09/23/1974 - 57641 1 C� � 1 �J � _� � � � � � � � � � � � � PATRICIA RANSTROM COUNCIL SECRE7ARY REGULAR COUNCIL M�ETING SEPTEMBER 23, 1974 . I , � FKILi�EY CITY COUi�CIL � REGl1LAR MEETIf�G — SEPTEMBER 23. 1974 — 7:30 P�M. 1 — — 7:38 P.ra. I PL��GE� �r ALL.EGIAI�CE: G�ven ' ' I I���OCAT I O�� : Offered by �ayor �; �u� ' - ' ' ROLL CALL: R11 p,�es�nt . 1 1 ADOPTIOi� aF AGEft�lif�; ' Adop�:ed as presented. � � VISITO�S, 1 _ � ,_ Mr. Richard Silver�stein, 66J5 Eas� hivc�r Road, questioned the method of assessi ng h7 s property i n Street Im,�rovemen�i: Pro,�ect S��. 1973-3. tFi rance Di reci-or it�et VJ1 til �1r. Si 1 v°erste�i n t� expla�i n procedures . ' Mr. Dona��ar. Schultz, i5 Rice Creek Way, protested assessment for ' sic�e yard under Str�eet Improvernent Project ST. 1973-3. � � . � . _ ' ,�.,,,�.. REGULAR MEETIitiG, SEPTEMBER 23, 1974 �L� �USIi��ESS: CONSIDERATION OF SECONb READING OF ORDINANCE FOR �ACRTIO�J RE�u�sT, Sr�l� �f74--Q�f Jar��ES LurcD, OF A�� EASEMEf�T, �iENERALLY LOCATED IN THE I�OO BLOCK BETY�EEN 73�n Av�r�u� a�D ONONDA(�A ST � P� � E� Qrdinanc� #570 ad�pted and publ�ication ordered. CONSiDEF�ATIOhd OF SECQI�D READING OF ORBI�:AI�CE Fo� R�zora � n� R�QU� sT ZOA #IG�-03, BY �rH� C I TY oF FRIDI_EY, To R�zar�� CFi�s� Isa_��c�� ��ar� CPR-2 (F�o�� P�AZ�) s� CPR-I (F�oa� ��:a�) Ordinance #571 adapter� and publication ordered. CONS I I?cRAT T Ci(� a� S�.con!ra l�E��� �� o� �r��� NArvc� ar���D � c�c� Cc�,���-EA� 405 a� 1�f���: FR I BLEY C r�r� Co�c �NT I TLED �faBL� TCLEV I S I ON FRAi�lCH I SE : R�tTE INCREASE Ordinance #572 adopted and publication ordcred aND RECEIVING LETTER OF Uh�DERSTANDING FRQM GENERAL TELEVISTON, INC� Received. PAGE 2 1 � 3-3B �EGULA� MEETING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1974 �JEW �US I �JESS : CO(�SIDERAiION OF FIRST READII�G OF AN ORDIN�f�CE AMENDING SECTIOfd ��0� OF CHAPTrR �, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, ENTITLED PERSONNEI� fiirst Reac�ing adopted. RECETViI�G TNE MIi�UTES QF TNE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY �OMMISSIOf�i MEETING OF AUGUST 2�, 1974 Received. Councilman areider noted the expenditure for the leaf composter and qt�estioned the budget amounts being lower in the area of neichborhaod par�,s and high in othep� areas. }�ECEiVIl�G TH� �'�INLITES OF THE �I�IZ:EN �If:E��AY COMMITTEE MEETIt�G Qr SEFTEMBER 4, 1a%� Received. PAGE 3 4-4A 5-5B � • ' REGULAR MEETIPdG, SEPTEMBER 23� 197� I��W l�US I��ESS iCONT I NUED) : RECEIVI[�G THE MINUTES OF Ti�� �it�ILI7If�G STNtyDARDS — DESIGt� CONTROL SU�CONiMITTEE i�iE�TI i�G o� SEP7�r���� �.2, 1974 1� REC�UEST �OR iCLANT�SCAPING A�!D F��vc� ��or��<: FRAl�K1 S �U�SERY Wi thdraw� at S�bcomn�i ttee 1 et�el � 2 e Naus� REL.00AT I O�i �u� ► o R�zo� t rs� R�QU�s�r : Hr-_�RY F o Mu�+l c� No actian necessary unt�� rezoning is approved. ' PAGE � 7-7G 3, REQUCSr To C1�NSTRUCT Pr��s� II oF IcE A���a: �e�oKA Caur�T�� Request approved with five stipu1atiot�s of Subcommittee �}� REQUEST TO CONSTRl1CT f��w Bu��..�tr��: NORTN SUBUR$A(V NQSPITAL DISTRICT Request approved with the six s�ipulatians of the subcommittee and also a seventh stipu1ation that dust abatement procedures be taken and normal regular pick �p of refuse be noted by the contractor. Min�tes Received. I � � � .��.� . �7 � KtGULAR 1�EETING, SEPTEM�ER 23, 1�74 I��W }��sl���ss (�ONTINUE.D) KEGEIVING THE MINUTES OF 7HE BOARD 0� APPEALS SUBCOM(�1I Ti'EE hIEET I NG OF SEPTEMBER IO, ��%4 PAGE 5 1� REQUEST TO REDUCE FTRST FLOOR AREA A(�D , REDt�CE SQUaR� FOOTAGE OF L�JT : HENRY D� POLSKI � AAproved. � S 0 C STRUCT A IOO SQUARE FOOT Z� REQUE T T ON WAL�. SIGiV: FRpNK�S �VURSERY ' Approved with sq��are footage to be 132 square feet. � ' � �� i�EQUEST TO r�EDt10E REAR YARD SETBACK TO ALLOW CCNSTC�UCTIO(V OF ADDITIONt ANOKA COUNTY Approved as recommended by Board of Appeals. Minutes Received. t�ECEIVING THE ���1NUi'ES OF THE PLA�VNIfVG �OMMISSION f�1�EY1�� o� SEPTEMBER ll, 1974 . . 9-9G 1� PREL.IMINARY PLAT, RICE CRE�I< ESTATES BY EDWIN C� I�ROPPS, PINETREE BUILnERS Public Hearing to be set when public hearing for pubTic utilities appear an agenda. �� REZONING REQUEST, M-1 TO R—I: NENRY MUHICH Na action r�ecessary at th�s time. � Minutes rECeive�. M �. REGU�AR MEETING, SE�TEMBER 23j 1974 iJEW BUSI�ESS C�oNT��u�D} RECE I VI f�G THE ��� 1 r�uT�s o� �rE-�� CATV �OMMISSIU� ��ETING OF SEFTEMLiER 13, 1974 Received. CONSIDERATIOf� OF A RESOLUTIOIV RECEIVING PRELIMINkRY i�EPORT A(�!D CALLIf�G A PUBLIG HEARII�G ON TH� MATTER OF CONSTk�UCTION OF CERTAIf� IMPf2oVEMENTS: STREET IMrROVEMENT PROJECT STo 1975-1 A�v� ST, 1975-2 (MS��S) Resolution #98-1974 adopted.. CO(��IDERAT'IOf� 4F A Rcsa�u�ta�v A��ROV�t�� PRELIMINAI;Y PLANS FOR THE I�PROVEh�FI�T OF IN1"ERSECTION oF T, N. #65 �T CSAN �`35 A(�D HACKMANN AVEt�IiE � Resolutian #99-1974 adopted. PAGE 6 10-10A 11-11B 12�12C REGULAR P1EETING, SEPTEMBER 23, I974 t�El�d BI�SI��ESS (Cor�-r��uED) PAGE 7 �ONSIDERI�TI4f� 0� � R�sa�.urtan! �IPPROVII�G �RELIMIfvARY �LAI�S FOR �N$�RSEC�i'ION r`�IQDIFICATIOf�iS or� T, H. #47 ��c�� I ��9� To QsBO�n�� Ro�D 13 - l3 C Resolution #100-1974 ado�ted. CONSIDERF�iTON aF A E�ESULUTIQiV CEi;TIFYING CERTAIN D�LII�'QUENT ��ATER Al�b SEWER CHARGES TO THE COUIVTY AUD I TOR FOR COLLECT I Of�! W I TH TNC 1975 TAx�s Resolution #101-1974 adonted. APPOINTME(�T5: CITY EMPLOYEES Po7ice Officers: Appoin�ed Wayne A. Pfuhl, efifective September 30, 1974 " Robert G. Fri i s, Pffeci;i v� September 30, T 974 " Michaei G. 7rancheff, Septe�nber 30, 1974 Police Tecl�nician: - Appointed David J. Keding, effective September 30, 1974 14-14C 15 J REGULAR f�EETIiVG, SEPTEMBER 23, 1974 NEW BUS I f��SS �Con!T� ��u�D) CLAIMS Approved. LICENSES Approved. a EsT�r�a�r�s Appraved. C01��If�lUl�1 I CAT I OiyS : PAGE $ 16 17 - 17 A : � �1 TV�IN CITIES ARE� �iETROPOLITAN TRANSIT COMMIS5ION: ANOKA GOiINiY TRANSIT STUDY 19 Received. REQUEST 7HAT ADMINTSTRATION IJR7TE LETTER FOR COUNCIL SIGNATURE TO JUQILEE COP�IMITTEE (TO EACN INDIVIDUA� �4CP�IQER) THANKTI�G THEM FOR PARTICIPATIQN Approved and committee's request to have teen dance reviewed with suggestians for honoring this conm�itment made for inside this winter outside next sprir�g in Wickes parking 1a�t. ADJGUlZN: $:5� P,N�. � � �.�,,. ,:. � ' FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING . ,; . �LEASE SIGN NAME ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE: ���-�� ��, /1 7� S7 ��'�'�_ � . ,�� /�� AME ADDRESS ITEM NUMBER _____ __=�____ ______ ________________________/� __ � ________________-________-___________- ; ,� ,t,,t,,�, � ,� ' `� � � � , � � r / o� � . ` �� � .� �. , ri.�s�U�.� ��i. �: • � ' :� � �i � � `� �� /i �� , � ����-� �; p� � �� �" �l � � �l<!5on/ � r o � Sa /�� �� .�� L-� /'rJ�; 7��'- G ` � c- ��°� � '���,� : . � , � .�s"v- G S -��.�,°�C. � . �'� �J �-- � —_ � � , ! �.10 ; I ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' � ' I� ' ' TH[ MINUTES OF THE REGUL�R MEE1I�u OF THE FRIDLEY CITY C�JNCIL OF SEPTEMQER 23, 1974 The Regular meeting of �he Fridley City Council of September 23, 1974 was called to order at 7:3fi P.M. by Mayor Liebl. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAfVCE: Mayor Liebl led the C�uncil and the audience in sayirig the Pledge of A1legiance to the Flag. INUOCATION: Mayor Lieb1 offered the Invocation, ROLL CAI_L: MEMBERS PREStfvT: Councilman Utter, Councilman Nee, Councilman Breider, Councilman Star�,�alt, and Mayor L7ebi MEMBLRS A6SEC'!T: P�one ' ADO°TION 0� ACEi�!�)A: i -- i t�tOTI01� by Councilm�n Starv.�alt to adopt the a.genda as presented. Seconded by Councilr�an Utter. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Nlayor Liebi declared the motion carr�ed unan;mvusly. VISITORS: hiR._RI�,:HARD_SILVERSTEIN, 6Fi5 EI1ST RIVER R0:!�D N.E., RFGF.RDII�G ASSiSSPiENT: Councilman Nee said f�r. Silverstein is present on a problem. Mr. SilverstEin said he ��;as coricerneci abeut the Street Imprevement Project ST. 1973-3. He said no one has called him since thc pre��ious meeting of the Council. Mr. Silverstein said he vras i:he owner of Lots 17, 18, and 19, but ��aondered arV�iat happened to 20 and 21. Mayor Liebl asked the Finai�ce D�irector if he had checked u,�ith the County on this. 'flle Finance Director said Lot 20 is a very narraw strip of land. He pointed out that the haif section map that was used in the original figures was noi; correct and �ot 21 was beir�g maintaineci as righY, of vray by th� Cour�ty. Mayor Liebl said the F�inance Director has ind�icat��d the assessir�ani:s would nut change if the Lot 21 was a Ceunty parcel. Mr. Silversuein asked if tne C,ounty improved their o4�rn pr�perty, ��fould he sti77 be assessed. Ti�e Firiance Qii°ector said this sectiari is right-of v,ay and t,lould not be developed by the Coun�y. Mr. Si7verstein asked i-rhy everynr�e on R�ice Creek !•!ay �ras not being assessed. His question co«cerr�ed tk�ose cn both sicles of the street. The Finance Directer said this is not the City pol�cy. He said some of the lots are plated to face other str�eets. The City h1anager said the Finance Director could meet with Mr. Silverstein and they could come back to the meeling if �hey were not able to resolve this questio:i. MR. DON011AN SC}iULTZ, 15 P.ICE CREE1; YJAY, RrGAh'DING ASSESSi�iENT: Mr. Schultz addressed the Council and said he believed this assessment to be gr�ssly unfair and whether or not this is policy, it shouid be r�written in this case. Mr. Schultz said he had contacted two attorneys to represent him in this matter and one of them had bowed out in this case because of principle. Mr. Schultz cantinued to co�anert that the City vaas assessing three biocks or more and only cn one side of the street. He said if the map had shown both sides and on]y :'half way up the block, but this way he did not believe i:his to be consistant with the policy. I ' I Mayor Lieb] thanked P1�°, Schultz for his camments. i �� i__--. ___. -- . __ ___ . __ _ _ _ � � _. _ _ _ . _ _ --------- _,, � . 7.11 REGULAR C�UNGIL MEETIfyG OF SEPTEMBER 23, 1374 PAGE 2 ,. � ORDINAf�CE #570 - FOR VACATION REQUEST,_ SAV r74-03, JAMES LUND, OF AN EASEMENT, GENEf2ALLY LOCATGD If� THE 1500 6LOCK BET4,EEIJ 73RD AVEP;!1L N«U Of�ONDt'�6A STREET N.E.: MOTIOIy by Gouncilman areider to waive the seconci reading of the ordinance and adopt the ordinance on second reading and order publication of Ordinance #570. Seconded b.y Councilman Utter. Lpon a roll call vote, P4ayor Liebl voting aye, Councilman Utter voting aye, Councilman Nee voting aye, Gouncilman Sreiaer voting aye, and Councilman Starwalt voting aye, t^.ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and ordered pubiication of the ordinance. ORDINANCE #�571 - FOR REZOPJIfvG REQUEST ZOA #74-03, EY THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, TO REZONE C�IASE ISLAND FROM CPR-? (FLOOD PLA,IP� �(0 CPR-1 FLOOD WAY-��---- MOTION by Counci7man Breider that hecause of the request of the State Department, he would move to waive the second read�ng of the ordia�ance, adopt the ordinance on second reading and order publication of the ordinance. Secor�ded by Councilrnan Utter. Upor a roll call vote, Councilman Utter, Councilman Nee, Councilman Breider, and Councilman Starwalt, and f4ayor Liebl voting aye, irayor Giebl cfeclared the motion carried unanimously and the Urdinance t571 adopted on second reading and publication ordered. E#572 - AP4EPdDING CH�IPTFR 405 OF TFVE ON FRANCHISE: RJaTE I��CR[ASE: Y CITY CODE ENTITLEQ C AfJU RECEIVING LETTER OF UNDERS7ANDING FkOi+t GEi;ERAL TELEVISION, INC.: MOTIOiV by Councilman C�reider to i°eceive the letter of understanding from General 7elevision sl;ating tnere ��ould not be a rate increase for at least 18 months. Seconded by Councilrnan Utt�r. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Pdayor Liebl declareri the motion carried unanimously. MOTIOfV by Councilman Breider to waive the reading and adopt the ordinance on second reading as��ending Chapter 405 of tt�t, Fridley City Gode entitled Cable Television Franchise: Rate Increase. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Up'on a roll call vote, Councilman Nee voting aye, Councilman 6reider voting aye, Councilman Starwait voting aye, P9ayor Liebl voting aye, and Councilman Utter voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimausly and ordered publication. NEW BUSINESS: CQNSTD[RATIOfd OF FIRST READIhG OF AN ORDII�ANC� AMEI�DII�G SECTIQN 3.03 OF CNAPTER 3, FRIDL[Y CITY CODE Ef�TITLED FE�?SONNEL: � � The Gity Manager suggested that the ordin�nce be ad�pted on first reading and the ordinance could be changed after additional input on the second reading. Mayor Liebl asked the City Mar�ager if he anticipated any problems and the City Manager said no. � MQTION Uy Counciln�an Utter to adopt the ordinance on iirst reading, that the reading be waived. Seconded by Councilnian Breider. Upon a rr��il ca11 voi;e, Councilman Breider voting aye, Councilman Star�-+a1t voting aye, Mayor Liebl v�ting aye, Council- man Utter voting aye, and Councilman fVee voting aye, hiayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECETVING 7NE MI�'UTES_OF THE ENVIRON��IkNTAL UAf�ITY COhi�IISSIOf�k tdEETIfVG OF AUGUST 27, 1974 MOTION by Councilman ¢reider to receive the minutes of the Environmental Quality Commission Meeting of August 27, 1974 for discussion. Seconded by Caunciiman Starwalt. � Counciiman Breider mentioned the partion cf the minutes dealing with the possible ' leaf composting pr�ograni. Ne said he thnught there �n�as ar. indication that there would be money alloted in the 1975 budget for this type of proyram. He said in reviewing the parP;s budyet for 1975, �^�hich is $70,000 plus, only $12,OQ0 of this , was for the purpose of reigh�orhoad aclvancer���ynt. Eie said he did not think that. this could be justified to the taxpayers. 0 �' , i ''' 1, ' , '`.' '.' � . �J ' , ' ' ' I ' II � ' _ ' � ' I'� � � � � ' , r___ i ,i �_�� � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTF?�16�R 23, 1974 PAGE 3 Mayor Liebl asked if Couni:ilman Erei�er concurred with leaf composting proyram. Councilman Breider said he coulc� if there 4��ould be other n2oney going to the neighborhood parks. Ele adcled that it is hard to justify this type of activity tvhen i:he people dc nct see any climbers in their park. UPON A l�OICE 1�'QTE, all votirg ay2> ^iayar I_iebl declarcd t:f�e motion carried unanimo��sly. RECEIVING 1�HE M7NUl�ES OF THE CI;IZEN FIKEIJAY CO��;,�iiTTEE MFE7IP;G OF SEF'TEMBER 4, 1974: MOTION by Courcilman areider to receive the minutes of the Citizen Bikeway Committee hieeting of S�pten�ber 4, 1974. Seconded by Councilr�an Utter. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, t�1ayor Lieb�i declar�ed the motion carried unanimously. REC[IVIiVr, TH� 14Ii`dUTES OF THE BUILDIPIG STANDARDS - DESIGhi CONTROL SUQCOP�iMJTTEE MEETIidG 0� SEPTEh1ti[R 1_2> 197-�-�---� _- --� COfVSIDERATIOPJ OF A REOUES-C F02 L/iPdDS�P;,PING P,I�!p FCI�ICE 410RKi_LCCATE� CN LOT l, 13LO�Y. I, E!\ST RP�YCH ESIATES !Sl �;U�liTOPJ, PARCEI_ 10; 7HE SAf�E 3ETPaG 7620 — --- - --- --- - -- _ ---------- - UNIVERSITY AVENUE f<�RTIiEASTo FP,IULE1', MIhPdES�)TA. iREQUEST BY fRAPdK'S NURSERY The Public tJc,rks Direcior informed the Council that this request had been withdrawn. CONSTUER,';TION dF 11 HOUSF RFELUC!17IOfd GUf_ TO A REZOid,'.�';, REQUEST FROi�1 M-1 70 R-1: LOCAI�E� QN LOTS 1] ltl!",u�,Gt 21, �11v�! l.�JTS 1i3 T};i;GU6H 37; 6LOCK 4, SPRIi^dG BROOK _ PNRK ADLillf�i%_TI{C SU�?� ut i�ii G��!,�FF�I L7' L.O�(�IED F3Li!v'EFId 79TH biAY N.E. AND LOIdGFELLO-i STRE�LI I�?J.D� RSF;rOfd AVl":UF 1�,Pti) Thl�_ RAILftC1lD II;I�CKS. ZRE'OUEST BY The Public Works Directo�° said there �,o}�?d t�� no action necessary until the decision an the rezoiiing has I.:aen mide. COI�STDERF,TlON 0� A RE U(�Sl� 10 CpNSIRUCT {'�IRSE lI OF TNE PRESEI��T STRUCTURE ---- - . � -- - - - -. _ . _ �- -- — -- - TO BC U�rD AS A,V ICL yPr�v�1__ !_OCAarD 0,'d Pf�tt�f i. 66)0, SC�UTN NkLf OF SECTION 11, �-„ . �.-..��. .:.� .. — - -- -- ------- ----- �,��r, U � ,�f2T(7LE`r, MIP��hESOTA REQUEST BY COUNTY 01= ANOY.A, '------------ ---- -- --- - 325 EAST P�1l;Ii�i STP,EET, AhdOKI;, MINP!ESOTA 553Q3 : � - ----� '-- -'- The Public Works Director said this wo��ld be the second phase in tf,e development of the �inoka Cour,ty Ice Arena. The City Manayer called h1r. David Torkildson forward to ma�:e the presentation for the Cour�ty. Mr. David Torkildsen, Anoka County Pai�!;s and Recreatien Dcpartr�ient came forward and presented a plan For the proposed additicrn to cf�e men�uers of the Council. General discussion concerning certai�i �pecifications in the plans continued at the Counc�l table. Maycr Lieb1 ask,eci ��1�°. Torkildson �f he �ti�as in agreEmunt vrith the stipula4ions as suggested by the Building Stand�rcls-Uesign Control Subcorunittee and t�1r. Torkildson said yes, he agreed. MOT10fJ by Councilmar areider to arprove the requesi: to construct an addition to ine present ice arena facilities with the five stip�•laticros as recommended by the Building Standards - Desiyn Controi Subcommittee. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, �il voting aye, h1ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unani- mously. COIVSJQERATIOf; OF A REQUFST TO CONSTRUCT A NEid C,UILOIf:G TO 6E USED AS A MEDICAL CLI�dIC LOCf�fCD Oi� /tifl ELEVEPd ACFt TRFC1 PARCEL 24�0 IHAT IS LUCA7FD SOUTH OF -�--_ - - � ---- ---- 76T1I AVEI�UE idORTIiEAST,_5TH STREF:7 P,GRIHE.AST, I!ORIH OF 75TH AVENU� fdORTHEAST APdD --- -- — - - - - -- -- ------- 4JrST OT U11IT1 hOSFII/l! , T}I SF �lE� PEIf-6 '� OD USLO'���E ROAD PJCRIH�ASf FRIUL�Y, P�INNCSOTA_�RCQJESI 6Y TTF P'0;21ri SUBURBAf� HOSPII�RL DISIRICT,'S50 OSl30RPrE ROAD hORThIEAST, FRIUL[Y, M:NIJESOTA 55432�: ~ --� The Public Wor�ks Director addressed the Council and pointed out the proposed � r i i S )' � _ _ __ . _ _ __ ___ _ _ I.. .... . . . .... . . ..... . .. ... ... ._ . .... .. . i `�� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIfdG OF S[PTEMBER 23, 1974 _ . __ _ _ -- l � -{.� PAGE 4 , construction on the plan on the easel. He said this was recommended for approval by the Subcommittee for the location only. He read the three stipulations suggested by the Subcommittee. The City Manager explained that when the Council had approved the plans for this concept, this was the concern of the neigl�borhood. Councilman Breider asked if there was an entrance on Lyric Lane and the Public Works Director said no, they wuuld all be on Osborne Road. ' Mayor Liebl pointed out that when the plan was approved, there was certain criteria set and i;he memhe��s of the Council would like i.o be sure that this criteria is being followed. The City Manager said they want to clear the lar�d at the present time. MOTION by Councilman areider to approve the plan for the location wiih the six stipulations reco���mended by the Etuilding Standarcis - Design Control Subcommittee and tYith the additional or seventh stipulation as tollows: 7. That dust abaie- ment plans and normal clean��p take place and that this be pointed out to the contractor. Seconded by Counci7man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unan�imously. MOTION by Councilr�an Utter to receive the minutes of the Bu�ilciing Standards - Design Control Subcon�mittee N+eetiny of September 12, 1974. Seconded by Council- man Stdrwait. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVII�G THE MI«UTES OF THE f30ARD CF APPEALS SUE3COhiMITTEE MFETIPdG OF SEPTE��if3ER 10, 1974: — - A REQUEST FOR VARIAivCES OF: SECTION 7_05.054, 2B, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE MIidIP•111M FIf;ST FLUOR ARE,n, �ROM 7G� S.�tJF�RE fEET TO 676 SQUF14tE 1=EET, F1ND SEC7IOiV 205.053, 1, TO REI��CE 7HE P�tIhdI'�1Ui�4 SQU/1RE_FOCTAGE OF A LOT PL{iTT[Q aFrF�z �A�� -�Rn��s �a_nnn :n�i�,RF �F['f TO az�20 SO�iF�RF FEET, TO Al.LO�J THE CONSTRUCTI01 E BF 1, BLCCK l, UU H AV`"'UF) S�REET ��.E. iai�-=-��ru uv�r�n� n The Publ�ic Works Director pointed out that the request was to reduce the first floor square footage and also reduce the square footage of the lot. He furi;her pointed out that the Subcammit�ee recommended approval of the request with a two to one margin. Nayor Liebl asl:ed if there �-ras �;ny opposi�ion to the request and there was no. response. Mayor Liebl asl:ed tnat this be made a part of the record. , Mayor Liebl asked if there was any o��position to the request and there aaas no � response. P1ayor L�iebl asl:ed that this be made a part of the record. Mayor Liebl asked when they would like zo start construction and the Public Worl:s Director said this year. Councilman Starwalt said therc: was a question r�aised a± w(�ether i:his is a valid or perhaps not a desirable building site. He said many tax forfeit lots are being used and are very suiiable. He said he beiieved the proposed construction would fit into the overall neighborhood. MOTIOIJ by Councilman Starwalt to concur with the recornm�ndation of the Building Standards Design Coritrol Subcommittee and approve t:Yi? request to reduce the square footage of the first floor and also reduce the squa��e footage of a lot. Seconded by Councilman �reider. Upon a voice vcte, all voting aye> P1ay�r Liebl declared the motion carried unan�mously. i e 7 � . i � 't � r , � ; ' t � ' ' I ' � ' � ' ' �_J ' - ' � ' ' , I �--- _ ___ _ , ;' ZZ� REGULAR CDUNCIL MEETINS UF SrPTEMB[R 23, 1974 PAGE 5 A REQUEST FOR PERMISSIO�J TO FR[CT A�1p� 132 S(�UARE f00T 'JALL_ SIGN�COUNCIL MIfyUTES OF Af'ftTL "3, 1972 S�(II'IILATED ;�JALL SIGNS TO aF iA�Eh OFF (3UILDING TO L�E L�JCATED ON �L�OT 1, B!.00K 1, �AST P.AP,'CH ES?P,TES 1ST ADDITIOid. THE � SHMt �tiNa /bZ0 UfJIVEIiSITY Al'Ei�UE N.E., FRIDIEY, MINiV[SOT{1. (REOUEST 6Y ---------------- -- -- • FRAIVK'S fdURSERY, 7620 UNIVERSITY AVEI�UE (�.E.�FRIDLEY, htINN�S01� A representative of Frank's fVUrS?ry addressed th� Council and said they had requested 132 square feet rot 100 t�s appears in the heading of the item. He saicl the only reasun tney were asked to go t� the subcommittee was because there was a notation in the past minutes of �:he Council that there would be no additional signs in this area in the future. He fur•ther pointed out that the company would be al]owed a s9gn 240 square feet on this �•aa17. He said this ���ould be placed cver the entrance to the buil�ing. Mayor Liebl asked if they were �lann�ing construci:ion in this area this year and the representati��e said yes. Niayor Lieb1 askc:d if this ���as the second business at this location a��d the repi�esentative said yes. Councilman Breider said he would f�ave no objection to changing trie reque.si: from 1C0 to 132 feet. MOTTON by Counciir�an Ereider t:o appreve the request for the construction of the wall sign to be 132 square feet. Secon�ed by C,ouncilrnar7 Utter. Upon a voice vote, a"Il votiny aye> f�iayor Li�bl �eciar�ed the motion carried unanimously. A REQUEST FOR �`� 4',�RIANCF 0� SECTIOId 7_05.053> 4C, FRIDLFY CITY COD[, TO REDUCE TH� kEAR 1G�Z[i S' I' ���K R[[�)tk: ��LPl1 f-1� I� 1�i FF�T TO 13 f`Ei:T T`J�ALLOW iIIE C0�9- STRU(,110fV C'� AN �'�1�j��QW Uv�f(1 A�� EXl�fIP�� SfRUCTI�?F �OCATID OI�1 THE SE'a OF 'fHE OF TIiE Sbd'�,'-OF SECTI01'k l l, EriCEf' C THE '�Okl ii 50 Fr E i LY Ii;u Iti�EST QF THE EAST ) {-flGlivlAY Cr�SE(f I'T /�L��,6 �20 Ai��D SU` 7�CT TO ROf�[l E .F., FRIC1LtY, i�iIN�;ESOl�1. �aFEr_ n�,�n�:a_-�.�rr;,,��n-r� = CEPTIP�G THE S(�UTH 4G0 f EET THERrOF: SU[3JECT laE`�Ii:Rl1 S?Lk. THE_RF(1F f�i�D Ekt,':r'? PPu2CEL. i"cfil , 11a'- cAf✓,r t3EIh�u �O11i11�NL�t�ITY NVEI�UF ES7 B The Public Works Director saici the r•equest was to reduce the rear yard setback frotr� l5 feet to 73.09 feet. He said th�is rec��.!est ���as mude by Anc�ka Ceui�ty for the consi:ruction of the addii:ion te the lce Arena. t�i0TI0f� b;y Councilraan Utter to concur wifih the recommendation of the �oard of Rppeals and a��r°ove itre ��ariance. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, a]1 voting aye, Mayor Liebl c;eclar•ed tfic motion carried unanirnously. MOTION by Coun�iln?an Ut.*,�r to receivr the minutes of the Goard of Appeals SubccmEni�:tee 1�leetir�g of �e�ie�nber 70, 1974. Seconded by C,ouncilman Starwalt. Upon a voica e�ote, ali vot-ing a��e, hlayor i_iebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECFIVIir't; THE P^INUI�ES 0� 7HF PLA,NN?P1G COf�1P1ISSI0�d N[ET1NCx OF SFPT[��1BFR 11, 197�4: --,�ilV( 5I�1EfZAl:QIr' �if �� u°�'L7P1I"i;Pt PiAT, P 5 /4 Oi, FI�F ('RfF'� f_S7F�TES SCCOP<D AUDITI�ON, GY ED4'i,v l�D{'Or Ne, D/'� /{1/ PTi�ET�tE NiJI� D�I S: A Rtl'l AI OF LOT 10, — - - — _ _ — -- — --- -- — —__ ._ EXCLPi� TI�'E i�+ORTH C6� FECi 7(iER�O�; PU(�iIGR'S SC'f3DI�'1S]:C�d h0. 22, GE�VE�A.LLY � — --- -- - --- — — - -- - — - — -- LUCIITED iV�II�ZTti OE 6iST A4'�NUE iu.E. Ah�) �;�LST OF Ei.tvJllhl:i.i� SI�PEEi�: The Public ��orks Director saici the acti�n ti��ould he to set a pubiic hearing. He furthel� explain:�d the developer vaould l ike this K�iEblic hearing at the same tin�e as the public hearing on tl��e installation of the public utilii;ies and tne exact date of this is not known at the present time. MOTIOI� by Counciln:an Rreider te set the public hearing as arranged by the builder and developer oi the Rice Creek Estates. Second2d by Cc�uncilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion r.arried unanimously. PUBLIC Ntfa�If;G: CDI�SIDFRAT:OPJ OF A kLZO^�IP;G RF UCST: ZOA #74-04, �Y HE!dRY F. ---- ------ -----� - --- ---- ---� -- ---------- f�1UHICH#: 10 RE7_Oi�E L(�1S 71-?t, IaND LOTS 2&-37, �LOC!: 4, SPRIiVG 6ROOK PARY. ----------- - ----- - -- ADDT1IOi�, FROi�I i-i-1 LIGH�i INDUSiR1AL Nk�AS TO R-1 �I�dGLE FAP1ILY DIdELLING � _._- -- � — - --------- -- ARCAS TO ALLOl9 11��� h��VT;�;; jN (�F �`�If�uLE FI'u41LY D J-.LL1fJG ON LOTS 31 AND 32, BLUCf: 4, SPi�INuCi(200i: PARK ADDITION, frNERALLY LOCATED L�ETtdEFP� 79TH WAY N.E. Af�� LQI�GFELL(1!d STfZErT; AP��D F�SFiT(�N Fi1'EPiUE AlJD Ttlt: RAILRO L' IRi�CKS: • The Public Worlcs Director said this �,�as continued to give the app]icant some tiire and there is no action necessary at the present tirne. f � i I , __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � KEGULAR C01;IyCII_ MEETIf�G OF SEPTEMiL�ER 23, 1974 �i 115 PAGE � MOTION by Cauncilman Breider to receive the minufps of the Planning Commission Meeti��g of September• 11, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Star��alt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declat°ed tlie rnotion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE P'�Ih;UTES OF THE CATV COIii�1ISSI0N MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 13, 1974: MOTIOiV by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the CATV Cc,mmissian Meeting af Septcmber 13, 1974. Sec.onded by Councilman Starv�ali;. Upon a voice vote, All voting aye, h,ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTTON No. 98-1974 - RECEIVIP;G PREL1i�tIhARY RFPORT AND CALLIPaG A PUQLIC �.Tc"n'or�;ir r�i,T-rut-°`r�;��-�'�FR n� fflnJCl'F241('TTfi�d (�!= fFRTP.iN if�PR(1VFi•1FNiS: STREEl IP9PR�VE- . 19 NOTION by Counc�ilmar� Utter to adopt Resolution �to. 89-1974 Receiving Pre1iminary Iteport and Ca7lir,g a Public Hearing on the matter of constructicn of certain improve�i�ents: Str�eet Improven;ent Pro,;ect S-f. 1975-1 and ST. 1975-2 (MSAS). Seconcic.d by Councilman Starwa.��t. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared th� r,�otion carried �ananimously, and said the public hearing is set for October 21> 1974. RESOLU7IOPd N0. 99-1974 - APPROVIftG PRFt_I��IhARY FLIil�!S FOR TFIE IMPRO`JEMENT OF ,____..�._-----.. -- -- ------- ----------- ----- — INTERSECTIOP; 0(� T.F(. #65 Ft7 GSAH ��35 Fi!J NHCKNa,td(y i?VEf��E: MOTI�iV by Cauncilm��n Star�,�alt to adopt Resolution f�o. 99-�974 Appravzn� Preliminary Pla.ns for the Improvement c�f Interseciion T.H. #65 at CS�3,H #35 and Hackmann Aven�ie. S�conded by Co�.�ncilman Utte.r. Upon a voice vote, a1l voting aye, f�iayar Liebl declared ihe motion carried unanimously. RESOLI!l'I�1N P�O. 1C0-1974 APPROVING PR.ELi�flht'�,F.`f PLA;�S FOR THE INTERSFC7I0(d MOQJ- ------------------------- ------_ __— �_ FICAT10PdS Oiv T.I;. t;4.7 FI:Or'� I.694 Ttl O�i7C?Nf� RQ;�u: t�10TI0N by Cour�cilma� Ereider to app��ove the pta��s for the interseci:ion modifica- tions on T.N. ;f47 from I.Ei94 to Osborrie Road. Seconcied by Councilman Utier. Upon a voice v�te, all voting ay2, P'�ayor I�iebl declared the motion carf°ied unanimously. ftESOLUTIOiV h0. 1C11-1974 - CERTIFYING CEI2Tl�Iid DELIf�i�uEP�T LlA�fF,.R AIdD SEW'ER CHI�RGES TO THE COUf'�TY f;UDaTOR FOR C01_LCCTTOPi 4:'7 ii; TEiE 1975 7f-',XES: MOTION by Co��ncilman Utter to adopt ftesolution No. 101-1974, Certifying Certain Delinquent lti'ater, and Se�,�d�r Charyes tc� the County Auditor for Collection with the 1975 Taxes. Secondcd by C��«ncilman Start�ra.lt. Councilman Starwa.lt asked ir Lhis r�solution and certifiying incorporated the last resalution �r� the penalty. 7he Cii:y hi�.na.ger cxpiained tllat this is sti11 under the old poli:y. lie hoped �vitf� the new policy, this �,�ou1.d not be necessary the cominy year. � Councilman Star4�alt askecl h{I7at the larger arnounts �rere and th° City Manager said 1;hey were apari:rne� �s . UPOtJ A VOICE VOIE, all ��ating aye, h1ayo�° Lieb1 d�clared thr motion carried unanimously. APPOIf4TML"�JTS: CI�l�Y El��PLOY£FS: P01_ICE OiF ICi_kS: N!�tfiE v EFFECTIVE D�TE SALRRY REPLACES Wayne A. Pfuhl Septembei° 30, 1374 95�� K. Wilkinson ��rno filled L. Fritz Sgt. Position Robert G. Friis Michael G. Trancheff POLICE TECHi�lICTAfd David J. Keding�~ Septeml�er 30> 1974 September 34, 1�374 September 30, 1974 $950 hdew $950 New $633 K. Mulrooney 'M, .i ' , ,' ' . ' ' � , ' ' , � ' , � � ' ' ' � , ___ _. ' lli� _ _ _ . _ _ __ _ _ _ . _ _ _ __ __ - _, ', REGUt.AR CQUNCI! P-IEETIhG Or SEPTQ�IBER ?3, 1974 P�G E 7 , May�or Lieb1 referred to the m�e�o submitted in the agenda by the Public Safety ' Uirector, i�1r. James P, hill, vrhich recor�menued the appointnient of i.hree �olice officers and a!,e police technician. tdayor Liebi asked i:he City I'fianac�er ii' this � was his reco!T���r�ndation arrd the City Mur�ager agreed ��iiP7 the reeon�mer��at�ion of trie ' Public Safety Direci:or. MOTIQfJ by Councilr�an lltter f;o carcur with the ��ecam���endation af t:he City D;anager and �f,,e Public Sufety Gir•ector and appoint tiie aforemenrione�� three police officers and one police tcci�ni:;iai�. Secondeci by Cou�ciln,an Greider. Upori a voice vote, ail voti��y aye, Piaycr Li�b1 c;e.^lared the motian carried ur,arii;,;.;��s]y. � CLAIf�i;: ' GEtJER11L 37C152 - 372�.5 LTQUOR 9190 - S'?.29 ' t�10TTOt� by Ccunc-ilman Ui:t��r t.o �,���r�ove thr= claiu�c. S�corded by Cou?2cilma�� Starwalt. ; � Up�?n a voic� vote, al] ��atir�g aye, fiayor L.iebl d�clar�ci ci�c �i.c;tio�i carried unanimously. i LICEN�CS: t�1ULTIPi_E C��Et_LI��f;, O�-mei° --M_--- qcic;ress Uriit:s �ee �>>rE oved�: Paul hi. Joi�nson 65�5 -�iid S�. N. E. 7 $15.00 R.D. Aldrich, � 3925 Sh��.�i�ti°ack Qr. Fire Prev. ', Dipls. h�n. �5421 ! Elliot �'. Rcni�icasa GOE�i-�3-65 - 3r•d St,.;l.E. 3 15.00 R.D. Aldrich, G063 - 3:�d `t. N.L. Fire Prev. � Fridley, Nir�. `�`��a3?_ James H. Johr?so,� ?80 - 57th Place ft.E. 4 15.00 R.D.Aldrich, 6'L1 Bc;lr;ett Ui°. Fire Prev. Fridley, P�1n. 5�432 � John P4. Hianson � 150 �9';:'t,fay N. E. 12 17.00 R.D.Aldrich, 751� Stinson �31v�. Fire Prev. �� Fricile,}�, Mn. 55��32 � � � ; Five Sa,ids De��elop�;;r�,� 7E05 East R�iver Road 5� 64.Q0 R. D. Aidrich, 71QQ l�'ayze,ia Sl.�d. Fire Prev. five San�1s Ue���elopm�>n�: 7&25 [%,st River R��;:�i 59 G�.00 R.Q. Aldrich See �bove addr°ess fire Prev. IFive S,rds Develof;r,�ei�c 73�i5 East River� Rc=uci 5° 6�.00 i2.D. Aidrich , See above �3ddress Fire Prev. Five Sands Develop!neii� 7875 East Riv�r Roa9 59 64.00 R. D. Alc,'rieh ` See above adciress Fire Prev. Fi��e Sands Developmeni. 7E9� East Rivc:r Read f�� 64.0� R. D. Aidrich See e�bove acidre,s Fire Prev. ' GAS Sf_I;UICES Thomas Air Conditioning Co. ; 815 - l�,th Avenue S. [. ' f�i��ls., t�n. 55414 By: 1'�ince f;��der5en 4?. Sandin GEIvERAL COf�!TRACTOR American tsuilders Ir�c. 1201 West Groadway P4pls., Mn. Gy: Uavid Ostrovr C. [3elisle ` Roger Sheehy Company i 7091 Highway iP65 P;.C-. � rridley, t�n. 55432 By: John Paimquist C. Belisle __ _ � I _ _ ___ REGULAR COUfJCIL fdEETING OF SEPTEMBER 23, 1974 HEATING Controlled Air Corporation 300II Bryant Avenue South Minneapolis, Mn. By: Harold Christie - _ � _ �----, � . 117 � PAGE 8 Approved By W. Sandin MOTION by Councilman lltter to approve the licenses. Seconded by Councilman Nee Upon a voice vote> all voting aye, Mayo�° Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: Weaver, Talle & Herrick 316 East Main Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 August Retainer for services as City Attorney Comstock & Davis, Inc. 1446 Gounty Road "J" Minneapolis, �f�n. 55432 PARTIAL Estimute No. 3, Sanitary Sewer F� Water Improvement Project No. 155 firom August 5 through August 31, 1974 PARTIAL Estimate No. 8 for Sanitary Sewer, Water & Storm Sewer Improvement P�°oject No. 114 from August 5 through August 31, 1974 �1:,345.00 11.79 $1,,286.60 MOTION by Councilman Nee to pay the estimates. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS: TWIN GITIES AREA METROPOLITAN TRANSIT COMMISSION: ANOIUa COUNTY TRANSIT STUDY: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the com�unication. Seconded by Council- man Utter. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanirnously. ' REQUEST BY COUNCILhiAN UTTER TO HAVE COMMUNICATION OF THANKS SENT TO INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS OF THE JUBILEE COf�iNTTTFEc— Councilman Utter asked the City Manager if the staff could prepare a letter to ' be sent to the individual members of the Jubilee Committee from the Council ' expressing the Council's thanks for their efforts toward the Jubilee ce'lebration in the City. I MOTION by Councilman Utter to send a thank you letter to each of the members of I the Jubilee Committee. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P4ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ��, Mayor Liebl questioned Councilman Nee on his throught of making this type of � celebration an annual one and Councilman Nee agreecl. iMayor Liebl said h e thought the teen dance should be rescheduled and suggested that ; if this be done during the winter months this be done at the K-C Nall. Mayor ' Liebl said they had issued in the area vf 2G0 to 30G tickets. Councilman Utter i said he believed this would be more in the area oi- 1,000. Mayor Liebl said he would like to honor the committment of the Jubilee Committee. Councilman Utter 'i said if this is to be done it could be done at the 4:ickes parking lot in the spring. REQUEST QY COUNCILt�iA(� STARIdALT FOR INFORMATION OPJ TFIE STAiUS OF THE WALL CORPORATION AND DARREL FARR C:ORPORATIOP� COP1PLETION OF_COMMI�fTf4ENTS: Councilman Starwalt questioned if the Wall Corporation would Uegin building their complex in the near future. The City Manager said the company was waiting for '� --- ___ _ �_ __ _ . .' 3.1.8 REGULAR COJfJCIL MEETIf;G Or SEPTEIfBEP, ?_3, 1974 � PAGE 9 fedei°al assistance before beginni�7y t��e project. The City f�anager contiitued that this would be in the area oF thr2e to five months. Councilrnan Starwalt qt�esticned the progress of i;he Darrel Farr Corporation in presentiny the la.nd io the City ior park purposes. The City Manager said he would have to check into this and fu�°nish tt�e infor�mation to Co�mcilman Starwalt. ADJOURfV(�1EP�T : MUTIOIV by Councilrnan 6reider to adjaurn the meetiny. Seconcied by Councilman Utter Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, hlayor Liebl declared the moLion carried unanimoi�sly and the regular council meeting of September 23> 1974 adjourned at II:51 f�.F1. Respectfully sub!nitted, �"' �'`°'`'�.,e.�-e--.�.�' �� <.�;�.-t`=%.�.� Patricia Ranstrom Frank G. Liebl Secretar}� to the C1 {:,Y COUYICi � hiayc�r [late Approved: i i i ; i I ..___ . . _. .--. _. _._-- ' --__- _ _ _ . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . .. .. .. .. .... . � s r r i ± � t t 1 FRI�LEY CI ('{ COUi��IL —��GUL�R ��"EE� i��!r _ S�P�fC-.('ii3CR 25, 1°7E� -- 7:30 P,('�, 1 _�.._._ ..._..._ _._._.. ___._._ 1 PL�GE �� �LLEG�P,��CEa 1 1 . I f��vocn�r � o� : � �~ � � �o�� ca�� , � � . � ADOPT � Oi� 0� AC� Ef4D�� : � 1 ___.__--- � � 1 VISIT�JRS� 1 CCC�NSIDEft/�TIt�N UF ITEMS r.o-� or� ��c��r� -- �� �'IIrlUTES) , ' ' I 1 ' � . . ,REGU�A� f�10ETI�G � S�PTEPIBE� 23, 1�74 i�(� �USIi'�E�S: Con�sl�����-�cr� or- S�cac�r� �����s�� c�r L��z���r�r��cE FOR VF�cF���T��� ��c:�u�s;, 5,��' ��I�-O�f J���s Lu��n, oF ar� F�s�r�E�vTa G�«���9�_�.� Loe�, ��� �n! ��� 15Q0 B�ccl� 8�������� 13��v �����►��� ,a��r� QN��nr�c� ST, N, E, CONS I�ERA"{` i Qi� 0�' �ECONL? RF��;I� I N� C�F OP.DI NANGE FOR REZG��If'�G P�C��l�ST Li�A �74-��, BY Ti-4C CITY OF FR I Dl_�`f, �� �EZQN E�H!�SE � SL�4ND FROr� CPR-2 �F�aa� P�_r.�r�? �c� C�'�-a_ ��F�.��n �'�ti�> Cor�s z�;c�� E� r�r� o�= S�ti a�� ��R���� �� o� GR�� rJ�r�c� �1r�er���r�� C�-�r�E>���: 40� aF rt�� f��z����c� C��r�� Co�� E��r���r��� C���.� ��►���v�s�oi� F��;�c��I�;e: R��e INCREASE f�Nll �ECEI`JIlJG L..eTTER OF UNDERSTANUING FROM GENCRAL T��.�vts�o�v, i�ca PAGE Z I 2 ::� ;�-3B J ��GUL�R MEETI�G, S�FiE��BE� 2�, 1974 i���J �US I i��S� : CONS I I3E�;A�` I Gi� OF F I RSl �E��D I(�G QF AN OR17I t�1�NCF �,�Yi�t�D I�G S�CT � 01�J ���� OF CHAFTr R�, F E� I DC.EY C i T`�` CODE 1 EtvT I TL�D P�r��a�vrvc�. PA�� 3 4-4A � 1 � . � � � RE��1����� �r�� Ni��u�e� a� �r�t� Cr�U��a�r����rv�r��. Qu��.�r�t Gc�s�i���ss�ar� ���E-��r�<� a�= Au�us�r �l, 197� 5- 5 B 1 1 � 1 ' RECE.IVING TH� ��INIi�"ES 0� THE CI"CI��P� BIKEWAY COP�1MI �TEE C��EE7ING OF SEPTEMl�ER �, �974 6- 6 B ' , , ' . � ' -��� ... REG�LAR MEETIf�dG, SFPT�M��.R 23, I9�4 �v�W 1�US I i��ESS (Co�v�r i r� u��) : RECEIVIf�G ThE I��1NUTES G� 'Tf-IC BUIL_�If'�G ST�r���,��s - i��slcr� Car�rrzat� S�rbco������rR��� i ��cTZ �� o� S�P7 ����� 12, 1974 �. � REQU�ST FOR REL(���SCAP I NG Ai�T1 F�(�CE %�ORK: FRAf�K � S I�URSCRY 2e �{o�s� RF�o�a�lar� �u� �o REZQNI4�G E��QUEST : FE�c��� F, Mur� � c�s 3, REQUEST TO C�r�s�Te��uc�T Pr�as� II aF Ic� A��►�,� : A�a�c�=� Co���rY �� RE��fEST TO COt�STRUCT I�Et� �UTL�iI��G: I�oF��r� Su�u��,�� Nos� ��r��. D 1 s�r� t cT PAGE � 7 - 7 G K�GULAR 1�1E�T 1I�G, S��'TCi���R 23. 