03/18/1974 - 5480PATRICIA ELLIS COUNCIL SECRETARY REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 78, ]974 FRIDLEY CITY COUi'dCIL — REGULAR �IEETIidG — MARCH 1�, 1974 — 7:30 P,M. 7:36 p.m. . PLE�GE OF ALLEGIA►"�(CE; Given IfdVOCR�T1Qf�: Ro�� ca��, PROC�A�v1AT I OiJ ; by Mavor Liebl. All present. 1VAM I NG �y�ARCH �9, 1�74 —"V I ETNAM VETERANS DAY" �- Adopted PRESEi�TAT I Oid OF tibJARi�S : CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATIQN �.11L�N RE�ATIONS COMMITTEF �ENE �USTAFSON Administration to forward r�OBEFtT �� ER I C KSON Admi ni strati on to forward . ADOLPH KUKOWSKI Presented. EI LEEN $TENBERG Presented. Ei�VIRONdENTAL �UALITY COMMISSION RONALD F. BURTON Admi ni strati on to forward APPROVAL OF i� I idUTES : PUBLI C iiEAR I NG MEETI NG, FEBRUARY 11, 1974 Adopted as presented. REGULAR �OUNC I L MEET I NG, FEBRUARY 25, 1974 Adopted as presented . t�EGULAR �OUNCIL �`�EETING, �'�ARCH 4, 19%4 Adopted as presented. �: � � I��GU L�iR I�IEET I f�G, MARCH 1�, 1974 � � ADGPTIU�� OF AGE��DA: Additions: Fehruary Retainer for Weaver, Talle, and Herrick Street Lighting on Fairmont Circle VISITORS: PAGE 2 iCONSIDERATION OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA — ZS MINUTES) Curtis Johnson, 23'l0 Wilson Street N. E., Minneapolis - request for variance . (discussed later in the meeting.) ��rs. Edward Fitzpatrick, 5273 Horizon Drive, Fridley - request for funding of nucleus clinic. Will be placed on agenda April 1. Milton Peters, 6242 5th Street N. E,, Fridley - request for youth activities for � teens. Council will take some time and investigate. Ol:� BUSIidESS: � CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS CTABLED 3--4 74) , � , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 , Mr. Thomas Sullivan, 1350 Gardena reappointed to Environmental Quality Commission. . Mt^. Wilbur Whitmore, 4�0 Rice Creek Terrace reappointed to Police Corr�nission. � t�ir. David Harris, 470 Rice Creek Blvd, appointed to Parks and Recreation Commission, AWARDIN6 BIDS — MOWING AND C�EANING OR SPRAYING OF PROPERTY FOR CITY OF FRIDLEY �TABLED 3-4-74)� �... Z— Z A ' Contract Awarded to U. Vas�ka for the amount indicated in the bids. , �I � . REGU LAR MEET I t�G, f�IARCH 18, 1973 � NEW BUSII�ESS: PAG E 3 CONSIll�.RATION OF NPPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT P�S�#74-�1, RICE CREEK ESTATES, BY GOODCO INC., AND PINE TREE BUILDERS; GEVERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN RICE CREEK ROAD ANll bIST HVENUE AND �IEST OF BENJAPhIN STREET� �.�.�� 3- 3 C Plat recommended b,y Parks and Recreation Commission and Planning Commission approved. Portion of property in Thielmartn area was not approved. ��lill be considered after agreements between Thielmann's and Goodco are completed. Approved plat to improve roadway and utilities only to section line. RECEIVING THE MI�JUTES Ot= THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEET I NG OF I'�ARCH b, 1�74 � � � � � � � � . � � � � � � � 4 - 4 M 1. Rezoning request z4A #74-Q2, �erkeley Pump - na action necessary. 2. SpeciaJ use permit request by G. Ralph Skinner - approued with stipu7ations of Planning Commission and also stipuiation that�the Building Inspector inspect construction. 3. Request for Lot Split by Bernard Urbick L. S. #74-02, Council concurred with recommendation for approval. Mutual Agreement approved - to be executed. �}. Tre� Ordinance - No action necessary-Planning Commission Public Hearing March 2 5. Plat by Goodco - taken care of earlier in meeting. Minutes Received. . RECEIVING THE fY�1NUTES OF THE BpqRD OF APPEALS� I�EET I NG OF I��ARCH 3, 1974. � � , � . . � . � � � � � � � 5 -- 5 � 1., Sign Variance request by Unity Hos�ital - Approved request for sign #1, from six feet to 24 square feet. No action on Sign #2. Minutes Received. i � � . . REGU��; �'IEtT I�iG, (d1ARC�l 18, 1974 PAGE 4 � � I' RECEIVING THE I��INUTES OF THE JOINT PLANNING COMMISSION AND iiOARD OF APPEALS �`�EETING OF I�ARCH 13, 197�� .�.�� 6 � �IVOTE: �HESE MINUTES WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR THE � MEtT I iVG I�ION�AY EVEN I NG ) - t�1inutes �eceived. ■ . r � . � RECEIVING REPORT FROM i�AYOR LIEBL REGARDING � HPPEARANCE �EFORE THE ENVIRONMENTAL I�UALITY COUNCIL ON I�ORTH PAFtK REVI EW . � �eport received. � . AiVD � CONSIll�RATION OF PRFPARATIOiJ OF ENVIRONMENTAL ' �lSSESSMENT STATEMENT FOR I�ORTH PARK �OLF COURSE� .��, 7- 7 B Assessment to include Brauer Report, Comprehensive Plan, and Park Plan. � . � . .. . _ i STATUS t�EPORT kEGARDING HIRING OF fVATURALIST� ..�:, $— g A ■ Status Report Received. Administration to�supply recommendation for position April 15, 1974. � ' � . �f � . R�GU��iR ��IE�TI�G, f�AKCN 1�, 1974 PAGE 5 0 �EW BU$INESS (CONTINUED) RECEIVING COMMUNICATION FROM �'iETROPOLITAN AIRPORT COMMISSION t�EGARDING LAND FOR GOLF COURSE AND COPY OF PROFERTY AGREEMENT �ETWEEN MAC AND RICHFIELD� �. 9- 9.� Communication Received. �ECEIVING INTERIM REPORT ON �IQUOR �PERATION� �.... 1� - 10 A Report Received. h�ECEIVING t�IDS AND aWARDING CONTRACT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST� 1g�4—�. AND ST, 1974-2 (i�iSAS) , , , , , . , , � , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Contract Awarded to H. & S. Asphalt in the amount of $278,266.15. 11 kEGULNR MEETING, MARCH 18, 1974 . PAGE 6 N�W BU$I�E$$ �CONTINUED) CONSIllERATION OF APPROVAL OF GIRL�S SUMMER GYMPJASTIC CLASSES� � . � � � � . � � � � � � � � � . � Council concurred with proposal. Paul Brown to contact Mr. Hansen about staffing. 12-12B � CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPOINTING, REAPPOINTIfVG AND CONFIRMING EXISTING APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, f�OARDS, COMMITTEES AND SUBCOMMITTEES FOR THE YEAR 1���"� � ' � � � � . . � � � . � � � � � � � . 13 - 13 G Resolution #36-1974 adopted. - . �ONSIDERATIOi� OF A KESOLUTION APPROVING AGREEMENT - IVO � 57642 W ITH I�� I NNESOTA H I GHWAY 1�EPARTMENT FOR $IGNALIZATION OF T.H� �6� AT 73Rn AvENUE y� E� ..�.. 14 - 14 D Resolutian #37-1974 adopted. 0 �tEG(1LAR h1ttT I �iG, (�IAI�CN 18, 1JI4 �iEW �US I iV�SS : PAGE 7 CONSIDERATION OF A t�ESOLUTION llESIGNATING STATE AID STREETS: �'�IAIN STREET FROM OSBORNE ROAD TO 79TH 1�VENUE N, E, , , ,. , C , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 15 - 15 A Resolution #38-1974 adopted. � APPO I fJTMENT : tiVV I RONi�IENTAL UFF I CER . . � . � � � � � � . 16 Steven J. Olson,3421 2nd Avenue South Appoin�ed Environmental Officer, effective April l, 1974. CLAIMS, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 17 Approved, with the addition of February retainer from Weaver, Talle and Herrick in the amount of $1,100,00. L�cEivs�s, � , , , � , , , , , , . . � . � , � . , . � � . 18 - 18 D� Approved. i �, . � 1 ' .REGU �AR �iEET I NG, MARCH 18, 1974 Nt4� �iUS INEJS �COiVT I NUED) PAG E 8 �STIMATES, � � , � � � � � � . � . . � � . � � �, � � � 19 - 19 C Approved. Consideration of additional street lighting on Fairmont Circle. Recommendation of Admi►aistration concurred with and additional lighting approved. , .� Reques.t for Variance by Curtis Johnson,2300 Wilson Street N. E., Minneapolis, Council action was to concur with the decision made by Board of Appeals and item would not be brouaht back to Council. Variance request for back yard � setback from 25 to 20 feet, for Lot l, Slock 7, Innsbruck North Addition, or 1412 North Innsbruck Drive. � '' r '�.3�� Request for License for operaiion of Used Car Facility at-t'r39'3 T. H. #65 (Formerly Issued to American Auto Listings) by Mr. David H. Alstrup of Dapathal, Inc., Used Cars, Request ap�roved for period of three months with the stipulation that the physical work on the site as agreed upon by American Auto Listings be completed. • COf�1�iU� I CAT IOf�S : �INNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVTCE: RAILROAD � $ERVI CE . � � � � . . � � . � . � � � � � � . . � � . . � � ZO Received. I � ' , Adjourn: 12:16 a.m. 0 10� THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF TNE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF MARCH i8, 1974 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council was calTed to order at 7:36 P.t�1., ,hlarch 18, 1974 by Mayor Liebl. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor l:iebl ied the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of A7legiance to the Flag. INVOCATION: The Invocation was offered by Mayor Liebl. ROLL CALL: t1EMBERS PRESENT: Councilman Starwalt, Counci7man Utter, t1ayor Liebl, � Councilman Nee, and Councilman Breider. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. PROCLAMATIQN: NAMING MARCH 29, 1974 -"VIETNAM VETERANS DAY": Mayor Liebl read the proposed Proclamation aloud to the Council and audience. MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt the Proclamation, naming March 29, 1974 as "Vietnam Veterans Day". Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, a71 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATION OF AWARDS: CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION - HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE: � GENE GUSTAFSON ROBERT L. Ei;ICKSON ADOLPH KUKOWSKI EILEEN STENBERG CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION - ENVIRONMENTAL QUAUTY COMMISSION: RONALD F. BURTON • Mayor Liebl read the names of those to receive ihe awards aloud and asked if they were present and would come forward to receive the certificates. Mayor Liebl read the Certificate of Appreciation aloud to Ms. Eileen Stenberg and thanked Ms, Stenberg for her community participation. Ms. Stenberg said the term was very interesting and she had enjoyed it. Mayor Liebl read the Certificate of Apprecietion aToud to Mr. Adolph Kukowski and congratulated him a�nd wished him luck in the future. Mayor Liebl directed the Administration to forward the remaining Certificates to the proper parties. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: � � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 11, 1974: MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt the minutes of the Public Hearing Meeting of the Fridley City Council of February ll, 1974 as presented, if there are no other additions. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25, 1974: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the � 103 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING �F MARCN 18, 1974 Page 2 Fridley City Council of February 25, 1974 as submitted if there are no other additions or corrections. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 4, 1974: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of March 4, 7974 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ADQPTION OF AGENDA: � Mayor Liebl said there would be two additions to the agenda as follows: Claim from Weaver, Talle,�and Herrick for February retainer., Consideration of Street Light on Fairmont Circle. MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt the agenda as amended by the aforementioned additions. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, (�ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. VISITORS: WILSON STREET N. E. - REQUEST FOR VARIANCE OF BACK YARD SETBACK Mr. Curtis Johnson addressed the Council and explained he had come to City Mall to apply for a building permit and was advised he did not meet the requirements for back yard setback and would have to appear before the Board of Appeals for approval of the request in order to receive the building permit. He said there had been some problems and he feared if the construction would not start at the present time, this would effect the pricing schedule. Councilman Starwalt said he felt the Board and Commissions were an important part of the process, and this may be looked at later in the meeting. He stressed it may be late in the evening before the remainder of the Agenda items would be taken care of. MRS. EDWARD FITZPATRICK, 5273 NORIZON DRIVE, FRIDLEY: Mrs. Fitzpatrick addressed the Council with a request for funding for the Nucleous C17nic in Coon Rapids. She stated the Clinic is in desperate need of financial aid and may have to restrict their patients to residents of Coon Rapids if sane aid is not received soon. . FlOTION by Councilman Nee to present the matter to the Council on the next agenda or April 1, 1974, at the Regular Council Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously. MR. MILTON PETERS: 6242 5TH STREET N. E., FRIDLEY: REQUEST FOR GITY TO BE6IN YOUTH A�'FIITiYIES FOR HI6H SCHO AGE: Mr. Peters addressed the Council and asked if there is to be something done for the juveniles in the City of Fridley. He said he would like some recreational activities for the teenagers of the City, He listed the possible activities at the present time { to be limited to activities at the parks, roller skating and ice skating. He asked what the City of Fridley was going to do about keeping the young peo�le out of trouble. �f ' Councilman Breider addressed Mr. Peters saying he had a strong interest in the youth activities of the City and if there was a program started, would he ehair the group. Councilman Breider continued stating the problem with such a proposal is the continuation of a good leader. • Mr. Peters sayd he would chair such a group if it was originated, Councilman Breider said the big problem would be to get something going. Mr. Peters said he thought it was about time that something was brought up. OLD BUSINES5: ' i� ' u ' Cl _ , ' '. f , 5 ; s � a , , ' I 104 � ' ' ' ' ' � � , '� ' ' � ` . t ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1974 Page 3 CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSION (TABLED 3-4-74): FRIDLEY ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION: ' Mayor Lieb] recommended Mr. Thomas Sullivan be reappointed to the Commission. MOTION by Councilman Breider to reappoint Mr. Thomas Sullivan, 1350 Gardena � Avenue, to a three �ear term to the Environmental Quality Commission. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, t�layor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. POLICE COMMISSION: Mayor Liebl said the current member whose term is expiring is Wilbur Whitmore. MOTION by Councilman Breider to reappoint Mr. Wilbur Whitmore to the Police Cor�nission. Seconded by Councilman Starwa]t. • Mayor Liebl said he had a recommendation for the appointment, Mr. Elmer Olson, 5361 Horizon Drive. Councilman Nee said he believed Mr, Whitmore has done a good job. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. PARKS AND RECREATION COPIMISSIQN: , MOTIOIJ by Councilman Utter to appoint Mr. David Narris, 470 Rice Creek Blvd. to the Park and Recreation Commission. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Mrs. LeeAnn Sporre, 301 Ironton, said she believed there shou]d be a ba7ance on the Corrrnission, not only those ]iving on Rice Creek should be appo.inted. She Said the majority of the appointments are from Rice Creek and Ward One. She said there are many people in Ward Three. Mr. Ken Sporre said he realized Ward Three had been fortunate with the addition of several parks, but the on7y point they were trying to make is that there should be some balance, not all the members should be from Ward One. Councilman Starwalt asked the Chairman, «ayor Liebl to ca7] for the question. UPON A ROLL CALL VOTE, ��layor Liebl voting aye, Councilman Utter voting aye, Counciiman Breider voting aye, and Councilman Nee voting nay, and Councilman Starwalt voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried, four to one, and said Mr. Harris would be the newly appointed member to the Park and Recreation Commission. AWARDING CONTRACT - P10WIN6 AND CLEANING OR SPRAYING OF PROPERTY FOR CITY OF FRIDLEY, TABLED 3-4-74 : , MOTION by Councilman Breider to award the contract for Mowing and Cleaning or Spraying of property for the City of Fridley to Mr. V. Vaseka, according to the price of the bids•received March 4, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon.a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. _ Councilman Breider said he would like to continue with the action of the previous • year in notifying the property owner of the cost of removal of weeds before the work is done, so this would not be a shock to the individual brhen the bil] is received, Councilman Breider said he had not received any complaints when this procedure was followed and he would like it continued. SIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT P. S. #47-01, RICE CREEK ESTATES, BY GOODCO ., Ai�D PINE TREE BUILDERS; GENERALLY LOC TED BETWEEN RICE CREEK ROAD AND 6157 The City Manager pointed out that there are two areas of concern on the proposed plat. He explained one to be in the area of the Thielmann property where Woodside Court would be extended from Briardale. He said Mr. Thielmann was in his office and he � i ; 8 ' '�', '. 1G� I , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1974 Page 4 indicated he was going to meet with the representatives of Goodco, the Ward Councilman, and the Councilman at Large. Councilman Starwalt said he had talked to the peop7e on Saturday and they had not reached a decision. Councilman Starwalt said the people involved had indicated they would be present at the meeting. He said there was talk of an agreement for the four lots belonging to Mr. Thielmann being sol� to the developer to be contained in the development. He said they had not worked out the details concerning the costs and other things. He said this proposal would a11ow Woodside Court to continue into the- plat rather than be dead ended at this time, i�r. Thielmann seemed satisfied with this arrangement, but the documents had not been prepared at that time. The City Manager went�on to explain the second area of concern being an extension of 6lst Avenue to the west. He said there had been a]ot split granted in this area creating a parcel which was owned by different people. The City'Manager placed a plan of the proposed plat on the overhead projector and explained this is the staff recommendation for the overall development of the area, and it would provide adequate access to the back Tots, create better utilities if the lots are split and create access to the lot wfiich had already been split. He said there is one lot split and the Council would be bound to provide access, if not legally, morally. He again pointed out that the plan being shown was the ultimate plan for the area, and this plan, if not followed immediately, could be achieved in the future depending on the time table of development of the area. (The plan extended the roadway beyond the section line and created a cul-de-sac on the far westerly properties.) Councilman Utter said he had talked to the people of the area and they did not want the road to go through as shown on the plan being viewed. He said they preferred the plan where the development would onty extend to the section line with a cul-de-sac installed there. He suggested the remainder of the property could be put into outlots, and could be developed in the future. He suggested the Council listen to the cor►unents of tk�e people of the area who were property owners in the westerly section. Councilman Utter said the man who owns the lot which had been split is in St. Cloud, or someplace, and the people of the area attending the meeting would favor stopping the road access at the section line. Councilman Utter continued to explain there had been unusual circumstances concerning the approval of the lot split. He explained the property owner had originally applied for the split at the City, and the City had turned down the request. After this, he continued, the property owner went to the County, and the County split the property, Then, the original owner, Mr. John E. Peebles, sold the southerly section of the ' property to Mr. Stan Davis. When Mr. Davis was in the process of selling the property, he was made aware of the lot split that had not been approved by the City, and which he did not know existed at the time of the purchase of the property. Councilman Utter continued explaining, Mr. Davis.had come to.the Council ihe week he planned to move out of town and requested the split from the City be granted . to clear the title of the property before its sale to Ms: Elaine Brown. Councilman Utter stated, Mr. Davis required obtaining the split before he could move out of the City. The City Manager referred to the plan with the extension of 61st avenue to serve the split lot and said the City had approved this plan years ago. This plan had been approved by the Planning Comnission and the Council. He explained the lot split request had come up at the May 21, 1973 meeting during the visitor's section. Councilman Starwalt said it was his understanding that there had not been any final approval on the plat,pNeviously. �ouncilman Utter explained the Planning Corrrnission had approved and recommended the plan• to stop the development of the area at the section line, the Council had not taken any action on. the plat. He pointed out this plan to be on page 3-B of the current agenda. • Councilman Starwalt said there would be three property owners affected by the assess- ments if the roadway and utilities were continued by extending 61st Avenue, He stated, all of the property owners to the south and the developer favor the plan to extend 61st, Councilman Starwalt felt this plan wouid save money for the people of the area whoes lot� extended to this parcel, in the long run. The City Manager said the four lots on the south of the road have been split and platted. • Councilman 8reider asked how the assessments on the property such as this would be figured. . � ' ' ' � .� ' � ' e ' f _ � � 1 , , . , � , � ' 1�F ' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH ]8, 1974 Page 5 The Finance Director, Marvin C. �runsell, said if the property were split and the , utilities were installed, the City would assess both sides. He explained in this instance, the benefit to the property owner would b� figured as if someday they �would be splitting the property for development and this would be a normal rate because there is enough area for the construction of a dwelling on the back portion. � He further explained, this would not be so if there was not enough area for a second structure, because it would be determined there would be no benefit to the '� property owner, he would not be able to construct the second. He said this would concern the specia7 assessments, the taxes may not be raised by the split, , Councilman Breider asked if the full rate would be assessed for the back street assessment and the Finance birector said it would be. � Councilman Breider said it was possible that the property owners would not sp7it ' �j the property in the future, and v�ou)d receive no benefit from the installation of the ! improvements. 7he �ity Manager said if the property is large enough to b�i7d another � .house, the property would be assessed. �JI � ' � ' ' > The City Attorney said if the property involved had improvements installed on the front and back, and the size of the property would not permit the construction of another house, there wou]d be some consideration because this wou]d not benefit the property owner. He stressed, this case is different than the cases where the property owner wou7d not be able to build on the back portion. Councilman Utter said east of the section line, there is property dedicated for the roadway and west of the line, there is no dedication for the right of way. He said the City wou7d have to condemn the property to gain the right of way because he knew the people would fight this dedication. Mayor Liebl asked the City Manager what his recammendation from the Engineering standpoint would be. The City Manager repeated, as recommended two to three years ago, and the City had hired a planner to determine, and as was approved by the Council at that time, the roadway should extend to the westerly section of the property in question. He explained the construction of the complete roadway would not have to be done at this present time, but if this is put off, the people of � the area would have to pay the construction costs and these wou7d rise substantial7y as time goes on. He said there was no question about which was the best p7an, the only question would be how much should be done at the present tirne. He said if the construction would be done all at one time, this woald be less expensive for the property owners. The City Manager said if the property owners want to pay the additional cost for the development of the area in the future, the choice should be given to them. He pointed out to the Council that they had adopted the plan he proposed and if they did not want this plan at the present .time, this could be rescinded. He said if the plan were approved at this time, a temporary cul-de-sac could be installed east of the section line, but his would be quite expensive on a temporary basis. He said the additional deve]opment in the f;�ture would be a sma]1 area and very expensive with the constant rising cost of development. He said the people should be given their choice. Mrs. Charles Rice, 1541 Ferndale Avenue, asked what happened to the plan the Council had seemed to favor the previous week. The City Manager said the plan being proposed does the same thing as the plan of the previous meeting. He said this would allow a plan to provide for access in future development of the area. He said the f9rst plan worked for the•same conclusion in the future. He said the question would be to do the work now or stage the construction. ' Mayor Liebl said the construction of the cul-de-sac on the temporary basis would be very expensive. The City Manager said the staging could provide for a dead end roadway at the section line with the installation of an area 7arge enough for maintenance equipment to turn around in. ' ' , Councilman Starevalt repeated the area people did not favor the instal]ation of the roadway at the present time because they were concerned about the costs involved, and when the assessments would be payable. � The Finance Director said the assessments would be on the tax rolls in ]976 or 1977. Mr. Larry Lembke, 1505 Ferndale Road, asked when he wouid be receiving notice of payment for the assessments installed in the front of his home. He explained these improvements had just been installed the previous year and he had not received a statement for them. _ - i i �-. � 10? REGULAR COUNGIL MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1974 Page 6 He said if this were approved, he would have to pay the assessments for the front and the back at the same time. Councilman Utter said the proposed improvement would be estimated at $4,000 for Mr. Lembke's property, for the back improvements. P4r. Lemb�:e said since he had moved into the home, he would be paying a total of $6,000 in special assessments. Councilman Breider said this improvement would include water, se��er and paving of the street, which is expensive because a raw cut of the previously undeveloped area would have to be made. He added, this would also take care of the installation of the curbing and this type of constructibn adds up the costs rapidly. A resident of the area asked if this installation would include the storm sewer. He said he had been hooked on the separation of the improvements once before.. He said the City had asked him to dedicate 30 feet of his property for right of way. He said he would do this anyday, but he would not agree to this if aftera � he had given the property to the City he would in turn receive a$4,000 specia7 assessment levy for this. Councilman Starwalt said he had talked to Mr. Arel about this. The City Manager said it would be possible for the area people to dedicate the right of way, and the City would only construct the roadway to the section line. He said it would be possible to do noihing in the other area at the present time. � He said the area property owners cou7d develop the area in the future at additional expense. He stressed the importance of informing the people that this would be more expensive in the future because this had happened in the past and the people protest the high cost of the development when others assessments are lower. He said the people have indicated they would not split their land, but this type. of statement is made all of the time with the property soon being split. He repeated, later on when the improvements are requested, they would be expensive. He suggested adopting.the complete plan for the area and installing a temporary cul-de-sac, and obtaining temporary easement from the developer. The City Manager continued in the future, if four out of six people of the area request the improvement, it would be installed. A resident of the area stated if he would give the City the right of way for the extension of 61st Avenue, they would install the improvements, because they would then have control of the property. Councilman Starwalt said if it is necessary to obtain the right of way through condemnation,_ the cost of the condemnation would be assessed back to the property owners. Mr. Charles Rice said he thought the construction of the road was for the sole purpose of access for Mr. Peebles, regardless of the other four people affected. Ne said Mr. Peebles had not attended the meetings or expressed his thoughts. - Councilman Starwalt said he had talked to the Browns and they had been in contact with Mr. Peebles, and Mr. Peebles does not object to the insta7lation of the improve- . ments. ' Mrs Charles Rice addressed the Council and said she did not want the roadway and improvements installed on the back portion of the property. She.stated she had purchased the property because of the location and the large parcel. She went on, if she wanted to live on a square parcel adjacent to and back to back from another home, she would not have bought this property. She said they had bought the property because they wanted breathing room. She again said this is why she had bought the property, which was in excess of normal size properties. She stated this was getting her down, Sh� asked the Council what the City expected of people. Councilman Breider said he did not believe the extension of the roadway and � improvements for the people of the area to gain two accesses to their property ! for the total of $6,500 plus the interest at 7q for 20 years would be feasible. He f questioned the profit margin in this type of arrangement. He said he would agree with the area people to a large extent. He said he did not believe if they wanted large lots, ' they should be forced to split them just to gain the money to pay for the special f assessments. He said over a 20 year period, this would be a great deal of money. , Mr. l.embke said he had paid $4,000 extra for the property because of the large size. Ne stated, three of the area people opposed the improvements�and one favored them. � , , r ' . ' � u ' LJ ' , ' , , a � � � , , � !2 �-- ' ' ' � ' I� REGULAR COUNGIL MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1974 Page 7 He explained, the people residing on the hill also opposed the improvements. He added, they did not want the arfditional traffic. Idayor Lieb7 questioned what would be done with the portion of the plat�dealing with the Thielmann property when he did not attend the meeting. Councilman Starwalt said he wou]d recommend continuation of the roadway in this area. Counci)man Utter said he did not feel the question on Woodside Court could be resolved that evening, but he felt the issue on 67st should be so the area property owners wou]d not have to attend another meeting. MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the plan for the plat in the 61st Avenue area as shown on page 3-B of the agenda with the plat and improvements ending at the section ]ine. Seconded by Councilman Nee. ' The City Manager said this would leave only two buildable lots in this section of the p}at because the cul-de-sac takes up the only portion of buildable property on the other two lots. Councilman Utter said he thought there could be four lots i�i this area. The City Manager stressed, these would not be buildabTe lots because of the elevations of the area. Councilman Breider asked why the lots could not be extended back to make them buildable. The City Manager said there is a very steep hill in this area and the terrain is very ' difficult. ,He said the only buildable portion of the property would be where the cul-de-sac would be installed. Councilman Utter questioned if the cui-de-sac would take up this much area. The City Manager said the City's standard size cul-de-sac is a 100 foot circle. ' � ' ' I _�t Mayor Liebl asked the City Attorney if the Council could deny the man access and egr.ess. The City Attorney said the lot was land locked at the time the split was granted, and there had never been any access. He continued, the City is not der�ying the man something he once had. Counciiman Utter asked Mayor Liebl to call for the question, UPON A VOICE VOTE, I�tayor Liebl, Councilman Utter, Counci7man Nee, and Councilman Breider voting aye, Councilman Starwalt voting nay, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried four to one. The City Manager said he wouid bring the remainder.of the plat for Council consideration when there is some agreement on the settlement between Thielmann and Goodco, RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSiON MEEETING OF MARCH 6, 7974: NG REQUEST, ZOA #74-02, BERKELEY PUMP COMPANY; TQ REZONE LOTS 1 AND 2 AT 181 ELY SlRttl N. t.: The City Manager said the rezoning request did not require Council action at the present time. • T FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #74-01 R RALPH SKINNER: PER FRIDLEY Tbe City Manager said the Planning Commission had recommended approval with • ' three stipulations. He said there were some problems and the man wanted to build a garage and the Planning Commission had recorr�nended some stipulations. Ne said the building is currently on skids and could be moved. ' . , Mayor Liebl said he would iike to see the peit9oner ]ive up to the three stiplations. Muyor Liebl read the three recommended stipulations aloud to the Council and audience. Mayor Lieb] asked if Mr. Skinn�r was present at the meeting and there was no response. • ' i�10T.I0N by Councilman Utter to grant the building permit with the three stipulations . recomnended by the Planning Commission and with the addition of the fourth, that before the building permit is issued, the Building Inspector would inspect the , , property. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. tJpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. i i i t REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 18, 7974 Page 8 SPLIT. L. S. #74-02, BERNARD URBICK: SPLIT LOT 39, AUDITQR'S �o�.. The City Manager advised the Council that the Planning Commission had recommended approval of the request with the stipulation that park property be provided. i�tOTION by Councilman Utter to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant the lot split as requested by Mr. Bernard Urbick, Lot Split #74-02. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayar Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Manager said he had an extension of the current item which would need , Council action at this time. He explained there was an agreement by the property owner to sell 30 feet for park and 60 feet of additional land for a total price of $2,594.72, w'r;ich is a fair price for the land, he added. He pointed out this property to be in the Innsbruck North area. He said this would be two bui7dable , sites and more than where the home.is. ; MOTION by Councilman Utter to execute the agreement between Mr. Bernard Urbick and the City of Fridley for the purchase of land in the amount of $2,594.72. Seconded by � Councilman Starwalt. I Councilman Starwalt said this property is in the same�area as the 12 acre park.site in Innsbruck North. I i UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously,, TREE ORDINANCE: The City Manager said the Planning Commission had set a Public Hearing on the ' Tree Ordinance�for March 20, 1974 and there would be no action necessary by the � Council at this present meeting. REVIEW OF FINAL PLAT, RICE CREEK ESTATES, P, S. #74-01 GOODCO, TNC., AND PINE REE BUILDERS; BEING A REPLAT OF PART Of LOTS 9 AND 10, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION .... .... ..,,.eT.-., r.�--��r-.-.� .,..�.- ..nrr�. nnnn n..�n ��rT n�irn��nr n� r nnn �.�rc-r nr The City Manager said this item had been taken care of earlier in the meeting. 7he City Manager said the item had been continued at the Planning Commission level. The City Manager said the remaining items on the Planning Commission agenda were discussion items and would not require any Council action, but the Council could discuss the items. MOTION by'Councilman �rei�er to receive the minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of March 6, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, � Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. . � RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF MARCH 3, 1974: A REQUEST FOR VARIANCES Of SECTION 214.0313, FRIDLEY SIGN ORDINANCE, TO INCREASE � The City Manager said the first item in the minutes dealt with a request for 1 a variance in the sign ordinance requested by Unity Nospita1. He explained the Board of Appeals had recommended denial of the variance. C , � j, , � '. ' 11U REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1974 Page 9 The City Manager.said there was a representative of the sign company which would be installing the signs present to represent the petitioner, Mr. Charles Peugh, Signcrafters, Inc. Mr. P�ugh presented the Council with a colored picture of a sign which he explained to be an exact drawing of the emergency sign proposed. He said the signs were proposed for the south entrances to the hospital to identify the route to the emergency entrances to the Hospital. He continued to explain that the sign had been presented to the Board of Directors at the Hospital and they determined the need for the sign, lie also explained the addition of the gold•colored trimming on the sign which was to add eye appeal. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Peugh if the installation of the signs would allev.iat'e�:i�e:, problems in the area. He stated it is difficult for the people entering the hospital to find the emergency entrance. • Mr. Peugh agreed, saying there are three roads entering the hospital and when people are dealing with an emergency situation, they do not want to waste any time looking for the proper entrance. He said there is a problem with the currently being used smaller signs because they get buried in the snow and cannot be seen. Mayor Liebl asked the ��r. Peugh if the signs being proposed would be lighted directional signs. t�r. Peugh explained they would be lighted from the inside of the sign. He said the sign had been designed of material which would take � no maintenance and retain its pleasant appeal. He said the exterior material is sturdy enough to be hit with a ha�ner and not be broken. Councilman Breider said there are lights on the MTC shelter across the street, and he did not believe the installation of the directional signs would be a detriment to the area. (�OTION by Cauncilman Utter to grant the variance for the directional emergency entrance signs to Unity Hospital from six feet to 75 square feet. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Councilman Starwalt questioned the size of the sign and asked if the sign needed to be as large as the proposal to take care of the problem. Mr. Peugh explained when you are in the area, you are looking for the emergency signs, a ten foot sign would not allow the sign to be.seen for too great a distance. He stressed the sign would have to be larger to do a good job. Councilman Starwalt said he was hoping someone from the hospital would have been present at the meeting to express their views. Mr. Peugh said this was the job of the sign erector. He said it was a part of the original agreement between his company and the hospital. Mr. Peugh said the hospital felt ihe sign company knows their business and it had been determined that someone would have to represent the• Hospital at the various meetings at the City, and it had been determined at the outset of the proposal that this would be up to the sign company. He explained that the size of the lettering of the sign would have to be seen for at least a block away from the signs, and according to actual sight tests, this is the size of sign and size of lettering that would be required to identify the entrances from this distance. Councilman Utter asked if the members of the Nospital Board had approved the installation of the sign and also the need for the sign being proposed. Mr. Peugh said this was correct, they had taken action to install the sign. Councilman Starwalt asked at the time the action was taken an d the installation ' of the sign was discussed with th� sign contractor, did the Hospital Board know this type of sign and size of sign wouTd need a variance from the City. Mr. Peugh said yes. He added, the Board knew it would take an apprearance at the Board of Appeals and also the City Council, and this was to be a part of the sign contractors duties in the installation, ; UPON A VOICE VOTE, Mayor Liebl voting aye, Councilman Utter voting aye, Councilman Nee voting aye, Councilman Breider voting aye, Councilman Starwalt abstaining, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. . . REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1974 Page 10 111 Councilman Starwalt said he would like to make it a matter of record he had not abstained from the vote because he opposed the construction, he was disturbed that no�representative from the Hospital was present at the meeting. The City Attorney said he thought it should be a matter of record that the petitioner had also requested the installation of the larger sign (Sign #1 in the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting)�this request had not been continued at the Council meeting. MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals of March 3, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�layor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE PLAPJNING COMMISSION AND BOARD OF PPEALS MEETING Of MARCH 13, 1974: � MOTION by Councilman Utter to Board of Appeals and Planning Councilman Nee. Upon a voice carried unanimously. receive the minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Commission Meeting of March 13, 1974. Seconded by vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion RECEIVING REPORT FROM MAYOR LIEBL RcGARDING aPPERR.ANCE BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COUNCIL ON NORTH PARK REUIEW: ANU CONSIDERATION OF PREPARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STATEMENT FOR NORTH PARK G F GOURSE: Mayor Liebl said the Report had been prepared by the Administration after his request that they do so. He said it had been a unznimous vote of the Environmental Quality Corarnission that an assessment be submitted to the Council, and he believed the City should submit the statement as the Council had requested. � MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the statement from Mayor Liebl regarding the appearance made before the Environmental Quality Council on the North Park review. