06/09/1975 - 5462PAT RANSTROP1
JUNE 9, 1975
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The Public Hearing Meeting of the Fridley City Council of June 9, 1975 was called to
order at 7:32 P.M. by Mayor Nee. .
Mayor Nee said the Council would like those present to join them in saying the Pledge
of Allegiance to the Flag.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nee, Councilwoman Kukowski, Councilman Breider, Councilman
Starwalt, and Councilman Fitzpatrick.
Mayor Nee iisted the fo�lowing item to be added: An application for an auction permit
� submitted by Chuck Lillegren for Plywood Minnesota, a communication from General Televis��n
concerning the telecasting of the Council meetings during the summer months, and a reques�
for for the re-routing for the 49er's Day Parade.
� '
MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to adopt the agenda with the previously mentioned additions.
Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice"vote, all voting aye, Mayor P�ee declared
the motion carried unanimously.
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The Public Works Director exp7ained the request to vacate the a11ey in Block 5, Spring
Brook Park Addition between Ashton and the Railroad tracks and between Liberty and
Longfellow. He said the applicant has two buildings on adjacent property and would
like to construct an addit�orito joint the buildings. He pointed out the area being
considered on Page 1-F of the Council agenda. The Pub]ic Works Director pointed out
at the Planning Commission Meeting of May 21, 1975;�the Commission recommended approval
of the request with several stipulations. He read the suggested st�pulations which
appeared on page 1-D of the Council agenda book. ke said the City had received
correspondance from NSP and PJorthv�estern .Bel1 and they have no objectfons to the vacation
if the removal or relocation cost of the lines is reimbursed. The Pubiic Works Director
read the fourth stipulation dealing with the approval of the remainder of the area
residents and asked if Mr. Schaul was present at the meeting. There was no response.
Mr. William Super, 190 Liberty Street N. E., addressed the Council and commented that he
would also like to have the alley vacated. He said the area is planted with lawns and
no one uses the area as an alley. ,
The Public Works Director said most of the abutting property owners are using this area
for lawns. He indicated the only one who uses the alley for access is P-9achin�ng Inc.
for access�to their existing building. 7he Public �Jorks Director sai:d the staff would ,
like to get rid of any umimproved alleys or stub streets.
Mayor Nee asked if anyone alse would like to be heard oi� t'��is question. There was no
� response. He asked if any member of the Council had any�questions. Mayor Nee questioned
the matter of the crossing for access for Mr. Hayes. He asked if this question had been
resolved. 7he Public Works Director said at this time, the agreement is only verbal.
He said if the addition would be constructed in this area, there is the possibility
that this would block off the access. He said htr. Hayes has two enirances at the
present time and if the addition is constructed, it would block off one of these .
entrances, the Longfellow access. Mayor Nee asked if this would be a lawful crossing.
The Pvblic Works Director said it has been used for a rtumber of years. He�said what
seems to be the alley in this area, or seems to be right of way is Machinirn Inc.
. property. He indicated Machining, Inc. would be wiiling to sign an agreement for
. continued use, but they would want to control the property. Mayor Nee said this consid-
eration should not affect this question. The Public 4lorks Director agreed and said this
would be two separate questions. He said the Council should oe aware of the other
nroblem. '
Councilman Fitzpatrick said it seemed to him that one stipulation of the Plannin� Commission
has not been satisfied. He said this would be the approvat or consent for the vacation
of the entire alley. He questioned if the Council should take action to vacate the
alley or only that portion ebutting the P1achining, Inc. property. '
The Public Works Director explained that when the applicant had applied for the vacation
of the alley, they first requested it only for their portionof the a11ey and the staff
recommended that the entire alley be vacated. He s� d if Mr.�Schaul was not present, they
could not determine if he had contacted the remainder of the property owners.
Councilman Fitzpatrick asked if it would be possible to only take action on the Machining
' portion of the alley until the people of the area request tne entire alley be vacated.
The Public Works Director indicated the City would like to have the entire alley vacated
at this time if possible. Councilman Fitzpatrick said the Council was not aware that this
stipulation has been complied with.. The Public Works Director agreed with this statement.
Mr. Super addressed the Council and said the entire area had received notice of the vacation
ofthe entire alley. Councilman Fitzpatrick said the consent of the property owners must
be obtained.
Mayor Nee asked how many houses are on both sides of the alley. He guessed this may
involve six people. The Public Works Director referred to the map on Paqe 1-F of
the agend� and said there are eight homes. He also pointed out the vacant lots on the
block to b� Lots 41 and 42, and Lots 35 and 40. Ne said at the most this would be
eight property owners. Mr. Super said three of the homes on the street are new
and not sold at this time. Mayor Nee said he thought it would be fairly safe to go
ahead with the vacation of the entire alley.
The Public Works Director said the Council would have to close the Public Hearing at the
present time and the Ordinance for first reading on the vacation of the alley would be
brought back to the Coucnil at the next regular meeting. He said the staff could
check into the stipulation concerning the approval of the adjoining property owner
and furnish the Council with this information at the time of the first reading.
MOTION by Coucnilman Fitzpatrick to close the Public Nearing. Seconded by Councilman
Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
unanimously and the Publ.ic Hearing on the vacation request by �lachining, Inc. closed
at 7:43 P.M.
The Public Works Director said this request had been instituted in cooperation with the
North Suburban Hospital District and the City of Fridley and was a part of the origina1
lease agreement. The Public Works Director said the Planning Commission recommended
� approval of the vacatim of the street with two stipulations. He read them as follows:
1. The North Suburban Hospital District bear the cost of the comptetion of the curb
` alonq 5th Street N. E. and 2. The vacated roadway be improved with top soil and seeded
to provide ground cover. He said the first stipulation was suggested so the property
owner would nat bear the cost. 7he Public Works Director questioned if the Hospital
District should have to.bear the entire cost and suggested that some of the cost be
. taken care of by the City. Ne said this work could be done at the same time thai the
parking lot is installed and this would reduce the costs.
The Public Works Director also pointed out that there was also concern about the
property owner.being assessed at a higher rate due ta the vacation of the street and
i�crease area of his property.
Mayor Nee said he agreed with ttie statement concerning the costs of the curbing.. The
; Public Works Director said the original agreement stated that this was to be accomplished
�� ? on a cooperative basis.
�, �
He suggested an additional stipulation that the City maintain easement in this area.
Councilman Breider questioned how much the City of Fridley was paying fo r the lease
of the property. The Public Works Director said there•had been no exchange of money.
He said the City of Fridley was to process the vacation of the street and would•pay
no assessments against the area leased. Ne said there had.been no money exchanged.
Councilman Breider asked the cost of the installation of the curbing. The Public
Works Director said this would be 80 feet and would run from $300 to $400. Councilman
Breider said the City was talking about spending $200 to $300 for an eignt year lease,
Ne indicated he did not feel that this would be too bad a deal.
'�� There was some discussion cancerning the addition of the vacated portion of property
and that this would be added to the property owners parcel. The Public Works Director•
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said this would not increase the property to a11ow for two buildable lots. Ne said it would
add about $25 to the taxes to be paid per year. Mayor Nee asked if the property owner
was present at the meeting. The Public Works Director asked if Mr. Gabriel was present
and there was no response.
Councilman Breider said he favored the vacationof the street to confine the traffic to
and from the Hospital to Osborne Road. He said there had a]ways been concern that there
would be additional traffic on 5th Street and this would alleviate this concern.
MOTION by Counciiman Breider to c7ose the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman
' Starwalt. Upona voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
unanimously and the Public Hearing on the vacation of the street by the North Suburban
Hospital District closed at 7:55 P.M.
The Public Works Director explained the area where the request had been made and said this
� would bring the existing use of the property into compTiance with the zoning code. He
explained the exist9ng use to be a tavern and at the present time this is not allowed
in the C-1 zoning.
. Mr: Mark Haggerty, Attorney for Mr. Povlitzki; addressed the'Council and explained that
' ' he had been before the Council before and had attended two meetings concerning this
item at the Planning Commission. He said there had been a very detailed discussion at
the f�.irst meeting of the Planning Corrmission and at the second meeting, the Planning
. Corrnnission had recommended approval of the request for rezonino. Mr. Haggerty said
, he would briefly list the reasons that this request should be granted and said the
property has always been used as a liquor estabiishment. Ne recalled in 1949, it was
an on and off-sale liquor store and after this, the property was rezoned to C-l.
He further mentioend that the City of Fridley used this for'a liquor establishment until
� 1957. He mentioned he felt the rezoning had been done by mistake because at the time
the City was using the facility as a l�quor establishment. He"said now, 20 years later,
this zoning is caus9nn- problems.
Mr. Haggerty commented that Mr. Povlitzki had requested a liquor license and besides
' aiiowing for the present use to conform to the zoning codes, it would also allow the
issuance of the liquor l�cense for this location.. He said this would allow Mr. Povlitzki
to not take a loss on his investment and also the investme��t for the property. He said
. this would allow for approval of the liquor license ai th�s location. Mr. Haggerty
' ' explained that Mr. Povlitzki was not able to attend the meeting, but he would answer
any of the Counci7 questions.
� The Public Works Director comnented that the Planning Commission had recommended approval
� of �he rezoning with some stipulations. Mr. Sobiech read the stipulations that adequate
parking be provided and the landscaping and .lighting plan be reviewed by the Building
' Standards Design Control Subcomnittee.
1; �
� .
Councilman Starwalt said this consideration had no bearinq on whether or not the liquor
license would be granted. Coucnilman Starwalt said he Vield the liquor as•a separate
matter from the rezoning. Mr. Haggerty said yes, they were two separate requests.
Councilman Starwalt asked what would happen to the piece of property to the east, would
this split the zoning on a parcel. The Public Works Director said this property had been
split when the area was platted and Mr. Povlitzki had only requested the rezoning on his
parcel of property. Counciiman Starwalt said this action would not effect the rezoning
on this parcel and the Public Works Director said not at this time. He said this would
�have to be done separately by another property owner.
Mayor Nee asked what the purpose would be of the C-1 zoning•. The Public Works Director
said this would be for a iocal type business activit,y. Coun�ilwoman Kukowski asked
what the vacant lot would be zoned and the Public Works Director said this is C-i also:
Mayor Nee said this is Lots 17 and i9. Mayor Nee said this rezoning woUld make one
corner of the b7ock C-2. The Public 1�lorks Director said yes.
Counciiman Breider said there was a printing firm thinking about buying this corner, would
this be allowable in this zoning. ,The Public Works Director said a small business would
fit in C-1S.
The City Manager asked if the parcel of property would meet the min�mum requirements for
frontage and area. The Public Works Director said yes, the requirements for C-1 and C-2
are the �.ame. The City Manager a$ked if the property is 25,000 square feet and the Public
Works Director said yes.
Mayor Nee asked if anyone else had any questions or comments and there was no response
from the audience. ,
Councilman Starwalt asked if the parking situatior� had been reviewed. The Public Works
Director referred to the area in front of the building and said it would be stripped and
the area in the back of the building would be black tepped and stripped to provide
additional parking. He said according to the Planning Commission minutes, they are
planning a seating capacity of 270 and this would require 90 stalls accarding to the City
Code. He said they would be able to get up to 60 or 64 with the current pattern. He said
they would have to acquire some additional parking area.
Mr. Haggerty addressed the Council and asid he had talked to Mr. Povlitzki about this
situation and he agreed to either acquire, lease ar rent additional property for parking
and if this is not possible the seating capacity would be reduced. Mr. Haggerty said
Mr. Povlitzki is willing to do anything to meet the s�andards and requirements of the
City. Ne said the applicant had no objections to the requirement that off-street parking
must be provided.
Mayor Nee a�ked the Council to cansider what other types of uses vrould be allowed in this
area if it were rezoned to C-2.
MO7ION by Councilman Starwalt to close the Public He.,ring. Seconded by Councilwoman
Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the public
hearing on the rexoning request by Mr. Richard Povlitzki closed at 8:18 P.M.
The Public Ldorks Director said Mr. Jerry Soardman, P1anning Assistant would make the
presentation onthe Qikeway{Walkway plan. He explained the members of the Citizens
Bikeway/Walkway Committee were present to discuss the plan.
The City Manager said before the presentation for the Plan began, he would like to call
the Council's attention to the number of communications received by the City concerning
the SikewayJbJalkway Plan. He recommended that these communications be received into
the testimony. '
Mr. Boardman explained that the staff had sent the Bikeway/Walkway Plan to approximately
40 service and civic organizations, other communities and County and State agencies and
also to the Metro Authorities. He listed the organizations that had responded to the
request to comment on the plan.
MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to receive tbe communication from the follotving: Rotary
Club, Walter Miller, dated May 14, 1975, Fridl�y DFL Club, Mr. Dennis Schneider, dated
June 2, 1975; Fridley United Methodist Church, Jim McChesney, Pastor, dated April 17,
1975; State of Minnesota Wayne Simoneau> Representative, dated April 28, 1975; Fridley
Women's Club, Virginia Neffner, President, dated May 3, 1975; Parkview Elementary
School, Lee Switzer Principal, dated May 6, 1975; Columbia Heights Public Schools,
Richard K. Harris, Supervisor, Cornmunity and Professional Services, dated May 6, 1975;
Fridley Chamber of Comnerce, Mr. Edward H. Dunn, Jr., P1anager, da,ted May 7, 1975; Mr.
Vern Moen, Chairman of the Fridley 6ikeway Committee, addressed to Mr. Edtivard Dunn, Fridley
Chamber of Comnerce and dated May 15, 1975; and the Fridley League of Women Voters, Mrs.
Jean Schell, President and dated May 13, 1975; Anuka County Highway Department, Paul K
Ruud, Anoka County Highway Engineer, dated May 27, 1975; and Kiwanis Club of Columbia
Neights and Fridley, June 9, 1975; and Fridley Lions, Mr. Burt Ellis, President, June +
9, 1975 (the last two conmunications were reports of telephone conversations between
the two parties and Mr. Boardman.) Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
�. Mr. Boardman commented on the background of the plan by explaining the make up of
�\ the citizen's committee which had been selected for active citizen participation in
the plan from nine area neighborhoods in the City and 'ne pointed out these divisions on
the map on the screen. He expiained that the staff worked very closely with the citizen's
� corrmittee in the formulation of the plan. Mr. Boardman listed the members of the Bikeway/
Walkway Cornnittee and pointed out the areas that they served in the discussians on the
Mr. Boardman said one of the major goals of the plan is to es�tablish a high level of
� pedestrian bike and walking safety. Fle said this would involve safety education and
review of the present ordinances with modification and changes necessary to bring
the ordinances to the standards neressary.
He said another goal was establishing accessibility to all areas of theCity. He explained '
that in the City, there is a high level of traffic and barriers created by the n�ajor
. - 1
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. highways, etc. He said they.had also tried to establish cooperation from other governmental
bodies and surrounding comnunities in proposing the accessibility.
Another goal of the comnittee was to establish routes for recreational purposes to link
the various parks in the City so anyone in the City could use any one of its parks in
any location. He said they had discussed the short distance recreational uses along
. with the long distant transportational uses.
Environmental concerns were also a goal of the committee as pointed out by Mr. Boardman.
He said they had tried to establish some flexibility in the system so if needed, there
could be changes made. He mentioned that with continued development factors such
as air and water pollution, noise and many other factors lend to the consideration of
this proposal.
Mr. Qoardman continued to point out that citizen awareness was essential in the entire
planning process. He said the Committee felt it very important to find out how the
individual neighborhoods felt about the plan. He said he thought this was accomplished
and changes had been made where necessary to satisfy the communities involved.
Mr. Qoardm�� continued to explain the use of the citizen survey in establishing facts
and figures studied by the comnittee. He said the survey was taken from a 10� sampling
of the City with results being obtained from 6% of the City. Hesaid 28 people_had hand
delivered the survey forms and also picked them up upon completion. He pointed out the
names of the 28 people appear2d in the plan information.
Mr. Boardman said the survey indicated there is 62.5% ownership of bikes in the City
of 32,532 which would mean thai there are close to 20,000 bikes in the City of Fridle;.
He said the majority of the bikes are owned by persons ranging in age from six to
fifteen years of age and the age group from 26 to 60 also showed a high percentage of
ownership. He said thispointed out that many adults are getting out and using bikes.
He said the survey pointed out that there are approximately 54,000 trips taken by bike
in the City of Fridley per week with a total of 200,000 miles each week.
Mr. Boardman explained the various methods of creation of the proposed bikeways io be
paths, lanes and routes. He said the path system would be the most expensive type of
system with the route consisting of inearly signing of a designated area. He explained
the various types of systems by use of a i1lus�ration on the overhead screen. He
further explained where the various ty�es of construct.ions and routes would be used
according to the proposal. He said the implementation of theplan is prop�sed for a five
state system t�lith the main reason for this being cost. He said certain stages of the
plan would be more important at the present time. He said with the first two stages,
it would be posible to create.access to all parts of the City. He said the first stage
should be a pilot stage wh�ch would be used to monitor the use and obtain additional
information for the remainder of the system. Ne said after this, if the pian does not
warrant expa«si:oro, this would be noted and changes in the plan would be made. He said
the pilot stage is not the least expensive in the plan, but it is the second least
expensive. He explained that the first stage is concerned with the heavy used areas
for bike traffic at major crossings. In some cases there would be a need to create
areas of limited parking to implement the plans. He pointed out the various means
in which this could be accomplished and said it may be done on a seasonable basis.
Mr. Boardman ]isted the costs of thn various stages to be from 1974 construction figures
as follows: State One -$39,000, Stage Two -$28,000, Stage Three -$56,000, Stage Four •
$71,000 and Stage Five - $38,000.
Mr. Boardman said the City had cor�nunicated with County Commissioner, Mr. Mike 0'6annon,
who had said the County would help in any way possible on the County roads and provide
� thest� pping for these roadways.
Mr. Boardman continued to comment on the question of where the money would be obtained
from. He mentioned that the Bikeway/Ldalkway Coirenittee has recommended that no funding
' be obt•ained directly from the assessment of property owners. He mentioned the committee.
had recommended that the following methods of funding be considered: Land and Water
Conservation funds, Federal Grants for Parks and recreation purposes, Community
Development Block 6rants, HUD, new funding source for community improvement projects of
which limited funds are available and Fridley is considered a priority II area, Federal
. Aid Urban (Department of Transportation), �unding avai]ah]e for developing bikeways
along FAU roadways and Fridleys systems is limited and may gain some funding in Stage
� 5, Minnesota Department of Naturai Resources (Grants-in-Aid Program) which provides
• funds for bicycle trail development, and Rice Creek Trail is along this system,
• Minnesota State Aid Streets, annual fund for upgrading of classified State Aid Streets,
� Revenue Sharing funds, a state allocation system for portions of industrual revenue
collected by the State, County Sources, through participation in existing County road
systems, and �.ocal �,ources. Mr. Qoardman explained the possible local sources to be .
donations from Community Service Organizations, Bicycle related Fees, which would
promote the enforecment of the bicycle license proceedures to license the 16,000
bicycles not licensed in the City. Mr. Boardman suggested that private donations
may also be possible, but not likely. He mentioned this type of donation would be
in the form of donations of easements and labar for the construction of the system.
He said lasi but not least, he would like to mention that there may be a possibility
of funding from the City Operating Budget through General fund appropriations.
Mr. Boardman went on to explain tht there had also been a recommendation made for the
establishment of a 4lalkway system in the City. He explained to comply withthe plan
5.25 miles of new sidewalks would have to be developed along with the existing side
walks in the City. He explained the current policy of construction of the sidewalks
City and said he had made the recommendation that the assessing policy on County and
state Aid Highways along residential properties be changed, so the the assessment is
against the property owner, but picked up by the State Aid Revolving Fund or City
General funds.
in the
Mr. Boardman called on Mr. Dennis Schneider; member of the Citizen Bikeway/Walkway Committee
for _his comments. Mr. Schneider read the recommendations established by the Committee
to the Council and audience as listed on the handout available at the meeting on Page 5.
Mr. Boardman explained that there had been a number of public hearings on the committee
level and many of the responses from the different neighborhoods had been ironed out and
changed before coming to the City Council public•hearing.
Mayor Nee asked if any of the members of the Council had any questions. Councilman
8reider said the bikeway plan included the signalization of 79th and East River
Road. He asked Mr. Mike 0'Bannon, County Commissioner, if the City would put this in
their budget, would the County support this improvement. Mr. 0'Bannon said he would be
in favor of it. He said he knew the traffic on East River Road warrants this installation.
Councilman Breider said this is a critical area in the Bikeway Plan as an access point.
Mr. 0'Bannon said he felt this area warrants a stop signal with the ��partments, park
and traffic. Mr. 0'Bannon said he would suppor�t this 100%.
Councilman Starwalt referred to the mention :of the licensing of bikes. He questioned
if the bikes with training wheels as well as the bikes that are from 10 to 15 speeds
and cost hundre�s of dollars should be licensed for the same amount of license fee.
Mr. Boardman said the licenses currently require the same license for anything on two
wheels. Councilman Starwalt asked if this is a fair system. He asked if the smaller
bikes should pay a lesser fee. Mr. Soardman said the fee is very low, only $2 and this is
on a one time license. Councilman Starwalt said the money for the system would have to
come from someplace. He mentioned the cost paid by auto users in taxes and questioned
if this license rate was a fair one. Mr.'Boardman said in Denver, the li�cense fee� is
$5 per year and the committee had discussed this possibility and determined that this
would be too high and that the license should be a one time.expense. He again mentioned
that with 16,000 not licensed in the City, there would be a great deal of revenue gained
by the current rate.
The City Manager said there is no question that the community needs an overall plan,
this would set the goal and the City would keep work�ng toward this goal. He mentioned
the implementation of theplan would take a great deal of money and the ADministration
would try to obtain funding from other sources. He mentioned the license money could
not be used, for this type of activity since it is not to be a revenue gathering activity.
He said the fee would only cover the administrative costs.
The City Manager outlined the Gity policy for the assessment of sidewalks on Caunty
roads and said the street portionof the improvement in this case is not assessed to the
property owners, on ly the sidewalks and curbing. He said the assessment in thes? areas
would be only about one half of the assESSment an�ount of other residential areas. He
' said it didnot matter if the assessment would be called the sidewalk assessment or the
streei assessment. He added, if the City changed this policy.at the present time,
' there would be problems with the people that had been assessed in this manner in the City.
The City Manager said the plan was prepared through citizen participation an d the
co�nittee and administration had done a lot of footwork• in the formulation and the data
Mayor Nee asked s��hy the portionof the proposed bikeway jogged back and forth in the
East River Road area. Mr. Boardman explained with the traffic on East River Road,
if the bikeway were to be along East River Road it would have to be a path system and
this would increase the cost of the system considerably. He said in the manner propose�,
� the bikeway would be throurh the residential areas with tV�e crossing being done at the
access areas in a route system. He.said the original idea is to provide access to all
� parts of the City. Mayor Nee said this should be installed so the path �oes not jog
� �.
back and forth. Mr. Boardman said if this would be done, this �aould involve the
installation of paths separate from the roadway. Mayor Nee asked if the City�had
additional right of way on East River Road. Mr. Poardrnan said there �s additional
right of way, but he was not sure how much wou]d be needed for any future expansion.
Mayor Nee o,uestioned if someone was talking about expanding East River Road. Mr.
Boardman said he did not know. He said the Committee�s concern was the cost of .
maintaining this type of p1an.
Mr. Alex Barna, 560 Nugo Street N. E., explained that there are people that he
works with that bike to work on East River Road and he had been asked to join them
and he would not. He said this would be taking his life in his hands because of the
many blind spots. He said some people think that East River road is a freeway. He
added, it is not possible to gain access to East River Road in many places. He said
he cannot get on East River Road from Hugo, he must ga to 79th. h1r. Boardman repeated
that the bike travel on East River Road would be dancerous and that �s why this would
have to be a separate path. He said this is why the route was jogged back and forth in
this area. Mr. Barna said he felt the children were still going to use the route and
cross where they wish. He questioned why the paths couid not be put where the kfds
travel. Mr. Boardman said the children should be educated to use the route. He said
the.only recommendation he would have for East Riv.r koad is that the path be installed,
if they use the area, there should be a path insta�1ed separate from the highway.
Mr. Robert Pierce, 609 Bennet Drive N.E., asked why there had been no sidewalks proposed
to Rice Creek School. He noted that there is access provided to all of the other
' schools in the City. Mr. Boardman explained that the only sidewalk neededin the area
is the one aiready installed on Mississfppi Street, the others do not wa�°rant such
� an insta]lation because of limited traffic.
Mr. Pierce asked if the bikeways would be maintained in the winter months. Mr.
Boardman said hopefully the streets wou7d be plowed from curb to curb and when there
is no ice and snow, they would be operable. Mayor Nee asked if people would ride their
bikes in the winter months. Mr. Boardman said this would be limited but there would
be some use.
Mr. Pierce asked how the City proposed to get the unlicensed bikes licensed. Mr.
Boardman said the police are currently taggang those who commit violations on bikes.
He said any adult will get a traffic vioiation and chiidren will receive a warning
ticket from the juvenile court and the copy of this warning would be given to the
parents. He also explained that the Police Department has been conducting an extensive
educational program in the schools. Mr. Pierce said he had heard about this program
and people seemed pleased.
Mayor Nee asked if Mr. Slater in the area of Stevenson School had been taken care of.
Mr. Boardman said he felt the committee had taken care of his concern. Playor Nee
asked if Mr. Slater was present and there was no response.
Mrs. Jan Seeger, 324 Ironton St., said she would like to reinforce what had been said
by Mr. Barna. She said she wouid favor the construction of tYe path down East River
A representative of the Fridley League of Women Voters addressed the Council and said
the League agreed with the overall concept of the plar, but the individual members
were concerned about specific routes through the neighborhoods. She said this should
be talked about within the iridividual neighborhoods. She mentioned the the League
also supported funding from partial taxation or assessments for the neople of the
City of Fridley.
Mr. Ken Sporre saidhe favored the bikeway plan and would iike to see a link in the
system in to Coon Rapids and the North Park area.
Mayor Nee said it was his impression that they were talking about adopting a overall
plan, but that it may not be implemented in any single part for a number of years.
Mr. 8oardman said the City had been working with the other communities in the areas
to establish continuity in the overall plan.
� Mayor Nee said all of the members of the City Council are concerned about the public
� reaction to the plan such as how wi)] the no parking in front of people's homes be
accepted and how would the people feel about the installation of sidewalk where
there is none. He said he would like to find out if there is sufficient basis to
make this�nore acceptable action on the part of the City Council.
Mr. Pierce said this is why he had brought up the seasonal consideration in the use.
tle thought the parking areas could be used in the winter months.
Mr. Boardman exp1ained by State Law, there rrust be t��o lanes for bikeway traffic
and this would create situations where only one side of the street may be used for
parking. He said this may be done only seven months out of the year and it could also
be limited to the hours between 8:00 A.M. ar,d 9:00 P.M.
l�he City Manager said it may be of some help to tell the community what provisions have
to be made and obtain their input. i�ir. Boardman said the various representatives on
the corrmittee had talked to the area people. He listed the number of public hearings
that had been held, the notificatiori given and the various groups and businesses that
had been heard concerning the plan, He said hopefully, the neighborhoods had been
advised and their input obtained.
A resident addressed the Council and said he would like to see more information concerning
easements that would have to be obtained. He mentioned he lived in the area of 7th Street
south of Mississippi Street and he did not see where this plan k�ould be feasible for this
The City P1anager said if there are any improvements or construction that affect the
property or if the City would need additional easements, the people would have to be
advised before this is dona. He said he thought this point was well taken concerning
7th Street. Mayor PJee askzd the resident ho� he would feel about no parking on the street
The resident answei°ed that this would be acceptable if it was the limited type.
Councilman Breider said if the pian is implemented, the easements, trees and all aspects
would be worked out prior to puttinq anytning in. He said this should b� done within
the public hearing process. He said he hoped that the Council would consider this type
of policy not only as the legal process, but also if the funding is obtained from
Federal and State funds. He said if a man is going to have a sidewalk in front of
his home, he should be notified.
The City Manager said the people would be r.otified, but he was not sure the reactior
they would have. He said generally with this type of improvement, the reaction is
negative. He recalled the adoption of fihe five year sidevralk plan and said Y.here
were many people in opposition. He said .if the Council adopted the concept, the
program ��ould be continued and those directly affected would be notified.
Councilman Starwalt said he had foll�wed the actions of the committee ver�� closely
and he said they had gone through a great.deal of ��:ork to come up with a{�lan.
Mayor tr'ee said Y,e was very impressed and thoughi.i:his had been a fine job.
MOTION by Counciln�an fitzpatrick to close the put;lic h�a.ring. Secor,ded by Councilv�oman
Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ptayor Mee declared the mo±ion carried
unanimously and the public hearing closed at 9:35 P.M.
Councilman Fitzpatrick said he would like the udministration to prenare a resolution
conoerning the City's intent to provide the funding for the signalizaticn ef 79th
and East Rive�r Road which couid be presented to the County.
OF NEW F�ND USFI] CA.R$> 7810 UNIV� �.SITY A4��P�UE �;. E. :
� The Public ��orks Director indicate� i:his t� be a reques� for a special use perroit
requested by Win Stephens Quick to sell and display new and used cars. He said ihis
would be located on the service drive west of liniversity and north of Osborne R,d. He
explained that ai, the Planning Commissior meeting of June 4, 1975, tl�ey recomr!�r�nded
approval of the reguest with the following sitpulations: .That the plan be subject
to the review and recorrnnendations of the Buildiny Standards Design Control Subcommi•ttee
and that this approval also be subject to the approval of the lot split.
. The Public Works Director explained tna�t the petitioner ��ould like approval ofi the
social use permit before making application for the lot split so he would be able
to determine if the business v�ould be allowe�.
, Councilman Breider asked vrnere this location w�uld be in relation to the night club
� that was being planned for this area. .
Mr. Wyman Smith, Attorney for Win Stephens Buick, addressed the Council and explained
� .
this location to be north of the Town Crier Pancake House on property owned presently
� � by Mr. Robert Schroer. He felt this would be a better ]ocation than the one previously
requested on EAst River Road. He said the parcel is 1.6 acres and they p7anned to
construct a 6,000 square foot builidng. Mr. Smith indicated thai he had met with the
. City Finance Director, Mayor Nee and the applicant to instruct them of the C�ty's policy
' and the avai7ability of revenue bonds. He �aid this is still being considered although
'� they believed they would obtain conventional financing for the facility. He requested
the Council take action and approve ihe request for the special use permit with the
two stipulations of the Planning Commission.
Councilwoman Kukowski said she was very happy that Mr. Stephens is not giving up
on iocating a business in the City of Fridley.
� Council+r.ar� Starwa]t said he hoped the bonding issue wouici not be a stumbling block
in this request. Mr. Smith said the applicant had just been given the information
I� on the bonds and with the condition of the money market and the size of the project,
they planned to use conventional financing and the bonds may not be needed.
Mayor Nee asked if the plans for the building would come.back and be processed through
the Council and the C9ty Manager said yes.
