02/23/1976 - 5441� ' JANET KO�JZAK AD�IINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING � FEBURARY 23, 1976 '� � �Ff� c�;s-� C�,� . y �� � � ' ' FRIDLEY CITy C4UNCIL MEETZNG . � . . ` PLEASE SIGN NAME ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTEREStED IIY DATE: �"����.:� N�� ADDRESS ITEM NUMBER .:�a„osma�osa�--:�a=s�==ma��ao�zs===^:�= _��-_,--__oa�as�s_-=°===-� x -=s � - �a� ��s3:� =a�a=�-aas��� =�_�. � i � , -� l� 3A- %/%�- l� �Gd ��r d �" �` �V /� L� � � G . D. � C o sT, - � /�J . . � � _, / /J ,a'=-r� ill �1�.. _ � _ � _ , � n n , � :.- -��,�r,.. � �. �■■�r�f��T��i _ _ �'7 _ !��� !�'�'.' , � �� _.r.� . ,� :�����o ro: �FPARTMFrJ? :��a7s �� j ° �ollol�vi,r�g are the "ACTIONS i�EEDED". � Please have your answers back in the City • Manager•`s otfice by Wedn�sday Pdoon, March 3, 1976. Thanl< you. 1 FRIDG�Y CIT`� COIJf�CIL -- REGULAR ��iEETI�JG - FEBRUARY 23,� 1976 - I:30 P,� i'�. 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAP�CE; ROLL CA��: A�.z �a�sFr�� PRE�E�dTaT I ��°� a� f,CPI� I F i Cf�TE : _.. _ _ �TIF�CATE OF APPRECIATIO wiLLI�1M n,;�GANS, PLANNING COPIMISSIO�d AND APPEALS �OMMISSION Mr. Dri�ar,s was present for presenation APPR�VAL CJ� ��1� N�J"��ES : P��u�_�,� ME�TII�G, �EBRiJ.ARY �, 1976 �i�proved a� subm-itted , PU:�s! i C i1E�f� I NG ���ET? �3G, FEBa���Y 9, l��b Approved as si.ibmi ;.+::d - 1�D�P'TION 0�= (�G�-.���.�; Adap�eci �s sub�,iitted QPEPJ FOFU��. �'i.�1�;ORS. �_�Oi��rI��,RA����ON �'4' .17EM� NOT ON f����f�li:lA � i�� �`�iTl�UT�.S) Mr. Dennis Se��r�eid��r :°e���indec+. e�Jeryone cf �:f-�e �oi�cit�al caucuses to be held Tuesday. �vei��in��> I=el,r.�;Y•u ?_�, i9/6. ' � � REGULAR MC�TTidG, F�Bi��JARY .23; 1976 . .... PAGE 2 PUBLI� NEARING; PUBL�C N�AkING ON COMPREHEI�SIVE IiUUSING PLAN ���.�.. 1 E�INEERING a�TION N�EDcD: Put Resolution on agenda of March l, 1976 adopting comprehensive hous�i ng pl ar. ' , � �LD RUSINESS: � �ONSI�Er�A7i0N OF Ai'POINTMENTS T0 COMMISSIONS� � � � � � � � 2 — 2 � (Tti��En 2I��76� �.'TY MP:NAGER ACTION �EEDE�: Inform appointees (and Corur,ission Chairmen) of apQointments to �' different commissions. ��anning Comrnission Cha�rman: R�chUr� Harr�s (4il/79} Fclice Comm: Tim Breider ' Cc�n;n. D�v. Comm: hut�ert Lir,dblad (4/1/79; Env. Q. �omm: James Langenfeld (4/1/79) " " " • Denriis Schneider (4/1/77) " " " : i�1. Paripovich (4/1/79) Parics & Rec. . RoLert Peterson (4/1J79J �able Comm. : iVancy Wrubel (4/1/79) " " . Leonard Moore " " A1 Ossenkop (4/1/79) � A�neals Comm. . Pairicia Gabe1 (4-/�/79) Human Res. : Nancy Lambert (4/1/79) " " : AIPx Barna (4/1/79) Housing & Red: Elmars Prieditis(6/9/81) 4`i�'ti'� �ii$�i��SS: 6d. Heal�th : Dr. Turbaic (4/1/79) , �� �� Dr. Wright (4/1/79) Walter Jopke (4/1/79) ' ENGINEERIf�G ' �J �� � ' � �FCE��I��G THE MINUTES UF THE PLAid�lING �OMMISSiONS ML�-s i �� o�= F������Y 4, l�%b � , , , , , , , , , , , , , , � , 3 - 3 J ACiIOR P�IFEDED: File fior future reference � � � � c I�lEERING , ,� �INEERI�lG ' REGUL�� MCCTTidC. FEIiRUARY 23� 1976 .... .. PAGE 3 �lEW Bl1S I��E�S CC�Jf�7 � NUFD � . . .. RECEIVTNG THE ���INUTES OF THE CABLE TELEVTSIOf� �OMP1I SS I CN I`�EET I NG OF Jar�uAR�r 21, 197i� ,���������� 4-- 4 ll Attorney Douylas Hedin is to write the FCC for the CATV Commission regarding the items of disagreement between the CP,TV Commission and General TV. The minutes t�rere received . ACTION NEEDED: File minutes for future reference RECEIVTNG THE MINUTES OF THE CABLE TELEVISION �OMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 9, 1976� � � � � � � � . � � 5 ' � � The minutes arere received. A special meeting between the City Counci'I, CATU Commission and General Television was set up for P�arch 7 6, � 976 ACTIOfd �fEEJLD: Set up Community Ro�m for meeting March 16, 1976, 8:00 P.M. I�FCETVIPJG iFiE I��TNUTES OF THE CHRRTER COP�MISSION , f�r.�T I NG �31- .�ANIlARY 2O, 1976 , � , , , , . . , , . , . , � , , 6 - 6 C CTTY MAhAGE� ACTIO�i NE�=�ED: Fiie minutes for future reference � ` _ � CI ' . ����I�"IN.r., ThF !`�?NUTE� GF THE CTVIL S�RVZCF_ CUMMISSION MEETIfvG oF FEB�ua►�Y i0; I976, ,,�. R,,.,, 7- 7 A I C 7Y P�t�fJRGEn �CTION iVECCED: �i 1 e minutes for fu �ure reference , � ' � � � � E INEERING , ' � E INEERIhlG � � , E I�EtRiNG � ' ' FINANCE �� � � � R�-TGU�AF, �EET1�dG, FE�RUARY 2��.. 1�76 PAGE 4 PJE�� BU�Y�IFSS CCoNTtivu�D) CflNSIDE4ATTON OF ACCEPTAN�� OF IMPROVED STREETS IN NEATHER HTLLS ��aD ADDITIOfJ, � �. � o � � � � � � � � � � � � a — � � Acce�ted by Ciiy �ouncil as recomm�nded ACTION NE[�DEU: Execute final acceptance with stipulation CONSI�JERATION OF A RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS — pORTABLE ATR �QM�'F�rSSOR � � � � � � � . � � . . � � � � � � � 9 — 9 A Resolut;an #18-7�7� adopted ACTIOPJ NEEDED: Advert�ise for b;ds as authorized CONSI�EFZATI�N OF A RLSO! UiION TO A�VERTISE FOi� �IDS — L�E�.�. �do , 8 � , , , + , ` , � , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 10 — 10 F► Resoluti�n #19, 1976 adopted ACTI01� �iEE:DED: Adv�rtise for bids as aut{�orizeci . . . . .. . .. .. .. . . �LAIMS, � � � � � � � � � < < � � � � � � � � � � . � � � . 11 Approved as s�;i,mitteci /1CTIO�I N�FG�J: Pay c�lairns as approved . �� . I� REGULAR �1EtTING. FEBRU�;I�Y 23,� 1976 _ _ PAGE 5 i�EW �llSINESS �CoN�rr���D� 1 . .. . . .. LI C ENS Es � , , , , , , � . , � , �,� .,. , ,. .,. , ' , , , , . , , , 12 Approved as submitt�d ^I (�CE ACTIc�N NFEDED: Issue licenses as approved � , ESTIMATES � � � , � � � � � � . � � � � � � � � . � . � � � , ls � �.3 3 Appro��ea as submitted i -I hCE ACTION NEE�JED: Pay estimates as submitted I ' � �:o���ur��c�T�o��s: � — �0 POBE-�'cT �'ryINDER : �SL/�NDS OF �EACE PAYMENT � , , , w � � , , 14 - 14 A a Letter to Mr. Minder received by Gity Council 'I CE ACTION NEEDED: File for future reference � , � r'II NNEAPOL I S JAYCEES : THANK YOU �rOR PERP� I'1"T I f�G i�At��VTEll N�USE � � ` ' e , ,. ' ' ,. ! ' i = � � � � � � e � � . 15 Received by City Cnuncil TT �ANAGER ACTION ��EEDEG: File ' �ity �QUr�cil made a motion to recognize Carro1 Kukowski as an UutstanQing Young ' Person in Minnesota. � AD�OURiV ; � . � � � FRIDLEY CITY COU�JCIL - REGUL�R f�I�ETI�dG — FEBRUARY 23,� 197b — 7;30 P, i�. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIRNCE; ROLL CALL: PRESEfVTAT I Qti OF CERT I F I C�1TE : . _ _ CERTIFICAT� OF� APPRECTATIOt�. WILLIAM DRIGAhS, PLANNING COM�1ISSION AND APPE�ILS �OMMISSION APPROVAL- OF MIl�UTES : REGLlL,aR MEETING, FEBRl1ARY 2e 1�%6 PUBL I C HEAR I NG P�E ET I NG, FEBRU�;RY g, 1976 ADOPTI(�iV QF �GENDA; OPE�J FORUM,� VISITORS � (GONSTTJERAT��ON 0� �"fEMS NOT QN �GENDA � �.a MINUTFS) � �_. �� REGULAR MEET��dG, FEBRIJARY .23, 1976 PAGE 2 PUBLIC HE�IRING; _. . PUBLIC HEARING ON COMPREHENSIVE HOUSING PLAN .�..�.. I. OLD BUSINESS: CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS. � ������ Z- 2 D CTABLED 2/9/76) � i�EW B�SINESS: RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANI�ING COMMISSIONS ME�TI NG OF FEBRUARY �4, 1976 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 3 - 3 � � � � � REGULAR MEETTidG, FEB.RUARY 23� 1976 .... .. PAGE 3 �lEW BUSINESS iCONTTNIJED) _. . RECETVING THE �°�1NUTES QF THE CABLE TEL.EVISION COMMISSION I`�EETING OF �ANUARY �l, 1�%G� � � � � � � � . � � 4 — 4 � _ . RECE�VING THE MINUTES OF THE CABLE TELEVISION �OMMISSTON MEETING OF FEBRUARY 9, 1976� � . � . � � . . � � 5 ' � 1� RECEIVING THE MTNUTES OF THE I,NARTER COMMISSION MEET I NG OF �ANUARY Z�, 197� � � � � o � � � � • � � • � R � . 6 — 6 C RFC�IVING THE IY�1NUTES OF THE CIVIL SERVIGE �OMMTSSION ��EETING �F FEBRUARY IO, 1976. � � � � � � � � . � � ' 7 A REGUI.AR M�ETI(�u; �EBRUAR� 2�. 19i6 . PAGE 4 �'�E�� ��SI��SS ��ONTIiVUED) . CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTAN�E OF IMPRUVED STREETS IN _ NEATHER HTLLS 2ND ADDITIQN � � � � � � � . � � � � . � � � � S — � B CONSIDERATION OF A RESt3LUTI0N TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS — . PORTAB�E AIR COMPRESSOR. . � � � � � � � � e � . � � � � . , 9 - 9 A CONSI�ERATION OF A RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE �OR BIDS — . I�fE��f�o. 8, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , � . , , . , , 10-10A . . . . .. . .. .. . .. .. �LAIMS� � � � � � � ► � � � . � � � . � � � � � � . . . � . 11 REGULAR, P�EETING, FEBRUARY 23,� 1976 PAGE 5 NE« BUSINESS CCoN-rTr�u�D) . . .. . LTCENSES � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 12 EST I MATE S � � � � � o � � � � e � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �.5 — �.� � co��r�1�P�iCATI0IS: TO RO�ERT r��1t�DER: ISLANDS 0� PEACE PAYMENT� � �.��.�. 14 — 14 A r�1 NNEA?(?L?. S.JAYCEES : THANK YOU FOR PERM ITT I NG HAUNTED Nous� , , , , , � , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 15 A�JO�Rrd; � ` � � � I 2G�) THE MTNU7ES Of THE REGULAR h1EETING OF 1'1{�: fRIDLEY CIT'! C�UP�CIL OF FEf�RUP�RY 2, 1976 7hP !?eqular t•teeting of the fridley City Counr_il of Februar,y Z, 1976 was cailed tc� order� at 7:30 P.�4. by Piayor "!ee. PLEDGF OF ALLEGIANCL: t•tayor Nee ti•relcomed those present and invited them io join L'rie Counc�il in sayinq the P1eJge of �llegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: . MEI•;rERS PRES�P�'f; ; � MEt4B[RS ��aSENT: i I i i � ! _. i ' C�uncilmai-i Fitzpatrick, hlayor Nee, Council�an Nar�ernik, Council��oman Kuko���ski and Counciln�ar Starvralt. None APPROVAL OF h1INUT�S: R�GULAR t4EETIidG, dANUARI' 19, 1976 t,lOTIOfd by Cotmcilman St.arvralt to approve the hiinutes of Ja��uary 19, 19'76 as submitted. Second2d F�y Coun.:iiv:oman Kukoi•iski. Upon a:�oice vote, all voting aye, P1a�::r P;ee d�clared tlie motion car�,ied un,�nie�ously. ADOATIO�� -0F AG�PlDA: The r'ublic 4lerks Uirector i,equested a discuss�ion 7ertaininn to roof signs for the Sl��ore��iood Shopping Center to be added to �he agenda. r10TIGP� by Councilman iiamernii: te adopt the agenda as amended. Seconded by Cour�cil�•.or�an Kuko�,rski. Upon � voice vote, all ��oting aye, (1ayor P�ee declared the mot�en carried unanimously. OPEN FORUi'i: t�ir. Ed D;m n cf ihe Fridley's 49'ers Qicenterznial Comr:;ittpe, invitecl tlie staffi and Council to a meeiing Saturday, �ebrua�°y i,. 1�;(; �ii °:CO A.f1. at the f�ridley Jr. High School. tie presented tickets i:o the Council along tti�ia:h brochures rela�ing to the Tovm I�leeting. fle said �hey have a ve��y r,.cod day ,�lanned anci have ordered food for abouL 300 people. There has beer a loi' of participation from all it�e various �odi�s of the City. � Maycr Nec- ihanked P1r. Dunn �ir beh�jlf of the Council and sa�i� ihey �,�ill all try to at�tend, and ihat the,y 4•d�r� al? very erithusicstic abotat what they :�vere doin�. ' �1r. Jim Langenfeld presenteci }�onor�ary certificates tc� the C�uncil anel the Gity , Attorney, Vir�;il Herric4;; und Dr. �an Hui'S', for ',;h�>ir dona±icns io tiie Isiands of Peace for their sale�of u square foot c�fi' ianc', and thanKed ever,yone fnr thc:ir pari.icipation. t4r. Lci t�Jilrn�is also Lh<znl:ecl Liie Ccunci i nnd said t��at a Iot c� effor�. has beer put into tliis }?r�oject by a lot of pecple. ; Ms. Pat Grenran of *he LeaUue of tdor;cr Vo±er's ^rese;�ted t:ie C.ouncil with a_ , Resc�lution _��F'roclamation of Susc;�i i1. r;rt.i�c�n;�•_Day:�, ,Sh� r�c;uest;ed tiie Co�arcil � consi�er this I?raclan?a�ior ef �usan ��. Antfic�nY Day as Eeb�°;.aar,y 1;;, 1�76. T'iis ,. day-is �ii� 156�h'a�,nivers�r�y ot t.he bi.1'tl� of �c�san �;. N.,at„�ny; the fairou�suf.frac�ette St also n;arks tiie SEt:h anni4�ci�;a�•�� �f the;r ei°ouni'zai:io�,, slie cr.pl.ained. t�1s. arennan CF�c� rr�a.d th� Resol��Cion pl',tiC�d7iii7,�c; febru��ry l�� 197G as Susan G. A.nthony ' n�y _ � �L' � , `� I � � � ; i i. �, � � �, s 4 f � i � � � i 1 ` � } f 3 i a a � i 4 � �� , � � . ; � i e ; , D10TION by Coin�ciirean Siar�:�ait to aece{�t-<�nd acic;�t i:he R�solutioir. Second.ed.by ~ _�.. Councilm<7n: Fitzpati�ic4�. ..U,�+� �+.�tp;ce vc�tc, all.v��;ing a,yc,, (?�ayoi� Nce, elccle,red.._ .- `. the n�otion carried unanir�cusly. . _ . PlEI•! BUSTNESS: RiCCI`!IfIG Tfi� DtIf��tTCS OF 7N(_ f'LP,fd^�:ili� C014i•1T�S?ui; Pti=ET?WG OF J�NU.ARY ?_l , 1976: f0IiS3UC(;�iTlOPI OF TIIE ��('P�i,i� CCi';.tIS�iGfl ilitiili�:5 Oi JA;Jt',�1i2Y ?1, 197G: � — ------- -�-- --------•- - - — _ ; A. _(?O1�71.E��JU CO . 1.`'C_ .l(51 Cr;i�i01 L°�.!;I_ N. [: MOTiON b;y Cpunc.ilr�in i�itzi���t�•ici: t;o rc ��.i��.� tl;c in?n�Li�s o� tf�e Plaiininq Crn�u�tisslori , _ and the Botn°il of /�p{;cais i�iinui��; c:f Jt�ont��i-y 2i , 1!1i'6. '�:-.cor;ded hy C.o!mci-ls�rc;!nan }:Ui;OP:Si:I. �I�)011 d VUICI' VQ.C� J�� VO!:ili(f tl1/^! ii:ll'Ot' i�Cf.' (j�`C�v�PC(i tfl(' filOi:lUl1 carriccl una�iiuiously, ; � 1 I.r! (1 REGULAR COUNCIL ��{EETING OF fEaRU11RY 2, 1976 PAGE 2 The Public Works Director cxplained thai: this request by the Rnttlund Company is for a variance for a side yard reciuction from five feet to four feet, to allow the construction to continue on a house and garage at 1f51 Camelot Lane, N. E. He further stated Lhat it should bc noted that the censtruction at this point has stopped �vith the place�nent of the foundation in the narage. Ne sard that the garaye is the only portion involved in this request for a variance. This request came about when the ver�fication survey too{: place, as shown on page 1F in the agenda. The yarage was constructed too close to Lhe side yard. The Public lJorks Director said that hir. Roy Lund, represenl:ing the Rottlund Company is present to answer any questi�ns we ma,y have. Mayor Nee asked who owned the land to the east. Was it the developer. Mr. Lund explained that Tom [3rickner is the owner. P1ayor Nee asked if he was aware of the petition and Pir. Lund said �that he was. Councilman Starwalt commented Lhat he ��ras out to look at the property and noted that they had to pull a lot of ground out. He said that he could not see the f�undation, and that it looked as though it I�ad been filled over. He said he also noticed ther•e was a heavy matting, to prevent freezing, presumably on 1;he faundation. Mr. Lund explained that the verification survey is made after the basement is backfilled, that is the only way they can get an accurate taping. He�further explained that they took out approximately 6'-Z feet of dirt and filled i.t back and compacted it. He said a lot of excess dirt ���as left and there ��ere a lot of dirt piles and the property line to the east was not really clear. This is. the reason the mistake was made. Mayor Nee asked if the footings were going to be satisfactory in that area,`and Mr. Lund replied that they ;;ould. Mayor Nee as!:ed if there we�°e any further comments. He said the Board of Appeals recomnzends to grant tne variance. .. MOTI�N by Councilman S±arwalt te grant the variznce to re�luce the side yard '? adjoining an attached garage �i°om t!�e required five fee't to four feet. Seconded � by Councilwoman Kukewski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, hlayor Nee de- clared the motion carried unanimously. 2. LEROY tIALUPTZOK: ZONING ORDINAPdCE AMEP;DMEfdT ZJA ;?75-07, 124�: 73'� Ave. MOTION by Councilman St�rtti�alt to hold a Public Hearing f4eeting on this item Clarch 8, 19�G. Seconded by Councils•,oman Kuko�•rski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the n�otion cai°ried unanimously. hiayor Nee asked the Public t+lorks Director if he was prepared to explain this � t Th P bl' ld k �'• t� sa'd b si 11 th' 's the we i l ortion � � � ► 4 f � � � . req.�es . e u ic or s.�i ec .oi i a ca y, is � s er y p , of Lot lII, 61ock 2, Centi�al Vie�� h1anor Addition froin Central Avenue at 73'2,. It � is the property direct?�� across the street from Central Auto Parts. This 4ras an � existing residei�t�al structure. 7i�e intent of the petitioner is to take this residential d�•relling and use it f�or disbursing or sellinn antique and classic * • autu parts. This propei�ty is zoned C-1S, and in order to operate s•�hat they- ` . classify as a j�m k yard, it has to be rezoned to F'-l. They are requesting a Y� Spec�al Use Per�;it for this. The recoiiimendation of the Planning Commission �s � ' to �pprove the rezoning �L�ith the stipulation that the parcel of property, LQt l7, � direcCly arest, be included ir this rezaning. At the present time, ihe ef�tire s portio:� is zoncd I•1-1 anil 1�11LIl0Ui: the stipuiaticn requiring Lot 17 to lie rezoned, Lhe��e would be a small commercial lot in there ��rhich �•rould not be developed. 4Je , :�,' are tryinq to encourage a total rezoning ef this area. This parcel extends from � 73': to 73�•d, and does have exis�ing sinrle family residents on it. �� � Mayor t�ee asked ho�v tiPP_� tIl1S property is, and the PuUlic Works Director said , St is ��rrc;ximatel 271 fe�t b 195 i`eet. '�; F� Y Y � t h1ayor 1•�ee asked if ic �,aas cfetermir�ed as a jtmk yard because the parts are on the 9�"�.�nd �utside, and if they ��F�rc inside, undcr roof, t��ould it still be considered `, � a jiink yard. He furthei� con�menie�i that: Croti�n Auto is not zoned M-l. The Public Works i�irector explaireci th�L soine parts �,�ould be stored indoors, but tliey Iiave � olher parts, such us 1`ender�,daors an�i other la��ge parts, that woulcl be stored : � o Etc1c�;,;-s. . . r � t���iyor Nee said tl,at lizs fc�cl inq on this is that we �aould have another acre of � �' \,.-. a juni; yarel., If i:he �?ar•ts tilci c kep� i��side tiie�� �voulci not need a Special Use ' ; �t I, ._ .. . __ .. __ _ _ __ ._.. _ _ ; , • — � � � � . � -. RFGULlIR COUldCIL 1�1EETING OF F[I3RUIIRY ?., 1976 PAGG 3 Permit and a�ould not have to be rezoned. 7he Council ouqht to see it as adding acrea9e ot jun�, yai�ds rather than being bern�iled bv cl�issic or anti�ue parts. fhe Public 4ior4;s Director said that is the ��ay t.hey are lcokin9 at it also. . LERUY IINI_UPTZOK: SPEC;AL 11SE PE�hiI7 SP !'75-29, 1240 73'Z AVF.N.E. This item tabled until the rezoning matL-e�, �is re�olved. 4. REED 6ECY.LER: SPECI!;L USE PFRF1IT SP 1�75-30, ?_50 :i7TH AVE. N.E. Tf�e Public llorks Director describc�d ihis as a request for a Special Use Permit by Mr. Reed Geckler �o ailot�r mobile hame sales at the lioliday Village I;orth. The Planninc� Commission did recc�n�r�nd approval of the Special U�e Permit, with a riumber of stipulations as notcd on page lU of the agenda', as follo�vs: 1. This Specia? Use Permii (Holic!ay Village Puorth) instead of the petitioner•. (T11e Publ ;c 4lorks ilirector explained thal in this case, the petitioner is the proposed lesse� and the Plann- i;:�: Con�mission inc�icated that in or-der to tie cic��:n the resnonsiblE ' party, �it wouid ue bet�cer� to issue tiie Special Use 'r'erm�i� tu che property owncr, �-rhich �is floliday Villa�e f�ortf�). Z �o er.pansion beyond the 10 mobile home units pl��s the officc. 3. 1'his office be hooked up i:he City sewei° and a!ater. 4. No other outside lease operations be a?lo�,�ed arhich require a Speciai Use °ermit cn this property. (The i„t.ent her� was to elininate the possibility that other lessees through Holiday Villaqe woulci come �n requestir.g additional ou�side disptay at the shoppiny ce��ier site.) 5. H11 faciiii:ies stipulated must be installe� in a perriar:ent i`ashion. (Tnis is to try to wori: out, that in the eve+;t a Speci�,l Use Per•mit was approved, a perrianent. outdoor type or activ;ty be �rovided. If the irobile home sa7es vrere to tes,;ninate, then �it 4•;ould be a desinnated area and landscaped; especially �oo� this type of aciivity;) 6. Permanent landscap;ng ar,d aesthetic pla��s be developed �vith City lldministration. 7. This Special Use Pe;mit be subject to ann��a? review, (P,s ��oted in the motion or pa,,e 1[3, they de'cted tnis stipulat�inn that the Specia1 Use Permit be �ubject to annual re��iea�.) The Fublic 4�orks Direci;or s�ated tfiat ge��erally, it would be south of' the � southwes.*. corner of ti�e existing pi-operty, between th� bui?dinq struci;ure and Interstate 1.654. i�r. Qrad Steir�;nan ar�d DSr•. 6ccker a��e ri°esent i:o disc�iss t.his request. It sh�uld be poirted out tLa.t L-he recoo;mendai:ian of t',e Pla�ning Cem�rissian i,�as on a 3-2 vote. ._.. t Mr. Steirrnan said Y,hat he would preici to let �1i. f3e�{^�� hzrdle this. Any Co�m� ;Ls he �•;o�11d have, he sa'd, tou'd be ,�c7�idiic t'�e r imanei2t arranqement �n '.he hacksidc or ti» build�nq. Ihe lease �•rr have �;�ith tnese people is for o��e yrar. The�' �•�ere not sure tl:is ��+o�?d be a"_UGt�CSSfuI operation. ?hey are 4l17�illlQ to tal;e the chancc and �,^ are a1so. If evi;��;thing ��;o��ks out tvell at thr end oi one Year, then *he�% �;�ould staY on. I'c expla.innd t`�at they hat�e a similar operaticn at i;oliday Vil la��e South dur;�iq the , ast six years, and they are vcry t:�ell ple�ised t�ith the house{:eepirg they do, an� the mai;ner in ti•rhich i;h�?,Y ��c'il'(��E t)USlfl(:S$ ii��uit'S. �ii(?SC i.;•;p t�C111.�C1i1(iIl dl"�'. CVC'.Il v�'ttC'P fl"001 OUY' S�dI1C�j101i1�:� 111 t�lt? �tc}' :;� C�UdIl�'l1iC'S.°� �;I1C� ..;li.' li?3f1llE'!' 711 1ti'hich they do bUSiilC'SS. They are a fiiyh c�i] ibr;r peop;e. 271 —�—�— � i } � � � 0 � ; � � _ � � 1 y f � ; � r � • i � � � . �. To get back to thr� perminancy r,f this operat�or•,, he continued, the first part of the J'car i.hcy t��il i havt� to ;nvr.�st in a s��;�er• a��ci a�it:er syst:em �ihich �vill cost the�ii sevei•�11 hundrrd �tollars. Settinr.. up a perrnanent are� and landsc.apin9 as rec�ue5teci, �:�oulcl be diificu;i. ior t�iem to dc� Liie � irsl. year. hlr. Gecker has dn ic(ea t��hich he pi�esentcd tu (���. I'{Znniriq i:on�inis;ior,. Ils i`,�i• as the Spccial Use Permit hcinq in Ilolid��Y �'il?ac�e�'s �,���i;e, il�ai: is fine, �•;e tivill siyn the �p��lication foi•m anci he i'c��.��on�.ihle for the c;�eral.ic�n. TLe othei° s'�ipulatians are fine �isc�. As fr�r as „n;; otl�c�r out;ide �ici:ivit,v ;s concei�ned, t��e anticipltc - tmly t��c a:�iil.i;w,�i.i�,n �.�f u;n• n:�r;c�•y, wl;ich o�,c�����tes ahout 1=f��-ec-morths uf tl�c i i i i oi i , ? i i t ; . � � � , .�... 17 ?. '�.._ REGULAR P1[ETING OF FEQRUARY 2, 1976 PAGE 4 year. In talking to your staff tod�y, they asked us if we would present a little different type of nursery center and we agreed, but we were told we would also have to co;;�e in for the Srecial Use Permit for the nursery center again because oi' tt�e rezonirig i:hat occurred. Thei�efore, we will be applying for a new permit �•�hen the ne�a design is worked out i•ritfi the Planning Commission as to how it will sit on the propeety. Mayor Nee said he v�ould like to uiscuss how the company feels about the parking area being used for merchandising. Ne said his inclination is that o-le should have the City Assessor look at the land again. Generally speaking, P?r. Sieinman said, we �rill just have the t�-ro operations. The reason i�e v�ant to have somet:hing on the backside of the building is because it is rather drab, and it does not attract aryone. The Uui?dir.g originally ��as placed in the �tirong directicn. It shows the bac{:side of ihe buildinc� ti•ihere there is no activity at all. l�de feei a nice, ciean operation on this backside would add to the business and atcract more people to our operation. ble have no inten- tion of puttiny any other operations on the propei°ty. Councilman F1=,mernil; asked Nr. S1:E>inman if they feel they are putting a limitation on i;heir perkiny spaces. i�ir. Steinir�an said they were riot because i:he back is too far from the doors, and LI-�e custome�,s do not use this soace. Public parking is primarily on the east and north side of the buildiny. Some customers park on the west side, but a good share of ti-�e parking there is by eir.ployees. Councilman Fitzpatrick said that it was pointed out that as far as the req�aest by staff for some pei,manent iandscaping, etc., it was not their intent that this be the responsibility of thE neti•rly established business, but to have Holiday Village accepi: this responsibility. Mr. Steinman said he understood that, but this area is being leased to them. 41e have noi ;rorl:ed cut i:he details as yet, but the area they f;ave laid out for tneir ooeration ��ras to be iheir expense to upqrade that particular area, and make their display and 'oe responsiUle for everything within that area. He said he has not met �vith the Planning Cor.�mission or staff to see what can be worked out. P•1r. Qecker has met tivith the�n, and he could answer these questions. We will be responsible for everything that vre agree on. Mayor Nee asked �vhere the nursery store would be located and Dir. Steinman said it would be ir� the same general ai°ea. There is a possibility of moving it further to the south rather than right on the corner. This ���ill be presented when �ve come in fcr the Special Use Permit. Mr. Becker addressed P1ayor Nee and the Council and said, first of all, they are lookirg to Utl�7ZP_ the backside of the parking lot, not interferring with the parking facilities for the customers. The area is not presently being used for anything. We propose to have a sales office set up, skirted to look like i� is sitting in a mobile hoine park. There will be a maximum of ten units ready for sale and sho��r. 4fe i�ave had the operation moved to the west a�ittle bit, in an effort to cut cosis �ii haoking up to the se�•rer and 1-rater. We are closer to the connections anr�! 4J1�2 not require as r�iuch io hvok up the sewer° and wat�;r to the office. } _� l Mr. Decker then presented trro sketch�s i:o the founcil and st-aff, pointing out the loc��.tion of 1'he cffice and t:hai, it woi.ild loak like. He explained th�t the backside of the office wou?d epen up to a court yard, and has sliding glass doors. He also pointed out �ti�here t!ie parkin9 �;�ould he ac.�•oss tl:e front, apprAximately 150 feet ta the stree+�. Thcr�� i:o�.ild be sufficient custoi��er parking and addiCional � employee parking. He also pointed out th� high�-ray accE:ss, where grass and trees, etc. , ar•e naw. ...� Mayor Fdce asl:ed if the,y ��;o;:ld havc� �oth nr_ti•; and used mob�ile homes. Mr. 6ecker � replied thcy tivoulcl, hut t.f�,�t i.hcy t�rould not be vcry old, about 3 to 4 years. ' Tiiey �aill be recon�!itionerl bcfore heing broi.��ht. tn thc lot. tie explained that they have a lot in St. Paul useci for� reconditioniny and clean up of the mobile l�omes. 11ny uni� t.hat is solu riill f�c taken from t:��is lot t:o �vhere it will be , used for occupancy or ��;here it �vi11 be stoi•ed. ,. _., r� ,,., REGUI�AR b1EE7IP�G OF FEf3RU!�RY 2, 1976 -- _._.._..\ �?'1;� PAGE 5 � . Councilman Fitzpatrick asked how rnuch movinn in ard out they anticipate. Mr. Qecker estimatc>d some v:here in the c�rca ofi four� to five a month. He further expTaincd tt�at t.hey ���ill ha�re a sr�axim�i+.�ti of te�1 unit;s. Wi�en customers come in, we slio��r them i.hem tt�c ten ur�its, �ind if they decide on one and vlant to live in it r�ight a�•.ay> ��re ivill irmve it to �yhere they �•+aiiti and set. it up. These will not De pei'maiicnt display hor.es. It �s typical of any mobile t���^ie sales. As far as the landscapiny is concerned, iii talking ���ii:h a nu�n�er �f people ahout tearing u� the blac{:topti!i�1g, I i-�ad both pro 4nd con re��ctions from a numb�r of stand- points. I viould like to use turf, I�e said, as 1 feel it ��+ill �•iear much better. The ai°ca is c�oin, to have a lot of people �ralking across it and regular grass will get ben� do�,rn. I have talked Lo pcople ahout astro turf and it could be laid out on the blac{;top and glued down, and rrould not sho�v the ���ear and tear. Illso, he centinued, �if ale t•rere io tear up the blacktop, there could h� drainage 'probler,is, as it PlOU�CI i;IlBll be a?o�� area. He said he int.ended i;o use redvrood chips around the border in the fl•ont of the office. The back would have a 20b,y 60 foot pi�ce of astro turf. Alsc in this area, there vrould be picnic tables and lawn chairs to look like the bacl: yard of a mobile home park. Light �NOUId be utilized as far as display and :or security at night. Counc�ila��e...i� I:uko��,�s{:i said tha* r,1r. Gec{:er st?ted he �vould be e�oving four to five units a month. At the Plam;ing Cem,!�ission mee+ing, she said she understood this t�ould not be a case of a high tin�n-over, and that a lot of their units would be set up in ir�obile hon�e par{:.s. She said she feels four or five units a month is a high ti�rn-over, especially ��,V�en she thinks of ho4v mam: pea�le go in and out of Nol�day Village ano hc�� r�eavy the traffic is �I1 highway 47. She said she �vas under tlie impression that they �•rould shotv the mobile homes and then tell the people they would take tl�em i:o ihe park ��:here a unit is stored and set up. Mr. Qecke��° explained that the average person does not have much luck in sellir�g mobile I�omes. They do not 4;now lioaa to set up the financing> e�c. This is the r��ajorit.y of c!,r sales. Ide have a listir�g of people living in mobile homes. 4J2 are going to t�y and sell people the units set: up in the mobi�e hor:�e parks, but . there �vill be se,re people �•.�hc �ti�� il l,�ant a��a.rticula�� unit. t�ioving �>���mits would he regulated vrith the City as fai° as routii;g and t�ime ef inev�ing, etc. There t�ou'd noi be r�iure than four ta five units a n;onth, an�l seme mobile home sales move as many as tv�enty a month. Council��oman Kukor:�ski said �hut �he �rajorit.y �f these places are on High�Nay 65, and noi; vahere there ���ou'd be a lot cf c�stomers goiny in and out as at Heliday Village. t�1r. �ecker said the.t as far as the traffic is concerned, no on� �eems to think it �4ou?d b� a problem. 1lie store doesn't utilize the area ��or customer parking. f=ive unii:s a month ��rould be a total ti;ne period uf 1=2 'iours a month. , Mr. Stc�inman asked I�r. Bec4:ei° if they �4�i11 have to take out a permit to move these hon;es each time t•dith the City of Fridley. h1r. Becker said that he be- lievec� they� v�ould have i:o go to the �tate. Ile ti�ougi�t the,y ��rould i�ot be able to move_ them tnrouch the City of Fridl�y, and not be able *o use University ;�ve�>>;e. He said they ��:o�,ild rrcbabl,y ziave to go from F{oliciay Village tc I.694, thc:n t� Central if they are �;,oviry �'.oi°Lh. Ptr. St�irman remarked f;hat. if there is a concern ahout the traffic, a time arould be set up �riier� t1�e i��ovei��er�t v:ou?d t;: a11c.',+ed. P1r. L'ec4:er sa id ihis would not be a proble�n as T�ar as they ti•rf:•re conc:,rncd. The Cii,� P,tto�°ney asked i.