06/28/1976 CONF MTG - 57160 a CITY COUNCIL CONFEREN(;E MEETING June 28, 1976 l. Status Report from City Representatives on Anoka County Joint Law Enforcement Council 2. County Attorney Robert W. Johnson: Consideration of Local Concerns _ �l� � � , 3. Status Report Regarding Anoka County 911 Planning Committee ., 4. Association of Metropolitan Municipalites Membership 5. Preliminary t�laterial on Parks and Re��reation 1977 Budget 6. Possible Lawcon Funding Application 1=ar 1976-1977 7. Other o�i-p:„QO�i _ � � � � �'a 4 ,�„� � w�i y ,�P �;"� � .o � �. f_,. ..... i ; � � � 4 � { ?� _x3 Office of ANOKA CO UNT Y A T`TORNE Y Nir. James Hill Fridley Police Dept. 6431 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Dear Jim: ROSEKT W.JUHNSON May 26, 1976 COURT HOUSE ANOKA, MINN. 5530� Telephone: Area code 612-dp1-07dQ As County Attorney, I have a responsibil.ity to all the people of Anoka County and their representative;s in local government. This responsibility can only be met if I am aware of and under- stand local concerns and positions. In ��rder to fulfill this objective, I would like to take a few mi�zutes of what I realize is a busy schedule to meet with you and ithe Council. In such a meeting, I u�ill explore severa:L areas that need con- sideration of local positions, These arE�as would include election laws, property acquisition for ��arks and highways, prosecutorial discretian in charging ind_�viduals with crimes, enforcement of the solid waste ordinance and shoreland zoning ordinance, and other areas that have loc��l impact. Jim, this is consistent with our convers�ition this noon in regard to meeting with the City Council. I would appreciate it if you could make arrangements for us to meet with the City Council at one of their informal meE�tings. RWJ:da SincereZy., ; < l ;� � Robert W. J'ohnson ti ,` � - Minutes of Meetinq Anoka County 9 Planning Conunittee April 9, 1976 MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner LeRoy H. Jor�nson, Anoka County Board Chief Dave Hoagland, Anok:a Police Department Chief William F. Thompsar�, Coon Raoids Fire Departr�ent Mr. Raloh McGinley, Count:y Administrative Officer Mr. Nasim NI. Qureshi, Cit:y Manager - Fridley Mr. Harry Hillegas, Anoka County Communications Director Mr. Bruce Wojack, Anoka C'ounty Sheriff's Department Mr. Ronald Kinney, Mercy-Unity Ambulance Service Mr. Tony Hennemann, Mercy-Unity Ambulance Service Mr. Earl Gustafson, City of Columbia Heights CONSULTANT: TELEPHONE COMPANIES: STAFF: GUESTS: Mr. Dennis M. Roone1 of N[ichaud, Cooley, Hal]_berg Er�ickson, & Associates Mr. Warren Bosch, Northwestern Bell Telephone Company Robert H. Scarlett, 911 Project Coordinator, Metropolitan Council None I. Introductior. and Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Chairman LeRoy Johnson at 9:10 A.M. II. Review of Previous Action Taken Scarlett suznmarized the action taken by the 9?1 planning committee at its first meeting on November 7, 1975, and its seconci meeting on November 14, 1975. The purpose of the first meeting was to brief the com:�nitte� ms�.be�s on the features and background of 911; the purpose of the second meeting was to instruct the consultant to prepare pla�ning data on two alternative 911 configurations for Anoka County. Scarlett described the remaining tasks to be completed by the Anoka County 911 Planning Committee. � III. Unfinished Business Chairman Johnson urged all committee members to arrive on time ror the planning meetings. He asked for a consensus on time limits �or the planning meetings; and all members agreed that a 90 minute limit would allow sufficient time to conduct the busines�s of tne committee. � -2- � IV. New Business A. Consultant's Report on lTask "B") �tional ]?lans for Anoka Count� Consultant Dennis M. Rooney gave a b:rief introduction to plan A and responded to questions from th�? committee members. Johnson asked if time would be lost <�nd if important messages could be lost if they were to operatE: according to plan A and have all Anoka County 911 calls at a central Zocation serving four counties. Rooney stated that the possibility of lost time and lost messages would exist with p:Lan A; but these disadvantages coul.d be overcome by using sophistic��ted electronic communications tools. Rooney pointed out that the major advantage to plan A cvould be found in the zfficiencies o:E scale that would �e nossible with one large central communication:� ooeration. Johnson and other committee mer.ibers commented th��t "bigness" is not always equated with efficiency and that the��e is such a thing as di- minishing returns when an organizatic�n gets beyond a certain size. Scarlett asked the consultant and cornmittee members to identify the specific disadvantages they see :�n the plan A configuration. Johnson stated that the type of oper<�tion implied by plan A would not be acceptable at this poini� in time. He stated that such a plan would very likely be pol:Ltically unsaleable, given the present stage of development in f;mergency communications ir_ Anoka County. Johnson asked the consultant