05/10/1976 - 5707JANET KONZAK
MAY 10, 1976
i i
I �
` Following are the "ACTIONS NEEDED". Please have your answers back
in the City Manager's office by Wednesday Noon, May 19, 1976. Ihank you.
A��ded 4 items to Rgenda:
1. Tree Planting on Islands of Peace
2. Mayor� of Plymou�ch: Amend�nent to Assoc. of Minn. Mut�ic. bylaws
3. Rice Creek Park
4: Resolution supporting Red Crass Transportation Service
5. Qiscussion af hlursery
N4RTHEAST � � � � � � � � � � � � � � • ' ' ` ' ' ' ' ` '
Public Hearing closed
ACTION NEEDED: Put ordinance on next ac�enda for first readinc�
EAST R I VER ROAD . �� . . . , , � � . . . � � � . � � � � � Z — Z H
Public Hearing C7osed.
ACTION NEEDED: Check ownership of St. Paul Water Department easement
and nut item on next agenda for cons�deration
Public Flearing closed and first r�adln� of ord�nance ap�roved
ACTION NEEDED: Put Ordinance bacl% on next agenda for second reading
I�i �
. . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . , � . . . . . . . 3 � ..
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Resolution No. 42-1976
ACTIQN NEEDE�: Forward Resolution to Minn. Highway Department
AT NORTH PARK � � , � � � � � � � � � � , � � � � � � ' ' S
Plan and amendment letter dated April 30, 1976 were received and
approved by 3/2 vote.
° ACTION NEEDED: Proceed developing arrangements as per pian if the Foundation
es��es�i��r�s hel
6. Island o Peace. Furt�er information on tree planting program
� s 7. Resolution �ta. 43-1976 adopted Supporting Red Cross Volunteer Transportation Servic�,
� ITY MANAGER ACTIOPJ NEEDED: Send certified copy�of Resolution to Red Cross
�-- -
, 8. Mayor of Plymouth: Amendment to Assoc. of Minn. Munic Bylaws Proposal
i � Communica�ion received
� �.
9. Rice Creek Park: Council approved p7ans of�tax forfeit properties exchange
with Coui�ty
ACTION NFEDED: Prepare agreement with county
10. Discussion regarding nursery
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The public hearing was called to order by f1ayor Plee at 7:38 P.��1. on f9ay 10, 1976.
Mayor Nee a�elcomed the audience and invited them to join �vith the Council in the Pledne
of Allegiance to the Flag.
MEf�16ERS PRESEP�T: Councilwo^�an Kuko��rski, Councilman Start��alt, Councili�ian Namernik,
h9ayor Nee and Councilman Fitzpatrick
f1EP1BERS ABSEN7: ttone
� fRayor f•!ee stated there ��rere several items to be added to the anenda. There bein� ro ob-
jeciions, the agencia would no�v i«clude a r•esolution �r' sur�port for a oronosed transportation
service bv the Red Cross in Fridley; some remarks b�i Mr. Ed blilmes re�ardinn the
di-centennial tree plantin� nroject; the third is a communication fr-om the City of
� Plyinouth regarding an amendir;ent to the Lea9ue of P1innesota P1unicioalities B,ylaws; and
� the fourth is a discussion regarding Rice Creek Park. Playor PJee called for any other
additions. There were none.
Pi0TI0ld by Counci7woman Y,ukowski to atlopt the ac�enda with the additions outlined by the
Mayor. Seconded by Co�m cilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votinn aye, Dlayor Nee
declared the motion carried unanimously.
P10TIOf1 by Councilman Starwalt to waive the readina and oper the Public Hearina.
Seconded by Councilwoman Y.ukowski. Upon a voice vote, a11 votinc� aye, Mayor P�ee declared
the motion carr�ied unanimously.
The Public Works Director stated this was a request to rezone Lot 17, Block. 2, Central
View "1anor, to make the zoning consistent with adjoinina prooertv. /�, recently rezoned
portion of Lot l� was rezoned to allo��a a commercial saies onera.tion for antique and
classic autoir�ubi ie parts. The i°ezoning request was explained ir� ier��is of the t�-ro lots
that were affected as well as in the cantext of the overall zonino classification.
The pur��ose of the rezoning v,�as to prevent ending up vrith a seiai�, undevelopable lot. The
Flanninc� Cominission on Aprii 7th anproved the rezonin�.
f10TI0f( by Councilman Starwalt to close the Public Hearinq. Second by Councilwoman
Ku(;owski. Upon a voice vote,, all votinq aye, Mayor ��ee declared the motion carried
f10ZI0N by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the readina antl o!�en the Public Hearinn.
Seconded by Councilwonian Kul;ovrski. Upon a voice vote, all votina aye, t1ayor P�ee
declared the motion carried unartin�ously.
', The Public bloi-ks Director stated the proposa] is to nlat eleven sinple family residential
properties between 7almadge lti�ay and 75th Way t�lest of [ast River Road. 4Jhat is pro�osed
is that a roadway be orovided through the pla± and to tie into the existinp Osborne
Road to provide the properties fdorth and South of the intersection a means of makinn use
of this intersection and the appropriate sianalization. The nlat has been revievred with
I�', � the Anoka County Highway Department to incorporate additional rinht-of-way to alloai •
furtt�er improvement of the intersection of East River Road and Osborne Road. ,The plat
� shows 11 lots, eight of them South of Osborne Road, and three lots to the Plorth.
i '
Copies of correspondence between Lei�h Investments and the St. Paul l•�ater Department
indicate there is no probleiii with the potential oronerty owners makina use Qf the
property of the St. Paul Public Water 4Jorks, but there are certain continnencies such
as no permanent structures and it is to remain as a oreen, onen space. The problem
PAr,E z
with the property is that i��ithout the use of the 4dater De7artment property the three
lots North of Osborne Road do not meet ttie 9,000 foot requirement. 1_ot 1 is 7,70!l;
Lots 2 and 3 are II,000 feet. b!ith the incorporation of the propert,y, the lots become
12,000, 13,000, 12,000> and 9,000, anci 9,600. We then come up with the requirement.
It should be pointed out that the Wat;er Departn�ent did indicate they reserved the rinht
to remove their per�nission at any time, and in discussinci tt�is with theii° staff they
did not foresee any use of this other than for underground nipin�.
The Public tdorks D•�rectar then said that if rie do pt•oceed with final plat approval,
the approval of the plat should note the variances on three of the lots.
If we get approval wii:f� the assu�nption that the pr'operties can be so used, and then the
Water Department re�noves permission ��re then end up V�ith sub-standard lots, and we u�ould
recommend that this be takes� into account. The Plannii7� Comfnission considered the �lat
at a public I�earing and r°ecommended appi•ova1.
Some further background is that in 1972 the same area ti,as considered for a plat, and it
is basically the same plat and it was app�roved at that tin�;e, and for some unknown reason
it was not recorded. lde tried to stay �-�ith that format in anticipation of the use of
Osborne Road and tne East River Road.
ihere will b� another stipuiation -- si�ewalks. We woulc-1 i�zquii�e tfiat they qiae i,�
side�•�alk easemen�s for the bikearay and pathways.
Councilman Fitzpatrick inquired if the St. Paul Water Vdorks o�•med the land or sie�ply
has an easer�ent on it. The Public. �fdorks said they had tried to make a deterinination
as to who had the prior i�ights there, and it ended up �vith the St. E'aul 4�a�er Department;
but whether they have a deed in hand foi� it, he didn't knou!. �
Councilman Fitzpatrick said the ouestion here is ithat is tlle easemert for? In the future
they might see some other use for it. The Puhlic 6lorks Directo+� said the nresent use
of the easement is for the �,�ater pipes that form the main supply line from the river
to Ramsey County, and in talking with the staff they don't see an,y channes in that resnect.
The City Attorney said this raises a good quest:ion. As fie understands the plai:, tha.t
property is not tvithin th2 plat. In his opinion the question ofi 4JI10 owns the fee title
to that should be researched, and, in fact, ho�v can you consider it a nart of the 1ot?
Mr. Doy1e said that what we have done is talk to the St. Paul Water 6�!orks conce�°ninn
the urivate use of the land I�ehind or over the St. Paul LJater l,lorks pronerty, and they
have indicated to us they i�ill grant full use of the property but they will exclude such
things as buildings. As far as green areas and garden space th�y vaill arant ful1 use
of the property on an individual basis. They reserve in a sti�ulation these thinas
because it is quite obvious �hat if a homeowner should coir�e a�onn and decide to erect a
�arage or �iegin storiny used cars on the propei°ty, or somethina of that nature, tlien they
�•rould ��rithdraw permission to use the property. There are son�e oti�ei° prop�rties to the
Eas� �n another village, Sprin_y Lake Pai^k, which are actually using the St. Paul�l!ater
UJorks property for froni y a rd space now. It is a situation wf�ere they have to run
driveways across the property. It ���ould be strictly backyard usage.
Councilman Fitzpatrick said that as far as usin� easement areas as a par�t of finurina
the 9,000 feet, that is commonly done all over. (qar,y people have easen�ients on their
property, but in this case he said he was confused as to whcther it is simply an
easement or somebody else's property.
The Public 1Jorks Director s�id 4��e ��JOUId have to say it is someone else's nroperty.
There is another alter�native, he said, and tFiat is to just divide this area into tvro
oroperties and con7e up with t�vo lots fJorth of the Osborn� Road, and then we wouldn't
have any question even without the per°mittetl use of the b!a.tei� Department property. 7he
lots �•tould be 9,000 square ieet.
Cauncilnan Fitzpatrick said fie didn't mean to raise that question hecause the ovaner has
certainly cooperated with the Osborre Road going tYirounh the p1at, but rhat he just �
wanted to clear up the difference betv�een pro�erties that have an easement on them, and
that �,�itiich is somehody else's property which is not the same �hin�.
The Public 6dnrks Director aqreed, and said that the top �dorth 1ine of the proposed plat
is the Sou�h line of the St. Pau? 4�later 4Jorks property.
C.ouncilman Starwalt asked that if in effect we are saying if we adopt the plat, we
hzve got three sub-standard lots for which ti-�e should have to consider as serarate action
sometime doarn the road? ��iayor Nee said he didn't understand hoti�� this fits into the
rest c,f th� area; that the diagi°am is not the way the street r�uns.
�� �a
, ,
Disc ws�ion centered on the alignment of certain streets, the n1atT.er of access to some
other intersections, a��d seme street �a�e,T�ents. The Public Worl;s Director said one
reason for the street alicin;rent was to improve the intersection alignment of existinn
Osborne Road and the i'ayor asked if the County �-aou'd a�aree to that. The Public
l^Jorks Di rector sai d yes , ar;d th�re wer�e 1 etters that thi s aias aareeabl e; and, there ��i 11
be certain i����rovemei��ts to this area b�tween 1977 and 7S79.
Mayor IJee inquii°ed if the irtersection will be chan9ed whether or not this plat is
adopted, arid the Public bJo��ks Directc�., said yes. They �vould like to net into the
left-i:urn ianes, mediar�s for left-iurris, eY.c.
� Counciln�an Starwalt asl:ed as to ��hat is likely to haopen to ti°affic on Talrnad�e and
75th blay if the sinnalization is chanqed, and the Public !�lorks Director stated that
as of rinttt now ;:f7e people have ��o other alternative. The.y�riust come on East River
Road, but by planninci �or° +.:his roadu�ay i:c reali�n Osborne and nrovide for signalization
� the qevple will have eisier access to East River Road, and a safer access to East
River Road. The Pub1ic Wor�ks Dii°ector remarked fur�ther and illustrated traffic patterns
in the area and how bc±l-� inL�r�sectio�is ccul�i be protected.
The City r�anager st.ated th�s plan vaas considered appr-oved about four years ano.
Mayar Nee asked whether t-�e are incurrina a larc�e public cost by virtue of the
conven i er�ce of the pl at , or are we noi nc} to do i t any�^iay?
Counci?man Fitzp�tric'r, statcd that the petitioner came in with a cul-de-sac plan; and,
that the original pro��osal ���as a cul-de-sac frorn the 4tesi.
The Public b;orks Directoi° sta.*_ed the City :dould work v,�ith the petitionei°. He came
in wiih a cul-de-sac, and did not cret into the over-all sti�er:t plannir,r.
The Mayor said ti�at the n�irutes stated "... if it didr.'t come in thTS way..." and
Counciln�ar� Fitzpatrick sa�d he didn't unde�°stand that point e�ithei,:
The Public P�lorks Director r•ep�ied the��e riere several alterraatives of tryin� to save
a house �nd a qar,a�e, and there was a shift in the a�liclnr��ent of five to ten feet in
the area; but no�v, the alignment fi��s ir;to the scheme.
Mayor�(Jee said �thaL wl�at occurs �o him is that if we ai°2 havinn a hicti public cost
to realiyn �he intersect�cn of Oshorrte to save lots 3 and 4; he w���u7d rathei° qive
the variance to lots 3 and 4�, ir ,you are going to realign Osborne an,yway.
�� ��he Puhl�ic ��'o ns Cirect�r �aid t.hat ��th inis alir,nmen� tli�re is no d�fference in
any ��iihlic co�t associatcJ v�ith 'h� �inn�°ove�ren�, and theic �;i11 be an un�radin�
fron Cast R��-er Road to U���versit:y, part9cularly at the �n�e�°sections L1IlP)"P there
ai�e turn lar;es and othe�� �nprovei?�ents sucPi as siqna�s. The 4�>lan is to try to
! utilize tf�e contr�olled intersections from these lots.
{��ayor Nee inquired as to w!�at the im�:�act +,�ould be ori th� Dlortheast yuadrant, and the
Public 4;ork> Director r°epli�.d that it would be the takinn of a tri<n��7e, approxima.tely
40 feet of vahicn notid is just oper space. T,",e existirq st�°ucture is fur±her to the
East and still v.ould be 25 to 30 f^et avaay.
Co:�ncilman Nam�rnik s�id the a�l�i�nr�ent of Osborne would be five�feet. to the South.
1�t i s i n addi ti on to wha t i s re�co�i,re;�ded here .
i' The Pub 1 i c'�iorks Oi rector sa i d tha c vah�n the nl an i��as f i�°st dr•af �ed there was a
shift of dimensiorrs, and �tiha�: the Plar,n�ing �oruniss�ior had �;�as not the alinnmeni
, that had been preposcd in either cne of them. Tt t�ras a matter of aettin� the
diinensions C�rop..rly set.
