01/12/1976 - 5436I 1 1 �1 ' � ' J � 1 HELEN FAGIN SECRETARY TO THE COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING JANUARY 12, 197b � ' � , FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEET�NG � / " � , I' PLEASE SIGN NAME ADpRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE: r/ / %� � NAME ADpRESS F ITEM NUMBER ' ' ___________________________________________________ __ __ -___�_ _�_ ________ ____�___�________-____=- q � �-� ���� �������� � � � v U j�l �/ � �' v� � L ( � � �� / / � � �.��. ��..,,�,�.,,�.�. � �� C� - � �� `� .� �� � ! . - -�` ' � v � � � � . � /' _� . . � _ � .�.. . . _ ' � �� � A i .. I i / �/`�-2L—�cJ �u �-rc�� � � . •. , , _ ' � � � _ Ii .. ' . i'i 1, � , ��, � � - - � _ i ' ,I / / / ' s � I �_ � • �� ' � � � I ' , � �� .� l �� � / ' /r /�/� � ' I � � ♦ � e a ■ � I f � MEMO T0: DEPARTMENT HEADS � I' Y���� Following are the "ACTIONS NEEDED". Answers are due in�the City Manager's Office by Wednesday Noon, January 28, ]976. Thank you. � ' ; FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL — PUBLIC HEARIPdG MEETING — JANUARY 12, 1976 — 7:30 1 � 1 1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAf�CE: �:32 P.M. ROLL CALL: All Present ADOPT IO�� OF AGEiVDA: Adoptea as submi tted . PUBLIC HEARI�JGS: PUBLIC HEARING ON REZONING REQUEST, ZONING ORDINANCE ' AMENDMENT ZOA #75-06, BY UNION OIL COh1PANY; 56g5 HACKMANN AVENUE N � E � TO REZON E FRQM C—IS TO C—Z � � � � � � � � � � � � 1 — 1 G ' Public Hearing opened at 7:�a P.P1. Mr. Glenn Hubbard of Union Oil was present and ex- plained their reasons for requestinn re-zon�n�. Mr. &"1rs. Lewis Hedlund, owner of property GJest of the service station were present to say they were aclainst the re-zoning. Public Hearing closed at 7:58. E�INEERING ACTION NEEDED: Put ordinance on next agenda for first reading '. �I ' INFORMA�L PUBLIC NEARING TO CONSIDER DETAILED PLANS PREPARED BY THE MINNESOTA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT FOR CON— ' STRUCTION OF ��OISE ABATEMENT STHUCTURES ANll LANDSCAPING ALONG PORT I ON OF I . �94 � � � � � � � � � � � . � � � � . . . � 2 ' Mr, Gary Orlich of the Minn. State Hwy. Dept. presented detailed plans and drawinqs for construction of the noise abatement structure and landscapinc�. Mayor Plee called recess and allowed the public to view these drawinns. Fo�lowing was discussion and the �eneral consenses was that the public was in a�reement with the plans. INEERING ACTION NEEDED: Proceed negotiating with MHD on construction of structure and landscaping. � � 0 , 1 /1 ' PUBLIC HEARING MEETING, JAPJUARY 12, 1976 NE�� BUSIPdESS: CONSIDERATION OF A RESQLUTION DESIGNATING DIRECTO� AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO SUBURBAN RATE AUTH�RITY AND PAGE 2 � RECE IV I NG LI ST OF P�IEh1BERS ���IHOSE TERMS WI LL BE EXP I R I NG � APRIL 1, 1976 ON BOARDS AND �ONiMISSIONS� � � � , � � , � � � � 3 - 3 F ' Councilwoman Kukowski made a motion to nominate Councilman Hamernik as alternate Director to Suburban Rate Authority if agreeable with him. Councilrtan Hamernik said he would ' accept the nomination. � P�1ation was made to receive the list of inembers whose terms will be exqirina on Boards and Commissions. Mayor Nee suggested a discussion on this item at the fourth meetinc� of�the month. RESOLUTION NQ, g_� g7 t Y MANAGER ACTION NEEDED: Forward Reso7u��on on to Suburban Rate Authority '; ' ' NANCE ' ' ' . � ' F NCE ' CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING SIGNING THE RGREEMENT ESTABLISNING WORKING CONDITIONS, WAGES AND HOURS OF EMPLUYEES OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR THE YEARS 19;6 aND 1977� � � � � . � , � � , � 4 - 4 Y Resolution #8-1976 approved unanimously. ACTION NEEDED: Forward Resolu�ion to appropriate parties CONSIDERATION OF � RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING�THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TO PROVIDE CAr�I SERVICE TQ I'�EMBERS OF THE CABLE � TELEVISION COMMISSION� � � � , , , � � ,- . � , , , � � � , � , 5 - 4j' A Motion was made to ado�t Resolution with premium by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a rol? call vote, Mayor Pdee voted aye, Councilman Hamernik voted nay, Councilman Starwalt voted nay, Councilman Fitzpatri.ck vated aye and_Councilwoman Kukowski vo�ed aye. N{otion needed 4 votes. P1otion failed. NO ACTION NEEDED LICENSE. � � � � � � . � . � � � � � � � � . � � � � � �� � � � 6 Auctioneer's license for American Bazaar approved. ACTION NEEDED: Notify American Bazaar of Council approval � R : 8: 59 P.�4 . ' ' . .�� t \:- ' �y ' . FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL — PUBLIC HEARING MEETIiVG — JANUARY 12, 1976 — 7.30 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ROLL CALL: ADOPTIO« OF AGE�VDA: PUBLIC HEARIPdGS: PUBLIC HEARING ON REZONING REQUEST, ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ZOA #T5-O�, BY UNION OIL COMPANY; 5695 HACKMANN AVENUE N � E � TO REZONE FROM C-IS T� C-2 � � � � � � � � � � � � 1 - 1 G INFORMAL PUhLIC NEARING TO CONSIDER DETAILED PLANS PREPARED BY THE MINNESOTA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT FOR CON- STRUCTION OF NOISE ABATEMENT STRUCTURES AND LANDSCF�PING ALONG pORT I ON OF 7 � 694 � � � � � � � � � � . � . � � � � � � � 2 PUBLIC HEARING MEETI�G, JAf�UARY 12, 1976 NE�� BUS I T�dESS : PAGE 2 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTTON DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY AND RECE IV I NG LI ST OF P'�EMBERS YVNOSE TERMS I'� I LL BE EXP I R I NG APRIL I., 1976 ON BOARDS AND �OMMISSIONS� � � � . � � � � � � � 3 — 3 F 0 CONSIDERATION OF � RESOLUTTON APPRGVING AND AUTNORIZING SIGNING THE RGREEMENT FSTABLISHING I�OFtKING CONDITIONS, WACES AND �i0UR5 O� EMr�LOYEES OF THE �ITY GF FRIDLEY FIRE DEPARTf�9ENT FOR THE YEARS 197C aN� 1g77� � � . � � � � . . , . 4 — 4 Y �ONSIDERATION 0F A RESOLl1TI0N AUTNORIZING'THE CITY OF FR I DLEIr' TO PROV I D� CATV SEFcV I CE TO I�IEh1BERS OF THE CABLE TELEVISIOf� �Of��MI�SIONF � � � . � � � � a � � � � � � � � � � � 5 — 5 A LICENSE, � � � . � . � . . , � � � � � . . � � . � � � � � . . G ��OUR��� � � � '�` ' I ' ' �I , , ��; J ' ' � � ' � ' ' OFFICIAL NOTICE CiTY OF I'RIDL�Y PUBLIC HEARING B�FORE THE CITY COUf1CIL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council. of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue N.E., on Monday, January 12, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chamber for the purpose of: Consideration of a rezaning request, ZOA #75-06, by Union Oil Company, to rezone from C-1S (local shopping areas) to C-2 (general business areas), to make zoning consistent with use on that part of Lot l, Auditor's Subdivision P7o. 25, described as follows: Commencing at the West Quarter corner of Section 24, Township 30, Range 24; thence North 89° 29' East, (assumed bearing) along the North line of said Lot 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 25, a distance of 261.42 feet to the Northwesterly line of Parkview P�anor Second Addition; thence South 46� 08' West, along said Northwesterly line of Parkview Manor Second Addition, a distance of 0.4 feet to the South line of Haclanan;� Avenue as platted in said Parkview Manor Second Addition, said point being the actuaZ point of beginning of the tract of land to be described, thence North 89° 43' East, along said South line of Hackmann AvenLe, a distance of 111.04 f eet to an intersection with a line parallel with and 120 feet Westerly, as measured at ri.ght angles from the West line of 5exter Addition; thence South 3022' 43" 64est, along said parallel line, a distance of 285.5 feet to an intersection with a line parallel with and 160 feet North of the most Southerly line of said �,r�t l, P.uditor's Subdivision No. 25; thence South 89°40' 35" West, along last said parallel line a distance of 242.79 feet, to an intersectian with the Easterly right of way line of State Trunk iiighway No. 65; thence Northeasterly, along the Easterly right of way line of State Trunk Hignway No. 65 and the Lasterly right of way line of Old Central Avenue tlortraeast (County Highway No. 35) to the point o� beginr.ing, except the South 125' thereof, all lying in the South Ha�� of Section 24, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Generally iocated at 5695 Hac�.mann Avenue Northeast. Any ancl al.l persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above s�ated time and place. ' Publish: December 24j 1975 December 31, i975 � WTLLIAM J. NEE MAYOR 1 C� � Planning Commission Meeting - Decernber 3, 1975 Page 9_ he had to rel:urn to work. 1� ' Mr. Merrell asked if this proposed garage hadn't been the second accessory - building, would he need a Special Use Permit? Mr. Qoardman said no,he UJOUIdn't. Mr. Merrell said he had a friend on 46th Avenue who had a garage and had gotten ' a permit from the City to have a storage shed without going through ihe Speciai Use Permit process. u � �I ll ' Mr. Flarris sa�d that if Mr. Merrell already had a garage, then he could have the storage s��ed, but because he already had the storage shed, the garage had to be considered as the second=accessory buildirig. I��°, Prerrell fel�c he would be better to move the storage shed off his property until he had the garage built and then ccme in and get a special use pei°mit for his storage shed. I�e said it sounded like it would be easier to get a special use permit for the storage shed than the garage. _ Mr. Har��is said he should argue this out with the City Council �ecause they had the fin�.� say on thas request. Mr. Me.'rel7 said he vrould rather �a��e had a recornmendati on for appt°oval by the P1 ann � ng Commi ss i on than no reco;n��enda�:i on . Mr. Narris said he ��ras close to having a recommendation for denials so he should be happy that it went the way it did. Nr. Langenfeld said the reason he abstained was because while he was in ' •favor of the Sp�cial Use request being approved for a garage, the size of the garage kept him from voting for approva�i. Mr. ScF�tt said he didn't want Mr. h1erre1l to leave this meeting feeling ' that the Planning Commission didn't have concern for his rights as a property . owner, as it �vas jus� the size of this garage which made them have reservations in considering this request. He said that if there hadn't been this concern, ' they would have voted for denial, ins�ead of leaving the decision up to the City Council. , ' �� ' ��IOTION by Scott, second�d by B�rgman, that the rules be suspended for the purpose of makiny a mot�on to direct the Community Development Conunission to add.ress itself to this type of problem and thei� make a recomrrendatzon to the P1ar�ning Commission an how to handl� such problems. tfr. �oardman said this couid be handl�u ti�hen the Community Development Commission revievaed the zoning co�e. Mr. Narris felt that this N�ould be tao f�r into th�e future, and they could just rev�et�r this aspect of it at this time. UP�N A VUTCE VOTE, a11 votil�y a�,�e, the motion carried unanimously. 