09/22/1975 - 00015046r �� � i t,�� THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF SEPTEMBER 22, 1975 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of September 22, 1975 was called to order at 7:30 P.h�. by Mayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGI�INCE: Mayor Nee welcomed those preserit and invited ihem to �oin the Council in saying the Pledge of Alleqiance to the Fla9. ROLL CALL• ' Members Present: Councilman Fi�.:zpatrick, Councilwoman Kukowski. Mayor Nee, Cauncilman Breider and Councilman Starwalt. Members Absent• None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 8, 1475: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council as submitteo. Seconbed by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unanimously. OPEN FORUM, VISITORS: MR. WAYNE FRIDAY, 1016 BUNKER LAKE BOULEVARD: REOUEST FOR APP,",OVAL OF UARIANCES AT 6660 HICKORY ST. N. E, Mr. Friday addressed the Council and stated hts request is to reduce the front yard setback at 6660 Htckory by four feet. He explained that he had appeared before the Appeals Commission the previous week. He further explained th�t the Appeals Commission had advised him to appear before the City Council prior to the appearance before the Planning Commiss�on which N�ould be the com�ng 4�lednesday evening. He explained that the house would have to be completed for the people ' to move in before the first of October and the s�ze of the garage would have to be determined soon. Mayor Nee said he did not think this kind of consideration should be brought to the Council during the Visitor's Section. The Assistant City Engineer, Mr. Tom Colbert, explained that the petitioner had appeared before the Appeals Commission and they had recommended approval of the variance from 35 feet to 30.65 feet. He explained that the boulevard is curved in this area and also extended. He said tf the applicant would continue to build the garane as a doub1e garage, it would not meet the setback requ�rements. P1r. Colbert continued to mention that if the petit�oner were to wait until th�s �tem were to go to the Plamm �q Commtssion and then to Council it would delay proqress on the construction for another two weeks and this would create a hardship for the applicant. He said there are no ob,7ections i`rom the ad,7oinrnc� property owners. The City Manager said normally, thu type or consideratinr� would no to the Planning Commission and the Council after this. 7he Ctty Mana�er said i� would be possible to concur ir a�vance with the artion af the Planninq Commission. He said unless the Coui�ci7 had some s�ecial concern�. He mei�r_i�ned the +�ext meeting of the Council us�]1 be October Eth. Mayor Nee said he objected to a cor,srderat�on such as tfi�s coming on the agenda in thts fashion. He said if the applicant had been advised to come to the City Councils there should have heen some informatton �n the aaenda. The City Manager � satd the Administra±ion does nat encourage people to come tr, the Council in this manner. The City Manaqer explatned that the position of th�e house d��! not match those of the plans and th�s was d�scovered during the verification survey He explained the placement of the construct�on haad been �our feet oFf. Councilman Bre�der asked if the cor�structzon was a house an�1 th�e Assistant Engineer explained that when the plan for butld7nG ��as viewed by the Tnspection Department, it met the specifications of the Code. He further explained in locating the sewer service, this was not according to the plans and the structure will now be four feet off. The Assistant Engineer further explained that the concractor is at a stopping point in the construction in that he has to either stop construction to allow for a single garage or continue accordrnct to the plans to construct a double garage. He added, if the double gara�e �s constructed, a variance will 6e requ�red, i ::', �r REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 22, 1975 PAGE 2 MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to concur �n advance with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Seconded 6y Councilwoman Kukowski. Councilrnan Starwalt questtoned how this had hanpened. The petitioner sa�d he could not find the property stakes and he measured the distance from the street and Lhe street was not the same distance as he thought it would be, The � Assistarit City Engineer explained that this is a different situation because at th�s point, the roadway curves to create a"T" intersection with Rice Creek Way Mayor Nee asked when the Plann�ng Comiaission would hear this request, The City Manager sa�d the com7ng Wednesday. He said this concurrence in advance would expedite the pracess by two weeks. Mayor Nee asked if this would take care of the prablem for the contractor and he answered yes, He said if this action was not taken at the present time, he would have to come back to the City Council anain. Mayor Nee explained that �f i.he City Council would act on this item directly it would preempt the Plamm �g Commission. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously A�OPTION OF AGENDA: MQTION by Councilman Fitzpatr�ck to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votinc� aye, Mayor Nee declared the mation carried unanimously PUBLIC HEARINGS: ' PUBLIC HEARING ON ASSESSMENT FOR TREATMENT AND REMO�AL OF TREES: MOTION 6y Cou�ri;man Bre�der tc; waive the readinq of the Public Hearinq Notice and open the Public Heartng. Seconded by Cauncil��JOman Kukowski, Upon a voice vote, all vottng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. The Finance Dtrector explainea that the assessments would be spread over a five year per�od of time with interest �n the amount of 7z per cent. He explained that this is much like the sewer and water assessments. He said there would also be an administrative cost of $25 per par�cel. He sa�d the cost for the removal would vary with each parcel. Mayor ilee asked �i there were any questions concerning the assessment roll. He asked how many people were present concerninq the publtc hearin� and four people indicar.ed this was the�r concern, A member of t�e audience asked who would do the cuttin�. Mayor Nee said �hi; is done by a private c�ncern. Dr. �an Huff, Naturalist/Resource Coordinator, explatned that the City had three contractors the past season. He further explained that the work was given to the lowest bidder. i�iayor Mee questiuned �f the work that had been done was suffir.ient. Mr Chester �ersailles, 7136 East River Road, indicated he was no�nq to cut the , tree down himself and there was a question of whether or not the tree was on his property or on the ad�acent school's property. Wl�en in the process of coming to this determination, the contractor came and cut the tree down and disposed of tt. ""r. Versailles said he believed the tree to be on the property of River•wood School He continued to explain that he had tried to reach Dr. Huff and wes unable to reach him. He said he would have liked the area surveyed to determtned the placement of tne tree. � � � k �� r REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 22, 1575 PAGE 3 Qr. Huff said the C�ty personnel surveyed the area and had determzned that the tree was on Mr. Versailles property. He said thts survey was done by the Eng�neering �epartment. Mr. VersaillES said he would like to see tnis survey. Dr. Huff explained thzt there was no doc!