�!,er�e t.hc eni.rances arid exits tvould be ai�d if they a�o�tld fic:��e a�iy �;roh;e.n o,aking t�n�ns a�d nciting thi�ough. hlr. E3ec{:er ai�proached the r.?ap and pointed ou� that moven�ent t•rould come up to 5)th, a douLile ini.er�ection, and �lould go all the ti+ay to t��c las� exit, and tt�c:re ��ould be plent_y� of r�ooir to r:ake ti�e tui�n. Councilman �*ai'���lt coin,nent�d tli�t if �i: t•��s an off-fio�m movcmcnti he would not consicier it a prohle,r,, but if :t tive�'e, durinn us�qe i;nur�, thcre is no way it cc;uid !re donc. i�ir. Geci:er re��licc{ Li��t i�. �•r;�uld t�ave to be don� ifter the early morning rush on 1.694 and bc'iar�� thc i�usiness hours at Iloliday, `!;l?a�;c. Tlie City Att.oi-i�cy asl;ed thc Puhlic �-;ork� Dirc�cto±° 4•�hat �ti�as in the proposal as far as siqns for <�civcrt.is,in_,. Thc I'uhl ic 4t;�rN�: flirrctor ;riid that �ti this � 27�� � REGULAR ME[TING OF f'Gf3RU!1RY 'L, 1976 PAGE 6 . time, there was not anything proposed. The sign ordirar,ce would have to be follo�•red. 7he CiY.y Attorney asked ho�•r �r�n,y free standin� S1(j115 were �n this location, and the Public 4torks Director said Le helieved therc �er�r� t��;o. He added, that bUsed on the pro�lem ���e are f:�;vir,cj 4�'Itfl i:haC ordinance, the only requirement would be on tf�e �-;all type sign on the mobfle ho:rie. ihe City Attorney suggested this be ioo{:ed into as there�could be a problen�. iie said h� didn't know ���hat they are anticipating to ask for, but as long �s thi� is one parcel of property, he said he thinks they have t'ie n;aximum of fl�ee-s�.�ill�itl�j signs that Chey are a 11 o�•red . Mr. Qecker said tha� he had talked wiiii f�fr. uoardman and hE said he did not think it �rould bc a proL;en� i;o I;ave a 5 bv 10 �eo� siqn on the sales lot. Councilman Fitzpatrick �sl:ed if any netificat-io�i of � hearinq ��ras sent out on this, or if any prope.rt,y oarrers 1•!ere notified. "ifie Public 4Jorks Director said that a hearing notice t�ras sen* �o i.he s!n-rouncling pr�o;,eri,y owners G•�ithin a 300 foot radius. Councilman F�itzE-��.ti°icl; said that he did not kno��� �-�hat they expect- ed in the ���ay of li�hts a�;d sic�r,s, but tt�a� it cculd have an effect on the pro- ¢ert�� a,�r.�P!": C1!'.^.c'ly +..o *�;^ ;n���h of High�„a� I.G3;. P�r. Steinman replied that the,y r�ow haJe ��•ea light, or� cli! backside of tfie bui�ding, and that no new lights t�ould be added. Mayor D;ee asl;ed the Public 4forts Ui�°ector if t;hey I;ad discussed this from a planning poirt of vie4�:, ar�d tl�e ?u51ic �Jor•ks Direr_i:or said that the staff did not care fer this proposal a�c a.11 eii;her. Ti:ey i°elt that Holiday 1�illage al- ready had an outdoor disF,lay 4"tIl tf�e garden store. Hol�day Village indicated they t-rould come up e;itl� a�erfor;r�.nce bond and !�al:e imrrove�nents in the area. Hopeful7y, by this suom2er, tive r�ani:e�i ��o get i��i� shopping center im;�i-oved and in decent shape. tJhen tfie petition came i�� r'or a. SpFcial Use Permit for a mobile ho�ne sales, we tried to disco�?rage it, bui f:l�e�e is no zoning violations and basically, they have m�:de their request for a r.i.bi;e home sales operation. 7he Pub?ic 4�orks �irec�o;• sa;d itiui: h��� did I�a�•e a oue_i;ion, and asked P1r. Becker if they felt as though they cnuld ccm;ete wit` the ar,our�. of mobile hume sales already in the area. P1r. ncckcr said definit.^.ly the�� cculd. There will not be that man,y mobile homr� ;or peori� �,�aiitirg to mcve to another location. 7he Fi�bl ;r Woi°ks Director sai,a tl;at t:rie only proi;le;� t-ro�;1d be that they ��rould not w��nt to stari: a prc�cedent fri° o�.ner storc:: in 'iiie area, such as Tai°get, h1ennarc�s, Sky�,aoed I�"al l, etc. te come in and say they I-,a���e some unusabl e pro- perty and �vould lik� co make use of it ;��i�h t:his type of' operation. He said he felt it is too bad �ve cannot coi;�e �ap �r�ti�� sor.�ething a little more pleasing to everyone. Th� City Manager asked ti;e F�.;blic blorks D7Y'��f.C!' if irey svere positive, according to the Ordinance, they do not rcquire more pai°;;ing space 1=or the building. He said he ���guely reralls t:i��� tr,i� :;a� the reason, ;or this size parcel, that they coulcl onfy put up the size bui�,ii;,a they have ?his •,;-ope;ai could be reducing what is r2yuired for• part;ii;� in tii� 7cnin� Ordinaiice�. fie said he felt this sl�ouid be looked into. Seco�i:i?y, he >aid, sv� have �rorl:ed with all of the shopp- ing center� mo�°e ti�an. a��yo,�e rlse �or a ntlmbcr oz� ,�earr, and he thinks Ho�iday Villa,e has pi°obab?y l�een i,}�,: r:io;t 1�<:,:inq ;n u.r,-ke��; iriteri;ally and also in their exter,nal facili�ie�. i�u��;;;g thc r•ecer�i r�.z�,�irq o;� tiie property, we pu'C a heavy en��phas�is tnat; th�s ��e i �;nc;�c�;. Arc 1:,��� a �a rl,.r. sl��ould be given some concern is th�°t i�oLile h�n,,. �a�e� oF�r•ratio�is ,a i,�,��e a va��dal;sm attraetion. The i�emar-k ,nacie i°ec7ar•dincj a fsc.r,�; nr� a savinns� a��o io:.+.�, !.�eing in this locai:ion is soiz�ei:hirrg staff �,�ou?d cf:r�t.ir:ly ;i�:e tu sce. �!7,:it !-rE�uici be an asset to the sh�pping centei,. This ty,e ol +ev�l��,nnent �c�aid no,, i>� an asset. Plus, ���hat we have seen of n�obi 1 e I�om� s� i�>, 0;1�� ,y�ca tn?v � � g^cad and the r,ext year business is ba�i, bec��use o1- f�.h�:� t�.ypt� r�f husinc�s �t ;.. �fhaT is the reason.,�in tihis case, �ve tivanY, to i�e s�!rn t.1-;��„ h�i��e r3 year•ly r•��,�;;i;���d or rr:��ke Noliday Village more liable than 4�hoever the�,� ��rc lcasi���g th�.� ���;��operty� 1-0. 1;e ��id that tie has a lot of co»ccrns and feele th,�t ±.(�e ;�arkin�? sisoa�ic! i;� ch^cf:.�.d intn and access � S�1011�C� �C Cfl('CKE?ii ilij�l�tli d,'ltt 'i� ��'!'Y'(' 15 COt�IC:'1"ii ::T, 1,�1�' �,C1!ii}Cii �E'VC'�� CC'1'iiilll��/ Counr,il has t:he �i�Ea�oqat�iv<� ot ��.�i:ii�;q a pii�Tir: �+i ,��;����. The��c sfiould be_n�ore iti�aut ai;.tlie Cp��nc��l le�el i:��{����;:� i��,>::inc� r� 5,,:�� i,� :_�-r� ��.�rriit, if that �s t:he Coui,cil's ctcsij�i� � as,d a� :., ���1 7� n;;� „tme�st ire�u� �, ;'a��, Viiiape�as�to �vi�at,�ti�ey intr.nd ta do ab�i:C �!�f� out�,�,:!€�• o�f �'�i� pra�;e.^i:y. . -., i a i � �. � i I i i 1 i , � - r_ ,. REGULl1R MEETING OF fECRUARY 2, 197E PAGE 7 Mr. Steinman said that he ac�rees with some of these statements and sorne he does not. It �•ras his suggestion, ti� sa�id, t;o post a bond that this work would �e done. He said ihey are all atten�ptin9 to cooperate in every way with the Planning C�,ami�sion ard follo�.r the plan they �lanted for landscapinq, etc. Hc said they �;�ould be responsible for anything that had to be done. Ne further stated 1:hat perhaps thei�- housekee�ing hasn't Leen thc best, but that other f�ousekcepiny in the City of Fridley in comparison has not been that good either. He r.:entioned that he talked with their neighbors around Holiday Village and gave them his name and tclephone number and said that if they had an,y complaints they shou',d call him personally, but h� has not received any calls. The City Maiiager e>:plaired that �•rhat he is saying is lookii�g at past history, a lot of promises f�ave been irade, and �;�e certainly are appreciative of that. He said there �•ras a need on their part for rezoning and a desire on the part of i:he City to make su��e a�e could upgrade the property. It aras a mutual under- standing and he said he hopes this can continu2. He f�n�ther stated that he vaas not tryiny to make discouragir.y remarks, he �;�as merely tryii;g to bring out.some of the c�ncerns. fie said that horefi.�lly, their business will continue to flourish as it has in the past, and tliey a�ill do some oi the upyrading that 4re desire. Mayor ldee stated that he i•ras very ambivalent about if;. He feels as thouoh we have enouqh mobile home sales in the area. The v�ay {�e see's it, he said, on the negat-ive side, first of all, it adds clutter to Fridley, plus the other conceri�s that have.been brought out. Coun�ilman Star4aalt said P�e supposes it is all in the eyes of the beholder. He said ii; i;heir viea�, this �,rould be a con�patible operation ar�d not an unsighcly situafiion. He comn�ented thac Le cannot think of another locutioi� that would be better. P1r. Becker said that they felt this was a good l.ocation both traffic wise v'isibility and i;�;e availabilii;y of a space not being used. He said a lot of people in the r�oL�ile ho�ne buyir�g ca�acity sh�p this area. %7J , i Counc�lman fiamei°n�ik said i:hat in tninking of the prcposal and ��;hat has been said so far, he feels he �•rould have iess reservations in secing soiriething else gu in � there. To i°eitera?.e one of the Planning Connnission's poin'�s, he saiq a permanent fasFi�on for� the eFfice and landscapin<,� vaould be e�ery inportant as to the final , . value i:o tLe City of the proposal. He said he felt a little concern in hearing about tfie ene year 1 ease and I�o�,v i t i s goi ng i:o be handl ed. He feel s thi s definitel,y has to be �,�orked out before he vrould be ready to make a decis�ion on it. Counc�ilman FitzpatricE: said that his feelings would be that he doesn't feel it is r,�aking qood use of the parki�ig are,�, and thai he agrees with Councilman FI•air�ti�iiil; as iar� as any immediat� action is concerned. He said he 4�rould like to , see ir.o��e plans oi' the area ;�oi°ked out: ivith the City. No�-:evei°, ne does not want tr, get inio that kir�d o� detail at tl?is tiine because he does not feel it is a good use of the area. _ CounciL,i�n Star�,�r�lt as{;ed if it has �een ascerta�r,ed that if a pertion of the parkir� loi: is p�:'.: to other usc:, ih�rc: is defirritely enough to comply v�ith tne Ordinance �:ith what is remainin�. 7he Public i�or{:s Direct��i• saio t'�at he has made a quicF; count anc! it appears that ;--� they have n�o�°e than eno�:gh parking stalls. Cour�ilr�an Fitzpatrick said he br�',icves �rhat we are saying is that it is not essentially a�,ar�kii�g loi., so �•r° are t��lE;irq about esLablisliinp a busir�ess as t•�e are ai�y othcr bc;siness ,lnd tl,ere are certain requirements. It is not simply leasinq ar. cutdoor conc.e,s;on Ly ar, esiablished business. If this is not a parki ng 1 ot:, Ciien i t i s soa�ethi n� el se. : ; i. 0 _ hta,yor Nce s��id thct i� ;.a•ue, pres�:mihly, Ilolid��y Villa�e could cirt off the lot___ �_... � ancl sell it to t.heni �ir„I t:he,� cnul�l cn,i�e in for a building pei�init or �•rhatevei• is i•eq��ir�d. II� asl:ed tl�e City ,'lltoi•ney if lie could te�ll the Council wiiat is _ . before tl�cm as far ��:; i.l�e lot i� conce�,ned. a 4t 1 � � i" i ; t i � a 3 I����.. 1,7 f� REGULAR COUNCiL t4EETIPaG OF FEBRL•N2Y 2, 1976 PAGF 8 The City Attorney said it is a Special Use fermit �°equest that is required for an outdoor display. He said i;hat it came up ratJ�Er quic4:ly and he has not had an opportunity to ehecE: i;�to 'fi thoY'ou9hly. It: iS properly zoned. I have not lool:eci into the question �f having taro scparat.e Lu;ir�esses on one piece of pro- perty. Ne stated that it seen;ed to him there should be additional information before the Council as to mo��einent of these mohile homes and the other problems focused here tonight. ��ayor Nee asked the City llttorney to susta�n the denial of a Special Use Permit requ�res some findings, in ��ti�at area. The Cii:y Attorney explained i:hat tl��e operation oti 'r.he business requesting the Special Use Per�nit would 'r��ve a,i adverse condit?:�r ,�n the health, safety and we?fare of the co��run�t;;. A Spccial Us� Permit. is not like a rezoning where they ai°e requestirg a charge, because the zor,iiiq i; such that it is permitted !! unless it can be establishc� thai, the operation in ti�is particular location would have some adverse effect. t•iu.yur t,�c as{:ed Cc;:rcl�l':�.^,�':ld^ l:u4%o,.«ki to ey.pa.nd a lii.�le more on her feelings concei°niny the mobile home sales. Council�,�oman Y.uko�•rski said she �-aas concerned about ti�e people that would be cal'ling her because they have a pr'oblem goiny dc�ti�n Unive�°siCy or 57th trying to get ir.to Holiday �'illage��lich the mcbile homes moving in and out. She said now it has been explained i:hat they wi�l be takinc! a diffei-ent rou*e and th�s is fine, but they ��rill be movina a lot of tra`fic from '�he �ar sicle because of these units going back and forth. She ie21s th�t the�� tiril� cnly be allo�ti�ed to move the mob�le homes during the day time and that �•�o�.ild bc �rhei°e the problem cor.ies in as people are yoing to be comiaininy about it. Arothei° roncei,n she continued, are the signs. I can visu�lize ar.other sign goirG �.p at Ncliduy and I don'i like that idea. She also said she �ices r�ot s�e hoi�a G sign rhat size is yoing to help �7USiIlC'SS irC�� ii;qFll';d;j ;;'?.��'�, �S *r�y t�l011'?: t;P ,.i,;{� jf? Sc:e it. nne o�;flE'r mzltter is the preceden� •�ve +�lould �ae settiny �vi�h t!-,c och:.�,° s<<oppin� centers. Mayer Nee explained to !�tr. Gccker that it seemed l:ke i� would not be to his , best interest to put it to a�ro te i;onight. He said he �elt it might be «d- I visat>le to table it for iurthe�° study. Mp?I�N hy Cuuncil;,�an Fitzpatricl: to continue �this request �mtil �•:e have m�� e infermat.ioi� on ti�e n;oveaiei;� o;` the mobile homes «i�� the �?cssible landscaping plan and �erhaps the signi;�y. �'ore inforn�at;or� on �.�,�ich to �ase the decision. This coniinuation is until the City Administraiien -�s prepared to bring it back on the agenda dllcl is pi�ep.:r�d �-�it�� tc��e in�orr.�ation recuested. Seconded by Coiinc�i i�•roirian Kuko�r�ki. U;�on :, vo�ice vote, ail votinc; aye, Piayor Nee declared �, the motioi� carr•�ed i;na�ii^�ously. . R[C[I1�ING THE 1-1INUTES OF TIiE_CHP,RI�ER COl�ihilSSIOii I'F[l?fdG OF NOVEP•1QER 18, 1�76 �iGTIOPd l�y Courciii�an Sta��v;al � to receive th: rn�inutes af the Charter Commission meeting of i;ove:nber 1£�, 197G. Seconded b,y Counr.ilwo:.�t;n I;u{:o���ski. Upon a �� voice voie, �all votinq ��y�, hiay�r ���ee decla��erl the metion car:�ied unan�imously. kECEIUefJu GID� AfvD 1;��;ii��CiIi�;., l, �s,i�„ GT i=`JI' �`U"'_:� C�'vT�,���n l?nnP;l(;G S}�Rrpd f1P1D � _ - -_ _ _ — - ___ __. -- - -- - - li�STALI Ai�lOiV (�3Ii)S Ot � CD_J � '�i�'r � l� _i�)i _}: Tl;e City h1anac�er snid that this is to com�?i��te !.`�e syste+n. C�toney i�as already - � been appropriaied in our Ludq�t, �-ius thc ������y 'ras h�^n :; prt�ved by ihe � Federal matcfiinq funds, an� r��o„�mendal.ion n�s, t,^en i ide to award thc 1_etin _._� �lectric Company »ith ti��� Uid, in i,hc amount of 52,�29.00. h101I0�� by Councilman I�itzpatricf: to a���ard tne I;id fot� the Publi� Outc:�or Warninq Siren ar�d Installat.ioii to Leht� �lr�ct�•ic�, 71". !:, 1�i�i�n Sirect, Anoka, h1n. , in t�ie ama�mt of 52,� � 00. Seconded h�� r�,�!nc �, �i �n N<un� rnik. U��on a voice votc, all ��ut���g aY�, .)�c;� [dee decl�.r�c� i.li �n:rion car��ieJ unanimousty. � i �t 1�t i (fi �� c� � i CONSI�F�1110N "_I'.I'CQII�dTi�FP�T`.; Tv if,F (. � P hG �T.� l� h.� [l (ITHCR AftViSOf�Y (rU(tIE : , .,, __.. __. __ _. _ M�i,yor Nee sa�d tliat hc ti��ou�ht. thi�s shoul,l iva�i�l} be J�scu�,sed at tl�i� mect�n� unlcss �ome pcople �vant to aci: un iL tonic,l-�t. _ C:oun«:ilin,�n Star4•i,�lt �.ai:' tL+nt�. lit� ir�t���r�n��t��d �i 'Lli�� 'a;i. ��u�tini� f�h�t t•it� sh;��il�i bi� pr��{�t�r��d t.o q�•1. Llic• f���upl�� in t�� ��os,it.?�in 1. �iir�, on thc iaai��in�,i 1t,1.��„ an�i 1���.c _ �: ; �` � i � ' , � , � � ' ' • � , � � � � � _ � r( � RfUULAR COUNCIL I•1EETING OF FEGRUARY 2, 1976 up office kno�•�ing ��;ha± is taking place. Pnce � Mayor Nee said that he thou9ht the question 4ldS nut resolved as to whether or not v;e ��rant to publicize the vacancies and see who responds, or to proceed on our oam information to make som� norninations. Council�•:or�an Kukowski said that she likes the idea of openiny it up to all of tf7e peopl e. Councilman Fitzpatrick said he feels there are undoubtedl_y qualified nominees in most of the slots a�id he agrees s�ith Cou»cilnian Sta7-ti�:�lt to try and get the appointinents made before the last minute. 1f we could quickl,y do something to notify the public �nd invite add�tional candidates, he said he ��ould be in favor of this. Councilrian Namernil; said that he ���as not prepared to handle these tonight. The question he has, he said, is what type of ad��ertising we ai°e talking about timewise. htayor tdee asl:ed Paul Gus�;afson of the "Sur" I�e�:,rspaper if lie ���ould be interested in this anc t��hat the ne>:t earliest date �-rould be for advertising. P1r. Gustafson replied that he would be interested and the earlicst date tivould be February 11, 1976. Counc'ilman Hamernik rei1iinded the Council that ther•e will not bP a meeLing the Monday night follo�•ring the llth of rebruary, as it is a holiday. The City Manager staied that �ve do ha.��e other media's ara�la.ble for means of ex(�osure. l�Je have co�,�munity t,illboard and a billboai�d on Fli�h��ray 47, alor�g the Sun Ne��rspaper, Cable TV and weekly bJTCN Radio report. MOTION by Councii�roman P;ukowski to table this item uni�l the meeting of the 23;d of Februa��y ard to publicize `hese vacancie��in tlie me;antime: Seconded by Counciiman Starv;alt. Upon a voice vui:e, all ��ctii�g aye, t-layor Ne� declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Starwalt said he wuuld like to er.pTain that he does feel that using adver�tising for ti�e positions is not riecessarily the ans�-Jei°, unless it makes citizens a�;�are of t•ihat is corning up. He said he yets the impression that people "get u�° ubcut so�nethiry and j�!mp into it, then they taper• oTf. 'ihey do not sho�,� a continuing interest, and he �-�ould iike �o avoid r;imself, vcting for• peopl� 4•rho would not follow throi,gh ��lith tl,eir original desir�s. Ne sai� he wou'd l�oE�e ���e eJOUId nominate people �viio have ��anted the positions fo�r some time and �rno have had an interest and attended son,e of �he rn�ei;ings, and �•�il' have d COIl�:711U111Cj interest. There ti�ras fui�ther d�scussiost �cnr.ernincJ the fact ti�at t.here �-��erc present meinbers who ure being considered for replacing, and that there ��as�no pP:�bic�n in this� � respect. hlzyor Nee co�nmeni:ed that he �•;as j!ist impressed t,y th� inquiries re- ceiveci the last t�i�n2 t��e hacl noe�inai:ions. The n�eti�od of proces,ing the applica- tions tivas als� discusse�, an�a Council��roi���an Yu�;oti:sl;i and �ouncileian St;arv�ait felt tiiat ��riien neople contact the City !'�lanarjei�'� offic�, ?.hey could be r!iven the inlormat.ion tt;e; neeci, and then i:old to centact t;heir ::ounciln�er:b��r. Cour,ci����ar, Fitzpat,�ick �relt ��hey�shou�d not: �I�im�it th�_�„s��lves a:iiy �to the people who have subriitted lette��s. �.. , REC[1VING RF>1G"„�T10�! - CO^?'�11SS�i0i� I,1�ri�ER: � � , `' M07iQlv by Counciim�n Fitzp�tricl; t:o receive ±he letter of resinnatior from 4J. A. Dricjc�i�is as a n�auber of the Plam-�irig Commissio^ and as Chairman of the ,>oard of Appeals Cor�rnission, effect.ive ir�,mediately. Secondetl l�y Council���oman Y.ukowski. Upon a voice voCe, all votin9 aye, hiayor Nee declared thc moi.ian carried unanimously. i . � , _ . i � i a 4 � i : s : i , ; j ' i � j � i � i � ��- 278 REGULAR GOUNCI� PiEE7I1dG OF P�[31tUfiRY 2, 197f Ci_AI hiS : PAGF 10 MOTION Uy i,ounc�lwoman V.u!:o�,aski tio approve the clai!ns, 1113307 -#13436, as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. �Jpor� a voice vote, all voting aye, 14ayor Nee declarecl tf��e motion carried unanimousl,y. LIC� P�SES: A107I0�1 !�y Counr.i;man Star�ti�alt �o approve the licr_nses as submitted c�n page 7-7/1 of th� agenda. Seconded hy Council�•�oman Y.ukol•rski. Upon a voice vote, all ��oting aye, hiayor Nee drelarr.cf the motion carr-�ed unanimously. CONMIfNICATI01dS: � TO TIiF CITY COt�P;CIL FR0,1 FIrd.4NCF DIRECTOR: RE: 7YFEl•lRITER FOR S.A.C.A, MOi'I�Id l�y Counciltvo�nar. Y,ui�o��;s�;i to receive the memorandum and approve the l�an of �he typ<<vriter to S.A.f,.A. Seconded by Courci?man Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice v�te, al] voti;�g aye, i�ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously, Rui�F SiGid�� SH�KE4;GOD �NOPi'Ii�G CEir'lf.ft: The Public tJorks Direc�or said �hat the Council has received a memorand!�m from himself to the Cii:y f��anager giving backgiround information and what has developed regardirg ce•rtain sir,.ning at the Shorewood Shopping Center. Qasfcally, he said, in January tne City Council approved a variar.ce request from the sign ordinance where th� netitione;°, thrcugh his attorney, requested roof.signs be pei�mit.ted in adc;ition to er.i�tirg free standirig signs. As noted in the ordinance it�e use o{ a roof sign �,�ill sub�titute a free standing sign in one section. tlnothc:• section state��. t��a� ane free standing sign be allotved for each building. Th�e original ir�trr�pre�acion for the first part �cas that roof signs on the shopping center =trttci��r•� t�:ould b^ allewed if suhstl1;Ut^d for a free standing ; sign. -The seco��,:i ir�tr;ri�retai.ion ���as that only tva� Tree stanc�ir.g b� a11ct,�ed. , The Stiore�.rcod Shcpping Center has t�un existing free standing signs; one an i area ;dentif�cation s�gn, ar�9 or.e free standing King fl;alet business sign. The E�etitiener•, after discussion o�F inii:ial req;:est, basically agreed IN11:i1 tIl@ stzff �nc! proceeded to ��rocess ih� variznce request i:o be d��OIVPC� t0 install roof sions or the shoi�ping center, wiiich 4�as dama��ed by a wird storm. 'ihe Councii✓concurred lYl{:Il the A;?peals Comniissicn's recom�nendations that only i;hree rriore roo�` siqi�s be pe�°n�iti:ed a;�d pi°ior tu addi�ic�nal signs being ii�stal ied, t:hat the P:ing �halet fr�e star:liny sign be reinoved. Su�sequent te these origina? approvals, the petitioner again requested a siqn pern;it fur ai�other� roof sig�� in addition to the t.fu,ee approved by the Council. The staff inricated ��rhat the original approval had heen and the stipulations. The petitioner then voic�:d scme objeci:ion to the oricinal interpretation of the siyr� c��de. Gasically, he pointed out that the Kii�g Chalet sign should be associated ti•rith the resiaus-ant. ro�;Y.ion of the shoppirg center. Our interpreta- tioii svas tiie King Cl�alet siqn f�ad been discontinued for a period of three months. Ne indicated this s��as n.ot: the case, the sigr, �,as :till in us�. il�c King Chalet, thougl� �nac.tive; still �xisted. Due to the confl �ctii�g lar�nuage of the o�°dir,ance, it was suggested to go cv:��• th� �irterpretation t��iT.h the Cit;y Attorney, �vnich ��e did and concluded as no;�ci nn t:t�e second p�.g� �f iny men�orandum, ihat the sic�n o��ci.�ir.ance does :�oY. Lal;e ;ntr� rons?deration �pecific s�gnirig requii°erier�ts for $r10j}Ilit?CJ C211t.C!"$. �t'('S,^,Iltl`�.� f�l�' �rdiranc:^ d!�Cil^ncc.�� iY'E'C' ��?I?�It',Cj S7C)i?>� 4i?�� ,igns and roof si�ns fcr spc::ifi� i�usinessi:s. It does not say �vhat i��apperis when thc:rc are a num�er of 't7usiresses in one si.ruci;ure. 71:e secord itein ���as that i:hc: free standin� busines� sic�ns re]ate anly te that portion of the shoppfng �ent;er stru�c.ttn'e F•,l�c��e busincss is advertised on the iY'CC Stc711��lticj S1(�f;. T�ir Y'CSf_��j��.�p�iS fQt' SUi)St1tUt.:}p,l 1'1011�C� f?0 !'elati.G� t4 t!;;i* pat�t.icular business. The third ?t:em, hased on th��c interpretai.;o;�,, add�t;cnal roof sigr,s si•�o�.ald 5e pei�miCted a�7d th:� ftesolution of the free sta���s�nq Kin�� Chalet siGn should be resaived at the t�i;nr t:ha;; l:h�s poi°t�ioi� of t,iie shu��r;;i,r� c��nter is resolvE��i. Th.�t is t;�hy o-re are l�rii�cj i;; l�aci: Lo ,yoi. at this tim2. IC ��tc�uld be in orde�- to aliow �he �;ei;tioner to �i�isia�ll tih� addii�.ior7�i+ roor �.inn; at t:he shopping c�n���r and iaa»d�de t:he Resolution on the f�iny Chalet �vhen t:he husir7ess is resQlve<). � � � :, � .----------_._:. __ __. ..1._ � �._.._.._.�.__----._.__ _._____.___ . .__ . _� . _._ . . �.._ ._. . _.___. __...__. I ' � r (1 � I i � R[GUI_11R COUPJGIL I�IE[`.TING OF FE[3RU�RY 2, 1976 PAGE 11 ', � � i I I � . � The City llttorney said he would like to explain his reason for this interpretUtion. Specifically, �nc�n you c�o through the siyn ordinance you do not find anytl7inc� ans�•rerin9 this question. You get into a situation where yuu have a non-conforming sign ��rhich ��ras allo�,�ed to be constructed for the restaurant . t3ecause ii was in existance before the code vaas adopted, it is allo;red to contimic. Then, vre are faced ��rith the question that if a netv tenn:lnt nioved into the sfiopping center, if the City took the position Clie fi°ee standing sign was in licu of any roof or arall signs, then the ne��,� busir�ess �•iould not be able to have a sign. He could not put up a free standing sign because the code says there can only be one free standing siyn per parcel per fi�ontage. It already has t��:o free standing signs so it Ytould be precluded from having a free standing sign. Then, if we further took the �osiiion they could not have any roof signs because the restaurant free standing sign is auihorized in lieu of a roof sign, a business moving in could not have �u�y siyns. F�10TIOi� bf Councilman Starv�alt to allo�v roof signs to be installed at the Shore- vlood Sho4:ping Center as per the City Ordinance. In effect, to remove that previously established limit and conforH� to the City Code. Seconded by Council- man Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor �dee declared t��e rnotion carried unanimously. AD.70URfdh1EP;T: h10TI01�( by Council�•;o{�ian Kukor�ski to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Co�mcili�an Starwalt. Upon a voice vo�.;e, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanin-�ously, and the Regular City Council hieeting of Febi°uary 2, 1976 adjourned at 9:40 r .hi. RECONUFfdFD: 9:45 P.M. UISC�SSIOf� 0�� PURCNt,SI�dG FLO'rlERS FOR FOiZ`SER COUfJCIL(�1E14I3ERS: P10TIOPJ by Councilman Fitzpatrick, seconded by Councilman Hamernik authorizing the purchase of flo�vers for the former Councilman, Fir. Glen Thompson, in be- half of the City Co�incil. P,lso, to establish a policy a�herzby flowers are autoii�atically s�nt to fotlner councilpersons in behalf of the City Council. Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried un�nimously. ADJOURfdPtEPiT: 9:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, , Helen Fagin Secretary to the CiL;; Council � ` '� ' ;I � � William J. Pdee P1ayor F r : ?�1 � PU[3t.IC IiEARING t4EETIPlG GF TIIE FRIDLEY CITY COUPdCIL OF FL(�RUAfzY 9, 1976 The Public 1{ear�ir�� t�iceting of the Fridley City Coi�ncil of February 9, 1976 t��as called tn ordcr at 7:35 P.i•L by ��1ayoi� Nee. �'LE�SE OF ALLEGIA�dCC: i•iayor t�ee welcoined thosc present and invited theri to join tlie Council in saying the Pledge of Al]egiance to the flag. ROLL C11LL: � MEP1�[RS PRESENT: s. . � P1Et�QERS ABSENT: t1UQPTION OP /lG[P��A: l Ccuncil�•roman Kuko�•r�ki, Councilman Si.ar���alt, Councilman Fitzpatrick, Playor i(ee and Councilman Hamernik. None Mayor tr'ee made e.n adciition to the agenda: Open Qids fer the General Obligation Q�nds at �:OC P.Pd. MUTION by Councilman Sta�•tivalt to adopt the agenda as amended. Seconded by Cc,unciltrom�in I:ul:orrski. llpon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Playor Nee der.lared the r^otion cari°ied !maniriously. NE�•J [3USINESS: � - ; ---- ------- � RECEI\'Tfdf THE PIINUT[S 01" THE SPECIF,L FU[3LIC HEP,RIP,G PLAW(dIPdG C0�1'�IISSIOfd F4EETING OF JllitUNRI' 2�, ly7o � — --- -- i MOTION uy Councils;�oman Kuko�r,�ski to receive the minutes of the special Public � Hearing Planning Cor�iinission hieetinq of January 2f3> 1976. Seconded by Councilman Starv.�ali:. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, htayor tr'ee deciared the motion carried unanimously. COfvSiUERNTIO(V OF f�rPRO;�AL OF FIt�AL P!_AT SUBDIVISIO�d P.S. �'75-02, BY LFIr � NFPi;tIKSI:��, GFi;ri�ALi.I' LbC11TEQ I�:EST 0;= LiiS�! RiVi_R IZOi,D �1t�D SOI�TF! uF LOGA�; PA�Kb1PY. 7he Publ �i c l�!orks Di rector o; ened th� cii scussi on sayi ng that i teu�s 1 tnrougi� 5 are al3 relatin9 to the project that has been before the Council previously. Gas�ically, the first ii:em consisi:s of i:he plat api�reval for the preliminary plat �ropos�d by Lcii' Henriksen Lctvaeen Rive��view Terr�ce and Easl; River Road north of 71st access. At the present tirne, he explained, vre ha��e prepared preliinina��y p�ans for im{�roven;�nts of t.he plat and �ae are to the point wnere we need further direi.i.ion as to the in�pi,oven�ents in this area. The impi°ovements that are scheduleci in this plat ar-e Sani;:ary Sev:er, ldater and Storrn Se��er, together a�ith the access route in the plat which is 71?. Avenue. At this poini; t�re have coniacted various interest.ed pariies in the ai�ea regar�din� their agreement to the improvement. The last tin�e this t�as before: th� Council, iL ��ras directed that e�e contdCj; tllL' vai�ious property orrners and see �if �•re can arrive at some consensus agreeing to the d��velopnient of these improvesiienvs. Ta date> we have I:een in contact with t:he sciiool and have reaci�ed a tc�ntative agreement �•+ith them. This �,��uld have been executed last ii�esday if they had a meeting. i•!e hrought this before the Council at this time foe your cvnsidcratic�n in arder to ke;;p the improve;r.ent project movin� along. The agi�eemei�t i�s �item 4?3 �in the agenda. Gdhen I speak t.ei�tatively ahout Che agre°r;ent, the school has been contacted, but they do not aaant to be the onl,y� one's holcliiiq up the prnject. These are thr_ basic 1:urns of the anreemer,t ��:e have bee,� discussincE and ��;e feel �•,e c+.o have aqreci;�ent, ii is jtcst a n:atter of further e>:planai.ion and er,ecution. !