2, Pl►�3I.Ir NEt�RING: REZONING REQUESI�, ?OA #75-06, QY UNI�N OIL CONiPAf�Y; 70 rezone part a�= Lot l, Auditor's �ubdivision No. 25, frorn C-1S (lacal shop.r.ing areas) i:o C-2 (general shopping are�s} Lo make zoning consisient �•J1�I7 use as a service station, the same being 5635 Hackmann Avenue N.E.. � 3. PU[iLTC HEt1RItiG: REQUEST FOR A S"CC1AL USE PERMIT, S;(' #75-7.$;' uY UN<0�� OIL ' C�f�1f'l1^lY: To permit the continuation of an exist�ng s�ce" stat�iun, �er Fridley Cit,y Code, Section 205.051, Q(3,C), on part of Lot 1, A�;Ji1;or's � Subdivision No. 25, the same being 5695 Fiackmann Avenue N.E. ' ' �. - ' . . Planning Commission Meetinq - December 3, 1975 Page 10 MOTION by Peterson, seconded by ScotL-, that the P1�nning Commissian open tl�e Public Ilearin�xs ot� a rezoning reques�, ZOA N75-06, and a request fvr a Special Use Permit, SP 1175--2£3, by Union Oi1 Company. Upon a voice vote, a1I vot.inq aye, Chairman !larris declared the Public Hearings open at 9:Q3 P.M. ' Mr. G1enn Hubbard, representing Union Hedlund, who own the property just ��est of . of 5747 Cen�ral Avenue N.E. were present at , � Ll ' � ' � � fl ' '� ' Oil Company, Mr. & this proposal, and the meeting. P1rs . Le��fi s Mr. Glenn Nelson �� Mr. Boardman said that Union Oil Company first asked for rezoning and a Special Use Permit back in 1972, in order to bring their property into compliance with the City Code. At that time, �ve were having a revitilization . of the inters�ction of Hackmann Avenue, Central Avenue, and Highway #65, and the plans had not been finalized. The rezoning v�asn't denied, but Union Oil was asked to «ait until the road plan had been established. Now, we do have approval for the preliminary plans for this �ntersection, as shown in the agenda. The finai plans are no�v being drati�rn up by the State Highuray Department. Therefore, Union Oil Com�any has again submitted their request for rezoning and a Special Use Permii;. Mr. Boardman said the present zonin; ��ras C-1S (local shopping areas) and the request was to change this to C-2 zoning (general business areas), which would make the use of the property for a service station consistent with our zoning code. Our present code requires a service statior� to be in C-2 zoning with a Special Use Permit. A service station was not an allowed use in C-1S zoning. Mr. 3oardman said the staff felt they would go along with the rezoning request and approval of the Special Use Permit. t�le do need some additional ease►nents for Hackmann Avenue. Ne said that this shauld be one of the stipulations of the rezoning. Mr. Harris asked ho��a much of an easement was needed? Mr. Boardman said the plans were in the process of being drawn'up, but he bel�ev�d they needed a 10' easement on the South side of the property on Hackmann Avenue. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Glenn Hubbard how much this easement would affect the operation of the service station. Mr. Hubbar�d said it depended upon how much"boulevard was required. f�e said there was a 10' boulevard there now, and ��ith this ease- men�;, it ���ould bring it up to the present inside curb. He said that Union Oil Company wasn't tno concerned about that now, because they did intend to rebuild this station and move it to �he South on this property within the next 18 months. He said that any hardship they had, they could live with until that time. He said they needed a minimum of 14' from the island to the curb, and he didn't know if they �yould have that. Mr. Hubbard said they had been operating under the present zoning since 1954. He said they had been in the correct zoning until the zoning code was changed in 19G9. He said with the change in the street, they would have to relocate the building so they would have better access for this stati.on. ' Mr. E3aardman said that as the final plans were just being drawn up for �i�e inters�ction, tf�ey were not sure as to the actual amount of easement needed. He sa�d �hey may only have to take an easement on the�Northwest corner of the � propert;�. He said they had oriyinally thougPit they ti,�ould need a 10' easement across the entire front of the pro�erty. Mr. Hubbard said that if they could have the 14' on a temporary basis, he didn't think they wouid have any problem. � � i�rs. 11edl�m d asked if when the station was `relocat�d, would this be any � ''� " . � 1C� .,, Planninc� Commission Meeting - December 3, 1975 . Page 11 closer to the house at 930 Hackmann Avenue than it was at the present time. Mr. ' Hubbard said it wouldn't be. They would be relocating further South on ti�c lot but it would be in line with the present location. ' Mr. Glenn Nelson said that Union Oil Company had been a good reighbor, but he was concerned that any further commericalization of this area cou�ld change the residential atmospher� of tt�e area. Mr. Hubbard said that at ' the time of their previous request, there was a loop back plan, and they had intended that a 7-11 Store would be going in on their vacant property, but there were no plans for this property at this time. �I �� ' , �' � � LJ L� � , 1 ' � , Mr. Louis Hedlund said that they felt that Union Oil Company had been a good neighbor. lie said his prime concern 4vas what type of business could be located in C-2 zoring, if Union Oil ever decided to go out of business at this ]ocat�on. t�ir. Qoardman checked the zoning code and determined that there were a lot of similar uses that �•�ere allawed in both zonin�s. The only th�ings that ��rere allowed in C-2 zoning and not C-1S �vere bars and taverns, co,���Tercial recreation, restaurants, excludiny "Urive-Ins", ho±els and motels, h�s�.�tais, clinics, nursing homes, convalescQnti homes, homes for the elderly, voca�:ional trade schools, laboratories, medical, dental and optical, and hartnless an'd • ir�offensive laborat�ries accessory to permitted uses, in same building, and theatres, lodges, assembiy hails, and au�ditor�iums were allo��red in both zonings out in C-2 zoni;�g they could seat more than 30U people. Mr. 8oardman said ar�other difference in the zonin�s were th�t there !�rere no uses allowzd in C-1S zoning N1ith a Special Jse Permit, while there were uses allo4ved in �-2 zoning with a Special Use °ermit. � Mr. Hed?und said that they felt that ►vhat ever Union Oil Cor,�pan�� aranted ' to do on �:his property, they ti�ere in favor of it, but i;hey wan��ed them to be able to do that without rezoning. Mr. Harris said the problem was th�t they couldn`t do tivhat they tivanted to do, without rezaning. f�lr. Peters.on said it bothered hi��� that a company c�me into Fridley and invested it's money in good faith a��d has paid taxes fcr many years, �hen we changed our zoning code, and they have not been able to expand their business or have �he same due process as other bus�inesses in Fridley, anci he feit th�s. was an i,�equity. He said they have ��anted to upgrade i.his property s�ince 1972 and they are sti11 vraitirg. Mrs. Hedlund asked if there was any control the Planning Commissi�;� co�.�ld put on this property if �ii;ti,�as zoned C-Z as to what i;ype ef business cculd be �ocateci on ti�is property. Nr•. Scott said they could not con-Lroi any use allowed in C-2 zor�ing anymore than they could co��trol any �-1S use allowed, if this property tivas no� rezoned and Union Oi? Compan�� sold the property. Mr. Harri s a�E:ed 'how 1 ar�e the prop� rty was �:ha± Uni on Oi 1 Company �,►as asking to i�ave rezoned. Mr. Qoardman said he thought it was approxir.�ately 20,000 squat°e feet. Mr. Pet�rsur said the size of the aroperty wouTd preclude a 1ot of the uses allowed in this zonit�g b�cause i�: wouldn't �e large enough for a beer tavern or trade school, h�tel ar motel or some of tlie other uses allo��,ed because after tllP.j/ �ld(� i:IIC buil�ing u�, they wouldn't have room i;o meet the pa�°king requirements. 11e said the size �.vas best sui�:ed to a sc�°vi�e st�4tion ��s�. l� ' , :. ' w � 1 , � i� J Planning Commission Meetinq - December 3, 1975 Page �2 1 D MOTIDN by Scott, secondcd by Peterson, that the Planninq Commission close the Public �learing. on rezoning rc•quest, 7.OA 1175-06, by Un.ion Oi1 Company. Upo» a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairman tlarris declared th� Publ.ic Hearing closed at 9:46 P.M. . .. � • . ..' . . ... •• .. r10T1'ON by Bergman, seconded by Peterson, that the Planninq Commission recommend to Council apProv�1 of the rezoning request, ZOA N75-06, by Union Oi1 L'ompany, £o rezone from C-1S (1oca1. shopping areas) to C-2 (general business - areas), _ part of Lot l, Auditor`s Subdivision No. 25, to make zoning consistent with use as a sexvice station, the same being 5695 Hackmann Avenue N.E., witli the stipulation that they provide tl�e necessary easement for highway purposes. Mr. Scott said he was going to vote against this motion because he felt it was inconsistent with the zoniny of the surrounding area and was a classic example of spot rezoning, which effects may have set•ious�long range implications that we are totally at present totally �:naurare. He felt there were adequate means for the operator, or o��m er, to improve the property as it was presently zoned, and �inher��t business opportunitie� caused by such improvement, and because of the opposition of the surrounding property.owners. UPON A Voice vote, Bergman, Harris, Peterson, Langenfeld voting aye, Scatt nay, the motion car.rzed. Mr. Hedlund said he didn't understand what a Special Use Permit was. ' Mr. Boardman explained it to him. He explained that if the Special Use Permit was granted to allow the operation of a service station on this property, that the Special Use would only be in effect as long as the property had that use. �� If the use changed, and it uras someth;ng else that required a Special Use Permit, there would be another Public liearing, as on this Special Use. ; Mr. Hedlu��d said he didn't want it to appear ihat he was in opposition , to anything that Union "76" wanted to do. He said they had been a good neighbor and they have always kept their promises. He was just tivorried abou�: what purpose this praperty could be used for if Union Oil Company sold the proper�ty. h1r. ' Scott said this was why he voted against the rezoning. He felt the service station could upgrade ti�eir property with�ut rezoning. Mr. 6oardman said you have to take into consideration how much money a company �rould �rant to spend � on a non-conforming use, because if the structure was damaged more than 50�o by wind or fire, they couldn't rebuilt this property and would be forced to sell it, and that was placing a real.hardship on this property o�vner. ' , , ' - Chairman Harris said the rezoning of this property had already been disposed of, and they were considering the Special Use Permit. Mr. Langenfeld said there were 21 property owrers notified of these requests and only two property owners appeared at this meeting, so he didn't feel there was much opposition to tnese requests. Ne said that the people who snoke on tl�ese requests were not opposed to Union Oil Company either updating the.ir preseni structure, or rebuilding, so there ��ras no total disagree�nent: �Mr. Harris said that with the easement that woulci be needed for highway purposes, we �rould be making pari of this b��siness inoperable, so that wou�d be an additional hardship on this property owner, if he couidn't rebuild the statian. Mr. Narris said we could stipulate that ' . annually, plus t:l�ere be anotl�er review at ti�e per�nit tor a new building. ' this Special Use Permit be reviewed i;ime �hey rcquest a building �. ' . , . � .