01/05/1976 - 54350 HELEM FAGIN SECRETARY TO THE COUNCIL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 5, 1976 ��I ��3FM0 T0: QEPART� +Ef�T NEADS � � ' ' F�llowirg are the "ACTIONS lVEEDED". Please have answers back in City Manager's office by �Jednesday Noon, January 14, 1976. 7hank you. �F�ID�.�Y CiTY .COUP�CIL -- �EGUI.AR M�ET���G - JA►VUARY 5, 1976 � 7:30 P, i��. �1 � _ ' ' PLEDGE QF aLLEGIaP�CE; �::�2 P.M. � ' � POLL C��LL: A1 � Fresent ' 0 � ���SE��iT�TI ��J 4F CER 1 I�� CAT�S �►� AF�i�EC IAT I Ol�J : ' Ro� ���r ER F CKSaN, Ei�i`r I Rt�N�Scf�TA�. QUAL I TY COf+IMI SS I OPd �`if��?Y M�RT 1 E� f. �lVV I i�0iVN1�NT�L t�i1AL T TY CUMM I SS I ON ' �;{f�N��?S MYHRA.� �ABi�E T�LEVI S I Of� �OMMI SS I ON t`iii.`r'>u� r'v��i�Tt"�iQ`r��, ��JL_�GE �iVI��. �ERVICE COf�1MISSTOt� � �° ;.; �:rntPC� ,,Qr-ti f� cat�s of appreci ation to ^9ar,y F1arti n and t�:�i l bur t�lh i �rno���:�. ;,,, �. �;� , ,`,r i>>�� ��r�J It�ornas f1�;,�ra ���r�e not present. _� r•���{ �q(��;;,i ; �;;:� t�2:.;��Fl�. Ma71 Cer�i:ificates to Mr. Erickson and Mr. Myhra _._ n� , :�;;,,�--0� MI.�t'TFS� , ..� t' i'4 M_ ' , 1 , � ' '� '� ��tJ'.��;C �ir�P.ING �'��E'��i�iG, �ECFMBER �. I9%5 Approved as subm7}t=.:u. `',t:":�;'._`�_A,(� �`�lE�l� I�G.� �CC�h1BER ��, 1975 Apnrove� as su���^i tt��:: . _ �'.�� �;'��,s �F O�Tl� (��= ���ICE TO ELECTED OFFICII�LS: ,..�.''�.-si':t� f�i-�t'lLS��eY: Y`: ��E?�CI Li�ti{Y i��A�� J. .� �.� s r: TZf'ATIZ I Ci:, �OUfVi. i L.MAN wARD I I I �; �.. r� `<: .�:<t;:' r;���nci', man Fi �:zpatri ck a�ere sworn i n and si aned ar� oa�:h o�� .. � , ::rt�,ec4 a� c�r��if�cat;on af election. � � ? �'� ���J �>41!���i : , '_�.;�;r�i� ;:R1 �F:cIU�� Counc;ln�an Breider was niven an a:•iard ;-.:r ���rvinrf �,s Caunci ��r��� for ��lard 1. Mr. Breider thark�d /�d�ri��5-, ; Y;. ,.. ., s,..-:� ;�� coc�r�eraL�«�;� ���d a1 s;�, �I�ur�k:ed 'ni s far�i ly for thei r endurance. : r - � . , . ; � � . � � , '... 1 ' ' � l . ... . ... .... .. .. . .. . . .. . I . REGULAR P�EET I�dG, JANLARY 5. 1�7� .... .. � PAGE 2 ;� � -- , ' AD4PT I Oid �JF AGENDA : � R�o d bm' � � pte as su itted. � ' � i _. . f � � - . i i � ' OPE�J �ORUM, VI�ITORS; _ ; �CONSIDERA`�IOfJ OF ITEMS NUT UN A�::ENDA - I5 I�IINJTES) i ' �. A representative of the �merican Bazzar and Flea ��arket requested perr��ss�on for a �, ' walking auction for items frorn various exh;bitors to stimulate saJes. The Co4inci� ;,I sug�ested lie qo ihraugh the normal prbcedure for this reRuest, :I I � _ 1 � . i � � ; _ ,, �, ��.� BUS � l��s� , : ' �OP►SI �ERATIt�N OF SECO��D �FAi� I�1'C� C11= AN �lRD I NANCE ESTABLI SH I NG � CHAPTER � t�� TFiE FR I:�LFY C-ITY CODE P�R"I"A �:N I f�G TO CERTA � N " �OMi�1I SS I ONS FO�; THE i,I TY 0}' �R IDLEY, Ifi I i�9VE5QTA �ONS I ST I�!G OF THE FQLLOW I NG : ��F,NN I(VG COMM I 5 S I ON, PA,ft KS AND R�CREAT I ON , COMMISSi�N, ERIVTRONI�ENTP-�L �,L.�A! ITY COi�iMIS�I�N, �iUf�iAN RE�OURCL� COi�'iM I SS I ON, APPE��L.S COMM I SS I ON AND GOMMtSN I TY DEVELO�MENT �' �oMr�►r�s t o�; a�D REP�A�.I NG ��AP ;-��s �lo ,.iO3., 121, 201, 122, ZJ.6 a�� Sr�r��n� 2��.?8s , � � � � , . � _�..+ . , , . , , . , , s. -- � � ` C�rd;narce ;`60G �zdop�ed and �u�licatiar �raered. ihere was a roll cal� v�ie, al7 voi;i�g aye. Carr;e� �ananimoias�y. t ��Y MANAGER ���i iG�d N�EGED: P;ablisi� ordin�nLe ' � ' . _ ' , i , 1 R�GUL:AR f�IEETI►�dG, JA�lU�1RY 5, 1976 O�D BUSINtSS �COt�1TINl1ED} . ... . . ... .... . PAGE 3 C�NSIDERATION OF $E�O�tD R�ADING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR �iEZONING KEQUEST; Z�i�IhG ORD�^iI�NCE AMEN�MEN7 LOA ���-0�, BY ROBERT OLMSi�E�D ;p R�ZONE FROM C—IS TO R-�; GENERALLY LOCATED Ai �IRESIDE DRIVE AND CENTRkL AVENUE ' " AN� ', CONSID�RATIOiV OF LOT SPLIT REQUEST; L�S� #%�—Og, BY ROBERT _ OLMSTEAD; SPLIT TO FRUVIDE FOR THREE BUILDING SITES� ����� Z � C ' Ordinance �507 ac! pted and �ublication ordered. Upon a roil,cail vote, the vote_was unanimous. and _ The requ�st fo�° a. lot spl � � was appreved. C�Y MANAaER ACTION NEEDrD: Publish c�rdinan�.e . %�E�r` �li� � ����5 : - �,�NSIDE�1��'��:� OF ri R�J�3_� I t l�;v� �EaIGNATTNG �UTHORIZED S�GNATt1R�::� 3�OR �'�ic CITY �F' rF:Ti�LEY :AND �FFICI'AL`'I�EPOSi"TOR:IES's 3— 3 A RFsolution 7F'�-?976 - adopte� as subrni±ted on page 3A. Unanimous, � ACT?n�v l�EEGf:;!: Pi°ac�ed as aut6��r�szed �OfVSIi?CR'�.';"TC�iy ��;- �°� �.�"5���.U"!'I'?i� �ESIGNr��IN� TIM� At\!D I�iUMBER ,� _ r , ,:,,,,,,,,4-4a U�= CGU�ti{' T!.� i;�.F�T I E�1G� ��, fte�a�� ui,i ��►� �;=� -i t�i � d�s7 q�����: � ��y tir;�e ari� nu�nber of counci 1 meet�i nr adonted. Rdd i:o ':.ia:s �..s� '��-�Yt,!, l.g�+�.i 1;.h+� r��.t���:i;�c� w-ii1 tak� place a�t the Fridl�;� City..Ha:►1. ACTIC;! N� Ci:�:;.: �me�� ^�ac? :ati�:�3 ��s �dc��tEd. CJf�Sin� tc�,-'..;:� ��- !`, �rSO�jJT;�,r,� 'L`�'�5IGNA?'INC A LEGAL ��EWSP�PER� � � ° ; B Resoluti,!n �':';'o -:i�sic�na-;;i���j ':��;� �ur. ^lewspa�Er as'�the le�al newspaper for t��� ��i,�� c�' ;����;::;;��y. t�:�_-,rain�ou,. At:i"3��v l�`r���='�'�' r,oi:if;� tir� rur� [�;e�:�s�:a���r ;:'Zat the;� we�^e designatec! the legal newspaper. , ' REGULAR f�EETING, JAPdUARY �, 197�i �EW F�iS��ESS iCONTINUED) . PAGE 4 CONSiDERATIOf� OF THE �IINUTES 0� THE PLANNITJG COMMISSION � MEET I NG oF DECEMBER 17, 1975�, , , , . , , , , � , . . , . . , 6 — 6 0 1 I� J. � APPEALS COMMI SS I ON MEETI N� OF I�ECEM$ER 9, ���� a� 6A -• GC ' A� SH�REWOOD SHQPPINC C�NT�R SIGNS; �2�5 ... ... .. ... ....._. . ... . . . ._. .... .. iiIGHWAY �65 f�i � E< < , � � � � � � � � � _ � � � 6A •- 6C IAPPEA S COMM, RECOL�IM�NDAIION: APPROVFD THREE NEW ROOF SIGNS �NLY , �l�[y�� �. ACT I ON REQUI R�� : C0�!S IDERA`f I ON OF REGONiM�NDATION � Received the Minutes of the Planning Commission �leetir,g of December 17, 1975.. Motion was made to concur �,rith the Appea]s Commission and grant varianr.es for three rew roof signs only. � INEER�NG -ACTION NEEDED: No�ify applicant of Cour.cil action � � � r NANCE Z. ALLOCA7ION OF �SG�O FOR IhF�RMATIOt� F�fvD REFERRAL �ERV I CE � . � � � � � � � � � � , � � � � � � . � 6E - 6J PLAN .j NG CqMM � I3.�COMMENI�ATION : COUNC I L TO A�'PRO�kCN COUNTY, SHOULD BE CO�JNTY �'R06P.l�M� ��U I L ACTI ON REQU I F�cI� : COfVS IDERAT I0P' OF RECOMf�IENDATION Motion to transfer funds allocatir,� ��OG.00 be qive►i to SACA for information and Neferral service. Upon a roll call vote, there wer� 4 ayes and 1 nay. Motion carried. ACTTON NEEDED: Make a resolution ready for �he Co�ncil Meeting of January l9 transf�ring funds from tne reserve. Aiso notify SNCO on how the funds will be distributed. � � RECEI�iING THE iN.IINt1TES OF THE CABLc TELEVISION COt�IMIS�ION ^ MEETII�GS OF vECEMBER 3 AND ��CEM�3ER �..1, 1975� . � � � � � . � � 7 7 E Motian was mad2 to receive the Minutes of the C��le TV Commission. Pub�ic 4lorks Director explained the d-iscussion ��n Joint rowers �i the Planning Commission minutes. NGINEERING A�TION NEEDED: File minutes for future reference. i ' �i _ i � i , . �� � � �i REGUtAR fr9EERIi�G, JAidUARY Sa� 1��� NEW BU$Ii�ESS �CONTINUED) . PA�E 5 CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF INTERCEPTUR MATNTENAt�CE ' AGREEMENT N0� �% WITH N�IETROPOLITAN «ASTE CONTROL �Ot�1MISSTON FOR 1976. � , . � � . � � � . � � � � � � � � � � � �� The Intereeptor Maintenance Agreement Nc. 67 with t�ietropolitan t�faste Control Commission fer �976 was approved. ENGINEERI�VG ACTION NEEDED: Execute agreement as approved ' _ . . s • _ � ' � •. � , :CO S RAT 0 F R SO UTIO �PPROVI��il I�RAFT FIVE YFl�R N IDE I N 0 E � N CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRA.M �,i�!D l�CQiJISI7ICN AND DEUELOPMEI�T ' OF PARKS AND OPEN SPACE IN 'TNE CITY OF FRIDLEY� .������� 9- 9 E Resolution #4-197b a�optec� as presen±e�� EN NEERING ' ACiION NEEDEI?: P��oceed as authoriz�d � ' ' _ _ . - �DNSIDERATIQfd OF ;��SG�UTION AliTf-f�3Ri��l�G �HE �I?MIRIST�'t:ATIQN- _ ,, TO APPLY FOR FUNDS FOR TNE D�V�.L�Fh1a=NT �7� °�I�OKTN ��RE:�' _ PARK PROPERTY �JND�R TH� �ROVXS::��� �?F 'THE S7ATt, �`ATl1R/�L ___ R�50URCE Ft1ND � � � _ � . + � � , + r = , , . � s � r . � � � r � �.� , Resolution #5-'976:a��rave�� as Submi�:�nc�. ____ _ TNEERING ACTION NEEDED: �roceed as a��±i�Lr:zed , . � � f e � ' REGULAR MEETI(dG, JAfdUARY 5; 197h ���� � PA6E 6 ��1 _ NEW BUSINESS CCotvTtNUED) I', '. CONSIDERATiON OF RESOLUTION CHANGING Ti-IE PROJECT NUM3ER OF THE 19%4--3 STREET IMPROVENlENT PROJE�T T� YHE 1�%b-� I� , STREE7 IMPROV�MENT PROJECT, AND TRANS�ERF�IPJG COSTS AND , ' EXPENSES FROM THE 1974--3 STRE�T IMPROVEMENT PROJECT TO ', THE 1��6-� SzREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CINTERSECTTON OF 53RD AVENUE AND HIGHWpY 65) � � � , . . � � � � � � � . � � � Resoluticn #6-i9i6 adopted as submitted. NANCF ACTION PlEEDED: Proceed as authorized ' . ' ' ' �E ' ' � ' ANCE � I , lI�— 11��i- �ONSID��ATI4N Q(� RESOLUTIOf`1 APf'RQVING ��A�JS AND $PECIFI- CRTIONS SETTI�iG TH� L:E7TIRG DP,TE FOR �OM�LETION QF AIR ��P.RN I �EG S x � EN SYSTEM � , � � � � , ; ,. ' i ' , , , , '. � � . . IZ - IL � Reso�ution #7-1�376 adop�ed as su6mitted. . ACTIOf� NEEDED: Qroceed �s authorized CONS I DEt211TI0�! 0�= r�EQUEST FROM COUNC I LMAN STARWALT R��aRDT�v� �x���n!s�^ �=r��, ��!:��z���A! �.����� :�� C�TZ�s/ _ CGNF�REl�CE 0�= i�I�AYCRS a�P�VO`( TC USSf� I SJ F�B�IiARY, J.�%�. ���, i� - 1.3 i3 Exper�se reguest from 4ouncilman Starwa�t approved as submitted. ACTiON NE�DEp: ��,bmit funds ta Mr. Starwalt as authorized C I � � . � � REGULAR f�IEETIi'dG; JATVUARY 5, 19�6 ` .... .... .. ..- PAvE 7 '� (V�W BUSINESS (Co�vT��vu�D1 '' CONS IDERAT I QN OF COU(VC I L�'�EMBEf� APPO I N i MENTS TO � ' D MAY�R PRO B �D I E S � � a . . � . � � t. .; ' i ; , i '. ' ,. , , ,. , 14 '' Councilwoman at Large, Cauncilwoman Kukowski appointed to the 1976 MAYQR PRO TEM ' Representative replaci ng Counci lrnan areir;er. : ' ANOKA COUNTY LAW ENFORCE�1ENT COi1NCIL Councilman Hamernik ap�ointed as represer�i.ative of Anok� County Law Enforcement Cour�c�i. - Councilman Fitzpatrick was appointed as aTternate: ` '� ' SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY Councilman Starwalt appointed represertative of Su�urban Rate Authority. NORTH SUBURBAN SEbJFR SERVICE BOARD REPRESEiVTATIVE �' Councilman Siarwait ap ointed North Suburban Sewer Service Bd. Councilwoman ".ukowski appoin�ed as alterna�e. , COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE T� t?SSQCIR7IQ�! OF �1ETROP�LITAN MUNICIFALITIES �... _ , � Gounci�man Fitzpairick appointed Council Represer�tative to Asso. of Metrapolitan Munici- palities. Councilnan Starwali appointed alterna�e. , APPOINTMEN�: COMh;UNITY DEVELO°P9ENT COMPIISSION: This �tern tvas f:a.5led. Administrat�Qn v�iTl' sutimit a iist af vacancies to Council and � �ubli�h on T�'. Counciiwoman Kul;a�NSki requestiri�� hanul�ng these anpoi`ntments as the , appointmenfis f�r-the :Environmenta7 Quali.ty were r,andled. - CI7Y ��i��NR� ACTIGN NEEDED: �ut aack on agenda when further interested applicants resnanci. ����' STIMATE��� � ��: � � � � � , < < � � . . . � � � � � � � � � �.6 A��;oved as su�m;tted. -�";t?lvCE ACTZON NEE7ED: Pay esiimates as approved _ -- -- ' .. CLAIMS, � , � � , � � � , � -� � , � � . , � � � � � � � � . � APGroved as sul�mit.ie��:. . �,�;�v�C PGTTOh N`FE�ED: �ay c3�inis as approved _ _ 1� � . _ . _ . . _ . . .. . . .. .. �-_.- .. ._ .. Lrc��vs�s, , � � . , t . , � . , ► , , , . , . , , , , , , , , :i.�� - :_� k � �pk�r�oved as si�bmitted. "� tii`iNGE FiC i IO�J idE!:.Dr_J: i�s=.;E 13 ce;��es :�s a�proved •� --...___ .� __. � A��JQ�R;� : I1 ._ - ______-- g: Fa �.�z. FRIDLEY CITY .COUNCIL � REGULAR MEETIidG - JA�VUARY 5, 1976 � 7:30 P, f�, PLEDGE OF ALLEG IAPdCE; ROLL CALL: PRESE�dTATI('��� OF �ERTIFICATES OF APPREGI�TIO�I: ROBERT ERICKSON, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MARY MARTIN,. ENVIRONMENTAL C�UALIYY,COMMISSION � THOMAS MYHRA, CABLE TELEVISION COMMISSION WTLBIlR WFlITMORE: POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION APPROVAL OF MI(�UTES: PUBLIC NEARING MEETING, DECEMBER g, 1975 REGULAR ��EETING.� DECEMBER 15, 1975 ADMIf�JISTRATIOfV OF OATN OF OFFICE TO ELECTE� OFFICIl�LS: EDWARD HAh1ERN I K, COUNCI L�1AN �i�ARD I El?WARD �� FITZPATRI CK, COUfVC I LMAN �ARD I I I Pi��SEidTAT I OiJ OF Ai�A�D : COUNCIL�IAN TTM �REIDER I ' �1 � 1 � ' ' � �� � � � 1 ' 1 REGULAR r'�EETI�dG, JANUARY 5, 1�76 ADOPTIOi� OF AGENDA: OPEN FORUM, VISITORS; CCOf�S I D► �AT I 0td OF I TEMS NOT ON I�GENDA -- 1� M I NJTES ) OLD Bt1S I PdESS : CONSIDERA7ION OF SECOND REAUING OF AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING CHAPTER 6 OF THE FRTDLEY CITY CODE PERTAINING TO CERTAIN COMMISSIONS FOR THE CTTY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING: PLANNTNG COf�MISSION, PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION, ENVIRONMENTA� QUA�ITY COMMISSION, Hl1P�lAN RESOURCES COMMISSION, APPEAL,S CQMMISSION AND COMMU�tITY DEVELOPMEN7" �OMMISSION; AND �EPEALING �HAPTERS �0� I�1, 121, 201, 122, 216 AND SECT I ON 2�� � 1.g , , � � � . . , , � � � � ' , ,. , ' , ' PAGE 2 1-1F �1 . REGULAR f�IEET I f�JG, J,�f�UARY 5, 1976 �� ��� PAGE 3 OLD Bt1S I NESS CCONT I �vU�D) CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR REZONING REQUEST; ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT �OA �%�-OS, BY ROBERT OLMSTEAD TO REZONE �ROM C--1S ro R-Z; GENERALLY LOCATED AT FIRESIDE DRIVE AND CENTRAL AVENUE AND CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT (�EQUEST; L�S� #%5-Og, BY ROBERT OLMSTEAD; SPLIT TO PROVIDE FOR TFlREE BUILDING SITES� ����� Z' Z C f�EW BUS I I��SS : CONSIDERATION OF A RFSOLUTTON DESICNATING AUTNORIZED $IGNATURES FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY AND OFFICIAL I�EPOSITORIES� 3- 3 A CONSIDERATION QF A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING TIME AND !VlJMBER OF �OUNC I L f'�EET I NGS � � , ' t .'. r , ' , , ' , , � � � � � � � � � - 4 A CONSIDERATTON QF A RCSOLUTZON DESIGNATING A LEGAL ��EWSPAPER. � 5- 5 B _.t:�:� � � , REGULAR P�EETING, JAfdUARY �, 197'6 ... PAGE 4. i NEW BUS I iVESS CCONT I N�,ED) 1 CONSIDERATION OF 7NE MINU�'ES OF TI-�E PLANNiNG COMMISSION . 75 .�,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6-60 MEETING OF DEGEMBER 17, I9 � I .. V G 0 �ECEMBER 9 I975�, , bA - 6C Q ! iEETIN F , � 1� APPEALS CQMMISSI N I�, ' A� SHOREWOOD SH�PPING �ENT�R SIGNS; 6225 ... .: . .. .. . . ... .. .... � IGNWAY #65 (d � E � � � � � � . . � � � � . � . . ' � � 6A - 6C �� , �E�� COMM� REGOMMENDATION: APPROVED TNREE NEW ROOF SIGNS ONLY , �'�IL AC7.T�OtJ �E�t�1ZRFD: CONSIDERATION OF ' . _. ' RECOMME�lDATI ON � ' ' � ' � � Z� ALLOCATION OF ��GO FOR INFORMATION AiVD REFERRAL _ SERVICE � � � � � � � � � � � � . � . � . � . � � 6E - 6J �j�[�. (�G COMM , RECOMM�N�AT I ON : COUNC I L TO APPF'�Q�1CH COUNTY, SHOULD BE COUNTY PROGRAM OUNCI ACTION REQUIR�p: �ONSIDEftATION OF RECOMMEND�TION RECETVING THE f�INUTES QF THE C/�SLE TELEVISION C4t�IMISSION �EETINGS OF vECEMBER 3 ANn �ECE1�9�ER �.?, 19?5. � . � . � � � . . % — 7 E REGULAR f�EERIi�G, JAi�UARY 5,� 197.6 I�EW BUSIIVESS �CONTINUED) _ PAuE 5 CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF INTERCEPTOR P`�AINTENANCE AGREEMENT N0� 6� WITH METROPOLITAN L�IASTE CONTROL . . . . �OMMI SS I ON FOR 1976 � � � � � , , � , � , , � , � � , � � , , , $ - $ � CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION APPROVING �RAFT FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGftAM AND ACQiJISITION AND DEVELOPMENT (SF PARKS AND OPEN SPACE IN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY� ��.����� 9- 9 E CONSIDERATION OF RE50LUTION AUTHGRIZTNG THE ADMINISTRATION TO APPLY FOR FUNDS FOR 7HE DEVELOPMENT OF ��IJORTH PARK�' PARK PROPERTY UNDER THE PROVISION OF THE STATE fVATURAL RESOURCE FUiVD � � � � � � . � � . � . � � � � � . � � � � � � � IO '� ' . REGULAR MEETIfdG, JAfdUARY 5,� 1976 NEW BUSINESS CCo�-rt�vu�D) . . . . .. PAGE 6 CONSIDERATION OF h�ESOLUTION CHANGIf�G THE PRO.IECT t�JUMBER OF THE 1��4-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT �ROJECT TO THE 197b-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, AND TRANSFERRING COSTS AND EXPENSES FROM THE 19%�-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT TO THE I9�G-3 STREET TMPROVEMENT pROJECT �INTERSECTION OF 53RD AVENUE AND HIGHWAY b�)� � � � � . � � . � � � . � . � � 11�— 11�f�- CONSIDERATION OF RESQLUTION APPROVFNG PL�NS AND SPECIFI- CATIONS SETTING THE LETTING DATE FOr� COMPLETION OF AIR WARN I NG S I REN SYSTEM � � � � � � . � . � � � � � � � . � � � � IZ - 12 A ' CONSIDERATION OF REQIlEST FROM COUNCILMAN STARWALT ' REGARDING �XPENSE;i FOR �1I�TIOiVAL �EA�UE OF �ITIES� �ONFERENCE OF r�AYORS� ENVQY 't0 �SS� IN FEBRUARY, 1975, �.�� 13 — 13 B � . 1 1 � . , REGULAR f�IEET I('dG; JA��UARY 5, 1976 ���� ��� PA�E 7 � � _ . ' NEW BUSINESS iCONTINUED) ' CONS DERATION OF COUNCI �`�EMBE APPOINTMENTS TO I L R DIFFERENT BODIES� , , � � � � � � � � � , �. . � �� � , � � � � 1� � � � . , IAPPOINTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION� � � � � . � � 15 � ; ' . s�~ # � � ESTIMATE'. , ' '. , , ' ' , ,. � � . � � . . � � � . � , � � , � 16 ' � ' . �LAIMS, � . , � , � � . . , . , � . . � � � . , � � ►� � � � . : 17 i: - 1 . . . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . LICENSES, , , , . � . , , , � � , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 18 — 18 A � , ' � I ADJOUR�V: 1 � ; — � �� �_.._ __ ,..._.----.__..._._..__._.__._ _._�__... ------------�----.....---- - --.. . _ .___ . .._---. .. .. ._ --_. ! 2�3 1 MINUTES OF THE PU[3LIC fIEARING MEETING OF TIiE fRIDLLY CITY COUNCIL OF DECEP1[3[R S, 1975 '� i of the Fridle Cit Council of December 8, 1975 was The Publ�c }fear�ng Meet ng y y called to o��der at 7:35 P.f•1. by Playor i�ee. � �' ' • . �.. � ' � , ' '_� ,r--, �' ' � ' PL[DGE OF /1Ll.EGIAidCE: Mayor tJee tivelcomed those present and invited them to join the Council in saying the Pledye of Allegiance to the Flag. • ROLL CALL_ Members Present Members Absent: Councilman Fitzpatrick, P�ayor tlee, Councilwoman Kukowski, Councilman Rreider and Councilman Start,�alt Non� ADOPTION OF AG[t�DA: Mayor tvee added a Letter of Commendation for Officer David Younkin to the Agenda. Councilman Starwalt requested a discussion at the end of the meeting on CATV. t�OTION by Co�mcilrr;ai? Breider �o adopt t.he Agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilmar , Fatzpatrick. Upen a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Piayor P±ee declared the motion ' carried unaniinously. PUQLIC HEARIN6: PUBLIC HEARI�lG ON AN ORDINA�dCE EST�ELISHING CHAPTER 6 OF THE CITY CODE REGP.RDING COi�1MISSIONS (T(',CLUD[S Ui�dDERLIiJtD PL,4NNING COPIMISSION RECO�dP1EPdDATION ON PROJECT t40TI0�! by Councilman Fitzpati°ick to waive the reading and open the Public Hearing. ! Seconded by Councilti•roman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, h9ayor Nee ,>--, declared the motion carried unanimously, ard the Public Hearing opened at 7:40 P.M. �' The Public �,�orl:s Director explained that the initiation of the proposed revision was r..� � at the Commission level. The Board of Appeals, in their meeting of December 16, 1975 ' recommended to the Planning Commission that certain changes in the procedures in �• granting variances be made to allew a speed up ef the procedure. They were getting complaints at the Commission level that the procedure was quite le�gthy. �asically, the changes outlined are char,ges in the variai�ce procedure as it effects.all the ' residential variances. Specificall.y, in order to allow the Board to approve variances � in resfden�ial areas, four items must be follo���ed: A. Where there is unanimous agreer;ient of ihe Appeals Commission. B. Where tne staff concurs witfi the reco�nmenda- tion of the Appeals Comraission. C. Where the general public attending the meeting or responding to the notice of the public hearing have no objections, and D. Where the petitioner is in agreement v�ith the reconunendations. r.:. ' 1:., , L__J � This outlines the proposed suggestions by the Board of Appeais. The second pr000sal was initiated at the Planning Commission level which �vas concern regarding the Froject con�mittees and the manner in which the com�nittee shall be chaired. On page 1C, Section 6.07 of the Agenda, the last sentence: The Froject Committee may (shall) be chaired by a member of the Commission. Some feelings at the Planning Commission level was this did noi allow them flexibility. The Staff has no problems with the suggested changes, as far as may or shall. As far as the variance procedure they agree that the present procedure is l�ng and the residents in Fridley who are not familiar with the code requirements, are in an inconvenient position ��rhen they are not aware of the length of time that is involved in obtaining a variance. Mayor Nee opened the discussion b_y say�ng he had some problems with the /lppeals Comnission. He said it is, in effect, a change in the 7_oning Ordinance in some cases. He said in the past ten to fifteen years, he has never felt the process of fihe Appeals has had a structure that he understood completely. In other words, with- out saying the setback requirements are valid or make sense, or whether side yard requirements serve a public purpose. Ile said he assuined they did serve some public service. Ile has nevcr seen a variance reyuest turned do��n, which raises the question either the requirement in the first placr �•ras invalid or the process which we create variances leave so;nething to be desired, because he said he does not understand how we come to the corclusion that the requireinent is valid but tne variance is justifiable. He further explained that because Lhe present neighUors do not object doesn't mean it z � \ ; � __.___ ._ I . � �,7� i i ! `ti.,-. PUQLIC HEARING hiEETING OF DECE��1f3ER $, 1975 PAGE 2 shouldn't stand to serve some pur�ose in the future, for future owners. He said he feels if the front yard setback serves any purpose, it should be defended. Basically, he said, this is in the Ordinance until someone comes in ���ith a request, then �-�e do not enforce i�. He said he would like to see the Appeals Commission set some guidelines as to the criteria that should be used. If the Zoning Ordinance has any purpose ti•�ith i°eference to these types of requests, there should b� some stronger test than somebody did not ob�ect. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated Lhat one thing it is based on is being too close to the neighbors, and they could object. Jerry [3eardman said that it states you cannot grant a variance unless you have an undue hardship, but noi:hinq as to what constitutes a. hardship. Perhaps there should be some criteria in this regard. The City Attorney said that is one requirement. 7he courts often say Y.here must be an urdue hardship that is per_uliar to the nature of a particular piece of property. We, and other munic�ipaiities,��ave been lerient if there were no objections. As to the question of �•rhether a side yard setbacF is reason�ble, he said he did not i'eel tna: �here si�ould��`t be a side yard setbaci:, but maybe some reviei�r of the numbers used, although he didn't think we would like Lo have sorneore build right up to a side line. Mayor Pdee stated that what he was saying is that if it �s valid, why don't we enforce it. Counc?'man [�reider said a lot of homes in i;he City v;ere built on 65 foot to 70 foot lots, with a sin�le car garage back in the 50's. tJow, people have additional cars, snow mobiles, etc. He said ��is idea of a hardship is making someone move out of their tiome and build a new structure. The City of Fridley, he explained, has so many lot sizes and plats, it is very difficult to outl�ine it and say this is the way it. has to be. Mayor PJee emphasized that i:here should be some guidelines. He felt sure the Appeals Commission �vill have the same concerns as �•�e have, and he just feels if the Ordinance served a pub]ic purpose, then it shoulci be defended. 7he City hiar,ager said it is extremely difficult to cover all events at all times. Today, we plan the future and ma�e reasonahle assumptions and adjustments ta keep the proper development and growth_ The point that is made is that there should be some guidelines developed and enforced by the Ap�eals Commission and Council, and have some basic effect of approving the guidelines. The City has developed certain standards and any deviation from that, tl�e City is ask�ing for a reasonable cause. Mayor Nee said he r"elt around Madisor and Monroe, homes wei°e laid out almost on the assumption that they coui:i come ii; and gei; a variance if they just signed a piece of paper. On Rice Creek Terrace, tialf of the properties there have had a variance. 7his raises the question oi' the validity of the Ordinance and ��ihether public policy was ever served by the variance or wnether it is r�t now being served by all the variances we give. The argument is that the people did not know what the Zoning Ordi�ance �•ras Evhen they built and *herefore �•�e should cut a month off of the process, which rea.11y duesn't secm relev�,nt '�'.ayor �ee fu��ther stated �hat it may very �vell be t���,t tlie �pneals Commis�ion can do this work as we11, if not better, than the Gouncil, nnd should �e alio���ed to do it, but he ,-rc;�1 ; 1�ke to se2 some gu9del ines. Councilrrrn �tarti�rait said ihat in the last three years, he has been able to live with ih� variances in that they were r'er� in number as cornpared to the overall City. Ne also said he has not 1ooKed u��on this as having b?ocked oursei�des in. The Citv A±torney �tated that thr- srate Statute en Apneal provides some alternatives for the C�mmunit.y. First of all, the Council can be ihe Goard of Ft��peals. Secondly, have a separate Qoard of Appeals, and if you have a se.cond board, that board can have final jurisdiction or recomn,endation authority io the Council. Here in fridley �e t�ave foilowed the latter fcr some period of time. �� 1 . S ,. -, 1 � � � � � . ' , � PUQLIC NEAR3NG t�i[ETING OF DECEh1QER F3, 1975 �7� PAGE 3 Mayor Nee said he would like to sce a tinding that says: The Public Policy which was to be served is ---------------------, and the varianre is------------------- He further explained that we do not do this ourselves, so he is not pointing any fingers at anyene. ' Councilman Stara�alt said he thought that would be an interesting approach. These four items plus a provision for findinys. • �.� Councilman fitzpatrick said that there is an assumption that there is a hardship. �, Maybe it is not always listed, he said, but that is the assumption. Mayor Nee said basically the hardsl�ip is - I�vant to build an addition to my garage and 1 don't have enough land to do it if I meet the seiback requirements. Ne said ' that this is just a public hea•ring, so perhaps sonething could be �•�or•ked up such as, the Public Policy to be served----------- and why it does not apply in this case. Mayor Nee said if there were no further comments, �ae could go on ta the second ' part of this item - the Project Committee n� (shall) be chaired by a member of the Conx�iission. � ' , � � � � Councilmai Star�valt said he would like to speak against "!