08/23/1976 CONF MTG - 57191 Y ' 1 n CONFERENCE MEETING AUGUST 23, 1976 1. Discussion Regarding City Code Chapter 508 - PARKS AND PARKWAYS 2. Discussfon of Granting Permission for Non-Intoxicating ' Liquor Consumption at City Par.ks 3. Discussion Regarding 1977 Proposed Budget 4. Consideration of Making Application for Local Publ�c Works Projects � /� � ✓/? / � r ' ../ 608.01. Purpose 508. PARKS AND PARKWAYS The purpose ot this chapter is to secure !ho quiet, orderly and suitable use and enjoyment ot such parks, parkways and portions o( public lands, streams and rivers by the resident of the City. b08.02. DefiniUcns The word "Commission" as used in this Chapter is hereby defined to mean the Parks and Recreation Commission of the City of Fridley. And the term "Parks" means parks, parkways, playgrounds, recreation fields and buildings, lakes, streams, rivers and beaches therein and all public service facilities conducted on grounds. buildings and structures in the City of Fridley which are under the control of the Parks and Recrealion Commission. Insotar as this Chapter relates to beaches, it is to be construed as supplementary to and not to supercede the existing provisions in Chapters 507 of the Code. 508.03. Hours ��r� SVV.11 Purpos� Dstinitlons Hours No person shall be or remain in or leave or park any vehicle in any park, parkway or drive, except during those �� hours �iesignated by the Parks and Recreat'ion.:Corriiiiission;.but this section shall not apply to those who are . . _ ..__. _.__ �------- -- - - _ _ _ ..... .. authorized to remain in a park or on a parkway. . 508.04. Deface No person shall cut, break, scratch, mark, remove o� in any way injure or deface any building, fence, pump, lamp, flagpole, construction impravement facility or any other feature af property upon or within any park or parkway. 508:05. Ffowers and Shrubs No person not an employee of the City shall pick or cut any wild or cultivated flower or cut, break, or in any way injure or deface any tree, shrub o� plant within the limits of any park or parkway; not carry within or ou! of any park or parkway any wild flower, tree, shrub, plant or portion thereof, or any soil or material of any kind. 508.OS. Keep Off of Grass No petson shall go on foot or otherwise upon the grass er turf ot any park or parkway where any prohibitory sign is posted. 508.07. Throwing Stones No peros� sha(t throw or cast any stone or any other missite within any park or parkway. 508.08. Ulter Fto person shal( throw, deposit, place or leave in any park or parkway or waters therein, any paper, rubbish, waste or refuse of any kind, whether or not the same is offensive to the senses or is injurious.to health, except in the receptacles therein provided for waste. 508.09. Selling Obstruction No person shall place o� suf fer to remain in any park or parkway any goods, wares, merchandise or other articles fn the Rature of any obstruction to tha tree use and enjoyment of said park or parkway. 508.10. Posting Signs �to person shall post, paste, fasten, paint or afflx any unauthorized ptacard, bi11, notice or sign upo� any siructure, tree, sto�e, fence, thing or enclosu�o along or within any park or parkway. 508,11. Dlstributlon ot Clrculars No person shall dlstribute wfthin any park or parkway or dlsplay any clrculars, cArds, announcements, printed or otherwlse, except as autho�ized by permit. � ..,...,..'.,,,.,...,.,... . . . . . Deface Flowers and Shrubs Keep Ott ot Grass Throwing Stones Litter Selling Obstruction Posting Stgns Olst�lbution ol . Ctrculars ' 506-1 508.12. Firec�ackers IVo person shal� firo, explode or set off any squib, cracker or other thing contalnfng powdei o� other combustibie orexplosive materfal within the Iimits oi any park or parkway; exCepting exhibitions of tireworks given under lhe dfrection of or by permission oi the Parks and Recreation Commission. 508.13. Blyds No pecson shall rob, injure or destroy any birds' nest within the Ifmits ot any park or parkway, nor aim or dfscharge any air gun, sling shot, bow and arrows, or other weapon, or throw any stone or other missile at any bird or b�rds' nest, or wild animal within any park or parkway, nor in ar�y manner capture or kill any bird or wild animal therein. 