�ment on the survey, it had ,7ust been determined that the tree was on the Versaiiles property and Lhis inforrnat�on was called to h�m on the City radio. Dr. Huff said ifi this survey is questioned, it would 6e pa�sible to go out and measure again. Counc�lman Breider questioned who the prooerty owner� had talked to at the school. Mrs. Versailles said she had talked to the principal of the schcol, Mayor Nee said the cost being discussed amounted to �a55. He asked if this amount included the adim nistrative costs, P^r. Uersailles responded that this was not a very large tree and he had planred to cut it down in abcut five minutes, Mayor Nee said if the school had irdicated they thouaht it was on their property, wiiy didn't th e City bill them for this. Mr. Ed Jonak, 133 Cra�g Way, owner of the propert,� at 261 57th Place addressed the Council and said he ts beina charged Fnr the rer�cval of a tree that he had removed, not the contractor. C4r, Jonak further remarked that his tenant called him and indicated that the contractc�r wzs goinn to remove the tree. He said he cut it down and was 6illed for the removal. Dr. Huff answered that the man had been billed by the r_ontractor for the man hours that the men and equipment had been F�eld up on this prooerty. Mr Versailles said he had notified the City that he would remove the tree as t�me and the weather permitted, Dr. Huff responded that this had been sent man,y months after the notice for removal in ten days had been seri. "1r. Versailles said he had received a notice in �uly of 1974 and aid net r�ce�ve anothPr notice until April of 1975.h1ayor Nee asked Mr. Uersailies when he ha� returned notice to the City and i�1r. }�ersailles said in Anril of 1975. Dr Huff noted that the not�ce said there should be con�pliance w�tl7ir� ten days, F',e said after the two notices the property owner had rece�ved a seven dav non-compltance notice also. Mr. b'ersailles agarn stressed that he had taken the tree down. Dr, Iluff said all the costs for the removal of trees are betng charqed to the people 4,here the charges are �ncurred. He sa�d the contractor was helci un by the failure of the �roperty owner to take down the tree in the alloted time. He mentioned that the property owner could have been fined $3C0 for stoppin_c, the contractor in his line of duty. Dr. Huff continued to state that the contractor vaas to remove the tree as required by law because he had received the contract P•9ayor Nee asked if there were ary more cuestions from the City Ccunc�l and there was no response. Mrs. John Amerman, 5650 Regis �rive addressed the Council and asPed what the costs were based on. She mentioned si�e had received a notice that a small tree had to be removed and she obtained an estimate rrom a source o*her than the Ctty at $40. She continued to explain that she had callcd the Ctty and was told that the City may receive a lesser bid because of the voium�. She said now she had received a bill for the removal for the tree at $1?_5, Mi°s Ar�err�an said she thought this price was outrageous. She mPntioned it had oniy taken th� contractor ten minutes t� cut the tree down and remo��e the tree. Dr Huff said the City had not told anyone that thev would receive a cheaper bid if the work was done by the Ctiy contractor P4ayor Nee asked if t^rs Amerman had received a written bid from the irdependent contractor and P4rs. Amerman sa�d no. Dr, Huff said he believed this 6id had been recetved fram a nor�-licensed. non- bonded or certified tree service. He mentioned the City could only use those people who are properly insured, etc. He said the $40 Gid �s very low for an individual rate. Dr. Huff satd there was quite a difference in the bids and perhaps she was overcharged somewhat and said the City could not sp�ak for the integrity of the individual contractors, Dr Huff inentioned that the City cannot dou6le check every �ndtvidual removal. He explained that the City takes the lowest bid �!Lr [�Ci REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEPIBER 2?_, 1975 PAGE �' Dr I;ui�f sa�d inzm- people had bFer� pleas��i w1�h the C�}�✓ con'r��ctor"s work. He continued to explain that the City was in the process of tryina to alleviate this type of problem with the establishment of a long term contract which would state the costs for the removal of a specific size tree for so much, He said this amount would vary in certatn instances because of the placement of the trees and the obstacles that may be encountered in the removal. Dr. Huff said the City had taken the lowest of three bids and thought they were doing the right thing. Dr. Huff inentioned that one of the three contractors used by the City kept very complete records and it would be possible to check these records, but he questioned if the other two would have any detailed records, The City Manager questioned if the City had rece�ved a bid on each parcel and Dr. Huff said yes, they had received a bid on each tree. Mrs. Amerman asked that the City check �n this case to determine if an error was made. Dr, Huff said th�s would be done, Dr Huff explatned that there are people worki>�g within the City who travel around and tell people that they will cut down their trees at a reduced rate. fie pointed out that the people who cut down the trees sell the d�seased wood to others who are not aware of this. He said they are furriished with a free supply of wood which is not properly dis- posed of Dr Huff said the disposal costs are a large part of the removal costs. He explained that the dtseased trees have to be hauled to the 4noka County land fill area and the contractor �s charged $15 in fees for this disposal. Dr Huff said if an oak tree is dead, it would not be tagged for removal unless it is diseased. He further explained that an Elm would just have to be dead to have notice given for removal because the 6eetle will live in the dead tree. He said the diseased oak cannot be maintained on the property, tt must 6e disposed of properly. The Finance Qirector �ndicated ir� the case of the removal of the Amerman tree. the $125 fee does not include the administrative fee of �25, which would bring the total b�lling to $150, The City Manager advised Mrs, Amerman tha* the City would check into this concern and get the informat�on back to her by the coming meetinq. Dr. Huff clarified the statement that the City may have lower rates explain�ng thuL when calls are received, the City advises the people that they should ob- ta�n their own bids, Mayor Nee stated the City does not want to be in the tree removal business, they want other people to take care of this aspect, Mayor Nee asked if anyone else was oresent on this item and there was no response. P�OTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to close the public hearing, Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor fdee dec'ared the motion carr�ed unanimously. DLD BUSINESS CONSI�ERATION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUESTS BY NAEGELE OUTDOOR ADVERTISIPlG COMPANY FOR f,ONTINUATION OF BILLBOARDS TABLED 9/R/75 : MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatr�ck to set the public hearin9 for the Special Use Permits for Billboards as requested by fdaegele Outdoor Advertising for November 10, 1975. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING INFORMATION CONCERNIPlG THE ISSUANCE OF WIPIE LICFNSES (TABLED 9/15/75 Mayor Nee explained that he had received an inquiry from Fireside Rice Bowl on this matter and said they would possibly want a wine license but did not want to pay the enttre l�quor license fee for this. He said the current license fee for the liquor licenses is $4,500, , I�� � / � � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 22, 1975 OLD BUSINESS CONTINUED The City Attorney mentioned half of this fee would �e �2,250. PAGE 5 Mayor Nee asked the members of the Council if they e�ould like t� develop an ordinance for thzs type of wine license. � Councilman Breider said he would like to pursue this matter and would lilce to do so with a pu6lic hear m a. Councilman 3reider said he would like the people presently dealing in liquor in the City invo?ved in this d�scassion as well as the general publ�c. He questioned how the Council could establish the criteria w�thout public input. Mayor Nee sa�d �t would be possible to process the ordinance and hold a hearing on the ordinance, Councilman Starwalt said he agreed with the comments of Councilman Breider and said the liquor licerse holders should be involved, Mayor Nee said the current holders would probably oppose such a license. Councilman Starwalt said he would like the Chamber of Commerce notified, Mayor PJee mentioned the League of Women Voters also, The Ctty Attornev satd those people holding food establishment licenses would be directly affected by this type of consideration. Councilman Breider said he felt the ordinances would be basically the same other than ihe amount of required sea±inq capacity and the amount of the fee, The City Attorney said this may be handled as an amendment to the current liquor license. Councilman Breider said the Liquor Control Director would have to approve the license. The Ctty Attorney said yes. Councilman Breider asked if this would also be true for a renewal and the C�ty Attorney said yes. Council- man Breider sa�d he did not really think the City would control this type of license, they would only g�ve preliminary aoprovale The City ,"��.torn�� said he felt if the City Councii approves the issuance, tne approval of the Liauor � Control Director would be routine. Councilman are�der sa7d he felt something should be set up for the Novem6er heariny with the City Attorney generating an ordinance in the meantime, P+layor Nee agrzed with this proposal and said the ordinance would be placed on the agenda for constderation of the Hiording and requirements, not for adoption. MOTION by Councilman Breider to instruct tne City Attorney ta generate a,pro- posed ordinance. The City Attorney asked if the specifics conc2rning the fee should be left out of the draft, He asked iP there should 'ae some provisions for the bond, Mayor Nee said he felt the bond provisions snould be as in the liquor ordinance. There was some discussion concerntng the fee to use fo�° the c.onsiderat�on of the ordinance and the general consensus was that ±he maximum of �2,OD0 be considered for the initial discussions, Councilman Breider said he 6�11eved the maximum should be considered because this type of license would create expenses for the C�ty such as police checks for clos�na time, etc, The City Attorney sa�d the City� has thz same problem With 3.2 and liquor, He mentioned that the police would 'nave to check the facilittes for minors, etc The Council discussed tne mtnimum seattng r.apac�cy to be �ased withtn the draft of the ordinance . The Council consensus was the fi�ure of 75 should 6e ' used whtch is one half of the capacity requ�rement for liquor, SECONDE� by Counctiman ritzpatr�ck, The City Manager said he thought the ordinance could be brought back to the Council on October 6 at wh�ch time the Counc�l could set the public hearing UPON A VOICE VDTE, all voting aye, Mayor Nee �eclared the motion carried unanimously, y r� in j �tl REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 22, 1975 FIRST READING OF AN ORDIPIANCE FOR VACATION REOUEST SAU PAGE 6 VERLYM VANDER The Ass�stant C�ty Engineer explained the request to vacate a 66 foot r�adway easement on the southerly portion of Siverts Lane for the purpose of construc- tion of a single family dwell�ng and pr�vate cesspool and well system. The r'Issistant City Engineer pointed out that the PTanning Commission had recommended approval of the vacation at their meeting of July 23, The Assistant City Engineer explained that the Administration's recommendat�on would be to vacate the easterly 36 feet of the roadway easemen� until a more definite house plan is available to see how it would fit into the lot. He said there are several restrictive matters in this construction, one being that the cesspool systtm must be constructed 870 feet above the flood plain and also the setback from the property line. Mr. Verlyn Vander Lugt addressed the Council and requested that the entire easement be vacated or he would not be able to construct a home on the property. The City Manager recommended that the City Council adopt the ordinance on first reading to vacate 36 feet. He sa�d this could be amended in the future when a firm plan �s submitted to the City which would point out the placement of the trees, etc. He said he did not think the City should relinquish all rights to the easement at this time because no plans have been furnished, The City Manager said the admim stration is st�ll willing to work with the petitroner The City Manager said at the present time, there is no need for the 66 foot easement and in the future it may be possible to obtain an easement from the tax forfeit property to the east, but he could not see any reason to vacate this easement when the need had not been determined by a plan. He