11/05/1973 - 00016154C.l � THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF NOVEMBER 5, 1973 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Counc�l was called to order at 7 34 p.m., November 5, 1973 by Mayor Liebl. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Ltebl led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INVOCATION: The Invocation was offered by Mayor Liebl. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT PROCLAMATION: Councilman Nee, Councilman Breider, Councilman Starwalt, Councilman Utter and Mayor Liebl. None. "HELP YOUNG AMERICA WEEK" - NOVEMBER 12 THROUGH NOVEMBER 16, 1973: Mayor Liebl read the proclamation entitled "Help Young America Week" a}oud to the Council and audience. MOTION 6y Councilman Utter to adopt the Proclamation for Seconded by Councilman Breider. lJpon a voice vote, all declared the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: PUBLIC HEAF.ING MEETIPJG OF OCTOBER 15, 1973: "Help Youny America Week". voting aye, Mayor L�ebl MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt the minutes of the Public Hearing Meeting of the Fridley City Council as submitted. 5econded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all vottng aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. SPECIAL MEETING OF OCTOBER 17, 1973 (Wall Corporation): Councilman Breider said he would like to suggest a few changes on the last page of the minutes of the Special Meeting of October 17, 1973. Ne directed the attention of the Council to the second,point 7n the list of requirements made by the Acting City Manager. The stipulation read as follows• The Council agree to 130 apartment units to be constructed in the rental �rice range of one bedroom at $195, two bedroom at $260, and at the 1973 rates. Councilman Breider e�cpressed the thought that the Council had not "agreed", but rather "suggested", and he would like this changed to read: The Council su ested 130 apartment units be constructed in the rental price range of one bedroom at 195, two bedroom at $260, and at the 1973 rates. Councilman Breider said the intent of the Council was to indicate some area of count for the consideration of the item by the Planning Comm�ssion at the�r Public Hearing. y�. Mayor Liebl asked if there were any further quest�ons on the proposed amendment to �the minutes. The second point of change was made in the last sentence of the minutes which read: The Council as a whole then agreed to these conditions and the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. The Council consensus was this sentence should read: The Council as a whole then agreed for purposes of hearing to these conditions and the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. MOTION BY Councilman Breider to amend the minutes of the Special Meeting of the Fridley City Council of October 17, 1973 as aforementioned. Seconded by Counctlman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt the Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Fridley City Council of October 17, 1973 as amended. Seconded by Counc�ly-nan Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. i8� P,EGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 5, 1973 ADOPTION OF AGENDA. PacE 2 Mayor Liebl asked if there would be any add�t�ons to the agenda by a�y of the members of the Council. Councilman Breider sa�d he would like to add the consideration of waiving theprovision in the Ordinance which would prohibit the sale of liquor on November 6, 1973, election day, Ward II only. � MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, motion carried unanimously. UISITORS� the agenda as amended. Seconded by all voting aye, Mayor �iebl declared the REQUEST FOR FOUNDATION PERMIT BY MIDLAND COOP; REQUEST PRESENTE� BY MR. DICK THORSON: Mr. Dick Thorson, Adolph Peterson Contractors, addressed the Council and indicated he would be making an addition on the Midland Coop building and because of the t7me of the year and threat of frost, he would request the Council grant a foudation permit, Mr. Thorson said it was suggested that he appear at the present meeting and grve the Councii some idea of the plan. He said this request wouid be for a foundation permit only. The Acting City Manager/City Engineer, Nasim Qureshi, reviewed the planned construct�on on the map on the easel, and said the pro6lem would be, if the foundatton was delayed until the procedures were completed, the frost wou7d be too severe to construct the foundation. The City Engineer explained, every day the sttuation with the frost is getting worse. He advised the Counci7 that it wou7d be possible for them to authorize the granting of the foundation permit and the remainder of the construction would be sub,7ect to the review of the Building Standards Design Control Subcommittee. Mayor Lie61 stressed that under normal conditions, the applicant would have to appear at the Build�ng