Mayor P�ce asked if that is reflected on the pl��i. now, ancl the Public 4Jorks Director
said that tf�is o+�e is tlie co�•rect one.
Counc�lman Hamerrik asked about the antTCipated time schedule, and the Public Wor�ks
Director replied that it has heen pro�3rainn.,ed for 1978 and 1979. P1ayor Nea asked if
there t-aere any further comments by any one, and there was no response.
, MOTIOP� by Councilnan Fitzoatrick that the public hearina be closed. Seconded by
I' Councilman Han�ernil;. U�?on a�doice vote, al1 votina aye, P1ayor Nee dec]ared the
motion carried unaniircusly.
--- ----- --- _---- __— - - --- •----____—
I '
� 6EfJLfZ%CLLY LOCATED 0(� THE FAST SIf)E Of 1391 53RD /1JC�VUE �"J0�71fFfi5�:
I. _. . .._ _ _. _. __ . - - _ _ -- - _._ _._ . -- ____ _ :_.__..
MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to open the pualic hearing and to waive the reading
of the notice. Seconded by Counc.ilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
Mayor tJee declared the motion carr�ied unanimously.
The Public 4lorks Director stated this was a request to vacate a portion of Johnson
Street North of 53rd Avenue Nor�theast and basically abuttin� 1391 53rd Avenue
Northeast. The request was made 1;e al?ow the construction of an attached garaqe
from approximately t��ro to three feet off frrnn ttie existincr Fast property line of
1391 53rd Avenue. There Hras either the need to qo throuyh a variance or request
the additional prope�-ty vanich �11 ��JOUId be a*tached to 1391 53rd Avenue Northeast.
Several years ago the Northerly half of Jchi�son Street was vacated, and at that time
the petitioner veas asked to aaree �ti�ith the vacatian request and declinetl at that time;
but now they want to proceed with it, and this v,�as hear�d before the Planninq
Commission at their April 7_1 meeting. The Flanning Commission r-ecommended approval of
the vacation with the stipulation that t:he City retain a draina�e and utility
easements on the East:er}y 20 feet of the proposed vacation.
The Public Works Uii°ector said h1rs. Pr•estemen vias p�°esent.
Councilman Starwalt asked as to what is the nature of this riciht-of-way East of the
property, and the Public Works Director replied that at the present time there are
telephone facilitie� an,d a water n��a?n_
Mrs. Prestemon stated that a Standard Oil Pipe lir�e qoes throunh the front of the
property, East and I�,'est, going riyht dctvn, iollowing 53rd. Councilman Starwalt asked
if this would create a problem with drainaqe q�ttirig into qarages, and if there was
a limit io which they could not� go belcw. The Public bJorks Director said this was
the reason they wanted the easement. 7he drainar,e ��vould depend on hovr it ��ras
graded, and at this point it is only for the extension of the attached naraqe in
having it closer to the East line.
The City Attorney said he didn't kno��d v,�hether it is torrenced property or abstract
pro�erty, but that ttie petitioner �hculd sce an attorney ahout the matter after t.he
Mr. Tom AlbFrtson said he oriqinally reques+cd the vr�.cation ±hai,; is novd part of his
property, back a�out four years agc on S{<yr.�oocl Lar�e.
Councilman Fitzpatr�cl< asked �if he ���as on Lot One. P1r. Albei°tsori said that was �
correct. He received the original vacatior� of Johnson about four years ago. Bas�cally, �
the only stipulations I:nown to him ai th�>t tin�e ��ras that �L' feet �N�as for the utilities
and easements and Fie could not t.t�i�ld any t,ype of pern��anen�, structure or, it. If he
did so,�and somethir�y �vent v�rong, he would take all loss. �
As far a> drainay� ar�d everything, it is a nai:ural drainage to the 4!estern boundary i
of Innsbruck. So far ther�e hasn'ti been any 4�roblen� of di�ainaye. So far as enouqh �
footaqe�to do additio�,,a} construction, that ?_Q feet is immater-ial. lt would be �
very senseless to bu�ld any perruanent si:rur.tur�e. So, P9r. Albr�rtson had no nroblem at tliat time
of securing his pro���erty �t all, �nd for M�°s. Prestemon's s�4:c he hopes we will say
yes; give h1rs. Presteir,on the okay so they can go throu�h �nd finish buildinn on the
Councilman Starwalt said he had iridicated to orie of tiie parties that as a qeneral
rule l�e never act or a request such as this on tf7e everii�g u�f the hearinq excepi; in �
rare cases and then �vith reasonable justificution.
l�1ayor Nee asked if there was a problei�i, and P�^,r. Tom Albertson s�iid they wo�.a1d like
to geL st:arted as soon as they cnuld. Tlic Pu�lic ldi7i°ks Director said that �lormally
it would be brought on next week, and that if it �vould not be i�ut of order there
would be no prvblem of appirovin� it a* the fi rst r�a<iinci. C�uncilman Namernik asked
the Public Works Dircclor if r�e was satisfied there �vere no drainage problems in the
area, and the reply ��.�s that there were no drainage problems; tha�t with the easements
they could handle ar�y problein.
MOTION by Councilman Star�valt to close trie public hearinq. Seconded by Councilwoman
Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ma,yor Nee declared the motion carried
MOTION by Councilinan Starwalt to suspend the rules and consider this the first
reading of the Or�din�arce for th� vacation oF t;ii� uni+t}p�°oved Johr7son Street as contained
in the agenda. Seconded by Councilwornan Kukovdski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
Mayor Pdee declared the motion carried unanimously.
�f r�
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--- __ - --- _ -- - - — -- -- -
' The Public Works Director stai:etl there was going to he a representative of the
Highevay Departeiet�t who ��rould respond to the cor�side�°ation of this resolu�ion. This
was in reyard to the public hearing that we hacl tl,e c�the�� ni4h�C on the addencium to
the noise barrier that vras to be constructed, and at that tin�e there was son�e concern
� � expressed over the approv�i of finai �lans. The High�Y�ay Department did contact
ihose people, and he was to be here toniy�it. Perhaps we could go on to the next itein
and then con�e back to this ��,hen the gentleman fram the P1innesota Nighway Depat°tment
-- - --- ----- - --- - — ---- --- _------------------- -----�-,_�:---
Janice Seeger asked the Council if they vaould like to have h�r qive ihe minority
report, and she also distributed a report to the Council member-s.
MOTION by Councilman Star�,ralt that the excerpt of the minutes of the Park and
Recreation Commission meeting of D1ay 3, 1976, and the minority report be received.
Seconded by Councilwoman Ku};os-rski. Upon a voice votE, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
declared the rnoti�in clrried unanimously.
A1ayor Nee stated that the ininutes should show the Council had one rneeting on the
Cornprehensive Plar�, an 9nformal rnreting.
P1r. P?oen, Chairinan of the Sprirgbr•ook Pa�°k Foundation, said that he proposes the plun
as suomitted and referred to iri his letter of April lst be considered for approval.
� Mayor Nee asl;ed if tnis o.�a� �,� an,end!r:ent to it, and i�tr. Moen said the ar!�endment t�as
co�,�ercd by his 1e�ter ef Api~i1 30t1i and it referred to pai°agraoh 3 on page 73; that
it remcved the phrase " . and without reirib�msemei�t..." and substituted ".,tdith
reimbi.n�sernent tha� shaii be acreecl upon betvJe�n the parties concerned.° •
Counci'man Star���alt then addressed Janice Seeger and said thnt ii� the spPCial neetinq
of the f'�rks �nd R�creat.ion Co�nmission the riinu�es sho��r th�t some thin�s ��a�re n��t
ap�roved, and that he i;oted �`r,ere a.pparently was quite a lengtf�,y facete�t discussion,
wl�ich uitimately ar���ived a�C fo�m st:ipulat�ions vdh-ich passeci by a three-to-one vote,
and that yc�u were tl��e only dis,enting vot�; fir. Meen ���a� i�ot present. f4y questton is:
U!hat rai�ticularly, of thos� four disturbed you. Or did�all of them.
Janice Seegei° said tfiat all of th�e;�� did.
Discussion centercd on the co�i�ii�qency budget of ten per cent, and the maintcr�ance
cos�s as to where the furids v,oultl be forthcoming fro�ai and in what propor•t�on.
Jai�ice Seeger stater; �;p�� discussions at the n;eet.iny v�ere lengthy and fruitless and
� cor�fusing. Councilrnan� Star;�alt said he didn' � understand some of it either. h1ention
was made of escrc>G� fi.�nds, of �erformance tronds. ' The lack of perfor•n;ance woultl be
� a basis for vac�ting the lf_-ase, are! �iL t-�as nct passed, said Cnun��ilman Starvralt. Ne
further said that tde I��d strro��n prornis�s �hai if the City would sign the lease the �
� Foundation would do a11 sort� o�F things; that, on the basis of i:he aqreemen�t t-a�ith the
Ci�y the foundation said they i���ouicl� i�ave a ver�y, v���°y successfu] �fund t°aisi��g activiiy
and ti�ey would �e able to acco�nplish ihe thinc�s they are so I��iqh!y in favor of, but
those tf�in;s had not come to pass, and it scrrnded like tvr� or t��ree members of the
� Park 6oard were not convinced, and tf�at he tifas no�t convirced tha� the funding was
as succE�ssful as ���hat h� had been toTd it �rould be.
Jariice Seeger said that a great deal of funtling is awaitin� the Council's decision
� ton�ight. Councilman Star��ralt. asked for some fiqures as to ti�e amount. Mr. hloen
said it. i; pretty har•d for i�iii� to tell you v;hat amounts ir dallars we are going to
g�t from the different groups that they are apprcachiny. [de are doing this i��ithout
something in hand and something that has been accepted by tne Council, and it is
impossil�le to go ahead. You have it in the planning of the goals and the amounts
of money. If ���e exceed the goals 4�e urill be able to do more than we had in the plan
� Councilinan Starraa]t inquired if Phase One of the plan were approved would it renuire
a commitment of �27,000 in time and effort? He asked whether the money was fundetl
or aJas it a voluntary effort? Mr. f9oen replied that they hatl �27,000 in real money,
' and the matchi��n donations or funds would be in labor, donations, and so forth.
', � i Councilman Stara�alt pointed out that the $27,O�J� is a federal funding subject to matchinq
funds, and with that iri mind, h��l�r much of ti�e ir�atch;ng $2i3OG0 is assured at this time.
Mr. Moen said he couldn't show any of this at the present time, and that they can't
II '
!' �;
give you anything unlcss �ve have a chance to seek for it. Mr. Moen said they had
definite plans and definite saurces of funcfinq, and that the��e will be a finance
committee i-iorking on it. Cou��cilman Starl��alt said this is the s�me story he has heard
over the last year-and-a half; that if ��re ��,ould sign the five year lease then they
can go out and make contacts and the money will roll in.
Mr. Moen saici that $27,000 is in, and Councilman Star��;alt said no; the $27,000 came
from federal sources, and that he was talkinq about money from private funds, private
individuals, these sources. Ne was not talking about tax morey, federal manies.
Mr. Moen said that was correct, and at this time they are at a stalemate and would
like to go ahead. FIe said they have two years to match the �,27,000 and that they will
be able to do it by that time.
Playor fJee commented that there is no real haza�,d to the treasury. Councilman Starwalt
replied that he hoped that aras riyht; that initially the City was asked to pi°ovide a
fourth of the �52,U00, and the City substantially declined on that. Councilman
Stai��dalt also said that you have asked us or�ce and you have asked us a9ain, and are
you telling me that if this plan is appr�oved you ti�aon't ask us foi� another nickel?
Mr. �1oen re�lied they av�ere qoing to do the very best they could to get the paper work
going, and ��rith your help I think we ca.n, ar,d he believed ti�at he speaks for the �°est
of the Committee.
Item Four of the report ti��as discussed general'y. Mayor P;ee stated he felt the plan
was a good one.
Councilman Hamernik said he t�ould have to ayr�e with Item Three in the statement
and that according to the plan this v�ould be completetl at the end of the five year
period. There is iio indicatior as to vrhether or� not there vaould be continuous
funding if the plan is successful as stated, and that the City co�_�ld plan on an
obligation of $66,060 a year, and he thougirt this N,�as sign�ficant in that if the plan
is accepted as stated the City would have tc anticipate assuming those obligations.
Further, that if we are not qoin, to do it tl�en may�be �^ae should not have the citizens
spending their efforts on plani;ing it. If vae accept ttie plar� as stated, we are giving
a preliminary acceptance of it.
Counr_ilman 1=itzpairick said �hat ifi what CounriiiTian Harnerni�: said is truA of adoptinp
the plan, then it i; alr°eady tr°ue in that ���e ha�.�e given the Springbrof�k Foundation
the five year°s' tirne to plan a progi�am; that he agrees wi th i.he Playor that ive have
options at other tirnes, but he didn't tf;ink that in adopting this p1an we arE
committing ourselves to a continuai pr•ogram and that the coni;ract urith the Spi°ia�c�brook
Foundation -- the plan -- is inconsistent w;tf; the Sprinnbrook Foundation.
Councilman Hamernik said that I-�e loeked at Iten� Three as addressinq itself to that
point, and these are the concerns and co��sid��°atioris we have Co mal;e. He also said
that if the plan is accepted he would have to exclude Phase 2, and u�on Councilwoman
Kuko��vski ask.ing why, Courcilr�;an Hamernik said that he is not ready to accept or say
the City is willing to uniierti�,rite t.he obligations. Councilwoman Y.ukowski remai°ked that
we are not saying that.
Discussion ensued arr�ong the Council me���bers, and Councilinar� ;taru�alt sa-id he would
have to agree wiih Councilrnar. Fitzpa.�trick, and that at a con�ference meeting he said
the same thiny. t�e appro�,�ed the concept o�(` Phasc One sometime back; that Phase Two
is actually a ve��y, hazy, tt�einendously fine dr°eam, but the accomplishments and the
capabilities of that are not outlined, ar�d that; he indicateu he would not 6e 4rilling
to vote for Phase Two in tf�e document.
Discussion ensued on the n;,�i:ter again, and Courci'man Fitr�,atrick said that Councilman
Startivalt was being consistent in that Co�mcilman Starwalt didn't vote far the
Springbr�ok contract to beyin v�rith. Councilroan f=itzpatrick said that. he did not �
feel that in voting to appi°ove the p�lan he is co�;unitting himself to any i��ore than
he committed himself at�the time of the forming of the foundation; that it is not .
inconsistent with our oi°iyinal plan, whateve�° that was, and tliat lie aqrced with
Mayor Nee that it was not a con,initment to operate a continuirig nature_center.
