08/25/1975 CONF MTG - 5470, � CITY COUNCIL CONFERENCE MEETIVG AUGUST 25, 1975 .... Discussion Regarding Liquor Esta�ltshments C1asi�g Time �•.. Discussion of Noise Abatement with Mtnnesata Highway Department Representatives .... Discussion Regarding Nome Fire Detectfon Rrogram .... Discussion of Preliminary Budget. a�i + ' ORDII�AI�CE h0,. 548 0 AT1�T�DL•'D TO ClLAP1'L'R 603 REGARDI�G Tl� SALE OF II�TO�ICATIt�G 7,TQUORS AND I'RO\�IDIyG T}L'1T T1��I:G S}3ALL �E NO C�\SU`IPTIO\ OF ' ' 1NT��_�ICATl�siG I,T�UOfi AFTEP. }lOUiZS OF 1; 15 A.r1, and PFOI�IDII�'G . TIIAT I�0 PL•'T:SO\S OT.}�ER TfL1N T}3E LICE�Sk;E Alill HZS L'i•}PLOYL•:ES . S13ALL RT;�IAIN 0� 1'1�L PtEA]ISL•'S AFTL'R i:15 A,�1. - TI�L CI1X COI�i�CIL OP Tl�� CITi' OF FRIDLEY IIOLS CRDAII� �S F�LL��S: � Section 603.11 is an;ended to read as follo�os; � � Section 603.1I �lc�urs of OPerat�on, . t�o sale of iritosicatino liquor shall be made after I;00 a.m. on Sunday nor until �.00 a.m, on ,Icnday, noL bet�•�een the haurs of 1:00 a.m. and 3:OQ p.m. on any riemorial Day, nor bet�aeen the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 5;00 p.m. on the day of 2ny state�aide. eleetion. No "on-sale" sha1l be made betcaeen the tiours. �f 1; 00 a, m e and S: 00 a, m. on any weekday .. (Re f. S02) It shall be iin����,iul for any persons or custo:ners, other than the ?i.�er.see . ,Qr I�is ci:�ulo�;ees. to re;nain on th� pr�;;,ises afl-er 1.:15 a.m. Tl�ere sha1l be no coizs�mn�ic�n by any persons, incluc;in� the licensee a_nd. his en�ulore�s, af.Cer ]. 15 a.m. � . FA'�SL'll BY TI?'� C1T1' COUI�CIL OF THE CITX OF FRIDLEY, T1iIS Ist DAY OF �GTOrLR� 1973. � . A't1i�ST: ' City Clerlc Mayor Fir;;t Feadin�; Septer.�i_,er ?_4, 1973 Second P,eading; October l, 1973 Publi.sE�: �Uctoher 10, 1973 ' 8 r , . e 0 m �. .` _ ORllII�A�CL h0. 55C —�.,_ AP�SEI�DLD TO C}I�'1PTEP 602 I;I;G/1RDIVG T'ri�; SALE OF 1�01-Ii�TO.l'ICATIt�G . rLnLT LI`L':;f�S AP:n rr,ovzvl�;G TI1��T Tli?:RE SN:1LL 13E fi0 C:�\SLT;�iPTIO\? � OF J�O.`:-Ii�TO:�TCl�7'I'�G �L•1��;T LI liOR AFTI'P� lIOU, , 4 - 2S OF 1;15 A, rI . A: D I'1:vVT.DTI;G •rilar �o ��L,^,SO�:S �..T11rR TH_�,V TIiE T ICE\SLii A�D }iIS EP�fI'LO1LrS Sl�:�LL ]ZL•'�f�1li� 0\ Ti�IE Pi'1;iiISF,S A�TEh 1; 15 A.M: . Tl1E CITY COli\CII, OF Tl�' CITX OF FRIDT.R'Y DOES ORD�'1II� AS FOLLQi�'S: - � SecLion 602, 10 is al�ended lo aead as follows; . _ •. Sect%on 602.10 l�ours. in the places licensed to sell such non-intoxicating malt liquors, no sale � on non-intoxicaL-ing malt liquor shall be made betc-:een the ho�rs of one �.in, and eiglit a.rri, o�i �riy �oe�kday Pionday throu,�,'h Saturday inclusive, neither shall ai�y sale of st�ch liquor be made on ax�y Sunday bet��een the ho��rs af . one a,m. and t�.elve o'clock noo�z, nor be':�aeen the hours of one a,m, and eight o'clocic. p.�, on the day of any statecoide election. (Rc¢, SQ1) It shal.l Ue unla�:�,`ul for anv persons or cnstomers, other than the licens`e �, or.`h�_s e�,�;�l�yees, to �_em.3i�� on th� pre:uiscs after 1:15 a,m Tt�ere sh�ll be no coiist�i:,�:, ioz b,� any_�,_isons, inc).uuin� the lice�lsee and his c.�:�plo���es, • aft:er 1:15 a.:n. . _ _ PASSED vY T}iE CITY COL'\CIL OF. T'l�E CITY OF k'RIDLEY, THIS lst DAY OF , , oc�osi:R, 1973. • , �r•��sz: T�ayor ' CITY CT�I.K Fi.rst Peading: SePtcn'.�er 24, 1973 Second� I.eadinJ; O�t_�,i,�r l., )n7� _ Publish:_ Octoi�c�r 1�, ].�;73 � � . -- ORDINANCE N0. 549 Ai��'NDED TO CHAP'I'ER 605 R�GARDING TH� SAI,E UF If�TOXICAT'tNG LIQUORS AA�D PROVIDING TH.AT IivTOXICATi\G LIQUOR-CLUBS SHALL BE CLOSED FOR SALE OF INTO?�ICATIi1G I�IQUORS BY St1ID CLUBS A�TER THE HOURS OF 1:15 A,M. F�ND PROVIDIi?� TIi�� N� PERSQ\S OTHGR TI-LAN THE LICEI�'SEE AND HIS EMPLOYEES SHAI.L REMAIN O�T THE PREMISES AF1'ER 1; 15 A.M. THE CITY COUNCIL OF T1� CITY OF FRIDLEY DO�S ORDAIN AS FOTLOWS: I Section 605.14 is amended as follows; � Section 605.14 Restrictions. No licensee nor other persons shall consume or display or allo�a consumption or display of intoaicating liquor on any S�nday.bet��een.the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon, nor between the hours of I:00 a.m, and $:00 p.m, on any election day in the district in which the election shall be held; and� No sale shall be made betcaeen �t:.e hours of 1:00 a.m, and 8;00 a,m, on any week day, Monday through Saturday inclusive, or be�ween the