•'e i�ave a terii�tivc acireement to acquire case- ments from the schocl on the eastcrly ��ortion of the cxtention of 71'_ iday, and ;�ave been i n coi?tac k ���i th the propert.y o�•mers of Lot 32 and do have in easement. acquisition for constructio�; of th�� i°oac�vay and cul de sac in that area. The remaining portion w� do need is �ii �.h the ��ropci•ty o�:�ner of Lot 34. /'�t the pi�esent time, we wre sti!1 in nenotiaiion �•;iih this o��ner. ��le do not ha��e the sic�ned eases}�ent to d�.te. At t.l�is �-oint, »e feel that. ���: h�ivc coritacte�3 all thc ��a�,ticipat- in� p�ir't:es, ancl have lhe basic aqreoment to the projeci. In order to qet moi'e cl�u•ificr�tioi� on ex.ictly ho�,�� these irnnrovemenis t:ill effect th.r. abuttii�9 pr-operties we necd to c�irry ii ore step fu��t:her•, 1.hat i�cinq f.he kc;olut�on ordei°in� the ad- vertisc,��c>nt fo,� I,i:ls. To �,ite, all �•;r_ h,ave b��en ab�e to ��se are th� enqincer's cstimatecl costs_ T? ;;oi�ld be ;n rrder :it thi � ti����i� ie ado�t the Reso]ution order- inq thc +�dv^r�i�i�:�,ci�i: ��f bi�is frn� Lfi�s.r, i�n��i�n��cm��;ts. Also, thc et�t�ire iir.prnve- nz�rit �r.,�t.er :�:��!;�I�; Lc t�r�ou�;i;� i,aei: Le`o��c y,>u aq:in ti�ihen ;�. is i:in•;e to at��,rd t}ic � act.ual improv���;e,�nt ;�r��ject. T�i� ri,�te, �Lfinuqh i.h�. ��r�eliurinar.Y I�lai: is acciirate, ��re }'ia�ra I,ecn dcnl�in�� ��1ith ch,�rq��s, r�nci mudific�tions ��n�l it: is a vu�luc type of situation rnc�n �,vc �;i•cp;iro ��l;;ns f�r in�;n�ov��nicnt ; r�nd do rut h;�ve the plat recordcd. Thc r�a�jor•�ic)� of i;he ��c��;,le do t•�ant. tlin iinnr;�vemri�I.s an�i sorue of thr ,n��ople need t.li� Var�iou�: setver t�n�i �����ter iinj�i•uvcn��i�is. Wc fe<�l thc prn�,osal hefore you is adc�)uute � � � , , � � � ; ?F2 PU[3LIC IIF11R11JG M�ETIWG OF F[aRUARY 9, 1976 PACE 2 and feasible in costs. t�Je vrould recommend that tlie plat he approved or be approved on the ai�aard of the contract and that the Resolutions ordering the improvements for 1•latcr, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Se�ver be adupted for advertise- ment of bids. t4ayor hee summed up saying t•�e then have the option of anproving the plat and ordering the project and not actually er.ecutinc� the order unless the bid is riyht and everyone aqrees, or not approve the plat, but order the advertisement of the bids and then approve the plat. The Public Works Director said `.hat if it is so desired, we could bring the ' plat back at tLe a��rard of i:he bid and have a better idea of how the a�•rard of , the bid �rould actu�lly effect t}ie properties. SJe do not normally deal in a vague area, vre normally are dealing �•�ith final specifications on specific plats that have beer. recorded and approved. The only problem we might have would be some difficult�� ���ith the actual recording i:hici� might jeopardize the , completion daties of the construction. Ho��rever> �ae could set up the speci�ica- tions subject to a�•.�arding tl�e bid a�ithin 30 days and the contractor bec�inning consi.ruction �•+ithin 30 days, depending on how the Council wants to go. We are at t.he point ���here aie are tying all the loose ends tngether and ��e could provide �ddiiional information to propei°ty o4rners if we .�uld yo ahead with the o�°deo•ir�g of the advei°tise�nent for the bids. � Councilman Starti�alt commented that ihe Public tJorks Director used the term "vague". Ne said he receives the impression that substantially it is firm, except in one or two areas of vagueness. The Public lJor{;s Director said that is true. The only area we could have a pro- blem is in setting up the cor�rletion dates and the actual recording of the plat. Perhaps in t��;o to thi�ee r�eeks we could have the final s�n�vey completed aild the f' 1 drlfting of it and then fiave it recoF'ded. The Puhlic lti�orks Director asked � � i .' � ina � I��r. Henriksen if he knev; of any reason, once the plat was drafted, it could not ._ � # be recorded, ai�� Pir. Fient�ikseil replied that it could be recorded. : � - The Public ldorks Director said that if there are not any difficulties in } S actually recording the plat after final information has been given, it would not . � be out of order to delay or continue final app�roval of plat until we can act on , ; the final a�ti�ard of the contr•act. hlith�in three to four ��.�eeks from the awarding of the centr-act, if the costs coir.e in like �ve hepe they will, the plai: could be .� recorded and their �•�ould be no J°opardizin� the completion dates regarding the extra time for approval of plat. The developer could then proceed with th� draft 4 and sur��ey, etc. In the meantime, we could adopt tne F;esolut�on {�:b 8y^der the impi°ove- � ment projects and the basic moi;ion on app�•oving er.ecutio�i of the school agreement. The City hfanayer stated that item -','2 cou]d he tab�led until the meeting we are i receivin, the bids, rrhich would be the meetin� of March 15, 1976. � d A90T10N b,y Councilr,ian Fiizpatrick to table the consideration of appro��al of ; the final plat subdivision P.S. ,'.'75-02 until the Cit;�� Councii t�"eeting of I>1arch � 15, 1476. Seconded by Council�aom,ln i:ul;o�•rski. Upon a voice vote, a�l voting aye> ; Mayoi° Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. - � d OF /1G�EEi•IEIdT 41ITH I�dOI=FFND�NT SCHOOL DISTRICT ;'.114 .. �'t COfdSiDE{:;'1TI�fd UF EX.ECUTIOI ___- ----.-- -� - ---- --- - -- � The City I�ana�er expla�inecl t!iat tl;is agrecm�nt authorizes execution of the agreemeiii. with the school distr�ict and since it is contingertt u��o{� the develop- �j ment ofi the iir�pr�ovements, you couli! actually approve the ayreen:en,: and author•ize � i execution. y i Mayor Nee stated tliat he would lil:e some fcedbuck from the Council. Ile asked r if it a:as their desire to see what the basic: co.>t.s ��+ill be. '�� a Councilman Fitzpatrick said on iten 113, he agrees ti�:iLh the City t�anac�er that are : could a�>prove this because iC is cantingent upon th� ,pprovai of Llie fiinal plat. � ' NOTIO(d t;v Coz�ncili���u f�tz�:�atrir.k to approve t.{,e exFCUt.ion oi acii°ren��nl: with � Indepcndent >chool (lisrrict i'1�4. Scconrie�l I�y Counc;linan S*�uGr-i1?:. Upon a voice � vote, all �roting ayc, ":ay��' �dce d�c:lai°cd the u�otion carri�u unanimausly'. i I ,; �;,._, i I � � �; ��,.,..,_. __' , �� �� ' t ll L�' PUtiLIC NE:ARitdG PiEETING OF f[LiRU�1R1' 9, ]97G 2.,3 � P/�GE 3 RESOLU7IOfJ '�15-197fi - COidSIDcRl1TICPJ OF l; Rl�=SOLUT?�:'! ORDER1PdG �1P11'R�VF;�1ENT, ._ _ _ __ _ — ---- Af PR01�(ll Of f'LP �S f�ND �'�icR1�!( t�D'df f'1 �SElif �lT���OR BIDS �l �TLk�, SA��I �F1RY SE!�J[R AN� STCf.f� SI l!E!� �(�i�f'R0�'I �,I til P�:OJ�Cl -119. _-- ------- __� �� � The City iianager safd basicill,y this resolutien c;oes involve som�� administrative tvork to execute the plans. To proceed any further•, t•�e should have the actual costs Lecause tliere is soii�e concern by a couple of the pro��erty owners. They ! want the pi°oject, but feel the costs arc too hi�h. 7h,� additional staff time 1 is really the only co:,i,nitn+ei�t. !•;f.en th� b�ids come ir� are tvi)1 give vou the '' actual cc,sLs �Ziid a more i,efincd fi�ure to ti�e pre��erty ormers. If the bid is within the real!a of what vie expect �nd Council �,�ants to a�•rard the project, it could Le a����ar�led to tne loti•�est hidder. If the Council and property ovmers feel the price is i:oo !�i�h and do noi: �•ra;�t the bid, you have the pre��ogative to re- ject all the bids and proceed no further. h10TI0N by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Reso1ul:ion n'15-1976 ordering improven��nL>, appreval of p�ans and orciet-ing advertisemenL for bid�: ldater, Sanitary Se�der and S±oi,m Searer Im,�rovement Froject 7l119. Seconded by Counc;l- woman t:ul���;s;;i. Upon a voice vote, all voiing aye, f�tayor Nee declareci the m�tic�� ea:�r�ied u;�an�ir�ously. DISCUSSIGN: SI�OIJ PL01-,IfdG; SENIOR CITIZE�;S; TRA��SPORTATION FACILITIES: At this point, P1r,. Carl P;elson, a visitot�, addressed t.i�e Nayor and Council and introduced l�iir:self. !{e said th�?t he did not have a petition, hor�ever,, if he did, � he felt everyone in the room a;ould sic�n it. Ne explained i;hat he was present to express his cencerns about the sno��� plo�,;�ina situai�ior in the City of Fridley. � He said tf�at he has to pay 55.00 �very time he emplovs someore to clear his drive- � t�ray, ar�d tl�en the City co,?�es a�ong and pilshes th� s��oi�� hac!: into the driveway again. He said i` the City �-iould add it inio their o!�dc,et nexi. year i:e clear tl�e ridges of the dri��e�;�ays, the people �aould app�°eciate it very much. � '. _ . ..�. The Aub7ic I!or�ks Director explai�7eci ciiat at t��e preseni: time, Fridley does not have a di-ive�-;ay sno�r pio��;ing policy. We feel that it �is qu-ii:e er.!�ensive as t-�e would need additional mai�pc�,�er and additional en,uipment to get into i;t;ose con- fined areas or thc� drive�,��ays. The fact that ��,e uo havc: app�°oximately 6,000 single family r�esidents in the City, it would be ��uite costly, If �,�e r�ou7d pi�t that particular properLy on a low priority afier thc side�;;aiks and strcets are ploti•lnd, and th�n go back, �t ti-rould pt,o6ably have been tal:en care �f already. Mayor Nee asked what is physica]7y involved in ploi,�ing drive�•,�ays, t-a;,at aci:ually happens. 7he Public lJor•i:s Directoi° expl�ined that the si:reets ai�e p"lo��;ed with a large dump truck. This type of equip;ncnt could not be used ;or dr;vel:�ays. Presently, iti�e use ti>>°ee to four pick-���p truck> for sidewalks anci cul de s:css and �,�e �aould� necd addii:ional irucks t� provide adeq,�ate s�i°vice foi° �11 of the residents o� fri�ley. By t�ie t.ime 4ve completed plc��!ing all of the drive���ays, ano"hcr srow iaill hav� taken place. (�1ayo�° I`ee asked sr!�ai. �•rould i�e involvecl ii; just takiny care of the ridges, and not the entire dt•ivetvav. The PuLlic t�lot°fs Directoi, said tf�f� equi}ament. is noi capable of rnaneuveriny iirto the_tlrivc,�ays. _ If rre �•ro�,i7d get involvecf ir� t��,:�ir.� care of i:he ridges, the question t��ould coine up of ti��hy nc;t� takinq�care of ihe dr�ive��aays. � t•ti�. Nclson said that approxim�;tely 90" of the t,esidents of l=i,idley are complaining about this ��robiem, and iic fc1C so�nethiny could be done aLout it. Councilman Star���ali: suqnested thai: ��crh�ps a�r�t:p oi !;eigLh,�r; could get togct:her and agree en a particu'a�, privat^ service and coo;�dinate ii, in an effoi,t i.o handle lheir o���n clenninc� fai� bett��r t{�an the City coulci cio iY. The City I'an�qei� s�ii�i i�iiis is the �nint Le.��li>i�es i:o m::�ke. This scrvic� is ��vaila- ble on a priv,�te l��sis, it is jusi; a m<iLt:er of c�;,t1. ii�c� tr�ieLhc� ±o coor��irate it. lie S��id t:l�ai. f;;� fc��?s syn;;.aCi�ctic to�:�u�ds i.iic c��:i�:;��1,>� ,.n•.i l.lic�st: ��fi;�;ic.�il,y unable to ciean thr�ir �Iri•.c,�.��/s. !Ic r;enC9�neci th<;t ��c�-iir;��s i.f�r:�rc i> :, ar::�Y th�ii. a voluntecr eff�rt coul�i li�i�rilc this p,�nb)em, but tt�er•c is riu lray i;�at ihe Cit:y c-:n afford f:his. � ; ; � ; :%R 4 � PUI3LJC HEARItlG hiCETIhlG OF FEl3RlI�f2Y 9, 197G �ncE 4 Councilmin Fitz�atrick said he t�inuld like to becomc n�ore aware of what are are tall:in9 about and a�hat is involv�:d. , Ptayor fvice s ta ted tha t fd i na a t Cc�n,�, Cec' to pl o��� the clri veways and they had to discontinuc �it Zs they had so���c pi��i�hle�ns. ile suygested that staff per�haps call the City of Ldina anci see ��lh,�t ;��-oblc�ms Lhey ran into , and to look into the situation a little cic,ser so that �;�e kno�;� er.act.ly rrhat �•�e are talking ahout. Mr. Pdelson said that the ner.t it��r.i Le �vanted to I��-ing up concerned the senior citizens of Fr�idle,v. He ex:plained that in Looi� N,apids they have started a senior citizen centcr, and th��t the senior citizens of f'ridlcy do not have any place to go> and it ���ould bcnefit everyone if there could be senior citizen center in f�i°idley. Councihaoman Kukowski said that at the pi•esent time a classroom is being set aside in a school builuir�g, f01' SCt1101' C1t1ZC'I1S, I`II". F�Cisen said that a class- room ���ould hardly be large enouc�h ns there are about eiqf;ty to ninety people invelved. Co�mcil�•�oman Y,ukc�vski said she reali;es this, and that they are working on this ve��y hard and hope to have better facilities in the near future. I�ir. ��els� said Iiis last ite.n con;:c��ned transpurtatioiZ in Fridley. He �said that the Council ��rill be approached in the near future regarding a transportation system in the City of Fridley. P,t the preser�t t.ime, there is none. He said he understands that Fedei-al money is av�ilablc and 1:hcy are F�rorking on this now and will soon approach the C.ounc-il for help. F;e said he �ranted the Council to be at-�are of this and have time to think about it and possibly be able to come up with a quick response. The Public Plorks Uirector explained that th�y I,ave it scheduled to begin looking at transportation �ossibilities renardinR all type of transit in the City. He said v�e have si;artcd a�ith *hc f�il:e�;?ays and ��ralkvJays and from this they wiil get into othei° types of transpo;°tation. OPEIJII�G Fif�u P„,ARDIP;G 3iDS FOR �li� �A'_E OF �i,5:,0,�`JO GENERAL OELIGATIOfd SPECIl1L -- ---- - -- -- -_ _ _-- ----- _. . - - -- - --- — ASSEStii��1EWf FUtdD L'U';US CiF f-1z]DLLY, t�IflIdES01A, HE;I.D Old �40NDAY, FEBIiUARY 8, 1976 � AT 8 : 00 P . ��i. ---J-- -- �— The financ� D�rector expl�iir;d ihat the City has received three bids far the $1,550,000 Special Assessment Gonds. I'�r. Ehlers, of Lhlers and Associates, Inc., Financial Consultants for the City of Fridley, vaill read the bids and announce the lo�-� bid. . Mr. [hiers addressed the Co�mcil and read the follouring bids: Bid ��1, t�ET ItJ�f[IZEST COST: 5417,095; NET Ii9TEf:EST RATE: 5.1fz52% llccount Dtanagcr: JURAtd & P100D1', IPdC. ST. PI1UL, P11NfJESUTA Account 14cmber: First �dational Gai,k. of St. Paul ,��in,_ hierrill, t_,yn�i,, Pierce, Fenner ard Smith Inc., Minn.,Mn. Paine, ldebbc��, Jacl;son R Curtis, Ir�:., 1�1inn., Mn. E. J. Pre.scott and Company, Piinn., �in. Qid �`2, NET IRTLREST COST: ;411,OG7.50; tJE�f 1N7EREST RATE: 5.0906% Account 1�lanager: ALLISON-idILLIr1�`;� C0�•il'/1NY, IW;,. hil�N.,Pt(�d. Account Member: American �;atinnal Gank �C Trust Co., St. Paul, Mn. Dain, Y.alm�ri �C Quail, Inc. hlinn., h1n. Pi�2r, Jaff�,ay R Hop�•rood, Jnc. P1;nn., P1n. Moorc, Jur-�,n f� C:ompan� , Min�1. ,(�1i�. National Cit�y !s�n{:, P�linn., hin. � � ,... � � i ... J � ` � , , F ; ' ' � 1 . ' ... ...... ... . ... ...._.. _ .. . . . . . .. ... . .. .. . . ._ . .__. ... . ., _ . .. . ��r, li i .. PU(3LIC fl�l1RING tfEETIIJG 0� F[GRUF�?Y 9, 197G BID �t3: N[T INT[I:EST COST: �411,528.50; �dET IPJT[R[S7 RATE: 5.0963 Account hianarer: [3AIJCNOkTHt-lEST, P1INN. , I�iN. Account I�ember: Cii�st Pdational Qar;4; £� Trust Co., Oklanoma City, Oi:la. Gronin & P�iarcctte, Inr, hiinn., i�in. White I•�eld and Company, Inc. h1inn., hin. �nG� 5 Mr. Ehlers then anncunced th�lt the best bid WdS presented by Allison-l�Ji1liums Company. Mr. Ehlers commented that there are three bids before tne Council this evening. /1 year ago for a similar size sale,you iiad t��:o bids. The net interest rate a year ayo i-�as 5.79. Tonight, it is 5.09. In comparing thesc bids �vith others that I am ativare of, you have a very competitive bid for your con�idera.tion. We �vould recommend you accept it. You have t;vo options, to accept the lowest b;d, or to i�ejeci: all of them. He further stated that i.he City of Fridley has contir�ued their k-? i•atinq. He said they did make an effort to increase it again this year. It was increased last year. lJe think we made some proyress and feel that Your conimunity will re- ceive the one higher step rating at some �oint in the not �oo disiant future, Wii:i� the A-1 rating, thei�e are only tti�ro ratings highzr. The A-'; rating for a City of your size, he said, speaks very highly of your r.ommun�ity. The finance C�irecto�� said that he wou?d recommend to the City Counc�il tha�; Allisom-lvilliams Coi,�pany, Inc. be a��arc;ed the bid. h10TI0N by Coui,cilman Sta�tralt to at-rard ti�e bid of �1 ,550,000 Genet,al Ohl igation Special P•.ssessment Ft�nd [3on�ls of the C�t;; of Fridley te Allison-tJ-illiams Company; Tnc. Seconclec! by Counciln��an Hamernik. Uoon a roll ca11 vei:e, L'oui�cilti•�ornan Y.uko��rski voted a�e, Cou��cilman Stai-walt voted aye, Councilrian �itzpatrick voted aye, Playoi� tdee voted aye and Council�nan f�a��ler+�ik voted a,ye. The �dote carried unanimousl�. Mayor �ee ihanked I�'n,. Ehlers and said he did a very good job for the Ci�:y. RESOLUTIOh� ��16-1976 COidSiDERATIOt� Of R RESOLUT?ON ORDFf'.IN� IIiPR.OV[MENT, N�pROV/1L Of f'LAf�;S I1ND ORDCRING ADVEf�TISEr;f=iv1'FOfZ LIf�S: SlP,C[� Ii1r ROVFhI�PJT PROJLCT ST.1976-1� � � MOTtDN by Ccuncilvron;an K�ll:o�.rski to adopt Res�lution "16-1976 nrdering improvement, app�°oval of p?a��s a:�d ordering advei•tise�nent for bids: St;reet Improveme.nt Pro- ject ST.1376-1. Seco��d�d by Ccuncilman Star�-talt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl«rcd Lhe motion cari�ied unanimously. RECEIVIfdG_L[TT�R �ROPQ THE IiOCKEY ASSOCIATIOr�: t�OTI01� by Councilman Fitzpat��ick to r�ceive a letter from the floc4;ey Association. Seconded by Cauncilwoman Kuko���ski. Upon a vo�ice vote, all vot;ng aye, f1ayor Nee deciar�d i:he m��k;o,� carried unanimoi!sly. ADJOURI�IPt�P1T : 9:00 P . M. Respectfully subinitted, Helen i�agin Secr`tar•)� to �I�e City Council William J. Nee f•layor � .. { i 4 � i i � � i ? f � � ;. i , . � � � � t , � i � ; 3 , ; i t 's t � � ; . � _ , ; � t + { � � i ; ` 4 s i ` � � i S I I � � ' � ' � � � � ' � � � , � � ' � PUBLIC HEARING ON COMPREHEPJSIVE HOUSING PLAN (Plan is in Agenda Folaer} .1+ � � RECEIVIi�G LIST OF VACANCIES 0� COMMISSIONS -�FFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1976 ' , TERM PRESENT MEMBERS EX.PIRES APPOINTEE ' PLA'VtdIT!u COMMISSION (Ordir�ance No. 606) �6 Members) neral Richard Harris 4-1-76 ' �iairman 6200 Riverview Terrace NE . (H.560-2491) �* Will Continue if Desired �airman, Nerman Bergman �-1-�� mmunity 5503 Regis Trail NE Developmt. (N.571-3583)(633-6170x5361) ��airman, Robert Peterson 4-1-76 Pks & 480 Rice Creek Blvd. creation (H.571-8278) nairman Willi�:m Drigans 4-1-76 peals 1280 Hathaway Lane NE tnrri. (H.574-1930)(6.482-2817) Chairman, James Langenfeld 4-1-76 �v. 79 63 2 Way NE aality (H.560-1969)(B.861-4511) airman, William Scoti 4'-T-76 man 1632 69th Avenue NE �sources (H.57�-1143)(B.574-0000) � 2 APPOINTEE TERM CXPIRES 4-1-79 4-1-77 4-1-77 4-1-77 4-1-77 4-1-77 ' COMMt1NIT� DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION (Qrdit�nnce No. 506)(3 Year Term - 5 Members) � � � ** Herman B�rgman 4-1-77 5503 Regis Trail NE (H.571-3�83)(633-b170x5361) Hubert L#ndblad 4-1-76 4-1-79 160 Crown Road (H.560-.`�i148)(B.535-1721x236) Will Contrnue if Desire� (Sandra Stanley Resigned �+-1-77 � William Forster 7539 Tempo Terrace � (H.784-8360)(B.338-7641) LeRoy Oquist ' 1011 Hackmann Circle , (H.571-04i�) I ' 4-1-78 4-1�78 2A VACANCIES ON COMMI.SSI.ONS, APRIL 1, 1g76 � PAGE 2 . APPOINTEE TERM PRESENT h1EMBERS EXPIRES APPOINTEE EXPIRES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSTON (Ordinance No. 606)(3 Year Term - 5 Members) RoUert Peterson : 4-1-76 4-1-79 480 Rice Creek Blvd. (H.571-8278) Undecided Shirley Caldwell 4-1-76 4-1-79 5874 Hackmann Ave. NE (H.571-0675) David Har`�s 4-1-77 470 Rice Creek Blvd. (H.574-9551)(B.571-7792) Jan Seeger 4-1-78 324 Ironton Street NE (H.784-7441) Harvey Wagar 4-1-77 5940 Stinson Blvd. (H.571-4660) APPEALS COM;�ISSION (Ordinance No. 606) (3 Year Term - 5 Members) William Drigans 4-1-76 1280 Hathaway Lane (H.574-1930)(B•482-2817) ResiQned Patricia Gabel 4-1-76 5947 2 2 Street (H.571-1288) Will Continue if Desired Ric ar . emper 4-1-78 6736 7th Street NE (H.571-9788�(B.935-0381) James Plemel 4-1-77 G864 Channe� Road (H.571-0026)(B.421-4760) Virginia Wah1berg 4-1-78 1452 Windemere Dr. (H.571 -3318) �-1-79 4-1-79 �JAC�NCI.ES ON COMMISSIONS, APRIL 1, 1976 PAGE 3 2� ' ' APPO I tdTCE r ' '�* � � *� � , �J , ' ' � �e * ' , 1 � 1 TERM PRESENT MEMBERS EXPIRES APPOINTEE EXPIRES ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION (Ordinance No 606)(3 Year Term - 5 Members James Langenfeld 4-i-76 4-�'79 79 63'2 Way N. E. (H.560-1969)(B.861-4511) Will Continue if Desired Bruce Peterson 4-1-77 7303 Tempo Terrace (786-9898)(Q.693-44951 Michael Paripovich 4-1-76 4-1-79 8200 East River Road (786-2948 ) --- Will Continue if Desired Lee nn porre 4-1-78 301 Ironton Street (H.786-4237) Thomas J. Sullivan 4�1-77 1350 Gardena Avenue (N•571-0125)�B.571-9116) HUMAN RESOURCE� COMMISSION (Ordinance No. 60b�(3 Year Term - 5 htembers) William Scott 4�1-78 1632 69th Avenue NE (786-1143)(B.574-0000) Harold Belgum 4-1-77 191 Hartman Circle (H.571-1191) � Nancy Lambert 4-i-76 5965 4th Street NE (N.571-2374)� Will Continue if Desired Grace ync, 4-1-77 580 54�th Avenue NE (560-9589) Barbara Shea 4-1-78 1456 Windemere Drive NE (H.571-2977)(B.571-2374) 4-1-79 �CANCIES ON COMMISSIONS, APRIL 1, 1976 AGE 4 � , � �* ' ' �� �J � � *�c ' PRESENT M�MBERS EXPIRES APPOINTEE CABLE TELEVISION CONiMISSIOhJ� City Code 405.28)(5 Members - 3 Year Terms]_ Mark Scott 4-1-78 7190 Riverview Terrace (H.786-3063)(B.784-1100) Kenneth Brennen 6716 7th Street NE (H.571•-8035) 4-1-78 John Haines 4-1-76 275 Craigbrook Way (H.784-0887) Does not Wish to Continue Bar6ara XugTi::s � 4-1-77 548 Rice Creek Terrace (H.571-6182) Nancy Wrubel 4-1-76 7343 Hayes St. NE (H.786-3402) U � G,�.�J� �^---�-- FRIDLEY NOUSING AND REDEI��EL�PMEN7 AUTHORITY (5 Members)(5 Year Terms) Jerry Orton 6-9-76 7418 Stinson Blvd (H.78G-8855) Moved from Fridley Russel Houck 6-9-77 750 Overton Dr. (H.560-3249) Pastor Arnold Stone 6-9-78 6950 Hickory Drive (N.784-9394) Larry Commers 6-9- 79 5197 Lincoln Stree#: NE (H.788-8925) Carolyn Svendsen 6-9-80 ' 5741 Maore Lake Drive (H.560-6Q60) , , ' 2� APPOINTEE TERM EXPIRES 4-1-79 4-1-i9 .•. . ,,ACANCIES ON COMMISSIONS, APRIL 1, 1976 ' PAGE 5 � ealth �fficer ' public �eal th anitarian � ' PRESENT MEMBERS EXPTRES APPOINTEE POLICE COh1MISSION (City Code Chapter 102)(3 Year Term - 3 Members) Dan J. Sullivan 4-1-76 1161 Regis Lane �H.788-2294)! q� LJ �%`"� .h, C�o�"�V�^."'''� Jean Sc�hell 4-1-77 5198 St. Moritz Drive (H.788-3283) . Helen Treuenfels 4-1-78 5248 Horizon Drive NE (H.560-5907) BOARD OF HEALTH (City Code Chapter 112)(3 Year Term - 3 Member� Dr. C. E. Turbak 23 Rice Creek Way NE (H.560-1470)(B.560-2820) Dr. Donald L. Wright 101 Logan Parkway Steve Olson Fridl�y Environmental Officer 4-1-76 4-1-76 4-1-76 ZD APPOINTEE TERM - EXPIRES 4-1-79 4-1-79 4-1-79 4-1-79 ANOKA COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT COUNCIL (l Representative and 1 Alternate) Councilman Hamernik, Representative Appointed January 5, 1976 12-31-76 Councilman Fitzpatrick, A1ternate Appointed January 5, 1976 SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY (1 Member�and 1 Al�err�ate Councilman Starwalt,�Member� A�pointed January 5, 1976 , Alternate NORTH SUBURBAN SEWER SERVICE BOARD (1 Representativ� and 1 Alternate) '� Councilman Starwalt, Member Appointed January 5, 1976 Councilwoman Kukowski, Alternate Appointed January 5, 1976 ��, �1 12-3i-76 12-31-76 12-31-76 12-31-76 l� � ,. Mr. Charles E. Gooder is interested in being considered for a position on the Community Development Commission or the Park and Recreation Cammission Following are his general credentiais. �. � LJ� , L��� � g. � ,,,-"` ; ��-�'' ; �' ,_ � r. '� . ,�� - � _,. p� ✓$. ,:.�`.. � � 'Q i� � ` ' �, . .� '� � � , ' Charles E. Gooder 7363 tdemory Lar.e Fridley, riinnesota 55421 �Phone: 612-786-7649 ED'JCATION 'FayEtte High School Fayette, Iawa Diploma 1959 � Upper Iowa University Fayette, Iowa 1961-62 University of �owa Iowa City, Iowa B.A. Psychology-Gen. Science I966 University ot Minnesota Graduate Courszs-Industrial Relations & Public Administration RF.I.�TED WORK EXPERIENC� PERSONAI, INFORMATION Age: 34 Born:June 21, 194i Weight: 150 lbs. Height: 5' 9" Health: Excellent Marriec3: Sept. 8, 1963 Wife: Sharleen Children: aalen 1 �firi�s � (twin boys) 1963-66 Student Personnel Supervisor University of Iowa, Nutrition Dept. '�c;ti�� �itY , Io:�a Responsibl.e for interviewing, hiring, and txaining some 100 part- time and full-time employees serving food to patients in the cafe- ter�as, cof£ee shops, and on the wards. The position was not only benefical in helping support my education, but was my ini�al exposure to the health ca.re field. F�:I:. .: 1968-69 Personr.el Ser�rices Representative University of Minnesota� Personnel Dept. Minneapolis, tdinnesota I was hired to service the professional personnel needs of the Medical SchooZ. My duties includ�d recruiting, job placement, job analysi.s, wage and �alary administration, and labor relations €or all �Sedical School staff e,mployees. Administrative Officer University of .linnesata, Schaol of Earth Sciences M�.nneapolis, Dlinneso�a As my interest shifted to financial management and lang range planning I accepted a general acfministrative position. My res�onsibilities were to coordinate the finances, space, equipment, special projec4s `nd general mar.agAment needs of the diEferent departments within tha School. .i became the first manager ot a summer camp for graduate student� from 8 d.ifferent colleges and universi.ties Ioca�ed in �'ark City, Utah in �he surimer of 19G9. In 1969 t;he Depar.tment of Geology participated in the NASA Moon Rock E��a? uati.on P�egram. I was res�onsable for cont•ertinc� :s��ac� to meet the sp�ciai needs of the research, security, and public �elations. -� � tl � �•- . ,: � � 1969- ' � � i u i � � � � � �� Administrative Director University of Minnesota, Pediatxics tdinneaoolis, Minnesota My present position can be divided into 4.major categories: patient care, research, education, and general ad.'ninistration. 1. Patient Care- The Department of Pediatrics manages 9 wards, including an ICiJ and a nursery, and approximately 14 sub-specialty clinics at its Un�versity Iiospita3 site. Zn addition we hav2 affiliated programs with Hennepin County Medical Center, Ramsey County Medical :.enter, St. Paul Childrens Hospital, Minneapolis Childrens Health Center, and S co:nmunity based clinics. My main duties are to work with each relatec3 aa.ministrator, clinic director, or individual physician to soive problems related to space, staf£ing, patient caze, and iinancing. Particular accomplishments of t�hich I am praud include,l) the estabZishx.zer.t of community ba�ed cl�nics in I373 as sites for nzeded ambulatory care �raining, and 2) the well-baby care cl.ir.ic HMO pro�ram of I971 designed to he�p families better plan �heir childr�ns hea�.th care financing. My more rec�nt patiezzt cade related duties incluc3e working with n^�.•,�r�it� Llcst ital A�.~:i:�istrat�or: on ci:�ar.3in� cur �lir.:.c Fror. 11 �:cu;1 roo�«s �o i i, i�iso, � tne second �nase o� our neaiin science �:pansion program is under construc�tion wnich includes new clinical facilities for Pediatrics. - 2. Research- I act as the primary grant and contract administrator f�r approximately $4.2 millon of support for research activities. My position is to maintain an accoutnin�3 staff and system tha� manages accounts, submits �eperts, negatiates with funding agencies, and acts as a source or information regarr3ing policies and pro- cedures in the research field. 3. Education- Through the Depar.tment Head and the Chairman of the Education Committee I supgort the educa�:ional manaqement system. I prepara and hel� negotiate contracts for edacatianal programs with other institlitions. A special eciucati.onal duty which will be scheduled soon will be the AMA Program Review, which is an analy5is of our total educational prcgram, inclz:ding affiliat�d programs. I will be gathering statxstics,caordinating schedules, and helping prepare reports for tk►e �i�e visiiors. 4. General Acimi.nistr.ation- As the ciiief of management for the day to day administration of.th� ur.it T am rc:sponsibZe for the smoath functioning �� GO full-time faculty, :3� clinic��-a- raculy, b5 residents, 160 eivil service employees, 40 post:-doc_.., and approximately $6 mil.�on :.n operating accounts, endownnents, and investments. . . . �� .. ..� "M� � ` � � , + � University of Minnesota Appoin*ments � All University Task Force on Civil Service- 1972-73 � All University Grievance Board- Present All Liniversity Committee on Business Admin�_stration- Present All University Committee on Research Administration- Present � All University Committee on Social Concerns- 1972-73 � NationaZ Professional Memberships National Council of Resear�ch Administrators . ,� Society of Research Administrator_s Medical Group Management Association American Hospital Association ' Social and Community Alemberships � Parent Teachers Association � Fridley United riethodist Church � � . � L � � . � � ' , � � ' 1 1 � . C4MP�lUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSIOR�d 2 January i976 Mr, Edward HWa�an�i Councilman, 7550 Tempo Terrace Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Dear Ed, � council takes up the matter of When the city iven appointing residents �� tZeWOUldclikeSCo be g for the City of Fridley, consideration for appoi�tment to Lhe Community Development Commissi.on. T feel that my twenty plus years of work Wi�h°m" �n�,ty servise f°thisbcommitteet working other member I iive at 7535 Lyr ic Lane; Fridley, Minn. 55�+32• My phone number is 786-189�+• Sincerely yours, �� ����� Edward H, Dunn, 3r. �; F � 1. � � H�� �t � f � + � i � � e � � � F S ( i s � ��� i. _ ��� i � � �- � � COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COh1MISSION Mr� S�Iasim Qureshi Citv I,:�na.