Mayor Nee said it seems to him that we have approved in principle the layout and
the development concept, unless there are some changes, and thai: he thought it was
well tlone.
Councilman Hamernik asked if we app�°ove Phase One, and evei°ythinc� goes smoothly and
Phase Two comes along and is appraved, and then according to �he plan we may have a
$200,000 building among otl�er thfngs, and the five y�ar 12ase is terminated and
they do not desire to continue, then where do we go fr�om there.
i •
i �
�7 �:t
Councilman Fitzpatrick said that if the plan is so successful tl�at it is able to carry
out the program of achiev�iz�g the lst phase, then it is unlib;ely that they would
discontinue their efforts if they have cor�e that we]1 in that i:ime; but even if they
did, he would ayree ���ith the I�;ayor that that doesn't mean we have a prior commitment
to assuine the progi°ain.
Mayor Nee stated that the plan should not be prejudged because there is so�ne doubts
about their ability to do it.
MOTION by Councilwoman K.uko4,�ski to accept the comri�ehensive plan for Sprirqbrook
Nature Center as am�nded by letter from P1r. Mcen datetl April l, 1976. Seconded by
Counc.ilman Fitzpatrick.
Counciiman Nam�rnik said that aftei° read�rig the rlan and reading the aqreeinent he ��as
of the op�nion ttiere was soi��? doi�bt on the ��art of the Foundation as to their success.
The terms in the agreement are fairly well set out, hut yet there is a paragraph
in the plan where they w�nted the City to assuine a part of the obligations, and this,
he said, is t���hat put some doubt in his mind as to iheir success or anticipated success;
and if there �vas any doubt tha� this is �:here it came fi,om that probably it is just
the Wdy tI1L repart came across and what the foundation was attempting to do was what
instilled doubt in his mind.
A rcll call vcte was taken on the motion. Councilman Fitzpatrick. voted aye; Mayoi°
Nee voted aye; Councilwom�ar� Y,ukovaski voted aye; Councilman Stara,�alt vated na,y; and
Councilman Hanierr,ik voted r;ay. P•1ayor fJee stated that the ro1] call vote showed a
trmee-to-tvro vote in favor of tl-�e plan... , ar�d the motion carried.
------- ---- ---- - — -- - --
�ARR1��S F,I:1�iG I 69� F�P CcRI/�I�� 11R.E,5S i�E7blrEIV SEVENlN STR'tEi TO EAST CITY LI��IITS:
The Migh�aay Deparf:mcnt P.�presentat�ve said he a�as not as1<ii;q any euestions, but there
wer�e si���ie concern> expressed ar�d t�e �;�ould exp]air, them. He said �hey had sen� out
a questic:•�aire to the fi�°st, second, and the third rovd of homes askir��n if there had
been enourh inforniat.ion given for them to rnake up their minds concerninu tf�e matter.
f=ror�� thc� v�hole of Chei,i Lar�e the�� yot hack only ore reaative responsc:,'and the Hi,h��ray
representative said thut ne �alked tc him and obtained the rea��or,s for not rrantin�
the barrier�, and ther� were t��;o of them. The n;an, h1r. l�brar��s was�a trucF: tlriver and
when the big rigs pass his p]ace Lhey blo��r tneir horns and he wanted to be abie to
v�ave ��o h�is buddies. The othe��° rcason v.�as that when h� ��:en� caii�pinr out. in the
country�, it took h�m a cr�uple of nic;hts to get used to the quiet before he could
get some sl��ep. The Highv,ay L'epar�t�,ien�t representaiive said that he suqnested to
��1r. Abra1l�s that tne noise auateirient barrier woul�,i so reduce tl�e noise tf�at Mi°.� llbrams
�vould be ahle to fall asleep so�rer• on h�is camping tr;ps, but Mr. Abrams didn't
ayree J�i ��h thai..
The Higlrr:�,.y renresentative showed a plar� of the area ard the results of the ouestion-
' naire were indicated on i�t. He explain�d ho�v the survc_y t;as cari;ucted and gave
statistical results of it.
He said this is tf�e final plan, and onc.e it is approved i',. is gcing out for bids,
al�out two v;eer,s' tiine, and �tr�e construrtion is ready to star��t iri late June or- July.
He said t.hat ��;hen �hey yet the questionr�aire done they i+�ant �:he Ci'.y Council and a
year after thE bar�i�ier is built anothei° questionnaire evi)1 be sent out or it in order
�o �ne�sui�e the benefit. flayo,�� Ner_- said that thA Council would apprec�iate that and the
Coui�ci7 a��prec�ial,es the �-aork already done.
� MOTIOi�ll�y Councilman Sta�rwalt to adopt P.e�alution No. 4?_-1�76. Seconded by
, Councilv!o�ran Kukovrski. Upon a ro11 call vote, .Councila�on��i� Kukot�rski voted aye;
Counciiman Star��iait voted aye; Mayor fr'ez� v:�ted aye; Councilo�an Hamernik voted aye;
and Couneiln�an Fitzpatrick voted a;�e. [•layor Nee dec1ared the roll call ��ote �•�as
unanimously in favor ofi the resolution and the motion carried.
The City Courrcil then took up the mattcrs thai were added to the agenda.
' Mr. Wilmes said that last �•�eek he had come before the Council and made a'presentation
of the proposed tree plantiny project at the Islands of Peace. Today we have had a
I, � I meeting with the Naturalist, the Pubiic 4lorks Director, Park For2rnan, and the Planner,
There are some detaiis that we can work out to give you a n�ore detailed planning of this.
The architect �-ras contacted at the rreetir�y toda,y, and tomorr•ow r�iorning we will have
the details to �resent to the people involved.
li ,
Last week the City F-tanager ask�d the question, "Is the City going to be billed for
any part of this project?". 1�1y answer� vdas a very firm "No", and it has not channed
since. It was never tfie intent to infrinne on the taxpayers,
Mr. !�lilmes recited the history of t:f�e �tree p?antin9 pro�mam and the aqencies that
worked witn�ttie proyram to make it a success. Mr. ldil�tiies concluded his remarks by
ii�viting the Council mem�c�°s to attend the pronrarn.
— ----.,.-------------- — ------- - ----- - ----- - -------- ---- - -----------
Councilman Star��,alt said that ��hen f9r. Scott nresented this at the preliminary i}ieetinp>
he asketl him �,�hether they were consider•inn a mileage char�e on the trips, and the
answer was no. They had other plans. Co�inciln�an Star�valt said he was riat opposinn
the plar�.
MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the Resolution �dc. 43-'97G. Seconded
by Council�voman Kuko,��ski. Upon a voice vete, �11 votin� ave, �1a,yor Nee decleared
the motion carried unani�rousl,y.
, -- — — --- ---- _ _ -- --- ----- -- — -- -------- ------
BY�.P!fS p� ����ci11_
f1uch dis�u_�sion er�sucd over Ihe mat���r of ��nresentation by the laraer citi�s versus
the smaller ones, ai�d ihe othei� be�lefits that do accrue fi°om the ornanizatiQn.
Mayor Nee said that�the City P1aiia�er had r°aised t!�e �ue�tian of the transfer of the
lai�ds to the County. The Courity ��eceived some boi�cli�m authorii.y to acquii°e proi?e+�+�y
or. Rice Ci°eek and ti�^y n:v�ve been er.pectina ��s to turr� control of the nroo�ei°tv tf,at
is Easi of Centi�al alonn Rice �r2el: ovcr to i:h�m, ar,d <<ie !;ave b�en resistinn it
and saying there fias Lcen a c2rtain a�ro�n��t: of public investmenC by the citizens of
Fridle,y; and if it is g�inq to be uscd anci uai�;e� as a Co�?r�i�V piece rf nrcner•t�✓ then,
we should get; ttie ir��vestr�ent back the City ha� r�,ade, ��eh�ch is aho��at �9,O�Jf) in the
There are a couple of a_ddi�ional lots �:�h�icl, are tax-forfeit, and we vrould request
that if they tal;e the F�,�operty over, �hey ��<;Y us at lea;'� the mor�e�,y that would reimburse
us for the special asse�snie��ts anainst the pr��nerty.
Mayor Nee stated th�t he has been wor�'r.�ina ���itf�� the Couniv Cr�;>>;�i�issioners, and vrith
Mr. 0'Bannon, �nd h� in��icated t;ia* he i�as bcen �pusi�in�r for th�is, and i1= i:f�er°e is
some kind of corser,ses cn the Council's par�C, that �:�e sl�ic�uid be nursiainr this, *hen
we car� no ahead and �,��r�rk o�it som� kind c�f an a�reen��ent. ;vith the County. 7he use of �
the at°ea would be �vail<�l;le to t.he public. The °layor staied that he honed the Cit-v
coul d c�et s�nie e;eney t��i th ��ahi cli �th� Gi t_y coul d acqui r�� oth: r nai°k faci �4 i ti es . Al l
that we are luoking for now is a consensus {rom the Ccur,cil.
F�OTION by Co�u�cilu;�man i:ukowski io direct i;he admiristrat�ion to discuss the land
situa�ion G�ith i;he ��:pp��opri�te nar�ti�s. Seconded by Co��ncilman Starwalt. Unon
a voice vote, all vot:ing aye, t'sayor Plee��rclar°ed the n,o�t�ion carrictl unanimously.
MOTIOPf by Councilt,ioman F:uko�:�ski to ad,jourr ti�e meetin�i. Sceonded b,�• Councilman
HdlAernil-:. llpon a voice vote, all votina aye, Playor hJee declared the meetinn of
the Frid7ey C�ty Counc�il of h1ay 10, 197E adjcurned at 10.C5 P,'M1.
Respectfully sub�,itted,
John Cheg�vyn
Council Sec��etary
Williarn J. Nee
�� i
� 1 �
Not�ce is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing af the
City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Ha11 at 6431 University
Avenue Northeast on Monday, May 10, 1976, in th� Council Chamber at
7:30 P.P�. for the purpose of:
Consideration of a rezoning request, ZOA ;�76-01,
• by John �t. Hal uptzc�k, to rezone Lot 17 , B1 ock 2,
Cenirai View Manor, from C-1S (local shopping
areas) to M-1 (light industrial areas) to make
zoning consistent with adjoining property, all
lying in the North Half of Section 12, T-30,
R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota.
Generally located just West of 1240 73 1/2 Avenue
. N.E.
Rnyone desiring to be heard with reference to ihe above matter
may be heard at this time. �
Publish: Agril 21, 1976
.April 28, 1976
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Zoned Gommercia� Ion�d cam.,a.�.� C� �
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Planning Coinmission Mecting- April 7, 1976 Pa4e 23
then Lot 7 Y�ould be unbuildable. Mr. Bergman said there wasn't much land
to work with. Mr. Ciark said the configuration c�f Osborne Road was not
the most desirable because it wasn't.at right angles, and pulling it up
to meet the Osborne Road of this plat wili irnprove that situation. He
said that as far as Mr. Doyle's comments on whether he would be able to
use the St. Paul Waterworks easement in this plat pPiysicaliy or on paper,
as you drive past this area ii; will look like it was part of the rear
yards of these lots.
' Mr. Wogen asked if there ��vould have to be any more land dedicated
for the ��ridening of 75�h t�!ay, Pir. Clark said there was enough of the
existing right of u�ay to allow the widening of this street.
MOTION by Feter.son, seconded by WahZberg, that the Planning Commission
close the Public tiearing on the preJ.iminary plat,`P.S. i176-03, Leigh
Terrace, by Leiqh lnv�stm�nts, Inc. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting ayc,
Chairman fTarris declared tlie Public Hearing closed at 11:10 P.M.
MOTION h� Peterson, seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Commission
recorunend to Council approvaZ of a preZiniinary pl.at, P.5. #76-03, Leigh
Terrace, by Leiyh Investments, Inc., being a replat of Lot 39, Aud.ztor's
5ubdivisi.on No. 77, excepting Parcel �G40, generally 1cca�ed on the We::t
side of the intersecion of Osborne Road and East River Road, (former porsta.d
PIa�), with the fo�lowing stipulations:
1. The alignment af Osborne Road be moved 5' to the South.
2. 2'hat confirmat.ion be obi:ained from..the Si. Paul Waterc��orks as L-o
the specific use of the pr.opertg, and that be reflected in a
private covenant to b� fil�ad with the p1at.
Upon a vo.i.ce vote, a11 voting a�e, the motion carried unanimously.
a. PUQLIC HEARIPdG: REZO(`lI�G REQLESTs 7_0� rr76-01 , JOHIv U�!. HALUP7Z0�:
Rezone ��ron� C-1S (iocai ShOppi►�y a�eas to i�,-'1 ligh�t indusi:r�iai
areas), Lot 17, Block 2, Central View ��f��inor Addition, to make
zoniny consisi�ent ti�iith adjcining property, generaliy located just
West of 1240 73 1/2 Avenue N.E.
MOTIUN b� Bergman, seconded}�y Peterson, fihat the Planning Commission open
�he Puhla.c Hearing on a rezonit�q i•equest, ZOI� #76-01, by John tlaluptzok.
Upon a voice vote, a1I votir�g aye, Chairman Harris declared the PubZic
Hearing open at 11:11 P.11.
� Mr. Clark said that thi� rezoning request �vas the result of a stipulation
of the Planning Comm�is�ion on a previous rezoning request, Z0�1�175-07, to
�� rezone Lot 18. This will make the zoning consistent with the adjacent
� property.
� �
MOTION by Wahlbcrg, seconded by Peterson, that the Planninq Conunission
close the Publzc Ilearing orz a rezoning request, ZOA N76-01, by Jo1ui
tlaluptzol:. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairnran Harris dec2ax'ed
the Public Hearing closed at 11:12 P.h1. _
MOTION b� Peterson, seconded�by Wahlberq, tha� the Planning Commission
1 �C
� Planninq Conunission Meeting - April 7, 1976 Page 24
� recommend to Council approyal of a rezoning request, ZOA #76-01, by John
Ilaluptzok, to rezone from C-IS (1oca1 shopping areas) to M-1 (light
a.ndustrial areas), Lot 17, Block 2, Central Vicw Manor Addztion, to m�ke
zoning consistent with adjoining property. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting
i aye, the motion carried unanimously. �
r 3, 61ock 1, Froid's Addition into two building sites, each at least
10,Q00 sqUare feet, for i;he consiruction of double bungaloars. (Property
zoned R-3), generally located on the corner of East River Road N.E.
� and Ironton Street P�.E.