� ' ' ' Plannirh C�rrnission P4eetirc��December 3, 1975 Paqe 13 t�1r. Nelsan said his only abjection was to spot rezoning, but he trusted Un�on O�il Company i:o do what they said they wou]d do. Mr, Peterson said he thought it was commendable that Union "76" has the type of relationship with their neighbors ihat they would come to a public hearing and state that they trust Union "76" and Mr. Glenn Hubbard to do what Mr. Hubbard said they would do. Ne said he wanted to thank Mr. Hubbard for being that good a neighbor in our community. Mr. Scott said t��at even though he voted acainst the rezoning, he had no objeci:ion te this service station operating on this property. He said that for this i�easen he ti�,ould be in favor of granting the Special Use Permit. lE Mr. Board,�a;� asked Mr. Hubbard if he had any objection to the City puiting a two year �t.�;m� limit on this service station either being upgraded or rebuilt. Mr. Flubbard sai;� hc had n� objecti�n. He said the rebuilding of this station was noi; in th�is year's budget, but with the two year timetable, he was sure it arould t�e i�e;•ail� in tf��at time. MOTION by Peterson, secor�ded by Scott, ihat the Planning Commission close ttie Public Hearinq on a request for a Spzcial Use Permit, SP #75-28, by Union Oi1 Comyan�. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the Public Hearing closed at 10:15 P.M. '. . � MOTICN by Langenf.eld, seeonded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission ' • recommend to Couilci.Z approval of a SpeciaZ Use Permit, SP #75-28, by Union Oi1 Com.pany, to permit the continuation of an existing service station, per Fridley � City Code, Sect�on 205.CSJ, �(3,E), on part of Lot 1, Auditor's SubdivisionPJo. 25, the same hein_q .5695 Hackrnar.r� I�vcr�ue N.E. , with the fo.Zlowing stipuZations: � � ' ' 1. This Special Use Permit be subject. to annual review, with emphasis on their 1�ousekeeX.ing, etc. ' 2. That within twc years the Eity would Zike to have this operation updated. 3. When a buildiny permit k•as xer�u�sied far either major remodeling of this service station or to construct a new service siation, this Special Use Pern,it be reviewed. UP�N c3 V01C� VG�P_� a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Chairn�ai� Harris declared a recess at 10:20 P.M. and reconvened the Plann'in_r, Coi��mission m�et;r,g a� 1Q:35 P.t�. ' 4. RECOI��(��EPyL`!�T?0�! ON P(�OPOSF_D R�LES �1ND REGI;I_ATIONS FROM THE MINNESOTA . EPdVIRONf�1�:�lT/�L. QiJl�LI7Y CQUidCIL ' ' � MOTION b,� La��q�l�fc�]d, seca:zded by Scott, that the Planning Corrunissiol2 receive the memo fro^i Jcrrvld Board:ri�n L-o Dick Sobiuch, dated November 25, 1975, Upon a voice vote, a11 vvtinq aye, the motion c;arrie.3 unanimously. , �� ,^��, �' r� ��~ �� . . �r '� �� r��. ' : '�` . _ ~ � r+ �... � `= �__,? t,,, . y, `, �, ; ,,� ` J; ' :, � ` � � � � � � � ` ,. 1 F II, �� , ;'', �.,, ,r-, :;, � ,.r,1 � � L: �; � • � N J �� 1 '++ �►� ( y � �� 4� � �. � � \ �' • '� ~t `�5 � y • J � `„� ��.. 1 f n /y . � •4' Y' . +'• �, � y, � .� �' � � Cy *•�. ^.• � . , • / . a � � � I . i ti � �l� ��� � , r 1 . i � ' �'� � ,.� .�s � �� . �� . . _ . � � f'� ...��i ~ _ ,'i 'f � � �... ` � � f / �� '� -� , '� j z � ::; �� t• : � /' c � � �'� ., � ` L--�—___.w...� _ � : UNION dIL C0. ZOA ��75-06 ,�._ hE . , .. ..._ ; . : � � � _ C-1S to C-2 To continue �, � .r _ I , . J � � service station & have a ^,• �' � �'�- �fj� , ,u,.�fr�•i. 59t�N`nvr j � ' _.. p �� ` T , / convenience store. �C. • � ►'►:�'��� �i�- - � , 1 �� �- , ' �x�;�,...:_.__ -_ ? w „ ,� �, h � �._ 1 - � � ' ,'� r r ��s �: �f�• �c , � _ ( � �•�, ,�,.�� .f' // . «, 'rl - t ' < � �� ' •� i.._.l.._ i .1�. � 11i �� 4 � / . �' +• � �l� � I—. .�► E�4 "' +�.�Hi.;o: E �F�nc� °qy, � � � r . _- ,.r•�,j tfi� w T--� ' z_ / :. � � '� ��""� •' O � � ,� � . 2 • � � , I ;`{f ' � ` �� / , ,. i �'_� � `� �i �. a 7. ,--+_ � -�4 .1 h i_ � � � , i . � , � , � -"1 { '� r �`�` _. i , . ; � � r � � K:�� . �--- ' JF � �� I. j.,.�t'R /. /L � O � �I .�� ' '�J i wl �` }r ' � l �,r �� i. ,���` /� T J = �`���aPv v ' l 1 f � r x � � L-.�. �� � t- -�'i-:. � � � c + a � ` � � . ' �": n� f�.F �5�����' i � `' . , � �� _ � 1; = ,[t�i' - � `�,,+�/ ' `': �` ad..1` . . s � �✓ •� y,; r t:: ` 6'' �. r e � li � . `— 4-�`� ... 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ANOKA COUNTY 6431 Uf�IVERSITY AVENUE iVE Janua��y 5, 1976 i'o Fill Pro; ��rty OVd1i�Y'S: FRIDLEY, MINNESO7A 55432 '[he Ci ��� Ceunci 1 e�f the Ci ty of Fri d 1 ey wi 11 be ccros i deri ng d�taile�i ;�ians ;�►°eparPd by the ��linnesota Fligh���ay Department ` ��r consi:ruction oi� noise abatement. struct��res and la�ds�ap:ng —� ala��g the sou�h side o; I. 69� hetw�en 7th Streey ard f�iad�iscr� S�ree4 anr! b�twcen Fil;r,;��re Stree� and the ��a.st ccrpoiRate 1irr�its of F-ri�?l���r, and alcng t'��� no►•th side of I. 694 bet+�ieen Pu?k S�c.ree�'r. and i�fatterhorn Dri�-�. �'�i �f�sc Le ad��i sed tha�c there ►�ri 11 �e a�ubl i c i nfc;r�ira 4i on � r.�t�ei.:i;�y afi the Ci ty Co�anci 1�i n th� Ci t�� !-�a7 � at 643� hiE lli�i>>cY�si ty /`,venu� on P,o�iday, January 1`:, 1976 ai: 7:30 p.m. � in tE�e Couricil Chamber•s. f�iirnes� !.a Hic�n°�tay Department !��eF����=:- setjta.tives wili be preset�t to ar�svr;:i° question� regGrdir�g th�: ! ne`'s s� at:Zt��rrf�:�t tmpro��e;n�nts . Tlie Coi�rci i w0uld ap;�reciate yo�:�' CC1i111(.'t?LS, r.acie �:'it:�z�r ir� ' wr�i �"i ny c�� F-erso►�a � 1y a�: t}�e p��' i c� nforma Gion mee�c? ng 1^uc;�i"i i1?Cj i:Elc? CC:P1Sfi"UC'�:t�ii Of ItC'1Sr' ri_iatC''i't;?Il� S�i"ilC�;Gt"2S 111 th�' :f3uV� fE��r�?IlC2a u:":.a. S� `fC�L� ti�C1Ctiv i�.` i3il�lUilQ P i 5G 1ll�Cit'— ' 8S�•°ti li? �TiL' 7t71j3Y'OYC'.+1(?CIi;S� j%�E_`c]�F.' �dSS L�t1 S i!"1'iCti"!iIc;T:?+��i G� . i:� i;, Iii;[i: . ' � � � �i i RhS; �m S� I1CC'i (?� y> �C1g'�lZt'F:t'7 tl:� !�'i `.� � � i Jt} City o�' �ric!1uv 0 Z 0 0 � ' c��rroN �. �crEVCwe MERBERT P. IEFLER � JOSEPM E. HAMILTON -� CURTIS A. PEARSON ' J. DENNI3�0'BRIEN JOHN E.ORAW2 � JOHN B. DEAN � DAVIO J. KENNEDY ' WARREN R. SAGSTUEN GLENN E. PURDVE WIll1AM E. FIYNN DAVIO J. BUTIER ' JAME9 D. LARSON ' CHARLES LLCFEVERE � HERBERT P. LEFLER III ' LAW OFFtCES LeFEVERE, LEFLER, HAMILTON AND PEARSON 1100 FIRST NATIONAL 6ANK BUILDIN6 MINNEAPOLI8, MINNESOTA 55402 January 5, 1976 1 `� T0: Clerks of All Municipalities Belonging to the Suburban Rate Authority TELEPHONE {at2) 333-0543 ' Enclosed are two copies of a res�lution designating . the director�and alternate director from your community � ' to the Suburban Rate Authorit�. As soon as your council , has appointed your representatives to the Suburban Rate • Authority for 1976, pl�ase send one completed copy of � � � the resolution and certificate to me. , . � � ' - • Very truly yours, e���..`�...." �� . � �Ms��� �,�� -- � Clayton . LeFevere, Attorney °•� . Suburban Rat� Authority ' - CLL:jpf', , Enclosures , ' ' . i• ' � . ' � � � 3 0 0 RESOLUTION N0. - �976 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley , Minnesota, as follows: . �W. R. (Walt) Starwalt is hereby designated as a director of the Suburban Rate Authority, and � is hereby desig- nated ta serve as alternate director of the Suburban Rate Authority for the year 1976 and until their successors are appointed. , . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS. i• � CITY OF - ) � T,� the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clprk of the City of hereby certify that the attached and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a.resolution duly adop�ed by the City Council 'of at its meeting on , 197�, as the same is recarded in the minutes of the meeting of such council for said d�ate, on file and of record in my office. Dated this day of , 2976. 0 �SE�� , City Clerk . City of . . 3A 0 � 1�� � _ ..,� � � � Q'ineral , Chairman � ' Chairman, �mmunity velopmt. airman, s& ecreation airman �peals Comm. �airman, Env. ality airman, � man � sources RECEIVING LIST OF VACANCIES ON COMMISSIONS - EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1976 " TERM PRESENT MEMBERS EXPIRES PLANtJIP!u COMMISSION (Ordinance No. 606) (6 Members) Richard Harris 4-1-76 6200 Riverview Terrace NE (H.560-2491) ' Herman Bergman 4-1-76 5503 Regis Traii NE (H.571-3683)(633-6170x5361� Robert Peterson 4-1-76 480 Rice Creek Blvd. (H.571-8278) William Drigans 4-1-76 1280 Hathaway Lane NE (H. 574-1930) (B. 482.-2817) James Langenfeld 4-1-76 79 63 2 Way NE (N.560-1969)(B.861-4511) Wiliiam Scott 4-7-76 1632 69th Avenue NE (H. 574-1143) (B. 574-0000) APPOINTEE 38 APpQINTEE TERM .FXPIRES 4-1-79 4-1-77 4-1-77 � 4-1-77 4-1-77 4-1-77 COMMUNITY DE��ELOPMENT COMMISSION (Qrcii��ance No. 606)(3 Year Term - 5 Members) �� Nerman Bergman 4-1-�7 5503 Regis Trai1 NE � � (H.571-36II3)�633-6i70x5361) Hubert Lindblad 4-1--76 4-�-79 1b0 Crown Road — —__ ' (H.560-5148)(B.535-i721x236) � (Sandra Stanley Resign�d) 4-1-77 ' ' Wiiliam Forster 7539 Tempo Terrace (H.784-8360)(B.338-7641) I � ' LeRoy Oquist i01i Hackmann Circle (H.571-0415) 4-i-78 4-i �-78 ,�,, t 3 C VAC/�NCIES ON COMMI:SSI.QNS? APRIL 1� 1976 PAGE 2 � APPOINTEE I ' J TERM FRESENT MEMBERS EXPIRES APPOINTEE EXPIRES 'PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION (Ordinance No 606)(3 Year Term - 5 Members) --9 Robert Peterson 4-1-76 4 1 7 , 480 Rice Creek Blvd. (H.571-8278) ��� 4-1-79 !, , Shirley Caldwell A�-1-76 . 