04/16/1973 - 00016618� THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 , The Regular Meeting of the Fridley Council was called to order at 7:42 p.m., April 16, 1973> by Mayor Liebl. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Liebl led the Council and the audience in sayiny the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INVOCATION: The Invocation was offered by the City Manager, Gerald R. Davis. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Starwalt, Liebl, Utter, Nee, Breider MEMBERS ABSENT: None PROCLAMATION: FIRE SERVICE RECOGNITION DAY: Mayor L�ebl read aloud the proclamation propos�ny SUturday, May 12, 1973 be Fire Service Recoynition Day. MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt the proclama,.ion. Seconded by Councilman Nee. � Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL DF MINUTES: REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 19, 1973: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the minutes of the meetin� of March 19, 1973 as presented. Seconded 6y Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Liebl said he would like to add the following items: 2-B - A resolution reyarding change in the Firemen's Pension Legislation, Appointment: Ro6ert H. Freiyang, Probationary Police Officer. Communication, Item #f26 - Rice Creek Watershed District, reyarding accelerated siltation of Locke Lake, dated April 7, 1973• MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt the agenda as amended. Seconded by Council- man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the maion � carried unanimously. V I S'i TO RS : None. � REGULAft COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 RECEIVING REPORT ON STEVENSQd_SCHOQL WALK�lAY iPROP9SED):_ _ PAGE 2 Mayor Liebl called on the City Manayer to summarize the proposais, , The City Manayer referred to the map of the area on the over-head pro�ector. He said the research on the matter dated back to 1971 and probably 6efore, H� said the proposed action to build a sidewalk had been considered as a safety improvement for East River Road. He said the installation of a walkway would eliminate the need forbussing of children who live on 62nd Way and North and West of East River Road who attend Stevenson Elementary School. He added, the bussing situation on and off of East River Road creates a greater hazard _ for the children than they would encounter walking to school. He said he would summarize the past actions on the matter. Last year there was some discussion with property owners of the area. He said a sidewalk was proposed between 62nd Way, River Edge Way, and the school. He said it was his feeling the agreement could be reached by providing property remu�erat�on too the property owners for the North Sidewalk. He said this was not accomplished at that timeo He added, the administration could not find two property owners who were willing to sell an easement to the City for the South Sidewa,ik, ThE City Manager said the administration had proposed four different routes for the walk- way on the South. The C rty Manager said he had outlined the cost of the pro�ect in the agenda. He added, there is $9,000 budgeted for the pro�ect. The City Manager said he had talked to Mr. Raymond Habel, Elementary School ' Coordinator, 39z 66th Avenue N,E " and asked him how many students reside in the area, and Mr, Hable said there are 87 at the present time, 66 who are currently being bussed to school. The City Menager said there would be a saving of about $2,800 per year in bussing costs if the walkway were compleied. _ The City Manager said it is the Council's decision of what to do on thQ pro�ect. He added, the administration had not been able to negotiate an agreement. The City Manager said it was his feeling that if the City wa�ted to proceed, they would have to yo to condemnation of the property in some cases, Mayor Liebl asked the City Manager if it was his suggestion to designate a route and if agreement cannot be reached, then, start condemnation proceedings and begin the sidewa L'�. The City Manager said yes. Mayor Liebl asked the C rty Manager how much land would be acquired at this time? The City Manager said there would be 1208 square feet of land acquired for the sidewalk easement for the south sidewalk and based on 64p per square this would be $773012, on the north side walk there is 3,021.68 square feet and at 64� per square foot, this would 6e $1,934.34. The City Manager said this amount would be for the acquisition of the land only and would not cover the cost of the shru6s or fencing and construction of the sidewalk. The Mayor asked if the property had been appraised. The City Manager said there had been two appraisals, one for 60t per square foot and another for 64� per square foot. , � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1g73 PAGE 3 � Mayor Liebl asked if the two appraisers had kept in mind the damage and incon- venience to property by the construction of the walkway. He said the property owners would be affected every day. Mayor Liebl said he believed the property owners are entitled to some remuneration for the inconvenience. Mayor Liebi mentioned there was an empty lot abutting the proposed site for the walkway, on the north sidewalk site, Mayor Liebl asked the Gity Attorney what had 6een his past experience in settling these type of projects in court. He asked if the property owners would be given more money7 The City Attorney answered, it depends on the particular situation, He said the value of land before the sidewalk is put in is considered valuable after the easement is taken into consideration. He said the appraisals had not included the inconvenience to the people by the land being given for the pro�ect. He said this was only an opinion. He said three peopte would have to be involved in making the decision. He said he could not tell the Council if there would be additional damage to the property by the walkiny lraffic. Mayor Liebl asked what the costs would be if the pro�ect had to go to con- demnation. Mayor Liebl asked if the City could �ust give the people a little more money and reach a satisfactory settlement. Mayor Lie61 suggested paying the person with th e large empty lot $1750 to consider the damage to the lot. Mayor Liebl asked if the property owner would be a61e to sell the lot after the construction of the walkway. He said if the Council would authorize a � larger amount be paid to the people for the walkway this would save a lot of ramifications and keep peace in the neighborhood. The City Attorney said the Council can authorize any amount it believes to be fair. He added, $2,000 had been added to the budget for the pro�ect for contingency and legal fees for condemnation �f they are necessary. He said the City also has to pay the property owners the cost of the appraisals they have obtained on their own. He suggested using the money set aside for legal fees to be additional payment fo the property owners and use negotiation rather than condemnation. Mayor Liebl asked the City Attorney if this would be his recommendation7 The City Attorney said yes. He said a considerable amount of time has been spent on the pro�ect by the staff and he would like to see a settlement through negotiations. Mayor Liebl recommended completion of the pro�ect this year. He said there should not be a chance of hurting a child. He asked what would be more impor- tant, $13,000 or the lives of two children. Mayor Liebl said he worried all the past winter about a child getting hurt. He said a motion is on the books that there will not be any action until June 1, 1973. The Mayor said he would like to ask the Chairma� of the School Board to acquaint the two new Council- men, Ccuncilma� Nee and Councilman Starwalt, with the past action and ground- work of the pro�ect. He said he would like the new inen to know how the School � Board feels about the project and the safety of the children. � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 PAGE 4 Mr. Gordon San�ster, Chairman of the Board of Education, School District �14, ' 716g Riverview Terrace, said he was happy to present the thouqhts of the Board. He said the police had asked the School Board to encouraye the construction of the walkway for safety of the children. He said they would like to elimrnate the bussinc of children. He added, the busses have to be routed to enter and exit the area on East River Road. Nation-wide studies have proven that walking is safer than buss mg children to school. He added, at other times, there would also be access to the school property by all, Mr. Sangster said the people would not be responsible for the maintenance of the walkway and they would not be assessed for the construct�on of the walkway, the School Distn ct would coristruct a continued walkway through the school yrounds and maintain the entire walk. He said he felt it is the responsibility of the City and School Board to provide walkways where ever possible. He expressed the hope that the pro�ect can be executed. Councilman Starwalt said some of the property owners have expressed contern over liability of the property for the walkway. He mentioned the use of motor cycles and snow mobiles on the property. The City Attorney said the City could indicate the proper use of the walkway, �ust as it does for any other sidewalk and consider the use of motorized traffic illegal, He said this would not give the peopie assurance that the walkway would not be used by these operators. Councilman Starwalt again questioned who would be responsible for the lia6ility of what happens on the sidewa]k, The City Attorney said the property owners would not be liable. He said the only way they would be 1ia61e is if they place something in the walkway, otherwise, he could not see where there would , be any liability for any accidents on the walkway. Councilman Nee said he had a question concerniny the utilization and potential of fencin5, he aldec� the School Board has already taken a position. He said the property owners have indicated there is already a sidewalk in the area on East River Road, He asked could this sidewalk be fenced? Mr. Sanyster said the side walk appears to be a right turn lane on East River Road. He said he �uestioned this use as it would be fatal if the sidewalk continued to look like a turning lane in the winter months. Councilman Nee asked if the construction of a fence or rail eliminate the possibility of the walk appearing to be a turning lane� He said this is the solution the ;�eighborhood is proposing. He said some of them think this would work. Mr, Sangster said he did not know if this would work or if a fence would pro- tect the sidewalk. Mayur Liebl asked Mr. Sangster if the School Board recommended the children walk on East River Road7 Mr. San�ster replied no. Mayor Lie61 said he believed the property owners privacy and inconvenience should 6e made relevent to the matter. He added, negotiations should 6e conducted with this factor in mind. He said there will 6e people walking there whenever they want to walk up to the school. He said the foot traffic would also be � adults, He said he would like to treat the people as he ��rould like to be treated, � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 PAGE 5 � Councilman Breider asked if the Chair had any recommendations a: to what should be done. He also questioned Councilman Nee on his recommendation for a satis- factory solution to the matter. Councilman Nee said he had spent a great deal of time on the pro�ect and talking to the property owners of the area and he wa= not a61e to reach any agreement. Councilman Breider said there had been two appraisals made and the p�ople do not feel the amounts are high enough. He asked how anything can be arranyed at this point? Councilman Nee said the people who had said no to the proposal had said no to any reasonable price, He added, the appraisals had indicated there was no collat- eral damage with the construction of the walkway. Councilman Nee said he did not agree with this point. He said when more inoney was talked about, he felt the answer was still no, He said it is the concern of the people to find out if it is needed and properly planned. He said he would favor the con- struction of the walkway. Mayor Liebl said there are people who had just moved into the area. H�: recalled that in 1971 there had be:n four plans for the construction of a street through the area, He said at that time the people felt this construction would shift the traffic into the Riverview Terrace area. He said at that time the C rty decided it would not construct the street and keep the area residential. He said it was also decided at that time that there would 6e a walkway constructed � for the safety of the school children with the people on the north and south side of the street given proper consideration for the price of