Mr. Donal d Sexter ►��as � present.
� Mr. Clark said this property was zoned multiple, and as recently as
last October, Mr. Sexter planned to bui1d an 8-plex on this site, and due
to the handicap requireT��ents that come into play when you build an 8-plex,
� and other probl erns rel a'�:i nc� to �:he l vt, such as drai nage, made i t econnrn�i cal ly
unfeasible to build the �-plex. He �rras now proposing to spTit the lot
into two pieces and construct double bungalows en this property. Mr.
i Sexter has presented surveys of the iwo lots wl�ich sho�� that boi:h lots vrill
exceed the 10,000 square foot requirement for double bungalows. Nir. Clark
said one of the surveys sho�,NS the setback as 30' for the structure, and
� �;his wi11 have to be moved back 5' to meet the 35' front yard setbac�:
requirement. t�ir. Clark said there was another small problem in that hA
did not quit� meet the garage requirements for a double bungaioG�. The
zoning code states that you have to have 1 1/2 stall garage for each
�, uni t oi' a do«bl e bungal a��. Mr. C1 a.rk sa i d tha. � i f you use the �afi�ki ng
stall requirEmentof 20�', this �-rould mean that there �NOUId have to be
300 square f'eet of garage area for each unit. He said the garages in this
' plan to1;a1 572 square feet. He said he i'elt that it ��,�as the intent of �
the ordinan�e to provide t�o stalls for storac�e, and one stall i�or parking.
Mr. Clark said that maybe the garages could be en1arged to meet this
, requirement. Mr. Clark said Mr. Sexter didn't ��:�ant to widen the garages
because it vrould obstruct the view from the house, but they could be buili
two feet deeper.
■ .Mr. Bergman asked Mr. Sexter if he v�as in agreement to increasing the
size of tlie garage by 2 feet? Mr. Sexter said he was in agreen�ent beca�se
the house cou�d be moved back tv�o feet on the lot. He said that everything
' could be adjusted so they met the setback requirements of the code.
Mr. Ciark said the staff recommendation was that this lot split bs
� , granted.
� MdTI.ON by Bargman, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commissxon
xecommend to Council apPr.oval of a request for a lot split.,L.S. �176-02, by
II � Donald F. Sexter, to split Lot 3, Block 1, Froid`s �lddition, into two
building sites, each at least 10,000 square feet, for the constxuction of
double bungalows on R-3 zoned property, qenerally Zocated on the corner
I� of East River Road N.E. and Ironton Streer N.E. Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, the motion carried unanimoras.Iy. •
, � • ..
'I � .
�L - - -
Hotice is hereby given that there will be a Public Nearing of the
Gity Council of the City of Fridley in the City Na71 at 6437 University
Avenue Northeast on �•1onday, May 10, 1976, in the Council Chamber at
7:30 P.tYt. �or the purpose of:
Consideration of a Final Plat, P.S. #76-03, Leigh
Terrace, by Leigh Investments, inc., bring a replat
of Lot 39, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 77,
(excepting Parcel 5640), all lying in the North
Half of Section 10, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, �
County of Anoka, Minnesota.
Generally located on the l�est side of the intersection
of Osborne Road and East River Road.�
Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may
be heard at this time. �
Publish: Apri7 27, 1976
.Apri l 28, 1976
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Planning Commission Mec�tin�- April 7, 1976 Page 18
was the best way to fit the uni�s into the existing landscape, He said
that he did not favor a 0' setback on a public street because if a small
error was n�ade, a structure could encroach into the public right of way,
but with a 5' setback, there would be enough room so that this shouldn't
happen. '
Mr. Narris said that at this time he would like to make a statement
to the City Administration, before vre vote. As �•�e are allowing a 31 ft.
sireet in this development, he felt it was incumb�nt upon the City Engineer-
ing Department to treat everybody else in town equally as fair, and it
t�ras not necessary, �herefore, that every frontage street be 36 ft. wide
in the rest of ihe City.
Mr. Clark said ihat there 4ras a street being built this year that
wouldn�'t be 36 ft. wide. Mr. Harris said he objected to that because he
felt it was arbitrary, ��ir. Clark said that as he has said before, it
might not be logical, but there was logic behind these decisions. He
said �hat he was referring to the Leif Henrikson plat off af East River
Raad, where there just ��rusn't room to prov�de for-a 50' right of way and
a 36' street. I�1r. Harris said that if they were going to pave Riverview
Terrace and it 4ras 36' viide, he would have to pay for that. Mr. Clark
said that t�aas not necessarily so, because there alas a Public Hearing
before any improvement was ordered in, and if an entire block said
they d�dn't ���ant a 36' stree�, it would not be ordered in. Mr. Harris
said that in the ten year street plan, which must be almost compieted,
he felt t}�at the att�tude was to tak� it the 4�ray it was proposed,
regardless of w}�ether the people in the area agreed or not. He said
he felt the City, the staff and the Engineering Department had been �
ar6itrary in the meting out of street vaidths and assessments, and that
it had been unfairly administered. lie thought he could find 30,000 people
in Fridley w}�o 4vould agree vrith him. �
UPON A VOICE VOTS, ALL voting aye, the 1�10T.ZON carried unanimously.
Chairn�an Narris de.clared a recess at 10:,10.P.M. and reconvened the
Planriing Commission me�ting at 10:25 P.h1.
itor's Subd�ivision No 77, (excepting
the intersection
as the Dorstad
���Ur.�.... �., ,. .,., , ..0 . . .,.. � . ... _
parcel 5640), generally located on the West side of
of Osborne RQad and East River Road.(Same property
Plat which was never recorded.)
Mr. Jahn Doyle, of Leigh Investments, Inc. was present.
MOTIO�Y by idahlberg, seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Commission
open the PuL.Zic He�zring on the consideration of a preliminary p1at, F.S.
#76-03, Leigh Terrace, by Leigh Investments, Inc. Upon a voice vote, a3I�
voting aye, Chairman ftarris declared the Public Hearing open at 10:26 P.M.
Mr. Clark said that Mr. Doyle and the
for some time. He said that the original
�, , . was a plat in which the lots ���ere served
, ,
staff have worRed on this plat
plat that Mr. Doyle submitted
with a cul-d�-sac off of Talmadge
. ._ . . -
, _ . . -*-,,,,,--.T,� -,
Planning Corn►nission Meetinc�- April 7, 1976 Page 19
Way. Mr. Doyle thought this was a good plan for his plat because he
wouldn't have any through traffic. ,
Mr. Clark said ti�e ol•d Dorstad Pla� joined 75th Way to East� River Road,
in�the:close proximity of Osborne Road. The developer didn't feel that
this,aliynnTent would induce a qu�et neighborhood type atmosphere, but
after the petitioner had discussed the plat with the City, and was informed
of the prablem tfiat would arise i7= this alignment wasn't followed, he
did bring in a different plan. This plan has gone back to connecting
up 75th t�►ay witl� Osborne Road, about 50 feet Nortti of the present center
line of Qsborne Road, v,�hich nieans that the County or the City would have
to bring this alignmerit up to n��et the stre�Z �n-the plat. This can be d'one
without ti�e purchase of any structures. Mr. Doyle has also dedicated
additional land for the ti��iciening ar East River Road.
Mr. Clark.said f.he Engineering Department gave Mr. Doyle three differ-
ent alignments for the connecting str�et and Mr. Doyle chose the align-
ment � that �,r�as hc�i ng Cresented at thi s�i�eeti ng. Thi s�� an was perfect� y
acceptable to our Fngineering Department. the exception being that the
center line of Csbornc Road shouid be moved 5 feet to the South, ��hicii
Mr. Doyle has agreed to, so �ve 4;ould not have to obtain addi�ion land
unnecessarily acr�oss the stree�:.
Nir. Clarl�, said the plat consisted of li lots. They all meet or
exceed �:h� lot requirement of 9,OU0 squai�e feet, with the except7on
of the 3 lots Nor�:h of Osbor��e Road. Lot 1 wi11 be 7,7Q0 sqc�ar.e �eet,
and Lots 2 and 3 will b� s�,Q00 sauare feet. Mr. Doyle was go�ing to
try and n��;otizte ti�iith �he St. Pai;l tti��i;er��aor{;s abai�t being able tc?
use the 40' St. P�ul 1�a�;er��lorks easemen� as pa.rt of the iot. Ob���io��sly
the use of that part of i;he lot �vould be restricied as to havir�g any
struci.��r�s on it, or the {�lanting of any large tre�s, etc., t�ut the
use of ifze easer��er�t for yards an� ���rdens woul d not be proh � bi ted. I�E
he can utilize this land, then these 3 lo�;s wouid meet or exceed the
9,J00 square f�:. requiren�ent also. There is some question as to crhether
the S�. Paul t�laterwo��ks has fee title to this 40' strip, or if was just
an easement. If it t��as just an easement, then it would be Mr. Doyle's
1a►1d, and ther�e t��oul d be no . reason hn couldn't i ncl ude i t vri th tiie
l o t s, bec�use he �,�ould be �he fee o��,ner. If the St. I'aul t�Jaterworks
was the fee o�;�ner, then ��1r. Doyl e��oul c! l i ke to get permi ssion from t h e m
to allow a fenGa to be pu� on this property, and from the street i� would
look as if the easemeni ►vas part of these lots.
Mr. Cl�rk said tt�at 7almadge 41ay would probably come up and dog-ieg
to mee� Osborne Road more or less at a right angle. �
Nir. Pe�erson asked P•1r.-Clark how this plan affected the 6eveloper
in terms of lots as far as �f it were"developed according to the cul-
d�-sac plan or the plan presented at this meeting. Mr. Clark said he
would have one iot more t�rith this plan. Mr. �'eterson said then they t�aere
not working an economic r�ardship on the developer by insisting on this
plan. Mr. Clark said that if yo�1 counted numbers, no, but if you could
the total vaTue of single f�n�ily residential lots, then maybe yes.
Mr.'Petcrson asked if fro+n the City's standpoint, if i�t was necessary
� � to have this thoroughfare on the pl�t. Mr. Clark said that he could only'�
respond to �vf�at the Engineering .Depar•tment l�ad said, and that was that in
.. _ .�.......,q-b
Plannin Commission Meeting - April 1, 1976 . Page 20 __
working with the County, they were trying to eliminate as many streets
as possible coming on to East River Road at uncontroiled intersections.
This would allow the people in,this area to come out to a signalized
intersection on East River Ro�d. Mr.� Petersor� said that because of the
prbblems we have heard about on East River Road, he thought this was
desirable. Mr. Clark said the County Engineering Department has been
confronted with this plan, and they: were in agreement with it.
Mr. A. J. Hogen, 133 75th Way N.E., asked what the ►�iidth of the street
would be on the proposed Osborne Road in this plat. Mr. Clark said the
right of way width �vas 60' . The pavement ��tidth would be bettiveen 40' to
46' where they have the center median. It will allovr one lane of traffic
coming ' in and two lanes of traffic g�ing� out. Mr. Hogen asked if this
property was goinc� to be developed as R-1. P�ir. Clark said that it would
be. h1r. Doyle didn't have.any plans to rezone the property as far as he
Judy Qeine, lII0 Talmadge l�1ay N.E., a�ked if 75�h Way would be joined
to this road and if it �vould be improved. Mr. Clark thought that when
this plat had been approved by Council that Talmadge tJay might be
upgradeci, but then there would be a Puk�lic Hearing before any improvements
were made. Mr. C1ark said that the North-South po�°tion of Talmadge lJay
was an unimproved street at the presen�: time and was used for traffic
bet4vecn Talmadge t��ay and 75th Glay.
Mr. Hogen asked if there was anyt}�ing about storm sewers in this plan
for 75th tJay? h1r. Clark said thatalT the are� in the plat wi11 drain to
East River Road on the road. h�r. Hogen said that sor��e drainag2 vras all
that he wanted. 1�1r. Clark said he cou1dn't ans���er that question. Mr.
Narris said that hSr, Hogen had a speci�i problent <<rhere he had .si:anding
water in front o�� his residence, and he was sur� thai:�•ras wha1: he was
aTluding to. He sa�d that Mr. Hogen G��anted to k►�ow if there was some
way to drain th�s ��ater through this plat.
Mr. Doyle said that he %elt there was a very big problem vrith this
area. He said tf�at on the South side of 75th Way, they wet�e faced with
the problem of two wa�er pipes which ��vere 72" pipes, which would make
it im�ossible to put any kind of storm selver from the South to the North
witf�out gaing prohibitably deep. Then you ��ould have the St. Paul
WaterE�orks to fi�ht it out tivith, so you t�ere almost faced with having
surface drainage. , .
Mr. Clark said that he had misread the question. He thought they
were asking if a storm sewer system would be put in. Ne said that he
didn't think the tdesterly part of 75th Way was high enough to drain to
East River Road. He said that part of 75th Way was built to drain that
way, but at some point, and Mr, Hogen would know where that was, it
was designed to drain towards the river. 7here was a low swale that
was app�rently righ� in front of Mr. Nogen's property. Mr. Clark said
that originally there was a shaliow sump canstructed on the St. Paul
Waterworks easement, for the water to drain into. He said it may work
in tf�e summer time, but he could understand that during nprmal winter
tha�ving, that the water would stand in the street. He thought the only
way to remedy the problem was to put in a storm sewer conduit which would
more than likely have to run to.•the Mississippi River. Mr. Hogen said
that had already been proposed, but the St. Paul Waterworks woGld not
('lanninc�Commission t�1eei;inc�- �1ari7 �7, 1976 Paye 21
allow.theit� property to be used for the v�ater going towards the river.
Ne saic� they hacl blocked this proposal before, and they probabl•y would
again. He said tt�at sump vras i.n the yard, but it did not drain any of the
water from ihe street, because the curb kept it from goiny into the sump.
Mr:•Hogen felt ti�at if they hadn't put that swale in front of his house,
th� v�ater v�ould have drained i;o East River Road. Mr. Clark said he didn't
think the land in that area a�as high enough to drain to East River Road
on the surface. He said this road was dirt for many years, which was
sand. 7he reason there wasn't any water problem then, was because the U�ater
jus�: drained into the sand. 4lhen the street was constructed, it was put
in as flat as possible and drained as much as possible to�vard East River
Road. It got to the point �Lhat io continue that, it would have got above
the yards on the North si_de of the streei;.