5874 Hackmann Ave. NE � (H.571-0675) ' David Harris 4-1-77 � Q�70 Rice Creek Blvd. (H.574-9551)(B.571-7792) ' � 4-1-78 Jan Seeger 324 Ironton Street NE � (H.784-7441) Narvey Wagar 4_1-77 5940 Stinson Blvd. � ' (H.571-4660) ' , � � I ' � APPEALS COMMISSION (Ordirance No 606) (3 Year Term - 5 Members) William Drigans 4-1-76 1280 Hathaway Lane (N.574-1930)(6.482-2817) Patricia Gabe1 �-�-76 5947 2 2 Street (H.571-128�) Richard C. Kemper 4-1-78 6736 7th Street NE ' (H.571-9788)(B.935-0381) James Plemel 4-�-�� 6864 Channel Road (M.57�-0026)(B.421-4760) Virginia Wahlberg 4-1-78 i452 Windemere Dr. (N.571 -3318) - 4-1-79 4-1-79 �; ' . I t�AC�NCI,E� ON COMMISSIONS, APRI,L l, 1976 - 3 D PAG E 3 � ' APPOI�rTEE TERM eRESENT MEMBERS EXPIRES APPOINTEE EXPIRES , � ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION (Ordinance No. 606)(3 Year Term - 5 Members) James Langenfeld 4-1-76 4-1-79 , � 79 63 2 Way N. E. (H.560-1969)(B.861-4511) ' Bruce Peterson 4-1-77 7303 Tempo Terrace (786-9898)(B.693-4495� ' Michael Paripovich 4-1-76 4-1-79 8200 East River Road , (786-2948) Lee Ann Sporre 4�1-78 ' 301 Ironton Street . (H.786-4237) Thomas J. Sul l i van 4�-1-77 , • 1350 Gardena Avenue . (H.571-0125)�B.571-9116) HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION (Ordinance No. 606�(3 Year Term - 5 Members) William Scott 4�1-78 1632 69th Avenue NE (786-1143)(B.574-0000) Harold Belgum 4-1-77 191 Hartman Circle (H.571-1191) � Nancy Lambert 4-1-76 5965 4th Street NE (N.571-2374)� Grace Lynch 4-i-77 580 54th Avenue NE (560-9589) Barbara Shea � 4-1-78 1456 Windgmere Drive NE (H.571-2977)(B.571-2374) 4-1-79 �FIGANCI.ES ON COM�IISSIONS, APRIL 1, 1976 �AGE��4 �J ' � ' ' � ' PRESENT MEMBERS EXPIRES APPOINTEE CABLE TELEVISION COMMISSION (City Code 405.28)(5 Members - 3 Year Terms) Mark Scott 4-1-78 7190 Riverview Terrace (H.786-3063)(B.784-1100) Kenneth Brennen 4-1-78 6716 7th Street NE . (H.571�-8035) John Naines 4-1-76 275 Craigbrook Way (H.784-0887� . _ Barbara Hughes 4-1-77 548 Rice Creek Terrace . (H.571�6182) Nancy Wrubel 4-1-76 7343 Hayes St. NE (H.786-3402) FRIDLEY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (5 Members)(5 Year Terms) Jerry Orton 6-9-76 7418 Stinson Blvd .(H.786-8855) Russel Nouck 6-9-77 750 Overton Dr. (H.560-3249) Pastor Arnoid Stone 6-g-78 6950 Hickory Drive (H.784-93y4} Larry Commers 6-9� 79 5197 Lincoln Street NE �H.788-8925) Carolyn Svendsen 6-9-80 5741 Moore Lake Drive (H.560-5060) 3E APPOINTEE TERM EXPIRES 4-1-79 4-1-79 . .•. �ACRNCIES ON COMMISSIONS, APRIL 1, 1976 '� �AGE 5 � � ' � � , ' �al th Officer ' �u.bl i c Health �nitarian � , PRESENT MEMBERS EXPIRES APPOINTEE POLICE COMMISSION (City Code Chapter 102)(3 Year Term - 3 Members) Dan J. Sullivan 4-1-76 1161 Regis Lane (H.788-2294} Jean Scheli 5198 St. Moritz Drive (H.788-3283) Helen Treuenfels 5248 Horizon Drive NE (H.560-5907) 4-1-77 4-1-78 BOARD OF HEALTN (City Code Chapter ]12)(3 Year Term - 3 Members� Dr. C. E. Turbak 4-1-76 23 Rice Creek Way NE (H.560-1470)(B.560-2820) Dr. Donald L. Wright 101 Logan Parkway Steve Olson Fridley Environmental Officer 4-1-76 4-1-76 3F APPOINI'EE TERM - EXPIRES 4-1-79 0 4-1-79 4-1-79 4-1-79 ANOKA COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT COUNCIL (1 Representative and 1 Alternate) Councilman Hamerr►ik, Representative Appointed January 5, 1976 12-31-76 Councilman Fitzpatrick, Alternate Appointed January 5, 1976 SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY (1 Member�and 1 Alterr�ate) ' Councilman Starwalt,�Member� Appointed January 5, 1976 , Alternate NORTN SUBURBAN SEWER SERVICE BOARD (1 Representative and 1 Alternate) Councilman Stariaalt, Member Appointed January 5, 1976 Councilwoman Kukowski, Alternate Appointed January 5, 1976 � � � 12-31-76 i2-31-76 12-31-76 12-31-76 �-� - °�� . ��.. , ' CITY OF FRIDLEY f�1E MORAN DUM 1 TO: ' FROM: NASIM M. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, AfvG CITY COUNCIL MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR./FIN. DIR. SUBJECT: LABOR CONTRACT WITH FIRE FIGHTERS FOR THE YEARS 1976 AND 1977 � DATE : JANUAR`f 8, 1975 � � ' ' The attached contract is presented tc the City Council for concurrence and approval, The contract language has been agreed upon by representatives of the City and of the Fire Fighte rs Union. This co�tract sets forth all working conditions for employeQs covered by the contract. The contract provides for a base wage increase of 7.4% in 1976 and 6% in 1977. No change in iongevity pay is prouided. The differeniial pay for Captain v�ould be �ncreased $10.00 per rronth to a total of $85.00. The contract provides that the City will contribute up to a maximum of $60.00 ' per month t�wards health insurance in 1976 and $65.OJ per month in 1977. This is the same as awarded by the arbitratQr for Po�ice Officers. The uniform allowance would be $185.00 per year in �976 and �190.00 per year '. in 1977. This compares with $200.00 per year for Police Office rs. ' . The eontract provides for eleven holidays, versus the p�°esent nine holidays. Ho�rrever, two of thp hol i days wi 11 be Counci 1 dE�ignated hol i days , such as the day after 7hanksgiving and a day during the Ch��istmas and New Year's holiday period. As a matter af practice, employees have been getting eleven , holidays for the past several years, however, this would legalize past practice, and should alse prevent any misunderstandings on the mat�er of holidays. These eleven holidays are the maximum and are not in addition to � any speci ai hal i days the Gounci 1 mi g'r�t grar�t. Thi s i s the same as i s provi �ed in the Police Contract. �� � There are no changes in vacatit�n or sick leave benefits, or any other type fringe benefit. I recommend the Council approve the contract. MCB:sh ' � ' � G _ � ' �; /' , �. ���� ' � � � ' RESOLUf I0N M0. �� 1976 A RESOLUTION APPROVIP�G AND AUTH�JRIZING SICa�dING THE AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING WORKING CONDITIONS, '�JAGES AND NOURS OF EMPLOYE:ES OF THE CiTY OF FRIDLEY � FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR TNE YEARS 1976 AND 1977 WHEREAS , The I nternati onal ,4ssoci ati on of Fi re Fi ghters Loca1 No. 1985, as bargaining representative�of the Firemen of the City of Fridley Fire Department, has presented to the Council of the City of Fridley various requests relating to the working conditions, wages and hours of employees of the Fire Department of the City of Fridley, and WIiEREAS, The City of Fridley has presented various requests to the Union and to the employees relating to workin� conditions, wages, and hours of employees of the Fire Department of �he City of FridTey, and WNEREAS, Representatives of the Union and the City have met and negotiated regarding the requests of the Union and the City, and GlNEREAS, Agreement has now been reached between representati ves of the two parties on the proposed chan�es in the existirg contract between the City and the Union. NOt�I, THEREFQRE, BE IT RESOLVFD, By ti�e City Council that the P�layor � an� the City f+�anager are hereby author�zed to execute the attacl�ed Agreement (Exhibit "A") relating to working canditions, wages and hours � of Fi remen of t��e City of Fri dley Fi re Departmen�;. � PASSEU AhD ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNc CITY OF FRIBLEY THIS DAY OF , 1976, � �' ATTEST : � ' � � ' CITY CLE RK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL 0 MAYOR - WILLIWh J. NEE a 4A .. .. . . . �_r___ . , . � � 4B , , ARTICLE I — PURPOSE OF t1GP.EC�1CNT . . . . . . . � . . . . • . • . . • • ► • � • 1 � � , ARTI CLE I I — RECOGNITION . . . . , . . . . . . . • • •' . • . • • . • • • • • . • Z �,- . ARTICLE IlI — DCFTPlITIONS. . . . ,. ...���. . . . . . . • . . • • . � • • • • �. 2 , AR7ICLE IV — ET•1Pl.OYLR SECURITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . : . . • • 3 . ARTI.CLE V — E�9PLOYEP, AUTNORITY ' . . . . . . .. . . . . . . � . . � . � . ,� • • • � 1 ARTI CLE VI — U^�IO^l SECURITY. , , . . , , . � �. . . . . . . � • • • � • < < < � � 5 _ . �ARTICLE VII — Eh9PL0YEE RIGiiTS — GRIE11F�f�CE. PROCEDURC , , � . .. . < < + . a � . .6 11 ARTI�CLF VIII � SRVIPr'GS CLP,'JSt . � � . � . . , . . , : • � • • � • • • • , � • . � Af:7ICLE IX M SEI�IORI"rY . o o . . . . . � , . . � . � . , . � . , , . . � . � � . , 11 ARTIGLE X -� DISCl�Pt�1t�C � . � . . . . o � . . f � � • . � • � . ... • . � . • i2 1 AR7ICLE X] —!kOR� SCI�EQULE , o. � ..e..<....,�.� .,.......13 '; . . IHRTI CLE kl' I — VAGATIO{�5 0 . . . : . � . e . . . . � . � . . � . � � . . . _ . . � l a . ARTI CLE XI T T � PRl` FOR FI RE CRLLS , . � � � <. . . . .. . . � . . . . �. � . ` . .� � � 15 � AR7iCLE XIV — FMPLOYEE FDUC�TI4f� PRUGRF,f� . � . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 15 .. . ARTI CLE X\� — i�iDL i DAl`S . < < . � . . . . . . . . . . < . : . . . . � � . . . . : . 17 � ARTICLE XVI — S1CK LE�VE . e . . . . � e . . . . . t • . . • � � . �. . . . �17 � ARTICLC XVIT � If�JUftY O�K J�G � . < < < � . � . . � , . . �•. . • � , . . �. r .� . . 7F3 ARTICLE XVI I I — PROQATIO`lRP�Y I'ERIODS . . . . . . . . � . . . . a . �. . . . � . � . 19 � 11RTICLE XIX — FU�ERAL PAY . , . . . , . , . . . , • . • . . . . . . . . . .• �g ARTI CLE XX — JUIZY PAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . , : . . . . . � . . � . � . l g � ' ARTICLE XY,I - t)�(TF�JRM ALLOI�lP�;CE , . ,., . . . . . . <�. . . . . . . . . . . . 19 � � ARTICL.E XXIT — HEALiN AFtiD HO�r�ITAL Ii�SUR� NCc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ARTTCLE XXIIT — PAY FOR T1�SPECTTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • 20 , � ARTICLE XXIV — RATES OF PAY . . . . . . . . . . . , . . • . . . . • . � . .. . . 21 � . e � '' � ARTICLE :t;;V — �1DDITIO�IAL It�CENTIVE F'AY . . . . . • . . • . . . . � . .. . . . . •21 . �tRTTCLE aXVT - COLLEGE CREDI7S . . . . . . . • • • . • • • • . • . • � . •. • • 2? I' � ARTICLE XXVII — SEVERENCE PAY . . . . . . . . . . . �. . . � . . . . . �• • • . �Z � ARTICLC XXVIII � 6JAIVEK . . . . . . . . . . . • • '. • • • • . � • • . • • • . `3 � , ' 24 � � ARTI CLE kXI X - UUf2ATI 0N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • . • . ` , ` � i ! II �v ` �` � � , � 0 �LABOR AGREEP�IENT t SETIdEEN . CITY OF FRIDLEY A�! D INTERNATIONI�L ASSOCIATION OF FI RE FI GHTE RS LOCAL N0. 1986 ARTICLE I PURPOSE OF AGREEf-1ENT This AGREEPrENT is entered into as of beiween the CTTY OF FRIDLEY, hereinafter cal�ied the EMPLOYER, and the INTERNATIOyAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS LOCAL N0. 