ta put in the sewar and water. He said he realized the City was trying to force him to agree �vith the stipulation by not signing the plat. Me safd ha had only asked to be treated fairly, ho did not want khe City to make an examp�e vf him liks they had af Mr. Miller� and he wanted the same consideraiion tha� was given to Innsbruck, He said if the plat was not gaing to be signed, he wished the CPty would return it to him, Mr. p'�annqn said he would continue to put in the sew�r and water, . �, REGUI.AR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1973 Page 10 Councilman Bretder said he did not like ta make motions that were not in his ward, and �his was not in his ward, but he wanted to suggest a possible mc�tion. Ne.suggested authorizing the City Manager to�sign the plat. He said he thought a part of the motion should be to notify the people in the area of the poss�- bility of the addition of an outfa)1 pipe some time in the future. He suggested &tipulating the $$00 per lot be put in e5crow if no agreement is reached before the time closing. If agreerr�nt of the ne+gbbors is reached after closing the money would ba returned to.the:buyer of the properxy. Cour�cilman Breider said If the buyer were notlfieal.why the pond was being used and was in agreement with the use, the escrow money could be retur.ned. He said if the City were to solve the storm sewer problem, the money would be there when it would be needed. Councllman Starwalt said Mr. 0'Bannon does n4t agree to pay $800 for escrow at the time of closing. Mr. 0'Ba�non sa.id it would be an assessment at the time of ciosing. 7he City At.torney said this statement was not true, it would be put in escraw and would �ot be en assessment. Mr. 0'Bannon said the bank would require hlm to put this amount aside at the time of development if it is stipu- lated. • MOTION by Counctlman Starwalt to confirm the previous motion of the Council requiring Mr� Q'Bannon to place $800 per lot in esc�ow for storm sewer assess- ments at the ti►ne of.closing; tha� the Gity Manager be authorized to sign the plat; and that Ehe property owners of the area be pcotected against.fu�ure storm sewer assessments. Seconded by Councilman Utter. . Councilman Brelder said until the �ity has an agreement from Mr. 0'Bannon, this is nofi a valid solution. He asked the City Attorney if.it were true that if the City M�nager would sign ihe pla;t, the.r.e would be no rrrethod of gettin�g the money escrowad? The City Attorney said�this was correct. . MOTiON WITHDRAWN by Councilma.n Starwalt. Second withd�rawn by Councilman Utter. Mayor L,iebl said he would like to see some action reaffirming the action of the Counci) an May 15, 1972, he sald he thought the �ouncfl should be united in uphalding the decislons of the previous Council. MOTION by Councilman B�eider to authorize the �ity Manager to sign the plat upon receipt af a wrltten eg�eement from Mr. Q'Bannon either to put $80p per lot in escrow or arrive at an acceptable storm sewer plan tha� would.be a ccord- tng to th� Qrdinanccs of the Clty, that alt patential buyers be notified of possible assassments on the out fall pipe that may be added ta the a��a. Secanded by Cou�cllman•Starwalt. , � The City Manager asksd if he was autharized to sign tF�e plat. Councilman Brglder said y�s. Councflman ��eider sa(d he did no� expect Mr. Q'Bantton to be raquirsd to submit � plan before the plat is �fgnead. , UPON A fiOLL CALI. VOTE, Breider, Sta�walt, l.isbl, Utter� a�d Nee voting aye, hFayor Lieb1 deC)ared th�e motion carried unanimously. � � � � � � � , � LJ , ' � � � , � � � , � � � REGULAR COUNCII, MEETING OF F�BRUARY 26, 1973 Mr. 0'Bannon said the pian would be in lieu of the $800. � Page 11 Couneilman Sxarwalt said he was sarry that �1r. 0'B�nnon was not happy about the decision of the Council, he added, he was aware tha�t MF. 0'Bannon had made an offer af land to the City. Councilman Starwalt said h� felt the people in the area should be informed of the'passible problems, MOiION by Councilman�Nee tha�t in the event it appears an agreement enacted by 1 the Councll will involve the use of open ponding �reas, for storm sewer drain- age, the proposal will be put to a Public H�aring of the district property owners. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. � � �� � , ' I LJ � � , , � � Councilman Sta �alt asked if the matter should be referred to the Park Board for rev.ieN before it is discussed at the Public Hearing. Councilman Nee sug- ges�ted not taking the land for park us'e, but aCCept one a�d a half acres for the d'�ainage system. 'He added, wfi at a,ver is done, the people of the neigh- borhood shoulii be invoTved. Counci l�man �reide� said 'after the administration has received a plan that is agreeab)e between both parties� the matter should be discussed with those in the area. Cauncilman Bre�der said he would assume Paul Brown would be involved if the land was being considered for Park l.and. Councilman Kee asked if they were talk'ing about the �ion ding area or the sug- gested park'land. Councilman Utter said he believed there would be a ponding area on Mr: 0'Bannon's property �egardless of the ac`tion taken by the Council. Mayor Liebl said Mr. 0'Bannon did own 13 �lots. Mr.'0'Bahnon said the ponding area would b�e 300 to 400'feet from any home. Councilman Starwalt asked 'if the par.k study should be done before the Publi�c -H�arin;g�on the storm sewer system. Councilman Nee said he believed the rrqtion was prematu�re. ' � . , , . ' MOTION WITHDRAWN by Councilman Nee. Second withdrawn by Councilman Starwalt. Meyor Liebl a�ccepted the withd�awal of the motion and the second, and 'advised Mr. 0"Bannon to begin work on a workable solution. Mr. Pauls4� said he would like to discuss the Rice �reek wdter Shed District� and would call oh Mr. Wilbur L. Goyer, Jr,, Chairman of the Board of the Dis- t�i�t, �Mr,�Tony Petra�gelo, 52d Rice Creek 81vd., a membe� of the Boa'rd, end Mr. Frank Murray, Chairman of the Dist�ict, He sald he would like to pr'esent somes of the legal aspects, County and City lnvolvement, and also read a portion ' of a letto� that co�cerns the District. Mr. Wilbur G�yer said he was not sure 'of the raeson Mr. Paulson had wanted tha r�presentatives of the districts at the a�eting, Me said the entfre Board of Managers af the pistricC ar.e willing ta coaperate with the City at any time, he added, tF�te+re are 31 managers. Me said the Qistrict has its problems a�d r REGULAR COUNGIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1973 Page l2 there are problems pr.esented in the legislatur�. He said, at .times he.thought the City could help the pistrict and other times when the District could help the City. H� cited an example of the work of the Boa�d staiing, there is a proposal for the const�uction of a condominium three feet from the shore of White Sear Lake. He said the Board wfll be taking a close look at this, if it is passed by the Planning Commission and the Counc(l, there wilt be some embarrassment if the W�ater-Shed Qistrict says no. He said there may be some p.�oblems on Locke �ake or other areas, He suggested contacting Frank Murrsy as he is an expert and wil) be glad to answe� any questions. Mr. Paulson said the area did not seem to be.making much.progress and had been expe�tenci�g complaints only.. He said he was going to teil the people what is going to be done in the future before the Metro Council steps in. Councilman Breider said he did not believe Mr. Paulson's statement that.noth- ing was being done was necessari�ly t.rue, He said there is no basis for this kind of statement. Cauncilman Breider said the �ity is vrorking on a number of ite�� he mentioned the flood plain zoning. Mr. Paulso� mentioned a letter written by �Gordon Mor�ison from the City of Minneapolis, saying it states some of the things being done there. He said there are things that can be done �ow such as controlling the erosion problem. He se i d`iie wou 1 d see tha t the memb:e rs of the Counc i I t-ece i ved a copy of the 1 et te r. Mr. paulson said some of the things that have to be dorie can be done by the City. He called on Mr. Mur�ay to tell ihe Council what could be done. Mr. Murray said there are 31� Wate� Shed Districts in the State of Minnesota and these disCricts covered one third of the State and involved one third of the people in the State� He said there are Z00 separate miles of creeks in the $tate. He said the p�escribed method of handling the matters brougl�t to their attention is through cooperation. He added, if�someone would come to him with a petition, he would work out a proposal. He said the Minnehaha Water.Shed District is proof of what could be accomplished. Mayor Liebl said the pistrict and Board had been created by an act of the � Legislature, He asked Mr. Murray whi�h govarning body� the Council of the City of Fridley or the Board of.Commissioners for the Nata� Shed District would have the at�chority in de�istoh making? Mr. Murr�ry sa.id�.the Rice•Creek,4later S,hed District Board of Commissioners woutd have�the authority.� Me said the City Council of Fridley can come befo�e them as a petitioner requesting action. He added, there can be problems if this p rocedu�e is not foltawed. He added, if the p�opla of the area would be required to sign a patition� instead of the Council presenting the petition of the Council, this is wasted time and energy. He st�essed Cheir desire to keep things� as simple as possible with everyone cooperating. Mayor Liebl said he believed he knew lrhy Mr. Paulson had brought the rep�esen- tatives bofo�e the Council� he hoped the Council would look into sprucing up the Rice Creak area. Mr. Murray sald this was a big problem. Mayor Liebl said ff the peopla of the �rea give the Council indicatian that this is their desire, he satd Lhe Council will prasent a petition to the pistrict Board. REGUL.AR COUNG Il. MEET ING OF FEBRUARY Z6, 1973 Page 14 � MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the Petition #1-1973 against ZOA #73-01. Seconded by°Couneilman�Ut'ter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl de�lared tha motion carri�d unanimously. REZON (NG REQUE,ST ZOA ,�7�-Ol , BRYAN�' FRANK�.IN CORPORAT ION: The City Engfneer said the Planning �ommission had recommended the Council deny the request. The City Engineer said a public hearing could be set up for the second meeting in March. Mr. R. L. Brama, representing Bryant Franklin Corporation, said he did not fully understand why the matter would need a public hearing. Mayor Liebl said if the Council would �onsider the matter and deny the re- quest, the matter would be dead for a period of six months. He said the de- veloper had the right to request a Public Hearing on the matter at the present t i me.. __. He sa i d_ th i s,_, wcau,l d mean a hea r i ng befo re the C i ty Counc i 1. Mayor Liebl said if they did not want to request a public hearing, the Council could consider the matter at the present meeting. . Mr. Brama a5ked Mrs. Swanspn, 361 RiGe Creek Terrace, owner of the property, what she wished to do. Mrs. Swanson a�ked if the Hearing before the Council would be similar to the hearing before the Planning Commission? Mr, Brama said the Council has an idea of what the people of the area want, he added, they should atso ba advised of the hardship involved, Mrs. Swanson said she would like to forego the Public Hearing and ask for action at the present meeting. Mayor Liebl asked the parties involved if they were aware that the Planning Commission had recommended denial of the request? They were aware. MOTION by Councilman Breider to vate as the people he represented wanted him to vote and concur with the Planning Commission and deny the rezoning request ZOA #73-41, 8 ryant Franklin Carporatian. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Mr, Brama said the deve)oper had listened to the people of the area and modi- fied fihe request. Mayor Liebl said the Gouncil had only seen what had been included in the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of February 7, 1973• Mayor Liebl asked if there were any questions from the Council. There were none. UPON A VOICE UQTE,aII voting aye, Mayor �iebl declared the motion carried unani- mously. � � The City Engineer said the next item on the planning Commission Meeting was ' p�nding before the Corrnnission and would be discussed March 5, 1973. MOTION bx CouncPlman Breider tca receive the minutes of the Planning Commisslon Meeting of February 7, 1973. Seconded by Councilman'Utter, �pon a voice vote, all voting a�ye, Mayar Liebl delcared the motion carried unanimously. 0 � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1973 Pa9e 15 � � ' MOTION by Gouncilman Utter to receive the letter submitted to the Council by Mr. Moe. Seconded by Councilman Brei'der. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, Mr. Moe addressed the Council saying he was employed b� Garrett Freight Lines , and a representative of the Minnesota Transport Association. Mr. Moe said there would be two trailers with a dolly connecting them. He said the pro- posed unit would be 65 feet from bumper to bumper. He said the present length I limitation is 55 feet from bumper to bumper, or what is r�ferred to as a semi- trailer. He said the proposed law would permit the use of the 65 foot trailer on four iane highways. He added, the 55 foot trailer is permitted on all I highways. He said the reason for his presentation to the Council, was to re- �uest the City of Fridley to present a resolution urging passage of this legis- tive sending copies to the area legislative representatives. Mayor Liebl asked if shipping rates would be reduced by the use of the twin trailer? Mr. Moe said he could not say that•they would go down, but he was sure they would increase at a slower rate. Mayor Liebl asked if the current restrictions were a handicap to the trucking industry. Mr. Moe said the re- strictions on the highways are a handicap to the industry, Councilman Utter said there were not very many 'roadways that could be used in the State of Minnesota with the four lane restriction. Councilman Utter mentioned the con- gestion probiem on the highway to St. Cloud, and added, much of the problem is created by the trucks. Mr. Moe said he agreed with this, and he thought there would be fewer on the highway if they could carry one third more in the Trucks. Councilman Utter s�id he believed this to be an important point to consider as so many people travel north to the lakes. M![yor Liebl said the Council had heard the presentation for the proposed resolution and they could :vote on the matter at the next Council meeting. He said the legislators would have to make the deCision. He asked M�. Moe if he wanted the Council members to act as lobbyists for the proposal? Mr. Moe said when the State allows the Federal Government to get involved, there have been examples where the states have lost their tranaportation. Mayor Lieb7. said the Council would carefully consider the item as it did involve alot af people, jobs and the entire trucking industry. , RECESS: Mayor Liebl said there would be a ten minutss recess.at 10:35 p.m. R�CONVENEAa Ma►yax Liebl reconvened the meebing at 10:55 � i� CONSTpERAT�QN OF A REZONING R] BE REZONED FitQM A-3A to C-2S: 1�1NA � COtdSIDERA,T�f�N OF A SFECIAL PEi2MIT INSTALLATION OF AN , '' ON THE NORTIi SIDE OF I#69 #72-i�► 8X CITY OF FRIDLEY, TO REMIT SP #72-20� BY CITY OF FRIDLEY TO TSING $�TGPt IDi A C�2S DISTRICT, TO HE LOCATED 800' W�ST OF EAST CITY ZI IT6: REGULAR COUI�ICIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1973 .., ....w.a„r -:... A .�._...z.i�. ..... . - PAGE 16 MOTTON by Gouncilman Starwalt in consideration of the public Hearing and the matter of the specifications for the sign being larger than he had Qnvisioned, the rezoning and the special use be denied. Seconded by Couneiln►an Utter. Upon a voice vote, all,votinq aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanittausly. CON5IDSRATION OF FIRST RF,ADING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR VACA,TION RE UEST SAV #72-07, NORTHWESTERN-BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY TO VACATE PORTION OF NORTH/SOUTH ALLEY IN BLOCK 11. HYDE PARK ADDITION: The City Engineer said the Planning Commission had recatmnended approval of the request. MOTION by Counciliaan Nee to concur with the Planninq Commission and adopt the first reading of the ordinance for vacation of the alleyj and that the concern of the area residents is legitia�ate and the City will help them if a problem develops. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a roll call vote, Utter, Nee, Breider, Starwalt and Liebl voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the tnotion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT P.S. #72-08, OSBORNE P.LAZA, BY STANDAIiD OIL C4MPANY, GENERALLY LOCATED AT 7609 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N E• MOTION.by Councilman Breider to approve the final plat by Standaxd Oil Company. Seconded by CounciLnan Utter. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION ON AGREEMENT FOR LEGAL SERVICES FOR 1973: AND RESOLUTION #27-1973 - AUTHORIBING THE CHANGING OF BIIDGET APPROPRIATiONS WITIiIN THE GENERAL FUND (LEGAL): Mayor Liebl called on Counci].man Sreider to ,present his views on the agreem�ent. Counciltnan 8reider said it wa� a suitable agreement as far as he was concerned. MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt the agreement as it was presented by the Administration. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion catried una�ttimously. Mayor Liebl said he believed the agreement spells out the conditions of the retainer and additional charg�s. He asked the City Manager if both of the firms had Goncurred in the agxeement? The City Manager said they did. Councilman Starwalt said the chanqe of fees led him to believe the retainer had been increased and there are no additional charges until 30 hours of aezvice had been compl�ted. He asked if this woulfl be a savinq for the City? Mayor Liebl said he hoped it would be, He �aid 30 hour$ had to be worked by th� attorneys for 51,000.00. He addad, � good attorney is manditoxy Eor the� Citx. - �he City Manager said the actual aost of 1ega1 $eacvioee depends on how mucM ths Ci�y wou7,d need ths attorney. He said this coulc� be more or it coul�d be leas. He said this agreement wou�.d pi � d�awt� somethinq that had not been pinned down before. He added, after the attorney� haYe �eached 30 hours, � , ' � , � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1973 he would be notified and he could keep a reign on the cost. PAGE 17 UPON A VOICE VOTE, all votinq aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mction carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt Resolution �27-1973 authorizing the changing of Budqet appropriations within the General Funfl (Legal). Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unani.mously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF FEBRUARY 13, 1973: AND RECEIYING THE MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STAND]►RDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOt�QITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 1973: ' A REQUEST FOR VARIANCES OF: SECTION 45;134� 4C, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE REAR YARD SETBACK FROM 25 FEET TO 5 FEET, SECTION 45.134, 4, 82. TO R�DUCE THE SIDE YARD REQUIREMENTS FR,OM 35 FEET TO 30 FEET, AND, � SECTION 45.135� l, E2, TO REDUCE THE OFF STREET PARKING SETBACK FROM 20 FEET TO 8 FEET ON BEECH STREET AND FRAM 20 FEET TO 5 FEET ON 77TH WAY, TO ALIAW THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN OFFICE WAREHOU5E TQ BE LOCI�TED ON LOTS 27,28 AND 29, BLOCK ?, ONAWAY ADDITION� THE SAME BEING 7701 BEFCH STREET ' N. E., FRIDLEY� MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY D. W. HAR.STAD COMPANY, 7101 HIGHWAX #65 N. E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA.): The Gity Engineer said the request was submitted fax four variances and one was withdrawn. He added, the B�oard of Appeals had recouanended approval Of the request. MpTION by Counci],ma,n Breider to concur with the Bos�ed of Appeals. Seconded by Counailman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting sye, Mayor Liebl declared the motiot� carried unanimous�y. Coun�ilman Utter asked the City Engineex� if there was a need for the variancea from twenty to eic�ht feet? The City Engineer said he was going to put in additianal parking, but �here is no ne�, for it... Mr, Dick Johnsan �aid he was present to auiewex any queationa the Council a►ay'have c�n the varianaea. He said he would not be available next week Qv he wished any questions could be answexed at the present time. MOTIpN by Councilman U,tter to concur wit,h the Building Standarda Desiqn Control Subcom�aittee mesting of Februaxy 22, 1973, with the following �tipulationss 1. That the applicauit work with the City Sta�ff to determine means of blacktopping the seation of al�.ey used for acceas of the parking area. • 2. Sulxnit la�dscape p7.an tc the City tor t�pproval 3. Pravide enouq� slope �or dra�inaqq so water won't collect against � building in loadinq dxk area. I REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1973 PAGE 18 i 4. Dumpster for trash storage will be kept inside building, but if dumpster is moved outside, then proper screening will be provided. 5. Security lighting is provided for the buildinq and paxking area. SECONDED by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Breider to reaeive the minutes of the Building StandardsL Design Control Subcommittee Meeting pf February 22, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried uanimously. , , � , , A.REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.153, 2, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE MF.AN FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM 69 FEET TO 60 FEET TO ALLOW THE CON5TRUCTION OF A DWELLING ON LOT 3, BLOCK 3, AL ROSE ADDITIOTI, THE SAME BEING 6230 RIVERVIEW TERRACE N. E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY ROBERT DEGARDNER, 7950 � EAST RIVER ROAD N. E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA.): MOTION by Councilman Nee to concur with the Board of Appeals and approve the requ st. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor � Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. . MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee Meeting of Febx�uary 13, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye�;Mayor_Liebl declared the motion carried :::.:_ . ,,.:..,_ :. - unanimously. _ RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE NORTHTOWN CENTER TASK FORCE MEETING OF JANUARY 25, 1973: MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Northtown Center Task Force Meeting of January 25, 1973. SeconBed by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE NORTHTOWN CENTER TASK FORCE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 1, 1973: MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Northtown Center Task Force Meeting of February 1, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REVIEW OF PLANS FOR REMODELING '['HE EMERGENCY OPERATING CENTER AND POLICE DEPARTMENT: � , � r I � � MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the plans. Seconded by Councilman , StarWalt. Councilman Starwalt said he did not want to dwell on the matter, but he did be�ievs �h�,s Was the type of expenditure that should be carefully watched. � Coy�ncilman Utter agreed str�ssing the fact that the project called for an additional expenditure of $¢,000.00 ovqr �he amou�t bu�dge�ed. The City Manager said the purpose of the item being presented to the Council was to � show the members the plans and determine if they had any suggested changes in the ` ����st i , , ' � � � . , , REGULAR COU1VCi_� I�.�:ETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1973 PAGE 19 Councilman Utter asked if there were any suggested additional development in the police Department. The City Manager said the planned work had been budg�ted the previous year. Mayor Liebl said he did not believe there was a cent being spent at the present ti.me. The City Manager said at the present time, the administration wanted the Council to see the plans and be sure t,�at this is the type of plan that�they wanted. He said he did not want the Cauncil members to walk by the Police Department and wonder what has happened. Mayor Lieb1 asked Mr. James Hill, Public Safety Director, and Mr. Bob Hughes, Fiz'e Aepartment Chief, if they were in favor of the proposed plans. They said they were. Mr. Hughes said that there were no problems and they had been working together. He.added, the development planned lent itself to the work to be done in the Police Department. He said the cost had been xeduced by getting the Federal Government involved. Mayor Liebl said the City had saved money by doing the project in this manner. The Fire Chief said he h�d talked with representatives of the Federal Government late that afternoon and they were in complete accord with the plans at that time. He said if the Council was to approve the plans, he saw no reason why the plans could not be put into effect at the present time. Councilman Breider said he believed Fridley �ad the best Police and Fire Departments, and if tlnis is what it takes to do the job, he was in favor of it. Councilman Utter said he knew there had been money alloted foX the proposed plan, but at the time, there was $6,000.00 alloted for Civil Defense. � He added, now it comes out that the Federal Government is giving the City $6,000.00 and the City is spending $12,000.00. , , , , L� , � � Mr. Hughes said they had taken the Poliae modifications and pUt them in and this was the reason for the discregancy in the original figure. He mentioned the requirement by the Federal Government to put in an L. P. tartk for the generator. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all vating aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motidn carried unanimously, APPROVAL OF FZRE DEPAR'TMENT ELECTION OF OFFICERS: MOTTON by Councilman Utter to concur with Robert Hughes, Fire Chief, in approvdl of the officers. Seconded by Counailman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. 1 RECEIVING INFORMATION ON FLOOD PLAII�T ZONING; MOTION by Councilman Stazwalt to receiva the information. Secon$ed by Counc3lman U�ter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb,� declared the motion aarried unanimously. The City Ex�qineez said the Ordinance would be drawn up. Mayor Liebl advised the City �ngineer to proceed and apply the plan to enable the people tn the area to obtain the flood insurance. • REGULAR C�OUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1973 PAGE 20 RECEIVING STATUS REPORT REGARDING MISSISSIPPI R�VER BANK PROTECTION ALONG RIVERVIEW TERRA.CE IN RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS: MOTION by Councilman Nee to ree�ive the report. Secorided by Councilman _ _ _ Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the ,._ _. _ _.��. .._.�.�. __ motion carried unanimously. - .�,___ RECEIVING INFQRMATION REGARDING THE THIRD FORUM FOR NORTHTOWN STUDY: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the inforn►ation. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb.l dealared the motion carried unanimously. - � __ __ : __ ._. Councilman Utter and Councilman Nee i.ndicated they would be in attendance at the meeting. REPORT ON LOCKE LAKE BY CITY ATTORNEY: MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the report. Seconded by Cauncilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. A member of the Locke Lake Association said he would take the report to the Association as they had a meeting scheduled. Councilman Nee said they should consider additional information on the Water Shed District. Acting City Attorney, James Gibbs, said the City Attorney would be available to discuss the information on the 19th of March. Councilman E2tter asked if the County Commissioners would cooperate in the program. Mr. Gibbs said he would advise Mr. Herrick to be ready for the presentation of the 19th. CONSIAERATION OF FIRST PHASE OF 1973 5TREET LIGHTING PROGRAM: Mayor Liebl said Mrs. Nawrocki', Columbis Heights, had been in contact with him and requested Fridley consider a street light on the Fridley side of Taylor Street. MOTION by Councilman Nee to concur �tith the proposed lighting program submitted by the City Engineer. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously . RESOLUTION #28-1973 - ORbERING IMPROVEMENT AND TZNAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTZMATES_OF THE COSTS THEREOF: S5&SW #112: MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #28-1973. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously.� RESOLUTION #29-1973 - IMPOSING LOAD LIMITS ON PUBLIC STREETS AND AIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY: MO'�ION by Councilman Breider to adopt the Resolution #29-1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a�l voting aye, Mayor Liebl dealared khe motipn c�r�ied unanimously. � , REGULAR COLTNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1973 PAGE 21 ' . RESOLUTION #30-1973 - AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL � ASSESSMENTS ON LOT l, BLOCK 2, PARCEb 480, MOQRE LAKE HIGHLANDS ADDITION: MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt the Resolution #30-1973., Seconded � by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared`the motion carried uaanimously. � RESOLUTION #31-1973 - AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTTNG THE COMBINATION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 1, AND LOT 2, BLOCK 1, MARXEN TERRACE ADDITION: MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #31-1973. Seconded by , Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unariimously. , , � , � , , L� � �J i ' , RESOLUTION #32-1973 - AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON PARCEL 1060, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 22, AND REPLATTING INTO SILVER pAKS ESTATES: MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #32-1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, NAMING ADDTTIONAL MEMBERS TO ISLANDS OF PEACE COMMITTEE: MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the recommended new members as follows: Wayne Pettis, Fridley Ame�cican Legion Dona Cebula, Fridley American Auxillary Ruth Stark, Fridley VFW Auxillary, Post 363 Brian Igbalson, Instructor of Natural Resource Management, Fridley Senior High School and to appoint Caroll Kukowski as Secretary to the Committee. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ADVISORY BOARD FOR ISLAND OF PEACE COMMITTEE: Mayor Liebl said the list of 14 recommendations from Mr. Ed Wilmes, Islands of Peace Committee Originator, were from various backgrounds. Cbuncflman Starwalt asked if the Council's action ShouZd be to receive the reco�nendations or approve them. Mayor Liebl said he believed they should appoirit the people if they had expressed a desire to donate their time and energy to the project. Mayor Liebl read the list of recommended members as follows: Eugene Daly Chief Attorney Veterans Administration Evere�t Dodge Principal � Dowling School for Crippled Children REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARX 26, 1973 Fredrick J. Dresser Foster W. Dunwiddie William Greqg Richard Jacobson Frank Johnson Robert J. Kowalczyk Dave Krueger Dr. Joseph D. Moriarty Leon Olson Roger Sclunaus PAGE 22 Vice President Midwest Federal Savings and Loan Aasociation Architect, Vice President Architects of Barriers for the Handicapped Administrator Veterans Home, State of Minnesota Vice President Fridley State Bank Executive Director Minneapolis Society for the Blind Director Frasex School for the Mentally Handiaapped Chief, Recreation and Rehabilitation Veterans Hospital Mercy Hospital Anoka Executive Director Rise, Znc., Training and IInployment of Handicapped Adults Principal Robert Louis Stevenson Elementary School William Schoenbohm Executive Director Minneapolis Society of Crippled Children and Adults Dr. Bror S. Troedsson Chief, Physieal Medicine Veterans Hospital MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to officially recognize the list of recommended individuals as the Advisory Board of the Islands of Peace Com�►ittee. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Mr. Richard Harris, 6200 Riverview Terrace, asked if there should be a member of the Advisory Board appointed that is an adjacent property owner. He asked if all those on the Advisory Board were from outside of Fridley. He added, the only person involved who l� ed in the neighborhoo$ is Mr. Ed Wilmes. Mayox Liebl said if there are �ny persons in th� area who wish to become members of the Committee, they should attend thg meetings and make their intentions known. Mr. Harris stressed the need to involve the adjacent property owners. UPON A VOIGE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Cqunci�ma� Nee epcpress�d concern over the plan for the Navy Seabees coming ir�to .the a�ea to do work. He said the plans �av� not yet been meshed with � ' � � ' � , � , I� � , � � � i � � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1973 , ' � � ' , � ' � I� � , �� �t ' � ' ' PAGE 23 the Gity staff. He said if these people do come ir� expecting to work, the Council could not say yes or no. He asked the othex members of the Council if he was right. Mayar Liebl said he believed Mr. Wilmes intended to work out a method of funding the project and then work out the details of the plan. Council- man Nes said if he plans to construct a raad by March l, 1973, there should be some plan for the road. The City Manager said he was also concerned as the City did not know what was going on. He said he had asked him not to do anything until the plan had been approved by the Council. He said they were trying to cooperate with Mr. Wilmes. He added, the staff still does not know what is going on. Councilman Nee said he had tried to obtain infoxmation from Mr. Wilmes as what was going on. The City Manager said how much of the plan is Mr. WiLnes' idea and how much are the Committee's? The City Manager said if �rospective contributors are to support the project, there should be some plan and the Council should support the project. to the The City Attorney said the staff should send � letter to each of the Committee members instructing them that the terrain can not be changed wxthout approval of the Engi,neering Department. Cauncilman Nee said he is very sympathetic with Mr. Wilmes, he is trying to raise a quarter of a million dollars and he does not have money for postage. He added, now the new idea is to purchase two more lots for parking. Councilman Nee said what bothered him was that someone may be coming into the area with bulldozer. Councilman Nee said he believed the City should offer Mr. Wilmes some postage money. The Mayor said 5,000 copies of the letter concerning the Islands of Peace Project are to be donated snd Mr. Dunwiddie has donated his time to give the presentation for the project. The Mayor also said there is public access to th4 park land at the present time and there would be no problem getting into it. Mayor Liebl said he did not believe it would interfere with the people in the neighborhood. Mayor Liebl asked CounciLnan Nee if Mr. Wilmes informed him of what was happening on the project? Councilman Nee said Mr. Wilmes is in contact with him every day to inform him of the deta,l,ls. Mayor Liebl said there had not been any approval of the trails, walkways and bufldings at tk�e present time. Councilman StaYwalt said there should be some plans, but no or�e has seen them. He added, �the project must be put before the Planning Commission. Councilman Nee said all present knew this, but he was not' certain if Mr. Wilmes was aware of this fact. The City Manager said he had told Mr. Wilmss in a letter that he'has to come to the C,auncil, he should be aware of this. Mr. Harris said hs believed the island should be inspected for hazards. He said the young people do go out on the island and have parties. Mr. Harris said there ehould be some sort of maintenance and the Fire Marahal should inspect it for ha�ards. The Mayor directed the Fire Marshal to inspect the is�and. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1973 PAGE 24 CLAIMS: GENERAL 31082 - 31247 LIQUOR 7496 - 7562 1�TION by Councilman Nee to approve the claims. Seconded by Counci]man Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Ltebl declared the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES: , GAS 5ERVICES APPROVED BY Abel Helting Inc. - 266 Water Street • Excelsior Minnesota By: Raymond Olson W. Sandin GENERAL CONTRACTOR Bar-Ett Construction Co. ' 9005 Ottawa Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Steven 5chachtman C. Belisle Lee-Do Construction Co. 7837 Madison St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Douglas Kiel C. Belisle James Lund Construction Inc. 7709 Woodlawn Drive N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Patricia Lund � C. Belisle O'Meara & Cave Builders 167 Windsor Court New Briqhton, Minnesota By: Satnuel Cave C. Belisle Sprinqfield Homes � 3713 Foss Road Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Lee Kupcho C. Belisle HEATING Abel Plumbing Co., Inc. 266 Water St. Excelsior, Minnesota By: Raymond Olson W. Sandin Northtown Plumbing Co., Inc. Route #1, Box 101 Elk R�.ver, Minnesota By: Thomas Veit W. Sandin Boulevnrd Sheet Metal & Heating Inc. 11409 County Road #3 Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Alfred S. Steiner W. Sandin Fleming Sheet Metal Company 775 Colorado Ave. S. Minneapoli�� Minnesota By: Rob�rt J. Flen►i�g W. Sandin ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1973 ' I ' PAGE 25 MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the licenses. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously. I' APPROVAL OF HOUSE TRAILER LICENSE APPLICATION FOR MRS. BYRD NORTON, 1667 73RD AVENUE N. E.: � MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the renewal of the house tr�iler license. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice votq,all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, ' ESTZMATES: Comstock & Davis, Inc. ' Consulting Engineers 1446 County Road J Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 FINAL ESTIMATE #1 for the furnishing of professional engineering service for Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Storm Sewer Improvement Project #106. Key�►ay Builders, Inc. 12805B Highway 55 Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 0 PARTIAL ESTIMATE #2 for Fridley Liquor Store from December 1, 1972�to January 1, 1973 I,ee Electric Company 3775 Highway 52 Robbinsdale, Minnesota 55422 PARTIAL ESTIMATE #2 for Fridley Liquox Store from December 27, 1972 to January 30, 1973 Weaver, Talle & Herrick 316 East Main Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 January Retainer and for services rendered Nodland Associates, Inc. ` Alexandria Minnesota 56308 PARTIAL ESTIMATE #11 for the construction of Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Watermain Improvement Project #102 Comstock & Davis, Inc. � 1446 County Road J Minneapol�e, Minnesotat 55432 � P,ARTIAI, ESTIMATE �13 for conatructio}n work on , Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer & Water Improvement Project #102 from January 2 through Januaxy 26, 197� $ 4,907.93 15,737.94 1,530.00 1,719.80 33,887.12 2,65�•5^ REGULAR COjJNCII� MEETING OF FEBRUARX 26, 1973 PAGE 26 , I �_� MOTION by Gouncilman Nee to approve the'sstimates. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declard the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT FOR CITY COUNCIL CON$ENT AND APPROVAL: N�NiE POSITION Peqgy Holsather Billing Machine 1401 98th Lane N. W. Operator (Finance Coon Rapids, Minnesota Department) SALARY EFFECTIVE DATE REPLACES $446 per February 13, Paula Long month 1973 MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the new employee and concur with the recommendation of the City Manager. Seconded by Councilman Br�ider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ' CO1�II�IUNICATIONS s WYM1�N SMITH: SUPREME COURT APPEAL, CITY OF FRIDLEY VS. 5➢RING LAKE PARK: MOTION by Councilman Nee ta receive the communcation from Wyman Smith dated February 21, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REPRESENTATIVE JOE CONNORS: HOUSE FILE #9 (MINIMUM WAGE): MOTION by Councilman Utter-to receive the communication from Joe Connors dated February 19, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AFFAIRS: NATIONAL GUARD FACILITY: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the letter from the Department of Military Affairs, W. H. Cheeseman, Deputy Adjutant General dated February 22, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, 1Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MINNEAPOLIS CENTRAL LABOR UNION COUNCIL: FIRE FIGHTERS RESOLUTION: MOTION by Councilman Ltttex to receive the communication from the Minnea,polis Central Labor Union Council, Virgil D. Moline, President, dated February 22, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion casried unanimously. REQUEST FROM BERNARD ROTTER� CASTLE MOBILE HOMES, TO REZONE BOURDEAUX'S SPRING PARK ADDITION: Mr. Rotter addressed the Council requesting the northern portion of the property be rezoned to R-1 at this time. He asked that the southern portion not be rezoned until the final pl�n is developed. Th� C�ty ��1gi�ee; said the plans for this property have been being developed for the past fiv� years. He added, this was formerly the Dumphy property. He sa.�d the preaent zoning �,s PD, Wk�iGh ranges from commercial to rQSidential. He said the engineerir�g departmer��, �eels he should develop the entire area as R-1 so there will be no problem of inter-mixing in the future. He said all of the utilities are in. � ' L__l ' ' ' � ' CI , ' r ' � � � � ' E, ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBA�(ARY 26, 1973 PAGE 27 The City Engineer said the Council can approve the single family residential development aa it is a11 platted in the orginal plan and would be a good buffer zone. Mayor Liebl asked if the plan was ever platted and registered? The City Attorney said the existing plat and zoning axe PD and have to be changed to R-l. The City Engineer sugqested modifying the PD zoning and changing the entire area to R-1, completely residential and no com�nercial. . MOTION by Counci].taan Nee to approve Bourdeaux's Spring Park Addition lots in the PD diatrict to revert back to the original plan of R-1 and stipulate that none of the land will be commercial and that the Council authorize building permits be issued. SeconBed by Councilman Breider. Upon�a roll call vote, Breider, Starwalt Liebl, Utter ancl Nee voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously.' gUESTION BY COUNCZLMAN NEE TO INCREASE 5PEEDING FZNES ON EAST RIVER ROAD: Counciltttan Nee asked if there was a possibility of doubling or tripling the traffic violation fines for those violatprs on the East River Road. He said he would like to know what effect this may have and whether it may take the City three ti.mes the amount to process these voilations under the above conditions. The City Attorney said there are fpur judges and the tickets for certain violations have a set amount in a schedule that is used by the four Judges. He listed the various examples as: a misdeamnor is 0- 90 days with a fine of 0 to 5300, at the discretion of the court, 0- 10 miles over the speed limit is usually $15, with the second violation being double, etc. He said the fines are uniform throughout the County. Councilman Nee asked if the City can afford to have the police officers testify for this amount? The City Attorney said the court showed a profit of $16,000.00 after the payrou of the police officers was paid and the rental of the court room was paid. Councilman Nee asked if there were any other ideas that may help slow down the traffic on East River Road? The City Attorney said 30$ of the traffic tickets written in Fridley are for vioTations on the East River Road. He added,many of these are for school bus violations. The City Atanager asked if the members of the Council were willing to attend an idea session at 6:30 the next Monday evening prior to the Council meeting to diseuss the problems on the East RiVer Road? He said he had asked Mr. Jim Hill, Public SafeCy Director to p�epare a report on the situation and he added, it goes,beyond being an enforcement problem. . ; The City Attorney said the Poli�e Department was unable to use radar on the Road as th�re was no place to put the car or to pull the cgrs over to the sida, they would have to stop the violators in the lane of tzaffic. He used an example of the uae of radar on Mississippi Street as comparatively safe. He tsaid there the Police officer is able to get out of the car and wave the violator down. He �,id the speed limit on the roadway varies in three different locations. H� said th� �itizen�t have a right to know what is going on. The City Attorney said he believed the speed limit should REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1973 PAGE 28 be 30 miles per hour ovex tha entira stretoh of roadway. The City Engineer said they had tried to inatituta this sort of plan. The City ManAger asked if the Council would attend the study session. CounciLnan Nee said he wou]�d be able to attend. COUNCILMAN STARWALT QUESTIONED THE NUMBER OF FALSE FIRE ALARMS FROM COMMERCIAL ESTABLISi�1ENTS : Councilman Starwalt asked the reason for the number of false alarms from the commercial establishments in the area. Councilman Utter said there had been four listed in the report. Councilman Starwalt asked how these alarms are turned in? Councilman Utter said there is often water in the lines. If there is water in the Bell Telephone Company lines, this will happen. The City Manager eaid the administration would look into the problem. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Counci].man Utter to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the Reqular Council Meeting of February 26, 1973, adjourned at 12:15 a.m. Re�peatfully Submitted � , • �1� Patricia Ellis Secretary to the City Council Frank G. Liebl, Mayor _ TIi� MTNUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 u The Reqular Council Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order at 7;43 p.rn., March 5, bp Mayor Liebl. PLEAGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ' Mayor Liebl 1ed the Council and the audience in saying the �ledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INVOCATION; The invocation was offered by the City Manager, Gerald R. Davis. RfJLL CALL : MEMBERS PRESENT: Nee, Breider, Starwalt, Lieb1, Utter. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. PRESENTATZON OF AWARD: XOUTI� ACHIEVEMENT AWARDs CHARLE5 F, WELF� EAGLE SCOUT Mayox Liebl called Charles F. Welf, 113 Gibraltar Road forward to receive the award. Mayor Liebl read the award alaud. YOUTH ACIiIEVEMENT AWARD CITY OF FRIDLEX Awarded to Charles F. WeiE' The award cited Mr. Welf for ach�.eving �he Eagle Scout Award, the highest rank in the Ba� scouts of America and also the Prp deo et Patria Awaxd, the highest religious honor in 5couting. Mayor Lieb1 and the membera of the Council cca�grattllated Mr. Welf and Mr, Welf thanked the Gouncil. 0 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 APPROVAL OF MINtJTES: REGUT�AR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARX 5, 1973: PAGE 2 MOTIDN by Councilman Breider to adopt �he minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of February 5, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOFTION OF �1GEND.�: The City Manager said he had distributed a memorandum to the Mayor and members of the Counail to be discussed under the item on the agenda concerning the appointment of Police Officers. MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt the agenda. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. VISITORS: � � _ WILLIAM H. GATES, 6701 2nd STREET N. E.: Mr. Gates addressed the Cvuncil reguesting the school bus s�op on f7th and 2nd be changed to several hundred feet down the block ta in front of the park. He said the bus is aurrently atopping in front of his k�ome and the children continually run axouric3 his property and he is unable to keep a lawn. He said some oF his neighbors are having the same prablem. He said-he thought it would be just as convenient for the bus to stop in front of the �ark. Mr. Gates said he had talked with members of the School Board �a n� had al�ca called the bus company, He said he had not received any results as the bus wc�uld have to travel one block out of the way. Mayo.� Li.ebl said he would ask the Ward Councilman to look into the matter. He said there was a policy determining the location of the school bus stops in School District #14. He told Mr. Gatea �hat he would qet an answer. � � 120 & 124 RIVERS EDGE WAY: Mayor Liebl said he would like to brinq a zna�tter to the Council's attsntian. He s�.id the �arope�tX owners at 120 River�+ Edge Way, C. Mikulak,and 124 Rivers �dge, G. �. Kairiss, which is in the '�h�.rd Ward, and north of Steven$An Schoal, have ten feet af snow that has been piled up.from plowing the echoa]. parking lot, adjacent to their lots, �is said the warmer �emp�ratuxes are causinq the $naw to melt and �lood the back yards. Mayor L�.ebl dir�Q�ed the City Manager tQ advis� the proper depa�tment tc� taks care o� the problem. Fa134 WOQDX Lb1NE i Maxox T�iebl mentioned the �raperty at 61�� Wood� Lane belonging tca Mx, a�d Nirs. Rick�axd Wilske. He saa.d he �elievec�. the Telephone �ompany shou�,d �.nsta�ll the d�o� lin�s a�n�, take aare o� the �roblem on the no�t�a side �s it had b�en done on tha s4uth �i,de. H� said it would be a golden capportunity to take care of the work in one operation. r �� �II �'' � �I ' �� ' �I ' � � L� ' � ' � � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 3 COMMENDING CITY MANAGER, CITY ENGINEER AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: Mayor i,iebl commended the City Manager, the City Engineer and the �ublic Works Department for their assistance in solving the storm sewer problem the previqus Saturday on 37th Avenue and East River Road. Mayor Liebl said he was ver� pleased with the effectiveness; within €�n hour the entire area was clean, and the water was running perfec�ly. He said a great deal o� the �ppreciatian is due the men who were doing the job. He said he called the City Manager on that Saturday and he was at the location within fifteen minutes. He added, that is the kind of dedication the City appreciates. Mayoz Liebl directed the Administrat.ion to write a letter to the Public Works Department commending them for their prompt and knowlegeable action. OLD BUSINESS; ORDINANCE #533 - VACATTON REQUEST SAV #72-07, NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, TO VACATE PORTION OF NORTH/SOUTH ALLEY IN BLOCK 11, HYDE PARK ADDITION• MOTION by GQUncilman Nee to waive the reading and adopt Ordinance #533. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a roll ca11 vote, Breider, Starwalt, Liebl, Utter and Nee voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and ordered publication of Ordinance #533. CONSIDERATION OF APpOINTMENT OF ROBERT BARNETTE, 541 RICE CREEK BOULEVARD TO ,AD HOG NORTH PARK C(�MMITTEE (REQUESTED BY MAXOR LIEBL)- Mayor Liebl said he had personally recommended Mr. Barnette because he had done an out�t�anding job as weed inspectoz and his background would enYaance the knowledge of the ad hoc North Park Committee. MOTION by Caur�cilman Utter to add the name of �tobert Barnette to the ad hoc Noxth Paric Ccamm�.ttee. SeQOnder� by Caunailma� Starwalt. Upoa a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor T,ieb1 $eclared the motion �ar�ied unanimously, Mayor Liebl saa�d the City Manager should noti�y Mr, Barnette of the upcoming Committee meet�.ng on th�e 8th of March. FIRST READ�NCa �F AN ORDINANCE AME�TDING SECTIOIV 3.05 RELATING TO THE USE OF S�CIC I,F:AV� FQI3 CITY EMPLOYEES s Mayor Lieb1 called on the City Manager ta expl�in the content and implementation of t,he px�o��ed ordinanee. ' The City Manager said the City oi Frid].ey employess currently receive twelve sick days per year. He added, the purpose of the ord�.nan�e would be to a11aw th� employe�� �.o use two of the now alloted �iGk days to be used in case af sexious i�.lness of tk��ir child or spou�e and to be used for the caxe of said spouse o� clnild. He said �t has been �he practice of the employees to take da�s .�Qr �h� caxe of their children or spouse, he added, this is not a good s�it}uat�,c�n i� �,1�►e days are x�qt allowed. He said �he two days would be deducted �rQm 'kheir sick �eave. I I REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIIQG OF MAFtCH 5, 1973 PAGE 4 MOTION by Councilman Breider to waive the reading and adopt the first reading of the ordinance, for the use of sick leave for City E�mpioyees. Seconded by.Counailman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl said this is no exception to what is done in private enterprise, and he added, it would make the operation a•smoother running one. FiRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDiNG 5ECTION 3.08 RELATING TO THE USE OF FUNERAL LEAVE FOR CITY EMPLOYEES: Mayor Liebl oalled on the City Manager to give a short summary and reason for the propased ordinance. The City Manac�er said the ordinance was to clarify the number of days to be used for funeral leave. He said the ordinanae previously said a reasonable amount of time should be granted �o the employee for funeral leave. He said the languaq� change would say tl�ree days with additional time granted by the City Manager if necessary. He said the employee may use the three days in case of deati� cf spouse, child (natural or adopted), parent, grandparent, brother an� sister. This ordinance also added the mother-in-law and father-in-law. MOTTON by Councilman Breider to waive the reading and adopt the first reading o� th,e 4rdinance. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon.a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayox Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl �aid this ardinance is keeping up with the benefits offered to einployees of pxivate enterprise. REPORT FRUM ED WITrMES IN REFERENCE TO U. S. NAVX SEABEES AND LETTERHEAD BROCHURE FQR "ISLANDS O�' PEACE": �tayor Lie]al aalled on Mr. Ed Wilmes, 6350 Rivex View Terrace, to addres� the Caunail, Mr. Wilmes said there k�ad been some cor�cern ex�Xesaed about the Navy Seabees• �ie said he would like to assure the Council�and the citizens of Fridley �khat there would not be any developmen� work done on the Islands of Peace Px��ect without the okay of the City Q� Frid�.ey. He said the Seabees wil7. nQ� aome in �nd cut down the treea. He added,the Seabees are a cvns�ruetion bat�alion that k�ave expxesaed in�exest•in k�elping with this project�for the handicapped. Mr. Wilmes said every plan that is workad on by the U• �. Navy Seabee�s must be first �►uthorized bX ths local municipali�y. He sai,d h� t�hought �he City should be grateful to �he Seabees for vo7.unteering to help. Hs a�ked if there were any questions, Mayox Lieb1 s�id I�e d�.d no� have any que�ticana, He sa�d befoxe Mr. W�.1mes would do any�hinq. he would le� the Gouncil know, so �hey are aware o� what �.s gqi�ng Qr►. � Mr. Wilmes st�id ther� wou�d be a mee�ing a� tha I�la.r�d� o#.' Peace Commi.t�ee the £o�.low�.n� �vening, March 6, 1973. �Ie �����ed ths� Cc�uncil tk��� they wo�1c� be noti�i�d beP9�e a shovel is �ut into th�e grcaund, Mayo� Li,ebl said i� Was the r�oncezr� Qi the councilman oi the Third Ward tY�at there may be som� �onstruc�ion ata,rted b8fore the plans , � J � , , , � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 were approved, PAGE 5 Maypr Liebl said he had received a copy of the proposed brochure and letterhead for the Islands of Peace Committee and project. He listed some of the features af the proposed material such as the list of the members of the Advisory Board, pictures of visiting dignitar�es on the Islands of Peace and the picture of a hand�capped child. Mr. Wilmes sa�d he had met with Mr. Stanton of the Fridley High School and he had ag�eed the H�gh School students would do the printing. Mayor Liebl urged all the members of the Couneil to attend the upcoming meeting. He asked if there were any questions from the Council members. MOTION by Councilman Breider to reaeive the communications from Mr. Wilmes �nd the Islands of Peace Committee and aoncur. with Mr. Wilmes' commen�s. S�conded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor i,�ebl declared the motion carried unani.mously. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR BUILDING A HOUSE IN FLOOD PRONE ARFrA WITH WATER-PROOFIATG A1�ID OTHER SP►FETY MEASURES: ROBERT DEGARDNER, 8125 RIVERVIEW TERRACE: The City Engineer referred to page 6-B of the agenda and said the drawing represented the height of the house if it were built one foot above the � 100 year flaod level. He said it would be nine feet above the adjoining houses. He explained that the City had not yet adopted the flood plain zoning. He said the house could be water-�roofed and�valves could be 1 installed to valve off aewer and water connections. He said the latter suggestion would fit the house into the area better than building it high above the other homes. � ' ��� � � � � � Mayor Liel�l asked if Mr. DeGardner was present at the meeting. The City Engineer said he had �alkad with Mr. DeGardner and he had indicated to him that he would be able to live with any aonditior��s that ths Council could propose. The Citx Engineear said the Council w9uld have two alternativest one, to build the home above �h� 100 year flood elevation; and two, to allow him to build it as planned and stipulate the home shouid be flood-proofed and a valve system installed to valve aff the �ewex and water. Councilman Nee said he would prefer the �eacnd altexnative. He said the constructior� of one high �ouse would eonfl�ct witl� the ar�a. Ma�or Lieb3 asked if the City Engineer had a photo �or the �ouncil ta yiew. The City Engineer showed the phota te the eouneil anci they discusaed it at the Council Table. Maxor Liebl said he di$ not be�.ieve the Counoil �hould create a�roblsm and allow future damags ta t�is h�use. MOTION b� �ounci�man �iee ir� gxant a building pearmit �o �r . DeGardnex ati�ulati�ng the house be ilodd-proof�d azad valve� b� iz�stalled tca valve pf�' the s�w�r and water �rptevting the baasment �rc�m flpodinc�. S�cp�ded by �ouncilmaa B�e�.der, U�sar� a voice vc�te, �11 votinq �ye, Mayor Li.�bl c�eclared th� �ncation ca�ried u�axa�mou��y. �a�o� �,��k�� a�ked the administration to notify the contractor accordinc��y, � REGUZAR COLINCIL MEETING OF MARGH 5, 1973 PAGE 6 RECEIVING TiiE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMIS5ION MEET�NG OF FEBRUARY 21 1973: The City Engineer said there were no items in the minutes that required action by the Council. _ MOTION by Councilman Nee to receive the Planning Commission Minutes of Feb�cuary 21, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanunously. CONSTDERATION OF THE REQUEST FOR SIDE YARD VARIANCE, RICHARD MILLER HOMES• The City Engineer said the problem was one of varification of the survey. The City Engineer said the basement is one and one quarter foo� off what had been orxginally shown to the Engineering Department. He said Mr. Miller is requesting the Council waive the ten foot requirement so he can proceed. He said the requirement is five feet on the garage aide. He said the �:ouee..is about fifteen feet in and he is 6/10 of a foot off in one corner. He said the building is slanted on the lot. The City Engineer said if the varianae is not qranted, the contractor would have to tear out and rebuild the entire basement. MOTION by Councilman Breider to waive the reading of the notice and Apen the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a�voice vote, all votinq ay�, Mayor �,febl declared the motion carried unanimou�ly. Couri,cilman Starwalt asked if there were any questions from the audience. Mr. Mel Fozd, Vice President of Richard Miller Homea gaid'no part of the home is closer than 15 �'eet to the next house. He added, the cement men goofed, and the mistake is there. MOTION by Councilmara, Starwalt to alase the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Uttex�, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mQtion carried unanimously. MOTION by Gouncilman Starwal� to grant the vairiance request for Richard �iiller Hoxne�. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all votiz�g aye, Mayar Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSZDERATTQN OF REQIIE�T FOR VAitIANCE TQ INCREASE MAXIMUM SIGN SQUARE FQ4TAGE� FE�,LA PRQDUCT�a. ING.a MOTTON by Councilatan Starwalt to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and Apen the Pubiic Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voi.�e v�t�; a1i voti,nq aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unariimouslx. Mr. Ja�►es MBtr�, Pella Praducts, inc., addreseed the Gctun�il saying hs had mad� the �equ�st and the buaines� was �ths las�k �ema��.�a.nr� office space in Sk�rwc�od Ma11 w�.thc�u� a aign, H�a said �he reques�, wA� 15 £eat over tln� vazian�� x��gu�.r�nent, Ma�or Liebl �sked if tl�e �tign would b� ar� �he nor�h ��.cls of the lamp pc���? The Gi�x Engin�er said it woRld be betweez� th� �op �a� the canopy and �he �xi�tii�q �ign as shown on paqe nine B of the agenda, � � ' � � , � , ' � l � ' �i , � � � ' REGULAR COLTNCIL MEETING OF MARCH.S, 1973 PAGE 7 I Mayor Liebl asked if it would be a xoof�sigfl? The City Engineer said it ' would be basically a wall sigri. Councilman Starwalt said it would be three feet by five feet and asked why there was a problem? The City Engineer said there are restrictions on how much a£ the wall the sign may take. � ' � � MOTION by Councilman Breider to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the �tion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the variance request by Pella Products, Inc. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting aye, Mayo� Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT ON WATER I1dPROVEMENT PROJECT #110 (i3zDS OPENED 11:30 A.M., MARCH 5, 1973): `�"t.�� City Engi.neer said the bids were for cleaning, repairing and resurfacing :�� the interior of the one and a half million gallon reservoir. He said the ' low bid was submitted by Rysgaard-Master Company, Inc., 1253 West Connely Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55112, in the amount of $29,8b0. for 45 calendar daXs. The only other bid was submitted by Anderson Sand Blasting and � Painting, 4346 Vera Cruz Avenue N., Minneapolis, Minnesota in the amount of $35,949. ij LJ ' � � � �� I� I� L! , ' ' MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the bids and award the contract to Ryagaard-Master Company, Inc., 1253 West Connely Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55112, in the amount of $29,800 for 45 calendar days. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REGEIVING BTDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR STREET TMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1973-1 AND S'�. 1973-2 (MSAS) (BIDS OPENED 11:30 A.M., MARCH 5, 1973): The City Enc�ineer recom�nended that the Council reaeive the bids at the present time as the low bidder had made some �n3stake in calculation and it had to be clarified before the contraGt would be awarded. The following bids were received: �. �. McCrpssan, I�nc. $ox 336 psseo, Minnesota 55369 Minn-i�ota Excavating, Inc, �401 6��kh Avenue N. Minneapo��is, Mi�nnesota 55429 �lorthexn Asphalt Cpnst, Tnc. �.63�'S�th Ave. N. E. Minne�pc+liS , Minnescata Alexatider Construction Co, �Q , �tci . 42 & Fairg�reen Av� . , A��a�.� Va�.leyr Minn�aota 55Q6a $ 473,153.48 $ 440,373.55 $ 539,OQ0.02 $ 486,312.45 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5� 1973 Arcon Construetion Caanpany, Inc. Mora, Minnesota Pragresaive Contractors Box 368 Osseo, Minnesota 55369 Bury & Carlson, Inc. 6008 Wayzata Boulevard M�nneapol�s, Minnesota 55416 Dunkley Surfacing Company, Tnc. 3756 Grand Street N. E. Minnea4polis, Minnesota ' 55421 H. & S. Asphalt Company Box 791 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 Hardives, Inc. 1Q13� Central Ave. N. E. Minneapolis, Minne�ota 55433 $ 475,041.49 $ 483,468.21 . $ 46Q,622.40 $ 534,963.10 $ 468,316.93 $ 479,421.29 PAGE 8 MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the bid�. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a noice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING REFORT ON SANITARY SEWER PR08,LTNSS ON CAPITOL STREET: The City Enc�ineer said when C+�pitol Street was plaaed in the 5treet Tmproveatent Fro�eat, the City hired a company to do a T. V. report on the san�tary sewer system in that area. He satd the report had been subanitted by �he ccxinpany. In 1967 we laid a by pass lir.: throuc�h the park. The City Engineer eaid the City had b�en recsivinq num`rous canplaints from the home ownexe bePore the work had been done in 1967. 'He said they had z�ot receivQd any acecentlx or since the correation was mad� at that time. He said he had writ�ten a letter to the home ownare on Capital Btreet asking them to � advise the C�,ty o� what pxoblems they had eince 19fi7, what action they had • F taken auid whmt woack had been done by the City. The�y did indicate that they � had b��n hav�.ng pxok�leme, but did ncat giv� time� anci apecifie prablema. � , � Th� City �n�i.nsez said h� believed tha hou�es were �utlt too l,ow, with not �enouqh difierer��e betwaen the house a�nd the aew�r line. He aaid he be�ieved �ki�e ma�ority oP the probl�n� hac� been sa�.v�d in 1967. He aAid moa�k of the probl+�nts i�d beasn elimina�ted, bv,t fi.k�ere are sv�n,e area�s ' in ��he lina that need furtixex° aorr�ctisan, t�e eaid t.l�a �it� woul,d coxxeat thea� prob�.eins bsfor� th� roa� wark ie� �one�. �'he Citx �n�ineer sai.d tiaess aorr�ation,� �+ould elimina�e or minimiza t�e �xo�ilema, �ie menfii.oaed as�kinq th� �sopl� ot the area tQ �ir�d out w�at �ey wou�.d w�ua� to da and give� �hem • ancthe�x aha�nae tc� mak� a� d�a�.eion. Mayar %isbl �aid �he �an�� in tha axs�+� +�x� ��vin� px�►bl.�ma b�aay�e o� the ,�k�a�low �e��k� o� t�Y�,e aewer a�stem, H� �ai+� �h�ze �a a�o indica►tia�a the people wau�� to be as�es�ec� ��aac anoth�r qewer ey�t�m, °kk�ey }�aV� ai�eady paid �oz it. H� said i�hat i� th,e�� �robl�n►s w�za not tak�� car� o:�, Gap�.tol st�ree�G � � , � LJ � i � �� � ' � � , , , � � , , REGULAR COUNCIL :.�:r;TING OF MARCH 5, 1973 , PAGE 9 would�be the only street that woulc] not be improved. Mayor Liebl , said it was his feeling and the people had indicated at the hearing that they would not object to the City taking care of the•sewer problems. � , ' � , ' ' ' Councilman Nee said he had spent quite a bit of time with the people of the are� the past weekend, and it was his feeling that the people do not know what to accept at this point. He said they were all very happy when the Public Works Department flusk�ed the system for two or three months.' He said the people do not know if they can trust the City. He said the people do not support the idea of paving the street, and there is a great deal of hostility because of the street improvement idea. He added, three Eamilies on Capitol Street have been flooded just last week. Councilman Nee said he did not know if it was the lateral or service line that was creatincJ the problems. Tixe City Engineer referred to the responses to the letter he had sent t.o the area property owners, and he said the Council could see the responses. The people would not be specific. He said if they would provide the City with the necessary informa�Eion it would be easier to determine the causes of the problems and the neaessary corrective actions. The City Engineer said there are some pieces of pipe broken. He said not all the problems could be pinned down to the break in �he pipe. He said the City was hoping to corzect the problems and at no expense to the property owners. Councilman Nee asked i£ the problem was that there was not enQUgh pitch. The City Engineer said the system was not engineered �roperly in 1956. Mayor Liebl said if the City does not repair the system and the � main is placed tao shallow,the system will not work properly. He said he believed it wou�.d be foolish to continually send the maintenance staff to the area to repair, as this would be aostly. � ' � ' �II ' � ' Mr. Gregary Olson, 5237 Capitol St, N. E„ asked the City Engineer �rhat he would do to solve the problem. The City Engineer asked if he was c�{estipning the problems of the sanitary or storm sewer? Mayor Liebl said they.both have to be taken care of before the street can be put in. The Ci�y Engineer said the inatallation of a lift station could be an expensive proposition. He reaommended providing some corrective measures as saon as possible. He said the major portion of the problema have been minimized since the work in 1967, and this was a step in the right direction. Ma�►or Liebl said he is very �ware of the arsa and the problems'need not be �ointed out tc him. He said he believed there were two problems, the sanit�ry s�+wer preblems and the installation af the street, curbinq and guttera. �ie said it is of �ti�e utmost impartar�ce that the street be up-�raded. Mayor iiebl msked the Cit�+ Enginee�r how �nuch �� would cost to completely take care c�f the san,itary �,nd storm aewer �robiems �ao the City can proceed with tl�e st�re,et imprpveme�� pzoject? Th8 �ity Eng�.ne��' said a complete solu�ion w�u1c� mean lowe�ring the line and adding a iift statior�, liftinq aewage' to �he sauth. He �dded, this woulci very expensiv�: REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF M1�RCH 5, 1973 PAGE 10 The City Engineer said a positive solution to the storm water would be to improve the roadway. Mayor Liebl asked if $10,000 would take care of the problems on Capitol Street? He asked if this would do an adequate job. He suggested taking the money out of the general fund and save money by eliminating the need for constant maintenance. The City Engineer said to insure there would be no pxoblems in the future, the City would have to lower the lines and install a lift station pushi�g sewage into the lines to the south. Mayor Liebl asked if it would take a new line? He said the present line is not deep enouqh. A resident of the area said the houses were there before the sewer line, He continued by saying there had been money put in eacrow for the project. He �aid the minimum depth of the line is ten feet, he asked where the Fridley inspector was when the proaect was put in? He said the money in escrqw was spent�For the present �yetem. He added the City pays good money for the inspection of the systems, where was he? Mayor Liebl asked the Finance Director if he would check the records to determine the reason for the matter being questioned. The resident said no one gave dates for the problems wi.th:the sewer as it is vexy hard to determine exactly what days it needed repair work. He said he had called out a professional £irm to take care of his sewer problems and they had charged him $40. He eaid he went out and bought • his own equipment. Mayor Liebl asked if the inatailation of the line on Hughes Av�., acrosa from the paxk had helped. The reaident said there had been problems all of the present w�ek with the eewer. He added, theze is fine ailt in the lines. He said the water ie starting to back up undez his laundry tubs. The City Enqineer said the questionnaire being cea�pleted as requested would enable the Enqineering Department to determine the cause of the problea�ne. Were they oocurring during the�dry ateason, was there a break in the line, he questionedY The resident said fluahing tihe line� had helped, bu� thie had been discontinued. Councilmar� Nee said the problem wauld go beyond the 1a►teral problem, it would also invalve tiie residential lines. He said the que�tion was one of repai�inq or maintenance in order to pave►, He said the people,of the area do not want the atreet paved. He ssid in anx event the program would aot be a aomple�e $Qlution. He said they may ha�ve an i.n�erest in paving in the future. He said hs believed it wou]d coe�t twiae as much to install the lift atation and line@ when the residential lines wauld also have to be lifted. H� said he thou�ht �he,�street shanl.d ba d�le�ed from the paving schedule at his time. Mayor i�iebl �said this would take three votee, He said when he f�.rst caime on ths �vun�il, there were e�ght home� with twc� �eet of eewage intheir baeement�. H� aaid h� would like �to aet u� eome p�c�gram wk�ere tk�i s wauld not happen aqair�, Ma�yor Leib]. r�:ccmm�nded a program iox findi�� a pezmanent solu�i.on. He said ti�� aanitary ee+we� �robiems on Ca��tol Str�e� k�ave to be ,solvsd b�iaze t�he etree� izn,�r4vement project aan begin. He sai� the projeat had been deleted �anc� befor� �ecaus� o� the �inancial burSen. Ha said al]. the other stzeeta in Fri�,���+ have meen irnprovsd an�i t}�e �eop�e had ,paid the assessments ior the ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH S, 1973 PAGE 11 ' ' improvements. If the Council decides to delete the project it will have to vote on this�action. Mayor Liebl asked the City Engineer how far into the 10 year Street Improvement Program the City had progressed? The City Engineer said now only 20� of the Program needed to be completed. � � , Mr. Donald Mittelstadt, 694Q Hickory Drive N. E., said the City should seek Federal fundinq fpr the project because of the factc�r of flooding. He suggested the administration check into federal help. He said the people of the area do have sanitary sewer and storm sewer, but they do not do the job. He said he did not believe the City should put in a piece meal project. He stressed there should be no need for the people of the area to fight these problems, the City should seek some help in solving the matter. Mayor Liebl asked what the people thought to be priority? A resident of the ' ��{*�a said he had not marked the dates he had problems, he said if he had, there �:�.?