05/03/1976 - 5706JANET KONZAK ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MAY 3, 1976 i �i � � MEMO T0: DEPARTMENT HEADS . Following.are the "ACTIONS NEEDED". Please have your ��nswers back in the City Manager's o�fice by W�dnesday Noon, May 12, 1976. Thank you. FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL - REGULAR �1EETIidG - f�IAY 3, 1976 - 7:30 P, i�i. Opened at 7:35 P.M. PL.EDGE OF ALLEGIAWCE: ROLL CAL.L: All Present APPROVAL Of= MINUTES: pUBLIC HEARiNG ��EETING, APRi� 12, 197e Approved as submitted ADOPT I OiV OF AGEfJDA : OPEN FORUI�I, V I S I TORS : CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA — �.5 MiINUTES Mr. Ed Wilmes Discussed the Marine Corp Tree Planting Project on May 15, 1976 Mr. Ken Sporre said he ��rauld like to discuss the Nortr� Park Sign to be donated by the Jaycees.iater in the meeting. The Council agr4�ed to discuss it at the end of the meeting. OLD BUSIf�ESS: ' CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINRNCE TO AMEND I' CHAPTER 1I OF TH� CITY C4DE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, ANOKA ' COUNTY, MINNESOTA BY CHANGING CER1'AIN LICEN��E �EES AI�D '� ' ADDING THE CITY CODE NUMBERS � � � � � � � � � � . � . . � � 1 ' 1B The second reading was tabled II F ANCE ACTION NEEDED: Make changes and bring back at Staf1�'s ��iscretion �� I , ' ' � � � 1 , ENGINEERING � � � NANCE ' ' � ' GINEERING ' ' _ � REGULAR MEETING, MAY 3, 1976 � PAGE 2 NEW BUSI�ESS CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANC� AMENDING CHAPTER ZO6 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE PERTAINING TCi THE BUILDING CODE AND PERMIT FEES. . � � � � � � � . �. . � . First reading of Ordinance tabled ACTION NEEDED: Make changes. and bring back at Staff's disc:retion ,.2-2I CONS IDERAT I ON OF F I RST READ,I NG OF AN ORD I NANCf� A!lTHOR I Z I NG THE ISSUANCE OF ON-SALE WINE LICENSES; PRESCRIBIfJG CONDI- TIONS THEREFORE; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR ��I01_ATIONS THEREOF: AMENDING CHAPTER 6O3 OF TNE FRIDLEY CI�TY CODE BY ADDING A NEW SEGTION TNERETO; AND AMENDING CHAPTER 11, SECTION II�IO QF THE CITY CODE REl.ATING TO FF:ES� ����.� 3- 3 G Amendments added to ordinance --- adopted on first readinq ACTION NEEDED: Change ardinance as amended. Put bz,ck on next reyular meeting for second reading RECEIVING THE h�1NUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF APR I L 21, 1976, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,� , , . , , , , , 4 - 4 I 1. $PECIAL �SE PERMTT SP #76-05; aRL.YNE �OHNSC)N, 420 57-rH P�ac E �J . E � � , , , . , , , , , , , � , 4B - 4C P1 A�N I NG �0►�M L RECOdM�,,j�qTi QN : APPROVE & 4H - 4I COU(�.CIL.__ ACTIQ.f,�. REQ�IRED; �ONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDAT IC}N Special Use Permit approved ACTION NEEDED: Inform applicant of Council actibn � � ' ., � �.. ,> 1. , ' � ' INEERING ' ' 1� CITY MANAGER ' ' ' ' ' ' ENGINEERING ' REGULAR (�IEETIiVG, i�IAY 3,. 1976 NEW �BUSINESS (CO�dTIP�UED) (PLANNING COMMISSION !'�INUTES COiVTINUED) Z� VACATION REQUEST, STREET AND ALLEY VA�ATION. .. SAV #76-02, ��RS� RAY pRESTEMAN, 1391 �3RD AVE� �LANNING ,OMM� RE�O[��NDATION; APPROVE WITH STIPULATION �Ql1NG I L A('TION REQUI RED : IV�NE, HEAR I NG SET FOR MaY IOTN Public Hearing set for May 10 ACTION NEEDED: Make arrangements for pubiic hearing 4C & 4D PAGt 3 RECEIVING THE I�INUTES �F THE CHARTER COMMISSION I�II�ETING oF �EBRUARY 17, 1976, , . . , . � , � � � � � � . � � � � � 5 - 5 � Minutes were received ACTION NEEDEDc File minutes for further reference RECEIVING EXCERPT OF APPEALS COMMISSION MTNUTES �DF APRIL 2�, 1976 (REQUEST sv PETITIONER TO AVOIll FUR7HER DELAY) � � , . � � . � � � � � . � � . � � � � � � � . . , , 6-6E DENiS L VILLELLA, 4aQO Z�i STREET_ „ �PPEALS CQMM� R�GOMMEN�?ATION: APPROVE 3 OF S VARIANCES REQi1ESTED �(�tJN�IL AGTIQN REQUIREp.: �ONSIDERATION OF RE��OMMENDATION Variance approved with stipulations that 1ot wouid be minimum of 45'. lot be spl�t to provide 5' to make a 45' loz. • ACTION NEEDED: Inform applicant of procedure to apply for lot split. That adjoiningl �- , � ' 1 �INEERING � �� ' ' RKS & REC C 1 ! ' GINEERING ' �' ' ' REGULAR MEETING, MAY 3,. 1y76 NEW BUSINESS (COidTINUED} . PAGE 4 RECEIVING �ETTTION #$-1��6 REGIUESTING VACATION QF . ASHTON STREET �VORTH OF IR�NTON STRF�T AND �3RD AVENUE INCLUDING RAILROAD CROSSING� . � . . , . � . � . , . 7 — 7 E Petition received ACTION NEEDED: Send petition on to Planning Commission for• their consideration C�NSIDERATION OF AWARDING OF BID — TREE REMOVAL CONTRACT iBIDS �PENED aPRIL 2�, 1�76, 2:�1� P��'��). � � � � � � � � � � 2� ' � � Bid awarded to Amlee Tree Service � ACTION NEEDED. Inform Amlee Tree Service of receipt of bic! CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER �1, SS&SW #11y I N THE AMOUNT OF DEDUCT �430 , 5lJ � � � � � � � � � � � . . . . � ' g B Change Order approved ACTION NEEDED: Inform contractor of change in contract � ' , 1 � �GINEERING , i 1 �� �GINEERING ' I �� �. ' .' REGl1LAR MEETING, MAY 3, 1976 (VEW BUSIidESS CCONTINUED) . . .. . . ._ .. _ . CONSIDERATION OF AWARD OF BTD FOR TV SOLIDIFICATIC►N AND RIGID PAVEMENT SLABJACKING CBID OPENING APRIL Z3, � . . .. . .. . .. 1976),,,.,,,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bid awarded to Solidifcation, Inc. ACTION NEEDED: Notify contractor of award CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELMINAR'Y PLANS FOR «OISE ABATEMENT i�ARRIERS ON 1,694 aT INTERSECTION Wi-rH TH 47, . , , , , , , , , , � , , , , , , , , , , , , , R�solution ;#41-1976 ACTION NEEDED: Forward resolution to Minnesota Highway Dep��rtment PAGE 5 10-10� 11-11B CONSIDER,aTION OF LIQUOR STORE I`�ANAGER AND ASSISTF�NT LIQUOR STORE l�IANAGER COMPENSATION FOR 1'��b� �������� I2 Saiaries approved ACTION NEEDED: Inform accounting of new salaries, and f�ina7ize cost benefit study regarding openirg liquor stores at differeni� time of day � REGULAR MEETING, MAY 3,. 1976 NEW BUS�NESS CCONTINUED) PAGE 6 CLA I MS , , , . �. �, . �, �. . . �. . �, �. . . �. . � C �. . �, . . , . 13 approvecl as presented ACTION PdEEDED: Pay claims as approved. Take note ta list �rendor's name rather 'than "Misc" in future in proper columns L I C E N S E: S .,. ' ,. .,. , .,. .,. ` ., .,. 1 .,. .� � � . . . � � � � � � � � � �.4 _ 14 P licenses approved as subm�tted ACTION NEEQED: Issue licenses ESTIM�hTE, , � . � � � . . � . � � . . � � . . � , � . � � � 1� Approved � ACTION NEEDED: Approve estimate as approved. DISCU'�SIQN REGARDING SPRINGBROOK NATURE CENTER SIGN (REQUf:STED BY KEN SPORRE): ' � i n a roved with the addition of a third panel which will say "At NorthPark" S 9 PP ', �RK & REC ACTION NEEDED: Work with Jaycees to see that ihe proper sign is bui�t and that. it is located properly. �11 li� ADJOIJRN : , DLEY C , FRI ITY COUNCIL MEETING ,� � P�EASE SIGN NAME ADARESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE:�/ 1�� �� � 0 �NAME ADpRESS ITEM NUMBER _=====R=====_�_,�_;��__________________________________ ______==���a=��:=_��_��=____-___=______= ', � „ �� �f� �` � Go ��..� �i�� � , �r �i���� r'��.�� ��.3 ���� s��- ��� �� ' --- �z �v � v�� L � � � ��, ,� ��.,-� ��^�� =�-� ��� � � ,�� , � � ��.�. Sz � � � '1 � .C�s� , r�n � � ���—��� ' �.� � � S—� � ; r'� � A � � . - �__ . I�i. � . � I I ' i , ' , c"i t i THE PIINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING CF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL 0� MAY 3, 15376 The regular meeting of the Fridley City Councii was called to order on May 3, 1916, at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLFGIANCE: � Mayor Nee we]comed the audience and invited them to join with the Council in the pledge of allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: h1EMQEf2S PRESEf�T: Councilwoman Kukovaski, Counrilman Starwa7t, Councilman Hamernik, � Mayoi° Nee and Councilman Fitzpatrick P1EI�IBERS ABSEf4T: None ?RC'U1�L OF Mi�JUTES: PUBLIC HEARI�VG P4EETING, APRIL 12, 1976: MOTION by Counciin�an Starvaalt to approve the minutes as subn�itted. Seconded by Councilwoman K.ukc�•lski, ard upon a voice vote> aii votiny aye, P�layor Nee d��clared the motion carried uranim;,usly. ADOPTIOP� OF AGENDA: MOTIOfd by Councilwoman Kukowski to adopt the agenda as submitted. Seconded by Council- man Flain�i°nik. Upon a voice vote, all voting a�-e, Mayor idee declared the moiion carried unan?mously. T�ie r,iaCter of ti;ne siyn fo�° fdorti� Park vras i.aken frorn iis appearance in "Open Forum, Visitors", and placed on the evening's agenda. OPEN FORUM, VISI70RS: MfZ. ED WTLt�IES: f�AR?NE COI:P TREE PLANTI�PdG PROuP.AM: f�lr. Ed Wzlnies presented to the C�uncil a Urochure entitled "The Niarine Corp E3icenten- nial Tree Plantiny Prcgram, and he out7ined the various aspects of how i'�: would be dane and by whom. On 5aturday, F1ay 15, at 9:00 AM, a planting cei°emony ��ili take , place at ihe Isiands of Peace. Some of the organizatiorzs that �vould be partic.ipating in the prograi�i would be the Boy Scouts> Little Sisters of the Poor, the hanclicapped ' and others. As l:OC P.h1. on May 4; i976, some representatives from the I)epartir;ent of Natural Resources for the trail funding met and hopefully they will o�ntinue fundiny some of the prograr�. � He Ga'id that a lot of resea•rch fias been done on the plantin�. The trees are available, and son�e of the spec:es are the yrei:n �sh, the soft maple, and a maple that can be used for a screen. Couricilman Siar•,valt suggested that a?though so,nz of the local trees, the An;erican Elm, for� instance, are not doing as well as expecteu, the seiectiari of crees should be on an �irdigenous basis. In respense to Courcilman Starwalt's inquiry as to the cost of the program to the City, Mr. Wilmes replied that there �s no cost to the-City; that zverything has been donated; trees, labor, tran>portation, everything is donated. ' i�iF KENivETFi SP"vRRE, SIGN FQR tdORTH PARh:: Mr. Kenneth Sporre spoke about the matter of a sign for tdorth Park, and stated that he � h�s presented severai schemati�:s of it for approval. Ne stated that the project is j being !�ndertakc�ri by ihe Fridley Jaycees, and Co«r�cil appraval is needed fo�, the sign. The sign has been approved by the f"oundation, and the prohiem is Council appi°oval so i that grants and ot!�er aids m:y ba obtainetl from the sT.ate before the expiration dates i fer� tf�em occurs> �a�hich �is thc uryency that pr�ompts the request: fo; approval at this ; t7Ri@. � __. _. — -- �I ___ _._- —. . _ _ _. ._ __ . �._ — --_ _._,:_ _._ _. __— � ____ _ __ � REGULAR COUNCIL P1EETING QF MAY 3, 1976 � �� � PAGE 2 Councilman Hamernik said that it is his understanding that we have noi approved the formal name for i:he park area as yet, and he wondered if that had been taken into consideration. Discussion then centered about the name of the parl: relative to the sign for it, and Councilman Hamernik observed that there are some discrepancies between what is being requested as to name and what is in the brochure. Mr. Sporre stated that they are not changing the name of �he park in the sign. It is only a facility that is being nained. There is �200 in the sign fund, and the state will give us $200 if the deadline for the grant is not exceeded. Mr. Moen stated that in working with the Springbrool: f�ature Center Foundation and ; accordi�g to the lease agreement ±hat they are referred to as the Springbrook Nature Center Foundation, and that in the plan t1�at was submitted to the Council it has been suggested that the item be called the Sprirgbrook Nature Center at North Park. Discussion also centered on the location of the sign and the manner of its being displayed. iHd'y'Ot` %��a. iilauii i.C: GF �h�' .r,GUi Cl� 1{ thC'�'� �.^,'u�t .`�,C. ::1"�)' C���Ct1011 �' j�L:`�t1!1� iii1S matter on the agei�da? The matter was then placed on the Agenda, there being no audible objection, and the item v;ould coine later in the evening for a hea�°ing. OLD BUSINESS: CONSIDERATION OF SECONG READING Or" � rpc. INANC ITY The Public Works Director stated there are a couple of recommendations. On the second page of the ordinance there is a ma.tter of terminology, and the subjects ' "water taps° and °se�ver taps° shou7d be respectively °v�ater permits" and "sewer permits". The Public Works Director stated ti�at a recomniendation would he to insert water tap after water perinit, $125. The City Manayer suggested that the Council table the mai;ter as there was no urgency involved. Dennis Schneider stated that it should be apparent that over° the last number of years there have been discussions about d�veloper� and individuals who have not been as careful as they might have been, and after t:hey have put in their house, or houses, � they conie to the Council for variances. He thoughi there should be a dou�le-edged fee for variances in these matter°s, and sorie sort of a sliding scale, perhaps, for those that have two �r three variances. The City Attorney stated that there 4;as a question as tc vahether the fee ought to cover ttie City costs, and there is no question but vahat it should. The usual language , is that the City can�iot charge more than it costs; that it is not to be a revenue ! measure. It is only to cover the }egitimate costs. He said the mai:ter ought to be ; reviewed to see if the fees are covering tl�� �osts. YouN;ould be required to justify , part of it because of the fact that it came after the consi:ruction rather than before> and it causes more work and, therefore, there coultl be a larqer fee. Bob Schroer remarked that taxes go to pay th� salaeies of thase that are to do the worl;, and he recognized that the��e is a vici;>�.is circle invo1ved in the matter of salaries as related to the work ir�vclved in �etting the fees. Fur�ther> that a lot split at $20 is too cheap, and a coffiee machine license at $15 is too much. Discussion then ensued on the size of the license fees relative to the thing licensed and the respective work involved. � MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to table the ordinance and bring it back to the Council at the administration's discretion. Secondeci by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � � 1 , � � r , , � � ' , � � � � �� , , 1 , � � �� � f� REGULA.R COUNCIL M[ETIPlG OF MAY 3, 1976 NEW BUSINESS: _ PAGL 3 COfJSIDFRA7I0N OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AP1EfdDING C,HAPT[R �06 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CO'DE PERTI�1P�IfJG 70 TNE QUILDING CODE AND PERP�1IT FEES: � The Public lv'orks Director stated that apparently what had happened was that when Chapter 206 was adopted we made reference to the fact that it 4vas the hiinnesota Quild-ing Code by reference, antl 4re assumed that a11 the appendices and indexes and everythiny wa; inciuded, but that in vao�°king with the Code s��r�ce ]972 there is a section that indicates that there are certain exceptions noted to the building code that are optional to the various municipalities. It ap��ears that if a municipality wants to adopt those sections they have to explicitly state them, and that is why you see the new language. There are several iterns listetl her�e. These are basicaiiy wliat the inspectors follo��1. They refer te thie Uniforrr� Quilding Code. The problern is that if we a�ere challenged someone might indicatc that it is not a part of the ordinance since it was not specifically adopied. That is a+ha� we are tr,;n; �c �traigt;te~ o�:t ir t"� firs± secticn. The Fublic Works Director continued that in Section 7_06.010 we get involved in the building permit fees. At the present time it is on a cubic foot volume. Ninty-five per cent of the other canrnunities in the roetropolitan area folla.� the Uniform ¢uilciing Code in issuing building permits and fees, and it is based on valuation, i.e., how much is it worth to construct the building? The Public Works Director said that the residential building per�i��its ai°e very, very lova, and they do not cover the expenses that our buildiny inspectcrs have in making the �ir�spections. Gy adopting the Uniforin �uildiny Code we place it on ��aluntion and l�opefully 9t appears that it will work out. Th� fee is a•rrived at by an averaging process. Thereupon much discussion eiisued ove�° �he number of ti^ips a building ins,.ector makes, the prope�° fiscal relation betwerr� cor��mercial-industrial comparcd 1:0 residential as to the fees. Cour�cilman Fitzpatrick said that tl�is invol��es a shift froin volun�e to values as the Casis for rates. MOTION by Councilr,�oman Kukowski to table the ordinance and bring it back to the Council at the administ.ration's discr�etion. Seconded by Counci�man Startvalt. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, hiayor- Nee declared the motion tabled by a uranimous vote. � CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF �1N ORGINANCE AUTHORT7_ING TNL ISSUIIP;CE OF ON-SALf= -- ---„—__—_------- -- ------__ __ -------- — �- WTIdE LICEPdSES: PRESCf:I6IfJG COfdDITIONS THEREf�ORE: AND PF;OVIL�Ih'G PEN/1LT?-S 1=0R � --- — — — — — - - -- -- -- - - - -- -- -- ', VIOL.F�lIONS THEREOF AMENDIPlG CH'�PTER 603 0� THE FPfDLEY CIIY CODf BY AD�IPJG Fl — — -- � __� NEW SECTION THl�i2E10 At�D A��1EfVDt�JG CHAPTCR 71, SEt iiOiE 11 l�_Of Tll� LiTY CODE REL/�TIfVG T0 FEES. �^ �� � � , � -� .- � ' ' � The City Manager st.ated there is an interest in the City for ��Jine licenses, and a pub'iic hearing on it ���as held last year. Discussion centered upon ti�e days and hours of permitting �•rine to be sold as they might paraliel liqaor sales; also a discussion concerning fees in this same light. M0T10N by Councilwoman Y.u'r.owski to waive the readiny and adopt the ordinance on first reading. Seconded by Councilman Star�-dalt. MOTIQN by Councilman Hamerni3: to amend the motion to delete the pertion of the ordinance relating to 5unday sales, 603.224. Seconded by Councilman Sta�•walt. The ±natter of Si.�nday sales was discussed, and upon a voice vote, all vo'.:ing aye, Mayor Nee declared the amendment to the motion Co adopt the ortlinance carried. The VOTE upon ttie motion adopting the ordinance on first reading was a doice vote, all voting aye, and f�iayor Nee declared the amended motion carried unanimousiy. MOTION by Councilv�oman Kukovdski to delete the words "Dispensing License" in Sec- tian 603.225 of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman 5tarwalt, and upon a voice vot:e, al] voting aye. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � � REGULAR COUNCIL P1[ETIfdG OF MAY 3, 1976 �: � , , � PA� E �. MOTION by Counci1rian Hamernik ihat the ininimum seating capacit,y under this ordinance shall be 75. Secondetl by Council��aoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee decl�red the motion carried unanimously. MOTION b�< Councilman Hamernik to strike out the secor.d paraaraph in Section 11.10 relating to fees ai�d substitute a fee of S700 per year with an initial investic�ation fee of $500. Second by C�uncilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all votinn aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING 7HE MINUTES OF THE PLANNIh1G COPI[�;ISSION fiEETING OF APRIL 21 , 1976: SPECIAL USE PER"4IT SP 76-05; ARLYfVE JOHNSOP�, 420 57th PLACE N.E.: The Public Works Director stated that the Planninn Commission had recor�mended approval of this request, and also t���o adjacent propert,y o�vners sinned a statement that they had no o6jection to the construction of the nara�e. Mr. Sattei°lee, of the Sussell Co�npany, was present and explained the request for the variance. � MOTT,O�N�hy C�uncilman Ham�ernik Y,o ron�ur urith the recominendati�on �f the Planninn Commission. Secor�ded by Councilu�oman Y.ukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousiy. ; VACATION REQUEST, STREET AND ALLEY VACAT?ON, SAV ��76-02; �4RS. R/1Y PRESTE"1Af�1, � 1391 FIFTY-THIRD �aVENUF: � � � � � P10TION by Councilinan StarH!a1t to set the public hearinn for P^ay lOth. Seconcied by Councilwoman Kuko���ski. Upon a voice vote, all votinn aye, hlayor Pdee declared the mo*ion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE A1INUTES OF TNE POLICE COh1MISSION MEETING OF APRIL 21, 1976: °�lOTION by Starwa1t to receive the iiiinutes of the Police Commission P�eetina. Seconded by Council��;oman Kukow�ki. Upon a voice vete, all votina aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carrieci unanimously. RECEIVIPdG THE AIINUTES OF THE CHARTER COP�PIISSIOP! f1EFTING OF FEQRUARY 17, 1976: I+lOTION by Counciiman Staraaalt to receiv� the minutes of the Charter Commission meeting. Seconded by Counci1���oman I:ukov:ski. U{�on a voice vote, all votina aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECFIVING EXCERPT OF APPEI�LS COi�IMISSION MINUTFS OF APRIL ?_7, 1976 (REQUEST BY PETITIONER TO �UOID FUrTHER DtLAY), QENiVIS L. VILLELI_{l, 4&00 2'7 STREET: ! ThePublic t�Jorks Director statecl there is a pi,elimin�ry drawin� of the matter at hand, and Mr. Villella is present with some uptlated draa:inns. The !'ublic 4lorks Director- went throuqh the sever•al variance requests and stated the third one vahich would increase the coverage from 25 to 27.40 per cent was recominended for denial on the assumption that the company could redesiqn or reinodel the house. Consider•able discussion ensued over 4Q-foot lots ranqin� from the orictin, the taxes, and other facets of these.lots and as it affects City policy today iil view of taxation, etc. MOTION by Council�nan Fitzpatrick that the petition for variances be qranted on the area providing that one side yard be from the required 11.5'to 13; the other side yard from the required 10' to 8'; and with the stipulation that the petitianer arran�e for a lot split that would provide for an additional five feet. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. P�layor• Nee stated that it would take three votes to carry the r�otion. Upon a roll call vote, Councilt-;oman Kukovaski voted nay; P1ayor Mee voted nay; Councilman Starwalt voted aye; Councilman Namernik voted a,ye; and Councilman Fitznatrick vUted aye. PM1ayor Nee then declared the niotion carried by a three-to-two- vote. NEtJ 6USINESS: RECEIVING PETITIOti #&-1976 RFQUESTIPIG UACATION OF ASHTON STRE[T NORTH OF IRONTOP! STREET AND 83RD AVENUE It1CLUUING RAILROAD Cfi�SSIPlG: � MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive Petition N8-1976. Seconded by Council�loman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, PM1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � ' � , ' , � � ' 1 � ' i , ' �� REGULAR COUNCIL P1EE�ING OF MAY 3, 1976 PAGE 5 CONSIDERATTOPJ OF At�1ARDIPIG OF BI� - TREEE REMOVAL CONTRACT (BII1S OPENED APRIL 27, 1976, 2:00 P.M.�: �—' � The City f�anager stated that only two bids were received fo�° tree removal, and the ' recommendation was to award to Amlee Tree Service. ' MOTION by Councilwor,�an Kukovaski to a�vard the 1976 cont.ract for tree reinoval to Ainle�e Tree Service, 2011 East 122nd Street, Burnsvi]le, Minnesota. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unaniinously. CON>IDERATION OF FPPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER �1 , SS&SUI ,'�119 IN TlIF AMOUPdT CF DLDUCT $430.50: � 7he Public l�Jorks Di�°ector said this was the �°esult of replacing a pronosed structure witl� some bends, and that the adoption of the chanqe arder is recommended. MOTTON by Councilman Fitzpatrick that Ghange Order ;l, SS&SW #119 be approved. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votina aye, Playor Nee dec]ared the motion carried unanimously. CC�NSrnronrjnn� �� /�i,rp,�D �� [3ID �0!'. ?�! SCLIQ.�.C''�C"' /1P�D RI:3ID ^A`�'��1LL ����n�„r �� 'T SI_ �,,,,��.,f� ¢ID OPEhJTNG APR1L 23, 1976 : ^ �^ The Public Works Director stated that Solidificai.ion, Inc., was the only company to submit a bid; thai they have been under contract to the City for a number of years and have provided proper� service. P10TIOiJ by Councilwoman Ku6:owski to aNlard the bid to Solidification, Inc. as follows. Ser_onded b,y Cour�cilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all votine aye, Mayor Plee derlaretl the motion carried unanimously. 1 2 3 4 4� 6 7 i3 �a 1 �?. li. 12. 13. 14. Solidification, Inc.; 610 Cottonwood Lane; P1inneapolis, P1n. Security f3onc� 5� bid hond - l���an5america Ins. Co. Television Inspeciion of Sewer Pipe 29¢ lin. ft. P�linimum Charge for Television Tnspection of Sewer Pipe �295.00 Setup for Sewer Joint Sealing of Sewer Pipes (f4ove In and P1ove Out) 5133.00 each Sevrer Joint Sealing of Se��rer Pipes $ 29.00 joir.t Chernical Seaiing Material for Joint Sealinc� {AM-9) 5 2.�40 aal. Minimum Charqe for Sewer Joint Sealing Projer,t $4]4.00 Setup for So?idification Repair of Sevaer Pipes (P9ove In and P�1ove Out) $ 65.00 Chemical Materials for Solidificatio�� Rep�ir of Pipes (Sodium Silicate and Caicium Chioride} .95 c�al. t4�rimum L'harye for Solidification Repair P�°o,ject $450.0� Rlanhole Inspection � 20.00 Manhole Repair $ 55.f)0 Chemical 1�1aterial for ^;anhole Repair' � 2.40 qal. Amount of Tiine Required to Respand to Serviee Request: a. Normal Service Days 5* � b. Em�rgency Service Flours 24* � � (SLABJACKING) � � 1. Labor (per hour) $ 67.00 per hr. 3�nen , $ 52,00 for 2 men 2. P9aterial (cubic yd.) $ �0.00 cu. yci. 3. t4obilization (lumo sum) $ 70.00 : 4. Amount of Time Required to Respond to Service Request: a. Normal Service Days 5* X b. Emergency Service Days Z* X ' *Amount of Time required by City. If 6idder cannot respond in time noted, please State ' Alternate Proposal. ) � RESOLUTION N0. 41-1976 APPROVIPJG PRELI�1IP�ARY PLArlS FOR NOISE A6ATEMEPdT QARRIERS ON 1-694 AT IfdTERSECTIOfd WITH !H 47: -----. �.--`----------��— ^ The Public ldorks Director stated there have been n� ob,ject�ons fror� the propert.y owners, and it is reconnnended this be adopted to allow the f1innesota Hiphway Department to � i REGUL�IR COUNCIL f',icTIfJG OF f,M1AY 3, 1976 � :� ,� i PAGE 6 , proceed with their final construction plans. P1r. Cren P,obinson was present to ansarer any questions. MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to adopt Resolution #41-1976. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unaniinously. CONSIDERATION OF LIQUOR STORE �1Fl�JlIGER AiJD ASSISTI1i�T LIQUOR STORE f4,�fJAf;ER COMPENSATIOD! FOR 1976: ---- ----- ----- ---• - -- — MOTION by Starwalt to approve the salaries for the Liouor Store Planaaer and Assistant Liq�4or Store P1anager as presented. Seconded by Councilwoman Kul;owski. Unon a voice vote, all voting aye, fiayor Nee declai°ed the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: MOTION by Council�:�oman Kuko�vski to concu�° in the claims as �>resented. Seconded hy Councilman Star�valt. Upon a voice ��ote, all votina aye, P1a.yor PJee declared the motion carried unanimously. LICEN�ES: MOTIOP� by Councilswenia;i Kuko�-�ski to approve the licens�s as su�mitted and on file in the City Clerk's 0ffice. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, Mayor Nee declared the motien carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: P10TIC1N by Councilman Star�,�a1t to p�y the claim of .Jeaver, 7alle & Herrick, for le�al services as City Atto�,ney for Fi°idley for the Ploirth of P1arch in the amount of $1>716.20 Seconded by Council�•�on�an Kukou�ski. Upon a voice vote, all votina aye, h1a,VOr Plee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECESS: � Mayor Nee declare� that � recess �;�o;ald be taken. (At 10:26 P.M. the Council took a recess.) (Council reconvened at 11 :�JS P.f1. ) (�il l members �ti�ere present. ) DISCUSSION REGARDING SIGN f=OR NQRTH�PARK: The matter of the park sign that ���as deferred until latter in the eveninq came to the fore for action. P1r. �1oen gave the Council th� chanc�es, in writinn, that were anproved at a meeting held for that pui�pose earlier this eveninri. MOTION by Councilv�oman Kukowski to concur 4J1tI1 tIl(� recommenda±ions h;j the Parks and Recreation Department regarding the Sprin�brook flature Center si�n at North Park. Secondetl by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all votincr aye, f1ayor �lee declared the ���otion carried unanimously. ADJOURP;MENT: 4�OTIOPJ by Councilweman Y,uko�-:ski to adjoin•n the meetinq. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all votir,c� ave> P1�yor fVee declared the meetina of the Fridley City Council of �Qay 3, 1976, adjourned at 11:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted John Chegwyn Council Secretary Approved: Wil1iam J. Nee Mayor I ; { ' - - - - . * r ' . � , THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF T'HE FRIOLEY CITY COUNCIL OF APRIL 12, 1976 1 1 �� - I 1 � � 1 . . 1 � � 1 . 1 . . � � 1 1 1 . 1 1. . i : 1 . . �� , _ _ � _ ._ x: __, _, �t�._ . � � ..�� � � „�� . _ .� _ F _... ��.�_�.... _. . � . ��� � � ' i , ' i �� � ; THE MINU7ES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CIT1' COUNCIL OF APRIL 12, 19T6 The public hearing was called to order by Mayor Nee at 7:34 P.M. on AF�ril 12, 1976. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: � � Mayor Nee welcomed the audience and invited them to join with the Council in the Pledqe of A1legiance to the �lag. � ' ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilwoman Kukowski, Councilman Starwalt, Coun�ilman Hamernik, Mayor Nee and Councilman Fitzpatrick ' MEMBERS ABSENT: None ADOPTION OF AGE6IDA: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconde�d by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mction carried unanimously. , , Mayor Nee stated that the Council has a very lengthy agenda and that causes a problem in a pub�ic hearing because some people feel we ou�ht to move more quickl,y than we do, ; and the Council feels that we want to give everyone a chance to be heard and to express any questions, beliefs, or convictions that they have. Mayor Nee said that these are , important questions for the neighborhood, and the Council wants everyon�� to have a ' chance to put their comments into the record. PUBLIC HEARINGS: , � PUBLIC HEARIN6 ON FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR STREET IMPROVEMEN7 PROJECTS ST. 1975-1 AND 5T. 1975-2: � The Public Works Director stated he had a couple of Qeneral comments to make. The overall costs came in below the preliminary assessments. The final construction costs ' • are $14.40 per lineal foot on a normal residential street. Any additions associated with State Aid Streets have been picked up by the State Aid Fund, and the residents � ruhose property abuts a wider street do not pay for the total width of that street; just the normal street, the 36-foot width back-to-back street. � � , � , ,` �� I �� Further, the improvements have been completed, and the City has accepted the streets upon which there is a one year's maintenance bond to insure that the streets have been constructed to City standards. The side ydrd assessments are $2.90 per r'oot. Considerable discussion ensued concerning side-yard assessments, explanai:ion of the assessment formula, an� other matters related to the assessment. The Council, the audience, and property owners had questions asked and answered by the Council and the Fridley City Staff Members. The City Assessor explained and answered many questions that were posed by the audience. Nancy Thomas, 851 West Moore Lake Drive, took issue with her assessment rate. Mayor Nee said that if she desired to make a formal challenqe to it she should do so for the record. Nancy Thomas then said that for the record she did challenae the assessment. Jerome Olson, 4740 Madison Northeast, said that he had a double assessment. MOTIOfV by Councilman Starwalt that the hearinq on the porti6n of the proj��ct pertainina to Donnay Addition be continued until next week. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Wiliiam Kell, Jackson Street Northeast, questioned the curbing structures in that no reinforcements (steel) were used. The Public Works Director explained that the practice has been discontinued because they have increased the amount of c.oncrete in the driveway sections. Instead of four inches of concrete there is now six inches of concrete, but that the Department 4�rould check the matter aut on the depth of the concrete. . A citizen at 5675 Quincy Street also mentioned a driveway problem. Another person at 725 Bennet Drive said that his driveway was peeling, and the slab that the City took out was in good condition. Donald Milke said he had a driveway that was too steep; the tail pipe of h�is car draqqed onto-the street when he came down his driveway. The City qoofed, he said, in that his ; � � , � ! � 1 i i � �_ � -- .,.. - — - . _ . _ . . . t .- .. � � , 20 PUBLIC HEARING MEETIN6 OF APRTL 12, 1976 driveway is steeper than it was before the City replaced it it had before". PAfE 2 It has "twice the slant Gerald Adams on Monroe Street stated that he had a prob]em that was similar to Donald Milke's situation. In quick order, several other citizens stated that they now had problems with their driveways. The problems ranged from peeling to washing away. (The City will check these out.} I The next section to be discussed was the 61st Avenue, Rice Creek Drive, Woodside Court,� etc., area. There being no comments, the Public Works Director stated that in the Great Northern Industrial plat, the front yard rate was $14.26 per foot, and the side-yard assessments were $1.20 per foot. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to close tF�e Pubtic Hearing except for the portion that was previous]y tabled. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Uaon a voice vote, ail voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJEC7 N0. 117: Mayor Nee asked if there was anyone present from the area affected. There was no response. The Public Works Director stated that the developinent was a new one, and the storm sewer was constructed as the result of an agreement with the developer, and a11 credits have been given for previous storm sewer assessments against the property. The final construciion costs came in under the preliminary estimates. The City Clerk said that the assessment roll was prepared on the basis that previous assessments placed on the property were taken into consideration in arriving�at the , $8.60 figure. This gives the gross rate, and this is spread over the property and the previous assessment is subtracted. You don't necessarily end up with a uniform rate throughout the project. Mayor Nee asked if there were any comments or quesiions on this matter; there was no response. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt that the Public Hearing be closed. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL PLAT SUBDIVISION P. S. �76-01, INNSBRUCK NORTH TOWNHOUSE IV H ., �,�, �.� AND CONSIDERATIQN OF TQWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT OF 100 UNTTS, T-,#76-01, BY DARREL A. �ARR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, FOR INNSBRUCK NORTH T0:!NHOUSE IV AND V ADDITION: The reading was waived. The Public Works Director said that the Planning Commission heid the Public Hearing and the matter 1;�as continued. The discussions ranged over a couple of ineetings on this particular proposal, and on March 17, 1976, they recommended to the Council the approval of the piat with some stipulations. The basic stipulations were worked out with the developer. These concerned questions that the property owners and the - Ptanning Commission had about the proposed development. Stipulations were made: (1) To provide easement for a public trail adjacent to the . neighborhood park. This is to assure public access around the park area that is � presently dedicated. (2) Plans specifications are to be submitted to the City for ,•� approvaT. (3) Off-street parking of 4.25 stalls on the franting 24 foot streets: (4) The corporation will provide some legal documents which wi11 notify the purchasers � that for townhouses there are no noise abatement structures. (5) Other stipulations i concerned trail development and lighting; a tennis court, and a tot lot. , The'City will require the standard performance bond; and the City and the development + corporation will work out an agreement for a solution to the extension of North Innsbruck Drive from the City limits of Fridley to the Silver Lake Road. � � ' ! � ' � , � ' � � I ' � � , � , PUBLIC HEARING MEETING QF APRIL 12, 1976 Z1 ; . PAGE 3 ; � A recommendation will come up in the next item, the Innsbruck Village Plat reqarding maintenance of North Innsbruck Drive. ihe City could help Mr. Farr maintain the road, Ne will provide all surface treat- ment of the street until completion of the two developments. One of the problems was the plowing in the winter time. Our City maintenance people could help plow, and the developer has agreed to reimburse the City on an annual basis. The Public Works Director said there was an additional item. It was not a specific stipulation, but it was a concern. The City wanted to add a stipulati��n that the North Innsbruck Park dedication be provided for prior to a building pe��mit bein� issued. Mayor Nee asked for comments from the public, and Al Nesser, of Danube Drive, said that the Innsbruck Drive is close to the designed capacity, and he objc>cts to the combining of the North Innsbruck Road extension to Silver Lake Road. The Public Works Director said that he was aware of the problem, but the City doesn't want to make improvements on a temporary situation. The proposal before us is a reduction in the density that was previously approved. The City has a traffic study from a consultant engineer which indicates that once the road is improved to the Silver Lake Road there will be no problem. The department has been workin4 with the residents and the Director to answer questions and problems of the area residents. Unfortunately, we must live with a temporary situation. The City hates to beqin with improvements when in a year or two there might be a different alignment, Mr. Farr stated that he had worked out an agreeinent v,�hereby the corporai;ion would maintain the road. We promised at the March 17th meeting to patch the r•oad, and we patched it twice and it is in reasonable condition. If there is some situation that we can work out with the City and have it charqed back, ; that is no problem. Whatever kind of a guarantee, we are willing to perform: i The City Manager said that the concern shown by the property owners is valid. There ; is a problem near the intersection. The roadway should be widened, at least the outgoing � lane, to more than one lane. The City could require a bond which will provide for the number ofi years for which he would pay the maintenance costs to the I;ity. We ' can maintain it, patch it, and snowplow it, better than he can; as we are better equipped. ! The City needs to work out the details with the developer so th�is development has a ' good, passable road to Silver Lake Road, and has a better intersection to the road. � This could be in the form of a minimum guarantee that we could give to tFe neighborhoad, and in turn the City would want some kind of money for it. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Farr if thai was agreeable in princi�le, and P1r. Farr said yes. The Mayor further stated that if the City can make an accommod�ion on the road, it would be less than what some of the citizens are asking for. It would be a reasonably satisfactory solution that would be aimed for, not an ideal one. ; Mr. Farr remarked that, to put it mildTy, everyone knows that with the depression that � has been going on in the housing industry in the last two years, he was pr•obably $50 � from invoking Chapter 11. He just about lost all the money that he had. The Public Warks Director stated that at the end of the project we would have the New Brighton area to improve. We do not know how far into the future we can mandate that the developer maintain that roadway. The recommendation from the Planning � Commission was the la.st townhouse. , The City Manager said that any agreement tha_t we may have with Mr. Farr we hope will � be binding on him or anybody else who owns the property. • MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried . unanimously and the public hearing closed at 9:45 P.M. ' . � � , � I � I � , ; � i � � t 1 � i � � . r 22 � � PUBLIC FIEARING MEETING OF APRIL 12, 1976 PAGE 4 PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL PLAT SUBDIVISION P. S. �76-02, INNSBRUCK VILLAGE, BY ; DARREL A. FARR DEVELOPMENT CORPORA7ION, BEING A REPLAT OF OUTLOT B, INNSBRUCK NORTH ' ADDITION, ALONG WITH LOT 49, EXCEPT THE WESTERLY 210', A. S. #g2, GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF NORTH INNSBRUCK DRIVE hORTHEAST AND WEST OF THE BLACK FOREST APARTMENTS AND : CONSIQERATION OF TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT OF 100 UNITS, T�76-02, BY DARREL A. FARR DFVFI (1PMFNT f.(1RP(1RATT(1N_ F�R TNNSRRIICK VTI I A(;F � i RECEIVING PETITI PLAT, P.S. #76-C -1976 -- TO CONDITION ACCEPTANCE/APPROVAL OF PROPOSED PRELIMIN NSBRUCK VILLAGE ADDITION, QY DARREL A. FARR DEVELOPMENT CORPO- s MOTTON by Counciiman Hamernik that the readinq be waived. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimous]y. The Public Works Director said this was a townhouse project by Darrel Farr to construct townhouse� to be located North of Innsbruck Drive, and North of the previous],y discussed townhouse developmen�. This has been previously approved for 25i units, but what is proposed here tonight 9s the construction and development of 100 townhouse units. The plat that is being proposed tonight is soinewhat different than the previous proposal in that it �s requested that a public roatlway be constructed through the center of the proposed development. Rgain, the Planning Commission has held public hearings on the proposal, and in this case there were three different meetings together with meetinns on the sub-committee level to gei some input into the proposal. ' The Planning Commission recommended at their April 7, 1976, meeting the approval of tfie proposed plat with a nc�mber of stipulations which are listed in the Aqenda. This is from the unofficial Planning Commission minutes as,supplied with the Agenda. A few citizens then said that they were not notified of that last Planning Commission Meeting. They would have been there if they had known about it. The Public Works Director stated that once tl�e official notice of the March 3, 1976, meeting had been published in the paper a notice would not be mailed out for any co.ntinuation of that meeting. The City Manager stated that the Planning Commission only recommends to the City Council, and if there is any input that one didn't get in to the Planning Commission; this is an opportune time to get it into the record. If the Council feels that they haven't enough information; the Council can, and does, have the prerogative of con- tinuing the meeting to the next regular meeting. If there was something you didn't get into the P7anning Commission, now would be a proper time to qet your comments to th2 Council. � In response to a citizen's question, the mayor said that the petStion had been received by the Planning Commission and there had been discussion on it and that Chairman Narris had read the petition. Mayor Nee�asked that the recommendations be put into the record: I. "That tF�e City of Fridley in consideration of its tax paying residents,estab- lish standards of year-round maintenance for the North �nnsbruck Drive Extension (that section of black top road beginning at the Black orest Apartments, and running East to Siiver Lake Road), and that said developer (Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation} shall file a suitabie performance bond with the City of Fridley, which shall be renewed annually, and shall be adequate to properly maintain said road through comp7etion of construction activities in the Innsbruck North Addition." , � ' II. "That the City of Fridley disallow waiving the City Setback Ordinance in the above referenced area on ihe grounds that it wouid be discriminatory; that it would create an unsafe condition due to a minimum of two blind spots on the ; proposed City Maintained Road connecting North Innsbruck Drive to Authur Street; i � � ' i PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF APRIL 12, 1976 23 ; i PAC,E 5 � that due to the narrowness of this.City Maintained Road, and in view of assumed parallel parking on both sides of this road, it will prove to be a major hinderance to Fire and/or Police emergency vehicles access; and as a result of qaraqe/dwelling structures close approximation to the road itself, prove to seriousl�� inhibit adequate snow plowing of road surfaces, short of truck removal from i;he immediate area, at City expense." III. "That the City of Fridley obtain from the Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation an official and acceptable understanding as to quad-townhouse homeowners financial responsibilities for maintaining all non-City Maintained Roads in the above referenced area, as well as the upkeep of townhouse exteriors and common qrounds." The Public Works Director stated that at the Apri1 7, 1976, meeting the Planninq Commission did recommend to the Council the approval of the plat with a number of stipulations, and that he will go through them: 1. Plans specifications for streets and utilities are to be submitted to the City for approval. 