1986, hereinafter called the UNION. I� is the inten� �nd purpose of this Rc�REEPIEl�T T0: 1.1 Establish procedures for the resol�ution of d�sputes concerning this AGREEPIENT'S interpretation and/or application; and 1.2 ��ace in written form the parties' agrte�nt upon terms and conditians of employment for the duratio�� of this AGREEI�ENT. T�e-€F1R69�€�-a��-�be-l��l��?!-�b�e�yk�-�b�s-A6R€EW��i�-sNa��-ea�����2-�be}�- �e��sa��ep--�e-tk�e-���bes�-�aa�}�y-���e-se���ee-a��-p�e�ee�}e�-�e-�be �es��e��s-e�-�be-6�-�y-e�-F����ey---B��b-�a��}es-�e�e����e-�b�s-A6RE�F1�PJ� as-a-��e��e-e�-�N+s-ded��a�}eH. �i.. 0 `f C ' 1 � . ��_ � . , - �. � f�. . . ' • , �. ' ' . . • , • • . S.: ' , • . • ' . • . . �n�rrc�.� zi r,rcoc�nTl��rov � � � • � - �� . 4 n � . 1 reco nizes the UNION as the �xclusive re resentative, under t�1innesota The EMPLOYER g p � Statutes, Section 179.71, Subdivision 3 for all personnel in the following job c,lassificati ons: � 1. F.ire Fighters 2. Fire Captain - � . � ' � . .. . �f [J ...��L1��A���l.�l.lA1. 4I��e-�����-,E?-���R-�,�,-d--i.i�m-��r��f�:��-�rre-i�n��-t�-��g,. Lg� . ; . . � . - ' �e-�e-i��e��s}o�-o�-��:G�t���o�-o€�-�.-xe��f-o�-�ed��i:ed-jvb-c�ass,-�ne •- . x�s�°s�r�.�k-�re--s��in�tt�c'r�c�r-�.�re--33�r. cc�tz-o� TM�dzata-on=��rv��es-faY° . - ,' . . . • . • :, - �..: - : • + . �t��-�r-rrz�a�.�c�-rr� . . • • . . _ . . .. '. '• . . • . ' e � ' . -- : . �' �. . .. . - A1�TICLE III DFr'II\TITIOi�TS . .• . � . . �. : " ,- '.' - ��� • 3. k� tl�'ION: The Internatiol�al Associa t�.ori o� l�ir. e Fighters Local - No :°_ ." � � � 1986 _ � _ • _. ; . . • ' . . : . . . .. _ � � . .� � �. - 3.2 U1�ON ll'IEIVIBET; A merriber of tl�e inter».t:�onal Association_of �_ � �� .. Fire Fibhters Local iso. 1�86._ . _ . - ' . . • . � - . • _ ,� . � . �. 3. 3 ��t2�'LOY�E: A memUer of the exc?usivels� rcco;nizecl bar•gaininb _ � • Ltlll�. ' • • ' '• • • . . • - � � 3, � D�F�1RTl1i�NT: The City o� Fri�ley •� Fire, Depari:ment. � ' 3 5 � 11P ' � �• . lzc Cit of Fridle � . . . . - : . �.t LO�.T�R. �' y . Y , . �� G � • • . �. Cliief ; The Chief o£ the Fi�e Dep� .�� of�: �he �i ty_ of Fridl ey. . . ' 3.7 UI�IOI�' OI'I'ICLR: Ofticer clectcd oi• appointed by tlle International " •��. , � . .. . . . • �- flssociation of Fa.re- Figliters Local \o. 19SG. .�-� .- - - : � . .�.�. -,_. _ _ `-,,+z.r,�- � .. , � `- . . • • � • . .,� . . . � ' ' , .. � -2- � � • . � , . r . : , • - � � - - - . - . �R, . , . . �3_ . . . , . . , `� 4E � 3.II. OVERTIP�tE: t�lork performed at �he express aul:horization of the �P�1PLOYER . , . , � in excess of tl�e employee's scheduled si�if�:. � �_ � 3.9 SCHtDULED Sf4IFT: A consecu�ive ��;ork period including t�•�o rest � � breaks and a lunch break. � � . . ��3.10 RES7 GREAf:S: �'i��o periods during the SCtIEDJLED SHIFT dur�ng ti•rhich the � . . . • employee renains on continual du�y and is responsible for assigned duties., , . . . ' 3.11 LU�;CN E�RE!'�K: A period during fihe SCHEDULED S}IIFT during ��rhich the employee � rema� ns on con �i nual cSuty and i s responsi bl e far assi gneci du�;i es . •� I� 3.12 STRIE:E: Concerted ac�ion i►i failing �:a 3°epor�: for duty, thr willful . � � . absence �ro�» one's position, �he stap;:age of �tiork,.sioti•r-do��rn, or abstinence in ���hole or in part from the fu11, faithful and proper performance of the � • duti es of e;npl oyment for 1:he purposes of i nduci ng', i nfl uenci ng or• coerc i ng 1� a change in the conditions or car��pensation ar �:he ric�htss privileges or . .. obl i gati ons of empl ayr�ent. • •. � ��. � 3.13 QASE RATE OF PAY: The Empl�yee's.monthly rate o�f pay exclusive of longevii,y � �� or any other special allo.�rances. � � - . . . � , � � . ' . � . . , . 3.iG CO�iPENSATOP�Y iIIfE: Time offi during tt�e �mplcJ��ee's reg«'iarly scl�eduled �•:or►: I,, - � schedu � e Equal i n iime to ovei�time ►��orked . � � - _ � � . . 1 .. 1 � � � . �.. �� . . . s . . 3.15 SE\�ERI�P�CE PAl': Payrnent made to an empioyee upon honorable separation of � � � employment. � . . • � � - � ARTICLE I�l E�•iPLOYER SECU�ZI7Y . ' � . � .4.1 The UNIO� agrees tt�at during the life of this 11GREEhiENT i�; �•till not cause, encourage, participate in or�support• any strike, slow-do�•m ar other � 1P E - . interrupt�on of or ir��erference ►�r�th the ►�ormal funct�ons of the Eh LOY R. � � ' � . '. / ' . ` � � . . • •• � �. . . � .� ' . . • . I � . . . � ' -3- ' . ' . , . . , . � • � 5.1. '�'lic I:i�'IPL01'��; i•ctuiiis ilic full antl i�nrc ,Lra.ctcd� rid��i fo op�rltc L} r. �. . • . . • ancj� �nanabc all.�n;�i�po�;�cr, �'lciliti.c:c, a�:d � U1 7I�1CIlf • fio est� '� . � � , Uli.,�1 .' : ` , . . � �11JlCil01)S 1nd Pro�ra;ms; to set a�icl amcn� bud�ct�;; io cictcrmiizc �' . ,,. : . fl�e utili�atiot� of' tcclii7olo�;�•; to cstal�lisl� ancl moclif�* ilic oi•�ai�.i•r_ation,tl. •. � , . • . . . • ' • . : . stxucfure; fo scl.ect, cizr. cct, az�cl cletermiile the numbez: ai' personncl; ". M. � � . . . . . . to establisl� �v�rl: scheclt�les, ancl to peri'orm az�y inh�rent �nana�eri.al _ ' . .�'unciion not specifically 1� rnitecl L�3� this 1LG.,�'i�::Ci1'LLI�'T. ' . � . 5. 2 �i�y term aild condii:ion of cinplo3�zxie�lt azot specif�.cal.ly estauJ.ished • � . � • � � or m�cliiicu by tliis ��G}���i1�TEi�':C �-�•.all re�.nai.zl solc�ly �YJ_t11i.1i i11�: . �� di.screiion of tl1c; Eil�Tl'L�X��� i:o moclil' �, e�tabli.sh or elimii�ate . •' � � � ' , 1 T � � � ' � � .. � � . � �� . � , . •. � .� � .. • . �.., �.� . . - .l�rTICL�; VI �C,\IO�7 S��CUI,TI'Y . . - , �� 6. �. The �11-2PLp�.'L;R s}:all c�educi �x om fhc >>ra�cs of em;�zoyees lvho �' . aui}lori7e such a deciuci:ion zr, 1�,rxi.i;ing an amouni: ��ecess�.r5� i:o � . � . � .' . . : . _ • . • � • cove�: monthlsT UNI01T dues, Such �n.oni:es s11a�.1 l�e� r. en-�i.ttec� as � � , c2i.reetecl U the �� . - � � . . : y UT�T�OlT. . .. . . . . . . . � .. � � . ,, 6. 2 The U�TIU�7 may clesz�n�.�e em�loyees frc;xr. i:he. bargainin� t�nii to - . �� - act as a sie�vard ��d an alternate. and si�.all. xi�for. m ihe 7�Il7Pi,.OZ'F� • ; ' • ' • . � � . . . � • i�l ti�rriting of st�ch choice and chan�es S.n fhe posi_tion of ste�vard and /ar '' J • �altcrnatc. � . � . . : ' . . . . : , � . 6. 3 The L��PLO�.'LP sliall znake . ' , . -, . , '. � space. avai.lable on ihe e�n��lo3 ee buZl.ei;in ' • . . . •• n ' , � Uvard for ��ostiiib U1'70�T notice(s) c12�C� 82111QUI1Ce211CI1t�S}, • � •� • � • • G. � }lC.' ' j ` r r • - . '�' Ui�ION a�,a ces i:o indcn�u-izf� anc3 llol.d tl�c �11�I'L01�1� liarmiess . . � ' . . • . � , • .� • � � a�;ainst any at�cl all claims, stii,ts, orc�crs, �r �jliC��111G11L'� Uroug]�t 1 , or i:ssuccl ��;;iin�t ilie 3�A7I'LOYrIi as a z�est:�t o� �ny �ici;i.on fal:cn or � ' »oC tal:c�l by llie �.�'Ll.'LOS.`L7; �u�dc:z� fihe pi'C)V]��.OIZS. O� t�lla .A�.•[icic. � ,• ' . 'Q_ ' • �. ,,. . . � • .. . . , � .A2i'�'ICL �' '�rII 7;�'[1'LOi'l�� RIGI17'� - G1�I7:V11I�,?G�% Pl'�OCZ:D�)1��� � !� � . . . , . , .. . ?..�. x�rrz�'I'I'JC��' or n Cl�rr�� ���Yc�: ' '� ' �. ' . ' . . � :. � ,!� �ri.evanr..e i.s clefi.ned as a ci�spute or disa�z cement as to the • �'� . � knter refation or a pli.cation of� i:he specific tex•ms ancl conditions . . P p � of t�1is I�.GI�E� �4�NT. ' ' � � : . � � . ' 7.2 U�`I10`: I,rPTT;ST�\T�ITIVI�',S �. . . ' � .- . ��, . . . . .. T�l� E1'IPI.Oi'T:��`�vi11. r. eco�;-r�i.z� REPT.-,L:SI�NT.I�.TIV}aS desi.�natect L�T th2 ' �I�IO�T as tlle.gx°ievance represent��.ti.ves a�' �he� bar�a.i.n�.ng una.i. , _ � . l�av�.ng �iAe du-Li.�s and �-esnonsibi:lii:i.es e��{:��ial�i.�hecl by �his � '._• .- ,• . Ariicle. .. The U1TI�1T shall not�fy fhe T:n'�7'LO�'��I� i�n �;�riting of fhe �. . , � � •� ' ' . . � .: • . namcs of such UI�'ION REPP,i-SE�T1'.1�.',.T'IV�S ancl .of their successo�s �_ , . • � . . �,r�heri so desi.�na�;ed as pro��zclec� by 6. 2 of. i:hzs .f�.GRLLI��T.:S�'T. � . . 7. 3 I'ROC'�SSIITG OI' A GFIEV���CL. � � .. . . : '�.' � .._ : -. � �.. It i.s r�co�ized and acc��ted.by tl�e U��TU�7 �.nd �:he ��1�lP�OY�Ii that ,°. . th.e rocessi.n of �;rievances as.h�r�einafi:er J�rov�ded �s lixn�.ted - P � � '. by tl�e jab duiies anci responsiUil�ties of �he �]V1:I'L.O�'��S and � � shall fhexc:�'ore be accon�pla.sh�d clur�inb norxnal �vorkind hours .onl,y � _ ' � . ' �. '. � � �vl��n conszsteni �vath such I:T��Pi..OX�L duti.es and respons�.b�.�ities. � .a � r'.cved �11�IPLU�'�E ai7d a U1TI01 R�PR7�S�I�?T�.TIV� sllall T3ie �� � . , .� be allo�vcc� a reasonaUle ainount of iiine �tititliout loss in �ay «rl�cn :� .� gr�.c�•ancc is investi ;a.tcd aud Z�resc�itcd i:o tllc J;11�IX'7�OY]�R clui in ; norm�l � . � _.� � � • T • �•rorkii�� hours providcct tliai: tlic L]1�I1 LOY�7�T� and thc UNIOI� . '' ' ��PIiT�S1:NT11'�'IVL have 31G?lrl.ccl ancl reccived ilie approval of , . . � . ii�c c'.c:siLnalccl stil�ci•v�:�ai• t;�l�o ?���s cietc�.'xni.�lcd tliat s�icll absc�lcc is ' . �•eZSV»aLlc �ncl wauJcl nc.�t l�c cictrimc:ntal. fo thc �vox•1: pz•o�;ranas of �' � ' r � • • . . � tl�c �i1'II'1�011�,I►. . . � ----- -5 - . , , ., � . • . , . • f. . • • . , i I_��,\. ,t. �: x��;oc��nvRr� . . . . • 4 !-1 . � • �� � ' � � � . � � ` • G�'icvance{�, as dcfiried Ly Section 7.1, shall Ue reso�.ved xn can- ; � ' �oxznance �vxth i:he fvl.lowin� procedure: ' . . . ': � Siep 1. 1�n 7�11-7PLOYL� clai.min� a va.ola�ion concernin� the , � i�nterpreiation or applicatia�� af ihis I1GR7��I1'f�NT sl�a.il, �=lithin ' � . � • • '.. . � t�vent3�-one (21) cal:endar da3�s after such alleged violatioi� has � . I�� occui red, preseni such grievance �;o tlie L1171'7..�OXLT�'�S super. vi.sor �. as desi�nal:ed by ilie ]�T�2P��45'LR. TJ1e En�.I'LOXS�1��clesi.gnated . . representativc �vi.11 d;.scuss anc? �i.v: an anstv�z• to suc]i Step Z �� � • � -'- . • • '. , gra.evance 1�rithir� i:en (l.0) calendar c?ays a�'�er receipt. �, grievance ' �. not resolvecl in Step 1 ar,d appealed i:o Ste�� 2 sha�.l be plaeeci i.n � wri.ting setti.ng f.orih ilie nature of i:��e ��rietTance, i:he facts on . ,- "• �t�►:ii.ch �t i�s l�ased, the provi.szon or p�;ovzs�on� o� the �iGR��11'LE�T'S' ' ' �• �' '- ecl re uesiecl and shall be a ealed -io allegedl� v�.ola�ed� the rem y q , _ pP ,' Step 2�t�ithin ien (10) cal.endar days after the �A'I7'XA�'�R-deai=;mated ' • representative!s final ans�ver. in Step I. �.ny gr�.evance noi app�aled . '� . . . • . . . . i.n �vr�tin� to 5i:ep 2 by tiie IJNIOti7 �vithi�� ten (10) calendar days :5ha11 ' ' o i��C�Gx'CC� 1Va1VeCI. � . ' �' - ' - . • � be c i ��. . ,. . Siep 2� Tf appealed, tl�e �:�ritien gricvance shali l�e presentecl by .' .' ilie, iJ?1i70N and discussec� �vitll -il�e LI�iI�L�YI��i-desi�;na�:ed �tep 2 .. , ,. . xeprescntai:ivc. '�'lic �A2:1'L'�J�' � I�-cicsi�nateci rc��resentative shall ��, , ive i2�c UNIO�� 1:lie 7�n7PLOI'rR'S �Step•2 ai�s�vcr in ��c�ri.iinb �vi�hi.n � . . ,. �. ten (10) calci�cl�ir d:�ys aftcr rccei.pl af sticl: Stc�� L�l'1CVi.lI1CC. • A ��•i.cv�ncc aZUt rr.solv�d in Slc�� 2 may ;�c z�pc�Ir_ci fio Slc� 3�vitliin , •. � ' �:Gn (�0) calc�icllr c;�iys follo�vi»�;�iti�.I�I1'Ii'LOi'I�li-dc�i�maficd �•el�resGnt-- , . . . . � L6^ � • � . • '. . ., • . �� ., . � � . . � - � � - . • � � . . • C ~ ti: • , • . • • • . • • ' ' atS.vc's �'i.nal. Stc�� 2 ansivcr. .