06/19/1973 BOE - 00016423' � zo� �uNE 19, 1973 CONTINUATION OF TI{E ANNUAL BOARU OF EQUALIZAtION MEETING �F MAY 31, 1973 This is th� continuation of the Board of fquaiization meeting which was first heid on May 31, 1973. The m�eYing was contrnued at 8:02 P.M „ June 19, �973, at the Fridley City Hall. ATTENI&1f�CE: � Prese�rt a,�eer l4a�ar Lie61; Courirxtmera litter, Breic�er, Nee' and Starwalt; Mr. krr�rnae��o, Caty Assessor; Hr. kiads�n, Ilep�uiy Assessor; Mr. Mulcahy� Appraisexy amrS Nir. Leone, Anoka ,�e�unty Chief ApQra#ser. G�NER�tL aRS�SsSION: Mayor �a�e�� �xplained that this as a�antinuation �f the Board of Equali- zatiotr m�c���arg which was first he?d �n Hay 3E, 1q73, and that the items wi 11 Fse Y.ak'ee� s`n the same rotaL%ata as then. Afte�^ these are compi eted, any additiona"� ��rems brought to the attention of the Cit;/ Assessor and there- af,tera, �er� �ew items brought up tcs�sight, wi11 �e taken. At this time Mayor �Fe`�� acfded to the agenda the cammunicatian fron Consolidated Lon- tainer �ae,gs�arakion as Item No. i8, Mayor Li�bt r�rortmended that the minut�s af May 3S: 1973, be approved with the corre�g�csxc on Page 10, Item Noa 6, changing '�Viking Chevrolet" to '�Plywooc� htisuiesata." � MOTION by Councilman Breider to accept the minutes as amended, Secortded ay Councilman tJtter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion car�ied utwnimously. NOe 1--MR. CfORGf 1iICKLUNU� 101 GIBR/�LTAR ROAO (LOT i6, BLOCK 2, CARLSON'S SUMMIT NANOR SWTN A�DtTIONiPLAT,5y259a PARCEL 66D): This properLy is in School District No, i3, Ward No. 3, and had an assessad vatue of $20�220 in 197z� and $20�9�0 in 1973, less than a 4% increase. The structure value of Mr, Wicklund�s property has received a 4';-J increase as did most everyone. Therefore� the Assessor�s office recomnended that no change be made in Mr. Wicktund's assessment. MOTION by Councilman Nee to concur in the recommendation of the City Assessor that no change in value be made. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Lie61 declared the motian carried unaniRausly. N0. 2--MR. MARK DOOLEY, 7501 VIRON RDAD (PARCELS 2850, 4350, AND 43EQ, SELTION 12, PLAT 5391Z), VIKING CHEVROI.ET: � Mayor Liebl stated that this property is in School District No. 16, Nard Noo 2, a�d had an assessed value of $255,200 in 1977, and $�+13,700 in 1973� a 56'/, increase. e 207A PAGE 2 CONFINUATION OF THE ANAk1AL BOAR� OF EQUALiZATION MfETING OF MAY 31, 1973 Councilman Breider noted that the Assessor's office had recomnended a reduction of $15,300, giving a new total vatue for Viking Chevrolet of $39$,�00, which would be a rate of $9.95 per square foot. He also painted out that the rafie used for Art Goebel Ford is $9.84 per sq�are foot, and felt the 1973 value for Viking Chevrotet should be computed at the same rate. Using this rate, the new tota] value fof Viking Chevrolet would be $395,3�2 for 1973r which would be approximately a 4$% increase from the 1972 value.• Mr. Herrmann requested that the figure approved end in a double zero to simp3ify computation, so Councilman Breider changed the figure for the new total value to $395,300� a reduction of $18,400. This reduction applies only to the structure. MOTIUN by Councilman Breider to reduce the total 1973 value for Uiking Chevrolet to $395,300, Seconded by Councilman Utter. Mr, Mark Dooley, representing Uiking Chevrolet, addressed the Council and stated that he felt that even with the reduction� this was still an increase from 1972 to 1973 of $130,100 which was very largea Mr. Herrma�n