2. The developer deed to the City the Innsbruck Norih Park before any pl��t approval or build:,�g permits are issued. 3. The part of Lot 49, except the Westerly 210', the Auditor's Subdivision No. 92 that wasn't part of the plat be dedicated to the City as this was adje�cent to Innsbruck North Park. 4. The tennis courts will be built by the developer on public park proper•ty, the location to be decided by the City with the completion of 20 townhousE�s in Innsbruck Village. 5. The road design on West Bavarian Pass must meet with City approval. 6. This was a negotiated item with the developer. The City would want a 36 foot width street, parking on both sides and with proper access. There was some concern expressed at the Planning Commission, and with the Environmental Quality Commis- - ion, regarding the green space adjacent to the proposed roadway. A thought that came up was perhaps it could be done with the reduction in the street �Nidth, but we wanted to insure the proper visibility along the area; that we woul�i not qet into a situation where we would have parking on both sides and conaest the area, and tae arrived at a 31 foot width street with no parking on the inside lane. 7. The minimum setback for any garage on West Bavarian Pass shall be five feet, with one garage being approximately ten feet from the property line so that a 200 foot sight distance is maintained on the curb. 8. An additional stipulation concerned the pedestrians in the area as it relates to North Innsbruck, and that is that the developer agrees to provide a seven-foot foot path parallel to the existing extension. The petition that was received at the Plannina Commission, outlin�ng the basic concerns of the residents in the single family area and in the townhouse area that signed the petition, mentioned three areas of concern: (1) They wanted some assurance that the North Innsbruck Drive extension would be maintained. (2) A second area was that the City should disallow the waiving of the City setback nrdinance, l�he narrowness of the public roadway then would create hindrances to emergency vehicles, snow plowing, and blind spots. This, I believe has been worked out, with a 3l foot roadway, no parking an the West side, and the setback stipulation. (3) The third point was to obtain from the Farr Development Corporation an understanding as to the townhouse owner's responsibility for maintaining the non-city roads and the maintenance of townhouse exteriors and common r,rounds. The Public Works Director said that if there are any additional comments th<it now is the time to make them. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive Petition #6-1976. Seconded by Councilwomar� Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Manager expressed a desire that there should be more green space, and that perhaps more off-street parking could be obtained. There could be eventually a condition where there would be substantial parking on the street. He is not: so concerned i i � 24 � � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF APRIL 12, 197G about the private roads as with the public roads. Mayor Nee declared that a recess would be taken. (At 10:20 P.M. the Council took a recess.) ' (CounciT reconvened at i0:38 P.M.j (A11 members were present.) ;� ' PAf,E 6 ! . � Mayor Nee said that at the time of recess they were on the question of a setback in the North Innsbruck area, and the material question is whether or not the Council ` chooses to approve that kind of a setback. The Mayor thou�ht rather° than nettinq into a legalistic ar9ument on the matter that what ouciht to be talked about is ' whether it is an acceptable idea. � (The City Attorney returns at 10:41 P.I�1.) Gary Samuel spoke about the setbacks. He said he has lived there and that he adamantly opposes the granting of a setback and the shoving in of a bunch of low income housina into a smaller area. Various other residents voiced their dissatisfaction with chanainq the setback. They bought their property with one view in mind as to the location and that Mr. Farr is now attempting to shove a]] kinds of units in and channinn the pattern. There was considerable discussion on where, and how, the location of "low cost" homes would be and the affect on the pre-existin� houses that would be adjacent to them if buildina was permitted. Considerable discussion ensued amonn the citizens in exnressinn their views on density of housing, cluster housing, and other issues. P1r. Farr enaa�ed in the discussinr. The Public Works Director sucrnested that it might be in order to continue the hearin� because of the additional comments that have been received and that the administration then could qet to�eiher �vith Mr. Farr and brina back the results of that meetin� later on. P•10TION by Councilman Starwalt to continue the Public Hearinn to the reoular meetinq of Apri1 19, i976. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votina aye, Playor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING ON ISSUING AN ON-SALE LIQUOR LICENS� TO JOHPJ G. PURMORT AT 8248 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SOUTHWEST CORPdER OF t1NIVERSITY l�VEPIUE AfID 83RD AVENUE (HOtJSE OF LORDS, IPaC. : MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the readinn of the notice. Seconded b,y Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all votincr aye, Playor P�ee declared the motion carried unanimously. P10TIOP� by Councilman Starwalt to close the Public Hearina. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Unon a voice vote, all votin� aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unanimousl��. PUBLIC HEARING OP! PROPOSED CHARTER CHANGES: MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski that the reading of the notice be waived. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Scott of the Fridley DFL said that he makes the same comment he made in January, 1976; that although providing some input, they have not been invited by the Charter Commission to attend other sessions. There was considerable discussion regarding Sections 5.03, 5.05 and 5.06, and the Council felt there was a need for some ciarification of the wording and intent of the Charter Commission. Another area of discussion centered on the printin� of the budnet for the City. City Manager Qureshi said there is no probier� of puttin� to4ether the necessary pdpers. What we need is clarification from the Charter Commission on what they desire to be published. h1r. Bjerkesett, member of the Charter Commissian stated that the Charter Commission's intent was to publish the budnet in summary form in the offictai publication nrior to the Aucrust meetinn. Mr. Bjerkesett said that in Section 7.14 the Charter Commission's intent was to publish _ _ __ _. — - - -- --- _ __ ' �_� � � ' � � , PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF APRIL 12, 1976 25 PAGE 7 the financial operations summary in the third week of April and publish t.he City's general fund operations quarterly expense summary for the first quarter in July, the second quarter in October and the third quarter in January. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick that the Pub]ic Hearino be closed. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, tlayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: CONSIDERATION OF A RESO�UTION CONFTRMING ASSESSMENT FOR ST. 1975-1 AND S'i. 1475-2 STREE7 IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to table the resolution to .the meetin� �f April 19, 1976. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. llpon a voice vote, all votina aye, P1ayor P�ee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #34-1976 -- A RESOLUTIO^! CONFIRP4ING ASSESS"4ENT FOR 41ATER, SANITAP,Y SEWER �D STCRM SEt•aER I��1PROVE�;EP1T PROJECT N0. 117: MOTION b� Councilman Starwalt to adopt Resolution #34-1976. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declar�d the mot.ion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION �35-1976 -- A RESOLlJTION TC1 ADVERTISE FOR BIDS -- TU SOLTDIFICATION APID PIPE REPAIRS FOR SANITARY SEI�JER AND STORM SEWER AND RIGID PAVEt�1ENT SLAS-�JACKING: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution �35-1976. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #36-1976 -- A RESOLUTION OBJECTING TO THAT SECTION OF THE PROPOSED RULES OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR CERTIFICATION AND EXPERIP1ENTAL AND GENERAL USE OF VOTINC, ; MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution #36-1976. Seconded by Councilwoman � Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. . ' ADJOURNMENT; ! MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilwoman • Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee decla�°ed the meetina of the Fridley City Council of April 12, 1976 adjourned at 1:38 A.M. , � Respectfully submitted, Jof�n Chegwyn Council Secretary Approved: William J. Nee P•layor ; i ( � � � i I l ; I f � � r C � J ORDINANCE N0. AN OROTNANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 11 OF THE CITY CODE Of THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TNE GOUNCIL OF TNE CITY OF FRIQLEY HEREBY AMENDS CHAP7ER 11 OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, ANOKA COUPjTY, MIP�P�ESOTA BY CHANGING CERTAIN LICEN.SE FEES AND ADDING THE CITY CODE PdUMBERS . . 71.10 Fees. License and Permit fees shall be as follows: Code # Subject Fee 17 Auction � � 27 Billiards � 15 Bowling Alley 109 Surning Permit 28 Carnivals 18 Contractor(all except movers) 12 Cigarette Sales 21 Christmas Tree Lots 505 Bicycle 302 Dogs 702 Drive in Theaters 108 Explosives 111 Food Establishment 111 (Grocery,Meat,Baker) 111 (Restaurants,Drive In) 111 Food Vehicles 25 26 202 24 301 301 301 301 303 301 603 603 602 602 602 Golf Course, Driving Range Hotels, Motels kiouse Trai 1 ers Junk Yards Livestock Horses Cows,Goats,Sheep Rabbits Fow1 5 acres + Farm Liquor (On Sale) Liquor (Sunday) Liquor (Non-Intox. Malt) � 4ff Sale Seer On Sale Beer 603 Employee Dispensin ,fi05 Liquor(Bottle Club}� 60� Liquor (Public Drinking) 606 Veterans C'�U� '604 Liquor (Tavern) 509 Motorized Vehicles Rental ! � *Pro -rate 10.00 for 2 days 20.00 weekly 120.00 year 25.00 + 5.00/table 25.p0 + 5.00/lane 50.00/permit 25,00/Carnival + 200.CQ deposit 25.00/year ��.-88 25.00 25,Q0 + 100.00 cieposit 2.00 Duration of ownership by that of applicant 5.00Jyear (1.00 duplicate)* 2.50 minimum 300.00 5.00/year 25.00* SD.00 first vehicle; 5.00 each additionai 25.00 ��.-8A 50. 00 pl us 5.00 ,per unit 7.50 parking; 25.00 occupancy 100.00 10.00 first;5.00 each add. 5.00 first;1.00 each add. 5.00 10. 00 15.00 total 4,500.00* 200.00* ��.-9A 35.00 ��9:8A 200.00 (Includes off s��le) 25.00 Transfer) 5. 00 �88-9A 300.00 �88.-88 3-0��0 100.00 12.00 25.00/vehicle 1 0 :; � � _: a � ... _. .,;,,.�_. -J 11.10 Fees. License and Permit fees (continued) Code # Subject 18 Movers �09 Multiple Dwelling 22 Music Festivals T4- Peddl ers �3 Public Dances li5 Public Pools � 6 Sanitation Facilities 116 Sauna 13 Retail Gasoline Sales 214 Sign,Billboard 16 Street Vending Fee $ 100.00 15.00 first ten units 1.00 each additional 150.00 /day 25.00 per peddler 25.00 25.00 0 - 5,000 gallons 40.00 5,001 -15,000 60.00 15,001 -30,000 70.00 30,001 -50,000 80.00 50,001 -and up 25.00 first; 10.00 each ��dd. ��.-88 200.00 30.00 10.00 less than 40 sq. ft:. 25.00 more than 4U sq. ft:. �A.-88 20.00 industri al �A:9A 30.00 residential �8.-8A 50.00 both �1. a Storage Tank (L.P.) 40.00 0- 10,000 qallons Structural 50.00 10,001 - and up gallons Structural 25.00 0- 10,000 gallo�s Mechanical 35.00 10,001 - and up gallons Mechanical i15 Swimming PQOIs 504 Taxicabs 203 Trailer Parks 19 Used Motor Vehicles Wa�er-Seftenet°s 111 Vending Machines 15.00 Mixer 15.00 Vaporizer 3.00 per $500.00 valuation 30.00 first vehicle; � 5.00 each additional 3:Ofl 30.00 plus 1.00 per� trailer site 100.00/year 5.-66 5.00 - 10¢ items and sea.led 10.00 - 10¢ items and not: sealed 15.00 - more than 10� itE�ms The following fees shall be charged for services rendered: ' 206 Reninspection-Build'ng fee 402 � Water fi� ��tw�. ��►�^�C 402 Sewer � ����w ��►� � 205 Wrecking fee 205 Moving - � � 205 Zoning Requests 205 Rezoning � Special Use 205 Variance ?� Pl at ' 2.j 1 Lot• Spl i t Vacations �05 Town House Development 212 Mining Permit 10.00 0� 12.50 �d'���� l2� 25.00 .75/1000 cu. ft., but r�ot less than 5.00 15.00 accessory building 65.00 principle building 10.00 moving through 40.00 less than 1 acre; 100.00 more than 1 acre 25.00 15.00 50.00/20 lots +2.00 lot 20.00 40. 00 100.00 15.00 0 .. ,..�•.. . � 1B , 11.10 Fees License and Permit fees (continued) �� ,11.11'The�penalty for late payment of a11 licenses and permit fees as shown in section 11.1� of the City Code shall be 25% of the amount of the f��e if re- ceived from 1 to 7 days late. If the payment is received more than 7 days after � it is due, the penalty shall be 50% of the fee. . � � PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF ,1976. , � � MAYOR - WILLIAM J. NEE 1 ATTEST: e � � . CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell ,� F]rst Reading: Aoril 19. 1976 Second Reading: � Publish....... � . � � � , � �� , . , � � . � , 2 MEMO TO: Richard Sobiech MEMO FR�M: Darrel Clark MEMO DATE: March 16, 1976 RE: Amendment to Chapter 206 The attached proposed ordinance would adopt the Iatest building code and the latest Minneapolis Fee Schedule with a few amendments. The old fee schedule was based on cubic footage; residential being $1.85 per thousand and all others being $2.15 per thousand cubic footage. The propased change would unify us with aIl ather communi�ies since with very few exceptions, only one that I know of, have all adopted the UBC method of setting permit fees. (Note that the Minneapolis Fee Schedule is tha UBC Schedule for stru�tural permits.) The result in the change would definately reduce the �ee paid for a large warehouse and would raise the fee for residential. S have attached several examples indicating the change on specific stsuctures. The impact over a years time cannot be p:redicted because it depends on what type of structures are to :be built. It is my recommendation that we adopt this ordinance ,�s it definately would p2ace us with most other communities and does r ec a more ealistic f ee for services rendered. DARREL G. CLARK � Community Development Adm. DGC/mh ATTACH: 2 � ! I ' , � � ORDINANCE N0. 2A 6HAP�ER-BA6-Bd�6B�PJ6-- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 206 OF THf FRIDLEY CITY CODE PERTAINING TO THE BUILDING CODE AND PERMIT FEES The City Council of the City of Fridl� does ordain as follows: 286.-9�-Bd�6B�P16-698E- �'be-P4}ppese�a-S�a�e-Ba#�d}pQ-6e�e-�s-kewe�y-a�e��e�-�y-we€ewepee-apd-sba��-�e-�R-#a}�-#e�ee--- aRd-e€€ee�-�p-�be-6#�y-e€-Fp4d�ey-as-�€-se�-ea�-qe�e-#p-€d��-ap�-sd�3ee�-�e-�He-€e��ew�pQ-- exse���eps.- �T--Fe�=-aay-�e�r�#�-€e�-�He-e�ee��ep-e�-�+a�����e-dwe}}�pQss-eea�r�ews#a�;-#g�as���a�-s��de�d+�es-- apd-a��-e�qe�-����d�p�s;-exee��-s�RQ�e-€ar��}y-ap�-�we-€ar���y-�we}}#�gs>-ew-a�y-a�d#�}e� �e-sar�e;-�qe-€ee-ebawQes-s�a��;-€ew-eaeq-��#�d#pg;-ep-ad����ep-�pe�a�e�-�p-sae�-�e��n;�; �e-�ase�-ep-�be-e���ea�-ee��eR�s-e€-saek-������p�s-ew-ad�#�#ep-aAd-sba��-�e•-a�-�Me-�a�e-e#-- $2.-�5-€er-eaeM-�,A99-e���e-€ee�-ew-€waeE#en-�Hewee€;-#p-e���ea�-eep�ep�s.-- �:--Few-�ke-�c�p�ese-e€-ee�pr���pg-€ees-€er-�d3���pg-�ew���-as-a�eve-��ea�ded,-�ke-ea�iea�--- eep�e��5-e€-a�y-��d�esed-�a��d}Rg=ew-add}��ep-�e-ap-e��s��p�-�a��d�p�,-�p-�be-ease-e#-a- bd��d�p�-ew-ad�#��ep-e€-aqqwex#r�a�e�y-�p�€ew�-he�Q��-�qwea�qed�s-sba��-�e-�be-��edbE�- e��a}ped-�y-r�b}�#��y��g-�be-gwedR�-apea-eevewe�-�y-s�ek-��}�d�p�-ew-a�����e�-�y-�We-d�s�a�ee-- €wer�-a-�e���-6-�peHes-�e�ew-�be-€}eew-��pe-8€-�be-�aser�ep�-ew-ee��aw;-wMe+�e-�ke�=e-�s-�e-�e-- a-�ase�ep�-ew-ee��aw;-ew-€wer�-�ke-�e�-e€-�qe-€edp�a�#ep;-wkewe-�bewe-�s-�e-�e-pe��qe�-�ase-- �+ep�-pe�-ee��aw;-�s-�qe-avewaQe-He}Qq�-e€-�qe-d��ew-sa�€aee-e€-a-€�a�-�ee€-e�-�e-�qe-ave�aQe- Me�gH�-e€-�be-wee€-s�p€aee-e€-�qe-�a}r�-�a�}e-e€-a-g��eqe�-wee€:-- 3.---��-�kte-ease-e€-apy-��eryese�-��}����g-ex-add���ep-�e-aa-e��s�}p�-�b��d�pgs-Ne���eps-e€- wq�eM-awe-e€-d�€€ew#pg-He�QH�s;-��s-e���ea�-Eep�ep�s-sqa��-�e-�al�ep=as-�qe-sd�-e€-�Me-ea�;ea}- eeR�en�s;-s}�}�ar}y-�e�erx+#Ae�;-s€-sa�9-��€#ew�pg-�er��eps;-ee�+���ed-se�apa�e�y:- 4.---Fee-sel�eda�e-€ew-}����d_�e�re�ear�-s�ewage-�apl�-�ew�+}�s: ��wae�awa�� MeeHap�ea�= � '-8-}A3989-6a�s:-$48- 0-�9;eee,6a��eRS---------$25- 3A;ee�-a�-a�----�5e --}e;88�-&-ap--------------'�3b-- M��ew=---------------------$}5-- �la�ew��ew------------------$�5---- 206.01 . , Adoption of the State Building Code by Reference The Fridle Cit Council hereb ado ts b reference the Minnesota Buildin Code �i 0 owing appendixes, annexes and sup�lemental provisions of the Minnesota State '' Code as filed with the Minnesota Secretary of State and the Commissioner of.Admiii on January 6, 1972. � '' �� I , on 4. Minnesota Floodproofing Regulations, Section 201.2 through 208.2. 5. Minnesota Energy Conservation requirements. 6.� Minnesota State Dumbwaiter Code 8800. Elevators. Dumbwaiters. Escdlcitors i lemental orovisions st�all be 206.011 The permit fee schedule for the City of Fridley shall adopt b lis fee Ordinance, 1975 edition, as amended, with the followin s. Everv reference to the "Citv of MinneaDOiis" shall be con mean 0 , i I � Ordinance No. Amending Chapter 206; Building Code L Excent Section 200.020 2B -2- raaraoh under Tabie 201-A re�ardinq instal- 2 Change Section 200 040, to read: "In no ease shall the fee charged-for any permit issued by the Build�ng Off�c�al be less than $7.50. 3. Add Section 201.011 to read: "Non-structural and incidental alter�itions where cost of materials is less than 500 shall be exempt from permits and i�ees". d n�� Cartinn � m_012 to read: "Group J(accessorv buildings) with �less than 100 5 Chanqe Section 201 040, sentence 2, to read: "F_ of any pool which was once erectPd with a perm�t an is not re-erected in the same locat�on and in com 1 this Code, the fee shali be Ip° 6_ Addina to Section 202.020, subparagraph 1-A, to s��. t for the re-erection read: "All new Group I s 8. Except Section 206 9 Except Section 208.050 10. Except Section 210 11. Except Section 211 206 012 Fee schedule for Tiqufd petroleum storaqe tank permits. STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL 0-10,000 Gallons $40 0-10,000 Gallons $25 10,001 and up 50 10,001 and up 35 Mixer —�15 Vaporizer --�15 2U6.021 Reinspection . ' A.reinspection fee as provided in Chapter 11 of this Code shall be assessed i'or each REINSPECTlON inspection or reinspection when such portion of work for which inspection is called is not compiete or when corrections called for are not made. � i. This subsection is not to be inter�reted as requiring reinspect�ion fees the first time a job i�s rejected for failure to comply with the require- ments of this Code, but as controlling the practice af calling for inspections before the job is ready for such inspection or reinspect�on. '' , 2. Reinspection fees may be assessed when the permit card is not pro- perly posted on the work site, or the approved plans are not readil,y available to the inspet�or, or for failure to provide access on the date for which inspection is requested, or for deviating from plans requiring ,� the approval of the Building �ps�es�er Official. 206.022 Application for Reinspection To obtain a reinspection the applicant shall file an application in writ�ng upon APPLICATION , ' a form furnished by the City. Where reinspection fees have been assessed nc� FOR RE- additional inspectian of the work will be performed until the required fees have INSPECTION been paid. '' � ' i , Ordinance No. Amending Chapter 206; Building Code 206.03 Safeguards -3- 2C Warning barricades and lights shall be maintained whenever necessary for the SAFEGUARDS protection of pedestrians and traffic; and temporary roofs over sidewalks shall be constructed whenever there is danger from falling articles or materials to pedestrians. . 