01/06/1975 - 00015561� 2, �� THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF �ANUARY 6, 1975 The Regular Meeting of the fridley City Council of January 6, 1975 was called to order at 7:44 P.;%1. by Mayor Liebl. PLEDGE OF ALLEGTANCE: Mayor Liebl led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. LNUOCATION: Mayor Liebl offered the Invocation. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Councilman Breider, Councilman Starwalt, Mayor Liebl, Councilman Utter, and Councilman Nee. None. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 1974: M�TION by Councilman Utter to approve the m�nutes of the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of December 16, 1974 as submitted unless some other member of the Councii had some additions or corrections. Seconded by Councilman Nee who noted a change or�page 12 within the motion under the question of ranking in the Police �epartment. Councilman Nee sa�d he thought at the t7me, he had made the motion, he was under the impression that the opinion would be furnished by the City Attorney, not requested of the Attorney General. The Council consensus was that this was correct. Upon a voice vote on the motion to adopt the minutes with the change, all voting aye, Playor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. (�DOPTION OF AGENDA: Councilman Breider said he would like to add receiving the petition requesting a Charter Change within the sect�on of the Charter concerning vacancies in the Council. Also, he added communications from the Cha7rman of the Charter Commission, Mr. Ray Sheriden, and two communications from the City clerk, Mr. Marvin Brunsell. Counc�lman Nee sa�d he would like to add the communication from Weaver, Talle and Herrick concerning the opinion of ranking in the Police Department, dated January 6, ]975. (,ounci7man Nee also added the cansideration of a communication from the League of Minnesota Municipalities which was notification of an educational function for Mayors and Councilmembers. MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt the agenda as amended with the aforementioned additions. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, ali votm g eye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. STATEMENT BY MAYOR LIEBL: ��layor Liebl addressed the Council and said he would like to make a statement before the oath of office is administered to the new Mayor and Councilmember at Large. i4ayor Liebl said as an American by choice, he felt priv�ledged to have been able to serve the peop7e of the City of Fr�dley for the past eight years. Mayor Liebl commended the Council for their deligent and competent work stating, although, they sometimes disagreed with his views. Mayor Liebl thanked the City Attorney, �Jirgil Herrick, and said he had 6een impressed by his loyality to the City of Frid7ey and its citizens. Mayor Liebl said the City Attorney had provided very competent opin7ons. � � r � -. � .�,<J.a REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF �ANUARY 6, 1975 PAGE 2 ��layor Liebl said he would also like to thank Councilman-at-Lar9e Utter and wish him the best of luck in whatever he undertakes. Mayor Liebl said he wished the new Mayor and Councilmember-at-Large luck in the future. ;layor Liebl said he would like to thank the one person who had always stood behind him and offered guidance and patience in his years of service to the City, and this � is his wife, �etty. He explained that his wife was at home during the current meeting. Mayor Liebl thanked Councilman Starwalt and Councilman Breider for all their help and said he believed the new Council wou1d make a qood team. 14ayor Liebl thank everyone. STATEMENT BY COUNCILMAN UTT Councilman Utter said he would l�ke to thank everyone in City Hall for the�r help and especially Marv�n Brunsell, Mervin Herrman, Dick Sobiech, I�at Ranstrom, the recording secretary and the City Attorney, Virgil Herr�ck. Councilman Utter said he had asked Mr. Herrick many questions and received a great deal of aid from him. Councilman Utter said during his term as Councilman-at-Large, he believed the Council had done �ustice to the City of Fridley in the appointment of Mr. Nasim Qureshi, Lity Manager. He mentioned the City Council had looked for a long time and had the best man right here on the City Staff all the time. Councilman Utter thanked his wife for the support he had rece�ved from her. He said his wife was always behind him in support. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE TO ELECTED OFFICIALS. WILLIAM J. NEE, MAYOR: The Finance Director, �1r. Marvin C. Brunsell, admim stered the Oath of Office to � Mayor Nee. Mayor Nee signed the Oath of �ffice and rece�ved congratulations from the Counci7 and audience. CARROLL A. KUKOWSKI. COUNCILWOMAN-AT-LARGE: The Finance Director administered the Oath Qf Office to Councilwoman-at-Large, Carroll Kukowski. Councilwoman Kukowski signed the oath of off�ce. PRESENTATION OF PLAQUES TO MAYOR LIEBL AND COUNCILMAN-AT-LARGE UTTER• Mayor Nee addressed the Council and audience and stated it was the tradition to present the outgoin9 members of the Council with some memento of their services to the City. Mayor Nee said he made this presentation with a great deal of sincerity because he appreciated how a person feels with a total commitment to the comnunity which is necessary to be Mayor or Councilman-at-Large. Mayor Nee said he knows how it feels to have this kind of conviction and be re,7ected. P1ayor Nee said Mayor Liebl and Councilman Utter represented a great deal of people in the City of Fridley and he wou7d like to speak for them in the presentation of the plaque. Playor Nee read the inscription on the plaque and presented it to Frank Liebl. Mayor Liebl thanked Mayor Nee for the plaque and gavel and wished him luck in the future. Mayor IVee read the plaque prepared for Councilman lJtter aloud and presented it to � Councilman Utter. flayor Nee thanked Mr. Utter for his services to the City. OPEN FORUM: VISITORS: rIRS. riELEN TREUENFELS, 5248 HORIZON DRIVE, REQUEST FOR GUIDELINES FOR ELECTION JUDGES: Mrs. Helen Treuenfels addressed the Counci7 and said she would like to renew her request for a draft of the qualifications and guideltnes for election ,7udges. She recalled that at a previous meeting she had made this request and was advised that this would be handled by the new Council. .,�,� �� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF �ANUARY 6, 1975 PAGE 3 OLD BUSINESS. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO GITIZEN BIKEWAY COMMIT7EE, AREAS #1 AND #3, -rnnl rn nrrrnnnrn n imn . P90TION by Councilman Breider to table the consideration of appointments to the Citizen Bikeway Comm�ttee. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � RECEIVING PETITION N0. 