exptained that it was felt the improvements to the building �ndicated such an increase. Mr. Qooley asked if there were any way his appeat for a reduction could 6e �arri�d further. Mayor Liebl informed him that the next step would be to bring his appeal to the meeting of the Anoka County Board of Review on Juty 2, 1973, at 9:00 A.M, Mr. Leqne from the County pointed out that any reduction given to Viking Ghevrn}et by the County would, in turn, have to increase some other property in fridley by the same amount, as they can adjust an individual property, but cannot change the total assessed valuation of the County. Appeal can also be made to the State Board of Equatization which has the power to send a representative to re-appraise the property, to conFer with the City Assessor, and to reduce the valuation if they so desire. Mr. Madsen stated that part of the reason for the increase is the far.t that this particular property has not 6een re-evaluated for the last ten years, and in figuring the valuation now using the equalization process� it must be realized that construction costs have increased tremendously. Mr. Leone pointed out that between January and June of this year, there has already been a�� increase in construction costs. He also mentioned that just this morning the County had received notice that throughout the United States a drop of roughly 25% in construction costs is predic2ed 6y the end of this year, and we should see sane evidenca of this in our grocery purchases within a manth. For the reason that the market value fluctuates up and down, no trua prediction may be given at this tima as to whether Uiki�g Chevrolet witl again receive an increase next year or wfiether m�arkefi values will be down so that a reduction will be made, � � ' zo7B PAGE 3 � GONTINUATION OF THF ANhR1AL BOARO OF EQUALIZATIOIJ MEETING DF MAY 31, 1973 Mr. Madsen pointed out that there is only a two-year difference 9n the age of the building for Art Goebel Ford and the Viking Chevrolet building, as �e felt there had been confusion on this particular point. Gou�c3imart Starwatt stated tfiat if the valuation of $395,300 is the current �rkst value far ]973, then this is a fair valuation for Viking Chevrolet, ��� 4itat he did feel it was regrst#able that such a large increase would R.�ke place A.n ane year,� �1r� �aa8+ey thar�ced +tkse �a�encii a�aci the Rssessar's office for their consider- �a��a��z, �J�r� a vz�a�e vote� all ayess Mayar Li!�'�1 declared the mation carried a�a�sr�xa3'i y� ��45,. `�-�-�fi�`a APi� kIRS. RiCHARD LEVINE, 1630 - 6'6-f AVENUE NORTHEAST (LOT 1, �,� �,, �kO��E`�.AKE PARK 1ST ADOITION, P�.AT 55�390, PARCEL 80): _ ��° �.ie�Ea� paented out that thi s property s s i n Schooi Di stri ct No. T4, 'n�arrcl �%u„ 2. 'S[�e assessed value in i972 was $19,540 and in 1973 is $20,180, a'�a�,'" �mc�'ease. Mr. Levine informed the Assessor's office that they are :s�i:35�fis�d �rs"ti� ihe valuation placed �n their home, so the City Assessor �r�a�ar�� � c'�ange in the 1973 valuatioss. �%��'�01� �ry �au�es4man Starwalt ttt teave the 1973 value at $20,180 with rro � �ftan�e„ Secaareded by Councilmarr BreSder. U�on a voice vote, all ayes, �ia�o-�r ka�b,S rSe�dared the rtwtion carried unar�imously. �0. 