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, i�layor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Breider asked the difference between the impact statement and the assessment statement. T��e City Manager said the Council basically wanted an assessment statement that would include the u*ilization of the property surrounding the site and aiso a prel- inary plan for the development of the area. He said this �,vould not be a detailed impaci statement with the determination of each species of tree and the effect on the area if it was changed in any way. The City Manager said the City Council would have to determine if they wanted to proceed with the preparation of the assessment statement and the preparation of a preliminary plan for the development of the�golf course. He said he believed the Council would need a plan of the area to assess the development. He said the Council would not be assessing the plan, but would be assessing the impact of the plan. . Councilman Breider recalled the City Council had already directed the Administration to prepare such a preliminary plan. The City Manager said presently the Administration was working on an ayreement with the consultant for the preparation of such a plan. He pointed out to the Council that there is a 45 day time limit on the preparation and submission of the assessment statement to the Environmental Quality Council. He said the question at the present time would be that the preparation of such a statement would cost a considerable amount. He said it would be up to the Council to determine what amount of money should be spent on the statement. He said if the �ouncil would authorize this, the Administration would go ahead and prepare the needed statement. He said the preliminary plan should be approved by the Council prior to submission to the Environmental Quality Commission. Mayor Liebl said the Council had directed the Administration to prepare the preliminary plan and also directed them to hire a naturalist. Mayor Liebl said it would be poss- ible for Brauer and Associates to prepare such a plan. C� ' , , � , ' — � . ' r , , � � ' � � ' � 112 L J ' ' ' , � � � , � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1974 Page 11 i�lr. Don Brauer, Brauer and Associates addressed the Council and said this would be possible, but the time limit of 45 days would not leave the firm much time to involve the community .in the preparation of the plans or much time to work with the natura]ist to obtain his views of the overa7l p7an. He stated, 45 days is not enough time. �,e said it would be possible to ask the Council for an eztension. Mayor Liebl explained his attendance at the EnvironmentaT Quality Council meeting saying the Council approved their bylaws just five minutes before they considered the matter of the petition submitted concerning the North Park area. He said it was also a matter of rules that the petition was to be answered in the period of 45 days and this had not been answered for 60 days. He stated the Environmental Quality Council should live up to their own rules, before te]]ing the Gity what to do. He said this action was taken after all the various community groups had taken action on the matter. He said the Impact Statement had not been required at this time, only an assessment statement. i Mr. Brauer said he had not had any experience with the Environmental Quality�Council iin the. State of Minnesota, this is the first time anything had been brought before � them. He said he did have some experience at the Federal level and he and the City Manager had discussed this. �1r. Brauer said his original Brauer report could be i submitted to the Federal Council and this would serve as an assessment statement, but it has not been determined if this wuuld be sufficient in the State of Minnesota Ne said he did not know if the plan of the insta7lation of .the buiiding5 and:the�° I parking lots would be needed at this time. He said this would not be determined` I in this area for some time, no one has submitted such a statement in the State of Minnesota. �t , ' ' ' Mayor Liebl recalled there had been 500 signatures on the petition to submit this usage to the Environmental Quality Commission. He continued stating it would be very simple to obtain a statement with the opposing view and another statement wou]d have to be prepared. Ne mintioned the possibility of reviewing the petition and�asking those who had signed it to prepare the assessment statement. He said the total impact statement could be required and this could run up to $10,000 cost to the City. He stated this could be detrimental to ihe entire program. Mr. Brauer said the impact statement would be very expensive proposition and would have to be done by the naturalist. Councilman Breider suggested sending the 8rauer report as an assessment statement, and if the Environmental Quality Council wou7d want more information, the City could go from there. hiayor LIebl said the Brauer report did contain the factors of community surroundings, which was a part of the position of recommendation, MOTION by Councilman Breider to send the Brauer Report to determine if this would be an adequate assessment statement. Seconded by Councilman Siarwalt. The City Manager said it would be possible to proceed in this manner. He said he would need some direction in the manner the Council wished him to move. He said the City would take the risk by not giving them a detailed enough report. It would be.possible for them to request additional materia7 which would have to be sent within the alloted time period. He said this may further limit the time for the preparation of the preliminary plan if it would be required later. The City Attorney said the Brauer Report had already cost the City $11,000. Councilman Breider said if the Council would request additional material later on, the City would add more information. 7he City Manager said the termino)ogy is questionab7e. Councilman Sreider sa9d the Brauer report has an impact and study of the whole area. ' The City Attarney stressed the importance of obtaining the wording of the actuaT motion of the Environmental Quality Council. Fle asked if it would be possible to obtain the minutes or a recording of the meeting. He said this should be requested from the executive offices or the legal counsel of the group. He said he would suggest some communication with the staff requesting this information with the understanding that this would be helpful to the Cit,y in preparing the necessary information. • • � Y 133�- f � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1974 Page 12 The City Attorney again mentioned the time limit of 45 days and questioned if this 45 days wouid begin-at the time the Environmental Quality Council directed the preparation of such a statemeni. He commented it may be possible for the Council to grant one extension to the City for the added amount of 15 days for the preparation of the assessment statement. Councilman Breider suggested sending the map prepared by the Parks and Recreation Oepartment with the open space areas of the City indicated. Mayor Liebl said the Comprehensive Plan should be submitted also. The City Manager said some areas of advice would be needed from the Council on whether the Administration was to proceed with pursuing the agreement for the prepar- ation of the preliminary plan by Brauer and Associates. Ne said he had been instructed to not proceed until the naturalist had been hired for the City staff. He mentioned the City had obtained many applications with many people indicating good backgrounds. The City Manager said he would like to wait for the advertisement for the naturalist to appear in the municipal magazine in order to determine if there are any applicants suited for the position from other areas in the state. He explained the advertise- ment for this municipal publication had to be submitted to the publication a long time before it appeared in print. He further explained this was to appear currently. Councilman Breider questioned when the Administration would be completing the process of recommending a person for the position of naturalist. The City Manager said this could be done within another month. ' . The City Manager said if an extensive study is required, he may be required to come back to the Council for further direction. . Councilman Starwalt questioned if there should be some dialogue with the staff at the Environmental Quality Council before the report is sent to determine if this would be the wishes of the Council. The City Manager again pointed out that this is the first project of the Council and their first assessment statement, and he had talked.to the staff. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. STATUS REPORT REGARDING HIRING OF A NATURALIST: f�lOTION by Councilman Nee to receive the report from the City Manager regarding the hiring of a naturalist dated March 14, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, i�ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Manager said the City had received a large number of applications for the position and would be able to proceed with the review of the app7ications, and just wanted to let the Council know this information. Mayor Liebl asked if there was any change in the Council's thinking on the hiring of a naturalist. He asked the members of the Council individually if they would reaffirm their position and approve the hiring of the naturalist. Counci7man Utter said he felt as he did originally, and would want to.hire the naturalist. Councilman Breider said he had not changed his mind and wanted the naturalist hired. Councilman Nee said he was in the same position as he was originally. Councilman Starwalt said he also felt the same about hiring the naturalist and he would recommend the hiring of a part time summer student, bu� this was a cost factor, not opposition to the program. Councilman Starwalt said the proposed program has many pros and cons and he had serious questions about the worth of a naturalist in a full time position at this time. Councilman Starwalt said he had talked with�Mr. Ken Sporre and he would recommend the Council not go into this program at this time. He called on Mr. Sporre to express his thought on the matter to the Council. Mr. Ken Sporre said he believed it to be important to have a nature center before the naturalist. He said this proposal would make as much sense as creating a golf course in the City with one hole in each end of the City. Mr. Peters addressed the Council and questioned obtaining the services of a naturalist to take care of the golf course when the City did not have the golf course at the present time. He said some money could be saved by delaying the hiring of the naturalist, Pir. Adolph Kukowski, addressed the Council and said he felt this would be a waste , � � � � ' I i ' i i � ; ' � i � ! ' I � f � C i i( I: � , �� :.. , j. , i � i � ; � I i '� � � I t , � � ' 11� � , ' � �J ' ' '� � S L � ' � � ' I � — - --i REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1974 Page ]3 of money at the present time. He said he could not see the naturalist sitting in City Hall, he should have an area of use. He said with no pian on the proposed usage, there would be a waste of money by the hiring of the naturalist. Councilman Breider disagreed stating he had talked to a few naturalists and each of them have a plan for a program for the City of Fridley. He said this could be done in this manner without the formation of the specifics and allowing the person to formulate the program, he is the expert. Ne questioned how a good program cou]d be prepared without the involvement of a naturalist. He said the area of usage would have to be studied by the naturalist to obtain the greatest possibility of usage of the site. He said planning without the naturalist could greatly hinder the possible use of the site and also hinder the construction. Mr. Peters suggested hiring a local naturalist who would be familiar with the natural features of the area and their changes through the seasonal changes. Mr. Thon�as Sullivan, addressed the Council and said the City could always use a ' naturalist, and this would be at any time. He said the naturalist would be needed to determine the scope of the program in North Park. He said if the decision on the utilization of the area would be determined to be a nature center, there may be a need for the addition of another naturalist. He stated he would not want the Council to use the hiring of a naturalist to take the place of the installation of the nature center in the City. Mr. Dennis Schneider, addressed the Council and said the City is eventually going to need the services of a naturalist, it should save what natural features it can save now. He said he believed the City should hire the naturalist at the present time. Councilman Starwalt said there had been no appropriations made for the naturalist in the 1974 budget, and where would the City draw the line. He said it all comes out of the citizens' pockets and there have been some priorities set. He added, the position of the naturalist would require a committment of payment of $18,000 for the remainder of the year. He questioned if this shou]d be taken from the Park Budget or Should the City allow the mill levy to raise. He questioned if the money should be spent at the present time and whether or not this wou7d be good for the people of Fridley at the present time. Mr, Sullivan said if the matter of the possibility of the necessity to prepare the impact statement is assessed, the naturalist would have to do the study and he could spend this time preparing far this and familiarizing himself with the area. He continued stating it would take some time to assess a parcel of this size and he believed the position would generally be good for the City. Councilman Breider said he had talked to people who had visited the North Park area because they have heard about all of the natural characterists and animals, and the people are unable to find any animals in North Park. He stressed the Council had decided what they were going to do and it would not help them get there with the further discussion of the present meeting. He stated, they would have to get there someday. Councilman Utter said at one time the Park and Recreation Director was only a part- time position and the program did not expand to a fuil time program until the fu77- time director was hired, He said this was the same situation with the Fire Department. He corronented, the same would apply to the nature program, there would have to be full-time leadersh9p for an adequate full-time program. He stated the only way to achieve this would be to hire the naturalist. k Mayor.Liebl repeated his question of the members of the Council on their position on hiring a naturatist and the consensus was there had not been a change. Mayor Liebl directed the City Manager to proceed with the necessary process to make a recommendation to the Council for the person to be hired as a naturalist. Councilman Breider stressed there should be a time table set for this to be brought back for Council consideration; he asked if a month would be adequate time to complete the review procedure. The City Manager said the advertisement was just appearing in the League Magazine at the present time and this would appear in al] of the municipalities in the State. He again pointed out that the copy for the advertisement had to be submitted by the 15th of the previous month to appear in the upcoming publication. ' i 115 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1974 Page ]4 Councilman Breider asked when this would be brought back to the Council. He suggested April 15th. He said this would be the third meeting in April and the City Manager agreed to this. RECEIVING THE COMMUNICATION fROM THE METROPOLITAN AIRPORT COMMISSION REGARDING LAND FOR GOLF COURSE AND COPY OF PROPERTY GREEMENT BETWEEN MAC AND RICHFIELD: f40TI0N by Councilman Starwalt to receive the communication from the Metropolitan Airport Commission regarding the land for golf course and the copy of the property agreement between MAC and Richfield. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. The C9ty Attorney pointed out that the agreement appeared to have a straight line depreciation and they would be able to take the property back. Dlayor Liebl read the portion of the agreement aloud to the Council and audience. Mr. Ken Sporre, addressed the Counci] and questioned the term of the recapture clause and the terms and amounts of the rental. Councilman Breider said the rental would be based on the gross after the bonds were paid. Councilman Nee said this means the rental would be a percentage of the profit. He explained if money is made on the golf course� MAC would make money. He said it is a very long document. Mr. Sporre asked what would happen if within the 25 year lease program, the Airport Commission wished to take the property back. Councilman Nee believed then they would pay the City. Mayor Liebl asked if they would pay up the remaining bond. Councilman Breider said there would be no approval to bui7d on the property unless the plans were reviewed by the Commission for lighting and landscaping, etc. Mayor Liebl pointed out that this would be within another City and the Gity of Fridley would also have to be responsible to their wishes and regulations. He added, this would require a three governmental agreement. Mrs. LeeAnn Sporre addressed the Council and stated when Councilman Leo Anderson of Blaine talked to the Council, he asked the City of Fridley to tell the City of Blaine what they were proposing and Blaine would answer all of the questions needed. Mayor Liebl stated he would not ask, he would not spend the citizen's money in another community. He said if there would be any money made it would have to be given to the City of Blaine and the Metropolitan Airport Commission. Mrs. Sporre said she thought the City of Fridley should do some negotiating and determine what the situation would be. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE INTERIM REPORT ON LIQUOR OPERATION: Mayor Liebi noted that the Li�quor Store Manager, Mr. Bob McQuire was present. Mr. McGuire addressed the Council and said the stock in the•East River Road Store would be removed the following day. Mayor Liebl asked if the staffing costs would be decreased by this action. He asked if the liquor stores could be maintained and operated with two fu71 time employees with the remainder of the employees being part time. Mr. McGuire said this would be possible with two full time people in each store and some part time help. Councilman Starwalt asked if this would mean adding part time help or retaining the part time help now employed for th•is work. Mr. P�cGuire said he would keep the people he has now and still use their services. Councilman Starwalt said, then, they were not talking about replacing any full time people with part time people. Mr. McGuire said this would be correct. Mayor Lieb1 asked if there would be enough people in the store to take care of the people at the peak hours. Mr, McGuire said he had talked to the City Manager concerning the hiring of carry out boys, which wo�ald aid in the customer aid and allow the clerks to continue at the cash registers. Councilman Utter said he believed the regular employees could take care of the carry out needs. Mr. McGuire said he had cut the staffing of the store down to two people at the present time. Counci]man Utter suggested someone be hired to stock the shelves, ioost of the time, they are out of many items. � ' f � � i � i . ' I i � LJ LIi i , � � � , ' , � � � ' ' , H � � Y ' I 116 � � �J ' � ' ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIN6 OF MARCN 18, 1974 Page ]5 � Mr. McQuire �said they try to keep the stock on the shelves, and he thought this had been done recently. He added, the Council would have to take into consideration that at times, they are out of stock also. Councilman �tter said he thought the peopTe at the cash registers would need proper orientation to be able to keep the shelves in order and continue to run the cash registers when needed, � Councilman Nee said he thought the idea of hiring carry out boys would be a big ` help especially for the women shoppers. He said the people taking care of the � counter would be paid more to carry out parcels than the carry-out boys wuuld. councilman Utter agreed with this point. Mayor Liebl stated Councilman 8reider had asked the Administration to come up with a plan to obtain 12% profit, if this could not be done, the City of Fridley should get out of the liquor business. Mayor Liebl said this is what the peop7e had been telling.him and this is the information he would like to relate to the Liquor Store Manager. • Councilman Breider said he thought the closing of the store plus the reduction of some of the staff wouid bring about a higher profit. Councilman Breider said he thought five full time employees would be sufficient to staff the stores and during the busy hours, the part time peo�le cou]d be emp7oyed. He said this would �� be a reduction in the labor costs with the majority of enefits goin to the full time people. 'Councilman Breider said the City has its back against the wall, tney � did not want to cut staff, but they were being forced to. He said he thought the action reported in the report to be a good start in reducing the losses. MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive and concur in the interim report from the City Manager on the ]iquor operation, Seconded by Counci7man Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, r1ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1974-1 ST. 974-2 MSAS : The City Manager said the low bid had been submitted by H. & S. Asphalt in the amount of $278.266.15 which was 7ower than the Assistant Engineers estimated price of the project. The City Manager said he would like to make the Council aware that the price of asphalt has gone from $36 a ton to $92 a ton. Hardives, Inc, 5% $299,553.45 3030 Harbon Lane North, Suite 216 ' Minneapolis, Minnesota C. S. P-1cCrossan, Inc. Box 336 Osseo, I�linnes.o.ta 55369 5% 344,141.48 ' Bituminous Roadways 5% 311,09:>,83 • 2825 Cedar Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403 Bury &.Carlson, Inc. 5% 291,423.14 6008 Wayzata Bbulevard Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 ': "� H. & S. Asphalt Company 5% 278,266.15 �'� 5400 Industry Avenue N. W. . Anoka, Minnesota 55303 Alexander Construction • • 5% 319,545,54 • Co. Rd. 42 & Fairgreen Avenue Apple ValTey, Minnesoia 55068 ' Dunkley Surfacing 5� 329,998,30 3737 East River Road . Minneapolis, Minnesota � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1974 Bids continued: Riegger Roadways - 5% 920 West 122 Street Burnsville, Minnesota 55378 $ 332,347.65 Page 16 1�`7 MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the bids and concur with the recommendation of the City Mana er and award the contract for Street Improvement Project St. 1974-1 and ST. 1974-2 (MSAS}� to H. & S. Asphalt in the amount of $278,266.15. Seconded by Council- man Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � CONSIDERATION bF APPROVAL OF GIRL'S SUMMER GYMNASTIC CLASSES: hlOTION by Councilman Nee to concur with the proposal for the girl's summer gymnastic program. Seconded by Counc,lman Utter. �pon a voice voie, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � The City Manager explained this would be an area of cooperation of District #14 and the City of Fridley. He said there would be additional programs and cooperation between the City and the School Board which will be brought about by quarterly meetings. RESOLUTION #36-1974 - APPOINTING, REAPPOINTING AND CONfIRMING EXISTING APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIQfdS, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND SUBCOP�M1MITTEES FOR THE YEAR 1974: MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #36-1974, appointing, reappointing and confirming existing appointments to cormnissions, boards, committees, and subcommittees for the year 1974. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #37-1994 - APPROVINa AGREEMEPlT N0. 57642 WITH MINNESOTA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT FOR SIGNALIZATION OF T. H. #65 AT 73RD AVENUE N. E.: i�lOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt Resolution #37-1974 approving agreement No. 57642 with the Minnesota Highway Department for the signalization of T. H. �65 at 73rd Avenue N. E. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimous7y. RESOLUTION #38-1974 - DESIGNATING STATE AID STREETS: MAIN STREET FR0�1 OSBORNE ROAD 79TH AVENUE N. E.; MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #38-1974, designating State Aid Streets: Main Street from Osborne Road to 79th Avenue N.. E. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried � unanimously. APPOINTMENT: EilVIRONMENTAL OFFICER: Councilman Utter said he had read the advertisements for this position and the natural- ist position, in the Minnesota Municipality magazine and this position called for a college degree and the naturalist position did not. He questioned this difference. The Cit,y Manager indicated this had been done to leave the door open to everyone. He said he would like to reco�end the person best suited for the position. Councilman Utter asked if the Environmental Officer would take on the duties af the Weed Inspector. The Administrative Assistant, Peter J. Herlofsky, said yes. Council- man Utter questioned if there would be something done about the dogs running around, The City Manager said this position would be the Health Officer for the City and if the man has time, this could be done. He added, he could work with the animal control contractor. Ne said the Council had also indicated the rental units in the City would also need some attention. MOTION by Councilman Utter to appoint Mr. Steven Olson, 3421 2nd Avenue South, as Environmental Officer in the Community Development Division of.the Engineering Department, effective April 1, 1974, with the starting salary of $941 per month. Seconded by Cauncilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously. ' � ' C ' ' � u � � �� � � ' . ��� � � , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 18, 7974 Page 17 CLAIMS: GENERAL• 34935 - 35716 LIQUOR 8703 - 8753 MOTION by Councilman Utter to pay the claims. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �iayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES: EI�IPLOYEE DISPENSING � BY I�PPROVED BY FEE B::rnadine Jane Peterson (New) Ground Round Pub7ic Safety Dir. $ 5.00 1170 52nd Avenue N. E. #7 Minneapolis, Minnesota DELIVERY TRUCK � American Linen Supply Co. James D. Pratt Public Safety Dir. ]0.00 700 Industrual Boulevard Minneapolis, Minnesota CIGARETTE . • Fridley A& W D�nald P. Tarasar Public Safety Dir, i2.00 7429 East River Road Fridley Barry Blower ' 99 77th Way N. E. D, K. Carter Co. Public Safety Dir. 12.�J0 Bab's Produce Rancli Robert Schroer Public Safety Dir. 72.00 7620 University Ave. Brook's Superette #15 Brooks Hauser Public Safety Dir. 12.00 1042 Osborne Road Burger King #231 Burger King Public Safety Dir. 12.00 6410 University Ave. Corporation Cantral Embers, Inc. Central Embers, Public Safety Dir. 12.00 5400 Central Ave. Inc. Chanticlear Pizza Richard A. Kempe Public Safety Dir. 72,00 6304 Highway #65 Club 47 Robert E. Snyder Public Safety Dir. 12.00 6061 University Ave. Country Club Market Country Club � Public Safety Dir. 12.00 6275 Highway 65 Market, Inc. Country Kitchen Nicholas A. Funaro Public Safety Dir. 12.00 280 57th'Place CUB Jack Hooley Pyblic Safety Dir. 12.00 250 Osborne Road •Dave's Texaco David Haugen Public Safety Dir. 12.00 6301 Highway 65 . Dealers Manufacturing SirVend, Inc. Public Safety Dir. 12.00 5130.Main Street Fireside Rice Bowl Glenn F. Wong Public Safety Dir. 72.00 7440 Central Ave. � Fridley Food Market John A. Rieck Public Safety Dir. 12.00 8154 Highway 65 a ' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1974 CIGARETTE LICENSES CONTINUED: Fridley Terrace, Inc. 7400 Highway 65 Frontier Club . 7365 Central Ave. Holiday Village North 250 57th Avenue Holiday Village North 250 57th Avenue Holiday Service Station 5807 University Ave. Howies � 240 University Ave. Jimbo's Pizza 248 Mississippi St. K. C. Nall 6831 Highway 65 Kentucky Fried Chicken 7510 University Ave. Kurt Manufacturing 5280 Main Street LaMaur, Inc. 560j East River Road Larry's Champlin Superette 7298 Highway 65 Maple Lanes 6310 Highway 65 Midland Co-op I-694 & Main Street Minco Products 7300 Commerce Lane Mr. Steak 5895 University Ave. Moore Lake Union 76 5695 Hackmann Ave. PDQ Food Store 620 Osborne Road . Penny's Super Market 6540 University Ave. Phillips 66 5667 University Ave. Phillips 66 6500 University Ave. Pollies 6225 Highway 65 _ _._ -___ _ __ ]. � � Page 18 Gerald E. Toberman Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Marlene Ann Povlitzki Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Canteen Co. of Minn. Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Erickson Brothers Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Central Service Co. Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Robert E. Gorrell � Pub�ic Safety Dir. 12.00 James Schooley Publ.ic Safety Dir. 12.00 Chester Michurski Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Carl 8eaudey Public Safety Dir. 12.00 SirVend,Inc. Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Pioneer Distributing Pub7ic Safety Dir. 12.00 Company Larry L, Ludford Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Moore Way Vending Public Safety Dir. ]2.00 Pioneer Distributing Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Company Canteen Co. of Minn, Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Incorporated ' Robert Schachtschneider Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Lee R. Haugen Public Safety Dir. 72.00 PDQ Food Stores Public Safety Dir. 12.00 of Minnesota Marion Levine Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Pioneer Uistributing Pub7ic Safety Dir. 12.00 Company Pioneer Distributing Public Safety Dir. )2.00 Company Francis L. hlager Public Safety Dir. 12.00 0 120 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1974 Railroad Access. Co. 46:;0 East River Road Rapid Shop Superette 6530 East River Road Reserve Supply Co. 5110 Main Street Ron's Standard Oil 6490 University Avenue Russ's Superette 6253 University Avenue Snyder's Drug Store, Inc. 6582 Un�iversity Avenue Target Food Stores 755 53rd Avenue Target Stores Headqrts. 1080 73rd Avenue Tom Thumb Food Market 315 Osborne Road Town Crier Pancake House 7730 University Avenue Western Station 7600 University Avenue Zapata's 5909 University Avenue OFF SALE BEER .,�o6TS Produce Ranch 7620 University Ave. Brook's Superette #15 1042 Osborne Road Country Club Market 6275 Highway 65 CUB 250 Osborne Road Fridley Food Market 8154 East River Road Holiday Village North 250 57th Avenue Larry's d�a,mplin Superette 7298 Highway 65 PDQ Food Store 620 Osborne Road Penny's Super Market 6540 University Ave. Rapid Shop Superette 6530 East River Road Russ's Superette 6253 University Avenue Snyder's Drug Store 6582 University Avenue ---� Page 19 Griswold Coffee Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Company f Robert S. Hansen Public Safety'Dir. 12.00 i SirVend, Inc. Public Safety Dir. 12.00 - Roland Cox Public Safety Dir. 12.00 " Russell Paone Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Snyder's Drug Store Public Safety Dir. • 72.00 Jonathan Stores, Inc. Public Safety Dir. 12,00 Vendmark, Inc. Public Safety Dir. 72.00 Tom Thumb Markets, Publie Safety Dir. 12.00 Inc. ' Craig J. Vargo Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Wester Stores Div. Public Safety Dir. 72.00 Zapata Restaurant Public Safety Dir. 72.00 . Robert Schroer Public Safety Dir. 15.00 Brooks Hauser Public Safety Dir. 15.00 Country Club Market, Public Safety Dir. 15.00 Incorporated ' CUB, Incorporated Public Safety Dir. 15.00 i John A. Riech Public Safety Dir. 15.00 � Erickson Brothers Public Safety Dir. 15.00 ; Roy L. Rudford Public Safety Dir. 75.00 i PDQ Food Stores of Public Safety Dir. 15.00 Minnesota Penn-Fridley, Inc. Public Safety Dir. 15.00 Robert Hansen Public Safety Dir. 15.00 ' t Russel Paone Public Safety Dir. 15.00 Snyder's Drug Stores, Public Safety Dir, 15.00 Inc. t i � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1974 OFF SALE BEER LICENSES CONTINUED: Target Food Store 755 53rd Avenue Tom Thumb Food Market 315 Osborne Road Western Station 7600 University Ave. LIVESTOCK 1,� • � Page 20 � Jonathan Stores, Inc. Public Safety Dir. 15.00 Tom Thumb Market,�Inc. Public Safety Dir. 15.00 Western Stores Div. Public Safety Dir. 15.00 Cont. Oil Uennis DeMars Dennis DeMars Building Inspector 5.00 8340 East River Road Audrey Theilmann Audrey Theilmann Building Inspector 25.00 1540 Rice Creek Road GARBAGE PICKUP Guy's Disposal (New) Leander J. Herbst Public Safety Dir,. 25.00 Route 1, Box 29 � Health Inspector Stacy MOTION by Councilr��an Starwalt to approve the previously listed licenses. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, ,iayor Liebl dec}ared the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: Smith, Juster, Feikema, Haskvitz and Casserly Builders Exchange Building Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Attorney's fees for District Court Litigation re Columbia Heights Police Relief Association $ 1,457.63 Comstock & Davis, Inc. Consulting Engineers 1446 County Road "J° Minneapolis, ��linnesota 55432 PARTIAL Estimate No. 1 for professional Engineering • � Services for planning Sanitary Sewer, Water & Storm Se°�rer Improvement Project No, 114 $ 14,720.00 MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the aforementioned estimates for payment plus the estimate added to the agenda by Weaver.,Talle and Herrick in the amount of $1,100 for the February retainer. Secorded by Counciman Utter. L'pon a voice vote, all voting aye, (�layor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF PLACEMENT OF ADDITIONAL STREET LIGNTS ON FAIRMONT CTRCLE: itOTION by Councilman Nee to concur with the recommendation of the staff and approve the installation of additional street lights on Fairmont Cie•cle. Seconded by Council- man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, f�layor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REOUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF THE BACK YARD SETBACK BY CURTIS JOIINSON�2300 WILSON OT Mr. Curtis Johnson addressed the Council and explained the construction plans which would reduce the number of trees to be cut down on the parcel of property. The City Manager said he did not think there would be any problems connected with the approval of the variance. He indicated if the applicant has the approval of the � � � �'��� �J '_ �� �� �) �� i� � � fdH � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1974 Page 21 i abutting property owners, there would be no problems in the approval of the variance , by the Board of Appeals. He said it would be possible for the.Council to take action I to concur in the decision of the Board of Appeals and the petitioner would not have to return to the Council for consideration, the decision of the Board of Appeals would stand. ' ' ' ' � � i � MOTION by Gounciman Starwalt to stand on the decision made by the Board of Appeals on the variance of the back yard setback requested by Mr. Curtis Johnson, 2300 Wilson Street, for the property at 1412 North Innsbruck Drive. Seconded by Councilman ° Utter. Upon d voice vote, all voting aye, fiayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR LICENSE TRANSFER FROM AMERICAN AUTO LISTINGS TO DAPATHAL, INC , USED CARS, FOR 7395 T. H. #65: The City Manager explained the current situation with the issuance of the license for American Auto Listirigs stating the Attorney General was eurrently investigating the operation in its other locations, but the Fridley operation had been determined with- out claims or injunctions. He said the current request is for a license to be issued to Dapathal, Inc. for a used car business. Mr. David H. Alstrup, 3414 112th Avenue E., Burnsville, addressed the Council and explained he and his partner had bought the franchise from American Auto Listings and paid .$20,000 to use their name, and now they had to hire an attorney for the amount of $150,000 to represent them in court against the charges brought against American Auto Listings. He stated it had been determined that the Fridley operation had not been involved, he further explained the operations capital was under the trusteeship of the Fridley State Bank to assure proper operation. The City Attorney said the recommendation of the Administration would be to issue the license for the period of three months to assure the City the operation is clean and the Attorney Genera� does not take any further action to prohibit their actions. He said the opertion could be reviewed at the end of that period of 'time to determine if it is a proper operation. He suggested the Council include the stipulation that the physical development of the property whieh was to be done by American Auto Listings be done by Dapathal, Inc. He said after the period of three months, if tne physical work has been completed and the operation proves itself to the City, and the Attorney does not prohibit the operation, the City could extend the 7icense. Mr. Alstrup said the State License had been revoked and reissued to the new partner- ship after it had been determined there was no involvement by the Fridley location. MOTION by Counciman Utter to concur with the recommendations of the City Admiriistration , and the City Attorney and issue the license to Dapathal, Inc., Used Cars, 7295 T. H. #65, for the period of three months, and subject to review by the Council after this period to determine if the operation is properly executed, that the physical. , development of the site be done as agreed upon by American Auto Listings, and that. ' no further action is taken by the Attorney General to prohibit the activities of the "' I operation. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � , � The City Manager questioned who the legal owner of the property was at the present time. (•ir. Alstrup said Dapathal, Inc., had taken over the payments on the property and was paying a total of $850 a month with $650 of this payment going directly to ' Mr. Gus Doty, the former owner of the property. He explained they wanted to be assured the contract for deed was being paid. i , Councilman Starwalt asked the name of the operation and Mr. Alstrup indicated this would be Dapathal, Inc., their corporate name. COMMUNICATIONS: MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE: RAILROAD SERVICE: MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the corr�nunication , of Public Service regarding the Railroad Service dated, by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting the motion carried unanimously. LJ from the Minnesota Department March 13, 1974. Seconded aye, Mayor Liebl declared REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1974 Page 22 1��. ADJOURNMENT: . • I MOTION by Councilman Utter to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Breider. ' Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of March 18, 1974 adjourned at ', 12:16 A.M. i Respectfully submitted, �� �� Patricia Ellis Secretary to the City Council ate pprove Frank G. Liebl, Mayor , FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEET�NG �LEASE SIGN NAME ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN� DATE: � -�QrLCf /� �% L ' AME ADDRESS ITEM NUMBER _____�___ �__ � __________` _______________� l �� = S==N; _� ______________-_-____==-==L_ __' __ � �� SG� ti-- ll � ���.��i� �3C�Yle.l�ecK� (.,1�'i� ��-i-°�r,�,nll ���i�. ��.�.. � � ���� ��- �.i, , � - �,� r � � ��� , �� ��►�� � i���..� �,_ � � �., � �r , ��I� - . % :.�... � � �, r , ,�� I � , �, , %' % �'!���� o s�v �o� �1�.. ��oo U��l��,� � 7�°�s� /�--�� C,° � �� w � / Cp () J�J / �3._. ��- �� �� � .�� �� ��-- _i .� `�r ��. �c � � -- -- �� 73 - �,�-u� �-r iik�u.--� • ���� �� � ���� � �� � � f 3 � - .5 �"� s z- . ��.� �. � l �' , � � � ? � �� � � � . 8' � C'c-- ��� 5 � � � � �� ���7 �� �"�. � �c� -= � �i � . �7�% (� ,���- -�-- �`� � � � T ���U ��-�-� ��' � � i� ������� /��. �'�', Q , �.C3 � I S � I �E�'�1CiA�F ��Ja���b� ,3 ' � � i1 FRI�LEY CITY C�UNCIL MEETING �LEASE SIGN NAME ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE: AME ADDRESS ITEM NUMBER -________ � ________________________ _______________________________________��_��___-______----��---�--� /�-- � � � .� �l/` ��Zl� �/Iv� /.�� .-�%,--��,�_� .�/�� ��? � �. � � 3 i� � /�i1i-y� ! � O .�iC,�,� �, S �D �`'���.�.-. U �-�� �; �" � 1 � FRI�L�Y CITY COUi'JCIL — REGULAR MEETI`�G — MARCH 18, 1974 — 7:30 P,M. PLEI�GE OF ALLEGIAiVCE: I f�VOCAI' I OfV : ROL� C�1LL; PROCLAMATI Oid : 1�IAMING MARCH Z9, 1974 —"VIETNAM VETERANS DAY" � PRESEiVTATIOi� OF A�JARi�S: CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATIO(� HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITT�E GENE GUSTAFSON t�03ERT L� ERICKSON ADOLPH KUK04VSKI EILEEN STENBERG EidV I RON�E(VTAL �U�LITY CO�I$S ION RONALD F, BuRTON aPPROVAL OF i�l I idUTES ; PUBLIC iiEAftING MEETING, FEBRUARY ll, 1974 i�EGULAR �OUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 25, 1974 �EGULAR �OUNC I L �'�EET I NG, ��ARCH 4, 1974 � K�GU L�IR l'YIEET I �dG, MARCH 18, 1974 ADuPT I O�V OF AGE(dDA : VISITORS: �CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA - 15 MINUTES) OLD �USIidESS: PAGE 2 CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS �TABLED 3-4-74) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 AWARDING BIDS - MOWING AND CLEANING OR SPRAYING OF PROPERTY FOR CITY OF FRIDLEY �TABLED 3-4-74)� ���. 2- 2 A R�GULAK MEETI�G, �NRCH 18, 1973 NE�! BUS I ��ESS ; PAGE 3 �ONSIll�RATION OF HPPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT P�S�#74-01, RICE CREEK ESTATES, BY GOODCO INC., AND PINE TREE BUILDtRS; GEUERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN RICE CREEK ROAD AND b1ST HVENUE AND WEST OF BENJAf1IN STREET� �����, 3- 3�C RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION �EET I NG OF I��ARCH b, 1�74 � � � , � � � � � , � , , � � � F�ECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS � �IE ET I NG 0 F I��ARCH 3, 1974 � . � . � . . � � � � � � � � � 4-41� 5-5C REGtti�� �1ttTI�fG, (d��iRC�{ 18, 1974 PAGE 4 RECEIVING THE I`�INUTES OF THE �OINT PLANNING COMMISSION AN�7 tSOARD OF APPEALS �'�EET I NG OF I�ARCH 13, 1974 ���.�� 6 �IdOTE: iHESE MINUTES WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR THE ME�T I iVG I��ON�AY EVEN I NG ) RECEIVING REPORT FROM I�IAYOR LIEBL REGARDING HPPEARANCE �EFORE THE ENVIRONMENTAL I�UALITY COUNCIL ON IdORTH PARK REVI EW AIVD COIVSIllERATI�N OF PREPARATION OF ENVIROfVMENTAL NSSESSMENT STATEMENT FOR I�ORTH PARK GOLF COURSE� ���� �— � B STATUS t�EPORT I�EGARDING HIRING OF �VATURALIST� ...�� S— g A t2EGU�F�R IyIE�T I�G, f�AKCH 1�, 1974 �'¢tW BUS I �VESS �CONT I NUED) PAGE 5 REGEIVING COMMUNICATION FROM METROPOLITAN AIRPORT COMMISSION I�EGARDING LAND FOR GOLF COURSE AND COPY OF PROPERTY AGREEMENT �ETWEEN MAC Af�D RICHFIELD. �� 9- 9 J �ECEIVING INTERIM REPORT ON �IQUOR OPERATION� ����� 10 - 10 A (�ECEIVING t�IDS AND aWARDING CONTRACT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT �ROJECT ST, 1974-1 aND ST� 1974-2 (��iSAS) , . , , , , , � , , , , , , . � , , . , , , , , , 11 0 kEGULUR MEETING, MARCH 18, 1974 . PAGE 6 ��W BUSI��E$S (CONTINUED) CONSI�ERATION OF APPROVAL OF GIRL�S SUMMER GYMfJASTIC CLASSES� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � . 12-12B CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPOINTING, � REAPPOINTIfVG AND CONFIRMING EXISTING APPOINTMENTS TO (,OMMISSIONS, i�OARDS, COMMITiEES AND SUBCOMMITTEES � FOR THE YEaR .1974, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 13 - 13 G � � � � CONS IDERAT IOi� OF A}�ESOLUT I ON APPROV I I�}G "r�GREEMENT ' lV0 , 57b42 W I TH I�� I NNESOTA fi I GHWAY 1�EPARTMENT FOR [ SIGNALIZATION OF T,H� ��iS AT �3RD AVENUE �� E� ����, 14 - 14 D 1 � � . � . 1 � 1 � � . REG�JLAR �'l��T I NG, 1�1ARCH l�, 1J74 PAGE 7 �I�W �US I fV�SS : CONSIDERATION OF A t�ESOLUTIQN llESIGNATING STATE AID S?REETS : `'�IAI t� STREET FROM OSBORNE ROAD TO %9TH 1-1VENUE N, E, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 15 - 15 A APPOIf�TMENT: tiVVIRONMENTAL UFFICER� . � � � . . � � . � 16 �LAIMS� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � . � � � : � � � � � , 17 L� c�ivs�s . � , , � � � � � � . � � � � , � , , , � � . � , 18 - 18 D REGU�aR �I�ETING, MARCN 18, 1974 I�tW �USIN�SS (Co�v-riNU�D) PAG E 8 �STIMATES, � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � . . . 19 - 19 C �oc��iu��icaTlo�s: I�IINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE: RAILROAD SERVI CE � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � . � � � 2� ADJUURf�; � , � � � � i � � , ' � � � � . . � i ' �Q� O �''� ���N � C/ ANOKA COUNTY 6431 UNtVERSITY AVENUE NE P R 0 C L A M A T I 0 N "VIETNAM VETERANS DAY" March 29, 1974 560-3450 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 . WHEREAS, the purpose of "Vietnam.Veterans Day" is to honor those who have served our Country so well and to encourage citizens to make this truly a day of honor; and WHEREAS, the President of the United States has authorized and requested the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities; and� WHEREAS, the City of Fridley reco�nizes the dedication and sacri.fices performed by the Vietnam Veterans; . NOW 7'i�:REFORE, I, Frank G. Liebl, riayor of the Ci�y of Tridley, do hereby proclaim Friday, March 29, 1974, as Veitnam Veterans Day, and do ask all the residents of the City of Fridley to extend reco�nition to Vietnam Veterans for the fine services they have provided to the people of this country. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Fridley to be affixed this 18th day of March, 1974 f �`l�,,�a��;�ay ay ! l rf � a:'� � c �. � �''�:•.�! .1 .� '1 � . . F �::'. t +�„+T-'x 1 � �� � � : Y��T � �M � it � J�?� '� � t t , : , �. r �1 � �� (r t • „i �� -* r.,- �� :� . Q` '' s'' f t i �' k.�� i `', i t'.',:� � ,.��?, � � tt' � i^� ` » '� s ; ,t � 1 � �r ? � `�4 � � i ' i � � �. �y',, t* .• � �•.�� _3��t� -� » �� r�t � ���� `. �. ,� °3 ��� �; � �,�,� L ' �� � ` '' � L:= .. ;�,r � . ._ ', :�f1 v FRANK G. LIEBL, u r- - . - _ - _ ___ _ . .. _ :� , . � � • • , . . II . • . . � � ' , THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF FEBRUARY 11, 1974 � - � . , � �. � . . . � � �. � _ , �. � . . � � . � . . - C � . , , � . . ' . - 1 ' � , ' L: , , � ' � r � , , , , 5� THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF FEBRUARY 11, 1974 The Public Hearing meeting of the Fridley City Council of February Il, 1974 was called to order at 7:32 p.m, by Mayor Liebl. � PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: . Mayor Liebl led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Liebl, Councilman Utter, Councilman Breider, Councilman Starwalt, and Councilman Nee (Councilman Nee � arrived at 7:34 p.m.) MEMBERS ABSENT: None ADOPTION OF AGENDA: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Council- man Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS: . PUBLIC�HEARING ON STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1974-1 AND ST. 1974-2, ADDENDUM N0. 1: MOTION by Councilman Breider to waive the reading of the Public Hearing notice and open the Public Hearing. Seconded by Counci7man Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing opened at 7:36 p.m. . i ALLEY BETWEEN ELM AND MAIN STREETS (78TH TO 79TH): , The City Manager said the purpose of the improvement would be to ailow access to the building to be built in this area and access to the constructions would have to be provided. He said the total cost on this portion of the project would be $5,600 and this would only be the improvement of the alley between Elm and Main Streets. Mayor Liebl asked if there was anyane present who wanted to speak in favor of the improvement. There was no response. The City Attorney asked if there had been a petition for the improvement of the alley. The City Manager said the area developer is committed to having the alley improved, 78TH AVENUE: ALLEY TO RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY: , The City Manager provided a map of the proposed improvement on the overhead projector and said the Courcil had reviewed the area in conjunction with the vacatiorr of some easements and also for the preliminary approval. of a foundation,permit. The City Manager said this improvement would affect Mr. Zeis's property to the north and Mr. Houser's property to the south. Coancilman Breider asked if the Railroad was involved in this improvement and the City Manager said no. The City Manager pointed out the area on the map saying it was the portion which i would extend to the cul-de-sac. Councilman Starwalt questioned if this portior�-�of � roadway would total an expenditure of $16,144 for the completion of the street. He asked if there had been any development or such improvements in this area previous to this time. 7he City Manager said there had not been any improvements in this area. A representative of the Shalle Corporation, 7800 Beech Street, addressed the Council and asked if the improvement for this portion of 78th would be $48.05 per foot. Mayor Liebl said this was correct. 