to give the committ°e his recommen- dation. Rooney stated that, althougYl a configuration like plan A might be quite appropriate sometime in the future (10 to 20 years), he did not think that plan A could be feasibly imple- mented within the next two to five years. Thompson asked Rooney how it would bE� possible to avoid serious dispatching problems with a configur��tiori like olan A. Rooney replied that such problems could onl�r overcome by using the most advanced computer-aided dispatctlinq equipment available. Rooney described some of the more so��histicated featur�s of computer-aided dispatching systems. Qureshi asked Rooney whether there wE�re alternative methods, besides plan A, for providing some computer aided dispatching features in Anoka County. Rooney st�ited that certain features such as automatic number identificat��on and automatic location identification could be made availab:Le under plan B in Anoka County. Rooney stated that he was nc�t certain that all of these features would be affordable in an oF�eration of the size described in plan B. � 0 Johnson and McGinley asked the consultant about the number of persons who would be excluded from 911 service under bo*_h plan A and pl�n B. Rooney stated that approximately 300 Anoka County citizens would be exclu�ed, until the neighboring counties moved ahead with their own 911 service. Rooney added that a program of public information would have to be directed at those citizens excluded so they would not make use of 911 until .it became availa.ble in their area. Rooney stated that citizens dialing 911,in those areas would very likely get an intercept directing them to the appropriate emergency number for their area. � Qureshi, Johr.son, and McGinley asked the consultant about the proposed service areas that are not �aithin the borders of Anoka County. Rooney stated that existing mutual aid agreements would have to be made more formal, so that citizens in those areas would be assured of prompt service b�� an appropriate r�sponding agency. Rooney described how, techn:ically, calls could be transferred from the Anoka County Communications Center to a remote dispatching operation serving a different community. Wojack described a similar technical arrangement that he observed in Rochester, Minnesota. In RochestE�r, the 911 calls are answered at a joint law enforcement center an<� the fire calls are screened and electronically transferred to a�-emote fire dispatchina lo- ca�ion. Apparently, on at least one occasion, the fire dispatcher was not at the 911 answering positiori when the call was extended :=�o him; this points out the need for formal agreements between emergency response agencies and the c:ommunities they serve. Hillegas asked the consultant if ther�e were any data on the in- creased speed of 911 compared with cc�nventional emergency tele- phone systems.. Rooney responded that: only theoretical studies have been completed; and the only car�crete proof of 911 speed and efficiency comes from the testimc�ny of citizens and agencies� where 911 service is in effect. Roor.�,ey stated that studies have been completed that do show that a ve�ry small percentage of citizens know cahat number to dial for� emergency services. Atter conversion to 911, these studies show' that from 70 - 90% ot the citizens know they can reach fire, police, and ambulance services by dialing 911. Mr. Warren Bosch of Northwestern Bell Telephone Company was asked about his company's policy on pay phone conversion. Bosch stated that his company has agreed to convert all pay phones to "dial tone tirst" in the future. Bosch described the present centralization plans of the telephone company and pointed out that it is becoming increasingly difficult for telephone operators to assist citizens who are seeking emergency assistance by dialing "O." When a citizen dials "0," it is highly probably that his call will be answered by an operator located many miles away; and this operator must consume valuable time looking up the � , , appropriate emergency number for the citizen. The telephone company is very concerned about the effect of this on the total response time. The average number of hard-core emergency calls to telephone operators is from 3000 to 4000 per month in the . Twin Cities area. � Rooney described the capital and recurring costs for plan "B" in Anoka County. He stated that a 911 system in Anoka County, including all of the advanced features would cost an additional $9,500 per month to operate. Rooney explained that his estimates should be generous; he has allowed f��r a 20% increase in costs over the next two years. Qureshi asked the consultant if ALI c�omes with A;.'