06/11/1973 - 00016460� � � l ��i 9 TR� MiNtiTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF 7UNE 11, 1973 The Public Hearing meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order at 7;40 p.m., June 11� 1973, by Mayor Liebl. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Liebl led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBEAS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT: ADOPTION OF AGENDA• Nee, Breider, Liebl, Utter. Starwalt. Mayor Liebl said the following items were to be added to the agenda; Introduction of new employees by Mr. James Hill, Public Safety Director Letter of resignation of Mr. Gerald R. Davis, City Manager, efiective August 10, 1973. MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt the agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously. INTRODUCTION OF NEW POLICE OFFICERS BY THE PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR: The Public Safety Director addressed the Council and tlie audience and asked the two new Police Officers to stand for the introduction. He introduced Mr. David L. Younkin, 1622 Carl St., St. Paul, and said he had started Friday, March 26, 1973 and had immedi�tely gone into Police Recruit training on the 27th of March. The Public Safety Director introduced Mr. Lawrence A. Chubb, 125 - 7th Avenue S E, Osseo, and said he had �oined the force on ,Tune 2, 1973 He said Mr Chubb is married and has one child. Mayor Liebl welcomed the new police department employees to the City of Pridley. PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION REQUEST SAV �k73-08, DENNIS RANSTROM, TO VACATG 20' UTILITY AND DRAINAGE LINE BETWEEN LOTS 10 & 11, BLOCK 1, RICE CREEK SCHOOL ADDITION, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A HOME ON TWO LOTS: The City Engineer said the Public Hearing notice had been published May 30, 1973, and ,Tune 6, 1973, Mayor Liebl read aloud the Public Hearing Notice MOITON by Councilman Breider to open the Puhlic Hearing on vacation request SAV i673-08. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Lir-_bl declared the motion carried. Mayor Liebl asked if Mr. Dennis Raastrom was in the audience, Mr. Ranstrom responded ��o PU&LIC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 11, 1973 PAGE 2 The City Engineer said the property involved in the request is at the north end oi Arthur Street on the culdusac. The City Engineer said there had been plans to install a storm sewer in the area� south of Mississippi Street which will run L-hrough this area to Rice Creek. He said if the Council would grant approval of the request, the pipe would be placed east aad west rather than north and south. He said there could be a trade of utility easements on the property. He said he did have some reservations about the construction of a house on the property, but they were only discussing the easement at the present time. He said the vacation would fit into the plans submitted to the City MOTION by Councilman Nee to recelv'e the letters from Mr. Foslien, dated May 4, 1973, Mr. Metcalf, addressed to Mr. Ranstrom, dated May 5, 1973, and Mr. Brown, dated May 17, 1973. Seconded by Councllman IItter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried, Councilman Utter questioned the City Engineer if he felt he would get proper drainage from the area with a bend in the pipe? The City Engineer said this would properly drain the area. The City Engineer placed a map in the overhead pro�ector and said that the colored portion of the map represented the City's original plan for acquisition of property for park use. He said the property concerned is within the bounds of this future p1an, He said some portions of the property are at road Level. The City Engineer stated that if the Council wished to approve the request for the vacation of the easement, he would recommend requiring the owner to dedicate some of the low portion of the property to the City, Councilman Utter asked if there was an easement for 67th Avenue� The City Engineer said no, there was only one on Anoka and Stinson. He said the presently discussed easement is between the two lots. Councilman Nee asked if t�ie land had been tax forfeit? The City Engineer said he did not know and questioned Mr. Ranstrom on the point, Mr. Ranstrom said not that he knew of. Councilman Nee asked the City Engiaeer if there was a roadway easement for 67th Avenue? The City ERgineer said no. The City Engineer said if the Council did not vacate the easement, this would make the lot unbuildable. He referred to page 1-G of the agenda, saying if the members of the Council would like to know what he was talking about, this indicated the pro- posed construction plan, Councilman Utter asked what the distance of the proposed fence would be from the house? The City Engineer said this would be eleven feet. He said the petitioner had also applied for a �tariance, and the Board of Appeals had recommended approval of the variance contingent upon the vacation of the easement. The City Engineer said the recommended variance for the set back is from 35 to 11 feet. Councilman Utter asked if there is anything in the area now. The City Engineer said the City has a storm sewer pipe on the south line of Lot 11. He said the proposed pipe would be 25 to 30 feet deep and the school had given the City an ease- ment for this purpose. , � L�J 1 � � ��� PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 11, 1973 PAGE 3 The City Engineer said the property is difficult to build on. He said there is also problems with the kids in the area. He referred to a recent incident when someone had turned on the fire hydrant. He said he would like some assurance the house would not be washed down the hill. Councilman Nee questioned the meaning of the statement made by the Director of Parks and Recreation, stating, it would seem he opposed the granting of the request, by the statement in the memorandum numbered 5, "Suggest we leave the lots as they are." The City Engineer said this meant that they should be left as they are. Councilman Nee said he was concerned ho�: on+� would get access from the south neighbor- hood. He asked if this would close the public access from the south. The City Engzneer said it would not, as the School property which was ad�acent to the property being discussed would allow access. He said the hill on the next street is very steep. He pointed out the various routes of the access on the map on the overhead pro�ector, Councilman Nee asked if the creek could be made accessable from the south. He questioned the City Engineer if steps could be constructed on a drainage and utility easem�nt. The City Engineer said this could be done, but he would question doing this merely for the purpose of public assess. The City Engineer said at the end of Fridley Street there is a culdusac and right of way to 67th He said the area is very steep. The City Attorney said if 67th Street is vacated, as far as being a roadway, on the end of Fridley Str�et, the City could keep or give back right of way for an entrance for foot traffic. Mayor Liebl asked the City Engineer, if the Council approved the vacation of the 20 foot easement and would be granted the six foot easement, could the City live with this? The City Engineer said yes, this couLd be done on the school property. He said there would be no problems. The City Engineer said if the house is built on the property, he would like some evidence that it is huilt on stable ground. He said he wouLd like to acquire a portion of the lower praperty for public use. Mayor Liebl suggested a letter of agreement for these items. The City Attorney said it was his understanding that Mr. Ranstrom would furnish soil tests on the property. Mayor Lieb1 said if Mr Ranstrom would agree to the exchange of easements, the Council could do something abo�t the vacation request. Mr. Ranstrom said if the City would require him to dedicate the lower portion of his property for public use, there would not be any living area on the entire piece of property except the top portion which will Ue completely occupied by the construction of the home. He added, nothing else is usable because of the steepness of the terrain. He said if the west partlon of the property abutte_ng the creek was to be taken for public use, there would not be any use for the land at a11. He said he would not build a home, if this were a condition, 162 PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 11, 1973 PAGE 4 Mayor Liebl said he would like Mr. Ranstrom to come forward and point out this � area on the map. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Ranstrom to point out the area of concern mentioned by the architect in his letter. Mr. Ranstrom said Mr. Metcalf, the architect, was concerned about the swale on the west portion of the property The City Manager said the easement cuts the buildable portion of the property in two pieces. Councilman Nee asked about the flood plain zoning and its implications on the property. He said these impLications may be sixhsfa[t,tial.The City Engineer said the Flood Plain may involve the lower portion of the property but the construction would be at street level. Mr. Ranstrom addressed Councilman Nee refering the statement in the memo received by Mr. Paul Srown had been clarified by Mr. Darrel C1ark, Community Development Administrator, at the May 23, 1973, Planning Commission Meeting. Mr. Clark, had said said this would mean to leave the property in private ownership, not that the property should remain untouched, Mr. Ranstrom said. Councilman Nee said this would mean without pubLic ownership. Mayor Lieb1 sead the six points in the memorandum submitted by the Director of Parks and Recreation aloud to the Council and audience. Councilman Nee asked Mr. Ranstrom if he was saying that he would not cooperate ' in the dedication of land to the City? Mr. Ranstrom said he would not build if the land had to be dedicated to the City. Mrs. Barbara Hughes, 548 Rice Creek Terrace, asked if the lots go into the middle of the creek7 The City Engineer said yes, and pointed out the area on the map. Councilman Nee said the Public is making quite an investment and he thought the City should watch this. Councilman Breider asked how much property was being talked about for the walkway easement? The City Engineer said all he was saying is that this property had been in the p1an. He added the top area is a good buildable site. He said if the City wanted to connect the south side of the property, they should have some easement. Councilman Breider said it was his opinion that the public does have access. He added, the people can go through there by canoe. The City Attorney agreed saying, the water surface is public and cannot be regulated by the property owner. The City Attorney said there would have to be an easement at the bottom of the lot, or they could not get there. Mayor Liebl said the persons using the creek would not be ahle to stop off on the private property. Councilman Breider asked Mr. Ranstrom if he would dedicate land for trails on the property if it is needed in the future for the overall park p1an , � 1 � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF .NNE 11, 1973 1�3 PAGE 5 Mr. Ranstrom said if there were a trail to cross the creek and enter on some portion of the property, the trail would have to 6e directed immediately back across the creek, as there is no place to continue a path on the steep terrain He added, if the City thinks it would be a good thing to install paths on the property some time in the futnre, I wi11 agree and dedicate the easement at that time. Councilman greider said if Mr. Ranstrom would not agree to grant the easement for the path, and the City were in trouble some time in the future, the City would have to condemn the land. He said he would like assurance that ii this is needed �t a future dat�, that thay will not have to fight about it. Mr. Ranstrom asked how much of an easement they were talking about. Councilman Breider said there is no firm handle on the size. The Crty Engineer suggested 20 feet along rhe back portion of the property He said the people wouLd come angway. He said he had wanted all the lots in the �pen area. He added, there has been requests for bird watchiag enthusiasts to use the area He said it is a nice site for a house. Mrs. Hughes said this section is in�1�a$ed in the �noka and Henn�gin County trail system. She said this is a 7oint aareement. She added, she would not Like to come up the creek and see a landscaped back yard She said she would like the property to remain in a natural state. She said she thought this may be a point taken by the property owners of the area. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Ranstrom ii in the future he would give the City walking and canoe trails? He questioned Mr. Ranstrom if he would give the City a little bit of the property. He said he would recommend that Mr. Ranstrom agree to the six foot utility and drainage easement on the southly line of lot 11, so this could be made a mattex of record. He said he could go along with requests by Mr. Ranstrom if these agreements were made. He said he would not want the City to be liable if the house shifts. Mayor L�ebl said the house plan t�as beautiful and seemed to be quite a large house. Councilman Sreider said it would be difficult to do 2andscaping because if the Land is disturbed, or the vegetation is destroyed, there wouLd be all sorts of trouble. He said he did not know how the property could be sodded other than nailing the sod down. Mr. Ranstrom said he hoped to keep everything as natural as possible. The City Attorney suggested prepar�ng a tentative proposal for action the next week. He said there should be some determinatlon made as to the size of the easement for the possible walkway. Mr. Lieb1 said Mr. Ranstrom said he cannot give up the whole back yard. Mayor Liebl asked Mr, Ranstrom how deep the lower portion was7 Mr. Ranstrom said the portion an the west is 45 to 50 feet deep. Mayor Liebl said it was the original intention oi the City to develop nature trailing, He said some of the northerly portion of the area had been deeded for this purpose. He added, he would not want to put a stop gap in the area if this portion is needed to complete the plans in ttxe future � �9 PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 11, 1973 PAGE 6 Councilman Nee said he had some doubt this would be satisfactory to Mr. Ranstrom. � Councilman Nee asked Mr. Ranstrom if he wanted to se11 the land? He asked Mr. Ranstrom how much he wanted for the lots? Mr. Ranstrom did not respond. Councilman Nee said he would not want to act on the matter that evening, but like Mr. Ranstrom to give this some thought. Mr. Ranstrom said if the City would take the bottom portion, he would not build there. Councilman Nee said he doubted whether there should be a home built in that area. He said there are a number of problems. Councilman Nee ssid he understood why Mr. Ranstrom wanted to build. Councilman Nee said he was on the site, and it is beautiful. Mr. Ranstrom said the City's plans for the area and the map that was being off-ered to the Cauncil by the City Engineer had not been brought to his attention when he had applied for the vacation or the variance. He said he had a considerable investment in the pro�ect at the present time. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Ranstrom if he owned both lots. Mr. Ranstrom said he did. Mayor Liebl asked if there were any mare questions by the Council? He asked if there were any more questions by the audience. There was no response. MOTION by Councilman Utter to close the Public Hearing, Seconded by Councilman � Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing closed at 8;20 p.m. Mayor Lie61 said the Council usually takes action on such matters at the meeting following the Public Hearing. Mayor Liebl said he would like some assurance that Mr. Ranstrom would agree to canoe trails and trails as such, some time in the futuxe if they are needed. Mayor Lieb1 said they would have to aequire land in the area. He said the City does have some land in the area now that has been either bought or donated. He said there are pros and cons to the issue. He said he would like some agreement that the City would not be held Iiable for the construction that is built there. He said there is accessability on the south side. He would also like an agreement to the granting of the utility easement on the south side. Mayor Liebl asked the City Attorney to give an opinion on the requests. The City Attorney said it would be legal if it is in the best interest of the City. He said the Council would have to make the decision. He said such an agreement could be put in the file and be part of the records of the County. Mayor Liebl asked if the City would have to receive the concurrance of other people. He asked if the Rice Creek Water Shed District had been contacted. He said he had been told that they recently opposed the construction of a structure and had refused to allow its construction. The City Attorney said he questioned what authority they had. The City Engineer , said this could be offered for their review, but he did not know beyond this what could be done by them. Mayor Liebl asked if this would have to be reviewed by the Rice Creek Water Shed District. The City Attorney said he did not know their rules and regulations. � � � PTIBLIC HEARING MEETING OF .TUNE 11, 1973 Y � 6 <� PAG� 7 Mayor Liebl said he would Like the City Manager to draw up an agreement with respect to,Mr. Ranstrom's requests. The City Manager said he would do this Mayor Lieb1 said the Ward Councilman was not present that evening, he was vacationing in Montana. He said the Council would make a decision on the matter the following week when the Councilman of the Ward, Starwalt was present. Councilman Breider directed the City Manager to have an agreement drawn up. The City Attorney said the plans should not be submitted to the Rice Creek Water Shed District until after the Council takes action. The City Attorney directed the City Manager to find out when and where the Rice Creek Water Shed District would be meeting. The City Engineer said their review is only a formality and would be necessary for a large structure only. Otherwise, they tsould not be concerned, but they can be given a chance to review the plans. MOTION by Councilman Breider to waive the reading of the Public Hearing Notice. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing opened at 8:21 p.m. Mr. Jim Nielson, addressed the Council and stated he was representing Mr. Gilbert Menkveld. � Mr. Nielson said the addition was platted in 1880 and one of the oldest additions in the City of Fridley. He said the street which the vacation request was submitted for is 30 feet in width and had been vacated in the ad�acent addition which is the Rice Creek School Addition, Mr. Nielson said Lot 1, Block 2, of the Oak Grove Addition is 40 feet in width and by vacating 67th Street, Mr. Menkveld will be able to create a 70 foot lot. He said 67th Street has never been opened. He said the elevation of the proposed street is from 902 to 863 in elevation, which would make it impossible to construct a street except by the instaLlation of a bridge. Mr. Nielson said it would be to the benefit of the City to vacate the 3treet as the people may someday request this bridge and it would be a considerable expense to the City. Mr. Nielson said the property owner is willing to give the lower portion of the land to the City for park purposes. Mr. Nielspn said Mr. Menkveld is selling the property to his partner for the purposes of him constructing his home on this lot. He said he feels the house will be a compliment to the neighborhood. He said the property discussed has heen tax delinquent twice in the past. Mayor Liebl sa$d he had questions about the iniormation on page 2-A. The City Engineer said the garage would be on the south side of the Lot. He said he would like to point out there had been opposition to the vacation by the people �f the neighborhood. The City Engineer said the letters irom the opposing neighbors were in the agenda. 1G(� PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 11, 1973 PAGE 8 Mayor Liebl said the opposition lettexs axe self explanatozy. Ae said thexe are � also letters from Mr. Darrel Clark, the Community Development Administrator and also the City Attarney which offer explainations to the acquisition of park land by vacation of a public easement. Mayor Liebl read a portion of the letter from the City Attorney. Mayor Liebl questioned if it would be an unbuildable site without this vacation� The City Engineer said the property owner would have to receive some variances if he wanted to build on a 70 foot lot. Mayor Liehl asked how close the property would be to the park land. The City Engineer referred to the plan on page 2-A of the agenda and said the park would be 15 feet from the property owners line. Councilman Breider asked if there would be a home on the two lots. The City Engineer said yes. Councilman Breider asked if the dwelling could be closer to the street than the other homes in the neighborhood. The City Engineer said it would be farther back because of the culdusac. Mayor Liebl questioned if the set back required a variance. She City Attorney said this house is farther back than the house to the south. Councilman Sreider said this house would not line ug with the other homes on the street. The City Attorney said there is a problem with the elevation. He said there are some steep banks. Councilman Utter asked if there is any proposal to put the street in the easement in the future. The City Engineer said he did not think the Council would like to loose public property, that is being used at the present time. , Mayor Liebl asked the applicant which portion of the property would be used for building purposes. Mr. Nielson said there would only be one foot of the proposed home in the right of way area. He said the deed of Eridley Street had been given to the City for a roadway into the creek. This had been done by Carl Sorenson, Mr. Nielson said. He added, the property north of the culdusac is under the control of the City. Mayor Liebl said the Council had concurred with the ability to gain access to the creek. He said there is accessibility, but once the right to build is given, the City would loose accessibility. Mr. Nielson said the creek is some 2D0 to 300 feet from the presently being discussed property. He said if the access to the park is questioned, Fridley and Anoka Streets have access to the creek. He said the only question at hand is if they should vacate 67th Avenue. Councalman Nee said the only factor in favor of the City vacating the easement would be the amount of taxes to be o6tained hy the construction of the home. MOTION hy Councilman Breider to close the Public Hearing. Mayor Liebl said there