1��4 ��EW BJS I C��SS C�OtvT I NU�ll� KECEI'JIP;� TH� ��II�al1T�S OF Th;E P�O,�RB OF I�PPCALS SUBCOt�h1iTTEE r�,�r7d�c oF SFP�r�����R 1Q� l�; � 1. ���c����s� � c� �t�p�cc F� a��r F�oo� �R�� a�vD Rrv�c� S��A�� f=oa�rac�� OF L�T: NrE1�RY D, P�LSK� � . 2, R����sT �rc� Co���KUCT A lOQ S�ua�� Foo� Wr��.� S�G,�: F��r�«`s f�uRS�:�Y � E ���.:c�r��.���� ra ����rc� R��,� �`ar�� S�����c�� To A��.ow Ca�s�r��cTr��� aF A��r����; Ar��oKa Couc��rY i��ECET�`I(�C if;E ��iif�UTC5 C�F Th€C PL�!(�t�!�t�G �GMt���SIQN f�1��Tir�r� o�- SE��,��f������ II, l�I� 1� PRELIMINARY PLAT, RTCE C�EEfC �STaTES Bl' EDVdIN �� L�ROPPS, pII�ETREC BUII_L1ERS �� REZON I t�� �EQUESTJ M-1 To R-1: �iENRY MUHICH PAGE 5 . .- �-9G R�GUL�R MEETII�G, SEPTE��BER 23, 1974 ��EW BUS I��iESS �COI�TI fJUET�) �ECEIVItdG Tf-�E l'�INUTES OF THC CATV COMMISSION MEETII�G �F S��iEMBER 1�, �.9%� C�NSID�RAT�ON OF R RESOL:l1TI0fd RECEIVIf�C PRELINiINf�RY REF'ORT AI�D �ALLING A PUELIC HEARING ON TNE MATTER 0� CONSTRUCTI�(�l OF CERTAIP� IMPRQVEMENTS: STREET IM�ROVEMENT PROJECT ST� �.97�—I AND STe 1975-2 (MSAS} CQt�SIDE��TIC�N OF A RESOLUTION �PF'ROVIf�:G PRCLIMINA�Y PLA�S �OR T!-IE IMPROVCMEN�' OF I��i"E�SECT I ON aF T, H�#�65 AT CShH #35 AND NAC!<Ml�iVN AVENUE � PAGE 6 10-10A 11-11B 12 — 12 C J m �EGULP�p ��CETI�dG, SEP���i f���G_� 2��� 1974 �VE�d BU�1i�rSS (Co��-rz�u��) PAGE 7 COt�SIT'1FFZC�TIQ��! OF A �ESOLUiIC}i� APPRO��I�iG PRELIN'ii{`aAPY �LANS FOR ��'TERSE.Ci"IO[� I�OD�FIC�iTTON� oN T, ��@ #�7 FR�M I. 6��6 �ro Qssa��� �oa�D 13 — 13 C CONSTDEC;�TIOt�i OF A RESOL�TIOP�I LERiIFYIf�C� CERT�,II� Dc�z�au���r ��a�r�� ��►�D S��r�� C�a�c�cs TO TF{C �Ut�t�i"Y �UDITOF: ��R COLLECTION 4^rI`iH THE 197� 1�p.XcS u 14-14C A��o1��rm�n���s: C1T�r �e�P�.r����s � 15 n REGULAR [�iEETII�G, SEPTEMBFR 2�� 1974 N�W B�SIS��ES� 4Go;��r1�����) CLAIMS LICENSES E�TIM�TES C0�'11`�IJ ��" I CAT I Gi�S ; TWIN CIT�ES AREA MEiROPCLIT�N iRANS�T CoMMZ ss i or�! : tirs��:� Couc�TY T�ar�s rT STUDY ADJOURN: PAGE H 16 17-17A . . � . . 19 0 ORDINP,NCE NO. AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 12.07 OF THE CITY CHARTER TO VACATE STREET5 AND ALLEYS AND TO AMEND APPENDIX C OF THE CITY CODE The Council ot the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. For the vacation of an easement for public purposes described as iollows: . Al1 that part of Lot 30, Auditor's Subdivision No. 129, described as the Westerly 50 feet of Lot 30 lying North of a line paral].el with and distant 60 feet North of the Southerly line of the Northeast Quar�er of Section 12, Al1 lying in the North Half of Section 12, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, Coun.ty of Anoka, Minnesota. Be and is hereby v�ca��;d. SECTION 2. The said Vacastion has been made in conformance with Minnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the . City Code.shall be so amended. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF ,1974. MAYOR - Frank G. Liebl ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell Public Hearing: September 9, 1974 First Reading: September 1G, �974 Second Reading: Publish........ _ 0 � ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE OF. THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA BY MAKING A CHANGE IN THE ZONING DISTRICTS i � The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Appendix D of the City Code cf Fridley is amended as hereinafter indicated. SECTION 2. The tract or area with the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and described as: All of Government Lot 5, known as Chase's Island, lying in the North Half of Section 22, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Is her_eby designated to be in ihe Zoned District . known as CRP-1 (Creek and River Protection Zone 1 - floodway). SECTION 3. That the Zoning Administrator is directed to change the official zoning map to show said tract or area to be rezoned from Zoned District CRP-2 (flood plain) to CRP-1 (floodway.j . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS TJAY OF , 1974. ATTEST: MAYOR - FRANK G. LIEBL CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell Public Hearing: August 19, 1974 First Reading: September 9, 1974 Second Reading: Publish....... � �' ' ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 405.222 OF CHAPTER 405 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE ENTITLED CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE r . . . . The City Council of the City of Fridley does ordain as follows. ' SECTION 1. Section 405.222, Monthly Service Charge, is amended to read as follows: � , 1. Single Family Dwelling. First Outlet - Not to exceed $8.00 Each additional outlet - Not to exceed $1.50 2. Multiple Family Dwellings. First Outlet - Not to exceed $8.00 Each additional�outlet - Not t•� exceed $1.50 (Located in the same housing unit) Discount* MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE 3 � 5- 19 Units - Not to exceed $6.50 - 20 - 59 Units - Not to exceed $4.75 60 -100 Units - Not to exceed $3.00 Over 100 Units - Not to exceed $1.75 � *Multiple unit discount rates are applicable when one billing is made to the owner of 5 or more individual dwelling units in the same building. When it it reauire�' that the tena�ats be billed individually, the single unit rate will apply. 3. Commercial � 1- 4 Units - Not to exceed $8.00 5-19 Units - Not to exceed $6.50 , 20 -59 Units - Not to exceed $4.75 60 -100 Units- 1Vot to exceed $3.00 Over 100 Units- Not to exceed $1.75 ' *Multiple Unit discount rates are applicable when one billing is made for 5 or more individual units in the same commercial establishment. Otherwise, the single unit rates will apply. ' 4. Mobile Iiomes. First Outlet - Not to exceed $s.00 � Each additional outlet - Not to exceed $1.50 (Located in the same unit) Multiple Unit Discount* S- 19 Units - Not to exceed $6.50 ' 20 - 59 Units - Not to exceed $4.75 60 - 100 Units - Not to exceed $3.00 Over 100 Units - Not to exceed $1.75 r1 1 , � 3A Ordinance No. -2- Amending Chapter 405 0 *Multiple Unit discount rates are applicable when one billing is made to the owner af 5 or. more individual dwelling units in the same complex. When it is rEquired that the tenants be billed individually, the single unit rates will apply. 5. Schools, Librari_es, City Offices, and Other Public Buildings. For each installation provided to a school building, library, City Office or other public huilding in the City, there shall not be a monthly service charge. This applies without regard to the number of �installations. 6. Senior Citizen Rate Upon application the mon�h].y service charge for subscribers, 65 years of age or older, shall be reduced by 250 0£ the regular monthly rate charged other subscribers. In order to be eligible for this reduced rate, the owner of the home, or if owned in joint tenancy, one of the owners of the home must have attained the age of 65 years. Whez persons are renting property, at least one of the tenants responsible for paying the rent shall have attained the age of 65 years to qualify for the senior citizen rate. -•The combined earned and unearned income of the person or persons living in the household (xented or owned) shall not exceed $5,000 per year in order to qualify for the senior citizen rate for monthly cable service. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 1974. ATTEST: FRANK G. LIEBL - MAXOR MARVIN C. BRUNSELL - CITY CLERK _ Public Hearing: September 16, 1974 First Reading: September 16, 1974 Second Reading: Publish....... 0 DAY OF � � b� � � � ����� , � I � �...������. "'�"°�:�� ���-� � � �- �uit�;'1'15 (-t�nnepin Squ�re, 2�21 �ast F-iennepin Aver�ue Minr7E;�pc�Ii;�, Minn�.�soL'� 5��'i3 .. . . . (B'12) 33'I-J210 onorabie 1'r��rilc G. Liebl September 18, 1974 _ 3.�..� � �� � ;�� ; ; •��_� r � �i431 Univers i ty 71v�nue N. E. Fridl�y, Min:�.�sota 55432 � D�ar t�layor L:i.�bl:• General T�levi_sion, Inc., understands that City Council action S�>pt�mber 16 gave first reading � � approval io a maxi;nt�-n rat� for cable television � primary cannectians of- $8.00 per month. � The Company aqrees to oi�er, �ervice initia.Ll.y a� $7.50 per manth and to withholr� any increase a minimum o� 18 months from thc� commencement of � operations. Sincerel�, , ,,� ,�� � ����� �� � � � . � ,�- Robert B. F-3inkley , Assistant ta the President R23N/pa CC:liMr. h�sim �?ur�shi. � Iionar�:�lc: Ta.mc,thv � . I3i�idcr IIonarable j�7il,liarn J. Iv'ee ' HozzoYabl� Wallace I2. Starwalt Hanora'k�lc Ev�rett F. Utter � . � ' � .. i . _ �.�.. , ' � � ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.03 OF CHAPTER 3 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE ENTITLED PERSONNEL. � The City Council of the City of Fridley does ordain as follows: � , , , '. , SECTION l. Section 3.03 Holidays, is amended to read as follows: 3.03. Holidays The following days shall be holidays, and no employees, except in the case of necessity '. to public safety, health and welfare, or unless the requirements of his employment so provide, shall be obliged to perform work on such day; and when so performed, compensation for such work sha]l be pa�d as overtime work at the rate of one and one-half (12) times the regular pay. The following days are "holidays", New Year's Day, January 1; Washing- ton's and Lincoln's Birthday, the third Monday in February; Memorial Day, the last Monday in May; Independence Day, July 4; Labor Day, the first Monday in September; Chri stopher Col umbus Day, the second Monday i n October; Veterans Day, ��5� f��Y`��i D���i��� �'�i �¢�¢��y` November 11; Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November; and Chrzst+nas Day, December 25; provided, when New Year's Day, January 1; or Independence Day, July 4; or Veterans Day, November 11; or Christmas Day, December_25; falls on � Sunday, the following day shall be a holiday and, provided, when New Year's Day, �anuary l; or Independence Day, July 4; or Veterans Day, November ll; or Christmas Day, December 25; falls on Saturday; the preceding day shali be a o� ay. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY 4F 1974. FRANK G. LIEBL, MRYOR ATTEST: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, CITY CLERK Public Hearing: First Reading:_ Second Reading: Publish: V�TERANS DAY CHAPTER 88 . S.F.I�TO.i434 . An Act relating to holidays; re�ulatFng the dafe for celebration of Veterans � Day; amending Minnesota Statutes 197f, Section 645.44, Subdivisio7 5. , 11c it e�iacted by tAc LC!/t31rtE11)'C of lhc Stn.te of Dli�incsota: � Section 1, 11I9micsota Statutes 19i1, Section Fi45.44, Subdirision 5, is amend- ed to read: Subd. 5. Holidays •,IIoliciay" includes l�ew lear's Dn3*, Janulry 1� ��1S�11llStO11�S nnd 7,in- coln's 13irthday, tlie tl�ird i�Iond�y in 1�'eUru: ry ; Dlemorial Day, tl�e last Dson- day in ,liay ; Inde��endcnce Da�•, July 4; I abor Day, the first blonclay in September ; Clu•istop}�c;• Columbus Day�, the �econd 11Tonday in Octoi�cr ; Vet- crans Day, No�-cuibcr 11; Tl�a�il:sgivinb Dn��, tl�c fourtli Thursday ir. Novem- bcr; nnd Christmas D1�, DecemUcr `l:i; procided, when I�en� ]'ezr's DZy, January 1; or Indepc�ide�icc D1y, Jiily 4; or Veterans D1� ,\o�-emUcr 11; or Christmas Day, Decemt�cr 2� ; f:elis on Sunda��, tl�e iollorving dz� sh�ll Ue a l►oliday ancl, provicled, ��'l�en 1�'ew lear's Day, January 1; or Independence Day, Jnly� 4; ar \'etcraizs Day, �o�embcr I1; or ChrisLmas Day, I7ecemUcr 25; � falls on Saturd<l3•, tlic I�reccding day shall Ue 1 holiday. No pubiic business sl�ail Ue trans:�cted on any lioliday, except in cases of necessity and exeept in. clses of publie business transZCted Ly the legist�ture, ,nor .shall uny civil process Uc scr�•ed thcrcon. An� agreement Uetween a puUlic employer and an emploree organization_ citing �'eterans Daq as the fot�rth ;1londay iii October sh111 Ue amended ta citc Veterins Day as IQo��ember I1. '.. APPro��ed DIarch 4, 1D74. , . / �lira.rce�o�a ��atu�e3 Laws 1974 b8th Legislatur•e, Second Iiegular Session 4A i � �_J � � � , � � r � MEMBERS PRESENT: ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION August 27, 1974 Jim Langenfeld, Russell Houck, Bob Erickson, and Mary Martin OTHERS PRESENT: Dan Huff MEMBERS ABSENT: LeeAnn Sporre and Tom Sullivan Mr. Langenfeld opened the meeting at 7:32 p.m. He referred to the book7et titled "Environmental Legis7ation Symposium" which was distributed to all members of the Commission. He asked them to note the letter from the State, All members could check and see wh9ch acts they do not have and notify Mr. Langenfeld so he could s�nd them the ones they want. Mr. Langenfeld suggested that_one or two persons on the FEQC should thoroughly study an assigned act or law and provide the�r 9nput as to the information contained therein. By doing this, everyor�e wou7d have the proper exposure to these 7aws and be ab7e to use them when the occasion arises. ACCEPTANCE OF MINUtES MOTI N BY BOB ERICKSON THAT THE JULY 9 MINUTES BE ACCEPTED. Seconded by Russell Houck. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimaus7y. LEAF COMPOSTING 1 � Mr. Eric son said that the City is going ahead w�th p7ans for next year on 7eaf composting w�th Parks and Recreation. Mra Langenfe7d asked Bob Erickson if they were go�ng to continue with their survey? Mr. �rickson said they could back Parks up in order to get the money for the prngram. � Mr. Langenfeld asked Dan Huff if any p�oposals had been drawn up? Dan said they had just budgeted for turning the compost. No official plans had been made, just an estimate. Mary Martin felt they should go ahead and give the 1 presentatian, since it was almost complete. Mr. Erickson said it cau7d be presented to the City Council. A rough copy of the presentation wi71 be typed. Mr. Langenfeld suggested having someone from parks come to one of � the m�Qtings and Parks could present their ideas and the FEQC could present the h�gh7�ghts of their program. Mr. Langenfeld said this topic wou7d be put on the ageanda for the September meeting. � � � � SHADE TREE ORDINANCE Mr. Eric son as e Dan Huff the City's pr�gram on the Shade Tree Ordinance. Mr. Huff gave.a brief outline. They had been budgeted $12,000 for the tree program for this year. They have hired tt,►o graduate foresters on a temporary basis. They have two crews who are inspecting and doing follow�ups. They have covered the.City complete7y except f�r a couple of wild areas over �n Innsbruck-:and near the river bank. A�ter this is compieted, they will go through the community for the second time. ' Dan said that about 500 notices have been issued in the City, over�i00 trees have been condemned. Less than 100 trees have been diseased. Dutch elm disease seems to be in relatively minor proportions at the present time except in some areas, sucl� as along the river shore. The oak wilt seems to be the 5 5A � � � � � Page � biggest disease problem. The largest part of the work had been the inspection and the recordkeeping, �rying to figure out who owns the property. He f elt the City's response has been very good. Very few peop7e have not attempted to comply. Mary Martin asked what shape the City is in, in general? Dan Huff said if you lived in North Innsbruck it is a terrible problem. It was the southe�n communities in the seven county area that ha� been hit the hardest. 8ob Erickson commended Dan Huff in the work they had accomplished in Fridley compared to some of the neighboring communities. Dan Huff said Golumbia Heights was working on it this year; Spring Lake Park had not begun; and New Brighion had hired a group of University graduate s�udents. Chairman Langenfeld referred ta the Natura7 History Area Propasa7. He talked � of the North Park issue which was classified as an unresolved issue. Mr. Langenfeid suggested that same of the members go look at the Islands of Peace in the fall, if they had not already done so. . 1 Dan Huff said he had done some cost estimates on what it would cost to build a board walk and that estimate was around $3,000 for approximate7y ?,000 feet, � This board walk would be needed to presume the "Moore L��e Dunes" Natural History. ' GENERAL DISCUSSION Mrs. Martin suggested bringing whatever acts they have at the nex� meeting, and put them together to fin� out what is missing. The request was made ta obtain mon�y from the FEQC budget and get laoseleaf notebooks (similar to , the Code Book) far all members of the Commission. This would be the property of the owner only while the members ar� serv.ing on the Commission. After � r resignation or expiration of service, it could be passed on to the new members. In addition, 1Q in�exes should be purchased per person. MOTION BY MARY MARTIN THAT TNE ���DLEY ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CQM�ISSION MEETINGS BE HELD EVERY FOUR7H TUESDAY OF THE MONTH. Seconded by Russell Houck. Upon a voice vote, t e mo�ion carried unanimously. The new meeting da�e could be p7aced on the 1975 ca7endar year. , SALT STORAGE DISCUSSION Mr. Langenfeld refet^re to the letter to Mr. Joel Katz, Minnesota Highway Department, District #5 from the Planning Assistant, Jerrold Boardman, in ' which the City Counci7 approved the recommendations of the Buildings Standards and Design Control Su6committee which were: 1. Green Stain be used on exterior ' 2. Landscaping plan as presented at May 9, 1974 meeting be �followed. 3. The 2 sheds be removed from the site. � 4. This item go to the Environmental Quality Commission. � Mr. Langenfeld personal7y inspected this shows signs of salt deposits and spi7lage there is a bui]ding or not, this spillage � low area that catches �un-off water that again, salt enters the river. site and noted the drainage area down the eroded river banks. Whether must be stopped. He further noted a drains into the Mississippi. Here ' Chairman Langenfeld understands that the Pol7ution Cantrol Agency is now involved with this problem. L , Page 3 5 � � I � ' i ' � � ' Mr. Langenfeld pointed out that he fully realizes the "Central Location" for the s�torage of salt in order to accomodate the many highway intersections in the immediate area but "OPEN SALT STORAGE" must be stopped: He further indicated that a building site should meet all specifications to stop any salt spiilage or seepage and should be constructed in accordance with PCA & �ridley City Council's recommendations. Mr. Langenfeld extends his thanks to Building:Standards and Design Control Committee for their referral. MOTION BY BOB ERICKSON THAT THE ENVIRONM�NTAL QUALITY COMMISSION HAVE A REPRESENTATIVE OF TH� STATE HTGHWAY DEPARTMENT APPEAR BEFORE OUR COMMISSION TO DISClJSS THE SPECI�IC PLANS FOR A SAL7 STORAGE PLAN IN FRIDLEY BEFORE THIS COMMISSION MAKES ANY RECOMMENDATIONS. IN PARTICULAR, EVIDENCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH PCA REQUIREMENTS SHOULD BE PRESENTED. Seconded by Russell Houck. Upon a voice vote, the motion carr=ied unanimously. Mr. Langenfe]d said there was a vacancy on the Commission which had not been filled as of yet in Ward 2. Mr. �rickson gave Mr. Langenfe7d the name of a person who might be interested in serving on the Commission. ADJOURNMENT , N� I N B ARY MARTIN TO ADJOURN 7HE MEE7ING. Seconded by Bob Erickson, Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. The next meeting is Tuesday, September 24. ' ' II � L_J J � ' �J ' � ' Respectfully submitted, � r ��`�?.