1-1975 - REQUESTING CHARTER AMENDMENT IN SECTION CONCERNING rniiNrri �ivroNrTFC• The City Manager, P1r. Nas�m Quresh�, explaihed that the petitioners felt there should be a special election for the fi77ing of vacancies in the Council rather than by Council appointment. He informed the Council that according to the report prepared by the City Clerk, the petition does contain 5% of the registered voters in the City and it is a valid petition. The City Manaqer said the petition had been subm�tted to the Charter Commission and they in turn had submitted it to the City, Mr. Qureshi referred to the report from1the Chairman of the Charter Commission and said the officers of the Charter Commission had met with the circulating committee of the petition. The City Manager advised the Counci7 that the current action should be to receive the petition. The City Manager pointed out the Council's alternatives for action at this time indicating one to be taking the petition under advisement and waiting for a recommendation from the Charter Commission. He said if there would be some agreement and concurrance on a Charter Amendment between the circulating committee and the members af the Charter Commission, this amendment could be submitted to the Councii and can be adopted by ordinance of the Council which would amend the City Charter. He said the other altermative is that if this concurrence is not reached between the members of the Commission and/or not adopted by the Council the matter would have to be put to a special election and have the citizens decide. � The City Manager aga�n stated that if the matter does not reach agreement, this would have to be put on ihe 6allot and if this is the case the administration should start preparing to put this on the ballot. Iie mentioned if some agreement is made concurrent to this process, the process can be stopped at any time. Mayor Nee questioned if the City Attorney had prepared the time table submitted to the Counci7 that evening. The City Attorney said no. The C�ty Manager stated the Clerk's Office would need five to six weeks to prepare for a special election. The City Attorney suggested he and the Finance ��rector get together and comple a time table for the necessary period of time and present this to the Council the following week. Councilman Bre�der said �t appeared to him by the memo submitted by Mr. Sheridan that the Comm�ssion and the circulating committee are in the process of reaching some agreement on the amendment. fle 5� if they can agree on some workable wordage and strike some compromise, why should the City spend the money and print the ballot as it wi77 not be needed. �1r.l�enneth Sporre, 301 Ironton, member of the circulating committee, addressed the Council and said he had not seen the letter submitted by the Chairman of the Charter Commission, but he had met with the Officers of the Charter Commission. He said the full commission would 6e meeting and considering the amendment on the 14th of January. He mentioned there are some questions on the State Statutes � and they would have to be consistant with the Statutes and he will contact the Attorney General on this matter. i�iayor Nee said he believed it would be 1n order to receive the communication concerning this item. f�10TI0N by Counciman Starwalt to receive the petition No. 1-1975 concerning the request for a Charier Amendment �n the section dealing with vacancies in the City' Council. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, i�layor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the communications from the F7nance Director dated December 78th and 20th, 1974 regarding the petition for the Charter Amendment. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � I � � "�2�" REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 1975 PAGE 4 MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to rece�ve the communication from Mr. Ray Sheridan, Chairman of the Charter Commission, dated January 6, 1975. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. - RELATING TO THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE OWNED The City Manager explained the land to be traded and for sale is no longer needed by the City for ponding purposes because there is a system working in the area. He said the trade will allow for an increase in the park in the area. i�1ayor Nee asked if there was anyone present who was interested in this item and wished to address the Council. He pointed out that this was the land north of Mississippi Street and north of Harris Lake Estates. There was no response. f�lOTION by Councilman Starwalt to waive the reading of the ordinance and adopt Ordinance No. 577 on second reading, ordering pub7ication. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a roll call vote, i�1ayor Nee voting aye, Councilman Breider voting aye, Councilman Starwalt voting aye, and Councilwoman Kukowski voting aye, ?�ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimous7y. RESOLUTION N0. 1-1975 - DESIGNATING AUTNORIZED SIGNATURES FDR THE CITY OF FRI�LEY BANK DEPOSIT: MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution No. 1-1975, designating Fridley State Bank as the depository and authorizing the designated si�natures to be that of Marvin C. Brunsell, Finance Director and Nasim Qureshi, City Manager. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESQLUTIQN N0. 2-1475 - DESIGNATING TIME AND NUMBER OF REGULAR CQUNCIL MEETINGS: Mayor Nee said he had a proposal for the Council's consideration. He sug9ested that the fourth Monday, 4vhen available, be us ed for a conference meeting which would be an informal meeting held tn the Community Room of City Hall. He suggested thts be in conference form between the Council, public and various Department Heads. Ile felt that this would enable the citizens to have some dialogue with the City Staff. Mayor Nee said at this proposed meeting, there would 6e no definitive action taken by the Counc�7. Mayor Nee said his idea would be that there would not be a formal agenda prepared such as is done for the regular formal meetings. �1ayor Nee said he felt there are some topics that need to be discussed with the community and this would be in a different dialogue than what is provided in the formal meeting structure. Mayor Nee said the procedure could be established and if it seems to be fruitless, it could 6e dropped at any time. Councilman Breider said he assumed this would be published as a fourth meeting and a conference session. He said the people could ,7ust come in with their topics and if action is needed on the matters, it would be possible to place the item on the next formal Council agenda. Mayor Nee said in this manner, it would be possible to meet with the Boards and Commissions. He felt a need for having some dialogue with the members of the various Subcommittees. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to designate the Regular Council meetings for the first and third Monday evenings of the month, i.he Public Hearing meeting for the third Monday and that on the fourth Monday when practical, there will be an informal conference meeting scheduled in the Community Room with no definitive action being taken at this conference meeting. Seconded by Counci7man Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. P1R. ED WILMES: QUESTION OF AUTHORIZATIDN FOR LETTER OF SOLIi rnrrrnror rrtt ninnTii nnnv nr�iri nnnerniT_ �ATION FOR FUNDING AND Mr. Ed Wilmes addressed the Council and questioned if they had authorized the sending of letters by the Administration asking for funding and information on the interest in the development of North Park. %��y5i i:EGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 1975 PAGE 5 Counci7man Breider said he had talked to Mr. Wilmes the preceeding Saturday and Mr. Wilmes had questioned �f Mr. Dan Huff had sent out letters to the various bus7nesses concerning their involvement in the development of North Park. He said he thought Mr. Wilmes was questioning whether or not the City had solicited for funds for th�s development. Councilman Breider said, the letters were not solicitations for funds, ;:hey were requests for information concerning the various businesses becoming involved as an information gathering procedure. � f1r. Wilmes questioned if this had been done for North Park, could it also be done for the Is7ands of Peace. Councilman Breider satd the letters had been prepared as a result of a policy decision on the part of the Council. Councilman Breider suggested if any further mailings are prepared of this type thai the Islands of Peace be included in the fliers also. He said if the City were to ask for potential help and funding he felt the Islands of Peace should be included in the information and if anyone is interested, they could send this information back to the foundation. Councilman Breider said he had thought about this concern some time after talking to Mr. WiTmes on Saturday and he felt being there were two volunteer projects, and both could be mentioned in the same mailing with no additional postage, the City might as well send out information on both projects. Mayor Nee said since this was not a regular agenda item that it would be taken care of later in the meeting. (Note: Action was taken later in the meeting.) - DESIGNATING A LEGAL NEWSPAPER AND RECEIVING LETTER FROM P-10TION by Councilwoman Kukowski to adopt Resolution No. 3-1975, designating the Suburban Sun as the legal Newspaper of the City_ of Fridley and receiving the ]etter submitted by the Suburban Sun, dated December 15, 1974.Seconded by Councilman � Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OF A REQUEST BY WILLIAM �. BOATMAN TO DISCUSS LOCKE PARK WITH THE rrnmrconi on nTrmr_ Tn nnnnnr_r nnnir ❑v cmni,innnan rc . MOTION 6y Councilman Breider to receive the communication from Mr. William Boatman, dated December 26, 1975. Seconded by Counciman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, a71 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Counci]man Bre�der pointed out that Mr, Boatman's concern was that there is damage being done to Locke Parl<, both the physical facilities and the wild life by the use of snowmobiles in the park, CounciTman Breider said he would like to have Mr. Dan Huff, Natura7ist/Resource Coordinator, go out and look at the situaiion and report back to the Council the following week. The C9ty Attorney suggested he review the latest ]aws concerning the use of Snow- mo6iles on public streets. !!e said if there is some change in the laws concerning public properiy, he would advise the Councii. MOTION by Councilman Breider to direct Mr. Dan Huff to prepare a report on the physical damage and damage to wildlife in Locke Park caused by snowmobiles and also to direct the C�ty Attorney to update the Council on the latest laws on_the subject and report on where snowmobiles are now permitted. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, ail voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: I:ECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 18, 1974; Niayor Nee pointed out that the items listed in the minutes of the Planning Commission needed no Council action at the present time, MOTION by Councilman Bretder to receive the Minutes of the Planning Comm�ssion Meeting of December 18, 1974. Seconded 6y Councilman 5tarwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �layor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 1 � � LJ REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 1975 MINUTES OF THE BUILDIP ln�c. �'y r; �,i,� PAGE 6 SUBGOMMITTEE MEETING OF A REQUEST F�R A SKYWAY AND STOREROOM ADDITION LOCATE� AT The City Manager advised the Council that the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee had recommended approval of the request w�th certain stipulations. Councilman Breider questioned if the stipulations recommended were identical to those required in the original bui7ding permit. The Public Works Director, f1r. Richard Sobiech, explatned that the first fourteen are the same and the fifteenth is an additional stipulation. He pointed out that this addit9onal stipulation suggested that the skyway be constructed w�th a 13 foot clearance for traffic. He mentioned that the traffic from Osborne Road would enter the parking area under the skyway. P1ayor Nee asked tf the construction would be owned by the group of doctors or the Hospital District. A representative of the Hospital addressed the Council and said this construction would be owned by the Hospital �istrict, but in the future if this area would meet the building and zoning requiremerits, it could be sold to the doctors. The representative informed the Council that he had a model of the proposed construction along with the existing structure available at the present meeting He proceeded to potnt out all phases of the existing bui7dings and the proposed construction Counc�lman Starwalt questioned if the 13 foot clearance would allow for the access and egress of the Fire Department ladder truck and Mr. Sobiech said yes. MOTTON by Councilman Breider to approve the request contingent on the recormnended 15 stipulations of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. (Note: This mot�on was amended later in the discussion.) Mr. Richard Harris, 620D Riverview Terrace, addressed the Council and questioned the statement that the Doctors could purchase the construction w�thin the present zoning. The City Manager said the present construction would be allowed under the R-1 zoning. He mentioned there had heen some problems in the financing of the construction and the faciiity is being leased rather than sold outright. The representative of the Hospital explained that on a portion of the property, the construction could be sold to the doctors, but on another portion, the construction would have to remain the property of the hospital d�strict P�r. Harris questioned the min9mum height of the overhead walkway stating that for clearance for trucks in constructions such as bridges the minimum clearance is 13.6 feet to 14 feet. He thought this should really be a clearance of 14 feet. Counci7man Breider said he felt Mr. Harris had hrought up a good point in that there may be an error in �udgement at some time and it would be possible for a truck to take the incorrect route and become stuck under the skyway. MOTION by Councilman Breider to amend the motion by changing the 15th stipulation deleting the requirement for 13 feet of clearance and inserting the word "adequate" clearance. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Councilman Breider said he would not want to tell the applicant how to design the construction, but he would not want a truck stuck under the skyway sometime �n the future. JPON A VOICE VOTE ON THE AMENDMENT, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the motion amended. UPON A VOTCE VOTE ON THE ORIGINAL MDTION A5 AMENDED, al1 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. `'.3�1 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 1975 PAGE 7 THE MINUTES OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OF �ECEMBER 23 r10TI0N by Councilman Starwalt to receive the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting of December 23, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all vot7ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE ENUIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 19 � 1974. f�1ayor Nee pointed out that the Commisston had submitted mater�a] which basical7y stated they thought they should have a member of the Environmental Quality Commission seated as a voting member of the Planning Commission. Mayor Nee asked if the recommendation was in the proper form for the Council to take action on the matter at the present meet9ng. The City Manager said the Commission had not taken action in form of a formal motion of recommendation to the Council on this matter, but the Counci] did have the authority to establish policy matters. Mayor Nee sugqested this be a matter that could be discussed at the fourth Monday meeting. MOTION by Counci7man Breider to receive the minutes of the Environmental Quality Commission Meeting of November 19, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unan9mously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF TNE CABLE TELEVISION COMMISSION MEETING OF bECEMBER 13, 1974: Mayor Nee questioned if the material was the overview of the time and production rates. Ile asked �f there was to he Council action at this time on the suggested rates. f'�r. Tom Myhra, Cable Telev�s�on Commission Member, addressed the Counct] and said � he was standing in as representative of the Commission �n the absence of Father Ed. H�pointed out to the Counc�l that there was an error in the minutes of the Cable Commission in which they approve the rate schedule rather than recommend the approval of the schedule to the Council. Mayor Nee called on Mr. Schuater, General 7elevision, �:o present an explanation of the proposed rates. Mr. Schuster explained the various methods in wh�ch the studio and equipment would be availa6le to the public access taping. He felt the rates wou7d encourage the use of the facilities far public access and stated the proposed rates to be very inexpensive. He also stated that studio A is a color studio and studio B a black and white sfiudio, Mr. 5chuster explained within the requirements of the franchise, General Telev�sion was committed to allc�wing anyone to use the facility for a five minute time spot if this is requested. He further explained that this would be free access to the black and white studio. Fle pointed out that they wou7d have to follow the regulations of the F. C. C. within this framework and not a71ow any detrimental presentation. Mr. Schuster pointed out that the use of the black and white studio had been extended for the time period of 30 minutes rather than the five required. For groups the studio would be available for $30 per hour. rlayor Nee said the information presented does not include the fact that the free a�ss time wou7d be allowed up to 30 minutes rather than the 5 minutes required. Mr. Schuster said they were in the process of preparing a booklet which wou7d indicate the usage available. He also explained that it was their thought that if the requpsts for this free time would increase to the point where they were no longer able to provide the total 30 minutes, this would be decreased as necessary without a firm � conviction on the 30 minute allowance. Mr. Schuster continued to explain that he doubted �f th�s situation would come to existance, but it would allow the Company to back down from the additiona7 time if they could not handle the requests. Mayor Nee questioned if studio B could be used for 30 minutes free for pub7ic access and Mr. Schuster said yes, and after this time, the fee for the use of the studio would be $30 per hour. i1ayor Nee asked if someone wanted to use studio B, would this include the camera crew and the recording tape. Mr. Schuster said this would include the cameramen, technican and tape. Mr. Schuster said the tapes that would be used in this process would not be saved, but if someone wanted to 6uy the tape, it could be saved for closed circuit viewing at a later date, ����a�s, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 1975 PAGE 8 Nlayor Nee asked which Channel this pu6lic access use would be presented on. f1r. Schuster said this would be Channel 25. f�1r. Schuster pointed out that after this rate schedule is estabiished, General Television would provide the public with workshops on the use of the facilities without charge. Mayor Nee asked if the air time is desired on Channel 3, would this result in a rate � sehedule of $100 per hour. Mr. Schuster said yes. He said Channei 3 is the local station and presently the atr time s 6eing presented as a public service, but eventually, they hoped that this would be supported by advertising. Mayor Nee commented that according to his experience, this was a low rate. Councilman Breider questioned the amount of subscribers at the present time and Mr. Schuster said approximately 175. Mr. Schuster continued to comment that he hoped the num6er of subscribers would pick up rapidly and explained that it had been difficu7t to obtain subscribers during the holidays. I-fe said there had also been some problems with the representatives of the HocKey Associat�on having enough time availa6le for contacts during the holidays with their many other ob7�gaiions. MOTION by Councilman 6reider to approve the rate structure proposed by General Television as indicated on page 11-C of the current agenda. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a roll call vote, Councilwoman Kukowski voting aye, Councilman Starwalt voting aye, Councilman Breider voting aye, and Mayor Nee voting aye, iiayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION QF A REQUEST FOR THE CITY TO AUTHORIZE AN EMPLOYEE TO ACT AS A VOLUNTEER REGISTRAR FOR THE SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM. The Finance Director, Marvin Brunsell, explained that the registrations for those becom�n9 18 years of age had previously been taken by the schools. ffe advised the Counctl that � this practice had been discontinued and in other areas where the school had discontinued this registration, the City had provided a registrar. MOTION by Counci]man Starwalt to table the consideration of authorizing an employee to act as a volunteer registrar for the selective service system until the Council meeting of the 20th of January. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Playor Nee declared the motion carried unariimously. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF MINNESOTA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT THE INTERSECTION OF NACKMANN AVENUE AND CENTRAL The Public Works Director referred the Council's attention to page 13-C of the agenda booklet and said this showed the proposed plan for the implementation of safety aspects. He said there would be no need for the acquisition of additional right of way and there would be no rerouting of traffic for the construction period. He exp]ained with the use of federal funds in the project, it is necessary for the City to adopt the statement that there would be no adverse effect on the recreat�onal facilities in the area. He recommended the action of the Council should be concurreni; w�th the statement to this effect on page 13-B of the agenda. Mr. Sobiech satd the Administration had reviewed the plans with the Htghway Department and has determined there would be no adverse effects on the beach due to the construction, He pointed out the area on the map on the screen and said there would be no detours of the traffic. He said basically, this would be a safety channelization project. � Councilman Starwalt asked if this would be the same plan as had been reviewed and discussed for the past ten months and Mr. Sobiech said yes. He said this was the same plan that the Council had apprQVed the preliminary plans for. Councilman Starwalt asked if the actual construction would take place the following construction season and Mr. Sobiech said yes. ��irs. Shirley Caldwell, 5874 Hackmann Avenue, addressed the Council and asked if the needs of the community for bikeways would be considered and included in the improvement. ��r. Sobiech said yes, Mr. Jerry Boardman, Planning Assistant, had been working with the Highway Department in this respect and the bikeways would 6e included in the improvement at this time. Counc9lman Starwlat asked if the plan being presented was the final plan. ilr. Sobiech said no, this was the preliminary plan. He believed the incorporation of the � 2�? REGULAR COUNCIL J�EETING QF JANUARY 6, 1975 PAGE 9 bikeway would be located on the park property. He said the necessary depressions in the curb and signs would 6e incorporated in the improvement. Mrs. Lee Ann Sporre, 301 Ironton, questtoned if there would be signals included which would enable the safe crossing for pedestrians and bikers on the highway. She further pointed out that presently, this is a very dangerous intersection for such cross�ng. The Public Works Director sa�d the Engineering staff is working on this aspect of the plans and said that installation of a crossing light which would be directed by a button that the pedestr7an or biker would push to cross while all other traffic siops would be considered. h10TI0N by Councilwoman Kukowski to concur with the statement on page 13-B of the agenda indicating there will be no adverse effects to the Moore Lake Beach for the construction of the improvements at the intersection of Hackmann Avenue and Central Avenue. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unarrimous7y. CONSI�ERATION OF APPROVAL OF JOINT U5E RENTAL AGREEMENT FOR 1975 WITH METROPOLIT cri.irn nnnnn. , The Public Works D�rector pointed out that the agreement proposed is a matter of an annual agreement with the Metro Sewer Board. He expla�ned that at the t�me when the Sewer Board acquired the facilities, this interceptor was not acquired and the Public Works Department had been maintaining this interceptor under the proposed type of agreement. ��lr. Sobiech said he had discussed the matter with the pub]ic works people and they feel the rental is an adequate amount to cover the maintenance. The Public Works Director sa�d he recommended approval of the agreement for an additional year. N10TION by Counci7man Breider to approve the joint use rental agreement with the metropolitan Sewer Board for 1975. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unan�mously. RESOLUTION N0. �-1975 - APlD ING TECHNICAL AND ENGINEERING ASSISTANCE: APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE WITH MINNESOTA STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: The Public Works Director pointed out that this is another annual agreement of the City and it enables the City to go to the Highway Department for assistance. He recommended the Council approve the agreement and adopt the resolution, MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the agreement and adopt Resolution No. 4-1975 requesting technical and engineering assistance for 1975. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. kESOLUTION N0. 5-1975 - idAMING STREETS IN GREAT NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL CENTER PLAT: The Public Works Director pointed out that the proposed street names for the streets in Great Northern Industrial Center Plat to the Council. He explained that at the time of consideration, the streets had been described as outlots. ?40TION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt Resolution No. 5-1975 naming streets ln the Great Northern Industrial Center Plat. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �+layor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: uENERAL 38235 - 38431 LIQUOR 9453 - 9491 Mayor Nee indicated that as of approximately the first meeting in March, he would no longer accept a motion to waive the reading of an ordinance or approve payment of claims unless they have been posted in some place in City Hall prior to the meeting. Mayor Nee pointed out that the Council would not know what the claims mean unless they had them before them and the same goes for the public. I-le said unless a citizen calls a Councilman and requests this information, �i is not available to them. , � �� � � REGULAR COUNCIL ��1EETING OF JANUARY 6, 1975 PAGE 10 <,: �°;� MOTION by Councilman Breider to pay the Claims. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES: PLUMBING: Atkins Plum6ing & Heating 2531 Marshall Street N. E. Minneapolis, Minn. 55418 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: D. �. Kranz Company Inc. 2033 West Broadway Minneapolis, Minn. 55411 HEATING: Atkins Plumbing & Heating 2531 Marshall Street N. E. �4inneapolis, Minn. 55418 MASONRY: �Jichols Construction, Inc. Route 1, Box 199A Farmington, Minn. 55024 SIGN ERECTDR: Gold Medal Beverage Co. 553 North Fairview St. Paul, Minn. �5104 Lawrence Signs Inc. 945 Pierce Butler Route St. Paul, Minn. 55104 Leroy Signs Inc. 6325 Welcome Avenue North Minneapolis, Minn. 55429 Midway Sign Company, Inc. 444 North Prior Avenue North 5t. Paul, Minn. 551D4 Naegle Advertising Co. 1702 West 78th Street Minneapolis, P9inn. 55423 � Howard Atkins Lawrence Elsen Howard Atkins D. H. Nichols Arthur Margot Mike Gifford 7homas Duffy Arthur Kruse H. �artolome APPROVED BY W. Sandin C. Belisle W. Sandin C. Belisle C. Bel�sle C. 6elisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the licenses. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: Comstock & �avis,Inc. 144Fi County Road "J" P1inneapolis, Minnesota 55432 PARTIAL Estimate No. 1 for furnishing of Professional Engineering Services for planning 5anitary Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Improvement Pro�ect No. 116 $ 5,171.79 MOTION by Councilman Breider to pay the estimate as submitted by Comstock and Davis. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �� ��� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 1975 COMMUNICATIONS: PAGE 11 REAL PROPERTY SERVICES USAGE OF INDUSTRIAL BUIL�ING AT 7900 MAIN STREET N. E.: The Public Works Director explained the building to be located in the area North of 79th and West of Main Street. Ne said the representative of the Company, Mr. Peterson, was present at the meeting if the Council had any questions concerning the proposal. � f1r. Sobiech pointed out that the zoning in the area is industrial and the building is a warehouse. He said the sales from the warehouse would be conducted on a Saturday and Sunday and he felt that the proposed use of the building and operation would be favorable to this type of zoning. Counctlman Breider questioned the amount of square footage in the building. Pir. Sobiech said the bulding conta�ned 97,D00 square feet. Counci7man Breider asked the amount of parking required for usage of a bui7ding of this type. The Public Works drrector determined on a commercial rate this would be a requirement of 1,164 parking stalls. Plr. Peterson, Real Property Services, addressed the Council and sa�d he represented the people who proposed the operation in the warehouse. He explained this proposal to be a ware house sales outlet of a unique nature and explained there would be as many as 100 businesses with sales of surplus or bargain type items on the weekends. Counci7man Starwalt stated this is not an auction type operation. P1r. Peterson said no, �t would 6e a discount or bargain type of set up. Councilman 5tarwalt asked if this would be for tndustrial use. i4r. Peterson explained that this would be public ori,entated with a multitude of manufacturers and businesses selling materials and at barga7n prices. �1r. Richard Narris asked if the present zoning in the area was M-2 and the Public Works Director said yes. Mayor Nee aaid the Council had received an opinion from the City Attorney ind�cating that the proposed usage would be allowed. � The City Attorney explained that in an industrial area a warehouse is a permitted usage and there is a provision in the industrial zoning allowing incidentia7 sales by industrial occupants which is now being permitted. Fle said either proviston is allawed if they do not adversly affect the surrounding property and may be permitted. Fle referred to the operation of Wickes and Plywood Minnesota which is in industrial zoning with the same type of situation existant there. He said they are basically warehouses w�th sales out of the facility. Mayor Nee questioned how many acres of pav�ng would be required for parking. The Public Works Director pointed out that the estimated requirement would be approximately seven acres, but the stipulation would require the applicants to acquire 20 additional acres for use if the need arises. Mr. Peterson addressed the Council and explained being this is a unique operation, they had not determined the amount of parking that would be needed at one time. ile said with the stipulaiion for the acqu�sition of additional land, they would be able to provide up to 20 acres if �t is needed. Mr. Richard Harris questioned and availabi7ity of the area because of the traffic situation. Mrs. Lee Ann Sporre, 301 Ironton, if the proposed development would necessitate the extension of Main Street and the incorporation of additional signa7ization. Mr. 5obiech said no. He further stated that the streets in the area had 6een designed for � additional traffic to meet the proposed usage specifications. The City Manager said he believed the points raised by Mr. Harris to be good points. The City Manager advised the Council that the Public Works Director had listed approximately 10 items that could be stipulation in con�unction with the proposal, He said the matters discussed at the present meeting had been reviewed and questioned by the Engineering staff also. Ne said he felt wtth the large scale parcel development such as was proposed, the adverse effects would be at a minimum in comparison to the current type of development with small several acre parcels. He explained his belief that the proposal has many favorable aspects with the �iltty to plan the drainage of a large development and the reduction of traffic to weekends only. He felt the investigation of the question on the point of run off is well taken, but this had been questioned by the Administration also. Mr. Qureshi felt that the proposal a� �� 4 �1 � REGULAR COl1NCIL MEETING DF JANUARY 6, 1975 PAGE 12 would provide a development �nwhich the adverse effects of development of the area couldhe reduced in comparison to other types of operations. ���1ayor Nee questioned if there was a question confronting the Counci7 at the present time on the proposal. Ne asked the City Manager if he had brought the matter to the Council as a matter of advising them. � The City Manager said this was correct. He explained that the applicant had su6mitted a letter to the City in the hope of gaining some indication on the proposal from the City 6efore he went to the expense of preparing f�nal plans. He explained that the final plans would have to be submitted to the various committees and come bac�k to the Counci7. The City Manager said he believed the proposal is one that would work for the area. �layor Nee asked Mr. Peterson if he would be wi7ling to work out the questions of drainage and traffic with the City. Mr. Peterson said yes, he would be wi7ling to do this. He indicated this would be �us� as tmportant for the business to solve, they would not want to live with a drainage problem. i1r. Peterson indicated that in his discussions with the City Staff, all of the restrtction had 6een agreed to because they were mutually beneficial to the City and Company. Mr. Peterson listed several of the suggested stipulattons and indicated he believed they were tmperative for the business to follow to have a good operation. The City Manager said one requirement would be that if any additional right of way or improvements are needed for tte area, he would like the applicants to agree to pay the costs. He said the parking plan and landscape plans would have to be submitted to ihe Subcommittees and Council for final approval. Nlayor Nee questioned if there would be a need for the issuance of a special use permit. � The City Manager said there are no provisions for a special use permit in this type of zonin9. He said the action of the Council would be to issue the permit wtth certain condttions. The City Attorney advised the Council that there would be no provisions for the special use permit because this would be a perm�tted use. He suggested the requ�rement of a certif�cate of occupancy in this case stating he believed this to be a necessity. He said ihis would require the applicant to comply w�th the requirements before he is permitted to operate. The City Attorney continued to explain that the var�ous Boards and Committees could attach their suggested recommendations for parking and drainage, etc. and the Council could provide a formal agreement with the Company for compliance. lie said this would prohibit the sale of any property, the sales of material on any other day besides the weekends and holidays without the approval of the Council. He said if the provisions of the agreement or certificate of occupancy are violated, the cerf�ticate of occupancy can be revoked. Councilman