��er �1't,y O'� 1''T'1.C�ZP,V 6�.31 Univer^i.t'r I���e, i�.E. Fridle?�? i�:'r. J�.r.uar;r ^0, 1�76 � � Dear Sir, I c�rould li.�e to a.~�?�lsr for ar_ annointment to the cit�* of 1�ri�ile,y COP.1?ill];�lt:a Develo�nment Commiss� ono ,� � T ar� �.n architect b;r nrofession� ( re�^istered in the s-ta�te of � r v�n Associate Di.rec-cor o� Smilesr—Glctter , ' ;.;inne.�ot�.) clzrre_.tl. � �, Assoeia-te.^, a. i�iinr_e�.nol�s a7•chitectural firm. I feel tl.a� my nrofESSiona.l bac�:7round and eVrerie�ce in both � �lar_r.inm and dssi�:n ov�r a neriad o� som� 1? �, e::tirs sinc� ^����'•.a�W-~ ' tir.�; from t11e School of Architectu„e� Univ. of I�flinneso+�� t�.oul� �, � benef'i t�.:�d enhance the considerations and the or.�;oir.c_: '��c�'r?- o�' , our Cit;r's Develonment Commissior.. '� een resida.n�• ir. F'ridle�r ^ince 1?`�i?'�. I am 45 vear.� ald, �,nd r.��ve b �, Since e �r, I ' � �...�.P /'�'� /�'�'�%I�, �1r7�.r.� A. F'riedi�;is,�'�.I.A. � � 603�. �en<<^Mi.^. St., �'d.L. Tridley, P:n. , 5F432 ' �Pel.s home: 571-7230, ', � off.: 332—lrrol �� �r �: � � �i � � � ' � � ' , � ' �i� o r`��� c� c� 6431 UNiVERSITY AVENUE R!E Mr. I3asim M. Qureshi City Manager City of Fridley 6431 IIniversity Avenue NE Fridley, MN 55432 Dear Nasim, ANOKA COUNTY 564-3450 FRIDLEY, MIfJNESOTA 55432 3anuary 20, 1976 It has come to the attention of the Human Resources Commission that r4r. Elmars �'rieditis may apply for an appointment to the • _Cammunity AevelopmenC Commission. If he does, I would like to bring to �-our attention the valuable assistance he has given to osr Commi.ssion as Chairperson of the Housing/Public Accom- modations Projec:t Committee. � Mr. Prieditis ��egan his valunteer service last July when he attended Fridley rutures - a Human Resources seminar. Sub- sequent to the seminar, Elmars willingly donated his valuable 1 �rofessional tim� as an�architect to develap the goals and ohjectives for the Housing/Public.Accommodations Project Com- mittee. These goals and objectives were approved by the Human Resources Commission and are now being incorrorated , into comprehensive plans at the P]_anning Commission. The voiunteer scrvice and interest in assisring the City by � Elmars did not ceas.e with the completion of the goals and ob�ectives. He acted as the consultant to the Human Resources Commission in all matters related to our responsibi.lities for 1 housing and public accommodations. He is currentiy serving on the ccmmittee which is reviewing the Fridley Comprehensive Hausing Plan for our Commission. � � � � � The professiona2 qualifications, interest, dedication and �ail.lingness of Mr. Prieditis to improve our community is tesCimony to his value as a resident of Fridley and certainly warrants considexation for appointment. The Human Resources Commissian, as a body,hez.rtily and �ith extreme p.leasuz-� endorses tihe appaintz�ent for Mr. Pr.ieriitis. ccs L3mar.s Prieditis Sincer.ely, , l.�/.c- ;�� ��' ' �d.�J .�z�%�:, Willi_am Scott III Chairgerson Human Itesouxc�s Comm� �s3.on � � ' I'3�.sim �ureshi C:ity T:":�na� er Cify o�' T�'ridley h431 University Ave. Fricaley, ,";Z�� 55432 v��,x I��Tr. (�ureshi: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN� COMMISSION Jan. 26, 1976 , Z understan.d th�.-t one position on . the Cor�:�unity DeveloPment Comr�ission is �resently vacu.n �, and that �.n addition�,l �'ll b un far rea�tiointment in April. I am sub- ' � , CJ ' �1 � � ' � ' ' , ' posltlon wi e : --1 mi-�tin� ~�iy name for conside.raticn for �.�?�oir_tr^�ent to the rrialey Cor.�snunity Developmer�t Com:mis5ior_. • Havin�; been active in ci-�y a�fairs f�rtive and�l�-o�led�eab� esr lebon1the Commission.. could play an ob� c Specifically, I believe I am ayualified for the Corn.:.�:unity Development Com�.ission because or the follo���in;: l. I sertTed as an active r��m'�er of �he Ci-tizen Bike���ay-�'ialk�vay Co�mittee. Durir_g r�.y tenure on the Cor.�r.�.ittee I bec�,�� famili�,r with the city's cor�Lprehensive plan. its pl�.nning process, its problem area, and mos� ir�portantly, tne desires of m�.ny of its ci�tize�s. 2. Pl[,v attendance at council �ieetirms h�.s enabled m.e ta follovr many areas of co�r�uni-t;y developr2ent, such as park pl�.ns, ne�x� p1a-�s, re--2onin�' req�aests, � etc. �'rorl their inePption to �heir ul �im�,te implernent�,tion. I am ricr� than casually �'amiliar with th�: city' s policies, re.quirer.�en �s, �.nd needs in these re��.rds. 3. PJ`�y involvei:�ent in loc�.l �olit � cs n.�.s en�.bl�d m_� to c�ref_�zlly reviev� r.1a.ryo uf �Lhc ci �y' s nla,nning reports, sucl� as the rece��ily c����-� �EC1 �Iousin�r repor�;. These reports, to�,ether ti�rith �r�:, e1L�c, ience irom ��he ite�s no �ed above have �iv��n me a �ood persvective of t:�� needs o�' the ci�y� �.nd -the direc�ion � � zs follo<<rin,�. 4. Tn my occupaiion as �,Supe7°visor of cn�zn.n�rs at Univac I�.� person�,lly respon�ibl_e for a i;ud� =t of ove� �3d0 OOG per ye��r. I�.�. well ai�����re a � trle realities of � bud�e-L- conatra:ints, the need i or prioritizinr�; .�ro jects, anra the n�ed for . caref.ul plannin�;. These tiJOrl: relw �ed concebts are, i�= ::3� apinion, an absolute esse7� �ia1 for this '�type oi appointmen�. ' . _ 2 _ 5. I feel I could responsi.bly and reli�.ti�ly f�alfill �he obli,�ati��n.s a,nc�. rec;uzre~�cn�s of such �.n appointm��nt. i�.�j� attenc�a.nce at Bikeway meetin��•s and ci�y council meetin:,s should speal� for it— self as c�ncerns my cor:�xritment to civic du �ies. I would be happy to ap�ear bef'ore :y oLi, at your convenience, t� �.nswer any�questi�r_s or �,tt�mpt �o resolve any c4r_cerns you mi�;ht have vY-ith re�ard to this reques-c. Please ' feel free to coni;act me at 571--7059. ' Sa.ncarely, �i..�� � s Denn.is L. Sc���.eiaer 61g0 St�.nson Blvd. Fridley, T���t 55432 L ' � . 0 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Feb. 9, 1976 ' 8301 R3vervi�t�r Terr. iFridley, Mn. �5432 Fridlsy City Ma�ager Mr. Naa3m Qureah3. I�'ridley, Mn. 55432 Dear Sir: I wota7.8 Like very much to eerve on the Park and R�creation Ca�nission. My edncatiana.l background conaists of � Bachelor of Sc3ence in Health �.nd Physical E�ucatio�. I haven�t pursued m� field of study fo� my vncation but I am a part3cipa,nt in many different aetivities a�d reconize tha bc3nefits derived £x�om ane � s partic3.pation. Some of r�y concert�s are our futtu�A needs �or more typee of recreatioz�al activity, also �rh�.� �ffeet the shortex work week wi11 h�ve o� oar parka and the ennironr�ent. T s�i1?'. worIs far the 'bette��enic of our fi.otal commtinity �s a member oP the Parkw ar.d Recreat3on Corcm�ission. Thanks for yotar consideratian. �<�UY'9 Trt11�R'� .r c� ���, Z f� ���� � Leonard A. Moore Jr. __ . .�• 0 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIOIV February 19, 1976 Dear Sirs: I recently learned of an openin� on the Parks and Recreation Commission. I am extremely interested in tYze position. I have been a resident of Fridley �ince i was in the firsC grade. As v�y resume shows I have been very active in Fridley the past years. I am concerned about the future o£ Fridley's Parks and Recreat�ons progxams and feel I would be a wise choice to f.ill the vacancy. I am young, Qner�etic and more than willing to put in the time ta �io � sood job. I�rould appreciate the opportunity ancl would be greatful for affirming my appol.r�t�ent to the Commission. If y�u ha.ve any questions I can be of asslstance with, please fee'! free to call me a� 786-2i335. I ill iae more than wiLl.ing to help. Sinccrely, --�-' f'_'- --� i '" � O rn //l-�-Q-,�rl.�f--�-_.__ � lozn NehrinF � Enclosure � � Per.sonal , � ... . . '� ' e Educatfon � 'M1omas 3ohn Iehring B�rn: 5-20- 3 Reside aC 29 - 67th AvenuE *l.E. I graduated �rom rridley High School in 1971. I attended Fridley Schools sinc the first grade. College - }�tetropolitan Community College (rfinneanolis, ' 4tinnesota} from 1971-1973. CJniversity o£ Minnesota from 1973-1975, no degree received. Z m currently finish�ing up my Bachelor of. �lective Studies degre by attending night class. I have a liberal arts background wi h concentrations in 4merican History and Political Science. tJhi e at the tlniversiCy I spent one quarter involved in an internship program. For nine �oeeks I���orked �•�ith the ^4inneapolis City Council, observin� and part�cipating in the ��orkin�gs of that body. � taork Ex erience I am current I have been employed by Northsvest %saintenance as a Janitor. loyed by them for the past 12 months. Prior tn this employment T.�aas a delivery boy £or Schaaf Floral in Fridley. worlced there for h months part-Cime while attending school. Othe places of emP3.oyment include: Penny's Supermarket, Rapid Shop, ?ioliday �Tilla�e ?�orth and Silver Lake Super Valu in New Brighton. These have been part=time jobs while att�nd�ng scliool. Extracurricular Activities 67hi1e in High h � I have played involved in t . ball. Interests � � � hool 1: participated in Basketball. During College skethall on th� Intramural Level. I am currently Ineramural T'ro�ram at the tlniversit,-,� playing Basket- For thzee year I pl3yed Softb�ll in Fridley in the Men's Recreation Open League. n 197G I was T.ea�;uc� CaorciinaCor for this I.eague. I have coached Football j.n Fridley for rhe �ast four years in the Fridley Youth Qotball Association. In 2Q74 T c•�as elected T.eague Director of th Pee F1ee Division in the T.'ootball Association. Y h�ve coached Basketball for the past two years f�r the Fridley Youth �ports As ociation. �iiis seasnn I�m Director of the 6th Grade Lea�ue. I am presently residerlt of tne Friciley Youth Spor,ts Association. My term of offi e runs through the current year. Some of my othe� interests besides sparts are camping, waod wor�Cin�, and pol.itics. i ; - __ _ .. _ i� APPEALS CO.MISSION OR ��rX �,�s��Nr�1� I� � 0� ` , 56Q ��G o sr ivcT, z � • �y ' �i�/,4�.G y �v► �rv �v, � � s I' S' h' 3 � ;. --- -- - --------� %1� !t'• _1!�/�1__Slitn _ , Qc�t1'�'r�%�! _ � �f co! �'' _ li' - __ ---__� � :_�t_7',�_1V1�9 n!�_ _Gf_�'__._.___ , , ___. __._. _.____ _`_�irY--a��F"�l ��y_-__ ' __ '� � ; � ___ __ -- -__ _--- -- f - ------ -- ----- - -- '��_� _ — ___ ----- � ------__�..ea.r - - - ---� . _ ____ _ :__ _...�1��► _' �. ` �� .—�,� �� �' � --- --- ------ -- -- ---- c�'�_�.__�� _ � , - ; ,��e� - -- ---�� -- _ _ , , '■ �� �� ■ ---- - -------- ; __ ._____ _ _ � . _ _ _ _ _ __����' _ -- - , . � '. � � -----___---------�--- - ---- --�-- � ' ---- ; ` _��_ ' __..���..� __���-� ' � --- -- -- ----- -- , - ----- - _� _ -- _ � � � � �� � � _ -- ----------___ ��,2� ��- _..�-�-- __ _-�- �------- . � ' � � O - - --- s�-��-�:. --- - _ _.��t� � __�_�.�.. _ � � � , ;- . , ,._.�? � -- ---___ __ __--- _ _,.�_ ----.-- � � �--.-- � -;� � -- -- --______ , , ; . _ � ---- -------- _- �.��-c-� _ - -- _- --� -- � � ; , '� �_----- -------- . ,._ �a.��ia.�c.�-��_.�_� _ ��?- , y���_� ,�z.�nc� ?2o-u;1 �o � � . . . . ��. __._. __'" _. _'.__. 6_.._' ___ — —�_'_--. ._—. _—t�_ _ . . _ . � i. �._—___._ __.—____ __ .'.__.' _ . . . � . . . __ ._.._._.__..._—'____. _ _I�`��'�,1J� �l� ���_Y___!.!.'���I�_—Y_--!,�!��e!�r���E�rf%%�_—.�___..�/.��!w-._=_.__ � _ =�r — —�_�, 1 , /+ �Q /�:' , _'__'.__..�'.__—.__. __._.�_�—_'__'__'_...._" ..'_„�..e�� <<�__'/���_�..�"'�"✓_' I�I! �.Y—..�r6�G^ -Y�r��i.i—.'� C�.r6Lr ' � � __'._ ___ ._..__ . . . . --. _.---- ------ _; � ± - ____--- _-___�--�j ----_ __—,:�w_ ___ P-�z- , ^ �_______.. --.__._�___ _—��-'✓1-�?��-�-��!__,.Cij-v'L---'/ _—�--_ � G�� � . ? _ --� ----- - . -`-!�CU��4^���� - i[/L _ , -- - � -- -- - ; --- -- ` - --� , � , , `f!%'l.G� _. _ __ _ _ _-- _� __ _ - �,- . - G��77!� , -- --- __ _ -- - - --- - �`Z'L� -- - �� �__._ .... __._ _ _ .__- — - - -- - - --._._.. - "__ " _" _. _ _".f�L --��.%�%�!�"'� `.-- - i -- -- —_. �--��---� - _x�..���(/�'�! . � � � - � _.__....._ ..._.. ..__..--- -� �^�'^�. .._..._. . .' --__.--- ---- .�__:r!G�_z—l��--C/G.__/ —'.__�� _ �z `. � �� . � . � � / . _ . — '----.---- — , ...y . . � - �- ___,�%h-�__,. _r_1�c_.�eL� � , --. '. _ .__ __ / __ _ _ _ ��%��- __ ____ _ _ _ _ ,- ---- '��z� , � , � r�'%'Z!�L -.. _ _ - -- _ _G�-= � __- -, - - d J—� --- . -- ��-`'.� � � / . . � "' � vu�,NP�' �:- ' __ _ _.._ ____ -- __._ . ---_.__ __. -- -- ---- � � . : �---- ---- - - -- � _ `_ _.���.� � , i � I� 1 1 `" � , - ; . I S C I _- � _____ - ;� ___ � :---�--______ . � _��-� � �- -__________�_________��� __.__ ____ _ ._ __ __ _ ___ _____ � ���� ' �-� __J_ - _ __. -.�� - �� � _ � � . � �_�� � ��� �� � � � � � _�� . _ __-_ � _ _ --__ .��� _ _ ����- . i �'. % ` �k� s �.�i�'-� ,�_,!������ • , 1 _-- � --_ _-__ �_____ � o� - - � -�� 4� -- � --.��� r� f�.G__,�i�� . ���:��� , 1 _ __�� -__- - .�..,� � .�� __ ���'�..�� �. , �� ��� r _�� �� � % � _� ,_ ; --a�'� - ------g� ___ � � � ��-w �-�--, �-��.��,...� �,���__-� _ ' �_ _��� ��_ . � i `f� ' 4 `` , _ `_ i � � -_�.-- - - --�-- - - - ._ ..� � �._ .__ . � � �_ � . . . —_�=___.- �. . -' __����i"yl �.�._G..�G�--^-- . . # � — - L — � _, �._'_� _ -��._ � � . . ' . . � .. � � . . �;i _ �—..� ..___�. � _�.� . � �. . . � . . i . � . � . . . . . � . .. �. . . . � : � . �. . � . . �__. . . . . . . . � � .. , — . . _ > >. � � ----- . . . . �----__. ___._.__ . .�_�-- .�_._^�.------ --- � '---'---�.— . � . _� (\ �. � � \ _ ._----__.._----'------ - � � � . . � . . .. _-�-`------------------ '�. �� . � � � � . . :. ..--- - -----`..—._._ -�----�_..-.� � _. __�.. ,--�� �---_..._._. ..� -. . �.�._�.�_ �«. _ .. � - �.. - -i . •. ,�. �__._. --.._ __._ �, _-r,,.. . _..w_ _...... . �__._. �. . � . . . . . . � . �. . .. � . . � ~ . . . . . . . , . .. . . . ... . . .. . . . _..�:.. _. _. ._..... .. . . _... . . - _ - . Trid%y City Officials . . . Ci�ric Cvntea . ' �+3�, uai.,r�s�.ty Ave, x.$, F`ricil,eY. Mn. 55�32 '` Dsar Si�cse . � . Q . . Plisse accept this letter as a request for me, Ri Ossenkop, to be cowsidsred for ' ea appoiatae�t on the Cable T.Y. Coramission. �. I�c 53 Y�a=s old, resids a,t 7603 �e�3osimoor Dr� xith �r wit'e, Wand.a, I F�ua��ed �'s�om the iJni.varsity of Northxestern in Eva.ust.on, I1linoi,s in 1951 xith a� B�che3ar ' of Hwsie Td,ucation aad a Mast��:cf Music �.Fdu�ation� degraes, After greduati.ng I �sceiv� a teaah�,r� positioa in Obclahama City, QkLahama� xhere I re�mained �or 21 - � Ya�. As a teacher of �uaic I�ras iisvolved ia edticational T.Y. d+oing I�rog�a�ut• ing and coordiaatiag nt�.sical activities. Also� �y �ausica]� gZVUps perforoed �8��+ on local T. Y. stat3ons ir► Okl�aiwma City. ' At p,resen� I am se1P�ml�loYed as hal�ao�rner of a vin�rl mof cover bnsinec�s called . �. t3ri8•Eg,uig of IKinttasota Ina. � itith txo stores in the Tuin Cities, one � IKp],s, and one ia St� �Paal, �+e �sezve the eza jo�3 ty oi the ma jor car deales�. . �' Perhaps 3,i �rould be �artl� noting tliat �p► ae�nriaes of ava3ls.b � ility to serve on tiiis commission, if I�m fo�ctunate to be selected, xould be full ti.me. Hoxever, there is alxaqs an e�.caption to �the rule and as for me i�cnd�y eveaiags xould be . the �euce ioa foa� � ' eu P'� s I iag xith the� dpo3l.o Club oF Minaeapolis and xe reh�e oa , M�nd�y evinings frarm ?s 30 to 18i 00 p.m... . _ � . '' In closing� I xould like to add, that in selec�i� Fridley as the psa,ce to live 'xhen pux�clsasing our new home, �py �e a�d I earefully screened the cox�mqnity in - rega�tss to the qvality of �chools� chwc�ches� hospitaLsf Parks and recssation facil�,ties, and the aivic ae�er (city hal7,), Need7,ess to xe xere im t�riith xhat � �Y Pressed ,.' xe observad a� x3.th their �efficieut operat3onss. Therefore� it is xitb the utmost intss�st for �ne to aid in �ainirig a"tog notch" c.ammun�ty and, to s�rve on this �ammissian xould eaa,ble �e to do �qy pa,xt in maintai�i,�g tha ' hi8h quality of co�nmun3t af�airs Y � ' . It is �ith sincera �ppreciation ar�3 tban%s �iha�t I l�ave bee� gi.ven the oppoztun3.ty to xrii� this ],etter in �ferre�c� to �he appoia�nent, I rea►a3n, �, Si.uc,ere�y yr�urs� ' � . � ,y� A1Oss+��op � ���� . . ' - � ' - �I . , II_.' .. � ____ _ _ __.. ____ _ _:.. _ � . . . _ . _ . . _. _ _ . . . _ _ .___ - -- _ _- i;.. .-_ . -- _ - . �i � r: February �, 3.9?6 � ��� � � � . � _ City Couacil ' Fridley, �ur3..,...s..�.., etl��� '-' 3tiBJECTs Housix� arui Redev�elopntent Commission , Gentlem�na '� I have a sincere desire to be appointed to the Fridley Hausing and Redevelopment Ccuaa►ission because I feel Fridley should have an above standaxd, degree af housing� TherB are som� areas �rhi.ch need a lat of imprcvement � and T wou3.d like �o do wha,t . I can to briug this about. My e�cpexience with housi � construction and c n t et osru in � ` o ,...�'.� ... ! . in genera7.� would aid in this task. � - �� I attended elemeatary and secondary school in Minto, North Dakota, I sexved twa. years with the United States Army sexwing the majari.ty of time in Korea. After'my service obligation, I took a course in drafting, and Kas employed as'a draftsman � at Grand Forks, North Dakota. I worked on housing and commercial construct,�on at ' . 'Grand Forks= I have worked far the W.R,W. Company of Cheyenne� Wyoming on missile � ' . base housing aad general missile constructionz I have worked for the'H.C. Smith Cor�pa.ny� of Compton, California on mf.ssile ba,se remodifica.tion� For the last 10 yearst I have � ;' been ejnployed with ths Sandberg Erection Company of St. Pau3. as an ixonworker foreman� Shartly aft+er startino with 5andberg, I attended St. Paul Vacational School and completed a three year ironworker cours�. '- I have • served one yeax on the Human Relations Committee of` Frict7.e � I. . y. am on the Pack Committee of Cub Scout Pack #?1�. I have served.three yea.rs:on the Parent's -= , Advisory Committee of Title I, Special Education at Kenneth Hall Elementary School, Sgring Lake Paxk. � have been involved with yoath sports. I aan a, member of VFW Past #3b3 of Fridley. ' I have been a resident of Fridley for 3Q years, artd reside at 1402 Mea,dowmoor Dr. N.E., Fridley. I am 38 years old, and am married. My wife, Sondra, and. I have trro sons, Chad who is 9,�and Jamie who is 6. We are membexs af St. Timathy's Lutheran Church '� .of Columbia Heights. - I would appreciate if you would consider me for yaur committee. , � . _ ' Sincerely, L�CJ C� � .� , o Walter E. Lizakaxski WEL: 2s ' ' . �t � 59 Rice Creek Way Fridley, MN. 55432 - 560-5029 ' February 23, 1976 Nasi.m M. Qureshi, City Manager , City of Fridley Civic Center 6431 University Avenue NeEe ' Fridley, MN. 55432 ' Dear Nasim, As a`resident of the City of Fridley for eleven years, Y am very interested in its development and growth. The'Parks and Recreation commission position interests me very muah. i feel I am well qualified �or this position and am willing to do a good jobe : • I was a Cub Scout leader for five years and alsa a Girl Scout l.eader for five years. Being a leader in scouts for such a long period of time, I have had much experence in planning recreational activities for young people as well as'organiz- ing tournaments and games that involved adul�s. With four sports mindecl chi].dren ranging in age from twelve to seventeen, I�am kept very active in sporting activities in Fridley, incl.uding couching, participatingf etco I feel continued growth and proper up-keep of c�ur park facilities is of the.utmost importancea As a Parks and Recreation commission member, I will do my best to achieve these goalsm � I Sincerly yours, � �. -��c.v�� 0���� """ 2� Sharon L. Bakke i � r � . � � TNE FOLLOWING LETTERS WERE REGEIVED IN NOVEMBER, 1975 WHEN THE COUNCIL WAS CONSIDERING �TWO VACANCIES ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CQMMISSION .y . � � 5230 Lincoln Street, N,E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 November 14, 1975 Mr. Steven 01son Environmental Officer City of Fridley . Anoka County 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Dear Mr. Olson: A�tached is a brief resume of my background and qualifications as an Environmental Health and Safety Specialist. On November 20 I have a class fro� 7:U0 to 9:30 p.m. which will not permit me to attend the scheduled m�eting on that. night. Any consideration the Commission oaishes to give will be appreciated. Enclosure Sincerely, � /�,; `� �/� �/� /J�� /l�Y�V ` } � .. �r� > � ;.. Walter Jop je �� C� f f �. . . . � I3ame : �� Addresss '� Date of Birth: � Marital Status: Education: Expexience: , � � Registration: � � , CURRICULUM VITAF. Wal.ter H. Jopke 5230 Lincoln 5treet Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Moved to Fridley July 19Fi3 at above address September 9, 1917 Married, 2�children 19�3 - B.S. De�ree, liniversity o� Wisconsin; Niajor--Food Tecnnology, Minor--Chemistry 196�+ - riasters in Public Health, Univer.sity of Minnesota 1941 tio 1946 - U.S. Air Force, entered as Private, honorably discharsed as Captain; presently on inactive status as Lieutenant Colonel 19�9 to 1953_ - Sanitarian, Eau Claire City-County Health De- partment, Eau_Claire., _._ Wisconsin 1553 to 1959 - Sanitarian, City of Madison, Slisconsin 1959 t� 1963 -- Sanitarian - Research with the Uivision of Environniental Health and Safety, Unive7'sity HPa1th Service, ITnivarsity of Minnesata 1963 to �!96G - Instructor, School of Public healtn and Senior Sani.tarian, University Health Se?-vice, Univer- sity of �1:.nnesota 1�66 to present - Assistant Professor, School of Public iiealtl� and Sr. En�*ironmental Health Specialist, Uni- ver.sit5� Iaealth Service, LTniversity of *Sinnesota Diplornate -- r'�merican Intersociety Academy for CertificaLion of Sanitarians Registered Sanitarian in the Statz of jJisconsin Registered Sanitarian in the Natior.�l Association of Sanitarians +,-.::� °• ,�. '�� � � � � � � � ' � ' l F�ofessional Associations: Publications: -2- Member of: American Publi.c :Iealth Assaciation National Association of Sanitarians International Association of rfilk, Foad and Environmental Sanitarians Minnesota Public Health Association Metropolita�z Environmental Health Asso- ciatiion Jopke, W.�i., Pre-operational Survey of Environmental Radioactivity of the Pluclear Pecver Reactor Site and Surrounding Area for the Rural Cooperative Power Association, Elk River, `iinnesota. Three parts (with 3ulius E. Haes, Jr., riary M. Halbert, and George S. Piichaelsen), University Health Service and School of Public Health, LTniversity of riinnesot�, rlinnea�olis, Minnesota, 360 pages; November 1962. Jopke, W.H., et al., Recommended Standards for the Vending of Foods and Beverages, American College Health Association, 2Q pages, 1967. . Jopke, jd.H., Environmental Sanitafiion, Annual Administrative Revieta, Hospitals, J.A.H.A., 42:49; April 1968. Jogke, Zd.H., Ri1ey, J.R., �ficrobio�ogy of Restaurant-Cafeteria Prepared Fopd Dishes, Journal of rfiik-Food Tech., 31:12, 393-397; December 1968. Jopke, W.H., Hass, D., and Donovan, A.C., Food Waste Disposers and Contar�ination, HQSpital Progress, 47-52; October 19b9. 3opke, W.H., Hass, D., Contamination of Dishcsash�ng Facilities in Hospitals, J.A.H.A,, 124:44; March 1970. Jopke, id.H., Hans, D.R., Sarenson, S.D., and Danovan, A.C., Microbial Contamination an Hospital Table�aare, Hosgital Progress, 30-33, June 1972. Jopke, W.H., Sorenson, S.D., Hass, D.R., and Donovan, A.C., Air Conditioninh Reduces Microbiologic Levels for Hospital Dishcaashing Facilities, Hospital Progress, .22-30, August 1972. Jopke, [d.H., (chapter) Food F3v�iene, pp. 23�`3-25g in te:;tbook, Envizonr�ental Heal.th and Saf.ety in ;tealth Care racili;ties by Bond, i�.G. , AiicFiaelsen, G. S. , and DeP.00s, R.I,., I�ta�rii.11an Co., New York, 1973. - =r`,` Committees: Chairman, Animal Control Committee, School of Puhlic Health, University ',� �' of Minnesota ' � Member, tiniversiCy Greek Consultative '� Committee ' Board of Directors: � Minnesota Sanitarian Association �� Minnesota EnvironmPntal Hea�th Association , � . � � ' 1 � � � 1 _ t . l _ t 1 t - ! t. i � ___ _ i 1 4� � �. • � +''� r t November 13, 1975 ■ Steven Olson Environmental Officer , I thank you for describing the Cammission and how I may assist in this Committee's activity. As time permits, I expect � to attend the November 20th meeting. Attached is a brief vita of myseif. � Si ncerel ,:� _ ` I�/ / �� f � iWard Stienstra Extension Plant Pathologist � WS:bb , Attachment � � � r � , i� i,� �� a � . �i�-c,�� �f � 1`i7.5 ._ ... .._.. . . � .. �- 1�4��^.tC.,vt�..il�K-• �.�y.'t.i'v�-v�.��'�"'ti . ____ _ --- -c,� �-�-�-��..�.�.� __ _ __ (�'� 3 ( `iJ`.n,.�-�.-.,�.� a,,,..p.�,�- 1�I � _ ����� �%1 • . 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Stienstra VITA rOffice Room 308, Stakman Ha17 f University of Minnesota St. Paul, MN 55108 373-0937 � ' Personal Data ' Born June 19, 1941, in Ho7land, M�chigan Resident of Frid7ey from February, 1971. � Education _, � �_� � � fiorne 6035 McKinley Street Fr7dley, M�V 55432 5%1-0253 Married: two children. Institution Major Area Calvin Coilege Bioio y Michigan State Un�versity Sotan Michigan State University Plant Paihology Employment Institution ' Ranfc r Tii1e tlniversity of htinnesata Assoc'ate �ro�ressor pepartment of Plant Pathology Exten i^n Specialist Universiiy of Minneso�;a Assistant �rofessor Department of P1ant Patholagy Extensi�n Specialist Michigan State University Grad, Research Dept. Bo�any & Plant Pathology Assistant Professional Societies Ainerican Association for the Advancement of Science Hmerican Phytopathological �oc�ety 7he Scientific Research Society of North America Minnesota Go1f Course Superintendents Association International Turfgrass Socie�:y Epsilon Sigma Phi Service to Government AcLencies l. Advised EPA - l�ashington- 2. Advised t�n. State Department of Agriculture 3. �dvised htn. House Co. -!lrban Rffairs 4. Ad�ised Mn. S�nate Co. -- Urban Affairs 5. Advised Metropolitan Inner Coun.ty Counci1 6. Advised Metro{»litan h1asquito Con�rol Commission �� , . Degree-Dates B.A.. -19&3 M.S. -1966 Ph.D. -1970 Dates Ju7y 1975 - May 1y70 - July 1975 June 1Q54 - May iy?0 0 ]..1� November 197� Air. Steve Olson Environmental Oificer Fridley Cit� Hall 61�51 Un�versity 1?ve Fridley, T��v 551�32 De�.r T�cc. Olson: You asiced that I�mite a letter of appl.ication s�atinry rry qualifications for a posa_tion on the e>>vir�nmental cor�r^i4sior_. i�ly main quali�ica.tion is that I am an i�terested and concerned citizen. I would like to do rrry n�:~t to oromote ecolo�;ical livin�. � Every �erson is grac'uall,y comi.ng to realide th��t we c.annot continue to ma�2 w.�.ste oi t�ie �<nd's resor�rces ar.d th��L c,�e can i.rr�prove our attitudes towa.rd na.ture and our pl�.ces in it. � I would li':ce to serve on the enm�ironment�l comr��issinn that h�s as its main directive the implement.�tion of these idea.s. . m , ' Sincerely yours, � ` ��L� 1�;rs. R. E. P-ietcali 860 i�fi. Iioore Laice Dr. F'ridleY, ;'it? >5►.�32 -� ' � � PL�i�P11NG COMi�1ISSI0N P�IL-:ETIh,G Ct�LI_ TO ORf�� R: CI1'Y �F FRIGLEY FEaRUI�ftY 4 , 197G Chairman I-larris called the meeting to order at 7:50 P.M. ' ROLI_ CAIL: ' , � t�iembers Present: Members Absent: Others Present: PAGE 1 Scott, Qergman, Harris, Wahlberg, Langenfeld Pe�:erson Jerry Boardman, City Planner Ray Leek, Pianr�ng Interne Pat Brennen, League of Women Voters Representative MOT�ON by Scott, seconded b� Lang���fe1d, that the agenda be amended to a2low a grovp of �oung peopJ.e to make a presentation to the Planiiing Commis- sion. Upon a voice vote, ai1 voting aye, t�� motion carried unan.imousZy. . Mr, Mark Treuen�els, 5248 Norizon Dr'ive h.E. said he would like to pre- '� sent a proposal for a Teen Center. The proposal was presented to Chairman Harris. , Mr. Treuenfels said that the resuli:s of a survey by the Fridley Youth Project Com�niitee indicated a desire for a te�n center by Fridley teenagers. This teen center wou1d serve as a ireeting pl�ce for youth where social con- tact would Q� possible. This would �e an a�ternative �o present facilities, ' s�applying recreation ai: a minimal cast. � we wi1l ask the Ciiy Council to grant the usa�e of �he unoccupied library ' space across from ti7e police station. If the space was ok�tained, we propose to stock �t ��r�ith the iollowing facilities: 2 coln operated foosball tables, 2 ping-pon� i:ables (park �epartm�nt), pinball machine (coin operated), furni- �ui^e, whicf� would include tables and chairs, carpeting, and possibly a used ' TV (to be :;cr.ated}, and a rTOVie sc��een a��d projector, to be bo,�rowed from the Fridley �;brary when needed. , ' ' To get this organized, a teir.parary board,consisting of Mike �larsnik, Pa� Q'Neili, F3�rnie and Pat i<lein, hed S'corla, Mark ireuenfels, and Sr. Elizabeth of Grace Nig}� School, would draw up a ch�rtei� providing for the means�of eiect- ing a;�ermanent board. ��1n would also promote public interest by advertising 'in local schual and City� neti-aspapet,s, puttiny posters up in schools ai�d tivriiing p.A. an►touncFments. Ti�e �emporary boar�d wi11 then be ii� charge of or•ganizirig 1:he elect.ioi� of the permanent }�ozrd, and will disband. Ti�e pe�°���anerit board ti�iil v�ri�:c rules ard regulations �rhich �,�ill gover� the ' use of t:he ycuth center. i'he boa.��d �v�ill t�e available �c� the membership and responsivc t.o ►°equests. It will L� in char��e ef finances and funding. Upon drafi;ing a cl;arter•, i�t ;�:il � be ;ub„�il;ted to th� City Council for appi°oval. �s for l.��al respunsib�i;ty, we a�oc��d ask for• the Council's advice and assist- , ar�ce. We in�:��nd i�o c�et: so;ne i��!►.�!ir�� from doi�a�i:ions fl°om Fridley businesses, cor�nunity eilucatiori, a sr�all �nembershi►� t'ee (�,.50 ?;, and profit from the coin op�ratc�d facilities. tJe iz�t�nd to h.zve volui�teer counse�ors, inainly f�°om the � i��•idley churches. Ile sa:� Lhat S... l�Jil ii�zi,is Church had alrcady gu��ri�:ee�i five �ounselor•s. Pir. 11°euc:n���ls asked i�i ti�ere arcre any quesi;ions. , 3 LJ � ' ' � ' �J � ' � !� ' ;� � ' ' Plan��ing Commi$sion Meel;inc� - February 4, 1976 Page 2 'Mr. 7reuenfels said thc proposal he had presented to the Planning Commis- sion was much more detailed il�ari what he had presented at this meeting. Ne said they may be hiring a part time director for this teen center if it was necessary. 