02/04/1974 - 00016035�i � �� THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF FEBRUARY 4, 1974 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of February 4, 1974 was called to order at 7:31 p.m. by Mayor Liebl. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Liebl led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INVOCATION: The Invocation was offered by the Reverend Douglas Henderson. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT: PRESENTATION OF AWARD: Councilman Starwalt, Mayor Lieb7, Councilman Utter, Councilman Nee, and Councilman Breider. None. � CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION - THE REVEREND DOUGLAS HENDERSON, Hl1MAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE; Mayor Liebl called the Reverend Henderson forward and read the Certificate of Appreciation aloud to those present. The Reverend Henderson thanked each member of the Council individually. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF ,]ANUARY 14, 1974: MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt the minutes of the Public Hearing Meeting of the FridTey City Council of �anuary T4, 1974 as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: i�layor Liebl said he had been advised there should be an addition of two air conditioners to the proposed resolution for the sale of surplus property. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the agenda as amended by the addition of the two air conditioners to the resolution for the sale of surplus property. 5econded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carr�ed unanimously. VISITORS: WYMAN SMITH. CHAIRMAN OF THE FRIDLEY STLVER JUBILEE CELEBRATI Mr. Wyman Smith addressed the Council and said he would like to make the Council aware of the events and plans of the Committee which had been established at the last meeting of the committee. He explained, the Week of June 17 through �une 23, 1974 to be the time choosen for the Jubilee celebration. He explained many of the various civic organizations in the City would be sponsoring events. He added, there would be a parade, community meeting in the aud�torium or gym of the high school, a canmunity plan, and a historical display which could be permanent after the celebration. Mr. Sm�th explained Mr. Leon Madsen, the representative of the Fridley staff, had been selected in the post of Executive Secretary and he would be aiding the Committee with the City matters. He added, there would be sporting and recreati�n 7 events which would be coordinated by the staff of City Hall. He further stated there would also be a open house at C�ty Hall, which would be coordinated by Nasim Qureshi, City Manager. Mr. Smith explained the form of the planned parade to be one that could show the changes in Fridley and not compete with the 5t, Paul and Minneapolis parades with floats etc, He hoped the celebration would be unpolitical and have the support of every one in the community. Mr. Smith questioned the possihility of the City contributing some funds to the � � U � ti 1 REGULRR MEETING OF FEBRURRY 4, 1974 PAGE 2 activities. He said there would be some initial expenses which would have to be met, and if this was possib7e, he would recommend that Mr. Leon Madsen be made treasurer of the committee. Elaborating on the need for some initial funding for the various projects, Mr. �Smith said the preparation of the commemative coin would have to be done with sales in advance of the celebration. He listed one need for advance funding as the production of the community play. He said these events could be self supporting, but initially, there would be some expenses for their preparation, He said the preparation of the button would also have to be made in advance of the celebration. He said he would be able to give the Council a firmer idea of the amount of money needed for this type of preparation by the first meeting in March. C__1 � Mr. Smith's second request was that the City would make the payment for additional liability insurance for the committee members and all those in the community who would be participating. He advised the Council that his could be handled as a rider, and he would like to obtain this insurance to cover the committee and the various groups involved in the planning. Mayor Liebl thanked Mr. Smith for his presentation to the Council. The City Manager said he would like to elaborate further on what Mr. Smith had pointed out. He said the C�ty was providing secretarial services to the Commi�tee in the form of typing of the notices and daina various work to keep the committee going. P9R. BOB DUELHOL�, 290 CRAIGBROOK WAY N. E.: Mr. Duelholm addressed the Council and said his concern was because of the Ciiy's attanpt to obtain an easement for the culvert for Stonybraok Creek. He asked what was the main reason for putting this culvert through the area, The City Manager said that there had been a complete proposal for the alleviation of the drainage problems of the area, but the