�I. Rooney sta�ed that ANI is a pre-requisite fc�r ALI; and that whenever �LI is provided, ANI would be availa��le too. Johnson stated that ALI is a very imz�ortant feature of 911. Johnson asked about the status of thE� addressing system for Anoka County. Scarlett reported thai: he thought Anoka County had implemented a comprehensive addrE�ssing system for all areas of the county. Since a number of conunittee members were not aware of such a comprehensive addres:�ing plan, Scarlett agreed to investigate and repor� on the stat:us of such a plan at a future meeting ot the Anoka County 91_1 pl.anning committee. Hillegas asked the consultant if his cost figures included the cost of terminating equipment and dat.a display equipment (CRT}. Rooney stated that his figures incluc�.ed such costs; and he gave several examples of the monthly costs for such equipment. Hoagland asked if some thought had been given to who would pay for the 911 system. Following some discussion among committee members, Rooney and Scarlett described some of the alternative methods for financing 911 costs. Scarlett stated that a study on alternative financing methods for 911 had been completed and that he would be introducing this information to the Anoka County 911 planning co��unit�ee at a future meeting. Hillegas asked whether non-published numbers would be a problem in Anoka County. Bosch stated that he did not feel there would be a problem here in the Twin Cities area. He pointed out that there may have to be a small change in the telephone company tariffs, so that the unpublished numb�ers could be transmitted to a public safety answering point in time of emergency. Bosch described the results of a study in A.Lameda County, where it was clear that people with non-publislzed numbers would not object to having the telephone company furni:�h their telephone numbers in connection with 911. emergency commi�nications. � , . -S- � Bill Thompson asked about party lines. Bosch arid Rooney replied that ANI and ALI would not be possible with party lines; but that these lines will be going out o£ style within the n�xt trree to five vears. Tn the meantime, citizens with party lines will have to reoort their exact location to the dispatcher. Thompson asked which telephone companies would be involved in 911 i�nle- me�tation in Anoka County. Rooney stated that the exchanges in the proposed service area are all operated by NorthwestErn Bell Telephone Company. Johnson pointed out that it would soon be time to conclude the meeting. Johnson summarized his understanding oi the plan ore- sented and reminded all of the committee members to circulate the planning data among a11 comr,lunities within the county. He pointed O!].�' tr'-dt }}le COP.',Zillten ti'�S O���c'.r:1ZC� �O represent �i1� in�erests of the county board, the municipalities, the fire de- partments, the police departments, tl�e sheriff's office, the ambulance services, emergency medica:l services, and the com- munica�ions center. Thompson asked :if tne consultant re�ort on plan "A" and plan "B" could be widel�� circulated among of�icials in his community. The consensus of i�he committee was that the report should be circulated and that the planning process should be wide open to anyone wishing to ob:�erve or participate. After additional discussion by the committee, there was a motion by Thompson and a second by Hoagland that the Anoka County 911 planning committee adopt plan "B" as described in the consultant's report issued on �!arch 17, 1976; and that the plan should include provision for automatic number iden�ification and automatic lo- cation identification features; and t:hat, in all subsequent re- ports, that the costs for these dist�.nct features remain separated from the cost for the basic system. Motion passed. B. Notification and Involvemen� of E'mergency Service Aaencies in ?�;ioka County . As discussed areviously, committee members were reminded to in- form the agencies they represent of the action taken by th� committee. Scarlett and Rooney offered to meet with groups interested in a thorough explanation of the chosen plan. C. Assianment of Work to Consultant. Johnson asked i£ it was desirable to set a date for the next planning meeting. Rooney stated that the next meeting would very likely take place within the next sixty days; but he would rather not set a specific date at triis time. He stated that he would be meeting with Mr. Hilleg��s and other officials with- in the county to review and confirm the details in plan "B" be- fore reporting to the commitee. At the next meeting, the com- � mittee will be asked to look into tr�e operational implications of.plan "B" and suggest necessary re�vision before the consultant proceeds with the completion of an e�ngineering design. • V. Adjournment There being no further business, the meetin.g was adjourned at 10:35 A.��. Respecfully s mitted, �� Robert H. Scarle�t � . �, 0 !>0,1fZD nF DIRECTORS 'rc-si �J� ; r r Jr�scpi�inc Nunn Champlin _ _ . �--� f', , � CiSSOCI��'tC>il O�" m�froptal���an rn���ccpc��ifies To: City Manager, Nasim Qureshi May 28, 197G t'rcc Presiclent t_yaiiScii4varzkopf �.s thc new Px�sider�t, it is my I>rivi.Zeqe to enclose this (�linne�polis br.�ef note alot�q with ��our Associati��n Dues Statemen� tor the 197G-1977 MemUership year_ wl.