07/12/1976 - 5713JANET KONZAK ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT RE6ULAR COUNCIL MEETING JULY 12, 1976 t � °MEMO T0: DEPARTMENT HEADS Following are the "ACTIONS NEEDED". Answers are due back in the City Manager's o�fice by Wednesday Noon, July 21, 1976. Thank you. , FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL — RE6ULAR� MEET�NG ���JULY �2�;��1976� ���7�c�3�J P�;M; 7:35 P.M. PLEDGE QF f�LLEGIAPJCE';� pOLL CALL; All Present �1PPROVAL OF MIPdUTES:� PUBLIC HEARING MEETTNG, �UNE 14�, 1976 Approved as presented R�GULAR I�EETING,� Ju�v� 21� 1�%E Approved as presented �DOP i I �N OF AGE�c�JA; Approved as submitted OPEP! FORUM, VISITORS; .. . . ... �CONSIDERATICN OF ITEMS �!OT ON AGENDA ^ 15 MINUTES) Ed Wilmes: Updated the Council regarding the status of the Islands of Peace project. NO ACTION NEEDEO • r� � 1 REGULAR MEI=TIPJG, JULY 12, 1976 - �� �� PAGE ? �VEW Bl1S I NESS: CONSIDERATION 0� FIRST REAPING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR � REZONING REQUEST� ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ZOA #�76�02 . BY ROBERT DEGARDNER. TO REZONE FROM R-3A To GR��; 6431 1 . _._ . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. T, H, #65. , , � , , r � � , e Q � . o , � . , � � � � , . , �GINEERING � ' ' � � Ordinanc�� failed on a roll call vote (4 to 1) AC?ION NI=EDED: Inform petitioner of Council action. 1-1A .. . CONSIDERAI'ION OF FIRST R,EADING OF AN ORDINANCE TO A�MEND CHAPTER 1�. OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY �SERVICE ,iTATIONS) � , � , . � � . � � � � � F � � � , • � � � Z — 1 � Adopted un first reading ANCE ACTIOiV NE:EDED: Put ordinance on next regular meeting agenda for second reading. . . ... .. _ CONSIDERA'TION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING . .. CHAPTER 5Og OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY . . . ................. ... .............. � 3_3A RELATI NG TO PARKS AND PARKWAYS � , � o � � � � � � � � � � � Adopted on first reading • LICE ACTION NEEDED: Put ordinance on next regular meeting agenda for second reading. � . � i ' � REGULAR h1EETING, ,JULY 12, 1976 PAGE 3 NEW BUSTi��ESS (CONTINUED) RECEIVINC� THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING C)F JuN� 23, 1�76 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 KK Pa es 1� NANC1' MELBIE, $PECIAL �SE PERMIT SP #�b-O%, 1346 MEADOWMOOR DRIVE� � � � � � . � . � � � . �.j��.NG COMM� REGOMMENDATION: APPROVAL � �dS;IL ACTION REQUIRED: CONSIDERATI.ON OF RECOP�MENDATI ON �NGINEERING ' ' 6 � � 4D - 4F & 4Z Council concurred with the recommendation of the P]anning Commission and _a,r�anted the permit. ACTIO�I NEEDED: Inform applicant of Council action. 2� PHILI_IP WILLSON, SPECIAL. USE PERMIT SP #�b-O�, 4O1 IRONTON STREET� � � � � � , � � � , � � , � 4F - 4�� P1A�lJV I NG COMM � RECOMMENDAT I ON : APPROVAL � 4AA ��"IL ACTION REQUIRED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOIHMENDATION � • Council concurred with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and granted the permit. ENGINEERING ACTION NEEDED: Inform applicant of Council action. r . � 3,. STAV�S SUPERETTE, SPECTAL. USE PERMIT SP #�6-09, 64t�3 UNIVERSITY. AVENUE N�E� � . � . , . , , . � 4G - 4L ' _ _ _ . &4BB Pj„�NING �OMM� ECOMMENDATION: APPR�VAL WITH STIPULATIONS � �Q�CIL AGTION REQUIRED: CONSIDERATI'JN OF RECOMMENDATION Appro�ied with stipulat�ons NGINEERING ACTIOPJ NEEDED: Notif etitioner of Plannin Commission sti ulations with Y P 9 P addit�ional Council stipulations. i ' � 1 � � 1 REGULAR MEETING, JULY 12, 1976 NEW BUSI��ESS CCO�VTTNUED) r :!! ► •Y11 �► II l �► 1 1 � � ENGINEERING - � ' � PARKS & REC. � ' � � � E�INEERING i� ' ROBERT SCHROER, STREET & ALLEY VACATION SAV #76-03, STREET EASEMENT IN EAST RANCH ESTATES ZND ADDITION. .4M _. . P1.9.t� I NG COMM � RECOMMENDAT I ON : APPROVAL WI TH STI PIJLATIONS COUNCIL ACTION REQUIRED: CONSIDER PROPOSAL AT PUBLIC HEARING SET FOR Ju�Y 19 � Counc�il set a public hearing on July 19, 1976. ACTIOPJ NEEDED: Arrange for public hearing meeting on July 19, 1976. PAGE 4 5, YouTH CENTER � � . . � � , � � � � � � , , � � � � � , �M - 4S PLANNING COMM� RECOMMENDATION: CREATION OF A TEEN CENTER COUNCIL ACTION REQUIRED: CONSIDER PROPOSAL AND GUIDELINES SUGGESTED Concurred with Planning Commiss�ion recommendations with additional stipulations by Council. ACTICN NEEDED: Wait for temporary Board and Charter approval by Council � and review needs for staffing. F)� GHJ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, LOT SPLIT L.S. �%6-05, fi I LLW' I ND RD � & I . 694 � � � � � � � � � , . � , , 4S - 4T P1AN.IyING GOMM� RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL, SUBJECT & 4DD� 4EE TO EASEMENTS � _ _. . ._ .... COUNC�ACTION REQUIRED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOM,MENDATION . City Council concurred with recommendation • ACTION NEEDED: Notify applicant of Council's action � . �� � � � E INEERING � , , � INEERING � ' � E�INEERING �� �, REGULAR MEETING, JULY 12, 1975 NEW BUSIiVESS (CONTIfdUED) PAGE 5 _ . ... ._ . __. ... . _. . COMMI�SION MINtJTES CONTINUED ]� RE—EVALUATIOfV OF STREET LAYOUT I�EAR NORTH PARK� � 4T - 4V . _ . &4FF - 4KK �jy�.NG COMM � RECQ� ENDAT I ON ; �VO CHANGE TO PRESENT STREET PATTERNS� ALSO, PROHIBIT INDUSTRIAl� TRUCK TRAFFIC ON IRONTON �OUNC� L ACSION REQUIRED: CONSIDERATION OF RECONIME��DATI ON Directed the staff to prepare further analysis. . ACTION NEEDED: Prepare proposal regarding elemination of industrial traffic in residential areas. S� STANI)ARDIZED STREET WIDTHS� � � � . . � . � � . PLAN��ING COMM� RECOMMENDATION; STREET WIDTH POLI(:Y FOR DIFFERENT TYPES OF STREETS COUN(:IL ACTION REQUIRED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOP1MENDATION 4V-4X Staff to do additional analysis and r.eturn information to the Council ACTION NEEDED: Develop a resolution on standard policy RECEIVING PETITION #12—�g%6 REQUESTING_CHANGE IN °NO PARKING" SIGNS ON %TH STREET BETWEEN GIST AND 63RD AVENUES. , . , . . , . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 — 5 B Counciil received petition. ACTIOPd NEEDED: 4dork with Ward Councilman to put up appropriate signs after a concensus is reached by property owners (between 2 options). � i� . � I', � E INEERING r r � INEERING , � � � INEERIN6 1 � E INEERING � , � REGULAR h1EETIIVG, JULY 12, 1976 PAGE 6 NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) R�C E I V I N�� PET I T I ON ��.3-1�%6 REQUEST I NG A��FOUR WAY STOP�� SIGN AT 'i'HE INTERSEC7ION OF IiARDENA AND STINSON BOULEVARD� . 6— 6 E Petition received ACTIOPI NEEDED: Study problem and prepare recommendation in conjunction wi th P�ew Bri ghton . CONSIDER:ATION OF REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FEES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BLEAC:HER FACILITY AT FRIDLEY HIGH SCHOOL� ��.����� � RequE�st approved ACTI(►N NEEDED: Waive City inspection fees and charge fees such as state, and c�lectrical �nspection � CONSIDEI�ATION OF PRELIMINARY APPLICATIONS FOR LAWCOIV FUNDING. . . � � � , . , . � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � . � � t� Approved Bikeway/Walkway Stage II. Staff to check into acquisition of property for Belisle problem area. ACTION NEEDED: Proceed with Bikeway/Walkway appTication funding request. CONSIDE:RATION OF CONTRACT WITH METROPOLITAN COUNCIL PERTAIh(ING TO SECTION $ FUNDING� . . . . . , . � � . . . � . 9 - y I Authorized sigring contract with option No. 2. (Local Staff participation) ACTION NEEDED: See that contract is executed. II' . 1 GINEERING ' � ' . . ANCE � . ANCE � � FI_NANCE ' �r REGULAR ��EETING, JULY .12, 1976 PAGE 7 NEw BUSIf�JESS CCOfdTINUED) CONSIDERE►TION OF SETTLEMENT OF LAWSUIT - MARY MARTIN _ . .. . _ VS � � I TY OF FR IDLEY � � . � . � . � � . � . . . � . . . . � 1� - 10 I Approved the settlement as recommended by Insurance Company Attorney. ACTIODI NEEDED: Arrange for execution of appropriate documents. CONSIDERF►TION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTINC� THE COMBINING OF SPECIAL �iSSESSMENTS ON Lo-r 21,_ FiLOCK 1%, AND �OT ZZ, BLOGK 1�, FRIDLEY I�ARK. .�. 11 - 11 A RE��OLUTION N0. 59-1976 ACTIQ�I NEEDED: Proceed as authorized CONSIDERt?,TION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTINC� THE COMBINING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON S� 34� OF LOT �, AND N� OF LOT S, PARCLE 2S4S AND S� C�F LOT $, BLOCK 4, SHAFFER�S SUB� �1� ������� IZ RESOLUTION NO.. 60-1976 ACTION NEEDED: Proceed as authorized _. . CONSIDERp,TION OF A RESOLUTION AUTNORIZING AND . DIRECTING� THE SPLITTING OF SPECTAL ASSESSMENTS ON _. . PaRCE� 31.90, UNPLATTED SECTIQN 11� � . � . . , . . � � � � � 13 - 13 A RESOLUTION N0. 61-1976 ACTION NEEDED: Proceed as authorized ' • ' � REGULAR MEETING, JULY 12, 1975 � PAGE 8 yEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) 1 . _ APPOINTMENT: CITY EMPLOYEE� . � . , �� � � � � � � � � � . 14 � Appointment approved I�TYMANAGER ACTIUN NEEDED: Inform accountin r g , ' . .. .. . . .. . � �LAIMS, . � . , � � � � , . � � � � � , � � , � . . � � � , 15 Appro��ed � ACTI0�1 NEEDED: Pay claims as approved ' L I C ENS ES.'. ,. , ,. ,. , . �. � � .. , , �, , , , , , , , , , , , , 16 - 16 L Approved with stipulations as noted � ANCE ACTIOPd NEEDED: Issue licenses as approved � �� - 1 _ ESTIMATES� � � � � . � � . . . � � � � � � � � . . . . � � � 1� — 1% B Appro�ied � ANCE . ACTIOP! NEEDED: Pay estimates ' . CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF HOUSE TRAILER APPLICATION � BY DANIEL G� NELSON, 6O%O CENTRAL AVENUE N� E� _ _ _ CSTORAGE; ONLY ) � � � . � � � � . � � � � � � � . . � � � � . .Ig — IH B � ! Appli�ation approved �NGINEERING ACTIOIV NEEDED: Notify applicant of Council approval , � . � ADJOURN 11:55 P.M. I�' � , I 1 i� FRIDLEY CI7Y COUNC?L ME�7ZNG � PLEASE SIGN NAME ADD�:ESS AND ITE� NUMBER INTERESTED IN� DATE: � /17 �NAME ADDRESS ITEM NUMBER ____________________--____—____________ _---_—__—__—____—_—________—____—_______—__----_—__—____-- — ^ F ' -- _ _ _ _ _r � .� � f � � L` � X�C, ( , � . .. � � �y � S I � �� ;� � �-�,... ;r . , ' ` � � Yr � ,��=-t.�%��. �" �_ � � - r , ' ti���' 1��� � � �-,�..���'�%� ■ �,� ��,G� �� _ rd �l u��y�. ��� �� � �c� . 5 � � � ; ;,�� „ - � � � � � � �-��'� '��.�--� ?'G V-( 1'/ v] � �� � .-�1 [ii � � �� ��� �� � /��G ����� �-{/ '°�a zr�, � � ,� � ,' z �; �;��, �; ��.� ���j�-i� -� =-T--- ,�� 1�✓,r}�'7 ��/�-�1�� �c���� �t3_y� 1 -� 1 ,�''� C— S i C t/ �� c� .� i �//� l���� `�% ;,��•N� � �u r_� ._ . n ., ,t // n I �f2�. . y� , „�,��-����:�,_�,�z-- - �, � _� �. , �.� � �. �� �, ,�G� � L� m� /.3 L[.�<'''�� 1 THE MINUTES OF TNE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL 4F JULY 12, 1976 �i ► THE MIWUTES UF TUE RFGULAR I-0EC7ING OF THE FRIDLCY CITY CUUI�CIL-�uly 12, 1976 The reyular rneeting of t;he Fridlcy City Counr.il r�as called to ordHr at 7:35 P.M. PLEDGI: OF /1LLCGINdCE: h1ayor Nee �•relcorned those present and invited them to join v�ith the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. kOLI CALL: Mf14L'ERS PR[SFtJT: Council+•ioman I:uF:o�•�ski, Councilinan Starv�alt> Councilr.an :ia�rerr.ik> Mayor flcc and Councilman Fitzpatricf: ME1L'[RS AB;EN7: None /1PPROVAL 0( MI�;UTES: , PUf;L]C HEF,RI�1G I•1E[TIIdG OF JUIlE 14, 197G: � (�10TIOP� by Councilman Star�;:alt to adopt the minutes of the Public Nearie� �•1ee�ing of June 14, 1976, as submitted. Seconded by Councila�oman ;:ukowski, and u,�on a voice �rote, all voting aye, I�iayor fdee deciared the rnotion carried unanimousl�. REGULAR I�EETPIdG OF JUiJE 21, 1976: MOTIC(J by Councilman Hamernik to adopt the minutes of the regular meet?ng of June 21> 1976, as submitted. Seconded by Co�milman Fitzpatrick, and upon a�:oice vote> all votirg aye, hlayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTIQN OF AG[(JDA: MF;. ED IdILP1ES, 6350 RIVERVIFW TERRACE N.E., DOiJaTION FOR A FACILITI' FO° T;iE HAP;DI_ C�;PPED: ____�------- ---------- — -- l�ir. f:d l•Jilmes t:alked aboirt a$200,000 gift from NorF�;ay to the State of hlinnesota to 6e used to build a-heal{:h center and a sports center for the handicapped. �',r. r�ilnes saitl he d'dn't believe there is any area n�ore apprcpriate to have a handica:;red c?rter than in the City or Fridley. He stated the Islands of Peace co�nes before ti:e �•tetro Cou�icil tomoi'row as to its becoming a special reyional park and to get a clarir`ication of the spec'ial needs. Mr. idilmes enu�nerated the various organizations that have used the oai,� and hoti�r many persons were in those groups and the d�tes they visted the park. One i�f the needs, he said, is a shelter area, and they have recei��ed applications for a bicycle trail to be established. Ttie P•linneapolis school systen� is asking for iniern;a- tion about the park. The Piinneapolis Public Schools Field Trips Offic� i5 1'°V1S1I,g the handhook to include the Islands of Peace as a place for the Plinneapclis stude,.ts to visit. They would find the experience meaningful. The Co�7io Eler;entary Schoois made inquiry as to what we can handle as far' as numbers, schedules and so forth. ' 1 Mr. 'rJilmes continued his remarks with comments on grants, dP��1dt1U115, i-ecreation defi- nitions, rehabilitation, and that in the future there could be a na:.ure center there. . Further, if the hletro Council rejects this project, the hopes and d��ea�;�s of the handicapped �•�ill be set back for n�anv year•s to come as ��rell as the efforts of those � rrho are l:no�vledgeable and have been involved with this in writing letters in support of the Islands of Peace. NEW QUSTNESS: CONSIDFRATIOfd OF FIRST READING Of AN ORDINANCF �OR RFZONING REOUEST, ZC'�I':G ORDIi�A�CF AP1ENDA1[NT ZOA �76-02 BY R�GEI:T DEGA!�DiVf:R, TO !:[ZO�dF FRO�i R-3A TO CR-l; 6431 T.H_____=05: , The Public Works Director stated that this matter came before the Planning Conmission on Nay 5, i97G. Tlie request was denied for several r•easons and the issue was then referred to the City Council. Pir. DeGardner was cantacted that the Council al�uld be I ' considering the matter tonight, but Mr. DeGardner is not prescnt. I ' � t ; ' . � . . . . . .. . .. . .. _... _ _�. . __ _.. _.__. .. _ _ _._. _ ..._ _ . . _ . .. - --.._ _ . . . ' . II ' ' � � , ' ' � ' ' � � �� R[GULAR P10ETItaG OF JULY 12, 1976 PAG[ 2 Councilman Starwalt stated that he reco9nized that the Planning Commission did recommend that it not be rezoned and the rezoniny for t.hat is very good, birt he has a different interpretation of the matter. He said his interpretation is that the persons pi,obably inost affected, if at all, in any future action would be the persons irrti�ediately to the north and the families to the north on the corner of Mississippi and State High���ay 65. Hc had tal4:ed to the residents iri the area, and his belief is that this sort of usaye ��rould be best for the Cit:y in the lony run over possible future apartr�ents that could be put in there. The pc�oplc on Uellvrood, east of the affected properl.y, didn't exF�ress any object,iun; in fact, they indicated they would rather see conunercial there than to see it vacant. Councilman Starwalt �•rent on to say that if �•re are to deny it, �et's dei�y it for the prop�r reasons, Spot rezoniny is to be avoided except �rhere circumstances vrarrant approval. He is trying to look at the effect that the ca,;,rercial pattern would have in consolldatiny or enhancin� the particular area over 4rhat it is no�,r. The ovrners directly i:o the north> although this is residential, do not have City gas and have not been �ible to get it except at a considerable expenditure. They are inclined to think if `t �•rere rezoned that out of the process they city gas and this v;ould certainly be to the�r advantage. Some of tiie audience briefly remar�ed that they objected to the rezoning. Soir.e of them felt that rezoning Grould improve winter parking conditions in tha�t the office building would not have snowbirds and would not create other winter parking problems to the residents in the area. h40T101� by Counci�man Starvralt to waive the reading and adopt the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by CeuncilNroman Y.ukoo-rski. A roll call vote was ta{:en. Council- woman Kukor�ski voted nay, Councilman Fitzpatrick voted nay, Mayor Iiee voted nay, Councilman Hamerni4; voted nay, Councilman Starwalt voted aye. Mayor ��ee declared the motion fa�led to pass by a four to one vote. CONSIDERATIO�� OF FIRST READ?NG OF AN ORDIfiANCE TO FiI•1END CHAPTER 11 OF TNE CITY CODE OF THE C11 Y OF FF.IDLFY SEF;VICE S7ATIO;JS�: � � ^�--------- P1r. Brunsell, Finance Director, stated that the administration has taken a look at the expenses involved. A survey �ti�as made of the time spent and from that it is the recommend��tion that the fees be increased from S30 a year to $60 a year for service stations. t'layor Nee remarked that he v:as ver�� impressed with the vaor}: that was done in this matte�-. The City �4anager said the atlministration 4•l1�� continue to bring these matters to a more frequest scrutiny than has been done. h10TI0N by Councilman Fitzpatrick Co ���aive the reading and adopt the ordinance on first reading. Seconded by Counciltvoman Kukowski, and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, tdayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERAI"IOi� OF FIP,ST P,EADIPJG OF AN ORDIf;ANCE AhiENDING CHAPTER 508 OF THE CITY CODE OF TIIE CITY OF fRIDLEY RELATING TO PARKS AND Pr1RKlJ/IYS: h10TI0N by Councilman Fitzpatrick toiwaive the reading and adopt the ordinance on first reading. Seconded by Councilman Star�•�alt. Upon a voice vote, al] voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimous]y. RECEIVING THE MINUTES Of THE PLANNI�dG COh1,dISSION h1EETING OF JUNE 23, 1976: NANCY Mf_�dIE, SPECIAL US[ P[FU�IIT, SP. ,;'67-07, 1346 MEADOl,fF10QRE DRIVE: The Public tti'orks Director said this is a request for a Special Use Permit to a])ow the operation of a child care center and that the Planning Commission had approved the request. ' Nancy Melbie, the petitiaier, was present and said that she has the facilities to take car•e of the children. The fire inspection shotved tlie horne was in good shape ' but that. it would have to ha��e two smoke detectors> and she will be getting them very soun. I' ! . � I � MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to concur with the Planning Conrnission and approve the Special Use Pc�•mit. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski, and upon a voice vote, all votin9 2ye, Ptayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ' � i ' 7NE REGULAft t•tEETING OF JULY 12, 1976 (PLAIJNIfIG C01•11diSSIOtI 14INUTES COI�TINUCDj PHILLIP 41ILLSOtI, SPECIAL USE P[RI7IT SP k76-03, A01 IROPJTON STKFFT: ::�7 �ncc s The Pub�ic tJorks Uirector stated that the �pecial Use Permit vias to permit the conversion of a one-family, t+,�o-story F�ouse to a tv�o-family house, a double bungalo�r, and the Planning Com�nission Pas reconenended the change. lhe remodeliny would rr_yuire that all appropriate bui�ding codes ti•+ould have to be con�plied viith> and the petitioner has indicate�f that %,e �•rould design the house to comply with all of the codes. The petitioner is �;res�nt. P10TION �y Councilman Fitzpatrick that the Council concur in the unanirnous reconmicnda- tien of the Planning Cor,mission and a;;;,rove the Special Use Perinit. Seconded by Council,rorian Y.uF:owski, and upon a voice vote> all voting aye, �•1ayor Nee declared the ntotivn carried ur;animously. STAV'S SUPERETTE, SPECIAL USE P[Rh1IT SP r76-09, 6483 UNlVERSITY AVE�JUE_N.E.: ' The Public 4�orks Director stated this �•!as a request to alloid an ouCdoor display of a hydroponic garden. As it presently exists on the premises it is illegal. It was moved from another site. He said that the petitioner felt that he could justify some expenditures.for further ir:prove�-�nts a+ith additional cormiercial enterprises ' 'on the site and suggested various landscaping measures such as sidevialks> bikeways, and lardscaping. , � ' The Public �Jorks Director said that th�re was a stipulation that �n the event that the hydroponic system �•�as displaced that the area be turned into an all-yreen area, and that the petitioner has taken out a building permit. 41ith rE�spect to the traffic preblem of weaving ai°ound the median, the City could revie�� the preliminary plans of the I�tinnesota High�;ray Department in conj�mction with the improvement of the intersection. The Special Use Fermit would be for a year and �•�ould give control to ensui,e that �he sodding ��ould be kept up, the shrubbery be trimme��, and the.area generally maintained to have the corner esthetically pleasing. . Councilman Hamernik said t!�at the pPtitioner's re�nodeling and building has been a definite asset to the corner. • MOTION by Councilman Namernik that the Council concur with the recon;�nendations of the ' Planning Commission and apNrove the ��e�uest for the Special Use Perinit with the stipulations regartling landscaping and building modifications. That it be subject to annual revie�•� by the staff, and tha` the boulavard area ��+ould be resodded and trees �•rovld be planted. Posts be installed in the bikeway to ensure no driving of vehicles through the area, and if the nydopor�ic ga�°den display is erminated, the ' area o-,ould be completely sodded. Seco!�ded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice v�te, all voting aye, t•layor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ' , , ROQERI SCHROFR, STREET AND ALLEY �'ACA?ION SAV ;;76-03, STREET EASEM[PdT IN EAST P.ANC}I ESTAT[S 2nd ADDITIO�d: • PfOTIO�I by Councilvioman Kukoti;ski to set a public hearing on the matter on July 19, 1976. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee dc�clared the motion carried unanir:;ously. YOUTH CENTFR: The Public Works Director said that the Planning Commission recommended the approval of th�� Youth Center based on a motion by the Comnzunity Development Conunission. Mr. N�d Storla was pi�esent representing the Youtii Project Conunittee. A discussion ensued in alhich the various sites for a Youth Center were discussed as to propriety and feasibility. The sites disiussed �vere the City liall, the old library and a building located at Locke Park. , • Councilman Starwalt mentioned that in this proposal there is a dollar value being ' pt�t into it by the City as to the space beiny used by the project, and that the users of the premises should plan to pay some reasonable fee, perhaps in the form of ntembership dues. I ' . - f,�.�..P.R�� , _ . , ' � � ��� l�Y REGULAR MEETING OI" JULY 12, 1916 (PI.ANN]t�G COF9t�f]SSION h1IIdUf[S COP�TII�UED) PAGE 4 Councilman f-itzpatrick remarked that the mution as passed by the Plannin�� Conunission was in turn rcally a moticn passed by the Conmwnity Develo4nrrvit Conunission, and would that be sufficient for the City administration to get soiuet.liiny underway'? It provides for the creation of ter,iporary board n�en�hers viith appointees frou; some of our subcomiittees. ' NOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to concur t•ilCVl the motion of the Planninq Con?mission with son,e chanyes: That this youth center should have a temporaey board of directors consisting of six, regular mcn;bers and tt��o cr.-officio me�nbers. Regular members shall bc appointed by the followin9 9roups: One by the Frtdlcy City Council, one by the I-ridlcy Planning Con„nission, onc by the Fridley Ilu�r,an Resources Commission, ' and t�•ro by the Fridley YoutP� f�ro,ject Com!;�.ittee. One ex.-off`icio n�ember shall be appoin:ed by tlie Fridley City Council and one by the Fridley Police Uepartment. The temporary board of directors should serve for not more than thirty days during • wf�ich :ime they �-�iil vn�ite thc charter, est.abiish the interirn ru�es for the youth , ' center and facilitate the election for regular men;bers tU the permanent board. The appointed ex-officio members �-�ill also serve on the permanent buard, and it will be app oved by the City Council. Adrninistratively, the you+h cent:er wi]1 be under the auspices of th� Parks and Recreation Departr��ent ��ho �dill assign sta�f to super- Vise and carry out the guidelines established by the board of directors and approved ' by the Parks and Recreation Director. Further that the City guarantee ti;e use of Che vra��ming house ���ithin 30 days after acceptance of the charter as a teen center. Also that a time limit of one month be set for each commission to appoint a person to the temporary board of directors. If a cor,�;nission does not mal:e their , appointment �•rithin the one-n:onti� period, then the 1'PC has the right to appnint a person to fill that position on Che temporary boa��d of dii�ectors. Furtiier, that the tempor�ry board of directors consist of an ex-officio Parks and Recreatien Commission . member or their designate. The n;otion was seconded by Council�voman I:uko�r:ski. Further discussion ensured concerning possible financing of the Project in the future and where-tl��e Youth Center could be housed if it were to be moved, how it could be handled at staff level. I�IOTION by Councilman Hamernik to amend the motion to state that upon the esiablish- ment of the charter that the board of directors submit the charter to the Parks and Recreation Com!nission and upon their discre.tion to bring it before the City Council for approval. TH[ VOTE UPO(J THE At•1ENDhiEN7 ���as a voice vote> all voting aye, P�tayor ��ee declared the motion to amend carried unanimously. THE VOTE UPOt� THE P10TION AS Ai�iE�vUED was a voice vote, all voting aye> Mayor Nee . � declared the motion carried unanimousiy. GNJ CONSTRUCTION COh1PANY, LOT SPU T L.S. L76-05, HILLWIND ROAD & I.694: The Public IJorks Director stated that this is a request to split a lot into three � building sites to allow a home to be built on one of them, the construction of an , R-1 single fai��ily type of d�,�elling. The property after a split �•rould be in compliance ' with the existing codes, and there are sewer and ���ater facilities to the proposed lots. h1r. Scbiech further stated that the lots would be subject to raodway easements, and tMat a noise abatement barrier ti•�ould be forthcominy. Representatives of the construction company were present. MUTIO� by Councilman Starwalt to concur with the Planning Coinmission recon��nendation and approve the lot split• Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski, and upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RE-EVf,LUATION OF STREET LAYOUT NEAR NORTH PARK: The Public Works Uirector stated that the City should not relinquish any right-of-way, and Ironton could be posted for no truck drivin9. Councilnian Fitzpatrick said that there are many and varied considerations to be applicd to the overall considcration. We have the whole street pattern in the larger i � � '. . �,..n .. , , , R[GUf_AR �4[ETII�G Of JULY 12, 1976 (('LNNNI(JG COI���IISSIO��d MINU(ES CONTINUED) � ��ncE 5 area anc! the con:idcrations are different in diifcrent parts of it. The reconcnenda- tion is to rnake no chanye and fc�r the inust part nobody. has as4:ed us to n�:�l�e a change. Cotmcilirian Fitzpat:rick said that in readiny all of the uiinutes, he has the impres- sion tiiat in considering this petitior;, Lliey iuoked as t.he s�reet, paLCer�r� vn a nwch larger �rea, and he did not fecl this petiitiun aras actually responded to. I; Councilwan Hamernik said tf�at his interpretation �r�as thal, thc ��eti�lGCl �•rould affect i.hese other areas aiid that if ��ie honored t.he petition l7C �rouln have to consider doiny something v�ith the other areas sucn as the extensicn of H3rd � across t.he tracl:s. � , , � , � Councilman Fitzpatrick said that the p�tition ��us hiqhly specific on somc thinys and it does not impinge on the tvhole pattern in the ar'ea. He lias no trouble support�ng the recoin!;;endation of the Planning Commission at this point. lie stated that his reservation is tl��t he did not get the feeliny from readii;; ti�e r.:inutes of the {'lanning Coimnission that they �•rere agreeing themselves as to ihese ��eyuests. Councilnan Star�valt said that he was also confused on it. After so«�e further. discussion, Flayor flee declared � recess 9:52 P.11. to 10:10 P.t�. ) Mayor Nf�e called the Council back into session at 10:10 P.Id. (Recess tal:en from The City t�lanager stated that the concern of the people on Ironton Street regarding the tra`fic is valid, and the question is how can �•re minimize industrial traffic on residential streets. There is need to address ourselves to the request and come back fo�� some intermediate solutions. 1�10TION by Counciliran Fitzpatrick that the administration f�n�i:her coi�sider the means of minimizing or e7iminatin9 industrial traffic on Ironton and at a later time come back �•rith a proposal. Seconded by Councilwo:nan Kukor�ski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, hiayor Ne2 declared the n�otion carried unanin:ously. S7RIdDAR�IZED STREET t�J1DTNS: MOTION oy Councilwoman Kukot•�ski to conc�m in the t-ecommendation of the Planning Com�nission. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. After discussion the motiun was withdra,m.. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick, seconded by Council���oman Kuko���ski, that the staff do additional study and develop a resolution to return to the City Council on standard policy. Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, Piayor• Nee declared the n�otion carried unaniriously. R[C[IVING PETITION ;�17-1976 REQUFSTING CHANGE I(� "NO PARKING° SIGNS ON 7TH STREET f3LT4iEEN 61ST Ai'iD 63f2D AVENUES: ' MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to receive Petition �12-1976 and direct staff to work with the Ward Councilman to put up appropriate no parking siyns> either "tro Parking 6- 8 Monday-Thursday" or "No Pai°king tdeekdays". Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski, and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the nrotion cari°ied unanimously. RECEIVlNG P[TITIOPd ;�13-197G R[(1`UESTIfdG A"FOUR tJAY S70P" SIGf� AT THE INTERSECTION 0'F GARCF_tdA A,JD ST1P�S0�4 t30ULEVARD: — ----- -- — MOT10N by Councilwoman Kukowski to receive the petition arld direct staff to prepare a recommendation in cooperation with New l�riqhton. Seeonded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote> all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motiun carried unanimously. CONS.DfRATION OF REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF F[FS FOR COfdSTRUCTION OF 6LEACtiER fACILITY AT FKIULEY HIGti� SCIl00L: � �^ __ .__ _ _�- -- ----- MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to grant tlie request and waive the City inspection fees. Seconded uy Councilm�n Stararalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee dec:lared the rnotion carried unanimously. � �---->�a ' . . �� ' ' , ' � �.n� R[GULAR I'�ETItIG Of� JUIY 12, 1976 CO'+:�IDEF;�Iu'� G: PRFL];�INARY 11PPLTCATIU'IS FUR 1_A4;CO�d FUNDING: PAGE 6 The City t?anager outlined the options under this plan, and considerable discussion ensued re7ar;:ir�. applications for funding for Rive�,viev; Heiyhts Park and the bikeway/ wa i kway s�s te�n. � � f•i��i0?; b; Co�nr_;lman I:amernik to approve submission of i.he preliminary applications for Lnn;,�;`� f�ncing for the bikea�ay/��ralkway system. Secondc�d by Councilwoman I:u�:c,�st:i , ar,d �;.�n a roice vote, all vuting aye, I•tayor Plee declared the inotion carried .�;ani�^o:,;iy. CO?�SI^cR=."10'i CF CONT��i,CT WITN METROPOLITAN COUIdC,IL PERTAIPJING TO S[CTION II fUWD]NG: The City ;'anager stai:ed that instead of the Metropolitan Council running the whole operatic^, tr,ere is a feeling that the matter couid be better run on the local level. l�'e ieel ���at �.re can do the job and because we will be reimbursed, there is no cost to �he C�"�!Utllt�. HC;i°fully, 4J� can do a better job than the f�letropolitan Council. lt �ou1d �e cp±+on t�•ro of the three presented. h10�I0�r b.; Counciln�an Fitzpatrick that the contract emphasizing 1oca1 staffing (Option No. 2; b� ezecu:ed. Seconded by Coim cil�•�oman Kuko�•�ski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, hiay�r F;ee c�clared the motion carried unanimously. � � CO'�SID�R'-.� iG.i C; SETTL�t-lEN7 OF LAWSUIT - M�ARY MARTJPJ VS. CITY OF FRIDLEY: — — i The Public l�erks Director stated that we did offer, and we are offering by the release, � to �o in �here and mal:e su��e that there is the proper backfill, et cetei°a, to prohibit fur�her e;�osion. The City =.ttorney stated that from a practical standpoint, it is a good solution to the las�su�t, arc from an economic standpoir�t it cerl:ainly is a 9ood solution. He went on �e e>:p?ain t^e lega] ramifications on other alternatives and how the settlement arrange�,e;�ts �;or�:ed ar,d the City's part in each. + t�OTI��t by ucunci?man i-iizpatricl: to approve ihe settlement of tiie laaisuit. Seconded by Counci?-:ar H:.-,errrik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor ��ee declared the motion car�ried u,:animcusly. CO'1SIC�R=:':0'+ 0= BFSOLLTION N0. 59-1976 AUTHORI7I�G P,ND DIR[C7IfdG THE COF�I6INTNG OF SPE�:I;;L F.�5�S5:?�;iS G�; LOT 21, GLOCK 11, I1fdD LOl 2?, CiLOCK 17, FRIDLFY PARK: t�tOTIO.� b�� Ceunci;woman Y.ukovrski to adopt Resolution No. 59-1976. Seconded by Council- man Starr.alt. L'�on a voice vote, all voting aye, �layor Nee declared the motion carried unanir:o;�s1y. COi+SID�RAT'_OV 0� RESO!_�TION fd0. 60-1976 NUTNORI7_ING AND bIREC7ING THF CO(�iQINING OF SPE4IAL r•,��ESSi,i';TS 0?! S. 34' OF LOT 7, AND fd'z OF LOT II, f3LOCk �l, SHAFFER'S SUB. #;l: trOTIC:; Ey Councilman Starwalt to adopt Resolution IQo. 60-1976. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski, and u�on a voice vote, ail voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimo�sly. COt;S:DERi;T?0'� OF RESOLUTION IJO. 61-1976 AUTHORI7_ING AND DIREC7IIyG TNE SPUTTING OF SPE�:AL F;��ES�`1:'�TS Ofc_�ARCEL 3190, Uf�PLATTEU SECTIOiJ 11: MOTlOid Cy Councilaroman Kulowski to adopt Resolution No. 61-1976. Seconded by Council- man Hamerr,ik, and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, A1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanir�ously. APFOINTI�;E`;T: CITY EhiPLOYEE: � 1•30T]ON t�y Councilrnan Na�nernik to concur in the appointment af the Park and Recreation Director as follows: tdAt�i: POSITION SALARY EFFECTIVE DATC REPLACLS � , Charles A. i3oudreau Director of �19,300 July 13> 19/6 Paul arown 6540 Gec�reia Ave, No. Parks and per ' Brooklyn Park, Mn. Recreation year , 554�3 • � � � , � � � � � 1 i 0 � . � I ' � � � � ' � � i i � ' , '. ' ' � ;i � � ' � ' , REGULAR t�LETIIJG OF JULY 1?_, 197G .I i�i ; PAGE 7 The motion was �econded by Councilm�r� f�i�tzpatric4:. Couricilwuman Y.ukov�sl;i rioved to table �he matter. Discussion ensui•ed and I•tayor I�ee rr_marE:ed that thc ch�rter allows the Ci`.y hlanager to select emptoyees, and the appointee's credential� are outstandin9. CouncilYroman Kuko��ski replied tf,at �•�e have on our staff a pei•son vihosc credentials are equally as good. Counciluian H�mernik said he �-rould move to c:oncur with the �4ayor's statement, and to suppor�� L'ne City P1anager's recon,i�,enciation and to c.u��tnend f�iirn for a job Urell done. He has laborcd long and hard and fias the intei�est of thc City at heart. Councilman Starwalt said he F•ras impressed �•rith the credentials and ��ould he in favor of the appointmrnt. Council�,�or��an nuko���ski stated that she had �•rorked v�ith Dan Iluff, t�aturalist/P,esou��ce Co�irdinator, in the con::�:,urrity schools and has ��,atiched him 4,ork with ail kinds of groups. She also read a brief inemoranduni concerning hei° opinon in the matY.er. Councilaroman Y.uko�•rski concluded �•�ith sayiny she cannot vote favorably on the matter. ' 7HE V0�-E upon the motion �•ras a voice vote, Councilrnan Star�•ralt voting aye, Councilman Hamern�k voting aye, Councilman Fitzpatric{: votino aye, Councilman Y.ukoarski voting nay, htayoi° I;ee voting aye. i•layor ivee declared the motion to appoint Charles 6oudreau carried by a foui� to one vote. tdayor Plee introduced Charles Boudreau, and upon the Mayor's request, Mr. Boudreau briefl�� outlined his academic and professional career. CLAIf•1S; MOTIOf4 by Councilti•�oman Kuko+•�ski to pay the claims as presented. Seconded by Co�ncil- man St�n,�•ralt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�1ayor t•Jee declared the motion carried unanimously. LICEtdSE:S: MOTION by Cou��cilman Starwalt to approve the licenses as submitted and as on file in the Cii:y Clerk's office. Seconded by Cou,�cilman Ha�nernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the moiion carried urranimously. ESTIP1A1'ES: MOTION 6Y Councilman Kukowski, second�d by Councilma Namernik, to approve the following estimates for payment: N.D.H. Asphalt Company, Inc. 5400 N.W. Industry Avenue Anoka, p1innesota 55303 PE�RTIAL [stimate r2 on Street Improvement Project ST. 1976-1 Smith, Juster, Feikema 6uildei°s Exchange 6uilding Minneapolis, Piinnesota 55402 For services rendered by Carl Newquist as Prosecutor for the month of June, 1976 �98,815.91 $ 1,612.84 Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, t�1ayor I�ee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDE_RA7IOi7 Of APPROVAL OF HOUS[ TRAILER r1PPLICATION l3Y DANIEL G. tJELSON, 6070 CENTRAL AV[WUE fy.[. STOR�1Ge ONLY : ------ —�-----__�_ MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the application for the house trailer. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski, and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ptayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. B�Y SCUUT POSTER: TNANk YOU: P10TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick tc� recieve the poster siyned by all the [3oy Scouts thankiny the City Council. Seconded by Councilm�n Hamernik, and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Pfayoi- �ee decla��ed the mution carried unanimously. The poster is to be I�ung clu�vnstairs in the Parks Llc�partment. ;� . 1 a 1 ,.; • .; RCGULAR COUWCIL h1{�(:TIPIG OF JULY 12, 1976 PAGL � RLC[IVllvf, RESIGN�TIO�J: CAftLE TE:t.EVISIOfJ C014'�1SSI0(d: tdOTTUN I�y Councilman Ilamernik to receive the resignatioiz of �lancy 41i,ubel from the Cable T��levision Comrni :sion. .`,econded by Cuuncilrnan Start•relt. U��on a voice vote, all voting aye, (4ayor fJee declared the niotion cari-ied. ADJOURId: tdOTIOP� by Council�•�oman Y.uko�•�ski to adjourn thr� regula�� council neeting of �1uly 12> 19%6. Sceond��c1 by Council�nan Hr,n�erni4:, and upon ��ioi�e vutc�, all vo':ing -:;e> t�layor Nee declared the n�otion carried unanie.ou;ly, and the i�.cetiny adjoui�ncd at 11:55 P.I'I. Respectfully submitted> John Cheg�•�yn William J. Nee Council Sec�etary Mayor Rpproved: ye�Y.. �J 1 THE PIINUTES OF THE PUBLIC NEARING MEE�ING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CQUNCIL OF JUNE 14, 1976 e 0 ' ' � II ���� I ' �� � � � � i � , � `� � THE MINUTES (►F THE PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUPlCIL OF JUNE 14, 1976 The public h��arinn was called to order by P4ayor Nee at 7:35 p.m. on June 14, 1976. PLEDGE OF ,1LLEGIANCE: Mayor P�ee welcomed the audience and invited them to join with the Council in the Pledge of ATlegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilwoman Kukowski, Councilman Starwalt, Councilman Hamernik, Councilman Fitzpatrick and P1ayor Nee. MEMBERS ABSENT: None ADOP7ION OF THE AGENDA: Mayor Nee stated that Mr, Johnson, 5948 7th Street Northeast, had asked for an opportunity to speak to the City Council and that P1r. Johnson would be placed at the head of the agenda. Mr. Kenneth Sporre, 301 Ironton Street Northeast, asked for time; and he will appear at the end of t.he meeting. Mr_. Sporre would like to ask for some special consideration with reference to a possible variance. MOTION by Cauncilwoman Kukowski to adopt the agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. llpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. VISITORS: Mayor Nee invited Mr. Johnson, 5948 7th Street Ptortheast, to make his comments. Mr. Johnson said it was in regard to gettinc� parkinq tickets in front of his house. Yesterday h�� got one at 6:70 p.m. and he was ordered to move his car. He moved his car to the other side of the street and got another ticket by an officer, badge number 12. The post9ng of the no-parking signs, he said, occurred about four years ago, but his area had no say in the matter. He would like to see them removed. P1r. Johnson stated that the officer made an abusive remark, and upon query by �1ayor �tee, the imputed remark was, "If you are so stupid to park there, you deserve a ticket". Mayor Nee remarked that the City Council had been getting compiaints about parkfng tickets recently. Seeminclly there was an inconsistency in enforcing the no-parking regulations. Councilman Hamernik inquired about the circumstances that led to the issuance of the second ticket. Mr. Johnson said that his car had remained where it was when the first ticket was issued. He came back somewhat later to remove his car and saw the officer checking his car again. Mr. Johnson said then he moved his car to another spot on the other side of the street, which isn't posted, and the officer issued him a second ticket at t.hat time. Mayor Nee zsked PAr. Johnson if he wouid circuiate a petition amon� his neighbors and get their sentiments and then bring the results to the City Council. PUBLIC HEAF;INGS: PUBLIC HEAf;If•1G ON FINAL PLAT SUBDIVISION P.S. #76-04 BY MIKE 0'BAP7P�ON, HEATHER HILLS MQTION by Councilman Starwalt to open the Public Hearinq and to waive the reading. Seconded bv Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared tl�e motion carried unanimously. � � i i R5 -' PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 14, 1976 PAGE 2 No one was present to represent the petitioner. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to table the Public Nearing to later in the meeting. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC NEARING ON REZONING REQUEST, ZONING ORDIMANCE AMENDP1ENT ZOA �76-02, BY ROBERT 0. DEG RDNER TO REZONE FROM R-3A TO CR-l; GENERALLY LOCATED AT 6431 HWY. =6 : No one was present to present the petitioner's matter. M OTION by Councilman Starwalt to table the Public Hearinq to later in the meeting. � Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING ON ISSUING AN ON-SALE WINE LICENSE TO ROBERT HEPlRY SCHROER, 7610 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NORTHEAST. CABALlERO SANDWICH SALOON : The Finance Director said that the application had been approved by the Police Department. MOTIOPI by Councilman Fitzpatrick to open the Public Hearing and waive the reading. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. No one was present to present the petitioner's matter. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to close the Public Hearinq. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried I unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: r=°SCONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER #1 TO STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT $T. 1976-i i ADD 12,948; SURFACING TENNIS COURTS : � A ssistant City Engineer, Thomas Colbert, said that this change order item is to be done by the street contractor, and in conjunction with the chanqe order there will be an ' additional expense incurred by fencinq, nets, posts and the striping, and the final landscaping associated with the three tennis courts. The fencing would enclose the court by a ten-foot high cyclone fence. All of this is within the budqet for tennis � cou rts . i MO7ION by Councilman Hamernik to adopt the chanqe order. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski � Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ! � CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION N0. 47-1976 EXPRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL'S IPlTENT TO HIRE A � The City Attorney said that the resolution is fine. They are in the process of preparing the necessary papers to include a request for either a restraining order or for a temporary injunction. The papers would probably be ready to sign and to be filed within a week. This resolution wi11 show that the City Council has a vacancy and will fill it depending on the determination by the court as to whether new officers can be placed in the Police and Fire PERA Fund. MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to adopt Resolution No. 47-1976. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Mayor Nee said that the Resolution is posted in the hall, and he will not read it unless there is someone in the audience that wants it read. There was no response. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. '� � � , � ; � I i � , � ' � 8� PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 14, 1976 PAGE 3 CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION N0. 48-1976 ORDERIPIf PRELIPIINARY PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS TNEREOF: STORM SEWER IPIPROVEMENT PROJECT #120: Assistant City Engineer, Thomas Colbert, stated that this resolution is to install storm sewers to ensure the improvement of the tax forfeit iots. There is presently a severe gully washcut that comes down these lots. There have been complaints by the residents of the area of the unsightly erosion and washout. lhere is quite a steep embankment, approximately 30 feet from Pierce to 52nd Avenue, anc', it would be in the City's best interests to correct the drainage problem. The project. would be undertaken in conjunction with Anoka County. The lots would be put up for auction. A storm seNrer would be required, and we would connect into the existing storm sewer on 52nd Ave�nue and construct an extension going up the washout with a 12-foot catch basin; and upon its completion, the washout wouid be backfilled to create a gentle swale to tYie catch basin, and the back of these lots would be graded to a normal slope such as has, been developed by the residentiai properties there. , It is proposed that the County would do the earth-moving, and the City would handle the storm sewer•s. A motion had been passed by the County Board of Corrmissioners asking Mr. 0'Bannon to work with the County En�ineer and the City Staff to make the necessary arrangemenl:s and scheduling to perform the work, should it be approved. Quite a bi1; of fill would be required, and it wou]d come from the other tax forfeit lots, and each lc�t would be directly benefited by the storm sewer and the renrading. All costs would be assessed against these tax forfeit properties. The Assist�int City Engineer, Mr. Colbert, said that the cost of constructing the sewer is an estir�ated $4,500. The cost of moving the earth and grading is not available as the County is handling that. The cost o�` putting in the storm sewer could be cut by using salvageable materials from other projects that are now in a yard or some materials left over from the County underpass ��roject; this may reduce the costs to $3,000. He said that in talking to Mr. 0'Bannon that Mr. 0'8annon indicated that the assessments woul� be ]evied equally upon all l��ts. There are a potential 13 lots that would be full-sized. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt Resolution No. 48-1976. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousl;y. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION N0. 49-1976 RECEIVING THE PRELIP1INARY REPORT, RECEIVIfJG MOTION MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt Resolution No. 49-7976. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousl.y. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION N0. 50-1976 ORDERING IPIPROVEP1ENT AND fINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIPIATES F COSTS THEREOF: STORM SEWER I�1PROVEh1ENT PROJECT #120: MOTION by Councilman Starwait to adopt Resolution No. 50-1976. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P4ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION N0. 5]-1976 ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND APPROVAL OF PLANS: STO�� SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #120: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the Resolution No. 51-1976. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the rrrotion carried unanimously. REQUESTED LICENSES: FRIDLEY 49'ERS: ; MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the issuance of food, on-sale beer, and � dance licenses for the 49'ers softball games and Community dance, and waive the fee. �' Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee � declared t.he motion carried unanimously. ; � PUSLIC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 14, 1976 The Council then took from the table the matter of the PUDLIC HEARING ON FINAL PLAT SUBDIIIISION P.S. #76-04 BY MI ��% � PAGE 4 ' 0'BANP�ON, HEATHER HILLS MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to continue the public hearinq to Monday, June 21, 1976. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor N ee declared the motion carried unanimously. T he Council taok from the table the matter of the PUBLIC HEARING ON REZONING REQUEST, ZONING ORDINA�CE AMENDMENT ZOA #76-02, BY ROBERT D. DEGARDNER TO REZONE FROM R-3A to CR-l; GENERALLY LOCATED AT 6431 Highway 65: Mayor Nee asked if there was someone representing the petitioner to speak on the matter. There was no response. Councilman Starwalt read aloud the five points for denial of this zoning request as found in the Planninq Commission Pleeting Minutes of May 5, 1976. Mr. Arnold Elmquist, 8140 Long Lake Road Northeast, said he thought he would come to the meeting to see that the City Council accepts the Planning Commission recommendation and carrys it through. He said there is presently enouqh commercial in Fridley; that is, available conunercial areas. Mr. Russell Burris said he lived at 1150 Mississippi Street Northeast. He said he has lived there for 25 years and is retired and loves Fridley. He said he wanted to � stay here. If this thing were granted, which it cannot be, as the Planninq Commission � knocked it out, he won't be able to stay here. His place would become a parking lot. He has a beautiful home here, and wants to stay here and live out his life here. He loves it here. Mr. Surris then remarked about the traffic hazards that would be invoTved if the rezoning were granted. ' Mr. Arnold Elmquist, 8140 Long Lake Road Northeast, said he had several apartment houses in Fridley, and two of them adjoin the property here. He said he has apartment houses across the street, and came to the meeting tonight hoping that this would be buried once and for all. Mayor Nee replied that they have a le�al riqht to this hearinq and a legal right to a judgment by the City Council and the judgment has to be on the record, and has to be defended in the record. Mayor Nee said that he would like their testimony in the matter. Mr. Elmquist said this has all been gone over before, all the different facets of why it is undesirable, and he came here tonight to see it buried. He is against it. It is out of character with the immediate neighborhood, and would be a cancer that would start troubie. At the Planning Commission there was no one for it except P1r. DeGardner. All he could say was that it was a nice building. Mr. Elmquist had nothing else to say. Councilman Starwalt asked Mr. Elmquist if he would like to see apartment buildings there. Mr. Elmquist said that would be preferable to this sort of thing. Mr. Burris said that he would prefer double bungalows to the rezoning-request. ' More discussion ensued on the merits of financing the apartments versus the proposed structure. Mayor Nee explained the options the City Council had in the matter and asked Mr. Elmquist � and Mr. Burris to come back to the June 21st meetinq. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to continue the public hearing until the next City Council meeting, June 21, 1976. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried uranimously. � �1 � I � � i • ' � ti ; tl I � Ii � � i � � � 1 t � �� � � � ; � 1 ' � PUBLIC HEAF;ING MEETING OF JUNE 14, 1976 PAGE 5 MR. KENNETIi SPORRE, 301 IRONTON STREET NQRTNEAST: Mr. Sporre asked the City Council to waive the 35 foot setback to the building of a home. By so doin�3 it will keep his house in line with the other homes, otherwise his house will be in the creek. He said that the area is unusual in several ways and that pre- cipitated the problem of the 35 foot setback. He stated there had been a class action in which all variances were waived for that area, but that information has not been dug up yet. It takes time to find it. P�1r. Sporre talked about the problems with surveying the area, not only by him, but by others, and that possibly some homes are on property that belongs to others. The City Attorney suggested that the matter be laid over until next week when P1r. Sporre would come in with a survey of the property and vaith some indication of where the house will be located. This would also give h1r. Sporre and the staff time to exchange infor- mation. Mr. Sporre� said that he has a surveyor working on the problem. Also that he has the signatures of the adjoining property owners, and there is no objection to his request. Mayor Nee suggested that Mr. Sporre take his matter immediately to the Appeals Commission with the <,ignatures which will have the effect of waivina the notice. If there is no vote aclainst it, it'will be bindinc�. If there is a vote against it, it will have to come ta the Council next Monday night. ADJOURNMEf�T: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adjourn the meetinn. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the meetinq of the Fridiey City Council oF June 14, 1976 adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, John Chegwyn Council Secretary Approved: 41i 11 i am J. Nee Mayor THE MINUTES OF TF'E REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF JUNE 21, 1976 0 �� : ; . �,._-� .� THE MINJTES OF THE REGULAR P1EETING Of THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF JUNE 21, 1976 The reg�lar meeting of the Fridley City Council of June 21, 1976 was called to order by Mayor Nee at 7:37 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor N�e welcomed the audience and invited them to join with the Counci7 in saying the Ple�ge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CA_L: MEMB_RS PRESENT: Councilwoman Kukowski, Councilman Starwalt, Councilman Hamernik, Mayor Nee, and Councilman Fitzpatrick. MEM6=RS ABSENT: None APPROVAI. OF MINUTES: REGUI_AR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1976: MOTION I�y Councilwoman Kukowski to approve the minutes as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carri-ed unanimously. ADOPTIOIJ OF THE AGENDA: Mayor N��e stated he would like to add, "Receiving Communication from the Fridley Police Pension Association". MOTION I�y Councilman Hamernik to adopt the agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimoiasly. OPEN FOItUM, VISITORS: Mr. Ed iVilmes recounted his efforts with various councils and persons to get letters of approva'I that would go to the Metropolitan Council towards the establishing of the Islands of Peace as a special use regional park. He asked the City Council for their approval of the matter. � MOTION by Councilwoman Kuko�aski that the staff prepare a letter to the Metropolitan Council designating the Islands of Peace as a regional special use park. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, ^1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS: CONTINUEU PUBLIC HEARING 0�{ FIfVAL PLA? SUBDIVISIOP! P.S. #76-04 BY MIKE 0'BANNON, HEATHER HILLS THIRD ADDITION; GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF HEATHER HILLS 2ND ADDITIOPJ r�aiirn .iiinir in io�� • Mr. 0'Bannon stated that the terrain was difficult to work vrith. He could have nine undesirable lots or he could have eight lots all buildable, all in conjunction ►•�ith advice from the City Engineer. Councilman Starwalt questioned the status of the parcel of land immediately to the west uf this plat and as to its access. Assistant City Engineer, Tom Colbert, responded that this parcel had been dedicated to the City by � Mr. 0'Bannon for park and draina�e purposes and access was being provided with a 20' ' drainage utility, and bikeway/walkway easement alonn the storm sewer alignment. ; MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Pdee declared the motion carried , unanimously. , � i � i ' �0 . REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUN[ 21, 1976 CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARIPJG ON REZONIP�G REQUEST, ZONING ORDIP�ANCE AMEN BY ROQERT D, DEGARDNER TO REZO�ti'E fR0�1 R-3A TO CR-1; GENERA LY LOCAT PAGE 2 ZOA #76-0 Mr. DeGardner was present and exoiained his views of his plat to the City Council. He also showed the diagra�ns of his building to the Council. Mayor Nee said that the letter from Mr. Russell Burris, 1150 Mississippi Street Northeast, dated June 21, 1976, should be entered into the record. D1r. Arnold Elmquist, 8140 Long l.ake Road Northeast. was present and reiterated his opinions of last week at the City Council meeting, Councilman Fitznatrick said he had a letter from a woman who said she did not object to the building but she would object to further changes in the R-1 character of the district. Mr. Richard Harris, 6200 Riverview Terrace Pdortheast (Planning Commission Chairman), stated that if the City Council does concur with the request, then a request should go to the P]ann�ng Canmission to re-study the whole area so that the comprehensive plan of the City can be amended. It now states that the characteristics of this area should b� residential. Mayor Nee read a letter to the audience from htr. Neil W. Stuber, 6452 Dellwood Drive Northeast, in which Mr. Stuber expresses his opposition to the rezoning r•equest. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. The matter will come uo again durina the first meetino in July. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousiy. PUBLIC HEARING ON A VARIANCE REQUEST BY KENNETH SPORRE TO REDUCE THE FRONT YARD SETBACK, TO BE IN LINF WITH THE EXIS1-ING HOUSES�AP?ROXIf1ATELY 5-10 FEET TO ALLOt�I CONSTRUCTIUN OF NGUSE APJD GARAGE ON !JESTERLY 75 FEET ON LOT 26, A.S. #103; 295 IRONTOPJ 5TREET N.E.: � MQTIGN by Councilman �tarwalt to open the hearing and waive the reading. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Dlee declared the mctior carried unanimously. MOTIOfd by Councilman Starwalt to close the hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to concur with the recommendations of the Appeals Commission ard grant the variance. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: CQNSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FUR VARIANCE BY A. L. WILLIAMS, 533 GLEPlCOE, FOR LOT AREA R�UUCTION FROM 7500 SQUARE �EET TO 5500 S�UARE FEET TABLED 6/7/76 : ` MOTION by Counciiman Fitzpatrick that the City Council concur with the Appeals Commission and grant the variance. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NFW BUSINESS: ' CONSIUERATION OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT SU�DIVISION P.S. �i6�04, 3Y MIKE C'BANNON, FIEATHER HILLS 3RD ADDITION: J MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the final piat. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. i ---- I , � � , � � RE6ULAR COUNCIL MEETIPJG OF JUNE 21, 1976 PAGE 3 ��"1. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY FRIDLEY �AYCEES FOR ASSISTANCE DURING SLOW PITCH TOURNAMENT: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick that the request be granted and to waive the fee for the 3.2 beer, to participate in the erection of the fencinq; to have one park employee supervise the work of the volunteers, and that the parking signs be covered on the east side of 7th Street and on the south side of 61st Avenue. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING TIiE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 9, 1976: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to receive the minutes of the Planninq Commission meeting of June 9, 1976. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, t�layor Nee declared the motion carried unanirnously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE CABLE TELEVISION COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 9, 1976: MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to receive the minutes of the Cable Television Commission meeting of June 9, 1976. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COP1MISSION PIEETIfdG OF JUNE 8, 1976: MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to receive the minutes of the Police Civil Service Cor�mission meeting of June 8, 1976. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote,-all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. COPJSIDERATION OF AN AGREEMENT TO 41AIVE PERFORPIANCE BOND REQUIREPIENT ON DEVELOPMENT OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. REQUEST BY RICHARD HARRIS FOR 7765 - 95 P1AIN STREET: Mr. Richard Harris stated that, in his opinion, the enforcement of the performance bond is not financially satisfying or practical in some cases. Discussion centered on alternative methods such as a cash deposit which would give flexibility to the performance requirements. MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to waive the performance bond requirement and draw up the � agreement as it is stated in the second paragraph of Zoning Ordinance 205.167.36. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING REPORT ON STATUS OF DISEASED TREE GONTROL PROGRAM IN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY: � � � � � � MOTION by Councilman Star�aalt to receive the report on the diseased tree control program and correct the word in the firsi line of the last para�raoh on the first page of the report from "assessing" to "subsidizing". Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1a,yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick that th? Cit,y will pa,y all treatment and removal costs for boulevard trees. Seconded by Councilwoman K��kowski. Unon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTIOP� f�0. 52-1976 AUTHORIZING THE CHANGIN(; OF THE 1976 BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND TERRACE PARK VOLLEY6ALL COURT : The Assistant City Engineer, Tom Colbert, stated that the fencing would cost, rou�hly, $10 or $11 per foot. MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to adopt the proposal as outlined for the expansion of the tennis court with the provision that a temporary snowfence backstop be installed in place of extending the existing fence, and to adopt Resolution No. 52 authorizing the changing of the 1976 budget appropriations within the general fund. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ' _ ___ _ y �. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIP�G Of JUNE 21, 1976 PAGE•4 CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BID - LOTS 10 AND 11, BLOCK 6, OAK GROVE ADDITION (BID OPEtdINC, JUNE 17, 1976 : The City Clerk stated that there were no bidders at the official bidding time, but the next day Mr. Ramon Carlson came in and made an offer which was in excess of the minimum bid. His offer was $8,450. The City Clerk recommended that the City accept the offer of Mr. Carlson. MOTION by Councilman Namernik to award the sale of the lots to f1r. Ramon Carlson. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice ��ote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousl,y. Mayor Nee stated the record should show that ihe City Assessor shows that this is a fair price for the land. RECEIVING ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEM6ER 31 1976: MOTiOPd by Councilman Fitzpatrick to receive tha report. Seconded by Council4�oman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votin� a,ye, Playor fdee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVIPJG PETITION N0. 10-1976 REQUESTING REVISION TO P70 PARKING SIGNS ON 7TH STREET FROP4 59TH TO 61ST AVENUE AND PETITION N0. 11-1976 REQUESTING COP1PLETE RE�10VAL OF THE NO PARKING FROP1 6:00 P.�1. TO 8:00 P.h1. SIGPJS •�N THE 5900 BLOCK OF 7TH STREET: Mayor Nee said that he had a petition for removal of signs in one block, and the City Council can consider it to be Petition No. 11. MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to receive Petition No. 10-1976. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, f1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to rereive Petition No. 11-1976. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor P�ee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Hamernik that on Petition P�o. 11-1976 that the staff remove the sinns from 5932 throuah 5964 7th Street on the west side, and replace the existing signs on 7th Street from 60th Avenue to filst Avenue to indicate "No Parking 6:00 - 8:00 P.P1. Except Saturday and Sunday." Councilman Hamernik said that he would contact the two residents at 5972 and 5950 7th Street who did not sinn Petition No. 11-1976, and if they indicate a desire to keep the existina parking restrictions, the City will replace their existing sign with the aonropriate si�ri desi�nating the extent of the parking restrictions. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Nee declared that a recess would be taken. (At 10:50 p.m. the Council took a recess.) , (Council reconvened at ll:ll p•m.) (All members were present.) CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION N0. 53-1976 REQUESTIN(; THAT THE ANOKA COUNTY BOARD PARTIC� IPATE IN FUhDING THE NORTH SUBURQAN FAMILY SERVICE CEP�TER: MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to adopt Resolution Plo. 53-1976. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, f1a,yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. COPlSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION N0. 54-1976 REQUESTI�JG 50% COST SHARING FROM PIIPJNESOTA DEPARTMENT UF NATURAL RESOURCES FOR TNE INSTALI_ATIOP� OF Flf� AERATION SYSTEM AND A FISHING PIER ON EAST SIDE OF MOOP,E LAKE: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve Resolution No. 54-1976. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayoi° PJee declared the motion carried unanimously. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 21, 1976 CONSIDERATION Of RESOLUTION N0. 55-1576 OIRECTING THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAWS OF 1957, CHAPTER 385�WATER, SA�ITA i �1� , PAGE 5 ; IMPROVEMENT D STORM D10TION,by CouncilwomanLKukowski to adopt Resolution No. 55-1976. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION N0. 56-1976 DIRECTING THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF TEMPORARY MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to adopt Resolution No. 56-1976. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION N0. 57-1976 CANCELLING SPECIAL ASSESSMENT PAYMENTS DUE IN 1974 ON LOTS 2 AND 3, BLOCK l, UEITS ADDITION: t•lOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 57-1976. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF RESQLUTION N0. 58-1976 RECEIVIfJG THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING t�10TI0N by Counci7woman Kukowsk� to adopt Reso7ution No. 58-1976. Seconded by Councilman Star���alt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to pay the claims No. 75232 - 15448. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votin9 aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousiy. LICENSES: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the iicenses as submitted and on file in the License Clerk's office. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, ail voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: 4Jeaver, Talle & Herrick 316 East Main Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 For Services Rendered as City Attorney for May, 1976 $1,202.50 Smith, Juste�, Feikeina, Chartered 1250 Builders Exchange Building. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 For Services Rendered as Prosecutor for May, 1976 $1,604.31 h10TI0N by Councilman Hamernik to pay the estimates. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the moticn carried unanimously. � � i i , _ _ : - _ 94 � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUPdE 2l, 1976 PAGE 6 I ASSOCIATION DATED P1AY 6, 1976: � RECEIVIIVG COMMUNICATION FROM THE FRIDLEY POLICE PENS ON MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski ta receive the communication from Fi°idley Police Pension � Association dated P1ay 6, 1976. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, , all voting aye, Mayor Nee deciared the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: � The Requ1ar Meeting on June 21, 1976, of the Fridley City Council was adjourned by Mayor Nee at 11:45 p.m. � ' Respectfully submitted, � 1 John Chegwyn William J. Nee Council Secretary P1ayor ' � I Approved: � ' � � ' � 1 , ' � , � , � , � � � �� � 1 � _ �� � � � � � ORDINANCE N0. � AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND TNE CITY CODE OF THE CITY QF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA BY MAKING A CHANGE IN ZONING DISTRICTS � � � i � ' , , ' � � � � � , � � - I i � The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Appendix D of the City Code of Fridley is amended as hereinafter indicated. SECTION 2. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and described as: The South 150 feet, front and rear of Lot 9, and the West 47 feet of the South 120 feet of Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivision No. 88, lying in the South Half of Section 13, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County.of Anoka, Minnesota, Is hereby designated to be in the Zoned District known as CR-1 (general office and limited businesses). SECTION 3. That the Zoning Administrator is directed to change the official zoning map to show said tract or area to be rezoned from Zoned District R-3A (apartment and multiple dwellings district) to CR-1 (general office and limited businesses). PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1976. ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL Publ�c Hearing: June 14, 1976 First Reading: Second Reading: Publish....o..: MAYOR - WILLIAM J. NEE 1 CITY OF FRIDLEY ME��O RA�J DUM T0: NASIM M. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUt�CIL FROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR./FIN. DIR. SUBJECT: ORDINANCE AMEtJDING FEE FOR SERVICE STATIONS DATE: JUNE 3J, 1976 • Attached is a proposed ordinance which would amend the fee for service stations from $30 per year to $60 per year. Also, attached is a cost study relating to the same o rdinance. MCB:sh .2 ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 11 Ok THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY HEREBY AMENDS CHAPTER 11 OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA BY CHANGING CERTAIN LICENSE FEES AND ADD- ZNG THE CITY CODE NUMBERS. 11.10 Fees. License and permit fees shall be as follows: Code �6 Subject Fee 13 Retail Gasoline Sales $ 38.-8A 60.00 11.11 The penalty for late payment of all licenses and permit fees as shown in section 11.10 of the City Code shall be 25% of the amount of the fee if re- ceived from 1 to 7 days late. If the payment is received more than 7 days after it is due, the penalty sliall be 50% of the fee. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS . 1976. 0 DAYOF� MAYOR - WILLIAM J. NEE ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell First Reading: Second Reading: Publish....... 2� CITY OF FRIDLEY LICENSE COST STUDY June 23, 1976 1. Service Station I. License Division: Finance Department a. License Clerk Receive application and review 15 min. Route to cashier, palice dept., health dept. 25 min. Council agenda 7 min. Writing license and envelope 10 min. Typing card for file 4 min. Signing and stamping license 4 min. Typing application in book list 5 min. Filing application 7 min, Applying postage ' 3 min, IIO min. Clerk $4.54 (Includ�ng 33% pers. ser. 0/H) b. Overhead (Space & Occupancy, Supplies,.Postage etc.) c. Administration $15.67 (Including 32% 0/H) 15 min. TI. Inspectian Department a. Building Inspection 1@ 15 min. Fire Inspection 4@ 60 min. Health Inspection 1@ 20 min. License Inspection 1@ 15 min: 110 min. Inspection $10.67 (Including 34% pers. ser. 0/N} b. Travel 7 miles @ $0.15 III. Council Agenda $13.87 (Including 10.55% pers. ser. 0/N) IV. Manager Gost $22.07 (Including 32% pers. sero 0/H) V., Accounting Costs $8.22 (Including 32q pers, ser. 0/H) VI. Legal Costs � VII. Police Costs Investigation and Review 12.21 (Including 52.1% pers. ser. 0/H)� a. Travel 7 miles @ $0.15 b. Police follow up time • TOTAL VITI. Unforeseen cost contingency. Estimated 10%. TOTAL COSTS PRESENT FEE: $30,00 $ 6. 05 $ 5.13 est. $ 3.91 $15.09 5 min. 15 min. 10 min. 5 min. est. 30 mi n. �� � $15.09 $19.56 $ 1.05 � I .16 $ 5.01 $ 1.37 $ 3.33 $ 6.10 $ 1.05 • $ -0- $53.72 $ 5.37 $59.09 , � � ' a I � MI � � , � ORDINANCE iv'O 1976 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING C�iAPT�R 508 OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY RELATING TO PARKS AND PARK�YAYS The City Council of the City of Fridley does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Section 508.02 Definitions, is amended to read as follo�vs : 508.02 Definitions The word "Commission" as used in this Chapter is hereby defined to mean the Parks and Recreation Commission of the City of Fridley. And the term "Parks" means parks, parkways, playgrounds, recreation fields and buildings, lakes, streams rivers and beaches therein and all public service facilities conducted on grounds, buildings and structures in the City of Fridley which are under the control of the Parks and Recreation Commission except that ,.the provision of 508.21 regarding Alcaholic Beverage shall apply t� all City,County and other public parks within the City, whether or not under the control of the Parks and Recreation Cammission. Insofar as this Chapter relates to beaches, it is to be construed as supplementary to and not to supercede the existing provisions in Chapters 507 of the Code. SECTION 2. Section 508.21 Alcoholic Beverage, is amended to read as follows: 508.21 Alcoholic Beverage It shall be unlawful for any person to have in his possession or to consume any intoxicati.ng liquor or nonintoxicating malt liquor in or upon any ¢��� City, County or other public park, parkway, or bathing beach within tl�e City exc�ept as provided in subdivision 1, 2 and 3 below: SuUd. 1 Not withstanding laws to the contrary, possession and consumptioii of nonintoxicating malt liquor is permitted in Locke Park. � (cont.) 3 e � Ordinance No. 1976 Page 2 Subd. 2 The City Council may grant permission to consume nonintoxicating malt liquor in ����� ���� City, County or other public parks to neighborhood groups. Subd. 3 Not withstanding any laws to the contrary, upon approval of City Counci�, and issuance of a permit, a club or charitable, religious or nonprofit public or private organization may sell and allow buyers to consume nonintoxicating malt liquor in the Commons Park. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF 1976. MAYOR - WILLIADZ J. NFE ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL First Reading: Second Reading Publish 3A , Planning Commission Meeting - June 23, 197b page 2 4 A � � � � � ' � � MOTION by Langenfeld, seconded by Gabel, that the Planning Commission minutes of June 9, 1976 be approved as corrected. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Peterson asked Mrs. Gabel, with reference to her statement on page 7, if she had read the whole discussion pertaining to that building. Mrs. Gabel replied she had and said she was curious about this and asked if there was additional information. Mr. Peterson explained that the sports associations were asking to build a building free, on a lease basis, and were asking to put it on city property. He said that they had wanted to put it behind the arena but there wasn't room there, so someone suggested put�ng it at Commons. However, he continued, the Council requires brick facing at Commons so some of the members of the Parks and Recreation Commission said if they were going to Commons they would have to conform with ihe building siandards which would require brick facing. He said that the sports associations would be doing all the work and furnishing of the money for the building with the exception of the brick facing, and this is what the $900 was to pay for. Mrs. Gabel said she understood that and suggested this could be discussed a little later when the Parks and Recreation minutes were received. � RECEIVE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MI1vU'1FS: MAY 18, 1976 .Chairperson Harris asked Mr. Langenfeld if he wanted the Planning Commission to take action on the motion by Mrs. Sporre concerning the Teen Center, and Mr. Langenfeld said he just wanted to bring this to the attention of the Planning Commission. A�r. Boarc�man suggesied that this be added to the agenda as an additional item. � MOTION by Bergman, seconded by Shea� that the Teen Center be added to the agenda of the Plaruiing Commission meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Langenfeld, seconded by Gabel, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Fhvironmental Quality Commission meeting of May 18, 1976. Upon a voice vote, all votiag aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECENE APPEAIS CON�4ISSION MINUTFS: MAY 25, 1976 Chairperson Harris said he noted on page 38 that the Appeals Commission also made a recommendation on the Youth Center. MOTION by Gabel, seconded by Langenfeld, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Appeals Commission meeting of May 2�, 1976. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE PARKS & RECREA'1'ION COMMISSION MINUTFS: MAY 2l�, 1976 Mrs. Gabel ref'erred to the second paragraph from the bottom on page 1t of the Parks and H,ecreation minutes, and said that this was the reason for her eomment ai the last Planning Commission meeting. She said she was wondering in terms oi' Parks and Kecreation ii' priorities didn't neeal to be reassessed� and added that she got the feeling it was sports oriented and could find the money for things that were sports oriented� eut that other ihings sometimes got pushed aside. Mrs. Planning Commission Meeting - June 23, 197b Page 3 � B ' Gabel corr¢aentec3 that at the same time she was pleased to see that they were setting up a committee to look at this very thing, so perhaps her ccunments were a little premature. She added that some youths have other interests besides sports that they Kere not addressing themselves to. Mr. Peterson stated that was difficult to corrunent on as no other specific programs had been mentioned. Mrs. Gabel said she was referring to the problem of getting the Youth Center going, and kept hearing•the comment that Parks and Recreation doesn't have the money in their budget to help them out. Mr. Peterson stated that he didn't think this was what Parks and Recreation said. He said he thought they said that a Youth Teen Center didn't fall under Parks and Recreation, and they didn't see where that would fit into the concept of Parks and Recreation within the city. He added that based on the professional staff report that was given to them concerning space requirements, and all things taken into consideration, it was the position of the Parks and Recreation Commission that they didn't feel it would fit in with their concept. Mrs. Gabel said ihat she thought that recrea- ti�n should encompass something more than sports� and that perhaps it was time to take a look at the program. She stated that this was the reason for her comment. Chairperson Harris referred to the Comparison of Recreational Activities informa- tion that had been distributed at a previous meeting, and Mr. Peterson said this had t,een prepared by Staff. He stated that the Parks and Recreation Commission also had questions concerning what was there, so they shouldn'� be held responsible for �ahat was on the sheet. Chairperson Harris said he just wanted to get Mr. Peterson's input on some of the areas� and asked if he noticed that it seemed a lot of money was spent on supervisors, officials, and that sort of thing and not very much on the actual participants. Mr. Peterson said that would probably be true, because most oi' the sports in the city were run by volunteer organizations. He stated that if the city were to fund them, they wouldn't have very many programs, so it was done on a cooperative basis. Mr. Peterson said that in Babe Ruth base- ball, for example, the city pays ha].f of the umpire's costs and Babe Ruth pays the other half, furnishes the uniforms, and has volunteer managers. He said the city furnishes the mai.ntenance. Chairperson Harris commented he hadn't understood that as the sheet hadn't reflected that information. . Chairperson Harris said ihere were a couple other areas that were not organized sports that he was wondering about, and in particular general skating. He asked • what 32 W.H. meant, and Mr. Peterson said that was 32 warming house supervisors. Mr. Harris commented that maintenance ran almost $10,000 and Mr. Peterson said they were questioning the accuracy of these figures because it seemed that in the wintertime all the maintenance people were charged against either general skating or hockey, and they felt this was ridiculous. Mr. Peterson explained it was very much like all of the Parks and Recreation programs; they are charged against the budget as a charge, and when a fee is received from the participant in various activities, this money is then creditied to general revenue ratrier than back against Parks and Kecreation. He further explained that if the maintenance people did street plowing or other things for the Street Department, which they do every winter, it was still charged against general skating or hockey. He said there Nould be an offset from the.Street budget, but it would be credited back in�o general renenue. Mr. Harris said he understood this a little better, and it sounded to him like the accounting should be refurbished a bit. He stated there were two other areas that concerned him; Playgrounds and Lifeguards. He said a considerable amount was spent in both those areas and they are both summertime activities� and asked � Plannin� Commission Meeting - June 23, 1976 � � � Page 4 y � if the same thing had happened in those areas as did with hockey and general skating. Mr. Peterson answered no, not completely, because the maintenance people do get some of their time charged into actual park maintenance such as maintaining the ball diamonds for the boys and girls, beaches, etc. He said they had talked to the person who had compiled this information and asked about allocations, and she told them they had talked to the supervisor who made a calculation. i� Chairperson Harris said the reason he asked was because under Supervisors they had Director� Supervisor, Soccer, Archery, Arts & Crafts� and a total of $15,178, which was a considerable amount of money. He said there was also � a toial of $2,227 under Eouipment for Uames, Craits, T.C.F., and �on-office supplies. Mr. Peterson said that all of the money that was generated at the beach concessions, for example, goes back into general revenue; but the help that rans it is charged against the Parks and Recreation opera�ing budget. He stated , that for a true picture the offsetti.ng of credits would be needed to see what the costs would actually be. 1 �r. Harris said he had one other question on Lifeguards, and asked if the partic- ipan1�. figure of 18,aoo was correct. Mr. Peterson said he believed that figure was arrived at on a sampling basis by park usage on a certain number of d�ys. MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Langenfeld� that the Planning Commi.ssion receive the•m�nutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting of May 21�, 1976 , Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: JUNE 3, 1976 Chairperson Harris noted that on page 1!� there was an Affirmative Action Program Analysis, and asked if this was what has been done to date. Mrs. Shea replied that this was where they stood right now. rir. Harris asked if they had discussed a goal i.n this area, and Mrs. Shea said that the city had a goal. Mr. Harris asked where they �aere on this, and Mr. Boardman replied that there was no intent on replacing anybody that is presently an employee9 but if certain people quit then certain positions would be filled from this program. He said that to date they were about 50� there� and were sitting pretty good as far as the state review of ihe Affirmative A.ction Program. MOTION by Shea, seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Human Resources Commission meeting of June 3, 1976. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye� the motion caxried unanimously. RECEIVE CUr�IUNITX DEVElAPMENT COMMISSION MINUTESs JUNE 8, 1976 Mr. I,angenfeld said the Commission should bear in mi.nd the motion on page 16 concerning the Teen Center for f�rther discussion� and Chairperson Harris said it was so noted. Mr. Harris asked how the Sign Committee was coming, and Mr. Bergman said they had their first meeting Monday night. He said they were lacking a member from the League of Women Voters, but Y:ave found that the League does not meet in the summer. He said they were told that the representative from the League would be independent. Mr. Bergma.n added that a substitute representative from the Chamber had attended the first meeting. He commented that it was a good meeting� and � � � i PZanning CommZSSion Meeiing - June 23, 1976 � � � � Page 5 4 D successful to get it oi'f the ground, and told the Commission they had agreed to meet once a month. � Chairperson Harris asked if the Bikeway Commiitee was doing anything, and NIr. Bergman said that the Chairman of that committee should be at the next Planning Commission mesting to bring them up to date. ' , � MOTION by 13ergman, seconded by Langenfeld, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Community Development Commission meeting of June 8� 1976. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE APPEALS CO2•'�IISSIOIJ MINUTES: JUNE 15, 197b Mrs. Gabel said she would like a correctio_z made on page !t of the minutes, third paragraph from the bottom. She stated she would ].ike the following sentence added before that paragrapYx "A4rs. Gabel said she did not like this procedure, and that while the variance was in order the procedure was not� and if it would happen again she would very strongly object". She said this should be followed �by the sentence starting "Mr. Kemper said...." and "and Mrs. Uabel agreed" should be stricken. She stated that when she said she agxeed she meant her statement should also go on the record. . �� MU'1'ION by c�abel, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Appeals Connnission meeting of June 15, 1976. Upon a voice � vote, all vo-ting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � � � Mr. Boardman told the Commission that the City Council had acted on the variance request by Mrs. Sporr.e at their last meeting, and had approved it according to what the t3oard of Appeals said. He commented that it was a bit out of order and the Stafi was a little upset by this also. Mr. Boardman said the :Appeals Commission should have tabled the item si.nce she did not have all the necessary signatures that night and requested that Cii:y Stat't' send out notices per procedure. Mrs. t�abel said that was why they put on a�.i the stipulations.� � 1, PutiL1C HEAKIN�: ttEqUEST FOR A SPECiAL USE PEttMIT, SP #'Tb-07, t3Y NAtvCY M�LtsI�: To allow a child care center for ten children, per �'ridley l;i�y Code, Section 205.051, 3, r', in an x-1 Zone (single family dwelling areas)� to be located on Lot 12 t3lock 3 Meadowmoor�Terrace Addition the same being 13�t6 Aleadowmoor Drive N.E.� � I�� .. __ . _ _____-- _ _ . - -- -- - - _ _ __-- _ . _ _ � � � _ Mrs. Nancy Melbie was present, along with Terry Nagel of the Social Services Department of the Anoka County Welfare Board. MOTION by Bergman, seconded by Gabel, that the Planning Commission open the Public Hearing on the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #76-07, by Nancy Melbie. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� Chairperson Harris declared the Public Hearing open at 8:2� P.M. Mr. Boardman said that as stated� this would be a Special Use Permit or a child day care center, and Mrs. Melbie would be having ten children there. He submitted to the Commission a statement of approval signed by ten of Mrs. Melbie�s _L l. _ ' Planning Commission Meeting - June 23� 1976 � � � i Page 6 4 E Chairperson Harris read ihe following statemeni out Zoud: "I, Nancy Melbie, am making application for a Special Use Permit to the City of Fridley, for having ten full-time children at my Day Care. My yard will be fenced and they will be kept on my own property. I need to advise you of this, and I request your signature for permission or refusal of permission. If you refuse� please state reason for refusal." Mr. Harris noted that all ten neighbors had given their approval. � MOTION by Shea, seconded by Bergman, to receive the petition of approval. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Boardman stated that since the neighbors have been contacted and there are � no written objections, City Staff has no objections to the proposal. He asked if Mrs. Melbie was licensed with the state, and Ms. Nagel replied she was licensed b3� the State of riinnesota to care for five, and had been operating since ivovember� � 1975. She stated that Mrs. Melbie would like to expand to include a greater number of' children; and although the state didn't necessarily require a new permit sY�e must meet city codes to carry on her business. � � j r � , Mr. Boardman said that Fridley City Code� Section 205•�51, 3, F, would allow a child day care center for ten children in a R-1 Zone. Fir. Langenfeld asked if this wouZd fa].1 t�nder the category of nursing homes, and Mr. Boardman said the code did not really say day care center, but they interpreted a day care cenier as that type of operation in which there is caring for more than five persons. Ms. Nagel said she understood the reason they needed a Specia]. Use Permii was because Mrs. Melbie planned to hire someone to help her since she would be taking children ur�_er three years old. rTr. Boardman stated that as far as the Special Use Permit was concerned, they felt this would be regulated under ihe hospitals� nursing homes� etc.� since Nlrs. Melbie would be hiring outside of her home. Chairperson Harris asked about the traffic involved in loading and unloading cYtildren, and Mr. Boardman replied that ten children wouldn't provide heavy traffic. Mr. Harris asked what the hours of operation would be� and Mrs. Melbie ' said basically from 6:00 - 5:30, but they varied depending on the hours of the parent. Mr. Harris questioned if there would be parking for long periods, and Mrs. Melbie replied it would only be a matter of seconds. Mr. Harris then asked if off-street parking would be provided for the assistant� and Mrs. Melbie said that her assistant lived right next door. � Chairperson Harris asked if they didn't require the Fire Marshall to look at this, and Mr. Boardman replied that the Welfare Department checked that. Mr. Harris asked how large the fenced-in area was, �nd Mr. Boardman replied that � the loi size was 75 X 120 so there was probably a 50 X 75 back yard. Nfr. Langen- feld asked if Mrs. Melbie had the proper liability coverage from an insurance standpoint, and she said she did. , MOTTON by Peterson� seconded by Bergman� that the Planning Commission close the Public Hearing on the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #76-07� by Nancy Melbie. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Harris declared ' the Public Hearing closed at 8:35 P•M• ' � Planning Commission Meeting - June 23, 1976 page 7 4 F MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Langenfeld, that the Planni.ng Commission recommend to the City Council approval. of the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #76-07, by Nancy Melbie, to allow a child care center for ten children, per Fridley City Code, Section 205.051, 3, F, in an R-1 Zone (single family dwelling areas), to be located on Lot 12, Block 3� Meadowmoor Terrace Addition, the same being 1346 Meadowmoor Drive N.E. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. PUt3LIC HEARINU: CONSIDERATION OF A PRELII�II1vARY PLAT, P.S. �76-05, INNSBRUCK N�RTH REPLAT THIRD ADDITION BY DAt�H�;L A, r�l�i�H DEVELOPMENT CORPORA�rI01v : 33eing a repl.at of Lots 1 to inclusive, Blocks 21 through 2� and also part of Lot 1� Block 28, Innsbruck North Townhouses Third Addition, to allow changes in the size of garages, generally located on the West side of East Bavarian Pass and South of Meister Road N.E. Chairperson Harris informed the Commission that Mr. Jim London had called him before the meeting to let him know he would be late, and he suggested that this public heaxing be de2ayed until the arriva]. of Mr. London. MOTIOt: by Peterson� seconded by Gabel, to temporarily table the PubZic Hearing on consideration of a preliminax,y plat, P.S. #76-05, Innsbruck North Replat Third Addition, by Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation, unti2 Mr. London arrived. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. PUk3LIC AEARINU: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #76-08, BY PHILLIP M. W1.LLSUN: To permit the conversion of a one-family, ttao-story house to a two-family house in an R-1 District (single family dwelling aseas), per Fridley City Gode, Section 205,051, 3, D, to be located on Lot 2, Block 1� Froid�s Addition, the same beir►g 1�01 Ironton Street N.E. Mrs. Phillip Willson explained she was present.io represent her husband� who was ill and could not attend the meeting. MOTION by Bergman, seconded by Shea, that the Plannin� Commission open the Public Hearing on the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #76-08, by Phillip M. Willson. Upon a vo�ce vote, a11 voting aye, Cha.irperson Harris declared the Public Heaxing open at 8:1�0 P.M. Mr. Boardman explained that this was a two—story frame home, and according to the City Code they can�t develop a two-iamily home witliin a R-1 area. He showed the Commission a picture oY the house, and said it was located on the North side of Tronton Sireet just East of a present two-family dwelling unit that was be�.ng built. Mr. Boardman said that at this time the City Staff would have no objections to a two-family dwelling as far as zoni.ng purposes go; and they felt that if the design of the structure was proper they could envision a two-family dwelling with no trouble. Mr. Bergman asked if the two-dweZlzng structure that was being buiZi next door would be classified as a double bungalow and fall under those requirements. Mr. Boardman said it fell under the requirements of a two�family structure as far as parking requirements, etc., but it still is in a R-1 area. , Planning Commission Meeting - June 13, 19'(b Page d �� � � �� ' Mrs. Shea asked what the square i'ootage o�' tne house was, anu Mr. Boardman and Mrs. Willson answered they did not 1rnow. Mr. ttoardman said that the lot was lj,5bb square f'eet and that lu,�UU square i'eet was required i'or a double bungalow. Mrs. Uabel asked how many rooms there were, and Mrs. Willson answered there were f'our rooms upstairs that would be made into an apartment, plus a large porcn. She added that they would be living in the downstairs apartment which also consisted of four rooms and a porch, and there would pe two stairxays. Chairperson Harris asked if they were proposing a considerable amount oi' remodeling, , and Mrs. Willson said they were. Mr. Langeni'eld asked if the,y had complete rieating and cooking elements separate Yor the rental area, and Mrs. Willson said tnat was right. Mrs. Gabe�. asked ii" they would be making the upstairs apartment � into a one or two bedroorn, and Mrs. Wiltson replied it would be a two-bedroom apartment with separate bathroom and kitchen facilities. Mr. tiergmari asked if a petition had been circulated or any formal document signed by the neighbors, and Mrs. jaillson said she had no signed statement but tne neighbors she had talked to didn't object. Sne said stie felt ii' anyone had an objection�they would be at this meeting to voice their opinions. Cnairperson Harris asked iY they had a one-car garage, and P4rs. Willson said they were planning on building a garage that would be large enough to include a tennant. Mr. Harris then asked if they were planning on paving tne driveway, and Mrs. Willson said she wasn�t sure, but Mr. l3oaraman said it would be required to meet all codes. Mr. Langen�'eld said he woulci like to indicate that due to the age oi' this dwelling it shoulci be approved as i'ar as i'ire safety was concerned, and Mr. tioardman said it would be required to meet code. Mr. tiergman asked what type of' dwelling existed on each os.� the four sides. Mrs. Willson answered that there were two double bungalows on one side, a vacanL lot which they owned on the other side� a four-plex across the street, a five-fami2y apartment kitty-corner across the street, and a Metro 5�� gas station behind them. Mr. Boardman explained that the area behind them was zoned M-1 and R-1. MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Shea, that the Planning Commission close the Public Hearing on the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #?b-08, by Phxllip M. Willson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Harris declared •the Public Hearing closed at 8:50 P.M. MOTION by Bergman, seconded by Gabel, that ihe Planning Commission recommend , to the Cit,y Council approval of the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #76-08, by Phillip M. Willson, to permi-L the conversion oi' a one-family, two-story house to a two-family house in an R-1 District (single family dwelling areas), per � Fridley City Code, Section 205.�51, 3, D, to be located on Lot 2, Block 1, Froid's Addition, the same being I�O1 Ironton Street N.E. Upon a voice vote� all eoting aye, the motion carried unanimously. . � , ,. PUBLIC HEAHING• REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #76-09 SUPEiZETTE: Per Fridley City Code, Section 20y.101f 3, N, to �isp7.ay area for a hydroponic growing system, to•be located 26, Block 3, Ree's Addition, the same being b!�&3 University Mr. Robert Stavanau was present io represent Stav's Superette. , BY STAV'S allow an outside on Lots 2S and Avenue N.E. � MOTlON by Peterson, seconded by }3ergman, that the Planning Commission open the Fublic Hearing on the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #76-09, by Stav's I � IPlanning Commission Meeting - June 23, 1976 � � Page 9 1� H Superette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Harris declared the Public Hearing open at 8:5l� P.M. Mr. Boardman explained that this would be a Special Use Permit for an outside display area used for displaying small greenhouses, to be located in the front- of the building in the present parking lot on the University and Mississippi Street side. He said it was already there anly because Mr. Stavanau had no other place to store it, and with the understanaing that if the Special Use Permit was denied he would remove it immediately. rir. Boardman showed the Commission Mr. Stavanau's proposal depicting what he planned to do. He explained it would be in a fenced area built up with railroad ties and landscaping would be provided� and the present boulevard area would be resodded and trees would be planted. He stated that the access through the parking lot on Mississippi Street would be cut off. He said this was a portable, for-sale unit. M'rs. Gabel said she saw a traffic prc�blem with the width that was left for cars, and Mr. Boardman showed where the people drove on the service drive. He said this was a proposal to block that off, and showed where it would be open for a bike path and walk path. He explained that there was a street improvement project, and this proposal may save the city money as far as acquisition from Red �wl, too, because if this was cut off they cauld start their acquisition back further and might not have to pick up as much property. He said he would like to add that with this improvement there would also be a building i.mprovement, as they would be taking down the yellow facade and putting on a shake roof mansard. He adc'=d that any improvement that was done, and Mr. Stavanau was aware of this, would be a temporary situation since he is a renter. Air. Boardman explained that the property was owned by a doctor, and he was attempting to sell it. Mr. Langenfeld asked if this was going to be there permanently, including the winter, and Mr. Boardman replied it was. He said it was a permanent display area for this type of system. Mr. Langenfeld said that here again they would be giving a Special Use Permit to the property, and Mr. Boardman said that was correct. Chairperson Harris asked what a hydroponic growing system was, and Mr. Stavanau answered it was grocding food stuffs without soil. He further explained it was a soil-less garden using strictly water, and a11 the buildings were heated. Mr. Langenfeld asked if there was a large degree of heat, and what the maximum temperature was. Mr. Stavanau replied it w�nt up to eighty degrees, and everything was thermostatically controlled. He said it was all self-contained in the unit, and a typical heating cost for that size of unit for one year was only about $200. Mr. Peterson asked if he was planning on growing things in that unit, and Mr. Stavanau replied he was. Mr. Bergman asked what his objective was� and Mr. Stavanau answered hydroponic system sales. Mr. Bergman stated that he was somewhat turned off, and Mr. Stavanau said this would all tie in with a method of justifying the expense of overall beautification of a not too sightly building. He said that looking at the plan, a garden type of spot would be easier to visualize than the littered parking lot they had now. Mr. Bergman explained he hadn't meant to drop his statement there, and said that if there was such a thing as the center of the city, that corner was very possibly it. He said that he thought aesthetically that corner� and particulaxly that side � � , ' Planning Commission Meeting - June 23, 197b Page 10 of the street the superette was located on, lacked aesthetic beauty righi now, ' and to him the addition of what Mr. Stavanau was proposing would merely add to the lack of uniforma.ty of building design. He continued that that side of the street right now gave him the irnpression of crowdedness, it was aesthetical2y unpleasant, there were parking problems, the occupancy and structures were ' inconsistent� and visualizing the addition of this structure in the front merely added to that. � '� J 'J � , � � Mr, Stavanau replied that he felt just the opposite, and also felt it would add to his business. He said they would be working with the Staff and they would have to agree that it was appropriate and actually doing what their intent was. He stated that there was quite a bit of dollars and cents involved in the landscaping to replace what is now blacktop. He explained it would all be terraced and redwood chip, shrubbery, and landscaping that would wrap around the front oi' tne structure. He added that they planned to include the boulevard which was at present just a weed patch. Mrs. Gabe2 asked if there would be direct access from the'store to this unit, and Mr. Stavanau replied there would be. Mrs. Gabel asked if he believed that vandalism would be less by putting this in the front. Mr. Stavanau answered he did, and stated there was better Iighting and the traffic wouZd add as a detezcr.�t for vandalism. Mrs. Gabel asked if he didn't see a degree of risk involved since the ownership was up in the air, and Mr. Stavanau replied he had waited for seven years for the owner to make improvements. He said that looking at the potential return profit-wise, they felt they could justif� the expense as a lease holder, too. Mr. Langenfeld said he would like to indicate one thing that upset hi.m a bit; 1 and that was even though it had been prearrarrged with Staff this had gone up without a permit, and if a fellow neighbor had stuck this in the back yard he would have had to act quickly. He said he certainly wished Fridley busines:�s � well, but this type of thing surprisect him. Mr. Boardman explained that it went there for security purpos�s only and with the understanding that if they received any complaints it would be moved. He stated it was a$2,000 structure and by p�acir�g it in the rear yard where they have present parking problems � it would be hampering preseizt traffic flow. He added that they had not received any compla.ints. , I � I ' Mr. Peterson stated that there were certainly a great deal of illegal turns on Mississippi going West, and if some of these prob�.ems were el�minated it would be a good thin�. He said he felt P�Ir. Stavanau shou].d be commended for improving the building since he was not the owner, and added that he had been a good citizen in. the business c:ommunity. He added that he was willing to take Mr. Stavanau's word that this would improve the aesthetics of that corner and not detract from it. 4I Mrs. Gabel asked if there Frould be room for a cax to get through, and Mr. Boardman replied there would not be as there would only be a five foot walk area. Chairperson Harris asked if he planned to eliminate the blacktop along Mississippi Street a1so, and Mr. Stavanau r�plied he did and added that it would tie in with the bikew�y. Mr. Boardman said that by request of the city they would be leaving a five foot strip of blacktop so the city could get the bikeway system out of the intersection. Planning Commission Meeting - June 23, 1976 Page 11 Chairperson Harris asked how ta11 the fence was, and Mr. Stavanau replied it was a 6' chain link fence. rlr. Harris asked how long he envisioned this structure being there. Mr. Stavanau replied it was strictly a display unit, but it was for sale, so he really didn't know at this point. Mr. Harris then asked what would happen if this venture didn't work out very well, and what would happen to the area. Mr. Stavanau answered that they would have a lavely looking front yard. Mr. Harris asked what would happen if somebody bought this particular unit and it was moved off. Mr. Stavanau said another display would go i.n there as their intention was continuin� displays. Mr. Harris said he was Iooking f'or some type of assurance that it would not be used for something like a storage area, and Mr. Stavanau said that as he understood it he would then need anoiher Special Use Permit as this one was specifically for a hydroponic display. 4J Chairperson Harris asked if for some reason this unit was removed and not replaced, if Mr. Stavanau would agree to sodding the area, and he replied he would. Mr. Stavanau added thai a certain amount of this landscaping and building improve- ment had been their intention for some time, and they had just reached the point that since the landlord wasn't going to do it they f'elt they must as a part oi' good business. Mr. tioardman said that ratr►er tnan make a statement of sodding, Staff' would prefer to say complete landscaping in the area where the structure was located. Mr. Bergman said that aside from the landscaping improvements which ne agreed were needed, it seemed to hi.m that this kind of an installation ought more naturally be placed in the back of the building instead of the i'ront, and asked if Mr. Stavanau nad considered tnat. He answered that he had, but would like it located in front partly for security reasons and partly for exposure. He added that it would look better when it was growing and there were green plants inside, and said he thought the Commission would be pleasantly surprised when it was doz�e. Mr. Langenfeld asked if this hydroponic.system was a Japanese procedure� and Mr. Stavanau replied it was not. He said this sysiem has been around for centuries and added as a point of interest that during [�lorld War II there were 13 million tons of produce produced this way. He stated that it has really . progressed rapidly from that point, but had never become a very profitable thing until the more extensive use of PUC and poly Uecause the nutrients that axe fed to the plants are all water soluable. Mr. Langenfeld asked if he had at least $3�000 invested i.n this nowa and Tir� Stavanau replied he did. hir. Langenfeld asked if there would be a considerable hardship placed on him if the permit was denied, other than the initial investment. Mr. Stavanau answered that he would have to find a new home for it. Chairperson Harris said that when he talked to the owners of that property in the past he alw�ys heard it would only be there for a couple more years, and asked if Mr. Stavanau thought that was ever going to come to pass. Mr. Stavanau replied he did not. MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Langenfeld, that the�Planning Commission close the Public Hearing on the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #76-09, by Stav's Superette. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairperson Harris declaxed the Public Hearing closed at 9:30 P.M. i , Planning Corrunission Meeting - June 23, 1976 Page 12 4 K I�IOTION by Peterson, seconded by Langenfeld, that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval of the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #76-09, i3�y Stav's Superette, per Fridley City Code, Section 20�.10�, 3, N, to allow an outside display area for a hydroponic growing s,ysten, to be located on Lots 25 and 26, Block 3, Ree's Addition, the same being 6483 University Avenue N.E., with the stipulations as outlined in terms of landscaping and building modification, and with the understanding that some type of landscape would be put into the space if it were no longer occuplied b,y a hydroponic stz�ucture. Mr. t�ergman stated he could not envision any well-organized, aesthetically- pleasing architectural plan made by professional people placing that unique� unusual, and very different structure in front of that building on that particular corner. He said he thought there �as a sizeable amount of visual blight in that general area now, and thought this kind oi unique facility wou2d just add to it. He stated for these reasons he would have to vote against it. Mr. Langenfeld asked if it was correct that under the Special Use Permit this would have the element of control for approximately one year, and Mr. Harris said that was correct. Mr. Zangenfeld said the way he loaked at it now he agreed with Mr. Bergman, but if there was the element of control on an annual basis perhaps it could be watched more closely and then be more aesthetically pleasi.ng than it was right now. Mr.,Peierson AMENDED ihe MOT10N to include the stipulation that Staff review the S�,ecial Use Permit after one year. Seconded b;l Langenfeld. Mr. Boardman said he would like to recommend that the planting that is placed around this structure be to such a periad in its growth that it would provide the type of landscaping, shrubbery and trees that would be necessary to promote a garden area. Mr. Peterson stated that was implied in the motion that he made because both the petitioner and Stafi had mentioned it was going to be a cooperative venture between them and so he assumed that between them there would be a meeting of the minds. Ntr. Boardman commented he felt I�ir. Bergman might be more comfortable with that type of a stipulation. Chairperson Harris said that under the existin� circumstances he disagreed with Mr. Bergman. He stated. he thought any improvement in that area would be beneficial to the corner, and if this was denied there would be no improvement and the status quo would remain the same for another seven years or until the building fell down. Mr. Harris said that he agreed from the standpoi.nt of aesthetics that he probably would not want to see it in front of City Hall, but he thought it was a move in the right direction and it would solve some traffic problems in there. He added that he wished there could be a barrier from the rest of �that parking lot, and suggested some temporary curbing across where it said "Lt0 feet'� to keep the patrons from the Canterbury from wandering into the area-inadvertently. Mr. Stavanau said he understood what Mr. Harris was talking about, and stated there was no reason they couldn't go right across there with the landscaping. Mr. Harris saa.d he was thinking they might have a walkway along side the ties and in through the gate, and added that this might start something i'resh in the whole center. Mr. Boardman said he had talked to t}�e Center Manager and while he is willi.ng to have City Staff talk to the other owners, he said he is unwilling to do any improvements on this thing. Mr. Boardman explained he was trying to phase that building out of oper�tion, and after another ten-year period the structure would Planning Commission Meeting - June 23, 19'rb Page 13 no longer be a cost to the property. He said that any improvement on the building would increase the length of time that the,y would have to operate it in order to get the money back from that building. Mr. Langenfeld said he would like to comment that he hoped this would not start a trend that everything from soup to nuts would go out in front of other places. Mr. Harris said he believed that the City Council had already set a precedent as far as this was concerned when they allowed thetrailer sales park in front of Holiday Village. He stated that if the city allows trailer sales facing 694 in the Holidy parking lot, then anybody who has vacant parking area that is not used has �he same rights to apply foi• the same uses. �ir. �3ergman said if the trailer sales function were requested on the corner of riississippi and Univ- ersity, his vote would have been difierent. Cha.irperson Harris said that the trailer sales park was ozz the corner of 69�t and University and that corner was a.far busier one. He stated that many more people visiting the city would see that operation than this one. Mr. Langenfeld said he wanted to point out that he was not questioning anyone's rights. Mr. Harris stated that with the precedent being set, as far as he was concerned, he was going.to vote for this particular proposal. UPON A ROLL CALL VOTE� Harris, Langenfeld, Peterson, Shea and Gabel voting aye� Bergman voting nay, the motion carried 5- l. PUBLIC Hr,ARINU: CUr.SIDF,�.ATION OF A PRELIMINARY PLAZ I NORTH REPLAT TriIRD ADDTTION BY DAt2REL A. rANR. D�VEI a replat of Lots 1 to inclusive, Blocks 21 through Block 28, Tnnsbruck North Townhouses Third Addition� � size of gara�es, generally located on the West side South of 2�ieister Road N.�. , r �J � I ' 'il � � P.S. #76-0�, INNSBRUCK OPi�iENT CORPORATIptd : Being 2� and also part of Lot 1� to allow changes in the of East Bavarian Pass and Mr. Jim London, Mr. Jerry Anderson and Mr. Lorin Woods were present. MO'1'ION by Peterson, seconded by Langenfeld, that the P7_anning Commission open the Public Hearing on the consideration of a preiiminary plat, P.S. #76-05� Innsbruck North Replat Third Addition, by Darrel A. Farr Develo�ment Corporation. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye9 Chairperson Harris declared the Public Hearing open at 9:Lt5 P.M. Mr. London, representing Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation, stated that after talking to Mr. Anderson and Mr. Woods he would like to request that this be tabled until the next meeting of the Planning Commission as they had some problems to work out ai the Innsbruck North Townhouse Architectural Control Committee level. He said that these problems would have to be worked out before they could go ahead with their plan, or it would�be withdrawn. MOTION by Langenfeld, seconded by Peterson, that the Public Hearing on consider- ation oi a preliminary plat, P.S. #76-05, Innsbruck North Replat Third Addition� by Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation� be tabled until the next Platuiing Commission meeting on July ��, 1976, with the Public Hearing open. Upon a voice vote� all voting a4Ye, the motion carried wnanimously. 4L � Planning Commission Meeting - June 23, 1976 Page 11� 4 M , , ' , Mr. liergman said he had received some comments from townhouse owners, and thar concern seems to be the lack of open parking and loss of some of same with the proposal. Mr. London said it was so noted. REQUES`1' FOR A VACATION, SAV #76-03, BY RO�iERT SCHROER: Vacate ihe street easement on the Southerly 33 feet of.the Easterly 200 feet of Lot 4, Block 2, East Ranch Estates Second Adc�tion. Mr. H,obert Schroer was present. Mr. lioardman explained that this request was brought before the Planning Commission � from the Special Use Permit granted to Kennedy Transmission Company, and that Bob Schroer had submi�ted a request i'or vacation of that street. Nlr. Boardman said Mr. Schroer had agreed to the easement of ZO' as requested by the Planning � Commission, and the vacation was f'or the 33' that �rent through the transmission company's property. P�Ir. Harris asked if there were any lines of any sort in that 33', and Mr. Boardman replied yes, the city would have to mai.ntain for sanitary �sewer. ' ' MOTION by Peterson, seconded by l�angenfeld, that the Planning Commission recomrnend to the Cit3� Council approval of the request for a vacation, SAV #76-03, by Hobert Schroer, to vacate the street easement on the Southerly 33 feet of the �asterly 240 f'eet o.t' Lot �, �31ock 2, East xanch Estates Second Addition, with the stipulations f'or drainage and utility easements as outlineci by Staff. '� Mr. Boarctman said that it was his understanding that Mr. Schroer would eliminate the proposed street in the rear and all the industrial property will be faced oi'f ' � of Ranchers Road. ' , , � Chairperson riarris said that perhaps at that time they should make a note and tie those split-off lots io the rear lots somehow, as tne abandonment of the road idea would create some land-locked property. rSr. Boardman s aid that the city would maintain a road easement as long as those lots were maintained, and with a replat that road would be vacated. �UP(1N A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. r�� YOUTH CENTER DISCUSSION Mr. Ned Storla was present representing the Youth Project Committee. Mr. Boardman said he wanted to apologize for not getting this on the agenda. He stated he was going to bring it to the Planning Commission aiter it went to all the member commissions, and it was overlooked. He added that all the member commissions have looked at the proposal and made their recommendations to the Planning Commission. � Mr. Langenfeld said he would like to hear the motions from the Human Resources Commission and the Community Development Commissions to get updated. Planning Commission Meeiing - June 23, 1976 Page 15 Mrs. Shea read the following motion �rom the Human Resources Commission meeting oP April 1, 1976: MOTlON �,y Barbara Shea, seconded by Nancy Lambert, that the Human Hesources Commission approve the resolution by the YPC and ask the City through the Plannin� Commission to bring the xouth Center under the auspices of the Parks and Recreation Department. 4N Mr. Bergman read the following motion from the Community Development Commission meeting of June 8, 1976: MOTION by Aennis Schneider� seconded by Hubert Lindblad� that the Community Development Commission recommend to Planning Commission concurrence with the creation of a teen center in Fridley to be operated as indicated on Page 2 of the Human Resources Commission meeting minutes of April 1, 1916 paragraphs one through thre� and, further, that the City guarantee the use of the library within 30 days after acceptance of the charter as a teen center. Also, that a time limit of one month be set for each Commission to appoint a person to the temporary board of directors. If a Commission does not make their appointment within the one month period� then the YPC has the right to appoint a person to fill that position on the temporary board of directors. Further, that the ternporary board of directors consist of 2n ex-officio Parks & Recreation Commission member or their designate. Mr. Bergman said he would like to comment f�rther, and stated that the Community Development Comma.ssion had this on their agenda on and off for six months. He stated that they had all gotten involved in general discussion, had listened to o,ther's comments, and had finally gotten to the guts of the matter at their last meeting when Mr. Storla was present. He continued that initially they had been concerned tr�at there was not a formal operati.ng procedural of how this would be run, what hou:s it would be open, what they wouid do in it, if" it would be structured or unstri:ctured, as all of these questions were not answered. He stated that they finally backed off to the Hurnan Resources position at one of their previous meetings.where the sta�ement was made that the youth had put i.n enough time on this and should not, at this point, be burdened with a lot of detailed questions. He commented ihat these could be worked out during the development of the charter. ' Mr. 33ergman said they had gotten into a discussion on City Hall space, and the,y , took a look at the old iibrary and the Parks and Recreation office and the outer office, and concluded that in their opinion there i�*as enaugh space in the Fridl�y City Hall. He stated that there might have to be some adjustment to occupancy, , but it could be made to work. iYlr. Bergman continued that they had talked about possible problems in a lengthy conversation� and from having started from a position of roughly 50� for and 50% against, it was interesting that by the time they completed their discussions and considerations there was unanimous agreement � on one key point--the thing should be given a ch�.nce. He stated that was the basic position of Community Development; it may or may not work� but it should be given a chance. � � � � ;I , The over-view and control of this kind of thing, Mr. l3ergman stated, logically should fall within Parks and Recreation. He said that comments had been made that Paxks and Hecreation spends a lot of time with ,young kids, but not too much time was applied to teenagers. Mr. Bergman continued that Community Develogment felt commitments should be made by the city at this time, prior to a detailed charter. He stated he wanted to point out that all five subcommittees have studied the proposal and all five have stated on record that they are in favor of a youth center. He added that there have been some concerns as to where it shauld be located, who should operate it, will it work, parking problems, �J Planning Commission Meeting - June 23, 1976 Page 16 noise, etc., but yet everyone says they are in favor of it so a stand should be made on it. . Mr. Boaxdman read to the Commission the motion from the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting of April 2b, 1976: r10TI0N by Harris, seconded by Seeger, that since the Commission is in favor of' a youth center but not in favor of locrting it in the City Ha11, the Human Resources Commission be asked to talk to th� people at the Northeast Y and find out the status of their program and see if a workable solution can be made with their facility and our intended use. Mr. Boardman then read to the Commission a subsequent discussion on the youih center at the Parks and Recreation meeting of May 2lt, 1976: Mr. Moore referred to a letter fror� the Youth Project Committee and said he would like to make his feelings known to the Parks and Recreation Commission. He stated he had talked to several people on this subject, and he would not be against having them use the Parks and P�ecreation Depaxtment's space if they were going to move out to tlie libra.ry area. Director Huff said he would still be a bit negative to having the Youth Center located at the City Hall. Mr. Harris stated that he had given some thougnt to that, and he was not sure that Parks and Recreatian should be involved in the Youth Center. Director Huff commented that Community Schools had offered the group to come under their auspices. Mr. Storla said that Cormnunity Schools, as he understood it, would require more statistics be compiled before they would fund the teen center. He explained that the YPC did not have the manpower to compile how many cars would need parking, how many people a day would be using it, which programs would be the best ior it, etc., and Community Schools was not willing to fund it on the original proposal. Mr. Peterson sazd he would like to point out �hat neither the Planning Commission ' or any of the other Commissions had any power to create anythin�. He stated that this had to be done through.the City Council, and he thought this Commission should be very caxeful when they say that Parks and Recreation should be doing � thiss because they don't have that power. He stated he thought they could save a11 kinds of time and debate if they just recommend to Council that either they create it or not; then if Council wants to appropriate money that would be fine, � and they could tna.t it wherever they wanted to. He added that he sti11 didn't think it belong�d under Parks and Recreation, but if Council wanted to put it there� then that is where it would be. ' � �_J ' � ' 40 Mrs. Snea asked Mr. Peterson where the Youtn (;enter would�go, if not under Parks and Recreation, and Mr. Peterson asked where the other ones went in other communities. r:rs. Shea answered tnat most were u.nder the Parks and Hecreation Degartment, and cited Richfield as an example. Mr. Storla agreed that the majority were, and said that Ghe ynuth centers that were most similiar to tne one they were setting up were under the auspiceS oi' the Parks_and Recreation Department. Mr. Peterson said that in all the material ne nad seen presented, he hadn't seen "Town A" and statistics on how it was operated, its budget, and so on. He continued that when they start talking about Parks and ttecreation and start comparing programs, they have to contact ten cities and come back with data on the activity, funding, etc, He stated he hadn't seen anything like that. Mrs. Shea said tnat was pretty much what they were asking for now--to have Stafi' do something. She stated they did not have the facilities in their Commission. Planning Commission t�leeting - June 23, 1976 Page 17 Mr. Storla said tnat they had conducted an educational seminar across the sireet and about i'ifty people had turned out. He stated that five directors from five dif'i'erent teen centers had attended and discussed their operations� so they nad been through that. Mr. Peterson asked iY they had contacted teen centers in other cities. Mr. Storla replied they had gone to Crystal, had talked to the police in Minneapolis and the Community Activities llirector, and had gone to tne Nortnern Suburban one in Coon Hapids.� He added that ii' they had the time and money they could have had statistics compiled, but they didn't have the staf'f and tnought perhaps the City did. He said that after looking at this for six months they would like to see it set up. Mr. Langenfeld read to the�Commission the motion mads by the F�vironmental Qu.ality Commission from the minutes of their May lt�, ly�(b meeting: MO'1'ION by Lee Ann Sporre, seconded t'or discussion by tirother Sullivan, to recommend to Planning Co,mmission that the City provicie comprehensive recreation p7.anning services and tnat t'unds be used to estaalish diverse recreation options �'or people of all ages and ihat a Youth Program Committee be developea riaving a temporary board oi' directors consisting oi� six regular members ana tiwo ex-of'ficio members. Regular members shall oe appointed by the iollowing groups: one by tne r'ridlcy City Council, one by the i�'ridley Planning Commission, one by the r'ridley Human ttesources Commission, one by the Parks and ttecreation Commission, and two by the Fridley zouth Project Committee. One ex-oY2'icio member shall be appointed by the r'ridley �ity Council and one ny the r'ridley Police llepartment. Mr. Langenf'eld said they haa discussed this at great length, and he agreed with Mr. tsoardman that perhaps a space may not be quite as important as to get the proper planning and so i'orth to get the project oi'�' tne ground. rie stated it was his ��eeling tnat once this particular matic�n was implemented the answer i'or the center wottZd take p�ace by establishing all tne committees, boards� etc., then they could make the final determination as to what they feel is necessary. He added that they had not made an official motion on the use of the City Hall as they felt not enough i.nformation was available. Mrs. Uabel said that the Board of Appeals had also made a motion stating they were in favor of the concept of the Youth Center, but their motion said a "tempo�ary facility" in the City Hall as they felt the space there might prove •to be not adequate. She stated the point was they could talk this thing to death, and the kids had been sent around and around long enough, and it was now time to take some forward direction so they could move on it. Air. Boardman said it was 5taff's recommendation that there be a three-yeax or possible five-year expansion program within the City Hall area. He stated that the first anticipated space for development would be the library area, and the last space that would be designated (possibly the third year down the line) urould by the Parks and Recreation area. Therefore, he said, if the teen center does go in�o City Hall, Staff would recommend it go inio the Parks and ftecreation area on a temporary basis (one to three years). Mr. Boardman stated he had been involved with this project since its beginning, and he had a real hang-up that all the Commissions agreed a teen center is needed. He said that as he discussed with the �vironmental Commission, he questioned if a center is what is ret�.J.l,y needed or if some kind of recreational activity program for youth is the thing that would be the most beneficial. He stated he had just heard that St. Louis Park has an operation guing on in which they open the junior high school three days a week for teenage youth activities sueh as dances, use of swimming pool facilities, use of tennis courts� basket- � � Planning Commission Meeting - June 23, 1976 �J ! _I � �� Page 18 �� Q ball facilities, games, etc. He stated the question that came to his mind was if the center was really needed or not, and hs hadn't seen anything that said a teen location is needed. He continued that he had the feeling if it was developed and if it failed, it would be detrimental to the youth development within the community. T1r. Boardman said he would like to see several things happen as far as if the city is going to be committed to youth; it should be committed in the organization of youth and the recreational activities of youth. He thought if this was to get going there would have to be more there that said they were going to co�rdinate this whole program, and maybe what they need is not a center but the whole g�unut of recreational function like they have in St. Louis Park. � Mrs. Gabel said she would have to disagree wi.th that, and she didn�t think the youth would have spent so much time going around in circles if they didn't feel that was what they needed. She stated that their feelings didn't nscessarily � reflect the youth�s, and suggested they listen to the youths to a degree and give them a chance to set their guidelines. Mr. Boardman said he thought the program was fine to be started but it should be carried on, and said there had to be something from the city to support this action. He continued that if � it was felt a teen center should be started and space was allocated in City Hall, there should be more backing it up and more interest in it than just giving them a space. � � � Mr. Langenfeld said he got the impression that what they were really after was momentam. He stated it was true the youths had been going to Commission after Commission for some time, but if they were given a temporary area there might be a big sigh of relief and the whole momentum might fizzle out. However, he added, he did think it should be given a chance so they could find out. Mr. Bergman stated he did not agree wzth Mr. �3oardman's comments, and felt what they were talking about was a ma�tter of prior.ities as far as space was concerned and what Parks and Recreation should be doing. � MOTION by Bnrgman, seconded by Shea, that the Planning Commission concur with the motion from the Community Development meeting of June 8, 1976, and recommend � to City Council the creation of a teen center in Fridleyr to be operated as follows: This youth center should have a temporary board of directors consisting � of six regulax members and two ex-officio members. Regular members shall be appointed by the following groups: one by the r'ridley City Council, one by the Fridley Planning Commission, one by the Fridley Human Resources ' Commission, and two by the �'ridley Youth Project Committee. One ex-officio member shall be appointed by the Fridley City Council and one by the Fridley Police Department. . , The temporary board of directors should serve for not more than thirty days during which time they will write the charter, establish the i.nterim � rules for the youth center and facilitate the election for regular members to the pQrmanent board. The appointed ex-officio members will also serve on the permanent board. � Administratively, the youth center wi11 be under the auspices of the Parks and Recreation Departmen� who will assign staff to supervise and carry out the guidelines established by the board of directors. 4J Planning Commission Meeting - June 23, 1976 Page 19 Further, that the City guarantee the use of the library within 3� days after acceptance of the charter as a teen center. Also, that a time limit of one month be set for each Commission to appoint a person to the temporary board of directors. If a commission does not make their appointment within the one-month period, then the YPC has the right to appoint a person to fill that position on the temporary board of directors. F�zrther, that the temporary board of directors consist of an ex-officio Parks and Recreation Commission member or their designate. Mr. Peterson said if he were on the City Council he would ask several questions that have not been answered yet, as far as he was concerned� such as how many people would be involved, were there cny duplicate services within the community, etc. He stated that in Parks and Recreation they had asked that the Y be contacted, Community Schools, and if it V�as going to be a duplication of services th at already exist or if they were talking about thirty people out of a pop- ulation of several thousand. He stated he did not think the City Council was going to take action based on the inforrnation available� and he would be a little unhappy if they did. Mrs. Shea said that as far as the Y goes tnat was still five years away, and would be strictly family membership and not individual membership. She added if a family couldn't pay about $200 to belong, a member af that family could not go there. Mr. Peterson said that wasn't true because he happened to be on the Board of Directors for Northwest Y in St. Paul which was a family Y� and there were many teenagers that participated. Mrs. Shea stated that they had a one-night a week program in that Y, and Mr. Peterson said he didn't think that was true. He added that he didn't Imow what the timetable was for the Northeast Y� but maybe there were other services that were duplicated. Mr. Storla said that if a youth wanted to go somewhere tonight� for example, the only place would be the Family Fun Center which was a pinball hall, and there was the question of value of the atmosphere there. He added that they had not come up with any other activities where a youth could go right now� and haven't seen any duplications. Chairperson Harris said they had been talking around in circles, and what it boiled down to was space allocation, and that was the hang-up with Staff and Parks and Recreation. He said he honestly didn't �rnow in his mind if putting it in City Hall was going to work, but he felt there should be one. Mr. Boardman said he didn't think that was the mai.n hang-up, and said he felt they could go with temporary space in the City Hall with no problem. He stated he felt they should be thinking of a more permanent type situation, and about the programs for youth and if that space is oriented to the programs they want. Mr. Harris said that then the next step in his mind was to get the thing off the ground, have them put together a board of directors, and at that time determine where the space should be. UPON A VOICE VOTE, Harr.i._�, Bergman, Langenfeld, Shea and Gabel voting aye, Peterson voting nay, the motion carried 5- 1. Mrs. Gabel said that a number of youths had told her about the ridiculous � rules and regulations that were imposed in the downstairs Parks and Recreation area where there were some facilities for them to use. She stated she was told that when the youth's ten minutes were up� some person gets crabby and i L��� ' Planning Commission Meeting - June 23, 1976 Pa�;e 20 � S � � � � � � � � ' and tells them their time is up and not to come back for the rest of the day. Mr. Bergrr►an said it was a five-minute limit, and would like to ask how many games of ping-pong a youth coulci play in five minutes. Mr. Boardman explained ihat the Parks and Recreation offices were right off the outside play area, and it was distuxbing to those offices, anci that was the reason the time limits were imposed. He added that he was upset about the time limits, too� but they were the rules that Paul Brown set on those things because of the type of admin- istrative activity going on. Chairperson Harris asked Mr. 5torla if he had talked to Distri.ct 1lt, and rir. 5torla explained that they couldn�t be in schools during school hours, and after school hours they would be dealing with Community Schools. ,2�ir. Haxris said he wondered if tlie Board of Directors couldn't be appointed and the whole thing organiz �d , ana at that time some discussion cauld be helc! with District l�. He said it seemed to him that the school districts had to be involved in it somehaw. Mr. Boardman said that to his understa.nding, that was the direction it �aould have to go to be any kind of successful operation, as a teen center would no� provide the type of activites that teens �Tanted, ie: dances, hayrides, etc. Mr. Harris stated that it seemed to him that these people had carried the ba11 abo�it as i'ar as they could and have come to the city to help them. LU'1' SPLI'1' HEQUEST, L.S. #'lb-U5, !3Y c�HJ CUIdSTRUCTION COriPA1VY (J4Hiu LO�AN Split Lot 2� Auditor's Subdivision No. 94� lnto three builcling sZtes. (Zoned R-2, wi11 be developed as tt-1). l�enerally located at Hillwind Road and I.-694. Mr. John Logan, representing t�riJ Construction Company was present. He passed out to the Commission updated copies of the application for the lot- split as the original ones lacked the name and address of the property owner. He also distributed copies of a letter fram Mr. Mark Z. Jones, the property owner, granting permission for the lot splz�;. He informed the Commission that r1r. Jones was selling GHJ the land contract subject to the lot split, and introduced Mr. and Mrs. Del Johnson, prospective otaners. He explained they wanted to buy the second lot for a future home site. rir. Logan said he checked with the City Ehgineering Department to get the water and sekrer locations so the connections ' would be available to each of the ihree lots. � Chairperson Harris asked if he intended on building single-family houses� and Mr. Logan replied he did. Nr. Harris asked if ihe lots had been checked for size, and Mr. Boardman answered the,y iaere all large enough fox single-iamily � under the code and sewer and water was available to all three lots. He added th�.t the City Stafi had no problem with the application. � � i � Mrs. Shea questioned if he was going to have to use quite a bit of fill, and Mr. Logan replied the first two lots would need little or no fill but the third 1ot may require some. He added that the building site itself would be on solid ground. • Chairperson Harris asked if ihere was a ten foat easement on the side of one of the lots, and Mr. Boardman said that was where the sewer and water lines were. Mr..�oardman explained that these lots would face on Hill wind Koad� and on the other side was more H-1 property. � Plannin Commission Meeting - June ?_3� �976 � Page 21 4 'T Chairperson Harris asked about the power and gas, and Mr. Logan said he was not sure how far the gas went, but there was gas to the last house on Sheridan Acres. He stated he had talked to the gas company and they said there would be no problem. He added that he hadn't talked with the power company but there were overhead wires available, and he said they were applying for underground service. Mr. Harris asked if an easament would be needed for that, and Mr. Boardman said that a� this time he would anticipate there would be enough room in the boulevard area for gas and the power company both, but he would check it out before this went to Council. MOT.�ON by Bergman, seconded by Langenfeld, that the Planning Cammission recommend to City Council approval of the Lot Split Reauest, L.S. #�76-05, by GHJ Construction Company (John Logan); Split Lot 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 9l�, into three building sites. (7.oned R-2, will be developed as R-1). Uenerally located at HiIlwind Road and I.691�., subject to necessary utility easements. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Chairperson Harris declared a recess at 11:00 and reconvened the meeting at 11:20 P.M. RE-EVALUATIOrd Or' STI�ET LAYOUT NEAK NORTH P.41�tK : ( Pr:TITION 8-1976 ). Mr. �3er�man stated that Community Development had looked at this and spent considerable time on it, getting into a lot of detail, and had Tom Colbert point out the engineering aspects. He said ihey had gotten involved in state aid funding� which would be lost if same of these vacations were granted� and got involved in the recommendation of the cul-de-sac and agreed they were undesirable and particulary so when they cut ofi an access to industrial-type property. He said they also agreed that as far as preserving the oak tree, it was in the right-of-way but there was no plan for street improvement and therefore not pertinent that any change be made at this time. He continued that if and when street improvement ever would go in, the approval of this" request would landlock some property without street access. In essence, he stated� they saw no reason for the City to yield back gained rights-of-way at the risk of not getting them back or having to buy back property when it might be necessary because of someone's concern that something at some time might happen. Mr. Langenfeld rei'erred the Planning Commission to the mi.nutes of the May 1$� 1976, meetin� of the F.�vironmental Quality Commission, and the motion they made on page 12 of those miiiutes. Chairperson Harris said it appeared from that motion that they concurred with Community Development. Air. Langenfeld agreed, and said they had a good discussion on this and Mr. Boardman had done a good job e�:plaining some of this. He said he had indicated that he thought Mrs. Sporre might be creating more problems than they would be solving. Chairperson }�arris asked what they were really trying to get at, and Mr. Board- man said they were concerned with several things: 1. They are concerned abaii the traffic from the industrial traffic � down Ironton ori to East Hiver Road. The people who live along there have small children, and think the traffic would be detrimental to the neighborhood. I � ' Planning Commission Meeting - June 23, 1976 ' � � � � Page 22 4 U 2. Another one of' their concerns was the vacation of streets, and were worried that if it shows on a map that there is a street easement then developers would anticipate that to be in. 3. Another concern was that the map shows behind the residential property a ri�ht-of-way at 83rd between East P�iver Roa� a.nd the railroad tr�ck.s. That right ai' way is not in. 83rd has been desi�nated as a state-aid road, and Staff has agreed to change this map. !