79TH AVENUE: ALLEY TO RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY: The City Manager explained this improvement would be+�.in the westerly portion of 79th to serve the property south.of the Zies property. He said the abutting property owners are being assessed. � E k r I � i � � i ..r ; ; 3 � 9 ; i ; ' ' , ' r � , � , � ' ' , � ' 1 58 PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 11, 1974 PAGE 2 Mr. Richard Carlson, Park Construction Company, said he would have an assessment of $12,995. He explained when their facilities had been constructed, the access and a,�ess was pl�anned and installed in a different area. Mr. Carlson said he would not use the street for access and egress and this improvement would serve no purpose at all to Park Construction. He repeated, there would be no benefit from the street at all. Mayor Liebl stated the record should state that Mr. Carlson objects to the installation of the improvement. Mr. Carlson said he is paying a very heavy assessment at the present time for another improvement project and if this assessment were to be added to this amount, it would make the payment quite prohibitive. Mayor Liebl said there would be improvements in the entire City which would go along with the overall plan to complete improvements of the City streets. The City Manager said this recommendation had come from the staff and this was in ]ine with the policy the City had followed for years. The City Manager referred the Council's attention to the property to the south which had received preliminary approval from the Council for the construction of five buildings. He stated the Council would have to make a deternination on the insta U ation of the improvements and the method of assessment. He stated about 50% of the property owners had requested the improve- ments. • Councilman Utter asked if the property in back of the property owned by Park Construction (that which abuts the railroad tracks) would be affected by this improvement. The City Manager said Park Construction owns the property abutting the street almost up to the railroad tracks. He said the triangular piece is under the ownership of several people and would not be assessed for this improvement, as there would be no access to this street to the property in question. Councilman Utter asked if Park Construction had more property on the road than the other party being assessed for the improvement. He - questioned if this would mean that the 50% figure was not correct. The City Manager said the policy which was being used in this instance is the same as that which had been followed for a number of years. He said it did not make any difference if the property was larger or smaller, the determining factor would be the amount of front footage. Mayor Liebl stated �ihis is the policy the City had followed and he did not think this could be changed in this case to allow an exception. The Finance Director said for the side street assessment, one half of the residents on the north and one half of the residents on the south would be assessed. He said this type of assessment is split evenly also. He mentioned this is the improvement hearing, not the assessment hearing and the Council could determine the amount of . payment of the assessments at the assessment hearing on the improvement. Councilman Breider said the Council would have to authorize the improvement because it had authorized the building permits for the five buildings in the area. Councilman Breider asked Mr. Carlson if he objected to the improvements or the assessments. Mr. Carlson said he would receive no benefit from the improvements. He continued stating he would pay his fair share in a case where he would be receiving some benefit. Councilrwan Nee said he wondered if the people who are developing the area could be contacted to determine if they would be willing to pick up the total assessments for the improvement. He added, maybe the issuance af the building permit could be influenced by this factor. He said he did not think this would be a deviation from what had been done in the past and the builder would be making money off the construc- tion of the buildings. Councilman Nee said he thought the City should determine this factor before taking any action. .' Mayor Liebl said the determination on the benefits to Mr. Carlson could be discussed at the assessment hearing. MOTION by Councilman Breider to close the Pubiic Hearinq. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried � i: � � � � ' � � � � �� , � � ' � r-, I I � � , ' � �I , 59 PUBLIC HEARIN� MEETING Of FEBRUARY 11, 1974 and the Public Hearing closed at 8:00 p.m. PAGE 3 PUBLIC HEARING ON WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 114, DDENDUM N0. 1: - MOTION by Councilman Breider to waive the reading of the Public Hearing notice and open the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, and the Public Hearing opened at 8:01 p.m. The City Manager sa-id the costs of the improvement would all be borne by the developer. A representative from Shalle Corporation said he did not object to the improvement. He explained he had been notified from Chicago to attend the meeting and report back to the Company what the improvement consists Af and the cost of it. The City Manager said if there is no additional benefit to the property owners, they would not be assessed. Mayor Liebl asked the representative of Shalle Corporation if he was opposed to the improvement and the representative said he was not opposed. Councilman Breider questioned the parcel number 7250 and said he believed this to be owned by Park Construction Company. He questioned why they were added to this project. ' The City Manager said this would be for the installation of the sewer and water lines in the back of the property. Councilman Utter asked why this was needed when there was already a water and sewer line in the front of the.property. The City Manager said this was determined by the recommendation of the assessing Department. The Finance Director said only 265 feet of frontage had been assessed and this was the area•closest to the tracks. Ne said this would not be the final assessment, this was just an estimate for the purposes of the hearing on the improvement. Mr. Carlson said a portion of the assessment for the water main is to be assessed to Park Construction, and the Company never intended to build in that area. He said there is nvthing in the area that would burn, just heavy equipment occupied that area. He said he did not need the water main. The City Manager said to provide adequate water supply, the loop through would be necessary. MOTION by Councilman Breider to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Nearing closed at 8:06 p.m. , REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OF AMERICAN LEGION LICENSES FROM PRESENT LOCATION TO 1315 RICE CREEK ROAD:..MR. HENRY PETERS0�1: Mr. Henry Peterson, Fridley American Legion, addressed the Council and explained the facility they were presently leasing was vacated by the renter and the conditions were such that the water from the roof is ]eaking through to their operation. He said the new location would be within the complex of the newly constructed 7-11 Store an Rice Creek Road and Old Central Avenue. He called the Council's attention to the fact that the citizenship classes are currently being held by the Legion and this would allow for a very nice meeting place. Mr. Peterson requested that the Council give some indication on the feasibility of transferring the licenses to 1315 Rice Creek Road. , MO7ION by Councilman Breider to give tentative approval of the transfer of the licenses if the Administration finds no code violations and if the operation has sufficient parking. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. The City Manager suggested the Legion obtain an application from City Hall and complete the application with the necessary information. He said this requirement must be met and all of the other code requirements must also be met. He said if this is done, the City would issue the license, but the matter would still have tQ come back to the Council for formal and final approval. He said the. next meeting would be two weeks from the present meeting. � � � '1 V� u � � , � �I J II � , � � �. , �� ' L_ J � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 11, 1974 PAGE 4 Mr. Peterson said the tegion would have ta be out of the present facility by the first of the month. . Councilman Starwalt said if the Council wauld vote on the matter, they could make the approval contingent on the requirements of the code being met. Mr. Peterson said he had hoped for some indication from the Council before the lease would be signed. He said they would not want to sign a year'S lease and not be granted a license for the operation. The City Manager said he would work with Mr. Peterson to see that there are no problems when it is brought back for Council approval. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING _ Y , 9 4• IDERATION OF A REOUEST TO CONSTRUCT SPECULA7IVE BUILDINGS TED ON LOTS 1-12 � , . , --- The City Manager said this was the request for the cor�struction of the five buildings which had been discussed previously. He added, the Subcommittee had recomnended approval of the request with some stipulations. He said there would be a need for some easements and also a stipulation which would require each of the buildings to have its own parking space in the case that the individual buildings would be sold. He said the time table for the completion of the construction of the five buildings would be two years. He added, if all the five buildings are not provided in this length of time, one of the stipulations would insure the landscaping of the entire.area at this time. . Mayor Liebl said he would want to make sure the man was aware that he would be responsible for the proper amount of assessments on this property. He said he would recommend the addition of the stipulation that would make him responsible as the benefited party for the payment of the assessments. The City Attorney said this type of stipulation would not be necessary because the law provides for this. He suggested the Administration should contact Mr. Zeis and make him aware of the possible range and possible assessments. Councilman Nee said the developer needs the utility facilities and he again suggested these utilities be put in at their expense. He said this had been done in the past where the developer is allowed to install the utilities.and then dedicate the land to the City, but in this case, it is City dedicated land' at the present time. Councilman Nee said he thought Mr. Carlson had a good claim when he had stated he would receiving no benefit from the improvements. Ne said if the Council would let the.policy prevail, Mr. Carlson would get stuck with the improvement assessments for which he is receiving no benefit. He repeated other developers have been asked to develop the improvements and deed the land to the City. ' The �ity Attorney said the Council and the staff had talked about the policy being used on a front foot basis and he_questioned when an exception in the policy would be made. He pointed out in residential R-1 areas, both of the property owners abutting the i�nprovement would.pay equally. He said.in this � case, other factors do exist which would prove the other property owner would not have an equal benefit because he has an other access to his property. He said the Council may not want to deviate, but they could consider this improvement in light of the benefit obtained by the two property owners. He said if this matter were dealt with in the courts, they would back up what Councilman Nee was pointing out. He said each case should be weighed for its individual •benefits. He suggested the assessments be levied on a 60 to 40 or 75 to 25 basis. He pointed out the courts are becoming more involved in community action such as this. He said perhaps in this case, a real estate appraisor should be consulted. � ,,,� , MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the proposed building�lans with the - ' stipulations recommended by the Building Standards Design Control Subcommittee and with an additional stipulation that the developer be responsible for the _ improvements necessary to the development of the buil�dings. Secorided by ', � � � 61. PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 11, 1974 PAGE 5 � " � � , i , � ' 1 Councilman Utter. Councilman Breider said he would favor this type of statement being incorporated in the motion because this would have to be determined when the assessment roll is figured and they were unable to say at the present time what the assessment cost would and should be. He said he would like the developer to be «ware that he may be responsible for more of the assessment. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN APARTMENT COMPLEX LOCATED ON THE e cuxNUKHiiuN�: . The City Manager said this item would be taken care of during the next item on the agenda. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION TO TNE PRESENT STRUCTUR � - - - ---- - � R D. E., FRIDLEY, MINNESO : ` The City Manager pointed out that this proposed construction would be an j addition to the Fridley Assembly of God Church. He said the Subcommittee had ` recommended approval of the request with the stipulations that the curbing • be provided now or in the period of two years, and that if the brick is � structurally impossible due to the design of the building, new plans would ; be drawn to present a similar construction to what is existing at the present time. . i The City Manager placed the plan for the construction on the'easel. Mayor Liebl asked if the construction would be � continuation of the current struct- ure styling. The City Manager said yes, there would be brick to allow a continuous looking type of structure, Mr. Jerry Boardman, Planning Assistant, pointed out the area of the proposed construction on the plan on the easel and said the original plans called for construction of block and the Subcommittee had recommended this be brick to blend with the existing structure. He said if this is structually impossible, new plans would be deveioped to allow a continual effect in the addition • canstruction. � MOTdON by Councilman Breider to approve the request for the construction of the ' addition with the stipulations of the Building Standards Design Control Sub- committee. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, � Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � I MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the minutes of the Bui7ding Standards- i Design Control Subcommittee of January 31, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. r Upon a voice vote; all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING 4 BR AR , 97 : � CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A CANOPY OVER THE_EXISTING DRIVE-UP S, a n The City Manager said the proposal was for t� construction of a canopy type � construction over the existing drive-up teller window and an addition to a new ' remote teller. He said this request had been made by Twin City Federal. The � City Manager said this canopy would be constructed on the north side of t�he ; • building. He pointed out that the Subcommittee had recommended approval of the ` request with three stipulations. He said there was no problems with the approval ' of the stipulations, i � _ � � � � � i ' , ' ' ' � � ' ' ' �� PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 11, 1974 PAGE 6 MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the request for the construction by Twin City Federal with the three stipulations as recommended by the Building Standards Design Control Subcommittee. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. IDERATION OF A REOUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN APARTMENT COMPLEX LOCATED ON THE H 7he City Manager explained there had been a joint meeting of the Board of Appeals and the Building Standards committees for consideration of the item. He said this would be a rather large construction which would be adjacent to City Hall on 5th Street. He said the building would be a north/south building and he referred to the pian on the easel for the proposed elevations. He recalled the Cauncil had approved the parcel rezoning and there had been an agreement with the developer at that time. He pointed out there would be a need for the approval of some variances as indicated in the minutes of the meeting. He advised the Council that the Boards had recommended approd•al of the request with the 11 stipulations listed, The City Manager commented he assumed the developer would like to proceed through the proper channels and receive the additional variances which may be required before the construction of the complex. Councilman Breider listed the various additional variances which may be required. Mayor Liebl said the proposal would include three different types of units, the effeciency or studio, the one bedroom and the twdbedroom with the possible adaptation of the second bedroom being a den or study. Mayor Lieb7 asked if the recommending bodies had concurred with the proposal. The City Manager . said yes, with the recommended stipulations. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Arvil MilTer, resident of the area, if he agreed with the proposal. Mr. Arvil Miller addressed the Council and said if this p°oposal was the same as.presented and agreed upon at the Subcommittee meeting, he would concur in it. He said if the proposal had not changed, he would have no objections. Mayor Liebl asked if any of the other area residents were concerned about this proposal. Mr. Miller indicated he was the only area resident present. The City Manager said Mr. Rudolph Dante and Mr. Richard Reese, Wall Corporation, and Mr. Jerry @�ardman, Planning Assistant, City of Frid]ey, were present at the meeting. Mayor Liebl said the proposal had not changed much from the original proposals of the area. He indicated there would be R-1 residential single family homes constructed on the perimeter of the complex with the exception of the City Hall side. Mayor Liebl said he would like some indication if the Developer would agree to the stiputations of the Subcommittee. Mayor Liebl read the stipulatians aloud to the Council and audience and asked Mr. Rudolph Dante if he agreed_with the stipulations, and Mr. Dante indicated he was in agreement. Mayor•Liebl questioned the item listed where parking was not suffiGient. Mr. Dante said he felt with the inside parking, this would provide ample parking for the complex. He said they were reluctant to increase the amount of parking area for aesthetic reasons. He said if this is'not sufficient, the developer would be the first one to want to increase the amount of spaces. Mr. Dante commented, he would not like to have a line of cars in the front of the buildings if this was not necessary. , Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Dante if he would agree with the plans for the development of the drainage system in the area and Mr. Dante said they agreed with this stipulation. Mayor Liebl qeustioned if in the future, there is a need for a storm sewer installation in the area, would the Wall Corporation pay their fair share of �his construction cost. Mr. Dante said this would be agreeable: � � i I, � �. � ; f m 5 • i. 63� � , � ' II ' ' ' ' ' , J ' ' ' 1 . � ' � ' PUBLIC HEARING MEETING Of FEBRUARY 11, 1974 PAGE 7 Councilman Starwalt questioned.the possibility of the installation of foot paths for foot traffic of the area. Mr. Dante said this point had been discussed and he had determined it would not be feasible for the installation of the foot paths through the residential properties. He said thTS would create a public access to the private property. Councilman Starwalt continued saying the City had determined this is needed in this location through the residential lots to the west. He said he would not agree with the thought of the Wall Corporation. Mr. Dante said this had been talked about at the previous meeting of the Council and the Subcommittees and it had been determined b,� these bodies that this installation would not be feasible. He said Councilman Starwalt could review the minutes of the meetings and this would be proven. Councilman Utter asked Mr. Dante if he agreed with the 11 stipulations and Mr. Dante indicated he agreed. MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the plan with the following stipulations: 1. Landscaping plan be brought to this Baard (Building Standards-Design . Control Subcommittee) before finalizing it on the development. 2. Lighting plan be brought to this Board (Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee) before finalizing it on the development. 3. Drainage plan be used as set up by the Engineering Department. 4. If a future storm sewer system is needed to drain this area adequately, Wall Corporation will pay their fair share. 5. Parking stall sizes and amount needed to comply with the Board of Appeals decision. 6. Look into the suggestion of using an egg shell color for the exterior walls and not white. 7. Interior garage wall will have 2 fire doors to,allow for passage from one side to the other. 8. Screened garbage areas will provide room fnr area for firetruck access. 9. Parking will be 5 feet off of th� garage, separation made by a poured concrete curb, 6 inches by 18 inches, area between the curb and building will have a low maintenance material. 10. Work out driveway plan on north side with Anoka County, possible retaining wall will be needed. 11. If planting is used for a buffer on the south side driveway, they will have to go before the Board of Appeals for a variance (from 15 feet to 7 feet). , Seconded by Councilman Breider who ddded the following stipulations: 12. That a tot lot be provided in the complex for an area_for the small . children to play on apparatus, so they do not wander to the residential areas. 13. That walking paths be installed through the complex area. 14. That the developer will pay for the installation of sidewalks associated with the complex in the normal policy or on 5th Street. Mr. Dante said he did not believe there would be many children living in the complex and did nct believe the installation of the tot lot would be necessary. He added, if the prospective residents would look at the tot lot, they would believe that the complex was for children, and the Wall Corporation is not looking for_the children in the complex. He said he would appreciate if the Council would not add this stipulation. � � , �� ' . , , ' � ' ' ' . ' ' PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 11, 1974 PAGE 8 Councilman Nee suggested the stipulation on the tot lot be modified to state, "a tot lot would be installed by the Wal.l Corporation for the apartment compiex if it is so ordered by the City". Councilman Utter said he did not believe the installation of the tot lot would be this complicated. He added, visitors to the people in the complex may want someplace for their children to be occupied. - Mr. Dante again stressed this would draw people with children to the complex. He said he would not want it suggested this would be a facility for children. Mrs. Pat Brennen, addressed the Council and asked if children like tennis are a passing fancy. She said she would not like the Council to encourage the construction of another complex which wou}d not allow couples with children. She said this creates an undesirable situation for the community and should be discouraged. Councilman Starwalt said he would like to add a stipulation, #15 to the list. He said he would like this stipulation to read: "That reasonable access be provided to the northeast, east and southeast for pedestrian traffic". Mr. Dante said this would be inviting the general public to enter into private property. � Mayor Liebl said this is all private property and this creation of the walkway would destroy the private property. He recalled in the acquisition for the property in the East River Road area, how the property owners protested to this type of installation because it woudl decrease the value of the property and ; also decrease the privacy on the residential property. ! Councilman Breider said he would like to make another addition to the stipulation which dealt with the creation of the sidewalks and this would be to state if there are sidewalks created around the perimeter of th�parcel where the resi- dential properties would be, these assessments would be applied to the abutting property such as in all other cases within the City. Councilman Breider questioned if the stipulation suggested by Councilman Starwalt had been included in the list of stipulations. Mayor Liebl said there had been no s�ond to the addition of the stipulation by Councilman Starwalt. Councilman Utter said he had made the motion, and he would not allow this addition to the original motion. � , UPON A ROLL CALL VOTE, Gouncilmarr Nee voting aye, Councilman Breider voting aye, Councilman Starwalt voting nay, Mayor Liebl voting aye, Counci7man Utter voting _aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried four to one. (NOTE: The completed motion which was seconded and voted upon and carried four ' to one, included the following listed stipulations as agreed upon through the discussion by the maker of the motion and the seconder: LJ �I ' ' II 1. That a landscaping plan be brought to the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee before finalizing it on the development. 2. That a lighting plan be brought to the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee before finalizing it on the development. 3. Drainage plan be used as set up by the Engineering Department. 4. If a future storm sewer system is needed to drain this area adequately, Wall Corporation will pay their fair share. 5. Parking stall sizes and amount needed to comply with the Board of Appeals decision. 6, Look into the suggestion of using an egg shell color for the exterior walls and not white. � � � �I � ' ' �' �7 ' , IJ ' ' �I � ' ' , • � I 1 PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 11, 1974 � PAGE 9 GJ� 7. Interior garage wall will have 2 fire doors to allow for passage from one side to the other. 8. Screened garbage areas witl provide room for fireiruck access. 9. Parking will be 5 feet off the garage, separation made by a poured concrete curb, 6 inches by 18 inches, area between the curb and building will have a low maintenance material, 10. Work out driveway plan on north side with Anoka County, possible retaining wall will be needed, 11. If planting is used for a buffer on the south side driveway, they will have to go before the Board of Appeals for a variance (from 15 to 7 feet). 12. A tot lot be provided if so ordered by the City for the complex children. 13. Walking paths be installed through the apartment complex to eliminate bare spots from foot traffic. 14. The developer will pay for the installation of sidewalks associated with the apartment compex on 5th Street and that if the installation of sidewalks are approved on the east and south portions of the parcel'abutting the residential property, the normal method of assessing the improvement would be employed and the assessments would be levied on the abutting residential properties.) MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the minutes of the Building Standards- Design Control Subcommittee meeting of February 7, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF FEBRUARY 7, 1974: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the roinutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of February 7, 1974 and concur with their recommendations. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye; Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE t�IINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY - J NUARY 16, 197 : MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Suburban Rate Authority of January 16, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Mayor Lieb1 said he would like to compliment Councilman Utter on his representation on the Suburban Rate Authority and a job well done. Mayor Liebl asked if the Suburban Rate Authority had been working on the study requested by the City. The City Manager said he had some communication with the Authoriey and they are making the study. " UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE NOTICE OF fORMATION OF COMMITTEE FOR INITIATION OF AN ORDINANCE FOR i P HIBI N ESTRUC IO F REES ON T E PUB DS: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the notice of formation of a Committee 'for the initiation of an ordinance for prohibiting destruction of trees on City owned public lands, Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ' CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF IICENSES - HOWIES: MO7ION by Councilman Utter.to approve the followinq licenses for Nowies, 240 Mississippi Street, Fridley, as requested by Mr. Robert E. Gorrell: Type Approved by Fee , Cigarette Public Safety Director $12.00 Food Establishment County Health Insp. . 8.32 pro-rated � 0 � ' 66 ' , ' I ' I � , i I ' ' ' ' , 1 I�� '�J ' ' ' PUBLIC-HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 11, 1974 �pe On Sale Beer Public Drinking Place Approved ty Public Safety Dir. County Health Insp. Public Safety Dir.. County Health Insp. PAGE 10 Fee $120.00 100.00 Tavern Public Safety Dir. 12.00 County Health Insp. Seconded by Council.man Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION R�GARDING REPORT FROM CITY M.4NAGER OPd NATURALIST'S JOB DESCRIPTION AND PRELIMINAR BUUGET FOR NATURE INTERPRETI E P OGR F R 9: Mayor Liebl referred to the list of 14 duties and responsibilities and stressed an individual should be sought who will create and enhance this kfnd of educational value of the position. Councilman Nee said he thought the matter of the budget for the creation of this type of program should be looked into. He said the budgeted amount is suggested at $40,000 and in light of the concerns for the continuing maintenance cost of the program, this should be defined. Councilman Nee said he was unable to determine from the information he had that this had ever been done before. He said he would like to know if a nature interpretive directar had ever been hired without a base, to conduct a program throughout a City. He said he would like an Administrati�n report on whether or not this had been done before. He continued, the program suggested, hiring a naturalist divorced from a base, was suggested in the Brauer report. He repeated he would like some report on what the City would be spending the $40,000 . per year for. He said, generally he is in favor of the proposal, but would like further information on it. Councilman Nee suggested referring the matter to the City's Environmental C�uality Commission for their research and recommendations. He felt this was their area and concern, and this would be the advisory body for this type of operation. Mayor Liebl said the City was to initiate a new program with a new concept. He siated they had been provided information from the City Manager from all over the State. Councilman Nee said he had no objection to the proposal, he wou]d like to see additional information on paper on what has been done and how much it has cost. ��-1 �� ,� , � Councilman Breider said he was in a little bit of a quandry about the kind of program this would be. He said the program would vary from individual to individual. He thought the individual would have to be hired before the program could be established. He added, the naturalist would have to propose the program. Councilman Nee said he could see what would happen if a base for the naturalist had been provided, but he did not know what would happen if there was no base or display area. He said in this case, he could not see what the program is and could not justify the $40,000 budget amount. Ne said he would like some idea or discussion to prove the amount is properly budgeted. Councilman Nee said another of his concerns would be that many other bodies, the School Districts and the County had expressed an interest in the support of a nature interpretive program. He suggested the County be contacted and determine if they would be interested in sponsoring such a naturalist which wouTd use the City Hall for his office or base of operation. He said this type of program could allow the use of County land and � interpretation of all of the County facilities. Councilman Nee said within a few days, Anoka County would have.the power to obtain a few million dollars for this kind of program. He repeated he thought the City of Fridley should contact them on this point. He repeated he thought the City of Fridley should contact them on this point. Councilman Nee said he would take on this project if the Council so desired. Mayor Liebl said he thought the money to be obtained by the County was for the installation of a 5,000 acre nature center for the entire County, not for the City•of Fridley. , Councilman Nee said this was correct, but the staffing of this nature interpretive ', I program could be based in the Fridley,City area. He recalled there were�plans for the � � t ' LJ ' ' �'' ' ' �! 'J ' � ' � ' ' � CI' 67: PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 11, 1974 PAGE 11 installation of a youth center in the Bunker Park. He said this would be a possible base for the naturalist. He said the City was not aware of the plans of the County at all on this program. Councilman Nee pointed out that the other SchoQl District which had expressed interest would be within the County jurisdiction and would be partially out of Fridley. He said this may be a better proposal for the County than the City. He repeated his suggestion that the County be contacted for the hiring of a naturalist which could be housed in City Hall. Councilman Utter said it would be possible for the County to provide�a space for the naturalist in the new Fridley located County Library. He said this type of activity could be incorporated with the establishment of a small museum, a wild life display and many other possibilities. He said he thought this to be the most logical place for this type of activity if it was County sponsored. Councilman Starwalt said he had not known what Councilman Nee intended to propose. He said he had received many phone calls regarding this item the last few weeks. Councilman Starwalt said he would propose that the City change the proposed amount to $20,000, but limit the proposed program to just a six month program during the sumner months. He said a graduate student could be utilized for this purpose of time to develop the program. . Councilman Breider said he thought the concept and proposal by Councilman Nee was a good one. Councilman Breider said the only problem with this thought is that they were talking about a golf course. He believed the golf course site could be used fbr many activities all the year around. He mentioned that there could be cross county skiing in the winter months along with snowshoing. He said this is what the naturalist would be needed for and this would be needed the year around. He said the City would not be able to obtain this sort of aid in the program if the position were only available for the summer months. Councilman Breider said the naturalist could move into the construction as a base for the winter months. He believed if this facility was to be used the year around, the naturalist should be included in the planning of the facility. He stated the property would have to be used for more than one activity. As a bare minimum, he thought the City should hire one person for the remainder of the year. The City Manager said he had laid out all of the information available from the Twin Cities and State. Ne said the City of Fridley had not found any program like Councilman Nee is indicating. He said the City of Fridley would be starting a new concept. He explained the Council had indicated they wanted him to prepare a job description, and he thought this would not be complete without some indication on the money involved in the program. Ne said some travel costs had been indicated. The City Manager said there are just a few agencies which have any dealings with the naturalist's type of position and a very few areas in the vicinity which employ naturalists. He listed the various communities with this type of program and said the State has a manager for the nature interpretive program, but he is not a full fledged naturalist. . Councilman Nee said all of the area naturalists have a base to work from. He added, the City of Fridley is -talking about a naturalist with no base or a defused base. Councilman Breider said he felt items number nine and ten on•the agenda would have to be combined and discussed together if the proposal for combining the two programs were to be follow2d. Mayor Liebl said he would like the City's Financial Consultant, Ehler's and Associates, to present their report. Mr. Seegar Swanson from Ehler's and Associates addressed the Council. , • Mr. Swanson referred to a letter from the Consultant firm of Ehler's and Associates which was dated February 11, 1974 and advised the Counci'1 that the City of Fridley could issue Gross Revenue Bonds for a golf course and there are some limitations and things they wished to point out that would need some understanding. He said the City of Fridley would have to make a pledge to the bond purchaser that the principal and interest would be paid before any money is put into the maintenance and expenses of the project. The firm had made a reasonable projection of the revenue the golf course would produce and this would be enough revenue to meet the debt service. Mr. Swanson said the area had been studied for the indication of the rounds of golf per year which could be expected and the Board of Underwriters would need this informdtion for their review. He said it had �een determined as a conservative estimate thai the course would need 40,000 rounds of golf per year or there would have to be a foursome � � 68 � � i � I ' I 1 i , I ' . ' � lJ � C' ' �I C' � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 11, 1974 PAGE 12 starting every 10 minutes during, the season to finance the bonds. He said this was based on the course being in'operation from April 15 to October 15 of each year. He said this would also include a study of the rain fall records for this area and the proper season. He pointed out there was some variation in the amount of fees charged and this may be from $3.75 per round to $4.75 per round in this area. He said if there are other rates such as single rates or youth rates, this would have to be determined by the course manager. He said the rate of $4.25 had been used in their figures. He said tnis would provide a total of $170,000 annually for golfing fees. He said they had figured the amount of $15,000 per year for the rental of golf carts, the operation of a restaurant, sale of refreshments, pro shop proceeds, skiing, snowmobiling, and snow shoing. He said this would bring the total revenue up to $185,000 per year. He said maintanance costs would probably range from $75,000 to $80,000 per year and this would bring the remaining sum to about $98,OOQ. He said the amount of $90,000 per year would be required for the debt payment. He explained, this would determine the amount of money the City could borrow, the current rate of interest is 62%. He said there would be a 3% discount and the City should not enter into this beyond 20 years. _ . Mr. $wanson stated with the yearly revenue produced at $90,000, it would be possible for the City of Fridley to obtain $950,000 in gross revenue bonds at 6z% interest for this time period. Mr. Swanson continued his explanation of the report referring to page three of the letter previously mentioned. He said with the total of the Bond Issue to be $950,000, less the bond discount of $28,500, two years' capitalized interest at $123,500, one year's debt reserve at $80,000 and the finance and legal fees at $15,000, for a total cost of $247,000 plus the earned interest (1 year at 6%), this would leave the total available for construction, construction fees, and start up costs at $758,000. He said this had been the preliminary estimate in the Brauer Report. Mr. Swanson advised the Council that they were not to borrow the money too far in advance and he would suqg�st not more than six months before the major contract. Mr. Swanson explained some of the reasons for this not being done too far in advance and cited the example to enable the cash flow projections to be determined. He said if the bids on the contract are not what they are expected to be and they are all rejected, there would be problems if the bids were not opened before the bond bids. He said the bids should be opened before the bond bids, and this would be legal to enable the cash flow projections to be seen. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Swanson if the figures he had used could be called liberal or conservative. Mr. Swanson said he was saying certainly, this amount of money would not be any problem in marketing this many bonds. Mayor Liebl said he thought the $15,000 figure for the annual revenue for the added activities at the golf course was very conservative. Mr. Swanson said he too, thought this was a conservative figure, but he would not want to base the figures on a high estimate and not have the high amount reached. He said if it is determined an adjustment in the figures should be made, this woulu be done. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Swanson if $50,000 could be obtained from the operation of the restaurant. Mr. Swanson said this would be very liberal. Councilman Nee asked if it would be a normal situation for some market research on this type of project before it is done. He said he had a feeling that there is not the demand for this type of facility. He questioned if there is anyone who has done market research in this field. Mr. Swanson said the report indicates there is potential in this area. He said in order to complete the study prior to selling the revenue bonds, some data would be gathered from the bond underwriters. He said this group would have access to consumer type of market research, and this would determine their bids on the bonds. He stated, there would be a professional opinion. He commented, there would not be�anyone who would put $950,000 behind a project of this type if it was not guaranteed. He said in this case, the return is not guaranteed by tax dollars. He explained, there is only a tax pledge if the total is insufficient to pay the debt and the principal and interest must be paid first before any maintenance and operational costs. He repeated, the debt service must be paid first and the City of Fridley would make a pledge not to abandon this project and to continue the revenue producing facility there. � , �� I , �I ' , ' �J ' u ' ' ' � 1 L� J ' ��- PUBLIC HEARING MEE7ING OF FEBRUARY 11, 1974 PAGE 13 MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the report from Ehler's and Associates on the Gross Revenue Bonds f.or the construction of the golf course. Seconded by Coun cilman Nee, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl asked the members of the Council if they were ready to instruct the City Manager to hire an architect. Councilman Breider said he had indicated he would not be in favor of hiring a golf course architect until the City had hired a naturalist. He said he had definite goals for North Park and the two would have to go hand in hand with the planning of the facility. MOTION by Councilman Breider to instruct the City Manager to hire a naturalist to review all possibilities to the plan on the North Park site in conjunction with the golf course architect to create all possible uses at the one facility and, at the same time, hire a golf course architect to prepare a preliminary plan only, and report back to the Council with the preliminary plans when they are completed. Seconded by Councilman Utt�r. Councilman Nee said several of the consulting firms have a naturalist on their staff.. He questioned if the City should use the consultant's man. Councilman Utter said he thought the City of Fridley would want their own man on staff . Mr. Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation, addressed the Council and said the County should be contacted for some financial assistance in the project. He said this would apply to both programs. He mentioned the County had given such asaistance to other communities in the County. Mayor Liebl stated the County had helped Coon Rapids. Mr, Brown continued, they are 1� king for some input into this project. He said he thought it would behoove the City to go in this direction. , Mr. Charles Seegar, 324 Ironton, addressed the Council and questioned the estimate that was made by the Financial Consultant. He asked what would happen if the estimate were off a few golfers every ten minutes. What lega7 right would a citizen have for raising cane with the Financial Consultant in a faulty estamate. Mr. Swanson addressed the Council and responded to the question by Mr. Seegar. He said the figure of 40,000 rounds per year was used to plan the finances of the golf course. He said there may be as many as 50,000 rounds because there may be more sunshine at . times. He continued explaining there are a number of variables, but the finances cannot be planned on the finest possible conditions, they a�ould have to be restricted to cover the possibility of storms and other factors. He said the second part of Mr. Seegar's question could be best answered by the City Attorney. _ The City Attorney said any group such as this consultant which would be doing work for the City would be covered by errors and ommissions coverage. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Swanson if this was a reasonable projection. Mr. Swanson said the firm had to be conservative in the estimates. He said they had been involved with two other corrmunities and the planning of their goifi courses. He explained the limit placed on gross revenue bonds and said the City would have to be very conservative in marketing the bonds for $950,000. . Mrs, Pat Brennen said she resided in Councilman Breider's Ward and she appreciated � his position, trying to be nice to everyone. She� said she found this to be ludicrous, I and that a proposing that a natural interpretive director would be working on a golf ; course where there would be no nature left, was also ludicrous. She questioned what had happened to the request to the Metro Airport Commission for the use of Janes � Field for a golf course. , Councilman Nee said a Subcortenittee of the Metro Airport Commission had reached the ' decision to recommend to the Commission approval of the request if the City of Fridley ; wants the site, but that this would be site number two. He said at the same time, they had said they would rather not release site number one. He said the Subcommittee had said the City of Fridley could presume site number two to be available. Ne explained '• this site would be on the southwest corner of the property. ' , � Councilman Utter said he knew a member of the Cortunission who had told him he would contact fiim if the Commission had taken any action on the matter and.he not heard from him. � � , �' -----. _ _—_ __--- - --- � - --- ----.� �-- --�—__--_ - �--- - ---- — --- -------- --- ----, 7Q . _ . . . i � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 11, 1974 PAGE 14 ' '� Ms. Pat Brennen addressed the Council and questioned them on how they would expect a naturalist to work without a base of operation. She stated an office and staff and paper products do not form a nature interpretive program. Councilman Starwalt asked if the Metropolitan Airport Commission could be contacted and if normal correspondence has been delayed for some reason, this should be � determined. He said he would like to obtain the information on the decision if the decision has been made. j Councilman Nee said the staff at the Commission did not want to indicate whether or ' . � not there was approval of the request until the full Corronission took some action on the matter. He said after this, the City would be receiving a formal response to the request made by the City of Fridley. He said to this point, only formal action has been taken by the Subcommittee. J ' �J �J , L_l � ' ' ' � Councilman Starvaalt asked if the City could request a formal interim report on the request. The City Manager stated the Council had requested him io prepare a job description for a naturalist and he had done this along with preparing a proposed budget for the program. He said he had also prepared additional data in this area. He said if he would put himself in the position of the applicant for this position, then he would question the amount of security in this position. He said what the applicant would be expected to do is not fully defined. He questioned if this would be a continuous • program, would it last three months, six months or would the program be continuous or permanent. He asked if he was to emphasize the kind of idea Councilman Breider had expressed for the planning of the golf course site with the architect. He said he would have to have the description of the program defined more thoroughly before he would be able to find the right kind of applicant. He questioned if the • funding was to be obtained from the City or the County. He stated there would have to be some kind of budget. He said he needed more direction from the Council before he cou1d try to find ihe right applicant. Councilman Starwalt said he is not sure that the people of Fridley want a full fledged naturalist at this time. He repeated he thought the Council should proceed on a interim temporary basis for both positions. Councilman Starwalt questioned the feasibility of hiring a naturalist on a consultant basis such as Mr. Brauer had been hired. Councilman Breider said f�ir. Brauer had obtained the services of two well known natura.lists in his report to the Gity of Fridley, but where would the CIty find men that would be able and willing to devote four months on a consultant basis to the City. h1r, Brauer addressed the Council stating the last thing the City of Fridley would need is a naturalist on the consulting basis. He sited an example to illustrate . the impartance of starting a good team for the nature interpretive program by hiring a good manager. He also stated the importance of abtaining someone permanent who would have a commitment to the City of Fridley, not a commitnient to his next job. He said t��e City of Fridley would need a good person, or the best person for the job. He said the City would need a community program, and put the emphasis of that program where it counts. MOTION by Councilman Nee to table any action on the matter. Mayor Lieb7 declared the motion DEAD FOR LACK OF A SECOND. UPON A ROLL CALL VOTE on the motion to hire a naturalist and an architect to prepare preliminary plans for the golf course, Councilman Utter voting aye, Council- �- man Nee voting nay, Councilman Breider voting aye, Councilman Starwalt voting aye, Mayor Liebl voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried four to one. � Councilman Breider suggested a poll of the Council to determine if there would be some choice 9n the selection of the architect that would do the preliminary planning of the golf course. He added, it would not be fair to ask the men ta return to another meeting for discussion on the matter if the Council had already reached a decision. Councilman Breider said he had looked at the list of architects and their work which had been submitted to the Council in their agenda, and he had determined that there was one who would be most.qualified and would not have to hire any Subcontractors during the construction of the facility. He said Brauer and Associates had been a part of the community planning and he thought this would be an asset in the planning ; � , ' � ' �1 ' �. JI �!� I u ' ' ' ' ' ' ' �1 PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 11, 1974 PAGE 15 of th� facility. ye said he thought this would be better than hiring someone who had never taken part in the subject to this point. Councilman Breider said he would be more than confident in hiring Mr. Brauer for the initial work on the plan, He said Mr. Brauer would be equiped to do the whole job for the City. Mayor Liebl said he was not in the position to hire the architect at the present meeting. � Councilman Breider said he would like the Council polled rather than bring the matter back. He stated he thought this would be a waste of people's time if they had to return. Councilman Utter said he thought the work done by Mr. Brauer was good. He stressed in this proposal, the entire job could be done by one firm. Councilman Starwalt said he believed the data presented by Brauer and Associates was tremendous. Councilman Starwalt questioned if there was anyone opposed to Brauer and Associates preparing the preliminary plans and there was no response. Councilman Breider again stressed the importance of one firm doing the whole project. Councilman Starwalt recalled when Mr. Brauer had been selected to do the initial report, he had been questioned aboiit the possibility of participating in the construction. Councilman Starwalt said he respected Mr. Brauer's honesty when he said he certainly hoped to. Councilman Breider said he had thought Mr. Brauer's remark was stronger than this. MOTION by Councilman Breider to ask the City Manager to hire and work with Brauer � and Associates in preparing a preliminary plan for the golf course and with the hope that the naturalist would be hired promptly to aid in the planning. Seconded by Councilman Utter.. Upon a voice vote, Coancilman Breider, Councilman Starwalt, Mayor Liebl, and Councilman Utter voting aye, and Councilman Nee voting nay, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried four to one. Councilman Breider said he would not want a naturalist hired because he was inexpensive, he would want him hired because he is good. The City Manager asked if the budgeted amount for the salary of the naturalist should be changed from the $12,000 to $16,000 per year. Councilman Sreider said he would not want to pin any restrictions on the possible acquisition of a naturalist because of salary restrictions. He said he did not want to place a dollar figure on this. The City Manager said he would have to have some kind of range to work from. Mayor Liebl directed the City Manager to use the range of from $10,000 to $16,000. RECESS: Mayor Liebl called a ten minute recess at 11:08 p.m. RECONVENED: Mayor Liebl reconvened the meeting at 11:19 p.m. RESOLUTiON #22-1974 - ORDERING IMPROVEMENT, FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICRTIONS AND ESTIMATES HE COS S THEREOF: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 197 - AND 1974-2, ADDEN UM 1: MOTIOfV by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #22-1974 ordering impravement, final plans and specifications and estimates of the costs thereof: Street Improvement Project S7. 1974-1 and ST. 1974-2, Addendum #1. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. 23-1974 - ORDERING IMPROVEMENT, APPROVAL OF PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTIS MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #23-1974, ordering improvement, approval of plans and ordering advertisement for bids: Street Improvement�Project ST. 19,74-1 and Municipal State Aid Improvement Project ST. 1974-2. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � � ' � ' � ' r � J ' r ' � �I ' C' ' ' ?2 PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 11, 1974 PAGE 16 Councilman Starwalt said as Ward Councilman, he would recommend that Arthur Street be put through. The City Manager said the bids could be obtained and the City could work the prob7ems out in the meantime. Councilman Starwalt said he would contact Mr. Anderson and discuss the matter. RES�lUTION #24-1974 - REVOKING MSA HIGHWAY (MISSISSIPPI STREET - CENTRAL_TO STINSON BOULEVARD : The City Manager said he felt the County would be taking over the roadway and they would have some responsibility for the funding, and if the County would take this over, there would be no need for State Aid designation. He explained the City would do the improvement and the County would participate in th� funding of the improvement. He pointed out this would save the people of the area about $100,000. MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #24-1974, revoking MSA Highway (Mississippi Street - Central Avenue to Stinson Boulevard). Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #25-1974 - TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS: MOWING-SPRAYING SERVICE: MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #25-1974 authorizing the advertisement for bids for mowing-spraying service. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, hiayor Liebl declared the motion carraed unanimously.. RESOLUTION #26-1974 - SUPPORTING ANOKA COUNTY TRANSIT STUDY OF FEBRUARY, 1974, BY THE MINNESOTA TRANSI COMMISSION, REQUESTING QUICK ACTION AND OFFERING CITY ST ff E P: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt Resolution #26-1974, supporting Anoka County Transit Study of February, 1974, by the Minnesota Transit Commission , requesting quick action and offering City staff help. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Mayor. Liebl thanked�Councilman Starwalt for attending the meeting with the officials. He said Councilman Breider had attended the meeting with representative, Donald Fraser. Mayor Liebl said the study should be recommended to the Metro Council. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb] declared the motion carried unanimously. AD,]OURNMENT : MOTION by Councilman Breider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, t�(ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing meeting of the Fridley City Council of February 11, 1974 adjourned at 11:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, � ��� Patricia Ellis Secwetary to the City Council a e pprove Frank G. Liebl, Mayor 0 .� ; i i THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF 7HE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF FEBRUAR'Y 25, 197� ' . ' � � !�I I� � ' ' CI i � � � � ' i S � ' � ul THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF FEBRUARY 25, 1974 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council af February 25, 1974 was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Mayor Liebl. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Liebl led the Council•and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INVOCATION: The Invocation was offered by Mayor Liebl. � ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Utter, Councilman Nee, Councilman Breider, Councilman Starwalt, Mayor Liebl. None. 73 PRESENTATION OF AWARD: YOUTH ACHIEVEMENT AWARD - DAVID HOL7ZE, EAGLE SCOUT: Mayor Liebl commended Mr.� Holtze on his outstanding accomplistiment and read the Youth Achievement Award aloud. The members of the Council and audience sood and applauded Mr. Holtze. Mr. Holtze thanked the members of the Council for the award. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: SPECIAL MEETING Of. FHE F'RIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF JANUARY 15, 1974: MOTIOid by Councilman Utter to adopt the minutes of the Special Meeting of the Fridley City Council of January 15, 1974 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion.carried unanimously. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 21, 1974: MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of January 21, 1974 as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Utter. lJpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REGULAR C011NCII MEETING 4F FESRUARY 4, 1974: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of February 4, 1974 as presented. Seconded by Counci7man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: , Councilman Breider said he would like to amend the Agenda with the addition of the consideration of asking Anoka County for action on the John Erickson Park Crossing. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the agenda as amended by the addition af consideration of the John Erickson Park Crossing. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared tFie motion carried unanimdusly. VISITORS: . REVEREND WINSTON WORDEN, 6121 TRINITY DRIVE: Rev. Worden addressed the Council stating he is the Chairman of the Fridley Beautification Association and he had a petition with 4,185 signatures of the Citizens of Fridley who favored the adoption of the proposed ordinance to protect the trees in Frid1ey on public property. Note: Council received additional petitions during the meeting for a total of A�233. Rev. Worden said he would liKe to present the petitions to.the City C1erk,.Marvin C. Brunsell. ; ` � � �! �� ' � ' � ' � i � � i � ' ' C' � %� REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25, 1974 PAGE 2 Mayor Liebl said Rev. Worden may present the petitions to Mr. Brunsell at that time. Ne explained according to the City Charter, the City Clerk would check out the signatures on the petitions and the Council would consider this petition after this has been done. MRS. LEE ANN SPORRE, 301 IRONTON: _- ---�--� i Mrs. Sporre, addressed the Council and said she had attended the meeting of the Metropolitan Air�port Commission the past week and at that meeting, the Airport Commission had approved site number two for a Fridley golf course site. She stated, now, the City of Fridley could have a comprehensive golf program. She said she would like to show the members of the Council a chart which had been used by the ad hoc Committee and had been prepared by the consulting firm, Brauer and Associates. She indicated by use of the chart that the Airport site had not been eliminated because it was unsuitable, but because of the possibility of the red tape involved in the acquisition of the site for a golf course. Mrs. Sporre asked the members of the Council if they would reconsider the arguments within the Brauer report as they related to the usage of the airport site for a golf course. Mayor Liebl thanked Mrs. Sporre for her comments. MR. NEIL CHRISTENSEN, 561 63RD AVENUE N. E.: Mr. Christensen addressed the Council and said he was the Chairman of the Earth Week activities at the Fridley High School. He presented the Council with a petition from the High School students which he said contained 303 signatures urging the support of the ordinance. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Christensen if he was fully aware of what the petition meant and, also, asked if all those who had signed the petition were furnished with a thorough explanation, Mr. Christensen said�all were aware of the intent of the ordinance. Councilman Nee said the petition from the High School students was raot an official and certified petition. Rev. Worden agreed. MR. HENRY PETERSON, 6312 PIERCE ST. N. E.: Mr. Peterson addressed the Council and said a lady had come to his home with the petition for the ordinance. He said the lady had said the �etition would stop the .City from destroying trees in Fridley. He questioned if this was told to all who were contacted about the petition. He said there was no explanation of whether the trees were in the person's yard or in North Park. MRS. JEAN SCHELL, PRESIDENT, FRIDLEY LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS: Mrs. Schell addressed the Council and said she had been the person who had approached Mr. Peterson at his home abaut the petition. She said she explained that the petition was designed to preserve and protect North Park. MR. KEN SPORREE, 301 IRONTON N. E.: ::; Mr. Sporre .said everyone was given the opportunity to read the ordinance and the ordinance did state that it referred to all City owned property. He repeated, this would apply to the whole park system and all of the land in the Cic�� of Fridley. He said if there was any questions on North Park, they were explained fully and thoroughly. �_., MR. ROBERT ERICKSON, 565 57TH AVENUE N. E.: Mr. Erickson addressed the Council an d said he would like to commend the Council for taking the action in favor of the installation of the golf course on the North Park site. •Ne said he thought there should be some adult activity in the City of Fridley. He stated, this�is badly needed. He said this would take much planning of professional people just to establish an acceptable golf course. He stated, he wished something could be done to speed up the installation of the golf course. i i Mayor Liebl said it would be the responsibility of the Council, to uphold the obligation ; of the City Charter. He said if the Chairman of the Beautification Association had , -s 1 1 _ . . ?� . ( .� i ' ' , � � � � � � t � ' ' � REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25, 1974 PA6E 3 obtained enough signatures, there would be a referendum. He commented that he and all the other members of the Council had taken an oath to uphold the City Charter. He said he thought the people would agree with the four to one vote of the Council. He repeated, the signatures on the petitions would have to be checked out by the City Clerk. He said he would like the counsel of the City Attorney at this time to determine if the matter of the ordinance would be voted on at the proper time. He asked the City Attorney what the City Charter spells out regarding the matter. The City Attorney said he would suggest the petition be turned over to the City Clerk and when the tally is completed, the matter would be directed back to the Council for consideration. 0l.D BUSINESS: ORDINANCE #558 - TO AMEND CHAPTER 11, SECTION 11.10, fEES, OF THE CITY CODE OF c flF FRtD _FY PUB IC P 0 S : MOTION by Councilman Nee to waive the second reading of the Ordinance #558 and adopt Ordinance #558 on the second reading and order publication. Secended by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a roll call vote, Mayor Lieb1, Councilman Utter, Council- man Nee, Councilman Breider, and Councilman Starwalt voting aye, Mayor Leibl declared the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: • RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 6, 1974: MO7ION by Councilman Breider that since none of the items in the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of February 6, 1974 required any Council action at the present time, that the minutes be received. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING REPORT FROM CITY ADMINISTRATION REGARDING V. F. W., 1040 OSBORNE ROAD N. E.: Mayor Liebl questioned if the report should be received and a public hearing set on the matter on a►^egular public hearing meeting of the Council. Councilman Breider said he had a recom�nendation and he said he thought there should be sctr;�e attention given the matter by himself. He stated the V. F. W. has done much for the City of Fridley, but he would propose some plan be prepared for the alleviation of the current problems. He suggested this matter be brought back to the Council in the period of two weeks for consideration of the plan for the elimination of the problems. He also suggested at the time of the consideration that a probationary period be,set for from three to six months and if any further problems arise during, this time period, the license would be suspended and the facility closed. He said the operations could be reviewed at the end of the probationary period. Mayor Liebl said he did not think the members, themselves, were the ones causing the problems. He said this had only happened when the faci1ity is rented and it is the third part causing the problems. � Councilman Breider said he thought the membership did have some obligation to screen the activities. He stated there is no problems with rentals at the Knights of Co1umbus Hall. He stated, if the membership cannot police the activities, they should not rent the ha}l. He said according to the report, there was no officer on duty at the time the hall was rented and the trouble was recorded. He said the police officer should present, this would be an offense in itself. Councilman Nee questioned if there could be some sort of comparison made to the operation of the other liquor establishments in the City at the time of the review of the matter. He said he would hate to evaluate the V. f. W. only. He said this may be a normal level of activity for some place that serves liquor. The City Attorney said there should be a representative of the organization present at the meeting when this solution is reviewed. . MOTION by Councilman Breider to ask the Fridley V. F. W. to prepare a plan for the Council consideration two weeks from now on the proposed method of solving the problems at the club on Osborne Road and that the Administration request the officers of the V. F, W, be prasent at that meeting two weeks from the present meeting. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion ' I 7� i �� I� � r ' � � � �I� u � � > � � ' ' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25, 1974 carried unanimously. PAGE 4 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING H. F. 3258 RELATING T0 FAIR SHARE REQUIREMENTS FOR PUBLIC EMP Y ES: ' Mayor Liebl asked the Acting City Manager/Finance Director, Marvin C. Brunsell, for the specific details on the dues portion of the statement. Mr. arunsell said the amendment would make the bargaining unit more equitable. Ne said all of the employees in the bargaining unit are required to pay union dues whether or not they join the union. Mr. Brunsell continued, the people are required to pay their fair share and this cost had been determined by the union. �\ . Mayor Liebl said he thought if a person was to be full time, he should pay his fair share of the union dues. He said all those on the full time basis and receiving the same benefits should pay the same amount of dues. Councilman Nee said he felt he did not understand the state wide implications of the proposed amendment and questioned getting involved in the decision making. He questioned the payment of 60% by soroe full time and full payment by some full time employees. • MOTION by Councilman Nee to table the consideration of the resolution and bring the matter back for Council consideration including only the part time employees. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl said the resolution should be rewritten to include only part time employees and then, the Council would reconsider the adoption. RESOLUTION #27-1974 - APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY AfdD ANOKA COUNTY FOR IMPROVE�1ENT OF MISSISSIPPI STREET BETWEEN CENTRAL AVEPlUE AND STINSON B VD.: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt Resolution #27-1974, approving the agreement between the City of Fridley and Anoka County for improvement of Mississippi Street between Central Avenue and Stinson Boulevard. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, hlayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #28-1974 - APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY AND ANOKA COUNTY OVER THE M INTENANCE OF RICE CREEK R D A D EN ENUE T STI S B MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt Resolution #28-1974 approving the agreement between the City of Fridley and Anoka County over the maintenance of Rice Creek Road and Central Avenue to Stinson Boulevard. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Leib1 declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #29-1974 - ORDERING IMPROVEMENT, FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES F THE COSTS THEREOFr SS&SW 1: MOTIOi� by Councilman Breide.r to adopt Resolution #29-1974, ordering improvement final plans and specifications and estimates of the costs thereof: SS&SW #114. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,.Mayor L,iebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF STIPULATION FOR SETTLEMENT AND DISMISSAL OF KNIGHT PETITION FOR DECLARATORY JUDGEMENT AN THE CIT F FRID EY CROSS CLAIM: The City Attorney said he had asked that this be placed on the agenda for consideration at the present meeting. He explained that Mr. Knight had brought action against the City of Fridley and the County Auditor. He said this was regarding the sale of tax forfeit property. He explained the question was in the recertification of some existing special assessments. The City Attorney said he had filed a cross complaint against the Anoka County Auditor, and the County would be making payment to the City. He referred to page 2-A of the agenda and said the County had improperly allocated some of the assessments after the sale. He said his recommendation would be approval of the stipulation which would dismiss the law suit. He said the County agreed with the procedure. - � MOTION by Councilman Utter to concur with the recommendation of the City Attarney and approve the stipulation for settlement and dismissal of the Knight Petition for - Declaratory Judgement and the City of Fridley Cross Claim. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl de�lared the motipn carried . unanimously. r �J � 1 ; �_ � � �I � i � � . ' . � , REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25, 1974 PAGE 5 �.7 CONSIDERATION Of SETTLEMENT PROPOSAL - SUBURBAN ENGINEERING, INC.: Mayor Liebl �said he would recommend this action be continued until the City Manager is present. The City Attorney said he would agree with this recommendation, but he would not be present at tMe next meeting of the Council, and would tike_ to explain to the Council what the present status of the matter would be. The City Attorney said the settlement concerned Dunkley Surfacing and Suburban Engineering, Consulting Engineers. He said there was an increase of the amount of work needed whic.h increased costs of the project. He said there were $21,000 in additional costs. He said the City decided not to pay the additional costs, stating the negligence was on the part of the consulting engineers. He said the City had not paid the increase cost price to this point. He explained the City had been offered an out of court settlement by the carriers of the Consulting Engineer's errors and ommissions insurance in the amount of $5,000. He said he was not ready to recommend acceptance of this amount at this time, and he would suspect this would also be the position of the City Manager. The City Attorney said the City Manager may want to add something to his comments on this matter and this could be discussed at the next meeting of the Council. MOTIOiV by Councilman Breider to table the consideration of the settlement proposal of Suburban Engineering. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously: RESOLUTION #30-1974 - APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE SIGNING OF THE AGREEMENT ESTABLISH � MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #30-1974, approving and authorizing the signing of the agreemen� establishing working conditions, wages and hours of the employees of the C•ity of Fridley Police Department for the year 1974 (Police Officers). Seconded by Councilman Staraaalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously. ACCEPTANCE OF RESIGNATION: GENE GUSTAFSON - HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE: MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the letter and accept the resignation of Gene Gustafson from the Human Relations Corr�nittee. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unan4mously. Mayor Liebl directed the Administration to prepare a certificate of appreciation for Mr. Gustafson. He said Mr. Gustafson was a faithful member in attendance at the meetings. . CLAIMS: GENERAL 34651 - 34664 LIQUOR 8624 - 8683 MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the claims. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. LICENSE�: . . MULTIPLE DWELLING: ADDRESS UNITS FEE APPROVED BY Robert Hoff 5401 4th Street N. E. 4 $15.00 R. Aldrich, Rt. 1, Box 322 � Fire Prev. Wyoming, Minnesota 55092 . Darrel A. Farr Devel. Corp. 1601 N. Innsbruck 106 111.00 R. Aldrich, 2810 County Road 10 Fire Prev. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55430 Gordon J. Aspenson b489 Riverview Terrace 4 15.00 R. Aldrich. 17 Rice Creek Way Fire Prev. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 � MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the aforementioned licenses. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ; � .� L� , r � � � � � � I � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25, 1974 PAGE 6 CONSIDERATION OF LICENSE TRANSFER FOR AMERICAN LEGION POST #303 FROM 6319 T. H. #54 1315 RICE CREEK RO D: MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the transfer of the licenses for the American Legion Post #303 from 6319 T. H. #65 to 1315 Rice Creek Road if the Rice Creek Road facility meets the standards of the County Health Inspector. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Councilman Starwalt questioned if all of the requirements had been met by the Post and the owner of the facility. The Acting City Manager/Finance Director said the license could be approved pending meeting a11 of the requirements. Mr. Henry Peterson, American Legipn Post �303, addressed the Council and said every- thing was going smoothly and he had talked to members of the Fridley staff and they were sure that all of the necessary requirement could be met. The City Attorney said he would like to explain what had been discussed that day at the Qepartment Head Meeting of the City staff. l�e said there was enough parking for 25 stalls. He said if the h�11 would be rented, there may be a need for additional parking stalls. He explained there was additional space in the complex for parking if there was no additional use of the adjoining facilities at the same time in the evening hours. He thought there was some understanding reached on the parking in lieu of some arrangement with the V. f. W. people. The Finance Director/Acting City Manager said there would not be a final inspection made until the building is completed. He said another point the staff was concerned about was the possible placement of no parking signs on Central and Rice Creek Road for the distance of 30Q feet from the corner. He said he would recommend the Council request the County to install these no parking signs. He said it would take a Council resolution to ask the County for the placement of the proposed no parking signs, t UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: Progressive Contraetors, Inc. Box 368 Osseo, P1innesota 55369 PAR7IAL Estimate #11 for Street Improvement Project ST. 1972-2 (MSAPj PARTIAL Estimate #10 for Street Improvement Project ST. 1972-2 (MSAP) $ 424,62 Comstock & Davis, Inc. 1A46 County Road "J" � Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 PARTIAL Estimate #1 for Sanitary Sewer, Water & Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 114 from January 7 through February 1, 1974 PARTIAL Estimate #12 for Water Improvement Project No. 111 from December 31, 1973 through February 1, 1974 4,583.09 4,333.89 217.80 Carl Newquist, Prosecutor ' Smith, Juster, Feikema, Haskvitz & Casserly Builders Exchange Building • . . . Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Services rendered as Prosecutor. Dated January 6, 1974 1,100.00 Weaver, Talle & Herrick 316 East Main Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 Services rendered for January, Dated February 20, 1974 1,450.00 � _. , C. ; 7� ' � 4.� S � � � � i � � � � � � � . � 1 REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25, 1974 PAGE 7 MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the aforementioned Estimates. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON JONN ERICKSON PARK CROSSING: MOTION by Councilman Breider to ask the County Engineer to stripe and mark the roadway in the vicinity of John Erickson Park Crossing and to install pedestrian crossing and children playing signs and request the County to investigate the speed limit in the area. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIOMS: MACINTOSH, COMMERS & MICHAELSON: HOME OPPORTUNITY, INC.: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the Cornmunication from MacIntosh, Comners and Michaelson regarding Home Opportunity, Inc. and dated February 11, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Breider asked the Administration to forward the letter to the Fridley Housing Redevelopment Authority. Mayor Liebl said the letter would be forwarded to Chairman Carlson and he would call a meeting. CITY OF SPRING LAKE PARK: MONROE AND OSBORNE ROAD: MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the communication from the City of Spring Lake Park concerning Monroe and Osborne Road intersection dated February 14, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Breider.said since a good job was done on the intersection, maybe, the City of Spring Lake Park would do sonething about the water prob7ems. SENRTOR HUMPHREY: PROVISION FOR FIREfIGH7ERS: MO7ION by Councilman Utter to receive the communication from Senator Humphrey concerning the provision for Fire fighters and dated february 12, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT: PUBLIC HOUSING BRIEFING MEETING: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the communication from the Department of Housing and Urban Development concerning Public Housing Briefing Meeting dated February 19, 1974. Seconded by Counci7man lltter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. The Acting City Manager said there is a member of the Fridley staff that would be attending the meeting. MINNESOTA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: SIGNAL SYSTEMS ON T. H. #47 AND T. H. #65: MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the communication from the Minnesota Highway Department regarding the signal systems on T. H. #47 and T. H. #65 dated FebruMayor 6, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, y Leibl declared the motion carried unanimously. • • Couniclman Breider directed the Administration to provide the press with a copy of the letter from the Nighway Department. GEORGE F. HESS: SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY - ESTIMATED GAS BILLS: MOtION by Councilman Breider to receive the corrmunication from George F. Hess regarding the estimated gas bills and dated february 20, 1974, Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. r �� REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25, 1974 PAGE 8 ADJOURNMENT: MQTION by Councilman Breider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of February 25, 1974 adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, � � "" �C' . Patricia E11is Frank G. Liebl, Mayor Secretary to the City Council Date Approved � � � i ' � � 1 � _ i ; I i ` _.- t i i I i : 1 � i , . . ;:; THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF MARCH 4, 1974 . � . ' . . .. . �^4 1 1 � , , ' � , l _J , L� r L� � � � ' ' THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF MARCN 4, ]974 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of March 4, 1974 was called to order at 7:31 p.m, by Mayor Liebl. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Liebl led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INVOCATION: Mayor Liebl re4uested several minutes of silent prayer for those still missing in action in Vietnam. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Councilman Nee, Councilman Breider, Councilman Starwalt, Mayor Liebl, and Councilman Utter. None. 81 MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb7 declared the motion carried unanimous7y. VISITORS: Mayor Liebl asked if there was anyone present who wished to address the Council and there was no response. OLD BUSINESS: RESOLUTION #31-1974 - SUPPORTING HOUSE FILE 3258 RELATING TO FAIR.SHARE RE UIREMENTS FOR B IC EMPLOYEES TABIED 2/25/74 : Mayor Liebl explained that the proposed resolution had been amended and reworded to only include recommendations for part time employees and their percentage of payment based on a percentage of time worked. MO7ION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #31-1974, supporting House File 3258 relating to fair share requirements for pub]ic employees. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. • DISCUSSION REGARDING SETTLEMENT PROPOSED BY SUBURBAN ENGINEERING, INC. (SS&SW #103) AB ED 2/25/74 : The City Manager said the staff recommendation would be that this settlement is not acceptable as submitted. He said there would be no justification for this kind of action. MOTION by Councilman Utter to concur with the staff recommendation and not accept the settlement praposed by Suburban Engineering, Inc. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Mayor Liebl asked the City Manager to explain to the Council why this settlement would not be acceptable. The City Manager surc�iarized the problems with the Project #103 saying there had been an increase in the project cost, and through arbitration, the City had to pay $44,000. Mayor Liebl asked if there would be a more favorable settlement proposal upcoming. The City Manager continued saying the negotiations are continuing. He said the City had to pay the extra cost to complete the project. Councilman Nee asked if there is an order pending by the arbitration body. The City Manager said no, the City had paid a certain amount and resolved the responsibility in this project. Councilman Starwalt questioned if this would come up in the future, would there be a need for further legal action and advice. The City Manager answered, if there is a future proposal made and it is satisfactory,.the Administration would recorrnnend the Council accept the settlement. . � � � �� � � � 1 , � ' , , � � • � 1 �• REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCN 4, 1974 PAGE 2 Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb] declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION REGARDING POSSIBLE DONATION OF SCHOOL BUS TO THE CITY OF FRIDLEY BY THE FRIDLEY JAYCEES TABLED 1 /19/73 : _ Mayor Liebl read the letter from Richard F. Young, President of the Fridley Jaycees aloud to the Council and audience and explained the group had withdrawn their offer to donate the school bus. . MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the letter from Mr. Richard F. Young, President, Fridley Jaycees, dated February 27, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Councilman Utter asked what type of sign the Fridley Jaycees were proposing for Corr�nons Park. Mr. Young addressed the Council saying he had talked to Mr. Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation, and they believed the Commons Park area needed more than a three by five plywood sign. He said a draftsman who is a member of the Jaycees, was in the process of drawing up some possible plans for the sign. He pointed out that there were many possible types and methods of construction of the proposed sign. He explained one idea to be a sign incorporating a flag pole which would light the Flag 24 hours a day. He explained there may be some problems with this type of installation due to the energy crisis. He said the sign would be installed on 7th and 61st. Councilman Starwalt commented that the project that the Jaycees were undertaking instead of the presentation of the bus to the City (donation. of a fork lift truck to RISE, Inc., Spring Lake Park) was a worthwhile undertaking, He stated.he believed this would serve the community to more of an advantage than the donation of the school bus. Councilman Utter said he believed this decision had been made some time ago. He added, he had talked to the members of the Jaycees about the possible donation of a band stand at Moore Lake. Mr. Young repTied that he had talked to the people of the area and there was quite.a difference of opinion of the utilization of the area, He explained some people want the area improved and some want the area left as it is. He said this usage may cause trouble with the people of the area. Councilman Utter said the P�rk and Recreation Department had prepared a topographical map of ihe area and this included the installation of a band stand, and also, some walkways. Councilman Utter said he thought it would be nice to develop the area according to this plan. Mr. Young said this should not be ruled out, it could be considered next year. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO 60ARDS AND COMMISSIONS, EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 7974: PLANNING COMMISSION: Mayor Liebl said he had talked to Mr. Hubert Lindb7ad, the member of the Commission who's term was expiring, and Mr. Lindblad had indicated he would serve another term. He explained if this reappointment were approved, this wo�xld also automatically appoint Mr. Lindblad to the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommittee. Mayor Liebl recommended the appointment of Mr. .Lindblad to the Planning Commission and also, as Chairman of the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommittee. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to concur with the recommendation of Mayor tiebl and reappoint Mr. Hubert Lindblad, 160 Crown Road, 560-5148 to the Planning Commissi.on and also as Chairman of the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommittee. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � PLATS AND SUBDIVISIONS - STREETS AND UTILITIES: Mayor Liebl recommended the reappointment of Mr. George Meissner, 376 Mississippi Street as a member of the Plats and Subdivisions - Streets and Utilities Subcommittee, MOTION by Councilman Breider to reappoint Mr. George Meissner as a member of the Plats and Subdivisions - Streets and Utilities Subcoironittee. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � � �� � ' � , � ' � � � � ' ' ' � � ' , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCN 4, 1974 BUILDING STANDARDS - DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMIT7EE: PAGE Mayor Llebl said Mr. Hubert Lindblad tlad been appointed Ghairman througn the 1'Ianning Comnission appointment. MOTION by Councilman Utter to reappoint Mr. Wayne Simoneau, 465 57th Place N. E., with a term to expire April 1, 1975. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Breider to reappoint Ms. Pat Cariolano, 6040 5th Street N. E., with a term to expire April 1, 1975. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to reappoint William R. Tonco, 5925 Hackmann Circle, to a term to expire on April 1, 1976. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Nee to reappoint Mrs. Helen Truenfels, 5248 Horizon Drive N. E., with the term expiring on April 1, 197b. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. BOARD OF APPEALS: Mayor Liebl said he had ta1ked to Mr. �ames Plemel, and•Mr. Plemel had said he would like to continue on the Board. Councilman Starwalt said he would also recommend the reappointment of Mr. James Plemel. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to reappoint Mr. James Plemel, 6864 Channel Road, to the Board of Appeals for a three year term. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION: Mayor Liebl said Mr. Harvey Wagar is willling to serve another term on the Commission. MOTION by Councilman Utter to reappoint Mr. Harvey Wagar, 5940 Stinson Blvd., to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the m�tion carried unanimousiy. Mayor Liebl said he would like to appoint Mr. Wilbur Whitmore, 440 Rice Creek Terrace, to replace Mr. Gary Stimmler. Mayor Liebl said he had talked to Mr. Stimmler and he had indicated he would not be able to serve another term because of other commitments. Councilman Nee said he had no objection to the appointment of Mr. Whitmore, but there was a question of the balance of Ward appointments. Councilman Breider said if Mr. Whitmore was appointed, there would be three members of the Commission that would reside in the First Ward. MOTION �y Councilman Nee ta table the appointment of the replacement of Mr. Gary Stimmler until the next Regular Counci7 Pleeting. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. POLICE COMMISSION: MOTION�by Councilman Breider to table the appointment to the Police Cor.mission until the next regular meeting of the Council. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION: . Mayor Lieb1 said he had received the name of a volunteer for appointment to the Human Relations Commission from the Administrative Assistant, Mr. Peter J. Herlofsky, and this is Mrs. Rena Vizenar, 5851 N, E. 4th Street. . MOTION by Councilman Nee to appoint Mrs. Rena Vizenar, 5851 4th Street N. E., to the Human Relations Commission to fill the vacancy of Gene Gustafson who resigned, March 17, 1�7a. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � , n � , � , t � , ' � ' �� , � , 1• ' � �4 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 4, 1974 PAGE 4 i� � MOTION by Councilman Breider to reappoint Mrs. Carolyn Rouse, 210 Rice Creek Blvd., to the Human Relations Committee. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting , aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl said he had talked with Mr. Roh°rt Erickson and he would not be able to serve , another term. Councilman Starwalt said he had also talked with Mr. Erickson and was told the same information. tdayor Liebl said he would recommend the appointment of Mrs. Barbara J. SP�ea, 1456 Windemere Drive N. E., to the Human Relations Committee with a three year term. MOTION by Councilman Breider to appoint Ms.Ba� J. Shea, 1456 Windemere.Drive N. E., to a three year term on the Human Relations Committee. Mayor Liebl read a letter aloud he had received from Mr. Richard Mengelkoch, 70 70th Way N. E., 784-2285, who requested appointment to the Human Relations Committee. MOTI01� by Councilman Nee to receive the letter from Mr. Richard Mengelkoch, 70 70th Way N. E., requesting appointment to the Committee. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTIO�J by Councilman Breider to appoint Mr. Richard Mengelkoch, 70 70th Way N. E., to the Human Relations Committee to replace the Third Ward Appointee, Mr. Adolph Kukowski. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion�carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl recommended the appointment of A1lan H. Rudolph, 1016 Hackmann Circle, 788-5324, to replace Sister Paula Ripple who resigned December 18, 1973. MOTION by Councilman Breider to appoint Mr. Al1an H. Rudolph, 1016 Hackmann Circle, the the Human Relations Committee to replace the vacancy created by the resignation of Sister Paula Ripple. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl said he would recommend the appointment of Mrs. Grace.Lynch, 580 54th Avenue N. E., to replace the Reverend Douglas M. Henderson who had resigned January 21, 1974. MOTIOi� by Councilman Breider to appoint Mrs. Grace Lynch, 580 54th Avenue N. E., to replace the Revenerd Douglas Henderson. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote,�all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. t�layor Liebl said he would recommend the appointment of Mrs. Harriet Hudrlik, 5502 Regis Trail, 788-5479, to replace Ms. Eileen Stenberg. Mrs. Karen Packer, member of the Numan Relations Committee, was present and said she understood that Ms. Stenberg had resigned. MOTION by Councilman Breider to concur with the recommendation of Mayor Liebl and appoint Mrs. Harriet Hudrlik, 5502 Regis Trail, to replace Ms. Eileen Stenberg. Seconded by Councilman Utter, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �4ayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Starwalt questioned the appointment of another high school student to the Committee, or the reappointment of NicoYe Nee. Councilman Nee said Miss Nee is a junior in high school and could serve again, but there are potentially others who want to serve. Councilman Nee continued, Miss Nee would be happy to serve, although, there are many others who would be willing and able. Mayor Liebl said this had been a one year term and it would be possible to appoint Miss Nee to another.year's term. Councilm�: Nee said Miss Nee would like to serve another term. ' . i f 'i i MOTION by Councilman Breider to reappoint Miss Nicole Nee, 219 Logan Parkway, to � another one year term on the Human Relations Committee. Seconded by Cauncilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion unanimously. .��NVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION: ` ' i MaYor Liebl said he had contacted Mr. Thomas Sullivan about his reappointment to the ' � � 1 � � ' � ' r-� � ' r � � , ' � REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 4, 1974 Commission, but he had not heard from Mr. Sullivan. PAGE 5 s5 !� MOTION by Councilman Nee to table the reappointment of Thomas Sullivan as a mem ber of the Environmental Quality Commission until the next Regular Meeting of the Council. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl said he would like to recommend the appointment of Mr. Robert L. Erickson, 5950 Benjamin Street N. E., to replace Mr. Ronald Burton. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lie bl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl said he would like it a matter of record that this is not the same Robert Erickson who had made a statement at the previous meeting of the Council. FRIDLEY NOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY: Mayor Liebl recorronended the reappointment of Pastor Arnold Stone, 6950 Hickory Drive, to the Fridley Nousing and Redevelopment Authority. MOTIOiJ by Councilman Utter to concur with the recommendation of Mayor Liebl and reappoint Pasior Arnold Stone as a member of the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. , FRIDLEY INDUS7RIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION: Mayor Liebl asked if there were any recommendations.for new appointments or changes in the Fridley Industrial Development Commission. He read the names of the present members aloud to the Council and audience. There were no suggested changes. MOTION by Councilman S�arwalt to concur with the present list of inembers of the Fridley Industrial Development Commission: Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING �CERTIFICATION OF PETITION IN SUPPORT OF ORDINANCE TO PREVENT CUTTING TREES ON PUBCIC PROPERTY AND READING �F ORDINANCE PETITION'#4-1474; SETS 1 TNROUGH 107 : Mayor Liebl called on the City Clerk to present the figures on the signatures submitted on the pe:i ti on. The Finance Director, Marvin C.. Brunsell, said the total number of signatures on the petition was 4,233, and the total of questionable signatures was 192. He said the total number of people who signed the petition who were not registered voters is 912. He explained this would leave a total of number of names counted of registered voters at 3,129. He pointed out that the total number of counted valid signatures does equal fifteen percent of the total number of registered voters. As of December 29, 1973, the total number of registered voters was 12,481, and fifteen percent of this number would be 1,872, and the counted registered number exceeded thtis amount. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Brunsell if it was his recommendation that there are sufficient signatures and Mr. Brunsell said yes. � MOTIO�� by Councilman Breider to receive the Certification of the Petition (Petition #4-1974, Sets 1 through 107) and follow the necessary procedures of the City Charter and refer the proposed ordinance to the Planning Commission and direct Mayor Liebl to read the proposed ordinance aloud. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt.. Mayor Liebl read the proposed ordinance for the prevention of the destruction of trees on City owned public land in the City of Fridley, and also the affidavit of v�rification, • UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr.�Robert Metcalf, 860 Moore Lake Drive, addressed the Council and requested that item number 21 on the agenda, Receiving the letter from the Metropolitan Airport Commission on the utilization of property for a golf course, be discussed at this time because the items were related, . MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL METRO AIRPORT COMMISSION: LAND FOR GOLF COURSE: Mayor Liebl read the letter aloud to the Council and audience. � � 8� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 4, 1974 PA6E 6 � MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the letter from the Minneapolis, St. Paul, Metropolitan Airports Commission, H. G. Kuitu, Executive Director, dated February 22, 1974, and instruct the Administration to contact the P�etropolitan Airports Commission and ask what kind of recapture, lease, and preferential treatment the City of FridTey ' would be subject to and also, that a request be made to obtain information on the usage � agreement between Richfield and the Metropolitan Airport Commission property. Seconded by Counciiman Starwalt. � � Councilman Breider said he would like the City Manager to call the Airports Corr�ission � • f and obtain information on the recapture clause. He said he would also like the � Commission's indication on the possible number of years for such a lease. He said � this may.make a difference in the possibility of funding the golf course. ' Mayor Liebl questioned if the City of Fridley should express this type of interest before the intent to use the property is established, He questioned if first things should be done first. ' Councilman Breider stated it would not be feasible to discuss the possibility of usage of the property if the lease wou7d only be for the period of five years. He stressed the imp�rtance of obtaining the details on the usage before any consideration is given the proposal. ' � Councilman Nee said he assumed the recapture clause would be absolute privilage. He said the City of Fridley would have to determine the risk involved. He added, Richfield had done this. Councilman Nee stated he would not know the potential hazards. He mentioned at the proposed site, Highway #10 would cut across the bottom. Councilman ' Nee said he had talked to an airport employee and he had indicated the possibility of the airport property proposed being needed for expansion of the Cities system to be no problem, althought there is always some risk. � , � � a ' � ' ' Councilman Nee recal7ed when Mr. Anderson from Blaine had attended the Council meeting, he talked to him in the hall after the meeting. He said at that time, Mr. Anderson had indicated the preferential use to be agreeable for fridley residents first, and Blaine residents secondly. He said the City of Blaine seemed quite reasonable. Ne believed Mr. Anderson represents the Council majority in that City at the present time. - . Mayor Liebl said he would like ta see what the people want in the general election. He said he though� the people would be hesitant to invest money in another community. he said he would not want to invest the money in another community until the peaple of Fridley would indicate that this is what they want. Councilman Breider said the questions proposed would have to be answered even if the useage were put to a general election. He pointed out, a lot of people had promoted this site as a altermative site, and the questions would have to be answered if the present Council, or future Councils would make the decision. Ne said this would not be a favorable alternative site if the lease could only be obtained for five years. He said he thought the City owed it to those who had proposed the usage and those at the Commission to obtain the answers. Councilman Starwalt said he agreed with Councilman Breider and said the City should ask these direct questions. He suggested getting back to the Commission on the qaestions. Mayor Liebl said he could not see the people of the City of Fridley wanting to spend $900,000 to build a recreational facility in Blaine. He mentioned the energy crisis, and the need for conserving energy, He stated the proposal should do something for Fridley. Mayor Liebl said he did not believe this proposa] would bring anything to the community. ' UPON A VOICE VOTE, alt voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING TtiE MINUTES OF TFiE PIANiVING CdMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRl1ARY 20, 1974: REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #74-01, HENNING NELSON COPdSTRUCTION COMPANY: The City Manager advised the Council that there was no action necessary on this request, it had been continued at the Planning Commission level. , , � i i � u , � i � � , �' � '. � ' REGULAR COUNCII MEETING OF MARCH 4, 1974 CONSIDERATION OF A P : PAGE 7 The City Manager explained that this item would be brought to the Council for Public Hearing the following Monday evening. Councilman Utter said it would also be brought before the Planning Commission again. The City Manager said there would be no action n�cessary at the present meeting. DESIGNATION OF l.11 MI.LES OF STATE AID STREETS: Councilman Breider said he would request that the fifth suggested street, Jackson Street from 73rd Avenue N. E, to Osborne Road, be deleted, He said he would not want the road to become a through street with additional traffic. - Councilman Utter asked if the fourth recommendation, Benjamin Street from Rice Creek Road to Gardena Avenue could als� be deleted. Councilman Utter asked what percentage of the City's streets were to be designated as State Aid Streets. The City Manager said the State allows for 20% of the City Streets to be designated as State Aid Streets. He expiained, there are some advantages in maintenance and the City would receive some revenue for the designation. He added, if the roads are built at State standard, the City �would receive some rooney from the State for construction. He repeated, there are some advantages such as the sidewalks being installed through State Aid funds. MO7ION by Councilman Breider to approve the following as State Aid Streets: 1. Main Street - Osborne Road to 79th Avenue (0.36 miles) 2. Corraner�ce Lane - 73rd Avenue N. E, to Osborne Road (0.44 miles) 3. Main Street - 83rd Avenue N. E. to 85th Avenue N. E. (0.39 miles) and that the fourth and fifth recommendations of the Pl,anning Commission, Benjamin Street from Rice Creek Road to Gardena Avenue (0.51 miles) and Jackson Street, from 73rd Avenue N. E. to Osborne Road (0.50 miles) be deleted. Seconded by Councilman Utter: Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Manager� said the remaining items in the Planning Commission minutes would not need Counc�i action. , i MOTION by Councilri.�;• ;tter to receive the minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of February 20, 19�';. Seconded by Councilma� Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting ; aye, Mayor Liebl d+_.�lared the motion carried unanimously. � RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS - DESIGN GO�ITROL MEETING OF fEBRUARY , I ' 4' • � I � � ' �I , RE UEST TO CHANGE FACIAL TREATMENT -0N PRESENT ADDITION: 5170 MAIN STREET N. E:, �1 ERT'��F�1AN�F�CCiDTiIl1`U� The City Manager advised the Council that this request had been withdrawn by the petitioner. . CONSIDERATION OF A REgUEST TO CONSTRUCT A NEW WAREHOUSE WITH A SMALL OfFICE SPACE: LbCRfED ON PARCEL 7200 AND �O, SOUTH HALF OF SEC7ION 3 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA: THE E BEING 7900 M IN STREE N. E., I E, INNESO A REQUEST BY ROYAL DEVELOPME ..�cx,,., ^�c�.. r,- v..�cr.�.. �xx�., rrn c�rr.,�..cT��xrr T�s.-- � _ The City Manager explained the location of the proposed construction to be behind 'Beech Street and said this construction would be similar to the construction on 73rd and Central. He placed the plans of the construction on the easel. The City Manager said the only question in the construction would be the staff's ' recommendation to the Subcommittee that the panels be of the same construction as the remainder of the walls and that some areas be set in. He said this had besn discussed by the Subcommittee and eliminated from the plans because of the extra cost involved. The City Manager said he felt this would break up the lines of the structure with no extensive expense to the deve,loper. �. t ' � � � ' ' ' ' ' � ' ' , � ' t� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 4, 1974 PAGE 8 MOTIO�i by Councilman Breider to concur with the recommendation of the Building Standards Design Control Subcommittee and approve the construction with the stipulations suggested by the Subcommittee. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Counciman Breider said he is very satisfied with the quality of the construction. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Counciman Breider to receive the minutes of the Buildinq Standards - Design Control Subcommittee of February 21, 7974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETTNG OF FEBRUARY 28 1974: A REQUEST FOR A VARIAi�CE OF SECTION 205.053, 16, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE 4,*—=-..--------�—�— — - -� SQUARE FEET TO 6600 SQUARE FEET, TO ALIOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING AND GARAGE 0 QE L CATED ON LOTS 33 AND 34, BLOCK E, RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS, THE SAME BEING 617 JANESVIL E S REE iJ. E., FRID E, 1INNESOTA REQUEST BY MR G RY IRENE, 71� 66TH WAY N. E., FRIDLEY, INNESOT : P10TION by Councilman Nee to concur with the Board of Appeals and approve the variance requested by Mr. Gary Irene. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of February 28, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanim�usl.y. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 12, 74: MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Environmental Quality Comnission Meeting of February 12, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon � a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE CATV COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 15, 1974: �IOTIOW by Counciman Nee to receive the minutes of the CATV Commission Meeting of February 15, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. I� RECEIVING THE BIDS AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT - MOWING AND SPRAYING SERVICE BIDS OPENED MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1973 : The City Manager advised the Council that the bids should be received and the Adminis-tration would analyze the bids and present a recommendation to the Council. ITEM Tractor W/side arm mower per hour, no operator Tractor W/pull mower or flail type or rotary type or equiv. per hour no operator Tractor operator per hour Rid. Mower W/min. 20" cut per hour, no operator• Truck 1 ton or Larger per hour Hand mower per hour BIp BY: B. Germundsen $8.50 per hour $8.50 per hour $6.50 per hour $6.00 per hour $14.00 per hour $8.50 per hour BID BY: V. Vaseka $6.00 per hour $6.00 per hour . �..i $6.00 per hour $3.00 per hour $10.00 per hour $9.00 per hour W/mower I �� � ' t , ' ' ' � , � ' �i ^ �.,�' ' I� ' �I REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 4, 1974 ITEM Rid. Mower per hour no operator Spraying, Equip, Labor per hour Clean up Man per hour Min. Charge Single Lots less 12,000 square feet BID BY: B. Germundsen $6.50 per hour Given on individual job basis $15.00 per hour PAGE 9 .$�- -. BID BY: V.Vaseka � $6.00 per hour � $20.00 per hour � $10.00 per hour Min. Charge single lots ' less 12,000 square feet 5.00 per hour when adjacent to other lots $8.00 per hour � MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the bids for the Mowing Spraying Service and Mowing Preparation Cleanup Service submitted by B. Germundsen and V. Vaseka. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. IVING REPORT ON THREE METROPOLITAN TRANSIT COMMISSION BUS SHECTERS IN THE CITY AND DISCUSSIOhi REGARDING MTC BUS SERVICE ON MISSISSIPPI STREET: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the report on the three Metropolitan Transit �ommission Bus Shelters in the City of Fridley dated February 28, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Counc�ilman Nee questioned the possibility of obtaining a commitment from MTC on the future construction of bus shelters, and also the possibility of the City constructing some needed shelters on its own in addition to the MTC shelters. He stressed that they are an asset to the community and there are many requests for them in all areas. Ne suggested a three year plan be prepared. The City Manager pointed out that the three proposed shelters would be at University Avenue and 57th Avenue by Holiday, on Nighway #65 and W. Moore Lake Drive by the Theater, and the third to be at Highway #65 and 53rd, or south of the Target Store. The City Manager explained that if the City requests, MTC would make a study and if there is enough riders, the sheTters should be programmed for construction. He pointed out that the initial plans of MTC were to place two such shelters in the City of Fridley and at the present time, there are four. Ne said this additional construction would be placed in the MTC budget if the rider count warrants the '�l�i�iter construction. � Councilman Nee stated FMC had constructed a bus shelter on their own. He questioned if priivate institutions and the City continue to construct shelters, would this deter the Comnission from construction of additional shelters in the City. The City Manager explained there is a cost factor in the construction of the shelters and they are priced at $3,000, and there is also a maintenance factor. He said if the study shows there are enough riders to warrant the sheiter, it would.be provided. Councilman Nee said he believed the shelters to be a great asset to the City. Ne felt the City should obtain a cor�nitment from the �4TC so they will not decrease their activity. The City Manager pointed out the possible reason for the additional shelters in the d'd d in this and also City being that Mayor Bruce Nawrocki of Columb�a Heights ha ai e + , that the City of fridley installed the slabs for the shelters, and also the installed , the walkways. The City Manager said MTC would make the study and determine the need. '; ' i Councilman Nee asked the reason for there being no bus service on Mississippi Street. Mayor Liebl said some of the residents of the area complained that the bus tore up '� the streets. II — - ----- ------ ---- J � I �o � �� i� � ' � � , L� I , , ' � ^I � ' ' , , REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 4, 1974 PAGE 10 7he City Manager said some of the other residential streets in the area were also being iased by the bus, and the area property owners said there were some problems. He said there would be pros and cons to anything suggested, but if there is a strong feeling that.a study be done, the Administration would recommend such a study. MOTION by Councilman Breider to instruct the Administration to request the MTC to do a feasibility study on the possible mini bus service or full bus service on Mississippi Street from University Avenue to Old Central Avenue. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FROM THE 25TH SILVER JUSIIEE COMMITTEE FOR fUNDS FROM THE ITY: . Councilman Breider questioned the City Attorney on the legality of the proposal to give money to the Jubilee Corranittee and put the money back after the proceeds from the sales by the Committee are obtained. 7he Acting City Attorney, James Gibbs, said he thought this would be appropriate for this type of civic endeavor. 7he City Manager said he had been trying to reach Mr. Wyman Smith on a proposal i�t the City Council authflrize a transfer of funds from the ResQrve Fund to the'J�b�i� fund. He explained the obligations of the Committee would be paid through the Gity Manager's Office and this would give the City some control on the expenditures. He suggested the amount to be transfered be $5,000. He comm2nted the money wouTd be put back into the Reserve in the General fund. He again stated, this would put some control on the money. The City Manager said he had talked to the Executive Secretary of th� Jubilee Committee, Mr. Leon Madsen, about this proposal, and he did not see any problems with the proposal. He continued, saying this type of activity could set a precident, and he would like to handte this like hockey is handled through the City. The Finance Director said this action would have to be taken by resolution MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the letter from Mr. Wyman Smith, Chairman of the Fridley Silver Jubilee Committee, dated February 28, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motian carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to authorize the Administration to prepare a resolution to transfer $5,000 from the Reserve Fund to the City Manager's Fund for the.distribution of the money for initial expenses incurred by the Fridley Si7ver Jubilee Committee. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #32-1974 - CLOSING OUT THE PARK CAPITAL FUND AND TRANSFERRING SURPLUS FUND TO THE GENERAL FUND: MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #32-1974, closing out the Park Capital Fund and transferring the surplus fund to the General Fund. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Mayor Liebl commended the Finance Director saying a good job had been done. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion car.ried unanimously. RESOLUTION #33-1974 - IFdPOSING LOAD LIMITS - PUBLIC STREETS AND HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY F FRIDLEY: ' MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #33-1974, imposing load limits on public streets and highways in the City of fridley. Seeonded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #34-1974 - AUTHORIZING PERSONS TO ENTER SAfETY DEPOSIT BOX: MOTION by Councilman Utter to.adopt Resolution #34-1974 authorizing persons to enter the safety deposit box. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. . COIySIDERATION Of 1974 SAIARIES FOR POLICE SUPERVISORS: � I� � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCN 4, 1974 ��� % PAGE 11 I Mayor liebl asked Mr, James Hill, Public Safety Director if it was his recommendation to approve the proposed salaries for the Police Supervisors. Mr. Hill said this was his recommendation. MOTIOPJ by Councilman Utter to approve the 1974 salaries for Police Supervisors as recommended by the Public Safety Director. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the following Claims: General 34865 - 34934 � Liquor 8684 - 8702, Seconded by Councilman Utter. U.pon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES: MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the following licenses: GAS SERVICE APPROVED BY P& D Mechanical Contracting Company 4629 41st Avenue North By: Robert Paulson C. Belisle Renewal Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422 GENERAL CONTRACTING David Curry & Sons 5125 Twin Lake Boulevard By: David Curry C. Belisle New Minneapolis, Minnesota 55429 HEATING P& D Mechanical Contracting Co. 4629 41st Avenue North By: Robert Paulson W. Sandin Renewal Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422 EMPLOYEE DISPENSING \ FEE Herbert M. Stein, Jr. 9700 Blaisdell Avenue By: Ground Round Public Safety $5.00 Bloomington, Minnesota Director Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: Carl J. Newquist Smith, Juster, Feikema, Naskvitz & Casserly Suite 1250 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 For Services Rendered, February 1974, Prosecution wdrk, Dated 2/28/74} $ 1,100.00 A. J. Chromy Construction Company . 5051 West 215th Street Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 PARTIAL Estimate #2 for work completed and � 72,437.25 . materials on hand for SS&SW #114 MOTION by Counciman Nee to�approve the aforementioned estimates. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. . , � t R � 92 � ; . . REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 4, 1974 PAGE 12 � ; COMMUNICATIONS: MINNEAPOLIS - ST. PAUL METRO AIRPORT COMMISSION: LAND FOR GOLF COURSE: , This item was taken care of earlier in the meeting. ; ADJOURNMENT: MOTIOi�� by Councilman Breider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Utter. " Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of March 4, 1974 adjourned at . 9:25 p.m. . � Respectfully submitted, . 0�� �� Patricia Ellis Frank G. Liebl, Mayor Secretary to the City Council � Date pproved � � ; :i �- I. � K^ I � � 1 . � ` i . 1 � 3/18/74 � 1� 1 ' COiVSIDERATION OF APPOIN'IMEN'TS TO BOARDS AND COrM4ISSI0NS, EFFECTIVE APRIL l, 1974 (Appointments Tabled at the Meeting of March 4, 1974) ' . .. PRESENT 1��1BERS EXPIRES APPOINTEE � PARK AND RECREATION CQAM�IISSION (Chapter 101) ' Gary Stinunler � 4-1-74 7841 Alden tiUay N. E. ' Fridley, Minnesota � POLICE COMMISSION (Chapter 102) Wilbur i1'hitmore 4-1-74 , 440 Rice Creek Terrace Fridley, Minnesota ' FRIDLEY ENVIROI�I'�i IENTAL QUALITY COMMISSIUN (Chapter 121) rd 2 Thomas J. Sulli.van 4-1-74 � 1350 Gardena Avenue Frldley, Minnesota � � ' . ' ' . ' � � , � � • . � � . bZEMO T0: Mr. Nasim Qureshi, City Manager, and City Council FROM: Gordon J. i�Iiddag, Purchasing Agent Darrel Clar.k, Com. �evelopment 1-�dm. DATF: rlarch 13, 1974 SUBJEC'I' : �Veed mo�,�ing contract . An interview c�aas held with TY1r . V. Vaseka owner o-L- Quality Tur� Company, 5550 Northeast 5th Street, Fridl�y, 55432, explaining the City Policy for weed lnowing,type of equi�rner.t needed to �ul�ill the contract. Reference inquiry tras made by �elephonp and all references were sati.s�actory. (Brooklyn Center, Champl.in and Anoka County.) ��7e hereby suggest anu� recommmcnd that the ba.d award ana contrac� be given to NIr. V. Vasek� oi Quality Tur� Company. Attach�d fa�r.� c�pies of .the bid opc;ning as of hlarch 4, 1974, 11:30 a.m. 2 r� _,_,� 2A MC�WING SERVICE AND MOWING PREPARATION CLEANUP SERVICES BSD Opened March 4, 1974 11:30 a.m. � � Bids opened by: _ Gordon Jo Middag Robert Nordahl I ' ITEM '. TR.E�CT�R W/ _ _ S IDr. AFt1�I r�o�r� �� per hr. �n� o��r. TRi�CT. t-d/t US.,L AiO�,'�R OR FLAIL TYvE or ROlA:?Y 'TYPE ox EQUIV. per hr. no oper. � TRAC. O?�ER . per hr . '� RrD. .i�10ti�7ER W/MZN 20" CUT per hr. no oper. �TRliCi: 1 � TON or LGR. �r hr . HAIvL I�O�•7E�2 per hr. 'R IT? . NIOiaER � per hr. no op�r. s�Rl�.YZ�vc, 'EQUIP. LA.B OR ,_�er hr. CLEAN UP MAN pe_r hr . _ — — - -- � MIN. CHARGE ' SINGLE •LOTS L,�SS 12 000 sc�, ft • MIN. CHARG� 'SINGLE LOTS LESS 12,000 sq. ft. WHEN ADJACENT TO � OT�IER LOTS B. Germundsen 6901 I�agda Dr . I�ip 1 s , 1�'sn $8 . 50 per hr . $8.50 per hr. $6.50 per hr. $6.00 per hr. $14.�0 per hr. ! $8.50 per hr. � $6.50 per hr. Ga.ven on individual job basis $15.00 per hr. $8.00 per hr. V. Vaseka Quality Turf 5550 N.:.,. 5th St. Fridley, Mxi $6.OQ per hr. $6.00 per hr. $6.00 per. hr. $3.00 per hr. $10.00 per hr. $9.00 w/mower $6.00 per hr. $20.00 per hr. $10.00 per hr. $5.00 per hr. hr. � � � , � ' � R�GUT.AR COUNCI.I, MEETXNG OF MAY 21, 1973 • PAGE 3 Cot�nG�.lman �3reidez asked if the lot splits cuuld be handled together as a plat. rjx, g�x�g,sven said this would be fine. ,'��STAN DAVIS y 1 S].1 FERND:�I,E :'� *-w....�.�.._.. _ Njr. �avis said iie ha�l sent an application t��r the Lot split to tlie City Hall four Ws�ks ago And nothing had been done tc� date. He said there is some urgency as he . wAe moving tti� ccming l�riday and tiie Lut must bE� divided belore this time to satisfy '.�W�n City Federal. He said he would pay for the curb and gutter. He said this should• h�ve Ueen done before he had purchased the home, and was not done. He said he was l�pt awarc that ie was nac:�led at tl�ar time. Ma�or Liehl �i5k�•ci rh� City Attorney if under ce�-tain circumstances the lot split eould b� grant�d in �..�ne ev�ning by Che Council'? Would this be legal? �he Ci_ky Attorney said the Council has the right to grant a lot split. � rIO�'ION by Councilman Starwalt tu grant the 1ot split requested by Mr. Stan Davis, �.511, �erndale, thc 82 fuot by 15U toot portion in the �front. Seconded by Councilman Uttex for discussian purposes. �� J � ' � ' �i � � ' Th� Ci.tY Engineer pointed out rhe area on the map on the overhead projector. j�Ir, pavis said his lot was Lot 1, Auditors Subdivision 92. �he C.ity �ngzneer said the split would create a land locked lot on the north �r�d of the �roperty, this is why it had not been approved by the City before. k�� Said they di.d not want to create any l.and locked lots. The C�ty Attozney said the City Engineer may be right, but he could see no difficulties Chat do no� exist at the present time. The Ci�y Attorney said some language should be included on the north half and he suggsst�d Mr. pavis come in and work something out with the administration. tJPQN A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, Mayor Liebl declared Che motion carxied unanimously, j�jayo� I,iebl directed Mr. Davis to come into the office the following day and work w�.th the administration on a satisfactory solution. � YNE CHASE, 7839 MAIN STREET N. E.: Mr. Chase said he was the Project Chairman from Four Seasons Construction Company and he was requesting a house trailer permit for 7839 �tain Street N, E.. He said th� building on the site was being demolished aiid this had begun that day. He said the reason for the application at the present time would be to-set up project headqu$rters and develop a site for construction for a permanent construction office. Mayor I,iabl asked if there were any questions. , ,; � Th� City �n�ineer suggested the application be considered favarably with the ' eKipulations Ghat a plan be submitted to the City within one month aad the canstrucGioa o� the sGructure begin within three months. , � 0 � RI CC CREE K RQ 3A .------ �lVOOD510� . CO��T �---- ��IAQ D�t.� RoAU �1 5T. 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I , `� �i . . . . �..�:; I �...` � ���` � i �.. �., . , J u C ' 4 CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COP�IMISSION MEETING MARCH 6, 1974 CALL TO ORDER: PAGE 1 Chairman Fitzpatrick called the meeting to order at 8:10 P.M. ' ROLL CALL: ' � Members Present: Fitzpatrick, Lindblad, Harris, Drigans Members Abseiit : Blair Others Present: Darrel C1ark, Community-Development Adm. ' APPROVE PLANNIrdG COMMISSION MINUTES: FEBRU�RY 20, 1974 MOTION by Drigans, seconded.by Lindblad, that the PZanning ' C.ommission approve the minutes of the Febriiary 20, 1974 meeting as writteri. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ' ' � , , ' 1 ' i �� _� ' RECEIVE PLATS & SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE MYNUTES: FEBRUAP.Y 20, 1974 MOTION by Har.ris, seconded by Lindblad, that the Planning ' Commission receive the minutes of the PZats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee of February 20, 1974. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimousl�. RECEIVE BUILDING ST��i�3DT1RDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCODINlITTEE MINUTES : FEBRU�-'�RY 21 , 19 7 4 MOTION by Lindblad, seconded by Harris, that the Planning Con2mission receive the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee meeting of February 2I, I974, Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Lindblad said a problem arose at the last meeting of this Subcommittee where a lending a�ency asked for more parking than the code requires, and he wondered how much such a lending agency should dictate to the City. Where would you draw the line? Chairman Fitzpatrick said th�y.could discuss .this later in the meeting. 1. COI�iT�NUi�D: PUBLIC HEARING: REZON�NG REQUEST, ZOA #74-02, BERKELEY PUMP COMP�INY: To rezone Lots 1 and 2, Block 13, � Spring Brook Park Addition, from R-1 (single family dwelling areas) to M-1 (light industrialareas) to make zoning consistant with property lines at 181 Ely Street N.E. Public Hearing open. � � ' ' 4A Planning Commission Meeting - March 6, 1974 Page 2 Mr. Clark said this item w'ill �a�e to be continued until April 17, 1974 because the petitioner doesn't have his plan ready yet for the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee. He said he thought the adjacent property owners should be renotified because the original hearing date was Febr.uary 6, 1974. Mr. Lindblad asked if the petitioner was still � or was going along with a Special Use Permit. Mr. didn't think the peti�ioner had zeceived an answer in California. �' � ' asking for rezoning Clark said he from the home office MOTION by Drigans, seconded by Narris, that the Planninq Commission contznute t1�e rezoninq request, ZOA �74-02, Berkeley Pump Company, to rezo��e Lots 1 and 2, BZock l3, Spring Brook Park Addition, from R-1 (single family dweZling ar.eas) to M-1 (Zight industrial areas) to make z,o�ing consisL-ant with property Zines at 181 E1y Street N.E., until �pri1 17, 1974, with the request that the adjacent property owners be renotified of this continuance. Upon a voice vote, al1 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. , � 2. PUBLIC �-iEAFING: FEOUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #74-01� BY G. RALPH ShII�iJEP.: Per FridJ_ey City Code, Section 205.051, 2, A, to construct a second accessory building, a shed to be , used for storage, on Lots 20 and 21, Auditor's Subdivision No. 22, the same being 6217 Central Avenue N.E. I� � ' � ' , Mr. G. Ra�.ph Skinner was present. MOTION by Dri_qans, seconded by Lindblad, that the Planning Commission waive the reading of the Public Hearing not.ice on the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #74-01, by G. Ra1ph Skinner. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimousZy. Mr. Skinner said this accessory building will be used as a s�orage shed. It is 12 feet by 20 feet ancl is at the rear of my house and is not visible from the street. It will help me to keep my place a little neater. . b7r. Drigans asked Mr. Skinner to describe the building. Mr. Skinner said it was a frame building with a metal exterior of white bakEd-on enamel. It has one service door and a type of overhead door that opens to the North. Mr. Drigans said this should not be used for the storage of vehicles. 'Mr. Sk�inner said it was no� dc?signed for that use. ' Mr. Fitzpatrick asked cahere this'was �ositibnecl on the lot. Mr. Clark said it was about 10 feet from th� �outh property line and about 300 �eet from the back property line. Tt�is lot is 578 feet long. , ' � � Chairman Fitzpatrick asked Mr. Skinner when he already has a four car garage why he needs additional storage space. Mr. Skinner said he owns two cars and two trucks. t 1 ' ' � �I'� ' ' Planning CommiSSion Meeting - March 6, 1974 Page 3 Mr. Thomas Brickner, 6245 Ben More Drive, said his property is back to back with Mr. Skinner's lot and said when he r,ot notice of this hearirig he couldn't see why Mr. Skinner_ needed more storage space when he had a four car garage either. He didn't want this shed used for anything of a commercial nature. . 4B Mr. Skinner said this building would be used for storing personal items, not for storing business equipment. Mr. Clark said this building is already up, and Mr. Skinner was requested to petition for a Special Use Permit and a building permit�. Mr. Brickner said he lives on Ben More Drive and there is a temporary cul-de-sac there now. He was wondering if this street went through if they would need any of Mr. Skinner's property for additional right of way. Mr. Clark said that according to the street layout plan, if this street was extended, it would go along the East line and then along the South side of N1r. Skinner's property. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Skinner if this building has a concrete ' ..floor. Mr. Skinner said it has no floor. It is on three large wooden skids. � II LJ ' ' Mr. Clark sa.id this building will. have to meet the code when the building permit is taken out. Mr. Harris said.it wi�l have to be on something besides skids. Mr. Clark said that for this type of occupancy, it doesn't have to have a concrete floor, but because this request is for a Special Use Permit, you can make that a sti_pulation if that's what you want. Mr. Lindblad said the Planning Commission discussed this before, ' and he thought the code was going to be changed so that sheds would have to have a permanent foundation. Mr. Clark said they have some other revisions they were working on for the code, and all th�se ' changes would be requested at t�e same time. The Planrling Commis�'�on would get these revisions. � � , ' � �. Mr. Harris asked the petitioner if there would be any utilities in this shed. Mr. Skinner said there would be no utilities. Mr. �kinner said he wanted a solid floor foundation on this shed also, but becaus� he knew he needed a Special Use Permit and building permit, he thought if either of these were denied for any reason, if he kept the building on skids, he could sell it and haul it away with a truck. Mr. Fitzpatrick said he has a couple of thoughts on this request. He said with all the storage on the property now, he was not convinced .� •this shed was needed, but if it is already there and the neighbors were not aware of it, then there can't be too much objection to it. . ' � � . � � . .• 1 ' u 4C Planning Commission Meeting - March 6, 1974 Page 4 Mr. �rickner said he wasn't aware the building was already there. This is a heavily wooded 1ot and if the building looked good and was used strictly for.storage, he had no objection. MOTION by Fiarris, seconded by Drigans, ' close the Pnblic Hearing on the request for #74-OI, by G. Ra1ph Skinner. Upon a voice motion carried unanimoc�sly. ' '. , ' ' ' ' ' r ' , , , ,' � ' that �t:he Planning Commission a Special Use Permit, SP vote, a11 voting aye, the MOTION by Drigans, seconded by Lindblad, that the Planning Commissic recommend to Covncil approval of the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #74-01, by G. RaZph Skinner, per Fridley City Code, Section 205.051, 2, A, to constr.uct a second accessory building, a shed to be used for s�toxage, on Lots 20 and 21, Auditor's Subdivision No. 22, the same being 6217 Centra.Z Avenue N.E., with the foZlowing stipulations: (1) No business be conducted on fhis property. (2) A permanent foundation be attached to this building, Iocated in,the approxilnate area as shown on the plat map submitted by the petii�ioner. (3) Before this building is permanently .Zocated, the petitioner check with the Engineering Department on the established road patterns for this area. Mr. Harris said we were act.ain approving something after the fact. Chairman Fitzpatrick said he felt this way too, but because it was such a large lot, there wasn't much to object to. Mr. Harris said he has no real objection to this special use being gran-�ed, but it was still after the fact.. Mr. Skinner said that it wasn't his intention to appear to go over the authority of the Council. He said that before he bought any material for this shed last October, he had checked with a girl in the oftice and she told him he needed a Special Use Permit and building pe�rmit, but the Planning Cammissi.on wasn't meeting until bsarch.. He said he wanted to have this building started before the weather got , bad, so that was why he had it on skids. "If he didn't get approval he could put it up for sale and move it. This building wasn't built to force�approval from anyone from the City. He said the Building Inspector, Clarence nelisle had been out two or three time on this building. He said he has updated his home and built the garage_, going through all the proper channels and building it to code, why would he try to flaunt the proper procedures ,for a small shed? He didn't want anyone to think that because this•shed was al.ready built, that he was trying to use any kind of lever on the City. Mr. Clark said this building was up at least by January 4, 1974 when Mr. Belisle went ou�t and looked at it. Mr. Fitzpatrick said that the Planning Commission wasn't implying that Mr. Skinner's intention was to present an accomplished fact. I � ' ' � ' � ' ' , �D Planning Commission Meeting - March 6,'1974 ' Page 5 do think there was a misunderstanding, but regardless of Mr. Skinner's intention, the results are the same. UPON A VOIGE VOTE, a11 votinq aye, the motion carried unanimously. 