�,�(�':, `�i'�'��-i lL.� � ��.-� Stielley�Morrison RecordYng Secretary ' ' , ' � � � 1 LJ 1 , , � ' CITIZEN BIKEWAY COMMITTEE September 4, 1974 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry Boardman, Vern Moen, Joe Schor�mer, Dale Hagen, Lee Houck, and Bobbie Spaettt OTHERS PRESENT• MEMBERS ABSENT• Don Blair Bob Lee, Mrs. Randy Johnson, William Gerads, Robert Ri,ese, and Dennis Schneider Jerry Boardman opened the meeting at 7;42 p.m. Mr. Boardman said he would send alI members of the Committee a copy o� the Parks �.nd Recrea�ion Comprehensive Plan, which established this committee. He showed an illustrated map of Fridley, divided up into twenty eight neigh� borhoods, which were then di.vided up into 9 logical study areas, where one person was appointed from each of those areas to be on the Committee. GENERAL DISCUSSION Mr, Boardman said they had taken a 10% survey of the City, but the results have not been tabulated as of yet. This will be ready for the Commission's review as soon as a1Z is tabulated. Mro Schommer asked if they were setting up the bikeway system so they could have bikeways connecting the whole area. Or wou�d a.t be set up individually in each area? Mr. Boardman said the Planning Department planned an a bikeway and walkway system as mainlq an access connection route. They would connect with Calumbia Heights, Coon Rapids, New Brighton, and Mounds View which are all working on bike planso This plan wi11 fi� into an over-all metropolitan pZano The funding of a bike system would include that gortion fitting into a metropolitan loop or circular systemo Mr. Boardman said one of the main goals was to provide access from anywhere in the City to any other part in the City9as we11 as setti.ng up aceess to schools; public buildings, population centers, etc. It,would be more than a recreational trail, it wouZd be a p�destrian/transportation plan. - � Jerry Boardman said the State is planning on a Sto Croix river raute, plus bicycle routes a11 along the Minnesota River Valleyo There has been alo� of public response on this. � � �_ � ' lJ Mr. Hagen asked if monies would be ultimately asked for by the taxpayer for this sytem. Mr. Boardman said it pro�bably wi11, although there are federal monies available for this type of system through the Highway Department and Department of Natural Resourees. Mr. Schommer said that Mounds View was in Ramsey County, could they possibly get involved? Mr. Boardma.n said he doubted very much about help from Ramsey County, since they are setting up their own trail system within the County. Mr. Schommer said not necessarily � , 6A Page 2 ' in funding, but setting up access between ' said various City planners had discussed extension plan set up hetween the Cities. , �' � , � ' � � � � � � �� CJ � ' their City and ours. Mr. Boardman this and there wzll be some type of Vern Moen asked i.f there would be any publ.ications in the newspaper on the biketrail system. Mr. Boardman said he would be putting in news articles contiinually. Mr. Moen said he was thin�ing of a wider circulation than the Sun, such as the Minneapolis or St. Paul paper. GOALS AND 0$JECTIVES Mr. Moen said it was his understanding of the goa].s and objectives, that the Committee is to formulate a feasible plan that would be acceptable to the citizens in the area and be desirable as a biiceway trail. Mr. Boardman said after the Committee had set up their goals and-abjectives, they will analyze and look at bike surveys, then they will look at bike routing on the program. Mr. Boardman said Mr. Moen had brought up a good point, what is the purpose of the study itself? By setting up goals and objectives you are setting up parameters w�th which you direct the development af an overall plan. Tl�e goaTs and objectives should be met by September 25. Mr. Boardman said he would try to have the goal.s and objectives ready by September 18 in written form sa they could go through for necessary changes. Jerry Boardman said the Denver plan had set up a resolution similar to goals. Some of these included the need to create sufficient means for transporting people which will minimize noise, congestion, and air pollution, the necessity for development of alternative modes of transportation, appropriateness of the bicycl.e and terms of environ.mental consequences. Some suggestions that the Committee agreed upon for goals and objectives included; 1) develop a plan 2) feed and monitor xesponse from the Community. Some of the goals of the plan suggested were; 1) Safety 2) Education 3) Recreation 4) Recognition of bikes as a mode of transportation 5) Environmental reasons 6) Encouraging community participation. (A draft of the goals and objectives brought up at this meeting will be typed up by the next meeting). Jerry Boardman said one of the goals of the Committee was ta develop a plan, another one was to respond to the public, bring in cammunity zeaction or response to this system. Mr. Boardman said this is one of the first times that a citizen committee has actually developed the plan. BoQbie Spaeth suggested having a bike day for all citizens in Fridley, such as other cities had done. DISCUSSION ON CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEE Mr. Schommer asked why just nine people Mr. Boardman said they felt that a nine than a larger committee. had been assigned to the Committee? member committee could be more workahle Mr, Boardman said he thought it would be better if a �itizen was chairman of the Comsnittee, because it was a citizen committee, and would expedite matters through the Council. Mr. Schommer as[ced if the Chairman would have access to a11 the information Jerry $oardman has? Mr. Baardman said he would help , ��i Page 3 ' coordinate information to the committee but the chairman would run the committee. Lee Houck asked if they could elect a citizen as chairman and elect Mr. Boardman as co-chairman? Mr. Boardman said this could be done. The committee decided t.o elect a chairman when all nine members could be present at the meeting, preferably ' at the next meeting. A letter will be sent notifying members that this item wi21 be on the agendao . , ' ' ' , Mr. Boardman discussed the Management Information Services Report from the National City Management Association. '{Copies will be sent out). M�o Boardman said at the next meeting, he will have the tentative form of the goals and objectives, so the Committee can go through and make additions or correctionso Also, the results of the survey will hopefully be tabulated. Presently, �ost of the surveys revea,led that citizens were in £avor of the b�,keway systemo AbJOURNMENT Jerry Boardman declared the meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. The next �eet�ng is September If�, 1974. Respectfully submitted, ..���,a,��.�,� ' Shelley orrison Recordi g Secretary ' � �- 560-345C f���-a • /� R� � t o g �� �� �.7 ~' P�� ���� i . � � � • ANOKA COU�lTY 6431 UNlVERStTY AVENUE NE Septer.�ber 5, 1974�RtDLEY, MIRNESOTA 55432 BUILDING SZ:AivDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOT�IITTEE AGENDA FOR THURS�AY, SEPTEhiBEK 12, 1974, 8:00 P.b9., CIVIC CENTER CALL TO ORD�R: ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF b1INUfES: August 22, 1974 1. CONTINUATION OF A CONSIDER�TION OF A RF.QUEST FOR RELANDSCAFTNG AND FEI�'C� 1t'ORK: LOCATED ON LOT l, BLOCK 1, EAST RANCH EST�TCS 1S'T ADDITION, PARCEL'10; TtiE SE1I�1E BEING 7620 UI�'IVERSITY AVENUE NQRTHEASI', FP.IDLEY, I��iIRi�'�'ESOTA. (REQUEST BY FI2ANK'S NURSERY, 7940 PEN�' AVE\`UE SOUTH, bL00A4INGTON, A�IINNESOTA 55431) . 2• CONSIDER�TION OF A HOUSE RELOCf'lTION DUE TO A REZONING RE UBST FROr�I �..._.___. t,1-1 TO R-1: LOCAT�D 0\ LO'fiS 11 THROUGFI 21, P:vD LOTS 2s TMKtlUGH 37, BLOCY. 4, SPRING BRO�K PHRK ADDITIO?�; THE 5��1E BEING GENE32AL- LY LOC�TED BETi1'f�F;I�' 79TH h'AY N.E. tL�?D LONGF�I..LOLV ST'R�ET r1ND ASHTOV I�VENUE A�ti'D THE RAILROAD TRACKS. (REQII�ST BY tI�NRY F. MIIHICH, lOdS LINCOI,Ivr TERI'.ACE iv . E. , COLlJ14BIA FiEIGHT5, 1�fIi�NESOTA 55421) 3. C0�'SIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT PI-iASE II OF THE PRES�NT STRUCTURE TO BE USED AS A�'� ICL AREI�A: LOCATED ON PARCEL 6610, SOUTIi HAT F OF SECI'I0�' 11, CIT1' OF FRIDLEY, COtTi�;TY OF �:V`OK�, S1`ATE OP rlIidt�'P.SO'i'A; TH� Sf��SE BEI\G 7011 U�TIVERSITY AVENU� N012TH- �AST, FP,IDL�Y, AIIN£v�SOTA. (F2EQU�ST BY �OL?�TY OF i�1�OhA, 325 E�15�' hiAIIV STREF'i', ANOKA, DIINNESOTA S5 �03} . 4• CONSInE12�iI0V OF A REQEUST TO CONSTRUCT �l 1�TE1;' BUILDING �0 BE USI.i� AS � A�:DIC:�L CLINIC: LOCATED 0:� Aivi ELGVII�1 ACRFi Z'RACf (Pr1RCEL _' 2400j 'I'11,'1T 1S LOCA7'ED SOUTiI OF 76TH !��'E�iIIE ;;ORTrIi:AST, L'AST OF STH STFL'•I;'1' \ORTI�ERST, NOt2'Tft OF 75'TE: A��ENllE \'OR"I',�L;AST AR'D tt�ST QF lI:\'ItY HOSPI"TAL; ",''lIE S:'��1E BL'I\G 5U0 OSBO�Z:�F? P.O:�U :�'0}:Tf�EAST, rRIDt.!;1', AiIP�iVLSOTA. (FF:(jUI:ST BY 'I'IIE NOI2'fi-I SUBUI:Br'1:�1 fIOSPITAL D1STItICT, 5j0 � OSGROVE KOtID ti'OI:TIIEAS'T, FT:iDLL•:Y, AiI�\'NESO"]'�1 55432) S. GENERAL DISCUS�ION 6. ADDIT10NflL EUUCATIONAL r�tEE1'INGS ADJOL1FutiriLNT': ' � 1 7 A �' ' BllILDIhG 5TAIL�DARDS-DESIGN CONTRQL Si1BCQ�1�IITTEE t�1EETING OF SEPTEAIBER 12, 1974 � � ' ' , The r��eeting was called to ordPr by Chairman_Lindblad at 8:05 p.m. D1EI�iBERS PRESF.I�'T: Lindblad, Tonco, AtEI�1BErS ABS}:NT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Jerry Boardman, Treuenfels, Nelson, Simoneau P).anning Assistant DfOT'ION by Treuenfels, seconded by Simoneau to approve the minutes.of the August 22, 1974 meetzng as �vritten. UPON A VOICE VaTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1, CO;�TINU.�iTION OF A COtiSIDERATI�;� OF A REQUEST FOR RL;LANDSCAPING Ai1D FEI�'CE {tiORh: LOCA1'ED Ov LOT 1, ttLUC% l, EAST R��CH ES'fATES IST A£1DI- TION, PARCEL 10; T1-lE SAAIE BEIRTG 7b20 tT�\'Ii/ERSII'Y AVEI�UE NURTHEAST, F}:IDL�Y, �1Ird\ES01'A. (P�EQUEST BY FR.�,'vK' S NURSLFLY, 7940 PE`;'d AVENUE SOUTrI, �L0�14Ih�GTOV, AtINi�ESOTA 55431) . . MOTIO�i by Treuenfels, second bv Simonea� to receive the corresponden.ce ' ' from Frank's Nursery stating they would like to withdraw their request and reapply when ready. See attachment UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 2. CONSIDERATION OF A HOtfSE RELOCATION DUE TO A REZOI�TING REQUEST FRObi � A4-1 'I'0 R-1: LOCATf:D 0�` LOTS 1J. 'I'I-IROUGH 21, AND LOTS 28 THROUG}i 37, BLOCK 4, SPRING $IZOOK PARK ADlli7'IO:�; 7'HE SAI��SE BEING GFI�'ERALL'C LOCAT�D BET{'1EEi� 79TH i�'�Y N.�:. �tii) LQ`GF'ELLO�V STREET AND f�SfITOV ��iENUE I�t�D 'I'}iE P..AILROAD 'I'RACKS. (12EQUEST BY HENRY F. �IUHICii, 1005 LINCOLI�I TERP�ACE NORTHEAST, COLIl�1BIA HEZGF-ITS, 1�IATNESOTA 55421) . hlr. Hank hiuhich was present for the request. hir. ��tuhich and A�fr. Boardman presented pictures of the house t;� be moved in and also pictures of the surrounding homes. A4r, P1t�iich said he is askino for a rezoning request £rom b1-I to R-1. It was pointed out that this area has al►��ays heen zoned D1-1 and when the homes that are there no�, wer.e built it tiaas legal to build R-1 on industri3l land. hlr, r9uhich said he has ta.lked tiaith the aff.ected homeowners and all are in favor of the rezoning except one homeowner. This homeowner has 2/3 of his property on ?�4-1 and 1/3 on R-1; th e ho7ie rests 1/2 on rt-1 and 1/2 on R-1. This o�.�tier would like to keep his A1�1 zon7.ng in order that he may place. a���ood �tirorkiiig, liome occupation shop in his garage. D1r. D4uh�.ch sai.d he tried to point out various reasons to this homeowner as tb why two zonings �tiould be a haxds}�ip to him, b!r. Boardman said if 5po of his home was ever destroyed, he i,�ot�ld not be able to rebui ld his home due to L-he double zoniilg, rSr. 1�[uhich said this �,tas the only opposition he recei>>ed. A1r. Tonco asked A1r. I,Iuhich if he ►aould put a 2 car garage up. bir. Muhich sai.d if ttie Goard request one he <<•ould put o�ie up, i�ut it �vould be a bit of a hardship to do it immediately. Afr. 1'onco su� gested by ti:c end of 19i5 that the fiuragc� be l�uilt, i�ir. t,lt�hicli a�;reeci ;:o tliis. :fe said he probably wor.�t be movi�ig thc house in w�til thc srring of 1�?75. It is prescntly being used as a bank office in NCR' Hope and he has te ti�ait until the new bank building is � , 7� BU1.;,DI\G S'I'A1�'DARDS-CIESIGN CONTROL SUBGOh�fifITi'EE T,EETING OF SEPT�b1BER 12, 1974 - PQ. 2 constructed to get the home. ' �ir. Tonco asked what the PI.anning Cornmzssion's ieelings on his xequest �tiTere, t9r, i�IL1}11C�1 said they wanted a petition bxought in signed by the home- oianers tha.t t}zey a� e in favor of the rezo�iing. Other that that, they seemed ' in general agree�nent for the rezoning. hir. bluhich said he did have the signatures of all the homeowners explaining k�12at he was going to do a.nd t,rhat he wanted, but it was not worded as a petition.. �J ' Mr. Boardman asked about posting a bond to ensure propex landscaping is done. He said the City has rec{uested this of other homes mo•ved in and felt it was a good safeguard policy. The Board and Mr. rluhich agr.eed to this bond and set it at $500,00. A90TION by Tonco, seconaed by Nelson to recommend approval of the home ' reloc<�tion subject to a p�tition brought in by b4r. rtuhich stating approval of the rezoning by the af£ected property hameo:aners and taith the fcllo.wing stipulations: . ' C l. A 2 car garage be constructed by the end of 1975. 2. A landscaping bond for $500.00 be posted. � UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carri_eci unanimously. ' 3. CONSIDEfL�TION OF A RL='QllEST TO CO�iSTRUCT PH�S� II OF THE PRESE;vT STI�UCT'URE TO BE USED �S APv ICE AREir:\: LOCATED 0�1 PARCEL 6GI0, SOL;'TH HALF OI= SECTIG� 11, CITY' OP FRIDLEY, COII�iTY 0'r' A1�TOhA, STATE OP hIINNESOTA; THL 5�1i�;� BElNG 7011 UNIt�EPSITY A�ENUL' i��ORTfiEAST, FRIDI.rY, �iIi�iti'ESOT��, (P�Qt)ES"T B'.' TH�:F� ' CQUNTY UF A�'�UKk, 325 EAST I�IAITI STI2EET, ANOI�A, i�1IIvNFSU'1'A 55303) . ' � I� � , AIr. Dave Torkelson was present for the reauest. b�r. Torkelson said t2iis arena will be added onto the rear vf the presert structure. The rinl: wi11 be full sized and able to seat I,000 pe�p1E. Tf�ere will be a service door on the north side ti,ith 2 fire exi� doors on the nox�h . and sout}i e]evatinns. Darrel Clark and Bob Aldrich had suggested placing the doors }�ere for easier fire equipment access. The main entrance �ti�ill be on the west wall. Nir. Toxkelson said he wauld like to put a sidewalk on the south s3.de and s�ome type c£concrete curb stop on the nori.h side to keep cars asaay from the bui ldi.ng. Mr. Torkelson said the present structure has an ice floor desigr�ed for 6 months use and thcy axe using it year around which has caused the floor to raise. The new rink iaould have a 12 mo�ith iloor deszgn thus enabling the pre- sent arena 6 montts ice use and 6 rnontlis use as an auditorium. A4r. Lindb2ad asked if t}iere ���ould be adequate parking. P•tr. Torkelson said there will be more than enough. Air. Boardman asked Dtr. Torkelson io fi 11 in �ahat tlie Board of Appeals had deci ded at the Tzac:sday evening meeti.ng. A1r. Tor�:elson sai d they are suppose to ' ' ' ' ' LJ ' ' ' ' � ' ' i ' , � ' ' 7C Y.UILPJI�'G STf1.�DARI�S-llE5] C�.'�' C0�7'I:OL SUBCO�t:'�IT'I"1'�I: AiL;;'I'ING OP SEPTIit�i}�El: 12, 1974 - P�?- 3 I have a 25 foot setU�ck from the xear property l�.ne hut itii.th thc.rzeta adclition, thcy ��ill have only ]3 fc�et to 15 fect (the buildi.n� sii.s at a�t �n�lc). Il vari_ance was �ive�t �eitll t}le stil�ul�zt:ioil tllat if ti:c �rr�oz�}� sllou_ld go in on the adjacenti land, tl;ere ��ill be joint parkin�. This is somett�ing the City and Coui?ty ►•rill have to ti�rork out at that tir�e, ]�iti�c��ex, ;�lr.. "1'orkclson coul.d see no problern taith the joint par};in�; agreement. h9r. Tonco asl:e.d whc:r.e t�ie dwnl�sters ���il.l be loca.tecl. P�1r. Torl:elson replied at prese�tt tlie�� sit on a cem�nt slzb on tlie nortlieast side, lio�:ever tliey ���ill have to be xeloca.�ed. It �aas suggested to place them on the north side ���it)z proper scxee�iing, A4r. Tor}celsoil agreed to t.lii.s. b1r. I3oardn�an as�:ed if the landscaping pl.�n i;ould be szmilar ta the ��resent lanc3sca.pin�. He re}�lied that lie though� it titi�ould be very sim�.lar as he did the previous lar�dsca}�in� ti+ork. hfr. Boardi;,an sa�_d a plan �•�oulc� not have to be brou�ht �n fox Council ap.proval but' only for s1:af� appro-�-a1. A4r. Torkelson said tlre exterior n,aterial ti+�ill inatcll tl�e present structuxe as r��uch as possible. Tlie bottom �,till be bricl;, t}len b��oken hloc�, rough block c�i1C� Ux'O};eTl block again. Pir, Baaxdman suggested a scored tflack in place of the xegular stacl:ecl bloc�: to give more desian and breal: up to the building. t�1r. Torkelson said lie will l001: in�o the possibility of using scor�d block vs. xegular block, but could not say fox sure because of the money involued. 1�4r. Lindblad asked if there would Ue any roof equ�.pflien�, hSr. Torkelso�i said tliey wilJ have 2 toa�ers locar.ed on the west side xooF to service tl�e Freon S��stem for the ice xink. IIe said, hoi,�ever, that since tlie fire exi.ts havc: bee�i relocated fr.om the east sicle to tl►e north and soutJ� sides the tot�ers could be placed on the east si.de at graund level. Tlii.s �ti�oul.cl place them to the rear of the new a.ddition instead of. on the front. 1'he 13oard and Atr. Boardman felt it k�ould be better to have these toitiiers on the gxound ii�stead of on the roof. T40TT0\` Uy Sirioneau, seconded by Treuenfels, to recon���tend to Council aprro��a.l oi the xequest ��ith t;le follo�aing stipulatio�is: 1. Sidei��al}: be placed along the soutll elevation. 2. Poured coticrete curbing (6" z 1S") be placed along the north elevation. 3. Uuml�ster.s be relocated on the noxtli side t�ith propex screening. 4. Landsc,�ping plan Ue similar to t.he e>:isti.ng plan and subject to staff app��ova1. . � S. The 2 Freon toi��ers be placed at �rounc� level on the east elevation if possxblc. Otlier���ise if placcd on the roof tlicy must t�e pro�erly sc��eened. U1'ON 11 VO1CL VO'I'E, all voting aye, t}ie motion carried unanimot�sly. 0 1 � � ' ' ' ' � , LJ � � ' ' ' ' � � 7D f3UILI�I�1G STA.'