people present who would like to be heard oa the matter. Mr. Gary Sodahl, 6689 Anoka Street N.E., said the street easement is used by many , to exit and enter the park and creek area. He said the animals also come up from the park and creek in that area. He said the trees come righ� up to the top of the bank. He said he thought the matter would deserve very careful consideration. Mr. Sodahl stated that a two story house would stick up above ttne other homes in the area and destroy the rustic manner of the area. PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 11, 1973 t�� PAGE 9 � Mayor Liebl asked if the street is vacted and the home,built, how would this destroy the area? Mr. Sodahl said he believed the construction would be too close to the park. Mayor Liebl asked if Mr. Sodahl would like the property to be tax forfiet or would he like it as proposed at the present time. He said everyone dumps their garbage in the area. Mr. Sodahl said the portion of the easement above the bank area, is a nice area and is being used like a neighUorhood playground. He said there are a number of children in the area.He said if the structure was put-in, this would eliminate the use of it by the neighborhood children. Mayor Liebl said he was trying to work something out where the property could be developed and the tax dollar could be obtained for the development of that lxnd. He said it seemed �to him that the people of the area were not opposed to the general con- struction on the land but opposed to the kind of construction proposed. He said they would not like it to be distracting to the neigliborhood. Mr. Sodahl said the property owners had resigned themselves that the structure would be constructed there, as the Planning Commission had recommended approval of the request. He said they would like something compatible to the area built there. He said he felt it would he better if the property were to be left as it is at the present time, undeveloped. Mr. Sodahl said the proposed home would be a large flat house and this would be different than all the other homes in the area. � Mr. D. G. Drevniak, 6684 Fridley Street N.E., addressed the Council stating he owned and lived on the property to the south of the groposed construction. He said he had -- been maintaining the grass. He said there are many children that use the are2 for such activities as picnics. He said this is a wildlife area. He said he thr�ught the maximum use should be obtained from the land, and that is leaving the land undeveloped. Mayor Liebl said he would like some clarification on the type of construction proposed. Mr. Craig Willey, contract purchaser of the property, addressed the Council stating he had some drawings of the proposed dwelling. Mr. Willey went forward to show the drawings to the Council. Mr. Willey said the home would have a mansord roof to resemble the other property in the area. He said because of the nature of the property in order to obtain enough area for his family to live, a two story structure was necessary. He said in the best interest of the area property owners he had incorporated the mansord roof and horizontal siding. He said this would bring the structure closer to the appearance of the neighboring structures. He said he would be using a 10 foot garage door, not a 16 foot. He said if the Council's decision would rest on the size of the garage door, he would make them smaller. He said the garage is attached and in line with the structure tothe south. He said this would 6e a double attached garage. Mr. Willey said he had tried to create a home to fit into the size of the neighborhood by using the mansord roof. , Mayor Liebl said all of the land below the 902 elevation would be deeded back to the City. Mr. Willey said this was correct. Mayor Liebl asked if the width of this area would be 200 feet. Councilman Breider said this would only be 15 feet, ��� PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 11, 1973 PAGE 10 Mayor Liebl suggested they obtain answers for the following questions: � Is the lot a buildable site� Ulould this be in the overall interest of the neighborhood? Is 60 feet enough access to the park land? The City Attorney said as he looked at his certifacate of survey the 60 feet is not what they are asking to be vacated. He said this 60 feet is the �,idth in front and what is the access to the park. The City Attorney said the access to the area has to be by foot. Mayor Liebl said to make this a buildable site, the Council would have to vacate the street easement. The City Attorney said the property awner can request a building permit on a 40 foot lot. He said as long as the area has been platted before the City had required the minimum frontage to be 75 feet. He said the applicant could build on the lot. He said this would not be the case if he were requesting a special use permit. He said the land owner has a right to use his land in some fashion. He said it would be within his right to apply for a building permit. He said he did not know if the City would grant a building permit or not. Mayor Liebl said the alternatives had to be weighed. Would they be encroachang on the creek area and how many people in the area would want the same thing? The City Engineer said this is the only lot available, there is no other that is , tax forfiet in the area. He said it is only 40 feet and the only one not built on. Mayor Liebl asked if the Council did not make this a buildable site would this be an unbuildable lot? The City Engineer said the City has not allowed any construction on 40 foot lots. MOTION by Councilman Breider to close the Public Aearing. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing closed at 9:10 p.m. Mayor Lie61 advised the applicant that the Council would take action on the request the following meeting of the Council. He said the members of the Council would visit the area and they would make a determination when the Ward Councilman Starwalt was present. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ON THE NNNICIPAL COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (CONTINUED FROM MAY 21, 1973): MOTION by Councilman Breider to reopen the Public Hearing on the Comprehensive Plan. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Sreider said he would likE to discuss the area in his Ward which included areas 1, 4, and part of 3. The City Engineer said the Engineering Department had prepared a 20 minute presentation , which had been presented to area organizations. PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF SUNE 11, 1973 l�� PAGE 11 � Councilman Bxeidex questioned the inclusion of the zoning changes in the Gomprehensive Plan. He said how are the type of recommendations regulated�_ The City Engineer said the Comprehensive Plan is only a guide; this is a part of the recommendation, not a zoning ordinance. He stre�sed that this would be a basic plan. He said the individual property would have to still stand on its own scrutiny. He said the same procedure would have to be followed for the zoning changes, Planning Commission, Public Hearing and it would be up to the Council. The City Engineer said if some people would come in and want to develop some muliple type of structures, the staff could point out the best planned areas for this typa construction. He said there are different types of land best for specific uses, and the City could advise the prospective buyer or developer which is best suited for rach irtended use. The City Engineer said in area number one, there are outlined impacts which contrihute to the establishing of the North Town Shopping Center. He said there is a large portion of property that is for puhlic use which is North Park, or to he used for a nature center or golf course. He said there are also large parcels that will be used for industry. He said if the plan for the area is followed, there will be a large area for employment and good recreational facilities. He said there are some drainage problems in the area. The City Engineer said this type of planning would eliminate the need to work in Edina and live in Fridley. He said this will be a total concept � plan. He said there will he a�lace to live, a place to play and a place to work. He said he would like to create a plan allowinR for the most possible opportunities for the people. MOTION by Councilman IItter to table the discua=ior, on the Comprehensive Plan until after the presentation of Mayor Bruce Nawrocki, Columbia Heights, on the Electrical Franchise. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. OR➢INANCE ��542 - NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY FRANCHISE: COLTJMBIA HEIGHTS, : Mayor Liebl explained to the Council and audience that Mayer Nawrocki had excused himself from his City's Council meeting to make the presentation to the Fridley City Council. He sa3d the item was later on the agenda but would appreciate if the Council would allow him the time at the present time, enabling him to return to the meeting of the Council in Golumbia Heights. Mayor Liebl said Mayor Nawrocki would be able to answer the Council's questions as this franchise was drawn up by the cou¢nittee he chaired. Mayor Bruce Nawrocki addressed the Council saying he appreciated the courtesy that the Council had given him in addressing them at the present time. He said the documents that the City was reviewing in reference to the establishing of a uniform electrical franchise in the metropolitan area represented more than five years work by the commattee and the League of Minnesota Municipalities. � Mayor Nawracki said it was the original thought to establish a State wide authority, and this had been sent down the drain by the ftate Legislature. He said some of the Minnesota officials tried a different tact after this time. He said they set out to establish direct negotiations with Northern States Power Company to submit a overall rate structure. He said the results of the work was the presently reing presented document for the establishing a metro rate authority and franchise with North States Power Company. � ( �) PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF SUNE 11, 1973 PAGE 12 Mayor Nawrocki said the group obtained the services of Mr. George Hess and also of Clayton LeFevere, City Attorney, Richfield. He said both of these men have been very active in the Suburban Rate Authority, which regulates the gas rates for this area. Mayor Nawrocki said that Mr. Hess is a consumer orientated consultant without question. Mayor Nawrocki said if this is put into effect, it must represent passage of 60% of the electrical customers of the area, Councilman Nee said he was not going to offer the proposed amendments. Mayor Nawrocki said the amendment in question had been taken care of and must now be taken care of through the court system if collection is sought. He said they would also be estabLishing a prompt payment discount. He said there is currently nothing for reduction for prompt payment in the rate structure except at the top classification Mayor Nawrocki said the question of rate discrimination is aLso being discussed and researched. He said this is also a vexy involved sub�ect and at the present time does discriminate against certain classes of customers. Mayor Nawrocki said they were hoping for some modification of the existing rate structure in this area also. Mayor Nawrocki said he would like the Council to favorably consider the franchZSe. He added, there has been alot of wurk put into the proposed franchise, it is not perfect, but rt is something that can be s2t. He said he thought the proposal a good basis to start from, ' Mayor Liebl asked Mayor Nawrocki who Mr. Hess was and what his background consisted of . Mayor Nawrocki said Mr. Hess is a consumer orientated rate consultant. He said there are very few of them. He said Mr. Hess has served in this capacity in Washington and in many other parts of the nation. Mayor Nawrocki said there is no other persrn in the Metropolitan area who is capable of this type of work, he said it would have been needless to advertise for such s person. He said Mr. Hess had 6een working for the proposed authority on a fee basis. Mayor Nawrocki said he also works for the Suburban Rate Authority. He works only on the consumer side of the issue. When he was shown the amount of dollars that would be paid the consultant, Mayor Nawrocki said he was hesitant to go along with the idea. He said now, he is very certain this was the proper person and the correct method. He said there are firms available faa this type of work, but they are firms that represent both sides of the fence. Mayor Nawrocki said Mr. Hess has worked on a New York housing authority, in Washington, D. C., and also in Texas. He continued, he is in demand 365 days a year, and is very dedicated to the consumer iatexest. � � � Councilman Nee said he is still concerned with rate discrminatian, but would want the Council to adopt the ordinance. Mayor Lieb1 thanked Mayor Nawrocki for attending the Fridley Council Meeting to make the preceeding presentation. He said he knew he had contrihuted hundreds of hours to the study and formalization of the franchise documents to protect the consumer. Mayor Lieb1 thanked Mayor Nawrocki for his appearance. , , �_� � � PUSLIC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 11, 1973 171 PAG� 13 Mayor Nawrocki accepted the thanks, not for himself, but f-or the committee. Councilman Breider questioned the other members of the Council if they would like to take action on the item at the present time? The Clty Attorney said this would be the second reading of the ordinance. MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt the second reading of the electrical Iranchise Ordinance No. 542 and authorize the administration to execute the agreement Seconded hy Councilman Utter. Upon a roll ca11 vote, Utrer, Nee, Rreider, and Liebl voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion car�ed. REMOVING TABLE FROM PUBLIC HEARING ON THE COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN: MOTION by CounciLman Breider to remove the table on the Public Hearing of the Comprehensive Development plan. Seconded by Councilman Utter Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimoulsy. The City Engineer referred to study area number one and stated it would be simiLar to the Southgate area with fringe areas of theaters and office buildings. He said with the park, housing facilities which include apartments, townhouses, and shopping centers this would allow for planned opportunities of the entire area. He said the soil conditions have an essential beariag on the type nf development of the area. He said the higher uses would require much more stable soil conditions than individual properties. He said they cover a much larger area. He said it is also their intent to provide many ponding areas which would not only serve a purpose of establishing drainage, but also enhance the area with beauty in development. Mayor Liebl said he had heard the presentation and he questioned if the concept and the financing of such a plan make it feasible. He said he did not know where the City would get the money for this type of development Mayor Lie61 said he thought the City should try to work the plan in F�ith the