Standards �esign Control Subcommittee, but this was a difficult matter � because of the time factor. Mayor Liebl said if it Was the opinion of the Ward Councilman that this would be possible and the foundat�on permit could he granted, the City would be able to issue the permit. Mayor Liebl asked if he would be able to review the plan as it would be submitted to the Subcommittee and Mr. Thorson furnished the plan to the Council. Mayor Liebl asked the Chairman of the Building Standards Design Control Subcommittee to come forward and review the plans. He asked if this was what had been presented to the City previously and if the plans would meet with the approval of the Chairman. Mayor Liebl repeated to Mr. Hubert Lindblad that the applicant had indicated he would be 6ack for additional approval of the construction, and if Councilman Nee would have no ob�ect�ons, the Council could issue the foundation permit before the review of the Subcommittee. He stressed that the details in the plan wou7d have to 6e worked out by the Subcommittee. Mr. Lindblad indicated he would�have no objections to the issuance of thefoundat�on permit, he added the Subcommittee had worked with the applicant in the past and there had been no problems. MOTION by Councilman Nee to grant the Foundation Permit to Midland Coop for the proposed addition to their structure, sub,7ect to the provision that the applicant would have to fulf�ll all other necessary requirements in con,7unction with the application policy, and that the Council would not be obligated to the applicant to allow the construction of the building because of the grantin9 of the foundation permit. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Leibl declared the mot�on carried unanimousTy and indicated the foundation permit had been granted. REQUEST FOR FOUNDATION PERMIT BY STAN BECKSTROM, REPRESENTIIdG GAZDA MOVERS: Mr. Stan Beckstrom addressed the Council and outlined his request for a foundation permit because of the shortness of the remaining construction season. The City Engineer said the construction proposed would be that of an addition to the existing facility and was as have been previoUSly reviewed by the Council. The City Engineer said there would be a 35 foot set back, and the setback to the east wouid range from i20 feet to 60 feet, with the average setback falling within the required amount of 8D fe�t.. He po�nted out there wou7d be some screening of the building by vegatation so the building would not look too high. He recommended the Council issue the foundation permit under the same conditiona as established in � REGULAR COl1NCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 5, 1973 the previous item. PAGE 3 Mayor Liebl asked the applicant if he agreed with the points of stipulation, A, B. C, and D. Mayor Liebl read the stipulations as follows: a) Six thousand dollar pr:rformance bond to run from October 1973 to � October 37, 1975. Subject Bond is placed with: Murnane Schleck & Associates, 2201 Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404. b) Complete all screening on the pertmeter of our lot by May lst 1974. c) Complete landscaping as submitted, after completion of the addition hy October 31st, 1975. d) Complete at least 5D% of proposed plan tn calendar year 1974 and balance by October 31st,1975 P�layor Liebl asked the representative of the Company if there were any ob�ections to any of the above stipulations, and the representative said there were none. MOTION by Councilman Breider to grant the foundation permit with the stipulations contained in the letter from Gazda Moving Company, Ronald D. Gazda, dated October 31, 1973 and addressed to Mr. Darrel Clark, Community Development Administrator, and also with the stipulations and conditions recommended 6y the Building Standards Design Control Subcommittee, if any, and this permit would be for the foundation only and the applicant would have to follow the necessary procedures before any further construction of the building, and that the City would not be obligated to issue additional permits hy allowing the installation of the foundatton at this time. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor LZe61 declared the motion carried una m mously. 'CONSIDERATION OF POSSIBLE �AYCE S: FRIDL ; �, , �� ; Ihe City Engineer addressed the Chairman and referred to the communication offering the City of fridley a bus by the Fridley �aycees, and said two of the representatives of the organization were present at the meeting. The City Eng�neer continued listing the various communications which had been presented to the Council in their agenda folders. He said Mr. Paul Brown, who had done the necessary research into the cost factors was present also, and he could be questioned further. Mayor Liebl said it would be in order to receive the letter from Mr. Adolph Kukowski, Chairman of the Fridley Jaycees. MOTION 6y Counciman Utter to receive the communication from Mr. Adolph Kukowski, Chairman of the Fridley Jaycees, dated October 31, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Bre�der. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lie61 declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl ackowledged the receipt of the letters from Mr. Brown and the Act�ng C�ty Manager. The Mayor called on Mr. Pau7 Brown to present his ideas to the Council. Mr. Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation, addressed the Council and said the memorandum he had submitted exemplified the possible cost of the City taking � on the operation of the bus. Mr. Brown continued stating the cost had been figured at 75¢ per mile with the figure of lO,OD� miles per year used for calculation of the cost. Mr. Brown 1isted the items included in the estimated cost as follows: driving costs, maintenance and upkeep, depreciation, storage costs, and insurance. Councilt�an Breider questioned if the cost of depreciation could be used tf the City had not purchased the bus to begin with, it would be a gift. Councilman Breider inquired how much Mr. Brown had figured for,�the depreciation. Mr. Brown said he had obtained these figures from Mr. Roger Christenson, Fridley Bus Company, and he did not receive the individual figures. Councilman Breider asked if the use of the bus by the Fridley Hockey teams and other organizations had been figured into the total amount. Mr. Brown said the f7gure included the current use of the City by buses and also the proposed usage. Mr. Brown said in 7972 the City had spent $2,400 for bus rental and $1,815 to date in 1973. � �3 �� REGULAR COUNCIL P9EETING OF NOVFMBER 5, 1973 PAGE 4 Counciman Breider said �t wou7d reduce the cost of operation nf the groups such as the Hockey Association and Football Association would return the bus with a full tank of gasoline, and hire their own driver. Mr. Brown agreed, but with the legal compl�cations, he felt the City would have to be very carefiul about the driver of the bus. Mr. Brown said he thought the driver shou7d be a paid City employee, He said there had also been a concern at which persons would be allowed to use the bus, He cont�nued he would like the bus for the use of all organizations in Fridley such as the Senior Citizens and the Lions, and so forth. Mr. Brown expla�ned that the Hockey Association had tr�ed to purchase a bus for a City fac9l�ty, but this had failed because of the realization of the costs involved. There would be other conflicts that would have to be worked out a7so. He used an example of the heavy use the bus would get during the months of December and January with the hockey schedules. He questioned what wou]d happen if someone wou7d want the bus for a trip to the Guthrie Theatre during this busy session. He suggested the City be authorized to make th�s determ�nation. Mayor Liebl said his f�rst concern would be proper liability insurance for the drtver and the people who would ride the bus. He stressed the City should carry maximum insurance on the operation. He also stressed the importance of having a trained and proper7y licensed bus driver, whether this be man or woman. He said he would not want �ust anybody to drive the bus, and in order to receive any reasonable compensation in case of an accident, he thought the person shou]d tse on the City payrol7. He con�luded, the City would be in b�g trouble �f this was not handled correctly. Mr. Brown responded, he thought the Mayor was absolutely r�ght, and this would be something that would be a must. Mr. Brown indicated he had been the one who had made the requast for the bus to the Fridley Jaycees. Mr. Brown pointed out that the 6us could have been donated to the Hockey Associaiion individually, but this would increase the amount of the insurance rates 6eing this is a private organization, and there would be no storage facilities and so forth. Mr. Brown explained �f the present proposal is followed, the City would be in complete control of the vehicle and its insurance and drivers. Councilman-Utter emphasized the growth of the Hockey Association and said the AA teams had been added. He in�uired how the bus could serve this group when there would be nine games scheduled per night? Mr. 6rown said this would depend on when and where the games would be played. Councilman Utter said there would be three traveling teams for each night of scheduling. Mr. Brown said a schedule would have to be developed. He said at the present time the booster groups are responsible for travel of the boys, he said the boys are riding in cars. Mr. Brown indicated he would not like to see eight or nine teams traveling in this manner. Councilman Utter said the teams travel as far as 5tillwater and Mr. Brown said he was aware of this. Mr. Richard Young, Fridley Jaycees, addressed the Council and said the Hockey Association was not their