2Q6.04 Fire Limits (Uniform Building Code) The provisions of Chapter 16 of the Uniform Building Code shall be revised to read FIRE LIMITS as•follows: UNIFORM BUir.�I�6 For ti�e purpose of this Code, the entire City is hereby dec7ared to be a fire 1�� district and within the district certain areas shall be designated as the FIRE: LIMITS. Whenever reference is made in this Code to any FIRE LIMITS, it shall mean the fire limits created and established by this Chapter. (Ref. 292) 286.-85 . � The provisions of Section 16.03 of Chapter 16 of the Uniform Building Code as to Items A through C of said Section shall be deleted and not be a part of this Chapter. {Ref. 292) 286.-96-- 2, Section 16.04 of the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 16 shall be revised and amended to read as follows: Any building or structure complying with the requirements of this Code, may b�e erected, constructed, moved within or into the fire district. (Ref. 292) 2A6.-Ai-F��e-6�r���s- 206 05 Fire Limits (Citv of FridleY) � There are hereby created and established in the City of Fridley certain areas FIRE LTMITS designated as the FIRE LIMITS. CITY OF FRIDLEY � � , �'� �° � I , a. b. All areas designated on the City of Fridley Zoning Map as being classified in Zone C-2, C-2S, CR-2 and P.D. shall be deemed as within the fire limits. All occupancies classed as C-2, C-2S, CR-2 and P.D. under Chapter-4E�- 205 of the Ci.ty Code shall be deemed as within the fire limits when con- structed in either Zones M-1 or M-2 (Ref. 367). 286:98- 206.06 Fire Walls a. Buildings na� within the fire limits may be allowed an increase of basic FIRE WALLS flaor area of up to 33 1/3 percent. b. The total area of multi-story buildings shall not exceed 175 percerrt of the allowable floor area for a single story building. No single floor �irea shall be greater than the amount allowed for a single story. Basem�ants and cellars need not be included in the basic floor area. c. Fire walls or separations shall be located in buildings so that-w��b-the area, between exterior walls or between exterior walls and fire walls does not exceed the allowable floor areas as set forth in Table 5C or the limits set forth in Chapter 16. d. Fire wa11s shall be of non-combustible construction materials having a rating of at least four hours. They shall have sufficient structural strength and stability under fi►� conditions to allow collapse on either side of the wall without collapse of the wall. e. Walls constructed of solid masonry or hollow masonry shall be considered as meeting the above requirements. Ordinance No. -4- Amending Chapter 206; Building Code f. Fire walls shall start at the foundation and extend through the rooi`, except as where the roof is of non-combustible construction and sucfi wall is carried tightly to the under side of the roof deck. Where required, walls shall extend a minimum of thirty (30) inches above the roof to form a parapet. . g. Where structural members project into holTow waTl masonry, the holTow space shall be filled for a minimum of six (6) inches above and beli�w the projection. Filler shatl be non-combustible and shall fill tne full ' thickness of the hollow space. (Ref. 296) 286.-99-- 206.07 Penalties Any violation of this chapter is a misdemeanor and is subject to all penaities provided for such violations under the provisions of Chapter 901 of this Co��e. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF 1976. ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL First Reading: Second Reading: Publish....... _ MAYOR - WILLIAM J. NEE 2D PENALTIES � J I. INbUSTRIAL BUILDINGS A. 7900 Main Stree� (Warehouse) (1) Old Permit Fee Computations; 693' x 140' = 97,020 square feet 97,Q20 x 24' = 2,328,480 cubic feet 2,328,480 x $2.15 = $5,006.23 PERMIT FEE 2,503.12 PLAN CHECK $?,509.35 TOTAL CHARGE (2) New Permit Fee Computations; TyPe III N = $11.80 Sprinkled — .90 ' � $12.70 per square foot 97,020 x 12.70 = $1,232,154.00 ].St $��O,OOO = S$$7.00 732,154 x $1.Q0/1000 = $732.15 $1,619.15 PERMIT FEE 1,052.44 PLAN CHECK (65%) $2,671.59 TOTAL 485.10 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAN�':Y CHARGE . $3,156.69 TOTAL CHARGE Old Pennit Fee $7,509.35 New Permit Fee 3,156.69 � ' .$3,252.66 42� Less than Old �'ee B. 5330 Industrial Boulevard (GTE Sylvania) (1) Old Permit Fee Computations; . . 1,467,747 x $2.15 = $3,155.65 PERMIT FEE . $1,577.83 PLAN CHECK $4,732.48 TOTAL CHARGE (2) New Permit Fee Computations; • 48,000 x $11.80 = $566,400.00 9,865 x $29.00 = $286,085.00 5,Q40 x $I1.80 $ 59,472.00 62,905 x .90 = $ 56,614.50 ' $968,571.Q0 TOTAL VALUATIC�N $$87.00 � $468.57 $1,355.57 PERMIT FEE $ 881.12 PLAN CHECK (65$) $2,236.69 TOTAL 1].1.90 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CHARGE $2,348.59 TOTAL CHARGE Old Permit Fee $4,732.48 New�Permit Fee $2,348.59 $2,383.'89 49� Less than Old k'ee 2E � C. 7740 Beech Street (Paco 5peculative Warehouse) � (1) Old Permit Fee Computations; 102' x 99.5' = 10,149 square feet 10,149 x 17 - 172,533 cubic feet 172,533 X $2.15 = $370.94 PERMIT FEE $185.47 PLAN CHECK $556.41 TOTAL CHARGE (2) New Permit Fee Computations; ' $152,900 Total Construction Cost lst $100,000 = $ 287.00 .52.9 x $1.50 79.35 $ 366.35 PERMIT.FEE $ 238.12 PLAN CHECK . $ 604.47 TOTAL $ 95.47 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAIVCY CHARG� $ 699.94 TOTAL CHARGE Old Permit Fee $556.41 New�Permit Fee $699.94 $143.53 1.25 times more than Old Fee II. COMNIERCIAL BUILDINGS A. 500 Osborne Rc�ad (Unity Doctors Building) �(1) O1d Permit'Fee:ComputatiQris; • 3 Stor�.es 80' x 168' = 13,440 square feei= 443,324 x $2.15/1000 = $953.14 PERMIT FEF $476.57 PLAN CHECi: ('S0$j ' $1,.429.71.TOTAL CHA;2GE (2) New Permit Fee Computations; 13,440 x 3 = 40,320 x $42.10 -$1,697,47:>. TOTAL VALUATION lst $500,000 = $ 887.00 � 1,19?,472 x $1.00= $1,197.47 . $2,084.47 PERMIT FEE $I,354.90 PLAN CHECK (65�) � $3,439.37 TOTAL . $ 256.60 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUP��NCY CHARGE $3,695.97 TOTAL CHARGE Old Permit Fee $1,429.71 New Permit Fee $3,695.97 $2,166.26 2.58 Times More than Ol�i Fee 2F � B. 1315 Rice Creek Road (7-11 Store) (�) Old Permit Fee Computations; � 5600 square feet and 70,000 cubic feet 70,000 x $2.15 = $150.50 PERMIT FEE $ 75.25 PLAN CHECK $225.75 TOTAL CHARGE (2) New Permit Fee Computations; � � 5,600 x $25.40 = $142,2�0 TOTAL VALUATION lst $100,000 = $ 187.00 $42.24 x $2.00 = $ 84.48 $ 271.48 PERMIT FIEE . $ 176.46 PLAN CHECK (650) . _ $ 447.94 TOTAL $ 73.00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CHARGE . $ 520.94 TOTAI, CHARGE Old Permit Fee $225.75 New Percait Fee $520.94 $295.19 2.30 Times More than Old Fee III RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS , A. 8201 East River Road (8-Plex) (1) Old Pern�it Fee Computations; � 4,052 square feet and 75,975 cubic feet �75,975 x $1.85 = $140.55 PERMIT FEE $ 70.27 PLAN CHECK (50�) $210.82 TOTAL CHARGE (2) New Permit Fee Computations; • " $175,850 TOTAL��IALUATION ' lst $100,000 = $287.Q0 ?5,850 x $1.50 = $113.77 • $400.77 PERMIT FEE . � $260.50 PLAN CHECK (65�) $661.27 TOTAL . $ 85.5Z CERTIFICATE OF -0CCtIPANCY CHARGE $746.79 TOTAL CHARGE �ld Permit Fee $210.82 New Permit Fee $746.79 � $535.97 3.54 Times More than Old Fee: 2G L3� B. I661 Camelot Lane (House) (1). Old Permit Fee Calculations; 14Z0 square feet with 528 sc�,are feet in garage ' $65.69 PERMIT FEE (2) New Permit Fee Calculations; $41,673 TOTAL VALUATION lst $25,000 = $112.00 16,673 x $3.00 = 50.01 � $Z62.01 PERMIT FEE � $ 40.50 PLAN CHECK (250) $202.51 TOTAL CHARGE Old Permit Fee $ 65.69 New Permit Fee $202.51 $136.82 3.08 Times More than OId Fee 2H • COMPAF2ING OLD AND NEW FEE SCHEDULE ' CHARGES ON BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED IN 1975 'Commercial & ,Industrial . ' Permit No. Company/Const. 'Valuati��n New Com��utation �12,860 . 12,862 3. 12,$$0 �12,881 12,889 " 6. 12.895 �12,896 12,897 9. 12,903 . 12,910 . 12,960 . 12,972 13. 12,982 :� �3 , 023 . 13,029 16. 13,055 13,083 . 13,389 19. 13,104 . 13,105 . ].3,160 . 13,187 . 13,203 . 13,207 . 13,288 26. 13,3529. 13,313 . 13,314 29. 13,316 . 13,323 . 13,331 . 13,337 �. 13,33$ sidential The residential �mputation and L_J LJ u H. B. Fuller Co. Alter. Coachman Remodel ing Sylvan.ia Building Bryant Franklin Remodel. Paco Masonry Building Holly Shop. Cntr. Remod. Riverview Carwash Addn. Coachman Remodeling Holly Shop. Cntr. Remod. George Is In �'rid3ey Remod. Coachman Remodeling Coachman Remodeling Canoco Remodel. & Addne Fridley Bank Remodel. e Tire Czty Remodeling Holly Shop. Cntx. Remod. RAd Mfg. Bv.ilding Ice Ar_ena Addition Paco Masonry Addn. � Paco Masonry Bldgo Paco Masonry Bldg. Win Stephens Datsun Holly Shop. Cntr� Remod. Carter Day Addn. � Minco Addition Qnan..Storage Building Machineing Inc. Addn. PaCO Masonry Building VFW Alterations Ceco Addition Kurt Mfg. Addition Paco Masonry Bldg. Paco Masonry Bldg� $ 5,000 1,300 751,341 4,500 56,982 5,000 �,00a 11,b00 9,000 8,30� 1,000 1�7�0 7,860 1,200 5,550 5,000 665,500 40,000 26,000 50�80� 1.45, 200 290,100 3,000 689,520 393,050 31,840 99,450 152,900 200,000 238,650 433,200 65,650 131,300 TOTAT�S $ 3.>.. 00 1:� . 00 l, 87£3. 26 3(). 00 21��.35 3?..00 4�3. 50 9`i.70 7Sa. 20 7�1. 58 !>. 00 1Si. 00 7:L . 67 1:? . 00 3�i. 00 3:>_ . 00 1, 731i. 62 25!�. 05 18!� . 75 3].:1..19 58�� . 92 ].,11:3 . 81 25. 00 1, 7.7:5. 76 1,183.46 21'7. 00 47.1.73 � 604.47 721.05 98I..70 1,298.22 262.26 551.01 $14,964,26 2I Old ComputatioY $ 30. 00 9.00 4,733.48 27.00 3 4� . 53 30. 04 �$.00 69. Q0 54<00 49.80 6.OD ]A.20 16.7? 7.20 33.30. 30.00 2,403.2? 240.00 78. 50 153 . 51. 409.36 675. 04 18. UO 4,276.35 l,$73.90 88.80 � 328.39 55b.41 1�200.00 1,679.89 1,597.53 278.17 556.41 $21, a68. al. permits issued collected in fees approximately $ 11,671.44 by the old the new computation would approximately double to $23,342.88. Old Fee Schedule Total $33,540.25 New Fee Schedule Total $38,307.14 .. " . .' � � � , '� ' .� ' � � ' � � CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMORANDUM 0 T0: NASIM M. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR.{FIN. DIR. SUBJECT: AN ORDINANCE AUTNORIZING TNE SALE OF 4JINE LICNESES D�ITE: APRIL 22, 1976 ' ��le have an inquiry from Bob Schroer regarding the issuanc� of a Wine License. On Novembe r 10, 1975, the City Council.held a public 'hearing on the ma�ter of adopting an ordinance authorizing On-Sale Wine Licenses. The Council had before them at that time a proposed ordinance relating -to the.issuance of a Wine License. This ordinance was not adopted. The ordinance is being brought before you at this time because of Bob Schroer's inqui ry. Perhaps the Council could adopt the ordinance even though there may�be no immediate need. i'he proposed license fee for the lJine License was $2,000 per year, plus an additional $100 per year for Sunday sales of wine. I am attaching the material listed below relating to the above. � MCa:sh � cc: Vi rgi 1 Nerri ck , Ci ty Attorney Attachrrents 1. Proposed Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of On-Sale WinE� Licenses 2. Memo dated September 19, 1975, and a summary of the State Statutes relating to the issuance of Wine Licenses. 3. A copy of the publi c hearing noti ce used for the November '10, 1975 meeting, and a copy of the s�ecial notice that was sent to every resi:aurant in the City of Fridley. � 0 . ,7 a ' . . .. . . . � . , � . . .. . . . . . . . . _ �. . . _ . .. . . . . . .. .. . ' ' � ]' _ �.� . ' I . ' � ' � �'� . � � � , � I � , � 3A OR DI NAP; CE ;V 0. _______, ,. . . . , AN ORUINI�NCE AUTHORIZT.NG TiiE ISSUANCE OF 0^i-SALE WIt�E LICE��SES;. � pRESCRIE3TNG CO�VDITiOi��S TtIEREFOR�; AiyD PRO�lIUIidG PEi�AL1'IES FOR , � VIOLATIOiJS THEREOF: AMEtJDZrdG CHRPTER 603 OF THE FRrDLEY CITY : �" �- G4DE BY ADDING A NEW SECTIO�J 7HEf�ETO; �i�U ,AMENDIP�G CNAPTER 11 , .� ' '. SEC7I0�1 11.10 OF TNE CITY COD� RELATIPlG 70 FEES. � .,' . - tNE CITY COU�VCII 0� TNE CITY OF FRIDLEY DOES QR[�1I��: • . . . ' �SECTT(l� 6(�3.221 � Autf�ori z�xt7 on to Issue Li censes . � . �.� The Ci �y i� hGreE�,y auti�ori iccl t-� •i ss��� on�sal� wi n� 1 i c:�nses pursuant tc� authai�i:�y ca�' ��i3�rE. St��. ,. l.a�;s �975, Ci-�ap� 345. . � Licer,s�; may be issued �c� "re�,-��;urar�ts" �� de�Fir�ec! al�ov��. . .- SECTTOt� 60�02��. Li cEns� z:F; ui 1°e� � , ... � . � No. p�rso�, �per��cing a r�P��:a.u�T�:n�9 shall sell ,.o�� �?�i°nii i-�o be �. sold o� �a�c! pr�3�:ises9 �e��< <R�ir�E ti��iF�,RG�t haVi•!"ig iss���c� t:o said p����sar� � ei�Cher• ar� "On�Sa1c 6��in� �..1G@{1�+E?t° C?� arj "Qn-�S�1� Iritox�cai:9nc� l�ic�u�ri � lir.ense." �1rr "O��MSaie t�i��� �tic� �s�" permi�s ai�ly the cn7-sale Gi� . wi.n� n�t �x�e.�:�ir�� la� p�t��cer�t; �'Ic.a���l b�� valum� in con�iunctiori wii:h t - � tf�e sa1 � o� f.aado � � � : - . . . SECTTC�`f f0�.22.� Fee:: . . .,� . -- _. _. .-; � .-_- _ -.-- _..: The annua.� �i �en�� fee a�d �r,p� ��af � or� �ate sha11 �..b� as provi ded � i n Cha�a ] } �f tr�i � Gac1� o . � � � SECTI�'� GQ3.?_Z� �ur�da Sales . .. _ _ _ � -. _ The anrfua! licer�s� f�:� fic�r '°S�r►��,�f t��in� �Salcs" shai� bE. as �rovicied . . Sn Chap. 11. 7{�is fee ?�� �c•� add�t;�n �;a tne �ee charc�E.d for an - . «OnoSal� 4,f9r�� L7ceF���.:` � . � . . S�CT�Oi� 603.225 Ottret� � i i cah�lc Provi si ons � � - . -_ The pro�isions nf Cha p. 603�0� ta 6Q3.2i above sha'C1 a;pply ta On-Sale � Wine License's �n so far as pr°uG�:�cable, a� �hey relate io� . � Defi ni ti ons ; RppT i cati ons; RenE�ti�a1; ('rocedure for Granti ng L�icenses; Persons and Places Ineligik�le; Conditions of License; � Hours of Operaii an; Restri ctians Involving �,1inors; Ot�er� Restrictions o» Purchase or Consumption; Insurance; Notice and . ' Hearing on Suspension or Revoi:ation of �.icense; Alteration of Premisess Dispensing License (?); Penalties. � . ' , . ,� . , � . . � .. . � . �3 B . .. � 1 � � � � . . �� , � Ordinance tJo. . . . � . Page 2 � .. . , . � . ' • �. " .. � Chapter 1] of the �ridley Code is hereby amended to read as follov►�s: , � . SECTTON 11.1Q Fees . � : : . . �.. . .� Add new subject of "On-Saie k'�n� L�cer►se�" The annual license �'ee � � � � for an On-Sale 4tine LicPnse shall �c �2.s(�t�0 per year. Tl�,e fee may .. be pt°orated fvr pe�iod� c��� less than on� y�a�� . . � The annua.� 1� cense fee for Sunday ��.les a� wine � s17a11 be �1UQ. The.�: . � . fe� rua,� hG �r�ardte� fiar� pe�Yads �i less �har� cm� year,. .. � Pt�SSEi� At�D ADOPTED �Y TFEF GITY CQllNGII� 0� 7HI� GITY 0� Ff:II)Lf;Y : � �- � � TKI S . . . . . . . . QAY 0� - ---- � 1 �3 75 � - . . . . � . ' • � � � . . . _ �.. ' L • , : ' � . ` .• - . • �. . . . : • ' . � . ' �. . . , t�xoR - wz�.�r�r�3 �._ ►vEF . � . RTiEST � : � . : . r.= �. � . .. . �.. . . �.. ��� . .��.�.� �_ --.... .::;.: � � GI. FY CLERK. �- P�9RRVIN C. BRUNSELL • . . . � � - � . . ,�.:: : .- 1 ' . ' • . _ �: , . 1� � � � . � � �� �: 1 ., .. � � . . . . . . �. 1 � � � . . ,. � . �1 . .., . � . � . .-.:. .. .. �.... .. . .. �: � . � � �._ . 3 C .� . . . ' CITY OF FRI DLEY . ' � ' MEh10RAfd DUM � , . � � I ' � T0: NASIM r9. QURESHI , CITY l9AfdAGER, �1ND CITY COUP1C1L . � � FROP4: MARVIPJ C. 6RUNSELL, ASST. CITY 1�lGR./FIfd. DIR. � SU6JECT: ISSUANCE OF 11TtJE LICEt�SES � � ' , DATE�. SEPTEP96ER 19, 1975 . , Attached is a summary of Laws 1975, Chap�er 345, Seciion 4 dealin � 9 with �he issuance of wine licenses. This statute became e-Ff�ctive �� ' � � . August 1. � ; , � . •. . . . . The fee for a. wine 1 i cense may nat be more than one-�hal f tFie 1 i cense i � fee• for an on-sale liquor license or $2,000, whichever is 'less. � • . ' Mr. Vi rgi 1 C. 'tlerri ck �ri l 1 be present at the Counci 1 meeti rig to I � answer any further �uestions you may have on this matter. • � , . . . . MCB : s h � . . I . . . . . . .. , .. ' � � ' . ' . . : _ � . . , � . ' • � r�� , � � � � � . .. � � _ � � . � �� � � . . . .,. . .. _.�........�,... ., 1 t �s written, the Dep�rtment has issued any proposed rules; however, they have indicated that �area which will .be subject to ul�tion is the size, tettering and construction of "smoking" and "no �oking" signs. Until that time, of rse, any reasonable effo�t, mclud�ng hand-lettered signs, will s fice: . iolation of M.S. 144.414 is a !y misdemeanor. Any person convictec! of violating this F� v►sion is subject to a m�imum f�e of �100. . LtQUOR , o:a does a wine license di f fer from � on-s��le liqccor license? ine (icenses, authorized by L s 1975, Chapter 345, Section 4, �vhich became eftective August 1, �y be issued tvithout numerical 1 it in addition to conventional licenses. They may also i�e issued �city having a municipal, liquor ensary. Only a restaurant may be t�ntec! a wine license. E;,cQpt as seating capacity, the same qualifications apply �s for on-sale 1' �or licenses; the restaurant must "an establishment, under the tro) of a single proprietor or manaoer, having appropriate �ilifiies for serving meals, and ere, in consicieration of . payment therefor, meals are �ulariy served at tables to the erat public, and �vhich empioys an adequate staff to provide the �al and suitable sen�ice to its sts." It must have facilities for seating at least 25 guests at one t' e. 7he Iiquor contro( director is i r�reting this lan�uage as not mittino the issuance of tvine iicenses to clubs holding special b licenses. notherdifference is that a wine ticense permits only the on-sale of �e not exceedin� 14 per cenE t�ol by volume in conjunction with the saie of food. Stron�er S�tember 1975 �J wine and other intoxicating liquors stil! may t� sold for consumption on the premises on)y under an, on- sale liyuor license. The fee also is ciifferent in the two cases. A wine license may not be more than half the on-sale (iquor license fee or $2,000, whichever is lower. Thus, in a municipal liquor store city having no private licenses, only the �2,000 maximum applies to wine license fees. � Unlike on-sale licenses (except in a few special law situations), wine (icenses must be approved by the state (iquor control director. As in the case of other liquor licenses, the application form is prescribed by the liquor control director though the council may require additional intormation. Another differ�nce coneerns Sunday sales. Sunday sales of all kinds of intoxicating liquor are permitted only after a popular vote� authorizing such sales and then only by hotels, restaurants, or clubs holding on-sale licenses. A wine license authorizes the sale of wine on all days of the week "unless the issuing authority restricts the license's authorization to the sale of wine on all days other than Sunday." Nothing is said about a prior vote and the legislative intenti�n evidently was to Izave to the councii, the issuing authvrity in the case of cities, sole discretion �ti�ith re;ard to Sunday wine sales. i�ne state liquor control director is so interpreting the law. rSince wine is included in the definition of intoxicating liquor in the state liqyor control act, restrictions in tf�at act on sale and consurription apply to wine s�zles by wine licensees. Restriction on hours apply to week-day sales. Presumably Sunday sales are limited to the hours bet�veen 12 noon and midnight; at any rate, the council will be within the law if it limits sales to those hours. � . . Restrictions on sales tv minors and to intoxicated persons apply. So does the statutory prc�cedure for suspension and revc>cation oE liquor (icensees. ' There is no express requirement for a bonci in the case of wine licensees. On-sale licensees must furnish a 6ond of �3,000 to g5,000, the amaunt to be determined by the council, wliich may provide for liability insurance inste�d. This provisian may not ap��ly to wine licensees, but under the counci)'s authority to impose stricter regufati�r�s, the councii may make similar provision for a boncl by ordinance. 'fhe liquor r_ontrol director is inclucling a bond form in the packet of material i�e sends ta cities contempliatin� tf�e issuance of �vin� licenses. "Che ne�v authorit�� for ���ine licenses is not self-executing; therefore, any council wishing ta issue wine ficenses must adopt appropriale amendments .ta its liquor licer�sino ordinance. If the city f�as a municipal liquor store but no privat.e lic�l�ses other than clubs, the council must enact a new ordinance. Model oroinances are available from thE� League. i� ISCO'S J41 �U i\ Ii�IPAL & SAFETY rQUIP1IENT F(RE APPARA'fUS Equipmonc�nd SupF�lics For: F{RE & POtICE DEPA,R7MENTS UT1LlTY, EL[Cl'RIC, ENGIiV�ER DEPAR'fMENTS ��, FI SCO �� �' MUNII�IPAL '�� suPr�t.� �s FIRE SAFETY CORPORATION 1a08 S.E. Third A.venue P. O. Box G60 Rochester, Minnesota 55901 - 6o��2ss-�xz i m 33' 3D _ __ __ . __ _ - . . , . .. . . ., . � , . . �� . � � 3� E � � .. . � �. � �� ���� . � � � �� .� ...���: . . �, . . � . ' OFFICIP,L WOTTCE . ' . . � - � . 1 ' � , � .. . , CITY OF FRT GLEY ' � PUQI.IC HEt�RIt�G QEFORE TtfC CITY COU�ICIL ' ON THE �1.�;TTER OF ADOPTING AN ORDIt����CE P,UTHORIZIP�G THE � ISSUAyCE OF ON-•SP,L� ;,fINE LTCENSES TO IrJHOt� I T Tt1�X CON CE R'1; . � �. ' P�oti ce i s heraby gi ven tf�a� there wi 11 be a Publ i c .� H�aring befci•e ti�e Cltj� COU?1G1� of t!-�e Ci�y of Friciley � ' • in the City Hall a� 6431 Un►versity Avenue North��ast _. =� ' in the Counci l Cha.n,ber on 1�onday, f�ov�rn6er 10, 1975 .. at 7:30 p.m. foi� cansidera��ion ofi �he fallawing mat;ter: � ' Consideration of the first r�eading �f an ordinance . �_ � authorizing th�e issuar�ce of wine licenses to restaur�ants meetinc� ti�e gualifications. It :is proposed�at tnis time '� that the requi r�ments fa�° seati ng capaci tys far area, z�tc. . � � �would be the sarr� as for the issuance of a liquor license. . . Th� fee for an On-Sa1e Wine License is tentatively set '. at $2,Q00 per year. • Anyone desiriny to be heard with reference to the above . '. matter may be heard a� this�meeting. � : WILLIAh9 J. NEE . . MAY OR � Publish: October 29� 1975 ' ' � November 5, 1975 . � ' � - - - - -=�- . - -- - . _... . ... _,.