•1ay" and part of his reasbns are he would like to point out they are attempting to qet too many items going at once in tl:e Human Resource Corn�it�ee. ?hey cann�t have a chairm:an that has the �ime, and that is understandable. He referred to paqe 1D, Section 6.1�1 entitled "Put°pose" in the .4qenda. "The purpose of the Cor:�:nission is to promote intensified communication and protection oi just and equitable rights among all residents of the community; to pro:note harmonious relatlonships among people of all races, religions, e�hnic groups, social/economic staius, ages, gender, physical, mental and emotional disabilities and diverse life styles; to promote understanc;ing and equal opportunity in employment, ho«sing, public accomodations, and public, cultural and educational services; and full participatior, in the affairs of the City of Fridley.° Councilman Star�•ralt explained that his concern N'd5 with the life styles, and some of these thir,gs he felt �,�e could do without. He said he feels they could be handled within their resources and the number of �eople they have to chair the committees, and they wouldn't be asking for this change. r ' Councilman Breider said he would like to speak against what Councilman Star��alt said , ; � because he feels that we are striving to involve as many citizens as �ossible, and ; one of the problems we run into is - if ���e are only going to restrict it to five people, it would stymie a lot of the interests. TFe �aay he looked at it, he said, the Commission as a tvhole receives a report and recon�mendation of a7y of the sub- , � committees ard they still have the right under the structure of the Commission i system to reject it. The five members are acting as the people who bring f�rtivard the recor�nendations at that point, and if these things are not to the betterment of the community, he would guess the members of tiiat Comrnission would probably do � some research and say it is a good idea or it isn't. He said how do we get to , ; this point unless we let the su5committees do th�ir job, and in many cases, he , would guess the peoplP qualified to do some of this research are probably not one ; of the Commission members. . 1: ' �. iJ ' ' The City Manager stated that the point that came out the last time this question � came before the Council, was that if chairing the committee might be difficult, a � liaison kind of function Le performed by certain members to sort of shepherd the interests. If the Commission is involved in a loi of activities, it would be difficult to find members to keep track of �11 twenty,or whatever number of projects, but rrith a liaison kind of setup, one member can at least keep track of five interests, He said perhaps by just adding a paragraph that at least one person of the Committee will act as a liaison to each subcorr�nittee, would be appropriate. Councilman areider added that another thing that bothers him is that it seems that if � committee wants to d�velop somethinq, as many people onthe committee as possible should have to work together and develop it. If five conimission members are going to be required to do everything the committec may �rant, they are askin9 them to shoulder quite a burden for their voluntecr effort and that is a lot to ask. �}: 3 2 � � � � � � ,' ,'y- _ - .... . i .. , . _ _ _.._ __ _y_w_ _ _.. .. _ . ____._..__. _..._. . .. __.� ... _ _ . . _. __ _ _._. __... ._ _ .._ _. .. .__ .._ .. .. . ` %�% . , �. PUQLIC HEARING MEETING OF DECEh1LER 8, 1975 PAGE 4 Councilman Stara�alt said he agr�ees that if �ve think he is chairman and no one else can act in his behalf, there is no way one person can attend all these sessions. Councilman fitzpatrick said if the Cornmission wants a project committee to do a special study of one item, they shouid give direction to that project committee. The project committee could then yc in i:hat directiun, and carry out the intent of what the project was in the first place. MOTI-0fd was made by Councilman Fii:zpatrick to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilwoman I:uko�•:ski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor tdee declared the motion carried unanimously, anc� the public hearing closed at 8:35 P.M. OLD QUSIPdESS: CONSIDERATIOP� OF REQUEST FOR SUPPORT OF CONCERT BAND AT NATION'S QICEP�TENNIAL CFL[aR11TI0P�. RFQUEST QY Th�D. SC�HOOL DISTRICT ;r13. The City Attorney opened the discussion stating that he did some checking or the above item, and said it is a problem that is a little hard to pin do�rrn. He believes his initial reaction at the rirst meetin9 �•aas the proper one, and he will make a suggestion. An alternative means of accoinplishing the request if that is what Council ��ants to do, is to make a gift to the band group. He expTained that it would be approGriate for the City to enter into a contract with the band for them to perform at a function the City of Fridley would be involved inT perhaps a concert at the 6icentennial City functions, and in return the City vrould give the band a certain sum of money. . .� Ms. Clark, representing the band, said that she could not speak for the band. 7he City N�.t.orney asked her to take this information back to the band, ard he commented that this would clarify the leyal aspects and ;n return supply the taxpayers with � sometniny in return for their• tax do]iars. Council�aoman Kukowski asked if �ae go alonq with this, and the band qoes alona witt� it, could ��te pay them in advance so they will have the money for their trip. ihe City Attorney replied yes. . Ms. Clark asked if we would possibly want the marching band e��en though we are supporting the concert band. The City Aitorney said it did not make any difference on his part, but he wus thinking in terms of a concert perhaps after the parade. ' Counc�lman Starwalt asl;ed khat �he finuncial disposition was at the present time. Ms. Clark said they 4•�ere doing very well, that people have been generous and the chil�ren did very ��rell on tl�eir fruit selling efforts. Councilman Starwalt said he had iieard ccmments they ti��ere doing well and if he under- stands the financial situation properly, there are about 60 members in the band, ; and the amouni per person m��uid be about 540.00. hts. Clark said that was correct. Councilman Starwalt said his thoughts on this is tnat $40.00 is not an unreasonable • amount for each family to pay. Ms. Clark Shcd si�e underst�od, and with some families , it was not a prablem, but �vith sor.�e it would Le. Also, i:he children are expected to pick up one of i.heir meals. Councilman Fitzpatrick said it could be a considerable expense . if they wunted an ans��er tortigl-ct. Mayor Nee said as he sees it a motion would be in or�der. He asked Ms. Clark ►..� MOTION by Councilma�� Fitz�?airicl; tn give �1,000 to the Colum�ia �IeighCs Concert t3and for their trip to 's�lashinqtori D. C. in return f�r a coi�cert to be arranged by t!;e band for the City oi' F�•idley. There was no second to th�s motion. F10TIOf4 by Ccur�cilman �itzpatrick tia g;ve 5500.00 to the Coiumt�ia ldeights C,onr_ert -_ _ Qand for their tri� tc lJasliii�c�i.an D. C. in rei:ui�n for a concert to be arranged by thc ban�! for tl?e City of i ricilcy. Seconded by Ca.�ncil��aom�an Kukowski. Upon a rcll call vote, Cour�cilwon�>>� }:uko�v�ki voted aye, Cou��cilman areider �doted Aye, CoR�ncilman Starti��al � t•oied Na,y, Cour,cilman Fit�patric:k, voted Aye an�l Mayor 1Jee vc�te:! Aye. .7he tnotion carricd 4 ta l. � l i �i � � r ` _.�— ------... --....__. _._._...._. ._ ..._...' --..._. . ... r..._ _f� � 2:? 7 � PUBLIC IIEARING MCETING Of� DECEMBER 8, 1975 PIIGE 5 1 �. � i � - �.,� � ...., � � � There was further discussion concerning �;�here the City cauld draw the line as to contributing to this type of activity. Councilnan areider stated tl�at sometimes ' it is difi-icult to i�ationalize using taxpayers n;oney t�or these type requests. However, he said, the fact that he was impressed with tv�s the chi)dren getting out and earning part of the fce ihemsclves. He said he �,roul�i not like to turn do�vn the ten children in Fridley and keep them from 9oing on the trip. He said he would like to suggest to the Council ttiat in the future they lool: to4�ards some appro- priations being made in the budget for Lhesc types of activities. Ne said �,�e have talked a lot about youtli centers, etc., and here is a situation vrhere the kids will get a lot out of 1:he trip, and it is less expensive for us to finance. The City Manager said the point Councilman areider made is good. He said he assumed it is underlying and the r,iotion considered is that �ae transfer from unappropriated funds we have in the budget. That is t-ii�ere the money wili be coming from. Mayor Plee stated he voted aye, but he would like to speak in Councilman Starwalt's behalf, in t! �t the City 'in compai•ison i:o tf�e School District, 1°vy a very small part of the �,r�op�rty tax. We are alti•�ays sensitive to th�at. Counciiman Starwalt is taking the position the �chool Qoard has taxing po��;er• and iney get it from the same source, and we do no� asl: ihe Schooi 3oard to pay any of our costs. I agree with Counciiman Starwait on this. CONSICERATION �Jf P.ROPOSED ZULf_S A^rD REGUI.�TIO(�S FROb1 PiIW�JESOTA ENVIROi�'4EFITAL UAL� TTY COUi�CIL. � Councilman areider asi:ed JLrry Boardman if tf�e Enviror,mental Quality Commission had seen the proposed mate��ial and if they had made ary recommendations on it. _ Jerry Qoardman said there �•�as some dif`iculty in qei:tirn a meeting scheduled, but • they did see the infarmation and was asked to subnit writtcn commen*s to the Rlanning Commissior�.. . _ i Mayor Nee said he read the discussion at the Planning Commission meeting and it was quite an extensive discussion. He said the ansva�r to one immediate question is , that the hearing is closing tomorrow ar,d if ��� want to �ffer testimony it has to be resolved tonight. As I understand, he said, the letier submitted by �1r. Boardman re- flects the sense of the.Pianning Commission and hi� ovrn thoughts, COUncilman Qreider asked Mr. Boardman about the Environmental Impact Study. He said he believes it refers to the ability of the Commission to require such a study based upon the petition of 500 p�ople signing the petition ard submitting it to them. As I read this, 1�e said, I+vondered if this is restricted ta tt,e State of Minresota or the tJn;ted States,etc. i�fr. Boardirian replied that tnere is no restriction or it. Councilrrsn Qreide�, said L}�e one thing he objected to is these people say that any petition they receive from any group requires an Environmental Impact Stud,y. Per- haps yau could expand on this. _ ' Mr. 6oardman said it used to be that �•ray in ihe old rules and regulations where 500 signat!�res �•fo�lu au�oraticall,y require an impact study. They have changed this semew��at �•�!�ere 500 sign«tures would be reviet•red by the Enviranmental Qual�ity Commission. A+.. t.�iat tin�e, they� decide if the Envi:-onmental Assessment Statement would be needed. The pet�itioners s�,baiit their re*ition to the Environ- mental Quality Council �vitf; suggestio��s that ��er�e are harmful envirenmental effects and a lay�»an's ver•sion of w•ny they fee] so. At that time, the Envirorn•,ental Quality Cmm�ission reviews that petition and their camments on it and ma!<es a determination �-�, if an environmental assessment work sheet is needed. When the worksheet is completed, �he respnnsible agency will make their detern�ination as to �hether a full i�npact �j statement is needed. , � Councilman l�reider said there is still r,o restriction or wi�o the petitioners are. !le said he feels i.his is a gross i�ijustice. !1s an example, he said, if I have a duck pond tip North I l�ike t.o co and hunt on and the person d��cides f,� is going to drain the pond, I can get 500 signattn�es and i:tiat is all that is needed. � I�� 4 i _ � i ) ���; PU3L.IC HEARING ��EETING OF D(:CrML'ER a, 1975 PAGE 6 Mr. Qoardn�an explained that the [nvirorime�lial Qua7ity Commission receives a lot of these types of petitions and spends a lot of time r2viewing them for environ- mental assessments. This is one of the reasons they are puttiny themselves in a position to revie�v these before an assessment is ��c�uii-cd. Getting a petition doesn't mean an assessment has to be do��e. He furt:her explained that if an assessmeni. is warranted or any problem, t•ihy should !.here be 5�0 signa*ures or 1 siynature, if someone could prove that prc,ject is gaing to be harmful io the environment. Councilman Qreider said he disagrees. He stated that if peaple ob.jeci: too much, a study is dev�loped, and if ti�ey do not, it is r,oi �eveloped. This qets back tu the quidelines, and also, he said, in his mir�, tir s is quite a political thing. 1t says that any person or group of n;rsoii� may file a petitian that contains signatures and addresses of 500 peo,�le. Mr. Qoar•dman replied i:hat h� believes tne ±hr•�sholds ar�e abeve anything that could happen at a local leve�. He said he ti?ini;s tliere are severai thir.gs in he�e thai he feels mak�� the rules and rec,��!lat�ions ��,eal:. i. The rules and regulations, ifi 7dSS('Cl� 141�� b!? manddtCl^`�' t0 t�in I;0!�t1C1�. !!Oi';:'.2!', !riCSt 1�CP�i communities +,!ill never he affected by tl7�se, and �. The 4•,a;� it �s laid out, the gover�,!;�er�t.�:1 agency in char,e of permits i� reG�;red to see that ihe assessment statements are do.le, and ii they don't have a pr�ivate developr_��° to it, tl:ey do it themselves. Howwever, under +he rt�les and regui�c�ons ai�d ur,der la�v, ther�e is no a;ay thai; municipality can ccver its cests fo�� tflis. Anuther thiny he said he wo��ld like to brin� out under randatory category is thai tnere are no unifcr�m t!;eans of controiling vahat is happening pt the local level. Al�c, it �aii:s auou� s;�"at is �°equired for an assess- ment stat�ir.ent as any governinental ��c�7011 th�;i has S1�'illf?Cdtlt C'flYlt"OI1111EIltd� efifect. firstly, there is no layout of whst 3 major aovernmental action is; and secondl.v, no determination as to wf�at �s a sign�ificani; ervirunmenial effect. Ti is vague in ttiis a.rea. There is nothir5g a?ocal commissio�� can come bacf; with as to a uniform regulations v�e are sure all City gover�nments oi°,nunicipaliti�s will follow. Frid�Ey may set their ow�� types of �i;andards, but Ccon Rapids may go by State standards. _. . f P.n�ther thing he said he would strongl,y urge, is that. they �evelop a more effective ' frartework v�hich allotivs long-range environmenta7 piar.nii;g, This should be a key issue. The rules and regulations are on]y a measure to brir,g environmental con- c�rns at the beg�nning of the perm9t. In i:he long run, if you follc�v through with these stop yap measures, it may t�ave some detrimen±al economic eifects that will eFfec� the tetal econen;ic development of the commur.ity. Geing project by project basis r,�ay be stoppirg some dp��elop�i�ent that n,a:y he acceptable in another area. . _ __. Mayor Nee said he had one r.ote concerning the mnrey, because unless they are pre- pared to allow us to cover the cost, they should nct charge us fo�° the respensi- hility for executior. Seems to nie, he said, throughout nere they are charging us or an equivalent governmental agenry witii the cos4 0;= study ard nat pro��iding for the costs. They would have to allo�•r us to recovei° i�ioney fron� tn� deve�opment or . none of us will want to do if.. ' Mayor Nee said another item he would like to br•ing up is on page 3M of the Agenda, about six lines up from the bottom where it says -";J� oi,al argument shall be permitted before the Coun��il. Failure of ihe Counci? to act at i:his meeting shall b� deemed accepta,�ce of the recomir:en�at�ion of i.l�n_ hearir;� off�c�r.° Ne Pxplained i;hut it should rot auto�raticat;y acccpt recc�^;mendat?on �f tiie h�aR°ina officer simply because they didn't ttil:e s,iie �nui:ter up �t their� n�cetin9. i object to tFiai:. Alse, Mayor Nee said he wauld like ±o refer to page 3P or the Agenda the last sentence °The Council shall require each agency �•�hich requests the publication of material in t4�e s+:ate re�istei� i�clt�di�:g tl�e Council itsclf, to pay �ts proportionate coSt of the EQC Monitor �n;less ot:i�er fun�s are provideci and are suFficient to cover ; tlie cost of the [4�C ��1onitor." Tii��c just; reinforces tl�e a;ho1e thing af �vi�o pays fer what. Either they pay or they q1VP. us the ;>o:��e�, io coliec� for �t. The item on page 3P1, I feel should be sfriken. This basica�ly says that �•�here thei,e is failure to act, the staff preva�ls, and t.his dce�r�'t raaKe sense to me, he said. Mr. �3oarcimar. addcd that �:no�.her thing i pact;. They do net rcl ate t.� t:l�e poss i��1 e imporLan�. Ne saiJ, t��� al�o i�a�� ar,other T!?ey give thc�mselves ar, oGat in �>>�ich ihey wi t4ioui; a;iy pi�bl i � hrar�i ng proce rs . �r,r.- t�1ey li��iit t�ie;?iselves to ohysical im- so�?al -tco�mr,iic impar,ts, wl�icii are equal ly �o�-�cer•n - +�i�e i�iandatory �°equii�enrents. � car� suppiemcrt those mandatory categaries . .__.__ _._...; . _.__ . _.._ .__ _._�____ _.._._.. _ __..----.._.__. __.___.. __..____....._._._�. __ ..._._ _____ ...._____--.__ __ , i__. _ _.._. I � � PUQLIC HEARING MEETING 0(' DECEMaER 8, 1975 G. ^ PAGE 7 Councilman Fitzpatrick stated that he thought i�r. Boartlman had done a fine job and asked the Council if we should authorize him to �ursue these points. Mayor Nee said that as he understood it, it has to be in writing. Mayor Nee asked Mr. [�oardman if he coulii exrand on this to include the couple of concerns he l�as mention2d, and Mr. Qoardman renlied he could. I' Councilman Starvialt said that he had no quarrel exce�t one item which is Item 3, i Paragraph 2 of the letter. He said he seriously beiieves that we should not �- delete the require;nent for 500 siqnatures. r�-- ,. ,\ ;� . Mr. Qoardman explained that the reason he put this in was that before the 500 signatures was under a mandatory assessment cateyory. This time it is not. fie said he feels a 500 limit is not the important factor, but whether or not an eva]uati�n is needed to protect the environ�ient. Mayor P�ee added that it is based on tne n�erit of the situation, not on the indivfdual. Ne said that he liked everything except the first ]ine on Page 3, Number .;. Fie has a probicm aa�ith the E�aor�d "repri��and". He asked if this could be�chanyed to "object". Mayor Nee then summed up by saying it seems as though the only area of disagreement is the 500 signatures. He Sd1CI IlE would liKe tc have an expression on this. He explained thai, he feels that it is not relevant as long as it is argued on roerits. Councilman Breider said that either ���ay it is set up it is kind of m�te. If they get a petition> they �;�ill review it, and if it looked like a good idea they would require some further action. Cauncilman Starvialt said that he liked the petition process, and he feels it is a valid consideration. - Mayor Nee said that the Counci] could i:a'r,e a motion to concur with this 7etter as it may be revised to put in the additional items. Then, a motion to delete Item �3, if the Council wants to do that. MOTIOt� by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the Lett�r as revised. Seconded by Councilrnan areider. Upon a voice vote> all voting aye, 1�layor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. t�1QTI0N by Counciiman Fitzpatrick to amend the Letter by striking Ite�n �F3, and re- placing iL with a state�nert of support for 5Q0 sig��atures or a resolution of a governmental agency. The rr�otion «as seconded. Upon a roll cali vote>.Councilman Starwalt voted Aye, Councilman �itzpati°ick votetl Aye, P4ayor f�ee voted Nay, Council- woman Kuk�t�rski voted �vay and Councilman Breitler voted Aye. The llmendalent to the Letter carried 3 to 2. C,OtdSIDERATIOtd OF COPlDITION/1L ACCEE'Tt1NCE QF 11P�I0(d CONTRACT 4!ITIi LOCAL �320 TPULICE'OFIICEkS FOR iri� YEF�SS i��7G dnd 147/}• 7he Finance Director presented a brief explanation of the terms of the proposed settlement for the years 1°76 and 1°77 of the Union Contract with Local �320. Ne pointed out the pay rates proposed and a change in the hospitalization. idOTIO(� by Counciln�an 6reicJer to approve the Conditional Acceptance of Union Coittract with Local ;;37_0 (Police Officers for the Ycars 1976 and t977). Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, ali voting aye, Mayor Nee declared tiie motion carried unanim�usly. IUFRI�TION OF AP1FNDMFNT_ TO FROPI7I CLUa REZO��tIN6 AGREEPt[NT PFR7AIM:PlG The Public IJorks Director said that he discussed this with the City Attorney and we sug9est. it may be a��pi�opriate to read in tt�e last lines of paragraph Nl, "Such impraveinents to be completed witihin cci,t.airo tim��eriod from tihe date of the adoption of the first reading of the Ordina�ice." � � ��n .� .. PU6LIC NEARING 1�1EETING Of' DECE^1(3ER II, 1975 Mayor Nee said he thoue�ht tf�at t�rould solve the problem. The City Attiorney said another sentence that mic�ht strengChen it would be to Cf�� effect, "If such improueiiients are not n+ade within said tii�ic, this agreement shali be void." Councilman Breider said he �vould suggest one year for the time period. MOTION by Councilman f�reidci• to add an Amendment to the Letter of Agi�eement inserting one (1) year from the ciate of 1:he adoption of the first i°eading of the Letter of ilgreement. 5ecnnded by Councilman Fit�patrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Niayor hee declared the �notion carried unanimously. COh1P1ENDA7I0P�: Mayor rtee explained tha* the Couricil has received a l�et{:er of Commendation for Officer David Younkin, iss�ed by Pdr. James 1ii11, Public Safety Director. PAGE 8 MOTIO[� by Councilman Fitzpatrici; to accept i;i��• Letter of Comr.�endation. Seconded by Councilman Qreider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P4ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CATV; Councilman Starwalt stated he v:�ould 7ike tc bring up th� position the City may or may not be in regarding tfie Ca�1e TV Comy�ar�y. He said his question is, due to tne lac'r. of clarity a+ t.his t�ime, would it Fe pi•udent for the Council to put the Cab1e Company on notice the,t �•;e do consider t,.he of�Pering of monies does re- quire the fra��chise payment and they should set up the books accerdingly. He added, along with that, he has some comment t,egarding the Grand Jury investigation. He said these sort of things regarding misrepresentation on the part of the Cable Company in present sales and people paying ;;ust forone oortion ar,d get;ting more. He explaired that perhaps �t was not misrepresentation, but at �east a difference in opinion in trai: regard. The third item, he said, he is interested ir knowing ho�•��ti�e can get tP;e Cable Co!npany to advise us as to ��hen the technical co��siderat�ions can separate these ttivo. The question is ho•,v to bill these people accordingly. hlayor Nee sai� pe��Faps we stlould ?et the Commiss�icn pursue it for a few tiNeeks. We authcr�zed them to empiny an attori;ey to adt�ise them on the first question. Regard•ing the second yuestion, I have not heard anytning about a Grand Jury he said. ihe Cable Company has t�ken the positicn, and advised the Council, that they have technicai reasons �-�hy theJ cannot separate tl�.e two yet, Obviously, the Cammissions argument. is ��'t�ey should not be separated in any event. The C.ity Attorney said that th� contract language of the franchise agreerrent and the intenticn of the partics may not be the same. He said he feels the revenue from the movie suhscribei-s bc: a part of tt��^ income that they pay the franchise fee on. They car�;e back ti��ith some material that said FGC says other- ►�ise. If 1;l,ey do say other�aise, unless some Federal Court overturns their Qosi�ion, tllat. is probably going to be the rule. He said he assumed that �s what the legal council is goinG to advise them. The Cit,v hlanager said another point is, as long as the service is being provided by CaUle 7V, and they are only collectinq the cha.rges for showing movies to certair. customes•s, can we still get our revcnue, because the ser�Jice is being provided. The City Attorney explained that it probably would net derive enough income to warrant it. Ceuncilman Starwalt said he still ra�ises ihe questiori, tiiat i�e contends that the basic charnel ard the movies both, a�•e subject ta 5%. , .� � � i i . L.: � i , \ Pt1aLIC If[/iRING 1�lEE�ING Of DLCEf4��R S, 1975 ��,� PAGE 9 Councilman Fitzpatrick said that is what i:hey are asking legal experts to decifer. He said he would agree with t�layor ��ee. ihe City Attorr�ey said ±he Company's position is ti�at they may 6e but the FCC says oti�er�.vise, ard that pr°evails unti� it is changed. I believe it will take some kind of an appeal before the situation reverses. ADJ011R1dPt�NT : MOTIG�7 by Counci]man areider to adjourn the Public f;earing. Seconded by Counci;s•ro�nan Kukoa�ski. Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, P4ayor tdee deciared the motion carried unanimously, ar,d the Public Hearing f4eeting of the Fridiey City Counci7 of DeC����bCt, 8, 1975, adjourned by 10:00 P.P1. Respectfully submitted, Helen fagin Secretary to tiie Couiicil Date Hpproved: William J. Nee Mayor. � � �, � � � �. � ..�--- � � ' • 1 , , 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' LJ ' � ' ' ' ' ' ' .._.. ... . . _ . . ___ .. . . .. _ . . ._ _ _ .. . _.. .. _. . _ _ ' �,,,; � � „t � . i ; 1 TttE MINUTf.S OF TffE REGl1LAR ME[TING Of THL FRIDLEY C1TY C�UNCIL Of DECEMa�R 15, 1975 ` ;: , The Regular Pleetinq of the Fridley City Council of December 15, 1975 was catle to order at 7:35 P.N. by t�ayor fJee. I . i t , . �. � d � � PLEDGF OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor �Jee ��+elcomed those present and invited them to join { � the Council in sayiny the Pledge of Ailegiance to the Flag. � { ROLL CALL: i MENdERS PRESENT t t .. � � S . f i q Mayor Nee, Council�,�oinan Kukowski, Councilman areider, � Councilman Star�valt ar,d Councilr.�an Fitzpatrick. ; MEPIQERS ABSENT: None APPRO�'AL OF MIhUTES: REGULP,R t?EETING, NOV[IdBER 17, 1975 Ptayor tdee changed the motion on page 13 of the minutes concerninq Special Use Permits, ICem �;11 thru �'21. The motion should read that the vote carried 4 to 1 instead of ur�animously. • t•1ay�r t•,ee a]so cf��anged the n�otion to deny Special Use Permit SP #75-08. This motior2 should i°ead: Cc,!ancilman Starr,�alt voted 11ye, Councilman Fiizpatrick voted Nay, Coun�il�voinan Kukovrski voted Nay, Councilman �reider voted Aye, and t�1ayor Nee abstained. I�iotion failed. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the mimrtes of the Regular Neetina of November 17, 1975, as amended. Seconded by Co�mcilwoman Y.ukoa�ski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, t4ayor f�ee declat,ecf the motion carried unanimously. REGULAR P1EE�fING OF DL=CEP9QEP, 1, 1975 �r� Councilman Starwalt said the miiiutes of tf�e December 1, 1975 meeting should be .. amended on page 6. The mation to appoint b1rs. Jean Schell to the Police Commission ;�, should read: P�iayor Nee spp�inted P1rs. Jean Schell to the Police Commission, and Councilman Starwalt concurred with this appoir�iment. Councilwoman Y.ukowski said anoti7er aniendment shoul� be made on page 5, paragraph �4. Ii should read that Bruce Petersen is goad in practice as well as in theory. t�OTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the r•linutes of the December 1, 1975 Meeting as ame�ided. Seconded b,y Co�u�cilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimous1y. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: MOTION to adopt the Agenda by Councilman Si:arwalt ti-rith the addition of the follov,ing items: Repoi-t from P1ark Scott ancf a brief discussion concerninq the budqet. Se- conded by Council�vorrian Y.ukoc�;sk;. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor i�'ee de- clared the motion carried unanimous]y. OPEN FORUP9, VTSITORS: � Mr. Ed Wilmes addressed the Councii �.nd exnlained that the Island of Peace are ' starting a fund drive locally with thr� certificates, and they are requestinq the � COUIICI� to write a letiei° or a resnl�,�tion indicating the City's interest and ��? support for this fund cirive. I{e e�{�1�,ined that if tf�e City woi.ild provide this lei.ter and tfie printii�n, of it, ��:iiici� �:ould be apEn°oximatel�� 500 copies, they �aould i.;,. contact a lot of tlie bu�inesses personally and m<zke every effort as far as the 4 riailing is corlcerned. ' Mayor Nce dsked Mi'. Wi1�u�5 if t�iese letters will ��e addressed to local businesses ' and h1r. 4li;mis replied tliey �•rould. He s�id i:hat I-iedtronic askcd for a t.ax exempt number antl a state number and tl�e hudqei outline, along with financial statements, and thcy ��i?1 procced along those linc�s. ' � ` e R Q t � � � ; . + ��� ', �� REGULAR MEETIPlG 0� DECFh13ER 15, 1975 PAGE 2 Mr. 4tilmes further explained that the American Legion said if they brought them the envelopes they would address them throughout the State. This is 650. The V.F.W. said if vre briny them a letter along with material they would take care of the n�ailing costs. There t�as further discussion concerning the printing of the letter and comparison's of different methods. P10T10�� by Councilwoman f;ukowski to prepare the Letter as requested. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. U'p�n a voice vote, all voting aye, F•layor Nee de- clared the motion carried unanimously. MOTIOIJ by Council4roman I:ul;o�•rski to print 500 copies of the Letter and the City to pick up the costs, and use the m�thod that gives the best copy with the most reasonable price. Seconded by Councilman Star�•ralt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mo�,:ion carried unanimously. DISCt1SSI0P� OF A PERP1Att[�T 6AND STA��D 6[IhlG CONSTRUCl'ED IN TNE CITY OF FRIDLEY Mr. Henry Peterson addressed the Council and said as a member of the Fridley 49'ers Bicentennial Committee, he �vanted to thanl; i:he Council i'or the letter they sent him in behalf of the pari he did in ihe celebration last year. . He explained he was present at the meeting to talk to the Council about the possibil�it,y of a pe�°manent band stand being constructed in Friclley. Ne said over the years �,!e have had pertable band stands i'or the bands that come in to play for various events we have. {ie mentioned he knew John Mei°zen, Superintendent of the Pa��k Board of Colu;�bia Heiahts, and they had a permanent band stand built. Mr. Peterson said he t•roul!; like to give some of pro's and con's involved. A portable. st:and tears up the sod, he said, vrhan it is moved around. An advantage of a permanent stand, he said, is that it �•�ould not only 6e used by our City band, but everyone in the cor����unity, suci� as Churches and Summer plays. He mentioned he would like to see ii built at the South end of the beach by the Flagpole, a�jd thz:t it would be a beautiful building having t���o dressing rooms. fte said, at this location it could be patrolled and watched easily fror�i Highway 65, for vandalism. Mr. Peterson requested 1:he Council to turn this over to the Qicentennial Committee ior furtlier study, and he presented �lans they could look ovei�. He also talked about the possibility of having the Columbia Heights Concert 6and play in the 6icentennial parade in return for the funds the City of Frid1ey furnished in he7ping ���ith their trip to Washington D. C. It was decided that Mr. Sobiech would talk �vith hir. Gus Doty concei�ning +�rhen they should participate, and then talk to Columbia Fleights (3and to see if they would be in agreement. MOTTQN by Councilman Starwalt to accept the Lei:ter and Plans concerning the {�ermanent band stand as presented by Pir. Peterson, Seconded by Councilwoman kukov�ski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, t�1ayor Nee dec1ared the motron carried unanimously. OLD QUSI�'E�SS: ORDINANCE ,tif05 C.OPdSIDFRFlTION OF SECO�dD RElIDING OF AN ORDItlAh!CE �FLi,TING TC POLICE P[NSIQNS: REQU�31;If1G ('Ol ICC OI f'ICCRS NIR�.l3 11f 1CR Sf [CI( ILG [1r;r C 7U >�GGr�� (�1Ef'I[3ERS OF P.E.R.A, "� — -- __ _ --- - - ----- -- - 4'OLICE /�ND �flf'E FU��L' A;�D f'L}.t I I fI( G OTIIER PQL ICE ,)i f ICCRS 1�) BLCOi�iE W[h16EfZS OF � satn-P.E k n:" c�o�i�� nr��i rzrF � iii;�.—_ _� - -- ..:.� Coimcilman Star�,�alt asked if t"e staff could advise Council if there has been any results of tf�e discussion bet;veen the f�oard �nd P,E.R.A. The City Manager explair�d i:hat a representative of f'.E.R.A. was meeting with the Police Fension �eard at 7:?0 P.h1. this evening, and i;hat the finance Direc.tor was present at the meeting. Ne said Eve are w�rking on the second phase of the plan. `. � a 'q� i � $ : �� i � 4 �� z � �' � . � . � i `r , � � t � i � ; ' � � +,V. � � r r I � �± f , i r �, .��. _ — �, ' � .,.t;::�..�.� , . ...___ ____._ _ .__.-----.�---_.__.._...._...__..--- -_ � .. - ---- .... . ___ . ___... ._. ___... _._ . � � �, t� :..: REGUI_AR t1E[TtPdG OF DL�f:P9�Eft 15, 1975 � � :� PAGE 3 Councilman Starwalt asked if it �•�ould be to any advantage to delay this until diter the i»eeting. The City P�lanaqer pointed out that this does not actually affect. present officers. !le explained that. there has to be a t:wo step action: 1. All ti�is is doing is stoppir;g the City of taking any more obligations under the preseni: plan, and 2. 4fhat do vre do «ith the existirc7 plan to improve the situatior. ihis is th� process that is started and will cortinue. There may be a loi of ineetings befnre a�e come to ii�e final solution. The City and the BQard cannot resolve it independcntly, it has to go to the legislature. It has to be a unanimous kind of agreement betvicen the Police Pension 6oard and the City to get through legislature. � Councilman St.ar��alt sa.id the reason he asked is because he. �s ready to vote for the se4ot7d reading, a.nd his o�.vn v'ewpoint is he would like to see Section 2 re- instated. I�e ex.plained that he vrou?dn't aranC to do this if there is another meeting in session ��rher� the information of which could.either add weight to what he feeis in this �°egard, or tal:e awa; from it. . Councilman areider said righi no�•i we are talking about four officers. Seems to l�irn, F,c su�c, 1:e should rot hold u.p the entire consiieration just for one provision. tde are i:alking ahoi�t a sum of n��oney that probabiy over the long term would not be muc��. We will get some turn o��er bet��reen now and the next ten years in the Police De�:�rtn�ent. He said it might create more of a proble�n tran a savings in tne lonQ r��r�. F�4ayor �ee sai� his pro5lein with del?ting.it is tllat he ti�rouldn't havevoted to hire the officers in ih� first place it he hadn't beei�� assured they wou]d go into P.E.R•A• He sa�id h� reversed that on the basis of some misunderstanding. �" Councilman Fitzpatr�;ck said he believed if they should decide tl�at they rrant to be in P.E.R.R. ±ha* is what we are tali:ing about, they may do so. 7his would have excluded them i=rom the Fridley Plan. If the Section ? a�as reinstated it wou?d ; r_ exclude them €ron� the Fridley Plan. !�s it is, they may jo�n P.E.R.A. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpa�rick to add in Section 2, the language after police �--" officers en�ployed b,y the f,ity: "prior to effective date of this Ordinance", and ado7t �Jrd;nance ;605, and order publication. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a vcice vote, all voting aye, P�layor Nee declared the motion carri�d unanimously. �q �M.a NEW QUSIIVESS: " CONSIDERf�TTOP� OF FIRST �EADIl�G OF /1N ORDINANCE A�1EP1DIIdG CHAPTER i15, Sl-1IPi"•1It�G POOL� TA[il_ED 11/17/75 � The Fublic Works Director explained that t-�hen this i�em was before us November 17, �ve indicated t}�is Or�dinance be revised and brouyht back for further cor�sideration, in an effort: to up-date City Ordinances. l3as-ically, he expiained, the revisions reflect- ed changes that rovr co�,�ply w�tl� the State of Minnesota rules and regulations. Tne City Att.orney and I have come up 4J1tIl some sugc�esl:ions: On page 2, section 1i5.04, where it is indicated home oti��ners family, we ar,e sug9esting the resident family be supplemented. On page 23, section 1i5.16, Fencing, paragraph 1, addition denoting the passing of a six inch object through the fence. Our intent for this s�ib-section was basicaily as ;t �°eads: "To prever,t the entry of children into pooi area". Our initial i:houyht was ther°e s�=as a» incider,t �vhere ��rought iron fencing ���as installed around tl�c poel anct not narro��: enough - eight to ten �inches, and allo���ed for small children to eni;er Che pool ai�ea. Our !}asic intent tiV�as to prevent the entrance of children and the way �ve would enforce ii; would be to ir�spect the fence, and if it was sufficient it would be allo��r�ci, ard if not, it ���ould have to be replaced. The City Attorney added that when people cai�e in for a permit, the City would inquire what kind of fei�ce they ir,ter�c! to put up. � 7he Public l,�or�:s Direc�c�r said anot:her area of concern was on page 2D. Seetion 115.12. Tl�e last paragr�(�h �:fL•ere it sta*_es "any pool", ]ed to the bclief it is referring to existinn poo;s and ��ie added: "any pool newiy constructed after March i, 197G, etc.". � ' III� 4 1;�f � REGULAR MEETIWG OF OEC[P1QER 15, 1975 PAGE 4 Councilman [3reider said he had some concerns, one being ��:here it reads "the depth of the water shall be r,iarked". He said h� wondcred if that meant visable from the inside or the outsicle, and he thought it would be difficult to put a , marking on an above-the-ground pool. \ � The City Attorney explained that there has to be a deck around the pool, and that a marking could easily be put on that with plastic numbers or something•. 7here was considerahle discussion concerning the slope of the pools and the depth being seven feet or over, and questions as to vlhere the water is drained out. Mayor Nee suggested getting soixie professional advice from a Pool Company, and Councilman Fitzpai:rick sungested getting more differential background be- tween the t�•ro kinds of pools mentioned, The Public IJorks Director explained that the last item they eliminated regarding a nuisance procedure. Ne said we have a separate section on that, and it would not be necessary to have ii; in this Ordinance. MOTIO� by Councilman 6reider to table the fi�st Reading of Ordinance amending Chapte�° 115, Swimming Pools. Seconded by Co,.ncilman Stararalt and adding that �staff pursue this item and 5ring back the Ordiiiance rrhen they ���ere ready. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NSIDERATIOPJ OF FIRST R TY CODE PERT,4IP�IP�G TO ING OF APJ ORDT��ANCE ESTP,�LISHING CHAPTFR 6 OF THE fRIDLEY ii1I�i CQi�ii�fISSIQiIS F�R THE CI1"Y OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA —„ ��-cr;M1���-n+<–,,—rccin�.i nnrSvc nr.in n��o�nTtnrd rnr,trniccT(1t,t The Public I-lorks Directo�° explained that a statement has 6een added on Page 3E, Section 6.147, final paragraph: A. The public policy tivhich is served by the . requirement. B. The praciical difficulties or unique circumstances of the property that cause u»due hardship in the strict application of the requirement, and C. Any conditions that attar.h to the variance. The Public Works Director furthe�° exolaaned that he felt this ti•ras in the direction discussed at the Public Hearing. If both recommen�ation and approval of the variances - either residential, commercial or �ndustrial also. This is somethina we should have been doing already, noting ��rh�t is the public policy that is bene- fiting fi�om the requireinent, state the hardships affecting existing property ownei� and stipulations regarding dei�ial or approval. The Public Worl:s Director added there was another item; pertain�n� to "The Project- Committee m� or (shall) be chaired by a member of the Commission . We have re- vited this Taragraph to read: "Project Coniroittee may be chaired by a member of the Commission and at least one rnember of the Committee shall act as liaison for each project committee", liaison meaning to keep up-dated, not necessarily meet with committees at a"Il times, arid to provide nroper direction and making sure the project conunittee is heading in the r;qht direction. The City Manager said another item on the same page came to light during a dis- cussion a± the staff level,basically, stating that. the P�zrks and Recreation Com�nission shall prepai�e � Caaii�l Improvemen� buciget. It is in conflict 4vith tlie Charter and in the past, the Parks and Recreation have made the recommendations. We feel tt�at if this is the intent �•:e should have ihis stated so that there is no question of the process. He further added that tf�is ��riil make the Ordinance in compliance to what we ha��e been doing and �•rhat the Charter allows the Commission to do. MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the first reading of ihe Ordinance with the revised wording. Seconcied by Council�voman Kul:or�ski. Upon a voice uote, all votiny ayc, btayor fdec; declar•e�i tlie motion carried unani��iously. The f'ublic 1�:orks Director said that this revised language was not sent to the Conunission and suggestcd ��e send it i:a them for their conmient. fiECflVItdG TfIF MINUTf_5 OF T'I!: P!_11FlNTP;G COMPIISSTQN P1EETTNG OF DFCEMaLR 3, 1975 � 1. CONSIDCRAl"ION 0� APPCRI_5 COf�P1I5SI0N MINUTES OF NOVEMI3LR ?_5, 1975 A. PlICO, INC. , j7G0 I"LM STIt�E� I�. NACII, I NC. , II �U LLM �TI� F i � 3 r� � , � � � .i , t, REGULAR t�IE:ETING OF OECEt1QcR 15, �975 The Public Works Director explained that this is a request by Paco, Inc. for variances to reduce the rear yard setback frem t}ie required 25 feet to 7?_ feet and reduce the side yard setback frem the required 20 feet to 0 feet, at 7760 Elm Street, to allow the const:ruction or a sp�culaiive warehouse building. The in�tial variance is in conjuncticn with ihe seconci ite"� E�, vihich is a similar request for a reductiori o€ the rear yard setback from 25 feet to 7'-Z feet,.and a reduct.ion of the sid� yard from 35 feet to 2° feet. The lots will be taking up seven lots on the corner. 6asicaiiy, the overail p?an is in conforriance with the overall plan for the area. 7he City Dianager asked if there was any entra7ce ar aoor on the west side, and the Public tJorks Director explained that this was open space, and we estimate they will put some maintenance free materiai in this arza. � 2�y7 PAGE 5 Mayor Nee asked �;�hat the e>:perience has been with these lette��s, are they a ' ; satisfactory alternativ� to a covenant or something i�� the deed. The Public Warks Directar said "yes", tt�ey� have had a satisfactory exp2rience wit" the letters on joint aarh�ino due ia the fact ance the develop��ent has taken place, it is kno�•m to the purchasers of tiie property ihat there is a joint parking lot. ' ' ' ! ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' • S �� rv� 4 ' ' �<.1: Mayor !dee asked Mr. Paschke, representing Paco, Inc., if on the assumption he was going to se1i, ti�ho e,rould oarn i�r`�a�: on the parkii�y lo�, tivhere is the property line, and could he sell off the parking 1ot separai:e. Mr. PaschNe said ihat he could but the easement ti;�ould stay there. He further explained that an easement is more than a covenant. 7he City Attorney said he Lhougflt it should be soi��ething that is recorded along with the deed. Using the terni covenant or easeme��t is probably just different terminology for the same intention. Mr. Pasci�ke said he had no objection to anything, whatever the City wanted to do he will go along wiih. Mayor Nee sa�id he envisioned them selling to somebody, then they sell off ha7f_of the parking lot, because there are lots tnere, and all of a sudden th�rn is no parking area. The Public tJorks Director said an agree�nent k�ould be more positive and not that difficult �o tlraft up, and could Ue recorded. The Ciiy Attorney said he wcuid worF out a mutual easement that would require the parking area ta be recorded ror both parce]s. Mr. Pascf�ke explained that there was more invoived ��ere. Tlie�� had sort of a four area parking 7ot. It was more like a mutual agreement. Mayor Nee said they would have to cor�relate with them. The City Attorney said perha.ps the Public 4darks Director and Mr. Paschke could put on paper ���hat they wou�d like to see, and i�e ��;ould review ii and put it into a form that could be recorded. The City Flanager explained that the variances could be approved with a stipulation that proper documents be dra�•rn t�p an� filed a�hich provides joint parking use and mainter�ance, i�rith th�e City's appro�.�al, or sor�ethin� of that nature. Councilman IIreider said if it is in agrecment he vrould take both items at one time. MOTIOPJ by Council+nan [ireider to approve variances on Items r1 and Q, Section 1, relating to 7760 Elm Sti•cet and 7;90 E1m Street, and �hanc;e the stipulation tLat Mr. Sobiech and t�Jr. flerric4: to ��iork ouC an agreeinenti tV1tI1 {;IIf� Paco Company to establish that the pr•operty wi�l not be so�d ard tl7e agrc•ei7cnt ta{:e form of �vhat- ever it takes to get the ite;n re��istered rrith t.hr_ c��ed. Also, an additional stiplulat.ion regarding the di�ainae�c ea;ement on !.o* 1 through 4. Seconded hy Ca:incilwoman V:uF:o��rski. Upon a voice vute, a11 voting aye, l�fayor Plee declared the motion carried unanimously. � 23R � REGULAR Mf_ETIPlG OF DECEMQER 15, 1975 M/�R6ARET t�1FRRELL, SPFCTAL USE PERf�tIT RLQUEST SP �T5-27, 4832 2'z STREET Pt.E. RECEIV1i�G f�E:TITIOt� �'L1-1975 PAGE G The Public IJorks Director explained this is a request for a Special Use Permit. 7he requirement is that an accessary building on a property in excess of 240 sq. ft, ti��ill �-equire a Special Use Permit. In ihis case, as shown on page 4 EE of the Agenda, besides a primary dwelling at 4832 - 2=1 Street, there is an existing storaye shed �•+hich is basically 12'X 20'. The petition went before the Planning Commission to i°equest a Special Use Peraiit to al1ow construction of the proposed garage, 2£3' x 32' t•iidth. It should be noted there was quite a lot of discussion at the Pi4nning Con��nission level regarding tvhat effect the size of this structure will have on the existing neighborhood. Should also be pointed out the t•ray the Zoniny Ordinance is di°afited at the present time, that if the 12' X 20' storage shed had r.ot existed en the properi.y, a buiTding permit would have been issued for an accesso��y building and he would I�ave been allovred to construct the garage. (�lso noted at tne Planning Corrrnission, there exists across t'�e street from the petitioner a garage basically the size of 24' X 32'. The ques�ion to be ans���ered is what effect this proposal ���ill have on the residential character of the neighborhood might apply to that 25% 1ot coverage. In this case, the existing shed, house and proposed construction do not exceed 25i requirement. The staif felt basically if the lot coverage was not exceeding che i°equirement the structure should be allo��led.if there were no objections.from the neighbors. There were no objections at the Planning Commission meetinq. _ Councilman Fitzpatrick said that he had a statemei�t signed by 19 residents on 22 and Znd Street, oihich reads, "I, the undersigned have agreed that Margaret Merrell can build a garage 28' X 32`, 17 feet back from their house and 4'Z feet from lot line on the South side of the house. I have no objections to the pro- posed building of such a garage. � M�TIO"1 by Councilv�oman Ku}:otti�ski to receive the petition #21-1975. Seconded by Councilman Starrialt. Upon a voice vote, ali voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. The Public k'orks Director added that the.Planning Commission's vote was 2 Ayes, and 2 t�ays. Mayor R'ee said he d�°ove by the ai°ea and it seemed to him to be an asset to the neighborhood. MOTiON by Councilman Fitzpatrick to grant the Special Use Per�nit for the proposed constru�tion. Scconded by Councilman [3reider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. UNIO�' OIL COfiPANY, ZONIr�!G ORDIPtA�'CE Fl��iF�dD��1EhT Z�A �f75-06, 5695 HACKMANN AVENUE NE. MOTION by Councilman Star�•ralt to set tt�e Public Nearing for Rezoning for the �nion Oil Company for January 17, 1966. SeCOnded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion Carried unanimously. Mayor Nee asked the Public ldorks Directar if he could fill them in on the status as tar as the intersection is cc+��cerned. , , � _ _7 The Public l4orks Director explained ihe intersection is Flathatvay and Old Central. At this point, he said, ��re have approved throuc;h Council p�•eliminary plans for - s the Iiighway Department to procee<Is�ith the pre4�arations af final plans for the j intersection improvc�rent. Easicaily> it amou��ts to a realigning of existing curb __,; in front of Union Oil. �agethc,� witl� that �•re irtend to upgrade this section of tiathati�ray up through Polk to a SCate aid section. b!e intend to use State aid money and ►��ill not assess anyone alt>ng this area for tt�at improvcment. Mayor Nee asked if this S�rojnci. �r;, ; schcduled for next S�mimer. The Public Works Directa�• said the letting datr is t�ehruary of 197G, ai;d ���e hope it will be con- structed in 1976. fie said hc wr.ulci ai;o like to point o;at thaL this modification is in canjunction �vii:h the Urbanization of Cent��a] Avenue at 53rd. MOTION by Councilman St�irwait. to table Special Use Pf�rmit 1�75-0£3 �mti1 the coasideration of thc rezoninq. �econded b� f.ou„cilman f�reider. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, h'ayor Nee eieclarecl the uiotion car•ried unaniniously. �'' -� �+':� ii � REC,ULAR ME[TItdG OF DCC[P1f3[R 15, i975 PAG[ 7 �' . , .. ' ' � � i � ,� .:. ' ' _... �� ' ' RFSfJLUTIOIV 1;211 - C0�lSIDERATION OF APPkOV1�L OF RESOLltTIOPt '!?11 �PID 11�REEP1ENT f3ET�v�Cly CITY OF f(:IDI k;i AfrU iNEuCITY OF (,OOT! Rf,�'ID� I-OR COf1NL.CTIOf� 01lTU �RIDLFY'S SEIvLR P,f4[) 4lATER SYSiE�•1. �`---------------� —_____---_____�_, The Public Works Director explained that �:�e werc approached by Coon Rapids regarding a connection to City ser.er and �v�ter in the area of 3road Avenu� bei���een Kimball Street and Lafayeite Street. Coon Rapids has no faciiities doc•m in that area ar�d have �o ��]ans to exten� their facilities. They approached us t�rith the idea of allo;ii�^ th�ir resicients to hoo�: up to the City's facilities. This is the a9ree�rent befoi°: ,you on pa�c 5 of the l��eiida. It is S1Ril�dl" in scope to the one vre have cxistii�g t�ith tJe��� 3righton. h�cw Gric�hton resident:s alenq S1:inson 61vd. connect to fridiey utilities. 7hey �vill be charged norma7 cunnection fees and subsec�uently pay the norr;ial sevrer and ��aater rate tFiat Fridley residents pay in th�s nature. Mayor Nee asked how many residents ���ill be serviced, The Pub1 i c t•lorks Di rector r•epl i ed just one i,ew buL ti�ese lots are l arge and there is a potential of four to six depending on �vhat happens. F10TIOPt by Council�van;an Y.uko�•rsl;i to adont Resolu'ion :°-211 a�d Aoreemenc betwe�n Coon Ral�ids �nd Fridley for cornection onto Friuiey's sewer an; water syst^rs. Seconded b,Y Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all 'JOt111t7 aye, �:ayor Nee deciai°ed the motion cari,ied ur�animous7y. CO;VSIDER/1TION OF RESOLUTIO"�' ;�21?. REQUESTI�;G T�CIIt{ICnL f�ND EP1GIhEEP,ING ASSISTR��CE P,�tiD ----- -- - — APPROV/�L OF AGRECf�tEWT FOR TECI{(�ICAL �SSTSTAPiCE 41ITH MIhlNES07{i STAT[ HIGNtlAY DEPARTNEf;T � `- � The Public Works Director said this was an annual resol��tinr and agreement v�e are involved in �aii:h ttie I•1innesota Ili9htiay Depai°tr�ent. In ci7e ever,t we r�ould need io reguest techrr,cal assisiancz from Lhem, this would allaw us to do so. The City "ianager explained *_hat in the past ihe only time �•re e��er used their services was for traffic count, and thin�s of that nature. We nave not used ihem io any large extent, but it. is at least available �f we need it. MOTION by C,ounci7mar 6reider to adopt Resolution �;?_12 re�uesting technical and engineering assistance and approv��l of agre�ment for technical assisiance �,ith Minnesota State F{ighway Department. Secondetl by Couricil��!or�un Kuko<<�sl:i. llpon a vo:ce vote, all voting aye, f4a��or (�ee declared the motion carried unan?r�ously. ARPOIf�TP1ENT: (CITY EP1PLUYEE) t9CTI0Pd by Counc,ilman St�r�-�alt to concu�� �•ritF� the appointm�nt of Ron Holden as � Build�ing Inspection 01'fice� . Seconded by Council�vor.�an Kuk:�titi�sl;i. Upon a voice vote, a]1 voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared Lhe moiion carried unanimously. l�Ah1E POSITiON EFl=[CTIVE l),�TE SALIiRI' REPLAC�S Ron Ff�ld�n Q:�ilciing Inspeci;or• Decembei° 15, 1975 $1,OG2/�io. Clarence �elisle ' 5II20-'L'2 St. Officer Fridley, P1n. ' M.., . . ` �_� ., � , i� il I � , CLATP1S : Genei�al and Liquor 126�5 - 12831 MOTION by CounCll�ti'oman Y.ukowski to approve claims as subr.iii:ced. Secor,ded by. Councilman Starwalt. Upon a,�oice vote, ali voting aye, !�ayor P;ee declared the motion carried unaniirously. L10E�S�S: id07ICN by Courcil�•ioman I:ukrn•!s{:i t.o approve licens�s :�s on fiie in t:Le City Cier•ks Off9cc. Secnnded by Co�incilman Sta�°.valt, tl�nn a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared i.he motion carrieci ur��r�imously, t Y � { 4 i �: � �. � � ``.