development of the area. He said he did think in some of the area, the City would not be able to execute the plan because of economical factors. The City Engineer said there would have to be a p1an. He said he would suggest that those hoping to develop the area conform to the plan at the present time. He said if according to the study and to the plan, the City feels one area should be residential, the developer should be advised which areas would be best suited for this type of development. He said the City could not force developers to follow the concept of the p1an, but it could be pointed out. He said he was sure the pLan would be modified, but they would have guidelines to follow in future development of the City. Mayor Liebl again stressed the economical factor in implementing a plan such as pre- sented by the City Engineer. He said t�.e total impact of the City within the last ten years should be taken into consideration. He said there are persons who do own property and would be opposed to the plan. � The City Engineer said he would like to clarify a point, this is not his plan, it is a plan that the Planning Commission had been working on, and the staff has been working with them for the completion of the over all plan He said the plan had been reviewed by the Metropolitan Council. He said before they review the plan again, this must be reviewed and approved by the Council. He said he was aware that the plan may be modified to conform to the area, people and develop�eni-, 172 PIIBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE Ll, 1973 PAGE 14 Mayor Liebl said he would not allow spot zoning. He said if someone comes in to ' purchase property, the plan could be reviewed. Ae said he knew part of the procedure would be to submit the pLan to the Metro Council. He said he was concerned with the City as a whole, and what the plan may do to the environment, traffic and overall situation He said he felt there should be some modification of the plan. The City Engineer said the plan could be reviewed from time to time and updated. Mayor Liebl asked if the plan called for ultimate building and population density? He continued saying, this could be accomplished by 1985 or 2000. He said the overall City plan would call for a set number of parks, and this should be factor to keep in mind. The City Engineer said yes, the population figures for 1980 would be about 39,000. Mayor Liebl said if the Council would do some radical rezoning, this would effect the maximum density of the overall area. He said the land could be rezoned for the high price tax doLlar, but if the M-2 land is rezoned to R-3 the populatio❑ figures would be out of Line with expected population of the community. The City Engineer said there has to be some consideration given to the ecology anf basic needs of the community, He said this is only a p1an, He said it would require constant review. He said if someone would like a development in a area which has no open area the plan could 6e changed to provide the open area, , Councilman Breider said he questioned whether creating the facilities in a eommunity would solve these problems. He stated he works in Edina and only three of the 400 people he works with there live in the apartment complex in the vicinity of the business. The City Engineer said there Would have to be shopping facilities provided also. Councilman Breider said there are shopping facilities in the area with Southdale. Mr,Schroer said he knew of one Company that would have moved away from Fridley. He said their people live in Fridley and they did not want to move away. He said the plan had some strong points. He said personally, he would not want to work in Eridley and live out of Fridley. Mayor Liebl said the plan could be adopted in concept, but in some cases there would have to be some bargaining done. Mr.Schroer said the purpose of the input would be for study and review. He stated the City would have to have a goal and direction. The City Engineer said he would like to discuss study area number four. The City Engineer said the plan calls for what the City would like to achieve in the area. He said there is some high use, he mentioned Designware. He said the land abutting the creek is a11 residential at this time. He said there are areas which , lack transition from industry to residential. He said there should be some kind of buffer such as parkLand or medium density housing. He said the remainder of the area is residential and park. The City Engineer referred to the area which has � � � PIIBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE ll, 1973 Y � � PAGE 15 been recently discussed for the purpose of the construction of the school bus garage_ He said the area is zoned light industry and this was not a use which would be intended ad�acent to the creek. He said he did think the developer had some rights. He said there should be some restrictions on the property, such as planting and restrictions on the banks of the creek. The City Engineer said the Council would have to exercise their rights. Councilman Breider questioned the City Engineer asking if he thought the development should be something other than commercial. He asked the City Engineer how h�� proposed to handle the problem, and what were the recommendations oi his staff? The City Engineer said with the high use the developer could get his money out of the property. He said the City would either have to let him build or acquire the property. Councilman Breider asked if he built the bus barn, the construction would not Ue according to the p:an of the area� The City Engineer said yes. He said this comprehensive plaa would call for some other medium density facility. He said it is in the center of the City and the center of the School District. He said there would be a traffic problem. The City Engineer said there zre problem�, hut if he wanl:s i:o use tne nroperty for a bus garage, he can. Mayor Liebl said the basic consideration is the zoning. He saici the City could ask for some restrictions. He said he believed Mr. Christenson shouLd build a substantial structure, not a tin shed. He said the City's consideration has to come from the legal aspects. He continued if any alternatives to the plan are decided upon, the City would have to get some moneyfrom someplace. Mayor Lieb1 said he believed the people had a point and there is a traffic problem. Councilman Nee said it is the original zoaing that is creat�ng a burden for the present Council. He said at the time the prooerty was zoned, a property owner could request a certain zoning for his property, whether that property be a acre or an 80 foot lot. He said this was a t.,tally non rational process. He said now, the City was making an attempt to provide rational zoning, which <iould remove cases of the helter skelter to the rational. He said this process would be better than what was done in 1955 and 1956. Mrs. Barhara Hughes, stating she was a representative of tlie League of Women Voters, said the Planning Commission had testified at Length about *_heir concerns about transit and open space, water pollution and water regeneration. He said the plans of the Comprehensive Plan were reviewed by the League, and they thought they met the criteria very well. She said she would like to bring one other thing to the attention of the Council. Mrs. Hughes said there is a newly established National Land use policies may have some future bearing on the decisions of environmental concerns. She said the Comprehensive Plan tries to do this. She mentioned the possibilty of the soluCion af the stream. She hoped the policy of granting rezoning and variances