Mr. Harr7s asked �,hy they couldn't have crowned the streets so the
rest of the water could have drained towUrds �he river? Mr. Clark sa�d
the corner ihat h1►°. I-sogen referred to t�ras probably tf�re� or four feet
higher than 75ti� t-�ay, ar�d in order for i,:�� vrater to ge� to the river
it v�ould have to run to A1den t�Jay, �;orth un A,1den tJay, around i;he
corner to the catch basin on l�lden t�lay, a lit�le further to tf�e P�orth.
4there A1den Way v�as goirg hortl� and turns t�test was another hi11. He
said that bet��reen 75th t�iay and the ca'cch basin on Alden t�Jay was where
the hill 4�ras located. Mr. Hogen said that 3' hill could have been
graded doti�rn. He said that they have been pleading far a ditch on
the sicie of the road so the ��,�ater coulci c!rain into a ditchs just to get
it off of the street, but they aron't give ii: to us. He said he fiaci dug
some by hGnd, ;just to get the vratEr out of there, but the sana �vas hard
to di g becuuse when i t�-ras dry, i t t�ras j;.�st 1 i ke cnm�nt. h1r. Hog�n sai d
the ditch �.�:as sup�osed to be part of the original plan i�or this area, but
for some reason th� C;ty �vould nat give �!s this d�tch, v,�hich was same
thing he just co.�1dn'� unders�and. Mr. Clark asked ��her� this ditch was
supposed to i°un to. ��ir. Nog�n said they jus� nee�ed the ditch tc� holcl the
water uni;i1 it had time to so��k in. Mr. Clark said that this problem
could no-� be solved at this meeting. He said that he reca�l1ed tf�at a
sump was ,�ut in 8 to 10 years ago, and maybe this ��ras silted in and
�vasn't there anyn�ore. Pir. Harris sa•i.d that m�ybe Mr. Clark could check on
this to see if thcy couldn't get some oi' i;he water drairzed from in front
of this man's house.
P1r. Clark said there was a small house on one of the lo�:s in the pla�.
The alignr�ent of the street ���a«�d make this houCe th�e required 35' from
the str�eet. The alignment would necessi�;ate the removal of the garage.
N� said that if the road was pulled down to save the garage, there would
be another lot tha1: would be i;oo sma11 to make it feasible to build on.
Mr. Doyle said he had talked to the Engineers of the St. Paul 4Jater-
works r.oncerning tl�e use of the�r pro�erl;y, and they declined in making
any absol ute comment about �vhether i t ��roul d be al 1 oti�iabl e to use part of
their easeinent on the three lots adjacent to this easement. He was going
to discuss this ��ri�;h i:he Conm�issions, but he did assure me'.that there .
were many people n��3kir�g use of th�s easement for green area. Essentially
they do object to the placen2ent of buildings or �rees on �his easement,
becaus� these things wo�tld have to be ren�oved if they had�to come in and
work on these lines, but i;hey didn't object �o grass or a garden. He
said tf�e Cngineer said they wer� also working w�ith i:he County ai�d the
City, and he wanted to reserve �nd comment until thc�y had it all in one
2 �G
, � Plannin Commission Meeting - April 7, 1976 �e 22 :�
Mrs. Wahlberg asked if it would be the developer's responsibi]ity to
, ini'orm the buyers of these three lots that if they were al1owed to use
this easement as part'of their lot, that they couldn't locate any struci;ures
or.plant any trees on that portion of the lot? Mr. Doyle said he would
, put a covenant on those lots,.so that the buyers would be aware of the
restrictions on this easement. Mr. C1ark said that if it was a private
covenant, it vrouid be part of the absiract.
Mr. Langenfeld said he would like to have the East River Road Project
Committee l004�, ai this develo�ment. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Langenfeld if
he thought this was going to have a significant impact on East River Road?
Mr. t.angenfeld said he thought that giving them a chance to review this
pro{�osal ���ould be in order. He said that if the Planning Commission
recommended approval of this plat at this meeting, then they could revie���
the recommendaions. Mr. Clark said there t��ould s�ill be a hearing on
the final plat by the Council, so ihere would be time for the Environrrental
Quality Commission's project committee to revierr the p]at, even if it tivas
approved at this meeting. We are gettin� to the time of the year when
any developer ��ras anxious to get startea on their projeets, so this had
to be a consideration also. He said that by the t;ime the contracts hud
been let for the sewer and ��rater and the s�reets, sometin�es weeks, or
even days, get to be quite valuable to the developer. Mr. Langenfeld
said it wasn't his intention to ho]d up the approval of this plat, or to
delay the developer.
Mr. Doyle said that this plat was the result of very close coord-�ration
bet4�reen the /�dininistrative Staff of the City of Fridley and the County
of Ftnoka, taking into consideration their apparent plans for the improve-
ment of East River Road, vahich includ�d the area up to 79th. This plat
v�as the �°esult of those plans. He said that Osbori�e Road ti•aould be
blocked off on his plat until the intersection of East River Road and
Osborne Road had been impraved.
Mr. Bergman asked about drainage and utility easements on the plat.
Mr. Clark said that all the necessary easements �vere already included in
the plat,
Mr. Harris asked P1r. Doyle if he had considered underground utilities?
Mr._.Doyle said that he would explore the possibility af having underground
services, but it would depend upon the existing area and if fvor�hern States
Power Company felt they were practical in this area.
Mr. Harris asked if there had been any negotiations by the City or
the Couniy to obtain the property they ��ould need to change the alignn�ent
of Osborne Road. Mr. Clark said he didn`t thinl: so. h1r. Ciark said Osborne
Road and East River Road were botf� County roads, so he didn't know who would
be negotiating for the purchase of the property. Mr. Peterson said that
Mr. Doyle has already dedicated land from his plat for the widening of
East River Road.
, Mr. Bergman said he was concerned about the configuration of Osborne
Road in ti�is plat. He said the present location makes Lots 1-3 less than
the 9,000 square ft. code requirement, and due to the extensive changes
ther.e would have to be across East River Road to have the Osborne Road
, � � meet this extension, he tvondered if it wouldn't be better to have the
,• Osborne Road in this plat � moved still further South. Mr. Clark said
� '�
Pianning Conunission Meetin -g Aprii 7, 1976 Page 23 _
then Lot 7 would be unbuildable. Mr. Bergman said there wasn't much land
to work with. Mr. Clark said the configuration of Osborne Road was not
the most desirable because it wasn'i at right angles, and pulling it up
to meet the Osborne {ioad of this plat will improve i:hat situation. Ne
said that as i'ar as Mr. Doyle's.comments on vrhether he would be able to
use the St. Paul Watervrorks easement in tliis p1at physically or on paper,
as you drive past this area it will look like it was part of the rear
yards of th�se lots.
Mr, flogen asked if there ��ro�ld have to be any more ]and dedicated
, for the widening of 75th l�tiay. Mr. Clark said there was enough of the
exist�ing right of way to allow the widening of this street.
1�OTION by Peterson, •secondec� by Wahlberg, that tl�e Planning Commission
clo>e the Piibl�.c Ilearing on tl�e preliminax� pZat, P,S. �{7G-03, Leigh
Terrace, by Lnzgh Investments, Inc. Upon a voice vote, a11 votinq aye,
Chairn�an Flarris declared the Public Hearing closed at 11:10 P.M,
IIOTIOld bu Petcrson, seconded by I3ergman,.that the Planning Commission
reconun�nd to Counci.Z approval of a�reliminar� p1at, P,S. #76-03, I,eiqh
Terrace, bt� Leigl� Investr!ents, I�nc"., being a replat of I�ot 39, Auditor`s
Subaivision 110. 77, excepting Parcel 5640, generall� lccated on the West
side of f:he intezsecioi� of Osboz-r.e Road and East River P.oad, (former porstad
P1at) , E,�ith the fal �oiaing st�pulations:
1. The alignment of Osborne Road be mvved 5' to the South.
2. That conf.irrraticn be obtained .fror� _the St. Pau1 DTaterworks as to
• tlze specific u_e of Lhe property, ar�d that be refZccted in a
pr.ivatc� covenant to b� ti1�d with t1�e p1at.
Upoi� a voice vote, a1I voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
a. PUBLIC �IF/�RIf';G: RtZOi�;It�G REQU�ST, ZOA� ,'f76-01 , JOHN 4d. HALUPTZOK:
� Rezone �r��;i C-1S �local shoppir�g areas� t:o 1���l�lignt indus�crial
areas), Lot i7, alock 2, Central Vieti-,� P�lanor �idd�ition, to make
zor�ing consist�nt wiLh adjoining property, generally located just
4dest of 1240 73 1/2 Avenue N.E.
E50Z'1'UN by Bergn�an, seconded �ay Peter.eon, that the Planning Commis�ion open
the Public Ilearing on a r.ezoning requ�st_, ZDA #76-O.I, by Jol�n Halupizok.
Upon a voice vote, a11 vo�ing aye, Cl�airman Ilarrzs d�cl�red the Public
Hearing open at Z1:11 .P.r1.
h1r. Clark said t{�at this_rezoning request was the result of a stipu�ation
of tl�e Planning Commission on a previous rezoning request, ZOA #f75-07, to
rezone Lot 18. Th7s will niake the�zoning consistent with the adjacent
1�tOTXON b� Wahlberg, seconded b� Peterson, �hat the Planning Commission
close the I�ublzc He�ring on a rezoning request, ZOA �17G-Ol, b� John
l(alupizok. Upon a voice vote, aI1 vo�ing a�e, Ch�irman Ifarris declared
the Publi�c Hcaxing closcd at 11;12 P.rt.
MOTION by Peterson, seconded b� Wahl�erg, that the Planning Conunission
. 3
� .
� .
' t�otice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the
' City Council of the Gity of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University
' Avenue Nor�c���ast or� Monday, hSay 10, 197G, in the Co�ncil Chamber at
7:30 P.M. for the purpose of:
� i of a re uest for a Vacation, SAV #76-02, �
Considerat on q
by Mrs. Ray Presteman, of unimproved Johnson Street
'' North of 53rd Avenue N.E. and adjacent to Lot 18,
Slock 2, Swanstrom's Court Addition, all lying in
the South Half of Section 24, T-30, R-24, City of
Frid]ey, County of Anoka, Minnesota �
�' . General7 located on the East side of 1391 53rd
� Avenue Northeast. � .
Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter
�� will be heard at this meeting.
� �
' � .
Publish: April 21, 1976
� � - April 28, 1976
� �
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Planning Commission Meeting - April 21, 1976 Page 4__
'MOTTON b� Berqman, seconded by Shea, that.the.�Planning Commission close
i:he Public Hearing on a request for a Special Use Permit, SP #76-05, by
Ar�yne R. Johnson. Upon a voice vote, aZ1 voting aye, Chairman Harz'is
declared the Public Hearing closed at 8:16 P.M.
MOTION by Bergman, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission
recommend to Council approval of the request for a 5pecial Use Permit,
SP /i76-05, by Arlyne R. Johnson, ger Fridley City Code, Section 205.051,
2, A, to a1Zow the construction of a second accessor� building, a 20' x
22' detached garage, on Lot 5, and the East 1/2 of Lot 4, Block 5, City
View Addition, ttie same being 420 57t12 PZace N.E.
Mr. Harris asked P�r. Satterlee to be sure the petitioner was aware
that it was a code requirement to have a hard surface driveway.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motian carried unanimously.
2. VAC�TION REQUEST: � Stltr �76-02,' MRS. RAY PRESTEf iA(�: To vacate that
.. part of unimproved Johnsor�=�-treet �hat lies North of 53rd Avenue
� and adjacent to Lot 18, Block 2, Swanstrom's Court Addition, the
. same being 1391 53rd Avenue N.E.
Mr. & Nirs. Ray Presteman ,were present.
Ghairman Harris said this request would be handled as an informal
public hearing.
Mr. Roard�nan said iha1; a portion of unimproved Johnson Street was
vacated in 197Q. At that time, this portion of Jahnson Street aras
not vac�ted because the petitioner wanted to ma�ntain that area for an
access. They have changed their minds and wan1; it vacated no��. There
will have to be an easemerlt re�ained for drainage and utilities on
the East 20' of �;he vacated street.
Mrs. Albert Villella, 5300 Nlatierhorn Drive N.E., said �hat their
house t�vas on the other side of this unimproved Johnson Street, and
she wondered f7ow this vacation wou�d affect her property. Mr. Harris
said this road easement for Johnson Street was 33' which was half of
an easement for a street, so it would all go bacl: to Sv��anstrom's Court
Addition, so this wouldn't affect Mrs. Villella's property at all. .
Mrs. Villella said that if the petitioner was going to construct
something on this 33', then it would affect her property very much.
Mr. Presteman said that they were going to construct a new attached
garage on their p�'operty, ►�hich would be built 2 feet from iheir present.
property line, so the vacated s�:reet would be used jus� as part of the
required se�:back. They didn't intend to ttse any part of the vacated
street for any structure.
Mrs. Presteman said this unimproved street has been used as a dumping
ground by all the surrounding neighbors. She said there has been concre�:e
ehunks, tree branches, etc., dumped here, and she.was the•only one in the
past ten years who has made any effort to clean up ihis area. Mrs. Villella
said �hat they had just purchased their home last spring, and they had tried
to clean up the area closest to their property.
P'lanning Commission Meeti
- April 21, 1976
Page 5
Mrs. Presteman asked the PlanningrCoealSestateftaxes.knMr.hNarrish
this vacated street would.add to the
said he didn't think it woubuildine sitetaand although theyuwouldlown
would be considered as one 9
all the property, 20' of it would have a drainage and utility easement
on it. � �
Mrs. Presteman said that if the City Council approved this vacation,
they �aould lil:e to construhattnolragtrof�thefeasementVwould�bepupedSfor
was completed. She sa�d t P
. the construction of the garage because the garage would be 2 feet from
their present property line• ��on this,sitawouldehaventonbeCd nesby the
could .not ma4�.e a determ�nation
City Council. ,
close this garaye would 6e to her property.
35' from her property line. She said she
Mrs. Villella asE:ed ho��u
' Mr. klarris said it would be
had no objection to this.
MOTIDN by 6�ahlberg, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commis�1rsn
recommend to Council approval of the vacation requesi, 5AV #76-02, by
Ray Presteman, to vacate that part of unimproved JB�o k�2S�Swanstrom�s�es
Noxth of 53rd Avenue N.E. and adjacent to Lot 18,
Court Addition, the same being 1391 53rd Aveeasement ontthehEaster1ya20on
that thc Cit� retain a drainage and u�ieit�h� motion carried unanimously.
feet. Upon a voice vote, a11 votinq y.
