04/19/1976 - 5448JANET KONZAK ADMINISTRATIVE ASISTANT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 19, 1976 ���_�.."a_t � . � � vMEMQ T0: UCPARTMENT FIEFIDS Following are the "ACTIONS NEEDED". Please have your answers back in the City Manager's office by Wednesday Noon, April ?_8, 1976. Thank you. FRIDLEY CITY COU►dCIL — REGULAR f�EETIfVG — APRIL 19, 197n — 7:30 P,M, Called to order at 7:35 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAf�CE: ROLL CALL. A�l Present ' APPROVAL OF i� I rdUTES . � �EGi1LAR ��EETI NG, AFR I L 5, 197� A�ciopt.ed with correction . ITY h1ANAGEP. ACTION NEEDED: Make corrections in m�inutes and file ' ' �J 1 '„ '� ' I ' I�I�OPTIO►�� OF �t�ENDA: /�genda adoptec! 4,�i th the addi ti on of the fol 1 os��i �g i tem: " Consideration of a Resolutian Approving and Authorizing Signing the Agreement Establishing Working Conditions, 6�lages and Hours of Employees of the City of Fridley t�lunicipal Liquor Stores for the Year". OPEfd FORUi'1, V�SITGRS: (CONSIllERAiIOP� OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA — 1� I`�1NUTES) i. � �. ' � � � �� �� � � � � ' � REGULAfZ MEETIfVG, APRIL 1�� 197 . PUBLI�C HEARIi�GS: CONTINUED PUBL.IC HEARING ON_F_INAL PLAT SU�iDIVISIQN P�S, #76-02, INNSBRUCK VILLAGE, BY DARREL A� FARR UEVELOPMENT CORP,; BEING A REPLAT OF OUTLOT B, INNSBRUCK NORTH ADDITION, ALONG WITH LOT �J, EXC�PT TNE I�IESTERLY Z1O�, A,S, �#92, GENERAL.LY LOCATED�i'�ORTH OF �ORiH INNSBRUCK DRIVE I�E AND WEST OF THE 1�LACK FQREST APARTMENTS r",ND CONSIDERATION OF TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT OF il�O UNITS, T#76-02, BY DARREL A� FARR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, PAGE 2 FOR INNSBRUCI< VILLAGE� � � � � � � � � . . . . � . � � � � � 1 - l A Public Hearing Closed. Final action considered under "New Business" �ONTINUED PUBLIC iiEARING ON ST� 1�75-1 AND ST, 1�75-2 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS �DONNAY�S ADDITION)� � � � � � . Public Hearing Closed. Council received the assessment detaii on front yard basis with no side yard assessment. Final action considered under "Old Business" 2-2E ' �' ; �� INEERING I RE6�LAR MEETING, APRIL 19, 1976 PUBLIC NEARINGS (CONTI�IUED) PAGE 3 INFORMAL PUSLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER PRELIMINARY PLANS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF �IOISE ABATEMENT STRUCTURES BY MINNESOTA NIGHWAY DEPARTMENT CI���� FROM MAIN STREET TO %TH STREET) � � � � � � � � . � � � � � � . . � � � � � � � 3 - 3 B Public H�earing closed. ACTION NEEDED: 6ring back resolution for approval of preliminary plans 0LD BUSINESS: CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT FOR � ST, 1975-1 an�� �T� 1975-2 STRE��r IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS �TABLED 4/12/76) , , , � , , , , , , � , , ., . � . � . . ' Resolution #37-1976 adopted. Confirmed with Donnay's Addition on front foot basis assessment. FINANCE ACTION hEEDED: Procced as authorized ' - � � CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE ' ESTABLISHING A NEW CHAPTER 115 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE ENTITLED SWIMMING POOLS AND REPEALING PRIOR �HAPTER 115, , � . � � � � � � . � � � � . � . � � � Ordinance �6i0 adopted CITY MANAGER ACTIOf� NEEDED: Publish ordinance � . . ' � , „,4-4� „, , . 5-5E � � . ' . 1 ;FI�INCE ' ' � � NCE r r . . __ REGULAR MEETINu, ArRIL 19, 1976 NE6� BUS I �ESS : _ PAG E 4 CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 1I OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDL�Y, ANOKA COUNTY., MINNESOTA BY CHANGING CERTAIN LICENSE FEES AND ADDING THE CITY CODE C�UMBCRS� � � � � . . � � � � � � Ordinance adopted on first reading ACTIOFd NEEDED: Put back on agenda of May 3 for second reading „b-6C CONSIDERATION OF FIf2ST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING� THE GITY CHAI�TFR OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY� �����.���� �— � F Th� following sections were appraved as submitted: Sections 5.02, b.04, 6.05, 6.06, 7.09, 10.05, 7Q.Ob, 10.Q9, AC7ION NEEDED: Provide informaiion to the Charter Commission on questions and clarify sections not adopted. Resubmit for second reading when we have information back �rom the Charter Commission. ' CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT SUBDIVISION � P� S� #%b—OI I NNSBRl1CK IVORTH TOWNHOUSE IV & V, AND APPROVAL GF TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPM�NT T�%b—Q1; REPLAT OF ' ' OU7LOT H� DARREL FARR DEVELQPMENT CQRP� � � � � • • � � • � a City Council approved the final plat with stipulations and authorized the execution of the agreement with Darrel A. Farr Developmer�t Corp. E INEERING ACTION NEEDED: Make sure ail conditions are met and agreement ti�ed at Anoka Cou►7ty beforc plat execution ' ' � � 0 ! � 1� 1. , � � NEERING � � ' � � �I � E�INEERI•NG ' ' � ' . REGULAR MEETIIdG, APRIL l�, 1976 - idEW BUST�IESS (CQfJTI(vUED� PAGE 5 CONSIDERATION OF APPROV,�L OF FINAL PLAT SUBDIVISION P�S� #76-02, INNSBRUGK VILLAGE, BY DARREL A� FARR DEVELOPMENT CORP, AND APPROVAL OF TOWNHOUSE DEVELOP— MENT T �%6`OZ AND _ . RECEIVING pETITION #7-197�i; RESIDENT`S FIRST CHOICE-- aPART�1FNT �UII..DING AND SECOND �HOICE--TOWNHOUSES, ���.,: 9- 9 B Council approved the final plat with listed stipulations pius 5 additional st�' u�tior�s nd aiithorizeci ag�reeinen� by Darrel Farr as per negotiations wi��i �:�e s�ng�e faml ly res�de� ts �n he area. AC.TIQN P�EE�ED: i�iake sure all conditions are met and agreement filed ai; Anoka County before plat execution. Association bylaws should be checked to see what type of maintenance requirement is being provided in the Association Articles and Bylaws. Special attention should be given to make sure proper upkeep is provided. RECEIVING THE I``iINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING oF APR I L %, 197G , , . , , , , � , � � , , . , , , , , , , , ,10 �- 10 00 ]., INSIDE IMPROVEMENT AND OUTSIDE DEVELOPMENT PLAN - MAPLE LANES, 6310 T�H, �i5 CACCORDING TO RESOLUTION OF INTENT �OR LIQUOR LICENSE) � , � � � � � � , , , � 10 E - 10 G PLANNI��Qf1M� R GE OMMENDATTQN; CONGURRED WITH STAFF t2EPC)Ri' �Q�CI1�,�GTIQN iEQUIR�.p.: CONSIDERATION OF RECOM- MEf�DATION C�ty Council approved the landscaping ACTION NEEDED: Work with the applicant to improve some internal construction. i ( , I s � � E�INEERING ' � INEERING . ' I ' REGULAR MEETIIJG, APRIL 1�, 1976 I�EW BUSIfdESS (COidTIi�UED) (PLANNING COMMISSION P'�1NUTES CONTINUED) PAGE 6 2� INNSBRUCK VILLAGE P�S� �%b—OZ AND TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT T }�%E—O2 � � � � � � . � . . � � � � � � , 10 H - 10 Q p� �����T G COMMISSI2N� �ECOMMENAA IO : APPROVE WITH STIPULATIONS �OUNGII� ACTION R�QUIR�D: IVONE, PUBLIC HEARING NELD ��PRIL l�, 1976 NO ACTION NEEDED 3, LEIGN TERRACE, P�S, #76—U3, OSBORNE F�OAD AI�1D EAST RIVER ROAD, � � � � � F � � � ' ' ' ' ' ' � � � � � land 101B6V PLAI�N I NG COMM I SS I ON I�EGOh1MENDAT I QN : APPROVE W I TH STIPULATIONS �'0�1{�C I L AGT I ON R_QLE 1 I REn ; SET PUBL i C HEAR I NG Pubiic Hearing set for May 10, 1976 ACTION NEEDED: Make arrangements for public hearing 4, J� HALUPTZQI<, ZOA #76-01; 1240 73� AvE�vuE ,���''� and 1O10Cw �L�[�1N I NG CLQMN�� R�COMMEf� A� T I ON : APPROVE �,Q�Z�[' t► ACT I ON REQU I RED : SET Pl1BLI C HEAR I NG Public Hearing set for May 10, 1976 ACTION NEEDED: Make arrangements for public hearing 0 ! '�i ' ��! NEERING ' �� � � E�INEERING � REGULAR MEETING, APRIL l�, 1976 NEW BUSINESS CCONTINUED) %PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES CONTINUED) �� _PAGE 7 D, F� SEXTER, LOT SPLIT �%6-02, EAST RIVER ROAD AND IRONTON STR�ET. � � � � ► . � � , , � � , 10 W --- and 10 DD - 10 FF P�ANNING COMM, R C� QMMENDATIOI�: APPROVE �Q�NCIL ACTIQN REQUIRED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOMh1ENDAT I ON Lot Split approved ACTION NrEDED: Get additional easement right-of-way needed for East River Road 6. SUBSTANDARD 40' Lo�rs, , , , � , . , , , , , , , , , �o x - �o z PLANNING GOMM, R�COMMENDATION: GUIDELINES SET and 10 GG - 10 00 FOR AC'PEALS �OMMISSION FOR EACN 4�� L.OT �Q!l.I�GIL F�CTION R�(��l1RED: CONSIDERATIO[V OF (� RECOMMENDATIQN The Council will discuss this item.further at their Conference meetiny of April 26, 1976 � ACTION NEEDED: Put on agenda for Conference meeting. ' , P� ETING RECEIVING 1'HE I�IINUTES OF THE POLICE CQMMISSION E � aF APa � �. 6, 1976, , � , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Minutes recieved �'CITY MANAGER ACTIOP! NEEDED: File minutes for future reference � � , ' 11 - 11 B � � ' � E INEERING � � �� FI� DEPT. ' � , FI NCE REGULAR MEETING, APRIL�19, 1976 i�EW BUSINESS (COfdTI�VUED) . PAGE 8 _ _. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE CATV COMMISSION MEETING oF APR I L 7� 1.976 , , , . , ► , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1Z - 12 D Minutes received ACTION NEEDED: File minutes for future reference CONSIDERATION OF NIUiUAL AID AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF 1v�APLE GROVE TO .JOIN (VORTH SUBl1RBAN MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION� ��� Agreement approved ACTION NEEDED: See that agreement is properly executed and that one copy is on file in the City Manager's office and one copy in the Finance Director's office CONSIDERATION OF AUTHQRIZING PAYMENT FOR EAS�MENT AGQUISITIQN FOR SS&SW �119 F�ND STREET IMPRQVEMENT PROJECT ST, 197b-1� , , � , , � . , , , , . , , . . City authorized payment ACTION NLEDED: Process appropriate payment for easements . 13-13F � , . � , 14 - 14 A 'I ,� EONSIDERATION OF A RES�LUTION AUTHORIZING SIGNING AN AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING WORKING CONDITIONS, WAGES ' AND HOURS FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY Loca� No. 49, AFL-CIO (PuB�ic WoRKS AND PARKS), ...,,., 15 - 15 X Resoluti�on #38-1976 adopted ' I NGF ACTION N�EDED: See that executed agreements are on file in the Finance office and the City Manager's office. � ' ': I � I�L�NCE r--- REGU�.AR MEETING, APRIL 19, 1976 f�EW BUS I f�ESS CCOiJT I idUED) PAGE 9 CONSIDERATIQN OF A RESOLUTION REGARDING THE ISSUANCE OF INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE C.iOHN G� PURMORT, N�USE OF Lo RD s ) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1b - lo A Resolution #39-1976 adopted ACTION NEEDED: Process the appropriate application when submitted �LA I MS � � � . � � . � � � � . . . � � � � . � � � . . . � � . 1� ' Aii claims approved as.submitted FINANCE ACTION NEEDED: Pay claims ' ' LICENSES � � � , � � � . � , � � � � < < � � � E � � . � . � � 1� - i2� !� � All licenses approved as submitted �iNANCE ACTION NEEDED: Wriie 1etter to George is in Fridley Lounge and ' Restaurant noting City`s concern over less than 40% food ratio. Also write to Mr. John Hayes informing him of the approval of the junk yard license with the two stipulations. � EST I M/�TES � � � . . � , o � � � � � . � . . . � . � � � � � e � 1� — 1� C Estimates approved as submitted F ANCE ACTION NEEDED: Pay estimates � ■ • � Consideration of a Resolution Approving and Authorizing Signing the Agreement Establishing Working Gonditions, Wages and Hours of Employees � of the City of Fridley Munici{�al Liquor Stores for the Year Resolution # 40-i976 adopted F ANCE ACTION NEEDED: See that executed copies of agreement are on file � in the Finance office and City Manager's office. �, ' ADJOURf�: �1 i ; � 'r , .. � . � � � � � � �� � � . 26 � .; i ":r� THE MIP;UTES OF THE.REGULAR t1EETIP�G OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUtJCIL OF �1P4IL 19, 1Q76 The Reqular Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order on April 19, 1976, at 7:35 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ttayor Nee welcomed those present and invited them to join the Council in the pledne of allegiance to the flag. ROLL CALL: PIEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nee, Councilwoman Kukowski, Councilman Starwalt, Councilman Hamernik, and Councilman Fitzpatrick. t4EP16ERS ABSENT: None APPROVAL 0� MIPJUTES: REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 5, 1976: Councilman� Hamernik said he had comments in four areas where his name and that of Councilman Fitzpatrick have been interchan�ed. Specifically, on Pane 2 of the mir,utes, the first sentence should state, °Councilman Fitzpatrick stated that action has been under way by the City"; in the seventh para�raph on thai same pane it should read, "Councilman Fitzpatrick queried if the matter might be investiaated an the ......"; on Page 3, sixth paraqraph under item re�ardin� SS&S41�119, it should state "Councilman Fitzpatrick s�id that we have been throu�h ....."; and at the ton of Pac!e 4, first sentence, it should read -- t10TI0fd by Councilman Fitzpatrick. MOTIOfJ by Councilman Staruialt to accept the minu�es as corrected by Councilman Hamernik. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukovrski. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, Playor �dee declared the motion passed unanimously. ADOPTIOPd OF AGEfJDA: ttayor FJee said there was one additional item to add to the ac�enda and that was consideration of a Resolution approvinc� and authorizin� sinnin� the Anreement estab- lishing rrorking conditions, wages and hours of employees of the City of Fridley h1unicipal Li�uor Stores for the year. t10TI0fd by Councilman I�amernik to adopt the ac�enda as amended. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor fdee declared the motion carried unanimously. , OPEP! �ORUP1, VISITORS: � P1ayor "�ee asked if there was anyone who had soi�e comments for the Council on items � not on the agenda. There was no response. PUBLIC FiEARINGS: CONTINUED PUBLIC HEFlRING ON fINAL PLAT SUf3DIVISIO�d P.S. �76-02, IiltlSBRUCY, VILLA:^-E, BY �ARREL A. FARR DEVELOPf1ENT CORPOC2ATi(1fJ. f�FTt�G A RFPI AT (1F (111T1 (1T R rrincpniirk rinpni COPlSIDERATIOfJ OF T04JNHOUSE DEVELOPf1E�JT OF 100 UPIITS, T�`76-�2, BY �ARREL A. FARR DEVELOPi1EflT CORPORATION, FOR INPISaRUCK VILLAGE - ,i AND - � RECEIVIfJG PETITIOP� �'7-1976: RESIDErdT'S FIRST CHOICE -- APARTP1EFIT BUILDIP�f.; AND SECOIID ,; CHOICE -- TOWPIHOUSES: -, a t4ayor Plee stated that the Council last vieek continued the hearin� on one of the Innsbruck plats, the one just West of the Black Forest Apartments; and that one will be re-opened at this point. The 1layor said there were several things he wanted in the record. . � ii ' ! � i � The first thinry would be the petition that was circulated at the meetin� of last week in which the petitioners expressed a preference for apartments in that area instead of , townhouses. . , . j . . . . � . � . . . . . , � f . � . . . ' . � . . � � . - . I��I -.�.._.. ._ _.-r, ..,.� � � - . '� '._. .' _ _ . _. _ ' -____. _ __ .__� ��_�__ ,_ ... ..-�,:,..._-._, -- � � . .. �..n..�:,: .. .: ....:,.. . . . . ._ ... .. . . . �. . .._.e..��.-...-m-T�'.f.: �� . . ; 't ' � + � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1976 � _ � ! i _ �_ . ' �7 PAf E 2 � MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive Petition #7=1976. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, F1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. . Mayor Nee said that the other item -- although it comes tater in the aqenda -- should be put in at this point, and that beinn the Planninq Commission Minutes of April 7th with reference to this item in the agenda. The Planning Commission recor�nended approval of the plat. MOTIOP� by Councilman Hamernik the Council receive the recommendations of the Plannino Commission that were acted on in the April 7th meetin4. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ; MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the minutes of the Human Resources Commission � of March llth where they speak of the foregoin4 matter. Sec�nded by Councilaroman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, Mayor Nee declared the r�otion carried � unanimously. Mayor Nee called attention to the fact that the subject land is zoned R-3 and is not a planned unit development as such; and it may have some bearina on the City's �ronress, although the City does have a contract with the developer which spells out some areas of agreement and control by the City, and ti�a hiayor aslced P1r. Herricl: to comment on the situation. Mr. Herrick replied that the City did enter into a contract or agreement with the developer and the former owners of the property on the first day of February, 1971, and in conjunction with a request on the behalf of the developer and the former owners to rezone � portion of what has been referred to as Innsbruck North to R-3 or multip}e development property; that the area now referred to as Innsbruck PJorth was R-1, and a proposal was made that a portion of it be rezoned to R-3. The Council, at that time, agreed with the request subject to certain conditions that are contained in the aaree- ment of February l, 1971; so the first point is tfiat the property is zoned R-3. ' Mr. Herrick said that some time ano the Council in adooting the zoning ordinances ` adopted an ordinance that nertains to R-3 development in that R-3 can be used for multiple d��aellings which are commonly referred to as apartments, or that it could be used for duplexes or townhouses; that any of these are permitted uses accordinn to , the terms of the zoninn ordinance, and if you have snecific guestions about townhouses, ' to direct your inquiries to him. Mr. Herrick stated that the anreement with the present �ro�erty owners recites that the consideration for this aqreement shall be the rezonirn of the propertv described above from R-1 to R-3 zoning classification toaether with authorization to build a complex of 850 multiple units on the property zoned R-3. The developer of the property is now requestinn that a portion of the nrooerty be used for developing four-plexes, and P1r. Herrick said he WdS assumina that the question before the Council is, first of all, whether the nlan should be aporoved; and secondly, whether the Council has the authority to reject the request. Mr. Herrick stated that he is of the opinion that this is a nermitted use and that the Council does not have the authority to reject the request. The Council does have the authority to determine certain items as far as development, and one of them would be the set-back. Mr. Herrick said that another one, in his ooinion, would be a�here the entrances and the exits are to be located, and that he had checked with the staff as to the number of units permitted; and he w�s informed the number that has been requested is substantially less than the maximum permitted by the zonina ordinance. P1r. Herrick said, in essence, that is his opinion. The Public Works Director said the set-back requirements are not spelled out in the townhouse ordinances. It allows flexibility tio plan and develop the structures on certain parcels of property keeping in mind the existing toponraphy and other environ- mental corrcerns. �, Mayor Nee asked Mr. Herrick if the City has to accept the townhouse pronosal within certain guidelines. �ir. Herrick replied yes, that is what he said. ,Mayor Plee asked if there was an exhibit attached to the contract, and �1r. Herrick said no, and that ; he had checked with the staff on the matter. The City Manager said when it was.considered for rezoninn the.y initially had a plan to develop several 12-unit apartment buiTdinns, and the only thin� the Councii considered was the tota} number of units that would be allowed•and, the fiaure w s t i t th � i , � � i � i �f , a pu n o e � � I i agreement. - - -.---__ -- . , ( .-•.._.. . � — � _ _. . _. -------- - - - - - - - - - -- . .�. . , , ._- _:_ _.._ �. �. _ �... -.4.. .�,,__ . �., .. _.._�_��,�.�,... . . .. ,--_ ._ � _..,. � : REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1976 PAGE 3 The other item in the aqreement was the access to Silver Lake Road and that is also a part of the agreement the City had with the developer; because, the City was concerned with the additional traffic cominq in to the residential area. Mr. Herrick said there are other items in the agreement; a deed for the parks, and an agreement the developer will contribute a certain amount of money, or a percentane of a sum of money, for the development of sanitary ser�ers, and some others that related to roads, road maintenance, and the transfer of an easement from the then property owners to the City of Fridley. Mayor Nee inquired if it is correct that the plan as drawn today does not meet the reouirement of an adequate set-back; and, Mr. Herrick said yes. The City P4anager said the sanitary sewer condition has been met; and, the develooer has been assessed additional monies for the sanitary sewer system. Also that basically all the conditions as Hie understand them have been met b,y the develoner, and on the question of maintenance of the facility, there is additional documentation that takes that into consideration. In response to P�ayor Nee's request, a large number of the audience signaled their desire to be heard on the matter. Mayor Nee then said the meeting would be open for comments from the audience. Councilman Starwalt said he met and talked with various persons, on this situation, and the people felt there have been changes vrhich are detrimental to them. Playor Nee asked Mr. Farr if within the last N�eek P1r. Farr had modified his position as far as the density or the set-back is eoncerned, and h1r. Farr said no. Mr. Farr said they had researched some of the problems raised at the last meetinc�, particularly as to the school system; but as far as the density, he believed that it is low. One of the serious problems was traffic. P1r. Farr recited the density oatterns in various schools. Mayor Nee inquired if the proposal for this association for this development would be a separate association; and, Mr. Farr said yes. Further, that the land on the South side of North Insbruck, including the First, Second, and Third Additions, and the proposed Fourth and Fifth were incorporated into one Home Owners' Association in 1971 with all of the prescriptive covenants and by-laws and the rest�of the thinqs that make up a home owners' association. Discussion ensued on the size and difficulties of home owners' association, and other ramifications of them in relation to townhouses. The Public Works Oirector then showed a slide projection of the area and commented upon the private roads, and the public roads in the area. The set-back requirements came into the discussion; and the Public Works Director said that althouqh they are f not spelled out in the Ordinance, we are trying to insure that �ve follow the R-1 � set-back requirements, and this was indicated to the developer, the 35 foot set-back. ; Some discussion centered on the line of sight which would be 9nvolved with a road and having it zoned for 30 miles per hour. Mayor Nee said that he ��aould lil<e to have the comments that he picked up in the neigh- borhood in the record. Several people, he said, relied on the plan that was on file with the City in considering whether to invest in the neighborhood, and that is material to this deliberation; and if anyone did rely on it in makina their investment, would they like ta put their comments on the record? Burt Johnson, 1482 North Innsbruck Drive, said he moved out from P1ar,yland and invested in a home here and there was a large green area and a private road, and that was what prompted him to buy. If there was one thing he had learned in buildinct five homes, it is that the zoning integrity is vital to maintaininn the value of the oroperty; and if the plat as he originally viewed it was to be different, as now, he would not have invested here. Clyde Benner, 5430 Matterhorn Drive, stated when he was shown and purchased his home he was shown the plat and v�as told that this is the wa.y it would be; dnd if he had known it was going to turn out as it had today, he rrould not have invested. �4r. Herrick inquired as to where the person had seen the plan for the site, and the response came that it was at the sales office. Several•other property owners said that they had seen the plat in the sales office, some at Robert Launen's Nomes, and others at the Farr Development Office. Several others voiced their opinion that they � , T- ._,.... ��,., - �-- - --- �,..,. _,. , . I � f REGULAR COUNCIL hifETING AF APRIL 19, 1976 t � i ; �� PAGE 4 ' would not have bought if they knew their investment would turn out as it had. Mr. Farr also engaged in the discussion. In response to a question concerning the loss of trees if a presently proposed area development takes place, Mr. Farr replied that with the proposed plan they would be able to save 50 per cent of the trees in that area, qive or take ten per cent. Gary Samuel, 1479 North Danube Road, said that in the petition that the Council accepted from the last Council meeting, at least in my o�inion, we were asking for the apartment buildinq as such. We were saying that we felt the buffer zone provided by the apartment was more acceptable than the present line and we would like to see a lo�•�er density and a better quality of townhomes. He said he agreed with Mr. Farr's comments. on the school5. On the matter of streets, that has been hashed out many, many times concerninq Innsbruck North and the Silver Lake Road, and the residents are of the opinion that an additional 200 units cannot be handled on this particular road. If the plan is approved, we recommend an escrow of a minimum of �10,000 to maintain the road and be billed at City expense so that the road will be maintained and plowed for the residents of the area. Gary Samuel continued his remarks that someone had mentioned the crime rate and the police cal1s relati•re to apartment owners versus the townhouse oHrners in that the Police Department would rather have the quad units than the apartment buildings. John Lindstrom, 5551 l4aldeck Crossin�, said, °I have looked at this nronosed plat myself. I feel, philosophically, it is a"nood nlan. I feel there is room in the Innsbruck North area for more than one ontion or life style." R. G. Rumpsa, 1481 North Innsbruck Drive, said he agreed with f1r. Samuel's statement; and, most of us really share that opinion. I am speakinn for myself. �le want private homes as compared to apartments in there. We trul,y do.. I think the big thing is that a number of people have the feelinn that we have been sort of tricked into somethinn, or r�ot �iven the Hihole deck of cards to play the game with properly when we bouaht. I would like to underline the fact that as a resident I would like to have the opnortunity to discuss this matter with the City Plannina.Commission and also extend the offer to do likewise to h1r. Farr. In response to the question, "Is it your feelin� that you would prefer townhouses to apartments?" by P1ayor Nee, the answer was "very definitely". � In response to the question of whether there are any recreational areas in the plat, the Public Works Director stated there are none specifically in the area; but in the agreement,it has been proposed the developer provide two tennis courts in the public park in the area. l�le have nublic nark land to the florth and public park land to the South plus the Trail S,ystem. There was further discussion on the number of school ane children there would be per unit, the number of bedrooms per unit, cost of the various units, etc. The question of set-backs came up for discussion, and it was stated that t!?e backyard areas in relation to set-backs are beinn violated; that the set-baci: requirements should be more in line with the sinnle fami?y hoine. P1r. Farr stated it is his opinion the project has had a public hearinc� five times, and he doesn`t know that a preat deal more can be added or accomplished � by any further hearinos. He stated he has met with the Human Resaurces Commission, the Er,vironmental Commission, and the City of Fridley has revieH�ed the plat; that it has been up to the Plannino Commission three times; the Council, two t�mes. The economics of the area won't permit any more exnensive units. Mr. Farr stated that the plan has merit from an,y planner's standnoint. � A resident stated that he considers the olan not unreasonable, and the debate ' has been.quite lengthy. He a�rees with �1r. Farr that this has �one on lona � i enouc�h; and it should not be referred again to the Committee, and he thinks the builder should be allowed to build for the market that he chooses. � • Councilman Starwalt said he has some reluctance to refer the matter to the " Planning Commission; and unless somethinn can come from this meetinn, he is � ' not convinced that it should be done. Councilman Stararalt said he Hrondered what i are the changes that could take place between now and the next meetina at which time the Council could either vote the nlan ur� or down or take other action. i � � , � __. .... . . . ( � ' 30 , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1976 PAr,E 5 The Public Works Director stated that the first thina that nrobably would be necessary would be a willingness on the part of the developer to meet with the sinole . family area representatives, and the next Council meetinn is "1ay 3rd: ttr. Farr stated that in the past he has exnlained the economics of densitv, of esthetics, and the environmental considerations, and to modify the nlan by a reduction in density or by increasin� the set-back in PJorth Innsbruck Drive to the detriroent of the green area within the site is a mistake. For some reason people are viewing this as some kind of a low income housina which it is not by any stretch of the imagination; and,he also feels that the residents have failed to visualize the impace of a 251 unit apartment site. Councilman Starwalt asked t1r. Farr if he would meet with the citizens that are concerned in ihis matter, and discussion ensued on this matter. The City �tanaper suggested that a meetinn could 6e held tonight, and the matter tabled by the Council, until a decision was reached by those at the meetinn and then reported back to the Council. If a decision was not reached this eveninn, the Council would have to make the decision. f�1r. Farr said th� meetinn arran9ements were fine as far as he was concerned. The Publ�c Hearing was tabled until later in the Council P1eetinn and the interested partied ieft the Council Meeting to meet and try to reach a decision. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARIPJG ON ST. 1975-1 AND ST. 1975-2 STREET IMPROVE�tENT PROJECTS DONNAY'S ADDITION : The Finance Director stated that the assessinent roll had been reworked, and has been prepared on the same basis as the assessment rolls were prepared for the street work done in the Norti�erly portion of the Donnay's Addition. The last street improvement in this area was a deviation from the normal assessin� policy, and only the lots that have the improvement abuttinn�their nronerty on the front or the side would be asse;sed under this formula. The assessment roll puts all of the costs on a front foot basis, and the corner �avs this rate for one-third of their side footac�e. The assessmeni rate is $16.58 per front fcot, which represents a deviation from the standard policy, and it has the effect of nuttina these people on the sa.me basis as the other people in the Addition. The nroblem arose because in the nast the side street assessments were not spread down the block. There were several inquiries from members of the audience as to some differences in their assessments, and the matters were�discussed at lenath: SoMe of the citizen's remarks were directed to the quality of the street maintenance a�hich they felt was very inadequate. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt the public hearin� be closed. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. U�on a voice vote, all votinc� aye, hiayor PJee declared the motion carried unanimously. IPIFOR�1AL PUBLIC HEARI�dG TO CO�JSIDER PRELIMIfdRP.Y PLAPlS FOR COP�STRUCTION OF PdOISE The Public Works Director explained that the P1innesota Ninhway Denartment was considereinn the construction of noise abatement structures and landscapin� on I-694 frem Ftain to University Avenue and from 7th Street back to University. 41hat has happened, he said, is that due to the nature of the construction qoino to take place this summer the few additional feet in this matter shou]d be added to the contract so that the tlighway Department would not have to come back at a future date. It is the intent of this hearina to aet the inout of citizens on this matter, and we have two representatives here from the Hi�hway Dept., Mr. Borson, and P1r. Robinson. h1r. Borson said what the Hi�hway De�artment is tryin� to do is to �et the preiiminar� work done on those two seaments �added to a job in Plew Briahton and also net ready � for 1977 construction. � • 41e were here last September on the other portion, and we received the approval of your Council on the prelim7nary pians, and we will use the same type of construction on this. , There will be no assessment for the barriers. The cost Yiill be �aid for out of � the gas tax revenues. The barriers will protect the first two rows of homes, ' the third row minht get some, and the plan is to cut the noise in half. The � . � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1976 ` . 31 � PAr,E 6 � original noise level was around 70 or 75 decibels. 41e are now in t:he middle sixties, , and tast September some of those areas were as hi�h as 83 decibels in some spots. We will not be purchasing any right-of-way. All of this is in the Hiahway riqht-of-way. ' As to the maintenance, there are maintenance people who will be doinc� a very, � ,` � very minimal maintenance on one side; and the peoole, we hope, will take care of ! the other side. � Mr. Borson called upon the Highway Architect to explain some of the plantin� of bushes and trees, some of it on the freeway side and some on the resident's side of the :•�all; and he illustrated his remarks with the aid of a slide �rajection. RECESS: Mayor Nee called a recess at 9:52 P.M. RECOPJVENED: Mayor Nee reconvened-the meeting at 10:07 P.h1. Mr. Robinson, the Hiphway Architect, r�esumed his talk. The Public Works Director said that it is anticipated that the matter will be brouaht back �n May 3 for a resolution ihat will �ive preliminary approval to the Hiaha�a,y Department. Mayor Nee asked if there was anyone opposed to it. There was no resnonse. � Gladys Leitner, 671 Cherry Lane �lortheast, inquired about deletin� a �art of the barrier in her area. The Public Works Director said that he would ta�k to the parties concerned and let the Highway Department know the results. ' MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski the public hearinn be closed. Secand b,y Councilman � Starwalt. Upon a voice vote,. all voting aye, �1ayor Nee declared the mation carried unanimous]y. • OLD BUSINESS: � RESOLUTION N0. 37-1976 COfJFIRMING ASSESSh1ENT FOR ST. 1975-1 AND ST. 1975-2 STREET IMPROVEM[i!T PROJECTS TABLED 4/12/;6 : � Mr. Farr accepted the Resolution with the changes that have been oroposed bv the Finance Director. !10TION by Councilwoman Kukowski to waive the readina and adopt Resolution Plo. 37-1976. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votina aye,`f1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE No. 610 ESTABLISHIPIG A NEbI CHAPTER 115 OF TNE FRIDLEY CITY CODE ENTITLED SWIMMIPlG POOLS AND REPEALING PftIOR CHAPTER 115: � MOTIOP� by Hamernik to waive the reading and ado�t Ordinance No. 610 and publish. , Seconded by Councilwo�nan Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votinn a�e, ?9ayor P1ee declared the motion carried unanimously. . NEW BUSINESS: CONSIOERATION OF FIRST READING OF AP� ORDIPlANCE TO A"1ET1D CHAPTER 11 dF THE CITY CODE � The Finance Uirector stated that a few comments were brounht up at a staff ineetina that could be inserted here as a first readinn if the Council is inclined to adopt it. The first one is under Hotels and P?otels, and says $50 plus $5 a unit. Where-it shows service stations we should say oasoline sales; that is how it is under Code 13, and that is the way the Ordinance reads, ` , . f Under Street Vendin�, it shows $10 and $20; that should say $20 and $30, industrial � and residential, respectively. ( Trailer Parks have a$3 fee at the present time. Ferhaps u��e should have a$30 fee i � plus so much a unit. I am not sure what it should be. P1aybe this can be channed in the second readin�. 4 � , � ..q • ! �_ �_. �. _ I _� _ ... ,,, --- -- - .._ � _� �.___-_-- - — - - - " li �_� '� � � -T � �� � � ' 32 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1976 PAGE 7 Water Softeners are to be covered in a different section, and take it out of this section entirely. The water softeners are under the builciinn code rather than the licensing code. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to waive the readinn and adopt the Ordinance on the first reading as amended. Seconded by Gouncilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. COPJSIDERATION OF fIRST READIPJf OF APJ ORDINAPICE APtEPJDIPl6 THE CITY CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY: SECTION 5.02, EXPENDITURES BY PETITIOPlERS: P40TIOPJ by Councilman Starwalt to concur in the Charter Commission's recommendation. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � SECTION 5.03, FURTHER REGULATIOMS: • Councilman Starwait made a motion to concur with the Charter Commission's recorr�nen- dations on Section 5.03. htayor Nee stated that the motion as it stands is for the � entir^ section. Considerable discussion ensues over various parts of this section, and Mayor P�ee remarked on the meaning to be attached to the 3rd, 4th, and 5th lines of Section 5.03. .� L � � � ' � � � � . MOTIO�! by Councilman Fitzpatrick Section 5:03 be referred back to the Charter , Commission to clarify that Section. Second by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Playor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ION 5.05, FORP•1 OF PETITION AfJD OF SIGPlATURE PAPERS: F10TION by Councilwoman Kukowski to concur with the Charter Commission's recommen- � dations. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. � The City Aiiorney stated that you adopt aiso the languane that contains the nart that is being stricken. Fu�°ther, with the understandinn that it not be published until Section 5.03 comes back from the Charter Commission. lJnon further discussion it was decided to table Section 5.05. f10TI0N by Councilman Fitzpatriek to table Section 5.J5. Seconded by Councilwoman Kuko�vski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P�ayor fdee declared the motion carried unanimously. ' • SECTION 5.06, FILING OF PETITIONS AND ACTION THf_REON: i The City Attorney pointed out that there is the same type of lancivaqe considerations i as in the previous ane, the matter of includinn the stricken lannuane; that he didn't think the Council wanted to adopt a Charter channe that would strike out one Section until the other one had been adopted. MOTIOfJ by Counciiman Fitzpatrick to tabie Section 5_.06. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votinn aye, flayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. SECTION 5.08, INITIATIVE BALLOTS: MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to concur with the Charter Commissions' recommendation. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. i 1 SECTION 5.13, THE RECAL.L: � MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to table the Section. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. SECTION 5.14, RECALL PETITIONS: MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to table the Section. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, P1ayor �lee declared the motion carried unanimously. , ' i } — — - - — — - - • — - — --- - -- _ _- ------ --- , . � .,t..>. ..._ .. _. � i REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1976 ��, PArE s ; SECTION 5.19, INSTRUCTIONS TO PETITIONS: ' MOTION by CounciTman fitzpatrick to concur with the Charter Commissions's recom- mendation. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. SECION 6.04, SUBORDINATE OFFiCERS: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to concur with the Charter Commission's recommendation. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all vot9nq aye, �tayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. SECTION 6.05, PURCHASES AND CONTRACTS: MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to concur with the Charter Commission's recommendations Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. SECTION 6.Q6, CONTRACTS, HOW LET: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to concur with the Charter Commission's recommen-� dations. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�layor Nee declared the motion carried unani�.•,usly. SECTION 7.04, PREPARATION OF ANNUAL BUDGET: _ Upon discussion it was decided the Section needed clarification. MOTION by.Councilman Fitzpatrick to table the Section. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote; all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. SECTION 7.05, PASSAGE OF THE BUDGET: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to table the Section. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. SECTION 7.09, LEVY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES: MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to concur with the Charter Commission's recommendations Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unaniinously. SECTION 7.14, ACCOUNTS AND REPOP,TS: MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to table the Section. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, hiayor fdee declared the motion carried unanimously. SECTION 10.05, RATES A�JD ClIARGES: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to concu�- with the City Charter Commissions's recommendations. Seconded by Councilwoman Yuko�vski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. SECSION 10.06, PROVISIOPdS OF FRANCNIS�S: MOTION by Councilman Star�valt to concur with the Charter Comi-�ission's recommen- dations. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. SECTION 10.09, PUBLIC HEARINGS: MOTIOM by Councilwoman Kukowski to concur with the Charter Commission's recommen- dations. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Attorney suggested the Council not have a first reading until the matter comes back and then have the first reading on the whole thina; otherwise the City may end up with two ordinances. The motion could be to approve those that had t f f' t adi or as an alternative a motion 'to table i � � � i � i � � unam mous agreemen or a�rs re ng, , ! j until you get it back from the Charter Commission. 'It is a matter of perference. . . t � � . . r � � � i II ' � 1 �� , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1976 � PAGE 9 MOTION by Gouncil Starwalt to table the first reading until the Council gets a report from the Charter Commission. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a�voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATIOPJ OF FINAL PLAT SUBDIVISIOPI PS #�6-01 INNSBRUCK P�ORTH T041PlHOUSE IV APlD . V, AND APPROVAL OF TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPP1ENT T#76-01: The Public 4torks Director stated the Planninn Commission did recommend aoproval with certain stipulations,.and in working with barrel Farr a letter of understandinq and agreement has been worked out and with certain stipulations that have to be met. The Public Works Director then read the stipulations in the 7etter from Darrel Farr of April 19, 1976. The Public Works Director said P�ir, Farr realizes that prior to the final approv�i of the plat that certain items would have to be received by the City, and one of them is the easements for the public walkway that is adjacent to the lake in the 4th Addition. This would provide the City with the ownership of the existing walkway that is presently around the public end of the park. • The second is a performance bond for the exterior development; the liqhtinn, tennis courts, and recreational facilities. The CiY,y re�uires a copy of all deed restrictions and agreements between Darrel Farr and the Townhouse Association. Also required is a 7-foot walkway to paral}el the North Innsbruck Drive to Silver Lake Road, and to try to cope with the traffic • problem. The performance bond would also ca11 for the construction of an addi�ional traffic lane at the Silver Lake Road to ease the access. A maintenance bond of $5,Oa0 to insure the maintenance of the streets. 7he Pubiic Works Director enumerated other stipu]ations, and stated these were the basic outlines of understanding. , MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the Fina1 Plat Subdivision PS #76-01 Innsbruck North Townhouse IV and V, and approval of Townhouse Development 7#76-01. Seconded by Councilwoman Y.ukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Piee declared the motion carried unanimously. The nroup of citizens �hat met on the Innsbruck matter came back into the Council room to give the results of their meetinq. CONTINUED PUBLIC kEARING AP�lD CONSI�ERATION OF fIPJAL PLAT SUBDIVISION P.S. �76-02, INNSBRUCK VILLAGE AND TOWNHOl1SE D'EV�LOPMENT OF 100 UNITS, T i76-02, BY DARREL A. FARR Mayor Nee stated the item now being consider•ed is the Final Plat Subdivision No. 76-02 and Townhouse Development T#76-02 for Innsbruck Villane. Mr. farr stated that one of the homeowners has a list that has been aqreed upon. Gary Samuel said they had arrived at somewhat of an ac�reement, and it may not be the perfect answer. The City offered to make a couple of com�romises, which helns. First of all, the Farr Corporation has agreed to move the units back a certain distance. There would be one-way lane enterina, and emer�ency vehicles could come . up there. The Farr Corporation has agreed to do whatever soddinq or landscaoing may be necessary to keep the area, Arthur Street and l��est 6arvarian, deveioped aesthetically. Discussion ensued on the various aspects�of ,the apreement in relation to streets, angles, etc. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to close the Public Hearing and apnrove the Final Plat Subdivision P.S. #76-02 and Townhouse Development T#76-02, but sub.lect to all the agreements and the five stipulations. Seconded by CouncilH�oman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, P�ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Nee thanked the audience and P1r. Farr for a reasonable compromise. i , ; Z � 1' � The City PTanager said that it is encouraginc� to see the peopie �etting toctether � and solving problems, and the City would be glad to help in any wa,y that it can. If any one wishes to see any documents or plans, they should call the Public I�lorks Director and he will make that iriformation available •to them. � ! { � � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1976 — – - , 35 PAf E 10 ' � � . RECENING THE MINUTES OF 7HE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1976: INSIDE IMPROVEMENT AND OUTSIDE DEVELOPMENT PLAN - MAPLE LANES, 6310 7.H. 65 ACCORDING TO RESOLUTTON OF INTENT FOR LIQUOR LICENSE : The Public Works Director stated that the matter was before the Council approx- imately a year ago on a resolution for a li�uor license. The applicant is remodeling his building to bring it into compliance with the code as it pertains to a liquor license, and the resolution stated that it would no throuah the various commissions; that a certain exterior development plan would be laid out and be reviewed by the Planning Commission. The applicant has aqreed to proceed with any additional shrubbery and trees necessary to the buildin�'s exterior, and this would be completed on an agreed upon schedule and Mr. Savakoul is here to answer any questions. Mr. Savakoul made a short statement of his intent and purposes for the building, and some discussion ensued. MOTION by Coancilman Starwalt to concur with the Planninq Commission's recommendation and approve the landscaping. Seconded byVCouncilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. LEIGH TERRACE, P.S: �76-�3, OSBORNE ROAG AND EAST RIUER ROAD: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to set a Public Hearing for P1ay 10, 1976. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. J. HALj1PTZOK, ZOA #76-01; 1240 73'2 AVENUE: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to set the Public Hearinq for Ma,y 1-0th. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. D. F. SEXTER, LOT SPLIT #76-02, EAST RIVER ROAD AND IRQNTON STREET: The Public Works Director stated the land is zoned R-3, and the request is � for a lot split to build two double bungalows on R-3 property. There is a � concern here in that both the City fngineer and the County> at the apnropriate � time, would like to secure certain easements far future improvements along the East River Road, and we have been makinq this a consistent pattern here. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to concur with the Planning Commission in granting the lot split with the stipulation that additional easemeri�s be ', granted to the City on the fast River Road. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the matian carried unanimously. f i � SUBSTANDARD 40' LOTS: The Public Works Director said the matter came through the Board of Appeals for a guideline on building on 40' lots. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick the matter be discussed at the City Council . Conference Meeting, April 26, 1976. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayar Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #39-1976 REGARDING THE ISSUANCE OF IN70XICATIMG LIQUOR LIGENSE (JOHP! G. PURMORT, HOUSE Of LQROS : � Councilwoman Kukowski asked if they could change the agenda order and move the item regarding the Issuance of an Intoxicatinq Liquor License forward on the a�enda. M07ION by Councilwoman Kukowski to suspend the rules and move consideration of the Resolution forward. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousl,y. MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to waive the reading and to adopt Resolution #39-1976 Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, a1J voting aye, Mayor Mee declared the motion carried unanimously. i ,u.� ,.. _ _ .�_..�.._.__-__. __..._ - - , � . , ._., . .....t, _.._ • - • — - . , r.._. _ . .. ._. . _. .. , .....,�.. _ _ _ ._r_,,... _ .,. a .. _ �. ,.._ .. ...; , . � � i' i , � � �� � , � , I � 1 � I i , 1 ' f � I � �� � � �� s � � t � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 19, ]976 PAGE 11 � J � � � � CLAIMS: P10TION by Counci}woman Kukowski to approve claims as submitted. Seconded by � Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a v,oice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the � rnot9on carried unanimously. • , RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE POLICE COP1MISSION MEETING OF APRIL 6. 1976: MOTION by Councilwoman Kukawski to receive the minutes of the Police Commission Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, � all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ' RECEIVING THE f4INUTES OF THE CATV COP1MISSION t�1EETIP�G OF APRIL 7, 1976: h107I0N by Counciiwoman Kukowski to receive the minutes of the CATV Commission. Seconded by Chouncilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF P4UTUAL AID AGREEP�E�IT WITN CITY Of MAPLE GROVE TO JOIP! NORTH SUBURBA�•I PIUTUAL AID ASSOCIATIO�J: P�OTION by Councilman Starwalt to ap�rove the mutual aid aareement. Seconded bv Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. COP�SIp[RATION OF AUTNORIZIfdG PAYMENT FOR EASEh1ENT ACQUISITIOfI FOR SSR�SI�J �119 AND STREET IMPROVEMEN7 PROJECT ST. 1976-1: • MO7ION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to authorize the payment for easement acouisition. Seconded by Cbouncilwoman K�kowski. Upon_a voice vote, all votin� aye, Mayor tVee declared the motion carried unanimously. ION N0. 38-1976 AUTNORIZINf SIGMIPlG A�d AGREE"1ENT ESTABLISHIf1G WORKIPJG � The Finance Director recommended to the Council they adopt the Resolution. f407I0N by Co�ncilman Namernik to waive the readinn and adopt Resolution 3'38-1976. Seconded by Counciiwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votina.aye, t4ayor Plee dcclared the motion carried unanimously. LICEP,SES: , It was pointed out to the Council that Geor�e's Restaurant in Fridley had been recommended for approval because of the difficulties with the Camden Bridge beinp clQSed, but he had been informed that in the future he will have to meet the �0� food requirement. � ' � I ' f�OTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve ail of the iicenses as on file in the City Clerk's Office. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. hiayor P�ee inquired about the junk yard, and the Public l-lorks Director said it H�as a lec�al, non-conforming use; but there are some administrative problems, and this will a11ow us to put in some stipulations. The basic probiem is that he has his property scattered all over other people's property. The City Attorney stated if this meets the requirements for a junk yard, then the City is required to give him a license hased on the arandfather clause. If he hasn't a license, then he can be prosecuted for not havin� a license. If he has one, then he can be prosecuted for violatinct the terms of the license. - P107ION by Councilman Hamernik the stipulations as stated in the memorandum from Darrel Clark be a part of the issuinn of a license for P1r. Hayes. Seconded by � Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �layor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ESTIP1ATES: MOTION by Counci]woman Kukowski the folloHiinn estimates be aporoved for payment as presented. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votina aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. _ � � _ - - -- . -- - ._ . . - - - — - - �� i ; REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1976 PAGE 12 C Smith, Juster, Feikema Chartered �`Suite 1250 � ' i Suilders Exchange Building f Minneapolis, Minnesota 554�2 . Services of Ronald L. Hask'vitz concerning the Relief Association- ' PERA matter as of April 2, 1976 $ 523.75 Smith, Juster, Feikema Chartered � Suite 1250 I Builders Exchange Building Minneapolis, htinnesota 55402 , Services of Prosecutor Carl J. Newquist for Plarch, 1976 $1,441.25 � RESOLUTION rr40-1976 APPROVIPdG AND AUTHORIZIP�G SIGNING TNE AGREEMENT ESTA6LISHINC PAOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to adopt Resolution #40-1976. Seconded by Councilman ' Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ; ADJOURNMENT: � � MOT10N by Councilwoman Kukowski the meetin9 be adjourned. Seconded by Couneilman • � Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meetinn of the Fridley City Council of April 19, 1976 adjourned at 12:16 A.M. • : . Respectfully submitted, John Chegwyn William J. Nee Council Secretary P1ayor Approved: � � t I i � I � , �.< ... . . ... . . ' l-.�__..- �+.J..�_ .� .. 4 � I . i � ; � , � i I � , � � � ' , � , � � � I ' � � � I. ' 1 ' � � �( ' 1 � • � � . � � . , ' ' . �. : � . ( ' � FRIDLEY CIT1( COUNCIL MEETZNG . ' PIEASE SIGN NF1M� ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN QATE: � ��--- ,NAME _ ADDRESS ITEM NUMBER j____________ __________________________ _�_°_ __—___--_________—____—______��____--_—=� _-_=� � ��.'�..�. � �� , �..,� . � � - � , , ��� s��o - � �l � z-- � 'l �. . G � '/ � i % r % 6 %� i � ,, �r�.a..%� �11_ - .�• i , -;, ��� � �//%/%i''i � �' � - � .� / ����� /� ; , , 1 0 ��.- �-- � . , .— �2 ��;. S`/ ZL��� iS's,� � 48 7��6 y_ �. � ,y 5 7,� Lc, �� .� � C s�s � S�� �lP/ LU, L 0 -� C°.�. �3tiuktl 1. � .�r� � �� �. -��r. ',� �r I�l_�. 5�5`� �' , �anu,d� � sr� -�' - U �� .r�"i � �,p � °7 C'�.�.�; - � °�.-�v � � � s C� �� ��, �%i/�f�i//1 �� • �. � � ' �� / � /_�-T / � / � � �.. / 3 / �-�0 3 � 3 ! �J � , , -� - � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETZNG '�LEASE SIGN NAME ADDRESS ANf1 ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE: �/'f P�f � �� ��f %� ,iVAME AODRESS ITEM NtlMBER -_---__-_-____�_______________________�_-__--_-____-______-_______-__-______-____-=_- ____=____- T�J Q��l � � l.� o T 7 _ -= a�. --� ��2.. Gz.� �/c���� � , , � � . , �(Q J' •�o_ �G9�/v /�' � ` � n�' P� �2 v� a�' E, a�i vE. ��•� �� . �. �-, .o _ ..���, �� ��.r"",�G�'J .�. � � � ■►ir.� hhs� �'�(G %, l� M'! F , 5"56i� fZ�Grs D 5 S�oo Lo h�i �s� � �, �,� ��.�� �r � �. �6� ' :�1�. 5G� -�S�ST N� '"� o v — �� � /�� � � l�f /2 /�o �r�s,6 rLt��C /•%� � �I $ �7 � �.�.. /L/ � � �'l cz x u �e� /Zc� ��� G� ��t��� �� /y�`y .� �� ,�Sd �-� �.� ..� �- , � ���-� I.�lor��-z�n r���J-� ��q� i'n�¢.c�a�n l�. f • �,�� � ' , ,� i � � / ��� � u-!� �-�-� � yC.• / v � .�s��. � � � �� %%`� a� 3 � � I � 3 / -.- :-�-�---__.____�. .�_ w � .. �. �...___.._:�.�. � ;�-r ., � � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCII. MEETING � � . � . . I PLEASE SIGN fifAME ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMS�R INiERESi'EEi IN QATE: .......` �! ``�/ 7� ' , NAME ADDRES�S ITEM NUMBER a=m�rs=a�s�agaa�s�o: �c3o��a���n�osa��a-�=oa :� :��e�s�� :_�=���aaec��ma��a�aass�os s: rs�a,-o=m�= ��� - � � �- � 1 _ _ -�' F ' � _ _ � . ��� ,�.� � � � �� �.. ii,. ., I ' - .�; i �■r::'I�� .��!�'/� �� I� �. �' � ���� ,• ��� � , , � � � � �-�� � � �r�.�� ���„�� G 9a �/�����` l��� � O �O /V' �X� -P ��G � _ - .� ��� ���.,��:,�.�,� .,,�.�.�i"� � �1� _ �ww�° � 3 y G� Q a� ,� / /�'o �7;���,�- � ! Z ti h �1 ,�� . f��� �, c�bN��,•-,� Ci,e/e s'� � � , . %s- � . d e� ��-� � � %C5 �Y d�.�' �h�� f�� 2 i � ��� � / , . ' . . � FRIDLEY CITY COUiVCIL — REGULAR MEETIiVG — APRIL 19, 1976 — 7:30 P,"I, 1 , PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: � 1 . � ' ROL..L CAL�: 1 I APPROVAL OF IIINUTESc � REGl1LA;` i`IEETI NG, APR t L�, l�%� � . � ADO°T�O;� 0[= AuEfdDA: � ^ 1 1 � � , � OPEf� FORU�I, VISITORS. _ ' RATION OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA — 15 i`��1NUTES) (CONSIDE ' ' . � ' � n � REGULAR MEETIfVG, APRIL 19, 1976 . PAGE 2 PUBLIC HEI�RIi�GS: I �ONI"INUED PUBLIC HEARING ON F_INAL PLAT SU�DIVISIQN � P�S� �%�-OZ, INNSBRUCK VILLAGE, BY DARREL A� FARR � UEVELOPMENT CORP,; BEING A REPLAT OF OUTLOT B, � INNSBRUCK I�ORTH ADDITION, ALONG WITH LOT 4�, EXC�PT THE I"�ESTERLY 21O' , A� S� #92, GENERAL.LY LOCATED �(�ORTH � OF I�ORTH II�NSBRUCK DRIVE �VE AND WEST OF� THE i�LACK FOREST APARTMEtdTS ' AND CONSIDERATION OF TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT OF iOO UNITS, � T#76-02, BY DaR���, A, FARR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, FOR I NNSBRUCK V I LLAGE � « � � � � � � � � � � � � � . � � � � 1 - 1 a i� �OiVTINUED �UBLIC HEARItVG ON ST, 1�75-1 a�D ST, 1975`2 STREET IMPROVEME�iT PROJFCTS iDaNNAY�S ADDITIQN)� ����.� �' 2 E I � i. il � REGULAR i�EETIi�G, APRIL 19, 1976 PUBLI�C HEARINGS (CONTIIlUED) PAGE 3 INF'QRMAL PtJBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER PRELIMINARY PLANS FQR CONSTRUCTION OF I�OISE ABATEMENT STRUCTURES BY MINNESOTA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT CI���� FROM MAIN STREET TO %TH STRE�T) � � � � � . � � � � � � � � � � . � � � � . � � � 3 - � B OLD BUSINESS: CONSIDERAiiQN 0� A��S(3LlJTIQN �ONI=IRMING ASSESSMENT FOR ST, 1975-i r��� ST� i375�2 Srr��E-i Ir��P�ov�r�Er�� P�OJECTS �TA�LED i/.L�/ /�� � t o e � i e � R � e � � t F � � � � � i � � `'t � l'1 CQNSIDERATION OF SECOND RE/�DING OF AI�! ORDIfvANCE ESTABLISHING A�iEW �NRPTER 115 OF THE �RIDLEY �ITY CODE ENTITLED SWIMMING POOLS AND REPEALING PRIO�Z CHAPTER 115, , , i � e . �, o , � , � , , . . ,. , . . . , . , 5 — 5 E RE�U�.AR MEETINu, ArRIL 19, 19%� NEW BUSI�ESS�: PA�E 4 CONSIDERATION -0F FIRST READING QF AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER II OF THE CI7Y CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, AN�KA COUNTY, MINNESOTA BY CHANGING CERTAIN LICENSE FEES AND ADDING THE CITY CODE t�IUMBERS� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � b - 6 C . CONSIDERATION OF FIRST REApING OF AN ORDINANCE aMENDIN6. THE CITY CHARTER OF 7HE CITY OF F�IDLEY� � � � � � � � � � � % - � F CONS�DERATI(7N OF APPR4VAL QF FINAL PLAT SUBDIVISION P,S, #7b-Ol I�vr�s��uc« P�ORTN TOWt�lNOUSE IV & V, AND APPROVAL OF TOWNHQUSE DEV�LOPMENT T�#76-a1; REPLAT OF �UTLQT N� DARRE� FARR DEVELQPMENT CQRP� � � . � • • � • � � � 0 REGU�LAR MEETI�VG, APRTL 1�, I�76 - PAGE 5 i�EW �BUSTi�ESS (COf�TIl�UED� CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT SUBDIVISION P,S� #�%�—OZ, INNSBRUCK VILLAGE, BY DARREL A� FARR DEVELOPMENT CORP� AND APPROVAL OF T�WNHOUSE I�EVELOP— MENT T #%C—CJZ AND . RECEIVItJG PETITION #7-1976; RESIDENT�S FIRST �HOICE-- APARTMENT BUTLDING AND SECOND CHOICE--TOWNHOUSES� ������ 9— 9 B RECEIVING THE i`IINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING oF APR I L %, 1976 , � , , , , , , o , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,10 - lU 00 �.� INSIDE IMPROVEMENT AND OUTSIDE DEVELQPMENT PLAN — �APL� �ANES, 6310 T�H� 6S �ACCQRDING TO RCSQLUTION OF IIdTENT FOR LIQUOR LICENSE) a, � r��,��,,� 10 E— 10 G J��Af�NIIVC�GQMM� RECOMMCNDATIO�l: COIVCURRED WITH STAFF REPORT �Q�l�1�.,IL ACT� R�C�I iRED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOM— � MENDATION 0 0 ! � ' � I � , � � � � ' PAGE 6 REGU'LAR MEET I �dG, APR I L la� 1976 - IVEW 13USIf��ESS (COi�TIiVUED) (PLANNING COMMTSSION P'�1NUTES CONTINUED) Z� INNSBRUCK VIl�L.AGE P�$� �7b-OZ AND TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT T i��6-O2 � � � � , � . � � � � � � � � � � 10 H - 10 Q _ I��.G QM(��.,SS�Q:IL.R������1 A.1�1 ATIQN: APPROVE WITH STIPULATIOPJS � rQUNCIL ACTION REQUIR�D: IUONE, PUBLIC HEARING HELD APRIL IZ, �.�%� 3� LEIGH TERRACE, P�S� #76-U3, OSBORNE �OAD AIJD EAST � � I VER {�QAD � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � o � � i 0 Q - 10 V P y�NN I NC__ CO^'!� i I SS T ON—��GOMMENDA I 0 : APPRQVE W I TH and 10 6B STIPULATIONS �.pl1NC I=�.__AS_T Lgr� ��Q�� I R.��: SET PUBL I C HEAR I NG 4, J� NALUPTZOK, LOA #76—01; �.2�0 73� Av��vu�, . �,,,�o v- lo w �I A�N I NG COMM � REC�t MEE�DAT I aN : APPROVE and 10 CC �l.�GIL A�TZON REQUIR��: SET PUBLIC HEARING r � � � � � � � � � REGULAR MEETI fVG, APRI L 1�, 1976 NEW BUSIfVESS CCONTINUED) �PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES CONTINUED) PAGE 7 �� D� �� $EXTER, �07 SP�.1T �#76-02, EAST RIVER RQAD AND IRONTON STREET � � � � � , � � � , , � � � 10 W and 10 DD - 10 FF � A .I.�G COM�, REGOMMEf�DATION: �1PPROVE �j.�.0 I L�C�I p R Q J�.R�� � CONS IDERAT I ON OF RECOMME{VDAT I ON � 6 , SUBSTANDARD 40 ` Lozs , , � � , , , , , , , , � . , , � o x - � o z P! ANN I�f G�OMP1 � R C0�1M� TI O: GU IDELI NES SET and 10 GG - 10 -00 FOR APPE(�LS COMMISSION FOR EACH 4�� LOT �� �1 N�j,_L,__ �.� I p�L�B.E�. ; CO N S I D E R AT I O IV 0 F RECOMMCNDATION RECEIVING TNE I`�INUTES OF THE POLICE COMMISSION j`�EETING QF APR I �. 6, 1976. � � , , . , . . , , . . � . � � , . . 11 - 11 B � . �. t � REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 1�, 1�76 � . PAGE 8 � � iVEW BUSINESS (COf�TINUED) RECEIVING THE ��IINUTES OF THE GATV COMMISSION MEETING . . oF APR I L %, 1976 , , , , , , , , , , � , . . . , . � , . � , , lZ — 12 D tCONSIDERATION OF �'IUTUAL AID AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF I`'�APLE �ROVE TO �OIN !'aORTH SUBURBAN MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION� ���. 13 — 13 F � � ' ' � � � CONSIDERATIQN OF At1THORIZING PAYMENT FOR EASEMENT AGQUISITION FOR SS�S�`� ��.�.g RND STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST, 197b-1. . , , , a , , , � . , � � � � E � . , . , 14 p I4 A CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SIGNING � AN AGREEMEC�T ESTABLISHING WORKING CONDII'IONS, WAGES AND H4URS FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY LOCAL N0� �g, AFL—CIO �PUBLIC WORKS AND PARKS)� .�.��� �� 1� — IS X REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 19, 1976 PAGE 9 iVEW BUSINESS (COiJTIi�UED� CONSIDERATIQN QF' A RESOLUiION REGARDING THE ISSUANCE OF INT�XICATING LIQUOR LICENSE ��4HN G� PURMORT, HOUSE OF LORDS} , , , , ,� , � . , , , � . , . . . . � . . , . , , , . , lb - lo A CLAI MS � � � � � � � � � � � � . � � � � � � � � � . � � � � � 1% �F�ENSES � � � � � . � � � � . . � � � � � � � � � � � � � . � 1� — ItS y EST T MATE� � � � �\ . � � . � � � . � � � . . � , � � � � � � e 1`� — 1`� C ADJOURfd: t� � . . . � � , , � � � __. � . - i 1 1 � THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRTDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF APRIL 5, 1976 '. � � � ` � � � ' �. ' � . � • �-- ^� -- T —_ -- � ����� i I � , — - -- . ;� � , THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF APRIL 5, 1976 �� � The regular meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order on April 5, 1976, � by Mayor Nee at 7:30 P.M. PLED6E OF ALLEGIANCE: ' Mayor Nee welcomed those present and invited them to join the Council in the P7edge � of Allegiance to the Flag. , ; ROLL CALL: � { MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilwoman Kukowski> Councilman Starwalt, Councilman Hamernik, � Mayor Nee and Councilman Fitzpatrick � �i MEMBERS ABSENT: None _ APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 1 REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 23, 1976: MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to adopt the minutes of February 23, 1976, as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ' , REGULAR MEETING, MARCH l, 1976: ' MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to adopt the minutes of the regular rneeting of ' March 1> 1976 as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, a}1 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. j PUBLIC NEARING MEETING, MARCH 8> 1976: ' � MOTIAN by Councilman Hamernik to adopt the minutes of the meeting of March 8, �! 1976. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor •' Nee decl�ared the motion carried unanimously. , REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 15, 1976: � � MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the minutes of the regular meeting of March 15> 1976 as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, � ; Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimous]y.� � ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Nee stated the Item 5 regarding the Union Oil Company rezoning request would � ' be moved up to Item 1 on the agenda if there were no objections. � MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to adopt the revised Agenda. Seconded by Councilman ' Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried � ` unanimously. . The Public Works Director said it would be in order to add an item to agenda item number 10 regarding Zander's First Addition. The item would be "Receiving the ! Certification of the Engineer and Accepting the Storm Sewer Involved with the ' Development of the Zander's First Addition Plat." ` MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to adopt the amended agenda. Seconded by Councilman � �' Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried , , � unanimously. �. . I OPEN FORUM, VISITORS: RECEIVING PETITION N0. 5-1976, REQUESTING THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TO TAKE PROMPT AND I, POSITIVE F�CTION TO HAUE THE OWNER AND OCCUPANT, WILLIAM ERICKSON AT 650 ELY STREET, � FRIDLEY, REMOVE ALL RUSTED TRUCKS, PLUS OTHER DEBRIS AT TNE ABOVE ADDRESS, AND ALSO R�fRAIN FROM DOING AU70 BODY WORK, WELDING AND TIRE REPAIR FOR OUTSIDERS AT HIS RESIDENCE: I, Mr. Einar Erickson, 631 Dover Street. appeared before the Council and read a petition. I . I i � 0 .10 REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1976 PAGE 2 Councilman.Hamernik staied that action has been under way by the City. The City Manager stated that the Council appreciates the concern of the neighbors in this ;. matter and realizes it is a problem. He stated that the City is utilizing all legal means of trying to eliminate the problem. The party giving rise to the action has been in court and has been fined. A hearing date has been set in June. The • City Manager stated that although the City may seem to have a lot of power, it still must act through the proper legal channels, and the City will continue to work on the problem until it is solved, and he appreciated the concern being shown in this matter. Mr. Einar Erickson replied that the matter has been going on for ten years. There is an ordinance in Fridley concerning junk yards operating without a permit; further, there is a parking ordinance concerning the City streets and these trucks have been parked there every day. He has never moved them. The Gity Manager replied that the City has made citations in the matter, and the City is going through a legal process on the matter, and although the judge fined the violator, the violator is reverting to the sanie kind of violations and those factors will be taken into consideration. The City Manager said the City is being sued by the violator in this matter on the basis of harassment. We are using every legal means to take care of this matter. Mr. Einar Erickson stated that the City has a responsibility by allowing the open display of junk on the boulevards and streets. The City Manager replied that the City is taking all the legal means it has to get the problem under control. A member of the audience asked what would happen if the judge didn't react against him. He said that to him it was a junk yard, a legal junk yard. He asked if they would get a tax reduction for living in an industrial area. The City Manager replied ! that if it can be proven that the property has been devaluated in that manner, a case could be made for that. i . ,� � ; � _, The City Attorney stated that perhaps the City Manager or the City Prosecuting . f Attorney should notify the people whose names are on the petition and ask all of : them, or at least some of them, to appear in court when the matter is heard, and i, this would have some weight as far as the judge is concerned. Councilman Hamernik queried if the matter might be investigated on the.basis of conducting a commercial operation in a residential area. The City Manager replied that there have been several violation charges lodged in the mattern, and the pictures Mr. Erickson has presented will be of great help to a judge. The City Attorney suggested that the case might be advanced. There may be violations of the City code by the conducting of a commercial business in a residential area. Mayor Nee called for further comments or questions to be directed to the Council, but there was no response. OLD BUSINESS: INANCE N0. 609 - CONSIDERATION OF NANCE FOR REZONING REQUEST CONSIDERA7ION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT RE UEST, SP #75-28, UNION OIL COMPANY, 5695 HACKMANN AVENUE N.E. TO CONTINUE EXISTING SERVICE STATION: ' Ttie Public Works Director said this was a request to rezone a parcel in the south- �'� east corner of Old Central avenue and Hathaway tane because of the existence of a � service station in that area. At the present time the use of the property is not � consistent with the C-1S zoning, and the request is to change it to C-2. On its , first reading there were basically no objections. 7here was some objection based on the potential use of the property. The City now has the easements and the stipulations in that regard have been met. The Public Works Director stated that he recommends the ordinance be adopted and publication ordered. • The Public Works Directar said that with respect to the Special Use Permit, the Planning Commission recommended approval of it at its December 3> 1975 meeting with three stipulations: The first stipulation is that the Special Use Permit be . � subject to an annual review to insure that the business was being operated in a clean, neat and orderly manner. The second stipulation was that within a two year ,``. , , e m .. � I f � �; � ��� � ;; �' � ' , _ ------ --1-- ---_. _ ____ _ _____ _ __ _ . 11 RE6ULAR MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1976 PAGE 3 � period the operation of the business be upgraded through remodeling of the grounds � or the remodeling of the structure. The third stipulation is that when a building , � permit is issued the Special Use Permit be reviewed to insure the operation of the � business is satisfactory. The Public Works Director stated that the petitioner has agreed to these stipulations, � and we feel �t is in order to approve the Special Use permit and Mr. Hubbard is present. ; MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt Ordinance No. 609 on second reading, waive the reading, and order publication. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously, � MOTION try Counclman Starwalt to approve the Special Use Permit. Seconded by Council- ' man Hamernik. Upon a voice vote,.all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion ! carried unanimously. , i: � , � , j � , 1 � , � � , i � ; ,• , ' � ` TION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT fOR SEWER, WATER AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT The City Manager stated there was a problem of assessmenis on certain properties, a question on the street assessments. The people along the Riverview Terrace felt that the benefits were not there; that the property was not receiving any benefits by the improvements. We have prepared a proposal which basically is based on front yard basis. There are no side yard assessments proposed in this proposal. We want to emphasize that this is a deviation from the normal policy. If the Council feels that because of the special nature of the property that special consideration be given, then the front yard assessment only proposal can be considered by them. We have signed agreements from Mr.Hendrickson, Mr. Novak, and School District 14, and a petition from all of the remaining property owners. A member of the audience inquired why her assessment was $2,000 more than anticipated, and the City Manager ?xp?ained that the assessments were the same for the same improvements of the others in the area, for the. same type and range of improvements, and he went on to explain her assessments in relation to the others in her area that were getting the same improvements. Mayor Nee inquired if there are any real objections to this. Councilman Hamernik replied that we have a signed petition or an agreement by every individual involved in the assessment on this basis, and unless there is a r�consideration on the part of anybody here, and we have that agreement. Mayor Nee asked that before the Council proceeds if they w�nted to make a commitment for using this as a format for the project? Councilman Hamernik said that he thought the formula had been worked out and that it had been agreed to by the people involved. Councilman Hamernik said that we have been through this many, many times, and we have reached the point where the people directly involved in the construction have dgreed that they are the beneficiaries of the project> and that he certainly didn't mean to have reservations on the agreement. Councilman Starwalt said he recognized that they wanted the project, but he is not sure that they would agree that they are the total beneficiaries. The City Mana'ger stated this has been a difficult project and it has been brought before the City not only this year but in previous years. He said that some of the questions being discussed now have been discussed numerous times before. The City Manager further stated we have an agreement with the school district where we feel the school district is paying a fair share of the cost of the program even.though they feel they are not getting any improvements. The Public Works Director stated that.the school district was not in favor of the project, but they have cooperated during this whole iime and they have indicated that since we have the resolution that everything is fi ne. Various members of the audience asked questions about the front footage, costs, road access, and why some of the assessments were different, and on what basis they were calculated differently. Mayor Nee replied that they are using the shortest side of your lot for calculations; that it is the formula. " , � � i �� .. 0 � — 12 ; { � � REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1976 PAGE 4 � • MOTION by Councilman Hamernik that the formula be adopted for the project and that the contract be awarded to Peter Lametti Construction, Inc. in the amount of � $43,814.05. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a roll call vote, Council i Members Fitzpatrick, Hamernik, Kukowski and Mayor Nee voting aye, Councilman Starwalt vo 'n ti g nay, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried four to one. Following are the bids as submitted for Sewer and Water Project #119: ; Planholder Bid Deposit Lump Sum Bid � Northdale Construction Com 269 Peninsala Road 5% $52,965.50 Minneapolis, Minnesota Frank f. Jedlicki Sewer & Water Contractor 5% $45,274.00 4621 Twin Haven Road . Minnetonka, Mi-neosta 55343 !" Erwin Montgomery Construction Co., Tnc. 50 $55,844.45 10883 - 89th Avenue N. Osseo, Minnesota 55369 Bianconi Construction Co. 5% $53,098.00 986 Bayard Avenue St. Pau1, Minnesota 55102 Arcon Construction Co. ' 903 E. Forest Street 10% $55,028.90 Mora, Minnesota 55051 American Contracting Corp. 1540 Yellowbrick Road 51 �48,837.76 Coon Rapids, Minnesota G. L. Contracting . P.O. Box 340 5% $57,534.40 Hopkins; Minnesota Peter Lametti Construction, Inc. 615 Drake Street ' 5% $43,8T4.05 St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 RECEIVING PETITIONS #1-1976, #2-1976, �3-1976, ANQ #4-1976 ALL REQUESING SEWER, ! WATER, STORM SEWER ANQ STREET IMPR�VFMFNTS iDl PR(lP(lSF[l H�NRiKSFN AnnTrrnN tnrrtiimGc ' MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive Petitions #1-1976, #2-1976, #3-1976 and #4-1976 and the Letters of Understanding. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT SU6DIVISION P.S. #75-02, BY LEIF HENRIKSEN, The Public Works D.irector stated that the Planning Commission recorrniended approval at their public hearing with two stipulations: One, that the right-of-way be forty-(40) feet.wide, and two, that the set-back be thirty (30) feet. ' MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to adopt the plat with the two stipulations of forty � foot right-of-way and thirty foot setback. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � ORDINANCE N0. 60II - CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE FOR REZONING REQUEST, ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ZOA #75-07, QY LEROY NALUPTZOK, FROM C-1S T0 M-l. 1240-73'Z �AND4 CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP #75-29, LEROY HALUPTZOK, 1240-73'Z AVENUE N.E.: The Public Works Director stated that it would be in order to adopt the ordinance on � � � � � ,.i ' •- -� ,j i 1 _� ._ � � 0 , ,l �;�� � � �� � �� �J � � � r � � .� I ! REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1976 13 . '~ PAGE 5 second reading and order publication together with the special use permit. There I was some concern in that the Planning Commission and the Council did not want a continuation of a junk yard operation in the area, and with that in mind, these stipulat�ons were drawn up, and the items have been talked over with the petitioner, � and he has agreed to the stipulations outlined in the agenda. We recommend approval of the special use permit. Mr. Qell, the Attorney, is here to answer any questions. MOT10N by Councilman Starwalt to adopt Ordinance No. 608 on second reading, waiving the reading, and ordering publication. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon � a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. i � MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the Special Use Permit. Seconded by ; Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon query by Counciiman Starwalt, Attorney Bell stated that ' althou�h he had not seen the agreement, his client had read it to him over the tele- hone, and it was substantially in the same form. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. • ! CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 115 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE ENTITLED SWIfdMING POOLS AND REPEALING PRIOR CHAPTER 115 TABLEQ 12/15/75): The Public Works Director stated that after receiving input from the staff, from the swimming pool people, and in the conference meeting, the proposed ordinance has been ; prepared as noted in the agenda. There were two concerns. The first was the fencing around the swimming pool. It is recommended that the height be increased from four to six feet, based on the Planning Commission recommendations. Further that cyclone fencing be permitted and that the entrance of children by means of hand or foot- holds on the fence so as to climb over it be prevented. It is the intention of the staff to basically insure that toddlers and children through the ages of 3, 4, and 5 be prevented from getting into the swimming pool. ; The :situation was reviewed vaith the State Health Department, and it is their basic i policy to allow cyclone fencing. The Public Works Director further stated that at the conference meeting there was a discussion about the maximum width of drain grate openings to be one-half inch. The State has changed their regulations to one-half inch because of concern for fingers , getting stuck in the grate. Councilman Hamernik inquired about the fencing, if it is to inc]ude cyclone fencing? , The City Attorney stated that there is some concern in this matter; that a suggestion i is that it not be spelled out but that the staff�use their best judgment as there may be some kinds of cyclone fencing that would be permitted, and other kinds that would not be permitted. This could be a matter that the staff could consider when an application is made, and the staff can inquire what type is intended and types would � be permitted. ',. � �. ,y MOTION by Councilman Hamernik that the Ordinance be approved on first reading and the reading be waived. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �. NEW BUSINESS: CONSIDERATION OF ESTABLISHING A NEW CHAPTER 505 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE EPdTITLED BICYCLE REGISTRATION AND REPEALING PRIOR CHAPTER 505 - FIRST READING OF ORDINRNCE: '� The Public Works Director stated the change was to provide improvement of the enforce- „�- ment of the code. The ordinance outlines the steps and procedures to insure that those people who operate bicycles within the bike paths, lanes,�and routes are required to follow certain rules and regulations, and it will be a means of providing '�`" the police department and other enforcing agencies to insure the proper operation of bicycles within the system. 7he City Attorney suggested that the measure be passed on the first reading and see what is wrong in it as there seems to be something garbled in it. It does not read right. Councilman Hamernik inquired about state legislation in reference to bicycles. The City Attorney said there are some passed fn the ]ast session. The City Manager suggested that the matter could be adopted and investigate the statutes and then � bring it back for a second reading. � � # � ,- — ------ _ � °�� � 14 ; ,� � � � REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1976 PAGE 6 MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to adopt the brdinance regarding bicycle registration � on first reading, waiving the reading. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 17, 1976: CONSIDERATION OF APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 9, 1976: �� • D. ROTTER, 8100 RUTH STREET: The Public Works Director said this was a request by Mr. Rotter to reduce the front yard setback from 35 feet to 20 feet to allow the construction of a single family residence at 8100 Ruth Street. The request is to allow construction adjacent to the creek which meanders through the property and without a variance the property can only be developed at a great expense, it would work a hardship on the canstruction of the•home, and would inflict great damage to the property. The Public Works Director outlined by means of a projection the problems incurred �nd what would happen to the property depending on which setback was used. The code requires that the house line be 35 feet back from the street property line. In this case the house would be too close to the creek and require extensive foundation at the rear. The City would work with him and see if we could get it at 22, or 25, or place the house in a different position to reduce the amount of foundation work. The Appeals Commission did recommend approval of the request and it should be noted there were objections from the neighbors, which is why it is before the Council. Mr. Rotter is here to present his request and to answer questions the Council might have. Councilman Fitzpatrick said that he had read all of the minutes of the Board ; of Appeals and the application and he does not have any questions that were ,, ; not considered there. � ' Mr. Rotter said that the difficulties in relation to the neighbors was just to the property line. He said that the way the property .falls there is not too much property to work with, and in some positions the placement would . lead to the flooding of low spots in the back yard. He would like to provide - some kind of a retaining wall to prevent erosion. He said that 35 feet would + bring the footings below the bed of the creek. r ' #; Councilman Fitzpatrick stated that the Board of Appeals approved it by a four • to one vote> and the Planning Commission approved it unanimously. {' Mayor Nee asked about the claim that some neighbors said that Mr. Rotter promised not to build there. Mr. Rotter said that promise was made by a previous owner of the property. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to concur with the Board of Appeals and the Planning Commission and grant the variance. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. PLYWOOD MINNESOTA, SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST SP #76-02, 5301 EAST RIVER ROAD: � The Public Works Director stated that the intent of the sign is not for �-, advertising. It is for the information of customers to know where the entrance � to the commerciai establishment is. Thes°e was quite a discussion in the Planning Commission regarding the traffic situation relative to the placement of the sign as there is something wrong with the location of the sign. With the development of the industrial park it is hoped that all traffic could be directed to 51st Avenue. We are asking for signalization here. There is a possibility that the intersection might be closed depending on what the future traffic situation provides. The Planning Commission recorronended approval with the stipulation that this Special Use Permit might only be allowed to continue until the development of the property. I guess that is what we are saying. We are recommending approval for the location of the billboard at that location. REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1976 ______.._. � _., f� 1�5 � � � . , PA6E 7 . The City Manager stated that there is a letter of understanding from the parties to these stipulations. Mr. Seeger said that all they are looking.for is a means of directing people in and out of the property in a safe manner. At present the people are making a suicide turn there. Names will be added at no expense. As other entrances to the park become established, we will take the names off and gradually take the sign down or remove it. � The City Manager said that he concurs and that he only wants to be sure that this ' � is only an interim solution. The Public Works Director expanded on the dangers emanating from the location of the sign. Discussion ensued concerning the stipu- � lations, and the matter of a variance from the metal structures code was mentioned. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the Special Use Permit with the following stipulations: (1) The Special Use Permit be reuiew annually; (2) A directional arrow be a part of the sign; (3) The sign would be removed when the property is developed; (4) That any new businesses be included on the sign. And to concur with the Commission to approve the following variances: (1) Sign to be of wood ��nstruction instead of inetal construction; (2) Reduction in setback from residential area froin 500 feet to 350 feet; (3) Reduction in setback from street intersection from 500 feet to 50 feet. HENfJING NECSON CONSTRUCTION C0.> SPECIAC USE PERf�iIF SP �7b-0A, DUPLEX IN R-1 ZONING LOCATED SOUTFI OF 71ST WAY AfdD WEST OF EAST R N ER ROAD: �. ; � s The Director of Public Works stated that there was a good deal of objection at the Planning Commission. The Planning Cominission recommended denial. That first of all the property �aas not compatible with the neighborhood, the petitioner was , absent from the hearing on his petition, and further, the petitioner stated to �, the Planning Commission that the double bungalow would not enhance the neighborhood. The Public Works Director stated that the petitioner was called to inform him that the item was on the agenda tonight, but he does not seem to be here. The . area is zoned single family, and there is a market for this type and this is properly zoned. M07IdN by Councilman Fitzpatrick to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to deny the use of a Special Permit based on the reasons as stated. Councilwoman Kukowski seconded the motion. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. LYNDALE TERMINAL COMPANY, SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP. �176-03, GARDEN CEi�7ER, 250- 577H AVENUE N. E.: The Public Works Director stated that the garden center had been at this location for a 7ong time, and because of a recent rezoning of the proparty, the staff requested that the garden center make application for a Special Use Permit. The staff has been working with them for the past eight to ten months and through certain stipulations, performance bond, and landscaping, the property can be brought into conformance with the existing use, not necessarily appropriate for the area. They have not received approval as yet, and they will be willing to agree with any reasonable stipulations that the Council may desire to place on them. A concer°n was the ten�porary nature of the site, and that over a period of time there should be some permanent improvements in the area. The Public Works Director further stated that a stipulation could be that a Speciai Use Permit might be approved for a period of three years and after that time the Noliday Store should make a decision as to whether they wanted to continue the garden center, and if so, they should prepare plans of a permanent nature. Another stipuiation was that a Special Use Permit be limited to a certain period, say, from April lst to September lst; after that time the area be cleaned out and cleaned up and put into a neat and orderly fashion, and that there be a review to see that the maintenance is being complied with, and that no other storage of materials be in that area after the closing. � The Public Works Director stated the manager was present and would agree to these stipulations. The Manager stated he would agree and that the garden center would be closed after the 4th of July. � .. 0 �� ,� ti �_.�. .� �' �� ;� REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1976 The Public Works Director recommended that the Special Use Permit be granted w5th the stipulations. • PAGE 8 Councilman Fitzpatrick inquired why a three year Special Use Permit instead af one year's period. The Public Works Director stated that there was talk of this area of the Holiday property going to a different operation, and that a three year permit would allow them to come up with a change in operations or a permanent type of improvement. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick that a Special Use Permit be granted for the period in which they expect to be in operation, from April lst through July 15> 1976. Councilman Starwalt seconded the motion. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated that the kind of permanence on this location in the past is the kind that he wouldn't encourage. It is permanently cluttered. The City Attorney stated that if the Council desired to terminate the operation it would be easier to do so if the permit was an annual one, but on the other hand, there is the question of whether it will be easier adminstratively and for the business person not to have to go through the Corrmission and the Council. That if it is important enough and you want to keep a handle on it year by year, you have sufficient reason to ask Holiday t� make t�.e application on an annual basis. Councilman Fitzpatrick said that there is a tradition of granting long Special Use Permits because of the business involved in terms of money and development, but that this is not the case. The City Manager stated that a three year permit was to give them a chance to make a permanent solution to the problem. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated that if his second would permit it, he would with- draw his motion. Councilman Starwalt agreed. MOTION by Gouncilman Fitzpatrick to have the Special Use Permit granted for a three year period with the stipulation that it have an annual review and that at the end af the three year period a permanent location be agreed upon, and that from April lst to July 15th of each year it can be in operation,.but after that time nothing is to be stored in that area. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. RECEIVIP�G THE MINUTES OF THE POLICE CO��IMISSION MEETING OF MAkCH 16, 1976: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the minutes of the Police Commission Meeting of March 16, 1976. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. CONSTDERATION UF REAPPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT SUBDIVISION P.S. nnnrrTnni ov nnn rv unen['c in�!` RECEIVING FINAL INSPECTION CERTIFICATION OF STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION I� ZANDER'S FIRST ADDITION: � The Public Works Director stated the plat had been before the Council before, and the four stipulations attached to it were on page 10-B of the agenda book. These were recommended by the Planning Cormiission. One is to provide for an easement for' the storm sewer and dedicate the storm sewer to the City, recommending that the City maintain the sewer. That has been completed, and rlot only has the petitioner --� constructed the storm sewer pipe, but he has constructed a swale to drain the j potential shallow water problem in this area. We do have the easements, and this � is the item we had requested to be added to the agenda. It indicates that the City has reviewed the construction, and reconunends that the storm sewer be accepted. The second item provides for underground utilities and a swale between Lots l and 2, and that is completed. In addition to that we would require, as noted in the certi- fication of the storm sewer, that a one year's maintenance bond be had, and that stipulation has been agreed to by the petitioner, and we would recommend that,the plat be approved with these stipulations. He said that Mr. 7horson was at the meeting to answer any questions. �� � ,\ � �' , i ; ' � ' f � � ' � REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1976 i7 ! '� � PAGE 9 - MOTION by Councilman Starwalt for approval of the plat with the stipulations as outlined in the agenda. Seconded by Couneilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all Voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. The Public Works Director stated that the construction of the storm sewer has been verified, and the department recommends the acceptance of it. MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to approve the final inspection certification of storm sewer constructed in Zander's First Addition. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote> all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOl.UTIOy N0. 31-1976 = A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPLICATION �OR A DISEASEO SHAnF RESOLU7ION N0. 32-1976 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TNE CHANGING OF THE 1976 BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND . RESIDENTIAL PROPFRTY 7RFF RFMnvn� SiiRtinv The City Manager stated ihere are matching funds available from the State for the removal and disposal of these trees. Using last year's level of disease, the cost would be $9,000, and we have submitted a higher figure. It is submitted on the basis that once you make a policy, if the problem is thFre, you can take care of it. The monies would be encumbered from the State side. The figure is high, but ali :we are asking the State to do is to commit this kind of money. The first item is to have a resolution stating that this is a municipal policy. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 31-1976 approving the application for a diseased shade tree removal subsidy program for private property. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 32-1976 authorizing the changing of the 1976 budget appropriations within ti�e qeneral fund. Seconded by Council�nan Hamernik. Upon a roll call vote, Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Hamernik and Kukowski and Mayor Nee voting aye, and Councilman Starwalt voting nay, Mayor Pdee declared tfie motion carried four to one. RECEIVING BTDS AND AWARQING CONTRACT- PHO70 COPY EQUIPt✓tENT (BTD QPENLD MARCH 31, i976, 11 : 30 A . f�1. : — ^ SECURITY WARRANTY TOTAL COST VENDOR BOND BRAND MODEL USED/NEW PERIOD PER SPEC. Xerox Corp. Cashiers Check Xerox 7700 Remanu- 90 Days �28,559.49 2850 Metro Driue Northwestern with factured Minneapolis, Mn. National Bank 30 bin S.W. �1500 sorter The City Clerk stated that the City would save $42,000, and this is a good solution to the high copying costs. The proposal is to purchase the equipment through the public utility fund, and the departments will pay on a per copy basis as now. We can either reduce the cost per copy and take seven years to pay, or keep the cost the same and pay in a little over three years. Mayor Nee stated that the resolution should state that the utility fund i, to buy the machine and be reimbursed. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to receive the bid and award the contract to the Xerox Corporation in the amount of �28,559.49. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a roll call vote, Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Hamernik, KuE:owski and Mayor Nee voting aye, Counciiman Starwalt voting nay, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried four tn one. APPOINTMENT (CITY EMPLOYEE : MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the fallowing appointment. Seconded by Councilwoman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee deciared the motion carried unanimously. EFFECTIVE NAME DATE POSITION SALARY REPLACES Gail R. Skaaden Mar. 29, 1976 Clerk/Typist $567/Month Arlene Smith 6130 Rainbow �r. Public Works Fridley, Mn. Department �,� ' . - - -- -- ------ - - ..._ _' � ` � , __ / r'__ _ .,......_....��_..�_.._. . � 18 I REGULAR MEETTN6 OF APRIL 5, 1976 PAGE 10 LIGENSES: • MOiION by_Councilwoman Kukowski to approve the licenses as submitted and as on file in the office of the City Clerk. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the claims as submitted. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � COMMUNICATIONS: FRIDLEY RECREATION AND SERVICE COMPANY• INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE: The Public Works Director stated that the applicant is actively pursuing the liquor license. MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to receive the commun�.'ation from Donald C. Savelkoul, dated March 26, 1976. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. HOLIDAY VILLAGE NORTH: SPECIAL USE PERMIT RE UEST: MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to receive the communication from Holiday Village North regarding their garden center dated April l, 1976. Seconded by Councilwoman, Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimausly. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote> all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.h1. Respectfully submitted> T t - _ __. _--_.__ .-_ _ _ _ .__ ______ __ _- — _ . . . _.__ ,,\ , John Chegwyn Council Secretary Approved: William J. Nee Mayor 1 � ; ; i � � 0 :I OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL , � TO WHOM IT �1AY CONCERN: . Notice is hereby given �hat ther� k=ill be a Publ.ic Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fri.dley ii� �he Cit� Hal.l at� 6�31 University Avenue Northeast on Mon�ay, April 12, 1976 in �he Council Chamber at 7s3Q P.M. for the purpose of.: Consideration of a Final. Pl.at, P�SE #76-U2, Innsbruck Village I�ddition, by Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation� being a replat ot Outlot Bo Irinsbruck North Additiaz�, along with Lot 49, except the Wes�erly 21Q �eet, Auditor°s Subdivision No. 92, a1I lying in Section 24, T-30, R-24; City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota� General.ly located North of North Innsbruck Drive NeEo and West of the Black I�orest Apartmente Anyene desiring to be heard v,rith �eference ta the abave matter will be heard at this meAting. - Publish: March 24� 1976 March 31, 1976 in1TLT�TAI�i J � NEE MAYOR 0 1� � � J ;' • . : � ' � ' . � . , . ,, f. . �� :, �:11d �,��•; -� � o — .' � � i � i.. • ._... '� r �... _ . . ... _ . ;:� �• � , �._ � (n ._,. 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K I'. •i ' M .. � ..�•`�� r.�j �,�i~� (� �r:.:r. i � � �s ��.� „ ��; _�� ,�\ ,.1' .� • ♦ �' '� ` \ 4 ' �. � ; 0 � � �- ,� I �` ' � MEMBERS PR�SENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTH�RS PRI:SEIvT : HUMAN RESOURC�S COMMISSION March 11, 1976 tdilliam Scott, Grace Lynch, Barbara Shea, Nancy Lambert Iiarold Belgum Denise Lynch, YPC; Ned Storla, YPC; Mark Treuenfels, YPC; Laren l�ietcalf , YPC Chairperson Scott opened the meeting a�t 7:40 p.m, APFRO��AT OF MI\TUTES OI' FEBRUIRY 5, 1976 HUMA.N RESOURCES COMi�fISSIOD� I�iEETIivG: rir. Scott stated on the third page, the fir.st taotion should read � "that ttle Fine �F.ts Committee is requesting funds from the City throu h the Plannin�: Commi.ssion . " He a�ded the sec_ond moLio�� on that page should read "that the Fine Arts Committee aslc the City throuyli ti,e 1'lanning Commisszon ..." NOTION by Baxbara Shea, secondec by Grace Lyuch, to appr_ove the � minLtes o� ttie I'ebruar}� 5 meeting of the HRC as ar:iended. Upon a voice. vote, a11 vctin; aye_, the r,lotion carr�_ed u.n.animously. ' DISCUSSION ON 40 FOOT LO`?'S : � rir. Scott stated the Commiss�.on �ti�as asked to deal with the gxin- ciple of buildin� on 40 fooi: lots. Ms. L}uci� stated she aw no problem with 40 foot lots, In Tiinnea- poli>, many lots are 40 fee+,: in �li3th. However, she added, most of ther,l have alle} s f�r par�.i.ig. Ms. Lambert stated she h..d aslce�I a real est:at-e agent abotit this ' matte�-, and he had stateci r.lar,y of the new t�ames can be bu�lt the long way so that they �aou.ld f:it on a 4U foot with�ut r�uch proUlem. She added, however, tl:at the City woulcl liave to use ' discretion in clioosing tlie sLructures of ttie homes in this c�se. TSr. Storla stated lie fel.t builcling on 40 foot lots could be a ' prob]em in that the homes would prol�ably be built very close together Mr. Scott- stated a building can be designed to �e set on�� 40 '' foot lot • rurther, some People who resist this kind of thing are conccrned that they will have low income tiousing in � g`-` theiz neighborliciuds. lie added, liowever, that this does not mean low income liousiilg. lIe stated some forty-foot lots � ' . ' �- - � ' �1 � ' ' ' ' � HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION, M�RCH 11, 1976 PAGE: TWO cannot be built upon, but he.would recommend maintaining the idea that 40 foot lots can be developed with special-use pertnits provided signing is condusive to the land form. He stated it was his personal opinion that each lot be considered indiv- idually. The Commission agreed with Mr. Scott. MOTION'by Barbara Shea, seconded by Nancy Lambert, that the Human Resources Commi_ssi:on recammends �to Planning Commission that 40 foor lots be considerecl developable on a case by case basis with appro�riate attcntion give.n to buildin� style and desi�n� to acl�zeve � ax�mum acst}ietic and real property ta�: value. Furr_her the IIuman ?;esour.ces Cammissi_on encoura�es the combinin� of lots to attaii� rrlinimur� building lot size <<*here appr�priate. Upon a voice vote,' all voting~a e, tlle r.iota.on carried unanir�ously. AiSCL'SSION ON YOUTH RALLX: � rlr. Starla explained the Xouth Project Committee was considering holding a youth rally at th.e Civic Center on Thursday, March 18 to determine wliether tl�iere was actually any interest in a teen centex. He stated tfr. F�'ed rlolan 4�ould speak on crime prevention. � Mr. Scott stated he was concerned (1) abo�t the locatzon, and (2) ' whether the youth really want a teen center. He stated the HP.0 feel.s there has to be an �nterest in the Ceen center if it is goit�.� to be created, If people really want a teen center, the�� ' wi11 attend the youth ral].y. He su��ested the YPC matte up brochures and distri.bute them calling attention to the rall.y. ' Ms. Shea stated publicity of the rally �aas very important. She suggested �ublicizing this in the Sun t�ewspapers and over cable televi_sion. ' r1r: Scott suogested running a tour of the possibility of rooms in the Civi.c Center for the teen center. ' Mr. Storla stated he felt this should be a community effort. dne member of the board of directors could l�e a policeman, a memher of the Planning Commission, etc. Parents�should be involved. 1 � � , The YPC a�;reed to hold the rally in the Community Room of the Fridley Civic Center ori Tt�ursday, March 13, 1976 at 7:30 P.m. DISCUSSION ON DARREL FARR CORPORATION RLQU�ST: Air. Scott sta[ed tliere has been some objection about this rai.sed ,"^,,� � by the Planning Comniission. They feel a�hetto is going to be ' built in this area. . � ' � � HIJMAN RESOURCES COrir1ISSI0N, MARCH 11, 1976 PAG� : T}IRE� Ms. Lynch asked whether these �eople would have access to the pool. Mr. Scott stated all o£ the facilities would be shared. Ms. Lambert aslced if the whole philosophy would then be to stagger the housin�. rir. Scott stated that was his philosophy. Ms. Lynch agreed. � Mr. Scott stated tiie Commission's responsibility was to let 11UD know c�hc�ther these deve�npments are cor.ipatable with the City's A�Firmative Action Policy and philosophies of imigration. Ms, Lambert stiggested making a motion that the iiRC generally , a�pr.aves of th.e p1an, but that the HRC would lilce to see thN houses staggered, rZr� Scott stated he did not feel they would need a motion on tllat. � � ��.. ' �1 It���Jas the consensus of the Commission that: (1) a marketing plan exist, and (2) that different price ranges in housing exist. ISCUSSIOI�1 01�; BLOCK, GRA\T APi'T,ICATION: Tlze Commission agrecd Tir. Boardman had done a very fine job in writing th:is bloc?c grant application. Mr. Scott stated ri3-. Boardmzan had revised his application in regard to thos�. suggestions t.hi_ch �xr.. Scott had made in a memo to r1r. Boardman. P.EQU�ST iiY P�R.KS AND RECRi'ATT02•: C0�1�iTSSION: T1r. Scott stated Mr. Dai1 Huff had rec�uested to meet �aa�th the It.umau Resot�rccs Commission in regard tq the liirind of a new Parits and Recre.�tian Director. rir. Scott adcted he felt it �,ras a good idea for th�� Commission to estaUlish a dialogue of their human resourees concerns. ris. Lambert stated efforts have not Leen inade by the Parlcs and ' Recreation Department to stimulate interest in sports for women, cl.derly persons, etc. Ttze money should be allocated properly. ' � � � ' rir. Scott stated he would lilce �o express the Commission's concerns to a11 of Lhe position candidates. r1s. Shca stated minorities should be taken into account when considerin� a person to fill this position. Mr. Scott assigned rls. Lyncti the duty of determining the number af applicants for the Parks and Recreation Director and deCermining wheLtier any u�inorities or protected groups had applied for the positioi�. lurther, Ms. Lyncli will check with Gordon Middag as to where information on this position opening was posted. �:;; :, , �. � � t . . . � , � 0 � � I � HUMAN RESOURC�S COMPIISSION, MARCFI 11, I976 PAG�: FOUR Ms. Lambert stated she did not feel the Iluman Resources Commission had any right in the matter at all. Ms. Shea stated she would like the Commission to voice their concerns, but not to make any recommendations. Mr..Scott suggested pu.tting this in a letter to the City rlanager. �he Commission agreed, HIIr1AN LIFE CONFER�NCr �dORKSHOP : Ms. Shea stated last year the Columbia lieights Human Resources Cor.imissior� sponsored a li,�e conference entitled "You, Me, and Us." She added the Fridley HP�C donated $200 to this conference. This was.a pzesentation on parenthood, communzcations, and drug abuse. Site ad�ed anothez workshop �ai11 be presented this year; the cost to conduct �t being $900. However, this will be free to the publzc. Also, a tiTOrkshop for Human Rights Commission members wi.11 be held at a cost of $20.00 per Commission member. MOTION by Gxace Lynch, se�onded by Nancy Lambert, that the HRC accepts thc invitation from Columbia HeiGhts to have the Fridley HRC r�enibers participate in th,e !�:uman life conference �a�orkshop �as Hurnan Resources Commission members at $20 apiece. Upon a voice vote, a1.1 voting aye, ttie mot-i.on carried unanimously. AAJOURNr1ENT c MOTION by Barbara Shea, seconded by Nancy I�ambert, to adjourn tlLe nieeting at 9:25 p.m. Upon a voice vote, a1J. voting aye, the motion carried unaniinously. Respectfully submitted, `� ����,, • __.L �c''�� �,.. / f''��-� liolly �onsaher Re.cording Secre ary 0 � � � � � � � i T0: FROM : CITY OF FRIDLEY MFMORANDUM NASIM M. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY CQUNCIL MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR./FIN. DIR. SUBJECT: ALTERNATE ASSESSMENT ROLL - DONNAY'S ADDITION, ST. 1975-1 AND ST. 1975-2 STREET IMPROVEt�IENT PROJECT DATE: APRI:. 14, 1976 The �lssessment Department has worked up an alternate roll for the Donnay area �f t��e �T. 1575- i ancl ST. 1975-2 Street Improv�:men�t Project. This alternate assessment has been prepared on the sar�e basis as assessment rolls were prepared for the street work done in the northerly portion of the Donnay's Addi ti on i n recent years . I f the Counci l adopts thi s al ternate assessment roll, all of the people in the Donnay's Addition wi1l have been treated on an equal basis. This alternate assessment roll daes not assess side yard costs down the street, but puts all of the costs on a front basis, with the corner paying this same rate for one-third of their side foatage. This is the ideniial formula used for the last street improvement in the northerly portion of Donnay's Addition. This would result in an overall assessment rate of $16.58 per front foot for the affected lots. Only those lats that have the improvement abutting their property on th� front, � or the side, woul� be assessed under this formula. There 4�rould be no cosi spread on any lots that did not have the street im�rovement abut their property. 2 This proposed assessment formula is a deviation from the normal standard street assessment pol i cy. However, there was a devi ati on from the standard street assessment policy at the time the last street improvement was put in the northerly portion of Donnay's Additio�. Deviations from the standard policy sometimes have a way of catching up with one. However, inasmuch as a policy deviation was begun in this addit�on in prior years, the oniy equitable way of distributing the cost of the improvement for the balanc� of the streets would be to cantinue the policy that was initiated previously for the Donnay Addition. � � - It is my re commendation that the Council accept Alternate Roi1 No. 1 with an assessment rate of $16.58 per front foot. � MCB:sh � � � � � CITY OF FRIDLEY ALTERPJATE ROLL N0. �1 FINAL ASSESSt�ENT ROLL DOt�NAY' S ADDITION ° STREE7 TMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1975-1 AND ST. 1975-2 (MSAS) 2 A �. :LEGAL t�ESCRIPTION � tOT BLOCK DO����AY' S LAKEV I EW t�1ANOR �6 5 7 5 8 5 �9 5 10 5 11 5 12 5 �13 a 14 5 15 5 6 fi 7 6 8 � �9 6 �o � 11 6 12 6 � 13 f� 74 6 (�r 15 6 (fr �i6 b 17 6 18 � �19 � 2� 6 21 6 1 15 8 16 8 17 8 (f� 18 8 �19 £3 20 8 21 £� ��� � 23 8 24 $ 25 $ i 26 � g & side} & S'!de) & s�de} � 9 (side) g 9 (side) [ 1p 9 (fr & side) 11 9 12 9 ��3 9 14 9 15 9 16 � 9 � 17 ° 9 18 9 (fr � & side) FRONT ST. FOOTAGE 16.58 per ft) 84 75 T5 75 75 75 75 a� 75 75 80 75 7a 7� %5 75 %5 75 1�3 i 22 75 75 75 7� 75 75 7� 75 l25 75 7� 75 lJ 75 75 75 75 83 45 45 125 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 130 TOTAL COST $ 1,392.72 1,243.50 1y243o50 1, 24�3. 50 1s243o50 1,243.50 15243�50 1 �243°50 15243�5U 1s243.5Q 19326.40 1,243050 .1 y243.50 �y�43�5a 1s243.50 T5243�50 1,243e50 19243. �0 25205.1� Gy�22��� 1,243�50 15243.50 19243.50 1y243.5Q 15243.50 15243.50 i ,2�i�3.50 �,243.50 �,072.50 1 s 2A�3. 5Q TSz��.Sa t,243e50 � y.�`t.�Js�U Y,243.�a 1,243.50 1,243.50 1,243.50 1,376.14 746.10 746.10 2,072.50 1,309.82 1,309.82 1,309.82 1,309.82 1,309.82 1,309.82 1,3�9.82 7,155.40 � . 2� CITY OF FRIDLEY ALTERP�AT� ROLL NO 1 � ' FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL DOtJNAY'S ADDITION� �. STREE7 It4PROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1975-1 AND ST. 1975-2 (f45AS) i � �EGAL UESCRIPTION ' � LOi` � � BtOCK DONtdAY'S LAKEVIEW MANQR Con�. I � � 10 ___ 2 i0 3 10 �4 10 5 i0 6 10 �7 i0 8 10 9 10 10 1U � 11 � 10 12 10 �13 la 14 � iQ � 15 10 16 10 �17 10 18 � 1Q 19 10 �20 1Q 22 1Q FRQNT ST. FOOTAGE $16.58 per ft 130 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 126 5,6Q6 � ` ' = 1 a8 �t�- frrxn� �Eoat� Cost: $92,�97°03 ; 56�D6 � 6o p � I � 'l TOTAL COST $ 2,155�40 1,243.50 ,1,243.5Q 1,243.50 15243.50 1,243.50 15243.50 15243.50 . 15243.5Q 1,243.50 15243,50 ]:243t50 . 1,243.50 1,243.�0 1,243.50 1,243.5n �,243.50 1,243.50 1S243e5Q i,243.�0 2,089.08 92,947.48 0 t/') Q t Lt) � Qt r�- � r tI� � � � � N � 0 � � 1-- z 1.+..1 � W } O [.L' � � a�-� cr� F- N O V J Q ,� Q }'-' � z- • 1..ij S_ . � � � N t17 N O W La� C3� �k O ln • L7 i--+ N (V ►,-� N Q . ¢ w f-- - t-- • z s_ 1-N� � N V� O 'k 1--- cn cf' . •' 'i'�� � �-7� - N O N d- Q CL � r'�' � � � � � `..� S.. � -F-� F-- � � � �� v e w S. � 'Q S- F- � x13 tCS t� f� N (!) � O t/Y t� M fY. 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M � 4- � ' N • . et O ^ 1 rn W tn 1� R3 C� • y- •• 4- �-- M ln A 1-N Z X OU 0��--�-"�^ O GL' � O M O e� 02! o2S otf ' tL OctM��"ONd't� � L.�t.. r N l0 N r r r-� s-- 1�k - 1 � � � J � L� � � � � � � LJ � LJ 560-3450 ���o r�c��� �. � 6437 UNfVERS17Y AVENUE N� i'o Ail Property Owners: ANOKA COUNTY Apri� 13, 1976 3 FRiDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 The City Council of the City of FridTey wi11 be cons�dering preliminary plans prepared by the Minnesota Highway D�partment. for construction of no�se abatement structures and landscaping along the Sauth side of I. 694 West of 7H 47 to Main Street,and tVorth of T. 694 East of TN 47 to 7th Street. P)ease be advised there wi17 b� a public infarmation meeting of the City Council in the City Ha11 at 6431 University A�ienue NE on Monday, April 19, 1976 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Minnesota Higt�way Department representatives wi11 be present to answer questions regarding the noise abatement improvements. The Counc7l wou7d appreciate your co�ments, made either in writing ot� personally at the public infiormation meeiing regarding the construction ofi no�se abatem�nt structures in the above referenced area. If you kr�ow of anyone else interested in the improvements, please pass this information on to them. RNS/jm Sincerely, Engineering Division C�ty of Fridley � � �� � � � � �J � � , � �� � � � � � � � �> . �-� �. : . � qi ':i /�' : � .�� H � i , t' � �M � �' ' '' � �. �J n� °, � ''" .. � i o //.Z?1 �N+i1- /� •� �/� r"�`, ��.,�ti tu J•J+o'' ../�- `w .'i �''�' . � ✓ � ./ � . i.3,:;i n; � . "'�~,..._...^=; a n; rr--^.^"".. � � i� ,� i .. ,.. / . a=r�LJ_`__ „""'_� � 1�, .� �fJE� � ; �' - �.� - ..€<!;_ ,.;� rai . :,.r ¢', --- �s �gsr . � � . �f.l .�—.r' �W -� --- � .t,-�4-�+,. , �i'=1'13-___ 'b.�'__._"_�'� �� -- --- ------- -°-- ---- � •^ ��. ... j�l;rt's`. _`r-.J_g—�"'—, � . 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' r•.. .� '. -- -• ^ - i .. � -c..._ .w.e..l..a_�_-1 "1 ^�'.�..' - t_ • -' •' .. 1 . = I �._..,,,�..' � - - •. ����• •� . , �'__.. •, . . : ..___..__ - ,�.� _. .. ._---, .-. �ds � . 0 N-._ . . . . ... ! �l� 1 _. . . ._... . .... �', �: i' , �.. . ' � -r6�;... �:r'r',-; i' �� : � _ . - - - � ----+----- -------»..— o .f'' � � �;� ---..- : :� .. t � ..r ..s irl � �J � � , � � ' 1 PAGE 2-- RESOLUTION N0. - 1976 6. Such proposed assessments as altered, modified, and corrected are affirmed, adopted, and confirmed, and the sums fixed and named in said proposed assessment as altered, modified, and corrected with the changes and altera- tions herein above made, are affirmed, adopted, and confirmed as the proper special assessments for each of said lots, pieces, or parcels of land res- pectively. 7. Said assessment so af�irmed, adopted, and confirmed shall be certified to by the City Clerk and fiied in his office and shall thereupon be and con- stitute the special assessment for ST. 1975-1 AND ST. 1975-2 STREET IMPROVEMEN? PROJECTS 8. The amounts assessed aga�nJl�i each l�t, piecR, or parcel of land shall bear interest from the date hereof until the same have been paid at the rate of seven and one-half (72) per cent per annum. 9. Such assessment shall be payable in ten (10) annual installments payable on the lst day of January in each year, beginning in the year 1977, and continuing uniii all of said installments sha�l have been paid, each installment to be collected with taxes collectible during said year by the County Auditor. � , 10. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make up and file in the office of the County Auditor of Anoka County a certified statement of the amount of all such unpaid assessments and the amount which will be due thereon on the ' lst day of January in each year. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by � Council , and upon vote beir�g taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: �� � and the foilowing voted against the sam�. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TNIS DAY OF ATTEST: , 1976. MAYOR William J. Nee � CITY CLERK Marvin C. B.runsell � �4 A � r. 1 � } , DRDINANCE N0. AN ORDIyANCE ESTABLISHING CHAPTER 115 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE EN7ITLED SWIMMING POOLS AtJD REPEALING PRIOR CHAPTER 115 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY O� FRIDLEY DOES ORDAItd: Zhe construction, operation and 7icensin� of sNrimminq pools shal] Ibe requlated as follows: I15.01 Definitions i��he following definitions shall apply in the infier- � pretation and application of ttris Chap�ter and the following words and terms whenever the� occur in �his Chapter are d��fined as follows: , le Health Department, Health Dfficer, State 6oard �f.Heal�f, used at ariy piace in �'r�is Cnapt�r and in the requ7rem�nts adopf.ed by reference shall mean the Git�+o _ � i � � � � � 2. Persan shall mean an.v �nd��idual4 natural pe�son� iirm, association�orqanizatian9�artnership9 business institutions aqenc_v, or anY Federal�,State pr io�ai clavernment ao,ency ar �nstru- mentalitv or oth�r enti�_y r°e�o�niz�d bv law, as the sub.iect of __ riahts and du�ies9 and shall �nclude,� but no� be limited to� em- plo,�ees, licensees, ter�ants9 �ar��ak�rss Ie�seess mar�aqers and �erators of swimrr�? nq poa� s � • 3. �Private residential poai shall mean any swimming pool located on private property under �he control c�f the homeown�t�s permar�er�t or partable, the us� of which is 1imi�eci ta swimming ar l�ath�ng by �he resident �Eamiiy or tf��ir 7nvi��d c�uests, and having a dep�h of more than two feet (24 inGhe�) at any paint and a surface �rea exceeding 25p square feet and a�olume over 3,250 gallons. 4. Pub1iG swimming Foo1 shaTl mean any s�wimming �001, other �han a private resident2al pool, 7ntendzd to be used co�lectively by numbers of persons for �wimming and bathing, operated by any per- sons wh.ether they be owner9 lessee, operator, Ticensee, or concessionaire, regardless of whether a fee_i� charged for Such use. � 5. Special purpose pool sha11 ►nean treatment pool, �t�erapeutic pool, or therapy. any swimming pool used as a a special pool for water � 6. Swimming pool shal] mean any structure, basin, chamber, or tank containing an artificial body of water for swimming, diving, relaxation or recreational bathing. 1. � �i 7. Wading pool shall mean any swimming pool used or designed to be used exclusively for wading or bathing and having a maximum depth of 24 inches. • Inflatable swimmin ctur�e whose drimar �aol enclosure shall mean a suoaort i 5 � Ord?nance No. � Chap. 115; Swimming Pools 115.02 General Requirements I� 1. Plans and Building Permits -2- � � ' No person shali construct, enlarge, repair, move, canvert, or '� alter any swimming pool withou� first submitting plans and obtaining approval frorn the City and the appropriate permits from the Gitv. ' Na building permits shali be issued unless prior approya1 -From the '� City has be�n grant�d in writing. 2. Plumb�ng, Electrical, t�echan�ca1 � � �! A11 plumbing, electrica� ar�d mechanical ins�allatians and equipment sha11 meet the r�quirements of the_Fridie.y City Code. 3o Sp�cial Use Perm�t Reo,uired ' Infla�abl� swimm7ng pool enclosures sha�1 require a special use p�°ior t� �he�r ins�al�at�on as outl�ned 2r� Section 205 of the C�t_v 4. L�cation in4 0001 5e Fencing Fencin� or° o�her �ffective mearrs inc7uding but not limited to walls or buildings, acceptabl� to the Cjt.yqshal� be provided to positively control al� access to public and private residential swimming pools. Fencing shall mee� �the following criteria� a) The fencing shall prevent the entrance of children and be withaut hand or foot holds that wo�ald enable a persan ta ,: el�mb over it. ■ i4) , b} The fencing sha11 be at least 6 feet high and entrances shall be equipped with self-closing and self-latchinq ga�es capable of being iocked. . '' , c) Self-closina and self-latchin4 devices sha]1 be p]aced a� children. I , I � between the bottom of the fence and t face shall be not more than four inch � rm� � . � , � Ordinance .No. � Chap. 115; Swimming Pools . , � -3- , , i r I , � 6, Equipment Standards All new equipment purchased or �nstalled on any swimming pool shali comply with the following applicable standards of the National Sanitation Foundation: � a) S.tandard lVoe 9- Qiatomite Type �'ilters fior Swimming Poo� Equipment, October,1966. b) Standard No. 10 - Sand Type Fil�ers for Swimming Poo1 Equipment, October, 1966. cj Standard No> 1r � Recessed Automatic Sur-face Skimmerss October, 19650 d) Standard No. 17 -� Centrlfugal Pumps for Swimming Poo1sY January, 1966. e) Standard No. 19 - Adjustabl� autput Rate Chemical Feeding Equipmen� �or Swimming Paols, October, 1966. . f) Standard No. 22 � Swimming Pool Water Treatment ChemicaTs and/or Processess May9 1968. g} Standard No. 27 � fNultipor� Values �`or Swimming Pools, May, 1969e � h� Standard Noe 28 - Cartridge T,ype Filters for Swimming Pools, � F'ebruary, 1.971. i) Standard No. 38 m Test Ki�s �or Swimming Poolss November�, 1970. Equipment no� covered by the above National Sanitation Founda- tion Standards sha11 not be installed ar used before it has been approved by the Cit_v. � 7. Inspection The City shall be permitted access to all swimming pools for purposes of inspection of the pool"and equipment at reasonable times and as often as deemed necessary to ensure compliance with this Chapter. Access to private pools shall be with the homeowner's _permission or due process. 8. Interference No•person shall interfere with or hinder the Cit.v in the perfor- ' mance.of its duti�s under the provisiorts of this Chapter or the laws of the State of Minnesota. � , 1 Ordinance No. Chap. 115; Swimming Poo1s -4- 5C � , � I� , 115.03 R�quirements for Public Pools le License Required � tJo nerson shall own, op�rate, maintains lease or be responsible � for an b � y pu l�c sv��mming pool locaied w�thin the City unless a licens� therefore sh�ll be obtained �rom �he City pursuant i:o this Chapter. , , �� � � 2. Appl�catian The applicat�on for a swimming pool license shall be on f'orms �Furnished by the Cit� and shall requir� such inforn7ation as th� City shall require> Such application for� �he issuance - of such license, maintenance, terminati�r� and administration shall 6e in accordance with and subject to a11 conditions of this Code relative to general requiremenis for lic�nsing as weli as for the requirements of this Chap-�ere The City may deny the appli- cation for a license which fai�� to fully comply with these requirements. 3. Fees and Exemptions The annua1 license �'ee and ex�iration daf�e shall be as provided in Chapter 1i of this Codeo P�rsons owning, aperating or maintaining schoo]s, gouernmen�al subdiv���ons, churches, convents, rectories, parsonages or religious community centers sha11 be required to obtain a llcense but without p�,�ment of a license fee� 4e Revocation The City Council may revoke any license issued pursuant to this � Chapter as provided in Chapter° 11 of this Cod� �r for any violation �f.any provision ofi this Chaptero �� � �� � � , 5e State Health Depar�ment Requlation Adopted Regu1ation Minnesota Neaith De�a��tmen� (MND) 115 of the Minnesota �e Board of Nealth relatinq to "public s4vimminq pools" includina a part of the Fridley C 0 a) MHD 115 (q) shall be am�nded b_y the addition of "Section 6, A life line �,�ith s a e provi ed at the hrP�k in nr,rlP The followin ortions of the t�linnesota Re ulations MND 115, 1971, relatinq to pub ic swimming poo7s are deleted from this ordinance and shall hav_e no effect in the Citv of Fridlev. prdinance No. Chap. J.15; Swimming Pools -5- _ 1_j Al l of Section (b), Pa�ge 3. _2) All of Section (d), (3), Page 4. 3) Al1 of Section (i), (2), (gg}, Page 6. _� All of Section (d)� Page 17� 115.04 . Requirements fior Private Pools 1. American Public Hea�lth Asan, Sugqestec! Regu�ations Adop�ed 5D The sugqested Regulations -�or �.he Design and Consi:ruction .of Private Residential Swimming Pools, 1970n prepared by th� Amer�ican Publi� Health Associa�.�on are h�r�hy ��!opted �y r��erence and shall b� in full force and effect �n the C�ty of Fridley as is set out here in full, subj�ct to the following d�letions� a) R11 of Se�tion le2ol, P�ge 60 b) A]] of Section 6e29 Pag� 9e c) Aii of Sectian 7,19 Page 9. dj All of Seetion 14oI9 Page 18. e) All of Sectian 17.1, Page 19. f) All of Sec�ion 19.2, P�ge 20a 2o Private Resider�tial Swimmin� P�ol De�th Markings (Depth Markings) Depth of water.shall be plainly marke� at ar above the water� surface on �he ver�ical pool wall or on the edge of the deck or waik next ta the pool, at maximu+� and minimum points, at the points of change of slope between the deep and shallow portions, and at inter�- mediate incr°ements of d�pth spaced at nat more than 25 �Foot intervals. � 3. _Private Residential Pool Deckang Requirements (Deck) A deck at teast 3 feet wide, measured from the pool water's edge, shall be provided which extends completely around all private residential pools. Above ground private residentiaT pools may be provided with decking of a minimum size of 4 feet by 4�Feet at pool entry pc�ints and provided that such decking has the approval of the Cit.Y. The deck shall be sloQed away from the pool to drain at a �rade of 1/4 to 3/8 inch per lineal foot and shall have a non-slip surface. , 4. Additional Inlet and Outlet ReGui Poo]S. (Drain) . �ts for Private Residential m I� All_private residential pools with a depth greater fihan 7(5) - feet at any point sha]1 be provided with an outlet at the deepest II, �� Ordinance No. -6- , 5E � � I� Chap. 1Z5; Swimming Pools . point to permit the pool to be completely and easily emptied. , Openings shall be covered by a proper grating which is securely fastened and not readily removed by bathers. Outlet openings of the flaor of the poo] shall be at least four times the area of , discharge pipe or sha11 provide sufficient area so the maximum veloc�ty of the water passing the grate openings sha17 not exceed one and one-half feet per secand. `Ch� maximum width of grate openings shall be ane half inch.���/,��i�/�t��t ���/rip,t/p�r�,�/p�►;�/�i,�y. � An antivortex �ype of dra7n may b� used in �ieu o� grating. Any pooi newly constructed af�er May t, 1976 which has a depth - � 1 ess than seven feet and �a y c�h�a�s not avP an out ei; to permi t , the pool to be easil� and carr�pletely empt�ed sha 1 e�rovj e t�ith a means of draininq the pool such �s pumpinq, drain openinq or other mean� accep�able to �he Cit;vo , 115.05 Penaities Any violation of this Chapter is a misd�meanor and is subject ta �, all penalties provided for such violatians under the provisions of Chapter 901 af this Codee ' I15,06 Repeal : Chapter 115 of the Fridiey City Code is hereby repealed. � PASSED 8Y THE CITY COtJNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THI� QAY OF ,,. , 19760 , MAYOR - WILLIAM J. NEE ATTEST: � CITY CLERK - MARVIN Ce BRUNSELL , First Reading: April 5, 1976 Second Reading: � Publish..o..... ' e � II ' ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 11 OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY 0 THE COUNCIL OF TH� CITY OF FRIDLEY NEREBY AMENDS CHAPTER 11 OF THE CIT`f CODE OF THE CITY OF FRTD�EY, ANOKA COUP�TY, MIfdPJESOTA BY CNANGING CERTAIN LICENSE FEES AND ADDING THE CITY CODE NUh1BERS � i1.10 Fees. License and Permit fees shall be as follows: Code # Subject 17 Auction $ Fee 27 Billiards 15 Bowling A1ley 109 Burning Permit 28 Carnivals 18 Contracto��(all exc�pt movers) 12 Cigarette Sa1es 21 Ghristmas iree Lots 505 Bicycle 302 Dogs 702 Drive in Theaters 108 Explosives 111 Food Establishment 111 (Grocery,P�1eat,8aker) 111 (Restaurants,Drive In) 111 Food Vehicles 25 26 202 24 301 301 301 301 303 301 603 603 602 602 602 603 605 605 606 604 509 *Pro-rate Golf Course, Driving Range Hate1 s, f�1otei s House Trailers Junk Yards Livestock Horses Cows,Goats,Sheep Rabbits Fowl 5 acres + Farm Liquor (On Sale) Liquor (Sunday) l.iquor (Non-Intox. Malt) Off Sale Beer On Sale Beer Employee Dispensin Liquar(Bottle Club}� Liquor (Public Orinking) Veterans Liquor (Tavern) Motorized Vehicles Rental 10.00 for 2 days 20.00 weekly 120.00 year 25.00 + 5.00/table 25.00 + 5.00/lane 50.00/permit 25,00/Carnival + 200.P0 deposit 25.00/yea'�• ��.-88 25.00 25,00 + 100.00 deposit 2.00 Duration of ownership by that of applicant 5.00/year (1.00 duplicate)* 2.50 minimum 300.00 5.00/year 25.00* 50.00 first vehicle; 5.00 each additional 25.00 ��.-98 50.00 first unit; 5.00 each additional 7.50 parking; 25.00 occupancy 100.00 10.00 first;5.00 each add. 5.00 first;1.00 each add. 5.00 10.00 15.00 total 4,500.00* 200.00* �y.-98 35.Q0 ��9.-88 200.00 (Includes off sale) 25.00 Transfer) 5. 00 �89-9A 300.00 3�99.-09 300. 0 . 100.00 12.00 25.00/vehicle . � ' � � ' 11.10 Fees. License and Permit fees (continued) ' - Code # 18 209 � 22 � �� 15 � Subject Movers Multiple Dwelling Music Festivais Peddlers Public Dances Public Pools 116 Sanitation Facilities 116_ Sauna 13 Service Station 214 Sign,Billboard 16 Street Vending 115 504 203 19 20 111 Storage Tank (L.P.) Swimming Pools Taxicabs 7railer Parks Used Motor Vehicles Water Softeners Vending Machines Fee $ 100.Q0 15.00 first ten units 1.00 each additional 150.00 /day 25.00 per peddler 25.00 25.00 0 - 5,000 gallons 40.00 5,001 -15,000 60.00 15,001 -30,000 70.00 30,OOi -50,000 80.00 50,001 -and up 25.00 first; 10.00 each add. ��-88 200.00 30.00 10.00 less than 40 sq. ft. 25.00 more than 40 sq. ft. 10.00 industr�al 20.00 residential �A.-98 50.00 both 40.00 0- 10,000 gal�ons Structural 50.00 10,001 - and up gallons Structural 25.00 0- 10,000 gallons P�echanical 35.00 10,001 - and up gallons Mechanical 15.00 Mixer 15.00 Vaporizer 3.00 per $500.00 valuation 30.00 first vehicle; 5.00 each adclitional 3.00 100.00/year 5.00 5,00 - 10¢ items and sealed 10.00 - 70¢ items and not sealed 15.00 - more than 10� items ' The following fees shall be charged for services rendered: 206 Reninspection-Building fee 402 Water Tap 402 Sewer Tap 20� Wrecking fee 205 Moving � ' � ' 2Q5 Zoning Requests 205 Rezoning ?Q� Special Use 205 Variat�ce 2.�1 .Plat 211 Lot Split Vacations �05 Town House Development 212 Mining Permit 10.00 �2.5Q 25.00 .75/1000 cu. ft., but not less than 5.00 i5.00 accessory building 65.00 principle building 10.00 moving through 40.00 less than 1 acre; 100.00 more than 1 acre 25.00 ]5.00 50.00/20 lots +2.00 lot 20.00 40.00 100.00 15.00 e , � � 11.10 Fees License and Permit fees (continued) �� � 11.11'The penalty for late payment of all licenses and permii fees as shown in section il.i� of the City Code sha11 be 25% of the amount of the fee if re- ceived from 1�0 7 days late. If the payment is received more than 7 days after �� it is due, the penalty shall be 50% of the fee. I'` � PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF ,1976, � � � . MAYOR - WILLIAM J. NEE � ATTEST: � � CITY CLFRK - Marvin C. 8runse7l � � � First Reading: Second Reading: � ' Publ�sh....... � . ' � . � . ' �. � � �I ' , - 6C CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMORANDUM T0: NASIM T9. QURESHI , CITY t�IANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY P�GR./FIN. DIR. SUBJECT: LICENSE FEE CNANGES DATE: APRIL 8, 1976 The attached ordinan ce would ame� d Chapte r 11 of the City Code with respect to certain license fees charged. The proposed fees are as discussed at the March 22 Conference Meeting, except for the Bottle Club and Public Drinking Place License. The sugges�ted li cense fee for Bottle Cl ubs and Publi c Drinking places has been increased to $30Q. This is the maximum pe rmitted by law, please see comments on Bottle Clubs and Public Drinking places in the separate memo attached. MCB:sh Attachment � � 4RDINANCE N0. , AN ORDIANCE AP�IENDING THE CIiY CHARTER OF THE CI7Y OF FRIDl.EY � � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF �RIDL�Y DQES 0 RDAIPd AS FOLLOWS: � .. That the foii awing Sec�i orts of the Fr°� dley Ci ty Char�er are ari�nded as fol lo�rs : i - 7 �Section 5002 p EaPF(�DITU�t�:S BY PETZTI[1t�EFt�� P�o ar�rr�Y�er �f any irr��t�i af�i ve ��••�fer�r�c�umf or recal i�ammi �te� P nc� c� rcu i aior a� ��i 4�rai:ure naper•, and no si c����er a�C ��n,y such � papgr, or an� a�her per�or y shai � acceEafi o�� o= fer �n,y rcward, pecuni <zrar ar othG���tis� S ,for such ser�ic� �end����d ir� GOt'ti��C:���)i'd d��itf7 �:n� c7i�•cu�atic>r� '�.t�e�~e�fij bu�G f;his slza�l not pr�vent �;f�e �:cinvr�i�G�:�� froEr pay�i�-f:� fc,� �ec�4,� uciv�ic� ���,d �F���a�� ii�cu�,.�,.�r�g <3� �>:��ns� not to exc;e.�� ��>C.��� ��.�!v.00 ic�►�� st��:eon��y� �>rpy�inc�� 1?i�•�ii�t:7nc,ss ane2 rr�k,ar�ies` i=ee�� A sworn statcrr�nt substantiatin�e sucn expenses ��_7�� 1 ��z �i:urneci o����^ �;c� t�e ci�y clerk � wi thi n 5 days��fol 1 a.��i n o�the fi 1� nc�c�r a�.neti t�i on .Y�i�ny vi ol a1:i oi� of th� p rcz���� s� ons of this section is a misdem;�anor.V /�r�y v�ola�io�i af �:f�+rs sectiot7 sha'I� be ►�epar�ed by the cit,y clerk to the ��°oper auihoriiies iot��rOSeCUi:ion under sta�:e statui:es aPplyin � thereto. � Secti on 5.03 S FUP.TNE.R REGULATIU(�S �(� i at�fE�l pe�ti ti on unuer �hi s Charter may be certifieds signed and circuiated G�,�o;� an ord�nanr,e �o c initia�:ed,�an oruana;�ce �o e�ma e t e s�i ���ct�ot a re erend�um ana a rocee�inc� �far�Reca"�!'(`u�on ��e graunas � ---�,--- . au or� zed 6y �I ati����� an�'re'c�ui red by t;he 4Gonst� tui:� on oi��e State p-� M ota and reasons stated in �hE cer�,if7cate, �i1 �o be ��t,«tcci aiicl natccl in �he t�c�i�[:ic�n�`itsES�f�f. �A p��iiior� �_.__._____._._.. for any othei^ n:�r�os2 may be mad� iri accordance 4�ri�tl.i �rocedi!res establ ished by �his Charter or under orovisions a-F la��� �zs ni�iv be e;�lse���he��°� prov�ded. � � .._.::i A�eti ti on under thi s Char�ter shal i�e fi ��d ��� i:h� c?fi i ce of the_ ci tyMcleric as one instrument, which i�nstrwrnnt shail coi�tain any �ins�;riirr�nf; r�ecuired, a cepy af any or ln�nce praposed, covered ar affec�e?, ar�y c���er docum�nt appr�riate ta tile peti�ion an a t e s� �r�at�ure ��per.s ai�d a; ri d�vi ts �t��ac�ie�i in suppar� a� the sam�. /� et� ti on may e s� gr�ee�y any ele�ctor. A pe�.i_i:ion can� bc� ci rcu���ated��ar2d veri -Fied only �y an �' eTector «ho has sianed the same. J�l�l �tl-�e siy�iat�ir'es�on any_petition need na�G be on one s�c�na�ure pa�er. T�ie circulator o�` ev��ry �a���r sf�all verlfy by �zffldavit ai;tached that. e s�e �•�zs tne ctrculator of ti�e�sa,r��, �!�at eac}iTsicjnatur� ti��as made iri his her uresence, is qenuine, and of th° �L'Y'SO!1 tE�a�; Scl(T1c.�UT'��Or�ts to be anc! tha� each sic�ner a�ir�r�d�iat�ie' she alas an e ectoi� at ti�e resi�erice stated thereon. f�nY_paper lackin such affida i't or ver�fiec bi-�y an�affiid�vit false and untrue is insufficie��t and void of e{fec�. �` . . The insufficienc�r a� irreqularity oi' a petition shall not prejudice the filing of any new etition for t�e san��e_pur ose, nor sh111_.i�_prevent the Council from referring an_ or �nance proposcd to tt�e electorat.e ai th� next re ular or specia�election, ar otherwise aGtinq favorabi� upon the same. � ~ , • . .. • . . . . . , . . . . . . .' . -- -. � �ORDINANCE NQ. PAC�E� 2 7A I�� 7he Counci 1�may pravi de by ordi nance such furth�r regul afii ons for the i ni ti ati ve, . referendum, and reca�l, not inconsistent with this Charter as it deems necessarye �. .