MOTTON by Councilman Breider to grant the special use permit as requested by Win
Stephens Buick, Datsun Dealership, for 7810 University Avenue with the two stipulations
recommended by the Pianning Gommission with the add�tional stipulation that the plans
be revie�ded by the Council before the permit as issued. Seconded by Councilwoman
Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee deciared the motion carried
The Public Works Director explained the location of the property in question to be
at the south end of �Siverts Lane off of 69th Avenue. He said this parcel has been
split off of Lot 3, Registered Land Survey #3. He said the iotal area of the property
is from 30,000 to 34,000 square feet. He explained that the other Lots D and E had
been approved for such waivers in the hook up of sewer and water services.
The Public Works Director explained the following�responses to the requests of the
City on the matter: Metropolitan Waste Control Commission said since no system is
available this would not be within their jurisdiction and up to the iocal discretion;
Minnesota P�llution Control Agency, they have no rules and regulations pertaining
to private sanitary searer and we71 systeins, i�is is up to the local community; Department
of Natural Resouces, at the present time, they have no jurisdiction, but are in tihe
process of preparing a Shoreline Management Act, and this property complies with those
proposed regulations althought if it did not, they would have no jurisdiction for
permits before the Shoreline Management Act �s adopted; Rice Creek Watershed Distr�ct,
they have approved of the project after the review of the plans.
The Public Works Director said he thought the roadway �ns.tallation should be taken •
into account if this waiver is approved. He said there is an easement which was
required of the property owner to the south. He explained that the property to
the south is tax forfeit property and is included in the County Open Space Program.
He said if this 4vaiver is granted, there wouid be no need for future services on
Siverts Lane. Ne also exp]ained that the City h�ad received petitians from people in
the area who indicated they would not split their prooerty. He said if this is
approved, the City should prepare plans for the improvement of the street. He said
the City has been helping with the maintenance of the street which is not the policy .
of the City. He said if the maintenance is to continue, the improvement should
be completed. Mr. Sobiech said the recommendation of the adininistration would be
to approve the request with the stipulations listed on Page 5-A and 6-B of the agenda.
The Pub]ic Works Director said the petitioner was present at the meeting to answer
any questions.
Mr. Ing Siverts, Siverts Lane, addressed the Council and mentioned there was a provision
in the sale of the adjoining property that stipulated that the house �vould not be higher
then the Siverts' windows. Mayor Nee asked if this would be enforceable by the City.
Mr. Livingston, Calhoun Realty, said.the buyer of the property is perfectly aware of
this stipulation and he had complied with it in preparation of the blue pr9nts. _
P1r. Siverts questioned if he would be assessed for this portion of the road improvement
and the Public Works Director said yes. '
Mr. Sivert continued to explain the sale and splittinq of this property and said that
he had dedicated the portion of the property for the utilities and roadway easement
and he had been paying tax.es on this property for years.
The City Manager corrunented that if this is a roadway easement, he would not have to
pay taxes on the property. Mr. Sivert said he had been paying taxes on this portion
cf property.
The City Manager explained the maintenance and plowing policy of the City and said
dirt roads or unimproved roads are generally not maintained by the City. He said
in this case> since the utilitiFS had not been installed, the City had been maintaining
the road. He said U:ith the waiver of the utilities installation, this is the last
property to be developed and it would be possible to install the roadway. He mentioned
this would net be a full. roadway with curbing etc, because there are only three people
on the raad and this would make the assessments excessive.
Mr. Sivert explained that the electric and gas lines are underground in this area. .
He also explained that the water system for his property is located in the area
where the road would be installed. The City Manager said the costs would be kept
down�because only a limited number of people woul� 5e assessed. He said once the
improvements are installed, there would be no reasun to deviate from the policy.
Mayor Nee asked if the City had a petition from the property owners in the area and
the Pu.blic Works Director said no. ,
Mr. Sivert suggested rather than develop the property in the ma.nner proposed, could it
be picked up by the County in their open space program. The Pu�alic Works Director
pointed out that the property to the east is tax forfiet and Mr. Sivert questioned
the wording on the deeds of that property in that they are being held by the City
of Fridley.
MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to waive the requir�n��nt for sewer and water hook up as
requested by Mr. Verlyn Vander Lught with the stioulations listed on Pages 6-A and
6-B of the agenda and with the additional stipulations that the eye level stipulation
in the deed of the praperty be abserved in the construction of the home and that the
property owner, Mr. UanderLught pay a norroa3 residential assessment for his share
of the assessments for the construction of Siverts Lane or 75 feet. Seconded by
Gouncilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, al] vating aye> Mayor Nee declared the motion
carried unanimously.
f4r. Vander Lught said he wo�!ld agree to the payment of the assessments for 75 feet of
IS RICT F�R JUNE 16--� ,`�975:
MOTION by Councilman Breider to set the public hearing for the overall plan for Water
Management for Rice Creek Watershed Districi for June 16, 1975.• Seconded by C6uncilinan
Fitzpatrick. Upon a voic:e vote, all voting aye, Mayor �ee declared the motion carried
ON JULY 14, 1975:
The City A1anager said this information had been breught ta the Council to make them aware
of the language of the material that would appear inthe public notice.
Mayor Nee said there would be no action necessary on the part of the Council on this
MOTION by Councilman t3reider to approve the request to conduct the auction at Plywood
Minnesota as requested by Charles Lilligran. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick,
The City Manager mentioned that thi� would only be for one day.
UPON A VOICE VOTE, a11 voting r�ye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. .
i, 975 TH� R�UGIi SEPTEMi3ER 8, 1975:
I � '�
� 240
� ..
� '
_ __
The City Manager said the communication noted that General Television would like to
inform the Council that the meetings through the summer months would not be televised
since the viewship is down.
MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to receive and note the communication from General
7elevision dated June 5, 1975. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote,
all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
The City Manager briedly explained that there �is i°oad construction in the area where
the normal parade route is set up and due to this, there is a request to modify the
route. He said the change may cause some inconvenience to those iri\the residential
MOTIQN by Councilman 8reider to receive the communication and approve tfhe request
for the change in the parade route for the 49er's Day Parade. Seconded by Councilman
Councilwoman Kukowski asked if any of the members of the Council were intending to
participate in the parade. She noted that none of them had returned their carcts indicating
they would be in the Parade.
A question was raised on �vhether the Council would ride in the Parade in one car or
obtain their own transpoi°tation. Mr. Livingston, Calhoun Realty, volunteer the use
of his convertable for the parade.
UPON A'JOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared tfie motion carried unanimously.
MOTIOfd by Councilman areider io adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Council��roman
Y.ukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
unanimously and the Pubiic Nearing Meeting of the Frid7ey City Council of June 9, 1975
adjourned at 10:32 P.M. '
�� � y�� �
Pat Ranstrom �William J. Nee
Secretary to the Ciiy Council Mayor
Date Adopted.
�� .
FRIDL.�.Y .C�TY .COUidCIL - PU�LIC HtARI�dG I�EETIfVG - Jll�VE 9, I975 -- 7:3� PM
_... ._ .... . .
t LtilGt OF AL.LE.GIAi�CE:
All present
Ai�OPiIOi� �� �1�EfVl�f�: Additions: Application for Auction, Plywood Minn.
Communic�tion from General Television
Appiication for parage re-routing.
LIBERIY STREET Ai�}D LONGFELLOW STREET� � � . . , � � � . � . I — 1 F
' Pubiic Hearing opened. No objections voiced. Council concerned if whether
applicant complied with the stipulation to gain appraval from rer�alnder of
property owners. Pubiic Hearino ciosed.
UNITYtIOSPITAL� � . , , , , . � � � . � , � . . . . . . . .
Public hearing apened. Question of whether Nospita7 District would
pay the entire c�st of the curb was raised. Pubiic Works Director
indicated that this should be done on a cooperative basis with the
City. Public Hearing closed.
i� .
PiJb�1C �;c�i�I���t� f'�tETIi�G, JU�JE J, 1975 _ . PAGE 2
PU�tIC htARIi��GS (CO�dTIi�dUtD)_
...... 3-3Q
Public Hearing opened. �uestion was raised concernina the parE:ing. Appiicant
indicated if the area requirement are not met, additional �roperty would be
obtained or the seating capaciiy wouid be reduced. Pubiic Hearing closecl.
� ' AND
' Public Hearinq oaened. Planning Assistant made presentation concerning
overall proposal. Communications from civic and service organizations
received. Concern was voiced concerning installation of route instead
' of path in East River Road area. Residents asked tha�c notification be
given when any part of the plan is considered. Public Hearing closed,
�dE�J .�US I iVESS :
USED CARS; Io�O UNIVERSTTY AVENUE l�, E, ..�.....�� 5— S C
Mr. Wyman Smitti represented applicant. �to objectzor�s were voiced,
Special use permit was approved with the stipulations recommended
by the planning corr�nission and the change that the applicant come
back to the Council before the permit is issued for overall review
of plans. .
� '
i� �
Pur�LIC HcAR1iJG I�EETTj�G, JU�d� 9, 1975 ._ - - PAGE 3
i��i�' �USiiv�SS (�u�rTIidu�.l�)
REQUEST BY VERLYN VANDER LUGT� � � . � � � � . . ,
Waiver of requirements for hookup to City Sewer and t�later
granted a�ith the stipula�ions suqgested by the Public Works
Directar in his memo to the City Manager dated June 5, 1975
with the additional stipulations that the construction be
below the level of the adjacent property owners windows
and also that the applicant agrees to pay for the road
assessments at a normal rate (75 feet of frontage).
...., 6-6G
JuivE lt�, 1�75 , , , ,. , , ,. , , ,_ , , ,. ` ,. . , , � . . � . . 7
PubTic Hearing set for June i6, i975.
.J U LY 14, iy 75 , , , . , , , . , , ,. , , ,.
No action taken.
: :
Request approved.
� ' . .
Communication received and noted.
Received and approved.
j '
i '
� ADJOURN: 10:32 P.M.
€ '
' '
I ,
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� ' PLti�Gt OF A��LEG IA(��CE :
', �
' � ADOPT I Oi� �F AGEivili� :
� �
LIBERTY STREET Af�D LONGFELLOW STREETQ . � � . . � � � . � . 1 1 F
' � .
UNITY rlOSPITAL� � . � . . � � � � � . � � � � � � � � � � � Z - Z E
' .
� �� ' � � .
� PAGE 2
PUi��IC tiirAi�I;vG P°IEETIi�G, JUiJE 9, 1975
PU�LIC �i�.ARIIdGS (COi��f Ii��UtD)
�OCATED 70 7�65 CENTRAL AVENUE iV� E. �������� ���� 3— 3 Q
idE.W �US I iVESS :
USED CARS; IoIO UNIVERSITY AVENUE ��, E� . � � � � . � � � � 5 - S C
�ux:��.�t; ����,t�f i�� fY���TIi�Gf Jlli��.. �, .I�7�
i���°� vUSzit;k�:SS C����i �i��i��::) .
_ _ f'�EGE 3
SE11�� R Af�D 6�ATEF�: SUtlTH P�1RT �F �I i2AC E C, R o L o S� i�� e
i���uc�� �� V�r�L��v Var�DFR Lu�To �, o,� �.,,,, �, a o 6— 6 G
�'�Ai fFaC��ty1�('!T ?��` �? �►� C�EEE: �'��:TERSf-E�:�� L I �?"f�,f �.r ��JR
UU�VL �V� �J/ � e R e � e � c M � � � � � e n � � i � • e � � � /
Ccai��I��K��Z��o� os= L�r�cu,n�� �c�� �c�;��tc%����� �i��
PRO��os�;� C�������=�. C�nr�r�s �oR P����� �E�.�,�.���� o�
Ju��� :��� �i.�15 0 , o e < < , , , e , , � �
1��UJt,UCi� ;
TO E�iNOh9 ?T M�Y C01lCERN:
Notice is hertby given that �her� 4vi11 be a PuL�ic Hearing of
the Ci t,y Counc� 1 cf ti�e Ci ty of �ri d1ey, � n tt7e Ci ty Hal 1 at 6431
Univers�ity Avenue f�crthe�st or� t�i���ay, June 9, 137� -in the Council
Chamber at 7:30 P.M. ;or the purpose of:
Consideration of a vaca�-ior� r�e�,.�es�, SAV ��75-03,
Machining, Inc., uo vacat� the aliey in Block
5, Spring 8rook Park �ddition, that iies between
Ashf:on Avenue and �he ra�7road tracks, to allow
for an addition that t•rill join �i�vo existing
�ui 1d�ngs, ai i 1,yi r�g in the Sauth Nal f of Sect� on
3, City of Fridley, Coun�y of �noka, Minnesota.
General iy 1 ocated bet���een Ashton Ave��ue and the
railrcad tracks betti��een Liberty Street and Longfellow
Street N.E.
Anyone desiring to be heard Ea�th referer�ce tn ihe above matter
may be heard at this meeting. � -
Publ i sh : NSay 21, 1975
May 28, 1975
� .
Pa e Z �' A
Planninc� Co�itcTiission Meetinq - 1�iay 21, 1975 �- -.
� the street being vacated, and for the 12 foot easemeni; in the alley would have
to be extended across the vacated street, because of the power lines in this easement.
Mr. Narris asked the purpose of this vacatian? Mr. Smerud said it would enable
'� him to construct an addition to his home without asking for a variance, and as they
were maintaining this property already, they ti•�ould prefer to own it. Mr. Boardman
.� said the proposed addition would be 8 feet from the present property line, and P�r.
Smerud ��ras told to either ask for a variance or request a vacation of the street, and
Mr. Smerud chose to ask for the vacation.
� 'acent ro ert owners to this street had been main-
I�, , . Mr. Langen
feld`sai� the ad� P p Y
taining it for the past 8 years. .
� • Mr. Harris asked Mr. Archer, the other adjacent property owner, how he felt
about the vacation of this street? Mr. Archer said he was in agreement to.having
it vacated, and he had been maintaining the property also.
1 Mr. Drigans asked Mr. Sn�erud �rhat he was going to do with the existing garage?
Mr. Smerud said he was going to tear it down.
'. MOTION by Drigans, secanded by Meissner, that the Planning Commission recommend
to Council approval of vacation request, SAV ��75-02, by Loren Smerud, to vacate 46th
Avenue N.E. between 3rd 5treet and University Avenue N.E., to allow the construction
, of a 24' x 24' addition to 4603 3'rd Street N.Ea with the following stipulaCions:
. ,
I �
Retain the storm sewer easement over the I3ortherly 20 feet of the South Half
of 46th Avenue being vacatecl.
Retain a 12 foot utility easement in the extension of the alley between �
Block 9 and 16, Plymouth Add�_tion. .
3. The existing garage be town down when Che addition with the tuck under
. garage is completed.
Mr. Smerud asked �vhat problems he would have if this garage u�asn't torn down .
at that time. Mr. Boardman said he would have to apply for a Special llse Peri�i�
for a second accessory building. Mr. Smerud said he didn't know about the restric-
tions on a second accessory building,.so he would probably tear do4�m the existing
garage. Mr. Meiss�ier said this ��ould not be suc.h a rigid stipula�ion, that the
very day the addition was comp1eted, the garage had ta come down, but he would have
to comply t�ithin a reasonable time. Mr. Smerud said he would like to use the present
garage for storage while the second garage was being built.
Mr. Meissner said that if he decided at a later date, to use this garage for
storage, and not tear it down, he would then have to apply for the Special Use Permit.
UPON A VOIC� VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
2. CONSIDERATION OF A VACATION REQUEST:'� SAV #75-03;,MAiesNbetween AshtonaAvenue
alley in alock 5, Spring (3rook Park Add]t�on, that
and the railroad tracks, to allow for an addition that wi11 join two existing
buildings, at 140 Liberty Street N.E.
Mr. Frank Schaul, co-owner of Machining, Inc., was present.
� Plannin Commission Meetin - Ma 21, 1975 � � P� Q 3
� � y �, B �
' Mr. Qoardman said that Machining, Inc. have a building on both the North !
and South side of a 12 foot alley. They want to construct an addition that would �,
join these t�,�o buildings into one complex, and Wn�rer�oW����an�snin�thisyalley,eandstr i'
, ing that �;his alley be vacated. He sa�d there p ;'
what they want to do was to encroach on the utility easement and vacate the a11ey �
easemen.t. Mr. Boardman said Darre1 Clark had received a letter from Northern States
Power Company, which he presented to the Planning Commission. '
' Dri ans that the Planning Commission receive I
MOTION by Meissner, seconded by � � 14 1975. Upon a voice vote, I
the letter from Northern States Power Company dated May ,
' all vot-ing aye, Chairman Harris read tihe letter as follows: "I received the �1140of �
Fridley's notice of the preliminary heari�zg on the request of Machining, Inc., �
Liberty Street N.E., to vacate the a11�y i.n Block 5, Spring Broolc Park Addition,
that lies between Ashton Avenue and the railroad tracks, to allow an addition that
� will "oin two existing buildin�s. Northern States Power Company has no objection
to this vacation, provided we are granted a Permanent easement for the retention of
our facilities or are reimbursed for rerouting them. Thank you for your consider-. '.,
� ation in this matter, John L. Ranck, Municipal Services Representati�ve, Nort': i
D1V1SlOri.�� �
I� '
Mr. Boardman said that one of the stipulaiions of the Plats & Subdivisions-
Streets & Utilities Subcon�mittee was that in orderfor this buildiny to be constructed,
they would have to have written permission from the uti1ity companies who are
presen�ly using this easement for their facilities. Ne said that the utility com-
panies would be placing stipulations on� the heiqht of the building, and how fiar ;'
the roof af the bui1ding a�ould have to be f,rom �the power lines, etc. �
Mr. Narris asked what these power lines served? Mr. Schaul
across the railroad tracks io John Nayes property at 136 Liberty
said the power lines had just gone in last year, and he had given
put the poles in. P�1r. Meissner asked Mr. Schaul if he had talked
Power Company about the allowed height of the building, �tc. Mr.
partner had been talking to them.
Mr. Boardman said that if the utility easement was retained
the petitioner gets written agreement from the utility companies
on the encroachment> ihen the City couldn't see any problem wit11
vacation request. The City has no objection to the encroachment
said they Nient
Street. Mr. Schaul
them permission to
to Northern States
Schaul said his
in this alley, and
using this easement
granting this
an the vacated •
Mr..Harris asked about Mr. Nayes having access through this property. He said
there was an unsigned agre.ement in the agenda, which sta�ed that there was verbal
agreement, but that h1r. Hayes would not sign it, on access through this property
to the crossing at the railroad tracks. Mr. Boardman said that at present, John
Hayes has access from his property to both Longfellow and Liberty Street, on Machining,
Inc. property, and with the propased addition, he will only have access to Liberty.
Street. The original unsigned agreement only gave him access to Liberty Street.
Mr. Meissner asked if John Hayes knew that his access would be cut off to
Longfellow? Mr. Schaul said he didn't think he knew this yet, but they had never
had any trouble with Mr. Hayes. �
Mr. Schaul said that about three years ago, he did seek le.gal advice, and that
this advice was that he could shut the access off to John Hayes anytime, which he
said he had no intention of doing. His only concern was that as Mr. Hayes had been
Planning Commission Meeting - May 21, 1975 Page 4
�sing this access for a number of years, he might claim the property as his, and
Machining, Inc. didr�'t want to give up any of their property, as tr�ey need every
square foot that they have.
Mr. Meissner said this easement for Mr. Hayes didn't en�er into the vacation
request of the alley, but i� was something that would have to be considered.
Mr. Harris said he thought this was something that would have to be resolved,
because it was something that was sort of swept under the ruq by the City for many
years. He thought P�achininq, Inc. shauld have some �ype of written agreement on
the access to Liberty Street. Mr. Schaul said he was not under obligation to provide
this access. Mr. Meissner said he may have a problem with adverse possession, if
som� sot~t of ag►�.eement ��Jasn`t worked out. P�1r. Schaul said this what they worried •
about. Mr. Hai°ris said the Mr. Schaul said that ��achining, Inc. got along fine
with Mr. Hayes, but the next owner might wonder what Mr. Hayes was doing driving on
this property. '
Mr. Boardman said that although ihis vacation request has nothing to d�� with
the easement for M; Hayes, indirectly it does, because in granting this vacation to
allow the construction of the addition, it wi11 block Mr. Hayes access to Long.fellow.
He said the verbal agreement never covered an access to Longfellow, only to Liberty,
but Mr. Hayes has been using both accesses. �
Mr. Harris said an agreement should be drawn up, and if Mr. Hayes won't sign
it, as he refused to sign the first agreement, there wasn't anything that could`change
that, but he thought the effort should be made. Mr. Schaul said he thought Mr.
Hayes would be fighting for another access, because he had seen him sitting at the
tracks for an hour waiting for the train io move.
Mr. Harris said that Mr. Hayes has his junk yard spread a11 over, and a 1ot ,
of it was on other people's property and in the street right of way. Mr. Boardman
said that Steve Olson, the Environmental Officer .for the City, had been working with
Mr. Hayes, and he has been pulling a lot of the junk back onto his own property.
Mr. Meissner said that Machining, Inc. could give Mr. Hayes permission to use
this�access unilaterally, but retain a11 rights for themselves, in an agreement.
Mr. Meissner said that another question he had on this vacation involved a lot
of people in this block, and without their written consent, he wou7dn't be in
favor of vacating any more than just �he alley that was owned by the pet�tioner.
Mr. Schaul said that was all he had requested. Mr. Meissner said he knew it was �he
practice of the City to vacate the entire alley, but he would still want written
consent from the rest of the block, even though-they had been notified of this
request. Mr. Schaul said they only needed to vacaie the a11ey between Lots 10-17,
and Lots 32-37, for the construction of their addition.
Mr. Harris said that before he could go along with vacating the entire alley,.
he would like to see some signatures of the affected praperty owners, that they were
in agreement to the vacation.
� Mr. Boardman asked what the Planning Commission would do..if a11 the signatures
I' of the other property owners weren't obtained. Mr. Harris said then we would just
vacate that portion of the alley that the petitioner requested. Mr. Boardman said
that the administration felt it would be better ta vacate the entire alley from
1 Ashton Avenue to the railroad tracks, and that all those property owners had been
notified of this request and had been asked to attend �this meeting.
� Plann�ing C�nunission Meetinq - May 21, 1975 Page 5 '� 1 D
Mr. f�arris said he agreed that i:he entire alley should be vacated, but he sti11
' wouldn`t vote to vacate the alley without signatures of property owners in this
block. Mr. Qoardman said tha�; Tri-Co Quilders had called the.office and said they
had na objection to this vaca�ion. They own same property on this block.
. �
Mr. Meissner said tha� as a member of the Plats & Subs. Subcommittee, it had
always been their policy ta vacate as many stub streets and undeveloped alleys as
they could to get this property back on the tax rolls, not that these vacations
added that much to trie 1;ax rolls, bui there tvas really no reason for the City to
keep this property either.� Ne said that when something was vacated, he still liked
to have the property oa�ners present to say that they will accept the property. Ne
continued that 99 times out of 100, no one did object, but he wou1d still like to
know that the proper.ty owners agreed to the vacation.
, MDTION by Meissner, seconded by Drigans, that the Planning Commission recorrmtend
to Counczl approval of the request �or a vacation, SAV #75-03, by h?achining, Inc.,
to vacate the a.Z1ey in Block 5, Spring Brook Park Addition, that lies between Ashtori
�lvenve and the r_.:i?road tracks, to allow the construction of an addition that wi11
' join two existing buildings at 140 Liberty 5treet N.E., with the following stipu-
, 1. Retain the Z2 foot utility easement in the vacated �1.�ey•
2. City a11ow the encroacl�ment of the build.zng into the easement.
3. Petitioner get written permission from the utilit� companies, and follow
their stipulations for this encroacrunent.
4. That consent be o�tained in some farm, from al1 the other affected property
owners along this a11ey, or failin g that, that the a1.Zey just be vacated
between Lots 10-17 and 32-38, B1ock 5, Spring Broolt Park Addition, which
are owned by the petitioner. '
Mr. Harris asked if the agreement that Mr. Schaul should work out �
�� with P�r. Hayes on an access should be a stipulation? Mr. Meissner said he didn't
want to tie:ihis in with the vacation request. He said that Mr. Schaul did not
intend to shut r�r. Hayes off froin an access, but he didn't want to give any of his
� property a��ray either. Mr. Narris said that even if this was not going to be a
stipulation of the vacation, he thought this a_greement was something Mr. Schaul should
pursue. '
�i '
UPON A VOICE VOTE, a11 voting aye', the zrrotion carried unanimously.
Mr. fiarris said he thought that it should be brought to the Council's attention
that there were platted streets and alleys across the railroad tracks. This was an
ald plat, and none of the streets and alleys were in. He said this was a problem
area in Fridley, and a solution of some type should be sought.
� Mr. Boardman said he would give the Planning Commission a little history on the
bikeway proposal. E�e said that when we were working on the Parks and Recreation
Comprehensive Plan, we had suggested that a bikeway system be developed for the City
'- of Fridley. In late August, ,the City Council wanted to look at that a little further,
_ so they set up a Citizen Qikeway Committee to make a study and prepare a report. He
said he had been meeting with this,Gommittee ever since September, sometimes four
March 21, 1961
TO t•71i0M IT PiAY CONC�P.N :
This sha11 be a statement concerning a drive-way, right-of-way
for Mr . John Iiayes on i•1r . Bernard R. Julkawski's land . Borh
parties sha. i. si�;n this docwnent acceptin? the fact that
Mr. Jol�n Hayes shal.l have a minimum of 2� feet along the
northeast bard.er of PSr. Jullcowslci's land for access to �he
present crossir.g over the railro?d tracics kThich lead to the
property on the east side of the tracl:s.
In order to do this, 2�1r. Bernard R. Julkowski sha11 move his
proposed buildi�ig another 1.0 �eet south, �al:ing a total af 45
feet set-back and 2 feet west, leaving a one foat side-yard on
the west side of Iiis prcperty. This sha11 leave appro�>inately
24 feet bet�:een said building and the northeast lot border.
This right-of-�vay sha11 be in effect until such time as Liberty
Street shall be con�inued straight acr_oss the railroad tracks
wh.icl� would then give I�1r: Hayes a.ccess directly off his property
onto Liberty Street. AL- that time, the right-of-way in question
on rsr. Julkowslci`s property sha11 cease to exist.
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No�ice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of
t�ie City Council of the City of Fridley, irl the City Hall at 6431
U,�iversity Avenue Northeast on Monday, June 9, 1975 in the Council
Chamber at 7:30 P,M. for the purpose of:
Consideration of a vacation request, SAU tt75-01,
Nor�h Suburban Nospital Cistricfi, to vacate a11
that part of 76th Avenue fV.E. located in Qsborne
Manar Second Addition, lying East of the East
line of 5th Street N.E., to be used for parking
and planning purpases, lying in the North Half
of Section 11, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley,
County of Anoka, Minnesota.
Generally located Narth and West of Unity
Anyone desiring to be heard with referenc� to the above matter
may be heard at this meeting. .
Publish: May 21, 1975
P�1ay 28, 1975
�'lannii�g Cammission Mcetinc�______Aj?ri1 23, 1975_ ' Paqe 13
- � � � . 2R
Mr. i3��ri;halder sai� that in the c4iscussion at the last; me�ting, Mr: Clark
stated t;ha� ��1r•. Stepf�ens could use the lot to tfie'north for eniployee and cus�;omer
parki ng ��,�i t;hrnt� obtai ni r7c� a Speci al ilse {'erm�i t, because thi s was a►� a11 o��ed use i r�
a C-2S zane. P�r. Harris said he could r�ot store or sell new or usecl cars on this lot
without anothcr �pplical;�ic�n for a Special Us� F'ern�it for trti�is lo�. P�ir. I-larris saicl
he didn't krio��r l;he askin; E�r;ce foi� l_ot�2, bc�� I�e vdould 1:h�inl< it would be a li.ttle �:oo
expensive to use it for an employce and cus�tomer parl%ing lot. It would be a i��a�ter of
economic�. P�r. [3urkholder said if h� went strictly by the code though, Mr. StephGns
cou1d lea,e this proper�;y for that use. Mr. Ha��r��s said it would have to go to
Bui l di ng Standards and ul tirnately to the Cou��ci l if !ie �vas gc�ing to use the norl;h l ot
as a parkiny lot as stateci.
I�ir. Bu��l:holder asi:ed if there �-lould be no�L�ification of this reqaest. Mr. Clar(%
said that if it dicin't req«ire a Special Use °ermi�t or rezoning there woul'dn't be
any notificai�ion.
Mr. ir1ei ssner asi<ed �i f thi s �-rou1 dn' t be regarded as an expansi on of an exi sti ng
business and be rcqu�ired �;o have a Special Use Permit? f�ir. Clark said he couldn'�c:
ansa�er that. He sa�id that I�e didn'i kna�� if �it woi�ld be enforceable, but i� you
want to add a stipulation that this business couldn't be expanded vdi�;hout additional
Public liearings so 1;hat at least the City Council ��lould be ar�are of it, and if �.hey
wanted to p�!t it in the agreement �rlith h1i°e S�tephens, that would be their decision.
h10TION by 1�leissner, seconded by Lindblad, to �mend the motion w.zth the follovring
additional stipulation:
14. To require that add_ition��l PuL.2ic. Fiearir<ys be held should any attempt be
made to expand i-1�i.s bvsiness by the purcl�ase of additiona.l property o.r in
sorne other manz�e.r.
UPON a voice vot� 0�1 ihe amendmeni: to t1�e motzoi�, Me_zssner_, Drigans, Lindblad,
voting aye, Haz�r_ is abstal.ninq, t11e motien carried.
Upon a voicc vot� oi� t1�e motion, rlcissl�er, Driyans, LindbZad, vaiing aye, Chairman
I3arris abstaizling, t1�e mot.i.on carried.
P1ary P��art�i n s ai d s h� vai shed to coi7�mend �the P� d11T1111 j CO(iliti.i ssi on on the very
op�n t-ray this Publ ic 1�car��ing had been corduc�:�ca, and tha�t everyone �vas y�iven the
opportur,ity to speak. f�ir. Qurkholcier said he ��ou1d secand ti�at.
Chairmatl� Iiarris thanf:ed then� on behalf o� the Plar�ning Co�nmission for their
kind words. �
' l�o vacai.e al 1 tfldt �J�iT'�; of 76tfi l�venue f�. L. 1 ocated in Osi�orne l�lanor ?_nd /lddi ti�n,
lying East of the East line of 5'ch Strcet f�;:E., to be used for parking and planning
purposes. . �
t�fr. Carl Gabriel of 401 7Gth Avenue N.E. was present.