Chairman Harris had asked Mr. Bergman to delay the discussion of
this item until the completion of the public hearing items.
� Mr. Bergman said he was bringing this to the attention of the Planning
"Commission for any treatment that �:he Planning Commission deemed necessary.
He said the Community Development Commission had discussed �;his because
' : � of a reQuest for a Special Use P�rmit �on � 5���"�� «�ccessory ., _
building that uaas la��ger than the existing house, wt�ich they felt was in
conflict with the primary use of a residential district.
Mr. Qerqman said it aras the unanimous consensus of this Commission,
afi:er in-depth�discussions, that the present ordinance was as good as
anything that we could come up wi.th. The concerns 'sere 'that the City should
not prohibit what a person could d� on thein o��m proper�y, and to be
too restrictive was a violation of individual rights. The 25% lot cover- •
age maximum, they felt was a reasonably valid control over�the abuse of
second accessory building size. It was felt that we shauldn'i get too
concerned tvith ti�rhat kind of private business or hobby a person,might want
t o c o n d u c t o n t h e i r o�vn pro pert y. Mr. Qergman said they felt �t �+►ould
be difficult to validly deny an accessory building, with the burden o f
proof resting on the City, and it would be difficult to inspect or control.
as to the present owner, or if the property changed owners.
Mr. Peterson said he agreed with this completely.
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BOX 2050
Apri1 29, 1976
Iv�r. IJasim Quxeshi �
6�.31 University Avenue N.�.-
Frid3:�y, ivlinnesota 55�+3z
In reply refer to: 319
S.P. 02�5-3�-3� and S.P. 62�5-g2 (69/+=393)
Construction plans, resolution forms, special provisions
V'lithi.n corporate limits of Fridley from 7th Street in
Fridley to East corporate limi�s
Dear P�� . Qureshi :
Transmitted herewit� are construction plans, special,provisions
and resolution forms,
relating to the proposed loc�.tion and constructioa on th.e
above referencec3 nroject z:*it�ir_ the cornor�te limits of yonr
, If agreeable to you, �ri1l you ole�se nla.ce this matter €or
consideraCion on the 2genda o£ an early council meeting for
its approval and after execution of resolution forms, return
� one cextified coPy of each resolutioa to this office. E'il]. you
kindl,y advise thia office whea this matter will be considered by
your council.
' This rro j ect is scheduled for lett ing on T'_`ay 2g, 1976.
Since State �tatutes require municipal consent prior to apenin�
of bids, it is ir.;perative tY:at o�e have these resolutions in our
, possession prior to ivlay 21, 197� +
' � .X!
�+► �C K . 1�cRae
� (� strict Ehgineer
Form 21330 (I-67, 7-74 F.ev. 3-75)
� '
Form 1�ID 2523 (6-74) S.P. 0285-35-38 (69�393)
At a(regular}(special) meeting of the City Council of the City of rYidley ,
duly held on the day of , 19 76 , the following Resolation was offered by
, ; seconded by �
; to wit:
WHEREAS, the Co�issioner of Highways for the State of Minnesota has caused to be prepared:
plans, special provisions and specifications for the improvement of Trunk Aighway No. 393 ,
renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 694 , within the corporate limits of the City of FYidlev
, from 4ks 7th St. in Fridley to East Corp. Limits
WHEREAS, said plans are on file in the Office of the Department of Highways, St. Paul, Minne-
, sota; being marked, labeled and identified as: S.P. 0285-35-38 (694=393)
S P. 6285-82 f69�393) ; and,
WliHREAS, said special provisions are on file in the Office of the Department of Highways, St.
Paul, Minnesota; being marked, labeled and identified as: S.P. 0285-35-38 (694=393)
� S.P. 6285�82 (694=393) , and
which, together with, the Minnesota Department of Highways Standard Specifications for Highway
Construction, dated January 1, 1972, as amended by Minnesota Department of Highwaya Supple-
mentaZ Specifications for Highway Construction, dated January 1, 1974, will govern, and which
are on file in the office of the Commissioner of Highways, constitute the specifications for
said improvement of Trunk Highway No. 393 , renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 694 ; and,
WHEREAS, copies of said plans and special provisions as so marked, labeled and identified aze
al.so on file in the Office of the City Clerk; and,
WHEREAS, the term, said plans and special provisions, as hereinafter used in the body of this
Resolution will be deemed and intended to mean, refer to and incorporate the plans and
epecial provisions in the foregoing recitals particularly identified and described; and,
WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Highways desires in the interest of public safety that any and all
parlcing of vehicles, if such parking is permitted with3n the corporate limits of the City of
FScidley , on said Trunk Highway No. 393 , renumbered as Truak Highway No. 694 ,
will be parallel with the curb adjacent to the highway and will be at least 20 feet from any
page 1 of 2 Pages.
� ,
4 B�
Form MHD 2523 (6-74)
. � .
NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that said plans and special provisions for the improvement of
Trunk Highway No. 393 , renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 694 , within the corporate limits
of the City of Fridley , be and hereby are approved.
� BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of FYidlev does hereby agree to require
the parking of all vehicles, if such parking is permitted within the corporate limits of said
City, on said Trunk Highway No. 393 , renumbered Trunk Highway No. 694 , will be parallel
with the curb adjacent to the highway, and at least 20 feet from any crosswalks on all public
streets �.ntersecting said trunk highway.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the elevations and grades as shown in said plans and special
prov3sions are hereby approved and consent is hereby given to any and all changes in grade
occasioned by the construction of Trunk Highway No. 393 , renumbered Trunk Highway No.
694 , in accordance with said plans and special provisions.
Upon the call of the roll, the fcllowing
and, the following
voted in favor of the
voted against the adoption of the Resolution:
whereupon the mayor and/or the presiding officer declared the Resolution adopted.
Dated: , 19 76
• - Attest
City Clerk
COUNTY OF Anoka ) ss.
CITY OF Fridley )
I do hereby certify that at a(regular)(special) meeCing (of which dne and legal notice was
given) of the City Council of the City of Fridley , Minnesota, on the
day of , 19 76 ; at which a majority of the members of said
Council were present, the foregoing Resolution was adopted.
Given under my hand and seal this day of , 19 76 .
Page 2 of 2 Pages.
City Clerk
, . e. . ,. . .. . . w, ._ . .
,�. :,. _ -,. ,.. , _. _ _. _�,_�b � .
. ��-�s�a�^�.
�F-� It�L� Y
N�1�E �ARRI�R LOC�►T10N�
A- South of 694 f�om 7th C-No�th of 694 from Filimore
st to eost end of Che�r L o. st. to Motte�horn D�
B- South of 694 from Fi//mo�e 0- South of 694 fFOm Matterho�n
st. to Motterhorn Dr. Dr. to St. lmie� D�
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PANO R n a
� ' March 1976 �
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wHEREAS, the Red Cross is an organization concerned with the promotion and
improvement of individual and community healtM and welfare; and
WHEREAS, the Red Cross has proposed a Volunt�er Transportation Service to
be operated in the City of Fridley; and
WHEREAS, th-. proposed Volunteer Transportatian Service will make ii possible
for ambulatory persons to use medical, non-medical, and social programs and
services within the community; and
WNEREAS, the Red Cross has applied for a grant to provide funding to acquire
the vehicle to be used for the Volunteer Transportation Service.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that ihe City Council and the City of FrShcey
support the proposed Red Cross Volunteer Transportation Service and urge favorab7e
consideration of the grant application to provide funding for the implementation
af thi s• servi ce.
DAY OF ^/%,'�:��� , 197G
�`� .
TELEPHONE (612) 871-7676
May 6, 1976
Mr. Bill Scott
Scott`s Press Reading Service
7091 Highway 65
Fridley, Minnesota 55432
Dear BiIZ:
The Red Cross is presently seeking funding from MTC �.nd
the State Planning Agency :Eor a Transportation Coordination Project
which would develop a coordinated approach toward the provision of
special need service by volunteer not-for-profit transportation
programs in Hennepin and Anoka Counties. A major emphasis of the
program wilZ be on building a secondary transportation system in
suburban communities which would enhance coordination by permitting
the Red Cross to supplement local volunteer providers. �
Plans ca11 for two-radio-dispatched vehicles operating
from an office in the northwest suburban area. These vehi�les would
provide transportation servic� on a priority basis to am��ulatory
persons without the resource to use public or paid transportation.
Ambulatory persons are defined for purposes af our program as
persons who are able to mov� themseTves in and out of a vehicle
without assistance. Priarities for service wouZd be medical needs,
nan-m�dical needs, and social.
The Red Cross Transportation Program would also seek
through an Advisory Council made up of all other volunteer trans-
portation providers in the area to provide for the coordination�
of all specialized transportation services.
Discussions have been initiated with transportation-pro-
viding agencies in the northwest suburban area to gain their support
�or a coordinated approach�to providing service.
Partner with the United Way
. L-q"
� �„ _ _...a..�..
�. SCOtt
' Page -2-
We are seeking funds for similar programs in the south
suburban area and Anoka County. A Red Cross transportation program
is already operating in the western suburbs. We hope through
suburban programs in the northwest, south and west Hennepin suburbs
and�in Anoka County to be able to lend some coordination to the
over two hundred agencies involved in volunteer trarisportation
As I know you are well aware, funding for this type of
programming requires strong community support. For this reason
we would very much appreciate the endorsement of the Fridl�y City
Council and a statement to that effect for inc].usion in our grant
I would be happy to provide whatever additional infor-
mation you feel to be necessary.
Thank you for your continuing, active support for the
Red.Cross in its efforts to better service the Fridley area.
Sharon A. Meyer
Comanunity Programs Director
- i/
� � � � �� � J �.; � �� �
� j ;,.�
. . . �r
47�y 7, 1976
F'r. idle;� Gi t,y '�!a�<a�er ��nc� C�ur�ci.l
Civic i;en�t�r
G��.31 Universi ty E;ve. T:. f�.
r'ric�ley ► ;�:1rt. 55��-�2
!'� rni.n.or. i t�� r. ep�z�t �'ro� the i�.rk:> and. i�er.reation Co?nmis�ion.
on t�;e Sprin�?�rook ��at:Ur_e ��E�n�;er Foundat�_on:� Plan for
T��'o�•t�.h �arke "I'��i.s r.eport is pr���c.nted h�, C;o�rmissi.on �ernbers
Ja.r! tir,e:�;er and Leon•ard �� .,:ioore Jr_ . of the Parks and Recre-
ati�r Comm.:tssior. ror the :F'oll.o���ir�� r�aso�^s v�le ur�e the
:(�'ri.dle,y (;it:I �,ouncil To a�p?:�ove the S,ori?�n�rook r�.;�ture
Center. Fo�_and��ti or:; Z'lan far.� r�'ortn �'a.rk.
1. t�le find no �asis �to i��-n�re the fac i that a na_ture center.
ci�es represent a t���.rk �and a�'ferr r�crea_�tion .fo.r al7_ a�es.
2, ;'J� recoo,-nize the ma.;ny vol���nt����,= Y��otzrs t.hat has been ptat
in to cievelo� �i-,his F'la.n '��r the neo��le's neople, vrhich
benefit� our �.otal cornrn�zn�_%y.
�� 3. Vve cop.si�ler th� T:attar� Cert�r ?1_an vez�,y well thou�ht out
�Yl(� O?,:'y�3Yi.1LE'.C� �C� �jCGO?�l?�l]..��1 �."�S `0��1..
4�. ti'1e belze�re the Cit�r of� i'�Y'1_(��_��r sha��ld. make availa7�le
suc�i �id or �tec'ru�ical_ ar� i si.ance neec�c�d to cornp.lete phase
1 of �he Si�ri.n`�.rook T�:a�t:+?re CP.2"1tPT� Ti'o2?n.da�;i_ons P1_an for
lV o .r �t; }i Fa. r ]c .
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tl�e skating rink and ball field at l�9th and Main Street he fenced off for use
by kids t� �un their mini-�bikes, with a set of rules and regulations.
Mr. h'agar stated that the city had only a sma11 amount of oroperty (2 - i� acres)
leased from the railroad, so it was mostly rai]xoad propert,y. 2•Ir. Harris said
at one point .:he cit,y t�as intflr.es�ted in ��etting more land from them, but the
railroad was not int,erested at that time. He ex��lained the cit,y leased the land
on a year to ,qear basis, subject to c�ncella�ion <<rith a 90-da,y notice. He
sug�ested,ti:. Krue�er talk to tne railroad people t,o see if the,y would have any
obj�ctioi. to the property bein�; usec� for their desired purposes.
Director Huff said there ;�Tere areas for the kids to ride �.heir mini-bzkes in
Fra_d�e,y, su�h as private propert,y 2nc'. industri.a.l areas �ii�h permissien from the
o�;•n�rs. P•�r. f,r-ue��r stated there was no pl� ce for the kids to play in thzir
nei.�;hborh�od as olcter m��n 't�ad ta'�cen cver the ball park, a.nd su�nested some iy�e
of schedul.in�. I':r. fiuff infor^led liirn that there T-ras a p�,rks rang�r on duty ±o
10 � 1� p,rn.y and if the older mEn dicin't have a permi�; they couldn'i kick anybody
off. �iYie fi�:lc�.
pixector H�?f'f exnlained it t•rou2d be almost �.r�possible to hase a cii;y-sponsoix'ed
matorized recre�:tional area because the hazards zrould. b� so great. He said� the
city i�aoulc� ta.ke on a. pub�.ic risk to m�nage it$ and if a child got hurt the �city
i�rou7.c� be i'acc.�� �rith a la?a suit. 3ie also poi��t�d out tha�. there i��as a stat� la�•r
against sno,,rmai�ilin� on a.ny railroac� ri�;ht of zaay, so 1.i the rai]_roa� let �hem
use the propel~t,y ;��ithottt proper fencing tney r�igt.t �et on the rigl�t of zaa,yf !:�?..^o�
if the i ai:lroac?, gave them permiss�_on$ then tYiE rai�road ;•:ould be l:ia.ble fo� ar�5
acciden�„>. �
. �
hlre Harrz� :;u.�;s;�.sted tt:rt the gr.oi�p �et in contact t�rith Directo:� Hufi duri�g
business no.�rs <:.r.d tr,y �o �;et in touch t�rith the �;ent�.er�an �rom the ra.i.lroaci wha
could r7.ve t�,em rermi;;si.on to use the prop�rty. i�ir. 11ooi°e alsa sug�ested f�hat
tl�e�� cherk hith the Yi,CA. �
SPRIPdGBROGh i�.�TUR�` C;:,^�r7' ;ft FOUidD�`1'7_OP1 PL_Aid FOR P?O�ZTI� P�?F�Ita
I�7r. L8 Vc��non P�ioen, Chairmvi, Board of Direct,ors of Sprin�;brook P�at.�ire Center
Fout�dation ti��as p��esen�; t.o discu�s the plan. He stated �(;hat the,y h��d_ actuall�
heen z�orlc�.n� oii this p? an for several years, and he h��d b�en invol��ed : ince �
Jarnzary l�t,. He felt m^.ny of.' �the citizens of' Fri_clley �:Tere gettin�; .a little a.nxious
t�1d i�.ez e ti�rondering ?��hat happened to North Parlc. He sa7.d they respc>c-t�ull� ask
thc� Corr�rnission's consir�eration atzd hop�fully trev could riave the p��an passed ��i�.�h
the ane correctian notcd in hzs letter to the Fri.dley City ?�ianagex a.nd Council
d�ted Api•iI 30, 1976. -
Aci:in�; Chairman Harris stated they had just received the�r copies of the pl�-e
last h7eek, �rynd this .�as the iirst time it appe2red oti the agenda, s� rir. Moen
could assui�e his people t,hat the}r were acting on it at their first opportunity.
rir. rloore said his major concern taas taken care o.f under item A on pa�e 13 when
"and i�it}�otzt reimbursf�ment" was chan�ed to "with rcimhursement a.; st�all be �gre:ed
upon b�^tween the parties concerned". He s�id anather concern he had was a
��>�,�...�_ �..�.�.,A,�,...n...�.,;.�..,,_�..�.:�w..�.�. �,.��.,.....�..�...,�,....a�..�.,,..., I
,� .,-�,.,� . ,�,..._...��_. .__ �_,w..