-, z ���a REGULAR t�lE[:TING OF DECEh1(3ER l5, 1975 ESTIMAT[S: Comstock & Davis, Inc. 1446 Cotu�ty Road "J" Minneapolis, i�linnesota 55432 PAGE 8 , FJNAL Estimate �2, for the furnishing of Professional ; Engineering Services for Planning and General Supervision of Sanitary Sewer, l�later and Storm set^jer lmprovement Project No. 117 $ 541,72 Smith, Juster, Feil:c�nan, Haskvitz and Casserly Builders Exchanpe Guildinq t�iinneapolis, tiinnesota 5540? for legal services rcndered b,y Carl PBewquist as Pirosecutor for month of �dovember, 1975 tv'ea•ver, Tuile & Herrick 316 �ast P1ain Street Ano4;a, t�lim�esota 55303 For leyal services rendered by Virgil Herrick City Ati.orney for month of November, 1975 Comstock & Davis, Inc. 1446 County ftoad "J" Minneapolis, r1innesota 55432 Fo�� titie furnishiny of resident inspection and resident supervision for i;h� staking cut of the construction vrork for the follo�,ring: Partial Estimate �112 for Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project No. 173 from October 27 th�°ough November 22, 1975 Partial Estimate n23 for Sanitary Se�ver, 4Jater and Storm Sewer ImF�rovement Project Ido. 11�1 fi-om October 27 throuc�h November 22, 1975 Partial Estimate �4 for Water, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Street Grading Improvement Project ��o. 117 from Oct:ober 27 tM-ougr� PJove,nber 22, 1975 $ 1,598.75 4I 1 $ 1,960.00 �: .. I $ 120.00 ' $ 297.35 $ 305.08 bi0TI0N by Councils�roman k:ukowski to aoprove estin�ates as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Starrialt. Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayor PJee declared the motion carried unanimous1y. DISCUSSION ON QUDGETS: Councilman Starwalt commented ►ie thouctLt.tlie staff had done a real fine job. He said his on1y concern �eas one si:atericnt, that t}�e revenue from fees and licenses is reducing, and m�,� r.ener<�1 feel�^�1 is> �Lould thnre be schedu1ed increases in fees and licenses anci should we uddress o�n°selves to that at some time. The Gity hlanao�r said that staff intends ta brinc� hefore the Cauncil sorie consideratiori of modification of fee� �ncf license;. tle explaired that annuaily ti•1e go over this item anr.l see s•�hat nt.li�r c�nm,unii:ies are ch<.irginc� and how we com- pare. If �ve are fallin9 bchind, �re n�odify und adjus� the fees. tde ini:end to do tftis. Sonte of the permit fecs ai�c clecre,.sir!�; an:i he said he would assume that is because of construction activit.y. 1�!e are•estin�aiin� a low activity so the projection of i•evenue is conservativc. Councilman Starwalt said his �nuiersi.anding �vas i:i„jt pci�inits and fees are not revenue in thc sense of profit-m.�l;inq, lt si7ouid baiance ofi` cu�• expenses. The City Mana9er saici this is true. l�le review �L ai�«u<tlly and if vrc are falling k�ehind we will come Uack to Che Coiar�cii and r�ejust the moclificY*ion. , .,) _ .� � � �-.� .z REGULAR MEETING OF DECEb1QER 15, 1975 PAGE 9 EXPENSE FUldDS: Councilman Starwalt said another item re9ardinc� funds iie requested which was tabied. He said he is requesting this be untabled tonight. I am requesting the sum ot $ZOO.GO out of pockeC costs in excess of �800.00 travel expense. Mayor Nee said that �aould be in order. Ne said it was the generai aqreem�nt that �•ae tivould reimburse this. Ne asked Co�mciln�an Star«alt to submit the bill and it svould be puC on the Ag2nda. � REPORT O;d CAT��: I�layor Nee said that since Mark Scatt was not presenL-, he G�rould try and sunnnarize what he tho�ght he �•�as going i:o say. His concern �ras that starting next ��eek GTV tvas going to start to put on the filters. Edith these filters the person ���ho wanied only the pay channel �aould get only the pay channel, and not the other channels. His concern was they ��ould get such a high i°eturn in the filters, ii; �,�ould pr°ejudice potentia] action t��hich wouid deny this. In other �;�o�°os, the attorney is no��r saying "is that a legal thing i�_ do". If the atto7�n�y says it is n�t ]egul under tPie franchise, then the compar,y ��rould be stucl: �-�ith their im�estment in filters. P1r. Scott raised the question, should they be alloi�red to do it. Mayor P�ee said he doesn't think we have the jurisdiction, but that is �vLat i�e wanted to talk about. I did not take the tin�e to explain the point of viei�i tn�t ��on�� t�iere getting serv�ce they were not payi ng foi°. ' Cour7cilman Starvralt said he felt GTV shou7d be put on notice that we expect the 5% from this o�her se�,vice. Counciiman �reider said there �is a coup]e of problems. First, if ��re require to _ supply both services, hovr many people tvi11 subscribe. Seems to me, he said, that • the fact they do I�ave the filters available ind-icates the fact some number of the cii:izens iike tne movie channel �ut do not li�:e botl� channels. If we make the `-' con�pany do both, we might have less subscribers rate because of the costs. On ihe other I�and, the k�hoie argument ce��ters around the 5i gross subscriber fee. If we es�aulish the point, even if the movie channel had 5% against ic, tivould soive a lot of o«r proble�ns as to whether or not �oth of them are hooked up. Mayor Nee said the,y are explaining this is our interesl:. Their interest is to make sure that the vrhole s,ystem provides a total co���+nunir_ation service. I am inclined to agree tivith ihe,n, Tf�e only justificaiion for thc system beinp in the public right-of-�•ray is that it provid�s communication service t� tne community. Their concern is the tendancy might be simply buying the paid channel and not providing tocal package. They say we are �OSlll(� 5% on the pay channel. 7he City Flttorney said he had a cauple of comme�it.s. He said he believes that what Councilttran Star�-,alt suggested ma}:es sense to him. Put them on notice. As of tPiis time, it is the Cit,y's position tl�at �f th�y subscribe to both services or Cincn�a 3 that they ai,e subscribers within the terms of the Ordinance and therefore, we expect 5i rate 4yi7� be paid. 7he other comment is, maybe if the concern is that the Company is ourchasing filters that are expensive, that concern is a little lat;e. They are already -� in the process of 1115id��711Cj them. Ne said he does not knoe� ho�a we could stop \ them lec�aliy �vitho«t a long dra�vn out court session. Secondly, it is a practical ti matter, it.is too late to prevent tliem fr�om purcl�asing this equinment. ;.�. Councilman Start�alt said he tvo�7d ag+�ee to listien to what they had to say. Councilman tlreider said he �•lou7d 7ike to take the opportunity to thank the Administrative Staff for a11 of their efforts, and especia7ly thank the menibers of thc Council for their patience in listening to ti•rhat he had to say. Counr.il�raman t:�,ko«ski reptied Chat i* h��s been a pleas��re w�rl:�n9 with Council- man Breider and tl�at sl�e has learned a lot being on the Council ►vith him. Counciln:�n Stai•ti��ali. Shc(I Ll�itt �1C felt ki;o��;inct Couc�ci?man Rreider on the Council certainly has permitied him to say that he has aclded Crenienc(ously to the City's �nethods Q{ (i07!lc� I>t1S111CSS. �._ . _ . . .. _ _ _ .__ .. _ _ __.. _. __.. _. _ _ _..... ..... . .. _._..... . __.�.__._ .... _. ...__ . _._ . , i . ,'�..^� 2•�2 � REGULAR ME[TING OF DEC[hi�ER 15, 1975 Councilman Starwalt said that the Council will miss Councilman 6reider. , ADJOURNtM1ENT : MOTIOIQ by Councilman [3reider to adjourn the meetii}g. Seconded by Cou+icilt•aoma Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, hlayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously, and the Regular ldeeting of the fridley City Council adjourned at 9:25 P.PL Respectfully submitted, Helen Fagin Secretar;f to the Council Date Approved: •V 4Jilliam J. Nee Mayor ., �� i t � � ► PAGE 10 ° 4 � � i r . � � , � ; , �. ; i n .4 i � ; '' � � , i i i 1 ' � i � j � ; �� I _ . i ' ! � __l i , . � � � ; , a._� i � �1 . Ili , .' � ' � � � , i , i � ' .. , ' � ` ' i ' \ ORUIWANCC N0. � I�.N ORO1N/!NC� ESTA!�LISIiING CI(APT�R 6 OF THE fRIDLEY CITY CODE PERTAINING TO CFRTAIN COhV�iISS]QtdS FOR THE CITY Of" FRIDLEY, MItJNESOTA CONSIST!hG � Or TIIE FOLLOWIP;G: PL!1NP�1NU CObih1ISSI0td, PARKS FitdD RECR[ATION COhih1ISSI0N, ENVIRO?�f�tEt41�AL Q��I�L.?TY CCP�(r�IS5;0�l, hU�;�M RESOURC[S COt�I��!ISSIQN, APPEALS COP1�''1ISSI0�1 AND CG�1t�lUf�ITY DEVEIOPi•i[:idT COM"•tISSIOPl; /�f�D k[F[ALIfvG CI�APTERS N0. 101, 121, 201, 222, 21G, AND SECTIUtv ?.05.18. The City of Fridley does ordain as follows: ; , SECTION 6.0] PLAtdNI��G COhitr?ISSION � � . 6.011 � Titie ' - There is hereby created a Plannirig Comnission.for the City of Fridley, 7ITLk � t�(innesota. . 6�.012 { Pur ose � � � The Planning Conmission is established to prOmote the systematic PURf'OSf and con�inuing application of oryanized I:no�vledoe and foresi9ht in . the pursuit �f r,learly defined and properly related goals and ob- . jectives in �rder to creal:e an increasingly bettr,r, more hea.lthfi�l, COnVCr�ienL, efficient and attractive em�ir-onment. 6_G i 3' Sco� . . . . . -• The Piannir�g Com;nissic�r stiall serve ii� an advisor,Y capaciLy to the SCePE � . Gi1:y Cauncii. PrvbiEms sha11 t�e referr�d te t���e Planning' Con�mission by tiie Cii;y Gouncil, C7i.:y A4filililSi:idi'ibtl ar Chairmen of the member co�rgnissions, �u-,d ma�� be assic�nc�ci io thc� ��en�Ler conimissioris fcr detaile+� study and recomrendations es rec;uired. A11 recUnmiendations . hy the I�lar�ni��g f..onmiission sltiall be m�de to thc Giiy Council. 7h� Planning C.ommission is cPi�ryed Hi2P� responsibility for conCinu- � OtlS cor�mur�-�i:y }�ia.n��ing dll� �c�'c;�G}�ti��iii. GT CUfll�il'�hensive gaals and � ,�oiticies, �inc.lucling but n�t limi�ec tc?, land use, housiny, environ-. , , menf;parks ar,d recreation, ruh;•�c serv�ic�s, human resuurces, and . Uther• rel atec� co�nmuni ty aci:; v i L: es. � The. Piannin� Co�zi^�ts;;o» sha11 a�lvise the City Cauncil in the develop� . • rt�er�t ofi prugr�uns to g�ve incrc:�ased eifeci9ti�eness ar,d d9�ection in - ' impiemenfii;ig esi:ablish�d Cit:y goals, policics and irame�ao� k and recommencl actior�s neede�i ta carry out plar�ning responsib9li�y. �,,��g___'t�lembershi� Planniny Cori.mission_ , The Piannin, Coau7ission shall cansist of the Planning Commission MEMBERSFiIP • Chair���an, iFie Chairman a� itie Cou,mu,iity Developn�ent Comrnission, ti�e �hzirir.an af ;.he Par6:s a��d f:ecreation Con��nission, the Chairman of t.he Appeals Ccmmissicn, the Chain�ian of the Environmental Quaiity , �UFfETIjSS:o� and the Chairai%,n or' ti�e }iumar Resources Comnissian, . 'Ihe �4��irman of the Planniiig Co��nission shall be appointed by the . f.7i:y Go�rr?cil co serve for a th;-ee year Lerm as a voting member of ' . 4he Cc+r�nissicn. - fif�� P12!7it?ClCj CO,i'.'ii2oSlGn ;:�cu��ers ser��e as Cf�airmerr of tihe mcmt�er . Commitsions and ure �:E:p,-�inte<i accc,r-�)in3 to provi,ions outlined in the ' O��dinunce es��tibiish�ng ^acli ef tf�e r.;err:ber co�tmissions. . . � 7i�e Planning Co�.ri�:, �on �.f���l l e��ct� year, fro:�t their own numbers, chose . a Vice-•Chairmaro. (;t �ny .!ie.e*..rn^ ta` thc rianning Commission, if the , � regular Chairman is unaU�e i;; a4cen�. the Vice-Chairman shall act � �n %��:s place. • � � ._.-• ' . . �. . ... ... .. _ . . . .. _ _ . ...... .. .. .......... _ _.,�,,..� .� �, � ,�,�-� _ , � � . ' Ol•dinance Pla. S�CT10N 6.02 C��ih;ISSIO�VS CE�EA7CD Page.2 � Fl � There is hereby created the follo�,�ri��g additional Commissioris for the COI4MIS5IOy � City of Fridley. These Cammissior.s shall be known as: TITLES II� j� . ..:�,'� .�. Parks and Recreai:ion Commission Environ��ental Q:�ality Co��issior. � � • ' Numan Resources Corrm�ission ' ��'"�� � � Appeals� Comrrirssion � � Com�nunity Development Commissian � ' , � � � � � 0 SECTI�N 6.03 MEh18ERSf;IP OF GOt•1MISSIQPaS Each Cor�mission �hall consist of five Fri:fley residents, apAointed by Ci ty Counr.i l. 7he Co7unission Chairmen shal] be e]ected by the Conunission member- ship and shall also serve as a member of the Planning Comn+ission. fhe Co,�mission members sha)1 be appointed by the City Council for three year terms, except the City Council shall stagger the appoint- ments �o that the terms of no more than two n��embers.>hall expire in any one year. Attempt shal; be made to have a7i Cit:y ;•iards represented on the Commissions. Upor f:he expiration u� their terms uf office, members shall contin�e to serve untii their successnr shali.have been apE•:inted, The Commissians sha17 each year, from their own numbers, choose a Chai►�man and Vice Chairman. At any meeting of the Commissions, if fih� regu7ar Chairnian is una!~ie to attend, the Vice Chairr,�an sha11 act in his �lace. SECTIQt�I6.04 VACP,NCY Mr��BERSH I P Commission members may resign or be rem�ved i°rom office by a UACANCY ' ma�ority vote of the City Councif. The Comrnissian member appointed to fill any vacancy shaii serve fcr i:he remainder of the vacated term, . . Sf_CTIQN 6.05 ORGA�I7_ATION 0�= THE COFiMiSS_'J!�S � A. Follovring the a.ppointmer.t of inembership, �acr of l;he (;omm7ssions shail , r�eet, oryanize anci elect any ofricers, as it deems desiru��le. OR6ANIZATIOf� ' E�:: Adopt rutes for its ;nee�:ir�gs and the transaction af its business, . in orde��� to fulfiill �he responsit�iiities af tl�e Coa�mission. C:.: ihe Cha.irman shaii assure the fuifillmant of thz following responsibilities: q;., Call and preside ove� meetings a�' ihe Co�n�nission. • � 2. �lppear or appoint a representative i:o a�pear, ii' deemed necessary befor•e the Ci±y Council ar any Cit.y Coir;,�iission per- taining to matters 4��ith;n th� sccpe af ttie C�,nr,lissi�n. • '�i• Provic�e liaisen t�riti� other goverrm�ental and citizLns' groups }�ertaininc� to rnatters i,rithin the scope of the Conumission for ihe purpese o� i�r�eiy.and r-elev�nt irtFarmatioa for eonsideration _. _ ,.. _ . by i:he CLmmi�s�on� - _ . _ _ _ . :__ __ _.. _ SEGTION 6.06 ADidIh�TSTRIITIUE S'fAF�' � . The City Manager shall assiyri one riember of the Administrative Staff . ADi�IINISTRATIV to serve as sec:retary i:o each f,os;n���ssin;�. The secretary shal i STAFF perform oniy such cleri.r,al duties an hehalf of a Commission as may be assi yned by the C,hai rrna�� and 1•ri t'ri the cor�sent of the Ci ty biar.ager. Additionai a'ov�sor.y sta�f sliall be assigned to the Cammissions by the City t•tanager �•ritl�in the restrainis of 4he adopted general fund budget. Ac6ainistrat:vc S�aff sh�ll be lin�ited to Coirmission leve� un]ess specifica�ly a�proved by the City Council. ...._ ..... _�_. _.. . _. . .. . . ,_ _ , . . , . _. _.,, , __... ..: .. .... _ .... ........ ......., .: _,,. ..�...,...._.......,, �,.�,n,..�--°!?""-r ; ! � . � �- � � �1 � � � � � � � � � � . � � ' � '. � � ,� � � ' � ' .._-- � \ Ordinance No. ' Page 3 1 � SECTION 6.07 P20�EC7 COt•1M1T7EES Yhe Commissions may establish special prc�ject committees ta further PP.OJECT the objectives of the Corr,missions and provide for greater citizen ' COi�1�lITTEES pol"�1C1�3t1Gti. Such project con�.�iittees shall Ue appointed by a 1 Commission for special projects and s�iall cease L� e:�ist ti�r'�en th�ir � activiiies are completed. The qualifications for merrbership, compo- sition anc� dut,ies of such project corunittces shall be at the dis- cretion of tha Commission. 7he project committee ��ia shall) be chaired % by a mzmber of the Corrunission, and at least one rnember ofthe commission shall { act as a liaison for each pro,ject coii�mittee. SECTION 6.QII COh1PENSATTON The members of the Commissions shall serve without pay, but may be COMPENS,4TION - t^eimbursed for actual expenses if funds iherefore are provided in the adopted genreal fund budget. SECTION 6.04 REPORTS The'Commissions shall make such� reparts as request.ed by the City REPOR7S Council or Planning Commission. .. - . . SEC7ION 6.1Q htEETI��6S Ideetings shall be called by the Cha.irmer and shal7 be held as MEE7IPJGS neeessary to fulfill the responsibilities of tf��e Commissions. A11 meetings of the Commissions shall be open to Lhe pub7ic. Minutes sha11 be k�pt of a11 me�tinys. Finc�ings and recomrr�enc�ations shail be transmitied by the Com��ission Chairm2n to the Planning � Commission and from the Planning Co�un�ission to the Ciiy Council. SEC7ION 6.11 PARYS AND RECREATION COD1'�ISSi�N . .. 6.111 Purpose � The Parks and Recreation Comnission is established to prnmatQ the AURPOSE systematic comprehensive development of park�facilities and recre- . ational activities necessary for i11e {�hysical, mental, emoticnal, , moral health and taell oeing of the residenis of tije City �f Frid�ey, 6.112 Scope . . The Parks and Recreation Co�^mission shali act as a�t advisory SCE�PE �� � cammission to the f'lanning Commissivn for c a��irE��ous community � �planning and deveie�pneni o�- coinprcnensive g�als and policies. R�iy � • change in related community planniny and comprenens�ve Ciiy yaals artd palicies musi oe re��ietided by the Plartrrirg �ommis�ion ��ho �vi11 then make recommendations to tlie City Council. . - The Parks and Recreation Corr,mission sijall advisz tne City Coancil, aTier a�olScy revie��r by the Plann;ing Commission, in tiie ile��eiopment of programs to give increased effe��tivene�s'and �lirection in iriple- . a�enting established City goals, policies ar�d trarae;�rork, nnd recomtaend . actions as needed to provide park anci recreational opportunities. 6.313 Program . 1}�e Commission sF�ail each year, prior io June l, r•PCOmmend a caaitaa. PitOGh�;�,; ' improvements proyram for parks improvenent and aco,uisii-fion and for � �uf�lic recreation activities for thE ensuing year. - :-� : . G.114 Funds , . . For the purpose.of financing the parks and recreation program authorized by this chapter, the acco�nting shall be the responsi- bility of the treasurer of the City. '1he Commission sh.a71 be �iu4ho- rized to establish charges or fces for the restricted use of any facility or Lo rriake any phase of the recreation proyram wholly or Partially self-su;taining. Any cmpioyees who handle cash in the process of collection shall be bonded. . FUt�DS , .. .. .-- .r._. _•..._ •_�... _._� �_.,,� .1 1. � - i � � � � � � �� ., � , ,►. Urdinance tVO. — �a�� S£CTION 6.12 ENVIROyMENTAL QUALITY COP4MlSSIQN i C ; 5.121 Purpose 7he Commission is estab7ished to stimutate interest in, and to promote an awareness of� environntental concern5 ar�or,g citizens of the City of Fridlcy; to serv� as resource a�ency t:o the City on • matters renarding the envirar.ment, includin9 inform�*ion on environ- mental problems, latrs, policies and reguTations of th� county, metropolitan, state and federal ievels to the extent of their effect on Fridley; and to advise the City Council, the City �4anager and otf�er appropriate City commissions on matters pertaining to the niainte�iance or improvment of the environment, including the review and recommendation of progt•a�ns and policies within the City. G.12z scope The Er�vironmental Quality Commission shal] act as an advisory Com- mission to the Planning Conmission fur continuous community planning and deve7opment of the compr�hensive City goa]s and policies. Any change in related community planning Lnd comprenensive City goals and policies must be reviewed by th� Plannirg Commissior who tia�ill then make rec�m�endations to the City Council. The Environmen±at Quality Corrimission sha71 advise ihc Cit,y Council, after a poiicy revie�a by the P)an;iin� Commission, in tne develop- ment of proyram� tu give increased effectiveness ar.d direc�ion in implementing esi:ablishEd Ciiy goais, puiicies and frame�York 3nd recerr,mend actions as needed relevanl: to the environrnent. SECTZOt� 6.13 NUh1AN RES�URCES COMi+iISSION • 6.131 Purpcse � � • '_ The purpose af the Commission is ta promoi:e ir�tensified communi- cation and pr�tection of just and equit��b7e rights among a1T resi- -�ients oi the co�r�raunity; to promote•harmonious xelationships among � peop7e of all races, religions, �ihnic groups,'social/economic Status, ages, gender, physical, mentai and emotiona?..disabilities • and divers� iife sty;es; to proriote understanding a�1d �qua7 oppor- 'tun�ty in empioyment, hausing, pub�ic aceommodations, and �ublir., culturai and educa�ional servSces; and fuil pariicipation in the at`fairs of the Cit; oF,Fridley. ., •. PURPOSE ; ; ' i 2 SCOPE PURPOS� G.132 Sco�e ''�he ti+.�man P.�sources Commission sha71 act as an advisory C�mmiss;on SCOPE � to Lhe Planriing Con;missian -For continuaus c�nmunity planning and . development of c�mprel�ensive City goais and policies. Rny change • . in related cammuni*y pla�ning and conprehensive Cit;� yoals and policies must be revi�a+ed bY the � 7anniny Coir,mission ���ho will then 'make recommendations tot}�e 4ity Councii. . "She f3uman Resources Commission shall advise the Cit;� Council, after a po7icy revier� by tiie Planning Commission, in tn� develop- . ment of pro�rams to yive �increased effectiveness and direciion in � implementing esta6lished Cit;� goals and policies and recommend actions as ��eded ta provid� equal apportunity in the co��nunity. SEC710N 5. 2�'r APPEALS C�i ih1IS5TON , . — -- - \ 6.14i Titl� _ . . The Cour�ci"I h�reby creates an Apaeals Commission to serve as the . FSU�trd of,P,ppezls ;:��� r{�ijustr;pr�ts and to e�ercise ail authority � an�J p�rform all �ur?ctions ot said �oard pursuant to ldinnesota 5tatutes 462.35I to 462•364. . • � 7ITl.E � � I � I� / � � r . � 0 � . . . . . . _-. � � 1 . � . _� . � , . � • \ � � � II� � ' ' � __;, __ _.� • . Or•dinance No.� � • � Pa9� � 6.1A2 Purpose The Appeals Commission is established to provide a process by 4rhich • the public may appeal i:he 7iteral provisions of the zoning ordinance, . Siyn ordiannce and building rode; for reasons of exceptional circum- • stances t�;hen stricti enforcement wauld cause undue har�ship and strict confornity of the standards ti��ould be unrNasonable and impractical or • not feasible under the circumsta!�ces. . 6.143 Scope , A. The Appeals Cammission sha17 act as an advisory Commission ' to the Planning Commission for con*inuous community planning _ and development of the e�mprehensive Ci±y goals and poiicies. Any change in related co��muniiy plannin� and comprehensive City goals and policies �nust be reviet�red by the Planning Commission who will then make recommendations to the City Council. B, The Commission shall have the pr,wer and duty of hearing and recommending to tne_City C�un�il, after a policy review by the ' Planning Commission, as herein provided, appea7s or requests in �'tne following cases: i. Appeals wher�e it is a77eged tha�E; there is an error in any order, requiremer.t,_decision, or dete��mination made by an adrnin�istrative off�icer in Lhe enfarcement of the zar.ing Ordinance, sic�n ar�inan;:e or of the State Building Code.. 7_. Requests fur v�,ri�nces fron� t�e iii;er�ai provisions of the zoning ordinance, siyn oru;nance ur of ±ha State Quilding Code in instances ti•rhere strict enf�rcEireni ���ould cause undue � hardship because of cir•cumstances un�quu to the individuai property under consi�eral:ion. , ' _ � 1D PURPOSE iI . • .I SCOPE ��I C. In recommending or approving a variance, subject to the conditions of Section-6.1a6 the Commissio�� and the Cauncii may �mpose r.onditiens o ensure compliance and to prcteci adjacent pr,o�ert��es. 6.144 Petition by Owner R. Appeals from Decision of Zoniny Administrato7- At.any time within thirt-y days, any property owner who deems PETITIUN himself aggri^ved by an alieged er.�or in any order, reauirement, BY U1dNf:R decision or determination madt by an adm�nistrative offiicer in ti�e . enforcenent of this r.hapter:ahich affects his property, may appea? to the Commission by filing a writter appeal w2th the �ity Manager. � The appeal shall fully state the order appealed from the facts of the matter, and also the m�iling address of tl�e ownei�. B. Request for Variances _ The Gommission may recor�mend variances from the strict appli- VARiANGES cation of the provision or" this chapter• and im�ose ronditions and safe�uards in �he Lar~iar�ces se grant�d �n cases where there are pract�cal difficulties ar parl:icular hardships preven:ing the si.rict application of the regulations af tnis chapter. An appli- catinn far o variance �nali �e filed with the zoning administrator dnd sha11 state the exceptianal conditions and the peculiar and practical difficulties claimed as a bas�s for a variance. .� ! r� . 1 � . � � . � � � ' �� � Ordinance No. ___ Page 6 �, r 6.145 Reconm�en�ation b APpe��ls Comanission — 4Jitl�in t:hir±y d�.ys (�Oj af;.er fiiling an a{�peal from an Udr�inis- REC�I4MEP�- tra*,.ive order or dc�1:8r�Illl18t:7t3i'�, or re.uest for variance, the Commission Ur1T;0,V 6Y � � shall set. a date for� hearin9 thereon and sha]1 hear' such persons as APFEA�� wani to be hearrl, tither in person or by ayent or attorney. Notice of COhU�1ISSI0N sucl� hearing �hall ��e ma�iled not less than ten (l0) days before the date of hearing to theperson �r persons who file the appeal, and to ali adZacen�roper•_t� orrners witfiin i 2G0 fcot distanre of tl�e renuested variance location. 4lithin a reasori<-;ble ti;i�e, after the lieariny, th� � p eap 1s Co�rm�issior� shall make its recommendations or approvals , sub�ect to cor�ditions of �ection 6.146, and forward a copy of such recommendation or approval to the L'ity Courcil thrwgh the Planni�zg Commission. ' _-_.- ` • . \ ' 6.146 Variances in R-1 Zoning In residential��t_1_Zonin�c�areas_the APEeals has the authority to a rove variances wlfen al1 the conditions are met: ssian R-2 ZONING ��ii n POL I CY A: There is unanimous agreement of the Appeals Commiss;on. B. The staff cos�curs with the recommenda%ion ef the A�peals Commissior. C. The ey neral_ ubp lic ai:te��din�the n�eetina or respunding to . the notice o` Gublic hear�ng, have no objection. D. The Fetitioner is in ac�reemen� with the recommendation. :he above ccnciitions are not met, the varianc� request mu�t be >led iiirouc�h t4he normal variance �ruc2dure for fina] anproval� the :fluncil, wiLh a policy ravie4r by t;he P�anning Coininiss?osi 6.14% Record of Actian Taken _ ihe Appea�s Commission shall provide for a record oi its proceedings which shall include the minutes of its meeting, �ts findinys and the recommendation or ap�roval on each matter heard by it, subject to the conditions of Sectior� 6.1a6. � The Commission recommendation or approval shall be in writing and shali contain a findin of fact as to: � R. The public pol�cy which is served b�the re u�q 'rement. - 6. The �ractical difficulties or uninue circumstances of the prapertV that cause undue }-;ardsf�ip ir7 the st:rict app�icatian f th^ re ui re��7c>.� � RECORD -0F ACTI�N TAKEN `� ___q_ G. Any condit3ons that ai:tach to the varia�ce�.� G.1�£� 'Action or tt-��: Counc�3 7lr� 4a�3�aci1 sl�:�li at it; next re���?ar meeting after r�r�;��;r;� �t.�,e acrro�r 0� ��c�nri�nclation of th� t1p,r,ea?s C�ii•,�71155�0�1 1•:ith a pciic,y� revie!•r �; the Ti:'� CGJi;�I h�i.l"u�ill� Ci%ffi115S1Cii� :iCC3GC 0�� t�li. i:C�1C•' t0 t�@ �3�:C'fl. . 6:i�t9 ' L���sc oF Variance };y� Faon_use . ' .' � ,______ � , 1�lheneve.r rri thi n one {? ) year after 9ranting a va��iance, the r�- LAPS� ' Cipieni: uf tl;e va�'it�rece sh«11 :�o':, fia��e CC���7L'CCCI L��e t�ori: as p°r- CF 1`hi'.1;',i;C tni tteJ U,y the vari �.rtc:� ,. t.i�e;�� sud� t�ar�i ance sl�a� ] l�ecamc ztui 1 and •61' hiUi�-U::E. ��oid unl�:ss a peti{:i0;t fn;- extcris�ian of time in �ahicli to cc>m�lrte tfuc b•tor{; tias been c�ra�1(cd t;y �;�:c Co�;caissian. Sucn extens�ic�n s!