3. REQUEST FOR A LOT SPLIT, L.S. #74-02, BERN�RD URBICK: Split Lot 39, Auditor's Subdivision No. 92, into four building sites, loca�ed at 58th and Arthur Street N.E. Mr. Ken Sjodin, Mr. Urbick's realtor, was present to represent the petitioner. Mr. Clark said this request had been before the Plats & Subdivision� Streets & Utilities Subcommittee briefly, a�ter their last meeting, and they agreed to the concept, but there was no agreement on whether this should be handled as a lot split or a plat. � Mr. Clark coritiizued that it has also gone to the Parks & Recreation Commission on hlarch 4th in regard to the purchase of the most Southerly lot that is adjacent to a park. This is an 86 foot lot and the Commission would .like between 86 to 90 feet to add to our present park. property: The A-Frame the City has acquired is just South of this lot next to a pond. With the acquisition of this land, it will make it possible to have a walking path all around the pond, which will be improved. We met with Mr.. Urbick and his r_eal estate man today to talk about ' negotiating for the.land. We have a basis for placing a valuation on the land and although it is not clearly defined, it will cost the Park Department somewhere between $1500 and $2,000 for about a 90 foot � lot. We ar_rived at this figure by using the front footage valu� ' . the real�-or. put on the property, subtracting the special assessments, subtracting the 3.0 foot dedi.ca�ion to the City for park lancl, and subtracting �1,000 ii w.ill�co�t for fill to make this a buildable site. ' Mr. Urbick has been very, very fair. Mr. Fitzpatric}c asked if this property for the park ' from Grace Hiqh School. Mr.: Clark said it was. He said might need a 25 faot triangle off the next lot also. ' � i ' , ' � was across �the City � Mr. Clark said the petitioner does not want to plat because of the time factor. Platting would require Public Hearings hy both the Planning Commissi.on and Council and he would have to provide hard shell copies, etc. The descriptions covering the three remaining lots wi11 not b� difficult to place. We felt that because Mr. Urbick and his realtor have bcen so f_air with the City, if we can help him get division of his lot the easiest way, we should. . Mr. Harris said that he was unaware.that the'City wished to purchase a 1ot from the petitioner at the time the Plats & Subdivisions� saw this lot split request.. It was his feeling at that time that the property should be platted. As long as the Cii:y is considering pur- chasing one lot and there will be only three lots left, one of which is already built upon, he had no objection to this being haridled as a lot split. • . � Planning Commission Meeting - March 6, 1974 Page 6� Mr. Clark said that by the City acquiring this lot, it would ' be a real asset to the City and the Park Department because it would enable the City to place a walkway around the pond. , � Mr. Clark said the way was that the realtor set a special assessments paid. ' specials (water, sewer and fill, and 30 feet of the 90 was $1,775. �1� ' � ' � ' � � , 4E the cost was determined on this property cost of $85.00 per front footage with the We deducted $40 per front footage for streets). Then we deducted $1,000 for feet for park dedication and our figure Mr. Harris said na money for th� park fund or park dedication � is necessaa�y on a lot split. Mr. Clark said it would be if this property was platted. Altiiough the petitioner is dividing this property �rith a lot split, he is wi.11inq to make the park dedication. Mr. Clark said there has been agreement between the City staff and the property owner, but the City Council has not agreed to this. MOi'ION by Harris, seconded by Dxiyans, that the Planning Commission recommend to Council approval of the request for a 1ot split, L.S. �#74-0?., by Bernard Urbick, to split Lot�39,,Auditor's Subdivision No. 92, into four building sites Iocated at 58th and Arthur Street N.E. contingent upon an agreement wit-h the City to provide park property. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 4. TR�E ORDZNANCE Mr. Clark said this ordinance has been passed do�an��o the Planning Commission by th� Council.. It is not required that the Planning � Commission have a Public F-Iearing, but you may want to have one. k�e are somewhat bound in by the number of days we have ta react to this ordinance. Council has 65 days to react ta this ardinance, which is May $th. They have to adopt an ordinance that is agreeable to the committee, or within 45 days after May 8th, there will have to be a referendum. If i�hey adopt an ordinance that is not agreeable to the committee, it will still have to go to a referendum. This ordin�nce refexs i�o all public land. � � Mr. Fitzpatrick said he would like to get some input from the � Erivironmental Quality Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commissior '� but because of the time element, there wasn't time for them to have . individual rtieetings, so maybe a joint meeting could be considered. � ' ' Mr. Drigans said it might make a cumbersome board to have so many committees conducting the hearing. He said he thought they could expect quite a turn-out for this hearing. � , Mr. Lanqenfeld, Chairman of the Environmental Quality Commission, felt if the members of the other committees were in the audience, it would accomplish the same thing. Mr. Clark ' I don't think be publicized �they will be LJ said that as far as setting up a Public Hearing date,. we have to have the required 14 days notice. This could in the paper and as people are aware of this ordinance, watching for any Public Hearing. . � , ' � 4F Planning Commission Meeting - March 6, 1974 Page 7 Mr. Drigans said the Board of Appeals and the Planning Commissian have a joint meeting on March 13th. OL�r regular scheduled Planning Commission meetings are March 20th and April 3rd. Mr. Clark said if we don't have too much scheduled for th� 20th of March, we could set a Public Iiearing for that date. After you got the input, you could m�ake your recommendation by April 3rd, so Counci.l would have time to react to your recommendation before April 15th, when they may want to hold a Public Hearing. Mr. Clark said the Planning Commission might want to have an ''� inforrnal m�eting to talk over this ordinance before you have a Public Hearing. Mr. Drigans said there might be time after their special meeting on March 13th. ' ' � ' �� ' •-, ' IJ � L�' ' � L� ' , Chairman Fitzpatrick said he thought most of the members were quite familiar �aith this ordinance. He asked Mr. Clark that if they decided to have the Pu�lic Hearing on March 20th how this would be publicized. Mr. Clark said he would call the Sun Newspaper and ask their help in publicizing this Hearing. � Mr. Harris asked Mr. Langenfeld if the Environmental Quality Commission would be me�ting before the 20th of March. Mr. Langenfeld said they would be meeting March 12th. Mr. Drigans said they could probably get copies of the minutes of this meeting before the Public Hearing. Mr. Bill Nee, Councilman, said this ordinance seems to be for park land but it will have an impact on street development. He said that it might be the �nvironmental: Quality Commi.ssion that negatiates with the sponsoring committee. - Chairman Fitzpatrick asked Mr. Nee if it would be more desirable to have a joint meeting with the Planning Commission and the Parks and Recreati.on and the �nvironmental Quality Commission, or just have the members of these other two commissions in the audience. Mr. Nee said he couldn't see much difference. The Council sent this ordinance to tize Planning Co:nmission because they thought this was a reasonable way to collect input. Mr. Nee said there was discussion at one time of the Chairman of the Environmental Quality Commission beinq a member of the Planning Conunission, and maybe he should be on the Planning Commission as an ex-officio member for this meeting. Mr. Harris said they would extend tha�. invitation..right now as Iong as Mr. Langenfeld was in the audience. Mr. Langenfeld said he would be in the hospital at the time of this meeting, but he would ask his Vice Chairman to take his place. Chairman Fitzpatrick asked Mrs. Leeann Sporre, 301 Ironton Street N.E., how she felt about the schedule of the Public Hearing. Mrs. Sporre said she had no objection as long as it was publized so people were aware of the Hearing. She said Wednesday night was a bad night during Lent. Mr. Fitzpatrick said this is the night that people were used to have a Planning Commission meeting and when they had changed this night, they hadn't had too much response. The Planning � ' ' � , ' � � � ' , ' �J ' 4G Planning Commission Meeting- March 6, I974 ��age 8 Commission has a couple of other items they will have t�i take care of at t}iis meeting, so this hearing wouldn't start unti�l 8:30, so people could go to church and still make it to the meeting. Mrs. Sp�rre said she would like to know before the Hearing, an.y questions that the Planning Commission were going to ask. so that research could be done on these questioris, then they could have_the answers at the time of the Hearing. She asked if they had any questions on woodland management. Mr. Fitzpatrick said if any of the members of the.Planning Comm�ssion knew of any questioils they might be asking at the Hearing, they should tell Mrs. Sporre, particularly questions that would have to be research— ed. Mr. Harris asked if the sponsoring committee had contact with some one in the Department of Natural Resources, Forestry Division. IIe said he hadn`t gone through i�his ordinance point by point yet, but he though� someone from the Forestry Division should be invited to the meeting as far as woodland managem�nt is concerned. Mrs. Sporre said it might be possible to get sameone to come to the meeting., but she would. prefer to have specific questions researched rather than have one man's opinion given. Mr. Fitzpatrick said this was a reasonable request, but he didn't thinY� the Ylanning Commission has had time to formulate specific questions. He said.there was one point that would be brought up at the Iiearing. You might be prepared on why the committee is sponsoring this particular ordinance. You must have had certain objectives. Mrs. Sporre said they thought this was a good law. She said other areas have passed laws to protect certain trees and she thought this was a way of protecting a valuak�le asset. Mr. Drigans said there was one thing he had a q_u�stion on. That question was that we are considering having an armory in Fridley, and the possi.bility of the Y.M.C.A. being relocated. With this ordinance no building can be done on public land, that may require tree removal. '�� � Mr. Clark sai_d that when we look should consider the possibility of it Public or private, and provide means ' cauld go to the Environmental Quality Planning.�Commission and Council. Mr. needed was an impact study. ' � � � at this ordinance, I think we covering all lands, whether for � review process. Requests Commission, Building Standards, i3arris said what �aould be. Mr. IVee said this ordinance should have some proces� for handling variances from it. I think the ordinance shows a lack of confidence in the City. If there is a way to clear land for streets, for insi:ance, there should be a process that protects the trees. The •concept for this ordinance came from I3loomington. He said we all know of instances in Minneapolis where a street was widened 10 feet �and al1 the trees were removed from the boulevard. The question is whether the people would rather not have the street widened and save the trees. There should be some provision in the ordir�ance for reasonable waiversi probably with an environmental impact statement � ' � ' � � � 4H Planning Commission Meeting - March 6, 1974 Page 9 and comments from the Engineering Department. Mr. Lindblad asked Mzs. Sporre if she could tell him in a few words, the main point of this ordinance. Mrs. Sporre said it was to prohibit the destruction of trees by woodland managem�nt and disease control.on all public property. Mr. Fitzpatrick said we are faced at this point with either adop�ion of this ordinance or referendum or apparently before any adoption, fu�ther negotiations with the sponsoring committee, whicll I don't fully under.stand. If 4,000 people have signed this petition; ca�� the commi�:tee negotiate for changes in this ordinance? Mr. Dri_qans said he thought the intention of the Council was to h�ve the Planning Corunission hold Public Hearings and the minutes would be availabie to them of citizen input. Mr. Drigans said Mr. �?ee could correct him, but he didn't think it was the Council's in-L-ent for the Planning Commission to recommend anything, just to get citizen input. Mr. Drigans said this was just passed to the Planning Commission and I think the Council should tell us if they want a recommendation or jusi� citizen input. � , Chairman Fitzpatrick said h� thinks the Council is looking for our recommendation, and if our recommendation includes changes in the ordinance, I h�:ve some question as to how empowered the sponsoring cc<< itt�.e is to negotiate these changes. Mr. Nee said ! this is spelled��out in the Charter, but it does raise a moral question. Mr. Fitzpatrick said he didn't think the signers of the petition � would object to us working out a r.easonable means of appeal, but if we can do that, what else can be do? ' Mr. Drigans said I have heard that the intent of the ordinance was to stop the Council action on the North Park proposal. The sponsoring committee wi)_1 have to be prepared to answer this question. � Mrs. Sporre said that wasn't the whole intent, but it was a strong reason for many people who signecl the petition. � Mrs. Sporre said they have done a 1ot of research, on this and ' even ii' and when this site was used for a golf course, and they did try to save as many trees as possible, the use of.heavy equipment to eonstruct the fairways, would disturb the oak trees left. It would ' change the wind rose and oaks are very unpredictable. We were told the first year that it would look quite good, but in a short time, the trees that were left would star� to die. . � i h1r. Drigans said i� would be impossible to tell how many trees would be affected until the fairways were laid out. Mrs.� Sporre said the impact of using this property as a golf course couldn't actually be evaluated until it was all completed, and then it would be too late. Mr. Langenfeld said the City has proposed hiring a naturalist.��iie ' would have a great deal to do with this ordinance. � Mr. Harris said as this ordinance calls for woodland management, ' ' • , • I .. � ' � � ' ' i C �� � ' � ' � ' ' ���� i • [�/,'�- Planning Commission Meeting- March 6, 1974 Page 10 he thought there should be a provision on what type af trees should be propagated and what� type of trees that were undesirable. Mr. Nee said that's why it says woodland management in this ordinance. Mr. Harris said that was why he would like to see someone from the Forestry Service at the Public Hearing. He said �hat some trees groca better in Fridley than others, and some trees hold back the developmen� of more desirable trees. Mr. Fitzpat�rick said this provision in the ordinance is rather an inclusive one and it doesn't say who will do the woodland manage- ment. Mr. Nee said this would be a con-L-inuing program. � AZr. Harris said if the City is qoing to have a program, they will. have to hire a naturalist, if they aren't going to have a natur�list, tliey �aill still ha.ve to have someone reSponsible �or the prc:gram: Mr. Nee said that if the City did not have a naturalist, the City could come up with a program that Faould probably not be so well founded. Mr. Harri_s said he thought this ordinance should be considered on its meriis rather. than just be tied in with North Park. Mr. Drigans said that he thought it would be impossible to separate the two at the Public �iearing. Mr. Harris said he would J_ike som� input at the Public Hearing from someone with a background of forest management. There was discussion on whether the audience might get too large to be accommodated at tl�is Hearing. The Planning Cor�mzssion asked Mr. Clar_k to check and see if there was an alternate meeting place available. MOTION I�y Lindblad, set the Public Flear�_tg 8:30 P.M. Upon a voice unanimously. seconded by Harris, that the Planning Commission on the Tree Ordinance for March 20, I974 at voie, a11 voting aye, the rnotion carried 5. REVIE�a.OT' FTNAL P.L"AT, RICE CREEIC ESTATES, P.S. #74-01, BY GOODCO; In?C. I�ND P7NE TRLI, BUILDEP.S: Being a replat of Part of L"o-L-s 9 and l0, Auditor`s Subdivisian No. 22, located between Rice Creek Road and 61st Avenue N.E.,"and West of Benjanliri Street N.E. Mr. Clark said plat after it had the pzoblems with the Planning Commission t}Ze street grades, cross the neighbors worked out. had asked to see this sections and•some of He said this c�id go to the Parks & Recreation Commission on March 4th and they c��f.inite�.y wanted to purchase park land in this 'area. The park 1�:::�� is in about: the same areas as it was on the plat: you gave pre1:�>Eiinar.y approval on Pebruary 20, 1974. If the petitioner has to move the cul-de-sac entirely on his property and l.oses what aie now Lots 12 and 13 as buildable si�e; the park .�department recommends tha purchase of the balance of these lots also. �� ' . ' � ' i ' "! � • Planning Commission Meeting - March 6, 1974 Page 11 Mr. Clark continued that this pla� is different in that Woodside Court dead-ends on the East side and instead of starting on the West side of the Theilmann parcel, this area is now served by a cul-de-sac. This would give the petitioner one mqre lot, but will give the Theilmann's 7 lots instead of 8. Mr. Clark said this plat would require some right of way for the cul-de-sac on 61st Avenue and the a�fected property owner at 1541 Ferndale told me before the meeting that he has not been contacted by the petitioner. Mr. Harris said he couldn't go along with this p1at. He said � the reaso.i the P]_anning Commission had approved the pr�liminary plat was to give the petitioner some dir_ection and we gave him eleven stipulations. This plat•doesn't follow these.stipulations. Stipulation 7 and ll are the only stipulations that are answered�and that is on the grades being es�ablished and the f'inal plat coming back to the Planning Commission. � Mr. Theilmann said he gave up less land with this plat, but he ' would be left witti 7 lots instead of 8 and he didn't like this. plat at all. �3e.said he had no objection to the preliminary plat presented to.tlie Planning Commission on February 20th. ' ' , � ' � Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if the owner of 1541 Ferndale caas in the .audi�nce. Mr. Charles Rice said he was the owner. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked the property oG�ner if he would negotiate for the additional right of way needed for the cul-de--sac on 61st Avenue. Mr. Rice said he would not�. Mr. Clark said the present right of way w�nt up to the East property line of Mr. R1C�`s property. Mr. Drigans said this was why he objected to approval of the preliminary plat at the February 20th meeting. There were too many . unanswered questions. Now the petitioner has a different plat than what we made our recommendation on. I'm ready to have them start all • over at th� Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee leve�. Mr. Clark said if the Planning Commission didn't like this plat, they could.recommend the plat presented at the February 20th meeting. Mr. Theilmann said when he bought his property twonty ��ears ago ' he always felt he could plat this property into eight lots. Af ter paying taxes on it for all this time, he certainly cauldn't agree to seven odd-sized lots. He said he knew he would have to purchase some land set aside by the petitioner to make his lots me�t the ' front footage requirements, but he was willing to do that. Mr. Harris said that stipulation 9 specifically states that ' Woodside Court be temporarily dead-ended on the East and West side of the Thcilmann property line. ' ' Mr. Lindblad said he couldn't see why the cul.-de-sac couldn't be on Lots 11 and 12 and if Lot 13 were redrawn, Lot 13 could be a buildable site. Then the peitioner wouldn't need the 25' right of way from the property owner at 1541 Ferndale. � ' u � ' ' ' �I�I � ' � -� ' ' r � � � � � . y� Planning Commission Meeting - March 6, 1974 Page 12 Mr. Harris said that if he w�s looking at this plat correctly, the section D-D or Lot 10 was going to need a variance on the front setbac}; of 10 feet: Mr. Harris asked if there w�re any unbuildaule lots. Mr. Clark said no. . Mr. Drigans said the lots are numbered differently than on the preliminary plat we approved. Mr. Harris said there was no way that he could recommend this plat. e Mr. Clark said why don't you think about doing it this way, reaffirm yaur approval of the plat presented at the February 20th meeting, and say that the plat that �aas presented tonight was unacceptable Uecause oi the big change West of the Theilmann parcel and i�hat as far as you're concerned the 61st Avenue cul-de-sac be moved Easterly so that i.he bubble portion of the turn-around lies on Lots 11 and 1.2 on this plat and that the park deparment purchase the remainder of these two lots, making Lot 13 buildable. Mr. Drigans asked �lOW many lots were on.the plan presented tonight. Mr. Clark said 42. Mr. Drigans said the petitioner had added another lot and isolated the Theilmann parcel. MQTI.ON by Harris, seconded by Lindb�ad, that the Planning Commission recommend to Council that the� reaffirm their approvaZ of the pre.Ziminar plat prese.nted February 7_0, 1974 (called EYtIIBIT A) with the grades of the plan presented March 6th (called EXHIBIT B) superinposed on Exhibit A, P.S. #74-01, P.ice Cr.eek Fstates, by Gocdco, Inc., and Pine ' Tree Builders, being a replat of Parts of Lots 9 and .ZO, Auditor's Subdivision No.22, Iocated between Rice Creek Road and 61st Avenue N.E., and West of Benjamin Street IV.E. with the fo�lowing stipulations: ' • . ' ' 1. If sufficien.t right of way cannot be obtained from .the . South side of 61st Avenue, then the cul-de-sac be totally � embodied on the plat on Lots 18 and 19, Exhibit A, and redraw the 1ot line of Lot 21, to make that a buildable�site. 2 3. Sub�ect to obtaining street dedication from the Theilmann`s for the extension of Briardale Road. Walkwa� be provided to park from Benjamin in the vacinity of the South line of Lot 15. 4. Subject to negoL•iation with the City for additional park land. 5. Provide underground utiZities. 6. One tree pZanted per 1ot. 2" min.imum diameter. 7. Grades to be worked ovt with City Engineering Department. (compl i ed wi th) 8. Lots that have qrade difficulties with a three to one slope after the grade is established, be sodded within one year of completiorr. c , ' , ' ' , ' ' jl U ' � i , ' ' � L__J ' , Planning Commission Meetin - March 6, 1974 Page 13 .7 ^L 9. Woodside Court be.temporarily dead-ended on the East and West side of the Theilmann property 1ine. 10. A11 Iots must meet minimum 1ot size and have minimum front. footage and,depth• 31. Ai"ter the grades have been established by the engineer's, the plat come back to the Planning Commission before Council approval. (complied with) . UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting a�e, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Theilmann asked if the Commission was aware that his property was included in the leqal description of this plat. Mr. Clark sa.id they �aere. This was included in case Mr. Theilmann would have decided to plat at this time. AZr. Drigans said he wanted to bring it to the attention o£ the City Counci.l that the Planning Commission was approving the plat presented to th�m on Febr_uary 20th and not the plat the petitioner prepared for this March 6th meetin_q. Sf there was any conflict at their Public Hearing on March llth, they should refer the plat back to the Planning Comznission. 6. CONTINUED: '�PUBLIC HEARING: P.EZONTNG REQUEST, ZOA #74-01, HI?NNI�?G N�LSON COi4STRUCTION CUr•1PANY : To rezone Lots 1 and 2, Block 13, River�•�ood I�lanor, irom R-1 (single family dwelling areas) to R-3 (general multiple familv dwelling areas) to allow construc-. tion of a 24 unit apartment complex to be located South of 71st Way I�.E. and West of East River Road. Public Hearing closed. Mr. Clark said that because of the Public Hearing on the tree ordinance, lze thouqht this item should be continued until April 17th. Ii� said �ae ha.ve already continued it twxce:at the petitioner's request, �� so if we have to continue it now, the petitioner will have to under- stand. Mr. Clark said the adjacent prc,L�erty owners should be re- notified on this item al.so. MOTION by Har.ris, seconded by Lindblad, that the P1ann?ng Commissio: continue� until April 17, .2974, the rezor�ing request, Z01� #74-01 , by Henning Nelson Constr.uction Company, to rezone Lots I and 2, Block 13, Riverwood Manor, from R-1. (sing�e family dwelling areas) to R-Z (genera mtaltiple famiZy dwelling areas) to a11ow construction of a 24 unit apartment complex to be Zocated South of 71st Way N.E. and West of East River Road and renotify the adjac'ent propert�y owners of this ''� continuance. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani�mously. � ' , � � � ' ' ' L' ' �� � ' � ' ' � y-r� Planning Commission Meeting - March 6, 1974 Page 14 7. SET PUBLIC HEI�RING DAT� FOR ARMORY PROPOSAL Mr. Dri�gans said this could be t�ntatively set for May 8th. � Mr. Clark said all the civic groups should be notified of this. hearing but that notice wouldn't be going out yet, so the Planning Commission can set a firm date at their April 3rd meeting. MOTION by Drigans, seconded by LindbZad, that the P1.anning Commission set a tentative date of May 8, 1974 as the Pub1i"c Hearing date for tfie Armor� proposal. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, " the motion carried unanimously. 8. DISCUSSION Mr. Lindblad said he would lik� to discuss the problem of loan companies dictating to the City i�he requirements for parking or perhaps for otller things. Where do we draw the line? � Mr. Clark said where this question came up caas on a building being built by Bryant-Franklin where t�hey already had the financing secured. One building i�ney have built that is in use has 130 parking stalls, of which 5 stalls are actual]_y being used. When they requested an identical building that was going to have a low rate of employment, the staf� felt why not have a par_king lot for 30 cars or 50 cars. The space would still be there to incr_ease the parking area if it �aas ever needed. The developer thought this was a good idea and drew up his plans this way, and was going to request a variance. Whetz the lending agc�ncy saw thes� plans, he said the developer had to provide the minimum parkinq. Mr. Harris said the lending agency is looking at it from the standpoint that if ihey ever got this building back, it would be much more marketable if it has the minimum parking. If a new owner needec� aJ_1 the parking and even if the space were available for it, this would still b� an additional expense for the buyer and would make it more difficult to sell. The lending agency always has to consider the resale of the building. Mr. Clark said our code calls for a minimum of 120 parking stalls on this property, and the lending agency said they wanted 132, so they were not infringing upon our minimum code. Chairman Fitzpatrick adjourned the meetinq at 11.:15 P.M. RESpecttully submii�ted, • • l"vi�� ?���?-...��"r�t/ DorotYiy Evc� son, Secretary ' . 0 . � 1 � 1 i � rNTUAL AGREEMEtIT STATE OF MINNESOTA) _ ) ss. COUNTY OF ANOKA ) This agreement made and entered into this day of March, 1974, by and between Bernard L. and Constance C. Urbick, hereinafter referred to as the property owner, and the City of Fridley, a municipal corporation in the County of Anoka, State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the City. WHFI2EAS, Bernard L. and Constance C. Urbick are the owners of . Lot 39, Auditor's Subdivision No. 9?_, Section 24, Township 30, Range 24, Anoka County, Minnesota; and WtIERE',AS, the property aaner intends to split this property for single tamily homes; and WHERE.AS, the City at Che present time wishes to acquire an additional area not less than the Southexly Ninty (90) feet of said Lot 39, shown on Exhibit A whiah is attached hereto and m�de a part of thia . agreement; and WtIEREAS, the City and the owner have agreed that the fair market valee of land in this axea is wort-h ei.ghty-five ($85.00) d�Ilars per t.ront foot with the special asse�sments paid. Tt has been rletermined that special assessments on the Southerly ninty (90) feet of Lot 39, Auditor`s Subdivision No. 92 are $35.94 _`pei front f:oot. Tt aiso has been estimated that it would cost the rnaner One Thousand and No Cents(�1,000.00) to fill the lot to tnake it marketabie and also it has been agreed that the o-,aner would dedicate Thirty (30) fxont feet which represents Ten Percent (10%) of the frontage being split, less the lot being occupied by his present home. NOW, THEfLEFORE, be it agreed�by the owner an3 the City that the owner will deed the Southerly Ninty (90� feet of Lot 39, Auditor's Subdivision No. 92 in return the o�,mer will receive $1,943.60 compensation. Said $1,943.60 has been arri.ved at by the following method: Ninty (90) feet less Thir,ty (30) feet park dedicati_on results in a Sixty (60) foot purchase by the City Eishty-five ($85.00) dollars per front foot market value less _.$35.95 per front foot special assessments multiplied by Sixty (60) equals �2 943.6U less $I,OOO.OU for fill. � � ' ' � ' ' ' ' ' :-' ; ' • � ' � . ' ' . ' ' • ' ' ., •� � � , i � � � 1 l Total value of the Southerly Ninty (90) feet of Lot 39, Auditor�s Subdivision No. 92 is $1,943.60 The City also agrees to pay to the owner- $651.12 to cover the real estate taxes and special assessment installment due and payable in the year 1974. Therefore, upon receipt of a deed for the Southerly Ninety (90) feeY of Lot 39, Auditor's Subdivision No. 92, the City agrees to pay the owner $2,594.72 • In Presence Of: Bernard L. Urbick � Constance C. Urbicl: City of Fridley By Mayox And � City Manager 0 :� � ' 5 T�IE MTNUTFS OF TIiE BOAI'.D OF APPFAT.S SU�3COr'�4ITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 13� 1974 x'he meeting was called to order by Chairman Axigans at 7:10 P.M. M�MBERS PRESEN�: ' riEM6ERS A�SENT: OTIiERS PRES�NT : Drigans, Crowder, P1eme1, Wahlberg Gabel How�ard Mattson - Engineering Aide , MOTTON by Wahlberg, seconded by Crowder, to approve the mi.nutes of the February 28, 1974 meeting as written. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � � ' ' � J ' .r , ' ' 1. A REQUEST FOP. VAF.?�'1`�CrS OF S�CTI0�1 214.0313, FRIDLEY SIGN 0?tDINAI�+CE, TO Ir?CF�ASE � T�IF T1�1`ili�fl;i1 SQUr�i'r l:'-OT.'�GL FOR T�'��T.0 DIFFCTIG:: �L SICtiSLF�:OrI 6 SOU.�rE L'ELT. TO 2�� SQU,'1P.?1 I�"1, �SIG\T l) �:P rnC:. 6 SC`li 1i�, 3:F�'T TO 75 SQI� �iF �E�T (S�Gi� ��2), 'i'0 ALLO�J i'HE L��a�CTZON Oi iT:O '1'3��TZT; DII'.,��TI�'T��� SIGNS TO IiR LiCAT�D 0\ Pa�CELS 600 AND 2��OO�SI3CT?Oi1 11, T=3U, R-7_4 fL>G�:�� COU.`:1`Y,� 1I-IF S���L�', T3EIT�G 550 OS�OP�vE R��_1D NOI:TFilu�S� r'I:+D` EY, i�i�`�`I'SO`3'A (F'r.QU��ST BX ti�vITY iIOSPI`_1'��L, 550 OST301:NE I'.OAD N.1's�, FRTULEY, ii]:ivi:ESOTA. ) MOTION by j•dahlberg, seconded by Cr��ader, to 4vaive reading the public hearing notice. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Charles Peugh, of Signcrafters, Inc., �aas present to present the reauest. Mr. Peugh presented sketches of both signs to the Board and also a plot plan of the hospital lot showing where the signs �oould be located. Mx. Peugh explained i:hey require a variance on the size �o put up t-cao directional signs; one stating "Unity Emer;ency", the othex statin� "Unity", "Auditorium", "Truck Deliveries", "Enployee Pax'king". He said the color scheme taould be a blue backgxound �aith tiahii:e letters and xed arro�os. He said the "�mergency" sign 4aould have fluorescent ligli�ing and the other would have scotchlite. �he p1o� plan showed both signs located ofi.the O�borne entxances; the "Emergency " sign at the most easterly entrance and the other a� the most westerly entrance, both to be placed at the proper setbacks. Chairman Drioans said he could see the "Emergency" sign but Sohy the other sign. Mr. Peugh answered tha� the kicls have knocked the sign dotim �hat �•aas thexe and the delivery men are going to �he taxong doors. He said the hospital• has to have signs to direct people because of the many entrances. He added one 3.arger sign is better than haeing many 6 square foo� signs. Mr. Cxowclex sta�ed he could also see th e xeason for having an "em�xgency" sign, especially for the txaffic at night, but asiced ���hy the esnployees need a sign telling theJn z•�here to park. Chairnian Drigans added lie clidn't thinlc the hospital needed a 24 square �oot sign for a cleliv ery directional sign as he felt the delivery men would kno��� where they were �o go, because oi what they were delivexing. ' Mr. Peugh answexed that the delivexies are no� made by the same men all the time and the employee parking dixection i.s more for the vistors,� to let them know they can not park there. , , � ' Mxs. Wahlberg stated she couldn't see where the delivery nien would come to the iront door wlien they �•�ere delivering food or supplies . She said if you have this sign at the entrance, you w ill need a sign further in to differentiate between . deliverics. She also taanted to question the wording of "Unity" on the signs� i.nstead of having "hospital". She �elt people who were from out ot town would not necessaxi7_y lcno�o "Unity" but would know "hospiCal". Stie said they don't know �:liat "Unity Emexgency" would mean ho�pital. � ' The riinutes of the Board of Ap eals Meeting of March 13, .1974 .� Pa�e 2 Chaix7nan Dxigans stated he felt the ambulance drivers should know where the ' �. emergency doors are without having a sign to direct them. Mr. Peugh answered that the information he has comes fxom the hospital as to what rhey want and apparently they are having trouble with the dxivexs. 1 � � C� , � ' ' ' r ' ' ' ' � ' � Mrs. Wahlbexg said she is not objecting �o the size�but to the taording. P1r. Crowder asked if �he Board �vas to deny the variance, could the hospital put up 6 small 6 square foot signs. He said his bigges� question is if we turn it do��m, what happens. Mr. Ma�tson xead irom the Ordinance the requixements on traffic directional szgns and stated there t.�as no maximum on the number allor��ed. Mr. Cxot��der c�ondered if they could put 3- 6 square foot signs on the same pole. ' - Chairmaa.i Drigans asked about �he clearance of the signs from the ground. rir. Peugh said both taexe 4` 6" off the gxound. Chairman Drigans stated he felt the Board should consider the sa£ety factor of a sign being only 4 feet off the ground. fie said any sign that lo�a `aill havv kids climbi.ng on it. He said that should Ue considexed in the construction of it. He asked �ahy the one post instead of t:�ao. �ix. Peugh said he didn'i: know how the kids would get up on the sign as it is on�.y about 12 inches ���ide caith no hand holes. He said if you put th e sign up to ha�gh, it caill look out of proportion. He said the engineers that figure these signs out, do take taind pressure, etc., into consideration so the sign is stuxdy. He said an additional post taould cost the hospital $200.00 extra, and he was sure the sign was sturdy without it. Mrs. Wahlberg said she objects to �he additional square footag e of the "emergency" sign used fox decora�ive design. Mr. Peugh answered that it is not.just decoxative, it is a steel cover. Chairman Dxigans sai.d he felL- the sign wa,th a centex post is going to be subject to somebody coming up and t�yzno to turn it. He said we have to look at the safe�y factox wiih the electrical lighting in a sign that low. Mr. Peugh stated he fel.t thi.s sign i•77.�11 fluorescent lightix�g is safer than flood lights that are � on the grounc�. . Mr. Cxotadex s�ated the Boaxd can'� foxce him to change the lighting and the poles as long as i� is in conformance with the Codes. Chairman Drigans stated that the Board has �o pxotecL- the public on items ihat could be safc�y hazards. Darrel Clark, Conmiunity Development Adm., added that the Board could recommend the si�ns be the same height as the City traffic signs, �hairman Drigans sai.d that if �hese signs taere appxoved, it could set a precedent in that a�iy business docvn Osborne Road could decide Chey also need trafiic directional signs. �ie said he has more rFServations about..the delivery dixectinnal sign sxze. He said delivery men change, gxanted, buC employees shouldn't need a sign to tell them where to park. Mr. Peugh said the hospi�al woulcin't be spending the money fox the signs if they dicln't �ee1 it zs necessary. � � The Minutes of the Board of ApPeal.s Mceting of Marcli 13, 1974 � Page 3 Mrs. Wahlberg questioned ��ahat signs �aere existing on the propexty now. She said ' 'she tliought there was now an emergency sign on the building and she therefore questioned if Lhis proposed sign is necessary. She said the hospital will pxobably sti7.1 need other signs in the yard. , � , Mr. Plemel s�ated h�e �hought the hospital has lcept its yaxds quite nice but to add signs that are this size seem a�aful garish to him. He said the hospital must thinlc they need it but he couldn`t see �ahy they need a sign for eanployee parki.ng . MOTIOI� by Crotoder, seconded by P1eme1, to cJ.ose the public heaxing. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Wahlberg s�ai:ed she questioned the size of si�ns being asked for fixst of � a7.1, but also questioned tahat . e�ists nota on the building and i.f it can be seen fram Osborne Road. i1r. Crotader said, assumin; they have signs on the building now, t��hat cloes i:he Board subgest they chanoe the size to. He said the Boaxd agxees that 6 square feet is too sma11 and 75 square feet to big but what size ,� is needed and necessary. r�irs. jdahlberg stated that tiaould be relative �o the speed of the txaffic and the size of the sign needed to at�ract.attention. She said she dicln't kno�a what size is needed to see at 30 �mp� �� she felt there , must be fi�;ur.es and studies availab,le. Mx. rlatts.on said a.i: a�so'depends on the proximity of the sign to the xoad. ' ' � ' , � ' ' ' � ' Chai�-man D-rigans stated one of the pxoblems with the hospital parlcing 1ot is if someone tu2-ns the wrong way, it is haxd to get to the proper doors because of the cuxbing. He said he felt thi.s is poor planning on the hospitals part. He said the siza o� the signs is one problem and the clearance from the ground is the second probl.e�-n. rie said he felt the Board has a xight to put stipulations on any sign thai� needs a varia.nce. He sai.d anof:her pxoblem is the single post as he felt i� taill attraci: ka.ds to push it. � MOT30N by Wahlberg, second�d by Plemel, to recommend to the City Council, denial o� Sign �rl, to incxease area from 6 square feet to 24 square �eet, for the reason that the directional signs �aithin the property itself axe suffic9.ent and the one on Osboz-ne is not necessary to give directions �o delive�.y men and employees. Upon a voice vote, Gxowder voting nay, the motian carried. Mx. Cxowdex stated his reason for voting nay is that he feels the hospital could �aell use the 24 square foot sign if they �aould remove all the other �signs with the same in�oz7nation. MOTION by Cxotacler to recomrnend �o the Czty Council denial of Sign ��2, having 75 squaxe feet but to reco�nezzd approval of a sign tai�h 50 sc�uare feet being used. MOTTON DI�D FOR LACK OF A SECOND Mrs. Wahlberg stated she felt the only mo�ion she could see on Si�n ��2 was to table a.t and check into studies of what has been shown to-be necessary. She said she thought the peti�i.oner has failed to pxove this size of a sign is necessary. . �i0TI0N��by'��W�hlbexg, seconded by Plemel, to table the variance request on Sign ��2 until tlie ap�li,cant or studies show a need for a sign this large. Upon a voice� voL-e, Crotadcr voting nay, the moti.on carxied. � 5C Tiie_Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of March 13, 1974 Page 4 Mx. Plemel aslced that Mr. Haines from �he hospital appear before the Board to � ansi�er questions about this size sign. � Chaixman Drigans �nformed rL�:. Beugh �hat the minutes of �his meeti.ng �aould go before the Council on the 18�h and i.f the applicant wanted Che Counci.l to act on both sign x�quests, that he should appear before them. Othersaise the request on Sign ��2 taould come back before the Board on March 26th. � AATOURD,fi�IT • The meeting Caas adjourned by Chairman Drigans at 8:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, C� --- ��- ,.,1 �C�'t_( . ` � �� r ..;�t��-� MA1.�Y HINTZ f � Secxetary a RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF 7HE JOINT PLAN�iING COMMISSION AND BOARD OF APPEALS MEETTNG OF MARCH 13, 1974: (These minutes will be available for the Meeting Monday evening.) - � ' ' ' � ' � L ' ' ' �� � ' � ' 'MINUTES 0� THE JOINT MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE BOARD OF APPEALS OF MARCH 13, 1974 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Fitzpatrick at 8:30 P.M. Planning Comnission MEMBERS PRESENT: Fitzpatrick, Harris, Lindblad, Drigans MEMBERS ABSENT: $lair Board of Appeals MEMBERS PRESENT: Drigans, Crowder, Plemel, Wahlberg MII�BERS ABSENT : Gabel Others Present Mr. Virgi.l Herrick, City Attorney Mr. Daxrel Clark, Community Development Adm. Mr. Howard Mattson, Engineering Aide Item of Discussion THE POLICY TO FOLLOW IN HANDLTNG REQUESTS FOR SPECTAL USE PERMITS AND VARIANCES FOR EXISTING NON-CONFORMING BILLBOARDS Mx. Mattson handed out a status report which was made up by the City on the existing billboards and how each sign meets or does not meet each code requirement of the billboard ordinance. Mr. Clark gave a summary of why these requests will be coming before the Commissions. He said in September of 1969 the Planning Commission and the Council adopted a Sign Ordinance. He said this oxdinance requires that all billboards will need a special use permit granted before September 15, 1974 or will have to be remov ed. He said there are approximately 24 existing billboaxds in the City with only four having had a special use permit granted. He said the list that was handed out shows fihe location of the signs and how most of them don't meet at least one Code requixement and some don't meet two or more. He said before we start get�ing the requests, it was thought to be a good idea to have a joint meeting, with the City Attorney present, to decide what the Commissions would do and what thay can do on the requests. He said on the last page of the status report is a tax base report on four of the billboards. Mxs. Wahlber�; asked if there is a iigure for the �otal t� �derived from all of the signs. Mr. Clark answexed that this was not done but it would probably amount to less than $50.00 . Chainnan Fi�zpatxick stated that this ordinance was presuma.bly looked into and ' studied before it was adopted and he asked Mr. Herrick if it would hold up in court for removi.ng billboards that were constructed before the oxdinance was adopted. � � LI �J Mr. Herrick stated that our sign ordinance is constitutional. He said it allowed for a 5 year moratorium for depreciation on existing signs so it is satisfactory, in this regaxd. The Commission will have to decide as to whether its reasonable for a special use permit on a sign or before they ask that it be taken down. He said they must take it on a fact to fact basis. He said the Council will have to March 13, 1974 Page 2 ' Mi.nutes of the Joint Meeting of the Planning Commission and the Boaxd of Appeals ` decide whether they are going to issue any special use-permits and they could say ' . take them all dawn or they could grant them all. He sai.d whatever action is taken on the requests should be consis�ant whe�her i� is extreme measures or not. He said if you allow some and deny some, you need guidelines and a criteria as to what is needed for approving or denying. He said as far as determinixlg in actvance ' whether the court would support the City or not, thats hard to do. He said a form should be ma.de up showing factors you �hink would be important to make your decision on. Mr. liarris brought up the point about the City's responsibility as far as a lease for the sign goes. He said as an example if a sign company leased the land their sign is on for 10 years, and they have 5 years left on the lease, and the Co�nission decides the sign should be removed. He asked if �he Attorney thought the City " would be held xesponsible for the balance of the lease. Mr. Herricic replied that in some cases no. He said the ordinance was adopted 5 years ago after most property owners and sign companies knew about it. He said even though we n�ight diminish the value of the land, it would be difficult to determine. He said we have given them 5 years to recoup their investment. He said the question that then comes up is is 5 years reasonable.He said the court has decided that 3 years is sufficient. He said he would suggest that the City get information on the lease and the cost o£ the sign when it was built to add to the data they already have on the signs. Mr. Harris asked if tlie Coir¢nission could recommend to the Council that the Special Use Permit, if approved, run until the end of the lease. Mr. Herrick replied that could be done and that was why he suggested looking into the length of the Iease. He added they could also grant the special use permit for a specific length oi time, say 1 year, and review them again after that ti.me. Mr. Drigans asked the Co�nission to look at the denial extreme. He said if the denial was done on a mass basis, would the City need a resolution passed. He asked if that taould be one way of �overing not granting any special use permits. Mr. Herrick replied he would think that that is what the City would want to do if they wanted a mass denial. He said if that was the result, Che City would have to look into the reasons for doing it. Mr. Drigans said the Ordinance was drawn up and somebody must have looked into this throughly. He asked if it would be better to deny all the requests before we get all the requests to eliminate the consideration on an individuai basis. He said thats what we warit to get away from. Chairman Fitzpatrick stated some of the criteria is more important than others. He asked how many of the billboards don't meet the Code. Mr. Clark answered about 90 percent of them don`t meet the Code. Chairman Fitzpatxick said you have talked about a form and getting information on each sign. He asked if we would have to take applications for special use permits if we were to deeide to deny all of them. Mr. Herrick stated we would have to accept the applications but you could recommend that no special use permits be granted. Mr. Harris asked if the City were to deny all of one companies signs, would the ' court find the City acting in a capricious manner. Mr. Herrick stated that was a hard question to answer. He said Minnetonka took that position (to deny them all), and won in court, but he couldn't say what would happen now. Mr. Drigans asked about the billboards that have had leases negotiated within the last five ' years. He asked what chance the City would have in court if we denied their request for a special use germit. Mr. Herrick answered that the City would have . a good position on these. ' � ' ' C �� C, LJ ' , � , ' ' C ' arc , Page 3 Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Planning Commission and the Board of Appeals Mr.Plemel asked about the City's billboards. He said isn't that putting us in a bad position. Mr. Clark said some of �hose billboards have agreements on them and some have Council approval with just building permits. Mr. Herxick stated that was another reason to check into each billboard permit as they have been erected under several different means. , Mr. Lindblad stated who:is.governing who. He said why should a sign company be. able to tell the City what to do. He said if we are going to approve anything, what will p�event anybody f.rom coming in to get a billboard permit. Mr. Herrick stated its a question of property otaners rights. He said if the owner has a bonified property interest, then the City has to prove it is in the interest of the he�lth, welfare and safety of the public to remove them. Mr. Crowder stated the decisions have to be a blanket denial, give everyone a special use permit, or go through the requests individually. He said it sounds like we should set quidelines for each action. Mr. Herrick stated the outcome that is accepted would not only affect the existin� bil?boards bu� also would apply to new applications. He said the City should come up with a form that will require all information about a sign. Mr. Clark asked if two public hearings will have to be held for a billboard needi.ng both a special use permit and a variance. Mr. Herrick said there could be a joint meeting between the Planning Commission and Soard of Appeals and hold one hearing. He said there could be the one advertising, one meeting and have two separate votes; the Board of Appeals first for the variance, the Planning Commission second on the special use permit. Mr. Clark said he felt we were weakening our position by having two votes. Mr. Crowder said he felt it should go to one board or the.other. Mr. Drigans said he felt the Co�nission should list the advantages and disadvantages of the actions open to them. He said we should attack this on a systematic basis. Chairman Fitzpatrick said lets look at the blanket denial and what the rationale would be. The Commission came up with; l. Upholding the Code as written and adopted. 