�'DARUS-UESIG\i CO\iTROL SUBCOi,n1ITTEE 61I:ETIIv'G OF SF.YTEhfi3ER I2, I�}74 - P�, 4 4. CORiSI!�ER4TIQ�' QF A 12EQUEST Tt) COte'STRUCT A NF:i,' BUILDIA'G TQ BE USED AS r'1 A1LI)ICAI. CLINIC: LOCA'i'El) 0\ �N ���LG\�f;!� AC1tE 1'R�1C'I' (Pt;RCEL "1400) Tii:�'i' IS I,OC�1Tl�U SOU"I'li OF 76'Tti Al'E\U1: NOi�'tHF;AST. EAST OF 51'i-1 STRI:E7' Iv'01,'I'fiL'-nST, � I�OF:'I'll OF �5'I'If A\'£:NUr ;�OR"I'IIF�ST i'�ND lti'ES'I' UF U\I'1'Y 1iQSPITr1L; 1'lIE SA�1E: $�i\G 50U OS�OP.AE KO�ll ��''ORTH�!�ST, i,RIDL,�Y, I'IIN�vESJ'1'A, (REQULST � P,1' TIiE I�OItT1I SlJl3llI�BA:\' 1�OSf'ITAL DIS1'RIC`I', 550 OS6R0:'vF �O;�D �;OR'1'IfEAS'1', }�F.IIII.EY, MINI�L'SQ'I'A 55432) . D4r. Peter VanHauer and b1r. Alber.t Eilers were present for the rec}uest. Mr. F:ilers said hasically �`�hat they are here for now is to get approval to start soil stabilizaiio,i. bir. VanHauer said tliey would iike to start no�a as tney exre�t costs to go up 25o to 30� within the next 4 to 6 weeks and also they i�•ould like to get this done before win�er. He exp�ained that they woulc� be xemoving appxoximately 3,000 yards of bad soil, debris and blacktopping and replacing ti4�ith a good foundation soil. It was explained that the clinic will be attached to the east side of the hospit:al hy a sk}�valk. The clinic will have the same desigr: and xed brick as the llospi.tal. Tlie main di�ference in the building materi.al wiZl be that pre= cast concz•ete will be used instead of poured concxete for thc bands on the exterior walls. Mr. Boa.rdman pointed out that at a meeting held betioeen these gentlen?en anc the City staff Thursday afternoon, it was decided that the c2inic should be moved 1-1/2 to 2 feet further �vest. This will allo�+ for �roper zoning and setbacks if the building is ever sold. Another item changed was the amount of par};ing. 1'he City staff felt there ���as too much parking even though the amount shoi,�n was what was needed according to code. The staif felt it could be stipulated on the building permit that parkin� be provided for w,iat is lieeded and if r�ore is ever required it will be provided. At gresent the parking is adequate for both the clinic and hospital. The clinic and parki.ng ar.ea will cover 3 of the 11 acres o�ti•ned by the North Suburban Hospital District. The remainin� 8 acreas, for t}ie preser.t, will remain a oreen area. A4r. Boarctman said various parking loi. setbacks from the prop�rty 2ines had to be folJ.o���ed, tie suggested a plot plan be bxought in to show the parkin� lot as it should be. A9r. Nelson c�uestioned if the exits onto Osborne Road titould be adequate to handle the' added traffic �low. h9r. Eiler said <<rhen the NSI3D went through for its special use permit (appr.oved 10-15-73) one stipulation tiaas that no additional traffic be directed to�aards the residential area. Atr, Boardman sa.id the exits off onto Osobnre Road would suffice as Osborne P.oad has been constructed t� handle a large traffic volwne, the visibility along Osbor��e Road is excellerit, and there will be no traffic stacking as all major ii�tersections are a. good distance ac�ay from these exits. A9r. Eilezssaid a possibility to make sure: all tr.affic is directed towards Osbori�e Road would Ue to have an inner road in the clinic's parking lot, exiting to the Osborne Road eaits only. � ' � � ' ' , , ' � 7E1 BUILllING STANDARDS-B�SIGN CO:VTROL SUBCOt��;ti1ITTEE P•1L:ETIhG OF SEPTEhiBEP. 12 1974 - P�. 5 P1r. Boardman said there are 2 saays the Boai•d can handle th�is request: I) approve the site location enabling them ta go ahead only caith the soil stabzliza- tion; and 2) approve the actual site layout and this ���ould mean that the NS�iD �+ould not come before this Board again. I�1r. Boardman saiu he ielt ti�ere �aexe to many questions on the parking and setbacks and landscaping and felt the request should return to this Board. Ti0TI0N by Simoneau, seconded by Treuenfels to recommend approval to Council of the Uuil.ding location in order only to start soil stabilization with the follolaing stipulations: 1.. The buildi.ng be moved 1-1/2 to 2 feet ��est to allow for proper zoning � and setbacks. 2. Parking stalls be changed to 10' x 20'. 3. 25' minimun backup aisles be provided in the parking lot. 4, Parking be grovided in the amount to facilitate the building and if more is ever needed (according to code xeauirements) it will be provided. 5. A site layout plan be brought to this Board shotiaing actual parking area, how much green area will be left, proper setb acks. 6. Landscape plan for fhe 3 acres showing type and locatzon of tre.es and shrubs be brought S.n for this Board's review. UPON A VJICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. D4r. VanHauer anc? Mr. Eile� asked�if it would be possible ta start the , soil stabilization befoxe the Se�,tember 23, 1974 Council meeting. Mr. Lindblad said this Eoard could see no objection, but they woulci haue to get staff approval. btr. Boardr�an said he would check into this and �iotify them. � �I� � ' I ' S. GENEP.fIL DISCUSSION t�ir. Tonco asked tah�� we rea,uest xoof equipment screening if there is no follow up an it to niake sure it is maintai�led. rir. Lindblad also questioned signs that were illegal, why something is not done to eliminate them. r1r. Boardman said the City realizes there are many code offenders, bz_it they do not }tave the Ci.ty personnel to follow up on everything as soon as it should be� He said Steve Olsoii, Environmental Officer, lias been <<�orking ver}� }iard on problems such as these, and in particular in Ona�,�ay Addition, Ueterman's lVelding, Central Auto and niore, fie said Tfr. Olson sets up inspections and makes reinspections to make sc�re comPliance has bcen met, if not he is not afr.aid to �rri.te out tickets to thc offender. 6. AD�ITIO;�AL EDUCATIONAL h1EETINGS D1r. I3oardman said these mcetings could be set up 2 t� 4 months i.n advance. 'i'hey ��ould i.nclude vistoxs to tell thc Goard aboui new concepts in building � � 7F BUILDI?�G S'I'EIIVDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOI�S�3ITTEE h9EETING OF SEPTEP4RER 12, 1974 - P�. 6 material use, ne�,� materials on the market, basic l.andscaping ideas and how to apply� them to different developments and costs involved. He said a poxtfolio is being put together to show different ideas and uses of materials and land- scaping as found thxot�ghout the T�ain City area. • It`was decided a meeting would be set up for the first T'hursday in each month that there is no scheduled regular meeting, starting in October. Chairman Lindblad adjourned the meeting at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, � .����� Paula R. Long � Secretary . _ 0 �, ����.�.�I�'� I'�U������ �����, ����. AMERiCA'S GREATEST GARDEN CENTERS MA�UhG ADORESS: P.O. 80X 63t7 • DETROIT, MICHIGAM d8234 €�°;_--�� � r.. 'y�0 t� ��� � � �., � ��� ��� , , :� ,.. ; /��rii� �i�<< a���/%l<.�ii/rr���<' 6399 EASf NEVADA OE7ROtT, MICNIGAt� 4823A CAB! E ADORESS: "fRANQI" TELEPHONE: 31"s 366�6400 September �, 197� ��z'. Jerry B�ardrnan, Planr_in� Asst. City Hall Fridley' J .1�Zinnes�ta �5�21 Dear P�fr. Boardrnan : � RE : �'rank' s Nursery 7620 University F.r. idley, i�IN - I unders�uncl there �ai12 be a Building Standarc�-Desigr_ � Con�r�l Subcommi�tee meetin; �n Sepuemb�r 12, �97�� t� con,:�der our request ior relandsc�p�ng anci fence tiyar� at �he ab�ve captioned pr�perty. 1 ��rould apprecia�e if this meei�ing can i;e se� �ver to a future date inasmuch as c�r�ain lease r.equirernents hGve n�� been res�lved c�rith �ur Landlord. As so�n as these r,ia�'cer.•s are res�lveci, v.e G�:ill make a for- rr.al r�ques�� for a ne�•� Su�committee hearing. I trus� I have not put any�n� to any i.r.cativenience and 1 ur�uld ls.ke �� take �his opF�rttzni�y t� than�e U�:�=� r;oard for the cour�esies e�.tended to me. Y�urs very trLtly, , �`RANK��'� IvTUIZSr�RY Sl�LES, IIvrC. � �`�,� J�e osenthal Director of Real Estate Jii/� d cc: R�bert Schroer RrGISTiR.ED I�iE►IL - RETURN RECEIPT RE�ITESTLD ' �1 I 7G ' ' 1 1 � I , , ' ' THI: t•SINU'.PE; 01' TI�Ii�; BOAFtD OT? APPF.ALS SUI3C0?ib1ITPEE I�1I?.FTING Or SEPTEI�IBER J.O. 1974 Tile meeting was called to order by Cliairman Driqans at 7:50 P.M. rir•.rtBEP.S PF:_L•'SEt3'C: Drigans, Gabel, Wahlberg �. ME��3LI2S ABSL•'NT: Crowcler, Plemel OTH��,It5 Pi:ESI:NT: Howard Matt.son - Fz�gineering Aide Ni0'I'TON by Wahlberg, seconded by Gabel., to approve the minutes of the August 27, 1974 m�eting as written. Upon a voi.cc vote, there bcing no nays, the motion carried. 1. � FE:nL'T:ST l='O� VAR7ANCFS OF: SECTION 205.054, ?_I3, T'RIDLEY CTTY COD�, TO P.i;DUCE TTiF: AiINT:tUr1 F''IRST FLU0�2 P.F�L•;�, FPO?'$ 7G8 SQUI�RE; f'3'ET TC7 G76 SQUARE FELT, AND, SECTiQ;: 2U5.053,,1,_ 7.'O FL;llUCE TiI� t�,:[P1:I�;UP�9 S9U11RE FOOTIIGL: OI' Ti LOT PLATTFD Ill�TER 1955 FFO'•� 9,C0(�UARL; �EI'��' to £3�20 S(]UAF�E FTi;T, TO ALLO�a 1'HE COI3SI'RtJCTIOt� OF fi DWEI.,;�I:N:; AND GAP,I�G.T; TO F�E TUC11'I'ED Oid LOT l, T3LOCi: 1, OUIr1Ei"1'E TL:F�I2110E, THF, � SAt:i? 1�E:LivG 16=i:l� t�1.r."F:INL�:Y (76th A�Iill'L)E) S7'}�F'Z' N.E., FhII�LEYF b1It�'id1:SOTA. (RE9UEST BY MR. HEiJRY D. POLASY.I, 1412 - 27TFi I���IJCTE N.E. , ifINIQt.APQLIS, AilNNESOZ'7�1. ) h30TION by Wahlberg, seconded by Gabel� to waive reading tPie public hearing notice. Upon a voice vote, thEre being no naXs, �he motion carried. • Mr. Polaski came forward to present his request. The plot- plan tiTas shown to the Board. t�ir. Mattson explained to the Board that the plat of Ouimette Terrace, with its slightly undersized lots was rnore or less sanctioned by fhe City because they would have had wasted space otherwise, Mrs. Gabel asked to see i:he"house plans. Nir. Polaski showed the Board the plans for_ a Capp home style "The Clairmor.t", a ' two stary 26 foot squaze house cYith attached double car garage. Mrs. Wahlberg asked i.f the plans had been cut dowti in size. Mr. Polaski said they had not. 1�9rs. 6ti'aYilberg asked if he had thought of enlarginc� the house, Mr. Polaski said ' , he had �sk�d the Capp Home peopl.e about that and they told him it would cast a t}iousand dollars to add a couple of feet. r7r. Mattson ex�lained that it �,ould take an extra 4 feet of length to the house to bring it abc�ve the requir�d minimum code requirc�ment of 768 square feet for the first f:loor. of a two story }IOUSe. Mz. Dr�c�ans askeci wllat the commerci.al value of the house �•aould be, Mz: Po]_aski said 35 to 40 ttiousand and that they �vould be paying about_24 thousand unfiiiisYied, Mr. Polas}:i said they had an option on a 15 year mor.tqaye from Capp 1lomes. Mr. Drigans as}:ed what the maximum lot cover.age is in an R-1 District. Mr. Mattson said 25o and that even with t}ie reduced lot size in this case, lot coverage is not a problem, nor would it be exceeded were the hpus� u� to code size. Mr. L�r_igans said that with t}�e reduced lot size he thought the hausa size could be reduccd also. � Mrs. ��7atzlberg asl�;ed about a srnaller garage to offsei: the cost of a larger house. Au-. Urzc�ans said tl�at he t}i�ught adding on one end and ta�:iny o�f the other end of this iiouse orould adversely a7_ter ttie appearance and balance of tne design. MOTION by Flahlberg, seconded by Gabel,�to close the public hearing. Upon a voice vote, ther.e bei_ng no nays, ttie motion carried. Mr, Drigans sai.d tl-�at he woul.d })E: lIICJ.IIlE'C� to go alotig w�.tY� this ��lan. t�lrs, Wahlberg sa.id that she i:elt the 768 ,quare feet required in the Code is small already ancl thzt it cioes not. ��eem uiireasonable to ask for complianee, in thiz, c�zse particulai-l}� since thc�re was no problem with the lot size, h1rs. Wahlbe.rg ■ 0 !I I� � ' - - �aye 2 Ttie hlinutes of- thc �3o�rd of Appeals Suhcommi_ttee rleetinq of Sept.embcr 10, ].9'14 also said that th� setting of a precedent in an area with several undevelvped lot> �� was as3:iiig for more requests to build undersi_zed houses. Mr. Drigarls wished to have a dr.awing of the "Clairmont" model eiltered as rx}iibit "A", MOTI�N by Gabel., seconded by Drigans, to recommend to the City Council, approval ' of the variances with the stipulati.on that t}i� "Clairmont" plan as present-.ed by t�ir. Polzski �zr.d specif.ied as Exhibi.� "n" by ixi facL- tize one to be built without alterati.on. Upon a voice vote, Wahlber.g voting nay, the motion carried. ' ' � 2. �i�UEST F'OR r'I:I�,ISSI:Otd TO Ei2�C7.' 71 100 Sni111RE. FOOT 1�771TL SIGtd (COUiVCIL MIiV{JTrS Qr —____._ ._ ...���._ APF;I�, 3, 1972 S�'I'T?'UI�ATF_D t�7,�.LL �1J1'�J J.'O BF� 'I'��t;I�N Ori? 33UILnrr;G) TO lil� I,OCT�Tf;D UiJ U?T 1, I3i3OCY l, F;AS`.I` RT�'�ICE] rS'I'F.TF�S 1ST ADI�ITIOtd, 2'HE SAhfF B�;ING 76?0 UNIEIEF:.�I1'Y AV.'it7[JE N.�. , I'RIDL,T,'Y t•:Ii.'N'r;SOTA. 'T` � ' � � ~ T '- r (RiM�Ut�S�. EiY FI271Ni� S D.UI�SERY� 7G7_0 UI`IVERSITY AVEI��Ufs P,.F.. , PF:TUZ,i:l , 21I2vN.�SUT1�. ) AIOTIOI�1 by Gabel., seconded by Drigaris, to waive the reading of the public hearing notice. Upon a voice vote, there being no na��s, the motion carried. ' i•1r. Jack Lawrer�ce of Si.gncrafters, Inc., came forward to present the requ�st. Mr. Lawrence explained that the sign they wanted to erect for Frank's Nursery was not oversized or otherwise against Code. He said that the Council stipul.ation that wall signs be removed f.rom this buildi.rig (Council minutes of April 3, 1972j ' had referred to the building under dif.ferent owm ersYiip and occupancy status and that requests by Frank's Nursery should be coz�sidered as separate items. � ' �� � �� ' ' ' ' ' ' ' This brought about a discussion of the histor�r of the requests for signs by Bob's Produce Ranch. Mr, Dri.gans reminded rir. Lawrence that the signs on the pylon identifying Bob's F�roduce and I'rank`s Nursery were to have come down long ago as per a previous stipulation but they are still thcre, rir. Lawrence admitted he had been slow in renioving these signs but h� had wanted to do a11 the work at once and they had been delayed by a wait for plastir, to Y�e used in the Frank's I�ursery pylon sign. r1r, Lawrence stated that he would have the signs in ciuestion removed within a day or two. • MOTION by Wahlberg, seconded by Gabel, to c)_ose the public hear.ing. Upon a voice vote, i:here being no nays, t:he mation carried, Mr. Drigans.said that he would qo along with the request but that all signs sclieduled to come down must comc down before any new signs go up. MOTION by Wahlberg, seconded by Gzbel, to re.commend to the City Council, approval of the request with the stipulation that the two i_dentity signs on the large pylon be reinaved within 24 hours. Upon a voice vote, tl�ere being no nays, th� motion carried. 3. A RE9UFST FOR 1\ VARIANCE O}' S]?Ci'ION 205.053, 4C, FP.IDI,T'Y CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE Rl':AR YRfiD Si?TB?�CI: I'.L':QUIRE,'�il;�d'i' r'RO.•1 ?_5 F}:I;T TO 13 F'L•'t:T TO e'1Li,OW TIIL•' CONS`l'Pi1r'T�U\ GF F+N F�[1JI`I'IOid Of`TO AI� f•:X IS`i'7P1G STI:UC_PURF I:.00711'L•'U p;� TiiI: Sl::� OF Z'IIL•; S(+ita OI•' SECTION 11. � I:XCEF'^i i'IiE Tv'OP.1'II 50 I'I;E7` Ll TN(; 4'IE�i':P OI? `i'IiI: L•:1\ST 1S0 I'Li;'P TIIL:RL•:Ol' ��1C1D I1LSU EnCl;i'T7tv'G T31E SQU'!'li n0O 1'F,f7,'P T11?�:}:I?C:3.� : SUI3;JfiC7.' TO tiICIi:a11�' I?I�SEb1Etd'1' 11LCi1G I'liT: SQf;S'i'F.F:LY SIDi: 'I'fIL;1:'t:OI` 7�C1D I_:XCL:}�'1` I'r'11:C1?L GG?0 1�T;Ll SU( JF?CI` TO I?OAD f':i�SEi�tENT� TIiE 5T1'4F; 1iL•.'IC3G^� 707.1 UT�IVI:IL`�I'1'Y 71VI::YviJi: DI.E. , i'I:�LDLI'Y, t�Ii�'Idi�_SO`.f'11. (121?9UI;S`P 13Y TtII, COLIt�:'I'Y Oi�' 1,PJ01{]1, _ 32..�i E11S7' i�i)1IId :i:C3:t�f•;T� F�NO'r:T1� hIINNF�fiO'P71. - COLti`1F3.L71 ICI: 11i�}:Ne'1) MUTION by Ga?�e1., secondcd by t•7ahlber_q, to waive reading the public hearing noti�e. Upon a voice vote, there I�ClIl�) no nay", the moti_o11 c�rried. 1 � � �'ag e s Tlie Minutes of tlie Board of Appeals SuY�conunittee Meetinq ot Septein}�er 10, 1974 Mr, Dave Tor}:elson was present to present the County`s request. Mr. Torkelson stated tiiis addition to the Ice Arena will be to the east of the existing building. He said the City does own all of the land adjacc:nt to this property, He said there was some question about the fire doors that were located along the east side of ttie proposed a�ciztion but they are now changed to be on the � north and south sides. Mrs. �•�ahlberg asked about the par};zng spaces necessary with the new addition. t�;z. Torkelson said the anly tirne the parking spaces are used ��ear capacity is when there is a"hot game" being nlayed. He added the City has as}ced for an agreement on the parking. biOTION by Gab�l, . seconded by w'a}ilberq, to close t�he Public heari.ng. Upon a vaice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. A10TION by Wahlberq, seconded by Gabel, to recommend to the City Council, �pproval of the variance, subject to the Gity geti.zng agreements on both the fire doors and the parking. Upon a vcrice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried, . ADJOU FNMEtdT : The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Drigans at 9:50 F.P�. Res .•tfu ubmitted, � , � / wy ��.., '.• � -�� c. "�.����- HOWAF.D bti�T SON . Acting Secreta y 0 0 - ,,, �� � I; !�~-�` � ��� � f ' � � �r � ii �ti � , f ; � r� .��, ' � .4 ;s � ; � � b � i �, � ��� � I ! � I � Y ��� i ' y, �s u7 � ��j i ; y �' ��y � J��ti � ; !v L�f� � � � � � �.�� i . ,(i d ' � __ Ill ' '. ; � � ,�i � �; �,i il� i� i�! � ; C � �'� � i � � BQARD OF APPEALS '4 '� ITEM #1 d e'� � g t� / 1 r l� � �,� as x C� !ti �• �� �� ; ,, ',-;'e 1 �'�� , ~'' � i � t �.�;�, � i ;_�i ,Q ,L�_"`�" � � � �i =3--; ; . � � � � �k� ; l� ` ; F S,j ; - 9 4 � '' + t � �� h � � �� t y 1 �r� j �E 9 �' � f1 � �f Qt � � t I i �� � j � ���� C� i � �i. i%� �: � ;� � �j ` ti *-}S C .� • t _ o � �j'E <. L� y : `f (� u $ � �_� f,� � � „ ; t r ; �,. Y�� j I �''\' ' � '` J: �. � ! —' i � �� '� 1 i`--� y � ��, ,, �„ K �.`./' � L_.T � �: :� ; , �/'�� 4 ..�.' 1 �,i �.,' - � � �. , � � ; � ��� : 3 . �� �-;-� � --� :�. �- ; � a �r. .�,. \ t � = o �'\ J� e i ' „�, � ��- �"' s -, f, � � I `� '; � � � � � �. F ;i � � ,y F 1 � � � y �'� � > z � E �_ J � � � � _ � f��, ; I � 5. �.'^ p� �, � v e , ��� IN V 3 �� t r, S y 'v �\% � � L � �' f . � ' � ''v U L •� � n � . .� ,1 � �\ , `� �1.` r�Q � k �� � � �.� '� '� �, "4 ° •= I � aJ w ? 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U O •�,� J x ui t � �.:i, v � i� � Y� o � �. r�! �j o :; ; � , r_ � ,; , I �i� -_� � � . � , ,� �i � J` � _ � � � verfificdTe of Survey� � � ��� � � � SCAL.E= 1��=50� Office of ���. �i � � s �� : �s�y y, �i, : "i j>s`' i �'a 9 � � `Ri f�o. � � � Y '�i i @' P�n^,� � 227, C�'_.�,�y Coartho�se �}�.�_`-_:��, ���:.� �����aJ'� � 5:,UO3 -- -----------------------------------------• �%:c:nd wV. tin�ezsoiz BOARD OF APPEALS I _ g F ITEM #3 CO�. �i�li�I��� fCLC r4/T�/ VH e ������ ����� . � , �. �-; •: rj a �`�. '� i� ` r � . cj2 �� . � � :� � f h. .. L� ��. r: � t�� � v D l 5� b � � � :� � � I tsi��eb}� c��r�ify that tt�i: .arv:�y, p1st�, ol' re,:ort «�.