�ail ' be re��ucsi��d in t�rit�,�g ai�:i filed ��rit.h t4�e Ci1.y hic;nagcr at �ie.,st • $Q•�£�ly �CO} �oys b�:�c�r�� tlr� ��r.pi�•ii:ior; of ti�e ori=finai variar,ce. 't�he rc�:�uc:sL for ext��n�>�cn si:al i st;�te fact�- �:hc,tiainq a yac�d f��itli_ �t�":E:il?j)i t:0 C0:1)l:iC�:C C�1C i�U1'k ��('Ii!i'it�:��C� .111 Z:�ti'. Ydl'li1pCC. .�it1C�.1 �•^_�l�lOfl ;shail be presenC�u Co il�e ll�irrri� Con�n�is�ion fon c��urin�� t�nd dccision , tn Lhe saiue i,�a��rie�• as ttic ori�inz�l rcc;uest fur variarcc. . � - , _ . _ . ... _ :.__ . . . . _ . .. .._._ . . . .._ .. � .,. .._. _��,K�.. � � Ordinance No. Page 1 1 f= . . : . :: t, � ' • . . , , 5CC1'IOt� G.15 COi���,Usr'ITY QEVELOf%i�tE��T COiii�tISSION �� •. G�151 Pu�osP_ . . . �7he Cammunity [?�_veloFm�nt Co;;�mission is established i;o �romote flURPOSC and maintain fiigh quality co�m�ifi;iCy �tai�claa•cis to ensui•e a��rtll tal- . . !. • c�nced and orderly developr;ent, rehabilitation and redevelop;nent of � the City of fl-idley; includii,g, but not limiied Lo economic devclop- � � ment, industrial and com;nercial developrient, housing, transportation , • scrvices, pi�blic u��lities, com�umity �levelop:nent projects, and other relatcd development act�vities. . � � • G.152_ Scope � � . . ' � . � �� .The Com�nunit:y Devel�pm�r,t Co; �;issian shall act as an advisory Com- SCOPE , mis�ion t:a th� F'lanni��g C�mmission for continuo.is co^�m�mitiy plunning • and dev�'iep.nen�:'of the cor;pre���nsive C�ty �oals aild pol9c9•�s. ' - - ilny c.hange i n rcl ��Led co:�r,Uni t_/ ��l anni ny a;�d co:n�rehensi ve Ci ty • '. gc,als Gnd p�licies musi� be revie��ed by the Planning Co�nmission �vho . � � ' �•llZ� then make reco;rmeiidations ta the City Council. .. �• . � . The Cotnmuni �y Develop:nr:nt Co:f�mission shail advise the City Council, � ' �fter a policy rev�etd by t}�e Planrririg Con,•,ission, in th� e!evelopment �•. • �. of pr.�gran�s �u give irc•reased efi�ect.iveness �:nd diraction in imple- . .� merrting es�c�bl�izhed City resils, policies a:�d framework, and reco�rm�nd � actions a, nee�ed relev4ni: t�ine ohysica; developmenC of i:ne G�i�y. � , , • � . .: . SECI'ION n.1G Reneal . . � . - . . . . . ' The foilo�-ring Cha.pters and Section or" the F'ridley City.Coue are �REPEAL - hereL�y repeaied: '. • • � _ _ _ . _. Ghapl;er ?_Ol (Planning Commission) Chapter 101 (ParE;s ai:d t:ecreation Commission) Chapter ?'L1 (Envirotimental Qual.i�y Commission) ' • Chapter 122 (Fiun;an Resourccs Con;mission) � Chapter 216.!CcT��i�.:nity DeveTopmeni Commission) • � Sec.tion ?.(�,.18 (Qoard of Appeals and Variances) A�0°TFD B1' TNE CITY COUNCIL OF 7NE CITY OF �'RIDLEY THTS • � D�"1Y OF � 197s. . .... � ` Fubli.c Hearing: December 8, 1975 \ 3�irst Rcading: Decemlicr-13--1�3T5-- &econd Rcading: � Publish........ YOR - 4JILLIAh1 J. (vEE �t � "� ORDINANCE N�. AN flR[IINA�lCE TQ /�hiEND THE CITY C��JE OF THE CTTY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA BY MAKI�lG t� CHANGE IN ZONING DISTRIC7S The Council of the City o� Fridley do ordain as follows: ISE�TIUN �. Appendix D of the Ci1:y Code �f Fridley is amended as hereir�after indicated. SECTIOtJ 2. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Frid?ey and described as: The Soutnerly 132 feet of the Westerly 267 feet of L�t l�, Auditor's Subdivisi��►� Na. 129, l,ying in the �i�rth Half of Section 12, T-30, R-24, City of Fri d? e�/ 9 roGn±y of Anoka ;���i nnesc�t� . Is her�by dpsignated to be in the Zcned D�strict known as R-2. (two r"ami�y dwellinr� areasj. It is the inz�rt of this ordinar�ce to rezone all that part af Lat i4 not zoned R--1 (single family dwelling areas) to R-•2 (two family dwellin� areas}. SEC7IOPd 3. That the Zoning Administra��r �s d�rected to c"ange tt�e official zoning map to sha�•r saic+ t►°�ct or arFa to be rEZOned fron� Zoned District C-1� (lacal sno�ping areas) to R-2 (two famiiy dv;elling areas). PASSED BY THE CITY CCUNCIL �� THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TNIS DAY OF ATTEST: 1Q75. CITY CLERlC - �arvin C. Brur�seli Pul�l i c Hear•i nr : Nov��nber ��, ��7� F�ii°st �eading: November �.7, 1975 S�can� Reading: Publish........ �� 1 MAYOR - wIL.LIAM J. f�tE 2 I� �` : � � j, �.'! � � � � , 1 �- � � �lanning Co�nmission Meetin October 8, 1975 � "��" '�age�� " and the a'Iternates, ar�d Mr. Hagen kept saying that he did, but he still didn't want ihe pro�erty rezoned �to�anything but R-1. Mr. (lagen asked th� Planning Commission that if the neighborhood got together and could negotiate the �urchase of this property, if they could then request that it be rezoned to R-1. Mr. Harris said that they could, in tha�: event. Mr. Hagen said he was disap�eini:ed that the other people whr� si�ned the p2titien were not present at this meeting. They had said they wouid be here. � Mr. Olmstead said he had talked ta t{�e people who owned the residential property closest to the property hn wanted i.o rezone. He said he didn't hear about any opposition, they just li.stened and didn'� give much response. P�r. Drigans asked Mr. Hagen and Mr. �Jlr�st°au ti�rhat they thought the value of • their property would be valuec! at by the tax assessor. f�ir. Hagen said the value of the homes as given by the assessor's office would be arou��d $28,000. Mr. Olmstead said he didn't know i��hat value the tax assessor ��ould put on tre doubie bungalow, but it would ccst abo.�t �53,000 to�build and the owner would live in one unit. Mr. Drigans said he didri'i feel that th�is tiFrould be detrimentai to tf�e resideni:ial area.. and might b� more of an improvement. N'i�°. Nagen said he had no doubt. that-these would be fine doubie bungalows,_but single family hor;�es would be firer. NIOfiION by Ber_�man, seconded b� Scott that the Planning Commission cl.ose the Public Hearing on xezoning request, ZOA #75-05, by Rol�ert 0lmstean'. Up�n a yoice vote, �I.i voting aye, Chairmar� Harris declared the Public Hearin_q closed at 10:20 P.M. MOTION by Bergman, seconded by Driy�ans, that the P.Zanning Commission recommer.d to Council app.rova7 of the rezoning request; ZOA #75-05, by Rob�rt Olmstead, to rezone from C-1S (1oca1 shoppiiig areas) to R-2 (`tt,�c� family dwellinr areas) ,%vt Z4, Audi.tor's Subdivision No. 129, e;�r:ept the East 225 Leet, �,eing that part of Lot Z4 not zoned R-1 (single family dwelliny arcas) generally Iocated at Fzreside Drive :��.E. and Central r'�venue N.F,, with t1�e stipulation that the old p�_aro si.ore Zocated on Parcel 920, and addresscd at 7451 Central Avenue N.F., �ae rem�ved befoze the second xeading of the ordinance on th.is rezcring. Upon a voice vote, az1 voting aye, the motion carriec� uz�animous_7 y : 3. LOT SPLIT RE�UESI": �..S��08�BY ROBERT OLhSSI"EnD: To split off Lot 14, Aud7tor's Subdivisicn ��y�°<°�2-9;'exce��t the East' 2i3 feet, into th�r�e huilding sites, Parceis 920, 925 and 930, i,ne same becoming the first: three lots on the North side of Fireside Drive N.E. off Central Avenu� f�.E. Mr. Narr�s sa�d -this had b`en d�scuss�d during the Rublic Hearir�g on rezoning. MOTIUN by Drigar�s, seconded hy Ber�man, that the Plannsng Commission recommend to Coun_r_.i1. a��pr.oval. of the Iot spZit requESt, .T,.S. #75-Ot3, by �io:oez•t OLnsteaa', �u split oft Lot 14, Auditor`s SL1��1V1S.1017 Nv. 1?_9, er.c�pt the East 27.� feet, .zni:o three building sites, Parcels 920,'9'l5, and 93U, the same becnmi.rtg the first three _lots on the North side o� F.zreside Urive N.�. off_ Ceni�ral Avenue N.L. Upon a voice vote, a11 vatinc� a��, the motion carried unanimously. ' Chairman Harris declare�+ a recess of �he i'ianni��g Contmission meeting at 10:35 F,M. � and reconvened the n�eeting at 10:50 P.M. �� 4. � CONTINUED: RF1�'�Et�J UF pRpPO;FD L;UNK VE1�IC!_r ORf�1Nr'INCc, SECTION T23 I I� r+:� S�nN 7�n.a � [n im.a caw n.• `�\ ' L. � ��� �� F I 11n �� I �. « I �ot�t r'I�«v �. � M w, c.m„ J � eF� Y:�.: � �' }!� � w; . _.ZOA #75-05, Robert Olmstead " -- -p_'' - ._.. � hz ��beloR«M—= .�0'y,nq -� 1 � F . 6 � r• i �_��,.,� ^., _' ..... 1 . . (;IiY M T�) � •�� � l� � .�/� �, 'Y'f`i�'A1(N[a'�T i /� t a 0(�CR65T� � :itxif� \ \ 7. z �'rsfwl.�I.� ! 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SUBJECT: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES FOR 1 THE CITY OF FRIDLEY AND OFFICIAL DEFOSFTORIES DATE: DECEt!JBER 19, 1�975 ' � The atiached resolution accornplishes two purposes. It sets forth � the names of the persons authorized and requi red to si gn checks of t{ie City, and it names official City depository for general � �anking and also for investment purposes. � The City Ci�arter calls for a71 checks to be signed by the Clerk/ Treasurer and the City Manager. This resolution would name the ' Fridley State Bank as the official depository for all funds for ' the City, and authorizes the City to use any bank or savings and loan as depository for :�nvestment purposes; A11 City deposi#:s, - - ' whether in the forrn of checking accounts, savings accounts or certificates of deposit, must by law, be backed by 100°� collatera]-. -- � _ _ , Such co]lateral takes the form of pledges of designated securities � to our account by the:t�anks involved. MCB:sh _ '- .. 1 i . _ . . _. �� � 1. ;i �� RESOLUTION N0. 1976 3 A ' � .' , � , A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY A��D QFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES I, Marvin C. Brunsell, do hereby certify that I am Clerk-Treasurer of the City of�Fridley, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and that the following is a true, complete and correct copy of resolutions adopted at a meeting of the Council of said corporation duly and properly called and held on the day of , 1976; that a quorum was present at said meeting; that said resoTutions are set forth' in the minutes of said meeting and have not been rescinded or modified. RESOLVED, That the Fridley State Sank is hereby designated as a depository for the funds of this corporation. RESOLVED FURTHER, ihat checks, drafts or other withdrawal orders issued against the funds of_this corporation on deposit with said Bank may be signed by any two of the �soliowing: Marvin C. Brunsell, Clerk-Treasurer Nasim M. Qureshi, City Manager , and said Bank is hereby fu11y authorited to pay and charge to the account of this corporation any checks, drafts or other withdrawal orders. � RESOLVED FURTHER, That all transactions, if any, in respect to any deposits, withdrawals, rediscounts and borrowings by or in behalf of this corporation with said Bank prior to the adoption of this resolution be and the same hereby are in all things rati�ied, approved and confirmed. � BE IT FUR1'HER RESOLVED, That any Bank or Savings and Loan may be used as depositories for investment purposes. I further certify that the Council of this corporation has, and at the tlme ' of adoption of said resolution had, full power and lawful authority to adopt the foregoing resolutions and ta confer the povrers therein granted to the persons named who have ful] power and lawful authority to exercise the same. ■ . i:' I ' I � PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF fRIDLEY THIS DAY OF ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL , 1976. NIAYOR - WiLLiAM J. NEE � CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMORANDUM T0: NASIP9 M. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, AivD CITY COUNCIL FROP�: MARIIIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR./FIN. DIR. SUBJECT: RESOLUTIOiV DESIGNATING TIME A�JD NUPIBER OF COU��CIL MEETINGS DATE : DECEMBER 19, 1975 The attached resolution would set the regular Council meetings for the year 1976. It has been customary in recent years to set aside a special Council meeting night for the primary purpose of holding public hearings. This resolutien also provides for such public hearing meeting designation. MCa;sh RESOLUTION N0. 1976 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING TIME AND NUMQER OF COUNCIL MEETINGS WHEREAS, Section 3.01 as amended of the Charter of the City of Fridley requires that the City Council shall meet at a fixed time not less than once each month, and WHEREAS , Secti on 3.01 as arr�nded of the Charter of the Ci ty of Fri dley requires that the Council shall meet at such times as may be prescribed by resolution, and lJHEREAS , The Counci 1 has been meeti ng on the fi rst and thi rd (�londays of each month at 7:30 o'clock P.f�. NOtJ, THE�'EFORE, BE TT RESOL;►�L�, Qy th,e Council of the City of Fridley that: , 1. The Council will hold its rzgular Council meetings on the first and thi rd Mondays of each month, except for the months of February and October when their regular meetings will be held on the first and fourth Mondays; and the months of July and September when the regular meetings_wili be heid on th� seconcl and fourth Mondays. 2t 3. The Councii wi11 hoid its Pubiic Nearing meeting on the second f�londay of each month as is necessary, except for the n�onths of Ju1y, September and October when th� Public Hearing meetings will be held on the third Monday. The Council sha11 meet aic 7:30 o'clock P.M, on the above designated days. � PASSED AND FlDOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI�E CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF ATTES?' : CI1'Y CLERK - 1�1ARVIN C. aRUNSELL ' ' 1976 . MAYOR - WILLIAM J. NEE 4A � 5 � , � ; CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMORAld DUM ' � T0: � NASIM M. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL ' FROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR./FIN. DIR. SUBJECT: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING A LEGAL NEWSPAPER iDATE: DECEMBER 19, 1975 , � The City is required to designate an official newspaper in which , al l City offi ci al publ i cati ons are pri nted. There i s real ly only one newspaper which quaiifies if the Twin City daily papers are ' excluded. Sun Newspapers is soliciting the business for the year 1976. T►ie rates that are bei ng proposed by Sun I�e���spapers for the year 1976 ' are the same as the rates in effect during 1975. These are the same rates Sun Netivspapers charges all other government agencies for legal notices. They are th� maximum rates pe rmitted by law for ' this type of newspaper. � MCB:sh ' ' ' - ' i . _ � 1 1 1 . RESOLUTfON N0. 1976 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING A lEGAL �EWSPAPER WHEREAS, The Charier of the City of Fridley in Section 12.01 thereof, requires that the Counci? designate annually the legal newspaper of the City. NOt�, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Frid�ley as foiiaws: 1. Tt is hereby determined that the legal newspaper of the Ci�4y of Fr�idley fnr all legal public«tions required to be � published herein is the following noied newspaper: and that such newspaper is according?y� so designated. PASSED AND A�OPTED BY 7'HE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS D�� OF , i976. MAYOR - WILLIAM J. NEE ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL � � ,. ' 1 -.� � SUN �EW��AFERS 6601 WEST SEVENTY • EIGHTH STREET EDINA, MINN. 55435 • P41-4800 Dacember 15, 1975 City Council ' City of Fridley 6lt31 University Avenue N.E. Fridl.ey, Mi.nnosota 55421 Gentlemen: Your designation of the Northeast Suo��rban Sun to be your official newsnaner for tho yQ�r 1976 wi�_1 be most a��reciated. The rate for ]_egal �ubl.ications as set by Minnosota law is 20.5¢ ner line for the first insortion, 13.6¢ �or line for each subsequent insertion. Tabul.a.r matter, i e., nroner names, nuMbers, legal descri��ions, etc. is 6.9¢ ner line additional for the original i7sertion with ne additicnal charge for re�eats of the original insertion. We will nrovids at no additional charge, two notariz�d aff idavits on each of your legal publications. Additional rotarized affidavits on request, t�ill be furnished at 25¢ each. All nublications should reach this office by lt.p.m. �iday preceedi.ng your Wednesday nublication. In order ta expedite our services to you, it is requested that yo�a direct your publications to the attention of Cicely Moon, Legal Ib partment, 6601 West ?8th St. , Edina, Mn. 551�35. Thank yov for your consid�ration of �his, our official ap�lication for desi�r:ation of the Northeast Suburban Svn as yaur official news�aner for the ensuing year. Very truly yours, � SUN NEIJSPAPERS, INC. Jar�es R Ritchay Executive Vice President JRR: cm � 0 5� G RECEIVING THf MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 17, 1975 Consideration of Appeals Commission Meeting Minutes of December 9, 1975 ' 1 r , CITY OF FRIDLEY TI�E tiINUTES Oi THE APPEALS COMI�lISSIOId SUBCOriMITTEE M�ETING OF DECEMB�R 9, 1975 The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairwoman Gabel at 7:35 P.M. P9EMB�RS PRESEPIT: Gabel, Y.emper, Plemel , MEP•'iBERS ABSENT: Drigans, Wahlberg OTHERS PRESENT: Iioward Mati�son, Engineering Aide s �; APPRQVAL OF APPEALS COMMISSI�)N MINUTES: November 25, 1975 MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Y.emper, to approve the minutes of the November 25, 1975 meeting as written. L'pon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. 1. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE QF S�CTIOPd 214.Q53, 2; FF.IDLEY SIGN ORDI2dANCE, TO INCREASE THE HEIGHT rJF A FREF.. STANDIIQG SIGN FROM TF3E MAXIMUM OF 25 FEET TO 55 FEET Z't? ALLOtid AN EXISTIIIG FREE STANDING SIGN TO BE 14AISED AN ADDITIONAL 20 FE�T, �?iA'1' IS LOCATED GN P?1RCELS 1150, 2210, AND 2400, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION #155, THE SAML BEING 755 - 53RD AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REOUEST BY T�RGF'i S'�',OkT�S, TNC. � 755_ __5312D AVENUE N.E. � FRIDLEY� MIrP.`dESOTA. ) Chairwoman Gabel explained that this itern had been withdrawn by the petitioner and therefore no action by the Board was necessary. 2. A�,I;Qt;EST F�JR A BLAPdY.i1T VARIANCE OF SECTION 214.053, 1, TO ALLOW BOTH ROOF SIGNS AND A E'REE STANDIPdG SIGN FOR A COMP�IERCIAt, SHOPPIT3G CENTFR TO ALLOW ROOF SIGNS TO BE Ri�LNS'rALLED ON TIiE SHOPPING CEDITER (STORM DAMI�GE REPAIR) LOCATED ON PARCEL 1500, AUDITOR' S Si.JBDIV�SION �$f38, `iHE SAD'IE BEING 6225 HIGHWAY #65 N.E. , FRTDLEY, MINNE5GTA. (RFQiJEST BY MR N'�� SALImERriiF,Pd, 25 IINIVERSITY AVENUE S.E., MIi�iNEAPOLIS, N,IVI�ESO�'A 55414. ) I��O'I'ION b�� Ker�.per, seconded by Plemel, to o�en the public hearing. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. Mr. 6ti'yman 5mith, attorney f.or the petitioner, was present to present the request. Mr. Smith �xpl«ined that the shopping center used to have roof signs for each individual busiriess in the center along �vith the center identification sign and tlae King Chalet pylon sign. �Ie said when the wi_nd storm removed the roof signs and �amaged th� structure, some tenants moved out of the center. He said now Mr. Saliterr,lan has a tenant that 'raas signed a lease, but the City won't let this business put up a sign laecause having the I:ing Chalei� pylon does not meet Code. Mr. Smith said th�t he and the City Planner, Mr. Boardman, had talked about this req�est several. tim�s and Mr. Boardman felt very strongly about getting a definite time set as to when +�he Kinq Chalet pylon sign would come down. He said he has talk�d with D'Ir. Salite�ri�n about this, and Mr. Saliterman has agreed to use the "Pay�ess Shoe" business sign as standard size for other signs going up on the builc?iny and lie also is goir.g to paint the stru�.;ture and install grass and s�-iruk�bexy but h.e will not specify a date as to when the King Chalet pylon will co:ne dawn . Cr:airwc>man Gabel asked why Mr. Saliterman won't take the sign down as the King Cha.lei is no longer a business in this center. Mr. Smith said he personally felt tixe sign was rediculous �ut questioned why, since the sign is structurally safeY does ii: have to come dawn. He added tie didn't think the City had a right to say when-it would come down. He said Mr. Saliterman has somewhat agreed to take the sa.qr. down but the pxoblem seems to be when. Iie said someone had to pay $8,000 to $15,000 for that siqn and he didn't feel it was the City's right to say it had to be thrown away. ` � The Minutes of the Appeals Commission Meetinc� r�f December 9, 1975 Page 2�� ,• Mr. Kemper questioned what the hardship was for this request. rir. Smith replied t}�at the center has vacant stcres that are being leased out and the new businesses - need signs. Fie added he could see wi�ere the City could say that before the King � Cna1e� location of the center is reoccupied, the pylon would have to be takeri r.ar� t�f but ize didn't think that t1.e pylon should be tied in with allowing signs fcr t'rie other business locations. �'s. i�;attson stated th� City Code says t�iere can't be both roof signs and a business pylon >ign at the same location so none of the new businesses can be issued permits to erect trieir signs until the Kin�� Chalet pylon is taken down or a variance is agproved. Mr. Plemel stated the roof siyns on this center have been a hodgepodge and now af: least �chey will all be uni£orm in height, and will meet the Code for square faotage. Chairweman Gabel quesi.ioned whether the City has a code on non-conforming signs. T�_r. Ma�ts�� .^a.� d�:hat tr�re ir> s�.z_r.� a cede an� :-ead this ta the Board. The Cod.e states, "Wherever a non-car.f�r.ming permanent sign use has been dicontinued for a period of three (3) months, such use sh•�11 r..ot thereafter be continued unless in conformance with the provisions of this chapter." Chairwoman Gabel then questioned why this szgn hadn't been taken care of previously as the King Chalet has been gone from the center for over 1 year. She asked if Mr. Saliterman had been asked to take the sign �own when. it had no longer been in use for 3 months. Mr, t;attsan. repliecl that n,e d.id nat know if this had been discussed with t2r. Salitennan or not. r9r. Smith said anc�her reasc,n Mr. Salit�rrnan coLld have for not takiT:,g this sign dewn yet woulc! be to wait and see if he coulci get a restaurant into the King Cha:�et space ar_u i.f it is a business with a name to sell, they might be able to seZl the Counczl an having a waiver to use the pylon. He said Mr. Saliterman mic�ht be }hir.king of tYiis and do�.sn't want to teur the sign down right away until he �'inds ou-E: wh�At is going to happen. Mr. Mattson added it would b� up to the Co�srzcil. �o �:ecide whether that sign could be u�ed by the new tenant or.not. Cliairwoman Gabe�. asked h�w many new roof signs would be put up right away. Air. Sraith sa.id two signs with a possible third. NIUTIOIQ by Pleriel, seconded by Kemper, to close the public hearing. Up�n a voice v�te, ti�sere ��eing no nays, the motion carried. N1r. Kemaer said .it appears that the hardship is that the shopping center w�n't c�et of.f the ground unless the n.ew businesses can have signs. He said he f�lt that a�proval of.. the roof signs, except for the King Chalet space, would be in order, wit.h ihe I�ing �Yialet space heid in abevance unt�il such �.ime as there is a�tenant and then have the item come back for consideration. N�s'. Plemel said he probably f�lt more strongly than Mr. Smith tha� people shou].d �s able to do what they want �n their property as long as it doesn't harm anyone eZse, l;st he added that he felt the Kinc� Chalet pylon sign should come down to be i� compli�;nce wztli the City Code. � Ch��:rwoznar� Gabel said she agreed that the haraship Eaas that the busi:nesses need s��r�s i�ut she alsa wanted the pyloxi to b� removed. ' ' ' �� � II U' ' � The Minutes of the Appeals Commission Meeting �f December 9, 1975 Page � ` MOTION by Plemel to d�ny the request for roof signs until the second pylon sign i.s removed. . MOTION DIED FOR I,ACiC OF [3 5ECOND Mr. Kemper stated trie Board is here to t�y and anali�e the hardship as it applies to a Code. I-Ie said he would admit that the Code is such that the sign should have come down a long tim� ago but he didn't }CROW iz that was really the Board's problem now. He said he felt the ne�a businesses need their signs to get the shopping center of.f the ground. He said he would go along with not pex�mitting the vacant King Chalet �ocation to have any siqn until the pylon sign is taken care of but he f_elt tlie others should �ae allowed signs at the agreed upon stand.ard size. MOTION by Kemper to �pprove the blanket variance for roof siqns on the shopping center, except for tne vacant King Chalet space, with the stipulation that the King Chalet pylon be removed by March l, 1976. Seconded by Plemel. Ch4i.rwom�an Gabel asked Nlr. Smi�h if he could quarantee Mr. Saliterman would take do�vn tl;.e sign by N,arch 1, 1�76. Mr. Smith said he cculd n�t qua-ra� �ee that _;.t woul.d he taken down by t.hat ti.ne but he added that the expiration date of the liquor 7.icen.se that the City is holding for Mr. 5aliterman expires on either Janua;_�� 1, 1976 or February 1, 1�76 so he felt that i£ the sign was going to be used, that e�rerything would k�e decided by D�arch 1, 1976. MOTION b�� Kemper to amend his motion to appx'ove only 3 new roof signs instead of a blanket variance on the shopping center. Secor.ded bp Plemel. A voive vote upon the amendment, tY�ere being rio nays, the amendment to the motion carried. 11 VG1�� UPCTd '�iiE :1M�i3DED ^4UTIO�d, ull votina aye, the amended matian �arried. 2. RECEIVE PARTS Or^ 2HE COMPI2E.:IENSIVE HOUSING PLI�N: Table of Content�s, Faotnotes, ' and, Comparison of Pr�pose� Fiousinq Cyoais With The .�Ietropolitan Council Housing Plan. '• MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Kemper to receive t�e variou.s parts of the Proposed Housing Plan. Upon a voa.ce vote, there beinc� no nays, the motion carried. ' ADJOL;RNMEN'I': , 1 1 ' J The meeting was adjourned by Acting Chairwaman Gabe1 at 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, �, �, ,� � ! ' � � MP.RY HITZT� �—� Secretar�' ' . 6C �II� ' , _ -� , ' � � CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSTON MEETING D�CEMBE2 17, 1975 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Narris called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. ' ROLL CALL: PAGE 1 � 6D Members Present: Harris, Bergman, Drigans, Langenfeld, Peterson Membzrs Absent: Scott Others Preserrt: Barba•ra Shea, Vice Chairperson of Human Resources Commission Jerrold Boardman, City Planner and 4 representati��es of S.A.C.A.: Grace Lynch, N{uman Resources Commiss�on member Kay Poppoff, 1Qf.�5 Xeon Street .N.�l., _ Mary Zagaros, Anol<a County Community Action Progr�am Jnan Staup�, 6332 Boone Avenue NortY� APPROVE PLANNTNG COP�ii�1ISSI0N ��iIP1UTfS: �ECEk1�ER 3, �975 Mr. Harris said that on page 9 of the minutes, Mr� Scott said that Mr. Merre7l was close to having a recommendation for denia�s so he should be happy that it went the way it did instead of h�mself. Mr. Langenfeld said that on the top of page 20, it should be goals and objectives, �rstead of goals and objec�ions.... � ?90TION by Peterson, seconded by LangenfeZd; �hai the Planning Commission II , aFProve their minutes of Decembex 3, 1975 as corre�ted. Upon a vaice vate, alI voting aye, the motion caxried unanimouslr�. , � � 1' � � �� ' � RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATTON COMMISSTON i�IhUTES: PdGVEMBER 24, 1975 MOTION by Langenfeld, secorided by Feterson, that ihe Pianning Commission rece.ive the Parks & R�creation Conrm.