05/06/1974 - 00015891��7�? THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF MAY 6, 1974 The regular meetin9 of the Fridley City Council of May 6, 1974 was called to order at 7.30 P.M. by Mayor Ltebl. PLE�GE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Liebl led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to ' the Flag. IIVUOCATION: The Invocation was offered 6y Mayor Liebl. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman Breider, Councilman Starwalt, Mayor L�ebl, Councilman Utter and Councilman Nee MEMBERS ABSENT. None PRESENTATION OF AWARDS. CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION - AMERICAN FIELD SERUICE STUDENTS JILL JALLAIS JUERGEN GERHAEl1S5ER JAVIER TARIFA Mayor Liebl called the American F�eld Service Students forward to receive their awards. Mayor Liebl read the three Certificates of Appreciation aloud and presented , them to the students. He aiso presented each of the students with a Key to the City of Fridley to be presented to each of the�r respective Mayor's upon returning to their homes. APPRUVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL l, 1974: MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council as presented if no other member of the Council had any additions or corrections. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lie61 declared the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF APRIL 8. 1974: MOTIOIV by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the m�nutes of the Public Hearing Meeting of April 8, 1974 as presented if there are no additions or correct�ons. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all votin9 aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unam mously. 11ISITORS: BURLINGTON NORTHERN TRUCK TRAFFIC ON 49th AVENUE EXPRESSED BY MAYOR LIEBL: Mayor Liebl said he had received three calls concernin9 the constant truck traffic ' on 49th Avenue He said he 6elieved some of the traffic could be directed to the other available routes in the area. Mayor Liebl suggested the administrat�on send a letter to Burl�ngton Northern request�ng that the traffic be shifted around so there would be a relief from the constant traffic and noise for the people on 49th. MOTION by Councilman Nee to request �n writing that Burl�ngton Northern direct some of the truck traff�c to the other available routes in the area and not use 49th exclusively Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. �] � �- REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 PAGE 2 MR. OTTO TAUER, 5866 2ND STREET N.E., REQUEST FOR EIGHT FOOT FENCING ABUTTING PARK: Mayor Liebl said this request was on 2nd Street N. E., and the request had been before the Council on two other occasions. He further explained Mr. Tauer had taken the City to court concerning the City's reluctance to install the eight foot fence and rather planned to install a four foot fence Mayor L�ebl said he had visited the area and he believed there was a definite problem and �n his opim on this had been created by the City installing the toddler park ad�acent to the Tauer property. Mr. Otto Tauer addressed the Council and said he would like the eight foot fencing installed from the alley to the front of the apartment building which would be ahout 90 feet. Mr. Tauer said he would also like the City to install a night light and also a better garbage can �n the park. He said with the can presently being used, the wind blows the papers all over the neighborhood. MOTION by Councilman Nee to construct an eight foot fence accord�ng to the plan which had been submitted to the Council in their agenda at the time of the previous consideration of the item w�th the City paying the additional expenses for this eight foot fence. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. PAkKING ON OLD CENTRAL IN AREA OF MOORE LAKE PARK AND BEACH: Mayor Liebl asked if Mr. Chuck Ross was present at the meeting. There was no response. He said the concern expressed by Mr. Ross is a parking problem in the area of Moore Lake where the area residents had petitioned many years ago for no parking signs MR.GARY BARKER, 5800 3RD STREET N.E.: REOUEST FOR REVIEW OF MATERIAL ON MOTOR BIKE: Mr. Barker addressed the Council and said he was in the process of trying to determine if the product he is marketing must have a l�cense to be operated. He explained his equipment to be a small engtne which would sit on a regular bicycle Mayor Liebl said this is a legal problem and he would forward the material to the administration for their review. RESOLUTION N0. 49-1975, RECOMMENDING APPOINTMENTS TO THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL AND THE METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION TABLED JANUARY 15, 1974 : Mayor Lie61 recommended Mr. Andrew Kohlan be recommended for appointment in District #13. Councilman Nee said he would like to recommend Mr. Dean Caldwell. MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt Resolution #49-1974 and recommend Mr Andrew Kohlan and Mr. Dean Caldwell for appointment in Dtstrict #13; recommend Mr. Joe Craig for appointment to the Waste Control Comm�ss�on; and Mr. Bruce Nawkock� for reappointment to the Metropolitan Transit Commission Seconded 6y Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mot�on carried unam mously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 17, 1974: REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #74-02, BERKELEY PUMP COMPANY: TO REZONE LOTS 1 AND 2 � BLOCK 13, SPRING BROOK PARK ADDTTION, FROM R-1 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING AREAS TO M-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL AREAS TO MAKE ZONING CONSISTANT WITH PROPERTY LINE AT 181 ELY STREET N.E.: Mayor Lie61 sa�d there was no action necessary at this time on this item. REZONING REOUEST, ZOA #74-01. HENNING NELSON CO � ON COMPANY: TO REZONE Mayor Liebl said thts had been continued at the Planning Commission level and there was no action necessary by the Counc�l at the present time. f� 1 �l REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #74-04. BY CHARLES M.NARA: PER PAGE 3 B, PNRT OF LOT 29 AND ALL OF LOT 30 The City Manager said the only problem in the request is that there is a need for some easements on the Northeast corner of the property. He said the � staff would work with the gentleman for satisfactory solution to the problem. MOTION by Councilman Nee to concur with the Planning Commission recommendation and approve the request for a special use permit as requested by Mr. Charles M. Nara to allow the construction of a second accessory building at 5180 Buchanan Street N. E. w�th the stipulat�on that the applicant and the C�ty staff work out some satisfactory solution for the easements in the northeast corner of the property. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAfVS FOR THE FRTDLEY BRANCH LIBRARY: TO BE The City Manager said tnis item could be taken care of in the Buildin9 Standards Des�gn Control section of the Council Agenda. REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP.#74-05, STEWART C. WRIGHT, JR: TO ALLOW A GAS PUMP FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE ENGINES, PER FRI�LEY CITY CO�E, SECTION The City Manager said the properiy should be kept free of any disposable � material and if this material is stored outside it would have to be screened. He said there should be no outside storage of property. He explained this to be on the site �ust north of City Hall. Councilman Breider asked wh�ch iocation the business would be conducted under. The Assistant Engineer said th�s would be under the Champion Auto Store. The City Manager voiced concern because of the work being done on high powered engines at the location and asked if the noise could be kept down. He said he would not want this business to disturb the other businesses in the area. MOTION by Councilman Breider to concur with the recommendations of the Planning Comm�ssion and grant approval of the Special Use permit with the two stipula- tions recommended. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. UISCUSSION WITH CHAIRMAN OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION: Mayor Liebl said this discussion should be received by the Council. TRtE ORDINAIVCE: Th�s informat�on was received by the Counc�l. SECQNt� AIWVUAL CONFERENCE OF INNOUATIONS IN GOVERNMENT: �his �tem was received by the City Council. COUNTY ROADS. This Ttem was received by the C�ty Council. VARIANCES AIVD SPECIAL USE PERMITS FOR BILLBOAR�S The material in this discussion was received MDTION by Councilman Breider to receive the mtnutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of April 17, 1974 5econded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF APRIL 23, 1974. A REQUEST FOR VARIANCES OF: PAGE 4 The City Manager pointed out that there had 6een a petition received from property owners of the ad�oining property, and they had requested the variances be de m ed. MOTION by Counc�lman Utter to receive Petition #5-1974 from the property owners in opposition to a variance for Lot l, Block 2, Oak Grove Addition to Fridley Park (6694 Fridley Street N. E.). Seconded by Counc�lman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. Mayor Lie61 said he, Councilman Starwalt and Councilman Utter had visited the property in question the past Saturday He recalled the Council had taken action on the request to vacate the street easement the past year and this action failed because the Council would have needed a four/fifths vote for vacation of the street easement and the Council vote three to two in favor of the vacation, which was not sufficient for vacation of the street � easement. Mayor Liebl continued stating all the Council members realized there would not be a street built on this easement because of the steepness of the terrain in the area. Mayor Liebl asked the members of the Council if any of them had changed their mind about the development of this property. Councilman Nee indicated he had not changed his mind and would want the property to remain as publ�c access to the park area. Councilman Breider said he had not changed his mind either. Mayor Liebl pointed out that the applicant had requesied five variances and the Board of Appeals had recommended denial of all of the variance requests. Mayor Leibl said the granting of the variances would be �nconsistant w�th the development of all of the other areas in the City of Fridley, and this would create one of the smallest lots in Fridley. He indicated the square footage of the lot would be approximately 5,200 square feet. He said if the Counc�l were able to vacate the street easement, this would create a larger or good size lot He commented if the Council granted the var�ances, this would be overruling the Board of Appeal's recommendation for this property Mayor Liebl read the motion concerning this item aloud to the Council and audience. Mayor Liebl asked �f Mr. Willey or Mr. Menkveld were present to present informa- tton to the Council. Mr. Craig Willey, 3816 Polk Street N E., addressed the Council and said he � would m�ke the same presentatton to the Counctl as he had made to the Board of Appeals and tM s information was available to the Council in their agenda. Mr. Willey continued to explain he had made the request for the vacation of the easement whtch would have created a large enough building site, but th�s had been denied, so now in an attempt to work on all avenues of this plan, he was requesting the listed vartances Mr. Willey further explained that he had changed the plan of the house for the lot to enable the house to fit into the neighborhood better. �- .