. . . .
toilet facility being at the entrance oi Count,y Road 1'32. Mr. Harris.said it
was his understandin� that the parkin�; lot is coming off Count,y Road 132, and
the rest room facilities were at the southeast corner. Mr. P��oen said there
would be rest room facilities inside the building.
Direct.or Huff stated the rest rooms on the schedlzle on page 10 would be the last
-thing to be done, so the�r locatiori t:�as really tentative. He said that before
these �;ould be built, specif'ications would come back to the Commission for approval.
He explair��d the,y were considered ihe lotti�est priority because satellites could
be used. He said the idea was to have restroorr�s in the Plature Center Building,
but there would be almost a mile walk to where the others were l.ocated.
Mr. Harri.s pointed out tr�at no�rhere in the plan did it state there would be
facilities in the narkin:� ln t, and suggested it be part of their recommendation
to Council. He said th� Corn�ission t•�as to make recor.iriendations or suggestions
on thi.s, or cou7_d p�ss it ju�t as it t�;as, so if an,y of' the mer�bers had suggestions
they felt shvuld be im��lemen�ed in this plan, nc��� T��as the time to do it.
rtr. I�Ioore� stated his concern was if the buildin� they �:ere going to build included
rest room facilities, and since it did he had no c7ualms about it. I�ir. Harris
point�d out i.t was a t,ao-phase p1an, so tnere :�rould be a lapse between tne start
o�' Phase I and the co�pl.etion of Phase II.
rir. 4�agar asked if the reason there was only one access z��as that a person taking
a r�ature �rip t�ro�ld T���.nt to start at one po-�nt and go al7_ the �ray around. I�ir.
Huff replied the big problem w�.th multiple access t:ou7_d �e �i;re con�;rol o`' ��=��lism.
Mr. .�)2�ar said that cancernxn, iare 13, as a Cor.uaission member r� still didn�t
feel it a�reeci ,aith the �greeMent �nat was signed b,y tk�e ci.+y with tne group
originall,y. He referrnd to the a��eement on page 18. Dire�'�or Huff explazned .
, that t;ha-t they are indic��tin�; is th2t this simpl�T me�a�:� L:�e P�� is firie, but
as far as to tti�ho is payinr; i{-h�t, �hat would be t•rorkea out in a differe�i� agreer�ent
Vrith the F'ounnation and trie cit,y.
Mr, :�la�;ar stated he had no au7lms about Dan Huff the Naturalist being involved
in lvorth Park, but he di.d have reserva �ions abou � Dan Huff as Parks �Anc� Recreation
Director beint; up there, Director Huff replied triat he didn't see t•;hy he would
be up there. He said his 5% tzme �Tould involve m�kin� �horie calls, orderin�;
materia].s, �;etiing bids, meetina la��rs Gnd en�;ineerin�-�:��e rec{uirements. He said
this brir.gs �,t back into the Parks and RecrE:a�.:ion Depa.rtmen� �.dhere i� should be,
as this is our park land being i.eased and zae are gettinp rnore conirol of it.
Mr. tidagar said he agrzed and disagreed wi�h tiahat r1r. Huff cwas �ayin�. He stated
�hat the a�reement ��ras like a contract, an�. when a contruct� is si�ned it must
be an black and white. He said he fe].t like, the,y were spa.nning �their wheels
because it �-.as not in black and white. He stated he wished they would sa}r that
th;ey want T1x. Huff for a certain amount of hours. Director Huf.f said he could
mH)ce the recommendation that if the N�.tur•alist was se��arate from the Parks and
Recreation Direct�r, he should spend riot more than 25I of his.time; or if the
�arks and Recreation Dzrector *.aas inval_ved, he not spend more than 2/ of his tzme.
He fel.t that �.�ould be a �o�ical recomrnendation.
�� �
Mr. Wagar asked i� there was going to be a Naturalist in the Parks Department.
- Director Huff answered by sa�lin� that he applied for the Parks and ?�ecreation
position and he felt he could. manage th�t and this other pro�ram, which would
only be utilizint� a small percenta�e of his time. He said he su��ested to the
City Mana�;er that he eliminate the pos�tion of i3aturalist by completin�; the
North Innsbruck and the Dunes this �ear, and �;hen hire another person to be
�nvalved full time in all the racreational activities.
Mr. rloore stated he 1•.ould like to see the Parks and Recreation Commission help
pay to est�blisn tne ilature Center since it is part oi the Parks and Recreation
Department. ,
r1r. Harris stated he �;ould like to make some comments on the basis of do�.ng
a xeview of the plan, and on �thc b� sis that tne.y tti�ere not jtzst disc�assin� a
plan but a piece of nrop�riy that is o?:�:ed bv the cit�� �.nd it is required b,,�
ordinance that t?�i.s Cc:��ission advis� the Council on al.l nro,,osals. He said
the Co:�mi�szon shou�d t�'-ce a loo�: at t?-his proposal in the light thwt tnis �_s a
city-o,:�ned pi�ce of' p: c��rt�j �:nd .•�hat Vrould happen in relationship to the land
on a 7.on�-term basis. 'r3e sugzested there are vrobably four p�ssibilitwe� that
might happen after the fivedyear expiration date:
1. The Gouncil ma.y at this time extend or enter into a r2netaal fer a_n
additional period of time iaith �che Sprangbroa� rour:d�,��.cn or Cny o�ner
Four.dation t.o conti.r�ue a nature prorram. �
2. The City Col�r;cil r!i�;ht chc�ose not to ne�otiate ��nather lease, or the
SprS_ngbroo?t Foundation may reauesi: the Counc,il n.o� extend the lease
for "�j�70 possible r•easons: .
a) The ci�y m�y sa;T they have not lived up fi.o the agreemen� that i�J�.s
sagned and therefor� tl�ey are under no obligation to extend the
b) Springbrook Fou.nc�ation, t�rrich is a non-pxofit volun�ar,y organization,
may come back to the city and sa,y the,y have tr�_�d their best to
pPrfor;n at IJor•th Park but the�r can no 1on�er afford to r�anage it.
3„ The City Council may i•Tant to continue a nature pronrari oi their o�:Tn
using the facil.ities that a.re there, or m�y s�y it is an exp�11S1.Vn
operation �nd the� cannot afford to operate it. The;� mi;;ht want to allota
the land to rer!ain as o�en space iaith no pro�rams or plans for future
�, Atter a period of time if�one or more oi the above situations come to
pass, the citizens ma,y reque�t ttiat� the land be developed for another
use such as tennis courts or softball diamonds.
Director Huff su�;gested two other possibiliiies:
1. O��ce the pro�ra..m be�;ins to operate, the Foundation mz,y reauest that
ariot;her ���;enc;� or f'oundation ta}ce over thcir pro�ram and request that
the Cit,y Gouncil �ive the pro�;r�m to this proup. (i�ir. Huif su�;gested
� that a Ion�er lease may be obtaineci to help eli.minate this possibility).
2. The Foundation ma,y say the,y dontt want to be invo2ved in the day to day
operations any more, except in an advisor,y capacity, and ma,y want tYte
city to take it over so they could be just a fund-raising organization.
Mr. Harris stated :�e felt that capital improvement projects started b,y Springbrook
should have �o be full,y funded before this Corunission should pass their construction
or building. rir. Moen said they realized that the City Council had to pass all
capztal improvements.
Director �iuff asked ti:hat type of documentation he :•ras suggesting, and A�r. Harris
replied he tnoug:�t al.l Major ca_r,ital improvernents (anything over �?_,�00) should
came to this Commission for ap�roval. Director Huff stated it was a very ambiguous
situation as to z•rhat is funded, as volunteers co;,e �'or�.:ard to provide a service
h�hich is alread�r funded in tti�� �ud�et. For example, he ex�lained� the Jaycees
tirant to build the sign and there is money i.n the bud�;et � or it.
Mr. Harris said if thev had C�TA people workin�;, he thou�;ht a decision tirould have
to be macl.e as to wnere their b�s�; use z-.ould be. He added that ii item � was
implemerited, then staif should come kp :aith recommendatians so that any capital
improvements or pro�ec�s that r�if;ht be used in the area might be projected so
that the city isn't sititir�g with a].ar�e piecP of land that can't be used. He
told i�ir. Hufi r�e didn't think the,y k�ad the time to send him up there because
any time he was spending at SpringbrooY ?aould �e time taken away from the city.
Directar liuff rep)..ied that i�ir. Hnrri.s iaas forgetting that the�* were ge-tting a�
' full--f:ime ";aan in lZecre2.tiion tilrouo}i December throu�h CET�1 p�rsonr�el. In the af;ree-
ment we *��rite up wiin Spr� n�;brook, he sa.id, i.t shou7_d be st«t�d that �;e can cor�umit
5 0 oi the Direct�r' s t;.m�� thx�o,.��n December. He explained that CETA stood for .
Cor�Urehensi�:e ?,.^iplo,yr�ent Training Acts ��rhich pro�aided an ?ncrease in public ser;ri.ce
at no chan�e in local. t�es. i�Ir. ?-Yagar asked if the P�ecrpa�;ional rnan T-ras going to
be C�TA p�rsonnel, �r.d i�ir. Huf'f replied he �-r�s. He stated it has been funded
through Dece�:b�r by �.n act of CongresS. I�tr. ?•J�:.�ar said then tt�e�r z•�ere actuall,y
hirin�; a i'ull-t�i.ri� but temporax,y m;:n, and 2�ir. Hui'f agr�ed �id added that his duties
would cease after De.ce�:ber. Dir�cter Huff said he hopnd. tYiat by J��uary 1 the
Comrnission 1�*ould recor�m^nd to Ceuncil that another full-time man is needed. He
eaplained it could nat happen in mid-,year �•:ithout Council ac�ion.
rir. Harri.s stated that the area desi�nated as iVorth Park has a property valued
in excess of a million dollars, and it seemed unrealistic to provide such a minimum
development on such E-�xpensive land as outlined in Phase I of the construction
proposal. If proposals 2 ar_d 3 are to be considerec�, he said, the City Council
should continue to mai.ntain the facilities utilizin�; public f_unds, then some
changes s�ould be�made to ma.ke certain the bullc of the expene�e does not revert to
the cit,y at this time, or that Phase I should be fully iunded. He said that for
all construction, certain amounts snotild be set aside for contingencies. He said
he thou�ht there should be an additional l0io added to the $5Lt,000 so there w�uld
be a contingency bud�e� of $5,1�00,
Airector Huff r�plied that 20o was provided in the plan, and explaired they took
the esfi.imated cost and added ?_0;� to ever,y item. He furt�er explained it didn't
specificall,y st,ate i;ha�: in the grant because �hey didn't want that. He said the
city staff explained to the City Council that they add�d 20� of the estimated
cost on an i�cm to item basis so they would be sure of havin� the mone,y, and this
included materials and labor. t•ir. Har'ris asked what t•rould happen if these `items
were more than th�t amount of money= an� Airector Huff replied that if the
materia.�.s were more, construction would have to be stopped or some item might
have �to be eliminated� but chances of that happening wer� very small.
Mr. Moen said he thou�ht it t�las common practice that an,ything considered for
£uture construction had �n added a.mount for infla�,ion, and an,y of ihe major items
are put out on comD�titive bids, so they �-rere covcred on tha�. He added that
he thought they were goin�; to co:n� out on the fat end of this.
At this point 1>ir. i�ioore h�3d to leave. the meeting, but he said he iaanted the
Co;:�mission �.o }rnow h�s vote was to approvQ the plan.
Mr. Harris asiced about the costs for maintenance, a:rd ?)irector Huff anstyered
+..rat the ci±.y a�reed to fLrnisP maintenance Of i�;r�'t� Paxic on a?'e�ul?�'l,y-scheduled.
basis, th� costs to c� reim��arsed to the ci1;�T bv the rot��dation. I�Ir. Harris
then �sked ;T:Zat, ���ould happen ii the roundation didn't ha�a�e enou�h none;y to
reimburse the cit,y, �nd Director Huff said then the Council ;•:ould havn to dec�.de
tirhet.her they �aa.nted to do it o_r not. I�ir. :�ioen «dded t.ha�. they �ari a ft�nc�-ra��.ng
COI'L'"l1.f,+�� dTi�, �;Iln It'i('I��Di`T'S �aere ded1C�3:.�C1 211C� ;ln�'[� i:OY'�C7-Tl�;y �Ylf.1 �i,;1P.y :•Tere ?d17:�
to approach man,y iun�3in�; sources, busire� s��, the public9 etc., and he didn't
�:hink therc: zaas any c'�ance oi them iailing.