4-�P1Re K'�N�i�'�FC PEFERSqN, SQ� �'�ER ST�ZEET NpRTHEAST (LOTS 1-3 AND �2-�§, �CQCK $¢ SPRIFYo BRqOK P'ARY� ADOITIOPJ} PLAT 59140, PA�ZCEL 1476): Mayor LiebS stated Yhat this �raperty is in School District No. 11, Ward Nas 3� and had e 197� vaTue of $22,02U and a 1973 value of $22,420, a 1.8% ffncrease, Tners are e number of special assessments with outstanding batences on thfs property. Mr. Herrmann pninted out that he felt Mr. Peterson had beeome confused abaut the total amount of his reat estate increase, as there was an additional new special assessment appearing for the first time on his i973 tax statement. He said that the pfiysical appraisal of Mr. Peterson's home resulted in a$400 increase in the tq73 vaivation, but alsv in re-checking, it was discovered that through error the overatl 4%za increase which was placed on almost all property in Fridley was omitted on this structure. For this reason, the Assessor�s office recommends an increase of $680 in the 1973 valuation in order to be fair with the other property owners, and said that a letter had been sent to Mr. Peterson notifying him of this recommendation. MOTION by Councilman Nee to concur with the recam�endation of the City Assessor and increase the 1973 �aluation to $23,100. Seconded by Council- � man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, � 207C PAGE 4 CONTINUATIQN OF THE ANFNAL BOARD OF EQUALIZATIQN MEETING OF MAY 312 1473 N0. S--MRo AND MRS. A. A. FUNARO, 1620 ONOMDAGA STREET NORTHEAST (LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 1, MARxEN TfRRACf ADOITION� PLRT 5�7�$, PARCEI 3D)e Mayor Liebl pointed out that this property is in School District No. 16� �a�d Na. 2� and had a 1972 val�a of $30,51#0, and a 1973 value of $31,620. i� is tiae P�COkf:rt6���t�qrv o� the Assessar�s office tfiat this 1973 �aluation �� ��d�c�d by $2,02p b�cause oF the cambination of the two lots and the buiR�a�g �� a gar��a wk�i�h has chenged this property from two building �4L�s to one 6wilding site. ��'�I�N �y �aunciimart Star�al� to concur with the recarcnendation of the ��s2ssosi5 office and reduce the 3373 vatuation to $29,b00. Seconded by C�urtcil�an Breider. Upo� a v�ice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liab1 declared ��ae mo�aaaa cartied unanimously. �pD„ £a-��'�,'rt�rtiPOD MINNESOTA, S�1 fAST RIVER ROAD (LOT 1, BLOGK 1, GREAT @�i4RFH�'RN IN'i3i.9STRFAL Gc'NTER, P4AT �61T3 PARCEL 10): Naye�r lie6! stat�d that this Praperty is in School District No. 14, Ward �ta�,. �� a�ad �nad a 147� val�� �€ $507,7p�, and a 1973 �alue of $b20,200, a ��� a�ac���se« �L cwas �ssin8ss� aut tA�at a 7arg� part of tha ir�crease from 197Z to 1913 was �em� ta �e� errar in ccxnputatian �f the oriqinai value made in 197o. Tnis �aa�B resulYtr! qn a lower vatue far years 1910� 1971, and 1972 than should havs kree�s. 7F�e model home put u� by Plywood Minnesota is located on rail- road praperty but has been assessed to Flywood Minnesata, Because of the fa�t �hat tleis lauil+iit�g may rtot be occupied u�ti1 it is taken off the presen� s%te, and the facC that the basament will have to be destroyed wheea it is moved, ft �is tha recomnendation of the Assessor�s office that 5p`,� rathar than 2S% depreciation for economic obsolescence be used. The Assessor�s office recomputed the warehouse area valuation which had been 4oa high d�ae tn Yhe t970 valuation. The City Assessot recomne�ded that a total reduction of $30,200 be allowed, 7he valuation of this property wes made based on the Marshall and Swift 6asis rather than on thc value stated on the Buitding Permitf as the Assessor�s office has found this to be a more correct valuation. MOTION by Councilman Nea to reduce the 1973 �aluation to $590,000. Seconded by Counc9lman Breider. Upon a vaice vote� all ayes� Mayor Lieb1 dettared the rtation carried unanimousiy. N0. 