3R Mrs. 4lahlberg said it aaas mentioned that they hoped to get funding from the Fridley businessmen and from the coin operated machines. She asked if they had any estimate of how much funding they would need. Mr. Treuenfels said there was no way of estimating the funding they might need at this time. Ne said that if they hired a professiona1 director, this vrould make a difference in the funding requirements. Mrs. Wahlberg�asked if they were a.sking the City to donate this space free for your use, including the heat, electricity, etc. t�1r. Treuenfels said they tivould be able to take care of the maintenance of this room. Mrs. 4Jahl�erg asked Mr. Qoardman if tf�e City had an�icipated any use of this library space? Mr. Qoardman said they were doing a utilization stu�y at the preseni: time, to see if we need any addit�ional staff space. He said this study shou1d be completed in early March, so that at this time he'could not make a determination as to whether or not we do need that space. Mrs. Wahlberg said she knew that some of the staff 4•�ere using that space at the pr^esent time. �1r. E3oardman said it was being used by the Planning internes and Planning aides at the presen�; time on a i;emporary basis. Mr. Boardman asked (�1r. Treuenfels what hours of operation they were think- ina of vrith tl�is proposal, and how would they conflict with the normal City business hours. Pir. Truenfels said he didn't think i� would interfere t�rith the »oi°mal operations of the City. They intend:�d to have it open..after school and ti��eek-ends. It would probably be op�n six to � hours. Mr. Boardman said he could see som� confiict in having a teen center so close to the operai:ion of City government. There v�rould be a certain amount of no�se being generated from this area, especially witn jute boxes. Game tak�les and oth�r uses of this room would yenera±e noise. W? have had a similar problem with the foosball tak�le and the ping-pong tab,les in the Parks and Recreal:ion Departr�ent. The Parks and Recreation Deparment has had to limit �he use of these f�ciliiies quite severely due i:o noise ►vhich has hindered City operations. Chairman Narris said it might be well tc send this propasal do�•Jn to the nie���5er Coimnissior�s so they cou1d study it anc! come up w�ith som� recommendations. 1 M�°. Scott sai d thi s i tem ���as on th� Human Resources Agenda for Febi,uary 5, 1976. He said this FridleyYouth Proj�ct Committee was a project con?mittee of the Iluman Resources Co;m.�ission. Chairman Fiarris said he was thirking more , of the Parks & Recreation Can;mission taking a look at this. Perhaps they could come up W11:I1 an alternate location. Mr. Scott said th�t many proposals for teen centers fail,:and tor tt�is �'�a- ' s�n i.he Youth Project Comni�ttee ��ad been in liaison �vith the Univei�sity of (�iinnesota Center for Youti� Developn�ent and Reseai•ch for advice and assistance tvith tiiis pra{�osal. Tl�i ; Cent�r has ac�recd to provide professiona] staff ' sut�{�ort: fur ,�c.t:v-i �ics t:iie Yc,iiLh Prc�ject Co�;�i���it:Li�F� t,�ould �,rani: to take on this n�ai.ter. Mr, l�re�.�i.�nfels sair.l they t,r�re st�idyin� sucr,essful teen cent:ers in otl�c�i� cities. � A �. .-" � ' ' � � Piannin Commission r�ecting - FebruarY 4, �97G Paqe 3 � B Mr. 13er�man said Lhat it woulcl seem that this group had spent some time on this proposal. Ne asked Mr. 7reuenfe1s if the�ir yroup fel1; that they could adequateiy control such activi�ies. He said he was referrin� to overly-active customers, noise, etc. , Mr. Treuenfels saici they had thought about that, and �his was the reason they vaere seeking volun�eer coun;elor�s, and this would give them adult super- vision if it was needed. . Mr. Boardntan said he didn't know the relationship between the police and youth, but he ��londered what effect there would be to having i;he police depa�=t- ment across the ha11 from the teen center, as far as atf.endance. �•�r. Treuenfels said they had alread,y anticipated this and in surveying t��e you�h, they found thai; 20 out of 25 didn't mind this at all. Mrs. Ilelen Treuenfels said this was a two way relationship. She thouaht she should find out how the police felt about hayin� a teen age center across frbm their department. �he said she talked to Sgt. Kennedy and he thouc�ht it tivas terrific and said he ti�rould be willing to appear before the City Counc�l on this proposal. � MOTIOh' by Beryman, seconded by Langenfeld, that the Planning Commission receive the proposal for developing a Fridley Youth Center. Upon a voice vote, a1.Z voting aye, the motion car.ried unanimously. L� � ' ' � � � � Mr. Bergman, chairman of the Communii;y Development Commission and Mr. Lany°nfel d, Cha i rEnan of the Envi ronme�ital Qual i ty Con�mi ss i on both sai d�Lhey t•rould li4:e th�ir cemn?issions to look at this proposal. Chairman Harris said it could be ser�t to all t��e r�ember commissions then. f�!rs. G+!ahlberg said �the Appeals Comn�i�siu�i ti��o�ld look at it and ma4;e some comr��e���s, but she didn't thi nd: thEy tti�ou? d be comi ng up wi t!� an,y speci f i c recommendati ons . A9aTION by B�rgman, seconded by Lar.genfeld, that the pro��osa1 for develop- ing a Fridley I'outh Center be sent to a11 the. member Commissions fo.r their review ar.d cormnent�s. Upon a vo.zce voL-e, a1i vo�inq aye, the rno��on carried unanimousl�. APPROVE Pl_t�NNING COMMI�SIOP! MIP!UTES: J�iNUARY 21 , 1976 i��ir, Scott said that on ;�age 1G of these minutes, he had made tl�e motion to al t:er the or�der of the ariended agenda �;o al 1 ow Counci lman S�tarwai �; i;o speak i nstcad cf f°1r. [iergman . I�!r. Bergman agreed wi th th � s. h10TION by 5cott, seconded b� 1?eryman, that��he Planning Commiss.ion approve the PI��?�r:ir�g Cor,zmission minutes o�" the January 21, 1.97G meeting as corxected. t�r, t_angenfeid said h� realized t:he secretary and Plann,ing staff hao been busy because of having tht,ee Planninc� Commission meetings in a ro��r and also making changes in the Com{�rehensive Housing Plan, but the fa�.i: that �;hcy had only received tf��ese m�ic�utes i:his evening, he iound it difficult to approve them. ' Mr. Scott said tl�e memt�ers�could take time to read them. Mr. he had already d�layed f;he si:art of this meeting 20 minutes to give � c{iance to looi: over �;ne minutes, but t�hcre :�ra; a lot ot' rcading. tiarris said tl�e members � Mr. [3er�ti����r� ��sked if it s�+asi�'t i;he r�o��+����1 pr�ceciure fior tl�� P1<innii�q l'.om�nission to ge� th�ir ag�ndas prior to the week end, a�id tl��is included thc� minuies. Mr. � ' Planninc Commission Meei;in - Februar 4, 197G Pa e 4 �3 C � _ .� � _.__�, 1 . Boardman said t;his was normal procedure, but last �'riday the only item ready for the agenda vras the Planning Conmiission minutes of the January 21st meeting. bJe were wai ti ng for the Conmiuni ty Devel opn!ent minutes because vre wanted thei r ' recommendations on the Co�»prehensivc Housing Plan. The secretary far that Commisszon er,pected to complete these minutes on Monday. Instead of this happening, the secretary became ill and has been hospitilized all of this � week. 6y that time, the Planning Com�nission secretary was working on the minutes of the January 2Bth Planning Commission meeting, which V�eren't com- p7eted until this morning. It was due to this set of circun�stances that the ager�das a�ere not delivered at the nori,�al time. He said he wanted the January 'L8th , minutes ready for this meeting. We did not have any other items for the agerida � because the Comprehensive ftousing Plan was a separate book. , Mr. Scott said this was the first time the Planning Commission hadn't received their agendas well in advance of the Planning Commission meeting, and it was due to unusual circums�;«nces. � � J � ' � ' � MOTION by Wahlbexg, seconded by Langenfeld that the Planning Commission minutes of January 21, 1976 and January 28, 1976 be tabled until the next meeting. Chairman Harris said that a motion to table superceded the mo�ion for approval. Upon a voice vote, Wahlberg and Langenfe.Zd voting aye, Scott, Bergman, and Harris voting na�, tlie motion failed. Chairman Harris said that they could now go back to the main motion. Mr. Langenfeld said it wou1c(n't be in thF best interesi: of the Planniny CnmI111SS;on to approve these minutes vrhen they hadn't been completely read through. f�1r. Scot-t said P1r. Langenfeld should speak for himself. He had read ihe minutes and and was i'amiliar with them. Upon a voice vote, on th� original motion made for approval of the minutes, a11 voting aye, the motioi� carried unanimously. APPROVE PLANNING GOMMISSION SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES: JANUARY 28, 1976 MOTiQN by Scott, seconded by Wahlberg, that the Planning Commission approve ' the Special Public Hearing minutes of January 28, 1976. Upon a vaice vote, a11 ��vting aye, the motian carried unanimously. � ' ' � � 4�EC(i"�1�tENDATTO�� ON TNE 11DOPTION OF THE COMPRENENSIVE HOUSING PLAN ,ti107'ION by Scott, secoz�ded by Wa1�Iberg, that the P1�nning Commission recontu�;�ncI to Cauncil a�ioption of th� Comprehensive Housing P1an as Written. • l�ir. fioardman said we have changed the format so that it was more readable. Wc did make the change tfiat 6i11 Drir�ans suggested by having the goals and objectives in the front of the book. G!e have taken the guess work out of ti�e maps by pufi.ting each section on one map. 4Je have reduced the maps so 1;hey are 1:he same size as i:he balance oi= the boak. We did r,roup all the charts togethe•r ur+der t:hc ap�>��ndices. The n,ans �vei�c� groc�{,ed toc�etf�er the s�me way and the I�ousin� data and iriformation al�ng �vitli the �o��ulation data and infor�rai.ion were a1sc� in the appendices. ' Plannin� Con7mission h1eeting - Fehruar�4, 1976 Page 5 � � � � , � r � � � � � � � � ' � �D Mr. Qoardman said it should be noted i:hat under 1'olicy Development and Implementation Plan on page 1�, vie did add the housing maintenance code. This had bcen left out, and it w�s not our intention to leave this out of the plan. (A,2). Under A, 4, we did have just the con�inuation of the bike��ray/tivalk►-ray plan and 4��e have added the s�udy of oth�r transpori:ation forms. 41e felt it was necessary �o study these also to increase accessibility in the City. Ne said they also made an addition under E. on page 16. 4Je added "The City must realiz� that its zoning policies have a great impact on the long-range development of Fridley. It should therefore examine and judge each proposal for future development for iis effecis on the environment, ti�e Metro region and trie quality of life in Fridley." Mr. Qoardman said those were the major changes in the plan. They also put in bo1�f� the figure and �ercentage ��,here possible. He said that in their low-;:o-moderate income level housing, they had to change the figures because these figures had been based on the structure value only and Metro-Council bases their figures or, market value. 4Je rejuggled our figures to agree with P�etro Counci 1 and IiUD figures, so uae only have 349 owner occupied units instead of the previous 745 units, We now �;�ve 13B pr�oblem units out of the '349 instead of 22B out of the 745 uni�:s. Mr. Scot-t said he would like to amend the motion, seconded by Wahlber.q, to regt�est the staFf to ider�tify .b� title what the charts consist of, and identify the map series by cahat the maps pertain ta, and include these in the table of contents. Mr. Qoa.rdman said they intended to have an expanded table of contents when thi s pl an ��ras pri nted. � Mr. Bergman saicl the motior on th� floor �ti�as a very encompassing motion, and he would like to zest a pari; of it. He said that on page 15 of the Plan he said the three propcsals to ap�ly �:or funds ti�!hich were i.r� riake application to I�UD ior Community De��elopment funds, to make aaplication for Minnesota Housing Finance P,genc� funds and to make appl�ication ror Sect�ion 8(rent subsidy) funds. He said he was a little bit concerned at our last-meeiing. He said ave ali recognize i;he benefits to our community and certainly to selected applicants. However, i;here was a negative side. He said that as he understood it and recallecf i'rom ihe last meeting, for all but Section B�housing, the property involved tivas not taxed at the going rat.e. In other words, the rest of the community subsid�zc�s ihe property tax. This was the property involved in both the I�ii nnesota F-i nance Aqenc,y and Commu�ii ty Devel opment �undi ng, so vre are recon;mending a�:ax subsic�ation pragr�l"l. �ir. Scott. sGid we were not. No �rhez�e in this document traere we recomrne�iciir�g such a p►�ogram. Mr. Qer�gmar sa�d he agreed wii;h I'�1r. Scoit in that it was n;�t so stated in this document, but we are in effect i°econ,mending subsidy progra,ns that were not �oing to be taxed at the gcing rate. h1r. Scott ac�ain said no. Mr. 6oar�n��an said the only properi:y that �vould no� b� taxed was wf�en the Federal Goverrment o��ne� that housing, or the Housing Ruti�ority owned that housirzg. Mr. Qergnian said that under 23G Ilc�using t';e assessm�nt: ratc ��ras only 50��. Mr. Leek said that they had �:o bc�ar in mind t:h��t th� Coi�ipr�ehensive Flousiiig�Plan was not rec���nnending tl�at they apply for Section �36 housing. Mr. Qe►�ginan said they were recom- meiuiing that i�linnesata Fiiiance Agency funds be applied for. �1r. Leck said tl�at hacl nothii�g �o do Lvi �fi i:i�e �tax subsidation p�°og►°ani i:hat P�1r. [3ei°gman �vas refcrri nc� to. ' Mr. l�oardm,in �aid i;nat 1�linilesot:a Ilousing F�inance ��c��ncy «as a subsiuy to be used ���mal;ing lotiv interest housiny ►�ehabilitai:i�n loai�s. lt �v��s a sub�idy A �I �1 � � � � � �� � � � � ' Planning Commission Meeting - Februar 4, 1976 Pa Qe 6 on mortaqe loans and has nothing to do with the tax situation. Ile said that on nac�e 16 under G, they did state that "It is further recommended that the City continually review exis�:ingfed�ral, stateand local programs for commun- ity development funds. The City should make application to those programs for which it is eligible." In this case, he said they would have to keep a continual ti��ai:ch on whai: federaT programs were available, and not just limi� ourselves to tF;r4se i;hree programs. Mr. Qergman said that anotl�er thing that bothered him was the person pre- senting the availability of these funds obviously was in a very posi�ive frame. She talked about the 13 eon�munities whichw�ere already under Section 8 housing. She said this was a great pragram and that next year they plan on having 26 communities participating in this program, and more the follow- ing year. He said that someone else mentioned thai we had already paid our way. He said he had no quarre7 with that, but where was the line betw�en wha�: are have paid for and requ�sting programs that wi11 raise the fiederal taxes. Mr. Boardman said that he thought that you would find that in a deterior- ating community that if sorne action was not taken, this deterioration will tend to continue, if not exhilarated, S�eps have to be taken and monies have to be provided from somewhere, if not from the Federal governmenl;, then either State or iocal government. How much would local governments be willing to spend for the preservation of neighborhoods. He said it v�as pointed out during the pre��ious meeting that if Fridley did not apply for Federal funds, how muc� difference would that make in Federal taxes, as far as t�ieir spending goes. He:said that wl�ether Fridley cur�ailed asking for funds or made applica±ion for funds, it woulcj not stop the Federal govern- ment i�rom allocating funds for certain projects. Pat Brennen said t{�ere had been studies made, and it cost a lot more to rehabilitate areas tha�t were in a bad state of deterioration than it cost for programs of preservation, so if you were balancing these programs, it was much aetter to•apply for preservation funds than to finance a full scale program for det�riorated housing. She said this tvas the League of Women Voters stand. 3E Mr. Scott said he shared Mr. [3ergman's concern the way Federal funds were circled ar°ot�nd in �c���er�increasi�ig amounts, and comm�.�niti.es trying to get their share of f.hese funds. H� thought this problem.tvas best addressed at the ballot box. He t{�ou�ht ��e hacl sufficient problems in our community so that we should take advantag� of federal programs that had alreauy been fur.ded. Ne said w.e shou�dn't deny the people of Fridley �l;he use of these funds just to provP a poii�t. 1 i�1rs. Wahlberg said tha* as long as there are governmental agencies which are out sellinq these pr•ogr�ams to the conui�unities, ti�rhether we cui°e 1:o join them or not ti�ould not affect the amouni: of mor.ey that we aaere going to pay inta tl�ese proc�rams, I� we chose not to join tf�ese progranis, �ve a►�e still � going to be i;axed equally as much. lf �ve don'i:. buy it, they will go out and sell it to som�or�e else, ��r�d vre tvill still e;id up p�yin� for i� no matter ti•�hai:. This t��as the vi;,i��us ci�,cle the c�a��ernnient has placed us in, and in self-•defence, � w� i��ive t,o Cry so�nc�•a��y to g�t: oin• inor�cy bacl:. She s��zid shc thou�llt triis was the levcrage i;hey I�av� be�n usinc� in many I�l�aces. � ! ' �I� � � , ' � � , ' �� � � Planning Commission Meetinq - Februa� �l, 197G Pa4� � 3 F Mr. E3ergman said tha1: he agreed wi�;h many of the �:hings tha�: had been said, and this aras vahy he l�ad brouyht up the subject so it could be discussed in this way. HG said he did not mean t;o imply that he had taken one side or the ol;her as a firm position. I�e said he agreed wii:h Mrs. b�ahlberg, but he did get tired of politicians saying �;hat the public �rras demanding more services, therefore, we need money for these programs. He felt that wi�;h these reconm�2ndations that we were part of that public who were making these demands. He said we were an a�rrfully small fish in the stream, but we were joining. Nir. Harris said that Mr. Gergman liad_�a valid point, and someday the government 4�as qoinq to have to sit down and work out some priorities. He said he was also concerned about ��rhat they had been discussing, but the alternatives, and he was thinking about the deterioration of the City, was not very promising, and we �rould like to help provide the City with well- kept homes. Mr. Ber�man said that private enterprise or personal initiative were not mentioned as alternatives. Mr. Harris said there was an alternative by vrhich privai:e en��rprise coiild do the job, but that would need help from the legislature and that was tax incen�:ives. He said it was his feeling thai you cou1d do away with all rehabilitation.programs if we t�rent to a system of tax incentives. Pat Brennen said that the Michael Servetus Church had some property which �hey ��vould like to develop as senior citizen housing. She asked if anyone c4uld tell her how th�y could ge� federai funding help witf� this. Mr. Boardman said she shouid get in touch with the State HUD office, and see what type of funding was available for private developers of housing for the elderly. Mr. Scott said �;here was a 1976 Area Plan for Programs for the Ageing under Ti�:le ITT. He said she should checH; into that program also. He said it was before the legislature at the prese�it time. - Mrs. �vJahlberg �aid the program she had mentioned last week which was a self-help neighborhood p�an was developed by the Nor�;heast Ki�vanis Club. They appliEd for federa1 fundiny, and the City of h1inneapolis gave matching funds. There was a slide presentation that was available i�f anyone was interested in this. �Mr. Qergman said the proposed Coi7prehensive Housing Plan was very well done. T� was very well organizecl. It has been grtatly improved since the oric�inal draft ti�ras pres�nted. He said he thought the administrat.ive staff sl�ould be comn�ended on the ,nany hours o-F effort and organization and talent that I�ave go►ic i nto thi s P1 an . Mrs. l�lahlberg said she thought it was terrific that for the first time Ft,idley has an understanding of where they're really at. She thought this was something that as a City we have nLeded for a long ti�ne. She felt this t��as really going to be a help to the Appeals Commission. Mr. Qoardman said said that when all the goals and objectives had been developed, then they �vould realiy know tivhere they wcre at. Mr. Scott said th� Iluman Resources Conmiission had yiven their plctudits at the last meeting. Pat Grennc��i� said that r�uy.:e �t,t� h1el:ro Council f,ad done Fridley a service b,y requ'irin� this ilousing P1��n for f'iancfing a��plicai;ions. ��1r. Qoard�i�an said 1�e took a diffcrent view, ile said this f'lan had Leen coming for a long time whei:h��r• �, . .... .... .... . . .. . . . . � Planning Commission Meeting - February 4, 1976 Page 8 _ �� � � ' � � ' � r ' ' � � � � � Fridley �-�as pressured into it at this time or not. It was a matter of priorities. He said ihe prime issues thai: v�ere at hand right now were the goals and objec�ives. I�e said it was just a matter of putting the pi°agram toc�ther and getting it going. He said it miyhi; i:�ke 1;wo or i;hree years longer, but we will get there. UPON a voice vote on the motion as made and amended, a11 voting aye, the mot.i.on carried unanimously. Mr. Qoardman sa.id the Public Hearing on the Eomprehensive Housing Plan before the City Counci1 vaould be on February 23, 1976. Mr. Qoardrr�an said he wanted to commend Ray Leek on his work on this plan. He said he had been working 40 hours a�reek on this plan since last July. Chairman F;arris said he .did a very good job. Mr. Scott agreed that it wa� a beautiful job. DISCUSSION OF COP�u��U�lI7Y DEVELOPh1ENT aLOCK GRANT APPLICATIONS Mr. Boardman said �he deadline for Community Development Block Grant applications ��aas March 15th. We do have to have two public hearings on this application. The Public �-learing by thp Planning Commission will be on February 1B, 1976. We are getting it pretty well organized and should have i1: ready by the beginning of next week. Mr. Boardman said he felt this Comnunity Development Block Grantapplication would be in line with a lot of things thaf. were in the Comprehensive Housing Plan, so the Planning Commission could probably handle this without sending it dovrn to the member Commission;, ,�-art of the reason being time. I�e said we have to get the two public hearings in so we can make application, and the City Council could have its pubi ic hearii�g on March 8th. ThSs w�y ���e vrould have time to make any chang�s before the deadline of P�1arch 15th. Chairman Harris asked aboui; the Fiousing Maintenance Code. t�lr. 6oardman said it was included as a recommendation but it would not be going along with the Plan. Tt will be coming early in Marc��. It will be sent to the Planning Conunissior� and from there down to the member Commissions, probably. He said i:he Compreh�nsive Plan was just a rec�mmendation and as those recommendations were impleii�e►�ted they wo�7d be coming to the F'lanning Commission. Mr. Boardman said he would have Ray Leek give some background on these Community Developmen� Block Grants. . Mr. Leek sa'id he ha� a couple of Federal registers that out'ined the act that sets up Ccn���unit.y Development Block Grants if anyone ;1�as interested in loaking at them. He sai� that esseniially �-�hat the COIT;�,�unity Development B1ock Grant Proc���am wus, v�as a new approach to allo�a�inc funds �hat were already exisi:ing. As one part of the Housing and Community Development �ict of 1974, tl�is Gran+� Program consolidates rumerous special purpose programs into a single package. In other words, funds can be used for a wide range ofcon�n�unity ir��prove��ent pro�rai��s. The program ti�ras administered by I�UD. The�list oi= eligible activities fnr (31ock Grants tha�; each community receives, includes land acquisition, the� making of rublic improvemen�.s which can include such things as installai:ion of storm seti�ers where appropriate, buildinr com- ntunity facilii:ies fo�� �.}�e elderl�/ or fa�" t;fl^ coi,imunity's y��unc�. Another act�i vi �:�r i.h��t w��s nl i e� i bl� v�as hnusi nc� ►°el�abi 1 i�;a1:i�ri, �r�i�i ci� was a reco►nme�icla- �ion iric7:�ded in the ('1�Zn. Code �nforcein,�nt w��s anc�i:l��r elic�ible activit.y. Any unit of local yovcrnment can apply for fui�d�inc�. I�ha1: hanpens in the Sta�e ' Planninq Comrnission Meetinq - February 4, 1976 Page 9 ��� C1 ' � � � of Minnesota was that from the t�asic amount that was available, certain entitle- ment citics and urban counties (Minnesota only has one urban county and that vras tlennepin County) get a certain percentage of those funds. These funds are taken off the i:op and ��1hat was lef� were cal1ed discretionary funds, which every oi;her local unit of government may apply for. That means that whoever makes ap�]ication ��ras in competition for the remainder of those funds. He said the funding would be about two million dollars'this year. Mr. Leek said that each community had to make a preapplication which goes to their regional development commission, which in our case was Metropolitan Council, for revievr. Metro Council sends �:heir reviewal comments v�ith the application on to HUD. This was reviewed by HUD, and if it was found to con- form to the general guidelines and the program was found to be warranted, then that community ��ras invited to make a final application, which would include a housing systems plan, in our case the Comprehensive Housing Plan. 1 Mr. Leek said this was basically the wa�,� Community Development Block Grant applications ti�rere handled and he would try t,� answer any additional questions the Planning Commiss�on might have. Mr. Scott said that last year HUD received 100% more applications than they had money, so there was a lot oi= competition for these funds. � Mr. Boardman said that in the metropolitan area there were three entitlement cities which G-rere P�inneapolis, St. Paul and Bloomington. These and other entitle- ment cities in the state receive automatic funding off the top of the money � availab1e, to c�ntinue certain�;�ro�rar�s that they already have. After these entitlement cities it goes do!an to urban counties. Hennepin County was the only urban county in our area. He said that last year most of the entitlement cities made application, and it ended up that all the communities in Hennepin � Caunty blocked together under Hennep�in County's urban county portion. They . couldn't get any money by going it alone, so they grc>�;:�ed together under urban couni;y, and they all got funded under urban county. .,,. Leek said that after � tMe top had been taken off the funds by entitlement c:t;ies and urban counties, it left 1.2 m�lliori dollars in�discretionary funds for the entire state. He said that meant that only 16 communities oui;sid� of zhe metropolitan area ' received any tunding. Ii: was expected that there wouldn't be much more in discre�ionary funds this year, maybe 20% more. ' N'irs. Wahlberg asked who would make the decision on how muci� money would be applied for and what it would be used for.within the City of Fridley. Mr. E3oardman said that the adminis�;ration a�as writing out certain programs , that �-�e feel wo«ld be eligil�le for application. This wo�ald be sub,iect to the recommendation of the Planning Con�nission and apprc�va� by the City Council. ' � ' Mr. Qoardman said he didn't know if they had any chance of getting any funding but they would have made a start. Mr. Langenfeld asS:�d if Mr. Qoardman could explain then what i;hey meant when they said at the last meeti;�g that Fridley had a top �ri ori ty rai:i ng. ' • Mr. Qoardman said this ��las two different things. tJe are in the top priority as f�1r as housincJ e�ocs, Lut as far as any I1UD Coinmunity Development alock Grants go, t��c were probably sittinq pret#:y low �n the �toi:cm pule. 11p{�licitions arc �iven iiigher pr�or�ii:y i f tiiey relate to housing as to over crowding and i:he � � . � Planning Commission Meetinc� - f'ebruary �t, 197G Page 10 3 I deter~ioration of the housing stock. These are the two criteria that they judge , all dppTications. tdr. Scott said he thougf�t there t�ras morP than that and that they had almost � as complicated rating sysi:em as the P".etropolitan Council. Mr. Leek said he had been i:o a t��orkshop which pertained to applications � being made by communi�ies in the htetro area. The Metr� Council in evaluating the a��pl;cat�ions that come before them have actually three criteria they.use. One was i:ha1: there was a concentration of low to moderate income groups in 1 the comm«nity. Another F�ras that the applications address residential needs in terms of rehabilii:ation. The third t�Jas �;hat there be a stimulation of reinvestments in blighted areas, so tha� programs woultl.not on]y be govern- � men1; subsidized but .«ould have funding. � Mrs. Wahlherg said she didn't see how Fridley could meet the criteria for over crowding or for deterioraiion of housing to get these funds. Mr. 1 Boardman said that ��:as the problem. He said that with i:hese criteria it h�as easier for small towns to meet these criteria than first ring suburb�, but thai did no1; mean that the first ring suburbs weren't having a problem ���ith ho�ising starting to deteri�rate. He said these smaller tovans were oider than � Fridley, so ti�eir housir�g stock was older and there was over crowding so they met the criteria set down by HUD. � ' Mr. Boardman asl:ed Mr. Leek to relate some of the programs that would be mentioned it� Fridley's Hud Block Grant app7ication. � Mr. �eek said that one of the prog��an�s theY were talking abaut in our appl i cai;i on ti�-as the establ i shment and i mpl emer� �a�ti on of the struc�ural. and Exierior ho:�sing maintenance code:, a.nd systemaiic enforcement ofi that code ' in prima�°�r target or primary focus areas that ��rere talked about in t�se Housing Plan. 4ve are also applying for the HUD money for purpase of tlousiny rehab�7- itation. In other words the money t�ou1d be used to help make home"rehabili�cation � iaans within the Ciiy. 41e are also talking abou�: using that samz HUD mon�y to esta�lish counseling or a referral service, ��lhereby there would be a central file of r;sources of wi�o to go to and where to ga if you want help in rehab- ilita�'ing ya�<r home oN r�aking home repairs. This was the major thrust of th�e ' application that we are developing. 