�ald be no place left to write on the wall. He �aid there were a number of �rim�s when he had made the necessary repairs himself. He added, the park is , "�,00ded all the time. He said the people of the area would like a permanent �olution a�nd a storm sewer. , � ' ' , Mayor Liebl asked the City Engineer if the ,proposed method was the only method available for solving the problems? The City Engineer said the water flows down hill and there is a section of line where the pitch had to be changed. He said the pitch is too shallow and the houses are very low. He said at the present level the sewer backs up in the basements of the homes. He stressed the importance of knowing the dates and weather conditions in order to determine the cause for the problems. Mayor Liebl asked if the system was a gravity system? He asked if the lines were low@red, would the mains also have to be lowered? The City Engineer said the entire line is f�at, and if it is �ifted, this may cause additional problems in another area. � Mayor LieYal asked if a problem would be created on Harizon Drive? He said the City would have to build a lift sta�ion somewhera in that vicinity. The City ' Engineer said this may take care of the current problems, but it may create problems ior othezs down stream in the City. ' ' � , ' � Mr. Richard Wedan, 5256 Capital St., said he had problems with the baak up and mentipned he had hiz�ed a firm to clean out hss sewez lines and was told they were �ull oE silt from the house to the street. Mr. Charles Wel�, 113 Gibraltar Rd., said the water had been backing up in hie basement. He added, with the street problem at the p�esent time he �ould like to see i�. Qaved or reinforaed in some way. He saici he could understand the problerns of the people who did not want to agree to the completion of the roadway until the entire pz�ogram is solv�d. Mr. Ol�on asked the location of the break in the line. The City Engineer said there are two man holes on the street that are quite close together, the break is ,�ust south of the man hole. He said there is a b.�oksn bell and saddle. He said t�ere is also a breailE in the line on 8ughes Avenue that must be repaired. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 12 Mr. Olson said his home was close to the broken line. Councilman Utter asked how 1ow the line is in that area. The City Engineer said it is seven or eight feet. Councilman Utter asked if the line depth were to be varied or a lift station put in, would the resident also have to lower their lines? The City Engineer said no, the water would �ust drop into the line. He added, there is not enough drop in the line that is in. Mayor Liebl said he did not believe the problem could be solved at the present meeting. He mentioned the fact that the street improvement project must be considered. He asked what day should the authorization be given to go ahead with the stxeet improvement project? He asked if this could be done at the next meeting? Mr. Olson said if the aewer probleias ara solved, the people of the area would still not waz�t the curbing and blacktopping installed, �+�ayor Liebl said the City had a ten-year street impravement plan and they wanted to stay pretty close to the completion of the plan as scheduled. Mayor Liebl saicl the area in question is an eatablished residential area and if the Council adopts a policy, it must live by it. Mr. Olson a�tked if a petition would be useless in deleting the street from the street iuy�rovement project as th�re would be a unanimous vote required? Mr. Olson aaid he believed the deletion of too many areas would be a step back- wards. He added, the City must evaluate the people's ability to pay. He said he was suxe the Council was aware of this fact. He added, if the people feel they have to go to court, they will. M�yor Liebl said the area i�t not in qood condition, he mentioned the condi- tion� on Gibraltar ,Rd. He added, it is up ta the Cvuncilmen to solve the sanit�ry aewer problems before they do anythir�g about the road conditions. He a+�id he aar►r�at be eure this would be a permanent solution. He aaid he did not believe the �ouncil could come to a decision that eve�ing. He msked t�h� Cc�unail.man of the Ward, Nee for his in,�ut on the situations. Cou.nc,ilmaun Nee asked if the effect ot' the pe1��.tion w4u1d incre�se the voting requirement from thxee to f4ur. He said if the Council ahould support a lift stat�.Qn and tl�e problems we�e permanentlx solved, it agemed to him it would r�quize r��a�,vinq. He said in this event, the propexty owners did not believe it could be paved and curbed properiy. Mr. Olson said they have had the groblem �or 17 yea�rs, maybe they should put up with the pacoblem. Councilmai.n Ne� aaid h� bali�ved it would help �he matter if �hey coulc� get some comtnuriiaatican s�o�.nq, �is aaid he wauld like t�v �now if the hydrolic cleaner had increa��d oz decreased the problems. Mr. Qlson said he had to ca11 Roto Rooter th� ��ne dAy th� sy�tem was flushed, He added, there are eleven fami- 11es �.n �h�; ne�.qYxborhood and £ive cf them had moved theze within the last five y�ara,, Caunc�.lman �te� s�id he wa� awa�r� of the chang� in ownershi,p af the area. , � � � � , � � , � CJ ' � � , � � ' ' ' : � I � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 13 , Mayor Liebl asked Councilman Nee if he was against the ten-year street improve- ' ment project and what had been done in the past? Councilman Nee said the people of the area have a problem and it has to be solved. He added, no, he was not against the street improvement project. , ' , � ' , � � • , MOTION by Councilman Nee to delete Capital Street from the Street Improvement Project. • Mayor Liebl declared the motion DEAD FOR LACK OF A SECOND. MOTION by Councilman Nee to receive the report on the sanitary sewer problems in Capital Street. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carri�d unanimously. M�yor Liebl suggested Councilman Nee talk to some of the people of the area. e;:_���dSIDERATION O�' ESTABLISHING A WALKWAY LOCATION FOR ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON i'a.�:MENTARY SCHOOL AND AUTHORIZING FURTHER ACTION: The City Engineer said the item was on the agenda because it would soon be the construction season and the City would like to determine what the proposals and alternatives are for the walkway. xe aaid he would like to determine what action to take in the safety program to eliminate the need for the children fra�t Robert L. Stevenson School walking on East River Road. He added, the plan is feasible engineering wise, but it has to be w�rked out with the property owners. He said the walkway would eliminate busing in this area. The City Manager said he would like to add that last year when the administra- tion worked on this plan one property owner would be in favor of the plan and the other would be strictly opposed to it. He said he did not have any infor- mation that made him believe the situation had changed. He said if this is the case at the present time, the City would have to condemn tfie land in order to acquire it for the walkway. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. B. Davis, 170 62nd Way N. E., if he was willing to cooper- ' ate, but t�here remained a question of money? The resident said yes. Mayor Liebl asked the resident if he had a].so wanted the installation of privacy screening to allow some privacy? Then Mz. Davis said this had not been a fac- ' tor of disagreement. The City Manager said there had been two appraisals from independent appraisers on the land. Mayor Liebl said the City may have to ap,�ropriat.H more money for the property. � He asked if the City had offered to provide a privacy screen7 He said if it wa.s provided, it would be more in lin,e to accomodate tihe children. He asked which proposal the School 9oard recommended? The City Engineer said there , were four different possibilitie� and thexe are certain advantages and dis- advantages to each area. He said each of the propose�l locations were feasible, He said those between two garages provided maximum privacy. He said one property owner is fox the plan and the other is against it, Councilman Starwalt asked , if a11 0� tkze eight famiii.es had been contacted zecently? The City Engineex said they had been contacted last year. He added, the reason for the item being on the agenda is to bring the Counoil membera up Co c�ate on the plan and pro- ' ,posals and inform the x�ew Councilmaan of the actior� taken and planned. He said �,e wc�u�d ��ke to determine a direation t,o take £ox the proposed action. , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 � PAGE 14 ' Councilman Starwalt wanted to know if there had been any softening effect recently. He questioned if the people of the area were aware there were four alternate routes? Councilman Breider said the Council would like to wait for the Third Ward Councilman Nee to do some groundwork. Councilman Utter asked if the map presented on page 13-A of the agenda was a new one? Mayor Liebl said this was the same map used before. The City Engineer s$id the map indicated some of the obstructions in the area such as fences, hedges, and garages. He said it also showed the relative location of the it�as in the area. Councilman Starwalt asked if the proposed number of locations would only confuse the people? He stresaed the need for some guidelines being set to stop the confusion. Mayor Liebl said the City Manager had worked very hard and had obtained the riqht of way on the North side. He said the problem is on the south side. He a:�id he was very impressed by the �resentation by the Principal of the school. i�� said the plan should be done►with the input of the school and also with rlae condition that they maintain the walkways. The City Man�ger stressed the importance of reaching an agreement through nego- tiations as he did not believe it would be in the best interest of the City to condemn the property. He said the City should pay the assessed value of the land. He also suggested putting in some kind of screening cxr give the property owners the money to provide the screening if they want to put 'it in. He said if the land would be condemned, there would be no money �or screening provided. Mr. Mittelstadt mentioned the Council had paSsed a resolution stating no action would be taken before June 1, 1973, on the proposal. Mayor Liebl said he was fully aware of the resolution. He said the people of the area had come home and found stakes in their yaxds. He said he thought the City could work out a solution. He said he would not favor the installation of a walkway in the front o£ anyones home as their privacy should be considered. He thought this would devalue their property. Mayor Liebl said he would recom�►end the walkway between two garages or two hou�tes, he added, this would be the most desirable solution as it would show some concern for the peop•le. The City Engineer said the children living on the south are walkers and those on the north are bused. Councilman Breider said this was the same situation a� on Melody Lane. He said the first year there were mdnor problems, but the situation has gotten a lot better. He said the children tend to stay within the walkway area and it is working out very well. Councilman Utter sald the walkway in his area was working out fine. Councilman Breider eaid he believed if there were to be any further negotia- tions with the area peaple, they should be conducted by Councilman Nee. He said when there were two to three different approaches being used to talk with the people, thia is where the disaqreements stemmed from. Councilman Utter asked Councilman Nee if he had been in contact with any of the area people. Councilman Nee said he had mentioned the queation to Mr. & Mrs. F. C. Harvex, 108 Rivers Edge Way, and Mr. & Mrs. K. L. plson, 112 Rivers Edge Way, and he felt i�. may be negotiable between the City and the parties. He said there was a problem as Mr. Harvey voiced the deaire tq expand the size of � , ' , ' � ' LJ LJ r ' , � , � � ' r - - - , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 15 , his garage and had alsa favored screening. He said he believed the City should ' review the cost and include privacy fencing in the plan. He said he believed he could negotiate with the people. He said he did not want to condemn the land for the walkway. He stressed how he believed this to be an undesirable , situation and he would like to avoid it. He asked for some authorization to speak with the property owners to negotiate and also for some time to do this. He explained the property being discussed as between 108 Rivers Edge Way and 112 Rivers Edge Way and desiqnated number four on the site plan. He said the ' proposal is the least desirable as far as the school is concerned. He said he would also look into other plans, but it would be his recom¢nendation to the Council to try to negotiate the Olson and Harvey route, � � Mayor Liebl said Councilman Nee would rather negotiate than condemn the property, and added he did not wish to tell the people the proposal was a take it or leave it condition. He said this would be a reasonable solution to the problem, };�ying to negotiate for a reasonable route rather than condemn. . MOTION by Councilman Nee to negotiate with the Olsons and Harveys for a , reasonable solution and route for the walkway. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl deClared the motion carried unani- mously. � CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR DRILLING A WELL AT 5800 2� STREET BY MR. ALSIN JOHNSON, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SPRINKLING LAWNS ONLY: � Councilman Nee suggested the City grant the request. The City Engineer said he recommended some conditions or stipulations and �hat would be that under no con- ditions would the water from the proposed well be connected to the public water � system or be used for drinking. He said his second reaoimnended stipulation would be that the water be inspected to see if it is not hazardous for drinking and not too close to an a�ea ceptia tank. He said a test of the water should be made at least once a year to determine if it is safe for drinking, if it is not � safe, it should be marked not safe for drinking, as children often pick up hose s and drink from themo , , , , � � � Councilman Nee said he would like to include the condition that the water be used only for sprinkling. Mr. Johnson said sometimes there is repair work needed for the faucets and also at time the City water is calored black. He said last spring the lines had been flushed and the water did-get better, He said the location whexe the water is black is 5800 2nd Street, he said he was the caretaker for the property. The City Engineer said the City would again begin flushing the system when the weather warms to a}�oint where water will not �ree�e Qn the streets when the lines are flushed, He said the City had been getting away fzom private we11s and cep- t1G@ t871k8. Councilman Nee said he did support the st�.pu�ation that connection would not be made to the public water system. xe said he did not lsnow whether it was necessary to put the groperty owner througt� the bother of insisting on yearly inspection. xe said if tk�e prqperty awner would agree to this stipulations, fine. He said he bela,�vec� this to be a good �dea as this ty�e of we�,l would decrease the enar- mous cost af the municipal water ayStem cause� by.the watering of lawns. REGULAR COUIJCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 MQTION by Councilman Nee to grant the request for a well at 5800 Mr. Albin Johnson with the stipulation that it not be connected ing municipal water system. Seconded by Councilman Bredier. PAGE 16 2� Street by to the exist- RECEIVING NOTICE OF NORTHTOWN TASK FORCE MEETING WITH THE AREA COIINCILS ON MARCH 14, 1973, 7:30 P.M. AT BLAINE CITY HALL: MOTION by Councilman Stazwalt receiving the Notice of the Nortkytown Task Force Meeting with the Area Councils on March 14, 1973, at 7:30 p.m., at Blaine City Hall. Seconded by Counailman Utter. Upon a noice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unani.mously. The City Enqineer said the meeting is basically for the Area Councilmen. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE ADOPTION OF SENATE FILE 342 AND �IOUSE FILE 439 INCREASING THE LENGTH OF TRUCKS PERMITTED ON FOUR LANE HIGHWAYS: MOTZON by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the reaolution as listed. Mayor Liebl DECLARED THE MOTiON DEAD FOR LACK OF A SECOND. MOTION by Councilman Nee to t�ble the Resolution. Seconded by Counci2man Breider. Upon a voice vote, Breider, Starwalt, Utter, and Nee voting aye, Mayor Liebl abstaining, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. Mayor Liebl said he believed this decision should be made by the State Legis- latures, not the County or the City. He said the matter that the action may have some bearing on increases of consumer price from state to state ahould be considered. RESOLUTION #33-1973 - AOTHORIZING THE CHANGING OF BUAGET APPRiOPRIATIONS WITHIN THE GBNERAL FUAD (LEGAL YEAR 1972): MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt res�olution #33-1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the m�otion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #34-1973 - SUPPQRTI1dG HOUSE FILE 410 INCREASING THE NUMBER OF ALIAWABLE LIQUOR LICENSES FOR A MUNICIPALITY: MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt Resolution #34-1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter: Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb� declared the �notion carried unanimously. RECEIVING NOTICE OF DINNER MEETING WITH DAVID KENNEDY� LEGISLATIVE LIAISON FOR THE CITY pF FRIDLEY, TO BE I3ELD AT 6:00 P.M.� MARCFI � 1973, GREENHAVEN COUNTRY CLUB, ANOKAt � Mayor Liebl. said tY�e meeting had been rescheduled for March 22, 1973 at the Greenhaven Country Club in Anoka. , ' � CI � , ' ' ' , �I ' �1 ' i , ' � ' • , REGULAR COONCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5� 1973 PAGE 17 ,' . MOTION by Councilman Starwalt �o receive the notice of the dinner meeting with I David Kennedy, Legislative Liaison for the City of Fridley. Seconded by Council- man Breider. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion � carried unanimousl . Y ' CLAIMS: GENERAL 31248 - 31293 LIQUOR 7563 - 7587 MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the claims. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all'voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES: GAS SERVICES P & D Mechanical Contractors 1116 Lawry Avenue North Mirineapolis, Minnesota GENERAL CONTRACTOR Bisine Construction Inc. 10152 Butternut Street N.W. Coon Rapid6, Minnesota Hutton and Rowe, Inc. 3958 'lOth�Lane Anoka, Minnesota HEATING Sys Herbert Paulson By: Blaine Edmundson By: James Hutton APPROVED BY W. Sazidin C. Belisle C. Belisle P & D Mechaniaal Contractors 1116 Lowry Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Herbert Paulaon W. Sandin MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the�l3censes. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lisbl declared the motion carried unanimously. � APPOINTMENT OF NEW POLICE OFFICERS: The Public Satety Director, James Hill, read th� 13st of namea of the five pro- poseQ new officers and gave a brief deseription of their qualifications ae follows: Jerry P. Huntley is 27, single, and lives in St. Paul, He has a B.A. degree with a major in Paychology and a minor in Military Science. Mr. Huntley is a lst Lieutenant in the United State�s Army Reserve and ia a self-employed painting contractor. 0 .�;GTJLAR CQL?T',^.�r, ���EETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 18 Charles D. Hanson is 26, married with two children, lives in Anoka, and operates a foster-home. He is currently continuing his formal education part-time, and has nineteen (19) quarter-hours. Mr. Hanson is currently a deputy sheriff with Anoka County where he has served for two years. Gary W. Len�neier is 27, married with no children and lives in Brooklyn Center. He is completing his requirements this month for a B.A. in Sociology. Mr. Len�meier is currently a full-time student. Phillip J. Salewski is 26, married, no children and lives in Minneapolis with imcnediate plans to move to Fridley. He holds an A.A. degree in Engineering and has plans on aontinning his education. Mr. Salewski is currently employed by the Mid State Manufacturing Company and is also active in the Hennepin County Water Patrol. David L. Younkin is 27, married, no children, and lives in St. Paul. He holds un A.A. degree in Law Enforcement and is completing his requirements for a B.A. degree. Mr. Younkin served in the United States Marine Corps as a military police officer sergeant and is currently a fu11-time atudent. Councilman Breider said he would like to hear the recommendations of the City Managar on the proposed candidates for the police department. The City Manager said he concurred with the recommendations of the Public Safety Director. iie said the applicants had been intensly screenod and are the most hiqhly tssted employees in the city. He said they had taken a Civil Service examination, psycholoqical examination, a lie detector test and aeveral oral examinations. The City Manaqer said he had submitted a memorandum to the Council that even- ing, and if the Council wished he would go throuqh the information and present it to the Council. He said the memoranc�um was regarding the Fridley Police Pension Association and their recent negotiations and financing the present level of the retirement plan. He said the meeting between hi.mself, Mr. Brunsell, Finance Director, and Mr. Hill, Public Safety Director and the membership of the Asaociation discussed tWo possible alternatives to the problem: 1) the level of benefits of the present plan be reduced, he gave as an exaunple eliminating the escalator or raising the retirement aqe to 55, this would redmce the �ity obligation to a level closer to the 21� of Police payroll desired by the City Councils 2) Placing all newly hired police ofticers after March 15, 1973 in Public Employees Police and Fire Fund operated pursuant to Minnesota Statutee, Section 353.63 to 353.68. He added, the City Fin�►nce Dirsctor ha►d outlined the various financial aspects in his report to the Council pn February 2, 1973. The City Manager said the Fridley Polica Pension ikssoa�ation had met on Satur- day, March 3, 1973 to discuss the pzopoaals. He a►dded, Mr. Dick Huse and Mr. Waldemar 01sen, Secretary, had adviaed h3m the Association had voted to accept the City's ,proposal to Qlace new men on P. E. R. A. He said the Association is preparing a letter outlining the terms of acceptance ar►d such a letter would be available by March 9, 1973. ' ' ' � i , ' ' �_� � ' � �I� '� ^ J� i� � ' ,' � J ' ! ! __1 ' �' �' iJ � � �] �',i:`�ULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 19 The City Manager said the timing of the present discussions on pension matters has been aimed at getting some resolution of the problem prior to the hiring of the five new police officers. He said in order to place the new men on P. E. R. A., a special act will have to be passed by the legislature authori- 2ing this action, si.milar to the legislation passed far the City of Mankato in the last legislative session. The City Manager said he had discussed tne matter with Mr. David Kennedy, Fridley's Legislative Liaison, that day, and Mr. Kennedy felt there were two courses of action the Council could take should they approve the plan placing the new officera in P. E. R. A. His first proposal was to appoint the new men to the Police Department, effective March 19, 1973 and prepare a bill for the legislature containing the date of March 15, 1973 as the date for new men to enter P. E. R. A. He said under this agreement all new officers would sign.a statement outlining their membership in P. E. R. A. and that they accept this as a condition of employment. The second proposal from Mr. Kennedy, the City Manager said, would be the more conservative approach to wait until successful passage of the bill prior to the hiring of any additional police officers. He said the bill would be drawn up, authors would be found, and the bill would be carried through the leqislature before the hiring of new men. The City Manager said Mr. Kennedy believed the passage of such a bill would ' be good as long as there is agreement �rom the Police Pension Association. He added up to that day, no committment had been made regarding the new men and the pension plan they would be on. The City Manager asked the Council for direction � on the proposal to put the new men on P. E. R. A. and when tp hire the new men. He added, the Association had reached an agreement to the proposals, in concept at least, at their meeting the previous Saturday. � ' , ' ' �� ' CJ ' � Mayor Liebl said he would like to receive a letter from the Members of the Association before any action by the Council is taken. Councilman Breider said the Council must make a decision. He said i£ the plan set up by the Finance Director is followed, the percentage of payment will in- crease before it begins to decrease. He said the City was in the process of Police negotiations, he added, some time in the future Fridley may have a 100 man force, and it behooves the City to manage the plan at a sufficient level. Councilman Breider asked if he understood correctly, �nd the Police Pension Association was to give the Council a letter. of agreement from all the new officers? He asked if the present officers were to remain on the preeent plan with no change? Councilman Breider said with these conditions, he would favor giving tentative approval to the hiring of the proposed vfficera. He said the approval would be contingent upon receiving the statements from the new officers and receiving the letter fxom the Police Pension Association stating their agreement to the proposal of putting the new men on P.E.R.A. He said he would reco�end the Council authorize the City Manager to hire the new men if it is acceptable to them to be placed on P.E.R.A. as outlined. Mayor Liebl said he would like to see the letters of agreement before any action is taken by the Council. He suggested waiting until the meeting of the 19th, which would be in a period of two weeks. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 20 Councilman Breider said this may not be reasonable in regard to the hiring of the new men as most places of employment require two weeks notice to be given. He asked if there would be a possibility of not obtaining the desired men if there is a two week wait7 The Public Safety director said he felt there was no threat of loosing the desired men by the delay. MOTION by Councilman Breider to give tenative approval of the hirinq o,f the new men contingent upon receipt of a letter from the Police Pension Association outlining their acceptance to putting new men on P.E.R.A. and not changing the benefits of the present Police Officers; and upon receipt of a statement of agreement from the proposed officers that they will accept the P.E.R.A. plan as a condition of employment. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. • �layor Liebl said too much is being taken for granted. He added, if L:he Association agrees, this will be fine, but he felt from his experience in the past, the Council should not take anyone's word for an agreement �f this type. He said the Council should have something in writting before going ahead on the proposal. Councilman Breider said he was fully cognizant of the fact that there had been no formal written agreement, and he had made the motion continqent upon receipt of such affidavits of agreement. Mayor Liebl questioned if all the new officers would be placed on P.E.R.A. after March 15, 1973, and the present officers would stay on the plan as it is now? He said he believed the change in the plan should be another matter. Mayor Liebl asked the Public Safety D�.rector if he fore�a►w any problems in the Department caused by the split in pension plans? The Pyblic Safety Director said he saw possible morale problems either way. He said he did not share the concern of Councilman Breider over the split. He said the new men would have to agree to the P.E.R.A. plan before they are hired, and the preaent force were not loosing any benefits. The Public Safety Director said there was another point of consideration that may be relevant to the matter. He explained the possibility of the establishment of a laterally transferable pension plan throuqhout the country. He stated, there are currently 50 pension plans. He said the plan is being considered carefully, and it would have advantages and disadvant�ges. He said the morale problem would depend entirely on the type of applicant and his future goals in law enforcement work. He said there are men who want to go as high as they poaeibiiy can. He added, the man with goals such as this would not want to stay on the Fridley force. He stressed, it would depend on the individual's consideratione. - , ' ' ' ' � � ' , � , ' , ' � Mayor Liebl questioned the City's possible burden in implementinq the two different plans. He asked if there would be an increase in the paymeat under the proposed plan. The City Finance Director said some tables had been taorked out with the intention of payinq the actuarial deficit. He said the plan that was praposed would not only pay the normal costs as required by the Guidelines Act of 1969, it would also eventually completely pay the actuarial deficit. He said as each man retires, there would be enough money to take care pf him. He said the plan called for the deficit to be payed by a certain year. He mdded, the co�st cc�uld be lowered at the preaent time by extending the date s�t for completion of payatent �'or the de��Fi�, , , , � � ' ' ' CJ Rv;GULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF.MARCH 5, 1973 PAGE 21 Mayor Liebl asked by what year the actuarial deficit would be paid by. The Finance Airector said there were many ways to implement the payment. He added, the present plan would pay the deticit as soon as possible, this could be extended, it just depends on the way the City would want to go . The City Manager said it would be about 30 years. The Finance Director � said next year the City �uld save $6,000 and down the line for a longer period of time. He said the City would save money, some now and some later. ' Mayox Liebl said.this would only be true as long as the State Legislature maintains the Guidelines Act. He said if P.E.R.A. increased its benefits, this would cost the City much more, he asked if this was correct? The � Finance Director said the City had no control over the benefits of those �n P.E.R.A. He said he cannot determine what they might do 3n the future. �J � � ' ' � �I `J � � � ' � �'he City Manaqer said what the City is proposing goe� beyond the Guidelines Act requirements. He added, the Guidelines Act only states in ten years the normal costs must be paid. He added, within thirty years the City w�ould eliminate the deficit and the plan would be eliminated. The City Manager added, P.E.R.A. requires a payment of 12$ and this is far less expensive than placing the new men on the new plan ancl continuing to puy 50�. Councilman Breider said he believed the State would have to take a good look at any proposal to increase the P.E.R.A. benefits as this would involve increased payment by a lot of municipalities. Councilman Breider said the City plan may be more stable than the State program. . • Mayor Liebl stressed the importance of the new men understanding the program and the differences between that and the City program. Mayor Lie}hl questioned the City's limitations to aet a mi11 levy except for the percentage of payroll. The Finance Airector said if the City hires new people, the new people are not exempb from the tax levy. Mayor Liebl said he believed the agreement with the present force should be mait�tained unless the Association decided to change the agreement. The Finance Director said negotiations had reached a point where both sides agreed. Councilman Breider said the preeent de�emma,is whether the City should uphold the plan and live up to the comcnittments it made in the past, 8sk the members to agree to reduce their benefits, or place the new men on u plan with their agreement. He said he did not believe the benefits that have been promised the men should be reduced. He said if all part�es agree to the proposal, he did not see that there would be any complaints. Councilman Starwalt asked when Robert Roea, listed as a replaced employee, exited from the Department. The City Ma►nager s�aid it was last fall. Councilman Starwalt asked what day tha Counci�, wa� recom�neding the�new men be placed on the Department. The City M,�ager said ur�les� he had been given the wrong information, the Association had taken a vot� and approved the plaainq the new men on P.E.R.A., I REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 1973 PAGE 22 he added, the reason the agreement is not aompleted at the present time is that they w�nted it to be looked over by their attorney to be certain it had been worded correctly. He said, tbe agresment should be back to him with� a week. Councilman Starwalt asked what agreement had been made for the men presently on the force? The City Manager said the City of Fridley agrees to the present level of benefits. He eaid there is wording that states the City of Fridley Police Pension Aseociation will make chanqes in their bylaws if there is any change in the State Laws. He said titey also stated that any men placed on the force after �arah 15, 1973, would not be eligible for the Pension Plan, but would be placed on P.E.R.A. The City Manager said the men had been guaranteed that the benefit levels would remain as they are at the present time. Mayor Leibl said he agreed with the proposal, but he would likg tv see a letter stating these facts. He suggested waiting until the next Council meeting. The Public Safety Director said it would be possi.ble to start the new men on March 26, 1973, this was the first day of the traininq session, but they w�ould have to put in some time on their own the previous Saturday for completing necessary forms, etc. The City Manager asked the Public 5afety Director if this delay would endanqer the chance�of hiring the men? The Public Safety Director said he did not believe the men would object. Councilman Breider said the motion had been a conditional one. He added, final action would not be confirmed until there was some sort of a�ction, it was conting�nt ugon receipt of the letters. Mayor Lfebl said he had been on the Council for sane time and had learned the Council should not take action until the facts are at hand. The City Manager said he had been told by two members of the Association that the letter is coming. Mayor Liebl sai� he believed the Council should vote. UPON A VOICE VoTE, Utter, Nee and Breider voting aye, Starwalt voting nay, Liebl abstaininq, M�yor Liebl declared the motion carried. Councilman Nee said he believed the Council should compl.ement the City Manaqer, the Public Safety DirecLor and the Finance Director for bringing these neqotiations to a close. Mayor Liebl said he had attended the meeting the previous Thureday eveninq, March l, 1973, and he had pointed out to the Aseociation that the t�wc payers must be considered and the Councii, intended to contribute•21$, and no more. ANOKA-HENNEPIN SCHOOL DTSTRICT #11: MEETTNG SCHEDLTLED FOR MARCH 28, 1973: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the camc�aunicat�.on. Seconded by . Councilman Utter. Upon � voice vote, ail voting aye,�Mayor Liebl declared the motion carr�ed unanimously. AEWAXNE LENNOX: BPECIAL USEl�PREMIT� M��7,ODX MANQR: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the communication. Seconded by , ' ' L_: �� � ' � �� u � � � u ' u � � ' , ' � ' ' � � LI � J , ' ' , , ' ' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1973 Councilman Starwalt. PAGE 23 Councilman Breider said Y_e was instructed to work with Mr. Lennox. He said he talked to Mr. Lennox and the area property owners. He said Mr. Lennox wanted the building to iace Sympathy Street and the home owners want . the building to face 74th. He said he had told Mr. Lennox he would work with him to obtain the Special Use Permit on the two lots zoned R-1 and R-2. He said Mr. Lennox did not agree with the views of the administration or the surrounding property owners. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Breider said he was unable to go any further and Mr. Lennox would not budge. He added, he did not want to give him a Special Use Permit and -che City had denied him a Spacial Use Permit. Gnuncilman Nee asked if the matter should be past to the administration? The �:ity Engineer said it had been denied. He added, it cannot be brought back for six months. The City Enc�ineer said the action to be taken at the present time was to receive the letter from Mr. Lennox. He said there may be a way of working with Mr. Lennox, he said it may have to be a compromise. Councilman Breider said he would talk to the geMtleman. Mayor Liebl said there had been objections to leaving a large empty lot in the back. Councilman Breider said the area property owners would like the plan completed as it was originally planned, he said he believed this to be understandable. REPRESENTATIVE PAUL MCCARRONs INTERSECTION OF �'.H. #47 AND 69TH AVENUE N.: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the comznunication from Representative Paul McCarron, dated February 26, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vcate, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl asked the City Manager to write a letter to Representative McCarron. Councilman Utter asked what the City could do to get something done at the Highway Aepartment? Mayor Liebl saic� it had taken five years to get some planting done. He added, tk�e Governor's affice has also expreseed frustratian in dealing with ti�e Highway Department. ADJOURNMENT: � MOTION by Councilman Utter to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upt�z� a vofice vote, a11 votinq �ye, Mayor L�.sbl declared the Regular Couneil Meeting of Marah 5, 1973, mdjauxned a� i0;40 p.m. i ' C }2espectfully Submitted (�u�.�-�.�� ��� Patricia Ellis Secretary to the City Counc�.l FXa�k G. Liebl, Mayor ' ' , � � � 'LgiE MINiITES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING COUNCIL MBETING OF MARCH 12, 1973 . The Pulalia Hearing meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order at 7;30 p.m., March 12, 1.973, by Mayor Liebl. • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIADTCEs • Mayor Liebl led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flaq. imI.L CALL s MEMBERS FRESENTt Starwalt, Liebl, Utter, Nee, Breider. MEMBERS AB9ENT: None. ' ADOPTION OF AGENDA: . ' Mayor Liebl said the following items� were to be added to the agenda: PibDCI,1�NiATION : , Proclaiming.the nanth of March as Member�hip month for the Anoka County Association for Retarded Citizens, ' ' L� ' � Consideration of a resolution relating to changes in the Police Peneion plan of the City of Fridley. Rec,onsideration of awarding contract for water facility �F109-A. MoTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the agenda as amended. Seconded by Counci].man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor T,iebl dectlared the motion carried unanimously. , FROCLAMATIONt Mayor Liebl read aloud the Proc}.amatian graQ3�aia�is�g tlae month af March as Member�hip Month for the Anoka County Asooai.ation for Retarded Citixens and urging that the citi�ens of Fridley qive full support to this efEort to overcame xetardation. � , MOTION by Councilman Utter tc adopt the proclamation. Seconded by Councilman '� 8reider. Upon a voice irate, all voting aye, Mayor �.iebl declared the motion . � caz�ried uxauiimously. � ' Pictures were t�aken at the Council Tamle of Mra. Jamsa Calhoun, �Bobby Calhoun and Mayor Liebl. � ' PU$LIC ii�ARZNGS : nr*nr rn vmrnTUn n� � �� ' N AVENUE N. E. ' (G�IP�AL SHOPPTNG) : ZOA �72-11, BY UNION OIL COMPANY RAM C-1S (I,OCAT� SHOPPING) TO C-2 MQTTQN by CQUr�cilman 8reideX to waive the xeading o� the Public Hearinq Notiae. Seconded b�+ Cpuncilmaa Utter. Upoa a voiae vote, a11 voting aye, �aXor �,i,e#�1 �.ecla�ed the mol�ion carried uru►nis�uely. PUBLIC HEA�2ING MEETING OF MARCH 12, 1973 PAGE 2 The City Engineer referred to the minutes of the Planning Commiasion meeting of December 20, 1972, stating there had been two requestsj one, to re�one the property where the present service station is located as it is non-conforming use and Union Oil would like to build a new stationi and, secondly, a request for a special use permit to construct a convenience store and continue the use of the serviae station. He added, the construcl3an qf the gas station and how the station would fit into the area should be considered. The City Engineer added, there is a traffic problem created by the four way intersection. He said the Highway Department has appropriated land for modification and improvement of the intersection. He said the potential of the number of cars being carried by the intersection may be frc�t 3,000 to 10,000 by the year 1975. He added, the development of Innsbruck had increased the amount of traffic in the area. He said the present intersection would be unsafe, unless the City makes provisions for the increa�e and plana a safe intersection. He said there are four possible proposals for.�-the the review oE the Council for the modification o£ the intersection. The City Enqineer listed the four proposed routes and pointed them out on a map on the overhead projector. 1) Beginning at Matterhorn on Hathaway Lane and continuing down Hathaway Lane to the Central intersection. . 2) 3) Beqinninq at Matterhorn on Iiillwind Rcad to Polk Street to Hathaway to the Centsal intersection. Beginning at Matterhorn on Hillwind Road to behind the service station, forming a loop-back. 4) Beqinninq at Polk Strget on Hathawa�y Lane ancl continuing to the intersection, but this portion of roadway would become a one way to the west. A resident Qf the area said he was under the impxes�eion that the Publia Heariag Notice had said the Hearing would begin at 8s00 p.m., he addeds he knew of many of the azsa resident� who wauld attend the meeting, but would not be there until that �ime. Mayor Liebl said tt�a Hearing would continue £or same tinte, and there was r►p threat that tkiose planninq on being there at 8:Op p.m. would not be heaxd in reference to the item. The City Engineer said both of the Public Hearing Notices had speciEied 7:30 p.m, The Gity Engineer referred to the four propoaa►1s stAting thera were aWvanta�ges and dieadvantagea ta eaeh of the pxopoeais. Iie �aid proposal nuaiber one was baeically a residential area and nct too well suited to the additiona]. traffic. He said ther.e would a►lso be difficuitis�s in th�s �ecand proposal as thie was alxo throug2� a residential are�► witll some �gaxtments. He added, the fierraia would be diffiault, and dividing Qf th� property would be difiicult. The City Engineex said the third pro�xasal would involve the least number of reeidential properties. Fie aaid � loop-b�ck would be used ds has been done in a number of other ins�nnces aithia thm City, xe said the traffia wa�ld b� xouted Ca the outer drive and braught into the intersection behind the gas $tation. Propcasal nuaiber fouac, he ��,id, would create +� one Way ix� ti�e ehort stretch of roadway between Polk Street and the intersection cn HathaWmy L�tne. ,�e said th�,� wou�.d force a11 other inaaminq traffic in the arsa to ta1¢e another route such as Mat�,erMorn �pz C�rae�na. � ' �I � �� � ' � ' ' ' �l � � ' ' � IJ ' � , 1 ' C_I � ' � ' , � � ! � � I� � � � � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MARCH 12, 1973 PAGE 3 He said the reason for the review of the traffic change proposals at this time was to try to consider the traffic pmblem an8 plan as a point of develoFxnent . of the area. Mayar Liebl said that Matterhorn would be complet�d to Gazdena. He stressed, under no circuaistances was the City to change the traffic pattern on Hathaway Lane, this had been told to the prpperty owners. Mayor Liebl asked the City Engineer if the connection between Matterhorn and Gardena would be ca�qpleted at the time of the proposed project. The City Engineer said this was true. Mayor Liebl listed the various routes for traffic to gain access to the area in several directions. He eaid et no time would he advocate routing 2,500 cars along Hathaway Lane. He said he believed the use of Gardena, Hillwind Road and Silver Lake Road through Innsbruck should be considered. He said the steepness of the terrain would not accom�nodate 2,500 cars, it would be too hazardous., Mayor Liebl said he had talked to the people of the axea and he did not believe the City should try to divert the traffic so it wi11 not cause interference as it doe s tvday . The City Engineer said there are tt►any areas that must have i.mp�ovements, he aclded, the City had been working with the Highway Depaxtment. The City Engineer pointed out the outer drive and island on the map on the overhead projector. Mayor Lieb1 asked if a half ciicle were crsated, how much land would have to be acquired from the property owners in the front of their hoanes? The City Enqineer said there would be no need to acquire any land, and there is only one propezty owner with residential property in the area. The City Engineer pointed out the area where the reaident livas and stated the property owner could obtain access from his property on a service coad. He said the City could install some kind of fencin,g for protection and security. Councilman. 9tarwalt eaid he believed the Council wae trying to handle two problema at the eame time. He eaid the Union Oi1 Gompany would like to have the prqperty rezoned ena�blinq Union oil to add to the present facility or rebuild the service station. He said the buildinq permit cannot be isaued before the property is rezoned. Coun�man Starwalt said Mr. Hubbard of the Union Oil Company said the convenieacs atore cou7,d be taken out oE the plan� if the property owners of the area felt it would further complicate the traf�ia aituation. He said the request would be aimply far a building permit for the qas etatlon. He said the cuxrent ma�tter is a far reaching situation As �tiie traffic problem muet be cansidexed. He aalled on Mr. Hubbard to express his views. Mr. Hubbard ataid the CcunQa�ny either wantsd to add on to and remod�l the the existinq �etructure or build a new building. He sa�id the City staif had said tit4y wauld like a loopbaak that would close off �he �oad in front pf the atation and these p1an� were submitted to the Comgany and had been approved. He said the convenience atore waa not a xequirement of the plan. #�e �aid �he Gomp�ny �►ae willing to withdrew this portion af the► plan if the City deqired. He s�id '�jney wanted to continue bueineas at the exieting sta�ion and atadernize� the f�aility. Mayor Liebl said he was coqnizant af th@ fmct t,hat the Company wanted to PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MARCH 12, 1973 PAGE 4 renovate and update the building. He said he believed the Company would be hesitant to complete a large addition without first taking care of the traffic problems. Mayor Lieb1 said four streets are caning together in the a�ea, and the City would have to solve four different conflicts. He said the residents of the area have to get around this area. He said he believed the creation of a loopback would reduce the accident rate as it had done on 61st and T. H. #47. He said this would iorce the people to slow da�m partiaularly with the construction of a dividez. He mentioned the increaseci problems in the Rw�aer months created by t2�e drive-in movie acroes the highway. Mayor Liebl said.it is the obligation of the Council to provide a safer intersection and anticipate the increase in traffic that will be created by the developmert of Innsbruck North. He added, this is why the current discussion for rezoning had to be considered along with the traffic problems of the area. �ouncilman utter said he would�like to �ee a copy of the communication from the Union 011 Caapany in which they approve plans for the loopback. Mr. Hubbard said the City �ngineer had a copy of the �etter. Counci].man Starwalt asked the possibility of deleting the plan for the convenienae etore, approving the rezoninq and handling the traffic problems at another time when a more caaplete plan can be provided by the City Engineer,r allawing tha Caapany time for construction. Councila�n Breider said he believed this to be a feasible method of handling the n�tter. Hs eaid he believed the propos�l� for the elimination of the traffic problems to be very complex and should be discueaed at lenl�th with the area people. He said he beli�ved the present meeting was resulting in the spinning of wheele as nothinq could be acted upon. Mayor Liebl asked the City Attorney if the property wera to be rezoned, could the Compatny build on it? The City Attorney said the City would prefer that the Co�apaay obtain a building permit. He said the two matters are separate, lagally. Before the bui].dinq permits can be issued, the Caapany will have to euba�it plana to fac� the building oie vray or the ot.her. He queationed whether thie would be ieasible for the Company before the entire area plan is finalized. Councilman Utter said he did not believe the Campany would like to build the station now and reloca�te it in a yeara�_�:tizne. The City Attorney eaid if the Canpany does build at the preeent time, �und facae the building in d me�nszer that would not be aacee�ble->there would be considerable damage to the Company. i Mayor Liebl aaid he thought it would be mora feasible for the oil Company � to reaiodel the station at the preesnt time. Mayar Liebl streased the importance of considerinq the problema of the entire area before any action is taken on the inatter . CounciLna�h Breider asked if the City could stipul+�ts that the Union 011 Company work with the City or only remodel at thi$ time or ur��kil a satiafactory traffia pattern has been worked ou�. The.City Attorney s�id if these matt�era� were put ir� the Eorm of stipulations, they would be etronger than if•there wer� no stipulation at all. He added, if the plans were to face the station on T.H. �165, the Council could deXay �ra4nting a permi� until the study of the traffic pattern is completed. xe said the Oil Company would klave to camp�y or rqquep� � building permit. ' � L. J � � 1 � � �. I ,� � l � � i i �! � � �' PUBLIC FiEARING MEETING OF M�RCH 12, 1973 � � ' � � . � � � ' � � � ' � � PAGE 5 Councilman Nee asked the difference in investment between remodeling and rebuilding. Mr. Hubbard said $30,040 to $35,000 would be involved in remodeling and $90,000 would be used for rebuilding. Mr. Hubbard said sanething had to be done. He said if the plan called for rebuilding, this wou]rd be perf�ctly allright as they had dedicated the land for the proposed loopback. He said if the Council so desired, this plan could be put into effect six months from now, this would be fine. iie said the dedication should be withdrawn from the plan if the City does not put the loopback in. Councilman Starwalt said he did not believe the traffic problem solution could be reached in a period of six d►onths. He said the Council's hands are tied until some plan ie developed through the aooper�tion of the State, County and area residents. The City Engineer said this is the reason he had brought the information �ara the proposals to the Council, as tihey were closely related. He said every step of the way should be worked out for a solution of t�e problems �;a� the entire area. He said they had to work with the State, County.and the Oil C�apany for findinq a solution to the routing of tra�fEic. He said tke City cannot go to the other departments �nvolved until it has detezmined whnt plan is needed. He said this all had to be plann�d at the local level. Councilman Starwalt asked i£ the construetion of a station would create u►ore problems? The City Engi�neer said as ,long as the station is there, he felt it could stay there. He said the City would like to solve the problem with the consi.�ieration of what is in_the best interest of the City, the area people and the Union Oil Company. Councilman Starwalt asked iE the Comprehensive Plan was being considered in the solution of the probrems of the area? The City Engineer pointed out an area on the map on the overhead projector saying there is no sewer in a certain portion<�if the area. He said the plan th�t was beinq proposed could be worked out with Anoka County and the Highway Department. He added, workinq with the Highway Department may take a while. He said if the road is to be torn up, all the work on the sewer should be done at this time. and the whole area would be cleaned up. He eaid there should be an overall plan and it should be worked on step by step. Councilman Utter said he believed the proposol on H�thaway Lane should be omitted. He said he did not think the Polk Street route would be feasible because of the nuaiber of residential dwelri.ngs. He added, to conaider the reaidents, it would be best to conatruct the loopback, Counailman Utter mentioned the exiatance of dther loopba�cks in the City and �their affectiveness. He said a fence could�be installed to cu� down on the noiee. t3ouncilman Nee said Mr. Eldon Schmedeke was in the a►udience, he would like l�im to a�} dreas the Cour►cil and expla�in Mhy the P�anning Coa�aission had zecarranended ddnial of the request. He said he was not able to determine from the minutee oE the Planninq Coaani�aion Moe�tinq. Mr. Svhmedak� aaid many of the people at the present �ublic Hearing were also � present at the Planning Comanission meeting when the proposal was discus$ed. He aaid the P].a�n,ning Cc�nmisaion knows that thex� ia goinq to be more traffic in the future. He said when the request waa discueaed by the Planning Com�nission ' there ha�i k�en on�y one pl�r�, for �he solution� of the txaffic problem subanitted. �e �aid the Commission should have gotten at cha}ae of �roposals. He said at . PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF.MARCH 12, 1973 PAGE 6 the present time the traffic problem is not as urgent as it will be in the future. He said, in his opinion, there should be a bridge built in that area. He said there may be some enterprise that would come into the area and use the open parcel of land that is there. He said the co�rnnents that he is making were for himself and not the Planning Comtnission. He mentioned the great number of people that would be using the area from Innsbruck. He said the City should not consider or activate a plan just becauae it is free or cheap. Mr. Schmedeke said he did not know how a bridge would be placed in the area. He mentioned the fact that there may not always be a theatre in the area. He said there are other factors to the problP.ms in the east. He said the concept of the bridge should be considered for some 'ti,me in the future as he did not belisva the present propoeal would work. Mr. Hedlund said he believed the loopback would be a bad plan. He said the plan would only allow for a� three car stacking area. He said the traffic would stack up like crazy. He said there would be added problems durinq the Onan zush haurs and when traffic from Innsbruck t�ae being routed through the area. He said he did not believe the plan would be gaining anything. Mayor Liebl asked the City Engineer if this was correct, would there only be enough area for three cars? The City Enqineer said there would be area enquqh for ten cars. The City Engineer said there would be more stacking area in the alternative proposals, but there would be a problem of routing the traffic through a residential area. The City Engineer said he worked with traffic everyday and the volume in this area is about the same as on 61st and T. H. #47. He added, the plan is certainly not the best plan for the traffic problem. He said there are three other plans that are better, but there has to be some balance and the residents of the area must be protected. A resident oE the area who stated he lives on Polk Street said he was not willing to accept additional traffic in front of his house, but added, there are only two routes that would be good solutions, on Polk Street and on Gardena Ave. He said if the City was going to be realistic, these are the only routes that could be used to solve the traffic problems. He added, the atation had given the land for the laopback and th�s island construction was planned, but it had been measured and thexe is about 40 feet, or area enough to stack two cars, . Mr. Fletcher asked if ii had been determined that thexe was a traffic problem? Councilman Staxwalt said he would firat like to thank Mr. Fletcher for opening his home to the area residents to meet and discuss the matter. He said he did not believe ar�ything could be �olved by those present if the diacusaion were to become heated or irrational. Councilman Starwalt �utswered Mr. Fletcher's question by saying, there ie a-traffic problem there and at all time�s of the day. He r,aid th,e prablem ie going to get even worse. He said Matterhorn was echeduled to op�n �nto Gardena this season and �0.dd�tiq���.Y�omes Wi11 be constructed in Inns?�ruck North and the traffic f�'o�n Innpbruak wi�l marq �kh�� lik�ely ex�eed the amaunt that has been reduced by the opening of D2atterhorn. �J � � ' � O LJ � , ' i � � , � � i � � � FUBLIC H�:�i�:� T�"� E��ETING OF MARCH 12, 1973 � • i PAGE 7 Mr. Fletche�: asked if Union Oil would want to widen Central to five or six lanes ar,�i limit the access to the station with some kind o'f island? He said this would allow the traffic some space to get out of the area. The City Engineer said this was a two fold question. He said if Union � Oil alosed off the access and there would be five lanes used, there is enough right of way for six lanes, this would be doubling the area as there is now three. The City Engineer said each o£ the lanes would carry 5,000 ' vehicles, easily. He said this would require closing the access to the station. He asked Mr. Hubbard if Union Oil would consider this proposal? Mr. Hubbard said the Company would have to see a plan. � � � � , � j � � � i The City Engineer pointed out the area on the map on the overhead projector saying, this would requtre a left turn into the atation, cars could still get in, but it would be more difficult. He said the only access would be from the detached service area. Mr. Hubbard said the Oil Company would prefer �ccess into the media strip. He suggested creating a cut in the island, as all other areas allow access through such a cut in the island. He added, *..Y�is would still separate the traffic. The City Attorney asked Mr. Hubbard if the Union Oil could consider remodelinq only at this time and at a later date when the loopback matter is solved the station could be rebuilt. Mr. Hubbard said they would prefer to rebuild at the present time, he added, they would rebuild in either case. He said this had been planned for two.years and budgeted by the Company. The City Attorney said if the Company built the station facing #65, this w�ould eliminate the loopback possibility. Mr. Hubbard said the Company would wait for a solution to.the problem before buildinq. Mr. xubbard said the Com�pany had granted the easement for the loopback in Augu�t of 1971. The City Engineer said there was a delay because there had to be an overall plan in the best interes�t of the City, Union Oil and the people of the area. He added, finding a solution that would be best for all three would not be done within a year. Counciiman Starwalt asked Mr. Fletcher if he felt the Polk Street route would be the best solution. He asked Mr. Fletcher if this is where he lives? Mr. Fletcher said he did live on Polk Street. He said he w�ould prefer a� loopback to routing the traffic in front of his house. He added, he thouqht the construction of five or eix l�nes would be a qood aolution as thia would take care of the cars coming up to Hillwind Road and Hathaway. The City Engineer sa►id if the six lanea can be p�ovided, thia would enable a stacking area of at least ten cars which can qo onto T. H. #65. xe added, 200 feet would be basically assigned to Hillwind. Mr. Fletcher said he could accept this plan. Mr. Fletcher asked what the procedure would be if one of the plans were to be considered by the City. The City Engineer said all the area property owners would be notified and there w�ould be another Public Hearing and t�tey would decide if there would be a banefit or not. He added, the people can dete�mine if they are juatifiably asse�eed, and i� they desire, they can go to a highez court for hearinq and deciaions on the matter. Mayor Liebl said there tivas a City policy on the improv�nent of intersections. � He said he believed the conanercial property is fully aeeesaed and the residents are aasesaed a partian. He aeked if the method used on the 61at and T.H. �k47 intersection was fu11y aeAessing the coam►ercial property and the portion � to be p8id by the residen�s and rest was paid with State 7►id money? The City Engineer �aid the einq�.e family prmpe�ty paid n,o�mal residential cost and the commercial property.owners paid the full coet. PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF Nll'. �;�CH 12 , 1973 PAG� 8 Councilman Utter asked when Matterhorn would be co�►pleted? The City Engineer said this w�uld be done by the coming winter season. A reaident of the area asked if Hathaway would be cut into Matterhorn? Mayor Liebl said there had been four different proposals for exit facilities. He listed the proposals.. He said he could not see putting 2,500 cars on Hathaway Lane. He said the tezrain would not allow it. Mr. David 1)oebler, 128I Hathaway Lane, said he had been following the action on the matter and had attended the meetings involvinq the problem. He said ther� had been e�te talk of a four lane road being provided frozn the Innsbruck area, he said he had been up there and there is no road such as this. Mr. Doebler said he was aware of the problem confronting Union Oil. He pointed out the various traffic problem areas on ths map. He said the property owners of the aFea constitute most of the westerly traffic. He added, there would be many accidents in the'area if easterly traffic was to be promoted. ;�� said he felt the additional traffic burden that may be cauaed by additional development in the area could be taken cara of by the planning of a worksble inter- sectio�. � Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Doebler if he concurred with the feeling that the Council ahould not open Hathat+ay Lane? Mr. Doebler said there is a very steep hill on Hathav►ay Lane. �ie explained the accident that his� son had on that roadway sl:atinq the nature of the road made it impossible to deteraine the lane that the accident had occurred in. Mr. williaua Dietz, 1280 Hathaway Lane, eaid the City's service vehicles were unable to dsive up the street because of tha steepness, they had to back up. Another reaident of the area said she had gona a back route also to avoid the intexsection. She said she often will tr�vel ncross the bridge and get on Central on 49th rather than endanger the livest of her children in the problemt interaectiott. She mentioned the danqer created by allowing �the right turn after stopping off of T.�H. #65. She added, the peraona turninq do not etap and the traffic fraza Hillwind Road cannot determine if there is traffia coming. The City,�ngineer said it was possible to not sllow the riqht turn at that intersection. �ounaiLnarl Nee said he d�d aot believe the City ahould open Hathaway Lane to Centrs7. Avenue. He aeked the poasibility of Urtian 4il purchasing the pro,perty frosa the reaidents, having th� City rezone ths la�sd, and Linion 011 construct the convenience store if it can be rationdlined in terms of traffic: Mr. Hedlurid said this would make his property uneellable.• He said it weuld dsv�tlue hie property end if he werm �o want to ncquire property he would not buy �+djacent to ar convenienoe etore. Councilman Nee asked Mr. Hubbard if Union Oil would negotiate for the sale of the house if the Council would put the lan� ir�to some higher ua� for fuller use o� the qu,adant. Cauncilman Nee said this ie a vAluable piece of property. Mr. Hubba�rd said he would t�sve to obtain appraval i"rom the Company, but ha believed the idea had some merit. ' Mr. FletchQZ s¢id he would �ot wa,pt a convenience atore in his back yard no matter how convenient it wo�id be to ge� a cazton p� m�.lk. Mr. Hubbard said his Cesnpany is not in the convenience s�ore busines$, they wc�uld se?.l the land L� � � � , � � � � ' � � � � i � � �. � 1 � � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MARCH 12, 1973 for the convenience store use if it would be used. PAGE 9 Mrs. Lewis Hedlund, 930 Haclar►ann, asked who the Sanitary Sewer would serve, � w]�y it is needed and is it a continuation of the Hathaway line7 The City Engineer said no, it is between Hackmann and Central. He added, all the City is connecting is this line to the Central Avenue line. He said there � would be no improvement to the individual systems, it is an overall benefit of the entire system. Mrs. Hedlund asked ii they would be required to hook up to the sewer line. The City Engineer said there would be another Public � Hearing before the property owners would be asked to hook up. Mr. Hedlund said she knew how this would go, they would have to hook up. Mrs. Hedlund asked if Hackmann would be widened in this area. The City Engineer said he � did not want to get into the minor details at the present time. He said � '�� believed they shoulid stick to the overall plan and find something that «��. can work with. He said there are four proposals, and they must find �:�� most workable one. He said the people were asking for detailed engineering ' a.n�ormation and this was not to be given unless the Counail �uthorized him �o do so . ' � , � i � i � i Mayor Liebl said in 1971, he had surveyed the area and there were three pointa the people were interested in: one, they wanted a safer intersection; two, they wanted the station to be more aQpealing and look better; and three, they indicated they were opposed to increasing the commereial property � the area. He stressed, nine out of ten people said they would not want to aee additional commercial property on that corner. Mayor Liebl asked if there were any objections by the people for upgrading the intersection or making the station more appealing? There were none in opposition. Councilman_Starwalt asked if the Oil Company plans wsuld be jeopardized if there is no action at this time? Mr. Hubbard said he would not like to wait until late in the season to begin construction because of the weather, but the Company can wait if thexe is no action, Councilman Starwalt asked if Mr. Hubbard underatood the dilemma of the Cour►cil because of the problem of the entire area. Mr. Hubbard said he understood. Mayor Liebl asked if this would hold up the construction? Mr. Hubbaxd said they could not get a building permit without the rezo�inq. Councilman Sta �walt said the rezoninq did not apply to the intersection. The City Engineer said the permit could be issusd without the consideration of the entire traffic problem, but if the City would wish�to acquire an inch of land sanetime in the future froan the Union Oil Company, they would have to pay dearly for it. Iie said iesuinq the permit will not make the problem go away. � MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to clpse the Public Hearinq. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upor� a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the Public Hearing closed at 9:35 p.m. PUBLTC HEARING ON A REQUEST FOR A SPE� UNION 4IL CONiPANX, 5695 HACI�IAIJN AVENI AND CONTINUE SERVICE SERVICE STATIONs US� PERMIT, SP #72-1$, BY TO CONSTRUCT 1► CONVENIF.AICE STORE MOTION by Councilman Utter fio waive the re�dinq of the �ublic Hearing Notice. , Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, a,ll voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unani.mously. PUBLIC HE.ARING MEETING OF MARCH 12, 1973 PAGE 10 Mayor Liebl asked Councilman Starwalt if he had any questions or conmtents? Councilman Starwalt said he would recommend closing the Public Hearing as Union Oil had said they were not going to build the convenience store in this area. The City Enqineer said the property is zoned correctly for the construction of the convenience store at the present time. He said as he has qathered, Union Oil no longer wanted to build the aonvenience store, and they will not request this. Basically, he added, this would be for the continuing use and building of the gas station, and thia requires the special use permit. The City Engineer said the property wo�{ld have to be rezoned before the special use permit could be granted. Mr. Hubbard asked if the matter could be tabled until the problem is resolved? Mayor Liebl asked if the station would aell gas and also have stalls for doing repaiz work? Mr. Hubbard said this was correct. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Hubbard what his intentions were concerninq the convenience store? Mr. Subbard said he felt the Council and the people of the area did not want the convenience store in this area and he was willing to withdraw this requsat. Mayor Liebl said there were no objectione to upgrading the atation. He said it would be a while before there was a conclusion to the traffic problems. Mayor Liebl asked if he could see the plans for the stetion. Mr. Hubbard said he had submitted them to the City Engineer. The City Engineer took the plan to the Council table and they were discussad. Mr. Hubbard said the front of the station was eolid and constructed quite 2ike a house. Mayor Liebl said the building would greatly enhance the area. Mr. Hubbard said he realized there was a problem at the present time. He added, Union Oil did not wish to build the station and have the City condemn it. Mayor Liebl asked if there were any questions from the Council or fram Mr. Hubbard. There were n0 questions. Mayor Liebl asked Counciln►an Starwalt to read aloud the letter he had received frosn Kenneth and Barbara Phelpa, 1513 Berne R�oad. Councilman Starwalt read the letters. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the lettars dated February 12, 1973. Second�d by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, dll voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Utter to close the public Hearinq. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the Public Hea�cinq closed at 9:42 p.m. OLD BUSINESSa CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BIDS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1973-1 AND ST. 1973-2 (MSAS) (TASLED 3-5-73): ,� � Th� City Engineer said the �irst low ba,d �,ad besn miscalculated by the bidder and when figured correatly did not remain the low bid. He said the original low bid had been submitted by Minn-Kota Excavating, Inc., 3401 85th Avenue North, � � � � J l I L�' �I , , � � � � � l ' , PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MARCH 12, 1973 � 1 , � � , , , i � � , , � , � C� � PAGE 11 Minneapolis, Minnesota. He said the contract should be awarded to Bury � Carlson, Inc., 6008 Wayzata Boulevard, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416. Mayor Leibl asked the City Attorney if the procedure was correct? The �lty Attorney said it was. MOTION by Councilman Breider to award the contract for Street Improvement Project ST. 1973-1 and ST: 1973-2 (MSAS) to Bury & Carlson, Inc., in the amount of $460,622.40. Seconded by Counc�.lman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all vpting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #35-1973 - PROVIDING FOR THE EXCHANGE OF CERTAIN EXCESS PRiDPERTIES BETWEEN THE CITX OF FRIDLEY AND THE CITY pF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS: MOTION by Cquncilman Breider to authorize the exchange and adopt Resolution #35-1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter. U,pon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT: NEW CITY EMPLOYEE: ROBERT ERICKSON, OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE MAN: NAME POSITION SALARY EFFECTIVE DATE REPLACE3 Robert Erickson 1225 43� Avenue N. E. Columbia Heights, Minn. Operations & $768 Maintenance Man per � (PUblic Works month Division) March 13, Rex Sackett 1973 MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the appointment. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CO1�IIr1tJNICATIONS : MAYOR BRUCE NAWROCKI: REPORT FROM NSP ELECTRIC RATE 5TUDY COMMIT'I'EE AND NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING, MARCH 15, 1973: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the report and notice. Seconded by CounciLnan Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. LEAGUE OF MTNNESQTA MUNICIPALITIES: RESERVATIONS FOR 1973 ANNUAL CONVENTION: MOTION by Gouncilman Breider to authorize the City Manager to attend the convention, Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayar Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Manager said the reason the item had appeared on the agenda was to urge the Councilmen and Mayor to attend the oonvention to meet the City and State elected of�icials, Councilman Hreider suggeated a member of the Counail attend. He added, he � y�u�d not be able to get away. He asked the City Managez if the food and lodging WQy�.d be �►ai,d fQr k�y the City? The City Manaqer said . the City would take care o� milemge, food �nd lodging. MOTION by Councilman Breider to send the Mayor a�nd Cauncilmar� at Larqe to the PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MARCH 12, 1973 PAGE 12 convention. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimou$ly. Mayor Liebl instructed the City Manager to make the necessary arrangements fqr reservations. RECEIVING LETTER FROM FRIDLEY POLICE PENSION ASSOCIATION: 0 RESOLUTION #36-1973 - RELATING TO CHANGES IN THE POLICE PENSION PLAN OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEYs 1�TION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the letter fzom the Fridley Police Pension Association dated March 9, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Li�bl declared the motion carried unaniawusly. The City Manager read the resolution aloud. MOTION by Councilman Utter.to adopt Resolution #36-1973 relatinq to the chanqes in the Fridley Police Pension Plan. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. AUTHORIZING CITY MANAGER AND LEGISLATIVE LIAISON DAVID J. KENNEDY, TO pREpARE A BILL TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE LEGISLATURE TO'HAVE THE EFFECT OF PLACING POLZCE OF�'ICERS HIRED AFTER MARCH 1, 1973 IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA POLICE AND FIRE P�RA FUND: . Mr. James R. McKersie, Fridley Police Pension Association said the Aasociation had accepted the proposal of the City to p�,ace the new men on PERA.. I�e said the 6$ contribution by the �en would remain the same �nd there would be a full vesting of b�nefits for any m�mber who has at leas� ton yeara of service. He said the agreement ia saubject to approval by the legi�lature and the membership of the Aasoaiation. He added, the agreement would be submitted to the member- ship for votinq, but h� did not •ee any reason for any probl�n. Councilm�n Breider asked if the Council wna currently accepting the provisions of the letter. Mr. McKersie eaid he would like the Council to approve the conditione arui he would then subenit them £or approval of the Association. The City Manaqer said he had attended a meetinq of the Association a week ago on Saturday, and he got the impression there wa�e a wte taken at that time. Mr. McKersie said there were 13 members of the Association present at that time. The a►atter was voted on auid the vote was nine for the aqreement and four opposing it. He said the purpose oi the vote at that time was to su}xnit a i.etter of intent to the Council enablir�g a bill to be submitted to the State Leqislature. The City Manaqer said the Council would not be able to amend the agreement at this time if there had not been approval by the membership. He asked if the nine out of 13 were agreeable. Mr. YcKersie sai.d yes, out of 23 people nina were agreeable. He added, the le�tter s��te� "$ub�ect to approval of the same by our me�mbership". He said if ! � L� , , � , � � u i 1 , , ' �! � C� � � � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MARCH 12, 1973 PAGE 13 the Council accepts the propasals in the letter, the membership will vote , on the matter. . Mayor Liebl asked if the membership was to vote on the agreement after the 1 State Legislature voted on it7 Mr. McKersie said they would vot� after the Council had vo�ed and approved the letter. MOTION by Councilman Breider to authorize the City Manager and David Kenndey , to prepare a bill to be submitted to the Legislature and to accept the proposals in the letter submitted by the Fridley Police Pension Association. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a roll call vote, Utter voting aye, Nee � voting aye, Breider voting aye, Starwalt voting nay, Liebl voting sye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. � �� , CounciLnan Starwalt said he objected to the letter. itECONSIDERATION OF POLICE OFFICERS APPOINTMENTS: �he City Manager s�j;d this item was on the agenda because the motion at the previous meetinq indicated there should be no chanqe in the benefits of the present members of the Fridley Police Pension Association. He added, the vesting of benefits after ten years of service is an increase in ben�fits. He said the item had been brouqht back to the Council for reconfirmation. � MOTION by Councilman Breider to reaffizm the appointments of the five new men to be ap,pointed to the Police Depar�nent. Seaonded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voiee vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ,. � RECONSIDERATTON OF AWARDING CONT�CT FOR WATER FACIZITY #109-A• � The City Manager said the City had received a letter from Jesse James Company stating he had made a serious mistake in a point of procedure and ' reque�ted that he be eliminated from the bidding and the contract withdrawn without any penalty, He added, the naxt low b3dder is Ken Christiarisen 1 Painting, Tnc., 7525 Fourth 5treet N. E., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432, with a bid of $9,787 and work to be completed in 30 calendar days. r ' , The City Engineer said he.had talked with d representative of the Ken Christianson Painting Company and k�e was ageeAble ta begin work even after the 30 days has passed. The City Engineer said he would advise the Council tc� either require the Jesse Jamea Painting Canpany to forfeit the bond or pay cash to the City in the amount of the bond or $320. He said he also would recommend the contract be awarded to the second low bidder. MOTTON by Cous�cilman Utter to award the contract to Ken Christianson Painting � Inc., 3n the amQUnt of $9,787. Seconded by Councilm�n Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � � MOTIO�1 by Cou�nci].man Staxwalt to require the Jeas� Jame$ Decorating Company �o either forfeit the bond or pay cash to the Gity in the amount of th,e bond or $320. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting �ye, Mayor Lisbl declared the motion carried unanimously. MAYOR LIEBL REQUESTING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR APPpINT�NTS FOR THE $NVOIRNMENTAL COMMISSION: �'— ' �, — —�_ I � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MARCH 12, 1973 PAGE 14 Mayor Liebl said he would like each member of the Council to submit one recommended name to him for appointment to the EnW3.x'pnmental Coamn.issiOn. Councilman Utter said he did have the name ot one individual who had requested to be on the Commission. piayor Liebl asked�the Councilmen to consider those who would have an interest in the environment of the City of Fridley. He also asked that some womer� be recommended for appointment. Councilman Breider asked if one half of the Comraiseion $hculd be made up.of women. Mayor Liebl said there was no requirement. Councilman Breider asked if there were to be seven membsrs? Mayor LiebZ said there would be seven. Msyor Liebl �aid he would like rep�esentation from all areas of Fridley, as it w�ould not be a workable Com�nission if all�the members were from one area of the City. � Councilma� -Sta�walt aaked. if the Couna3lmen .�hould subanit an alterrlat3ve name? Mayor Liebl said he saw no reason for this. Mayor Liebl stated the difference in the number of years for the terms to the Com�aisei.on. He added, he would like to have individuals who would be able to attend the meetinqs, who were open minded and would repressnt tl�e City as a whole . Mayor Liebl said he w�ould like'the names of the recommended appointments in the office of the City Manager by the following Friday, March 16, 1973. MAYOR LIEBL SUGGESTED REORGANIZATION MEETING BEFORE FIR5T OF APRIL: Mayor Liebl said he would like to remind the Council that there will be a reorqanization meeting of the Council for the appointments to the Planning Comcnisaion and the Subcommittess. The City Manaqer said there would be a list of the Cammission and Sub- cannittee vacancies provided in their envelopes the following Friday. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Councilman Breider to adjauxn the meeting. Seconded by Couneilman Utter. Upon a voice v�ote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion , carried unanimously and the Public Hearinq Meeting of February 12, 1973, adjourned at 1Os35 p.m. Respectfully Submitted . Patricia Ellis Secretary to the City Gouncil Frank G. Liebi, Mayor. � � Ll , , � i , � , � � , , LJ r r � Y OVERVZEW / H. T. MELCHER /�� 2600 PIERCE ST. � SUB: SALT KILL OF 135 FT. HcDGE • LOCATION - ALONG MISSTSSIPPI ST. • PRCI3LEr1 - SALTED SNOW PLOWED TO SIDEWALK THEN SNOW - BLOWED INTO H�;DCE ��Il-'.EN SIDE��]Ai�K CLE.ARED. e RESiTLT - BUSHES DYING/KILLED DUE TO SALT POISONING. • LIABILITY - CITY OF FRIDLEY - NO SALTiNO DEATH e PROPOSED SOLLITION - CITY PAY FOR PUP,CH�'�SE OF NEta BUSHES (w120.00) AND IiAUL DEAD STO(:K AWAY, OWNER REPLANTS ! . o FINAi, RECOi3RSE - PURSU� �612.60 ESTII�ATE FOR REMOVAL AND REPLANT? - CITY INSURANCE? Ai'iACi-t�i;:N iS -( i) i�TTE�i TO ti:ITY - (2) U OF M DIAGNOSIS - ( �) BACHt2AN � S ESTIrIATE/ BILL - (4) ARTICI.E rROM FRIDLEY SUN - (5) WES'�ERN CASUALTY REPLY 1 `, � ��' � � a -�9 r � ' ' � 6500 Pierce Street, N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 29 JanUary 1973 L., � � �� 4- �..�.�- `�W�' � � .����� �� � Frank Liebl Mayor of Fridley C/0 Fridley City Hall 6431 University Avenue Fri.di.ey, Minnesota 55421 Dear Frank, Attached are letters defining, as realistically as possible, the dacnage to our Chinese Elm fence that borders on Mississippi Street. For several past tainters the City sidewal� snowclearing equipment snowblows the snow deposited onto tl�e sidewalk, from plows clearing Mississippi, onto our lot and for those same several springs we have seen a progressive kill of this 135-foot natural fence. Samples of the plants have been sent to the University of Minnesota foz analysis and the resultant prognosis is attaclied. I might add that the natural fence {esCablished for now $ years) experienced no t-�e a� progressive demise until the city started blowing the excess plowed snow from �lississippi Street, and then the sidewalk, onto our property. The majority of the fence (about 70% of the bushes) are now dead and will have to be replaced. Attachecl is an estimate of the replacement costs of which I would request the City to consider w3U7.50 as reasonable reimbursement costs for complete replacement with bushes that have an exhibited higher tolerance t:o salt kill. I would appreciate your respo►ise toward any further questions or the city's position regarding compensation £or the aforementioned damage. HTM:vap Enclosures � i ' � Very truly yours, �-:=-c �,,,��� � �� Henry T. Melcher 1 ��. a ACItICULTURAL EXTENSION S�RVICE i ' , � � � i� 1 ' � � � i ' O ' � UNIVrRSITY OF MINNESa'TA • ' IAISTi7'[JTE OF AGAICULTURE ST. PAUI.� MINrESOTA SSIOI Date: Julv 9_,.�97� Address correspondence to: Plant Disease Clinic University of Minnesota ' St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 0 i� `� l �`��`.,�� , � �� Dear Mrs. Melcher: " The specimen of � Chinese elm which you sent to this office was found to be damaged by an unknown at�ent. � Rec�.�.mendat�czs : From the symptoms, salt injury is suspected. Are these shrubs near a road or driveway, say within 20 feet? If so, this is a possibility. There does not seeu�. to be a pathogen involved. See enclosure under salt toxicity. Enclasures: � Very truly yours, �(/!X/�i.-C/' � _QJk2�`'� ' W. C. Stienstra, Extension Plant Pathologist � WCS: js . ��N1\'ERfITY p/ MINPIF.AQTA. V, t. Ti:PARTMi:NT 01 AC111CVLTVRC AND COVHTY iZTCNt�ON LERVICf:S f.0(1Pi:RATIN(: I � "'��4►��F' .,,-fi•:.e,.-.�e...!�.�!�........._.. __...—.:--��....�....�....,—..,—..._,......-....�..�-.—.,„ .._.,....�...-�+.,.�........,,.�.."_ ', � ' ' ' � ' � � , the dormant season can cause differential con- lraation of wood wiLhin tree trunks. The result is tlie opening of long vertical fissures in wood and '�ark. I�"rost cracks may occur in succeeding years in the same place, causing excessive formation of callus tissue or swelling on one side of the tree. WATER DEFICIT INJURIES Iirou�ht In years when rainfall is low, many tree species can be substantially weakened or killed by di•ought. Introduced species, like Colorado blue spruce, and recently planted trees are verv susceptible to drought injury. Branch dieback may be the direct result of drought but weakened trees also are susceptible to attack by insects a disease-causing parasites. SideK�allcs, driveways, and streets gen and water uptake by roots, CHE3�4ICAL DAMAGE Herbicide I�arnage als�+ �.. limit oxy- Tree.damage from hormone herbicide sprays often results, even if they are used several hundred feet away. Affected leaves become distorted, twisted, curled, or cupped; maxgins turn �rown. Or, affected leaves may be dwarfed. Salt Toxicit - -- y _ _ �,�,,..:�- - - �Sait applied to streets in winter~is'�absorbed later by roots of boulevard trees during��the gro�v- nd �� ing season. This results in varying degrees of . marginal browning of leaves. Dieback may occur in trees damaged in successive years; some trees Species such as box elder, green ash, hack-�, -have ciied. berr��, locust, ponderosa pine, red cedar, and '�� ,j«•- siberian elm are fairly drought resistant. However;-�..,,� Other Chemical Injuries -"`'�� obtain seed of these trees from relatively dry areas '�•��-'-• '° because strain differences occur within species. Leaf Scorch A sudden and rapid loss of water from maple lcaves during hot dry weather �nay cause leaf scorch. Affected leaves have yellow or brown mar�;ins and remain on the tree. Or, the affected tree may just lose its leaves prematurely. Water- in� during hot dry weather may prevent or alle- viate the problem on small trees. ROOT T?A.MAGF, ' Transplant Injuries ' � ' ' ' ' � � Transplant injury is a major cause of tree loss; many roots are Iost during digging. So, to compensate, in the case of broad-leaved trees, a proportionai amount of the top must be removed. «3y root gruning, nurserymen train tree roots to iorin more compact masses so that a greater percentage of roots can be taken up when trees, espec.ially evergreens, are transplanted. Early sprir.g generaily is the preferred time for trans- planting trees. Oxygen Deficit A deficit of oxygen in the root zone inter- teres with normal life processes; dieback of braz�ehes often occurs. Extensive flooding or soil fiil on top of existing soil reduces the oxygen s�pl�ly to roo[s. After this occurs, trees may not sho•.v symptoms of oxygen deficiency for 2 or 3 years. Frequent use of paths compacts soil and rcduces oxygeii and water movement through it. Fumes from some industrial processes can cause chlorosis, spotting of foliage, and, in severe cases, defoliation of trees. Damage from dog urine on conifers, especially arborvitae, is evidenced by black needles. Foliar sprays, normally considered nontoxic to trees, may cause leaf injury if applied during hot weather. Also, a spray concentration recom- mended for one species may be toxic to another. M�GHANICA L INJURIFS Mechanical injuries to trees can be•caused by ice, ha.il, lightning, machinery, wind; and other agents. These injuries may or may not kill a tree, depending on the severity. But wounds can be entrance points for disease-causing para- sites. LACK OF NUTRIENTS Soils deficient in nutrients do not support normal tr2e growth. Know the fertility oE'your soil by having it tested; then adjust nutrient levels accordingly. Trees growing on nutrient-deficient soils may be more subject to attack by parasites. lssued in furtherance of cooperative txtension work in agriculture and home economics, acts oE hiay 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U. S. Department of Agricultura Roland H. Abraham, Director of Agricuitutal Exten- :ion Service, University of biinnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 SM-•2-69 i o-r ...: .. �..... �.:�.:.�.��,..� . _ . . E ' � � ; .� ` �i i . L ' ���.�� ` Wed., March 7, �973 SPR NGB AKE IPARK-B AINEr�UNY ST.NANTHON`/ sun —Page Jr U�iver��t� Sometime in May the stretch of University Ave- nue north from 37tti Avenue to 69th Avenue wiil take on a new look. That's when the Minneso- ta State Highway Depart- ment will begin a landscap- ing program desi�ned to ir<<prove t�;e appeara,-,ce of the roadway. ``� � The Fridley Council rej t�ceived and approved th� plans far'the planting ak i,� F , 5 meeting. City Engineer Nasim Qureshi told the council the � plan hoped to accomplish I two things: aesthetic im- � provement; and noise con- �@ttreshi noted thak�fhe planting noctR"of 67th Ave- , :� ; � � � ` i1�- � '' 1'o S���ut ��� Look � r nue was "skimpy" and Shrubs to be planted in- - added that he was writing clude Russian olive, Red to the highway department Twig dogwood and several to ask for additiunal plant- varieties of honeysuckle. ing in that area. `�.� Vine..plan,�i,ngs will be of He also told council that� �riglmann ivy and a variety the areas ( space ) ior plant '�€.honeysuckle.--- ing are limited and that the r,.....,�- --• ^�°--- 6 .�.�_.,,.....�„�<..,�..._..�. ,. staLs-was experimenting t�i�ti vi�trs in tt�ese areas. �, � Another problem, Qur-, : eshi noted, was sa2t. Plant'; selection, he added, has � been made with the salt � factor in mind. f � '~ Some_Qf��h�,_.ir.ees the ; state wiil provide include ; `Black Hills spruce, Austri- ; an pine, Ponderosa pine, �Skyline honeylocust, Ro- ° bust poplar, Sugar maple, Weeping wiilow and Japa- � nese Tree lilac. i �:� .N�ar IF� �l�a 1\\,� �' 3r" 4�` �E [ M..� �._... -�. ...�� . THE WESTERN CASLTALT�AND SURETY COMPAi�tY THE �Y'ESTERN FIRE INSURANCE C�QMPANY PLYMOUTH SUILDING A l2 SOUTH 6th STREET A MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 TELEPHONE. 612 339 0481 March 27, 1973 � ��C�� � �-� � Mr. Henry Melcher 6500 Pierce Place Fridley, Minnesota 55432 RE: FL 494354 MIMN City of Fridley CM 1 27 34 � Henry Melcher D/A: Unknown o-� Dear Mr. Melcher: Our investigation of the above matter reveals that proper thirty day noticp was not Qiven to the City c�f F'ridley on this matter. We 'are therefore, sorry to advise that we cannot honor your claim. Also it is very questionable if there is any liability on the City of �ridley for this matter. JPM: jp Sincerely, � -- n ` ' ��' . ���� ��;� .,`.,�� �ohn P. McDonald Claim Adjuster ' 1 ' 1 ' MEMO T0: � I� 1 ' � �J � � ' ' � SUBJECT: OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER FRIDLEY, MINNES�TA March 30, 1973 THE MAYOR AND.CITY COUNCIL DESIGNATION OF FRIDLEY AS THE LOGIS PILOT CITY 1 You will recall that Resolution #52-1972 adopted by the City Council on Ma� 1, 1972 approved Fridley's entry into Local Governmeat Information Systems, a��.�ociation (LOGIS). Since LOGIS was formed last summer as a group of ten cities, the Metro Couneil and the State of Minnesota through a joint powers arrangement, the orgaaization has been workiag to develop and implement data proceasing capabilities to assist municipal operations. „ � At the present stage of developmeat, the executive commitee o€ LOGIS has signed a contract with Optimum Systems Iacorporated of Palo Alto, California to write and develop specifications for the multi-city computer based data processing system. Specifi- astiotts are echeduled for submissioa to the Board of Directors sometime this summer. Duriag the time the specifications are being written, it is the desire of LOGIS to take one municipal agency and designate it as a pilot �pacy to accomplish a number of goals that are enumerated in the $ttached report. I have discussed with the Board of Directors the po�'sibility of designating Fridley as the pilot agency.- They have agreed to thia providing the City Council agrees to the plan. As you will note in the cover letter from Mr. Willard, there are no costs involved in being the pilot agency other than a�certain amount of staff time iavolved in the setting up of the data proceasing syatem. Any costs involved will be born by the total LOGIS organization, for which Fridley has paid its equal share. I feel that the ataff time involved in aetting up the system is not wasted effort because, as we move into the data procesaing field, there will be a certain amount of effort neede@ to convert our present manual operating systema to data proceasing. The fact that we would be doing thia as s pilot project; would give us soane valuable experieace to ease the conveXSion of othez systems later on. We have begun trai niag efforta already to acquaiat our @mployeea with the information necessary to atart workiag oa the application of data processing to certain functiona. As you recall, we preseatly have oa arder five cash registers which have a tape capability, and after their arrival, we will set up a liquor inventory system in the computer. . Providing you approve Fridley's designation as a pi,lot city, it is planned ' that Mr. Brunaell will spend about a week in Cal,ifornia at Optimum Systems and other citie� tha� are presently operatiag a similar syatem or are coaverti,ng to the ' ' The Mayor and City Council -2_ March 30, 1973 Gemunis system. He will be responsible for learning the details of the application, through initially the payroll, personnel record �ode. It is the desire of LOGIS also to send �yself out to California the week of April 16 to become thoroughly familiar with the system and to gain an understanding of how management can use data procesaiag to its fullest capability, The cost of these trips would be borne by LOGIS and would be at no additional expense to the City. I think the rest of the steps involved in the pilot city project are pretty well laid out in Mr. Willard's report of M�arch 21, 1973. REC�E NDATION: � I would recommend that you suthorize myself as your representative on the B�sr,:���i of Directors of LOGIS to agree to designate the City of Fridley as the LOG�S Pilot City with the underetanding that all expenses in conducting the pilot �z��ject shall be the responsibility of LOGIS. Very respectfully, �--��- �.�-�.�:. Gerald R. Davis City Manager , GRD/ms � lA ' � � RESOLUTION N0. 52-1972 ' A RESOLUT ON I AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT F'OR PARTICIPATION ' IN A LOCAL GOVERNMENT INFORI�IATION SYSTEM, AND NAMING A DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO THE ORGANIZATION ' WHEREAS, The City of Fridley on February 28, I972, adopted a ' resolution of intent to enter into a Joint and Cooperative Agreement to form a Local Government Information System; and � WHEREAS, a committee of municipal administrative representatives has prepared such a document and unanimously recommended its adoption by their respective governing bod'ies; and , � WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed said document and found it to be in the best interests of the City to be a party thereto; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley that the Mayor and City rianager are hereby authorized to execute a Joint and Cooperative Agreement, Local Government Information System herewith attached; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with Article IV, Board of ., Directors, Section 3, of said Agreement, the City Manager is hereby appointed Director, and the Finance Director is hereby appointed �1lternate Director of the LOGIS organization. _ � , � ' PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCT_L OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 1ST DAY OF �Y , 1972 ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL MAYOR - FRANK G. LIEBL � i ' � 1 i � � i �o��� i � s LOCALGOVERNMENT tNFORMATION SVSTEMS ASSOCIAT�ON 300 Metro Square Building, Saint Pa�l, Minnesota 55101, (612) 227-9421 1 Mr. Gerald Davis City Manager City of Fridley " � 6431 University Ave. N. E. Fridley, Minn. 55421 � Dear Mr. Davis: March 22 , 1973 As you are aware, the Executive Committee of LOGIS at its meeting of , March 21, 1973, designated fihe City of Fridley as the LOGIS Pilot P.gency. The action of the Executive Committee conditioned the appointment upon the acceptance by tne City of Fridley in writing. Because the nature of tthis project has been described in a series of inemorandums over the past few months and because the details of the proj ect have undergone some refinement and significant change as the project evolved, I have incor- , porated all of the facets of the project as finally adopted into a report which is attached for your information. This report provides a definitive description of the project itself, the responsibilities of LOGIS, of the , Pilot Agency, and the committed costs of the Pilot Project. r � � ' �J � Basically the Project assures the Pilot Agency that since it will be nec- essary for that agency to mainiain its present business operations on a standby basis, all costs associated with the Pilot Project should be born by the LOGIS organization. Accordingly, all expenses associated with the us e of the OSI s ystem , the telecommunications network , the terminal , travel and training , user manuals and forms will be absorbed by LOGIS . On the other hand, the City of Fridley would be responsible for providing adequate sta ff time to conduct the proj ect . Please Iet me know if you have additional concerns or need more details before committing Fridley to the Project. T LW/s k � r , Very truly'yours , �% � ' •� ' . �!��y � .r i�r �.� � • _�� �:.-. �_- i T:L. Willard, Executive Director 1C ' t� _ : � � -. t 1 i ' � ' ' � � 1 1 � � � � � . � � � � �_� I � 0�� � LOCALGOVERNMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS ASSOCIATION . 300 Metro Square Building; Saint Pa�l, Minnesota 55101, (612) 227-9421 LOGIS PILOT PROJECT Prepared by: T. L. Willard Date: March 21, 1973 1D ' �. � � � � r � � �� � � r � 0 LOGIS PILOT PROjECT Introduction � " 1 E After detailed evaluation of the availabl.e alternatives for the implementation of a computer based management information system which could be used by LOGIS mem- ber agencies in an on-line mode, LOGIS concluded that the best prospects for the development of the system in the shortest time at lowest cost would be to transfer the "Sunnyvale System". . The generalized derivative of the Sunnyvale System, known as GEMUNIS, appears at this time to be the most logical base for the LOGIS system. Because of the proprietary nature of GEMUNIS, its owner, Optimum Systems, Incor- porated, Palo Alto, Californi.a, has been retained under contract to develop a set of specifications for the ultimate LOGIS system based on the GEMUNIS and Sunny- vale experiences . Concurrent with this proj ect, it has been determined that aGtual experience in the use of the GEMUNIS system by LOGIS member agencies would provide the best foundation for making future decisions cancerning the LOGIS spe- cifications . Accordingly, a Pilot Project has been established with the following obj ectives : 1) To obtain actual operating experience with an approximation of the Sunnyvale System over a long enough period of time in order to diminish or eliminate the risk of system requirements which may exist unnoticed due to the lack of a comprehensive systems analysis in LOGIS communities . 2) To enable a specific definition of modifications required in the Sunny- vale and GEMUNIS systems in order to meet LOGIS needs . 3} To serve as a basis for evaluating trade off decisions between system economy and system performance which will be recommended by OSI as a result of their experience in developing GEMUNIS subsystems based on the Sunnyvale model. 4j To identify the impact of the system on the using agencies' methods and operations , 5) To evaluate the effectiveness of the Sunnyvale or GEMUNIS systems' , strengths and weaknesses early enaugh to provide input to the specifi- cation process and prior to using the systems for production purposes . � 6) To get a preview of system operating costs . 7) To use the OSI facilities and GEMUNIS subsystems as a basis for � training LOGIS personnel during the development and installation of the ZOGIS system locally. � 8) To use the OSI facilities for interim production work for pilot agencies ,.--� during development and implementation of the LOGIS system locally, in �_. order to meet interim needs of those agencies . , ' I E. . i �. ' 1F � LOGIS Pilot Praject -2- March 21, 1973 I - , These objectives if successfully met will provide information on which to base systems project decisions which is unavailable by any other means and which ' coul.d be the single largest influence to improving the quality of decisions regarding s ystem requirements . 1 Prolect Plan � The Pilot Proj ect is arbitrarily divided into three stages , each of which will be committed only after a separate "stand alone" decision. At this time, only Stage I is committed . The obj ectives of the three stages are as fo1lo�NS: � ' � � Stage I Place one LOGIS member agency into production operation on payroll/personnel recc�rds processing by july l, 1973 , at a total cost (excluding staff time and Advisory Consulting time) not to exceed $6,000.00. Stage II Place the first pilot agency into preduction operation on General Ledger Accounting and Utility Billing by Sepfiember l, 1973 Stage III Plaee a second pilot agency into operation on the three basic modules by December 1, 1973 ' It should be emphasized that detailed plans for each successive stage and de- cfsions as to whether or not that stage will be implemented will be made at an � appropriate time depending on the results of the preceding stage . Each stage must be decided on its own merits considering c�sfis and effectiveness. � , � � � � Pilot Ac�ency Responsibilities In order to avoid commitment fio a system that may not meet the needs of LOGIS as determined through the specifications contract, it will be necessary for the pilot agency to maintain its present operating systems on a"standby" basis . For the most part this will mean that if the agency is using an electro-mechani- cal accounting machine it must kePp the machine, the forms used by the ma- chine, and the procedures for processing on hand during the life of the pilot project. Thus the pilot agency may encounter an expense of keeping these materials on hand. � . ' 1.._. ( � i � � ' C� ' �_ LOGIS Pilot Project -3- In addition, the pilot agency wil� be expected in all possible aspects to provic�e a thorough agency should have sufficient sta:�f resources use the system and for experimer�ting with the March 21, 1973 to aggressively utilize the system test. This means that the pilot to allow time for learning how to system capabilities . ! `-f Finally, because of the nature of �he pilot program, the pilot agency must expect periodic conferences with the LO�IS Advisory Consultant and should be prepared to provide at least verbal reports �o members of the Systems Evaluation Committee as well as the Execufiive Committe�e concerning the advantages and disadvantages of the system. Th� pilot agency �ould also expect LOGIS member agencies as well as prospective member agencg�es to visit the to observe the system in operatia�. Pilot agency's office on occasion LOGIS Responsibilities Durincr Pila� Proiect For each committed stage of the p�.�ot project, LOGIS will assume full responsibility for the costs as identified and ag�eed to by the organization, for training the pilot agency in the use of the system, f�r trouble shooting problems with the system, for providing feed-back from the pi.�ot project operations to the s ecificaticns ject, and generally for technical su p pro- . pport to the pilot proj ect agency . Technical Approach 1 The pilot project will consist of 0�3's modifying the GEMUNIS subsystems to the extent necessary to accommodate t�a� pilot agency, training representatives of LOGTS in the use of the system, cc�nverting the pilot agency to use of the sys- � tem, and on-line operation on the system by means of a remote terminal located in the office of the pilot agency. .�I1 data entry will be via the remote terminal to be transmitted in BCD code at 1�� . S bps via loca 1 telephone service to a data ' transmission line shared with anath�r twin city area organization, Carqill, Inc. The California terminus of that lin� will be in San Francisco, where local service �will be extended to the OSI telecorr�munications port at Palo Alto for merging with the present OSI operation on IBM ���/65 duplex computers . Reports generated by the computer, including payroll �hecks , will be delivered to the pilot agency �by express mail service. Howeverr the on-line inquiry capability of GEMUNIS will be available to the pilot agenc�► through the remote terminal. 1 Initially the terminal will be an IB� 2740 Model 1(Selectric) typewriter-type. The training program will consist of study of the OSI User Manual, a one-week 'training period on the G�;MUNIS sys�em at OSI, and subsequent participation by LOGIS representatives in the c.onver�ion of OST's newest customer, Foster City, ;� California , to the use of GEMUNIS �'ayroll, General Ledger Accounting, and Utility - Billing rnodules . ' . �.. _ � . .. �, . . . . . . � . ._ . , . � ' . ` • .' 1� Pilof�oject , • Pr�ect Outline - Stacte I � � ' � � � � , j , , ' � ' � I ' -4- March �,21, 1973 - � }: 1. Train LOGIS Conversion Agent 1 N 1.1 Participate in Foster City project 1.2 Expose LOGIS Pilot City representative to conversion training project 1.3 Provide training participation by OSI 2. Modify GEMUNIS Programs for payroll/personnel processing for one LOG IS city . 3 3.I 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.4 Implement P/R Conversion Hardware Order telephone services including local service to Cargill, Cargill arrangements , and Cargill to OSI service Order one terminal Order modems Order check forms Data Conversion Follow up Finance Duector of pilot city to assure that he has read manual . Define and select parameters . Assemble data for input Input data Verify data listing Run Parallel Compare all Data Elements Make Corrections ' Run Second Payroll Cycle and Compare Live Operation on P/R • Notes: Allow 72 hours from payroll cutoff to check distribution. GEMUNIS provides an "hours audit" which sho�r�s all exceptions to normal working hours . This can be transmitted on line , reviewed by the pilot agencies , corrections made if necessary, and payroll released. Project Outline - Staae II 4. S. 6. ?. 8. 9. 10 . Make Mandatory Modifications to General Ledger Module Implement General Ledger Conversion Parallel/Live Operation Make Mandatory Modifications to Utility Billing Module Implement Utility Billing Conversion Live Operation Plan Conversion of Agency No . 2 The schedule for Stage T of the Pilot Project is attached as Figure 1. Figure 2, LrJGIS Project Planning Chart, shows�the relationship of the pilot project to the total program. .>.�,�, .. _ ._ _. - • . . . 1� � � � � ' � � ' , 1 � LOGIS Pilot Project Stage I Staff Requirements -5- ; � � i-r March 21, 1973 The first stage pilot project provides for training representatives of LOGIS in the use of the system as well as in the procedures for converting member agencies in the future to the use of the system. In addition, technical and administrative support will be required. Following is an identification of the staff assignments: Executive Director - overall pilot project responsibility Advisory Consultant - responsibility for data communications equipment coordination, overview of the operations of the pilot agency to assure feed back of the results from the pilot test to the specificatians project; responsibility for participation in the resolution of technical problems at the LOGIS end of the communications system, and for assistance in planning sub- sequent stages of the pilot project. Conversion Agent(s) - Conversion agent assigned to the LOGIS project will be responsible for acquiring familiarity with the GEMUNIS system operation and with procedures for converting municipalities to the use of the system. After acquiring this familiarity, conversion agents will be responsible for training and follow-up as municipal members utilize the system. To acquire familiarity with the sys- tem, the conversion agent will be expected to participate in the following: 1 1) A one week seminar period at OSI in Palo Alto for system familiarity beginning approximately the first or second week in April, 1973. � , 2) Working with OSI personnel on the conversion of Foster City, California , to the use of the GEMUIVTIS payroll system for one week immediately following step 1 above . 3) Approximately three weeks to one month later, the conversion � agent will be exp�r,ted to participate in an additional week at OSI during the conversion of Foster City, California, to use of the General Ledger Accounting Sys*_em. � ' , ' 4) A final week of firaining will take place after approximately one more month for par-tici�ation in t:�e conversion of Foster City to the utility billing system. 0 � ' . ��- , ' � ' � ' � � � ' . , ' , , � ' LOGIS Pilot Project Chief Accountant, Pilot Agency � I � March 21, 1973 It wouZd be necessary for the chief accountant or other individual assigned by the pf�ot agency to have responsibility for the operation of the system; to read the Users Manual on the payroll system and during about the first or second week in April to spend one week in California for training in the total system capabilities . Following that, the responsibility of the chief accountant would be to implement the conversion process in the pilot agency's office. This would involve establishing the internal office procedures for collecting and inputting the data to the system. The conversion agent(s) woul.d assist in this phase of the operation. Foll.owing the conversion process, the pilot agency's responsible individual would be expected to utilize the system tro its fullest exfient and evaluate the capa- bilities of the system. Stac(e I Cost The tofial cost of the Stage I project is to be absorbed by LOG:S as a Class 2 expense. The cost elements anticipated are as follows: Computer systems service charges OSI costs in training conversion agents and chief accountant OSI costs in modifying GEMUIVTIS to accept pilot agency Communications •equipment charges including installation and monthly service charges for twin cities area local service (telephone line charges from, pilot agencyto the offices of Cargill, Inc.) , line charges from Cargill to San Francisco, local service costs from San Fran- cisco to Palo Alto, modems and the like. Terminal and supplies required for use of terminal Travel and per diem costs for conversion agents and two pilot agencv repre- sentatives at California Costs of forms , check blanks , and the like required for the project Costs for Advisory Consultant participation Tofal Costs of Stage I are not to exceed $6, 000 .00 excluding staff time and advisory consulting time . Advisory consulting costs are not to exceed $3 , 000 . 00 . Plans for Subsequent Stages , If Stage I appears to be moving as expected on June 1, 1973 , a proposal for con- tinuation through Stage II will be prepared and presented to the Executive Com- ;�" mittee. It is anticipated that this proposal would be an extension of the Stage I pro- �/ posal with all costs being absorbed by the LOGIS project throuqh the completion of that stage. Beyond that, however, it is anticipated that continuation by the , • , _ . ,`� LOGIS Pilot Project � -7- , �� March 21, 1973 ' pilot agency may be on a shared cost basis with the LOGIS or anization or if the g . organization determines that the learning experience is no longer of value to LOGIS, � the pilot agency may be required io bear full cost of continued operation. In any event, operation of the system will not be discontinued without allowing the pilot � agency a reasonable opportunity for assessment of alternatives and for making an I, orderly change-over if such is necessary. ' � ' , ' ' , ' , ' � ' ' c,_ r�.. � � F IGURE 1 N U� � O a a � N � � � � a� � � t� O a N m � � C « � � � o � U a E a � � W � � ., � ., � E� �, � � N �r � M �, � a; m � �' q a � �� H q �, o � � Q O 4� U . . M � F+ .� q +y U � y � � � > a U Q � � H � � I A � � � w � z � w � w �.p-� O � � 0 a +`'�v A o m � w � � O > � C � O U p: . . � � � a q � 0 � v� 0 �-L �:.. ._ . .. 0 +� , , , s .. � y 'o � P � � � � � � N Z ' � Z � :i � x D � -i � �� � ' � , i I� �-M - � , ' � • . � I �,+,� _' � 1 � 1 �� , , FR�t: CITY Of FRIpLEY KEMORANDUM v GERAl.D R. �AV�IS, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCII. MItRV1N C. BRUNSELL, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/FINANCE DIRECTOR St�JECT: PROPOSED METRO RATE AUTHORITY � DATE: MARCH 26, 1973 2 ' At the June, 1971 l,eague co�ve�tion, a Stee�^ing Comnittee was formed to study. NortO�grn States Power rates. 7he City Council has received a report from the Stee�� ng Commi tfieQ . � Th� Steering Committee recomnends the municipalities in the metropolitan area grant a Uniform Electric Franchise to Northern States Power Company and create a Rate Authority under the joint powers act. At �he presen� time, there is no state br area wide regulation of Northern States Power Company. The procedure for becoming a part of the Metro Ra�e Authority would be as follows: 1. �Award a Franchise by Ordinance: Section 10,09 of the City Charter provides that before a franchise is granted : a publlc hearing must b� he1d with not less than 2Q days notice of such pubiic hearing. The franchise is awarded by ordinance wi�th a� least four members of the Gouncit voting in the affirmative. At least 20 days must elapse between Lhe date of the public hearing a�d the granting of the franchise. 7he City Attorney can advise you of further iegal requirements regarding this. - , 2. Adbpt a reso1ution authorizing the Manager and Mayor to enter into a joint proMers agreement. • 3, Execute the joint powers agreeme�t. The Steering Cammittee is operating on a rather tight schedu1e. One of the reasons the Steering Cammittee would like to get the matter resolved fairly soon is that at the present time the City af St. Pau1 and cerfi�ain St. Paul suburbs have rates Nhich ar�e more favo�ahle than the electric rates in other municipa1ities in the �rea. Part of the �g�eement and proposal worked aut would be that the other cities 't� he area would b� given about sj� million credits in the year 1974 for the extra amo�int these other rnunicipalities ha�ve been paying i� electric pawer, Everyone in the area would be paying the same rates including th,e year 1972 and 1973 after Lhe adjustments have been made by the credit method. If the Council is of t'he opinion that the'regulation of Norhern States Power Carrpany ' by a metropolltan wide rate �utharity 1s�something they would like to pursue, tre Council shauld start the p^ocedure for setting up the pub1ic hearing prior to the a�w�qr�in� of � f'ranchise immediately. � Any suggested cha�ges in the franchise or joint powers agr�ement that the City Council .,�' I� +� . . . • . . � , . � ' 2A 1. T0: GERALD R. OAVIS, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCII SI�JECT: PROPOSED METRO RATE AUTHORITY , i ` [1A7E: MARCH 26, 1973 , • � , has should be forwarded to the Steering Committee as soon as possible. A member of the Steering Caranittee, ar Northern States Power can be present at the public hearing, or at some other meeting if the Council desi�res. I ' � _ . . . I , ' 1 ' � . . � 1 . � �1 . . � 1 _, 1 � . 1 . . . . �1 . . , 1 ... I � � 1 � �. . ,. 1 . � �• 1. . . t4t� � �� �, � ;,� _ `� . �.';_ - � J• ♦�'� �-' ��,• r`. r'-^�-�. : 4:� '_ y 1'. - �.. .:. :,. , , . r.,t, .,,` . � �` - - • �'i;a!•-. . ..• :ar �. � � .. �� • : � � � �� � 2, :.:-'t••z AVENUE�N.E. 788-9221 CIT COLUIVIBIA AD INISTRATIVE • COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, 0 March 20, 1973 HE(GHTS OFFICES �B MINNESOTA 55421 T0: 2✓,unicipal Officials of t% i'zrin Cities ?�Ietropolitan Communities electrically served by NSP RE: Proposed Metro Rate Authority . . ., This I,etter is in follow-up � our meeting in Brovklyn Center last Thursday night to discuss the a.bove. Far the mayors and managers of co�.munities not represented at-the neeting, a copy of the proposed "Unifors� Frar_chise," and "Joint Powers Aoree�ent" is enclosed. Additional copies are available through the Columbia Heights City office � �788-92u, ask for City Managers office), cr thrcugh the hletrcpoli�an League of Municip�lities oPfice (373-9992, ask far Sally Driscoll). � � We hope that you crill give the�e docu�e::ts consideration zt your early eonv�enience. If there are su��estions �or ch`nges, p?e�se send the� to me, or to Clayt LeFevere or D�.re Kennedy of How�.rd, LeFevere, Lefler, Hamilton and Peterson (lst National Bank Buil�ir.g, ;dinneapolis, 55�+02, ' phone: 330-5��3). The prcposed Unifo:� Franchise �rovides a�rocedure for rate-making and � regulation of s;SP electric ser�ce in o•ar metropolitan area. Current�y, only consumers in St. Paul and �iest St. Pau1 have any such protection. �� �� � � T�e proposed Joint Agreement, i� adopted, would provide the organization necessa_*-y to carry out the rate-m�{ing �nd regulatory functions oi ti:e Uniform Franchise. Annual con��ibu�iens fro� �;SP �;�ald finance the anticipated activities of the �_ oposed Rat� Authority. . Should there be any ouestions, if we can be of any help, or if there are any suggestions for char_ges ir� either proposed docL.�en�, please contact �yself, CZ�.yt LeFevere, or Dave Y,ennedy. We would appreci�.te ar.y su�ges�icas :or changes hefore April 15th. � If We are to give the electric consumers of ot:..� area the protection o° this proposed t�,etro Rate Author�ty beiore z.*�y neW rate increases ��y be proposed, it is i�portsnt that :r� proceed with cur considerations oi � these doc�mer.ts now. Time to ar�ani2e, and to sec�a�e trie kind af staff that Will be needed to a�inistrate �he franchise, emprasize the tir.:e element. . i ' � SincereZy yours, " �� �� �ri�. ,/�-''�� . �,'•; � .�r...• � � i•uc� U. . :�.moc:• _;'/'�'� ..-s�� � City of Co)umbi�Heights NSP Electric Pute Study Con�itteQ , , I , ' � I F S , D . I D • t , c ` t ' � ' , , ' � ' � , :a CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMORANDUM 0 T4: GERALD R. DAVIS, CZTY MANAGER, ANQ CITY COUNCIL RQM: • MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/FINANCE DIRECTOR UBJEC7: BIDS - LIQUOR STORE FIXTURES ATE: MARCH 19, 1973 . isplay Fixtures of Minnesota, Incorporated, 1966 Benson Avenue, t. Paul, Minnesota is the apparent low bidder on the fixtures for he new liquar store. fter discussions with Mr. John Bergstedt of Display Fixtures and onsultation with the Liquor Store Manager, the recommendatiori of he administration to the City Council is as follows: Gross Bid - All Items . �19,950.00 ' Total Trade-ins 90A.00 SUB TQTA� Less D�duct - Item C Bott1e Re�urn Counter NET BID PRICE AS R�GOMM�ND�D TO THE CITY COUNCIL m 0 � �19,050.00 275.00 $18,775.00 � . � 1., . : , ... .. _ . : . . . ; . � : . ,. . � �- . � . , . . ; . . 3A � . . . ., . . _ . , � . � .. . .. . I� �. . � • I ' . 6ID PROPQSAL " . CI?Y OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA e LIQUOR STORE #3 ' � � . � MARCH lg, 1973 -9:30 0'CLOCK a.M. • ' � . ' . i . . . . -: �. To; City GaurtciT . ■ C1ty af Fridley , a 6431 Urtiversity Avenue Northeast � . fridl�y, Min�esota 55432 . � ' � ' 6entlemen: . � � We, 'the Undersigned, � � S P �. A ' �� , � �? ' ' � • i� � � _� � c-_. � located at `� b � � �- �� � �-� ,�/ � � ��`. -- :�� 7 �i � ��" � N ;✓ .1"; , _1 � �-- ..+_ � _ 1 � G ,•� having fuliy examined the accompanying specifications and a11 other contract . documents perta�n�ng thereto, a17 of which are fully understood and hereby ��reed ' to� do hereby propose to furnish and de1iver to the City of Fridley, Liquor Store ' at 6289 Highway �65 t�. E. the foilowing: . FIXTURES, EQUIPh1�NT ANO SERVICES .��. � , . Ta cansist of the fallowing items as outlined in the specifications: , A„ Kat k in cool er,coi t s and cond�ens ing uni t '' B.. Oisptay shelving and gandolas C,. Battle return counter � � D. Wine chi1ler ��E. Circular wine racks ' F'. Watl panelling, soffi� and canopy '�. Broken case room and case liquor warehouse .� � � H� MiscelZaneaus • l� pe� specification received. I� All Materials used will be as specified�in spe�ification or equal. Qel3very dz'� �frc^t acce�t�nca of uward by C�t:/) as s:;_•c�fi�:, � ' ' . � { J µ•� '' • � •2- ,��2oS S '' A. T TAL �f PRICE BAS� BID %� , � � � . B. GROSS BIQ PRICE ALL ITEMS � y less: peduct trade-ins a. Skywood �ompressor �, - - - -�- ------- --� b. Shorewood gondolas � �. Shelf feeding case & six pack � Dispencers in Skywood coo1er � � d. Skywood gondolas Totat Trade-ins , . — ----- _ _ C. ALTERNAT�S: ' a. Item C battle return counter � , Deduct ' b. Item $ broken case room �+" W� wa �2 •^( O�' i.. AedliCfi. ' c. tlsing existing gondoias rather than new ones as outiined in� , spscificationa ' QEdUG� � BID PROPOSAL DOLLARS � J �j � . �-r: " �' ��� E `�%5�J s� 0U�'u .� ♦ / ��l� u � t „� O U .p �. .� v �— � 4 ��� �' � s �� ` c C� ' . .,,. � ,: � � '� � - � ,�r =,JC � `� 9 '� � '• t , r Paymen� will be made by the City of Fridley within 30 days of completion and ' acceptance by the City. ' Detafls af guarantee Qn se rv�ce and parts for all mechanical equipment as per details in s�ecification, ' j� . •,� � ..�.....�,.. . .�. . ^p`." .• �� .� G, _.•—��--c- Y I� y�,..� �� �� � � `� / � L�'��'� /..� . . + 1��KY���.+�+�1 i� f� r l / /�-'�/^Z..�l.- M L� ��' 4,. i�.-ry` •��. I '' / The ►r�c!=rsi^npd zgrees to �, ter into �ontract in for!a hereto ?t±3C�'!°ri •,.;i+�-,-,� (��.) ._, .-4_ �,..... „„ r:::.�:.�F�� c- in:. ';�a:ic� c� ,.. :°d ,',.,. .,.� _ „�, :,.,.a;_ . : � ' . � I , 3B � . .. 1 - �3- • 3C BID PROP4SA1 , proposal be accepted, and to leave bid security on deposit with the City to insure compliance with the contract. Tn the event of the failure of the undersigned to enfier into the contra�t within such time limit, or to fulfill the terms of the � contract and within the specified time, then the amount of the bid security is to be forfeited as agreed liquid�ted damages to the City of Fridley, Minnesota. ' I� , , ' J � IJ �r 1 '� � � ' �i �� Contract, 8onds and Insurance: . a. The bidder to whom the award is made sha11 enter into a written contract with the City within the time specified in the proposal. b, Performance 8ond: Each bidder to whom a contract is awarded wi11 be required to furn�sh a performance bond to the owner ,• _ in a� amount equal to l00 percent of the contract price as required by law. c. The contractor s6aT1 secure and maintain such insurance policies as required. � No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the bid opening date. 1 ~ ' , '� A cash deposit, certif�ed check or corporate Biddpr's Bond in the amount of `'� , , _ . , � " DQLLARS � ($ j Dated this / � �[�` _ __,__� day of _ � o�--�-:=.-1. , 1973. � 0 . t�a.. �5,. i, I�L�, �, 1 � , L � ;. �. • . �� �..: � er s am '- L�� � � �-�. , G �4r -�- �.� ,� 9n�d Y r ' `;, �;,,�� t � � -=--L� . _ ���b-� , � :.;, �...a � ..-� �—G 1: 5 Address • � �' ' � a �� �� �.c..�,�,,- � �-+ i � �� �1 ��: y : ' Nate: If t,ye Bidder is a carporation, attached hereio a corporate acknowledgement. , ' +F 1 ' ' ' � , ' ' � � , 1 C� � Gitq Engineer City of Fridley City Hall 543I University Ave,N.E. Fridley,Minn. ' ���� �J � �� �� � � '� � '� March 23,1973 4 Dear Sir: The Renneth Gill and George Schumann families are requesting permission to put a fence barrier behind 4630 aad 4638 N.E.3rd St. We are next door neighbors and do have our yards fenced and what we are reques�i.ng is permission to put just enough fencing to deter the motor scooter hot rodders who are using our easement for a race track.There are about 4 or 5 so Chat you can see filing a complaint is fruitless as some of them I am sure do not bel.ong in our area.The past few years we have called the police but by the time t�:ey arrive on the scene the culprits have disappeared and I am sure our police department has more important things to do.These individuals do not have licenses,some are under age,no Iights on the vehicles and do not wear helmets.Same times they are buzzing around at 10;00 o'clock at night. The situation is nerve racking; in the summer when school is not in session they start in the uporning and continue on throughout the day.Mr.Gill works nights and I might add when we have our windows open we can't hear the TV for the racket. The Gills and the Schumanns will put up the fencing if . permission is given and we also do state that in the event NSP or any other utility has need to knock them down we will be responsible far re-erecting them alt;zough the spots we intend to put them in will not interfere with the utilit� poles. The area in question is nat an alley and one of the neighbors who has inquired tells me that becanse of the decided slope there would not be an alley back there. I am writing this in the hope that the council can act upon our request promptly. I do know that some of the suburbs do not allow what we are having to contend with; it seems very frustrating that we have to take any sort of action but our sanity is at stake. We have talked to same of the offenders but to no avail. Very truly yours, _,.� /_L :�,,,' �� �i.�tr7it —?—Ufl�t�r+ /' Mrs.George Schiunann 4630 3rd St.N.E. Mp1s.Minn. 55421 P.S.Between 47th and 48th �n 3rd St.N.E.one of the homes has a fence jutti��g ou� into the �asement The Gi1Z,Gordon,and the family behind the Gills are the only ones in the block that drive in this easement area and they have to pay for snow remova2 in the winter - they had called Fridley but they would not plow back there and the fencing wauid not interfere in any caay with access to their garages. , .. , • � .< < _ �s` t . , � �. ��:" � �-i � � ,_._- 7 �� � ! - � -.1� � .`'G . ,/� �: %�Z�- ,� :i.� i �%� �.�. �!L[ w t -.11L-c +Y7 � i'..Yl�L ✓- ��r�'. ,�6�� �l%0'q' J'J�c-c . 7�.� k . T' . � �`-KknCtQ�N �' . ^ -,. � } 1^�' ' � � �./ '7 f f{ .i /%(��� ,�yli �_ � ..� : �/ ✓� �% i- �, J >y h. � i•�.�*.i„ i`r,._ '.J �� �` "'�,1`_L`�. ^ '! V ` ` �1C. t"fF3' . '� � 1,,. %� I/��'kL [!2/ Y �. , / f , � �� �i � 7 " .L r L �� . � .t. , � L" �.:.' ' �� � ��,�t;, �-��.� f_> �� y �f t � �,, _ � ` � � Z � i 4H The signatures appearing on thia letter are thoae of the individuals living behind vr adjacent to the Schumanns and the Gills who are in accord with our request; it seema maybe they can now uae their back yards for picnics if our �equest is graqted. The Gordone built a beautiful gazebo in the back of their haae which they tell me they have not been able to uee because of all the dust the motor scooters raiae.We would hope that perhaps the council could give us their deciaion at the April 2nd meetiag. Do any of us need to be there? When I obtained the aignature fran the Swansons I saw the four letter words pain�ed o� d►�r r�d wood fence.Mr,Sw$cean said he did not have r�ad paint or he wauld hav� palnCed ovar i�;he did paine aver �ha Gilla whi�te fence Chat had the eame four l,attex word on i[.I far one want it J.eft there in case you would like to come out and laak at it. e � � � �� . �. .� � , .:.: „�:, _ ��� �ri7:3�-� ��17 �►�f•-• , j�)� . Siv- - ���� � � �s t : : __, y-- ' � d1 e H� . � H r�: ,. :p 9 _ _� �(/. { � ��r� _ . � N �a�s N �� . + !� � s ., ,� � ,� N .,0 r: ,. � d�ru ,} �~' �� ✓1+�� j .� � �� z. --��z�- -- _____ N�zo : ��'9� ,, s'�3 �� . :-N : ; ;:;�. .: : 4�TN. '_ 1/� ' , `- -.._' � 4 � N� '` ---':� ., ,. 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I « (� ^ i �. — � �.q_' ' ��� � ��� If �� �. _ , i� ; � J� � * t : M Sq� '� ,: H � p � �- M - -Q ; � ; _.. . � !i5M8 , ., F , � A �^ + = i' �.�. _ ; �N�J � y,5yy . �N�7q .H _ �_a � z , �._,,,�� . u�„ ' Q I ' ;� �.. ���1 = _ WS!io z .N���_' ., ; �-- �N� '_� k � `� � :� � �;' f" = f, ,, N � .. �, . y���►� ,..�: ,,, , Q= , � ! - y��t3L ^H",-�� - AN3 � �V �r� I-- -,� _ �s ��. . �� �' � � h A �� �F � N..i � � -,.e "'- -'- - . �`` ' -1i�i-'�$- , p�E,� ,��-�� ' K�� �53� � �_, ► � ,� : � w . . - ,r:r - - , ;-� _ .._ .; i. . � � S 31 � '_�� •:r7- - :. � �,..,r. „ �,, ,, � .t�� �,.� �„!!�� , �' � _ 4 o r ti '� j- T''�r, - . tl j�, st � Y i�. � f i- - _"!� •", � � C , ' . �l ' �• �• � 5 Plats b Subs.-Str. d� Uti1, Subcoa�ittee Meeting-February 28, 1973 Page v 1. That Lot 30 never be eold.. 2.. Tha[ LoC 29 not be sold uatil trsffic problem is solved. 3. The buyer be charged at least as much per square foot as the people ia the area paid for this parcel. 4. That this parcel be sadded and planted into evergreens, including the 12 ioot alley aCtached to the East end of these two lots. 5. Tliat the opposite triangular parcel created by this Street, be treated in a similar fashion of sodding and evergreens. 6. That the pre3ent alley should be plowed and reasonably u►aintained up to and including Lot 28 because of its location along Fridley's main expreseway Highway �47. . A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the taotion carried unanimously. � � S. VACATION REQUEST, SAV �73-04, BY f�IAYI�IE SIM�DNEAU: Vacate Si� Avenue ' between Lots 10 through 16, City View Addition and 6th and 7th Str.eet N.E. I�ir. Clark said he didn't think there, was any urgency on this request. Kr. Sclmaedeke sa�d he would ltke to see��the alley vacated along vita 57� Avenue on Block 32, Hyde Park Addition, and probably 58th Avenue conld be taken care of at the same time. Mr. French eaid we'cbuld clean tp the entire coraer at the same time. . Mr. Schmedeke said he thought the people in area,should be notified. I�[a�. Clark said we can renotify the pe�itioaers and other people in the area. , l�lOTION by French, aeconded by Meisaner, to table Vacation Request, . SAV #73-04, by Wayne Simoneau, to vacate 57'� Avenue between Lots 10 � thraugh 16, City View Addition, and bth � 7th Street N.E., until March I• 15, 1973. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 6. I.OT SPLI? REQUEST; L.S. #73-03s BY AI�ER CONSTUCTION COMPANY; Split , ofi the North 20 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Worrel's Addition, an� add it to Lot 18, Block 1� Amber Oaks Additioa� to make a 50 foot lot a �buildable site. � � ; ' : � , , 1 . l�; Clark said we have beea eacouragiRg the ownez of the 50 foot loe to obtaia additional land fot a building eites. He is still S feet short oi tbe miniaiun� requirement, He purchased 20 feet from the owner to the Soutb, but thaC waa all the excess laad �vmilable. We would recocmend ap�roval of this requeat. Mr. Schmedeke said thia wi11 allo� coaetruction on this lot and he is in favor of approvsl. Kr. Mei�aner aai�l.tbis is the reasoa yo make exc�pcions. a 70 foot lot is a pe�cfectly xeasonable requsst under these cir�ur±stances. . , �`� ��r � � °w wn �� �� a '� � • �� :� � � • � �. � N � t�,► A � ' J , . •� � • � � � � �i . � '`:` . � � _ � � � � ��� x a i � y 1 r �� w � -� Q � Y u� �,��, � � �. �,, z a: «I Q � I � ��ry.o����� � y� 7 � ,L Q� � 2 '�, _ � ��2 �3 s.�� `' '� p i• o Q� Q.� � , w � � Lh 4 , c �' '� � � �; � p � p � Q � s � a � �,, � ��' u ,�� � I a �z�4'�Y,��� ��Q��;��� r 4'; W u iY s/ 1 '� � a , � ,� �1 -� � ar � � v� �,► w C�atat�Q Q � � �� �, � 1 w` z� � . � SA ..s ....,� ..�. ....... .�� ..._.. a� 0 h M �i � � �� �� �' < a. � r� w= � .�, - � " � ��: a. � f, 1,� �. , �ti I � �: � � �. "� :.� . .�, �� ,v .� � M F� , ; ' t� �� X � � � � IJ � � � � � � �� � � � • . �� � � � CxTY OF P'RIALEY �ING COMMI3SION 1�ETING CALL TO ORDER: MARCA 14, 1973 Chairman 8rickson called the meeting to order at 8:05 P.M. xO�.L CALL : ti�abexs Preseat: I�ie�mbers Absent; Others Pr�oanti Ericksan, Minish, Fitzpatrick' Jezrald Soardmaa, �egien, �Sct�a�deke Planaing Aaaiatant 1. i�CEIVE pOTICES OF PUSLIC HEARINGS FROIr!! SPRING LAKE PARK � , .. ... .._.._,__ 0 PAGE 1 Chairmaa Erickson eaid theae notices are far property in the g�neral locatioa Porth of Osboras Road sad Eaet of CenCral, bouaded by Lai�evieW Laaa, on 'tbe Porth aad East to be rezoned from R-1 to C•2, aad C-2 to M-1; a Special Uee Permit to coastruct townhouse dMeZlinga; and a subdiviaiou of lota. Mr. Ericksoa aaked Mr. Boazdman to check the proposals with Sprina Lake Park to s'ae if anything going iato the areaa would iaterfez� with the reafdeatfal character o� the area ia Fridley that ia Gloae ta this prope�ty. iie said it might be necessary to glv�e noticee to people in Bridley who could be affected by these propasals. Z!0'�ION bp Miaish, eeconded by Zeglen, f4r authorization of Publia Hearing aaticee being eent to affected prop�rty owners in Fridley by �heas praposals irt Spring Lake Park. Upoa a voice vote, all voting aye, !'t►e mation ca�xied uaanimously. 2. 09I�1TIN[JED; PUBLIC HEARING_ : PROpOSED CO�tPREHENSIVE PLAN 4hairmaa Exicksoa said the Public Heariag oa tha proposed compreheasi,ve plaa �aa eti11 open. • �Ic�. Barbara Hughea, rBpresaating the i.eague of Women Votera, was pre�e�►t , " Mre. liughes aaid there were a few thinga the League would like to • bring��o the a�teatioa oi the Planaiag Coam�isaion. She aald the Leagu� ; feals ita a goad plaa atud are amxiou� to +eso iC us�d fFor fueure growth, � W� be11e�� ehere ahauid be coord�aaticm beCWeen �h� varioua SubaaamniCtses, � iaciu¢i�ng the na�ly formed Eavirpnmeatai Quality Commiseion� so the City ia aot gQiag ia a varisty of waye. W� knaw that there are some rhings touched upoa 1m khe comprehensive p2an that are probleme of the Metropol.i.tan Counail. , � U L� , i 1 • � Plannin„�p�, Coam�ission MeetinA - March lk, 1973 Pat�e 2 . Mzs. Hughes said the League was especially pleased with the recognition � of using the natural enviro�ent. We believe in protecking the natural environment as pertains to land, waCer and ogen space, before and after development, or keep some land frow development, if necessary. � We are concerned about open space. Ii the North Park area is left as it is, or aiade into a ngture ceater, with Locke Lake, the Rice Creek flood plaia, and the river bank, we would have adequate open space for recreational areas. We have no further suggestions for open areas. . Chairman 8ricluson asked if it was the League's position that the ' ' City withhold development in wild areas. Mrs. Hughes said we are not suggesting that. She said she thought we should be retaining peat in the North Park area for water regeneration. ' � l � Chairman EriCkson asked if retaining peat for regeneration of water ie a local problem or a problem for Metropa].itan� Couneil. Mre. Hughes eaid we �aa't expeat our r�cighbars to b� concer�a�d �bout us. It has to be consi,der�d by lacal people. Mac. Erickaon asked if there was a �tand by the Metropolitan Council that wat�r ret�ntion areaa ahould be pre�serve�l. Mrs . Hugltes said in aur area there is vary little to be prot�ated ae yet. We do not kaow wher• the water regeneration areas are. Mra. Hughee said the League felt there ahould be no development in � th� flood plain area.. Mr. Boardman said by telling people they can't use the land will cause the property to go tax delinquent. Mr. Erickson said t�e had someone else at one of the Public flearings wh�o wanted the City to � hold up development of an area. Mr. Miaiah said that unless the City o�as the land such a policy could force the City to pay damages. � � LJ � � I� 1� i � Mxs. Hughea said that part of the :ta�pxovement of the North Park area could include traile along the River. Mr. Boardman said the open space plaa of the Metropolitan Council do�8 nat include our side of the Riv�z. He questioned if we would b� able to get Metropolitan funds if its not in the plaa. Mrs. Hughea said if tbe question isn't asked, how can you get an aaswer. Mr. Schmedeke aaid he waa glad the League of Woaien Votere are co�ncerned about the environment. He wandered if he could get them interested in having �vergreens planted ta replace the treea loet through Dut�h Elm disesee, He said he also felt there ahould be no bui�ding in the peat � raaa of Fridley. � Mr. Schmedeke a�id he was conce�ned that people could buy homea in the,�lood plain area and not be aware they were in a flood plain. Mre. Hughes said the League would like to ea�phasize the role of the City of informin$ the public oa a continu�ing basie. The ciCizena of Fridley ahould la�ow tlie gosls aad objectives of the City. Mrs. Hughea said there were fvuz poiats ahe would like to make in regard to land u$e. One waa the eavironmental impac� of the development, aleo the aafety $actor ia regard to the people and traffic, rhe intriasic suiCabil.ity of tt}e land for the d�velopment, and the transportation availab].e �or �he land use, , � 1 � � � LJ � L__l r �� , ' , i � � ' � .. PZanning Cammission Meeting - March 14, 1973 �Page 3 Mrs. Hughes said that in planning any development, the City should weigh the environmental cost. rirs. Hughes felt there should be transportation available to all parts of the City. Chairman Erickson said that what was proposed in the comprehensive plan will not hasten the development of any area. Chairman Erickson asked Mrs. Hughes if the League thought the Plann�ng Commission was wrong in any of its proposals. Mrs. Hughes said the League found nothing wrong with the proposals as long as the tdorth Park area was protected. Mrs, Aughes said that in defining Fridley as a maturing community to be careful in planning recreation for a more mature cou�unity. There still are a lot of young children in Fridley. Mr. Boardman said they had just recently platted the population in all the blocks in the City bp age groups. We find we have recreational facilities that aren't fuactional for some areas. Because our population is maturing, the city-wide parks could be for all segments of the population and local. area parks should be provided for small children. Mrs. Hughes said the League strongly supports low income housing. She said we should be replacing the lost cost housing that was lost from the Hyde Park area someplace else in Fridley, Chairman Erickson asked Mrs. Hughes if the League would support the North Park Study if the proposal was different from a nature center. Mrs. Hughes said we could go either way, The League has great confidence in the study. We would prefer it be a nature center. We wi11 be evaluating the study when we get its recommendation. Chairman Erickson said let me try to sum up what you have given as the position of the League of Women Voters. You endorce the type of use that we have recommended for the five study areas. Y�u are concerned with the environmental impact from development. You are interested in low cost housing, providing open space, and concerned about pollution. Mrs. Hughes said the League didn't see anything in the proposals that would conflict with our position. MOTION by Minish, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission close the Public Hearing on the proposed comprehensive glan. Upon a voice, vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimous2y. Chairman Erickson said it would be in order to recommead approval of �the comprehensive plan with any changes the Cammission might wish to make. Mr. Minish said as he understood Mrs. Hughes, the Leage of Women Voters weren't recou�ending any changes in the comprehensive plan, only a matter of emphasis. • Mr. Minish said that one thing that did come up during the Publ.ic 1 Hearings were objections to the railroad crossings on 79th and 83rd. Mr. Erickson said the people seemed to object to the crossing on 83rd the mos t . � , , � � , - 6C Planning Commission Meeting - March 14, 1973 Page 4 . ,.- Mr. Schmedeke said at the time this area was studied, the elimination of an unprotected crossing and the two new proposed crossing a for the commercial area seemed like a good plan. Now it seems possible that we could have been mistaken. Mr. Boardman said the problem with the street plaa was that it was set up five or six years ago before the City obtained the park property. This was a good traffic plan for a commercial area. Chairman Erickson said we should probably have additional emphasis on certain things. Mr. Minish said that one of the things Mrs. Hughes mentioned was a � need for low cost housing. He said he didn't recall if we have this in the plan. Mr. Boardman said a statement cou].d be put in under Goals and Objectives. � , r� MOTIQN by Minish, seconded bq Zeglen, that paragraph one under Fopulation Objectives be amended by deleting 'by encouraging the grpwth of managerial and professional sector of our population' and changing the paragraph to read ' Establish a balance of peoples within the community by encouraging the provision of the appropriate industrial, coa�ercial and housing facilities.' Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Minish said he didn't think there need be any other statement on transit as this is a land use plan. MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, to add an environment statement � to the General Objectives section as paragraph six, ' Preserve much of our natural ecology in order to develop as comfortable a living environment as is feasibly possible.' Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � MOTION by Minish, seconded b Ze len to chan e a a y g , g p r graph six under Residential Objectives from ' Encourage the development of high cost 1 housing units to provide a balance of housing values in Fridley' to 'Provide a balance of high quality housing units for all income levels within the City of Fridley to insure the provision of social amenities , to low and m�derate income families and the elderlg.' Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried.unanimously. , MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the last paragraph on page 42 be amended to change the will to may in the statement � There , may be additional crossings needed as the Northern part of the City develops,' And add the sentence 'Further study wi11 be needed to determine � °the effects of additional crossings in this area.' Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimousZy. � 'i �1 MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission recommend to Council approval of the comprehensive plan as amended. Upon a voice.vote, aIl voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � .. � 6D Planning Co�ission Meeting - March 14, 1973 P`age 5 � �� Chairman Erickson adjourned the meeting at 9:55 P,M, 1 ' Bespectfully submitted, G/'.