�. They were also conc�rned about 83rd on Idorth Park side. That is a dedicated right-of-way there. They want to vacate that portion of Ashton, eliminate the railroad crossing, and vacate a11 of 83rd. Mr. t3oardr.ian stated that City Staff felt that although there would probably n�ever be a railroad crossing at that location, Ashton to 83rd would have to be maintained in order to service the properties on Ironton if lot splits occur. He said there kas one lot split in there already; and although the people in the area say they are going to keep those properties and never request it, if' they did sell there would be the possibility that the new owners might request it. Therefore, he stated, they did not feel tre vacation of Ashton was a good idea. Mr. Boardmarz continued that as far as on the East side of the railroad tracks was concerned, ne didn't feel that vacating the right of way at this time would be a good idea either, and said he didn't see any purpose in it. He said that if the area develops� it most likely wouldn't develop along 83rd, and thought it would just be an exercise in futility. He stated that there was a utility on 81st, and utility easements would have to be maintained. Mr. Langenfeld asked if there wasn't an implied notation in this for preservation � of North Park, and Mr. Boardman replied that to a certain extent there was. He said he didn�t think North Park wanted an industrial road on its south boundary. He added that he felt it Uras a mistake in the first place to run the sewer lines � where they ran them, because if any kind of development goes in there the.line could be detrimental to tne road. Mr. Boardman said that as to the question of the oak tree, it was located on � Iront�n just East of the interesection of Ironton and Hugo Street. He stated that the curb that was presently on Ironton runs to Hugo Street, is blacktop � for a little ways and then is dirt road to Ashton and down to Ely� and the oak � tree did stick within the curb line. Mr. Harris zsked what type of oak tree it was, and Mrs. Shea answered a white oak. I� Mr. Langenfeld said he would like to bring up two points. First, he said� the �hvironmental Quality Commission felt that the petition was trying to stop something that wasn't even planned yet; and secondly, the F�vironmental Commission made a motion that any development that took place in this area be referred to the � F�vironmental Quality Commission in the beginning stages. He stated he would also like to bring up that he would like this Commission to be referred to as the Fridley �hvironmental Quality Commission because sometimes there was reference � to the State Commission and there was confusion. � ' MOTiON by Bergman� seconded by Langenfeld, that the Planning Commission concur with the motion made by the Community Develapment Commission and recommend to the City Council that there be no change to present street patterns as requested by petition 8-1976 at the present time, and ihat signs be placed at Ironton Street to prohibi�t industrial truck traffic on Ironton Street. The following considerations appl,y: ' C � , ' Planning Commission Meeting - June 23, 1976 � � � � � � � page 23 4 V l. Some of the involved property is not yet developed and may require streE;t service. � 2. lndustrial activity may result from additional development adding access pressure. 3. Until further and�more final development plans are presented, the , possibility of the right-of-way and railroad crossing on 83rd should not be dropped. � � � � 1y. Every consideration should be taken to preserve the tree if road development occurs. Chairper.son asked how truck traffic would get out if not down Ironton. Mr. Boardman ar�s�aered that Ashton Street was designated as a State-Aid road, and the whole iaea behind 83rd as an industrial road was to tie in with the �oon itapids Development. However, he continued, Coon Rapids has tentativel,y come up with an internal road system in that area; and therefore if �3rd �*ould go in it would be a residential road within the city. He said that truck traffic out of' that industrial area should be routed down Ashton to 79th and out at 79th. UPOiv A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. j STREET ZtiTID'PH S'1'ANDARDS Mr. Boardman stat,ed that the memo from '1'om Colbert dated May 2f3, 1976 on tnis ' subject was self-explanatory. rie said �there are set street width standards as 2'ollo�s : ' � � ' Heavy Industrial Park ' Municipal State Aid Street Arterial & Collector Resi- dential y0 feet t�4 t'eet 3o t'eet However, he said, there ar� examples of' otner size streets. He continued that some oi" them are based on environmental reasons, some on certain conditions in the area, or other things. Mr. tsoardman said that the City Council has the authorit,y when a plat was neing done to determine the road size. Another tning that determines it, he said, was the amount o1� psrking that would be needed in tne area; or if no oi'i'-street parking was going to be allowed that woula also nave some determination on the road width. He stated there were variables that could be looked into. . Mr. Langenfeld ref'erred the Commission to page 6 of the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of June 9, 1976, and said Mr. l�ergman's statement in the 6th paragr�ph very clearly expressed his feeling at this time. He asked if they were supposed to make a policy statement or just agree with what they had read. Mr. Bergman said tha�L he and Chairperson Harris had discussed this and agread that a policy statem�nt should be presented from t,t�is ComrRission to identif� and reinforce the propriety of standards. Fie suggested the following in addition to what Mr. Colbert had defined: ' Planning Commission Meeting - June 23, 1976 I Heavy Industrial Park Municipal State Aid Street Arterial & Collector Residential S e lected or Problem Areas Page 2!t 4 W 50� curb to curb - 66� right-ot'-way 1t�t' curb to curb - 60� right-of-way 36 ' curb to curb (providing parking on both sides) - 50' right-of-way 31' curb to curb (parking on one side) - l�5� right-of-way Mr. Langenfeld asked if the last one was more in line with something like lnns- bruck, and Mr. Boardman said it would be. He said that due to the development of the terrain, it migtit be such that those structures could not be shifted and still preserve the character of the development. He stated in that case a smaller street width would be appropriate, and added that another thing to consider was if the road was concrete. Chairperson Iiarris said he thought some mention should be made of that. He stated it seemed to him that under certain circumstances it would be to the city's advantage to have the concrete streets. He continued that in those cases where there was a narrow street and parking was restricted, or if there was a problem area for one reason or another� he thought they should seriously think about going to concrete streets. He added that they may cost more to begin with, but in the long run the streets Iast langer, maintenance is much less, plus there is a better driving suriace. Mr.�i3Frgman said they had gotten down to a 31� curb to curb width which provides for parking on one side and asked if there should be consideration for a narrower street than that within a standard. Chairperson Harris replied that he felt under certain circw-astances there could be, but there would have to be a couple of criteria met. �'irst of all, he said, there could be no on-street parking; and secondly, he thought they should be concrete streets. Psr. Boardman said he felt a narrow street like that should not be in a residential area because of parking, and Mr. Harris said the problem was that they had already done it. He cited Innsbruck as an example, where even the private roads �rere set up with a 24' driving surface. rir. Boardman said that if they did go to a residential area with a 21t' street �rith no on-street parking, it should be similar to what they did in P•linneapolis with their parkway system. He continued that in a residential area pu�l-off� should be provided to allow for some off- street parkin�. rirs. Gabel asked about snow plowing, and Mr. Boardman said he didn't think there was much of a problem. Mr. Bergman stated he was trying to think of a case where that would be done, if not in residential. Certai.nly it wouldn't be in industrial, he said. Mr. Boardman said the only place he could think of would be perhaps a service road into a park area. He said another thing it would do is narrow the road enough so it wouldn't be used as a dragstrip, and added that if on-street parking wasn't needed there was no sense in going with a wider road. Mrs. Gabel said she felt it was time some firm policy was set up and that it not be so negotiable. Mr. Langenfeld said he was very concerned and thought the city should stick to its guns as far as the standard was concerned. , Plannin� Commission Meeting - June ?.3, ]-976 � �� � ' ' ' Page 25 4 X MOTIOtv by Bergman, seconded by La.ngenfeld, that the Planning Commission announce to the City Council and to the City Administration their concern for standardization of street widths� and recommend to Council the adoption of street width policy as follows: Heavy lndustrial Park 50' curb to curb - 66' right-of-way rlunicipal State Aid Street !t!t' curb to curb - 60' right-of-�.Ta;� Arterial & Collector Residential 36' curb to curb (providing parki.ng on both sides) - 50' right-of-way Selected or Problem Areas Service Drives 31' curb to curb (parking on one s�de) - LiS� right-of-way 21t' curb to curb (no parking) -!�0' right-of-way It`is the intention of the Planning Commission that these standards be adhered to in any considerations and recommendations involving street widths. Mrs. Gabel a��ked what criteria would be used•to determine selected or problem � areas, and Mr. Peterson suggested it would be well to strike the selected or probl�m areas from the motion. He suggested handling an;�thing that was �, unique situation as it came up, and thought they should come before the various Commissions �nd be debated on the merits of that particular street. I�;r. Boardr.ian , said if this was established as policy, they could then request a variance frorn this� a���d go through that procedure. ' � r1r. Bergman agreed that the label "selected or prc�bl.em areast' was a b:�d c�:eice, and sug�;ested the term "limited parkin�". Mr. Harris suggested saying 31t and 21�� streets with variance, but Mr. Bergman said he was thinking that in soMe cases a 31� iaith parking on one side tiaould be the proper street width, and it ��ouldn't make sense that there would have to be, a variance for that. Mr. Peterson said that in all the areas in Fridley that had a 31' street zti�ith , parking on one side, he was not sure he knew of any area where it really fit in. Therefore, he continued, the 31' and 2!t' streets should require a variance because it siiould be a special use f.or a specific purpose. P•ir. Harris said then if one- � side parki.ng was desireds it could be stipulated at the time of the variance process. rtr. Bergman .f�7EtvDED the P•10T.tON to delete the Selected or Problem Areas and Service Drives, and add the following: In special situations 31' curb to curb (�5' right of wa,y) or 21�' curb to curb (1�0' right-of-way), requiring a variance request. Seconded by Langenfeld. UPON A VOICE VUTE, all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. . CONTINUED : RECOT4�fENDATI0N5 ON HUMpN DEVELO�i1ENT GOALS AND OBJECTIVFS MOTION by Peterson, seconded b,y Bergman, that the Planning Commission table this subject until the next scheduled meeting. ' Pa ,e 26 � Y Planning Commission Meeting - June ?_3, 1976 � ' � . ADJOURNMENT 1 MOTiON by Gabel, seconded by Bergman, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, Chairperson Harris declared the Planning Commission meeting of June 23, 1976 adjourned at 12:17 A.M. by unanimous vote. � Respectfully submitted, . , Sherri 0'Donnell Secretary ' I ' - I , Sl.--C /� .�a. � M., M1�. . �� 50 � • � 0 � N � _' �� �� 'i -----�--�--�--(�r±� t!� �} — _� (;.;--�.{ 1��.�s .e/V�X, I u�T I •."�T: � /+ Y5' !% ' � � t s r: st,� ' Nl Ar (d�° ��y, �� ,Y F!!1 �'! �.. z� �"'�, t`j� r,l n w �, j° j �y�{ ' ,/ A � � /O � � .. � �' ►� 4. � W � f ('.V T. .I� ��/ 4+� r :i f �,.'� '\ .� r d � . , . 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Kl1RTQ-1 � ' LAtOlD SU6�V�YOR 4201 !N.E. STH STREET ��s— ��6 " COLUI,M91A HEIGHTS 55421 l�M�be�t 1 HtR�OV CERTIIY THAT THIS SURVEY, PLAN. OR REPORT WA3 PREPAREO 0Y ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVIaION AND TI/AT 1 AM A OULY REGISTERCD {.AND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF 7HH STATE OF MINNESOTA ! � �r DATE �C�• Z� � 1 � , r, ,... , � ��> G— c � SCALE 1-- IQ(� � w MIN!NESOTA REGISTRATION NO. 5332 �� IRON MONUMENT ; � � /ty�� �w�, . � -- -t� L.S. #76-05 GHJ CONSTRUCTION �o : 4 ��� s�� . �o. Z� . , � 4 ��o'`�.�.` E -� �� ---- q4o.O - 23 �i L. � ' , . � � W�s . K� ; , yo a �� � SK�2, � A..� V ' N�0 53, ' p� ; 2 � b�ccz�s � - 3o"W _s, � , �'! A ''_ - _ _ O / (/ �^� --- _ . � M � - � � i U u -�-�. � N O�° y5' tip'�N $�J i`►' �yp. � I�J ��n '�I �� � �- to � 2�v,, --� `��` _ � 4,�' ';-; K`" � 9 � �►�. i ' , �! ' �' . ' � � '�'_ 4 sewer and water services available > �� � p This split can 6e described as follows: � c'� The Westerly 240 feet of Lot�2, A.S. #94, except that part taken for highway purposes. The Westerly 100feet of the Easterly 200 feet of Lot 2. The Easterly 100 feet of Lot 2. ', Survey of ' Lot 2, A�_�ditor's Sub No. 94, .Anoka County, Min��eso�a. Subject to ' Hi�i-�way No. 69•1 ' 4 FF ' CITY OF FRTDLEY ' PETITION COVER SIiEET Petition No, 3-1976 IDate Received April 28, 1976 'Object Request the following street clarification be included in the traffic- . street p an for the year 1976: 1 Preserve oak tree at ronton St. to uphold t�ie tr°e ordinance; 2) Vacate Ashton north of Ironton St.; ' _ aca e r inc u ing rai roa cross�ng; an u- e-sac on ' Ironton Street. 'Petition Checked By Percent Signing Reterred to City Council Disposition ' Date ` April 20, 1976 Mr. Nasim Qureshi City Manager Mr. William Nee Mayor Members of the Fridley Council We the undersigned request the following street clarification be included in the traffic-street plan for the year 1976 to include the following: 1) Preserve the oak tree at 275 Ironton Street to uphold the tree ordinance. 2) Vacate Ashton north of Ironton Street. 3) Vacate 83rd including railroad crossing. 4) Cu1-de-sac on Ironton Street (see map). 4 GG � � ' ]. . �2. 3 �4 5 ' 6 I NAME . �//,���/��..> _ .�t1 .- � ' �i . i. :- Y ' �'� _ ,• . / � - ' i - + ADDRESS /� - ,.._ � , 1� � � ,� �. _ �.. � . . ► + ,.,. ... ..� � � �� - �- --i . , c�� � ►/ �r.�_�.rf.r � .. i . , �... J �� ;�� � �...,�.��- - �' � �� HF� PHONE 7� � o�r� 7S'y -��.9 ��L -dl�L �'��-o%� � � ', t� i r �. . y �_ � � . 1 ' �. � 2.0 3v � 4. ' S. NAME 6. ' 7. � s. 9. 'io . -rl . '12 . ,13. 14. �15. 16. '17. 'is. 19. ,ZO. 21. � 22 . � 23. 24. 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Pletition Checked By j P�lercent Signing Ri�ferred to City Council Djisposi tion Date 0 5 i � i , June 28, 1976 � `�`le, the undersi�;ned, resident� of 7th Street between ' 61st and 63rd Aves, Fridley, do hereby petition•the � �� City of Fridley to change the 'No Parking 6PIvI to BPi�;' signs to r�ad 'No Par;�ing 6PTvI to SPTri irton-Thursday' and to have the signs either renoved or covered during tne iall and winter months, � ', NAIv.E Ad dre s s Phone c� ' i- /� �.- � � � ;1 _� : l.�r��,�� c_ �- 2'_- �fi ! �- �?�:' c�,j c_ i ',,� S_ 7/-�. �.' � � ' � ' ����p� __ %� �����i��`' .s �/ G �s -i' � � t � C' �I `41 �:Il�i'G� � � -,�� � � : ./______ �-� i<> �'-f'y y��� . �I � . :�-//-- � �/� - I - - _ � �,y L�, i : Date <�,.�' �/r� �' �� , ..,;,, ��/ , � � - �, - v ,i : � � � ��,, ,� / l�` ; . i�' % , � 1.�'�'-! �t� j� l �� '" �G' � � � � � / ��,%. - ,�// � Z`� � , � - �/ ' �%,�"L � ct /�/�l /z--� `- t-' �=C ��:. �, �- �3 �' % �S 7� � �/ ��.5 � 3 S� � /�J �,;��, . � C �; �_ ` �/ � � � � /5.s'�� � >��s' '�'},' \, �. � �- _' � ( / �' _ � ; , _ � ', -��' c , �; " , �� �/G' ' �-�i'�� � � � - _�`L2ci/`�--� ,' -2`� .ilti�� �ry i . � G� �7'"/ ��.�` % / %� � � �' �� � ���'� ��� -� /� i�-�� (,�-� �.�� �° � �� � . -_, � ;` < < ;s`� / � ���. �`�',� . 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G�y/ O 'O hO / � p ,(f ' r�t ^�°��i,�s � �O�y� ^ . � ��� � Gi3� o 1� �f a � �/J % (p � � � �6 P �r� . �4. / 0 �.r;b -�-- ;.. . � ° °� � � o �/�� .��� "��•?`% � 1•10 � �2 r�*� _ . l.i,f.i�_ � .6iii '� �%!/� � //D ° � '� .}'ta -- '� -- . � � �1� o� a ��;d� . �� � ` _ i -c+ i9 � � x�_" �„�n/O � �r/Ol�:� N� o ti ! ��- .T v� � � s s n �,-d .. � rY C. -. M ��.�+~i ' .Y�. .,r��Pi.s.4���,J:�-fi��C!_i% ' �, - ��-�----- 'S��E31 � . , •-�soa.,t� � �.� � � .� h _fI ~ . ' �_ s ii4 coRNER SEC. /4 Home Owners Signing Petition /"'� � Existing No Parking / 6PM-8PM DaCe Received CITY UF FKIDLEY PETITIUN COVER Si{GET Ju1y 8, 1976 Peticion No. 13-1976 Ubject Petition for a Four-�t�ay Stop at the intersection of 16th Street ' iGardena Avenue) and Stinson Boulevard. _ Petition Checked By PeXcent Signing r Re�erred to City Council Disposition Date � 0 I �� ' �� June 22. 19?6 . We� the pQOple, of the area of 16th Street i1.'r:. and �tinson �?oul�vard in I�ie�•r T?ri�-hton and Fridlcy are requestinrr a Four ;�►ay �top at the in�ersection of 16th �t. and Stinson. , �� w � , j. �` i , , i ! �, :_ ,, . . , � /, � �/ �,i ,; , /, - , -ti`1.-�,� ,;_ , � ` ;, , _ ; i; /'% /;,; ti �� � ._�.� ' I �,- � f _ ; , j � r ._ ` _ /� ��%(i ' ��. ���/ �'� ��t v ~' � � � �r f �� r. ��� �:� ����. � ; cc� �� � -;�`;-�;�s; ���"� " � /l �%�`' L�l � l; / `) / � �.�, s^i �✓ . : l!: ' I , --�; �� ' � j' U J 7 `J ��J i� -`-�' � % 7 l� � �� /'�;%/_ _ '� / , �/ � ` /��1 y V . �� G 7� %� � J� . . - -7 �� /�.-; y 1 ;J f/� s:t✓ � � : l � �,y � ; r:,' r, �-� �;; (,� ., , ., f� ' �, �i. i��+ , , , . . -- r • , ; l , •-, �_ .:J ! � < ... <. r -, � , � . . . , � ` �� . ,. ! 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(f �.�u i J. � �`� ��� , c � �-, t r� ��i= � �1 � � June 21, 1976 'rle, the people� of the area of 15th 3treet Id.;�7. and Stinson Bo�alevard in :1e� 3ri�hton and Fridle;� are requestinn �'; a Four=rlay Stop at the intersection of I6th 3t. and Stinson. /� / -� ��.; % �. - ��"`�!,li,� / ;� ��� /�„��.�-�*_._ _�% ./t'.�.�. -�-.r.�,./ . :;� _, . ,_. -� � \ / � �,`, � ^� r . 1 r, �� �, � S � 1 ! � � , � �� , �'� '� � � J (� � � �'' . � '' ` �j ��..�.,� �'.�-�ti �� � � / �v �y_- /?/Z/ a.� �U �:✓ ��'�� ` /-� ��� -�_,.�. �� ����C'Yy� � � � � ` �dC.-���--�� �.d i�,II,�J�� y"` � , ��� , � t,��� � �s�7 �'�'�s�� /3-�,, �. � �!� � . - �, (� � � i-���_ � _ � /tf% �� ��'� _ � G`� � � �i , r,;� � : L-v � � � �� -� � � �.� � �'� -�-- ,� . c` � � C�,�.�G� -�. y � ' � . � �.-�,�. y? � , � S�� y �,��-s�--���� � � _ �.. � f�Zr �, � ��� , �� ����-� ,_, : � ��,� �J ,. 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I � ' � I � ' , S Ls i � - �_ � '\.H:Y:�Y7 �A,R �" _"' I-- '�-- "4' -- __ �^' � '��� � '�' ' — —1-- . J!. !. I � ` � � ' ... ._. �. ,�„r� , -- - ; �`, -' �� 4'�G%9�v> h � : . , � � • � � �� ' � ' � 0 !�-�=_rE_.,�,::•/'�<, vAS - � �� �. fvBoi m � : i .`� I Ra,.s R. e � i (/��� `�-`�_ ♦ ' �/920J -- � �:'•Urvls R. H�/san j (•vrl 6 . _``_ r �.� I 40 � � `�!. _ ,,, �.: � � �... , - . , �2�� � :-_•�,, � I I �' .Ly/aL.4'E//er/J� .'•. / I � , ,,�ore�rsv .� , _ ,i�_ ., , <s %;, 5g1� . � r: ----•=^+ _ �:.�� --------- - �o I' � : • ,- � . , � '••,,i � - ' =,.�—i-..--_-�— ` Q- --- - -1 t------------- , f2o3o) �`,- - i `�� � � ; �,� ' ,; 58g� `� `, � _ �— - �U .� � r ,��I i �. . (2n.?o) ., � - � � •� � '���ZZ�t � _._s.8o�_ 5830 _ ;.- .'./�/D�i ` ii . � /�� •_ e:. -r- 13 4 V , } � 61 f ` ` \ _ /' "DES:if/iT.'OH .:tYRtA�' � . l � : ��.� � ',h� ;�Z�SJ.I h � i . �; Q . � � �o . V_ . � ' �! . . �� , � , •' -.�..-. , • � : � -�; .__ ._.__.._. .---- _ • _ ,- __ - . � .� ' ` � ti � �� . . S«�. . . u � Sign . � � 6E 0 �.......��._ . .. _._._..,¢ ._ .. �...,..._.�:. ... . ._ �_ ry.� __,. ... .._.._.., ..,..�.e.�.-���-�-�-� � 6000IWE-ST MOORE ��KE DRtVE, T"RIDLEY, t�41f�Ptf"SOTA 5`i432 / 56O-6100 June 29, 197b City Council City of Fridley 6431 University Ave. N. E, Fridley, MN 55432 Dear Council Members: This is to request a waiver of fees for the construction of a bleacher facility at the Fridley 5enior High 5chool. o�z. ��iiri K. FinrvsFr� 7 ;IIPI kINIi PI(�I NI JAMES t1. HIEUHEN uiiri cii��i itu•.iri[•.�, nirnirr; �Ar✓�ES �. r�nt�t�ns num�rvisirrnnvt nss�sinr:i ' The contractor is the Hauenstein and Burmeister Co. and the architect for plans, specifications and inspection is Robert D. Hanson. ' Cordially, ' i �� �� � ;' �'� ��r. /�% _ .Z r ���c� ' Gordon Sangster � Chai rman ' Board o£ Education ; GS/hj \, )' V �, CONSIUERATION OF PRELIMINARY APPLICATIONS FOR LAWCON FUNDING (Preliminary Applications wili be Available at the Council Mee�ing Monday Night) � � � , , MEMO T0: Dick Sobiech, Public Works Director MEMO FROM: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner MEMO DATE: July 9, 1976 RE: Contract Status on Section 8 Housing Program ', Metro Council has indicated that we need to make a final decision on ' the type of Contract that the City wil] make wi�h the Metro Housing Authority ' to carry out the Section 8 Housing Program. They need an indication at this ' time in order to properl.y publicize the program. � �J ' � ' ' The alternatives that are available to us are as follows: 1. Application and screening - Metro Council inspections - Fridley (reinbursed by Metro Council) .2. Application, screening and inspections - Fridley (reinbursed by Metro Council) 3. Application and screening - Contract with other municipality inspections - Fridley (reinbursed by other municipality) I feel that alternative number 2 would be the mosi appropriatQ d-irection for us to go. This alternative would be the most accessible to our residents in order to allow them better service. It would also provide a reiir�bursement for services of approximately $140.00 per unit, to cover application and screening, inspections and necessary office equipment to carry on the operation. The first date for taking applications will be Monday, August 16, 1976. I have reorganized my staff so that we can initially handle the applications through my secretary with a final review by myself. If this works smoothly, extra staffing may not be necessary. If additional staff is necessary, it is my intent that temporary staffing reimbursed through the program would be implemented. '', At this time they only need a verbal committment to staffing, hov�rever, ' they need contract approval no later than August 16, 19?6, so we should take this to the City Council as soon as possible. JLB/de !�J - Plattnir�c�_ Con�miss_ion 1�ic.etii�c�_ - r-�c�ru��r� ��, 197G Pagc 2�4 \vo�ce Wotc, ��J1 vvt-ing ayc, Cl�aixman li�arris decl.�rrcd i-hc PuLlic llcaring cl��cd at 22:�9 1�.M. ' ' � ��' f�oardman reminded the` Planninc� Cammission �:hat th�s documenL ha al ready� n suhmi 1;�:ed to the P�letropol i tan Counci 1 bui: i i coul d sti 11 b ��i thdrati�m or cha�nged. ' t�fr. Lcc�k �id this prc�appl ieation �•�ould 1�e going i;hrough v ious sta�es of rev7evr until i t�»s heard by the full ��i�i:ropolitan Council o I�larch 12, 1976. I�Je vrilh l�e get�:in� r�or�:s and corz�m�nts all �:hrougt� t}�at rev' ���r. tde ���ill h<�ve 3 or �!I c;ays after ��iai,c 12th i:o act c�n any chanc�es ti�-�t mi � �i: be r^econ�,ncnci�:d at that t;ii��e. Cht�ir°�z��.n Ilar� is �s�:��d th<;1: if tl�ey t•�ere �oiri� 1:o send an �dcicndu�i� to thils origir�al ���rc��ppl�ic� �ic�n, if i:he Planniny Con;�ni ion cvuld ge�; a copy of that:. P9i°. Qo��r��c��?;�n saici �h��• ���cu7d oc�: such a copy. Ic� sa�id �:I�at any chanr,cs tf�at 1��e sc�nd to thn I•ietropc�lii� Counci I a:ould I�y s a dir�eci� result of �Lhis he��i°i�'g. F!e sa �:i thE�y .a7so t-1ou1 g�t copies of i�yti�ir�y that �•ras sugges�ca by the (•�ei.►:o��l�i�an C�,a��cil. ' t�'�r, f�oarcS���::n said the�� anticipa sai � V�e ug;�eed �:ri i,h the P1 armi n j CC�:f',;il'I more i�o �he ho«sing and irnplei��en�at�i ' re-SVOrki ng _.i � i;hat our proy ms. part of this docuir.erzt. (le F�1°ojects sl��ould be rclated i�".�7'IOId t:c� Ber.gma��, secand_d }�y Langen<-e.Gc , t1i<.t t-he Czty Adr,t?n..i_siz'at-ion b�� 2'�:jllr?�;t:^;:' '�i� CD.'7SJ_Q'GL' LFrIG' 2"G'C `:II?i':lC.''3L�Oi:S d17Q' CO�`1.� 'J'UC�1VF.' CX".�2C.'.ISi!!S R?c:ClE3 Of r^Li� �Ui;l.2n7q,iii. ::1.�..C�.^. �1{" tii15 ji�:�?.2 %?�"-'ci:'117�7� .31iC1 L`O modift� r�G' C10C.'!?Ri(?1)�� i172/..� {:O 2rC.T11Cic a t�utdar�� ,-c;�: �-°�•,� ��.; the th- P1ai�r._ina Co��.~:iss.zon of the .'°�•;ritLer� p��opo:�ul. U�on a VC??C'c''., 'o'C::`_r?� U.Z1 VOt:211� •jt�� {-.�1° 1l1pt1077 car.ried Z1I1<.11.2<':i:ii1S._I . ' ��ir. 6o�rd��;a s�:id tl�at if the Plann;ng Co:�.�.�iss-ion, ir, e-re�dir� tn;r �:t�0�'Ol�ca�, �ldC; d!1'�ci:cG1't;"IQ�ld� C0�(;ii1�nLS �;0 iiiu��c,tt1:'`% I.t�Y"ell��: i;0 Sl�iiL'�'. ltl ca11 ;��� ei th�+� �ir��el � ur Ray LLe!;. !1.� �;�n�:l ci 1 i E:e r.o have a r:;or enl i�f�i�ned docui����n �. by �e ti ��,e t}�i s can�e back 1;o tl�e f'1 anni ,��g Co�,�,��� � ss�i �r� . trE $�1 : � 7. P' . St�,rt����tli; said ti�at he t!�o���!���.that thc ['1ar�n�in� staff had d� I�llS �CJ 011 �1�� Oi t111S, ill�� �;41�`� �1dV�' �1��?'l VE?1'j�' Stl'�il ;i!�;�Ol"1•;cl'!�. ;?i? i:llr.l`! l:f1P.\� fi%i(� �C'.�Il CiOilltJ u�� �;,t?lti UU;"111C� �l 7 I!;il (;t?J l,liiii,', dllt� �l` S u 704) 1;E'.i� c�i�i1(?. �i� 5�11�1 l.fl:' ��ac�: that: Il� Ci1Gti'i. cl����"�� ;��l��l 1� ;� �i nc }' .. 1.� _ (�,_I . • 1.10i1 . � f:FGO�_��;=��:Dr1TI0(�__G;�.'_S�C'�1Oi•! �__I'(��.��Ii�u RE�nI_UTIC�; a ��fi�i. �l:'lt :��, ':. S � � � ' t�1r. f�ozrdin�.n saiil t.he�� r�ee�ied ar�,s�ltil:i��r� ior� Seci:�c;,� � Ha�isi;�� �.�,d also a d;�:ision ori t�.�i�;ch of i�;lo opt-ions �;li� CitY t;ant.ed to o{�c;����e un�i4r. l�c� s�,i�i �h:�± or�e ��;�tion '; �,s ����;,^.t:f�c�r• tt,e Cit�� n���r�?.c�ci �:u go alon�a r:�ii:h t��� f�'_�L�'o Ca�:nc�i I lic:��i:, � 11i�t�J�q�rit�,� a>>�! le�: i�.l�c�,�i cii� t.hc cii�:ii�c� pr���jc�ct ��:ith �iricl;l�� a,�l�� ihc i►��;;��>ctian pt�oc:i�s; .tt t!;�.: !'�i ��; 1^�dcl , o�� ci� �.�c �•,���r;t ��i��;r•o Ci��cnc. i 1 t.o c+� s I�I thc di i•;.y� ;•,�,�•}; �nd �r,� ti•ri11, i.:�,,�ouc�li our sta(� ,��r�:i� ��rit.h r� info�•c��.ci {�crsor<<iel frc��,� i•'�tru i.o�►i�ci1 itt�iidjlc� tlic sc►�;�ei>;���� o(� ����p�� ican�i:;, sc��c�enine� of �Nart�r.�nt. complexes, t�i�d t.he 1115j�'It`.C�:lO;i. (h('.SC 1';!'1'�' l.11�? l:'••;0 04)�i011S. ' ��Il'. �Ci?�:i: ��:'I(j �IC il`.�i: t:{Il�l�(' 1�'�l$ Ciilll(1C1' 111 f)0�.:1 0���.1(lll�i� lll(� iv(`. �1JVt.' t.n i��t:.l�l I.c{��.i11Cf il�(lllt a l�c,�l ��011�:lllt� i:ll(i ��C\'t'.�(141i�1t`ilt. /�U�`.{1O1'1�)�. �•7i'. �i;?�lT'(i'l:�tll :il l.l �:�1�1 +; � 1" l li � C`)' 1'!(1ll � t! ill) �. IlC(`�� �'.il I �;� ��,Il Ojl�'1'.l t.l� t �l 1`� (�t'll(Ji'�li;i. P��l�l (; hl' t;�`I'l' ci��lll�l �� , , „ • , , , �i•�c t au�. TI���Y ,�i��' �I;� �n�; ,�� ti�r�;'r��;�lr��ct.�in�� �•;it�.l� Lh�� I����lro ;.,:..n�:il 1�1.J1 t�� u��crat�. thc. � 1' 1 I � I�E'iiCl'�l� <!���)� 1 Ci1t; l0;lti t.�11'O.lt)�l i.�li`. I l" �11'Ol)1'�lCl. i�t�C!('Vl'.1' � 1�� 11C C�0 �li1Vl.' ilfl �ll: t. 1 Yi' � ' Hlannin Cnrnmssion Mec�tin�C - Februar,Y 1f3, 197G n�.�e 2' _, .._�-- -- ----- — — � 9 ,� �� IiRA, 41e11 need an HR/1 recornmendatian to the City Council to follow tl�is program. 4!e do havc�l� an existin� IiR/l. They �rill be mee�;iny to make a recommendation to the Council. � 1��'llUt� I3�' Scot:t, sccondcd hy ld�,hlbcr�, th��t the P1�.rnn�ng Conuni�sion r.��commcr�d , to Coun�il tLJt tlx�� ���:�r � raso].utian authorizing L•hc I•fetropolit�n Cnuncil to ��PP��� for. Sc�c��.or� 1; 1,ou:.in� �as��:�t�ance i'und. Upon a vvicc vot-c, a11 votin� �iyc, thc moL�.i.on carricd � urlar�i�nousl y. ' ',It ��ras the concen�us of i:he Planning Commis;ior thaL they favored the second option for this pro�ram s� th�1; thc�re t�;ould be more local control. ' , F;OTIOIJ J�y LL1Jl:JG1�i�CZC�, seconded by Pex�man, t-h�iL- the Pl�nni.n�a Cv;r��nission recornmend to Coii��czl th�t L-hc C.i i:� of Frzdley operat-e the Seci:ior� � progr.�r.� tlndcr opt.i��tl 2, wherc t•letro�:nlit��n Cc�cutc:•i1. i;aU1d h�nd]e the ap1�l.ic��t.i.ons for funding, buL a11 the ' screnn;�ng of ��p��lic�inLs and apartn;ent co.*;,nZe�c.s �tnd ins�pect�on ti•»izld be ul�dcr. tlie conLi'a1 of the Ci ty. Upon a voicc vate, �11 votilly aye, tl�e motion caz'ricc3 � t�nans{npusl�. , , POLICY �TI`�Tri"Ei�1T 0?! 4Q' I�I+D OTNLR SLuSTP,IdD�,P.D ST7_C LOTS Arv� HOl'1 TNEY FI�( � ,'' I�•t�lU T}�E� CI Il' ('La;'J ' i s�i tem ��:as rei�erred to the P1 unni n� Co���r�i ss +on by i.he ti�?