�i.ch ;5eyins June 1, 1976. ��i�st!'res;�lei�t As a m�mber. of th�e Association Eoard of Directors since Cf��de Allen f3loomington tl�e merger in 1974, I have been pleased at the ��ay the mem- bership has responded to bring �:he Association through a RichardAs(eson difficult per_iod of adjustment and t,ransition. Apple Valley )ack Bailey �, h1innetonka , Robert Bruton , �1,-laplewood j ames Cosby HaStingS G'Ua••;�ne Courtney Edina J u<<e Demos Ro�����ille � �1a�n��ui Lder � Laf.e L=fmo � Rc�her; �rickson i�ld�,lr Gro�'e L� ic ! l.l�zl.s St. L��ui, P:�rk David Hozza St. Paul Tun, ) ohn;on A1innca�olis ' Thomas Kclley � St. Pau! � Duane �licdikc St. Anthuny iBruic N�iwrocl.i , Columhia Hci�;hts '� Larry Thumpsc�n I Wayiata ��:��eceitrvt� Direclor I Vrrn Petcrsc�n Occasionally, someone who has nct been active in the Associ- aLion expresses doubt concerning the abilit� of the Assvci- ation to successfuZiu represent thc needs and 7nterests of our diver.se municipal meri�ershi��. Ho:aever, thc:-•,n ��ho do pa��- :'tic.ipate in our activi.ties soon rea.t �ze fhat aZ1 ::ce:�bez� c.zt��s, regardless of popu.Zation or g�ograpt�ic 1c�caLio.�, taave f�:r r.��ore interests in common than the.t� have iriterests whirh are diff�-�r- ent. Even whe�� interests a?�e seet�_�nc�1y different, agree:nents can often .t�e achi�v�d thr_oug1� tl�e debai-e, discussion and ir.- teracti.on inherent in �he processes of the tissocia_tion. The words of Abraham Liilco3n are as true today as they were ovcr 100 y�ars ago: "If c��e don`t hang toqether, we shall certain_tt� hang separately". The A1�11�1 is incrcasingZy be�ng recogn.�!zed as t11e spokesmai� for ci tie_s in the metropo.Zi t�an area b� t1�e Lc�g.isl�� i.ure, ;�et:ro���1i taii agencies and t1�e media. riany new c1��311�nges, r;=;>c�rtunities and probler�s remain ahead for t1�e ci t:ies and uour continued participation in the Association wi1�'. help to assure that lv- ca.t governrnent remains a viabl.e partr�er in the overall goverl�- mental der.ision making process. We look for�✓ard to even a better year in 1976-77 with your continued input, support and particix>ation. JN:sb Sincerely, ` �.� • .--i ��t Y� , � (;,Qr1• .u.e�-.c',. •tJ 'v i �-�-' :•'.��.. JOSe4�h2ne Nun» r ArfM President and Ma�or of Champl.in Fridley City DUES STATEMLNT Fiscai Ycar 197 G- 197 7 ASSOCIATlON OF MFTROPOLITAN 11411N4C{P11LIT{FS 300 Nanover Building, �80 Cedar Street St. Paul, n4innesota 55101 f3y actio�� of the f3oard of I�ircctor•s, t/te dr�cs sclteclr.rle for �r�c�rtbci°s1�i�� irt tlie A,ssocialiort of R1�etropolitrrn Mtinierpalities Itas bcen .set a�� `� of the arzytu�ll ducs i_n tl�te Lcaguc: of ,lliiirresota Alunict�alities (total roisradecl to tlte rtearest dollar) or ,�1 D0, ��vlaic,lteuer is greater. The membersfiip di�es in the lcssociation of P��etropolitan h1unicipalities for the year beginning june 1, 197 6 and endinb A'iay 31, 1977 are $_2, 5_57 {ot tl�e Ci1.y of Fridleu (LMM dues _ 4?.62 x _�io). ~ Payment by Pubfic Funds authorized by hlinn. Stats., Secs. 4GS.S8 arid �71.9G. t declare under the penalties of law tl�at the ioreooing amount is just and co; rect and ihat no part of �t has b�en paid. �� � � ; �;� " : . ,.,, „ - �f, , / i � l. � ,<..� -------------�—=-'--==� , , .,. . --t.-- � *-------------- [xecut�ve Director Association of Metropolitan 111�m�i�pal!t+es Dated......June.�.5� ................. 197�.... Therecardsindicatctl►�t Edward I'itz��atrick_ _is thc dcsi�,natcd dcic- gate and _ Wa 1 t St a rwa .2 t� �^ � is thc c�csi�;natcd altcri�atc to thc il,ssociation of Mctropolit;lll 1'�IL1111C1�1I1[1CS fram your city. Plcasc iiiform us if our records arc incorrcct or if your city dcsires to ivakc a chan�c in your dcsi�nated dcic�;atc,'altcrnatc status. '' MEMO T0: Nasim M. Qureshi, City r�anager MEMO FROM: R.N. Sobiech, Public Woi°ks Director DATE: June ZS, 1976 SUBJECT: 1976 LAWCON Funding Preliminary application forms for 1976 LAWCON funding have been received. The following is a. list of items together with cost estimates of suggest.ed improvements which the staff has nated might be worth pursuing in an attempt to obtain £unds for the various projects: 1. Bikeway/Walkway off-trail system ($91,160 - Phases I-III} 2. City parks shelter lbuilding program ($25,000 - $50,000 �?er park site) 3. Riverview Heights p��rk acquisition of flood prone properties ($300,000) 4. Springbrook Nature (�enter improvements ($54, 000) 5. Islands of Peace ($114,000) 6. Parking lot improvements to Locke Park ($12,�00) Any funds we receive will i�ec{uire G� max:imum of 50 o cost sharing by the City. It is rec{uest:ed tlzat the Council review the items and determine if a.ny o:E those listed or any items they may have should be a.ppliE;d for through the LAWCON program. RNS/jm 1 " ,l � i !� � l ,' , -- i � ! CITY COUNCIL CONFERE:NCE MEETING June�28, 1976 1. Status Report from City Representatives on Anoka County Joint Law Enforcement Council 2. County Attorney Robert W. Johnson: Consideration of Local Concerns 3. Status Report Regarding Anoka County 911 Planning Committee 4. Association of Metropolitan M«nicip,alites Membership 5. Preliminary Material on Parks and RE�creation 1977 Budget 6. Possible Lawcon Funding Application For 1976-1977 7. Other _ . --� � r.