would conform to the national established policy, and they would carefL*lly consider the manner in Wtiich property owners can use their land MOTION by Counciman Breider to continue the public heari_:tg on the Comprehensive Plan until there is a fu11 Council. Secoaded by Councilman Utter ��� PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JUNP� 11, 1973 PAGE 16 Mr. Sim Langenfeld, Chairman of Lhe Environmental Quality Commission, said he , hated to stop progress, but soon it would be necessary to come up to the Council for permissioa to build a teepee. He asked if it would be possible in some manner to grant the man a tax credit ii he conforms to the conditions of the City and also the neighborhood. Mayor Liebl said this would not be possible, but he would like to try to get him to conform with the restrictions by 1aw. He said there are two alternatives, and he did not believe the Council was ready to make a decision on the matter. He said he hoped the necessary machinery would be set in motion for the satisfactory solution to the dilemma. Mayor Liebl thanked Mr. Langenfeld for his input. Mr. Langenfeld said if the structure could be constructed to meet the standards of the neighborhood, this can be done He suggested the Council consider the point of the pollution of Aice Creek and also Locke Lake in the final decision making. UPON A VOICE VOT�, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried and the Public Hearing on the Comprehensive Plan was continued until June 18, 1973. 1tEPOFT ON REQUEST TO GONSTRUCT A SCHOOL BUS GARAGE ON LOT ls AND THE NORTH 25' OF LOT 2� BLOCK 6, RICE CREEK PLAZA SOUTH ADDITION, SUB7ECT TO ALL EASEMENTS OF RECORD. REQUEST BY RODGER CHRISTENSON, FRIDLEY BUS COMPANY INC. (TABLED NNE 4, 1973i• AND RECEIVING PETITIONS OPPOSING VARIANCES: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the report by the City Manager dated Sune 8� 1973 and the petitions submitted by the area property owners. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, al1 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Breider asked if the County and Designware could be contacted about putting a road in the area; The City Engineer said he thought they could be given permission to do something, Councilman Breider said he would also like to see some colored pictures of the upgraded plan of the construction. Mr. Christenson said he had already attended five meetings and he would have to move his bus facility soon. Councilman Breider told Mr. Christenson that he would have his answer by the 20th. Mayor Liebl said the City would have to work on something that is acceptable by the people. He said their only other alternative would be to exchange the land. , The City Engineer asked the Council tif they wanted to vacate the roadway? He said it was his opinion that this should be left open. He said more and more people are taking to biking and walking. Councilman Breider asked if the easement could be used for a parking lot. The City � Attorney said yes. Councilman Breider asked how large this easement was, The City Engineer said it is 30 feet. Councilman Breider said 30 feet is not needed for a bicycle path. 1 � � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF .TUNE 11, 1973 175 PAGE 17 The City Engineer said this is the only link between the north and south area. Councilman Breider sai3 he was concerned about L-he environment if the easement could not be used for a parking lot, the property owner would have to take out the trees. He said he did not believe this would make sense if they couLd come to some agXeement. The City Engineer said when you are speaking about environmental aspects, one has to be weighed against the other. He said the City would have to decide if they want a parking lot or if it would be practical to eliminate it. Councilman Breider said if the path were conduci�ve to bicycle traffic rt wi11 also draw mini bikes. Councilman Breider questioned how the path coul�l be directed across private property. The City Engineer said it is not private, it is a public easement. Councilman Breider said some of the proposed easement is on private property The City Engineer said only one portion, and that is next to the railroad tracks. He said there is also an additional 30 foot easement and a 60 foot area for sewer easement, The City Engineer said perhaps there could be some sort of compromise. Mayor Liebl said if they do not gain the cooperation of the County and Designware, there would be a bigger problem in the area. The City Engineer said he will be able to occupy the current facility until December Mr. Christenson said he had started working on this matter four months ago. Mayor Liebl said he had �us`t heard of it two months ago. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO BUILD A NEW STRIICTURE FOR THE PURPOSE OF A STORE TO Mayor Liebl said the present raquest is only for ttie constroctior, �f the 7-11 store. The City Engineer said the property is zoned properly, but there are some drainage probLems in the area. He said this area does not have the storm sesaer installed. He said there are ditches to Moore Lake. He said there are two stages to the proposed construction of the area. He said first they plan to costru�t the 7-11 Store and secondly other structures wi11 be planned for the east of this structure. He said currentLy as far as the store is concerned the property is zoned correctly. He said they would Like a 15 foot easement on the south side. He said they would also want a 20 foot easement on �ice Creek Road. He said if the 7-11 Store plan is approved, he would like these stipulations included. The City Engineer said the future plans would have to be worked out with the Engineering Department. He said there is a problem with the access being too close to the inter- section, Councilman Utter said he would like to see something done about the drainage He said there is so much fi11 in *he area that the culvert had 'n-een covered up. ��� PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 11, 1973 PAGE 18 MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the plans and request for the construction ' of the 7-11 Store as requested by R.C.E. Corporation Inc., although he did not want to see a constructLOn be put there concurring with the recommendation of the Building Stancards Design Control Subcommittee and their five stipulations and also the recommendations of the City Engineer that a 15 foot easement be granted on the north and a 20 foot easement on the east for a drainage and roadway easement. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Mayor Liebl asked the representative Mr. Ernst if there would be further development of the area. Mr. Ernst said yes. The City Engineer said if there is any more development they should work out the plans with the Building Department, UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declaXed the motion carried unanimously. R�CEIVING THE NORTH PARK FEASIBILITY STIIDY PREPARED BY BRAUER & ASSQCIASES, INC.• MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the report, Seconded by Councilman Breider. Councilman Breider said he assumed they would �ust be receiving the report at the current meeting. He said the firm would give a formal presentation of the report an�time the Council wanted to hear the presentation. He asked the members of the Council when this would be feasible. He said in the contract Mr. Brauer had made arrangements to make the presentation to the committee and the Council. Mayor Liebl said Mr. Ehlers was to make a presentations also. He said he would like � them to malze the presentation to the committee first. Councilman Breider said they would 6e making the same presentation to both groups. He asked the Council if they wanted to wait until the Committee had made a recommenda- tion to the Council or would they favor hearing the presentation 6efore this time. Councilman Nee asked if he thought the committee would be going over the facts before reaching a decision. Councilman Breider said he was made aware of ineeting the following Monday evening sponsored 6y The League of Women Voters, to be at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room. Councilman Breider said he doubted if there would be a decision reached at the meeting planned for the following evening, ,Tune 12, 1973. Councilman Nee suggested calling a special meeting on the fourth Monday of the month for the purpos� of hearing the presentations on North Park. He said he would want the committee to reach a decision before the presentations are made. Mayor Lieb1 said he did not want to hear anything on the item until the committee reached a decision. Councilman Breider questioned giving the committee a time period. Councilman Nee said he thought the CouncLl would be aware if they are making any headway in two weeks. Mayor �iebl said this should be done around the first of August. Councilman Breider said there may be some practical problem with Brauer and E61er � being held over. CounciLman Breider said he would not like to pay the entire portion of the money due the firms until the completion of the preseatations to both groups. He said the City would not know until the presentation of the report if the study is what was asked for by the City. � � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JIINE 11, 1973 �l� PAGE 19 The City Manager said he had received a partial estimate from Srauer whi�h would be appearing on the following agenda. He said he would like to know if this should be held uatil the presentation of the report. Mayor Liebl said he did not think the Council should influence the committee. Councilman Bxeider said he thought the City had an obligation to Erauer and Ehlers. He said they would Like to know when they are to make their presentations. He said he agreed with Councilman Nee that a special meeting would be feasible for the present- ations. He said there is a great deal of Znformation to be presented_ Mayor Li.eb1 suggested setting the meeting for June 25, 1973 at 7�30 p.m. Councilman Nee said this would also be done on the fourth Monday in Suly. Councilman Nee said he was quite disturbed that the report from Srauer did not give the information that was requested. He said he had looked at the contract, and this is what he said. He Gaid he never thought the firm would present a report as had been submitted. He said they had taken Locke Park and presented that as their alterna- tive. He said he did not expect an answer, only possible alternatives He said the study was to study North Park not Locke Paxk. He said but this is what had been signed, and he could not see what the City could do, He said he did not want to give them the option to study two of the City's parks. Mayor Liebl said he thought the presentation shouLd be given on June 25. Mrs. Hughes said this would not be a good date for her to attend as she would be out of town. Councilman Utter said he would not be able to attend either. Councilman Nee asked if the Stone and Fondrick report would be available to those who wished a copy� He said he thought Brauer had every right to except it, but he would like to see it. Councilman Nee said there were some inconsistencles from the time they were at the Council meeting. He questioned if therc was a chance to get the report'+ The City Manager said he had not talked to Brauer about releasing the report ta other groups. Mayor Liebl said there is nothing to hide about the report. Councilman Nee said he thought it should be understood that this was not Brauer's thing,and he only has the responsib="tity to evaluate tlie report. Councilman Nee saLd he wouLd like evexything available that may lead to r_�e dec��ior. making, The City Manager asked if this report should be made available to the public. Councilman Nee said he would �ust as soon make �t availabLe. He said he did not think it had to be broadcast that it is available. MOTION by Councilman Nee to set the meeting for the puspose of hearing the presentations from Brauer and Associates and Ehler and Associates at 7•30 p.m , June 25, 1973. ' Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimou5ly. UPON A VQICE VOTE ON THE ORIGINAL MOTION TO RECEIVE THP, REPORT, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ��� PUBLIC HEARII3G MEETING OF SUNE 11, 1973 CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT: CITY EMPOLYEE: NAME AND ADDRESS David G. Lindquist 6737 Humbolt North Brooklyn Cenetr, Minnesota POSITION SALARY EFFECTIVE DATE Operations & $805 per Maintenance Man month Park & Recreation Department Sune 25, 1973 PAGE 20 REPLACES Richard Cameron ' MOTION by Counciiman Utter to approve the appointment of David G. Lindquist as Operations and Maintenance Man for the Park and Reereation Department effective Sune 25, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF EST7MATL: PATCH & ERICKSON: Patch Erickson Madison & Hanson Inc. Architects and PLanners 2801 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, Minnesota 55405 May Inspection $50.00 MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the estimate. Seconded by Councilman Utter. ' Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF LICENSES REQUESTED BY FRIDLEY JAYCEES FOR CARNIVAL: MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the license request by the Fridley Saycees, waiving the fees and stipulating that there wi11 be somebody from the Police Department in attendance. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously. The Public Safety Director said the officer has already been scheduled for the carnival. METROPOLITAN LEAGUE OF MIINICIPALITIES• 1973 ANNUAL MEETING: MOTION by Councilman Nee to receive the commnuication from the Metropolitan League of Municipalities dated June 4, 1973, regarding the annual meeting of the League Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. LETTER OF RESIGNATION FROM CITY MANAGER, GERALD R. DAVIS, EFFECTIVE AUGUST 10 1973: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the letter of resignation from the City Manager, Gerald R. Davis, dated Sune 12, 1973 and effective August 10, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion , carried unanimously � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF SUNE 11, 1973 l 7 �� PAGE 21 Mayor Liebl addressed Mr. Gerald R. Davis, City Manager, saying he hated to see him go, but the City of Fridley could not pay the money he would be receiving at his new appointment. Mayor Liebl ask.ed Mr. Davis for help in the future if ever they were in need of it. The City Manager said this would be possible. Mayor Liebl said he hoped Mr. Davis would remember Fridley with a warm heart. MOTION by Councilman Nee to advertise for a City Manager in ICMA on a national basis. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared ttie motion carried unanimously. Mayor Lieb1 said the following meeting of the Council would be set for selecting the acting City Manager. AD JOURNMEN T : MOTION by Councilman Breider to ad�ourn the meeting Seconded by Councilman Utter Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unantimously and the Public Hearing Meeting of Sune 11, 1973 ad�ourned at 11•40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ����� �� � Patricia Ellis Secretary to the City Council � C��� � Frank G. Lieb� Mayor