said this could be done when the plans come in and re-evaluated at th��t time. L _' � Mayor Nee sa�d �f the 30 feet is retained and a zero sctback is used by the applicant, the easement would �e useless to the City. The City Planager satd this woulu not be determ�ned until detailed plans have been submitted to the City, Councilman Starwalt questioned the petit�oners progress in the purchase of the ' property. Mr. Vander Lugt said he was not bound to the purchase of the pro- perty if the lot is not buildable He expla�ned the first step in this consideration was the waiver of the public ut�lities to the lot and secondly the vacation of the roadway easement, He said as the property stands at the present iime, there would not be enouqh area to construct a hame well system and ceptic system. He said he has planned to build a typical rambler on the lot and this would be about 75 feet long. He sa�d one of the prov7sions of the state �s that the dra�n field cannot be closer than 20 feet to the house. He said all of the systems must be constructed above the 870 foot elevaticn line. He said in order to meet these prov�sions, he would have to cut 15 feet into the bank and this would cut right into h1r. Siverts property. He sa�d he would prefer to stay in this kind of sudden drop in elevations. The City Attorney asked �f there was any reason why the drain field could not be within the easement. Mr. Vander Lugt said the State Code will not allow driving any vehicles over such a system. Mayor Nee said he thought this to be a question of whether or not the C7ty needs this land, Councilman Fitzpatrick said tt seemed the administration was saytng that the City needs the land if the petittoner does not. He said if th� City needs it, it would not be �dacated. He mentioned if the Ciiy does not need it, it should be vacated and the City should not wait for additional plans to be subr,n tted. Mayor Nee said he thought the Administration should either say they did or did not nee�; it, Counciiman Fitzpatrick said he did not think the City Council should tell the man to come back to the City Council again if the City really does need the e�,sement. The City Manaaer said the City would have the alternative of aoing to the east, but the City had paid for the easement and access. He said the City had paid for this easement and all the land to the south. The City Manager said that if the property is not '.�uildable unless the right of way �s vacated the City Council would be saying it has no value. The City P4anager said this lot is 9/1D's of an acre. He said the area to be vacated is 36 by 165 feet and th�s Ts equal to 5,900 sq. ft, and this is larger than a building site. � i, _ .� REGULAR COUNCIL PIEETING OF SEPTFMBER 22, 1975 OLD BUSINESS CONTINUED PAGE 7 Councilwoman Kukowski said normally the City provides sewer for oroperty owners. The City Manager said all of the lots in this area have a private system. He said it would be possible to �rovide such a system from 69th The City Manager satd the propert,y could be filled and connect the property into the system, � Mayor Nee expressed the viewpoint that after 15 years, the private systems fail. He questioned if this would happen in this area if ±he people would be pumping their systems into the creek, The City P1anager said the City policy is to not have ceptic tarl:s in the City, 6ut in this instance the City had approved the nrivate system. Mr. Vander Lugt quest�oned what more detail the City Council would want, Ne said there is only so much area above 870 feet. He explained the var�ous placements of the proposed construction ef the dwelling, A question was raised concerning the ownership of the easement and the City Attorney said the easement could be used for anything that is not inconststant with the City's easement rights, Mr, Vander Lugt said he owned the property in question and the City has the right to travel over it� He mentioned he is bound to the purchase of the property unless it is not a buildable site, He explained that he would like to build his own home, but at the present time he is single and this type of home would not be needed, Councilman Starwalt questioned how f��r Va�;der Ltint would feel aL�cut the vacation of the 36 feet, He mentioned it would 6e more than he presently has to use. Mr Vander Lugt said he agreed that it would be more than he had now The City Manager said the applicant is purchas�ng the property for speculative � purposes. He said �t is possible for the City Council to deny, and it was his opinion that the need had not been determined at the present time, The C�ty Manager said he did nnt think the app1icant could expect the City to vacate the entire easement at the present time and asked that some compromise could be reached� MOTIOP: by Councilman Starvtalt to vaaive the first reading of the ordinance for the vacat�on request by Mr, lierlyn Vander Lugt to vacate the vaesterly 36 feet of the roadway easement and adopt the ordir�ance on first reading. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Mr. �ander Lugt asked if he would have to stay 35 feet from the property l�ne on this side of the house The City Manager said the garaqe would he on this side of the house and it would be allowable to place the aarage on a s�deyard sPtback at five feet from the property ]ine, The City Attorney suggested that the ordinance read, "all that part of the 65 foot street easement lying on the westerly s�de of the easterly 65 feet". UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor PJee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Plee asked �f the var�ance weuld be approved at the ttme of the second reading of the ordtnance. The City P1ar,ager said he felt the Council should approve the s�de yard setback to five f aet on the qaraqe side of the house � so that the applicant will not have ±o attend another Council meetm q, Councilman Bre�der said being this is the side vard, he did not feel the applicant would need a variance to construct the ctarage at this po�nt Councilman Fitzpatrick said a variance ��rould not be needed for this construction� NEW BUSINE55: CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDIPIANCE FOR UACATION REOUEST SAV #75,08, RY LED LEMKE, TO VACATE PORTION OF 47TH AVENUE, AP!D ALLEY EASEMENT TN PLYMOUTH ADDITION: �JL� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 22, i975 NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED PAGE II The Ass�stant City Engineer explained the area of the request and �ndicated the Planning Commission had recommended approval of the request with stipulations that the utility easement be maintained, He explained that the property is currently being iraintained as lawns and is landscaped. The Assistant Engineer said it would be lopical to vacate the entire area. Counc�lman Fitzpatrick