�-,� .��,�'�'�� , oroth E ns on Secretar y , y � , . ' � ' _ , ' 1 . 1 1 � ` 1 . 1 I . � 1 � ' crr� oF � 7 PLAffi�ING CONiMLSSION MEETING MARCH 21, 1973 PAGE Z CALL TO ORDER: Chairma.n Erickson.cailed Lhe meeting to order at 8:00 P.M, 80LL CALL: ' Members Present: Erickson, Schmedeke, Zeglen, Fitzpatrick, Minish , Members Absent: None . Others Present: Darrel Clark Community Development Administrator� � � �� � � APPROVE PLANNING CONIl'�IZSSiON MINUTES: MARCH 7, 1973 ' Mr. Fitzpatrick asked that paragraph Z, on page 18 of the minutes be amended to read that Mr. Fitzpatrick wasn't convinced that this was the solution to a problem intersection. Mr. Minish said a request he made was omitted fram the minutes. He Waats a report on the extent of the rusty water problem in Fridley. He wants to know what steps the City is taking to correct the problem and if there are any iroa removal plans. I�t3TI0N by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Com�ission approve the minutes of March 7, 197.3 as corrected. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried uuanimously. RECEIVE PLATS & SUBDIVISIONS - STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE '.�lINUTES: FEBRIIAP�Y 28, 1973 _ I�TION by Schmedeke, seconded by ZegZen, that the Planning Commission , receive the Plats & Subdivisions-."�treets & Utilities Subcommittee �inutes o# February 28, 1973. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATION COi�A'fISS=ON MINUfiES: FEBRUARY 26, Z973 MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission � receive Parks & Recreution Cou�issian minutes of February 26, 1973. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � � I � RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUECOr��fITTEE rIINUTES: March 8 1973 MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission receive the Building Standards-Design Control Subcomnittee minutes of rlarch 8, 1973. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINL�S: MA£cCH 13. 1973 � MUTZON by Zeglen, seconded bq Minish, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals for March 13, 1973. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Lhe motion carrie3 unan�mously. � � _ ' , �J � , i � ' ' L� ' 7A Plannin Commission Meetin -March 21 1973 � Pa e 2 �. . . 1.' CUNTINUED: PUBLIC HEARIAG: REZOIJING REQUEST L ZOA �73- , BY SAMUEL TEMPLIN:. To rezone Lots l and 2, 39 through 42, Block 6, Fridley Park . Addition, from R-1 (singie family dwelling areas) to R-3 (general multiple family units) €or townhouses. Mr. Samuel Templin was present. Chairman Erickson said this rezoning request had been continued to allow the petitioner and the people in the area to come up with a possible compromise. Mr: Templin said that he would change his proposal from one four unit and one five unit to two four units. By decreasing the request by one unit, he could build a better looking project. Chairman Erickson said there was objection to having any of these units facing Rice Creek Way. Mr. Templin said these would be such nice units that they wouldn't ruin the property valuation in the area, Mr. Fred Halverson, $5 Rice Creeek Way, said he was speaking for himself and for Dick Silverstein, 6675 East River Road, when he said thep didn't want any rezoning in this area. Mr. Don Smith, 81 Rice Creek Way, said there have been many nice rental units buil� in Fridley, but after a fe� years the maintenance begins to s1ip. He said it was the nature of income property that when small units were built, they were hard to maintain. He said Mr. Templin knew the land was zoned R-1 when he purchased it, with no promise that it could be rezoned. Mr. Erickson said he would suggest that the property on East River Road be rezoned to R-2 and the lots facing Aickory Street remain R-1. Mr. Smith said he wouldn't be opposed to this proposal. Mr. Templin said he would like to get along with the neighbors in the area and wondered if they would accept a 4 unit on East River Road and R-1 on Hickory Street. Mr. Clark said the four lots on East River Road had 45 foot frontages. , Mr. Erickson said this would make two 90 foot sites on East River Road if it was rezoned R-2. � P40TION by Zeglen, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning C�mmission close the Public Hearing on the r.ezoning request, ZOA, by Samuel Templin. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. , � , , Mr. Clark said if this was rezoned to R-2 we may have to give access to East River Road. If ihis was a four plex it could use the Rice Creek Way entrance. The petitioner could use the vacated alley for an eatrance; however, the City doesn't want to maintain an alley. Mr. Fitzpatrick said the petitioner is not asking for R-2 rezoning. ' , � �J 7B Plaaning Commission Meeting - March 2I, I972 � Page 3 I+�DTION by Fitzpatrick to continue the Public Hearing on rezoningj request �k73-4�,3 by Samuel Templin, to give the petitioner a chance to change his request. TAE MOTION died for lack of a second. Chairman Ericksoa said we could recommend a moderation of the petitioner's request. Mr. Schmedeke said the petitioaer did say he would accept R-3 rezoning � an East River Road and leave the zoning R-1 on Hickory Street. Mr. Erickson said if the rezoning was granted this way, the second reading could be held up until the plans were approved. � Mr. Fitspatrick said the property South of this parcel was zoned R-1. Mr. Minish asked Mr. Templin if he would agree to R-2 rezoning of the property facing East River Road. Mr. Templin said he would not because there was no maney market for double bungalows at the present time. � MOTION by Minish, seconded bq Fitzpatrick, that the Pla ing Commission reco�end to Council denial of the rezoning request, ��73 ��y Samuel Templin, to rezone Lots 1 and 2, 39 through 42, Block 6, Fridley Park Addition, from , R-1 (single family dwelling units) to R-3, (general multiple family units). IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. , 2. CONTINUED; VACATION REQUEST: SAV ��73-42, BY SAMUEL TEMPI,IN: Vacate the North/South alley in Block 6, Fridley Park Addition. Mr. Schmedeke said the PZats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities � Subcommittee reco�end.ed to the Planning Commission approval of vacation request SAV ��73-02, by Sar�uel Templin, to vacate the alley, not contingent upon the rezoning request being approved. � � ' , ' � � � Mr. Clark said there was a cemeterq encroachment on this alley so it would never be opened. Mr. Glenn Thompson, of the Michael Servetus Unitarian Society, said theq raere respor�sible for the cemetery and would like tv have the alley vacated. Mr. Schmedeke asked if there was anyone in the audience who was against the vacAtion of the alley. People from the area said they had no objections. Mr. Minish said he is against the vacation of the alley at this time because if the area is developed as R-1, there would be properCy that would have to have access on East River Road. He said part of the alley could be vacated, but the part of the alley that serves this property he would Iike left open. MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Cocimissien recommend to Council approval of the vacation request, SAV ��73-02, by SamueZ Te�plin, to vacate the North/South alley in Block 6, Fridley Park Addition, subjec: to�the 12'foot utility easement being retained, Upon a voice vote, Erickson, Fitzpatrick, Schmedeke, Zeglen voting aye, Minish nay, the motion carried. 0 ' � ' � I ' 7C Planning Coumiission Meeting-March 21, I973 " Page 4 A� 3, CONTINUED: PUBLIC HEARING: REZOIVING REQUEST, ZOA ��73-04, NORTH AIR _ HOME ASSOCIATION: Rezone from R-3 (general multiple family dwellings) to C-2 (general business areas), Lot 1, Block 1, Harstad Addition, and the Southerly 150 feet of Lot 18, Brookview Addition, subject to road easement over South 50 feet, to bring it up to right code classificatzon. Mr. Richard Schintgen and Mr. Richard French were present. Chairman Erickson said this request was made so the Knights of Columbus could build an addition to their building. The Planning Commission continued the Public Hear.in� while the Commission made a request to the City Attorney to see if our ordinance could be altered so we would not have to rezone for a non-conforming use. The Commission members all have copies of a Ietter from the City ' Attorney in which he said the request for this particular addition be referred to the Board of Appeals. ' JI �] J , u Mr. Darrel Clark said that was his i:nterpretation of the letter also, but in talking to the City Attorney, he said this variance could be acted upon by the Planning Commission. If the petitioner was just starting out in his request, he could have gone to the Board of Appeals. As this request has been before the Planning Commission, it could be acted upon by the Commission. In ftture cases, the City Attorney will direct us on how to handle the request. Chairman Erickson told the audience that what the Commission understan�s the City Attorney to be saying,'is,'if we�don't wish to rezone the property, we could recommend that the petitioner be allowed to have his request granted under the appeal section of our ordinance, and if the Council concurred with this approval, the petitioner could build his addition without rezoning. Mr. French said the rezoning makes no difference to the Knights of . Columbus. We don't care what the zoning is, as long as we can build our , addition. The property owners in the area don't want the property rezone�. MOTION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission ' close the Public Hearing on rezoning request, ZOA �E73-04, by North Air Home Association. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � � ' ' MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission recoa�end to Council denial of the rezoning request, ZOA ��73-04, by North Air Home Association, to rezone from R-3 (general multiple family dwellings} to C-2 (general business areas), Lot 1, Block 1, Harstad Addition, and the Southerly 150 feet of Lat 18, Brookview Addition, subject to road easement over South 5 0 feet, and recom�end to Council the granting of the variance necessar.y to permit th� isssance of a building permit for the proposed addition,-subject to the cenditions of Building Standards- Design C�ntrol minutes of March 8, 1973. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously�. � . , ' ' � � � � , �� � � JI , J �� � I � � � ' ' � �� Pianning Commission Meeting-March 21, I973 Page 5 4: PtTBLIC HEARING: REZOI�IING REQUEST, ZOA ��73-05 , BY ROBERT SCHROER: The Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 2, T-30, R-24, except that part taken for highway purposes; rezone from M-2 (heavy industrial areas) to R-3 (general multiple family dwellings), the Westerly 493 feet, and rezone from M-2 (heavy industrial areas) to C-2 (general business areas) all that part of the Southwest Quarter lqing East of the Westerly 493 feet, excegt that part taken for hfghway purposes, Mr. Robert Schroer was present. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission waive the reading of the Public Iiearing notice for rezoning request, ZOA ��73-OS, by Robert Schroer. Mr. Minish said the PubZic Hearing notice said this property was located on Highway ��65, and it should read Highway ��47. Mr. Clark said the lega� description was correct, but the generally located should read Highway ��47. IIPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion earried unanimously. s Mr. Clark said Mr. Schroer was proposing to rezone the Easterly part of this parcel commer�ial along Highk*ay ��47, and the Westerly part of the parcel along Main Street to R-3. This proposal does follow the general plan shown in the proposed comprehensive plan. Mr. Schroer said his plans for the property were still rather vague at the moment, but he had had some good interest in the property for commercial use. He said that in taZking to City officials, they said they would like to see townhouses in the area he was proposing to rezone to R-3, because the land is difficult to work with because of the peat in the area, He said he had agreed there will be some ponding done in the townhouse area. Mr. Clark said the land North of this parcel is zoned M-2. The property South of the parcel is zoned C-2 on the Easterly 600 feet, and the balance is zoned M-2. I�r. Schroer's proposal would rezone 900 feet as C-2, so there would be a jog in the zoning of C-2. Mr. Wayne D. Wormsbeck, 3200 North Liiac Drive, Golden Valle�, said he awned the lot South of wha� Mr. Schroer proposes to rezone R-3. He said he was not sure that was the right spot for R-3 zoning and would like to see the area stay industrial. Mr. Clark said the whole area is basically industrial. Zn the comprehensive plan, we recoa�mended this ?and be rezoned multiple because we felt we had a suffi�cient supply of vacant industrial property. Multiple dwellings can make better use of this land than single family dwellings. Chairman Erickson said there was a question in his mind tha� we may be acting a bit prematurely. The Council hasn't reviewed or given approval, � ' � , � ' , ' ��I' �.1 I� � : . 7E Planning Commission Meeting - March 22, 1973 Page 6 I�TION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Coaa.nission continue the Public Hearing on rezoning request, ZOA ��73-05, bq Robert Schroer, the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Sectioa 2, T-30, R-24, e.xcept that part taken for highway purposes; rezone fram M-2 (heavy industrial areas) to R-3 (general multiple family dwellings), the Westerly 4�3 feet, and rezone from M-2 (heavy industrial areas) to C-2 (general business areas) all that part of the Southwest Quarter lying East of the Westerly 493 feet, except that part taken for highway purposes, until the Council has time to apgrove or amend the comprehensive plan. Ia his second of the motion, Mr, Fitzpatrick said this was a judgemental consideration c�en the Commission reco�ended we had more industrial land than we need and that multiple dwellings were a good use for this location. Chairman Ericksoa said we can continue this until our next meeting. He asked Mr. Clark when the Council would review the compzehensive plan, Mr. Clark said they wouid get the minutes of the last Public Hearing on April 2nd. Mr. Fitzpatrick said he wouZd withdraw his section to the motion. Mr Schmedeke said HE WOUI.D WITHDRAW HIS MOTION. Mr. Fitzpatrick said that within 90 days we should know if the Council is goiag along vith the proposals of the comprehensive plan. Mr. Clark said th� request could be continued for a shorter time, and ' act on the part of the pxoperty that is requested to be rezoned co�mercial. This wnuld allow the petitioner to make some plans for the commercial area. �� ' �� � i� � �� � ' �J MdTION by P�nish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, to continue the Publi� Hearing by the Planning Commission until April 4, 1973 on rezoning request, ZOA ��73-OS, by Robert Schroer, on the Southwest �uarter of the Southr�est Quarter of Section 2, T-30, R-24, except that part taken for highway purposes; rezone from M-2 {heavy industrial areas) to R-3 (general multiple family dwellings) the Ed�sterZv 493 feet, and rezone from M-2 (heavy ind�tstrial areas) to C-2 (general business areas) a12 that part of the Southwest Quarter lying East of the Westerly 433 feet, except that part taken for highway purposes, to accomodate the petitioners time schedule and take into account the Council review of the cau�prehensive plan. Upor. a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried uaanimously. 5. PUBLIC HEARING: PTtOPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT, P,S, ��73-01, RUDOLPH BAYER: A replat of Lots I2, 13 and 14, Block 1, Spring Lake Park Lakeside, � Mr. Rudolph Bayer was present. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission waive the reading of the Public Hearing Notice on proposed preliminary plat, P.S. �`73-01, by Rudolph Bayer. Upon a voice vote, all voCing aye, the motion carried unanimously. ' ' , � ' ' ' ' ' LJ �J ' 1 ' t ' , ' 7 F. Plauaing Commission Meeting - March 21, 1973 page 7 - Mr. Schmedeke said this sequest had been continued from the February 28th Plats & Subdivisions-Streets � Utilities Subcommittee to March 15th. Mr. Bayer was not present at the March 15th meeting but the Subcommittee made Lheir recommendation to the Planning Conm�issior. because it was scheduled for a Public Hearing tonight. The Subcoummittee recommended to the Planning Commission that the five proposed 72 foot lots on McKinley Street be changed to four 90 foat lots, and that the 20 feet to the South of the lots on Lakeside be included in the plat as an outl.ot. Mr. Schmedeke said the Subcommittee had been quite rigid on meeting the requirements of the ordinance, except in hardship cases, and they did not €ee1 this was a hardship. Mr. Clark said this request was continued to allow Mr. Bayer to confer with other peogle in his firm on this recommendation. • Mr. Bayer said they still wanted to plat the lots on McKinley Street into 72 foot Zots. . Mr. Erickson asked the purpose of making an outZot of the South 20 feet on Lakeside. Mr. Clark said this 20 feet was being purchased by - the adJacent property owner on the South end of this Plat. Mr. Erickson asked if we had any assurance the lot would be purchased. Darrel Clark said not in writing. Mr. Bayer said if the 20 foot was not sold it woul.d be added to the lots on Lakeside. Mr. Bayer said if the lots on ricKinley were to be platted as 90 foot iots, he wouZd rather 2eave the back of the plat as it is. We will just plat Lakeside. Chairman Erickson asked if there were any utilities in on McKinley� Street. Mr. Clark said there cauld be same power Iines, but there were no water, sewer, or street. Mr. James Rudnitski, 1658 77th Avenue N.E., said he opposes the 72 foot Iots on McKinley. He also objects to McKinley Street being opened. Mrs..Jean Alstrom, 1645 75th Avenue N.E., asked Mr. Bayer what type of house he was proposing on the 72 foot lots. Mr. Bayer said it would be � L-split with a S1 foot frontage. Mr. Bayer said that although the lots were only 72 feet wide, they were deep enough to have 9,864 square feet on each Iot, which exceeds the mini�um requirement by 864 square feet. With the large lots on Lakeside, the people living on these lots would be much Iess than if we met the minimum requirements on all the 1ots. Mrs. Alstram said she had no objection to the proposal. She said they were also requesting that McKinley Street be opened. Mr. Rudnitski asked what type of zoning would apply to these lots. Chairman Erickson said they would be residential. There has been no request for a zoning change. 1 ' LJ 7G P_lanning Commission Meetin� - March 21, 1973 - Page 8 Mr. �t. M. Passenheim, 3558 Rnox Avenue North, Minneapolis, said he was speaking for Sandra Chelstrom, 1670 77th Avenue N.E., and they were afraid these houses would look like cracker boxes as did some other new homes in Fridley. Mr. Bayer said he thought they were referring to the 235 housing. , The homes Mr. Bayer was proposing are nothing like that. Mr. Bayer said the homes he wanted to build would upgrade the neighborhood. ' Mr. Leo Heyne said he had talked ta the man who wanted to purchase. property from Mr. Bayer on the South side of Lakeside. He said the man said he was purchasing 40 feet. Mr. Do�ald Wehlast, a partner of Mr. , Bayer, said he had talked to the purchaser and it was a misunderstanding, They were only going to sell 20 feet. J ' Mr. Fitzpatrick asked the name of the purchaser. Mr. Bayer said his name was Mr. Cornell, 7525 Lalceside Drive. He said Mr. Cornell � would have been here tonight but he recently was discharged from the hospital. Mr. Cornell needs the property because part of his garage is aZready on the property. Mr. Robert Henderson, 7600 Sti�son Blvd., said Mr. Bayer says ' this wi11 be a nice development but open Iand is nice too. Mr. Bayer said there was a school going in on the West side of Lakeside so there will still be open Iand in the area. L� ' ' LJ � ' ' ' ' ' Mr. Gene Lake, 7584 Stinsort Blvd., said l:e has been paying assessments on his lot for eleven years and he still doesn't have a decent street in front of his house or any curbing. If they open McKinley, I wi].1 get Ioaded with assessments for the back of mp Zot, I couldn't keep my property with all these asses�ments. A� said he had brought a l�tter from David A. $ergsven, 7566 Stinson $lvd. N.E., whi�h contain9 Ms. Bergsven's feelings on this proposal. Mr. Lake zead the Ietfer in which Mr, Bergsven stated his opposition to the opening of McKinley Street. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded bp Zeglen, that the Planning Commission. receive the letter from David A. Bergsven dated March 20, 1973. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bayer said we are not really asking for a street. We would Iike to.have Lakeside platted so we could start building. Mr. Gene Lake said that once develop:-�ent starts in the area, we will end up with McKinley Street open whether we want it or not. Mr. Bayer said that when the street comes up for consideration, we could meet with the property owners and work something out to mutual agreement. Mr. Clark said we have had another request to consider the opening of McKinley Streeto There is no schedule set on the opening of the street, b�.;t if this glat was approved, it could come ug for consideration. Mr. Bayer said w�'re not Che one's who requested the street be put in. � , 7H � , FZamaing Commission Meeting - March 21, 1973 Pa e 9 Mr. Schmedeke said we maybe should have an either/or clause in our oidinance. The 72 foot lots do not meet the lot width requirements, but the square footage exceeds the minimum lot requirements. Mr. Erickson asked Mr. Schmedeke if the Subcommittee considered ' leaving the back part of this plat an outlot. Mr. Schmedeke said the peti.tioner was not at the meeting, and they just considered having the Zots meet the code requirements. � � , , � ' � , � i�ir. L. A. Alstrom said that I300 feet is already dedicated for the street. There are only four property owners who haven't dedicated land for McKinley Street. Mr. Erickson asked if there was anyone on Stinson who would want to subdivide his progerty if McI�nley went in. Mr. Rudaitski said it wauld be our only alternative becav.se of the assessments. �'ir. Lake asked if they could wait and subdivide zheir lots after the street has been nroposed, or if they still would have to pay all the assessments, Mr. Clark said the City has no requirement that all the assessments had to be paid at once, but most mortoate companies have that requirement. I�rs. Alstrom said we are paying taxes on these Iots now that are worthless to us. If McKinley is opened up, it would raise the value of the lots. She thought they would gain much more than they would lose if McKinley was opened. Mr. Fitzpatrick said at this meeting, and at other meetings, there were people who did not express an opinion. He said he thought it was very important that people who attend these Hearings express an opinion. 1�JTION by Zeglen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission close the Public Hearing on proposed preliminary plat, P.S. ��73-01, by Rudolph Bayer. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Schmedeke said the pet�tioner s�ouldn't be stymied completely. � He thought the platting of the 85 f�ot lots on Lakeside should be allowed and make the back of the propertp an outlot. r l�r. Minish said he thought the Commission should ask for some type of agreement on the purchase of the 20 feet on the South side of Lakeside. ' 1��DTION by Minish, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission recouffiend to Council approval of the preliminary plat, P.S. �� 73-01, by Rudo2ph Bayer, a replat of Lots 12, 13 and 14, Block 1, Spring Lake Park , Lakeside, with four 85 foot lots on Lakeside, and four 90 foot lots on McKinley, with the South 20 feet being made part of the plat as an outlot, the final plat not being approved until a cepy of the purchase agreement is furnished the City, and escrow of purchase price to insure that the ' awner to the South is purchasing the property, contingent upon the filing of the plat. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously � , ' LJ � � � � ' 1 , � /�i Planning Commission Meeting - March 21, 1973 � PaQe 10 6. PUBLIC HEARING: PROPOSED PRELIMINABY PI.AT P;S, �k73-02, INNSBRUCK � IJORTH TOWN�IOUSES PHASE IV AND V, BY DARREI, A, FARR bEVELOPMENT CORFOR.ATION: For Phase Iv and V of the townhouse area generalZy located One Quarter Mile East of Matterhorn Drive and North of Interstate No. 694, being a replat of Outlot H, Innsbruck North. 7. PRELIMINARY PLAN APPROVAL: PHASE IV AND V(118 UNIT TOWNHOUSE) BY DA1tREL A, FARR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION: Generally located One Quarter Mile East of Matterhorn Drive and North of Interstate No. 694, being a replat of 0utlot H, Innsbruck North. Mr. Darrel Clark said the petitioner had written a letter to the Commission asking that these items be coatinued until April 4, Y973. We got the letter soon enough'so the Public liearing notice sent to the people cauld be amended. Chairman Erickson said these items would be continued until April 4, 1973 . 8. PUBLIC HEARING: PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. ��73-03, MICHAEL SERVETUS UNITARIA?r' SOCIETY: A replat of Lot 8, Second Revision Auditor�s Subdivision No. 21, except that part taken by the City, Mr. Glenn Thompsou and Mr. Robert Hughes were present. MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission waive the reading of the Public Hearing Notice on the proposed preliminary plat P.S. ��73-03, by Michael Servetus Unitarian Society. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the mation carried unanimously. Mr. Schmedeke said the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Sub- , committee recommended to the Planning Commission approval of the proposed plat contingent upon the petitioner beina successful in obtaining 12 feet from the City so the Iots meet the minimum frontage requirement of 75 feet; , other��rise it will have to be platted into 96 foot lots. Also recommended far approval were two cul-de-sacs; a 60 foot cul-de-sac on Oakley Drive and a 50 foot cul-de-sac on 67th Avenue. � � Mr. Clark said this is similar to what the Administration wanted except they wanted the street to go through from Oakley Drive to 67th Avenue, but it was the recommendation of the Subcommittee to allow the cul-de-sacs, at the petitioner's request. The petitioner wa�ts to dispose of the North half of its property, to � be platted for single family homes, and wants to obtain 12 feet o� the property it had sold to the City, for a park, back from the City, to meet � the code requirements. ' , I � Mr. Minish asked the width of the property they have now. Mr. Clark said it was 288 feet. Mr. Erickson asked the reason the City Staff recommended the road to through. 1 � r , � , ' � � , � ' II ' �_ J �-1 Planning Commiss�on Meetin� - March 21, 1973 • Page 11 Mr. Clark said there were a couple of reasons, One, was to eliminate two turn arounds for traffic flow, and it would make it easier to plow; and second, we could more econc�mically take ca�e of the drainage by putting in one storm sewer. With cul-de-sacs there will have to be a drainage pipe from one dul-�e-sac to the other, Mr. Schmedeke said the Subcommittee was in favor of the cul-de-sac plan because this property does adjoin a park. The cul-de-sac on Oakley Drive could be used for an entrance to the park. Whenever there is a road by a park, there seems to �e a problem of excess speed, The church will give us the land needed for the cul-de-sacs. Mr. Glenn Thompson said the Board of Trustees felt it would serve the best interests of the area by having the cul-de-sacs. We do want to obtain the 12 feet from the City so the lots can be platted into eight 75 foot lots. If it had to �e p2atted into six 96 foot lots, the lots� would be more difficult to see. 75 foot lots would be more marketable. Ae thought this was a good Iocation for homes. Ae said if the street went through he wondered if the �ity was aware there was about six or seven feet of peat where the street would be located, which would involve a lot of expense in removing and refilling. He said they are willing to contribute enough land to have a 60 foot cul-de-sac on 67th ."�.venue also, if the City so wishes. He said there was a ditch on the park property and as he understood the situation, the City could give 12 feet of this land without Iosing land they could use for the park. Mr. Fitzpatrick said he knew there was a problem of wet land and drainage in this area. Mr. Clark said there was 37 feet between the center of the ditch and the pr�sent property Iine nf the Church. If I2 feet were sold, there would still be 25 feet left. He thought there should be a 10 foot easement on the property the Church abtained for a slope. Mr. Clark said he had talked to Paul Brown, who said he didn't have any authority to se11 park property, but thaught the land could be made available. Mr. Robert Hughes said it was preferable in aIl regards to have a cul-de-sac approach. Ae said he believed the extensian of Oakley Drive wou2dn't serve any use£u1 purpose either for the Church or the park. He said it was usually a high speed area by the parks, and it would be a protection for people using the gark to eliminate this, � Mr. Erickson asked how Iong the cul-de-sacs would be. Mr. Clark said according to the ordinance, the length of a cul-de-sac cannot be 2onger than 900 feet and I don't think either of these cul-de-sacs will be that long. Mr. Ronald Nesbit, 990 Pandora Drive N,E., asked if the Public Hearing ' notice he received was because of the proposed development or because of additional assessments because of the development. , � Chairman Erickson said it was a requirement of the ordinance that property owners be r�otified when property was being platted. This was not � ' � � ' ' ' ' , , ' , , � ' , I � , . � � Planaing Cammission Meeting - March 21, I973 page 12 for assessments. Any assessments necessary to deve2op this property would be paid by the propert� owners in this develogment or there would have to be anather hearing oa the improvements and those affected would be notified. 1`!r. Raymond Gerrety, I�51 b?th Avenue N,E,, said he lived right next to this property and hadn't received a notice. Mr. Clark said his file may have been out of the �rawer at the time the names of the property owners were taken. Mr. Gerrety asked the purpose of the proposed plat. Mr. Clark said it was to g�.at the property into building site for single family hames . Mrs. James Breider, 969 68th Avenue N.E,, asked if the Church was goiag to build the homes on this property. Mr. Glenn Thompson said this question hadn't been r�solved yet. He said it was his contention that the Church was not in the real estate business and he would Iike to see the Iots sold to a respo�.sible developer to build homes. � Mr. Nesbit said h� wou2d go along with what the Church proposed and agreed with the cul-de-sac glan. Mr. Lewis WeIIs, �553 Oakley Drive, said he had no objections.�He liked the cui-de-sac, Mr. Peter Percic, i050 68th Avenee N.E, said he wasn't aware cul- de-sacs could be put in. He thought 4akley Drive would have to continue. Citairman Erickson said from the City'� standpoint, they would like to have it continued, but the petitioner wanted cul-de-sacs and the Subcos�nittee agree� to this . Mr. Clark said that most people find it desirable to live on a street with a cul-de-sac. Mr. Glenn Thompsor.� said there was quite a drop off from Oakley Drive. Mr. Robert Hughes said there were trees where Oakley Drive would c�tinue and they woui� like to keep the trees. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded bv Zeglen, that the Planning Commission close the Public Heari� on the groposed preliminary plat P.S. ��73-03, by Michael Servetus Unitarian Society. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye; the motion carried unanimously, M()TION by Schmedeke that the Planning Commission recommend to Council approval of the propos�� preliminary p2at P,S. ��73-03, by Michael Servetus Unitarian Society, to replat Lot 8, Second Revision Auditor's Subdivision No. 2Z, excegt that part taken by the Cifiy, subject to negotiation for a 12 €oot purchase from the City, a 10 foot slope easecr�nt to be retained on the property purchas ed, and a 60 foot radius cuZ-de-sac on Oakley Drive and a SO foot radius cui-de-sac on b7th Avenue. Mr. Fitzpatrick as ked if any of tite cul-de-sac was coming from park � ' � � �_J 7=L Planning Commission MeetinQ - March 21, 1973 Pa�e 13 property. Mr. Clark said part of the cul-de-sac on Oakley Drive would be. � Mr. Fitzpatrick SECONDED THE MOTION. _ Mr. Minish asked if any money from the sale of this property could be used by the Park Board to purchase more park Iand. Mr. Fitzpatrick said the money goes into a general fund and the Park Board works on a budget. DPON A VOZCE VOTE, a21 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 9. VACATION REQUEST: SAV ��73-04 BY WAYNE SIMONEAU; Vacate 57'� Avenue � Northeast between Lots 10 and 16, Block 4, City View Addition, between 6th and 7th Street N.E, , Mr. Ma.rvin Hartse and Mr. Robert Engstrom, who had joined the petitioner in his request, were present. Mr. Schmedeke said this is a similar situation we had in my area, , the $yde Park Area, on 3rd Street. The �rtention of 3rd Street was opened after being closed for many, many years to give access for emergency vehicles. , i ' , ' The Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee recommended to the Planning Commission the vacation of the North/South a11ey in Block 32, Hyde Park Addition, and recommended vacation of 58th Avenue Northeast between 6th and 7th Street Northeast, and denied vacation request, 4�73-04, by Wayne Simoneau, to vacate 572 Avenue between 6th and 7th Streets Northeast, recom�endi:�g that the City retain the right of way and ask the Council to caasider the possibility of opening this street. Mr. Glark said . Mr. Simoneau withdrew his request at the Subcommittee meeting of March 15, 1973 because of this recommendation. Mr. Fitzpatrick said if this recommendation were followed, the petitioner would then be in the pasition of having a street behind his property, and be assessed for i�, without benefit. 1 Mr. Clark said that whea the City puts in a dauble frontage street, � the costs are levied on the property with a double street and the other 314 is paid by property owners about half way up the block. , ' , ' � Mr. Fitzpatrick said he didn�t think any of the people that would be assessed by the opening of this street would benefit. Mr. Marvin Hartse, 475 57th Place N.E., said the street being opened would be of no benefit to him and that Mrs. Mildred Marler, who owned property in the immediate area, who had been at the Subcommittee meeting, was opposed to the opening of the Street and wanted it vacated also. Mr. Robert Engstrom, 455 57th I'Iace N.E., said he was opposed to the Street being opened. He said there are already three intersections ia a two block area on 7th Street and this wauld make the fourth. The ehildren have a difficult time now walking safety,to school on 61st Avenue � � _ ��� Planning Commission Meeting - March 21, I973 � Page 14 without having to cross another intersection. � � Mr. Schmedeke said the reason the Subcommittee made this recommendation Was to see if the City might want this street open to cut down on the time it would take an emergency vehicle to reach residences in the area. This' , xecouiwendation would leave the decision up to the Council, the homeowners in the area, and any recommendation the Fire Marshall might have. ' ' ' ' � ' ' iJ Mr. Fitzpatrick said he thought there was an irony here. A request was made to vacate a street and it ended up a request for a deGision on opening the street; and the closing of another street and a11ey that the petitioner didn't ask for. He said he understood the recommendation from the Subcommittee and knew they were doing what they thought was right. Mr. Minish asked how the petitioner felt about the vacation of 58th Avenue and the alley. Mr. Clark said the petitioner was in �avor of these vacations. Mr. Schmedeke said no one objected to the vacation of the alley or of 58th Avenue. We are just holding off the decision on 57'� Avenue to let the Council make the decision on whether they want this street opened or closed . Chairman Erickson said what you want is to pass this on to Council so they will have a Public Hearing on the opening of 572 Avenue. Chairman Erickson said a motion could be made on wi�at the Subcommittee recomnnended for vacation. MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commissior recommend to Council vacation of the I�Torth/South alley in Lleck 32, Hyde Park Addition, and recommend approval of the vacation of 58th Avenue Northeast between 6th and 7th Street Northeast, 'torth of Block 32, Hyde Park Addition. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ' MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Cou��►ission recommend to Council delay of the vacation request SAV �i�73-04, by Wayne � Simoneau, to vacate 572 Avenue between Lots 10 and 16, Block 4, City View , Addition, between 6th and 7th Street Northeast. Upon a voice vote, Schmedeke a�d Zegley voting aye, Fitzpatrick, Minish and Erickson voting nay, THE MOTION FAILED. � , ' � ' Mr. Fitzpatrick said he was not prepared to recommend denia2 of the petitioner's request to vacate the street by a"sking Council to open the street. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission reco�nend to Council approval of the vacation request, SAV ��73-04, by Wa}*ne Simoneau, to vacate 572 �veaue between Lots 10 and 16, Block 4, City View Addition, between 6th and 7th Street Northeast. Upon a vaice vote, Fitzpatrick, riinish, Ericksan voting aye, Schmedeke and Zeglen voting nay, THE MOTION CARRIED. _ . . '7-N � . � , � ' , , , , J � � I , , � ' , , �_� ' Planning Commission Meeting - March 21, 1973 Page 15 10. DEDICATION OF :9 MILES OF STATE AID ROA.DS Mr. Darrel Cl.ark said we have .9 miles of State Aid roads to dedicate. In your =ecoum�endation you should come as close to that figure as possible. � Last week the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee recommended gs their.first choice , 5th Street between 61st and 64th Avenues and 63rd and Monroe. The State would not go along with the recou�endation for 5th Street because 7th Street and the University Avenue Service Road are State Aid Streets and they thought this recommendation would make too many State Aid Streets in a concentrated area. Their second recammendation was for 63rd and Monroe and Arthur Street, which would make a total of .72 of State Aid Roads, and the third recommendation was for Main Street combined with either of the other two. The State has also given us a recommendation for a route for Rice Creek Terrace to be extended to Osborne Road, but this route would go through the middle of L ocke Park and would have too much impact on the area. Mr. Clark said when they recommend these r�utes they do it from a map and are not aware of what the street will go through. Mr. Fitzpatrick said he thought they Zooked for parks. Mr, Minish said if there wasn't a park in the area, it would be a natural route. Chairman Erickson asked if there was any stipulation on how long you can leave a State Aid road unim�praved. Mr. Clark said there wasn'�, but it was best to make a recommendation on a road we know is going to have to be improved. He said 63rd and Monroe, and Arthur Street, will have to be improved in the next five years. � Mr. Clark said the streets reco�ended for State Aid had to connect a State Aid Road to a County Aid Road, Mr. Minish asked Mr. Clark if he wanted a motion. Mr. Clark said the recommendation had to go in in April for next years request for State Aid. MOTION by Minish, ar.d seconded, that t:�e Planning Commission recommend to Council that 63rd and Monroe, and Arthur Street, be dedicated for State Aid Roads. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Ericksoa adjourned the meeting at 11:45 P.M. Re�pectfuZly submitted, G��� ,�CG-t<-('�.yr � Dorothy Eve�son, Secretary i ' , � �� O March 2�6, 1973 , T0: THE MAYOR and CITY COUNCILMEN RE: Rezoning request ZOA ��73-04 Gentlemen; The R3 zoning I am asking for is precisely, very limited, so that if the exact buildings I am proposing are not built within two years, the zoning will revert back to its original zoning. � This is to guarantee the peciple in the neighborhood that no other higher density unit could come in at a Iater date. If the majority of the Council feel that they should not go along with this request in the best interest for the City of Fridley and all concerned, I would Zike to ask for a public hearing to change my request to a11 R2 zoning, as above mentioned. Thank you for your consideration. ' Yours very truly, ' - , � �^.., p � _..,. ''�.� %.'�--��`"/i f%�`"�' ^ L..,. � L.-^�`- . ..._.. �� ' � � ' `� �� / `�. -_ __ .._.....__.___ ..._. . Samuel E. Templin V1� I ' ' 0 . ' a a i , BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 22,�=1973 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Zeglen at 8:06 P.I�i. � � L.J ' ' ' , �I' MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Zeglen, Tonco, Simoneau, White, Lindblad .None Jerrold Boardman, Planning Assistant MOTION by Tonco, Seconded by Lindblad, to approve the minutes of March 8, 1973 meeting as written with the following ammendment: page four, paragraph ten, discussion between �Ir. Tonco and hir. Zbi- kowski of Toolkraft, regarding the southerl.y wall of the lunch room. It should read; Mr. Zbikowski did nat understand why the architect had a jog in this wa11 on the plans, and he would r-refer to run the wall straight and still be able to keep the uniform spacing of the exterior windows. Mr. Tonco asked him what his intentions were and� just wanted to suggest that straightening the wall would be a good idea. Mr. Zbikowski agreed with him and decided on making the wall straight. 1. Consideration of a for Innsbruck Nort to be located in t �Reauested bv the rooxlyn tslvd. rec{uest to approve the h Townhouse Phase IV an he Southeas�t Quarter of Darrel Farr Development nneapolis . Nlinnesota 5 reliminar lan V, 118 units) ection 24. orn.. 5901 0 � Mr. James London was present far the Darrel Farr Development ' Corporation. Mr. �eglen said this is the'last phase of the development, and � wanted to know if there were any major changes. Mr. London said Phase IV and V will be very much like the first , three phases. However, this phase will only contain totimhouse buil.dings, using the same plans minus the split-entry. � The members went.over some of the basic problems and plans (such as road widths, thru streets, 3ow Iand areas) that they were aware of for Phases I, II, and III, niainly for background purposes. � Mr. Zeglen asked Mr. Boar.��man if there were any main layout problems he could see. ' Mr. Boardman said no, except that street names and house numbers had not been fully decided on. Also some type of tree buffer planting would be needed, and this was being worked on. The buff.er strip �, would be between Interstate 694 and the homes. This problem was being discussed with the City Planning Department and possibly the Alinnesota State Highway Department. ' ' � Mr. Lindblad was curious if a lot of trees (dead) were taken out of the area between I.694 and the hames. bir. Lor.don said yes. Mr. Lindblad wanted to l�now if there was much of a cus}iion from the highway to cut the noise (esr��cially :f people are out in theix yards during the surnnier ,�onths; . Nir. Zeglen said with the tree fo;.iage and , . ' , � ' �J i ' C' ' . � BUILDING STANDARDS DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 22° 1973 Page two . . and uneven topography, the noise would not be as bad as people thought. � Mr. Boardman suggested a green buffer (evergreens) strip to fill in for the dead trees removed. The evergreens would also give a year around buffer since most of the trees are oaks and would only help reduce noise in foliage season. The idea would be to protect the homes that will be built as close as SO feet from the highway. Mr. Boardman went on to say that Mr. London and he were going to check to see what type of aid could be received from the Minnesota State Highway Department. - Mr. White asked what the average price of the townhouse would be. Mr. Londond replied approximately $31,000. Plans for the townhouses will be A, B, C, D, and E. Mr. London said they had changed the siding to Masonite X-90, but will use the same building standards as in Fhase I, II, and III. Mr. London explained that after checking with local lumber dealers, Masonite X-90 would be the best to use. The former siding in Phase I, II, and III buckled and had to be re- placec�. Mr, London said if the X-90 was put an right there will be no probelm with buckling. Mr. Tonco asked how it was put on right. Mr. London replied leaving a small expansion space between the boards, but he was not sure how this space was sealed. The exterior color of a brown or olive will match the same used in Phase I, II, and III. by an , Mr. Boardman brought up the fact that there is one tot Iot for the area developed, which is located in the center of Phase I and II, with paths leading to the green area and.to the homes west of the tot , lot. However, Mr. London and the City with Mr. Boardman's recommen- dation feel a second tot lot is needed for the last three p'.•;ases. A proposed second location is in the center of phase �V, soutlitaest of the , recreational building. The subcommittee felt this recommendation was very much needed. ' ' Mr. Simoneau was concerned about providing an area for adult and especially teen-age recreation. Th�re is a recreational building (excluding the apartments) with access from all directions with indoor facilities and an outdoor swimming pool. I�ir. London feels this build- ing and facilities should be able to provide the needs for the entire area. , Mr. Boardman and Mr. London also pointed out the fact that the Darrel Farr Development is donating 12 acres of land on th� North side (by Grace High School property). This area will be adjacent to ' city land, which will give a park area of approximately 35 acres. In this park, Darrel Farr Development will help develop outdoor facili- ties, such as tennis courts, basketball areas, etc. This park will pravide a recreational area for the S00 unit apartments being built by ' Darrel Farr Development, the r�est of the dcvelopment and the surround- ing community. , � ° ' ` , ' ' ' ' �J � ' ' , . . . BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 22 �1973 Page t re�_ . Mr. Boardman said the area around�the large pond in the first phases will remain a green area. This area will have one of the neighborhood parks and walking paths. Mr. Boardman, Mr. London and the suhcommittee seemed satisfied that after all details have been worked out and carried through, this development will have plenty of recreational opportunities for the residents. Mr. Tonco asked if there would be any�type af refuse problem. Mr. London said no, it will be handled the same as in Phase I, II, and III. MOTION by L�ndblad, Seconded by White, that the Subcommittee � recommend to the Council approval of the request to approve the pre- liminary plans for Innsbruck North Townhause Phase IV and V(118 units) with the following stipulations: 1. Additional tot lots be provided for Phases III, IV, and V. 2. That planting of buffer trees (greferably evergreens) be planted between I. 694 and the homes, working out the de- tails with Planning Department and possibly the biinnesota State Highway Department. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the.motian carried unanimously. Chairman Zeglen adjourned the meeting at 9:11 P.M. Respectfully submitted, 1 / / 'lGi.G (� {! � ��� � �. . . ' Paula R. Long, Sec�7etary \/ ' , I�� � � 1 , � � ' ' , , T� MINTdTES OF Ti� BQABD OF APPEAI.S I�ETING OF MARCH 27, 1973 ,Th� me�ting wa• called to order by Acting Chairmnn Harju st 7:30 P.lI. M8l�ERS PRESEN� : i�ERS A88ENT: OTAERS PRESENT: Iiarju, Cro�der, Mini�h .krrold Boardman Wahlbnrg - Planning A�ri�tant ilOTION by Crawder to approve the minutea of the l�arch 13, 1973 m�eting ae written. Seconded by Wahlberg. apoA a voice vote, there be1�g no nay�, the motion carried uuanimou�ly. 1. Mr. Board�an explained to tha Board that the fir�t itas, a sign variance for Georgetawn Court lpartm�nta, wa• not �chadulad for tonight� meeting but Mr. Filiater had basn told by the Building In�p�ction Dspartment that .'he eould appear before th� Board and pre�ent t�i• requa�t Mithoat going through th� normsl proctdas� of hsving public hesria� naticea aeat out first. � Mr. Fili�ter Waa pre�ant to �xplain hi• aiga vtsiancei to the Board. He d��cribad the •ign a� a 12 foot by 8 foot �i�a piacsd betwesn dro brick pillar� and it Mould be locatad ju�t north of ti�a satranc�. Tbe •ign vould adverti�e � ths compl�x and vould havs G�osgatawn Coutt �partrata in old engli�b �cript �ith tb� addrs��. � �� '— , � � ' ' ' , , � s � Mr. Crowder •aid that hi• bigga�t qwrtion oa tha •i� •i:s Maa har tha vi�ioa of tha autb�obile• would ba�affacted? Mr. Pili�t�r an�wered that th�y could nat �es aay Qrobl�m Mitfi tb� �ign in blocking viaion. Thare Mould be approx- iaataly 60 feat fsos ths •trsat curb to tht int�sior driva and that at l�ast threa �ar� could ba back�d up and •till not ba vi�ual�ly�biocked. Mr�. Wahibarg aakad Wlut bther •i�ne wers praa�atly on ths buildings or ground� tibich are u�sd a� araa ldentification? Mr. Fili�ter ann+ered that at pre�ant thore are CMO •ign� located on tha building• and a free •tanding tign iu fraut ai thir aign t►� �ranta sppraved. �Mr. CroNdar a�k�d if thsa� •Yga viil coa� c}a+n? 1�lr. Boardssn said that tha d�valopar ia r�quirad to talc� dawn all temposa�cy •i�n� (Mhich are noW locatad �� thara) aftar the projact ia 95x canpleted. � Mr�. W�,hlbsrg �akad ho�r high ths �ign Mould be aff of th� lot grade? Mr. • Fili�t�r aasir�r�d th�t it Mouid be approxtaately 9 fset. � Mr. Har�u a�kad if thi� MAUld compiy Co tha Zoning Ordiaance? Mr. Boardman atatad that ths h�i�t Moi�ld ai�o have to b� varisd becau�a 6 faet i• the a�aximum baight froa lot ;rads in an R-3 Di�trict. . Mr. p�►rju ��k�d th� ra�oa !or tha location of th� •i=n •o clo�e to the prop�rt�r line �und no� l�urlh�� back? l�c. 811i�t�= ann�ered bsc�u�e of th� pro�ci.miC�► to tba snt�can�� and it it Ma� back furChax th• alactric pol• it i� •ittity� a�xt to Nould bioek t.b� vi� irom Ea�t �iv��c Road. C7 0 I ' � The Minutes of the Board oP A a�le Meeti of March 27 1973 Pa e 2 � 1 � � � , � � � � � � i_J r u �� � � . Mra. Wahlbarg a�kad if thare was any other location on th� •ite that he could put the aign? Mr. Filitter �aid that thie wa� the only •pot that aas appropriate for the antranca •ign. Mr�. Wahlbarg aekad if the propertisa surrounding thi� property in queation had ba�n aotified of tbia variance? Mr. Boardman aaid they had not because �Mr. Filiater had only brought the •ign in for reviaw that morning. l�ize. Wahlberg then a�ked why wa� the hearing tonight in view of tha many variance�? Mr. Boardman annrered that Mr. Fili�ter had called in to aee if he could get on the agai�da tonight becau�e he had ordered the sign and the pillar• ttnre alr�ady in bafore ha r�alised that he would have to appeal and he wanted to get it a• fa�t aa poa�ible. �r. Crwder asked for th� liat of appeal• that they Mill be acting on for thi• r�que�t. Mr. Boasdman said ths variancea are:�l. S1gn area from 24 �qusre feet to 46 •qasra feet. 2. Sign •etback from 10 feat to approxiaataly 5 feet. 3. 3ign m�ximum h�ig6t from 6 fsat to approximat�ly 9 faet. I�ls'. CroWdar a�ked if thare ara other apartment complace• that are also uaing aigna larger than tha 24 �quara feet. . Mr• Boardmsn ssid ttutt ha thougbt th�ra war� •o�s �igna that vere larger than ths r�quirad 24 •quare faat but could not •ay fos •ure, and add�d, that they would aot be for a complex thi� big. • Mr. Fili�ter said that ha could go alctsg With 24 �quare feet of �ign area fot a amaller complex but he •aid that becaua� hia complax ia a lot'larger than any othar sad the location ia o�t auch a bu�y •trast, ha �hould ba �tb1e to put up.a larger aign. Ha �aid ha dich►'t f�sl th�t tha �ign ordinanc� that asc Z4 �quare feat fos ali �tPart�ant� xegardl�a• of•aise wa� jutt. Mr: Harju •tated that ha Wanta noticea •�at out to adjacant property a�ner• •o they can app�ar at th� Cw�ncil maetiag i! they h�va aay coaplaint• about thi� •ign. . DOTION by Cro�d�� to rac�aand �pproval af the variance�, a� previoualy list�d, to th� City Council Mith th� fo�lvWing rtipulation�; 1. Th�t Che City aend out public h�aring notic�a to tba adj�caat proPerty vMner�. 2. That aii other t�mporary •igu• ba r�uovad. Ssaoad�d by Flahlb�s=. Upoo a voics vota, ther� bsing no nay�, tha motion c�rriad. � �. Mr�. Wahlb�rg �aid •h� Mant�d to r�gi�t�x a aomplaint Mith khs admini�tration. Sfi� l�1C �1�, p�r�ana co■tiaa b�fora th• 8oard o� Appwi• �hould have to go throagh ti�� norm�►1 �pp�tal p�o���� Mith onip •p�clal Fon�id�ration going to tho�• Mit� ��v�x� hard�hip� oeily. , All of eh� Board m�mbar• agr�ed Mith tha aompl�iat. 9A1 � ' I 1 2. ' ' � � 9� The Minutet o� the soasd of Apveals Menting of Masch 27, 1973 Page 3 MOTION by Cxowder to Waive th� reading of the public hearing notice.� Ssca►d�d by Wahlberg. Upon a voice vote, thers baing no nays, the motion ca�ried. , � Mr. Irving Olund waa pra�ent to present the r�quast. Ae •aid that the property in qua�tion vaa a vacated 60 foot •treet xight of May. He aWned the property , to th� Me�t aad hi• garage Na• sst 5 feet off of the property in qua�tion. Tha • prop�rty to the ea�t had 20 feet from tha proparty line to the garaga. He said , that ha t+ould like to build a,;ou�a aith a d�tac6ed garage and either move into it or a�ll it becauaa he can't afford to pay tass� for both lot�. � 1 Mr. Crarder a�ksd Nho i� Qrimarily affect�d by thia varianc�? Mr. Oluad said th� n�ighbor to th� eaat. Hs aaid that ha tsied to buy �o�e land from him but hs Moulda't •all a�r. Tls� naighbor va� aMara cf tha appaal and had no objection�. Mr. Harju a�kad if anyon� Mantad to bs haard on th�• mattez. Jim Baker, 564 - 53� Ava�e N.E., �aid that ha Mu th. neighbor bshind the lot ' to ths porth. H� �aid ehat hs came only to find out Mhat va� happaning and how it Mould aff�ct hi� prooarty aad that he had no objaction to Mhat pa� . • pr�posad. � � � � � , IrDTION by Crowder ta clo�a ths public h�aring. S�eondwd by Wahlbasg. Upoa a �oica vot�� th�sa bein� no nay�, the motinn carziad unanimou�ly, Mr. iiasju ��id that thi� ia not diotitallas� to Mhat ha� baea brought to the $oard musy t imtt . . Mr. Crc�rdar a�k�� M�1dC are ths varianc�t b�in$ raqu��tsd? Mr. Boardman said thsy M�tr�: !. Raduc� area r�quired fraa 9�Q00 •qu�ts� faet to 8070 aqusra feet. 2. �aduc� fthe lot �ridth from 1S feet to 60 f�at. ' 1�TION by Wahlbarg to s�eoa�psnd �o CounciA approv�tl of tha varianca� •s r�qua�t�d. ' Second�d by Crard�*. Upod � voice vot�, khssa bsin; no nay�, th� awtion carriad, 1 ���1_Y�:.�]l� � I, Th� maating Maa adjaurn�d by Acting Chai,�te► Hsrju •t 8:45 P.M. As�paat •u tt . � � ' +����.�� ��g��X!��'�► � 0 OFFICIN. NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEX PUBLI�C HEARING BEFOxB THE CITY COUNCIL CORRECTED COPY 9C � TO Wi�DM IT MAY CONCERN : ' � NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Board of Appeala of the City of Fridley will meet in the Council Chamber of the C3tp Hall at 7:30 P.M. on Monday � Agril 2, 1973 to coneider the following �atter: A request for s variance of Secti�n 56.05, 2b, Fridley Sign Ordinance, to increase the maxiu�m � size for an area identification sign from 24 equare feet to 96 aquare feet to allow the erection of an area ideatificatioa sign to be located on � part of Goverr�ent Lota 2 and 3, Section 22, Anoka County, Fridle�, Minnesota, the eame being the Georgetown Court Apartment Complex, 5750 �ast � River Road N�y., Fridlep, Minnesota. (Request by Mr. Manrice Filister, 57SQ Eaet River Road N.E., Fridley, Minnesota.) � . � Anyone who deeixes to be heard with refereace to the above matter may be heard ar thia meeting. ' . • FRANK G, LIEBL � MAYOA ' � � � � I � • - � � � ., . � � . � �"�� �.,. � �� t � . ��t: , ;� V;�� � � .� � • �� ,'�r .;r. �i- �� .,� �r' �, _ ,, , .'�..,��+ � �.�, l� �G� ,� ��� `'� �,��0 � �a � • 1 � �.�,, -:� ,� o �� 9 D �OO�,�:�'�''°� i4'�l .� � MAURICE FILISTER ``�� �� � `�-� ^ � GEORGETOWN COURT APAR'I'I�NTS ."*r,,. � •.� �. `�;�::� � .' \%` , �' ' �'`'� r - - - ' � �'�ij,. � ' �� • .. \ rt O s,. ; � 1 `,�I`i. •X�OX �g<�C tif��,', � \ � ! . , .. ^ /F � � �.. . . + / �I � � . . � , � . • ,` y. �' � -�"\. � l'. ��^ ���•' • ± '` _ ir� `fJ `�`��. `+ `:+�,. �y'` !� �^\ �r� �^ i� � ,.- -� , !�_ .<` ��• <.o :. � X -.� . �. , ;. � ' ` � •� ` _ ''1' f' . t, ;� Y J.' 2� y - =` ,� :^- s S� • • ! L � ':' � ✓� � - i. :.5+ . �. � . � � �e►, ;�� 't . r 1�` t � ' , �'I- ' `• " , + � f � l t" 9 . i � �, �. �� _ �� '' �` ,' , , �.� � �'� ' � j► �! � � ,u �^Q,9G r '`�i � �1' v� ,7'd p % � �� i �� � � 1i'' � ; ' � A� „ ,� � li �� .�; t � �, � � � � .�. ` - `. � \ \ , � �✓ � ' { \ r � ` �'• �. 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W � �. � � � � � . � __ __ _ _-•----- ___ _ ._ _ . _ _ � �'_F' ' f,- � / i � _ � ' � �, � _----=-- --- --- -� 9 E .-___ I . , Irving Olund 571 53rd Avenue N.E. _ Lot 1, Block 3, Oak Hill I, Addition � � �- _ _ �___.,___� . �� ,,� � � --__ - - ---------------. , __ ___-_- js1, _. � � � `t ,�;:. ., r � r` :� i __ ---- � � � I � � � 4 � 4_.. . . . .. _'___. .__ ... __. __ �_y � � � . I � � 0 `v; �` ! \ \+ • � ; ,�.�. �: .� `'r� , ��� � - � - 10 �� CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMORANDUM T0: GERALD R. DAVIS, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: REQUEST OF THE LITTLE LEAGUE DATE: MARCH 30, 1973 �, The requesi of ihe Little League for consideration on their water bill was discussed at a meeting held on March 27, 1973. In I attendance at the meeting were Roy McPherson and Mr. Kerner. � Attending f rom the City were the City Manager, myself and Ralph Volkman. The matter of whether or not the Little League should have free water.use in the future was discussed. Section 11.04 of the City Charter was discussed as well as the poiicy relating to the Hockey Association. It was the consensus of those present, including representatives from the Littie League, that it would be worth more to them to have control over the field at all times then to get free water use. It also developed that their prime concern was the past due bill of $600.00. This large bill came about because the meter was not read for a two year period. We have now made arrangments to have the meter read via a reading card, rather than by the City fo rces as in thg past. In summary, it is the recommendation of the staff that the Little League continue to pay for future water use. The question of whether the City Council wishes to assume some liability for the past due bill because of the City not obtaining a meter reading could be another question. I � � � 2 ��� I � ll >> Barton-Aschman Associates, lnc. 1821 Universih� Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104, Telephone 612-645-3911 ' MEAiORANDUM T0: FROM: DATE: Northtown Cflrridor Management Team, Tech�ical Task Force Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. M-arch 19, 1973 SUBJECT: Summary of Public Forum �3 Spring Lake Park Junior High February 27, 1973 Figures on the exact number of people in attendance at Forum #3 are not exact due to the difficulty of accanmo�ating the unexpectedly larg� croc�d. Registra- tion sheets list 533 in attendance while custodians on duty estimate an attendanee of 7�0 or� the basis of the number of chairs set up and used (650) and an estima- tion of 1�0 people standing. Notes from the small group discussion sessions were revie�ved and yielded bo�h a series of specific issues concerning individual al�gnr�ents as �aell as general comments on problems and concerns cor�mon to aII align- ment alternatives. The fu13 range of con�!enzs is dis- cussed belocv for each alignrnent. Alignment lA Major concerns alon� Align!�ent lA centered around the impact of traversing existing and proposed Hennepin C(�Ui'li.y �ari� Zc'�.ilu� 2.iG51� i.iir iiV�i' ui1t� t�'i� vii�Ct O;i �SdO residential neighborhoods, one located inmediately above the Coon Rapids dam inclu�ing �rcuse and Ibis Streets and 99th Aver:ue North, anu the other.lying betcveen U.S. 10 and University avenue in the vicinity of Tsrritorial Foad. Suggestiot�s rnade to alleviate pro- blems in these areas il,c2nded using the dam to carry the proposed facility and swizging south along 99th Avenue NE to T.H. 65. Concern was also rocused on �essible detrimental ef£ects on bo�h University Eler�enta�y Schao2 located on 99th Avenue NE and liniversity Avenue and Tiadison Elementary c� � � .� � ' � � � � � � l � LJ � � � � PAGE 2 School located immediately south of Territorial Rpad at i�iadison Street. Proposed Alignment lA very nearly bisects the University Elementary School attendance area. To avoid such problems some recommendations sug- gested utilizing presently undeveloped areas immediately south o£ the proposed alignment regardless of the char- acter of such areas. In addition, some attantion was focused on the need to maintain/provide adequate local access and circulation in partzcular areas. Egret Street serves as a major east-4rest connection in Coon Rapids and should be main- tained or replaced to continue to serve this function. There was similar concern over the grovision of 2oca1 a�r_ess and circulati�n i.n th� iJ,S, t±:1-Foley Rna.d �rea with several groups citing the need to maintain an interchange at U.S. l0 ana Foley Road. Citizens from the western side of the river shared similar concerns for the Osseo area. Finally, citizens from the Osseo area cited the need for early right-o£-way acquisition in order that com- patible deve2opment could be continusd, thus allowing prompt recovery oi the costs of recent se��Ter extensions in the area. Alignment IB Utilizing the same route as Alignment lA up to the University Avenue in Coon Rapids, Alignment 1B encoun- tered many of the same probler�s that �,�ere mentioned above. In swinging do�vn from University Avenue to utilize new U.S. 10, �concern was expressed again for anywhere froM 30 to 115 homes in the residential area immediately east of U.S. 1Q and along Territorial Road. By cor�ing .more abruptiy south from U.S. 10 to tihe 99th Avenue NE area, some Forum participants felt rruch of thi� confli ct could be Z'BCiUC2tl. University Elementary School was again a concern as was the development in the vicinity of the Blaine City Hall and water tower on T.H. 65 and 91st Avenue NE. Several comments were recorded to the effect that the use of the ne�a U.S. 10 alignment seemed approp riate from many respects but a coincident fear taas cited that this might bring continued traffic overloads into the area particularly on summer weekends. 11 A .> PAGE 3 Alignment 1C Fewer specific concerns were exgressed in reviewing Alignment 1C than the previous routes but those that were identified were concentrated in the immediate area o£ the river banks both east and west. On the western side, possible disruption in the Willowstone area, particularly Riverview bfethodist Church and Willowstone Park was cited as well as conflicts with the development of a proposed park between existing U.S. lb9 and the river. On the eastern side of the river all discussion groups expressed concern over the proximity of the �roposed alignment to Adams Elementary School on East River Road. In addition, comments ideritified tne iact that there is a proposed wooded preservation area lying between the river and East River Road in the vicinity and that moving the alignment to the north is prohibited by the presence of Coon;Creek and to the south by resi- dential development in the area of Aiississippi Boulevard. Concern was again exp ressed over the provision of main- tenance of local access and circulation, particularly in the area of Foley Road and East River Road. Alignment ID Very few specific comments were recorded about Alignment 1D. Afention was made, however, af Adams E7.ementary School, the parks in the area, both existing and pro- posed, and Coon Creek, as well as the logic of utilizing new U.S, 10. Comments made above r.egarding Alignment 1C may also apply to Alignment 1D. Ali�nment lE In analyzing Alignment lE a majority of Forum discussion groups identified that there might be serious problems with congestion on University AvenUe as cvell as a gen- eral lack of adequate service if the facility were to be terminatad at University Avenue as shown. In addition, residential areas both immediately east and west of the river wouid be severely disrupted, in- cluding an area in the vicinity of 9?nd Avenue North and Irving Avenue North in Brook2yn Park and the area � uB �_- llC � PAGE 4 immediately south of biississippi Boulevard in Coon Rapids y� and Fridley. A suggestion was made that perhaps a crossing in the area could be relocated a bit farther north to alleviate potential disruption but coincident comment was made on potential impacts on land development and circulation in the area of the Northtown Center. It was also noted, that there is a potential nature park/ golf course site including a streaM in the vicinity of Alignm�nt lE between the railroad tracks and University Avenue to the east, south of Co. Rd. 132. Alignm�nt 2A Discussions of Alignment 2A centered around recognition or tne Iarge potential disrupLion oi existing developmen� along Osborne Road. Specifically mentioned were the commercial establishments at the intersection of University Avenue and Osborne Road, �9oodcrest Elementary School at Van Buren Street NE and Osborne Road and Unity Hospital. In addition, substantial disruption of resi- dential developments would occur on either side of the river, particularly in the Craigbrook Area along East River Road. The second observatior. made by most groups regarding Alignment 2A was that it lay too close to I-94/694 to be effective and that it probably would not be high enough capacity nor have the necessary capability to be expanded or enlarged to handle projected needs. Alignment 2B As indicated by the group discussion records, no group speci�ically addressed itself to Alignment 2B. However, the obser�-ations and concerns e:�pressed regarding Align- ment ZA are applicable to Alignment 2B as well. General Comments A wide variety of comments were recorded that cannot be directed at any single alignment. The more particular concerns cited above f�ll into t�vo major categories. First, residents understanlably registered concern for the i�apact of a Northtown route on the parks, schools, and hames in their respective neighborhoods. Secondly, at a someti,�hat larger scale, residents were also con- cerned with the irr.pact upon local access and eirculation systems, partuclarly in areas already experiencing simi- lar p roblems. PAGE S For the mast paxt, tfie recognition by Foxum participants that the actual construction of a Northtown facility was relatively "far af£", perhaps diluted concerns for indi- vidual pieces of propexty. .However, several groups � xecognized �he importance o£ advanced planning and early acquisition as a means by which potential problems and conflic�s could be alleviated. In viow af th� lax�e att�nd�nc�, many particip ants woro pr�sent for the first t#me, �nd in s�vax�l d�seussion .�' gxcups tha issue oF tha need fcr a rivex arassing and transportation facil�ty waa raised. Tn conjunction with this outlook, cancern was expressed for the fact that tho Northtown Study was not widely known because it �ad seemingly not been an issue that had generated a great deal of discussian uii the part of iocal govcrn- ments, In addition to the comments made above, several addi- tienal observations were recorded: � 1. What will be the effect of the Northtown Corridor Study on present proper.ty,values vs. property values nearer a construction date? 2. Priority nead seems to b� for a new cxossing only, but with the ability to he tied into a larger facility/system at a lat�er date. 3. Compensation for the nufsance impact of a facility should be included as well as for the actual necessary acquisitien. ,;. llD JOHN MILTON SfNA10R IflTH DlS7RtCT 4101 EAST COUNiY �tNE WHITE BEAR IAKE, MINNESO'A SS110 �No ROOM 303 STkT: CA?ITOL Si. PAUI, MltrhESOTA 33)33 ��� ►\ , y �, "1� .:�i�`.,�y ^"-----_ �;�;d� . . _ •..•z..:v'�'`..,. •iF=f�i1 .��:...�s e � -i:' _��:.��:! ���s� f`�=;� .�flifl� l�l .�.ltililil�$1��11, SENATE : 1 • � �OMM1TiEE5 HEALTH, WEtfARE AND CORREGTIONS CHAIRAtAN, NEAITH SUE:O�tM17TcE GOVERNMENTAI OPE RAT I ONS METROPOUTAN AND URBAN AFFAIRS March 19, 1973 The Mayor and Council, Fridley � ' 6431 Univexsity Avenue, N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 . Dear Sirs- There is before the Anoka County Legislative Llelegation a resolution from the County of Anoka to introduce and support the enactm�nt of legislation designating a trunk highway route, also known as the North- town Corridor. It will be helpful to Senator Milton in considering this matter if you would answer the questions below and feed this information back to him as soon as possible. 1. Were your city officiaZs consulted on the Ivorthtown Corridor concept . when the studies began in 1970? � 2. Have y.our city officials beeen kept advised of the progress of the study? 3. Have your city officials had any input into the study? 4. Have you, as mayor and council, taken an official stand or position on the Northtown Corridor Highway plans? . 5. For the city of Fridley would f.he proposed Northtown Corridor have a beneficial effect? 6. Why and how? � 7. For the city of Fridley would the proposed Northtown Corridor have an adverse effect? , � , � 8. Why and haw? 9. What is the closest estimate you have concerning the number of homes that would have to go? 10. If the Northtown Corridor facility should be constructed, what economic impact would it have on the city of Fridley? � Answers to the above, and/or any other impressions or co�nents you wi.�h to make will be greatZy appreciated. .' s :->,. ,Very truly yours, ��t�/..�.,.tr��-�.�(,�.��-�-�.� f Mary Sullivan for , Senator John Milton , � ' � ' � � � , � , l�c�t o �.�`NidCe � � 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE Tkie Konorafile .Toiin 1�Iilton Senator 49th District Room 305, State Capitol St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 Atiention: Mary Sullivan Dear Sir: ANOKA COUNTY �Iaxch 29 t 1973 12A 560-3450 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 Tn your letter of Marcfi.l9, 1973, you asked several questions that T will attempt to give answers to. W�iat affect the corridor would have on Fridley, of course, could not specifically be deter- mined until that time in whicfi a definite alignment is chosen, 1. Tfie City of Fridlej� is one of several communities which � has been actively participating in the North Corridor Study, The City Council approved this participation and the joint hiring of a consultant firm to do tl�e study. , � � � LJ � � � 2. The City Council is continually advised of tfie progress of the study through their review of the management team and task force minutes, as well as their participation in public forums, 3, The administration has had input into the study through the CityFs representative on the management team. 4, No official stand has been taken, nar wzll be taken until the study is completed, 5, The proposed corridor will have certain beneficial ef£ects on the City. 6. The corridor �rould relieve some of the heavy traffic flow that is presently on East River Road and on t�ie Interstate 694 brid.ge over the Mississippi River, It would taper off the rapid increase of traffic on many of the other major transportation routes within Fridley. This reli�e� "�rould F��e even moxe effectitiTe with the completi�on of 35W and T:94 to 1�Iinneapolis and would divert major north-south traffic to these rnajor interstate links. � ' � , ' 1 i � � �� : The Honorable John MiZton March 29, 1973 Page two . 