� . '� 7he city clerk, upon receipt of docume�ied fnformation that any siqnature on any �� petit�an pap�r has b�en falsel_y attested to, shall promptly forward such informa�ion � to the ro �r authorit for rosecution und�r state statutes a 1 in there�o. '� � Sectian 5.05, FOr "4 QF PETIT�'ON AND OF SIGNAillRE AAPERS. The eti t� on for the ada tion .� P P � of any �ordinance shall consist of th� ordinance, togeth�r with aIl ti�e signature papers 'and affidavits thereto attachede Su�h ��tition.sr�a�� �ai: f�e camp�c�e un.less sigti�ed - by a number of voters equ�1 ta at ��ast �ien perc�nt of �fte to-�a� number o� regisi�r�� - �. voters as Jancrary-;��st of �.hat y�ar. A��-���re-����������-�e����a�4�e-��n--Q��-•����a��� ��a�s�;-���-��eT������e►�en���f��������a��-��pe��s�����r�;i���ts.�����������- �i��3j-.��a�i�����Y����� a��e��e�--��-���-�pa���^�������=g�����€�>s3��t�a���=ew���#:�������er�-tt`r��s�mN���a��-��:���r��d�e _ � �e: Each s�c�r���.«r� pap�r° shall f�� ir� �ubstan�ia���.t. �h� fa1?ow�nc� i�rni4 .. - i. . : � Y��T:1��'�`�►I� ��T�;`��u�r . - �� : _ : : . '� Proposing ar� ct�����r�� �a� � � � . o � e e . . . . � a � o ��ta��r�� �:fi�� pur��s� r�� '�h�- - _ ordinance), a copy of whic�� �rdi.r��r��;e i� ��r-��c� ��tgch�c�a �'t�i� ot�dir�arrc� �s spar�sa�ec� � bx the fol � cr�i ng c�m�� ti�� �f �l�c�:a� : . �� � .: �darr� .� : : A�dr�as .. - - 1. : . . � o � . . � . � . � . . � o � . � � e a o o' '; . . .. o o a ` � -e �, _ � � • . • •� • c • c • � e s • o • o c e . � 1 e , o • � • te� e. o o s� �, e e.- n o o . . _ - ' . � �• • • • • • • • • � • e • • • • • � e R o s s o a s � �. � ♦ p ♦ � '� � � - � � . �r • • • • E • � • e . • • � � .- o � • e F P.+ . e, c� s. a !z • 6 E. (i t� F- c� O 4 C a � C� . . � - - . ��. �/• .• • • f. -e C 6 C e. O O.. G e G o O .. f� Ra P .P C c� P 4 ( G. C. 4 (_ �(a Q � . .. _" The undersfgned �lec��ir-�� �rrd�r��anc��rr�� �f�e� �er�ri� �n�, ��i� ���ur� �f f;h� c�r-dsnanc� her���� 'attached, j?��1�1C11Y t�� council for �ts a�����or�F �r9 �r� 1��u thereai,. �or° its submiss�on to the eiec�or� ��r °�i���r appr�v��� - • - � . �farr� . � � �ctd�es� - . � - - � � . . . ! . _ 1 O �.• • • p p 6 c 6 o C e 6 e y o � 6 g o O o Q. e 6 e b o H ♦ e O F . 1 2^• • \ • �r O O O p tl g O O O i o p P � 0 R' Q 4 d p� m, O G 6 4 O 6' O �' • w• • • • o O •,'s • C o 8 0 0 [s Q r � G @ � a R' 6 4 • c+ 6� 0 6 o Y. -[. o� . . ' At the enc� af the �ist of sigr�aiures shaii �� ��p�r�d��. �h� �ffidav�� c�f �h� c�rcu�a�ar � men-��an�d �b�v�� . . � - _ � � Section 5.05, FILING OF PETITIONS AND ACTIOy TNEREON. A�����e-s��.�a�ere-�a�e�s-s�a}} ��e-���e�-�p-��e-e��}�e-e�-�be-E��y-s�e�1�-as-e�e-�������e��.- Within five days af�er �he `fi)ing of the petition, the city c7erk shal] ascertain by examination the number of electors whose signatures are appended thereto and whether this number is at Ieasi tert �p�rcent of the totai nu�r;�aer of regular voters. If he finds the petition insufficient or irregular, he shali at once notify one.or more of the commitiee of sponsors af that fact, ceriifying the reasons for his finding� The committee shall then be given 30 - days irt which to file additional sig�a�ure papers and to corr�ct the petition in ali ' i o'c3�e�r particulars. If at the end of that period the petition is found to b2 stiil �n,ufficient or irregular, th° cierk siiall file it �n his office and s�iall notify each I� m�.7ber of the corr�nittee to t"at fact, ��e-��pa�=#'���;��-e�-��z-��►Sa��i��epEy-e�- , ' ix�ag��a�=ity-9�-a-�e���}e�--s�a��-�et-��e�a�}Ee-�bz-������-e�-a-�ew-�et��}er�-7e�-�be-same- �y ��ese ;-r�e�-s�a��-��-�we�e��-�be-eea�e}�-��e�-�e�er����-��e-e�d��apEe-�s-��e-e�eE�s�s ' �e�y �-s ee� �-e�es��a�- t_. s_ i a , _ _ , T . :. . �_.._.. � � . . . . . . ..__ _._. _.._ . • . � _ , . � . �. � . . _ , ORDINANCE N0. PAGE 3 � � . 7B '�fSection 5.08, iNITIATIV� BALl.OTS. The ballots used when voting upon such proposed �- ord�nance shall state the substance of ti�e ordinance and shall gi ve the voters the opportunity to �ote either "yes" �r "no" on ihe question of adoption. If a majority : . �of the e�lectors voting on any such ordinance vote in favor af it, it shall thereupon : become an ordinance of the city. Any number of proposed a�~dir�anc�s may be voted upon �at the same election but the voter s►�a�1 be a1lowed to vot� �ar or• agains� each - �separately. ��-eas�-�er-��ee�����s�e,���ecwe�����ea�����a�e��e����a�es�aa�p�ev���a� _ � -- epe-e�ee��g�;-�He-e��<=a���e�-��-��ke�����e�-��e�����a��,..er��Y�e�������*�n��-eR���. ��es��s�-��a��o���a��-��ea��e-e�c�e��-e�-��e����€e���s�e��� � In the case of i ncons i sterrcy _ between �vo or ' more init��tive ordinances a roved by trie e7ectors, -� e ordinances � s a noi go i nta eT �ci i�nt� t�e ci ty couni as a��ays �a reso ve e�`�" __ _�.._�.�.._...�._�.--.- incons�stenc�es. • • . �- . -- � 5e���►�n 5.�13, Tti� F��,�,�,L. �u�;� f�v� cl����� r��;�� farm th���.�`�u�v �n�o � camm3tt�� _.- -- for the pu���e u� 6��ir�g���� abQU� �:h� r���,1i vf �n� e�e����. c��'ficer� �f� ��i� cit,� in . accordanc� witF� �r���o<<.r�� es�ab7isf��� �n Sec��or� ��C�. 1[�� ��:�r:����:i�� shz�i c�.�°t��y to the city c��rk th� name of ih� Qf�-�z cer wriose r�m�val � i s�c��g��� � a�ta��m�n�. c�f �h� . � grounds for �em��al ir� �c�� m�r� th�r� 2�� �,�or��;� and tF��ir ��t�ra��an �n �7T'li1C� d�Qil� Fll� . recal i. A copy a� ��� � cer�i:� fi ca�� ���� � b� ai�a�h�� �a e�c�i �� gn�i�r�� pap�r� �►�� na . � si gna�ure pap�� sha71 be p�� ; n�a c.F �^c«� ai� ar� pr�v��u� �:c� ��.�� �et~�if � cation� - - - Secti on 5.14, RECA�.L R�T°�i� ��1� . Tf�� p�i. ��� or► �a� ��i� r��cai � a� �ny a��� cf al si�a11 _ �cans i st of a cer�i �i ca�e i denti cal wi �h �ha t fi 1�d w� �ii �he. �� �y c1 e r� togeif�e r wi th a1l the si gnat�ar� pap�rs and a�; fi da�i �s �i�e����i attac�rEC�� ���-��F��; ������s6�eed-�a� �P-��-e�e-s�������°pa���;-��t-�����}����a���-�e�-���e�y4�a���-s�a���t�a�€e-a�-a��'��a��� - ���a�-eae�-����a���e������=�d�d��e�-������������-�a�������������������t�����a�• ��e��e��a�<w�e�e �a�e-��-��������G�s-���� ��c�r. ���rfs,��a�^e� �ap�r° �F��� c �e� Kr� �€�f���..������ �� �i�� fal�.�v;inc� , forrB; � . . . - � - ' � �� Ft����.i� P�`�`�"IQi� P - : � - ,;: - � _ � Proposing ��� ����� -��. a s t c e: o e c� c e s e r����� �T� �����R �.� a a c e. e o a ��. . . � . . . . . 4ah� Gi� r���l � � s sa��ght �'a�: t �i� �°eas�r�� fie� f�r�t� 7:� �h� at���ched _ certificat�e `�'f�is �?ovem�r�t° �� �po��ar�� b,y ��� fal��czn� �ar�r������ �f �i�Gtar�: , _ l���ac�� . . �c��r���� � � � : - � �• • • ♦ • t e • � • e 6 • e e e e - e • 6 o M s� o a. a e • s m- a e e, .. �' -- � �• • : • R • o E� a t • O a • • t e � 6 6 � o' b o 0 o n E+ O� � � 6 4 P O . ' 3� �• • • 1. f� • n. i i O O • • a f p O b O C [i P 4 O S f+ P P � i• • • . • • s • � e e. e • • • • e • � • s ♦ • • o o w s o - • • e e � o . . � 5. . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . e � . . . . . o . . . . . . . � - Th2 undersigned electors, understanding the nature of the�charg�s aga�nst the officer herein sougt�t to be reca77ed, desire the holding of a recall e7ection for that purpose. �� � � � � � . � � � � , -3- I -I � rORQINANC� N0. 7 C PAGE 4 � : . . . . . _._._..__ __..... li � � Narr,� .. • � Address � � � ' ... � . � - � I. .....�.......... ...,...�.:...�..�:.- 2• • • • • • o a • o� o • • • o • s . • • � • • a a • a • s e • • s. ♦ • • . ' -- , � 3. �.,. . . . . . . , o . . . . . . � . o . . . � . .. ... . . . . . . .. : �. . . . - . , . . ' AC the end of th� 1z st of s� gna�ures sha7 � be ap�end�d �he �ffi davi t oi� the� ci rcul atar�F =- �- ' Secti on 5.19, INSTRUCTIONS 70 P�TITIONE�S n�� The ci t cl ark shal l pravi de to eve �'� � ..�` .�.�.. _.._.._.�...._.._ _ ____.__.� ' ersan ci rcui a ti n a peti �� on for the -i ni ti ati on af an ordi nan Ge r t�z� i n i ti ati on af ''c arter ara�ndrn�nts:, �or a referend�n, or the reca.11 of an_eiected officiai, wri_tten_ '_ instruc�ions delir�a�ing th� correct and propQr�itF�cedUre fic�r circulaiin�ythe �etitian��- The i r�structi ons rovi ded V;i t i c7eariy defi �e fa�s�-fi caii.�n o� a si�nature and fal se _ �attesta��an of a si��at�r� and w� c�te�t(�ose orc�i-nanc�s9 3a��as, or sta�utes relatin� � to s u ch a ci s. .� ,.��...�� - _ ��Section �.Q�g SU�.C���Ii��TE Q�����R�e . Th�r� ���'�� ��,c � ci�:y- e������ c���;� �r��surez�� - _ ; �9icy a-ctc�r�r�;�; ar3� �uc�� c��g��� c�����cEr=� �tE��st°eiin���:;e: �c� �h�• c;ii:y m�na.c;�r� as t:h� cou����.( . �Y Pt°ovi��: ��r �y or��r�a���s4 '��,�...e��y�-����o��,w�haf�df.c���Z���x��ec���,�����:d�e��€��a . � The ci ty a��orn�v and/ ar_ 1�ga1 affi ce��,s �hal i f�e a�pc�� r�ted b�r �if�c� ci ��manag�r_wi�h . ' approva! of t�� cci�nci . Th� ci�y cl���;: sFia�il b� �uf�ject to t���� d'�rec�ion of i;h� city - manage� ana sha� 1 have such c?��i �:� i n�or►n�ci:i �n �ri tn th� kee�� t1g. c�fi th� �i�ib� �t G r�car�� f the cust��,� g an� �i sbe�rs�m�r�� Q� °��a� ��b�i c��nds ; artc� i�i��e atzn�r�al adm� r�i strafii or� a� ��� .- `city's af�a� �s as ���a� i be ordairi�� b� tf�� c�un�� � r F�� n�ay b�� c�e�i c�r�a�:cc� �:t� act as - secreta��,y af.the c�un�ii. The counc�� ma� by.ord��a�G� abalish pf�ic�rs which have been cre�.�ted by ord� nance and i t may ca�a� r�e �he ciu�� �s.- �f t�ai°��au� afi� ees as i t m�P - � 5@£? 71 t. ' . . . • ' - • � � : - . Section 6e�5� �U�tCF#,��� �� �t����R����� `���� ���G� tiEanac���_ s[��'i1 �e �I�e ch1�f pur�eitas�r�g . .� agent of the c�ty�s t�il pu�c��as�� c�r� ia���«���" ��° �t�c �►iy �i�a� t��e n�ac��$, ar�d a11 cantr�acts . le�, by th� ��ty.m�r�r����-$.���v���•�R �f��� �'ri�� ap�r��TaT o�` �!;� cc��r��� r,��as� �� giv��� in advance t�r#�en��er° �s�� araaunt�.�� suc}� �r�rc���s� or� ��n�rac�. exc�ec�� ����Q�B�E�� ti�e amou�t -=--:.' �siated in tfi� st�t.� �tatut�� 6.�,�I �:or�����:t�, t�a��u� 4�.rtc� °it�s�rc�n�Erif� o� �v�r�r kin� �a� ._:: � wtiich the ci�ty sha3i be a�a�r�,� sk���� b� si�r��� t;;� f:n� rnd��a� c�rF: ���h�'�� •o� ih� ci�:y, a� well as b� tne Git,y r�ara��^�=s ana �k���� k�� ex����te�. in �.k�e r�an� �f t��� c�t�� - . :� Secti on C��6 g�Oi�`��fACi� g NOt�� t�f�'� T� �� �����s c��f �6n����c:t� �or° �}�� �ur�c�iase of �_ merchandis�� mat��°�a�s �� �qu���rG;�� a� f�r° �r�y �ir�� of cai������«�.f.�ar� wc��°�. c�nciertak�n by the ci �.�;�° w�t�� c� p-equi r� a� �;�:�e�c��i -�:c�.r�� ��' ��r�° �t:�an �; ���C�.. GC �-ha� whi c�_i s set by th� st�te� statutes4 ��1��� �h� �c�ur�i� �i���t by �rt emei=��.rtE:y oi°��nar�c� 4�I��t"i�'iS�.� prov� de, �tz� �i ty manac� r sha7 i adver�'ti se �'�t� �� d� b,� a� �e�s�: �5 i 0 cia,ys pubi �sh�ci noti ce i n �:n� ofi'i ci ai neti•lspapet . Sew��aE���ar���}���ek�ase,-�a�t�-e�E��s-�e�-�� ;8U�-5�a�� . '���-�a�-�e-��b�e��es�-�s��g�s}�}�e-b���e��a���et���} »ed-�yd����EBt�I�E��. t�then a bi d i s �r.egui red, i� shal i be let to the lo�vest responsi b7 e bi dder as determined � tne counci i e T he counc�] may, ho;�r�v�r, rejec t any an d a T l b� ds. No t n�ng con taine d in t h�s s e c ti on ;,shall prevent the council from contracting for the doing of ��ork with patented processes, or from th� pt�rchasing of patented appliarices. . , , . I� .�5ection 7.04, PREPARATION QF ANNUAL BUDGET. The city manager sia17 prepare the estimates �or the annual budget �•rhich sMa11 include any estimated deficit for the current year. ' The estima'tes of exoenditures slia�l be submitted by each depariment ta tne city manag�r. E.ach estimate sha17 be divid�d into three r�ajor subdivisons as follotivs: (aj Salaries II .i a,►c! :•fag�s, (b) Ordinary Expenses, (c) Ca�ital Outlay. Saiary detail sha11 show a list I� o� al1 saJ ari ed offi cers and posi ti ons wi th sai ary ai 7o�r�ance and number of persons hal di r�g each, t�ages sMal] be bmken do��m in sufficient detai] fio jusiify tf�e request. Ordznary � � � . _q,;. , . _ ., ,ORDINANCE N0. � PAGE 5 . � �D ���xpenses shal l be broken down into such detai ] as the city mana�er shail di rect. � ^ Y Capital Outlay shall.be itemized as to items and amounts. � �_ _ ,� • � � � - �� � �- . In parallel columns shall be added the amounfis expended under similar heads for . - ��, the tc��o pr�ceding fiscal years, and, as far as practicable, the amovnts expended �' � and esfi�mated fa expendTture during the curren� year. In add�t�on to estimates of ,'.expenditures, th city manager shali prepare a d�tailed stater�en� of revenues : � �collecfied for° th two preceding completed fiisca� years with amounts est�imaied �a be �� '_ coliected for th currerct fzscai year, and an ���imate of rev�nues �or• th� ensuing fisca1 year. Th estimates s��a11 be submitted to the council at its first rec�ular �� � � �mcnthly rr��ti ng n August and ;s�a71 � be pubiisfied� in �he offi ci a7lpub�i cati�n priar �;� - the Au ust rrQeti � ���e-e��y-���a�E �}�a����������-w���-e����a�e������-�e���a�;��s�ya.s��%4�r�����et��5�a��t�e��� - as-#�e-�y-�e��� �e����;-a������������c�������w���������t���e����s�e�a��;e��--b��s�a�� _- . - �e-a����������� ��-r �.��p-��-��EW���;��,,���1�-����:�����c#:=f�r-�-r�sG����;��3~:rsr�..en����s�€h . � ��e�a��sa�s-e�-� �����,�-�'��a����-���1��������_������_�����et��y�$�e��r�����a�����v���� � - as-�ay-�e��E����' �����;�����°�; ����o . � � , - 'Sectio� �'.�1�� PP, 5�;�� ��' TkiE QUDGETs TF�� �uc�g�� �(���� be �t�� {�������ipal �tem a�' � _ . - bus�ness a� �tk�� Tr°�� �°e�ul�r° m�r��h�� �ee�ing r�f �he �c?unc�'� �r� f3tt�us�: s�i�d fii.hE cou�t��� •.:-_f � sha11 hol d�ubse ca�t�t m���i r�g� f���� � m� �o t�me �r�i ��� 1��C�a� esf�i ma�� Y,av�- b�ett . _. sonsiderede T� m�E��ng� st���1 b� sa cond«�z_�d a� �c� c?�ve �n��r�st;�c� Git�LGiIS a . , reasonabi� amQU t t�f �im� in v�hich i� �� F��ards �nd �t� csprQ���.tin�.�y. i:a ask q��s�tionsF �, - The budge�G �s�.i tes sha�1 �� ��a� �� �ca�� and ��� �i�y rr�ana��r� shail exp7air� �h� various item� i ereo� as fully as ma� be dee��d n�eessary f�y �Ghe cbuncil � The annual� � Ibudget finally gr°ceci u�on s�a�l s�i for�ih i� sc��l� d�t��1 ds rn�y �e d�te►°mirYed by � . the c�ty co:�r�ci ,�h� camp3ete financia� plari o� tFi� ���,y f�r� the ensuing f�scal - year9 and sh�l� b� ��gned by t�i� r���cr"�-c�� ��` fi�� �Q����c�`€ �,y��r f��ir�c? acfapted. It sf�a�� . �indi cate �h� s�ar �� �e rais�r� an� f�°��� ��!��t :�c���°��� x�inc� �i1� �u»�s ��o b�= sp�nt anc� : � for what pr�r�as s$ acc���a��r�g ta ti��� ����� ����1��d�ec� �rr ��c���r� �.f�44 "I`h� �oia"! sum : � appropria�e� sh 1� ��fi �x�;��d ihe ���:�� ����`rrn�:#��� r�vrnE��f: T�E �c�t,z�ic�� sha�l adapt . ,the budge� dur� g tl�i� mnntt� of �����;�}u�� ���:�:c���� ��� rir�i r�� r,c� whi �h sh�l 1� 5��: fartn t�e total �f th b�ci��� ar�d �n� �c��a��, ��i" t����-�sra���r� u����si���s. t�.f iri� budgc�, accor�irrg °_.- to ihe plart.ir�d ca��� it� S�ct��rt 7��4a `f���.^ b�d���l= a�,a�c�pi� ri��3 he ublished in th� offi ci al ubi i c ti ono - : �� ���_ �� S°ction 7.Q� L VY �';I�i� COi:.LECTTU� �F �"�XE�. �r� �r� Ea�far� if�� �ttt cia�� c�fi ���o�a�° i�ov���r� � i each year �fi� c une�� �hal� �evy b� ���c�����:��r i:t�� �axes ���c�.s����fi,}�� t:u meet th� -'req�i remer�ts a� .�t�� tsud��� far� th� �t�su�E ��c� ���a s c�� S;carR ! i�c c� ty �� �r•k sf�a.l`t �ra�srr►Y t _ ta the county a dit��° anr�ually no� �a�er• �:ha��� �he �Otti �f F3e���c� i��vernbery a sfiaie�r��f: af ail the �axe levied, an� suct� tax�s sha7� b� cc►71eci_�d and �he�vpa,yri�ni thereof �be �nforced wit and in like manner as state and co�r�ty �a>;�s. Na i�ax sha'ti be invalic� by reason of an infarmality in the manner o�' ,Tevying the same, nor because the amauni ]evied shall exceed the amount requi red to be raised for the speci a7 purpose for whi ch ,tne same is 7ev"ed, bcrt in that case ihe surplus shal] go into .a suspense �und, and shal l� be used reduce the levy for the ensuing year. . '� Section 7.14, CCOU�TS RtJD REPORTS. The city manager sha11 be the chief accouni�nq officer of the city and of every branch thereof, and the council may prescribe and � enforce proper accounting mathods, forms, b1anks, and ather devices consistent vrith �, . the la�.v, this harter, and the ordinances in accord �vith it. Ne shall submit to the council a stat �nt eact� month stio��ing the amou�t of maney in the custody af ihe city • treasurer, the status of a7] funds, the amount spent or chargeable against each of the �' : ' . _3.. � . _. .. � • '�, , ORDINAiVCE N0. PAGE 6 ' � E annuaT budget allowances and the balances left in each, and such other i�formatiort _ rel ati ve to the fi rances of the ci ty as the counci l may requi re. The counci i may �� at any time and sha11 annually provide for an audit of the city finances by a - cer~ri fied publ � c acco�ntant or by the degartrr�n� of the sta�e authori zed to make .� examinations of t}�e affairs of municipalities. On or before the first day of April �in each year the city manager sha11 prepare a complete financiai statement in form - - approved by the coi!ncil of th� Ci ty's f�nancial opera�ions for the preceding Galendar � � year, and uarter, w�fi��ys�a�������y-���-p������e�a��-�s�e�p�a��e�-as-��e�eet��E� �-��y , . ����eE�-a�a-s���,�m��e�������a����e-���}�����p��-��e-s##�e�a�-�ewsaa�e�-e��-�� �e#e�e-�,����-�Ar�-e�mea��-ye��: which s�atem�n� ma dir�ci a.nd a summar�thereof shal�_ be pubi i st�ed in the a-Ffi ci al news a er on ar before the th7 rd ���eek, i n A r� i, Jui�� ._ � October, and Jan�ary as appropri ate. � � - � . . : � - -_� Section 'i�.�5� RATES ��i� CH�RGE�e Ever� pu�lic ��GiI����or� franchis�� �r►aicing us� af �. _- ,the sireefi vr �ub1i � pl ace� withi� tt�� cityP s�.a�i g�.t�e cvur'�:ea�s,. e�f�ici�n�. anc� : -_- adequdte s�i�•v� c� �� �-�asor��G1� r°a��5. � reas�r�ai�le x�ai:e s��j i�e cai�s�r°u�d �t� b� . _ � one whi ct� �F� 1 i� kdt'��€ E'��7 C� ER� �anag��nt g no�mall}� �� �? ����i r r��c�r•r� pri a� 1 : properiy �sed and �s�f�� �r� �furr����r���e� �e����� ta th� ���� and ��s ir�}�af����i��s� Ct�is�, - , shali not �e constr�u��� a� a gua���Et� �f a���c��� and ir� r�c, ����: sl�a [� th�r� be an� ,_ � return upa� fr�anchas� va�ue. �tit�;�r� th�s� `�ir�i��� �he det�rr�inatiort afi max�m�n� �a�es9 - fares, or cY�ar�ges �o b� �i�ar�ed by �n� pu���c E��.�l�ty a� firanci�js�e faz� sei�vic�. r�nd�r-�� to ihe ci Ly. or ar�y° pe�c�r� g per�o�� , fi rm or ��r���r�a�� c�rr ��1 trii rt �he ci �y sf:�� 1 be- mad� � �if possibTe, ��� di��c�. n��c��iafiiato� bet���r� �:F�� �?u�lic ���1ity ar ��anchise� and the - � tbunci 1. I n ca�s� c�f ��.i � ur� �v �eac�� an agr������� by th�i s rnethod wi thi n a reasor►abl e -� �time the cour�cii may, �n its discr�t�on, a��G� to sub�7�_ t� arbi�rat�on on su�t� ��rms as it .may deem feasibl� �r espon s►�ch terrr� as th� f�^anchis.e pl^OYjd�5 �ar�s the ��xing of rates , fares a or ct�a�°��� by the p;�bl i c t�ti 1� �y Qr frar� c�ri see 4 pravi d�d, however, �ihat the ra�esa �ares� c��° charg�� �c� f-�x�� �4�c a�°�:g���°��t-�ari sF��il t�c�� t�� hin�.�ng �ort th� _-- citp for m�t-� �i��r� fiv� �c:��E�4. . Seciiorr�1Q.06� �RC���SIa��� .G� �'�,�P�CtiI��S. E�c:�y ����rEcE►��ca� �h��� �crn�a�t��, ama�c�� ati��t° �� things,� pr°��isic�rc� �l�fi��c� t� tl�� ��ller,���r�ct� . . _ � -� , - .�_ - (,1 } The ���s� Qf the � ������� �p=ari��d ���hi� ci�� ����� E ��a�� exce�� �a y�ars.. � - & � _ �,2) Ra�es, far�� an� �1��r�g�� -�� b� �Fta�yec� b,� �E�� ��f}l�ii� u�����;� ar franch�s�� � in compliar�ce witit �h� ���ir-�� ar�� g��°c������or�s ��F �����cjr� ��oa��. " - (3) The ri gt��s ���e�vec� .to th� ��f_,� zn ��r.;rre��x ar� ��ri �h th� �rec�i ��� �if,;Rc�l es , ma�t� -- - or other f� xture� ti��� th� streets s�r° publi c p� ac�s an� �t�ic� at�a�hrr�nt Uf w7 r�� t�iere�cf } the i ayi ng af ir°ac�cs i n dr af pi p�s or� cor,d�� t.� und�r° trr�: �tr�et� or publ i C pT aGes , _ and the pi ac� n� in �;h� s�Cre�ts or other publ � c pl aces c�f any permaner�� Qr sem�i-p�rn�anenf: -- fi xtur.es ar equi pmen� by tf�e pu61 i c uti 1 i t�► or --Franchi see . • � - t4) The prompt repai r by the publ i c uti 1 i ty or franchf see of a11 damages to the p�blic streets, aileys and public property occasioned.by the acts or omissions of th� public utiliiy or franchisee. � ._ (5) Tt�e ri ghts of the ci ty to have access to all books,� records , and papers of ihe publ i c uti l ity or franchi see a�hi ch i n any way deal wi th , affect or record i�s operati ons a�ithin and pertal 7nn g to t� city and pertaining to property and equipmeni used and usefu] in furnishing service to the city and its inhabitants. . • � ' ' � � � ORDINANCE N0. Pqf�E. 7 7F ,� {���-��er,p���a���se-way-ee��a}x;-a�a��-e��e�-�����s;-��e��se�s-�e�a��� •�e-��e r +� €a��er►���� . - • � - , .��� 6) The power and right of ti�e city to submit to arbitration the fTxing of .any rates, fares� or chargQ� to be made by the public ut�lity or franchisee. � I� �t ��� �7 The rignt of �h� publi� �.ti]�ty or franchisee �o receive upon cond�nmr�atian .- proceedings brought b,y t�ia ci ty to acq�ai re th� �ub� i c uti 1 i ty or fran chi see comp�nsati on �I �for 7ts franchis� ar th� ��Iue th�re�f, if anyo � - _ . � - - - - � Sec�ion 1Q.DQ AU3LIC�M�AR�NGS. B� . � . .. : - � .- : for�� any franch� se ard� nanc� � s adopted or any rates, far�s Qr° �arg�� ta be �har�g�d by th� p�ab1�� �utilit,� or franchisee are fix�d�. .. �� there sha11 be a ��b1i� he�rin ���� �t�� c�ur�c�l �r► � arc� �lie - � � 9� , r�e�ao t�c�fii c� of ��c� . 9 I� � Qubl�c hea�ng s�a�i. 6e �ven b uE���sh�� nc,iic� a� ����t onc .' J� R e�n �th� aff�ct aI r�evr�pag�� I, not Iess �h�r t�r��-e�y (Z0� da�� pr�a� �d �h� �t3��' �'� �SUGI1 CJil. ��1C hearir�g.. Ad�i��t����1 I. � notiee o� �u�h ������ i��.��r��n� r�a� �s� ����r� �n s�c�t €n�rirt�r d: �Me ccutic.�� sha; � C��t''.t�1'TII�C'i�e - - I � � �' PASSED AND RDUP�`ED BY TH� G�TY CQUt�CIL Q�' 7H� GIi� �� �RIDI EY THIS _ . QAY OF � C976� � ,. ' � . � . , , . ' ATTEST : � 1 CITY CLERiC - hgARVIN C. BRU�dSELL � P�blic Hearing� Apwil 12, 1976 First Reading: Apr�il 19, 1976 � Second Reading; , Publ7cation: � � �Y�� � WILI�Tl3i� J� NE� .�......�� � . ' • 0 '�pa.- "' i --k,R.{rra�•-1� . � I,�'� r h e � `� tV ' J.(! .'%.lf/L� i. 'i � :'-�;':,� ► �.,i���' :. � W � ` � � � �. � � ♦ \ � � ��% � � � ' � � 1 � - , J, —_. T _ _ - , _ . r: l •��, . INNSI3RUCK NORTH TOL9NHOUSE IV F, V �G'r�p � ADDITION P.S. #76-01 � � ., p.. � �,s �ii" �. t t. ��- t . �1 � �. C;: C.� G C.1 _ , S ' y:•� ' °`G1 t�'—^ x"AI7� . ; . 5' �•�V � .'�.•-� ..iFr-'i�_� `e 1 ` � 5.�,�y �G ��. \:qw.a.s . � �. �+4��i V � , ,� �,r ir";----..._ ' ;�..... :.>�. a,��x`,t �}��auc �� �,,E��t r•�'�� � � p� . ��� _,'v {{��a,,�r.�^f•t,�. .�;p�f.-y�_ i l��cls i..3r :�. ,�/��a'17 } y�j I? � :y�'r� •+: ° �� a � • .. " F .�---�^�-:"_. � ''°:Y - � l �--��� �,�*� i i• � , . � j! A r'<. , ., :. ....! 1 ( - ���a . � 'q S �1�_ \ ? f 1� 1'' .- � R' . 1'�,.�.' .-L / ,•"� �'7 i I � �.'4 . • � t: _ � ��, �- , � . ��� l 1 P,� •�fy � f r--r-� . `-1 j � � , : i' ( b ; 1, -�,� � 4 ;�t� .ry _<:��;J (��, �`�t .�, ;� i� ' , -.r y �. � > t � i g� � 7 �'� i �ra , I, fL.�i/ � �'o.) {`, � . 1i � '- ,( � 1 � � , , �. � i � ' l ��' °1 . 0.=4/ ^ t� L<'` /i/�/`� .•^v� � � ..'.� ^; : 1 'l e . , ` p� � � � �. f , _� � t � � 5 7� . r / r>� _��ttl \�. 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'ti. t 'i � r t w. , �J. ;C� - "• � 9A� CITY 0� FRIDLEY � PETITIOI3 COVEIt SHEE� Petition Na.. 7-1976 - Date RecEiv�� Apri1 _13� 1976 - - Pe�i�ion ir� Favu�° o�: lst choices une 2;G ur►i� apari:r�ent b�ilding dnd Ob�ec� Znd choi ce�Totivnhouses 1 i ke _ the exi sti i�c�_ townhouses on the south si de o� Innsbruck North. On Parcel being a repl ai; of Outlot� B, Innsbruck North - Andi �i on , a1 on_���ith Lot 49�Exce�t the L�esterl �210' � Audi tor Subdi vi si on No. 92= generaliy 1 ocated nortf� of North Innsbruck Qri ve N. E. anc� F1es� ' o-f B1ack Farest Apartmen�s. � - petition Checked By Dat� � � - �. Pe�c.ent Signing Referr�d to City �auncil . Dispositian 0 r � )� � � --- .�.C��3�- . � �2.�- � � -'-_._ _..__ __ . _. __� _ _ __ ----- _ . .. ..____ __ .__.____ - -� : � � _._ . _ __ _ . .__ _ , , � � -� f _ Cr'�"�',=�r=� � ; �/•-, _ ._ ._._ . . .. _ _ � - - �-- . . _ � ��� ' 9B ,,� � �J;:.r , ,. x.�..��'? , ._..- r..-- �'�.,..�,� J�'�''C :,.1!. ::r � �-'z.c�s-".�✓ vL,yC�i=..!/I'4 �ui'L�'� r� �/'�r�C:�. . -- - ��^ " �� . �.-�.,�..� ��,s"a..__ __ . ._� � ���.�::-,P-� --� �� �'� :::�a:�'�-+e2—r�f.� , . �,ry .�� _ ______ __ .._`_'__., � _ _._✓".✓.%�=i"t�+-:'___.!°�•/�� -- ----_l � 9 s - �� �.--�.ti-�-�,c�--�-_ _ 1 �!�''' t�r �f / / "�/ .a'" -..�% ' i /' -:1,. j . 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I i ' � .- + ' '�� : lo I . .CITY OF FRIDLEY ' PLAt�NIPdG CUt�1t�ISSION MCETING APRIL 7, 1976 � CALL TO OIZDFR: Chaii°man Harris called the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M. ROLL CALL: pAGE 1 M�mbers Present: Shea, Bergman, Narris, Peterso��, Wahlberg, Langenfeld t�fembers Absent: None Otf�ers Present: Darre1 Clark, Community Development Administrator Mrs. �dahlberg said that before the Planning Comn�ission began their ugenda iten�s she �-aanted to propose a timetable for the Commission to �Fo11ot•� in dealing a,�itV� this agenda. She said the Plannirg Comn�ission n�eetings had been run��iny ex�remely 1ate, a��d her proposal �vould allot� 30 rni nu�;es for each i te��� on ih�i s agenda so they coul d be through by 12:00. Prr. Cerg;ran said tha�: at �he last me�tiny, some of tl�e petitioners ha.d to leave before their item ca�re up on tl;e agenda, so ir this time- tabl e coul d be us�d as a gui de'I i ne , I�e was i n favor of i t. P�fr, Harri s sai d he vras i n favor ofi i t al so 5 but i f ttiere vras an i tem that brought in a large audience, he reit that every citizen 4•rho kfanted to speak should be heard. D1rs. 1�!ahluerg said tha�t she thouc�ht tl�e only alternative ��ras ta hold addi�ional ���eet�in�s to handl� the la►°ge a.genda's and si�e 4�aasn't in favor of addi cional �T��etirgs. MOTIOI�T hy Lar�ger�feld, seconded bt3 Pet�rson, that the PJanning Commission folloi,� t1i.� _quideline propos�d by Vi.rginia PT<�111berg which would lim.it the time sp�n� on each agenda it�rn to 30 min�rtes. Upon a voice vate, a11 voizng ayc, tl�e mot_i_on carried unanirno.usl.�. � APPPOVE PLANP�ING CO�Si�1ISSI0N MIf�UTES: f�"�ARCIf _17, 1976 P1rs. t�ahlberg said she d�idn`t unders�ta��d �:f�e motioi� �nade on the bottom of page £3 0�' tV�esi� rn�irutes. P1r. Har�ris said it should say Ap}�eals Commission minutes i nstead af l�ppeal s Co�iin�i ssion �re��;i ng. MD'I'1-ON by 1'eterson, secor.ded by Lan,enf.e.ld, that the Plannil�g Commission minz�tes of tl�e Dlarch I7, 197G meeting h_e ��I�Ploved as corrected. Upari a vo.ice vote, a11 voting Uye, thc m.otion car.ried unanimousl.y. RECEIVE pq{��$& RECREI�TION COhiiiISSION �1lNUTES: MARCtI 22, 197G MOTIDN by Peterson, seconded by 13erqmatz, that the Planning Commission receive the Parks & Recreati.oia Commission minutes of the March 2?_, 1976 meetzng. U�on a voice vote, ��11 voting ayc, the motion c�rried unanimously. RECEIVE NUP�il1N RESOURCES COf�iMISSION MINIITES: MARCN 11 , 1976 I' MOTION by I.ar�qcnfe.Zd, seconded by Iti���hlberg, tha� the Planning Commis- ' I sion xeceive �he It��man Resources Conu�rission minutes of the hlarch 11� 1��� meeting.� Upon a voice vote, all votilig ��ye, the rnotion carried unanimously. ' � � � i � �� � � Planninq Commission Meetinq - Apri1 7, 1976 Page 2 ,______----- RECETVC ENVIROP�t�iE�dTPL QUALITY COP�1MISSION MINUTES: MARCH 23, 1976 t�1r. f'eterson yuestioned one of the recQmmendations on 40' lots .�� from tl��se minutes, but Criairman Harris said that as the 40' lot problem was the 1ast item on this agenda, Mr. Peterson should save his remarks until that time. .� � ' � LJ �� � ' � II i� �� � ' � MOTION by Langenfel.d, seconded by Bergman, that the PZanning Commission �receive the Envir.onmental QualiL-y Commissi.on minutes of the March 23, 1376 meeting. Upon a voi.ce vote, a11 votiny �ye, the niotion carried unanimously. R�CEIVE RE�UEST FROM QURLIh�GTOPd NORTf�ERN, 4055._EAST RIVER ROAD, TO HAVE LUfdCfi Y�. LE3�UER ROU��S F'�R FRE.IGHT CAIZ IN.�P,�.�'�Qi.�S :� �AILI�lF�Y PIAINTENANCE OF WAY Et�iPLOYEt���� t�1r. 6. Lee Johnson, /�ssistant Area Engineer for 6urlington �orthern, t��as prese��t. Mr. Clark saicl there ��asn't administrative report:s p��epared for _th°se t���o reqi�ests. Mr. Peterson asked �-�f�y there hadr�'t been starf reports a� these �:wo requesLS? f�i�. C1ark said i� .��.as because we still haven't gotten confirr�ation fr0t11 all the railroad officials in concurrence with what the staff w�s go�i��g i.o recommende Mr. Clark said that basically what the railroad wanted vaas i;o move an exist�ing stick built buildiny to a location under the present overpass. They 1 ater brought i n ar�o�her pl an fo�� anoth�r struc�ure 1 ocated betti�reen ti�e railrcad overpass and the setvage treatment plant. This building w�as of rne�al construc�tion. He said tha�c ���e �;°�re .�old that the first building was go�ing to be out, of vie��r �`roiil tl�� East River Road traffic. We told them that the City 4�.as quite discouraged that the landscaping thzt had been tal ke� abou�t for four or five y�ur�s that none o�� i t had zaken pl ace. tde i nfori��eci that rai 1 road ;;i�at �ve defi ni tely needed a 1 anu�scape pl an before any bu�i 1 di r�g perfn� �is i��ere i ssued, for any s-tructure on rai 1 road property. k�e �-tent do�vn and 1aakeci at the site and found that both structures will be in full viet-� of Cast f:iver Road. Therefore, the staf� felt the structures shou�d be built out o� brick since they ��ai11 be adjacent.to another brick struc�:ure t{�at the rai 1 road had al ready bui 1 t i n the same v��ci ni ty. �ti�e couldn't reach the right oificials ��aho could say they would put up brick or they G��auldn`i put up brick. P1r. Clark said that what he thought the Planning Commission could do vras to teil the railroad that the facilities that they want to put in at ihese loca�ions would be a11 right, if i:he structures were the same architectural design as the buildings they 4vere adjacent to and that they would bring in landscapir�g pians �or tiie aii storage t�nk, the sewage tt•aatn�ent plant, the berm and around �.h� hump tower. They should agree that they would bring i;hese landscaping plans in ��rith a timetable for these plans before they requesi: a bu�ild-ing permit for these two buildings. t�te couldn't get confirmation on the brick construction, therefore there was i�o administrative staff report tiNritten. Mr. Ciark said the Planning Commission had several choices. Thev could cont.inue the5e requests or tliey could just approve the type of faci:lities �that ti�ese buildings were going to house at these locations if �hey meet the architectural design, brick, and the screening plans are brought fortb: � �,Q A �A � � � Plannin� Commission Meetin� - April 7, 1976 Pa ey 3 lO � Mr. Le� Johnson said he v�ould ]ike to further explain what was involved in this request. lie said i;hat he was not directly invo1v�d in the Northtown yard projec� and he was not in a position to discuss the landscaping, but he could explain the use of these buildings. . Mr. Johnson said that first of all the small building that would be locai;ed under �;he bridge v�ould be used as an office, lunch and locker room for our car men. The loca�:ion t��as convenient �o their work area. It was important th�t they had that building a� that location. 7he second larger building would be used as a luncheon and locker room for our main line track forces, bridge and builder forces and our ���ater service man. This location vras picked because ' the tracE: forces have on-track main line maintenance equipment and they have to have access i:o the main iine. The buildings ��re are pro�osing to use are good second hand surplus buildings that were p��es�ntly 1 ocat�ed . i n the Ci ty of f�1i nneapol i s. 7he reason we have not proposed new buildings was because .of econo�liics. l�te already have these bui l di ngs, and ��ae �•�oul d l i ke to use them, and ��re woul d be willing to screen the area if these buildings ��r�re approved. Mr. Harri s sai d tlien ��rhat h1r. Johnson was tel l i ng the P1 anni ng Commi s- sion G-aas tViat they wanted to move i;wo buildir�gs frorn f4inneapolis into Fridley, to these sites. Mr. C1 ark sai d lie under°s�:ood tf�at the smal l er bui 1 di nq vras bei ng mcved i n, but he di dr�' 1:. real i ze that :the 1 arge metal bui�l di ng ��vas an exi st- i ng bui 1 di ng . 7he sti ck bui 1�: bui ��i ng 4•ras open constri.�cti on so i t could be inspected as far as the construct��n. Mr. Johnson said this was a wood frame buildi��g with aluminum sheeting. It vras a modular build- ing. Prr, Harris as{:ed f�ir. Joh�ison if the lar°ger tr�etal buildi►�g t��as a� manufactured bui1d�ing. f�r. Johnsor said �it ��aas a Ar�nco buildinc� ���ith col oreci panel s, and tl�ey i ntended to pa.�i nt tr�ese b��i 1 di nas so thcy would b�end in t,rith o�the�� exisi:�irig bu�lJings. P�1r. C�ark said the��e ��1ere other metal builciings on this s�ii.e, bui th�Y wer'e surrounded by other buildings and v,ere not visa.ble from the strect. Mrs. Wahlberg asked what vroulci happen in case of fii�e for this bui1ding t�hat Gvas under the ovei�pass. 1�1r. Clark sa�id the bridge ���as quite a bit higher than this building. He said this structure was or�ly about 10` high. P1r. C1 ark sai d the staff sa��� no probl �ri� G�J�i th thi s. �1r. Ci arf: sai d that at the present time there ���as no fire f�ydran�, but thatane �vould be installed. � P�(rs. tdahl b��•g sai d that the adn�i ni strat�i ve s taff t�e�ort; wou7d have requested th�t these buildings conform to tf�e exteriors of the other buildings t:hat ar�e adjacent to tliem. ��1r. ClarE; said yes, and also that � they bring in landscape plans and a timetab1e of when the various plans would be completed. The staff felt that all the buildings between the . railroad tracks and Eas�: River Road shoul.d be compatiple. � � � �, Mr. Harris asked how large these bui1dings were. Mr. Clark said that the srnall building was 10' x 56' or 5G0 square feet, and the large building was about 1200 square feet. They aren't very large buildings and they are one story structures. Mr. Clark said it may be possible ta bring in heavy growth year around screening for these structures. Mr. Harris said that wha�: botl�ered him was that there was a metal building alir�ost directly across ihe street from tI17S location whicl� was put there by the City of Minneapolis who didn't have to ask Fridley about anything. � ' � Plannin Commission t�ceting - �pril 7, 1976 Page 4 Mr. Clark said th�t these structures would be located 30, 40, or 50' away from the boxcars. P�r. Harris said that because of that location, masonry construction may not be tire best solution, wi�:h box cat�s humping around th� area. • Mr. Johnson said that it a�as .a naal;ter of economics, or �hey would construct neti�r buildings instead of using used buildings. Mr. Harris asked if tf�ey really thought they were yoing to be saving money by the time they tore these buildinys doti-�n and moved them and put them up again. 1�ir. Johnson said �:hey ti,�ould only have to dismantle the 1arge building, the small builclinq could be n�oved on a flat car. Mir. Harris asked if i�hey really t{�ought they ���ere ,oing to save mon°y? Mr. Johnson said that �-ras not h�i s deci si or . Mr. Nar1°i s sai d he had brought thi s up because econon�i cs �-fas the cri teri a they ��rere us i ng for bri ngi ng i n used bui 1 di ngs . Mrs. Wahlberg said (��r. Johnson ii�entioned tha� tl�ese buildings ���auld be painted to match existing buildings. Mr. Johnson said they t�vould be pai nt�d 1-� ght grec�n i;o mat:ch t:he er,i sti ng ci esel shop and car shop. Pdr. Clark said that ��;hat, the railroad rea?1y wanted to know was � if the City haci any objections to the ra�lroad having these i;ypes o�f facilities at �these locations. r�r. Clark said �that he couldn't see any probl ern ;�ri th h�vi ng these type o�F faci 1 i ti es . h1r. � Ci a•'rk sai d thai � if it vJOU�d l��el>> get �;!�e rai�road ofi dead center in providiny the various landscape plans, he savri�o problem in giving concept appro��al to �these re��uests. � � � i'901'IOA' b� Lanyenfeld that the P1�inning Con�mission accept the conversation that 1�as t�_aken place, but no� approve any buildi��g perrnits unL-i1 we get an adminisL-rative st�.�f z��port and the complete packager because this was quite incom��lete , to rri�ke a dec.ision. Mr.' C1 ark sa�i d he thcught the rai 1 roac� v�anted assur�i�ce that tf�es� fac� 1 i ti es coi,l d be 7 oca i;eci at these Tocati ons . Mr. Pe-�erson said t;hey cauld make a n7otion acc�ptiny the concept and principle, expectir�g further clarificatio,l, wh�ich ��,ould not qive them permission to mov� t{�e buildings i��, buE �ti�pGTd give then� the assurance �:f�at we have ro ofaj ect�i on to tftese faci 1 i ti es i t they meet our recon�mendation. rrrz, r�nr;��urL�� rl�rrr�Dr�r��� nis r:o�'ION. � 10 C MOTIOIV b?� Peterson, seconded by Bergman, i=hat the P1anr�ii�g Conimission l�as no o1�j�Eti on to t11e .concepL- anc! _r>zirlciple of 13urlington • Nar.thern 1�cating a freiyht rar inspectors lunch and locker room and a Iunch and 1ocJ:�r room iar railway maii�i:enance cmplo�ees at the proposed locations on t)�eir property, expectzng further clar.ification of the buildings therns�lves and various l.andscapir�g p�ans, Upon � voice vote, a11 vot.ing aye, the motion carried ur�animously. RF.CETVE ADMiNISTRATIVF STAFF REPORT: MEDTRONIC, II�C: 6975 Central Avenue Northeast for a productio�� and stor•age addition. MOTIOA1 b� Langenfeld, secondec3 by Bergman, that tl�e Planning Cornrnission xeceive an ad�ninistraf;ive staff report on a production and storage addition � Plan inc Commi s'on Mce �in -/1�ri1 7 1976 Pa e 5 n ,� si t � ► � 10D � to Medtranir,, .Tnc., G975 Centr_al Avenue N.E. voting aye, the mo�ion carried unanimotisly. AD��1IIJIS7f2ATI`JE STAi=F RCI'GftT For: t�ed�ronic, Inc., G975 Central Avenue N.E. Gener�l Descrip�:ion: This permit is �� loca�:ed at �6975 Central acfclii�ional 67,?_00 square existing design. �.t1�111�e�'i•1r1�: Upon a voice vote, a11 foi° an addition to an exis�ing manufacturing plan /lvenue f�.E. This addi�:ion vri11 be p��oviding an feei; to the exi sti ng f�ci 1 i ty and ti-ri 11 match the h�e foresec no eng�ineering pro�lems. ECI\rl i"011.11('ll�;c]� : l�Je foresee r the s«ri�oundir�c� area. presc:Y'4'�t�;i on oi� Ri ce it.s n�tura-( seti:ii�g, 1S fOY�i,ilCOlrlli�J, o cnvironillental problems. 1)esign �s con,{:�at�ible to 7he co,i�pany is e>;tren,e�j� CO1']SC1Gpt10US in the Creel: a nd pi�ovi ci�s every p��ecaut ; on �i n mai nta i ni ng R�ice Creek f�late��shed has b�en �notified anc� approval �l(1�C�111C� I�C't°(illt r�'ij'U��i�;1011: 1. Tl1at tl�e landsca���ing on the Nor�:f�i par!:incj lo�� a1o�ig Old Cen�t���� i and �jlo�lg thc (�rorth pro��er�y Uo;�ndary be compieted vri i.h th�i s ac+cii ti or� � Mr. Cl arl: sai d there ti��as a b���m �,ri thout ar�,y pl an ti ngs on i t and N�e feel � that th�s landscapiiig should be cam}?leted along Cer,tral and also along �� the Nortn boundary line for at least ?_00` t��est ofi Centra.l Avenue. He said they did show some heavy 1andscaping bet���cen the building and Central � Avenue, whi�h �vas acceptable. It may change slighily from ��ahat was shov�n l�ecause thi s hasn't bcen appro��ed Uy the 6oa�°d of Di rec�;ors as ye1;. They are going to i;he Ric� Creek l�t�tershed, prior �:v this request going to the � City Council. He said the est�r��ated cost of this addi�;ion �•ras around tG��o million do1lars. � � � � Mr. Langenfel d sai d he �Fel t i t: vra's a 1 i ttl e premature to say that thP Rice Creek l�Jatet°shed had been notified and a�proval t•aas forthc�ining. ��1r. Clark said that Mcdtronic had verbal�y talked to people ,fr��m tiie t�Ja�ershed and they said that they saw no problem t-�ith this addition. It has not had official action. They have 6rou�ht their pla.n to the Rice Creek 4Jatershed consul�:ing ei�yineers. h1r. Harris asked if there would be any traffic problems or, parking problems. Mr. Clark said no, they still have quite a bi� of empty s�ace in �heir North parking iot. They weren't ai�ticipating increasing their ernployee load very much. hlost of the addition arould be used for their existing employees. . I � � p��e6 ^ Plann� Cornmi ssi on 11eeti n� Apri 1 7, 1975 � • MOTTON by I'eterson, scconded by Sl�ea, that �hc Planninq Comm.ission concur with the Adminastrative Si:aff reZ�art on �he request to construct a production and s�or.age addition to tJr_�citronic, Inc., with the stipulation �� �tzat �he landscaping on the Nor.th parking 1ot a.�ong 01d Central and along the North property boundary be complcted with this addition. Upon a voice voL-e, a11 voL-�.nq aye, t:he motion carriec3 unanilnously. � RECEIVE ADMII�lISTRA'fIVE STA("F REPORT: LAr�1E3ERT PETERSON, INC. 7691 Central Avenue N.E. for an ofifice t�uilding. � �� � � �, � � h10TION Bi' Pergmen, seconded by Wahlberg, t1��i: the Planning C.ommission r.ecc�ive the actministrative staff report for Lambert Petersnn, Inc., for i:he construci�.zon of an of_fic.e building at 7691 Celltral Avenue N.E. Upon a voice vote, a11 votinq a.ye, the motion carried unanimously. ADN�I�ISTRATIVF= S�flIFF IZEPORT For: 7691 Centra7 Avenu� i��rtheast by Lai��ber'c Pei;erson, Inc. General Descriptio»: Tf��i s permi � i s for a fcur uni t offi c� bui 1 di ng to be 1 oca�;ed a1: 7G91 Central llvenue rJ. E. The bui 1 di ng i s a bri ck structure 4�i th a mansard rooi design ��rc7�,�idir�g ai�f�roxin�ately ?_,70rr square feet of office s�ace. Ti�e bui 1 di ng n�e�ts al 1 zoni r�g cod�� requi rements ai�d i s p��ovi di ny 1 arg�r par�l;�i nq fac i 1 i t.�i es than � s reqi�? red by p�°esen�. codes . � En �neerinc�: .�..T _._._..__ We do ��ct �foresee any engincering prable>»s. rn��i ror�ment��l : 10 E tde clo n�t far�esee any env7►�011iil�il�a7 ���rc�1ems. The design is coiY��atible t�lith the su�°t,o,�ndiny area. � [3u'ildinc� f'er��,�i;: St:ip��l�i:_ions: No stipu?atioi�� necess�ry. Mr. Clark c�vered the poi���:s in t}�e administrative staff report and said this tiuilding ��ould be lecated at the intersection of Old Centra1 Avenue and Osborne Road, in the Southeast quadran�. He said it did meet all the setbacl; requiremen�s and he iV�ought Mr. [3oardman had suggested more bermi nc� to prol:ect the lots to the reai� of 1;hi s property. MOTION by 13ergman, secvnded by Peterson, th�t the Planninq Comrn.ission concur with the �dministrative Staff report on the request to construct an affice buildir�q at 7G91 Central Avenue N.E. by Lambert Peterson, Inc. Upon a voice vote, a1.I voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RCCEIVE AQP1INISTRIITIVE STIIFF REPORT:: P1APLE L�INES, 6310 i�ighway 65 N.E. for insicie iniprovement and outside development plan by Donald Savekoul.. � � � I �� � � Planning Commission P1eeting - April 7, 1976 P�9�_7 MOTION .by Bergm.�n, seconded by Lan�enfcld, th��t the Planning Commission receive tlie admil�a.sL-rative staff report on ttie exterior development plan to be part af the intcr.ior davelopmeiit at �1ap1e Lanes, G310 Highway lfb5 N.E. by Don�Id Savelkoul. Upon a vo.zce vote, a11 voting aye, �he motion ca'rri�d.unanimously. � ADt�1Tt�ISTR/ITIVE STAFF RC('ORT For: t�iaple Lanes, 6310 }lic�h�ray ��65 N.E. 1 Gener��l Description: Int�rior remodeling. Cnginee7°�ng. 4!e foresee no engineering problems. � �nvir�nmeni;: I�le for�see n� environmental pro��?�n�s.� This i�e�n ��ras brou�ht before the Pl.anning Com�,�ission only for �che purpose .� af infr�rming yoc� of the t�equ�ired ex�:erior lanciscaping that t�rill be tiec( -�o this build�ing E�ermit. � � � � I � � � Qui 1 ci�i ng Per�ii�l �; S�;1 �U� c�tl Oi1 : � 1. That tl�e exterior develop���ent far t��arle Lar�es be co�npleted accordii�g i;o the a�;tacheci p7an da�ted �-7-7�. � Qmcn�!c�c;mc�roYS N..,�.. � �/ . . . _... . ... ,. _ . . ___.._....- . -. �`��'• s/�✓ci.• ��! Ct3 fr n��c�.�,�., r��, y_2_74 P .,,,.�.., ,� .._.a ------ a �ra.. ✓�,��- > /�..�-___.l� " ' .– . . I . , ...�� �� �` ,CiI1Jl,l��lillll � . ..l - .. .......__.x.c,R...,_«...........�-.,.._.�.� y, J �, i � �! t �. ! { � . ` � ^,_ �� ;T oF' L.^.it�i.Ct.D�:7:. O�� �'r�r_..._� .�.`.o.�s v.•cta •i � �� -T'U T�i,. 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C----'�nu �,r � .I • _!. r � , � � -�- :�.-- ----. � t,; .: �� � �� :_: ` - _,'' a�, �.�A� t, i9�s - - - �"' �.. — (ti.,� . _.. _.,..: �:, ,��•.) `; -- � �� �� • � . - �,� , ( . ---. � • �_... • . f.; " —� � . 1 ',� __ _� . .' � cc..,.it.., --� _ ; . I _– ^ <` 7'� C:�i.�.� r,.. Fr:. ��I �_�__ t�_ I ' ,I �.'i �. . • ! „ � .- . � j�3y 1.1��i 1� 1i'17 : �— --; i tC . � �— - I . ��I; 1— � �. i . _`_';� i;..�, � +..o..�...�.....,....� , r ' i•. . , '� .' � �.+._..__tr���o+-r� i f� . ... ; �� . t ,. . - -� .,.. , �� '� – __'__ ___ _ _ _ _` \N'.v 1�...� N1r�vT • • i—:`f:�� r:�: .':' ..`.'� L._ i'..�, I, . . ,��' r 10 � �� l0G � PLANNING COF1i�tISSION MEETING - April 7, 197G Page 8 ,� � Mr. Donald Savelkou� was present. I� Mr. Clark said that Maple Lanes was yoing to convert part of their �� eating area and some vacant �rea in their building to a restaurant so th�t hopefully they can obtain a liquor license from the C�ty Council. The exterior of the building v�il1 not change in size. He said the Planning and Engineering Department have been i�ostly concerned . �• ' j about �t7e exterior develapment. Ne said the scheduling ofi outside improvements have been scheduled over a three year period as shown in the small draG•riny of this property. 7he dates on this plan Urere agr�ed � upo►i by our planners J�rry [3oardman, and Mr. Savelkoul. He felt the plan was self-explanatory. � Mr. Saveikoul said that ��aple Lanes had attempted to cooperate with the City and are have agreed to the upgrading of the property. We have encountered about $1?_,000 in road improvement, and even ��ahi1e that was � going on, �•re have agreed ��ith the Ci�:y to lar�dscape and we have put in $2,000 in �lardscaping along tne service roaci. 