said he had talked to the owner of the property � that afternoon, she resides in California, and had indicated that the vacation would likely take place. He explained the owner's son was present at the meeting to answer any of the Council's questions. The son asked if the property taxes would increase due to this vacation. He said this was one of his mother's concerns. The Assistant City Engineer indicated the amount of area that tfie lot would be increased by and said the area of the parcel requested for vacation is 68 feet 6y 141 feet. A ouestion was raised concerninn the amount of property that would be available for a building s�te for Mr, Lemke and the City Manaqer satd after the vacat�on to meet the setbacks, only 35 feet of the property would be buildable. The City Attorney sa�d that the 23 feet on the easemen± could be used for a driveway, The son asked how much the taxes would increase by the additional property, The City Manager said this would not be another building site and the property would be increased from 80 feet to 110 feet, He said this would not be a sub- stantial addition. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the ordinance on-the first_readtna with the Planning Commission stipulat�ons. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a vo7ce vote, a17 vot7ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried-unanimously � FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR VACATION REQUEST SAV #75�05, RY RICHAR� KOK, TO VACATF DRAIPIAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED AT 5517 MC KIf1LEY: The P.ssistant City Engineer explatned the area requested for vacation and said the Planning Commtss�on had recommended vacation of the area with several stTpulations. He said this would inciude vacation of the westerly 85.31 feet and with the retention of access to the low spot in the case there are ever any problems in this area. He said currently the garage is encroachinq on the easement leaving four and a half feet of easement which would be worthless in the case that maintenance was necessat-y, MOTION by Counc�lman Starwalt to waive the first reading of the ord�nance for the vacation request by Mr. Richard Kok and adopt the ordinance on first reading Seconded by Councilwoman KukoNrski. Upon a voice vote all voting aye, Mayor Nee deciared the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR VACATION REQUEST SAV #75-09, BY FRTDLEY ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH, TO VACx:?E DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEP1ENT LOCATED AT 472 OSBORPIE R�.ilF_. The Assistant City Engineer explained that the Church was in the process of ' purchasing a strip of additional property which would change the lot line where the exist�ng easement lies. He explained that the new lot line would be available for the relocation of the easement. Councilman Breider mentioned that at the last hearing, the City Engineer had mentioned somethinn about the storm sewer easement The City Manager said this had been taken care of and there is no problem He mentioned the 12 foot easement would be relocated. The City Manager said ail of the items of concern can be taken care of by a letter of understanding which must be received before the second reading of the ordinance. ; �L�� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETITJG OF SEPTEMBER 22, 1975 NEW BUSINESS COI`1TINUED PAGE 9 MOTIOP� by Councilman Breider to waive the first readinca of the ord�nance and adopt the ordinance on first reading with the understanding that the applicant submit a letter of understanding from the Hospital and the Church concerning the drainage problems. Seconded 6y Councilwoman Kukowski Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor PJee declared the motion carried � unanimously. FIRST READING OF AM ORDINANCE FOR VACATION REQUEST SAV �75-10, BY ROBERT HINRICHS, TO VACATE UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT, LOCATED AT 981 AND IODI RICE CREEK TERRACE NE.: ' The Assistant Engineer explained the request to vacate the entire drainage and utility easement which ts located itve feet on the Hinrick property and five feet on the ad,7oining property. Ne saTd the applicant would like to build a double garage and there would also be a need for the petitioner to gain approval of the variance in the side yard set back from five feet to three. The Assistant City Engineer explained that the Staff had been �n contact with the various uttlity companies and they have no interest in the easements. He explained the easement to have been set up for a possible outlet for the storm sewer system whtch had been constructed elsewhere under other plans, MOTION by Councilman Breider to watve the ftrst readtng of the ord�nance and adopt the ordinance for the vacation of the drainaqe and utility easement at 981 and IODI Rice Creek Terrace on first read m g, Seconded by Councilman Fttzpatrick, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Plee declared the mQtlon carried unanimously, IVING THE MINUTES OF THE APPEALS COMMISSIOPI OF AUGUST 12. 19�5 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE AS FOLLOWS- SECTIO�� 205.13n. The Assistant City Engineer explained the requests as listed in the title and further explained that the setback request for the rear yard would not be possible since there ts an existing drainage and utility in the rear of the property where there had previously been a street easement. He explained that the drainage and uti1ity easements were maintained in this portion and it would not be possible to construct anything on it He said the patitioner would have to mainta�n the 25 foot setback in this area. He expla�ned that if this wiould be done, tt would reduce the size of the buildinq considerably. The City Manager explained that it wtll be possible to build up to the easement line, but to construct on this portion, the applicant would have to vacate the entire portion. Councilman Breider asked that the entire area colored map be brought in for the Council to review at this time. The Assistant City Ennineer displayed the area map. There was further discussion concerning the zero setback on the west side with it being determined that if aqreement from the ad,7acent property owner was obtained, a variance would not be necessary for this construction, � Councilman Breider questioned why the administration had only found out about the easement �n the rear yard that day, The Assistant City Eng�neer sa�d the Appeals Commission was not aware of the extent of the easement. The City Manager said it would be the responsibility of the property owner to have a survey prepared to ftnd out such things, The Assistant City En9ineer said if the property owner had o6tained a title search, this would have showed up in the search. ry �a i f * �"� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 22, 1975 NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED PAGE 10 Councilman Breider asked if the easement appeared on the Plat Maps and the Assistant City Engineer said the easement appeared on the title and the tax statement. The City Manager said the current constderation would not need any action since the variance in the rear yard was not being considered. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to receive the minutes of the A�peals Commission Meet m g of August 12, 1975. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIUING THE P4INUTES OF THE PARKS APID RECREATION COMMISSIDN OF AUGUST 25, 1975 DISCUSSION CONCERNING MAINTENANCE OF ICE AND THE HOCKEY PP,OGRAPI: Councilman Fitzpatrick said he had received a request from a member of the Hockey Assu�iation to appear before the Council at the upcoming Conference Meeting. He explained that another topic was requested for discussion. but this could also be taken care of that time. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to table the consideration of the maintenance of the ice and the Hockey Program with discussion taking place at the upcoming conference meeting, Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a votce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #75-23, BY PETER J. LONG: PER E The Assistant C�ty Engineer explained that there was a recommended stipulation that this construction not be used for a home occupation. He said it would be i;� order to approve the special use permit with this stipuTation. MOTTON by Counctlman Breider to approve the special use permit as requested 6y Mr. Peter J. Long for 6721 Madison Street N.E, with the stipulation that the accessory building not 6e used for a home occupat�on. Seconded by Council- u��ri�n Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Plee declared the mot7on carried unan�mously. EST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #75-13, BY NAEGELE OUTDOOR A�VERTISING MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to set a publtc hearing for the request for special use permit SP #75-13 on Plovember 10, 1975. Secoruied by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. EST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP �75-14, BY NAEGELE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to set the public hearina on the matter of the request for the special use permit SP #7�-14 for November 10, 1975. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upan a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unanimously. ' ' ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 22, 1975 NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED EQl1E5T FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #75�15, NAEGELE � SEC AND PAGE 11 � �' � REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #75-16, BY NAEGELE OLIT�JOOP, ADVERTTSING COMPANY� TO ALLOW THE CONTINUATION OF AN EXISTING BILLBOARD ON LOT 4. AUDITOR'S APJD REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #75-17, BY BREDE, INC : TO ALLOW THE CDNTINUATION OF AN EXISTING BILLBOARD ON PART OF LOT 8, AUDITOR`S SUBDIVISIOP� .t. AND REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #75-18, BY BREDE, INC • TO ALLOW THE CO�JTI"iUATION OF AN EXISTING BILLBOARD 0"! PART OF LOT 8, AU�ITOR'S SU6DIVISION N0. 94, PER FRI�LEY CITY CODE, SECTION 214.042, THE SAME BEING 5403 CENTRAL AVENUE N.E.: AND � REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERP1IT, SP #75-19, BY BRE�E, INC• i0 ALLOW THE CONTINUATION OF AN EXISTING BILLBOARD ON LOT 1, BLOCK l, HARSTAD ADDITION oro FRrni �v rrTV rnn� crrrrnni �tn nn� ru� C4MF RGrni� FRn7 ui�ui.iAV flF, N F' �11 REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT #SP ,�`r75-2D, BY BRE'JE, INC TO ALLOW TNE CONTINUATION OF AN EXISTING BILLBOARD ON LOTS 29 AP19 30, BLOCK 11, HAMILTOPI'S f1VU111VIY IV I'ILIiIIRIYlVJV1LLL� fLl\ If�lULLI tilll IiVVL� JLli1LVIY LI`Y�V'Y�n BEING 5�457 4TH STTEET N,E. ,�� A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #75-21, BY BREDE, INC.• TO ALLOW THE � MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to set the public hearings for the special use permits SP k75-�5. SP #75-16, SP �75-1?, SP #75-1�, SP �75-"� and SP �75-'10 and SF fri:i-21 for ��ovember 10, 1975. Upon a voice vote. all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSI�ERATION OF INCREASE IN FRICILEY FIREPIEN'S RELIEF ASSOCIATION PENSION BENEFITS: � The City Manager said the requested increase would be about 201. He explained that the fund ts actuarily sound and they would not be coming to the City and asking for money. The City Manac�er said the Admim stration recommended that the increase be approved. The Ctty Manager said that Assistant Chief, Bob Aldrich was present at the meeting to answer any of the Counc�l's questions. Mr. Aldrich explained the rebate is funding the pension plan entirely at this potnt and said this was a 2% rebate on ftre insurance policies written i . 9 r�➢ REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 22, 1975 PAGE 12 NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED in the an�munity and this rebate amounts to $30,354 per year, He mentioned that this amount is in excess of providinq the 20% increase in benefits r•equested 6y the Relief Association. Some discussion followed concerning future requirements and the length of service for the averaqe volunteers on the department, MOTION by Councilman Bre;der to increase the benefits for the Firemen's Relief Association to $1�F4 per month, eff��ctive Dct. 1, 1975, Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a vo�ce vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the r�otion carried unam mously, DISCUSSION INTRODUCED BY MR. GARY BARKER. 5800 3RD S7. NE.E „ COPICE4NING OF EMPLOYMENT• Mr. Barker addressed the Council and explained his request to travel from his home to his place of employment dur�nct the winter months on his snow- mobile He explained he did not have a drivers license and it was almost impossible to take the 6us to and from work� After consideration discussion, the Counc�l consensus was that the res�dent contact the Public Safety Director, Mr. James Hill for the answers to these questions. SIDERATION OF BALLOTS FOR 4fARD 1 AND WARD 111. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt toarnroVe the 6allots for Ward 1 and Ward 111. Seconded by Counc�lwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votin❑ aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously, SIDERATIOPI OF PARTICIPATIOPJ PROPOSAL BY P1TN�lESQTA NIGHI��AY !lEP,4RTMENT FOR .c. The Assistant Ctty Engineer outlined the funding costs and sa�d the total cost for the revision of the signals would be $75,000 mfith Federal funding cover� ing 70i. He ment�oned after the federal share is paid, the remaining ob,iqar t�oi� u� the City would be to pay one quarter of the remaim nq $22,5�0 or a total of $`,975 which includes 6% of the pro�ect costs. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the concept of the proposal by the Minnesota Highway �epartment for siqnalization at TH #65 and 53r�1 Aneune Pl.E. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared t4ae motion carried unanimously. The Assistant City Engineer further explained that the oriqinal estimate of the City;s share was $18,5Q0 because the 70% federal funding was not anticipated. CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMEfdT BETWEEN CITY OF FRIDLEY APJD RICHARD POVLI'�.KI� FRONTIER CLUB, 7365 CENTRAL: 7he City Manager explatned that Mr. Povlitzki had come to his office and requested that this matter be placed on the Council agenda. He mentioned that Mr. Povlit�}-� was not present at the meetinq. The City Manaaer sazd the staff had tried to contact Mr Povlitzki's attorneys, Mr. Smith and Mr. Hagerty and they were not available. The City Manager further pointed out that Mr.'�ovlit�kt had said he was not retaining an attorney any lonaer. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to table the consideration of the aqreement between the City of Fr�dley and Richard Povlitzki until he again requests that it be placed on the agentla. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowsk�. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 1 , ' i� � i `3 7 REGULAR COUPJCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 22p 1975 NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED RESOLUTION ND, 183�1975 - DIRECTING THE P,4GF 13 MOTION by Counctlman Starwalt to adopt Resolution No. 183-1975. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowsk�a Upon a voice vote, all vottnq aye, Mayor Plee declared the motion carried unanimously, RESOLUTION N0, 184-1975 r DIRECTING THE SALE AN� PURCHASE OF TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS IN ACCORDANCE NIITH LAWS OF 1957, CHAPTER 335: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt P,esolution No, 183-1975, Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION CONFIP.MING ASSESSMENT FOR THE TREATh9EPdT AND REMDVAL OF TREES: MOTION by Counctlman Bre�der to table the consideration of the Resolution confirming the assessment for the treatment and removal of trees until the October 6, 1975 meetinq. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski, Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motton carried unan�mously, CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE OR�ER #1 FOR SANITARY SEWER IPIPROVEMEfJT PROJECT Y113 PETER LAMETTI C NSTRUCTION MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve Change Order '�1 for 5anitary Sewer Improvement Pro�ect #113. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, hlayor NPe declared the motion carr�ed unantmously. ��NSIDERATIO AND AN OR�IPlANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 19i6' RESOLUTION N0. 185-1975 DETERMINING THE MFCESSITY OF PND PROVIDIPlG FOR A TAX LEUY IN EXCESS OF THE NORPIAL CITY CH RTER TAX LIMITS: MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to waive the first reading of the ordinance ado�,t�n� i;he Budget for the F�scal Year 1976, and adopt ihe ord�nance in the first reading. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously, Councilman Fitzpatrick noted that the date on the second page of tfie resoiution should be changed to 1976 MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt resolutton Plo, 185-1975. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski, Upon a voice vote, all vottng aye, Mayor Alee declared the motion carried unanimously, CLAIMS: GENERAL AND LIQUOR - 11547 - 11773 MOTION by Councilman Breider to �prove the claims for payment, Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski, Upon a voice vote, al] voting aye, Mayor PJee declared the motion carried unanimously. � LICENSES: MOTIOfd by Counc�lman 5tarwalt to approve the licenses as noted on pages 20 through 20 B,and as on record in the City Manaaer's Office, Seconded by CouncilMan Sreider, Councilman Breider questioned the issuance of the food establishment license for the planned act�vities at Holly Center. Ne noted that there would be no fee, Councilwoman Kukowski asked if it was policy to not charne for this type of license, The City Manager noted that this would be a nonprofit activity. Counci7man Breider satd the Publlc Safety Director nad approved the issuance of the license and he had faith in his judqement Councilman Breider satd he would like to know what the activities would consist of, � ;� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 22, 1975 NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED PAGE 14 The C�ty ��lanager sa�d he would furm sh the Council with information on the activ�ties before the date of the planned festival, UPON A VOICE VOTE, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF THE APPLICATION FOR THE 3.2 BEER LICENSE FOR THE AMERICAN BAZAAR AND P�ARKET. Councilman Breider sa�d he had a hard time comprehendinq what type of food and beer servtce this proposal requested. A representative of the American Bazaar said this would be a concession stand set up, if the Ctty approves the license. He sa�d the County would basically approve the food license, He said this would allow the service of 3.2 beer at their operation which is only open on Saturday and Sunday, Councilman Breider asked if the stand for these sales was set up at the present times The representative said the Public Safety Director had v�sited the locat�on, Councilwoman Kukowsk� questioned why a beer license was being requested, The representative answered that they would have an operation similar to what is done at the faire Councilwoman Kukowsk� asked how this facility would be built. The representar tive explained that this area would be closed off to the remainder of the sales area and there would be a guard at the door or entrance to insure that no one would be walking out of the facility with beer. Councilman Starwalt sa�d this does not allow anyone to walk around with the beer in the area of the other concessions, The representative agreed un th this statement. Councilman Breider asked the City Attorney what his opinion would be as to the Council's consideration The C�ty Attorney stated that the City Council would have the author�ty to approve or deny the request, He noted if denial is the Councils action, the reason for such denial should be documented. Councilman Starwalt asked if some specific type of ltability insurance had been maintained for the proposed usage of the facility, The representative �ndicated that they had $3,OOD,000 �n liability insurance� Councilman Starwalt asked if this coverage would include the 3,2 beer. The representattve