�ssi�n minutes of the Ncvem�er 24, 1975 meeting. Upon a voice v�te, a11 voting �ye, the motion carried unanimoizsly. RECEI'JE COh11�1UNITY DEVELOPP�1ENi CO��ij1ISSIpN_P1INUTES: .QECEM�3�R 2, �975 � MOTTON by Bergman, seconded by Peterson, that the F�anning Comrnission receive the minutes of the Conununity vevelopment Commission meeting of December 2, 1975. �Ir. Langenfeld asked why ti��y had a presentation on taxation and assessment procedures? Mr. BErgman said this had come from a Communii;y Development bas� of making Fridl2y the most desirable residen�ial area in the metropolitan a.rea. U!e then got on the sub�ect of residential improvements and it was�pointed out that the tax structure tended to discaura3e these home improvemen�cs l�eca!�s� th��s raised the tax base on your residential property. This discussion lead to th2 opinion that rather than pena�izing a property owner for making improvement�, he should 5e given a tax hreak, if we want to promote this improvement program. He said that as they could read from the minutes, it was pointed out to us ti�at the tax l�ti�s are es�tabl ished by the Stat.e, and therefore there ���s nothir�, that Fridley could do in regard to the tax laws, tnat would be differer�t frcm a�hat any other City could do, so our suggestion was not feasible. Mr. Madsen pointed out C� . � V � P]anning Commission P�eeting - December 17, 1975 Page 2 that citizens had a woefully magnified idea of how much his taxes would increase from an improvement, and it was �ot all that bad. The increases are low. � Mr. Langenfe1d asked Mr. Boardman to expiain his statement made in these minutes on 3.2 bePr and zoning restr�ictions. Mr. Boardman said that 3.2. beer l�censes cannot be restricted because of zoning. Ne said the only control we ' had uias that if they opened up a bar or a tavern, but there was nothing in the ordinance that said yau couldn't have a beer license in other zoning districts if it was the secondary use of th° property. He said that bars and taverns were , only .allowed in C-2 zoning. Fie said the lack of controls in the beer ordinance aias one o� the reasons the Ci�y Council asked the Planning Commission to study this ordinance. ' �_ J C II � � � ' I� L� , UPON a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE APPEALS COMMISSTON MINUTES: DECEM3ER 9, 1975 MOTION by Drigans, seconded by Peterso,�, that the Planning Commiss�.on receive the minutes of the Appeals Commission meeting of Decemb�r 9, 1975. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting ay�, the mvtion carried unanimously. RECEIVE MEP�O TO THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL FR0+�1 BIi.L iVEE ON VARIANCE PROCEDURES, __ . DATED DECEMBER 11, i975 .- - MOfiION �y Drigans, seconded by Langenfeld, that the Planning Commission receive a copy of a memo to the �ity CounciZ from 3i11 Nee dated December 11, 1975. ..,. P•1r. Drigans said that Mayor Nee's remarks were v�ry well taken, and he . t�vas sure that the Appeals Cor�nission urould cans�ider everytning �in this memo �in our considera-z�on af variances and wi17 nat take our additional responsibi�ities lightly. UPO�;t a voice vote, a11 votiny aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE F��`�':.�,Pl RESUJF�CFS CO��MISSION MINUTE�: DECEMBER 4, 1975 ,�1UTI.n�V by Shea, seconded bu Petersan, that th� Planning Commission receive thc Hum�n R�sources rninutes of their 17ecember 4, 1975 meeting. .�irs. Shea said the Numar Resources Commission had made a motion at their mee�ing to recognize the S.A.C.A. organization and endorse their principles and further recommended that the City of Friuley allocate a fair share sum of $5UO for 4he express purpose of developing an Infarmation and Referral SErv�ice. She said {:nat Grace Lynch, a member of the Human Resources Commission and tiiree r�preser,tat�ves of S.A.C.A. 4�aet•e in the audience and would like to explain tvhat S.A.C.A. was all abaut. ��iOT.ION b� Peterson, secoi7ded by Lan�enfeld, that the Plar.ning Commission � opc�n an infa.rmal plblic hea.r.inc� for a request by S.A.C.A. for a$500 donation from the C.ity of Fridley. Upon a voice vote, a.Z1 voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the .zttfo.rm31 publ�c hearinq o�en at 8:15 P.t9. ' Grace Lyncl� said that the So�th2rn Anoka County Association was develoPed. by concerned citizens and community representativ�es f rom the cities Qf Fradley, �' . � ' ' � � ' , ,. � L_J , �'i � � , , ' GF °lanning Commission Meeting - December 17, 1975 Page 3 Spring Lake Park and Columbia Heights. They started meeting a little over a year ago to discuss and deter�iine the emergency assistanc� needs for residents in the southern part of Anoka County. Tnese communities border each other and have a combined popu7ation of 64,564. An attempt to organize was made for tne following reasons: (1) There Hras no inf�rmai:ion and referra1 system serving this population center, (2) A few individual churches were operating very limited emergency assistance programs: They cons�sted of pantry shelves and an emergency loan fund. The problem was taaofold. The services were both insuf- . fic�ient and inadequate. (3) The growing economic problems of inflated prices and high unemployment have forced more people into lower incom� brackets. The current unemployment rate in Anoka County is 9 i;o 10 percent according to the Minn�sota State Unemployment Office, and (4) Area resources had never been mobi1ized to serve these community needs. Tncse resources inciudQd money, materials, and maroo�ver. She conti�nued that when S.A.C.A, was organized, their objective Gras to provide foo�, clothing, �transportation, shelter, medical needs, and ot'r.er necessities to recipients in the southern part of Anoka County on an emergency and temporar�y basis as provided by the Boar� of Directors or their appointees. Furthermore, to serve as an infarmation and rererral center �etwaen the persorts and fami�lies in nQed, and individuals, commun7ty organiz�cions or sacial agencies that can best fill and/or meet those needs; ta provide p1^OfeSS10t��1 ad�ice through resource volunteers, diagnose problear,s, and act immediateiy an survival needs, to provid� shor�t term casework service, �iason between clients and other agencies; to motivate clients, to seek services through referra7s; - to render human care services through voiunteerism, to motivate community gr�ups and individuals to give of their time and experience; to fill the gap be��reen the onset of problems anc� i:he agQncy and/or graup best equipped to hand�e the problems(s), to increase the qu�ntity and quality of needed human care services threugh velunteerism �xten�e� to serv�ce ta indivi�ua�s in need of services� a�ic! ihe goal s tivere ta provi de an an em`rgenc;� �nd tem;?orary+ basi s, tangi bi e go�ds, sheiter, financ�ial aid, and otrfer necessities �o clients in need. io prouide snort term case��rork serv�ice. �o act as an �nfc�rmation and referral service. �o invol�+e volianteers �irectly in human s�rvices, to involve community groups and individuals in donaiing yc�ods, monies, �nd services for those de�ermined to be in need. To remai�i loosely structured in order to be fre� to meet needs as they arise. • fr1s, Lynch sa3� tnat tney ;A;�re �p{�earing b�fore the �lanning Commission - for a recoirmenda�:ion that th� �ity of Fi�idley donate $500 toward the information and referral service only. She saicf the budget for �i115 service was ���500 and they wou � d apply to Cal umbia Heights and Spri ng Lal:e Parl; for a�500'c,c�natior� aS sc�. She said ti�e items that made up this budget were �36.00 for the ins�allatiori of tiie �hone, �597.00 for ph�ne service for one y�ar, cos� r-� tt7e pho�e ��ter oific? hours which u�a, �512,G0 which included �354.00 fc�r li��e ans���ering SnY'VlCB f�r �ne year and �� 58. 00 for a meter�ed 1 i ne to �ns�Neri n� service sw�i tchboarci r'or one �ear, and �356.Q0 in costs of assembl;ng the sysiem and files. Th�is �150C was a one year budg�t. h,r. �ergmar� asked if ch�is �vas a profit tnakir�g crganization? Grace Lynch s��d it was not> it was a�r�vate non-profit organ;za�ion. Joan Staupe saicl ty�at many churches in the area make donations in sorne form to S.A.C.A. Mrs. Staupe said they �ad used several numbers where r�em5ers of 5:A.e;.A. co±�lc� be reached in ��reparing food and toys for needy families fior Christmas, bu�i: the; �,�ret°� hoping to have just one number to ca11 after the lst of JanUary. htr. • f3c�r��man asked if they h�d any record of ha�v many calls they had received for t�is � . �,, _ a� � Planning Commission Meeting - December 17, 1975 Page 4 , i� � __ ' ' ' ' � ' ' , � , � � CJ ' ' � project. Kay Poppoff said she had i°eceived 164 emergency calls at tl�e Blaine number. ' L� Mr. Peterson asked if it would be volunteers or trained people who arould be handling the informatian and referral service. Kay Poppoff said they Nrouid be tr�ine� volunteers. Mr. Qrigans said this would be a referral service and not a counseling service. Grace Lyncn said they aroul� hope to give them the iniormation so they couid help f:hemselves. Kay Popp�ff said that in a case when the gas has been sh�t aff because ofi non-payment, sometimes a direct call from a S.A.C.A. volunteer arould facilitate the gas being turned on sooner and they would be able to furnish food and clothing in emergency s7tuations. Mary Zagaros said they were u�orking on their Christmas program now and so far they had 125 families in need oi food and other �mergency hElp. She said that she got from 3 to 5 calls a day asking for em2ryency food and clothfng, help with financial problems, legal problems, etc. She said that at the pres�n-t �'i�ne ��i�ey were work��r�� �i;f�t°ough the churches and service org���izatio��s but in order�:�o coordinate their eff�rts, they should have one ceniraT number where people could call. She said that in the present economic situation, there are mare and more peopie wno need help. Mr. Boardman asked how long S.A.C.A had been for,ned? Mrs. Staupe said �it _ "was incorporated 3!�s� last year. Mr. Boardman asked how this fit into the -� Gourity ��Je1fare Prc�gram and asked if th�y were dup�icating any of their servi�es? He said the Human Resources Cammission had a CETA employee who was worl:ing or. coordinating all tre services affere�! in �he County so there ��roul� not b� a �iUpIlC�utlOtl of servir.es, and so far he did not think the Human Resources Cnm,n�€s�i�n had gotten that report back, at least he hadn't seen it. He said �Ll;at S.A:G.A, may b2 offering the type of information and referral service the City should have.� but he would l�ke to see �he report fl°om the CET�, pei�son be�'ore he would be ��lliny t� make any staff recommendation o►� this request. Gra�e Lyrch said that S.A.C.A. would be helping out irz a temporary situa�ian, and of sameone n2ed iang range heip, that would be referred to the Anoka Cour��,}� Wel��are Depar�ment, or anywhere else where they could get iong range help. Mrs.�Shea said that the CETA person ��as working with the S:A.G.A. peopic ar+ the in�orm��.ion and referral service. 7his was why the Human Resources CQ�mis- sion made the recommendation that the City of Fr�dley donate $500 towards tizis service. Mr. Drigans asked if this informai;ion an� ref�rral s�rvice u;ould be patt�rned aft�r a similar system and if they a,rouic! hauP c�uidelines? .)oan Sta��ne sair� that most referral services 4�iere i�y area, so thEre Nrer� other sUch services �n the metrapolitan area. Sh� said the clos�r th` �in{arniation a��d referral sErvice was to tr►e people it was meant to serve, the more effect�ve it was. - �Ir, Harris aslced if this was going to be a yearly rer�uest, or just a one t�me ��equest. Grace Lynch said this �vas for a one ye�r budget, b�a�: �L`�ey ti��e=�e ho�ing that in time this a+ou�ld be a self-sustaining project. Si,e said �hat after they ha� beer► org3n�zed longer they hoped �ta ge�t hel p from Uni ted �u��d. Mr< Boardman s�.ir1 th�t he thought an information and referral system was an �mportant part in provid�ng resour�ce needs to our citizens. He said tiie one's who would be►��fit from this service would be the residen�s of f=rid�ey. ' Ne said that he �hought it should be kept in mind that this would be one gro:�� f � � �_ ' �� L_ ' r-- � � , ' , , ' ' � fi .... ... .... .... .... Planning Commission Meeting - December 17, 1975 � �� Paqe 5� of citizens helping another group of citizens. Mr. Boardman said he thought the CF�A report should be ready by April or May, and he would like to wait until tha� time before he made a recommendatian for S.A.C.A. Ne didn't know how critical this request was. . Mrs. Shea asked if they had approached Spring Lake Park and Columbia Heights with this proposal? Grace Lynch said this was the first City they had approacheds but they would be making requests of the other two communities very soon. Chairman Harris asked how soon they would need a determination on this requesi. �race Lynch said they would like one made at this meeting. Mr. Drigans said the Planning Commission was only a recommending body, so he was sure that this presentation would have to be made again before the City Council. � Mr. Bergman said that �n listening to the discussion� he got the impression that the Human Resources Commission had not finished their job yet, and therefor�, this request to support S.A.C.N was not timely. Can anyone clarify this. ; Mrs. Shea said �hat at the time the Human Resources Commission made this � a project, they were nat aware of the S.A.CeA. organization. Mr. Boardman ' said that S.A.C.F► had been organized about a year, and the CETA employee got ! involved with this at a later point in time. She is supposed to be checking � with this group, Anoka County, Fridley, B?aine, the Red Cross, and other � organizations to see hew much dup��cation of' services there are. When her � report is completed, it should show us the best v�ay to go to have this information; and re�erral service, 4vhich is a needed service in this area. � Joan Staupe said this was why one coordinated ref�rral service was needed. It was very difficult to get the information to the people without one singlP number to cali. - Mr. Pete�son said he understood that this was a no�-prafit organization, tha� was not welfare and not under any governmental agency. He said they were an action group, but all they were requesting funds for at this meet�ng was for the information and refierrai serv�ce part of this organization. , Mr. Drigans aslced if there was anyway tfiat this coU1d be a County-a�ide program, funded by the County? hlary Zagaros said ther� was r�o money available at the County for this type of project. ��1r. Driyans asked Chairman �larris 4�rhere the City gc� the funds fcr this type of a proposal. .•,r�. �;arris said ' it would hav� to come out of the Gzneral Fund:- Nir. Drigans tnen asked if the County didn't have a yeneral fund? Grace Lynch said that because they »zre a beginning organization, there �vas no way they were going t� get funding from ' the County. Once, they were esi:ablished, they probably could get some County funding. She said t}�is organization was still in �:he forming stage, and they needed help to get organized. , ' Mr. Drigans said t��e had two County Commissioner's, one in Columbia Heights, and one in Fridley, and he thought there should be some pressur2 brought to bear on them for funding from the County. htr, iiarris aske.d ti�em �if they had applied� to ihe County at all fior funding? Grace Lynch sa�d no. ' � � 4 - -- - _ --.�... I C � - � Planning Commission Meetinq - December 17, 1975 Page 6 Cliairman Harris asked if the representatives of S.A.C.A, would like to make any other statements before the informal Public Hearing was closed. ' 6I Joan Staupe said they would appreciate the Planning Gommission's support � and wanted to assure them that they would be asking for this support from Columbia Neights and Spring Lake Park. ' u ' ' ' , ' ' ' � ' ' � � . �' Mr. Boardman said he would advise them to contact the County Commissioner's. 1�?OTION by Peterson, seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Comrrcission close the informal Public Hearing on the-rPquest for $50D by S.A.C.A. for an information and referral service. Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the inforinal Public Hearing closed at 9:10 P.M. UPON A VOICE VOTE, to�receive the Numan Resources Commission minutes, a11 votinq aye, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Shea,. seconded by Langenfeld, to recognize the S.A.C.E:. organization and endorse their principles and further recorr,rnend the City of Fridley allocate a fair share sum of $500 for the express purpose of developing an Information and �eferral Service. - . Mr. Bergman said that having an information and referral service was.a good idea and would be a benefit to the general citizenry, and therefore ought logically be supported by taxpayer`s funding. He said the fiour 7adies at this meeting were spending their time at this meeting with no financial gain, and no intent for financial gain, and have spent a lot c,f time�on this program and evidently will continue to do so, and he thought they sho�!ld be commended for this. He said his only concern was that in supporting and funding this information and referral service that we do attend to the question of duplication of services, and that this be adequately reviewed, so that the service we were recommending be in control o� this service, rather than a duplication and a cause for confus�on. Mr. Langenfeld said that he was in agreement with the concept of neighbors helping neighbors. Ne said he questioned why the National Jaycees had turned dowr� their request for funding. Joan Staupe said they had 280 requests for funding, and they could only fund a�out B6, so they just did not have the funds. Mr. Langenfeld said he knew that money was expended fer less needy purposes than this, but he would like to hear what the County Commissioner had to say about this to see if the County ��ould participate in this prQject, and if they won't then they could come to the Ciiy. Mr. Drigans said he agreed with Mr. Langenfeld. He said that one of the concerns he had was that this �=ra� tt�e first step �n r��ther a 7arge program. He said that he knew this would be a benefit to the communiiy, however, the �500 requested was �For a one year budget, and where will these funds come from next year? He said that if they couldn't get financial help from the County, then Fridley, Columbia Heights, and Spring Lake Park might be committing themselves for more than one year. He said he fe1t this was a worthy program, but u��hat were the iong range plans and the long range goals. If the County won't make a commitment naw, will they ever make a commitment? He said we are the fit°st City being contacted for a commitment, af�d he would see no reason why we couldn't give them f�mds, but would this be a year�y commitment? Mrs. Shea said S.A.C.A. had approached churches and civic organizations for help with their other programs, �t was just asking for help with the information and referral service from the • City. ' . c. � _ _ ' ' ' � � ' ' �J Planninq Commission Meetinq - December 17, 1975 Page 7 Mr. Peterson sa•i.d that he didn't know that much about S.A.C.A. and. even after an hour's presentation he wasn't prepare� to make a recommendation on this.organization. He said he would like to check with his church to see if they have ��orked with this organization and see what they say about it. He thought that sometimes they needed more information before they recommended that the City fund these different groups. He said it appeared that this would be quite a substantial pragram in years to come. Chairman Harris said he could agree with some points made by everyone on the Commission. He said he thought this was a good idea and was probably a needzd service'for the community. He didn't feel it was the primary responsibility of the City of Fridley to provide funding for tiiis service forever and ever. He said he could vote for this on a one year basis, but next year he thought someone else should be participating. He thought they asi:ed �;he taxpayers of the City of Fridley to carry enough burdens. He said he thought the Anoka County Board should be participating, and as they mentioned, that after they had b�en organized longer, they could possibly get �nited Fund support. UPON A roll call�vote, Shea and Harris voting aye, Berqman and Drigans vv�sng nay, and Peterson and Langenfeld abstaininq, the motion failed for lack of a majority vote. � MOTIGN by Drigans, seconded by Peterson, thai the Planning Cammission recommend to Council tha t they contact. the Board of County Commissioner's with the recommendation that the County look ir�to the f�asibility of funding the S.A.C.A. program and the information and referral service in Anoka County. iJpon. ' a vo.ice vote, Bergman, Harris, Peterson, Drigans, Langenfeld voting aye, Shea abstair.ing, the motion carried. � � ' � �' � ;' �� � � ' RECEIVE COPY OF CITY OF FRIDLEY`S RECOi�1MENQATION ON TNE PROPOStD RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE t�9EQC MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Bexgman, thai the Planning Commission receive a copy of the C?ty of Fr.idley's recommendation on the proposed ruZes and reyula- tions of the Minnesota Er•vironmentaZ QuaZity CounciZ. TJpon a voice vote, all voting �ye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bergman said f�e had been upset during the discussion on the proposed rules and regulations of the Minneso�a Environmental Quality Council because of the complete1y ��egat;ive discu�sion by all parties. He said the reason it upset�him u�as because we all have sa� back Gi�d complained asking why so�neone didn't do some±hir�g about the ruinaticn of our nfatura.l resources arid the dispoiling of our waters, etc. , and here was an effo�°�L to do somQt�ting, and all he hea� d were negative comments. He said he even asked �che yuestion if anyone thought the intent of this lati�t ►��as good, and no one w�uid respond. Mr. Peterson said he probably was negative because he felt that gavernmen� did not �Zecessarily have the expertise to say what was best for Fridley. Mr. Langenfeld said the nature of the recammendation on the proposed rules and regulations tends to make it less negative. He said that he tiiougfit one of the big points of this recommendat�on was the inclusion:of environmental planning. He said that if that tivas done, it wauld eliminate a lot of negative fee]ings. Mr, Langenfeld said he was pleased tiviEh the recornmendations as ti�ritten by Mr. Qoarciman, and he �vas especia7ly �leased ti��ith item 12, fie said there �•�ere f ' .�. ' ' , ' � ' ' ' ' ' ' �� � �\ Planninq__Canmission Meetinq - December 17, 1975 Page 8 other good points�, but.he wanted to empnasize that item. Mr. Bergman said he would like to commend Mr. Boardman on the quality of his report to the S�tate. Mr. Harris asked how this recommendat�on was gYVen to the State? Mr. Boardman said he too� it to �hem persona�ly. Mr. Harris said it was almost to the point where he would like to see them sign a receipt for it, to make sure that they got it. Mr. Drigans said he would like to agree with Mr. Bergman an the quality of the report to the State, and he said that item 15 reflected his sentiments quite strongly where we were geiting such a short time period from the State on these proposals, and he thought this was very well stated in the report. Upon a voice vote, aIZ voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. CO�TINUED: REVIEW GOALS�AND OBJECTIVES OF THE P�RKS & RECREATION COMMISSIQN Mr. Peterson said that when they first starting working on these goals and objectives we probably were looking at specific goals�to provide this or that ar programs. As we discussed this, the Commission began to feel tha� they were responsible for faciiities rather than prograins. He said the Park goa1s and objectives were rather self explanatory, as far as what we were trying to do. He said the Recreation goal was to provide for and encourage the advancement of recreational opportunities for all residents. They felt they should just provide space management to facilitat� the implementaiion of recreation activies. He said the soccer program and horse..shoe programs had been established this way. Mr. Bergman asked if there was any system that the Parks & Recreation Commission had to stay in touch with usage of the existif�g parks? Mr. Peterson said they do attempt to do this, but it was rather di-Fficult. He said that � they did have the Park Ranger and the PoTice Department keep a tabulat7on of the number of cars at Locke Park and �rhere they came from. He said they had a talley ofi the number of children in the parks programs. He said they got . tigures from a71 the Associaiians. We aiso c�et some imp�at from the staff, and we do visit the parks to 1ook at the ec�uipment to see how it was being maintairred, or if we need more equipment, etc. He asked if this answered Mr. B�rgman's question. ' ' Mr. Bergman said he didn't see it in the goals and objectives that there be a need to be attentive to the usage or a change �in usage to assure wise spending of the taxpayer's dollars. He said he was speaking of efficiency, effectiveness, conservativeness, so that tax dol�ars were well spent. Mr. Feterson said , �he second objective under goal one which �vas to establish a park system that is flexible and can be char�ged to meet public needs would take care of this. He said that goal 2 was to prorrote 'people oriented" park development, was an ' attempt to be sensitive to the changing needs. He said they were making an attempt to be more people orien�ed than pro�ram oriented. 