cost for the installation would have been one quarter of a million dollars. He saicl this is what a hearing had been held on. He explained the exist7ng culvert to be too small to take care of ihe flow to the east. He stated another reason for the installation of the additiona1 culvert is that mrhen the r7ver is high, the existing culvert is under the water. He said thirdly, when one time, the logs blocked the culvert, water got so high the people complained about the water being up to their doors. Mr. Duelho1m addresed again and questioned what additional work would be done to protect the banks. He said many are unprotected now when the water reaches that level. He stated his bank would not take ten feet of water, and his back yard would end up in the river faster. He questioned the instal7ation of another 56 inch culvert when there is one there now, He said the completed installation would provide for two four and a half foot culverts. The City Manager said many people had been present on the hearing on the improvements in the area, and they all wanted the expensive �nstallation , bui did not want to pay for it. He said work had been done on the banks in the area and now, the Council had approved the project. He said if the area people would want a better improvement, the facilities can be provided, �f they are willing to pay the cost. Mayor Ltebl said the people of the area had heard the proposals and had decicied the plan was too expensive. The City Manager said the people west of East River Road are not be�ng charged for the work 6eing done at the present time. He said all of the assessments are be�ng levied on these east of East River Road. Mr, Duelholm said he understood that most of the property owners favored the plan that was presently being used, but now the City is asking four property owners for easements. � He said he thought the improvements in the area should be better, and if nothing better than this is done, he would not sign the easement to the City. Councilman Breider stated when the matter was discussed, the people indicated if the total improvement was made, they would sttll want some flow down the creek. He said he could not see the County taking the the culvert out of East River Road and it would still leave the possibility of a large s�illing through the area. He said the people were all afraid of the installation of the culvert on Alden as it refers to the culvert under East Rtver Road. i—,j .n', REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 4, 1974 PAGE 3 Mr. pGelholm said he thought sometime there wouid be a culvert under Alden Way, and tnis might be putting the cart before the horse. Mayor liebl asked Counci7man Nee if he would look at the area to determine the situation. He indicated he would also look at the situation. He said perhaps, the City Council should take a second look at the installation , maybe the size of the culvert should be looked a�. Mayor Liebl asked Councilman Nee if he would give the Council a report on the situation the following meeting. Counc�lman Nee said he is generally aware of the problems in the area. He questioned if the addition of the culvert would create more drainage, and if it would create less damage to the area property if the flow is taken off faster. The City Manager expla�ned this situation to be similar to the situation on East River Road. He said there is a capacity of flow for each size culvert, and the problems wou7d be taken care of by design of the system. Ne said w9th one culvert on top of the other, it would be less likely that they would hoth be blocked at the same time. He said in the spring months the lower culvert would be under the water. Councilman Nee questioned if the hydraulic solution of the problem as being installed would do less damage to the area properties. The City Manager said this would be the best solution of the problems for the amount of money spent. Ne said this would su6stantially reduce the damage. - FOR THE VACATION REQUEST SAV #73-12, BY EDGAR W. HOUSER, GENERALLY KS: MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Ordinance #557 on the second reading, waive the reading and order publication. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a roll call vote, Councilman Utter, Councilman Nee, Councilman Breider, Councilman Starwalt, and Mayor Ltebl voting aye, Mayor Liebl dec]ared the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO AMEN� CHAP7ER 11, SECTION il.l Councilman Breider questioned if there were any public pools in the City of Frid7ey. The City Manager said this would include any pools that would be open to the public such as those included in apartment complexes. He said it would not refer to those on private residences. The City Attorney said the first charge in a one time charge and the second would be an annual charge. MOTION by Councilman Breider to waive the first reading and adopt the first reading of the ordinance to amend Chapter 11, Section 11.10, public pools. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PARK AND RECREATION MEETING OF JANUARY 28, 1974; AND RECEIVING REPORT REGARDING SMALL NOCKEY RINK AT TERRACE PARK: AND RECEIVING PETITION #2-1974 - NAMING PARK - ED WILMES PARK: MOTIO�d by Counc7lman Starwalt to receive the minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission Meeting of January 28, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Breider said he would recommend that the Council not take any action on the matter of the Report of the Small Hockey Rink at Terrace Park at this time. ne indicated he would l�ke some additional input on the proposal before any action is taken. He added, he would like to know the feelings of the Commission. MOTION by Councilman Nee to receive the petition from the area people, #2-1974, requesting the East River Road park be named the Ed Wilmes Park. 5econded 6y Cauncilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, a71 voting aye, Mayor Liebl dec7ared the mot�on carried unanimously. � C_� � � � el REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 4, 1974 PAGE 4 MOTION by Councilman Nee to concur with the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission in the naming of the East River Road Park as Ed Wilmes Park. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Nayor Liebl questioned Councilman Breider on what action should be taken on the recommendation of the small hockey rink in 7errace Park at the present time. MOTION by Councilman Breider to table the matter of the consideration of the installation of the hockey r�nk in Terrace Park. 5econded by Councilman Utter. Counci7man Starwalt satd he would go along with the thoughts of Councilman Breider. He would not want this to be an indication of approval or disappro�aal, but would want further study. Councilman Nee said he felt the same way. Councilman Breider said the Commission had indicated they did not think the two foot boards would be high enough, he said he would like to find out how the facility would be made safer. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the matter tabled for further consideration at a later date. AWARDING CONTRACT FOR MOVING "A FRAM�'BUILDING AND APPROVING AGREEMENT: MOTION by Councilman Utter to authorize the Adm7nistration to award the contract for the moving of the "A Frame" building to Dale Movers, Inc., an the amount of $3,350, and that the approval of the signing of the agreement be g�ven. Seconded by Council- man Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIUING THE MINUTES OF THE CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 75, 1974: MOTION by Councilman Nee to receive the minutes of the Charter Commission Meeting of January 15, 1974, Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING REPORT ON FLOOD PLAIN INSURANCE: MOTION by Councilman Nee to receive the report on the Flood Plain Insurance. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl said everyone affected by the floods in the City should be notified, and he stressed those living in Riverview Terrace. The City Manager said the letters would be sent the following day. MOTION by Councilman Nee to authorize the Administration to send the letter to every property owner within the flood plain zoning and also to all of the insurance agents in the City as it would depend on the agents to get this insurance soid. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lie61 declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF REQUEST FOR INSTALLATI�N OF AN7ENNAE ON WATER RESERVDIR �The City Manager pointed out that this instal}ation on the Fridley tower would improve communication in the area. He said it would 6e the Admtnistrations recommendation that the City not lease or rent the space at this time. He said he would recommend allowing the non-profit organizations to use the facility for the present time. He said the proposed antennae would be only ten feet above the tank, and this would provide some additional service to the residents of the City. Councilman Starwa7t asked the memhers of the organizations proposing to use the the antennae if they were amateur radio operators and were licensed with the F. C. C. He asked the reason for the request, asking if this would aid the citizens of Fridley in case of an emergency. A representative of the or�anization addressed the Council and said the operation through the antennae on the tower would enhance the operations in the area as the height of the antennae is very important. He said this would allow the communications �� � �, REGUL;;R MEETING OF FEBRUARY 4, 1974 PAGE 5 to be transm�tted throughout the state, He said the members of the radio groups would be able to aid in the case of any emergency and would also be able to add to the �ubilee celebration through group participation. Councilman Nee said he would like to support the installation. He said this type of operation has been determined to be an important everyday communication system by the F. C, C. MOTION by Councilman Nee to concur with the rec�mmendation of the Administration and grant the permits to the NARA and NCC and that the Agreement be signed. 