said yes, The representative explained that he and the Publtc Safetv Director had nc�ne over the plans and some of the plans had to be changed, He mentioned that this had been taken care of, Counc�lwoman Kukou�ski asked what date the operation would be open�ng and the representative said on October 4, 1975, Counctlwoman Kukotvski questioned why the material had not been included in thP agenda for the Council to review previous to the meeting, The representa- tive said the plans had been submitted to City Hall two weeks previously„ Councilwoman Kukowski said she could visual�ze Tarqet coming rn arrd requestn �ng a 3.2 license for Leer for their snack bar. She mentloned that this �,vould also be poss�hle for Mennards and Holiday if the current requesi is grantede Councilwoman Kukowski said she felt that the facts should have been submitted to the Council before the current eveninq, Councilman Breider sa�d he was concerned about h�s responsibil�ty to the public and questioned if the public would be opposed to this type of operatton, Ne mentioned the possib�lity of the booth renters frequenting the beer garden and getting carried away with the public, Councilman Breider said hp did not know �J , , � � ^, ri REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIMG OF SEPTEMBER 22, 1975 NEW BUSINESS CON7INUE� of another situation where beer is being sold at a flea market. The representative mentioned that this is done at the fair, PAGE 15 Councilman Breider said he would have no objection to the issuance of the food license at the present time, but he questioned the issuance of the 3. 2 beer 1 i cense. Councilwoman Kukowski said she could not vote in favor of the 3.2 license at the present meeting without any research Councilman Fitzpatrtck asked �f tt would be appropr�ate with the applicant if the Council would table the consideration of the license unt�l the Councilmembers would have an opportunity to review the operation of the market. Councilman Fttzpatrick said he was not prepared to take action s�nce the Council had not received any notice of the request until the present meeting time, Councilwoman Kukowski said she would like to review the operation before the Council considered the issuance of the beer license. She questioned if �nis had been done by a similar operat�on, The representative of the market mentioned that it has been done in other states C�uncilman Starwalt said he agreed with the statements of Counc�lwoman Kukowski and thought he would like to take a look at the operation first Mayor Nee said he felt the consideration should be tabled for some time Fle said the Council is a little uneasy about a retail operation in th�is location and he asked if the Council could be given a chance to experience the operation before the consideration of the license. � MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the issuance of the food establishment license as requested by the Amer�can Bazaar and Plarket. Seconded b,y Council- woman Kukowski. Upon a vo�ce vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously � MOTION by Councilman Breider to table the consideration of the issuance of a 3.2 beer license as requested by the Amer�can Bazaar and Market until the October 6, 1975 meettnq. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: Comstock & Davis, Inc, 1446 County Road "J" Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 FINAL ESTIMATE N0. 3 for furnishinq of Professional Enqineerinn SErvices for planning Sa m tary Sewer Im�rovement Pro,7ect #113 Peter Lametti Construction 614 Qrake Street St. Paul, Minn. 55102 FINAL ESTIMATE NO 7 for Sanitary Sewer Improvement #113 (Central Avenue Relief Sewer) Dunkley Surfacing Company 3737 East River Road Fr�dley, Mn, 55421 PARTIAL ESTIMATE N0. 4 for Street Improvement Pro,7ect ST.1975-1 � 2,372.05 $37,056 50 $91,676,72 PARTIAL ESTIP�ATE N0. 4 for Street Improvement Pro�ect ST.1975-2 $66,863.13 ���1 nLGUTAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 22, 1975 NEW 6USINESS CONTINUED B�ancon� Construction Company 986 Bayard Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 PARTIAL ESTIMATE N0. 1 for Water, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Street Grading No. 117 for period end7ng 8/29/75 Comstock & Davis, Inc. 1446 County Road "�" Minneapolis, Mn 55432 For the furn�shing of resident inspection and resident super- vision for the stakina out of the construction work for the following• PARTTAL ESTIP1ATE ,�10, Sanitary Sewer Improvement ProJect ,#113 PARTIAL ESTIMATE #21, Sam tary Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Improvement Pro,7ect #114 from 8/�/75 through 8/30/75 PARTIAL ESTIMATE #9, Water, Sanitary Sewer & Storm Se�aer Improvement Pro,7ect ,�116 from 8/16 through 8/30/75 PARTIAL ESTIMATE #2, Water, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer E� Street Grading Improvement Pro,7ect ��o. 117 from 8/18/75 through 8/30/75 Weaver, Talle & Herrick 316 Main St. E Anoka, Minnesota 55303 Services rendered as City Attorney for month of August, 1975. MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the estimates, Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski Upon a voice vote, all votina aye, �1ayor Nee dec�ared the motion carried unanimously. PAGE 16 $23,958,13 ' $ 283.10 � 31.93 � 61.78 � 1,100,05 � $ 1,425,00 QUESTION OF WHETHER COUNCIL APPROVED TNF REMODELING OF PHILIPS PETROLEUM STATION Mr Bill Marttn, representinq the Company questioned if this item had been approved by the Counc�l. He ment�oned that he had been adv�sed to attend this meet�ng since the Council would be considering the matter at the current meeting. The City Manager explained that the Council need not take any action on 6uilding permits when the requtrements of ihe Code are met, MOTION by Counc�lman Breider to concur Nn th the rec�mmendation of the Planning Commission and approve the request for remodelina, Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �9ayor Plee declared the motion carried ui7antmously. �J 1'� { REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 22, 1975 NEW BUSINESS CONTINUE� PAGE 17 � CONSIDERATION OF APPROUAL OF THE CONSTRUCTTON OF A TWO STORY OFFICE BUILDING AT 7421 CENTRAL AUENUE N.E, PROPOSED OFFICE BUILDING b!ITH STORAGE AREA BY A.J.L.S. INVESTMENT COMPAPIY• MOTION by Counc�lman Starwalt to approve the above ment�oned request as recommended by the Planning Commission. Seconded by Councilman Breider, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to ad,7ourn the meetrn�, Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayc,r Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of September 22, 1975 adjourned at 11•25 P,M. ,- �',N-� ,�o-n�� �,;�,r��,L�,�c- � � ; �� �. � _ �!L � � Pat Ranstrom William J, Nee Secretary to the City Counctl Mayor � Date Approved. �� —3—�5 � �_, i � �, 1 � '