2. Save administrative time for going over individual requests. 3. Save Council and Commission time. 4. Court costs on going just once instead of several times. Mr. Lindblad asked if all 24 billboards have to have action taken on them before September. Mr. Clark said there are 4 that may not have to as they had special use permits granted before the 1969 Ordinance but they do not meet the criteria for billboards now. Mr. Herrick said he felt they should be lumped together with the othexs. Mr. Herrick said he had a discussion with a sign company about taking down three signs because of roadwork involving widening the street. He said compensation of $1,000.00 apiece had to be paid out on the removal of the signs, and added that might give�the Commission an idea of what can happen. Mr. Fitzpatrick said he didn't think the City would be going to court 18 times, ' because of the court findings, one of the parties would learn. Mr. Clark said he felt the signs are individual in themselves and to state a blanket request would be wrong. Mr. Herrick said some communities have had a blanket denial but t . �that would have to be the Commission's decision. He said if Council agrees with Che Commission, then a portion of the Ordinance would have to be deleted. ' ' ' , � �' C' , , � ' � ' _' �� ��i �' �I: C� C, , 13, 1974 Page 4 Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Planning Commission and the Board of Appeals Mr. Lindblad felt the City should eliminate them all. He said you cannot give � one sign approval without the res� getting approval also. - Mr. Harris aslced the Commission to consider Sandee's billboard. He said if we denied this sign, would it be detrimental to his business. Mr. Herrick said the owner would pxobably think so. Mr. Harris stated Sandee's was here before the City so to speak, when things were different, but without that sign, no one would know where the place is at. Mxs. Wahlberg asked why the City should be placed in that position. She said the City did not ask them to locate where they are so why is it the City's responsibility. She said there are a number of restaurants that do not have billboards that are not on a main street. Chairman Fitzpatrick said he felt Sandee's sign does not draw much business into the place that didn't know where it was located beforehand. Mr. Lindblad asked if this sign was approved, and then the place was sold, would the new owner still retain approval for the billboard. Chairman Fitzpatrick said anyone could give reasons for wanting a billboard. Mrs. Wahlberg said another item for consideration would be the envir�nmental impact. Cha.irman Fitzpatrick asked the Commission to list the advantages and disadvantages for a blanket approval. They cazne up with; 1. Work load would be lighter and faster. 2. Add few e�tra revenue dollars to the budget. 3. Leave avenues open for additional billboards. 4. Failure to uphold Codes. 4. Reverse reasons for denial. Mrs. Wahlberg asked if the time limit of special use permits is standard. Mr. Clark said it varies depending on what the special use permit is granted for. Mr. Clark stated the renewal fee for billboards is due April 30,.1974 and obviously the action on all variances and special use permits cannot be made by then. Mr. Herrick suggested that when the billing forms are sent out, attach a reminder for the special use permit approval and state in case of denial, the fee paid will be prorated with the excess returned. He said he felt this Commission should make their decisions and see if the Council concurs. He said the public hearings could be held and any action taken before the September date. Chairman Fitzpatrick asked Mr. Herrick what would be the easiest to defend the City on; blanket den�al and not issuing any special use permits or selective denial. Mr. Herrick said from a legal standpoint, there is a good possibility of winning on a blanket denial and if there are standards set up for selective denial, he wouldn't be afraid of that either. Mr. Herrick said if thexe was to be a blanket denial, a change in the Ordinance should be made prior to September stating all non-conforming signs must be removed by a certain date. He said since we have already granted a 5 year moratorium under the Ordinance, he felt the court would agree with a 6 month to 1 year time limit. He said this time would allow them to recoup their investments and clean-up their affairs. He added the Commission shauld do their homework and then present it to the Council before the hearings are held, M�. Crowder asked if the sign company's would fight the City if we gave them 6 months more. Mr. Clark answered that he thought they'would because they want their signs as that is their business. Mr. Harris asked if the buyers vf advextising space could hold the City responsible. Mr. Herrick stated he doubted it as he was sure the companies have severence clauses. I3, 1974 Page 5 �� Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Plannin� Commission and the Board of Ap eals Mr. Plemel asked about the grandfather clause and why it doesn't ' Mr. Herrick stated it has applied here for the last 5 years but it wil.l cease and then they need special use permits. , � � ' ' apply here. after September, Mr. Crowder said the Commission has been assuming the sign companies will not conform to the bil-lboard requirements. He said maybe they will. Mr. Mattson said some restrictions could be complied with and some couldn't be as far as setbacks are concerned. Mrs. Wahlberg asked if it was possible to prohibit signs on a specific roadway. Mr. Herrick said he thought it could if you could show accident statistics or something unique about it to qualify �ienying. He said the Commission would need basis and fact and a qualified person in engineering or traffic study should do the study. Mrs. Wahlberg stated she had been told that the book "Street Graphics" has information iri it giving statistics about signs and she felt the City should obtain a copy which might be of help on the billboards and especially helpful to the Board of Appeals on the variance requests. Mr. Dxigans asked i� this body should meet again after information is acquired ' and the form made up. Mr. Clark suggested each.board going over the information when it is available and then calling a special meeting if it is decided it is necessary. ' Mr. Herrick stated that on the whole, it might be better to consider ttie requests one at a time, and then try to adopt a consistant pattern of action. ' Mr. Drigans stated the book "Street Graphics" might show that our Sign Ordinance is outdated in relation to its findings. He said at the Board of Appeals meeting it was brought up tha� the Code says nothing about the number of traffic directional ' sign allowed. Chairman Fitzpatrick said if the people on the Commissions feel the Ordinance or parts of the Ordinance are outdated and should be looked at again, �.t should be done- ' ' ' i� Mr. Clark said the City staff will research and get �he infoxmation on each billboard including lease, type of pexmit, etc., and also draw up the form and get this report back to the members in possibly two weeks. He said after they get this information the Coimnission can make up theix format and present it to the Council for thie r approval. AD30URNMENT • The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Fitzpatrick at 10:30 P.M. Respectfull;y submitted, -��� J I MAP.Y HINTZ Secretary-Board of App s ' . , ' � ' STATD�IENT TO ENV I ROI�'MENTAL QUI�L I TY COUNC I L FOR ME�TING ON MARCH 11, 1974 - 9:30 A. M. BY MAYOR FRANK G. LIEBL, CITY OF FRIDLEY � In coming before you today, there is one overall auestion that you are confronted tivith. lloes the construction of a golf course on North Park, iwhich is City of Fridley property, have any significant environmental effect that would produce detrimental impacts on this or surrounding properties. ' I believe that certain information should be submitted in order to � assist you in determining whether there is a need for an enviror�mental impact statement regarding this project. First of all, the Environmental Quality ' Council should be aware of the background relating to the acauisition of this � property. The City of Fridley acauired this property in 1970 and 1971 because of 7 ' the growing need for a major recreational area to serve the needs of a growing population. The project was partially funded through a LAWCON grant, ' approved by the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation. The description of proposed activity � � in the grant application outlined the use of thi.s property as a municipal golf course. ' The second thing the Council should consider is the desirable environ- mental effec�s that a golf course will have on the surrounding area. The intent of the City in developing a golf course is the preservation of as: mu�:h of the natural environment as possible. Any good golf course design will incorporate such thinking. Along with a golf course, other recreational activities could be programed; such as, cioss country skiing, snowshoeing, walking paths, and winter nature programs. A controlled ponding system � Environmental Quality Council Nlarch 11, 1974 Page 2 could be provided in a golf course design to minimize the effects of increased drainage coming into North Park, and, therefore, minimize the effects of downstream runoff and erosion. The third, and proba.bly most important, thing that the Council should consider is what are the effects the surrounding area will have on the envirorunent of North Park property. North Park is completely surrounded by land that is zoned heavy industrial. It is also within very close proxi- mity to potentially high volLUne commercial enterprises with the development of Narthtown Shopping Center when it develops to its full capacity as a regional center. Anoka County has had a request from Coon Rapids to widen County Highway #132 (north boundary of North Park) to four lanes to ailow for a commercial shopping center,just northeast of the North Park property, with a projected traffic count of 23,000 cars per day on County Highwa.y #132, and the total development of the surrounding property suggests that there wi11 be substantial changes in the traffic patterns that will be detrimental to the preservation of North Park for a nature interpretive program. This high use activity in the surrounding areas would pretty much eliminate any wildlife potential of the axea. The surrounding development would have much less of a detrimental effect on North Park as a golf course, and in some cases, would compliment each other. It would provide much improved access io the golf �ourse and wouid expose i.t to the valuable public contact. The fourth and final consideration is the,determined need for a golf course in this area. The City Council has spent a substantial amount of �til ' 1 t , � ' ' ' ' �J ' 1 ' ' ' 1 ' ' � �.1 Environmental Quality Council March 11, 1974 Page 3 time and money to detcrmine the proper use of this propert�. Both the advocates of the golf. course and the nature center have liad ample oppor- tunity to advocate their positions. The City hired a consultant for $11,000 to advise the Council. The consultant reconunended that the preferred use would be for that of a golf course. After a long study and careful deli- beration,.the Council voted 4-1 to establish a golf course. They also suggested that a nature interpretive program making use of other very suit- able sites within the City be set up. The 1968 Minnesota Outdoor Recreation � Plan had also determined that there was a golf course deficiency in Region 11 (metropolitan region) of 35 courses, and this deficiency should be met by 1980. I ask you to carefully consider what has been brought before you, and before a decision is made, consider the background � the acc{uisition, the relatively little impact the golf course will have on the surrounding area, the harmful impact of the surrounding area on the nature interpretive program on this site as compared to a golf course, and the extensive time and expense that the City has undergone in determining the best use of the North Park property. You truly, , ���o�� , � � � Frank G. Liebl, Mayor City of Fridley . �� � ' � OFFICE OF TI-IE CITY MANAGER FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA � March 14, 1974 M�10 T0: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: NASIM M. QURESHI, CIT'Y MANEIGER SU13,JECT: STATUS OF NATU�LIST POSITION ' . . The City Council, at their meeting of February 11, 1974, authorized the City '� ' Manager's office to advertise for the position of a. naturalist. An advertisement for this position was placed in the February 24, 1974 Minneapolis Sunday Tribune. As a result of this ad, we received a response from approx:imately 45 applicants ' in the City Manager's office by 11�ednesday, March 13, 1974. An ad for the natura- list �osition has also been placed in the League of Municipalities magazine for the month of ylarch. Due to the League's change of c{uarters, the March issue has ' been delayed and should. be out by the Council's receipt of this memo. Further ' inquiries concerning this position will follow as a result of the League ad. We are getting to the point that we can start actively interviewing appli- ' cants for the position: I would Iike the City Council to instruct me about the date of appointment of the naturalist that we should shoot for so the applicants can be advised accordingly. ' . NMQ/ms ' � I ' . � ' � � , ' � � �� _�_ .�� �� �� _ � �+b� ¢ �- �'� �. 8 A � � C� P� C� � T loJ � I—i I� S� �— A BULLETIN OF THE NATURAL SCIENCE FOR YOUTH FOUNDATION � 763 55ilvermine Road, New Ca.naan, Connecticut 06840 - 203-966-5643 PUBLISHED BY THE FOUNDATION AS A SERVICE TO THE PROFESSION ' Volume TII Number 2 Ma.rch 1974 '� ' C ' ' ' ' � � ' ' ' ' ' � POStTIQNS A�/A1L�BLE DIRECTOR. Summer Conservation School for ages 7-16. Appro�mate duration of job: June 30-Sept. 5. Eight six-day sessions; five nights camping in tents & shelters. Will plan & coordinate conservation curricu- lum, order & maintain inventories; & help train staff of 4 or 5 assistant counselors. Must have conservation education skills, first aid training, life guard trainin�, & camping experience. Salary ran;e $95- $120/week, + meals. �hool staff positions also available. Please send resume to: Conservation Society of Southern Vermont Townshend, Vermont 05353 (802) 365-7754 EDUCATION CURATOR. Administrative & teaching position of a comprehensive zoo education pxagram; coordinates large docent corps, organized tour program & year- round natural history classes. Sa.Iary: $8, 640-$10, 320. Send resuxnes to; Oklahoma City Zoo Route 1, Box 47 8 Oklahoma City, Ol�lahama 73111 HORTICULTURIST, Direct greenhouse oper- ations, conduct courses & workshops for children & adults, develap arboretum & other outdoor horticultural projects. Degree in horticulture & teaching skills required. Write: Walter M. Medwid, Director New Canaan Nature Center 144 Oenoke Ridge New Cana.an, Connecticut 06840 (203) 966-9577 TEACHER. Elementary level for field- oriented marine environmental studies pro- gram in southeast Florida. Needs to be flexible & innovative. Art & science back- ground or inclination most helpful. Teacher pay scale. Availa.ble July 1, 1974. Send resume to: Jay Jarrett, Director Environmental Studies Center 205 South Indian River Drive Jensen Beach, Florida 33457 NATURALIST, City of Fridley. 'T�vin City suburban community of 32, 000 is seeking an agressive individual with strong back- gxound in natural sciences, wildlife management, or other related educational . backgrounds. Duties to include development & mana.gement of a nature interpretive pro- gram. Sa.lary open. Send resume to: Peter Herlofsky 6431 University Avenue N, E, Fridley, Minnesota 55432 (612) 560-345.0 EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT. Primary re- sponsibilities include the design & teachina o� natural history classes for elementary & secondary schools. Must be able to work closely with public schools, enjoy teenagers & be l�owledgeable enough in several subject areas to teach in adult education programs. Salary $8, 004. Send resume to: Charles I. K,eene, Director � Museurn of the Hudson Highlands Cornwall-on-Hudson, N. Y. 12520 (914) 534-2320 � 1 ' ' � � ' ' � �i C�� ' ' ' ' ' ' ,. �o- .� �,� r� �`� � �� ., � rt � - T x �r �i ' 1 i ( � . .; v ' , Y �'' Ma rch 14, 197�+ � • � • ����GfYW 1"��'�k/ � �,���'R��'i���`��� �I����TS Gi������������� P. O. BOX 4700 • TW(N CITY AIRPORT • MlNNES07A 55111 OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR • PHONE (612) 726-577U N�sim M. Quershi, City Manager City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue NE Mi nneapot i s, Mi nnesota 55�+32 Re: Go 1 f Cou rse Anoka County Airport Dear Mr. Quershi: As per our telephone discussion, we are enclosing a copy of a draft of a proposed lease between the City of Richfield and the h14C covering a proposed Golf Course site at 4lold-Chamberiain. This draft was prepared by the Attorne�sfor Richfield and M4C for discussion purposes and was not reviewed or approved by f1AC staff or the Commission itself. It rn3y, however, serve as a starting point for a discussion between your- self and M�4C staff and its attorney if you so desire. It also will give you some iciea of the recaptur�e, preferential use and other terms that would mare than likely be inciuUed in the lease agreement. For your information the Commission did dedicate some 200 acres of land at Wold in the early 1�60's for use as a golf course by the City of Richfield and Bloomington. The City of Blocmington dropped out of the project and the City of Richfield decided to proceed alone. Other than approva]s of M,qC and a drafi of a proposed lease and several discussions with the Richfield officials, the City has not proceeded with develop- ment of the Golf Course, (t is our understanding that they have not been able to pi'oceed with the bond issue necessary to finance this project because of otha'priorities in the City. As we previously stated, the MAC approvals were granted and the approvals of the Metropolitan Council and the Fec(erat Aviation Administration were also obtai.ned. If we can be of any further assistance, please call me or Mr. Olson. Very truly yours, ��/� �m` �7'� � A H. G. Kuitu Executive Director WBO:hu enclosure - Draft of Richfield Golf Course �ease � OFFICE LOCATION-6040 281h AVE. SO.-WES7 TERMINAL AREA-MINNEAPOLIS-SAINT PAUL INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT � �1 � I ' , ' , . ' � t � ' ' � ' , ' . ' i . COI�E� CUL'RSF i1:I,S2� ��� �� : � _ 9A AGi2�L'2�;�NT Made this d�cy of _Y_____�.�._.r_• 1970, by and betWO�tt M2N27�APOLZS-SAIh'T PT.UI. ML:TItOPQI.IiAN AIRyOf;TS CONL`�fYSSIO�i, tt public corporatl�on and aq�ncy of t,`�N StRte of a33nnesota, herP- inAfter callad "Cott�igaion" and the CITY OL� itICNFIF.LD, mvnir.ifl�tl corporation and golitical subdivision of t2�e Stata �f. Minnesota, hareinaftar crlled "City", W I T Af E S S L' T tI s W1iLF.Y:F�.4, The ci�y having ne��d for a mu��icipal gol f course for use by it8 residents, has sauqht from the Commissioii lease oi somo acres of land af the Comm:.aission i.n t}ie southNeaterly poxtion of f�finneapolis-Sa:.nt Pr�ul International Airport -�io2d- Chr�+h�rlain Fial�, �hich tog�ttier coi�stitute an airport buf�er xanQ at Yhe southQ�aterly en� of saic? airportj t�iHERE'�A5, Aftur a�tusiy of the propasal Lox suah Leas�, the Co�:mission htts� d��ar�tna�i (zej that ownership of ttie lands ir. quf�tion is essen- ti�I tio a�cure �'ar the t�irp�rt sa�e a�ixcr�ft ap}�rpaches from and depar.tures� ta the southe,�,st, but (t�) that tlic u�e of �uch land for paxl� attd c�a�.f caur�e purpos�s is co�patible wi.th th� present Mas�.�r Plan c3�e�:lopinent �nd use of saicl six-Port. and fulfill� the clearanc� and approach rc�quisQrzx3n�s faz th� nir�ort's rurn+ay system, anci the da�vQ�o�:�nt o� �t�id l�snd$ f�r golf cau�rse purposc� will relieve the Co.a�;slsrsian of ra�int�n�ncQ anC! €arr•iing operations in ro�pc�ct ti�ereto and e�ill improvQ thca av�r-a11 air�wr� appearancc:, �rovic:c�ci howev�r (c) that any le�sase !or the u.�e of said lands for municipal qo2f coursae pui-poffi�n ru$t includ� provisiona Por rhe recovQZy o�' said land.� oz portion� thereaf aR may bQ r�quir�d foz airport purposes by rexaon ai chaagas in thQ Hast.or Plan� for ani.d airport or in the � � _� ' , � i � � � � � ' ' ' � ' . ' ' 913 latul usa rc.>qufre�.er.ts uncier ti�� present•. or fUtz�ra rtastur Plan� for the aizport, or es raquirEd by ch�tin��es in ti�e clearance und ap�rnach z�quirer.�nta for tt�e a�r�.wrt; WI3EREAS, The Federal Aviation Agency and the llepartr.�ont og Aeronautics of the St�€it¢ of Ki.r..nesota have eacn conclu:i�d that the d4vc�lop::�nt and u�e of suc2i l�nds far munici.�al golf course puzposes would not canPlict with aircraft operutions ta anci from t:�e airport anci caould comply aith thn cl�arancct and �p�raach reyuirerr.ents pzesently aprlf-• cable at aaid aix'parts NOW, TUEFtY:FORE, In consi�eration of One Dollar i51,U0) and other valuublc� cansidez�tion, including ttie r.+utual undertakings o� tlie partie�s hareto, the Co�ni�aion hc�r�:t�y leas�s to the City and thr� Ci.ty h�rc.�y t�icQe frc� th� Car�nissioa tne followinq de�acriLed iands f.n tha �ounty of ilenr.apin, Stmte of Minn�sota, a part of Hinn�apolia- Saint Pr�ul Int�rna�ional Air�st - 4sold-Chamberlail� f ield, a public air���: undc�r thQ r.�nzcc�arent, dirr.ctian and cantrol oL the Com.iaission, the3 de.raiaed pre�im�s befng �nore Farticulmrly de�crib�d as fallows: 1, TO; 1�VC: �t�D �O 1FO�D T�a as.�se to the CiLy for a terra und sub ject ta x�nta, cxavenzLnts and oonditions to which the �ity jointly ana scsverally i+� ak��iga��d, to-wit: . �, ; Pay� '1'wo ' � ' LI � , � - , . � r ' , � ' ' ' LJ , 9C {I) T�r�u and Itigtit of �tei�e�+al. This I.�sbe aha� l corm►c:nce on the day of ^. 19'IO and c�n~..inue tiiereafter for a tc3i-m of twenty-five ye�rs. Ugon tci-r.�ination �f the intlal t`rm, p�or►ided tt�e Cfty shall qive notice i:i �riti.n�? to the Cor,nuission, at 1¢a�t ninety (.9U) day� prior to terminatian, of desire tn axCen:l G'�e torm, the �orni hereof s�hAll be extend��c9 ior a renaval peria�� of years upon the ter�, covenants and coiiditions herein contained� but upott a rc�n�al basis as snay be agreed to between tt►Q partie�. (2) U�e of Pxe,mi�s�zs. Tha City enters into this Lease for th� opera- tion tli�refra:a of a rsu.nicigal golf coursF for the rssidents of the I.ess�o City, provided, howevQr, in view af t:�e fac.t t;►at the i.oru�iy- sioM w�as crea�Led as a public corp�rtztion iii ar.d fox the cities of Minne�polis �d S�int Pau1, :;innasota, there s►ta11 be no di�crir�ina- tion �gain�t residants o� eithcr of the l��t na�� Citiea who rasy taake use of thQ mtu�icipal golf course and £aci2ities therein pro- vided on t.he stsm� b�.aia as is p�rni.tte� to rt�si:3ants of the City nt mvnicipal gol.f cours�� o� either of said Citio$ of :�tinneapolia and Scainti Praul. Zncid�nt to t�e o}>crution of a municipal �olf courge �.he Cifcy �.my operate � c].ubhause w3.th parkinq, 3ocker raoras, toilet �std shouraz �and ro�ta�ra.nt �acili�ies usu�lly �ound upon or in connc�c- t3.on bl.th rc=uni.cfpal qol� caurscas. Any lights to be u3�ad far pl�}• af gc�l� at night �hall rrsquire sp�cific aoproval, of thm l�irport D�r�ctor azt 4�.t►ld-Cha��r181n Field, not anly as to rz�ethod and �lac� oF insz�tal��ti.on, but also �.s to u�� �o that such liqhts sha21 not thYCaugU co�s�txucti�», �aainten�r,cE or U.�36 C0:1ALltt1�@ a haxard to flighta o� �ircr�tt� Co r�nd fxon the airport. Any uso o� the d�raigeci prQmiges or any paxt t�h�rc�of ott�er than a� a fi�unicipal golf� couxtta tznsi u�cza narraally Sncidant t.hereto ahall zcqui.re tt�c consent in writinq oP tha Co�aimsa�an. Sl.s�ce the, propa�Qd munici�al golf coux�cs i� to be clevelop�ed on airparC ovezrun und butfer nr�as in purti of.f t}�e and oi the a►irpart's ' , :' � :� i /. Pa�e Three I ' 7 ' . ' a. II � �' U ' � � � ' ' . , ' I��I LJ � ,� � ' � , � ' � � � ' runway eayatcrm, the lay-out, construction an� o�eraL-ion of. ��id qolf coeirse follooriny construction stiall ue subioc� i:o ttia gollow- inq 1i�itat�.ons: (e) Us� for golf coursa purpoae' i.s pezmitted in thosc� por- tions of thcs leased pr�perty outaide of °cleax' zones" off thp end af air�art runways, ncr�r or t,err_After cievelo�:cl and opcsratad as such. (b) No clubhouse or o�her auxi�iary structuros or ir�prove-- ta�nt�, including auto F�azking areas, shall be laid out within 2,250' aff th� out�,ard and of such c1e�Zr zcnes, provid�d tt�at ttie laying out develonr�c�nt and usa ofi thc_ �olf course its�elt, as a low density rec;reational z�nd nark u�e ia perrsitted witiiin 2,25Q' off ttie outwurd enci of c1eAr zones, (c) "Cla�r �anes" �ha21. bQ the arQas cietermined pursuant �o i"� rc�gui�tion� ao @-�signated .�n the p1�3t attactiec: herQto as �a:hibi.t "A" or �s naid alat ►-�ay fram tirv� to ti:.:e be modifi�3 • by Chz�rtqes in thQ �irpoxt �f�stcr Plxn. ��le of nan-intaxicnLi�g malt liquor� or intoxicating lfquors incident to apexntian of tiia c:uniaip�2 golf cour�e shall raquir�: consent in wr�.ting of �ha Gom�iaaian anci such conx�c�nt being procur�d shall be sua>�oct to licc�naing r��u�.r�.�+.ent.s as by law pravicied. (3) R�n�. �l:xo�.qhout �:he initi�:. tvr� the City shall psy to thQ Cacr�ai�s�ion �nncaally wittsan c3ays followinq the en� of oech y�t�r af �acoun� a rent e�qual �o � of the r�ei. r�c�ip�s derived gzoas �m op�zatfa�x� of i:ha �aanici��al yaJ.f caurs�, t�ased u��on all res*ei:ua�3 fzam any mnd �i]: apsrut-3ax�€s hereunaer, �cfter deduc�tng ther@fro�► the no�al Q�pan��s of o�zzr�Cion and uf� to but no �nre thah �hcs funds n�sc��ss�+ �i p�xy of� cart e� atz��gh� linm a�uor�.iztttion baA�.s aver the fuli ini�i:��, t•�rrs �c� k���d indeb�cdness incuzre:d incidont to con- st�uc�ian of �che t�tu►ici�Al golg cau.rs�. 5hould ravcnuas fn any ycaar b� in�au�:Cic:ient tA ptty all exi�E��ase� of oz>ax'zstfon� a:rd in addi- ticsn, City'� abJ.ig��ior��v on boncl�d i.ndcb�acina3s as t��orca�r�id any �uch dcsfiaica�cy ah.all t�s�� ba� carxi�d forward to tlie nctxt rent year in furti�sr raduation og r��ronu�a for purposes of determ.ina�ion of rent ba�ed u�sos� n�� ra��Ay��s. 52iould r�venue�s bQ �nre �han nuffi- �ic�nt to prty cell oxponuaa af operatian� and City's obligatiana on Pago Four � 1 LJ � , 1 , l_J � � � � I� ' � , � � L�! ' 9E tha nfoxesaid bor,ued �.11C1E1LL'CU11C8`.J, ar.Y exces:� r�'-�enues aEter pay^�.�nt of .rant Ae�reunder, so ].ony n� iac�nd lilc=n.Y�t@dnESS afaresaid ia out- atanciing, shall 1�� applied to tixe bund re�ler:���tion fund for rad�^Ftion aYUI payli1ent of such bond inG�btec'_ness. (a) Certified accountina zeFoi-ts covering �nnt�al operatiotis and in support of rent p�y:��ent� her�suncier si�all Le sui��:•it�ed. AllllLtdll]� togethar wit2i rar.t payrK=nt rUr. such }•car of account. (b) Co:vaiasion sliall havo the riq:�t witt�it� thirty (3+?i �'•�� `� follo�i.ng suk!�ni�sion oz accour.ts tu chPll�rnte tl�Q sar^eAas to the� inclusion o£ ito�:s �f c.xpc:n�e as not k:eing nonnal �-enses. of apeza�iati of a municipal gaif coursc, in whie:h evc�:it iteil� in dispute shai]. be settlec: thr.ouq22 negotintioii or OY.:iQi�ll`-7•°- by arbitz�ltion puxsuant to �inr»sota Statutt:a Chspter 572 - The Uni.forrn � rbitzation Act. (4} Can�truction, tdaintenance an8 Re nir. City, at it9 awn c.ost --_ �_.�_._. , and exp�x�e, tlirouqh raunicipal rc:venues at t�air disposcl. or ti�rou�h bond�cl indeb�edne�s of saici CiCy, siiall desi�i�, construct and thar.e- attar cnaintain anc2 opo�ca��, repair r�nd replace as necessary the municfpal golf course to he constructE:l! on the de!u,sed precnisea. - includin� iundQCaping, �eediny oz sodc.inv z�s requir.ed �nd construct- tion o� phy€�ic�l i��YnYEi;,ent9 th4retc and t'�ercon, incluciing, witlzout lirsaiCing the foregoinc�, �tratering facilitic:s, clui�house and ancillary k�uilding, if anY, and parkirYg f�cilities. All plans incident ta the l�nci�caping a�asi con�tru�tion of an�� relatinq to replacer�ent of or alter�tiona to the municipal golf caurse or any part� th�reof z�nd ���za�����g �n�i ga�cilities inci;3enL• thereta and t�e m�thod of fin�ncing the aaaa� it throuqh band�d indebtednese of the City� shAll z�uixe Ca�.*:�i.��ion ap�?�oval and, in acic�i.tion, sll construction, repair and raplac�r��n� pl�ns �nuet mr�et ti�a requirer�ents o� the Federal rsnd Sta� z�gulatory 8c��I1Cj.@5 foz clearancc, � protection of appxoac`�e:s fn rot�poc� �o t2i� airport. All ��ork s1�A11 be carried on at flttCh tim� or tixaam and und�r such control as thr_ Airport Direator may xequire to coozciinato ttie saroe with thc aecessary continuaus operatiou of t2ia air�ozt. (5) Coat Recovcry. Upon completion of landt�capinq and c:onstr.uc- tion o� tha nunicipal golf course sn�l all in��:rovomQntu nnd facilitic�s riz►ge i'ivo � ' ' � inci.dant thereto, the eity s1ia11 su�r►it to the Corvnis4ion ni� accounting certified as COI11��[=t.�1' �Jld corr�ct, covering all actual costs o� p2anning and desi�in, land�caping arid construction and inclu,ding, in addition, the cos` of fina»ciny tnQ s�ae if throuqh bond indeb�edn�ss of thc City. Zt is ugr�ec t�hat the� $um total of Gosta disc�as�d vy suc2i accountinq, desi9nated as "cost for r�co�ary purpoaQ�" shall re�resent thc� coat of the s►unicipal golf courua td be araor�ized an a straight line basis over the twenty- five year initial tern+ for purpn�es of cost r�coverv by the City in the �vant of early terraination by ths Co�nission as hesEinafter pravid�d. 9F , ` (�) Later rF>p��cen:�.'nt, alterstion, r��n�truction and ro�air, o�tier thun nox�.�l �aii�tenance included as A nor��..al expe.nae oz Qp�a���ion, sh�il b� includEd in a revisec2 "cost xar r�covery ' pu�a��e" �nci shall �e a^ortir.ed on 3 strai��.�t ]ine: t�aaist ovar the re�inder of ti�e ie�sQ terul. ' , ' � ' . ' 'i�' - � , ' ' ` ' � (6j F�^covery bx Cca.^�f�gion. Cor:snission at any time during the 1�.�s�a �rra o� re�nes�al turm shall have the rirlit to retaks posse�sian o� all og portiax�s of the pre*r+ises than undor 1Qas� to the City pux�u�� h�z�'�'a �`°� $��r�' P��'O`��� b�sed upon A real and present ��g gQ� us�e oF auch las.nd by CoKm�i$Siop for aeronautical or other gurp�:��� dir�etly x�ela�ci.ng tp thc� devalop�ent ancl use of the �irport, og �clr�tir�c� to tiacs e].it�tination of h�zard to fl.ight of airczuft to pr g�� t�e t�ig�ox�, or hnzard to persons frara flight of airczaft � o� ��� �o ��xparC. In thc� avant of Car�i.s�ion's exerciae:oi ��� z���� �Q ���Q pa���ssiozz, it shall give not-icQ in �rriting of i�s �n�s��.an �o t.a do, and, in th� event r�covery is only of r� �z�.ic�n a� �iic� ].��as��d pzamig�a � Can�irs�cion :nay givQ the C�ty �hcs zf.gh� �o zelaca�t� Ch� ��ci.lities to o�har l�r�ds aa thcs Conuni�sian ma�y d�sic�natiap wllich lAnda shall bE oi sir�ilar acrQnge �nd une3bi.lity and of os�u�l ar zalrxti�►alY e�i��al dccnseibility tn t2�e rcrz►inder of th� cauniaipal yolf coursa, in which evont ttie City shall ha.ve ninety h �$0� �,�Yg �ei�hin which ta re2acate the facili�iaa, grt�do anci eaed page Si.x ' , � � _I � , , �J ' , � �J ' ' ' ; s�- rt � the a1teZT►ative area, th� co�t of wt�ich will r>c r.ocovQred froca th� Commission, pursunnC to ParagraF�!� (5) above, and therQUpoii the i.eaae ahall coiatinue for its full term u�on suc:� alternative ar�ts. Shoula (;�m►nission retaica possession of khc entire laa .ed �resnige:� or should it not pravida alternntive �paca a�d replace or reloaate the golf course ast raquir.ed, then this Lease shall terninate si.cty (�0) ���Yg after Co�uaisaion mails to tlze City n�ticc� in writing of its intentioi► to zetake �g6C38�0A. If repasges�ion occurs during the in�.tial Lea�c teria, r1AC, UpOII terrnination of the LeasQ uncier this Pnraqraph (6j ,• shall pay to �`�e City, �o be divic'ed betweeii t1-.�m as they elect, a sum which shall rersult fram aprlication of the followinq fornula: Cost for r�cavezy nuri�ose� x remaining ye�►ra of inti�ial lQa�e torm /25. (�) l�bintennnca. The City, e�t all tim.�:s and ati no co�t oz expense to Corsa�i.s�ion, �hall r�ain�ain tiie lands under Loase and all iwprove- a�nts thereon in a nQ�t and cle�n concliticn ancl in good re�air and ahAll h��p the prer.,isesr gree fro^� de_t�ris, weeds and arosion. The City ss.hmll not �ufior or p�rmit any �aaste �r nuisz:nce on the d�rnised prc�mises and ahall Pez-mit no illegal acts o� conduct thereon or such as �ill constitute a nuiaatzce. (�33 A�lic�.b1Q 3��f;r�. Tha� City �tiall. co�rly �r3�th all la�s, ordinancas, rub�� and re�gulutions oi the Unite�. 5tcstes.of Amarica, the State of lqinnQaota, or of agenci�a, departmentg or c3ivisions of eith4r, or of ttt� CC��isaiox► ral€�ting �o the �.and� under 1Qaae �nd thee use thereof or r�1��.i�g �o cc>n�rol of c�round and nir traific, aircra�t opernti��ns► and tho qoi�QZal uIIe �nd oP�:XAtian o£ th� airport; a►nd the City tshnX 1 se� �a thcs �ayar.�nt o� any 4nd all taxas. es�essr.�ents, lic�nsa fees or oY.her cha�qes tha� rauy bc legally leviec:; Afl9�98et� or �de duzing the ters� of thia Leuae or ax�y exte�ns�ioii tt►eraof by reason o� the t�uess hQZ�eby p�ztnitY.�d o£ the lands ur�der leraa4. Paqa Savsn � , � , .' , , . . . .� 9H (9} Indvtnr►iLy �y (;i�. The City agrc��s tU :�old and save harrtlesrs the Cotamiasion from any z�nct all. Cl:tl1�`i � lic:ns oz liability wt�icr, may arisa froni City's constzuction, r�aintenanc�, r�epair or rc��lac��::ent a►foresaid or fzom clnims �f labor or i�terialsk�n involvod in ox arising out of the sa�s. The City shall ind�mnify and hold ha��sless Cr�nu;iission from liability or clsirs of liabl�ity for lnss, da���qe or injury to �r�ons or proparty on or about the landx undsr lease frorr whRtevar cau�e, and Co:.�rissfon shall not be liable t� the City ta any extent, nor will th+s City r:ake any clzairn aq�inst. Conuaission fox or on account of d�ge to the lnnds under lease ar loss claraage to or destruction of lmprovert�nt�, facilities and structures t:iereon. (i0} Co:�aise�ion Right of �:ntzy. Cprimis3iun sh�l] at all ti�es and through it� agonts �tnd c�e�ployeeb or contractors have a ri�l�t of entry upon the lands undez lease, as t�ay be nece�aury in the devel- � ograsnt, mRintanr�ncs, op�ratian and control of the airport, wit2� tlie ' . furth�r rigt�t resarvad to Cor��nissian to insta].1 and �intain uF+on oz und�r tha i�nd� und�r lease 3i1GT1 Utij..Ilti}� lines, conduitu, �ipos ac�c3 , ft�cilitir�s es r�ay h� n�eQSSary to l•.ha dev�iop:��nt of �ai.d sirt�ort, providaQ Co�ttiisaioxa shall at i�s co�t and c�x�en�e respair �ny c3a�nges _t und re�tor� any port�on of the 1.eas�d prerii�es 8zsmag�d by roason af � suoh in��Ali�t�on and r.:r�ir►��nance. I ' i , �:, . ' ' � � , . �4 (lly �Aiqn�~�n�. z��.�. t�ubie�a4.s1�. Sub jact to the proviniona hareof ti.tza City �hA11 h��e th� xiqht to det�rsnina tt,c basi�, und bt►eed fiher�an, cc,n�.�ol thm ua� o� the lancls uncit�r l.c:asc� anci �he� faeilitio� tliereit�. �or go���.nq t�nd relatad use�, ineluding t,ournain�n�s condcxctod by gi�lfing agrsacitatians� oz groups, uut oxce��t �ar tha �OrE�Jp�rig the City shall he�o n,a right to assign �his L�ase or sublet the lands under leuae �nd i�prov���<ents th�roon unle�e t2ie cona�nt oP Conani�Bion �.s first obtnined therato in writing. � PragQ �iqht , �. . / �� �12� pnmaqs t� o Pren�icses, Titl� to f^r.�r�verient� on tha leased premisea shall throughout tha initial tern �e in tha City, who ouull kt�c+p thcs nass�, to the ext.^t�t iusurai:le, covared by property insurance ta tlic�ir full in�suxable value protectiny against the perils of fire, extended coverage and va�ufali.sr�. In Ltie �venL of dawaga to the leRaed pres�ises wt.xctt, hcwevex, doc�s not rasult . in t2ie prauiise� bQinq untenantal�l.e for the purpo�:es liezeunder the City �ill repair or rep�c�ce as rec!uired and i.iisurance ahall ba appliad to th� costi thar�of. IL• dana�e i.s sucii that the pra:r.iges are unu�able for tlio puz�pc�se� here:�+�c3ar, the-n e'ity �.ay repair or roplaco as reqaired and the insuranca pro.��F�'g e7f �l �@ $��'���a th�sresCa, os, if Che City elects not to r��pair ar repluce then ti�is Leaae �hall thereugon ter�sinate an�i the City shall receive that �rtian of the inaurance prr�ceada mera�ured ay a fraction whosa nur.a�ra�oz is the n�.:uiber af ye�rs rer.,aining of the initial lease ter�a �znd �rhare danominator is tt�e iull. initial .casa ter� of twenty- ��ve y�a�s. Th� r��aindc-r of t}�e inaur�7c�_= Z�roceeds shall be gtsid o�esr to thQ Co�:'ni.�sion. Froaa t.armin��tion o� th� ini�ial Zease teru� the title tp ir•��.�roveII�Qnts � on th� pr��si.e�s �hall be� in tlie Carnsnisfl i�a, anc. in the evc�nt the y�s,��e is z€�nec�ed, it �hal�. havQ ths oblir;�ztion to repair or replace ' clsm�ge to suc2i i.r:fprove^a�ntn, but witt� the ri.yht in the Co�sissian, iri ��Q �q�A� ck,:,mz�ge c2uring �h� renet��l tarra rendc�rs t;�e �rema.sc?8 � wn�e+a�n�ablA fo� ta•e ho��und�r, �o terrr+fnate tlie renew�ci LQUB�s, . �aitchaut panml�y ��ci �3y nnd all inyurance procE:ecis shall in tht�t � ev�nt� i� ��id id �c� Ca�ui�sian. . 1 ' ' '. � � �` (13) I,��r�ca I3inx'a Sl1CCC'.353C3x'`J �nd R�n��s• EX�eFt as herein oth�r- t�ise provaded., all of the tei-tt�s, covc�nrzntg Anci conditiona oi thiA �.csmffie si�all #�a bindin�,� upon and iuuxa to tt�e benc�f�.t�of tho succos- aara nnd as�i.qns of the Con��ai.usian And Ltio City, raaPectivaly. iN WITtaESS h'I1�R1�OP, Tkte partfea herata have exccur.ed this Laa�e P�qc ;�S.ne in duplicate tn� ciay un�t y��ar first at��vu wr�.ttr.n. In Prc�sQncc� Of: f ✓ i.lI:�l�ii::+Pi�1.Z:;—.:;,I:;'l� PAU� :�iF:'a";`.OPOLIiJ�cY ]+ � t,;���-,i;i C:J��L"17SS I��1•i �y C.��rr:ir, ._...�____. SUCT'E't; 1-}�, _~ _ ci•rx or �t�Ci:F�zF i.e � � _. _____._._._ !�i�y or � �y' e�£iit.lc�gx' ..`.. .�._.�._.. s•rA�F oF ���,:ra�so,h � ) ss COONTY OF ) Un this day of ,?970, hefore :+P, a��iotazv Fui�lic within and nr t'ou��£;,, ��,:rsvnally ap�cared ---------�- and , tc i:ze ;;ersont�? ly known, whn, bein� �ac��e c:i<Iy :;�rorn td sav Lh�:�c tt-:ey a�� res�ectzvoly tr�e ---------,--�- C'r.uirman axcd Secr�tary c�f thc �%iri.^.n�l�olia--Saint Paul �?»tronoli-- �n �rUOrtK Co:.:�-ii3sior., fi���e cor�ora�ic�r. nam�u in t.he fore:to�.nq i�istru- mc�nt, and f_hat t'��� aeal �ffixea to aai.i zr.stru�n�r�ti is thc rozpor.ate sea], oE sai� COij�0Yc1C.LOL�, a�z�; t'r�ac Sd1C_ 1514 t.:':�;..ent waz S1cinE�d anc� snalec� in b�:hQlf of saic: corporatios� by �tutY�ozity of it.s Gov�rniug Liody, and said ar�ci acknawlc.d.re�i an�c? instrw�on� �a � .� rae xct anc] ::e�.c q� sai�3 orooratioiY. .iotary i'ul�l�.'c —.�.,_..._..._. _. SiAx'� OF t3ZtIIVBSUTA j i s�� coui�Tx oF � On �tiis d�y af , 197U, i�efor� :���, a i�lotary Publfc �ithfn an�ar ��ici C011l�ti}r and state, pLZ:sc>na7.1;� ��pp��srdd �nd , to r.�.c � erEOnally knoLrn �o LQii�g e:�c y ii� du�wor,z� c�ici �ay tTat tii� f r,re xesnectz.ve�ly th�� �ir�yor Arad CiL•y t�.a�ncc,ar of t��e City of iiichficic., tha municipal cor- poration nr�s-3rd in �i�e fareqoing instru..:ei�i:, azic: ti�a� tlie seal affir.ec2 to �aid instruine�:t i� Ch� car.k�ox'ate seal of said iaun�cii�a2 cor�.x�ra�zon tsnd kh�zt 3d1cI ins�tr.un�nt ��rus sic;n��3 and s�r�1N<Y in �e.)Zalf o� said rauni- cipal corporation by autharity oP itfl , an@ sai:i anci � ~� Y ac s�noiJlcac�ad 3aic: nstru�:�nt to � ie free ac:t rind�'c eeu v� Gni� ccirt,oration. tiOtal"jr I'u.� 1C T•« __._ Page Ten , 1 ' , � � ' ' ' , ' M��O T0: FROM: SUBJECT: OFFICE OF T�� CITY MANAGER FRIDLEY, MINNN�SOTA March 15, 1974 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL NASIM M. QURESFiI, CITY MANAGER INTERIM RECOi�NDED ACTION FOR LIQUOR STORE #2, EAST RIVER ROAD The City Council, at their meeting of March 11, 1974, directed the admini- stration to come up with proposals to make at least 12o profit on the investment in our liquor operations. There was a staff ineeting between Marvin Brunsell, Finance Director, Bob NicGuire, Liauor Store Manager, and myself regarding this item on Wednesday, March 13, 1974, 2:30 P.M. We c�iscussed al1 the figures regarding sales, labor and net pxofit on our existing stores, and improving the profit potential in relation to our investment in the liQuor business. It was the general concensus of the meeting that there are certain obvious actions the City should take right away before detailed recommenda- tions can be presented to the Council at the meeting of April l, 1974. It was clear that going on with certain operations would further reduce the net profit potential of the liauor business, so"the followi.ng were recommended: 1. We should close Liquor Store #2 as soon as possible, and advise the leasor and the general public of the same. , 2. We reduce the number of permanent employees from seven to five, and given them the adec{uate notice necessary, and also explore the possibility of further reduction in the staff. ' ' , Pursuant to this thinking, we have had a meeting with George and Tony Nicklow, our lea.sors for Liquor Store #2 and operators nf "George is in Fridley", on Thursday, March 14, 1974, at 9:30 A.M., and advised them of the predicament the City is in and the action of the City closing Liquor Store #2. We also ex��lored the possibili_ty of an amenable agreement the City and Nicklows can arrive at in regard to the remaining periocl of the lease. We also surveyed certain assets within the store and explored the possibility of disposing of some of the non-useable items. • ' This is an interim report that we are submitting, and we hope to submit more detailed information to the Council and a recommendation for further action at the Council Meeting of April 1, 1974. � , ' ' The interim recommendations are: 1. Close Liquor Store #2, effective March 30, 1974. 2. The pernlarient staff of the liauor store employees be reduced from seven to five immediately, giving the employees the property notice. l0 .10 A HONORA73I,E MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL -2- MARCH 15, 1974 We hope to proceed with these activities right away after the Council Meeting of March 18, 1974, unless directed otherwise by the City Council. NMQ/ms , . � ' , . � RECEIVING BIDS AND AiVARDING CONTRACT FOR ' ST. 1974-1 F� ST. 1974-2 � '. (Bids will be opened rtonday at 11:30 A.M. � ' Hopefully, Staff will be able to make a recommendation for Council consdieration) ' . ' � ' r � � � � . � � � . . �. . �� . . � �� � STREET Ii�1I'R0�'EP�iLNT PROJIiCT ST. 1974-1 F� ST. 1974-2 FRIDLEY, AtINNESOTA � � ,� ; �� . <��f � , . ��,��,;;W,•' . r �. �� �� � .; � Y[ � �r � � � BID OPENING - i�tARCH 1F, 1974 - 11:30 A.r1. P1.ANfIOLDER I BID DEPOSIT tiarurlves, 1nc. ��"�. s�, /�� � � � , s030 fiarbor Lane North ;, � � Suite 216 � S�d 1'�'t7a�-.r'� D9i.nneapolis �tiiuiesota 55441 � ' Arcon Construction Co., Inc. .--�` D4ora �' � � Q f Piinnesota 55051 �"�` Park Construci:ion �`-"'' `�=����I � 7900 Beech Street �. d � Fridley, ':linneso*a 5�432 , Progressive Contractors, Inc.:�,�v� Box 368 '��J` � � / Osseo, �linnesota 55369 LIJ�IP SU�i BID ¢` y9 g , Ss"3 � . C. S. �IcCrossan, Inc. � ` � Box 336\ `' ,.f°.' � H.u.�.� � 3 g' 4" �/ 9'% • t�"b Osseo, �iinnesota 55369 � j� � Bitiiminous Roadivays ' 2825 �Cedar `,� f � � �-ef'Ls�-�'G'TrJ �j _ d �j / / � o % 3 • ij3 Minneapolis, �iinnesota 55403 � S �:u��,-rC - Y Bury � Carlson, inc. -;�� ; � � � 6008 iVayzata Boulevard ��;;' � bfinnea�olis, Alinnesota 55416 � �,p �� Hallett Coitstruction Company ° -- Box 78 ,,�� � � �% e: St. Peter, �tinnesota 56082 � H £; S Asphalt Companyz.;.= ��,.`���t� �, ; �. L , ��..�t•t�- 5400 Industry Avenue N.W �� . Anoka, Diinrlesota 55303 °-� �.��:' r�._ � . ��,� �. Alexander Construction �:.