1 , ' Mr. Boardman said an attempt a�ould be made ta get neighborhoods involved in their own space. Fie said the more involved they were, the more the park �vould be used. He said the fourth goal was to provide for functional and aesthetical consideration in the development of a park faciiity, keeping in mind both dollar and human value aspects of design and necessary ba�ance. You can't go strictly by dollar value alone, you have to take into cons�ideration if the dollars spent� are worth ��hile in th� actual human aspect ihat you get out of it. tle said that i� �� ', , .' '� � , � ' ' 6L Planninq Cammission t�leeting - DecPmber 17, 1975 Page 9 in attending some of the Parks & Recreation Commission meetings he had noted that they wAre very considerate of thi� type of �hing. Mr. Drigans said there were six park goals with about eleven objectives, and only one recrea�ion goal and objective. He felt this was kind of lop-sided. f�r. Peterson said h° thought they arere being more people oriented by doing it this way. He said that rather than saddling themselves with for instance, that�they ��vere going to maintain a Fridley football program, as a cooperative effort, we thought we would rather have as an objective to provide space management for the imp7ementation of that program, or ��rhatever type of program that peop1e might want. He said that if interest in a youth football program should wane, that this be allowed to fade away without being an objective of the Parks & Recreation Commission to keep it going. That was why we wrote our goals and objectives heavy on the facility side and heavy on community involvement side, and less specifically pragram ot°ie:t�d. It allows us to serv� a changing population as the citizens demand programs. � Mr. Drigans said tha� physical -Fitness had been a national goal. He said this was for all people, regardless of age o whether they were sport oriented or not. He thought this should have been mentioned in these goals and objectives. He thought this would be a good goal for the City to adhere to. Mr..�eterson said he would have no objectian to this being a goa7 when the Planning Commission set up their goals and objectives. � Mr. Peterson said tha�� with tne type of bu�yet the Par.ks� and Recreation ' Department: operated under, t3�e mult�tudes of uses that the parks were put to, � and the diverse programs that our citizens want, they didn't feel that a program would be a benefit unless there ��as a spir�t in it by interested people in that , program. , Mr. Boardman said the main thing thai th� Parks & Recreation Commission ' was trying to evolve was that the C�ity of Fridley should not be in the job of sponsoring or providin� a recreation act�vity, but what they should be doing was encouraging recreational activity �hraugh the use and utilization of ' management of recreation facilities. The encouragem�nt and promotion of recrea�ion- al activities should come under space mar�a�ement of the facilities. ', : Mr. Drigans said he didn't agree with Mr. 8oar�dman. We have a Park Department that manages the facilities. We i�ave a Park & Recreation Commission ti�iat encompas- ses, not only the recommendation to mar�aye those fac�lities, but to create a managed program for the citizens. hlr. Boardniar� said the City could not affcsrd ' to maintain full fledged programs. He said t� hir� coaches and umpires anc� - to comp7etely manage a program ���as too ccs� prohibitive. Mr. Peterson said that in the case of the City baseball program, it had cost them $12,000 to have a ' baseball prog�am for 200 boys. {-fe said that the Babe Ruth and Little League have run a program for 750 boys for �2,000. That ��ras the difference bettiveen a City program and a private pi�ogram. He said th� pr�vate programs can get ' volunteers for coachinc� and umpiring. He said we �rovided the facilities for the volunteer programs, bui: it aras much less costly to the City. ' r-' L Mr. Peterson said they did have mo�°e recreaiion goals, but as they debated them, they decided to leave specific programs out of the recreation yoals so they could remain mor` flexik�le. We felt that by mentioning specific programs,• we were telling the citizenry ti�lhat they wanted, and we would rather be in , ' ' ' � ' ' ' , f _l fM Planning Commission Meetin� - DecE�mber 17, 1975 Page 10 T take the position of providing the space for programs as they were developed by interested citizenry. Mr. Origans said he accepted Mr. Peterson`s argument, he just feit that the influence of the staff in the Parks & Recreatior� Department has influenced their goals and object�ives so that they are one-sided. H� sa�id that if th2re had been l0a volunte�rs in the audience when they worked on these goa7s and objectives, they would have had a better balance. Mr. Drigans said he thought that if they had a copy of the goals of physical fitness, these cculd have been adopted inta the recreation goals. Mr. Petersc,n asked Mr. Boardman if he would try and get a copy of those physical fitness goals. Mr°. Boarc�man said he would try to get them. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Peterson if they ►iad considFred putting into their goals anu c�.�ject�ves Q�ual opport;�nity f�r those peop�e :vho do nct �ar��cipate in speeific programs. He sa�d his children were girls and in the sw�ng and slide group. He wondered where they would fit into these-goals and.objectives. h1r. Drigans said that for years he has been trying to get wading pools in the tot lois. Ne said Columbia Heights had �hem, but we couldn`t sepn to get them in Fridley. Mr. Peterson said that ch�ildren in his neighborhood had enjoyed a vacant lot for years before if: was develcp�do They built tunnels and tree �houses and rod� their ��k�s ov�r mounds of �7Nt. He said they. had even discussed: having, an area like this ir thei•r parks where kids could just.dig and play as they did in vaca�t lois. Mr. Bergmar said there was no way that they could provide something for everyone. He said you can think of a neighbornood with two swing age children �gai�st a reighborhood �tha� had twEnty-five. The 25 would get swings and the 2 wouldn`t. Mr. Peterson sa��d tha� in that case it would be a matter of dollars. P�r. �oardman said that wi-th �hes� goals and Qb�ecti��es they �veren't trying � to dictate, they were tryirg.ia ailo�{�. ��o��le in the neig6�barhoods should decide whai facilities they want in their parks. ' , � ' ' LJ � Mr. Harris asked if the�� made any attempt to define recreation. Mr. P2terson said �hey felt in ���as any activity that heiped to recreate yourself. Mr. 8erg�nan said he ha« heard it defined as something you really want to do without external pressures. Mr. Drigans s�.�� he thought this plan covered facilities quite we17. Chairman Harris declared a recess at 10:30 P.M. and ealled the Planning Commissioi� meeting back i,o or�der at 10:50 P.P�. SE7 UP TIMETA6LE FOR STUDY ON THE PROPOSED COP�iPREHEP�SIVE HOUSING PLAN Mr. goardman said 'ne had given the Planning Commission a proposed timetable far the co��prehEnsive hou�;ng plar, an� �t the same time,work.on an appiication for � Community Development alocic Grant, an� at the same time try to get som� ga�ls and objectives laid out: ?n �� Hud block grant rund, one of the requirements was that you have a 5-year• nousing �ssistance ,��an. This was what Nre were developing in the comprehensive �ousing plan. Ne sairi 1:ne deacllines for applying f�r this fund ���ere bet���ee;� FeSruary l st and Mai,ch 15th, 1976. If we mi ss that deadl i ne, they Lve have l�,t out ��n the funding �or this year, and this is the second year of the funding nc��:, He said they felt that in order to make good use of the . funding, they �vouid l�ike to get 2nd, 3rd, 4th ar�d 5th year funding. �le have to � ' ' ' , ' ' lJ Planninq Commission f�eeting - Decernber 17, 1975 Page 11 �� � try and get through the comprehensive housing plan in order to meet th� deadline.. This housing plan has been set up on the Planning Commission goals and objectives wnich have not been set up ye�. �Mr. Boardma.n said he had set a tentative deadline that the City Council hold the' public hearing on the comprehensive housing plan and the HUD block grant app1ication on FeSruar,y 9, 1916. � h1r.-,Narris said he didn't knnw if they could meet that deadline. Mr. Boa�dman�s;id.this would require a Planning Com�nission public hearing on the 21st o�fi� Ja�uary... Mr. Boardman said the next draft would be more complete tha the first�draft,they received and it would include all the maps and background data. Mr. I�arris sa�d the.ir first mee�ing in January would be the 7th, so _ they would only have or�e� meEting befiore i:he Public Hearing. Mr. 8oar�man said they had�set up Planning Commissior� meetings on the 21st and 28th of Janu�ry, and they would h�ve a meeting on February 4th bef�r�e this went �a the Ci �y �ourrc� 1 for th�ei r publ i c hear ����g. Fle sai d that i f the P1 anni ng C�mmission a�ould read this plan through before the�ir meeting of January 7th this would saue � lot of time. He v�ould try to set up the member Commission � meetings so that they could ge� their input to the Planning Commission. � Mr. Ber�gma�� asked i� r�e understaod rorrectly that this plan was supposed to be based an publi�hed goais and objectiv�s? If so, we had better put our thrust �n tha�. Mr. Boardman sa��+ tl��y were basing this on some goals and object�ives of the m�mbEr Commissior�'s at the present time. ' Chairman Harris said it �vouid be great ta meet the timetable as Mr. Boardman had desGribed, but he didn'f: knotiv if they could make it. All they could do was t►~y. Mr. 3oardr�an said he knew it was a tough schedule. , Ne said it 4vc�uld req�ire eaeh Commissaon member to do some home���ork. They would hav� ic t^ead ail �he data before the meetingy and this wo.uld facilitate their �evie�r. ' Mr. Roarc�man sa�id F�A ih�ught h� ���ould set up a tentative timetab1e, and �f th� revie�ti� af t:he com�r�l�er►s�ve housing plan couidn't be compieted by �he deadl i nA, ihen �l;hey woul d i;ave -ca rr�a!�e a HUD bl �ck grant fund appl �i cati on next , � year instea� of this y?ar. Chairman Narr�s said they wauTd try to work within the tirneta�le, bu� i�' it �ould�'t b� done, it wouldn't be done. ' Mr. D�igans asked hlr� Qoardmar. i�f he could qive some 7dea.of how much time it wouECi take to Neview �his pian on�an individual. basis. Mr. Boardman said he thouc�ht it wo�l� tak� about 10 haurs. ' ' ' ' NE4�! APf�OI�dTf�'iE�iTS TO N1F;�B�R COh�i�iISSIGNS � Mr. Bergman said that one r�ember of ti�eir Commission (Community Development) had anly attended one rreeting� �he has said that she wouldn't be coming to any more rneetings, bu(; she hasr�'t sent in � res�iynaticn. He said he would like to reQuest the City Co�!ncil fio a;�poin� scmeone to take Mrs. Stanley's place. The Community Development Cc:�m�ssion had quite a lot to do on this Commission at this ±ime, anci it was hard Ueing one rnen�ber short. - "• . . , e • , . Chairrnan Harris said he w�ul� urye the City Council to appoint a new member �o ti�e Canm�ur�ity Developmen� Cc+mm�ssion in al1 due-haste. . 60 Planninq Commis�ion P�eeting - December 17, 1975 Page 12 ADJOU���MENT: MOTION by Drigan�, seconded by Langenfeld, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon a voice vote, a�1 votirl_q aye, Chairman Harris declared the Planning Commission meet.i:ng of Decerr�er 17, 1975 adjourned at I1:40 P.M. • ;. • . , ' � . , ` Resp�ctfully stabm�itted, , � . C��� ` • �2✓�� L�' �,_,,/%/�� �!:'�' � t�orr�thy Ever! on y �r�cret�ry . 0 �! �� i � � � :MBERS PRESENT: ;MBERS ABSENT: THERS PRESENT 7 CATV COMMISSION MEETING December 3, 1975 Ken Brennen, Nancy farube7., Mark Scott, Bar.bara Hughes Johrz Haines John �ilalkmeyer - State Cable Commission Son Shafer -�I�et�o Council on Cable Communications Clyde Moravetz - City of Fridley Jeff Marcus - General Television � hairper.son Scott opened fihe meeting at 7:3� P.M. He t:�anked s. Hughes f.or her willingness to serve as a member af t�ie omrnission. �PPROVAL OF MINUTES 0�' OCTOBER 24, 1975 CATV COMMISSION MEETING: Zr. Brennen stated throughout the minutes the Anaka County ;ommunications Workshop was referred to as the Anoka County :ommunity Workshop. He stated he �aould like �rhis changed to read '�?noka County Cornrr�.unications Workshop . " �Ir, Brennen added th�re �.�as an error on �age 7, paragraph 9. rhe word ''pathos" should be ch�nged to -read "agreeable." �IOTiON by Ken Brenn�n, seconded by Tlaricy Wrubel, to a�prove the minutes of the Oc�ober 24, 1975 Cable Televi.sion Ccammi.ssion meet- ing as correc�ted� Upon a yoice vote, all voting aye, the mo�ti;�n carried unanim,ous"ly, PPROVt�L Or MINUTES OF NOVE?�IBER 7, 1975 CA^1V CGMMISSION SFF:CIAL r1f:F..TING� MOTTON ;�y Ken Brennen, seccnded by Nancy Wrubel, to approve th� minutes of the November 7, �975 CATV Commission special meetiri�; as written. Upon a voic�: vote, all v�ting aye, the mot..on car�ied unanimnus�y. DISCL'SSION ON RECENT PROGRF�M _CI-IANGLS_OF GENER1°,L TELt,VZSTON: Hir.ing of an Attorney: Mr. Scott explained the Council had pu� a sealin� of $1,600 on t:1�e Commission's hiring of an attorney. He added the Council h�zc� a::ked the Commission employ the services of only on� attorncy. ifc�w��vcr, if they wish, the two at�torneys may work somethiiig out betwe=�n themselves and divide tYie $1,00Q accor�ciingly. Mr . Scott stated he had received let�ter. s from � Naniy1Wi 2� �ti�'r�� Ken Brennen indicating they fel� Mr. Goldm�n � q would make him the best man for the job. He added hG h�lc� t'�'t received any opinian from Mr. Haines on this matter. 1 _ 7A � ATV COMMISSTON MEETING I� ' AG E; 2 s.'Hughes stated she was w:illing to accept the opinions of the ther Commission members or� -tr�s rna�tter. r. Marcus stated he was familiar with the work of Mr. Goldman nd recommended the Commission employ him. �I ' r. Brennen said Mr. Goldman's credentials, contacts, and experience ith the tederal government would get the Commission more direct nswers to any questions it may have. OTION by Nancy Wrubel, seconded by Ken Brennen that the CATV ommission employ NIr. David Goldman. Upon a voice vote, all oting aye, the mot:ion carried unanimously. %� �The above NOTION was amended at the. December 11, 1975 CATV Comm�.ssion mee-ting, Ple�,se refer to those minutes for motion. ) Subscriber Revenue: r. Scott state� the Commission was tryir.g to determine (1) How oes the franchise read in services that the City is to receive r.om General Television iri the way of the regular service, and 2) whether or not pay cable can be assessed for the 5% subscrib�r evenues. r. Walkmeyer stated his interpretation was if a subscriber were eceiving only the Cinema III ser�ice, the City would not get any f the money. I-le added, however, i� they were still receiving the asic service, they are p�ying the $.°,.°5, and therefor�e, the City ould have a strong argurnent to ge± par�t of that money. He stated her� tiTas an even larger question -- whether or not it is � funda- entally illegal action to offer just �he Cinema III service- r. Marc��is statec! General Television's aztorneys nad looked at the rdin�nce and the F'.C.C. rules,and they ielt GTV was consisten-t ith tl:e rules. He acided, presently, GT� has its attorneys looking t putting in access channels to "pay on�y" subscribers. He added T`J has been provid�ng the fu11_ cable service to those who have equested Cinema_ II1: onl_y because the filters have not yet arrived o block out the local ori�inaiion channel. He stated the equipment ould be deliver.ed within about two weeks. He added GTV is at the rerogative of t}Ze company to give cable service at no charge to t'rie onui�unity . � [r. Brennen asked whether it would be probable for Cinema III to be IeZivered along with the primary service as a single service pacicage .f it was not for the fact -L-hat tile company would have to pay the ;iiy 5 0 ori the bas�.c servi�e. � 1 ' , �J !_ J' 7E TV COMMISSTON MEETING E 3 r. Marcus stated it was not in the best interests of GTV to have ubscribers on botn services. Ttre company would like to make oney.. �ie added General Television's attorneys tell them they annot pay the 5% at this time. s. Hughes asl:ed wnether Mr, i�arcus felt the F.C.C. anticipated this o be a separate franchise. Mr. Marcus stated he felt personally hat the F.C.C. thought pay cable was something that was going to e a new type of se�^vice, and that they would like to see it eveloped. r. Scott stated �f the F.C.C. did feel. that way, they prob�bly � ssumed that if a cable compa.ny was going to provide a Cinema IIl ackage only, the company would h.ave to.get a sep�rate f.ranchise for �t• � � u �J� � � � � ' � � � . Shafe.r indicated in � New York case such as this, each system d to have a sepax�ate franchise , s. Hughes agreed that the F,C.C. had stat�d that pay cdble t�le- �.s�on was not going to qtialify wi-thin thi.s basic r_•ight. GTV Sales Campaign: r, Marcus stated GTV will cont.inue with �the ciirect sales campaign f the money�-back guarantee through the end of -this year. He dded presei�tly they have about 1200 customers in cable ser_vi.ce. f thase 1200, aboul� 9B2 - 1000 are on �rhe pay service. 250 f those are "pay only" subscribers. r. Scott asked 4rhether the regul�.r service only had dropped n number c�f subscri.bers . t�.r . Marclzs s�id no a r. Scott sta�ed a number o.f persons had commented the salesm�n or GTV have been somewha�t ai�usa_ve. This was a caricern. Mr. MarcL?s aid GT�� does make an e#�fo.rt to have peop.le try it . Some ;�eople ay v�e� tha_s as ��.rong , r. Scott asked if GTV had any plans for special new services. r. Marcus stated they now have a mor�e serious ir.terest �.n g2tting ack into lcca]_ origir�ati�n. H2 added the Winne�eg station is rozen fox� the winter, Also, they need one more operator. If hey get that commitment, it will be put up in the spri.ng. j'�!r . Scott stated a��' �hey �a�nted fi� exp��nd ,-th.ey may have to come Q zvith a specia7. optian. :�e asked wnether Mr. Marcus had any .deas �o� th�:s. Mr, �Iarcus s�tated they have applied l�r 3n ear�-th tatzon �rom th.e �'.G.C. Th:is �aould a11nw them to cherry pic;K frorn he nat�onal. channel. They are also looKing at �the possibility of ring�'ng �n o�thez� attractions to expand the�.r serv�ces. 1 1_ 1 � 7C TV CQMMISSION MEETING AGE 4 r. Marcus added GTV may make application for a satellite receiving tation in the near future. He stated they are looking at increased apability - nothing �peciric. Different ideas are being looked t as a result of the increasir�g number of cable television viewers. 3URVEY ON CABLE TELEVISION: � s. Wrubel reported she had checked with several telephone survey . ompanies and had discovered they are much too expensive to consider_. he suggested the Commission resort to sending the survey out with ' he newsletter in the spring. She added a number of journalism tudents have stated they would design questionairres for about $10 n hour. � , � � � r � r. Moravetz asked that the City have the completed surveys by the iddle of March to insure they are included with the newsletter. e added the Commission had enough money to do both the annual eport and the survey. . Marcus stated he would like to work with whoever writes the survey. r. Scott suggested letters be sent to Tom Myhra, the library, the ity, Gene-�al Television, and the Anoka County Communications orkshap asking for suggestions on �the type o� questions to be ncluded in the survey, He added the survey wili probably consist f about 15 questions. s. Hughes stated she would like n the survey what the citizens erms of regulation and control. REPORT: the Commission to consider asking expect the City to provide in he Commission decided both the annual report and the survey would e included with the newsletter. • s. Hughes stated she would Zike tc discuss in the report what the ommission is not doing and why they cannot do it. IMr. Brennen stated he would update t;�e material for the January � meeting. Ms. Hughes stated she would like the survey run through a professional editor or edited by the Commissioners at one of their meetings. � � � _NDER OF THE BUDGET: Mr. Moravetz stated $8200 was left in the Cable Commissic��•S fund� and it will be transferred t� the general fund unless it is encumbered. Also, an $8800 performance bond will remain in the CATV func He suggested the Commission recommend ideas for special projects, etc., in order. to encumber the funds. 1 � 7D TV COMMISSION MEETING E 5 s. Hughes suggested the Commission may wish to send a member to ashington if anything develops on the General Television matter ith the F.C.C. :JBLIC HEARING: . Walkmeyer explained a publzc hearing wi.11 be held at the State pitol Building on December 12, 1975 at 9:00 A.M. )ISCUS�ION ON JOINT POWERS: r. Walkmeyer explained Coon Rapids and Anoka are setting up a oint powers. . Marcus stated if they could continue to boost their subscriber te, GTV would probably be interested ir� expanding. s. Hughes suggested approaching Virgil Herrick, City Attorney, ',_ � lerting him that Coon Rapids and Anoka are setting up a joint owers, and asking for his opinion on a joint powers. ISCUSSION ON COMT�iISSION MEMBER ATTEIvTDING STATE MEETING: �r. Scott stated Ms, Virginia Greenman had approached him and � sked that someone from the Commi'ssion attend the next State Commission #neeting to discuss the recent changes in programming of GTV. , � ' � � OTION by Barbara Hughes, seconded by Nancy Wrubel, that Mark Scott fticially represent the �ommission in an informational report on ew developmer�ts in cable television in Fridley for the Commission. pon a voice vote, all voting aye, the m,otion carried unanimously. written statement will be sent to Theodore Melby of the State. DATE FOR NEXT P'IEETING : e next CATV Commission meeting taill be either the second or third ek in January. JOURNMENT: MOTION by Barbara Hughes, seconded by Ken Brennen, to adjourn the CATV Commission meeting of December 3, 1975 at 10:15 P.M. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, �/ , 9� n /.../�'�L��L �.�/ /{.' -� ""' ���-- V / %, [ Holly Tonsa er � g - Record�.ng Secretar� . _ _.. , �� ��� � � � ' L_J � ' � � � C.aBL.�+..' COi�S.'�lI $SIOIJ I�I: �TIiVG Decembar 11, 1975 Frialey City Hall Attendin�: Mark 5cott, Chairperson Barbara Hu�he s Ken Brenn an N an ci :�rubal Dou�las Hedin, attflrney Marek So�tt called the meetin� to order at ?:40 p.m. 1�T�rk reported th�t the Blo�r�in�ton oity attorney had advised Y?is city coun�il th�t �.�� u sanarate sin,ale c�ptional sArviae were offered by the CATV companY, tha� tha f ranchi se aould be revoked. Ken Brenn�n m�ved t� rec�nsider the selecti�n of attorney to �dvisa the commission on paY television pr��ra�ing. ,�ec�nded� by B�rbara i-iu�he s. �a ssed un�n3.m�u s1y. I�iotion by iien 3rennan tnat up�n r�utual ��rGe:�lc:�t bet�,aaen 9tt�rney David u�ldm�n and thE Fridley Cable C�mni ssion, Goldman will not ba retained as counsel for reviet,ai�� thG Frialey �;�bl� orc��.�ance. ��c�nci�d '�:�� B�rbara i-Iu�he s. �assed unanimougly. i�l�ti�:i b� Ken �r�ennan to retain Dou�Ias Hedin as �tt�rne,y to �dvise �n the cable �rdinance. �ec�nded b,y TJanci �;Trube7.. �assed unanimousZy. Dau�las Redin arrived at 7;50 p,m. I�iar�k �cott delivered a file o� m�tsri�ls to i�ir. Hadin as back�round on cable televi sion develop:nnnt in the Clt,y and the develo��r.ent of Cin�ma TT� paY i��vie ch�nnels. :v:�mbers of �he C�nnission di acussed the �r�din�,nca and answered que stions �;3k�d by Mr. i�iedin. Hedin was req�.�estad to rep�i�t t� the commission no later than mid Janu�.ry. I�iark will oonfer witr: h.im �bout pr��re ss on qus ati�n s�o sed shortly aft er Chri str�a s. � I�Iark �aid he had been asked t� appe�,r ba��ra the T�•Zinnesota State Cabl� C�mmissi�n to expla�n �h� davelopsment 9�f Cinema III as a ser��rate and sin�le optional service without the b�sio packA�a. He will app��r at the December �eetln�Zo Ken Brennan moved ad,journment . Sec�nded and passed. � Re s;�ec� f`u11Y submit ed, /G --r ��� 1 Barbara Hu�he s ;5eoretary �'ro-Tem � ' 7E � �, :.' � � � r , ' ' ' ' � ' . _ � ' �� � ' MEMO T0: MEMO FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Nasim M. Qureshi, City Manager Richard N. Sr�biech, Public Works Director December 29, 1975 Interceptor flaintenance Agre�ment fdo. 67 with Metropolitan Waste Control Commission for 1976 We have reviewed the attached correspondence from the Metropolitan 4Jaste Control Commission (MWCC) regarding renewal of the referenced agreement. This agreement provides far actual payment for materials, equipment and labor perta;:ing to any main�enance the City of Fridley would perform on �che interceptor. Review of the maintenance being performed at the prESent time indicates that renewal of the agreement is justified. It �s therefore requested tha t the Council consider the renewal of this agreement for 1976 at the regular meeting of January 5, 1976, and it is recammended that the Council approve execution of the agreement for 1976. RNS/jm Enc. � , -��,,,...,,,..7 lYIETROPOL1TAf1 IllAITE �om�nir`rian Twin Cities (arca December 1, 1975 Nasim Qureshi, City P�gr. City of Fridley 6431 University tive. id.E. Fridley, i�n. 55432 Sub�ect: Interceptor t9aintenance Agreement for 1976 Dear (�ir. Qureshi : Ide wish to rene�r for anotf�er year the Interceptor Maintenance Agreernen� No. G7 under the same terms and conditions contained in the Rgreement which is presently in force between the City of Fridley and the i�1etropolitan Waste Control Corunission. The Renewal Agreen�ent is enclosed in triplicate for your endorse- ment. We have sigr�ed the enclosed statement as our intentioi� of reneGVing i.i�e lagreement and ask that you also sign and return to us two (2) of the executed copies and retain one (1) for your recor�s. Should you have any questions or suggested changes to the basic Cantract �agreement, �lease coritac� us. Your cooperation in acc�pting this renevral procedure is greatly appreciated. Very �ruly yours . � - Richard �. gherty . Chief Administrator RJD:MSJ:jf� tnclosure cc: P�ary Jensen, Disburser�ent Supervisor, f�14dCC George t�'. Lusi�er, Di rec�or of Uperati ons , t�WCC John l�lmo, Interceptor Engineer, h1t�lCC � I50 f11ETRO/OUFlRE BLDG. 7TH 6 RO[3ERT/TREET.� IRIl1T PRUL (Tl(155101 GI2 242•842i '�. � � _..... recyded C� oA • � . � STATE(�IEPdT OF AGREEP�1ENT RE.NEWAL INTERCEPTOR f`��=1IidTEiVAf�CE AGREE(`'IE�JT N�. 67 The Me�ropolitan t�Jaste Controi Comrnission ard the City of Fridley ag� ee to renev� tihe Interceptor f�iaintenance Agreement fJo. 67 which is currently in force betvreen i,hese parties. The terms of the Agreement for the renewal period shall be the sar�e as tk�ose contained in the Agree- ment which was executed for the January l, 1975 -�DECember 31, 1975 period. The renewal period for Interceptor (�1ai�tenance Agreerner�t fJo. 67 shall be January 1, 1976 - Deeember 31, 1976. That both parties agree to the renewal per�od and terms is evidenced by the signatures affixed to this statement. FOR TH�'CITY OF FRIDLEY FOR THE METROPJLITAf� 6JRSTE CONTROL COP�iMISSION . /��___� Title Jose 7. S�;rauss, Chairman Title � �ard . aaughert , hief inistral:or �E� � 1975 Dated � Dated_ � 1 ;� � � � , , ' � , v i ..,_:..�..,r,':= .� " crtr or vyu pG� v i��_ . i .,�:�- �...f �, .�«, ^ � �,.� � �_- � ``.: s J � ,� ;���:�--����;.=T__-_ � \ : � n=`. � � �.._I� � i== �, � ,,-��.; 4, � , \ ^'{ ` � ��, � � ' , �� �b ' d� � �6, \;`�I.. � 4 � ',� � =, N � � � � �� ' , W 1�► E _ ' '� S ' a � ;_ , , a , i - y y-�. y �V I i � �� , I �� —.