� �.. c? r . ' �;, t , t - �F �4 c ���__ R�� , ,.����; r /���� �� � `��� �►- i •,,...,n. . . _ _ ._ _ . _ .:i off���� �f ANOd�A �O �INT Y A T TORNE Y I�ir. James Hill Fridley Police Dept. 6431 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, M:ti 55421 Dear Jim: Ii0I3ERT W. �fUHNSON May 26 , 1.976 COURT HOUSE ANOKA, MINN. 553Q7 Telephone: Area cale 612-421�4T60 As County Attorney, I have a resporisibi:Lity to all the people of Anoka County and their represent:ativE�s in local government. This respansibility can only be met: if :t am aware of and under- stand local concerns and positions. In order to fulfill this objective, I would like to take a few m�Lnutes of what I realize is a busy schedule to meet with you and the Council. In such a meeting, I will explore sever�il areas that need con- sideration of local positions. These areas would include election laws, property acquisition for parks and highways, prosecutarial discretion in charging inc�ividuals with crimes, enforcement of the solid waste ordinance: and shoreland zoning ordinance, and other areas that have loc�al impact. Jim, this is consistent with our co:nversation this noon in regard to meeting with the City Cou�ncil. I would appreciate it if ��ou could make arrangements fc�r us to meet with the City Council at one of their inform��l meetings. Since�� �1y., ��<� _�/: Robert. W . Johnson RWJ:da . s. - Minutes of MeE�tr ina Anoka County 91 Plann_�ng Committee Apri 1 9, 19 "� 6 MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner LeRoy H. J��hnson, Anoka County Board Chief Dave Hoaglanct, An��ka Police Department Chief William F. Tr�ompsc�n, Coon Raoids Fire Departr�ent Mr. Raloh McGinley, County Administrative Officer Mr. Nasim Ni. Qureshi, C.Lty Manager - Fridley Mr. Harry Hillegas, Anok.a County Comznunications Director Mr. Bruce Wojack, Anoka County Sheriff's Department Mr. Ronald Kinney, Mercy-Unity Ambulance Service Mr. Tony Hennemann, Merc:y-Unity Ambulance Service Mr. Earl Gustafson, Cit�� of Columbia Heights CONSULTANT: TELEPHONE COMPANIES: STAFF: GUESTS: Mr. Dennis M. Rooney of Michaud, Cooley, Hall.berg E�rickson, & Associates Mr. Warren Bosch, N��rthwestern Bell Telephone Company Robert H. Scarlett, 911 Project Coordinator, Metropolitan Council None I. Introductior� and Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Chai.rman LeRoy Johnson at 9:10 A.�`�I. II. Review of Previous Action Taken Scarle�t summarized the action taken by the 911 plannina committee at its first meeting on November 7, 1975, and �_ts second meeting on November 14, 1975. The purpose of the first: meeting was to brief th� committep mem.tiaers or the features and backg�-ound of 911; the g�.�rpose of the second meeting was to instruct tne cc>nsultant to p�epare pla�ning data on two alternative 911 configurations f�or Anoka County. Scarlet� described the remaining tasks to be complete�d by the Anoka County 911 Planning Committee. � III. Unfinished Business Chairznan Johnson urged all committee members to arrive on time zor the planning meetings. He asked for a consE�nsus on time limits �or the planning meetings; and all members agreE�d that a 90 minute limit would allow sufficient time to conduct the bu:�iness of tne committee. 0 � �2- � IV. New Business A. Consultant's Report an Optional Plans for Anoka County (Task "B"i . Consultant Dennis M. Rooney ga��e a brief introduction to plan A and responded to questions f:rom the committee members. Johnson asked if time would be lost and if important messages coul.d be lost if they were to c�perate according to plan A and have aIl Anoka County 911 call:� at a central l.ocation serving four counties. Rooney stated t:hat the possibility of lost time and lost messages would exist �s�ith �lan A; but these disadvantages could be overcome by using sopriisti��ated electronic communications tools. Rooney pointed out that: the major advantage to plan A would be iound in the ef�icienc�ies c�� scale that would be �ossible with one large central corrli�nunic:atioils operation. Johnson and other committee members comment.ed that "bigness" is not always equated with efficiency and that thE�re is such a thing as di- minishing returns when an organizat.Lon gets beyond a certain size. Scarlett asked the consultant and committee members to identify the specific disac�vantages they see in the plan A configuration. Johnson stated that the type of opex�ation implied by plan A would not be acceptable at this poir�t in time. He stated that such a plan would very likely b�e politically unsaleable, qiven the present stage of development in emerqency communications ir_ Anoka County. Johnson asked the consultant to give the committee his recommen- dation. Rooney stated tnat, al�though a configuration like plan A might be quite appropriate sornetime in tne future (10 to 20 years), he did not think that p_Lan A could be feasibly imple- mented within the next two to f�_ve years. Thompson asked Rooney ho��v it wotzld b�� possible to avoid serious . dispatching problems with a conf:igur,atiori �.ike plan r�. Rooney replied that such problems