the property needed to construct the sidewalk. He said the happenings since 1g70 and 1971 with new people purchasing the property in the area without any knowledge of the sidewalk proposal, have created problems. He said the seller of the property had not informed the buyer of the proposed walkway in the area. He said this had created the situation where the people ,felt the City was not dealing with them in good faith. He recalled one property owner indicating that he would come to an agreement if the City woiild give him what he was entitled to. He said before the City purchases the land or before the condemnation of any land, he felt the empty lot at 180 62nd Way N.E, should be considered for damage done by the walkway. He suggested making payment of $1,750 to the property owner for this lot. He also suggested the remainder of the lots be purchased for about $1,000. He said he felt this is as high as the City could go tor the purchase of property in this area. He said he thought the City could work out a pro�ect that could be lived with and provide safety for the children. Councilman Breider asked how many pieces of property were being negotiated? Mr. Darrel Clark, Community Development Administrator, pointed out the proper- ties on the map on the overhead pro�ector. Mayor Liebl said this instaltation would greatly handicap the property owner of the empty lot. He said the applicant who would want to build a home �ould see the sidewalk and not want to buy the lot. He said the traffic in the area is � reasonable, but the walkway would bri�g in additional traffic from the Al Rose Addition. He said he would like to see the children walk and not be bussed, as they would be safer. He suggested the administration cantact the property owners and offer this agreement. He said his recommendation would be to offer the people on the south side $1,000 for their property, and the person with the larger lot (190 feet) on the north side being offered $1,750, and the add rtional property on the north s�de being offered $1,000. 6 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 pAGE 6 Councilman Nee asked what was the price of the fence and shrubs7 Mayor Liebl ' said these were already in the 6udget and the amounts were listed in addition to the land acquisition> Councilman Breider asked what p,rice ranges were being talked about. Mayor Liebl said he would like to call on Mr. Habel, Elementary School Coordinator, to report in his judgement what-w�ould�ib�,..ada.ptable for the children. Mro Sangster answered that he favored the route listed as alternative No, l. He said this would 6e away from the�parking lot. He said the next favored would be the next route over from this, and the least favored to thefar east, etc. He said proposals #3 and #4 would come mto the back area of the school and #�2 was quite a distance away. Darrel Clark asked if the proposed �#1 route was the first choice of the School District and Mr. Habel said yes. Mr. Habel added, this is the most direct r.outea� Mayor Liebl said this would be in line with Riverview Terrace, He said the alternate route would have 20 to 25 feet between the garages. Councilman Nee said the proposal,farthest west, is not feasible. He said the other three are all feasible physically. The widest route would involve the removal of some trees. Mr. Clark said this would be the least number of trees to be removed of the four proposals. Councilman Nee said he believed it would be possible to bend around the trees. Mra Clark, Community Development Administrator, said the garages are not centered � on the lot lines. It may 6e necessary to use three feet from one lot and seven from the other. Mayor Lieblsaid the route where the walkway would go between the garages would provide some screening and not damage the lot as much. Mr. Clark said most yarages are five feet from the lot line, Mayor Liebl said he would like to provide some screening on the lot line, Councilman Nee said the property owner on the proposed route wants to build a double garage. Mr. Bert Slater, 128 Rivers Edge Way, said he has a very small double garage and had planned to build a bigger double garage, He added, if he ever had two proper sized cars they would not fit into the present garage, Councilman Nee said he had thought the existing garage was a single. Mayor Liebl asked how much land is now available, Mr, Slater said the walkway would be six feet from his bedroom window. The City Attorney said this is why additional remuneration could be sought for the property owners. He said there should be some kind of barrier to keep away the noise also. The City Attorney said in his judgement, $1,000 per person was a proper recommendation. Councilman Breider asked a resident of the area if he felt an agreement_coi�ld be reached. The resident said he would have to speak to his wife about the matter, and she was not present at the meeting. Mayor Liebl asked the City Manager how he felt about the suggestions, The City , Manager said he thought these terms could be negotiated with the property owners. He added, he believed the recommendations to be very reasonable. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 �AGE 7 � � Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Robert Latz, 161 RiversEdge Way if he thought some agreement could be reached� Mr, Latz said he thought there could have been some kind of agreement reached last year. Mayor Liebl said there �s concurrance of the property owners on the nor[h. � �J Mr. W, E. Hoyt, 190 62 Way, said he would like to see the children 6ussed. He said there has to be bussing to the Junior and Senior High Schoois. Mr. Lewis Farr, 157 Rivers Edge Way, said he had already signed the agreement last year. Mayor Liebl said those who had already signed would get the $1,000 like everyone else, Mayor Liebl thanked him for his cooperation. Mayor Liebl said there are three in agreement, he questioned who the fourth would be. The City Manager said this would depend on the location of the walkway. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Slater if he would agree to the walkway if he were paid $1,000 for the land� Mr. Slater asked if this amou�t was to be used for the fencing also7 Mayor Liebl said this would be for the land acquisition only. Mr. Slater said he would like to ask someone from School District �14 why the route along his property was the best one, He said if the walk were planned to enter the parking lot there would be less maintenance cost, He said the proposed r�aute would allow the walking traffic to be directed into the recrea- tional areas and disrupt the activities therea He said other routes would cost less for maintenance as there would be no snow removal charges in the parking lot area. He again questioned the representatives of School District {�14. Mr. Habel said they would like to have a straight route into the school and not into the dr�veway, He said the other routes would be less convenient routes to get the children into the school. Mr. Slater asked if the snow would be plowed onto the area property owners property? He questioned if it would be placed to the rear of the schooi property. Mr. Habel said yes. Mr. Habel said the east entrance would be used, this is the entrance rn the 6ack of the school building. He said this is the most dire�t route to the rear entrance of the school building. He said the other routes would direct the walkers into the front and lobby entrance. Councilmpn Nee said the agreement is negotiable with Mr. Anderson. Mayor L+EbI agreed saying, this is what he understood. Councilman Starwalt said the two gentlemen who have not signed the agreements have heard the proposal, He asked if the Council would adopt this proposal, and if this would be accepta6le to them,? Mr. Slater said this thing had slapped him in the face. He said he would like to go through his attorney on the matter. He said he would not give the Council an answer at the present time, Mr. Slater asked if this agreement was signed, would he 6e allowed to build his garage� He said this was part of his plans when he bought the property. He asked where he would stand on this matter� � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 PAGE 8 The City Attorney said this could 6e granted on the side along with the walkway if there is enough room. Mayor Liebl said Mr. Slater could go to_the goard of � Appeals and be granted a variance. Mr. Slater said these were the items he would like to discuss before agreeing to any proposal, He said he did not think these things could be settled this evening as there was not enough time, The City Attorney said he would meet with Mr. Slater's attorney to work out the detail,. He said the side yard waiver could 6e a part of the agreement. Councilman Breider suggested this waiver 6e granted first. Mayor Lie61 said the City would need ample room for the sidewalk and would pay Mr. Slater $1,000 for the easement. Councilman Nee said he would like toadd one reinforcing matter. He said if an agreement can be reached, the walkway could be angled to the benefit and advant- age of everyone. He said he felt there would be less damage if this could be negotiated. Mr. Slater said this is why he would like to ta3k out the details on the proposal. MrS. Slater questioned the Council saying, didn't the Council already make up their minds� She said other people in the area have said no to the proposal and the City Administration and Council do not bother them any longer: She said they will not take a no from them and she had had it. Councilman Nee said he would not have spent so much time in the neightborhood if this was the case. � Mr, Slater asked what would happen to the traffic pattern in the area after the completion of the Islands of Peace Pro�ect� Mayor Liebl said both=: the exit and entrances would be away from that area. Mayor Liebl said the proposed sidewalk is the same as had 6een installed in Sylvan Hills. He said there was a four foot walkway and there is never a problem. He said the children do not bother people, He added, hundreds of children use the walkway to go to the park for various activities. He said there was never any problems when he was the Councilman of the Ward. He said the people were welcome to look at the walkway and observe its use. He said it has been working and is a good service to all the people of Sylvan Hills. He told the property owners that they would all benefit, the School District and the individual property owners. The City Manager said the figures that have been used this evening would not allow the project to be within the budget, there would have to be a_transfer of funds to the pro�ect. Mayor Liebl said the City had saved some money in the emergency fund, He said he believed some money could be squeezed out of this fund. Councilman Breider said he did not wa�t to give the people the impression that the City would spend an unlimited amount for the land acquisition and the pro- ject. He said he did believe $1,000 was more reasonable, but the fencing costs , and the sidewalk construction costs must be added to this amount. He added, the people shouid not th rn k they can have anything they want. He said if the other members of the Council wanted to go ahead at the present time, he felt there should be a dollar amount set. � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 PAGE 9 � Councilman Breider said they were talking about thousands of dollars and emer- gency funds. He said there are other walkways in the City and there has not been any fancy fences put in. Mayor Liebl said these walkways are not six feet from the property owners windows. Councilma� Breider said in other areas, it is this way. Mr. Richard Harris, 6200 Riverview Terrace said he would suggest that the School District share the responsibility of the costs of the pro�ect. He said they could assign some money to help out the City. He said this is a different situation as there is some new development. Mr. Harris asked the possi6ility of putting a sidewalk on 62nd Way. Mayor Liebl said there could he no con- struction of a sidewalk on the residential street unless the street was one leading to the school property. Mayor Liebl said the City had been working with the School District for a satisfactory solution to the problem, MOTIDN by Councilman Nee to acquire the north route along the route designated by the planning department and negotiate for the proposal on the south side with the expanded compensation. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Councilma� Breider asked the Crty Attorney if this motion could be made at the present time as there was a motion dealing with the pro�ect stating there would be no action taken until June 1, 1973� He asked if Councilman Nee's motion would be in conflict with this motion. � The City Attorney said the August 21, 1972 motion to delay action could be rescinded. Mayor Liebl said he would not accept the motion by Councilman Nee. Councilman Starwalt said he WITHDREW HIS SECOND, The City Manager read the motion made by Councilman Mittelstadt, and action taken on the August 21, 1972 meeting aloud to the Council and audience. Councilman Breider asked if only the prevailing side can make a motion to rescind7 The City Attorney said this would be the case at the following meeting only. Councilman Nee asked what this meant. The City Attorney said the motion was in the intent of instructions to the staff. He said the staff was not to do a thing on the pro�ect, until after June 1, 1973. He said if the Council is of a different mind, they can rescind and pass. Councilman Nee asked if there was any purpose in postponing the action. Mayor Liebl said there would be no purpose in this. He said the Council will need two months to settle the matter. He said in order to stay within the 6ounds of Robert's Rules of Order, the Council would have to rescind the motion, Councilman Starwalt asked Mr. Mittelstadt the reason for t�-�e date being set for no action� Mr. Mittelstadt said this would be the end of the school year. Councilman Starwalt asked if there was any �ther reason and there were no citi- zens involved in the delay. Mr. Mittelstadt rep�ied no. Councilman Nee asked the City Attorney if this was correct? The City Attorney sa�d in order to take � action the motion shoi�ld be rescinded. �� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 PAGE 10 MOTION by Councilman Nee to rescind the motion made August 21, 1972, to delay action unt�l June l, ig73, as there is no purpose to bind the Council to this date for negotiations. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a roll call vote, Utter, Ne� Breider, Starwalt, and Liebl voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl said the motion is now off the books. MOTION by Councilman Nee to authorize the administration to acquire the land for the Stevenson School Walkway either through negotiation or condemnation with the figures of $1,750 offered the property owners on the north end of the pro�ect (180 62nd 4Jay N.E.), and $1,000 offered to the remainder of the property owners in the pro�ect. (See amendment to motion on page 11). Mayor Liebl asked if $2,000 had been budgeted for legal fees. The City Manager said this was true. Councilman Utter asked what does Mr. Hoyt, 190 62nd Way, gain by this7 Mayor Liebl asked if fie was the owner of the empty lot7 Mr. Hoyt said he had the property next to this. MOTION by Councilman Breider that the total price of the project not exceed $10,000, including land acquisition, shrubs, fencing a�d the construction of the sidewalk. Councilman Nee questioned if this would include everything. The Ci�y Manager said this would include all the property on both ends of the routes. Councilman Utter again questioned if Mr. Hoyt had been considered. He added, he is getting nothing for his inconvenience, the walkway is next to his property. Mayor Liebl said there were six people involved, He said there would 6e $1,750 used to acquire the land on the north on each side and there are two more from the south end. The City Manager said there would be a total amount of $3,500 for the two owners on the north, $2,000 for the people to the south of them, and $�,OOD for the property on the south end of the pro�ect. The City Manager said this would be a total of $7,500 and would not be possible to stay within the suggested $10,000. Mayor Liebl said it does not cost $1,000 to put in a sidewalk. Mr. Clark said the prices listed included cpnstruction costs of this season, they had been figured this spring. Councilman Breider said the $7,500 was three times the amount the appraisals had indicated. He said this would be an expensive sidewalk. Mayor Liebl felt solving this problem was worth more than $10,000. He said he did not think the additional $1,000 would break the City, Councilman Breider said it would be more than that. He said they would be spending $14,000, Councilman 8reider said the action was to help the people of the neighborhood and then the City ends up paying like this. He stressed, $15,000 is a great deal of money for a siewalk, 1 1 1 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 PAGE 11 ll � Councilman Starwalt asked if proposal #2 had been approved? He said he had no recollection of a decision to use one route or another. He asked if he was right� Mayor Liebl suggested making a motion to take the most direct route. Councilman Nee said he would like to take the action in stages. Mr. Clark said there are two 190 foot lots. The City Manager said there is one agreement in from the north end. The City Manager said there is a fence on one property and the City would not have to relocate the fence if the City took three feet from one owner and seven feet from the other owner. Mayor Liebl said taking seven feet from an 83 foot residential lot would greatly damage the lot. He said they would be taking three feet from the other iot. Councilman Nee said the matter was foggy with him, Mayor Lie61 said Mr. Hoyt should be given the same amount as the other people as he would have the same invasion of his privacy as the other people, Councilman Nee said there are four on th0 north side of the pro�ect, and asked if each of these people would receive $1,750� Councilman Breider said two would receive $1,750 to come to the figure of $3,500. The City Manager said Mr. Davis had a lot 172 feet deep. Mayor Liebl said the City would take a seven foot width. The City Ma�ager said not as much would be taken from the other lot. Councilman Utter said it is the same length. Mayor Liebl agreedo The City Manager said what about the property south of these� � Councilman Breider asked if he was proposing giving each of these property owners $1,750 also� Mayor Liebl said one of the property owners is giving up seven feet. Councilman Breider said he did not believe there would be damage there, He said he did not believe there would be as much damage on the empty lot as there would be on the lots where there are homes. Mayor Liebl said the lot is 83 feet wide. Mr. Clark said the installation would be a sidewalk only, this area could be used for a side yard requirement, He said it would not make the lot any smaller, for building as the seven foot easement could be used as part of the ten foot sideyard requirement. He then suggested the Council work out a settlement by square footage, Councilman Breider asked what the square foot price would he for invasion of privacy. Mr. Clark said he did not know this. Councilman Breider said this is more than is pdid for commercial property. Mayor Liebl asked the original motion by Councilman Nee be read back. Council- man Nee asked Councilman Breider if the dollar vaiues should be struck. Councilman Breider said yes. AMENDMENT by Councilman Breider to the motion of Councilman Nee to strike the dollar amount and have the administration open negotiations and if there is a need for future funding, at this time the matter would 6e 6rought back to the Council for a tra,^,sfer of funds. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a � voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. 1? REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 Mayor Liebl called for a roll call vote on the original motion. PAGE 12 UPON A ROLL CALL VOTE, Breider, Starwalt, Liebl, Utter, and Nee voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Nee said making a decision on the proposed routes would be a very diffrcult one. He said he had come to the conclusion that ,�l would probably be the best route although there would be many problems in neyotiations. MOTION by Councilman Nee to acquire the property on the proposed route #1 for the walkway either by condemnation or negotiation with Mr. Slater and Mr. Anderson. Seconded by Councilman Breider. The City Manager clarified that the property was 6etween 128 Rivers Edge Way and 132 Rivers Edge Way, Councilman Starwalt asked if the motion should contain the stipulation that the variance problem proposed by Mr. Slater be worked out at the same time as the agreement� Councilman Nee said he thought it should be a part of the agreement but not part of the action. He then suggested rn cluding proposals 2, 3, and 4 in the negotiations if proposal �1 fails. Councilman Nee said he had tried to negotiate these routes but the attempts had failed. _ The City Manager said other property owners ment in compensation to the walkway, he had not been a61e to work anything out with the either. Councilman Nee said_perhaps w rth the-adjust- the administration can persuade some one else to agree Mayor Liebl called for a vote on the original motion to negotiate for proposal number one, the easement between 128 and 132 Rivers Edge Way. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carn ed unanimously. Mayor Liebl asked the City Manager if there could be a report brought back to the Council on the matter by June 1, 1973. The City Manager s8i'd this would 6e enough time. RUTHORIZATION TO EXTEND TIME TO MAY 1, 1973 TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR BUILDING MODIFICATIONS TO POLICE DEPARTMENT AND EMERGENCY OPERATING CENTER: MOTION by Councilman Breider to concur with the administratiorls recommendation to extend the time to receive bids to May 1, 1973, at 10:D0 a.m. Seconded by Councilman Starw<alt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unan�mously. ' ' I� � .� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 PAGE 13 , RESOLUTION #54-1973 - REGARDING PROPOSAL OF CHANGE IN LEGISLATION IN THE FIREMEN'S PENSION LEGISLATION: MOTION by Councilman Breider that whereas the City Administration and the Fridley Firemen's Relief Association has agreed and requested an amendment to existing Legislation esta6lishing their retirement pension the Council urges the Senator and Representatives to do everything in its power to expedite passage of this legislation and adopt Resolution #54-1973• Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unani- mously. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE ADOPT WG THE CITY CQDE. MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt the first reading of- the ordinance with reservation of some sections and all corrections be made in the code before the second read rng. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Councilman Breider questioned the Council as to whether they would like to adopt the first reading before the Code is revamped7 The City Attorney said the present priority is time. He added, the completion of the p n nting of the Code will be delayed until all the necessary changes are made, Councilman Breider said now is when the type can be reset and it should 6e done now, � The City Attorney said he had not heard about any specific changes in the Code, He said this would have to be done to meet the time lim rt. He said at the present time, it is dragging. The City Attorney said the items that had been previously passed by the Cou�cil had been incorporated in the Code, He added, the Crty Department Heads had made some changes and corrections. These changes would have to be individually approved by the Council. Councilman Breider said some of the sections are not included in the original draft. He mentioned the Carnival portion stating, there is only a requirement that there be a license obtained. He said there is no mention of requirements for safety. He said he would like some regulations so the children do not get hurt. Councilman Breider suggested setting up an evening to go over the entire book. The evening of Wednesday, May 2 was agreed upo�. UPON A RDLL CALL VOTE, Liebl, Utter, Nee, Breider, and Starwalt voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion adopting the fi rst reading of the Ordinance carried unanimously. Councilman Breider said he will have his comments in writing and he would like the other members of the Council to do this also, enabling the Council to , exchange comments and work out what has to be discussed. 1� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 PAGE 14 FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE OWNED BY THE CITY: Councilman Breider asked if this was the Minnesota Transfer property. Fhe City Attorney said yes, it is torrens property. He said �the examiner felt this action to pass an ordinance would formalize the resolution into ordinance form. MOTION by Councilman Breider to waive the first reading of the ordinance rela- ting to the sale of rea� estate owned by the City and adopt the first reading. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Mayor Liebl asked the City Attorney if the correction made in the legal description in the minutes of the December Il, 1972 Public Hearing Coun u 1 Meeting from West to North was correct. The City Attorney said he believed so. UPON A ROLL CALL VOTE, Breider, Starwalt, Lie61, Utter, and Nee voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the first reading adopted. E PLACE N.E,: MOTION by Councilman Breider to concur with the City Engineering Department with the stipulation that Mr. Ramsdell sign the agreement prepared by the Engineering Department. Seconded by Councilma� Starwatt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lie61 declared the motio� carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON REQUEST FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT BY NATIONAL AUTO SALVAGE AUCTIONS OF MINNESOTA, INC.: Mr. Clark, said the the use of the land. process the request, questioned Girecting comm rttee or if this have to be rezoned. sent at the tiine. item was not on the agenda for the approval or denial of He said he would like some direction on how he should as it is not specifically covered in the ordinances. He the item to the Building Standards Design Control Sub- direction is not suitable, did the Council feel it would Mr. Clark said a representative of the Company was pre- Councilman Breider said he thought in his mind that the matter should 6e put under special use. The City Attorney said this could not be done, Councilman Breider asked if it could be approved to use the property as it is7 The City Attorney said the firm would need a used car license. Mayor Liebl asked if the vehicles would be parked within the fence� Mr. Clark showed the members of the Council an artist drawing of the property, and stated this was what the property would look like. Mayor Liebl asked if there were plans to do some landscap rng� Mr. Clark said yes, the City was negotiating this point. � � � � e� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 PAGE 15 � Mayor Liebl said the property is very close to the railroad tracks. He said there was M-2 zoning in the area. He added, there would never be any residential areas there. Mayor Liebl asked the petitioner if he would like to have this pro�ect completed this year� Mr. James A. Dowds, 899 23rd Ave. S.E., Mpls, said they would like to cooperate in any way the City wanted them to. He said he would go to the guilding Stand- ards Design Control Su6comm rttee and return to the Council at their next meeting. He said he�uld like to know what the parkinq and screening regulations would be, He said the construction of the proposal would be kept in line with the regulations. MOTION by Councilman Nee to not rezone the property. Seconded 6y Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lie61 declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl directed the representative to appear before the Building Standards Desia� Control Subcommittee and come back to the Council with their recommendations. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 4, 1973: REZONING REQUEST BY ROBERT SCHRDER: Councilman Breider asked if it would be in order to set the public Hearing for May 14, 19737 Mr. Clark said there is a memo on file stating the � Public Hearing would 6e May 7, 1973. Councilman Breider said this was not a regular hearing meeting. Mr. Clark said the date could be changed if the Council so wished. He added, he hoped this would be possible considering the time, Councilman Breider said the schedule for the regular public hearing meeting of May 14, 1973 is already very heavy. Mayor Liebl said this is three weeks from the present time. Mr. Clark said there was nothing controversial about the matter, the only consideration would 6e the time requirement. MOTION by Councilman Breider to set the pu6lic Hearing on the rezoning request by Robert Schroer for May 7, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried una�imously. PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT, PLS. #73-02, INNSBRUCK NORTH TOWNHOUSES PHASE IV AND V, BY DARREL A. FARR DEVELOPMENT: Mr. Clark said this item had been continued at the Planning Commission level. Mr. Clark said if the Planning Commission made a decision on the matter, � the administration could advertise the Public Hearing for May 14, 1973. Mr. Clark added, if the Public Hearing is not set this would delay the matter until June. 16 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 PAGE 16 MOTION by Councilman Utter to set a Pub�ic Hearing on the prelimrnary plan by Darrel A. Farr Development for May 14, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT. P. 5, �#73-04, VEIT'S SECOND ADDITID N. BY LONDA ENGLUND Mr. Clark said the Planning Commission had recommended approval of the pre- liminary plat. He said a Public Hearing could be set. MOTION by Councilman Nee to set a Public Hearing on the Preliminary Plat requested hy Londa Englund for May 14, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motSon carried unanimously. EXTENSION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP. #`r71-04, GREEN GIANT HOME AND GARDEN CENTER POOL CENTER: Mr. Clark said the extension had been continued at the Planning Commission level. CONSIDERATION OF NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY PROPOSAL: MOTION by Councilman Utter to concur with the planning Commission members who believe it would not be in the best interest of the City to add the National Guard Facility to its many other pro�ects. Seconded by Council- man Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REPLAT Of BLOCK 10, INNSBRUCK NORTH TOWNHOUSES. FIRST ADDITION. REQUESTED BY VIEWCON: Mr. Clark said he wouldlike to add this item and set a public Hea n ng on the item for May 14, 1973• He explained there had bee� some confusion �n construction which directs the jogging of lot lines which are not straight. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to set a public Hearing on the replat request by Viewcon for May 14, 1973• Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mQtion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of April 4, 1973. Seconded by Councilman lJtter. Upon a voice vote, all vot m g aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS DESIGN CONTROL MEETING OF APRIL 5. 1973: �J � � �� � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 PAGE 17 Mr. Clark sa�d the Building Standards and Design Control Committee had recommended approval of the request. Mr, Clark said the contractor was unable to get the proposed vertical siding so he has submitted the request for the change to stucco. Mayor Liebl asked what this would do to the concept oi the building7 Mr. Clark said_it simply meant_that sometHing that was planned to be dark would be light. It"would be ea'sier to maintain, he added. Mayor Liebl said the guilding Standards Design Control Subcommittee had stated there would 6e two stipulations, a final plan was to 6e sumbitted and also, there would be permanent concrete curbing installed. MOTION 6y Councilman Breider to concur with the Building Standard Design Control Subcommittee and approve the request with the two stipulations recommended by the Committee. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lie61 declared the motion carried unanimously. REQUEST TO CDNSTRUCT COLD STORAGE AREA, SHOREWOOD INN, 6161 HIGHWAY ��65: Mr. Clark said the request had been approved by the Building Standards Design Control Subcommittee and had been directed to the goard of Appeals for their consideration. He added, it must be determined if the cooler would be permanent or temporary. He said it would most likely be a permanent installation. Mr, Clark recommended the Council table the matter u�til the Board of Appeals has acted on the variance. MOTION by Councilman Utter to table the matter until the Board of Appeals makes Yheir recommendations. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. William Nicklow if he understood the action taken. Mr. Clark explained to Mr. Nicklow that the administration had to make a determination on whether the addition would be permanent or temporary. He said he thought their decision would be that this would be a permanent part of the structure. FOR THE PURPOSE OF OFFICE SERVICE AND Mr. Clark said there would be no antenna on the top of the structure. A representative of General Television said all of the antennas would be housed in the bell tower section of the building. Mayor Liebl asked if there would be a drainage problem� The representative � said the drawings have not been submitted. He said he planned to purchase the property the next Tuesday �� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 PAGE 18 Councilman Breider asked how the building would set on the property. Mayor Liebl said the bu�ld mg would face the Bank. Mr. Clark said the building would set east of and across the street from the drive in bank portion. Councilman Breider questioned where the tower would face. The representa- tive said this would be on the north corner. Mayor Liebl said when the Council adopts the final plan he would like to see an artist drawing with some aesthetic viewpoints and the final land- scape plan. He said this property is in the heart of the C rty and it is important for the Council to know what they are approving. MOTION by Councilman Breider to concur with the Buildings Standards Design Control Committee and their stipulations with a fourth stipulation that alt antennas will be enclosed i� the Bell Tower section of the building. Seconded 6y Cou�cilman Utter. The representative of the General Television Company said this was the reason for the Bell tower. Councilman Starwalt asked if there would be identifying signs on the stiru- ture or tower� Mr. Ned Cogswell of General Television said this had not been decided. He said they had only talked about it at this point. Councilman Nee said he thought it would be a very handsome 6uilding and a good idea. UPON A VOICE VOTE, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebi declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Lie61 directed the representative from General Television to return to the Council with the final plans. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE GREEN GIANT HOME AND GARDEN CENTER, POOL CENTER: Mr, Clark said this item had been continued. MOTION by Councilman Breider to table the request for approval of site development p]an for the Green Giant Nome and Garden Center, Pool Center: Seconded by Couneilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carn ed unanimously. REQUEST FOR THE APPROVAL OF THE BUILDING OF A PROPOSED WAREHOUSE LOCATED AT 7880 MAIN ST., BY PACO MASONRY, INC.: Mr. Clark said this item had been continued. MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the minutes of the Bw lding Standards - Qesign Control Subcommittee meeting of April 5, 197�• Seconded by Councilman Utter. Uaon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion ' carried unanimously. 1 , � 19 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 PAGE 19 RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OE APRIL 10, 1973: � REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.013 , FRIDL�Y CITY CODE, TO REDllCE THE REQUIREMENT SIDE YARD SETSACK FROM 15 FEET TO 6 FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION, SHOREWOOD INN 6161 HIGHY7AY ��65 BY WILLIAM NICKLOW� Mr. C1ark said this had been previously discussed and was concerning the request by the Shorewood Inn and wouLd be brought back at the next Council meeting REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 56.D5 3C, FRIDLEY SIGN ORDINANCE TO INCREASE THE SIZE OF AN ALREADY NON-CONFORMING AREA IDENTIFICATION SIGN FROM 279 SQUARE FEET (110 FEET MAXIMIIM) TO 312 SQUARE FEET TO ALLOW THE ADDITION OF TWO PANELS ONTO THE SKYWOOD MALL AREA IDEIVTIFICATION PYLON BY SIGNCRAFTER'S, INC. Mr. Clark said the Board of Appeals had recommended the request be denied. He said the Board of Appeals hoped the administration and the owner of the shopping center could work out plans for a new type of sign. He said they would like to see a unlform type of construction with a directory. A representative of the sign company said there are 15 of 20 signs out there now, he said he thought there was room for one mare. He said the business needs the sign or they would not ask for it, Councilman Starwalt asked if the denial wouLd prevent the business from constructing a sign for six months? The City Attorney said not on a sign permit. � MOTION by Councilman Staswalt to concur with the Board of Appeals and that the staff will be directed to work with the property owner and tenanes for the satisfactory solution to the sign problem. The representative of the sign company said he had tried to work with the owner of the shopping center for five years to build a new sign and it has not worked. SECONDED by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, 4, B4, FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUC� THE REQU7RED SIDE YARD ADJOINING AV ATTACHED GARAGE FROM 5 FEET TO 4 F�ET 9 INCHES: TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING AND GARAGE TO BE LOCATED AT 1653 BRIARDALE ROAD N.E. BY RICHARD MILLER HOMES: Mr. Clark said the variance was from five feet to 4 feet 9 inches. Mr. Clark said there was also more to the item. He said there must be a vacation ordinance processed too. He said the foundat�on is r�ght on the 1ot 1ine. He said this was a vacation of the easement. MOTION by CounciLman Starwalt to grant the side yard variance to Richard Mi11er Aomes. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a11 votiag aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously. � MOTION by Councilnan Bxeidex to receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of April 10, 1973. Seconded by CounciLman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously 20 �. � z u�GULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRlL 16, 1973 PAGE 20 REfEiVING THE �hiNL;-ES OF_THE P.ORTH PARK CDMMITTEE MEETING OF APSt1L 5, 1973: �'�TION by Councilman Br4fder to receive the mi��rtes of the }�orth Park C�ri,mittee rleec;nq cf Ap n? 5, 1G73� Seconded by Counciimu-t ;Jtter. Upon a voice vcte, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carn ed uranimousiy. R TO ANOKA COUNTY HEALTH DE 0 M�T!Q�! by Councilman Uttsr. Ua:�n a va�ce car;-,ed urianimo�sly. 6reider to approve ;he letter. Seconded by �ouncilman ��o�F, al; uotEny ay�, �ayat- Lieb1 dec)ar�d tha mot�on G0�lSIpER,4TI0N OF APPROVAL OF A;REEMENT WITH FR.4NK GASRELCIK. SP. #7Z-19 FF;�I�IK'S U_-�? CAR LOT: Mayor L�eSI asked the City Manager ir he haa any recommendations. The City Maria- ger said Mr. Clarlc had handled the matter. He >�id it had been �aorked .n� by the Planning Commission and Mr. Clark. The City Manager said an agreement had bean sart to Mr. Gabrelcik. Ne said Mr. Gabreicik was present at the ma�tiny. Mr. Clark said Mr. Gabrelcik had 6een in his offiee la;t Friday. He added, some of the stipulations he would not agree �ith. He said 'ne would like 1qr, Gabrelcik to teii the Council his oFinion on the agreemenY. Mayor Liebl suggested going over the stipulations one at a time. Mr, Gahrelci4. said he would not think the idea af fenc�ng would be too had ifi he were aSle to use slats or chain w rth metal or o-rood �rserted for screening. He said h° had a few things that are not taken care of but he hacl tried to put everyth�r�g i�e could in the fenced area Mayor Liebl asKCd Mr. Gabrs�crk if hc h�d taken care oT am� of the items. Mr. Gabrelcik said he had af e�N nore cars there, but hG hoped to clear out same of tfie stock. Mayor Liebl asked fiim if he nad ramoo�ed the cars on �rd Street. Mayor Liahl said all of the cars on 3rd Street and also 58th A�ienue are to ba remo�red i�efore July i, 1973• Mr. G�`�relcil< =cid he may need an extansion in tims, but hz wouid sureiy try to meet �he dezdline, Counc+liTian Nee asked if the fence could be up by Juiy i, 1973. Mr. Gabr�icik said he taould try. He said the taxes had gone up, and he would have troi�bie putting up the fence, Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Gabrelcik if he was trying to sel7 ihe property? }ie said yes. He added, there may be someone interested in it thaY would want to use it for some other type of 6usiness. � � Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Gabr2lcik how ma�y years he nad Seen operating the business in that location7 Mr. Gabrelcik said 23 years. Mayor Liebi said he had been p3ying taxes on the property for 23 years. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Gabrelcik if he , planned to have the business next year. Mr. Gabrelcik said he would if he could not sell it. � �� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 PAGE 21 � Mayor Liebl referred to item number six saying the entire drive should be blar_k topped by July, 1975, He told Mr. Gabralcik if ne is still in business two _ years from now, it would'nave to be blacktopped and curo�ng �NOUId i�ave to be installed. Mr. Gabrelw k said C�e would not like to d� this if he c�uld get a buyer for the property. He said he would be putting curbing through the middle of the property. Councilman Nee said the things they would expect to have done may work. He agreed with the deletion of item number six at this time, Councilman Nee said he would like to see some area in which he was helping the neigi�b�rnood. He co�tinued, saying he had �ust been by tne property and all of the trash was still therz. He said he would like to see some example that something was going to be done. Councilman Nee said the present cond rtion is not fair to tne neightuor- hood, Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Gabrelcik if he would agraa to some of the stipulations"+ He said iie was not talking about the $l0,OD0 items, bu� those as not parking the cars on 59th� Mr. Gabrelcik said yes, he was �NOrking on this rtzm. MDTION 6y Couu�cilman Nee to table the matter until the meeting of May 7, 19J3. Mayor Liebl a;ked Mr. Gabrelcik if he would do some cleaning up7 i�1r. Gabrzlcik said the fence would take care of a lot oF the material. Councilman IVze askzd Mr. Gabrelcik why he needed all of that junk and whPre he planned to put it, Mr. Ga,Srelcik said he planned to put it withi� the fenr�ng, , Mr. �abrelcik said he was req w red to maintain four si�es of nis properLy. He — added, there is no alley. He said all others nave an alley and some place to park. Councilman Nee said if he lived tner� and brougnt his mother therz for th° fir�t time ne would ��ot be very �rou�l of tne neighbornood. He said the otner peo;�le in the neignborhood ar� wor!<rng at the pr�jecc. Councilman Nee said itir. GaSrelci'< is the ona who is craat�ng the probleino Councilman Breider asked if this proposal to eliminate number five and six would be agreeable if Mr. Gabrelcik would be allowed 2'—z months to comply with the stipulations? Councilman Nee told Mr. Gabrelcik if he signed the agreement and did not comply with the stipulations, it would be a misdemeanor. Councilman Breider asked Mr. Ga6relcik if he would sign the agreement including items number five and six. Mr. Gabrelcik said he would sign an agreement to this effect when the other people in the same business have to do the same things. MOTION by Councilman Nee to execute the Special Use Permit Agreement with Mr. Gabrelcik, deleting items number five and six of the agreement and that the fencing be metail with slats installed for privacy. Seconded by Councilman Breider. � Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried u�animously. �� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 RECESS: Mayor Liebl called a ten minute recess at 10.45 p.m. RECONVENED: Mayor Liebl reconvened the meeting at 11:02 p.m. PAGE 22 11 (MOD MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve Change Order #1 for Water Improvement Pro�ect �111. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lie61 declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION DF APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER �M-1 TO INCREASE SIZE OF WATER SER- VICE TO LIQUOR FROM 4" TO 6" LINE: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to concur with the recorranendation of the adminis- tration and install 6" line instead of 4" line to the Liquor Store. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl deciared the motion carried unanimously. ' RESOLUTION �#55-1973 - APPOINTING, REAPPOINTING, AND CONFIRMING EXISTING APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND SUBCOMMITTEES FOR THE YEAR ' 197�: MOTION by Counu lman Utter to approve Councilman Breider as Mayor r'ro Tem. for the year 1973• Seconded by Louncilman Nee. Mayor Liebl said it had been the custom of the Council to appoint the Council- man at Large as Mayor Pro Tem, but as Councilman Utter is the Councilman at Large and had made the motion to appoint Councilman Breider, he felt Councilman Utter was in agreement w rth the approval of Councilman Breider. The City Attorney said this would be up to the Council. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all votiny aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mQtion carried unanimously. Councilman Nee said he had nominated Mr. Douglas 011ila, 6310 Able Street N.E, to the Human Relations Committee and he would be able to serve, but he is not a resident of Ward one, he would have to serve as a member at Large. Mayor Liebl said he had tried to call Ms. Katherine Moss, a present member, three times and was not able to reach her. Councilman Nee said he believed Mr. 011ila would haveedropped out of the commi- ttee in favor of the appointment of Ms. Moss. Mayor Liebl asked Councilman Nee if Mr. 011ila had said this. Councilman Nee said Mr. 011ila m dicated he would , serve on the Committee. � � REGUZAR COUNCIZ MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 PAGE 23 Mayox Lieb1 said the Council would like to have dlfferent people serve on the Committees. He sa%d he had no ob�ectio❑ to Ms. Moss serving on the Committee again. Councilman Breider said it wouLd be possible to move Sister Paula Ripple from the at Large catagory and place her in the Ward One catagory, as this is where she resides. He added, this way Mr. 011ila could be placed in the At Large cata- gory. He also suggested leaving Ms. Moss on the Committee and appointing Mr. 011i1a to the Committee in thls manner if any one dropped from the Committee. Councilman Breider said he would like to make the following new nominations to the Fridley Industr�11 Deveiopment Coramission� Gerald W. T�ader 6563 Fridley Street Ray Sheridan 1301 Hi11 Wind Rd. Robert Peterson 480 Rice Greek Boulevard Robert White 7380 Concerto Curve Dick Harris Duane Pra�rie 6200 Riverview Terrace 489 Rice Creek Terrace Mayor Liebl asked if there were any additional questions. There were none. Mayor Lie61 called the Council's attention to the listing of the members of the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority saying T'Ir, Charles Hall would have to be replaced as a member of the Committee as he is no longer in the City. Mayor Lieb1 said he would like to make one appotntment to the Committee to re- place Mr. Carl Paulson. The Mayor�s nomination was Mr. Russell Houck, 750 OverCon Drive, Fridley. Mayor Liebl suggested Ms. Agnes Wo1f as a possible replacement for Charles Hall, Councilman Starw.�lt said he would like to reserve this nominatioa for a member from his ward. He added, he would furnish the name of his nomination before the close of the meeting. Mayor Liebl said they had not received any notification from Mr. Hall stating he had moved from the City. Mayor Liebl said a copy of the orgaaization chart of the various Commissions, Committees, and Subcommittees should be sent to the Chaiaman of each CommiCtee, enabling h1m to have reference to the make up of the CommitCee. Councilman Starwalt said he would like to t�ominate Jerry Orton, 7418 Stinson Boulevard, N.E. 786-8855, as the replacement for Mr. Charles Ha11 to the Housing and Redeoelopment Authority. �� , MOTION by Councilman Uttex to adopt Resolution ��55-1973 appointing, reappointing, and confirming the existing appointments to the various Commissions, Boards, Committees, and Subcommrttees. Seconded by CounciLman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all_voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mobion carried unanimously. �� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 PAGE 24 The following is a list of the appoiatments to the various Boards,,Commissions, Committees, and Subcommittees; Appointed Chairman Chairman, Plats & Subs Chairman, Bldg. Stnds Chairman, Bd, AppeaLs Chairman, Parks & Rec MAYQ2 PRO TEM Councilman Tim Breider 7550 Tempo Terrace PLANNING COMMISSION (Ordinance �k348) PRESENT AND NEWLY APPOINTED OR REAPPOINTED MEMSERS Edward Fitzpatrick 5273 Horizon Drive �'�*(H. 560-5318) Richard Harris 6200 Riverview Terrace (H. 560-2491) Hubert LindbLad 160 Crown Road (H. 560-5145) TERM EXPIRES MEMBER REPLACED 4-1-76 4-1-76 4-1-74 William Drigans 4-1-76 1060 Lyade Drive N.E. (H. 788-1930)(B.543-2851-4210) Oliver R. Erickson Eldon Schmedeke George Zeglen Robert Minish Donald Blair 4-1-75 Edward Fitzpatrick 206 Rice Creek Blvd. (H.786-1787)(B.421-7600) �%(Home Telephone No.)