� � a� w,e REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING DF MAY 6, 1974 PAGE 5 Mr. W�lley sa�d at the time the vacation was requested previously, he had requested that the full 30 feet be vacated. He added he would be willin9 to dedicate a portion of the easement on the top of the slop for access to the park area below. He said he would also dedicate the portion of the property which extends over the slop and down the embankment, if the C�ty wished this area for the purposes of access. He said this would allow ur a 60 foot lot which wou7d conform to the building code, and this would ' eliminate the need for the requests of the many variances, and the problems would be solved. Mr. Wil7ey said h�s First plan for the constructton of the home was for a two story home with a mansard roof which would make the structure look like a one story home. Now, his plans were changed and he planned to build a one and a half story home with a split entrance. He said this would be more �n line with the other buildings in the area. Mr, Wiliey said he planned a substantial investment in the home and it would be equal to or a greater investment than the remainder of the properties. Mayor Liebl read the listing of the five requests for variances aloud to the Council and sa�d it would be practically impossible for the Council to grant th�s many variances. He also read the letter sent to the City by Mr. oavid Torkildson, Parks and Recreation �irector, Anoka, concerning the variance requests. He indicated the County had no objection to the granting of the requests as this property would not be needed for park development in th�s area. MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the letter from Mr. �avid Torkildson, D�rector of Parks and Recreation, Anoka County, Minnesota dated April 15, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried una m mously. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt that the City Council concur with the recommenda- ' tion of the Board of Appeals and deny the five requests for the variances made by Mr. Craig Willey to build a residential home on a 40 foot lot, for the same reasons that this request was recommended for denial by the Board of Appeals (6ecause of the opposition from the neighbors, the lot size, and the number of var�ances asked for). Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a roll call vote, Mayor Lieb] voting aye, Councilman Utter voting aye, Councilman IVee voting aye, Councilman Breider voting aye, and Councilman Starwalt voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, and the request for the five variances for Lot 1, Block 2, Oak Grove Addition to Fr�d7ey Park dem ed. The City Manager asked if there should be an explanation of why this had been denied. Mayor Liebl said the records of the Board of Appeals meet�ng speak for themselves. Councilman Breider asked what the standard lot size is in this area. The City The City Mana9er said the minimum lot size is 60 feet. Counc�lman Breider asked if the average lot size is about 80 feet and the City Manager said yes, they run from 60 to 80 feet Councilman Breider said approval of these variances would set a strong precident, The City Manager agreed sayin9 this would be one of the smallest lots in the City. Mayor L�ebl asked the ad,;oim ng property owner, Mr. Denm s Drevniak, 6684 Fridley Street, what his front footage was. Mr. Drevniak said his is 80 feet. The City Manager said this property was on the east side of T.H. #65. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to concur with the recommendation of the Board of Appeals and approve the request for a variance to enable the construction � � � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 �, �, c= PAGE 6 of a second accessory huilding as requested by D. W. Harstad Company Incorporated for 7101 Highulay #65, as there are no problems concerning this construct�on and �t would enhance the neighborhood. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Manager pointed out that this property abuts the Creek and he would recorrmend the Council stipulate that the Creek area be maintained and some measure be taken to prevent erosion of the creek banks. Mr. Dick �ohnson, D. W. Harstad Company, addressed the Council and sa�d they had been �n contact with the Rice Creek Wa,tershed District and had not received any response from them at the present time. The City Manager said there had been some var�ances granted a6out a year ago, but this request does ask for additional variances and the original requests which had been approved are no longer valid because a year has lapsed. He explained this is a substandard loi and some of the reason�ng which had been applied to the first request should be revtewed in this request. Mayor Liebl stated that all of the lots in this area are 40 foot lots. He asked if Mr. Dircz was present at the meeting. Mr. Dircz stated the only additional variance request was to add two feet to the construction wh�ch would involve the back yard set back. Mayor L�ebl asked if this lot would be 6,000 square feet. Councilman Breider asked what the frontage of the lot would be. The City Manager said all of the lots in this area are 40 foot lots, but most of the residents have built on two of the forty foot lots. The City Manager said the new property line would 6e five feet from his house. Mayor Liebl said there had not been any ob,7ections from the neighborhood. MOTION by Councilman Nee to concur with the recommendation of the Board of Appeals and approve the variance requests made by Mr. Frank Dircz to a11ow the construction of a single family dwelling and a detached garage at 4885- 3rd Street N. E. S?conded by Councilman Starwalt. Mayor Liebl said it should be a matter of record that the Council had concurred in these requests because there was no opposition to the requests, the requests had been approved before and the property owner had mainta�ned the property for some time. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mot�on carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of Aprtl 23, 1974. 6econded 6y Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carr9ed RECEINING THE M CONSIDERATIO OF THE BUILDING A REOUEST � IG ILDING FOR THE PURPOSES OF � � L ;� _� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 A PIECE OF LAND 335 FEET x 181 FEET, LYING ON THE CORNER OF MISSISSIPPI PAGE 7 The Asisstant Engineer pointed out the various features of the proposed library from the elevation drawings on the easel. He said the entrances would be from 5trh Street and Mississippi Street and the main building entrance would be in the back section of the build�ng. He said the struc- ' ture would be a one-story slab construction. Mr. Jerry Young, Dtrector of the County Library, addressed the Council and presented the Council with a model of the proposed structure. He indicated the 6uilding exterior was planned to be stucco. Mr. Young introduced Mr. Flynn, Architect for the library. Mr. Flynn said his partner had talked to the people at Wall Corporation and had also compared plans and he was told that the two constructions would be compatable. He stressed the proposed building was a good quality building and very flexible and accomodate the proposed programs of the County Library system. Mayor L�ebl read the stipulat�ons recommended by the Building Standards Design Control Subcommittee aloud and asked if there would be any problem in working out the stipulations with the people from the library. The City Manager sa�d the C�ty and County had be2n working together on the plans and there were no problems in settling the stipulations. He mentioned the possibility of cooperation with the County with the shar�n9 of parking facil�ties at City Hall and the Library facility when needed. Mayor Liebl explained at times when court is in session at City Hall, there is often a shortage of parking at the City Hall parking lot. Mr. Young sa�d there would be no problem work�ng out cooperat�on of the parking facilities, this would be best for all concerned. Mayor Liebl said the City had received the cooperation of the County Corrmission ' and he would like to publ�cly thank the Council Commission for this cooperation. MOTION by Counc�lman Utter to concur with the recommendation of the Building Standards Design Control Subcommittee and approve the preliminary plans for the construction of the Anoka County Library, Fridley Branch, with the five stipulat�ons recommended by the 5ubcommittee. 5econded by Councilman Starwalt Upon a voice vote, all vottng aye,- Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried uar�imously. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL PARKING AND LAN ELY STREET, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY BERKELY The C�ty Manager said this item needed some specific action by the Plannin9 Commiss�on and would be brought back for Council cons�deration. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A NEW BUILDING FOR SAME Councilman Breider asked if a plan for the building could be placed on the easel. The Assistant Engineer pointed out the elevations on a plan on the ' easel. Councilman Bre�der said he thought this plan for the building to be quite dra6 �n compar�son to the previous constructions by Paco Masonry. He said there was no brick on the front of the 6uild�ng, and he questioned �f there was some spec�fic reason for th�s. A representative of Paco Masonry addressed the Council and said he did not think there would be any spec�fic problem �n the add7tion to the brick on the front of the building. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 PAGE 8 181 P40TION by Councilman Breider to concur with the recommendation of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee and approve the request with the four stipulations suggested by the Subcommittee and also with an additional stipulation that something be worked out to spruce up the front of the building with brick on the Main Street stde. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � CONSiIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO REAFFIRM THE LANDSCAPING PLAN, PARKING PLAN, AND ADDITION Of A STORAGE ARE : LOC TE� ON LOT 1, BLOCK l, HARST D A�DITION THF SAMF RFTNf, F,R31 HTf,NWAV �FS. FRTfII FV_ MTNNFCf1TA RFf111FST RY KNTG}1TS f1F P+layor Liebl read the three recommended stipulations aloud to the Council and audience. The City Manager said in the area where there will be future expansion, the concrete temporary bumpers will be provided. Fle said the permanent bumpers would be added after the future expansion. He said there is a need for additional parking. hfayor Liebl said this is in a]ow area. He questioned if a drainage plan had been worked out. The City Manager said there had been a drainage p7an worked out, hut this had been turned down by the ma,7ority of the people east of the Knights of Columbus facility. He said it is ii� the area where the water stands. Ne further explained that the knights of Columbus had escrowed money for the drainage prob7em when they had expanded in the past. He said this wou7d be very close to the low area and he suggested that the Knights of Columbus be required to escrow money for the storm sewer and storm drainage as has been done in the past. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the p7ans for construction as recommended � by the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee with the four stipu7at�ons suggested by the Subcommittee and with the additional stipu7ation that the Knights of Columbus escrow funds for future storm sewer drainage as has been done in the past. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a17 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIUERATION OF A REOUEST TO CONSTRUCT A NEW BUILDING FOR SPECULATIVE PURPOSES: f�layor Liebl asked if Mr. Zeis was present. Ne read the stipu7ations aloud to Mr. Zeis, the Council and the audience, The City Manager pointed out that there is some concern about the future development behind the property proposed for development at ihe present time. ihe Assistant Engineer pointed out the area which was to be deve7oped on the map on the screen. He stated the problem to be that of access to the area behind the proposed developsnent area. The City Manager asked how the uti7ities would be provided to this area if there is future development. Mr. Zeis asked if there would he a requirement for screening of the north area. Councilman Utter said there is a light snow fencing provided for screening at the present time. P�1r, Zeis asked what type of screening wou7d be required. The City Manager said this would be the iron fencing with strips at the present � time and the addit�onal planting of vines because the strips eventually fall out of the fencing and the vines would be more permanent. Mr. Zeis asked how far the screem ng would haveto be installed. The City Manager said this would be for the portion of the property being developed or as shown in the light green area on the map on the screen. F1 representative of the Company, Mr. Gustafson, said this area wou7d be developed tf the business expands to the point where the additional space would be required, but there are no current plans for any bui7ding in this area at the present time, Mr. Gustafson further explained they were using the front area for the building because he wanted Old Central for the frontage of the business. Mayor Liebl asked if the applicant was willing to live up to the obliga�ions. The City Manager said yes, he is Wlling to work out the access and utilities. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 7974 PAGE 9 ]82 ��i0TI0N by Councilman Starwa7t to concur with the recommendation of ihe 6uilding Standards-Design Control Subcommittee and approve the request for the construction as requested by Al Zeis for 7410 Ceniral Avenue with the three stipulations - suggested by the Subcommittee. Seconded by Councilman Breider, Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Lieb7 declared the motion carried unanimously. ONSIDERATION OF A REOUEST TO CONSTRUCT A BUILD P+layor Liebl read the two stipulations as recommended hy the Building Standards- Design Coo�trol Subcommittee. I�IDTIOIV 6y Councilman Starwalt to concur with the recommendation of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee and approve the request for the construction of a storage building by D. W. Harstad at 7101 Highway #65, with the recommended stipulations (two). S�conded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, 1�layor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSI�ERATION OF A REOUEST TO ALLOW THE MOVI MOTION by Councilman Breider to concur w9th the recommendations of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee and approve the request to move the fence and rejandsca� as requested by Frank's Nursery with the stipulations suggested by the Subcommittee, Seconded by Councilman lJtter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. There was no action necessary; the item was cancelled by Plywood M9nnesota. CREW FACILITIES: Councilman Utter suggested an additional stipulation which would indicate that clean up of the area was needed. MOTION by Councilman Nee to concur with the recommendation of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee and approve the request by Burlington Northern to construct crew faci7ities located at ihe Burlington Northern Yard with the stipulations recommended by the Subcommittee and with the additional stipulation that clean up of the area is necessary. Seconded 6y Counci7man Starwlat. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl dec7ared the motion carried unanimously. , � i10TI0N by Councilman Breider to receive the minutes of th'e Building Standards- Desig�i Controi Subcommittee Meeting of April 25, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING TNE f�IINUTES OF THE ENUIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 9, � 1974: 190TION by Councilman Utter to receive the mtnutes of the Env�ronmental Qua7ity Comm�ssion Meeting of April 9, 1974, and also receive the proposed bylaws to be reviewed by the Administration and the City Attorney to determine if they conflict with the State Environmental laws, and that the item be brought for Council consideration in the period of one month. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. P1r. ,lames Langenfeld, Chairman of the Environmental Quality Commission was present and suggested recycling be done on a permanent basis in the City. I-le said arrangements could be made with Mr. Tim McDonald if the City wou7d provide a permanent faci]�ty. He sa�d a presentation would be made in June concerning th9s practice. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 PAGE 70 .f� . . UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVTNG THE RESPONSE TO THE PROPOSED ALTERNATE TREE PRESERVATION ORDINANCE A�OPTED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM THE COMMITTEE OF INITIATIVE PETITION SPONSORS AND DISCUSSION REGARDING CITY'S COURSE OF ACTION ON THIS ISSUE: Mayor Liebl said the letter asking for a response to the Planning Commission's suggested � amended proposed ordinance had 6een sent registered mail to the five sponsors of the ititiative petition. P�ayor Liebl read the names of the five persons who sponsored the petition. ��iayor Liebl read the names of the five persons who sponsored the petftion, and said a response had been received by the City from the five. Mayor Leib] pointed out in the statement from the Committee dated April 22, 7974, the committee had tndicated they could not accept the proposal as a substitite for the petitioned ordinance. � Mayor Liebl stated, if the Council did not adopt the ordinance as presented by the petitioners, this would force a referendum which would be held in June at a great expense to the City and only a very few people would vote at this special electton in June. Playor Liebl recalled the petitions committee said they represented 4,300 petitioners and it would be his recommendation to adopt the ordinance and try to live with it. Ne said if it is not possible to live with the ordinance, it could be amended in the future. i�1ayor Liebl asked the City Attorney if it would take three votes to adopt the ordinance. The City Attorney said yes, it is a s9mple ordinance and three votes would be adequate. Councilman Breider said he would not vote aff9rmatively for the ordinance as it stands unless the uttlization of the North Park area is presented hand tn hand to the people of Fridley in an e7ection. Counci7man Breider said he did not think there was any major money to be spent for the development of the Parks in Fridley in the near future. H�� said if�the issue of the utilization of the North Park area, which would be a golf course versus a nature center were p7aced on the ballot, he would vote affirmatively for the adoption of the original ordinance. He said he thought this should be done as a part of the ordinance, and he would like this taken care of at the same time. P90TION by Councilman Breider to authorize a referendum at the general election in the fall for the issue of a golf course versus a nature center at the North Park site. Councilman Nee asked if this would be a binding or advisory referendum. l,ouncilman Breider said it would be an advtsory referendum, but should be binding on the Counci7. Councilman Nee said this is true, he would support the motion. SECONDED by Councilman Nee. Upon a roll call vote, Counci7man Breider voting aye, Councilman Starwalt voting aye, Mayor L9eb] voting aye, Councilman Utter voting aye, and Councilman Nee voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and said the issue would be on the ballot at the general election in the fall. i'4DTION by Councilman Breider to wa9ve the reading of the ordinance and adopt the ordinance prohi6iting the destr�ction of trees on City owned Puhlic Land in the City of Fridley except under specific conditions, as it was submitted by the petitioners and appears on Page 6-A of the Agenda for ihe May 6, 1974 meeting. � Councilman Starwalt said the unrevised ordinance is very bad and the City cannot live with it. He added, there are projects in his ward that will be stopped or never started if the ordinance is passed. Councilman Starwalt said the minutes of the Planning Commission show this fact Councilman Starwa7t said he takes the ordinance very seriously and he has great�qualns about the viability of this ordinance Councilman Starwalt asked if it would be within the law to iable any action on this ordinance unti7 the�next general election if this would be acceptable with the petitioners. The City Attorney said if the committee would agree, this could be done, otherwise, the Council would be bound to the requirements of time which are in the City Charter. He said this would require the special election on the ordinance to be within a set time period. Councilman Starwalt said he would like to ask the Chairman of the Petitioning committee if the Committee would agree to have the special election on the ordinance at the general election in the fall. i �1 ,i REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 PAGE 11 Fiev. Winston Worden, Chairman of the Committee, addressed the Counc-il and stated, as read in the response, the facts are clear, and he did not think any of the committee members had changed their minds at this point. Rev, Worden said the action recommended by the City Council wou7d be the least that could be done by the City Council at this time. UPON A ROLL CALL VOTE, Councilman Utter voting aye, Counc�lman Nee voting aye, Councilman Breider voting aye, Councilman Starwalt voting nay, and Mayor Liebl voting aye, i�9ayor Liebl declared the motion carried four to ohe and the first reading of the original Tree Ordinance adopted. R�CEIUING STATUS REPORT ON ENNIRONMENTAL QUALITY ASSESSMENT STATEM�NT: � f�OTION by Councilman Utter to receive the report on the Environmenta7 Qua7ity Assessment 5tatement. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, al7 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF A REPORT REGARDING THE FEASIBILTTY OF COOPERATION WITH ANOKA COIJNTY IN ESTABLISHMENT OF A NATURE INTERPRE IVE PROGR AND CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMEN FA NATURALIS7: MOTION by Councilman Utter to recetve the report on the feasibility of cooperation with Anoka County in Establishment of a Nature Interpretive program and consideration of appointment of a naturalist, at this time. Seconded by Counc9lman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: Action was taken later in the meeting on the appointment of the Naturalist. Mr. �lan Huff was appointed effective July 7, 1974, with his services to be obtained until that time on a consultant basis.) RECESS: f9ayor Liebl called a ten minute recess at 10:00 P.M. RECONVENED: �layor Liebl reconvened the meeting at 10:15 P.M. (NOfE• The following item was brought to the Counci7's attention out of agenda order because of the number of peop7e present.) A�V D P.L-CEIUING PETITION #7-1974 - IN OPPOSITION TO ANTENNEA: Mayor Liebl called on the Assistant Engine�r to make a presentation on the proposed antennea. P4r. Richard Sobiech, assistant Engineer, said the request was to construct a free standing tower ad,7acent to and on the City property by the 1%2 million gallon water tower at 53rd and Johnson. He said the tower would be 5D feet in height and would ha� two disc like plates ten feet wide on the top which would serve as beam benders. He said this would eliminate the construction of a 150 foot tower at the General Television site. He continued to explain, the tower would not be as tall as the water reservoir and at some angles, it would blend into the tower. Ile said the bottom slab would be 13 feet wide and would be within the area of the fence for the water tower. He explained the-antenna�would be within the view of the 53rd Avenue area, but the tower would not extend above the water tower. Ne said from the other areas, th� i:ower would not be seen. He said it is the proposal that the antenna be painted the same color as the reservoir, so it bould blend in. He sa�d �f the Council would like to find out any technical information about the proposed tower, Mr. ryon Renard, il�dwestern Relay, and Mr. Robert Becker, Vice President for Engineering, General Television were present. Mr. Becker pointed out the dimensions of the proposed tower to be 13 feet at the bottom with a triangular shaped slab, approximately ten feet at the top and 5D feet high. ' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 7974 PAGE 12 Mayor Liebl asked if there would be any electrical interference which would cause any problems, or if there would be any noise connected with the operation of the tower. He asked what the general appearance of the tower would 6e and if the wind would cause any noise at higher velocities. Mr. Becker said the proposed location is the most condusive place to install the tower. He said because of the size of the tank, from some directions, it would not be seen. He said as far as the e7ectronic questions and views, Mr. Renard from � Midwestern Relay was most equiped to answer. Mr. Renard said there would be no interference at all, and he explained with the mtcrowave vain, there could be rio interference. Mayor Liebl said there was some concern by the area residents who believed there would be some noise from the wind whistling through the tower. Mr. Renard explained that there could not be any variations in the design of the tower. He said there is a plastic cone installed to prevent ice �uild up on the tower. He further explained that the tower was to be installed according to the specifications of the electronic institute and it will carry approximately a 110 mile an hour wind with one inch of ice on all surfaces of the tower. He said there would be no danger of the tower co7lapsing. Mayor Liebl asked why thts specific location was choosen. Mr. Renard explained that Midwestern Relay is a common carrier of television stations and General Television stations and General Television has to bring signals to the area from Chicago and Winnepeg. He said this choice was made by Genera7 Television in their franchise. He said the beam bender tower is needed to interconnect wtth the other communities or the district center in Arden Hills. He explained it was not possible to bring the signals directly to the General Television station site �ecause of the bluff on the east side of the City of Fridley. He said it would not be possi6le to transmit without construction of a 150 foot tower on the General Television site � if this tower were not used. He further explained without the use of the beam bender tower, �t would only be possible to bring one channel from the Foshay Tower to Arden Hills and then to Fridley. He said this is an ideal spot for the antennea because it is above the tree tops and the hetght of t�e hill substitutes for the height that would be needed for the construction of a tower in another location in the City. Mr. Renard said Midwestern Relay did not anticipate any noise being caused by the iower. He said if this location is used, the Company could do without an active facility and extensive equipment. He said this would be a short path from Arden Hills and also to the studio location, which would eliminate the need for an active tower. He said this is four mi7es from Arden Hills. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Renard if it wou7d be possible for him to state that there would be no noise and the structure would not be hazardous. Mr. �:enard said he did not 6elieve there would be any noise and the tower was designed sery well with several degrees of safety measures, and it would not create any hazard. Mayor Liebl asked how high the tower would have to be constructed on the other sites. Mr. Renard said if this tower were to be put south of the studio, 9t would have to be 150 feet high, He said another alternative would be in the area of the Onan building, �vhich would relay the channels back to the studio site. Mayor Liebl asked if the or9ginal plan was to bring the channels in by their own � system, it is necessary to have 50% of the signal sold. He said another alternative may have been to buy,the signal from A. T. & T. �nd Be11, but they are not selling this signal any longer. He said the termination poini was the Foshay Tower. Mayor Lieb] asked if the Company would be coming back to say they need another 100 foot tower to get more signals. Mr. P.enard said no, �here would be no need to extend the facility at all. Councilman Starwalt asked if this proposal was the cheapest solution to the problems of receiving the signal at the studio. Mr. Becker said cost is always a factor and the cost of this installation would be mintmal in relation to the other proposed towers. He stated in this area, the tower would blend in and in the other areas, it would be a high jutting tower, Councilman Starwalt asked what the City fee for the use of the public property was i,Garo"� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 PAGE 13 proposed at. Mr. Renard said there was no proposed fee at the present time. Ne indi- cated he had furnished the staff with the typical lease type information, Councilman Nee asked if it would be possihle to add 150 feet to the Arden Hi71s tower and accomplish the same objective. Mr. Renard explained the limitations in the height of the aforementioned tower, and explained at this height, the tower will service almost everyone in the metropolitan area with the exception of those areas which are behind the bluff. Councilman Nee asked if it would be feasible to install the tower in the area � of the Minneapolis Reservoir area. Pir. Renard said he was not aware of this site, but he questioned if the distance would be too great and force the use of an active rather than a passive tower. He explained there would be no reactor and no current in the proposed passive beam bender. He stated, economy is a7ways a factor. He commented that if greater distance is created between the two points, there would be a need for a repeater with active electronics for the use as an interconnector because this is the limit in distance for re7iable service to General Television. Councilman Nee asked if the dish or antennea could be set in the midd7e of the top of the reservior tank. 71r. Renard said this had been done or attempted in the past and there wou7d he pr�blems brought up in the construction of the tank. He said this had been proposed in Apple Va71ey, but there were problems with the manufacturer of the tank who was concerned if something would happen to the tank because of the antennea. Ne said this had been delayed four to five months because of these problems. He said they would like to take the most direct route first, and this would be perfect if the water reservoir would hold the antennea. The City Manager said the County antennea installation was being p7anned for the top of the tower, He said he did not think this alternative would be suitable. Mr. Robert Oulicky, 5233 Matterhorn Drive presented the Council with a petition in � opposition to the construction of the antennea at the proposed water reservoir site, He explained there was 183 signatures from the near vicinity and there was 100% of the signatures from those whithin the 300 feet which had received the mai7ing from the City on the issue. Mr. Oulicky asked if the disc portions of the tower could be painted. Mr. Renard said yes. Mr. Oulicky expressed concern about the construction of the tower stating before the area of the water reservoir was fenced, the young people climbed the tower and painted it, he believed that the antennea wou7d provide an exce77ent facility for such climbing to be resumed. Mr. Ou7icky presented the Councii with a letter which had been written in 7962 by himself to the P7anning Commission concerning a request for a F. M. transmission tower in the area, and the ob,7ections Mr. Ou]icky had at this time to that installation, Mr. Oulicky stated the same informat7on and objections wou7d apply at the present time. '��OTION by Counci7man Starwalt to receive the Petition presented by Mr. Oulicky, Petition #7-1974, in opposition to the installation of a antennea by Midwestern Relay and General Television, and also the letter submitted by Mr. Oulicky which was addressed to the Planning Commission on April 6, 1962 and concerns opposition to the construction of an antennea in the area at that time, Seconded by Counciiman � Utter. A resident of the area voiced surprise at the sudden notification concerning the installation of the antennea. Councilman Utter said he was as surprised as the area residents. He added, he did not know about this current proposal until the previous meeting of the Council when the request was mentioned, but no details were discussed and no action was taken. }ie said 'ne did not know any of the details of the construction at the time, only the suggested height and location. Mayor Liebl said ail of the people of the area within 300 feet would have to be notified about this type of proposal according to the requirements of the City Charter. Mayor Liebl said he thought there would be some problems with the installation of the antennea at this site. Mr. Becker said there would be no interference because the f+ F� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 PAGE 14 che tower was a passive not an active antennea and it would no� regenerate a signal, ��1r. Oulicky said this was his original concern but he realizes the passiwa antennea would not create any tnterference. He said he was not aware of this information before the current meeting. The property owners had not received any information on the detatls of the installation, just notices that the proposal would