coulct onl�� overcome by using the most advanced computer-aided di�;patclzing equipTM�ent available. Rooney described some of the mor�e sophisticated featur�s of computer-aided dispatching systems. Qureshi asked Rooney whether there wE�re alternative methods, besides plan A, for providing some computer aided dispatching features in Anoka County. Rooney stated that certain features such as automatic number identification and automatic location identification could be made availabl.e under plan B in Anoka County. Rooney stated that he was nc�t certain that all of these features would be�af�ordable in an o�+eration of the size described in plan B. � i J Johnson and McGinley asked the� con:�ultant about the number o� persons who would be excluded from 911 service under both plan A and plan B. Rooney stated that approximately 300 Anoka County citizens would be excluded, until t:he neighboring counties moved ahead with their own 911 ser�Tice. Rooney added that a program of public informatian woulci have to be directed at those citizens excluded so they would not: make use of 911 until it became available in their area. Rc�oney stated that citizens dialing 911,in those areas would ve�ry likely get an intercept directing them to the apprapriate emergency number for their area. � Qureshi, Johnson, and McGinley asked the consultant about the proposed service areas that arE� not witnin the borders oL Ano�ca County. Rooney stated that ex_i.sting mutual aid agreements would have to be made more formal, so that citizens in those areas would be assured of prompt ser��ice b� an appropriate responding agency. Rooney described how, tech:nically, calls could be transferred from the Anoka Courity C��mmunications Center to a remote dispatching aperation sE�rving a different community. Wojack described a similar tec'�.�nica:l arrangement that he observed in Rochester, Minnesota. In Roches��er, the 911 calls are answered at a joint law enforcement center arid the fire calls are screened and electronically transferred to a remote fire dispatching lo- cation. Apparently, on at least anE� occasion, the fire dispatcher was not at the 911 answering positic�n when the call was extended :Lo him; this points out the need for- formal agreements between emergency response agencies and the communities they serve. Hilleqas asked the consultant if the:re were any data on the in- creased spee3 of 911 compared with conventional emergency tele- phone systems., �2ooney responde�3 that only theoretical studies have been completed; and the onLy concrete proof of 911 speed and efficiency comes from the tE�stimony of citizens and agencies� where 911 service is in effect. Rooney stated that studies have been completed that do show thai= a very small percentage of citizens know what number to di�il for emergency services. After conversion to 911, these studie�� sho�:v that Lrom 7J - 90� of the citizens know they can reach fiz-e, p��lice, and aribulance services by dialing 911. Mr. Warren Bosch of Northwester•n Be:11 Telephone Company was asked about his company's policy� on pay phone conversion. Bosch stated that his company has agreed to convert all pay phones to "dial tone first" in the future. Bosch described the present centralization plans of the telepnonE? company and pointed out that it is becoming increasingly diff:icult for telephone operators to assist citizens who are seeking emergency assistance by dialing, "0." When a citizen dials "O," it is; highly probably that his call will be answered by an operator located many miles away; and this operator must consume valuab�l� time looking up the 0 appropriate emergency number for trie citizen. The telep•hone company is very concerned about thE� effect of this on the total response time. The average number of hard-core emergency calls to telephone operators is from 3000 to 4000 per month in the Twin Cities area. Rooney described the capital a�zd recurring costs for plan "B" in Anoka County. He stated th�st a 911 system in Anoka Coun�y, including all of the advanced :Eeatures would cost an additional $9,500 per month to operate. Rooney explained that his estimates should be generous; he has allowed for a 20o increase in costs over the next two years. Qureshi asked the consultant if: ALI comes with ANI. Rooney stated that ANI is a pre-requi�;ite Lor ALI; and that whenever ALI is provided, ANI would be a�vailable too. Johnson stated that ALI is a very irnportant feature ot 911. Johnson asked about the status of tt�e addressing system for Anoka County. Scarlett reported that he thought Anaka County had implemented a comprehensive addz-essing system for all areas of the county. Since a number of cc>mmittee members were not aware of such a comprehensive addre�;sing plan, Scarlett agreed to investigate and report on the sta.tus of such a plan at a future meeting of the Anoka Cou:nty 911 planning com.mittee. Hillegas asked the consultant if his cost figures included the cost of terminating equipment a�zd data display equipment (CRT). Rooney stated that his figures :i.ncluded such costs; and