5econded by Councilman Starwalt. Council,man Utter asked if there would be a method of curtailing operations if problems arise. Mayor Liebl said he would sign the agreement and this would regulate the operation in the City of Fridley. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and said he would sign the agreement and so would the City Manager. RECEIVING RESOLUTION FROM FRIDLEY DFL CLUB REGARDING NORTH PARK DECISION: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the Resolution submitted by the Fridley DF1 Club regard�ng the North Park decision. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. P�ayor Liebl stated �n the REsolution prepared by the Fridley DFL Club, there is a request that an Environmental Impact Statement on the utilization of the North Park Property be done by the State Canmission. Mayor Liebl said th�s request had been submitted by the Club and he had witten a letter to the 5tate Commission for their review in the matter. � Mayor Liebl read the letter aloud to the Council and members of the audience. After � reading the letter he questioned the members on the Council asking if the letter should be sent. Councilman Utter said the matter may have been put a little too harshly. He stated he Felt the City should wrtte a letter, but because they had been asked to write such a letter. Councilman Nee said the DFL Club had not petitioned the Environmental Quality Commission, 600 or 700 people had s�gned a petition and this had been submitted to the State Corrmission. He said it would take 500 signatures and this would be a point of law. He said this petition had been submttted several weeks ago by this group of people, but the DFL had resolved to support the petition. Councilman Nee said he thought the letter was a fair one, He added, the DFL had sent the resolution to concur with the petftion to the Comm�ssion. Councilman Breider sa�d he hoped this could be clone in a different way. He said the Environm�ntal Quality Commission should not be used as a political instrument. He stated, he did not think anything the Council had proposed would be bad for the area. He said he would like to ask the Commission to approve the concept so the City can get something done. Councilman Breider suggested the last sentence be deleted with a request that the Commission take immediate action on the matter. The Ctty Manager said the petition had been submitted to the Environmental Council by many people. The Env�ronmental Counci] would make a determination if tha enwironmental � impact statement is required. He said if the statement were to be prepared, th` City would submit a report for their review, and the Commission could ask that the project be modified or abandoned. He said he would like to clearly lay out the steps in this type of procedure. He said it would take the Commission two to three months to deter- mine if the City would have to submit such a report, and it would take six to seven months to compile such a report and get final Council action. He said it would take sometime for the preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement for this project. Mayor Liebl said he had heard there had never been anything like this done in the past. The City Manager said the procedure was a recently esta6lished one and was in 1973, or aga�n, very recent. Councilman Starwalt again questioned if the impact of the water pro6lems in the area should be added so the Commission would he cognizant of the area problems for development. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 4, 1974 Mayor Lieb] said he thought the City should send the letter. PAGE 6 „ f5. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to authorize the administration to send the letter deleting the last sentence and inserting the following sentence: "We would appreciate a decision by th�s body as soon as possible so the City of Fridley could proceed w�th their plans”. Seconded by Councilman Breider. �Councilman Utter questioned if those who had signed the pet�tion were residents of Fridley. He recalled those present at the various meetings of the Council and in favor of the nature center were restdents of the County, the State, employees of the University of Minnesota. He stressed it wou7d not be the people from the University of Minnesota or the County that wou7d 6e paying the additional taxes, it would 6e the residents of Fridley, � Councilman Nee said he was not speaking for the petition, he had not seen it. Mr. James Langenfeldt, Chairman of the Environmental Quality Commission, Fridley, questioned the language of the petition stating he had never seen such a r_;ocument. Mr. Langenfeldt said he was confused, he had heard the petition had been s�gned by citizens of the County. The City Manager said the Administration could make a request to see the petition. UPON A VOICE UOTE, Councilman