Oth�r ths cori'�in�enc,y �'unds and reiTM�barsement for r�zintenarice, i�Ir. Harz�is said,
he �-as al. o conrh:��ned about i �ems 2 and 3 ar.d i-rh�.t ��rcul:d ha.���2n under this pronose�?
grant to pro�te��: th�� ci+y �'ror� h?vi:z�; to opnrate this i a�ilit�r at tr�e public � s
expense� Director i3uff sa.id there z•rere no oper�ti.n� costs �n the plan, and the
city t;ould not have to enerate it. He explained the ci.i;�T was liat-,le for the
� impro�Tem�nts fro,n t.he da�: t�1e,y �ot the check, t�.�het.her �he,y �iave 2nZ� a�r�eMent
or ple.� ��ri�l� th:� I�ounda�.i.ari. He fuxther explair,ed ±,hat, ii costs oi ir:-�rovemen�s
went above eapectatl.ons, an a�c�nded r,'evelopment; �rocec�ure z.�olzld have to be filed
",:`with La;�con A�-encv. J�1r. Hu�w� add�d that there ?,-as no obl�gation en t�e part of
' ihe cit,y accep�i,ina this �;rant to mainta.in or continue i�lori;h P�rie on the pr�gram
that is started b,y thP Sprinhbroak Faundaticn.
11r. Pet.exson apalo�;i<ed to �he Com;�i.ssion for arrivi.ng late. He said thP city
did have certain carvnitMents becaus� ii' Sprin�broak did not ren�t•r the lease so
the nature center a5pect of idorth Park �ras not carried out, the city t•rould have
to �;o �to La:�,con to aslc for permission to remove the improvements. fie stated that
there�'ore the cit,y had com:,,itted that property to a na�ure center.
�irector Huff expl�ained that the cit,y bou�;ht the property with La:acon fur:ds for
a golf course. He continued that after the Citv Council decided that this should
be dedicat�d a� a nature center, the cit,y went back to Laiacon with a revised
pro�;ram, a,�d I.awcon said that was no probl.em. He said that all they wers approving
now is these improvements being developed.
Mr. Peterson st.ated he t•��.s not for the plan as it V�as here because he was not
s�tisf.ied witr ti:n<31, wa.s t�appenin�; with the Parks and Rec.reation De.nart.ment and
the �aay Dircctar iiuff's time i�r�s being split. P�Sr. i�ioen e�:plained to A�Ir. Peter�on
that he had missed pGrt of the discussion, and that while Mr. Hufi would delegate
most of this, they needed him in that he had an ongoin�; relationship with this
and worked with the meribers of the Sprin�orook Board to get it undertira,y. r1r, rSoen
said that i.f Director Huff could direct.somebo�y and keep tabs on him, he thought
it could be done with minimum use of his time.
Mr. Peterson disagreed and said supervision didn't work that way as it took a
lot of tiMe and nobody could run something like thut on a 5� tirne basis �rorking
with volunteers. 11r. i•ioen said that if I�,r. Huff were reauired to do all the t•rork
himself, 1•`r. Peterson would be absolutely r��ht, but he ;�ould be supervisin�; the
work. 2�ir. i•,oen stated he thought it was a viable plan.
Mr. Harris said that lookin�; undex B on pa�e 13 regardin�; Ph`se II, it didn't
say �ahat Phase II i� o�;her than it is goin� to he 1�lann�d as soon �s funds *.,ere
available and th�re �s going to be a building of appro}.irt�.tely 5,000 scivare �eet�
and he :��as concc�rl��? �brnat not n�ing a.ble to ti� tha.� doT:•n in a l.ittle tighter
pro;ra�n. iie :-aid t':aL in order for this bod�,r to s�..t cie:•m ?nd p].an an� r�ana�e
park use.and park land, the fundin� o.f the plan under Pha�e IT sheuld be covered
under. Phase I.. i�1r. Iioen stated t�at they had thn Czty Council brin� up the sam�
question, and t:-�e;,� seer��d to be satisfied :-r.ith the an_�?•z�r. He contir.ued that so
much dene.zds on t.':lis on;-oing operation 2nd ti::�at t��p� of citizen response the,y had,
how much z�:ork tnere �aould be in handlin� this pro�;r�.m, th?.t the,y could be certain
there i�rould be man;,T ci�anryns made c�eiare gettin; into Phas� II. He said it Trras
difficult to make it concise t�rhen there taere many changing factors.
�ir. Peter=on sai.d he was tal.king a.hout builciings and struetures, anci tne plan ,
saicl �•?�e �`oundation "exp�cts" to co�p7_ete it. He 4tate� h� fel.t the plan Taa.s
left open t.o, a�oi_r.t th<�t Fhase II ma,y never m�teria1 ize� :ir. i�:oen expl�ined
that t}�e,y had to have a plazz in h�zd to say "this is ��:hat �•:e are goin€� to do",
so as soon as it z�ras approved they �aould ria Je somethin� they could show.
r7r. ��lagar s�.�.teci he a�;reed wi th l�ir. H4rris' pnints, b��t he felt they should give
the Foundation people a chance to get off the grotand.
Mr. Harris said he had a. respon:-ibility as a r�ember. of thi.s Commission to say
what he th�ught shauld be done, and he �•�as nat a�ainsl; Sprir.�brook. He said ha
wanted to �;o a.nead t�ri�;h it but he ��?ant�d to protect -l.Yiis ::ommittee and ihe people
in this communii.�y�.
MOTION b,y Dave Harris to accept the Idorth Park Nature Genter P1_an tai.th the addition
of the folloi�ring foui• iter�s:
1, An additianal 10� (or �5,lt00) budgeted for contingency before approval.
of this plan is given. •.
2. $2'000 for maintenance costs,that may be reimbursed b,y the Foundation
bACk to the city�� shou�d be escrowed before any construction is done.
3. The city should protect itself, under provisions of accepting this or
an,y other �r•ant, from the cit,y havin� to operate a Nature Interpretation
program on a contirr.iin�; basis. '
�. Deve].opmen�; pl anni ng forrhase II t�e funded under Phase I.
��*^�:,m�..�- .,�°'�°-,.. P,.._���+a•.�.,�..p�.:��,n�„�.�.�c.,�.�.�.,H.,..,,�r.�..,,..�;,�,,,n�a�.�,:r.,.,,,�-�,��p�.«.......-,�+•.�.r; �..,,�t�:-,.•-._.� . .. ;,�-.:._.
� 4.
The motion died for lack of a second.
Ms. See�er said she would like to explain that the,y had to have the dollars for
an architect to came up t•riih the schematics, and ihat isn't included in Phase I
because I doesn't include a building, and they did have a t�:o-,year contract. She
said priorities had to be put first, and the site could operate without a buildin;.
Mr. Peterson asked if Mr. P`oen had the $;27,000 grant or if it was contzn�ent
on the aoproval of' this plan, and �-ir. ?�ioen said it v?as.' contingent on ther► matching
funds s�rith ei.the-.r labor, money, or materials, or a co:�bination of tre three. i•ir.
Peterson then. as �ed if the a�pr. oved plan taould enable tt�erl to raise the funds,
and T1r. T:oen re�lied t�:ey F�ere a�'t.l set to �o. i�:�. Peterson asKed :•rno pre�ared
the brocnure, �:nd ?�ir. I•;oen ?ns,•rered that tn��r did it nartll� ;•rith a su�;ges �ed plan
that iir. 2`al.kot�rs<i dre�,r up, the Bo� rd sunplied infor;:lation, Director riuif sunplied
a great de�l o� i*�formation ��d the t•rork involved in or����zin� it, but t:�e Founda-
tion WOY'��C8C1 over t;�e plan pagc b�� page in t'r.e�.r �iscuss?ons.
Mr. ��la�ar said he be� ieved the oeople were honora.ble, ?n� he itiould second 2�ir.
Harris' r�o�io� if :=�ber !� c��ere elir,i:�ated. �
NOTI01i. by Dav� �:arris, ::econded b�� 1•Ir. :^:a�ar, t,o acc�pt th� I�o?^th P2.r'k I'v'�ture
Center Plan ���it.h tne addition of the folloi�aing �hree items :
1. An a�ditional 10 �(or �S,ItCQ) buc'�geted for conting�.�c;,r before ap�roval
of this plan is ,iven.
2. �2,0�0 far mainti�nance costs that may be reir�bursed by the Found�tion
back to t'�e city, be escro�,red. �
3. The city should pro�.ect iise�f, un�er p:^ovisions of acceptin? this or
any other gr���t, fro�,l the city naving to opeiate this at tne city's
e�:pense on a con�i.nuing ba.si_s.
Mr. Peterson said he could no-t vot� for the motion becau.se Director HLt7f�S tir;e
taas being �llocGtc.d to Spri:iabrook t�rit�iout a�-i.v indi:ations or a.�ount of time.
He said no one cculd spend on7_,y �;� of t;�:eir �:ime and supervise a pro;;raM that is
going to b� run basically VrS_t� ��oJ.�nt�ers and accom��ish Tah4t they �a�nt to
aecomp�_ish, und he dicin't th�.:�k Sp:an�brook �•:as bein� fair in �s�cin; t!�at. He ,
added that he ;�ras s�eaking against the motion because he �as r.ot in favor of
the Parks Rc Recreat•ion Director serving as our Directar and being proFra.* �m�d to
spend t�Me 1•ri.th anotr,er or�;ani:;ation. He sta�ed it shou? d be eitY:er/or, but he
tj.lso felt Sx�ringbrook shoul d be allo:Jed �n o��portun� tv to develop the pro�rar.i
that the people T.,an�;ed. He �.dded that he had no auarrel 1•:ith the points Made by
}�ir. Harris, but was ag,3inst the motion because the plan included the request for
Director Huff's t�me.
rSre Peterson su�-�;ested the r�otion be amended to includ� a statement sa,t ing that
the Parhs and Recreation Airector's time under no circum::tances be allocated to
Springbrook Tlature Centex, and P;r. Harris said he would so 2.r.�end the motion.
2�'.OT70N b�� Dzve H��rri s� secon�ed bv ?�Ir. ?�T?��ti. t�o accPnt t.he 2�orth Park Nature
Center F� ��n ari:.h t.ile: ��1cii c.� on � i the ,'.'0l7_o::��in� : t°-r,^ :
1. An r�cidi.tionnl 10';� (or $5,li00) bud�eted for contin�enc�� before approval
02 tiis u an i:: �Tl�rc�n,
2. �2,OQ0 for maintenance costs that ma,y be rei.mbur�ed bv the Foundation
acK o tine c-�titi•, be escrowed before our construction,
3. The citv �h��ild protect its�?f, un�3er nrovisions of accep�tin� this or
an;f otner �r�nt, i'rom the cit,v �:a�rin�, to ox>c�rate this at the ci.t,y�s
exp=.:nse on a ccn;,inuir.� na�is. �
�. Tha1; th� ?-!r':� ?nd :�ecreatzon Director� s time under no circiimstances
�E: <?.�1.CG'<1L:F'c� t0 iD?'i.?'lf''i�?"C()i; ii?i,UT'P (�(??�?t.f'=^,
Upon a vo�.ce vote, :�1�:=srs. Hax ri-s, ,•iagax �:nci Peter. son vo �ing a,ye, rirs. Seeger
voting nay, tne motion carried 3- l. (Mr. Moore had left the meeting prior to this motion)
I°i0i?��I hv !:�.r••eti• '.'�t.�r. sc�.^^nd?d hv �ob Pe��r�on� t.h�t t.?,n si.Fn for the Idature
�%E'!7tf'i' �7� ^��_r nrl, LO ?'('. � 1 '."'".li�l:_ ':1�:��1 i i� Ii1i�f l !�`l� i{--�`I 1'��:�1�:� ��Cit}\. UP011 S
VOZ::C' VO�t?�:'_'�� VOr1P,^ �`'� G;lE I'1O7.,10:1 C£i2'I'J.c^-.C� V1��1"I11'i:0US1ti'.
1•;OORE LAKi�, 3=�:�:C}i tiOUSH� r;{?APdSIO:d:
Director Filzfr passed ou ��o �;he Cor:��iss:_o:�er. s a dia�r�.m of ihe proposed 2�Ioore
Lal;e Beach "rlouse altnr� �.-� on. rie sho�-:ed t:�e:n hoi,r the e;;isting Vrall could be moved
to the nortn �'or exp yt�sion axad frost nratec �ion � dded around the i ootir_gs of the
buildxng an tl�e nort,}i�-est corner for appro}�i�r,atel,y a>>�,500.
Z�1*•.. Peterson said he f�1t it �•;as�l�t lar�;� enough to h<,nd1.e the people a.t the �
concessiora � reas �,nd J):! 1�ector i-iu.fi s��ici ±.here �•ras tY�e poss�_bilitv of aadin� a
secor�d �:�iT��a?�. He feit it had to Ue exnanc�cd to allo:a_ roorn for a freezer and
ice cl eam. I-i� st,atc�d th�r� had to b� enou�h roorn foi° p���ple inside that area
to suffic�.ently opes�ate.
I°irs. See�;er 1��as conc� rned tha� on rainy days .i•;hF�n t}�e resuscitation classes taere
held, th^re ��;ouldn' �• be enou^'� roorn for the children.s �nd she su�gested using
rno�*�ble �taal].s. Director :riui�� sa:i_d if' a �lidi.r�g d�or z�ras opened up� the concession
stand k�ou � d be ac�essabl.e.
Direct.or 'rli�.f1° said he i•ea_l.ized he brou�;}�t copics oi the ti�rrong p12n, and rlr. Harris
su�;gested lle mail oui; to t,he me;���.rs o? the Co��missio:� thc correc�.ed. dra�f:ings
alon� with anv information rel.atin�, to its cost.
I�i0TI0:1 by llave Narris, seconded bv Harvey ?^7ar�ar, to approve the concept of the
six �'oot shif�, in the crall. Upon a voice voi:e, alI vo�;ing aye, the motion
carried un�.nimously. .
WEEKE;vD TC?LiRI�d �11�i�.NTS TP� FRI�7LF;Y :
Mr. Peterson said that since the tt,�o bi� tournvnents (Ja,ycees and Fire & Folice)
were verv i�rel.l resuected and t;aod fund raisers for both of them, the city has
�rotected t.hose t�.� or��.nizations hecause it has been a tremendous fund raiser
for the:n. He Was conccri�ed inat if more peo��l.c� �aerc �llowed to play in tournaments,
it mi�ht det.ract from their funcl-z•ai.sin�; dr:ives. For th�t reason, he stated, he
wc�uld be � little ���retiensive about chuz�inF; the poli-cy. Mr. Harris said he a�reed
With rlr. Peters�n�
• �'� ,