Mr. Clark said that 76th Avei�ue east of 5th street was presently unzmproved. The
North Suburb�n �lospital Dist�°ict o��ns all the pro��cri:y north ar;d south of this sLrce�t
excepl: the corner lot at5i;f� strect, and 76th Avc�nue. At ou►� last tneetin� it was brought
to our ai:ti�ntion tf�at althaugh Lh�s vras not a i'ublic Hearing, the Planning Comnriss�on
fel�; tha�. notif.icatioi� should be macfe to that particular� ot���er, and P1r. Gabriel was
' �P1 a�in i ric� Comrni �s i an Mcc�ti nc� �11�?ri 1 23 , 1975 . � Page 1�� 2 B
' '
preseni: so perha��s i1e wot�ld llave some con�ments to make both pro and con on this
vacatioi� r�c�uesi:. .
Mr. Clark sa�d 1;hal if this strect was vacat�d, it would go back to tl�e present
proper�:y o��,+i�ers as this si:reet ����s a11 dedicated froi» Osl�cirr�e Mai�or 2nd r�ddition, so
ii; tvould all revert to �:he north. kie said tl�r� Ci ty ��ould want ia rei;ain all or uart
of tf�e s�;reet; right of ��r<�y for a ��aa�;�ti� and set-�er m��zi;i i:hat goes down about the center
line of this unirn��roved strect, f�r utili�y pui°pos�s.
i�1r. Clar°fc said there �,�rere a. couple of otf�er questions that the Planning Con�mission
had and one of them ��ras on �;he 7 year 1 ease for the park propc�rty. He sai d thi s ���as
di scuss�d bc�t4�,�en �he f�ospi t;al Goard and the Ci t,y Counci 1, and bot�a parti es had s igned
the agreement, so this I�ad �o be agreeable to both parties.
He sai d�he o�•lnershi p af the smal l Ou�;?ot n��xt to 'the park property ti��as o►�e ,year
at�,ay fro!� going tax ��ori=ei�t. f�e said the assessor's office had �een noti � ied that
they i�aanted 1;o k� �l�J tivhen tl�-i � happened so �;he Ci ty t�,�eui d have a chance to acqu� re i t.
�1r. harris asked P�1r. Gabriel ii� he had any con;ments. h�r. Gabt�iel asked ��hat
the additional 50 fee�L th.,zL would be ac+ded t� his present �lot wa�ld do to his taxes?
Mr. ClarE: said he coulc+z�'L reall,y ans!�,�er that question, but he thought the asscssing
d��arti»ent based IIIOSt oi the value on the strucrure on a prcperty, and this woul�!
sti 11 be COi151 der-r.d aS 0l1� hUl � C�1 i1 j si te. He sai d that vdhether a 1 ot G-;as 80 foo i:,
£35 foot, oi� 9G foct, you titi�oul dn'•t se� a grea�L dea�r oi di fference i n taxes i f th�
value of the s�truci;ure ra�s i:he sa.r��e, b.ut I�e didn't knovJ what an additior�al 50 feet
t�aould ao to the V��ll2, Fie said th�s ��!ould have to be answered by the City Assessor.
Mr. Clark sa-id tf�ere �•,�ould be some restrictions on this 50 feet, and that obvicusly
you could not b«ild a permanent st;rur..ture on this 50 feet because of the utility
easem`r�t that ��,ould have to be r�:tain��d. Ne said ±}�at aside -From the yearly tax,
if im�rouem�r�ts ��,ere macie to 5ttii S�creet, ���h�icf} ��ras assessed by �;f�+e fror�t footaqe
of a proper±y, ti�a� �°,o«ld bc ��,�nen you �-iould appr�ecial:e �;he biggest inc��ea�e in his
taxes. He sizid that aii;er 7bth Aven�!e ��;�as vacat�d, and �:��e City decided to put a
curb across tl��is 50 fee�t, v.ho wou1d stand the cost of that? He ;said he thought the
Counci 1 shoul d ansv,ler th�i s questio�� so that rV1r. Gabri el icne��J whether or not h� was
going to be burdened 4�ait{� this assessti�ent or whe-thcr he a.�as no�t going to be burdened.
Mr. Gal�ri el as ked l��haf, the C�i ty ��as goi ng to do wi th 7Gth Avenue?
Mr. C1 ark sai d t;t�at i f i t�,�as ��acafied, �;he, Ci ty woul d no 1 onger have juri sdi cti on
over it.
Mc°. Gabriel asl:ed �vho �,vo�ld o:��m tf�is p�rop�rty? Mr. Clar k� said� tliat Mr. Gabriel
woul d o��rn t:f�� 50 i cet adj acent to hi s 1 ot, and �the b�.l ance wou � d be o��rned by the
Nospital Disti�ict. hir. Gal�riel asl:ed if tf�ere would ever be a cul-de-sac ther�.
Mr. Clark said that one of the siipulai;ions ��Jhen the Hospital Board wanted ta put
in the i��edical building ti��as that 76t1� Ave«ue i�ever be used ior an access to this
p��operty, so the hospital wouldn't be putting a road in.
h1r. Clark said the liospital Qoard has no plans fcr this property no��v. They di�
make t.he statc�r�ent thai: the medical fiield w�s changing so i�ast, they didi�'t •kn�w what
ti�eir needs would be in Lhe fut��re.
Mr. G�briel asked i.h��t if ti�e Hospital (�oard put a parking lo� in �:his area,
how close �voulc( it coi�;e to f�is ��ro��erty? P�1r. Cla�r°k said i:►�ey had to be 100 feet
away from 5t1� Street. This was as close as �hey co�ld com� with the stipulatic�ns
,,.,.., .
1'1anr,in Com�nission Mcctin -�ril 23�, 1975 � � Page 15
that w��re put on.the S�_]ecial Use Permit for the medical building. They would
have i;a stay 20 fect fr•o�n the soui;h 1 ine of 7Gth /.lvenue and 150 fee� east of �;he
east line of 5th Strect. Mr. Clark sa�id that if the Ifospital t3oard did decidc to
make this area into a ��arking lot, they could go o►� the north side of 76th Avenue
also. Mr. Cabriel �aid the 150 foot res(:ricti�n could still bring the parking
lot r�ight up �;o f�is properiy linc.
Mr. Gabrie1.asked ivhat choice he h�d in accepiing this 50 feet. P�r. Clark
sa.id the 50 fc�et �vould be ��1r. Gabriel's to control. He said th� Flospital Qoard
may be interesteci in buyir�g it, or you cou1d deed it to ti�cm if you so desired.
I�Ir. Gabriel sa�id he couldn't understand �•�hy this property should com� to him. f�lr.
Clark said �Lf�i� vras because the property was originally dedicated from Osborne
hlanor ?_nd Addi.tion, so the property had to go bacl: to i:hat plat.
��1r. Drigans asl;ed P��i°. Clark if you didn't have io have an agreement from all
' adjacent property oti-dners before you could vacate a stree�t? Mr. Clark said this
was not a coc�e rCqUll�einenL, but �in praci,ice ��de ��rould like to have �greem�nt. i�;r.
D�°igans said that i t seems tl�at in this instan�� that thcre a�dere L�NO parties invoJved,
' and one �,�ants i.he vacation and �:f�e other docsn't. f�fr. Clark said that ��tas the purpose
of the Public Heariny before the Ci�ty Council so tha�; everyone who vras affected by
a vacation tequest could b� heard. �
� Mr. Gabriel said his ma.in concern now ��Jas the additior�a1 taxes and that this
street �•�as undeveloped and had a loi; oi blc��m do��,m �;rees on it. He said there hadn't
beer► a clea�� up of this 4�roperty fo�� qui�;e a ti�rh�ile. Mr. I�arris asked l��r. Gabriel
' if he useci ar�y rart of 76th Avenue for,access to his properi�y. Mr. Gabriel said
his house fa.ced ?6th Avenue but his garage faced �th Street sa he had access from
5th Street. Fie said he vrould be in ��avor bf having this area cleaned up and soclGed.
• Mr. I-{a�°t�is asked t�1r. C1arF: if there was any reason l��hy �:he City was maintaining
the se4ver and Gaa�;er service on 7Gth Avcnue. 1�9r. Glark said it did service the I�ospital
and the {11C'.CI1Cc� oi�fice building. Pir. Harris said tha� as long as they ��ere in use,
they i�aul d have to retai n an easemcnt for th�i s u �i 1 i ti es .
Mr. P��eissner said the�� had a 1ot of these same questions on�the Plats & Subdivisions
Streets -& Uti 1 i ti es Subcomrni ttee 4�rher�e they had vacated qui te a fe�-r streets . He
said that gei�erally taa:es, per se, ��ere nat radically affec�;ed, because as Mr. Clark
stated, rnos�; of the value for the property �vas placed on t{�e si;ructure. He said any
street imprave�,�ents or storin sevae�� assessi��ents tf�at are based on froi�t �oo�;aye of the
property wus i-df�ere the impact of highei� taxes 1•�ould came in. i-le said that �1r. Gab��iel
would have to di scuss tf7i s 4•Ji th tf�e C�i ty llssessor. He .sai d the land �voul d not be
fixed up or improved in any ���ay by ti�e City when it was handed back to tt�e properi:y
ot�ener. t�lhen tfle land avas given back after tl�e street G�as vacated, it then becomes
the property o���ners 1 and �:o cl ean up and devel op, or ��rhatever they desi re to do.
As for� �:hc� poteiitial curb across 76�h Avenue, the Planning Commission could stipulate
that the City pic{: up this cost, if they so desire. I-Ie said Mr. Gabriel's option was
to spl i t off ti�at 50 feet and sel 1 i t �:o the I�lo�pi tal Di stri ct, or deed i t to �I�em, i f
tha�t was thc� way to get rid of it. h1r. Clark said he didn't think he tvould have to
get a lot split. He though� if Mr. Gabriel jus�; called �:he Nospita7 [3oard and discussed
this with John Haines after he had made up his mind what he wanted to do with th�
Gacated strect, and the liospital Qoard might be interested in acceptinc� this as part
of their property. Mr. Clark said thc comment made by Mr. f�1eissner thai; the City might
be t,tilling l;o pick up th^ cost for- extendinc� the curbin� on 5�;h Street, he didn't kno��
if �;he City would want to absorb this cost. He said the fiosp�it?1 �oard was in the
process of puttir�g in a new parking lot and curbs, and they might be willing i:o �dd
this curb to tl�eir construction in considera�;ion of the vacation request.
. . _�`�"
1��rlinq Commission Mectinc� - A�ril ?_3_, 1975� Pac�e 1G_ � 2 D
Mr. Harris asked Mr. Gabriel if he was in favor of the vacation or opposed to
ii;. Mr. Gabriel said he ti�rasn'1; opposed, but he would li{:e to check on the i:ax
situation. ,
M►�. Dric�ans said he coula deed this to tile Hospi�l:al fioard and avoid a�;ax
increase. �
Mr. Gabri el sa�i d he �-rou1 d 1 i ke to see somethi ng dane i f t}�i s stre�t was
�' vacateci. Ne saici �it v�as just a pile of sand. ��9r: Clar4� said he didn't think it
�r�oul d be out of l i nc� to make i t a s Li ����1 ati on for i;he Flospi tal [3oard i:o add top
soil and seed this arca. He said �:hat if h9r. Gabriel kept the 50 feet, this vrould
' apply to him also. I-le said that i f��fr. GaUriel sold this �roper�:y to �;h� fiospital
Qoard or deeded it to thern, he co�ald stipu1ate i.ha�; they put top soil and seed all
of vaca�;ed 76th Avenue.
t J
Mr. C1ark said that h1r. �abri�l should check 4�,�ith';the City tax assessor bet����en
this me�ti��g and the Public Hearing by the City Council, so he could com� to some
decisioe� bef�ore that time.
MOTIOIV b� Meissr�er, seconded by Lindblad, i.hat the PZanning Commiss.i_on recom���nd
to Council approval of tf�c request f_or a vacat_ion, SAV #l75-O.Z, by North Suburban
Hospital District, to vacate a11 that pa.rt of 76th Avenue N.E. located in Osboz'ne
Manor 2nd Ilddition, lyiny E��st oi-' the East line of 5t11 Street N.�. to be used for
parking and planning purposes witli the fo11oT�.�ing stipulations:
1. The North Suburban Ilosp.i_tal Distric� bear the cost of the completion of
the curb along5tt2 Si�reet N.E. �
2. The vac�f:ecl.rc�aciway be improved with top soil and seeded to provide ground
� cover. •
' �P�r. Clark sa;d tf�at retaininy ofi :.l�e u�ility easem�«t shoulct have been incl��ded
as a st�ipulation.
MOTIOl1 by Meissner, secondc�d b�l i)rigans, to amend the mof.ion w_ith the additiona.Z
� sti.pc��Z�t�on that ihe Ci.ty retain a n2ti.l.i_tyeasem�llt on t11e entire street right af way.
Up077 a. vo.ice votc, the amendmeni to t1�e motion carried unanimousl.�. '
i '
UPON A VOICT' VOTF., a11 vvting ayc�, the motivn carried unanirnously.
4. CON7II�UED: RE�UEST f=0i: A L�T SPLIT, L.S. #71-D�s QY CLIFFORD J. 1"HOE: To split
off the Idestcrly 70 f��t of the Sotitnerly 123 feet ofi Lot 1�3, Qlack 2, Cei�trai
'Vie.�� P�ano��, exc�pt that purt takEn for i�oadway purposes, to spli�: the residence
from i;he service station property, the same being 7420 Central Avenue N.E.
Mr. Clifford Thoe and P1r. Charles Jordon were presen�.
Mr. Clark said th��s was discussed bacl: in 1971 an�t 1972. He said there had
been discussion o� this �y our City Attorney, Plats & Subs., and tf�e Planning
C011111115S1Ot1, about if this lot �•Jas split off, Gvhat the disposition 4��ouid be of the
p��operty i f i t �vere ever sol d. F1t that time, i:he Pl anni ng .Commi ss i on wi shed to have
a sti pul a ti o�� p1 aced c�n tt�e 1 ot spl i t that �he 1 ot coul d never be sol d to anyune
exce��t i;he owner of thc co����nerciai property fro��� t,.hich this lo± split was being taken.
At that time, Mr. �ihoe felt he coiild ►iot :`>>de by this stipu'at�ion because it wo;�ld
only give hin� o.ne buyer for the E>>°oper�ty� �:d if the, service station owner only
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Notice is hereby given that there wi11 be a Public Hearing of
the City Council of the City of Frid�ey, in the City Hall at 6431
Universit� Avenue Northeast on June 9, 1975 in the Council Chamber
at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: �
Cc�sideration of a. rezoning re�.��est, ZOA #75-Q2,
by Wyman Smith, attorney for Richard Povlitzki and
the Fridley Frontier Club, Inc., to rezone from C-1
(1oca1 business areas) to C-2 (general business
area), Lot 1, Block 1, ldalnut Addition, all lying
in the North Half of Section 12, T-30, R-24, City
of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota
The purpose being to bring the existing use of the
property into a uses permitted category of the Cit,y's
Zonirg Cod�.
Generally located at 7365 Cen�tral Avenue N.E.
Anyone desiring to be heard wi�h reference to the above matter
may be heard at �his meeting.
Publ i sh : May 21 , 1975
May 28, 1975
� . � � 3A
� , nlanninq Commis�ion_ Meetinc� -(Ipril 9, 1975 � Page 3�
' �
RICfIA_RD POULTT7_f;1 AND TfIE f�RIDLEY FROidTICfZ CLU[i: To rezone from C-1 (local
busincss areas} tc C-2 �qeneral busiiiess areasj, Lot 1, alock l, Walnut Addition,
to bring the existing u�e of the propertY into a uses permittcd category of the
Gity Zoning Code, the same being 73G5 Central Avenue N.E.
Mr. Mark 4iaggerty, Attorney, explained that he was replacing Wyman Snlii:h at
this mee�;ing as Mr. Smith was i11.
h10TION by Dr.igans, s�condc� b� LindbZad, that tlle Planning Commission open
the Public Hearing on the rezoning reqvest, ZOA r'�75-02, by Wyman �mith, Attorney
for P.ichard Povlitzfi-z and tlle I'ridley I'rontier C1uJ�. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting
a�e, C?�airman Ifarr_is declared tl�e Public Iicaring op�n at 8:22 P.M.
Mr. Darrel clark said that this rezonir.g request was from one commercial zoning
district into anothcr commercial zoning district. The reason for this request t�ras
because �;he commercial area in vrhich this business 4�Jas now zoned does not ailo��-a bars
and tavern. If any one was ���ondering G�rhy thir business ���as already there, it v�as
because ifi was there before the zoning ordinance 4�ras adopied by the Cit;y of Fridley,
therefore, it was a legal nor-conforming use. It can remain so as long as it �flas
not expanded in size,and runs continuous as the sa►}�e use. Mr. Clark said tha� in
order to clarify this, he ti�rould read some of the uses permitted in a C-1 and C-1�
District and a C-2, C-2S Qistrict.
Ne said first he ���ould list what could be in a C-1 and C-1S District ti��hich
are local business a•reas. It allo��vs such things as: 1) Reta�il stores and shops
and srnall service Uusinesses sucli as: ar-� shops, professional studios, clothing,
drug, grocery, frui �, meai, vetetable, confectianary, hardt��are, sportir�g goads,
stationery, music, vdriety and natioi� stores, householcf app1iances, fixtur,e and
furt�istiing stores and repair shops in connection there;-�ith; stores and shops for
barbers, beauticians, cabinet makers, electricians, jewelers, ���atchmakers, locksmiths,
pain�ers, plumbers, shoemaE:er.s, tailors, dressmakers, clothes pressers, job printers,
blueprinters, photographers. 2) Bakeries, cafess coni�ectioneries, and ice cream a��d
sofi: dr�i nk, shops , i ncl udi ng t}�e preparati on of food products- for rc �ai l sal e��r�o�i�
their sites anly. 3) Liquor stores seii�ng packaged goods. 4} Radio and television
offices and studios, excluding radio or television transmission to�ti�ers. 5) Theaters,
lodr,es and assernbly faci1ities having a seai:ing capacity of less than 300 perso�s, �
but not including �utdoor �;heaters. 6) Offices, incluciing business and professianal.
7) Sale of farm and garden products. 8) O�her retail stores and shops, offices and
small businesses catering to neighborhood patronage, and sirnilar in character to
those enuinerated above. Mr. Clark said these �dere the permitted uses in a C-1 and
G-iS District.
He said �he pern2�tted uses in a C-2 and C-2S District (��reral business and
shoppinq areas) were business establishments that ��rere retail or service establish-
ments i�hich cfeal directly witf� the customer for �-rhom the goods or services are
furnished and they were: Crug stores, Hardware s�:ores, Department stores, Qakeries,
Qars, taverns, Household equ�ipment repair shops, rlorist shops, Commercial recreation,
Restaurants, excluding "drive-3ns, Hote.ls, rnotels, Theaters, ladges, assembly halls,
auditoriums, Viospitals, clinics, nursing homes, convalescent homes, hon�es for the
elderly, Offices, including business and professional, Vocational trade schools,
Laboratories, medical, dent�l and optical, and harmless and inoffensive laboratories
�1�ccessory �;o permitted uses, in the same building, and other retail or wholesale
sales or servicc uses which are simila� in character i;o those enumerated above,
��i11 not be danqcrous or otherwise detrimental to persons residing or ��►orking i!� th�
Vicinity tl�ereof, or �o tV�e public welfare, and will not imPair the use, enjoyme�t
� � � 3�
Fl anni n� Commi ss i or� _Meet__i_nc� _ Apri 1 9, 1975 Page 4
or value of any properi.y, but nat includinc� any uses excluded'hereinafter.
Mr. Clar�c said that goi�g b�ick to the C--1 and� C-1S District, the uses excluded
are: a) Commercial recreation uses such as amusement parks, bowling a1leys, 5illiard
and pool halls, dance halls ar�d skating rinks. b) Taverns, beer gardens or bars
serving any alcohoiic beverages on tt�e premises. c) Mortuaries. d) Used car lots.
He sa�id uses excluded in C-1, C-1S a.nd C-2 and C-ZS were any use permitted in M-1
a�id M-2 Districts and any use excluded from M-i or M-2 Disiricts.
h1r. Clark said that if the property were rezoned to C-2 it would be a use
conforming to the uses permitted section of the City Cod�.
Mr. Cla►�k �assed out some copies of the history of the site �al<en from legal
records of the City. He said the long legal sheets werecopies taken from records
of Council rninui:es of the year 1957. He said he didn`t ti�ini: they had to be read,
it was just to indicate that ���hat was taken from the records was officially before
�the Council. The minutes are from February 2B, 1957, and they sho�•� that the
Ci ty Ccunci � authori zec! the Ci ty ��i�nager ta tei�:��i nate the lease agreement w ch Bob
Carlson, th� olvne�� of i;he buildinq at 7365 Central Avenue ��.E. for an on-sale operation.
At that same meet;ing, the Council authorized the City ffanager to enter into an�agree-
ment wi th (�ir. r-?acKensi e to rent Ci ty equi pment at the 1 i quor di spensary at 7365
Central l�ven�!e N. E. The equi pment i nvol ved vdas som� on-sal e bar equi pment. t�t the
same meeti�ig the Council approved �°'rc�nses for cigarette, tavern operation, non-
intoxicating malt liquor and cafe operation �;o Mr. Cliff L. MacKenzie. If you are
ti�onderi ng ��fhy thi s 4vas bei ng read i nto the mi nutes , i t was because the Ci ty i eased
a portion of the buildir�g, prior to the Council meeting of February 195?, for both
an on-sa1e and off-sale liquor operation. As of that date, or shorly afterward, it
became a pr�ivate enterpr�ise, as far a� the dispensing of beer, and perhaps set-ups,
altf�ough tl�ie records da not show that they ht�d sLt-ups. The City cont�inued to keep
the off-sale operation until February 15, 1964. As far as what was E:not�rn today as�
the Fridley Frontier Club; from 1957 to 195�, Clifford MacKenzie hcld the beer 1icense
Robert Haskv;tz held i�; in 1959 and G0. It was he�d by the Fridley American Legion
in 196C and 1961. In 19G1 and 19G2, it changed hands t�vice, from Norman Alberice to
Joseph ��1orri s. Hans Har�sen hel d tl�e �eer 1 i cense i n 1962 an�i 19�63 , and i n 1963 to
1965 th` 11 C�IIS� �ti�as hel d by Marl ene Pov1 i tzE:i , and has cont� nued under Povl i tzk i
ownership to the present time.
Mr. Clar4: said tf-�at as far as the parcel involved, the frontage along Central
Avenue was 151 fi�eet and the frontaye along Onondaga was 257 feet maE:ing a total of
38,G75 square feet. Mr. Clark said �he zoning in the surrounding area shows that
diagona�ly across thi street there 4vas an existing trailer park, d�irectly across the
street there ��aas M-1 �oning which G�Jas occupied by a light manufacturing plant and
ice ���anufactur�ing p�ant:. The corner of 73 1/2 and Central has a used aui;o parts store,
and between 73rci a�id 73 1.I2 it 4�ras zoned cominercial and was presently occupied by
a service staLion. Across the street frcm the service station on the south sicle of
13►°d tvas an i��dustrial svarehouse ec� some industrially zoned pro{�erty, M-1. The
southeas�: quadr�.nt of the intersection of 73rd was occupied by Onan. The northeast
�ari of the intersection, he �vould call vacant, although the remains of a basement
are on this property, and belongs to the American Legion. Right between that and the
Frontie�° Club �vas ar. existing heuse that was being occupied as a house. Across �the
street from tl�e Frontier Ciub on Onondaga, there was so�i�e vacant co►��i��ercial pr�perty,
and just rorth of that th�rc was a vacant lot, zoned C-1S. The north side of F�r�side
H�as occu4�ied by 1 v�cant piano s�ore, zoned commercial, and J�or'th of �;hat there
was R-1 property r�7 th si r�gl e fami l y dw�l l i ngs , that have becn bu�i l t i n the l as t ttti�o
or three years. North of the ti�ailer park �here 4JdS industrial zon�d property �;hat was
vacant. From 75th north on the east side of Central, was occupied by single family
. . . Page 5 � �
Planning � N �mission Mceti�� - I1E�r�i1 9, 1975 _
hn-nes. To the east of �he subj�cl: property, there �vas a small sl iver af land t;hat
�ill remain C-1. l�he balanc� of ih� �roper�:y was zoned R-1 and ��as occupied by
sinyle fiamily homes as �ar as Stinson [ilvd. There are two or three apartment
buildings on 73rd ac��oss fr�:�i Onan's, but �.he balance of this property was
basically single family dwellings. He said there was commercial property along
Central /�venue near Osborne Road. N� said the history of the zoning of the property
that t�ras uncier discussion, and the zoning in the entire area, had remained basically
the same since �:r�e year the zoniny ordinance was adopted which was January 195G.
Mr. Clark put on �:he screen a plot plan of the property sha4ti�ing that the parking
was in the front and r�ear of ti�e structure. Ne said ihis area tiNas .all b1acN:topped at
the presen� time, but if -improvements were made to the structure, or the occupancy
��rithin �:he building, �•�e ��:�ould want some greei� area along ihe 151 feet along Central
. Avenue anu the 257 7�eet al ong Or�ondaga, vri �;h par�:i ng to the rear of the bui ldi ng.
' Mr. Marl% Haggerty said hE thought Mr. Clark had given an excellent history of
the properi;y in question. He thought the point that shou1d be most apparent ��las
�tha�t �h-is particular area vras Zoned, and hadn't been changed, since 1956, and sub-
' sequeni to that, �hi s pai�t�i cu1 ar arna had been �sed by the Ci ty of Fri dl ey �.s an on
and of�� sale li�uor establishment, �rhich ��,�as the old muricipal liquor store, so to
speak. It t,�as continued as an off-sale liquor st�re by the City until 1964. �E��er
' since 1950, this particular piece of property has been used ior on sale and off sale
at uarious�;imes, and has been continued as a beer garden or a 3.2 beer establishment,
up to the present time. F{e said that as you are very much aware, we have been
applying �ora liquorlicense since f�ovember of 197�. We have maae repeated applications
' to the Ci ty Coun�i 1 y and i n the �l atter part of Febf~��ur•y or the mi dd�l e of March, 4�ae
were infori»ed for tr�e first time, ai this zoninc� problem. Our firm ��as una�flat�e of
it, Mr. Povlitzk,i «as unatArare of it, ihe City Council was unaware of it, and obviausly
' the, Ci iy Po1 i ce Depar�,ment and �i:he Pl anni r�g Commi ss i on tMere ur;::;�:�,�are of i t. The poi nt
he was tnaking �-�as that if there tuas a problem there, it ti�as c �ng a tremendous
hardshi p on h�i s cl i ent. He sai d t�z �vas of the opi ni �n that �; ;?roperty had been �
' use� as a �iquor establishment for nearly 20 years, even if �. �.� a legal non-
conform-ing use, and tivas specifically excluded f�rom C-1 zoninc zf Mr. Povlitzk�i
ever ��ranted to sell -i;his property, the fact that this ���as in i.t,� G��rong zoning, would
� reduce the val ue af the propert.y, and thi s ��aoul d be a I�ardsf�i p on hi s cl i�nt. He
thought it �Nas absolu�ely imE�erat�ve that th�is property be rezoned. He said they had
aiso made application to the �oa��d �f �lppeals, whether that ��ould make any differ�nce
at this time. He said that what he 4vas requesting at this ii�ne was tf�at the rezaning
, request be approved, s� �7r. Povl i tzh�i can go on wi th hi s requi renients , and conti n��e
improv�i ng the premi ses , and conti nue {ii s a�pl i cati on for a 1 i c�uor 1 i cense. He vras
sure t.Viat the petitioner vaould agree to ai�y requirements necessary to get this rezon-
' ing approved. He said th�t before he went any further, he would like to ask if there
t�vas any one in �he auc�ience who objected to this property being rezoned. There ���as
no response. k�e saici that everyone in �he area had been notified of this request,
� and no one was pr�esei�t to pi�otest tnis zoninc� change. Ne s,aid 1;he unly thing tha�.
was ret>i1y bei�ig changed were the record books.
Mr. Harris said the Planning Commission had received a letter f rom Chester L.
Cole of 13II2 Onondaga Street and he would 1et Mr. Haggerty read the letter before
the Planning Commission received it.
Ir10TION by iindblad, secondecl by nrigans, that the letter from Chester L. Cole,
1382 Ononduga .Strect N.T:'. ve read into th� mi.nutes. Upon a vo.ice vote, a1I voting
aye, Cl�ai.rm�n Flarris rc.ad f�he letter.
Mr. F{arri s sai d ihi s 1 ei;ter �Nas wri tteii to the P�1 anr�i ng Commi ssi on to the
attentio�7 of �1r. Clark. The letter was as follows: With regard to the April 9
. . .�,�-•
� ��
_ .Planninc� Commission Meetin
- l���ril 9, 1975
Pac�e 7
li' He said that v�hen f�r. Pov1�ii;zki caaled the City ancS asked if he coul�i put in pool
tab1es, anu� they inciicateci t;nat ���e could not cio this, it: made us an�icipate a lot
of pr°abl cros. In orc;er to avoi d these proUl ems , i n erder to prevent Mr. Povl i tzk�i
I from havi ng to cal 1 the Ci ty every 'c�in�e he uran �s to rnai;e _some change i n hi s operll;i on,
I' because oi t}�e present zoning, this propert�� should Ue rezoned. He said the anl��
chanoes that ��lould come from this rezoning would be that the building tvould be im�roved.
lde are only rec�uest�ing tha�: the zoning confcrm to the use this buildiny has had fior
I aver 20 ears.
i Y
Mr. Drigans said poo1 tables ��ould not be in violation of this zoning, only
I� ' billiards and pool halls are excluded from this zoning. Mr. Haggerty said he ac7reed,
but ��rf�at he 4•�as discussing ti•dere the technical interpretations that brouyht up d�ifificul-
ti es for f��r. Povl i�tzki . He sai d he ��ras not �sayi ny the P�9r. Povl i tzks ;r�oul d have
problems, or that legally he should have, i�ut this �Nas a possibility, and in order to
II ' avoid this pr,ob1em, as well as future problems, }ie felt this area should be rezon�d.
Mr. Dr�i gans ��i c� tha�L ti�rhat the Pl anning C nmi ssi on had to consi der vras i f i t
was prudent community planning to locate a restaurant estab1isr�ment adjacei�t to a
r°sidential area� an establishment i�hat could have a noon day luncheon that could
feature lingerie shoti�s5 for instance, the probleiT� of �arking for a supper club type
of establish�»ert in a residentill area. He said �;hat the case Mr. Haggerty had
stated t��as that this business had alvJ��ys been there and that it had alarays been a�l �sh-
1 iquor establ i shmer��;. f�1r. Dri gans sai ci he fel t thi s had been a nei ghborf�ood esta
ment as opposed to a more open restaurant estab1ishin�nt. This was the difference that
he could see. r�r.Povlitzki said he had some of the ;est entertainment in the TG�.in
City area, and had a$7,000 band for a nigi�t, and he didn`t think this could be
considered a neighborhood establishnient.