�z�y �ricvancc not appezled 4 I .• � �. . .. • � . �.n �vri.tin�; to Step 3 l�y th�� UNIUIT r�ii:lli.ii tcn (10} calcndar days � , , , . , . . shalJ. bc consiacrcd �vaivecl. � ' . � • - /� . S�:e 3, Tf a �aled il�e written rievance slzall k�c presented � , p �P , � . ! by fhe �J��011' aiact discussecl ���ILh the ���iPLO�'TR-de�ignated ' , .. . _ Step 3 r.e�reseniaiivc, The T;P4T�'LUY.f1�Z•-desi.gr�ai�cl representai:ive "• ' • ' - ;' � . . . shall. �ive tlie Y»Tz��r ti-�� rn2rr�01.�,z�'S ans��rer zn wxi.ii.no �vi.ih�.n ' i:en (1.0) calenc�ar dzsrs �f.Cer receipi af suc;, Step 3 f;z �.cvance. . A 1 �rievat�ce no� resoived ax� Si:ep 3 �.na� 3�e ap���a�_ed i:a S�ep �: «ra.�i�.i.n �� . .' . i;en .(10) calez�c�a�� ciays fol.lat°rxng ilze 7�17PZ,OX�R�--desi�;nated � '. � =- . . . , :� � represen-Lai.ive's �iz�al ans�trer i.�l S�el� 3, :�.n,y ��r�evance not �.��Feal.ed : , i.n �vrii:ing to Step 4 by i:he Ul�J.Qi� witL:n. ten (J.�} cal.endar da��s shall . . � be considered ti�raived. � . . � � • � . - � �•• � ' ..� � � , _ St��. �,(1 grievance unresol�ed in S{:ep 3 and appeal.ea � - ., • o Ste � b the �ITnO�T sl�all be suUmit�ed i:o ar�i�rati.on sub'ect - � � Y , J _ , �. � to fhc provisions o� the Publ.ic �,mployment: ]�abor P�ela�;ions Ac� " ' • � of 1971. The selection of �an arbi��.^ator sl.�al.l be �.nade i.n aceordance . � � . . . - � wi.th �the "�ules Go��erninb tlie ��.rbitrai:i.on oi' Gz•i.evances" as estaLi.ishecl ' �. . � � ' i ' 111 �IQ n�ent ��cl.ati�ons 13oard. •' • . . b5 1.he }. t Ulxc l� I Y . , , . 7. 5 1s.T:]3).'I'1�l1`.I'C71�"� ILIJ I'1:1C71�Ir1'X • ' . : . ,A.. Tlxc arUitrator slial.l li��ve ��o z�{;11�: i:o ain�izd, modify, ntillify, ' � . � . . ' . i�norc, acicl to, oz sltLtrzct from. i.lic tc��zns and c�nditions �i - , • • • fihi.s .l�,Gi�l:,)�n'IL',N1', • '1'lic ��i•Ui.iz aior sh�il consi.dcr ancl ciccicle � � , " , • • , � ' . . ' . ' ' ' . • . . . . . ' ' ', . . . ' • -7- � .. , . . . _ _,�.._ ..,,�, . '. . ' � �3. .; • C. � � � � . . � . . � • �� J only i.lic �specific i�sue(s) ��i�mii,tcd xn �vrii:in�; by tl�c �n71'X�OYt�R and {hc 'UI�7ION, and shall havc no authorzfiy to �rlalce a dcci��.on , on any otlici• i.sstie noi so sul�initl:ed. . '� .. '�ihe arbitrator shall Ue 1vi.tlioiit po�ver fio mal:e cleci.si.o:�s - contr�.r3� to, ox incoi�sisfient �va.i.h, o� moc3ifyi.nt; or varyi.ng �� '�.n an�� �tray tlie ��pplzcaiion �z �a�vs, ru].es, or z c�ul�.tions � � ': havi:n� i.he force and e�'fect o� la��T. '�'l�e €irbi.tr. �ztor's decisi.o:�. shal.� be subxnz�ted ii1 lvriti.i�:g �=�i.lhin i:hirt,y (�0) c�ays fol.lo�t�ing close of ihe hearzng or tlae stibrnissi.on of i�r�_ef �.by �th� parties, . ��1.iiche��er Ue later, unless the pari:ies a�ree i;o an e�tension. � Th� decisi.on shall be binding on bo�l�. the LiVIP7�OXE� and �l�e �� �Ta�iU�T an� sha11_ be basecl salcls� on��tl�e arbitrai:or's interprefafS.o.� or appli.ca�i.on of �the express .texms o£ i:his la.G�'.r�AZ�I�T an:i fo tlxe �acts of irie gri.e�Tance presente�.. - . : �� : . `1'he fees and ext�ens�s for the azbi�i:rai:oz's servi.ces and . procee�in�s shall lie 1�orne equally by the �I�71.'LO�'ER ayzd : ihe US�IO�T provided thai eac2� paz ty shall be responsiUle� for � �: ..com}�en: atinb iis orrn representati�Tes and �vii:nesses. If ei�her . pari;�� cle�i.res a vexl�at�m rccoa�cx o�:ilie proceetlin�s, it may • eausc sucl� a reco� cl to be �7�ade, provi:din� �t pays for thc . .reco� cl. If botli p:irti�s cicsire a verUatixn record af the •. procccd'zn�;s thc cos1; shall bc sliarcd equallj►. � . � . . • . , . . . _$' • . . , • �- • , ' . . . '. � . - • • . � .. 7. c �vniv7��� . . � . � , . 4 {: , . • , . .. . Xf a�ri.evance'i.s i�ot pre;entccl �T�i.ihin tl�c ti.mc: �imits sct � �.� • . � � , • . �'or. th al�ove, it sl�all be conszclered "�vai.ved. " If Y1 �ri.e�Tance � � ' � , �' � ' . . i.s noi ap�e<ilecl to tl�e netit step ��i.fhin tl�e spee�fa.ecl i�me ' limit oz any agr. ec;d eatcrisi.on thereof, i.t shall be con�i.clered . . _ • settled o�i i;l�e basis of .tli.e �I��PLOY7;P,'S l.asi: ans�vea�, Xf the •�� ,� . . . .. .. � ��1`ti7.PL01'�;P does nof. answcr a gri.evance o� an appeal. tl�ereof � wztllin �lie sn�cified i:i�i�n.e �ixnii;s tlie llA�tIO�Y m.a � e).ect to treai; . � � � ' the gri.evancc as denic�d ai; t:hat si;ep and i.rn.medi.ai:e�.y appeal. . ' .�_� tl�e grievance to the next step. '�he ta.�nne li.mi� xn �each sfep - '� � . . . . -�¢ may be c}:tended by mutual �cvritteii agr.�eea�nenf o� i;he i�11�1PLOX�� .' and thc ilNI0i�7� iri each si:e � • •. : • ' P '� 7. 7 C�-�ozC� or ��I����zrnY �_ . � . .._ . ' . : -- • .. .�� ., Xf, as a result of ihe wrii:ten �R71'�U�.'I�R'response in Step 3, , � . ' . ' � - _ • the gri.evaiicc xemai.ns unz.esol�=ed, anc3 a.f �i:l�e gri�etrance znvol4es , . � . ihe suspensi.on, �demoiioil, or clis�haxgc o� an emaloyee tivho has � ' coml:Zc{:ecl the requa.red �roUati.onary ��er. i.od, ihe gri.e:vancC may : �.-_ .be appealed eitl�er to Step � of .E1.zticl:e V�.I or a proced�ire �• ''' �• r ' ce Tetc��an's �'refez�e�zce' or � ' ° � � � � - such 1_. Czv�l Sc v�. , 1 , � aa�. � nplc 3 rnent. . , � : � � ' � � , Xf appcalcd� to any procccIurc othcr tl��i� Si:ep 4 0� .11.rti.cl:c: VII� . ` . .. � ' fihe �� i.c��ancc is a1oi. sul�jcct io ihe arbi.tz ation proccdurc as k�rov�cicd . i�n Step � a!' L1.riicle ��II. ,�'lie a��;rievecl canplo��ec sliall inc�i.czte in � • . • , , � �vrifin�; �vlii.cli px�occclurc is ta uc utiii�cd--Si.cp � af .11riicic �TII or � • . . ' , i1110t�1C1• 1i5��cal l�z•acccltii•c--anci sl��ill ��s;Il .'l Sf;LLCJ11CI1{. �t0 ti1C C�iCC� ' ' . • • thZt tlac C�IU)CG O� :tlly Ot1lCl.• l�clri�Z� prccludes il�c 1�;�;ri.cY►cci cmplo�•r_e . . � ' . _g- .. . _ . . . •. . . . . • • . . � • .�'� c�m ma1:111�; �i suU::cCC]UCI1t A�)j)C��. �IlY'011�*�1 SLC�7 � Of .�.I'I;1CLC �TII. �} �� ' �. . , ., , ' , , •� . . • •' , . ' � 1xrt�rrcr�1� VJII SA'VII�7GS c7�nvs�c , . . . . � . . . . .. � '�r�,�s ���r,�r�-1.�N'�' is suUject to fhe �a�vs af �.he YJni:tecl Staics, i:hc State oF � . � • ' ' . Aiiru�esot� �.nd tlle Ci �y of Fri dl ey . Tn �:l�e evr.ni an,y p�.�ovi.s�on '' of fihis I�.GIi�L�: �.1�T slaall Ue helcl to be coni:rary to la�v Uy a court oi ,,� , � � . • . '' competent juri.sdic�ion irom 1��hos�, final juc��ment or decree no appeal 2zas � ' been tal:cn �vithin the time provicicd, such provisions shall be vo�.ded, lill �_ � • . other provisions of ihis AGrEE1:T�1TT sliall co���:i.nuc in i:ull. �or. ce and effect.� IT�le �c�oided provi.sion may be rene�otiaicd at i:l.�e writ�en re��uest of eiiner party. •' • • • • • i • ' • T � � • . • • • ' ' / ' ' • a'. . �.n�zcr�� L� s��ro�-,I rY . ' 9.1� Seni.ority shall be determined by the e.nploy�e's Ien�,�b of. . � � : conta.nuous einplo��ment �vzi:li tlie Fire Aep��rtxn:ini and posi:ed a.n ' . ' ' � r- � . ' � - .. an appropri.al:e locai:ion. Sen�_or.ii:y rosi:ers may be anaini:ained � . . • ,, �' � b�he FIRE� CHIEF --� on the. basis. of i:irne in gr�ade a»d time . y . ' � . '. within specifiic classifica��io�ns. , . . . ' - �J. 2 1�uring the probationaz y pez i�od a ne1v13� hired or rehir�d cmployee� . � '' � '�; l�irnea ai: i;lle sol.e di.scretion of i:l1c E1��PL01'�R. - ' ma� bc dz. cl �, . . . . - . ,�� S�11T1I1� tl]C proUati.onary periocl a pro:noi;e�l ar reassi��ned ernployee � : n�ay Ue rel�l.�cc� iii his pz cvious pasif:ion ai �lic sole ciisci•ciion of ihe . . � �n7.r�.o�s�r��. , • . � � _ . ' ecluctioi� of ���orl: forcc �vill Uc accom �lisllccl on thc b��sis J. 3 .A. r I . . , . . . . ' �, ' • of sc�iioi•ity. ' • � . . , , . . '• . • • .• •. . . . . • �• , . . , . . . ' -10- . � . . • . .. . . . i � r� Employees shall be recalled from layoff on the basis of seniority. An er�ployee on layoff shall have an opportunity to return to work _ wi thi n tti�vo years of i;he time of hi s 1 ayoff before any net�u empl oyee � is hired. ' � . . 9,4 Vacation periods to a maximum of two (2j weeks sha11 be selected on , the basis of seniority until t�1ay lst of each ca7endar year. _ � , ARTICLE X DISCIPLINE � � � � '' 10.1 The E'�PLOYER will discipline employees for just cause and ma� be in . i n one or more �f the fol 1 owi nq forr.�s . � . �. . ' a) oral reprimand; . � �,�" . b) written repr°imand; . � � c} suspension; � . . d) demotion; or . " . � e} discharge. . � � . � _ • 10.2 Susoensions, demotions and discharges will be in v��ritten form, �� 10.3 ��lritten reprimands, notices of sus�ension, and notices of discharg� which are to become part of an emoloyee's pe�°sonnel file shall be read and acicnoti�ledc�ed by si�nature of the employee. Employees wiil receive a copy of such reprimanc�s and/or notices. ""` �+ 10.4 Employees may examine their own individual pei°sonnel fil�s � at reasonable times under ihE direct supervision of the E�IPLOYE�R. , t . -11- . Ir : • � , . . � � �� . , ��� � . � , " . . • � . ' • . . . • • � ,A,1�TICT�� �'I. � �VORI� 5CI11:l�L1r.L . � . ' . • ' � . � � ' � I • 11.1 The work week�schedule fox all employees of the �ire ' , .� � ' � �epartment shall constitute a five.day., sixty hour �aork� . � week. .The Department Head is responsiblc for scheduling� � � and assignzng the iaeekly �aork schedule. . , ' �11.2 The Gity c�aims the authority �.o schedule employee's woxk: A normal woxk day £or employees shall be th�elve (12) hours . ' bet�oeen 8:00 P.�4,,and 8:00 A.M. The normal work week shall.. , . . . I, � commence at 8:00 P.r1.. on Sunday and .shall end a� 8:00 A.�i. � � on Friday. . �. ' � � ; ' }'� 11.3 It is recogllized by the parties that service to the publi� , . . . � may reauire tlle establi�sliment of regular shifts for some � � ' � ' ' _ employees on a daily, iueekly, seasonal, or annual basis '• ' other L-}lan the S:00 �.rt. to 8:00 A.T4. shift. The employer. . � . - � '. wi11 give advance notice to the employees affected by the� . '� � establishment of work days different than the normal employees' , . � work day . . . . . • . : . ' . . . . . � ' ' _. _ _ . � ' . . ' . ' � � � . '' • � , . , , -12- . : I ' �~ 1��- �J : � . . i1.4�. Tn the evcnt th�t ��rork is rec�uired because o� unusual cir- cumstanccs such as (but not limited to) fire, f].00d, sno�a, ' sleet, breakdoti�n ot municipal ec�aip»�ent or fac�J�ities, no ,, . '� advance notice.to the employees need be ga.ven. It is no� 'required that an employec iaorkiild o•tlier tha�l the normal 40� 0 woxkday be scheduled to tirork more than ti�relve (].2) haurs; . . • .