__ ._.. . .. .- . -- - _ - - - __. _ _ _ ._-. - :-.�. - _.. . _ ::_.. _ __. .� . ,..... __.•-.T�. ._ .:. : _ _..._-__. : _. �. -- - � . � • �. . . .. . � � r , � . . . , . � . ' � � . � ' ' � . � � ' + «: `: : • . ��.,��. � � ,, 3.F 1 � .� . �� ' � • / �I • . . , � .. . ��t !�r �1`�!� ��r 0 irg���� . . . . .� . i t -�-�ry � . . . � � � . . .' r� .3 c ' ' 1 �. � :; �i �,�� . � � - �_� .:. , . .. . - ,. : , ANOfCA COUNTY : . . " a�. r • . � � . , . . . . � . � . � - . . '��, ��� . � . � . . . . . . . I •t . .. ' � 643f UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE � � � .. - • , FRIDLEY, MlNNESOTA 55432 I. . . , . . , ' � � ' . ..October 10, 1975 . . . • .� . . � � : .. . � .� �. �. . . : � - � _ . . .. : . . � � .� � ' . .�. � ; .. . . . . . r . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. �' . � � . . . . � . . � . . . � ' . �. . . � TO �dN OAi IT 1�lAY C0� CE W�! : • � . _ . . . .. . . � . . � The issuunce of 4li��e LicP�►sPS is provided i�or in � � �. - �� ' ,. . ;�linriesot�. Statuie> T Laws 197� S Chapi:c:r� 3�1� � 7tre �� . . . Ci�y mus i . adopt ar� ena�l3r�o ordinaf�ce �ca pu� the . : � . : . , 1aw inio effecte The �rc,posed fee for this license - �• - - �.�. . .: ' � � is �2s000. . .. . � • • - . : Q t41 t1� "� 1 C�i1SE ti� � . 1 ' - . � . o��.� per°mit �he on---salc of wir�e; . • -� on1y, noi exceecti ng 1� per�ent al Gah�7 by vo7 i�n;e: �. . ' � .• - � . . �.. - . . , An ardinance ha� be�t� prepared a��c� �n�i 7 t be cons ic�er�d . .. ` . . by tr,e City Council at their� ,�ovember 109 1y>5 ." ": �. . � '. . � . ; me�i7ng. . • . � , -� • � - If you are� inter�es�ed in �f�is ordinance, �lease� � � � � attend the iJover�ber 10, 197a rnettirg, or reply - � - ' . , . by let�er. � ; . . _• .Yer°y truly yours, . " . � . A : ' .� .. - � '. ... . �. . - .. . ' . � - � Marvin C. Eirunsell � ' � '' .- . .:. � . ' � Asst. Ci ty Mgr. /F� n. Di r. . . . .. . �'; . � � . � � .- �. �� �, :. ' � • . _. ; � .'. �� .. . ' '.. ' . ' ' . � • � ' . � . �, . `. .. -• , _ . . . �t . . � � .. r I' • • � � • , � • ��, . •• . •� ' , . . , . .; . . . . . , 1�� ... �� � .�. �.�� .�.. .:� � . � : � � ,. . � . . . ... . . , . . 1 � � � . �. ._ . . . : . _ . � . . �.... . .. � ; . . , . : . . . . . ::� 1 ....... .__. � . - . ..- ..... . �.�. . . .. .. .. . . , _ � ...�.. . 3G ■ . . ' WINE APPL•ICATION: � � ,� FEES THAT MIGNT BE CHARGED ALONG WITH THE WINE FEE: . OLD FEE NEW FEE PUBLIC DRINKING (SET UP) 200.00 300.00 ' FOOD ESTABLISNMENT 25.00 25.00 ON SALE BEER 120.00 200.00 VENDING MACHINE per machine 15.00 15.00 � TAVERN (MUSTC) 12.00 12.OQ ' • $�.� $ 552.00 ' , � � � ' , ' ' � .' � ' , ' ' CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 21, 1976 PAGE 1 CALL TO ORQER: Chair�an Harris called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.N1. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Shea, Bergman, Harris, Peterson, Wahlberg, Langenfeld h1embers Absent: None Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner APPROVE PLANNING COt"�MISSION MINUTES: APRIL 7, 1976 MOTIDN by Peterson, seconded by Langenfeld, that the P.tanning Commis- sion approve the minutes of the Apxi1 7, 1976 meeting as w:ritten. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unan.zmously. RECEIVE HUP1AN RESOURCES CO�f�MISSION MINUTES: APRIL 1, 1976 � MOTTON by Shea, seconded by Bergman, that the PZanning Commissi.vn receive the minut-es of the Human Resources Commission meeting of Apri1 1, 1976. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimousJ�. Mrs. Shea called attention to the recommendation from the Youth Project Committee on �he Teen Center proposal and to the motian made by the Hur��an Resources Con�mission which was to approve the resolution of the Youth P�°o- ject Committee and ask the City through the Planning Commission �;o liring the Youth Center under the auspices of the Parks and Recreation Depart+nent. Mrs. Shea sa�d she wasn't sure how this should be handled. She said she didn't know if this should go to the City Counci1 before it went to the Parks & Recreation Department. Mr. Peterson said the Park;s & Recreatian Cammission wouid iike to review this proposal before i� wcnt to the Council. My,. Peterson asked what the thinking was behind this r�ecornmendatian. Mrs. Shea said the Youth Project Com�nittee felt that they would like the teen center to be under the Parks & Recreation Depar�;ment, and they G��ould like them to be the administrators. She said that the Hurnan (�esources Commission felt that this committee had done all they cou'id do. She said they had the backing of the City Manager to either have the use of the�room in the Parks & Recreation Department or the room formerly occupied b,y �he library. Mr. Peterson asked if'they were talking in terms of a prograin or of a physica� facility. P�rs. Shea said it was both. � Mr. Bergman said that this proposal has been under discussion by the Community Development Conunission and the majority of the members stated that they wanted to review the proposed youth center. Mr.. langenfeld said the Environmental Quality Commission was interested in this proposal also, and they would like to review it. MOTION yy Bergman, seconded by Petexson, that the rec�ommendations and program�which resulted fxom the combined efforts of th�: f,'uman Resourci�s Commi�sion and the Youth Project Committee for a teen cer�tc�r, be z•c�fr.zz�c:d to the ParkS � Recreation Commission, the Cormncinity Developrnen� Conunission 4 ........._� .. Planning Commission Meeting - April 21, 1976 Paqe 2 and thc Environment.al Quality Commission. Upon a voice vote�, a11 voting A�e, the motion carried vnanimo�sly. . Mr. Keith Larson, Vice Chairman of the Youth Project Cc�mmittee said they would have a representative from this Committee at al) these meetings. Mr. Boardman said that in the Youth Project Committee's proposal they mention that a temporary youth center be established in the Civic Cenier. How temporary would this be? Mr. Larson said it referred to the way that all the youth centers we have screened and examine�� in our proposal have started, which was on a temporary basis. Either a Cit;y organization, or the Police Department, or a special interest group started such a center, and then with the development of interest of people, usuall,y one group would take it over. Mr. Larson. said the location of the teen center would be permanent. He said that as the development of interest developed in teQ le Center, they would be looking for people from the Police Department, p p frorn the Junior and Senior High Schoois, membei°s of the Planning Commission and I�uman Resources Comm�ssion, as volunteers to help with thi�s Center. If they had help from al1 these orgar.izal;ions, it would help decrease the staff they «ould n��d from the Parks & Recreation Department. Tr�ey would ho;�e to �ven��ually be a self-propelled type of a center v��ith voiuriteer chaperones. � Mr. Peterson said that he would like to ask the staf�F t;o provide the proper information for the Parks & Recreation meeting which wou1d be held on Monday, Apri1 26, 1976. RECEIVF APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: APRI�L 13, 1976 . MOTION by iJahlberg, seconded by Langenfeld, that the P.lanning Commis- sion receive the minutes of the Appeals Commission meeting of Apri1 13, 1976. � � Mr. Harris said the Planning Commission on their workshop meet;ing and recommendations on Council. � City Council had received the minutes of the 40' 7o�;s and t,rill s�udy our recommendation �t on April 26th. He said that a policy statement sub-standard lots would be coming from the City Mr. 6oardman said the Appeals Commission would be acting on the one reques�; they have had on a 40' lot on Ap�°il 27th, but this would then be going to the City Councii, and they alouid make the final clisposition on this request. . UPON a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unatiimously. , • RECEIVE COMMUNITY DEVELO�MENT COMMISSION MINUTES: APRIL 'f3, 1976 MOTION b� Bergman, seconded by Peterson, that the P1a,�ning Commission �' • reeeive the Community Development Commission minutes of t.he meeting of April l3, 197G. ' Mrs. Wahlberg asked how the development of the Sign Ordinance Project Committee was progressing. Mr. Qergman said that Dennis Schneider would be Chairing this project committee and was in the process'of forming it. Mr. Bergman said that his Connnission felt that N1r_ Kr�ig Lofquist frorn � '� Naegele Sign Company had volunteered to be on this Comm�ssion and they also wanted representation from the�Chamber of Connnerce. Iney re2t that anyone � . 4A � � � � ' � � Planning Commission Meeting - �priT 21, 1976 � ___ Paqe 3 who didn't live in the City should be on this Committee for.in€ormational purposes only, and that the Chamber of Corrrnerce representative�shouldn't vote because they had a Vested interest. Mr. Peterson said he took exception to this because this Commiiiee was being formed to give inpiit on changes that should probably be made in the sign ordinance, and the people who were really involved in this ordinance should be full member•s of this �Committee. Mrs. Wahlberg asked if a member of the Appeals Commissic�n was still being considered as a member of this Committee. Mr. Bergman asked Mrs. Wahlberg to discuss this with the Appeals Commission, and t!nen she should call Mr. Schneider and tell him which member would agree to be on the Committee. He said that they felt there should be a limi� of seven people on this Committee to make it a workable group. UPON a voice vote, a11 voting aye, tha motion carried unanimously. ' ' PU(iLIC HEaRIPdG: REQUEST FOR A SPECIF.'_ USE PER!�IIf, SP #76-05, BY�� �11ow ARLYNE R. JOH�dSON: Per �ridley City Code, Section 205.Ci51-� ,�� the construction of a second accessory building, a 20' x 22` detached garage, on Lot 5, and the East 1/2 of Lot 4, Block 5, (:ity View ' � Addition, the same being 420 57th Place N.E. Mr. Barry Satterlee, The Sussel Company, was present tc� represent the � petitioner. h70TTON by Peterson, seconded by Bergman, that the Plan��ing Commission � open the Public Hearing on the requ�st for a Specia.I. Use Permit, SP � 76-05, by Arlyne R. Johnson. Upon a voice vote, a1.2 voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the Public Hear.inq open at 8:ZI P.M. , Mr. Boardman said the petitioner had a single attached garage. He said this property had double access, one access from 57th P1ace t�.E. and the other access on 57th Avenue P;.E. He said this gar�age would Ue , 2�' x 22' and would meet all the code requirements. The staff had no.� objections to this special.use per�nit being granted. '� Mr. Barry Satterlee presented pictures of the site,_ �� drawing of how the garage ��vouid be loca�;ed on the lot, and a statement signed by ihe two adjacent property owners. ' � � ' Chairman Harris read the statement from the ttivo adjaa�nt property owners which stated: "We the undersigned have no objection to a double garage being constructed at 420 57ti� Place and ihe present single garage attached to the d��elling remaining open and being used as a garage." He said it was signed by Warren Sunderiand of 410 57th Place N.E. and Carl Paulson of 430 57th P1ace N.E. � MOTION by I,angPnfeld, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission receive the signed statement from the adjacent property crwners. Upon a voice vote, aI1 voting aye, the motion carried vnanimous]:y. � T4r. Satterlee said � , reasons�would like to persarial car. She was and a second car. � that Miss Johnson lived alone and for security coni:inue to use the single attacheci garage for her going to use the second garage to store a boat .._,....-.�.:� .. ��� � Plannin Commission Meetin - A rii 21, 1976 Pa�� � MOTIDN by IIergman, seconded by Shea, that the�Plann�nq Cammission close the Public liearing on a request for a Special Use Permi�, SP !{76-05, by Arlyne R. Johnson. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, ChairrRan Harris declared the Public Hearing closed a� B:IG P.M. ' MOTION by Bergman, seconded by Peterson, that the Planni�ng Commission � recommend to Council approval of the request for a Special U,se Permit, � SP N76-05, by Arlyne R. Johnson, per Fridley City Code, 5ection 205.051, � Z,.A, to a11ow the construction of a second accessory building, a 20' x 22' detached garage, on Lot 5, and the East 1/2 of Lot 4, B1ock 5, City View Addition, the same being 420 57t1� Place N.E. � Mr. Harris asked Mr. Satterlee to be sure the petitioner was aware that i't was a code requirement to have a hard surface driveway. � Upan a voice vote, a13 voting aye, the motion carried unanirnously. VACATIO�! REQUEST: SAV #76-02, MRS. RAY PRESTEtrAN: To varaie that � part of �nimproved Johnson Str�et that lie.s North of 53rd Avenue and adjacent to Lot 18, 61ock 2, Swanstrom's Court Addition, the � same being 7391 53rd Avenue N.E. �J � � Mr. & Mrs. Ray Presteman :�rrere present. .4 C Chairman Harris said this request would be handled as a�n informal public hearing. � Mr. Boardman said that a portion of unimproved Johnson Street was � vacated in 1970. At that time, this portion of Johnson St�^eet was not vacated because the petitioner ti�ranted to maintain that area for an access. They have changed their minds and 4rant�it vacated now. There will have to be an easement re�ained for drainage and utilities on the East ZO' of the vacated street. Mrs. Rlbert Villella, 5300 h1atterhorn Drive N.E., said that their �� house was an the other side of this unimproved Johnson Street, and she wondered horr this vacaiion would affect her property. Mr. Harris said this road easement for Johnson Street was 33' which 4►as half of , an easemen�: for a street, so it would all go back to Swan�;trom's Court Addition, so this wouldn't affec�; Mrs. Ville7la's propert�r at all. � C� ' � Mrs. Viliella said that i€ the petitioner was going t�� construct something on this 33', then it would affec� her property very much. Mr. Presteman said that they were going to construct a new attached garage on.their property, which would be built 2 feet from their present property line, so the vacated street would be used just as part of the required setback. They didn't intend"to ttse any part of the vacated street for any struct�re. Mrs. Pres�eman said this unimproved street has been used as a dumping ground by all the surrounding neighbors. She said there has been concrete chunks, tree branches, etc., dumped here, and she was thE� only one in the past ten years who has made any effort to clean up this ��rea. Mrs. Villella said that they had just purchased their home last spring,�and they had tried to clean up the area closest to their property. � � . . ._ . _. ..,--�,,,,�,,.,�,,r. . �„ �. � , Gommission Meetin - A ril 21, 1976 Plannin g p -- Page 5 Mrs. Presteman asked the Planning Commission if they knew how much � this vacated street would add to their real estate taxes. IHr. Harris said he didn't think it would raise the taxes too much because this would be considered as one building site, and although they would own � all the property, 20' of it would have a drainage and utility easement on it. � ' � .. � , ' � � Mrs. Presteman said that if the City Council approved t:his vacation, they would like to construct their garage before the vacat�ion process was completed. She said that no part of the easement woulc� be used for the construction of the garage because the garage would be 2 feet from their present property line. Mr. Harris said the Planning Commission coul�d.not ma�,e a determination on this, it would have to b�� done by the City Council. �. • Mrs. Villella asked how close this garage wou1d be to her property. Mr. Narris said it would be 35' from her property line. She said she had no objeci:ion Lo i;his. MOTION by Wahlberg, seconded hy Peterson, that the Pl��nning Commission recommend to Counci2 approval ot the vacation request, SAV �76-02, by Mrs. Ray Presteman, to vacate that part of unimproved Johnson :�treet tha� lies IJorth of 53rd Avenue N.E. and adjacent to Lot 18, 131ock 2, 5wanstrom's Court.Addition, t1�e same being I391 53rd Avenue N.E.•with th� stipulation that the City retain a drainage and utility easem-erit on t.he Easterly 20 feet. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. -- DISCU�SION ON SECOND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS: C0��1MUNTTY UEVELOPh1ENT "�COP"u�tISSION h1I(dU7ES UF APRIL 13, 1976 . Chairman Harris had asked Mr. Bergman �o delay the discuss�on of this item until the completion of the public hearing items. , Mr. Bergman said he was bringing this to the attention of the Planning �" Commission for any treatment that the Planning Con�mission deemed necessary. He said the Community Development Conunission had discussed this because � � of a request for a Special Use Permit �on � S?�`���� �3cces�ory ., building that v,�as iarger than the existing hoi�se, which they felt was in conf1ict with the primary use of a residential district. � � � i. � 4� - Mr. Bergman said it ��vas the unanimous consensus of t:his Commission, after in-deptV��discussions, that the present ordinance was as good as anything that �ve couid come up wi.th. The concerns 'sere 'thai; the City sho:�ld not prohibit what a person could do on thein own properi;y, and to be too resirictive was a violation of individual riyhts. lihe 25% lot cover- - age maximum, they felt was a reasonably valid control o��er the abuse of second accessory building size. It �vas felt that we sf�ouldn't get too concerned with ►vhat kind of private business or hobby a person,might want • to conduct on their o��n property. Mr. E3ergman said the;y felt it would be difficult to validly deny an accessory bu9lding, with the burden of proof resting on the City, and it would be difficult to inspect or control. as to the present owner, or if the property chan�ed owners. Mr. Peterson said he agreed with this completely. � � , .. �� !I � , ' ' ' ' � � ' �• � 4E Planninc�Commission Meeting - Apri1 21, 1976 Paqe 6 �� Mr. Harris said that�he agreed with this in principle, but he was concerned c•rith the use of some of the accessory buildings. He said that there seemed to be more and more businesses that were being operated out of garages, and he thought this was bringing commercialism into what should be completely residential neighborhoods. Mr. Qoardman said the home occupation section of our code does not aTiow any business to be conducted from an accessory building, it all had to be cor+fined to the residence itself. Mr. Harris felt that there were flagrani; violations to that section of the code. He said that he felt there were many body shops being operated in garages, and t.his was unfair to someAne. who was operating a body shop in the proper.zoning and paying out for overhead, when,someone else ��ras operating a�body shop illegally in their garage, with no overhead. Mr. Langenfeld offered as a suggestion the guidelines llaid out by insurance companies on what was a commercial use in a re_sidentialarea and what v�rasn`to He said he felt �;his would be quite help-Ful to t�e � Plann�ing Commission in making a determination of what was a home oecupation and what ��as a commercial venture. Mr. 6oardman said he felt that would be a help, but he would prefer not to have the zoning ordinance worked on in a piecemeal �way. Ne said that the Planning Commission would be reviewing the enbQ►"part�o�fgthe�r� and he thou�h�; that the concerns that they had should . recommended changes to the code at that time. He said tl�ey could also consider business licenses for home businesses at the time thpy reviewed the nevr maintenance code. Chairman Harris declared a recess at 9:10 P.Nf. and reconvened the meeting.at 9:25 P.M. GOALS & OBJECTIVES P1r. Qoardman said he had set up five qoal areas. They. were Housing, Huma�1 Development, Access, Security and Community Vitality. He said the Housing Goal had been completed. t�1r. Qoardman said that under the Human Development Go��l they would cover Parks & Recreation.and every thing that deals ���ith human resources: library, fine arts, the humanities, the school� and educa�tion, etc. Under 1;he Access Goal we �•�ill handle anything that has to do with the movement of people and services, and the maintenance of those acce�sses. The Securit.y Goal wil? har.dle individual public health and general welfare. �In the Vitality Goa1 they would handle anything that concerns the cory.