4Je did tal�: Ubout a couple of otl��er i;hi��gs. t��e talked about 'che developing and helping to implement an information an� referi°a� service that sei,vices Fridley, this would not pr�clude helping ' an exi s�ti ng servi ce. t�t�othe?^ typt� of program 1;hat we were making appl i cati on for ��as the contii�uation oi- ti�e C�ity bikeway/wai�way system and a st�!dy of an�� other ��er�n o�' transpo� ation and implemen�:ation plan fa� a transportation ' syste,� wi th�i n the Ci ty of Fri cil ey. We were tal ki ng about thc constructi on of a senior• citizen center to provide _the necessar�� serv�ces for �:he Cit��'s eiderly �opulatian. P1r. Qoardman sa�id another thit�g they had discussed was ' tl�e acquisiticn of land in i:he Riverview Heights area. This was in the flood plain area. Mr. Sc��i.t ask�d aboui; i;l�e do�vntown area. h1r. Leek said i;hat when.you talkeu ' ab�::� do�;riitotivn rehabi 1 i�:� ti on proc�rlr�s �Znd i ndustri al ori ented programs, you were tal�.ing �71�L`Ut tlti'0 difi:;ren1; tl�ings. Mr. Scott said he was talking about i�elt�in�� i:he c��mmercial cent��rs in Fridley. He said that an internal transporta- , �.i�r+ sysL��i;i in f=i�id]ey 4•rou]d!�'t ci�� un,y good if yc�u didn't have any place to ,yo. ' � A Plat�ning Commission t�eetin� - February 4, 1976 Page Y� � � ' Mrs, blat�lberg asked if there was any single proposal in this application that was for senior� citizen housing? htr. t3oardman said that at this time, he was not all that convinced that we need a specific senior citizen housing program. He said he ���ould like how the Section II subsidized housing program affected i:he senior citizens in our comn�unity. Mr. Scott said that Wyn7an Smith had already approached the Numan Resources ' Commi„ion about senior citizen housing on part of the Michael Servetus property. Mr. Scoi:t said that ai: the present time, only 2.1/ of the population in Fridley were senior citizens. � � J � � i �' �' � ' � ' ' , Mrs. ��ahlberg said that as she had mentioned at the last meeting, the Appeals Commission G�ras concerned about senior citizen housing, and tl�at although the senior citizen population probably didn't warrant a separate housing program at this time, most of the l and in Fridley was already in use, and she thouyht that land could be se1: asi�e for this purpose, and be used at a later date. She felt that senior citizen housing, in order to be effeci;ive, ��hould be close to shopping and other facilities. She said that a lot of citizens in Fridley had parents who were senior citizens and vrould �ike to have them ]ive in Fridley. Mr. (3oardman said you would have to have a Housing�Authority to provide senio� citizen iiousing, and this was still some where down the line. Mr. Scott said he �hought the items that Mr. Leek had mentioned that would be in the applica�ion for HUD Community Develapn�ent Block Grant funds sounded good. Chairrr�a.n Harris said the only problem w�uld be to get HUD to give us the money. � PLANNING AfdD ZONIfdG INSTITUTE: FE3RUARY 25 & 2G, 1976: "THEY NEV�R LISTEN TO US" Mr. Boardman said that as'many members of th� P7anning Commission who could arrange to attend this Institute session should try to do so: Chairman Harris said he would try �:n arrange to att�nd. Mr. Bergman said he would try to do so also. The other members said they wouTd see ��vhat t�ey could do aboui attend�ing. Mr. Boaruman said they should let him know by February 13, 1976 so that all the reservations could be made at one iime. ADJOURN�IENT : AiOTIO1J b�; L�ergman, seconded by Upon a vvice vote, a11 voL-ing aye, Commissi�n m4�ct_iny af. L'ebruary <�, vote. Respectfuiiy subniitted, � jZ',�..cti� ,±�. ,/' (%r. �f J✓!'it„/ �.,�--_ _ .: � Dorothy EveiJ�on, Secretary Scvtt, that the meeting be adjourned. Chairman H�rris declared the Planning 1976 adjvur��ed at 10:02 P.M. b� unanimous ,I � . MEMBERS PRESENT: CATV COMMISSION MEETING January 21, 1976 Mark Scott, Nanci Wrubel, Barbara Hughes, John Haines, Ken Brennen MEMBERS ABS�NT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Jeff Marcus - General Television Sarah Hayes - General Television John Walkmeyer - State Cable Commission Clyde Moravetz - City of Fridley ,Paul Gustafson - Sun Newspapers poug�a,s Hedin � Attoarney: Hedin, Messinger, Leick., Nudell, Cooper, Haines Chairperson Scott opened the meeting at 7:35 P.M. 4 ' I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF DECEMBER 3, 1975 CATV__COMMISSIOPd MEETING: , Mr. Marcus stated he would like to make a number of corrections to the minutes of the December 3 meeting. He stated on page 3, . the first sentence should read: Mr. Marcus stated it was in the ' best interests of General Television to have subscribers on both services. , Mr. Marcus added another correction should be made on page 3, paragraph 9. The last sentence of that paragraph s�ould read: If they get that commitment, it would make it much more feasible. Mr. Marcus stated another correction should be made on page 3, the fou=th sentence of the last paragraph. The sentence should read: This would allow them to cherry pick from any program available on the satellite. Mr. Marcus added a correction sliould be made on page 5, paragraph four. The sentence should read as follows: Mr. Marcus stated if they could continue to boost their subscriber count, GTV would probably be interested in expanding. Mrs. Hughes stated that as she had not yet read the minutes of the December 3 meeting, she would like to table this item until th.e next meeting. MOTION by Barbara Hughes, seconded by Nanci Wrubel, to table the approval of the minutes of the December 3 CATV Commission meeting until the next regular meeting. Upon a voice vote, all vating aye, the motion carried unanimously. II. AISCUSSION ON REC�NT PAY-CABL� DEVELOPMENTS: Attorney Douglas Hedin stated the first question �aas "May the city receive 5% of the company's revenues franits Cinema III operations?" He explained the only reason the � � � � 4A ' CATV COMMISSION MEETING PAG�: TWO city has any claim to any revenue fram Cinema III in 1975 was• because the filters were not installed until the beginning of this year. He added the FCC stated that local franchise fees may not be placed upon pay-cable revenues. Mr. Hedin stated since the Cinema III subscribers were also ' receiving the basic service, it was his feeling that the city can claim 5% of the $7.50 por.tion of the $9.95 which went for local origination. He added there was not much of an argument for the city to claim 5% of the remaining $2.45 which went for the Cinema III. The only argument would be that the company had illegally raised its rates to $9.95 without informing the city. He felt, ' therefore, that the $2.45 was exempt. He stated the city could claim 5% on any installation fees. However, advertising was not a part of the gross subscriber revenues. Therefore, the city could not claim S% on that. Mr. Hedin explained the FCC has said very little about the relationship between the basic subscriber service and the pay-cable. They did suggest that the pay-cable operator take the revenues from this and use them for local origination. He added for 1976 the city has no claim for 5% of the $9.95 to Cinema III only subscribers. He explained Mr. Herrick shares a different feeling on this. MOTION by Barbara Hughes, seconded by Nanci Wrubel, that the city notify the company that the 5% revenues from 1975 will include installation fees, monthly service charges, and $7.50 of tIze Cinema TII only monthly service charges due as of Marcfi 1, 1976. Mr. Haines stated he�would like to see the company and the city try to resolve the problem with the least amount of peaple as necessary. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The Commission asked that Mr. Herrick be advise�' to look over this in accordance with his letter dated December 23, 1975, and that it be on the agenda for the City Council meeting. Mr. iiedin stated the second question was "Does the offering 1 of the Cinema III channel, without the public service channels, violate the provisions of the city's Cable Television �ranchise?" He stated he felt this did violate the ordinance. , , ' � ' , � ' ' � �J ' , � „ CATV COMMISSION MEETING PAGE: THREE He explained GTV�s lawyer may have a different interpretation of the words "subscriber" and "capability". He felt it would be a futile exercise to try to determine what the Council meant by these words when the ordinance was written. He added his interpretation was that the word "subscriber" included pay- cable. Mark Scott sug�ested tiie Commission give the company a date to come into compliar_ce with �the ordinance. Mr. Hedin added, if the company has a strong argument that they are not in violation, the Commission may simply ask them to amend their ordinance. MOTION by Barbara Hughes, seconded by Ken Brennen, that the city inform the company that the company is in violation of , Section 405.253 of. the Cable Television Ordinance and rvquest that the company inform the Commission by February 11, 1976 �wr�.q�g of their intentions for coming into compliance with the ordinance. Mrs. Hughes statect she wouZd like it noted in the minutes that this is based upon the strict interpretation of the words "subscriber" and "capability" from the ordinance as reflected in the memo. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, THE MOTTON CARRIEA UNANIMOUSLY. rir. Hedin stated the third question was "Does the company�s present aperation of the Cinema III channel violate any of the rules of the Federal Communications Commission?" Mr. Hedin explained his advice would be to join the public ' service channels and the pay=cabZe. He recommended the Com- missio'n not file a petition with the FCC as that u�ay delay a decision for an indefinite periad of time. , Mr. Hedin also informed the Commission of the 90 percent rule which was in effect at the time the company bought Cinema IIT. �Ie adde.d this is a part ot the cable television system, and ' it falls within the city's jurisdiction to see to it that the FCC's rules are enforced. ' MOTION by Barbara Hughes, seconded by John Haines, that the city notify the company the Commission has note�. on its sub- scription cablecasting operations that the company is not in full compliance with Section 76.225 (d) - 90 percent Rule -(FCC) ' and that the FrzdZey Commi.ssion expects the�company to come into compliance by April 1, I976. ' � , Mr. Marcus stated GTV has plans for children�s programs, concerts, etc. He added these types of programs were simply not avail- able previously. He explained it was his expectation they would have these films by ApriZ 1. 4C CATV COMMISSION MEETING PAGE: FOUR Mrs. Wrubel aske� whether Mr. Marcus had actually sought these types of programming previously. He stated' yes, he had. However., they would not be available for a certain amount of time. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, THE MOTION CARRTED UNANIMOUSLY. III. DISCUSSION ON THE PRQGRESS QF THE ANNUAL R�PORT: Mr. Brennen read aloud the first draft o� the Commission's annual report. He stated he had to condense the material given to him by the other Commission members in order that the report be kept to a maximum of two pages. He commended the other Commission members for the fine work they had done in assisting ta�th the xepo�.�, A copy of the report will be sent to each Commission member no later than the week of January 26. IV. DISCUSSION ON THE COMMISSION�S SURVEY: Mr, Scott stated the community schools, the Anoka County Com- munications Workshop, the Anoka County Library Board of Directars, General Television, and the City of Fridley will be asked to formulate two or three questions to be incorporated into the survey. He stated he would contact these organizations as soon as possible in order to meet the March deadline for the completion of the survey and annual report. Mr. Moravetz stated the City would probably like two questions ' incorporated into the survey: (1) What percentage of the citizens view the govern�ent access channel, and (2) What percentage of the citizens view the Council meetings. , V. DISGUSSION ON LETTER AND STATEMENT FROM ATTORNEY, DAVID GOLDMAN: Mr. 5cott asked the Commissian to refer to the memo he had � written to Mr. Moravetz regarding this matter. He added most of tlie time spent with Mr. Goldman was in conversations dis- cussing whether or not Mr. Goldman had a conflict of interest. � , , , , Mr. Moravetz stated he could not authorize this payment of $250 since he had r_o proof of anything accomplished by Mr. Goldman. Mr, Brennen felt this matter should be referred to the city attorney. MOTION by Barbara Hughes, seconded by Nanci Wrubel, that the Commission convey Mr. Goldman's letter and statement along with Mr. Scott�s ?etter to the city att4rney and ask him to consider what liab'iliLy the city might tzave towards Mr. Goldman. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � � , CATV COMMISSION ME�TING PAGE: FIVE V. NEXT M�ETTNG DATE: The next CATV Commission meeting will be held on Monday, Febr.uary 9, 1976 at 7:30 p.m. VI. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Ken Brennen, second�ed by Barbara Hughes, to adjourn the CATV Commission meeting of January 21, 1976 at 10:00 p.m. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the n�otion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, r� � Holly onsager Recording Secretary ICATV COMMISSION MEETING .� ' ' ' � � � �• �I i � 'I T. . February 9, 1976 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Scott, Nanci Wr.ubel, Kenneth Brennen, Barbara Hughes MEMBERS ABSENT: John Haines OTHERS PRESENT: Mayor William Nee Councilman W.R. Starwalt Paul Gustafson - Sun Newspapers C�yde Moravetz - City of Fridley Douglas Hedin - Attorney: Hedin, Messinger, - Leick, Nude12, Cooper, Haines John Walkmeyer - State Cable Commission Nasim Qureshi - City Manager Chairperson Scott opened the meeting a� 7:45 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES QF DECEMBER 3, 1975 CATV COMMISSION MEETING: MOTION by Kenneth Brennen, seconded by Nanci Wrubel, to approve the minutes of the December 3, 1975 CATV Commission meeting as corrected by Jeff Marcus at th.e January 21 meeting. Upon a voice vote, aII voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JANUARY 21, 1976 CATV COMMISSION MEETING: ' MOTION by Nanci Wrubel, seconded by Kenneth Brennen, to approve ' the minutes of the January 21, 1976 CATV Commission meeting as wxitten. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimouslq. �iII. � DISCUSSION OF PROGRESS MADE ON RES�LVING AREAS COVERED IN THREE MOTIONS MADE AT JANUARX 21 MEETTNG (PAY-CABLE DEVELOPMENTS): The Commission reviewed the niemo from General Television's attorney, Edwin Carpenter. \ 1 p, Discussion on first motion: (That the City notify the company that the 5% revenues from 7975 will include installation fees, monthly service charges, and $7.50 of the Cinema III only monthly service charges due as of t�larch 1, 1976.} � ' , Mr. liedin stated stated the facts were that some peopJ_e were receiving four to five months of free regu].ar service. He again stated he did feel the city had a claim to 5% of that amount. Mr. Hedin added that what General Television has done is 100� opposite of what the FCC has said. The FCC was afraid that some cable TV companies would hide the pay-cable in the regular service. I�e explained General Television has hidden the regular ser- vice in the pay-cable service in an effort to save 5%. Mr. Hedin stated because it appears that so much of the revenues are coming from pay-cable, he would have the Commission consider asking the City Council to petition the FCC for a waiver of its rules and ' 5A � CATV �OMMISSION PAGE TWO 1 have the S% extended to receipts from pay-cable. � Mr. Scott stated he was willing to stand on the first motion made � by the Commission at'their January 21, 1976 meeting. � Mr. Hedin stated this would depend upon getting informatidn from the company as to how much of its monthly revenues are derived � from the pay-only service. Mr. Scott stated his main concern was not the amount of money, � but that pay-cable is now different than what the FCC envisioned. � Mr. Scott asked whether a petition at the FCC Ievel couZd be with- drawn. Mr. Hedin said yes. � Mr. Scott stated he wanted to take a strong stand on this. ' The Commission agreed upon the following statement to be made in conjunction with the first motion made at the January 21, 1976 CATV Commission meeting: �l , We have advised the company of what revenues will be liable for the S% revenues and they have responded that they do not agree, but it is our determination that their arguments do nat go to the point of our determination. We are advising the City that in the review of the books of the company, the City is justified in claiming these ztems as listed in the motion. Also, that a bill be sen.t to the company for that amount of money followino the audit, and if the company con- tinues to d�sagree, they have several optionsc 1. Use the $50,000 performance bond • 2._ Sue the company 3. Although �ve thinlc it is premature at this time, the FCC could be petitzoned for a waiver of the pay-TV revenues for 1975. The Commission is sLudying what would be involved in waivers �n the pay-TV revenues for 19�6. B. Di.scussion on second motion: (That the Clty inform the company that the CompanY is in viola�ion of Section 405.253 of thP Cable Teievision Ordinance and request that the co►�ipany inform the Commission by February 11, 1976 in �riting of their intentions for coming into compliance with the ordinance. Mr. Hedin stated tne City Council could (1) petition the FCC for r� waiver, or (2) amend the ordinance. Ms. Hugt�es asked Mr. Hedin whether he felt General Television's ar�ument had any validity. He said no. Mr. Brentzen stated lie did not feel it would be good for the City to proceed witti a petition at this time. Iie added (1) We haven't the documentation of the extent to which Cinema III has suppressed the regular service, and (2) GTV has recently ilired a local orig- ination d_ir��rtor, �nd they could use this as an argument to show thst r.hcy are tryit��; *_o build up the primary service. , �. l_ � � � � � , .� _ J � �� CATV COMMISSION PAGE THREE Ms. Hughes stated this may be a process the Commission may want to use at the end of the year. The Commission agreed upon the following statement to be made in conjunction with the secondmotion made at th.e January 21, 1976 CATV Commission meeting: We ure advising the City Council that we have informed the company that they are not in compliance with Section 405.253 relating to public access channe�,s for subsczibexs. The company has advised us they dq not agxee with our interpretation. We are advising the Council that we still consider the company in violation. Secondly, the ordinance required all subscribers to receive these channels. • �i�irdly, this is an area that is preemgted by the FCC, but exactly which specific points are preempted are not clear. We suggest that the City advise the company that they must come into compliance accord- ingly to the procedures laid out in the ordinance in Section 405.29, and that the Council set a special hearing date as soon as possible for making a determinat:ion of whether or not the company is in eompliance and that the normal procedures (as outlined in the ordinance) will follow. C. Discussian on thir.d motion: (That the City notify the company the Commission has noted an its subscription cablecasting operations tha� the company is not in full comgliance with Section 76.225(d) - 90 percent Rule -(rCC) and that the Fridley Commission expects the company to come into compliance by April 1, 1976.) The Commission agreed upan the folZowing statement to be made in con- � junction with the third motion made at the January 21, 1976 CATV Commission Meeting: � We are advising the City Council that we have notified the company that they are out of compliance on the 90% Rule (FCC) and we ask that the City Council set a special nearing date the same as for motion two on this issue, and that not?ce be given and that the procedures outlined � in the ordinance then be followed for notification. Also, that if the company not come into compliance within 90 days, that the City advise the FCC that the company i_s out of compliance in a formal petition. � The Com:mission would expect the City's obligation. ta cease at that point on tnis third section. � � � � Mr. Hedin stated he felt the Gommission should tell the City Council about the problems of arbitration. This may leave them in a very difficult bind.Because it involves several areas of law, it is a very suitable mechanism. IV. AUDIT OF GEN�RAL TELEVISIOI�' BOOKS. FOit REVENUES DUE MARCH 1: MOTION by Barbara Hughes, seconded by Nanci Wrubel, that the Commission inform tlie appro�riate city officials that the audit must include number of installation fees and costs, monthly service charge infor- mation for basic customers and Cinema III-only subscribers. Upon a voice Vote, all votin,n, aye, tlie motion carried unanimously. �_1 � � V. � � ' � � CATV COMMISSION PAGE FOUR DISCUSSION DF MEMO FROM MAYOR, DECEMBFR 11, 1975: PUBLIC CHANNrL UTILIZATION: Mr. Brennen explained the workings of the Anoka County Communica- tions Worlcshop . Mr. Scott stated he had done some investigation into expenses. He explained if the equipment were housed at General Television, the cost would be approximately $6000 t.o $7000. The City would have access to this equipment Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. He added the 1'ibrary at this time has a modulator and a monitor, so approximately $1500 of the cost to house theequipment would alread}* be ta'•.en carP of . The. p�iblic *,aould have access to rhis six days per week.. If the equipment were housed at City Hall, there would be access six days per week also. Mr. Scott further stated he d�d not feel the schooZ district would be interested in housing this equipment. Mr. Scott elaborated on the expenses staiing if the equipment was housed at the schools or City Hall, the cost would be approximately $6500. Also, if the library or General Television housed the equipment, the cost woulc3 L-e �pproxa_mat:ely $6200. 5C Mr. Moravetz stated if the Commission�s survey indicates most citizens � do not watch the governmeizt channel, possibly message wheels could be set up in lieu of the character generators. This would be more attrac- tive to the viewers. � � � Mayor Nee stated the Commission or the Councii could presenta proposa]. to the School Board in an effort to improve communications in the community. Mr. Scott stated even though the Cammission is in negotiations with General Teletii_sion, the Commission would be happy to approach Jeff Marcus and ask his ieelings on this memo. He stated the Commission could make a proposal available to the Council in March. VI . ANNUAL REPORT Mr. Brennen stated he wou�.d rriak� the final ct�anges and submit them to the secretary �s soou as passi'ble. � VII. SURVEX: The Commission discussed each of the Foss:_ble questions to be Iincluded in the survey ar.d made tlie necess�ry changes. � �'L � � � CATV COMMI5SIUN PAGE FIVE �III. NEXT MEETING DATE: 5D The Commission set the date for the next CATV Commission meeting tentatively for March 4, 1976. � X. ADJOURNMENT: � MOTION by Ken Brennen, seconded by Barbara Hughes, to adjourn the CATV Commission meeting of February 9, 1976 at 10:50 p.m. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, ) • < _ �� ,�..i� Holl Tonsage � � Recording Secretary • I �. -_ � ��_�'�� � , � NAh04[� Gi.CANT (iOR7'1077�. I �HFY W.IIAVCR9TOGKiiiEtINGD) ANKI�N O. GAA'� ANY. VI. i'lAN�1�� JR. JOHN W.lROOTY � I .��r/E7�1 M, ANUF.RSON �.VIN R. ��OOTY � :'i9Ell M. C7EryNETT �hiTON A.SCHROEDEH I EOWARD J. GALLAHAN�JA. ROOEFZT L.NEI.IANU ME.`i S. S�MONSON HI2Y i2. HE��NFMAN IGMhRp N. �LtNT ..�ICNAEL P. SUII�VAN CURZ�S D-�ORSLUND I 41Gf1A�D A. DOWMAN NUCE D.Gf7V`+S�NG �ST[YEN WILSON OHN 5. C�UUGH I � CRA�G L.VOLLMAR �DA'J10 7. HENNETT I � M.r. Mark Scoti:, Chairperso�i FridJ.ey Cable Comn�ission �'ridley City Hall 6� 31 Univer. s ity I�venue Nortrle�st Fridley , Minnesoi:a __ _ _ j. , v� . � � t i.��..�+ �/ � � . �JYj , .! �� � �:. \.. � ,r� �- � G� �- �. 4` -- , �'� ,� � r, y.�. <� ' GRAY, PLAtJT, h'�OOTY & ANDEI�SON � LAW OFFICFS 340 ROANOKf �U1�D�NG � MINNEAPOI.�S� MINNCSOTA 55402 TEIEPHONE i��1"L) 3�41-95U1 Februa2-y 9, I.976 I ' Re: General Te]_evzsion ct Minnc�sota, Inc. Ucar Nr. Sc�att: �pWING.CARAENTCF �INOLLY S. t112ANSON JONN W. T�/tEl. JeFFREY R,(>ROOK�� � CANIF.L �. St1l1Lti1AN MICHAEL R.CItNNING��n'� ANORF:M1 G• �,:'-t.CEN 1i1CHARD A. MOCJF2E�.I�i. . JAMC.ri H. LANUE STEPHEN .:. �hYDLf2 JEFf'REY J.KE.rFS �pLDEPIGK� J. GEHHA427 W�{.1.IAM L.✓.�1L10N KRISI'EN C. NEISON JOHN P..IAMES JQSEPH D, BOLTON � CLI2ABETH W. NOR1'ON JOHN G• MGSHANE W.TODD NAGGART BRIAN L.BOVSEN Oi' GOVNSLL AL� L.BERGERUD E��'�ARD J. CALLAHAN. iFt, As counsel �o General T�levisian of 2�tinnesota, Inc. , k�e are writiny so that you will be fuZly ar�d unniistaker.Iy a�,�are �� General `1'elevisio�l's legal �osi.tion i_n de�endi.ng aga�nsL your Commission's a]-lega�cions thai� General Te�.evisian has violated tl_e 1'r.ic3lcy cablc i:elevisicn or_dinance. �Il r�viewiizc� ynur letter to Jeff M�:rcus of January 26, 1976, and �he m,cmar.�t�dum o� your attorney, Mr. �<�uctl.as Il��clin, dated Ja11u�zry 21, �.�J?G, c•rhose opinions you have a�oE�teci, .����5� ��,�,�,�z �c, lic ::hree areas of contxoversy : �.• 7�i1C C.l.i'-}� �:i ��il)l.. i.1.i 1� ?:C) a.!`i7iia.�.V 1.I11�JCl�:I� lt i j`�i f:xanchisc iec c��l �c�vciiucs r�'i:ci�rcc3 Z��.� GC37('r�i� Tcalevision ixo,^ ciisto:r,�:7-:: ��,t7o r�: c�iv� ti�e Cinema T'�I ser_vice on?.y ,:t i t t�r. suc.h customers have elc�r.a�ed to ui.scozai:intzc� t.t;c� rec;ul�:r sub_ scribcr serva.r-� . �, 2, The City's alai.l.iL}J to ?r�c�.i:.!�� rc�c:�t�it-e G��nu7'al , Tclevisi.o>> to :+cas<' .f:rc�r;i oi ..��riiyq �tnd }�ravid:ng , Ci.nema ]::CT o��►J.}� sc::vzr�c• ! r� ctr�:i:�n�i:t-s �v:i.i:t!out also providinct '�i�c� ��t�i.fl.i.<: :;c�2-vic-c ci��nn�l� tc� 1:hose I � C �2 S ��Ii1L i S . , �� � � . ' ' � Mr. Mark Scott February 9, 1976 Page Two 3. The City's ability to enforce Section 76.225(d) of the Rul.es and Regulations of the Federal Communications Commission. � In each of these areas, the Conunission has answAred in the affirmative and charged General Television with violating the ordinance. ' I1 , �� LJ � I� �, �u � J � ' � �J ' It seems c.Zear that the position af both the Commission and Mr. Iiedin on question numUer one results from a misunder� standing of what has been the policy of General Television since it commenced operations in Fric?ley, as it cannot be questioned that the present po.licy is in the best interests of the customer. In tize event any customer requests that his service be disconi�inued, no matter th� type of service, the customer is no longer billed for that service from the date of the request, even though he continues to have the ability to receive th� se�-vice until actual disconnection. As it is impossible for a customer to be "disconnected" the sarne day that his request for disconnection is m�ade, the Company beli�ves ti�i� best policy to be �ollawed is to no longer charge the customer for that service from the aate of reques�. The same policy prevailed during General Television's promo�ion in the rall of 1975, with which I assume you are familiar. Wit�h r.cspect �o those customers who el�cted to r�tain the Cinema IIT service on�y, on the date of the rec�ucst that the regular subscrii�er service be discontinued such customers were no longer �harged for the regular subscriber service in accordance with the long standing policy of General Television as outlined avove. Dioi-eover, the ordinance provides that the only revenucs subject to the franchis� fee are "grass subscriber revcnues", whicl� �rc c3cf.i.ned zs i-.ii�:;e r.cvenucs derived trom regular subscriber servicc. 11fi�er a customer. requesi�s tl�at he no longez receive the regulzr subscriber :��rvice, he is no long�r charged for stich service . There£orc , thc�rc �ire no "gross subscriber r�vc�iiues" upon which to imposc .� i:rar�r_llise fee. Tha� Ger..eral Tt,-'Z�V1SlOI1 consistently i�rcateG �.li�� cni�ire $9, 95 as revenues from the Cir�ema IZI service OI11y i:, evident �rom the fact that �he royalty paid the movze di_.tr.ik���t-.or� during this period was based upon revenues of $9.95 I?�r cu�Lomer per month. Mr. �iedin's position wc�ul.ci t>.� :.�mewI�at more defensible- had the policy of G�neral Televisi.�t� .ilw.