be discussed at the current meeting. He said perhaps some of the points as listed in the petition had been answered at this point in the meeting. � A resident of the area questioned how passive the installation would be when the active tower in Arden Hills would be beaming the active signal direct7y at it. P4r. Renard said the discrepancy in this point would be in the frequency that would be used. He explained that this signal would be minute compared to the signal which would be beamed from�he top of the reservoir for radio broadcasts. A resident of the area asked how the installation would blend into the lan�scape and also if there would be any l�ghts on the structure. P�r. Renard said there would be no lights because of the height does not exceed the maximum requirements. A resident of the area asked if there had ever been any decimal tests taken on this type of antennea. Pir. Renard said if this had 6een done, and there was interference, the F. C. C, would immediately ask for the e7imination of such interference. Mr. Renard said again, he is 100q sure that there would be no interference. A member of the Innsbruck Homeowners Association, representing the Association, sa�d he would like it a matter of record that the 200 people who are members of the group oppose the instal7ation of the antennea in this proposed location. A member of the audience questioned if this high frequency sound would have some effect on the people �n the area after a length of time. He asked if the electrical signals wou7d be harmful. f�r. Renard said the s�gnals in the Council Chambers at the present time would be greater than those of the proposed signal. The resident said this would be an addition to the electro magnetic pollution and it would be harmful. ,Mr. Renard said this would be minus 100 DVM. Mayor Liebl asked what the leveL in the Counc�l Chambers wou7d be at the present time. Mr. Renard said this would be 1,�00 times this amount. Mayor Liebl said there were many valid points listed by the homeowners in the petition and he would like the questions to be answered. He asked if this proposal was approved, would there be any further requests in the future for additional height on the antennea. I�ir. Renard said no, and he would make this a poe�t in the agreement. A resident of the area asked how the visual problem could he cured. Councilman Utter said he thought the Re7ay Company should get together with the City and 7ook at some alternative sites for the instal7ation of the antennea. He asked if the main water tower could be used. He stated, the peopel had siated some very good reasons in the petition for not us�ng the proposed site. Councilman Utter said he would not want to live across from the water reservoir, without the suggestion of another tower. A resident of the area suggested that an independent concern be contacted as a consultant to answer the questions put to the representative of Midwestern Relay. He questioned if the benefited 6usiness could be responsible in answering the questions in an objective and honest manner. The City Manager said the City had raised many of the same quest�ons as the residents � of the area, and the members of the Council would have to decide on the proposal. He said if it is necessary that this type of antennea be provided for the use of General Telev7sion, it would be in the best interest of all if some additional input and information be obtained for further discussion on the matter. He suqgested more research be made into the question and the item be brought back to the Council for their consideration in the future, flayor Liebl asked how long a time period would be needed to get the answers to the questions put to the Council. The City Manager said th�s would be available at the next regular meeting of the Council, chis would be the third Monday in May, May 20th, 1974. f9ayor Liebl said that he would like to see some proposals for alternative sites w7th the whole community being studied. The City Manager doubted if the antennea could be placed into another community and service the people of the City of Frtdley. He said they would have to work with a certatn set of conditions. �� . �,U;_ ;;EGULAR COUNCII MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 PAGE 15 Councilman Breider said he believed all alternative sites should be considered, He said ihe Council had not come to the meeting with their minds made up on this matter, they wanted to find out what the people of the area wanted. He said there cou7d be a review of the other possible sites. UPOPd A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl said the answers to the people's questions would be answered on the 20th of May and the Council would study the alternative sites. (THE FOLLOWING ITEM WAS ON THE AGENDA LATER, BUT CALLED AT THIS TIME BECAUSE OF THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE WAITING FOR THIS CONSIDERATION.) CONSIDERATION OF " PlOTION by Counciman Breider to receive Petition #6-1974 in opposition to banning of auto parking on 5ate1]ite Lane. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, i9ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. �l �9r, Joe Wood, 155 Satellite Lane, addressed the Councii and explained he was the Manager of a 33 unit apartment building on Sate115te Lane which is owned by Mr. Edstrom of Edstrom Realty. He added, the other Manager in the area manages a building of 25 units. He sa�d they ha� been told that the no parking signs had been placed on one side for the purposes of snow removal, but now the signs had been placed on both sides of the street. He said there is not ample room for his tenants and their guests to park in the area. ;4r. Wood said the apartment building owner, P4r. �dstrom, did pay $22,OOQ a year in taxes. Councilman Breider said this is his ward, and he recalled Mr. Wood's statment that he had received complaints about the parking situation and this was at 6 and 7 A.M. "9r. 4Jaod said the tenants first saw the signs at this hour of the day and complained to him about the placement of the signs. Mr. Wood said this is the only street in the area where there is no parking. Councilman Breider asked where the people living in the buildings are parktng at the present ttme. i�ir, Wood said in the back of the building, Councilman Breider said at the time of the construction of the buildings, ihe City asked that adequate parking for the tenants and guests be provi�ed in the back of the building, and this was one of the original building stipulations. Mr. 'v,lood said before the parking was prohibited on only one side of the street, now this is in effect on both sides of the street. flayor Liebl said the City had received many and serious complaints about the parking from this portion of the street right up to the hamburger place, Ne said the cars were parked on both sides of the street and the children in the area were runn7ng between the cars and in and out in the street. He said the bus drivers also complained because they could not make the turn. He said he would not 17ke to see a chi7d get hurt because it is too much troub]e for someone to park in the back of the bui7ding. � � Mr. frdood said he believed there was ample parking for the tenants with 24 garages and one additional space for each of these garages. h1ayor L�ebl said this would total 48 parking stalls for 33 units. i�ir. bdood said he would requesi that a certain amount of pzrking be available in the front of the buildings for the guests of ihe tenants. He mentioned if the residential homes had guests, they could not get all of the ' cars into the driveways, He pointed out if each of the tenants had one guest, there would not be adequate parking space. Mr. �obert Lee, 144 Satellite Lane, s�ated all of the people of the area'had agreed to the placement of the no parking signs in the single family residential area even though they were not allowed parking in front of their homes. He recalled this had been an area which was zoned for single family homes and not apartments when the ma�ority of the people made their homes in the area. lie sa�d he had no idea how the area became zoned for the apartments. He said he did not object to the apart- raent building being there because there was to be off street parking provided hy the apartment complex for the tenants and guests at the apartments. He said it became impossible for the home owners to have guests park in front of their homes because of the tenants and their guests. lie sa�d it had been deiermined by the area people that this parking was not for the tenants guests, it was the tenants themselves who were parking on the street. FI� said the residential street was being used as a parking lot. kEGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 PAGE 16 F1r. George Quinlan, `+9anager of the 25 Unit apartment, 195 Satellite Lane asked why the residents had not been notified with some explanation on why this was being done. Councilman Breider suggested a letter be sent to the owner of the apartment unit requesting that he get together with the Engineering Department for a solution to the problems. He said the Poltce Department would take care of the enforcement of the law. � MOTION by Councilman Breider to authortze the Administration to write a letter to the owner of the apartment builings, P9r, Edstrom, presenting the new information and the action taken in this area regarding the "�do Parking" restrictions, and also the origtnal stipulations at the time of the construction of the build�ng, and also requesting that a duly authorized representative of the Edstrom Company meet with the Engineering Department for a satisfactory solution to these problems. Saconde� by Councilman Starwalt. Mr. f9esser questionzd if ct�e area property owners could be included in any meetings that would be held on this matter. P9ayor Liebl said this would be possib1e. UPDN A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, P9ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT OF A NATURALIST: (�dote• This item had been received earlier, but the City Mana9er asked that consideration be given the appointment at the current meeting.