(Business Telephone No,) SUB-COMMITTEES OF PLANNING COMMISSION PRESENT AND NEWLY APPOINTED OA REAPPOINTED MEMBERS TERM EXPIRES' MEMBER REPLACED Plats and Subdivisions - Streets and Utilities (3 Year Term - 5 Members)'(Section 40) Chairmen Richard Harris 6200 Riverview Terrace (H. 560-2491) Soe Christensen 460 - 67th Avenue N.E. (H. 560-3041) George Meissner 376 Mississippi Street (H. 560-1026)(B.456-2320) 4-1-76 4-1-76 4-1-74 Eldon Schmedeke Philip Engdahl 1 ' ' �� REGIILAA COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 PAGE 25 � SUBCOA4MLTTEES OF PLANNING COMMZSSION (Con't.) Chairmen Richard D. French 4-1-75 1469 Gardena Avenue N.E. (H. 788-5425)(B. 560-9261x485) William J. Forster 4-1-75 7539 Tempo Terrace (H. 784-8360)(B. 786-6322) Building Standards - Design Control (1 Year Term - 5 Members)(Ordinance �'k351) Chairmen Hubert Lindblad 4-1-74 George Zeglen 160 Crown Aoad (H.560-5148) Wayne Simoneau 4-1-74 Reappo�nted 465 57th Place N.E. (H.560-5268)(B,332-a991) Ms. Pat Cariolano 4-1-74 Robeet White 6040 Sth Street N.E. (H.560-2765) � William R. Tonco 4-1-74 Reappointed 5925 Aackmann Avenue, (H.788-2852) Ms. Aelen Treuenfels 4-1-74 Hubert Lindblad 5248 Horizon Drive N.E. (H.560-5907) Board of Appeals (3 Yeax Term - 5 Memhers)(Chapter 45.18) Chairmen William Drigans 4-1-76 Robert Minish 1060 Lynde Drive N.E. (H.788-1930)(B.545-2851x4210) Ms. Phyllis Myking 4-1-76 Hans Sondheimer 6151 6th Street N.E. (H.560-3564) Mrs. Virginia Wahlberg 4-1-75 1452 Windemere Drive (H.788-3318) Dick Har�u 4-1-74 515 57th P1ace (H.560-7Q83) � Harry Crowder 4-1-75 146 - 63rd Way (H.560-5821) �� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 PAGE 26 PRESENT AND NEWLY APPOINTED OR REAPPOINTED MEMBERS TERM EXPIRES MEMBER REPLACED Parks and Recreation Commission (3 Year Term - 5 Members) ( Ordinance ik314) Chairmen Donald BLair 4-1-75 Edward Fitzpatrick 206 Rice Creek Blvd. (H.786-1757)(B,421-7600) Harvey Wagar 4-1-74 5940 Stinson B1vd. (H.788-4660) Gary Stimmler 4-1-74 7841 Alden Way N.E. (H.784-0859)(B.646-9433 Ms. Shirley Caldwell 4-1-76 Donald Blair 5874 Hackmann Avenue N.E. (H.788-6973) Robert Peterson 4-1-76 Terry Kirkham 480 Rice Creek Blvd. (H.784-8278) HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE (Resolution ��271-1964) PRESENT AND NEWLY APPOINTED OR REAPPOINTED MEMBERS TERM EXPIRES MEMBER REPLACED WARD 1 Ms. Katherine Moss 4-1-76 Reappointed 1021 Rice Creek Blvd. (H.560-1342) Ms. Bonnie 0'Dell 4-1-75 7542 Tempo Terrace (FSnl2sted) � Ms. Carolyn Rouse 4-1-74 210 Rice Creek Blvd. (H.786-7132) , WARD 2 Ms. Karen packer 1088 Hackmann Circle (H.788-4335) ➢an Fish 7501 Lakeside Roac� N.E. (I1. 786-5127) Paul Shaw 6380 Madison Street (H.560-1767) 4-1-75 4-1-76 4-1-74 Mrs. Domingo Ramos ' ' ' I I u tiEGUI�.ii C�1[�NCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 W�1RD 3 AT LAFGE HUM.9N RELATIONS COMMITTEE CON'T. PRESENT AND NEWLY APPOINTED OK RZ.AEPOSNTED MEMBERS TERM EXPIRES Raymond Renner 4-1-76 1564 Gardena Avenue (H.788-5014) Adolph Kukowski 6131 Sth Street N.E. (H.560-6469) Ms. Merrilyn Belgum 191 Hartman Circle (H.786-1191) Sister Paula Ripple 6232 Sth Street (H,560-9481) Leonard V. tind 1620 - 75th Avenue N.E. � (H.784-4367) Ms. 3oyce Benson 6025 McKlnley St. (AJ89-3474) � 4-1-74 4-1-75 4-1-75 4-i-7b !`F- I- i'6 Ci�KIRt�L>� James Lar,genield 4-I-i5 74 N,E. 63-'� Way N.E. (H.560-1969) Rev. Douglus �S. Hsndersan 4-Z-74 6175 Central A�renue (x.784-4896) Ms. Eileen Stenberg 4-1-74 6060 Woody Laae (H.788-7$19) SOAP,P OF HEALTH (CHAPT�R 36) (3YE2.R TE;RM - 3:�MBE%S) Health Dr. C. E. Turbak Officer 23 Rice Creek Way P?,E. 4-1-76 (H.560-1470)(B.560-2820} Dr. Donald L. Wright 101 Logan Parkway 4-1-76 Public Health Harvey S. McPhee Sanitariaa 3463 Zarthan Avenue So. 4-1-76 St. Louis Park, 55416 , `� �.� PAGE 27 MEMBER REPLACED Theron Horn John ivers (Resigned 10/24/72) Pis. Diane Bc��ime (RESig�ed Sr'��i72) Rev, Saa,es PYc.C,hesney Wa F. St�rwalt_ (Ceei�,ne�3 �%Sfi2} Dr. H. 5. Strait 0 >. F,EGIILAR COU[vCIL NiEETING OT APP,1-L 16, 2973 PACE 28 - —� --- � � � "` �RESENT AN➢ :��WLY AFPdINTED OR P.EAPPOIITLD r��;BERS TERM EXPIRES .��',M73E'�t REPLACED ` POLICE CC:i�1ISSI0N (3 Yezr Term - 3:�iembers) (C1�apter 25) Dan S. Sullivan 4-1-76 Reappointed ll61 Regis Lane ' (H.788-2294} Don Cisar _ 4-1-75 540 Cheri Circle (H.550-4894) idilbur Whitmore 4-1-74 440 Rice Creek Terrace (11. 560-3028) Ai�'OF:F_ COi':�TY �i; F.I�FOP.CLI�ST _r,pll^�CII, (1 kepresentative and 1 Alternate)� _ Councilnan Tim Breider 12-31-73 Rea�nainLesi Representative � Conncilman Everett Utter 12-31-73 Rea�,gs��iate� � Alternate SIIT3?lic3AS RP.TE AUTHOF.ITY (1 Member and 1 Alternaee} Councilman Everett UtCer 12-31-73 Uecr�Tr� ��Ii��elstadt Member Councilman Walt Sta=walt 12-31-73 EvFrett C�t��er Alterna*e \pRTH SUBURBAIv SSi-JER SERtiICE bOSP.D REPRESE::TATIti"E (Z Representati.vej Councilman Walt Starwalt 12-31-73 �c�bes: ?Celu6aw Representative M.SYOP.TS A"ID COUVCIL'S REPRESEnT_ATIVE TQ THE CHAMBER OF CO�RCE (Z Year ?'erm` Councilman Walt Staxwait 12-31-73 Rabeat FicPshsw Representative MAYOR°S AI�TD COL'NCIL'S REPRESENTATIVE TO THE ANOKA COUNTY ASSOC7ATIpid OF MUiICf'IPAT,ITIES (1 Year Tetm) + Mayor Frank Liebl Eepresentative s 12-31-73 Robert Kelshaw � ' =A �: ,� � ' � REGULAR COlTNCII. MEETING QF APRIL 16, 1973 PAGE 29 A F_Sll=rY 1NDUSTP.rAL DEVELOPMENT COMNfISSION (No date oY expiration or specific num- ber ur members designated) C:�airtrian PRESENT MEMBE$S Donald A. Mittelstadt E940 Hickory Drive (H.784-9172)(B,633-6170x5210) L. E. Torrey I.694 at Main Street (H.561-2565)(B,560-4100) Gus Doty 175 Logan Parkway (H.784-7893) Jim Stafford SOS - 502 N.E. (H.788-7632) N�W NS�MBERS APPnZN'�D Gerald W. T�ader 6563 Fridley Street (H.784-0102) Ray Sheridan 1301 Hillwind Road (H.788-6130) Dick Harris 6200 Riverview Terrace (H.560-2491) RoUert H. Schroer 7886 Fircaood Way (H.784-9231)(B.786-6222) George 7eglen 841 Rice Creek (H.560-SQ46) Robert M. Pierce 609 Bennett Drive (Y..SoO-365p) Don Wa11 6850 Washington Street {H.560-2272) koberL Pat��e_�on 48L1 K�ce �rea�; ^n1�d. (H. 7E;4-�278� Keb2rt tvh�.te 73BG C:�nce�ttc CT:rve �.�i. I'"'Jj{"�7��1J Dca�e Praizie 4�:' �2ice C;ree�C �erracP (A.��0-33�r3y FKIDLEY ET:VIRONI�NTAL QUALITY COT1iZI55IQ1V �Qrdinaace y'F52Q) {7 ?lemtz2ss - 3�_°ea� Ter:ns AT LARGE Chairman Robert L. Buckley 4-1-7b i�ew Co�nissioII. 54 Locke I,ake �ioa3 �il new :�e�ba�s (H.784-2258j(B.>21-3581� appr�_nted 3%19f73 'v7ARll ONE WARD 7SJ0 Ronald F. Burtan 741 Pandora Drive (H.560-1626) (8.560-6iQ�0) Ms. Shixley Kennedy 6857 7th Street (H.56�-4018} Thomas S. Sullivan 1350 Gardena Avenue (H.788-3557)(B.788-9116) m 4-1-74 4-2-35 4-1-74 ' `.J � � , ' REGUI,AR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 FRIDLEY EN�IRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION CON'T. WARD 7W0 WARD THREE Roger Kaye, Jr. 585 Rice Creek Terrace (H.560-1752)(B.861-4507) James Langenfeld 79 63� Way N.E. (H,560-1969)(B.827-2811) Ms. Mary Martin 133 Stonybrook Way N.E. (H.784-8770) 4-1-76 4-1-75 4-1-76 FAIDLEY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTAORITY (5 Members)(5 Yeax Texm) Chairman Stan W. Carlson 6219 Baker Street (H.560-2046) M. Mahurin 6375 Dellwood Drive (H.784-9186) Pastor Arnold Stone 6950 Hickory Drive (H.784-9394) .Terry Orton 7418 Stinson Boulevard (H.786-8855) Russell Houck 750 Overton Urive (H.560-3249) 6-9�74 6-9-75 6-9-73 6-9-76 6-9-77 PAGE 29 Charles Hall (Moved fram Ci,ty) Carl Paulson RE54LUTION y�56-1973 - URGING THE PASSAGE OF AOUSE FILE 1463 RELATING TO INTOXICA- TING LIQUOR, REMOVING THE CEIL7IVG ON THE NUMSER OF ON-SALE LIQUOR LICENSES: MOTIION by Councilman Breider to adopt reso,lation ��56-1973 - Urging the Passage of House File 1463. Seconded 6y Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION �k57-1973 - IN OPPOSITION TO SENATE FILE 1481 RELATING TO INTOXICATING LIQIIOR, THE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL OFF-SALE WINE LICENSES TO GENERAL FOOD STORES: MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution 1481 opposing passage of Senate File 14$1. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a ooice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. �� 30 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OP APRIL 16, 1973 PAGE 30 RESOLUTION �� 58-1973 - IN OPPOSITION TO THE PASSAGE OF HOUSE FILE 1506 RELATILVG TO ELECTIONS, PROVIDING FOR REGISTRATION OF THE ELDERLY AND DISASLED AT THEIR RESID�NCES• MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution�FS&L973 opposing passage of House Fi1e 1506. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTIDN 4�59-1973 - IN OPPOSITION TO THE PASSAGE OF HOUSE FILE 1389 RELATING TO ELECTIONS, ESTABLISHING A UNIFORM ELECTION DAY, REQUTRING THE SEPARATE ELECTION OP ALL OFFICERS, LIMIT7NG SPEC7AL ELECTIONS: Councilman Starwalt said he thought it should be a matter of record that the Council does not oppose a uniform day for elections, but it is mechanically unfeasible for the City to accomplish this. He added, he thought a uniform day for School District Elections would also be favored by the City. MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution �j�59-1973 in opposition to House File 1389. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. NAME POSITION SALARY _EFFECTIVE'DATEC REPLACES Clarion Kastama Operations & $768 per April 17, Wayne Ek 4550 Central Ave. N.E. Maintenance man month 1973 Hilltop, Minnesota (Sewer Section) Public Works Dept. MOTION by Councilman Utter to appoint Clarion Kastama, Operations and maintenance Man effective Apri1 Y7, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, al1 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motron carried unanimously. NAME POSITION SALARY Robert H. Friegang Patrolman $$28 Richfield per month EFFECTIVE DATE April 30, 1973 RE PLACE S New (Replaces the appointment of Jerry Huntley last month Mr. Huntley declined the appointment. MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the appointment of Robert H. Friegang as a a new patrolman, effective April 30, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motinn carried unanimou"sly. CLAINLS: GENERAL 31554 - 31686 LIQUOR 7673 - 7721 MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the Claims. Seconded by Councilman Utter IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. 1 � � ,.: 0 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 PAGE 31 �i � ' CONTRACTOR'S LICENSES TO BS APPROVED BY COi1NCIL 6T Ti�IR REGULAR MEETING G:�T APRIL 16, 1973 BLACKTOPPING APPROVED SY Asphalt Driveway Company 1211 East Highway 9k36 St. Paul, Minnesota By: Kenneth G. Smith C. Belisle RENEWAL , � +�.� :Iinnesota Roadways Company S10 County Road �jk3 Hopkins� Minnesota Modern Roadways Company 1620 Winnetka Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota Pioneer Blacktop Inc. 7608 - 68th Avenue Narth Brooklyn Park, M=nnesota IInited Asphalt Go,, Inc. 331 Coon Rapids Boulevard Coon Rapids, Minnesota By: L. Lanan By: Edgar R. Smith By: Arthur Scherber By: Gaxy Anderson EXCAVATING Carl Bolander & Sons Co. 2933 Pleasant Avenue South Minneapolis� Minnesota By: Roy Erickson Brighton Excavating 1920 Highway �F96 New Brighton, Minnesota kouser Corporation 55 - 77th Way bI.E. Fridley, Minnesota By: Geroge Indykiewicz By: Edgar T�. Houser Julian M. 7ohnson Construction Corp. 1229 Osborne Road Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Julian �I. Johnson Park Constxuction Compazry 7900 Beech Stxeet N.E, Fridley, Minnesota By: R. N. Carlson Ted Renollett 927 Andover Boulevard N.E. Anoka, Minnesota By: Ted Renallett C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisl� C. �elisle C. Belisie C. Belisle C. Eelisle C. Belisle C. Belisle RENE4IAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RiI�'EWAL I'� RENE4TAL REIQEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL FEDTE4IAL _� �� REGULAR COUi��IL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 0 Licenses For Council Page 2 Rosetown Sanitation 10732 Hanson Boulevard Coon Rapids, Minnesota By: Walter Hermes GAS SERVICES Advanced Heating & Air Cond. Znc. 7805 B4ech Street N.E. Fridley, Minnesota By: Donald Hodsdon Air Comfort Inc. 3300 Gorham Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Donal Ruden Blue Flame Contractors 6989 Washington Avenue South Ed�.na, Minnesota - By: Thomas Willis Serghorst Plumbing & Heating 10732 Hanson $oulevard Coon Rapids, Minnesota By: Kenneth Berghorst Cronstroms Heating & Air Cond. Inc. 4410 Excelsior Boulevard Minneapolis, Minnesota Sy: Lowell Andersan ,Louis DeGidio Oil & Gas Sales — & Service Inc. 6501 Cedar Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota By: I.ouis DeGidio Egan & Sons Company 7100 Piedicine Lake Road Minneapolis, Minnesota By: A1 Smith Frank's Heating & Sheet Metal Co. 2531 Marshall Street N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Frank Vogt Gas Supply Inc. 2238 Edgewood Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota By: 5. Wavickas T. D. Gusta£son Company 1800 West Highway Ak13 Burnsville� Minnesota By: Roy Gustafson Ideal Sheet Metal Inc. 544 Su�it Street N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: A. Vasenius PAGE 32 C. Belisle W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin _ W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin � RENELJAL RENEWAL RENETdAL RENEWAL RF.NFWAT. RENEW� RENEWAL RENEFlE1L RE1i'EWAL RENEWAT. RE�IEWAL , RENEWAI. �� � REGULAR COIINCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 Kal's Plumbing & Heating 7i01 West Palmer Lake Drive N. Bruoklyn Center, Minnesota Lp Gas Equipment� Inc. 539 North Cleveland Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota I�xinneagolis Gas Company 733 Marquette Avenue PAGE 33 By: Edward Kalesziewski W. Sandin By: William Huestis ii;.nneapolis, Minnesota By: Donald Brown Clarence E, Nelson Heating S� Air Cond. 200 West Aayden Lake Road Champlin, Minnesota Bp: Clarence Nelson Rc�yslton Heating & Cooling Co. 4I2G - SSth Avenue North Arooklyn Park, Minnesota � By: William Stewart &t. Marie Sheet Metal Inc. 7440 Spring Lake Road Mi�ineapolis� Minnesota By: Louia St. Maxie Geo. §edgwick Heating & Air Cond. Ca, lOpl Xenia Avenue South Golden Valley, Minnesota Sp: Stanley Snyder Spxing Plumbiag Comgany, Inc. 95�0 West Bloomington Freeway Minneapolis� Minnesota By: Marbert Heintz Standard Heating & Air Cond. Co. 410 West Lake Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Suhurban Air Conditioning Co. 8419 Center Drive Mtinneapolis, Mfnnesota 3upe=iox Gontractors Ine, 6121 - 42nd Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota Te.