only concern or the only group which was to be served. He continued he would like the use to include the Football teams, Ba6e Ruth Leagues and all other groups. Mr. Young said he was concerned about the members of the teams traveling in four to five cars to reach the destination of the games. Mr, Adolph Kukowski, Fr�dley Jaycees Chairman, explained to the Council and audience that Mr. Roger Christenson had agreed to take care of the purchase of the bus lending his knowledge of the vehicles. Mr. Kukowski said many of the bus parts are interchangeable and this would be a reduction factor in maintenance. He added, most of the buses in operation only use expenses of 50¢ per mile, and the depreciation is only figured for one to two years. He further explained that for some trucks the expense is only 29¢ a mile. Mr. Kukowski said the situation as compared to the operation of the Fridley Bus Company and the City's proposed operation would be dtfferent because of the fact that the Fridley City Bus would operate more, dr�ve greater distances without stoping and starting, and would not be sitting without moving. He indicated this is the type of that is costly, short trips and sitting �dol. Mr. Kukowski said Mr. Christenson rents the buses for 42¢ a mile. Mayor Liebl commended the members of the Fridley Jaycees for their civic spirit with the proposed donation of the bus to the City of Fridley. � � 1 � �^ � REGULAR COUNCIL f4EETING OF NOVEMBER 5, 1973 PAGE 5 Councilman Breider said some very interesting points had been brouqht out during the present meeting and he thou9ht before the Jaycees would go through with the purchase of the 6us, he thought Mr. Brown should come up with more detailed figures concerning the increased liability insurance and other details needed for the determination of operating costs. He continued some sort of report on the scheduling of the use of the drivers should be brought to the Council for consideration. � Councilman Breider stated, he would like to see a more definite plan. Councilman Starwait said he had a quest�on and it had not been answered throughout the entire discussion. He asked why Fridley needed a bus. He stated the contracts for the buses could continue. He expressed concern stating this bus operation could get out of hand. He continued saying the next request or donation may be that of a train. He again questioned the advantages of the City to assume this responsibility He indicated the thought that contract 6using may 6e needed ln addition to the use of the City bus also. MOTION by Counciman Starwlat to direct Mr. Paul Brown to research the costs and details of operation, insurance, dr�vers, scheduling and priorities and report back to the Council w�th a report for their consideration on Novem6er 19, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liehl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl thanked Mr, Kukowski and Mr. Young for attending the current meeting and indicated the Council would be coming to some decision two weeks from the current meeting. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 29, 1973 MOTION by Councilman Breider to recetve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting of October 29, 1973. Seconded by Counci�lman Utter. � Mayor Liebl asked if there would be any action taken on the matter of fencing the Skyline Park area. He said the man has a legitimate concern. Mr. Brown explained the man was requesting a higher fence and the plan for the Paiek was for the installation of a four foot fence and this was for the traffic control measure because the park abuts the driveway to the apartment build�ng. Mr. 6rown said a fence would have to be installed, but Mr. Tauer had attended the Commission Meeting and requested a chatn link fence and also a chicken wire fence. He said the proposal of a privacy fence had also been proposed. Mr. 6rown pointed out that the chain link fence would be more economical and normally these fences would be only four feet, and the property owner wants an eight foot fence. MOTION by Counctlman Nee to direct Mr. Brown to prepare a sketch and comparative costs to remedy the problems ad�acent to the Tauer property and Skyline Park. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mot�on carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl said this should appear on the agenda November 19, 1973. 