Mt°. Povl i �zk� sai d he bought thi s property as a bar, and i t t�ras a 1 i quor
�estab1ishment bcfore, so who made the error. Fi� asi:e� ii' he made ihe error or did
the C�i ty make the ert,or. '
Mr. Naggerty said V�e th�ught thFre was just unaw�ireness on�the subject of the
proper �oning. He said that P�1r. Driqans had stated that this was bordering a
residential area, and if you look at ti�e z�ning rnap, th� facts; if you ti,rant to
get technical ahout it t,ras tf�ai; this prop�rty was completely surrounded by a
cammercial and industrial area, except for tne property to the eas�:. H� said he
knew that in other areas of Frid1ey there were restaura��t areas that border� residei�tial
areas. He said a case in 4�oint wcu�d b� Mr. St,eak and the other food esi;ablishn�ents
in that same area that bor�der on residential propertyo� He didn't think the change
Mr. Drigans was envisioning was going ta be that m�ich of a change. As far as the
number of people wi�o would be frequenting this�operation, P9r.Povlitzke has already
mentioned that he wanted �:o have larger ta!�les, �and he ���anted to �ring in pool tables
or other means of entertainment. This 4�ould reduce the n«mber of people who would
be coming into this establishment. If the Planni���g Commission was worr�ed about the
traffic �nd parking problem, he said the�� were wi1liny �o ne�otiate or attempt to
urchase more property in the general vicinity. Ile said he apprecial;ed the cnncerns
�he Planning Con�missio'r�� might have, but he r�idn't �think there should be sa much
concern that it si�ould prevent; the�n from recommer�dir►g approval of this request for
Mr. Drigans said he had anot.her concern with this type of establishment being
next to a residential area, and tl�at �vas the police proble��. He wondered what type of
probl em we have wi th Lhi s �stabl i�1�ment, not th�i ��e di di�' �; have probl e�»s ��i th a l 1
such establisf�ments, �+nd he w�uld like to know i:he history of this o�eration.
' '
Page 8
"'�annin�Com���ission h1eet�ing - l�pr�l 9, 1975 �
_____-- --�------- --
Mr. Naggerty said it was the same as any establishment of this type. Th�re
were a nur,�ber of tin�es tt�at the �ol ice have had to be called in when some one was
disorderly or had become intoxicated. He said I-�is client had been instructed that
any time there was any problem that he should call tf�e p�lice. This was whai; he
had done, and the pol�ce have come. He said that he had called the police as a
sort of protective policing, in that they are called before a situation got out of
control. He said he ti�oucli�: the y�olice had don� a fine job for the Frontier Club
he felt tha� any such establishmei�t would have a record of call�ing the police, at
least a few times.
Mr. Povlit;zkl said he felt that Sandee's was in a more residential area than
the F►°ontier Club, and they have a liquor license. '
Mr. f�aggerty sai d that Mr. ['�vl i tzki wants to improve hi s establ i shment. He vJants
to mal:e it more enjoyable for his patrons, in�provL the exterior, impro�ie the parking
area, and f�1r. Clark has rnentioned that they ��rant a green area with lar,dscaping. He
said they ��ranted �:o work with the City to irnprove the area. ;
Mr. Povlitzki said that in an establishment such as his tNhere you sell set-ups, ;
you do not have much centrol. So�ne one can bi�y a bottle of beer and drink a qurirt �
of liquor ��r�ith it, Gvhi�ch ��tas uncontroTlable. He said you ���ould have much more cont��ol
when you sell �:he liq<<or. He said there vaas quite a diF�zrence in the clientele of
a beer estaulishment and a liquor establishment.
Mr. Langenfeld said that in the Council minutes of January 13, 1975, Mr.,Po��litzk�.
was asked��,�hat he fe1 t the ai��ount of the investmant vdoul d be and Mr. Povl i tzice had
answered that it v,�ould be about �50,000. He ��fas then asked i�f ��hEn this was done,
would th�is cnd up to be a night club, and Mr. Foviitzki nad ans��rered yes, it ��rould be
like the Shore���ood Lounge. Mr. Langenfeld said that in regard to that statem�nt,
if P1r. Pavlitzke �,ras going to�have food, dancing, en�;ertainment, pool tables, etc.,
ii was hard to visualize that there would be thzt much area to }�ave all these things.
He �vould lif:e to have C�1r. Haggerty give input on i;hat basis. Mr. Haggert�! sa.id he
woul d a�k Vii s cl i et�t to el abara �� �7�ore on ��aha.t he 4�ras proposing< Mr. Povl i.tzki sai d he
used Shor�t-voad Lou��ge as an example of t�here they have food, entertainment and liquor.
He said he didn't meln he was going to have individual rooms like Shore�NOOd had. It
could be all in one room. Darrel Clarl< sa�id that what he ihought i�r. Langenfeld was
asking was ti�hat tyl» of imp��ovement they i'ntended to.make on the i,nterior of the
�LI1�CiiIIC�. Ml�. Povl�tzki said there ��;ouldn't be too mar�y, most of it was in the
contents. Mr. Clark said the City had received a floor plan showing the improvements
��fr. Povli�;zki Gvould ��rant to make. It showed that about 7,200 squar� feet of the '�
building would be used for the Frontier Club. M��. Clar4% said a questio�� he wouid
have ��ould Ue how much of the structure would be left ifi t��is f1oor plan was folla�ved.
Mr. Povlil;zki said he thought it would be about 1,000 squar�e feet.
P1r. Harris asked ��Ir. f�aggerty if he thought an error had been make in the zoning
of this property in the iirst place. Mr. liaggerty said the zoning ordinance has
changed over t'►�e years, and he didn't knou� how much they had changed since 1956. Mr.
Clark had a copy of the original zoning ordinance o{= 1956 and said it was basically
the same as the present zoning code, as far as whai ti,�as allowed in tr�e zaning districts.
Mr. H�ggcrty said it seemed paradcxical that; thc City zoned this pro(�erty C-1 which
exclt�des taverns and bars servin�� intoxicatiny 1iquors, and then used this property
for �Lhat use themselve�. tie saici he would have thou�fit the Ci ty would have zored
this C-2, but as Mr. Clark had pointcd out, this property hadr�'t been p1a±ted a'r, the
time of the zoning, so it ���ould t�e easy to n�a�;e a mistake. He said he didn't kno�ra
why this �•aas zoncd this way, and he roulan't maE:e an opinion on whei;her tf�is was a
l __I
Plannii� Comiilission �1ee�ir�� - 11�ri� �, 1975 Page 9 ��
P�r. Harris aske;l i-F P•1r. Ha�gerty then felt that this zoning shouldn't apply to
this property. P�r. Haygerty said he cculd see v��h�treasoningP�r. Harris was following,
and f;hey were �oing to appcar l�efore 1�he C�oa,�d of Appc�a1s cn this questian, but h�
did feel thai; �if this area 4��as rezoned, Mr. PUVlitzk�i could conforn� to that zoning.
Mr. Harris asked P�ir. Hagyerty ���hat additional burden this would put on the
surrounding nei�i�borhooci if i:he Planning Commission recomme��ded that this rezoning
request be approved. �1r. Ilagyer �y sai d ti�at from �hi s i nvesti gati on of the s i tua�;i on ,
that ti�ere 4-�ould not be thai: much of �an additional burden, if any. He asked Mr.
Pov1itzki how many people he could accom;nodate now on an average Frid �Y neohle he1
Povl i tzk•i a�i�!-�ered about 4U0. Mr. I-la�gcrty asked P�ir. Povl i tzici how many p p
coulcf accom���oda�e afier he had made his improvements. Mr. Povlitzke said that it
woul d be abou � 270 peopl e. P1r. Hagqeri:y sai d tha�. ���hen we were tal ki ng about a
reduction of peo�le, we �vere taking ahout a reduction of 1�0 people. He said the
first tf�ing i-.his 4-,�ould do ��rould be to alleviate the traffic problem that P�r. Cole
�had compl�ai necJ aUout. Th i s chanye �,roul d i ncl ude th� upgradi ng of tk�e exteri or of
the building and allow �Lhei�� ta provide landscaning. This would upgrade the property
and ��rould certair�ly not be a burden o,� the surroundina area; in fact, it wo��ld bc a
big improvement. They ��dere also willinq to obtain adaitiorial property fcr Narking.
Mr. Langenfeld said tti�at firom the discussion, h�'had g�tter a pretty good idea
of the overall improvernents �to thiswproperty iY1r, Povl i'c�ki t�,�a5 intending to make. i-�e
asked i 1" I �r. Povl i �zKi. i r�tended to serve food a � the tabl es he �,ras i ntendi ng to pu�t
in his establisl��nent. Mr. Langenfelcl said he didn't want to g�t into a..discussion
of a restauran�, he jus�; ���arted to assemble �:h� infor�;�atio« �'oi use in de�err��ining
t�hether or tiot the zoni ng shoul d be appro��ed. Mr. � Haggerty sai d there woul d be f=ood
served at these t�bles.
Mr. Dric�ans
denied the liquor
ment: h1r. Clark
asked if �the petitioner was den�iecS the rezoninc�, and eventually .
1 i cer�se , coul d kz� 1 egal ly cor;ti nue to operate hi s present establ i sh-
said he could as a legal non-conforming use�
Mr. Clark sa�d he wou1c� take a dif�crent exa.rnple. .If tf�ere had be�� a servic�
station here i;� 19��, and i t 1 ool:ed to the nlanrlers at that time 1 i ke that property
should be zoned R-1, because it lnol<ed ?ike it wa.s going to be a single family district,
even if the surrounding area tvas all vacant at the time, as a lot of Fridley was in
1956, . that service station cou�ci cor7t�inue t� o�erate as long as it rei�?ained a service
station. It cau►d chanc�e ov�nership nun�erous tir��es and stil� remain a service st�tion.
Mr. Drigans said tl�e Zoning Adm�n�strator had indicated, and he wanted to read
this....."the intent of the zoning ordinance is to allo4a non-confQrmirg uses to
cantinut� for a reas�riabie per�Fod o1" �time so as not to invol<e a hardshi� on the
owner of an existing noCl-COIlfOI"lTlll�g use a.t the �ime of tfie zoning restriction was
enacted. flo�veve�, it is aiso th� objective of zoning ordinances to eliminate non-
conforming uses ��ithin a reasonable time. ".......Mr. Dri�ans asked P�1r. Clark if v�hat
he ha� been saS�ir�c� was 1;hat there was no reaso��a.bl� time established? Wasi�'t 14 years
or whatever it ��as, a re�zsanab�e time?
Mr. Clark said he ��asn't the 'Loning Aciminis�;rator, but he could venture a c�uess
as to Gvhy he stated those �;hings. If it were a service station in an island oi� an
it-1 District, it; may jt�sL die for lack af business. If it closed as a s�rvice sta�ion,
ar�d remain�d clos�d for niore i;kian one year, it couid no� be t�peneci �g�tin as a ser,jic^
stai:ion, or �f it ���as destroyed by !nore tf�an 50;' by a fire ersome other "��� o� Gc:d",
sucf� as a tornadc o� w? ��c'; stori,�, etc. , i t co��l d not be ��ebui l t as a servi ce stai;ior;.
The same thin� would apply to the Fron�ier Club. Anytf�ing that was destroyed t�y �;�o}"G
,�...,,, ,
� '
P1 anni n__Cornm�i ssi on Meeti� - llpri 1 9, 1975 Paqe 10 ���
than 50I of its valuc� c�nnot be rebuilt if it v�as a non-conforming use. Therc� was
no speci-Fic time in ycars or montris that a le�a1 non--conforming use can exist.
Mr. Langenfeld said he ���ould like to get back to the hasics of this request,
and it was his �ane�ers�;andiny tha� b��rs, tav^rns, restaurants, etc., are {�err�:�.��ed
uses in a C-2 Disi:rict. }iis queStion to Darr��l Clark tNas just ti��here waud this
esi;ab1ishment fa11 �in i:hese categorics"? f�ir. Clark said it v�ould be r��ore than one
cateyory, it ovould be a combination.
, Mr. Harri s asked h1r. Cl ark ho��t thi s fi t i nto our Gomp►°e{�ensi ve P1 an? Mr. C1 ark
said this seci:ion of the City he vrould presuine, had been loo{:ed at and studied, but
i1: t�ras not one of the pr,oject areas, as such, like f=ridley Park and some other areas,
, vrhere it 4�ras generally felt could be zoned �omet�dhat different in the Comprehensi�ve Plan.
This area vlasn't designated ��or cha��ge at all. He could honestly say that the zon-ii�g
• on this particular piece of proper�:y had been looked at all.
Chairman lfarris asked Mr. Nagyerty if he !-rould like to sum up his reasons on
why this �proper�;y should be rezoned. f�r. Haggeri;y said the primary reason was the
lenyth o� time this property had been used as one of the uses that ���as excl:�ded
from C-1 zoning, :,e invest�;�ent that h1��. Povl itzl:i had �ut into the premises, the
misconception that t4�e City or Fridley, the Zo«it�� Adn�ir�istrator, the Police, and
everyone has had as to �-al�at zoi�ing tr�is pawt�icular piece af property had. He didn't
think i�ir. Povli �zk:� should be penalized at t1�is late da�te. H� also t�iouah�tvre should
look back to the time v�1�en i;his par�icu�ar �iecE of property ;�as originally zoned in
195� v�hen the City of Fridley was operating an on and off sale liquor establisrment.
He also i'elt that this request shouldn't be d�nied ��ahen nobody has made any complaints
on this request at �this mee�;ing v�ith the exceptian of the le�tter from M1�. Cole, ar�d
he thought that problem co��ld be alleviated, becau�e we ���ill reduce the number of
pa-���ons that 4��e can R�andle at one time. If vde ge�l-. the rezoning and are able to yet
a 1 iquar 1 ice«se, ��de are going io t�educ e the max�i�r�um nural�er� oi� patro��s i=rom 4�0 to
270. We �4ould upgrad� the interior, upgra�e �;f�e exterior, vae would upgrade the .
landscaping, and if neecf be, we would obtain more prop�r�y for par4:ir�g, so as to
alleviate t:t�at probl�m. Fle said he f�ad summarizeci quic!:ly, and there may be other
reasons, bu� jus�: on L}lese reasons �:�oi��e i�e thouc�l��t they should be allo�ved to go
ahead with their plans and the only ;4��ay that could �� �ccon��p,lished was for thP Planning
Commissios� �:o�recommend approval or the rezoring request.
Mr. Langenfeld sa�d he ap��reciated the feelinc�s of'i:.he adjacent neighbors,
also the feelings of Mr. Povli�xki, but he fe�lt a final decision should be made
� o►� u}�dating tfie zoning. His personal op-inio,� vaas th�t this proper�y shauld to
to C-2, '
�1r. Drigans said that this matter had been before the Co«ncil for many months,
but this t•�as i�ew l;�. the Planninci Co,��mission.. ��e said his concern tNas for prudent
zoning of an establishmei�t that t��as this close ta re,idential pro;�erty. This 4vould
not be a neigf�bor��ood beer jcint, ��rhe��e feilows ru�n down tf�e bl�ck and hav� a beer,
but this was going to be a much t�i�ger enter�rise, and he fiad some reservations at this
tii��e that he 4�aauld iike to co+}te��tiplate on, a«d he was rtiot ready to act at this time.
Mr. t�angenfeld saici that on the basis of Mr. Hagge��t��'s sta�ement, it would seem
to hinz i:hat other than the actual physical changes and maybe the addition to the
contents, the general nature of ihe bus�ness was not goiny to change from what; it 4vas
already, and thereby it iust �ti�asn't c�oing to be differeni;, and as Mr. Naggerty said,
the actual amount of people coming to this establishment would be less. 41hat it �vas
ric�ht no�v, und ��r��at it �dil�l be, as �ar as the nature of the operatior�,other than
perhaps the servirl� ef l�iquo���, tiviil be tttie sa���e, and ihis can continue to exist as it
. . . . ..
' Pl�anninc� Commissian ?�1�et�^inc�=-_111ri1� �, 1975 ____ � __ Pa�c 11
� � �� � � � I
• was, any�-ray.
' t�ir. 1_indblad said th�t any ct�ange ���ould be for the uetter in his opinion,
because of lcss traffi� and the impr�veme��t: of the bui1dinc,+.
' Mr. lfarris asked Mr. Clark to shot-J the plot r�lan ayain. H� asked how n�any
parkiny stalls ���ere provided on this plan? Mr. G1ark sa�id he kne4�� they had been
counted, and no� t�y him, ar�d he would f�ave to coun� them physically now, but when
they v�ere coun Led be-�ore thi s went to the Ci ty Counci �I , i t Uras determi ned thai; i f
' the Ci ty Counci 1 i��ere �;o i ssue a 1 iquor 1 icense, #:hey t��ould have to reduce the numUer
of sea �;s on :rhat they �,,�ere po�opos i ng oi� thi s pl an by 10, 15 , or Z0. Th� parki ng rat-: o
was 1 parking stal�i ior each 3 seats in a place tl,,at has a liquor license, and fos�
' ��1r. Povl i tzE:e to meet tha�; requi remei�t, he ti�roul d have to acqu i re more 1 and for
par�:ing or reduc� his proposed seatir�g capacity.
, Mr. Narris asked if the red line an 1:he plo� plan was the pi�operty line? Mr.
Clark said it v,�as the prop�rty l�ii��, andexcep�for the front of the bui1ding, it
meant an exi s�:i ng fence. ��ir. Povl i tzk�i sai d thi s ��,�as a G foot redwood fence, and
' some boards ���ere c�o?ng to be rep�aced and it v� uld be repai��ted. h�r. Harris as4�,ed
i f thi s��aas an adequat� buffer be�;ween thi s operati on and the R-1 as far a� th°
planting s�;rip, etc. ('�lro Clark said the code calls for a 20 foot planting sti ip
and thi s appcars ta be 20 feet. IF1r. Li ��dbi ad sai d the s 1 i ver of 1 and adjacent to
, �;he easi of th�is property ���as zoned C-l. i�ir. Harris said there �vas a hause built
on this ��roperty. Mr. Clark said he thought about 1/3 of this lot uras zoned C-1.
Mr. Harris said the properi.y sou�th ofi the Frontier Club ��ras zoned commercial also.
, Mr. C1ark said it ��ras, but there ��,�as a house on this property i;hat was occupied.
Mr. Harri s as I;ed i f the ex t;eri or pl an v.oul d,c ta Bui 1 cii ng 5tandards fior revi evr?
R9r. C1ark said ii; ��rould. .
, P�1r. Dri gans sai d that Mr. Largei��fel d hat{ brought up the �oi nt of the di fference
in the type of business that v�as c�oing on at this establishm�nt, and as Chairman
' of the Board of Appeals, he ���as fi�aced �^�i�th the o�her ha1� of t;his queStion, an�
' tha�t was the non-conforming use. He said the other gentlemen on the Planning
Commission had noL received the letter hy the Zoi7iny Administrator, but he had
addresscd the problei» of r�on-conforming use �vhich t�1r. Langenfeld had alluded to,
, because-it aoes have bcal���iny on whut f�1t�. Langenfeld has said. He said this 4vas
di rected to P1r. 41y�i;an Smi th i n reference to the Fronti er C1 ub . Mr. Dri gans read
as fo1loGVS: Dear Nir. Smith: Tile City o�F Fridley is in receipt; of your rnemorandum
' of f�1arcil 19, 1975 di r.ected to �:he Zani ng Admi i�i stratoi�. It has been detern�i ned by
the Ci ty Attorney tha�t t��c f3ul ui c 4Jorl<s Di rector i s t{�e 7_oni ng /�dm�i ni strator; the��°efore,
the request for a det°rmination ihat a non-conforming use exists "as a tavern, beer
, garden or bar servic�n alcoholic beverages on tf�e premises; of= the referenced .
property has bcen t°efe��red to me.
After a substantial review of the City of �ridley Zoniiig Code and other related
' chapters of the City Cede, together ��rltii t�evie��r of {�ertinent state laws, the request
on behalf of Mr. & h1rs. Povlitzk�i for a finding that they are enti�led to a liquor
license on C-1 prop�rty through an existing non-conforming use is denied. 7he rea�sons
, for denial are as follows: l. Thai: the manner af operation of a non-conforming
use would be substantially changed by permitting the conversion of a 3.2. and set-
up opc�ration to an operation having an ;�i�-sale liquor license. That �-ahile �oth
, 3. 2 becr and ha�°d 1 i quor are cl ass i fi �d as al cofiol i c beverac�es , the forn�er i s
classified as a noi�-intoxicating beverage and the latter as an i►Zt�xic�,�.ing U�veraqe,
and tV7at both the municipalii:y and the legislature hav� madc substantial distinctions
' bettveen t.he sale of the two commodities. 2. That the requested application for an
on-sale liquor license conteni��latcs an increase iiz the size of the non-conforming
.�� . _
� i
Plannirlct Co�TUnission t�lceting_- A{�ril 9, 1975 Paqe 12 3�
use. While iL is true that the exterior of the building �rou1d not k�e enlarged, it
is like���ise t;rue that � larger porportian o�C the buildi��g �vould be used for the non-
conforming use, and t:hat convcrsely, a smaller portion of the building would be used
for conior�ning uses. 3. That 1.he c�rani;inc� oi an on�sa��.c� 1iq��or ��icense wou�d cause
a perpetuation of a non-conformir�c� use. Ihe ir�teni; ef ihe zonir�g ordinance is to
allow n�r-conforminq uses to continue for a reasonable period of �ime so as not �o
invol:e a hards��ip on the o4�aner of an existing non-confor+»ing use at ti�c� time the
zoning restriction vras enacted. Hawever, it is also the objective of zoning orciinances
to eliminatc� non-conforrning uses i�aitnin a reasonable time. A granting of an on-sale
license to this applicar�i: �-rould not be consistent Svith that objective. 4. T1�at
granting of an on-sale license ���ould produce a greater burden on the neighborhood.
The d�()�1Cdt1� in requesting the on-sale license indicated that one of the reasons
for the rcquest G�ras �:f�at tvi th such a 1 i cense, he .��oul d be abl e to attrac�: more busi ness
to the locati�n; If tklis is correct, it �-lould produce a grea�;er burden on the -
neighborhood that is existing under the present non-conferming use.
, As ft�rther requested by the meii�ot�andu+n the above �ecision wi11 be submitted
�to tl�e 6oard of Appeals as provided b,y Sectioi� 205.U82 of the Fridley City Code.
The matter ���i 11 be consi dered by �.he 6oard oi� �lppea 1 s ui; thei r regul ariy sc �eduled
' meeti ng oi ��pr�i 1 5, 1°75.
I ti���ould like to emphasize that the zoning �roblem is not a part of an evasive
� tactic to deny and de1ay an issuance of a liquor license. It is a real problem
that exists and should be correctec��through procedures provided in the City Code."
Mr. Drigans said his point,vdas that although the Qoard of Appeals must consicler
the decision by the ?oning Administrator, he cioes state�;i�at it is Izis opinion �hat
to go from a 3.2 beer oper°�tion to a restauran�: typc. of operation �vas a substantia?
increase in the operation. Mr. Povlitzke has 111Ct�eased the non-conforming use by
degrees, �nd ihat was ���I�at the {�et�it�ioner 4�,as continuing to attempt to do. r1t�.
Drigans said �;his l�usiness w�s start�d as a 3.2 beer establishment and na�d he plans
to go to a full scale restaurai��; ty�e of op°rai:ions and there will be a substanLial
difference in the aperat�ony a��d �fir. D��igans said there laid his dilemma.
Mr. Hagg�rt.y said that he cou1� come back raith a lot of.counters on t�ese points,
� that coul d go oi� i or a hal f}�our, 1 egal op�i n i or�s to l ega� deci si ons , but he 1:hought
this would be brought up at the �oard of Appeals mee��irg of the 15th:,' R1r. Clark sa.id
that by riyl�ts this �vas G�hen it shoulu tiave been broughL up.
Mr. fiaggerty said �hey recognized i;hat there ���as a zoning {�roblem, and he agreed
with tlie Publ�c Works D�i��ector that �here was a problem. He said that what we were
trying to say �vas that ��rl;�n this prope��ty was zoned 18 years ago, the C;ty had an on
and aff sale 1iquor operation a�: this location. Since �1r. Povlitzl:�obtained this
operati��n, he has developc�d it, he has investeci i»oney into it, granted that he has
extended tt�e use of that pro��erty as an aliec�ed r�on-conforming use, but he has improved
i t whi 1 e h� f;as been doi ng i �;. I t 4�dou1 d seen� to Mr. Haggerty that thi s ti��as a vcry
late stage to all of a suilden say, liold it, you can't c�o arzy 1'ur�:her. He said that
we can see �:hat P1r. Povl i tzki: was attcmpti ng i�� good fai th to improve the premi ses ,
and he tf�ouyh�t the best rc�ti�edy, as tf�e Public S�!orks Directar. mentioneci, was that it
shoul d be corrected il�ro�.igl� ihe 4�rocedures provi ded i n the Ci ty Codc. Ne sai d ttlat
.was exactly ���4�at they ���ere cloing ���i th thi s rezoni ��g request. We are tryi ng to correct
a problem that i�ad �p4�arently e�one unroticed for 1�3 ye�rs and he was asking the
Planning.Commission to gr�nt this r�:quest.
F1r. Qrigans said his dileirnna was not that the petitioner was going to be granted
� �
Plannin� Coni�nissior�_ P1:�ei�n��A�ri1 9, �975_ Page 13 3 K
a 1 i quor 1 i cense, tr�at ��ra� a Co�,nci 1 n�atter, but his di 1 emma was ti�at i f we rezane
we cou1d have a restuurant establishtinc,rt r�e>;i; (:c� 4 residential area.
Mr. Haggerty saici you have that sit�;ation ail over the City of Fridley. Hc
sa�id that in this particular situa�:ion it usas not really ariented as a res�dential
area, Because o�!" t:he p1ati;ing ��nd wi�;h i;f�e sn�all sliver of co�l�rnercial pronerty
east of the Front�er Club, this {�rt�pe;^;:y. does nt�t technical'1y adjo�n ar�y R-1 proC��rty.
In reality there �•ra� resicfcntial �.roper,ty, k;ut onl,y on the �as� side of �:f7is establish-
men1;. � The i ndi vi �Sual s v�ho ? i ve r°i,�h � ner,t doo�" to i;he Fronti er C1 ub , the house
to the souti� v�hich was �ii commercia� pra}�e�^ty, an� the fi��st h�use to tl�e east in
a residentia�'; area, f�ave madc no obj�ction to i.V�is rezoninq request. If anybody ati�as
goiny to maE;e any ou�ieci � or�s , i n or�jer to n�A�,re a°,rGl i d arg«ment, i t shoul d have
been one of th�se t���o �individuals. They are no� at i-I��is mce�:ing, and certainly if
they had 4�ranted to makc objections, this ��rould ha.ve been the place to do it. He
sa�id that a�il they ��rer�e at;temptinc� to da now �;ha�L the pr�oblem had been made knoG�an
to them, ���as to go ti�r,ouc�f� the proper legal procedures to have �;he problem correcied.
�He said �i��is ���as the best 4��ay to correct it. It should improve the arca,� and it
would actually in fa.ct lessen the burden on th� area because oT the 1ower tr�ffic
loaci, and hopeful ly �i t may even in����ove the class of cl ientelc.�ho go to the Frontier
Cl ub.
Chairman f;arris sa;ci thai. ne personally didn't feel. he t-,tas ready ta reach a
deci si on on thi s r�ques i at thi s��ie�t i nc� . f�e sai d he �v�oul d 1 i kc to study th1 s fot�
a weel: because they had �ta�en i n a 1 ot of rna��er�i al and i��e woul d 1 i ke the opportuni ty
to diyest it.
Mr. Haggerty sa-id the plans have b�en sho�vn, and this had been disc.ussed very
thoroughly at thi s meeti ng. Ne sai d he �-�o�;l d sti l l rEquest �Lhat a. moi;i on be made
and voted u4�on, sa vde could have soi��e detel�mination as �0 l�JilP_l�e we were heading.
Hot�rever, i f the P1 anr,�i rig C�mi7� i ss �� oi� real ly wa�i �ed tc exami ne fhi s rec,uest further
and you want to con�;�inue this to youi� r�ext meetingy he ���ould have no obj�ction to
that. He said he 4vould apprecia�:e iT� at all possible ta have a vote on this request
at this meetirg.
Mr. Langenfeid said he vdasn'i. trying to �i�sh a decisian�, out he vdould like
� everyone to f�e a��fare o i the fac L i;hat P1�~. Pov 1 i tzki had beer� ���ai ;:i ng for the Ci iy
to mal:e up i ts mi r��d one t�ray or. �he other si nce 1 ast ��o�ember.
Mr. Drigans sa�id. f�ir. Pov1it4ki had been ��taiilnc� far a 1i�uc�r license, not
Mr. harris told P1r. Langenfe�d t}�at the material the Planniny Commission had
rer.eived at �:his mee�-�r.c� vJas material they hadn't seen before. He said there had
been a lo� of argumE,nt for t}�is rezoninc�, very well p�t: forward by Mr. Haggerty,
and we a;oul d 1�i he to exan,i ne hi s reasoni ng. Fle tr�oug��t i t behooved the Pl anni ng
Cor�miS5'1011, ?n any case, whether i;he,�� ul t�i��ately vo��d for approval ar denial , to
have sour�d reasons for i;heir� actions.
' Mr. Lindblad saic! he would just as soon have t��is set�;led this evening, but
as it stancl, he c4idn`t think they could come to an agreemei�t, so he would have to
go al or�g wi th the cont�i nuati on . .
1TOTION b� Drig<:ii�s, seconc�ed by L�ndl�lad, f_h�zt.Llie 1'_iannir3g Commission contir2��e
tl�e Pub1�.c: I!<��ring on tiio re:�un.it�g r.cquest, �D�1 It75--02, b�; 6aymar� 5mith, �lttorncy for
1:ich��rd Povlii:zio.i a:�d t1�c rr.id7c�y 1'ront-.i.ar Club, L-o r.ezvne fr.vm C-.1 (local bz�sincss
c32C<lS) to C-7. (gcnc�r�i1. }�usin�ss areas), Lot 1, Blocit .1, Walnut Addi.L.ion, to bl:ing the
. . _,., . ,... �„v... _. n..,.�. . : �. �.,.�, � ,_ . ,... T: _,., , ...;,, ._,�,�.,�,, .�...F ,.E�,, �-, _. .
, __ . :�,�.. :_ --__
�� _
� -r
• t'uye i'+ _
• P1anr�irr�Cc,mmission Mc_�etir?� - 11�ri1 _9, 1975 3 L
'� M~ � or� of t.he Ci ty 'l,oning
ex.isting u�c. or t.1ze pr.��pert� �.r2to a UJC�J per.mittect catcg .�
Code, the s.<<�n<-� hc.i��g 7365 C�,nt� a? .�lvcnu�� N.E. unti.l llpr?J. 23, 1975. Upor7 a voice
,, votc, al.i vot.irg ��.yc, �he rnvL.i.on c�rr_ic�ci unai�irnvusly.
Chai r�»an flarri s tol d f��r. Povl i tzke that th� ° i anni ny Comin�i ssi on was not tryi n�
' to de1aY h�im, but they i��ad got�;en a lot of mater�ial a� this meeting ai�d they wanted
�in��e to diyest it so th�y could do a good job.