7. No, but there could possibly deYelop some adverse local conditions depending upon the actual location chosen, 8, The development of tfie corxidor w�`11 open tTie area to east=west flow traffic and thus titill generate more traffi:c to the Northtown Shopping Center and the £ringe area around it� Tfiis could possibly cause conditions that cczuld necessitate highway xe- alignments and intersection improvements wfiich could Fiave some adverse impact on the environment of tFie City, 9, WY�ether ox not there will be homes affected would also be determined by the actual location, but the most favored align- ments in the last public Torum would take no fiomes in the City, 10. The development of an access of this type would definitely iae an economic boon to the area, I:t would greatly increase the importance of the Northtown Shopping Center and put strong emphasis on tfie development of the center's fringe area in which Fridley is included. Further study would have to be done as to the actual e��nomic effect o n Fridley as a whole, T hope that � Please feel free that you have, � � � GRD/p1 � , r �, �� I have answered the questions that you raised. to contact me if there are any other questions Very truly yours, Gerald R. Davis Ci:ty Manager � MEMO T0: Nasim M. Qureshi MII�lO FROM: Darrel Clark MENIO DATE: March 28, 1973 RE: Building. Pexmits We have 176 building permits for which the construction has not been started as yet. These are permits that were issued during the month of December, 1972 and therefore no Sewer Availability Charges were collected. I would like Council autharization to extend the expiration date for these permits to July 1, 1973, after which date, any permits sti11 inactive should be exg,kr� ( � : / �,� ` �t. L� DARREL G. CLARK Community Development Adm. DGC /mh CC: City Manager .� 1 � � , �, BDILDING PERMITS TO BE ISSUED � � �. ; 13A , i n Dec. 11 Bldg. Permit �T1,832 " . Gordon S�aenson - I010 Osborne Road - Commercial Garaga Dec. 26 Bldg.'permits ��11,855 - 1I,907 (52) -Darrel Farr Townh�use-quads - East Bavarian � Bldg, permits ��11, 909 - 11, 910 �,... Darrel Farr Rec. BIdQ. & 251 IInit Apt Dec• 27 Bldg. Permit ��17.,9D8 Brvant Franklin - 7901 Beech Street - Ofc & Warehouse ,u„�,�- L Bldg. Permit ��11,91I '�'�a.�,t.� �.�,�,� ,. State I,and & Development - 5451 - 5th Street - 32 Unit Apt Bldg. Permits (various) 2� . Richard Miller Ho�es • Bldg. Permits ��11,92I, 23, 2S Burlington horthern - 4055 East P,i�er Road � Diesel Sezv. Bldg., Diesel Service IItility Building, Oil Separator BuiZcting ' Dec. 29 �� � , �� � � � Bldg. Permit ��11,924 Cooper Con struction - S1 - 77th k'av - Addn to buildinQ � ��-�� Bldg. Peimits �I1,J56 -12,Q2i Wall Corporation - Tocanhouses Apartments Ap� Garages B1dg. Permit �12,022 James I,ur�d C�nstruction - Dwelling on 75th Avenue �' 1 � 45.16. BUILDING PERMITS 45.161. All Districts , A buildin� permit shall be acquired before the erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, enlargement or moving of any bu ' ilding ex_ c_ ent that such permit shall not be required if the full value of said work is Iess than $150.00. �� , , , � � � � 1. Each application for a building per�it shall be accompanied by a Certificate of Survey, drawing, or plat, in duplicate, drawn Co scale and showing the Iot, the praposed building and dimensians of the lot and building; the location and proposed use of the buiZdings; the location, dimensions, present and proposed use of any existing building on the same lot; the set- back and dimensions of fro:►t, side and rear lots and such other information as the zaning admfnistrator�shall require for the enforce- ment of this ordinance. If interior finishing of a home or building is to be done, the material accompanying the appiication, as noted above, for a permit will not be required. 2. Once construction of the faundation has b_een completed, a certificate of surve�showin� the location of the ioundation shall be re- quired, before th_e framinQ of the structure s be un. T`-" � 3. Construction shall coIImience within ninetY (90) days from the date of the issuance ef [he building permit unless written applicationlis made for the extension of said time, in whfch event the extension of time shall be at Lhe discretioa oi the zoning adminzstrator. If not coam►enced within said ninety (90) day period of extension as granted by the admin- istrator, such permit shall be void, 4. No building permit shall be issued for the construction, reconstruction, alteration, enlargement or moving of agy building unless said proposed work is in confozZaity with the Fridley building code. , 1 US � � ' 13B � $UILDING PERMITS Al1 Districts � 0 i 14 /� �A��,� i»� ( aate) T4: District Supervis�rs, �ivc/l/-#- County Soil and Water Conservation 7�ietrict Gentlearea: I� representing � request yeur assistance te help evaluate and%or solve the aoil and water problems that ara cenfronting us. I understan3 this assicta.nce ia dependent upon the services available to the District. Signed ,� ...._ Title X Address x Date request appreved: Couaty Soil and Water Con3ervation District By: (Supervisor . ,_ �,._ , ' � , . • . � !I`iJa�a.�G.9L.:ryo �"S F{.:•� 3. �S'^�JO ��S':J t ?�:. S.t; �� j-��v 'r� �" --� � At3'�,; i'JS,;S;:.g' ..a.:�::o .i�. � � � i';:.=1�_"�=xi):s.�'r •-'� . �..'_r�.' �.�y :�_. �d:.�at::-=* c-,., a :a::e.e. �7 i:�,, °:.i i': , ;?-�...1. �:. 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'':i...,.���_..t,e.�:''.� a.,� ..5c'<�'.. _,..'_l�s.._-.... ..?.�._..v �r�....._�Y? .....:..�� ........,� � �, � _ .�:n.�: . _ .`.�.f , v..�.._....i.�F..�:,� �_�:s ��i�S ,�+v�_ ...� ?_'1� �" _ _w _ a_� �:i .,,,�� 7.: � .._., ,.e � �.,_.._ .�_ .�a� ._��r' �.__ �.?�..� :-t'S; .�. .. �: �_ +. . ,. : �. o � I , ` • - �. _...e_ ., „_� i.' ..._ _ . .... . ._. _. a ?+� �a �:�r�1.�� .:,A-m.��_...��.i 6. Tdp .a�...�v....�...m....,�.�...o....��....,.�..,«s, I� ��. . � � .I cn�n�e a�a�� ��. s s�. s�., sz. s��. � �a��. i�. rroj. #io2, �gfai�y �� � - � ' 15A , , � �.- Ai�rch 28, 1973 A����ea�d �ais ___�____ ��� c�f , Z`�7�a �;� t�7��1€�:1 Asso��?<a�es, �tc. ,*:'v��i:�'��� �=5���:�3R'FL 9 �I�. �5' �_,._ ��.� :e A��SU�S���il �°.,D,'� .f°.fy'�;`n,R"4. s!_-'.� g«�3� ' �;e:'i i>3Y: �..��e � !d� �7� '�.sJ�4.`i ii�� :�����i3 9 i�b�.r .".�..�v- ti�o�..,,�.�.�.. . ...,. m..,.,..��.-.�. 4 ""9 ��.iil a3�y r °� � .�.,���': � �'��9 �SY �d'..S..:i�.'.iL. � a. ��SiJ��d�a�•.� i3 L� , t�.b z^"...+�.� �Y O °�'�.B�u./ <.�n.m��v. s 1�� 4� 4 Ey� �, �:w�;:�� �.e �� �r.�� p�°=..:_..n� °� �� , ITEM #16 RECEIVIN� A REPORT O1�I SENATE FILE 1283 CABLE TEL�VISIOIV: (Comment: 'Included with your agenda is a copy af Senate Fi2e I283, plus additional information concerninq this bill, the staff has not had sufficient time to analyze the bill and will give you a report and recommendation on April 9) 16 �--^ '�, ' � �v �� Senate File #1283, relation to State regulation of municipal franchise ordinances for cable television systems, usurps for the State virtually a1.1 municipal powers with regard to cabl.e franchising. Municipal governmeniS currently are empowered to select cable television franchisees under a system of Iocal discretion, guided by a framework of regulations prescribed by the Federal Com- munications Commission. These rules set minimum guidelines for franchising procedure, technical standards, construction scheduled, and availability of public channels. The tone of the Federal rules is one of establishing guidelines within which the municipal governments may exercize their own judgments and chartered powers. Contrarily, the intent of S.F. #1283 seems to be to greatly constrict the powers of the munic- ipality to a point where the State Cable Com��nission acts as judge �nd jury on all aspects of the local government's decision-making process. The bill would give the State a total negative power in allowing a veto over any and all decisions by the local government and, equally disturbing, a positive power in limiting the revenue municipalities are allowed to retain from the cable system and forcing municipalities to act in concert with oth er communities at a time� or in a manner, they may not desire. For these general reasons, we strongly oppose S.F. #12$3 and suggest that passage of this legislatien would effectively I - 2 - /L �� eliminate municipal governments from anything but the role of a "waterboy", carrying out mechanical procedures clearly prescribed by the State, then submitting all decisions to the State for accegtance, rejection, or modification. Such a role is inconsistent � with the tradition of strong home rule charter in Minnesota and, �' accordingly, we find it unacceptable at this time. ' Should the State sincerely believe that cable television is a matter beyond the competence of locaZ government, we recommend ' that it assume all of the powers of franchising with regard to this industry, but that it do so openly rather than behind the facade of overview which is incorporated in S.F. 1283. Should that not be the case, we strongly object to the municipalities of Minnesota being asked to f�r�ance an entity of State government, which is clearly the r�sult of the legislation propased. Specificaliy, we take issue with th� following sections of S.F. 1283: Section 5. Most of the provisions of this section have fallen within the discretion of municipal government under a broad framework set forth by the Federal government. We believe more than adequate attention has been paid to such things as iranchise procedure, public notice, length of franchise, channel capacity and construction schedules. We especially object to the State dictating "standards and priorities which municipalities shall apply in the selection �__ . - 3 - /� . � ' �b ' ' ' ' C ' ��, t ' � � process" as it applies to choosing a company. We sincerely believe local government is best equipped to set those priorities. We must also obje ct to the tone of the provision in Section 5 which establishes a procedure for communities to join together in cable franchising. While we agree with the need in some cases for such joint ventures, we believe the initiative for such cooperation must come frou� the local level rather than be imposed from above. We have no qnarrel with the idea of minimum guidelines being set for the size of �..franchise area, but would only ask that communities be allowed to work together tn determine their own timetables and partners in pursuit of joint ventures. Were the provisions of this section merely advisory, they would be largely dupli�ation of Federal Standards. However, since the bill envisions State review, approval, modification or rejection on all aspects of local franchising, we must consider these powers to be unnecessary intrusions into municipal prerogatives. Section 8. As has been indicated, we see no justification in municipal government being asked to finance an agency of State government. This section provides that the State agency will collect one percent of the gross revenues of cable companies out of the total revenues the municipalities are allowed to assess for their regulatory programs. Under FCC rules, municipalities may assess 3/ of gross subscriber revenues automatically, or up to 5/ with a special showing and agreement from the company. Clearly, this legislation would reduce the municipalities' assessments by one . � �x . � ' ' ' - 4 - . �v �� percentage point; those communities which are receiving three percent would now receive two percent, and those communities receiving five percent would be reduced to four percent. In any event, the cable companies would continue to pay the same amount. So in no manner can it be claimed the State agency would be financed directly ' by the companies. It would only be indirectly financed from the ' � � ��� companies and directly from the municipalities. We oppose this section. Section 11_ ThisAsection provides that the State may set a date of its choosing for review and require any information of its choosing before allowing continuance of existing cable tele- vision systems. While not expressly stating such, the possibility ' is held out that even operating systems will be subject to State approval before being allowed to continue. We do not believe this ' to be necessary or desirable. � � t � � � Section 12. This section, among other things, provides a State veto power over even tY� most inconsequential amendment to a local franchise ordinance. We know of no other instance where a municipality is forbidden to amend a local ordinance without State approval. Section 15. Again, State approval is required before any change in local rates can be effected. Section 17. This section allows the State to unilaterally terminate a local franchise with no provision for the municipality t o make its own determination as to the need for such action. _ -- � - _ . /`- D Section 23. This section provides that any applicant, grantee, company or person who is aggrieved by th e actions of a municipality can go directly to the State agency and seek to have the local decision overturned. Upon hearing, th e State agency is indeed empowered to overturn or modify that local decision. We object to this unilateral power. Further, this same section allows 10 percent of the subscribers of a cable system in any municipality to petition for the overturning of a local govern ment decision. Clearly, the right of petition is a matter left to the charters of individual communities and does not always exist. And, where it does exist, it is set forth as being applicable in only very specific situations. We can only object in the stronges� terms to legislation which would allow the State to completely abrogate local charter provisions for right of petition. � •'�±' s ' � � � CITY OF fRIDLEY MEMORANDUM .. _ � 0 T0: GERALD R. DAVIS, CITY MAPtAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGERJFINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: INTEREST ON UTILITY DEPOSITS, N�USE FILE 1192 DATE: MARCN 26, 1973 - Attached, please find a summary of H.F. 1192, As I read the proposed bill, the City of Fridley �rould be covered by it. This would require the City to pay six percent interest on all meter deposits held. At the present time, the City uses the meter deposits as an insurance against co]]ecting the final payment or the de7inqu2r�t amount on an account. If an owner leaves'without notification, etc., the City can use this meter deposit to apply on the bill. At the same time, the City owns the water meter and furnishes it free of charge to the property owner. The City's cost for a water meter is slightly more than the amount of the meter deposit. In some cities the �operty oa�ner is required to purchase the meter rather than the City purchasi�g it. If ihe property owner were required to purchase the meter on an individual basis, tF�ey wouid pay considerably more for the meter than �he City is purchasing ii for on a volume basis, and it would cos� considerably more than his meter deposit. In summary, the City of Fridley furnishes meters free of charge but does require a meter deposit. If ihe City is going to continue to collect meter deposi ts and i f House �'i 1 e 1 i 92 passes , the Ci ty �voul d be requi red to pay interest on the deposits, An aiternaiive would be to return a11 meter deposits and require pra�z rty owners to purchase the meters. The administrative expense of compu�ing, recording a►�d paying interest on each individuaT meter depos�t would be considerab]e. I recommend the Cit;� take a position in opposition to H.F. 1192, 0 � � 9 � � • . � � � � � r � l � �� � � � . � 1 to De a�dt vtthia six eanths of the application to the appropr;ete couzty auditor and if the lsad quaZifirs, aotice to that effect wuld IIn�e to De rade v�tAin ten days. It lar�d qualffics. t!�e sssessor could cot�eider only curre :t use and not potential ttee, and usin� L�e s�.c cla�sifications and ratios tahich he applies ia cccguting the sssessed ve2ue of othe: property o: si�i2ar nse ead class3ficatioa p�,u�suuat to lsv. Onae ctunlifyicg, tt:e land vould have to be ttsed for the qua,lifylr.g use for at least ten years f7rom tRt date of classiflcation. Durfng aqy year aftcr sn�ea yea: s, t::e o�.�er could applr fer a rr't!:c;avc�i fro� ciassificetion and three years s=�er suc'� e�plication the land vould be vit��ravn a:.d the dif:erence betveen the taxes L: at vere peid ar:d Laxes vhieh xould teve beea i�posed had the lazd not �een so clessi�iri wuld be col:ected for the precer:ir.,� seven ye� s. Zf the land is applie3 to so�e oLher use vithout cca- plying vith t�e a:�i:cat:on ;or vithdrarral require�ent, tce c:�:er �ro u3d have to notify the coun.ty assessar o: the cher.ge vrithin 60 days and pay az ed3itioasl teac based on tbe dffPere�re be:i�en Laxes paid under the quslifying classif:cetion and Laxes payable bad the land nat �een so c2assified for 20 years on tizbe: 2end ar.d 14 years Por oLher land p2ns e ten per cent penalty on tY.at amount, plus inte:est on tF.ose a�ounts. :The additiona,2 t�es, ge :elty en3 interest Rould aot be applieable waere the chw.�e in use results from sale ta a public body, the use of emin- eat do�ain, or gi:L Lo e tax_exeapt organi- zation or entity or es a result of the sale oP the land r•iit�ia tvo years af:er the death of the avner aS at least 50 per cent o: the land or the ga�ez�ir.g body arproves the chenge o.* use ds being in the public interesL. The acL vould eYpZy to taxes levied and assessed in 1g75 ezd subsequent years. REAL ESTA'�:.' ;nX F=.��._ FQR S��ZCR CZ'TT_Z��S. � H.F. 23�9 �u=� ==ee�e :!:e �evel of property taxes on ha=estea:s a: individucls ere 65 at the le-rei o: :axes in t!;e year in vhich the ov::P= reac :e3 e�e 6$ ( �axes could , be reduced ho-eve: ). _: e act v�uld arply to taues Ievied end essessed in 1973 and sub- aequeat yea:s. � PAYh�Ci' QF iA�5; 1'r.'„':�:C_TD�I, A�kJISIiZ'J:i OF OPE.*I SP�Ci. S.F. ��� � vo;ild p: ovide that vhen a nunici;.�:-f a:�:::=es tax delinquent properip Sc: cpe� sYgce Y:i:poses, it veuld � • aot be reqcire3 to Fay _Y.e delir.quent taxes uad peaslties due. � i � t� APPORTI02,'1�iT OF CASOLINE TAXE.S FOR SNOW- MOBILES. H.F. 1297 would determine that spprax3aaLe2y one-fourth of one per ceat oY all gasoline used in the state (except for aviation purposes) is being used by snax�obiles and thst therefore one-fourth of one per cent of the gas tar, is produced by gasoline consu�ed in sno�,Wobiles. This pezcentase vould then be allocated to a snovaobile trsil account, e.nd appropriated annuelly to the Depcirtaent of ;�atura.l Besources for establifiing and mair�ain- snor�aobile trails throughout the state. DELAYED TAXATIOti OF I'�ROY:��tTS TO F?O:�STrADS. H.F. 13�+6 is another bill vhich vould provide for delayed assess�ent of the Sull value of improveWents to home- stead property. By the terns of this bill the firsL $2,000 of is:prove:.ents to sir.gl.e or multiple drrellines at least 20 years old �rould be gradually included in assessed value over five years as folloxs: 40 per eent vould be added every txo years and the remaining 20 per cent after the fifth year. The act F*ould be effective for taxes levied and assessed in the year 1973 and sabsequent years. DISTRIB(PPIO:� OF PROP�RTY TAX f'IS2iDS WI'itiTiT 15 DA7S. S.F. 1305 �rould require treasurers to pay over funds to ta.xing units critzin 15 days (nou 90) efter settle�ent, and i� not paid xithin such tine, interest at six per cent (nox 3 1/2) vould have to be paid. Utflities INTF�tEST Oii UTILITY D`PQSTIS. H.F. 1192 xovZd require rzny uti2ity (rrivate, cooper- ative, or �unicip�.l. ) to : etu: n a:.y ceposit afLer one year of continnous service �:ere all bills ?:ave beea p�:d ,a__areatly xhether ti::ely paid or not ) a:.d wi:h interest at six per cent per year. If service is discontinued uithin the first year an3 a11 bills paid, the re�urn of interest voul� be based on six per cent a�plie3 a3eir.st the portion af the yesr. At the ti^s a deresit is made, a receipt would have to be viven specif�rin� a^.y con3itio.^.s upon rrhich t'.:e deposit �rould be diWinished. Ti:e cus�c_e: wuld also be given the c:oice o: apply�n3 his deposit to futi:re utility bills o: h=•ring it returned to :�i�. The 3i11 xould a.ply to utilities furr.�s'.:in5 �:a, vater, te1�^::or.e, cahle television, electr:c light, Yo�er, or heat. �'1 . . i e _. RESOLUTION N0. � 1973 � ��' � A RESOLUTION OPPOSING H,F. 1192 - INTEREST ON UTILITY DEPOSITS WNEREAS, Administration costs to the City of Fridley would be considerable if N.F. 1192 were enacted, and WHEREAS, All costs of the Utility System must be passed on to the consumer, and WHEREAS, The person receiving interest on meter deposits wouTd in effeci pay the interest plus the ac�ninistrative costs involved in making the payment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City of Fridley is opposed to the requirement that interest be paid on uti7�ty deposits as required by H.F. 1192. RTTEST: PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL �F THE CITY OF . FRIDLEY THIS � DAY OF , 1973. CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL RY R - �RANK G. LI � � � � � RESOLUT�ON N0� 0 RESOLUTTON ESTABLISHIN� MUNTC�PAL �TATE AID STREETS WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of Fridley t�iat the streets hereinafter described should be desig- nated the Municipal State Aid Streets under the provisions of the Minnesota Laws of 1959, Chapter 500; NOW THEREFORE� BE IT RESOLVED, by the C�ty Council of the City of ridley, County of Anoka, that the streets described as follows, to-wit: MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET N0, 335 � 63rd Avenue N,E, from the East line of 7th Street (MSAS 312) to the East line of Monroe Street MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET N0. 316 � Monxoe Street from the � North line of 63rd Avenue to the South line of ti1is- sissippi Street (CSAS 6) � MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET N0. 336 - Arthur Street from the North line of Rice Creek Road (CSAS 6) to the ' South line of Mississippi Street (MSAS 304) � be, and hereby are established, located and designated the Municipal State Aid Street of said City, subject to the approvaZ of the Commissioner of High��ays of the State of Minnesota, � BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorize and directe to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Highways for his consideration, and that upon his approval of the designation of said streets er portion thereof, that the same be constructed, improved and main- tained as the Municipal State Aid Streets of the City of Fridley, to be numbered and known as blunicipal State Aid Streets 335, 316, 336 respectively. � ADOPTED THIS ___�� DAY OF , 1973. rank G. Liebl MAYOR Attest: Marvin C. Brunsell City Clerk - { �' _ .' . .� ] �. ..�ICs 89 �� 2a2, . �, � . J X.�r/ � �n � '� !% _! � d ��� ..1 s :.� fl `� . . � . 'Fzi.^ . �. �i� � � �- - � , �� 18 A ,, � - ^ t � �: �, �. � .. Q : . c .; : �,• �.' ` ,.� . �' < < r�. , -- _ � � �E^ r � ; . � _ - w ``�* �.., ,f� �. � l �!' ,^ �. � . . - : - . � • " � o _ : ��� ) � �'� �� � �. ; . LOCNE �� R4RK . � .; � 0 2 j� �i�`�+ CfTY � .. -`-� • � ' J � i` ;ARENA �" � 7 . , �� :�� � 'kaF; � _ �GARAG�. , ., : _ . _ .. . � � t . � ? ' �L...��..�. . - v ,� ��f� „`.�M+.� L^ y� � � : t ' - � J'l t '�� ^ � T � - \ ` . '. ,. � `` . . . v � -: . '� - . . , . � `E • S l� 1` . � t I /� .1 , ' J ._ //'�'�{� . ` �� . .. , ` W �� -. �� /� -.� . ,•r � F. 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V�`� A� ,s ,.� _:r�+�R � `t.' � }�3 .++���CioaR�c -:�;,:.:�„�, � �- . � � j � RESOLUTION N0. �� A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTIQN OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS: SANITARY SEWER AND S'�ORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #113 WHEREAS, the construction of certain improvements is deemed to be in the interest of the City of Fridley and the property owners affected thereby. BE IT BESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley, as follows: � 1. That the preliminary report submitted by the City Engineer $ the Consulting Engineers is hereby received and accepted. Z. That the City Clerk shall act to as certain tr.e name and address of the � owner of each parcel of land directly affected or within the area of lands as may be proposed to be assessed for said improvements, and calculate estimates of assessments as may be proposed relative thereto � against each of said lands. 3. That the area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each � of them as noted in said notice are all the lands and areas as noted in said notice: All of the same ta be assessed proportionately according to the benefits received. � � � � !__; � � � 4. That the estimates of assessments of the Clexk"shall be available for inspection to the owner of any parcel of land as may be affected thereby at any public hearing held relative thereto, as well as at any prior time reasonable and convenient. � S. That the City Clerk is authorized and directed to give notice of such public hearing by publishing a notice thereof in the official news- paper of the City of Fridley and by mailed notices to all the property owners whose property is liable to be assessed with the making of these improvements according to law, such notice to be substantially in the form and substance of the notice attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 6. That this Council will meet on the � day of � , 1973 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the City Hall in the City of Fridl y for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing on the improvement noted in the Notice attached hereto and made a part thereof by reference, E�chibit nAn � ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS � �`I , 1973. ATTEST : CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell I DAY OF MAYOR - Frank G. Liebl � � � � � � � � � OFFICIAL PUBLICATION � CITY OF FRIDLEY (EXHIBIT A) NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT #113 19A WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, has deemed it expedient to receive evidence pertaining to the improvements hereinafter described. - NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on the day of , 1973 at 7:30 o'clock P,M. the City Council wil2 meet at the City Hall in said City, and will at said time and place hear all parties interested in said improvements in whole or in part. The general nature of the improvements is the construction (in the lands and streets noted below) of the following improvements, to-wit: CONSTRUCTION ITEM Sanitary Sewer Mains Outlet and Storm Sewer Outfall To serve the area bounded by Matterhorn Drive on the west; I. 694 on the.south; Gardena Avenue on the north; and the City Municip al boundaries on the east. � ESTIMATED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ � � I � THAT THE AREA PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED FOR SAID INIPP.OVEP�4ENTS IS AS FOLLOWS: For Construction Item above ----------------------------------------- All of the land abutting upon said streets named above and all lands within, adjacent and abutting thereto. All of said land to be assessed propo �tionately according to the benefits received by such improvement. , That shauld the Council proceed with said improv�ments they �rill consider each separate improvemen"ts, except as hereafter otherwise provided by the Council all under the following authority, to-wit: Minnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 429 and laws amendatory thereof, and in conformity with the City Charter. DATED THIS DAY OF , 1973, BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Publish: MAYOR - FRANK G. LIEBL ■ � � u � � � L� �� � �J � , RESOLUTION NO.� A RESOLUTION ORDERING PlZ�LIMINARY PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS THEREOF: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1973-1 �D ST. 1973-2 (MSAS) ADDENDUM ��2 BE IT RESOLVED, by the Councii of the City of Fridley as follows: 1. That it appears in the ia�ierest of the City and of the property owners affected that there be constructed certain improvements, to-wit: Street improvements, including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat, concret� curb and gutter, storm sewer system, water and sanitary sewer services and other facilities located as fol lows : A. Streets Under Proieet St. 1973-1 Sylvan Lane: Starlite Boulevard to Jupiter Drive 68th Avenue: Rice Creek Terrace to 7th Street 7th Street: 67th Avenue to 68th Avenue McKinley Street: 75th Avenue to Lakeside Road B. Streets Under Pro�ec� St. 1973-2 (MSAS) 61st Avenue: Starlite Boulevard to Main Street Starlite Boulevard: 61st Avenue to Sylvan Lane 7th Street: P1i.ssissippi Street to 67th Avenue 2. That the City Engineer, �dasim Qureshi, �, the City's Consulting Engineers are hereby authc�rized and directed to �raw the preliminary plans and specifications and to tabulate the results of their estimates of the costs a€ said improvements, including every item of cost from inception to completion and all fees and expenses incurred (or to be incur�ed) in connection therewith, or the financing thereof, and to ma3ce a preliminary report of their findings, stating therein whether said improvements are feasible and whether they can best be made as proposed, or in connection with some other i;nproveme�ts (and the estimated cost as recom- mended), including also a des�ription of the lands or axeas as may receive benefits there�rom and as may be proposed to be assessed. � 3. That said preliminary rep�rt of the Engineers shall be furnished to the Council. � � ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY � OF /�+ , 1973. � ATTEST: � � � CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRi3NSELL OF FRIDLEY THIS n d DAY MAYOR - FRANK G. LIEBL 0 � � j % � PETITrOAI - I�`�rch 2}�� 1973 � ' . 3 ' , Iq� � � We, the undersi�;ned, pro�erty o�aners, �etition ±he Cit�- Ceuncil of the City of Fr:dley that the follawbn� irr:prov�,i�nt %e con�leted in the Soring or Sumrier of 1973: Stre,�t imorove::ze:�� inc'.•udin; cur and �utter, on 7th St.�r1 �P-� ss�:ss�ppi Ste io 68th Ave. ��; e. E�7 ?r� �ia-� Yl .� : � _' '``_"'� J�. •,��� <<, %��'ti�.��_ v G� /� • '� ; !�7 � t-�' Si�nature Address � .,�� _ 6��� �� �� � ��j. � ���� T�� , �� ���-- �. � �� �, ��� � � ' � � �� � �JJ-y ,�,(j � �� ,��JJ�/�{� �[}/.��a, ��/��'�'"'G�� }�'/���t �f � � l .y L. � �"'. �./ � � lY � � �� T_ _" � . f ' t t��ic.���'�� �%/�- 7 fH S�-� �'- � � � �jp- � l ' C G{ �1�.� tl�s�'!/Jt.L'- �'"�-� �' � i � ! v t�'i � �l � J �'t ?� � � uu.���:�.��" +� � �7 - 7 f�� _ �:C�- � ` ; �vl � .. � �� � . �� � �-,_.�_.�. ��� �:. 1����..... � � '� r, _, � �U' c,� /��� �'�.'�_' � !� �rl "� � ����"';' � --/' �;�� C���'ZG' �'''C�C..� � % `.. � �� � ��` � f � /��¢ �.. ���� � `J. �� �, �' �•� ��� j 1 ���, ��� � , r, . � � � �' cz�L,� � c�� �bl�� ..� ��-� � , L �� � � ��/�Y- ;��� v � --, �. , � CE � ���-.�_ ' � � ��' G�f� ���C-- ,✓ _ � � � I � 1�-.,7--7-1�t._�-t'i ��-�-�-�`% � ���G� � �. y „ L.. - � GY ( ^ �% +/ ,,L t j . ����-���{� � �� . L � -, < ��'" � . �y �I �� ���: �, �. �--L�-�._ � �, ���ry � /%�! � n ' i - ' �J 1 � � .- ` • (J/: ��/ i� � � �.���G.�'=�'-� ,,- ,L t �� - �G' '`%'�� G,� /' /,� ,�� � � - G � � _ � �� �-��� �. � �� �. � S � � '� `��' �..�, , i�. � , � 2� ' � �7 �--;� _ , ==-��%� %�% � �'v % �G 7 ��� c� � �, G � �G 7 rr,� 5 %' /1/ � ��3 � - � � '�� c%�-r�-� . � � . . �:.�� �+. ,. � � RESOLUTION NO. � � A RESOLUTION RECEIVING TNE PRELIMINARY REPORT RND CALLING A � PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS: STREET IMPRQVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1973-1, and __ ST . 1973-2 (M5.AS) ADDENDUM #2 � � � � � , � . u � WHEREAS, the construction of certain improvements is deemed to be in the interest of the City of Fridley and the property owners affected thereby. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Cit� Council of the City of Fridley, as folZows: 1. That the preliminarr� reporf submitted by the City Engineer & the Consultinq Engineers is hereby received and accepted. 2. That the City C1erk sha11 act to ascertain the name and address of the owner of each parcel of land directly affecfed or within the area of Zands as may be proposed to be assessed for said improvements, and calcttlate estimates of assessments as mag be proposed relative thereto against each of said lands. 3. That the area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each of them as noted in said notice are a11 the Iands and areas as noted in said notice: A11 of the same to be assessed proport.ionateZy according to the benefits received. . 4. That fhe estimates of assessments of the Clerk shaZ1 be available 1 for inspection to the owner of any parcel of land as may be affected thereby at any pubZic hearing held relative thereto, as we11 as at any prior time reasonable and convenient. 5. That fhe City Clerk is authorized and directed to give notice of such Public Hearing by publishing a notice thereof in the�official news- paper of the City of Fridley and by mai�ed notices to a11 the property owners whose property is Ziable to be assessed wztn the makinq of these improvements according to 1aw, such notice to be substantially in the form and substance of the notice attached hereto as Exhzbit "A". � �„ 6. That this Council wi11 meet on the ��"� day of �,; ��►�`'"�, I973 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the City Ha11 �'�n rhe City of t'!"idZ Tor the purpose of holding a Public Hearing on the imarovernent oted in the • Notice attached hereto and made a part thereof by reference, Exhibit "A". ADOPTED BY THE C� Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THlS �� DAY �F , 1973. MAYOR - FRA?lK G. LIEBL ATTEST: CITY CLrRK - MARVIN C. BRUl1SELL ` � [ � � � I � 1 � OFFICIAL PUBLICATION CITY OF FRIDLEY (EXHIBIT A) NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1973-1 AND 1973-2, ADDENDUM #2 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fridley,Anoka County, Minnesota, has deemed it expedient to receive evidence pertaining to the improvements hereinafter described. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS I-�REBY GIVEN THAT on the day of , 1973 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. the City Council will meet at the City Hall in said City, aricl wi-11 at said time and place hear all parties interested in said improvements in whole or in part. The general nature of the inrprovements is the construction (in the lands and streets noted below) of•the following improvements, to-wit: CONSTRUCTION ITEM: Street improvements, including grading, stab�.lized base, hot-rriix bituminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, starm sewer system, water and sanitary sewer services and other facilities. A. Streets Under Pro�ect St. 1973-1 � Sylvan Lane: Starlite Boulevard to Jupiter Drive 68th Avenue: Rice Creek Terrace to 7th Street 7th Street: 67th Avenue to 68th Avenue McKinley Street: 75th Avenue to Lakeside Road IB. Streets Under Project St. 1973-2 (MSAS) I � I I � I � � 61st Avenue: Starlite Boulevard 7th Street: ESTIMATED COST. , . . . . . Starlite Boulevard to Main Street 61st Avenue to Sylvan Lane Mississippi Street to 67th Avenue ..................� THAT THE AREA PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED FOR SAID IMPROVEMENTS IS AS FOLLOWS: For Construction Item above --------------------------------------- � All of the lands abutting ttpon said streets named above and all lands within, adjacent and abutting thereto. All of said land to be assessed proportionately according to the benefits received by such improvement. 21A Notice of Hearing St. 1973-1 � 2 Addendum #2 Page 2 T'hat should the Council proceed with said improvements they will consider each separate improvemenis, except as hereafter otherwise provided by the Council all undex the following authority, to-wit: Minnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 429 and laws amendatory thereof, and in conformity with the City Charter. DATED THIS DAY OF , 2973, BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. MAYOR - FRANK G. LIEBL PUBLISH: Construction Bulletin Fridley Sun �j��� i 1 � � �� C� RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS: SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAINS AND STGRM SEWER PROJECT ��112 WHEREAS, pursuant to a Kesolution ��13-1973 of the City Council, adopted on the 22nd day of January, 1973 the City Engineer and the City's Consulting Engineers have prepared plans and specifications proposed by Resolution ��13-1973 and have presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota as follows: 1. That improvements proposed by Council Resolution ��13-1973 � shall hereinafter be designated as Sanitary Sewer, Watermain & Storm Sewer Project ��112, these proposed improvements are as f o 1}.ows : � � Watermains, sanitary sewer, laterals and service connections, storm sewer and appurtenances, and temporary paving. To serve the proposed Innsbruck North Second Addition Plat. It is understood that 1 partial lateral system storm sewer system in project. � ' � , � � i LJ the propased storm sewer is only a and there would be a need for additional the futiure to complete the total drainage 2. Such plans and specifications, a eopy of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 3. The work to be performed under Sanitary Sewer, Watermain & Storm Sewer Project ��112 sha11 be performed under one contract. The City Manager shall accordingly prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper advertisements for bids ugon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications. The advertise- ment shall be published for two (2) weeks (at least 10 days) and shall specify the work to be done and will state that bids will be opened and considered at 11:30 A.M. on the 7th day of May, 1973 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City �ngineer, and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or� certified check payable to the City for five per cent (5%) of the amount of such a bid. That the advertisement for bids for Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Storm Sewer Project ��112 shall b�e substantially in form as that noted in Exhibit "B" attached hereto for reference and made a part hereof. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF.THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS il DAY OF , 1973. MAYOR - FRANK G. LIEBL ATTEST: � CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRINSELL � � � RESOLUTIO�� 2�0. �� _ A RESOLUTTON QI:DERiNG IP'LI�'O�TEt�NT, APPI:OVAZ OF PLANS AI�D ADVERTISING FOR BIDS : SiI;EET II��'RO�� �E�Ti ENT PROJECT ST. 1973-10 (SF�AL COATING) � WHEREAS, the City Cauncil of the City of Fxid2ey has established a policy of Seal Coating the City stree�s on a regular basis, WHEREAS, the City Engineer has subr�itted a plan showing the streets in need of Seal Goating, marked as Exhib�.t "�1", NOZd TFiEREFOItE, Er IT RESOLVED, by the City Gouncil of the Gity of Fridley, Anoka �ounty, Minnesota, as fo11o�,�s: 1. That the streets marked black on the attachad map be seal caated, and the taork involved in said Impxovement shall hereafter be designated as: STREET �ZE'F.OVEi�iENT PP.OJECT ST. 1973 -10 2. The plans and specifications prepared by the City Enbineer for such impxovement and each af them, pursuant to the Council action heretofore, a copy o£ �hich plans and speci£ications are hereto attachad and made a paxt hereoi, are hereby approved and shal.l be filed with the City C1erk. � 3. The work to be perf_ormed undex STREET IMPRO��EMENT PROJECT ST. 197 3-10 shall be pexformed under one contract. U The City Engineex shall accordingly prepar_e and cause to be insexted in the official newspaper advertisements for bids upon the mal:in� of such improvements under such appxoved plans and �p�cificatians. The adverti_sement shall be published for ttivo (2) .aee'�cs (at Ieast 10 days), and shall specify the work to,be done and `�ill state that bids will be opened at 11:30 A.M, on Monday, the 7th day of May, 1973 in the Gouncil Chambe:�s ef the Cii:y �Iall, and that no bids will be considered unlcss sea2ed and filed with the City Engineer and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, ox certifi_ed check payable to the City f�� fzve per cent (5°I) of the amount of sucn bid, t'hat tli� advertisement for bids for STREET IMPR04'��NT PROJECT ST. 1973-10 shaJ.l be substantially in fArm as that noted in Exhibit "E" attached hereto for reference and made a part hereaf. T � T' �� ADOP�'ED BY THE CI COUI`CIL OF THE CITY a.. FRI.DLEY TH..S DAY � _r OF , 197 3. ATTEST: CITY CLERY. - rlarvin C. Brunsell rSt`�YGP. -- Frank G. Liebl � I � CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMORANDUM 24 �J T0: FROM: GERAtQ R. DAVIS, CITY MANAGER, AtJD CITY COUNCIL MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASSISTRNT CITY MFlNFiGER/FINANCE DIRECTOR ` SUBJECT: STATEWIDE VOTER REGISTRATION BY COUNTY, SENATE FILE 1246 AND SENATE FILE 1257 � DATE: MARCH 26, 1973 � Two separate bi11s have been introduced dealing with voter regisitration. These bills are S.F. i246 and S.F. i257. , The effect of Senate File 1257 �dould be that al; voter registration would be done through the County Audiior's office. A part of Senate File 1246 would allow a person not previously registered to register at the polls on election day. ' As you know, there is considerable congestion and crowds of people at the polls on election days under the pr2sent system of voter registration. If a person were allowed to register at the polls on election day at the same time as he 1 were voting, it would virtually bring the election process to a halt on a busy election. There would be no incentive for a person to register ahead of time if he could take care of the voting and the registering at th� same time on the � day of election. Furthermore, if this were the process that would be used, I do not see whai purpose preregistration serves. My recommendation to the City Council is that the City Council go on record in , opposition to Senate File 1257 and Senate File 1246. I do not see where there would be any advantage in the County maintaining vo�er registration files raiher than the individual cities. This just removes the process that much further from � the local people and is bound to make it more incanvenient for a person to register prior to the day of election if this is his a�ish. , ' ' ' I , � �_, ' � RESOLUTION N0. � 1973 ' A RESOLUTION OPPOSING REGISTRATION OF VOTERS ON ELECTION DAY , WHERfAS, The legislature of the State of Minnesota has instituted a 20 day period before election during which registration for that election cannot take place, and � WHEREAS, That time period has worked to the advantage of local government and citizens in maintaining a fair and reasonable system of voters registration, and � � ' , , , ' C! � , � ' ' , WHEREAS, Permitting the registration of voters on election day would do away with pre-electioa� registration, and WHEREAS, Lack of time to check accuracy of registration would make possible the practice of double voting since challenges would become meaningless, and � WHEREAS, Such revision would work to the disadvantage of previously registered citizens by increas�ing the time they would have to spend at the polls, and WHEREAS, Polling places would have to be enlarged and additional staff hired, thereby increasing the cost of elections, and WHEREAS, Such increasing costs would force many municipalities to exceed levy limits imposed upon them by law, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the City of Fridiey does oppose changes in the voiers registration law as cantained in S.F. 1246 and S.F. 1257 and urges the legislaiure to reject the proposals contained in said bjlls. 2. That the City Clerk zs hereby directed to send certified copies of this resolution to the legislators representing the City of Fridley, Minnesota Clerks and Finance Officers Association, League cf Minnesota Municipalities, and the Anoka County Auditor. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City of Fridley is opposed to statewide or countywide voier registration. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 0 THE CITY OF FRIDLEY . THIS /� DAY OF , 1973. A7TEST: ITY C ERK - M RVIN C. B�UNSELL h1AY0R - FRANK G. LIEBL 24 A ■ : -s- . . 24 B ■ � � CJ L� , � � ' � , L__ 1 � , � � Summary of lmpor�ant �ills Major classi(ications used in this seciion are: courts, elections, environmental protecfion, finance, genera! gove►nmrnt, houslrib, !aw enforcement, tiquor, prnsions, personnel, pfunning, 7uzation, trmisportation, utilities, and welfa►e. Occasivaalfy, a brll wil! be sui+rn:arittd under n speciu! /ieading when appropriate. March 15 through March 20 General Interest ' Endorsed by the LMM c Endorsed by the MACO o Opposed by the LMM � Opposed by the AMC a Endorsed by thc AMC x Opposed by the MACO # Endorsed by the Lcague Executive Committee Courts CONCILIATION COURTS WITHIN COUNTY COURT SYS- TEM. H.F. 1235 would require county courts to establish conciliation courts with a jurisdictional ceiling of $500. Present lax makes establishment of conciliation courta.discretionary. Elections kCKNOWLEDGEMERPI' OF A3SF.i7iEE BALLO'iS BY REGISTERED VOiERS. S.F. 1247 would permit other registered voters within a municipality to acknowledge absentee ballots. STATE4tIDE VO�ER AEGISTRATION BY COUNTY. S.F. 12k6 and S.F. 1257 have essentially the same purpose in aind and that is the estab- 2ishment of a systen of statewide voter 're- gistration at the county level. The tvo bills do diP£er significantly in several areas vhich Will be discussed in the course of this su.-nmary. A11 references Will be to S.F. 1246 unless otherWise indicated. S.F. 1246 would nake the Secretary of State the Commissioner of Registration, and makes certain other char.ges with respect to the definitions of eligible voter by lowering the voting age specifically to 18; estab- lishing a 20-day state residency requirement, and requirin� an adjudic etion of insanity or lack of inental conpetence before an in- dividual would be deened ineligible to vote. S.F. 1257 makes each county suditor a Commissioner of Registration, and he could delegate duties to municipal and tovn Clerks. Under S.F. 12L6 the county auditors _ __ _._.._._ �� .--- ___ ----. vrould be chief registrars of voters and chief custodians of tne official registration records. S.F. 12k6 also differs significantly in that it vo-uld a11o�r eligible voters to register at any time p:ior to the 2Qth day before any election, and in addition, a person not registered could vote on election �day_.by completing e registrati�n card e.nd making an oath in the for� prescribed by the Cos�issioner. Such forms vould hcve to be available at each polling place. Forms eovld be forvarded to the county auditor vho Would add the name to the regi- stration list unless the information were substantially deficient in which case he vould give written notice thereof to the registrant (but no other action is provided Por). Registratioxi at the polls would be conducted by so-called "election registrars" and such registration Frould be their sole flinction. S.F'. 12k6 would also require registration cards to be manila or cardboard and of suitable size and weight for mailing. The form would also be set forth in the law. Under this�bill no person could be prevented fron voting unless his registration were faulty or defective or unless he were successfully challenge3. Challenges �.rould be initiated by a verified petition to the county auditor stating the grounds for the challenge, and a copy would have to be served on the challenged voter as in a civil action. Upon receipt of such a petition, the audi- tor would set a date for a hearing within five days with the hearing to be before the suditor or his delegste kho xotild make the Yindings and either affirm or set aside the challenge. Any challer.ged voter could� appeal an adverse determination to the Com- missioner who �rould have to hear the apgeal within five days and before the election. These hearings would be considered contested cases ar.d deternined in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Admini- strative Procedures Act. S.F. 1246 would also require notifi- cation by a county auditor upon receipz of e card indicating a cnange of address by the regisirar.t to the auditor of the county in Which +.he registrant last resided and the auditor �*ould delete that voter's name from his lists. Paper coupons or like documents containing the necessary regis- tration infor�ation could be used for tem- porary registration. Ar�one giving false registration in;ormation srould be guilty of a felony and subject to impriso:�ent for up to five years or a$5,000 fine, or both. Within 90 days after the effecti-re date oP regulations of the Co�issioner imple- menting the Iacr, municipal officiaZs Would be required to forward their original snd duplicate registration files to the ■ _6_ . 24 C � � , � ' �J , ' � � � �� ' , ' , � county auditor. Each county auditor would be required to maintain a current list of the duplicate registration file and this would be the precinet list. On the 60th day beiore an election, the auditor would be required to deliver current copies of the precinet lists for municipalities to the local councils. Paper copies �rould have to be available promptly to any registered voter upon request and be available immediately on the day of request from the lOth dey to the 2nd day before any election. Each auditor would be requireci to designate a number of public buildings in the county (and not less than one per 30,000 residents) where voters could register by completing a registration card and leaving i� with an officis.l in the building who would be required to transait it to the auditor. S.F. 12�6 would also change the removal of registration provision to require removal if the voter has failed to vote at least once in any election during the last four years (the reference to school dis- trict election is new), Persons who have not previously been required to register and who ha�e voted in any election in the last four years would not be required to pre-register but could simply complete a permanent card at the polls on election day, and persons already registered , vould not be required to re-register. I� With respect to the change-ove.r to , the county registration system which would be effective after January 1, i97k, S.F. 1257 would simply authorize counties ar.d municipalities to provide for transfer of existing records and take any other ad�ini_ strative measures as are necessary to co�aplete the transfer of duties by January l, 1g74. *CERTIFICATION OF ELECTIONS IN CITIES. S.F. 132k (fi.F. 1312) is a League-endorse3 bill which would ma.ke uniform for all munici- palities the policy of denying certi°icates of election in the case of an eiection con- test, by providir.g tha± in city elections a certificete could not be issued ur.til after the time for contesting elections (seven days after the canvass for a regu].ar election and five days after a primary election} and in the case of a contest, the cert:ficates could not be issued until after the contest has been deteriained. This is the present lav applicable to all villages. Environr;ental Protec+ion CERTIFICAiZCi1 OF CP�'�'„ORS Or SOi,ID WASTE DZSPOSAL FACILITIES. S.F. 1220 (H.F. 1203) wnuld establish a systea of mandatory certi- fication o£ solid waste disposal facility operators to be administered by the Dirgctor of the Po�lution Control Agency. Soli@ waste disposal facility is defined to in- clude landfills and incinerators. The PCA Director vould clarify the various facili- ties based on the degree of hazard ta public health, environment, and on the volume of refuse handled. After July 1, 1974 all facilities would have to be under the super- vision of a certified operator. There appears to be no grandfatherin� of operators now supervising such facilities. AUTOMOBILE NOISE AND EMISSIOY CONTROLS. S.F. 1226 kould direct the PCA to develop rules and regulations for controlling noise end air contaminant emissions from a11 motor vehicles registered in the state, The rules and regulations would be enforced by the Commissioner of Public Safety tnrough spot checks and through annual �otor vehicle inspections which would be mandatory for sll vehicles usually kept in the seven- county metropolitan area. Additionally, used vehicles would have to be inspected Within ten days prior to ar.y transfer oi ownership, and each new vehicle registered in the metro area would have to be inspec- ted xithin 21 days after initial regis- tration. Inspections Would cover nechan- ica2 operation and adjustment o: the vehicles exhaust emission levels and noise limits as established by the PCA. Other ogerating components could be irspected as xell if the Co*uaissioner so deter- mines. Certificates would be issued fol- lowing inspection and would have to be displayed or produced upon request o; officers of the Departnent of Public Safety or police and peace of:icers generally. A stamp would also be issued to be af;ixed to the vehicle registration card. Qwners of vehicles found.to be in need o: repair would have 15 days to correct deficiencies. The Co�r,�issioner with appro�ral of the Legislative Advisory Council cotzld enter into franchise agreenents per.:�'tirg the franchisee to construct, equip and operate an iaspection station with the te� not to exceed ten years. Additiona'1y� the Com.missioner could designate as official inspection stat�ons persons or firus ahich oWn or lease four or more trucks, truck- tracto:s, trailers or semi-trailers for periods in excess of 30 days in any calen- dar year or who are regulated by tne federal Departaent of ir�nsFortation which requires vehicle inspections. Inspection fees Wou1d be dete:nine3 by the Conmissioner but could not exceed $6 for trucks and $4 for all other vehicles sub,�ect to annual increases or de- creases based on the cost of living index. Municipalities cou13 also en:orce the PCA rules and regulatior.s through the authority to establish inspection sta,tions i�f :� ' ' , . ' � , i ' . 1 , ' 3 � 5 .� 8 10 12 I2 I3 14 15 16 � 17 16 I9 2a 21 A btil for an act� reiatin� t� electlor.s• r • � re9tstratr . , p.�v1din9 ior the Per.a� t, �S, o.1mo#.�r �ters f p: o��iding . , a.. e. .,...... :•iir..^.e5a�a �*atutes 1971, 5ections 2p� � �hd 25 •0�, .SUhc:1t►�sic�s 22 � and bY ae�i:�� subdlvSslons� 202 t • 101�2b: 2t�1.131 2J1.14: 20I.1�; 2�..I�; . sv5divis1on: 2a:�dc���.: ���.07, by adding a sectio:�s; rePcalir�•uo�er 2b1� bY adding 197I, .�ect± �� t•Znnesotd St��utes 201 QS ., o.�� 2G1 a G2; 2�i1 o J3; 201 � 443 • % �Q1.O:i� 2�?i G7 . • s 201.08; 201.09� 201,ZCS 202�221 ���•16s 201.171 201.19f 241.25; 20��?�t �a1��2f 2o1.23s 2o1.?�f 201.3?.; 201 33� °•2gs 201�301 201.313 and 4 • , 2�`���7, 5ubdivisSo»s % ?�a.Q75f 2�G.076� and 204 2 .0?7. RE IT Er1ACTED �Y TF:E LEGISLAT;;P.E 0� TNE STAT E or rtrr�rJesorA: section �_ M� subc:iv±sion 22, Subd. 22. nneso�a S�afiutes is amenc�d ta reads ICG:fI�fYSS' , 197?r Seetilons 200�02� .� OI�I � R ^ 22 � .3 lhe :;ar� ���o^�^�Sss{ � �� m�a:�s--�s.�--p����;�-z A ..o.�er ��-'��-�r`�.c3—.��..:�..��3iir.�c',�=f :, 2 3 ��'�� �t�~�...�v��►e t , � �' � .. �� c : �._r..�;3`�C�� :�ar_�c,� `�'�'a ��y=.e'� '�� t u`�Q @�YL''�'�t,�i� 24 state a� �� st . ` �g t:�� S�Crntcli'Y of �- —�.,_� `�'� a t e c � �.; i ;� � � � o t '�.'°-�--.-.�:.�. �._.e,._-,� ' 25 26 , 27 28 ' 24 , 30 31 � 32 � 33 34 � 35 36 � S C C...."` "'...-.....,�,,.-�.......� • . . M!::;les�t� ��;�:I;:�s 1971r Sec�tcn 2�0��?2, Suhaivis�o� 25. Ss aMended to rEadt .Sll�JC:� 2�� ��i�Xv:��� VG`.;'�a��"'£';C'`:yd��cnf►*�4�... g�--����q,..,�Q,��N��� f�_� ��i��q£.���,3e�-�--� ._ . ._ �?��-t; �,.e,.,o� �o�-Q_Rc-��,�. ,� �, � t��-�;�-�..���;-8��e¢ o _ --�?� _-e �-- �. - �r�f.��-�A�� P����G-���-�as;1,,�,.�.�e��-�st�. ���������.���� i''��°��-� t-� � e--t�,�►-��►�:����;��;-�--k►� � t3�c-��-pe�=�+-�..��+r�-a�}, �e����4 fi�'��0. �����A� �� ',*�►t;�.fa�'ta"`�8ti—�yaQt.+��r4 �'�'`�'''4`@3�'t7'f!:!-^�}�tt�a,p,,,,� �.�aE`�Pr;3..�y�E�C'� irt� `tiL...S.r�..t. c e�`�'=�'r•"=.-.�'3--�f►�.�i._..�P��,��--:?-c�.���-3-�-�cy±►�'�.-�te�t � ,. ,r�ez'1-t-Ple �����"�?`^9:v--.:.k}P,�g , n�°43� �4t,•p�{';fli}wG�(i . .. ; P=s��-�+i,rs--s�a•,-e�?to-r��e..�...��r �"C��-�t...�y,e,��f�"?�J^��''d'Q!§��?A�- ,k �1'E.�;'lf tyifi�?���%�-�~}3.t.�! f'h-d��—hk�...fo�-Z�.�.,., �� @�"rcieK—£���ts�—.?.;�'�-6=r��p--c-ssC��p{. -. •rJ—t�L°i�fre;�•�_c,+,��':•�-L+fSt•'r�w-C+C�•k(�.�4,0'�E��i -• �, r . . � 24 D Y t : e � f , � . ;� ' � .� 2 ' 3 • ' � � � i6 7 � ' 8 9 � !8 t$) er�li�i�3e voter'� r!cans ,a --------._.__ person k�ho at the time of """"_""' ~ --_- a-- --....._ _...�_„_---- a n y e 2 e c t 1 o n 1 s -.�.._.......,...,.�,.._ —_ —�a�i�w^����yy�� . � . (1) 1° or�rore�years o� ave, . • ..��_ .---_ ....,... _ � _.... _ {2) a clti�en of t�e 11nit�c �tates, and '. �----------.,_---_-- _...__._.__..,._._.,,,,��..__.......,.,.___.,,,,.. � i3) has resi�e�? ?n rtin*,e ;et� for 20 days �------------.,...._;_.___�- - �.____�..,.,_---- • ��e��� (b) The f�lla:<<in��s�ns axe nn elir,ible vaters • -..__.._._._..__ � -�----.-.�.._..._�..�..._,_,...__.�.._ ' �O��O�Y �' ( i) kr._r pe: sc:. n1:o na� been convicted of treason -.-.._._ or any fe3or.y, cr,less �esLore; tc c1vi1 riqhts= '��`�' �2? 1'•nY perso� �,ho is under guardlUnship over �' �"' h i s persan; - 1� '���' t3) �ny persan i.ho-����_��, has heen �c���icated .r._.,o„ I2non� • �--�----�-.,..�._...�..� ror�pos nentis or ����;��,�.� * ""' 13 "'"""' '��3�':'r.:r-�►�t��rr-�i'r�c�--��-t�o�.:-�hh�p�e�:x.,�a.� �h��; �-����-�:$'t�� 1'i r�e;�-;��`►�..{.vw�,,,�t./�.,�,.N'�Q:i �. � .� i'f,'[r�-�-E`gtL`C'� �..ag;-r—����y�,_•.t•t;�c3—�i'-t���fr�c'Ci3 �$ ��:��;— . 16 Ser� 3. t�lnnesota StatuteS 297Z, Section 20C.C2, is Ii anendPd �;r a�diny z su���vi�icn to read; 16 19 � O 21 22 23 24 25 26 SUbd, ?6. CKEGZ.�T�.:;�� y�I�R.] "Re�is�e:ec� voter�� ���ns ---+..e....�.. ' � w.d�..,,a„�o.,�.��...� w�..�....r....w...ww an el_qibZ� y�ter :�rho r�cisters to votc in Uccor�ance ��:•1th w.a.�r..'�' �"�"+' �'���r �.�....��+.��+.� www. �.�.�.,�.rr,...�.wrss�rw��rras��wr.0 a.� s�n,s.ow a s�w�+�� Chdpte; 2p1 � - ___....,__,.�,. � � � yec 4� t�tSnne�o�a St�tGtes is71, ����t�on 200.02� is ar:�enc�ed by QddinS a sub�jvisi�r ta read; Sund� 27� wMrya��•wre Aifnr�sat��, ....__�_�„ CCOUi.Tl', � i��oU�ty►� r;er;ns a county in �w�.��e[^a..es.. �.� ���.w,.��.��.. v �..1o.��vw w Sec. 5. riinnesota �tatutes 197i, Section 200.02, is amen�ed by adding a�sub���,'+s�cn to read= 27 Subd. 28. IREGISTR1t�I0:1 n �.,. �...--..,....__..., CkRD.7 Reqi��ra*Son cardn 2 8 ----- - _.� _...__ t.^. F a .^. s �� ---�--» -.--_ _ nY car� cr othe: :•�--. � - tPn docu-^Pr.t subs 1 __---__.,-----------------�......M,_,_ t a r, t i a 1 y . .........�,. . "�� �.�r e�rs� r� � � 24 E , t '' ' ' _ 1 ' ' ' ' 1 , � 1 '' �_ ' , � I ' 1 cor�Ply�rg ��forn witt, section 8�' ___--,-___�_..,_,.,�_, 2 Sec. 6, h1lnr,esota Statntes 1971, Chapter 20I, , 3 ar�ended by dd�ir.a a s�Ction to reaat � .. � . J 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 I3 I4 15 16 1 '7 18 19 � O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 is i201.0217 IPE;R��;a�;�„T pF:GiSTRATIO;. S'tST�:?�+.7 fi� perr+anent S}�.S 1. � 1' �� Y V l. �'-r . . � rww.�..�.rv��...�...r _ _ r�ristrarior.t�y county ls estahlished ----------..�..._.�.�...,_._,_,_--- _...a . The �..._._ _..._,.........._...__� � county aL�i ��r shal.]. �e t:e c;;��L renistr�r of -----------�---���� ....._....__... v o t e r s a n c� . wa...e..� �+r.. r..o.��..�.�.. �r...��.wr�..� r�.+.w�w th� cr+er �LSto�i�ln oi ti�,e ofLici�l :��iStrc:,tiCI� reeords in �.......�.. _......�..�....._._......._�.....v..... �- ......a._.._.,._...._._.�........ _........,.._...------�---�..... each count�►� -----.--.w.,..,.... Sec. 7� s��innesota St.�tutes 1g71, Cha�ter 201� is amended b�r ad;;;n� a secticr, �.a read; �. t202•���3 ��E�ISj'�`x�Zp�+.7 Subdivision 1. An eligible � •� .-�...�....__-d-..._.�wr_.....r. .._a.....a,...q Yet�r �'S' rec�ster at ��y ti*�:e prior to tr,e 2Gth day -----�-------.—�.:,...__._.� _�-_�_._.._��..._.__._.e.�___�_.._--.-�_ Preceding ar.� elec*_ion by co�,,�•let±n� a re�istr�tion c�rd and .�.._.._..._...._._.��v_....�.�...__,�._....�....__�..�._.�._. w+�..+..�� s r...w.w,�. �nr� r..,.s.�a�ar � s�t-ari±ti^ti it tc tr;e cc�.�ty ��;vltor �� �he countv ;.rhe+e he ....Y.._..._.--_,._,_,._...o._�.w__.,..�.,�._ ..�._.,-.r..,.�................�._......_....,.�..........�..,..,...v. � r���eS. peQist.at±on c�lrrs ,::ay be submi.t*e3 to the C�o� ;t.y --�-.—_m_�_.,_.._..........._.,_..m..; �.�.�...._.___�....__�,,.,...__----,.�....... audit�r in perscr, er cy ��� c� �:�� 1^: enerly �dd: r''SSeGf and .....»�. �.�.—.�...�,.�.�.... �. r.......-r�. e...�.�.�...e Po s t�:s e� a i d � � ....y._a.�.a__.._..�.v_�...._.r... . A reai.,tr�tie;� card tha� is postm��rke� no ........_�,__,�._._--__:._.�.._...._._.___.�-__..___........_�._.._.�... . +.rwrw�waww.� later th�n 11:S9 p.�� � on t'r:e 20th daY Precer;inc �r.=� election ._......�w.....__.._.------� �.r._...__�_...�....._....,..__._._..____--.�—a,...��._._ or received on the next r�DI'Y.�rq c;�y sha11 Le deeMed ti;��r�y� -------..� _..... _.._...._-- w���srw�wA�Na �a��r.��rpw4��a4Aa��a�ir���r��w�� Ir�pral�erly ar�6resse�? c: c�liv�re� req{ stra�ion ca: cis shal;. _.�..._________,.... _._._...r......_�..,._...�.�._._.. __�_...�.,a. --.._o�._.,..�_�_..._. be ior��ar. cea •:•i��ir �:•:o :.orki.^.� ��ys �ro^� " ' receipr_ by _..r..�__..��._�. - - an .., _ _ _ _ _ —... _ ... _ _.,. _ �..., _, _ . �.. � _ _. _..,. �. _ offic±al rece�v±n� ar.e tc� tre �udltor �� t;�e~cour,Ly'+ here ._......_._.....�.._.,........_...r.. • ti ----------..._..._.�... «...�....._._...e..o,...._....e.�a..�.�_.._.._.� the voter resi�es i� the c�ur.ty can be deter�J.ned. wr�.r....�..�w,,,��w..y...�,� � .�a.� w......�..�H �+re...� �.... � �.rrm s�.w�.�++�.� r..��. wwr.�w Sub�. ?.. A Per;on •r-7o rresents h�M�e?� at ar, election ...__.__.�___--__..r.�_r__ _ ----.----___-----_---_e....._....__._.._.._,.,� at hSs �o1.I±�;� r��.ce ;:ho Ss no� rer.±ste;t�d t�ay ne��rtheless .....,.......___._�____4..___�__......�.�.....�,_..___._.e__...__.�. v.s._._.__.,....a,...___,� �ote �.:po.^. cc��letir.c � re�istr�.Lio-� ca: d anc r,.�:�inr an oath ........ �....._._.,. _ _ ..._ _......_. __— -----------»...�.....__.....��,...,__,.,.�_._.�..:.__---- -. In the to: n pMrsc: �: ed bY the co;.,;-�issianer. r or;^�s ...�.,.�___.�..._�_.:..,....�...____.�....�., f a r t h e .._. _.. _ ._.. _._.._ � _.____ _ .� _ � _ ...,. _._.. ca: d ��nd o�tr s►;a11 be avt311ar1e at each nctiinc� Flace. ..�.w.....�........._...�.r._._a..__�.r._.�.,�__.___._.__.,..__ ,�_ •"�• �.�.«.�......� I '� • . 24 F 0 ' ' 1 2 3 .g 5 6 7 8 9 � O 1• 12 13 14 15 IG 17 18 19 Farr��s Lsed rursuant te this �ection shaJ.l- be for��rarded to ��ir...���...r.w.rw� r.� �..�r...�..r..��..�w.�w.��.��w....�.�...« �....r rw���w�� the �Uc:ito; :•:ho shall, unless the in�or:^atton for��:arded is ......------------_�....____--_---..._.___...e._..._.�___..___�_..._...,�.____.._-_- substaatiallv ':Pt�Cient, add the na,<<e oi�the voter to the ..�_____---__..._._�..,.�.__......_._...___.__�._-�_._.__.._�.._.__-____....,....._�,.�. renistra�io� �v�r.e�� zf thc �,uc;itor find, � reci �tration ..»,.w_......______...��..__�___., _......_..,... _...._.._ _____.�._.,.__r..._. pursaant to thSS SL'k;r:ivision su�stanti��zy cericient he �w�Y�/� Yl���� I���� �/��� O w�w � r�rr�r�lsr�r� ��� �� �e�N+r� M w� yv���til� tiY�+ sh�ll c;Y� n-ritt�n r,otice to Ct-,e �e� sor� �hase renistratian `!+'+ _+__w��~���+��� M�waA�MOW�rMn�6R�fnwlCltiNit/��wW�A�Ow��MO�y� ts f�clnd defi�i�r.t. �..___-...__.............�_.. _ Sub6� 3� Regi;tr�ttpn a� the po11s on election day -_----------._..__.....___�-__.._w..,.._.. _.,.�..�... ,.._._.._.____......._.....r___....., shall be cond��c��d by o:;e r,r rc:e �erso�s knor�n as �'eJ.e�tion ~Y���� ��������at�wY���C� �M�Y � �� � YR �e ����w� /��rlOw1{��� �N Y�A w M�+� w� �� �rwr w� V Y�ae������ �YNd��ya� reqistra:s,�� r�ECtion renistr�:rs shh�l h� sAlect'ed S^ the �11�f�r���������i��� �s��R ������ �'>�� �Y e� /N�� �r A walo ��w ���iY W ���M��i�O\aa ���s�rA� sat�te r^an:�er ar.d �cr t�:e swr�� c�,,,��n,�.tion as election -------------.....r.�...._____._.�.....,.,... _..... _...__r..�_.�__.d�.�..�..,..._.. ju�res. A numb�: of electio.^. Yent s �ra; � suf�ic�.ent to /r�.�.�.�...w�.�+w..�.�w. ss w.e���.� w�r.�.w�« r...ar � �^r....rr+�..w...�..�r.r�.w� expedite rp�;is �� �tion anc oversee the cor.,p��:�ion o: i�.rrs�Mw�� a rws�r�a�� o w.�wr� w�s�r�w��iv� w���^ � rJ asa�r,ct��wu0aswr Y�wOA rer�;tr�,*io;, C::::S c�� `'i.hr` n;71�5 Sfl�3��. be p?"�����}Eds F:1°Ct1.d�1 �.....�,...��..�..�._........_e....,.._a.... �.�..............�.�._._�,.�.,� �.m�.,�_,..�.�o..�.....�....a..�..,..�.....,..,� regi.strars shr�.�. r.o� ,r,erfo.i:, tn� func�ions ok election �tal�Uafiwr �cw�uiati ^wwMM�r��w R! �'/a Fn �iYrrfC ti �rtlq OM 9ts��ta� y�� y+R ya Y�wlltlM/ aw juvC�'S �::0_ S'l�,Zt 1 P1 n�* t�n �L�F,e, perf.0_ "! ti'�e f.U7lC _iOI�S Of ..�..._�__._._..�..___..�.,.._�_,�.,,._.�_...___�� _..__..�.._.__._..�.�.__._..�. election : ecriJLl ars. �awr.aw�+.��r�+w�.���a�...srwq . Sec� 3, :�ilnnPSOta Statutes 197I, Chapter 201► is amenaed by adding a sectSon to readt 20 [201�4711 tREGTSTRA:'i0i�1 CA�DS,� s'ab�ivision 1. » �...�......., � ..� _...,._.. 21 Fec;ist: %iticn c�:res sh�ll be mtlnila or cardbaa. d cards of rar..�asw��'M.w�.w....r�..��.�.ww��..r�+.�«..v ...s.�r«..�.�....errr�..�.w.+s�a�.r��w 22 size and •r:eicht suitable for ^ailir.a, an�3 shall be �r�......�rw..e��...n�r.���...r.�w... ^w.��.��.s.y�w��.�...�s...�.�...�r..�..wew 23 sunstar.ti?1.1�' i^ the follc;si^c for�• - � �• M� A���YwA �� �Mi�asrs��i titifli.f��� 4� M�i Zg 1�Ox'ERS R�'GISiP.�TIQi�? CT�RD .,..�._�_____...____.�..,...�_._.... 25 (Plea�e rri:t cr �yre) ..._...�._�..,..---..r.....,_.,.�,�.... - 26 n�:te :...................... ..-�__.._..� .�..,_....,._.._..._._....__,,.� 27 2. f�ane:......... M��w� w�o���• ��' M • • � wA�� rww• I���� � � � / � • p�w •w� • 28� . Last N First t•Tic'.�le Tni.tial .�.....� ...,._....,.... ,.__..�_____....�_.... 0 24 G t � ' � � ' � i ' ! , � 1 Z". Addxesss•s••••••••�♦••�•������•♦�••t•s••��••••••• ..�...,....�.-«,�....._...---�-r---..�-...�....�_�...._.�..�...�.��..��..�....--.,.�... Z - Street or Route �.o. (�o not use P.O. Box) ....._...__ .�_.._._._�._...�........._._..�. .,.�_4..._._ 3 •4 5 6 7 M 9 la il 12 13 14 15 16 i7 � 18 �" 19 I , 20 - 21 ' 22 � 23 24 ' 25 ;' 2 6 27 `� I � 28 . . � f f • • • • • • s • • • • t • • t • f • 0 � • • • 1 • • • • � • 1 � • • • • • • � �. . . . . w.���.rw...��.��...�w�ne�rr.�r��r.�.r ....�.�rw�....��r�«w.�r.A City (or To��%st�in) County . Zip -------------- r. .....�.,,._, .,..�.., 3. ....�. ....,. 4. Birth dater .............�... _,..r.,,_._._.,.�.,,,_ _,,,_ ..�._._.��.�.._.._...._... ___..�_.. Maie �'emale ���� l��s�YY . �J� SOCfc2� .�ECUiStV t?U^ber;i•tee���•�•�r�.♦•�•�••�•• ����~���r�� ����� � M�o�rN�Arl�� V �Mr��W�AIMO ANB��w N�Yw�� 6. Telephone tdunber:.... ..............e............ Mw���MM�M�YC�rYw���Y�rrrrM�l����sa�Yi�fOrwArF�l M��y��I� 7, t�ost F.ecent Registration: ....................... ..�........._.....__�_._...�....�.�e._....,._.._.�,..a.s._.._.,.�_.e._..,._._._.o�.,..�..... ' County State � �� Resi.cier.ee kuG�I'E.'SS � � � � • • • e t • • • e e e • • • • � • • � s � • • • s • .....�..,.........�...��..�...�w-.��...�....... e.�..-�.....+...�......_..�...F.�.,.....��..+,.. - Stre�t or Rout� ?IUmber ' s,�.�.,�.......+...+...�...�.��.�.......�......... . f • f � t � s • r • t • • � � • • • � s • • � � � 0 � • f i . �.w.o�s.o.rw�s�.ees..o�a �+wws�� � City (or To:�,nshi�� zip �- area�+...uw.sw.ww�..w.�,..w.o�m.w ww�.�+w�w� 6. � CertiLy that I�r�iil �e an eli_r,�b?e voter on •----.--._--_....__......�_-�____..,.R,...A�.____....�...�.�__._.�......_.._..._._,��... the day of r.ext eiec�lon ar.d I u.^.dAr5r2nd that •------ ..._.�,...r..�......_..�..,_..e..o.a__,..�.e.....�o.,..�.,„.,.. �Iiving false infor*^a�ior. *_o procure a re�S.stpation ...�....._._.,....�.�...,.� .�.�..�.�-..,.....�.�._._�..��...e._ is a fPlony DU:'1i St7cC�� by nat TM�are than 5 years .�.....�..�.�...�..�...e......�...�..�...o...e.o.,.....�...,.�,...a.�.�...�........4.,.�..�.�.. 3.~pri�on�er.t and a fine o� no� ^;o; e th�^ 55, G00, �.rww�^�awrw.�ea��. w��w�.��rrw.�.wr�ea��r�� or both. . � � . • f ! f • f � • � s •�i t • • • • � • � • • � . A�►lYSw�rrsati.ati�rr���r��w�s�A - 53�qnature of Voter . . � w�..r�.�...�.a�..�w�..+wn� Subd� 2. The reqistration card shal]. be accc^ganied by ........_......�.__.�..,. _.._. -----------.�._.......�_ _._�..._.�...�..... instructio^s s�eci�l�ing the manner and r,ett;od of ..._.._.__...______....r_..,.......r_�._.._._..._._._ _.�._.o�..._._ . . reaistration and strytinq the qualiticatic,^.s fcr eliCibility ����f r�A�� wr���w�w�O�r!`��Y�r�rwlOr��lii��M�,�+�yl��/�9�A�'� in section 2�O.v^2, subdivis+on 25, and sNecif�,�inq penalties ------- -------�-------------�.�.�.....,,.r..w.__..�...�......._.r.. for faise reqlstration. ..--.__.�_..�..._..._._....._.�..�_.._, . Subd, 3. t10 reqistration is fauity�or defective if the �....�.�..__._.�__.___.�+___ .--__......�..�a�ry.p.___..e�__............._.i.q 24 H 0 . 0 ' f� 1 registration card (1) ici�ntifies the voter� (2� ider.tiiies .v1�.t ~ —....—_..,..______._.,_ , --_,..._..,.. r. _.....,.._.__...._-.»�.......... _.... �.....�,., 2 the voter�s resi�encef ar.d (3) Ss sicnel by the voterr as ir ..""'.....--•-�.�....,..��.�..�..�....... � ��...�.....��..� ..,...��.....-.�.._.......�....�.....�.�,..,.,.,..,., 3 �.tens �, 2 and 8 0� the reaist:�,rior ca:d above� The . . �����IM��ir����aY�w�N�.w�^r�taw��stlMwM�"�/W����yy� . - •4 absence of a 2Sp code nv� � ��� • ber doF,, rot cause the req�stratZon w o.....�..... rr�..... � «�..�+�r �..�...�..,.�►��.. oe �. <s.�..........�.+.. a.i.o �..�� �.. r ��.�r�.wA 5 to be f�t�1�y or defective. Tr.e iu�qAs �� electior. nay �+...�.�..M....r�....�a. �.,....�..,..._ �a+..w� w�v rw e�ws �r..�+a�r tia..�.ya� rr � 6'request a vater to co;��lete a recristration card that is �Rrww� YM��� ��iiwr ���i�w� . tiYSWi�Tw�7tiwar�.0� W ������ewti4�� 7 inco�ple�e cr illeaibl�e, P:o vo�cr ;r;ay r�e prevented �rom .,.____--- ..,.._��.....�..r . ..�_�....,...._...._..-.�.....,_�.....___......_..._...,r,._... 8 voting u�less h�s reaistr��on is fauZty or �4fective or he --�—.�-.-.---_.—_.�_........� '.,,�'�.�.-----e...._o.._..�...........�»..--�,....m..�,--..�...o.,...,..�..�..,� 9 is du�y anci succPSSfu}.ly cna�,� er.c�ea in accorc;ance c���h '.�--.--------,,.,....� �__ _ � �.�ao...w.aaw�aar.�.rrrr��___ w,��.��so��rw.+a+�w ld F�'�visions of chapter 201. "—�.."_�.�.�--��.._.�. !1 �4��. 4. t,pon recei�± of a re,qjstra�:ion card """.r....�-...........��.�.,.....,�..��-+.�....e.,......�,...,,,.�.,.00.,y.,.�..�. 12 in+c��catirg �hat a voter i�as chanqed resi�:�nc� sir.ce voting _._ a..r.� -- _ ��.rr�s.e.�r++��.ww..�..a.s.n...�.o.a.�w...,�,ws�.w.wo I 3 i a s t � °.'"�....,., in �•:innesa��, a co�.:r,~t• �,.�i*.cr shait notit ? �Y�41�ie�� �! � L Y t'� � c o u n t y .,,a... ___--_�-_�_.,.� ,w.r.�.a_ .�.._....,,_�. _.�...�..._a... �.� � �.., audit�r a� t1�e v�ter�s ?«s:: resice�,.� •.,.��f� •.�_ �. ..e.....+o� � �, s e •+ �. .. .� � :. �: c: � .. � i + a � � e3 � �. "'r""°'e�+..v...a......... n.�..aw..�..e.,w.,r,�.,�,� . �^� �dwilt�lPNqCft'� ���� �MaI�Mb� �Yy.pir �e rz�� ::�c^ f.ort� ra t ,,,�� �_scn c��d b�� t:1e cc:����i�s�or.e: , � count+. -�._....._._.,....�.�.� �....�.._--..o..a.�..... t —._...,..�..�....�.e �......�..�,,,..�,�. �u�itcr :eceiv!^� a no*_{fic��tien shali �elete thp votAr�s �.....d__..�.------..._.........�_......_._.,�,,._........_ ��....�.,..._._--��__..o.�.. nar�e fro;;, the :�eqs srr��T an lista a;�d ; etain �he ..�.�....»o..��,°—.�.....��,...�.�..o,o,.�..,,s_..�..._..�►�.....a.-.�.��.4.d,�4„� nota6IC�1C10ris .r.,_.__.....r.._..�...e. . . . � Subd� 5� paper couYor.s or l�ke aocurer.ts centalninSt r.�aw� rw�e.�v+..w.���wa.� a�"�`�....�e...a�.�`rr�..�... we�.w�rr �+�sw �.aoar �.a �..�r� the infor;;ation rer,uired on a reqistraticr, card r�y be t�sed ----_.._....._.._�.��.......�._.---�--�_....�__..._._...,.....,..�....._.__.�—....__._._40...��,._... to rec;ist�: , A vc� r n; ed +�. ° ;"�t 5� ..,� caver coL�cn cr a like �.�...�w,..��.�.+�.......�.�..r...w...�.�...s.�w�.� w... �...e e�...�.e e �. .+r�r aas.�.«� docu^�e:�t nay be �s;:ed to c�^c�,ete a G�r�^ai;ent card at the �w�.��r.r��.n��.�rw�.�ew....�.r w...�r�w�..�.�w��ns.�r�s+w��+�.,�..'sw��r.ti�+r�w,rrea��w !'�11.5 �i2 Q�p��l�ih i�(�y* � . .........��..,..�..«...........,.,�,,.,�„� . I4 I5 16 !7 16 I9 Z� -21 22 23 24 Surd� 6� A Fersor; :+2:a clves false Infornation to ���r��t��Mwu������ai���s����y �� ��..�.��.�.