} Ihc City Manager stated the applicant who is being recommended for the appointment as Naturalist is considering two other positions at the present time, and if the City wanted to go ahead with this concept, the man should be hired, otherwise, the idea scrapped for the time being. T�� City Manager stressed the Administratton would have to 6e honest with the applicant and inform him on the status of the position. � Councilman Breider said there had been some discussion concerning a youth center and the need for youth programs in the City. lie said it seems all there is for young peop7e in this sort of program at the typical youth center is the shooting of pool balls. He said he had reviewed the many things being done by Anoka County in their youth programs, and their programs are youth orientated. He menttoned the various youth activities such as camping, htking, etc. He continued, all of the aciivities are at the County level and the City of Fridley needs someone to coordinate these activities in the City. Councilman Breider said he believed the recommended candidate, P7r. Jan Huff, had good qualifications and he recommended the City Council take action to appo�nt him and get some programs going. P9ayor Liebl asked if the County had given the City any commitment that they would aid in this City program. P-1ayor LIebl pointed out tha� the new appointment would be making approximately as much as the Director of Parks and Recreation and a secretary would be needed for his Department. He said tha man's qualifications and recommendations are very complimentary. He continued he is a high caliber applicant and would benefit the entire County. H� said Mr. Huff had the background to help, but he thought the County should also help. Councilman Breider said the County is looking for input on the program and he be7ieved it would behoove the City to relate to the County with this type of commitment and let them know what kind of aid the City would need. Councilman Breider said the Ci�y should begin an affirmative program and make this thing go. � The City Manager said he had tried and tried to gain some direction on this matter from the Council. He said the Counci7 had taken action to hire the Naturalist in the salary range from $12,000 to $16,00�. He said he had reported back to the Council with the fact that the County is providing a substantial center and programs but there would be 7imited staff to serve the needs at the 7ocal leve7. ble said it would be double taxing of the people if both public bodies went ahead and created separate extensive nature intreprative programs. The City Manager informed the Council that the Administraiion had received 150 applicat7ons for the position of Naturalist, and at this time the Administration had gone through the process of interviewing and making a recommendation �o the Council. The City Manager said he realized that the hour was getting late, but he felt the CIty shou7d be doing a better job at the local level by coordinating the programs with the 5chool Districts and the County. iie said at �h� present time, th� programs are going 6ack and forih, and it would be an asset to the City to provide some direction on the local leve7. t_ir� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 PAGE 17 Councilman Nee questioned if the person or the program should come first. C9ayor Liebl responded, the man has a good background to set up a number one program. Councilman Nee stressed that this type of program has not been tried before. Couniclman Utter agreed saying he did not know of another City with a program such as this. Councilman Nee sa-id it would be nice to find out what �he people want on the North Park site. Councilman Breider said if someone were hired on a consultant basis, it would cost � the City more. [+lOTION by Councilman Breider to concur with the recommendation of the City Manager and hire Mr. �an Huff, full time effective July 1, 1974, and on a temporary basis as a consultant until that time to enablz him to become familiar with the local programs and work slowly to form an extensive program. Seconded by Councilman Utter. The City Manager said the position description should be "IVaturalist Resource Coordinator". Mayor Liebl asked how this addition to the staff would mesh into the staff. He questioned who he would report to. The City Manager said initially, �r. Huff wou7d report directly to the City Manager, and after some time, he would be established and work in con,7unction with the Park Department. P9ayor Liebl again questioned the cost of the program. The City Manager said these items should be worked into the 6udget by the Naturalist to plan the upcoming programs. f�layor Liebl said the City should be honest with the man, and with 150 applicants, he has to be a good man. �+PGN A VOICE VOTE, Councilman Breider, I�iayor Liebl, and Councilman Utter voting aye, and Councilman Nee and Councilman Starwa7t voting nay, P�layor Liebl declared the motion carried three to two. � I:ECEIVING READVERTISED BIDS FOR LIQUOR STORE FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT FIXTURES AND rniirornrnrrTnocnirn nnnv � io�n ii.nn n nn . The City Manager said the item had been braught 6ack for Council consideration and discussion. Me said the items had been rebid and the bids were $1,400 higher on the second bidding. �le satrl ��he bids w�ere higPier this time because the items had been bid separately and the high bidder had changed on the second 6id. He explained there was one person high the first time and another high the second time. The City Manager said the first high bidder believes he should be awarded the opportunity to purchase the equipment, �nd the second h�gh bidder believes the same, lie further explained there is no need for the City to go to the process on the sale of this type of equipment, but this had been done so there would be no accusation of collusion. Mayor Liebl asked the Finance Director why this had been bid again and why this item had been brought back to the Council again. The Finance Director said he thought the City Council wanted to study the bids further. The City Attorney said there had been some confusion in the original bids and one of the bidders bid only on one piece of the material and ihe other had bid on all of the equipment. He continued stating the Administration felt the other bids did not fuliy reflect the vaiue of the merchandise being sold. t�lith this in mind, he explained, the Administration readvertised for bids. The C�i.;�l�ttorney suggested that neither of the bids be awarded at this time, but � the interested parties meet with the Admin9stration and come to some agreement. He said there were two different items and each of the parties had 6een interested 9n one of the items. �!e suggested some agreement be reached for the acquisition of the two items by the two different part9es. f�1r. Dominic Zawislak, 497 Rice Creek Terrace, representing Don's Liquor, 2201 University Avenue N. E., addressed the Council and said he had been the high bidder at the time of the first bid. Ile said Yie had been at the previous meeting and talked to members of the Administration after that meeting and the Council action had been to table the consideration of the bids. He said when he received notification of the readvertisement, it was stated in the notice that the Council had taken action to readvertise. He said he believed this second place bidder at an advantage. He said he thought the first three bids as representative of the value of the equipment because the first three bids were within $149 of each oiher. i REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 PAGE 18 i�ir. Terry Claggert, 158 Collen Street, Wyoming, h1innesota, said he had called the City Manager at 70:30 or 71:00 on the day following the last Council meeting, and he had been told at that time that the bids were to 6e readvertised. Ne said they had not bid on the complete list of equipment at the time of the first bid, but at this time an d on the second bid, they had bid on al7 of the equ�pment. � The City Manager stressed, tL� City can sell this equipment without advertising for bids. The City Aitorney said, but once bids are obtatred the City would be bound to these bids. The City Attorney suggested the Counc�l either award the first or the second bids or re�ect both �ids and authorize the Administration to negotiate the sale of the equipmenC. iJlOTION by Councilman Utter to reject all bids, the first and the second, and authortze the City Manager to negotiate with the two parties, or all interested parties for the sale of the liquor store equipment. Seconded 6y Councilman Starwalt. �pon a voice vote, all voting aye, P�ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. �he City Attorney said the bids had to be rejected because one of the men was the high bidder the first time, and should have been awarded the sale the first time, and the other was the high bidder the second time and should have been awarded the sale the second time. He said it would be impossible to award the contract according to either of the bids, this would not be fair to the people involved. The City Attorney further commented that perhaps a verbal auction should be held to obtain a high b�dder and complete the sale of the equipment. The Finance �irector left the meeting with the two bidders to negotiate for the sale of the liquor store equipment. � (NOTE: The Counci] returned to the agenda at the potnt where they had broken from the listed items.) RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 22, Councilman Utter questioned the acquisition of the Swanson property at this time stating there is not much money left in the budget. The City Manager said there had 6een an agreement reached with the property owner that a portion of the money wou7d be paid ai the present time and the rematnder of the purchase price would be paid the following year. (iVote: The eleventh item on the agenda concerned the purchase of the Swanson property and the Council took action on this iiem since the recommendation was to be received within the Parks and Recreation Commission minutes.) CONSIDERATION �F APPROVAL OF PURCHASE OF SWANSON PRDPERTY FOR RUTH CIRCLE PARK. Mr. Ken Sporre, 301 Ironton, addressed the Council and sa�d he was representing the property owner, Mrs. 5wanson, his mother-in-law. The City Manager pointed out that the City would pay $4,296.26 at the present time, and $2,403.74 next year and the taxes and assessments due and payable tn 1974 would be paid by the property owner. � Councilman Starwalt asked if there was some questions or problems with the special assessments. �1r. Sporre said there was to be a charge, bu� this was only if the property was used for construction. Now, tihis would no longer be in effect because the City would be using the property for a park. MOTION by Councilman Nee to concur with the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission and approve the purchase of the Swanson property according to the means previously pointed out by the City Nianager. Seconded by Coun cilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. rI0TI0N by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission of April 22, 1974, Seconded hy Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, f4ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. .c .,., ;'.EGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 PAGE 19 RECEI�ING REPORT ALONG WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PARKS AND RECREATION PLAN RECOMMENDED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION: f�lOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan at this time and that the matter be brought back to the Council for discussion in approx�mately a month after the Council members have an opportunity to review the material. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Manager said the item would be brought back in a month. ION OF APPROUAL OF PURCHASE aF SWANS�N PROPERTY FOR RUTH CIRCLE PARK: Ih�s icer�i was taken care of during the consideration of receiving the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting of April 22, 1974, and the Council took action to acquire the property. CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY REPORT REGARDING 1'HE SECOND STAGE OF THE SIUEWALK IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CONCEPT: f�10TI0N by Councilman Starwalt to receive the preliminary report regardin� the second stage of the sidewalk improvement program concept at this time and that the item be brought back for Council consideration. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all votin9 aye, c1ayor Liebl declared the_motion carried unanimously. T ih� Finance Director �nformed the Council that he had placed the liquor store equipment on a verbal auction and the highest bid was received by Claggert and Carlson in the amount of $6,�}00. 19r. Claggert advised the Council that he would check with his legal counsel on the matter of whether the high b�d received in the amount of $5,800 would be valid at this point or if the verbal auction bid of $6,400 would be binding. The City Attorney suggested the Council take action to sell the equipment for this amount. Ne advised the bidder to have his attorney call the City Attorney. MOTION by Councilman Breider to authorize the Administration to sell the liquor store equipment to Cla9gert and Carlson in the amount of $6,400 as was offered by Claggert and Carlson during verbal bidding. Seconded by Councilman Utter. lJpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATIOAI OF "Pd0 PARKING" SIGNS ON SA7ELLITE LANE AND RECEIU E'�ct�on was taken on this time earlier in the meeting. Council affirmed the usage of the "ido Park�ng" signs on both sides of the street and authorized the Administration to communicate with the owner of the apartment buildings and inform him of the original parking requirements and also inform him of current action and reqwest that a representative of the owner meet with the Engineering Department for a satisfactory solution to the parking problems in the area. RECEIVING BIDS AND Hardrives, Inc. 3030 Harbor Lane North Suite 216 Minneapolis, Minn. 55441 Alexander Construction County Road 42 & Fairgreen Ave, Appie Valiey, Minnesota 55068 H. 3� S. E�,sphalt 5400 Industry Avenue N. W, Anoka, Minnesota 55303 C. 5. ;9cCrossan, Inc. Box 336 Osseo, Pqinnesota 55369 PROJECT ST. 1974-4 :3 .i�l. : $ 104,259.42 108,528.93 99,00�.93 115,�i61.�8 � ' � � I � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 PAGE 20 6IDS: Street Improvement Pro�ect St. 1974-4 continued. Ounkley Surfacing 3737 East River Road $ 115,173.59 Fridley, it1innesota 55421 Bury & Carlson 6008 Wayzata Blvd. 103,900.74 [�hnneapolis, Minnesota 55416 MOTION by Counctlman Starwalt to receive the bids for Street Improvemeni Project as listed previously and to award the Contract to H. & S. Asphalt in the amount of $99;009.93, subject to the approval of the County Engrneer. Seconded by Counci7man Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. �ECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT ON PLAYGROUND EDUIPMENT (BIDS OPENED APRIL 25. NAME OF EQUIPMENT Wiiirls Swing Set-2 Sec. 4 Seat Swing Set-2 Sec. 6 Seat Swing Set-2 Sec. 6 Seat Flower Climber Flower Climber S S Slide Stage Coach Saddle Mates Park Benches Snail Climber Buck-�-Bout S 5 Slide Swan Swing GAi�1ET I NE AQ UN• EQUIPMENT 6 $1,998 1 297 1 353 1 2 2 1 1 17 � 2 1 1 367 224 246 278 450 7,445 268 280 902 360 170 MIRACLE REC. EQUIPMENT $2,190 278 332 356 none none 265 none none 152 none 916 345 211 SPECIALITY SALES SERVICE $2,538 324 430 446 none none 339 486 1,558 478 none 334 220 Total Bid Price 7,u38 5,045 7,153 � MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the aforementioned bids and award the contract for the purchase of the playground equipment to Gametime Equipment in the amount of $7,b38.00. Seconded by Councilman Breider. ilpon a voice vote, all voting aye, rlayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIUING READVERTISED BIDS FOR LIQUOR STORE FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT (OPENED MAY 2, 1974. 11:00 A.M. : Consideration of the bids for the liquor store fixtures and equipment was taken care of earlier with the Council taking action to re�ect all bids, and to authorize the Administration to have a verbal auction, and after this, the Council took action to sell the equipment to the highest bidder, Claggert and Carlson in the amount of $6,400. i �Y^; REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN THE LEASE FOR THE HOLLY LIQUOR STORE: PAGE 21 Io�TION by Councilman Nee to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to s�gn the Lease for the Holly Liquor Store as it appears in the agenda. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, i�1ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. I:ONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONAL COST FOR LOTS IN SPRING UALLEY ADDITION: Ihe City Manager pointed out that there had been some money paid to the County for this property. He auded, there is an additional $181 due for assessments. f10TI0N by Counci]man Starwalt to authorize the Administration to pay the additional amount to the County for lots in the Spring Va71ey Addition. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REVIEW OF STATUS OF APPROVING VARIANCES FOR A RESIDENCE ON LOTS The City Attorney recalled these were two fifty foot lots side by side which are owned by two separate people, He continued to explain that one of the people had applied for a 6uilding permit, but there was some opposition to the issuance of the building permit, fie said if this is not granted, the applicant may take action against the City and the City's chances in court would be about 50/50, Fle pointed out that the City had granted a num6er of permits on lots this size. Councilman Nee asked if there was a possibility of esta6lishing an area waiver. The City Attorney said he would like to see the Council set up a policy on this type of item, and be consistant in action. �=10TION by Councilman Nee to table the consideration of approving variances for a residence on Lots 33 and 34, Block A, Riverview Heights, unt-il the next week's meeting of the Council. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �1ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF OFFER MADE BY THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF SUBURBAN ENGINEERING - PROJECT iO3: The City Attorney exp7ained there had been another offer submitted by the Insurance Company for the settlement of the Project 103 problems. He explained if the offer would not be acceptable, the Insurance Company had requested that a counter offer be made by the City which would be acceptable to the City. The City Attorney further explained this would bring the payment up from $12,000 to $16,500, ��OTION by Councilman Nee to authorize the City Attorney to make a counter offer to the Insurance Company of Suburban Engineering in the amount of $5,000. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, ���ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIGERATION OF REFEREN�UM TO ALLOW CITY TO ISSUE MORE ON-SALE L flOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the placement of the question of whether or not the City may be allowed to issue more on-sale liquor licenses on the ballot for referendum in November. Seconded by Councilman IJtter. Upon a voice vote, al] voting aye, Dlayox^ Lieb7 declared the mot�on carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #50-1974 - ORDERING I ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS: 6�OTION by Councilman Nee to adopt Resolution #50-1974, ordering improvement, approval of p7ans and specifications and ordering advertisement for bids for Street Improvement Pro�ect ST. 1a7�}-10 (Sealcoaiing). Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, '�layor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ION #51-1974 - OR�ERING IMPROVEMENT. APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND IdOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #51-1974, ordering improvement, approval of plans and speclfications and ordering advertisement for bids for Water, Sanitary I I � � � � � �_ � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 PAGE 22 " Sewer and Storm Sewer Improvement Project #115. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. fyiDTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt Resolution #52-1974, authortzing the acquisitton of add�tional easements and rights of way for Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Improvement Pro�ect ST. 1974-1 and ST. 1974-2� Seconded by Councilman Uiier. Jpon a voice�vote, ail voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried un«nimously. Councilman Starwalt said this would call for the extenston of Arthur Street from M�ssissippi Street to Rice Creek Road. He explained there are some home owners opposed to this pro,7ect and some for �t. He said he would recommend the continuation of the roadway through this area. Councilman Utter questioned the reason for this. Councilman Utter said he would rather not see the roadway continued through this area. Councilman lJtter said this would eliminate any speeding in this area. The City Manager said he would negotiate thts matter. He pointed out that there is one property owner who is opposed to this extension of the roadway. The City Attorney said one of the property owners has a swimming pool in this area and acquisition of the property would be expensive. Councilman Starwalt asked if it would be possible to authorize negotiations at this time. The City Manager said he would negotiate for the acquisition, but not condemn any property at this time. Hz continued, if acquisttion would get to condemnation, the Ciiy would drop the issue and forgQt about the continuation at this ttme. Councilman Starwalt said another portion of the development under these projects would be on Bacon Street. He explained the problems had been resolved for the improvement of one end, but the City would have to purchase or condemn the property at the other end, CONSIDERATIQN OF A RESOLUTI( nnov. FENCE - COMMDNS The City Manager said this fencing had been budgeted for. The Assistant Engineer placed a map of the Commons Park area on the screen and pointed out the area proposed for fencing. The City Attorney said the area wou7d be a baseball diamond in the corner. Councilman Utter asked if the fenced area would be locked up during the daytime so that no one would be able to get into the area. The City Manager said he did not know the detai75 on this point. He explained this to be a high activity area, as expla�ned by the Director of Parks and Recreation, �9r. Paul Brown. He said at the present time, there is snow fencing around this area. Councilman Breider said the Little League needs the fencing in this area to keep the balls off of lth Street, lie further indicated there should be some boundaries to determine home runs and foul balls. The City Attorney asked if the high school teams use this field. Councilman Utter said the B squad used this area. f10TI0N by Councilman Chain Link Fence for purposes. Breider to adopt the resolution to advertise for bids for Commons Park. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt for discussion The City Attorney said the snow fencing currently being used is dangerous. Councilman Nee asked if the whole Commons Park area is fenced, where would the children fly kites. Councilman Utter said it is not possible to walk across the park because of the amount of fencing. (( ��{� °EGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 PAGE 23 Councilman Nee said he thought there was too much fencing in the Park area at the present time. UPON A ROLL CALL VOTE, Councilman Utter voting nay, Councilman Nee voting nay, Councilman Breider voting aye, Councilman Starwalt voting nay and Mayor Liebl voting aye, Mayor Lieb7 declared the motion FAILED THREE TO TWO. Councilman Breider said there is a need for the fencing because of the foul balls being hit out of the area and into the street. He further explained when the Little Leaguers hit the ba17, they cannot determine if ii is a home run and it usually ends up 6eing something like a three bagger. Councilman Breider said the coaches who play this field think there should be fenc7ng to provide some protection so the balls to not always end up on 7th 5treet. CLAIMS: GENERAL LIQUOR 35423 - 35617 :: :: � MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve and pay the Claims as mentioned above. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF MICHAEL ��10TION by Councilman Breider to approve the request for the Michael Servetus Unitarian Society to hold an annual auction with the fees waived, Seconded by Counci7man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES: BLACKTOPPING: Fa�rfax Aspha7t Inc. 6699 Ashton Avenue N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 � John Pfaff Northern Asphalt Construction, Inc. 11064 Raddison Road N. �. Gerhard Larson Blaine, Minnesoia Pioneer Blacktop Inc. 7608 68th Avenue Norih Brooklyn Park, Minnesota 55428 GAS SERVICES: Arthur Scherber Advanced Heating & Air Cond. Inc. 7805 Beech Street N. E. Donald Hodsdon Fridley, �iinnesota 55432 Mt71 City Heatin9 & Air Conditionin9 Co. 13005 8 16th Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441 Clarenee E. Nelson Heating & Air Conditioning 200 West Hayden Lake Road Champlin, �iinnesota 55316 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Amber Construction Inc. 6070 Stinson Boulevard Fridley, i+tinnesota 55432 Wm. Stevenson Clarence E. SJelson Norman A. Dalberg Aqualand Pool Company, Inc. 3400 Dekota Avenue South Harvey Blumenberg St. Louis Park, liinnesota 55416 � APPROVED BY � C. Bel-isle C. Belisle C. Beiisle W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin C. Be7isle C. Belisle � � , � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 GtNERAL CDNTRACTORS CONTINUED: Custom Pools 701 Excelsior Avenue E. Hopkins, Plinnesota 55343 Dahlmeier Construction Co. 8460 Cottagewood Terrace Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 Gilbert Construction Co., Inc. 1202 Jackson Street St. Paul, Ph nnesota 55177 Lumber King Company 5145 Oliver Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55419 Walter R, hlaciaszek 6627 Anoka Street N. E. Fridley, Minnesota Metro Metals Inc. 4345 Lyndale Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55412 Miles Garages, A division if Insolco 4500 Lyndale Avenue North Minneapol�s, Minnesota 550.12 Northland Holding Company, Inc. 546 West Main Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 Wayne Roy Incorporated 8507 Rose Manor Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 FiEFlTIfVG• A & K Heating 18936 Xebec Street Wyoming, Minnesota 55092 Advanced Heating & Air Conditioning Incorporated 78�5 Beech Street N. E. Fridley, P1innesota 55432 Fleming Sheet Metal Co. 775 Colorado Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 Mill City Heating & Air Cond. Co. 13005 B. 16th Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441 Clarence E. Nelson Heating & Air Conditioning 200 West Nayden Lake Road Champlin, f�linnesota 55316 Thompson Air Conditioning Co. 5115 Hanson Court Minneapolis, iv1innesota 55429 MASONRY: iw�ikedonald Cement Co. 4830 7th Street N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421 � Tim Hannan 5tanley Dahlmeier Richard Gi7bert Jerome Lorbubaum Walter R. ilaciaszek �avid Frankson John Pope R. John Wallenbecker Wayne P. Johnson Arvin Kuhn Donald C. Hodsdon Robert Fleming Wm. Stevenson Clarence E. IJelson Floyd M. TYiompson Donald W. Siegel ; J PAGE 24 APPROVEO BY C. Belis7e C. Belis7e C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Be7isle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. 6elisle W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin ��� �� I �� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 f�lA50NRY CONTINIJED: r. W. Sonderstrom Company 6820 Brookview Drive N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 ROOFING: Potvin Sales Company 7341 Commerce Lane N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 GENERAL CONTRACTORS: Pratt Construction Inc. Box 125 Marine On the St. Croix, �1inn. MULTIPLE DWELLING LICENSES: OWNER: Peter �, i4eururer 7125 Jersey Avenue North i�linneapolis, Minnesota 55428 John H. Ouellette 5901 2z St. iV. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 A. C. Mattson 6320 Riverview Terrace N. E Fridley, f�iinnesota 55432 � Russell 5oderstrom Felix Potvin Leonard Pratt A�DRESS 390 57th Place UNITS 4 6551 E. �:iver Road 11 137 Mississipp9 P1. 4 PAGE 25 APPRO1fED 8Y C. Belisle C. Eelisle C. Be7isle FEE APPROVE� BY I I � $75.00 R. 0. Aldrich Fire Prev. 1C�.00 R. D. Aldrich Fire Prev. 15.00 R, D. Aldric� Fire Prev. A. C. Mattson 6320 Riverview Terrace N. E. 157 Mississippi P7. 4 75.00 R. D, Aldr7ch Fridley, P4innesota 55432 MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the aforementioned licenses. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl dec7ared the motion carried unanimous7y. CONSIDERATION FOR REQUEST FOR TRAILER PERMIT BY LOCAL 683 U. A. W. {AT FMC): f�1��TI0N by Councilman Utter to approve the trailer permit request by the United Auto Workers at the F. hl. C. Plant in Fridley. Szconded by Councilman 5tarwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, fiayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR TRAILER PERMIT BY BURLINGTON NORTHERN TRANSPORT INC.: P90TION by Counciman Nee to approve the request for a trailer permit as requested by Burlington Northern Transpart, Inc. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. COiVSIDERATION OF 5AC LAWSUIT CHARGES AND PARTICIPATION IN APPEAL: l+10TION by Counci7man Breider to concur with the rectammendation of the City Attorney � for the participation in the SAC Lawsuit with the top cost of the appeal being set at $1,000. Seconde d by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, hiayor LiebT declared the motion carried unanimously. t51IMATES• A. J. Chromy Construction Company 5D51 West 215th Street Lakeville, ��nnnesota 55044 and Western Casualty & Surety Company PARTIAL Estimate #4 for work on construction of Sanitary Sewer, Water, Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 114 $21,654.Oo � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 ESTIMATES CONTINUED: Les Standard Station 7680 T. H. 65 N. E. Fridley, Minnesota Gas Purchases made by D. M. [Voyes Construction Company on Sanitary Sewer, Water, Improvement Project No. 93 League of Minnesota Municipalities 300 Hanover Building 480 Cedar Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Labor Relations Subscription Services March 14, 1974 through March 14, 1974 Smith, Juster, Feikema, Haskvitz & Casserly Builders Exchange Building Minneapolts, Minnesota 55402 Services rendered as Prosecutor by Carl Newquist for April $ , �, PAGE 26 480.51 2,250.00 1,295.00 MOTION by Counci7man Breider to approve and pay the estimates. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P9ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS: NAME � Thomas Kennedy Kenneth Wilkinson � POSITION Probationary Police Sergeant Probationary Police Sergeant EFFECTIVE DATE May 70, 1974 May 10, 7974 SF�LARY $ 1,189.00 $ 1,189.00 REPLACES New position authorized in 1974 Police Budget Linus Fritz MOTION by Councilman Utter to appoint Patro7men Thomas Kennedy and Kenneth Wilkinson to probationary Sergeants effective May 10, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Breider for discussion purposes. The City Manager said the retirement of Linus Fritz, has created an opening and there is an additional opening that had been budgeted for. Councilman Breider asked -if this was to be taken from the current operating 6udget and Mr. Hill, Public Safety Director said this is true. flayor Liebl asked if these two men had finished the highest in the test and Mr. H�71 said this was the number one and number two highest in the test. hlr. Hill explained through the Police Department new scheduling there is a need for six sergeants. UPON A ROLL CALL VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CDMMUNICATIONS: SPRIfVG BROOK NATURE CENTER FOUNDATION: REQUEST FOR SIGNING AND FENCING OF NORTH PARK: The City Manager said the Administration is looking into the request and he pointed out the memo from the Director of Parks and Recreation, Mr. Paul Brown. He stated the problems are not going to be stopped by the installation of snow fencing. He indicated the CIty is doing all they can to stop the problems at the present time, but, unless the area is constantly policed, this would not be enough. Mayor Liebl asked if there could he additional s�gns installed. The City Manager stated there are signs all over the area. ��%i� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1974 PAGE 27 Councilman Utter said there are signs on both sides of the trails and the vehicles drive right through them. Councilman Breider noted it is not possible to park a car up there with the installation of the snow fencing. Councilman Starwalt said this is true, and it makes it impossi6le to even walk through the area. Counci7man Starwalt said he wou7d suggest the laws be enforced more actively. i�tayor Liebl indicated he wtshed those who are dumping in the area would be prosecuted Mayor Liebl said the laws should be vigorously enforced and authority should be given the Police Department to spend additional time in the North Park area. Councilman Utter said this would take someone posted in the area at all times. Councilman Starwalt said the abuses should be stopped whether they are pedestrian or vehicular. Playor Liebl again stressed, the dumping should be stopped. PdOTION by Councilman Nee to receive the communication from the Spring Brook Nature Center Foundation dated May 1, 1974 concerning the request for signing and fencing the North Park site and also the memorandum from the Direcior of Parks and Recreation in reply to this request. Seconded by Councilman U�ter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb7 declared the motion carried unanimous�y. LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS: THANK YOU FOR ATTEN�ING LEAGUE'S CONFERENCE: ��lOTIOPJ by Councilman Utter to receive the communication from the League of Women �oters expressing thanks to those who attended the League's Conference and dated April 26, 1974, Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P•1ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. V;ECEIUING THE SETTLEMENT PROPOSAL REGARDING METRO 500, INC., VS. GITY OF FRIDLEY: f�lOTION 6y Councilman Utter to receive and concur in the settlement proposal regarding Metro 500, Inc „ vs. City of Fridley. Seconded 6y Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Piayor Lie61 declared the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: MOTIOfJ 6y Counci7man Utter to adjourn the meeting. 5econded by Counci7man Starwalt, L'pon a voice vote, all voting aye, f�1ayor Liebl declared the Regular meeting of the Fridley City Councii of May 6, 7974 adjourned at 2:32 A.M. Respectfully submitted, ���`"i�'r��,-�,, Patricia Ranstrom Secretary to the City Council Cr�..H.�=� , /�/ Date pprove �l � +.l.� /7''Ou.s. �. Frank G. Liebl, Mayor � � � i I