2, piJG�°jC _H�P�RI.f1G___ f:�QUEST FUR A SPECIAL US� PFP�P��IT, SP ;`75 _02, f3Y �,Yi�Afd _Sf��T.TIi,
' --- - - -- — - ---
-- -
� 11�1T0���'.=-Y {(�': !1. R �IL��F�f_i_;5., JR.: To per��iit 1.he sale of nevd and uscd car�s, pe7�
!'r�d I��S%4�:Ci �y Couc, Sect�on 2.0`�.101 ,(3, f3; anc! (3, G) in a C-2S zone (general
s+�op{� i ng �.re��.s ), to be 1 ocal;eJ on Lo�t 1,[31 ock l, Pearson s Second �1adi ti o�i,
' the sam� b���ing 7701 East River P.oad. ' .
i�9r. triarl ��`}iagqerty , repl aci ng I��yman Sm�i tl� t�,ho v,�as i 11 , G!. R. Stephens ,
' and Ro�ian�i L�enjamin, �j�ro��osed manayer of the ne���r and used car lo�: 4��ere p��•esent.
P�70'l'IOid b� l,inclb.Zad, sccorld�d by 7:�-.iy�.ns, t-:�t t11e Planning Comm.ission open
' il��� 1'?tb1._ic HE>ar.ing �n tr�e z'equ�st for_ a Sx:ec-i.al Use Perm.it, 5P r'f75-02, bt) tayrrtar�
Sm.i�h, At.tor��ey for [d. R. St��phc�ns, Jr. Upon a vo.i_c.�� ��ot��; a11 votir.y ayc, C�:a.i.rm:?n
Haz'ris dcclar.ed thn PuJ�l.ic Hcaring open at 9:43 P.11.
' Mr. Cl ark � ho��:��ci a map of �f:hi s area and ex.pl ai ned �;ha� thi s property and the
�o± d;►�er�1�% i,o}�'ch ofi this pro�e��t;y ti�fere boti� zonec� C-2S. H� _said i;hat north of
�hece tti,�a 1 ots lrere thc t�1r�acic;�J Ru;�i ��,partm.,nts . Last of �he prop°rty tl��.t ti^�as E3re�en �l.y
, occupi ed b� A�1 T�;o�tor Srorts ��,�as' an �i nd��s t�i a1 f act�14�� 1 anc s� a.�nd�ti�ere ocfcupi edtbY
side o{ 77tP� I�;�ay +-tas zoreci qeneral inu�ti�p�� fGE����y �
4-��le�es. Across East River P�oaci fro:» Criag 1�Jay to 79�thy tl�et�e was a tvwo lo�t dnpth
'� oi f;-?_, douk;l e i�u����;ai o��:�s , al tho«gl� no�c occup�i ed by 2 fam�i ly dvre111r�gs from
. Crai� i�!ay io_Fearson's I�Jay. The balance o�= the p��operty to tl�e vdest o-r ��5�: r;��e��
'Road �;us zo!�ed R-1 (single iaiT�il.y ��ti�ellings)o
' t�1r. C1 ar{: s ui � the re�son tf°�e pc�ti �:i onerV fias reques�tcd �a Speci al Use Permi t��ras
bec�use in the zoninc� code undcr C-2S District, t;i�is �^�as a pe�mit�:ed use only after
havii�c� secured a Special Use Permit. In par�-cic�=lar ��v{�at thecplL�S�dncars�aasSaJell.
� do ���as to o,�er�z�tc � nev� car agency u,i t{i the oppor�uni i;y to �
%h� Pr�l�cs�� �ut�� ����lership wi11 be a Uatsun deale�z�sf�ip. 1�1r. Stephens p��esently
opera��es the s�zmc �tyPe cr c!eul ersh i p i r� �tl��e SOUtI1C'Y'il par�t of the rnetropol i tan a��ea .
, � Clark said I�e f�acl ,a �ira��dinc� .of t��e subJect lat, shol�aing the loca�;ian of
Mt .
the bui�ldinc� ai�cl som� of�°��the improvernents �:hey t���ished to make tc� the ext�r�ior of t� e
' bv�ildinc� and ttie s�.i�°r��,n�'ii�c� property. �le sa�id tliat basic��11y i:he si;ructure �Frould
not change in size. :-1�hef�"���t p31�t �� �f�� building ���ii;h th� v��indo4��s t�ould still be
used as a siiov; 7�ooin' arca. l�he back part of� the bui 1 di ng t°roiil d be used for offi ces
and a rnechani cal ��rea �.�he��e car� �,��oul d i�e bro«c,h t i n for servi ci nc�. There ��fi 11 be
� an additional di�s��lay aloi�g Last River Road. Ther are planning to put in addi�;ion�l
landscapii�9 �ii;ci qrec�n at,eas a1o�}g Last River Raad an� 77tf� I�Jay. ``P
�' , Mr. MUrk liar�erty said tf�at':�in Stepher�s h�d a Dal:sun facili�y south, and they
�,�anted to,�have a faci 1 i�ty �n the nort.4iern s��bur°bs . Ne presented a co1 ored renderi ng
of hot�a �fi�y proposed the nc��r faci 1 i ty ��;oul d appear and al so a He°saida���Lhe�photogr�api�
I' Sou�:l�,,:shot�li nc� I�t�w thlt fac i 1 i ty
I ooF.cd a.t the p��esent time.
siia��eci i�o�v i;he ne��� site ��ou1d loak afi;er it was landscaped. Ne sa�d the`�iai�dsca4�ing
alor?d.� East ilivei� Road and 17th I�Jay ��rc�uld be done hy E?rofessional lanciscape��s. ffe
S�11 1 tf1C� bu i 1 �1 i r,� tivoul c� be in�proved and �•a� wi 11 me�t a11 the requi rer��ents of-. the ti r�e
� cot�es arid bui la �ng si;t�ndao,�ls. � �
�-� -
� �
I � F�Ll1NNI(dG �0;����1?�SSION P�iEFTIiJG
C�I_L TO 0(?DER:
APRII. 23, 1975
� Chairinan Harris called i;V» meeting to ordcr at 8:05 P.M.
{'AGE 1
Membe��s Pk�c�sent: Meissner, Lindblad, Harris, Drigans
' Memf�ers Absent.: Peterson
Others Present.: James Lannenfeld, Ex-officio Metllber
Darrel C1ark, Comi��un�ii.y Development Fldrninis�;rator
�' t�P,PROVE PLAI��;(�II�lG COC_il_iISSION h;IfVUTcS: APRIL. 9, 1975 '
. 3 ��
�gpTlO�d b� Di :�an�, sec:onded by I.i.ndblad, i.haL the PZ�n��inc� Commission approve
� their m.inutes of �ne Apri1 9, 197> mceti:�g a^ rti�r.it_ten. UZ�on a vo.ice vote, a11. vot.i_ng
aye, the motion carried unan.imousl�. �
h1r. Lindblad saiu there haci be�n several changes in the proposal by �d. R. Step}�ens
for a nei�a and used car dealershi!�, k�ut he tltiought these shoula be taken up at the
time of the consideratioi� of th� Specia�l Use ('ermit.
P��OTIDN by Iindblac, s�condFd 1�?� Drig�ns, t1��L the P]_annin_q Conuitission receive
� the min_utcs of the vuilding Stanaar.ds-vesign Co;�tro1 �uUCO:nmitt�e m�et�ng of Apr.i.7
" � 1.0, 1975. Upon a voice voie, a11 votir�g aye, tl�e mc�tion carried unanimously.
r RECFIVE GO,ARD Oi 11PPE£',LS SUf�COt�`,i�iI"�TFE i��lfdl�TCS� �PRI� 15, 1975
--. � — --__--.�__ _
, .
190TIOlr by Drigan�•, second��d by Lindblad, that the Plannin_q ,Commission rece�_ve
the minules o1` the I�oard of �p�eals Subcvnun.itt-ee ineet�.nq of E�pril 15, 1975.
Prir. Driga9�s said that on page B of these minutes, �here �ftas a motion asking an
interpreta�;i on of tiie cade. He sai d he had recei ved thi s i nterpretati o�i and i t �-,�as
that a variance cauld r;ot be g�"ant�d to allc3�v a use that was �peci�fically excluded
in a certain zoning. � '
UPON A VOICI' VUTE, a.1.1 voting aye, the motion carr?.ed linanimousZy.
1. CONTIf�Uf=[�: Pll!�f TC 4�Cl�RING. RF�ZC�NING E:E(�l![�ST, ZOA ��75-�07_, E3Y 4�'Y��IAN SMITH, ATTORNEY
— ___. _ ___
-- -- - -- — — ------
� FOR �zl(,Hl�lz� P��J! ITZKI_ f1(�D 711f= FRII)L�Y Ffz�)N1�It_fz CLUl3: To rezone from C-1 local
busir�ess areas) to C?_ (general business areas , i_ot �, l�lock 1, bdalnut Addition,
to briny th� ex�ist-ing use or tf�e property into a uses permitted category of the
Cit,y Loning Code, the same b�in� 7365 Cen�;1°al Avenue N.E.
Public Hearing open.
Mr. Richard Povlitzki and his attorney, Mark Hagger'cy were present.
Mr. H�ggert:y said that ar{»t he had said at the April 9, 1975 Planning Commissicn
meeti n� was s ti � 1 t}�� same, bui; he w�ul d i i ke to add so!?ie addi ti onal comments . tie
said it h�id been br�uc�ht to his attention thai� one of ti�� primary concerns on this
(�roperty �•�as the p�r{:inc�. lie said that on t��e plan drawn up by the Cii:y staff, thrre
f'lanninc�_Commi>sion _Mee�;inc� - ni;ril 23, 1975
' "�-
Pa�� 2 3 ��
were appro�imltely 6� parking stalls. Under �;he present City Code, �;hey nced a rat�io
, of 4 to 1 i•Jhict� aras r�nc st�ill for each 4 occupant.s. Ne said that Mr. Povlitzki in
his reniode1ing pla.ns, fias proposed a scating ca{�acity of 2H7. He said th� G4 stalls
would only allo��! a�eating capac�ity of 256. He said they proposed at this time, in
' order �:o obtain the rezonii�� and trying,to get a liquor license, tha�; they wouid
pur,chase or rent pr�perty �•rithin 500 feet oi" �;lie Froni�ier Club, possibly even just
seuth of i:his prop�rty, so i:he ratio ���ould be br�ought up to a thr�e to one ratin.
Another alternati��e would be �to reduce tf�e seai;inc� capacii:y. He said 1;hat eithe►°
� way v�oul d comply t��i �tf� �f;he 1�i quor ordi nance tha t a�a.s bei ng proposed by the Ci ty Counci 1.
�1r. }laggeri;y ;aicl he ti-�as ask�ing �.he Planninc� Cc�mm�ission to recommend approval
, of the rezaning request so tk�is 1ong esiat�li�hed business could comply wii;h the zoni►�}g
� _1
A10TION 1�� 11�nissr�er, seconded b� Lindbl��c1, tl��t f:he PZanning Commission close
t1�e Publi.c Ile�zrzrig on the r�zoni��y rcquest, ZOA #{75-02, b� GJym�n Srnith, atioxney for
Richarci Povlitzhi and the Fi,ontie.r Club at 8:1� I'.1�4. Upon a i.roice vote, a11 votirg
aye, the moti.on carrzed una.n.imousJ.y.
h1r. Drigar�s said he had lookec� at this facil��ty and had taken into considera�ion
the p��oblerns they have had. He said he G��as concerned �about the parl<ing, and the
problems il�ey have had outsic?e tl�e buildin�. Ne said that t{�te tt��o complain�s �•�e ha�le
had, had nothi ng Lo do �vi th the operation o i �c�ii s busi ness on the i nsi de of the F7�onti er
Club. He contin�aed, that th�is w�s an estaulished ausic�ess anci had been there for
many, many years, and althouc�h the ov,�nership i�as changed many times, tf�e business h�s
stayed basically tl�e same. He said the present ot���ner has been �here man,y years. I-ie
fel t that i f th�i s�Fras a ne��a faci 1 i ty, he wou1 u no�t recor�n�end that thi s area be rezoned
for this use. f-fe said th�is pr�operty vfas alr�eady �in a commercial zone, and the zoni��g
change GNOUId sti11 be a con�,}�ercial zon� and i,hat 4A„iechc�r this was classi�=ied as a
local business area or a general business area, ��hat wouldn't change f;he clientele
coming to this establishment.
MOTZO�V b� Urigans, second�d by Ii.ndbl.ad, that the Planning Conut�ission recamrnend
to i=I1n Counczl, approva3 of th� rezoning reqi7est, 'LOA #i 5-02, by 6�Jyman Smith, Attornei�
for Ricl�azd Povlit-z.lc_i an_d the FridZe� Front.ie.r. Club, t:o rezone from C-1 (Ioca1 busiress
areas) to C-7 (gc?reral business ��zreas ),Lot 1, P_ZocJ� 1, Walnut 1lddition. to bring the
exist_ing use of ihc �roper_'t� i11to a uses pc�rmittecl category of the City Zonirig Cod�,
the s��rne be_ing 7365 Central Ilvenuc� N.E., wii:1� t�he stipul.ations that adequate park.�ng
be prvvided and the landscap.ing �3nd 1i.yhting plar� b� reviewed by the 13uilding Standards-
Desiyra Contral St�bcommittee, Upon a voice voi�e, a11 votizlg aye, the motian carried
unan_imousl �.
2. CONTINUED: !'U13LIC i;F/iRING: RE UEST rOR /`, SPECII'�L USE PEf�hiIT, SP ,r75-02, �3Y
-----__ ---------_______------�___._�_- -------- _ __ —
WY���N SP�1I1�H, I1�TTORNLY FOf: tiJ. R. STE:PFiri�S, JI:: 1�o peri7�it the sale of new and
used cars, per f=ridlcy City Cod�, Section 205.101, (3, Q} anci (3, C} in a C-2S
zone (generai shoppiiig areas� to be locateci on Lot �, aTock 1, Pea►�son's Secand
Add�itian, t;he s'ame b�ing 7701 Eas�: R�iver Ro��d N.C.
Pub1ic Hearing open.
h1ark k{aggertY, �ttorney, and W. R. Ste}�hena, and Roland Genjamin were present.
MO'I'ION b� Aic�issner, sccon�3ed b� L.indblad, t_h��� the P1ann.i.n� Co:runi.ssion reeeivc
the m.inut-es af the 1�7�vironrnental Qua1i t:y Con�missinn meeciny �f 11pri1 15, 1975. Upon
a voice vote, al1 voti�lg at�c, tlie rnotion carr._i.cd ir;a�znilttousl�.
w�._ .
1382 'Jvzovzd, r�o v�-�. �4'.�.
�-2�i.d��.eG�, i;'N 55��2
A�a�> 8, lR7S
�'�i,..�3 0� ��t.%�iGy !����vu i�.�. �'ar,-,�s�✓:.a..i.av�
��:,.ty o y : � wd -(.2 y
6�� l L.tz�i,ue2a ��ti� FI uen ke �^Y'. �.
�?i�LC��.2C�� 1�1��� SSt�3�
A��.tevit-i.o�. �a�✓ceL C�P�!
�ea,� fi�e C'!a�lz:
�-Uti-th �ce2c �d �to .th2 �,���c�i,-t 9 S: 00 p.rs. rzeed;%.n� o�- -�;�.e ,'a.%arHni.n;�. ot::r;c.iA.a�.ovc,
C i�? t ( � p��. �, � J / /� 7
ti0 GPM✓_'�.,,%.G,L'2 ���(/tftCLi2 c>M,: �•t�-`� �.�.� �'i.�('�.I.;.e62 � O�L {�2C:orl�,:'_� 1 ...(},,�,;it-.�.r � C�f2u. �..lLn. /�G�'Ld��E�
3�0+^����c �'fvb, .�r-�c. �o �ebor.e �' 4or,z �'-f �o �`-�, we Gr1r,e d�� drz-i,z.et�� b�o.i �i.,z
�C1.tlO�i o� ��oo-UL raCe.� ir7.a. �it41y Clti2rt2 �p
R�l�-o, we wor�--Cd icec�u.e��. rar� ��cvc'�-i.n�. a-i.c�F✓. ora occ-� �.-t�te��s, -�o,�i: ��c�i,der...� pc.�c;.�.vtn,
o���r. . tiUc fi�ve d�.,r y;��.c��.?'�.y bac;`.,�.n� %,�;�o tin� .a�'..��c.� whef�e �lae p�cor�.a. tio �1'ze
ctbo�e c1�6 pcuk oE� ocs,t �.v`�ee�. f�-P.�.o, .th� ue.z.Ga� e�cixce.c.�.�. ��ec,�sen��.y fre«d •i,r�
.t�ite e���.C_� h.aN.y,,,�. (bo-�ii �.c�rr,.�:ze� and w�i.���i.e�t� wac�fc!� Gc :Ee�.a ccE.yz.oytif��, �i,� /�a��.l�d,�.n wcv�.
rco�t oiz a �c.e�.�i.clen�tir..t� a.i,.�ce.�.
!�O�CP.rt 3� ��i�LL��°gu ��, co�e -i.r�c�i�*..d� �ec,«.a;�e pa�l:>�n.J, �ien vLa��.or,�s �,FO�c �.aeh ut-�.:..i.rc�•s�.
ao o� ���.-?:mee-t pa,�Lru�zn.. rxes�� l�e p�cov%-��c�?
�h�,�:! ejo��. y,=o� n..t,ue.n.a, cosv.tide�co�:ia� -to aGa.fr. onR,n.a.ar� a.rd de+s•%.e.
��.r�ce�.e! y cfoa��ca,
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Thar:k �Tou .
Sincerely .yours,
zF, ` ��. �����
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I?�r�rl i.s L, Schne:ic?er , CYiaiz•man
�'ri�7.e.y ;:"aH'I., C:Lab
The development �f a thorough and coi�cisc set of goals and
objectives is oi extreme irnportanc� in tl-,� p-rocess of planning.
The crif:eri.a and standards that ar_e developed from such a goal
structur� becomc the measure by which altc�rnative courses of
action can be compared and evaluated and provide � rational basis
for -L-he selection of a recommended p7.a.n. The goals are reduced
from general statements to specific abject�ives, �nd finally to
various criteria by which goal achievement can be measured.
Goal #1: Provid� the highest level.�of safety possible to
insure the health and welfare of the pedestrian,
bicyclis� and the motorist, �
Objectives: A. Promote safe�y edtaction program
' to instruct thc pedestrian, the
bicyclist and the motc�rist in the
motor ve}zicle, bicycle and pedest-
' rian traffic la�•;s and promote the
strict enforcement of these laws.
B. . Review the preser.it ordznances
rega�ding uicycle and pedestrian
regulation and modify where necessary.
C. Esta'�lish Engzn.�ring standurds
that �aill provide maximum safety
cont.rol .
D. Se�:. criteria to provi_de a safe
int�raction of�transportation modes.
� Goal #2: px�vide and maintain a system ta achie�Te � high recreation
� '
Objectives: A. Develop a sys-L-�m �hat can be used as
— — a rccreation link between the exis-ting
park system iIl order to expan� the
overall recreation. pot�nial of the City.
B. Promote a means:to ma}ce park property as
well as recreation acLivies accessible to
all. residents in the City.
C. Develop a safe recreation alternative f ar
the f.amily and individual which the bicycle
can provide.
D. Develop a system that would be amizble to
slZVrt distance recreational use as well
as long distance bike touring.
E. Utilize man-made or natural 1_inear resources
in order to tal:e ac}vantage oF the scenic
� I
f ,
Go�al� & Olaj�cti.v�s
Pagc� 2 .
quali_ties in the City. Care m��zst be taken
so as not to destroy the quality that malces
it a�tractive.
Gaal. 3: Providinc� and mainta.ining a system that can be used as
— an alternative transportat�_on mode.
� Objective: A. Promote a system that will provide
'� access to those 2�igh. popul�tion concentra-
tion area� such as shop�.�ing centers, large
business concerns, education facilities, etc.
B. Promote a system that would provide an
efficient means of destination orientated
C. Promote the cooperatian of the governmental
agencics in coordinating the development of
the local sy:_:`em te �it into an overall
metropolitan plan. .
Goal 4• Promote environmental and ecological consideration in the
_----� -�� clevelopment of the bike�aayj�aalkvaay system.
Objective: A. Development of a system to help reduce
noise pollution in the community.
B. Understanding the adverse affect the
automobile air pollutior� has on the bicyclist
and pedestrian.
C. Dev�lop a system to help promote the
allevia�Lion of traffic congestion both in
the operation of motar velzicles and the
space required to store those vehicles.
D. Provide rec�uced adverse environmental affects
due to automobilc� intrusion into natural
Goal 5: Provide flexibility in the bikeway/walk1-day system.
Objectiv�: �, Establish � review proc�ss that will allow
the use o� al.f.ernative, or additional rout�s
� as demand increased or decreases in certain
areas of the community.
B. Promate close cooperation between the �
surrounding communities and other govern-
mental agencies so that adjustments in �he
overall adjacent ststems can be refl�cted
in our own sy.stems.
�_ �
Goa1s & Objectives
Pa�� 3
Goal #G: Proma�te public awareness.
Objectives: A. Promote direct citizen involvement
thr_ough the entire glanning process.
B. Utzliz� information media to inform the
puY�lic on currenL- issues.
C. Utilize a sur_vey to infor.m the public as
well as the admi_nistratian as to the apparent
needs of the communi-cy.
D. Prepare a comprehensiv� report �hat will
bring aut all concerns and lay out an
appropriate covrse of action.
B?KCI�lRY/4bi/�LK4�/1Y CC1I���IITTEE RcCO?•�;F1�Nll(��i�lu^1S
This plan vdas dev�le�E�ed und�r the direction af thP Citizen Qikeway/Walkway Coi��mittee
establ i shed b�� the rt"i C!1 �y Ci 1::y Courc i 1 on P^�ay 30 z 1974. 7he Commi ttee i s i n fui 1
support of this p1an, and «ryes the City Counci�l �io t�?ke the necessary actions in its
irripl ementat i on .
Al ong �Ni th the developm�nt ofi thi s pl an , the Si 4%ev�ay/U�al kv��ay Commi ttee fel t
it also necessary to stress several points in order to develop a better overall
The Bi keway/l�dal kway Cammi ttee recommends :
1. %. reevaluatior of the traffic signal timing in order to allow more time far
pedestria.n and bicYcic rnovement. This i.s especially important at intersections
such as Iii gh�tray ;�47 arid �� i ssi ss i ppi Stree t, Nighway �`b5 and Ol d Central , Osborne
and East River Road, et;:. �
2. A c�ose loak at the difficult pedestrian moven�ent at the intersection of Osborne
and E�st Riv�r Road. The free righ�: movern�nt; off of East River Road and the
mandaf;ory turning o� traffic off of Osborne, cause an �mpossible situatioi� far
pedestrian traffic.
3. The de��el opri�ent of a ca�trol 1 eci access poi i�t a�. 79 �h Way and East Ri ver Road to
allo�v access to the Bi�:c���ay systen� f,�om Ne�ghbori,00d ,'�2.. For safety reasons, a
full signalization should f�e ir,stalled.
4. R more aggre;sive er}¢orcement of the bicycl� ordina��c�s recommended in this plan.
The Committee feels that a sys�tem is as safe as the people who use the system, and
the enforcem�r�t of its requlations.
5. That autamohile parking be removed from Osb�rne Road, Old Central Avenue, Mississi-
ppi Str��t at�d Rice Cr�ek Road from Old Centra1 Au�en��e to the residen�ial properties
just west of Hig���P�ay t;'65. Thai. p�rking on L°lest f�1oore Lake Urive sauth of the
Senior High 5choal and G~�est o�F Highway '�65 be �imited to one side of the street
on1y, and ti�at a11 ather stree�s having an an street bi�ycle=lane, be subject to
limited tii,�e rest��ictions, .e�th�r by hour, monti� or both.
6. The development of an aggressive bicycle educat�ion orogram to start as soon as ,
possiLie, making use of the schaols and adult educa�ion programs ta promote
� safety requirements. .
' 8.
The development of b�cycle or�ien±ed recrea�tion programs that will encourage safe
bicycle usage, s�!ch as scheduled bike trips, bike rodeos, bike races, E�:c.
The encour��ei�7ent of bicycle u�e for num�rc�us short trips to shopping areas, work,
scf�ools and recreation facilities, by i1;s promotion to the residents through tV�e
City's numerous mailings and public access progr•ams.
'� 9. That the development of the bike paths in areas along th� Mississippi River, Rice
Creek, �lorth Park, etc., be sensitive to the riatt_►ral cnv�r�nrnent and preserve the
integrity of the areas they go through.
10. That the first stage of the system be set up as a pilot to the total project in
order to monitor the ext`nt of system use and to pron�ote the idea of safe bicycling
to the residents of the coi��munity.
11. That the City work clasely ti�ith a�jacent co;n�nunities Gnd the State to promo�:e
bicyc�e usaq;�, pravide intercor�r�ecting systems, and promote safie access to schools
�l c�catcd outsi de of �he rn�r.r�ici pal � t,y. •
Qi keway/Wal kway. Cornmi tee Recammendat�ians
Pa ge 2
12. That thc� Citizer� �ikevday/W�lkway Corrarittee continue as an operating committee
to meet at least t,ti��ice a year to review tne t�ike:day/�,�alkway system and make
recoi»mendations to the City Council. It would aiso act as an area representati��e
grcup for continued community int,�raction and a channeling body for bike-related
proulems or issued.
13. That direct assessrnent to the affeci praz�ert.y own�rs v�ould not 5e used to fund
the system. Tnstead, Federal, State, �letropo1itan and local sources be invest-
igated �or the to�ai system func}ing.
14. All bicycle r�lated revenue should be used for the development and maintenance
of the bi keG��ay system.
15. That the sideG�aalk assessment policy be changed to eliminate direct assessment
to residential property along County roads.
16. That i f the l oca��ion oi the bi keway on Rob�rt �ou i s SLever�sun School proper•ty
crea-tes a problem for the people along the Gralkti�ay on River Edge Way, further
contro1 trea+.me�it on the bike��:ay _should be take��.
� �
In developing a comprchensi�Te bikeway/walkway system,
it is impera�tive to consider public participation as the
central element of the planning process. It is necessary
� to actively Seek angoing community input through all stages
of the planning process and where possible, encourage active
participation in implernenting the plan. It is a fact that
in mast communities, where bi)ceways have become a reality,
active citizen gr_oups were responsible for facilitating its
development as is the key element in focusing public support.
On May 10, 1974, the Fridley City Council established
1 a nine member citizen committee for the purpose of accomplishing
the following tasks:
To develop a camprehensive bikeway/wal}cway plan
working in close cooperatior. with the City administration.
To provide active citizen participation in the
preparation of the plane
3.. To provide representation to each of 9 areas of
the City representing 28 different planning neighborhoods.
4. To provide a channel of communication between the
City Administration and the Fridley resident.
The committee could also be a focal point for coordinating
other bicycle related matters such as bicycle safety education,
theft and vandalism, enforcement of reg�a..latian�, licensing,
provisions for bicycle parking and a continuing review of related
ordinances and routing.
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I - Fridley anci the a�jac��nt communities, County of Anol<a, Metropolitan �ouncil and the
State of MinnE�sof;a. If thP City is ta have a viable plan, we must relate aur system
to metropo1it�n demards as well as community dem��nds and plan for a complete metropolita��
The Qike��aay Systc;n Plan is made u� of 15 interconnected trails joining all residential
areas in tl�e City of F��idl�y to parks, schools and shopping and employment areas. (See
Bike��ray propasal maE�). The Bikeway System Plan has also considered adjacent community
systems an� f;he metropol�itan sys�em proposal. T�e "Q`�ke�r,�ay System Plan" tables (listed
in the appendix) describe the routes, mileage, estimated cos�cs, traffic volumnes, speed
limits and unusual situations associated Wltil the bikev!ay route development. Al1 of
the proposed bike4�rays represent recommended corriuors for safe and canvenient bicycling.
These biketi�rays, therel=ore, may be altered if thu physical conditions of the designated
route dictate such a cha�ge. °
�Iv'�'t�'.I�JJ�Y SYSTEi�1 PLA�I
l�ith the developmer�t of a biI<eway �1an, it is also necessary to consider certain related
pedestrian movements� �'hese movements, in the most part, are access orien'ced and are
made up of relatively short trips. Nonetheless, access for pedestt�ian movement is
important t� the City's interrelationship and therefare should be considered. Sidewalks
should be placed along those roadways.that hancile heavy traffic loads and that can be
util ized to break down other ���ajoi� barrlers. Since n�ast af the pedestrian traffic
is schoo1 age children, special cure should be taker� in providing a safe means of
wa�king ta and from school alang heavily traueled n�otor vehicle streets or across other
barriers. It is also recommended that the bike paths as designated on the bikeway
proposal, should also make provisions for pedestrian movement. This provision would be
geared more toward recreation walks or hikes and mainly of a linear nature to accamodate
the bike��vays. (see system description and cost breakdo��rn in appendixj.
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The recommencied stagir�g plan for th� biketi��ay syst�m for the City of Fridley is a 5 year
' development program, depending on the availability of funding and the demand for bikeways
in various parts of the C�ity.
Phase 1: Initial r�ccess Phase - Pilot Route
Phase 1, as the initial route to provide bicycle access to
the City is recommcncied to have a Pilot P,oute designation.
Phase 1 is geared to have consid4rab1e effects in breaking down
some of the major barriers in the City in order to allc�+.v bicycle
movement more safely. It is hopeful trrat this phase can be
coordinated �,�ith the bicentennial celebration in July 1976.
Phase 2: Final Access Phase
Tfiis phase involves the COf11p7et�fOP1 0�� the access partion of the
system. The completiar of �:I��is phase wi11 link up all of the
residential ar�as to provide accESS ta schools, major recreation
areas, shopping and service areas in the City.
Phase 3: Init�a� Recreation Phase -
This phase involves the canstruction of that po►�t�on of the
bikea,�ay system that will encourage more bicycling for recreation
purposes or leisure time activity. It involves partial develop-
ment of a Rice Creek Trail and a loop system around fV1oore Lake.
Phase 4: Secondary Recreation Phase
. The completion of the Rice Creek Trail and the link to North Park
vaould be completed in this phase. These recreation routes are
part of th� P1etropolitan Recreation Open Space Development Plan.
Phase 5: Long Range Recreation Phase
This is the final link in the total system. It vaouid link the
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the Fridley systc�m to the P•linneapolis biheway system� thus
expanding the recreation tauring possibilities. This Ph�se
would most likely be deve'o;�ed when the vacant property South
of I-6�4 is develaped.