he gave several examples of the monthly costs for such equipment. Hoagland asked if some thought tiad been given to who would pay for the 911 system. Following :�ome ��iscussion among committee members, Rooney and Scarlett de�scrib��d some of the alternative methods for financing 911 costs. Sc,srlett stated that a study on alternative �inancing method�; for 911 had been completed and that he would be introducing this inFOrmation to the Anoka County 911 planning co,-nrnittee at a �utu.re mE�eting. Hillegas asked whether non-published numbers would be a problern in Anoka County. Bosch stated that �ie did not feel there would be a problem here in the Twin Cities area. He pointed out that there may have to be a small change i.n �he telephone company tariffs, so that the unpublished num�+ers could be transmitted to a public safety answering point in. time of emergency. Basch described the results of a study in A.lameda County, where it was clear that people with non-p�ublished numbers �vould not object to having �he telephone company :furnish their telephone numbers in cannection with 911 emergency communications. � .. , .. -5- Bill Thompson asked about party linE�s. Bosch and Rooney replied that �'�I and ALI would not be possible with party lines; but that these lines will b� going out c>f style within the n�xt three to five vears. In the meantime, cit:izens with party lines will have to report their exact location to the dispatcher. Thompson asked which telephone companies woul.d be involved in 911 imnZe- me�tation in Anoka County. Rooney �;tated that the exchanges in the proposed service area are all oF�erated by Northwestern Bell Telephone Company. Johnson pointed out that it would soon be time to conclude the meeting. Johnson summarized his unclerstanding o� the plan ore- sented and reminded all of the commi.ttee members to circulate the planning data among all cor.lmunit.ies within the county. He painted ou� that the cor��itee •aas o�gar.ized to repres�r.t �h� in�erests of the county board, the municipalities, the fire de- partments, the police departments, t.he sheriff's office, t�e ambulance services, emergency m��dica.l services, and the com- munications center. Thompson asked if the consultan� re�ort on plan "A" and plan "B" could be ��idely circulated�among officials in his community. The consensus of the committee was that the report should be circulated and that. the planning pzocess should be wide open to anyone wishing to observe or participate. After additional discussion by the�committee, there was a motion by Thompson and a second by Hoa��land that the Anoka County 911 planning committee adopt plan "]3" as described in the consultant's report issued on �Iarch 1.7, 1976; ar.d that the olan should include provision for automatic number identification and automatic lo- catian identification features; and that, in all subsequent re- ports, that the costs for these distinct features remain separated from the cost for the basic system. Motion passed. B. Notification and InvolvemenJ�� of Emergency Service aaencies . in yrio:�a Count�,� . As discussed previously, commiti:ee members were reminded to in- form the agencies they represeni� of the action taken by the committee. Scarlett and Rooney offered to meet with groups interested in a thorough e:cplan��tion of the chosen plan. C. Assianment of Work to Consu:Ltant. Johnson asked if it was desirab�Le to set a date �or the next pl.anning meeting. Rooney state�i that the next meeting would very likely take place within tYie nex� sixty days; but he would ' J. . � rather not set a specific datE� at r_his time. He stated tha� he would be meeting with ^�r. i�[ille<�as and other officials with- in the county to review and cc�nfirrn the details in plan "B" be- fore reporting to the commitee. At� the next meeting, t�e com- • mittee will be asked to look into i:.he operational im�lications of.plan "B" and suggest necessary i-evision before ti:e consultant proceeds with the completion of an engineering design. V. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeti.ng was adjour:�ed at �0:3� a.M. Resp�ecfully s mitted, ��� Robe�rt H. Scarlett � ,. , 0 �� /' � ° �._� as�oci�fic�� of m��ra�ao�ii�c�n �i��i�����iij�i�'S tin,ARD OF DIRECTORS � , ," .�si:,. nt �OSI;j��UflC �VUllrl C:fie�rplin To: Ci ty Manager, Nasim Qureshi May 28, .2976 : "ice l'r-e�ident Lya�iSch�varzkupf �s thc new President:, it is my .pr.ivilege to enclose this �11ii�r.ca��ulis �iriet note alor�g with ��our Association Dues Stater�ent tor the 1976-1977 r.iembership ye��r_ wt�ich belins June 1, 1976. ':rst l'rc�idrr,t As a member. of tlie Association .8oard of Directors since Clydc ralicn Bfoomington the merger in 1974, I have been pleased at t1�e way the mem- bership �las responded to bring the Rssociat.ion t1�z'ough a RichardAsleson difficult per_iod of adjustment �and transition. Apple Valley j ack E3ailey h1innetonka Robert Qruton fvlaplewood J ames Cosby Hastings lUa•i i�e Courtney Edina J ure Drmos Ro�e�iilc � � ��1.i� narc' Eder L<t�.e Eir.tc:� �'i'��i';: Lf{C{:50I1 ;�lat?le Gruve I_��i�� ii.u�ks St. Lu_�i, P..trl: D�ivid H��zza St. Paul r��„ ���n�,���, ��1inrclpolis � �1OI1135 i�C��Cy St. P,iul I�uan�� ;1licdtk� St. Anthuny , Brucr N.i�,rc�cki Columhia l Iri�hts �� Larry �Thompsi�n �Uayzata fxc�cutivcr Director ' Vcrn Prtrrson Occasionaily, someone who has n��t been activ� in the Associ- ation expresses doubt concernin;� the ability of the Assvci- ation to successfuliu represent t1�e needs al�d �nterests of our diiTer.se municipa_i meribershi.p. I�o:,�ever., t1iG':''!' t�ho do pax- _'iic.ipate in our activi.ties sovn real?ze that a1i ;:?e:�ber c.it.ies, regardless of populaL-ion or geoqx�aphic locaiio.