11PON A VOICE 1lOTE, on the motion to receive the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting of October 29, 1973, all voting aye, Mayor Liehl declared the mot�on carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF RE4UEST OF "NO PARKING SIGNS ON SATALLITE LRNE N. E.. � Mayor Liebl said when the apartments on Satellite Lane appl�ed for �he huilding permit, they were required to have so many parking spaces, stalls and garages. He said he has been concerned about the hazards of the area for sometime, and Chis was the reason he had brought to the attention of the Council. He referred to the operations of school buses in the area and said it is barely possible for a car to make the turns and drive through the area, and the school buses would not be able to pass if the cars would be parking on 6oth sides of the street. Mayor Liebl further explained the seriousness of the problem and indicated there was a similar situat�on in the Second Ward. Mayor L�ebl said he thought the Council should make decis�ons which would lessen the possibility of acciden�s in all areas. He stressed the need to look at safety first, and the apartments have adequate parking spaces behind the build7ngs. He expressed concern because of the hazard betng created by the use of both sides of the street, not 6ecause he lives in the area. Mayor Liebl stressed the iinpossibility of allowing the parking on both sides of the street, with parking on one side, he continued, there is ,7ust barely room enough to turn the corners without sliding into ��3`; REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIIVG OF NOVEMBER 5, 7973 PAGE 6 ihe parked cars. He again referred to the difficulty of the school buses operating in the area. Mr. Merle Longerbone, 180 Sylvan Lane, addressed the Counci7 and stated when turning west from Satellite, the cars end up in the snow bank in the winter months. He explained when attempting to drive in the area, a person has to cross their fingers and hope they do not hit someone. Mr. Longerbone said the area residents were happy to see the no parking signs. , Some discussion followed concerning the route that would have to be taken by the area residents if they wished to park in the street while the no parking signs would occupy the south side of the street. The consensus of the Counci7 was that this was not feasible. Mr. Longerbone said the second apartment building is the one with the most serious problem with parking. He pointed out that the people park by the sidewalk and it is impossible to turn the corner. The City Engineer explained the grade is going to the west and if there were no parking on the north side of street, this would be an aid in the prevention of accidents, Councilman Nee suggested looking into the possibility of straightening out the corner. He said the point of the corner lot could 6e cut off and this would aid �n the solut�on to the problem. The City Eng�neer referred to the suggestion made by Councilman Nee. He said it would be possible to negotiate for the acquisition of additional right of way when a building permit �s applied for on the corner lot 7n question. He said the City could try to acquire the land and make the intersection wider. I�lOTION by Councilman Breider to confirm the placement of the "no parking" signs as they are, and that the City Engineer contact Mr. Edstrom to find out his ideas to a solution to this quandary, and that the Adm�nistration pursue possible � alternatives for parking in the area, and that the administration negotiate for the acquis�tion of the property from the property owner of Lot l, Block 2, Sylvan H�lls Plat #4, at the time the bu7lding permit is applied for. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb7 declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Engineer said there are plans to eliminate the access to 3rd, and this would eliminate the usage of Starlite Lane. RECEIVING THE SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS OF LEGISLATIVE STUDY COMMITTEE: Mayor L�ebl read aloud the various Committees and Chairmen of those committees to the Council. He asked if there were any questions in the reports to be received, and there were none. MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the summary of recommendations of the Legislative Study Cormiittees. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: GENERAL 33678 - 33739 LIQUOR 8337 - 8352 MOTION by Counc�lman Utter io approve the claims. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously , ESTIMATES: Weaver, Talle u Herrick 316 East Ma�n Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 October Retainer and 5ervices Rendered dated November 7, 1973 $1,240.00 MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the estimate. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carrted unanimously. 2, ��! �i; , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOUEMBER 5, 1973 PAGE 7 CONSIDERATION OF ACQUISITION OF TAX FORFEIT PROPERTY BEING OFFERED FOR SALE: The City Engineer said the County had notified the Ctty that this property ts for sale. Mayor Liebl said some property is needed for the street. The City Eng�neer said � the property is actually in the public right of way and it has been red tagged. He pointed out the price would be $39.90. MOTION 6y Councilman Breider to authorize the Administration to acquire the property described as follows: 1. Part of Lot 28, Block l, Marian Hills, this portion has been dedicated for public street and lies under 52nd Ave. N. E. 2. A part of Lot 43, Block K, River View Heights, a portion of this 7ot next to the tax-forfeited poriion has already been iaken for street purposes, 3. Lot 11, Block 2, Marian Hills 2nd Addition, this lot fronts a lot containing an apartment bui7ding and the City could keep a road open by buying this lot, and as pointed out in the letter from the Anoka County Aud�tor, Charles R. Lefebvre. 