�cgas Corporation � 1430 Old Highway �8 New Brighton, Minnesata Fred Vogt & Company 3260 Gorham Avenue St. Louis Park, Minnesota By: Tony Ferrara Bp: K. W. Chinandex By: Donald Aoglund By: Chazles Link By: Fred Vogt W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin �nT. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin 33 RENEWAL RENEkTAL RENE4.TAL RENEWAL RERTEWAL �rr*sw�. RENEL7AL fiEN.y.'[v'AL BENEF7f�I. EtErIEWAI. s ���tT�Ti�■ RENEWAL RENEWAL �. REGULAR COUNCIL MEE�ING OF APRTL 16, 1}73 Licenses For Council GENERAL CONTRACTOR Adolfson & Peterson, Inc. 6701 West 23rd Street Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Gordon Peterson Approved Contractors� Inc. . 1052 Osborne Road N.E. Fridley, Minnesota By: Roger Larson Aquarius Swi�ning Pool Co., Inc. 16900 Cedar Avenue South PAGE 34 C. HeliuZe c. Belisle Rasemount, Minnesota &ye Maynard Nickelson G. Beiisle Sauer the Builder 302 South Cedar Lake Road Minneapolis, Minnesota . $y: Harlan Bauer P.odney Billman, Inc. 151 Silver Lake Road New Brighton, Minnesota By: Rodney Billman Cagp Homes Div. of Evans Products Co. 3355 Hiawatha Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Bob Torborg Car-Don Constxuction & Niasanxy Inc. 1729 Cxystal Avenue St. Paul� Minnesota By: Don Palme Castle Homes, Inc. 7625 iiighway ��65 N.E. Fridley, Minnesota By: David Rotter Childs Construction Companp 110 West County koad F St. Paul, Minnesota By: George Childs Conanercial Eiectors Inc. 5298 Filmore Street N,E. Fridley, Minnesota By: Mike 0'Bannon Cooper Construction Company 5437 University Avenue N.E. Minneapolis� Minnesota By: Luther Martinson Vern Donnay Realty, Inc. � 3030 Harbor Lane Minneapolis� Minnesota By: Vern Donnay Iven Dostaler 6358 Willow Lane Minneapolis� Minnesota By; Iven Dostaler C. Beiisle C. Belisle C, Sei�.�le G. Be:.isle Ca BzTisle C. Bel.Asle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle .4. � � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 Landvest Constr.�ction Company 2828 Sth Avenue South Minneapclis, MinnesoCa Lee-Do Construction Company 7837 Madison Street N.E. Minneapolis, MinnesoYa Lund-:�artin Company 3023 RandoZph Street N.E. Minneapolis� MinnesoCa Mar-Son Constniction 5219 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, Minnesota Mid American Homes Inc. 7855 East River Road Fridley, Mixznesota Miles Garages 4500 iyndale Avenue Noxth Minneapolis, Minnesota Richard Miller Homes 1600 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, Mir,mesota Minnetonka Pools 10820 Wayzata Eoulevaxd Minnetonka� Aiinnesota Rutledge Co�struction Company 1409 - 7th Street South Hopkins, Mimmesota Ron Scholls Construction 1508 Ferndale Avenue P,E. Fridley, Miimesota Southtowne Bea1Cy 151 Silver Lake Road New BrighCOn� Minnesota The Sussel Campany 1850 Como Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota Tri-Co Builders, Inc. 7555 Van Buren Street N.E. Fridley, Mianesota Viking Swimming Pool Co 4740 42nd Avenue North Robbinsdale, Minnesota 55422 e By; Robert McGregor By: Douglas Kiel By: Gearge Kelly By: Roy Benson By: Richard Fadali By: Jotrn kope By: Ricfiard N.MilYer �J PAGE 35 C. Belisle RENEWAL C. Belisle REIv'EWAL Co &elisle RENEWAL C. Belisle RENEWAL C, Belisle REPiEWAL C, Belisle RIIQEWAL C. BeZisY� By: Bailey L. Janssen G. Belisle By: Thomas Rutledge By: Ron Scholl By: Peter Reprios By: Stanley Sanenbum By: Myron Holum BY� Richard Zappa C. BeYisle I•7q�i��l:t� REIZEL7AL i:��/:�i� G. Selisle RENESdAL C. Belisfe RENEWAL C. Belisle RENEWAL C. Belisle RENEWAL C. Beliele New �� �. , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APAIL 16, 1973 Licenses For Council Waconia Homes� Inc. Waconia, Minnesota Western Construction Company 6950 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, Minnesota A. L. Williams Contractor 947 - 86th Avenue N.W. Coon Rapids, Minnesota Witcher Construction Company 400 Second Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota HEATING " Advanced Heating & Air Cond. Inc. 7805 Beech Stxeet N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesotd Berghorsx Plumbing & Heating 10732 Hanson Boulevard Coon-Rapids, Minnesota Conditioned Air Equipment Ca. 3010/3012 Clinton Avenue South Minneapolis� Minnesota Cronstroms Heating & Air Cond. Inc. 4410 Excelsior Boulevard Minneapolis� Minnesota Dalco Roofing & Sheet Metal Inc. 3836 Minnehaha Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota Egan & Sons Company 7100 Medicine Lake Road Minneapolis, Minnesota Frank's Heating & Sheet Metal 2531 Marshall Street N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Hoglund Mechanical Contractors, Inc. 7420 West Lake Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Home Air Trane Inc. 610 13th Avenue South ??opkinsy Minnesota By: Tom Gunderson By: Milton Chazin By: A. L. Williams By: J. W. Adamson By: Donald Hodsdon k. PAGE 36 C. Belisle C. Belisle By: Kenneth Berghorst By: C. A. Ferguson By: Lowell Anderson By: David Dalbec By: W. J. Egan By: Frank Vogt By: Don Hoglund By: Floyd Thompson i RENEWAL RENEGIAL C. Belisle RENEWAL C. Belisle RENEWAL W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin RENELv, 7�l. . �i�►:�� REt+�S}14�i. ��f�1i7� RF.NF.LTAT. RETIEWAL REIdES1� RENE4IAL �F�3�7!�� � � , � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEEfiING OF APRIL 16, 1973 Licenses For Council Hoiwitz Mechanical� Inc. 1411 Eleventh Avenue South Mx.nneapolis, Minnesota By; S. Gruenberg Ideal Sheet Metal Inc. 544 Su�it Street N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: A, Vasenius J. McClure Kelly Company 2E01 5tevens Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota By: J. Leroy Kelly Rey Plumbing & Heating 7217 - 77th Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota By: David Farr Clarence E. Nelson Heating & Air Cond. 200 West Aayden Lake Road . Champlin, Minnesota By: Clarence Nelson L�zcel Newman Heating & Plumbing Co. 1608 Camo Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota � By: Ben Vono Noxthwestem Heating, Inc. 229b Territorial Road St. Paul, Minnesota By: Cecil Lenz Royalton Heating & Cooling Co. 4120 - SSth Avenue North Br�oklyn Park, Minnesota By: William 5tewart St. Marie Sheet Metal Inc. 7940 Spring Lake Road PAGE 37 W. Sandin W. Sandin W, Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandire W. Sand�;s� W. 3andin Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Louis J. St. Marie W. Sandir. Geo. Sedgwick Heating & Air Cond. Co. 1001 Zenia Avenue South Golden Valley, Minnesota By: Stanley Snyder Sheridan Sheet Metal Company 4116 Quebec Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Robert Gravfx� The Snelling ComQanp 1400 Concordia St. Paul, Minnesota By: Willard Krinkie Supe=iox Contractors Inc. 6121 - 42nd Avenue North Minneapolis� Minnesota By: Donald Hoglund Standard Heating & Aix Cond. Co. 410 West Lake Street 2Sinneapolis, Minnesota Bp: Tony Ferraz'a W. 3andise W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin �( REtdEIdAL .� RENEWAL RENE'�AL RENEWAL RENE�IAL fiE�TEWAL E€�NS'47liL ���� j771at� �16/_\�, � �� RENEF7AL REPIEWAL RENEWAL �� � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 Licenses For Council � Suburban Air Conditioning Co. 8419 Center Drive Minneapolis, Minnesota - Thomas Air Conditioning Co. 815 - 14th Avenue S.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Thompson Air Conditioning Co. 5115 Hanson Court Minneapolis, Minnesota Fred Vogt & Campany 3260 Gorham Avenue St. Louis Park, Minnesota Ray N, Welter Heating Co. 4637 Chicago Avenue South Minneapolis� Minnesota tiASONRY � Auren Constxuction 1300 Spruce Place Mound� Minnesota Carroll Buzzell Brick & Cement 22401 Lake George Boulevard N,W, Anoka, Minnesota Circle Cement Company 5532 County Road 18 Osseo, Minnesota I:. T. Ernst, Inc. ' 1641 - 127 Avenue N.W. Anoka� Minnesota Mario Frasson Cement Company 2400 East 26th Street Minneapolis� Minnesota D. W. Harstad Company� Inc. 7101 Highway fF65 N,E. Fridley, Minnesota By: K. W. Chinander By: Lynn Thomas By: Floyd Thompson By; Fred Vogt By: Ray N. Welter By: Luther Auren By: Carroll Buzzell By: Thomas Deiley By: Lloyd Ernst By: Soseph Frasson By: Alton Johnson . PAGE 38 W. Sandin W. Sandin W, Sandin W. Sandin ' RENE4IAL ftE[QEWAL �7011, 1 �1�1:Sil ,� W, Sandin RENEWAL � C. Belisle' RENk.'WAL C. Selisle RENEWAL C. Belisle RFT�GTAT_ C. Belisle RENEWAL C. Belisle RENEGlAL' C. Belisle RF•NEWAL r<.„ ' .a. � ' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEE�'ING OF APRIL 16, 1973 Licenses For Council Jesco, Incorporated 1101 West 78'� Street BlcominCOn, Minnesota __ _ Myrdal & Pearson Const. Co. 74I Rennaston Drive Fridley, Minnesota North Star Masaary 12236 Riverwood Drive Burnsville� Minnesota Ro E. Ostrom Inc. 4857 Maryland Avenue North Crystal, Minnesota Rite Way Engineering Company Inc. 2654 Lyndale Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota Riverview Cement Company Inc. 3101 - 37th Street East Minneapolis, Minnesote Leo Sanders Concrete Comgany 7813 Jackson Street N.E. Spring Lake Park, Minnesota Stoae Masonry Inc. 15002 University Avenue Anoka, Minnesota MOVTiVG & WRECRING Carl Bolander & Sons Cnmpany 2933 Pleasant Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota OIL HEATING � Air Com£ort Inc. 330D Goxham Avenue Minneapolis� Minnesota Berghorst Plumbing & Heating 10732 Hanson Boulevard Coon Rapids, Minnesota Cronstroms Heating & Air Cond. Inc, 4410 Excelsiox Boulevard Minneapolis, Tiinnesota By: Arthur Goetzke By: Ronald Pearson By: Glenn Haxdman By: Robert Ostrom By: W. M. Stevens By: Duane Razink By; Leo Sanders Bp: Serome Stone By: Roger Erickson By: Donal Ruden By: Kenneth Berghorst By: Lowell Anderson PAGE 39 C. Belisle �� REI��'WAL C. Belisle RENEWAL C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle W. Sandin W. 3andin W. Sandin .F, x���. : .� •F ���il�l^/;�l! � �i�, ,��/v� •f7�r.t�1, ; � ; a���j�,/:i71 RENEWAL ;�� rx� • RENEWAL �� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 � Licenses Fo= Gouncil T.,ouis DeGidio• Inc. b50Z Cedar Avenue Minneapolis� Minnesota Frank`s Heating & Sheet Metal �531 Marshall Street N.E. �4snneapolis, Minnesota Ycleal Sheet Metal Inc. 544 Su�nit Street N.E. Minneapolis� Minnesota �'°,�,ASTERING 3�nZcahy Drywall 4: Hickory �tomedi, Minnesota 3rae P7eZson Stucco Company, Inc. 1�50 - 98th Lane N.W. �on Rapids, Minnesota �]:GN ERECTOR ;�tttcey Signs� Inc. ��1 Wilson Street N,E, �.nneapolis, Minnesota ON SALE BEER Casino Rayale 6225 Hwy. 65 Fridley Fireside Rice Bow1 7440 Central Ave. Pridley By: Louis DeGidio By: Frank Vogt By: A. Vasenius By: Gary Mulcahy By: Marvin Nelson PAGE 40 W. Sandin W, Sandin W. Sandin r ' RENE[dAL IZENE4iAL RETIEFTAL C, Belisle RFATFGTAT.' C. Belisle RENEWAL By: Mr. Rivelson C. Belisle RENEWAL B� APPROVED BY FEE Casino Royale Glenn Wong public Safety Dir public Safety Dir 12�„00 120.00 ' �__,I L� L� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 OFF SALE BE�R Fridley Eood Market 8154 �ast Rioer Road Fridley Gulf Service Station 7451 East River Road Fridley PDQ Food Store 620 Osborne Aoad Fridley Penny's Super Market 6540 University Ave. Fridley LIVESTOCK Audrey Theilmann 1540 Rice Creek Rd. Fridley DELIVERY TRUCK Americaa Linen Supply 700 Industrial Blvd. Minneapolis GARBAGE PICKUP Knutson Haul�ng 4541 Heights Drive Minneapolis Haul-a-way System 344 Larch St. Minneapolis Modern Seroices Po Box 4445 Minneapolis Gallagher's 9151 Central Ave. Minneapolis Suburban pickup Box 156 3800 Restwood Rd. Minneapolis BY Sohn Rieck Thomas Wolf PAGE 41 APPROVED BY FEE Public Safety Dir 15.00 Public Safety Dir 15.00 PDQ Food Stores, inc. Public Safety Dir. 15.00 Penny's Super Market PuULic Safety Dir. 15.00 Audrey Theilmann Public Gafety Dir. 2 L 00 American Linen Supply PubLic Safety Dir. 10 00 Arnold Knutson Haul-a-way System Modern Services Richard Gallagher Sack Gallagher Public Safety Dir. 25.00 Public Safety Dir. ;5.00 Public Safety Dir. 25.00 Public SaLety Dir. 25.00 Puhlic Safety Dir. 25 DO 41 REGULAR COUNCIL