1�1e also installeci a sprinkler system so �his landscaping �•lill be permanent. He said that rlh�n he mei � w.i th Jerry Boardn;an , he �;01 d us what the Ci ty S�roul d 1 i ke to have done to further upyt�ad� tl��s property. He said tha�; they ti��anted to do it and wanted to cooperate 100% 4vith the City. MOTIOI�T b� Bex�yman, seconded by Petcrson, t1�at the Pla��ning Commission r�commend to Council that thet�_ concux .wii-h the J:�nctscaping plan for l�a��1e Lanes, 6310 Highr,�a� 65 N.E. UL�on a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion car.ri.ed unai.imous_Zy. RECETVE P,Di�1If�TSTRATIVE STAFF R�POfZT; 7765-7795 h1ain Street (�.E. by Richa�d and ��arol ci Hai�r�i s � . . Chairman Harr~is asked Mr. nete��son to take aver the Planning Con�mission meeti ng for thi s i tem and e>:cused hii��se1 f from the Con�mi ssi on. A1bTIOTJ by 13ergn�an; secorlded by Ii�ahlber.g, tl��.$t the Planning Commiss.ion x�ceive the adm.inistrai:i�Te st_aff report on an of.f_ice-[,.:ar�house building to be Iocated at 7765-7795 Main Strec>� N.E., 1�y Richard and Harold N�r_r_is. Upon a vvice vote, all. voting aye, t1�e motior� carric�d unan.imously. ADt�1II�IST1'11TI��E STAFF RE('ORT � � �or: 7765-7795 t�fain Street �l.E. , by Richard & liarold Harr�s � i � � Genei°al Description; Tiiis permit is for a 100' x 110' speculative office-�varehouse buildiny ta be consi:ruct:ed ai; 7765-7795 f�tain Strect N.C. The building zs the first phase in a tt��o phase develo��nlerii; ��roposal, in alhich another structure, 100' x 110' would �e ��ti;ached to i.his structure and extend N�ri.h. I t t�ri 11 be a m�som°y si;ructurc�, wi �:h a breaE;-off or spl i t bl ock texture, Tl�e building mects all the zoning cocie req��i�°en�ents. Planning Commission Meeting - April 7, 1976 Page 9 10 �-} En�n eeri ng : 41e dan't foresee �n�� engi neeri ng probl ems . The s�� i:e p�°ovi des su�'ficient easement to handle dr�inaye. En>>ironmental: Na foreseeat�l� environnlental impact nn the ar�a. The building wi 11 be 1 ocat:ed �-�he�°e presen�. s-i yrz stc�°age �i s E.��ki nc� r I a.ce. Tl��i s s�i c�n storage will now be removed. Building Permit Sti_�ulation: 1. 7o provide for sharecf drit�eti�uy.c�semen4s <�long South proy��eri:y line. Mr. C1ark said there had been discussions between P�1r. Harris and the staff for a couple 4•,e�ks on �this building, but t�rh�n all the material had been asseii�bl ed 7 t tvas too l a �e to put thi s� tei� on the agenda , but there tA�as tim� to prepare a staff report, so this Hras �-Jhy it was being handl ed at �;hi s time. I�1r: C1 ark sai d that thi s woul d be a bl ock structure 4�fhi ch tvi 11 be buil�; on land presentiy used by Signcra�Fters for sign storage. The s�afi repor� was qui ie sel f-expl ana �ory. }1e sa i d i;he dri ve;�ay �•ras on the - property lir�e, which normally should Le five -fe�t a�,ray. Ne said that h1r. Narris �vauld probaf�ly build another str��cture South of ti�is structure,. and ���i11 put a dri��e��ay adjacent to it. ihea=� 4vi �1 be jaint u�� of this dri ve�,ray so there wi 11 be have ��� be some sort of an agreem��*t. for easement far thi s cir�i veti�,�ay, so thai; each �•,��ul d have ri ghts to use 20' fee�; � of the other person's drivc�tay. This b��ilding wi11 be quite similar to other buildings in the ar�ea anci he was sure it ���ould be an asset to the area. � Mrs. tti�ahlberg asked if Mr, fiarris owned the adjacent property S�Jhere the easements wou�ld ha��e �;o be obtained. ��Tr. ClarE; said he did, and tf�i s didn' � present any probl el��s , htr. Cl ark sai d�.he Ci ty encouraged the use of joint drive�vays because thcn there ��tere less dr�iveways out onto the street. Mr. 6ergman asked what the zoni►�g ��Jas in the area. Mr. Clark said it �vas industrial. Mrs. Wafilberg asked Mr. Narris if he intended to sell this property br to lease it. Mr. Harris said the building would be leased. MOTION b?� Langenfeld, seconded by Bergman, that �he Planning Commission concur with the AdministraLive SC�ff Report on the r.equest to construct an office-warehouse at 77G5-7795 Main Street N•E• by Richard and ]iarold Harris. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carr.zed unanimou�l�. IAt��tu: CUM�INU/1TION OF A PUaLIC 1ICl1RING FOR CONSIDERATION OF A PRF- LIMINARY PLAT, P.S. �7G-G2, If�;NS[3fZUCI��VILLAGE, t}Y UARf�EL A F!1RR DfV�L- �MENT CORPOR�ITIU���: Qei c� a replat o��ui:lot Q, Innsbruck North ddition, along with Lot 49, except the Westerly 210'. Auditor's Subdivisaon No. � � pla� nnin� Commission h1eetinq i1{�ril 7, 197G Page 10 92, generally located Nortfi of North Innsbruck Drive N.E. and West of �lack Forest Apartment. TAQLED: A CO��lTINUATION OF /� CONSIDFR/1TION OF A PROPOSED 70l�dNHOUSE ��� � DEVELOPPrEP1T OF 10� UNI�TS,�T ��76-02, BY D{�RREL A. FARR DEVELOf'h1ENT CORPOfZATIUN f=OR 1NNSBRUCK VILI_AGE � i �� � Pub1ic Hearing Closed Mr. Darrel Farr and Jim London ti�rere present. MOTION by Langenf�ld, secondecI by Shca, th�t the 1'lanning Commission receive.the exerpt from ihe mir�utes of the Human Resources Cominission m�°eting of Apri1 1, 1976, on tl�e deliberat.ivn on Darrel �'�rx` ��PPl.ica- t.ivn for development of Innsbruck Villageo �l�pon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, tl7e motion carried unaxiimously. ri01'ION uy Peter.son, seconcled by Beryn;«n, t��at t;ie P1ar.ni.~�g Con..�rissio�� receive the lett�r written by Uarrel A. I'arr Development Corporaf�.on to the P1anl�ing Commission members dated Apr_i1 2, 197G. Upon a vozce vote, a11 voting aye, tl�c motion ca.rried unani�r.ously. I�ir. Cl ark sai d the Ci ty had rec�i ved a peti ti on 1:hat �-ras di rected to � t:he City Council, but as it concerned the develcpmen� of Innsbruck Village he tl�ough� 'che Planning Commission shou1d see it also. � I10TIOAT by Langenfeld, seconded b� Peterson, tfiat th2 Planning Commir- sion receive Pctit-�:ori a�6-1976. Upon a vo.ice vote, all voting ���e, tl�e rnotion� carried ui7animously. Chairman Harris read the p�tition: "Petition the Fridle,y City Councii to condi�:ion a.cceptance/approval � of propased Pre�iminar,y� Plat, P.S. #f76-0?_, Inr�sbrucl: Vi1 �age Addi�cion, l�y Darrel �'i. i�arr Deve1 opment Corporati on 9 bei ng a repl at of O�.�tl ot f3 , liudi - tor's SUi�CIlVlS1011 No. 92, all lying in Sect�ion 245 T-30, R-?_4, City of � Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota...1t1C�UC�111C� the request to ���aive tf�e Cit,y Setback Ordinance from 35 to 0 feet. � � � � We the undersigned: hereby petition the Fridley City Counci�{ to condition acceptance/approv�ll of the ahove car.�tioned project upon comp�lia��ce by the developer, Darrel /�. Farr Development Corporation, with the follo��ring restrictions: la 1 I. "That the City of Fridley in consideration of its tax payinc� residcr�ts, establish standards of year-roundmaintenance for the North Innsbruc4, Drive Extension (thai; s�ction of black top road beginning at the f31a�1: Fot�est Apartment, and running East to Silver Lake Road) shall file a suitabTe performance bond urit}� the City of Fridl�y, which shall be rene���ed annually, and shall be adequate to properiy mainta�in said road thi�ough completion of construction activities in i;he Innsbruck North,Addition." �..�; ' f'l�nninc� Commission P�1cetinc�^1ri1 7, 1976 Paqe 11 , � l0 J II. "That the City of Fridley disa1loYr waiving the City Setbac�: Ordinance i�� the above rei'erenced at�ea on grounds that it would be discrimina- tary; ihat ii: would create an unsafie condition due to a minimum of two blind s7ots on the proposed City maintained road connecting North Innsbruck Qrive to Flrthur Street; th��t due to the narro���ness of this City maintained road, and in view of assumed parallel parking on bcth sides of this road, jt wi11 prove to be a majar hinderance i:a Fire and/or Police emery��ncy vehicles access; and as a result of garage/d��relling si:ruc�ures close a�proximation to th� road itse]f, prove to seriously inhibit adequate snow plowing of road surfaces, short of �;rucl; remova7 fl�om tl�e i+nmediaie area, at City expense." III."That the Cit:y obtain from the Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation '• an official and acceptable understanding as to Quad-Tovanhous� homeowners financial responsibilit�i�s for mairitaining ali non-Cii;y maintained roads in �;he above referenced area, as we11 as the upl:eep of tovrnhouse exter- iors and cc�m��on grounds. " Sincerely, Concerned Area Residen�:s, Tnnsbruck North Addition" Chairman Flarr�is said this petition ��aas signed by many names. Mr. C1 arl: sai cl the staff had a i��eeti nc� �,�i th Darrel Farr after th� da�;e of t�1e letter ti�rritten by ��1r. Farr to the Planning Commission, but prior io us recei�ling it. There ��ere a couple or iten�s that ��,�e�°e verbally agree� i:o tl�a"t 4�roi�1 ci change come of -tV�e comments i n the peti ti oi� al so. The first ihing that i�rasd�iscussed ��ras t}�e ��a-idth of U!es�; Bavarian Pass. I�e said �the other streets in North In��sbruck Gti�ere 28 feet back �:o back. hir. Clark said that Darrel Fa��r a�as proposing that West l3avar�ar� Pass 6� built to 31 fee � ���i de . �- h1r. Qeryman askcd for clarification of the street width. f�1r. Clark said thUt ��dortli Innsf�ruck Drive and Matter��orn Dr�ive �•der� built to State Aid stui�dards, Uu�; ��orth Danube, South Danube, t�dest Danube and East D��nube t���re all 2�3 foo�t streets, and they are public streets. Mr. C1ark said they recognized that there might be less residential parkiny on these streets tl�an there ���oul ci be on 41est Bavari an Pass . As a compro�,��i se, ��,�e have agreed i:hat the 31 feet rni,yht be adeq«ate, provided no parking was allo�ti�ed on one side o� the street;, preferabl,y on the inside of the curve, sa you could see arourld the curves easier than if �here were cars parkec! on this side oi= the street. He said the second item tha�: they discussed ��tas the sei;backs. Fie said that if the 31' street ��ras approveci, there would be about a 10 foot boulevard, because there was a 50 foot right of way. We feit that the c�at�ages should be at least 5' off of the right of way so that we would have 15 feet for the storage of snow. The exception to the 5 foot was at. the point of a sharp curve in the road. He said tf�at the minimum sight distance on a residential street with a 30 D1.P.H. speed limit �vas 200 feet. To �et that 200 feet of sight distance, one garage ti�JOUId have to be located about 10 feet from the right of way. � Planninq Commission Meetinc� - April 7, 1976 Page 12 10 �( � � � � Mr. Pei:erson asked if Mr. Farr had agreed i:o this and if there was room �o move i:his garage in 10 feet? Mr. Clark said this data was just compiled by the Enyineering Department and this was the first the develaper ���as hearing of this. Ile said that Mr. Farr did agree that wfia�ever it took to get the 200' sight distance on a 30 M.P.H, residential street, that he would abide by that. Mr°. Farr said that �ras correct. Mr. Clark said that the third item discussed was the rnaintenance of the extension road of North Innsbruck Drive to Silver Lake Road. Darrel Farr ayreed to. keep up the surface, patching it as necessary, the same as ��ras done on any other residential street. He asked the City if vie ti�tould plow it. bde have said that we v�ou1d, but at th� lump sw» of $5U0 a yea.r. Mr. Clark said that should be more than adequate if we.plow it wF,en we plow our o4vn streets, and sand it when we sand our own streets. � . P1rs. Wahlberg asked Mr. Clark ��ahat conversations there had been � between the City of Fr�dley and the City of New arighton regarding that extensi on road. t�1r: C1 ark sai d�;hat �orth Innsbrucic Dri ve ��ri 11 be connected to Si�ver Lake Road, but not at the present alignment. � This �<ras definitely a temporary situation. He said that NetRr arighton had no plans for when this road G�rill connect, but 4ve do kno�v that it � will be a State Aid street. A lo�: vJill depend upon the development of � the land in Ne�-t Brighton. He said that if som�one came in and purchased this land, i;his road could be completed as soon a.s next year, or it could be as 7ong as te�� yea►�s. �J CJ j � � t�1rs. �dahlberg said the reason she asked th� q��estion ��ras because she wo��dered is some agr�eei�ent couldn't be tlorked out with New Brighton that they 4�tou1 d pay Fridl ey some�h� t�g for r��ai ntai ni ng and pl owi ng thi s street as P�ew Brighton ;��as rece�iving the �;axcs on the property adjacent to i;he raad. ��r. Ciark said he dicin't th�nk ihey would go a1ong uri�.h anything like this bc�cause New �righton could care less if ti��e road was there. It was not a road tiiat t�Jas necessar,y to Ne��r Brigl�ton. It was a road used Uy the residents of Frid1ey. Mr. Clark said that as to th� maintenance of this extension, ti�hen the develope�° :finishes th�onsiruction of the lus� tovrnhouse, the n�aintenance of this t°oad �,�ou1d rGVeri, to the C�i-ty of Fr�idley, because 4YG Ol�ttl the ease- men�. for this road. hir. Peterson said this easement G��as 66 1'eet and he didn't thinl; thai a 26' street tvould serve thas area for 10 years. I�r. C1 ark sai d the s�reet E��i dth ��1as adequate for ��rhat i�; �4�as bei i;g used for. Nr. Clark sa�id that �he problems that have occurred with this road in the winter time V�as because of the way it was plo��aed. It was probably only plowe�i to about 16 to 18 feet. He said tfiat when the City plows this street to its full �vidth, this shou1d eliminate a lo� of problems mentioned at other meetings on this development. He said that 26' was t���o 13' driving lanes, and this was adequate when there G�ras no reason for anyone parking on this street. Mr. f3ergman said it t�as brought out at the Public Iiearing tha� there were many people who walked this road to catch the bus at Silver Lake Road, and he didn't think that this road was wide enough to handle bo�h automobile and pedestrian traffic. i� Mrs. Shea asked why Mr. Farr was the only developer iri the area that had to maintain that extension ro�d. Mr. Clark said it was �ecause I�e had been the petitioner for rezoning this property, and the City wanted I � 10 L I'lanning Commission P1ceting - Apri1 7, 1976 Page 13 this road so that it ti�rould be used during the construc�ion of the townhouses and provide another access for the homeowners in this area. It seems as tf�is road was a n2ore_convenient route to I.694, Ne said that if �:his road had anly been used fior automobile traffic, it wouldn't have broken up as it has. Mr. Clark said that if this extension road had been a public road, it would have been posted during the spring. As this was about a 7 ton street, and the construction vehicles using this extension were probably about 9 ton, was the reason why this road has broken up. Mr. Peterson said that after listening to people from this area complaining about this road until all hours of the night, he felt that something �vould have to be done Naith this road, but he didn't feel that this was completely �;he problem of the Farr Corporation. He felt the City vras going to coni:inue to have problems and complaints on this road. Mr. ;lar!: said that if Darrel Farr wasn'i involved in this street at all, and it was the sole responsibility of the City, as this was oniy a temr�or�ry location of the road he couldn'�: see spending tax dollars to upgrade thi s road to a ��ai der ��ri dth. He sai d that ���hen the Ci ty pl owed th�is street, they could probably �ut the wing down and pio��r the boulevard so people could �valk alony ti�e side of tl�e road. Mr. Bergman said he had a problem t��ith this because no one could put a time frame on i��hen this roa.d �-rould be permanently constructed in New Brighton. h1r. Harris askPd if Netv Brighion would take over this . connector road r�hen it was constructed in P�e��, 6righton, or vrould Frid�ey sti 11 .I�ave an obl i,a.ti or�. P��r. C1 ark said that the road in �;e��t ari ghton ���oul d be a Sta�i:e /',i d road �ahen i t 4��as construc�:ed and ther� vrasn't a tax burdei� on maintainiT�g a State /1id road, so th�re was no reason for Friciley to have an obl i gati on i n Ne4�� i3ri g���on, when the road ���as permanently �ocated. � P1r. Narris sa�id the P�ann7ng Commission was concerned becat�se in the mei»o from Jerry E3oardman to Dick Sobiech tha� they had recei�Jed, it was stated �:hat the Ci�;y had no responsibility for this extensio��, but � i t �S�a.s al so brought out at these meeti ngs , tl-�a�. the contract bet�{��e�� Darrel Farr and the City had expired, so it seemed as if no one was respo�isible for this road. f�1r. Clark said it was the intent of the agree- � fnent that the developer would n�aintain this road ur�til the construction t,�as comE�le�ed, and then the City of Fridley would take over this road unti 1 the perrnanent al i gnment ��ras constt�ucted by Ne��,� ar i ghton. He sai d the extension of ti�is agreement during construction should be pari; of , the plat approval, and h1r. Farr has agreed to this if the City would take over the plo»ing of the road. � I � , Mr. Peterson said that he felt that the problem still hadn't beer��, solved ti��ith this street. It was so constructed that water stood in the street, and it was no� wide enough to provide for either pedestrian or bicyele traffic. Fsr°. Clark said that the sol;�tion would be for the City to widen the street and install sidewalks. In order to do that, the City had to get the money from some piace, so we Nrould hold a Public Hearing on the improvement. He woulcl venture to say that the residents of Fridley may not want that improvernent made, tivhen they had to pay for it. Mr. Harris ,� P�annin9 Commission Meeting -�pril 7, i976 � Page �4 10 M ' said he didn't know Hrho the City could assess to improve this road. Mr. � C1ark said �hen the City�Council may be reluctant to order that road improved. � Mr. Qergman asked if the City had a set of specifications for curb to curb street width standards. �•�1r. C1arE: said there were many different width streets in the City. He said that it may noi; sound logical, but there was logic behind each street w�dth. He said that on res�dential t streets tha1; vrere s7de st.reets where there v�ere no homes facing that street, the normal siandard ti�aas 31 feet. On residential streets such as North Innsuruck and Riverv�iew Terrace, i;he width was 36 feet, and � these were residential streets that had housing facing i:hese streets. Ne said that mos�: collector streets were 40 ft. to 44 ft., unTess it carried a heavy traffic load, and then they could be as vride as 50 ft. � He sa7d that some service drives, ti�a!�ere there tvas no pari<ing, are 26 ft., where ��t�e ha.ve a 30 ft. right of ��ray, but in industrial parks, these can be a wide as 36 fi;. Nfr. Peterson sa�d then the extension of North � Innsbruck Ur°ive w�s cl:�ssified as a service roacl. Mr. Clark said there vras anoi}�er .ti�aidih s.uch as on No�i;i� Dariube and Sou�h Uanuuc where t��e street vaas concre�;e the �(�ull ��ridi:h, and this was 28 ft. P1r. Pete��soi� sai d that he ���a.s sympathe �i c to tihe Darre1 A. Farr Corpora�tion because he felt they had tried to coc��erate with the City and th�y se�m to flave developed a good rapport with the staff in terms of thei r G-,i 11 i ngn�ss to comp�rom7 se, but he fel t badly because 4ve were not solving tf�e problen�s o-F the citizens �n Fridley who have been io these f��eat°ings cornplaii�ing about the road extension. � Mr. Nar��is said that rather ihan w�ideniny out this extension stree�;, h� ��aonuerl�ed i f i t>>�oul d be possi bl e to grade a stri p G to 8 feet ���ric�e along side of the ro��.c� f.i�at could serve as a v�alkway. He aske� I�1r. Lor�don v,�hai; kind of soil ��tas in this area: Mr. London said it ��ras cl�y. f��r. Harris askec� l�9��. Farr �� it woul� be poss�ible to have his Uulldozing equipn�en�`grade a 7 foo-� strip along this road. P1r. Far�� sa�i d he ��rou1 d be wi 11 i n� to do thi s. P�ir. Clark sai d that if �;f�e Ci�ty had any extra 44�ood chips avai1able, they may be able i:o use them on thi s��aa1 kway, �o i t woul cin't be so muddy, bui. he coul d not mal:e any co�»mi trn;���t on that . Mr, f�arr�i s sai d�hat i f th� C�i ty pl owed thi s area in the winter time, it could provicie a��aalkway in the winter also. Mr. Peterson sai d �hat i-f tiie Ci ty woul d pl o�•J thi s si;i�eet to the ful l width, a+�d if a ��alk�:�a,y of some t��pe N�as pui in along the road for pedestrians, he felt this tvas as far as they could �o at this time in solv�ny the problems ��ith this road. h10TION b� Wahlberg, seconded b� Pet�rson, that th� Planning Commi.ssior� take the C011side.tation of a prelimi��ary p1at, P.S. #76-02, Innsbri�ck Vi.Zlage, and the consideratiol: of a 100 unit townhouse development, T-1176-02, for Snnsl�ruck Villaqe, by Darrel A. Farr llevelvp- ment Corporatio�i, frorn the tab].e. Upon a vaice vote, all vot�.ng:.aye, the nrotian carried unanimously. Mr. Liergman said that it seemed to him that Darre� Farr was doing his job, but it seemed that the City of f'ridley was remiss in puiting forth any effort f'or the residents o� the City. i � . . . . I� P1 anni ng Commi ssi on Mceti� -�1pri 1 7, 1976 �� Pac e� 15 Mr. Harris said that proba�ly in a moral sense, it shou1d be the � City of i-ridley putting in the waikway, but i:o be realistic, he clidn't think �f�at Fridley had the kind of equipment that would be needecl for such a job. Tl�ere might be complaints if Fridley equipment oras seen working � in New L3righton. He said that �l1�;I1 the equipment thai; f�1r. Farr had, this job�cauld probably be done in six hours, and it would �:ake much ionger for the Ci �:y to get i i. done, and i t��aoul d cosi; a 10�: more money. � Mr, Bergman said his concern was moi°e for who paid for this, rathei° than who did the job. . �4r. Farr said he thaught tha1; Mr. Harris' suggestion was a good one and he agreed ti�,ith it. He said that he agreed i;hai; the City should do it, but they won't, so.he ��;ould do it. P•ir. Narris said that he really appreciai;ed tf�at. � Mr. ;Bergman said ther� t-�as a wash area in tf�is road that should be hand1ed. Mr. Harris asked Pt1r,. C1ari; if there ��rasn't an old culvert around that i�ir. Farr could use. Ne 5aid he ti�o�;�i�t �I�� C+ty shculd c�o�;erate with P�1r. Farr also. h9r. C1ark sai� that pi°obably wou1dn't be any problem. ' f�1r. Peterson sa�d ,tha�L in tVie last meeting t{,�..staff _ha� ���i���- Mr. Farr �:ha� they were �in basic agreement on the piat as presented e>;cept f.or the parking on tllc street and the changes in the 0' setbacks. 1,1r. Harf°is said that he ��dould rather see a 36 ft. wide s�;reet so parking could be on both sides of the street. P1r. Clark said th�is to����i- house plan was a little different thaf� the o-�her townhouse plans, in zhat there cou1d be pari:ii�c,� in �I�e urivet�ray to �Lr�e gar~age. Ne said that if the stre�t. �ti�as ��riuened therc ��rou1d be less roor�� for snoi�r storage, and more sr�o��r to put �here. P�ir. Narri s sai d he thought that parl:i ng on one side oi the street coulcS be a cause �or i�eirhbo��i�ood friction. P�r. Clark said tha�: i� �:he ��oad ��ras posi.;ecl -for no park�iny befo��e t{le towi�houses were sold, �eaple t,�o�.i1d kno�v tl�at this va��s the way it 1�Jas goinc� to be, and the��e G�rould be a to�vnhouse association to s�ttle any neighborhood problems. f�fir. fiarris asl�ed hotv m�ny ur�its ��rould be next to this street. Mr. Clark said 60 units. They �ti�o«ld have one car garages with space in the drive�A�ay �o park one car9 so t;he�°e c�ould be off sti�eet parkir�g for two cars iot° each unit. He said i;hat th�se t���ere one and tv,�o bed►°oom units, desi gncd to att��act the reti red coupi es on a�fi xed i ncon�e y and yoi�ng marrieds, so they felt that most people ��rou1d only have one or two cars. These i;o��rnhouses 4yerer�'t desic�ned for lar�e famiiy units. Mr. Clark said that Mi,. Farr has tried to have housing in all price ranges, and if there were wide�� streets and two car garages in ti�is deveiopment, then the costs would be much higher. He said that to provide housing in this price range, there wouldn'�; be all of the amenities that you ��rould get in hiyher cost housing. P1r. Qergman said they a�eren't talking about two car garages, they were talking about an extra 5 feet of street width. Mr. Clark said that wou�d adc� to the cost of the construction of these torvnho�ases. Mi°. London said it would cost �3500 to widen this street. Ne said that in the Vienna Townhouses , there ti�ere one car garages wi i:h no parki ng i n•the gay°age area, and when people buy these units, they know what they are buying. He said they may have lost some sales on these to��vnhouses because of this, but any proUlems the people had were handled internally by the Townhouse Assn. so r� I'lannin Com�»ission r����t;n - nPril 7, 197G Page i6 t�1r. Lonclon said he rvas not in favor of a v�ider street. He would ra�her see more green area. Mr. Clark said that if the Pianning Com�nission felt stronc�ly that they. would like a 3G ft. streei: in this plat, then that was what 1:heir recon�i�endataon should be to the Council, and let the Council decide how they wanted it. Mr. �angenfeld said that he had never seen a group of business people such as the Farr Developmeni: Corpor�tion who were so accommodating to the Cit,��, bu� he thouyht that all i:he problems on this street should be settled so i;hey don'i; have another problem liE;e the North Innsbruck Drive exiension. t�1rs. Shea and t�rs. I�dahlGerg said they l�ived on a 30 f�;, street, and there has never been any problems ���ith parking or the movement of i:r�ffic as far as they kne4v. Mr. Peterson sa-id that he felt that the extra 5 ft. of green area that they tti�ould l�ave with a 31 i�t. street t��as very importan�;. l0 � Mr. Langn��feld asl:ed �-�hat s�;reet 4Jldtfl ��!as o�°iginally proposed for this p1a�;. P�r. London said 24 feet. ►�(r. Langenfeld said he thought 31 fee� ��fas already a compr°omis�, so he Hras agreeab1e to the 31 fcot wicith. MOTIDN by Peterson, secollded by Lailgenfeld, that the Planning Commiss.zon r_ecor•��nend to Cou>�cil approva.Z of � preliminary p1at, P.S. #76-02, Tz�nsbrtlr.li Vi1 �age, and appro�Tal of a pr.o��osed tcr.Jnllau.se deve.�on- menL- of 100 units, 2'-fr'7C-02, for Innsbr.ucJ� V.illage, by Darrel A. N'arr DeveZopm.ent_ Corporation, being a replat of Outlot B, Innsbruck North Adc3.ition, along ra.itl� r�ot_ `9, ezcc�Pi tlit'- taesterly 210', �lud.itox-'s 5ubdivisiol� No. 92., ge�z.�r.a_Zlta locat�c�d rao.rth of Noztli Tnl�sbrt?c1: Drive N.F. and FJest of the B3acF; Fore�t �3part:m�l�t, rh�.itl! �11e fo1_lowing stipu.Zations: .Z. Plan spec.�fications for sLreets. and utilit-ies �re to be submit�ted to the Cit� f_o1� approvul. 2. DeveJ.oper deed i:o i-1�e C..it�, Innsbr.uck Norf:1� Park, before any plat approva] or IJlI1�CIlI1CJ pG'I."111.1f:S a1'e issued. 3. The pari of Lat 49, excepi thc fs�est�.rly 210 feet, nuditor's Subdi.vision No. 92, that wasn'tp�rt of ti�e p1at, be dedicated to the Cit�, as this was adjacc�nt to Innsbruck Nortl� Park. 4. Tk�o tennis courts t�i11 be l�uilt by the develop�r on public ' park proper_ty, the locat�on i:o be decided by the City, with . the complet�vti of 20 townhouses in Innsbruck Village. 5. Road des.i.gn on West Bavarian Pass must meet City ��pproval. 6. West Bavarian Pass sha11 1�e 31' wide, with no parking allowed on tli� [�esterr� curb of this s4reet. , 7. Tl�e tninimum setback for any garage on Wes� Bavarian Pass s1�a11 be 5'feet, with one_qarage 1�einc� approximately 10 feet from the pxoperty 2ine so �hat 200' sight distance from the curb � , � � � � � � � , P1lnnin Commission ��ieeting - A'priT 7, 1976 Page 17 .i.s maintained orl the curb. 8. �'lie developer wiZ1 main��zin the ext.ension of North ,Innsbruck I�rive from the City of Fr.idley 1zr�e to Silver Lake Road until th� last townhousc wa� completed. Thzs extension wil1. 1�e plowed by the City of Frid.iey for a fee of $500 per �car, to be paid by the developer. 9. The developer. will bulldaze a 7 foot strip along the extension road to be used as a walkway. Mr. 6ergman said he questioned the setbacks for this plat. Mr. Clark said thai: the reason they weren't follo;�ring tt�e 35' setback was because it �•rould push the units bacl: so far that there wouldn't be any open area, Pir. I�ergman sai d the probl em he had �,tas that ihe Ci ty of Frid)ey had set u}� certa�in standards and one of those standards was that struc�:ures be 35' back from the property line. He said that he didn't understand �h�t if a 35' setback ��ras deen�ed c�ood in all residential di stri c�ts, ±�rhy i t�vasn't de�med good for a townhouse devel opment. Mr. Pe�erson said that he ���as sure that ti�e houses c,n Rice Creek Boulevard ��rhere he liv�d, ��ere nat 35' from the property line, and he assumed that th�is �-�as done to preser�,e the integrity of the bac{c yard vrhich vaas next to tl�e Creek. He said ti�a.t in looking at this tovrnhouse plan, he personally felt that the open space, the effort that had been made to have these uni ts fi t i nt;o �Lhi s s i�e, anc! t}�e i nl;egri �y of the natural 1 andscape and the trees, G��as more importa.nt than a 35' setback, because he didn`t see anything sacred about a 35' setback. I�e said that the seiback requiren�ient son�e�imes ��esu?ted in 1and waste, and as �dill Rogers said, the�� aren't m1�:�r�g any more of it. ��1r, Peterso�� said tl�at the way this plat �aas beir�g cicv�1o�cd �f�as gooc� sound planni��g. , l�tr. Cl ar�, sai d�cP�a� the di f�Ferenc� i n a resi denti al devel opment and d}Ol'�11I10US�' development �•Jas tha� there t�;ere no seii�ac'r, requirements in tl�e towni�ouse ordi��a��ce. 1ie saic� ��he onl�� r�easai� the s�tback require- � ment;s applied to �Grt of this plat �4�as becaus� there �vas going to be a public st���eet to meet the F.I-f.A. requirements. If this t�das a pt�ivate stree�., the 35' setback ti��ould iiot a,�ply. Mr. 6er�man said he didn't 1 �.}iink it �fJas right not ta f��ave setback requirements for towrhouses. Mr. Clar4c said i;hen the code Gvould have to be changeci. , � I � 1+1r. Lange���e1d sa�d that in Sectio�� 205.051 of the Code, it stat�s ° for other uses, other than dwel1ingunits, per»litted uses and uses requiriny a sp�cili use per�mit, requirements as to lots, sei;backs, build- ings, parkingy �landscaping, screeninc�, and exterior ma�erial shall be at least comparable to similar uses in ot;her districts, but also subject to additional provisions as provided by the City:" Ne thought the ' Planning C�mr»ission would be the onr to establish the addi�ional provisions and tf�erefore, ti�re can el �n�inate the 35' setback. Nfr. f{arris said that he felt that this proposal tears up less landscape tlzan if it had to have a 35' setback. I�e said that if this developme��t ��Jas held to a 35` setback, it would destroy the natural characteris�:ics of the area�. He said that in his travels through the to��nhouse areas that have already been completed by the Farr Corporation, lie felt �:hat they had clone an exc�llent job of fiti;ing the structures into the landscape. Ne said the.proposed plan for Innsbruck Village 1� P Piannin� Commi�sion Meetin� �pril 7> 197G p�g� �8 - was.the best way to fii the units into tfie existing landscape. He said that he did not favor a 0' setback on a�ublic street because if a small error was made, a structure cou1d encroach into the p�tblic right of way, but v�ith a 5' sett�ack, there would be enough room so that this shouldn't happen. 10 � hfr. Harr7s said that at this time he would like to make a statement to the Ci�y Administration, before ��e vote. As we are ailowing a 31 ft. s�;reet in this deveiopment, he fe�t it ��ras incum�ent upon the City Engineer- ing Department to �;reat everybody else in town equally as fair, and it was not necessary, the�°efore, that every i�rontage street be 36 ft. wide i�� the rest of the City. Mr. Clar�: said tf�at there was a si:reet being built this year that wouldn't be 36 ft. wide. ��1r. Harris said he objec�:ed to tha� because he felt it was arbitrary. Mr. Clark said tha.t as he has said before, it rright not be logical, but there was logic behind these decisions. He sai d that he �r�as referri ng to i;he Lei f Henri I:son pl at off of East Ri ver F<oad, ��rhere �',�e��e jus� ��ras�'t room to provide for a 50' right of way anu a 36' street. h1r. �lai�r�s said that if they �vere going to pave Riverview Terra.ce and it ��ras 36` ti�aide, he adould have �:o pay for that. tdr. Clark said that ��,�as not necessa.rily so, because there ��ras a Public Hearing t�efo��e a��y i mprovcment a�as ordered i n, and i f an enti re bl ock sai d they didn't 4•;�ant a 36' street, �it vrould not be ordered in. Mr. Harr�s said that. in th� ten year street p�lan, which must be alrnost completed, 'he fel t tnat the atti tude vras to take i t the ti�ay �i t was pi,oposed , regardl�ss of ��Yhether the people in the area ayreed or not. }-Ic �said he �`elt the City, 1;he sta�`f and the Engineering Department had been arbi trary i n �he n�e ci ng ou�t of street �,�i dths and assessments , and that i�: haci�heen unfair1y adininistei��d. Ne tho�ght he could find 30,000 people in Fridley ���ho ��<<oulc� agree ���ith h�im. - . UPOid A VOICF, VOTE, ALL vot.iny a�e� tlie h10TIC�N car.ried unan.imously. Chairman Harris declared a recess at 10:10.,P.M. and reconvened the Planr�iing Commissior� meeting at �0:?_5 P•M. COiVTIPdUFD: PU3LIC HFIIRI��G: COr�SIDFRATION OF A PRELIMINF,RY PLAT, f'.S.-,�76-0�, L�IG1-i TE{�R/�CE, QY LEIGIi I��UEST��1Ei�=iS, INC.: 6eing a rep1 at o F Lot �3t3 , Rev i sed Audi tor' s Si�bdi vi si on No 77, (excepti ng parce1 5G40), genera1ly 1ocated on the t�Jest s�ide of the in�;ersection of Osborrr� Road and East F�iver Road. (Sa��ie p►°operty as the Dorstad P1a� which t�ras never recorded. ) h1r. John Doyle, of LeigE� Investments, Inc. was present. MOTION by 6d�hlberg, seconded b� I3�rgman, that the Planning Commission open the Pub.Zi.c Hearing on the cons.ideration of a preliminary p1at, F.S. #7G-03, Leigli Terrace, b� Leigh Investments, Inc. Upon a voice vote, a11 voiir�g aye, Cl�airman Harris declared the PubZic Nearing open at 10:26 P.M. Mr. Clark � for some time. was a' plat in sa�d that Mr. Doyle and the staff have worked or� this pla� He said that the oric�inal plat that Mr. Qoyle submil:ted �vhich the lots aiere served with a cul-da-sac off of Talmad9e ' . . .,.�..,.,,,,�.. nlanning Cornmission Meeting - April 7, 1976 P�9� 19 1� � Way. t�1r. Doyle �:hought i:his was a good plan for his plat because he wouldn't hav� any tlirough traffic. � Mr. C1ar� said i:he old Dorstad Plat� jained 7�tf� Way to East River Road, in �ti�e close p►°oximity of O�borne Road. The developer didn't feel that this a1ignrnent would induce a quiet neighborhood type atmosphere, but after the petitioner had discussed the plat with the City, and was informed of the problem that 4•�ould arise i'f this alignment wasn't followed, he did bring in a different pian. This plan r�as gone back to connecting up 75�;h iday with Osboi�n� Road, about 50 feet Nor�:h of the present center line of Osborne Road, which means that the County or the City would have to bring this alignment up to meet the stre�t �n�the plat. This can be d'one without the purchase of any s�;ructures. Mr. Doyle has also dedicated additional land for the ���idening of East River Road. 1�9r. Clark said the Engineering Department gave Mr. Doyle three differ- ent alignments for the connecting street and P�1r. Doyle chose the align- merit that vaas being presented at �his m�eting. This plan was perfectly ar�n�±.�.bl� ta our Fngineering Gepartmenl;, the exception being that the cente►� line o-f Oshorne Road should be moved 5 feet to i;h� South, ��thicn Mr.. Doyle has agreec� to, so ��re 4,�ould not have to ob�tain addition 1and unnecessarily across i.he street. h1r. Clark said the plat consis�ed of 11 lots. They all meet or exceed th� lot requiretne��t o� 9,000 square fee�, ��ith the exception of the 3 lots (�orth of Osborne Road. Lot 1���ill be 7,700 square feet, and Lots 2 and 3��r�i11 be P,000 square feet. Mr. Doyle was goi►�g to try and rego-t�i ate ��ri th the St. Pau1 l�la�;er4���orks about bei ng abl � to use the 40' S�t. Pa.uT L-!aterworks easement as pat�t of the lo�. Obviously the use of that part. of tl�e lot G��ould be restr°icted as to having any strue�:Ures on it, or the plantinr, o�f any 1argQ �rees, etc., but tf�� t�sc of tl�� easer;�e��t for yards and gardens ��aould i1�t be prohibited. I� he can uti 1 i ze thi s 1 ancl ; i.h�n these 3 1 ots 4�1ou1 ci mee�t or exceed ti�e 9,000 square Fi;. r�Quirement �lso. There is some question as to ��hether �;he St;. Paul Wa�erG��orks has fee title to this 40' strip, or if was just an casement. I-F it 4�ras jus�; an ease�T;ent, then it ���ould be h1r. Doyle's 1 and, and there woul d be no reasoi� f�e c�ul dn't i ncl ude i t��i th �;he 1ats, because he tti�ould f�e the fee o��aner�. If th� St. Paul lJater���orks ��ras tf7e fee ortimer, the�� ��1r. .Doyle �ti�o��ld like to ge�: permission from them to al l o��r a fe1��� to be put on thi s property, and from the st.reet i t woul d 1 ook as � f the easement ��ras part of i;hese 1 ot;s . . Mr. Clark said that 'talinadge 4fda,y would probably come up and c�og--leg ta meet Osborne f:oaC{ f1101�e or less at a righ� angle. Mr. Peterson asked P�1r. Clark how this plan affected the �eveloper in terms of lots as far as if it �-�ere'develaped according to ti�e cul- d�-sac plan or the plan presented at �;his meeting. Mr. Clark said he wo�ld have one lot more with this plan. Mr. Peterson said then they were not vao7°king an economic hardship on the developer by insisting on this plan. Mr. Clark said that; if you counted numbers, no, but if you could the total value of single family resident�al lots, then maybe yes. Mr.. Peterson asknd �f from the City's standpoint, if it was necessary � to have i;his thoroughfare on the plat. Mr. Clark said that h� could only respond to what the Engineering.Department had said, and that was that in i ' � . .. . _ ,. Plannin Commission Meetin� -��pri1 7, 1976 . page 20 �working with 1;he County, they were trying to eliminate as many streets as possible coming on to East River Road at unconi:rolled intersections. T�is would allotv the people in this area to come out to a signalized intersection on East River Road. h1r. Peterson said that because of the probleins we have hcard about on East River Road, he thought this was desirable. P�1r. Clark said the County Engineering Department has been confron�:ed with this plan, �nd they: were in agreement w�th it. Mr. A. J. Ilogen, 133 75i:h Way N.E., asked Vrhat the ��ridth of the street wouid be on the pro�osed Osborne Road in this plat. P�Ir. Clark said 1:he right of �ray ��aidth �vas 60' . The pavei�;en� �•ridth �-�ould be between 40' to 46' where they have the center ir,edian. It arill allo�v one lane of traffic coming ' i n ar►d two 1 a►ies nf traf � i c g�i r�g� out. ��ir. Hogen asi%e� i f thi s property was yoiny to be developed as R-1. P�ir. Clark said that �t wQUld be. f�r. Doyle didn't have.any plans to rezone tfre property as far as he knet�a. � � Judy 6eine, 180 Talmadge tday N.E., asked if 75th Way would be joined to this road and if it ��rould be i�T�proved, h1r. Clark thoughl; that ��ahen �his plat had Ueei�� app��ove� by Council that l�al�rad,� !�Jay might be upgraded 5 but then there �•rou�l d be a Publ i c(�eari ng before ai�y improvements ��ere rnade. t�ir. Clark said that the ��orth-Sou�h por�;ion of Ta1madge Way 4��as an u��improved street at i,he present tii»e and �ti�as used for traffic bet�veen Talniadge l�lay and 75th lJay. Mr. Hooen as{ced i f there ��ras any�hi r�g about si:orm sevJers 7 n thi s pl an for 75th t�lay? (�1t�. Cl arl: sai d i;hatal 1 the area i n the pl at �,�i 11 drai n to East River Road on the road. �r. f�ogen said tha.t some drainage vaas all that he t�,anted. h1r. Clark said he couldn't ans4�fer that question. Mr. Harris said ihat f�+r. Hogen had a specia1 prol;lem v;here he had standii�g water in fr�on� of I�is residence, and he 4�ras sv�� -that����s vrhat he ���as all��ding to. F�e sa�id that t�ir, Nogen t�,�anied to kno�� i i there v;as some way to drain this �ti�a�er through this plat. Mr. Doyl e sa�i d that he fel t there ���as a very bi g p7rob1 en� wi th thi s ' area. }ie sa�id thai: on the South side of 75th l�Jay, they ���ere faced t�ith the p��ob1 em oi� tt�o a.�ater pi pes r�hi ch �-rere 72" pi �es ,���hi ch 4�ou1 d mal;e ' it i�nposs�ble to put any kinci o�F storm seG��er from the Souf.h to the North , t�tithout going prohiLitably deep. Then you ��aould have �he St. Paul Water��rorks to fight it out v�ith, so you were almost faced with having , sur�face cirainage. . '�i I � I �4r. Clark said that h� had misread the q«estion. He thought they �vere ask�i ng i f a s�Lorm sewer system woul d be pu�L i n. He sai d that he didi�'t think the l�Jesterly part of 75th l�lay ��ras high e►�ough to drain to Easi; River Road. He said that part of 75th Way was built to drain that way, but at soine point, and Mr. Hogen would know �vhere that was; it was designed to drain toi�rards the river. There was a low swale i;ha� was app��rently right in front of Mr. Hogen's property. h1r. Clark said that originally there was a shallow sump consi;ructed on the St. Paul Water�ti�orks easement, for the water to drain into. Ne said it may work in the su+nmer time, but he could understand that during normal winter thawing, that the water �vould stand in the si:reet. Ne thought the only way to remedy ti�e probiein ���as to put in a storm s�wer conduii; which would mo��e tf�an l i kely have to r°un to the Mi ssi ssi ppi Ri ver. Mr. Nogen said that had already been proposed, but the St. Pau1 tJaterworks would not �0 S ('lanninc�Commission Meeting - A�ril 7, 197G Page 2� 10 T a11ow their property to be used for the ��ater going tovaards the river. N� 5aid they had bTocked ti�is proposal before, and they probably would again. Ne said that sump �ras in the yard, but it did not drain any of the wai:er from the stree�, because the curb kept it from going inio the sump. Mr. Hoyen felt that if they hadn't put that swale in front of his house, the vrai;er vrould have drained to Fast River Road. Mr. C1ark said he didn't t.hink the �an@ in that area was high enough to drain to East River Road on the surface. 1{e said this road was dirt for many years, which was sand. The reason tl��re wasn't: any water problem then, was because the a�ater ;;iust drained into thc sand. Glhen the street was constructed, it was put iin as fla�; as possible and drained as much as possible �:oward East River Road. It got 1:o the point that to coniirue that, it would have got above i�he yards on the North side of the street. Mr. Harris asked ���i�y-they couldn't have crowned the streets so the �resi of �:he wat�►� could have d►�ained towards the river? Mr. Clark said the corner that P1r. Hogen referred to was probably thr�ee or four feet higher than 75th LFJay, and in order for the water to get ta i;he river it wou�i d f�ave to run �o Al d�n l•�ay , Ivo�°th on /11 der, I�!ay > around the corner to �.he catch basin on E�lden 41ay, a little fu►°ther to the North. Where Fl1 d�n !�'ay was goi ng �;orth ai�d turns tr�est tvas ano�;her hi 11 . He sai d that bet�ti�een 75th l��ay and the catch basi n on A1 den t�lay was G,rhere the hi 11 aras 1 ocat�c�. l�9r. Nogen sa i d that 3' hi 11 coul d have been graded dovrn. He said tha� the,y have been pleading for a ditch on the side o�� �he road so the v;ater could drain into a d�tch, just to get it off of the street, but they ��ron't give it to us. He said he had dug some by hand, just i,o get the 4aater out of ther�, but the sand ����as hard to di g t�ecuuse vrhen �i -� was dry, i t ti�ras just 1 i ke cem�nt. Mr�. Hoger� sui d the ditch r.as supposed to be part of the o��iginal plan for this area, but for son�° re�,son tl�e C�i ty wou� d not gi ve us thi s di tch , whi ch ���as some thi ng- he ,just cou1 cin't understand. Mr. C1 ark asked t•rhere �hi s di tch ��las supposed to run to. h1r. Nogen saicl zhey just n��ded the ditch to hold the water uti�t�l it had �;irne to soak in. Pir. Clark said that this problem coulci not b� salved at this meeting. H� said tha�; he recalled that a sump ��aas put i n� to 10 years ago , and maybe thi s t^�as s i l t�d i n and wasn't, there anymore. Mr. Narris sa•�.d that maybe f�ir. Clark coula ehecl: on this to see if tl�ey couldn't get same of tl7e wa�er clrained frot» in fro�t ofi this man's I�ouse. Mr. Clark said there was a small house on one of the lots in the plat. The aligrnnent af Ll�e street v��ould make t��is house the required 35' from tl�e stre�t. The alignment would necessi�;ate �:he ��emoval af the garage. He said tl�at i� the road was pulTed do���n to save the garage, �:here would be anoi;her lot i�hai: Naould be �oo small to make it feasible to build on. D1r. Doyle sa7d he had talE;ed to the Engineei�s of the St. Paul Water- worl;s concei°ning the use of their property, and they declined in making any al�solute comment about whether it ��ould be al�owable to use part of their easement on �he tf�ree lo�;s adjacent to this easement. He was going to c�iscuss this ��aiih the Comrnissions, but he did assure me�.thai; there were irany people making use of this easement for green area. Essentially they do object i:� i:he placement of buildings or trees on �his easement, because t}�ese th�ings ���ould have to be removed if they had to come in and w�rk on.