�unity's growth. Mr. t3oardman said they would consider the Human Development Goal at � this meeting. Mr. Qoardman read five goal statements under this goal. The first goal statement was to "Provide adequate park facilities and recrcational opportunities to ensure the health and wel� being of the residents and provide for a quality living environment." He then read four other c�oal si:atements and then reviewed the Program Objectives for the first goal statement which werc based on the goals and objectives from - the Pa•rks & Recreation Con�nission. � � , . _ Planning Cor�nission Mee�ing - Apri1 21, 1976 Page 7 ��� � The Planning Commission was in general agreeiient with the presentation by Mr. Boardman, but Mr. Harris satd he though� they should take the material ' with them to give themselves a chance to d�gest it, and they should be ready b,y the next meeting to review this �i1rst goal under Human Qevelopu�ent. �..Mr. Boardman..said the Parks & Recreation Comprehensive Plan would be based on this first goal. � PERMIT PROCESS Mr. Qoardman said he wou]d like to have the Planning Commission's reaction to the staff reparts used for building permit requests for.commerciai and industrial development. He said that at the present tiriie, when someone makes a request for a bu�lding permit, we write up a staff �report. He said this was sent to the Planning Commission, wha were not required to take ac�ion on the repart. •Tt�then goes to the City Coun�:il, and they are not required to take any action on �hese reports either. He said that the staff did wait to issue a permi� uni:il the staff reports had been through the Plann�ng Commission and Council. He said the intent of this process was just to inforrr� the Planning Commissi,on and. Council of t�rhat was goi+�g on in the City. � Mr. Qoardman said he thought that a better way to handle this, as far as the sta-Ff was concerned, ���as to eliminaie the staff repart. He said the staff reviewed all building permit requests to see thai; they met all the requiremen�s of the zoning code. He said a list of permits �issued ti�rould be given to ti�e Planning Commission and Council so they wo�ald still be aware of vrhat was being developed in the City. ' D1r. Boardman said that when the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee was eliminated during the reorganization of t'he P}anning Canmission, it was thought the administrative staff report would be a transition from this Subcommittee to a process that vaould still keep the � P1anning Commission and Council aware of build�ng p�rmit requests. Now we would like to pk�ase out the administrative staff reports. He said that by just sending a list of permits issued to the Planning Commission and Council this cauld speed us the issuing of permits by two to three weeks. Mr. Narris said he was concerned about developers not having any 'mecaurse if they didn't agree with the staff's interpretat:ion of the zoning code. Mr. 6oardman said this was taken care of in the Code, where anyone couid make an appea7 of any staff decision through the Ap��eals Commission. Mr. Harris said that he had no objection to building ��ermits being handled by the staff as long as there was a way to appeal these decisions. The other me�nbers of the Planning Commission concurred. T'hey all agreed that staff shou]d make the citizens aware that there was an appeal process to their decisions. � � ; STREET STANDARDS Mr. Qergman said he wanted to bring up the subject of' street standards , with the idea that it was better ta be forthright to do something other than to complain or gripe. Ne said that at the last meeting r�e had asked what the stand�rd was for street width, and was 1;old that there were many, and he was�bofihered by this. He asked if there was anything the Planning Commissioh , could'do to correct this. Mr. Boardman said tPiat most o1�= the streets were � . . : _ . "'�"�'�'�,�[ Pl anni nQ Co�nmi ss i on Meeti nc� - Apri 1 21 , 1976 PaQe II already in. Mr. Narris said he felt it was never too late 1>o estabiish standards, because this was an on-going thing. Mrs. Shea fE�lt that this could be under the Access Goal to establish standards for r��ad width. Mr. Borgman said he felt a 1itt,le bitemtiarrassed that at th'is point in time we were talking about establishing street standards. Mr. Boar�man said he would ask the Engineering Departme��t for a report on how street widths were determined at the present time. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Wahlberg that the meeting be adjourned. Upon a voice vofe, a13 voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the Planning Commission meeting of Aprz1 21, 1976 adjournecl at Z0:57 P.N,�. Respectfully submitted, .L/S ��, �' .�'�l��-rr�"�' � �� � Dorothy ,Evens,4�h, Secretary ✓ . a �� G . ,,�...,..,,�., .l : :s8t1 _-. �� ... ' - 'ti1 /f n .z w ` � . ►��_�-� � �'.-�f'l�_.�. 1 .. �.��- � . ,/ . '�'/ . MI / . `� � j J' • i ��._ �r f � /�f � . . . !i� • � -. . � ' � V . � � 1 � V /� A � / l.� . �� -_ ,�i�.... - ' .1-... + . . 1 n ��. " , I � { ^ ` /¢ 1� T � y � w '' SP #76-05 Arlyne R. Johnson �� � � _ '))/_. '�n'°} �jf.N , ._t�� '!'! . __ �'.,� �• 4 � �,x ,; 4 , , _ ti � - On Lo� 5 and the East Half , � � .�� = - �'g � �. ,��,'.. ^� ;� � � --��•'-' �! �''"' of Lot 4, Block 5 City View s� � ` Y�.yy s g,. �z � F- h �, �z l'"J _5 � Addition, 420 57th Place N.E. � _ .t9dl, .' „ � oel y= � ^ �sf0� '` • �..f ^ G'6��. �`�� �l6Jd ,_ . �,.,•,• -- . • . � ,- � ,•ii� �� _ ^ .... +� /,� � . ; :'r � � �„ � •: : /.. i1 i-�s`f M � p °�,�,,�, . . : � ' , ;d,. � � „ , � � ^ ; � ; _ � ��. - — ;g�,- =�.�- . �; , ° , r 'i 7!: ' �...?L.�t:.. IJF.l: �e < ( � � �� � � O�. �.. ljol7__ . ' - — } > >(� L�' "' � � .r:�.._. - • , _. 7 '� �w �� _ P I ,� � �, . e, � 2 � . ,� i^ '� n � �O 1 � ^ � � C� r. 3 ._... �Z-�--'�v --' � � _�'=i._._ 1/� � � . --'' — �'E•�,, ,���e----- ----. ---- _ .. _ � � : /���' � . 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Street - • Other Square With Rods �J Mesh ❑ Sod Rem. - By �5-Bag Mix 6•Sag Mix Tamping ❑ No Tamping �A.B.U. QGrade Point Conduit ❑ Blocks ❑ By Owner � By�Sussel � ❑Maintain 8' Total Wall Height including Blocks ❑Maintain 8' Wall Height on Top of Blocks ❑ Other � O.H. Dr Offset S.D. Location � ❑ Windows Att Gar Roof Tie-in Orawn on attached pictures Existing garage: No ❑ ❑ Detached ❑ Attached Yes ❑ Size of existing:—_ x — xisting garage will be: ❑ Left as is ❑ Converted to L.S. - By owner ❑ Removed By: O�.vner [�� Sussel (-1 runk Musi Be Removed By Own� Specify removals by Sussel or owner - trees, bushes, etc. Show approx, dist. garage to house and all prop. li�es � Stakes visible • ❑ Yes D No Survey available • O Yes (� No l Special instructions from owner: � � -T S7 � A v� . �V.c . LFi in RH PURCHASER'S INI1 IAI:S: L/c�SiinlC- , /� e a�.s r �S' / ��, _ S IZ E �- �" ��,. �? • �. JOB � - -- .� � � � r` i° r P;.s c� i� �'AP_+a C-t � � � � t � � � , r � I r ` � � � � �--- 20 �� � � J cxis;,�v� A rr.' s: nr�c� C�i�E'A S-c f-« <� +v �-_�` ,� 1 r a v s i F`.� e. � e�t 6 s- �:.,. P�K cr' ,n► � a DIREGTION �� . . 5 1 � ., I ' � . . CHARTER COMMISSION i February 17, 1976 II ' MEMBERS PRESENT: Raymond Sheridan, Clifford Ash, Ole Bjerkesett, Kenneth Brennen, Elaine Knoff, Jackie Johnson Robert 0'Neill, John Swanson, Ch��rles Langer li � Herbert Bacon, Roy McPhersan MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Ratcliff, Peg McChesney � Chairperson Sheridan opened the meeting at 7:35 p.�n. He added � Ms. McChesney had contacted him earlier and explained that she was not feeling weil and would probably not be able to attend the meeting. IAPPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JANUARY _20, I976 CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING: , Mr. Ash stated on. page 3, the third paragraph, a correction should be made. The f_irst sentence should read as follows: "He stated the budget is a valid piece of in£ormation which � the people need to make decisions in an election year." MOTION by Ole Bjerkesett, seconded by Clifford Ash., to approve the minutes of the January 20, 1976 Charter Commission meeting as corrected. Upon a voice vote, aZl voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. REPORTS FROM OFFICERS: Mr. Sheridan stated he had contacted Mr. Herrick in regard to the suggested Charter changes the Commission had >ubmitted to him. He added Mr. Herrick had stated he had not �is yet looked over the material, but would have tliis completed �vithin the next couple of days. Mr. Sheridan stated he would prepare a cover-letter to the Council asking them to act upon the suggested Cha�rter changes so that the Commission may have them back by April. He added he would indicate the Commission members would li'ke to be noti- �ied of the date for the hearing on these changes. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES: Mr. Ash spoke for his committee on Sections 7.04, 7.05, 7.09, and 7.14 of the City Charter. He added his committee had discussed these sections at length and that their main concern was that the budget become open and available to anyone interes- ted in viewing it. � Mr. Ash stated Section 7.04 was quite clear and very well � defined•. However, it was the suggestion of his committee that , i' the words "and shall be published in the of.ficial. pubZication � prior to the August meeting " be added to the end. of the second I , r � �' ' �r. � � J � CHARTER COMMISSTON PAGE TWO paragraph. Mr. Sheridan suggested that the last paragraph be cieleted as it was no-longer pertinent. The Commission agreed on these changes. In regazd to Section 7.05, Mr. Ash stated it was his committee's recommendation that the budget be adopted during t'he month of October instead of September because of the proble�m with setting the mill rate. Mr. Ash also stated it was committee's suggestion .t:hat the words "The budget as adopted shall be published in the official pub- lication" be added to the end of that section. The Commission concurred with these changes. In regard to Section 7.09, Mr. Ash suggested that the word "November" replace the word "October" throughout this section in order that this section remain in compliance with other sec- tions. The Commission agreed. 5A Tn regard to Section 7.14, Mr. Ash stated it was k�is committee's feeling that the budget should be published quartE�rly. Ye '. stated the City was actually compiZing all the necessary infor- mation monthly. It would just be a matter of tabt�lating and ' publishing the information. Publishing this infoi�mation quarterly would make it a little more open and business-likE�. �fr. Swanson agreed this would make all the inform��,tion more meaningful since comparisons could be made. The last sentence of that section will read as fo:Llows: On or befoxe the first day of April in each year the city manager shall prepare a complete financial statement in.form approved by the council of the city�s financial operations for the preceeding caI- endar year, and quarter, which statement may be published in such manner as the council may direct and a summary thereof shall be published"in the official newspaper on or before the_-third week in A�ri1, July, October, and January as appropriate. The Commission agreed on these changes. OTHER BUSINESS: Mx. Shexidan stated the Commission may want. to cansider changing the by-laws,which were adop�ed on March 13, 1973„ in regard to the quorum. He stated they may wish to change ttie quorum from eight to something less. This could be done at t:he next annual meeting. CHARTER COMMISSION PAGE `THREE COMMUNICATIONS: There were no communications. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Kenneth Brennen, seconded by Herbert Bacon, to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, the motion carri.ed una�zimously. Respectfully submitted, _�-�' � i , Holly �ager � Recording Secretary 0 � �� , � � FRIDLL'Y APP� AT.S COMt�1IS�Z0IJ I•t�ETING OF APRTL 27, 19'lb -�'��'� 2 xith the existin� buildin�; sites in the area. I� the petit;ioner re�uses to try �nd negotiate.for additional vacant land, considerAtion should be given to denyin� the variance. All denia2s have to be b�ased on good� sound considerations. �t. That the owner/bui�der make as much of an effort as possible to meet the existing codes. 5. That the house being built on a sub-standard lot blend in as ' aestheticalZy as �ossible with the existing houses in the neighborhood, realizin�; that a new home cannot always blend into an old neighborhood. � , �� � � STAF�'' S COI�iENTS : a. Statement oi' hardship must incl.ude statement regarding length of o�m er��ip which k�ould give indication zf property zras owned for a number of years, or recen�ly ac�,aired �riti� the intention � of speculating on development of a 1t0 foot lot. b. AZ1 variances associated with ihe development o� �t0 foot lots would require final appro�al by �he City Council. A�4TTQN b,y Mr. Barna, seconded by Mrs. Gabsl, to accept the teniative �uidelines from the Planning Ccmmission on subst2ndard lots. Upcn a voice vote, al1 voting aye� the moti.on carried unanirnou.sly, . Mr. Barna sug�ested that a 5200 square foot Zot witYz a de�ent si7:e house shatzldn't requir� a garage, but Chairwoman Wanloerg stated i� s�rasn't this (,ommission's prerogative to cnange that s�ip�zlation. She said that srould have to go through the Planning Commission. Air. Holden said he wanted to bring up thai the City Co�znc�.l discussed and � endorseci the idea that the Appeals Commission try to substantiate �rith facts any findings on the fort,y, foot lo�s. Chairwoman tr]ahlberg stated that she was slightl,y disappointed tr�at the guidelines weren�t stron�er. She sai.d that r,►ost o£ the subcomr,u.ssions seer,l to be pretty consi.stent on their feelings on this, and she hoped they could :�.ct in the best interest of the city in the future. I, A RE�Ui�ST FQR VARIAl`dC�S OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE AS FOLTAi�1S: SECTI�1d 205.053, 1B, TO REDUCE THE LOT AR.EA. REOUIR�D, FOR A LOT RECORDED BEFORE DECF��1Ilr.R 29� 1955� F�QM 7500 SQUARE �'EET TO 5218 SQUARE FEET� AND� SECTION 205.053, 2B, TO REDUCE THE LOT WIDTH REQUIRED, �'OR A LC)T RECORDEI? BEFQRE DECE:�BER 29, 1955, FROM 50 FEET TO L�0 FEET, AND SECTION 205.053, 3, TO IKCR�ASE THE MAXI�IUM LOT COVER.AGE BY TH'E MA.IN BUXLDTNG AND ALL ACCFSSORX BUILDIIr'GS FROM 25 PERCEPIT TO 27.g PERCENT� AND� SECTION 205.053 � 1�8, TO ii.�DUCE TFiE STDE YARD ADJOINING I,IVING AREA FROM i TKE KEC�UIftED IO Fr.ET TO � FEET, AND � �� � � � � FRIDiEY APPEALS COI�SISSION riELTING OF APRIL 27, 1976 - PAGE 3 SECTIQN 205.053, �B, 5b, TO REDUC� THE SETBACK FOR 11N ATTAC3�ED GARAGE ��IICH OPENS ONTO THE SIDE STRFET OF A CORNEft LOT� FROM THE REQUIRED 25 F'EET TO 13 FEET� AND �. SECTIO;V 205.053, �B, 5a, TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD SETBACK FROI�I THE SIDE STREET OF A CORNER IAT FROi�i I7.5 FEET TO 11 FEET, ` ALL `i'0 AI,TA:t THE COP+STRUCTIOId OF A HOUSE AND ATTACHED GARAGE TO Bl, LOCATF�U OPd LOT 15, BIACY. 3, PLYi�OUTH ADDITION, TH�, SA2•� BEI�vG �804 - 2=T S`rREET P1.E., FRIDLLI', iiI21IYLSQTA. (R�:�JU�ST BY ,1R. DERiIS L..VILLELLA� 76�1 CEiZTi�AL AVEidUE N.E., FRIDLEY, I�iN. 55u3:) MOT�ON by �ss. Gabel, seconded by rir. Barna� to r.emove this item fram the table. Upon a voice vote� al]. vo�;ing aye� the motion carried unani.mously. MOTION by t�irs. Gab�l� seconded by r1r. Barna, to open the public hearing. Upon a voice vote� a11 votin� aye� the Moiion ca.rried unanimously. � Mr. Villella was at the meeting to present his request� and a ne5.ghboring land owner, �rSr. C. L. Popp of l:762 2=; Street Iv.E., Fridley, was also z�resent, rlr. Villella showed to the Commission p ho tograp hs o f t h e l o t a n d a h o u s e p l an. �. Chairwoman 1�7ahlberg reti�iewed the request item by item� and IJIs�. V:i�lella said that number 5, to reduce the setbac�c for an attached garage, z�as no lonher a request. Chair:�oman �rTahlberg said it sti12 fe31 short of minimz�n lot� size, 'and in addition�to the eleven foot setback from the lot lane there was a tyrelve � foot boulevard easement tahich the city owned. �� rir. Popp asked I�Sr. Villella ii he V�*as sti11 Villella replied he could cut the house down squ2se feet including the garage. � ��� , over the 25� lot coverage, and Air. to 960 feet, for a total of 11�00 Chairwaman :dahlberg told 2�r. Villella the maximum he would be al.loTr�ed was 1303 s4uare feet� and sug�;ested an�.t�TT13t1VE of building. a sirigle-car �arage �.nstead of a double garage. Ivtr. Barna suggested using a different house design; either a two story or a story and a half. Chaizw.�oman SdahlbEr�; revievred the guideline which states there bs: no variance allowed from the present ordinance of 25% lot coverade. She said this appeared to be very consisent among three subcommissions, the PZannzng Com��ission and the City Counci).. She told Tir. Villella that unless he could come up with an alternate�plan which would reduce the coverage, tne Commission would not be .a7.lowed to approve it. She explained that wi.th iewer lots in the city to build on� there will be people wantin�-.to build on these 1�0' lots� and there was no objection to building on these Zots. if they meet existing building codes. �'irs. Wahlberg said this would provide sca-Etered mixed hous�n� throu€,hout the cit,y� xhich fits in with the Comprehensive Housing Plan to encoura�e lower-cost housing. Mr. Popp stated ho did not want this to be al.lowed. He fe].t ii; would not blend in with the neighborhood, and also was concerned that a house i,hut close to the street might be a safety hazard. He also felt his view�might be i.mpaired. � � � ti FR�CUL" EX APPE� L5 CO�iZSSION MEETTPJG OF APRIL 2? � 1976 - PAGE l� Mr. Villellr� said that he could make the house 960 square feet with a one-car garage, and there should be no probl,em. Ch airwoman Wahlberg saicl it was her understanding thai the adjacent land ovmer�had no objection to building on this propertyt�and T�ir. Villella said that was correct. He sa�d he hacl a new h�use pinn in mind that would be 2!t' X!�0' with a single-car garage� arid would be either a front split or side split. Chairwoman �rJahlberg pointed out that he would still require the i,wo side yard setback vari vzces and the Ia0' lot variance. She said that if he was willing to change ttie garage entrance from the side street to curve around, that variance eou7.d be eliminated. Mr, Barna asked t�ir. Poop if he wou7.d have any obj�ections if the tiouse was smaller and he could be assured it tirou7_dn't obstruct his view� arid rir. Popp replied he �rouldn't if rlr. Vi7.lella zrould change the plans. Chairwoman I�dahlber� asked rir. Holden if he thou�ht the Board should approve the house plan, a.nd he replied tnat he would recommend that the house plan be submitted to the Ca.ty Council.. MOT�ON by T�ir. Ea_rna, seconded by i��rs. Gabel., to close the pub7_ic hearing. Upon a voice eote� all voting aye, the notion carried unanimousl�r. Mrs. Gabel said she didn't think she could object to this since 12r. Vi.11ella �ras tirilling to work within the guidelines, and this plan �it int�� the Compre- hensive hous�.ng Plan. She also felt it would bring up the value of existing homes. Chairwoman Z�lahlber� said that in additiori �o his tJi.l7.�_ngness to i�aork with the 1 2�4 coverage, another point to be made is that there is really n�� land available to add to thi.s lot to bring it up to code. ' � ' ' MOT'TON by Mrs. Gabel, seconded by ASr. Barna, to approve the requ��sts for variances 1, 2, !t as�d b, and deny the requests for variances 3 a7d 5, noting that the dsveloper has agreed to this. Upon a voice vote, a11 v��ting aye' the motion carried urianimously. Chairwoman i�lahl.berg thanked Mr. Villelia for his patience wi.th the city in determinin� this, and said she would make an effort to help him �et on the City Council a�enda ior next h7onday. • Mr. Holden told Mr. Villella that the city s•ranted to inform him that it ma,y be necessary that this �0' 1ot and others be char�ed an additional seurer and Vrater assessment, as these lots were not assessed as buildable sites. • i � 2. A REQUrST FOR A VARIANCE OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE AS FOLUJti�15; SECTION 205.053, �tA, TO REDUCE THE FRONT YARD SETBACK FROi�i THE REQUSRED 35 FEET TO 25 FEET, TO ALL4td THE CONSTRUCTIOTd Or A HQUS�. AND G�'�FtAGE TO BE IACATEI) ON LOT 3, BIACK l� HEAT�iER EiILLS 2ND ADDITION, Ti�F SAME BEItdG l�tll ' KERRY CIi3.CLE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNr;SOTA. (REQUEST BY MR. MIKE 0'BAIdNON� 5298 FILLt�;ORE ' STREET N.E.� FRIDI.EY� MINNESOTA 55�21•) . � � � DENIS L. VILLELLA 4800 2 2 Street NE 6C � � �J � v ��. ��s !. C/TY OF C/TY' OF COLUMB/A V/L L AGE OF Zt� j �._� , W//4 CDRNEA ' SEC.r76 S�C ZS . 49 TH. _ __ . _ _ _ _. . „ . AVE . k.E. C.S.A.I{ N0:4- . ------- - , , •- �: .:. . .. „ , . , , -a: ., „ , , ,: �„ „ . . ._ � - _ . , , . • , _ . . _. .� .. -: ' ' al .... - �i. ? )... T . ' - 7 i • f , � . � — fI - . r ` ' ` . _ i.... ' ,_ ' _ _ _ � . � I ... '___. . ... ' � 1� I l G . . .__ -. ._. s ..x { - .., f _ .__` t.._ . _ _ ' _ ....f. � ,- �F ' - - � � �( � ` � . ...: _�. ..-�LL 1 r�' . _ -_ ' ___ _ _' ` + �1 "''� . _ i. ___ '_ . .__ .._. .. ^ .. .. ' �.. - . . C' . .. . ` . s ,I4� 1 ^ _ � r . �i �__.. ., ., ; : ..:,. . ...'.�� .. .',.... `-_ , LJ �` 9_._ "_. � _� _.._iSF.��i `-- ��jj `' . ': � i "_ . . i u. , ...� . -;.. .D�, _... �.. '1 ..9_ ._ _ ' _ " . '_ . ._. _.... ... _ ... � :: . . ... .i: � ..� l �a y _. .. ..r, . ' " .. . , rQ �j r a t .._..._� __..._.. .� "._ _ ' .._'_� _ ..._ _ '. " � ; � _ '. _ "._. .. ..� '_ _" . ""_ _ . .__. .. 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'..._- r.__ � � . -_.... - �� .. �� � tJ1 z'� 3 � _ , = r __ _ _- _ _ F- '._ 9 - (/ , :. . ,. . r ; _ . L -_ _ _ tn , r � � • . s, c c P L _ zi _ .� . n._ •, , ., r� .:� � - � .. . � - , „ . . „ , . Q�r . .�. . - l. � -- - - � - . , .. . _ � -- ._ � ' -- V�i"� \ i . . . . ' .i 1� .e �i ' .� �r�.� " -.� ., � "_ �➢ 1 _ r� _ �l-_- �. { -.. �� _ . . f �.��_ ` � . y _ . y 1 � .,O ,• ' � ,i _ .i C9. V' ir .�r � 1 Q ^T� i r - . , . ., , . _ _._. • . - . - _ _ . : % s r,.. • a . : : � : � � , �. . I � `S � � ` � . . , c ^...� _ , . ' J � _ / ._� .. �..� �e i a �' �.. � • • . 47.TH. AVE. N.E. ' �; , H ., , , - , � aT 3ri. j. 1 �... :,.,f ii� ...: : "b . ' � . /) / .., s.�� //✓ � , ~ a. � _ { � ' � < . _ > .. -.l _ _ � i t t Ir . �r ; . �c .. !i M - r� .Y .. _ _ .,� . . _ ` ' - -� �--- - - !, � :i I � � .... V _. 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OFI.':C'CT11L NOTIC� , CI7.'Y OI' rRIDL�X • � r , � PUBLIC IiLARING BErOI:1. TFIr APPI:ALS COMi•4ISSIOIJ 7.'O Y�?1?OM IT I�11Y CONC;,F2:1: 0 NOTICE TS HER;:33Y GIUF'N that the Ap�eals Comznission of the City of Fridley wi17. meet in th.e Cow�cil Ci:amber of tYie C.i_ty Ha11 a� 7:30 P.i�i. on Tuesday, Febr_uu�_�� 10, 1910 �.:o conside.r the following rnatter: A x'equest for varianccs oL th� rridl�y City Code as follows; Secti.on 205.053, 1B, to reduce the lot area required, for a lot r_ecor.dec� beiore llece�nber 29, 1955, fram 7500 square feet to 5218 squ.are feet, and, SecL-ion 205.053, 7�, to reduce the lot width required, fox a lot recci�ded b�f_or_e Decernber 29, 1955, fiom 50 feet to I� f.eet, and, S�.ction 2�5.0�3, 3, to increase the maximum Iot coveraqe ** , • o � f Y'OIIl by t.