The estimated cost of the City wide bike�Aray system cannot be cons�idered to be great,
whe�� campared to the advan�tages of the system. First and probably the n�ost impartant
advantage v�ould be the levei of safety that it would afford to tf�e bicyclist. It allovrs
the bicycle to be used as a viable al�ernative transpartatiori mode for schocl, shopping,
� ���orking, etc.5 thus sa��ing on ti�e sE�ort distan� � automobile trips. It �vo«ld provide
an add�d recrea��ion ben�fit by encourag�ing a higher �otential park usage. The�added
� health bene�fits provided by exerc�ise encouraged by this system is also a plus. Im-
proved circulation v��ill also ber�efit the social and cultural interaction within the
One' thing that should be remeE7�Uered is tha� �icycle and pe�aestr�ian movement is and
should be an impartaf�t consid��ratio�� �n the circula�tion systeir for �the City of Fridley.
The en�ire bike�ti�ay system involved 15 routes stretc{�ing approximately 32 miles. The
total cnst of this syst�m is estimated to be b�tween �200,000 to $250,000 (see detailed
� breakdo�rJn in appendix) with a two year maintenanc� cc�st o�f apprc�ximately �2Q,000. Ir
comparison, the City f�as been spending bet��leen .��00,000 and $600,000 dollars a year
on motor vehicle or street relateci improvements. The pravison of an efficient circula-
tion system is necessary.in the City. This provision must inclu�e bicycle and pedestrian
movement as well as that for the automabile.
The following is a cost breakdown by development phase for tl�e bikeway system:
* Total (�pprox�) County Hwy. City Street
Phase 1. (Pilot Route).....�.. $39,6�0
Phase ?_. ................... 2£i,500
Phas� 3. ................... 5G,000
Pi�ase 4. ................... 71,000
Phas� 5. .................. 3f�,35Q
7otal $233,�50
*1974� �stimU�tc��i c��sf:
1 ,100
$ 6,550
$13 , 7(�0
Off Streei:
$ 17,060
� 23,30Q
3fi , 230
��T���u --
Probably �;he mas1; important part in the impler7ientation af a system i� tY�e financing
of the program. Ti�e Bike��ay Committ°e in setting up possible fund7ng sources has
recommet�ded that ne cos� in developing the bike sys�em should ga as a direct assess-
� ment to the property o�Nners in the City oi Frid7ey. l�Jith this in mir�d, they established
a list of possible fundirg sa�arces for cfeveioping the Bikeva�y Sys�cm Plan.
� _�
State & Federal Pro�ra�,�s
There are several �':ate ai�d Federal programs ���hicf� cou1d be possible funding sources
for the impl ementati crr� oi� the bi keway system.
Land and ��later Conserva�tion - Federal grant for parks & recreation
projects. 50% Federal 25% State 25% Local
Community Develo�!men� B1ock Grarts-� NUD - New �undir�y source for community
� improvement projects. There are a limited a7r�ount of funds available to
� approx;iz�ately 180 units of governm�rt in the Twin Cities. Fridley is in
' a priority I7 ar�a for purposes of H�using Priority which also relates t�
' community c�rant fundinn.
Federal �1ict U��ban (Depat~tme��t of Trans�or°taiian) Funding is available for
� the purpose of develop�ng bikew�ys along FAJ rroadw�ys. Al�though the FP,U
system in Fridley is limited, it could be possible to get funding for Stage
5 of the bi E:ew�y system ur+d�r tl�is program,
Minnesota_De��ar°tment of �!af;ural Reso«rces -(Grants �in�Aid Program) - There
are a limited amount of funds available for bicycle trail developn�ent. 65�
funding could be available to those areas who have a trail on the State-wide
trail system. 7he Fr�idley Rice Creek Trail is on this State System.
Minnesota Stat� /�id Streets - This is an annual fund received by the
State for the upgrading �f Glassified Si.ate Aic! streets.
, -�+l �- �
Rever��_�� Stlarinc� Funds - StatE alloca�;ion system for portions o� indust��ial
revenue col iect�ci by the St��ie.
County Sa��rces - Fassibi� County part�icipation or� existing county road
tocal Sources:
Community Service O��ganizations: Comir,unity service organizations have
always bee�1 strong supporters of pragrams in th�e City in both financing
and th� donatian of time.
6icycle Related �ees: It is reco��7mended that a pr�sent ordinance on
permanen�t 1 icenses for bicycles be enforced. Ther e are an estimai;,ed
16,000 un.licensed bicycles presen�;ly in the City. These fees and any
new fees con�ing in could go tov�ard the d�velapment and mainienance of
the b i kevray. �
Private Donations: Although this isn`t likely, it cou1d be possible that
land costs could be ininimal with granti��g of easement for bikeway purposes.
Other for�ms would Ue dir�ct money donaiions or labor danations for the
systein deve�o�ment,
City O�eratinc� Budge�: The City Council �ould take direc� action to
develop thu system by budgetit�a for tf�e bik�ways through Gereral Fund
� .
W�,I_K4�Jl�Y SYST�M D�1�ELQP�����P!i
The devE��ia;�m�nt of the ��aal kwa.y syst�m sF,cul d c�rresF3ond fai rly .cl�ose _��
the devel opr�7ent ; tage�> �f the bi ke���ay pl an. f�o�,�Jevcr, �chi s i s fl exi bl e and can
be fl��ctuated acco�clin; �;o the avai1ability of money, and is not a funct�onal
part of the !ai E<�v�ray syste�r�.
, The vJalk�;�ay system c�11s for appr•aximat�i�% 5.25 miles of ��evf sid���alks to
f�e develnped i�� c�r�junct�on v,�itf� the existing side;��al(<s and the cambined bike���ay/
� � vaal k���ay ��a�th. At presen�L-, the cons�ructi on of� si devral ks f�ave been funded under
� the follo�,�ing pol�cy:
1. Res ident�al Properti es (One and t��va fami 1y d���el 1 i ngs )
, (a} On County or StGte hig};vrays, the total c�st of the side�,�al}<s be assessed
against the propert�es.
' (b) On Municipal S�:ate Aid Streets, na cost w�ll be assessed against the properties
and the cost ��i11 be picked up by cf�e f�MUi�i�;..ipal State A�id Fund.
(c) Oth°r Ci�y Streets, wh�re it is determined by the City to provide sidewalks,
' the cost �vill be charged to State Aid Revolving Funds or City General Funds.
2. For all a�:.her properi;,ies, exce�at one and tvao family dwellings, 1QO% of the cost
' will be assessed against tne properties.
The 6ikeWay Co��lnlitte2 has recommended that the above asscssing policy on County
, and State Highways aiong residen�ial praper'Lies be changed, so that the assessment
is not against tl�e pro�erty owner, but picked up �y State Aid �evolviny Fund or City
General Funds.
The foll o�b�i�g i s a cost breai<do���n of the prapase� si devdal k system and i ts stage
relations�ip to tl7e ��kev��ay system.
1. Resider�tial Prope�~t��s (One and tv�jo fami}y) Sikeway System Stages
1 2 3 4 _ 5
*(a) Alor�c� County l-{�gh���ays - 1.66 miles -$4��,000 - 17,000 17,500 - 9,500
(b) Municipal State Aid Streets - 1.29 miles -�3�r,250 21,700 - - 12,500 -
ic) City Streets -.15 miles $ 4,000 - - - 4,000 -
(d} Required under perr��it -.54 miles $14,500 6,000 - - 8,500 -
2. Other Proper�:ies - 1.58 mil�s -�41,750 2,250 - 18,500 - 21,000
Tatal Sid�waik Pro�osal 5.24 mi1es -�138,50U ��30,OC�0:17,000;36,0�0;25,00�1 Q,�OC
* 1974 Fstirnat�d Costs
I- . , _.... _ . ,. . , .
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. To the E�itor: It is unfortanate that many.
still fail to acknowledgs the beneiits that.. _.
inereased bicycle use can give ourcity.In .
� a letter May 3. .Tohn Biersteker emphasized "
the danger oF bicycles sharinD roads with _-
cars. His solution is to outlaw bicycl°s:
from streets and restrict thern to a ne� -
. work of bicycie paths. He wrote that= .
' t"roads �vere designed to handie motOrized
; vehicles . . , and .should be atlotted to� - ;
:• them." Those who choose. to ride bike�, � '
`'"should be altowed to walk their vehicles ta
� the nearest path.;' He gtaciously adds that -��
�� "anyone could walk hi's b'�;ce to�any�v}sera�- .� -:
ofcourse.". . _ . ,....�
He further suggests �a�20-a=yeariicense- -_ �
fee, �"about- half of � what I pay for my�-
Italian subcompact;"" far bike owners over- �
16. , . � ..... , .. . - '
�'- On one paint� I agree. �The situa�orx of ��.
cars and bicycles competing fvr the saine .-� '. �.;
space is_a. danoerous one. �bviously eac� .__.Y�._'
must have- its own space. However, I feei .:�:.`::
�. his suggestion of outtawing bicycles from --,
roads is both unrealistic and unreasonable_ ;... �--. �_.
His statement that roads are for trans• -
portatioa of motor.vehictas oniy is ir.accu--
' ra�e. Roads are foc the �. transpoctation of `-
peopte and goods. The°fact t'rtat autos are; :-
imFortunateiy, more numerous on roads �
thari bicycles shouldn't lead to the miscon- y�
�ceptiott that they have a� monapoly, on .
them. . . ... _ ; . ... _
.. _ _,.,.. ._: �
� Biersteker's suggestion 'of restricting �
'bike traffic_. entirely to bike paths also .
. shoivs a great lack of botft sympathy ta bi- �
• cyclists and realism. The cOSt oP ari intti- . �
cate, vast net�rork .nf. _hike__�tk�.f.��t ___
� � �
i i� 0 �
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�ii�1�1'tj, 's`��itrii�3�►1� ��42'� �. ` . 11�aetingx —.
#,r bS90 Caetral krs. 87. E.
�' P�harts 734-982Q
f 4 ;.
/ /. r i , -
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I+:ay 14 1975
2r1r. Vernon Pnoan .
71� IY.E. Rivsra�ew Terrace
Fridley, i�:inn. 55�32
D�a.r Veraon, �
You vri.11 bs pZeased ta kno�►r that the Frzdley Rotary Club
Board of ]7i.rectors vo�ad to go on record as supportin� the m,ove .
for bicyclo paths for Fridley at their l�.ay 7th z�es-�in�.
�iith �reat incxease in ths nttmuer �f childrsn and adults
xi.di.n; bicyc3.es we felt that suca paths would be a r�uch safer
pla.c� to enjoy �th�i.s activiiy,
�he Boar3's action was �ndorssci at tha gexiaral �embsrsh�.p
maetino on Wednesciay l�ia.y I�th. .
�vJ:: jld
' CZu�
2�'.i11er, �ec. Sacty.
� ' ,
I ,
Frialey City Co��ncil
c/o I::�.yor ��ill IJ°e
6431 Univers� t;� �;ve . iv . �.
�'ridle�, ?.:�I 55432
June 2, 1975
A� the ::i�.y 22, 1975 r�ee�ing of the Fridlesr DFL Club, the ne�b�r—
ship sustair_ed a resolu�ion re��.rdir_� bike�vays ti�rizic.Y� �ras
originally p3ssed at �n.e T::ay, 197�- 1�FI, City Convention. The
resolution reaas as folloc�rs:
Because. . .
���e believe that the hi�hrrays and several streets
of � ric.ley are �an�erous for 'qicyclists and are �
safety h�.zard fQr children ana youth;
A. ;x�e eridorse a syste�n. of bi��e paths so chilc�re__
ancT yoti? t��. can travel sai ely to shoppin� centers,
� playgrounds, scnools and ponds. �
B. �,`le endorse a pro�ra�. to encoura�e the use oi
bicycles tog�ther �;ri-�h a bike safety pro�;�rar�.. -
T�;ei-�her the C1ub nor the E�:ecu �ive Co� �i �te>� h�.s had �, chance
to adequately study the specific de ��ils of the Bil�etira;�s/;lal�;-::�..-; �
plan sent to us, thus ��re cannot r.�ake s-�ecific camraen�s concerr :: ��
that pl�.n.� mhe above resolvtion, hoj:�ever, indicates st-rons
auppolt �:�r the cuncept af ��].�e�•r�,j�s in Fridley. _
� ,�.�; �- ���-----
Der,_is Z. Sci�?z�i�.E_
Frialey D� I� Club
61g0 Stinson. �lvd.
Frialey, i.sl 55432
P. S. A prior letter statin; the ac �.ions of the C�ub in t,1is
re��.rd y,r�,s ser_t about a cxr::c?� �.�o but �.pparen�ly never
reac'ned tne Council--tnus t'�is letter r.�ay be a duplic� ��.
�x���z� �r�i��� ��.e��r����� ���tr�.�
James Ft, McChesney, Minister
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Jamas R. McChesney, Minister
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M�.4RTIN OLAV SA5Q, Spzaker
April 28, 1975
Mr. Vern Moen, Chairman
CITIZEN BIKEWAY/Walkway Committee
Fridley City Hall
6431 University Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Minnesota 55432
Dear Vern:
I emphatically support the proposed bike and
walkway plan you and your committee are proposing
�' for the City af Fridley.
Efforts of this nature promote energy savings and
bike and pedestrian safety for our people and
should be enacted as soon as possible. The link up
with surrounding communities promotes the concept
of area-wide participation and enjoyment of our
many parks, recreatianal facilities, shopping
centers, etc.
cc: Mayor Nee
J. Boardman
T. Brieder
. . .���1 ,�.
C.." l`
L�� �� -�G-��-��-�
Wayne Simoneau
��� �.� � ���� � - �
P�ay 3, Z975
C�ty of Fridley
6431 Univ�rsity Avenue N.E,
Fridley, Pninnesota 55�32
Pv?r. Vern P�;oen, Chairman
Citizen Bikeway/`aalkcvay Committee
Dear Mr. Moen,
Fridley `+lomzn's Club met an Thursday evening, ��ay I and during that
meeting the Bikeway/Walkway System plan v��s pass�d ar�ong the 28
mer�bers present for what was� necessarily, their brief review.
�lhile the members felt that they should have time to more thorogh.ly
study the plan, after some discussion, the group �r�as willing to give
a show of hands for or against the development of the system. That
poll. resulted in 24 members voting for the plan, 3 m�mbers voted
no opinion and 1 member abstaining from vo�ing pending more information.
Comments which memb�rs asked to have passed on to you had to da with
their concern for th� cost af the system as we1Z as for the safety to
be pro��ided to the riders. It was the members hopes that the path��vays
could be as simple as practicable, thir_king in terms of the cost.
Your plan for hava.r_g pro�scted pathways ;vas wel2 received.
lhank you for th� opportunity ta present our input before your committee.
Very truly yours,
,t` `r f
-f , � ,
, _ z ;s _ �: � .:� J�s .�_��° � �t°-t -,�
(Piirs) Va.rgi.nia Hzffner
President � -
�:C., ..�ST i;i0,_���� LaK� DR!!/�, �!?IDLEY, Pr11N��i�SOTA ��?32 � 5o0-6I00
PAR�V:i�i EL�ir.''�IT�.� SCii00L
60$5 Sevan�h Street P�E
FridleJ, i!�.nnesoia 55432
M�y b, 1975
Vern �toen, Chairman
Citizea Bi3se��/Wal�aay Comiaittee
6431 Univ�rsity Avenue �tE
Fridley, 1'� 5543z � �
Dear Mr. Moen:
I hav� had an op?�ortunity to revie�a �our praposed
Bik�ua�f�ri�ay System. I support your pa�opasal for tne
nost par�t and would plea far a quic� adoption by o:zr
Gity Co�ncil,
We� at Parkvaew, have a need for a sid�u�lk south
of �9th to 69�. because approxi�ately 100 chi�.dren ��r�
this busy streat e�resyday. A sidewalk �1ong thi.s sireet
would not onlp eass our concer� for the chi.ldr�n's safeLy,
but it would �1so m�ks additiona7, safeguards a£act.
X say additiot�al safagua..�^r3s because aur school patrol
does its best @8.C�1 ti.3� i�.��l x'2S�2Ct ta the welfare of our
student bodg.
' Thauk you!
DR. .iOi;N K. !-iRNSEiV
J;�iytES �1. I-IEDi?EN
�la��ifS �i. F�I���F�rJ
ADM11�hF>FRATIVcA551jfANi �
Yours Vex� Truly,
/ �
� �.�� � �;,; .
Le� sxit�ar �'
�oium�i� ��ig�jt� �u�iic �L��o��
1400 49TH AVENUE N. E.
An Equal Opporrunrty Employer 612 788 960)
May 5, 2975
Mr. V�n 2�oen, ChairmarL
Citizen B ;.�-,.,,.�way/tnlalkway Cenmittee
City of Fridley
Civic Center
6431 University Avernze N.E.
F'x'idley, Minnesota 55432
Deaz' AY. ���:
Your April 14, 1975, merc� has been brought to rry attenta.on.
It appears that your stu�dy has been intensive and your 5ystems Plan is
The onl.y c�ents I can m�ake w�uld be i.n th� form of questians as the
plan relates to the Coli.unbia iiei,ghts Public Schools. Haw do you plan to
use us? Hav c�n wz be of assistance in the planning and in�lem�ntation
st�g�s? Have you used Mr. J� A-iayering, Stiipervisor of Traffic and
Safety Fducatian at the Minnasota State Dega.rtm�nt of Fducation?
I would ag.�ee that a bi;tt�way system is an ing�o:rt�nt step in providing a
better c�atar�unity. Answers to the above questians wilZ help us in fu�ure
S' ely,
� - .�� � ,� �� � �
�� .
�� �
� Richard x. Flarris, ' ' sor
Car�rnuzity and Professional Servi�es
•� .
cc: Dr. Alan Osterndorf, Superinterid�nt
Dr. Chris Huber, Assistant Shperintendent
for znstruction
� ��r2 ��7 ���� -
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Friuley Char.�ar o� Co��.�erce
Cot-�.merca Oi � ice 3uilc�ing, Su? te 2G7
730� [,`niversity Av�r_ue °_-t�
Fridley, i3?� 55432
, _' R'iT';t: :-ix�. �J.waz�c3 H. TJunu, �r.
i�an;c you for you.,� Hay 7 lett�sr re�arding the �iks��y syate�s plaa that
-the Bi3:�xays Co�snittee, along wi.th Jerry Bt�ardman of the City o� FY•��.Ley
� . Pla,zr.in� Office have co�i�ted.
� ine �i�ses ar� to b� effective,i� oruer,froro 1 t�rau� 5. ��Y u=u
,�e us�� and eor.si�arpci a� builcii�� �I.oc'�s ��rith p:�ase n�e� 1'to �e
_; t�a initial asd b�ginnirzg ph�sa. Our pre3isninary study o� the coafi
indicated that it �rould b�e same�'nere be�+��n 5�5,��A a�d ;?�,C100 unless
_- th�re zre co�npletLl✓ unsx�ecte� co:�?ications.
- The Bike�ays Ccrar.+itt�e does r.ot f��l, ha�ever, t:iat x� are i� a position
to pre�ent the f�:.ancial �ackar;e er rt��-�J:A -� inancia� rpcor:n�ndations
as �-t� ar� not equip�?d o� �re�ared eit�ar b� educa�i.on crr expzrienc�
to do so. ki� feel t?�at this is �. pxobl�r•� that pro���sianals i.n th�
Fri�ley ^overn�ent can rauc:Z betts: handl� '�h�a w�.
We cer�ai�slq a�:�reciatr� yo�r sappor2 an�i �srs �ti71 r.�ost ?ikeiy ca].l u�on
you for ,�dvice anc� assistatic� b�fore t:zis program has be�n comulz-ted.
; G;tAti
; A DIVISIO;t QF O�IA�: CO�LpO:'.�'�TI��i
Yern �to4�
C?�airr:.an v� Bi.ice�rays Corn�ittes
s�.f ,, - ------ --.-_�,1
c�. `
Jexr� Eoax�d:^.aa �`�
� P].anning D�partrasnt
`� Pridley City F!all
�� e,t}3? t7niveraity Ave. t�:'
. F`x'i�`1ey, i:;`i 55432
519� S�. :1ori�z Dr.
: i.cycl�/i?aL':i,�a�� Co_:�_�2issio�
r^ridlev �-�.��ic Ce:�t�r
G�?31 uiziv�rsi=yT ,_v. '�'._,.
� r���
Frz.;Iey, i1'i. , 5� JG
I'e:.�ers oi t.e Co:�is�io�:
Tia;� 13, I97�
111G' ±�rid3ev Leat,.ze OL �:O"1e?1 �%0�8rS 1S t%zE�S°i� �O s13V� Leen '�uS�C@i;i t0 CO�tCi1'C
072 'tile i)�.7.i1S c'2i.:.'t x'eCO: �t(�Y1CGC"ii.lO71S 0= i'".,'[7@ �ic��cle/:�taL:!•7dJ COs??t1SSI.0:2. �it 'iay l� �
.':erii�ers oi uie i,ea.rj�ae i�;ere as'�eC� �O CO?1CLlY' o� disa:,ree and co:-�eny on t�e 16
reco_r,::�n�ations ::aue ay �:ne Co�:r..ussior., nlus ��c,ro a�;d.itio-�a1 questions nut �o
�he;.z ia1► '�:ze uearnze �o�-rd. D� �.ay l3, �iie �earue ���oard ol_ Direcrors talli.ed th�
resulcs oi �nv uiscussion in -t�1e t�•�o uni� �aee�ir.gs, and are ha:�p,� to s:zare our
vie-rTS .
:ie �,�oulci l�.ke �o no�e initia� ly t`�at tiie T'"Ll.C'.1��� L�a:*uz oi t;o-?esi Voters
s�anpor�s tn� pro�osec co �cept oL :.ne �icycle/i:aL',:�•�aI syste��z, buz ieels tnat
decisio:�s a.bout s�ecific routing is �•;i tnin �ne pro��znc� oy t-.:ze af; ectec?
]181Cji1;JOY:lOOC%S �•:OY'%:111G� �•71�.'(]. GI1G' :�1CVC�.G-'�i:31�_:�;ay Co�.::.1.SS20i1� F''llL'i,�2°�J. CO:1�lei!'CS
�lY'2 Ili;T1''J�°_'LP_i: �.O C01*_1C1CZP I•7].�i1 t�'1� YPCO:T12_1C�d.;'"..IO�S Se� C'OG�?72 3�y 't.�1° COi•.lIi1SS'!OTl.
�• l:1GlE` S:0;1�� i�@ Y'G'C�`sTd1.Ud�S011 Oi ti.Y'c��_1C S1Ctilci� �C1L•l,�?2�* 1i1 OY'C'c�?' '�O �ul�.Oh'
r.l�re t1?�l•3 �O"' 1�0GCS''i.?"12i2 c�.riC, a�.C,i G1.E i iC�VL'i ��3:2 �.. 1i115 1S AST?�C111.ZTj 1Z.:?�0='-
ta.;-�� a� in��J.J�CL�.OiZJ �uc'i as :;i�;�rTay ,';�7 anc' ::ississipnz Stre�t, �Iiq'_�r����
'„�iJ c:1 :i 7� ; CATl�:�2_I. � Q:�'il01i12 c�T.'� T:dSt i.1 J@Y i O�'!S r PtC. '.iOSi_ T�c`�C:UP ':?@_'t�F+SS
��'1.�'-. �.'•_72:'�' :� :O��I.0 'O� SO''?� C_�Tc?� i:�i_l0"sl Ox �t�� SE`:.^.1.1�'.'17r5 iCIG-' �li;(''.7ctV t21�702V�S.
?. A CZOSC !00': S;lO11iCi �iE�' �a.'r:@:1 cl'C �i�2 ��1`_'1.Cik� �� j?2C�3St:C1�ri '_'OVE'.:.'.°R� 2.�i. ti1P_
1I1"�P_1'S=�Ci`..lOi2 01: �S�O?'17L-' i??1C; ':� S''i. �..1.V°Y' :'O�C�.- `±`!IG� 1Y'E.'G' i1Cj:1V :IOJ°+'_2i2V Oif
i.�St i.� VE1' :�Oi-��. �3:1Q i:'C1F i?"��i�,�.,LOYV "�`.7;2'321:1? O� i.Y�i11C Oii ���OZ''_'?t'_. Cc312S° ct
C!1?'�1.Cl�l�. S1LL11�10:'1 �O1" t7�i'�S�ll'cl'_1� 2ri.^.'•. :�.QSt' i1P�:i�?rS =�uSi01'c'? �.[1C CO}'tS2C:tC-?r••
c.1t10?2 Oi � S? ,":iL11Lc`3??�OL';S 3 L;»u�' S �O'-� rOi: all r:':Oi�Oii Zfr''v'. �iC'CIZC�.('_S.
J. c� COIl i.2"i��.�.2C; c1CC:C.�'�S "�03I7� 2.* %`� �l''_ i'ct�r c=?Cl :d� ��,.1.V<'� t:O�C� SIlOLIiC: �E C�`'-
� ' 1 n t� ��.•� �T �7^ t . �r?" i : ':1Z2�JCi!�i00:.'. ,.=c. �' L1��
VE.'i0i? C:. 'i.0 c�_�O:i c1CC°85 1�'..O �iT.., 1'•:L..�. 5.•:� 0::' O ::-L'1 a
si�;�:a�izaczon s:?oulc� x�e installe:? � or saretv re�:sa�s.
��. li?CY� S!�O;1�Ct ::�3 �:OiC� c;� ��:°SS� VC-' E�1i0=CE3= �°i1� O'� 'l:'_1C ?�1C2�Ci = Oi�t1 3�:2CG�S
2"�CO�::::��i::2li ].I1 �._'Ic? '>> c':±1•
�. _i?1t0:':01�i1c t�?Y'r:1:1C� S;i'JUl1. !J� �P_-10VG'�: it0::: �S�O:C;1? J:08�i� ��El �.'E'_i?�.i:'?1 'i`rGI1:2°♦
-i1SS1.�_.51»i_ ,j-i:?"E�i c_i::.: Z.l�:!� G'i:G'E?•; ��_'-'.OcC� rY'O:`: nZC. �.`C"_1i.:'L'd�. 1�,'E.'�?ii2 i=0 't�Zc:
id:�? � C11�1ii1 �)'_UT)v^i: i.l;�' t PJF3 - ' � ��J. ?�<t
_ _:� _j :�5� S� O_`� iU_�-f;1::u`� � Y'::l i'� O1T t.'eSL �i0�'��
��'�:E'_ :�s:LVC_' SOL;i:;i O:i -�il� vCP.101" _`il�*11 :iCs!00� �:i7�� i9�?Si� 0= _il:=;�;�•ic��T ;r.5;> SlZOUZC:
i�� il:�tl:=r3:�: t0 0:7:'_ 51..:�� Oe': i::l° Si;.1:2C:� 0:1�.j�� <"!7'ii_'. '�iiaf' c l� O�!tE'Y' SL'_'E.c'�`.S
=��:'T1�:�; �.;1 O;1 Si:i:t:.C�� �>1C�'C�2 3.ct:1� �:�`_' S?J��l'JC� 'CO 11=:ty'tCC. �l:'?-.^. ?"@S�x'1C�?OY2S�
'""''"''lE'_"i :��J ii0:'�� '-:O:?'�ili O!" 1J0�'f;. Ccl"c'_r�;.? CO:?.S?i:CY3i.?O:1 O�. T11',:�rL Or
� �
AHiliated with the
league of Wamsn Voters of the U.S.
stree�.s siiould be �:?ce:� in czs�s ���zere oa�f;inr res�rictions are sur.qested.
b. i'.tt cC_jCC.�@SSl'vG' �1CjC�.� E��LtCd�lOi1 D1"O?,Y'�t:�: S�lOUl<i StcZ's't aS S0072 c�..S �?OSS1tJZF3�
i:ic�.'r:111G LiSG-' O' SC'i1001S � c3C':11�."L E'CiUCc�i:l0:: *�ro7ra::.S c f:G? �Z�.jx'� rZ2S LO �r0':Oi.?
JCIi����� r'..1. lUZ��-::n:Zl.s. y ' .
7. 1:� CVCZE..' Oi1@i1��C:i rec•reaiion �2"O:�Y3::�a^ StlO.I�..ii }J° C�G'V21.Oj�'31 �il :L 411.�.� Cri-"
� couraRe sa=e �ieycle usacse, s�.e'� as se'_:�c'ulec: bi;:e trins, bil:e roc?�os, bi::e
ra.c�s, e�c. .: :.,i�.orit�� :ras co:�cerne�, tna� so::�e o� tn�se �Yo;rar7s ,,;i;h;:
�eco_::e ��oo cost� j, �,.:�: urg�� r�sLrain�s on spen�'?:zr.
�. Bicyc?c use `or r.u:�eross shor� trins zo silonpi. c� areas, F;or�, scnools
�lu recr�a�ion�:l �acilities should be encouragecl Lj� �ro.^.,o�ion to residents
tZroug:� the City's z•-equent itall?rirS a:�c� public access nror,ra:^s.
9. 1�11 ag-reed t;�at ;1z� develop.ae�t o*_= t�e �i1,e �a-t�'�s iaareas alon7 i-he
i?ississi�ni 2iv2r, R±.ce Cxee;t, a�� :vort': Par'., etc. be sensi�ive to t'r,e
na-�u-rul e:�virozu^en� ancY oreserve u1e �.r�er,ri�� of ti:e areas �hey �o throu�n,
but a fe�v ielt tnat so.:►e areas �ic�'�t b? sa s�nsitive t:le�� :ci�nt %et-�er b�
avoic�ed altoge�%:er (t,iortZ Park, so:.ie areas o_° :tice Cree'.�c) .
10. The firs��s�are of ��e sys�e� should be set up as ��ilo+� to the to�al
Aroject i:� orc;er to r.tonitor -tne e::tent o�. syster:l use anc� to nro�ote ti��
ic�ea or safe bicycZinc to t�le resic��nts o� th� co:�L,iur?it1.
11.. lil� Ci �v shoulc: rror:; close�1T ��.=i. �1 adi acent co� �.:�ur.iLa.�s an;z t�e State to
p_o:aate bi.cycle usagL, �;-ovide interconr_�ctine� sys�e.2s, anc: pro-�o�e safe.
access to scnools a�zd librar? �s loca�ed ou�side t:c� ~ZU.�icinalit<r.
12. Ti.e Ci:i.zen .�?cycl�/ITaL:,�ay Co�r.ii�vee shoald cor.�i:�+�� �a neet at leGst
t�•�ice a year to revie�•� z:i� sys�e-^ an:l r��,e reco�±ten.�ations to the Ci,�y
Co��ci? . I � s?zoulc; also act �s �� a.rea ren�esenta�ic� r,�oun ior con�inve.�
co:::.�n:iity int�-r.ac�ion �.nd a cha�.�-�el.li.r_n JOCi�� zor ba.:-e Yela�ed p�obl�::ts o�
- �` ' �-
13. Direct t�:�clLlOi1 OL F}-ic���y resiuen�s s?zoul� no-t ba .ised to fund the enti-re
st�ste�i. (T.za T��ac�ue c!oas =avor t�e use of local �ar; r�venue to �artia?ly
funa �u.`l:i j�Y'OV1G'f3 i�'�..li2t�';� 3riC@ iOr ti12 SVS LCI.t. ) I'e•;e� aI � S �c t2 r P;etronoli �an,
County, a�►u otzer local sources should be investi;.*ated for partiaZ slste?:i
�wzdin �; .