hours of 1;00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on Memorial Day. Al1 licensees shall be closed to the pnblic starting not later than 1:30 a.m, until the time herein provided as per- missable for sales, consumption or display, No person other than employees , shall be permitted within such establishments during the elosed periods, It shall be unla�aful for any �ersons or customers, other than the licensee or his em�loyees, to iemain on the pr.emzses after I•15 a m There shalT be no consumption by any persons, includirr� the licensee and his emplovees, after 1.15 a.m. PASSED BY THE CITY COUI�TCIL OF THE CITi' OF FRIDLEY, THIS lst DAY OF O�TOBER,. 1973. _ ATTEST: CITY CLERK First Reading; September 24, 1973 Second Reading; October 1, 1973 Publish:! October 10, 1973 pfay or .w MEMO T0: FROM: DATE: RE: aFFZCE Q� THE CITY MANAGER FRIDLEY,: MXiVNESOTA THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CTTY CQUNCTL CITY MANAGER AUGUST 22, 1975 HOME FTRE DETECTION PROGRANi The City staff has investigated the possibility of adopting a Home Fire Detection Program. The purpase of the program is to �ncrease th� �ife safety of homeawners and businesses throughout the community by providing the oppor- tunity for residents �o purchase smoke detector units at a reasonable price, and with� full knowledge that the recommended units meet stringent specifica- tions and wili operate effee�ively as a warning device in case of fzre. The recorr�nended smoke detection devises would alert sleeping families if fire ocGUrs by emitting a loud tone whenever a minimal amount of smoke contacts the sensors in the unit. This pragram has been successfully implemented in Monroe��ile, Pennsylvania. This program would afford residents the opportunity to have the same protection in their dwellings as that required for new dweltings. Current codes do requir� such devices in new construction, but na requirement is made for existing dwellings. The advantages of this type of program inctude the potential of life saving and the reduction of human suffering in addition to decreasing property loses in terms of dollars. A recent study of 342 fire deaths was conducted by the Research Council of Canada. This study concluded that 42% of the deaths would not have occured had their been early detection devices instailed. In Monroeville, Pennsylvania, the city developed specificatiQns and received bids on 2,000 units. Nineteen hundred of these 2,0�0 units were purchased with- in 60 days by residents. The units available ranged from $33 per urtit ta $50 per unit. An attractive battery powered unit seemed ihe most desirable and sold for approximately $45. Units can be AC powered or battery powered, or photo,electrical devises. In Fridley the proposal for this program includes obtaining bids for 4,000 units battery powered, AC powered, and photo-electrical smoke detectars. The bid process would allow these units to be obtained in bulk at a lower cost than purchased individually. The:City of Fridley would act only as a ctearing hause 0 -.. 3 � TYie Honorable Mayor and City Council .,2= . August for interested residents and business owners who may want to purchase directly from the supplier. The City of Fridley would substantiate re as a bonified citizen or business in Fridley. The bidding process wou no way obligate the City of Fridley to purchase any or all of the unit speci€ied. It would simply afford the opportunity for residents to di contact the company and obtain the safety device directly from the com Fire Prevention Week, beginning on October 5, provides the apport to highlight this program. A maiiing attached ta the October Newslett would inform residents of the program and encourage them to consider p ing a smoke detector. In addition, service organizations and the medi be contacted to increase the awareness and understanding of the progra The City staff suggests that the Home Fire Qetection Program be a and implemented in a similar manner to the program in Monroeville, Pen The City would devise specifications and receive bids, inform homeowne business owners of the program and alTow individuaTs to contact the lo bidder after certification by the City that they are residents. NMQ/ms 22,. 1975 uni ts s� tlency ld in s rectiy panY - nity r rchas- would pted ylvania. and st