�these lines, but they didn't object i:o grass or a garden. He said t��e Cngi�zeer said they were also working with the County and the Ci�:y>�and he wanted to reserve and comment until they had it all in one package.; Planning Commission Meetinq - tlpril 7, 1976 page 2� —� 10 � Mrs. Wahlberg asked if it would be the deveioper's responsibility to inform �:he buyers of these three lots th�t if i:hey were a11o�Med to use this easement as part of their lot, that �:hey couldn't locate any structures or p7ant any trees on that portion of the lot? Mr. Doyle said he would put a covenant on those lots, so that the l�uyers would be aware of the restrictions an this easement. Mr. Clark said that if it was a private covenant, it would be part of the abstracL. Mr. Langenfeld said he would like to have the East River Road Project Committee look at this deve1oprnent. ��1r. Ftarris �sked t�lr. Langenfeld if he thought this afas going to have a significant impact on Last River Road? Mr. Langenfeld said he �:hought that giv.ing them a chance to r.ev�e��r this proposa� would be in �rder. He said that if �:he Planning Commission reca,»mended approval of this plat at this meeting, then they couid revi�t�t the recom�nendaions. Mr: Clark said there a,ould still be a hearing on the final plat by the Council, so there ��rould be time for the Environmental Quality Co�r�missio��'s project committee to reviei•1 the plat, even if it was a�proved at thi, m�eting. l�le are gettinc to the time of i:he year when any developer �vas an>;ious to get started on their• projects, sc this h�.d tfl be a considera�tion also. He said that by the time the contracts had been let for the selti�er and 4ra�er anci i;he streets, sometimes t�Jeeks, or even days, get to be qui�e valuable to the developer. ��1r. Langenfeld said it tivasn't his intention to hold up the approvai of this plat, or to delay the developer. � Mr. Doyle said �;hat this plat was the res�llt of very close coordination bet��aeen the Adn�inistrative Staff of �he City of Fr,idley and the County of Anoka, takinc into consiGet�a�;io�� their apparent plans for the improve- ment of East P.iver Road, l�dhich included the area up to 79}i:h. This plat was the result of tf�ose pla.ns. He said that Osborne Road ��:ould be blocked offi on his plat until the intersection of East R�iver Road and Osbort�e Road hac{ been �improved. Mr. Bergman asked about drainac�e and uti1ity e�s�rnen�Ls on the plat. Mr. C1 ark sai d i�ha1: al l i;he necessary easements �ti�ere al ready incl uded in the plat. Mr. I-larris asked Mr. Doyle if h� had considered underground u�iiities? Mr: Doyle said that he �rould ex��lore the possibility of having underground services, b«t it vrould depend �ipon tr;e'existing area and if Northern States Power Company felt they t��ere practical in ihis area. Mr. Harris asE;ed i-F there had b�en any negotiations b� the City or the County io obt�in the property tf�ey would need to change the alignmen� of Usbarne Road. P�r. Clark said he didn't think so. Mr. Clark said Osborne Road and East River Road ��ere both Caunty roads, so he didn't know �vho would be negotiating ior the purchase of the property. Mr. Peterson said tf�at Mr. Doyle has already dedicated land from his plat for the widening of East River Road. Mr. Qergman said Road in this plat. the 9,000 square f't. there t�iould have to meet 'thi s exi:ens i on, Osborne Road in this � he tivas concerned about tlie configuration of Osborne He said the present loc�tion makes Lots 1-3 less than code requirement, and due to the extensive changes be across East River Road to have the OsUvrne Road he wondered if it wouldn't be better �;o have the plat � moved still further South. �Mr. Clark said ' � , � , , Planning Commission Meetinc�`��ril 7, 1976 Page 23 _- �then Lot 7 wou1d be unbuildable. Mr. Qergman said there wasn't much land �to vrar�. with. t�1r. Glark said the confiiguration of Osborne Road was not the most desirable because it wasn't at right angles, and pulling it up �to meet the Osborne Road of this pla�: will improve 1:hat situation. He said i;hat as far as Mr. Doyle's coinments on whether he would be able to use the St. Paul t�daterworks easement in this p7at physica1ly or on paper, as ,you drive past this area it �r�ill look like it was part of the rear .yards of these 1ots. P�r. {�ogen asked if there would have to be any more land dedicated for the ��rideni�ig of 75th 4v'ay. Mr. Clark said there was enough of the exist;ing right of a��ay to allow the widening of this street. MOTTON by Peierson, secanded br� Flah2berg, t1�at_ the P1�nninq Commission close t.1�e Public Ilearing on the prelim_iriary plat, P.S. #76-03, L�igh Terrace, by Leigh Investments, Inc. Upon a voic� vote, all voting aye, Chairman Harris declared i-he Public Hearing cl.osed at 11:10 P.r1. ' MOTION by 1'eterson, seconded by Bergr,,an, that the PJanning Commission recoirun�nd to Counr_i1 approval of a prelim.i.nary plat, P.S. #76-03, Leigh Terrace, by Leigh investments, Inc., I�ei.nq a replaf_ of Lot 39, Auditor's � Subdivision No. 77, exceptil�g Parcel 5640, gen����I1y located on the k'est side of the intersecion of Osborne Road and East 12iver Road, (former Uorstad P1at) , tvith the fol.Zov�ing stipulations: i� � ' ' �J � � � � � ' 1. The a]ignment of Osbor_ne Road be moved 5' to the South. 2. That confi.rmat.zor� be ohtained �'ro�n the St. Paul [�ai�erworks as to the specif�c use of the pro�>er.i�y, and that be reflected in a private covenan� to be filed c��ith the p.Zat. U,�on a voice vote, a1.Z voting aye, the motion carr_�ied unanimous2y. PUQI_IC HEARI«G: REZOf�IPeG REQUCST, 70(� ;#76-01 , JOHN W. HALUPTZOK: Rezone froin C-1S local shopping areas} to f�i-1 ligh�� industrial areas), Lot 17, f3loci% 2, �entral Vie�� Manor Addition, to ma(:e zon`ing consistent t�rith adjoininy praperty, genera7ly 7ocated just lAlest of 12�0 73 1J2 Avenue N.E. MOT3UAr by f3erc�nar7, seconded l�y Pe�c�r�on, t1�at_ t1�i� Planning Corrrmission o��en the Piiblic Ilearing on a rezoniny request, ZOA rf7G-01, b� John tialuptzok. Upon a voice vote, a11 vot_ing aye, Chairrn�n Hal�ris declared tl�e Ptiblic Heariny open at 11:11 P.h1. h1r. Clark said that this rezoniny r�o,uest was the result of a stipulai:ion of the Planning Commission on a previous rezoning request, ZOA �175-07, to rezone Lot 18. This wi11 ma4�.e the zoriing consistet�t with the adjacent property. MOTION by Wahlberg, seconded by 1'eterson, that the P1an�iinc� Commission close the Pu}�1ic Hearing on a rezon.ing request, ZUA #76-01, by John Haiuptzok. Upon a voice vote, a11 votii�g aye, Clz�irman tlarris declared the Public fleari.ng closed at 11:12 P.hl. . MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Wahlberg, that the Planninq Commissior� �� V ' . . . .. . �� � � � � � , � � � ' t i Il � � I r � �Tanninc� Commission hlceting -/1pri1 7, 1976 p�9� 2� .recommend to Council approval of � rezoniny request, ZOn 1176-01, by John N��luptzok, to rezone f.c�om C-15 (1oca1 sliopping areas) i:o �d-1 (light inc�ustr.i��1 areas), I,ot 17; Block 2, Central View Manoz' lldditzon, i.o make zoning cons.i.stent wit-11 adjoining pr.operty. Upon a voice vote, a1I voting aye, the motion carricd unnnimousZy. REgUCST FOR A L0�1 SPLIT, L.S. �`7G-02, QY DONALD F. SEXTER: Sp1ii.Lot 3, B�lock 1, Froid's Addit�on into t��o building sites, each at least 10,000 square fee�;, for tiie construction of double bungalows. (Property zoned R-3), general1y 7ocated on the corncr of East River Road N.E. and Ironton S�;reet N.E. Mr. Donal d Ser.�.er ���as present. l0 W Mr. Clarl�. said this;property was zoned multiple, and as recently as last October, h1r. Sexter planned to buiid an 8-plex on this site, and due to the ha►Id�i cap requi rements that come i nto pl ay ti�lher� you bui 1 d an 8-pl ex, and other pr�b1ems relat:ing ta the l�t, such as drainage, made �t econanically unfeasible tc� l�uild the 8-plex. fie was no4�1 proposing to split the 1ot into two pieces and construct double bungalov,�s on this p��operty. t�r. Sexter has presented surveys of the two lots which sho��r that both lots will exceed the 10,OOU so,uare foot requi��ement for �ouble bungalows. r�r. Ciark said or�e of the surveys sho���s the setback as 30` for the structure, and this t-aill have to be moved bacf: 5' to meet the 35' front yard se�back requirement. Mr. Clark said �t�ere �vas another small problem in that he c!id not quite meet the rarage requirem�nts for a double bungalow� The zoning cod� states that you have to have 1 7/2 s�;all �arage fot•:each unit of a double bunga_lov,�. ��r. C1ark said that if you use the �ai~hing sta11 f�cqui remenl: o i 20Q' , thi s ti�oul d mear� tP�at there vroul d have �:o be 300 square feet of garaqe area for each u��it. He said the gara,es in this pl an i;o�.al 577_ square feet. Ne sai d he fel t ti�a.� i t��ras the i ntent of the ordinance to prov�ide t��o st«lls for stct"age, and one stall �For parking. ;�r. C1 a�~k sai d ttia � n�aybe the ga��ag`s coul d b� en1 arged to meet thi s require���ent. I�'�r. Clar�: said I�fr. Sexter didn't want to t�riden the garayes because i t�}��oul d obstruct f;he vi e�-� from the house y but tfley coul d be bui 1 t tvro feet d�eper. Mr�. Bergman asked hir. S�xter if he G���s in agreement to increasing the size of the gara;e by 2 feet? D�r. Sexter sa�id he was in agreement because the house co�fld be n�oved back t��,�o feet on 1;f�e 1ot. Ne said that everything could he adjusted so they m�t the se�back requirements af the code. ; f�1r. Clark said �he staff reccamanendation e��as that this lot split b° granted. I�C77'IDA7 by Bergman, seconded by Petersor�, that the Planning Commiss�.on xecommenc3 to Council approval of a request for a lot cPZit,L.5. ��76-02, by Donald F, Seater, to split Lot 3, B1ock 1, Froid's �lddii�ion, into i:wo ,buildir�g s9.tes, eacli at least 10,000 square feet, for the consfir.uction of dou}�1e yungalows on R-3 zoned property, gen�rally located on the corner of �ast River Road N.E. and Ironton Street N.E. Upon a voice vote, a11 votin� aye, the motion carricd unanimousl.y. � � � L� I�L/11�NIP1G COP<<fiTSSIO�i h1ECTING -/t�'RIL 7, i976 Page 25 10 X RECOiii�1CNDATIONS ANO POLICY ST/tTEiiENT ON THE DEVFLOPf•1ENT OF 40 FT. . L07�S Ih� THE CI_TY OF f-RIDLCY. � � Mrs, ldahlberg said she appreciated the consideration that each of the other Co�r�mi ssi on' s made on th�i s request tflat came from the Appeai s Corrnission, ihrough �:he Pianning Co�r�mission. She appreciated the diligence and sp�edincss wi�;h �•rhich they wcre able to get this information back to the Planr�ing Commission, because she was sure that; the petiti�oner who ���anted to build on a 40' lo�; was anxious to have I�is reques�; handled so F�e could start construction ��ow thai: the warmer weathcr was here. � Mrs. I-lahlberg said that she thought what �he Appeais Commission would like �-�ould be a sunaz���ry of' the recomrrendations made by tj�� Commissions. She said t;i�at n�ost of the recommenda�;ions ��aere quite similar, and the only thing tf�at bothered her was the recammendation tha1: each 40' lot � be handled individualiy. ��ir. C1 arE: sai d f�e di dn' t thi nl: these 1 ots coul d be handl ed any � G�"I�i iGfE1���y' �tiu�l fiic t, :��ca�ase 1� \�lc�-S d\��.Y'ldtlC(' t0 t�1P.. 7_OCIi►lg COCi2, c?t1a he thoue�f-�t ��:hat t!�ey �}rere sayi�g G��as that thet�e shouldn't be one sl;andard placed on a�l1 40' vaclnt 1ots in our City. Each one should be considered ' separa�:°1;�, and...have sep��rate action because �ach lot may b� unique in i�:s own ��ray. � 1 � , � j � � t�ir. Langenreld saiu that he thought the recommendations of the Human Resources Cor�n;iss�ion cou1d be used as �he guzde1ine. Mr. Berg,na.n saici he ��ould like ta call attention to the recommendations made b,y the C�mmuni Ly C�vel opraent Commi ssi o��� at �;h°�i r meeti ng of t��arch 9, 1976. Fie sa-i d th� i t},e Envi ro�imental Q�al i ty Cor��mi ssi on concurred tNi th these t�r-.co.;,�nendations9 and tf�� H��man Resaut�ces Gommissian's recommendations had some c�i' ti�e s��!��e stipuTations, so he ti�ouc�hi they could use �:he motion 0{' th� �4il�il':Ui11 i,y �cVE'.�{ O�ill�'i1� �Oili?ill S51 OtT dS a gui del i ne . h`�r. k3°t��g���an sai d the fi rst recamirendati oii ���as "If �;I�e 1 and i s avai 1 abl e on either sici� G�:h�ch can be p«rcl,ased,such that the lot can be brought up to code, then bu;1d�it,g ;-<�ou1d b� deniec± on a 40 i'oot 1ot". Nr. Harris said !�e dicia�'-L th�ink tl�ai, rc�ca�»rnendat�ion ti��ould stand up in court. Mrs . t�la.hl berg sai ci that back i n 1971 they di d ma{:e some recommendati ons as to �;���at tyf�� o-i hornL should be built on a 40' loj�, but she didn't think that reco,�,�mei,d�ti o�� ��ras jOUd 11�!�J G�,�i th �the presGnt housi ng trends . She sai d that ane pertin�nt �fa.ct 4��as that G�dater, seG��er and electricity vrere ali�eady in on these lots4 so they problat�ly shou1d be developed. h1rs. 4�ahlf�erg said that she had a problem with the 3rd recommendation that tiie proposed h�use on-a 4Q' lot blend in aesthetically with tt�e rest of tl�e neignborhood, and her c�uess was that most of these 40' lots were in old��r ne�ighborhoods. Mr. 6ergman said he could understand the problem wii.h this, but these recominendations were orily meant as guidelines, and maybe they all could�'t be mei: 111 of the time. Mrs. Wahlberg said that what she got from all the Coinmissions was that there was concurrence that building on 40' lots should be allowed in the City of Fridley. Sl�e said that had been the basic quesiion that the l�ppeals Commission had. They didn't knoti� if they should open the door on this kind of a request. � � � Planninc Commission Meetirig� 11pri1 7, 1976 Paqe 2Q Mr. I{arris said that he was more concerned wii:h what size house they were c�oiny ta allow to be built on 40' lots. He said it was addressed by saying that th�re be no varianceal�l�owcd from the present ordinance requiring a maximu�ri of 25% lot coveraye. Mr. Clark said that tnosl: 40' lots had aboui; 5200 square feet. This ti-rould mean that the house and garage cauld oniy covc�r 1300 scauare feet of the 1ot. Ne said this �would allow for a"1,020 square foot rambler, which was code, with a l�' x 20' garage. Ile said that i�f th�y buil� a split entry home, they coul d bui �(d one ��r�i i;f� 7G8 square feet of 1 i vi ng area wi i;h a 252 square foot attaGhed garage. Mr. Qergman said they didn`� �•Jant to get more restrictive on 40' � lots and tha�; vras v�hy they stayed with th� 25°% of ?o�; coverage which ��ras i n�:he exi st;i ng code .. t�le 'rc�coinmended that no var�i ance be gr�nted whicl� exceeded tl��is requireiT��nt, because this <<�ould tend to control the � size of the house an ti�ese lots. f�1r. C1ari: said it wouid be �ossib7e to build a mar{;etable house on these lots, even if they had to s�tay v�ithin the code requ-irement. � Mr. Ilarris asked if the City �-Jas requir�ing attached garages. Mr. ClarF: sa�id they 4�.�ere rcquired on a tvao story house. Attached gar�ages � �vere req�ired except on rambiers and split level housing. You also have to hav� an at�acf�ed garage on a�iy property that �,�as the resul t of a lot spl�it. IMr. Peterso►� said he thouyh�� it wauld b� consistent 4�rith the hous�ing plan thcy had developed Lhat they encoura.ye the development of 40' lots becausc it �-rould decrease the cost of Uuildiny a home. If 1 we dor}'t encour,age p�ople of cii iferent ecanomi c�l evei s to mave �i nto our City, ther� �ti�e 4�ou7pn' � be following t}�e yoals �hat ��re established. � %�rs. G�lahiberg said tha-i; �ii� they �11o���ed more than 25°�' iot coverage, then �here ��JOL17 Li �C r,��re var� ances nec�d�ci al so. She wondered i f they could set thE maxir�iun-� sc�u�:re footage �hey 4ti�ould allow for a house on ' a 40` �lot such a� 1300 squarc fc�e�; for tl�e house anci garage. Mr. Clark said l��e G���ould I�esita�e io mentiur� square footage, because soi��� lo�:s n�ay be 39' and so�ne rnay be 42' so tl�e squar� footage alloG�red in the 25% of lo� covei�age co�Rld v�iry a�lso. ��1r. Harris said tl�at mayue they could � � have a st:andar�d r�eqt��irer��cnt �or tf�� size o�' a house on a 40' house. Mr. Clark said this �vou1d just be soi>>etl�inc� �1se that ihey would ask for a variance on. f�Sr. C1ark sa�id !�c thouyV�t that these recommenda�ions ��ere 1 mean�: as a gui del i oie a«d tfi� "ppr�al s Ccr,n,ni ss i on can try th� 25% and i f this was unworkat��le, they may h�-�ve to come up with a dif�Ferent percentag� tl�en , � � MOTION ,t�y Langenfeld, seconcled by I3ergman, tl�at the Planninq Commission felt that 40' lots should 3�e developed in Fr.i.dl.ey, each lot to bc considered on an individual basis, subject to the c�c�idelines set forL-h by �he various tfen�ez Co,�vnissions. 10 Y P1r. Harris asked how they were going to deny a var.iance for a � house on a 40' lot just because ttiere was a vacant lot adjoining i�. Mr. Clark said that every time you denied anything, you could end up in court, bu� he thought that the Commission �4ved it to the other people in a block I who i�ad built on ?_ 40' lots so they had 80', �o i:ry to have the ather building site be �0', This would depend upc,n the pe�son who f�ad a lot to sell, offering � . � � •,.. . -,""""`.� ' � , � , � � � � ' Planning Commission P1eeting - Apri1 7, 1976 Paqe 21 1� Z it at a reasonable market value p?°ice. Mr. Clark said that if �wo 40' lots were side by side and under t��ro ownerships, he thought these owners should reveal to ti�e Appeals Comrnission what their differences ti�rere in regard to the price of either lot, Mr. Bergman said that anyone who o��m ed a�0' 1ot had a problem lot. The �urpose of the first recommendaiion vlas that; the Community Developi}�ent Commission felt that the owner of such a lot should make some effort to solve that problem. They felt that if �here t��as vacant pr•operty next to this lot, ti�at an cffort should be made to purchase the lot, so th�t a house could be Uui1t on a combination of lots that wouid meet the code requirements. Ne said that in tha1; context, he thought it was a reasonable request. � Mr. Hari°is said he had a problem with the denial of a building permit an any 40' lot, t�rhether ti�ere were tti-�o vacani; lots tog��;her, or 10 vacant lots togei;her. t�1r. Harris said he thought thc combining of 40'�lots should be encoura�ecl, h��i; f�e c�ic�r,'1: ��aant the Cit,y to be in a pos�tion of using a c1u�� betl�reen tt�ro owners of 40' 1ots. t'ir. Harris said they could �try i �, but if any denials were made, the reasons for the denial shouid be stated and documen'ccd. t�irs. ti�Jal�l ber� sai d she tvoul d 1 i ke the l�ppeal s Commi ssi on to get a copy of these mi nutes c�n thi s i tem, and she ��aou1 d 1 i i.e the gui del i nes put in a concise far�ns so the Appeals Commission cou1d refer �;o them for any reRu�sts to build on 40' locs. . ' P�lr. I�arri s sai d thai i f thi s l�ras go�i ng to be a pol -i cy statement, he t h o u gh t ti-�at G�dould have to be appro�fed by th� Ci-ty Council. Mrs. Wah1berg sai d the E'�ppc��l s Co���mi ss�i on only us ked for an opi ni an from the mem berol i cy , Cai�i�liss�ion's and the Plannirg Co,��1���ission. Pir. l�art°is said that any p stateme�it 'r�ad to be appr�ved bY the Ci ty CouE�c�i 1. tr�rs . Wahl berg sai d the Ap�eals Con�mission �•Jas concerned ��,�ith the request they had tab1ed on a vari ance for a 40' 1 ot ancl thi s pe ti �ti oner hacl �ieer� del ayed qui te so»>e ' time already. t�ir. Nar�ris sa�id i1; ��,�ould be b°tt��° ii� the long run to Viave Co�ancil a�pr�oval on a policy staten;4n�t, but thcy could use the recommendations fr�o�n thi s m�et�i �1g as gui del i nes unti i ti�e pol i cy s�:atement had been � a�proved by Council. , Upon a vo.i.ce vote, a.I1. votii�y aye, the .rnot.i.on carried unat�.imously. ELECTIOt� Of= VICE Cf111IRM,�N 0� PL4ANNIR�G COP�1�1TSSION Mr. Harris said that the Plannin� Com�niss�ion hadn't had a Vice Chairman � ' since h1r. Dr�igans resigned from the Plaiining Commission and he thought they shou� Ld.��.a� care of this at this ir�eeting. He said he was open to nominations. Mr. �g��:���n nominated t�1r. Peterson, and �1r. Pe�;erson nominated Mr. Qerginan. i� Mr. Ha�ris said they ���ould vote by ballot, and when the votes were counted, he declared Mr. Peterson Vice Chairman of the Planning Commission. i ' � � TTME SCFIEDULE ON PLANNING COf�iMISSION AGENDA Mr.. Flarris said hc felt that setting a time period on each agenda item was � good idea and tl�ouc�ht it sl�ould be continued. Mr. Clark asked how • they wanted to handle this. Mr. Harris said 1:t�at after he received his Planning Canrnission Meeting- �pril 7, 1976 Page 2II � agen�a, he would call Mr. Roardman or Mr. Clark, and they could.work out 10 AA a time scheclule so Lhe petitioner could be to�d approximately what time their iteni would come up on the agenda. Mr. Peterson said this would eliminate people �raiting three hours for discussion or+ the item they were interested.in. • ADJOURNi�IENT: MOTION by Shea, seconded by Peterson, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Ch�irman Narris dec]ared the Planning Corrunission meetiny of 11pri1 7, 197b adjouxned at 12:16 A.M. Respectfully submitted, , � ; � G��, ���1� ,> Z..�"✓C...� �� �,_,�,_ Dorothy Evensq}t, Secretary �� 0 „,,...'�........+..�.�....�--a".�.�.�.......�^""� • . � � . . \ �� ` ` . t�i+f � � �. :” ,' . .-; •J.'+ ;.. � � ��' . � � 4d `'���- ' ,`�� �, � �1��� T P.S. #76-03 DORSTAD ADDITION 1� $$ a�'�, ��Y�*���a.. .I a • �`'q0 � 'ti- ' Lei gh Tnvestments , Inc . � �' �i3�� � ", ��3 k �"/ � , � r ' � /'" �e lat of Lot 39 A.S. �#77 . ; /` , �,�f � '��': �i ��,!%.' �'��� � P ' �^ �' � �. � ,,; ; �, r , � „� �o ". , . ,. �• o x. - . 4 �. ' .. . '`, � -•^ \ . . ���...� � - •�l,.� � ' � , . � � �� ; C�`� � j�b � �� -st 1 \�, � , .. .�--� "'?" �r �'�.1 i ��4�� � E �''�r � L} �� ;.7 ii ��''' , , � � � ' I q\Y, i � �.y9 {� ��t. 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Re�, tio. 5942 �- 1 LISTING OF VACANT 40' LOTS IN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY* I' *Includes other Sub-standard size lots 10 GG Location Lo� size (combined size) Lots 14, 15, alock 4, Hyde Park 40' 80' Parcel 300, Part of Lot 15, Moore Lake Highlands lst 40' Lots 16, 17, Block 9, Hamiltons Addn, to Mechan. 40' 80' Lot 16, Block 16, Hamiltons Addn. to Mechan. 40' Lot 28, Block ll, " " " 40' Lot 29, Block 1}, �� " " 40' Lot 30, Block 11, " " " 39� Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 11 " " " 40' 120' Lot 4, Block 11 " " " ��' Lots 23, 24, Block 13 " " " 40' 80: Lo�; 30, Block 9, Ply�nouth Addition 3�' Lot 15, Block 3, Plymouth /�ddition 40' Lot ii, 61ock i0, Plymouth Addition 40' Lot 16, alock 1�, Plyn�ou�:h Addi�ion 40' Lat 30, Block 12, Plymouth Addi�ion 39' Lot 10, Block 13, Plymouth Addition 40' Lots 1,2, E31ock 3, Shaefers Sub #1 . 47' 94' � /,� 'Lot 8, Block 4 Shaefers Sub #1 42' Lots 3,4, Block 6 Fridley Park 44' 8II' Lots 37,3�, Block 6, Fridley Park 45' 90' Lots 9,10, Block A, Riverview Heights 25' 50' Lots 20,21, alock A Riverview Heights 25' S0' Lot 57, alock A, Riverview Heights 25' Lots 63,64,65, Block A, Riverview Heights 25' 75' Lot 72, B1ock A �� �� 25' ?�k r � 1 � ' � , ' ' � ' � ' � , ' I ' Listing of vacant 40' Lots in the City of Fridley Rage 2 � Location Lot Size Lots 78 and 79, Block A, Riverview Heights 25' Lats 80,81,82,83, alock A Riverview Neights 25' Lot 26, B1ock C, Riverview Heights 25' Lots 27,28,29,30, Block D, Riverview H.eights 25' Lots 27,28, Block E, Riverview Heights 25' Lots 59,60, Block E, Riverview Heights 25' Lots 1,2,3, Block F, Riverview Heigh�s (2) 30'��� �5' Lots 4,5,6, Block F, Riverview Heights 25' Lot 21, Block F, Riverview Heights 25' 10' of Lot 6, A17 of 7 and 8, B1. H RVH. 30' Lot 9, Blocic H, Riverview Heights 30' Lots 17,18, Block H, Riverview Heights 25' Lots 1, 2, Black I, Rivervie��� Heights 30' Lots 3, 4, Block I, Riverview Neights 25' Lots 19,20, Block J, Riverview Heights 25' East 15` of Lot 29 and all of 30, J.RUf-{ 25' Lots 31,32, Biock J, River,view Heights 25' Lots 48 and 49, Block J, Riverview Heights 25' & 45' Lots 2,3,4, Block K, Riverview Heights 25' Lots 22, 23, Block K, Riverview Heights 30' Lats 24, 25, Block K, Riverview Heights 25' Lots 10, 11, 12, Block L, Riverview Heights 25' Lots 27,28, Block L, Riverview Heights 25' Lots 1,2,3, Block M, Riverview Neights (2) 25' (1) 29' L�ts 73,14,15, Block M, Riverview Heights (2) 25' (1) 30' 25,26,27,28, B1ocK (� ,Riverview Heights 25' 10 HH (combined size) 50' 100' 100' 50' 50' 85' 75' 70' 50' 60' 50' 50' 40' 50' 70' 75' 60' 50' 75' 50' 79' 80' 100' ' ' ' � i ' � � � ' ' � � � � ' � � ' � � Listing of Vacant 40' Lots in City of Fridley ],� TI page 4 . Lot Size combination Lots 30, 31, Block X, Riverview Neights 3Q' 60' Lots 12,13, Block Y, Riverviear Neights 30' 60' Lot 10, Block AA, Riverview Heights 25' Lot 11, Block AA, Riverview Heights 25' Lots 13,14, Block BB, Riverview Heights 25' 50' Lots 27,28, Blocl 1,Springbrook Park 30' and 41' 71� Lots 1,2, Block 4, Springbrook Park 30' 60' Lots i1,12, 81ock 4, Springbrook Park 30' 60' Lot 18, Block 4, " " 30' � � Lots 24,25, Block 4, " '� 30� 60' Lots 29,30, Bock 4, " " Lots 16,17, Block 5, SpringBrook Park 30' 60' Lots 19,20,21, Block 5, Springbrook Park 30' � 90� Lots 22,23, Block 5, SpringBrook Park 30' 60' Lots 39,40, Block 5, SpringBrook Park 30' 60' Lots 1,?,,3,4; �:��ck;.��, �princt b'rook Park (3) 30' &(1 ) 35' 125' Lots 42,43,44, Block 7, Spring Qroo{c Park 30' 90� Lots 45,46,47,48, Block 7, Spring Brook Park (3) 30' &(1.� 33' 123` Pt 4, all of 5,6,7,8, Block 7, Spring Brook 30' 140' l.ots 9,10,11, Block 7, Spring Brook Park 30' 90�. Lots 2G,27,28,29, Slock 7, S�ring Brook Park (3) 30' &(1) 40` 130' Lc�ts 32,33, 61ock 10, Spring Brook Park 30' 60' Lots :�3,34Block 11, Spring Brook Park 3Q' 60' Lots 7,8, B1ock 12 , Sring Brook Park 30' 60' Lots 16,17, Block 12, Spring Brook Park 30' 6Q' Lots 18,19,20,21,22, Block 12 Spring ar. Pk 30` i50' Lot 23 Block 12 Spring arook Park 30' Lo�; 24, Block 12 Spring Brook Park 30' � . � Listing of Vacant 40' Lots in the City of Fridley Page 3 Location Lots 29,30,31,32, B1ock M, Riverview Heights L�ots 1,2,3,4,�, Block N, Riverview Neights Lot 6, Block N, Riverview Heights 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,Block N, R.V.H Lots 8,9, Block 0, Riverview Heights L.ots 15,16, Block 0, Riverview Heights l.ots 1�, �i�, Block P, Riverview Heigh�;s Lots 27,28, Q, Riverview Heights l_ots 29,30, Block Q, Riverview Heights I_ots 3�,32, Block Q, Rivervicw Heights ILots 28,29, Block R, Riverview Neights Loi 29, Block S, Riverview Heights Lot 30, Block S, Riverview Ne�ghts Lots 9,10,11,12, 81ock T, Rivei^vieal !-leighf:s Lots 23 and 24, alock T, Riverview Heights Lots 31,32,33, alock T, Riverview Heights Lots 45,46,47, Block T. Rivervie�ti� Heights Lots 1,2, Block U, Riverview Heigi��ts Lots 3,4, Block U, Riverview Heights Lots 23,24 , B1ock U, Riverview Heights Lots 31,32, Block U, Riverview Heights Lots 37,38, Block V, Riverivew Neights Lots 22, 23 Block W, Riverview Heights Lots 32,33, Block bJ, Riverview Heights Lots 11,12, Block X, Riverview Heights Lots �19,20, Block X, Riverview Heights Lot Si ze 25' (4) 25' & (1) 30' 25' 25' 30' 30' & 36' 25' 25' 30' 30' 25' 25' 25' 25' 25' &30' (2)30' & (1) 25' ?_ 5' 30' 25' 25' 25' 25' 30' 25' 30' 25' 10 JJ (com6ined size) 1Q0' 130' 175' 60' 66' 50' 50' 60' 60' 50' 100' 55' 85' 75' 60' 50' 50' 50' 50' 60' 50' 60' 50' IListings of Vacant 40' Lots in City of Fridley Location Lots 25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 B1. 12 Spr. Br. Park Lots 34,35, Block 12, Spring Brook Park Lots 41.42, alock 1?_, Spring arook Park Lots 9, 10,11, Block 13, Spring Brook Park Lots 12,13,14,15, alock 13, Spring arook Park Lots 17,18, Block 13-, SPring Brook Park Lots 19,20,21,22, Block 13, Spring Br,00k Park Lots 17;T8, B1ock 14, Spring Brool; Park Lots 23, 24, Block 14, Spring Brook Park TAX FORFEIT LO1'S (SUQSTRNDARD SIZE Lot 21, A.S. #23 Lot 8, Block 19, Fridiey Park Lots 1, 2,3, Hamiltor�'s Addn to Fridley Park Lot 11, alock 4, Hyde Park Lot 21, Block 10, Hyde Par!< Loi l, Block 1, Oake Grove Addition Lot 30, Block 4, Oak Grove Addition Lot 15, Block 2, Plymouth Lot 30, Block 2, Plymouth Lot 30, Block 8, Plymouth Lot 30, Block 12, Plymouth Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6, Block A, Riverview Heights Lots 9,10, Block N, Riverview Heights Lots 25,26, Block U, Riverview Heights Lots 13,14,15,16, Block V, Riverview Neights Lots 26,27,28,29, Block W, Riverview Neights Lots 16,17, Block Y, Riverview Heights � Pa ge 5 Lot size 30' 30' 30' 30' 30' 30' 30' 30' 30' 42' 40' 40' 40' 40' 40' 40' 40' 35' 38' 39' 25' 25' 30' 25' 25' 25' lU �K combination 240' 60' 60' 90' 120' 60' 120' 60' 60' 120' 150' 50' 60' 100' 100' 50' . , �Tax Forfeit Substandard sized lots Page 6 Location Lot Size Lot 3, Block Z, Riverview Heights 31� Lots 4, Block Z, Riverview Heights 30'r Lot 5, Block Z, Riverview Height�:• 31J Lot 1, alock AA, Riverview He�ights 37' Lots 20,21, Block AA, Riverview Heights 25' Lots 15 - 25, Block BQ Riverview Heightsll lots 25' Lots 18, 19, Block AA, " " 25' Lots 8,9, 61ock AA, Riverview Neights 25' Lots 13,14, Block 4, Spring Brook Park 30' Lot 27, Block 4, Spring Brook Park 42' Lot 28, Block 4, Spring Brook Park 44' Lots 4,5, Block 6, Spring Brook Park 30' Lots 21,22, Block 14, Spring Brook Park 30' Explanation: Tax Forfeit Lots have been grouped together where 2 or more Lots cor��bined �aould make a buildable site. In the regular listirg, lots h�ve been combined by ownership. 0 10 L�L Combined 92' 50' 275' 50' 50' 60' .� .� r- , ' , , ' � , ' � ' ' � � ' � 10 MM �lann� Couunission Meetinp - Dece�aber 8, 1971 pa�e 10 — ._._�.. . �MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded hy Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission table the Lot Sp1it Request, L.S. ,971-15, by John M. Metcalfe to split Lot 16, except the Easterly 165 f.eet ther�of, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 23 until January 12, 1972. Upon a voice vote, alI vating aye, the motion carried unanimously. 8. SET PUBLIC HEARING D4TE OF JANUARY 12, 1972: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT� SP ��71-1i, DOtiT'S GtJLF SERVICE STATION. Request for U-Haul rentals on Eastexly 351 feet of Lot 12 and Easterl.y 351 feet of the Sou.ther].y 20 feet of Lat 11, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, except that part taken for highway and street purposes, per Cade Section 45.101, Subsectian 6, Paragraph 3E. 1�OTION by Zeglen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the P.Ianninq Commission set the Publ.ic Hearing date of January 22, 1972 for the Special Use Permit, SP � #�7Z-17, by Don's Gu.If Sexvice Station for U-Hau1 rentals. Upon a voice vote, . aI1 voting aye, the motion carried unanirnoasly. 9. COMPREHE?1SIV� PLAN FOR THE CITY 0� FP�IDLEY: Tne Co�ission set the date of January 26, 1972 as a study meeting fox the Corsgrehensive Plan for the City of Fridley. 10. SECOND MEETIPdG IN bECEt�'t3ER (DECII�iBER 22, 1971) . The Com.-nission dpcided to forego the Planraii.�r Commission meeting of Aecember 22, 1972. The next regular meetin�; of the Planning Couunission will be January 12, 1971. �11. GUIDE LINES FOR LOT,S SUBSTANDAP�D IN SIZE: I Chairman Ericl�son sain the questian is if a petitioner, when he purchased a 40 �oot lot, could le�ally build on it. In 195b he could not build on 40 foot lots, nor can he today. The questipn now is what should the Planning Cotttnission do abaut these lots. , The City Engineer referred to the McCline lots: They were Cax forfeit befoxe 19b3, sinca then no Ca�es were paid and the lots went tax for£eit . again. On two of the lots East of 3r3 Street in the Plymouth Addition, there ' would be a way to build by vacating the street and adding the additional land to the lots. This would give Mr. McCline 70 foot lots. �. I ! ' � ; ' � The Chairman said that wherever gossible, the Commission should try to work out sone guide lines or statement of policy. The study this evening wauld be confined to Plymouth Addition. After a lengthy discussion among the members of the Planning Commission, Mr. Qureshi aumaarized the Comiaission's comments a:: follows: _� ' .t , . 7-- . �� � ' lo r�N 1 . I'lannin Co�zmission Meetin - December 8 1971 Pa e 11 � � ! I ' � i. , fI E , � � i � � � . j i' , t f , . . j' . . � ' � I � � � i I ' � � j � � � ; ' �. ' ,. ' 47th Avenue: Lot 30, BZock 9(Lot East of 3rd St.) 48th Avenue: Lot 30, Block 8(Lot East of 3rd St.) To be allowed to build by vacating the Southerly half of the street tnaking the lots 70 feet wide. Total structure to be built on the 40 foot part of the lot. 4$th Avenue: Lot 15, Block 2(Lot on West aide of 3rd St.) Consider allowing to huild a small, houae 1� stories high with 5 foot side yard �o the North. Hause to fit in with the nei�i�tsozing structu.res. � ='- 48th Avenue: �ot 15, Block 3(Lot W��t af 2� Streat� Consid�� allowing to build a s.i�zg7.e story, small house wit� - 5 foot �tde y�rd to the North<, Fiou�e Lo i�.t in with the nei�h- baring �truct�ares. G6th Avenu�: Lot �6, Block lI (Lot Ea�t of 2ud StxeeG) Singla story small house with 5 foot aide yard to tbe North to be considered. iiouse to fit in wit� the neighboring structur�s. 3rd Streete Lot 11, �lock 10 Th� Com�is�i.an c�*a.nted to cYieck turther aboUt the ownership and brac�.�,raund. 47th Avexsu�: Lot 30, Blocl� 12 (Lot �ast af �Iain 5treet} 5tcould nat t�e consiciered �or c.onstruction because of the traffic and cxossin$ stxee� traff�c vi�ual, protslems. 49Gh Avenu�: Lot 30s Alac� 2(LaL an corzaE� of 2� Street) 49th Avanue: Lat 30, B1.ocic 1(Lot o� corn�� G£ Univ��sity Avenue) Shou�.d nat be con�idered for construction because of the traffic and crossin� street �raffic visual problems. i iMr. Qureshi said that the Planaing Co�unission indicated that these recom- imendatians should ba fo �,rarded to the Council with the following additional � commenta. Th� requ�et for construction :� these lots should still go through ! the Board of Appeals for variances so that there will be a chance of additional � discussion with the nei�hborhood before the City makes the final declsion on � allow�.ng the construction. They also wanted these reco�nendations made available to the Board of Appeals. . . ADJOURrMF�' VT • - � �. There b�ing no further businesa, Chairman Ericicson adjourned the mee�ing at 11:40 P.M. '' ; Reapectfully submitted V �d r� �J, .�.t�c ct,-�..r Naz� O�Brian - Recording Secretary 10 00 , 1 � EXCERPT: Regular Council Meetin� of April 17, 1972 , Page 6 & 7 ' FORTY FOOT LOTS IN FP,IDLEY: Mayor Lieb1 said that Fridl.ey still has some 40 foot lots left undeveloped, and � if anyone should show an interest in purchasing them, he would like to have a policy already formulated that woul.d be fair and impartial to all. The Engineering Assistant poin�ed out that last December the 1'lanning Commission , made a recommendation on the use of some of the 40` lots in Plymouth Addition. There cannot be a blanket policy for use on all 40` lots, because some of them are zn the interzor of a b1ocl<. and some are on a corner where if they were bui1L- ' u�on, they would create a tzaffic hazardo Mayor Liebl said that over the past five years, he has received calls from people having 40' lots anci they wondered what they should do with them. He said he would Iike to see every lot utili.zed and on the tax rolls. He urged the Planning Commission to continue working , on some sorC of a policy� MOTIO�V by C.ouncilman Breider to receive the Minutes of the Planning Commission ' Meeting of Apri1 5, 19%2. Seconded by Councilman Mi�telstadt. Upon a voice vote, a1Z ayes, Mayor Liebl cleclared the motion carried unanimously. ' ' � ' , ' , ' � �' ' 11 FRIDLEY POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIOr1 April 6 Meeting was called to order at 8 p.m. Members� presenl; - Jean S'choll, Tim Breider, and Helen Treuenfels Observers - Jim Hill, Art Groinus, Phil sa:lewski, Dave Younkin and F�ed a�nd Yvanne Bebensee. Mation by Breider to approve minutes of previous rr,eeting - passed Old Business - none New Business -�ecommendations for chan ges in the Fridley Police Civil Servico Commzssion Rules. Mr�. Iiill rscamiilend�d �thc� following changes: Section !� Exar,�inations (f) change "at �east once a year'T to "at the d�scretion of the commission'� Sertion 7 Pror�otions - No chan�e necessary in this wording, but requiroments listed in service c;Iassifications c�uld be changed ta elimi_nate service in Fridley requirement. (Prevonts trar�s�er from ather departments.} Section 9 Veterans Preference � (a.) chan�s to "in compliance caith present laws.�' Section 13 Tra:n�fer & Demation (a) add ward "p�rnaanent't between ane and positian (b) add i�BXCG�J'�lOY�S may be madQ irr ca:se of sp�cia�l ass��;nraents in which addita_anal compensati�n is� allocated. S Secti�n 1!� St�spensian remove '�the commiss9_on" from authority to suspend for c�isciplinary �easons. add "o� other appropriato autnority" dalete phrase "the Public safety directar shall have autY?ority to suspend from duty not exceeding 5 da.ys in a Y2 month period.rr Section 15 Discharge . del���: t�or a membor of the commissionf� Sec�ion i6 Resignation deleto "review and acceptance by the commissionTr Section 22 Special Leave of Absence � check on city policy to see if we want to c onf orm - Add section on a.ffirmative action . Jea:n Schell recoirnnended deletion of (d� in section �(ax�rnin�tions) as being beyond the campetenco of a commission. Language is� taksn from the State Sta:tute, but need nat be spelled out in the Commission rules. Section 22 Special Loave of Absence � Spe1.I �ut rea�sons acceptabel to the commission. She requested that we deal with classificati on of positions separately f'rom the rules� of the commission. Treuenfels and Breider agreed. i J , 1 � � �� �2� Helen Treuenfels recon�mendecl the follow3.ng changes: Section 8 Prflbationary Period (c) Automatic termina�Lion oi emplo�ment- dhan�E to automatic conf irmati�n unless appointing autharity certifies unsatisfactory. 11 A � Section 2n Sicl� Leave add (b) C�mplete rautin� physical exams shall be raquired periodically for all members� of the department. ' � Section 24 Prohibited Activities (a:) change to "no employee of the department sha�ll � hold office in the local governmental unit or any division thereaf, whethor or not he receives compensa:tion'� add (c) leave of absence for candidac�T � Any employna who shall become a candidate f or any elective oifice may request a le ave of absence w�nthout pay f or the purpose of canducting acampaign. Such leave of �bsence may ' be granted in 30 daST periods but shall not exceed a. total of ninety daSTs nor seriously impair the abilit�r of the department to fundtion offectively� � � Ssctian 27 Residonce requirement delete section 27 Mr. Hill suggests that "3 hour's dri,ving timo under wo chan�e instead to normal conditions" Add section "Commission members� sha11 be enabled, at their ' reouest, to obser.ve rou�ine police depari:ment opera,tions, providad such obse�va.tion does not interfere with said operations. ' , ' � ' � Hi11 exp�essed stron� oppasition to such a ru1e, saying it in�erferod with administra�ive au�hority. He recZaes�ed that the Commission get an opinion f pAm i;he city attarney on this. Add section "The commission s�ha11 k�ep a file in which �all be en�ered the names of all em�nloyees of the department, with classificatian, a�es, compensa�i�n, period of employment, and � such other facts and data with reference to er�ch employee as� the Commission may deem useful." (lan�uage specified in State S�atu�e 419•�5) Hill said that the pens•onnel files in the city mana.�ers office wQre aufiicient to meet the requirement of the law. He suggested checicin� with the city attorney on the interpretaition of the statute. The secretary of the Commission.was� instructed to consult with the city managar oa an overall leave of absence policy, and on the need for funding of inedical examinations; for department pex�sonnel. � � I ' � (3) She wa.li �lso ask for opinions from tha city attorney on the authority of the commission and �n the interprotation of section 419.05• Art Groinus asked for a: c��r.if.icatian of soction 21 - service connected disabilities. Is a si� month limit on lea•ve of absence propor? 11 B Hill sa.id it is sufficient, since it is in addition to ' accu.mulated sicl� leave and vacation tirno. Jean Schell proposed addin� "such employees name sha.11 go onto the rein�tatement register a��Athe end of such leave. � She asked that tl�e prop�sod amondments� b� typed a.n praper form, a:nd pasted in the polic� department in order to get input f r�m department personrzol. The ar�endr�aents will �be acted upon at the next meeting. The secx�etary is instructed to post the meeting notices in the squad x��om. The next meeting oi the Fridley Civil Sez�vice Corr,mission wi11 be on Tuesda�ry i�Iay 4, at 8 p�m. Meetint ad j�u���ed at 10: Z3 p.m. Respectf.ully submitt�c�, He1.en Treuenfels, sec'y 0 �.� 1 . ' / �' , I I � CATV COMMISSION MEETING April 7, I976 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Scott, Barbara Hughes, Kenneth Brennen, A1 Ossenkop MEMBERS ABSENT: Nanci Wrubel OTHERS PR�SENT: Anita Benda - State Cable Commission Chuck Ilungerford - General Television Clyde Moravetz - City of Fridley Chairperson Scott opened the meeting at 7:39 p.m. � APPROVAL OF MINUTES O1� FEBRUARY 9, 1976 CATV COMMISSION MEETING: MOTION by Barbara Hughes, seconded by Kenneth Brennen, to approve the minutes of the February 9, 1976 CATV Commission meeting as written. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion earried unanimously. INTRUDUCTION OF NE�1 CATV COMMISSION MEMBER - AL OSSENKOP: Mr. Scott welcomed the new CATV Commission member Mr. Al Ossenkop to the Commission and introduced him to those present at the meeting. UPDATE ON COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT AND SURVEY: Mr. Moravetz explained all o£ the xeroxing of this material had been completed and it was now at the mail house. He added the material will probably be sent out at the beginning of next week. UPDATE ON ANY PROGRESS RESOLVING THF CITY'S POSITION ON PAY-CABLE: Mr. Scott stated he had spolcen with Attorney Douglas Hedin:~ He added Mr. Hedin had indicated material is now being put together on this matter. It will be available very soon. ' GTV�S PAYMENT TO THE CITY, ANNUAL REPORT AND TECHNICAL REPORT SUBMITTED MARCH 1, 1976: � MOTION by Barbara Hughes, seconded by Kenneth Brennen, to receive the three letters dated: (1) February 10, 1976 from Marvin Brunsell to Jeff Marcus (2) February 25, 1976 from Jeff Marcus to Marvin Brunsell and (3) March 24, 1976 from Jeft Marcus to Marvin Brunsell L1pon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ,.,.. � i`, CATV COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 7, 1976 PAGE 2 Ms. Hughes stated she felt ttie Commission should alert the '°� City Council that the Commission understands this does not cover what the Commission feels is due the City. The Commission feels the City should be receiving something on Cinema III fees. � � � � 12A Mr. Scott stated some of the things the City was looking for were not included in the annual report. These included (1) Figures or. how many subscribers there were in each of the three different possible subscription fee categories. (2) A map of the City showing which areas have not picked up cable television. Mr. Hungerford explained approximately 600 people have subscribed to both services, approximately 200 have subscribed to Cinema III only, and approximately 160 have subscr.ibed to the regular ser- vice only. MOTION by Barbara Hughes, seconded by Kenneth Brennen that the following numbers be requested as part of thP annual report from General Television: (I} As of March 1,1976 - The number of Cinema III only subscribers � The number receiving both services The number receiving regular service only !_1 � (2) For 1975 - The number receiving Cinema III only for�the months of September, October, November, and - December. Also, a total for those four months. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, THE MOTION CARRIEA UNANIMOUSLY. In regard to the se�and part of GeneraZ Television's annual report, Mr. Hungerford stated a trading post program is being planned for Channel.3. This will be a classified ad station. Mr. Brennen asked whether GTV has had any response on this program yet. Mr. Hungerford stated they have not as yet had any response. Mr. Brennen stated he felt this was a good idea. Mr. Moravetz asked i£ this wailrl r.equir� GTV to purchase another character generator. Mr. Hungerford stated it would not. Mr. Hungerford added GTV now has a fire and police department scanner on the government access channel 20. In regard to the technical report submitted by General Television, Mr. Scott explaine�l ttie franchise states tests are to be done in the presence of a technicaZ representative from the City. He added both General Television and the City were at fault for not catching this point in the franchise. The Commission agreed the technical report was very difficult � to understand. Mr. Moravetz suggested they probably should have written a one or two page summary to accompany the report. � .� . I�� CATV COMMISSION- MEETING, APRIL 7, 1976 PAGE 3 12 B 1 Mr. Brennen stated he felt the City should specify the form of the.report so that each time a test is conducted, the necessary information could just be filled into the report form. � Mr. Maravetz suggested hiring a consulting firm to make up some type of form which would meet the 13 steps. He added he had received correspondence from many of these type of firms � �n the form of advertisements. He stated he would be happy to ca11 some of these firms to receive quotes from them. MOTION by Kenneth Brennen, seconded by Barbara Hughes, that the CATV Commis.sion ask Clyde Moravetz to provide this section of the franchise to consulting firms in this business and ask for quota- tions for the preparation of a standard report form which would also include explanatory material �n an elementary nature on each of these sections. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Kenneth Brennen, seconded by Barbara Hughes, that the CATV Commission return this portion of the report to General Television and ask them to append explanatory material under this section of the report as measured under Technical Standards under Section 405.193. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ROPOSAL FROM �NOKA COUNTY" COMMUNICATIO�S WORKSHOP: Mr. Brennen explained at the last meeting of the Anoka County Communications �dorkshop they decided they would have to ask the schools and the Cxty to help the workshop. He added the feeling is that the proportionof publ�c access and service channels is xeal�y going to �a1� on Workshop and Commission's shoulders. Mr. Scott stated Bloomington is naw wor.king on a proposal to go to the City for some type of support. He added he felt when the L�orkshop comes up with some type of proposal they should first go through the CATV Commission and then to the City Council. Ms. Benda stated as far as she knew Bloomington`s recommendation will be for a non-pro�it organization which would have a basis af funding through commitments from a number of sources for a definite period of time. Mr, Brennan recommended the City receive a copy of Bloomington's proposal so that the Commission members may have a look at it. This item was tabled until the Commission receives a copy of Bloomington�s proposal. i � • • v� � �� � � � 12 C CATV COMMISSTON MEETING, APRIL 7, 1976 PAGE 4 MEMO FROM MAXOR, DECEMBER l, 1975 - PUBLIC CIiANNEL UTILIZATION: The'Commission is looking at three different possibilities of locations to house the manitors: (1) General Television (2) City Hall (3) Library. General Television and the library seem to be the most logical places tohouse the equipment at this ti�me . Mr. Scott stated the cost of the equipment would be $7,000 -$8,000 for one channel. The Commission will ask to be put on the agenda of the school board District 14 and'the library bbard for discussions about their interest and how much they want to participate on a capital, standpoint. Ms. Hughes will write letters to the school boards of Districts 11, 13, 14, and 16, tiie li��ary board; and General Television in�regard to'this request. A copy of the Mayor's nemo will also be sent to each of these organizations. AOUSECL�ANING OI' CABLE ORDINANCE: Mr. Scott stated he had conie up with a couple of changes which he felt should be made in the Cable Ordinance. Cne of these was under Sectzon 405.001 - Definitioz�s - Number 6. He stated he �el.t the �aord ��serv�.ce'� should be defined. He suggested defining this as �'any cable television service received by a subscriber tezminal. - 2YIr. Scott added �Sr. Hedin had recommended a change in the franchise. In one port�.on of the �ranchise sect�ons are referred to which no �.onger exi,st. �h�s should be excluded from the ordinance. Mr. Scott stated also, under Section 405.05 - date of Payment to the City may be changed to match GTV's fiscal_year. The Commission decided to hold a special meeting in order to eoncentrate specificly on the housecleaning of the Cable Ordinance. DOCUM�NT FROM THE STATE - ANITA BENDA: � Ms. Benda explained a hearing is going to be conducted on a pro- blem which was raised by a cable,operator. The Commission required that the operators submit application forms May 1, 1974. She � added many of the forms received were totally incomplete. She stated in September a lawsuit was instituted by th.e Comm�,ssion to obtain information. �J �i Ms. Benda asked the Commission for comment on this matter. Mr. Scott stated he felt it was important that th� Commission respond as a group. This matter will be discussed at the next special meeting of the CATV Commission. T � .�, . I . �I 6 � i � � � � � � � � �I � � CATV GOMMISSION MEETII�G, APRIL 7, 1976 PAGE 5 ESTABLISH NEXT M�ETING DATE: The Commission will hold a special meeting on Monday, May 10, 1976 at which time they will take up the business of putting together input for the State on the matter discussed by Anita Benda, and for the housecleaning of the Cable Ordinance. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Kenneth Brennen, seconded by Barbara Hughes, that the Commission adjourn t�e meeting at 9:30 p.m. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,the motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submit�ed, Holly onsager � Recor ing Secretary 12 D 0 � ATTENTtON OF: CITY OF FRIDLEY r � -� 13 � Mr. Nasim Qureshi; City Manager 6431 University N. E. Minneapolis Minn. 55421 � • 612-560-3450 _ . I � � J � �ECT Contraet with new member of mutual aid group. DATE March 30, 1976 � � ', The City of Maple Grove has applied for membership � in the North Suburban AZutual Aid Association. An investigating committee from the Association checked out their Fire � Dept. and recommended ���ax that they be accepted as a member. It would be very rare that we would be called u�on to hel� them, as there are so many ofiher departments closer � by. I would not calling u�on them for h.elp, except perhaps in the case of a disaster, �such as a tornado. I recommend thut our council enter ir.to the Mutual Rid A�.-Pement l,tith them. After both agreement have been signed, I will file one in City Clerks file. I ') _ _ . � / S�NATURE t, />.>�' � � . J `,I _J f�- G � , [. .�f'� � �PLY: _ _ _ _ _ ! _ � _ _ _ � __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ � _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____ __ DATE SfGNATURE � • 4?tf'E.ic":€?'�S 6:(�asY — t���r;.E„� I���?`� 1�C35�� F{4�S . __ # � � ; �� � . � . . ` t S ; I � � 3 � t � • 4 I )at #d 7 , � � � 13 A AGREEMENT - NORTH SUBURBAN MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 19 by and between i�he following municipal corporations; Anoka, Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, Columbia Heights, Coon Rapids, Crystal, Elk River, Fridley, Golden Valley, New Hope, Osseo, Plymouth, Robbinsdale, Maple Grove an� St. Anthony, Minnesota. WHEREAS the said municipalities desire to make available to each other their respective fire-fighting equipment and personnel in the case of emergencies� and each of said municipalities has legal authority to send its fire-fighting equipment and pe�:s4.winel into other communities, NOW THEREFORE IT IS NUTUALLY AGREEI7 AS FOLLOWS: That in consideration of the mutual covenants, agreements and undertakings hereinafter set forth each of the parties hereto agrees to furnish tire fighting assistance ta any of the others when called upon by the fire chief or fire department officer in charge of any of the other parti.es hereto subject to the following conditions to wit: l. That road and weather canditions must be such that the fire run can be made with reasonable safety to men and equipment, and the decision of the fire chief or other fire department officer in charge, shall be final in such matters. 2. That in the event aIl of the fire apparatus and a1Z or most of the members of the fire department of any community so called upon for �ire assistance by one of the other parties hereto are in use in said community at the time the call comes in from the other party, or in the discretion of the fire chief or other fire department of£icers in charge may be needed in said community, the said community sha11 be held free and relieved from all liability to make said run or to respond to said call. PAGE 1 ' � ' �J � � � � � � � � � I �. � � 13 � 3. That in the event any apparatus and members of the fire department of any co�ununity engaged in fire fighting for the benefit of the party calling for assistance or in response to a cali from said party, shall be needed to fight fire or for any other purpose in its own community, that apparatus and the members of said fire department may and sha11 be recalled to its own community before completing the fire fighting for the other party and said assisting party shall be held free from any liabi].ity to continue fighting said fire. 4. If one or more fires occur within the limits of any of the above municipalities, or within the limits of any territory in which any of said municipaZities has contracted to furnish fire-fighting equipment and personnel, and the firefighting equipment or personnel of any of the municipalities executing this contract is, in the judg- ment of the chief of its tire department or in his absence his assistant or deputy in charge of its tire degartment, irisufficient to control ox� extinguish the fire or fires, an "emergency" shail exist for the purposes of this agreemento _ 5. If an emergency arises, any o� the persons who are entit7.ed by paragra�h 1 above to determine an emergency may call up�n the fire depar,�ment of one or more of the municipalities above named, `ahich are adjacent, far assistance. If alI the fire-fighting equipment and Fersonnel of any of saici municipalities is engaged in fighting fire, the chief or other commandin� officer of the fire depar�ment of any other such municipa�ity whose fire-fightang equipment is not engaged in fighting fir� shall send equipment and personriel to the empty fire station to be available for call if re- quired for any fire. It is the intention of the parties by this agreement to cooperate in the event of an emergency by making available necessary fire-fighting equipment and personnei from the nearest fire �., � � � � 13 C fire stations and during such an emergency to rearrange fire-fighting equipment of the parties so as to make the remaining equipment and persannel available for use in the event other fires shall occur anywhere throughout the territory of these municipalities. 6. Upon receipt of a call for assistance as set forth in. paragraph 5, the fire department of any of the parties hereto sha11 promptly dispatch at least one fire truck with the usual number of personnel to assist in_figYzting the fire which has caused the emergency or to render stand-by service as the case may be, provided that no fire cteparti<<ent of any of saic3 parties siiall be �bligate� to send its fire equipment or pers�nnel beyond its boundaries if to do so would Ieave such municipality without any fire equipment or personnel available caithin its limits for service at any fire which might subsequently arise within. in extreme emergencies, however, every effort will be made to redist•ribute fire-fighting equipment and personnel so as to make it available for any additional fires which might ari�e during the emergency. 7. The fire-fic�hting equipment and personnel of any fire department assisting the fire department of another municipality in an emergenc_y will immediat�ly upon arrival at the scene of the emergency b� under the command of the officer in charge �or the ' • . municipality witl�in whose boundaries the emergency is situated. I � I ' 8. No charge shall be made by any party for assistance rendered to another party under this agr�ement except; Each community answering a call for assistance from any other party hereto sha1Z be paid for the cost of all �ire extinguishing materials used in said call, the cost of fuel consumed by the fire apparatus, cost of the meals for firemen, and any other miscellaneous cost involved with said assistance. � Salaries excluded. � PAGE 3 � 13 D 9. Each of the parties will maintain insurance policies covering: � (a)Accidental death of tiremen in the minimum amount of $3,000 � .on the lif� of each.fireman who is a member of said party's fire departm�nt, the coverage of said policy extending to protect said firemen of said parties when engaged in the performance of duties � under this agreement outside the boundary of the party of whose III � fire department he is a member, and I . � (b) Damage or injury caused by negligent operation of its fire department vehicles to the extent of $5,000 property liability, and $25,000 personal injury liability, the coverage of such policies extendzng to accidents which may oceur while the said party's fire department is engaged in the performance of duties under this agreement outside of the boundaries of said party. 10. No party to this agreement nor any officer or employee of any party shall be liable to any other party or to any person on account of failure of any party to this agreement to furnish its fire-fighting equipment or personnel in response to a caZl for assistar.ce from any other municipality. 11. Whi1e each party in answering a call f�om some other party hereto shall attempt to furnish a reasonable number of firemen on each piece of equipment answering such call, the discretion of the fire chief or other fire department officer in charge of the equipm�ent and department oi said party sha11 be final as to the number of firemen that can be spared. 12. Tl�at in the event of fire calls from two or more communities or parties hereto, the first call shall have priority and the second call shall be anscaered as soon as possible, it being understood between alI the parties hereto that property within the limits of eacYt community shall have first call on the services of its own fire department. 13. No liability shall be incurred by a party who shall have summoned assistance under this agreement for damage to, or destruction of, fire-fighting equipment of a party rendering such assistance unless such dainage or destruction s�iall be caused by negligent or malicious conduct of any officer or employee of the party which has summoned such PAGE 4. , ± �� , � � assistance. 13 E ; 14.. Tha� the governing body of each party hereto will appoint � the Chief of the Fire Department of his community to serve as a member af, an association formed for the purpose of furthering the purposes oF this agreement and increasing the efficiency of the fire fighting services of these municipalities by exchange of information, standardization of equipment, education of personnel, perfection of methods of fire alarms throughout the territo?-y of these municipalities and such other ma�ters as will serve to mutually assist these municipalities in the prevention and extinguishment of fires. � 15. Any party hereto may withdraw from this agreement by thir'�y days' notice in writing to the others. � , ' � 16. A copy of this agreement will be posted at the fire departmerit headquarters of each party he�eto. Subject to all of the above conditions, each of the garties hereto agrees to make every reasonable effort to attend fires in any of the other communities mentioned herein when such assist�nce is requested as above provided. IN WITNESS WHEREOP the said municipalities have caused this agreement ta be signed in their respective corporate names by their � respective duly authorized afficers k�y authority of their respective � governing bociies as o� this day of 19 s C2TY OF ANOKA CTTY OF CRYSTAL VILLAGE OF NEW HOP ' , , i , BY Mayor By City, Manager CITY OF BROOI�LYN C�NTER BY Mayor By City Manager By Mayor By City Manager VILLAGE OF ELK RIVER BY Mayor By Villag� Clerk PAGE 5 By Mayor By Village Manager VILLAGE OF OSSEO BY Mayor By Village Clerk CITY OF BROOKLYN PARK �y_ - ----- Mayor By City Manager CITY OF COLUMBTA HEIGHTS By � Mayor By � City Manager CITY OF ROBBTNSDALE By Mayor By City Manager CITY OF ;>�. AI�?THONY BY Mayor BY City Manager � CITY OF FRIDLEY sy Mayor By City Manager 13 F VILLAGE OF PLYMOUTH By Mayor B� . Village Clerk-Adm. VILLAGE OF GOLDEN VALLEY By Mayor By City Manager CITY �F COON RAPIDS CITY OF NIAPLE GROVE By By Mayor Mayor By City Manag�r PAGE 6 0 By Cit�T rianager MEMO T0: Nasim h4. Qureshi, City Manager MEMO FROM: Richard N. Sobiech, Public Works Director DATE: April 15, 1976 SUBJECT: Acquisition of Easements; SS�SW #119, St. 1976-1 The folloiving easements are required zn order to proceed with the referenced, previously approved improvement.projects. The acquisition costs noted for each easernent are Uased on property vaZuations on file in the City of Fridley Assessing Department. Property Oeaner Easement Proiect Acquisition Cost A. Benedict � Street $ Utility SS�Si� #129 $ 769.b0 Janice Novak St. 1976-1 B. Michael � Pamela fiagen C. Daniel F� Longina Harvieux Street � Utility Drainage F� Utility St. 1976-1 SS�SW #119 SSF�Sl9 #119 294.66 277.78 D. Richard f� Drainage � Dolores Smallwood Utility SS�SW #119 420.00 The Public iti'orks Department is in possession of the executed quit claim deeds for the easements and is in a positzon ta record the documents at Anoka County. The above noted acquisition costs were included in the preliminary improvement costs presented �t the improvement hearings, therefore, it is rec{uested that the Council accept the easements and approve payment of the acquisition costs. &NS/jm Attach. � � . II �4 � � . . � ���� � ti�� � � :. � � �� � �.� �, , -� �l s � � l4 A � - " � �, „ + �}�"�':'• , � � � b � � ,� i, q � ^ � �:, --- - -- ` /} s , *: i,�, � , � i O U� �� . � �J�'� ( J� � ..� ;c .� ,�,,,°''� , ., . �' D J I � .) �F O p � t, \`, t% I e j. F .._ i o .....____ ..'.'-_ � V ��9�_r,' rt�,, "^'' L� � �� � l� q . o,. „ , , ' �� ��I T 'b { � .... �, �1 � ! � h . ,L �� .�'`r. � ... -- -- _ . S4*,y_ f ( �.- — ? _ ..ar :_ i1.d___ .I �.1? _,_ }.sz.S _��`� i,v' �_,i:,.� �:%:rev-�j==.- � -�..- 1-- � . ! 9... 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'' � ' � RESOLUTIOi'� �JO. 1976 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SIGP�ING APd AGREEP1ENT ESTAQLISHING �JORKING - CO;dDITIONS, WAGES AfdD HOURS FOR CERTAIN EPIPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY LOCAL N0. 49, AFL-CIO (PUBLIC WORKS AND PARKS) � 6JNEREAS, International Union of Operating Engineers Local No. 49, AFL-CIO, as bargaining representative for certain Public bJorks and Park employees of the City of Fridley, has presented to the Council of the City of Fridley various ' requests rel ati ng to tl�e working condi ti ons , wages and hours of employees of the Public l�lorks and Park Departments of the City of Fridley, and LdHEREAS, The Ciiy of Fridiey has presented various requests to the Union i relating to working conditions, wages and hours of employees of tne Public t�orks and Park Departrnents of the City of Fridley, and 1 LJHEREAS, Representatives of the Union and the City have met and negotiated regarding the requests of the Union and the City, and � LdHEREAS, Agreement has no�� been reached between representativES of the two parties on the proposed changes in the existing contract between the City and the Union. � � NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL��ED, By the City Counci 1 that the Mayor and the Ci ty f�lanager are hereby authori zed to execute the attac;ied Agreen�ent (Exhibit "A") relating to workinn conditions, wages and hours of em�loyees of the Ci iy of Fri dley Publ i c Works and Park Departmznts. PASSED AidD ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS � _ � , ATTEST: ' , LJ ' , � DAY OF CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRU�dSELL_ 1976. i�lAYOR - WILLIW°9 J. NEE 15 i � , � 15 A T0: FROM: CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMORANDUM � NASIM QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL MARVIN BRtJNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR./FIN. DIR. SUBJECT: CUNTRACT SETTING FQRTH 4�ORKING CONDITIONS, WAGES, AND HOURS FOR EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY LOCAL N0. 49 (PUBLTC WORKS AND P�1RKS} , DATE: APRIL �5, 1976 � The attached contract covers the calendar year 1976. The only changes in ' the 1976 contract over the 1975 contract are in areas negotiatcd on an area-wide basis. � �� �� � ' �� � � Our local unit did raise several items they sought to negotiate local1y. Hovaever, the agreement reached on an area-wide basis, provided that there were to be no local issues negotiated for the 1976 contract yea��. The 1976 contract provides for an hourly increase of 7.8/ for a heav,� equipment operator, and 8.4% for a light equipment operator�. The employees annual salary G�Jill increase by more tha►� this am�unt if theY v�ork the full 20g6 hours per year, versus a contract assu�nption of 2080 hours per year. The 1975 contract called for the City t� pay the employee`s health and hosp�ital insurance cost, and to con�ribute $15.00 per month towards dependent heaith and hospitalizati�n insurance. This same provision is in ef�"ect for the year 1976. However, because of the fact that heal�h insurance casts for the emplo�fee have increased from $23.69 p�r inonth in �975 to $31.94 per month in 1976, the City will be contributing $8.25 per m�nth more towards hospitalization insurance for each employee. The area-wide agreement called for four weeks vacation after fifteen years of service; hovaever, Fridley emp1oyees already had this p�"OV1S;on in their contract. Therefore, there will be no change in this area. There are no other changes in the contract that affect Fridley emp�oy�es. MCB:sh Attachment 1976 LRf3Utt HGKttMtIV I t3t I WtEN �• _ . � � :` INDEX � �.5 B ,. . '�1 ICLE I — PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT . . . .... . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 � . � ;�RTICLE II — RECOGNITIO�! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 �F�ICLE III — UrdION SECURITY . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . �. . . . . . . . 2 . A ICLE IV — EMPLOYER SECURIiY � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • 2 AR ICLE V — Et9PLQYER AUTHORITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 AE�ICLE VI — EP�1PLOYEE RIGHTS — GRIE1lA(�CE PROCEDURE . . . . . . • . .� • . . • • • 3 A ICLE UII — DEFIf�I7I0NS � . .. ,- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �' . . . F . . 6 �! ICLE VIII � SAVIidGS CL�USE . . . . . . . . o . . � . . •. . . . �, � . . . . • 8 A ICLE ��X — GdORK SCHEDUL.ES . e . . . . e o . . . . . . . � . . . .' . . . . . f; - � � . � � � . ARTICLE X — OVERTIC�tE . o , e . . . . . � . o . . . . . . . . � . .. . . . .. < .. 9 ., A�ICLE XI — CALL B�',CK o . � o . . o . . � . . . . . . . . . < < . . . . . . �'. g A ICLE XII -� LEGAL DEFET�,SE o . � � . � . e . . . • � � . . . . � . . ' . �. �. �0 . � . ' �d ARTI.CLE XIII — RIGH�' UF SUBCONTRACT e e o o e . . . . � . . . � . • • • • -� • A�ICLE XIV � QISPLINE . . . � . , o e . e . . . . . ' • . . . . . ._ . . . . . 10 A ICLE XV — SENTORITY . . .. . o � . . . . . . e . � . < < . . � � R. . . . • 10 A ICLE �VI -� PROBATIONARY PERIODS � e e o 0 0 � . e . . . . . � . . . � . . 10 A ICLE XVII — SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 , � . ARiICL� X1lIII — J06 PaSTIN� . . � . . . . � . . • . . . . . • � . . . . 11 ���'ICLE XIX — HOSPI7A1. t�SEDIC�L : . . . . . . . . . . . �' . . . -< < ..� . . . . . 12 �1 ICLE XX — NOLIDAYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . 12� � . � 13 AR7ICE.E XXI — VACA7IONS . . . . . . . . . o . . � . . . . . • . . . • • • • A�'ICLE� XKII — S7AND8Y PAY AND MINI�1UM CALL QAC�: FOR STANDQY EMPLOYEES .... 14 TCLE XXIII — Eb1PL0YEE EDUCATIO�! PROGRAP� . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . K LEAVE . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 15 CLE XXIV.— NORP1AL SIC. • I T •• • , , . I �ICLE XXV — INJURY ON JOB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: . . . . . 16 ARTTGLEXXVI — FUNERAL PAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . .� . . . . . . . . 17 �fICLE XXVII — JURY PAY AND :�ITNESS FEES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 TICLE XXUTII - P1ILIT/1RY IEAVE . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 • ,� . ' . � . '�. ^ . . i ' . � I ,' ' . . INDEX � �RTICLE XXIX - SALARY SCHEDULE FOR THE YEAR 1976 ... . . . . . . . • • • • • �$ �RTICLE XXX — �INCENTIVE PAY (LONGEVITY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . • �$ ARTICLE XXXI — UyIFOR�1S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 �1RTICLE XXXII — SEVER{��CE PAY . . . . . . . . . . • . • • • • • • • • • • • � 19 R7ICLE XXXIII — REPRESEP�TATIVE ON AREA WIDE NEGOTIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . 19 RTICLE XXXIV — 6dAIVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?_0 �RTICLE XXXV — DUR1IT:�N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 � . � , � ' i 1 i 1 1 �1 � . � 15 C • ,. : , . : �.: . . , : •. . .. . . :+i I. � .• � " ��, � . ,� : � �� �: : ' 15 D =• �: S � • • • . . � ' •. - . � . . � . • . •. � :� • . . . � , . . � .' . . ., � • . •. . • . . •. ,• • • ' • . '•• . . . � , . . , � . . . . . . ' . • . • • � • 1 ' '. � . . . � • . . . . ' �� � . . O A.GREEMENT � , . • . : : ... . �. . .. • . . �..F�B .lt . . . . • . , � � . I3ETiVF:EN . : � . . � � . . . � . . : . � . ' - . . :.' .. ' • � • � � � � � � � ". �AND � � . . .- . � � • � � � -. � I •INTE�tN11TI�NAL iTNT��1 OF OPZ:R.A.TZNG ENGZNEE�ZS . -- . .. • ' .: � • .. I,OCAI� NO; �9, .t�iFL-C10` � � � . . . . .� ' . . : -- � ._ � _ • : � , :. . : - ' : •�, - . . ,- . . . . , • . • "�' . . � . - ' . . 4 • , • . � . . . • .. _'.R � ICLE I PURPOS� tU�' AGREEM�NT . • - . . . . ' . . - . ' " - Thi�s agxeement is entexed ix�io beiween CZ7Y OF FRIDLEY , ' . " ,� � - . � � : �exeinafter called EA'IPLOYFR, and 1.�OCc'1.�. �TC)o 49: zniexnationa7� Unian af : '� � � - � :� : Opera.ting Engir�eers, herein.�fter callec� the i1i�TIC�Ne The inten.t ar,c� puxpose �- � this .AGREEIvIENT zs too . � ' � '. . . . . - . �..: . _ � . - .. l., l Establish certazn hours, wages and other conditioris af employr�ent; .: �' �, 2 Establish proceduxes for. the �°e��Iufion of aisputes concexning i.his" ._ -.' . A�R��ME1tiT'I"'S interpxetation �.ncl/or appliGa.t�on; '. �. '. .. _ . . ' _., ],..3 Specify the .full, and coxnplete unde�s�a.z�,�iinn af ihe par4i.es•, hrc3 . . ,. . _- 2. 4�'lace ir_ wrif�er4,forn�a the par�i.ess. agxeer;zent upan f;erm.s an� Gond'zti.ons � � � of emp�,oyment for f.he dur�.tic�n of f:k�.e �G���M�NT. ' � .• � .. . : .� . �7'he EMPLOYER and the UNaOIV, thraug��. thzs �3GREEI��NT, co�zL-inuc th�ir � � �Gedication to ilie highes� quality of ptiblic sea-�ri.ce. 7Both pariies recognize this � �'.EE=��IE�'� as a lecl�e of t-his d'edxcation . � . . ' , -_ - _ p 5 . . ��tTICLE ZI RECOGNII'ION . -.. • � � . :` . • .. . _ Thc FyIPJ�:Oi'ER recognizcs the UNIO�t as the e�clusive xepxesenta�iv� undex . - innesota Statutes, Sectian 179. 71, Subd. 3 zn an appropxiate bargainind tznit �.. �onsisting of the� follo�vii�U job classifical:ions: � . • � � . � � �ist of those non-supexvisory, non-confidezitial exnployees) . �.� � . �� � . • . . . . : ' Chief "lechanic • � ' � ' ' Sr. Se��rer, Sr. ��later, Sr. Park, Sr: Street (Neavy Eq�uipment O�eratar) - � ' � t4echanic ' , . . - . . . Operations & Maintnnance Soecialist (t•dater, Sew�r, Park, St,reet & Genera7) Ooerations &(laintenance i�tan (Light Eq:�ipr.�ent) (�Jater, Sewer, Park and Street) ' • Sanitation; tJater, Park, Street and�Equipment Maintenance Person� . � ._� . . • . . . . � . . ' _ ' �. _ . . . _. � ... . . . . _. .. _ .. '. _ ..._ . . . . �. _ . . . • • ' . � �. --� � r • •t, I •� � �. r TiCLE III �� ., . . ..2.. . . � . • .. . �. . . � . . . UNION 5ECUItZT Y z 15 E ��� , ���. . i �• In recognition of the UNION as the exclusive representatzve, the EMPJAYEFt . ' hall: � . ' � . . . - . , . �3. I Deduct each payroll period an amount suf�icient to provide f;he payment . rof dues established by Ehe UNION�from the wages of all em lo ees � . P Y authorizing in wxit-ing such deduction, and ' � ��. : , 3.2 Remit such cleduciion t� the appropri.ate d�sign.at�d offi.cer. af the UNION. �- 3: 3 The UNION may* dewignate certain employ'ces from Lhe baroaining uni.t to �• 2ct .as stewaxds and-shall,, in£oz raz Lhe ���'7_.,O YE�t in writ;.ng of such chaicea 3. 4 The UIVION agxee� fQ i�.demnify �,nd Izold 'he EMT?I.OYEI.� ha.ri�zless .agai.r�si: � any and aII c].aims,, suitsy orders, o� judgnzents bxought:ox issued againsL•. � . the city as a result o£ any ac�ipn iaker� or no� �aken by �h� cx�y undex� �he , , � .: . � pxovisions o� ihis Ar�.ciee � ' � _ _ . � . • . � : _ ARTICLE z�G'' EMPLOYE�'t SECUFtITY � . . . ' � � . . - � . . : . • � - � 4. I The UNION agxees tha� durin t�xe life f t•i . '� "." `'• . �- � g o h s A,GR�EMLN� a!: vTiil iiot � cause, encourade, paxticipaie ia� or suppoxt an}r st�ikes slaw �da��vn � - i , oiher interruption of or interfer. enGe with the z�orxnal fui7ctions ai �he � . , EM.�'LO YER e � � ' • � . . • � - '•, 4. 2.Any empl.ayce �vho enbaae: ix� a. stx�ike �-ra�.y have hi.s (hea°) a. ointnien� .. �� - � texmina.�ed by fhe EMPLO�'ER �.£�ective thc cla�e L•he �rzol.aL-i.on first aceu�;s. - � Such �errninatican shall. be eff�GtAv� upot�. �,vri.t�em nati,cc: sexved upon the _ . emplo}�ee. � . .. .. � 4, 3 An employee �vha is absen� fror�x any portion of his wox�k assignrzzenf� wiihout • p�rxnission,� or who absfains w�olly or in par� from the full.per�oxmance � of his duiies without permisszon frnxrz hzs (hex) EMI'LC7Y�R on �he da�e or dates �vhen a strike occurs is prixna facie �resumed to have en�agecl in a 1 ' stril:e on such date or da�es. � ' • : : . • 4, 4,A.ii employee �vho kno�vinbly► strilces and� �vl�ose emplayrsient has been .�'• ' _ terminated for such action may, subsequent io such violation, be appointed ox �•�appainted or employed or rc-employed, buE fihe employee shali be � on probation for t�vo� years �vith xespect to such civil service sfatus, tenure of employment, ox contxact of employment, as he (shc), xnay have theretofore ' bcen cntiticd. ' ' • • : � . � � 0 • � • . . . , .. ' � : • � ' . . • • 'I • �� ti:, ,„� � . � . , `• . - ; � .,,��F...I �. 5 No cmpZoyce shall be entit�ed to any dai�y pay, wa�es ar per dieix� , , for the days on �vhicn he (she) enga�ed in a sErikc. . . , AItTICLr V EMPLOYER AUTHORITY . , , � . . . I� 5. 1 The E�'IPLOY�R xctains the full ancl unxesiricted xight i:o operate ar�c1 � � . , manage all manpo�vc:r, facilitzes, and. equipment; �o esiablish functiions ��. and pro�rams; to se� and am�nd'budgefs; to detcrmine the utilizatio�a o� technolo�y; fo es�abl.ish and modify the organization�l sixuc�-ure; io select,- ' �' direct and deierrnirie the number of personnel; to esiabii.s?� �vork schedules, and to perform any in.�erent managexi.al �unction nat s�ecifi.call,y ].znni.tec� � . . , by fhis AGR�E�IEI�T� . � : . • � � . . . 5. 2 Any term and.conditi�z� of em.��l�ymen.� not speciiically estaUlzs?:�ed ar ,� ' modiiieci by fhis A.GR,E��ENT shall ren�.ai.n solely wi:i�hi.n. {:he. di�cx°eti,�r_ of the EI�IPLOYEIZ to modify, esEabli.sh, or elimi.r,ate, � AI:�'ICLE VI ENPLOYLE RzGH'X S- C�R7�VANCE• �RpCEDtt�F� . • . ' b. � DEFIti'ITZON OF A GRiEVANC� . - . . � � � � � � �' , �. i � � 0 �� ., ., • A grievance is defzx�ed �zs a dispuf:e ox disa�reexr7ent as i:o. ihe zt��expx�et�.tion ox appl.i.ca�ion of th� s�ecif"ic ferx3� s and condi�ions a� iliis .t�.GHELMEiJT. . 6. 2 UNION F EPRESENTATIVES . . -' � . The EMPL�YEI'� �vill reco�nize xep�esen��atives desigr,ated by 'che .UNION as tlie gxie�ance repxesenf:a.ti.v-es o� the i�argaini.n� un.it liaving the �'uties � '. and r�sppnai.biliiies est�zt�lish�c� �ay this ..,�..rtzcs.e� .7'he �CiS�YIOI�I sha.l.1. noti.£y . ' fhe �I�PLO `I"ER in w xiting of �h � nam.e s o� such LTNIO N r e�r e s en�a�zve s a.n c� � of their successnxs whei� so desz�na�ed. �� � " � � . b. 3 �'ROCESS7tiTG O�' A. GRZEV'l��TCE � . . . �.. . -� � . . � �t is recognized and accepted by the �UNION a�d i:he EIv�PLOY�� i:h.at �he � � �,. processing of ;xi.evances as hereina�'tex provided is limif:c�d by ihe job� • duties and responszbilities of the FIvIPLOYEES ancl sha1T there�'oxe be � accompl.ished during narmal working hours only ���hen co��sisten� z��ith sucla . E1v1PLOYEE du�ies and respoiisibilities. The abgrieved EMPLQYE7� and the U�TION REPRLSL;�ITATIVE s�iall be allo�ved a reasoan�tble am.QUnt o£ � �- � • . time �<<:thout loss in pay �vhen a�xievance is in�-esti�ai:ed and presentcd �o ' the E1,TPLOYER during norml� �vorl:inb hou.rs pxovic�cd the EIvIPLOYE� _ , arad thc UNION REPI'.ESENTATIV� have nohified and reccived the approval ; of thc cl�s:bnatccl supervisor wlio has detcrmincd thzt sucli absencc is rcasoi�ablc and �voulcl not bc dcirimcntal to tlie �vork pro�xa�ns of tlic �r2PLOYER.� , , � ' • � � . � . '' ' . • a � �_ . . . . , � • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • � '. .' , • • � • . '.. . 6. � �'ROCEDURE . � . . • . .. . . . . 15 � ,, Grievances, as defined by Section b. 1, shall be resolved i.n con_ . '. � .. . , • formance with the following procedure: . • , , ' . . . : . , �' St, e'p�1, An EMPL�OYEE cl,aimin� a vioJ�ation concerning the ' • , interpretation ox application of th.is 11GR�EM�N'T shall, wiihin .�� � �wen�y-one (2I) calendar days afEer such alleoed vi.olation has '• • �- � � � . - . • occurred, present such �rievance to the EMPLOYEE'S : , • �. � I�', . supervisor as designated by the �Mk'LOYERe The �zvIPLOYER • - . • , desi. nat�d re' r�seniai:i.ve will dis s. �� � p cu s and give an ans�vex to such - • S�ep 1� gxievance within fen (10) calei�dar days after xeceip�, �. ' . �- � gxievance nat xesolved in Ste 1 and a ealed to Ste 2 shal b" . ��. P. �P P � � . �� . placed in wx°i�i.r�g settin� forfih, the z�ature of ihe���i.eva.nce, Lhe . �...� ' _. _ f.acts on whi�h i� is�based, the provision or provisions of the •. ._ ;�•AG�Z�EMEIVT a.Lleged�y violaied, and the xexnedy xequesi:ed anc3.� � � �- '� •. �hall be a�pealed to St�p 2 wi.tihin ter� (�0) caiEndax da s afier �he _� � .- . Y �EM.�?LOYER designated xe�resentati,ve's fi.nal answez: ir� Step �.. �. - " I, : Any grievaric:e Yzo� a�p�aled in wri�ing to Step 2 by Lhe UNION wi.i:hin . : • � tetz (1Q) c�,Zend.ar days� shall be considered waived. _ '- �-. Step 2. If appealec�, the taxitten grievanGe sha}.1 }�e pxeseni:ec� by. ." -.. � �he UNI4N and dis�ti�s�d �ith th.e E�,��'LOYER desi;nat•ed Si:ep ?. � • '. • � �'epx�.sen.�ativ�o Th� �M:�L�QXER de�ignaied repx�esentatzve . , _ � - shall gi.ve th� �TIVICJN �he EMPLOY��Z'S S�ep 2 answe� �.n wxiL•itig . ..- .. � wiL�7in ien (10} calezac3�x day_s after xeceipt af s�xch S�ep �� �xzevance. � : �- . A�xi�vance not xesolved in Step 2 rrzay be appealed tio Step 3 within " .• '_ . �en (10) ca].endaa� days �ollawing the �MPLOYER designa�ed � � . . :re,presentati��r�'s �inal Sie� 2 anstve�. Any grievance no�.appeal.ed �� . � iri `vxzting to 54:ep 3 b}* the UNXON �vithin Yen (10) ca�endar days ,• � . shal� kie consic�ered waived, _ � � . . ' � � ' � ,� �S�ep• 3• . x£ appealed, i:he �vri.tten grie�ranc�e shall be �pxesented by . . � _�_ � the UI�'ION and discussed with the EIvIPLOYEI: desi�nated Step 3. ' ' IIv , x�:pzcsenfative. The EM�'LOXEP designated representative shall . � give tlie UNZO� the EMPLOi'ER'S answer in �vrxtin� �vithin ten (10) i� . _ ��. . calendar days after z-eceipt of such Step 3 grievance. A grievance . nol resolved iii SLcp 3 may be appealed to Step 4�;�ithin ten� (10) , . , ca�endar days follo�vi»g t��c EMPLOYER dcsignited represcntative's .fin11 ans�vcr in Stcp 3. ,t1,ny gxicvancc not appcalcd in �vritiii� to . . �' � Sle� 4 by thc UNION �V1��1111 tcn (�O) C;1�CI1CIIll• days shall bc consicicrcd - W�'i1VCC�. • • . . :• . , • ;' • . � . • � �` ' � � ' 5' � �~. ' . � , • : � ' : . . �� � . . : . . . ,. � � � . .� 5 H . . i . . . ,�. � St_ ep �. A gri:evance unresol.ved in Step 3 and appealcd in Step . � . • . 4 shall be submitted tn arbitratian sub'ect to the rovisions o£ ••• , . . J P ,' �• �he �'ub].ic Empl.oyinen� Labor Rel.a�ions Act:af 197J.. �'he se�ection �' ' bf an arbitrator shall be made in accoxdance �vith the "Rules � - . . GoverninU the Arbitration of Crievances" as established by the � Pubiic �mployinen� Relations Board. � . • � � � � ' �6. 5..A.RBZT��tATOR'S �1rITHORZTY • . ' • • � " . . . . .. . �� , :A. The arbztrator shall h,ave no right to amend, xnodi.�f , null.if. . _ Y Y� . - .; ignore, add L-o, ox subtraci from the terrr�s and co.ndi.�ions �� � - �. • of �his AGREE��NT. x'h.e arbi.tra�ox° shal�, consider �.nd. � � . - . �' decide only tne_specific issue(s� subzx�ii�ed in wri.ting Uy the. � �. _ � �'�. EMPL�Y�.P anc3 th� i7i��:UN�, ai�.d sh�.�,l ha-ve na �.uihoxi�y t� ' � �. . � � make a decision on any� o�hex iss-�e no� so submi��ed: � � . •• . �3.. Thu axUitxaiox sha�.l. bE �=rxthata,� po�ve� �cs �ak�e decisions � � ." : - • . ". �. ; coniraxy- ta, O�' 7T1CO27.�1S��i1'� wi�h, or xn.odifying or varying . • _�. = ., . � : i.n.an� ��ay f.hc a�pli��:�ion c�f laws, xules, o� xegu].ati.ons . : � . : • , ��vin� i:he �oxce and ef.�e;c� of law, �'k�e axbii:rafox's de- • . � " - _ � • . �. cisipn shal.l. be �submitt��I iiz wxitina �,vithin �hi�tiy (3C?� days , � . - � .: following close of the hear3z�g or the subznissian of briefs ��._ � � bY �Iae paxties, whiGhev�� be I.ater, unles � the pa�fies agr. ee. .' �. . � - - � �o an ex�ensin�z. 'I'he c�eciszpn skial� Ue bin.dind ox7. botl; the _� � E�viPLCQXE}� and �he UNICa1�,T �nd sha.l� be based sol.ely on ' � � � - - . �he arbiixator s i.n�ernre�atiazi or applicatzoz� o:E ihe e�press �• � , ' . �erms �of this .AGREEME�T and ia th� fac�s af ihe gxieva.nce . . . • • . pxesented.. . . : C. The fees and e�.-�erzses �or the axbitxa�ox's services.and � � � 1• ' pxoceedings shall be borne e, uall b the EMPLOYE � �• ' �. Y Y R � and the UNI4N provided that each paz•ty sha11 be respon- . �. • - I "'. .si�ile�for compensatin� its own represenfa�iyes and �vitnesses � . . � Xt eithex parEy desires a verbatirxz xecord of the pxoceedings; �� � it ma'y cause such a xecoxc� to be macle, providi.nU it a►s �or ' • . . . P ) the xecord. If both parta.es desire a verbatim recoxd of the • � � . , , pxoceedinos thc cost shall lie sha�.•ed equally. . � � • � , . , . � , � � .. . .. • � ' � ' . • . . . . . . . � ' .. , ' • .. � . ' - . , . . . '� , • • . . . • , . . • , . , , r �. • � . • • . • � � " . r . 6. G tivnrvrR „ , 1� �I . Yf a gxievancc is not resented witliin the timc lim' ' p xts s et for tn . � . • � ' +� �i ' ' � ' abovc it shal� be co si . n d d ex . e waived Y£ a ri v . e c ance is n t . .S o . , appcaled io. the next step within the specified time limi.t or any ' � agreed extension thercof, it shal.l be considGreci settled on tihe , .' basxs of fihe LMPLOI'ER'S las� ans�,vex. If the ]ENiPLOYER does .�, ' , n o t a n s v�� e r a g r i e vG n c e o r. a n a e a l t lier�a f wi t hin L he s e�i i'i c t � � PP � e _ • , time Ximits, �the Ui\ION may elect ta trea� th:e �xievance as denied ., � at �liat step and i.mixiediateay' a�p�a1 the griev-dnce �a t:he ne�:t ste ..•� , . . P . �. ?'iie time �imit in eacIx step rn�y be ex�en�ed� �b� xx�.ut.ual. agxeement • ' � df fha �M.�LQY1:R and �he U,IIQ�1� - . . . . � " _' • • • � b. ? CHC�ICE OF R EitiJT�DY�. � . -. '��. �. � � . . ' � •, � . . • � • ' q . • . - - ' • - . . . • . . . Tf, as a result c5f the �iti:en ENf�']:..0'XER r�spans� in Step 3, . -- . . � . ' r . _ . • . ' the grievancc r�:ma.ins unresolved, and if �he gxie�ance invaJtves. . . �• :-. the suspensinn., d�ra�otGic�n, ox c�is�haxge �� an ernpiayee.who � � . " � - .• has cornp�.e�ed f12e g�ec�t�.ired probationary� g�ex�ac�R ��h�e gxieva-nce .� . ,. .. ma}r be appealec� ei`�ia.er to Step 4�f 13R�'IC�� ��� or. a. pxoGec3ure -�-�. , � suc�. as: �ivi.l Sercr�cea �'E:teian's Prefexencep ax �Z`ai.x �xr�- . ' � . . .� . p�oyment, If appea3.ed to an�'procedure oihe� t�an S�en��€ o� -, _ -. . . A�t,TxCLE V'Jl {:Iie grzevance is x�oi 5ubje�� �c� �1:�G arbit�dtior� - • ' . � �.• procedur� as gxovxcled in 5�-ep �# of �1.��"I�L� V"T.. T1-i� aggxi.��ed ' ..' .. - . employee shal� inc�icaf.e, in tivriting �rhicl�. px��ec�ure is �a� be -- .. . r. ' � uti�;ized __ SteP 4 m� .t'�t'TICLE VI o�r �nog�a.�� a,�pea�. Proeeduxe -- �, . '. � • .' and �'��11 s%�n a. sta4�mex�ti io ihe e�'fec� fh�.t �he �l�oice of anY � ' '._ . � � , other kieari�n ; pxec�udes the tQOri.c�red exn.p�c��-�e �rarn ma2:inU. . . � . . a subsequer�t appcal i�iraugh S�e� � of .A.�Z'���L� ��.. • .' ,• .A�TICLE VII D�7�'i�Ii'Z'IOi\'S e � '. .. . . ; . ,■ . ?. 1 UNIUI�I: The Xntexnational Union of �pexati.�; Engir�eers, -- � - ' ,' .Local \o. 49, .A,�'L-CIO . . • � . . �. , . • . . ?. 2 EMPI.,O'�'ER: Tlie individua? municipality� designated by tlii,s � _ � ' AGF.EEM�NT. � ' . : ?. 3 UNION ME2vi�3ER: �1, member of the Iniexnationa�. Univn of ,i � . 4per�;tiztg En�inccrs� Local Na. 49. � . • . '• ?. ��IviIPLO�'I:.�; A mcanbcr oi ihe exclusivcly xecognized bargaining . � ,t�nit. , . • ' , ,?. 5�.�1�SL� FAY I'.A.'.C�: '�hc em lo r.c's houri z '• . xafic escl�ts�ti . . P Y YP Y � �� c�f 7un�cviEy or any oilicr speci�l �ll�wancas. . : . ?: G SI:NlC�1:I'I'Y; Lcn�;tti of COitl'ih11011s scrvicc ���iUr tha �ASI'I.Q1'�It. . ' . , '.'' ' ` " -�.. 1... . �.. . ' � . . . � 7.7 CO�IPENSATORY TIt�1E: 7ime off the employee's regularly schedule work schedule.equal in time to overtime worked. ' m n ade to an em lo ee u on honorable� 7.8 SEVERANCE PAY: Pay e t m p y p , , termination of employment. ; . � . I 7.9 OVERTIME: L�ork performed at the express authoriza�ion of , the EMPLOYER in excess of either eight (8) hours within a twenty-four (24) hour period (except for shift changes) or � � � � - more than �forty (40). ho�!rs wi thi n a seven (7) day peri od .� . �7.iU CAIL BACK: Returr� of an empioyee to a specified worfc s7t� � to perform assigned dut�ies at the express author��ation of � � . r . . ` � d hift � An . h th 15 J .� the- Et�PLOYER at a�7me ot ��° an an assi�r�e s . � -� extension ofi or early repo�� fi.� an assigned sh�ft is nai: a ca11 back. � - �7.11 S7RI}:E: Concerted ac't-��t� in fai�ing to report for duty, the � willi�ul absence frcm one's pasi�yons the stoppag� of tivork, � sl owdo��rn 9 ar abs �i n�nce i i� �rh�l � or° � n parfi i roni tt�� ful l s� rfaithful and prop�r peri'ormance of t�h� duties of employment far the purposes of inducing, inf3uenGing or c�ercino a : ' �r� en ati or� ar �he ri h�s 5 . � change �n thE cond�t�ons or co p s � _ '. pri-vileges or�obligations o� emplayment. �: 7.12 S7AI�DaY PAY: Compensatzon for standing by.at the C-ity's request, � • or being available for work on days that are normally considered .� the employee's day off. . : . � . . . ,, ' . , ' . ' ' • . . �' . . : � ' �� . . : � . . ,�• . '� • . C� ��� �... � � � . . ,. ' AR7ICLE VIII SAVINGS CLAUSE . . � • �, 7his AGREEC�Er�r is subject �o the la��rs of the Un�ted State�, the � ate of Minnesota, and the signed municipality. In the event any � ovision of this AGREEPIEI�T shall be held to be contrary to law by a �urt of competent jurisdiction from ��rhose final judc�n�ent o�~ ciecree no appeal has been taken within the time provided, such provision shall i, voided. All other provision, of t�is AGREEC�l�N1' shall cantir�u� in • �11 force and �ffec�. The ��eided provis�on may be '."°CI�C,�Q�l1t?C� at . the request of either partya � � �TICLE IX . 1rtORi: SCHEDULES � � . . 9.1 The sole authority in work schedules is t�h� EP�IP�.O1'�R. The � . . .� normai wori: day for ar� emploS��� shall t�� eig�� (8} hoctr�s. _� �� The norma7 work week'shall be forty (40) hours Monday �hraugh Friday. . . � . . � 9.2 Service tc the public may require the es�l.ablishmer� 6i re�ul�r � �� shifts for some Emp�oyees on a ciaily, weekly, �easonal, or . � - annual basis other �han �h� normal 8:00-��:30 day. The F1YiPL0YER ., � wi l i gi ve advance not� ce ta the� em�7 oyees affec�ed by f=f�e es�ab7ishmer�t�af work days different from �he em�laye�'s narma1 � . ei ht (8) hour work day. � ' � . 9 ., � • . I� 9.3 In the event that work is required because of unusual circumstances such�as (but not limited to) fire, floodj sno�v, sleet, or breakdown I � � ' �of municipal equipment or facilities, no advance notice need be � given. Tt i,s not required that an employee working,other than the '. , ' • � normal ►�lork�day be scheduled to work more than eight (8) hours; �, however, each employee has an Qbligation to work overtime or call backs if r�equested unless unusual circimstances prevent him from '' so trorking. � . , . 15 K �� . .. .' , ygy ` . . . �' . , .. � � � �- . .. . � 15 L . g.4 Service to the public may require the establishment of . _I I' '� re ular work weeks that schedule r�rork on Saturda s and/or ..� g Y . . � . . _ � � ', ' Sundays. . � �. .� � � . :��� AR1'ICLE X OVERTIME PAY � � '10.1 }{ours worked in excess of eight (8) hours within a � , . twenty-faur (2�) ho�r period (except for sh�ft changes) � � i . _ . or more than forty (40) I�ours within a seven (7} day period � _ .� wi 11 be compensated for at one and one�half (1 2) time� � � the emplayee`s regular base pay ra.te, � � 0.2 Overtime will be dis�ribu�:ed as equally as pract�icable. ..� ,10.3 � Overtime refuse� by err�pl oyees �ai ]7 �or° record � pua°poses �. .. .. � - under ARTICLE 10e2 be considered as unpaici overiime worl:ed. . �� �'#�;.4 For the �purpose o� computing ovcrtime compensation, ' � -_ ' . overtime hours �a�ork�d shall not b� pyramided, compound�ds : ;- or paid �wice for the same hours workede � � �TICLE aI CALL BACY. �. � � - - At� emp�oye� calle� �n for work at a t�m� othcr �han his normal � -� . �heduled shift wili be com ensated �ar a rnin�mum of �wo (2} hours � � -- s p �y a� one and one�half (12) times the employee's base pay rate. �• �extension or early'report to a regularly schedu1ed shift for duty.. :� � es not qualify the er�ployee for the two (2) hour minimum, nor does a �� � fll back to work if less than one (1) hour has elapsed since the. � �� •.- . employee's work period ended. �� � , ' . . � � � • , , ' . . .. ' , • � . � � . •. �. . • • .. r ... � �. . , , . � • , • � ` . •r , . , I � � • � • • ' • ' , , ' � . « : . • . � ,, . , .......,..,_.,..._.... ..._.._.,..._..,., �,,,, . . . . � � - . .-� , . • 5 f � , •�� . • .. , • �Y wlo.� . � , � • � . • • •ti . ��c � xzr ' , � . . . . . � . 15 P� AIZ�'Z � L�G.I�L l��Z'ENS� . . . �2.1 Employees involvcd in liEibation be.cause of neglibcnce, � , � � . . •• ' �, •� . � i,gnorance af lativs, non-observance of laws, or as a �• . ' . .. . . � �� . � 'xesu]� ot employee juc�grriental dcczszon may not xecezve � ' � � ' , - • ' 1e�a1 defense by fhc rr�utlicipality. ' � ' � �. � •� � � : . , . : . ' , 1'2. 2Any employee wha i.s charged �vii:h a traf.fic violation, : . ' .� ', . <" • ' . oxdiT�ance violation or criminal otfense arisir.g froxn � .. � " : .. . � .• . , . , � � • • ac�s performed �vitnin the scope o.£ his emp].oyment, � • : . � ; � .� . _ •�' , when such act is per£ornned in good fai.th and undex direc� _� � �• �• , ord�x- of his sLper.visor, shall bc reirxzbursed fo� r easonabze _ -.�-� ,. ' , � • aitoxrieyts fees ai�d court costs actizai.ly� incur�xecl by su�h • � ' � ' - . . �� : ' empl.ayee in defend'u�g against such chaxge. � . � . � . - - .�':ARTiGLE XIIT �TG�i.0 4�` SU�3COI�rTRr�.CT. . . . � .� ..� . -. � -; - � � , � .. �� � Nothi.ng in this A.GREEME�,r'I' shall pz°ohzbit ar xestrict the _: . ' .- - # �rz�ht o� the Ei1riPLQYE�2 �x�m su��on�z�act3.ng wc�k pexfox�xxa�d Uy . � ".. -. . _ � . � emp�oye�s cover�d by thzs A��`tEEiME�IT. . . , , . . -. �AR tiCL� .�V DS�C�'i�.�;�' � � . , -� • . - .. ,�, T�he EMPLC�Y�k� w:i}3, dis�i�?.inM erri�layees anly for jus� . � �.. _ ' 'Cause. . � . .. • .