- ho»ever, each employee has an obli.� ation to t�ork overtime if re- � quest�d, unless unusual circunist�nccs ��revent him from dozng so. I' . ' . " . 11.5� It is alsa r.ecognized by tl�e parties that � serv�.ce to the ' '. public :�ay requ.ire the establisnment of regula.r ��ork wweks . � � tha.t schedule 1��ark on Saiurdays and/ar Sundays . Employees II ' who are regu7.arly schecluled to be on duty Saturday �and/or � • Sunday will be gxanted two consecutive da.ys off in ].ieu of I ' Saturda and or Sunda . � � - . � Y / Y . 'ARTICLE .XII V!1CATIONS _ � _ � � . - - .. �' �12.1, Each Employee of the City who has worked xegularly for the City for a period� of not Iess than t���elve (12) successive months is � � �entitled to a vacation atiaay from employm�nt with pay. Vacation .�., pay shall be.computed at the regulax rate of pay to whicn such �� Employce is �ntitled. An Emplaye� laho has tvorked a minimum of ' twelve (12) montlls is entitled to one (7.) iaorkday of �vacation for eacii month so �aorked., �An Emplo}•ee ia}io }�as worked ei�hty- �'our'(84) consecutive months is entitled to'one and one-half (12) workclays of vacatior� for each month worked beginning �aith the eighty-fifth (35th) 111011t}1 of consecutive employment. An • • F.mployec w�io has �.�orkcd o:�c hundred eigllty (1S0) successive montl�s is entiticcl to one and two-tl�irds (1 2/3) �aorkdays o£ vacati.on • for , each montli worked, befiinnin�; irith th� onc hundred eighty- £irst (181st) �nonth of. consecuti.ve employr��nt. Except ��rhere � -i3- . ' � � • �a.a :,� a . . �:.. ; _ t i� ... ' othex�vi,e Proviclecl i�y afireentent Ue���ecn the City hianager and 4� ' Y^ ��` Employee, no moxa than tti�ent (20) days vacation may t�e tal�;en Y � , iii any.one _calendar year, and the vacations, unless otllez.��isc; 'providecl, shaJ.l bc takera each y�ar duxing t}�c months of ', Apri1 to and inclucling the month oi Augus�. , �. 12.2� �mployces are not. auth�arizecl to carry over from one year to .- 1 . � the next .more t}ian f i.ve (5) �days of vaca�ion over what �he ; ' , empl.oyee had at the end of the preva.ous year, �ai�h�ut express . � ' �•approval of his Departm�nt. Head aa�d the City ASanager.. . � 12.3 In the evenfi a regular full time l:iil�)ZO}'C'� quiis or his ' emp].oy�ment. is severed :Far any reason whatsaever,. he si�:�al1. .;-. . recea.ve his earned vacatio». pay. . + � . ,� � � . : . : . . . .._..- - ARtIC!�E XIII PAY FOR �IRE CALLS �. � . �'�� ��i 13,1 Pay for off duty firE ca71s shall be $5.�0 oer fire call, Th�s vri�ll apoly prr ■__.� � al 1 fi t�e ca11 s befor°e or- afi:er regui ar vrorki ng haurs or. on days off. Shoul d_ '�� tfie cou•rts fi r�d that the Fri dl ey F7 re Denartment comes under the ' j uri sdi cti on � � of the federal Fair Labor Standards :Act, this sec�ion oi' the contract_shall �be nul� and void. . _ -�. . � � .: , . � _ . . ARTICLE �I'� E�IPLOIEE EDUC�ITION PROGR�ti�1 . � ' 14,-1 The City iJill pay certain expenses fox certa9.n educatio:i couxsc:s - Uased on the �'allowing criteria. � ' '' • a. The trainin� course�must havc relevance to tlie employees' ' preser.'� or anticipated •career responsiUil.i.ties . Attendance .� 5hali be a� a City approved insti�:ution�. Tlle course must '� be approvel by the De}�artmcni. Flead. • � : � . . b. Financial assistance trill be exLened only to courses oi£erecl. ' rc ' cd institution. This inc�udes vocational , . by an acc. d�.t i' . � schools, ri�n���sot.1 Sclzool o�' l3usiness, etc. . . 14.2 Programs Financi_al Policy . , . �.' ' Fi;aancitil as��.stance laill �e extened ta cover onl.y tlic cost oi . • . I � . 'i � � �' ' .- : ' ' ' .� . ' � 14, ' - ' ' ' , ' � � • � '� � tui.tion, Cliarges for books, studeiit union membersliip, studen� health covera�e and otl�er charges for which the student receives some a.iem or scrvice other than actual instructi4n will not be . paid. The City tiaill pay 500 of ti}ie cust o£ �uition in advance of the e:nploye�'s actual. participation in the course and the employe° whall pay SOo of the cost. Employee upon success£ul . , . . � co�npletion of the course �vill be required �o pxesent to h�is �� department heaa a�certificatzon of satisfactory iaork. Sata.sfac- tor'y ��ork a.s defined. as follows: . a. In couxses issui.si� a lettex �rade,a C or above is required. b. In couxses issuing riumerical gra.de, a 70% or aUove is . • xequired. . . • ' � . . . . _ c. Tn caurses nat issuing a grade, a certification fxom the� ins�ruction that the student sa-risfactorily participated ir. the activities� of the couxses as required. � �. 3 If the employee satisf�.ctorily co�rpletes the course,he will . be reimbursed.for the addit�_onal S0� of the tuiiion cost for which he had obligated h�mself iAz the apprQVed application. . � If the emplo}�ee fails to satisfactorily complete tlie course, he ,w�_11 not be reimbursed. � , . . . ' - 14.� Tlie prngram ��ill not reimburse the employee for the hours he- � spend in class, oiily for the tuition.- . � �� 14.5 E�re:nses for whi.ch t}Ze employee is c�mpensated t�nc�er some : other educational or assistance pro�xa2n �ai11 not be covered, � ' � . . such as the GI bill. , - 14.6. Tlie City >>�ill, not pay tuition or othe: costs for those courses � � . � ' wh�ch arc used to make tl�e employee eligible %or additiona2. .. . � - I ' sal.ary . , � � � �• �' . , . i ' � �� J^ 0 ARTI CLE XV HOLIDAYS , f������JS.I Nolidays include New Year's Day, January 1; '�lashington's and Lincoln's . Qi rthday, the thi rd Monday in February; ��lemori al Day, the last t�londay in '� May; Independence Day, July 4; Labor Day, �:he fi rst t�landay in September; ' ' ' ' 4R ChristophPr Columbus Day, the second ��(onday in October; Veterans Day, ��ovember 11; Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in �lovember; and Christmas Day, December 25; provided, when New Year's Day, January 1; or Independence Day, July 4; or Veterans Day, November 11; or Christmas .Day, December 25; falls on S�nday tne following da� shall be a holiday, and provided, when New Ye�r's Day, January l; or Independence Day, July 4; or Veterans Day, November 11; or Christmas Day, December 25; falls cn Saturday, the preceding day shall be a holiday. ' 15.2 In addi ti on to the holi days l i sted abave , enzpl oyees covered by thi s contract snal l � be enti tled to two addi ti onal holi days desi gnated by the Ci ty Counci 1 or t?�e '. ;` Department i�ead, for a total af eleven (11) holidays per year. �RTICLE X�JT SICK LEAV� - = . � . � � " � ' � . '� � . . �. ' ' � , , � � . . . - j , . . . . . . . - . . 15.1 Any empl�yee �>>ho is unable� to work because oi sickness or . �...� �:•..-. injury may�obtain a Ieave o�f absence upon notice to the City. �drittien� verzfication of his cond�_tion by a competent medica]. authority may be required. ��7here the canditi_on of the Employee is such that he.is unable to a.ct for himself, the Unian may apply fo� such leave of absence a.n his beha].f. Failure to 7otify the Ca:ty subjects the employee to ap}.�xapriate , discipiine by tl�e .City. � 15,2 , � � Eacl: employee of the City who has �aor�ced xe�zzlarly for t}Ze City for a period not not less than t�aelve (12) successive months is entitled to sick l.eave away frozn employme,lt iaith � . . pay. Siol: leave pay s11a11 be computed at tlie re�ular ra �e of pay to ��hich such employee is entirlecl. An employee w;�o � has tiJOrked a minimum of tirelve (12) mont}is is entit�.cd to o��c (1) day of sick Ze�ive for eacli montli worked, cumulative to one hundreci� ��JCnty (120) d�ys of �ic:k lcave.' Aft:er one l�t.indxecl -16- . 0 •: • ' _ . . 0 ' t'�fClliy ��ZO� earned and unused days of sick leave have accumul.ated, one ���.aay additional vacation sha:�1 be �ranted ll $ , to an ern��layee ior every three (3) sick leave days earned : and unusecl. The employee may elect., after ninety (90) earned and unused days o��sick leave have accumulated, to r�ceive one (1) day additional vacati.on far every �hre� (3) sick leave day.s earned and"unused. Sick leave days shall not accumulate beyc�nd one hundred t���enty (I20) . Before any sick leave compensation is paid, tlle Ciiy may xequesL and is entitled to receive from any �mployee wlla ]zas been absent 0 � moxe than thxee (3) days in succession, a ceriificate signed . by a competent physician or other medica� attcndant cer�.ifyinb � to the £act t:�at the absence was�in fact due �o sickness and no� othexiaise.. The City also reserves the right to have an r. examination made at any time o£ any persa� cla�ming absence � .� t�y reason of sickenss; such examination ma}r be ma�ie when the City deems the same xeasonably �ecessary to verify the sickne�s claa.med, and may be made in behalf�of �he City by :any c�mp°terit persan designated by the City. � �"� � . � � � 11RT?CLT: :(VII i�JIJP.l' ON JOB : ' : ��� 1/.l Any full time C�.ty employce �ano has been employel by the City a� �l.east six (C j months, injureci on his� .re�ular j ot�, shall. be � ' ' ' . entitled to full pay up t-o a period of niiiety (90) days i�hile �I ' h� is absent from ��ork by� reason of such i.njury anc? his accrued . �. ' ' �ick l.cave will not be char�ed until aft-er and beginning i��ith � tlie nincty-£ixst- (9�.st) day of absence from �JOr}: Uy reason of suc}i i.�ijury; pr�vide�l, ho<<�ever, the. amoun�. of any com�ensati�n sliall bc reducccl hy �n�� paymcnt rcccived by thc injurcd employ�e 0 �1 �� . � 0 0 ' . , �� ' from a�or-kmen's compensation insurance, . An emp7oyee who claims an . 