Utter, Councilman Bretder, Councilman Starwalt, and Mayor Liebl voting aye, Councilman Nee a6staining, Mayor Liebl declared the mot�on carried four in favor and one abstaining. Mayor Liebl pointed out the reports which had been submitted by the City Manager as interim reports on the golf course and job description of the naturalist. Council- man Breider said tt was his understanding that these things be discussed on February 11, and this report was an advance notice. He said he hoped any decision on the matter would be delayed until that time. He said this was only an up to date report to keep the Council informed on what had happened to this point in time. Mayor Liebl said the Council would dtscuss these two items at the next meeting of the Council on February 11, 1974. The City Manager said this is what was intended. Councilman Starwalt asked if Mr. Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation, would be present at the next Council meeting. He said he did not think he shou7d be cut out of the discussion when the matters concerned his department. Councilman Starwalt said he thought Mr. Brown should be in attendence at the meeting. The Ciiy Manager said if this is the Council's desire, he would advise Mr. Bt~own that his attendance is requested by the Council. Mayor Liebl said the City Manager should see that Mr. Brown is present. �ISCUSSTON REGRRDING A FOUR WAY STOP SIGN AT CENTRAL AND RICE CREEK ROAD: Councilman Utter said he had talked to the City Manager about this intersection and the City Manager had contacted Mr. Jake Lundheim at the County. He said he hoped the County would be taking over this intersection of the street. MOTIDN by Councilman Breider to authorize the City Manager to make a formal requ�st to install a four way stop at Central Avenue and Rice Creek Road. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. �Councilman Starwalt asked what would be done at Central and Mississippi Street. The City Manager said the County indicated this would not warrant a traffic signal at this intersection at this t�me. He said the County Commissioners had also expressed concern. He pointed out that a stop sign amounted to an expendi�ure of $50 each and a signal would be at least $6,000. He said there is no committment for a date, the County has said the intersection does not warrant a signal yet. Councilman Starwalt satd in time the intersection is really going to need a signal. Councilman Utter agreed saying the traffic has really increased in that area. He sa�d there is added construction planned with a warehouse and with the cross traffic, this should really be controlled. 7he Reverend Henderson addressed the Cauncil and said he had remained at the meetin9 because of the discussion of this item. He said he felt Fridley should still be called "Friendly Fridley" and more preachers should come to the Council meetings more often. �.� �., REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 4, 1974 PAGE 7 The Reverend Henderson said he had planned to say that there is a stop stgn needed at the corner of Rice Creek Road and OTd Central. He said he wouTd also suggest the slowing up of the traffic of the area. Councilman Utter said the reflectors that the County had put up in his area had proven to be no good. The Rev. Henderson stated the traffic does travel more than 35 miies an hour, it is more like 45 to 50 miles per hour. Councilman Starwalt asked if the sign could be taken down if it is not needed. Council- man Utter said there is additional traFfic in the day time. UPON A UOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #19-1974 - APPROVING THE GENERAL ALIGNMENT AND STAGING OF THE NORTHTOWN CORRIDOR AS SET IN THE "iV0 THTOWN CORRIDOR STULIY FINAL REPORT": I�IOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the general alignment and staging of the Northtown Corridor as set in the "Northtown Corridor Study Final Report". Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a vo�ce vote, a71 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #20-7974 - AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF CERTAIN SURPLUS PROPERTY: MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #20-1974 with the addition of the two air conditioners, authorizing the sale of certain surplus property. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unan�mously. RESOLUTION #21-1974 - AUTHORIZING CHANGES IN THE BUDGET APPROPRIATION: The Finance D�r�ctor, Mr. Marvin C. Brunsell, said some of the accounts went over and some were short, but the budget was in good shape. He stated there had been a surplus. The City Manager said this is the first time the Parks and Recreation budget was not in the red. MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #21-1974 authorizing changes in the budget appropriatton. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIHING INTERIM REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER REGARDING NATURALIST AND GOLF COURSE: The City Manager said he would like some direction on the route to follow on the obtaining of an architectual firm to be hired for the golf course planning. He asked if he sn��uld review locai firms or go out of state to find a f1rm. MOTION by Councilman Nee to receive the reports from the City Manager reqarding the golf course and the naturalist. Seconded by Counci7man Breider. Upon a voice vote, all vating aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl said the interim report listed the names of two or three good local people, and those listed had done quite a bit of work. Mayor Liebl agreed, he did not want to go out of state to look for the architect. The City Manager said he would stay with the consideration of local people. REQUESTING ANOKA COUNTY TO MAKE A TRAFFIC STUDY FOR THE AREA OF MONROE STREET AND ncon n�r nnnn Tn�TrncrrTTnn� cno n���rn nn�n ❑rnrcTOTnnI Tonccrr. MOTION by Councilman Breider to authorize the City Manager to send the letter to Mr. Jake Lundheim, incorporating the following sentence before the last sentence: "We suggest a three way stop be employed to make this a safe crossing". Seconded by Councilman Utter, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb7 declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: GENERAL 34427 - 34650 LIQUOR 8593 - 8623 � �� � °' �J REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 4, 1974 PAGE 8 MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the claims. Seconded by Councilman Utter. U on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb] declared the motion carried una m mously. LICENSES: HEATING: �iVortheast Sheet Metal Inc. 544 Summit Street N. E. Columbia Heights, Minn. 55421 SIGN ERECTOR: Gold Medal Beverage Co. 553 N. Fairview Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 I� D. L. Anderson Arthur J. Margot APPROVED BY W. Sandin C. �lisle MO7ION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the licenses as listed above. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb7 declared the motion carrted unanimously. ESTIMATES: Chromy Construction Company 5051 West 215th Street Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 PARTIAL Estimate No. 1 for construction on Sanitary Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Improvement Project No, 114, Fridley $ 7,286.40 �MOTION by Counciltnan Starwalt to pay the aforementioned estimate. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS: SCHOOL DISTRICT #14: 1973/1974 BUDGET: Councilman Utter said he would like to see a copy of the budget and Councilman Nee said he would also, but he would not �•��nt the City to go to the expense of the copying the budget for his sake. MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the communication from the School District #14 regarding the 1973/1974 budget, dated January 21, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. SENATOR HUMPHREY: THANK YOIJ e MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the communication from Senator Humphrey dated January 18, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. �OHN BOLAND: METRO COUNCIL: REAPPOINTMENT OF MR. JOSEPH CRAIG: �MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the communication from Mr. John Boland, Chairman of the Metro Council dated, January 29, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. P. M. ENDSLEY COMPANY. INC.: MINNESDTA RATE CHANGE ENDORSEMENT. MOTTON by Councilman Starwalt to receive the communication from P. M. Endsley Company, Inc. regarding the Minnesota Rate Change Endorsement with the expiration date of January 1976. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimous7y. YOR LIEBL'S QUESTION ON ATTENDANCE AT aPEN HOUSE FOR METRO LEAGUE OFFICES• (Nayor Liebl pointed out that the Metro Council and the Metro League had moved their office and would be having an open house meeting at the new facilities on February 28, 7� REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 4, 1974 PAGE 9 1974, Thursday, He said he would like some��e from the Council or Staff in attendance on this date. Councilman Nee lndicated he would check his schedule and attend if possi6le. Councilman Starwalt said he may be able to attend, but would check with the City Manager on the final arrangements. Councilman Utter said he would check to see if he could attend. He asked if the City Manager would get in touch with them for the details on the program. ANNllA! REPORT FROM THE SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY: Counc�]man Utter presented the City Manager with a copy of the Annual Report of the Suburban Rate Authority. The City Manager 9ndicated he would have copies made for the Council to review. A�JOUNMENT; MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a votce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of February 4, 1974 adjourned at 9:53 p.m. Respectfully submitted, � ._h �� �_��c.��cac�rt� " ;,�', Patricia Ellis Secretary to the City Counc�l �'� � .'+�"v Frank G. Liebl,'Mayor �J ��.�o�S / J9S� ate Appro��^' —� � '