��. � 25 procure a reaistr�ticz; is c�uilLy of� a f�lcr.f �r,� ray �e w...�`.:�......�.....�.�..r��....��.�.�.�.�.�_— — ...�.� �.�...�...�.+.. .�..�....^ 2b pur.Sst;e� hy r.�t --o*e tt;�r f_ive years 1�^�r± scnry ----�--�---._.._......______—__....___�_,___._. • .°•^• t o r a f i n e .._,._.�._.....__._.,._....,...�___.,.,.,...._.. 27 0� SS,R�C, cr bcth, ....�...�.�..,_._�..�.,,._._,,..,. . 28 - Sere 9, t;ir.nesota Ste��sres 1971, Chapter 20j, �S . . , 0 4 , � � � • ' ' � , � ,. , � ' � � � , '' � 1 amended by adding a section to read� 2 3 •. � 5 6 7 8 9 10 !I 12 i3 1� 15` lb 17 19 19 20 21 22 23 2� 25 26 t201.081] IREGISTRAxIdt� �ILFS,7 Subdivisicn 1. F,ithin ..�....._�.._......___..__._.__.._.... 90 days after the effective d�te of reCulatiion� of the ���i�r/►��F��a�rrM�������w�1�OM��I�O�O s����A�MM���M� comr,�issfaner ir•.ple�entina khis act, the ;nunicl.pal official ......_.__._..�.._____ ____--__.�.,.....�.__...,�M......._..�.._w.._._._..�...._...r.,.. for e�ch �vnici�ality ;•r�o has CUStOC�y of the or�cinal record w�w�. r..� r.r�.w+.+......��..�rw��..r+a.w+w..••�� �.�w ..r�.�.��..�.� arrs�� of voters aursuant to ,'�inneso�a Statutes 1971, Chaoter 201r .._....,....._�__...,........_.� _..._.....__.....,.......,._.e.._..._.._._._...����_.....,...,..,..,. shal.l delive� to the co�.z;,�y auditor o� the county ,�rhere the ����.�wi�+.�a��.+.�.w.�s....w.�r.�.�r..��.�.+r s�.��.+..`ss.�w.��s.4...�.w��w...�.1...��ss� . municip�lity is located; .,.....__..._._._._.._...__�r.._�._.�_.. ti) The ori��nai re�Is�r�tion fi],e of voters reqistered w�+��w.r..��r..�w..�...�....�r��wr e�...s..++�.. �....uw� �w ��.ww�ea��rr w�.i wr.�+i unde� any ?aw prior to this act= and •rwr�o�.r.� �.w� �w�a..w�.� �r. s+w..�.r.+ir �...�..w �assw �wr.�o E27 �he duplicate r��is�;ation f�.le of �he voCers� �....�..._._�_..._.�._.���.._......�..�.......,�.._.�..�.._____,_.�..d,._.._... _ Subd� �. The oria{�t�? !^�+qi_str�,�son file c,nd the •-----..,....._.�........�...,.__....._..,�..,...e.Y....,.a.y._._..__..__......�__ duF�.ica4e z-ec��strUtion �ile �ha11 be �he orici;�al. record o� Ar�iYY��P�s��M ��lOw���loSwi�O� M�wKi ��O�It�wAS1��� voters. T::e o: ic;�::�? : ��{ � �r�,tt�:� L•i le sh�1 � bc r,.ain���r��d �+siwrm.r�.���.�.�....+�s�o.��.w..�.......am w..wo. a..�.e.w«w�..a.�....wr.u. «+..*�.�.�. �....c.��.�..r fn the offSc� of the eou;��y a;;r.ator �T�d shall. ^ot be re:�oy4d ....._.�,._.,.._.__......�.------w---�.�.—.-a.._��.�.�._.._.4._._a..... __._...,...s....,. excep� o.^, azcer o� a co4rt a¢ co:��etert jurisdiction, The ............_._.�..�...,.__ ......_�._.__,__,_�..�_�.�.�..,._..�___...�.a._._.._._.......,q dupJ.icate reG�.str��io:� �<_,e s;;a? I be Zikewise �aintafned and .r....�._.�_.�.��...._._.__.._.,�._�.._._.�..a,_. _........�,�....�_.�.s��.�.�v�._._... sha�1 not be rencved exce�t :•rhen delivered to the duly fs��� Y�ti��w����N�.����r��a�w����i�w�c� �4 i���I�� Oo�Y�a�M�1rR��b��af�ws�i1������� Aq authorized iu�aes of electSon for use on electio� day� M�/��o�wrYw ��1�r� �l�r N�� ��s�ww�o�Mra I��wN �aw4 i��11� Subd, 3, mhe o:ici�ai reqistratian fi�e sha?1 be ..—...a._.—..��__.__ �........_.a........._..�.....,........,._..�.....�.�.�..m.�M...�. tr.aintair.ed �iphc�?t1Cal�v by n�r-e of voter. The auplicate F�Yi�M���Mir ww����M'��wir�ye��wiARwqiissw�a��P�ot w� registratfor €i�e shall �e :;ai^*ained by rrecir.ct, und bj ����•�•••�a�+•.�� �.w �.r �w.�wew.�r.�.r.�a.. se Ps�+.r� sa�....�s.arr�.rr�.a�,�w w�.o.�awr �r�.� street address. ....�......,..._�.., _.,....�.. Sec, ip. t•sinnesota Statutes 1'971f Chapte� 24I� Ss amen`ded by a6�in� a sectian to :ead; t201.09� �PRECZP:CT LIS�IS� ACCOU�ITS; REGISiRATION 27 PLACES�� SLbdivislon 1. �ach count•,� auditor shall prepare .... __...__....._._...�_.�..,....._.�..__�._...r. _.....�,_____�_....._�..�....._..._.,,, 28 and maintain a current l�st of the duplicate regisLrati�n �.___.____.r_._.__--____.a._ _._.. ..._._..._ __ �._w.___.,.._....... � �! � � 1 2 3 •4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 I4 � V 26 17 i8 19 20 -21 22 23 24 25 Z6 27 28 0 fil.e. Th1s 2isL s'��11 �e kr.o�:r as the precinct l�st and --.------.--�.,...__.+._._�.Y.__._.._._.._.....__,v...�.,_�___._._.�...._..___... shall sha��r by street a��ress the nanes, residence address '�""�--�--►—°..�........���....�.�. �.._...—w..�.........�..�. .....,....�...........�.�..� and tele����e nc:,�bers a� �11 vo�ers re�istered �cith�n the �'Y�M4��+'wr'�Mrr���Aw�����A ���fMw�M�N�����M������� Rrecir.ct, �.._....,._..._..,.., . . S��d, 2, Cn the 6t3th �ay aefore an election, the �r�a'��'+.�.+rrir�..a����.�.�...�r.�..�.�.n�.�w ...�+�w...� r� county auriitor s::e� 1:?el.iv�r tc t�:e cotir�cil of each A�����a�Y�4�l��i���M� �����e�Mi�fww����rr/��l������A��w��O�rs��� �unicfpa�i�,.� xf ti�:in ti:e co}ar.ty curr?nt cooies of the � w�..ra��.�.��...r++�rr�..r�.�+.�.�.�� —�r+ww...a�.....r.�..��..�..�r���.r.+.a+r.�s�s precinc� I�sts for tnat �u��ic+_oality, �,..�.......�_._.. _ o..,.__.,..�..� _:...e..... �.., S�abc�, 3, pa�A: cot ies of cu: rent nrec±.^.ct � ists sha1� ...... r... - _..�.��.e_..�..,...._�..�.....�._.......__;..._�.r.....�......r.r,�.......a.. IaQ availa:��� pror,.��ly tio any va*er reyistere� �ri�hln the #�Y��1��i,4sM w�s �M�tis� W1W4o�� �r+��al�� �Y�NO/r �r�wr�vNw� �M�w �Fw�� ��� ����. coctn*_Y. ���n Aritten ?'�pt;QS� t:�e:efcr accoMp�nied by payment ..�_�,.......�,...�.�........_.,.,.....,.o....�..�........_..�.,._.�...e........___....�..�.....>."..w� o€ the cast of reLreci�=c_ion� prec{nct I.SJ�rs sha1l be ------- -.-__.,..�....e._....._�_.,.._�,..�...,�..v.,..o.�._.�.._...�.�,�.___._._--�-----�• available �.-.t-�ed� �tP1y on ti:e cay of requ�s� f: o�,: the lOfih _..._........._..��:a.,.....�.__._._..�..�..e..,._..e....�.._.._,_��e_.._d �._._.�_..__.,. day te �he �::� c2}• be�c_ a a�y ::lection, �4 i !at(a��yNa��.�iYr�qr�lOMf�w�tlfu�ss�ti��A . aStlr3.'�� •+�C� Fc�.C�'1 C(}UT'i�l' alld�*Or Sr;c;Zi J"r.Zifl�c?�I� xC'CO'i'CjS ..-.�.....�..,Y..r ��..�._.,._..�...�..�......,,_..�.......�.,._...........,...�...�...rr..�.�e do2� e`lCCOlii2�� f0: t:i5 4fi{CE' 3i1C! SLJ":Z� e32^i::U322;% e? �L't�0i't OTl Yell�llti�i�b��oYe'p����w1�faNi�u��v��'ve�A�eR �ip�O�MrioRl�r�w1l��e►fu�bi�af����M�� ��'!2 CO21�11C`�. �?�!� C�SrS 0� : E'c�� g �?'a�� n,n, 3��; votin� in ti71e ------.-----_.-._--_ _---------__..:.�._._..��..._o_m....�.�.�.d_._._..._:_...�__.. county to t�.e c�^rissioner, , �. ....��.____._.,.�_ ._,,.a..._�.,..........,.. Sub�. 5. �'ach cot2:;tz auditor sr,ail deternine a number ^�"�'+��r��..�w.��.��.ea,.o�,...s�wrw.��.�vr.rro...or.s.w�.ses�w�w�..+.�.es�.rw a.� of pualir 1��:?l��i�ngs located �:tth{� t�e caunCy, and not less. _.�.......�r.....�_._.__ �..Y.�.�._._.�.__��.._.._ _.�...._.._..._.v_._�.______.....�..,_.�. than o�e a.o^ati.er. �er 3G.��3C0 resicer.ts, <<�here elici�le .-.�... __.._.�..._.�......_._.._.__�.r.._...�....._.......s.,.. __ �._._.�....,��_._..�_._..:..___ voter. s r�ay ����,s�er by co�+�nlet ::.r, � re^istiaticn c�rc'. and ...._.__�_...._..�..�.........d____..... _....�,....,....�..,..,. _...r...._.�_�___�...�...____,_... leavi,^.� it �iLh a.^, o�fici?1 ^•ithir, t':e bui,�{:�p r:!^cse dt;ty 1�����i�1Y��ti��i����W�M���� ��14�Mti�ati1A��Y�+�Yr���w��a�►w����r�M1�� ft shall �ae �o trar.s^�it the cards te the a:�rre�riate ceu��y .�_�.�__...__.,..___����_._.�._��.__....,._..�._--- ___�......... auditor, �r� �c3ecu��te su�aZy �f ,-er,��stratinn cards shall be -----..-�--�-.-_..._.�...____----------.-._......_,....�._......,..,�.._... _�_.�_.�_._.......... main�a�ne� �� t�� loc�tio^s deternined. _._._.___._..^..,.._..�__....____.--_------_-�--_...�__._„e. . See, 1�, :`•,innesota Statutes 1971� Section 201.11j is amended to r�adi 0 0 .� t �� /� � � , 1 201 � 11 [PREC�1dCT AJU2lPARIFS Ci�J►r1GED� C3i�IJGE OF FILES � j J ` �' / � ' 2 t�hen the boundaries of an elertion precinct Sn any such 3. municipality shall Y�e cr�angzd, the--�o�����.Q��► co��;�ty . «_..�..o___.. .4 auditar shall irr.mediately change his registration L-iles to w..w..+...�.� � - 5 cor!-ect�.y sho��r the r.at^es of the voters ��ha are residen�s 6 tbe�ein. l7 5��. 12. riinnesota Statutes 1971� Chapter 201� is 8 ��rera�pd b�• addi�3 a section to read: , s , iQ I1 ' 12 , 13 I4 � 15 i6 ' � Z I 18 19 � za _21 � 2z ' � • 23 ' i2QI.121I t�riTRY QF tdfii;ESf t;AxL��` rtOTICE,l ,S�hriivision � iW�A�►fsd O��f � 1. Ucan rQCeivinq a re�zstrntion ca:d nro;�erlY coMpleted ..�.._�..b.__�_..._..w...�......_.�.�...,._..�.._ a_a._.._._.� __......�.w.._ �.... _._._...�....�o � s.r.... . . ara� se�L:�ftted tn �ccordG;:c� ti�rith sections 7�nd 8, the _...___,_._...�..�,.,.._�:...a,.._.,.��........,.......�...___..._.�.__.�., c��::�tv �uui�ar sha? 1�nter the na;*e «n� a�dr°ss of �he voter _....._.._��.�... o.._..._.....��....�.o...�.�._.<...,�.....�..,�...�,.....,..o.e.r.�... i� the a�prco:i�te re�is*ra�ion r"i1es. �._..�._..,_..,....._...._.,._....�.�.....�.._.�..,.._.,.�.�_�. . C�.ih!�� 2• ii 2 COt]r1C1 ullC1�:�i ��':ui�. ii�ciis �� �iic 'vv��:a a ....�..o..s�.............r.,��..e..���.....�....v..�.�.r..�....�......e..,....._..,�..�.�....r,...�......,.r.��,..��... not'�ce in�icat±::n �:�e t��teY �s n��e, a�c,: °ss, pre�ir.cfi and .�..�..,....._.�......�__ ....._..._.�.a...�..�..__....�......�v�.�...,.. �O�.I��t'�' piacer i� kno•rrn. ^hP cs3rd shall re�uire that it be M�ar>wMP��t1R1aN4MW��e'vFMa�a�rM��/�w�w�NP��tia���AwAwb!/AV�M �� returr.ed if r.ot �e? �vera��.e. r cr �,ny ca: d� �tiurr.°� �ecause .�._._,� _ �. _ __ �...�... � �, �. �. _...,., _..,.�...� �. _...._ � _..� � w �..`.._...... na� aeliv�.able t�o the va*er at �t-�e na�!e� ��cld;css, the __..__�. ��.�..���...�..�..�.,_.�.Q�_�..s_____.__�..._..�..� county aud!�or �hall clace a cnallenqe �g�in�t �he votex on w w��..�1e...r..�r�.e��ow..+�r.wM.s�.�.+oe�.r.�..�.a�..�...ss+w...�w.��..sr.awr+r�es�� the �u�licate rec?istrat�on card, The voter so ct:aZlenged .._..._.._._ .�.�___._.__.___._._.r_.__.�..e..��,___._,..� ______..�.. nust recris�er at the pollir.r, o�ace znd cor��pl,ete an at•L•idavit w��..o��..�.r�s.+.� r.w��.�a�.�rw�...w�w ....�v.��w.. r�....�� ww...r+�w� v.r�.�arw.�. w.r ..�+s ri�q of residency to overcor:le t}�e cY.alle:��e. —__--.___--....o�_...r.__..____.�.�.._.._...... __�...w.� Sec� 13. :tinnesota �tstutes 1971r 4�ction 201,13r is 2� anended ta readt . 25 201,13 iI,OCP.L REG�STF.AR OF VI'FAU STATISTIC�� RFPORT : 26 D�ATHS TO C0�'t:ISSIO;�ER.� Ii:� local recistrar of vital 27 statistics Sn e�lch county or munici�al±ty, as the case may . ' 28 be, shGz� � c�ort narathly to the--rc«��►���:�-e�ez� county �ud�tor , .�.�...�.�.�.____....�.. �'� � ' . I r . — . ' • . _ . � /� ��'" i 1 Che na7e �and address of eacn--�d�� person �18 years oF aqe or � 2 0 -' e , , -�-•----r-.................,.......,._,,, , l.. r�ho has �1,ed �hile a resi�ent in the re�i.stration �w.� ' 3 jurisaiction since ti:e last previous repart--o�--�;�;� , ; . 4 �cct����cr—eot�eQ��� ��—��c•�r—f���L�—�r+�e�e--�o---��►�--c�ot��v�� c�� � . s � ' . : 5 Upon rece±p� of such report the-�F,... � � J� ����n auditor shall � � b exari�e t;�e oriqinaz an� dup,licate reqistrationMfi�es~and 7 r+ens�ve theref:on and destroy �he registrat,ion cards oi- ,' �8 registered persons so reported by the loc � ai regi��rar as , 9 deceased, � .• �� �eC• 14. �,innesota statutes I971� 5ection 201.14, is � 11 anenc�d to read; � � ,12 201.I4 fCLF,R� OF DISiRZC1^ CO�URT� REPQRT CfiA;JGES QF I3 I�Ai:£S`] The cle:k of dS.s�rict �ourt in each ccunty in the ' 1� state shall repv: t nonthlY to the����.�-r,.��.r �r��,,r,e,4--e-.�;:� 15 �;��z..��.�.�,�,,�.� - � ����:Q co�,�n�y nu�i; a� the na:re �nd a�dress oE ' � 16 each person,—�� gg y�ax� Qf �y� or over, res�dinq in such �4 ' I7 r�unicSp�lity ;yhose name sh�lz have been �hanged durir,q �h� i8 *�onth precedin� the da�e of the regort, by marriage, divorce , 19 or any order or decree o� such cour�. Upon receit�t of such 2� rePort, tre--�$�►r�-s��;�� �u�itor sha? 1 notify such voter by : � w'�..►s+�+�.►n.+w .21 maii ti;at it is necessary for hi:� to re-reglster under such • , 22 changed n�;,�e 1n order to vote at an elect�on� 23 Sec. I5. t�:Snnesota Statutes 1971� Section 20;�15, is � ' 24 a�ended to readj . 25 ' � 2�1.I5 [Pr�20BfiTc JiJDGE:� Rc,PORT GUl',RDIA1ISfiI�S A1JD 26 CO�;:;IT?��6P�TS, ] The judge of procate in e�ch county in the �' 27 sCate shall re�ort r.:onthiy to--��c�—cos��►��g,.�.��e�..��—,��,�, 28 ea�tr.¢9 �::a cct;^t� au��tc: the r�;,,�, aqe and addgess of each ' .._._._....�_...__..__�.,.._._..o..,, . . ' , , I , 1 person—� 18 ye�rs of age, or over, resid�ng Sn such �� N �..�. 2 mun�ciAa).ity, �►.ho has, durir.g the month precedinq the dst� . 3 of the report, been p2aced under a guardianshi� of the �g perso�, and each su�h person under guar�iansh�p o� the 5 person transferred to the jurisdiction of the probate court, 6 or restared to caAaci�y, �na each person,��� 18 Years of w+�.�.w 7��es or aver� a��udg�d legally inconpet�nt ry reason ot 8 m�ra�al illness, rental de�iciency, or inebriation, or as a ' 9�sy�hopathic �e:sona2.ity, �na each such person restored Ca I, 10 ��t�acity �y the court. Upon recei�t a� such re�ort� the � 11 ��.r��si�:�r a�sdiCor shall "ex«;�ine the original and i, wr�n,r�wwv-Yma . . . . . !2 �Yupi�cate re9lstratian fiaest and, if such exatr�ination �, 13 c�i�closes that any o� the persa,;s nameci in such � eport ,as I 14 b�ing �r.der ��a:dfa^s*:ip �f t�c �^rson� or as �djUdged I, 15 fncompeten� or a p�y�hopati:lc personal�Cy, is reqistered, ' 16 the--ec�pt���:� auditor shall re;�ove the registration ..N.._,�...,�.. 17 cards oi such persons from the active fS.iesf and upon notSce , 18 from the jud:e �f pro�a�e o� a �estOr��io:� to cagaci�y, ths 19 eer��s��c�c�:� audlt�r s�all then pr�cess the person � s � �.���� 20 registraticn card in the sa^e manner �s �f no guardianship , -21 22 i23 ' ' � or adjudication had occurred� Sec. 16, :linnesota Statut�s ig71� Chapter 201► is amended by addin4 a section to readt 24 I201�171� [FAILL'vG' mQ :�OT�� uEGISTnATIn?.� oEt`.0'IED�j At ..._. 25 the cl�ose of each cUlendar ye�►r, *_he cot�;�ty auditor shall r�w�r.�r+.�.r.���.sa•.���.�we �.�.�.��w.T���w...s..w...o.w�.��.�. ��...��w�w� 26 exa:tine t7e oric�n�l and ciu�ii��i*_e re�±:�t;atie.^, files and ._..___.�......_._.,..___o.._..._.._.___.,._....._ .r._..__..,.........__�_._........_.___.._.Y 27 sh�ll delet� theref: o�n the n�a: e of anY ��oter v.•ho r�as not ._,.._�..e.�......_�._......__..._ __.___�..._..._.._._. ___._..e..r._...,.._... 28 voted in any electic� ir.c:u�ir.a a s�hool eiectio:� during th� �._...__..__�___...�,___....__�_.�____.__�_ ,.._,...... __..__._._... __�...,,.._._.. 0 R I t� � '� � ;� �� i � � � � ' � � � r- , , �� ' ' 2 3 ' :4 . �.. � fout' prcredina calPndar years� Altnour,h not counted in any .,..a._.._...�...._�__._.._.__._�,___..,_ - ..�.. _..,. _ _.-_..,._ _......_.... _..r.... _...._......,�,,,� raCe, a late absentee bal�ot shall be considered a vote g�r .....__...__r.....__.._�... �__..._..__._ --�---�.�....,........ �.....o.. _..... �~'^����wrs the purposQ of �ontinui�:� recristration. --�-�----- - __,_........_,__„_.,.....,,.r.., --. �.. �... . _,. .,. e � .,... _, Sec. 17. ;�innesota s�atutes I971, Sectl.on 2p2,ZQ, i6 5 aren�ed to rea�; � 201.18 IkR?�ED FORCES �fE�iacF<5, REGISTRATIOP! SAYED, j In 7 the event that ti!e app?�cant �;as reglstered but Ss not 8 � 10 �ntStled ta vote �ecause hs has faAled to vote at an Qle�tion at le«st onee in any �our succcssive calend�;r years �'h�r�in e2ectians ere held, if the ap�licant, ar sorreone in 11 ]hIs �eh�},tr shall �iZe an aifidavit ;rith Che-eos.3���;,�-a�e�-flti �2 �'=`�'�':`��*� county aud,+.�or , statinq that or. �he date of ----�--�--a---..�,...�„�.... 13 �n� �rne �Iect�.on �urfnct such �our�year �e:1,od tl�e ug�,lScant Ig �as � mer;,be; of ti:� ar:.;ed �orces of �he vn�te� State,, such 1S ��f�daviti sha31 ap�ra�� as a re-regis�ra�:�.on, and enti�le 16 the a���icant tc vote� 1� 5��• 18. :4innesota Sta�utes 1971, Chap�er 20i, is 18 a^:en�e� by addir.� a section to read; . 19 [201.192) (PERSQi;S Ei•�=ITLEI3 i0 3� REGISi�.RED� j 20 -21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Subcivision 1, Every elicri►�lp voter sha11 bc ent�tled to be ..._.. _ .� �.�, �. _ _._._ a_..,.�.�___........._a..__.__vM�.....__._.�..e�.__._. _ _._,.�._.., reQisterec ir. the pr�cinet ±n ;cr,ich thz voter re,idc; , -�----.-...__.__�...__..a_...._..._..._.�...._..._r._. �.. �.�e�.__.o._..__.,...,......_..�..._.. Subd� 2� Voters ±n ar.y riistrfct not reaujrinq -----._._.�.� ....___._�___._.,.__...y.�.�_�__ ___.r_,_..o,.. re�istr��icn un�er ;�ir.r.esot� ;tatutes 1971, Chapter 201� who ...r._..._.._.�,__�...___..__..___--._...____,_.........._.,........`__._------ _... .__._._._...,,,� have voted in any elec*_ior, in the four �ears nexr p:eceding -----------_.�_� _.,._.._.._.�.........._�.,w..,,_,__.._�. � _ �r.�_.rr..__... this e��-�c��o,�� shall not be recujred to re�zister hercunder� �pq�srMO�^����Y��r��s����b�����b�������� . rw��Yr���V����w��sy���Y���� rti�Ai������ Tr1eY �ay be �,s'<e� tc ce:..olete a ber:�anent reG�st; ation card °"..'�'�� �. w � �...,.�.�. �....��.e �.�..r.� ��.� �.�...... d.�... ...�....�.�...,�...�. �. �,,.►�.�r.� at the ro21��� �lzce e7 e2pct! on ,�iaY. Vote.-s rec?is _ered ..._.__v... _..._... _...._..._,,,,_- �� ���►������M �v� ��Mw���w� � w�� �rww�� �� ���y Unde: ,'•:Snnesata �tatutes 1471� Chaoter 2Dlr shall not be ------ --�---_..._..+...� .-.-._.__.._._.,._.....,..._--_--_._._---�-.-�-�-__,__..�__..� ��• � � 0 � reQUired to re»reyister under this act. � , a+ ..r��ww.�.�.�w���r �...�w.w.+.��r�.w.w� 2 Sec. 19. ,��innesota Statutes 1971, Chapter 201, is 3 amended by adding a section to re�dt ;� t20.1.211] [COSTS.J The cos�s of adninisCering chapter ..�__._..�._._..._�_.......__�_ __.,.�_._...�.._ 5 201 shall be berne bY the o�fice rca►iired to perform the _.._._..._.._..._.___..._._..._._..._.___....,....._..._.a.,..,._.___._...,..,.__� .,.�......_.� 6 functions ana d��ies hereln reouired, ...._.__....._..__...,..........__...�__�_..._......__.�........._.,..., 7 Sec. 20, �in�esota SCatstes 1971, Chapter 201, �.s B am�en�ed by adding a sectfon �o readi 9 IO 1! 12 13 1� 15 16 Z7 IS 19 20 - 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ��- P t2�1.221� tRUI,�S �tip R�.GUI,AiIOt��S�] Suh�ivl.sion 1, The .,......... .. _ ... �. ..,. Y.. _.. _ .,. _ a.. _... co�mSssione; shal� adopt rules an� rec���la"ic:�� to imp,�ementi ..�...r__.___._.._.�__...�.�._._____.....t_._...... a __a...s�.�._..�..w.a.�..a..,._..�.., the uro�±;±cn� Q� c:�a::�er 2G1 b�,r Octob°; 1, 1973. r'°�"""�'�"��"����+�r�+wrao.a..s�.��nwa�wwww�roo.�w<�+n�oMrow�.rr _ _ Subd. 2� f�e shall naY.e rules consist�nt ��;ith the .r.....�..____�.�.._...,_ _ _..�.._.._.,_. _a �..�........o...,..._o......�._.�... federa�, st�t�, cc�unty, ciL�, te:�m �:nri �?is�r{c� e�ect±ar► ......,.�___.._�_.�...�.._._�,��..��..�......_.�._.,.�..�_.,.....�.........�o�..�....v.,....,._.m �.37':5 �4 �i.CS.I��`±n �71�' CX�_'Ct:�{ 0^ 0`_ �t:�� :' t^-iCV:.SiC::S r.^. 8I1 wrrw.�w�w�.�r+�arrK �.rr��a�.w.�a re• � fwwa�so ww.+�aea.��s�.r et� s�+�r wyo�ww� ara�r�y :�ar.ner a:.d �o that �nd sha11 assls* loc�? clecCion wvow�r��.r+r..r.�.�.��.wsw�.� �.��....s.�..r..m...e-.+.eaw..�.r�.. aw.++.......�wer.�s.... .. w �aw.r.�� o�ficers by �evisinc ur.Sforn fer„�s and procedu: es. iie sh�l� �l�� ��! �w/� W e A� 09 i�r �eY ��6� ws�iT�Mf� w� �PI� rv��sPl��� s As M/��kY�� Ya��^ [,w 0 YtjMG: �r•(f�l�♦ ��l j�CU��'..1.� V+aJ V�ver�nt n� b�ln ry:�intenar�e 01. w�w.w w�.��.rwa �..�. w�.� �.� ww Ma.+w. e.�w..�.rwv.w �..� wa nr.ws..+a..earr s. ev.�.w.e w o���.� voter regi5t?'�3*iG21 recor�s en electr�::ic or auto�atic da�a ......_._ _.._..,._.__.,_ ..o�.,.. _.�,......._.,._�.e...__..___.__.....�.�.Y.... nroce�siny systers sa t:�a� rhe recores of cour.ties using th� rw.r w w.�r.r. r�+a� �. �� w. �oa� �ar.� r�... �.�s.�. ww w.s w w�a.ra.wwa. n.v �s�..�� w w�w� SuStC�*;,5 are co^�eattble :��ith a u^iform systen ef electironic ..�._.�.� __._.__..�..�_�......_.�....�...___.__._ ._..,o....r._..,.e.�....._. data *^ainter.ar.ce. NP srrll s:;opr��isc the develop;aent and ...._....__..._..._�.._....�....._._..._._.....r.e._�o..�..........�..�._._..___,..,......r._...,...o..... tase cf the syst�M to insure th3t thev cor.Forn tn applicable ww.w �..w�. w.�.�,�.�.�w�w o�..� �.a w.ww r� �w. w..a+� w.a r.�.� www�w��..w sn.w sw. s.r�.�w.w.►r�..�ra�� provision� of la�� and reculatio;�s. ��w�r.�.��. �a.�. �w.a�.� rs. �r�ew..a�.�w�..e.�w� ��.+w Subd. 3. He shall DZ'PSCr�be the �etho:i and ~�nncr of ___.�._.�._..._.,__� _._.......�_......�..�.,....�.�._.__,.._...,. _�_...,......,. tra:�sNe: tin� �nd del! verinct t;�e ori�inal anci duNlir.��te _�..__..__....__..._.__.....�_�.�.___..._ o_�_...__.______..._..._.....,_ regisCru*ior: fi?PS fro.^.. t: e c�zice r:h2"e no�•: located to the ---�-__ _,�__...__..___.,...�__�._a.._.e._._�_�_�___..._ ....�.�_._., loca�icr.�� re�u±:ed hy this act. ��..��.._._.._�� ^_.._.......�. ._._._.._...._ sub�. 4. xe s!�a1i ��escrihc� tr.e fo:� ot t:�e au�iicate ...___.___„_.,......�.�..�__._._..._.._.�.._..._ _______.._..,_..._..�.. 13 � C� ' 1 registration file so tha� a d»plicate card �i:ill contain the �t�.p ww�.����+w�r�..�..w�....o��.��.��....a.w�..�.�.ti.�w.��r�u�w..r�.�r�w.�w�ar..�ww. w�..�� r 2 Yoter+s nane, a�dress, �nd tele�hone numher, space to ...r_.._..._.__�____._..._ _......_._....�..r..�........._._�,....._..__..____.Y._...._r... . 3 1.ndi��te ��.hether the vctcY has voted �.n a c7Sven e�ection and .,........,..,.._ .._____...._ _.r._.._._.... ............_.._..___...«._._.�,.�___.._,.._._._... •. 4 the vo�er�s sia*:arure. He shall prescribe procedures for �rrw �wY���� r� �� A �V �� w��al�w ���M��6r M��ww Fr�� r�ti Ar M w1�� w�rY����� 5 transpartinq tne durlicste registration fil.es to the ' ...�.__.__..._.._�_.o.__ �._...._...,..__.._Y..._.�.._.�_....�_...___......__...... b I, � ' 6 T 1 =� � , ' ' � , , ' i� �lecticr, jG�q�s for use on electioa day so the sianatures of ����i� �����w�ilwtia�e� �Nf� /��+� M�Y�� M ���w r��Y��rs �O�wr�wM� r� A� ti�M� voters r�ay re c4:�,�ared �ith the s�anatures on the dunliCate ...��__._.____--. ..._._...�_.�-.__._._..,._�_....�._..._.�...,..r.�� .. r�nistr�t;a:� ff3e. Y.e shall prescribe ;^ethods for obtal.n�nq ����.��+...s+.r.�.�..�..�.�...r.....�w.�w�..eaw. o�.a �.w.r wr w.�.s.�.r..rs.r.�.... w.rq.�.�..�ro.�......w,�.w..,,� the voter�s signature on the duplic��e reqistration rard at 1~rO��J���ti+�r+�M�! Is�+���F�a��aw �w�fa �� oYAyr�w�w rsl� w��a���Y �sw��w /�YwM M� O��V 4�/�� the Yails or by �afl. ,....,..�.�__....._.. _.....�. ._..._. _ 'Secs 2!. ;ainnesota S�atutes S97I� Cha�ter 201, is 12 ��er�ded �y ac34inq a sectiaa �o readt i3 f2Q1.23t� tCHF:LLENGES�� Subd:.y±sion J. Any voter . - . tpr�r.�.r•�.rwr��.w.�.��ee.wa�w.�ar.�w� 14 xe�istered ti:ith+_ra a counr�� r�y uaon :�Lti �1on ti? eci with �he iaaanxrr��ww���lAr�ars�a�we�sw.�w� 1�w����.w��wr�w�aae-ese��rw►���0wa�wrw4o���o�iM 15 �ourat2 �LCi�o: chal.ien?e �i�e elic�ibi�i�y or res�dence oi any ,._..____�.4..._.w___.�.�..___pe.�.._.,_. _..._....__.._.._.�..�_�e_.._.__A,_._._.__�.,.. 16 YQte� rec�iste�e� t���h1:1 �he cour�¢•✓. The pe�l.tion shall w�.w.w�.vw ��wr w.r. .�w�....��w.«�o.��a+� �.w w ��a.�..�.wm...ww�r. w+.wo�.w.�� 17 18 state t;+e ._^.rot;n�as �or chalier;�,e anc b, «ccoTrG�ie� by an ...�...�.a�..�.._.._._.__..�..�_....._a_.�.....,._�...__.,.... o..a.___...._....r.�.._...__. aff�davit of thc crallenv�r o� • eraana� kr.o,��ledae� A copy ...`. _ ..._.,._..._.. _.._ _ _ .�..a _ _._. .a. �..._ a. _ .�. � �..�.._.e. _ � �...�. �. _ �._._ ..e...� 19 of the pet:,ti�r, shall. be served as i^ a civ��, action on the �w�.w+�.� a�,.e�.ne� �.r.��.� o+�.r ws�.+�..ww rr�aar �.�.��+�,��.�►�.�+.�w.. �.s+��..rea w�..�w w�w�ws 20 challe:��e� vote:. ��on recp{rt o� a ch�llenc�ing petition, ww+.�.��.....s...�....�....a....�.o.�w�..w.�.��.rw�w.c.�r�.wro....� �.r....rr���.+srw.�w�.�....s� 22 the cc�nt;� aLditor st;all seti a da�e j•.ithin Five days for w.r.�a�.r+.w .y....o�..��.r�r...�...��..�r.�....�.w r�w��...�•..raw�a.�ww.a..wwu.«.wwe� 22 hearing cn the chzllenge. The hearinq shall be he1.d on the rwr..�+.��.��...�.�.��.�r..�..�...�..+�.�«.�N..a��...�.e�....�......�.�.�.�....�.� .�.�..�� . w 23 6ay se� be�ore the count}► auditar or ?:is delee�ate who shal� ����� w�� M �����w1�� �Y�w�������� ��Y��Rw��� �� ^O w1wl�� ��w ^oM�0A1� ' 24 then ;*ake tindi.^.�s a�d �ffirT or seC �sxde the challenc?e. .....__w....,,.._........_.._ _.... �.,....� _..�...�._ M_.�.�.........__.....�_.... �...._.. 25 ` Subd. Z� Any voter ��:hosQ re�is�ration h��s been denied .._....._...._.__..,..__.,._.._._�..�_.�..,..,.._.._._._�._.____.._ _�__..�..�.�. 26 or challen5ed as above ra;� eapea� the ch�llenge or der,ial to ..___--____._...___......._..._. ._.. _.._.._.._.�.._..� .,.�_,____._.,.._ .,._. 27 26 the co�r.:! ssioner � The a� peal shall be heard ;�ithin five ._..».._._..._ �....__._._,»_...,......._._......._.__..�._..._.,......v _� ____...�... days and before e?.ectior, r,ay� Upo� hearing the comr�issioner ._._�_.._.� _......._�.._.....,._._...�......__.�_._._.... _.... �_..____......_.....___.._.... � . :, � ' 2 i� � � ' � ••� 5 ' � 7 � $ ' 9 �Q ' �� ' � Z t3 � 14 ' 15 16 ' 17 ' ' ' ' � shall, af.�irn or reverse t::e c;�allenc;e or denial and shall ��l�r�����r�� y�iY V �ww��F�r�lrM �r�� �A��r� �ti ��A�w����wrM� ���y w � ��Yl�� gtve appronriate instrt�ctlons tv the county auditor. �`�.r.�+.�r�.....,,.. r.r. �....� �..��......�.� �...��r�.w .�.. w.�. r,.+w....�....w �.��ro Su�d. 3, FIearings bexare the com�issioner shall be Mar�.�rw��'�' �e °rr�.�.�s..�w...w�.w.w � r.� r�r�..�+roww...r..�.. wwrwi.. r ws��y considered a rontested �ase and deter�ined �n accordance -----------�.—_..._....�._ ...-�.. �.�.... �...�.».......�.,.,e. �....,.......�..,�,,,.,�,.....�...�..........o,,., �...m+. with the ad�inistrative procec:ure act. ..�......,.....�..�....... -....�.� �'"'.,."" "'_"'--r..—�-�- -•--_.«..-....�. Sec, 2�, I-.�naesota Stututes 1971� Sectlon 201.26, is anen��d ta reac3; 201,26 t�?�STn�,�CE� DET�.R►4I?�ATIOIJ�]—���—E.��a�s���.o���--�� ��':��t:�-rf�-�-��e-���-��e��:��--o-�— � ���--��e: �o�—�e ��c�:.�t��^�v �s��,.�s°�:=�.-�aH--FC .,:F, �;- '.. �. :'�:g' ;n�c�-c��sta..��:. _E�!i�'"�.afT-s.::..;.a.,ak....�.�no-...E'fy.rq - i �'�—�'�►—�='e—e��='-�l-ec���-e The fol].o��{nc rules, so f�r as may W��� ����en<b sY MnNa�wr���^wr.iwr� �p.�+YM q�s�r� �� °�����ri�2P, sh�li govern the de�err�ir.�tion ot res�dency 3 _..o.... o — _ -- . �....... �. _ _.... _ � � _... . �,., ...... v. . � .�.r�_...�.�, ��� �n� res�aence of ��ny per�on shall be held to be in �hat pl�ce fn arhieh his ha�ifation Ss �����, t�rit;hot�t any �resEn� ir,'ientian ol re;��oving �herer'rom, ar!d to •rrhlCh� whenever�he is a�sent, he intends to returns Eb) A person shall not be consiciered to have lost his 18 resSdence ��ho Ieaves his home to no �nto ano�r�Pr state, or 19 20 . 21 22 county �n this state, �or �emporary purposes only� (c) A person shall not be consi:Iered to have gained a res�dence in any county into ��i�ich he r,as co«�e �or temporary purposea ca:y, �aithout the intention o¢ r„akin5 such county 23 his hor�e f 2� (d7 If a person goes into another state +�ith the 25 intention of ~aking it his resi�ence, he shall be considered . 26• to have lost hts residence ?n this state� 27 28 te) If a person rer��oves to anothe: state wlth the intention ot re,7ain±;�g ther� for an indeftnite ti;�e as a � �� . i��ace of residence, he shall be considered to have ].ost h�s 2 residence in this state, notvrltY�standinq he intends to 3 return at some future tSme� • �A (f� The place rfhere a tnan�s faMily resl,des sha�l be 5 considered h,is residecicer but if it is a ter�porary 6 establishrent fox his fa*���y, or for translent purposes� 1t 7 $ s IO il 12 13 I4 I5 16 �i 1Q 19 20 ' 21 22 23 sha21 not Ae so cons�dered� t9) I� a::ar. has his ���,��1y Xivi.r.g in one place and h� does business 1n at�other, the farmer shall be considered his residence, but .�hen a man has take;, up his abcde at any place ;v,ith the ir�ter.tilon ro� remainfng there, and h1S family rEfuses to resia� ��ith him, then such p�ace sha11. be consicier�Q his resiaencef (h� ai�° i'^S�'?�.^.Ce o: a sJ,r+gl� �,an si�all be consi,dexed to be vrhere he usu�lly slecpsf. ti� The nere I�te�tio:� to acquire a ne�r� residence, ki�haut t;e fact o` rer�ov�l, shai� avGi+ no�hSr�g, neither shall the fact oi rer�o��_aI s��itno+at the intenCionf• (�� I�o p�zsor. en;.l�Yed tcraporarilY for the purpose of cuttin� tiM�er, or in the construction or repair of anY . railroad, canal, municipal, or other �ork of publlc nature, shall aca.uire a residence in any preelnct into tvhich he cane for such pur�ose� but this provis�on shall not be helci to 24 extend to statior� a5e;:ts or sectionnen :aho per;�anently 25 � resi�e in such �:recinct, and ir. deter��lning the ri�ht of any 26 �erson e;,:�loyed b}� railroad cor�any or upon ar.y publ�,c .rroxk 27 to register, *.he commissior.e: s;?all be saLisfied trat he �s 28 -a bo;�a fid2 resi�ent of th� precinct and not there for .�.m �'�'s 0 � 1 tenporary purposes only, and his unsu�ported affidavit shall ,- � �' 2 not be h.el� conclusive as to any fact necess�ry to entitle 3 him to regisfiert ' � tk) Any pernanent inr�.ate of a so�diers� home shall be 5 considered a rpsl�ent ot ttie pr�cinct in •r.�hich the same is 6 loca*ed, � 7 Sec. 23. :3Snnesota S�atutes 1971, Section 201.27, is 8 anended to reads � 1Q 20I.27 tVIOLATIQt�S, PE;�;��,�ZE,;�� Any officer, depu�y, clerk, or at�e: gmn� opee ::ho s::aZ� �,;i�,fully fail to per�or►� 11 or enforce any o� the provisions of—��*�?�-����--��;.Y�; 3-?--.�� 12 1i�i;�� chapter 2�1 � or who shall� unla;rfully or .._....._._._.�..._._ 13 fraudulently r�:�=ave �zy rer±,tiratian card or record from �t5 14 prope� ca-:�artr.,ent in the �eqis*_ra�fo:� fil�s, or who shal�. �IS c�ilfully �:estroy� �n�� record prav��cd by—�::�c�:�=�c�� =6•;;a?.«.� 16 r�;�r c�nQter 2�I to be kepL, or. any person vrho sha1� ....�...___---�---�.. 17 vai��ully ar �raudulently regis*_er r�ore thun once, or 18 19 20 21 22 register unaer any but h±s true name, or atter..p� to vo*_e by imperson�ting another �r;ho is re.��stered, or tiaho v;il¢u11y reqisters in any precinct �rhere he is not a resident at anY tine of registeri:�g, or ;,�;;o adds a r�ane or na;^es to the reqistration files, reca:ds or cards, or �Ni�o violates any of 23 tne �rovf sions of--ge��#-o�4—=��s�};-��...�e..��� .�� chapter 201 is M�w��� � �w� 24 guilty of a felony� 25 Sec. 24. ;iir.nesota Statutes I97I, Section 204�07, is ` . 26 a:nended by ac?dln9 a subdivision to �eads 27 Subci, 5. Satisfiea �:ith the voter�s quali'ications, �..._._._._...__---____--._--�. �.._____....____..�..._____a�.,.. 28 Che election ju�ge Shall r��rk the dun?icate rec�ist:arion ......._ �. �.._..... _.�..._.._.... --- --- --._.._._._._ r....._ � _...�. __._ ^..._ _.................. .. . �y 1 _ � 1 card accordinqly, and aCher iud?es shall have charqe oP and ��/_ � �.._._�__._..._.._...__............._�__.,.._.........._.._....._.�..... ____..._ ___--___... 7 2 receive from each voter the b��llots, � �wr�wM��ww��fYwO MM Y���w AM��w �Mra���� �i� y1��M . . . . 3 Sec. 25. t�'innesota StUtutes 1971r Sections 201.02i ' , 4 201.43f 20I.d4� 201.05; 241.Obj 2c?1.07► 2G1.06j 20I.09� . 5 201•14] 201s12i 20I.16� 201�1�f 201•19} 201•20f 201•21t . 6 20i.22; 2oi.23s 2�i.2�s 2oi.25t 201.28; 201.29; 201,30s 7 20i,31f 242.321 2�2.33; 204.07j subd�,visions 2 and 4� 8 2�34,0T5a 204.076; and 204�077, _ . � __ � � � • ' .- , � � • . � _ . . ;� . � � � .� � � , • � � , . ' � ' .. ;i - . . � . ' � � RESOWTION N0. �` _ ig73 , A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTIMG TNE Si�LITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMfNTS ON OUTIOT D, PARCEL 3000, INNSBRUCK NORTH ADOITiON, AND PLATTING INTO INNSBRUCK , NORYH ZND AOOIIION WHEREAS, certain spaciat assessm�nts have been levied with respect to certain 1 and and sai d 1 and has sabsequertt 1 y bcan subdi vi dad, NOW� TMEREFORE, BE IT RESOIVE� as follows: � That the assessment� ievied against thc follc�wing d�s�:ribed parc�l, to-wit: Outtot D, Parcel 3000, Innsbruck Norttr Addition, may aa�d shali be apportioned and divided and piatted as foitows; Original Parcels Outiot D, Parcet 3000, Innsbruck " North Addition Division and Plafiting of Parcets �proved Lots 1-21, 81xk 1; Lots 1-14, 81ock 2; and Lots 1-10, Btock 3, Innsbrucic North 2nd Addition F� Regular SA SW #36 SS #40 Fu�d Regular SH (45 1ots, each with an origir�al p�tn- cip�al �� $135.10) SW #36 (St,wv�r Area Interc�pxc�r ) �45 lots, ca^h with an ori gi na 1 pr�i n- cipal of $4§043) SS #40 (Storm Sewar Mains) (45 l�t�, �aeh wiih an origin�i prin- cipal of $52012' 10, 51.�5 � QAY OF Original ,amaunt - .�._ $ 6,�79.50 2,026.35 2 3�►5,40 10, 51.� Ori qi na 1 Aa�ount $ 6,079.50 2,02bo35 2,345.40 AQOPTf D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF'FRIQREY THIS . , 19730 f ATTEST: CITY CLERK N6arvin C. sru�seil � MAYOR Frank G. L�eb � , � I � � � RESOIlfTION N0. V - 1 973 A RESOIUTiQN AUi'tiORIZING AND DIRECtiNG THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON PART OF LOT 18, PARCEL 2840, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 39 I,�HEREAS, certain special assessments have been ievied with respect to certain land and said land has subsequentty been sui�divlded. kOW, TNEREFORE, �£ IT RESOLVEO as follaws: That the assessr�nts levied against th� foitowing d�scribed parcet, to•witz part of Lat 18, �ercei 2840, Auditor's S�bdivision No. 39, may and sha11 b� apportioned and divided as follows: Original Parcet Fund Original Amo�nt Part of Lai i8, �arcei 2840, Regutar SA $ 1,350.71 Audi tor's Subdi �r"r si on t�o. 39 � ' t Division of Parcet A�nroved Fund � Part of Lot 18, Farcel 2840, Regular SA Auditor's Subdivssion Nv. 3g Oric�inal Arno�ant $ f,215.64 Part of tot 1$, �'arcel 2870, Regular SA 135.0� � Audi tor � s Subdi vi s i ore Ho. 39 � � � � 1�,350.11 � o , 0�-� ADOPTEO BY TNE CiTY Ct�lIvCIL 0� THE CITY +DF �RIDI.EY THIS �' OAY OF � • _s_.._.�...� , 1973s � � �� �� �J I � AITEST: CITY CLERIC Marvin C. i3�unseti u M:AYOt� Frank G. L i eb t 0 RESOlUTION N0. � - 1973 A RESOLUTiON AUTHORIZIN� ANO DIRECTING THE SPLITiING OF A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ON LOTS 15 AND ib, BLOCK 6, SPRING BROOK PARK ADOITION, AND T�ANSFERRING THE ENtiRE BUIIDING SITE CHAR6E TO LOTS �3 a�o t4, BLOCK 6, SPRING BROOK PARK � ADOITION, THE PORTION OF THE PRQPERTY QN WHICN THE BUILDING STANDS (Owner has requested this) WHEREAS, certain special assessments have been ievied with respect to c�rtain land and said assessment has subsequently been subdivided. NQW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEO as fatlows: That the assessment levied against the fotlowing described �arcei, to-wits Lots 15 and 16, Btock b, Spring 8rook Park AddiYion, may and shall be appor- tianed and divided as foltows: Oriqinat Parcel Lots 15 and 16, 81ock 6, Spring Brook Park Addition Di vi si on of Assessment Approvert Lots 13 and 14, Btock 6� Spe�ing Brook Parfc Addition L�ts 15 and 16, Block 6, Spring Brook Park Addition " Fund SW #21 (Water � Sewet Lat. F� 1 /2 Se�-vi ce ) Fund s� �xt tt/2 Service) SW #21 (Water Fs Sewer lat.) Oriqinal Amount $ `Fz� s 3B Ari,�inai Amount $ 280.78 147.60 ��.3�"�"' AOOPTED BY CITY COUNCIL Of 7� T F �� . N CI Y 0 FRIOLEY i'FiIS DAY OF , 1973. MAYOR Frank G. �iebl ATTEST: CITY CLERK Marvin C. Brunsetl �� 1 � 1 � . b' �� � 3 28 RESOLUTION IIESIGNATING DIRECT�R AND � ALTEF2NATE IIIRECTOR T0 SUBURRAN RATE AUTHORTTY � . . � B� T RESOLVED by the Council of the � of , Alinnesota, as f lows: 1 is hereby desiqnated as a directo of the Suburban Rate Authority, and --�� -- --- -----_.�_----- � is hereby designated to serve as alternate c�irector of the Suburban Rate Authority for the year 1973 and until their successors are appointed. STATE OF P�IIQ:?ESOTA ) COUidTY OF HEliNF??'P; ) SS : of ) I, the undersigned, �eing the duly qualified and acting Clerk ot the of hereby certify that the attached anc� foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Council o£ at its meeting on , 19 , as the same is recorded in the minutes of the meeting of such council for said date, on file and of record in my office. Dated this � day of ` , 19'1� Clerk of I (SEAL) � �_i' .-. . . . . . . _ .-�.- �� . . . . y ] 1 �, � ' . . .. . . . . • . . �s - . ' .. . . . � NORTH SUBURBAN S�WER SERVICE BOARD ��� � � � �� � � � _ � 1313 COON RAPIDS BOULEV�IRD I� ' � COON RAPIDS, i�iINNESOTA 55433 4 � � . - � . . , . . . . . � � �� � � � . � � . � � . , ' . . . . � . � � . , � .._ � . � � . . . . . . �1 ,1 hlarch 26, 1973 `_ i . _ � .� I, � _ . ' N.s.s.s.r�. rfi�����R: ;� The Regular ?3oard 1�Zeeting of 1�tarch 29, 1973 has h;en postponed to � Thursday� .�pril 12, 1}?3, 7:3C P. "I. at the j�ridle�r Cit.y Offices� 6l�31 University Avenue N. �,, iridlef, ti7innesota. � Some impar�ant discussions and actions should b2 forthcomin� at this meetir.g. � Hope v?e can have a11 com*�unities represen�ed. 1 � �iOPTn Su 3JR�:i�T S�t�iL:Z SLR`�'ICia, �A � ;�,. u. Dannhe im Secretary � � � . . � . � � � . ; . ! , Pdarch 16, 1973 mr. Gerald Davis I�anager� City of Fridley Dear Sir; � Due to other comraitments at this time, I cannot coniinue as a member of the Islands of �eace Comni-t— tee. S therefore res�ecti�'ully submit my resignation. P•ir. Brian Ingvalson t�rill continue in.my place as a represent�tive of Independant Scnool �is-�, �t14. I extend my sincer� Y�a.shes for the continuing success oi th�s projeet. Tn� ultima�e success of the project s:ill be due to the dedication of Many people to a worthy ideal. �� Very truly. yours� � � .� ,I_.�:� !iL -�- �L'�+�f ' -.• 0 �-�__, � 1 r. ' i ' �slanas o L� e f pe ac ADVISORY BOARD EUGENE DALY, Chie1 qttomey Vere•ansAdm�msrrarion � EVERETTEDOOGE Principal Dowlrng ScAOOlfoi Crippleo Child�en FREDRICK J. DRESSER Midwest Fedcre! Savings and L oan Associarion FOSTER DUiVWIDO�E Vice aresldenr Aichitecrs o! Barrierr . �oi Me Handicapped WILLIAM GREGG Adminisr aror VeleransHOme State of Min..r.,ota . RICHARD JACOBSON Vice Presidertt Fridtpy Stare Bank FRANKJOHNSON £xecutive Dnecror Mirtrreapolrs Socrery a/ the 81,-reO ROBERT KOCYA�CZYK Direcro� Fraser Schoot 1or the Mentalty Nand�cappe</ DAVEKRJEGER Chief Rcrreation mU RehaOiliratioq Veterans Hospital, Minnerob . DR, JOSEPH kSORIAFTY Mercy HosWta! . LEON OLSON � fxecurive Onerror Training and fnploymeni o! HanOicapped Adu/ts R se, lnc. ROGERSCH6iAUS Principal Robert Cours Stevenson E/ert,entarv Schoo! WlLIIAM SCHOENBOLM Execunve 0���.eaor ,Minneapolrs Snt�ety o! . � Crippird Child�en arrd . Aou/ts DR. BROR S. TROEDSSON Chief Vh ysica! Med�cfne of Vererans NospitaJ, Minnesota . ED WI�MES O�iginator � Chairman ISLANDS OF PEACE COMMITTEE ELMER F. OLS9N LINUS B. FRITZ RON F, BURTnN REV. M. G. DE"JYES REV. E. A.�CHbtIELEVJSKI TONY OLSOtJ V. F W. ,76J WAYNE PET715 � American Legon Post 303 DONA CEBULA American Lemart Auxi�l�ary P�s:J03 RUTHST.4RK L'. F. i;, qusir�iar'v Post 3b3 PAUL BRO`itiN Ex-0/f,ao � Ciry oe Fnd;ey CARROLI KUXOEV�KI Secrerary _ _ �_ _ y.,` 3 �`� �' : Recreation . � ` _ � .. and Nat�re �tudy � ' � - - for Everyone CITY OF FRIDLEY•6431 UNIVERSIlY AVENUE N. E.• FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 TELEPHONE (612j 560-3450 63�0 Riverview Terrace Fridley, Minnesota 551�32 Frank Lieb1., N'ayor City of Fridley 6I�31 University Avenue N. E. Fridley Ninnesota. Deax Mr. Liebl: The following names are recommended to the council for appointment to the "Islands of Pea�e Committee". F�idley Lions Club -- Don Bona President Burt Ell� s V'ice Pres ident Again Thank you. / Sincerely, i .. A :`JC,:. •.__ Ed Wilmes, Chairman f ' � �� ,, ili/here ��ace is a r�ray �� lif� every t�e+�r of every day." �. �. � � � � ! � � � I � I � � � I � � �� � JO{NT AND COOPERATIVE A6REEMENT ANOKA COUNTY MUNICIPALITiES LEGISLATIVE REPRESEN7ATIVE The parties to this agreement are governmentai units of tt� State of Minnesata. This agreement is made pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sectian �+71.59. 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this agreement ts to enable the partfes to more effectTvely represent their Joint interests before the State Legtslature by the retention of the professionai services of a legislative represent�tive. 1 ! . F�EMB ERSN ! P The initiat parttes to thts agreement are any of the fallawing municipalities wi�ich have executed this agreement on o� before February iS, 1g73: City of Anoka City of Columbia Heights " Ci.ty of Fridiey Any other city or village in Anoka County may become a party to thi"s agreement upon the approval of the tnitial members and the executton of a copy of thts agreement. 31 .� 111. FINANCIAL AND ADt11i1tSTRATIVE 1. The City Manager af the City of Fridley ahall serve as the administrator of this agreement. Ne is authorized to contr:t for the services of a tegislative representative on behalf of the parties and to receive and disburse funds to carry out the purposes of thls agreement. The making of contracts and disbursements of funds shall be in a�ccordance wtth the procedures and )aws governing the City of Fridley. II , � � . 31 A � 2. Each party agrees to make an initial pay�nent of $4,000 to be piaced in a specTai fund maintairted by Lhe admintstrator. �" The initfal payment shatl be nade on or befot'e February 15. 1973. � When the balance af the special fund is less than $2,000, the admtnlstrator sha11 notify each party who shatl promptly submit , r �� an addltFonal payment of $1�000 to the admintstrator. No party ls obiigated far total payment to fihe special fund ln eicess of $8,000. 3. Upon termi�atlon of thfs agree�ent, any baiance of the special fund shall be ret�rned to the parties in proportion to the amounts contrtbuted. � 4. The administrator 1s responsible for the accounting of the special fund and shail periodtcaily report its status to the parties. 1 � IV. LEG15l.ATiVE REPRESENTATiVE The adminTstrator is authorized to retain the se�vices of a person, quatified by experience and training, to perform the foTtowing services for the parties: 1. To info�m himself and keep abreast of all pending 1egTslation and be kno►�rledgeabie of the effect it w11) have on the participating municipalities. 2. To meet regularly, if not daiiy, during legislatdve sessions, with representatives of the Anoka County legtslative delegation and the�chairman of important committees hearin� proposed legisiation which would affect our municipalities. 3• To meet and confer regulariy wtt5 the City Managers and City Counciis as required to determine tne effect of pending legislation on each municipality and to solicit the position of C(ty Councils on various legislation. 4. To testify to legistative committees regardin� tl�e position and effect of various legislation on the participating municipalities. r,:aA . . � � � � � , � S. . l�Ihere the opinions of pa�ttcipatinc� municipalities differ, to attempt to reach a consensus position which ean be agreed to in the best inte�ests of ail concerned. • Yl 6.. To establlsh a close workTng relattonship with � r�presentatives of Anoka County, the League of Minnesota Municipaiitfes, and other common interest groups regarding pending tegisiatiort. 7. To perform such other duties relating to pending or poposed legislaLlort as requested by the Anoka County Assoctation or individual participating municipalities. 8. To perform such reasonabl�e services as may be requested by tegislators from Anoka County from time to time. 9. To perform such flther services as are necessary to insure effective representation of the jolnt interests of the parties &efore the legislatura. The parties agr�e to establish such farmai and informal a�rangements as are necessary to insure an adequate exchange af communication between themselves and the legislative �epresentative. V. EF�ECTlVE DATE This agreement is effective when executed by the three cities as listed in Arttcie tl, provided, however, tfiat the iegislative representattve shall not be retained until the initial payment ts recelved from each of the inttial parties. VI. DURATION: 7ERMt;JAT�DN This agreement ts in effect unttf June t, i973, and may be renewed after that date for such period as the parttes may agree. This agreement shail terr�inate whenever the number of parties is �ess than Any party nay withdraw by ftling notice with the adminlstrator advising of its i�tent to withdraw withTn 30 days of such notice. Any rnember sowithdrawing shatl be returned its proporttonal contribution out of any unencumbered balance in the speciai fund. �. . 31 C tN YtTNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned governmental unit has ,,,I taused ��is agreement to be signed and delivered to the administrator on t ts beha 1 f. . � C ! TY OF ANOKA By Oate !ts Mayor ATTEST: C�ty C erk . And Date � t�s CiCy Manager CITY OF CQLUH�iA NEtGHTS gy D�te ! ts Mayor A7TEST: C ty C erk And Date llts Gity Manager r CiTY 4F FRlOLEY By � Qate I ts Mayor ATTEST: = City Cterk And Da te ts City Manager - - - � ' � � � ` � ` � • : _ ._. a _ . . . � . . � __ ' � Z .� � 3 -- _ ; _ _ _ _ .. . �, ` _�_ I �.ao�oo..rrn�u����ntnoo.-eo�oc�,'��rc� mcfl '� � � tv .�-� � M G; :J .� cV t�f � � � � � O , s.� c� rrt �.� t � :� I � c� .-� I a Q �`` G' .J � M�;,� •-t .� L�� M G2 M tV O ttl �' .� CV O M! � tV i� •-� 'I � o �•-t .-1 O 1� v t�l � O•� �O �J O N'11 �� L7 � O!� st3 tV M 1� A a~ t� cs e�i ..i .-; � t� t� � ::� � � r� � cv .� ,n � �,-�3 o�d r+ N •-i .-a ', . . . - . I .7N0�►O���OOOOOOO�pp p + � MI�SOO�ZL1*"��'JO(?OOCit7ri c0 O�M� OM � o .o.QN��,��cv�ou�s:n�nc�o;,�i`�r�o.�ooc,� �3,4 � � � .fl .� ccr � s� � c�i c� � iI F tt1 �`' •-1 t� .� N? .-1 tV �' t�! .1 O� Gf � tV i� t'! 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'—...---.� ....__ " __' . _.. ._ ..�__ . ... ._ . , _ .... _ . . . . . , . . . . . . . . _ . .. ... . . '. ' ' ". " ' � _ .. �. � fi� . . . _ ' .. . . .. , � . . . , . . . . . .. ' _ I�� � .. � � � • � . . . . � • . � � .. � . . . . . . . . . : �: ' . . . . . . � - . . . y,� . . . . . . . � . . . � .. . .. - . . . �, . � . � . � ' LIST OF I,ICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY TF� CITY COUNCIL AT THE MEETING OF AFP�IL 2� 1973 TYPE �F LICENSE BY APPROVED BY FEE CIGARETTE � Ryan�s Conoco 6389 University Ave. FridZey Automa.tic Sales Publ.ic Safetp Dir. 12.00 Shorewood Inn 6161 Hwy. 65 Fridley William Nicklow Public Safety Dir. 2�i.pp ].00 Twin Drive-In � Central and I-69lt Fridley Outd.00r 3.'lieatre Caterers Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Target Store 755 - 53rd Ave. Fridley Target Store� Inc. Public Safety Dir. 21�.00 Target Food Store ?55 - 53rd Ave. Fridley Jonathan Stores, Inc. Public 5afety Dir. 12.00 Penny�s Super Market 65l�0 Univers ity Ave. Fridley Penny�s Super Market Public Safet� Dir. 12.00 Fridley A and W 7�.29 East River Raad Fridley Donald Tarasar Public Safety Dir. 12.00 C ountry Club rTarket 6257 xw�. 65 Fridley Country Club Market, �nc. Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Kurt Mfg. 528o Main St. Fridley Sir Vend� Inc. public Safety �ir. 12.00 Dealer�s Mfg. 51.;0 Main St. Fridley Sir Pend� Inc. Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Holiday Auto TJn�versity and I-69l� Fridley Eagle Tndustries� Tnc. Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Canterbury Inne 6}�79-81 University Ave. Fridley Deane Jruye Public Safety Dir. 21�.00 Strite Anderson 75�� Viron Road Frici7Qy Servomation �ain Cities Public Safety Dir. 12.00 33A- ' ,Page 2 LIST OF LICENS�S TO B� APPROVED BY THF CITY COIJNCIZ AT THE MFETING Or APRIL 2, 1973 , ' TYPE OF LICENSE CIGARETTE , Holiday Village North 25� - �7� Ave. IFridley Maple Lanes '6310 Hwy. 65 Fridley �Fridley VF'W Post 363 10l�0 Osborne Road Fridley , Barry Blrn�er 99 - 77th Way Fridley ' Sta.ndard.0i1 5311 University Ave. , Fridley Fireside Rice Bowl 7?�ia.0 Old Central Ave. � Fridley Burger King ,6�.I0 Universit� Ave. Fridley 'RAd Qwl 6525 University Ave. Fridley ' Snyder�s Drug Store b582 University Ave. Fridley , Ember�s 5l�0o Central Ave. � Fridley Tam Thumb Food Market 315 Osborne Road � Fridley Western Station ,7600 TJniversity Ave. Fridley ' Mr. St,eak 5895 University �ve. Fridley � BY Canteen Co. of Minn. The Moore Way Vending Fridley V�`�1 Post 3b3 D. k. Carter Co. D.K. Carter Co. Glenn Wong Burger King Corp. Red Owl Stores' Inc. 9PPROVED BY F� Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safety Dir. 2l�.00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safety Dir. 12.�0 Public Safety Dix. 12.0a Snyderis Drug Store, Inc. Public Safety Dir. 12.00 bnber�s� Inc. Public 5afety Dir. 12,� Tom Thumb Food Markets� Inco Public Sa.fety Dir. 12,00 Western Stores Co. Robert Scha.�shtschneicier Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 �Page 3 LIST Oi LSCIIISLS TO BE ApPROVr,D BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THE MEETING OF ApRn, 2, 1973 �TYPE OF LICENSE BY APPROVE�J BY �'EE CIGARFTT� �Standard Od.l b490 University Ave. Fridley Roland Cox Public Safety Dir. 12.00 � , Onan Corp. 1I�00 - 73rd Ave. Fridley Servoma.tion Twin Cities Public Safety Dir. 12.00 ' Rapid Shop ' 6�30 East River Road � , Fridle.y Rapid Shop Superette Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Countr�,� Kitchen '2'$0 - 57th Place Fridley Nicholas Funaro PubZic Safety Dir. 12.00 Kentucky Fried Ghicken � '7510 University Ave. Fridley Carl Beaudry Pu�ilic Safety Dir. 12.00 , Totinots � ?350 Commerce Lane Fridley Canteen Co. of AZinn. Public Safety Dir. 12.00 � Moon Plaza Res�aurant 6215 University- Ave. ,Fridley " Vernon Remley Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Russts Superette 6253 University Ave. ' Fridley Russ Paone Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Day Co. ,500 - 73rd Ave. Fridley ° ARA Food Services PubZ?c Safety Dir. 12,00 'Do�*ning Box 5851 East River Road Fridley ARA Food Services Public Safety Dix. 12.00 I Precision Sheet Metal , 5250 rlain St. Fridley ARA Food Services Public Safety Dis. 12.00 I , Fridley Food Market 8154 �;ast River Road Fridley � ' Fridley Terrace 74� xwya 65 � Fridley Target Hea�quaxters ,1080 - 73rd Ave. Fridley John �.�eck Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Midco Mobile Iz�c3�:s. Dev. Corp. Public Safe�y Dir. I2,00 Pioneer Systems Publ.ic Sa.fety Diro 12.00 . 33 C � PagB �. LIST C�F LICEIdSES TO BE APPROVED BY TEIE CITY COIINCIL AT THE MEETIAIG 0�' �R� 2, 1973 ' TYPE OF LICENSE BY AP°ROVED BY FEE CSGAR�TTE II , Target Store 755 - 53rd Ave. Fridley Pioneer Systems Public Safety Dir. 12.00 li ' K.C. Hall 6831 xV�v. b5 ' Fridley K.C. Hall Public Safety Dir. 12.00 � ' Club !�7 , 60b1 University Ave. , Fridley Robert Snyder Public Safety Dix. 12.00 Grant�s SheII ' �7610 University Ave. � FridZey Cedar Lake Vending Public Safet� Dir. 12.00 � C� . . 250 Osborne Road - Fridley Consumer�s United for Bu�ring Public Safety Dir. 12.00 � Sandeets Cafe " 6l�90 Cld Gentral Fridley William Weiss Public Safety Dir. 12.80 � Holiday Village North 25� - 57th Ave. ' Fridley Erickson Brathers Public Safety Dir. ]2.00 Ho�.iday Service Station 5807 University Ave. ' Fridley Central Service Publ.ic Safety Dir. 12.00 Fridley DX � �70I. Universit,p Ave. Fridley Superior l�u�ic Co. PubZic Safety Dir. 12.00 ' Shaddrick I�aBeau 6319 Hwy. 55 Fridiey Superior N�usic Co. Public 5afety Dir. 12.00 ' Minco Products 7300 Commerce Lane Fridley Canteen Co. of Mi.nn. Public Safety Dir. 12.00 ' FMC Corp. l�800 r",a,_rsh.all Sto ' Fridley Canteen Co. of Minn. Public Safety Dir. �Q.00 Railroad Accessori.es l�65� Main St, ' Fridley Griswold Coffee Co. Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Zapata�s ' 'S90> University Ave. Frid2ey Zapata Foods, Inc. Publi.c Safety Dir. ]2.00 'Page 5 LIST OF LICENSiS TO BE APPROVFD BY TET� CITY COUNCIL AT TI� M�ETING OF APR1Z 2, 1973 ' Ti'pE 0�' LICENSE �Y APPROVED BY FE�- CIGARETTE I 'Steiger & Gertzen Gara�;e 6519 Central Ave. 33 D Fridley Pioneer Distributing Public Safety Dir. 12.00 I � Phillips 66 � 6500 University Ave. i' Fridley Pioneer Distributing Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Phillips 66 � 56b7 University Ave. � ,' Fric'.ley Pioneer Distributing Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Midland Co-op ' �Hwy. b5 and 69t� . Fridley Pioneer Distributing Public Safety Dir. 12.00 LaMaur 'S601 East River Road Frid7.ey 'Gulf Station 53p� Central Ave. Fridley 'North Star 1�0l�0 Marshall St. 'Friclley PDQ Food Store 620 dsborne Road tFridley Howies '240 Mississippi St. Fri.dl ey Jimbofs Pizza �48 r�ississippi st. ridley asino Royale 22� xwy. 65 Fridley �Stav�s Superette 6319 Hwy. 65 �ridley �tav�s Sugerette 6i�g3 University Ave. �ridley Bot�� s Produce Ranch �762� University Ave. ridZey Pioneer Distributing Gurney Gulberg Richard Hennessey PDQ Food Stores of r��inn. Hoiaard Nelson James Schoole� Sr. Casino Aa;,rale Robert S ta,�ranau Robert Stavanau Robert Schroer Public Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir. �'ublic Safety Dir. 12.00 12.00 12 .00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safety Dir. 12,00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safety D�.r. 12,00 Public° Safety Dir. ]2.00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 _ I ' Page 6 , LIST OF LICE?�1SES TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THE t��:TIt�G OF APRIL 2� 1973 � E ,� TYPE OF LIC�NSE BY APPROVED BY FEE CIC�'RrTt+ 'Skywood Cl:�aner�s 5251 Central Ave. .. Fridley Pione�r Distributing Public Safety Diro 12.00 '�I ' Chanticlear Pizza 6304 xwY. 65 ' Fridley Richard Kempe Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Les�s Standard 768o Hw.y. 65 1 Fridley Lester Schaffran � Public Safety Diro 12.00 Frontier C lub �73�5 Old Central Ave. � Fri.dley Maxlen� Povlitzki Public Saf'ety Dir. 3�i.00 � �tJ:�1 CLUB " � � FMC Corp. l�800 Marshall St. , Fridley K. Knutzen Public Safety Dir. 3.00 OFF SALE BEER. ' � Holiday Village North 250 - �7th Ave. I' Fridley Erickson Brothers Public Safety �ir. 15•00 CU'd Inc. 2�0 Osborne Road � Fridley CUB Inca Public Safety Dir. 15000 Countxy Club l�ar:� t �6275 x��y. 65 Frid2ey Country CZub �Iarket PubZic Safety Dir. Z5.00 'Target Food Store 755 - 53r3 Ave. Fridley Jonathan Food Stores� Inc. Public Safety Dir, 15.00 � 'Red Owl 6525 University Ave. Fridley Red Ot�l Stores� Inc Public Safety Dir. 15•00 I ' Snycier�s Dru� S�ore 6582 University Ave. I� Fridley Snyder�s Drug Stores� Inc. Public Safety Dir. 15.00 Brooks Superette 1042 Osborne Road ' Frid�ey Brooks Hauser Pub].ic Sa.fety Dir. 1�.00 Tom Thumb �larket '315 Osborne Road Fridley Tom Thumb Food rSaxkets, Inc. Public Safety Dira 15.Q0 _ __ __ _ _ _ . P�e 7 33 F II � LIST OF LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY TLiE CITY COUNCIL AT T�L MEETITdG OF APRIL 2 1 , 973 I TYPE OF LICE*dSL BY APPROVED BY FEE- � � OFF SALE BE.FR � � � � Russ�s Superette �S3 Universitv Ave. � Fridley Russell Paone Public Safety Dir. 1�.00 � Western Station 7600 University Ave. , Fridley Western Station Stores� Inc. Puk�lic Safety Dir. ZS•� Rapid Shop 6530 East River Road � Fridley Robert Hanson Publie Safety Dir. 15.00 ON SALE B��t , Club t�7 6061 University Ave. � �'ridley Robert Snyder Public Safety Dira 120,00 Howies 240 Mississippi St. � Fridley Howard I`�elson Public Safety �ir. 120.00 Howard Johnson�s � 5�77 Central Ave. Fridley Howard Johnsonis Co. Public Safety Dir. 120,00 ' TnQIl�N Howies 2t�0 rRississippi St. , Fridley Howard Nelson Public Safety Dir. 12000 Club 47 �6061 University Ave. Fridley Robert Snyder Public Safety Dir. 12.OQ � CIGA�?�TTT Fridley Auctions 7500 University Ave. � Fridle.y Cyril Link Publia Safety Diro 12,00 $raokfs Superette �lOt�2 Osborne ftoad Fridley Brooks Hauser Public Safety Dir. 12.00 AUCTIOI�.�?t � Fridley Auctions 7500 University Ave. � Fridley Cyri1 Li�It Public Safety Dir. 120.00 � ESTIMATES FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL - APRIL 2, 1973 Keyway Builders, Inc. 255 Highway 55 Hamel, Minnesota 55340 PARTIAL Estimate ��3 for Fridley Liquor Store from February I, I973 to March 1, 1973 Lee Electric Company 3775 Highway 52 Robbinsdale, Minnesota 55422 PARTIAL Estimate ��3 for Fridley Liquor Store from January 31, 1973 to February 27, 1973 Suburban Engineering, Inc. " 6875 Highway �k65 N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 PARTIAL Estimate ��22 for Inspection Time through 11/25/72 for Innsbruck North Project 103 PARTIAL Estimate ��23 for Inspection time through 2/23J73 for Innsbruck North Project 103 Hydro Engineering, Tnc. Box 98 Young America, Minnesota 55397 PARTIAL Estimate ��1 for construction of Water Improvement Project No. 111 � $ 8,154.08 I $ 3,600.00 I $ 1,522.38 I $ 3,494.33 I $ s,6oz.66 I � APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO. 3 DATE 3,�12/73 ARCHITECT'S COMM. NO. 7�3� To �2t'' of 1''rid�? ��- Frid� e� i�:-n?.e:;ot� � � �.�, , A �Pa� t�<:1 General This Application is for payment for work done on your T rY'�d1�-; �%tore �eb. 1, 1°73 to ''�r. l, 1973 + p�oject from DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT WORK ITEMS CONTRACT COMPLETED COMPLETED BALANCE AMOUNT THIS PERIO� TO DATE TO FINISH 1• 2":asona-,,'��urbs-= avin�-Str�.:,^ing :i29,.0°t}�Q� }.:�l:�Q�.ni ;`'2�l�i�� 1� •:� 8���3�2� 2. 5teel I�,10� . 00 �.,10�i . 00 1�,10i� .0�� 3. �-_isc. Steel 2,OOa.�JO 1GS.o� 2,0� 9.00 !�. ��oo��n�-J7�1-0��2-r,7��� 11,113.d0 '�,113,00 s. Steel �r�ctian-G�1G-����1-0�50 1,��O.CO 1,?�.��0.0:_� l,L+OG.00 e. Paintin� 77�.OJ 75�.0�.; !. uluss '. :klu.inur� t%r,:^�s-��8Z2-G��� 3,17:.0� 3,175.00 8 . <�ro:�; '�o._:t;n;;-�og2 2, :Q7.0� 2, 3H7 .00 9. C�ul'_:�.n s-�'79�-0�' �Q r 210.00 210.�� 10. aiollo;- '�'eta.l ._ ??ard-��.r�-081_:-:;S7fl 1,23�.b0 3t3.00 1,2[O.CO 11. C�:r�et-12?�l 3,25G.0� :,2y6.d0 ,.-,, Z2. �:cco�.�s�ical ��;c50 1,�7b.00 1,; r�.00 13. Grilles ': �ouv�rs 07�l� ��,CO 88.00 1.1t. Sign 1��'� 3nn.�?0 38�.��0 1�. To�i_et �ccessories 17r.75 17�.76 15. iandsca�;n� 1�250.CQ 1,250.�0 17. Fire �:.t. 1025 ��.QO E�0.o0 l._ . �' L:a::.be�• 571�.��I 57�.'�l 57��.��1 l;. �a-r��_�tr,- L�bor 1,2C0.00 50"�.0';:: �00.00 70`?.00 2`. ':�.:;c�:.v�:tior_ �and fill e�c. 9"�.�0 1'.��.C�� 1 '� �,'� � 1, �t , , 5�u. �0 4 ,�.�o 21. �T�o:,y�-�:v�r���u��-c�r�w:z��ytion�,_ ,n,�!�3.27 Z,b:�o,00 �:,�'9�.���, 5,353.27 �JUi/Ol Y'.JOl� +� . . Original Contract Totals � n �-; � �� I i Add Change Orders Totals '"� ��;;,� ;, � � - � - .'' _ v Deduct Change Orders Tota�s Totals to Date "'�, �? ^� �`� 6,521..0 39 �492.2. Less Retainage at % � 652.11 CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT Total to be Drawn to Date _32 �$68..9 Based on our observations, this application for payment is Total Previously Certified ;' L,^ correct to the best of our knowledge, and the contractor Amount Now Due is entitled to the indicated payment .....� 5 8,154. �8 ... ..... ..... ................... j�', � " �-` � Y� .- i-, -�.�,? This is to certif that all work listed above has been com leted in accordance with contract dowme�ts Project checked by,, t��=�� y p , � and that all lawful charges tor labor, material, etc., for which previous certificates have been issued, �� � �/� �� - have bee� paid. This f checke - �� ' y � ;i v -G. /�._i7 �r_c c�-r� � _ . . .,;� � _� � ' -� •i i ,% r J PA H ERICK O MAOS N 6 HAN30N, INC. Contract i,� =� �`� `�'� /' -=���"' �/��`7 ����- AR H TF.?� � S P1.A FI �� i . �� B f Date \ �� gy � • � � %/%! :. �n z. ,��' Dat��'' /� % � ,� _ _ _. I I � APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT ARCHITECT'S - N0. � DATE 2�27�7�_COMM. NC To Patch—Erickson—Madson & Hanson� Inc. � �¢ $ IER. � This Application is for 3 r'd payment for e 1�'- C t ri C a�- work done on your _ FRIDL.EY OFF A. . G�UOR STOF�F'. project from z/�73 to�127L73 � DESCRIPTlON OF PROJECT WORK ITEMS CONTRACT COMPLETED COMPLETED BALANCE AMOUNT TH(S PERI00 TO DATE TO FIfVISH 1. Service $3,-000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 2. Fixtures 4,900.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,900.00 3. Motors 1,�00.00 1,40Q.00 4. Branch 3,2g5.OQ � 1,000.00 2,295.Q0 5. Fire Alarra and Intercom 2,2Q0.00 500.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 6. Parking Lot Lighting 1,200.00 500.00 500.00 700.00 OriginalContractTotals 15,995.00 �000.00 �700.00 9 295.00 Add Change Orders Totals Deduct Change Orders Totals Totals to Date � 0 0 � Less Retainage ai 10 % 6 0 00 CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT Total to be Drawn tc Date �j 0� Q� Based on our observations, this application for paymeni is Total Previous(y Certified 2!{ � QQ correct to the best of our knowledge, and the contractor Amount Now Due 600. o0 is entitied to the indicated payment � g 3� ................. ...................... '� � _ `�/ Project checked by-% %' � �" �-' '�� t�"'"`'� �°'—"' This is ro certify that all work listed above has been completed in accordance with connact documents - i� % and that all lawful charges tor labor, material, etc., for which previous certificates have been issued. % �i/ � ":, / � ` � i , , f t �!� have been paid. Thi form checl� by � � � � � P TCN ERICKS�N MAOSON 6 HANSON, �n�e. Contractor LEE ELECTRIC COP�PANY _ f C 1 TS A PLAN Fi8 8 � Date� ��` �� By ' Date_�����-- �� � � __ . ' � INVOICE � � '��"� UBURSAN � � � � � �� INGiPiEERING � 1 NC. Ciuil & Munici al En ineering • Soid Testing P g a • and Plannin d Surue in L g � Lan Y g � � � .�,. - ,lo ' Main Office � C 784-6066 6875 Highway No. 65 N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 , So tu h Office 890•6510 151 West Burnsville Crosstown Burnsville, Minnesota 55373 C���r��� �z—Z/ r- �j DATE November 29 � 1972 iCity of Fridley 61�31 University Ave. N.E. INVOICE NO. E72-35g4 Fridley, Minn. 55�32 � Partial #13 L QUANTITY .� 1 ` � ,J TERMS: NET 10 DAYS oesce��rioN Inspection time through 11�25�72 for innsbr.uck t3orth project 103 Hanson 191� hours @ �3.50 = � �679•� Plowe 3 hours C� $1+.33 ° 12•9 �o91e99 � 2.2 _______, 0 � 0 ❑ AMOUNT � $1,522.�8 _ : - . � � , INVOICE � � U�URBAN � n❑ NGINEERING �� i Nc. � � Ciuil & Municipa� Engineering • Soil Testing 1 Land Surue3�ing • Land P�anning � i r -� oATE � City of Fridley � ,.. _. __. � �.. _ _._. � 34 D II Main Office 784-E066 6875 Highway No. 65 N. E. I Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 �' _ South Office 890-6510 151 West Burnsville Crosstown Burnsville, Minnesota 55378 � � �� y ,� � %`� ='� {^_.� .. �� 3 February 28, 1973 � 6431 Univers�ty Ave. N.E. tNVOlce No. E73-3645 Fridley, Minn. 55432 , .P.a-�-�-��--�# 14 L QUANTITY � �j TERMS: NET 10 DAYS CESCRIPTION Inspection time through 2/23/73 for Innabruck North Project 103 Hanson 239-IJ2 hours @ $3.50 = $838.25 Plowe 30 ��►urs @ $4.33 = 129.90 968 5 X 2.2 Additional engineering t�me caused by over- run in contract time Meyer 83-�/2 hours @ $8.17 = � $682.20 X 2.0 AMOUNT $2,129.93 1,364.�0 $3,454.33 ' _ .. ARCHI7E�TS 1�ND/�?E� EhGlNEERS : t� PROFESSI�?�AL L�l'.�;LlTY POLICY RtyE�':Al. CERTIFICATE �Iit consideration of thc pre��uum, it is a�peeal that die expiring policy desi�nated belotv is reneLVrd for the policy per�od stated belnw, suhject to all its ter►iis except as otherwise st�ted h��:.+in. I _ - --- _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _---- - . I AGEVCVNO. �t.i�ANi'H�Pf��FIX� POIICYNUME;ER __ 056124 ---' 970 : AEL ( 821 60 12 _ ._ _--- ---- — _- - I�tA19ED ItiSUFED � SUBURBAN ENGINEERING� INC. '� � � ACDnESS: � 6875 Highway �65, N.E. � Minneapolis� Minnesota 55432 � ! 34 E �'Cl\.��ii�rsrrj ai�cc� INSURANf.F �S PROVIDED f3Y IHF f.Utdf'AN'f OfSIf,NA1ED BEIOW . - (A z1ocM inauranr.e compa��y, ha�>�n called Ihe companyl .. ��� CNA Ccnler / J10 5. Mich�gan Ave / C'hicago, IIi. GOf,04 � - � n GONTINf.iY1FIL Gf1SU��LlYGO�1PyNY ` ❑ f�Mfl�/GfIN GRSUALTY G0�11PANY � %���dny: � %. NAME OF FIRM ----- —•—�J-�-- , SUBURBAN ENGINEERING� INC. NAMES OF IND1VInUALS : R. P. Minder E. A. Rat�bun William E. Jensen William K. Meyer PO"`'' '�`"O� " John F. Dwyer , March 1?__ 1972 ro _March l, 1973 12:01 A.1,'., standard time at ttie address of ihe insured as stated herein. �Tha folio��ing items are substituied for the ccrresponding items, or parts thereof, in the declarations forming a part of the expiring poticy and are hereby made a part of the rznewal policy. � ! Ag;recate Lirr,it of Liability (�ncluding Claims Expense) Per C�aim Limit of Liability (Including Claims Expense� � S .10� � ��0 . -- _ � 1.�� � 0�0 . � �� � Deductible Per Claim (lncluding Clairtts Expense) $ 1�����. Eft��-ive date of first po�icy issued by and continuously renewed by this ComF�any: � t March _l,__1959 i ___ _ - — ----- — -_—__- ---- _ ___. ------� -- ----------------- _ ___ _ ; {nsur�rd"s iiability arisin9 out of Joint Vcntures forrned on or before the date shown in this item is covr.rcd. If no datc fs inserted, there is no cov�:raec for th�e Insured's li::bility arising out of Joint Ventures. i -_-- — --------- - MarcrL 1, 196�_ REti:.o^J,=.L CERTIFICATE PREII�IUM: INSTALLMENT PAYMENT SCHEOULE i I S 12 $],,rj • Standard P�emium i � Premium Amount S 3� 2Q4. Reserve Premium �� 2� 684. 3�1�72 �nception � 516,019. Total Premium � 4�445. 6�1�72 �st Installment � $ 4� 445. 9�1�72 2�d Installment � S L 12, 815. � Basic Premium � 4 445. 12�1�72 3rd I�stallment � tf, prior to tha inception da:e of the policy period stated 'en ihis Renewal Certificate, the policy shall have br.en ca�celed, this Renewal Certificate i shal! no: scrve to reinstate or renew the policy. � PLEASE READ AND ATTACH T� YOUR POUCY SEE COUNTERSIGNATURE � FORM �- 40349' 9 em Counzersigned by RNI�nR,$RMRNT A'i"i'AC'�T) Authorized Ageni --�— ----_--_ _ � � � . � 0 n . ,��.; �2,�'�} .d.�C. ALL KlNDS OF INSURANCE � BOX 1, CIRCLE PINES. MINN. 55014 .- PHONE OFFICE; 784•2426 '' � A�'�.'�Z�1�AL _. �' 11 HIWAY S AT LEXINGTON �1CCCIUNT ._�/�, �� � Subuz�ban Enn ' D�7TE PD. .�- Z1 _?� � F � ,,ineering, Inc. CNL•'CK �p. ��a.L z._ . �75 Highwa,Y �65 . F�idley, Minn. 55432 � • DATE: 2�.�i��T3 � ' �PROPERTY MORTGAGEE: —INSURED . ATE ISSUED TO EXPIRE GOMPANY AND POI.ICY NLMHER COVERAGE—AMOUNT OR LlMITS PREMiUM �'�73 6/1/73 Victor 0 Schinnerer &�o. architects liability $4,4�45.00 AEL8216012 i M P O R TA N T: Please examine ihe policies {isted above and notify immediately if any changes or corrections are necessary. Any policy not � wanted must be returned promptly for cancellation; otherwise an earned premium wili be charged by Ihe Company For 1he time it was in force. Premiums are due when policies are received. _.� __ . , � . . ' , _ - � .. � , . , . � „ . ' • ' � - � ' J ' • , ' � ' _ - . � • ' ` ,, , � ' _ . , --. ' 1 ' , OOP�S'1'�CK � DAVZ5, I�:C. Corasui�ing �n��r��Exc 1��'s5 Cct�tp :��d o`�': F��n��L:alis, ���neEC�ta �51j32 �?arc'-� 27, 1973 ' ' City M€�:an; ::���f �; �r,cx-acs.�. �.',�9�. L'¢x.�'. • �.�e:L� �.r."h=}�.C,."6Y3S y L.,S.L�.� i=•�°i��--, ��v:��a i:��,� Q� i a �n��:�.� , ��a3� i�4��e:�s-��y .�z��;��r� �?,�e i:y:.J�a�T343twiN�/V�dV 9 �i°�3'dt.'awClldtr�� fJ�E�F4 � . . � �� `���� � � . � � ' � '� 7�,t —' � ' C� � �Ii4S'�Al.i.3f.�4taSFi �pL� f.d:�a�i At�ryT�:wl:a�,i �;'y' ��.-'a�"d'.FCi� �iZ:.i�.� 1:.c $`.�a��F.:� ��`.'.e .,.. eL�t�. :+�a.'3 e''�,.: 'l� .e.: � r:s-�? y �:5::� o y �:�.'.. �.'.�i. �.'�`.�?� .�:::�i��ixa �s.�.5w�.§y�3�ti ,:�.:�� ��.<",?' �:°�.'a:� E,:� 's��'��.'.� t.�.�._� :,.,.�.... ��i� �Gt'L��l:e:`:•ir+L�'"�.l ti6 ���+Cg 4,��siL?°r'';s�.'°�,.`�'i'a�'i4 ��Z t.�� v`�'t. �:�a,"'�, e � Z.� 8�.*�•-� a�'�'as.'.�"9 2�'i.�.'-.�w::.c tia".va:sc. . �6`a�l�;�� :���r � �T��� �rU. 8 1, L .S �, .tr � �"'�g � � � 1.'�Jbaa.�L�iA�.d:3�� �.to�w � y�w4�aL�4i .� . Yd*'��aEr� � . . � S �^ �- n r.''� iC�Z`E.3� s'�a.`.^:Y. �;i:��.$ a:e"�.o i.,� e,aarai�,. C7��� ��Qo 7 . . . �. � . . . . �i:�9�i�w�4���� �soa�ie � ��.�e"�c6s� �:+a�oVJ Vd Y eC.• C3S�:.�'..`�.t �3 ��o�r.��i'aa .�+i.f9 io�e o�'s�1 C'cs�� . . v���8i ���..'"�...i ����: e .i,�l.C.o�CJ ;�n:�io.�."s A�'O �s�e ��."�.�3.�i� �� L�s'_5.'�.�."'�. �d:s� 3o.".vos o�'i'.� ;':c�S� 9 ��^->c^.� �viC;:^:? �.�u�;.^� l� �':A�oa`�`� tZ - ..r� w y��"�4s+>:G� 9� 0 0l: o �La�� d.G�' !'t.ii« �':'�.�.'� a:-rL.'� s»�J.,�'.� � f�<.--� 3 c, �� .•�.�. � �,��:�.:,a _� `�`OtB.� �C��� ��Ep.-^.��. A.7L7• �� �.9p•3' la o�'i� �.�i9��%��St'� J �Ta�-.er I�xa-v�eAt �to�vc� lao. itl i�ridley, ���sota IIst. �i�. Z, iiydro �n�#���rix�g --2.. .�..� � y� � `_- ,.: 1�13rc� 2i, 1973 w�� r�o. u 2�€3:71�a'•c�'.S��I[!3t a�aa.�e �� 4��� � . Y S�di o�� � . 5 Ye1• ���iail td:`:L�� F; Tf;: '"`�::i� 3'.i�& e ���`t�:��.� ��� K�c:�:°�:� LL;�:� �.i� � ��'.C:3 Z �'�t �'�:�r3�.��w3Q �i;: r�a..$. 6s `' .:';mL'd i'.A�' •�'1.;i'.:d.i�-`s�:��v'�i: . � . � 3+ ���`-.:..'."�-�� a. �� YJ:JV} e �k� . � . . � �I�V o JiA �1� ��S ii'°' ' .._ � - .a . . :rv''��.:r Z;�c,:�F:' �� .',R'ca's.�" :1� ::�si a'.i . .. .�+.'�.iaa���ii�.�$.i��:s % y�.�,.i, a l-`:i4 4 = .� �i:'J o E..rff � �. �t��'1 ai1�°�.�f'ia� �.T?iw:C:��' iP. �::....�v'�:.,�. '�'�:�'r�: �'i?L::?J � .. . . . �i.r'.��.�3v � � :: d��+vetY� �`�i 8��ue 3�itFi�3��? le�i'??.�".�i E3 �,'�;e��r.Faa::iF: 9.vs. <:'e'.w+'� �����$ i w.:,w .�:� � � '" U !� m�" ° � � ���e�A Y�:�i'n[i %�`a'::�.1. ii:>a. �5,., � . � y.as4��o V'J . ����r"J.aalLd ���al L���?: �<:;�k��.�<��:� �t�3�bi� �d�;� o £�, �' , i�.� ���,�5� e �i3 �€;?�� I£i� ��e�.s�ed N 9s� a ��S :'iL.+J31S'iA� L3Ci7f FiFJ.�'•'ss� a v• e•� o s a • e�o e e o a• e. a s 4 e o•• o• o e4f.JyV�9Lo�i�. F'+^ ��n'}u^�-,�+�:5.'E 9;; Sii'.- t..� '_: z �'vi'z.si.��'o.aZ e�: �� K'.N �i. 3 9 a�: as o 4 � � � L � �/` �',u''..i��,/, �/'� l,s� `°'LJ�rG'.� -,aR�%!/L�:.�° � � . .. ��u:p,b'jj$'sii . . .. � � T'i?2�.�1. � �a o �'da:.d _. .: �"� i ` _ . . . . .�.ma-.��=a �� • � +� str�-i>�e�_ . � a� �_,,:�• �����3 . ,, �.� � � JOE CONfVORS � D15TRICT 468 ANOKA COUNTY � � � i4f0 TROLLHAGEN DR. . fRI�LEY, MtNNESQTA 53424 TELEPHONE: >68•9461 I � '� � x � � c> V'- �,�f,� ,� , � � � � � � ��r �^ ' COMMITTEES: . �` � " L �. EDUCATION � k���L} � ��_ � � � GOVER[JMENTAL OPERAT10C15 �^ t ? _ . .t. � ` - . �,,,,.�{_=z �_.y��.y��1 �.yL,r,,,, L-ABOR•MANAGEMENT RELATIONS � �' �'ti,+`�p �, .r'l ar� � jYipl' �� METROPOLfTAN AND URBAN AFFAIRS . y� � 3..Y_°rJ! t a i��� �����.� i ax�,Gal:�i. . . �S _._,-, � � COMMERCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEN7. ���}�ry,i.S!_,�Akiylky_ty�81$,��'�'�ii>�� � VICE.CHAIRMAN �rsr.l-�aa�.�tti1a�. �,--'�ac'`-_ : 'P'f ��� '�f�i�1.._ n _ . - - . —_`- . . � ..- enw . - - _ _ - . ��Q�� O�.�TCt�itC?SO�Q HOUSE OF REPRESENTATfVES MARTlN O1.AV SABO, Speaker March 19, 1973 Fridley City CounciT Anoka County • 6431 University Avenue r•�ortheast Fridley, ��linnesota 55421 Dear Council Members. Tnank you very mucYl for your l�tter on H.F. 410. I fully support and will vo-te for H.F. 410 in committee and on the house floor. Thank you very much for sending me resolution No. 34-1973. JC/pb Sincerely yours, Joe C nors State Repres�ntative a � . , � � � � � WYMAN SMITH LEONARO T.JUSTER HENRY H. FEIKEMA RONALD l. HASKVIT2 JAMES R. CASSERIY GARL J. NEWOUIST PATRICIA l.6EL015 OOUGlAS HAIL OFCOUNSEL . LAW OFFICES � SMITH, cTI�STER, FEIgEMA, HASKVITZ Sc CASSERLY ' CHARTERED � P"arch 22, 1973 Mr. Gera7d Davis, City Manager City of Fri dl ey 6431 University Avenue N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 , Re: Glover suit vs. Columbia Heights and Fridl.ey C� � LJ � ' Dear �1r. Davi s : _ � a SUITE 1050 BU�LOERS EXCHANGE BUILDING MINNEAPOl15, MINNESOTA 55402 ,. TEIEPHONE 339-148� FRIDtEY OFFICE 6441 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N. E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 TELEPHONE 560-6870 The attorneys and engineers for the City of Fridley and the City of Columbia Heights met with the attorneys for the Plaintiff at a breakfast meeting on March 21, 1973. They presented us with the first full proposal for settlement. The proposal is as follows: That the Glover property in Columbia Heights be rezoned for planned unit development to C I S Zoning under the Columbia Heights Code. The City to purchase the lake, approximately 14 acres, far the total sum of $89,000.00. This is based on a�5,995 per acre. The City provide Glover with up to 100,000 cubic yards of fill or the amount necessar,y to raise his 1and north and east of the lake so it is buiidable and useable. In my letter to yau of March 16 I indicated their estimate of how , the lake needed to be deepened by dredging. The bal7park figure for dredging is samething up to $100,000.00. � � That the City waive the storm sewer easements on the 38 acres which is in the neighborhood of $23,000.00. I asked them upon what theory they thought Fridley was responsible. They stated the responsibility was because we had two pipes going into the system. They claim they tried a similar case involving �he City of Bayport and were , awarded an injunction and $10,000.00 damage. They indicated that other suburban communities u�ere now having to pay for the ponding areas that the municipalities are taking over. For reference they indicated that such purchases had taken 1 1 [_j , Mr. Gerald Davis Glover vs City of Fridiey LJ � , , -= J �a Page Two , March 22, 1973 place in Rosevi7le, Edina, and Burnsville. They indicated they had just completed a hearinc� before commissioners appointed by the Court for a 1.2 acre pond in I guess Roseville and involving some part of Lalce Owasso in a case entitled Rosevil?e vs. Horton. The commissioners made an aa�ard based upon $11,000.00 per acre. As a sequel to my letter of March 76, it is not certain presently that Judge Gillespie will hear this case when it comes on for trial in April for the reason that he is going to act as a Supreme Court Judge for t��o monihs. Mr. Nasim Qureshi is going to review the engineer's report and the zoning reports that are presently in the custody of George Brown the engineer for theCity of Columbia Heights. !