Breider asked if there was a question before the Council at the present time that would take Couttcil action. The City Manager recommended that at the present time the Council receive the communication. He said this application had been submitted by a large operation and he was concerned that they would understand their investment commitment and 6e aware of the requirements the City would want stipulated. Councilman Breider said the City had been working very hard in the area proposed for � development. He said he would not want 20 acres of asphalt in any one area. Mayor Nee said the stipulation was to require the applicant to acquire the additional land in the case that it is needed at some future date. Councilman Breider questioned if this would be a dangerous precedent and he did not feel he would like to set such a precedent in this area. The Public Works Director said the st�pulation was not requiring the applicants to use this amount of land for parking, they were to acquire it in the case that at sometime in the future they would like to expand operations, it would be available. r-1r. Sobiech pointed out that there is almost adequate parking surrounding the 6uilding at the present time. The Public Works Director said ii was not known if the property to the east would ever be used for parking. u�� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 1975 PAGE 13 The City Manager pointed out that this would be the same requirements as Wickes, Plywood Minnesota and Holiday had complied with. The City Manager said he saw some positive sides of this proposal, as he had indicated earlier. He said with the acqu�sition of the additional property, there would be some property to control the runoff. He suggested the creat7on of ponding areas mixed with the parking lot in the landscape plans. He also suggested that the additional acquisition could either be used for construct�on of parking faci]ities or additional bui7ding constructton. Ne said in this case the City would have the opportunity to control the adverse , effects of runoff, and this factor could be incorporaied at the time of planning. He mentioned this type of large development would allow for more control of the adverse effects than that of the development of smaller parcels with small buildings which are surrounded by a strip of parking stalls and a strip of landscaped area. Mr. Peterson said he felt the points of Councilman Breider were well taken. He mentioned the hope that the industrual area would indicate the requirement for the parking space, but in this case he was not at liberty to say. Ife again explained that th�s operation would be the only one of its kind in the 7win City Area. He also sa�d he was not wild about buying more land, but if it is necessary to the operation in the future, it would be better than forcing on street parking. He said it may be possible to get by with the existing parking plus the on street parking in the area, buth they would not want this and neither would the City. He said the additional acquisition would provide for additional parking if this is needed. Mr. Richard Harris again ra7sed the point concerning the traffic in the area of Main Street and Osborne Road. He said he thought this matter should be reviewed by the Enrironmental Quality Commission and other 5ubcommittees. The City Manager said he felt this proposal had two positive aspects. He said the first was that the traffic into the area would be at an off peak period or on the weekends. Secondly, ne said, the development of a large parce] of land would allow some way of controlling the drainage of the area. He said there would not be 20 acres of parking lot, the area would be appealing with ponding areas and landscaping. � rie thought this could be planned so the area would be pleasing. Councilman Breider asked if there was some time table established for the project. N1r. Peterson indicated that they would 7ike to go ahead with the plans at the present time. He mentioned the advertising budget which has been established in the amount of $100,000. He said they would Tike to be operational in 30 to 60 days, �ounc�lman Breider questioned when the next Planning Commission meeting would be held. It was Tndicated that the next meeting wouid be January 22, 1975. The City Attorney said it would be possible to grant conceptual approval at this time contingent upon the conditions stipulated. He said it would be possible for the Administration, Boards and Commissions to work toward satisfaction of the parking and drainage plans, He said the item could be sent to the Boards and come back to the Council with a final plan for approval. He mentioned the Engineering staff would have to do some work on the plans also. He said the plans could include the need for immediate parking and also plans for expansion of the parking area if this proves to be necessary. He said if some decision is made on the conditions of development, this could be registered in a covenance with Anoka County, and these conditions could apply to the certificate of occupancy. He said the plans and satisfaction of conditions would have to be agreed to before any certificate of occupancy would be issued. Mayor Nee agreed with the points of the City Manager stating the larger the parcel, the more possible it would be to obtain an adequate drainage plan. He said this would be better than the development in fragments as is now being done in this area. � Mrs. Lee Ann Sporre said she believed th�s to be a problem area and thought there may be some problems in the drainage of the Stonybrook area. Mrs. �an Seeger, 324 Ironton, thought the point concerning the development of a larger parcel was valid. She did question the matter of the additional traffic, The City Manager pointed out that the property is zoned for a certain use. He again explained that if the property is not developed in the proposed manner, it would be developed in small parcels with surrounding parking areas, etc. He again mentioned that if there was development of industry in the area, there would be add�tional traffic at all times, not �ust on the weekends. He said he thought the City could work wzth this type of large development. � � � ,��.1 �! REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 1975 PAGE 14 MOTION by Councilman Breider to instruct the Administration to pursue the plans for the development as requested by Real Property Services, working out the drainage problems and keeping in mind that there wi71 not be 20 acres of asphalt for the parking lot, and that the applicant work up a plan and present the plan to the Planntng Commission on the 22nd of January and at the same time that the adjacent property owners would be notified and the property owners in the area of Stonybrook be notified so they can be present at the consideration of the pro,7ect Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Mr. Dick Brama, owner of the build�ng in question, addressed the Counci] and said they are at the point in construction of the bui7ding where they would have to know how to finish the inside of the building. He said he felt in this case there was a hardship in that if this operation was not going