�?��l s mn�i ssion at th�ir n� etin� of February lU, 19%6. t t.hi s f i rst re�,�e� �±o bu i l d on u��' 1 ot i r Fri d��:y ' i•�rs , tida � he rr} s � i d r, e t�l �1 e b�caus� ��,e felt ;�;as �rnpo���;ai�t t{���t the Pianr�i��� Co����^issioi� a� � sor�:e of �:n� Iii�i?i�lcY" CG:i':lil1SS'IOi1S �di:° c3 �UOi: c1'i, til� (1GiiiE.)E1, O�F �,'0� �O�S ��Il�i� t`:�1"� i��� Fi"1C�i:=.�}'� �•rhich ar� listGdy �i!"10 t�4:c� a luor: at tliese loi:s, and det.et���,'ne !:o�:r th�J shoul� be u�i�d in the fu�ure. i,e said �;f��t lo�:r ��d n;edei��tc i: ��ir�:� 1•ras discussec! ver•;,� �a�uch in the Con��;�re�;e� �ive H.�usir.g Plan. Ther� ir,a be a neccssity to use sor,� pf these lo�;s f��r�• f.his OUS�IiI�'. ' P�i �'. l�J���hlhei�y said the r�;� ~�er+;� that the � co;�s�ic��°ed the �<<riances or ��:Gs -+- -1 n � � � i l��)�) t0 :>� ,�'.r)� ��'-'�-Ck:t�t;. 5�1� Sc'.lCj i,il� it�ij'�P.clS for a i�ouse � h�t ��.oul �� b� i n i.��� � ,�� Cau�,:,�i�sion jusi: di �+ n�t ���ei con.� ort�: }l� �h ,���� o('c����r,:; ��;� Pandor,� `s "ox on �11 t,flE3 �I�� �G�S lll F'r'IG�C✓. 1';{�dt l';'r? �?�^�? 1'��:�.incJ 1',1S �.11iit ��1'� (;1�,-;`.?'l;ill��r' De����:?�?�ll°t�1t GOi;i:,l'',SS1011� tllC'. ��llli!i1Cl i��SOl.ii"CC'$ t.01?i;:l1S 0 �tllCi �;}iE_' El11`11"'011`:;i:';�!�:�?� 414t�1 �)� COii'il�lS �1i)!1 �t 1:1 /', -�{.:'� � { f� }� .Oil'�"'?Ilj,;.� illiC� 1'C'.CO:!'.;;?;'I;C{:1j:1C'•!l� �?;:C:t: tU f:�!(? r���lll'ili�;� � j ) �� �1'U�:�t.lil� c�IIC� �):'�III�J t.�l::l� Coiu�n�i';ssion so t.f�e ��p;��: �l s Cc;:l::ni ss ' i� ;•;oul ci ha� � sot�;e et�, i danc� anc; c:�� reci�.i on . ' I•t��s. l,raf�lbct,g said �:he e 1-��as an ur��ei�cy on �is be�ause 'hc App�als Ce�ra����sion tabl cid th; {��i:�i �:i o��ei�' ��'�.c� ��s t�!�li �i l i:V�cY �Ot l:ht��t� 'C�Ci?��;E��enda t i ons . The ��c�t�i c•; rni���. saicllhe �•ro<<ldn't mind b.�- �ca hcicl �t�� fo►' �� fc>>�a t•reGks, b:'� he r�oulci lii;e �:u st,+rt ca�»�.�'U�tlUll in ahout. ��o iuo���.i�s. �, .. , !•7:?,7'c�:,� hi1 `'.c�tt:, .^c�c,ond��,i by I3crcr.n:tn, th:it tl�c� C'�^:c�:r.ar�1 -� l�cvc�lor,n;,>>i C`or;:�u .i::r�, i � )t1,7 �.1 i::J i�i`1:i�711f:: 1.VI1 if Ut%J <1!!.: l:i,:a:t.: ' j11111i.3�] ��e?:�O;:!.'L'�?S .C7171i;.1:�:'1(Yl :11)i]' ��)..' 1.':i]VJ.YOi1�'4:`I1�.�1.1 � _ _ T'(.`i:C)�i:l:l:i')�,?!t"t� •; (�t! i'I:c` Z)i.":i. 11::�� (Jj t']7C Vi7C�:11i' •ji)� .'LC�t.`� .111 tilC' C.t.j'2 C).' 1�.L'.1O.1c`il� .?7:c� . . �, Z�)1��� �It>.�F1 �i \'C�/.('t' 1'O�t. :11.� VC?i:ii:<J ::I;i'� X'(.`t:U�'11 t,'I�•. . 1.'C'c.'Ol;:;;f.'it(.�.:i,]'i>1J.`.: i.l:; :'��C�11 il5 0='�� � t:%]t:` �IIC)i � .J i'�11:1'7c.`�� U1:.1�1J11!C):L'�.71j. hli�. !>a��rdm;ln s�i�l n��t: 1:0 ��o���e�: t.hai: th� City Couilcil �,�ou1d h;i��c� tc �Ic�i���r�,���;�� t. ;4�l,�nninc� �,ol icy c��i �ltl' lut.�. Plrs. ldt�hll,��i•�� snicl t.l�,►i�. �;�,�s �:h,�� sl��� ��t;�nt��c i.hi:�. . � ,j 1 � •i v lrrnyi��� il►��n .��, �anct'�lc�i tih 4his n;cct:iiic� sc� t.l�r. �u.�t�i:iuncr ���uuldr� t: l�e hc. � uti ,� �.. . nr,cNs>s��ry• � 1, I' � �' i� ! � ; ;. , � � � � ' PUE3LlC NCARING COUfdCIL f4f.CTIIJG Of F1ARC11 &, 1976 ?`.!!1 PnG� a RFSULUTiOP! F;O. 23-191G A!ITNORI7.IiJG ThE i'ETF.01'OLITAtd COUP;CIL_ TO_APPI_Y FOR IIOUSIPIG ASSIST11�l,i: !U„DS i(!R 1',i�If�lfit!ltllOt l��It ��i .�f�F (,lIY [)1 fI�11�1f_Y �,' ) Ei:lCUT1G�� UF -- . - --- AG{;LfI,EI�i�--C�JJTi'i;CTlflG l�lll�' ��;_11�O�01I� i;i�',(.IL IiOU�li1(� l.lU RfD..1,�fLOi'�Fi'(�AUTHURITY F�Oft Tl,i: I'JkPiiSE Uf� I�i;O'd11�;i�G SECTIO�! i. IU:�DI('� 1-i�_Iffl: CITY OF FRIfiLI.Y: -------�_ AI�D R[CEIUIIJG TIIE IdltlUTES OF 1HE fRiDLEY HOUSIt�G A'iD REDEVELOPI;Et�T AUTf;OR1TY t4f=ET111G OF (���,ItCH 4> 19/6c ----- - -------- ------ 1-i0TI0id by Councilman Fitzpatrick, seconded by f.ounciln:an Haiuernik, to receive the minutes of the Flou�ing 11utl,urity �;ee±in3 of �'arch 4, 197G. Lpon a voice voie, all votiny any, f�tayor �Jee declared tt�e r,.otion carricd unani�r,ously. Nancy Reaves> represcntative fro��;l•tetro Council, stated that if the City of Fridley decided to provide 1.iie staf; on thc �:rc�grar,�, there ��rould be ti�e tas�: of verifyin; incon:e yearly to c�ake sure thP recinienCs a�•e er�t�tled to stay on the pro;rarn, and this is a multi-iaceted pro�i�a�.�. It is harc to ;�redict the nu;��ber of ur�its for the first year, inaybe 30, 40 or 50, but it all d2pends on the federal iundir,g. After the initial yeai° of operation the number uf staff load could be expected to declin� some�vhaC. ' Th� �ity ^t�nager said th�t he thir.ks the process, as far as the cnst of the progr•am 1S COIICEI°�1�CJ� 1S lf l,'B E.'Xi:CU�P. �il(: ��i'G.^.iii"1 l:E dt't� 1'C��::�bursed for i.il° program� bUt if ��;e do not> the !•letro Housing f�.a�i�oi�it} �:oul� do it. It i�;il � bc a s:ai�e:� of pc,licy by the City Council ��;iiich rcute they �eel is riot�e feasible 1or 2he com,�amity. Th:: Cit� I�anyger s<<id he feels that if the Cit, a;�re to do it suppler�,enr.al help �•�ouid I�ave to b2 hire� on a icnnot•ary basis or a cent��ac�ual basis. Cour:cil;;,�r: E-itzpatric�: said that a ore�t dea7 r,f 117f0Y'P.idtlGtl ,:nd a>:u2i ier,ce �:oulc'. accrue to the s+�ff, t:�d they riculd Le i�eirn6;:rsed in the dii•ect service. He said a cocd deal o� input arou;d co,ne into the City aai��inistit�atien. I�lOTIO'� by Councilman Har.iern�ik to a<'cot nGsolu:?on i:o. 23-197G 1•rith the ar,�ndments that ti:e have an annual revie�;r in Jan,�ai•y b,� ti�e City Courcil of tt�i= �regra!� and that a continuai.ion of ihe progi-a:� be dor:e by resoluiion ofi the Co.:r�cil. i+lso that if tl���� g�,ant fui;ds are cut of:' tne C�ity is in no r;ay �>'�liq�i:;d tv contii�uc� ±.!'�• pro;;r�a�n. T��e r»tion t;as seccrd�d b;• Ca:rcil ;:�n Fii;zpa*rick. Upen a roll call vut��, COUIICi�iA1Cl �{c'��l;�l'Il1F;� CCUIlC1�iilcll f1LZ;ic'.LY1Ci:� i.OU!1C1�1'+Oi'c'.!1 t�U�OI�:�:l Btic� i'�d1'U1" �`l^P. votinc; aye, Cou�:cil�ran Starur�lt vo+:�r.�g nay, 1'ayor Nee declared the moiion c�:rried four to ore. The Council directed the ad;ninistratior, to b�°iilg back the agree�;;ent at ,3 lat^r daie after terms have been establisn�d by the i'�etrop;,litan Hou�iri�; ard Redevclo^,:��nt Authoritiy. Also c.onsidc��aiion of tf,e aj�eer:er;t t,�hich e,�,phasi�cs Ci�y staff partic�i- pation as recor,�men�ed by th�� Fridley Hcusirg and Redev2lopn�2nt AuCf:ority aiid tl�� Planning Cor��1115S1G11. �SIDE^,9TIQP7 OF RFSOt.U?10"i h0. 2��-1°76 A.PP!?0'J?";G TlIE PREAPP�ICRT?0„ F0� �VE 'i`�'f�iff�T E�UCK 6Rrlt�ilSt�� �—_� �-- ----- — ' MOTIOir' by ncilm:an I;a,7ernik to adopt P.esol�tion No. 24-1976, seconded,-tiy Coin�cilm,an �� Fitzpatrick. on a roll call vote, CounciLr.�n Fitzpatrick., Cow�ci�,��n HdIi1L1"111i:, COUI1C1�1�i0'�811 Y.ul;or�ki, Mayor P�ee voting a�e, Councilman Star��:alty-oting nay, Ptayor '� Nee declar�i�d the mo�n carried four to on�. /� � • I ' I�' COP�SID[f�ATIO'J OF RC�OLUTIO '0 2��-197o DI�'FCTIt;G i'i;EPP.��'tOP� Of THE fIfdAL ASSESS_ h1EPd1 ROLL �Of: 1IiF ST. 1°15-1 ) ST 1915-2 S1F.r_[1 I�U �f�ENT PilOJCC1S: Motion by Councilman Start�ralt, secon d by Ceu i`lwo�ran f(uF:ot-�ski, to adopt Resolu- tion P�o. ?_5-197G. Unon a voice vote, a v ng aye, hlayor Nee declared the motion carried unanirnously. ' COP�SIDERA710N OF RESOLUTIO�J N0. 2f �Y_76 DIRFCTIP, II�LICATIOtd OF HF,`11:iNG O�d PROFOSED —._. . --- - -- ---- f1P�AL ASSL,S�1l:llT IZULI FOi2 ST. l��-1 (��iD ST. 1)7:�-? _ RE'T I'riPP04EIlEi;l PRO�LCIS: 1�10TION by Councilm�n Staryx�t, seconded by Councilwoman K v�ski, t� adopt Resolu- tion No. 2G-1976. Upo� voice votc> all votiny aye, f•layor declared the motion carried unar�imou�% CONSI(1EftATIbN.�OSt Rf-SOLUTION ��0. 27-1976 RIRFCTiNG PRFPARATIOP� Of 1HC 'Al._ASSCSSt•1E ROLL fOR 1•lfN�Z, SANII/1RY Sf.IJLR, Air'D STORi'1 $'t��'Ut']MI'l�OVf:P1t IVT f'ROJf:Cf tJU. 1_ ` --------�--------------_-_—_.----- ------_—__» M�TI by Council�,roman I;uko�vski, seconded by Co�mcilman Starvralti> to adopt Reso - n P�o. 7.7-197fi. Upon a voice vote> all votin9 aye, Ptayor Nee declared the motio carried unanimously. �! 9C � ; CONTRACT NO. 9 D METROPOLITAN C�OUNCIL Suite 300 Metro Square Building, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 SECTION 8 HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYIvIENTS PROGRAM CONTRACT WITH IvIUNICIPALIT'Y TH''�,IS AGREEMENT, entered into as of this day, the day of be�ween the Metropolitan Council (hereinafter referred to as the Councili , and the Ci�y of ,(hereinafter referred to as the City) . � WI�TNESSETH: W.I�iEREAS, the Council intends to undertake a program of subsidizing rent pa;�mer.ts for, lower income families and for the �lderly to assist them in obtainir.g acequate housing, and W�iEREAS, the Council has received fun�ing from the United States Department of Hdusing and Urban Development (HUD) under a HliD Section 8 Housing Assistance Pa�ments Program Master Annual Contrihutions Contract (Nlaster Contract) dated ' to act as a Public Housing Agency to imp�ement zhis prpgra m , a rid �I1T$IEREAS, the City has by resolution ir.dicated its desire to participate zn this pragram and to assist sucn individuals and families to obtain decent, safe ar,d sainitary housing in the City at p:ices tney can afford, and W�iEREAS, the Council desi:es to purchase certain necessary administrative services frc}m the City in connection with carryir:g out the program, and W�-IEREAS, the Council is authorized to execute an agreement for the purchase of prdgram services and to t3ke al.l action specified or cor.temp2ated ;�erein pursuar.t 'to' Laws 19 75 , Chapter 13 , Section 6, Su�:d . 3; Section 21 , Subd . 1; and Section 2�', and has all of the powers and duties of a housing ard redevelopment authority puprsuant to Laws 1975, Chapter 13, Section 24 und2r the provisions oi t'r!e . Mu�nicipal Housing and Redeve�opment Act, I�4innesota Statutes Sectior. 462. 11 to 46I2 , 711 , and acts amendatory thereof; - NCQW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained he�ein, the parties agree as follows: � 1.' Purcha se of Service , The Council agrees to purchase a nd the City agrees to fu�nish tr.e following services: a? Inspection of housi. g units , ; b) Re-inspection of housing units, al� as more specifically set out in Section 4 below. ' � -a- 9 E � , 2, Price for Services Purchased. The Council agrees to make the following ', ' pay�nents for the services rendered by the City: ', a) Initial inspection, The Council agrees to pay the City an � ins ection fee of u to $ er unit for units inspected , P I� P , '� during the time during which the program is beir.g organized ' and commenced. ' b) Continuina proqram bavments . The Council agrees to pay the ' City during the term of this agreement following the initial , rent-up of each unit a fee of dollars ($ ) per unzt per ' month for re-inspection required in connection with the ' ', performance of this contract. 3, ' Term of Aqreement. The services to be purchased and furnished under thi� agreement shall cammence on , and shall continue through ' ', .-Tl:is agreement may be terminated by the Council upon thirty (30) dayls' written notice in the event program funding is not provided or is terminated , by �iUD. In addition, the Council and the Gity shall both have the right to terminate thi� agreement at any time for cause by submitting written notice of the intention to do I,so to the other party at least ninety (90) days prior to t;:e specified ef�ective date , of such termination. Cancellation or termination of this agreement by either the Co�ancil or the City shall not affect the rights of participating families withfn the Citly during the terms of their leases . In addition, th� City will be paid *or servic�s ' perlformed up to the date of the contract termination on che basis set forth in Section 2 a�bove . � 4. '; ProQram Oblic�ations of Citv. The services to be performed by the City unc�er this program shall be as follows: � . Inspection and re-inspection of units shall inclu�e an on-sight inspection and certification of the suitability of each housing � unit prio: to initial lease by a participating family and also the ' reinspection of each housing unit prior to any annual re-certification of the ramily. Any such inspection shall be sufficiently thorough ' and complete so as to ,insure decenC, safe and sanitary housing ,' ' for each partir,ipating family. Housing quality standards shall be ' as set forth in Title ��, Chapter VIII Part 882.109 of the HUD ', Regulations and by applicable building codes . Reports of inspection , ', and re-inspection shall be made on forms provided by the Council, a I I sample of which is attached. � � � �F -3- In prder to furnish the services herein purchased and provi�ed, the City shall proivide adequate staff time and office or program space and shall keep the same av�ilable to applicants durinq scheduled business hours aporo�Jed by the Council. Th$ City shall also provide adequate signs and directior�al information to appli- camts and possible applicants so that the place and mar.ner of ma:cing application cam be easily ascertained. The City shall keep on hand for distribution adequate brdchures or other information releases orepare� by the Council ar,d shall supplement sa�'d brochures with informational releases concerning local details as appropriate. Th� manner of furnishing these services shall be d.etermined by the City but the par'ties shall from time to time confer concerning the details of the City's fur'nishing of the services and the City agrees to comply with reasonable demands of ithe Council concerning the same . It is the inter.t of the Council to maintain gu�delines for the reasonably uniform furnishing of services by the several cities pa�`ticipating in the area-wide pregram so that brochures can be printed and afflirmative marketing activities can be conducted on an area-wice basis. S.' Proaram ObliQations of Council. The parties ur.derstand that the City shall no� be required to provide the following p:ogram services and activities. Said ackiyities are the sole responsibility of the Council. � a) All area-wide affirmative marketing activities such as.preparation of brochures and advertising, contacting and working with a�ea community groups and rental property own2rs and managemer,t grou�s and explaining the program to them. b) Making final determinations of participation, issuing certificates of family participation, making the housing assistance payments to owners, determining whether to aut�orize evictions, and hearir.g grievances of applicants . c) Application processing including assisting applicants to complete forms, checking and verifying applicant's income to determine eligibility for participation in the program, determining appropriate dwelling size, gross rent and gross �amily contributian to the rental payments, explaining the rights and responsibilities in the program to successful families who have been issued certificates and upon request of a participating family, assist in locating suitable units in the City, examining leases and forwarding leases and Housing Assistance Payments Contract to owners for execution. � I -4- 9 G 11 � d) Determining that ver� low income and affirmative action preferences and guidelines are being carried out on an area-wide basis and monitoring area-wide applications for participation and waiting lists together with lists of available rental units in order to determine any need tor reallocation of program funds. e) f) Training local program staff and preparir.g operating brochures and forms . Collecting all area-wide data and preparing aIl housing assistance program reports for HUD . '� , g) On-going program processing including annual re-certification of tenants and the maintenance of prcgram �iles and records for monthly reports, maintaining contact with owners of rental units to encourage their participation in and unc�erst�nding of the ' ', program and maintaining lists of available rental units . h) All other matters contained in the Master Contract. 6. ', �_ Report. The City shall document its furnishing of services on a monthly ba�is within ten days after the close of each calendar month. All documentation sh�Il be on forms provided�by the Council. The Cour,cil reserves the right from time to time to alter or amend all forms as necessary in order to gain information required by HUD or other information r.ecessary to the Council for its program re5ponsibilities. 7, '', Time of Pavment. All oayments for the services herein purchased shal� be',made on a quarterly basis. The �City understands that the Council cannot make payments until and unless funds are provided by HUD under the Ivlaster Contract. 8.'� Records. The Council shall have access to the City's records at rea son- ab�e hours in order to ex�rcise its responsibility to monitor the sercices purchased. Alll records shall bekept by both parties for five (5) years for audit purposes. 9.' The parties shall comply with all requirements imposed �y Title 6 of the CiUil Rights Act of 1964, Public Law 88-352 78 Statutes 241; the regulations of th� Department of Housinq and Urban Development issued thereunder, 24. CFR Su�title A, Part 1, Section 1. 1; Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 and the rulies and regulations issueci pursuant thereto; Executive Order 11063 to the end th�t, in accordance with the Act, the E�ecutive Order, the regulations and the rec�uirements, no person shall on the ground of race, color,creed„ reliqion, national 9H -s- orig��in or sex, be excluded from participation in, or be denied the benefits of, the hou�ing assistance payments program or be excluded from employment or be other- wis� subjected to discrimination. No person shall automatically be excluded from par�'icipation in or be denied the benefits of the housing assistance payments proc�ram or be subjected to discrimination in employment because of inembership in a cli'ass such as unmarried mothers, recipients of public welfare, etc. These proy�isions are included pursuant to the regulations of the Depart���ent of Housing and' Urban Development and the requirements of said Department pursuant to said reg�plations; and the obligations of the City to comply therewith inures to the ben�fi� of the linited States, the said Department and the Council, any of which sha�l be entitled to invoke any remedies available by law to redress ar_y breach th�reof or to compel compliance therewith by the City. 10. Safeauard of client informatzon. The use or discl_osure by any party of infc�rmation cor.cerninq an applicant or participant in the program in violation of any, rule of conzidentiality or for any purpose not directly connected with the admlinistration of the program is prohibited, except on written consent of the app�.icant or participant. 11.'' All services furnished under this Agreement shall be �Nithout cnarge to any' applicant or participating family. 12,, AlI problems or disputes between the parties shall be subject to review and' resolution by the Metropolitan Housing and Redevelopment Authority A�visor,� Committee or other committee subsequently designated by the Council� � 13.; The City in accordance �r�ith its status as an independent contractor agr�es that. it will conduct itself consistent with such status and that it wi!I not''hold itself out or claim that its officers and employees are employees of � thelCouncil. By reason uereof, it will make no claim, demand or application to qr ior any right or privilege applicable to any officer or employee of the Couincil, including, but not limited to, workman's compensation coverage ' une�mpl_oyment insurance benefits, social security coverage or retirement merb,bership or c:edit. ' 1�.' Master Contract. The City understands that the program is subject to �he terms and conditions of the Master Contract between the Council and HUD and to HUD's current and future rules and requla[ions and the City agrees to abic'�e ' by j'the same and to cooperate with the Council in its compliance therewith. � ' I� 1 � � 9I ' Nol member, officer or employee of the Co�ncil, no member of the governing body of'the locality (city and county) in which the project is situated, and no other ' public official. of suclz local.ity or localities who exercises any functions or re�ponsibilities with respect to the project, during his tenure or for one year , th�reafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in this contract or in any proceeds or benefits arising therefrom. ' IN',WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed on', the day and year first above written by their authorized representatives. �.pproved as to legal form & adequacy � Fo�rest D, Nowlin, Jr. , Staff Counsel a rrna , ' � ' METROPOLITAN COUNCIL i:� CITY OF By Cha irma n � � 1 1 � MEMO T0: MEMO FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Nasim M. Qureshi, City Manager Richard N. Sobiech, Public Works Director July 9, 1976 Martin vs. City of Fridley - Lawsuit Attached please find correspondence and a release pertaining to the referenced lawsuit. As noted in the correspondence the attorney for the insurance company has negotiated a settlement of the case. The settlement as it affects the City of Fridley would require that the Public Works Department perform certain maintenance on the creek banks abutting th� af�ected property. It.�is anticipated that the work performed by Public Works will amount to approximately $800 which is for labor and equipmer.t cost since materials consisting of railroad ties and backfill material can be obtained without cost. The $3,000 consideration noted �n the release is to be paid by the insurance company. The letter attached to the correspondence is a statement of certain maintenance activities associated with Stonybrook Creek that are cur- rently being followed. These items were placed in letter form since the attorney felt that existing activities being performed should not be included in the release. Since the negotiated settlement has resulted in a requirement to ' perform work that the City had offered to perform prior to the law- suit, it is recommended that the documents be considered for execu- tion by the City Council at the regular meeting of July 12, 1976. ' . � ' ' RNS/jm Attachments l0. �1 ' FRANKX. CRONAN-11912•19751 OECaGE 5. ROTH 'ROBE�7T M. AUSTIN THD`!AS A. �OSTER � � RICHARD W. SUNDE HAROLD J. CARROLL (RETIREb) ' ' , ' � 1 CARROLL, CRONAN, ROTH & AUSTIN, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 600 MINNESOTA FEDERAL BUILDINO SIXTH 9TREETAND MARqUETTE AVENUE MINNEAP�LIS, MINNESOTA 55402 T'ELEPHONE !6 7 2) 33S'42i3 July 8, 1976 Mr. Richard N. Sobiech Public Works Director 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 10 A MiCHAEL C. TIEqNCY TIMOTHY W. WAI.DECK MICHAEL P. MCOONOUOM JOHN A. DOYLE � PETER E. LIND Re: Our File L-�514 - Martin vs. the City of Fridley, et al Dear Mr. Sobiech: Please find enclosed a copy of the Release that has been mutually � worked out between myself and the attorney for the Martins in the above entitled matter. You will also find enclosed a Temporary Construction and Work ' Easement with reference to the work as outlined in said agreement and further, a form of the letter that would be provided to the Martins to the effect of those things that are normally done by ' the City of Fridley and I would appreciate if you could have the appropriate signatures by City Of�icers relative to both the Re- lease and the letter I have included. � ' � � � , Thank you for your cooperation. TWW/jmb Enclosure 0 Sincerely, Timothy W. Waldeck ' �� .� � ' , 10 B STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF ANOKA TENTH JUDIClAL DISTRICT -------------------------------------------------------------------- Charles P�artin � and Mary Martin, Plaintiffs, ' � � ' � �J � , ' ' ' ' � ' �II vs. The Czty of Frzdley and the Village of Spring Lake Park, Defendants . STIPULP.TION AND RELEASE File No. 36972 t4HEREAS, Charles Martin and Mary Martin, herein after referred to as the P�artins, sustained damage to their property as a result of water damage on or about the 23rd and 24th day of July, 1972, and the ISth day of August, 1972, and the Martins have a lawsuit pending in the District Court of Anoka County, Tenth Judicial District, as set forth in the aforementioned title hereof for the recovery of damages and for said injury to their property; and WFiEREA5, the Martins have been o�fered the sum of $3,000.00 on behalf of the City of Fridley and further, the City of Fridley has offered to perform certain work and furnish certain materials at the residence of the Martins at 133 Ylortheast Stoneybrook Way to include the following: (1) Backfill existing wood and concrete ties at said location and to provide the appropriate lining thereto. It shall be of plywood or that material which is deemed appropriate by the supervising officer; (2) Add additional ties for terracing immediately north of concrete ties already existing at said -1- � � i ' � ' 10 C location; and {3) Add two additional tie sections at creek level, one on the southeast side third section from culvert, and one on the northwest side, L�HEREAS, the above is in settlement of the claims by the Martins against the City o� Fridley and it is the desire and intent of the Martins to make settlement with the City of Fridley on that basis, but at the same time to preserve the right of action against all other named Defendants in said caption, and non-parties which hereinafter shall include but are not limited to all individ- uals, corporations, or entities upstream of the Martins; and WHEREAS, it is recognized that the sum of $3,000.00 to- gether with the above described work at 133 Northeast Stoneybrook Way which the City of Fridley proposes to pay and perform in settle- ment, will only partially satisfy the amount of damages which the Martins claim to have sustained on account of the incidents in which they are seeking to recover in the alleged lawsuit, and the Martins are willing, as part of the settlement, to give assurances to the City of Fridley that in the event the Martins recover additional damages from any otner named party to this action or non-party, the City of rridley will not be subjected to liability for any part of the same through indemnity, contribution or subrogation. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of $3,000.00 together with the labor and materials as stated above, the receipt and su�ficiency is hereby acknowledged, the A4artins and the City o� Fridley covenant and agree as follows: (1) That the Martins hereby release and forever discharge the City of Fridley of and from any claims or causes of action, for any damages of every kind, nature and description, past, present and future, known or unknown, -2- � � ' � � � � � �� �� � r � � _� � ' I � 10 D resulting from injuries sustained by the Martins in the aforementioned incidents which occurred on the 23rd and 24th day of July, 1972 and the 15th day of August, I972, and as the result of any action or inaction by the City of Fridley with reference to the water flowing through the land above described. (2) The Martins hereby credit and satisfy that portion of the total amount of their damages which were caused by the alleged negligent and unreasonable use of lands and waterways owned or controlled by the City of Fridley, for the providing of an inadequate or un- feasible storm sewer system, and any and all tress- passes by the City of Fridley or any unjust taking for public purposes without just compensation alleg- edly constituting inverse condemnation, if any, by the City of Fridley as may hereafter be determined in the trial of the aforementioned lawsuit or other- wise. (3) The Martins hereby release and discharge that fraction, portion or percentage of their total cause of action and claims for damages against all persons on account of said incidents which may he_reafter be allocated in the trial of the aforementioned lawsuit or other- wise to the causal negligence, fault or wrongful conduct on the part of the City of Fridley. (4) The Martins specifically contemplate that this Release has the same effect as the releases used in the case of Pierringer v. Hoger, 21 Wisc. 2d 182, 124 N.W. 2d 106 (1963). -3- ' � � ' � ' � � � i � 1� � (5) And for further assurances that the City of Fridley will not by reason of the pursuance of the Dlartins' claim against any other Defendants or non-parties be required to pay either directly or indirectly more than the aforesaid sum of $3,000.00 together with the work above described with respect to the total damages recovered by the Martins for said incidents, the Martins hereby agree to indemnify and save the City of Fridley harmless from liability to the other named parties to this action and non-parties for contribution, indemnity or subrogation because of a determination being made in the Martins' aforesaid lawsuit or otherwise that the City of Fridley was chargeable with a greater, Iarger fraction, portion or percentage of the Martins' total damages on account of the incidents that are represented by this payment of the aforesaid $3,000.00 and the work to be performed by the City of Fridley. (6) The Martins do hereby agree the work as outlined above to be performed by the City of Fridley will be done so by the City of Fridley and under the supervision of City Engineer Richard Sobiech and to his satisfaction; and at such time that a determination is made by the City Engineer Richard Sobiech that the job is completed, same will constitute total acceptance by the Martins. Said worlt will be completed not later than October 15, 1976 and further, sha11 be completed within 30 days after same is begun or as soon thereafter as is reason- able ancl feasible. The work to b� performed by the City of Fridley is to be done in a workmanlike manner �� 10 � and within the terms of this agreement. It being further understood that the work being performed by the City of Fridley is not guaranteed, nor warranted. (7) The Martins do hereby release and forever discharge the City of Fridley of and from any claims or causes of action� for damages of every kind, nature and description, past, present or future, known or un- known, resulting from injuries sustained by the ' Martins as the result of waters flowing through their land known as Stoneybrook Creek. (8) The Martins hereby authorize and direct their attorney, Will Hartfeldt, to enter into a Stipulation of Dis- missal of their above mentioned lawsuit and on the merits without cost as to the City of Fridley. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seal this day of , 1976. Tn th� presence of: -5- Charles Martin Mary Martin City of Fridley I� �� � � ST�TE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF ANOKA CITY OF FRIDLEY A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION AND WORK EASEMENT � This AGREEMENT entered into this day of 1976 by and between � Husband and wife, hereinafter referred to as the "Owners", and the 1 City of Fridley, a riunicipal corporation, Anoka County, Minnesota, h e r e i n a f t e r r e f e r r e d t o a s t h e " C i t y". , � � � � I � � 10 G WHEREAS, the City desires to do certain construction and maintenance work on the owners property, and WHEREAS, in the process of performing the a�orementioned construction and maintenance work the City must obtain temporary easement rights over the property of the owner, NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed between the Owners and the City as follows: 1. 2. That the Owners do hereby grant a teznporary construction and work easement to the City over the North 50 feet of Lot 16, Elock 7, Pearson's Craigw ay Estates 2nd Addition. That said temporary construction and work easement shall remain in effect until October 15, 1976. This agreement a l0 F� may be extended by mutual agreement of both parties. 3. That the easement rights granted to the City shall include the right to enter said property to construct additianal erosion control, including the filling of material along the creek walls, without turther consent from the Owners of said property. 4. That the Owners hereby relinquishes any right to any claim against the City for reasonable damage, in connection with said construction and work performAd within the time limit of this agreement and that the , City will replace any sod or vegetation destroyed , or injured in the course of the work. IN TESTIMONY THEREOF, the Owners have set their hands and seal this Witness Witness Witness Witness � � day of , 1976. Fee Owner - Husband Fee Owner - Wife Contract for Deed Holder - Husband Contract for Deed Holder - Wife �� �� TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This letter is to provide that it is the custom and practice of � the City of Fridley to provide railroad ties and fill dirt for '� repair at no cost to residents along Stoneybrook Creek when same is available to the City and for so long as same continues to be � available to the City. Further, i� is the custom and practice of the City of Fridley to � remove large objects from the creekued when provided with the � appropriate temporary easement from the land owner and same will be done when warranted and within a reasonable time. �_ I I � � 1 �� 10 I � 11 �� MEMU T0: NASIM QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR./FIN. DIR. SUBJECT: RESOLUTIONS COMBINING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR THE JULY 12, 1976 AGENDA DATE: JUPdE 30, 1976 '� The Resolutions combining special assessments on the July 12th Agenda have been requested by Anoka County. Approval of the , combination of lots is not required by the City. We are now requesting that the special assessments be combined. MCB/eh � - � RESOLUTION N0. 1976 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTIPdG THE COMBIfJING OF SPECINL ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 21, BLOCK 17, AND LOT 22, aLOCK 17, FRIDLEY PARK WHEREAS, certain special assessments have been levied with respect to certain land and said land has subsequently been combined. NOW, THEREFORE, QE IT RESOLVED as follows: That the assessments levied against the following described parcels to-wit: Lot 21, Parcel 3600, and Lot 22, Parcel 3610, Block 17, Fridley Park, may and shall be apportioned and combined as follows: Original Parcels Fund Original Amount Lot 21, Block 17, Reg SA Paid Fridley Park St 1960-1 Paid SW #15 $ 338.51 Lot 22, Block 17, Reg SA Paid Fridley Park St 1960-1 Paid SW #15 338.�1 677.02 Combination of Parcels Lots 21�ard 22, Block 17 Fridley Park Reg SA St 1960-1 SW #15 ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS OF 1976. ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell � MAYOR - WILLIAP�9 J. NEE Paid Paid $ 677.02 $ 677.02 DHY ll � 1 �� RESOLUTION r�0. i976 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZTNG AND DIRECTIPdG THE COMBINING OF SPECIAL ASSESSf�1ENTS ON 5.34' OF LOT 7 APJD N.2 OF LOT 8, PARCEL 845 AND SZ OF LUT 8, BLOCK 4, SHAFFER'S SU6. #1. WHEREAS, certain special assessments have been levied with respect to certain land and said land has subsequently been combined. ��OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as foliows: ' That the assessments levied aga�nst the following described parcels to-wit: S.34' of Lot 7 and NZ of Lot 8, Parcel II45 and SZ of Lot 8, Parcel 850, Block 4, Shaffer's Sub. #l, may and shall be apportioned and combined as follows: Original Parcels S. 34' of Lot 7& fd Z of Lot 8., Parcel 845, alock 4, Shaffer's Sub. #1 SZ of Lot 8, Parcel 850, Block 4, Shaffer's Sub. #1 Comuir�ation of Parcels 5.34' of Lot 7 and all of Lot 8, Block 4, Parcel 860, Shaffer's Sub. #1 Fund Reg SA W #34 S #24 SS #24 SW #48 St 1963-1 SS #53 Reg SA W #34 S #24 SS #24 SW #48-A SS #53 St 1962-4 St 1963-1 Reg SA W #34 S #24 SS #24 SW #48-A SS #53 St 1962-4 St 1963-1 ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL UF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS OF 1976. P�1AYOK - WILLIAf� J. NEE ATTEST: � . CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell � Original Amount Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid $ 56.81 309.63 989.22 167.51 Paid Paid 1,523.17 Paid Paid $ 56.81 309.63 989.22 167.51 Paid Paid 1,523.17 7:T1 12 MEMO T0: NNSIM QUKESHI, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCI� FRUM: P4ARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR./FIN. DIR. SUBJECT: RESOLUTIOPd SPLITTING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON PARCEL 3190, UNPLATTED SECTION 11 DATE: JUNE 30, 1976 The spl�t�ing of the above listed properties for the Resolution on the July 12, 1976 Agenda have previously been approved by the City Council and have been recorded at Anoka County. We are now requesting that the special assessments be split. MCB/eh I3 ��� � � RESULUTION N0. 1976 � 3 A �' �A RESOLUTTON AU7HORIZIPdG AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON PARCEL 3190, UNPLATTED SECTION 11 WHEREAS, certain special assessments have been levied with respeci io certain land ' and said land has subsequently been subdivided. � NOW, THEREFO►ZE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: '� That the assessments levied a ainst the followin described arcel to-wit: 9 9 P Parcel 3190, Section i1, may and shall be apportioned and divided as foiiows: ' Ori inal Parcel Fund Original Amount � Parcel 3190, Section 11 Reg SA Paid ' � W #34 Paid � SW #93 $ 4,452.00 St 1970-4 9,991.80 � ' St 1973-1 � 5,957.32 SS #114 1,159.40 SS #lOZ Reassmt ]3,3L9.27 $34,889.79 � Division of Parr,els Hpproved Parcel 3]90, Section ]1 Reg SA Paid W #34 Paid � SW #93 $ 4,452.00 St ]970-4 9,991.80 ` . St 1973-1 5,957.32 � SS #114 684.42 SS #1Q2 Reassmt 10,578.66 Parcel 3200, Section 11 Reg SA Paid , W #34 Paid SS #114 474098 SS #102 Reassmt 2,810.61 � �34,889.79 ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS UAY OF 1976. ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Maryin C. Brunsell , I � MAYOR - WILLIAM J. NEE � 1 APPOINTMENT FOR CITY COUNCIL CONSENT AND APPROVAL - JULY 12, 1976 , � NAME Charles A. Boudreau ' '6540 Georgia Ave. No. Brooklyn Park, Minn. 55428 i � . �r 1 1 �1 1 1 �r �� � � � i . 1 POSITION Director of Parks and Recreation SALARY $19,300 per year EFFECTIVE DATE July 13, 1976 REPLACES Paul Brown l�� , 16 LZCENSES TO BE 11PPROVED BY THF, CITY COUNCIL AT 'PHEIR REGUTIIR ME�TING O� JULY 12, 19�6 'i I GENERAL CONTF2ACTOR APPROVED BY � A-Craf t Construction Inc. I055 - 93rd Avenue N.W. Darrel Clark Coon Rapids, Mn. 55433 By: Russell Scott Com. Dev. Adm. NEW . 1 Bratt-Palen Builders 1776 Millwood Avenue West Darrel CZark Roseville, Mn. 55113 By: Elmer Palen Com. Dev. Adm. NEW ICreative Home Exteriors • 4517 Minnetonka Boulevard Darrel Clark � St. Louis Park� Mn. 55416 By: Dennis Silverman Com.. Dev. Adm. NEW D. W. Harstad Co., Inc. � 710Y Highway #65 N.E. Darrel Clark Fridley, Mn. 55432 By: Alton Johnson Com. Dev. Adm. NEW � Kirkwood Inc� 4444 West 78th Street Dar�el Clark &loomin�ton, Mn. 55435 Bys Glenn Kirkeby Com. l�ev. Adm. NEW � riartinson Builders 814i - 6th Street N.E. Darrel Clark Minneapclis, Mn. 55432 By: Luther r4artinson Com. Dev. Adm. NEW � Minnetonica Pool�, Inc. 10820 Wayzata Boulevard Darrel Clark Minnetonka, Mn. 55343 Bye Bailey Janssen Com. Dev. Adm. RENEWAL ' HEATING � Edstrom Heating ' 3634 Leroy Street William Sandin Wayzata, Mn. 55391 By: Richard Edstrom Plbg. Htg. Insp. NEW � Unique Indoor Cor�ort 4748 Nicollet Avenue South William Sandin Minneapolis, Mn. 55409 By: Ray Strong Plbg. Htg. Insp. NEW � MASONRY � Gaxy Lantz Concrete & Masonry 211 - 91st Avenue N.E. Darrel Clark. Blaine, Mn. 55434 By: Victor Gary f,antz Com. Dev. Adm. RENEWAL � � , I � , • � L TST OF LICCNSES TO QE APPROVEq QY TNE CITY COUNCIL �1T THE MFETING OF JULY 12 � II tYPE OF LICEfdSE: QY: APPROVED �BY: •� '1..I UOR DISPC��SIt�G LICE��SE '', �oni Q. Pink Ground Round J. Hill 515 Harding St. �l.E. Public Safety Dir. Mpl s. , 5541f3 ''Pamela J. 6artel Graund Round J. Hill 1615 South 4th St. Public Safety Dir. pls., 55454 �. FOOD ESTAf3LISH�E��T ,hloon Plaza Superette Raymond Rau Steve Olson 6253 University P�.E. Health Inspector CIGARETYE � Moon Plaza Superette Raymond Rau J. Hill • �6253 University N.E. Public Safety Dir. VEPdDING ��1ACHIPdE 'Central Service Station Clifford Thoe Steve Olson 7250 Central Nealth Inspector �Fridley Canvalescent & f�ursing L. 4J. Hanson Steve Olson 7590 Lyric Lane Health Inspector �Medtronics Inc. G970 Central Avenue Nelson 4lallpaper & Paint Co. ' 6570 Univ�rsity Ave. N.E. Powdour Pouf Beauty Saloon , 6251 University Avenue Sl:ywood C1 eaners � 5251 Central Avenue LJoodcrest Baptist Church � 6875 Univ. Ave. N.E. RETAIL "OFF SALE" 6EER ---� � , 1h1oon Plaza Superette 6253 University Ave. N.E. � ,SERVICE ST/1TION Central Service Station ' ' 7240 Central � Pac�e 1 af 3 Jerry Laugenbuger L. W. Hanson Sandy Bennett William W. Fish Clarke S. Coorman Raymond Rau Clifford J. Thoe Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Heal�:h Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Tnspector J. Hill Public Safety Dir. R. Aldrich Fire Inspector p. Clark Building Inspector 1976• 16 A FEE: 5.00 5.00 20.83 25. 00 15.00 15. 00 70.00 15. 00 15.00 15.00 Non-Profit 35.00 30.00 LIST OF LICENSES TO QE t1PPROVFD [3Y Tf�E CI7Y COUNCIL /�T THC MEETIPlG OF JULY 12, 1976._ � _.__� - � -__.. __ __ ___., - 16 B I � 7YPE Of� LICEPISE: SERVICE STATIOt� ' �Standard Oil 5311 Universit Ave. Y � � PUBLIC DRINYItdG PLACE ! Cl ub 47 6061 University �Pollies Place 6225 N. E. Hvey. 65 � QINGO • Fridley Lions , 5231 Central Ave. N.E. � Fridley Amvets Post �i7 5213 Central Ave. N.E. , Fridley VFW Post 363 � 1040 Osborne Rd. N.E. QY: John T. aroHrn Alyce Simonson Francis L. Mager t�iaynard A. Niel sen Laurence E. Conrad Lester G. Orton ! SOLICITOR Larry Hagedon r833 �ve. C. Ft. Madison, Ia. ' USED CAR LOT SEnitts Motor C�mpany Wallace Schmedeke � 5649 University $EE ATTACHED INFORMATION � Salvage Center, Inc. � 899 23rd Ave. S.E. , , . Viking Chevrolet Inc. II' 7501 N�vy. 65 N.E. � � . James A. Dowds APPROVED QY: R. Aldrich Fire Inspector D. Clark Building Inspector J. Hill Public Safety Dir. J. l�ill Public Safety Dir. J. Hill Public Safety Dir. R. Aldrich Fire Inspector J. Hill Public Safety Dir. R. Aldrich Fire Inspector J. Hill Pub1ic Safety Dir. R. Aidrich Fire Inspector J. Hill Public Safety Dir. J. Nill Public Safety Dir. D. Clark Building Inspector J. Hill Public Safety Dir. D. Clark Quilding Inspector J. Hill Public Safety Dir. D. Clark Quilding Inspector FEC: K 1 11 300.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 � LIST OF LICE=NSFS TO QE .APP(ZOVED E3Y TI�IC CITY COUfdCIL AT THE t�IEETING OF JULY 12, 1976. 1� � TYPE OF LICENSC: RY: APPROVFD BY: • FEE: I � JUNK YARD � V ,Fridley Auto Parts Richard Lcrentzen J. Hill 100.00 7300 Old Central N. E. $EE ATTACHED INFORMATION Publ ic Safety Dir. D. Clark � Buildir�g Inspector t1SED CAR LOT , Frank's Used Cars Frank Gabrelcik J. liill 100.00 5750 University Ave. $EE ATTACHED INFORMATION Public Safety Dir. Q. Clark . ' Building Inspector JUIr'K Y/�RD � Central Auto Thomas D. Flaherty J. Hill 100.00 1201 73rd Ave. Public Safety Dir. ' . - D. Clark Building Inspector ' ' � . . � . � � . ' � � ' • I � . I' Pa�e 3 of 3 /� / � � ...,� . .. _ - , , I�y. _...�.�._.�' , , ,.�_..�...,. , �� � �I %� /, 1�. y J I V � i � '� i ,. / � i , �G'T�°�' �� ����Q..�'"'c� I6 D 8A31 UNlVERS�TY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 TELEPHONE ( 612)571-3450 wallace Schmedeke 5616 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Dear Mr. Schmedeke: July 8, 1976 Re: Renewai of Used Car Lot license for: Smitts Motor Company, 5649 University Avenue Northeast , The application for renewal of your used car lot license has been reviewed and recommended for approval by the City Council with the following stipulaiions: , ' � .' l. 7hat a screened refuse area and refuse container be provided. 2. That a screened storage area for any outside storage of material be provided. 3. 4. That landscaping and green areas be provided and maintained on your property and boulevards. That no cars are to be parked on street right-of-way. Please contact me at 571-3450, extension 171, so that we may discuss the correction of the City code violations on your property. Failure to do so may jeopardize your �nnual renei�ral of your license. JLB/de ' � J��UUp,y c� s 1 '� -� �� m 6 � ' ��`,��A•1111\�1a` Sincerely, � � ' ' � ' APPLIC/ITION FOR USED CAR LOT LICENSE �ity of Fridley 6431 University Avenue NE 55432 HEtd: RENENALk � � DATE: 3-29-76 � �. Name of Applicant:�_� % � J /� � _•�.C� _ %� Hom2 Address : � � / ..– ,��/' . � � --�-�--�� ' � Phone Numb�r:_ �`7�– ����� gi rth �ate: d,���c2� -�,s"— � Business hame: Smitts t�lotor Com an�_ 5649 Un�versity Avenue Business Address: Fridle , P�N 5�432 Business Phone Number: 571-6400 Size and legal description of lot: � Number of Cars to be Accomodated: � �,�� . �pp�trnTI�?� Ni�c-r RF ACCOMPANIED ;,iT7N 4 ROP�D FC�R ������.0�. LICENSE FEE: $100.00 ALL (�iCENSES EXPIRE: ` Apri 1 30, 19 77. � /� �' � � ��/,_����`= ��' .�� Signature of Applicant � ' � LICENSE � � � . . � � TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: -� � � '�^ � RECE I PT #� --�--_--�-�� �- _ ---� .._ - �-�� //� A�'PROVED ;�� ��� . ��uilding Inspector • ' � P lic Safety irector � Ordinance �;6� ' $...,.��Q.�,_._- . .�' � 16 E � � ,! �...., ���. ,�....-. '" /�/ i %. ,, ; �` � �__.._.�_.....�.,,�1 ,�� ;.i' , __..r;,�. ��' 11 ��f '��✓/ � // � '�� � , �Q'A"�'' ��= �������16 F 8431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 5543 .� Richard Lorentzen ;' 17725 Qaugh Street N.4�. �l Anoka, Minnesota 55303 � ' � � .' ,� . Dear Mr. Lorent zen• � TELEPHONE ( 812)571-3450 July 8, 1976 Re: Renewal of Junk Yard license for Fridley Auto Parts, 7300 Central Avenue N.E. •• The application for renal of your junk yard license has been � reviewed and recommended for approval by the City Council with the � follovrang stipulations: � 1. All junk vehicles must be moved inside the fenced area and out of the parking lot S�uth of the building by July 16, 1976. � � � � � 2. There will be no stacking of junk vehicles beyond two (2j feet below the fence height. Ali stacked cars must be down by July 16, 1976. 3. The weeds along the South fence line must be cut by July 16, 1976, 4. Landscaping must be provided and ma�nta�ned along the South fence in the boulevard area between the fence and the curb line. 5. Landscaping must be provided and maintained in the front of• the propet,ty along Central Avenue. . Please contact me at 571-3450, extension 171, so that we may discuss the correction of the City Code violatios on your property. Failure to do so may jeopardize your annual renewal of your license. , ` JLQ/de Q`Jn��ir�O,ya � ` m a � T V�. �A ^a� /�l� I:��V I � Si rely, � ,� ��' f ��...� J ROLD L. BO RD�1AN City Planner � � � _� I,��l�c � t.��1���7c�,v r-J1; �cr�r1: S�n��U 1.1 Cr�JS� ��� ('.i.�:�� �� � 1=n,��fY.e�� ' G�i'l it��t��e'�,1.�;°y l�ve�iur� FJr 55�132 A +Y-----� �CI�C: � -�. __ � __,.__ .�._ �:('.ItC!J���' � � 3-29-76 _ � ; 16 G � �./ � i ► i / � ti►a�;i e o� l.;�t��:,i ca ri-t. � _� �!j O( �' � _ D v� �`� � Z.�_— ( f'c�mc r�c;ct.� e � s _ % 7 7 � � _��t� � .S � , ^„��lir� ����/%, 5 s-3 °-� � Yi2C;1� �JUr'Gol!. ` L r- �� 3 LCJU fi i/CLi:''�� r p� (7 '' J t� -"'"'� . �_I1_._ 3 _._ .�..- _.._ -- I� �;���;��,,:5 11',�;�; � ` Fridley Auto Parts —� �-{3 �-ti—Ee�--i �-E-: �u.�i�.e�t� �;,czc-��;.:i5�: Fr�c;ley, f-1i! 5�432 i;�l���'.,ll�J� D�1Ji?C, tt��,i1i1J��C: � � � v S�.� e a�2� .�cga,c d.��7,i.p.�;i.c�►�. a� .Cot: �� � � � �oe;�� � _ C.-��:'�� -1�-�� --��� c��_.1°_�^� ss-� ��1_ � r � o. trc�,�s� r��: � � oo. �o i.L.L LIC�':S�S cX:'l�t: AT't:i L�D, 1" R 77. (,t.��.c�t.3 e � � �ecc,t.i,.t � �l��j^_-M_ , A�1� ; � veu .: cf = .f� ' u%'t,/��� �` - . :.- ���N�� c�'.�ti'��- � � t�c�C�•<1;� !►::,i:'NC �,,,`t r C ///� �C I I �1-r b c��ct�;:, i/ J.-i:;:i�c= i,�i � � ,� (�:d.:j��Y;�cc t� 2� 0 - t� J.GC� 11 C1;ZG%: C U � r��. rJ, �U CCCY ` � C1�.CLi. QJIIUUF13. �.11CCOh_ Ld: C) �S.L�- �`� /.. , .��/� �� j_ e�. � i `, ; j i R._.. .... . f . �...,. , ,, / ��;� / �_,..J /�% � , � �, � � r �.� � ��` f �� � � �' r //i ��1 ,� r!� , � t3431 U�flVERSITY AYEMUE Fran}: Gabrelcik 5923 3rd Street N.�. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 � Dear Mr. Gabrelcik: F�Q�� 8..1:d' �' mt3�fa..4�.:.�°� 16 I� N.E., FAlDLEY, MINNE.SOTA 55432 TELEPHONE ( 612)571-3450 July 6, 1976 Re: License r_enewal for operation of used car sales , After reviewing your speci.al use permit requirements dated I�pril 30, 1973, we foand that the property has been kept clean and neat in compliance with said special use permit agreements. There is, however, one item that must be taken care of as stipulated under the April 30, 1973 agreement (item � 8) and noted on the site plan mar.ked exhibi�: A. The trailer on the West boundary of the property next to the gas pump must be removed. � i ' � • � � � i ' � � We will reinspect your property on August 13, 1976 to see if the trailer is removed. We will recommend to the City Council that this year's license be approved and attach this letter as a stipulation for upproval. Failure to remove the trai.ler may jeopardize your annual license renewal If you have any quesi:i.ons, please feel free to contact me at 571-3450, extension 171. JLB/de `,n�UTi��1, ^ : ��. �i � ...p� �� - R `,j� i . , ,d. .�;.�,ii�� Sincerely, � � P � ��� ��. � � . : � ��RROLD L. L�Or�RDr11�N CITY PI,I�NNER �"",y. . ,,�, � � � � � � � � APPLICATION FOR USED CAR LO'f LICEPJSE City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue NE 55432 P+EW : RFf;�t�JAL: x DATE: �i2�-76 � �l har��� of Ao�licant:��� � � �'1 �L �"� /� �> (�• C �c? ,� - Fio;r� Address:�,`�..� 3 -- 3�� �� r• l?� l.= - . • Pho:�e Number:� I� "� ����1 Qirth Date: ,� ��`' e��� � Business Name: Frank's Used Cars n�vers�ty Avenue Business Address: Fridley, P1�d 55�-32 . � � � , � �• � ' , Bus�ness Phone Number: _571-3780 Siz� and legal description of lot:�G cf �/.� y_____ t�u���er of Cars to be Accomodated: �.�� D�" ��� �'�E'�'LICATION MUST BE ACCOi�1PF�I�IED 1JITH A BOPdD FOR �55000.00. �I�:ENSE FEE: $100.00 ! l t �:.ENSE �i k i!; E I P1' �f `) ��;�� � C� �`�''�ROVEp QY: Qui 1 d i ng I ns{iector �ib ic S� ty Director d' •��inance ��G5 ALL LICENSES EXPIRE: Apri 1 30, 19�. J /� . � A / � ��/ � /' / �` - �/ Y�- , , Sigi�ature of Applicart TOT/lL /�MOUNT EPdCLOSED: . � %�,-, c^� � �_ . ,�� 16 I , I ,% . , F+ f , . 0 0 � � • • /A� � /j /1/ C /' srr:crnr, usr: rr:r�f�t1T nrar:r:t,'.ENT - „i' ,� . ..�._ ,�� '. h'tILREAS: • Fr.-�nk Gabrcici3: n�rns and opperates a used car. lot on Lots 6 throu�;h 10, Bloc}: 28, }iydc 1'ark �ddition. 16 J r ��� `' � � � �•� _.����`��'" � .�� h'lI�ItEAS: Ttic Fri.dley City Council has bcen rcqucstcd to �rznt a special s'` J use permit and licensc to l�fr. Gabrcicik to conti_�iue the b�sincss or a , � uscd car lot. . � � h'��E1ZEl�.S: Thcre have been several conflicts over the manner in which Mr. Gabrelcik has conduct:ed his used car lot. Y�'iiE1tE:1S: "1The City has found it difficult to administer the op�raticn �::�d licersing ot said i:sed car lot. R'�-iERE�1S: The City deers it necessary tc outline certain stinul�tiens �:: th ', � xefsrence to �he City grantin� a special use pern.it and lic�ns:;. � NOW TI�RE:ORE, Frank Gabrelcik agrees to the follo,��ng sti�ula�iens anc ti:��e ,. scliedule ror �u�t;ner i.�:ro�•er.:ent of the used car lot on Le;.s 6:.hrcug!� :0, Biock 2g, i-lyde Par}: �ddition: 1. � � �L'�,ETED fiY �OlI�CIL %16/73 � I � . . � , � � , 1. , �. The entire area to be cicaned of dedris, inoperative �:oto: vehicles, and/or uzused ^�otor re?:icle pa� �s, exce�t that pu;, i::side a si r(6) foot red;Yood fence encloser to be located as sho:�-n on tne att��hed exhibit "�" . • ' AlI ti�ehicles on display for sale or storage must be Dc2'�:@G� acc�rdino to the parking plan as shok-n on exhibit ";=�". ho parkin�;_of �•ehicles on anv �ublic stre�t riQht ef '.�a� , na-*�e'_ti' 3rd S�reet a;�d SStli �a��enue. � 4. All of tile above three ite�s will be cor�.�leted on or bero:° . 3uly I, 1973, and will remain in effect � long as these io;.s are used as a used car lot. ' S. 6. On or fore �ly 1, �.�74, c�er a�rc, s to „•ade t.�'�.-.�:+ark_^.S :=•��, p t in s,e t��e z stzr� ce tre �t:^e::t o:. �nti� �,r°� ���be �.�- .. � pa •i.�g anc �?--:1•c„ , �.� p� _ , r-,.,o:�. L` :.�, \ _ ,.,: �� � ., ,; � � � a s _ `, \ .... � . City � Fridlt}'. � � or �efore Tuly I975, the en..�:e p�r':in� .:���. ais2�. r=n�3 d��e:�ay ro bc� ' ac�� ,�ec'. an�o:,c: '-e cu:' ing t be c�, ;stru:.� :? arou�. all ackto� T�eci a a. - 7. Agrces that no lots outsid� Lots 6 t}�r�uRh 10, Bloc}: ?3, t!yd� Par.l• Addition 1:i11 bc used £or thc storage of t•ehic?es or ,:.�.te:ials for the opexation of the uscd car lot. 8. Agrees that ;�ftcr Julv 1, 19i3, tha� *.hc only visablc itc^s on :ne �( lot �ill be operati�•e �iotor vc}::.cles, the six (G) foct screened zrea, the gasoline piL�:j s, and thc r.�ain structUr�. 0 � � � 0 0 � ' � � � , � � �� . 1 � � �J � � v[ L�.A7\L .� . 4 AGRL-�1(:NT 16 K Failurc by thc owncr �o conmly wit}3 alI ar part of tl�c stipulztions spcllcd out in t}iis special usc permit a�rccn;cnt, s1ia11 bc ntiilty of a misdci�canor � SC� �Y Scction•'105.211 oE tlic City, pf Fridlcy zonii�� ordinancc�. As of the � day of ,�i.-vt � � Z , I973. ���,�� �, �� �, : �. %"�7 � 'rank ;�1. Gabrcicik , . ` , � Wit� css ✓ 'STATE OF I�fIN�ESOTA COUiv`T'Y OF AI�'Ot:A � / r ' . � On this � Z� day oi _ -��.. �� 1973, before r� e a�? , otary Public within and for said County, personally appeared =�..�,,,�� �; � ' � % 7 `��1 / ;� �1 '�'�" `l � to me knoc�-n to be the person desc ' ribed In, and who execu�ed the foregoing instru.�nent and ackno��rledged that th�•� executed the same as their. free act and deed. � . . � . . . . j ' � • ^ . � �.����- .✓%.��.%<�/�. - L .� "� � � . }(rJI�NWJJ�M/vV.M'�,`1�.1n/V�\.�M/,MhAV�= �/ � �'�-sw,_ WALTER 1. h;UICAHY � ��:�(� ��?.�� ROTARY Pi�SLIC - bSi45�[SOTA ��v�� 1Yas!�i^,:on Ccuety � Comm:. Ex,^.ir; s Dee. 14, 1478 S Y\MMNV�M� �'YJV JVV01'W\ W V�'�'�, 4VY\kY+� : 0 Att: �X}ll�lt ��ae� • • � � . ' 1 � � �.. , .. 2 _ • � ' • . .. . , . . . . �`' . f .._� • • .. ' .. � , w.*.-�w, ...,� . • +• � t ; ��� � � x . � � .�� o , V ;r) � � � ; : '� ��� � �� � --• U , , ? � ,' . i �� . ' -- --».—ur..�-�r�..,•�:�:�..::.::x.^:�'__'=.t�:�.��t,tr�st�'�tAS�,�as.:�c..r�� , .�._-.—«.+.. � _.:.�r.._—....--�,.,. �.' � �i�r , . � � ��._.___ �; :� ��._,. �.. � , � -- ��, ;' �t �; ,�� '. � :; I i �; i f' , r � f !""_""°� �i' X ➢ 0 0 � ~ • �'��t. � r , � �^� : � �, � � , � :� . �. � . S � = '\•'(, �i '� ' Q+ � ,� �T 1 .:„ , '�:J � . �i ti� ,.:7 -i � IL' Q � � J � C1� ` ��' v ` �' �•- � :� �; �, . � �!i Q , �� � ^.�2 ,� I' � • ' � 'Yy� e �� � \ _ � f 1� i� ^ ;: J ' f ti�) - . �� � . ; � -�-: � ;` }-- . . -� ;�. �: : �r.,` Z,.�: �, . � ;1 ��,, . ,, - -�.� r-' ,, . L - � � � '� > �= ° � � fl. � � . �; ; t ) . � � t;'�.'�,-,7C's'C�d.::�S.";- J? � '� � `'• .1--'w.-� ` �� a� � � �, �� �� � � � ,��� �� -��-<.� >l �;� f ;c . __ . ---�-r--�---�-- �:���--z� -2•-�; . �,: ::r: -:.�-.� ,.uW...:�� . :, � '�. ' j � ti . ��� . �. ra j . r +�. . , ?� �- �1 %r •1 �+.-aw�—......�.� •' ..' .�r.r�.... �'�..�.���. . r..w.�r.� • • � �...`rw..�t • ..�..�.��--��� I i "�'�:Ci.'.T:.�: . 0 : = � � I�� ESTIMATES FOR CI7Y COUNCIL COIVSIDERATION JULY 12, 1976 � fV.D.N. Asphalt Company, Inc. 5400 N.W. Industry Avenue Anoka, Minnesota 55303 Pra'ect ,, PARTIAL Est�mate #2 on Street Improvement � ST. 1976-1 $ 98,815.91 �amith, Juster, Feikema � Builders Exchange Building Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 ' For services rendered by Carl Newquist as Prosecutor for the month of June, 1976 $ 1,612.8� � � � ' � � � � II � � 17 STATEMENT SMITH, JUSTER, FEIKEMA, CHARTERED ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1230 BUILDERS EXCMANGE BLDG. M�NNEAPOLfS, MIMNESOTA 55402 339- 1491 �Ci ty of Fridley Fridley Municipal Building 6431 University Avenue N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 � SUBURBAN OFFICES OSS E O FRIDLEV C� N P�EASE RETUHN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT DATE � � � FORWARDED FROM LAST STATEMENT 7-07-76 For legal services rendered as Prosecutor for the City of Fridley. June, 197b Retainer. $1,000.00 Secretarial Services 100.00 Time in excess of 30 hours (i4 hours i5 minutes) 498.75 Graphic Center Bill 14.09 I dec+ar der pena(t+es of �av�� !hat ttiis AC4ou��i, t� im cr c��,a,�c, is ;�.�`' u�1 � r�� re� t r�t; ' c' „„�:_ t;� �n ai ��i�,t�f� of Ciai�nt SMITH, JUSTER, FEIK[MA, CHARTERED ATTORNEYS AT LAW _�3 �s� wi � J L I • BALAMCE $1,Q00.00 $1,100.00 $1,598.75 $1,612.84 17q TIP"E RECORD FOR JUtdE, 1976 PRQSECUTION WORK 1. Preparation, Travel and Time in Court for 25 Court cases and 8 Jury trials. 2. Investigation and Process of Complaints including office conferences, phone con- ferences, correspondence and preparation of 15 formal complaints. 3. Court and Police Administration. TOTAL 21 hours 05 minutes 23 hours 10 minutes 00 hours 00 minutes 44 hours 15 minutes 17 P ` �'� Phone 571-U866 .. �� � . �°��°-,p r�i �� �� 1��1 �� 6209 UNtVERSiiY P.VENUE N.E., MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55432 � .� . .... . , � - �:�. � , ,. _ � .. i �..-.. �.�.' ! ...N-1[' � .. . . . . .. . .. �� . , i .. _. � f . . . . . . .. � . . .. � .. . ... � , .. INVOICE: . DATE: � �� ', � � � n . • `I �� r ,, � ` 1R / � 1' ( , ���'� �,:� .'� B•.t «� � A7 TIi: TOP G•`" Tf;� T�YIf�S r-.._ � , ��.L------ , �oM�:u:urr �;;vflGC'6�F;I:r n+v. � 1 •� PHOTf.'.CTIY� 1:;;:.;:CTIG�( [..t•"f. � 1 ,,,"'1 ; C1TY t'nLl F�?li`LGY (::i�:r1 1.._..t`,, ,,, ua- c,::o- s<:,o A. 1i�^r;:e oz t:ppl:.cr_n:. Add�c: s ; ,��" �c!? �WJCGP . ° ,.�� 970 - r,Xp�.):.1i:7.0]1 �)ACC::_ l�^�' t.0 � _:ii %�% � % __� _..�_ , -- _ ._ 18 E{ousE TR� z�.c� n��� 1 cnT r or� ,.Yv u;.r,, 0 ]./:�1/73 �-�Sn .� � � ..l LP 1 1 I . i I NUVC[S tiY i �00 _ _ 13. 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