7--10) CROWN ROAD, DOUGLAS AND SHIRLEY OSIECZANEK (LOT 8, BLOCK 3, CARLSON'S SUMMIT MANQR NORTH AD�ITION� PI.Ai 5525�� Pp.RCEL 840): Mayor Liebl stated that this property is in School District �ks. 13, 1Jard No. 3, and had a 1472 vatue of 523,840 and a 1973 value of $24,740, a 3.8% increase. � . � , , 207D PAGE 5 � CONTiNUATION dF THE ANNUAL BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETING Of MAY 31' 1973 Mr. Herrmann stated that upon a review of this property by an appraiser from the County Assessor's office and himself, that they did find a few things that could reflect a reduction in value. It has been the poticy not to raduce a structure due to lack of normal maintenance because appraisals ar� faur to five years apart. The County made an appraisal of $24,�25. Que #o L�e fact that other ho�es in the area are being treated the same as this �a�, a�d that area sades show the vaTuation is not too high, the City �ssess�c recamne�ded rao ehange at this iime. �A7H�W b� �o�ncilman �'e� ta reduce the 1973 value to $24,325 in accordance arRt� t�a appr��sal value �ade by the County, a reduction of $415. Seconded �y ��v�ci3�an �reider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared R�te imoii�vn �ar�ied urtanimausly. �f39> F;--�4RS• F9AYNARD NEI1.SiQNi 4655 - 2'z STREET NORTHEAST (LOTS 29 ANO jU� Bd,9CK 1�, �LYMOUTH A�OITION, PLAT 57352, PARCEL 5985): Nay�o�' ����! stated that ihfs property is located in School Oistrict No. 13, bdar� No» �, aca+d had a t972 valus of $26,32Q and a i473 value of $27�6�0. �'�rse ��sessa�'s offYCa r�c�nends that thc Board reduce the structure value #or �t� F973 ���essmeari by $4,300, based on the fact that they have now heea� �Searr�$tted ta make a physical va}uation of this property, and that addi- � t�+oruab phpsica� xfepre�c�atkian was recagnized and granted, based on the ��s'kase��Yed �trst foR carrection of roaf repair and a wet basement. E4�'6�&7!€ by Counci4man Nee tn conc�rr with the recomnendation of the City Nlsse�sar and reduca the t973 valuation to $23,344� a reduction of $4,300, Secoraded by Counc{lman 9reider, Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl daelared the motion carried unanimously. W0. 9--245 STONEYBROOK WAY, DARWIN MHL (LOT 11, BLOCK 7, PEARSON'S CRAI&W�AY ESTATES 2N0 ApDITION, PLAT 57309. PARCEL z060): Mayor tiebl pointed out that this property is tocated in School Oistrict Na. 14 and is in Ward No. 3. The 1972 value was $38,840 and the 1973 value is $46,500. Oue to the fact that improvements have been made to this property and tMe fact that Mr. Dahl did not dispute the 1973 value as being a fair market value� the City Assessor does not recommend any change in the 1973 value, MOTION by Councilman Nee to concur with the recomnendation of the City Assessor and make no change in the 1973 valuation. Seconded by Council- man Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Lieb1 declared tha motion carried unanimously. � N0. 10--6900 HICKORY DRIVE NORTNEAST, WILLIAM C. HOFFMANN (LOT 18� BLOCK 4, OSTMAN�S 3R� RODITION, PLAT 57z35, PARCEL 3100): Action was take� at the meeting on May 31, 1973� so no further attion is necessary. , � PAG£ 6 207E CONTIMIATION OF THE ANNUAL BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETING OF MAY 31, 1973 , N0. 11--1604 - 66TM AVENUE N6RT9iEASTy KEkNETH MOXNESS (LOT 1, BLOGK 2, CLARK'S ADDITION� PLAT 55�t30� PAf3GEL 350): Mayor Lieb1 stated that tbcis praperty is in School District No. 14, Ward No. 2, and had a 197� vaave of $24,28D and a 1973 �alue of $25,160, a 3.6% increasm. It is the receMSa*.