�s �:r �'sre�t 't�y u�e or under m� direcc su,�erv si �n cir.c4 t}�at I am a duty RF�istereo I.:ind SurveS•or ��nuer the l.�w•s of tli� StatE uf ��b1� ::-��ta. --� ����.�-' - . �' .�' r,..:. ��. .�'7"Is-_. �� r CITY �F FRIDLEY A G E N D A PLANNING COrSP�IISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 1Z, 1974 � CALL TO ORDER: , � RC1LL CALL : APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: AUGUST 21, 1974 � I � I � RECEIVE BUILDING STAND�FtDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCO2�iI�lITTEE MII�UTES: AUGUST 22, 1974 RECEIVE BOARD OF APPE�ILS SUBCOI,'lI�1ITTEE P�lINUTES : AUGUST 27, 1974 RECEI�IE PARKS & RECRE?1TION COMMISSION SL7BCO�:P�IITTE MINUTES: AUGUST 26, 1974 l. PUBLIC HE�IRING: CONSTDERATION OF A PRrLII�1I1Q�`�RY PLAT, 1'.S. #�74-05, RICE CREEK EST.z1TE5 SECOND ADDITION, BY EDjtTIN C. DROI'PS, D/B/A PINETREE BUILDERS: A repI.at of Lot 10, except the North 260 feet thereof, Auditar's Subdivision No 22, general.ly IocatAd bet�een 61st Avenue N.E. and Benjamin Street Northeast. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATZON OF A REZaNING REQUEST, ZOA #74-04, �Y HEP�RY F. MUHICFI: `.Po rezone Lot 11 - 21 and Lots 28-37, Block 4, Spr.i.ng Brook Park Adciition, from A2-1 (light inciustrial areas� to R-1 (single �amily c�c�elling areas) to allow the moving zn of a single family dwelling on Lots 31 and 32, Block 4, ;;pring Brook Park Addition, generally locateci between 79th Way N.E. and Long�ellow Street; and Ashton Avenue and the razlroad tracks. : 11 ' � 9 � � � � � � • � CITY OI' FRIDT,T'�' PLANNING COMMISSSON MEETING - SEPTEMBER 11, 1974 CALL TO OP.DER : PAGE I. Chairman Fitzpatrick called the meeting to order at 8:12 P.M. ROLL CALL: Dieinbers Present: Fi�.zpatrick, Harris, Lindblad Members Absent: Blair, Dr_iqans Otl�iers Prese�t: Darrel Clark, Community Development Adminisirat APPROVE PLANNZNG COA�'�1ISSION MINUTES: AUGUST 21, 1974 MOTIOA' �� Lindblad, seconded by Harris, that the P1anz�ing Commis- sion approve the minutes of the August 21, 1974 meetinq as written. � Upan a voice votc�, a1.Z voting aye, the motion carried unanimouS3y. RECEIVE BUZLDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOI�iMTTTEE MINUTES: AUGUS`t' 22, 1974 MOTION byLindblad, seconded b1 Harris, fhat the Planning � Commission recezve the minutes of the August 22, 1974 meeting af the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee. Upon a voice vote, a11 votinc� aye, the motion carried unanimous.Zy. RECEIVE ROARD Oi' �P� EALS SURC'OMMI7'TFE MINUTES : P.UGUST 27 , 197 � Mr. Harris said he had some questions on the sign variance � � on the i�ienard Lumber sign. Nr. Clark said the. recommendation of the Board of Appeals was in these minutes and this was changed somewhat at the City Council meeting. Mr. Harris v,�as shown a � letter that was wri.tten by Nz. Clark to the company constructing the sign and to i�enard' s�7hicr� eaplained the stipulations on the sign. 1�10TION b� tlarris, seconded by Lindblad, that the Planning Commission recea.ve the ininutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee meet�ng of August 27, 1974. Upon a voice vote, a1.Z voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE PARKS & FECREIITION COA'IMISSION 5UBCOMMIT'I'�E MINUTES : AUGUST 26, 1974 � Mr. Fitzpatrick said that included with these minutes is a leas� agreement with the Target Store �or some park area. Mr. Harris questa.oned Mr. Clark as to what typ� ot park equipment would be going into �Ltli� area. iie said it loo}:ed li}:e this lease ran from year to year and could be t�rminated on short notice. Mr. Clark said he was not too familiar. with this proposal, but he would check with the Par_k Di_rector, 1'aul Brown,. and get same answers before the ne�:t meetinc�. Mr. Fitzpatric}: said 11e knew tlze City had been anaious to provide some parkland for this area o� i�he City. • � 9B � Planning Commission 2�7eeting - 5eptember I1, I974 Page 2 � � , C _i � � � h?OTI.OA' by Narris, seconded b� Lindblad, that thc Planning Commis- .sivn rer.eive the minutes of the Parl;s & Rccreation Cvrnmission Sub- committee meeting of August 26, 1974, reqziesting clarification�of the Iease agrecment w.ith the 1'ar.get Stor.e on the use of the par3c .Zand. Upon a voice vote, a1l vot_ing aye, f:he motion carried unanimor:sly. 1. PUF3LIC III?11RING : CONS ID�FZ�1'�'7:ON OF' 11 PRELIMINARY PLAT, P. S. � 7�?- Q5, RICE CI:1�.FF� L',S'i"A`1'ES SI:COND 11DUITlUN, BY LD�aTN C. DRO�'�'S, D�/A Y:II�1E`.I'F'.EI; I�UILDi,RS:� A replat o� Lot 10, except the �?orttz 26U �eet thereof; Auditor.'s�ubdivision No. 22, gEnerally locatcd North of 61st Avenue N.E. and West of Benjamin Street. Mr: Eawin Dropps was present. • MOTION by Lindb]ad, seconded by tlarris, that the Plann.ing Commission waive the readi.ng of the Public Iiearing notice on fhe request for a preliminary p.iai, P.S. #74-05, by Edwzn Drapps. Upon a vaice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimausly. Mr. Clark said that when tne Planning Commission reviewed the preliminary plat for Rice Creel� Estatea, this portio;� }>no�an a� Rice Creek Estates Second �lddition, was all one plat. He said he b�li�ved DZr. Dropps had some problems closing on t�he portion that was Chi�s property, so he decided to just develop Phase I of the plat at that time, and would com� back with the second Piiase at a later date, and that is what he is presentinq tonight. � Mr. C1ark cantinued, that there are just a couple of differences on this plat frorn the f_irst time it w�as presented. On the £irst plat, the cul-de-sac on 61st extended further to the West, and the lots that sould have been servcd by this a��e n�,c,.* served by a cul-de-sac � � at tlie end of Rice Creel{ Drive. The baJ_ance of the pTat looks pretty much the same. � Mr. DropPs said that at the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & LTtilities SuUcom�llittee meeti.nc� th.�y rec�uested a detailed top�g of the grades on the lots that are served by the cul-de--sac at the end of Rice Creek llrive, and �ai.th that cul--de-sac a1�o. They vaere concerned tYiat we (� could build hauses on these lots because of the elevations and grade changes. Mr. C]_ark said the gracle on the cul-de-sac zs stiil a little high and 4ae would w�ant to sti.pt�l.at�e th�t the maxirnum slope wouZd have � to be three to one. This would mean that theie Gaould be ].3 vertical fee-c �ahere iherc� would have to be some time of retaining tiTall. � Mr. Harris asked if tlz� top soil could be held o� a three to on� pitch. Mr. Clark saia there �•ras another hous� in this area with thc sam� soi_l coric3itians that has he1_d at that slope. This house is about � five years old, and therc� haven`t b�en any problems. T�r. Fitzpai�r�r_k sax.G that just Nor_th of Lo�t l, Block 4, there is an app�arent. continuati_on of a street. Mr. Clark said this si�.reet �,�iI1. 1 co�itinu� onto k�h�lt wi11_ Ueco�r�K� Iic�atlie� iIills 3rd 1lddition. Mr. Clark said that f�'ii}:e O' Balirlori 11as seeri this pl.at betore, and has a���roved that location of the street for accc�ss to his property. � ' :��--}_- � � � � 9C Planninq Commission Meetinc� - Se� tember II, I974 Page 3 Mr. O'Pannon, who was in the audience, said he wa� n�t satisfied with the locati�n of this road. It seems to have been moved North. He said hc tiiould lose a].ot frvm h�_s p�.at �raith the road in this J_ocation. It would l�ave him with a loi� of abouL.lII,000.square �eet, which would have to k�� one l.oi., because he could not c�et the minimum wid�h of: 75 feet for the �.wo 7.oi�s evcn though they would nzeet th� square footage requirements for two lots. Mr. Drogps said this r_oad was supposed to fit into an all-over � plan for th? s area. 2�Zr. Harris said �.k�iat w.as his ui�derstanding af the p�_acement of this road also. Mr. O'Bannon said that i� this road could be swung South a Iittle � bit,�h� could get his two lots. He showed the Commission a copy of his proposed HeaLher i-.i11s Third Addition so thcy could see the prob].em h� woulcl have if this road stayed as its present location. b1r. Harris � said tl�e road and Mr. 4' Banr-�on' s plat were off about 20 feet. I�Ir. O'Bannon said he would erid up with a lot 130' x 140` ��hich would be too narrow to make into t�,To lots. � � � � Mr. Clark said that if Mr. Dropps would bend the street seven feet towards the back of Lot 1., B1oc}c 4, and Mr. O'Bannon C�ould bend the street about seven feet on liis plat, this would give then both their lots, that caould still meet tr�e frant footage requi.rements. Both parties agreed. Mr. Harris said that r.ould be made one of the stipu- lations of the approval of this plat. Chairman £itzpatri.ck said that most of the people in the audience for this piat seemed to be the people from Fernda_le who were concerned about Glsi: Avenue. Those peop.l� �-�Tere shown a copy of the pla�, and ti�ere satisfied that 61.st Avenue was not going to be extended. Mr. Harris asked P��r. Dropps if th�re had been any negotiations � betEaeen the Tt�eilmann s and himsc�lf si.nce the 1_ast meeting? Mr'. Dropps said he hadn't talked to the Tlieilmanns at al?, since thc last meeting. He said his thoughts �,��a-e �hat h� get a11 th� o��her probleiits worked out �, on this plat first. At the last meeting there was C�1SCllS51011 by himself �bout coming �o an agreement on the sc;uare footage valuation of the prop�rty and that. he would wor_k �aith the Theilmann's on that basis. He thought ttiat what the CiL-y had used for a square f_ootage valtzatior� � on ti<e I�roperty they purchased for the additional park land woulcl be a good figure to start negotiations tti�it'ri. IIe said they left a 15 � oot � sti-ip the Tht�ilmann`s need i.o plat their property, and he needs the , corn�r of Briar_dale Roac�, and once the square Lootage valuation had been ti�orked aut,- he di_dn't thin3�� thi_s stiould be too difficult to nego- tiate. � �� � ' Mr. llarris asked what kind of retainine� walls they would b^ using to maitit�in this threc to one slope. Mr. Drc�pps said he couldn`t say because it�e topoqraphy maP with t,hc� elevations was del_ivered to the City Ilall ancl this w��s t.}�ie first tirne hc� t7ad seen it. I�ir. Clark said therc werel3 vertical. feet to make u�, ��nd this could be worked out , with a coml�ination of. i�erraces and retaining walls. Mr. Drap�s said ' the enc�ineer ha�i pi:ckea the worst spot on i.he pl.at to work on. r�r. G�.arh said triis was correct. NSr. DropPs sa:i.d the maximum would be 13 feet I � � � � � LJ � � � � � • � Plannin� Commission M�etinq - Septem�ber ]_l, 1974 Page 4 and this would taper down to 6 feei. Mr. Dropps said that wh��� Ever w�as nec�ss��ry to do on these lots, he would do, as f ar as the retaining �alls were concerried. �ie thought the �7rablem was mostJ.y on Lai�s 3 and �1, Block 4, and he thought that bot:h aesthet.ically and for safety it would probably be better to have some te�:racing on these J�ots instead of alI retaini.ng walZs. Mr. Clark said there ar� some trees on this plat, on both the West and South boundary, that will have to come out to develap tllis plat. There won't be any trees Ieft. He said he thought the mernhers of the Comznission and the people in the audience should be aware of this. � •1�2r. Harris asked r2.r, Dropps if he was still planning on having underground utiliti�s �aith this $2 a month charge for l.ife. Mr. Dropps sai.d he d�.dr and lie thouqrit he had rer_eived a Ietter fxam the power coi�lpany saying they wer� zzo langer mal:inc� this charge. It �n7ould be a one time clzarge to the developer, but he would check on this again. MOTT.OA' by L.indblad, seconded by Harrzs, that the Planning CDmmission close the PuZ>lic Hearinq on the request for a pr�liminary p1at, P.S. �`74-05, Rice Creek F.states Second 1lddition, by Edcain Dropps. Upon a voice vote, a.i1 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. rir. Harris asked about the utilities down that street that goes to Heather Hills. Mr. Clark said thi_s had be�n checked by our Engineer- ing Depart�nent anc� Carnstock & Davis, aild these grades wil',. work. The sewer and water will be stubb�d in at the end of_ this�street. A11 the st�'e��.s in this plat will drain toward Benj�min and that's the s�une dir.ection the sewer will flo�a. Mr. Fiarris asked vaho was going to da the construction on the utilities. Mr. Dropps said the City will put them in. � h1UTION by Harris, seconded by Tindblad, that the Planning Commission r�commend to Courtci� approval of tl�� prelimir�ary plat, P.S. #74-05, Rice C�:eek EstatES Sc�cond Addition, by �divin C. Dropps, d/b/a Pinetree ' Builder;, a re�lat of Lot I0, excep� the Nor.th 260 feet thereof; Aud_i_- tor's Subdivision No. 22, generall� Iocat:ed n�orth of 61st Avenue AJ.�. and Wesf of �3�njarnir� Strect, with t.hc follot.ing stipulations: � � � u � 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Petit�oner should er�deavor to negotiate for s�reet right-o€-cva� fram the TI�eilm��nn's fox the extensivn of Briar.dale �oad. Subject to negoti«tion with the City f'or additional paz'k .Zand. Provide uncTerground utilitzes. ' One tree plarltcd per 1ot, 2" minimum diamcter. Grades to be c+�orked out with the Cit� Engineering D�partment. Lots that have grade difficulties with a three to one slope after the gr.ade .is established, be sodded within one �ear af coinpletion and retaining walls be worked oui. with the City. tJoodsid� Cotir. � bc� temporar. i1y deaQ-c�nded on the East and West sidc� vf the Tl�c>ilntann property Iine. A11 Lots mczst nrect minirnunr lot size and have. minimum: front footage <�nc? dcpth. 4'he strcet: t:hat �ives �zccess to Hea�her. tti].ls 3rd Additi�r� be swur�g seven fec>t Sauth betweer� Lot I, Bl.ock 4, and Lot 12, Block 1.. � li � j � � � � � � 9E1 Plani�inq Commission Neeting - September. 11, I974 Page 5 UPON a voice vote, a11 votinc� aye, the motion carried unanimously, 2. PUBr�IC FIEl-�RTNG: COt��SID�Ri'1'I.'ION OF A.REZ021I:NG REQULST: ZOA ��74-04, IIX F3�;N1:1' F'. T1Ui-IICII: `I'o rezo:Ze Lots 11-?.'l, ar.d Lots ?_E-37, I31nck 4, Spring �r_oc�k Par.}, Addi�iorl, �r_om M-1 (light industr_ial areas) to R-1 (singl� family dwell_ing areas) to allow the moving in o£ a sinc�lc� family dwclling on Lots 31 and 32, Block 4, Snring Brook Park Addition, genera].ly located bcLCaeen 79th N7a�� N.E. and Long- fellow Street; arad Ashton Avenue and tl�ie railroad trac}-Ls. Mr. ilank r9uhich was present. h10TION by Lindblacl, seconded by Harris, t17at ihe Planninc� Commissio waiv� the r�ading of the PubZic Hear�ng notice on rezoning request, Z011 #174-04, by Heriry l�lullich. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unaninrousl�. Mr. Clark saa_d that about hal.f of Block 4 is zoned R-1 and R-3. On the portion of this block that� is zoned M-I, there are single family homes on the occupied lots. Mr. r7uhich said he had contacted a11 the owners of the property in this block, and with: the exception of Nir. Leonard Benson, 154 Lozzgfellow Street, they were all in favor of thoir property being re- zoned to R-l. ' Mr. Benson sa�_d the reason he ohjected to this rezoning was I because he has to look at industrial development across i�he street so he didn't mind having industrial development next door. As his garage �,�as in the M-1 zoning, and as he was in the construction business � � he thaught that at somc -�ime, he woula lilce to have a cab�_net shop ii� his garage, which he coul_dn't do if his property was rezoned to F-l. r r � r � I � Nir. Harri.s said ihat he kne�,� Mr. Muhich hac3 done a lot of work ox7 this request, but as this invalved a tot of: praperty owners, he wou3_d 1i}�e to see a pet�_tion from these other �wners asking for this zonir�g charic�e, bef_o.re the Planning Commissian made any recommendation on this request. Ghairnian Fitzpatrick said it had usually been the policy of the Planning Coiiunission not i�o make u decision on a rezoning request when they were two members shnrt, as tYiey were at this meeting. 2��r. r�uhich said he was certain he coilld ge� everyonc's sic�nature on a petition favoririg this request� ���ith the exceptio'n af Mr. Benscn. Asr. Benson asY.ed if hc� could c�et up z petition against t�iis r_ezoning? Chairm�an i'itznatric}t sai.d tha-L- an}�one caii bring in � petition on azzy proposal, for or against. Mr.. Harr is szid the reason he would 1_i.ke to see a petition irorn t11e af f-c�cted propea� ty oumer. s was so that at some future date, on� of thes� owner. s coul_dn' t say that �heir �roi�erty hac� been rezbned without �}�eir know].edge or consent. t,r. ]3ciison a�>};�3 if he w�-�s rig��t in asst,miiig that as his propc^rt�� was prr_sently roized Pf-1 that lie could tiavc a cabinet sl�op in his q<lraq� � Planning Commission Nieetinq - 5eptember 11, 1974 Page 6 9 F if he so desired. Mr. ritzpatrick said there was a question in � hi.s mind whether this �tiTould be automatic or if he may have to se�� sorne type of appr_oval. Mr. Clark said he woulcl have to check on this further, but he could probably hav� a cabinet shop in'.his I garage under the preseiit zoning, but not uncier R-1 zoni.ng. r1Lr. IIenson said the reason he bough-L- tlzis property o�as because of the M--1 zonil�g and that �aas �ahy h� �aas opposed to any zoning chang�. , Mr. Clark said that if tlle rest of the Block was zoned R-1, it could have an effect on the resal.e value of your house, and alsa zf your house was danlaged by s�re or wind or by other means, � more than 50�, you �,7ould not be allowec� to rebuild, when this property was zoned M-1. There are pros and cons to this zoning also. .Chairman Fitzpatrick said h� ��asn't sure this was in the present � zoning code, but the I�lanninq Commission was presently going through the Code, clarifying same thinqs that needed clarifieation, and putting in the Code some things th.at were City policy at the present � time. Mr. Benson asked that if a11 the property on this block was , developed as R-1, wouZd there have to be some type of barrier bec�use of the railroad tracY.s. He said he worried about his children and the tracks now. � Chairman Fitzpatrick said the Planning Commission could put some type of sti�ulati.on on the rezoning request, if they so desired, but they shouldn't ex�ect the railroad to do this because they were � there first. Mr. Muhich said that it scemed that in practice, the industrial screens from the homeo�ti�ner, nat 1�he homeowner screening from industrial, unless they choose to do so. You couldn't expect � � the owners of thE propexty next to the railroad tracks to provide a barrier that �aould benefit the rest of the homeowners in this area, uiiless they want to cio it. Mr. Fitzpa-trich said the Planning Commission can put any stipulation �are feel would lae needed in � . considereing this rezoning. Nr. Harris said -t_haz if there was some n�i�e abatement on this , property, it wou�d enhance thP value of the pr_'operty. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Clark ho�a long this praperty had been zoned r1-1. A�r. CJ.ark said tf�c origi_nal zoning m�p, 195G. Mr. Harris asked � ii there were residential homes on some of this property then. Mr. CJ_ar}. said �ha�. there was. They allowed R-1 to be buil.t in any zoning until 1969. Since that time, i:t has not heen City palicy to allow � single famil.y homes to be buiZt on coirunerical or indus�trial zoned property. � Nr. Benson said I4r. ML,hic.h sllould just rezone his own property, and leave the re.st c�� the block alone. DZr. r�uhich said the other pr.oper.ty owners caha hav� R-1 dwel]_�_nc7S OIl this Ulock, Caith the e�ception ' of D9r. Penson, �•�anted the property rezaned al.�o, because they didn` t want any industrial next door to i�hem. � �� :� �- 9G ' Planning Cornmission Meeti.ng - September 11, 1974 Paqe 7 � , Mr. ilarris said he would just as soon k�ep the .Public Hearii�g ' op�n and continue this reques� uizti_1 Mr. 2�luhicfi decides wh�t he � � wazits to do, get tip a petition or just ask fo�- rezoning of his own property. M04'TON by Harris, second�d by Liridblad, t.l�at the P�anni.ng Cammiss?or: continue the request for. rezon.zng, 'LOA #74-04, by Henry I', ]�luh2ch, to rezone Lots 11-21, and Lots 28-37, 131ock 4, Spring �rook Park Addition, fr_om hl-1 (light industr�al areasj to R-1 (sinyle fami.Zy dwelling areas) to a11ow tlie moviny in of a szngle famzly di�elling on Lots 31 and 32, Block 4, Spring Brook Par1� �lddit.ion, until Sepiemher 25, 1979. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the mo�ion caxried unanimously. Chairman Harris adjourned the m�eting at 10:00 P.r�i. Respectfully submitted, � c,�' f<r _,��-t.�s� Dorothy E nson, Secretary � � � ' � �.oi CATV COMMISSION September 73, 1974 MEMBERS PRESENT: Fr. Ed, Tom Myhra, George Zeglen, and Barbara Hughes OTHERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Bob Hink7ey, Terry Shuster, and Anita Bender John Haines ' Fr. Ed opened the meeting at 1:05 p.m. � After a lengthy discussion reviewing inflation, the quality, and kind of staffing provided by the Cable Company and extremely high interest rates, the MOTION WAS MADE BY TOM MYHRA 7HAT THE CATV COINMISSION RECOMMEND TO THE CITY OF FRZDLEY THE APPR01lAL OF THE RATE INCR�ASE FOR SUBSCRIBER'S FEE AT , THE AMOUIVT OF $8 AS PROPOSED BY GENERAL 7�LEVISION C4NTINGENT lJPQN THE CTTY`S FINaNCE DIRECTOR EXAMINING THE BUDGET AS PRESENTED AND GIVING AN OPINT�N ON IT AND FURiNER, THE COMPANY WILL AT THIS TTME CHARGE $7,50 SUBSCRIBER'S FEE � AND THE ADDITIONAL 50¢ WOULD NOT BE CHARGED FOR ANOTHER YEAR ANQ A HALF FROM THE BEGINNING OF CABLECAS7TNG. Seconded by George Zeglen. Upon a voice vote, the :notion carried unanimous7y. Another factor that the Commission considered was the uncertainty in the economy that might require addit9onal prices in the very near future wh�ch made the $8 a very reasonab7e request. Tom Myhra was appointed from the Committee to attend the public hearing meeting on the rate incr�ase on Monday, September 16. Tom Myhra gave a report on the District #l4 school activity in Cab7e. The application to the Gounci7, a separate Council estab]ished by tMe Legis7ature, for qua7ity education was not approved by Cable TV programs. Nowever, District #l4 has acquired some video equipment under Title 3. The schoo7 expects to use a vocationa] appt^oach in Cab7e TV, The rationale i5 that a course in "Applied Cable TU" would t�ach consumer education and vocationa7 ski7ls. They have some �quipment on hand which they have introduced some Cab7� TV to teachers throughout seminars. Mr. Shust�r said Genera7 TeTevision would be pleased to work with teachers. Their recently hired access d�rectar would be the person to do such work. Mr. Shuster asked what kind of recommendations the school might have to the Cable Company broadcasting at the ath�etic events? They would propose to br�adcast some. Tom Myhra said the school had discussed this but has no policy yet. He expressed his own opinion that live broadcast of many high school ath7etic events would have long term benefits. He did not think the gate receipts wou7d necessariTy be hurt by live broadcast, Terry Shuster gave a report that he has already helped young students from St. Phillips and St. Williams Church thrc�ugh broadcasting a pragram whi�h has been video taped for later uses, and he has recently been making himself availab]e to all interested citizens' groups and agencies to he7p them plan Cable TV projections and interests. i0 � ' , ' ' � , , ' � , ' , Page 2 The most signi-Ficant appointment to Mr. Shuster's staff is that of public access d�rec�or. The role of thNs director is to encourage citizens of Fridley to make use of the public access channe7s in a way that will be most effective on this new medium. He said he wou7d call the Cable TV Commission together in the near future to talk about the rules and reguiations which must be submitted to the FCC for the use of the public access channels. Mr. Shuster said he wi71 further contact the special commitiee on the uses of Cabie TV for the churches, the workshops, and the uses of Cable TV have been contacted of May of this year by the same group. There was a discussion by Bob Hink7ey and Terry Shuster about the deposit that will be required of Cab7e 7V users for the TV converter. 7he cast of the converter :s $35 and the Company has the potentia7 of suffering a financia] loss if the cover�ers are stolen by the user, so a plan has to be devised by which the $35 deposit can be made most acceptable to the potent.iai users of CATY. It was suggested that the deposit price might be spread out over a period of 36 monthsy simply added to the Cab7e TV bill each mon�h. This deposit would be refundab7e to the user when they leave the system. The Chairman asked whether specia7 ra�es would be given to senior citizens, since they probab7y w�uld be the heavier users of this medium? Bob Nink7ey said there are some legal problems �f discrimination connected with that but the Company would be wi7ling to try to arrange some special rates for senior citizens, if that is at a17 possib7e. Anita Bender was present from the State Cable Commission. She accounted that the Bloomington Cable Advisory Committee has been estab7ished. She requested copies of the Commission's by-laws, and areas of poss�bi7ity assumed by Commission members, subcommittee's assignments, etc. Anita Bender presented copies of the "Rules of the Minnesota State Commission on Cable Communications including Procedures for Franchising and Standards of Practice and Operation." She reminded the CA7V Commission of the public hearing on the 27th on these proposed rules. She suggested the Commission examine Chapters G, H, �nd.I carefully, being the most pertinent to Fridley's interests. Any member who wants to review the Rules should send communicatfons and � suggesti.ons for testimony to Barb Hughes prior to the public hearing. She will prepare any appropriate testimony from these eomments. � ' , ' The next meeting will he he�d in December. A special meeting may be ca;led when General Television proposes rules for public access. The Cabie Commission would review them. Mr. Myhra also suggested the next meeting be devoted to planning for commun�.ty activities. He said they whould re-examine their role in promoting public access. Adjournment The meeting was declared adjourned at 3:75 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ��� �'/��IiL�%��'LJ ' Shelley�rr�son RESOLUTION N0, A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PRELII�IINARY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE b1ATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTATN Ih1PROVEMENTS: STREET Ih1PROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1975-1 AND ST. 1975-2 (MSAS) WHEREAS, the construction of certain improvements_is deem�d to be in the interest of the Gity of Fridley and the property owners affected thereby. 1. BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley, as follows: That the preliminary report submitted by the City Engineer and th e Consulti.ng Engineers is hereby received and accepted. Z. That the City Clexk sh alI act to ascertain the name and address of th e owner of each parcel oi land directly affected or cvithin the area of lands as may be proposed to be assessed for said improvements, and calculate estimates of assessments as may be propased relative thereto against each of said lands. 3. That the area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each of them as noted in said notice are all the lands and areas as noted in said notice: A11 of the same to be assessed proportionately according to fihe benefits xeceived. 4. That the estimates of assessments o£ the Clerk shall be available for inspection to the owner of any parcel of land as may be affected thereby at any publi.c hearing held xelative thereto, as well as at any prior time reasonable and convenient. 5. That the City Clerk is authorized a.nd directed to gzve nofiice of such public.hearing by pubZishing a notice thereof in �he official news- � paper of the City ;bf Frid�ey and by mailed notices to all the p ropexty owners whose property is liable to be assessed with the making of. these improvements according to law, such notice to be substantially in form and substance of the notice attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 6. That this Council will meet on the 21st day of October ; 197 4 at 7:30 o'clock P.M, at the City Hall in the City oi Fridley for the purpose of holding a public hearing on the improvemen� noted in the notice attached hereto and made a part thereof by reference, Exhibit nA��. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF 19 7 4. b1AY0R - FRANK G. LIEBL ATTEST: CITY CLERK - riARVIN C. BRINSELL ui � flFFICIAL PUBLICATION CITY OF FRIDLEY (EXHIBIT A) NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS STREET IMPROVEN�NT PROJECT ST. 1975-1 F� ST. 1975-2 (b1SAS) WHEREAS, the City Council of :the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, has deemed it expedient to receive evidence pertaining to the improvements hereinafter described. ��i� NOW, TEIEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREB� GIVEN TH.AT on the 21st day of � October , 197 4 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. the City Council will meet at the City Hall in said City, and will at said time and place hear a12 paxties . interested in said improvements in whole or in part. The general nature of the improvements is the construction (in the lands and streets noted below) oi the following improvements, to-wit: CONSTRUCTION ITEM Street improvements, including gxading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, storm sewer system, water and sanitary sewer services and other facilities located as follows: A. Streets Under Project St. 1975-1 1. 2. 3. 4. .S. 6. 7. s. 9. 10. 11. 1a. 13. 14. 15. 16. 1�. 1s. 19. Bennett Drive Syashington Street Jefferson Street biad.ison Street Quincy Street 63rd �venue 64th Avenue 1,'an Luren Street Carol Drive Carol Gircle Baker Avenue Taylor Street 64th Avenue Hwy. #65 W.Sexv.Rd. Madison Street Capitol Street 70th ti�'ay Quincy Street 6th Street Z0. Outlot F-H 7th St. to Quincy Street 63rd Avenue to Bennett Drive 53r:.' A��eni,e to Bennett Drive 63rd Avenue to Bennett Drive 63rd Avenue ta Bennett Drive b7onroe Street to Quincy Stxeet Van Buren Street to Able Street Carol Drive to blzssissippi Street West rioore Lake Drive to Able Street Off Carol Drive i9est bioore Lake Drive to Mississippi St. 64th Avenue tc hlississippi Street Baker Avenue to High�vay #65 Service Ar. iVest Dloore Lake Drive to 64th Avenue 57th Avenue to Helene Place Hughes Avenue to N1ain Street East River Road to Hickory Drive 57th Avenue to Helene Place 53rd Avenue to 54th Avenue From East River Road Service Drivc tn n,�t 1 nt C fGrP �t Norr_hern Indust � � ' , ' � �� � , � ' � Notice of Hearing St. 1975-1 � 2 -2- B. Streets Under Project St. 1975-2 (N1SAS) 1. 63xd Avenue 7th Street to Monroe Street 2. AZonroe S�reet 63r� Avenue to Mississippi Streat 3. Able Street West Moore Lake Drive to Aiississippi St, 4. 57th Avenue 7th Street to Quincy Street 5. Quincy Street 57th Avenue to Carrie Lane 6. Carrie Lane Quincy Street to Jackson S4reet 7. Jackson Street Carrie Lane to 58th Avenue ESTIMATED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 810, 545 . 00 THAT THE ARER PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED FOR SAID IMPROVET�NTS IS AS FOLLQWS: For Construction Item above ----------------------------------------- All of th e land abutting upon s aid streets named above and all lands within, adj acent and abutting thereto. All of said land to be assessed proportionately according to the benefits received by such improvement. That should th e Council proceed with said i�nprovements they will consider , each separate improvements, except as hereafter otherwise provided by the - Council all under the following authority, to-wit: Minn_esota Statutes 1961, Chapter 429 and laws amendatory thereof, and in conformity with the City Charter. , DATED THIS� DAY OF Publish: October 2, 1974 October 9, 1974 � ' ' 197 4, BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. b1AY0R - RANK G. LIEBL �r w` ,I<<L«,,,b � ;��."��r�.��,J�::_.. ` s � ��� r� ����"}.� � 0. .� ` � �-� �������: STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMEN7.0� HIGHWAYS � DISTR�CT NO. 5 2055 NO. LILAC DRIVE MINNEAPOLIS, MiNN. July 30, 1974 Mr. Paul Ruud ' Attoka County En�ineer - 325 E. 2•Sain Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 In reply refer to: 315 S.P. 0207-35 (T.Ii, 65) at CSAH 35 and Hacicman Drive In Fridley, Anolca County Dear rir. Ruud: . . We are transFnittin� a copy of the layout and some resolution forms, plus an approximate cost estimate of the above re£erenced project. The state will participate in the total cost of all construction inside the state ri.ght�of..way. Shocan on the layout by a dashed red line. The cost of the rem�ining color area will be shared between the Caunty of Anoka anci the City of Fridley as they so d eem. The approxitaate estimate of the County and Cities cost w-i11 be $25,000. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, �� � ��Ll� =�f • �� � R. A. Elaslcy � �" � � � Dist. 5 Layout-Research & Development Engineer cc: G. Ellis A. Hansen � E. Green Attachments RAE:bn ' (RY) � �..'.�':=�C�'3 �L �. � ' � �� ' � ' ' , ' ' ' � � ' � ' � � A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANS FOR THE Ih1PROVEMENT OF INTERSECTION OF Form 2521 Rev. T.H. #65 AT C.S.A.H #35 � HACKMANN AVENUE RES OLU T.I ON �A At a(regular) ,(k�i,�,��.� meeting of the ,f,� r�,v _ Council of the City of Fridley duly held on the 23rd day of�n�_,_,, 1974 , the fol.lawi.ng Reso7.ution was offered by , ; seconded by , ; to-wit: WHEREAS the Commissioner of Highways has prepared preliminaxy plans for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Number S renumbered as Truntc Highway Number 65 within the corporate limits of the Cztv of. Fridlev at the intersection of T.H. #65 at C.S.A.H. #35 Hackmann Avenue ; and WHERE�IS said prelimi.nary plans axe on fi.le in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being ma.rked, labelec�, and identified as Lavout No. 1 S.P. 02Q7 - 35 (65-5) T.H. #65 at C.S.A.H. #35 � Hackmann Avenue ; and i�JHEREAS copies of sa,id preliminary plans as so marked, labeled, and idenf,i�ied are also on file in the office o� the City Clerk; and WHER.EAS the term "sai.d preliminary plans�' as herei,nafter used, in the body of this resalution sha11 be deemed. and in�ended to mean, refer to, and to i.ncorporate the prelimi.nary plans as in the foregoi.ng recitals partieularly identifi.eci and described; NOW, THEN, BE I'P RFSOLVED that sai.d preliminary plans for the iurprovement of Trunk Highwa� Number 5 renunbered Trunk Nighway Number 65 within the limits of the Citx of Fridley be and hereby are a,pproved. Form 2521 Rev. Res. No. �� Upon the call of the roll the following voted in favor of the Resolution The following voted against its adoption: � whereupon the Mayor and presiding officer declared the Resolution adopted. Dated _ September 23 � �9 74� Frank G. Lieb�ayor Attest Marvin C. Brunsell �it�, Clerk STATE OF MINNE.,pTA ) COUNTY OF ) �S, ) . UF ) . I do hereby certify that at a regular meeting (at a special meeting of which due and legal notice w�s given) of the Council of � r7innesota, on the day of , lg`, at which a majority of the members of sai.d Council were present, the foregoing resolution was adopted. Given under my hand and seal this day of 19�. Clerk � � , �„� r, J, .. ` . _ . � . . " ' � .'�� � - , �. � � .� .'� � /-� ` , , ��. -� �. ��r ��. + � � .. ... �' .` , i}4i�.'.. - .- __ L�� � . ,� �• J�' i.. : a . . . . ✓' , � ... ' � . �; 1� - � �" 79 o COUNTY . ;; � ' �'' _ � ` ` �r� � � � .21 o CITY . °� � � � * ` , . . 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Fridley, r:innesota 55432 In reply refer to: 315 S.P. 02Q5-44 (47=1S6) From I-694 to Osboxne Road In Fridley, Anoka County Dear Mr. Qureshi: �1e are transr.�itting a copy of the layout and sorae resolution forms of the above referenced praject. The state wil.l participate in the total cost of all canstruction inside the state right-.o�-way. Shown on the layout by a dashed red line. The cost of the remaining colored area will be shared between the County of Anolca and the City of Fridley as they so deem. Please contaGt Earl �iowe Dist. R jd E ineer on the ro er rocedure of riy�ht-of-way acquisition, Sincerely, � ., � ` �,� <� ��/ �1 `�L.�-+�"� —� � R. A. Elasky � ' District S Layout-Research & Development Enoineer cc: C. LJeichselbaum E. Howe J. Berg E. Green Attachments Rt1E : bn 4�Y) ' � `� �O � ' ' , � ' A RESOLUTION APPROVING �j A � � INTE�SECTION NIODIFICATIQNS. ON t�'tHD 2521 Rev. (9-73) T.H. #47 FROM I. 694 TO OSBORNE ROAD R� S O L U T I O PJ A4 a(re�ular) (special) mee�ing of the Ci�y Council. of the City of Fridley ��Iy helcl on the day of , 19 74 , the rollo�•�ing Resolution was of£ered by , ; seconded by , ' • to-wi.t: : W�i�t�AS the Commissioner of Iiighways •has prepared preliminary plans for the improvement o�' a par� c-i Txunk iIighway Numbe� 156 renumbered as Trunic Highway No. 47 within �the corporate limits of the City of Fridley from �he I 694 to Osborne Road ; �nd . ' ' 4J��EItEAS said preiim:i.nary plans are o:� file in t�ze office of the Department of High�aays, Sain� Pau1, Tlinnesota, bein� rnarked, labeied, and identified as Zayout No. 2 S.P. 0205-44 (47=156) from I 694 to Osborne Road. ; and WHEREAS capies of said prelim.ina�y plans as so ma.rked, labeled, and identified are a�.so on fiZe in the office of �he Ci�y C1erk; and W:IEREAS the te�cm "said preliminary plans" as i�ereinafter used in the body of tllis resolution shall be deemecl and intended to mean, refer to, and to incorporate the preliminary pians as in the foregoing recitals particuiarly identi�ied and described; NQW, THEId, BE ZT t�ESOLVED that said preliminary plans for the improvement uf Trunlc Highway iVumber 156 renumbered Trunlc Hig►iwa� Idumbe-r 47 caithin �he limits oi tize City or' Fridley be and hereby are approved, MiiD 2521 Rev. (9-73) Upon �he ca11 0� ttie rol7. �;ze � olloc�Jinn � vo�ted in �avor of tlze Resolu�ion T:ze following voted against its adoption: whereupo�z Che I+"ayor and presiding officer declarecl the Resolution adopted.. Dated � i 9 74 . P�ayor Attesfi ..._._:_...,.....