�e obviously have some exposure in this matter. As I indicated in my previous 1 letter the insurance compan.y is operating under a rese�vation of rights and wi7l be furnishing 7ega1 services but presently disc7aim any liability for any damages that might be assessed against the City. L1 � C� 1 I am going to be gone for several weeks. Robert Austin of the insurance counsel or the investigator from that office, Tom Amann, may want to visit with the members of the City Co�ncil if and when any counter proposal is worked up to make to these attorneys. Since the primary responsibility is that of the Cit,y of Columbia Heights, I would presur�e they woul� take the initiative in coming up with any counter offer. I guess I��rould assume (based upon the theory we are using in the lawsuit with Spring Lake Park) that Nasim and George Brown u�ould be able to determine tne pro rata share of any proposed settlement between the two corr�nunities. I am sending a copy of this letter to Robert Austin and also to Nasim Qureshi. � 1 WS : aml� , CC: Robert Austin, Esquire � � ' LJ I Yours tru7y, Wyman Smith Nasim Qureshi, City Engineer �N� Ci TY �� ,, � �� ' = >�' • f �' � . � , CoON RAFtifls THE CITY OF COON RAPIDS 1313 COON RAPiDS BOULEVARD COOIV RAPIDS, MINNESOTA 55433 6'12 755-2880 March 23, 1973 t; ` TO: Jerry Davis, Sam Gesko, Don Busch, Clarence Motz and Malcolm Watson Gentle men: -_�� Attached is the latest quarterly report on the activities of the North Suburban Youth Service Center. You witl recall our brief discussion of this facility and how it may be used by residents of your community. May I suggest that you distribute copies of this report to the members of your Council. As a follow up, Joel Koemptgen the Project Director could meet with you and your Council either at a regular meeting or informally to discuss the activities further. jmm Attachment Very truly yours, � �.. � ,��,�/'� �� �.. , f .,.� __ J . K . Cottingham � , - -� City Manager TWIN CITIES FASTEST GROWING SUBURB COUNG�-MANAGER GOVERNMENT v -� 3 �-f� ' � �� � ' s �� �.. � `` ��...� .� -: - d. ���. �y �. �=.r. __..�-,.�-- �:� NORTH � � ,; f �;'�I SUBURBAN YOUTH SERVICE CENTER 10303 HANSON BLVD. COON RAPI DS, MWNESOTA 55433 � 3 7-6 : a� _}� � �� � ;r ��� � �� PRO�RI':ti DIT�F:CTOR�C'�T'�TS�If,�� R�Pn??^,• ,� --- { � : �- ` . `��r � � ' y ,_ _ ' � � �1���` _ � � y ; � � � ,�+ � `��+ _ ' �: „� c � �_ � � �� # � . ���, � � ����' �� ��- PEACE L!N_E 757-2121 ,r�YUCLEUS 755-5300 � ,P�;,,.WORKSHOP J.O.B. 755-5300 Tho Sec�r�d �u�rt�r� v;�s ono af m� int��.nin� pr��r�ms la?�� an�uah to �valua.te and s�� eur vreP?{ness�s and str�n�ths. mhe �i�ne,y:;i�on is avor �s far as th� first fli�sh of entYnzs_r�sm is ��neerncd. The �rotiat}i in staf'1' tznity �znd d�votion; thc ?�ia?p of t�c cher.!; ca.l �epend- er�cy intcrns and �;ro:�in� creditilitv h�s ��iven us e�nfidence in oursclves as a c:irect scrvice ��enc�. CONiACiS Louis �amber�;-Supervisor of Chem. Dept. Tnterns f�rm *.Retra. Gene Slocum- F�r.ii1� �ducati�n Center Divis:�on of S�ci�l �ervices At T+?erCy I?�Spit�1.. N�t�tlie f�ass- T/1 sessions, �ounty Comn. ?�e�ltti. Dr. �;�3.tucre- Ps�c�i�iri �t ChFtnl��n Smith- ^'otem mo:�n, cont�ct for boys in �r�u�. Geor�e Steiner- C�m�rehc�nsive S?ealth Dept;. Don Pc�rrv- p,� � �fficar �,, �� � �. Pat �t�mar- staff et J��ns�n Institute ', Nancy 1'c?�'nhon-Staff at Johns�n Institiite �I I, P.ob Bnrnetto- !;�unsel�r r�t Fridlc�,y Senior iii�;h(poss�hlc� bo�rd memhor) Decembar 1972 lst week • 3-� 2nd V�eek 11-16 3r�d �vee'r. 18-23 4th �+eek 26-30 January 1973 CAI�1�DhR � - 3 �-G Re�ular meatint; ��ith Ji�nior Hi�;h counsel�rs and administrat�rs concern�ng ":':;^�P. 1.1�yorts Sterri.ng rommittee r�s rosourcQ concarninQ Drv.�; i�buse. Drug Educati�n at ZTnitad r�Athodi st Church. Lleetin� ��ith C�smmu:�ity School Diroctars concernin� ne�v �osition of Youth Coordinat�r. tsayor�s Steering Comr�.ittee rritn Co��ncilman r�sber�. F�rmation af Peoce Line Roard. ��+eeting with Drug �.ssembly concerni.nu funds. S�ieeting rrit� YPI�('T aroup of y�uth at shopnin�; center. Visited �,dler Instituto concernin� family caunsel.ing and the gr�wth o� the cen�er. Visit Gevel Club-s�eu�inR �f v�tlth Co�rdin�t�r position and chemical dependenc� interns. Prept�rati;,n of �u�rterly ?�eport and 1�73-74 Grant Applic�tion. , lst week Yauth Service Euro�u meetin� concern{nn fundin�. Start �r�emical Den�ndency Intar� ProQr� ?� �vith , students fr�m ��Tetro. StPte ,Tuni�r .^,olle�;e. 2nd ��ee�c Planninr r�eetin� for nriaa ��'or:�shop with seors�e ' Steiner, C�uT1t�t PubliC ue�lth. Pe�;�n sec�n�. enc�unter Uro�ip :ri�h t:vo referrals forr.� �'ote,� T'�wn. � 3rd ti•�ee� Transact�onn.l Q,nal sis sc�ss��ns-in-service train:� n� Y for staff ar.�d other counselorQ �vith nr. °,fhitacre. , l���yor+s Stee;rin�; ^or.lmittee on Prua � buse. ' Pe�ce Line '�'r�inin� Session. I 4th c�eek I'Ayorf s:`Jork: Session ��ith other munieinr:litiea I ' concerni;��; ctrug problem. I ' Febru�ry lst �vee� 2n� �rlee'=t 3rd tiree'� 4th treQ� GA L;E'NDAR ( � or�t , } . 3-'� � Dru�; Assembly P�eetin�; re. flittds 1�teetin�; vrith �'�nily rotmse�ing Sarv�ces dealin�; v�rith Pamily Education Se»vices. Drut; :;d. a�c �IOrthdA7.e Jr, i�� gh- 7th �rrde. Three sessions. P.�Qeting with. Tom �rreen from rr�vernor�s �rime �om. Far.mil,y ;ducn.tion Center at Ana�r� !��amse,y Jr. C�llege ra?�rdin�; �o�ssik:le refer.rnl af fa:�ily t� eenter for cot�nseli.n�;. Dru� Ed. �.t Sand Creek Sch�o1-three �vee : ser3_es �n dru7s for 6t:h �rade. ��tior?zs?�aop on dru�s �'�r Jr. �ii�h scho�l t�ursos Pnd Spri.nU L��ce Park sch�al c�».ns�l�rs .. .� ;.= , idtTt;L�E�S SfiE��i'ISTICS (D�C.�'���~ r'�Bo � ..` � L :' _ : � , : � • , , . � . - . - 3 _. , . _ ._._ .. .. _. . � . . .. .. . . . . . ._.. y .�� .. :� '�:� . . . . . :. . ... . , . : � : . . y . ` . . . . . .. . ... . � , .. . � � . , . _.. '. : � � � . ,. '. � -,. - , . . . . ,. : a �. . . ,,. , . . - � . . ' ��' ' -�. �..;'. .. , { . " ' 'w" ' .'"_ _ . _ '�.. �t�.�y��k�i�r'���as�+�;�%'�Y�y`SBi�i+..I�'p`a^ey�ik7i11i'� �S�IiYt�a4�.�'.. ' , ' Nucle�as Clinic: Pr�t-ides y�un� Neople �f Vorth �uburban area wi— t�'� in? �rmati�n, test•in�, an:i t-reatment, Dre�nancy t-esting, ° fam5ly clannin� aZd c�unselin� in both medical and non-medical areas �f p.;rs�nal c�ncern. G�od haalth csre treats t-he t�tal pa^tient rec�E;nizing that a h;,�alth pr�blern must be dealt with in terms of the physical, em�ti�nql, and educational need.s of' the indiridual. � _ , __ _ -: � �- - �-.�-�. , _ , .. . ,, . - . . , : _ _ , ._.---- - _ `�c ,—A L S �i c'eT - . � : ' - _ � , ,7 : _� �_ :� r .� c"C' c � s, �? �,_._ r.�� . ' � ; . , . _ . ` . .. : . �. .�:� . �IUCL�,U� STA�'TSTICS . '` ' / ��,F�T� ��� ��...- ��iri-iB�R� GF' P.��:����•'� `�.:��._ .� � OF IP�TEni��: �=d� {r: x�i ' �IHEFtF FR.J��r . SCREEI ����COLadS�`��� �-? iJCI��� 1�s � ��1���, �.�. � 4F NGIip2���C�'�Io COTJi���L�iJG ' r�i�`!L . �- e..._.. " f �'��``,�`�QiV� .� �xoc ;U�.s P��n�; � ..�.. Ciiff��'f'1�HT�V 'i.. :��L�i}�?'r.'.j"i '�;:=ir"'i 'C.T;?ri::k: P� �N',S � �._. _.,�... C QI, i„ ,� I�� �� �����•� $ .,�.�,.,.n>:�,._.n,.,. S i; � Q GL5 !.�, C 04V RA PII�S �L.� FRIENDS � ' ��,� �:��%�� .�...�:,�.�. AGEi�ICTES � � ,_ r^R I �LEY �,,,'.2 PAi>1 PHL�TS .�...._.__.. r"ILl�CH �' COiT1�ITY _'! ;'�i�IN��,��'�`�,�� �'�'� Y. E . S . „__..� _, �tL�.ti i�RICTHTC.d _.. 2�.� T. V. , RADXO S�i'. PR�'��':CI� AND OTHER �3 .�.___.�__... ..�.....,...,.,. S'" . PE�t�L ;'WH�'!'E 5:��`gN &A��C � AGE OF Pl�TZEi�TS �t'.���fIF:� � : ' ' H�.�`s��:�N F(3?� C�'°3�r�'C# Y1��::x ,�: `C� "'�.�^' jz. G.C. (GO?�J��`i�A; �`�1-...� tij�RL ( SYP.uILI�, ) �;.,,,_ pA P5'•�LAi�S �_.._. RTJRLj,T,A "'I"'lt:� :Z 1 FAP'xLY PLAi`t;�dI��iG C('i�iSJL'"Ea'�'IG�i`I �� QTH�P RiED�CAL _�__,,,_ I ' 1 15 16 i7 18 19 20 2I .22 ?� �5—orrer _ �:. �__._.��___. ,., r .3 ..__ �___.. .� � .� �.�.. 3 -:=�. __.�..__�_. � b=�=�:. � `� �� �-� � . ` . ..i - -F . i 1 .� . . . _ � . .__ , _ . _ . . . ._ . � . . - �� 1 � � �: � ` � � . . . . . . . ._ . . . . .. � � . . . : _ . . . . . � .. .�. . � - . • � ' ' �TiTCLF;US STATIST�CS � 7� ., . , : , , t�I�T , . � �- ;. . . .,. : �� � - :'UMBE� 4�" P�'�'�F�SR`� . ' , �.�.... . _ � .. , .. . _ # C� ltbi'E��ViE�lB WIi"�i ; , �.*.� . ..�..�.4..._._ S�FtEE�d'f�,Ft f C{iU2�SE�OR �,.,, ' W�ERE �'F,�.O. � p - . � - �1.C1 it � .�„; :: S�r.,,. . ��;'��E$� - # OF P1GN t�DICAL COU2r'3�L�NG '� "_.' :` - � ���5�0�'� b�...,, FLA I �`4k: F�RQC�:LY�d PkR': , . �,:,�.,,�.,_ - C�s� �`PLl� I,V _��. � REFF�tR�D FRG.�i CIRCLE PIsV�S " . ' : - - , COLi�►��BT1� ii�a����� � SCH�OLS /� CO��I RAF�DS � FRIENDS ,:� - �LK ���t�� i AGERiexES � , ^R�;�T.k:X L' PANPHLT�S ,_ .�....�..,,�..._.. . ........:_...,_. Xr. r,t, . . . � . . 1• �: . vE�Ltfi''.l'� � %/ i . � �J � 4 � � � . . . ��.w�+�a..wNr � . 1% . t-t .� q{� S.r . � .. . �}" �(1 1 . : ,; . . . . . ,�J�.a. .. �.._ . . ���-.�d��� � � � -s-+.. ..w-+. .r . . . : J.<! a l� i . o�.�iwrr�- r+e� . . i�ii;.r i3RT�ri�TO;d ��..,�„� T.'V., l�3i�:tQ Sm,R .l4 Rt� :CI� ..��. z�°tlrv- AI�D OTHER � S"•'. P1� i ��, . _ '�'- �!� AGE Oi PF�TXt�N1 S �x�� �����. �,.�r� . ,fi.,� ���,� r:�-er'�cx,�.� . t ; , ,y, ,Z _ .�`"` 1, �j' ,�,.. � ,,,r_ ' 2,6 � h'E�i��i'� �'43i� C��i�i�C� 1? rc _ ......_._�- �a �- �:�:', s ` �: � ��sv ��_uw> � � f` S�s .. , l� a V • . 1 LI �'-Y 0 � �:�; �iA � � . . . 7- `� �~ . - t��:�, t:���:����za 3 -�---:.-._...... �� �'fs �'���::?,t��t:i � -! ' d��•?���;�,r.�a r'I`T'lZ�� _�.....� q, FA?''ILY PLA��1:�ii`iG Ct':TSC�L'"Er`r1.�e� UTHE� i�DICAL „�;:.> � ' . ' 0 19 �o t� �� �4 ���o.Tcr � / 7. � 7 -- � �„�,�._ ��� .._._._.:::4 ,�.�__._.� _� i�t� =,,�-� � _ ', ' _ , . ., __ . ��,������ 1�73 .�3?_�_ . _ _ , 1 _ - _ ,.. . - . _ .. .�: : _ , . NUCT�E�US STA�'ISTICS ;' :� ' J�i�'� � ����• ' .� tJT?BEl�� QT'` PA•'ik7E�T� �.�.,,,� - .� # 4�t�' I1�ts�k�V:��ns� W x �'fI _ � I.. WI��?� FR�.OM� ' ' SCFEE�-7�RfCOU?����� � Aj:; '� � � _ ���>� � n� rro���:+r�Drca� cv�rts�-�� '�,�x,,,� � .s - � 5�:���a��;� �HPCi:LY�3 P1�i�`; 1� C�'r:�'�' PLA T;d � R�'EftR�� Fi��f�I : 'CIftCL� PI�d�S ! Ca��;;R�E� ������i�� � SCHaoLS �p C00� RAP�D:� � FRIEI�DS � EL�' �T�'��i �! AGEI3C�ES �„> , � H I ���EY ___,_ `�--- PAMPHL�.TS _.__.____ �' �T,`;Cti COtf�TX ....,.,,�... ,.<sr. -� a�� �'� ��:I���:�����-s .�....�� �i` � Y � r�„ S . �,�, 't , k:� r �. _ ,,,_.._..�.,.. ..,.,,�,,,.. ,,s�,�.� �� �:: r��re:s _...___�___ .A,._v. , ��:,uzo - S�' • i L�L� � t�`i I.7 �,,, A1�Z} ��.�i;. ' R �,� 5� • ��� � ��s ,�,.�.,,,_„�.-',� . ' WH�i'`� �3}:�� ��'�I4F, A�•F G� PATT���'�'� �(� ��� � �b�'Yi.bjYN �� . pis.e,r � �,� �� 16 � ' It�,����}� �'ax ���;�;?�' �.7 ,�.�. �-8 ___.._�-`� _ .�it�; r �'f:. °cv "'.�;'>T _.,.L� ,��. 19 � , �. c o ( �a�d��;�it�� ) a ��___, zo �.,, ��:���T� (S� �z�r��:� ) �- 2i ,.._.._,� nR ,>�.,,y ��,� ,� :� �� �j � n. � .,�.�u... _., . ._._.�. � ' tm p m rT'+, . �..w.''�.'/'.�`._. . ^ � . _ .. . � 1,J j?.Ttr �.1+r.�l1 � � I� ��� .-ds..-4� 4•�r.�.,�w "� � '1�-F�c���a�"3�. FAt''II�Y PLAi�i,•TS`JG CC'idSilLr't1`�'.i(?:��i � �t�. � ���` aTh'�Fi i��DZGA2, �.�.. �5-�o��;x� 3 _ � ' I ' I ' � ' , LJ � ' �� ' ' ' ' ' ' ' LJ � ' i ' � COUiJS�i�LING llA^'A : V._',�%'� _ . , . , _ , , mhe s�aff o� t.he idorth Suburb�n��Y�?t�.th Sarvice �nter ha��e noticed a�rowing need for family counse�in�. Drug use and repd�:�d. neg- ative behtz�iior have most oft;en indzcated a family-wide �rob�em. Wzthout much i�iore tnan word �f mouth rr�ention, we �ra be���,; �� near?.y o��erwt�elr�ed with the need. The f ollcwing is our . c_ounselin;� �t,�..�,;�,..-�, ,.. + � t schedule far ..he secon quar er. . ' - - DECE��'13�R December was the monih of the drop--in. In �•.:cember, we did not re- �ord name, c",,,a�dress, or referral source �� t`'t,nsalicited drop-it�s. As you will nati�e w�; did record this informn�i�n in the follotiain� months. �scember dicl include three �;roup sessions with 15 �ear oZds �'r�m Blaine, Coon Rapids, and Anoka• Llbh� counseling ses- sions Vrere held_t�ith either iamilies ar parents with referrals �-; �, comin�.� .. ���:n police, schooZs and churches- { one Brooklyn Park, �;:c At��ka, and �3,�zc r-�;Y;.:�riin�_n�; Co�n .t:��?i�s ) . Januar;� Date Time � farnily� couns���.in� -- drugs 2 :iours ma'r��tal 1 hcur 9 .fpmli.Iy counse�� nG - n;�,T. k�eh�vior 1 ho�zr �;,""` gr.f:-:�� 2 h�urs 0 m�.ri �al 1 haur family c,ounselini' -dru�s 2 haurs 12 marital Z haur 16 family - drugs 2 hours family - neg. behavior 1 havr group 2 haurs �'j i�arita� � � �� ��,;�;�,a �. 9��3 r i t a 1 1- !� ^'�r 23 ��mily drugs 2 houx°s group 2 hours 2!� fumily dru�;s 1 n�ur 29 individual-��E�preused/�uicid� 1 hour 30 iamily dru�s 1 hour February �S'tE,' rt'lillf3 2 dru�s%n��. behavior 2 hours 5 individu�l depressed 1 hour 6 far�ily dru�;s� ne�;. behati�ior 2 hours » n rt a� n ,.„�,.,„ ti It tt 11 7 rr,arital 9 tt 12 f amil;� 13 marital gr'�up Z5 family/ t! n 20 �� 23 f amily !� drugs�ne�. behaz=i or dru;s dru�;s i h�ur �� i� 2 hoiars 1 hour 2 hours 2 hours il ti it rt �� ,� �t �� 2 haurs Ref erral. S ource C:i�:�1?.niC d�'i i� schoo7. ^otem �'t�wn drop-in C..R.CZinic drop-in C.R.Clinic sch�ol �'otem To�:n dr�;?--in drop-in �.ii.li.l.lCil.0 T�t�ern T���tn C.R.Clinc Dr.Adams C.R.Clinic Referral Source Court serv. Dr. Ada:ns Court Servo ►� ,r Totem "'own drop-i_n u Court Ser��. dr�p-in Totem Town C.R.Clinic C�urt Servo u , n friend n C�urt Serv. ■ _ . - . :, . . . . ; ; j. : - .. - _ . .. - I P�ACE LINE � _ �. " ' . . � " �� ' ' � : . � - Peace Line is an anon;,�mous c�nfidential phone service de- . signed for crisis interventi�n, referrals and listening. '', ' � It'a purpose is to provide a non-judgemental,non-threat- _ning atmosphe�r for persons to ca1Z and aiscuss any topic ,. they wisho . � . ' CALLS � DEGEifBER JANUARY FEBRUARY Number of Calls : 161 18? 15!} . ' . . . _ Avera�e �ge: 17 1.6 17. ■ . . : , Drugs: : 31 Suicid.e and 7eath: 7 Ic�f �ation: 21 , ����nancy ana"'ti L : 13 _:...�-��Et'�1 �3tT$t'11�3'S :""` 1. �' ; �Rap. - �� r a� , `� Hang ups : !�3 C '. , ' � ' ' � 33 - 0 12 1 2 0� 0 6. 23 _ � 2 � 17 . 1.8 . 1 ` 42 . V =i�EFERR�LS i�1�D� BY P�tiC�; LI:�1� ?��'RUi�I DLCE��;s�sz:R�l`i�.��2 ```„ �i��ERUARY 23� 1973 �.v ,,, - . �t ,"i�Iucleus Clinic - �7 The �ridge -- 3 ;� TeenAge :�°ed�cal Ct�r�ic - 2 1�Zinn. C.L.U. - 1 :�� Le�;al Aide Societ;� - 1 St. ?�7arys h�spital - 1 �i?d�r�th �uburban Youth Cen�er - 15 Lu�heran Social Service - 1 Y.E.s. - 3 BZue �ao� - 1 "� An�ka Gounty t-aelfare - 1 Educati�n Expl�ration Cent;er - 1 Pharm Ho�zss - 3 Suici�e PreTJy��ifln - 1 (3ni �y He:�pital - 1. C.'_� .�';�1 ic,� - J_ �eaccne�s Hoa��ital -�. RGpe Cri�,i� Genter - 1 Clergy and Lay-rr�eri -'i Fremourat Iied.ical - 1 Dx�u� Awareness - 1 P�Zarcy Hosaital (Couns�lind) - 1 Womens C�unseling aervice � 4 Peace Line has a redular series of' tx��'�.n�.::� sessi�ns on: t'Dand sex- uality, attitudes, social services available, suicide and death,man- ipul�ztion, an3 dr•u� awareness. Feace Line has a board composed of five v�lunteers that oversees the aparation of the iines. Thzy meet monthly, Peace line has a monthly mailin� �n such thin�s as: philosophy of i'eace Line, dru� �lossary of latest street dru�;s, pspers on "manipulatio:�" and. drub f irst ai�., ._; , . ' . ' � ' ' u , ,�NE CITY pF �:. �. ,;`��� ��:rs•, �'-._ � ` C�ON RAP��S . THE CITY OF COON RAPIDS 1 3'i 3 COON RAPIDS BOULGVARD COON RAPIDS, MINNESOTA 55433 612 755-2880 3�.-T March 15, 1973 To: Staff of Governors Commission on Crime Prevention and Control From: Joel Koemptgen, Project Director , Re: Second Quarter �f Operation oi N�rth Suburban Youth aervice C.;r�ter Oper.ating on a"bare bones" budget with an overworked staff, we � have again increased and up graded our services to yo�n� people, and in some instances-parents, of the North Suburban area. , Community support, most notabZy the schools, continues to bolster up our programs. The City of Coon Rapids has hired a youth coordi- nator to expand the J.O.�. program as well to do outreach work ' f or the Youth Center. City of Coon xapids funds ?�ave c�ntinued to support existino pro�rams, as well as the creation of new ones. kTe feel that it is time to get suoport from other communities. Without supp�rt from other municipalities and/or funds from Anoka ' County, we will eventually have to turn away some of the people from communities outside of Coon Hapids. (note statistics) � Re: vucleus Clinic - The Clinic spirit is becomino more positive even in the face of a physician s�.ortage. Again, we will have to selectively turn patients away without s�me outside financial ' assistance f or medical supplies, equipment, and eventually - finan- cial support for physicians. ' Peace Line continues to �row. December saw the formation of a board of direct�rs, sec�nd s.,t of trainin.5 sessions, and a se�ies �f news- pap&er articles in the l�cal press. In ��nuary, new and improved policies for trainin� and screening of volunteers�were developed. , February included two more �ets of training sess��ns and a new pac'�et of drug education materials for Peace Line z'olunteers. ' During January and. February we have been a�raining center f�r two chemical dependency students from I'1etro,State College. Unfortunately, we will loose the serrices of these people at �the end of I�iarch. Again, ' our wish is that othnr communities would pick up these people f or the badly needed drug and f amily counseling that they do. , � TWIN CITIES FASTEST GROWIlVG SiJ8UR8 COUNCIL MANAGER GOVERNMENT ' - � ' � � ' � i �� it �1 ; ; : - _ 3�-� Finr�lly, we must stress the point that our continuation grant ap- plication asks f or the minimum f or the next f iscal year -$45, 000. The Metropolitan Council.Criminal Justice Committee recommended trimming $10,000 from that request; this will cause a large cut back in services. Again, we need outaide help. ° As far as other communities are concerned, Nucleus statistics tell a great dea1. 0ur other services generally f ollow this ratio:( out of 10) 5 Coon Rapids, Z�noka, and 3 Fridley, Sprin� Lake rark, Columbia Heights, Brooklyn Park, and others. By next quarter we hope to have a more cosnprehensice breakdown of services by minicipality, � 1 . �3� � . � . � _ . : 1 �1 ITEM #38 ' , ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: REVIEW OF CITY CODE . (This will be available for Council Monday Evening) t ' t � ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' � ' � , � � �� / � i i • MEMO T0: THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT DATE: APRIL 2, 1973 1tE: RECODIFICATION OF THE CITY CODE The following changes have been inciuded in the recodification: ORGANIZATION: 1. Attached are the old table»of contents and the new table of contents. Chapter numbers have been changed to allow greater flexibility. 2. Pages wi11 be numbered consecutiveiy only in the Chapters, not con- secutively throughout. This will make it easier to make changes, and less expensive next time a recodification is done. ADDITIONS: (Use new inc3ex) ' 1. Chapters 1-6 - Legislation, Procedure and Administration No changes, brought up to date. ' 2. Chapters 7 and 8- Taxation and Finance No changes � 3. Chapters 9 and 10 No changes 4. Chapters 11 - 29 - Licenses an� Permits Chapter 11 has been reorgaaized to list all the fees in this Chapter. Additions to Chap�er 21 and 22 as per ordinance. Chapters 24-30 included by attorney`s office according to recommendations. (NOTE; Chapter 27 has been removed) 5. Chapter 100 Health, Safety and Weifare Chapters 101-114 brought up to date. Chapters 115 and 116 have heen added. 6. Chapter 200 - Lands and.Buildings Chapters brought up to date. Please see attachment: Planniag Commission organization as approved and recommended by Planning Commission for a substitute for 201. , .- � . - � � _ (.� � � . , - _ I' The Mayor and City Council -2- - April 2, 1973 '� 7. Chap[er 300 - Livestock Control I�o change � � � ' 8. Chapter 500 - Public Ways and Places • Reorganized � 9. Chapter 600 - Business and Trades This area still under review by legal department. ' 10. Chapter 700 -.�,musements and Special Activities No change, brought up to date 11. Chapter 800 - �:�ffenses , No changes, brought up�to date 12. Chapter 900 - Construction and Interpretation � No changes, brought up to date. �pographical errors will be corrected by the printer and as the code is being ' proofread. CC: City Manager ' City Attorney Attachments: Old Index New Index � Planning Commission Organization ' . ' � , � _ . ' � • � � � , I � � � , . � , � ' ( ( NEW ) ) TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER SUBJECT � LEGISLATION, PROCEDURE AND ADMINISTRATION 1. LEGISLATIVE BODY 2. ,ADMINISTRATION 3. PERSONNyL 4. ABSENTEE BALLOT PRECINCT 5. THE COURTS 6. TAXATI�1 AND FINANCE 7. ASSESSMENTS PREPAYMENT 8. PUBLIC WORKS AND IMPROVEMENTS 9. 10. LICENSES AND PERMITS 11. GE1dERAL PROVISIONS 12. CIGARETTES 13. GASOLINE PUMPS 14 PEDDT,ERS 15. DAIRY BARS AND RESTAURANTS 16. STREET VENDING 17. AUCTIONS 18. CONTRACTORS 19. IISED CAR LOTS 20. WATER SOFTENERS 21. CHRISTMAS TREES 22. MUSIC FESTIVALS 23. PUBLIC DANCES 24. JUNK YARDS 25. GOLF COURSES AND DRIVING RANGES 26. AOTELS AND MOTELS 27. (Courte�y Benches - left out) 28. BO�n1LING ALLEYS 29. BILLIARDS 30. CARNIVALS 100. HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE 101. RECREATION 1Q2. POLICE � �'I �". r- ' TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED CHAPTER SUBJECT I' � 103. FiREARMS 104. TREE DISEASES I� � I05. WEEDS 106. CIVIL DEFENSE ' 107. FIRE DEPARTMENT ' � 108. FIRE PREVENTIQN 109. AIR QUALITY AND SOLID WASTES 110. NUISANCES 111. LICENSING FOOD ESTABI,ISIiMENTS ' 112. BOARD OF HEAZTH 113. WASTE DISPOSAL 114. ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLES , ' 115. SWIMMING POOLS 116. PUBLIC SANITATION FACILITIES ' 200. LANDS AND BUILDINGS Z01. PLANNING COMMISSION 202. HOUSE TRAILERS � 203. TRAILER PARKS 204�. BUILDING AND LOT NUMBERS 2Q5. 2QNING � 206. BUII,DING 207. INSTALLATION OF WATER AND SEWER 208. $UILDING BOARD, DESIGN CONTROL � 209. MULTIPI.E DWELLINGS 210. DANGEROUS BUILDINGS 211. PLATTING 212. MINING SAND AND GRAVEZ � 213. FENCES 214. SIGNS AND BILLBOARDS 215. PUBLIC WATERS AND WATERWAYS � 300. ANIMALS AND LIVESTOCK ' 301. LIVESTOCK CONTROL 302. DOG CONTROL 303. WILD ANIMALS AND BIRDS � 400. UTILITIES 401. MUNICIPAL UTILITIES � �+02. WATER AND SEWER ADMTNISTRATION 403. PRIVATE UTILITIES AND FRANCHISES 404. GAS FRANCHISE � 405. CABLE TEI,EVISION ' . � 3�-U , � PAGE 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED CHAPTER " SUBJECT 500. PUBLIC WAYS AND PI,ACES 501. IiFGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT 502. DRIVERS LICENSES 503. ROAD WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS 504. TAXI CABS 505. BICYCLE REGISTRATION 506. VEHICLES, PARKING OF 507. MUNICIPAL BATHING BEACHES 508. PARKS AND PARKWAYS 509. MOTORIZED VEHICLE RENTALS 600. BUSINESS AND TRADES 601. MUNICTPAL OPERATION OF LIQUOR 602. BEER 603. INTOXICATING LIQUOR 604. TAVERNS 605. INTOXTCATING LIQUORS - CLUBS 606. INTOXICATING LIQUORS - CONGRESSIONALLY CHARTERED VE TERANS ORGANIZATIONS 700. AMUSII�KTS AND SPECIAL ACTIVITIES 7Q1. BOATS AND WATERCRAFT 7Q2. DRIVE-IN THEATER 7Q3. SNOWMOBILES 800. OFFENSES 801. CURFEW 802. FLAG 803. 804. 805. 806. 807. 80$. 809. 810. MISDEMEANORS GENERALLY 811. ORDINANCE VTOLATIONS BUREAU' 900. CONSTRUCTION AND INTERPRETATION 901. PENALTIES 902. RULES OF CONSTRUCTION 903. DEFINiTION CONFLICT 904. SAVING CLAUSE 905. ADOPTION BY REFERENCE 910. ADOPTION OF CODE . 3 � - �" � PAGE 3 _ � ' , . . . � j t�o��Z . 3 �-F _ _ � . , . TABLE OF COf+TENTS . � .� � � ' : : � � " CHAPTER . SUBJECT � . , LEGISLATIOlJ, PROCEDllRE Af�D ADMiNISTRATIGI►'J ', � - 2. LEGISLATIVE 80DY 2. ADttI�JiSTRAZIOtd 3. PERSONtJ�L ' � 4. ELECTIONS 5. THE COURTS - 6. � TAX�tTIO[�[ Ai�tD F IiVAIYCE 7. ASSESS��1EPdTS PREFAYFIENT �� 8. . ' AUBl,IC MIQRKS ANB It�1PROVEI�1ENTS - . ' � . 9. 10. . 1 LIGENSES AliD PERMITS I1. GEI�IERAL PROVISIOfiIS �` ._ I2. GIGARETTES � ' I3. GASOLI;VE PUt�iPS � I4. PEDDLERS 15. DAIRY BARS AiJD RESTAURAiJTS 16. STREET VEf�DING 17. AUCTIO�JS � I8. CONTRACTORS 19. USED CAR LOTS 20. WATER SOFTENEi2S � 21. CHRISTf�AS TREES 22. 23. � HEALTN, SAFETY AND WELFRRE : 24. RECREATIO��f ` 25. POLICE , 26. FIRERR�1S 27. GASQLINE � 28. DUTCH ELM DISERSE COtdTP.OL 29. 30. CIS(IL DcFEfdSE � 3i . FI RE �EPARTP•1E��dT 32. FIRt PREVEhTIO�d 33. BURPJ Ii, ^v 34. tJUISA;��CES ' �'�1'��"� �`• LICEiZSIt�G FOOD ESTABLISHP1ElVTS ..- . � PAGE 2 4 _ 9 10 11 14 15 16 18 19 20 23 25 � 27 28 29 31 34 35 36 37 41 49 52 54 57 65 _ � � �.`_. CHAPTER � . �,� � �' 36. BOARD OF HEALTH 37. CLEAiJIC�1G OF PREMISES 38. WASTE DISPOSAL � 39. JUNK VEHICIES LAfdDS AND BUILDIfaGS � 40. PIAP�tJING COf1MISSION 4I. HOUSE TRAILERS " � 42. TRAILER PARKS 43. 44. BUILDIfJG & L07 ��t1P•1BERS 45. ZOtdI;lG � - 4b. Bl1ILDIPdG 47. ItJSTALLATIOYd OF WATER & SEWER 48. SUILDIiVG BOARD, DESIGfJ COf�TROL � 49. PIULTIPIE DWELLI►dGS 50. DAPJGEP,OUS BUILDIi�dGS � 51. � 52. PLATTIf�G •,53. LA►JD AL?ERATIOi� 54. MI;�If�G SAfdO & GRAVEL 55. FEtJCES �� 56. SIGtdS A�JD 6ILLBOARDS 57. 58. � AiJIP1ALS AidD LIVESTOCK � 60. LIVESTOCK COVTRO� 61. DOG COIiTROL b2. WILD AidIr1ALS A��D BIRDS � � 63. 64. UTILITIES � 65. f1U��ICIPAL UTILITIES 56. WATER & SEWER AJt1Ii��ISTRATION � 67. PP,IVATE UTILITIES & FRAi�CNISES 68. GAS FRANCHISE fi9. � PUBLIC WAYS A(JD PLACES 70. HIGNWAY TRAFFIC ACT r71. DRIVEP.S LICEI�lSES , 72. RQAD 4lEIGNT RESTRICTiO;�S 73. TAXI CABS 74. $ICYCLE RtGISTRATIOt� � ' 3 d'- � G- ., . PAGE " . 103 105 106 109 121 123 115 117 ' 120 182 186 191 194 203 209 228 230 233 235 244 246 249 251 252 260 261 282 283 234 235 236 . � : - i.. � .��,..._. _. ! . : :- �- .:- _ - - t�f�4PTER ' � �_` � �I � - 7S. PUBLIC BEACH .PARKIilG " 7f. YENICLES, PARKIi�G OF I 77. �1UNICIPAL BATHIIVG BEACNES ;, � 7$. �ARKS AN� PARKtfAYS 79. MOTORIZED VENICLE RENTALS � StiSI�tESS AND TRADES 8U. Ml1NICIPAL OPEP,ATIOIV OF LIQUOR � _ 81. . BEER $2. I�tTOXICAi'IF1G LIQUOR _ 83. TAVEP,�JS 84. INTQXICATIfJG LIQllORS - Ci.UBS � _ 85. 8G. _ " 87. � I�iSEE'tE�tTS APJO SPECIAL ACTIVIT IES � 88. BOATS A(�D WATERCRAFT _ 89. DRIVE-IN THEATER 90. _ 91. � - 92. _ -� 93. - 94. , � _ �FFEI`�tSES � 95. ��RFEW 9b. 97. � 98. ' 99. FlISDEP9EAtJORS GEt�FRALLY I00. I�I. � IO2. 103. i0�. � CONSTRUCT I t; A . 0 !JD INTEP.PRETATION � I05. PE(�ALTIES i0b. RLLES OF COfISTRUCTIOld , 107. DEFIfdITI01J COPdFLICT � ' IO�S. SAVI;lG CI.AUSE ' 109. 110. ADOP7ION OF COD� ��.� �t -..,.-- � � 3�- � PAGE 289 290 294 297 302 306 309 312 . 313 . 314 320 322 325 326 332 333 335 336 337 -.. r. � .. ._. i- - .- ;. - . . . . . � �' M1•YLANNiNG CONIMISSiON �� �� � � � � � I. 201.01 There is hereby created a Planning Commission for the Citp of Fridley, Minnesota. The Commission shall consist of a general Chairman, and the Chairmen of the following sub-committees. 1. Plats and Sub-Divisions . 2. Bnilding Standards and Design Control 3. Parks and Recreation Commission 4. Board of Appeals . 201.O1 3 � �-� CREATION 201.02 The Mayor will naminate the Chairman of the Planning Commission. $ach Councilman will nominate ene member of the Planning Commission and four members at the Sub-Committee level. - All Committee members shall be appointed by the Council for three pear terms, except the Council shall stagger the appointments so that the terms of no more than two members of any committee shall expire ia any one year. A11 nominations must be approved by the Council. A Councilmaa need not nominate a resident of his own ward. If a vacancy is created due to any reason, a replacemeat will be named to fill the unexpired term of the member leaving. Such committee members sha11 continue to serve until a replacement has been approved. The committees sha11 each year, from their own numbers, choose a Vice-Chairmaa aaci a Secretary, At any meeting of the Co�mission, if the regular Chairman from any co�mittee is unable to attend, the Vice-Chairmat�, may attend and act in his place. � 1 � Ward �1 : � Wazd �2 � Ward �3 At Large CHAIRMAN (i�ominated by Mayor) Board af Building Appeals Standards Chairman Chairman {At Large C.) (Ward 1 C.) Plats & Parks & Subs Rzc. Chairman 1Chairman (Trlard 2 C.) � (�Yard 3 C.) ----� � The Mayor wiZl make his no�i�ation �f the Planning Co�mission Chairman in the first yesr of his te�m of office. � The Council�an-at-large an3 the third k1ard Ceuacilman.will ea�h make his na�ination t� t;�e Piaan��� Commissicn �ad two noTLnstioas t� Slit�- Committee ir. his first }�.sr. In bo�h the second aad �'siird ; ears in ': � offi�a �ach of the above Councilmen �i.li make une r.omination to a Sub- Com,�►ittee. T;�a sECOnd and tnird ��ard Louncilma_n wili each nc�inimate ' his representati��e to the �lannin� Cosimiss�on and two repr-_�eatatives � �i TERMS AND APPOINTMENTS STRUCTURE � L_J � � � � L_J 1 a�t the Sub-Committee level during his first year in office. In the second year of their respective terms, the above Councilmen will each aominate two additional members of the Sub-Committees. 2A1.03� 3p'T 201.03 The Commission shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Council. Problems shall be.referred to the Coaimission and may ADVI30RY be assigned to the Sub-Committee for detailed study if required. CAPACITY All recommendations by the Commission shall be made to the City Council. The Commission is charged with responsibility for the development and institution of a comprehensive municipal plan and a continuing planning program designed to maintain and improve civic environment. The Commission will guide and coordinate all public and private development so that the proper relationships are �st�blished and developmental conflicts are reduced to a minimum. The Commission shall establish guidelines and policies for each of its Sub-Committees. The Commission.will receive and review the minutes of each of its Sub-Committees to see that their general guidelines and policies are being foilowed. Peria3ica21y the Commission may update these guidelines or policies to more clearly reflect their current thinking or the trends withir� the City. Each Sub-Committee, as well as the Planning Commission, sha21 submit their minutes to the Council for their review and action, except Plats and Sub-Division Committee which sha11 report only ta the Planning Commission. � 201.04 The Commission shall meet twice monthly and more often as needed. The Sub-Committee shall meet as directed by the Com- mission and at their own discretion, and minutes sha11 be kept of a11 meetings. Committee findings and recommendations shall � be transmitted by the respective Chairman to the Cammission and from the Commission to the Councila � � L� � 201.05 When, in the opinion of the Council, there is a need for additional Sub-Cou�nittees or additional members-at-large, such additions may be made by the Counci�.. Chairman or any new Sub-Committee shall become a member of the Commission. 201.10 The Plats and Sub-Divisions Sub-committee may be given responsibility for any or all duties assigned to the Planning Commission pursuant to Chapter 52 of the Code. In such case the Sub-Committee shall report its findings directly ta the Planning Cammission. 201.20 'Powers and Duties of Baard of Appeals � The board shall have the power and duty of hearing and recommending to the City Council as herein provided, appeals or requests in the following cases: � � � 1. Appeals where it is alleged that there is an error in any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by an administrative officer in the enforcement of the zoning ordinance. MEETINGS ADDITIONS PLATS A'.JD SUBDI'dISIONS POtr'ERS AND bUTIES OF s0?.2D OF APPEALS �. � , � � � � � �] � ' 2. Requests for variances from the literal provisions of the aonfng ordinance in instances where their sCrict enforcement would cause undue hardship because of circumstances unique to the individual property under consideration. In recomme�ding a variance, the Board, and the Council on approval, map impose conditions to insure campiiance and to protect adjacent properties. 201.21 Petition by Owner At aay time within thirty days, any property owner who deems himself aggrieved by an alleged error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by an administrative officer in the enforcement of this ordinance which effects his property, may appeal to the Board of Appeals by filing a written appeal with the City Manager. The appeal shall iully state the order appealed from the facts of the matter, and also the mai2ing address of the owner. 20I.22 Recou�endation by Board of Apgeals Within thirty (30) days aftez filing an appeal from an adminis- trative order or determination, the Board of Agpeals .shall set a date for hearing thereon and shall hear such persons as wish to be heard, ei[her in person or by agent or attorney. Notice of such hearing shaZl be mailed not less than ten (10) days before the date of hearing to the person or persons U�ho file the appeal. Within a reasonabie time, after the hearing, the Board shall make its recommendation and forward a copy of such recommendation to the City Council. , 201.23 Record of Action Taken ; , The Board of Appeals shall provide for a xecord of its pro- ceedings, which shall include the minutes of its meeting, its findings, and the recommendations �ade on each matter heard by it, including its final recommendation. 201.24 Variances The Board of Appeals may recommend variances from tl�e strict � app2ication of the provision of this ordinance and impose ' couditions and safeguards in the variances so granted in cases where there are practical difficuities or particular hardships .< < preventing the strict application of the regulations of this ordinance. An application for a variance shall be filed with ;� the zoning administrator and shall state the exceptional conditions and the peculiar and practical difficulties claimed as a basis for a variance. ' � 201.25 Action of the Council The Council shall at its next regular meeting after receiving the recommendation of the $oard of Appeals decide on the final actian to be taken. i , . 201.21 3 ��'- � PETITION BY OWNER RECOMN�NDATION BY BO�.RD OF APPEALS RE:CORD OF ACTION T.AKEN VARIANCES ACTION OF THE COUNC?L � ' � , � � 201.26 Lapse of Variance by Non-Use . Whenever within one (1) year after granting a variance the recipient of the variance shall not have completed the work as permftted by the variance, then such variance shall become null and void unless a petition for extension of time in which to complete the work has been granted by the Board of Appeals. Such extension shall be requested in writing and filed with the City Manager at least twenty (20) days before the expira- tion of the original variance. The request for extension shall state facts showing a good faith attempt to complete the work permitted in the variance. Such petition shall be presented to the Board of Appeals for hearing and decision in the same manner as the original request for variance. 201.30 Building Board, Design Gontrol � It is hereby ordered that the Building Standards and Design Control, a Sub-Committee of the Fridley City Planning Commission, shall serve as a Buildiag Board. The board shall consist of five members: 1. The Chairman of which shall be a member of the Planning Commission, 2. An architect, construction engineer, builder or other similarly competent person residino in the City, nominated by ths Councilman-at-large. 3. Three members - one nominated by the Councilman from each of the three wards within the City. Members of the Building Board serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. 201.31 A majority of such Board shall constitute a quorum. The Board shall meet twice monthly and as often as necessary to perform its duties. 201.26 . .�-- L LAPSE �F � . VARIANCE BY NON-USE 201.32 Whenever an agplication is filed with the City for a building permit for any structure to be built, enlarged or altered within, or moved in or into the City, and the Building Inspector finds said application, plans and specifications and the plot plan submitted therewith, hereinafter termed the application papers, comply with the code of the City except this section, but that said application papers provide for a structure, the exterior design, appearance and functional plan of which in the opinion of the Building Inspector and the City Manager may be, when erected, so at variance or so similar with the exterior d�sign, appearance and functional plan of s*_ructures constructed or in the course of construction in the neiohborhood of said proposed structure which are in the same zoning district as the proposed structnre as to cause a material depreciation generally to property in the ne�.ghborroad, or if co�struction 0 BUILDING BOARD CREATED � PROCEDURE OF BOARD . �01.3�r matezials are other than those acceptable by the existing building or zoning codes; then the Building Inspector shall within ten (10) days after the receipt of the application papers, file the same and such opiniaa in writing, s�gned by the Building Inspector and the City Maaager with the Secretary of the Building Board. 201.34 Within three (3) days after the receipt of such application pagers and opinion, the Secretary shall give notice to each member of the Building Board, to the applicant and to any other persaas he deems advisable, of a hearing to be held bq the Building �oard with respect to such application..The notice shall sta�e the purpose of the hearing and the location of the structure. Notice to the applicant shall be by mail at least three (3) days in advance of such hearing, provided appearance at th�e hearing shall constitute a waiver of any defect in the ucrtice thereof. The hearing on such application shall be held at the next regular meeting of the Board, but not less than one week nor more than three weeks after receipt of such applicati� by the Secretary of the Board. • 201.35 Befare or during the hearing, each member may view the premises up� which the structure is located or .ro be located and at t�e hearing the Board shall examine the appii- cation papers aaad hear the applicant. It may also hear any person who requests to be heard. The Board may adjourn from time to time bu� within forty-eight (48) hours of the close of the hearing,. the Board shall, pursuant to a majority vote of all the membe�s of the Board, file written findings of the suitability of alternate material or the fact that the exterior design, appeara�e and functional plan of such structure is or is not at a varg�ance or so siuiilar with the exterior design, appearance aud functionai plan of structures construcCed or in the course of construction in the neighborhood of said proposed struct�.res, which are in the same zoning district as the pro�osed structure, as to cause material depreciation generally to grv�erty in said neighborhood. The Board shall further make a r�ecommendation that the application be accordingly granted or denied, Such finding, determination and recommendation shall be in writiug, signed on behalf of the Building Board by its Chairman and Secretary. The Secretary shall file a copy thereof, certified by him, with the Building Inspector and the City Clesk and shall mail a copy thereof to the applicant. The applicatiaa papers, the written opinions and the findings, determinations a.�d recommendations of the Building Board shall thereupon be pres�nted by the City Manager to the City Council at its next reg�x�ar meeting. Further action with respect to the granting or refusing of a permit with respect to such application shall be held i� abeyance pending order and direction of the Council. in sueh case no permit with respe�t to the application shall be issued �xcept upon approval of the Building Board and order and direct�.�n of the City Council. .3�- � CALL OF HEAR.ING HEARINGS AND FINDING;I 1� � I i � I, � � ' ' � � � , 201.36 Upan receipt of the application papers, the written ogiuion of the Building Inspector and the City Manager and the findings, determinations and recommendations of the Building $oard, the Council shall review all of the same. The Council may request of the applicaut or any other person, or iu its own discretion, grant and order a rehearing before the Building Board with or without directions, and request other or further findiags or fact and determinations by the Board as may be deemed by the Gouncil to be in the best interest of the City. If a rehearing i� held, the application papers, the written opinion and the findings, determinations an� recommendations of the $uilding Board upon the rehearing are then again sub- mitted to the Council. Upon completion of review by the Council, the Council may approve and adopt the findings, determinations and recommendationS of the Building Board in whole or in part, or may seject all of the same. The Council may grant or refuse to grant the permit absolutely or in modified form, or may grant it upon conditions. Upon receipt of such order and direction, if any, of the Council, the Secretary of the Building Board shall make the same a part of the proceedings of the Board and shall • � � transmit an authenticated copy thereof to the $uilding Inspector and to the applicant. The Building Inspector sha11 thereupon issue or refuse to issue the building permit in accordance with such order and directions, as the case may be. In such cases no building or structure shall be erected, enlarged, altered or moved into or within the City without a permit being first so obtained. 2QZ,:37 On hearing before the Building Board and on review by the Council, in the absence of proof ta the contrary, a refusal to grant the building permit is deemed t4 be based upon facts supporting the conclusion that the exterior design, appearance and functional plan of the structure as noted in the application papers is so at variance or so sirailar with the exterinr design, appearance and functional plan of`structures constructed or in the course of construction in the naighborhood of said proposed structure which are in the same zoning district as the proposed structure as to cause a material depreciation generally to property in the neigh'aorhood. � 201.40 Recreation Commission There is hereby created a Parks and Recreation Commission for , the City of Fridley. The Cammission shall consist of five Fridley residents, appointed by the City Council.. � � The Co�ission Chairman shall be appointed by the City Council and sha11 also serve as a member of the Plauning Commission. The initial members shall be appointed for staggered terms, so that the term of no more than one wouJ.d conclude in any year, Thereafter, the members shall be appointed for terms of three years. Both original and successive appointees shall serve until their successors are appointed and quaZified. !� 30�.3�� n _ COUNCIL AC�ION REFUSAL OF °ERMIT CREATION OF RECREATION CONiMiSSION �� . 1 � � , � � � A vacaacy shaZl be filled for the unexgired portion of the term by the City Council. Memhers of the Commission shall serve without cpmpensation and shall not be personally interested in any contracts�of the Commission. They shall at the beginning of each year select a Vice=Chairman and a Secretary from their own number with duties in addition to Cammission membership implied by these titles. A majority shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 20I.42 The Parks and Recreation CoBmaission shall advise the City Manager and Council on operation af a program of parks, pZaygrounds and public recreation. If any part of the public recreation program of the community zs administered directly by any public or private ager,cy other than [he City; the Commission sha1l have power to make cooperative agreements with any such public or private agency for the purpose of coordinating alI the activities and facilities included in such public recre- ation program. The Cou�ission may make use of publzc property assigned to, or of private property leased or otherwise made available for public recreation use: IIpon recommendation of the Commission, the Council shall determine what land is to be acquired for recreational purposes, what land the Commission sha11 be permitted to use in carrying on its recreational program, and what buiZdings or other permanent structures are to be constructed upon such land. The Commission shall advise the Council upon such matters and shall organize and review the operation of facilities made available to it for recreational purposes, but it shall have no authority to acquire land in its own name or without the consent of the governmental unit in whose name such,land is to be acquired. 201.43 In order to carry on responsibilities provided herein, the Commission shall have gower to; � (a) Adopt rules for its meetings aad transactiou of its business and rules governing the use by the public of the recreation facilities under its control. ' t ' � ' (b) Consent and approve apgointment by the Parks and Recreation Director of personnel necessary to carry out the responsi- bilities of the Commission. (c) Accept gifts of real and personal property for public recrQational purposes, subject to the provisions of Sectiou 201.42. (d) Provide for maintenance and care of public property which has been assigned to it for public recreational purposes. SCOPE . POWER (e) Perform whatever other acts that are reasonable and necessar;� and proper to carry out the Commission's responsibilities under this ordinance. 201.42 3. �'- o. �. , C� � I! � � � � � � - - 201.44 ��"" '� 201.44 The Commission sha11 each year prior to September 1, prepare PROGRAM a comprehensive program for parks improvement and acquisition for " public recreation activities for the ensuing year. The Commission's program shall_be described in terms of activities as well as finances. The budget of finances shall show: (a) Estimated revenues, divided as follows: (1) Amount appropriated by City Council (2) Contributions from private sources (3) Earnings from admissions and other charges made for use of facilities (4) Miscellaneous revenues; and (b) Estimated expenditures, divided as follows: (1) Administration payroll (2) Instructional and supervisory payroll ! (�) Maintenance and improvement payroll � (4) Supplies , (S) Printing � (6) Postage, express freight, utility charges (7) Repairs ($) Rents (9) Equipment � (10) Real estate and improvements (11) Miscellaneous expenditures - — -- --�— �32)- Contractual services � (13) Taxes and assessments (I4) Consultant fees Each budget shall be submitted not later than June 1, to the City Manger. The final decisions as to these contributions shall be reported back to the Commission, which shall adjust the budget, if necessary. The expenditure allowances, as finally approved. by the Commission and City Council, shall control the year's spending program.. The Commission shall not itself levy taxes or borrow money; and it shall not approve anp claims or incur any obligations for expeaditure. � 201.45 For the purpose of financing the parks and recreation � program authorized by this chapter, the accounting shall be the responsibility of the treasurer of tiie City. The Commission shall be authorized to establish charges or fees for the restricted use 1 of any facilit�.es or to make any phase of the recreation program who2Zy or-gartially seZf-sustaining. Any empZoyees who handle cash in the process of collection shal2 be bonded. � � � � �� � 2QZ.46 In matters relating to the recreation program, personnel aud finauces, advisory reports shall be made directly to the City Council through the City Manager. Matters relating to property purchases, capital ir�grovements and facilities shall be reported to the City Council with reco:;mendation of the Planning Commission. FUNDS REPORTS � ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' � ' FtESOLUTION NO.� A RESOLUTION ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ESTIMATES OF THE COST:> THEREOF: STREET IMPROVEh1ENT PROJECT _ST. 1�973- 3 ADDENDUM # 7l - SE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley as follows: I. That it appears in th�� interest pf the City znd of the property owners affected that t:here be constructed certain improvements, to-wit: Installation of water and sewer mains and services for pxoperties abutting East River R��ad from: 63� Way N.E. to Rice Creek Way � 2. That the City Enginee�°, Nasim Qureshi, F, the City's Consulting Engineers are hereby authorized and directed to draw the preliminary plans and specificatic�ns and to�tabulate the results oi their estimates of the costs; of said improvements, including every item of cost from inception to completion and aIl fees and e�cpenses incurred (or to be in<.urred) in connection therewith, or the financing thereoi, anci to make a preliminary report of their findings, stating ther.ein whether said improvements are feasible and whether they can best be made as pxoposed, or in connection with some other improvements (and the estimated cost as recom- mended), including also a des cription of the lands or areas as may receive beneiits t:herefrom and as may be proposed to be assessed. 3. That said preliminary report of the Engineers sha21 be furnished to the Council. ' ADOPTED 8Y THE CITY COUNCII, OF Tf�E CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS OF , ' , 1973. MAYOR - FRA�ti'K G. LIEBL ATTEST: CITY CLERK - h1ARVIN C. BFtINSELL � � DAY 39 ' . ' � ' RESOLU9�DN NO. ✓ � . -.."_ A RESOLL1170N RECEIVING Th.►E PRELI�',INi}RY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBL,IC XEARING ON THE MAT�ER OF T�iE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN 3MPRO�iEMENTS: STREET IMP,E2��VEMENT PRQ7ECT ST. Z973-3 ABDENDUM # 1 _ .. __ : _ _ _ __ • •- �O WHEREAS, the construction! of certain improvements is deemed to be in the interest of the City of Fzidley and the property owners affected thereby. BE ST RESOLVED, by the City Caunci2 r�f the City of Fridley, as fo23aws; , �• That t_iie preliminary report subinztted by the City �nqineer & the Consniting Eng.ineers is he�eby received and accepted. , 2• That the City Clerk shall act to ascertain the narne and address of the owner of each parceZ of larad directly affected or within the area of 3ands as may be pxopose� �o be assessed for said improverrrents, , and caiculate estimates of assessznents as may be proposed relative thereto against each of said lands. il J ' � ' � 3. That the area proposed to btie assesse� for said improvements and each of them as noted in said .r�a�zce are a11 the 1an�s ard areas as noted in said notice: A11 of the same to }�e assessed proportionately accarding to the benefits recei ved. '�• That the estimates of assessraents of the CZerk shaZ1 be available fox inspection to the own�er of anv parce� of Iar.d as m.ay be affected thereby at any public hea.ri �g held relative thereto, as we11 as at any przor tirte reasonable ars,d convenient. 5• That the City C1erk is authorized ar.d directed to give notice of such Public Kearing by publisn.i:�c a notice t:�ereof in the �official news- paper of the City of Frid.Zec� and by mailed notices to a11 the pro�erty owners whose property is ,Zi�1e to be assessed wi tn the r.!a;;ing of these ir,rprovements accord;irc to 1a�r, su�h notice t� be suAStant=all� in the form and substance o.� the notice attac:zed I:ere�o as Exhipit •,�7,,, 6. 2'hat this Council wi11 tr,ec.t �n the 7th day of MaY 1973 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the c.itg 1?a11 in the City of FridZey 'or the purpose of holding a Publ_ic �earing on the ir.rprove.:�ent noted in the • Notice attached .�ereto anci arade a part thereof br� reference, Exhil�i t "A" . �' ADOPTED Y TXE CITY COfTYCIL OF TFi£ CITY OF FRIDLEY TH�S ,� y � • A Or ; ' . 1973. � ' ATTEST: CITY CLERK - 1:'it�VIN C. BRUNSELI; ' ' 1�'.AYOR - FP..�.'.'K G. LIc.;L 1 �J � OFFICIAL PUBLICATION � C:tTY OF FRIDLEY (EXHIBIT A) NOTICE OF HEARING ON Ih4PROVEA4ENTS �o,� STREET IMPROVEMEiVT PROJECT_ST. 1973-3 ADDENDUM #1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, has deemed it expedient to receive evidence pertaining to the improvements hereinafter described. ' NOit1, THEREFORE, NOTICE.IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on the 7TH day of 1�lav , 1973 at 7:30 o'clock P,M, the City Council will meet at the City Hall in said City, and will at said time and place hear all parties , interested in said improvements in whole or in part. , _ � � ' , � � � �J The general nature of th�e improvements is the construction (in the lands and streets noted below;) of the following improvements, to-wit: CONSTRUCTION ITEM Installation of water anci sewer mains and services for properties abutting East River Road from: 63 Z Way N. E. to Ri ce Cree;k Way ESTIMATED COST . . . . . . . $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THAT THE AREA PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED FOR SAID IbIPP,OVEP�IENTS IS AS FOLLO{ti'S: For Construction Item above _______________________________ All of the land abutting �upon said streets named above and all lands within, adjacent and abutting thereto. All of said land to be as��essed proportionately according to the benefits received by such improvement. That should the Council proceeci with said improvements they �rill. consider each separate improvements, exc:ept as hereafter othen�ise provided by tt�e Council all under the followin�; authority, to-wit: :�finnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 429 and laws amendatory thereof, and in conformity with the City Charter. DATED THIS DAY OF , 1973, BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. ' ' Pub2ish: I ' MAYOR - FRA��iK G. LIEBL � � . ' . Proposed Underground Zntersection Lighting Program Compared ' �iith Our Existing C)verhead Street Lighting Program. (175 W.) , ' , y� � - Proposed Undergrouzid Existing Overhead ' � Head I75 Watt Mercury Vapor 175 Watt Mercury Vapor ' Mast Arm 6` Long 10' to 18' Long , Pole Laminated Tapered! + Regular NSP Wooden Pole SQuare Wooden Pol.e Not Tapered or Laminated (Hollow core for wiring) , Rate Schedule "C" Schedule "A" $60.60 per year $47.40 per year , . The reasons far the $23.20 differenca_ in cost per year ' is the type of pole used in the propased undergraund system tagether with the h.igher cost of installation. The under- graund program warrants a heavier and better quality cable , than does the overhead system which also comtributes to the higher cost, , '. • , , ' ' � , ' � .- � r�' ' _ � PROPASED UNDERGROUND STREET LIGHTING� �� ,•' : _ ��� �: A. Innsbruck No� � - _ 0 ' : I. R-1 Intersection LightinF; (Rate Schedule "C") $ 5.05 Per Month $60„60 Per Year � ' N.S.P. will install square laminated wooden poles, 25 feet high, tapered from butt to top at each intersection. A six fooC bracket ann and 175 watt mercury vapor light will be installed at the top of poles. The entire , insta2lation and future �Lnstallation will be by N.S.P. and be assessed to the City. ' II. Townhouse Street Lightin€; (Rate Schedule "B") Viewcon will select �i lighting fixture to conform with the overall ' development design and iristall the lighting system. As this unit is not a standard with N.S.P. they� will not maintain it in the same ma.nner as they do their standa.rd units. Thay will not replace glass or ballasts on ' these fixtures but to conzpensate for their forfeiture they will reduce the yearlp cost to $21.�0 insotead of the normal $27.00 for the 175 watt lamp. � �.J III. Apartment Area Street Lig;hting Tentatively the plans; call for Viewcon to install and mai.ntain the street lights surrounding; their apartment development. 'I'heir lights will be wired directly to the apartments electrical system and will be attached to the apartment meters. Thus billing for these street lights will be directly to the apartment: osaners or association. IV. Dedicated Park and Pond A.,rea Between R-1 and Townhouse Development Lighting a) The townhouse dev�elopment lighting includes the installation of , gathways and Iigh,ting throughout the legally described property. - . b) R-1 areas have no� public paths nor Iighting. c) Fie�wcon will provide four pathway:lights vn the association property , side and addition.al lighting, if required, will be furnished by the � �ity Park Department. B. Heather Hills Addition 8ate Schedule "C". Same as Innsbruck North R-1 Intersection Lighting. � � I! ' �� . u � . �. �r,' � ' � ' , ' , ' ' ' 1. 1 1 , ' ' , ' � . � t � i . _ . �o /4fi�l � - � . i a - . � . �� '�`` r � - \ .�5� _ �� •t �� � -,'' , � \ �� �;� . .��r:� -._` r. ' ., �' 4 � -,*� _ -F �.s�.r-�::,. Gs•-��„i � . _ �'' � �:� F � � ,. , ��~ I I„ _ 4�' {` - --- - - . ... ..,...�.-.r ��1 f .,r- � �.::: - , �„� . _ ' - � '' _._'. -_��. .. �: . ' " .. i _ � � wt'� . - �Y' � . �� - . ' �_`-y'( ` .. •- f� ;l _�i _ � 1 � . --'� "1� ... . � �- : � � - ,_ � -- � � . � --� ��: y TYPIC�4L POLE F"D� �UNO�RGROUNL� INTER.S�GTIOr�I STR E�T L iG NTiNG �SDUAR � L,4 M i N.�lTt17 W�OD �N p0 L�� 0 �/ � r__ I i , 1 [� � � � C�t o r��le � � ANOKA COUNTY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE i li� i �ill ' T0: NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY 4501 68TH AVENUE NORTH BROOKLYN CENTER, MZNN. 55428 � sbo-a<so FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA SSl21 PLEASE MAKE A SURVEY AND PROCEED WITH THE ZNSTALLATION OF THE NECESSARY STREET LIGHTS FOR: �IC WATT 1. Northwest Corner of North Danube Road 175 2. North Danube Road and Arthur Street 175 3. North Tnnsbruck Drive and West Danube Road 175 4. North Innsbruck Drive and East Danube Road 175 5. Matterhorn Drive anci East Danube Road 1�$ 6. West Danube Road and East Danube Road ' 175 NOTE: These lights are to be included in the underground program for Innsbruck North and are to be scheduled under rate schedule "C", asim M. Qures i, P.E. City Engineer - Director of Planning �rder Date T � ? , y a ,V V � v� 1 ) '°v � '�- #--` -�-� -+ �- -F--� �- j-f� +-� - �r-t +- �--- � � -+-� -�- � � � -� � + 1--�- �l c . RYE. F ' � v t w ' z � Z < Y _ � E--L-� -3--� -1--E f--F � +--i ! 1--� i-�" �T �+-a � s- i -f- `. .i._ � -i-1-i' � � 2 t f"� �""! F--►- 1-r �-+ t-t i—� t--;- 1+t -l-= _i L.,G1R�iN,� fl OY. c. � �., . �. I,r�r�i � �ROPOSED ADDENDUM TO PHASE 1973 ST, LIGHTING PROGRAI�i � �� uti °`-5� ___., _.__, � jI ." 1 ~ } • �? . � i � �, ^ i � ? ;- '� � `.� 1 G o ! r'1 -, � O � J = � Q J � _ T i. - � Underground Proposed Underground St. �+iT�_ t!R. —Z/ yE �c W . � ; L�`�� JEN 0.:. ..�. z- i � .._........ - - ., ' � � . - �at, � �3 --�-• , ' . � � i T �,: ! � i ����:i� � � �� � ! R o i ��� � � = .� �;,;� :.; :.�..., _. . � L. � � �.,�- , - ' c�� � � � � i ,""' . : � 1 . 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' iS ,(��r eG / s G��o fyi �r� ���h � C1 �y 'h � - ; �Q � ���'� /5 G �Cir� c� �fnoc.s�7� 6-� ��4J eS ; �j ,�. rC.c � ec � 4� G'r� �f G I"G 5 S �o /J c: c'' c.r �/''e r 4(!� v' t c, • / � / � 3�� � �e-tcr �H G� S ; - �'f��S Cih� �G � cltJ rs�ons �l ti �c c � l'c Y� u � �# t � 7 � �,� �k b �c� � m �� � ► M�,�-�;.� G-� �� d. �� -�, a a, � y�� � y � �'��. �ob�r-� G�, 6ar►, z1�, $ 5�7 � Cj �,` �/, j=. rr��i�,� , �-�,h h . y r>> i, G er �/ 7 � , .� r�.�� 0 � � ' MEMORANDUM To: City Counci.I, City of Fridley Fram: Virgil C. Herrick, Cit� Attorney, City of Fridley Re: Sa1e of Used Motor Vehicles Dater April 2, 1973 I have examined the cit� ordinance and the state statute regarding Zicensing of used automobile dealers. In addition, I have discussed the subject with the supervisor of the Dealers Section of the Motor Vehicle Service Division of the State of Minnesota. I am of the opinion that both our ordinance and the state statute requixe a municipal and a state Iicense respectively for the sale of motor vehicles. The individual from the State Motor Vehicle Division indicated that they apply this to an� person who purchases a vehicZ� for resale or who is reselling a vehicle other than his own. Apparentl� ther� make an exception for financial institutions that are selling repossessed crehicles and for companys that are selling Ieased vehicles after t_he leases have expired. The state officiaZ indi cafed that several communities have their own ordinance requiring a municipa.Z Zicense, and it is the position of his department that this is permissible. He a.Zso indicated that the city could prosecute under ezther or both the state statute and the municipaZ ordinance. Contrary to popular opinion, there is no exemption from the Zicense requixezr�nt for the sale of three vehicles per year. vcr�/j1h ��"'�.� �J �/ 0 r r-- � , 'i « � ! rH_. � i' w . w '�" , N,EMORANDUN: TO: FRON: SUBJ: 4 �� Fridley City Council and �:essers Davis� Hi11. Qureshi Hill Nee East River Road l�arch 29, 1973 • ,. As Councilma.n from the 3rd tdard, I appreciate the two reports pxepaxed by the Administration on the East River Road -- Hill� Feb. 23 and faureshi� N;arch 2. Both reports demonstrated not only a great deal of research, constructive thoughtand action, but also deep concern. These reports'proba.bly repres�nted each de�artment's best judgement of what are reasonable solutions within the practical limits of their respective discipllnes and jurisdictions, But I think it must be clear tha.t the East River �3oad problem cannot be resolved within the jurisdictior.s of either Engineering or Enfoxcement alone. And certainly, no individual alone can solve it. A"breakthrough" is needed. We can only ma.ke that breakthrough, and turn it around, if we put together engineering, enforcement ancl some other very basic public policy concepts into a single comprehe�sive plan'of attack. ' € Even though Z have exper�.enced. the Ea.st River Raad problem daily for li years� I realize that I am not expert in this field. But I think that what is needed at this point is a CATALYST...anci that's what I hope to provide. I hope that what I have to say in this and future memos on the subject d�ill provoke some new th3nking, some new depaxtures...3irect tWard a genuine break�hrough and turn around. Let me start with some comment on the recent Administration i��emos. (Mainly to underscore a premise which argues that the �resent approach is not sufficient,) � I � Pg• 2 1 ' I� � ' First, the Engineerin,� Meme . I do not argue with any of the engineering actions of the past, nor with those which are propased that I am aware of. Some very ingenious and promising ideas are in development. _ � But I must point out that four of the five fata2ities this year occured on a section of the East River Road which meets or exceeds the criteria Engineering is advocating as a"solution." In pointing this out, I am not arguing against engineering improvements, widening, straightenin�, draining, limiting access and all. I am simpl� saying tha.t this experience suggests that we must reexa.mine the premise. ' (That premise is� I believe, that �he East River Road must serve an artexia2 func�ion� and that there are engineering solutions that will make tha.t role feasible.} , ' I� J ' � , ' � �', , ' � There are� indeed, improve safety in N:ore intensive pavement marking. This is a serious failure on the County's part. If the County cannot or xi11 not do a better job, we must. Drainage...I understa.nd this will be corrected this year. Lighting " �, Signals ,� Guard rails and seperations • Reducing uncontrolled left turns and access. extremely importa.nt things that must be done to the short term, and Engineering prop�ses, such as: 1. 2. 3. �. � �. 6. I recognize the value of all of these improvements. What I am asking the Council to consider is that they are short term solutions. The problem�is in the mixing of two different kinds of traffic... local and transcontinental. I3� fact, the traffic flow charts prepared by Engineering demonstrate this. The data. was prepared to document another point, but what i� really does is dramatize the nature of the problem. Engineexing tells us that in a 1970 study 14,000 cars on a given day on the ERR were i`ridley cars. 5,000 xere "foreign." If we read this as commuting traffic� it means that almost every car registered in Fridley uses the ERR every day. Common sense � tells us that is not true. It is mainly local trip traffic... to the grocer� drugstore, church or school. I know from years of expetience, driving beside� behind or neeting veople I know...that this local trip traffic usually invoZves mod�rate� prudent driving. But it is mixed in with heavy-footed drivers who have a passion to break out of traffic and get in the clear...and this mix� as evidenced by the data (1 out of 4; is at the crux of the problem. , , e ' ' � , ' ' Pg. 3 public Safet' N!emo There is a curious contradiction between N:r. Hill's assessment of the "need" on East River Road and Mr. f�ureshi's. r'.r. 9,ureshi describes the East River Road as "10 times more murderous than ar, average street in the City of Fridley." A�r. Hill tells us that with 27� of the en�'orcement action bein� taken re the ERR, "the amount of enforcement action o� East River Road by ?'olice has been very high and in excess of the accident rate. Consideration must also be given to the fact that East River Road only represents approximat�ly E miles of the approximate total of 120 miles of streets..." �•m reluctant to draw these contrasts beca.use I don't want to discourage complete candor in the expression of opinion by staff, but I find myself arguin� with the implied conclusions of some of I�'s. Hills's statistics. , First, the suggestion above that present police patrol on the East River Road is proportionate because the number of traffic tags issued on the ERR corre2ates to the number of accidents. It certainly does ' not coxrelate to the number of fatallties (which the City En�ineer shews to be now in excess of 50J). , ' ' I recognize our obligation to other citizens throughout the community to allocate police resources equitably...but I don`t think rlr. Qureshi's calculation that the ERR is "10 times more murderous" can be dismissed as easily as th� police report txied to do. • - Second, the police rep�rt raised questions concerning the significance af speed endorcement. Cf 152 citatiores issued, 141 were for speedy but that speed was a contributing cause in only 19 of 151 recorded accidents in the reportin� period. � I would like to see this argument substantially refined. It may be that we have a semantic prablem of defin3.tions...but it seems to me thai excessive speed may have been cnntr3butory in a number af other accider,ts which received other classifications: such as "careless" ' "failure to yield" "lost control" "rear-ended". , � ' � ' flefore "speed" is so readily dismissed I would like to see a more definitive analysis ma.de on what was actually involved. In short� would there have been an acciden� described as "failure to � ield" if the car which failed to yield had been travelling at 35 instead of 40? Third� we have a suggestion that concentrated enforcement was not only not effective in reducing acci�ents, but that it caused an increase. ' , �� 4 . ' ' The statistical evidence shoxed that there xere 8 accidents in r�ay of 1969, 1970 and in 19'jl. In 19'J2� after introducing intensive enfoxcement, there were l0 accidents. ' ' , ' , , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' Should we conclude that the way to eliminate accidents on the East River Road is to eliminate alI police enforcement activity? I don't think Mr. Nill wants us to reach that conclusion, so I have to ask Why the point was made in the way it was? * � � * � It �ras to dramatize the point, perhaps, that intensive enforcement� or at least enforcement within our means, is not a solution. N.r. Hill is the expert, I am not� but I would like to have better evidence on th� point tha.n wha.t we received. Until that point is documented, I w111 hold to the opinion that patrol activity is one of the key short-term solutions... and that if Fridley rssou �s do not permit it, we should enlist the assistance of the She��f. � * � � * I am enthusiastically in favor of Mr. Hill's Educa.tional proposals. The signs. Perhaps death markers. But the signs such as "Radar Patrolled" are useless, because they have no credibility, unless there is evidence of it. Even if no arrests were made as a result of a radar pa�rol , the pexiodic presence wo�11d give meaning to the signs on the East River Road which presently are scoffed at. � ��a�*� I believe one of the potentially most constructive statistical studies of Eas� T�iver Road accidents would be to determine wha.t percentage of the ERR accidents invoZve a non-Fridley car... and how does this carrelate ta what might be predicted on the ba.sis of the ratio of Fridley to non-F`ridley cars on the road? 0 ' . � P�. 5 Short Term / Lon� Texm , '�Ihile all of the proposals from Engineering and Public Safety w�l� certainly contribute to safety on the East River Road� I believe xe Will not make any real breakthrough until we seperate "local" traffic ' from the driver who sees Friciley as 6 miles to get through on the way to somewhere else. ' ' ' ' � ' ' , ' I believe the research proposed above will show that to be true. Ny conviction is ba.sed not on research, nat on training or any other claim to e�cpertese...but on years of watching the road, and of following unusually aggressive drivers to see where they go. (Usually they go on to Coon Rapids, and thence xho knoNS where.) These are the drivers thai zoom�in and out of lanes� breaking into atherwise reaSOnable intervals, tailgating to get around a driver doing 4Q. Imposing a tone of "panic" in otherwise prudent drivers. If this is true� that the crux of the problem is in the mixing of local and transcontinentaZ traffic...then whatever action we are able to take uniZaterally will be on3y ma.rginally productive.... like spitting on a forest fire... and any control program must involve looking outside our boundries for solutions. Let's Look At the ERR "Loading." The alternate for most of the "foreigh" traffic troubling the East ' River Road is State Hi�hway �4?, which, unlike the East River Fioad is median-seperated, has sev�rely restricted access, is well drained, ha.s wide shoulders, is protected by fence ete. But in spite of the obvious superiority of #4� as a facility, many drivers use the East River Road, blhy? 1. The inters�ec�ion of Coon Rapids Blvd and East River Road ' funnels traffic onto the ERR which should be rou�ed down #47. (a) The sema.phore gives tWice the options to proceed onto ERff. than to #47. ' , ' , ' (b) Immediately past this intexsection, CRB is restricted to two very bad lanes by two railroad bridges, and then continues as very � iy maintained two-lane to an unnecessary stop sign restrictirlg the flow onto #4�. � NO WONDER everything serviced by Coon Rapids Boulevard opts for the Eas�.River Road instead of �47. The County H1�hWay Department almost dernands it. K � . � pg 6 . ' 2. The superior access into Minneapolis provided corrtpared to the access provided by "University strong pull to opt for the East River Road. ' , , ' � � ' ' , i- -, � .� '`i �J �� _J ' , I ' by "N;arshall'°, as Avenue" is a (a) The wide, free-flowing Highway �47 suddenly is choked doKn to a tight two Zanes at the boarder of Anoka./Hennepin County.,. a narrow underpass, a narrow brid�e, hazardous access by driveways and a multitude of uncontrolled crossings... Highway ,�47 becomes a nightmare as soon as it enters Minneapolis.,.while i�'.arshall Avenue flows freely. (b� Because of this, many drivers xho have come i`rom the North on Highway #47...from Anoka., Elk River etc.., swing over to the East River Road at Osborne. �he right hand turn onto 6sborne is free, the light controlling Osborne access to the East River Road is favorable to Os%orne traffic. So once again, because of external reasons, long distance traffic is funneled onto the East River Road. Stand in the morning and count the flow from Osborne onto the East River Road. It isn't €ridley traffic. Fie don't have that ma.ny cars . 