�. � --- � � ' • M � . � r ` i� ' , � , K ' � � L i ., ..,... . , ' � �, — � � � Ii '� I ;� � � � ` i•,; .. � ""�.Y..^ :� .�� '� / tj �a�a��.�v_�. 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A RESOLUTIOPd APPROVIf�G DRP,FT FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPRUVEMENT PROGRAM FOR ACQUISITIQN AND DEVELOPMENT OF PARKS AfVD OPEN SPACE IN THE CITY ' OF FRIDLEY WHEREAS, the State Natural Resources Fund �rovides for grants to assist local public bodies in the acguisition and development of outdoor recreation; and W�iEREAS, the rules an� reyu1ations for State Natural Resources Fund pro- vide criteria that app�ications must meet; and WHEREAS, in order for the proposed project to be eligible for approval, ' there must be �roof that it is part of a comprei�ensi�e outdoor recreation plan and a f�ve year capital impr�ovement program; and � WHFRF,4S5 t�`e City of Fridley, �N�11 be �.apgrading the Parks and Recrea�tion : Comprehens�eve Plan and a five year capitai improvPment program, wiiich will include North Par{:s scheduled �`or completion mid - 1976. NOG,I, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOi.UED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley that Jerrold Boardmany City Planner, is hereby authorized to file a draft five year ca�ita� imprevement orogram with the State of Minnesota, Office of Local and Urban /�ffairs of the State Planning Agency with tne understanding that this draft is subject to change with the anticipated adcption of the Parks and Recreation Comprehensive P?an in m�d - 1976. AD�aTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY ?HIS DAY OF ATTES7: 1976. MAYOR - I��ILLIAM J. NEE CIrY CLERY. - MARI�IN C. t��;liP�SELL � ' � �� ' � � , � � � ��, � , � �J � ' � ���- z � y �: �ye"z"°� .`? �: � 'r,''�y-`, . FIVE YEAR �APITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Thi s�il an i s cti-vi d�ci l 11��G �w� caiegati°�; �s , acqu � si ti or� ur�d devel o�- ment. ' Acquisition: In detef�mining what land was needed and where it would be located, the guidelines and recomrriendatiar�s from the inventory and analysis section were applied to determine: 1. The areas with deficieni amount and location of park land. 2. ih� areas ��vhere a�d�tional land is desired for large scale �ci:i vi es , parks o r �ra'i 1 s. The desired recreational iar�d can be ac�vired in several different ways: 1. Dedicaticn in the pr�cess of resident�a� land develapment. 2. Tax forfeit exc�anges ar� deeding fr�m th� County or S�ate. 3. Donation of land by individuals or �rt�ups. 4: Purchase, using regu�ar budgeting or bonding. Development: The g�iidelines and recornmendations from tt�e inventory and �nalysis were a.1so applied here, esta.blishing pr�oritzes. To deter- mine the recommended actio�s the corsiderat�ons included the following: 1. The total number of inhabitants. 2. The age of the population. 3. The family size. , 4. Nousing types. 5. Distribution of existing facil-ities and trends �n activities and programs. 9� ' L ' .. ' ' ' � ' � ' , ' , � � ' ' � � ' � �. �,�r.; �; ,,� 6. Citizen reqaests for development. 7. Costs of develcpment an� sources of funding.� The follov�ting itemiza±ion �f the pTanr�ed ca�itaT improvements utili- ' zes funds from the Parks and R�creation De�ar•tment budg`t at the present . proportion of the total b�dg��i usec! for acquisiti.orr and developrrent. _ . .... _ 1975 7ota� �udget $80,9Q0 �Aquisition 15,000 ' � t�i n�-P.ark Nei g�b�rhood � �, Mini-Park Neigh�orhoad 2. 15,000 North Innsbruck I�ark - North Portion of Lake Development Trail Developm�nt (Stage i) Hi ckory D}°2 ve �rea - C1 i mbi ng �ppa �atus Locke Lake Park - �'limbir�c� A�pa7°atus Commons Park (Uenera� Improvem�:nt) Locke Park (Gerieral Improver�e��t Building Fund Lan�scaping Commons Park Moore Lake Beach �.� ght� �ig Commors LeckP Park 50,000 30,000 w/ matching funds 3,000 3,Q00 2,000 2,000 10,000 6,900 5,OOQ 1,900 9,000 5,000 4,OQ0 �80,900 80,900 iOTRL 1916 Total Budget $84,900 l�cquisition ~ 15,000 Trai1 System - Easement & Acquisiti�n 15,000 Developmen� 8uiidiny �und 9,900 57,900 • � I� ��; �; _�:; r �, �;+�;f-�e�s*:.�: �,a,f �:: Neighborhood 23 - Mini-Paric - Tot Apparatus $3,000 Unity Hospital Lot - Tot Appai�atus 3,000 Tra.il Dev��lo�ment (Stane ?_l , 3Q,000 • w/match�ng funds North Innsbruck Park - Partial Develo�ment 10,G00 Commons 1,000 Locke Park 1,000 Landscape ' Moare Lake Beac:h Meadowlands Ruth Circle $ 5,000 1,000 3,000 1,000 Ligitting 7,000 Moare l_ake Beach � 7,000 . . TOTAL $84,900 84,900 1977 Totai Bu�get $89�,100 Acqu�s ti �on ' , ' 10,000 Funa - Riverview Heights �roperty 10,000 Developmeni 61,100 8�;ilding �und 12,000 Harris Lake Park - C�imbing Apparatus 4,000 Neighbarhood � - Ciimbing Plppar�t�s 3,500 Trai1 Dev�Iopmeni: (Stage 3) 20,000 w/matching funds Ruth �irc7e - Ballfieid b�Jork, Parking Facility 10,000 � �leiicae - Climbing A�para.tus 3,000 Trail Development - Trail Impro�ement and North Innsbruck Park , Nature Orientation 8,600 Landscape Ruth C�rcle Sylvan Hills Harris Lake Park Unity Hospital Craig Hackmann 10,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 400 400 9C Jay EricKSOn � � Madsen Terrace • Pending and future acquis7tion Lighting $ 400 1,OQ0 40(l 400 i , 000 ��#J � ��v:t:' `, � . � ,�r,tr : ��� Meadow�ands � 3,000 Sylvan Nills � 5,000 � � TOTAL 89,100 $89,100 �978 Total 6ud �t 93,500 �, cc;��� isitior. 5,000 �eneNa� purchas2 5,000 Qevelopment , 78,500 Nortr� �nnsbruck Park. - Lake Cnnstruc�ian 25,OQ0 Meadow?ar�ds - Picnic - Major �evelopmeni i0,000 Neighborhood ?'3 4,000 Unity Hosp�t�l - Major Qevelc�ment 8,000 Ruth Ci rcl e-• �eneral Irnpravement 3,000 Craig - Ger�era� Ir�provement 6,OOQ Commons � u"�neral Impruvement 2,000 Trail Improverrent - Landscaping, Etc. 7,500 Buil��ng Func! 13,000 Landscape 7,000 Commons 1,000 641 ��ay 1 ,000 Skyi i ne 500 Lo�an 500 Gl enco� 500 Eisenhauer Square 500 Hamiltons • 2,500 F1 ane��y 500 L�ghting 3,000 Flanery �ark 3,000 TOTAL 93,500 93,500 9E � ' � ' ' � � 1 �� � i � � � �;;;:; :✓�y'a - 1979 Total Bud et . . _ . $98,000 Acquisi�ion 5,000 General Purchase � $ 5,000 Development Trai 1 Im�roti�emeiit P�orth Innsbruck Locke Park -- Redevelopment App�ratus P�ymouth Square - RedevElopment Apparatus Harris Lake Park - Skating Dev�leprnent Commons Park � General Improvemer�ts Building Fund 20,G00 20,000 5,OQ0 5,000 5,000 2,000 13,000 70,000 Landscape 73,000 General Planting Program -Beautiful City Frogram i3,000 «/ organizations Li gh�:i ng 10,000 ' Trai 1 System Li gh�ting 10900�J TOTAL 98,U00 98,000 FOSSIQLE PRQGRAMS �OR PRESEP�T OR FJTURE 6UDGETING 7. 2. 3. 4. J. � West �9oore Lake Park Developn��ent - Special Use Park Communi ty Sv��i mm� nq Poo i Community Center -- Youth Center , Indo�r Tenn�� Faciiit-ies Devel opmert af %�rci?i �tectura i�y Coordi �7ai:ed Shel ter Buildings for Parks (? Minimum) Coordinatcd L�ghting System for Existing Park Facil9ties � . I f' . 1 ' � � � ' ' �J ' � � 10 RESOLUTIOPd h0. A RESOLUTION AU7HORIZING THE ADMINISTRRTION TO APPLY FOR FUNDS FOR THE DEVELOPME(vT OF "NORTH Pl�R!C" PARK PROPERTY UNDER THF FROVISION OF THE STATE NATURt�L RESOURCE F�JND WHEREAS, the State Natural Resource Fund �rov�ides for the making of grants to assist �ocal public_bodies in the acqu�sition and development of outdoor recreation pr•ojects; and WHEREAS, the City of Fridley, through agreements with the Spring Brook Nature roundation, desires to develop "North Park" park property as an interpretive nature �enter which will be helc! and used for permanent open space; and WHEREAS, it is estimated that the cost of �che first stage of develop- m�nt of said project shail be $54,000. t�Ot�, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEQ by the City Cou�cil of the City of Fridley: 1. That an application be made to the Office of Local and Urban Affairs of ' the State Planning Agency for a grant from the Natural Resource Fund, Minnesota Laws, ?973, Chapter 720, Section 43, Subdivision 2, par. (g) or (h), for an amaunt presertly estimateG to be �27,OOC and the applicani will pay the balance o�F the cost fro�n other funds available to it. 2. That Jerrold Boardman, City Planner, is hereby authorized and directed 'co execute and to file such application with the State of Minnesota Off�ce of Locai and Urban Affairs of the State of Minnesota and to �rcvicle a�diti�nal information and to furnish documents as may be required by said Agenc.y, to execute s��ch cantr�cts as are required by said Rge�cy, and to act as the authorized correspondent of the Applicar,�c. 3. Thai: tne proposed c�evelopment is in �ccordarace v�rith plans for the allocatior. of land for open s�a�� uses, and thai should said grant be made, the app�{i- cant will acquire, devel�p and retain said land for use(s) designaied in said ' application and approved by the Office of Local and lJrbar� Affairs and the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCTL 0� THE CITY OF FR?DLE'Y THIS IDAY OF' � ATTEST: ' [! l_9ib. GITY CLERK - MRRVIN C. BRUNSELL MAYOR - WILLIAM J. NEE .� 11 CI1�Y �JF FRIDLEY �IE MO RAN DUM T0: NASIM M. QURESHI , CITY i�IANAGER, A��D CITY COUNCIL FROM: MARVIN C. BRUP�SELL, ASST. CITY MGR./FIN. DIR. SUBJECT: CHANGI(VG PROJ�CT NUMf�ER ON THE ST. 1974-3 STREET I��1PROVEfY1ENT PROJECT TO THE ST. 1�76-3 STREET s "!IPROVEP9ENT PROJECT DATE: DECEP�RER 12, 1975 In order to mi n; mi ze admi ni strati ve exp�nse , i�t i s desi rable to have all str•eet proj�ci:c completed in a given year carry the same fund number°. 6Jork has start� d at ihe intersect-i on of 53rd Avenue and Highway 65, however, it is not expect�d to be completed and assessed uniil such time as t��e ST. 1976 Street Projects are completed and assesseJ. � ?�Je are, �he•refore, asking tnat the Council authorize renaming the street project from the ST. 19i4-3 to ihe STo 1976-3 Street Improvement Project. MC8 : s h 1 � , RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLU('ION CHANGING THE PROJECT NUMBER OF THE 1974-3 STREET IMPROVFMENT PROJECT 70 THE 1976-3 STREET IMPROVEMEiVT PROJECT, AND TRANSFERRING COSTS AND �XPENSES FROP� THE 1974-3 STREET IP�PROVEMENi PROJECT TO THE 1976-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (IN"fERSECTION OF 53;D AVEfdUE A��D HIGHt,IAY 65) WHEREAS, Certain street and storm sewer work has been done under the 1974-3 Street Improvement Project, and WHEREAS, The contract is just naw in the process of being let, and ' �dNE REAS, It is desirable from an administrative standpoint to have a71 assessment rolls for a given street project start and end during the same year, , � _'' ' ' �� ' , , � � , � �dOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLG'ED, Tliat the 1974-3 Street Improvement Project is renamed the 1976-3 Street Improvem�nt Project, and BE :��:� FUR� HER RESOLVED, I hat al l expenses of the 1974-3 Street Improvement Project shall be transferred and become a part of the i976-3 Street Improvement Project, and BE IT FURTHER RFSOLVED, Tha-c tf�e 1974-3.StreEt Improvement Project is hereby closed and all work done under this impr�oveme�t project will - now be cor�sidered to have been done under the 1976-3 Street Improvement Project. PRSSED FihD Au�PTED QY T'rIE CITY COU�JCIL OF 7HE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY 0 � ATTEST : ,1976. ��FaYOR - WILLIAP4 J. NEE C?TY CLEP,K - MAP.UT�, Ca �3RUNSELLT 0 1l A ' � � , , ' ' ' � ' � � ' ' , , RESOLUTION N0. - 1976 A�ESOLUTION ?a �DUtRTISE FOR BI�S FQR A PUBLIC WARNING SIREN AND IPdST�LLATION BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Fridley, as follows: 1. That it is in the interest of the City to award bid contracts for the f'o7lowing items or materials. PUBLIC WARNING SIREN APdD INSTALLATION 2. A copy of the specifications for the above descr�ibed items and materials, toge�her with a proposal for �he method of purchase and the payment thereof have ueen presented t� the Council by the City Manager and the same are hereby approved and adapted zs the plan� and s�ecificatians, and the method of acquisition and payment to be reMUired by th� City with respect to the acquisition of said items and mater�als, 3. The purchase of said items a�id materials as described above shall be effected by sealed bids ta be received and onened by the City of Fridley on the 23rd day of Jaruary, 1976. The City Manager is directed and authorized to advertise for ±�e pu•rchase ofi said items and materials by sea7ed bid proposals unde�• not�ce as provideu by law a.nd the•Charter of the Ci±y of Fri�ley, t17� notice t� be substantia?ly in form as that sh�t,�n by Exhibit "A" at��achPd hcreto and ma.c�e a;�ar�t nf by referencee Said noiice shail be pubiished at 7east tw�ice in the o*ficial newspaper of the City of Fridley. PASSED AND ADQPTEQ QY THE CI"TY COUhCIL UF iN� CITY QF FRIDLEY TNIS DkY Or A�TEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell '1976. MAYQR - William J. Nee l2 � . � •t }� � . , i �IDVERTISEMENT FOR QIDS FUBLIC OUTDOOR 1�A�NIPIG SIRETa AND If�ISTALLATIO►� BIUS CLOSE JANUARY 23, 1976 CI7Y UF FRIDL.E'f s MT�iNES07A f�OTICE TG BIDDERS Sealed proposals wil� be received un�il 11.:00 R.P7., January 23, 1976, by the Gi ty Man�ger°, Ci ty of Fri dl ey, Mi nr��sc�t�R i r► b�ha7 f of t}�� Ci ty Counci 1 o� tre Ci ty of �t�i d1 ey, trti nn� ac� �a for the fol l awi ng : . 12 A �Jne (1) Rzr t���:�°rti►1� Si�er�s Du�l 7c�r.�, n�nrct��?nn, 22�/240 Vo7ts, G� M!�2, _ Three Phase, per Federal C�vil D�fense Speci��cG�ioi�s No. 103, Size C, 105 d�cibe1. OnE (1) Control Panelo � - One. (1� Tel eph�ne R�l ay. A17 equiFmer.t must meei� s}�eci�ic�tians as l�si�d or� the saecificatian she�t G` �che pro�osal. Als�y ir,s�a7la�iar� o� t�rc auove cqu�pmer�t as iis�ed in �he - � prt►�osa1. � . . � � S�eci�i�ations �nd prcpos�l may b� obt��ned ai. tl^te Cyt� t�anager's Office. A71 bids must be ar� i;�:�, p�~a��c�sa� fc�rr�� fi�rn7sl�:� E�y i�asi�r� �ureshi, C�ty Manayer-. rt?� �ids �nust �e ac��mp�r�i�d by a cer��fiied check �r t�id bo��d in the sum o�"57� of the tG �a l amount bi � F . . T�te Cit.s� reserv��s th� rig�t �o reject any or �ll bids and to waive all in�o►°mal i 4�es. �ids to !�e ad�ress�� tc� hasir� Qureshi, C�ty f�!anag�r, Friclley, h1is�ne�ota an�l cl earl y raarhed "B�d for S� ren" . � �asini Qureshi Cit�� hlanager ' p�bl i sh Da�Ges : . January i4, 1976 J 21 19 � artu�ry , 76 • � � �� i� 1 ; � � � � � � 1 1 � � � ���- ����-��� l , ���'�''�`i� �i,�,�' � G� T /'� �� j%�1'% ��'1`�! ,�'l'<c��'/�. �� /� �^/ �� /� � %� �� > ��f � .�� �fll� / L,rl�"G� �G�'(d.� �.i 0_ L �� i%� . � �% , � I/� � �`� �`' X ,,���/`�'S �� �'i= , r �'.f�'.: �`�;� ._--___ ���` �!��f����-� ���,���rs� �,��,������ ��������`c�� ��� /Z1��Jy�l� �r �,��r�;�� �`c� �/'��: �.�2> ��'i� /.�'�'�°. �J� ' �G' 1 /'�� jG;1� ��' ���°S��C��' �, �� �� !�'� � � ���1,��'� ��`t`�'���'1�0��%`�� ���1����°v � �� �'j`��%G'` s � C.����`��-��'/��� ��� �alG�1L'' ��.�' �,�� ����,z-f��:�� �9��i��G7 �F���'1 ��'�% ���� �+�,�'`� .`�:�.�`G`',�,��,�}f � f� � � �2 �' �%� 1� � s"jC � �!� � � � �' /� ,,�'��?��=�� �t`G"�� �r,�' ��,�y��`'�����`�:• ����� , /f�`�`���G`��i���� ,— �,���,/�.`'r���L�� �,� ��� �� ,� J�'�� ������1�,�%r,�,���� �� t�� n�� G��� ,�� ,��T�; �',�� ���������������. � ` ��� ;����������� �� ���s�,��`�%.���� ,�.��%����� . � �,���`�`���� � �,�= ,7'`_�1� �"'���������� � jyf�� G' �� l�� Gti �`'�y �' /l���i�/�'�`''� 1� �1 � .. . . . . .. � . _.. �.. . . . ...... . _ __." � _ ,.._._. . ay7,�,x�vA'� �� �� ��{' ��� � EEING is believing," says' the , r � . a , '', ; ,�/ �{� -� w' ���� Russian proverb. I heard � . ,. `; '*,}, �;; °'�'�r`� �`��+.r�: exactly the same thing in En,lish ' :; � f ,� '�,,� a ����,a � 1� .�s,�,,�,�q,� (rom William Slatcher, Mayor of �'- `�i�• �W�� 4-�` Sea(ord, Delaware, and other mem- ��� ��"�r +� ,�•.�*�`�3" , �-�t ���':;,� bers oi the National League oi ' y �` �'��v' ,'.� r� ��'�" " T � Cities and the U.S. ConfErence of �� � �'' " , ��"'�� ��'� �`�� � Mayors during their three days in �, � � � 1+ � � `;,� � � , 1 �' � � � � ,�� MOSCONJ. y z� i� � � „ • • �� •, ,,,, $� - � , Since this �vas a first visit tor ` ��`. � fl:;�y , � � most of them, they were in;ere�?°d �`�`"�t �_ ��4"''�''$� �;"� � � 1" 4 � t • �� not only in culturai and `:istorical ,a�'�:'t „ �«c��`; K .�: : � '� : ,r d � . ; , .. . �,„'` ,� •+ monuments, but in many as,^,�cts of x'''� •: ` � �` ;: � �, everyday li(e. At a meeUng of the �f � . °t-r , f s f � '� �, _„�,�,�� ; ,,. x. � . �" ' , • Mosco�v City Soviet, they asked * �'_; � - i �' � , �` ` ` �, about housing construction. educa- � , - : .f. -Y rt%., . . �, . � � , . ' ���a .n �; ' rt` 3' : tion, transport. the municiral budget. � ' ; � �`� ��, � � � One of the big problems of the �` ; , 1� '. •� �� �� � `, � �: City Soviet, Mayor Vladimir Promy- �{ _>x'� '' ' � .y''�� � �; ;., _.� s!ov told them, is labor po�,ver: The "� ,r „y'y° � '� � �- `' , � capital needs some 150,0�0 more �� -,� ;�;#.� F� �� 'S �' � ' workers. The City Soviet is respon- � �� �'�' � �'� i �.',' ` �� '� sible for construction of cultural , - ` ��' , ,� `{ � � �;�.},�.•'` , � _ � .� �,.� F : and service facilities and builds i � � ,,,jy�, � - � � �� �.�=: 12G,000 apartments a year. a � , ��` � 'Though the scale of housing � ±��%;f��`r �` ,� ,„ .�.��`� � ; ,��� �;� construciion is large, i can't say that �' �'��' ;^ � ��s , ,, �� ' :: we have solved this impertant prob- ``.�� .' ' „�°` > � lem," said Promysiov. "The living � � '�� :,• �� ua stun�+ards of the Soviet peopie are F .a , t ;' '; `�� improving, and what satisfied them �� ��` rx ;,: :� yes[erday isn't enough today." r�':� '''- �� Timothy Barro�ti�, Mayor of Phoe- , , , �, � �' `; , .� ' ry nix, Arizona, asked 3bout. �oscow's `�;� t, t � public trans�ort system. �� „� "Our municiqal iransport carries �> ,i { � � �,' ;_ '� 14 million passengers daily. The �' ;�x, ,i ��ry.~ �.�` city's population is about eight mil- "' ,..����r•° '�� lion. Soviet city planners give pre'- ��.� � r��� � :r erence to electric transport—which "� * •.'r 7 r accounts for 70 per cent of the city's : ; � � � transport facilities—because it dces ' ; �'�*'��� not poliute the atmosphere as auto- � ,� mobiles do. The fare is the same re- `�'� `' �� gardless of distance within the city � � .��,..".'� ,;,��,,,,� ,' , limits. It is five kopecks for the sub- fAayor Promysfov and [V9ayor �dwa�.d Fra�ier of Smi4hville, Tennessee. �'ay and bus, four kopecks for the trofley bus and three kopecks for � t1�e streetcar." Barrow's question showed that the muricipa{ authoritias of the two • � ; countries face many similar prob- • � �� �� � � `` � � lems, though there are differences, � as weli. �;� ,� "Moscow's land," Promyslov � "��� i€!� �� a� �� pointed out, "is under the jurisdio- � tion of the City Soviet, which makes things easicr for us in a number of � �,.�, � i..� ��� evays. W� have the right to tear � � �� 4 down any structure, to rebuild any ' � � � � �? � �'j� •� � � � �� �� street if it is required by city pian- ' ning. But w�hen we move people out ' of buildings that we are going to demolish, we must provide oiher E3y Anna NiKal;�yeva housing.' 13 � -v u; d� „_ � J O w d O N O rj � -� •� � N C � 9 a E -v �� ` � �� v � - > , � ... �� � F ° E � rn' _ uv a � � b _ C � i � V C � 9 C { � C! ._ V, . � a o�� _, v � S 2 3 o -- a z '3 LL > v � � � u � c v •- d � � � t .�Q ' _.� � a .° = � �a . '? O � V � � > � Z � ��;�� , � � � � � - r � �� �� '. � } . '�'r^.,�"�„' p� _ .. �,-- a'�' � � Mw%�uk � -., �°; ;. ��p,,,, � � y �,*r"F�it� '� y��' �v� ; °. E ti„`�,'� „ ,� Nr' � � . .. . �",`•. � � � -`r' ` � v m � _ �_ � �' �� " �,-' � ;i`''�.��, � . Z � ! `'���� w � :�� � � _ ° ,. d � � ` ,.,:. � r4 '� �-^�.... � �r -; Q�w. , d - ,�. r�'` � � � ��� r�a3 .. o � ��� •. �,r �, y �% -� �s�-•� � �" � � �� �,� t� � � � � � .,....� � m � "_ .. , '�� . � . ..�s � 4 .�; , �� N �. r i~ .t... 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The Mayor of Moscow 1J il the American delegalion �rrith a key �,"'; j� ,� to thc cap�tal. "Our•city always wel- °Y;'� ��.~~ comes visitors," he said. "The more ;,-, `'� � meetings vf this kind, the better.'' .;V {: The American guests were in- �-�; ;-r vited to Friendship House, where • '. ° they met representatives of the ,} k�` '. Executive Committee of Kiev Dis- �. ,�� �;� � trict—one of Moscow's 30 districts. ',{� ..; 4 Yuri Kotov, head of ihe Executive �; t�'' S Commiitee's bud etar commissicn, �' �. ; � 9 Y ���'' told them about the district's � � �.� :� ' sources o( revenue. From 60 to 70 �� ,.. � °`°"��1��""�-r� � + f;; � per cent of the total comes from : ��� ,�',�,� '�c�.�a�,�..a the profits of business enterprises i � �� � �,� ;�f�, i` ,��' ' ..� ��.,,� ` � �` y �� -��� ��� ..� �'�`'�,,.� '` ��:� ' "`� } .> f��; <,,.� , -� ',, .. .� � ,. .�- .,s � � ` ; � � % �...-r��` ,� - �. r h! 3•t ' �: =ti' i��a� � ; � � / ., "�"� � �.� , �,� e �'�; � .�. �` � �d �r�.- �'�.'�.- ,. , t t� �`J'" � t�� � �f � �'�z .;� ,�'. �. � �� �`�•4 �' `� �'a�', � � , . . � � }� ��� � , ;.y� � �.....�'� r'�, � ;', .-?+.;~ . s.r*�r,4 2'4-b'-:.•�a y ._ _ . . .._�;., .. c.�r�a � .. � _ .. � ., .. .�.aq _. . .. "'`��'� - located in the district, about 10 per ����, �'"� cent from piaces of entertainment; �. ''�� six per cent trom personal income � taxes and the rest from the city �.� bud�et. ,,,,,, :;� j� � Anna Andrianova, head oi ihe �' � � education department of the Kiev �� �f'�� �� District Executive Committee, said \��.-�t,-�` C,,� �:s in answer to a question that ,he dis- E�'�� �; trict has 27 secondary schools at- '*^�°�,�� tended by 17,000 children and that ��� '"' : 2,500 younger children go to kinder- ��� ; gartens and nurseries. The district �:. :. � j has enough preschool institutions �� �; to meet ail its needs. it � ?�, Paul W. Lattimore, Mayor of Au- r• burn, New York, and Presid2nt of � i the New York-Conference of May- �^ `� ' ors, brought with him 10 members X � of his famiiy. He said: "I think it -is -:„r, , � very important for young people to see the Soviet Union and get to ; �� know. the peopie. 7h+s iype oi meet- ��� t' ing is good for your country as �veli �,`� � i.; as for ou,rs." Mayor Lattimore spcke. ; 1: highiy of the city transport. "I have J�,� traveled ail over the world, and it's ` `�"°�; , my observation that you have one of the finest transportation sys:ems. ;� ' The Moscow administration has �� done an excellent job of resoh�- ,� ing transport probiems." Lattimore's ",� opinion was shared �y Richard •`` `, Olson, Mayor of Des Moines, Icwa, ,� '- who said: "The thing tha: ir7�pressed -�' �; me most was your subw�ay system. '� The air in Moscow is completely � di(ferent from Los Angeles or New t�� York. Your city is much cleaner— ,? no doubt about it." . '� The purpose of the visit vras to �v get acquainied with iife in the F` �� Soviet capital, but many members ����� �""� of fh� American delegation looked •�� into the possibilities for future co- """'" operation with the Soviet Union. "! think it would be good tor both sides," Lattimore said. "Countries throurhout lhc �vorid have a good deal to otter each other in specific areas of techno;ogy." I � CONSIDERATION OF CITY COUNCIL APPOINTME:NTS , 1976 REPRESENTATIVE .� MAYOR PRO TEM ' TERM EXPRIES 1975 REPRESENTATIVE Co��nci lman Tim Brei der l4 1 . � ANOKA COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENi COUNCIL (1 Representative and 11 Alternate) ' Representative 12=31-76 Counciiman Breider, Representative Nlternate 12-31-76 Councilman Fitzpatrick, Alternate � ' SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY (1 Member) ' 12-31-76 Co�ancilman Starwalt � NORTH SUBURBAN SEWER SERVICE BOARD REPRESENTATIVE (1 Repres��ntativej ' Representative 12-31-76 Councilman Walt Starvaalt,�Repr. Counc�lwoman Kukowski, I�lternate ' � COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE TO ASSOCIATION OF METROPOLITAN MUNiCIPALITIES ' Representative 12-31-76 Councilman Starwalt � � ' I ' � , 15 APPOINTMENT FOR CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERAiION - JANUAF;Y 5, 1976 Community Development Commission (3 YPar Term - 5 Members�- Ordinance #584) APPOINTEE TERM EXPIRES MEMBER RESIGNED 4-1-77 Sandra Stanley 1524 South Timber Ridge Fridley> Minnesota 55432 ESTIMATE FOR CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATIOy - JANUARY 5, 1976 Smith, Juster, Feikema, Haskvitz and Casserly Builders Exchange Building Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 For legal services for Glover Suit {� r- ��� � � ��t� P.� Q s DA7E B FORWARDED FROPA LAST STATEMENT ° ^ 'T' " i��t"C�l , • 9ALANCE $2,528.73 5{1J75 L�c�al serv�cds o1 �r � � 1975 re: �1c�:�cr� cas� �1�0.00 �i50.00 �j50.Q�J i/23/75 Payment � 10/15/75 Re: Glcver suit � conferences, interviews �,rith witnesses, trial pr�pai�ation; Jul,}� 18, 1975 through Oct. 14, 1975 � $425.00 11/15/75 Re: Glover suit Legal services, 10/i5/75 to 11/15/75 $2,�00.00 11l21/75 FGyr�ent s ; ,�j t���'�°8 11 /21 /75 Qacume��t Reproducti on (�e G1-tiJ�er�`:,, � c40 12/3J75 t�unch (r � Clr����r tr �:a i) �� � .._.��,+:�3� ., _ ; wc;,cu� ., rec� ana "1 � � �:%� scn�tf�, �usrea, Fr °�� �" �".',G.�z'���t���Y � � .r.� �.:y a,,;�'��tii L��.� '`9-r. 0 $425.00 $2,925.00 $2,500.00 2,502.40 2,528.73 l6 I � .. . . � � . ..i . .. � LIST OF LICE�lSES TO BE APPROVED QY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THE MEETING OF J�NUARY �, 1�7C� TYPE OF LICENSE BY VENDING MACHINE Sylvania J. Miernii: 53rd and East River Rd. CIGARETTE Sylvania 53rd and East River Rd. J. Pliernik APPROVED BY Steve Olson Health Inspector J':n Hill Public Safety Director SUNDAY LIQUOR Shaddrick and La Beau American Legion Post 303 1315 Rice Creek Road t�illiam E. Kinkel Jim Nill �'ublic Safety Director CIGARETTE Pic-A-Pop 6249 Central Avenue Charles Konold Ji�n Hill Publi� Safety Directar a FEE $ 45.00 12.00 100.00 Pro-ratel 12.00 �s a ' MULTIPLE DWELLING LICENSES TO BE APPROVED: Period September 1, 1975 to September 1., 1976 ' OWNER ADDRESS UNITS FEE APPROVED BY: 'Maurice Filister 5640 East River Rd. 42 $47.00 R. D. Aldrich, Filister Enterprises Fire Prev. 5750 E. River Rd. �Fridley, Mn. 55432 Maurice Filister � 5660 East River Rd. 42 47.00 R. D. Aldrich, _ same address as above . Fire Prev. � Maurice Filister 56$0 East River Rd. 42 47.00 R. D. Aldrich, same address as above Fire Prev. I' Maurice Filister 5720 East River Rd. 42 47.00 R. D. Aldrich, same address as above Fixe Prev. ', Maurice Filister 5740 East River Rd. 42 47.00 R. D. Aldrich, same address as above Fire Prev. '� Maurice Filister 5760 East River Rd. 42 47.00 R. D. Aldrich, same address as above Fire Prev. ,Maurice Filister 5780 Easti River Rd. 42 47.00 R. D. Aldrich, same address as above Fire Prev. , �2�faurice Filister same address as above Maurice Filister ' same address as above Maurice Filister �same address as above Maurice Filister same address as above ' �� � , , i 5800 East River Rd. 5820 East River Rd. 5840 East River Rd. 5860 East River Rd. 42 47.00 42. 47.00 �z ��.ao 42 47.00 a R. D. Aldrich, Fire Prev. R. D. Aldrich, Fire Prev. R. D. Aldrich, Fire Prev. R. D. Aldrich, Fire Prev.