}�e n:ain builaing and alJ_ acc�sso�� build.=�ngs 2:5 pe�ceni: to 27 .£i percent, and, Section ?_05. 053 � 4F�, to reduce the side yar. d adjo�_i;:���c� ].iving are� fr��m �L}ie required wG feet to 5 feet, a�1ci, �c* Sec�icr: ?_05.053, �3, 5b, to :_educe the set bac?:. for an ai.tac?ied gar��.c3e which o}�e�zs o��to the side stree� of a cc,Yll�Y ZOt.� f1Uli1 the r.eauirc_d 2� feet i�o 13 feet, �:rid, ' Sc�ct-.ion 205. C?5�, �1B, 5a, to reduce tl�.e sic�e �ar_d se tback fro_r. ihe side si_:_e��i:. of �� r.o�:ner lot irom 17.5 i'eet to 11. �Gnt! , all. to allow i:hc� cc�nstruc:t.�._c� . of: a house ar.��: att.�ch,�d garaqe to be J_ocatec3 cn Lc�t 15, Bloc;: 3, I'iyulouti� AddiL-ion, thc sarnc b��iruJ �i800 - 7.'� Si.x��c:t N.�., F.r.idl.el. Minnes�ta 5542:1.. (,^.eC]llE::i; b�i f�ir. 'Jenis L. Vilella, 7C�r31 Central l,veiiue N.E. , 1'ridl�y. f�L-i. 55�132. ) ' T�nfone wl;o dec�.res to be lzear3 wii�l� ref.erence tc� the above �:,iatL-cr wi:? 1 Uc heard �,t i:n�.> mcuti.nc�. , �', '** Not.recommended for approval by Appeals Commission ■ V T. I�:C•I ^i:l 71 lVT1 i 11.�13! ti l:i; ACTII•�C t:II�;Ii WOM1J:*1 AP]?1:�1LS : C:i��i:•II:;��7:GN •i I. �" . . � � � �1 � � 1 � r � �- Q _s -�- � �- U, � . � � � , r. 9�.� i� \ � I � U� :� 1 � ,, -� .. _ 1. f j G ' � � ' � � �' ' � � . � ., ' , . i „ ' � 1 �� 1 � �� 0 .� � .� _� � ,� .� � � � .w w � . , � � � � �- �� � �� 6E --� �� - . �., f�� � • . CITY OF FRIDLEY PETITION COVER SHEET Peti.tion No, 3-1976 Date Received l�pril 28, 1976 y ^ ______,�� Object Request the followin street clarification be included in the traffic- street p an for the year 1976: 1 Preserve oa tree at ronton Si. to uphold tlie trQe ordinance; 2) Vacate Ashi:on north of Irontor St. ; aca e r in c u i��g ra� roa cross�ng; an u- e-sac on Ironton Str�et, Petition Checked By Date Percen.t Signing Referred to City Council Disposition 7 � - � . � 7 l� i � t � � I� . . . - ' April 20, 1976 � ' ' � Mr. Nasim Qureshi , City Manager � Mr. William Nee ' Mayor � Members of the Fridley Council ' We the undersigned request the following street clarification '� be included in the traffic-street plan for the year 1976 to include the following: ,� 1) Preserve the oak tree at 275 Ironton Street to uphold the tree ordinance. '_ 2) Vacate Ashton north of Ironton Street. ' 3) Vacate 83rd including railroad crossing. � � 4) Cu1-de-sac on Tronton Street (see map). 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A �- �---- o� . � � � � �. �=- � �o .i , � z � �� �,-� � � � !_ �!;••� - � : '��'� 0 d� ' :33ais � a ;-,-�� � _ . � � V� e �� M � . , � . � �, r � � � �� ��� �� O Z J U z � � a . i � � i a � ��� r t— . ..:; v �--��...�■+�--- /, .:�.• � �• . � / j• a N t1;1-S I 1!� N�i� � 0 � ' 0 � . � � � M E M 0 R A N D U M T0: Nasim Qureshi, City Manager � � � FROM: Dan Huff, Acting Parks and Recreation Director r^� ' DATE: April 28, 1976 SUBJECT: Tree Removal Con�ract I Attached is the swnmary of the tree removal bids. It is � our.:recommendation that the 1976 contract be granted to Amlee Tree 5ervice of 2011 E. 122nd St., Burnsville. � Thank you. � I � � � �8A r •n N r-� � �'' y= rn ro . C .b f, i � JU,W � �.. . . . . �K . I C p . � � �� � � . , j � f") i � � rn .c - o o ' bI� "� �- N L O � , 'D C S- N= L C! (V � . � � � p > O Z O N p,..C- bq � 'G +� p i 'L7 ?� N x L 'p ,p O] 'O 7 O 0 O E.7 ['i' ' �_ p � p , � � O 00 01 � p Y � � '� tfi n = — - w � m • A �_ O O � � � i� � ^ O � N �' ^ � . 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C O N i: N�r O� O U S � G/ r- e- � �C N N C�C Y QI N L 61 S ^ rtl OO Y t- . ei3 L �-- rt1 M rt1 V C OJ U C � i. Qf � � O O ^ L r d-� O/ d Ol i0 � C/ •.- O F-^ O.�.'. i O� 1 r-^ � O C 4.'. . K N ~ W j r 7t_ J !n Q) Ql i O i� J � N 3 id �A 3•r = L]. E i � Q W N V1 L G1 L X C� .-- C7 N S.. = C T � CI U. N E . 0 LL'. Cl � C N� O C "� �O C N 00 1/� T7 O C 01 O O 7 R) O•.- d r- C A N �> O•r e21 �}' C G7 O E �D .� W O EO � G O•i iCt S.. L��� 7N Cl dtfl S.. lOi-� �llr �M O . >Q� QN OO W[,�D. L1_1�4. 1--�E Zt0 ti Y tOLL. -..Ir-N %r-Ca '"�r V L . � ' $ R I � � � � � �_ F O r�^ - C O Y ' � v G � � � � . O 4- 4- L i. 7` � v U :- Ll . C1 � U O O � u r o O . C i �! i � f.�. ti� Vi f-- t� � Y . O i-� .N SG- ' 4- q. _ u s.. s� � � � •1- A (1 d i. � � � �J � ~ __�__ _ ��. �_ . . . — . :� =] O N t/f � � N � C: 2� u in � �I N O . , _ , - . , _'_..,. — _ ' . ��f �. . y � �o r,f -.— � . N . � O C% �� N . � . — �.."__ � . � i u�_ __�.— . . O C� r � t-- .�-� �. � � N_ .c U; p B.o . � . � . � ` _ p F � N U J � � C +� .f r � G •,- J i i � p rs . �- ._]! C� C'O�d •� +� i-� 3 7 � U L`� .0 .0 . i 0 U V , Y � � .D � . - 7 ,�,� . :� N V1 N n n � H �U t� M W W a � � W N s.� N .ei � C� •O 6f � +� N V V • Y_ . !n U v� al rt7 � +� a� ro s.. . `J �� H i N Y �. � > a • �� �> F_ +� T_ L s�.� y i � a-� v z �n s.. �¢ � t. a a� �.n u� vi � a.c _ �,.� CJ 't7 :.; c :e. C O .i ro> nl a1 r) � Gl ' F- CT , N C W X ro ?ti �n C./ Q ti- N �- L.0 �- � � C/ N� N W CJ Ot a.� = i c: � C u w �� F- +� C Q! Q1 . . a�mm aic o�+,- ai? rno ux C! r A Y r� N C�[ x Q! ��O L v:i: N CO s� i L r-- rt7 i") �O V C: N U C i 0� 7. C7 C�� L a., U C1, tJ ro f-- •.- C Ji. J V7 C� 61 •�- O 1- O� _ CT1 � ►- . 7 O • C Ca•.- •.�- N O S. W�.S Gi Cl L.O �� J � Cl :G rtf �n :c •r .- Ci A ,W �+• O C7 vf L G) L _Y tt! .- C7 O) L. � C:L' c0 [L N F 2 i7 d r- C V1 Y O C � �D C C� �A N r 'V C7 C Ol O G7 � C � L. r- 7•r- �y p..- � r C I� N r- � C7 •.- sa7 tt C O U E N r-- � Cl � O � •C O L L V L L 0.1 •�- J N C1 Ul tt/ L ln �� +- �!'! r •.-�(q p I � � > cC N[L1 W[Y A. 4. t� t�. 1-� �n 'r: x�O .t X tU l�. J.- N ._ �-- CO � 7.- t,) MEMO T0: MEMO FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Richard N. Sobiech, Public Works Director Thomas A. Colbert, Assistant City Engineer April 30, 1976 SS&SW #119 Change Order #1 After further review of �he plans and specifications for the above referenced project, and upon consultation Lvith the Public Works Maintenance Division, it was determined to be economically advantageous and in the best interests of the City and the affected property owners to make the suggested changes as noted in the attached change order. Therefore, I recommend that the attached Change Order #1 for Sewer and Water Improvement Project #119 be considered and ap- proved by the City Council at the meeting scheduled for May 3, 1976. 7AC/ jm At�ach. i 0 � PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Engineering Division City of Fridley Fridley., Minnesota April 22, 1976 Peter Lametti Construction Company 614 Drake Street St. Paul, I�PiI 55102 Re: CHANGE ORDL-'R #1: 1Yater, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Street Grading Improvement Project #119 Gentlemen: You are hereby ordered, authorized and instructed to modify your contract for 1Vater, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Street Grading Improvement Project #119 by adjusting �?�e foT.loF�ing e$timated quantitie� for a revised deduction in price of Four hundred thirty dollars and fifty cent>. � � __�430.50 (figures) As these are estimated quantities, t}ie basis of payment would be on the actual quantity of work performed and the following unit prices. Item 4" P.V.C. Service Line 8' Section - 22 � Pipe Bend 6" P.V.C. Sexvice Line Standard M.H. 0-8' Design F M.H. Castings 700-7 � 712 ADDITIONS Quantity 530 L.F. 2 Each DELETIONS 530 L.F. 1 Each 1 Each Unit Price $ 3.95 140.00 Subtatal: $ 4.30 430.00 95.00 Subtotal NET DECREASE: Amount $ 2,093.50 �Rn IL� . $ 2,373.50 $ 2, 279. 00 430.00 95.00 $ 2,804.00 $ 430.50 • � i:a Change Order #1: SS$SW #119 I � �. � , -2- Original Contract Price Change Order #1 DEDUCT REVISED CONTRACT PRICE: 4,22��6 $43,814.Q5 430.50 $43,383.55 The completion date for the main contract on Water, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Street Grading Tmprovement Project #119 will remain in effect as July 2, 1976. Submittea and approved b Ric ard N. Sobiech, Public Works Director on the 2Z �� day of � ' , 1976. Prepared by: Checked by: C. � '� � ; L-'1..� Ric ard N. Sobiech, P.E. Public LVorks Director Approved and accepted this %' �'�day of ���"jG , 1976 by Peter Lametti Construction Company 9� Peter Lametti Construction Co, �,_ � ��i�i4oi1i�4/� / 1-:-�r $Y Z�lt e Approved and accepted this day of �, 1976 by the City Council of the City of Fridley, hlinnesota. William J. Nee Mayor Nasim bf. Qureshi City rlanuger � �� � �� � �� r � � � � � � MEMO T0: MEMO FROM: DATE: SUaJECT: Nasim M. Qureshi, City Manager Richard N. Sobiech, Public Works Director April 29, 1976 Bid For TV Solidification & Pipe Repairs & Rigid Pavement Slabjacking Attached please find the results of the bid opening for the referenced project, held April 23, 1976. Solidification Inc. was the only company to submit a bid for this project. Please be advised Solidific�tion Inc. has been under contract with the City of Fridley for the past several years and they have provided an exc�llent work performance for the City. This project involves using the contractor only on an emergency basis as pipe repairs are needed and concrete streets need maintenance. The costs noted in the bid are comparable to those in the 1975 contract. Based on past performance experience with Solidification Inc., it is recommended that th� City Council at the meeting of May 3, 1976 award the contract to them for the year May 1, 1976 to t�lay i, I977. RNS/jm lo i .�� a �►-a J H H N ) d' . JW Vl J J W r .-� � C?�-+ • � � O i . �, S .- N . CO W . [ V 0 Q7 r � 3 � -�' C� � W � ' z ¢ Y ~ ` z v�,t m ¢ ¢ r ° a �?� � V% JN� 4. .- O 2 N W Q � � � 4 � 0.4. r�r. p L] in �W-+ � H T� .. � r�-� S [Qi' . � Z w r Z i > h W w O� W 3 � w N Z � z�� o �. . N � I-- �+V1 . � '.0 J � >'" � N O � o ¢ 03w O .-� cr o Z Z � w o z � +++ ¢ m � �� F u �+ z .w ' d c� a� � ~ � � z 'C7 U � 2CJt .� i -N � � p � O Z. 4- H F- 3 N 1] N • � ¢�� � O • � 4 .-Vr � o � �CS (> � �- � LL. F- o.. '"' V1 •r w •-' � �L � � r a O U W (ji (1) 'E3 l+.t � p � \ 5r � Qll 0. t°n � � � F-- �-+ N ... ia 0 z 4 z 0 • r'" (O O O O O O d O O O C O tS) d d' Ln CO 01 �i- �.t ln O Q N (T M N • r l9 LC) N t.f') N r N ct' cf' _� U � l� .r-. cu o .., '� � 4 � N U N . ��,y C �t . ' � V � V1 N L b w�- � 't7 � � N �N C) � � � wr . � YS r C N � M '�'! h o ai o. v�i c ° o, c �� v- � s°. o�^ o� ' • y p� o� o.. v cti - > c o ci. +� `� o a�i s 5, ++ +�n o s. v> �, s.. s. s�'.. o� a o �- c m .0 a cn u Rs c� 4- •.- a �- yo., �� ,� � F- .- l. > rn rs-- a v o. M E= v �a cr u o� -°� � r ':: ��, -,- M- v� c_ �-.- t cz c o' > c> > � v rn o o v- a. ^ .- d•.- s. o� o u a a�i � ai o a� v- a rn� v- L �u �_ v o �.- a ti O. �N i �O wC ^ d "0 L.0 p r-. ++ N > N O N Q! N N Cl n1 C1 3 :- � N L Q1 C U � Z7 C CT4- 3 47 tn r- r0 � CT � .- 3 O G O�CJ CT O Cl ' C1 � C � ~ �O � N R +� u/ Cl N b r � fJ a� •r L r �. r0 +� •i0 �� N U p N t!� G] rt3 N�n F.: rtf •r� v� a. �O o. f-- G 10A. � � LC C N .0 C 0. C d 1n S: .- > :t N O) 7� .0 RY ►+ • CC �[IC 4- G rt� O 0. !..) O i � +- 2 +-� C.� iO 1�- � O t� O. �r- � t) U O L+� U'.- .- C 41 O O�_ .- • U r' � n E L" a.}'i �in n. E:.a �- a� � -� a. .n ..-. E: �n v.. �u ti. a.- E w m c� �o w a ti.. ca � �r �r- � t7 C� U O � i Z) V• ns >•�- V.- a� �n O E L >� L E CJ CL �c�i L S,. ^', F� a� G�' c 'C) i. U E�D O O O C N Z W 7 � G) a� •.- a � v� a� G C� C r r_ �� m •E ••- Ry •- ,C .0 •E .c � K V � .- 3 c�n ++ > 3 2 G f.. r+^ ..+ c1 a� .- ;c T] C.- c C Ol C aJ Q! G� C fJ 4- O. C� G) t Q.. •�- O d Ql C .L' O Ul G '� O �. A t i0 � O • . N F' N TL r-� N O�: Vl tn �,.� Y- �� "> N OC �^+ CJ V1 N rt7 .i. N .c. .E C.� i 1-� r0 � r N M Q � an �O f+ :70 C� O r N M at r+ r r � � I � ' � �} , , � a °vf�--o � «.. .-. N N i �a • � 4•3-+Z ��O � �� r- N .Cp W 3�to � 3 , O t+.t � 4 O !- Z Z N :t 4 '- , � zz� ¢ ,�- � . JN� 0. r- C] � w z a � M d �. w Q � � I W CY i--� A'--� rr � K tn 4 � tl' , W �-- � titC)O O'-.W_ � ? Zt�� H J ? �-+ � T .-J V1 O Z • 4. � U 3 w ��� Q�� � w ►-� J z z o � 0 0 � •--1 � w Q Z fti ►-� f- O ti.. 1- 0. ►+ O Q O U W � �.,� --.. J O Z N�� ' , ' ' l . .� • � . � _ M � � .0 N S., � i]. 4-- O O O X X O O Q 1� N O � 117 f� # T � N +� •�- # b U~ � E 4/ N N � r i ' > S- Cl 'i7 'q O! � N r t) Q/ 'D C+a � r LA U � O '� O. Q' > i C1 cL � � 3 0.�' v U •i �� Q� d L � V r- Vl v- N O' CY i-� � O .O � v E O L N LY i-» � 5 C d-� Cl ?� 4 N U O F-' N lJ fy C � Q1 ~ i� V- C N �.�- R7 N rn n .-- �o p o•• io rn ►- c.� a c � ro r� n.N � L v �r- w- �.- � tn vl i Ql 4- L e- . .]L f_ L r- G N� O � O N O.r 13 O Cl 'r 7� 7 �' W 'L7 Rf N Ll 1.� . .a Q Q' a� Z7 • V� .O J � � 4�� � W A 7 c] d aoi. N• • Q�-+2LL � r- N M �at i� N � G � U 0 � 1 : J , ' , � , � ' ' , � ' , ' , �J � � ' �� April 27, 1976 �,o��� w,�O'b ..�: ,.. ��`P��r n`..^a ' •*` �JyV'��v. � � ��C ..a3i��� - � �� STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS CISTRICT NJ. 6 2055 NO. LILAC DRtVE MiNNEAPOLIS, MINN. Mr. Richard N. Sobiech Fridley City �ngineer 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 In reply refer to: 315 S.P. 0285-34 T.H. 694 at T.H. 47 (University Avenue) in Fridley Noise Abatement Barriers Dear Mr. Sobiech: As you know MHD is proposing to construct noise b arriers in the northeast and southwest quadrants of the intersection of I-694 and T.H. 47 (University Avenue). This proposal was presented by rgID to the City Council and the public afi the Council meeting April 19, 1976. At that time MIiD received input from the Council and the affected residents concerning the proposed barriers. The�proposed b arriers will be constructed of wooden planking and wooden posts (the same as the other proposed b arriers in Fridley) and will be designed to reduce noise levels by approximately �0 d�A for the first row of homes in both the northeast and southwest quadrants of the above mentioned interchange. This reduction will bring noise levels to well within the Federal noise standard of 70 dBA and should, in most casas, reduce noise levels to State standards of 65 dBA. We are proposing this project at this time so that plans can b e prepared and the project let at the same time the New Brighton noise b arrier project is let in September, 1976. The remainder of the Fridley noise b arrier.project is scheduled to be let in May, 1976, but due to time constraints, this smaller project could not be let until September. Attached to this letter are preliminary plans and resolution (to be completed by City) for the proposed noise barriers for I-694 at T.H. 47. We are re- questing City Council approval of both the preliminary plans and materials. After this approval is obtained, NIEiD will begin detail design of the barriers. Upon completion of detail design, the final plans will be submitted to the Couneil for final approval. As stated above the project is scheduled to b e let in September, 1976 and constructed in the Spring of 1977. W. M. Crawford District Engineer � L, � Io.G �C Ar� By: J. 5. Ka.t Layout, kesearch & Development Engineer JSK:bn �O 11 a � � �� , �' Form 2521. Rev. RESOLUTION APPRQVING PRE- LIMINARY PLANS FOR NOISE R E S 0 I, U T I 0 N ABATEMENT BARRIERS ON I.694 , AT INTERSECTION WITH TH 47 At a(regular) (�s���l) meetir� of the City Council of the City ..._._..._,._. of Fridley dul h�ld on the da of Y y _„___,,,_, 19�, the follow- ing Resolutzon was offered by , � seconded by , ; to-wit: alHERFAS ihe Commissioner of Highways has p-repared preliminary plans for th� improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Number 393 ll A � renumbered as Trux�c Iii�hway Number 694 within the corporate limits of the t ��,1-y of �1rilfi�,�, �� the int:ersection with T.H. 47 (University ; ' � Aven.ue) i �' IrJH.CREAS said preliminary plans are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Pau1, lfiinnesota, being marked, Iabele�, and identifa.ed as S.P. 0285--�4 Prelim�nary Plans for Noise A�atement Bariiers at�the intersection of_T.H. 694 �aith T.H. 47 in Fridley `� To be constructed of wooden planking with wooden.posts. and WH.EREAS copies of said preliminary plans as so marked, labeled, and iden�ified are aTso on fi3e in the office of the City Clerk; ar.0 WHERLAS the term "said preliminary plar�,s�' as hereinafter used in ti�e �ady of this resolution �hall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and to incorporate the preliminary p].ans as in the foregoir� reci�als particularly ic3entified and described; NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLV�D that said pra].iminary plans for the improvement of Trunk Highway Number 393 renumbered Trunk Highw�y Number 694 within the ].imits of the City of Fridley be nnd hereby are approved. • ;� llB Form 2521 Rev. 1 � Upon the call of the roll the followin� voted in � favor of the Resolution ' ' The followin voted a ainst its ado tion: � g g P whereupon th.e Mayor and presiding afficer declared the Resolution adopted. Dated , 19'• Mayor Attest Clerk STATE OF MINN�:SOTA ) � ' COUNTY OF Anoka ) ss. � ) I City OF Fridley ) iI do hereby certify �hat at a regular meeting (at a special neeting of which due and legal notice was given) of the Council of , Minnesota, on the day of , 19_, at which a majority of the I, members of said Council were present, the foregoing resolution was adopted. Given under my hand and seal this day of 19_„• � � . C1erk � � ' . , � � �1 MEMO T0: FROf�1: SUBJECT: OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER FRIDLEY, MINPdESUTA April 26, 1976 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � CITY MANAGER COMPENSA7ION RECOMMENUATIOPd FOR LIQUOR STORE MANAGER AND ASSISTANT LIQUOR STORE MANAGER The salaries for the Liquor Store Manager and Assistant Store t�ianager are the only 1976 salaries left to be set. We were holding the setting of these salaries to see what kind of profit we made on the liquor store operation for 1975. Last year we made a net profit of $90,939, and based on a net worth of $663,723, this is a 13.7% reiurn on the investment for 1975, vahich Marvin Brunsell, Finance Director, feels is a good return considering the campetitive nature of this business these days. ' Based on h1r. Brunsell's recommendations, the 1976 salaries for the-Liquor Store Manager is recoi��mended to be $17,718, and for the Assistant Liquor Stot�e Manager it is $11,088, which is an 82% increase in both cases. NMQ/ms . � I ' ' 12 � - T � � lc,� . �PAGE 1 of 14 � I LIST OF LTCENSES TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THE h1EETING OF MAY 3, 1976 � � TYPE OF LTCEPdSE BY APPP.OVEQ BY FEE ' , � � ' �l I � � , CIGARE7TE Barry Biowers Servomation Steve Olson, Health Inspector 12.00 99 77th Way Robert Norman James Hill, Public Safety Director Beyer's Texaco M. Beyer Steve Olson, Health Inspector 12.00 6071 University James Hi11, Public Safety Director Bobby G`s R. Gorrel Steve Olson, Nealth Insepctor 12.00 240 Mississippi James Hill, Public Sa�ety Director Burger King #�231 J.E. Lynn Steve O�ison, Health Inspector 12.00 531� Universi�:y James Hill, Public Safety Director Central Embers �� Weisman Steve Olson, Health Inspector 12.00 5400 Central James Hill, Public Safety Directar Chanticlear Pizza R.A. Kempe Steve Olsons Health Ins�sctor 12.00 6304 Highway 65 James Nill, Public Safet�! Directc Country Kitchen N. �unaro Steve Qlson, Health Inspector . 12.00 280 5?th Pizce �iames Nill, Public Safety Director Fridley City NaT� Automa�ic Sales Stev� Olson, t�Eaith Inspector 12.00 6431 University M� Bayle James Hill, Public Safiety Direc�or . Frid]ey Terrace G.S. Toberman Steve Olson, Health Inspecto�� 12.00 7400 Highway 65 James Hill, Public Safety Director George's Lounge A. Nicklow Steve Olson, liealth Inspector 24.00 3720 E. River Rd James Hiil, Public Safety Director Holiday Village Nancy L. Patten Steve Olson, Health Inspector 12.00 250 57th Place . James Hill, Public Safety Director Mr. Steak R. Schachtschneider Steve Olson, Health Tnspector 12.00 5895 University James Hill, Public Safety Director Maple Lanes Automatic Sales Steve Olson, Health Inspector 12.00 6310 Highway 65 M. Boyle . James Nill, Public Safety Director Menard Cashway Menard, Inc. Steve Olson, Nealth Inspector 12.00 535i Central Avenue James Hi1i, Public Safety Director Mp1s.,1Q0 Twin Drive In E. Day Steve Qlson, Heal�h Inspector i2.00 5600 Central F�venue James Nill, Public Safety Director Onan Corp. � Servomation Steve Qlson, Flealth Inspector 108.00 1400 73rd Ave; R. Norman James Hill, Public Safety Director Riverside Car Wash R. Schlectov Steve Olson, Health Inspector 12.00 6520 E. River Rd. lames Hi11, Public Safety Director 0 I , I ' � � � � � PAGE 2 of 14 1l.t A LIST OF .LICENSES 70 BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCTL AT TNE MEETING OF MAY 3, 1976 CONT. TYPE OF LICENSE BY APPROVED QY FEE CIGARETTE CONT. � Safetan Systems Griswold Coffee Steve Olson, Health Inspector 12.00 4650 Main St. M. Steemier James Hill, Public Safeiy Director Snyders Drug R.D. Uphoff Steve Olson, Health Inspector 12.00 6582 University James Hill, Public Safety Director Strite Anderson Servomation Steve 01son, Nealth Inspector 12.00 7585 Viron Rd. R. Norman James Hills Public Safety Director Tire City Inc. R. Wedell Steve Olson, Health Inspe�tor 12.00 8255 E. River Rd. . James Hi11, Public Safety Director Town Crier C. J. Vargo Steve Olson, Health Inspector 12.00 7730 University Ja.mes Hi11, Public Safeiy Director Zapata's R. Shilton St�ve Olson, Health Tnspector 12.00 5905 University James i�ill, Public Safety airec�ar City of�Fridley Liquor 6. McGuire 6289 Hwy 65 City of Fridley Liquor B. McGuire 6586 University FMC Corp. K. Rosgrove 48th and Marshall Canteen Co. Holiday Vil1age K. Rosgrove 250 57th Place Canteen Co. Kurt Mfg. T.E.:Thompson 528d Main St. Sir Vend Lamaur Inc. W.E. Councilman 5601 E. River Rd. Pioneer Inc. Les's Standard L. Schaffran 7b80 Highway b5 Midland Co-Op T.E. Thompson I 694 Main St Sir Vend ��linco E. Rosgrove 7300 Commerce Canteen Co. Phiilips 66 t�l.E. Councilman 6500 University Pioneer Inc. Phillips 66 l�.E. Councilman 5667 University Pioneer Inc. Reserve Supply T.E. Thompson 5110 htain St. Sir Vend � Shar's Snack Bar 52fl7 Central Sharlene Clockie Si.eve Olson, Health Inspector 12.00 James NiiT, Public Safety Uirector Steve Olson, t�ealth Inspector 12.00 James Hi11, Publ.ic Safety �irector Steve Olson, Nealth Inspector 72.00 James Hill, Public Safety Director S�eve Olson, f�ealth Inspector T2.00 James Hi11, Fublic Safety Director Steve O1son, Health Inspector 12.00. James Hill, Public Safety Director Steve Olson, Health Inspector 12.00 James Hill, Public Safety Director Steve Olson, Nealth Inspector 12.00 James Hill, Pub7ic Safety Director Steve Olson, Health Inspecior 24.00 James Hill, Public Safety Director. Steve Olson, Health Inspector 12.00 James Hill, Public Safety Director Steve Olson, Health Inspector 12.00 James Hill, Public Safety Director Steve Olson, Health Inspector 12.00 James liill, Public Safety Director Steve O1son, Nealth Inspector 12.00 James Hill, Public Safety Director Steve Olson, Health Inspector 12.00 �James Ni]1, Public Safety Director � PAGE 3 0� �a l4 B f I � f LIST OF LICENSES TO BE APPROVED QY THE CITY COUNCIL AT TNE MEETING OF f�1�1Y 3, i976 CONT. �_ ..