�recB�t�c�ra �f �he f�ss�ssor's ogfice Chat no change 6e made in the 1973 `*a���, afker maki�sg �a canpas-ison af camparable properties in the immediate neaz��aba�}st��+c6 arad �raki� a physicat valuation of the property in questioasa , MOTION by CauraceaA+aa�u �tarws3k to tonce�r with the recomnendation of the City Assessa�r arad msa�k�e v�a cEtange in the 1973 �alue of $25,160. Seconded by Councilman Breeides. E9pon a�z�ice vote, a{1 ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motian �arriec6 �na�siraAOUS2y,. N0, 12--62ySB ���'kS�B�"f l�13„, �5 �d��Tf1EASfi„ AtR. DONALD C. SAVELK�JL, GOTTWALDT INVESTMENT ��P�NY {F1iGii OF Olf�?L41TS 2 AN� 3, BLOCK 1, MOORE LAKE HIGHLANOS FOURTH AnDYTI4d� 3'�F�T $5�$4 PF�RCEL 7S0): A lette� ade4r�sse� 3� s�e Soar�4 �sff Eqaalization from Mr. Savelkoul dated May 14, 1973„ �'�� ��cei�+esi �� mrax�a�n at the meeting on May 31, 1973. ; The City Ass�ssr�r ��sf�armed tht d3aar� 49ta� a ietter had been sent to Mr. Sa�elkouB i��or�riarg �rxm tFaat the ASSCS56��5 office felt the land value was in line wi�h surmounviing parcels of ia�d, that the structure value is figured by the �uunty Assessas and wiii remain the same, but that the aCtached machin�ry wi0i be remaved due to a new law just passed. No further action was nee�ssary. NOo 13--$HELUON MORiENSON (LOT 11, BLOCK 1, BEVERLY HILLS ADDITION, PLAT 551�5, PARCEL 64ojs Mayor Lieb1 pointed out that this lot is in School District No. 13, Ward F�o. 2, and fiad a value in both 197Z and 1973 of $7,�40. He also stated that it was brought to the atterrtion of the Assessor's office that this vzcant lot adjacent to f289 Skywaod Lane is valued too high. After closer inspection, the Assessor's office decided that the lot would require much fill and even then, there woutd be limitations as to just where Lhe structure cauld be located on the lot. With the5e facts in mind, it was the recomnendatio� of the City Assessor that the Board reduce the 1973 value from $7,400 to $4,500, a reduction of $2�900. MDTION by Councilman Starwait, based on the condition of the lot, to concur with the recommendation of the City Assessor and reduce the 1973 valuaYion to $4,500, a reduction of $2,900. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a � voice vote, alt ayesa Mayor Lieb] declared the motion carried unanimously. 207F � �; PAGf 7 CONTINURTION OF THE ANNUAL BOAR� OF EQUALIZATION MEETING OF MAY 31, 1973 N0. 14--PIERCE STREET WATER PROBLFTf REQICTIOMS AT 6312, 6336, 6366� 6378, 6389, 6361, 6355 L63k5, 6335, 6325, AND 6315 PIERCE STREET NORTHERST: Mayor kie61 stated that these properties in the past have experienced wet basemeMs due to heavy rain and poar drainaqe. Wet basements are a detri- �e�t �a Yhe sale nf a property, and as such, the Assessor�s office feels a ��duction from a nsrr�al, �ai�e �f these propert�es should be made, and r�cmnmren�s a re��c�ion equa� ta ane-h�if the difference between these homes ��n� 4a��ed' a� �a���� f��� ��s�nents less be9ng vaiued on crawl space. ��,e�tr.� ��a� S���waRk s�i d Croe ��s �i si tad sca�e af the homes 1 i sted above, ����a��sY �C�h�t �C;ee�� e+,�� no �crestiare alrout their ha�ing a water problem. f�d��S!�� �gs� �aeac�ci tmat� S�arwal t t� concur i ra the recomnendati on of the Ci ty IT��ss�s�r a�sf e2r`uce th� t973 �atP�ati crn as shaxrra i n the fol lowi ng 1 i st, due ba ���f� v,ratt� �r-mbt emc �t��£SS PARL�C fi�DFTIOtJ FROM TO ��&� �'Y�xae �g����t N.�. Fi3�6 �aers� 5tree� N.£. 0.