1� . Bi�ycie zela-�ec reve_,::e sfioul;i b� alloc4ted and use3 ior �;�*e de��elo�: ent
ancl r.i2in��F�anc� oF �i�e �1�2;aai� syste-l. _
Ij. i�OS � L�3 jii� :1E3;:ip0 ^S �er31 t:ie sic?e��al?: assess::teil� C?O�.ZCV c"tZ0:2�? Cottntl roads
siioulc? �e c�annec� to eli:�,ina�e uir�ct assess*.a�nt to resider_tial nro;�ertV,
i�u� a:.'inori��� ���an�°d t?i� pro�osal �,odi=ied to reauire a.ss�ss.:ent to
ho.:;eo:r:er.s ir. �he sersicec: ar.ea, not iYor� ine ?e��ra? iL;,�:1.
, 1'j. I?- i?2C' �OCc�i.10?7 O.� �jlG' }�l;tiC�•73j� 0:1 '�O;�eY� T,OL:1S Cat@V�:'!S07L $Ci100� p�O�1�Y''t.`y
CY�utC:i c'i ;�;"O'�ZC??1 i0i �tl` P?Op�� d10?'t? i11L' ��,'ZZ}:�93y OP2 :21V�°?" ;;C.'+.CtC' �?aV�
iurt;l�� coii�rol ti:eat::e.�t on the bi:;e�:�ay shou? c? be ��:en.
In auui�io.i to ti:e 1� 3icvcle/:'al�.�•�a�� Co:u:,i�tee reco:-�.L�en:;a�ions (a}ao�vaj
u:Q T °uGU°�'. ::lti"til°L CO?1tCi1CiS :
, �%. aJtOc�.c:G'� ,�:L�Z1C On1I110?: surve��s S:10ilZ::i �JE'. �d;�°Il "i.0 cluStl=t� C1tl�C.'i1 cor.CUrrence
�'7141 tile j��GI1J♦ :�0�?` iG'1,� d Yr??'CtE?lfl'�l:•1 ;:71,C.f�]� �� 1;1 01rr.er 1L IlOt t00 COS�'Zy�
��Ti.11C O�:_1CYS �.t10Li�i1� c7. ;?c11ZGC� ct;z�s�ionnuire G•�O�liC� SUFi1.C@.
� 13, ito one �avore� the adoption o� the pxo�osed plan in its entirety. ^zere
;,�r.e so�e oh_jections to the nropasec; routinc (the fourtiz staqe :�atn al.on.,
ti2E.' 2c1St u2.C2° OF �.�1c? Yu2�.YO�C� L2"cZCr':S� i0Y' exa;aple, L•.'c35 L120L2?'ftt �O �1cZVE
� been better plac�d on t.i� west b,� sor.ie) , financi�g inossibilitiea, tn�
acivisibility of anv side;�alk cor.struction at all, etc. j:e woulci IiI:e to
re-i:aiil the ontion t� have stzqes or parts o� stares �ro;�;�ec�, adcled, or
� o�herc,�is� roc�i�ic,a as fu�ure needs de,;�loP, Con�i.nuin� s;zrve�s and nu'�?ic
I '1.^-.c1�:112tiS $(10LZZCj J2 US°Cj �O c?Sai Si� 1:1 YCc?VFIZUu�1.;1fJ til�, SVSL�.:l.
`1'ilC' I.E?c cJi1F3 I�Ocl!'Cl c?�7c� i.lc3i�'J�7":�i7S.p C'70?LZC� �.1.}C@ VO Lt1cZ'1:: �'71E_` i^.G'it[IJ2Y'.S Oi ��'!@
Cor�x:�i.ssion ior �heir att�ntion �o these su,�:estions. t�;e t•�ou13. like to con—
rra..tu� Z`e . each neri�er �or a job ���e11 done, ar.ci ��;o:ilel Iike to than�c and e;rnress
�[]2 dDn:f�'C? c3L1071 Of �l�.Z OUY' ?:2"L�'?�s for ti�Q SE:Y'V� C@ GdC�'1 �1�5 nar',e � 0 �11t�. }�°��@x'—
r.;c� L o:E the cor_�:iunity.
�z�""�x-*�' �• ��'►-w
Cliair:lan, Bz.cycle/
�'al}��aay�s Co:^rtittes
��r^; � ;
�resic?ent, Fricll.ey
L�ac�tte of T7o*�e;� Vot�rs
, -_.�..;: �
' . / z '�
'. ������� -�
` � � ��� .�
1 � � �-�� �.�
+ 'M r V.�
� ��` �
� ...,
riay 27 , 197 5
� �ll1k ti �Ulf �l t�
����r������t ��' ���,�����
Paul K. Ruud, Hi.ghuay Engineer
Anoka County Coc�rt tlouse - Anoka, Minnesota 55303
City of Fridley
6431 University Avenue N.E.
Fridley, t:inaesota 55432
, Gentlemen;
Jerrold Boa�.�nan
Planni.ng Office
Bike�aay/GFa].kway Systems Plan
TelepF.or e: 6I2-421-4760
� A copy of your �ikeway/Walkway System Plan £or the City of Frzdley was delivered
to our ofiice on May 2, 1975, which did not aZlow us adequate time to review
the document and prepare a co:�nentary on our review in time for you,� �fay Sth.
deadline that was requested. tiJe have, as o£ this date� attempted to revxew
' the doc�nent and trust that the comments that we raalce at this timz will still
be usef ul to you in the further preparation and development af your Bikeway/
Glalkway Syste.*tt for the City af Fridley.
Ouz office concurs in the necessity for the development of a sys�em of trai,Is
for not or_ly the City of Fridley bu� also the neighborzng cor�unities and ever�-
tually the metropolitan area and a state-wide system. C7e expect that the interest
in tY:e develogment of this system will increase as tir�z�: goes on, and we will be
atter:zgtino to worlc wi�h each of the corrttaunities to provzc�e for utilization of
portions of the CvLnty highway sysCem whare the Iocation of a bzke trail alono
our highways is feasible frar.► the standpoint o� capacity and safetp.
Wzth th�sa thoughts in mind,we would offer a few comments concerning the system
that you have propos�d,as shown on the r�ap included in the report on page 33.
The location of bike lanes alozg the existing County highway system within the
City of Fridley, cae realize,provide some good throuph connections. In several
instances they also provide the anly controlled crossinjs o� Trunk Highway+s
47 and 65, and also cross�.ngs of the Bur].ington Northern Railroad within the
City of Fridley. �Tithin the past week we have been in on a�eeti.ng wzth the
State �Iighway DepartmenL relative to the intersections of Osborn Road and .
2fississippi Street with Trunk Hibhway 47, so you are aware of the problerris
and concerns that must be dealt with in designino and constructino these inter-
sections to adequately han�Ie the veh3.cular traffic, arcd also to provide far
the safe passage of bicycle �nd pedestrian traf£ic.
City o£ Fridley
P�iay 27 , 197 5
Paoe 2
j1e are concerned that, as addztivnal cievelo;xnent occurs t��ithin the Czty of
, Fridley and witnin the neighborina adjacen� cor�nunities, the traffic volurnes
on s�reets such as Osborn Road, Mississippi Street and fl1d Central, iahich are
vital parts of your proposed system, wzll increase to a point where faur lanes
� of vehicular traffic �aill be require3 and there wi1Z be a limited area, if any,
rer*iaining on the paved surface for a bicycle la:�e. With this in minct, we would
suggest strongly that c�herever possible you laok for alternative routes for
your bicycle paths or ianes off af the County highwaq system, so that as ths
� traffic builds up this chanoe in system at a later date cai11 not be a problem
for eith�r the City of Fridley or the County af Anoka,
In reviewing the bike trail systems for naighboring communities, such as Caon
Rapids, Colvmbia Heiohts and rlew Brighton which are attachect in Appendix C in
the report, we note.that the City of Coon Rapids has Zaid out their primary
s stem in a fashiori to�that of the Cit of Fridle
y �y y y, namely that a gooci shaxe
of their routes are along County roads. We expect that traf£ic on these rautes
will also increase in the future and they will be faced with the same type of
problems I have described previously. [�Te note witn interest that the cities
of Columbia Hei�hts and New Brighton have, in some instances, located their
bicycle routes alono County highways. The majority of their routes, however,
are located alonj city s�reets away from the heavil.y traveled routes, thereby
not creating problems £oz traffic on the heavily traveled roads, bu� also pra-
vi.ding £or a safer bicycle path or lane on s�reets that have more residential
tra£fic characteristics.
In zeviewing the recar�mendations that were prepared by your Bilce��ray/[ialkway
Cor�mittee, as listed on pages 5 and 6 of the report, c,re t�ould like to state
that our traffic signal section is in the process of revi.ewinJ each ot the
signalized interszc�ions alona th� County high�aay systera, as require@ by State
and Federal hiahway regu�.ations. One of the speci.fic items baina reviewed in
this inventory is an enur�erati4n of deficiencies that exist re�arding pedes*_ri.an
trafFic facilities. iie would expect that this report wi7.1 be coriplet2d and re-
viewed within the nex� few months so that sone of the iterns that you note in
Iter,�s l. and 2 of your recor��ndations will have been stu�lied and a solution of
an� deficiencies that are found cozll be addressed,
As we have stated previously, we will work with you an the indication by striping
of bike lanes along Che County highway system. j•Te expect that our Tra�fic Uepart-
ment will be r:ieetino with you within the next raonth prior to tha start of any
s�ripins along the County roads �•rithin the City of Fridley. We �7is?� to r;iake
clear the fact that the znstalZation of the stripino to provide for bicyc.le
lanes at this time does aot guarantee that the bike lane can be maintair.ed
along �he County roads if.need for the full paved width to safely and ade-
quately handle v�hicular traffic necessitat�s the stripino of the roarlw�y
for four lanes of traf£ic at some future date.
If you have any questions or comments concerning
, cludea in this letter in response to your report,
to sit doNn wi,tn you to review the report in more
poi.nts that cae huve raised.
Very tru p yours,
' ��.' � � r -t_.c.,t. � �,���
paul IC. Ruud, P. E.
Ano::a County Hi�hway Enoineer
the items that have been in-
�ve t�TOUId appreciate a chanca
detail, and to explai.n the
Telephonc contact - Favorable resnonse
will try to send lette�- by June 9, 1975.
Te]_ephane Contac� - I3uZt Ellis, President �
Favorable Resnonse
Wi11 attempt to send l�ti.er by June 9, 1975.
' Plar�r�ing Commission P�1�et�nq - June 4, 1975
Pa�e 4 5
' and dispose of i�, if he should quit this business, and not use it i�or any other
use ti�ar� as a greenhouse. P�1r, h1iles said that was all he intended to use this
bu�idiny for, and if he tiveri� out of bus�ness, he �vo:��ld sell this greenhouse.
. 110TION by Lindblad, s�conded by Pet�rson, that the Planning Com.mission close
the Pub.Zic Ilearing on the request for a Special Use Permi_t, SP �#75-0�, by Z'homas
, Mi1es. Upon � voice vote, aZZ voting �ye, Chairman Harris declared the Public
Hearing closed at 9:10 P.�i.
MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Lindblad, th�3t the .Planning Comrrrissian
' recommend to Council approval of the request for a Spec.ial Use Permit, SP #75-Q4,.
by Thonias Miles, to a11ow construction of a 20 ft. by 35 ft. greenhovse, per Fridley
City Code, Section 205.05�, 3, �i, to be �ocated on Lot 16, Auditor's Subdivision No.
, 22, zoned R-1 (s.ingle fami.Zy ciwe�lir.g ar��s) the san2� being 1370 Rice Creek Road N.E.
wit1: the f_ollowinq stipulations:
Z. Alo on-�treet parking be allowed on Rzce Creek Road for this operation.
2. Wheri this is no Zonger used as a greenhouse, it must be rernoved.
3. The greenhouse be propertly maintained.
4. Petitioner only be all.owed to sel�Z products he propa?ates in this greenhouse.
5. This be considered as a home occupation, and no one outside the immediate
famil� be allowed to work in this greenhouse.
UPON A voice vote,. a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
DATSUN N�Oi;TH: To perrn��-c the sai e oi� new and used cars ,�er Fri dl ey Ci ty (;ode,
Section 20�.101, (3,B) a!�d (3,G) in a C-2 z�ne (gener�l business areas) ta be
located on the I�orth 126.01 �eet of the East 200 feet of 'Lot 3, alock 2, and
the South i73.99 f�et of the East 200 feet of Lot 2, Block 2, ali in East
Ra+�ch Estates 2nd Additions th� same being 78I0 University Avet�ue NoE.
Mr. L�yman Sm� �h, Mr. Rolancl Benjamin, Mr. Bob Schroer and h1r> Tim Ho1 were
MOTIOIJ by P�ter.�on6 scconded by Lindblad, that the Planning Commission open
tl�e Pu1�I.ic Hearinq on the request far a Special Use Ferm.it, SP #i75-05, by Win
Stephens Datsun North. Upon.a voice votes a11 voting aye, Chairnan flarris declared
the Pu.blic Hearing open at 9:12 P.M. .
Mr. Clark said that basically this 4vas th� same operation that they had been
discuss�ng for some time that was to have been located at 7701 East River Road, but
nova it a�ras gois�e� ta Ue a completely different locati�n, The petitioner has ti�;ithdrawn
his request for ti�e old location, and this new location ��ras going to be just nori;h
of the To���n Cr�ie� Fancake House. He said there �Aaere a couple of items that
the pet�itioner �vould have �o take care of before they could start construction, if
this Spec�ial Use Permit was approved. One ��ras, that they have to appear before
Guilding Stanuar�s ��rhich was was scheduled for June 5th, and the other was, that th�y
wo«ld have to appiy for, and get approv�l for, a lot split or a p1at. The Planninq
Comrniss�ion liave �reviously approved lot splits for bath the pancake house and
Capp I�omes, and this 1ocation fits that plan which Mr. Schroer had shawn us, and
wf�ich rnight go into effect at some future date.
� {�lann�inq Cammissian Meetin
- June 4, 1975
Paqe 5
Mr� Clark said the plot plan pr��sen-cec! sho�r�� that the plan meets all the setback
require;r�ents �or bo�h the building �an�! pat�l:ir�g. Be��uuse of the easements on this
property, the location of t:he buildinc� �das �omew�at re�tr�cted. When ihis request
goes to E3u i 1 di ny Standardr , tr�e�j wi 11 b� goi ry ov�r ih i s pl an rnore thorouyhly t�n
the landscaping, par4:ing, and ho��i the b�ai-4cl-ine� will l004: aesthetically. l�Jh�at
the pztit;ione�� ti��ants �rom the P1Gnn�ing Commission t�as a recommerdation, so they
can go to the City Council and get a de�ision froi�i ther��.
Mr. t�Jyman S;nith said that Roland 6enjami►� and T�im Hol t�ere present, and
they would be running this cperation. �ihere was some urgency in getting approval
of the Specia1 Use Permit because they t��ant to brea!� graund around the lst of
Ju1y, and be in operation about three mont!-is af�ter that. He said this new buildirig
was ;oing to b� better fo w the pe�it�oner than the a;d buildirg they would have
had with the -First requea� for a Special Use Permit. .
h1r. Hat�ri s
' said they didn`fi
for the 6uilding
askeci if they had the elevations on the pl�t plan? Mr. Benjamin
have that in-i=ormation for this meetirag, but they would have it
Standar�s meeting.
Mr. Harris asked ho�ti� 1arye this build�ing would be? Mr. Benjamin said it
would be 8,000 square feet. He 5aid the building on East River Road was 1G,000
square feet, so they tvould have had about �,OOQ square feet of wasted space in
that bu�ild�ing. The 8$Q00 square i�oot buiiding meats the Datsun requirem�nts.
He said that it �f�as in�erestirrg that the lar,d cost and building construction cost
would be about tiie same as if they could have started c�perations at the first
location. This was because it would have been costly to bring the old buildir►g
up to the City req�.�arem�nts and the Datsun requi re��en��s.
Mr. C1 arl: asked f�1r. Benjami n what the ne��r b��i 1 d; ng �raul d 1 ook 1 i ke. Mr.
Benja�in said it wo�ld be a blocx builditi�g excep-t fa� the sho�v f;oor �ahich 4�rould
bP glass. The side �t��at faces the hichway ��ri l"! have a bric k e f fec t. T h e r o o f
wi11 be fla�, 4�1t% a marssard effeci; all aroiand this roof.
Mr. Harris said Lhey would have to co,7�e hack �to the Planning Coi�mission an
the request for a lot sp1it. P�ir. Benjamin said t�dey didn't want ta request a iof,
split until �;hey exercise tr�eir optian to pu�chase thi� property. t�r. Harris
asked Mr-. Clark if this would ��old them up in getiing started an ti�is projec�?
Mr. Clark said he had talked ta t�ir. 6enjamin befo��e this meeing, and if th�is came
to the Planning Ca��nmissian on their meeting of June 25th, it would go to the Council
on Ju1y 7th, and t1�is was close enough to t{1E1T" proposed startine� date. He said
the pi°evi�us week ���as the 4�;i� of July tivee�c, and i7e didn't �think ttze�E would be much
constructior� thut we�k. �
Mr. Clark said thav after the lot split, �he parcel f:hat remains ati+il� have to
meet the requirements of C-�2 zon ing ti�h�ich ��lus 20,OOQ sq�aare feet.
Mr. Bob Schroer saici the pr�posed service road could be swung to t��e South
so it went along the Win Stepflens property. ��r. Na•rris said �t ��tould cnange the
setback requirements if this service road 4,�ent rigf�t next to the property. Mr.
Schroer said he ca��ld leave a 20 foot str�p as a boulevard for this service road
then. h1r. Cl�rk said he should give that 20 foot stt,ip to Win Stephens, as they
would probably have to maintain it. Mr.Schroer said he would, if they changed
the service drive.
Mr. Harri s askeci i f they v�oul d have enou��h room an thi s purcel for the new
cars� used cars and customer a��d employee parking? Mr. Benjamin said they had
Planninc� Commi �sion t�leetinct - June 4, 1975
�� � S �
an acY:.� of 1 and �� thei r I. 694 si te ��rhi ch �ras adzquate, and they a�rould have an
acre%: and a t�alf �t �th�is si te, so he said he d'►dn't think they would need to h�ve
any additional larld far storage �f cars,
Mr. Narris said he noticed tha� there was a drainagP and utility easement
' right down the centc�r of this parcel, and he �vondered if ti�is �rould pose any
probl ems. P-fr. C1 ark sai d i t vroul dr►' �t as they cou� � use thi s for parki ng or for
a drivetivay.
Mr. Lany�nfe�fd asked Mr•, Clark if they had gotten a�y response from Spring
Lake Park. Mr. Clark said they hadn't.
Mr. LangEn���ld asr:ed i�� �hey it�tend�d to do a great deal of service work,
because he noticed that they hzd 9 service stal�ls. Mr. Benjamin said that ��as
one of the Qa�si�n requiremen�s, and th°ir.intention was to keep these stalls
busy if possible, Ne said they knew they v�ouldn�t need this many s�a11s when
they first started the op�ra�ion. �
MGfiICIJ b?� Lizlr.ib�aa, secancied by Petersoix� tl�a� �he �.tanrling Commisszon �Zose
the Public Hearin� on the request for a Special i7se Perrr,iL, SP �;75-05, by Flir�
Stephens Datsun Na.r�h. Upon a voice vote, a1� voting aye, Chairman H�-�rris declarpd
the Pub.�ic Hearing r_Iosed at 9:27 P.M.
rroz�roN by LindbZad, seconded by Petc:rson, that th� Planning Com,r.nission
recomrnend to Cauncil approva.� of the reguE:st for a Spec.ial Use Permit, SP #75-G5,
by G7in Stepher.s Datsun North, �o permit the sale of new and used cars, per Fridley
City Code, Section 20S.1Q1, (3,B) and (3,G) in a C-2 zone (yeneral business areas)
to be .Zoca�ed on the North .Z26.01 fez� of the East 7_GO feet of Lot 3, B.Zac.k 2,
and the Souti� I73a99 feet_ of the East 200 fe�t of Loi: 2, Blocl: 2,. aI1 in East
Ranch Estates 2r�d Add.ztion, the sarr�e being 78.Z0 University Avenue N.L., witb the
following stipu.Za�ions:
1. Sub7ect to tlze xev.zew and xeCOmxnendatians of the �3uild.in� St�ndards-
Desig�n Col7trol Subcorrtmittee.
2. Sub.jec� to �he approval af a 1ot sp.�it.
UPON a c�oice vot�, al1 vo�_ing a�e, th� moti.on caxried unan.imousJy.
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, MEMO T'Q :
� � A4E:�t0 FR0�1:
I�asim M. Quresh� , City r1anager
Richard N. SaLiech, Public 1�aexks D3rector
June 5, 1975
SUBJECT: Waiver of Sewer and }�ater Connec�io� b�� Verly?� t%aiide�
Lugt; Part of Lot C, Rttigister��c� Land Survey �3
In response to the letter we received from Verlyn Vander Lugt regarding
a request to waive Che cannection to City Eaater ancl seives�, tl�e °u'�l i�
Works Department has investi.gated the area. It shot�l_ci be noted that
the paz•ceI of ��roperty in question was ak,,_.�o�v�d %'ar I.ot su�it or� A_agusi.
30, ].971. .'I'he pa-rcel is a.pprur.imately 33, 5r,0 sc,ua.re fGet (. 8�cres) .
Lotis D and E of �tlie Rcgisterec� Land S�zxvey c�rer�e ap�laved far tiaaiver of
connecti_on to Ci2:y sanitary sewer on I�iaxch 1�, 1973 a3z�1 Jw�e 5, 1972
respectiti�ely. The residents presentll livzng on tl�.e :��.her poxtion o£
Lot C have a��rivat:e sanitary sevrer sys teir� froi_n 1-1-�e origi.nal construction
of the hame in 1960.
We Ytave reviewed tlie rec�uesi ioz° installa�icn a� th:e private sanit2ry
seti�er and wPll system wi.th various State and Cc�un�y aoenc:ic;s. T`hese
agen.cies Yia.ve coinmented as follows:
Ntetro o�'��ta.n �4aste Canf.rol Cammissian (A�CjVE'�1: 'I'hey report
' they have na juxisdict�on as long as theJe is no sewer available. For i:h.e
case in Questian tl�e se��:er is not availa�l�, thexe�'are the I��'CC �eels
this is a loc:al c�iscrei�i_oi�a.ry decis�_Gi�.
hiinnesocw P��ll�i:i.on Coi:E�,��.% �'kgent.y: They have no xules and
regulatio,zs pertaining to pr�.vate sa.nitary �ez�rer and weil systeins.
InstalJ.atian of private systems is up to che Iacal com�niznit}� and the
affecteci wate�st�aed �istr�.ct.
�a.rtment of i�atusal R�sources: At the present time
they have no jurzsctic�t��ion; lio�aevcx, tizey are in the prac��s of. pxe�ar�ng
Shoreline Manage�7ent rules and rv�ulations. In �.pplying �he parcel af
property in c�uestic�n to thc proposEC� riz�_es �n�i rc��ul.ati�r�s o£ tixe
Sl�oreli��� Managemer.t Ac�s thc� Iot is in complia.zi�e. It sl�ould be rurther
pointed out t.h.e proposed rizJ_es and regulatio�s t1�vc; a secfi:ion indicating
no juri.sdictic�n on propertivs developed �rio� to the esta�,Iishmerit of thc
Shoreline �"�na�,er,tent; rules and regu2t,ti.arxs.
R:Lce Cre�k �`b�%Ei:erslied Di st�i.ct-: 'Ifie pe�iti.o��i�r has had t}:e
parcel o� prop�rty, togetiier �,�i ; h the: nz`opased res i.dential de>>e.iopment,
reviewed by ttze Rice vreek LVatexshed Di strict who I:avc i_nclicated trieir
approval of thc project (see a.ttached}.
Memo to N. Qureslii. G-5-75 6 A
Re: llevelopmcz�t on L. C, i:.I..S #3 Page 2
Anoka Caiznty C��7_c�hei�sive 1lealth Departm�nt: Anoka.
' County indic<xted. that ii the p���tierer comr�iica s�itl� the mini.mum standards
of �he Min:�esota Department of' Healt;i rui�.s ancl r�g�..�.lations regarding
privatc sanitary sewe-r and wel.l systcrnsy �}��ey w�uld have ilo objections to
� the installa.ti�ne In�li catior� caas given. that �:he pe*itian�.a contacted
Anoka County and is �ware of the necessity to c�mply c,rith the rec�uirements.
I'rom tYze d.iscussiol� with. the abo�te a�er_cies it seems ihe installation of
a private sanitary sewer and ��ater sysi.:em wrnald preseT�t no problems.
Further investigation into the re�ues� indica.ted i:he parcel of property
is not affected by �:he flood plai�� zoning regul.atiors.
It sl�ould be noted that Lllere exists a 66 foot tivide roadway easement which
is located on the cast 66 feet of t}�e suhject �:roperty. Construction of
a residential dwelling �vould necessitate either a var;.ar:ce to alloiv a
reduction of tkie setback from ��blic ri��lzt oi �,la.y er a v�cation procedure
to eliminate a portion of the roa�iway casem.e.nt. T�ie roadway easement was
originally acquired to allow access to �}ze Cit;� of Fridley property ad-
jacent to Rice Creek. Tt is felt that va.catien of the c��esi 33 feet ot
the existing easemer.± vroulcl n.ot be objectionable and c�ould allow for con-
structiaii of the u�aell.ir.g, A��propriate proc�ss��ng of' an application s��ould
have to be follo<<red.
i�e have d�scussed aIl the above items w�.th tlxe petitione.r and r�e is aware
, of the va.rious prucedures involved and is i�illi.;�g to proceed with those
necessary to develop the p�a�;exty.
A furt :er it��n to cc:�nsider i�s t}�<: s t.��e^.i: �'s_r�L�� ov�,n�ent oi Siverts Lan.e.
tlle waiver of t?�e conner..t�on ree,?;iren��;nt- to C�ty seG-Jer and :vater is
approved, there xemains ro pro�erties i« �he area �ahich are developa.ble
whi.cli woul.d rec�uire sanitary seti1er and cv�ter within the str.eet ri_g1-;t of
way. T}�is is d��r�.f:i;d tI7x•�tz�k� a petition xec:eived.previously fromthe
�.ro�3exty owners ahutt;�.r�g S_i.i�e.rts Lane on `v9t�i Avenue stai:ing they liave
desire to s�ii� t3i�ix propert:y (see atc�.ched). iVith this in mir�d, the
only zmpxov�mer.t: t?�.a� could tak� place taould be a street impiovemen.t to
pr.operly serve �li� area. 6Ve have discusseci th.e s±reet impravement with
the petitioner rhlh� irz�zicated �'rzat since I�e would be usizig Siver�s Lane
for acccss, lie .va�ul�z havp no ohjcc-ti.an to a fa�r assessment for street
improvemcr�t cost5 sig�.i�st his property.
In summa.ry, oux i.nvestigati.�n h�s indicatec� iio pr�blems would resizlt
witt� the i3'ist_��la�ic�n aF a pri��ate sanitary sewer and wat�r systEm,
tl�erefore a.t is reconuriended that a waiver af t}�e connection to the City
syster,ls be a}?prov�d �vith tre followin�; sL-ipuiati.�r�s:
1) In the e�rent tl�.at sewer and water is ever extended
down Siverts ?.ane t.he property owner agr.ees to connect to the system
W7.i.a11I1 a rcusanahie a�nount of time.
'l� The p�roperty otvner has no objection to a street improve-
ment project and a�;rees �.o accept his fair share of asscssment of the
hf;,mo to N. Qi�resli:i.
Re: Devele�ment. of L. C, R.L.S. #3
Page 3
3) Prior to issuanc� of the buil�ing permit the appli--
cant �;�i.11. present to ttie C:ity and the Anoka County Comprcliensive I-Iea.lth
Uepartment � complete pl.ot pla�i inclicating lccati.or. of stiuctures, well and
cesspool tagethcr wi.th cross 5ections of tl�e Z�rivate sanitary sewer system,
soil bora.zlgs �.ndicatirig G•�ater t-ab7.e ar�cl res�.zlcs af p::rcol�tion tests.
Aiso piior to issuance of the building peranit, i.t will be determined that
the private sani-Lai•y sebae�r system meets the mini.nnun rec�uirements of the
h4innesota Dep�r:tment of �iealth.
4) Tlie petitioner agrce� to �roceed with the necessary
applicatioi� for either a vari�nce or a vacatiall to eliminate the setback
problem witli the exista_ng road�aay easer.�erit.
It is �urther reco�:ur,ended that a street i.mpxovement project be initiated
for Siverts Lane. '
R?�S/ jr,
ifrzdle�r C:i (.�r Cau�c��:l.
`.�'o z�J:�or� �. � in��;j concc;�°n:
347� 16�;h St. i�'.':I.
i�;�;t�r �z�i�r�it�n, T�iinn. >5�12
r•z�. f 27 � �-�) l5
I, . i !'i '.. . � c ., J_ • � n n J� n l_ � . �
J.. a�n �.:-:� ��r o�;�,..,c �,zve �:.�..l�t�..:�� ex �lie >au��,l't ��'�.���; of_ �°.��ac�c �, 1,!:�;zst;e�ea
i, Land ;���� vc;�r i;o. 3y :nc��-a Co��rzt�;�, ianr�:;soi;a, �_acaP F;c�, ":�:1
. �_� . . O�' �11n
1.71%c ��,Ci;:LQI"i O:l l.^i°1:�i,;:'u� 1":Vf:� !'se �• 2.IaC� (.iQiA11L-7' iif�• .'C.d
I azn chc� ��� o��:�c ci,�.ve k�����c;� _:�. i_;��at Ln�; r��� �c'i,�v� ��x cc r��eilt invo:;.vLd ?_s
' ` . .
COYIL2T? '.vi1"u i";UJ1 t i1r; ,,�t,Y, (J�:' 21C7'.: � 7..�F, i';'G �.:'..1.1_ ���., ��.;)'1'OVr',Cl £'..^, %1 SZi.i.L�'..�.�i.�'
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5E337 HOt3c LAl�lE. WHITE BE/�R I._AKE. MINNi=SC�TA 5.5i ti1 1;.✓ �+ ��') , "' (�
iiay 16 r 1975
Mr. Verlyn Vander Lugt
3076 - 16th Stre�t N. W.
ilew BriUh.ton P T�Iinnesota 55112
,:-°�°- • ;: � �., } �
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ke: Permit App]�ica�.ion ;; 75-45
LQCation: Nor-�n �f Rice Creek� �as� of
Central Av�nuep Frid�_ey
PurZ�o�e : Cc�ns�ruct sin�l e fami.ly res �c3�i7ce
Dear ��•Zr . �Tanct�r Lugt e
� At their meetinc� on P�Iay 1� � 1975, the �oax:d oi P�Ianagers
of the Rice Creek GJatershed Distr.�_ct revie�aed the sub-
ject applicatian and the report o� the engi.neer. In
� v�_ew of the fact t:ha� trA�r_� is cor�sic�era��7 e liiqli ground
on the su�i;ject site there should be no prcbler.l in con-
structing a singZe farnily res_��ence �,rithaut e�.croachiz�g
� on the i��od pl.ain o� Rice CrEek. ThC L�,lanzgers, thereicre,
ap�ro�red -�Yie applica-�ion as subm:�t.ted.>
Thank you far your cac�peraticn in this ma-tter.