5econded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, a17 vot7ng aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimoualy, -1973 - AUTHORIZING THE EMERGENCY PURCHASE OF DIESEL FUEL OIL n rncni tnir. � MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #147-1973 authorizinq the emergency purchase of diesel fuel oil, heat�ng fuel and gasoline. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. -1973 - AUTHORIZING THE CHANGING OF BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE Mayor Liebl said this would be executing an a�reement made by the C�ty Manager when he, Marvin Brunsell, Finance Director, and Fire Pension Association conducted negotiations. Mayor Liebl said it would be in order to adopt the resolution. MOTION by Councilman lltter to adopt Resolution #148-1973 authorizing the changing of budget appropriations for the General fund and P. E. R. A. Fund, and author�zing the transfer of funds from the General Fund to the P. E. R. A. Fund (Firemen's Pension). Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb] declared the motion carried unanimously. IBIT MOTION by Councilman Breider io waive the provision in the Ordinance which would prohibit the sale of liquor on November 6, 1973, election day. Seconded by Councilman � Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MR. HUBERT LINDBLAD'S CONCERN ABOUT NON-COMPLIANCE WITH THE COUNCIL STIPULATIONS FOR nnrnirrnic nnnvrn r_n�nr_r nni ��-ru n�irninr nnin nnnrni cTOrrT Mr. L�ndblad addressed the Council and asked the Chairman for several minutes to question the Council on some matters that concern him. He said his first concern was the non-compltance to the stipulatians as agreed to by the property owner on 57th and Main. He referred to the moved garage which was a7lowed the time period of one year to complete the necessary stipulations. He said the painting and not been done and the hpme was now for sale. Mr. Lindblad feared the property would be sold and the Council would have no recourse in enforcing the stipulations as agreed upon. [�� t, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 5, 1973 PAGE 8 Mayor Liebl sa�d this was located in Councilman Nee's Ward. Councilman Nee asked if the property owner tk'as building the garage. Mr. Lindblad said no, he had moved it to the property. He continued, he was to paint and repair the garage to make it look like the house. Mr. Lindblad said he had questioned this last year, but the time was notup at that time, now �t has been over a year. Mr. L,indbiad repeated his concern that after the property �s sold the City would have no recourse. Mayor Liebl directed the City Engineer to look into the matter, and said the man shouid rece�ve a letter indicat7ng the terms of the stipulations on moving the garage and reminding him he had 12 months to comply, MR. HUBER7 LINDBLAD'S QUESTION ON WHY THE FRIDLEY LIQUOR STORE ON HIGHWAY #65 HflS ntnr R�cni CI-IRIIRRGfI o i anincr orn• Mr. Lindblad explained to the Council that many people have questioned him on why the landscaping at the Liquor Store had not been done, when the City requires elaborate landscape plans and execution of those plans by all who develop �n Fridley. The Acting City Manager said there are two trees on one side of the building, plants and shru6s on the north and other items. Mayor Liebl said the plan would be in City Hall. Mayor Liebl d�rected the Acting City Manager to execute the plan that had been approved by the Council. MAYOR'LIEBL'S QUESTION ON INSTALLATION OF GUARD RAILING: DELIVERY AREA AT LIQUOR STORE: Mayor Liebl sa�d he had received a call from a concerned citizen concerning the question of installation of a guard railing on the delivery area of the new Liquor Store. He said this equipment should be installed to comply with the City Code. Councilman Bre7der agreed w�th this concern stating this could be a compla7nt from OSHA. Mr. Lindblad said anyone might step off of the loading dock. The City Ehgineer said th�s had not been provided for in the construction contract, but the staff had proceed s1 to comply with this installation and it would be done soon. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Councilman Nee to ad,7ourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council adjourned at 9:7D p.m., November 5, 7973. Resptfully submitted, Patricia Ell�s Secretary to the City Council Date Approved � """"�"C �j. �fi 7• Frank G. L�ebl, Mayor 1 � �