�k�� pb�C�t $G6€BL I��E,. k7���E �6�R'C� ��.'C!C@t' �{�r�is 6�q ��ese� 3tr�at �'.ti� 6�64 �ser�e 5treett N.E. 6355 �s"ere� Stre�t i�,E„� 63�5 Pverce Street FN,E, 6335 Piarce Street hl.E, 63'25 Pierce Street N.E< 6315 Pierce Strest NoE. 2$'m Z6Q 22i} �Q S6� ��� it7 S� ��a t>a zoa Ftnore La�Ce Hi ghi ands 1 st Mnore L,�ice Fligh}ands lst l4teore Lak� H#ghtiands Ist 4iaare Lake Highlands lst BPan=s A�dition i�rs�s Addikinn �rt°s �rd Addition Ekanfs 3cd Addition Don's 3rd pddition ibn�s 3rd Addition [lon�s 3rd Addition $22,180 23,120 z3,400 22,120 26�700 2g,140 29,400 30,160 28,740 26,440 29,960 $21�000 22�020 21 ,II�kO 21�120 26�200 28,100 28,360 2g,080 2&,240 z5,42o 28,5�0 Seconded by Councilman 9reider. Upo� a voice vote, ali ayes, Mayor Liebi declared the motion carr"ved u�animously. N0. 15--REVALUATION OF VACkNT @.6TS IN FRI�LEY PARK ADOITION, PARCfLS 3Q20, 3870, 3900, 3930, 4170, 418ot 4240, 4310, 4410, 4b2o, Aho 4430: Mayor Liebl stated that tYre Assessor�s office had received a coimunication from the Anoka County Assessor regarding the sale of certain vacant parcels in Fridley Park Addition by the Northern Pump Company to a Fred L. Shapiro. The sale price in November, 197z, was $6,100 plus assessments of $5,800. Our 1973 value was submitted as $35,380. The Assessor�s office made a re-appraisal of these properties and feats that a reduction in our submitted value should 6e made, due to the fact that much of the land is well below grade. � MOTION by Councilman Nee to concur with the recorrmendation of the Assessor�s office and reduce the 1973 �alues as shown in the foltowing list; 207G —r • pAGE 8 CONTINUA7ION OF THE ANFAIAL BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETING OF MAY 31s 1973 �'A�C EL 3020 , �870 3900 3930 �t7�, �� 80, �12�40 ���o' , �4t0 4is2D , , �+3� � � M:u � �.•j• rr L�� YY: ��c�� AODITION Fridley Park Fridley Park Fridtey Park Fridley Park Fridley Park F�`idley Park FrShcey Park Fridley Park Fradley Park Fridley Park Era�tey Park Tota3s FR�1 $4�200 54a 3,Sbo 4,580 5,100 600 300 10,000 6,000 3ob 2ao �h'-+ S35,380 TO 53,600 100 3,000 2,500 1,SOD 100 �ao 4r900 1,400 100 100 $17,400 �ecos�ded by �ou�eiicr.are Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes� Mayor Liebt ��ci�red tFse ersoti�n carried unanimously. �td. 1Cx--MR. RC�BERS k'. OYGERT, THE MABLE F. GA�BOIS PROPERTY, 400� MAIN S�lEE7 FdORTKEAST (AISaITO^n�S SUBiIIVISICN N�. 39, PLAT 54156. PAiiCEL 60): , . �he Assessor°s r�ffice reconmends that an increase in the 1973 lot value ir, ��ae amaunt af 53,700 i�e made, changing the total value from $14�540 to �3�,�QQ, rPil�cting 95 fee� of lot value which had been omitted. A letter exp'�aining tRis was sent to Mr. Robert W. Dygert on June 8, 1973� by P�r �,.Mul cahY, ApPrai ser. , �rv._ t�€1'F��N �y Cour�cilman Nee to concur with the recomanendation of the City ¢ssessor and increase this valuation by $3,700. Seconded by Council- caaga-Breider. Upan a voice vote, a11 ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the ohotian carried unanimously. - __ _v _ ____ .__ __ �d:�97'--MR: PERRY M. NELSC�M, 649 - 53RD AVENUE NORTHEAST (LOT 1, BLOCK 2, h�ayor Liebl stated that the Assessor's office recortmends that the 1973 19Y.vatue be increased by $500, due to the tact that the additional thirty �eet of vacated Madison Street which was acquired by Mr. Nelson through Council action on May 15, 1972, had not been included in the original �9�� notice of value. .� letter was sent to Mr. Nelson on June 7, 1973, by-Mr. Mulcahy, informing him of this increase along with an explanation. +.,, MOTION by Councilman Starwaldt to concur with the recommendation of the iisSessor�s office to increase the 1973 value by $500, which will change �he,tatal value from $26,220 to $26,720, Seconded by Councilman Breider, Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. 