to use the building, it would be finished in the speculative off�ce warehouse style which would be different than was the proposal at the present time. i�1r. Brama requested that the item appear at the Planning Commission the following evening because of this hardship. Mayor Nee questioned if an affirmative vote on the motion on the floor would 6e a general type of concurrence or conceptual approval. The City Attorney said if the property is developed in this line, plans wou7d have to 6e presented. He said some indication of the Council's decision would be an aid to the applicant in which way to proceed. He suggested the applicant work wtth the Administration for formulation of the plans and modifications if this is necessary. He said this could be controlled with conceptual approval. Councilman Breider stressed that Mr. Peterson would have to come up with parking plans and drainage plans, etc. before there is any agreement on the part of the Council. He stated, the Council could just not agree to the development without some plans. UPON A VDICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. olson, Real Property Services, addressed the Council and questioned the ttme element they were facing. The City Attorney suggested that the developers and the owners of the building meet with the administrative staff the following morning. CDMMUNITY SCHOOL INTERACTION: TOM MYHRA: Mayor Nee called on Mr. Tom Myhra to present a review of the Community School program to the Counci7. f�lr. Myhra explained that a committee had been formed and that there were three mem6ers of the City staff on this comm�ttee. He sazd he thought it would also be appropriate to have some representative from the City Council on this committee. He expressed the desire to involve the local school district and local government. He mentioned that everyone from preschool to the senior citizens could become involved tn the Community School program. The City Manager pointed out that this program had been brought to the Council's attention several months ago. He mentioned that Mr. Peter Herlofsky, Administrative Assistant, Mr. Dan Huff, Naturalist/Resource Coordinator, and Mr. Paul Brown, �irector of Parks and Recreation are presently members of the Committee. He satd he had ortginally talked to Mr. Hansen concerning the program and now Mr. Tom Myhra had been appointed as Director. Mayor Nee suggested that the matter be brought back for Council cons�deration of the appointment of a Council member to the Committee. He said the staff people would remain on the Committee. WEAVER, TALLE & HERRICK: ABOLISHMENT OF OFFICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the communication from Weaver, Talle, & Herrick concerning the abol�hment of the office of Chief of Police dated January 6, 1975 and direct the Administration to transmit the commurncation to the Police Commission. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee deciared the motion carried unanimously. LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA MUNICIPALITIES: EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS FOR MAYORS AND COUNCILMEN: Mayor Nee informed the Council that the League was offering a school for Mayors and Councilmembers and asked if any of the other members of the Council wished to attend this session. �38 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF �ANUARY 6, 1975 PAGE 15 hlayor Nee said as a point of informat�on for the public, the cost of attendance is $35. Councilvvnman Kukowski questioned if it would be possible to hold some kind of public hearing for input of the people and the public for the appointment of a � Councilmember in Ward III. Councilman Breider said he had only been involved in the appointment process once and at this time, the public had noi been involved in the appointment. GounciTman Breider said he bel�eved it would he a good chance to have some back and forth dialogue on ihe subject. He said he wouTd go along with the public hearing situation. Councilman Starwalt said he felt this would be a good idea and asked how soon this public hearing would be scheduled, Mayor Nee said it would be necessary to prepare and adopt a Resolution declar�ng a vacancy the following week Councilman Breider suggested that this hearing take place at the fourth Monday conference meeting. He satd the people who are interested in the office could be heard He mentioned that some notice of the hearing could be published a couple of weeks in the paper. MO7ION by Councilwoman Kukowski to set a public hearing at the conference meeting ofJanuary 27th, 1975, for the purpose of interViewing those peoK�le who are interested inthe office of the Third Ward Councilmember. 5econded by Councilman Breider. The City Manager asked �f the Counci7 intended that those wishing to address the Council make their names known to the City. Councilman Starwalt indicated he ' believed the people interested could state their intentions. The City Manager said he would encourage those interested to call the City Manager's office so the Council would be prepared. Councilwoman kukowski agreed with this point, but add�d she would not want the candidates limited to those who had contacted the office i�n advance. The City Manager said the pub7ic should know who the candidates are bef��re the hearing Councilwoman Kukowsk� said she would like this meeting in the Community Room, not the Council Chambers. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all vo�ing aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. i�1ayor Nee directed the Adm�nistration to prepare a resolution declaring a vacancy for consideration of the Council at their next meeting. The City Manager explained the City is in the process of contacting industries at the present time. Fle questioned the inc7usion of requests for the Islands of Peace indicating if they worked on two fronts at the same time, this would be damaging. The City Manager suggested taking a second cycle in this type of effort and working on the Islands of Peace. Ne 7ndicated the possib77ity of the Legislature coming up with some funding for the Islands of Peace. MOTION by Counc�lman Sreider to direct the C�ty Administration to include the Islands � of Peace in future notices of solicitation. Seconded by Counci�man Starwalt. U�on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman ereider said he felt that if notices are sent out about North Park, or one pro�ect, he felt the Administration could indicate there is another project and the reci��ents could determine which project they would have interest in. The City Manager pointed out that the City had been successful in obtaining funds for the Islands of Peace. ADJOURNMENT: MOTIDN BY Councilman Breider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. �pon a voice vote, all voting aye, hlayor Nee declared the motion carried � � � REC�ULAR COUNCZL MEETING OF JANUARY 6, i975 PAGE 16 unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of January 6, 1975 adjourned at 11:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ,r��'- �, ;�� ��Z.��, Pat Ranstrom Secretary to the City Council � �ate Approved ��� �" i�� ��j�g�"r/�- , � "`_ — William J. Nee Mayor G;' 1