�y:s veen to coni.inue to 1 , Mr. Mark Scott FeUruary 9, 197G Page Three � collect from a customer tize normal charges until such custom�r was actually disconnected. This, howTever, has never been erhaps General Television's policy. At the risk oi repetition, p another example w�uld bc helpful. Assume that tcac customers requesi: disconnectian of the regular subscriber service, one of wYiom had been receiv�.ng tlie regular subscriber service only and onE of wnom had becn receiving the regul.ar subscrik�er service plus the Cinema III. From the date of �uch request, General Television, in accordance �aith the present policy, would continue tc charge the second cusLomer ior_ Cine;�,_:: III only whil� charging the first cusi�omer noth:.ng. It is difficult to see how this practice violates i:he prohibition against� preferential or discriminatory practices. In iact, to adopt the CGmmission's and Mr. Hedin's position would constitute a clear violation of this prohibition. The second area oi controversy is, as you state in your letter, the heart af the dispure betwc�en tne Commission and General Television. Basically t���o questions are involved: 1. Whether the crdi.nance allows the Cinema TII service only to be ofLered by Gen�ral Television without th� public sexvice channeis; and 2. Notwithstanding a violation of thc ordinance, wheti7er offering Cinema _III s�?-vice only i:s authorized by the Federal CO1lU:li1I11Cc1�lO:1S Commission �n a manner whicl� prcempts local regulation. If th� answer to either of tl�e above i:���o c�u�stions is in the af£irmative, General Tel��Tisian's presc�nt; practi.ces cannot be subjeci� to comp].aint bs' thc Ci_t� . With respect to t?"ie L-ir� t c�ucstic�n, rir: Hedin concedes that tlZe or3iri�nce is suujcct t.c� c�.ifferi:ng inter_�retations. To begin with, in v�-c�� Ui ti��: 1�C�' "s L-�t:�l preemp�won c�f and �rohibition of any ?oc�l r.c�c�ul.ation r�garding pay cable, it is difficult to see how thc tC1Il1 "su���criber" could include a pay eable only customer. Secozidly, Section 405.253 of the ordinance requires only that a subsci'ik�c'r' s home have ttie capabi].ity of receiving the public acc��ss ct;annels. Capabili:ty daes not mean that each suUscriber n��ust act�u.ill.y receive such channels. . fi 12at;ll�r, capzbility Il1(��I1S Lllat if a subscriber wishes to pay �or such ch<:�nnel.s, he i:tlen car. .rece�_vc s�ach cYiannels. , � � � �� ' Mr. ria.rk Scott February 9, 1976 Page Four ' Regardless, howevcr, of the wording in the ordinanc�, it is quite clear that tize FCC has preempi�ed all a�pects of pay cable. Mr. Hedin docs noi� quarre7. with this. As I trust you are aware, in its Repori� and Order adcpted February 2, 1972, the FCC stated that "it is this Commzssa_on that must make the decisions as to condi�.ions to be imposea on the operation of pay cabl� chann�ls ...." The FCC went on to say that "w2 think that in this area a dual f_orm of regulation ��ouZd be r.onfusing and i.mpractical." The FCC has uncquivocally�stated that cable tclevision systems ar� author�zed to conduct pay cabl.e operations, that local authorit.�es are preempted from interfcring with such operations, that local franchise ter:ns regulating pay cable are inoperative, that local fees on pay cable are prohibited, that imposition of a local franchise fee an pay cable revenues is prohibited, and that the local regulation of pay cable rates is prohibited. What the Fridley Commission is attemPting to do in this situation, of course, is regulate pay cable by imposing conditions on i�s operation, i.e., that such service cannot be offercd except irz connection with �h� public service cYlannels. That this is a forr.� of requlatiar� o� pay cable and is pl"OY11h1.tCC� by the �'C:G seems toa clear to bzlabor any further. I£ any doubt r.enains in your mind, hawever, we would suqgest that an interpretaticn be obtained from the FCC. ''� The'ordinance requires i�hat any cab]_e television system F�il must arerate in accordance with ktie Rul.rs and Regulatior.s of -h F d �l Communications Commis:,ian. See Sectian 405.321. ' ' ' �. I L_ l ' �. e e e.r� This, of course, is a tTao-caay strc�c�, applicable no� only to Gene�al Tclevision, but also to i:h�� City. Yet Mr. Hedin advises the Commissio�.i to adopt, and thc Camsl�issi.on appears t.o have adopted, the position o£ nec7lec l-. i.nc; the rCC en the rationale tl�rit any r.uli.nc� from i:hc I'CC �aoulci bi� .:<Ivcrsc to t.he Cii�y. 7`his cour_se of �ctios� c:ould hati�c se�_io�ls 1Ttl}��1C�1�;1J?1S, k�ot':i for i:he Cit.y and G��:.<.�t�.�l Televi:�ion i» the E'CC cc�tiFication process. �4e r_�-�nnet� advise our cl.ient to cvade the c:li,ar pronounceme:r_ts o:f- t:1�c ?'CC in this :r.ai��e7�. We d`� not� Uelieve tliat zi: is i.n t?i�� bcst .i.nt:erests of the City of Fr.ic�lcy to do so eith�r. . �ti'i_th respect to thc third major area oL contenti.an, rteiih�r t;}ie Commi�sion nor_ tlzc Cit1� has :�ny rec�ulatory powers under Scci:ion 7G.225(c�?, and any attempt by cithcr thc Com:nissioi� or thc Ci t��� to r.cqi�l.ate the CGP,Ii��ill�% unc:cr such 5cctioi� t�:c��i],ii Ue i.c�c�L�ective. Noriethel��ss, �hc� Compariy is n.lakii�cT i: i l:�rts ta��.,ird co:111.11CJ inta co�upl.iance witl� tlii.s Section. � ' ' � � � ' � _� ' ' � ' ' � � , � Mr. Mark Scott Fe}�ru�ry 9, 197G Page� Five The Commission's posture in this controversy appears to us to be not only legally in error, but also not in the best interest of the City. Additionally, we are puzzled by the actiorls of L-he Commission in view af the fact tha�: the ordinance es�tablishes the Commission as an advisory committee to the City Cauncil, to advise and assist the Gity Council upon all matters affecting the CATV syst�m in the City. On the other hand, Section 405.29 of the ordinance authorizes the City Council, after a hearing, to determine oahethez tl�e Company is failing to perform and carry out any of the provisions o� the ordinance. If a violation is claimecl, notice is given and the Corr,pany has ninety days in wl�ich to r_emedy any f�ilures. tahile this section provides the rudiments of due process, the Commission has prc-- ceed�d without semblance of dtie process and determin�d zhat several violations of the ordinanc� exist, dernanding that corrective actions be taken. Whether the Commission is empowered to proceed in this manner is highly doubtful; but, more importantly, it appears that the Commission has become an adversary body rather than a cooperative body of citizens seeking to work with a cable television system �o k�romote the best interests of the City and the cable telev�sion customers thro�gh construct�_ve suggestians for prograitu;li:�c; and other operatiens . 'I�hes� goals � are very di�ficult to accomplish in ail atmosphere of hostility, accusatory chargps and advcr_se publici�y. � h'e would prefer ta resolve the present controversy short of the pral�nqed and expe��sivc formalities required for the City Council to determinc whetI�cr a violatioi� of the franchisc has in fact occurred. While Z am previousiy corrunitted to a teachii�g engagement this evenii�c�, which I understand is your requ�ar�y sch�du�.ed meetirig date , I am ��repared to meet �oith you and the Commission memb�rs at any ottier �ime i�11at is canvenient to you. I Juelieve t:ha;: furthcr disc.��sions ai-c nceded on this matter in orc�er that y�u may �ulZy ui�c3cr����►�d our position and in order that we may make every ai�teml�t l���ssi.b:ie to resolve any differences that exist. You musi� unciei°_�L-anci, how�`�ver, tl�iat a cable te�evision company must make �s �;ul�st�.��nti.al inves�ment of capital' in order to build a sl�str.m ai:�i m�i:;t aperate in �.n � enviroilment of substantial gover_nn�ol�t�i� i:c�c.3ulation wiih compliance requirements ut �ach 1ev��l c�t ct�vernment. This invesfi.m�nt of capital cannot ;�e cnci;i��c���rcci l�y an intentional or careless violation ot applicaUlc 1,��•., .�r�c� 1:licrefore tae must caution you tha+- we w�Il n�t� :�civi:.� o��r client L-hat it do anything demande3 by i:lie Ci.ty oL 1'ri.3lcy or• c , - . �._ � J s � f '� i Mr_ . Mark Scoi��. � February 9, 1976 ' Pag� Six � � � le television comr,tission which violates the Rules and � its cab � Fegulations of the Feder��l Comriunications Commission or other 3 applicable laws. ` �' � . � Ver.y trul_y yours � i_ � . , a . ... Ldwin . ar��?� v� � • �� ECC/bjs . . II, � cc: 2�ir. William Nee� ,; Mr. Timothy I. Breider, : Mr. Ed���ard Fitzpatri�k, � :z Mrs. Carroll �Cukowski, � ; � Mr. Wal.lace R. Starwa�t� . , ; _ Mr. Na�,im Qureshi, and =i Mr. Vir.gil C. Herri�cK . _ � - � � ` ' _ i . ' .. . I ' . � . . _ . ' . � , � .. . _ . � � � . < . � , �' .. • ' ' . � � � ' , � � �', �, � � �4 Lnw OrricEs 1154 EAST GRAIN EXCHANGE �UIIDING 412 SOUTH FOUf7TH STREET MINtJ[APOLIS, MINNESO7A 55�:15 DOUGIAS 1..�1iED�N WILLI/�M F, MESSiNGER C►41715SftJE� b1. LEICK LIS[3EThi J. NUDELL PETE:Ft L COOPER ANDREYV W. HAINES M�or.AlvnvN T0: FRIDLEY CABLE CONfiviIS5ION FROM� DOUGLAS 1�. HEDIN SUl3JECT: 1� 'ALYSIS OF GENERAL TELEVISIOi�t' S ' C:�.NFMA rII OPERATIONS TELEPHONE: 612/333-3481 I. FACTS . . 1. Facts. General �levision offers the citizens of Fridley three subscription options: (a) the regular service for which i:he monthly charge is $7.50; (b) Cinema III for cahich the monthZy charge is $9.95; and (c) the regular service plus Cinema III for wha.ch the ma�thly charge is $16.00. A subscriber to Cinema IiI receives approximately twelve first-rur. movies each month and is able to receive over-the-air �aroadcast stations. A filter at- tached to the suuscriber`s set prevents reception of government, education and public access programmin.g. . 2. Questions. (a) M�y the city rer,eive 5% of the company's revenues from its Cinema III operatior.s? • (b) Daes the offering of the Cinema III channel, without the public service channels, violate the pro- visions of the City's Cable �? evisic�n Franchise? I � , • _' ., °�;; �y � �. I �. . �.. � � Memorandum . Page Two (c) Does the company'� present oFeration of the Cinema III chann�l violate any of the rules of the Federal Communications Commission? ' �II. �'RANCHIS� FEE 3. Franchise Provisions. Under Section 405.05 of the franchise, , the cit receives 50 of the company's annual "gross subscriber . y � � � revenues", which are defined in Section 405.011, Subdivision 9 as "those revenues derived from regular subscriber services but not including advertising.. l.eased channel fees or other fees derived from non-subscriber services.° Under franchise Section 405.224, the company must notify the city of any proposed rate "change". This section applies to insta�iation and monthly service charges, but not to subscription • cablecasting rates. The city has reserved to itself the right � io approve or reject the requested rate °change" i.n the last �" sentence of this section. A rate change may be either an increase or a decrease, While the city may wai��e review of a rate de- crease, it certainly has tY±e authority under this section to review ar.y decrease in the monthly service charges which would so substantially reduce the compar�y's gross subscriber revenues � as to make the city's 5o portion miniinal or almost none�:istent. The company, of course, has never notified the city that it pro- posed to r�duce zhe monthly servicQ charge, which is now $7.50� �or one outlet in a single-family dvaelling. Franchise Section 405.261 prohibits preferential or discriminatory � pr�ci:.;4c4s . � The last sentence of th?s section provides as follows� _ �. Mcmorandum �` Page Three � �`� . •t "The company shall not, as to rates, charges, service facilities, rules, regulations or in any other respect ,� make cr grant any prefercnce or advantage to any per- � son, nor subject any person to any prejudice or dis- • advantage." � � 4. FCC Rules. The FCC has defined the term, "regular subscriber service", as used in Section 405.011, Subdivision 9, to mean service r_eguiarly provided to all.subscribers, including broad- cas-t signal curriage, designa�ed access channels and origination programming, but excluding subscription cablecasting. Clarif ica- �:ion of Rui��s, 39 Federal Register Z4288, 14297 (April 22, 1974). By FCC definition, the term "gross subscriber revenues", as used a.n Section 76.31(b) of its rules, which govern municipal franchise fees, includes: "...�nly those revenues de�ived from the supplying of regular subscriber service;_tnat is, tne installation fees, disconnect and reconnect fees, and fees �or re- gular cable benefits including th� transmission of �� � broaacast and access and origination channels if any. It does not include revenues derived from per-program or per-channel charges, leased cr,annel revenues, ad- vertising rev�nues or any other income derived from the system." Clarification of Rules, supra, at 14298. �. Thus revenues derived solely from Cinema III are not subject to the 5� fee because that revenue would �e derived from a per- � r,hannel. eharge which is exempt from the�Zocal franchise fee by the FCC. 5. Compar.y Practice. Until approximate�y the end of 1975, a subscriber to Cine*_na iI� received tl�e regular subscriber service in additinn to aboat twelve motion pictures each month and paid � $9.95 for �Lhese scrvices. . � � � � �� Memorandum . page Four � . , :� _� . 6, City's Fee for 1975. The company apparently claims that the $9.95 received from the Cinema III subscriber in 1975 is entirely exempt from the city's 50 levy under the federal rules described earlier. Essentially the company claims that the 5ubscriber paid $9.95 for the movies and nothing for the regu- �ar subscriber service. The company.has never proposed, pursuant to �ranchise 5ection 405.224, that the monthly service charge I� for the regular subscriber service to the Cinema III subscriber be decr�ase<:; from $7.50 to zero. Of �reater �mportance �s zne fact that such a preferential service to one class of subscribers contravenes Franchise Section 405.261. For both of these rea- sons the company's argument is without merit. I it is my opinion that the city is entitled to receive 50 of the �- ��irst $7.50 ($00.375) received by the company from a Cinema III I subscriber who also received the'hasic subscriber service in � _ �� 1975. The remaining $2.45 is exempt from the city levy. The i� city cannot claim a percentage of $2.45 because it never authorized . an incr�ase in the m,onthly subscriber fee beyond $8.00. (Actually I� $7.50 for a single-family dwelling and a possib].e-$0.50 increase 3.n the near future. The figures mentio-ned in this paragraph are for the first�outlet of a single-family dwelling, and must be varied for other classes described in I'ranchise Section 405.222.) ?. City's Fee in 197G. In ear,ly January, 1976, the company began instaZling a speci��l filter wh?ch will prevent the Cinema i � I � , i � :� - . '! i , � Memorandum Page E'ive III subscriber from receiving the regular subscriber service. For this movie service, the Cinema �II subscriber will continue to pay $9.95 each month. L'nd�r the federal rules described above, revenues derived soleZy from a pay-cable channel ar� not subject to the city's 50 levy. Tt is my view, that the city may not claim 50 of reverrues derived.solely from Cinema III subscribers in 1976. 8. Potenti�l FCC Ruling. Th� FCC has recognized that income fram auxiliary services such as pay-cable eventually may con- stitute most of the cabl.e system's rzceipts, and has stated that it "has no intention of depriving the franchising authority of a reasanable percentagP of th�se receipts at that time." Clarification of Rules, supra, at 14298. If Cinema III sub-_ scribership cont�_nues to burgEOn, and revenues from this special- ized service make up the bulk of General Television's receipts in 1976, the city should consider petitioning the FCC for a1.Ioc�ance to rea�ive 5 0 of the compar�y's "gross �evenues" which would include subscription cablecasting receipts. �� 9. Recommendation. For Galendar 1975, the city is entitled to I' receive 5 o ef the followir_g revenues deri.ved from the co�npany's Cinema III operations: Installment fees �nd monthly service I� charges, c�efined in Franchise Sectior. 405.222, paid by the Cinema _ III subscrii�ers, who also .received the regular service in 1975. � Any receipts in e�cess of the monthly s�rvice charge are exempt. I � I � 0 �Y � � ��y � ,. . � � � . ' � � 0 Memorandum page Six St is recommended that the city notify the company immediately. of its position in view of the fact that Franchise Seci:ion 405.05 requires the company t� pay the c�ty its fee prior to ' March 1, 1976. III. LOCAL FRANCiiISE PROVISIONS � AND�CINEMA III OPERATIONS 10. Local Franchise. Discussion of the local ordinance must commence with Section 405.011, Subc�vision 6, which defines "subscriber" as "any person who has a contraci: with the company for service." Determination that this def?nition applies to a Cinema ITI-only subscriber is important because that wiZl trigger the application of SPction 405.253, periaining to the gublic service channe?s. - I� is my opinion that the definition of "subscriber" se� �orth in Section 405.011, Subdivision 6, $nccmpasses a Cinema IIl-only subscriber. There are two reasons for this conc�usion. First, and most importantly, such a subscriber in fa�t has a service contract with the company, and therefore com�s t,rii,hin the literal terms of the definition. Sec�nd, the FCC has nevEr• differentiated bet�veen pay--eable subscribers and regular service subscribers. T}le fact that pay-cable is beyond the jurisdiction o� the city does noi: mean that the ��ard "service" as used in Subdivision 6 means only regular subscriber service and r�oi: subscription cable- casting. � _ _ , _. , � , i � Memorandum Page Seven Several months ago, the FCC stated: "Subscri�tion cablecasting involves �he closed-circuit cable television system distribution of�non-broadcast programming for a�hich the cable television system subscriber is charged an addii.ional program or channel fee beyond the regular monthly fee far the system's television signal reception." First Report and Ord�r, 52 F.C.C.2d 1, 2(1975). (Emphasis added.) � This statement indicates that the FCC envisioned subscription cable as supplementing the basic subscriber service, and that a pay-cable subscriber simpiy was a regular subscriber who paid more per month for extra services. � a � 11. Under Franchise Section 405.253� Subdivision 2� "each sub- , scriber's home shall have the capability of receiving" the public , I � service channels descri.bed in Subdivision 1 of that section. A�ter the in�tallation of the new filters, a Cinema III-only subscriber may r�ceive only the special movie channel and �he o�;er-the-air broadcast stations. Such a subscriber's home does r.ot haye the "�apability" of receiving the public service cnann�ls describ�d in Section 405.253, Subdivision 1. The Cinema III fi3.�ers pre- vent this mandated public service capabili�y. Section 405.253, �herefore, is being violatecl by the company's failure ta provide public service channels to the Cinema III-only subscribers. � r � �� � � ,.1�. 1 ,, Memorandum Page eight ].2. Recommendation, If the Cable Commission accepts the analysis set forth above, the Company should be informed im- mediately of the Comm�ission's belief that Section 405.253 is being violated, and in addition be requested to advise the Commission within several�days of its position. If the eompany fails to accede to the Comr,iission's demands, it is recommended that the City Council "determine" th� company's violation of the franchise, in acco��ance wit}i the procedures in Secticn 405.29, and notify the Company tha't it has 90 days to come into compliance with the franchise by providing the public service channels to the Cinema III subscribers. Z�J . FCC RULES AND REGULATIONS AND CINEMA III C�PERATIONS 13. FCC rules can be reasonably interpreted ta require � General Television, which is a cable television s�.�stem.within tlie meaniiig of 47 C.I'.R. Section 76.5, to r.arry the various public service channels de�ignated in Section 7G..25I to a1? Cinema III subscribers. The FCC has expressed the view that the pay-cable suk�scr�_ber is an individual to whom the operator �� has certain mandated public service obligatior.s. In its First ' Report and Order,su ra, the FCC rejected the suggestion by �� broadcast intere.si:s that pay cable operators be limited to one � I � pay cable channel per system and be required to originate non-pay programminc�. Th� FCC stated: � ;�� ''I� � �V `YV� ` I I,'.�� � , � � 0 Memorandum � Page nine Gable television...does not make use of - broadcast frequencies and has extensive channel poteni�ial. Substantial public ser_vice obligations are placed upon cable . television by Sections 76.251 and 76.253 . of the Rules, which require that channel space anr.� production facilities be made available for government, educational and � public use. We see no interest. to be served by restricting the numbEr of sub- scription channels to one per cable system . and by requiring non-subscripti.on programming on pay channels where sufficient channel � space is available to meet pub]_ic service prog'tamming needs. First Repc>rt and Order, 52 F.C.C.2d at 4S (i975) The FCC therefore will not impase further publ.ic service obligations on the pay cable operator because it believes that the existing obligations in Sections 7G.251 and 76.253 are enough. Preswnably, if the pay cable operator had no obligation to provide publa.c access service� to its subscribers, the FCC would not have made this statement. The present controversy, of course, has arisen precisely because the Cinema III subscribers do not have the cax�ability of receiving the public service channels. 14. Tf this analysis of the rules and policy of the FCC is acce��ted by the Commission, it may seek redress by petitioning the FCC for an Order to Sho�a Cause to be issued to the company. If issued, this Ordez wouid require the Comapny to show why it is not in viol«tion of the fede.ral rules and why the relief sought by the city Co:nmission shouid not be granted. � � � � _ � ��� I � I � I � � � Memorandum Pag� ten. 15. There are four reasons why T recommend that, at this juncture in the controversy, the City and Commission avoid seeking redress before the FCC. First, the FCC has never �addressed itself to the question of whether its own rules require a pay cable operator to provide to its subscribers the public service channels and service. Because the questions raised by any Fridley petition would be of first impression, the FCC might enlar_ge tr� proceeding into a time- consuming, larger inquiry �nto this �ype of operation. A decision, in any event, would not be quickly madP. Second, there is no federal counterpart of franchise Section 405.253, and this makes the argument for federal violation less obvious than that made earlier for violation of the local franchisP. Third, the FCC has preempted the area of pay cable and any local regulation of rates or service is inoperative. First Report and Order, 52 F.C.C.2d at 67 (Z975}. It is advisable to avoid all preemption claims by placing primary emphasis � upon the company's vialation af specific provisions of the local. azdinance. A local reauirement that pay cable subscribers r.eceiv� the public service channels would not be a regulation of subscription cablecasting. Fourth, the attorneys on the staff of the FCC, with cahom I have consulted, are not so easily persua�ed that a pay-only system violates Section 76.251. For these reasons, T recommend that the present controversy be determined Uy ref�rence to the local tranchise. 0 � I �,: i Memorandum _ Page eleven 0 0 V . NIN�Ti' P�RCENT RUL� 47 C.F.R. Section 76.225(d) 16. FCC RulES. Section 76.2�5(d) of the FCC's rules regarding subscription cabl.ecasting provides as follows: Cable television system operators or channel lessees engaging in origination or access cablec��sting oper- ations for which a per-program or per-channel charge is made shall comply with the following requirements: ... (d) Not more than ninety (90) percent o.f the total cablecast pr_ogranuning hours shall consist of feature films and sports events combined. The pE�rcentage calculations may be made on a yearly bas:is, but absent a show�ng of r�ood cause� the perc�ntage of such prograrruning hours may not exceed ninety-five (95) percent of the to�al: cablecast programming hours in any calendar month. This rule prohibits s�abscription operations from devoting more than 90 � af their subscription programming 1-iours to feature films . and sports combined. Tt is designed to encourage diverseF � different and innovative programming. ' �I i If 50 hours of movies are presented .each morrth or� Cinema III, Section 76.225(d) requires the company to show a minimum of 2.5 hours of non-film, non-sports grogramsr and, on a yearly basis, an average of 5 hours per month of non-film, non-sports programs. '� ?7. Cinema III. Because only movies are presented on Cinema � � � IZI, the company is i.n violation c�� Section 76. 225 (d. j. Gn Tuesday, January 13, 1976, I spoke to rir. Marcus about this matter and he ac}:nowledged that his company was ir. violation of the 90� rule established in Sectian 76.225(d). He stated that he was in the process of negotiating with film producers to obtain other programm�.ng, including children's programs, which would enable him to satisty this federal requirement. � r, Memorandum �� � ' � � � ` Page twelve . � Programs from the designated access channels, if present�d on Cinema TII, wou'ld enable the company to satisfy the minimum 'i ' • � • requirements of Section 7G.225(d�, although the city wo uld not '� require additional coverage of this type. ',-� ��.g. Recommendat�on. It is recommended that the city notify the company that if it� subscription cablecasting operations �. �are not �n fuJ�l compZiance with Sectior� 76. 225 (d) prior to a date certain, the city will petition the FCC for an Order � to Show Cause wh the company should not be found in violation Y ' of the federal rules and be ordered to ceas� xrom this�violation. ' ' I , Respectfully, . �w`��• �, "�-s'� � Douglas A. Hedin � � January 21, 1976. I ' � � • � ' � ' � � � � �� ' � �,--� . I �' r:.� � � . � ' ' , ' � i � ' � � 0 S60-3450 0 V�4�Y � �6��Q� . • � � 6431 UNIVERStTY AVENUE fdE Mr e 3ef f Maxcus General Televisiom 350-63r� Avee NE Fridley9 MN 55432 Dear Mr o 1�Sarcus o ANOKA COUNTY 0 CR(DLEY, MH�ItQ�SOTA 55421 � �anuary 26, 1476 This letter as �o cl.ari�£y thre� motioi�s made a,L• Lhe January 21 y 197G F�a�dley Cable Comm:i.ss�.an meet•ing �egard- ing the memorandum ���pared by �ir.. Dau��.a� Hedin. I wi1l. have a copy of the minut�s from tha�.meet�ing torwarded Co you as soon as �hey are f�nished. The first mota�on �.s as �oiTows: MC�TT.ON bS�� �arbaxa Hughes9 seconded b�r INanca. Wxubel.s tbat t:h� ci�y »otiS:y the comgany �ha� �lae S% re�ea�ues f�-om 1975 wi.l�. �.nclude � instaliation fees s r�onthly servi:ce char�es s and $1 . SO of ithe Ginema III �niy mon�hl�r service charges due as aS -Ziarch 1, 1976 o I am sure 9�!r e Marcus s ilia� this motion � s intent is made cl�ax �n �Ir a ldedin's memor. andum . I t: �.s understood �iy �he Commissian tha� i.he C3_ne.ma ZiT revenue. iEor 197fi is clearl.y exemp� fxom any local. or s�a�e ze�ula- tione The secox�d mot�.on is as f ollaws : MOT_IUN by Ba�:bar. a Hughes, s�conaed "by �en Brennen, that L-he ciGy inform Che company that �he company is �n vioiatio�� ai Secrion 405.253 of the Cable Television Qrdinance and requ�st ti�a� �he company inform Lhe Cammissian by Februaiy lls 1976 in wra.ti.ng of their intenrions for coming ii.to, complianc=e with �he or�'inance. Th�s area is the heart; o� the dfffer- ence in s�ervice �hat tgie city exgects General Television to be providing, from what the eompany is indeecl provic3ing. As stated af ter the nee�xng on J�.nuary 2I , I will . caJ.l you on the 6th of February to confirm any pio�ress you liave u�ade. This item, along with the o�her two motions will be on �l�e agenda �or February 9. T have xequcsL•�d L'haL• I�iro kiedin`s �re�arandum be on txie City Council's a�;c:nda tor February 23e �� tl�a� time I hope all areas of di�fcrence have been' taken care of or tli�zt a sol.uL-ion has been dacided on and :Ls bcing cow�lied with. (cont.) . a0 g � ��ef f Marcus - � FROMt Maxk Scott - �-gAGEa TWA ' The �hird mo�ion is as followss MOTION by P,arbara Iiughes, seconded by John iiafnes, that Che cit•y notif•y the company the Cammission has noted on its subscription cablecasting operations fihat the company i_u not in full co�pliance with Sec�ion 760225 (d} � 9� Pc�r.c�nL• Rule (�ede�al Communicati.oras 6ommission) and tlrat tl�� Fri.dley Gomm� ss�.on e�cpects the��co�a�any to camc= int'o comr].a.ance by Apxil ly 1976a Af�er discussing Chis at i:he January 21 mee�i.n.g, I feel a salur_ion is alread}T unde�hand. A pro-- gxess x�poric oil thf.s ma�te�r at the �eb�uar.�t � me�La.ng �tbul� be ap�rec�.ated e ��,eas� ca��. ��. �ox� any e�uestiabis o� discuss3.oi�. yo�. �ta�► h�ave o S�.ncei e�.y , . ��iE�/ . ����,:��x �-- '�fja�k S c o t, t: � Ci�a�xp�rson �x�.dley Gable Cammission 1�� - �c e g�iX a p�ugla.s Iiedira • ,At�nrr�ey � C 0 _• f . �1. '�1 � .� ' ,�� , ' ' ' ' `'.� � , 0 560-3450 ���b a ���1� � � � ANOKA COUN7Y 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 February 10, 1976 � Mr. Jef�rey A. Marcus . Assisfiant to the President General Television 350 - G3rd �venu� Nor�heast � . Fridley, Minnesota 55432 � � Dear Jeff: . I� am wri ti ng you wi th reference �o Secti on 405.06 of the City Code which requires tha� General Te7evision must , file a statement prepared by a c�rtified public accountant at the ti m�e nT payirent of i ts annual fees . Thi s staiement should show in detail �he gross aPerating revenues as defiined in the City Code. The staterr�nt shouid inciude a separation of the gross s�.abscribpr revenues for: i. Installation fees 2. The $7.50 mon�hly regul ar servi ce fees 3. 3he first $7.5Q of the �G.95 monthly Cin�ma Three . only subs�rib�r fees . Any other info��n�ation you feel may be pertinent should also be t�ncluded in this report. � If you have any questicr.s on this report, please contact r[ds�l f, t�asim M. Qureshi , City h�anager, or Clyde l�loravetz. Very truly yours , ' �' ����°'�.'3..�.'�.'t'� �"�„i','-4„'b`�'a'�,.