41 � � � 207H d PAGE 9 � CONFINUATION OF THE ANNUAL BOARO OF EQUALIZATION MEETING OF MAY 31, 1973 N0. 18--LONSOLI�ATEU CONTAINER CORPORATION (PARCEL 850, AUDITOR�S Sl1BUIVISION N0. 77, PLaT 54158; PARCEL 3180 AN� PARCfL 3050, SECTION 11, PLAT 53911): Mayor Liebl read a letter addressed to the City Assessor and the Board of £qualization dated June t8� 1973, from Mr. J. W. Bernstein, president of Consolidated Container Corporation, stati�g that they felt their 1973 market valu� was higher than that of adjacent properties, and asking for a re-evatuation of the 1973 assessed market value. The Assessor's office had prepared a comparison of values on adjacent pr,operties.which was reviewed by the Board. MOTION by Councilman Breider to accept the letter, and to recanmend that the 1°73 �alues remain unchanged. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, a11 ayes� Mayor Liebl declared the rtrotion carried unaninously, Co�nciiman Nee stated that he felt the Assessor�s office was to be congratulated on the research to be found in the Agenda. As he had not had this type c5f information in previous years, he felt that it gave him a greater feeling of confidence and correctness in making the prope� decisiorts. � Mayor Liebt pointed out that this is the secand year this procedure has been used and has worked so successfuily, and sLated that the Assessor's office hacf atso been complimented last year for their outstanding work. He also thanked the County rlssessar and his Assistant for their cooperation. He mentioned that last year the Fridley Board of Fqualization finished their meeting in approximately two and one-hatf hours, while he understood that the Columbia Heights Board of Equalization meeting had continued until 4;00 A.Ma, showing in his opinion that this research had been very helpful. MOTION by Councilman Breider to adjourn the meeting of the @oard of Equali- zation. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Councilman Starwa]t stated that he felt it was a shame more citizens from the comnunity couid not sit in on these meetings to see just how much effort was pu± into the meetings and the procedures inv�lved. He said that in many cases there were big increases, but there were justifsable reasons for these increases. At this poirt- Mr. Osieczanek, the owner of the property discussed under Item No. 7� �.ntered the meeting. Mayor Liabl explained to him that this item had already been discussed and acted on by the 3oard of fqualization. Mr. Osieczanek asked what 1ega1 steps he would have to take to have tfie State make a re-appraisat of his property. He said the State had told � him to obtain a form from the City. Mr. Herrmann and Mr. L�one both advised him that thzy were unaware of ahy form, and tnat perhaps this is something new being used by the State �e�ai•tment of Equalization, but that it would have to be obtained from the State, PAGE 10 CONTTNUATION OF THE ANNUAL BOAR� OF EQUALIZATION MFETING DF MAY 31, 1973 Mr. Madsen stated tfiat he had given Mr. Osieczanek the phone number of the State Appraisal Examiner�s office previously. Upon a vaice vote, all ayes� }hayor Liebl declared the meeting of the Board �of Equaiizatin� adjourn�d at 8:48 P.M.� June 19� 1973. �es�c'tfui � y sz�b:aa7 �t�d, �r ��i2 t.'.li;�. �'��(,9��-� �'a�racia Sykes �f �yQx,�' ���'Ci � FRANK G. LIEBL, AYDR 208 _,��� � � �