4T� absence fron���ork due tQ an injury sustained on his regular job is subject to an examination to be made in 6ehalf of the City by a person competent to oerform ti�e same and as is ciesignated by the City, � ' ARTICLE Y,1lIII PROSATIO��FIRY PERIODS • � 18.1 All ne;�ly hired or rehired employ�es wii� serve a six (6) months � probationary period, ' . . ' .' ARTICLE XI u 19.i ARTTCLE XX 20.1 FUNERAL PAY � • In cas.e of death occurring in tne imrnediate fami��y :of an employ°e, such an 'employee may be. excused from v�ork for. up to three days wi th additional time of► granted by �he City 1�'ia��ager if addi�tional 1:ime is. needed. This time off shall not sul�ject the employee to �oss af pay. For this purpose, members of the immediate fami�y of the employee are considered to be the following: s�oase, child (natural or adoptedj, parent, grandparent, brother, sister, manther-in--law or father�in�7aw. JURY PAY � . � . � : . � It shall be understood and agreed tha4 the Ci�y sha11 pay all regular fuil �;ime emp7oyees serving o� any jury tne difference in salary between jury pay and his regular salary or pay wh31e �in such service,. ARTI CLE XXI UNI FORM ALLO:�1F,�;�E 2i .l i'he City si�a71 pr•ovi de a uni ;nrn� clot� �r�g a11o�Jance for Fi re ��ghters of One Hundred Ei�hty-Five Dol7ars (;�185) p�r year in 1976 and One Nundred �Iinety Doil.ars (519�) in 19i7. It is undzrstood �;ii� clothinq allowance ��rill nat be drawn in cash, but is to be used sc�lely for the purchase of uniforms. : . . .. i � � j{ U �W � I���. ARTICLE XX�I HEALTH A�'VD HOSPITAL INSURANCE � e h � The EMPLOYER wiil contribute up to a maximum of Sixt,y Dollars (�60.00) p r mont �' per employee tawar�ds heal�Gh, lif4 and )onc� term disability insurance during the year �976 and Sixty-Five Doiiars ($65.00) per month during the year 1977. I � . . _ i AR7ICLE XXIII PAY FOR INSPEC7IOy ', There may be a need from �ime to time for ter�porary inspection personne� in the City. � It �s agreed be�ween ihe Unioi� and the City that shou2u the Fire Chief e�ect to use I' one of �he Fire �ig�tters�as an.inspector, the pay shall be Four pollars and Seven�� . . �- j� Five Cents (;�4.75j per hour in 1976 and Five Dol1ars ai�d Five Cents ($5.05} per i hour zn 1977. Ii: is �r�derstood that the rate of pay �or inspection shall not b� i' related in any ,�ay to the rate for regular or overtime pay� as shown elsewhere in � �his contract.. The re shall be no overtime pay for inspectfon wark. The Fire I� Chief I�as �he. ri ht to use voiunteers as ins ectors. Should tne cn�arts �find that 9 P . . I� the Fi rdley Fi re Department comes under the j uri sdi cti on of the Feder�ai Fai r Labor Standards Act, this section of the contract shall be null and vaid. � � '� . � � 1 � , . . . � � �1 ' ' -19- � �V � `\4 . � , Alt`fICLL Y.XIV RATLS OF P11Y , 24.1 �irefi h� ters , First six m�nths , Aftex .six months � After 1'-� years Ai'�Cer 2 Z years , � � After 3 2 years ,� . ._ � . � �V _ � 1Q76 1977 . � $1 ,005 per month ��p68 per month $1 ,053 per r�onth $1 ,124 per month '� $1 , ll4 per inonth $1 ,183 per month $1,1?3 per month ��•�245 per month � - . $1 ,235 ner month �' $1 ;310 per month � . 24.2 Fi re Car�i:a� n _ . 1976 1977 �----- , � . , .-, a�],3_�2a per mon�:h $1,395 �er mon�h . � . _ _._ _. _ ._. . . . � . lARTICLE XX�J ADDITIO�T�1L INCE�'TIVE PAY . . � � .. . . . -- 25.1 � Incentive pay �aill be paid over and above the s�andard base . �� rate �r oin rate for Em- lo � � .••. � g � �ees hlred I�xior to January �, 197� , . accordin� to 'tI1P -�ollowing schedu].e, providing empl�ye�s have . made demonstrable progr�ss towards improvin� �Gheir proficiency �• . for �heir particular job title or job assignment. � � � 6 • � � ' . � -, Aftex 5 years of service �24 ' � . �' �lil.er 10 ye�xs of service �48 - . � Afte�� 15 ,yeaxs o£ service • $72 : � a . . .• ; _�p_ . � ,. �. . .- - , _ • ' � � • ' 4 6J t �� . . 1` � • . . � �i�rrcr.r: vxt�r COLLEG� Ci2rDITS - 26.1 Far Pa.re Fi�l�t�rs hired a£ter�January 1,..1974 the City.�aill pay I.,far education credits earned at an accredited institutior� of ' ' � ' _� . ' � . higl►�r learning at�the rate of �.40 per quarter credit starting �•rith the ninety-first (91) quarter credii u� to a . � maximum of one hundred eighty (180) credii:s or a maximum of �3fi.00 per month. All courses�taken must be approved by the Empl.oyex. No Fire Figliter ;�ixed a�tex January 13 1974 will. be eligible for payments under ARTZCLE }:;CVI. No Fire Fighter �,�ill dratia both additional inceni.ive pay under ARTICLE XXVI and pay for education cre�its. �mployeas t+rill not be eligible £or education cxedits durinb their six (6) montli probat�onary period. A determination of the number of credits an empl�oyee is e�.i.�ible for �aill be made on December l, vf th� previous year. Cxedits eaxned durinb the year wi.Il not be coixnted ,� until the succeeding year. The Cit.y �sill no� pay �uitzon £�r. � courses that �mployee will later be paicl i'or as noied above. � • , . ARTT CL� Y, ;�l i I . SEVEP.ANCE PA1' . . .� . �� 27.1 An �m lo �ee ���it}7 forty-•cight (_48) ox more cansecutiVe months Y . P ) , o� employment wi11 receive severance pay �n �ash based on , one and one-}ialf (1. z) days fox each t��elve (12) consecutive , ' months workecl, but not to e�ceed thirty (30� days a£ the same. � � � t ' -21- . i� . � . � . � , ... . T . • •, . . • , . •. .. �i . . , . , ,�� � � . /1FZTICLE �xvltl.►����rvr:_�t • . . 23.1 .An3� �:t�nc� all prior a�reemcnts, resalt�lions, practices, I �" � � ! . t c . poli.cies, i•ule� and re�,tilaiions re�,arciin� icrma and concli.tions . �/' • � � . of. emplo��menty i:o the exteizf inconszsteni �vii:ll ihc prc�vzsions � �f ihis 1�GI;T�1�'11ix,NT, are hez�cUy �ti��c�r. cede.l� � - ' . .' . . - 23.2 The parties rr�utually ackno��lledbe thai: clurin�; �:he ne�oi.i:ations � � ' �Y�11CI7 x'CSUl�GCI i.il fhzs ,l�.G��T�I:i���.Liti7T cacl�: had t:he unl.i.inite , cl _'. � ' • ri.�l�.i ant� opr�ari;unity to mal:e demancls a�ad pr..apoc�zl.s �vS.�h . ,� respect to an�' i,erxn ar cona9.{:ioia o�' er�ployr��.;�r��: not � ein:o��ed � , � . . � � . . by la«� froxn bargazning, All agreern.ents arld unders�andings ' ��• �• arxiveci at b i:he arf�es are set foxih .i_n �vr. i.i:in �r in fhis - Y P �, ' AGRE�i1-71,1\T �or the stipulai;ed dura�� on c�� i:h�_s AG��EI���T. . � The LI4�P.L.OYJ�R and ihe U�TIO�T each voluni:arily a�d unqualifiedly ' � waives the ri�l�t. �o m - e e .. Y - � {f � � . b e-� and n�oi.zatc re�,ard�_n�, any and alI icrms , anc� candii:io�s of employment refer. z ed i:o or covered �.n t�Zis ' •.A.uRE�l�1EI�T or wi1,1� xespect i;o an�� ter.zn or conditS.on o£ . - exnp2oyment not specificall3l xeferxed 1:0 or covered by i;l�is _ ' � �I.GXir�1�\'1' even 1:liou��3i all i;e . :• , . , b cl� �. zn � or condiizoi�s nza� noi: ,�" �� have�been witliin ihe kno�vled�;� or coi�.i:emplation of ca.ther or ' Lvi:a of i;hc p�rl.ics ai: the iimc this contract was 4�c�;otiai:c:c1 or . . ca.eci�tcci, � • , • . � � � I' ` , ��• � • � �� I . . . . � �• . . ' • ' � � � • • ' . . , . . .' • � • • . • li .. ' . • . . , ,. � � • . ' � . ' . 1 . ' • . ' � -22- . • • . > � _ . �4 Y �..,, . . , . � . . I C ,��� . �`v- � � . � . . . . AR'1'�l`CLE �;�? X DURATION � � � . �� - I,'i'his AGP.�Ei�tENT s}izll be ef�ective. as of the a.nd sliall • remain in full iorce and etfect unti.l the thirty-ii.rst day of Dece�nber, 197.� ,In ;oitness ��.hereof, the �arta.es hereto have executed Lhis AGREE�iE�T ,on thit _ day of ; 197 . ' ' . �. � . � . - " • . . CITY OF I'RTDLEY . . • � � .. . . � , , . • ' . , . . . ' . . � � - � Af'1YU:t - !�lILLIA?1 J. NEE ' . - ' � . �� � ; i . . .� : ,. �I� �� . R - . • . _ � : � . . .. . i , , � � � _ � . . . . :� _ . ' ' . : _ � - � ' � . . . . . . - : ' FOR Ti1E INTERNATIOti�AL ASSOCIATION Ui FIRE '� � • 'FIG}1'I'�FS LOCt'iL N0. 1956 - . _ '. � ✓ �.�2 �- --� � _. �Ci1i - 1 �!•� R ''�. SIf4J^lS�r'� . . . - . . ' . � .'•• . . � . � - e�:� �.•�' � . RY E . 1� r�t ' � , . • � � i ' .. . . . � ?tic cutc. ��"9i,' . _ ! ' �dFr��ls r�. oT�tE��� � - � � � � � . � .. � � , . 1 �' . . I l�creb recommend to t.he Cit Caw1cil a roval � Y Y p I' o� Llii's agreement . � I . . .• . 6 i�� � ' it' k` ���'�a�� �S'..�•� �y, � � •�� , � : . • . s . aSST. CITY �•1GR,/FI�I. DIR. - t1!1RVTP! C. [3RUNSCLL . ' . • . , • , -2 3- . � � li � . I�'� , . , � MEMO T0: FROM: DATE: RE: CI1"Y COUNCIL BILI. NEE JANUARY 7, 1975 CATV COMMISSION, EXPENSE FcEIMBURSEME��T , I'm attaching a Resolution I would like to have you consider which would autt�orize the City to pay CATV subscriber -Fees for members of the CATV Commission. ' ' � � I think it's necessary (or at least desirable) that those charged with regulatory responsibilities aver CATV have the service available in their homes. At the present state of tlie �ervice, I believ� there are at least three o� the five members wha ��ouid not pay for the service if it were not part of th�ir civic responsibility to be "w�tchdogs." So it seems reasonable to me i:hat subscriber fees for com��ission �r�e�r�bers are a necessary expense connected Evi th the job and are proper1y reimbursable. ,This would cam� to $16.00 per mont�� for each of 5 memb�rs ... , that is, $80.00 per month, $960.00 per year ... anci wcul d be cha�^geabi e agai nst CATV regul atory c;ests . , 1� � ' ' ' �_ J T want to add that this request has not been sugge�ted by any.of the CA7V members but simply reflects my awn thinking that this icir�c of citizen service to the com�unity should not call for an actual cash burden on the citizen volunteer�. WJN/hf a `� � �, ,-� RESOLUTIOPJ N0. -1976 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY QF FRIJLEY TO PROVIDE CATV SERVICE TO MEMBERS OF THE CRaI.E �iELEVISION CONlMISSION �:_— �� 0 � WHEREAS, the City of f ridley CATV Franchise Ordinance established a citizen � advisory commission known as the Cable Television Co�nmission which serves without pay and �s charged with monitoring�CATV services in behalf of fihe City Council; and WHEREAS, to fulfill this responsibility it is necessary or desirable to have � CATV service available to each member of the Commission in their respective homes; and � � WHEREAS, the City o€ Fridley is empowered �y Charter and Ordinance to assume proper and necessary expenses associated with services performed by citizen volunteers in behalf of the City; NQW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Frid7ey City Council as fo7lows: � i. That the �ity Treasurer is ordered to contract with General Television, Inc. to supply full CATV service, including "premium" services, for a single terminal in the residences of each of five CATV Commissioners � � , : �r 2. That the costs of such services be charged against revenues received as CATV reguia-tory fees as required by the Franchise. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY QF FRIDLEY iHIS DAY OF ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL , 1976. MRYOR - WILLIAM J. NEE �A � � . `6 ■ . . LIST OF LICEPlSES TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUMCIL AT THE ��EETING OF JANUARY 15, 1976 , TYPE OF LICENSE BY APPROVED BY FEE � , ' AUCTIbPJEER . ,American Bazaar and Market Allan J..Imsdahl Jame� Hill 120.00 7900 Main Street . ' Pu61ic Safeiy Director � . . , . ' , ' _ . � ' . : � � � � ' � , . ' . ' - , � . -;�.�.