�, faave f�r mor<� intert�sts in common tl�an thec� havr interests �ti�hic.h are di.ff_er- ent. Eve�� G;-he�� interests are s,een_i.ngly cllfferent� ayreelnenrs can often be ar.hieved tnrough t1�e debate, disr.crssion and ir.- teraction _inl�er.ent in ti�e proce,sses of t:ie 7issociation. The taords of Abraham L1IICO.ZI1 are as true today as they were over 100 years ago: "If we don`t ha.ng together, we sha1l certainlu hang separately°. The Al�,r1 is increasingly being r,ecogni2ed as the spokesmai� for cities in tize metropolitan area b� the Le.g_i.slaturc, nei:r.op�.l_it�n agenc.ies and fhe media. rlany r.��w challenges, c;:?>ort�unities and prabler,is remain ahead for t.he ciLies and uouz' continu�d participation in the Associatio:n cai11 help to assure that Io- ca1 government remains a viable partner in the ov�rall govern- mental derision making process. We look fort,�ard to even a bette.r year in 1976-77 wit1� your continued input, support and pa.rticipation. JN:sb Sincerel�, � 1 r-� �. .� 1 / ` � � �,z, l t , ,►� .: ; r.L,.: ;�: .� ' • •4le-� .. r .. Jose4�l�ine Nunn AMM President and Ma�or of Champlin Fr�d1e City DUES STATCMEt�lT Fiscal Ycar 197 G- 197 7 ASSOC1ATiON OF METROPOLiTAN 1111)NICiPALtTIES 300 Hanover Building, 480 Cedar Strcct St. Paui, h1innesota 55101 Iiy actio7t of thc 13oarcl of Directors, the dues schedzrle for �i)1C)Y1IJE'i'Slllj) IYI tlte A,SSOC1Q110)2 of Metropolitari �lirfrici��alitics lias becn ,snt rr�� i� of tlze af��ural dt�cs t�� the Lcague of ,��linriesota A�u��icipalities (total rozr��cic�l to the n�arest clollar) or .�100, ►vliic�hcre�• i.s greater. The membership dues in the Association of P�4ctropolitan h1r.anicipalities for the year beginning J une 1, 197 6 and endinU A-1ay 31, 197 7_ are $_2� 557 for thc City of Fri d]. e u (LMM dues _ 4?. G 2 x_� D°io). ` paid Payinent by Public Funds authorized by Minn. Stats., Secs. 4Ei5.58 and �71.96. I dedare under the penalt�es of law that the forcooing amount is just ancl carrect ar�d that no part of it has bcen Dated . . . . . . June ,1.5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 197 � . . . . �., , G .- � �'. , C,, : ` "�` - ,., ----- . . --- -----'---��._---•-------------- . . �-- � [xecut���e Director Associ,:�tion of Meropolitan �tun�ctpal!t�es The recards in.licatc tlilt Edward I'i tz��tricic_ _ is tl�e designatcd dele- gate aiid _ Wa.t t Starc+•a 1 t ~�� _ is tlic dcs�� ztatc�i altcritia[c to tlic Association of A-ictr��polit.l71 I�+tUI11C1�1;�litics from your city. Plc:isc i�iforin us if �ur rccords arc incorrcct or if your city dcsires to inakc a chan�;c� in your cicsi�natcd d�lc�;atc/:iltcri��itc status. � rn b n. � � � n v rn �� ,-- � U .--1 c� tC a >- O ?-- C1: �-� C1. (..) 0. Q n LL.' (� W �l C� r� � Z .� d �t � � O �- 0.' F- 0. � 4 � <i h n Z al O ►-� r-� N J � Q H �J � � p 0. v 4 � o� ^ � � a1 � r d W C:] F-' � W !� c.7 �� �-- � CA � w f-- W �!" � H � a o a ° 0 o d' 0 p N �, w � ^ O N l0 O � o � '"'� O C � � t ri � � � � C .� �-. 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' •� )? � _ �i Y� ; i�i ,`��;� � � � ti ,; .�, ;. \ ,� � ' 1 t �."'� ��.� ^ � i �. � ��� 1 ` .� �1 ='�.___.: - ` i' 1 �;': � r• �,, �, �,. `+s�g___.i , ` 2 • # � - i/0 � ;:�,:. . �. ^� �i� '' � t ,, i'� •i f�,�;��' . '� :�"; . �,r'd" `�, 1`. p. � -` c � ..q- 6�} & WEST DANUBE . SERVES NEIGHBORHOOD ,1 0 � I i • i i . �' n ' - . --. _ . ._ ,� . - - I fVNSBRUC K SERVES hEIGHBORH00D Z$ . +: , i �`: ��� � r � � � I M�MO T0: Nasim M. Qureshi, City Manager MEMO FROM: R.N. Sobiech, Public Wc►rks Director DATE: June 25, 1976 SUBJECT: 1976 LAWCON Funding Preliminary application forms for 1976 LAWCON funding have been received. The following is a list of items together with cost estimates of suggested improvements which the staff has noted might be worth pursuing in an attempt to obtain funds for the various projects: 1. Bikeway/Walkway off-trail system ($91,160 - Phases I-III) 2. City parks shelter building program ($25,000 - $50,000 per park site) 3. Riverview Heights park acquisition of flood prone properties ($300,000) 4. Springbrook Nature Cent��r improvements ($54,000) 5. Islands of Peace ($114,000) 6. Parking lot improvement:> ta Locke Park ($12,0�0) , Any funds we receive wi11 i-equire a ma�cimum of 50o cost sharing by the City. It is rec{uested 1:hat the Council review the items and determine if any of those listed or any items they may have should be applied for through the LAWCON program. RNS/jm