�-�.. arvirr"C. Qrunsell Asst. Ci ty Mgr. /Fi n. Di r. t�fC6 : s h �ttachment cC: Nasi;n M. Qureshi City ;4anager C]�de Moravetz � 0 6 I. CHARTER COMMISSION January 20, 1976 MEPZBERS PRESENT: Charles Langer, Elaine Knoff, Ole Bjerkesett, Raymond Sheridan, Harry Crowder, Clifford Ash, Ken Brennen, Robert 0'Neill, Herbert Bacon, Roy McPherson MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Jerry Ratcliff, Peg McChesney, Jackie Johnson, John Swanson Marvin Brunsell - Finance Director/Assistant City Manager Chairperson Sheridan opened the meeting at 7:32 p.m. OATH OF OFFICE: Mr. Brunsell led Mr. Charles Langer in the oath of office to fill out the unexpired four-year term of Edythe Collins as a member of the Fridley Charter Commission. II. COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Sheridan read aloud a letter from Karen Johnson who had been appointed to the Charter Commission bq Judge Gillespie to fill out the unexpired term of Joan McLaughlin. Ms. Joh.nson stated in her letter that she would be unable to accept an appointment to the Charter Commission at this time due to other responsibilities. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES �F NOVEMBER 18, 1975 CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING: MQTION by Elaine Knoff, seconded by Ole Bjerk�sett, to approve the minutes of the November 18, 1975 Charter Commi�sion meeting as submitted. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ItI. REPORTS FP.OM OFFICF:RS : , �� � � � �� There were no reports from officers. COMMITmEE REPCP,TS: Section 5.02 - EXPENDITURES BY PETITION�RS The Commission agreed with the revisions of this section as sub- mitted by the committee members. Section 5.03 � FURTHER REGULATIONS The Commission agreed with the new section 5.03 as wr.itten by t��e co�nmittee Tnembers . T1r. Bjerkes�tt stated the committee had added the wor.ds "in �COIIt.� i �.," � � ' CHART�R COMMISSION I�IE�TING I ' PAGE: TWQ accordance with rules established in Section 5.03" to the end of th.e first sentence of Ser_tion 5.13. He added this was intended to bring this into accordance with state statutes. Mr. Brennen stated he felt the word "procedures" would be better than "rules". The Gommission agreed. Section 5.08 -- INITIATIVE BALLOTS Mr. Ash stated it was the position of the committee that the ,, City Council should be responsib?e to resolve the inconsistencies in case of i_ncorsistency Uetween two or more initiative ordinances approved Uy the electors. , Mr. Bjerke:�ett stated if this was not satisfactory, the petition route was still open. The change reads as follows: In case of znconsisrency between two or more initiative ordinances approved by the electors, the ordinances shall not go into effect until the City Council has had 60 davs to resolve the inconsistencies. The Commission agreed.with this change. Section 5.19 - INSTRUCTIONS T'0 PETITIONERS Mr. Erennen stated this section requires that the City Clerk pr.ovide written instructions to every petitioner. P1r. Sheridan stated this section is now making it mandatory, wnere it is now just administrative procedure. Section 6.04 - SUEORDIi`VATE OF�TCERS , Section 6.0� - PURCHAS�S AND CCNTRACTS Section 6.06 - CONTRACTS, HOW LET In reference to Section 6.04�, Mr. Sl�eridan stated the Commission was som.ewhat surprised tha_t the Council did not like the idea of ttze city attorney beino �ppointed t�y the City Manager, He added, if i:his is not adopted, the Commission still has the option of. putting �t on the ballad for election. Mr. Sheri.dan stated Section 6,OS, as it was changed, will insure that it is in accor3ance �aitti state statutes. If state statutes are altered, the Charter will still be up-to-date. The Commission agreed on all of th�se changes. � i , � �J ' 1 � � �_� � � , �� I , � ' CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING PAGE: THREE SECTION 7.04 - PREPARA.TION C!F ANNUAL BUDGET SECTION 7.05 - PASSAGE OF THE BUDG�T SECTION 7.14 - ACCOUNTS AND REPORTS I�r. Sheridan stated it was the positian o.f the committee that the City Councii leave these sections as they are presently written. He added the city has not bee:� able to obtain the necessary figures.from the county in time. Therefore, they have had to table the item of f:he budget. Ms. Knoff asked Mr. Sheridan whether this was a legitimate argument. He stated this was a valid argument. Mr. Ash stated the City Council is not acting by the Charter. He stated the buclget �s a valid piece of information which the people need to make decision,s in an election ynar. He felt this could be a very key political issue. He added he would like to think about this matter for awhile to `onsider the issues. Ms, Knoff suggested putting this issue before the electors. She added the Commissior�ers could give tY:is issue a lot of public relatians. Mr. Sheridan suggested adding a provisi.on rE.qu.iring the county auditor to have such inf�rmation available at an earlier date. Mr_. Crowder felt the city should justify or detail any increase in budget. Mr. Ash stated his main concern was t�.hat a budget exists at the first City Council meeting in August; and a1�o that i.he Council proceeds to discuss the budget at t.iat m.eeting. fie suggested if a budget is not submitted at fhat meetina, th� C:�ty Council would not get paid. Mr. Sheridan stated liis committee woulci give i:h�se sec�ions more thought and get back to the Commission at the next meeting. Section i0.05 - RAT�S AND CHkRGES Section 10.Q6 - PROVISIONS OF FRANC�?ISF.S Section 10.09 - PUBLIC H�ARINGS Mr. Brennen stated his committee had decided that both the words "public utility" and "franchisee" should be included in these sections. He added his committee had locl�ed up the definitions nf the words but could not find any distinc�ions. HotiTever, they are treated differently. the Contmission agre�� with tYie changes. � i � 1 I � � , I , � 6C CHARTER CCIMMTSSION MEETING PAGE: FOUR MOTlON by Ole Bjerkesett, seconded by Harry Crowder, to approve the following reports: 5.02, 5.03, 5.08, 5.19, 6.04, 6.05, 6.06, 10.05, Z0,06, 1U.09 as amended at the meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. NEXT MEETING �AT�: The next Charter Commission meeting.will be held on February 17, 1376 at 7:30 p.rn. ADJOURNM�NT: MOTION by Clifford Ash, secondedby Ken Brennen, to adjourn the meetiag at 9:05 p.ra.. Upon a voice votey all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, � , !i �- f „ � ., �_ '.�!�f c'. /� •,1 � c '� - � ir-- L� Aolly �``onsager �;�' Recording Secre�ary � , , FRIDLEY CI`�IL SERVICE CO!�]idIS5I0N Annual meatin� Februm�ry 1Q, 1q7� 1 The meeting of the Fridl�y Civ�.l Service Commission was called to order at 8 p.ra. � ' , , �_� , , � , , �J , � ' � ' Member� present - Dan Sullivan, Jean S¢hell, and Helen Treuenfels. Helen Treuenfols was elected to �erve �s secretary. Old Business - Police teB� and elig3bility ros�er All members expres�ed s�tisiaction with tha quality of appliaant� and results of th6 test. Motion was ma�de by Jear. Sehell to Porma2ly approve the eligibility listo Seconded by Helen Treuenfels - passed unanimously. I�d�vi*t�usiness Update o£ Civi1 SerwicP Rules Dan Sullivan requested a reviEwal o£ pressnt civil eervice oommi,��ion rulos, ta elim�ate areas �a� conf2ict wi.tri other s�a�tutes, and �rith nago'�i�terl rightse Aiscussion of pracc:dure. Mz�. Fiill �uggested that we hirc� Mr. Cy Sr�ythe to draft a �et of rules whi�h ke could s�pprove or amend. Ne eaid tha�t F�r. Swythe is an exper� in the f'i.eld, anc� is aurrently drafting eivil service eom�is�ion rul�� for :�aplewood. Helen Treuenfele au�gested that the commisaian do some rsse�rcn on their own, euch a� obtainin� copie� of rule� �ram other communitie� to �ea now they dif'far. � II � , 7R ,—2— '� Jean Schell amked that i�ir. Hill contact thr.ee or Pour ' co�nmunities to �et copies of thair rulss, and that � different aet of rules be forwardeai to each member of the � commi�aion to study. They will be diacuased and exchanged at the next meeting. N�,r. Hill u�;reod io ob�ain the , eopies for us. 1 Mr. iiill brought fi.o tha commisaion a letter �rom Lt. Rick requestin� � waiver of residency requirement. .' The waiver was �ppr�vad by the commission, subjact to 2. , etipulations� � That it ehould be effective only ae lon� as th� � publio s�fety direetor deems it woxkable; That the �ommissian roserve� �Eh� right ta review , . .. in case of a f1a.�ure raas,�igrimen�Ce The �ecrei.arv was instruc�ed �o wri�e €� let�er to Lt. Rick ' ' relaya,ng the decision. ', �lee�in�; ad journed at 9:15 p.m. � , Reapeetfizlly submitted � He].en Treueniela, sac�y � , ' � , ,I � , ` � ' ' MEMO T0: Richard N. Sobiech, Public Works Director MEMO FROM �homas A. Coibert, Assistant City Engineer MEMO DATE: SUBJECT: February 19, 1976 Final Acceptance of Heather Nills 2nd Addition ' Past records on file indicate that the City forces have in:�;�ec%ed and accepted the sanitary sewer• and water faci- lities as of April 2, 1973. The attached infarmation received ' from the Contractor, H& S Asphalt, and the Consulting Engineer, Comstock & Davis, Inc., indicates they have inspected and veri- fy that the storm sewer fiacilities and streets have been con- structed and placed according io the Plans and Specifications as � approved by the City. Through additional inspections by Public Warks personne], thesz s�atements have been verified. , , ' � ' Therefore, the Engineering Division recotr�nends that the City officially accept and maintain the above mentioned faci- lities with the stipu]ation th�t Paragraph S-9 of the Special Provisions of the General Requirements of the P1ans and Specifi- cations for Heather Hills 2nd A�dition Street and Storm Sewer Tm�rovements (f�lay 1974), regarding the period of guarantee, be a�hered to unt�l P�ovember 1, 1976. If, at that time, a final 1t1Sp�Ct10t1 proves satisfactory, authorization to release the 100% maintenanc� bond st�ould be granted. T��:ik Attachments � �-----r. C��OSTOCK � i��!/�S, tNC. 1446 CCILiF7TY RO/lD "J" MINtd�APOLtid, MiNNE9QTA 6b4�t Y�Ie.t 7&S.S34r� C�f��U�T6R�� E��9�EE�S January 23, i976 Mr. ��. Coltx�r� A ssis�a�,� Gitq �n��e�� City ai �'ridl�y 6431 U���ersitq Avenu�9 NoEo Minn�apQl3.s 9 I�4i�nsa��o�a a543� Re: 5�ax-� See��� and Street Trapx�c�����nt H��t�t��� k�3.11s 2nd �.ddi.�i,o�a M e T e C� ��anno� a Owri�� _ { ltiJ 8 A .(l; : � �� � ; � ;^.�'"� R 1 � '? "�'.' ' 1'�� �:_,? �:�".. �L; Aea� Mro �c�lbe��: � Enclo�ed c��rewith i� a let�er fro� the cox��rac�Gox�y H&�!is}>ha�t, cext-ii}�i.ng . that th�y have ca�plet�d �he �onstruGr3on on �he.a.bove reference praject in acco�danc.v w3t� the p].an.5 and specificatioxs�. Th�.i� seape of the work �.r�volved the in�ta.11at�on of �he.sta� �ewer, �I�e consfix�uc�io� o� tYi� "�ridley Modified" concrete curb a�d gut�er aaad th� b�tu.nair��u5 st�eE��e " The g�ading and i09�fli3�7L@1'� b�h�nd �.he curb ig i�e3.ng dor.,e i�y r_�ie de�re].ope�s . M. S. 0' Bana�,an o � Also �nciosed9 ar� ��i� fallowYn�; �o�u�er��s �oa�. yc�ur rec.o�dsE � Tes� of Ba�e E1�g�e��t� . . Density Test c�f Compact�� Ti.I3. Stoxai Sewer �u�pec�ion Te�t . WeigIxt sl.ips �or bitumindus m�t�c � - ' Origi.n�l pla,n and profile she�ts co�r�cted �c� sl,iaw "as�-bui.ii.sft information. The total ton�ag� shawn �n the weight slipa reflects adec�ua�e bir.��minous materia�. t� construc� the bituminnus pavement �o th.e requirecl. thickness i.n accordance with the p�ans and specifieationse ' Na formal bids were handJ.ed through this office9 consequently, we did not process ,�ny estimates to �he contractor. Zd� did �easure and compu*e the final quantities and this infoTmation was furnished to both the developer and the contractor. . We have inspected this project and find the work to be substantially in accordance with the plans anci speci�ications. �� ' SK/pmp Encls. ' cc:ancls: M.E, 0'Bannon File Very truly yours, COitiISTOCK & DAVIS, TNC. $y ,.' %��' ,;. :r-�,./�i-� . . . . . . Stuart Kinports a. , � . . • . . . . , , . . . . • V L � � • BITUNIINOUS ��� � A S P � A L. � � C� d � � � �: . � � , CONTRACTOH� ' . ' • READY 1SIXED 5400 lndustry Avenue hi, W., Anaka, Minn. 55303 x�,nCK �roP Phone (612) 427-4900 . • selvn ..' � ; • �RAVEL _ . � � s FtLI� � . .. . . .. �. . � . , '� _ . .. . . . - _ . . :. _ � � � � . � . . Jauua.ry 22 S �,97& � � _ , . i- . . . . _ - _ A��n. �kig� Y��.�ps �� . . . ' _ . - :. _ . . . � Goms�c��T� & A�vi�s p In�o _ : _ l�+�F �vu�aty �oac� J ' . _ ' � � MinnAataQ7.i,� 9 Iui�' 55�32 . - : . '. . . �. `��. hea�I��r I�i�.�.� — se�Qna. :�aa�.��.o�-� . _ . : . � �ridley s NAd . : _ . � ��a� M�� �a.upcix�'cs : ' _ . : �� , . .- We i��ve campi�t,c�d ca�s��°ue�ion c�� :'�erry Cix�cle Y.r�nl Kerr,y l�ane `� . ' . �o th� cuZ�d��-�ac anct Y�rri�' �,arxe �'��m ��er�'y Ci.�c1e �l.o -�he south in � acco�danc� �r%tk� p�an� a.n� sp�cs a� �x�apax�d by Co�istacic & navi.s in .. accor�dance �ri�h lin.� �,ncl. gx°a.de� a.s st��ec�.. i� th� fielc3� The toi:a�. amoua�� a� �he grojecv was ���,�6ge15 �.z�d �a �hig da.te $�5526g.JL5. a.s - . ... : :., = ow*�d �:o I� 8� � A$�h�,� �y l��.l�� QBAaz�.non> . - . . �: _ . ... : . . . : . ' :;ir�e�rEly� s . . : � . ' . - . _ . i� & S ASPHAJ.,� (=0M!'ANY . . , t;r � ,%% . . . . :� �. � },• ��.�� r . . � , � . . � ��� � . . .. . . . � � . � �Jil�ia�tt B. �Iil.lez . . - � : �'�.G� P�e�ident . :. . � � _ ' ' . . .. _ _ � . '. . . . . :. � . �. ' 0 � . . . � . . . . , . I '• , � � ' I� �J ' � � � ��rsor�v� ro� No. A R�SOLUTICIv TO 4DVI�RTIS� T'OP L3IllS -- l�ORT111�LL 11IR COn4PR�SSOR B� IT RIs'SOLVrD by the Council of the City o� 1�'ridlc�y, as �ollows: 1. Tha�; i1; is in the interest o� the City to a.���ard Uid con- tracts :fcr. the follr�wiri� items or materials: PORTABL� �IT� C014PRI?,SSOR 2. A copy o� �;he specificatior_s for the above descriUed a.t�ms �nd materials, toae�;her �,�ith a proposal for ihe method of purchas� and the paymer.t thereof have been presented to the COL111C11 by the Ci�;y I��anager and the same a� e l.�reby a�provcd a.ld adopted as the plans and specifi- ca�ions, anc? the meirod of acquisit-.on and payment to be required by the City with respect �o the acquisition o� said items and materials. 3. Th� purchase oi said items and mat�ri_als as described abo��� shall be e�'fected Uy sealed bids to be received ancl opened by the City of Fridley on t11e 4th day of Marcli , 197G . The City D-ianager is directed and a.uthorized to adverti_se for. the purchase o� said items ai�ci rnaterial.s by sealed bid pl oposals under notice as providcd Uy la«� and t}�� Clia�°ter uf tl�e City of rridley, �;he notice to be suUstantially in form as th�.i� �ho4yi� by Ezhibi�t "A" attached hereto and made �. par� herea� by reference. Said notice shall be �ub-� lis�Lecl at l.east t«ice zn tlle o�iicial newspaper of the City of I'ridley. � PASS�D AN� �DOPTED F3Y TH� CITY COL'NCIL OI�' TI-IE CITY Or' �� FRIDLE�' THIS DAY OF , 1976 A'1'TEST : CI1'Y CLL;iIi - 11:�1iV I P; LlitiNSLLL � ' I ' It4�YnR - lVIL,LT.�i,1 NE� � ' CI�'Y OF rRIDL�Y g � r � � BID NOTICr for PORTnT3LE AIR CO'�1PRTSSOR E�'IiIT3IT „A" � The Ci.ty Council of the City o�' l�ridley, ��Iinnesot;a ��ill accept sealed bids on Por�;aule �1ir Compressor on the 4ti1 day o� March, 1976, until 11:30 A.Ai. on said dat;e a�; the Fridley City I�all, G�31 University Avenue ,N.�. , Fridley, I��Iinnesota 55432 (tel.ephone: 571-34:50). All bids must mee�; the minimum requirements of th� specifications. Failure to comply wi�;h 1;his section can result in ciisqualif�.cation oi the bid. ' Lach bid shal,l be accompanied by a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, Gash or• Bid Bond and made payable tvithout condi�;ions to the City of tFridley, n4inn�sot�, in an amount of no�; less than five percent (5%) o� the bid, which check, cash or bond shal� r�e lor�eited if bidder neglects or re�'uses to enter into contract, after his bid has been � acc��ted. 7.'he City reserv�s the right to accept the bid which is determined to be in the Y�est interests of the City. The City reserves the right to �reject any and all bids and waive any informalitics or_ technicalities in any bid received without, explanation. ���'he City Council also reserves the rig;ht to consider such factors as time of deliverST cr perfor.r:iance, e�per.ience, responsibility of the bidder, past performance of simi�ar tlJpes of zt�ms or materials, ava.ila- 'bilit3� of products and other similar factors �hat it rnay determine to be i.» the best interest of �he City. Copies of the specifications anc� general con.ditions may be examined , in the of�ice of the P�rchasing Ageilt, or copies n�ay be oUtained from his of�ice. �All Uids must be submi.tted in se�.led �i�velopes and plainly marked on th� oui:side with "PORT�BL� AI}� COr.iPI�rSSOR" . , Nasim�A�. Quresri City A4anager � Pu�lish : Fridle,y au�1 February 25, I�J76 � A7arch 3 , 197G , ' � � .M � � � RESOLUTION PdO. A R�SOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS - R�PAIR WELL #8 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Fridley, as follows: l. That i1; is in the interest of the City to award bid contracts ' for the follo�ring items or materials: , � � � ' � � Repair Well #8 2. A copy of the specifications for the above described items and materiais, tagether with a proposal for the method of purchase and the payment thereof have been presented to the Council by the City Manager and the same are hereby approved and adopted as the plans and specifications, and the method of acquisition and payment to be required by the City with respect io the acquisition of said items and materials. 3. The purchase of said items and materials as described above shall be effected by sealed bids to be received and �pened by the City of Fridley on the 5th day of March , 1976. The City Manager is directed and authorized to advertise far the purchasG of said �tems and materials by sealed bid proposals under notice as prov7�ed by lav� anci the Charter of the City of Fridley, the notice to be substantially in form as that shown by Exhibit "A" attached hereto and inade a part herAof �ay reference. Said notice shall be published at least twice in the official newspaper of the City of Fridley. ��SSED AND RDOPTED BY TNE CITY COUPdCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDL.EY THIS � � � ATTEST: ' DAY OF 1 CITY CLERK - MAR'JIN C. BRU(�SE�L �� 1916. MAYOR - WILLIAM J. NE� � 10 �. . � 1 i CITY UF FRiDLEY BID NOTICE for REPAIR LJELL #8 EXHIBIT "A" , ,, 1 The City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesoi;a vrili accept sealed bids on One (1) Repair Well #8 on the 5th day of March, 1976, until 1:30 �.rn. on said date at the Fridley City Hall, 6431 University Avenue N.E., Fridley, Minnesota 55432 (Tel: 571-345C). �All bids must meet the mini�rum requirements of the specifications. Failure to comply with this section can result in disqualification of the bid. IEach bid shall be accompanied by a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, Cash or Bid Qond ancl made payable witi��out conditiors �o the Cifi�; cf f'ridley, ��innesota, �n ar amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the bid, which check, cash or bond sha�l be forfeited if bidder neglects or refuses to enter into contract, af�er his � bid has been accept�d. The Cii:y reserves the right to accept the bid which is determined to be in the best �interests of the City. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any inf�rmalities or tech�icalities in any bid received �vithout explanation. � � i � � The City Council also reserves the right to eonsider sucn factors as iime of delivery or performance, experience, responsibiiity of the bidder, pasi, performance of similar types af items or materials, availability of products and other similar factars that it may determine to be in the best int�rest of the City. Copies of the specifications and generat conditions may be examin�d, in the office of the Purchasin� Agent, or copies �nay be obtained from his ��fice. All bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes and plair�ly ma.rked on the outside with "Repair We71 #8". � Publish: , � ' Fridley Sun February 25, 1976 March 3, 1976 Nasim M. Qureshi City Manager � LIS-f OF LICCfJSES TO 6E APPROVED 6Y THE CITY COUNCIL AT T�iE MEETING OF FCBRUARY 23, 1976 ,� TYPE OF LICENSE BY APPROVED BY FEE � �� '� � CIGARETTE PJorth Datsun Diann Bonine Jim Hill 12.00 7810 University Public Safety Director � 1 RAO Mfg. Co. Diann Bonine Jim Hill 12.00 i' Mississippi St. Public Safety Director � Q PetrolEUrn Marlin R. Besler Jim Hill 12.00 � 5301 Central Ave. Public Safety Director , �F�OU ESTABLISHMENT Q Petroleum P�larlin R. Besler Steve Olson 8.32 5301 Central Ave. Health Inspector I I FOOD VEHICLE � Bonine Vending Wes Bonine Steve Olson 50.00 �, 125 Riversedge Way Health Inspector �� � ICE f�(A�HI�dE Q Petroleum Marlin R. Besler Steve Olson 15.00 ' 5301 Central Ave. Health Inspector � ' � OFF SALE BEER Q Petrc�leum Marlin R. Besler Jim Hil�i 15.00 5301 Central Ave. Public Safety Director � VEPdDIWG MACHIfdE i I�North Datsuri Diann Sonine Steve Qlso� 30.00 7810 University Health Inspector I�RA� Mfg. Co. Diann Bonsne Steve Olson 45.00 M1SS1SS7��l St. Heali:h Inspector SERVICE STATIOf�1 'I �Q Petro�i eum C�rp. P1ar1 i ri R. Besl er Robert Al dri ch 30. 00 a301 Central Avenue Fire Inspector James Nill ' � Public Safety Director � USED CFlR LOT ,� Uatsun Roland Benjamin James Hill 100.00 7�10 l;n i ver� i�:y Publ i c Safety Di rector , � _ _ - u �✓� 13 � ESTIMATES FOR CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION - FEBRUHRY 23, i976 ,� , Smith, Juster, Feikema, Haskvitz & Casserly Builders Exchange Building Minneapolis, P�linnesota 55402 � For legal services rendered for the City of Frid]ey $ 1,205.00 by Prosecutor for January, 1976 ' , ' Weaver, Telle & Nerrick 316 East Main `�treet Finoka, Minnesota 55303 � For iegal services rendered for the City of Fridley $],357.50 by City Attorney for January, 1976 , � 1 � t 1 . 1 1 1 � 1 � . 1 � . TIME RECORD FOR JA"JUARY, 1976 PROSECUTIOP� I�IORK 1, Preparation, Travel and Time ir� Court for 27 Pre-trials and 15 Court cases. 2. Investigation and Process of Complaints includina office conferences, phone con- ferences, correspondence and preparation of 28 Formal Complaints. 3. Court and Police Administration. 16 hours 16 hours 30 minutes 20 minutes 00 hours 00 minutes T4TAL 32 hours DATE � ..._.. • a FORWARDED FROM LAST STATEMENT 2-02-76 For legaT services rendered as Prose�utor for the Ci�y of �ridley. January, 1976 Retainer. $1,000.0� Secretar�al Services 100.00 Time in excess of 30 haurs (2 hours 50 minutes). 105.Q0 a ..��� ,�F�,.;� �„ ��;�� , j �F?�;'.5!`� Ut7t���Y r . 1. . . �f �_ .� , � _�lis i'�i%�;if);�� „ (�r . '„`s'. .. '.r�' ., -��` �.��- � � . �w � r�ci �,�r: �i�:� �-, ,, , �, ..� . .._,.�_ , .. _ �,i�. ' .i � ai t,��,i�.� ;il _. _._._ � SMITH, JUSTER, FEIKEMA, HASKVI7Z AND G.4SSERLY ATTORNEYS qT LAW �. i�t� , �. � �o: 50 minutes � 9ALANCE $1,000.00 $1,100.00 $i,205.00 l3 A t � � 0 , CHARLESR.WEAVER NEHMAN �.TALLE , ✓IRGIL C. HERRICK � �POE3ERT MUNNS WILIIAM K. GOODRICH THOMASA.GEDDE JEfFREY P. HICKEN ' CITY OF FRIDLEY LAW OFFICES WEAVER, TALLE & HERRfCK 316EASTMAIN STREE? ANOKA, MINNESOTA 553U3 421 541J February 12, 1976 13 � INVOICE N4 360 � �- - ; January Retainer $1,000.00 , Cotm.cil Meetings 8 hours Staff Meetings 4 hours Conference with Administration � hours ' i�Iemos and Legal P,esearch 6 hours 2T� hotirs , District Court - Answers and 3rd Party Complaint Re: Hayden Murphy vs. Fridley ' Court Appearance - Sorenson vs. Fridley Expense Advances - Xerox Co ies i � 150.00 100.00 p 7. 50 Secretarial Allowance 100.00 TOTAL ................................$I,357.50 /.r/� ' �� i�� �� � µb �V W M��� Y � �' � 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENU� NE ry 16 , 19 76 Mr. Robert P. ��ir�der 550 Rice Creek Boulevard �orthe�st Fri dley, !�innesota 55432 Dear h1r. Minder: Auo�:ti couriTY 560-3450 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 I talked to Jim !ange�feld, Treasurer of the Islands of Peace Committee today. ��I;�. La��genfeld stated the committez ti�rould like to postpone payment of tF�e prir!cipal and int�rest due February 20, 1976 until August 20, 1976. 0� August 20, there will be an interest payment due of $3,360 and a principai payment due of $8,000 (vrhich was due on Augus�: 20, 1975), plus a regul ar p'"i IICI �d�I payment of $8,000, for a total of $19,360. The abc�e amounts are fo�� ucth lo�ts. In �a7lcing tr, you th;� other day, it was my understanding you would accommoda�;e tf�e I s i ands of Peuc� Commi izee on thi s matter. h1r. �a►iiett7 has infnrmed �he Ciiy that he wouici be agreeable to the postponement if yo u we re . If we do not hear from you, I assurne you concur. Your cooperati on i s very muci� appreci ated. Very truly you��s , Marvin C. Br«nsell Asst. Ci ty hSgr. /f�i r�. �i r. r�ca:sn � cc: Nasirn M. Qureshi, Ci�:y Manager Ja:nes Langenfieid, Tr�asurer, Tslands of Peace Committee Petet° Lametti , 14 � r -��� �J .,� is�n���s oF� r�cncE FINAP�CIIIL SUMi�1�RY J/'iNUAf;Y 31 , 1976 I � Cash recei��ts - Si:ate of Minneso�;a �' �terest an investments Tota1 Receipts ��enditures of Funds: Purchasc of Land �eck �'37052 �`37053 �37Q54 ' •"7G5� ); J �f 38534 �/11?.98 ' #11249 Robert & Caroly�� P�9inder 9/9/74 Peter � Catf�eri ne Lan;etii 9/9/74 City of Fri dley - Speci als 9/9/74 P�1in�er & ' ame�tti 9/9/74 Anoka County - Qacl: Taxes 1/10/75 �obe�•t & Carolyn P�iinder �/14/75 Peter & Cather-ine La;�?etti £i/14/75 Constructi on f,osts � ��eck r`37603 Barton Coniracting Co►npany �37681 Ameri can Improvei7ent Corporati on Total �.xpenditures '. � . Cash �alance - Jan�ary 31, 1�76 . �incial amaunt o� Con�:rac� fo�° Deed P � Less: Paid by Foundation ' Pai d i'rom �datu�°al Resources Grant .� Land Purch�se $35,200.00 61�.50 35 , Bi �3 . 50 Construction Costs $ 2 ,000. 00 �� a $ f ,419.60 (Incl udes �4,000 Prii�c. ) 6,419.60 (Includes �4,OQ0 � ��inc.) 4,45Q.32 13,713.04 (Includes �13,000 Pt^�iriC, ) 3,414.22 , 660.23 6�0.23 �35,737.24 $ 81.26 8alance of Pr�ncipal Due on Contract for Deed $ 1,000.0� �,000.�o �2 ,GUO. UJ -0- $71 ,000. C;� 2 ,000 . 00 21,OOO.C� $48,000.�0 �tet,est �aid-to-Dai;e $6,872.70 _ Speci al Assessn;�n�;s Pai d-to-Date 4,�50. �2 �a ck . i a xe s _ _ _ _ - - - - - _ _ _ _ 3 ,4 i 4 . 2 2 _ _ .. _ .. -• - - - .. .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. - - - �y���nts Due - �tuqus�: 20, 197G - Pr•inc. $iG,000 Int. $3,360 = $19,30� � Augus� ?_0, i977 - Princ. II,OQO int. 2,2�10 = 10,240 August 20, 197� � Princ. $,000 Int. 1,6II0 = 9,680 ' August 20, 1973 - Princ. 8,000 Int. 1,120 = 9,120 {tugust 20, 19�0 - Prir�c. II 000 Ii.t. 5fQ ��II,560 '�A�;a�S� �63 ��SG ,�60 , , � 4 �, . �, � � t�z, , �� ,.�`` ,'� `� ° ��'� �,, �'i' } �; ' ( �' ' ` '' � t _..� A'� ; �� F. �;.. . � � '� �� �.. �- � < � � y1� �> � \.. ' � <`„� � �`� ' � �� ' 1975-76 EXECUTIVE STAFF AND OIRECTORS � JOHN P. KNiEVEI, Gcesident . Northem States Power Company JOHN H. McCREIGHT Execuflve V�ce Presrdent � Midwes� Federal Savings & Loan o s � � ��� ta 55�15 � ���� � � S, Nl�nnes� � ��� �,�� M��neapol� � South 7th Str�et 0 AO 2125 612 � 335 J'anuary 29s 1976 ' HARVARD W.GROSS Financial Vice President Midwest Business Promotions GALE R. FRIEDRiCH,VicePres�den� Fridley City Cour�eil Norihwe,tem Na[ional Bank nf Minneap�ity Hall ' MARLOWE O. SENSKE, Vice President P,bbon-Northwes�crnHOSpitai (�31 Ux��yersity Avenue Northeast STEPHEN C. NELSON. Vice President Fridley 9 Minne sota 5y�+32 Northwestem Bell Telephone Company , REUBEN W.HANSON State Vice President Midwest Federal Savings & Loan Y.EITHE.HILGENDORF,StateDirector Dear Siri Lutheran Brotherhood Insurance ' JAMES L. NICHOLS, Coiporate Tieasurer - L.L.LeJeuneCompany Th,e Minr_eapQlis Jaycees would like to thank you RICHARD�E.FONS,Co�porateSecretaryO�r fifth annual HaUnted House ��i FJ� �'U.n Zi1 tllf: First National Bank ol Minneepolis THOMASJ. PERUSSE.PaslPresiden( Fridley. Over 6, 500 people ��U.z'e� DU.� house �� ' Norlh Amei an Lile & Casuae 8oard o f the � r I ive s. Jud g ing f r on the. c omment s mad e Haurited Iiouse the people really enjoyed it. MARK R. ANDERSON, Director Mark Amold Photography , PEGGY .�. EATON, Director Lindsay Brothers Company � OSCAR D. ELLETSON, Director Pruden�ial lite Insurence Company WAVNE T. GRAZZINI, Di�ector � Grazzini Brolhers &�Company RICHARD D. HENDRICKSUN, DireC(or Laventhol & Horwa[h, C. P. A�. CRAIG J. HUSE6YF.. Direcroi Frank Kreiser Real Estate, Inc. ' ROUNEY G. JOHNSON, Di�ector Amencan Unen Supply Company PATPoCK T, KELLY, Olrecfo� � Faimers & MeChsnics Bank 15 � for permitting City of get the frigh� on leaving the I h�pe that �:*e; caused no mare �han a minimum of inconveni€�nce to you. %1e enjoyed haunting a hous� in Fridl�y and having the o�p��tunity t;a trork wi�h and b� aid�c� by so many will.ing peaple especi�.11y those at American Bazaar and Market. Th� inte�°es� ancl enthusiasm towards �he community by so many is to be comm�naea. If them� is any timQ when th� Minn�apc�lis Jaycees can be of any servic� fio you� please �on."� h�si�ate �o contact us. MICHELLEA.MAYER.Director Sincerely � Alan Sturm 8 Associales. Inc. . �!/ GARY B MOREY. Direcfor � /� !y�- � �,/ Universrty ol Minnesola �;" �5����%/ f��-j�! " �'"� JANICF M. REAK, Director C.. —��� ,��f��}�y'� .{V ���r� _'�- Lake Minnetonka MentalHe2lth /r �- {�';; V°�r ' Cen!er. Inc. HC�rV lli (�` J�%; JAMIEC.URBAN,Directo� Financial Vice-President Water Pioducts Company � � ' � VALDIS VAVERE, D�rector � Muns:ngwear, Inc. DALE A. WALKER. L�irector Luiheran Br6therhood Ins�rence IAURENCE A. WHEELOCK, Direcfoi Mobdity.Jnc. JEFFREY M. WINTER. D!iecfo� Norlhwestem Mutual Life InsuranCe Co. JAMES J. FJAPEL. Chaplain f2;me�s 8 Mecharncs Bar.k JAME�S C HFRG 7rdmmq,�ni7pr�veloDrtrenf . ITT t.�te InsuranceCo. H!CHAHD R. LAW, CarU011er Peat, Marw�ck, Mdchell 8 Company MARK SCHOLIE. Legal Counsel Sti��W�e X Sr..hollc