MC�TING OF APRIL 16, 1973 GARBAGE PICIZ[JP BY Ace So1id Waste 3118 - 162 Lane NW Anoka Dean Warden Jetline Service 3817 Xy1on Ave. No. Minneapolis John Barclay Lofgren Sanitation 9100 Planders Mianeapolis Harland Lofgren Christen TrucLcing 3501 Silver Lake Rd Minaeapolis Robert Christen Walter's Disposal 2930 - 101 A�e. Minneapolis ,Tohn Walter CIGARETTE Moore Lake Union 76 5695 IIackmana Ave. Fridley Richard Kyro Gulf Service Station 7451 �ast River Road Fridley Thomas Wolf TAXICAB Colun:bia Heights Cab Co. 903 - 40th Ave. Columbia Heights John LaMont TAVERN Fireside Rice Bowl 7440 Central Ave. Pridley G1enn Wong Frontier Club 7365 Central Ave. Fridley Marlene Povlitzki Casino Royale 6225 Hwy. 65 Fridley Casino Royale APPROVED BY PAGE 42 FEE Public Safety Dir. 35.00 Public Safety Dir. 25;00'^ Public Safety Dir. 25.00 Public Safety Dir. 25.00 Public Safety Dir. 25.00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safety Dir. 45.00 Pu61ic Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 42 � � , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 � FOOD ESTABLISHMENT Dealer's Mfg. 5130 Main St. Fridley Kurt Mfg. 5280 Main St. Fridley Reserve Supply 5110 Main St. FridLey Mel's Barber Shop 6379 University Ave Fridley Gulf Service Station 7451 East River Rd. Eridley Fridley Food Market 8154 East River Rd. � Fridley Red Ow1 6525 University Aue. Fridley Gulf Service Station 5300 Central Ave. Fridley CUB 250 Osborne Road Fridley Totino's 7350 Commerce Lane Fridley Brothern, Inc. 7501 Commerce Lane Fridley Country Club Market 6275 Hwy. 65 Fridley � BY APPROVED BY Sir Vend, Inc. Public Safety Dir Sir Vend, Inc. Comm. Dev. Adm. Sir Venc�, Inc. Gomm. Dev. Adm. Melvin Daniels Comm. Dev. Adm. Thomas Wolf Comm. Dev. Adm. JohmRieck Comm. Dev. Adm. Red Owl Comm. Dev. Adm. Gurney Gilbert Comm. Dev. Adm. CUB, Inc. Couun. Dev. Adm. Totino's FZner Foods Comm. Dev. Adm. Brothern, Inc. Comm. Dev. Adm. Country Club Market Comm. Dev. Adm. Inc. PAGE 43 FEE 95.00 35.00 50.00 5.00 25.00 35.00 25.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 40.00 4� �� REGULAR COIINCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 FOOD ESTABLISHMENT Tom Thumb Food Market 315 Osborne Road Fridley Brooks Superette 1042 Osborne Road Fridley Western Service Station 7600 University Ave. Fridley CIGARETTE Moore Lake Union 76 5695 Hackmann Ave. Fridley Gulf Ser�zice Station 7451 P�ast River Road Fridley TAXICAB Colum6ia Heights Cab Co. 903 - 40th Ave. Columbia Heights TAVERN Fireside Rice Bowl 7440 Central Ave. Fridley Frontier C1ub 7365 Central Ave. Fridley Casino Royale 6225 Hig'�way 65 Fridley FOOD �STABLISHMENT Rapid Shop Superette 6530 East River Road Fridley BY ,-APPROVED BY PAGE 44 FEE Tom Thumb Food Market Inc. Comm. Dev. Adm. 25.00 Brooks Hauser Comm. Dev. Adm. 40.00 Western Stores Div Richard Kyro Thomas Wolff Sohn LaMont GLenn Wong Marlene Povlitzki Casino Royale Rober_t HaRSen Comm. Dev. Adm. 25.00 Public Safety Dir Public Safety Dir 12.00 ID�II17 Public Safety Dir. 45.00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Comm.� pev. �D1r. = Z�.O�, ' r 1 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 � FOOD ESTABtISHMENT BY Holid'ay Service Station 5807 Uei�.versity Ave. 'Fri&lej� �Central= Se��vlce Target Food 5tore 7�55 -' `5'3x'�' Ave . Fnd�ley Jonathah Food� Stores Ta!rget 755' ,' S3rd Ave. ' Fridley �McGTynn Bake'ries Steiger Gertzen Garage 6519 Central Ave. Fridley Ernest Gertzen Onan Corp. 1400 - 73rd Ave, APPROVED BY Comm. ➢ev. Dir. Comm. Dev. Dir Comm, Dev. Dir. Comm. Dev. Dir Fridley Servomation �ain Cities Comm. Dev. Dir White Knight 7300 IIniversity Ave. � Fridley Kenneth Durbin Railroad Accessories 4650 Main St. Fridley Griswold Coffee Co Unity Hospital 550 Osborne Road Fridley IInity Hospital Les's Standard 7680 Hwy. 65 Fridley Lester Schaffran Strite-Anderson 7585 Viron Road Comm. Dev. Dir Comm. Dev. ➢ir Comm. Dev. Dir Comm. Dev. Dir Fridley Servomation Ztain Cities Comm. Dev. Dir Suzz's Barber Shop 6247 University Ave. Fridley Buzz Arndt Target 755 - 53�d Ave. Target Stoxe Fridley � Ole Piper Inn 622 Osboxne Road Robert Fetter Fridley Comm. Dev. Dir, Anoka County Health Dept. Anoka County Health Dept PAG� 45 FEE 40.00 25.00 25.00 15.00 1030.00 �Fy[iZ�] 65.00 25.00 30.00 150.OD 5.00 100.00 25.00 45 �h REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 FOOD ESTABLISHMENT Chanticlear Pizza 6304 Hwy. 65 Fridley Howies 240 Mississippi St. Fridley McDonald's 5831 University Ave. Fridley Burger King 6410 IIniversity Ave. Fridley Moon PLaza Restaurant 6215 University Ave. Fridley Zapata's 5905 IIniversity Ave. Fridley Kentucky Fried Chicken 7510 University Ave. Fridley King Chalet 6259 Hwy. 65 Fridley Howard Johnson's 5277 Central Ave. Fridley Jimbo's Pizza 2248 Mississippi St. Fridley Country ICitchen 280 - 57th P1ace Fridley Gene's Flavor House 624 Osborne Road Pridley BY Richard Kemp Howard Nelson McDonald's Burger King Corp Vernon Remley Zapata's Foods, Inc Carl Beaudy Sohn Lindell Howard Johnson's Co James Schooley John Wallenbecker Gene Eckstein APPROVED BY Anoka County Health Oept. Anoka County Health Dept. Anoka County Health Dept. Anoka County Health Dept. Anoka County Health Dept. Anoka County Health Dept. Anoka County Health Dept. Anoka County Health Dept, Anoka County Health Dept. Anoka County Health Dept. Anoka County Health Dept. Anoka County Health Dept. PAGE 46 FEE 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 S�Ji�lil] 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 ' 1 ' REGULAR COIINCIL MEETING OF APAIL 16, 1973 � FOOD ESTABLISHMENT Dairy Queea 280 Mississippi St. Fridley Canterbury Pub 6481 University Aue. Fridley Shorewood Inn 6161 Hwy. 65 Fridley A and W 7429 East River Road Fridley 100 7tain Drive-In Central and I-694 Fridley Holiday Village North � 250 - 57th Ave. Fridley Snyder's Drug Store 6582 University Ave. Fridley FrosCop Drive-In 7699 Viron Road Fridley Ember's v 5400 Central Ave. Fridley Phoenix Chow Mein 242 Mississippi St. Eridley Shar's Snack Bar 52nd and Central Ave. Fridley Club 47 � 6061 University Ave. Fridley BY APPROVE➢ SY Anoka County ErnesC Fitch lIealth Dept Anoka County Dean Gruye Health Dept. Anoka County Glilliam Nicklow Health Dept. Anoka County Donald Tarasar Health Dept. Anoka County Outdoor Theatre Cater- Health Dept. ers, Inc. Anoka County Erickson Brothers Health Dept, Anoka County Snyder's Drug Stores Health Dept. Anoka County Sherman Hanson Health Dept. Anoka County Central Embers, Inc. Health Dept. ,�noka County Lyn Woo Health Dept. Anoka County Sharlene Clochie Health Dept. Anoka County Robert Snyder Health Dept. PAGE 47 FEE 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25,00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25,00 25.00 25.00 47 48 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OP APRIL 16, 1973 FOOD P�STABLISHNIENT BY Target Headquarters 1080 - 73rd Ave. Fridley Pioneer Systems Moore Lake Union 76 5695 Hackmann Ave. Fridley Richard Kyro East River Road Garage 6501 East River Road Fridley Michael Zgodava Fridley DX 5701 IIniversity Ave. Fridley Duane Schlottman SUNDAY ON SALE LIQUOR BY Shorewood Inn 6161 Hwy. 65 Fridley William Nicklow Sandee's Cafe 6490 Central Ave. Fridley William Weiss George's in Fridley 3720 East River Road Fridley George Nicklow ON SALE LIQUOR Shorewood Inn 6161 Hwy. 65 Fridley William Nicklow Sandee's Cafe 6490 Central Ave. Fridley William Weiss George's in Fridley 3720 East River Road Fridley George Nicklow APPAOVED BY Comm. Dev. Dlr. Comm. Dev. Dir Comm. Dev. Dir Comm. Dev. Dir. APPROVED BY Public Safety Dir Public Safety Dir Public Safety Dir PAGE 48 FEE 205.00 25.00 15.00 5.00 FEE 200.00 200.00 200.00 Public Safety Dir. 4,500.00 Public Safety Dir. 4,500.00 Public Safety Dir. 4,500.00 ' , � � � ' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OE APRIL 16, 1973 CLUB ON SALE LIQUOR Fridley VFW Post 363 1040 Osborne Road Fridley CLUB ON SALE SUNDAY LIQUOR BY Fridley VFW Fridley VF'W Post 363 1040 Osborne Road Fridley Eridley VFW APPROVED BY Public Safety Dir Public Safety ➢ir PAGE 49 FEE 200.00 200.00 MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the Licenses. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unani- mously. ESTIMATES: Patch Erickson Madson & Aanson, Inc. Architects and PLanners 2801 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, Minnesota 55405 February and March Inspection, Fridley Liquor Store PARTIAL Estimate ik6 Brauer & AssociaCes, Inc. 6440 Flying Cloud Drive Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55343 PARTIAL EsCimate as of March 25, 1973. Go1f course and Nature Center Feasibility Study Smith, Juster, Feikema, Haskvitz, Casserly, Chartered 1050 Builders Exchange Building MinneapoLis, Minnesota 55402 Estimate dated April 10, 1973 for Representation of City of Fridley, Criminal matters for March, 1973 (See following communications) Weaver Talle & Herrick 316 East Main Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 Estimate dated April 13, 1973, for March Retainer and services rendered. Schumann Bros, Inc. Box 8599 St. Paul, Minnesota 55110 PARTIAL Estimate �'�l on Water Improvement Pro�ect ik109-B, Painting of Elevated Water Tank. $ 100.00 3,500.00 1,905.00 1,677,s0 6,300.00 � i) 5U REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1973 ESTIMATES CON'T. Comstock & Davis, Inc. Consulting Engineer 1446 County Road "J" Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 For the furnish of resident inspection and resident super- vision for the staking out of the following construction work: Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Water Improvement Project �k102 from February 26 through March 30, 1973 (PARTIAL �'k15) Water Improvement Pro�ect 4�109-B from March 19 through March 30, 1973 (PARTIAL �kl) Water Improvement Pro�ect No. 109-2 from March 19 through March 30, 1973 (PARTIAL ikl) Water Improvement Pro�ect No? 110 from March 19 through March 30, 1973 (PARTIAL �k1) Water Improvement Pro�ect ��111 from February 26 through March 30, 1973 (PARTIAL �k2) Street Improvement Pro�ect �k1973-1 and 2 from January 15 through March 30, 1973 (PARTIAL �k1) PAGE 50 � _I $ 930.05 116.52 130.20 59.18 1,102..44 195.95 � MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the Estimates. Seconded hy Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unani- mously. COMMUNICATIONS• WYMAN SMITH: POLICE PENSION SPECIAL BILL: MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the communication from Wyman Smith regardin g the Police Pension Special Bill, dated Apri1 11, 1973. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MAYOR BRUCE NAWROCKI AREA INFORMATIONAL MEETING ON PROPOSED METRO RATE AUTHORITY: MOTION by Councilman Nee to receive the communication from Mayor Bruce Nawrocki regarding Proposed Metro Rate Authority - Area Information Meetings for Local Of $cials, dated April 12, 1973, and concur with the use of the Fridley City Hall facilities on the suggested date, Tuesday, April 24th, 7:30 p.m. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously. I� J � � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETTNG OF APRIL 16, 1973 PAGE 51 RICE CREEK WATER SHED DISTRICT REGARDING PROPOSAL FOR SOLUTION POR ACCELERATED SILTATION OF LOCKE LAKE, DATED APRIL 7, 1973: MOTION hy Councilman Breider to receive the letter from the Aice Creek Water-shed district regarding the siltation of Locke Lake, dated Apri1 7, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Stark�alt. IIpon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimoazsly. MOTION by Councilman Breider to have the administration look into the matter of the motor bike traffia-in r_heearea since there have been complaints and damage. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Manager said he would report back to the Council on this matter. CITY MANAGER: REMIND�R TO THE COUNCIL THAT HE WOULD BE IN CALIFORNIA FOR TRAINING ON THE LOGIS PILOT CITY PROJECT THE EOLLOWING WEEK: The City Manager said he would like to remind the members of the Council that he would be in California for LOGIS Training the following week. He said he would be hack the week after this and Mr. Brunsell, Assistant City Manager/Finance Director would be taking his place during his absence. PROPOSAL FOR CITY EMPLOYEES TO RECEIVE GOOD FRIDAY AS A E(OLIDAY• Mayor Liebl said it had been the practi,�e in the past to a11ow the City Ha11 emploqees a day off on Good Friday. Mayor Liebl asked for a motion. There was none, ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by CounciLman Breider to ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded hy Councilman Utter. U�7on a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unani- iuously and the Regular Council meeting of April 16, 1973 ad�ourned at 11:25 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, � • . � � Patricia E11is Secretary to the C�.ty Council �� . �` � Frank G. Lieb1, Mayor 51