Sincerel�T �
Engine�rs for�he District
� f
3 ,
� �
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.�"�,��''''''� � ..
ahiz R. MacLenna�., P.E.
, ,
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Prr; ;idunt
M�htomadi 5511�
Board ��f i�7anagers
T . S}:e 1toz1
N. �ureshi
V�GE:+ !'« :r;idenl Vicc P«r.;idnnt T« s�suri�r SeCrCtdry
New Cinyhlc�n S51 t2 Huc�o 5503Fs FndloY :i`,�1'�'� Whdc t3tar Lake 55110
E A HIGKUK &!� ;SOCIAI F; C;on,ult�n{� Fnqine;ers 473 4274 • FfiANK .I F.AUHHl�Y Allornoy ??4 7ii?•1
C Ii�' OF �'R LDL�Y'
Date Received
Petit ion. P:��. 10�197�
Object Exemption f�,om hookint up to vrater ��d se•;^rer �acilz�ties
fo:r Lot D, RegisterE-c�. Land Survey #3 (���verts Larae )
Petition Ghecked By
Percen� Signing
� �
Ite£erred to City Cour�ci_1 � .. � ._°�~-,�' �'`�-. ,%��'
A4ar°ci? �. e ].�3'73
Z TO t�,�IIOi�•i TT :�-:AY COI�JGf�I��"J:
�de :�re r�oi, inT.,eres{�eci in developin^ ti�e sout}� ��3d of our
prorertJ <�: d tl���:°efore do :ZOt v���.nt s��rer �.r.d t�rs�ter brou�ht i:�
to serv� Si.r�rt� L�xie.
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I �m not �r�ie � estac� �n brin�..n� se�r�r £3Y1d �at�r (�it�� zntc� .
my lat C at this tire� a � i� _ i .7 �
� ,� 7�
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There ���i 11 be a�ubl i c heari ng befo�e the Ci ty Counci 1 at 7f 3� p,m, on Ju1 y i 4, 1975
,to consider the follo���in� chang�s ii� tf�e Charter of the Ciiy of Fridley, Language
that is proposed to be added �o the Charter is sho��vn as follows;
� ' � ye�� Ci�arter 1 angua e
Language tha� is proposed to be deleted from the Charter is shotivn as follows:
Be�e���-��;a��e�°-� ��at�a���
7ne cnanges are as fo1lovrs;:
Section 2.C; i�aragrapn �� ELECTED O�FTCZALS, The term of mayor and of each
counci lman :,; ,.:.11 b�giri �n th� fi rst offi ci al b�as � ��ess day in the month of January
next -Fo11o.��ir�g his elec���� and sha��i end lvhen his successor has been duly elected
and has �ual�ifieci. T�i� fi�~:;t orde�� �f b��siness at tN�e first offie.ial council
meetinc� in �laruz�ry shail be th� s��azari� in o� t1�e netiaiy electe� members of tne
council. The cou�;c�:l shall be the judge of the election of its memb�rs.
Section 2.09, paragrap't� 2, IN1lESTIGf�TION OF CITY AFFAIRS. Any m°mber of the
council ma�� request in writ�inq any s�ecific information reTatinq to an� department
via the Ci�:.� ��ana.�;er. 1�f�� City i-lana,�er shal! res�r�ci in ���ritinq with,in a•reasonabl2
peri od o�� ti me .
Section 4.�3, PRI�IARY ELECTT�NS. ��e-��e�����-s�a��-F��e����e�-�ea�-¢4�-e�-�a�e-eap���a�e�-
�a�e-�i�e�-���-���,�-���.:;�������-v����e-��°_�e;�-•���,��a ��a;�-��-a�,���a,��r� y_s�-aaa��� ;-��s���e
��;-s�c�H-er�t��a�e�-��-�e�������e�-�e�-��; ��a��-e�eE��er�- �a--4�e-�e��;�£������e-Q�-��-a�y�
�a�=�}ea�a¢-��a��! s--c�3� -�r���; ;-��������-��s�;����-e�e���a�•-s����-�e--He•���e�-a-�a�e-�e�-�ess
�ba�-��9�-�a3�s-�pr�e�-��-���-�� �����--e�p�i�o� :-�_���-�e�r�e��-�ay ;--�iae�e�ea�-���ee-o�
�a�e-ea��� �a�e�-�a�e-�+�e�-=; c��-ar��-�.�• ��a�r�r��-e��� Ee ; _e�_�o�r-EO�����n�a�-e�-a�,�-�a�=d,-e�
�ra��s�-�t�s�+���._�b�a��a-e�������:�-��-;������t;��U�_�'��_�� �t�a��-e�eE�.}e�-�e-�e-�e�d;_
E}������-e�-��-a�a�����=�����a�r-r����iA-��-mr����s--���-����-����1��}-e�ee��e�-s�a��-be- .
be�d-er�-a-���e����-�e�s-��afi�-��-�a�s-���o�-�e-ti��-�e�e���-e�ee�}�a:- On the first
Tue;day a�ter th� secon� ��anday of eacf� Sc, ter�oer there shall be a.primar eleciion for
the select�ion of t�•ro P10i11111�eS fnr each elec�t�v� office at the reqular municipal election,
unless on-iy two n�minces tile for each clective afi�ice.
Section 4.05, �]UDGES ,'1ND CLERKS OF ELECTT�:�. Tfie council shall at least ¢�-83--�e�-�a,�s
25 or 30 d«� s�accardir�g to state statutes) before each municipal election appoini.
three qu�lifie� voters c�� each voting {arecinet �to be judges of elections therein and
��-vo qualif-ied voters o�' tf�e same �recinct to be clerks c�f eleciion, or as many more or
less as r�ay be determined by t��e council. No person signing or circulating a petition
of nomination of c�ndidate for election to office or �n� member of a committee
petitionine� a referendum ar r�call s��all be eligible to serve as a judge or clerk of
such election,
• �
Section 4.0�, CANVASS OF ELECTIONS A�dD TAKI��G OF flFFICE, The Council_shall meet
and canvass the election returns 4vithin ��� seven calendar days after any regular
or special elect7ons, and shall i��ake full declaration oF ti�e resulis as soan as
possible and file a s�taten�ent thereof with the ci ty c`lerk, and said statement sha11
be made a part of the minutes.
Section 5.02, EXPENDI7llKES BY PETITIU�dERS. No member of any initiative, referendum,
or recall committe, no circulator of a signature pa�pr, and no signer of any such
�a�er, or any other person, shall accer�t or offer any re�•�ard, pecuniary or otherwise,
for service rendered in connection �vith the circulation thereof, but this shall not
prevent the committee from paying iar legal advice and from incurring an expense
not to exce�d �5Q.Q0 for stationery, copying, printing, and notaries' fees. Any
violatian of the provisions of this section is a misdemeanor, subsect to a fin� not
less than �50, not to �xceed $200. �~
'Section 5.Q8, INITIATIVE BP,LLCiS. The ballots used when voting �apon such proposed
ordinance shall s�ate the substance of the ordinance and shall give tt�e voters the
opport+.�nity to vo�e eith�r "yes" or "no" on the qu�stion of adoption, If a majority
of tne electors vot�ng on any such ordinance vote irr favor of it, it shall thereupon
'become an ordinance of t{�te city, Any n�mbEr of �ropnsed ordinances may be voted upon
at the same electi on but the voter shal 1 be a11 o�,�ed to v��;e for or agai nst each
separately. In case of inconsistency between t�ti�o in�tiated ordinances approved at
�one election, the one approved by �:he higf,er percentage of elec�ors wo���g and have at
least 55% of the uotes cast on the questian shall prevail to tl-ie extent of th�
circulatinc� a petition for �h� ini-tiation of an ordirar.ce, the initiaiian of charter
amendmAnts , for a a�eferendurn ar �he rera-! 1 of an elected c�ff i r_i al , sh�l l be �ui i ty of
a misdemeanor and sha11 be fin �cl not less th�n �50 fUr fa�sely attesting to any
si �nature on the octi ±ion.
,Electors formi��c�_ th�mselv�s �n±o a commit���e f�r the pur ose of circu�ating a�etitic�n
shal l provi de each ci rculator af such aeti tion ti-vi �h a ra}�,� of this secti�r� of the
Charte r. �
Section 6.d4, SU�ORDINA7E UFFICERS. There shall be a city clerk, eity treasurer, city
attorney and s�.�ch oth�r office.rs subordinate to tf7e city manager as the cotancil may
prov�de for by ordinances. The city attorn�y �ha��-��-a������e�-�,�-��e-eers�e�� and/or
the legal officer s) shall be. a�pointed f�,y th? cit�managQr with ��he approval of the
counci 1. The city clerE: shal 1 be subject to tl�e direction of the ci ty mana�er and
shall have such duties i•n connection ���i�h the keeping of the public recards, �the custody
and disbursement of the nublic funds, and the general administration of the city's
affairs as shall be ordained by the council. Ne rnay be designated to act as secretary
of the council. The council may by ordinance abolish offices which have been created
by ordinance, and it may combine the duties of various offices as it may see fit.
PAG� 3
Section 6.05, PURCHI�SFS AND CONTRA,CTS, The city mana�er shall be the chief purchasing
,agent of th� city. Al1 purchases on behalf of the ci-ty sha11 be r�ade, and all
contracts le�t, by the city manager, provided ihat tl�e a;�proval of the council rnust
be given �n �advance ���henever the amount of such purchase or contract exceeds ��-;88A-a8
'�5,0OO.OQ. All contracts, bonds, and instrumen�ts of every kind to ti��hich the city
shall �e a narty sha11 be si�ned by the mayor on behalf cf the City as we11 as by
the city rnanager, and snal? be executed in the name ai the city,
Section 6.06, CONTR�C-fS, I�O�:J LETa In a11 cases of contracts for the purchase of
merchandise, materials or equipment or for any kind of construction �lork unclertaken by
the city, 4vhich requir� an expenditure of more than ��;Ea4:@� �5„000.00, unless the
council sh�1? by an eme.!°g`ncy ord�nar�c� other��rise ;�r�vid�� the city mana;er sha��l
advertise for l�ids by at least �� l� days pu�l��shed notice in the official newspap�r.
Contracts and purchases in excess ��•-,082.-�0 �5y0C�iN0U shall �e let to the lowest
responsi bl e b� dder as determi ned by the co�!nci 1,y fli� counci 1 may g however, re ject
any ancl al 1 bi ds , Nothi r�g con �a � ned i r� thi s secti o�� s�ai 1 prevent the counci 1 from
contrac�i ng for �he dai ny of worl� �,r� tt� patented }�roce�s�s x ar from t}�e purchasi ng of
patented app�lianceso
Sectian 7,02, PO!��ER QI� TA�ATIO��. The ci �y �hal3 h��ve, in �dd-it�ian to the �o�N�ers by
�his cha;tet� expressly or implie�ly grant�d, �11 the poe•�ers to raise money b,y taxation
pu�,suant to the laws cf �',�� stat� whicll are u���icab�e to ci�t�es of the class of
which it may be a mern�er fram 'cime io time prc,vided tf�at the amount of taxes levied
against real an� �ersor�al p�°onety within �the city fcr g�neral city purposes sha11
noz exceed �8 �6 mi1is an e�ch do11�r° c�fi �i�ie a.�se�s�d �a1�a�;ion of th� pt�opert;� taxa�le in
the city. In caiculat�ng sur.�� li�nii, the a���ssec� v���ue �� �prop�rty used -For h�mestead
purposes ,hal1 be c�eterr��zn�d as n�w �r�vide�i ir: ���i��r�esai:� Sfiatutes, Sect�ion 273.13,
Subdivis�ion 7a.
Secti on 7. Q2 , SeG%i o�� B; POj��Ei� OF TAX/-1TI�N , The ci ty coun ci � may a1 sc� 1 e�y a tax i n
any year• against real a��-�c�s��a� pro�erty with�in the �ity �n addi�iori �a said �9 16
mill lirnitation an� the ievies specified: ^
Secti on 7.03, QQt1��-0�-E���1���A��6��! BO�i�;B Or REVIFW< The counci 1 shall consti tute a
board �f ec,�a?��n�1�� revie�v and shal��! meet as st�ch in the usual place for halding
counci 1 m°eti ngs t� ec�al i ze the assessed val uati c?rts arcordi ng to 1 a4v, ar�d a publ ished
notice of such meetiny sha�ll t�e given ir� the off-ic�al newspaper of the city at least
��#��ee� ten days prior to the day of said meeting.
Section 7.04, paragraph 2, f'REPAR�TIOid OF �1PdNUAL BUDuET. In paraZlel coiumns shall be
added the amounts exr�encied undnr s�ir??ilar i�eads far ���e �t�ti�o pr�ceding fiiscaT uears, and,
as far as �racti cabl e, the amo�mts exp�nded and estimateci for expenditure uuring the
current year. In addition to estimates of 2xp�nditures, the city manayer shal�l prepare
a dytailed statement af rev�nues coilected for the iwo preceding completed fiscal years
with amaunts estimated to be collected for the current fiscal year, and an estir�ate of
revenu°s for tf�e ensuing �fiscal year. The estimates shall be su�mitted to the council
at its first reyular n�onthly meetin� in A���s� Septe�r!��r.
Secti on 7.05, PASSAGE OF 7liE i3UDGET. �i"he budyet sha� �i be �f:f�e pri ncipal i tem � of
business at the first r�guiar monthly meeting af l:ne council in Au;�s� Se tember,
and t��e council shall hold subsequent meetiny; from time to time until a 1 the
esti!nates have been considered. The rT?�Ftings s�al_1 be so conducf:ed as to give
inter°ested citizens a reasonab�e amo�ni oi time �n vdhich to b� heard; and an
opportunity to ask questions, The budget estimates shall be read in full ard tne
city manager shal7 explain the various items thereof as fully as may be deemed
necessary by the council. The annual budget finally agreed u�on s4�a11 set forth
in sucfi d��ai i as may be deterr�i ne� by �h° ci ty council , the complete f�inanci al
pl an of t,�e ci �t�� for the unsui ng fi scal year, and shal l be si gned by tl7e ma,jority
of the council uoon 6eing acfopted. It shall indicate the sums to be raised and
from what sources , and th� s�ms to be spent ancl for wha l. purposes , accordi ng to
p1an indicated in Sectien 7.04, TPie total sun� appropriated sf�all not exceed the
i.otal e��imated r�v�n��. The co�r!cil shall adopt '�e bud�e� �.��:����-i,�e-�e�T.k�-���-
�e��e���e� not later than the �ast council meetina in Oc�ober �y ord�narrce t�ahicl��
shall set forth �he total of f:he budget an� the to'tals of i,�e majar divisions of
th� budget, according to the pian indicated in Sec�t�on 7,04.
Section 7.09, LEVY R,'dD COLLECTIOPd OF T1�Y.,ES. On or before �he ���-8�-9��s���
,fi rst counci 1 meeti nc� of Pdover�ber each year• the coui;ci 1,shal �l 1�vy by � eso i uti on
the taxes necessar�,� to m�ef, the requirerr°nts of t�te budg��L for tre ensuing fiscai
year. The ci ty clerk sha�l transmit �to t�7e couE��t� a�c�itor a��nual ly, not la�� er thar� �
the lOth of GE�c����= Navemaer, a stat�men-t of al1 the �axes 1�vied= and such taxes
� shal 1 b� col 1 ected a�i�f ii�� payr�,e�1i, tl�ereo-f be �i�; �rced wi th and i n 1 i�:e manr�r as
state and courty taxes. No tax shall be int�alid t�y reasan of any infortnality in
the manner of levying �he sam�, nor because t��e amount levied shall exceed the amoun�
'reqiur°d io be raisea �For t;he sp�cial r�urpose for t�Jh�ich th� sam� is iev�i�d, but
in that case the s�rulus s}�a11 go into a suspense fund, and sha1� be useci to reduce
the levy � or thie ensuii�g year. -.
Section 7.14, ACCOUNTS k��D REPO�ZiS. The city mariager s1�a11 be the chie� accour,iing
officer af the city an� of every bt°anch thereo�s and i.he council may preycribe and
enforce oropet, accounting me�ho�!s, for^is� blai�4<s, ar�ci otfl�r dev�ces consisten�c witr�
the 1aw, t,�is chai••ter, and thr: ordinances i� acco�°d with it. He shall subinit to
the council a statement each morzth showing the amount of m�ney in the cus�edy of the
cit;y treasurer, the stati�s cf all funds, the df110Ui1� spent ar �f�argeab�le against each
of the annual bud�et allo�,�ances and the bala��ces left in each, and such ot{�er informatzon
rel ati ve to the fi nances of th� ci ty as the counci 1 m�y rec�u i re , The counci 1 may at
any time and shall annually provide for an audi� �f the city finances by a certified
publ i c accountant or by the departm�nt of the state aut{7ori zed t� make exa���i nati ons o�f
the affairs of municipalities. On nr befare thc� fi rst da,y of-A�»��- June in each year
the city manager s��all prepare a co,T�plete financial statement ir form approved by th�
council of the city's financial �per�tions for the nr�ceding calendar year, which
statement may be published in such manner as the council may direct and a sumn�ary
thereof shall be published in t��e officia{ neti��snar�er on or befcre A����- June lOth of
each year.
s t
PU+3LIC NEl�P�I��dG 0�•! F�ROPOSED Cfir�°I�ER CH(1NGES (COi�TIfuticD)
� �'AGE 5
Section 7.17, D�(3T AND TAX ANTIC�P�',TIO�� Cl;�Tl�it;r1TCS, (a) If in any year the
receipts from �l:axes ar other sources shou�ld fr�m so�ne �ir�foreseen cause become
i nsuffi ci e��t for• the ot�ui nary expe;�s��s of the c�i t,y, as pravi ded �or i n tf�e budget,
ar �+f any cala�nity or �thcr �ublic emerg:ncy s;�ould subjer.t tl�e city to t,;e
n°cessity of making extraorc��inary expenclit«ress tt�en the co!a��cil may authorize
the sale by thQ city treasurer oF emergency deL�; cert;��'icates to run rot to exceed
ei ghteer� months a.nd to bear �i n�et�est at r�ot more than �i,�-�e�Feri�-pe�-anr���,a
al 1 oti��able by S �ate Statui.es . r� �ax suffi c r �nt to redeem al 1 suc!� certifi cates
at mat�r°i�ty shal l bey iev�ied a�� �art of 'r.he budget of the follow�ing year, The
authori za� i on of an i ssu� of s�ich em^r;�ncy debi: certi ri ca Lc�s sha11 take the i�or�n
o-f an ordinar�ce appr-oved by at least fou�� of the m�mb�rs of the council ; the
ordir,ance, .»ay if dee�red recessary, be passed as an emergency ordinance,
(b) For the purpo�e a�� providing necessa•ry moneys to n;e��: authorized expenditures,
the council may issue certi-ficates of �indebtedness in �ny year �arior to the receipt
of taxes �ayable i;� such year, on suci� terms and condi�ions as i�c !�uy de�ter�nine, bearing
interest at a rate r�at ��-��:����a-3=��-�p��'c�ra�-����-�;-4�t,:�; n�ore than al io;��ble by State
Statutes; provided �hat s�ch cer�ii=ica�tes cu�t;tanc�if�g at ar,y one time shall not exceed
forty nercert of fi.fie tax 1e�ay payable in ihe current y�ar belon�lrlg to the �Fund for
the bene� i t of Gvhi ch tri� borro�ving is authorized.
Section 8.05, pUBLTC 4�tQRKS: NO��d PERFORhiED. Public ���orks including all local
'improven�er.ts, ma�� b� conscructec�, extenc�ed, re�aireu and �naintazr�d either by contract
or, if the estirna�ted cosi is le�s �han o��e-z.�i��s��c� five thousar� c;ollars, directly
by day �a�0'". r3efor° receiving bids the City manag�r �na�i, und�r t�e direction �f
�tye C� ty �o�nc�i 1, have suitab?e plans ar�d speci�ti cut.ions prepai�ed for t�e propased
material or �?1^Oj�C� and ±he es�imGte af f.��� cost the,�eo; in detail � Tl�e d4Ydt°c� of an}�
contract amounti nc� to mc;re tf�u�� t�rt thousGnci dol 1 ars shal l F equi rc a faurth-fi fths
�vote of the Ci �y Caur�ci 1 a t�hen the �est interest of the ci ty wi 1`! 6e served thereby,
the City Counc�l i�ay erganize a construct�on departmen�t ui�d�r com�?et�r��� supervision
and providecl Gviih suitabEe equipm�nt.
, Sect�on 10.�r�, P�i�,ER Ot= kFGUL,�TTQ'� RESE�UEf). Ti�e ciiy shall have �he r�ghi. and
oo�,�er to reg��i�j�.:e and car��tral t`7e exercise by a co��pora�ion, co-aartnersi�ip, per�son
or other �ntii:y, o-� a�7y franc��ise; i�owever acquired, and 4�rhetner such fa�anchzse
'has been h�retofor� gr�anteci kly thP �6���a�e C��i��-�t���� of � ridley or by the Stat� a�
;�i'nnes�t�, �� shall hereafter he granted by 'tf�e -cit.y or by the S�tate of �1ir�resota.
�Section 1Q.05y �`AiE� f1PdD Cf-�A�GtS. Every �t����e-��-���P�� Franc`�isee_making use of
tfie street or publie piaces svithin ihe city s}�all give courteous, efficient and
adec�uate service at rr_•asoz�able rates, i� reasonaL�le rate shal � be construed to be one
'�vV�i ch �vi 11 , ��ai th ef fi ci ent. managem�nt ; norm�l ly yiel d a fai r return on al 1 pro�erty
used and useful i n fur°ni shi ng serv� ce �to the ci ty and i ts inhabi tunts . T't�i s shal i rot
be construed as a guaranty of a return ar,d in no case shall there be any return upon
franchise v�iue. t�fi�hin these li�nits th° determination of max�i�;ium r�tes, fares or
,charges to be charged by ;�ny �b�i-��E-t���=��i��� franc�iisee for service rendered to the
c�ty or to 3ny per�on, p�rsons, firm or corporation «ith�n the city shali be made,
if possible, t�y d�irect neqotiations bet���een the �u���e-�}��}�y� franchisee and the
'caurcil. In case cf fa�lure to r°eac{� ar ac�rcem�nt by this metho:l :�lil;hin a reasonable
tin�� the council may, �r its discr�tiun, ayr�e to subniit to arbitrUtion on such terms
as it may deem feasible or upcn such terms as the 1=ranchise provides for, the fixin�
,of the rates, fa;�es or charges to be �nac;� by ti�e �ti���E-t����}�y� franchisee; provided,
t���r�lever, that the rates, f��res ar char�f�s so fixed �y arbi�ration sl�all not 5e binding
an th� c� �y fo�° r��or�e iha�� 1=ive years,
� RAGE fi
' SLction 10.05, PRUVISIOh;S UF FRAP��CHISES, (a� Every francF�ise shall contain, among
other things, provisivns reiatinc; to the iol�(owir��y:
' (1) The term of thc franch�i se granted, s�h�; ch sha i i riot exceed ^c5 years ,
(2) Rat�s, �Fares and chu.rges t.o be charg�d by the �a����-t�����=r�y fran�hisee in
compliance tvith tF�e terms ard provision r� Section i0,05. �~�
(3) 7he rights resQrv�d ta �he city in corncc.t�an with tne cr�ction of poles, masts
or other fixt�!res in ti�� str�e�ts or public p��ac�s ar�d the atta.chmeni ef wires thereta,
the laying .of �:rac�:s -in ar af pipes ar� cor��uits ui�der �i�e stre��s or public places,
and the placing in the strects or otl�er publ�c ��{�zces of any permanent or semi-
oermai�ent f�ixtues or equiprnent by the �����E-������.� fr�nchiseF.
(q } The prompt repai r by the pa<���e-a��� ;�� franci�i see o-� al l dumages to the publ i c
sireets , al l eys ancl publ i c proa�rty occasi oneei by the ac-cs o i orni s sions of the
�����e-�z��}�,,� franch�ts�e�
(5} The rights or ti�e city t;a have access �o al l I�ooks, records and papers of the
'�����e-����-;t�s ��ran�hisee ±�;hich in any way dea� ti-r�rh, af�=ect or recerd its operations
w�thin and oercaining cU -c.ne c�ity an�� perta�i�ir;� �cc� praper�,y and �quipm�t��t used ard
useful in furnishing service ta the c��y und i%s �r�k�a�i-tan�s. �
(bj Ev.ery trar�chise r�ay shall contain, a.rnong athet� things, prov�isior�s relai:ing to
the follo4ving:
(1) Th� nov,�� r and ri ght of th� ci ty ta s�L-mi t to art�i t2�a �i on the �i xi ng af ar�y rates ,
fares or char�ges ta be mude by the ����=� �-����a }K��+ _francrii see .
�(2) The rigl�� of the �w����-t��i��-��� franchlse� �o receive «pon caf�ciemnation
proc:e�dings t�rougi�t �y the ci�ty to acqui�� �;fie ��fa'���•-��c�����r franchisee comp�nsation
for its franch-ise or� tne val ue ther�of, if any. 4
Section 10.09, PU�sLIC H�ARIf�dGS. Before ar�y frar��h�ive c�r�inance� is adopted or any rates,
fares or �harges �tc be chat~ged by a������-t������,� franchisee are fi>:ed,.tf�ere sha11 be
a p��blic h�ar�nc� by the council in reg�rd thereto. No�iee o�`� such public hearing
s`�all be niven by publ�isf;ed ntoice at leas� ance in ���e afiicial ��e�vspape�� not less
ti�ar� i:!�Jen�ty (20) days priar to th� date of such pubTic h�ar��g. Additional notice of
such pub�ic hear�ing may b� given in such mann�r as t;he cauncil shali deter�ine.
Sectian �2.07, Vf1CFlTION OF STR�ETS. The counci�l shall have th� exclusiue �awct ,
by ordinance passed hy a vote oF at least -four mer�bers of the cour�cil , to uaca�:e or
di sconii nue hi gh�,vays , streets , e�se� ,erts , and a i leys !di i;�i n the Ci tJ . Suc�� vacati ons may be
made only after notice, and hearing uf affected property o�,�ners, and upon such furt��er
ter��s, and by s�!ch �r�ocedure as t��e council r:�ay by ��°dinance, pmscribe, A r�cord of
each such ����cati on s'�al i be fi 1 ed i n tf�e offi cc of the Regi s�er of De�ds of Ane�ka County.
�ee�}�e�-�� : �� ;-j EFd���E ,-P8'i���-A�!£�-BdT�ES-AF-PRE���T-8rF? 6ER� , --�1ryor�-��e-e€€ee�}�e
da�e-e�-���e-��a��e�-a��������-- �,��-�€��=s�:-F1o��a�-a,��e;�-���e-7�rs�-��es�a�+-��-aa��a�,�>
�95�;-tye-F1aJ a�-e-���f�e-�1�?�� ��;e-e�-F��c-�? ey-aL-�l�L-���=�e-Q#'-��e-e77e�:t��e-daze-e�-�M�J
�+� �a�e-a�(;-�!�e-�}we-c��- ���a-e-�#�ee�� �de-da�.e-c� €-��i�s-�Aa�-�e�-s�a��-�e-a��-s�a��-se��de
a5-r�Qr�`�e�5-e=,�-�;be-E� ��}-Eet-��E} �-
Secti on 1�L :�-� 1?_ .1 1�5ecti ar� number changed) , APPLI CATI Oid OF GEfJERAL LAb��S ,
Secti on �F� :�� 12_.1? (SPcti an number changed; , EXIS � I(�G �RDINANGES , REGULATIONS , QOARDS
Af�D CO'�1i��ISSIOfrS COi�TI�!UED,
Secti on ��z :' � 12 z? 3(Secti an n��mher changed} , PFlvC ��dr CONp���NATI Oi�!S A.ND ASSL-SSf��(vTS
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AlEi�1Q i0: Nasir.► 6I. Qureshi, City i�ianager
P-IL�10 FRO�i: Clyde V. tY'oravetz, Senior Engineering Aide
P'���IO DATE : June 9, 19 75
SUB.TECT: Request for Change In Route of Fridiey 49er Day Parade
A rec�uesfi for r�odifying and extending the route of the
parade scheduled for June 28, has been r�ade by the 49er days
The requested route would begin at the Senior Iiigh School
and �vould proceed i�.est on 61st Avenue to 7th Street, thence North
on 7th Street to A4ississippi Street, thence �'lest on A�tississippi
Street to 5th Street, thence South on 5tli Street to 59th Avenue,
thence East on 59th Avenue to 7th Street, thence horth on 7th
Street to 6lst Avenue, tlience East on 61s-t Avenue returning to the
The originally planned route (s.ame as last years) was to
begin at the Senior �iigh School and would proceed {dest on 6Zst
Avenue to 7th Street, thence North on 7th Street to P;Iississippi
Street, thence iVest on �iississippi Street to 5th Street, thence
' South on 5th Street to 63xd Avenue.
The obvious reasons for the change a.n.d extension of th�
' route is because of �he increasing num�ber of units which will
be participating in the parade. Tiie new route will nore adequately
' disperse the units of the parade.
Respectfully subL�tted;
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CL v� �,E �'. P[OR.4VETZ
Sr. Engineering Ai:de
Ct2•t/ as
CC: Ricfiard Sobiech, Ed Dunn, Jim hill
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� ` ����..� 350-63rd Avenue N.E. _ ?
� Fridley. Minnesota 55432 (6'12l 586-8'100 . -
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June 5, 1975 '
' -.
;Fridley City Council _ : .
6431 University Avenue N.E. :
, Fridley, . Minnesota 55432 � ' - � " � "
'� To��the�Members of the Fridley City Council: • ��
� " --.
� � _ -, : f- � -
, . � � _ . . :. ;
`. ''As we get into�:the "summer months, the American Re- �.;._. .
' search Bureau reveals that the Midwestern television
`� ` audienee is quite low a� compared_to viewership during
- '. the fall: and winter months. It is for this reason that we
will be trimming �ur programming for the summer months. _
+ We will'be spending June, July and August gearing up for
:a fall campaign. _ '
�. We at General Television would like to tempora�ily
eliminate the live coverage of the Fridley City Couricil
�� meetings during the summer months beginning Monday,
'; -June 16th. The live coverage would resume again on
" � Monday, September 8th, 1975. :
We would appreciate your comments and suggestions '
� . -
-. on this matter.
� . _
� � Re�.p� tfully ours, � � � � _ � �
' . ' `
_..--- -
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< e Shuster
`, G eral Manager ,, - -
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