� � I� TYPE OF LICEPJSE BY APPROVED BY r FEE. � CIGARET7E ' � . � '' Totino's�Finer Foods LJ.E. Councilman Steve Olson, Health Inspector 12.00 7350 Commerce Lane Pioneer Inc. James Hill, Public Safety Director ' ' Wickes Furniture J. Lengenberger Steve Olsan, tiealth Inspector 12.00 ; 5353 E. River Rd. Interstate United James Hill, Public Safety Director � �r � � � . �� � :� � � � �. � � � � � � �� . � . � �� . � . � . , . � . . . PAGE 4 of 14 _ 14 � LIST OF LICENSES TO BE APPROVEO BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT TNE MEETIPdG OF MAY 3, i976 � � . TYPE OF LICENSE 8Y APPROVED BY FEE ' VENDING MACHINES � ' Assurance Mfg. G. Hetland Steve Olson, Health Inspector 15.00 7753 Be�ch Si. Atomatic Engineering Leland Geroex Steve i�Olson, Health Inspector 15.OQ � 7191 Highway 65 Barry Blowers R. Norman Stevel0lson, Health Inspector 165.00 ' 99 77th Way ', - Bekins Movers The Moore.Way Co. Stevel101son, Health Inspector 15.00 7580 Commerce Rd. ' ' Beyer's Texaco Milton Beyer Steve101son, Nealth Tnspector 15.00 I ' 607� University Bob's Produce James Wegley Steve'i0lson, Health Inspector 15.00 7620 University I' Bod Sho e Sauna S. U ham S ve I 1 r� Y P� p te Q so , Nealth Inspector i5.00 6379 University ,' Brunkow Music Vivian Gabeau Steve''Olson Health Inspector 15.00 370 Mississippi Gold Medal I, , Burlington Northern Vivian Gabeau Steve',Olson, Health Inspector 15.00 ' 35th and h1ain St. Go1d Medai '. Buzz's Barber Shop Buzz Arndt Steve'�Olson Nealth Inspector 5.00 •6247 Un�versity � Central Speedy Car S. Philstrom Steve Olson, Health Inspector 75.00 5201 Central Ave. ' . Champion Auto Vivian Gabeau Steve!,O�son, Health I�spector 15.00 6471 Uniuersity Gold Medal ' Columbia lce Arena Pioneer Inc. Steve101son, Health Inspector 135.00 7011 University Country Kitchen Jude Candy Steve Olson, Health Inspector 5.00 ', 280 57th Place D.C. Smith ' Dr. Mudspringer Sharon Brown Steve,'Olson, Health Inspector 15.00 . , ' 6227 Hi ghavay 65 ! Electro Cafe P& R Vending Steve,''�Olson, Hea]th Inspector 15.00 , 5220 Main St. Beverly Nelson , Fridley City Hall Automatic Sales Steve101son, Health Ins�pector 30.00 fi431 University M. Boyle ', " Fridle Cit Hall G l � Y Y o d Medal Steve�,Olson, Health Inspector 15.00 � 643� University Vivian Gabeau �' Fridley City Nall Juel Mercer Steve'O1'son Health Ins ector NO FEE � P 6�131 Univers�tv Sunshine f.luh rN�t 5�LIS� UF 110ENSES TO 6E APPROVED BY THE CITY COUPaC � 7YPE OF LICENSE BY APPROU VEPrDING MACHINES CONT. Fridley Convalescent 7590 Lyric Lane Fridley Fun Cent�r 6440 University Fridley Hardware 214 Mississippi Fridley Launderette 8150 E. River Rd> Fridley Senior High 6000 West Moore Lake Fridley State Bank 6315 Uniuersity Fridley �Terrace 7440 Highway 65 Fulierton Metal 5170 Main St. Fullerton Metal 5170 Main St. General TV 350 63rd Ave. Hudson Oil 7315 Highway 65 Holiday Village 250 57th Place King Company 6554 University Larson Mfg. 7421 Commerce Lane Lee Wards 5225 Central Ave. Lorilynn Images 6893 Chanel Rd. hlagic Swirl Beauty 6369 University Maple Lanes 6310 Highway 65 Medtronics 69�0 Central 7.E. Thompson Sir Vend S. Lange V. Gabeau Gold P�edal Dale Pearson L.W. Hanson Coca Cola M.J. Etlicker G.S. Toberman Coca Cola L.GI. Hanson Coca Cola L.W. Hanson V. Gabeau Gold Medal Coca Cola L.W., Hanson Nancy Patten V. Gabeau Gold Medal Coca Cola� L.W. Hanson V. Gabeau Gold Medal Lori Ste�vart K,C, Crooker Automatic Sales M. Boyle Interstate J. Langenberger AT THE MEETIN� OF MAY 3, 1976 CONT. BY FEE � � 4 � Ste+ie O��lson, Health Inspector ,, . � Steve 0'�,lson, Nealth Inspector I � Steve 011son, Health Inspector Steve 0'�,1son, Health Inspector j Steve O,�ison, Health Inspector Ste��e O17 son S Neal th Inspector ; Steve 0';lson, Nealth Inspector i Steve 0'lsons Hea7th Inspector Steve 0'1 son, Fieal th Inspector Steve O�,lson, liealth Inspector Steve O��son, Nealth Inspector Steve OTson, Health Inspector Steve O�son, Health Inspector Steve Ohson, Health Inspector Steve O�son, Health Inspector Steve O�son, Heaith Inspector ! Steve Ohson, Health Inspector Steve O11son, Nealth Inspector Steve 01son, Health Inspector , 15.Q0 15.00 15.00 15.00 R� �� 20:00 R� �� 15.00 30.00 15.00 15.00 � � �� 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 120.00 270:00 P�ut v �r iw T � LIST OF LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL;!AT TNE P�EETING OF MAY 3, 1976 CONT. ' � � PPftOVED'' BY FEE � , TYPE OF LICENSES BY A i ' VENDING MACHIP�E CONT. ' � � . Onan Corp. Servoma�ion � Steve 011son, Health Inspector. 1,110.00 ' 1400 73rd.Avenue R. Norman ', Pasco Marketing V. Gabeau Steve O1'�,son, Health Inspector 15.00 � 6290 Highway 65 Cold Medal Phillips 66 D.J. Wassell Steve Oi,'son, Heaith Inspector 15.00 6500 University Pepsi Cola , ' Philli s 66 D.J. Wassell Steve O1!�son Health Ins ector 15.00 p s P 5667 tlniversity Pepsi Cola ,, , Red OU�1 Food V. Gabeau Steve 011lson, Health Inspector 15.00 6525 University Gold Medal ', IRi��erside Car ��Jash Robert Schlectov Steve 011son, Health Inspector 15.�0 6520 E. River Rd. ' ' Ron's Standard L.W� Hanson Steve Ol��,lson, Healih Inspector 15.00 6490 Un�vers�ty Coca Cola , � ' Safetran Systems v. Gabeau Steve 011,son, Health Inspector 30.00 4650 Main St. Gold Medal . � Safetran Systems ��I. Ste2mier Steve O�son, Flealth Inspector 60.00 4650 Main St. Griswold Coffee ' Sears Roebuck Co. Pioneer inc. Steve O�son, Nealth Inspector 15.00 ' • 6199 Highe�ay65 W. Councilman , Shar's Snack Bar L.tJ Hans�n Steve 07son, F{ealth Inspector 15.00 ' 5207 Central Ave Coca Cola ' Skywood Cleaners Frank Gill Steve 01son, Health Inspector 15.00 ' S2nd and Central ' Skywood Hallway L.W. Hanson Steve Ojson, Health Inspector 15.00 ' S251 Central Coca Cola , Steiger and Gertzen E.W. Gertzen Steve 07son, Nealth Inspector 15.00 , 6519 Centra] Strite Anderson R. Norman Steve O�son, Nealth Inspector 150.00 7585 Viron Rd. Servomation ' � , Tire City R. �4ledell Steve O�son, Health Inspector 15.00 8255 E. River Rd. ' , Totino's Finer �ood V. Gabeau Steve O�son, Nezlth Inspector 15.00 7350 Commerce Lane Gold Medal ' � ''� , 7win City Federal . Steve Olson, Health Inspector 15.00 52Q5 Central Ave. ' . ''' . PAGE 7 of 14 ll� F � �� LIST OF LICEPJSES TO BE APPROVED BY 7HE CITY COUNCI� AT THE MEETING OF MAY 3, 1976 CON7. ' TYPE OF LICENSE BY APPROVEp BY FEE VENDI��G MACHINES CONT. � ' ' ` � ,� � FMC Corp. E. Rosgrove Steve O,nson, Health Inspector 735.00 48th and Marshall Canteen Co. ' � Holiday Village E. Rosgrove Steve 0',ison, lfealth Inspector 105.00 250 57th Place Canteen Co. � Kurt Mfg. T.E. Thompson Steve O��lson, Health Inspector 60.00 5280 Main St. Sir Vend. � Lamaurs Inc. W.E. Councilman Steve 0',lson, Health Inspector 135.00 56Q1 E. River Rd. Pioneer Inc. ' Les's S�andard L. SChaffran Steve Qllson, Health Inspector 40.00 7680 I�i ghway 65 ' Midland Co-Op ToE. Thompson Steve 0'ilson, Nealth Inspector 150.UC I 694 Main Ste Sir Vend ' Minco E. Rosgrove Steve 011son, Health Inspector 180.00 7300 Commerce Lane Canteen Co. � Phillips 66 W.E. Councilman Steve Oilson, Neaith Inspector 15.00 6500 University Pioneer Inc� Reserve Supply T.E. Thompson Steve 011son, Nealth Inspector 60.00 '. 5110 Main St. Sir Vend Shar's Snack Bar S.L. Clockie Steve 011son, Health Inspector 15.00 � 5207 Central Ave. Totino's Finer Foods � W.E. Councilman Steve 011son, Health Inspector 135.00 � 7350 COmmerce Lane Pioneer Inc. ' . Wickes Furniture J. Langenberger Steve 011son, Health Inspector 105.00 t5353 E. River Rd. Interstate United '' � ' � � , ' '' ' . ' � I . _. � . PACE 8 of 14 LIST OF LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY THE CI7Y COUNCI TYPE OF LICENSE BY FOOD ESTABLISHMENT Dairy �ueen E. Fitch 280 hlississippi FMC Corp. R. Mcland 48th and �1arshall � Canteen Corp. Holiday Village Nancy Patten 250 57th P7ace Erickson Bros. Kentucky Fried Ch�cken B. Slet�� 7510 Universi�y Maple Lanes M.J. Savelkoul 6310 Highway 65 McDonald's D. Stauffaher 5831 University '� l�r G i �,AT THE MEETING 0� MAY 3, 1976 CQNT. APPROVED', BY , ; �'� � Steve 011son, Health Inspector Steve Oljson, Health Inspector Steve O1'�,son, Nealth Inspector ; Steve 011son, FCe�lth inspector Steve Ol;son, Health Inspec�or Steve Ol,ison, Health Inspector Phoenix Ch�ow Mein Isui Chau 4Jan 41ong Steve O1''�son, Flea7th Inspector 242 MissiSSippi Sandee's Tnc. W.F. tdeiss 6490 Central Unity Hospital D.J. Lerver 550 Osborne Shar's Snack Bar S. Clockie 52Q7 Central Frosttop Drive Inn S. Nanson 7699 Viron Rd. Steve 01son; Nealth Inspector Steve Olson, Hea7th Inspector Steve O�son. Healih Inspector Steve 01so�, Health Inspector FEE 25.00 ; 25.00 25.00 25. 00 25.00 . 25.00 25.00 25.00 NON PROFIT 25.00 25.00 J _ __ _ _. i - - - . PAGE 9 of 14 '' 1,Lr i"�' LIST QF LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY TNE CI7Y COUNC�L AT TNE MEETI�IG OF MAY 3, ]976 COP�T. TYPE OF LICENSE BY APPROV�D [iY FEE I , LIVESTOCK � � — . Audrey Theilmann Steve 41son, Health Inspector 27.00 1540 Rice Creedk Rd. Darrel'Clark, Building Inspector George Olson Steve Qlson, Nealth Inspector � 5.00 612 Lafayette Darrel,'Clark, Building Inspectar DELTVERY TRUCK American Linen 70Q Industrial TAX I CAB _ Fridley Cab Service 5740 University B06d�ING ALLEY Maple Lanes 6310 Hi ghti�ray 65 7AVERN, Club 47 6061 University Bobby G's 240 Mississippi Fireside Rice 6otiv1 1760 Fireside Drive hiapl e Lanes � 6310 Ni g h�,�ay 65 Jim Pratt F. GabrelGik M. J. Savelkoul-- m James Will, Public Safety Dir. 10.00 James ��lill, Public Safety Dir. 30.00 Robert'Aldrich, Fire Insoector 185.00 Alyce Simonson James Nill, Public Safety Dir. R.E. Gorrell James Nill, Pubiic Safety Dir. G1 enn t,long James Hi i 1, Publ i c Safety Qi r. M.J. Savelkoul James �iill, Public Safety Dir. 12.00 T2.00 12.00 12.00 � I , P�GE 10 of 14 .. . � lf.} j II ' LIST -0F LICENSES 70 BE APPROVED QY THE CITY CQt1NCIL AT TFIE MEETING OF MAY 3, 1976 CONT. . . II � 7YPE OF LICENSE BY _ APPROVED BY FEE � � OFF SALE BEER i Fridley F4od Market Paul Beecroft James Hill, Public Safety Dir. 15.00 , � 8154 E. River Rd. George's is in Fridley A.G. Nicklow James Hil1, Public Safety Dir. 15.00 3720 E. River Rd. � Holiday Service Vinceni Lorimer James Hili, Public Safety Dir. i5.OQ 5807 University � Holiday Village Vincent Lorimer James Hill, Pubiic Safety Dir. 15.00 250 57th P1ace � Red Owl Food Richard D. Uphoff James Hill, Public Safety Dir. 15.00 6525 University , Snyders Drugs Richard D. t)phoff James Hi11, Pub1iG Safety Dir. 15,00 � 6582 University � Stav's Superette R. Stavarcal James liill, Public Safety Dir. 15,00 6483 University � Tom Thumb Food H. Koch . James Ni]l, Public Safety Dir. 15.00 315 Osborne Rd. ' tdestern Station J.L, Kauppiia James Hill, Public Safety Dir, 15.OQ 7600 University i Eleven Store R. Boyd James Hi11, Public Safety Dir. 15.00 � 1315 Rice Creek Rd. - Dave's Champlin David Peterson James Hill, Public Safe�y Dir. 15.00 � 7298 Highway 65 1 . . 1 . . � 1 . . �. � � 1 :- PAGF �1 of 14 llt � ' LIST OF LICENSES TO QE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THE MEE � �� __ TING OF MAY 3, 1976 CUNT. I _ , TYPE OF LICENSE BY APPROVED QY �EE � � ON SALE BEER '� � Bobby G's R.E. Gorre] James Nil], Public Safety Dir. 120.00 24� Mississippi C7ub 47 Alyce Simonson James Nill, Pub7ic Safety Dir. 120.00 1 6061 University � Fireside Rice Bowl Glenn Wong James Hill, Public Safety Dir. 12Q.Q� � 1160 Fireside Drive , ' Maple Lanes M.J� Savelkoul James Hill, Public Sa#'e�y Dir. 12Q.00 I � 631Q Highway 65 � , i ' ' ' . ' , _ , � . , . � I � , � . � ' � 1 � in � � � � � � � �� � ' . PAGE 12 of � 4 � ` 14 {� , t LIST OF LIGENSES TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THE MEETING OF MAY 3, 1976 CONT. i� ' TYPE OF LICENSE � ` SERUICE STATION Edina Oil � 6161 University Central Speedy Car 5201 Central ' � Hudson Oil I 7315 Highway 65 , Pasco Marketing 6290 Highway 65 � Northtown Standar� 7609 University , r BILLIARDS '. Fri�ley Fun Center 6440 University r , SOLICITOR ' AGAPE Force 4329 6th Street � � • r� . i ' • • 1 BY � M,E. Thorps S. Philstrom R. Zimbelman A. Lemke R. Rabe S. Lange Chris Woods � APPROVED BY Robert Aldrich, Fire Inspector Darrel Clark, Building Inspector Robert Aldrich, Fire Inspector Darrel Clark, Building Inspector Robert Aldrich, Fire Inspector Darrel Clark, 6uilding Inspector Robert Aldrich, Fire Inspector Darrel Clark, Building Inspector Robert Aldi~ich, Fire Inspector Darrel Clark, Quilding Inspector James Hill, Public Safety Dir. James Hill, Public Safety Dir. FEE 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.OQ 30.00 55.00 NO(� PROFIT 0 14L t'AGE 13 of 14 LIST OF LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT TFIE MEETING OF MAY 3, 1976 CONT. TYPE OF LICENSE BY APPROVED BY FEE LIQUOR DISPENSING 6ahnsen, Sharon Ground Round 4885 Third St. Blazek, Robert Ground Round R 2 Box 58 Burke, Susan Ground Round 801 University Dumas, Jeanne Ground Round 7660 Edgewood E]d, Deborah Ground Round 3416 Bolden Dr. Eigenheer, Linda Ground Round 7860 Edgewood Dr. Gustafson, Craig Ground Round 1315 33rd Ave. Hartmann;Paulette Ground Round 818 8th St.- Hollenbeck, Frances Ground Round 4727 Charham Rd. Nuisenga, Sharon Ground Ro�nd 110 61 s�t Avenue � Johnson, Rosanne Ground Round 5940 5th St. Knutsan, Charles Ground Round 8700 Iden Ave. S LaTourelle, Mary Ground Round 521 5th Ave. 'L7ndahl, Linda Ground Round 1110 Summer St. Lindbom, Kristin Ground Round 1405 Jessamine Lischalk, Doreen Ground Round 5351 4th St. 0'Laughlin, James Cround Round 5387 Altura Rd: James Hill, Public Safety Dir. James Hill, Rublic Safety Dir. 5.00 5.00 James Hill, Public Safety Dir. . 5.00 James Hill, Public Safety Dir. James Nill, Public Safetv Dir. �ames Ni11, Pub11c Safety Dir. James Hiil, Public Safety Dir. James Hill, Public Safety Dir. James Hi11, Public Safety Dir. James Hi17, Public Safety Dir. James Hill, Public Safety Dir. James Hill, Public Safety Dir. James Hi7l, Public Safety Dir. James Nill, Public Safety Dir. James Hi]], Public Safety Dir. James Nill, Public Safety Dir. James Hill, Pub]ic Safety Dir. �� 5.00 J.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 S.Q� 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.Q0 5.00 � � PAGE 14 of ,4 14 r`l � LTST OF LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THE MEETING OF MAY 3, 1976 CON7. ' TYPE OF �.ICENSE . BY . APPROVED BY FEE LIQt10R DISPENSING CONT. II ' Falm, Dean Ground Round James Hill, Public Safety Dir. 5.00 4921 4th St. , Peterson, Bernadine Ground Round James Hill, Public Safety Dir. 5.00 2b1 57th Pl ace ' Presnaic, Pau� Ground Round James Hill, (�ublic Safety Dir. 5.00 1370 Skywood Lane '' ' Priby1, Thomas Ground.Round James Hi11, Public Safety Dir. 5.00 770 Como Rve. Sava�, Jan Ground Round James Hill, Public Safety Dir. 5.00 ' , 1160 L.incoln T�rr. Schneider, �ames Ground Round James Hi11, Public Safety Dir. 5.00 , � 770 W. Cottage Schoener, Wil1iam Ground Round James Hill, Public Safety Rir. 5.00 � 1782 Oakcrest Schimizu, Janis Graund Round James Hi11, Public Safety Dir. 5.00 12120 Idaho Ave. ' Sotebeer h1arsha Ground Round James Hill Public Safet Dir. 5.00 s , y 14$35 Evergreen St ' Tesch, Cheryl Ground Round James Hill, Public Safety Dir. 5.00 5660 Polk St. ' Trenda, Carrol Ground Round James Hill, Public Safety Dir. 5.00 10220 Xeon St. i � , i , � ' ' LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THEIR REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 3, 1976 BLACKTOPPING APPROVED BY Fairfax Asphalt Inc. 6699 Ashton Avenue N.E. Darrel Clark Fridley, Mn. 55432 By: John Pfaff Com. Dev. Adm. Northern Asphalt Constructzon Inc. 11064 Raddison Road N.E. Darrel Clark Blaine, Mn. 55434 By: Gerhard Larson Com. Dev. Adm. GAS SERVICES Advanced Heating & Air Cond. Inc. 14 !V RENEWAL RENEWAL 7805 Beech Street N.E. William Sandin Minneapolis, Mn. 55432 By: Maynard Edson Plbg. Htg. Insp. RENEWAL Frank's Heating & Sheet Metal Gb. 1827 Caliiornia Street N.E. William Sandin Minneapolis, Mn. 55418 By: Frank Vogt Plbg. Htg. Insp. RENEWAL MiI'I City Heating & Air Cond. 13005 B 16th Avenue North William Sandin Minneapolis, Mn. 55441 By: Wm. Stevenson Plbg. Htg. Insp. RENEWAL GENERAL CONTRACTOR ' B & N Construction 6461 B].uebird Circle Darrel Clark Mapl.e Grove, Mn. 55369 By: Clarence Nau Com. Dev. Adm. Brunn Construction Co., Inc. 509 - 4th Avenue N.W. . Darrel Clark New Brighton, Mn. 55112 By: Norman Brunn Com. Dev. Adm. Richard Hastings Co. 6331 Riverview Terrace N.E. Darrel Clark Fridley, N3n. 55432 By: Richard Hastings Com. Dev. Adm. Lloyd's Home Improve�nents 4911-4th Street N.E. Darrel Clark Columbia Heights, Mn. 55421 By: Lloyd Graczyk Com. D�v. r.dm. Minnesota Package Products G922 - 55th Stree� North Darrel Clark North St. Paul, Mn. 55109 $y: Gene Hickok Com. Dev. Adm. Quality Construction Service & Supply Inc. 9701'Penn Avenue South Darrel Clark Bloomington, Mn. 55431 By: Jack Barnes Com. Dev. Adm. Roger 5heehy Company 7091 Highway #65 N.E. Darrel Clark Fridley, Mn. 55432 By: Roger Sheehy Com. Dev. Adm. NEW NEW RFTIEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL i�151�1 RENEWAL l� 0 ��I � Licenses Continued � . Page 2 I ' HEATING APPROVED BY Advanced Heating & Air Cond. Inc. . 7805 Beech Street N.E. � T�Iiliiam Sandin II ' Fridl,ey, Mn. 55432 By: Maynard Edson P1bg. Htg. Insp. RENEWAL . All Season Comfort, Inc. �I ' 1417 - 18th Street N.W. William Sandin New Brighton, Mn. 55112 By: Richard Larson Plbg. Htg. Insp. RENEWAL Key Plumbing & Heating Inc. I'i ' 7217 - 77th Avenue North William Sandin Brooklyn Park, Mn. 55443 By: David L. Farr Plbg. Htg. Insp. RENEWAL . II , Mi11 City Heating & Air Cond. 13005 B 16th Avenue North William Sandin Minneapolis, Mn. 55441 By: Wm. Stevenson Plbq. Htg. Insp. RENEWAL II, ' MASONRY A].len W. Lund Masonry I� ' Route #5 Darrel Clark Osseo, Mn. 55369 By: Allen Lund Com. Dev. Adm. NEW I�i ' Arcade Concrete Construction 2952 Arcade Street Darre1. Clark St. Paul, Mn. 55109 By: Ron Lehrke Com. Dev. Adm. NEW II� ' Mikedonald Cement Co. ' 4830 7th Streefi N.E. Darrel Clark Minneapolis, Mn. 55421 By: Donald Siegel � Com. Dev. Adm. RENEWAL � �� � PLASTERING � , ' Morris Kallevig Inc. 2310 Jones Place Darrel Clark Bloomington, Mn. 5543i By: Morris Kallevig Com. Dev. Adm. RENEWAL IGENERAI, CONTRACTOR ' Viking Home Improvements - 4832 - 2� Street N.E. Darrel Clark Fridley, Mn. 55421 By: Lloyd Merrell Com. Dev. Adm. NEW � . � ' ' �� � ,I � • � I,icenses Continued Page 3 PUBLIC SWIMMING POOLS Innsbruck North Rec. Bldg. 5506 Meister Road Fridley, Mn. 55432 Black Forest Apartment 1601 North Innsbruck Drive k'ridley, Mn. 55432 Fridley Ind. School Dist. #14 6000 West Moore Lake Drive Fridley, Mn. 55432 Georgetown Court Apartments 5750 East River Road Fridley, Mn. 55432 Lucia Lane Apartments 6690 Lucia Lane Fridley, Mn. 55432 Apartment 5460 - 7th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Apartment 5430 - 7th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Skywood Apartments 1050 - 1090 - 52nd Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 By: Duane A. Johnson By: Verne V. Olson By: James Hedren By: M. Filister By: Timothy Eide By: Udell Larson By: Harold D. Morr.ow By: South Skywood Mgm. 0 1�� P AisPROVED BY Steven Olson Environmental Ofc. Steven Olson Environmental Ofc. Steven Olson Environmental Ofc. Steven Olson Environmental Ofc. Steven Olson Environmental Ofc. 5teven Olson Environmental Ofc. Steven Olson Environmental Ofc. Steven Olson Environmenta2 Qfc. i■ ESTIMATES FOR CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION - MAY 3, 1976 Weaver, Ta11e & Herrick 31b East Main Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 For services rendered as City Attorney for March, 1976 � March Retainer I, �:ouncil Meetings 10 hours Staff Meetings 4 hours I�onferences with Staff 6 hours emos and Legal P.esearch 4 hours Cable T.V. � 4 hours olice Pensions 5 hours II �itizens Inquiries 2 hours 35 hours i Hours in Excess of 30 @$35.00 Per Hour � I'te: A. J. Ch�romy Construction Co.�vs. City of Fridley, et al District Court - Answer, Counter-Claim, & Cross-Clazm l5 $ 1,716.20 $1,000.00 175.00 250. 00 Staff Meeting with Adjuster 150.00 ecretarial Allowance � 100.00 Il �xpenses Advanced: Clerk of District Court Re: Hayden-Murphy Equipment Company 13.00 vs. City of Fridley, et al Fee for Service of Papers Re: A. J. Chromy Construction Co. 28.20 , . vs. City of Fridley, et al . . • • . • TOTAL . . . . . . . . . .$1,716.20 � I '