�; � �►�� , v���, � . v Co. Rd. 42 $ Fairgreen Elvenue>;;,�:; j Apple Valley, �tinnesota SSO6� _ � Concrete Curb Company ` Route 1 �� ,�% 9 Savage, htinnesota 55378 !" Bunkley Surfacing -�^ �I, ,�,,L; • G�S .Cj 3737 East River Road �� , f� ' Atinnea�olis, �tinnesota 55421 v Par-Z ConT.racti�ig Cor,:pany 6544 }�ickory Street .�� � d � Fridley, �finnesota 554i2 ' A. J. Chro,ny Coiistructi�ii Co. ,�, / SOS1 tiVest 215 Street '� N� � Lakeville, biinnesota 55044 ' Dcan Luxeiiberg Construction 527 Fmi l Avenue �' �, � Shoreview, Diinnesota 55112 �7•g l� 9"��. 1¢ Z' `".-�\ � � ��-rg,�GG.�s � 3� 9 � s9-s� s�- �� �`3y9�`�q�3d �C � � . REbIARKS � � �� ' STREET IMP120VED1ENT PROJECT � S1'. 1974-1• �, ST. 1974-2 ' FRIDLEY, N[INNESOTA PLANHOLDER � BID DEPOSIT � Riegger Roadways �� 920 Nest 122 Street i�,,,,,..�" � � ���'�'�' �� Burnsville, �tinnesota 55378 �1 /�,e�.t..� J . .- �•. ���`'''�"" � _ �,�(vs�''`' . , A O/!� � �{/� � PAGE 2 LUT1P SiJAt BID � 3� z, 3 9-7• 6.� � 0 REb4ARKS , ' • ' . �~ PLl�1�?IiOLDER 0 STREET I�iPP.O�'L'P•1ENT PROJCCT ST. 1974-1 F', S'I'. 1974-2 FRIDLEY, AIINNESOTA , � � . <�� � �� F_'� �� � � . �� � .. �� ��l • Y`' � � � � BID OPENING - I�tARC}1 18, 1974 - 11:30 A.A9. " �ardrives, lnc. 3030 fiarbor Lane North �� uite 216 i.nnea olis �,i:;�nnesota 55441 rcon Construction Co. , Iric. -- � ra � 'nnesota 55051 rk Construct-ion ,.-�;^' 7900 Beech Street � idley, `�linnesota 55432 ooressive C.oiitractors, Inc.: ' �-,: Box 368 ��,,< seo, �Iinn�sota 55369 . S. �icCrossan, Inc. �"'. ; Box 336 �;;� seo, �iinnesota 55369 ituminous Roadways ,:;: 825 Cedar �� D4inneapolis, �Iinnesota 55403 ry � Carlson, inc. E,�;,1� ; 03 iVayzata Foulevard ;�,�` Tlinnea�olis, �iinnesota 55416 �llett Cons�ruction Company o x 7 8 �;,�` St. Peter, �linnesota 560s2 S BID DEPOSIT i LLJAIP SU�i BID I RLhIARKS s�•P� � � wc . s"�d �,.� . � � ''9 9 , �s"3 � o �� � d ��- /'�/ d �` � t�- ya..u.� s�% �� . � 4 �- , � 9-1 • 9-i� ,� • C.�s��-� �7 c{, _ � � � � � � 0 9 3 • �' � S� .. ��..,,�� �% e� `� ��g /, �-��• � / . f� 5 Asphalt (;ompany::.<��� .'",a?'��'� ;'� U' � . �"�� � 4I — 400 Industry r�venue N. tiV m;,f' d+� 7��� G� ,/�j+' noka, ;�tinnesota 55303 ���'� ''^�� � �� ���7 �,yi"�. leaander Construction .' ��� ' G,, � :.. � � . v,v, o�• �S •. _ . Rd. 42 �, Fairgreen Avenue.�� �� 3/9�,s'�4-S • S�- ple Vallev, P�linnesota 5506S � Concrete Curb Company �, �ute 1 `�� ,%� � avage, Dlini�esota 55378 �� Dunkley SurfaciTig ! } �I � ,�.,�,; .C� 737 East River Road '��% �s � 3 y y, �� 8; 3 f� . o. innea.olis, �•iinnesota 55421 � v • ar-Z Contractiiig Cor,:paiiy 544 Hickory Street •� �l% d ' . idley, �linnesota 55�432 . J . Chromy �.UIlS tTUCt1011 Co, � 5051 {Vest 215 Street �'� � � p1 � � akeville, �1i�lnesota 55014 can LUXCT1bC1'� Construction' � � 527 Emi 1 Avc�it�e �,�f` � d �horevic�a, Minnesota 55112 � � � � �EET Ih1P120VE�iL'NT PKOJECT ST. 1974-1• �, ST. 197�1-2 � �IDLEY, NIINNESOTA '� ' PLANHOLDER BID DEPOSIT �.. Rieggcr Roadiaays ;-°��,� a � �^_ � • � � ' �0 tiVest 122 Street ��:�' �'`rw�'�' �•nsville. Diinnesota 55378 �/. ��s�x..� 0 ��jf/�'' '' �•. t���- M"� I �� �f� `' _ � I PAGE 2 LUMP SUI�1 BID � 3 3 �-, 3 9-�• �S" REb4ARKS II � II ' 1 � � � ' w � ;J= � � �'�� �� � CITY OF FRIDLEY � r, �r � -�. � 6431 Uni.versity Avenue N.E. �� �,; �` E�� � 7 Fridiey, Minnesota 55432 � ����� �� � � ��� PAUL �iR�WN, D-vicec.tvn Phpne; 560-3450 X64 Ni�MoRANDU�1 TQ� School Boarc?, Distric-t ;�ll� Fridley City Council ��1��+ Request psrmission to d.evelop Girls Su-nmer G�nnnastic Classes ' Dear Board and Council I�Iemb�rs, AAT�; March 12, 197lt FRO�"�; Paul I�ro�rn� Pirector �� ' On ��Ioncay, a4arch 1�, 197l�, the Fridl��r Parks and ?ecr�ation Commissi.o;� recommended ta .the Citf Couricil of �'ridl�y and School Dist.rict �1?� the adoption of a qew activ?ty far the sur�mer of 197�. Gir?s Gymnastics £or Junior High Age Cirls� The undersioned and Dor. Meyers of School District rr14 rnet on Tdednesday, rebruary Y3, I97�-t to disctxss the prelirninary plans for this new activity. Here briefly are some of the details: Len#th of Progra�: 6 weeks . 20 �irls per cla.ss, per hour oy instruction. Star�t pro�ram about June l.�.th� Hours: 9:p0 a.m. to 12:00 (noor�) _ � Classes held at Ha�Tes �Ze-nentary Gym. Central location for city. Registration at City Hall. Cost: �10,40 per child. Tnis ia��ald be ior t��o t�eeks� one. Yiour each day. Instruction: F�ath;j Cal.laohan and Teri rlelson. Ftiill approval of the School Dis �rict and City Coi�ncil. � Instruction t•roiild include: 1. 'I`umbling 2. Vaulting 3. Free �cercise �. Balance ?3ear�. Fquip^�ent needed: Landin�.pad.s, low balance beam and regu.lar balance beam. Levels: Reginn�r and Intermediaie. Lat�r on move to advaqc�d. tde are askinb far permission from both the School Board and The City Counc�l �o approve thi.s request. Details as to equip:nent and instructor fees would be taorked out byr the School Administration and tne Par•ks and �ecreation DeNartment. This pro;ra:� no:� exists in •�t. Antho;�y �Tilla�e and oth�r sizburban comm,znities and is well received, I have attached a co�3� of the r:iinu�.e: oi the Par'�cs and n�cr�ation Co.,�mission '' runutes. It shot-,ld be poin�ted out that i,his pz•ooram is self susta�_ning and t,�ill not • cost�the tax payer� direct�_y. �� ' ' P3 cc : Don Pieyers Encl � �.espec � ully sub^�itted, . �— AUL 3RO:dN, Director • �MINI BIKING IN FRIDLEY� �A ' The Co�nission asked if there had been any developments in respect to mini biking in Fridley? tVith Spring approaching, the problem will be increaszng. Mr. Blair poznted out that there still aren't any areas ivhere mini Uikers can ride. ' b1r. Stinunler said that as far as he was concerned, mini bi.king doesn't �it into our realm of Recreation and we don't have to provide a place fox riding. Mr. Peterson ' concurred. STARTI iJG DATE FOR PLAYGROUi�DS , ' � i�1r. Bro�an briefed the Commission on a request by the Playground Director, Alaxine • Boone, asking to delay the opening of Playgrounds for one tiaeek: The reason £or the delay request is tha� the majority of the staff are college students and don't ' get out of school until the �aeek prior to the opening of Playgrounds. Each year, before the opening of Playgrounds, D9rs. Boone conducts a t}iree-day workshop £or her staff to orientate them with the program. One o£ the problems �vhich they ' encounter is that not everyone on the staff is able get to tlie workshop so soon after they get out of school. ' The Playgrounds program is a G weeks program beginning one week after Baseball and ending one week before Baseball ends. Baseball is an eight weeks program. By delaying the opening date for Playgrounds one week, both programs �eill end on August 2nd. � M�TZOFJ by S�i.mm.�eh., S�e�s�ded by (Vagun, �o de,2ay �h.e vpevi,i:ng da.te �on P.ea.ygn�und�s �a June 24.t1i, maFr,i.ng �he pnugnam e�.d ori Augevs� 2nd. The P�fa�.{.an eatuu:ed. � �ASEBALL� ' .' ' Mr. Stimmler asked Mr. Brown if there were any changes planned fox the morning Baseball program? b9r. Brown stated that it would be the same pxogram we haye had in the past. 1�1r. Stimmlex pointed out that over the past several years we have had a steady decline in attendancee There were only two Cub teams. Dir. Brown said that it was the plan of the Department to send a flyex to th.e schools just before S.ummer Fegistration, to arouse interest among the boys. If this effort £aiJ.s to produce a larger turnout9�the plans would be to re-arganize the program for 1975, Mr. Bxotivn pointed out that Baseball is played at four locations. Perhaps the ans►;Ter to the problem would be to centralize back at the Coii�mons Parh. ' r1r. Stimmler felt that there was a leadership problem within the Baseball pro�ram He saicl that the �saseball Director should make certain that the Coacltes are doing their jobs. ' Little Lea ue Baseball takes a reat number of the boys who would otherwi.se play � g within the morning program. � GYMiVAST I CS , ' h�1r. k3rown briefed the Conunissioners on the proposed Girls' Gymnastics proaram for the mming Suimuer. The program would be held at the Jr, tlig}1 School. The aliarge ��rould be �10.00 per girl and the sessions would be for one houx a day, five days II ' a wcek, for two weeks. There would be three sessions duri.ng the Summer. 1 Minutes .of the Parks €, Recrcation Commission Meetin�;, hfarch 4, 197�1. Pa�e S 1 � l2B GIRLS� GYMNASTICS �CON�T): ' MUTIDN by S.�tmnr2e�c, Secav�ded 6 lUa cuc, �cr tcecamme.nd �ha.t �12e C,i,t Cau�c,c.2 appnvve � 2�-vi2�' Gc nn���i e� r�fi.U�hCt�11� an tiYVS:�tc,ue� � 2e Pcuc � Ree�.ea,t,%oY1 D�eee��n �a ' np oeee w� i� te cv�a►�gernen,tls �an av�rig .� ws pnagnarn a.t � e �r,c ey uvu.orc .c h Scdtaa2 5an � te cUmti�lg Su3rrr�eh, T e ti1a�i.ajT catv��..e . "NORTH PARK� ' P1r. 1Vagar asked the Commissioners to discuss the situation with the deveio ment of P North Park. Fle stated that the Commission has not, to date, taken an official ' . stand and he felt that it was about time to do so. The last time the item was � discussed, , no decisions were made, pending the outcome of surveys. Now that the City Council has taken a stand, he felt that the Commission should also be on record. , i�OTION by (v'agcuc, Se.ear�decl 6e S�rr�m2e�c Patc e�ev a�e a.s a c�a.�eoc.uvse. ' ' , ' � ' ' ' LJ , �o necammertd �a �he C.i,ty Counc,i,2 �6�a� Na�h DISCUSSION: Mr, iVagar said that it tiaas time for a poll of feelings since the Commission has never sat doti�n and di.scussed the pros and cons of a golf cour.se or nature center for North Park. Mr. Stimmler stated that he had attended the Ad Hoc Committee meeting, City Council meetings, and other such meetings, where Noxth Park was discussed, but in each instance, the groups were firmly divided and nothing tvas accomplished. b1r. Peterson felt that it was unfair to the Commission because of the history of the project. People's emotions, rathPr than logic, are involved, h1r. Blair asked Mr. Brown if he had seen the.proposal by the h9etropolitan Airport Commission concerning �he use of. Janesfield for a gol£ course? bir. 13rown said that he had. Mr. Blair said that it was rumored that the Blaix City Council had discax4ed the request, but he didn't know if it was true. h1r. Blair agreed that it was time for the Commission to let their wishes be known. He said that he, personally, was in favor of a golf course, because of the proposed shopping center which Coon Rapids will be building, directly Nort}i of Noxth Park, draining into the Park, and the fact that the Fridley land �vhich surrounds the Park is zoned Industrial. He went on to explain that the City �vould be accepting a �iability if we.agree to develop a Nature Center. It's too difficult to get monies within our Budget for the things we need no�a,.without adding another expense. Mr. IVagar said that we'd have a 120 acre zoo. He sta�ed that he's had a tremendous number of phone calls supporting the golf course. He felt tliat it is the desire oi the residents to install a golf course. � rir. Peterson said t}iat he wasn't ready to take a stand. He has mixed feelings about , the development. U►.i.th b2a,vc, S�,imrn.2vc, and wa atc va�i.rig aye, and Pe.t�san a6s.tcc,i.ru:y2g, �he Ato,t,i_an ecvvc.i.ed � � ADJOURNMENT� T R1v�,i.an �� PP.��U5U�1� Secanded by Lvagcuc, �a ac{�awcn �lte rne�t,i,rig ct,t 9:45 p.m. �' Tlle next regular meeting will be held on I�londay, Ai�rch 25 1974 at 7:30 .m. in the , , P , � Community Room of Fridlev " vic Center. . Respectfully submitted, CA'I' lZE ST'UftDr�FtL S cr�.ta to th� C mntission ' � 1 , � RESOLUTION N0. � APPOINTING, RF.�PPOINTING AND CONFIRMING EXISTING APPOIN'I�IF.NTS TO CO'�MISSIONS, BOARDS, CO'�i IITTEES AND SUBCOM�4IT'I'EES FOR THE .YF�R 1974 ti1��FRE1�S, the City Council appoints several Commissions, Boards, Subcommittees, and Committees to perf.orm functions outlined and authorized by Ordinance and Resolution; and Wf3�I�AS, a review of vacancies and reappointments are to be conducted in April of each year and new appointments and reappointments can be made at that time ; and VVf�FtEA.S, extension of some appointments are sometimes necessary to insure � continuity in membership of such'Boards, Conunissions and Committees when certain extensions of appointments are deemed essential to efficiency; ' NOj-V Ti-IEI2EFORE, the follotving appointments and reappointments are confirmed, made or extended by the City Council of the City of Fridley, as of April 4, 1974, or effective date as indicated. General Chairman Chairman, Plats � Subs Chairman, Building Standards Chairman, Board of Appeals Chairinan, Parks �, Rec. i � � MAYOR PRO TII�I Councilman Everett Utter 6084 tiNoody Lane N. E. PLANNING COMMISSION (Ordinance #348) PRES�NT AND NEINLY APPOINTED OR REAPPQINI'�D M�ZBERS Fdward Fitzpatrick 5273 Horizon Drive (H.560-5318) Richard Harris 6200 Riverview Terrace N. E. (H.560-2491) Hubert Lindblad 160 Crown Road (H.560-5148) William Drigans 1280 Hathak�y Lane (H.788-1930)(B.543-2851-4210) Donald Blair 206 Rice Creek Boulevard (H.786-1787)(B.421-7600) TERM EXPIRES 4-1-76 4-1-76 4-1-77 4-1-76 4-1-75 MIl�IBER REPLACED Reappointed � r I ' Resolution No._ Page 2 , SUB-COMMITTEES OF PLANNING COMMISSION �N PRESENT �'�ID N�WLY APPOINTED TERM ', , OR REAI'POINTL:D M�fi1BERS EXPIRES MF.��BER REPLACED Plats and Suvdivisions - Streets and Utilities (3 Year Term - 5 Members)(Chapter 201) ' Chairman Richard Harris 4-1-76 6200 R_iverview Terrace N. E. (H.560-2491) ' Joe Christensen 4-1-76 460 = 67th Avenue N. E. ' (H. 560-3041) George Meissner 4-1-7? Reappointed , 376 Mississippi Street (H.560-1026)(B.456-2320) , Richard D. French 4-1-75 1469 Gardena Avenue N. �. (H.788-5425)(B.560-9201x485) ' William J. Forster 4-1-75 7539 Tempo Terrace (H.784-8360)(B.786-6322) , Building Standards - Design Control (3 Year Term - 5 Members)(Cnapter 208) Chairman Hubert Lindblad 4-1-77 Reappointed 160 Crown Road (H.560-5148) Wayne Simoneau 4-1-75 465 57t1i Place N.E. (H.560-5268)(B.332-8991) � Ward 1 Pat Cariolano 4-1-75 6040 5th Street N.E. (H.560-2765) . Ward 2 . William R. Tonco 4-1-76 5925 Haclanann Avenue (H.788-2852) , Ward 3 Helen Treuenfels 4-1-76 5248 �-Iorizon Drive N. E. � (H.560-5907) � ' . Resolution No. Page 3 SUB-COMMITTEES OF PLANNING CONID4ISSION PRESF:NT AND NE�VLY APPOINTED TERM OR RE�PPOINI'ED A7Il�IBER E?�PIRES Board of Appeals (3 Year Term - S Members)(Chapter 205.081) Chairman William Drigans 4-1-76 1280 FIathaway Lane (H.788-1930)(B.545-2851x4210) Patricia Gabel 4-1-76 5947 2 z Street (H.784-7595) � Virginia jtiTahlberg 4-1-75 1452 Windemere Drive (H.788-3318) James P1emel 4-1-77 6864 Channel Road (H.784-1458) Harry Crowder 4-1-75 146 - 63rd Way (H.560-5821) MIl��BER REPLACED Reappointed Parks and Recreation Conunission (3 Year Term - 5 Members)(Chapter 101) Chairman Donald Blair 4-1-75 206 Rice Creek Blvd. (H.786-1787)(B.421-7600) Harvey Wagar 4-1-77 Reapgointed 5940 Stinson Blvd. (H.788-4660) Shirley Caldwell 5874 Haclrniann Avenue N. E. (H.788-6973) Robert Peterson 480 Rice Creek Boulevard (H.784-8278) 4-1-77 4-1-76 !�i�l� �� Resolution No. Page 4 � � HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE (Resolution #271-1964) PRESENT MI�IBERS , EXPIRES N�ER REPLACED WARD 1 Katherine Moss 4-1-76 1021 Rice Creek Blvd. (H.560-1342) Rena Vizenar 4-1-75 Gene Gustafson 5851 4th Street N. E. (H.561-3674) Carolyn Rouse 4-1-77 Reappointed 210 Rice Creek Blvd. � (H.786-7132) tiVARD 2 Karen Packer 4-1-75 1088 Haclanann Circle • (H.788-4335) . Dan Fish 4-1-76 7501 Lakeside Road N. E. (H.786-5127) Barbara J. Shea 4-1-77 Robert L. Erickson 1456 Windemere Drive � (H.7$8-2977) WARD 3 Ina Prieditis 4-1-76 b031 Benjamin Street (H.788-7230) Richard Mengelkoch 4-1-77 Adolph Kukowski 70 - 70th tiVay N. E. (H.784-2285) Chairman Harold Belgum 4-I-7S 191 Hartman Circle (H.786-1191) AT LARGE Allan Rudolph 4-1-75 Sister Paula Ripple 1016 I�aclanann Circle (H.788-5324) Leonard V. Lind 4-1-76 � lti'lC1 - 75th �venue N. E. � (H.784-4367) Joyce Benson 4-1-76 6025 McKinley Street � (H.789-3474) Arvid Hansen 4-1-75 1318 Hillcrest Drive (H.788-0500) � � Grace Lynch 4-1-77 Rev. Douglas Henderson 580 54th Avenue N. E. � (H.560-9589) � Harriet I-Iudrlik 4-1-77 Eileen Stenberg 5502 Regis Tril � (H.788-5479) . HTGH SCIl00L Nicole Nee 1974/1975 Reappointed STUDENT 219 Logan Parkway (H.78�-7595) , . � Resolution No. Page 5 PRESENT AND NEWLY APPOIi�1TED TERM OR R�PPOINTED D�1I3ER EXPIRES POLICE CO���ISSION (3 Year Term - 3.Members)( Chapter 102) Dan J. Sullivan 4-1-76 - ll61 Regis Lane (H.788-2294) Don Cisar 4-1-75 540 Cheri Circle (H.560-4894) . 4-1-77 M�4BER REPLACED Ei�1VIR0,'W�NTAL QUALITY COMNIISSION (7 Members - 3 Year Term) (Chapter 121) At Large James Langenfeld 4-1-76 Chairman 79 63? Way N. E. (H.560-1969)(8.827-2811) WAIt� 1 Robert L. Erickson 5950 Benjamin Avenue N.E. (H.789-0365) Shirley Kennedy 6857 7th Street (H.560-�018) WAKD 2 Roger Kaye, Jr. 585 Rice Creek Terrace (H.560-1751)(B:861-4507) WARD 3 LeeAnn Sporre 301 Ironton Street (H.786-4237) Mary Ntartin 133 Stonybrook �ti'ay N. E. (H.784-8770) 0 4-1-77 4-1-75 4-1-77 4-1-76 4-1-75 4-1-76 Ronald F. Burton �� ' Resol.ution No. Page 6 ' � � PRESENT AND NL�4VLY APPOINTED TERM OR REAPPOINTED MEMt3�RS EXPIRES MF.�ZBER REPLACED i30ARD OI IILALTH (3 Year I'erm - 3 Members) (Chapter 112 Health llr. C. E. Turbak Officer 23 Rice Creek �ti'ay N. E. (H.560-1470)(B.560-2820) Dr. Donald L. Wright 101 Logan Parkway Public Harvey J. McPhee ' Health 3463 Zarthan Avenue South Sanitarian St. Louis Park, 55416 ' ' 4-1-76 4-1-76 4-1-76 FRIDLEY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPi�'I�\�I' CO��IISSION (no date of expiration or specific nwnber of inembers esignated) Chairman Donald R. Mittelstadt Don Wall 6940 f�ickory Drive 6950 hiashington Street (H.784-9172) (H.560-2272) L. E. Torrey Midland Cooperatives I.694 at Main Street (H.561-2565)(B.560-4100) Gus Doty 175 Logan Parkway (H.784-7893) Jim Stafford 805 - 502 N. E. (H.788-7632) Robert H. Schroer 490 Rice Cxeek Blvd. �(H.784-9231)(8.786-6620) George Zeglen 841 Rice Creek (H.560-5046) Robert M. Pierce 609 Benn�tt Drive (II.560-3650) Ray Sheridan 1301 Hillwind Road (H.788-6130) Dick Harris 6200 Riverview Terrace (H.560-2491) Robert Peterson 4�0 Rice Creek Boulevard (H.784-8278) Robert White 7380 Concerto Curve (H.784-1355) Duane Prairie 489 Rice Creek Terrace (H.560-3993) Gerald W. Tjader 6563 Fridley Street (H.784-0102) L � � � C I , C ' � Resolution No. Page 7 PIZESENT Ai�iD NEWLY APPOIN'I'ED TERM , OR I2�PPOINTED r�ERS EXPIRES FRIDLEY HOUSING ANl) REllEVELOPMENT AUTf-IORITY (5 Year Terms, Chairman Stan W. Carlson 6-9-74 - 6219 Baker Street (H.560-2046) M. Mahurin 6-9-75 6378 Dellwood Drive (H.784-9186) �'astor Arnold Stone 6-9-78 6950 Hickory Drive . (H.784-9394) Jerry Orton 6-9-7b 7418 Stinson Boulevard (H.786-8855) Russell Houck 6-9-77 750 Overton Drive (H.560-3249) MIl�7BER REPLACED Reappointed ANOhA COUi�1TY LAtiV rNFORC�fi�'VT COUNCIL (1 Representative and 1 Alternate ' Tim Bre�der, Representative 12-31-74 Reappointed Everett Utter, Alternate 12-31-74 Reappointed � � SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY (1 Member and l Alternate) � Everett Utter, Member 12-31-74 Reappointed t�Valt Starwalt, Alterria.te 12-31-74 Reappointed NORTH SU$URBAN SE�VER SERVICE BOARD REPRESENTATIVE (1 Representative) Walt Starwalt, Representative 12-31-74 Reappointed � MAYOR AND COUNCIL'S REPIt�SENT'ATIVE TO Tf� CIIl�N�ER OF COI�RCE (1 Year Term) Walt Starwalt, Representative 12-31-74 Reappointed � �' ' � MAYOR AND COUNCIL'S REPRESENTATIVE TO TI-iE �1NOKA COiJNTY ASSN. OF MUNICIPALITIES Frank Liebl, Representative 12-31-74 Reappointed METRO RATE AiJ'I'tIORITY (1 Director to be on the Board of Directors ' William J. Nee, Director �F Resolution No. Page 8 PASSLD AND ADOPTED BY TI-I� CITY COUNCIL OF TI-IE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1974. _ ATTEST: i�1ARVIN C. BRUNSELL - CITY CLERK 0 FRANK G. LIEBL - MAYOR � V � � RESOLUTION 0 � BE IT R.ESOLVED that the City of Fridley enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota, DepartMent of Highways for the following pur- poses, to-wit: � To install. a traffic signal with street lights at the inter- 1 section of Trunk Highway No. 65 and 73rd Avenue Northeast, in accordance with �greement No. 57b�+2, a capy of which was before the Council. 8E IT FURTHEFt i?.ESOLVED that the proper City officers are hereby authorized to execute such agreement, and thereby assume for and on behalf of the City all of the contractual obligations contained therein. CF�i.TIFICI�TION State of Minnesota County of Anoka City of Fridleg I hereby certa.fy that the foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the Council of the City of Fridley at a duly authorized raeeting thereaf held on the day o� 1974, as shown by the minutes of said meeting :i.n my posses5ion. �City Seal) � City Clerk 14 14 A MINNESOTA HIGli��AY DEPARTI�IENT `TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL AGREF.��NT N0. 7� b42 HETWEEN THE STATE OF MII���ESOTA, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHGaAY5 AND THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA FOR Installation of a Traffic Control Signal at the antersection of Trunk Highway No. 65 and 73z'd Avenue Northeast in Fridl�, Minnesota. s .P , 02o7-3z Prepared t�y Traffic Engineeri.ng INDEX ITEM ALLOT. F.Y. FUND � ESTIMATED AMOUNT RECEIVABLE • AMOUNT TO 8E ENCUMBERED Citv of Fridle,g $31 8�.00 None I � � THI.S AGREE.MENT ma,de and entered into by and be�ween the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways, hereinafter referr�d to as the "State", and 14B � the City of Fridley, herei.nafter referred tc as the."City", WITNESSETH: WI-IEREAS, it is considered mutually desirable to install a new traffic signal with street lights at the intersection of Trunk Hi�hway No. 65 �a 73rd Avenue Northeast in the City, and WI�REAS, the City snd State will share in the cost, maintenance and operation of the new signal with street lights as hereinafter set forth; NC��J, THEREFORE, IT IS AGHELD AS FOLLO'�dS: 1. The State sha11 prepare the necessar�r plans, specifications and proposal� and shall perform the en�ineering and inspection required to complete the items of work hereinafter set forth. Such work as descrihed immediately above sha11 cor�stitute "Engineering and Inspection" and be so re— ferred to hvreinafter. 2. The contract cost of the work or, if the Urork is not contracted, the cost of a1Z Iabor, materiaZs, and equipmsnt rental required to complete the work, except the cost of providir.g the power supply to the service pole, shall constitute the actual "Construction Cost" and shall be so referred to hereinafter. 3. The State shall install or cause the instal.lation of an actuated traffic signal with overhead and pedestrian indications and street lights on Trunk Highway No. 65 at 73rd Avenue Northeast. Estimated Construction Cost $70,000. City�s share iifty percent. 57642 —1— 14C 1�. Upon completion of the work provided for in paxagraph 3 hereof the City shall pay to the State the City�s share of the Construction Cost plus 6 percent of such share as the City's share of the cost of Engineering and Tnspection. The State shall pay any remaini.ng costs. 5. The City shall install or cause the insta�.lation of an adequate electrical po�aer suppl,y to the service pole or cabinet including any necessary extensions of power lines, and upan completion of said signal with street light installation shall provide neeessarg electrical power for its operation at the cost and expense of tl-ie Czty. 6. Upon completion of the work contemplated herein, the State shall maintax.n and keep in repair the traffic signal,.except for relamping, cleaning and painting at its cost and expense; and the City shall maintain the street lights, relamp, clean and paint the signal at its cost and expense. 7. Any and all persons engaged in the aforesaid work to be performed by the State sha].l not be considered employees of the City, and any and all claims that may or might arise under the Workmen�s Compensation Aet of this State on behalf of said employees while so engaged, and any and all claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said employees ��h�le so engaged on any of the work contemplated herein sha]1 not be ths obli�ation and responsibility of the City. The State shall not be responsible under the Workmen�s Compensation Act for any employees of the City. £�. All timing of all traffic control signals provided for h�erein shall be determined by the State, through 'its Commissioner of Highways, and no changes shall be made therein except with the approval of the State. 576k2 -2- � �� APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney CITY OF FRIDLEY � Mayor (City Seal) $Y A�a.nager STATE OF P�'iZIJNESOTA RECOt��9ENDED FOR APPROVAL: �Y Dzputy Commissioner of Highways District Engine�r Department of Highwags Traffic Engi.neer Departmen� of Highways APPROVED: Dated: APl'AOVED: DEPAR.Ti�IENT OF AD�4INISTRATION: . Assistant Corrunissioner Design and Right of Way Dated: Department of Highways APPROVED AS TO FORM AND EXECUTION: Special Assistant Attorney General State of Minnesota I � � � � 57642 -3- 14 D RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING MUNICIPAL STATE AID HIGHWAYS (MAIN STREE'T FROM OSBORNE ROAD TO 79TH AVENUE N.E.) - WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of Fridley that the street hereinafter described should be designated a Municipal State Aid Street under the provisions of Minnesota Laws of 1967, Chapter 162. NOt9, THEREFORE, BE TT.RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley that the street described as follows, to-wit: . Main Street - Osborne Road to 79th Avenue N.E. be, and hereby is established, located, and designated a Municipal State Aid Street of said City subject to the approval of the Com- missioner of Highways of the State of Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Highways for his consideration, and that upon his approval of. the designation of said road or portion thereof, that same be constructed, improved and maintained as a D9unicipal State Aid Street of the City. of Fridley; to be known as Municipal State Aid Street 334. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF ATTEST: 1974. City Clerk - �larvin C. Brunsell CERTIFICATION Mayor - Frank G. Liebl 0 I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a Resolution duly passed, adopted and approved by the City Council o� said City on , 1974. � • . (Seal) � � City Clerk - Marvin C. Brunsell City of Fridley County of Anoka � i � I � � � �� � � � � e I � � w � -J� - , � �� �: �� t� �_ � 1 � �; R�� ���� t � �, . -� -'�{-�.; �� : ,!r '";T: "j " - �Y O�G FRIDLEY � `�' � � �1 �.w�n� j ���' r.... ...._ �...�1 e� e^� `7- """' .. _ .. _ � -^ s, { �'.. if' � - __ ,� 3 .2 _ � \\ '� ��� �' - ��I- t�. ! �` . ......� _ ' ^ e \ � � 4..,, �. � , �"� � -� ; �.� ,� � � ; '��'; , , .. ! . � � �: ' s '"a . � �. � % � ! . �, 1 t I� 'KEI. \,� i"�M. J .I �'�� �1�_�� 1� �`-.�!��.i� �.'..�LL r-�} 1 L .. .' T• A. �y� r , 1 . �-� � ��. �' � s_ f � .�_ r E � ' � d� 1 � _� f , . � ` T' F �.�� 1°.. i-- � i �, �� � � � I a"� ` ,� // IF �' k.� 1 r .� L ;+ i 1 7 �__ � ..' � � � �. \ � - � .�,+�� ,! ` �.� �!,� . -- C � . �;,- i � , . .- i i - Y- � L . :�k�'--t � . i!' �� `�/ � > >`�C �.,, - i� 1 i � I -. - -_ � �'. 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'' � _ . � �� � � � i �0 ,��,� --- ; ���T�1,� _- _ : ���- _ � ! - �� - , , `� _T(1 _ - _ , � , a \�__ r , � _ ��-1 �� �--- _ ' _ _ � �, . _ -� �, ` ��- �� - -�= -- � - .M,— � ��, j = _ _= ` I =_.. .. , \ v � 1 f ___� ' I ' ._ - i =- : i i _._ - . c - �I I, ,i � �, _ - ' - - � ,�' � --�1ir ��� _ � - - � � __ �� i - � I n! - • � ' __ - _ ! �� `,.i; j . ri _ i _ - ---- ' � - � --y�.l.'���_ E - _ ---. .... f 1 � �i--- � - _ -_� . - ._ .. -= ' . __ €. •� I • / �.•{,� i-' - � $TREET MAP-CITY OF _ �� � �II ,!� �� - _�� ; IFRIi�L�Y __ =; _ _ � �—.--L _.�,L"�_..�"_ -- - --. �..._ ��:..t �� �_.. :, � :w :: .. Mr f.:�i[ � r .�w I �._ _ 1 • _ _ _ w v. � � . � -.� .. A 1 ! _. A 8 � 6 • 15 A APPOINTP�IENT OF CITY EMPLOYEE: ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICER NAME Steven J. Olson 3421 2nd Avenue Sout:i Minneapolis,�P1innesota u POSITION SALARY Environmental $941/Month Officer � Community Development Division, Engineering Department 16 REPLACES EFFECTIVE DATE New April 1, 1974 LIST OF LiCENSES TO BE APPROVED QY THE CITY C�UPdCIL AT THE P1EETI�d� �� P1ARCH 18, 7974 � � . l8 TYPE O�' LICENSES - RENE4�IALS BY APPROVED BY FEE � ^ � EP1PLOYEE DISP�NSIN� � Bernadine Jane Peterson-(New) Ground Round Public Safety Director $ S.OQ 1170 52nd Avenue NE #7 � P1i nneapol i s � DELIVERY TRUCK � American Linen Supply Co. James D. Pratt Public Safety Director 10.00 700 Industrial Boulevard P�i nneapol i s � � � CIGARE7TE � F'ridley A&!�l Donald P. Tarasar Public Safet,y Director 12.00 7429 East River Road � Fridley . Barry Blo�ver D. K. Carter Compan,y Public Safety Director 12.00 99 77th 41ay NE � � Bob's Produce P,anch Robert Schroer Public Safety Director 12.00 � 7620 University Avenue � Brook's Superette �15 Srooks Hauser Public Safety Director 12.00 1042 Osborne Road � Burger King �`231 Burger King Cornoration Public Safety Qirector 12.00 6410 University Avenue � Central Embers, Inc. Central Embers, Tnc. Public Safet,y Director 12.00 5400 Central Avenue � Chanticlear Pizza Richard A. Kemne Public Safe�y Direct�or 12.00 6304 Hi ght��ay 65 � � Club 47 Robert E. Snyder Publ�i� Safety Directar 12.00 6061 Universiiy Avenue � Country Club P1arket Country C1ub P�arket, Inc. Public Safety Director 12.00 6275 Nighway 65 _ Country Kitchen hlicholas A. Funaro � Public Safety Director 12.00 � 280 57th Place � CU6 Jack Hooley Public Safety Director 12.00 ' � 2�50 Osborne Road � Dave's Texaco David Haugen Public Safet,y Director 12.00� � 6301 Hi�h�r�a,y 65 . Dealers P1anufaciurinci S�rVend, Incorporated Public Safety Directar 12.00 5130 h1ai n Street . , ' - Contin�ed (�) � LIST OF LICENSES TO QE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THE PIEETIN� OF PIARCH 18 TYPE OF LICENSES - RENEI�IALS BY APPPOVED BY FEE � CIG ETTE o ' u AR C nt7 n ���} i Fireside Rice Bowl Glenn F. t�long Public Safety Director �12.00 744Q Central Avenue � Fridley Food Market John A. Rieck Public Safetv Director 12.00 8154 East River'Road � � Fridley Terrace, Inc. �erald E. Toberman Public Safety Qirector 12.00� 7400 Highway 65 Frontier Club Marlene Ann Pavlitzki Public Sa�ety Direcior 24.00 � 7365 Central Avenue Holiday Village North Erickson arothers Public Safe�y Direc�or 12.00 � 250 57th Avenue Holiday Village North Canteen Co. of Phinn. Public Safety Qirector I2.pQ 1 250 .57th Avenue. Noliday Service Station C�n�ra1 Service Company Public Safety Director 12.OQ � 5807 University Avenue Ho��ies Robert E. Gorrell Public Safet,y Directar 12.00 24Q P1ississippi Street � �Jimbo's Pizza James Schooley Public Safet,y Direct;or 12,00 248 Mississippi Street � K. C. Hall Chester P1ichurshi Public Safe�,v Director 24.00 6831 Hi ghsA�ay 65 �� Kentucky Fried Chicken Carl Beaudey Pub1ic Safety Director 12.U0 7510 University Avenue � Kurt P�anufacturing SirVend, Incor�orated f�ublic Safety Director 12,00 5280 P1ai n Street � LaMaur, Incorporated Pioneer bistributing Co. Public Safetv Director i2.00 5601 East River Road � Larry's Champlin Sunerette Larrv L. Ludford Public Safetv Director 12.00 7298 Fii gh��vay 65 P1ap1 e Lanes P1oore t•Jay Vendi ng Publ i c Safety Di rector 12.00 � 6310 Highway 65 � P4idland Co-op Pioneer Distributing Ca. Public Safety Director 12.00 �' � I-694 & P1ai n Street � Minco Products Canteen Co. Of P9inn, Inc. Public Safety Director 12.00 7300 Conunerce Lane � �Mr. Steak Robert Schachtschneider Public Safet,y Direcior 12.00 I , 5895 University Flvenue Continued (Z) • � LIST OF LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THE P4EETING OF P9ARCH 18, 1 18 $ TYPE OF LICENSES - RENEt�lALS BY APPROVED BY FEE CIGARETTE (Continued) Moore Lake Union 76 Lee R. Haugen 5695 Hackmann Avenue PDQ Food Store PDQ Food Sto�°es of P�inn. 620 Osborne F�oad Penny's Super Plarket � P�arion Levine 6540 University Avenue Phillips f6 Pioneer Distributing Co. 5667 University Avenue Public Safety Director $72.00 Public Safety Director Publ�c Safety Director Public Safety Director Phillips 66 Pioneer Dis�ributing Co. Public Safety Director 6500 University Avenue Pol l i es Franci s L. P�ager° 6225 Highway 65 Railroad Access. Co. Gris�vold Coffee Gompany 4650 P�ain Stree� Rapid Shop Superette Rober� S. Hansen 6530 East River� Road � Reserve Supply Company SirVend, Incorr�ora�ed 5170 Main Street Ron's Standar� O�il Raland Cox 6490 University Avenue Russ's Superette Russell Paan� 6253 University Avenue� Snyder's Drug Store, Inc Snyder's Drug Stare 6582 University Avenue Target Food Stores Jonathan Stores, Inc. 755 53rd Avenue Target Stores Headqrts. Vendmark, Incorporated 1080 73rd Avenue , Tom Thumb Food Plarket Tom Thumb Markets, Inc. 315 Osborne Road To�vn�Crier Pancake House Craig J. Vargo 7730 University Avenue tdestern Station 4lestern Stores Div. 7600 University Avenue Zapata's Zapata Restaurant 5905 Univer$ity Avenue ' - Public Safetv Direcior Publ i c Safetv f�i recto�° 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 �z.00 Public Safety Director 12.00 Public Safety �irector 12.Q0 Publ i c Safe�y Di rer.tor Publ � c Safet,y Ui rec�or Pub7ic Safety Director �2.00 12.p0 12.00 Public Safety Direct:or . 12.00 Public Safety Director 12.00 Public Safetv Director Public Safety Director Publ i c Safet,y Di rectoi� Public Sa�fetv Direc�or 12.00 12.00 12.D0 12.00 LIST OF LICENSES TO 6E APPROVED QY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THE P�1EETING OF P1ARCH 18, 1 1$ C 7YPE OF LICENSES - RENE6•IALS BY OFF SALE BEER Bab's Produce Ranch Robert Schroer 7620 University Avenue Brook's Superette #15 Brooks Hauser 1042 Osborne Road APPROVED QY FEE Public Safety Director $15.00 Public Safety Director 15.00 Country Club Plarket Country C1ub P1arkei, Inc. Public Safe�y Director 15.00 6275 Hi gliGVay 65 CUB CU6, Thcorporated 250 Osborne Road Fri dl e,y Food tlarket John A. Ri ech 8154 East River Road Holiday Village North Erickson Brothers 250 57th Avenue Larry's Champlin Superette Roy L. Rudford 7298 Hi gh4vay 65 PDQ Food Store PDQ Food Stores of P1inn. 620 Osborne Road Penny's Super Plarket Penn-Fridley, Inc. 6540 University Avenue Rapid Sho� Sunerette • Robert Hansen 6530 East River Road Russ's Si�perette Russell Paone 6253 University Nvenu� Publ i c Safet,y Di rector 15. 00 Public Safety Director 15.00 Pub1ic Safety Director 15.00 Puk�l i c Safety Di rector 15. OQ Public Safety Director Publ i c Safet,y Di rector Publ i c Safety Qi rector Public Safety Director 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 Snyder's Drug Store Snyder's Drug S�:ores, Inc. Public Safety Director 15.00 6582 Un�versity Avenue Target Food Store Jonathan Stores, Ir,c. 755 53rd �ivenue Tom Thumb Food Plarket � Tom Thumb Plarket, Inc 315 Osborne Road 6destern Station Western Stores Div. Cont. Oil 7600 University Avenue LIVESTOCY, Dennis DeMars Dennis.DeP1ars 8340 Easi River Road Audrey Theilmann Audrey 7heilmann 1540 Rice Creek Road Publ i c Safet,y Di rector 15.00 Public Safety Director 15.00 Public Safety Director Biai 1 di ng I ns{�ector Building Inspector 15.00 5.00 25.00 LIST OF LICENSES TO QE APPROVED BY TNE CITY C�UPJCIL AT THE P1EETING �F PIARCN 18, 1974 18 D 7YPE OF LICE�dSES GARBAGE PICKUP Guy's Disposal (Ne��) Route 1, Box 29 Stacy :' Leander J. Herbst (5) APPROVED BY Public Safety Director, Health Inspector FEE $25.00 ESTIP�IATES FOR Ci�UNCIL CONSIDERATLON - MARCH 18, i974 Smith, Juster, Feikema, Haskvitz and Casserly Builders Exchange Building Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Attorney's fees for District Court Litigation re Columbia Heights Police Relief Association Comstock & Davis, Inc. Consulting Engineers 1446 County Road "J" Minneapolis, P1innesota 55432 PARTIAL Estimate No. 1 for professional Enqineering Services for planning Sanitary Sewer, Water & Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 114 $ 1,457.63 $ 14,720.00 J �A �TATEMENT SMITH, JUSTER, FEIiCEMA, HASKVITZ and CASSERLY ATTORNEYS AT LAUI BUILDERS EXCHANGC 6LDG. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 339•1481 � City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue NE Fridley, Minnesota 55432 � SUBURBAN OFFICES OSS E O FRIDLEY � J RL H PLEASE RETVRN THIS PORTION WITM YOUR PAYMENT DATE o o � • 9ALANCE FORWARDED FROM LAST STATEMENT 3/8/74 Attorneys' fees for District Court litigation re Columbia Heights Police Relief Association $2,359.26 $2,359.26 less previous payment 901.63 Balance remaining to be paid $1457.63 i Ci::C�� i � L.°t�'��i '` ... . � � - i; � � :.t ,. c'3i:�il:.'^' t;i�7! C ,� ;'a rt ;p� � 1�.e.Ct '.:1 it,Ut � o t � ': , �:� j1 , _��.. .��Y _� :�:.�� �,.�' !�i't:ti:li"t; Gi l.i�MS t;:;:li SMITH, JUSTER, FEIKEMA, HASKVITZ nNO CASSERLY ATTORNEYS AT lAW ;�:; isi �ox � . l� � � � WVMAN SMITH � LEONARD T.JUSTER HENRY H. FEIKEMA RONA�D L. HASKV172 JAMES R. GASSERLY CARI J. NEWQUIST � MARK E. HAGGERTY ALVIN 5. MALMON IRVING JUSTER OFCOUNSEL � lAW OFFfCES . � _ SMITH, cTUSTER, FEIgEMA, HASKVITZ 8c CASSERLY � - City of Fridley � . 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55432 J Attention: Nasim Qureshi Dear Nasim: CHARTERED March 6, 1974 SUITE 1250 BUILDERS EXCHANGE BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 TELEPHONE 339-14B1 FRIDL6Y OFFICE 6441 UNIV6RSITY AVENUE N. E. FRIDIEY, MINNESOTA 55432 TELEPHONE560-6870 � With regard to the question you had concerning the attorneys' fees for the police pension question I have the following information. Initial7y research was done solely for the City of Fridley on the question of the availability � of PERA as an alternative to the Police Relief Association fund. Attorneys' fees in the amount of $850 were charged to the City and paid by the City for this research. � � Subsequent thereto litigation developed between the City of Columbia Heights and the Columbia Heights Police Relief Association. The City of Fridley has participated in tha� litigation which has been completed, however, the decision is pending before the Anoka County District Court at the present time. The total attorneys' fees charged � the Anoka County proceedings were billed to the City of Fridley and �� � � LJ by this office for the representation in $3,429. Of this amount $2,359.26 have been $1,069.74 to the City of Columbia Heights. In addition I contacted Ron Kalina, the attorney for Columbia Heights, and he advises me that he has billed the City of Columbia Heights to date the sum of $1600 for the police pension litigation and that he anticipates an additional billing of $200. According to my computations this would mean that the City of Columbia Heights would have incurred legal fees for the District Court litigation in the approximate amount of $2700, while the City of Fridley would have incurred attorneys' fees for such lit'igation in the amount af $2,359.26. If you have any additional questions concerning the matter do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience. There remains�to be paid the sum of $1,457.53 by the City of Fridley to this law firm for attorney's fees involved in the , � _ . • � .,� � 1 � , � � , , � � , , , ' � ' , Nasim Qureshi Page Two March 6, 1974. litigation as more specifically set out in my letter of February 15, 1974. This amount is of course included within the total of $2,359.26 referred to above. RLH:nIh cc: Wyman Smith � o s truly, /, r r � � 1:�,1 �� Ron 1� L. Haskvitz � .=�C �C CHARLES R.WEAVER HERMAN L.TALLE VIRGII G. HERRICK ROBERT MUNNS JAMES D. GIBBS WIILiAM K. GOODRICH THOMAS A.GEDDE JEFFREY P, HICKEN City of Fridley 'M LAW OFFICES WEAVER, TALLE & HERRICK March 18, 1974 316 EAST MAIN STREET ANOKA� MINNESOTA 55303 a21-5413 8279 UNIVERSITV AVENUE N.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 _ 560-3650 � FIRST STATE BANK BUILDING COON RAPIDS,MINN.55433 755-1330 Febru�ry Retainer $1,000.00 Counc i I tr3eet i ngs 12 hours P��eet i ng �,r i th Staff 4; hours �leeting with �ept. Heads h1ee�ing with Charter Commissionl2 hours & prepara�ion therefore 3 hours Re: (nititive Petition 2 hours Re: Suburb�n Engineering 1 hour St, Project 103 Re: PSI - St. Proj. 103 1 hour 2S hours Secretaria) Allowance .► 100.00 TOTAL ......................$1,100.00 a 1 ' bSED10 T0: Nasim �f. Qureshi, City Manager D9EI�10 FROM; Richard N. Sobiech, Assistant Engineer � 1 � �J � ' ' ' t ' DATE: Dlarch 18, 1974 S UBJECT: Installation of Street Lights on Fairmont Circle N.E. As requested by the City ;�fanagsr's office, the Engineering Department investigated the possibility of installing street lights in the referenced area. The Fairmont Circle area is a r�latiuel.y new residential development with approximately 11 out of a possible 18 homes constructed. Prior to development o£ the area, no street lights were warranted. Hawev�r, with the develapment nearing com�letion, street.lights are now needed. The Engineering Department recom- mends that to remain consistent with other areas of the City in providing a safe environment for al� residents of Fridley, the inst�.11ation o£ the street lights be approved. Northern States Power Company, upon approval of the insta2.lation, ivi11 be contacted and informed to proceed with acquisition of necessary easements and preparation of plans for i.nstallation of the two lights required (see attached map). If appraved, it is anticipated the lights will be in operation in approximately four weeks. R�IS/pl Attachment �� �'� y ��.,,, . ichard N. Sobiech , _ ' . 0 - ::1:- , yrr...,i•/.;. � i t..% yY�` 0 r_'.i.. .: �.� r _-_.; �_ , ., i .:. ��• �'u�.; �:�. :: �iv�� S _ 1 r (os:iJ/ ; � — •-�' w. _ � ji.. . � . ''os rii.• , � . 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'rn. _ �-�� � • �� �-' .�� :.���� c. )��`v. �� �(1���\�� � �� �` � . 1� •I� �� � N'�t. � L� ' REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE IN BACK YARD SETBACK FROM 25 FEET TO 20 FEET TO ALLOW THE CON5TRUCTIDN OF A DWELLING ON LOT 1� BLOCK 7, INNSBRUCK , NORTH ADDITION, THE SAME BEING 1412 NORTH INNSBRUCK DRIVE, REQUE5T BY MR. CURTIS JOHNSON, 2300 WILSON 5T. N. E., MINNEAPOLIS. LJ ' L_.J , CI ' � , r � ,� ��� � � �� � . � � � � APPLICATIOFd FOP, USF� CAR LOT LICEfJSE City of Fridley 6437 University Avenue PlE 55432 tJAME OF APPLICANT /��.�.� �/_ ,�CJ/s tr �� � � // L % ', ' HOP1E ADDRESS 3��� s� • r- _ ��3�,��,..5-`-:�i� �.,.,.,.�� ;_s'33 7 PHONE NUP4BER �F � �- 3c s v U<S. CITIZEN �_S- AGE Z� ' BUSINESS NAP�1E � /���f-�, � � 1-„, �. ' uc�.� ' BUSINESS ADDRESS _ 7395 HiQhway 65 55432 `"''"� ' BUSINESS PHONE NUP4BEP. . .� .. .. SIZE APJD LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LOT_� i 4�c> �,,z,.G C�� � ��� f'�t� .- I��a ( %� %G� �% �c. �_f - / .Z % d �� r �'!r Cs�s,-i.?L•..�y/t- 1=c.w+� 4�' -�� �. .� S O �ct u 5 7 trC . NUt�1BER OF CARS TO BE ACC0�70DATED ��C7 LICENSE FEE $100.00 EXP�RATIQPd DA7E Apri1 30, 1974 .�' ' ' , ' COP4i�1ENTS : ' License Number � �J �� Receipt Number � � � � � _ �--��'� `��7� , h r , f �—�. _ ��-�,- =..�'''�� C =�.� �--,--- Sic�nature o� AppTicant � '�AT& O S K�a.� �, ,, �. ,� ';�.�; ���.._\,. � %, �` ?� \ � ��A %' .�,� � �, ,�� NNr so � � � � � � CJ ' r .� ' S�l'ATE OF MINI�TL�'SOTA DI!.PAPTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVIC� C�TATE OFFICE BUILDINC� ��lINT PAIIL 55155 March 13 � i974. Mr. Frank G. Liebl, Mayor City of Fridloy 6l.4.31 Unav�rs i��r ,Pavenue N. E. Fridley, Nlinnesota 55Z1-32 Dear �ir. Lieb1: As you know, the I��ir.�.nesota Public Service Cor�,.�.ission, thraugh its Special �ssis�ant Attorne� Gene�Al, has opposed the abandonment cf railroad service bet��cen iJorth I�Tinneapolis and Fri.dley, T�innesota. The purpose of this letter is �o assure you and �roiestan�s in thir�cen oth�r proposed. rail abandon- ments th�au;hout ich� S�ate of Minne�ata of the cont3.nuing interest of the COT7T'filSSl021 in these r,zatters. Due to an injunctx�n gran�ed by a FEderal Distra.ct Court in New York, the IntErs�ate Commerce Corm�.ission is present].y r�strained from ordering the abandonm;ent. of rail,.lines � Vrithout �'irst makin.g a detailed de:t�rmination t�ri`th respect to the environmenta]. impact of tha proposed abandonm�n�. Ths Inters�ate Comrserce Commissir�n has a�pealed this rulin� to h3.�ior cour�s . Gon�ec�uenil.y, �hez�e has been l�ttle ICC acta.vity with resp�ct to pa�ndin� aba.ndonment appl.icata.ons for the past sevoral mQnths, and this sa.tuation m�.g cont�nu.o for saveral more months. When �he Inters�ate Comm�rce Cornr�iss3.on commonces abandonm�nt procee�t3n�s once again, the public Service Cor�niasion will continue to act to protect the interest of I�innesota � a sha.pping; public and otl��rs dep�ndent on rail trans por�ation. � If you have specific questions about �ha status of the proposed ab�,ndonrrient in gour area, please feQl free to direct your inquiries to the undersi�ned. � � JBV;sw � LJ cc; Senator David Representative Representative Yours yery truly, /� �r� � `'-� �'�;... ,... , .�;,. .�.�U Lawrenco J. An er n ° Director/Secretary " "'' �' D. SchaaF P auI 3�IcC arron Joe Connors � ��0 � i �i . 1 1 � � TORE #1 #2 , #3 #4 TALS , ' , � ' ' � ' • . ' . ' LIQUOR $ - 4,085.89 20,714.80 23,384.16 $ 48,784.85 0 CITY OF FRIDLEY MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORES LIQUOR SALES REPORT JANUARY 1974 BEER MIX & MISC. $ - $ - 1,920.21 122.60 9,135,93 529.11 10,572.77 672.77 $ 21,628.91 $ 1,324.48 JANUARY 1974 $ - 6,128.70 30,379.84 34,629.70 JANUARY 1973 $ 8,582.92 . 17,230.�7 17,506.21 30,032.73 $ 77,138.24 $ 73,352.73 YEAR TQ UATE 1/1f1974 - 1/31�i974 AS ASOVE � LIQUOR $ 3,875.39 22,707.92 2�,051 .61 $ 50,574.92 $ - 7 ,901 .28 43,422.72 47,435.77 $ 98,759.77 � ' � ! j ^! . . . � ._../ CITY OF FRIDLEY MUNICIPAL LIQUOR S70RES LIQUOR SALES REPORT FEBRUARY 7974 BEER $ 1,950.46 9,583.74 10,656.72 $ 22,190.92 MIX & MISC. $ 110.64 657 .21 711 .23 $ 1 ,473 .08 FEBRUARY 1974 FEQRUARY 1973 $ $ 8,424.9Q 5,876.Q9 17,078.29 32,942.57 18,174.27 35,419,56 30,612.26 $ 74,238.92 $ 74,2F9.72 YEAR TO QATE 7/7j7974 - 2/28/1974 $ - $ - $ � 3,870,67 233.24 18,779.67 7 ,1$0.32 2],229.49 1,384.00 12,005.19. 63,322.71 70,049.26 $ 17,007.82 34,309 .16 35 ,680 .48 60,644.99 $ 43,819,83 $ 2,797.56 $ 145,377.16 $ 147,642.45