�,._ r �_ ..._ City C1erk STATB OF MIT�3TSOTA ) COIRdTY OF Anoka ) s s. ) C�'�Y OF Fridley ) I do hereby certify that at a regular meet�.ng (a� a special mee�ing of which due an� legal notice was given) of the City Council of Fridle,y , i+�innesota, on tlze da� or , Z9 74 , a� tatzicti a r�ajority ot t�ze members a� said Council. were �resen:., iche foregoing resalut�.on w�as adopCed. Given under my hand and seal tltis� day o�f 1� 74. City Clerk m� � � � =JR t '�a�' � .�_� �\� � , � - Citr �vrtio`�er w � -� , _ _ ..o.. ..�., a.. . . 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A RESOLUTION CERTIF'YING CERTAIN DEZINQUENT WATER AND SEWER CHARGES TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR FOR COLLECTION WITH THE 1975 TAXES WHEREAS, certain water and sewer charges for the City of Fridley are delinquent in payment, and, WHEREAS, Section 7 of Ordinance Number 113, Section 1.02 of the City Charter provides for certifying delinquent charges to the County Auditor for collection with the taxes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to certify the following charges to the County Auditor for collection with 1975 taxes due and payable in the year 1975 to wit: AlI these noted in Schedule "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS DAY OF 1974 BY THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF FRIDLEY, ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA. MAYOR - Frank G. Lieb2 ATTEST: CITY CLERK - TREASURER - Marvin C. Brunsell a 14 �Stri�t �� � CODE � 002-4744-91 I �045-5060-11 1-067-5073-91 I� '--080-4543-71 080�4627-61 -101-0172-81 �135-5700-81 1-135-6414-31 �-135-6550-71 'strict �� 2 -331-5357-41 �331-5423-41 2-331-5860-41 �332-5380-41 332-5609-91 -351-0656-81 �351-0704-01 2-352-1490-51 �-354-0390-61 388-6421-61 � -397-0665-31 I �432-6225-01 I 2-432-6259-91 �-434-1001-92 464-0801-61 -465-6283-91 �482-0935-31 ' DELINQUENT WATER & SEWER ACCOUNTS CERTIFIED To COUNTY - 1974 ADDRESS 4744 - 2� Street NE 5060 Clearview Street NE 5073 Hughes Avenue NE 4543 Main Street NE 4627 Main Street NE 172 Riversedge Way NE 5700 East River Road 6414 East River Road 6550 East River Road 5357 - 4th Street NE 5423 - 4th Street NE 5860 - 4th Street NE 5380 - 5th Street NE 5609 - 5th Street NE 656 - 63rd Avenue NE 704 - 63rd Avenue NE � 1490 - 64th Avenue NE 390 - 66th Avenue NE 6421 Central Avenue NE 665 Cheri Lane NE 6225 Highway �665 NE 6259 Highway ��65 NE 1001 Hillwind Road NE 801 Kennaston Drive NE 6283 Kerry Lane NE 935 Mississippi Street NE AMOUNT $ 69.40 83.17 57.11 24.07 90.81 77.79 2,008.55 46.75 1,355.21 61.06 36.00 5.39 8.55 127.43 9.45 76.74 89.33 46.75 78.84 J8.06 230.47 1,555.31 9.78 87.87 283.85 36.75 � PENALTY 6.94 8.31 5.71 2.41 9.09 7.77 200.85 4.67 135 . 53 6.10 3.60 .53 .85 12.75 .95 7.68 8.93 4.67 7.88 7.82 23.05 155.53 .98 8.79 28.34 3.67 14 A TOTAL $ 76.34 91.48 62.82 26.48 99.90 85.56 2,209.40 51.42 1,490.74 67.16 39.6Q 5.92 9.40 140.18 10.40 84.42 98.26 51.42 86.72 85.88 253.52 1,710.84 10.76 96.66 312.24 40.42 k7ATER AND SEWER ACCOi I "- CODE strict �� 2 Cont'd) 482-1358-92 �482-1645-21 2-484-5538-11 �4�6-6856-01 -520-5650-91 526-5163-3I �549-5865-72 2-549-60b1-71 �549-6479-31 "strict �� 3 645-7314-12 �645-7367-72 3-645�7379-32 �645-7381-91 -645-7497-02 645-7497-03 �645-75I5-82 3-645-7529-21 �645-7541-62 -645-7565-72 645-7567-52 �645-7579-11 3-645-758I-71 �645-7595-11 -648-7676-01 653-0350-01 �660-0233-41 3-667-0036-61 ' ADDRESS CERTTFIED TO COUNTY - 1974 (Continued) AMOUNT PENALTY 1358 Mississippi Street NE 1645 Mississippi Street NE 5538 Meister Road NE 6856 Monroe Street NE 5650 Polk Street NE 5163 Rainier Pass NE 5865 University Avenue NE 6061 University Avenue NE 6479 University Avenue NE 7315 Able Street NE 7367 Able Street NE 7379 Able Street NE 7381 Able Street NE 7497 Able Street NE 7497 Able Street NE 7515 Able Street NE 7529 Able Street NE 7541 Able Street NE 7565 Able Street NE 7567 Able Street NE 7579 Able Street NE 7581 Ab1e Street NE 7595 Able Street NE 7676 Arthur Street NE 350 Bellaire Way NE 233 - 69th Avenue NE 36 - 70th Way NE $ 15.75 70.75 65.01 93.93 1,712.44 65.20 124.72 42.44 386.71 101.30 45.72 58.27 37.46 43.19 19.3I 110.25 68.82 35.47 65.07 23.78 17.94 25.47 51.58 64.77 85.65 147.23 107.72 �� 1.57 7.07 6.51 9.39 171.24 6.52 12.48 4.24 38.67 10.14 4.58 5.83 3..74 4.31 1.93 11.03 6.88 3.55 6.51 2.38 1,80 2.55 5.16 6.47 8.5� 14.73 10.78 1� � TOTAL $ 17.32 �7.82 71.52 103.32 1,883.68 7I.72 137.20 4b.68 425.3& �.11. 44 50.30 64.10 41.20 47.50 21.24 :�Zi.2s 75.70 39.02 71.58 26.16 19.74 28.02 56.74 71.24 94.22 161.96 118.50 ■ ''� , COD� District 4�' 3 (Cont' d) '-676-0372-71 -683-0321-02 -684-7451-61 '-684-�561-31 3-684-7651�41 '-688-0165-41 692-0610-91 -697-6835-01 �697-7517-32 3-697-8100-41 �-69 7-8100-42 700-7891-41 -702-0530-41 �707-0688-91 3-723-7400-11 '-742-0533-31 742-0615-4I -752-0571-31 , �759-0305-91 3-767-1546-b1 � �783-1512-61 i 785-7313-21 -�ss-�3a3-oi I � 785-7363-11 � 3-785-7373-91 ' ' , �n'AT�R AND SEWER ACCOUNTS CERTIFIED TO COUNTY - 1974 (Continued) ADDRESS AMOUNT PENALTY 372 - 74th Avenue NE 321 - 79 th Way NE 7451 Central Avenue NE 7561 Central Avenue NE 7651 Central Avenue NE 165 Craigbrook Way NE 610 Dover Street NE 6835 East River Road 7517 East River Road 8100 East River Road 8100 East River Road 7891 Elm Street NE 530 Ely Street NE 688 Fairmont Street NE 7400 Highway ��65 NE 533 Janesville Street NE 6I5 Janesti•ille Street NE 571 Lafayette Street NE 305 Longfellow Street NE 1546 North Timber Ridge NE 1512 South Timber Ridge NE 7313 University Avenue NE 7323 University Avenue NE 7363 University Avenue NE 7373 University Avenue NE $ 56.73 304.33 48.94 46.22 76.62 143. 79 37.90 45.50 41.25 38.33 44.86 2.03 45.87 93.00 9,780.00 83.29 74.46 37.75 67.14 2.70 I8.99 20.48 13.08 76.33 25.02 $ � 5.67 30.43 4.90 4.62 7,66 14.37 3.80 4.56 4.13 3.83 . 4.48 .21 4.59 9.30 978.00 8.33 7.44 3.77 6.72 .28 1.89 2 .,04 1.30 7.63 2.50 14C TOTAL $ 62.40 334.76 53.84 50.84 84.28 I58.z6 41.70 50.06 45.38 42.16 49.34 2.24 50.4& IO2.30 10,758.00 9I.62 81.90 41.52 73.86 2.98 20.88 2LsJ� 14.38 83.96 27.52 ' T0: I FROM: , UATE: SUBJECT: � ' � � ' � � ' ' MEMOI2ANDUM NASIM QURESHI, CITY MANAGER JAMES P. HILL, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR SEPTEMBER 20, 1974 NEW EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENTS FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT .� I hereby submit to you for your concurrence, and confirmation by the City Council, the appointments of the below named individuals as probationary police officers for the Fridley Police Department. NAME EFFECTIVE DATE SALARY REPLACES Wayne A. Pfuhl September 30, 1974 $950 K. Wilkinson who filled L. Fritz Sgt. position Robert G. Friis September 30, 1974 $950 *New Michael G. Trancheff September 30, 1974 $950 *New *Previously authorized by Council effective 8-1-74 Wayne A. Pfuhl is 30, married and currently lives in St. Petersburg Beach, Florida. He was raised in the Twin City area and has an Associa-�e of Arts Degree in Law Enforcement from Normandale State Junior College. He spent three years with the U.S. Army where he served as a military policeman. He is currently working as a police officer with the Police Department in Treasure Island, Florida. Robert G. Friis is 27, single and lives in Fridley. He was raised in Columbia Heights and has attended Anoka Ramsey State Junior College. He is currently employed as a police officer with the Columbia Heights Police Department and also is a volunteer fireman for the Fridley Police Department. Michael G. Trancheff is 21, married and currently is living in Duluth, He was raised , in the Ely, Minnesota area and has an Associate Degree in Law Enforcement from the Alexandria Area Technical Institute. He is currently working as a Deputy Sheriff for the St. Louis County Sheriff's Department. ' ' ' ' All of the above appointees have satisfactorily completed the requirements for the position which included written civil service exams; oral civil service exams; State and Local record checks; physical exam; psychological exams and interviews as well as background invesfiigaiions. The final process will be through evaluation and observation of the above individuals through a twelve-month prabationary period. I also submit to you for your concurrence and confirmation by Council the appointment of the helow named individual as a probationary police technician. NAME EFFECTIVE DATE SALARY REPLACES David J. Keding September 30, 1974 $638 K. Mulrooney ' David J. Keding is 21, married and is living in North Minneapolis. He was raised in Fridley and has completed a course of study in law enforcement �hrough the Johnston Technical Institute of Smithfield, North Carolina, iahile serving with the U.S. Army. ' He is currently employed as a machinist with the Durkee-Atwood Com any of Minneapolis. Mr. Keding is next in consideration as a police officer replacemen� on the current Fridley Police Civil Service list and has completed the same process as the police officer appointments. � CLAIMS GENERAL 37052 - 37286 LIQUOR 9190 - 9229 � l6 ' -� � . . � ' PIULTIPLE DZ�IELLIPIG I,7CETTSLS TO FE AI'uKOV�D Period September 1, 1974 to Sept-ember I, I975 ' Ot�"vF?P. ADDF.�SS UNITS FEE APPRO�,iLD BY: ' Paul M. Johnson 6525 - 2nd St, N.E. 7 $ 15.00 R. D. Aldrich, 3925 Shamrock Dr. _ Fire Prev. Mpls, Mn. 55421 . ' Elliot V. Benincasa 6061-63-65 - 3rd S • t. N.E. 3 15.00 R. D. Aldrich, 6063 - 3rd St. N.E. Fire Prev. ' FridZey, Mn. 55432 James H. Johnson 380 - 57th Place N.E. � 4 15.00 R.`D. Aldrich, '621 Bennett L`r. • Fire Prev. Fridley, Mn. 55432 'John M. Hanson 150 - 59z Way N.E. 12 17.00 R. D. Aldrich, 7518 Stinson Blvd. Fire Prev. � Fridley, Mn. 55432 'Five Sands Development 7805 East River Road 59 64.00 R. D. AZdrich, 7100 Wayzata Blvd. Fire Prev. Mpls, Mn. 55426 � � ,, Five Sands Development 7825 East River Road 59 64.00 R. D. Aldrich see above address Fire Prev. � ' Five Sands Development 7845 East River Road 59 64.00 R. D. Aldrich, see above address �'ire Prev. ' Five Sands Development 7$75 East River Road 59 64.Q0 R. D. Ald.rich, _ see above address �'ire PreT. 'Five Sands Development 7895 East R�,ver Road 59 64.00 - R: D. Ald�rich, see above address Fire Prev. ' , . . ' � ' I ' , ' CONTI2r1CT0?:'S LICEi�SES TO }3� 71PPF:OVI:D BY COUNCIL 11'1' TF]EIR F'�GULAR t�iE�`i'ItdG ON SI:PT}:r;FS�:r: 23, 1974 GP�S SEF:VICr:S . APPROVEU liY Thomas Air Conditioning Co. � 815 — 19r.tZ Av��rue S.E. MiTineapolis, Minnesota 55414 By: Vince Andersen W. Sandin GF;dL:RAL CONTR:�CTOR Arterican Builders Inc. 1201 P7est Br.o�dway - Minneapolis, Minnesota By: David Ustrow C. Belisle Roqer Sheehy Company 709Z Highway �ro5 N.E. Friclleyr Miniiesot-a 55432 By: Jolin Falmquist C. Belisle HE7iTIidG , Controlled Air Corporatian 3008 Bryant Avenue South Minneapolis, Minn. By: Harold Christie W. Sandin va ESTIMATES FOR CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATI�N, SEPTEMBER 23, 1974 Weaver, Talle & Herrick 316 East Main Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 August Retainer for services as City Attorney Cofistock & Davis, Inc. 1446 County Road "J" Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 PARTIAL Estima�e No. 3, Sanitary Sewer & Water Improvement Project Na. 115 from August 5 through August 31; i974 PARTIAL Estimate Na. 8 for Sanitary Sewer, Water & Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 114 from August 5 through August 31, 7974 $1,345.00 11.79 1,286.60 18 � � 1 � ChiARLES R. WEAVER . �ERMAN L. TAL�E IRGIL C. NERRICK � OBERT MUIJNS JAMES D. G1B6S � . WILLIAM K. GOODRICH �OMAS A. GE�DE � FFREY P. HICKEN VCH _'. CITY OF FRIDLEY ' LAW OFFIGES � � WEAVER, TALLE & HERRIC'r� September 12, 1974 August Retainer: Council M�etings Meeting with Staff Conferences with Staf�F Citizens Inquiries Isl ands of Peace Project ] 03 Legal Research and M�mos Acquisition of Park Property 7 hours 4.5 hours 5 hours 1.5 hours 2 hours 3 hours 13 hours 1 hour 37 hours l8� � �I6EAS7�AAIN STREET ANOKA, MINNESOTA55�03 a2LSei3 $1,0OO.OQ Nours in excess of 30 @$35.Ofl/hr. $ 245.00 Secretarial Al1otiA�ance: $ 100.00 TOTRL ................................ 1,345.00 ' ' ' ' � , , , , I � � � �D �l C�O�'a C� aG°� CQ � C�`�G°�OG°�C��a`�aG� ���(�n�Q� �0������0� 330 Metro Square Building, Saint Paul, U� Minnesota 55107 Phone 612/227-7343 September 9, 1974 Mr. Nesim Qureshi City Manager of Fridley_ . 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 5542I RE: ANOKA COUNTY TRANSIT STUDY Dear Mr. Qureshi: Enclosed is a copy of the final report of the ANOKA COLTNTY TRANSIT STUDY. On August 2, 1974, the Urnan Mass Transportation AdministratiQn, U. S. Department af Transportation, approved the report for final printing and adoption and stated, "We wish to cornmend the study participants for pro- ducing a very fine series of informative documents which appear directed toward positive action." Recammendations include (I) more frequent service on existing_routes, (2) major extensions of szx of the existing routes and (3) three new e�ress routes. During the first three years, daily bus service miles will be increased from 2,126 to 3,728 miles. This will require an additional 22 buses. Implementation of these initial recommendations was started on July I5, 1974, and are seiieduled to be completed by September, 1975. Recammended bus related road improvements (shelter, park-ride sites, etc.), subscritpion service and a local Dial-A-Ride type service are also being initiated. Mr. Jerrold Boardman, Ms, HaYriet Hudrlik, and Mrs. Kay Metcalfe represented Fridley on the Community Advisoxy Committee. They devoted considerable time and effort to the study and assisted in the development of many of the report's recommendations. We are very appreciative of their contributian. We hope that via the issuance of �.his report to give increased emphasis to the implementation of the recommended bus routes and service and related road improvements. We are looking forward to further discussing these recommendations with you and other Fridley officals during,the next few months. In the meantime, if you have any questions or comments, we will be happy to discuss them with you. Sincerely, ,, � ': � ��-A ^ ���� � ,; l.r 9 � Camille b. Andre Executive Director CDA/RLP/src Enclosure m OFFICE OF THE eITY MANAGER CITY dF FRIDLEY MEMO T0: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMO FROM: NASIM QURESHI, CITY MANAGER DATE: SEPTEMBER 23, 1974 SUBJECT: RROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENTS The attached is a copy of the proposed eharter amendments as they will be consider�ed by the Charter Commission at their Special Meetirrg of Tuesday, September 24, 1974, 7:30 P.M. NMQ/pr � , t l � �., ( • . .. � r�_- . ♦ � ��.i ..%f _. .. j . i�• . ' =CITY ELECTION BALLOT -CITY OF FRIDLEY City Clerk �1I�i0KA COUNTY, MINNESOTA -TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1�74 -SHALL THE CHARTER BE AMENDED TO READ _HEREAFTER AS FOLLOWS: -Vote Yes (or) No CITY CHARTER AMENDMENT N0. I Relating to: a, setting date for lst official council meeting & swearing in of newly elected. b. requests for info by council. c. setting date for primary & requiring primary when 3 or more file for office. d, member of committee petitioning a referendum or recall can't be judge or clerk of election. e, election canvass due seven. days. f, legal appointed by city manager, council ok. g. not exceed 16 mills. h. board of review, 10 days notice. � i, budget est. in September. j. adopt budge� October. k. financial statement due June. 1. interest not more than allowabl� by state. . _ m. council vacate easements. � Yes 5 . �o � � , . C I T Y E L E C T I 0 N B A L L 0 T CITY OF FRIDLEY City Clerk ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1974 SHALL THE CHA.RTER BE A1�iENDED TO READ HEREAFTER A5 FOLLOWS: Vote Yes (or) No CITY CHARTER AMENDMENT N0. 2 / Relati.ng to: a. council approve purchase or . contract over $5,000. - b. Over $5,000, advertise for bids —_._, c. Public works improvements ok if Yes �f less than $5000. � No CITY CHARTEP. AMENDMENT N0. 3 � Relating to: Yes a. Franchisee � :�Io CITY CHAR.TER AMENDMENT NO. 4 Relating to: � a. Hold special election to fill Yes unexpired term. � ido CITY CHARTER AMEND*iENT N0. 5 Relating to: {—"---� a. must have 5S% of votes cast on Yes E----i question. r`�" :v'o � � �(�—� � � � LI'�-�! M � O t�D �-� Ln � N � ~ o � � L___JlJ N � � �t' L!7 L�� � �~ � O �_� � W �Z Z � � u W � � � � � � � � �---_� t~/� Q W �i^- �� �r�, � u W � _ � W D � � �.. � y � W � � Z �r �� �" LC � Gl � W L�J 0 � � �L.R. � � L—J F•�— l_..._�..J C.� September Z0, 1974 Dear Charter Commission Members: RE: Special Meeting, Tuesday, September 24, 1974, 7:30, City Hall Community Room I regret calling a special meeting, bui the Gity Council has not acted on the proposed amendments to the Charter a�s subm�itted by the Corr�nission. It appears, we the Commission, have possibily four options to complete our deliberations and work of the past 18 months and put the amendments before the public at an election. Our deliberations on Tuesday night need not be lenghty. � Yours very truly, �� �EY�t.t.�c��i2J P�' Ray Sheridan �fld'I C'D1d11 Fridley Charter Commission RS/pr R.S.V.P. It you cannot attend the meeting, please ca11 the City Manager's office, 560-3450. Please note that the quorum requirement is 8. � M I j ' i, ' , � � � I 1 ' I I , � ' ' � ' ' ' t � � ' � � ■ �� � �. � � i W T. r : �0 r- � D • z; z' � m' � m, ; �. 00 r C) � m � D � <� ao � m ; �; �� � � �I �! �l Cl o � �' j � � m� �� �� �� i L � Q CG � � � 0 ..« . c� -„ 0 -, � c� ' —. , 3': � S, t� m! t.�' i -<� �, n, Ni O �Q� � 4-7 � . m � 3 � -, � cD c� Q � N D �� o': �, \ / I � C z n r D z D � r � � m C._ � � LQ c� -i D c z m O � D D n � O . z c O � CA � � m — , � z � csr m ,� � � O n � � � .a D x � O �� D D � n O o z < -� m -< � �� m Z � Z cs� m � � o � D n � � c� � � � I � � � D: . � c z , m �. ; � �: : D D. 4 { n. � O: z Ci � o z i C '� � i m .� � � � � m z!. •j �o z, � csi rn 4 � � �, i � D, 0 �: :�� ��.. ,�� i • � . . �, , r a : ' � � .. „_.._ � �� � .:-.:.- ;� . _ ._,-� �. ,:.. ^ � .=� -C O � � 0 �G , : . �. Y" ��� � �- :�- T .: �- �,_ - - � .�_ �� b:: - . �x � �� �,. c'-.. :' �. -� �,�; . :.: �..._-�. , ,�_..v_;; ���.� �� �� �;:•:.� „� . { • �r• - - 9 `,_ . �" "� � � ��� �. ,.� �__ � � {