� • � ' •• . � .� � �. . _.. • .. , . , .. ' � A.�'T�C.L��xV �SEN�OP,�:'�`X - ., • . . I�, Seaiioxi��t ��ill be th� �e�exx�irair�g cri�erxc�� �ox �ransfexs,.�. � " . "� _ - pxomo�ians and Ia� a�fs, 0�3.;� �vl3�r� aii oth�r c�.ua7.ification �ac�ars ..� - _ � _. �a�e equal,� � - ' - .. . , . : , . � - : - . . . -- � A.�2TICLE XVI P:�.Rt�F.t�7`7QI�.A�Z�' �'.�RIC7DS . . � � - • _ _ .- ' • • r . - ,:_ lb. � A�} ne�vZ� hired or x ehirPd �xripJ.pyee� will serve a six��bj � .� - �� . • � . 'rinonflAS' probationaz y° j�Exiod, � • . : . ; � • ' . � : 1b.Z .A11 employees �vill serv� a �i:c (6) moi.ths' pxobatzpnary �. i�- .: �' . , • . _ _ . •, pexaocl in any job classification ix� �vhich �he em,p�ayee � . � � -. � � ' has not served a �aobationary pexiod. : .� � _� . ' ; .. . • . . . - . �;6, 3�.� an� time duxing the proU�tzonary period a ne�v].y •. .�• , .� ' .• hired ar xeliixed em�loyee r�nay be texmin.a.ted at the : �: . . , • so�c discretioii of Ehe �MPLOYER. . • '. . ' - '• � •' : � 1, �G.4 l�.t any time durinU the probationary pexiod a promoted � .' � ° . ox a•cassi�r�ccl em �lo �cc ma be d � d 1 � y cmotcd ox r�assxo.r_ed _ _ , . • . � • to the emi>loyce's previous position�at the sole discreEion � '• � .,, • � of the �MPi.OYI:F. • . . • , , ' , � . , • ' ' ` � ' • . • , . •' , • ' • . � • . ' �, . � .• � . . z . , � . . . , . . . - • •. . � `-.• ' . . ,.r ��:� -il �' � . ' . . �—A TICLE XVII� SAFETY � � • � I -The Et�PLOYER and the UNIOy agree to jointly promote -. �. fe and healthful working conditians, to cooperate in safety ' - . . � � � m�tters and to encourage employees to work in a safe manner. ''� /,TICLE XVIII JOQ POSTIP�G . � 18.1 The Ef�PLOYER and the Union agree that permanent job � 1 va�ancies �aithin�the des;gnated bar aining unit shall be 9 �' . filled based on .the concept of promoti�n �rom within �. ' � provided that applicants: � 18.11 have the necessary qualific�a�ions to meet . �� ' . standar�is of the job vacancy9 and . . .• . . ]8.12 have the abi��ty to per-Form the duties and ' b'�' ' _ f h ' h - � : : 15 P! . � .y .� respons� i�t�es o t e� �o vacai�cy. - 18.2 Empioyees fi�ling a higher job class based on the provisions � : , of this ARTICLE shall be sub'ect to �he canditions of . J ' ARTICLE XI�I (PROBATIOidARY PERIODS) � . , 78.3 Tt�e Et;PLUYER has� the right of �i nal dec7 si oi� i n the .5�1 ec�i �n . � �� o� em loyees to fili osted jobs based an qualificatians, �� P P � abilities �»d experience. _ • . . i8.4 Job vacanci es ti•�i thi n tt�e desi gnated bargai ni ng uni t wi 11 be . ��, pos�ed for five (5) working days so that members oi' the • '� � bargaining unit can be considered -For such vacancies. �� �18.5 Present ualified members of the bar aining unit will not b� excluded g g .'�� from consideration for the position of Foreman. Forempm will�not be � -zovered by the same job posting and hiring practices as coniained in � I�''• • the master co,ntract. The City reserves the right to hire the best qual�fied person for the position, whether the employee under consideration � � � ' is a present Gity employee or not. ' • �'•. � ' . . ; •. , , , , . t ' . . I � i �� � 1. -�2- .� ARTICl.E XIX HOSPITAL-MEDICAL � �9.1 Ti�e City �Ari11 pay for employee's I�e11th and Hospital Insurance and the � employee pays for dependent coverac�e, except as no�:ed belo�,r. The City also prov�des life insurance equal to annual salary 4aith a maximum of , $10,000 for �;he employee. The Ci�.y also provides. addit-ional /1D&D insurance equal to salary, with a maxium of �10,000 i'or the employee. �9.2 The EP�PLOYER wi 11 pay fi fteen ( i5) dollars �er month torrards the cost of 15 0 � dependent hospi tal-niedi cal coverac�e. - . i9.3 A repr�se��ta�ive frolr� th� employe� grau� sh��l� be �ii�clu:fed o�� a corrn��ii;tee � ''� t�rhich ma�:es recommenda.tions on the con�er�l: a� spe�ific�tions for any neti�r � � po7icy. Sucl� recon;mer�dat�ons are subject; to CounciT approva7. � TICLE XX HJLIDAYS � � „. � 20.1 Hol i days far°- tl��c year 1 �76 w i� 1 be �.� fo11 o�;s a - ' Nol idays 111G� tlC�� NC4�t Year's Uay, January 1; lJash�i n�ta�� `s an� Li nco� n' S � Bi rthday, the thi i�d P�londay i n f=ebt�uary; b1emori �1 Day, the l ast Monday � ' ' � ' . � �i � in t�lay; Indepei�dence Day, July 4= Labor Day, th� firsi. P�londay in September; Chri stop}}er Col u�r�bus Day, the s�cond Monday i n Oc�ahc�r; �I-eterans Day, I�ovember� 11 ; 1'hanksyiving Day, ti�e fiou��th Thursday in November; ar�d Christmas Day, December 25;. provideci; when NetA� Year's Day, January 1; or Independence Qay, July 4; a�° Veterans Day, November 11; or CI�r3stmas Day, Rece,nber 25; �falls on Sunday .the fo17o4•aing � . day shall be a holiday, and provided, when (Ve�v Year's Day, January l;.or Lndependence Day,July 4; or Veterans Day, November 11; or Christmas Uay, December 25; falls on Sai:urday, the preceding day sh�ill be'a holiday. If aclditional holidays are granted by the City Council by ordinance,,the employees covered by this resolution alill receive the benefit of such addi�ional holiday. , � , .. . :. -..�,,,,.,-.,� ' , , C � �- . . ..� ., , . (.' . � • 15 P ' 2p. 2� Flol i days for the year 197fi wi 11 be set forth i n Secti on 20.1 abave, pl us one I� additional holiday to be determir�ed by the City Council for a.total of ten (10) i � holidays. • � , � . � TICLE XX,I VACATIONS • . 1.1 Each em�loyee of the City who has tArorE;ed continuously for the I• City for a period of not less than six (6� successive months . i s enti tl ed to a vacati on a4•ray from en�pl oy�nent . ��i th pay. � ' �� Vacation pay shall b� comp«ted�at the regular rateof.pay to vrhich . . such employee is entitled, An employEe who has worked a minimum � � of t��rel ve (12 } months �i s enti t1 ed to one (1) ���orkday of vacati on � .�,� .for ea.ch manth so worked. An emp7a,yee who has worked eighty-four . - ' - (�4) consecutive months is entii:led to one and one-half (12) � ��orkdays of vacati or� for eacli month worked begi nni ng ���i th the ' eighty-fift� (85th) month of consecufi.�ive employm°��t. An cmployee � t�rho has worked one huncfred eighty �180) succ�ssive montns is � enti tl ed to or�e and t4�ro-thi rds (1 ?_/3 ) i�orkdays o � vacati on for � each monih �vorFcd begi nni r�g ���i th the one f�undred ei ghty4fi rst ( i81 st) � � month of consecuti ve empl oyment. Ev.cept ��Jhere othervri se provi dcd ', by agr.eement. bet��reen the City Manager and Eniployee, no more than . twenty (20) ciays vacation may be taken in any one calendar year. �21.2 Employees are not authorized to car�°,y over from one year to the � tnext more 1;han five (5) days of vacation over ���hat the e;npl.oyee � had at the end of th�e previous-year, without express approval of '� ' .his Department I��ead and the City Manager. : � � 21.3 In the event a regular full time employee quits or his employment ' ' is severed for any reason ��rha�tsoever, he shall receive his earned I ' vacatian pay. 21.�4 Seniority will apply on vacafiions up to P4ay lst of each year. ' Aftcr hlay lst, vacations wili be on a first come, firsi: served basis. , 0 I }.; . •. �, . i4- , l_. , � . . . � � . . ' . . . 7ICf.E XXZI STA��QBY PAY AND MINIMUM CALl. BACK FOR STAND$Y Et�1PL0YEES � . .. . 2.1 Employees who are designated by the City Mar.ager to serve •�� in a"standby" status on behalf of the City on a Saturday or Sunday or other holiday of the City to per�orm «ork as may �� be necessary to the public interest on such day will receive as compensaiion for such service as "standby" two hours of � � � . . overtime pay for each day served in such status. If on any ,� . such day the employee in "standby" shall actual�ly perform �vork f or the City, he shall be enti-tled to compensa�ar far each � hour or por�iori thereof ac�ually w�rked at �he overtime rai:e � of pay, which sha11 be in additior� to the t���o hours standby pay. �. 22,2 An empioye� who is on standby9 and is cal1ed out to perfiorm ■ work, sha11 be paid a minim�m of on� (1� �our over��ime for � � �� 15Q � perform� ng sucrj t�lori� o . . ' • . : 11RTICl_E XXIII Ei��PLOYEE EDUCATION PRG�RAi�� . � ,23. l� The Ci ty wi 11 pay tu� t� on cc�s�s for �r�ai rs1 ny ca�rses rel avent ta the emplo,yee`s pr�sEnt er anticipa�ed car��r responsit�ilit-ies. � � at City apprc�ved �nsiitiat�arts. Th� �2�� �v�11 }�ay �iy��y i>ercen�; af . � the cost of i:uition in advanc� and the ejnp1aye� ari11 pay �h� other ' ' fifty percen�, The enployee will be req�a�r�d to present to Fiis � . � . Department Head a certif i cat�i an of sati si'actory work �rrhen the .� course is campleted. , - •• , .. 23.ii Courses issuing a letter-grade - a"C" or abave is required. !. 23.12 Courses issuing a numerical grade -- a"70" percentile is required. ' � ' � , 23.13 Courses not issuin a rade - a certification f�om the � . 9 9 ,� instruc�or certifying th�t the student has satisfactorily participated in the activities of the courses is required. ; � • . , • ' I ' . � _ \, r � S I � ' ' 23.2 If the employe�e satisfactorily completes the course, he will be �,: reimbursed for the additional fifty percent tui�:ion. The City � � will not reimburse the employee for f ees which are charged for �� instruction, associated administrative expen5e, books, student � l membersh�p, studeni health coverage and ather charges for which . the student receives some item or service. • . �23.3 The Gity ��i11 not reimburse the employee for expenses reimbursed . under some�other education system or programs i.e., G.I. Bi11. � . � . � . .. � 7ICLE XXIV NORMRL SICK LEAVE . ,2�.i �iny employec wh� �s unable to wo�}: because of s�ckness �r 3njury : � ..may obtain sick leave upo.n notice to the Gity. Writ�en vei~ification � of his condiiion by a competent niedical authurity may be required. � Where the condition of the employee is such tha1; he �s unable to ac� for hims�lf, �he UNION m.ay apply for such leave of absence in his ,� � behalfe Failure to notify the City subjec�s the employ�E to �� appropriate discipline by the Ci�y� .'. 24.2 Each employee of the City E��ho has w�c�rked reg«7ar�y for the C�ty #ar� � a period of no� less �han six (G) s�ecessive months is enti�ied to � si��k 1 eav� ativay from empl oyment v�i th pay. Si ck 1 eave pay sha� 1 be � computed at the regular rate of pay to which such employee is entitled. An emnloyee wlio has ti•rorked a minimum of six {6} months is entitlecf � - � to one (1) day of sick leave for each month �rorked, cumulative to I,. � one hundred ttiventy (120) days of sic{: leave. After one hundred � i �� • � , �� ttventy (120)��earned and unused days of sick leave have accumulated,' , one (1) day additional vacation shall be granted�to an employee for every tihree;(3) sick leave days earned and unused. The employee may elect,�af ter ninety (90) earned and unused days of sick leave have .�ccumulated, to receive one (1) day additional vacation for every � � . . l5 ►� � �� � � ,.• . . • . . . � . , . . . , . . - • . . . '� thrce.(3}.sick leave days earned and unused. Sick ieave days sha11 not �. . I5 S � accumulate beyond one hundred twenty (120�. Before any sick leave . �� '�, compensation is paid, the City may request a.nd is ent�tled �o . �. : recei've f rom any employee who has been absent more ihan three �_ �. ' . . _ (3) days in succession, a certifica�e signed by a cos;�etent � , physician or other medical attendant certifying to tt�e fact �. �: that the absence was in fact due to sickness and not otherwise. ' 1 . � eserves the ri ht to have an examinai�on made - The City also r g � at any time o� any person claiming absence by reason of�sickness; ' ' � such examination may be mad� ���hen the Ci�y dee►��s the same reasonably ' necessary to vcrify the sickness claimed and may be.r��de in behalf . •�• 'of �he City any any competen� person designaLed by �3�e City. Sick. - . leave is to be used narmally for° i.h� s�ckness of the �mploye� only, : � however, two sick da�s per° year� may be used for the ��7lowing � . . � specified uses: (1) Serious illness o� the spouse. (2) S�r�ous � • � • ' � . , . � . il�ness af child. The special �se daJ�s cannot b� ac�umulated �. from one yea�� to the next and i��he�� ar� no�: used, ��iey are i nc1 uded -�--_ in tl�e norr�al s�ck leave accumuls�ion. .. �TICLE XX� � IP�JU�Y ON JOS � � . v � Any fu11 time C1ty employe� who has been employed by the ��ty at least ' : six (G) manths, injured on his regular job, shall be enti�led to full pay • � to a period of nine�ty (90) days tivhile h� is absent f rom w�rk by reason � such injury and his accrued sick leave wiil not be charge� until af ter � . � � � • . b . and beginning with the n�nety-f�rst (9ist) day of absence frum work y .. �ason of such injury�, provided; ho��rever, the amount ofi any compensation sha11 � .� ' reduced by any payment received by the injured employee from workmen's . maensation insurance. An employee who claims an absence from work due to '�tt injury sustained��on his reyular job is subject to an examicnation to be made � ■ . in behalf of the City by a person competent to perform the same and as is designated �y the Ci ty. • . •. . ,.» � , � . � , . , • � � _17_ • . . ; � . .. . . . .� • . • . � . • . . � � � � .. . � l5T . A�'ICLE XXVI FUNERAL PAY � � • . .: . ' In case of �death occurring. �n.the immediate'family of an employee, such . � .� em lo ee ma be excused from work for u to three days with additional a p Y Y P . ._ .�� .t�ne off granted by the City Manager if additional time is needed. This �� time off shall not subject the employee to loss of pay. For this purpose, .. �bers of the immediate.fanily of th� employee are considered to be the � ���o'rJirtg: spouse, child (natural or adopted), parent, grandparents.brother � � ' � � � � . . � � � .. �• sister; mother-in-law or f ather-in-lawa . � . . F�i'ICLE XXVII vURY PAY Ai�C 1dITNESS FEES � .:.. � �An employee who has been duly summoned f or aury duty in any cour�. or .t�Pio has be�n dul summoned as a witness in any proceeding, shail �be excused . . - Y ��m tivork for the purpose Qf complyi ng vri th such surr,mons, and whi 1 e absent from ��rflrk i n accordanc� therel�i �h 9 such em��l oyee shal 7 be enti tl,ed t:a rec�ive � pay a sum of maney equal to,�the d�fference bet�v�en E��hat he received as .. 1mpensaton for such jury duty o��° witness fees, and his regu?ar pay. . .. ARTICLE XXVIII MILITI�,RY LERII� - . _, Any employee absen� fron work in accardunce with the order of a ciuly .. ':._ tablished military authority sha17 receive pay and compensation �uring • ch absence as �s provided by State Laa�. . � � � . . ' . . . � � .. . .. � � , . � ' � . ' _ � � � . .�� - � R • '� ' . • i. .. � � . � � . . . �� � . � �-.. �: . . �� �� :� � .� � .� .� . =;i � ' . ' . . . • . • � � : � . � . : �: . .. . � • . . � . ' • • � � � -18- � ARTICLE XXIX SALARY SCHEDULE FOR 1976� The following schedule of salaries shall represent the 6ase �, salary, .exclusive of all supplerr�ntal pay, for employees under this contract for the duration of the contract. The salary for 1976 shall � be paid retroactively to January 1, 1976. Chief Mechanic Heavy Equiprr�nt Operator (Sr. Sewer, lAlater, Park and Street) Mechanic Specialist (Set�er, Water, Park, Street & General ) Light Equipment (Sewer, Water, Park., Street & Opr. & �1aintenance Man) Sanitation, lJater, Park, Street and Equipn�ent Maintenance Pe rson 1976 BASE SALARY Nourly Hour]y 6 A9onth Base Pay . Tri al Pe ri od $6.833 $6.510 $6.625 $6.625 $6.406 $6:192 $5.875 $6.521 $6 . 423 $6.302 $5.904 $5.644 � . , ; ,A ICLE XXX INCENTIVE PAY (LOi�GEVITY) _ � ' : . Incentive Pay tvi 11 be paid over and above the base rate of pay. for ,� employees permanently hired prior to P4ai°ch 31, 1973 according to the � following schedule: • � • ' ' • After 5 ears of service - 2'-v of base salar r�unded - y z Y � to the neai-est dollar amount � 1. After��10 years of service - 50 of base sa�lary rounded to . • • � � the nearest dollar amount . � � After 15 years of service - 7'Zq of base salary rounded � �� � to the nearest dqllar amount � .' ' ' . i� . . �. . .., . �� ^ � � r C, -19-. �pR2 The City of Fr.idley has agreed to pay incentive pay to emplo��ees �...� hired prior to March 3i, 1973 in recognition of their prior ��ervice � and contribution to the City of Fridley. Neither the City nor the � tJnian wi11 at.tempt to take away longevity or incentive pay for those persons hired prior to March 31, 1973, in future contr��cts. �� The amount of incentive pay far eligible ernployees will be , negotiated for the affectecf employees. . � • � � �. �1ftTTCLE XXXI � UNIFORP�IS � � . � ' , The City of �ridley wi 11 furnish t�nii'or-ms to employees o� t1�e bar��aiy�ing � �t free of ci�arg� to the employee. T,he City reserves th� r�ighi to select the type of�unifarm to be furnishGd. The City will agree ta furnish rain l5 V • f . 1 t.. � �uipment and special safety ec�u�pment far a1l employees. - TiCLE XXXII SEVERANCE PAY . � . � . '. _ 32.1 Empl oyees permanently ��i r,ed pri or° ta P�tarch 3Z s 1973 are el �gi b1 e 1 for severance pay, accordirig f:o the f�llc���ing sche�ule: � 32. i 1 "An empi Uyce w�i t�E forty-ei r�ht: (48) . ar� ma►�e cor�sec�t�i Ne marrif�s �. � . of employment will r�ceive sev�ra��G� pay in cash base� on ane and one-half (12) days for each t�•�e1ve (1Z} cansecu��ve months � - ' worked, but not to exceed tf�irty (30) day� of same." ''32.2 Employees hired after i�arch 3� 4 1973 ��ti�i 11 not be ei igi ble -(ar severat�ce pay. 7he City'recognizes its priar commitment ta employees permanently ��. fii red ri or to� hlarch 31, 1973. t�ei ther the Gi ty nor the UN]:Ot� wi � 1 � p . '�� atfie►rpt to reduce severance pay for those eligible employees in futu�e � contracts. ' �' �TICLE XXXIII REPRESEP�TATIVE ON AREA WIDE (�EGOTIATIONS . , • �� If the UNION chaoses to use one of the personnel from the Fridle,/ work force as a representative on the area wide bargaining uni�: for more than one year � three, Local No. 49 will pay the salary of such employee for the second year, r• � .� • �". � � ,. �` _2O- . � . • . . . . ,.. . , r � � , . ,fo the�time spent on area wide negotiations. The purpose is to spread the 15 ��� 'co of such representation among the several communities involved in joint . • . • . . . I�n tiations. •� � ' � ' A . . � . . . � . • • � • . . . . . . . • � . I'�R zcL� xXxlv � w,�vrR. � : - . � � � 1 .Any and all pri.or aUrcements, xesolutions; practices , , ' • � �. � �� • pol'zcies, rules arzd reUulations regardi.ng term.s and _ : � ' I.� Condiii.ons o� ernP7.oyxnent, to the ex.�ent inconsist;ent ' wi.th the provi.sions of this• t1GF EEIvIFN'�, are hereby ' : � '.� ' . - . supexcededo. ' � ' .. � . . - � � - � . • .2 ThP par�ies nnutu.�.11y acknawledge tha� durirzg the nee .. ._. ' . j ' goLia�zons whxch resu�ted in t-his AGREi?���NT, each � � . . ,.: . .� - � - , , . .had �l�.e unlixnii:ed righ� anci flT'Portun.i.iy �o maJ:c.� cies . • . .. • � . ., ' . mands and proposals �vi�h respect to any term ar . � . .. . � - . . _ - . � con�i�zor, of exnplQ}�nen� not rem.oved �y �.aw {rorx�. . . , .. � - , � baxgain.in�. AZl ag�°eements aricl undersi;�r_d"zngs � �� � . �. . - � - a ,, � • ��ar�i..ved at by the pax�,i.es axe set foxth an �vr.itinb i.n, . :.' •� �his AG�'�EEI�1F1� l �o�' �:he stip�xTated d�r�tior. a� ihis �' . � � � AGF�LME\T,. '.��:e EMPLOY�F. ai�c'i the UNSON each . � . - . _ _ . •" . _ . • � • '�oluniaxi.ly and unquali_fiedly ���aives the x�bht ta . : . - � - . � ' . �• xileci and ne�oti�.ie re;a.:t°c�zn� any anc� aIJ. texms anc� • . .� . � '.� - • � � eon�Titz�zls af em��oymeni refe�-�ed i-o or cpvexed : : � •� . . . �� . � . - . .. � � � � ' �- � . � • i.n thzs .A.GREFN1.E.i�IT ox wit�� .�r,specL' to any texrn . . , ox conc�iLian af exi��?Zoyment xzc,t specxfical�.y.�eferrec3 , • � � � " _. � . .. �"�� ."-. � � ca�exed b fi.lixs.AGk�EEMENT, even thau�l�. such �exrn:s �' - � � � . , . �o or y . . . � . . �� ox conc�i�:ioxis. nnay no� have been �vitl�in.ihe kno�vl.eclge - . . • . ... . - ox contez�i lation of either or botl�i parfiies at f:he iime t'h.is � �. ��, . P . . . contract �vas negot-iated or caecuted. . . . . . � . . _ . • , • • . . . � .�. � • . ' • . .. . . '. - � ,' •' ' • -- �' ' � • . . • � : •• . . �. . : : ,:� . . • . .. . • . , . , . • . .. . . . �. . . " ' : • � . . . . . . . . . � ' • , . . � . . , , . • . '. . . �� . ' • • � • .' . ' . ' ;` � • ' • � • • • •• � '• . ,. , • , � ,� . • • , .. - . , . . � - � � • �2��r . ' 15 X II �f�Ti CLE XXXV , DURATI ON This AGREE��IENT shall be effective as of January 1, 1976 and shall remain 7n ful] �,orce and effect until Oecember 31, 197b. �n witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEP�ENT c�n this day of � �OR (NAME OF EMPLOYER) ITY f�1ANAGER - NASI1�1 I�. URESHI Q ' AYOR - WILLIAP�I J. NEE �OR INTERNATIONAL UNION OF OPERATING ENGINEERS, LOCAL N0. 49 — � ;:� <---, �\�� �--T��.� ,.�� - USINESS /�GENT - JAhiES E. BOEI�iER _�-� r . � TEWARD - DONALD C. C(�RRI GAN � TE;�ARD - CHESTER C. SIdANSON � . , 1976. '�recommend to the City P�anager and Council that the City of Fridley enter into the bove AGREEh1ENT for the year 1976. � - �i RESOLUTION N0. - 1976 A RESOLUTION REGARDING THE ISSUANCE OF INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSES 1dHEREAS, The Minnesota Statutes have been amended to permit the City of Fridley to issue certain additional intoxicating liquor licenses to hotels and restaurants ; and WHEREAS, The City Council has announced that it would receive app1ications for new licenses; and ��JHEREAS, The City has received an application by �lohn G. Purmort for and on behalf of House of Lords; and WHEREAS, h1r. Purmort has presented to the Council certain prelim- inary sketches of the plot plan and interior layout of the ��uilding to be constructed; and WHEREAS, The City Council is favorably disposed tc► reserving one of the available licenses for said applicant; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEU, By the City Council that subject , to the applicant meeting all requirements of Minnesota S��at�ites, Fridley Ordinances, and Codes as they exist, and subject to any ar�er�dn�ents that may be adopted prior to the time of actual issuance of said licens.es, and subject to the applicant presenting to the City detailed pla�ns and specifica- � tions for the constr°ucti on of sai d restaurant, whi ch pl ans a.nd speci fi ca�tions must be approved by the City adr�inistration, appropriate boa:rds and com�nissions of the City and tne City Council, the City Counc:il shall reserve � an intoxicatin� liquor license for said John G. Purmort for a period of one year from tP�� date of thi s resol uti on . PASSED AidU ADOPTED [3Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF 0 ATTEST : CITY CLERK - P�ARVIN C. BRUNSELL , 1976. MAYOR - WILLIAM J. NEE l6 ' 1 ' , , T0: � FROf�: CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMORANDUM NASIM M. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, ANQ CITY COUNCIL MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST, CI7Y MGR./FIN. DIR. � SUBJECT: RESOLUTION REGARDING THE ISSUANCE OF INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICEPdSE (JOHN G. PURMORT) IDATE: APRTL 14, 1976 The attached resolution has been prepared along lines of previous ' resolutions on this same subject. The resoltuion would have the affect of reserving for one year an Intoxicating Liquor License for John G. Pu rmort. All of the necessary application forms have been completed and fees have been �aid. It is my understanding that the Police Department has completed their investigation of Mr. Purmort and have no basis for recommending against the issuance of a liquor license to him. Mr, I?u7°r�ort brought in the personal data sheet for Mr. Santwire late (April 14, 1976). 1"he police can now finish their investigation. If no unforseen problems arise with this last portion of the investigation, the Police Department will recornmend approval of the license. The pl ans presented to the Ci ty show the proposed bui dli ng woul d meet all the requiren�ents of the Liquor Licensing Ordinance. The matter of building specifications, etc., o� course, w�ill be brought before the City Council through normal channels as with any other commercial building. MCB:sh , l6 � �1 CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMORANDUM T0: NASIM M. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUN(;IL FROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR./FIN. DIR. SUBJECT: RENEWAL OF LIQUOR LICENSE - SHOREWOOD INN DATE: APRIL 13, 1976 In a letter dated April 8, 1976, Lee Sudit, C.P.A., for the Shorewood Inn has certified that food sales totaled 51.E�% of the total revenue for the Shorewood Inn for the year 1975. A copy of the letter f rom Lee Sudit, C.P.A.> is available for inspection should the Gouncil or aryone else be interested. MCB:sh ' � • ► CITY OF FRI DLEY MEMORANDUM T0: NASIM M. QURESHI, CITY ��IANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM:� P�ARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR./FIN. DIR. SUBJECT: RENEWAL OF LIQUOR LICENSE - SANDEE'S RESTAURANT DATE: AF;cIL 13, 1976 In a letter dated Apri 1 30, 1975, Hoffman & Hoffman, Certi fied Publ i c Accountants , for Sandee's Restaurant has certi fied that food sales at Sandee's Restaurant totaled 72.7% of the tatal sales for the operation. A copy of the letter f rom Hoffman & Hoffman, C.P:A, is available for inspection should �he Council or anyone else be interested. M�B:sh . r � � CITY OF FRI DLEY MEMOR�AN DUM T0: NASIM M. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: MARIIIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY MG.R./FIN. DIR. SUBJECT: RENEWAL OF LIQUOR LICENSE - GROUND ROUND RESTAURWVT DATE: APRIL 13, 1976 In a letter dated March 10, 1976, Norbert K. Carey, C.P.A., for the Ground Round Restaurant has certified that food sales for the Ground Round operation for the year 1975 represented 55% of total sales. This is in conformance with the ordinance. , A copy of the 1 etter from Norbert K. Carey , C. P�. A. , i s avai 1 abl e for inspection shou7d the Council or anyone else be interested. f�iCB : sh GITY OF FRIDLEY MEMORANDUM T0: NASIM M. QURESNI, CTTY MAPdAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY P9GR./FIN. DIR. SUBJECT: RENEWAL OF LIQUOR LICENSE - GEORGE'S LOUNGE & RESTAURANT DATE: APRIL 13, 19%6 In a letter dated Apri1 4, 1976, Edward H. Peters, Certified Public Accountant, has stated that for the year 1975, liquor sales represented 62.53% of the total sales for George's Lounge and Restaurant. Food Sales represented 37.47% of the total sales. Secti on 603.01 , Subd. 5�f the Ci ty Code currently requi res 40% of 1iquor sales to be food and no more than 60% for liquor. A copy of the letter from Edward H. Peters, Certified Public Accountant, is available for inspection should the Council or anyone else be interested. MCB : s h 18 C • � CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMORANDllM T0: NASIM M. QURESHI, GITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: MARVIN C. B RUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR./FIN. DIR. SUBJECT: JUNK YARD LICENSE - JOHN HAYES " DATE: APRIL 13, 1976 Please see the attached letter f rom Darrel Clark, Community Development Administrator, regarding the proposed issuance of a Junk Yark License to John Hayes. Darrel Clark has recammended approval of this license. However, he is recommending approval subject to certain stipulations as outlined �in his letter of April 1. MSB:sh Attaehments AYi'LTCAT70N F�P. Ji;�!1; �rIRTJ L7CtNSL" ,�. � _.__._. _____y. . . c�,t:s �:;� r-�n,�.�c.e.�.� 6431 i!►�tivc�Jt�-i.i:� Avc�j2ut� FJ� 55432 New: X Re►.ewa.�: �a�e: 3-2�-7E Nar,�; a� �lpp.�i.can.t: �ohn I-layes --� ��-ttb�erty�-tr�et-ti . . Harne fidcf�c,��: Fridley, P1Pd. (/ '��-� �7 �� Phv►te Nurnbvi.. `� � �, � �� � fT _� �v��h 11��,�� ,�- G��?/� --�—�- �u�tirie��s Na,ne • �j ��/ ���J ��rs�� Cz �: ��.,;� �-�-2e..n���-,-� �" t3u,�.�.�ze�.3 t�cfd�.e�h �_.-,�= �t.�i..i�cl�.� ;'it_a}�e �Jumbe,�: 0 ,. �f �� �� 18� �' , r / S�� x 1�� S-i.ze aj�d .Cega,� de�c�u���o►i v� .�v�:j ^ �f ,� 5 ;� ;� 7 ,� ,� � ��i'�- 3 �-.- ___ � . � -�-- � ------� —t---t- � ��,.�,� r,,.�>�� �_�=.. y �.. � Js Jcl�? a3�a� 3�l�> .�.�3�.C'�i�_ �i�-x i�y - . �'�„ . �'` . F'� 17�ZfvS� ?=�E: $ 100.00 A! L LTC�=PdS�S �X�1R�: APR1L 3C, 19�. �/, ..�,e-�,�1t� � G�)��� �� � ��. .4f�:..�,. Gl� � ��/�� - ' � � `��.T----- �.g} :� .u�t e o ���pi��',cca�� �rr�tt,f' rrrr�,r��^�` nvrn,l'r}hn�': �.�_./_C?� . vC') t�.�e�z:�e # Rec�,i.r�.� �� ��p ; y���:�.'..c v 2� C��. f: _ �2nR-- n'r-p'...w� (�.( � 7C �Si . �.fi(� . IL5 jJLC :CrJ(, , - �• - (1 .' (.0 :�Cl � C,CI,� �Ll',,C' ' .U%t. %�CC%1.F1[iP2CC # 2`1 MEMO T0: City Council ��-MEMO FROM: Darrel Clark, Community Development Administrator �MEMO DATE: April 1, 1976 RE: John Nayes Junk Yard License Mr. Hayes has several junk vehic1es parked or stored on lands that he does not ovrn. We also know that Mr. Hayes has run this __:.operation prior to the City's present Codes. The operation has no screening fence around its perimeter as per City Code, Section 205.13, 3, (A;8). *Since the yard is a legal non-conforming use, the City probably cannot deny t�is license. However, we do recommend that its granting incluue tllt f0� 104�J11?C� si:ipulations: 1. That the opei�ation be confined to lands that he owns or has lega1 use of within 90 days of grantiny said license. 2. That the area being lec�ally used is surrounded by an 8 foot screening fence prior to granting him a license next year. (Fence must be permanent and be construeted of a material approved by the City, redwood, cedar, or chain link with slats, etc.) * This has been discussed with the CiLy Att�orney. CC: Virgil Herrick . Ci ty I�Ianag er I�4r. John Hayes Public I+lorks Dept. , .. ' , ' i , ' : � 1� F � .J ' PAGE 1 of 4 18G LIST OF�LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THE MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1976 ' _ .. TYPE OF LICCNSE: BY: APPROVED BY: � FEE: I • � CARNIVAL Midwest Rides Inc. James A. Wahat James Hill $ 25.00 + Bond ;� 7800 Knoll St. Public Safety Director Gold Eagle Amuse. Lawrence W. Magel James Hill , 7825 Cambridge St. Public Safety Director 225.00 ,CIGARETTE Hudsan Oil Company 73i5 Highway 65 � Little D's Pizza 248 Mississippi ' Metro 500 Inc. 5701 University Ave. ,Standard Oil 5311 University IDRIVE IN THCATER ,100 Twin Drive Tn . 5600 Central Avenue �GUN CLUB FMC Corporation 48t�i and Marshall St. ' � ,JUNK YARD . W.J. Hayes Wrecking � 136 Liberty St. i ' ON SALE LIQUOR George is in Frid1ey ' ' 3720 East River Rd. Ground Round ' �(Howard Johnson) 5277 Central Avenue Sandee's Inc. � 6490 Central Avenue Kock Marketing Tony Zimbelimr� 7heisen Vending Thomas Theisen R.D. Johnson D.K. Carter Co. Gerry Herringer H. Randolph James Hill Public Safety Director Jar�es Hi 11 Public Safety Director James Hill Public Safety Director James Hill Public Safety Director James Hill Public Safety Director James Hill Public Safety Director W.J. Hayes James Hill eublic Safety Director Darrel Clark , Building Inspector George Nieklow Walter W. Curcio Wm. F. Weiss James Hill Public Safety Direc�Cor James Hi 11 . Public Safety Director James Hill Pub1ic Safety Director 12.00 12.00 12.00 IF � � 300.00 3.00 100.00 4,500.Q0 4,500.00 4,500.00 , � PAGE 2 of 4 18. H LIST OF LICENSE TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THE MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1976 (CONT.) ITYPE OF LICENSE: BY: APPROVED BY: FEE: � ON SALE LIQUbR CONT. Shorewood Inn, Inc. 6161 Central Avenue ' ' SUNDAY LIQUOR George is in Fridley 3720 E. River Rd. 'Ground Round (Howard Johnson) 5277 Central Avenue - ' Sandee's Inc. 6490 Central Avenue Shorewood Inn, Inc. 6161 Central Avenue � SERVICE STATION Beyer's Texaco 1 6071 University Holiday Service 5807 University �� 'Metro 500 Inc. S701 University � Phillips 66 6500 University i , Phillips 66 5667 University , Riverside Car Wash I 6520 E. River Rd. ' Steiger and Gertzen ' 6519 Central Avenue William A. Nicklow George Nicklow Walter W. Curcio Wm. F. Weiss William A. Nicklow M. Beyer Nancy L. Patten R.D. Johnson K.E. Waterbury K.E. Waterbury Robert H. Schlecti E.W. Gertzen James Hill Public Safety Director James Hill Public Safety Director James Hi11 Public Safety Director J�^es Ni11 Public Safety Director James Hill Public Safety Director Darrel Clark Building Inspector Robert Aldrich,Fire Insp. Darre� Clark Building Inspector Robert A�drich Fire Inspector Darrel Clark Building Inspector Robert Aldrich Fire Inspector Darrel Clark Building Inspector Roberi Aldrich Fire Inspector Darrel Clark Building Inspector Robert Aldrich Fire Inspector Darrel Clark Building Inspector Robert Aldrich ' Fire Inspector Darrel Clark Building Inspector Robert Aldrich Fire Inspector 4,500.00 200.00 200.00 P�iI��iI� 200.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30. 00 K 1 11 PAGE 3 of 4 18 j � LIST -0 F LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THE MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1976 (CONT.) i I' � TYPE OF LICENSE: ' SERVICE STATiON CONT. Swing's Spurette ' 6485 E. River Rd. , ', 'Tire City 5333 University , Tire City 8255 E. River Td. ' � Western Station 7600 University � SOLICITOR ' Bud Teslow 7932 Fairchild Ave. r.The Unification Church 3200 17 Ave. So. , LIQUOR DISPENSING Albrecht, Linda � 4044 Fremont Ave. N. Auberger, Roberta � 4705 Xenia Ave. N. Bailey, Maralee � 2700 Hilldale Ave. Berstrom, Bruce A, 1800 Park � ' Bourdow, Linda K. 5820 E. River Rd. ' Coliannis, Ardith A. 6540 E. River Rd. ' Furst, Glemens 0. 3519 Thomas Ave. N. ' : John Swingdorf M. Wedell M. Wedell J.L. Kauppela Bud Teslow David Balise Georges Georges Georges Georges Georges Georges Georges APPROVED BY: Darrel Clark Building Inspector Robert Aldrich Fire Inspector Darrel Clark Building Inspector Robert Aldrich Fire Inspector Darrel Clark Bu�lding Inspector Robert Aldrich Fire Inspector Darrel Clark Building Inspector Robert Aldrich Fire Inspector James Hill Pubiic Safety Girector James Hill Public Safety Directar James Hill Public Safety Director James Hill Public Safety Director James Hill Public Safety Directo�^ • James Hill Public Safety Director James Hill Public Safety Director James Hill Public Safety Direc�or James Hill Public Safety Director FEE: 30.00 . 30.00 � t �, 30. 00 25.00 Non-Profit 5.00 5. 00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 . ' � PAGE 4 of 4 18 J � LIST OF LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THE MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1976 (CONT. TYPE OF LICENSE: BY: APPROVED BY: FEE: � LI�(UOR DISPENSING CONT. ' Hill, Idella M. Georges James Hill 5.00 � 1121 79th Avenue Public Safety Director Jessick, Dale E. Georges James Hill 5.00 � 113 Hartman Circle Public Safety Director Larson, Bruce E. Georges James Hill 5.00 � 305`Z Grimes Ave. N. Public Safety Director Nicklow, Anthony G. Georges James Hill 5.00 4234 46th Ave. N. Pubiic Safety Director � Nicklow, George D. Georges James Hi11 5.00 4644 Aldrich Ave. S. Public Safety Director � Pisansly, May L. Georges James Hill 5.00 410�i Madison St. Public Safety Director ' Carpenter, Debra J. Sandee's James Hill 5.00 6007 Second St. Public Safety Director !Carpenter,Kathryn J. Sandee's James Hill 5.00 6001 Second St. Public Safety Director . �Gaines, Patricia A. Sandee's James Hill 5.00 • 963 89th Ave. N.W. Public Safety Director �Howard, LouAnn D. Sandee's James Nill 5.00 4301 Beard N. Public Safety Director Jevne, Mary E. Sandee's James HiT1 5.00 � 13.14 153rd Lane Public Safety Director Lanigan, KatMleen A. Sandee's James Hill 5.00 t6511 Humboldt Ave. N. Public Safety Director Marr, Sharyn F. Sandee's James Hill . 5.00 � 55 116th Ave. N.E. Public Safety Director Oseth, Gary Sandee's ' James Hill 5.00 382 N. Cleveland Public Safety Director � Williams, Steven E. Sandee's James Hill 5.00 183 E. Little Canada Public Safety Director � � . ' 18 K LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THEIR REGULAR M�ETING OF APRIL 19, 1976 BLACKTOPPING APPROVED BY D. J. Krone & Sons Inc. 2020 - 117th Lane � Darrel Clark Blaine, Mn. 55434 By: Dennis J. Krone Com. Dev. Adm. ,'. RENEWAL Minnesota Roadways Co. 4620 West 77th Street Darrel Clark Minneapolis, Mn• 55435 By: Jack Mueller Com. Dev. Adm. RENEWAL Modern Roadways Company 1620 Wirinetka Avenue North Darrel Clark Minneapolis, Mn. 55427 By: Edgar R. Smith Com. Dev. Adm. RENEWAL Pioneer Blacktop Inc. � 7608 - 68th P_v� nu� D?orth s Dar.re2 Clark Brooklyn Park, Mn. 55428 By: Arthur Scherber Com. Dev. Adm. RENEWAL EXCAVATING . Jarson's Service Co. 9180 Xylite Street N.E. Darrel Clark Minneapolis, Mn. 55434 By: Lloyd M. Jarson Com. Dev. Adm. RENEWAL John A. Nelson Excavating Co. . 660 - 39th Avenue N.E. Darrel Clark Minrieapolis, Mn. 55421 By: John A. Nelson Com. Dev. Adm. RENEWAL Ted Renollett 927 Andover Boulevard N.E. Darrel Clark Anoka, Mn. 55303 By: Ted Renollett Com. Dev. Adm. RENEWAL GAS SERVICES Don`s Air Cond. Heating & Refriq. Inc. 4017 Central Avenue N.E. William Sandin Columbia Heights, Mn, 55421 By: Donald L. Dickison Plbg. & Htg. Insp. RENEWAL Kleve Heating & Air Cond. Inc. . 13075 Pioneer Trail William Sandin Eden P•rairie, Mn. 55343 By: Herber.t Kleve Plbg. & Htg. Insp. RENEWAL Minnesota Gas Company 733 Marquette Avenue William Sandin Minneapolis, Mn. 55402 By: Donald L. Brown Plbg. & Htg. Insp. RENEWAL St. Marie Sheet Metal Inc. 7940 Spring La.ke Road William Sandin Spring Lake Park, Mn. 55432 By: Louis St. Marie Plbg. & Htg. Insp. RENEWAL GENERAL CONTRACTOR Briar Homes, Inc. 8535 Central Avenue N.E. DarreZ Clark Blaine� Mn. 55434 By: Richard S. Carlson Com. Dev. Adm. . RENEWAL Licenses Continuecl . � Brickner Builders, Inc. 6245 Ben More Drive Fridley, Mn. 55432 . By: Thomas E. Brickner C & M Builders 4536 Jefferson Street N.E. Columbia Heights, Mn. 55421 By: Alvin B. Melcher Dailey Homes Inc. 8510 Central Avenue N.E. Spring Lake Park, Mn. 55432 By: Howard Thorson Domestic Development, Inc. 201 W. Burnsville Crosstown Burnsville, Mn. 55337 By: Frank Kleckner Darrel A. Farr Development Corp. 7286 - 72nd Lane North Brooklyn Park, Mn. 55428 By: James London Franzen Construction Company 4250 - 5th Street N.E. Columbia Heights, Mn. 55421 By: Robert Franzen Gorham Construction 9050 Collins Drive N.W. Anoka, Mn. 55303 By: Gary M. Gorham R. J. Hagberg Construction 1308 - 79th Avenue North Brooklyn Park, Mn. 55444 By: Russell J. Hagberg Lyell C. Halverson Company 2311 Wayzata. Boulevard Minneapolis, Mn. 55405 By: M. E. Krafve Hayes Construction 3929 Lyndale Avenue South Minneapolis, Mn. 55�09 By: Tom Hayes Homeowners Services Company 5942 Kentucky Avenue North Crystal, Mn. 55428 By: Bill Sunderlin Lyle Kaufenberg General Cont. 76 North Western Avenue St. Paul, Mn. 55102 By: Lyle Kaufenberg Kings Brian Construction Co. 5516 Regis Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 By: Edward Fuerstenberg The Rottlund Company Inc. P.O. Box 32082 Fridley, Mn. 55432 By: Roy Lund Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. 1,8 L RENEWAL rt�a__ . RENEWAL NEW RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEVdAL RENEWAL NEW NEW RENEWAL NEW RENEWAL LicensPS Continued The 5ussel Company, Inc. _ 1850'Como Avenue St. Paul, Mn. 55108 By: Stanley Barenbaum Ray Warmuth 2170 - 154th Lane N.W. Anoka, Mn. 55303 By: Ray Warmuth A. L. Williams Construction 947 - 86th Avenue N.W. Coon Rapids, Mn. 55433 By: A. L. Williams HEATING Airex, Incorporated � 4770 Cedar Avenue South Eagan, Mn. 55122 By: David A. Johnson Boulevard Sheet Metal & Htg. Co., Inc. 11409 County Road 3 Minnetonka, Mn. 55343 By: Alfred Steinor Don's Air Cond. Htg. & Refrig. Inc. 4017 Central Avenue N.E. Columbia Heights, Mn. 55421 By: Donald Dickison Englund Heating Inc. Isanti, Mn. 55040 By: Richard Englund Frank's Heating & Sheet Metal Ca. 1827 California Street N.E. Minneapolis, Mn. 55418 By: Frank Vogt J& E Electric Co., Heating & Air Cand. 8881 Syndicai�� Avenue � Pdew Brighton, Mn. 55112 By: Gerald Engleat Kleve Heating & Air Cond. Inc. 13075 Pioneer Trail Eden Prairie, Mn. 55343 By: Herbert Kleve St. Marie Sheet Metal Inc. 7940 Spring Lake Road Spring Lake Park, Mn. 55432 By: Louis St. Marie H. O. Soderlin, Inc. 3731 Chicago Avenue � Minneapolis, Mn. 55407 By: Karl Nystrom 3D Heating Company 3341 Dakota Avenue Minneapolis, Mn. 55416 By: John Welter l� r� Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. RENEWAL Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. NEW Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. RENEWAL William Sandin Plbg. & Htg. Insp. RENEWAL William Sandin f Plbg. & Htg. Insp. RENEWAL � William Sandin Plbg. & Htg. Insp. RENEWAL William� Sandin ' P1bg. & Htg. Insp. RENEWAL William Sandin ' Plbg. & Htg. Insp.� RENEWAL William Sandin Plbg. & Htg. Insp. 'NEW William Sandin Plbg. & Htg. Insp. RENEWAL William Sandin Plbg. & Htg. Insp. RENEWAL William Sandir� Plbg. & Htg. Insp. N�W:� William Sandin Plbg. & Htg. Insp. NEW..:_. , Licenses continued • MASONRY ' Benolkin Concr.ete & Masonry 6507 Ewing Avenue North ' � Brooklyn Center, Nln. 55429 Concrete Concepts 16214 Xenia Stx'eet N.W. � Anoka, Mn. 55303 Rite-Way Waterproofing, Inc. ' 7337 Lake Drive Lino Lakes, Mn. 55014 ' Bernie Zebro Cement Compan� 7940 Avocet Street N.W. Coon Rapids, Mn. 55433 ' Bon Zebro Cement Carnpany 4017 Penrod Lane Minneapolis, Mn. 55421 � ROOFING ' Westphal Roofing 3039 Fillmore Street N.E. Minneapolis, Mn. 55418 ' SIGN ERECTOR Norseland Industries , 1709 East Lake Street Minneapolis, Mn. 55407 ' ' ' . ' . ' � , , , By: James Benolkin By: Wayne Knudson By: Marlys Yeske By: Bernard Zebro By: Don Zebro By: Roger Westphal By: Arling A. Brinck �s r� Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. NEW Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. NEW Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. RENEWAL Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. ��:�NEW__ Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. NEW:.: Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. Darrel Clark Com. Dev. Adm. NEW NEW 0 ESTIMATES FOR CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION - APRIL 19, 1976 Smith, Juster, Feikema Chartered Suite 1250 Builders Exchange Building Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 . Services of Ronald L. Haskvitz concerning the Relief Association- PERA matter as of April 2,�1976 Smith, Juster, Feikema Chartered Suite 1250 Builders Exchange Building Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Services of Prosecutor Carl J. Newquist for March, 1976 $ 523.75 $1,441.25 � i � ' e � � K'YMAN SMITH �EONAROT.JUSTER ' �. NENRY H. FEIKEMA AIVIN 5. MAIMON RONALD l. MASKVIT2 I JAMES R. CASSERLY � CARi J. NEWQUIST i ' MARK E. HAGGERTY ALLEN H. GIBAS II�2VING �J�USTER ' O�COUNSEL LAW OFFICES SMITH, cTUSTER, FEIH�MA, CHARTEREO April 2, 1976 SUITE 1250 BUIlDERS EXCHANGE BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 TELEPHONE 1612) 339-1481 FRIDLEY OFFICE 6441 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N. E. iRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 TELEPHONE (612) 571-6870 Nasim Qureshi Ci ty of Fri dl ey 6431 University Avenue fVE Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Dear Nasim: I am enclosing a bill for my services concerning the Relief Association- PERA matter. Please let me know whether or not a district court proceeding is to be initiated. As I understand, there is presently an opening which would enable the City to make an aopointment under the netN ordinance, thus creating a con�;roversy that could be brought before the courts for decision. urs t Ronald RLH:nIh Enc. l9A ,. STATEMENT SMITH,.JUSTER, FEIKEMA, CHARTERED ATTORNEYSAT LAW 1250 BVILDE'RS EXCHANGE BLDG. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 85402 339- 1481 I . L RLH Ci ty of Fri dl ey 6431 University Avenue NE Fridley, Minnesota 55432 PLEASE HETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR PAVMENT SUBURBAN OFFICES OSSEO FRIDLEY � � DATE � � � • BALANCE FORWARDED FROM LAST STATEMENT 3/1/76 Review of proposed legislative bill and correspondence re Director of Public Safety and PERA Police and Fire Fund; memo to Wyman Smith and phone conferences relating to same: % hr. 3/2/76 Review of Columbia Heights file, documents, legal decisions and Supreme Court decision, re applicability to Fridley Relief Association: 1 hr 3/10/76 Research and preparation for conference with City � offi ci al s re Pol i ce Pensi on Associ ati an ;. 1 z hrs . Conference with Brunsell, Qureshi, Herrick and Hill re Fridley Pc�lice Pension and PERA Police and Fire Fund matter: 12 hrs. 3/11J76 Preparation of inemorandum to City re Police DATE • �r�� • � • BALANCE ( G FORWARDED FROM LAST STATEMENT �Pension Fund and PERA issues and arguments available in support of City's position: 2 hrs. 3/17/76 Continuation of research on PERA Po�ice and Fire Fund issue and preparat�on of inemorandum to City: 62 hrs. 13 hrs. @ $ $520.00 $520.00 . Document reproduction 3.75 $523.75 i tlectare un �enaltces of faw that th'� �ccount, �im or demand is just �n c.T � rect at► at �o par of 't � ��' � � � ' -+,�(,/�.- Signature of Ciaimant SMITH. JUSTER, FEIKEMA, CHARTERED � � ATTONNEY3 �AT LAW e�a alwa . . .. I 19B � i'IME RECORD FOR P�ARCH, 1976 PROSECUTION bJORi: 1. Preparation, 7ravel and Time in Court for 16 court cases and 36 jury trials. 2. Investlgation and Process of Complaints including office conferences, phone con- ferences, correspondence and preparation of 44 formal complaints. 3. Court and Police Administration. 70TAL 27 hours 30 minutes 12 hours 05 minutes 00 hours 00 minutes 39 hours 35 minutes OA7'E p • � FORWARDED FROM LAST STATEMENT 4-02-76 For legal services render�d as Prosecutor for the City of Fridley. March, 1976 Retainer. $1G00.00 Secretarial Services. 100.00 Time in excess of 30 hoars (9 hours 35 minutes). 341.25 i decia un r pen�ities of iaw that this aCCO' .i, C!`' CC .�:,!Z:� S jl;:r%a;7Ci f6Ct nd t� ui ,+t ��a:; a��en ti. ic �' i�nat e of aimant SMITH. JUSTER, FEIKEMA, CHARTERED � A7TORNEY3 AT lAW � ' ��3 ur asa • BALANCE $1000.00 $1100.00 $1441.25 � 19 C