3, The same dynamics function for northbound traffic. Commuters 2eavin� Minneapolis are drawn to r:arsha2l... whether they have a Coon Rapids Boulevard destination or ars headed farther north to Anoka, and E�� River. Again, they come north to Osborne and cut over to the freeway. In addition, the 6g4 Freeway Interchange promotes a feed onto the East River Road instead of #.47. The Westbound Freeway traffic can exit onto either ;�47 or the LRR with equal ease. But it is substantially �QSier for Eastbound Freeway traffic to exit onto the East River Road than onto rt`�7...becaus� of ths design of the exits. The Exit for Eastbound onto the East River Road is free-floWing. The Exit for Eastboun onto #�7 often stacks back for a block or more. SO WE FIND it's b�ing heaped on us from both ends. On the one end by virtue of decisions of the Anoka County Highway Department. On the other end by decisions o#' the City of t�iinneapolis and the State Highway Department. We will not be able to turn it around on the East River Road until there's a better route than N'.arehall into i��inneapolis...either by Freeway �94, or by one nay alternates to University Avenue. Nor xill �¢e make real headway until the Arioka County Highway Department substantially improves the Coon Ra�ids Boulevard route between the ERR inters�ction and the #47 intersection. , ` � Pc. � . ' � It seems elear to me that Minneapo2is has no incentive whatever,to provide alternate routes to iiniversity Avenue. And when or whether F�eeway ,#94 Kill be built is highly speculative. � � L� Zn spite of the fact tha.t our local representative may have an economic interest in maintaing the �.oaded conditions on University Avenus, it seems to me that we have to make our case for relief to the Nletropalita.n Counc3�. Flarther, it see�s to me that the burden of prosecuting this case should be on our Anoka County Government. I doubt if the �ietropolitan Council would pay much attention to the ' petftion of Fri�d�.ey's 3rd Waxd Councilma.n. .. but they wou jld find it difficult to ignore the goverrmient of Anoka. County. � ' � ' L_� ' l __l I� � � ,�� ' C 1 ERR vs �47 Implicit in my ar�ument in behalf of "LOCAL TRAFFIC ONLY" on the Ea,st Rivez Road is the question of transferring load to Highway #47. (This is espec�a.11y true if the North Corridor Bridge does not proceed.) We don•t knax� in fact, what this transfer might be. But Nasim's flaW charts show both past and present that the ERR is carrying al�nost as much load as #47, and in 1975 will be carxying more'a� some poi�ts (such as north of the interseetion of r�ississippi.) I think in all fa3rness you must look at these two facilities and say that this �d of loading isn't reasonable, Highway ,#47 was �.esigned for huge volumes. It ha.s limited access. Nefghborhoods frrjnting it have we21-conceived intera� communications. There is space fox expansion. East River Road �s not capable of significa,nt expansion without severe disruption. Instead of limited aceoss we have areas where there are private driveways every hundred feet. Instead of good internal neighbarhood communication, it is very difficult to move within the East River Road neighborhoods Without first venturing anto the highway,,.even to go a block or so. IT Is not reasenable to say the East River Road is capable of bearing load increases in the same way #47 can. Until we make that decision as a matter oi public policy, and begin to impler�ent it in practica.l Ways, we will not find really satisfactory sol�tions to what is probably the bZoodiest 6 miles in the �tate of I�:innesota. � �. ' � ' �� � , , �� � ' � � � � Pg. 8 , In The Meantirae ���- Even if the City, the County and the N:etro Council finally conclude that the East River Road should be reserved for "Local Traffic Only"... it Will t,ake time. More time than We have. I favor the City En�ineer's current proposals. It is imperative that the County do a better job of lane marking. I support Ntr, Hill's comments on Engineering, Education and Enforcement. But I would add one of my own...SUPRESSION. I believe tha� we should maintain constant pressure against undesirable driving behavior on the East River Road. Not merely speeding in the sense of exceeding 40...but the Kide variety of other violations such as improper 1ane changes, tailgating etc. This suggests to me the regular use of radar. The regular use of unmarked patrol cars. The potential use of aircraft surveilance, not only for s�eed but for other violatinns�..with air-born videotape recording for evidential purposes. This may be a rea.sonable project for the County Sheriff's Office. � In addition, I would like to see us experiment with a surveilance tower. I believe 4 croWS nests on t3ephone gosts could provide vi�eotape recoxding�surveilance points that �rould con�ince most dr3vers that they may be on candid camera . They would only have to be manned occasionally to maintain their credibility. Let's erect one at the curve by 5tevenson School and see hoK it might Work. - � � , x�jnee 0 . �MNiMNi'�')N NMN� � C'^� 1� l� !� #� !� f� 1� 1� �J1 al Ol Ol pl�}7-1 01 � � rl 1 I 1 Il�l I'1 �1 1 k� � � � � cv o0 �d- � � �tV � N�M O(�r--� ��I •I� •N� M •Opb1r-I � d' t� � t� 00 �Y i� � r- r- r r- l0 � � � �� } 00 Q� O l0 M � � lfl cY • CY t� Q J • M •(V 1� 11') • CO N N Ol M O � t.C) I� l0 ^ O al �� r— � N b4 � � . U O r d1 1� Ln � W � 00 N r- � � �� tii ° � O w ¢1'� t.[) t0 I� � � 00 M �' r- � pp t!') CO �O dl p GO !� 1� O d' � r � � � � w w O � O1 O lD }� N M M 1� l0 r w M 00 01 11') l0 E-- ¢ M 1� lD r- 01 0 Ol LA M Ql f� p r l4 00 M O ~ � Op O O al . r M d' f� t0 � 64 � > U ^ ^ _ W M r N 1� N � � . . . . . N M N t0 r 2 v �� Q' t� r 00 d' i� O O1 Ql 0p N M d' r � 00 � O O Z � � t� t�0 N �..� w n n w w p cct pp p1 lfl Ol Z r- M w M � M � �i") N l0 OO T t� N a1 M I� N O� � M � Ql N �' r � � ]L C� l.() 00 CO � � � W Z n w w U�'-� ''-' � 00 al i.1') 00 L 3 Z r M � N W �A � � � r- N M �t .� �F �k 'Ik � � � cn W W W W 0.tS � W J J � J W � J Q Q Q Q� M r Q in Cn N N►-+ ON 11 I.t_ ' L.L t� O r �' O O O O c.� � t� C1. ;L � G u.+ ' U � � O '� � � O r O L' tf? F--- � � � r � ''�' Z :1.1 C_ J d �-- � I O ' O • N d" O � ^ c� w • r— w �o tt? 3 r— a 1--- t�H � �l � • W U O �1 Z� r �---� � o\ O � � � � �� � � M � r t.+.f O m 1� r- 1� � F-- t.[) tfl l� � M O Q O� p IS') M M N � Q CT Q111 N r N J O 00 OO P �' l0 QO w N J N M� M d' d' i� • r- Ql � � � W LA � d- O 01 00 O�i O lfl al L!') r- m a �v ch rn �n r- � C ci^ O'4 t� M I� F � e .. .. . M M d' M tI? I� � � r r >- b4 �i • C_� 00 d' t.[) r-- 00 U L! • . • • • Z C] CV 00 � �-- l0 � � o� � c7- �" al tf� N d' O � h� lfl Ol 1� Ln al M � O �t' O M 01 �� 1� lf) r Ol N LaJ � t0 al CO : r l0 3 � r- M z N W �N � � M M OO C�t r- 1� O� \� l0 i� 01 lD Ol M • N � l0 d^ � l0 I� � � � O � N 00 L.tJ Z w w n 3 C] r- r M N 4J 44 iA r-- cv c-� v � � � � W LaJ UJ 4J p 2 � N c/T N cn � J LL t� tL. LL. O O O O O U -o a� � � N N N � ^ O � C r U � � � +� � v- O D U � � N � � � � 3 N �.- ^ � Ol � r � � Z W � � C� > • U • W io M ��di M �-t N � rn N � W � O I- d N M r O N l0 r- O ln M � al t.f) N ct /-- U N N M �1 J Q H O �"� M ^ 01 r- • N � � r- O (� 01 1� O tD CO r- O l0 N � N N M p1 . � V J � , r- N M d' �R �k �ie i� cY . LtJ Ltl UJ W C] �i7 Q Q ¢ Q Z M N N N N ►--� LJ.. LL LL I.t.. � �^ LL. 4. lL LL p r O O O O tJ� I, ' ' . ' . i � � ' � ' i ! ' ' �I� � THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1973 � _ _�47 ��%� The regular meeting of the �'ridley City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m., Aprll 2, 1973 by Mayor Liebl. ,P,�EpGE OF ALLEG IANC� : Mayor Liebl led the Cou�cil and the audience in saying the Pledge�of Allegiance to the Flag. INUQGATION: The invocation was offered by Mayor Liebl. ROLI. CALL: MEMB�RS PRESENT: Utter, Nee, Breider, Starwalt, Liebl. MEMBERS ABS�NT: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTFS: REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1973: MOTION by Councilrnan Nee to adopt the minutes as presented. Seconded by Utter. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, R�GUI.AR CQ�INCIL MEETI�IG OF MA�tCH 5, 197�,: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MARCH 12, 1973: MOTION by CounGilman Nee to adopt the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman lltter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, h{ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Liebl said there would be the following additions to the agenda: Item #17 - Resolutlon by Finance Director, Opposing House File 1192, � int�rest on utility deposits. ' (tem ##42 - Letter from Mr. Glen R. Ramsdell, request for fence. Item #43 - Letter from Mr. Ed Wilmes, Islands of Peace Chairman, request for appointment of two members to the Islands of Peace Corr�mittee� Gouncilman Nee said he w ould like to add the following item; Report vn Stevenson School Walkway investigation by himself, MOTIQN by Councllman Starwalt to adopt the agenda as amended, Seconded by Council- man Breide�, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion c�arrled unanimously. MINUTES OF THE REGUL.AR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1973 � VIS�TORS: Mr, �ienr�r Melcher� 6500 Pierce St. : PAGE 2 Mr. Melcher referred to the previous Council meeting saying his problem was brought to the Council's attention on March 19, 1973 and was item 14 through 14D. He said the matter was in regard to the death of the shrub fence on his property Caused by the plawing and blowing of snow which contained salt onto the area and shrubbe�y. Mr. Melcher passed an overview of the entire situation and several attachments explaining the overview. He said his purpose is that the City pay $120 for smaller shrubs than Bachman's had recommended. Me said he would do most of the work and City could haul the dead shrubs away after he had taken them out. The City Manager asked Mr. Melcher if he was planning on planting a new kind of shrub in khe area, so there would not be further salt damage? Mr. Melcher said h� planned to plant the Zabel's Honeysuckle as recommended by Bachman's. He �dded, this would highly be non salt toxic. The City Manayer questioned Mr. Melcher if he would sign a statement that the City would be free from further liability in the future. Mr. Melcher said yes. 'MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to �ave the administration review the matter and return wlth recommendations to the Council for a solution at the next Council meeting, April 9, 19?3. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, I�R. DEWAYNE LENNOX; The acting City Attorney, James Gibbs, in the absence of Mr. Virgil Herrick, addre55ed the Council saying that at the last meeting he had attended, Mr. Dewayne l,ennox had submitted a letter which was received at that meeting. He said he did nat know what could be done about the letter. He said the gentleman's problem is that of the frontag�a or facing of a pl�nned double-bungalow. Mr. Gibbs said he wauld like some direction on where he could go for further information for Mr. Lennox. Mayor l.iebl said the Couneil had received Mr. Lennox's letter at that meeting. Mayor l,iebl added, Councilman Breider had volunteered to talk to Mr. I.ennox. ouncilman Breid�r sald he would like to reaffirm the conversation that took lace at that time. He seid the agreement was that if Mr, Lennox wanted to face he bungalow on $ymphony, this would be just fine, but if he continued to stay ith the request'to fact it on 74th, it would be very difficult. Councilman �reider s�id until Mr. Lennox wanted to face the building on Symphony, there would �� no other way to go. Mr, t�ennox thanked the Council. ' ' REGUTAR GOUNCIL MEETiNG OF APRIL 2, 1973 PAGE 3 I ' P 0 MayQr �isbl ca))ed on the Gity Manager to present the information to the Council. The City Manager said there had been a Resolution submitted the Council in the I� a�enda, which stipulated the Council'S approval in participating in the �OGIS pragram which was adopted May l� 1972. The City Manager said that he had also ' submitted a cover letter which is a report covering the LOGIS program, ! Th� City Manag�r safd one City participating in the program wouid be designated as the Pilot City. This would involve putting the computer system to work in the � City Hall to do th� payroll, and personnel processing. 7he City Manager explained the use.of sharing the Cargil release lines. He said the �inance Dir�ctor and himself would spend about a week in California at Optimum �yst�ms and other cities that are presently operating a similar system or are conv�rting to th� Gemunis system. He said the purpose of fihis visit would be to become thor�u�hly familiar with the system and to gain an understanding of how rn�nagement ean use data processing to its fullest capability. He added, the cost of the trlp wcauld b� bprn� by LQGIS at no additional cost to the City. The �ity Manager said the LOGIS Executive Director, Mr. T, L. Willard, was p resent '� to answer any of the Councii's questions. He said Mr. Wiliard had been working with the staff and had also prepared a report on the Pilot City Project whi�h had been submitted �� the members of the Council in their agenda. Councilman Breider aSked Mr. Willard if the City would.be leasing the equipment? Mr, Wiilard said LOGIS wou)d be leasing the equipment. He said a comparable ter- minal is being leased by I�M for $90 per month and $75 per month over a long term �ange. Mr� Willard said if the st�ps laid out by the program are approved and are �� f�llpwed, the payroll of th� City employees would come from the Califprnia compu- ter in July, M� added, al) by product reports will a)so be available from the computer. He Iistsd same �xamples as sick leave, vacation time, and comp time. ' Mr. Willard said the second step would be to include the general legal accounting 'I � In the program, H� said this would automatically post the payroll to the general ledg�r, etc. Mr, Wlllard stated the third step in the program would be to use the computer for utility biiling. Af�er these pragrams are instituted, the �inance Director may �p to �he sysfiem and find out specific informazion. '� M�yor Liebl asked if the budget work would be able to be don� with the computer? He asked if what is best for the community could be determined through the use of the computer? Mr. Willard sa�d the budget and planning would be included in the I sys�em, Me said thEre is a lqng list of line items and the p ro �ct participants �� are trying to determine the ca ability and ossibilities of the ro ram. P P P 9 �i I REGl1lAR COUNCIL t4�ETlNG QF APRIL 2, 1973 PAGE 4 The City Manager said the training committee is working on these aspects of the program. He added, the City of Fridley is paying their alloted amount for partfci- pation in the progran� along with nine other communities. He said $6,000 for the project haS been assumed by LOGIS, the City pays one twelfth. He said the only factor would be the time spent by the employees and staff of the City, The City Manager said he would rather be the first to participate in the system thar, the last. Mr, Willard said the Fridley City Manager is the director of the training committee and it was his opinion that his participation in the pilot city p rogram would enhance th� knowledge of the e�tire system. Mayor �iebl asked the purpose pf the Resolution in the agenda. The City Manager said it was for information purposes, it was the Resolution passed by the Council in May of 1972 indieating approval of Fridley's participation in the LOGIS program, i`��� C�ty Manager said his recommendation would be to authorize the binding agree- r:�e;�� be signed designating Fridley as the Pilot City for the LOGIS program. ►"�i�°qON by Gouncilman Breider to concur with the recommendations of the staff and ��signate Fridley as the Pilot Ctty in the L,OGIS program, $econded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ' gECE l�(J,NG REPORI' ON THE PROPOSED METRO RATE AUTHOR ITY (TABLED MARCH 19, 1973� : Mayo1' L.iebl asked if there were any questions from the Council? Councilman Breider asked the City Axtorney if this program would be as under the Suburban Rate authority and the first step would be to sign an agreement for the franchise? The a�ting Gity Attorn�y, ,lames Gibbs� said he was not as familiar with the activi- ties as Mr, Virgil Herrick. He said he had expected him to be in attendance at the meeting kisfore that time, but he had not arrived. MOT14N by Caunctlman Breider to table the item until Mr. Herrick was present. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, Mayor Liebl decl�l'�d the mqtipn �arried unanimously. A Cuun�.ilman Nee said he had spent many hours talking to the a�ea property owners and h� h�d not bsen successful 'fn obtaining consent from them for an easement for the walkway� He add�d, he is prepared to say it is not possible to obtain agreement. Mayor �tebl sug�ested invi�ing the people of the area to the next Regular Council Meeting, on April 16, i973. He said he wquld recammend the walkway be constructed yet thls y�ar. He said he believed mare money should be allocated for the project. He s#id h� wcauld rather n��otiat� ivr the easement for the walkway than condemn th� land for it. H� safd th� r�cpmmendations fram the Schaol Board should be re, vlew�d, ' '' � REGULAR GOUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1973 PAGE 5 I� , � � , , � � � r � � , � � I� � He said the people of the area were not given an adequate explanation of the pro- ject last ysar, th�y came home and found stakes in their yards. Ne added, the City Manager is fairly certain the project could be implemented on the north side, as there are individuals who think it could be done. He said it may be that the City would have to candemn the land on the south side. Ne said in his judgment, the longer the City waits, the more it is jeopardizing the children who must travel along East River Road, He said the matter had been brought before the Coun- cil two years ago, and again last year when the project ran into some snags. Mayor Liebl suggested notifying all of the area property owners, giving the people enough buffer zone for privacy with fences, or shrubs and try to get the walkway in the area this year. He said he had recently received four calls from mothers who were concerned about rheir children. The City Manager said he did not believe it was a matter of money as much as it is a matter of principle. He said thay had two approvals, have offered security fencing, and still the people are not interested in the project. He said he be- lieved it would have to be condemned on the south if the City wants to adopt the project. Mayor �.iebl said he thought a better agreement could be worked out. He said the City should tell the people that their privacy would be respected. He said the people want a buffer so the children would not go into their yards. Councilman Nee said the area is very tight and there is not much area that could be used. The City Manager agreed saying, ali four proposed routes are very close. H� said if the Council wants a document stating Cfie response to the idea from the area people, he did not have one, but they are saying the children can use the sidewalk on the East River Road. MOTIQN by Councilman Nee to send a letter of notification to'the people of the area that the four alternative proposals will be discussed the meeting of April 16, 1973, and asking them to be present. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Mayor �iebl reminded the Council that there was a Resolution adopted stating there will be no action taken before June l, )973. UPON A VOICE VOTE, A�.L VOTING AYE, Mayor Liebl declared the Motion carried unani-• mously. � hUKNI�tIIIVIiJ hUK �.IILUUK JIUKt tt31U� UYCNtU I I: RCN 19. 1973): �`10TION by Councilman Nee to award the co�tract to Display Fixtures of Minnesota, ��c „ in the �mc�unt of $18,775, and as laid out in the bid. Seconded by Councilman �tarWa]t. Upon a vojce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion arried unanimously. , REGUI.AR COUNC IL MEET ING OF APR IL 2, 1973 PAGE 6 ' � CounGllman Nee said he had been in the back yards af the people the past weekend and.within fiftesn to twenty minutes there were assaults by eight or ten motor , cy,cles. H� said th�re should be a degree of privacy in those persons back yards. He said the problem involved is created by the unvacated alley. He said it is a nuisance and also a hazard. He said there is a motor cycle race track through the a�rea. Me said k�e did not know what could be done for a short range solution to xhe problem, but a long term solution woutd be to vacate the alley. He said the pqssible short term solution may be to allow the erection of a fence. hlAyor Liebl said i� order to vacate the alley, the matter would have to go to a Mearing. The acting City Attarney said the City could authorize the �nstallation of a ��r+ce i� the ar�+a for a short term solution. He said if 5ome time in the future, �f�e: Cixy would have ta use th� alley, the fence could be•taken out. He said the �roeess would be to eventually go through vacation pcocedures. Councilman Nee �sked how long such a vacation would take. The City Attorney said a notice would hav� to be sent out with sufficient time allowed. The City Engineer estimated the amaunX of t(m� to be three months. The City Engineer call�d the �ouncil's attention fio the map pravided in the agenda on page 4-� indlGating there are some persons who do use the alley, and it would b� impractical to vacate it. The City Engineer suggested approving the co�- 5t�uctlan of fencin� whjch would be subject to removal when the City needs the drea� far utllity work. He also suggested the installation of a'�dead end" sign, �tating, then ths people would not go in there., Mrs, Schumann said she would like to see the fence constructed to deter the cyclists. She �xplained hQw th� route taken is high at 47th and driven like a race track to �+6th. She said the neighbo�s of. the area are in accord and would like to have some- thing done. She mentioned the fact that if the alley is chopped up they would not come barreling dawn like it Is a race tra�k. She said she has sean children eleven y�ar� old drlving cycles wlth chitdren of five on the handle bars. She said she �ould not imagine that their parents do not knaw they are doing this. She said �wo barriers wQUld quiet the speeders. MOTION by Councilman Nee to receive Mrs. George Schumann's letter and instruct the sidministration to prepar� �ptions the Council may take for presentatlon at the next Cauncil me�ting, April 9, 1973• Seconded by Cauncllman Starwalt. Upan a voice vote, all voting ay�, Mayor L,iebl declared the motion carried unanimously. h�OT1QN by Councilman Nee ta receive the report. Seconded by Gouncljman Breider. . REGULAR COUNCI� MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1973 • PAGE 7 The City Attorney introduced Mr. Warren Johnson froa� Northern States Power Company. M�. Johnsan introduced Mr. Jotin H. Mertz, also from Northern States Power Company, Chairman of the Nprth Division, and said he would be able to answer any questions tha Council may have. Mr, Mertz adressed the Council saying Northern States Power Company has no objec- tion of the formation of a metro rate authority. He said he believed it would be a good settlement and an effective rate regulation tool. He stressed that N.S.P. wpuld not object to this at all. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Mertz if he was implying a metro rate authority may be strlcter and cost less than an authority on a state wide �asis? Mr. Mertz said the Mayor was partially correct in his questioning. Mr. Mertz said the Company is putting in services as fast as possible throughout the state, he added, it can be done faster within the metr�politan area, He said the people wo�alc� have some vote in the metro rate authority. I ��:�var Liebl asked if 60% of the communities in the area would have to be involved �a� make the franchise binding and create a metro rate authority? The City Attorney said the City would have to adopt the franchise. He said he presumed it would be adopted by all of the �ommunitie� that will be participating. And in accordance � with the �ity of �'ridley Charter, he added. He said it is not by 60% of the cQmmunities,• It is those communities which have 60% of N.S.P. customers in their � rea . � � � � � i Coun�ilman Starwalt asked if the consultants are selected by the Steering Committee, ha u�ed Mr. sruce Nawroeki as an example of one of the members of the corrnnittee, Mr. Mertz �aid there has been $150,000 budgeted for use in 1973. Mr. Mert2 said this money is used by the metro rate administrative body as they see fit to use it. Councilman Breider aereed with Mr. Mertz saying, he was on the board for the suburban rate authority for the Gas Company and they paid the cost. He said the cbmmittee had to ask the Company not to put so much money into the author+ty as they had enough funds. Cbuneilman Starwalt said he did not believe this would be an unreasonable situa- tion. Councilman Breider agreed. THE VOTE ON TN� MQTiON TO RECEIVE THE REPORT was a voice vote, ai� voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. The Fin�ance pirectqr said the action the �ouncil should take would be to set a Publjc HearirLg date if they want to p roceed. Coun�ilman Breider asked if this was correct. He asked if there was to be any ac- tlan at the present time? He questioned the method of awarding the franchise, I The Gity Attorney said a certain amvunt of notice shouid be given before the Pub- li� Hearing is held, He �aid this would take about two weeks. He suggested s�tting the P�blic Mearin� for the.second Monday in May or May 14, 1973. � � , '��i REGUI,AR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1973 PAGE 8 MOTIQN by Councilman Bre(der to set a public heari�9 on the matter of Fridley's participation in the metro rate authoriCy. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a valco vote, al) voting ays, Mayor �.iebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ,�,�„E„�VI�G FEASIBILITY REPORi' ON LANDSCAP{NG PLAN WITH COSTS FOR LOT 2'9 AND LOT 30, ,�LOCK 12, HYDE PARK AQDITION (LAWRENCE MUGGLI): Goun�ilman Nee said he was very impressed with the plans and he would like to per� suade the �ity tA sp�nd the money on one of the plans. May4r Liebl questioned if the planting was set back far enou9h? The City Engineer sald there are two proposals; one� for planting and another for th� installation of staggered wood posts. He said he felt the wood posts would be least expensive to maintain, but he thought th ere shauld be an aiternative plan pr�sented. Me said there was not much difference in the cost pf the two proposals. h{ayor Liebl asked where the money would come from. He asked if there had been any b�dgeted for this type af project? The City Manager said he thought the City Engineer maintained his budget so well that the City can manage this project very w�ll. Mayor Liebl suggested this project be approved. The City Manager said he believed the staggered posts would be a better plan than the planting because of the salt factor. �e said he recomrt�ended the posts so there would be no killing out of the plants. MOTION by Councilman Nee to autho�ize app�oval of the staggered wood post installa- tipn plan. Seconded by Councilman Utter, Upon a voice vote, al) voting aye, May�r Liebl declarsd the motion Garried unanimously. RE�;E�I,,�'N� T� 1�1,(�UTES OF TF�E QLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 14. 1973: RE,�E Iy,�j�G�OT I CES OF PUBL I C HEAR I NGS FROM S PR ING LAKE PARK: , � The Cjty Engineer said there was na action needed in this matter. �RQfQ�E,�„ CQ„h�PREHE,nS ! ILE, Pl�AN • Ths City �ngznaer said the plahning Commission has been having Public Hearings on the Comprehensive Plan for' three manths. He said the Planning Commission ha5 recammandad approval of the Comprehensive p1an. The City �ngfneer said copies caf the Plan had been submitted to the �ouncil members two months ago. Th� City �ngine�r said copies have also been submitted to the Metro Council and the ad j o f n i ng c�ommun t t i�sti The City �ngine�r sa(d there are two chaices, the Cou�cil can adopt the �om- . pr�hensive Plan �� the Planning CQmmission has recommended, or if there are furth�r changes td be made. th� Council could set a public hearing on the matter fcar May 14, 1973. , , � � � i � � � � � � � � . � � � � i R�GULAR COUNCI� MEk;iNG OF APRIL 2, 1973 . PAGE 9 Mayor Liebl said he Was in accord with had recommended. He said he would like Planning Commission had encouraged the Fridley by incorporating the statement plan: Residential Obj_e�tives, #6. 90% of what the Qlanning Commission to ask Commissioner Minish why the development of low income areas in that follows into the comprehensive "Provide a baiance of high quality housing units for all income tevets wlthin the City of Frid�ey to i�sure the p rovision of social amenities to low and madsrate Income families and the elderly." Mayor Liebl �sked Mr. Ceorge Zeglen, Planning Commission where the Planning Commission planned to put the low income housing. Mr. Zeglen said he did not think anybody had anything 9pecific in mind, Mayor Liebl said he believed they should be told where the low income housing would be. He said he would oppose this in the next year's election. Gpuncilman Brei�ier said the City does not.have much residential property left. M� added, there are different levels of housing in the City today. He said the people who do move here have quality home�, not low income. Gouncilman Breider said he believed this action would perpetrate what is set in the Code. Cauncilman Breider said he would like to have some discussion on this point, Me would like to know what is being talked about. Mayor Liebl said he recommended there be a Public Hearing before the Council. H�= said an explanation should be given to the people on the matter. He added, the ob)c:ctives contain some nice words, but they do not say what it �ught to say. H� stresssd, the Council m�st tell ths people what it is doing. Mr. Zegl�n said there had been three Public Hearings of the Com- prehensive plan by �he Planning CommissEon. Ne agreed he would like to s�e it g4 to a Publie Hearing of the Council. He said there had been about five to ten people in attendance at th� hearings, and the City could not take fiv� peoples word for action that concerns 30,000 people, He said the mat- ter had been open to Public Hearings and the people were not responsive. Mayqr (,i�bl assured Mr. Zeglen that people would show up for a Public Hear- ing. He said he would like t4 see the input of the Commission. He agreed, the City could nok take the word of five for 30,000. Mayor Liebl said he would recommend the �ouncil receive the minutes and set a date for a Public Hearing. MOTION by Councilman Brefder to set the Public Hearing on the Comprehensive Plan for May 14, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a'voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb) declared the motion carried unanimously, MOTION by Gouncllman Utter to receive the minutes of the Planning Gommission m�eting Qf March 1�k, ]973. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt, Upon a voice vc�te, all vo�ing aye, Mayar (.iebl declared the motion car�ied unanimousiy. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIN6 OF APRI� 2, 1973 PAGE 10 ' � Mayor Liebl questipned if this would allow enough notice to the people. The City Engine�r said he thoughtit would be an ample amou��t of time. He said the notices for the @lanning Commission hearing had been sen.t to all the people of Fridley and the response was very poor. RECEIVING THE MI�U�ES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 21, 1973: CONTINUED: REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #,13-03j BY SAMUEL TEMPLIN: The City Engineer called the Council's attention to page 7-B of the agenda saying, th� Planning Commission had recommended denial of the request for the rezoning. H� said there was also a letter from the applicant included in the agenda material. The City Engineer said the applicant was present. He said the Council's aetion would be to set a public hearing, as the applicant is requesting a public hearing. The City Engineer suggested Che hedring be set for May 14, 1973. The City Engineer said the request was for a change to R-3 zoni�g. However, there is some mpdification of the plan and Mr. Temp)in would agree to having the property on East River Road R-2 and the property on Hickory R-l. The Cjty Engineer said Mr. 7emplin was present to request a Public Hearing before the Council. Mr. Templin said he would l+ke to clarify the letter. �e said he had wished th�t R� cauld be granted for that portion on East River Road and the prop- erty on Hi�kory Street would remain the same or R-1. He said he had changed the pla�s for the unit to be used from a five unit to a four unit building. HB exPlained how the mo,rtgage company's rates on the five unit construction would be out of line, He said he did not believe the circums�ances were made perfectly clear when it was recommended for denial by the Planning Commission. He sald there would be no more driveways on East River Road. He s8id the traffic on East River Road was terrible, and he would like to avoid it. Th� G1ty Engineer asked if there would be a request for R-2 zoning on a por- �. tipn of the property? Mr. Tempiin said there would be R-1 on part, and limited R-2�on the rest of it. , M�yvr Liebl'asked Cauncllman N�e if he would concur with the �lanning Commis- 5ion. Counc,f)man Nee saId he would if what they considered was the only Choice. Councilman Nee asked if it would be possible for the matter to go baek to th� Planning Commission with the new proposals? Cauncilman Breider s�id the Council eould set a Public Hearing and have Mr, Templin change his proposals, Gpuncflman Ne� said he would like the Planning Gommission to look at his new proposal. Mr. R. A, �arson, 6580 Hickory prive, said �f the Gouncil held a Pubtic H�aring, ther� would be a number of residents in attendance, He said the plan for R�l Qn Htckory and R-2 on East River Road was unsatisfactary to him. ' , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1973 PAGE )1 I� � � � � • f � � �� , Councilman Breider suggested a Public Hearing before the Planning Commission on th� new prpposals. Councilman Nee agreed, saying if Lhe Council hears the: new proposals and accepts them, they would be going against the recom� mer�dations of the Planning Commission. He said he would not want to go ag�iinst the recommendations of the Planning Commission if something could be figured aut. He questioned the feasibility of this plan because of the time element. Mayor Liebl said Mr. Templin just has to ask for a Public Hearing. He added, he knew what the people want, they are against any more traffic and density. MOTION by Councilman Nee to concur with the recorr�nendation of the Planning Cornrnission and deny the request for rezoning by Samuel Templin. Seconded by Coun`i lman Utter. Mr. Templin said he would like to request a Public Hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor l.iebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the rezoning request denied. Counciiman Nee said the Council shouid set a Public Nearing date. The �ity Attorney said the action to set a Public Hearing should proceed any action af denial by the Council. He said if the citizen wants a Public H�aring, it shou)d be granted. Councilman Nee said it was not his intent that the Public Hearing be denied, Mayor Liebl said the rezoning had been denied at this time. The City Attorney said the motion could be reconsidered. MOTIQN by GounGilman Breider to reconsider the motion to deny the rezon�ng request. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a roll call vote, Liebl, Utter, Nee, Breider, and Starwalt voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimousty. MOTION by C4uncilman Nee to set a Public Hearing on the rezoning request by � Samuel Templin for May 14� 1973. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a r voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unani- mously. ; Vk�CATION REQUEST: . SAV#73-02. BY SAMUEL TEMPLIN: 1D_L�Y PARK ADDITION: MQTION by Councilman Utter to�set a Public Heaf-ing for May 14, 1973• Seconded by Councilman Br�ider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl de- clared the motion carried unanimous�y. � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1973 PAGE 12 ` �ONTINUED: REZONING REQUE57: ZOA �t7�-04, NORTH AIR HOh1E ASSOCIATION: The C i ty Eng i nee r sa i d the P 1 ann i ng Comn; i ss i on had recon�r�ended den i a 1 of the rezoning request to allow expans+on to the non conforming use. The City Enginee� said there was a problem in the area and this was the d�ainage problem. He sa,id there should be some money escrowed, as this is a constant problem. He said the general neighborhood is opposed to the storm sewer installation and had demo�strated this at Public Hearings. He said he thought the City should proceed to escrow money for the storm sewer. The City Engineer said he would recommend the Council deny the rezoping request, g�ant a variance for the addition and stipulate that $3.00 per l00 square feet be escrowed for storm sewer. Councilman $tarwalt asked if the variance would allow for the building of the 25 foot by 8p foot addition to the existing property. The City Engineer said yes. He added, the problem here is that the building is naw nan^GOn- forming use. He said additlons to buildings that are non-canforming us� are nat allowed. The City �ngine�r said rezoning would allow any other ktnd oF uss. He said the first action would be to deny the rezoning, secondly, allow a variance wlth the stipulation of the money sscrowed for the storm sewer. . MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to �oncur with the recorr�nendations of the City Engineer and deny the rezoning request, grant a variance for the additional construction but stipulate the amount of $3.00 per 100 square feet of the variance be escrowed for the drainage problem. Seconded by Councilman Utter, Councilman Starwalt mentloned there had been some plans for additional landscaping of the area. The City Engineer said yes, this had been stipulated by the Building Standards-pesign Control Subco�Tmittee. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl decla�ed the motion carried unenimously. . REZONING REQUEST: ZOA #73-05. BY ROBERT SCHROER: The City Engineer said this request was pending before the Planning Commission. PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT, P. S. #73-01 RUDOLPH BAYER: The City Engineer said the Planning Commission had recommended approval of i the final plan. He said the action would be to set a Public Hearing on May 14, 1973, . MOTION by Councilman Breide� to set a Public Hearing on the proposed prelimi- nary plat. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Maynr Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING QF APRIL 2, 1973 PAGE 13 �I , � , PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT. P.S, u73-02, INNSBRUCK NORTH TOWNHOUSES PHASE IV AflD V. BY DARREL A. FARR DEVELOPMENT CORPORAT ION : The City Engineer said this matter was pending before the Planning Commission. PRE�,IMINARY PLAN APPROVA,�: PHASE IV AND V(118 UNIT TOWNHOUSE BY DARREL A. FARR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION: The City Engineer said the preliminary plan approval was pending before the Planning Commission. PROPOSED PRE�IMINARY PLAT: P. S. #73-03, MICHAEL SERVETUS UNITARIAN SOCIETY: The City Engineer said a Public Hearing should be set on the proposed pre- 1 iminary plat, � MOTION by Councilman $reider to set a Public Hearing for May 14, 1973. Seconded �y Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. I� � B�TWfEN LOTS 10 AND 1 STREET N.E. � 0 WAYNE SIMONEAU: VACATE 57� A MOTiON by Counciiman Breider to set a Public Hearing for May 14, 1973• Seconded . by Councilman Starwal.t. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl de- ciared the motion carried unanimously. OEDICATION OF .9 MILES OF STATE AiD ROADS: � The City Engineer said the action to be taken would be to receive the infor- mation of the Planning Commission on the dedication of the .9 miles of State Aid Roads. MOTION by Councilman Starwait to receive the information provided by the Pianning Commission. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor �iebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTIQN by Couneilman Starwalt to receive the minutes of the Planning Commission mesting of Mareh 21, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, REC�EIVING THE MINUT�S OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL MEETING OF MARCH 27i 1973: Th� City Engineer said the action would be to receive the minutes. MOTIQN by Gouncilman Utt�r to receive the minutes of the Building Standards- pesign Control Subcommittee meeting of March 27, t973. Seconded by Councilman Breidsr. Upon a voice vpte, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion �arried unanimQU�ly, � R�GULAR GOUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1973 PAGE 14 �ECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS h�ETING OF MARCH 27 1973: ► v REQUEST FOR SIGN VARIANCE FOR GEORGETOWN COURT APARTMEN7S: Councilman Breider said the Board of Appeals has recommended approval of the variances with the stipulation that the other signs are taken down when this one wow! d be comp 1 eted. The City Engineer said the street sign may create a problem. He said the construction of the sign had already begun. Councilman Nee said he was not aware there would be a problem. He asked if 'it would be a masonry structure. Mr. Filister said this was correct for the four foot footings and under where the piers extend up. haayor l.iebl said it was to be an all brick structure. Councilman Nee asked why there was a conflict? The City Engineer calted the Coun�il's attention to page g-D of the agenda stating the siyn would be close to the projection on the intersection. Ne asked how far the sign would be from the black-top. Mr. Fili•ster s�td it would be at least 48 feet and it may be more, Councllman Nee asked if the new sign would be approximately where the other sign is now? Mr. Filtster said it would be a little further from the black top. He said he would have liked the sign to be set back more, but there was a conflict with a telephone poie. Mayor Liebl said he would like to get rid of the temporary signs, he added, this would be costly, but the new sign is attractive, Mr. Filister said the complex has an entrance in a bad location. He said there is no placa to put a sign on the entrance. He added, logically, there should be a sign. The City Engineer said the correction would be to expand the ent�ance. He ' said he did rfat know when the stop sign would be installed. MOTION by Councilman Nee to grant the sign variances asstipulated by the Board of Appeals. Seconded by �ouncilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all votPng aye, M�yor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. 0 � � , � � �� i ' II � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1973 PAGE iS MOTION by Councilman Utter to reduce the minir��um syuare footage from 9,000 to 8070 square feet as requested by M�. I�viny Ofund, 571 - 53rd Avenue N.E, , I' Fridle , Minnesota. Seconded b C�,uncif�:�an Nee. U on a vaice vote all Y Y P � voting aye, Mayor L��=b1 declared �he i��otiun car-ri�d unanimously. �� � � � � MOTION by Councilrnan Utter to receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of March 27, i973. Seconded by Counciiman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. E�CEIVING A REPORT ON D15CUSSiON WITH FRIOLEY LITTLE LEAGUE OFFICIALS REGARDING� REQUEST FOR FREE WATER: The City ManaTer said he was aware of the situat�on and had tried to establish some terms with the people from the Little League oryanization. He said the City had suggested the bill be modified with the condition that the ball park would be usud by the recreation department when the Little League wa�. not using it. H� adde�l, they did not seem interested in this sort of agreement. as they had put a great,deal of time into the maintenance of the park to keep it in top condition. He said the matter ot how late the billing was receivc;d by the organization, must also be taken into �onsideration. �He said this must be corrected in the future. He said two years had gone by before a billing was made. He said xhe staff of the water department was unable to locate the person who would grant entrance �nto the building t� read the meter. Mayor Liebl said he thought the �ittle League was doing a good job� He added, he would like to see the water bill cut in half. He mentioned how the dedicated fathers work hard to raise money for the oryanization. It is non profit, he added. Counciiman Starwalt asked if the organization was payang a commercial or residential rate. He asked why the bill was an even $600, his bill is never an even amount, he said. The City Manager said they are getting the same rate as the residential prop�rties. He said there is some break if over a certain amount is used. The City Finance Director said the bill had been $600 and sorne odd cents, and the amount was rounded off to the dollar. , Councilman Starwalt questioned the large amount of the bill for just two years. Mayor Liebl said the amount depended on the meter reading. Councilman Utter said they had oniy been billed $38 the first year, The Finance Director said this was not � an accurate bill, He said the card was read by someone on the premises and they read the meter and put the reading on the card without entering the last zero. M0710N by Councilman Utter to cut the bill to $300 and mai.e �;rovisions to rc�ad the � meter. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a v:>ice vote, all vot+ng aye, Mayor Liebl declared the n�otion carried unanim,�uslr. � � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1973 e PAGE 16 ELD A MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the summary of Public Forum #3, Northtown Corridor Task Force, of February 27, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter. UpoR a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. GONSIDERA7lOM OF LETTER WRITTEN IN RESPONSf TO QUESTIONS Of SENATOR JOHN MILTON REGARDING NORTHTOWN CORRIDOR: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the letter by Mr. Milton and concur with the letter drafted by the City Manager March 29, 1973• Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF EXTENSION OF TIME'ON BUIIDING PERMITS ISSUED BEFORE THE FIRST OF TN� YEAR• • M0�lON by Councilman Breider to authorize the extension of building permits to ���:a�y 1, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. The City Engine�r said that some of the permits issued for constructiqn are under construction at the present time. He said under the charter provisions an extension is necessary. l7PON A VOtCE VOTE, ali voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REQUESTING SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT TO EVALUATE AND SOLVE THE WATER PROBLEM ALONG OAK GLEN GREEK; MOTION by Councilman Nee to authorize the Mayor to sign the request for the evalu- ation. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. GONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF C�IANGE ORDER #5 SS�SW #102: The City Engineer explafned this was a cost that had not been anticipated and he re,!commended its approval. � ION by Councilman Breider to approve the change order #5. Seconded by Council- m Starwalt, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the morion c rried unanimouslX. y $E_ � IV ING A REPORT ON SENATE F ILE 1283 REGARD ING CABI.E TELEV lS ION : The City Manager safd he was a memkier of the Cable i. V. Commission of the Metro League and this was th� first that he had seen of the bill. He said the Commission went on record opposing the bill. He said he had furnished all the information that was available to the Councilmen the previous Friday, He said there had been a state- ment develaped that concurred with the reasons the Commission had opposed it. He said he thaught the Cable Television Commission o� the City should be involved. He 0 � � r� � , � � � � � � � , �J r � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1973 PAGE 17 said he had talked with Father Ed, Chairman of the Commission, that afte rnoon and Ms. Barbara Hughes was present at the n�eeting. He said the bill was to con�e before the Senate the following rnorniny. He said he had brough[ it to the attention of the Council because he requested authorization that either the Mayar or himself appear before the Senate, letting the City's wishes be known. The City Manager read aloud the statement of opposition to the bill. He said the Commission feels there is a role for the State in interconnection, but his qoes beyond this and Minnesota would have complete control. He stated the City r�ad a franchise ordinance and there had been a pool of experts available for the ordinance, He said this poir�t would go far beyond this. He said if the bill passed, it would be a duplication of the City Franchise for CablerT. V. Mayor Liebl said he did not believe the City should act as a water boy for the State. He said if any one would testify for the bill, they should have their head examined. He added, we are creatiny a bureaucracy. He said he thouyhr tne F�idley Cable Television Commission had done an outstanding job. He said the testifying had been done without anyone knowing it, and this is not the way to v�� it. Both sides should be heard, h� added. He said he heard about the bill from a member of the League of Municipalities. Mayor Liebl said he would like to oppose House File 1283, Mayor Liebl mentioned the work done by the Cable Television Commission of Fridley, stat+ng they had created a model aid. He asked Ms. 8arbara Hughes if anyone on the Commission had heard anything about this matter? Ms. Hughes said no. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to authorize the City Manager to represent the City of Fridley and vaice opposition to House File 1283 and to speak in behalf of suitable amendments to the bill atthis late date. Mayor Liebl said he did not believe there would be a chance of changing it at. this late date. SECONDED by Councilman Breider. Counciiman B�'eider said in light of al) the things the City has been through in regard to the Cable 7elevision matter, he would like to see the municipalities get the work rather than see the state take over. Councilman Breider listed some of the difficulties that the City had in establishing the local Cable Television system. He said he did not believe the people would have an input if it were. not handled on a local level. He said he opposed the State taking this over. He said he would like to see the municipalities give it a go. UPON A VOICE VOTE, Liebl, lltter, Breider-, and S[arw�lt voting aye, NeY vot+ng nay, Mayor Liebl decl�red the motion carried, RECESS : - Mayor Liebl said there would be a ten minute recess at 10:25 p.m. R€CONVENED: Mayor Liebl reconvened the meeting at 10:45 p.m. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1973 � #39-1973 OPPOSING H. F. 1192 INTEREST Ofv GARD{NG HOUSE FILE 1192, INTEREST ON UTI PAG� 18 ILITY DEPOSITS: AND RECEIVI � DEPOS ITS: • MOTION by Counciiman Nee to receive the report from the Finance pirector dated March 26, 197'3 regardi��g House File 1192 and adopt Resolution #39-�973. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, ail voting aye, Mayor �iebl declared the motion carried unanimously. (iE�LUT ION #`40-1973 DES I GNAT I NG STATE A 1 D S7REETS : The City Engineer said the Planning Commission had recommended the ��unGil approve the establishment of Municipal State Aid Streets as follows: MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET N0. 335 - 63rd Avenue N.E, from the East Lin� of � 7th Street (MSAS 312) to the East Line of Mon roe S t ree t MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET N0. 316 - Monroe Street from th�- North Line of 63rd Avenue to the SuUih Line of Mississippi Street (CSAS 6) MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET N0. 336 - Arthur Street from the North Line ot Rice Creek Road (CSAS 6) to the South � Line of Mississippi Street (MSAS 304) MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #40-1g73. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor �iebl declared the motion carried unanimously, RESOLUTION #41-1973 - RECEIVfNG PRf LIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTI0�1 OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS• SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT �ROJECT 1 13: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the preliminary report and concur and adopt Resolution #41-1973. Seconded by Councilman Nee. The City Engineer safd action would concern the area east of Central Avenue. He said this would cover upgraded improvements and modification of the system. He added, no matter who buys, thsy will be aware of the Sanitary $ewer and Storm sewer and that they might have to share some costs. He said this would apply to anyone who buys into the Innsbruck area. ' The City �ngin�er suggested the public hearing be set for May 14, 1973. UPON A VQICE VOT�, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. AND -1973 � r�NNS SPtCIFIGATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF THE ST. 1973-1 AND ST. �73-2, ADDENDUM #2: � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF ApRiL 2, 1973 PAGE 20 � Mayor Liebl said he believed it would be r�diculous to support this action as one could register in five different places and it could not be checked on. Councilman 5tarwalt said there should be an incentive for the people to register befQre the polling date. Mayor Liebl said there would be the biggest confusion ever on election day. UPON A VOICE VpTE, A�.L VOTING AYE, Mayur Liebl declared the motion carried unani- mously. -1973 - AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESS- T D, PARCEL 3000, INNSBR_UCK ApDITION, AND PIATTING tNTO INNSBRUCK NOR'�F� SEC0�10 ADDITION: MOTION by Gr�uncilman Breider to adopt Resolution #47-1973. Seconded by Council- rr+an Starwalt, Upon �a voice vote, all voti�g aye, Mayor L►ebl declared the motion carried unanimously. - AUTHORIZING f1ND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESS- CEL 2840, AUDITOR_'S $UBDIVISION N0. 39: MOTION by Councilman Breider to,edopt Resolution #48-1973. Seconded by Council- man Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Meyor L�ebl declared the nation carried unanimously. MOTION by CounCilman Breider to adopt Resolution #49-1973. Seconded by Council- man Starwalt. Upon a voice voter all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #50,1973 - DESIGNATING DIRECTORS AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO SUBURBAN RATE AUT,�ORITY: Coun�ilman Utter said he had attended all of the meetings. Councilman Breider said it would be neces5ary to appoint an Alternate Director. MOTION by �ourrciiman Breider to designate �ouncilman Utter as Director and Council- man $tarwalt as Altern�te plrectar to the Suburban Rate Authority and adapt Reso- lution #�50-197�. SeCOnded by Gouncilman Nee, Upon a voiGe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. �OLJSIDERATION OF COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE T� NORTH SUBURBAN SEWER SERVICE BOARD: MQTION by Cauncilman Utter to appoint Councilman Starwalt to represent the City on the North Suburban Sew�r S�rvice Board. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a vp1�e yote, al) voting aye, M��or Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1973 PAGE 21 ACC�PTANCE OF RESIGNATION FROM ISLAND OF PEACE COMMITTEE MEMBER - RONALD �URTON: MOTION by Councilman Utter to accept the resignation of R'onatd Burton from the Islands of Peace GQmmittee and appoint Mr. Burt Ellis and Mr. Do� Bona to the Islands of Peac� Cammittee. Seconded by Councilman Breider, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. GON51pERATION OF LEGISLATIVE LIAISON AGREEMENT: MOT10N by Councl)man Starwalt to receive the agreement. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor �iebl declared the motion carried unanimouslY. LG AIMS: GEMERAL 31442 - 31553 .LIQUQR 7638 - 7672 MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the Claims. Seconded by Councilman Star- walt, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb! declared the motion carried unan Ir�ous 1y, IL f�ENSES : MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the following licenses. Seconded by Council- man Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, j�PE OF LICENSE CIGARETTE Ryan's Conoco 6�$9 University Ave. Fridley Shorewood Inn 6161 Hwy. b5 Fridley 100 Twin prive-In Central and I-6��+ �ridley Targ�t Store 75�-53►'d Av�. Fridley BY Automatic Sales APPROVED BY Public Safety Dir. FEE 12.00 Wi)iiam Nicklow Public Safety pir. 24.00 Outdoor Theatre Caterers Public Safety pir. 12.00 Target Store, Inc. Public Safety Dir. 24.00 REGU�AR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL Z, 1973 TY �E 0�, L I,�ENSE �,,,Y, C j�A,RETTE • Target Food Store 755 � 53rd Ave. Fridley .lonathan Stores. Inc. Penny's Super Market ' 6540 University Ave. Fridley Penny's Super Market Fridley A �nd W 7429 East River Road Fridley Donald Tarasar Country Club Market 6257 Hwy. 65 APPROVED BY Public Safety pir. Pubiic Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir. PAGE 22 FEE 12.00 12.00 12.00 �-ridley Country Ciub Market, Inc. Public Safety Dir, 12,00 Kurt Mfg. 5280 Main St. Fridley Sir Vend, Inc, Dealer's Mfg. 5130 Main St. Fridley Slr Vend, Inc. Holiday Auto University and I-694 Public Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir. Fridley Eagte Industries, Inc, Public Safety Dir. Canterbury Inne 6k79-81 University Ave. Fridley Deane Gruye Strite-Andersan 75a5 Viron Road Public Safety Dir. 12.00 12.00 12.00 24.00 Fridley Servom�tton Twin Cities Public Safety pir. 12.00 Hpliday Village North 250 - 57th Av�. Fridley Canteen Co. of Minn. Public Safety Dir, 12.00 Map1e Lanes 631p Hwy. 65 . Fridley The Moare Way �ending Public Safety Dir. 12.00 FFidley VFW Post 363 1q1+0 psborns Road � Fridley Fridley VFW Post 363 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 � REGU�AR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1973 PAGE 23 � ' T1�PE OF LIEENSE BY APPROVED BY FEE � � I � ��GARETTE I • Barry s)ower � 99 - 77th Way Fridley p.K. Carter Co. Public Safety Dir. 24.00 i Standard pil 5311 University Ave, I' Frid)�y p,K. Ca rter Co. Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Fireside Rice Sowl I� , 7�40 pld Central Ave. i �ridley �lenn Wong public Safety Dir. 12.00 '�, "�u �ger King "_�':� University Ave, �r°idley Burger King Corp. Public Safety Dir. 12.00 ' Red Owl b5z5 University Ave. � Fridley Red Owl Stores, 1nc. Public Safety Dir. 12.00 ' $nyder's Drug StoCe 6582 University Ave, � Fridley - Snyder's Drug Store, Inc. Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Ember's , 5�+00 Central Ave, Frid]ey Ember's, Inc, Public Safety Dir. 12.00 � Tom Thumb Food Market 31� Osborne Raad Fridley Tom Thumb Food Markets, Inc. Public Safety Dir. 12.00 � We�tern Station ; 7600 UniversitY Ave. � `Frldley Western Stores Co. Public $afety Dir. 12.00 � , `Mr. $�eak 5895 University Ave. • � Fridley Robert Schachtschneider Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Standard Qil ' ��9Q Universlty A�e, � FridleY Roland Cox Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Onan Corp, � 14p0 � 73rd Ave. Fridley $ervomdtion Twin Cities Public Safety Dir. i2.00 � � II ' I , • REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1973 TYPE OF LICENSE � C ��A,RETTE Rap I d Shoj! 6530 East River Raa d Fridley Rapid Shop Superette Country Kitchen 2�0 - 57th Place Fridley Nicholas Funaro Kentucky Fried Chicken 7510 University Ave. • Fridley �arl Beaudry Totino's 7350 Corr�nerce Lane Fridley Canteen Co. of Mi�n. Maon Rlaza Restaurar�t 6215 U�iverslty Ave. Fridley V�rnon Remley Russ's Superette 6253 Universlty Ave, Fridley Russ Paone pay Co. 500 - 73rd Ave. Fridley ARA Food Services Downiny Box 5$51 East River Road ARA Food Services Fridiey ' Precision Sheet Metai 5250 Main. St. Fridley A RA Food Services �Fridley Food Market �8154� East River Road Frtdley Jol�n Rleck Fridley Terrace 740Q Hwy. 65 PAGE 24 . APPROVED BY FEE Public Safety Dir. 12,00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public SaFety Dir. 12.00 Publ+c S�fety Dir. 12.00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safety Dir, 12,00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Publi� Safety Dir. 12.00 Fridley Midco Mobile Indus. Dev, Corp, public Safety Dir. 12.00 Target Headqu,�rter5 10$0 - 73rd Ave. Fridle�� Pioneer Systems Public Safety Dir. 12.00 � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1973 I� � � I' � 'I'Y� OF LICEtdSE B7 � GI����TTE � �... Ta�get Sto�e 7�5 - �3rd Ave. , Fridley �.C. Ha'Ll 6$31 H�r�,�� �5 � Fridl�� Club ��: ' G�E� �.��ersity Ave. Fr�. � ,� �urant�s Shell 7610 Un�.versity Ave. Fridley , CUB 25a osbo�e Road �ri.dley � Sandea�s Cas:e 6liS0 Clc't Central ' Fridley HQlid��r Vi11�ge No�th 2�0 ^ �7th Ave. � Fridley� �Ialidsy Ser�; ice Station '�8p7 Uni,v��sity Ave. Fr�.dlsy ' �Faridlay DR �701. �Jniveraity Av�. Fri�dley , �h�ddxick,I,a3�au ���7 Fi{i�• �,7 , Fianeer Systems K.C. Hall ftobert Snyder Cedar Lake Vending PAGE 2� APPROVED 8Y FF.E Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safets Dir. 12.001 Con,sumer�� United for 9uying Public Safety D:.r. 12.OJ Wil�.iam �n�eiss_ Erickson Brothers Cantral Service Super3.or tdusic Co. ��'����'Y Supariar N:u�ia Co. I, , .'11nca Px�ducts 734Q CQnmerae ��e �' _ �'ri.d�.�y. F'P;C CQrp. t�fi00 t•",ar3ha7,1 St. , ��'�����" ,�" ,, Cantean Co. o� Minh. Ca�3.tee� �n. pf Mi.n.*�. 0 Public Safety Dir. 12.A0 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safets Dir. 12.00 Pub1i� Safety� Dir. 12.00 Public Safety Air. �2.00 Publia Safety Dir. 72.00 �u��.i� Sa,f :�y Lir. �0.00 � REGULAR COUNCIL hI�ETING OF APRIL 2, 1973 Rs.ilrcad AccAssu, ies �;5�, �.i�.i.r_ St. �. b`ridley 7.a,►�ata � s • 5%�,; L'r.iversity Ave. � Fri.dley � Stel�er & (3ertzan (}arage 6519 Central Ave. Fridley Phi.11i�s 66 650o v��.ver�ity Ave. F�ia.l��� P3�i�lips 65 5567 University Av�e. Fridley Midland Co-op v. 6� and 694 idley �,aiiatll' 5601 East River Road Frid�,ey aulf Station s300 Central Ave. Fridley North Star !t0l�0 Marshall St. Frid].sy PAQ Food Stoxe b20 Osborne Road Fridley Hawiea 2�4 'iisai.eaippi 3t. Fridley Jimbo � a Pi.zza � ?4issiasippi. St. : �iley . 3risweld Co±'� ee Co. Zapata Foods� Inc. Pioneer Diatributing Pianeer Distributing Pioneer Distributing Pioneer Diatributing Pioneer Distributing (3urney (3ulberg Richard Hennessey PDQ Food Stores of l�iinn. Howard Nelson James Schooley Sr. PAGE 26 � , � • � � PubliC Safety Dir. 12�pp r Public Safety Dir. ��pp � Pu►blia Satoty Di.r. 12.00 � ,' Public Safety Dir. 12.00 ` . Public Safety Dir. 12.00 � ' , � Public Safety Dir. 12.00 . i Public Safety Dir. ]2.pp , Public Safety Dir. 12.00 � Public 3afety Dir. 12.G0 � Public Safety Dir. 12.pp � � Pub7,ic Safety Dir. 12.pp , Public Safety Dir. 12.pp , � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1973 Casino RoS�ale 622, xWy. 6S Frid'�ey � Casino Royale Stav�s Superet,te 6319 H�ry. 6� Fridley Robert Sta•�anau Stavi� Superette 64�3 University Ave. Fridlay Robert Stavanau �ob�s Produce Ranch ?620 Univer�sity Ave, �ar�dley Robert Schroer 3kywood Cl.�eanera- �251 Central Ave. Fridley Chanticlear Pizza b3ou xWy. bs Fridley Les�s Standard 7690 xwy. b, Fridley Fronti.er C1ub 735� Ol� Cenfi,ral Ave. Fridley �UN CLUB _.__...__.,,..,. ' FMC Corp. 48Q0 Marshall St. Frid�ey • OFF SALE BFER Holida� Village Nartb 2�a , �?th Ave. Fridley CiJa Tnc. 250 Osborn� Road Fridley Country Club Mari�t b27� Hwy. 6� Fridley Pionesr Aistributing , Richard Kemos Lester Schaffran Marlsne Pvvlitzki , K. Knutzen Erickson Brothers CUB Znc. Country Club Market pAGE 27 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public• Safety Dir. 12,p0 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 ►- � .. . Public Safety Dir. 12,00 Public Safety I�ir. 7.2.00 , Public 5a£ety Dir. 12,00 Public Sa°ety Dir. 3�.00 Public Safety Di.r. �.00 Public Safety Air. 15.40 Public Safety Dir. 1s.00 Public Safety Di.r. ls. W . . �' " . REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1973 Target Food Store ?55 - 53rd Ave. Fridley Red OFrI 6525 University Ave. Fridley Snyder�s Drug Store 6532 Univeroity Ave. Fridley Brooks Su�arette 101i2 4sborne Road � rid].sy Ta� Thumb Piar`,tet 315 Osiwrne Aoad Fridley Russ�s Superette �53 University Ave. Fridley Western Station 7500 University Ave. Fridley Rapid Shop 6530 East River Road Fridley Otd SALE B�;�i i` Club 4? 60b1 Univaroity Ave, Fridley Hawies 2lt0 I�;ississippi St. Fridley Howard Johnson�a �277 Central Ave. Fridley Jona�han Food Stores, Inc. Red Owl Stores� Znc Snyder�s Drug Storea� Inc. 8rooks Hauser Tom Thumb Food r1a.M.Kets, Inc. Russell Paone Western Station Stores� Inc. Robert Hanson Robert Sc�yder Ho�rard Nelson Hot�rard Johnson � s Ca. . ° PR6E 28 � i � i Public Safety Dir. 15•OC' Public Safeiy Dir. 15.00� Public Saf�t Dir. 15.�� Y ' Public SaSety, Dir. 1�.OG ► � Public Safety Dir. 15.00� . � Public Safety Dir. 15.00 ' � Public Safety Dir. 15.OQ . ' Public Safet3• Dir. 15.00' � Public Safety Dir. 120.00 , Pnblic Satety Air. 120.00 ' Public Safetr Dir. 120.00 ' � . � tREGULAR COUNCIL MEF�ING OF APRIL 2, 1973 '. � I' T° � Howies ''2�0 1�iississipoi St. Fridley 'Club !�7 S061 University Ave� Fridley . ,CIsARrTT� � Frid7.ay Auctions �r504 Ur�i�*ersity Ave. Fridl�n� 'Bro��-�� ,� �uperette 1(�' - ;�sborne ftoad �'x;a:.�.1�ey . ' �UCTIQt?�R rridl�y Auctions '7��� University Ave. Frid].ay � Howard Nelson ftobert Snyder Cyri]. Link Brooks Hauser Cyril Link PAGE 2g w Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public S�fety Dir. 12.00 Publia Safety Dir. 12.00. Public Safety Dir. 12.00 .• Public Safety Air. 120.00 . ESTIMATES: � KeYWaY Bui lders, l��c, 2S5 Hiyhway SS Hamel , Mi nriesota 5S34U � ' FARTIAL Estirr�ate #3 for F�idley Liquor Store f rom Feb r,�a ry 1, 1973 to Ma rch 1, 1 j J 3. , �,ee Electric Gompany 3775 HighWay 52 Robbinsdale, Minnesota 5��+22 � PARTIAL �stii�iate #3 for Fridley Liquor Store � fro�� January 31, 1�73 to February 21, 1y73 I, , Suburban Engineerfng, Inc. 6875 Highway #65 N.E, , � Minneapolls, Minnesota 5��+32 -PARTIAL Estlmate #22 fpr Inspection Time th rough 11/25/72 foc InnsbruGk North prpject 103 � � 0 $ 8,i54.0u $ 3,v00.O1� $ 1 , 5z�,. 38 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1973 PARTIAL Estimate 1�23 for Inspection tiaae through 2/23/73 for Innsbruck North Project 103 Hydro Engineering, Inc. Box 98 Xoung.America, Minnesota 55397 PARTIAL Estimate #1 for construction of Water Zmprovement Project No. 111 PAGE 30 $ 3,,494.33 $ 8,601.66 MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the estimates. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion earried unanimously. . COMMUNICATIONS: REPRESENTATIVE JOE CONNORS: THANK YOU FOR SUPPORT: MOTION by Cpuncilman Breider to receive the com�nunication fzont Representative Joe Connors dated March 19, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. WYMAN SMITHt GLOVER SUIT VS. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS AND FRIDLEY: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the communication from Wyman Smith dated March 22, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Dpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. J. K. COTTINGHAM: QUARTERLY REPORT ON NORTH SUBURBAN YOUTH SERVICE CENTER: Mayor Liebl suggrsted settinq a date and asking Mr. Joel Koemptgen, Proje�t Airector to come before the Council and present detailed infoxmation on the project. He said Councilman starwalt, the City Manaqer, and himself had listened to Mr. �coemptgen. MOfiION by C4uncilman Utter to invite Mr. Koemptgen ta addre�s the Cour�cil� on May 21, 1973. Ssconded by Councilman 8reider: Upon a voice vote, all votiag aye, Mayor Liebl dec�ared the motion aarried unan3moualy. ADMINZSTRATiVE ASSISTANT: REVIEW OF CITY CODE: The City Ma�nager sugqested the Council review the Code and return two weeks� for discuseion an the matter or whenever the Council feels ready to discuss it• Mayar Liebl said he be�ieved the Council should review the code and compare it to �he old Code. Tl�e City Manag�x sa�id he realized there was a lot of material involved. He anid ths Council should approve it before the printing. He said there still could be ChAngep made� bu� he hopeci they would not be many. ,i . I ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1973 PAGE 31 Councilman Nee asked how many changes there had been in the new Code? The �' City Man3ger said there had not been many. He said he had asked the Depart- ment Heads to review those sections relating to their departments. He said there had been some revision in the »ubbish and garbage requlations. � � C�uncilman Breider asked if there had been any changes in the Carnival ordinance. The Administrative Assistant said this was covered in Chapter #30. Councilman Breider suggested the Code be discussed on April 16, 1973. MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the proposed City Code and that the Councilmen review it. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. FtESOLUTION #51-1973 - ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS THEREOF: 5TREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1973-3, ADDENDUM #2: �IOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #51-1973. Seconded by Council- man Starwalt. Upon a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #52-1973 - RECEIVING PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING � qi3 THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS: STREET IMPROVEMENT PRAJECT ST. 1973-3, ADDENDUM #2: � � , , I ' �� � MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #52-1973. Seconded by Council- man Nee. Upon a voioe vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATTON OF ADDENDUM #1 TO PHASE 1, 1973 STREET LIGHTING PROJECT (UNDER- GROUND LIGHTTNG FOR INNSBRUCK NORTH): Councilman. Starwalt asked if the amount of lights that had been previously planned, chanqed? , The City Engineer said there had been �n increase, but it would be some time before the are� is developed and, H.S.P, would not be installing them for �ome time. He added� �t may take six months. �lOTIQN by Councilmar� Utter �o agprove Add�ndum #1, Phase 1, 1973 Street Lighting 8roject. Seconded by �aun�ilman Starwalt, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, MaXox Liebl declar�d the mo�ion carried unanimously. �iEQUEST BY MAYOR LIEBT, TO CHECK INTO INSTALLATION OF STREET LIGHT AT 53RA ANA '1`AXLOR t �tE UESTED BY MRS . NAWROCKI : Mayqr Liebl said MRS. Nawro�ki had called him three times with the request that � str�et ii�ht bs placsd on �he Fridley �ide af 53rd and Taylor. Cpunailman Sta�wal� �aid he did not believe there was a liqht there. xe said h¢ wm� t� aheck ir��Q the mn�ter and had not up untii the pr�sent time. Council- ma�n Starwalt said he wou].d check into the matter. REGUTAR COUNCIL MLETING OF APRI�, 2� 1973 PAGE 32 RECEZVING A COMMUNICATION FRAM GLEN R. RAMSDELL, 400 57TH PLACE, REQUEST FOR FENCTNG: " M('�ION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the communication and submit the lett�r tc� the administration foz processing. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upoa a voiae vot�, all vpting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unani- mouely. . REQUEST BY MAYOR LIEBL TO CLEAN UP THE PROPERTY AT 6431 EA3T RIVER RiOAD, BURNED HOMEs Ma►yor Liebl esid he would like some action to clean the property at 6431 East Rivoz Road where�the houee had burned down. The City Manaqe�r said �ane of the rubble had been cleaned up and left in a pile. Councilman Utter said he believed the garage ia still sta�dinq. �he City Attorney said it wa� possible to clean up the property and asseas the pzoperty for the amount of work done on tk►e lot. RECEIVING MEMORANDUM FRpM THE CITY ATTORNEYL VIRGIL ii*RRICK, REGARDING SALE OF_U$ED MOTOR VEHIGLES, DATED APRIL 2, 1973: MOTION by Councila►an Utter to receive the communication fro�n the City Attorney, regarding the sale of uaed motor vehicles, dated April 2,�1973. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. COUNCILMAN NEE PASSED OUT INFORMATION HE PREPARED ON EAST RIVER ROAD SITUATION I� A$KED IT $E REVIEWED, CONSIDERED AND DISCUSSED AT A LATER DATE: ADJOtJRNMFNT s MOTION by Councilman Utter to adjourn the Regular Council Meeting, Secondad by Councilman Bzeidex. Upon a� vaiae vote, all viting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the n�otion aarried unanimouely and the Regular Council Meetinq af Aprii 2, 1973 adjouzned at•11:15 �.m. . Respectfully Submitted • • �ii/�."'� PdCr�G�A Eli�.B Secretary to the City Council Frank G. Liebl, Matyor