508.14. Trapping No person shall at any time set, iay, prepare or have in possesion any trap, snare, artiticial tight, net bird line, terret, or any contrivance whatever tor the purpose of catching, taking or killing any bird or wild animal in any park or parkway. . : 508.15. Ball Game Restrictions No person shall play ball, golf, tennis or other games which cause annoyance or inconvenience to other users of � � the park upon or within any park or parkway, except upon ball, tennis or appropriate athletic grounds or golf llnks, established by the.Parks and Recreation Commission�:"--� °.--•-�--.�-_...._._----- --._._. _. ... _ . _ _ _ ..._ _ ... _ _.... --.- --�- 508.16. Fence Rail No person shall stand or sit on any tence raii or any other structure not intended for such use in any park or parkway. ,. , :� 508.17. Moving Benches No person shall move benches, seats and tables from their places in any park or parkway, excepting on picnic areas and,there only within designated limits. 508.18. No Spitttng • No person shall spit upon the tloor or (urnishings of any boat, canoe, building or walk in any park or parkway. 5Q8.i9. Sales No person shall sell or offer for sale any article or thing whatsoever in any park or parkway, but this prohibition shall not apply to sales of refreshments and other artictes by the Gity or under its direction at pavilions or stands conducted or authorized by the City. 508.20. Profanity No threatening, profane, abusive, disorderly, insulting or indecent language, conduct or behavior, nor any act tending to a breach of the public peace, shall be allowed in or upon any park or parkway, nor shail any person play at games of chance, drink intoxicating liquor, or be drunk, or do any indecent, tascivious lewd or improper act therein. :� �. ��t _ 508.21. Icohollc Bever e pQ �`t,�� �P ' % .J�-"' o (son shal take, use or e�in or upon any park or parkway any intoxicating liquor or beer. 508.22. Dogs No person shall be permltted to take a�y dog Into any park unless it Is led by a suitabto leash and in no case shall any person allow or bring any dog owned or attended by him Into any park waters or into any bird or anlmal refuge or upo� any skatl�g rink or In any park building whether the dog Is leashed or othervvlse. 508.22 � Firecracken 81rds Trapping Ball Game Restrictions Fence Rail Moving Benches No Spitting Sales P�ofanity AlcohoNc Beverage Dogs I "' • . 5Q8-2 .��� 508.23. Anlmals Cattle, horses, mules, swine, sheep, goats or fowl shall not ba allowed upon park properly or in any lake or waters of any park and at► owners or attendants ot such animats are charged with 1fio duS of preventing such oCCUrrences, but this prohibition shali not apply to animals or towl kept by the City or under its direction. 508.24. Unattended A�fmals No pecson shalt tie o� tasten as►y animal to any tree, shrub, plant, (ence, buiiding or structure in or upon any park or parkway. 508.25. Parades No band, procession, military company or any company with ilags, banners or transparencies shall be allowed in or upon any park or parkway except with a written permit issued by the City or its proper officers. 508.26. Entertainments No entertainment or exhibition shail be given in any park or parkway excepting the entertainments given under the direction or authority of the: Parks and Recreation Commission. : 508.27. Public Speaking No public meeting of any kind shait be held in any park or parkway, playground or athletic field, nor shall there be any public speaking therein without a written registration with the City. 508.28. Flres No person except an agent of the City shall start any fire in any park or upon any parkway, except that small charcoa{ fires for culinary purposes in stoves provided in the parks by the Parks and Recreation Commissio� � __ . .� . .. _ : _....._..,, _..-- may be rnare by picnic parties in the areas designateu by the Parks and Recreation Commission; but only in the places in said parks provided for that purpose try the Commission and under its direction. Open pit fires for culinary purposes shall be allowed in Locke Park only. Every person who starts any such fire and every person using such fire is hereby charged with the duty of completely extinguishing such fires or tire before leaving such park. (X ref. 33.Oi and 99.19 of Gity Code). 508.29. Rules Th� Parks and,Recreation Commission ay establish from time to time other rules and regulations governing the fu ther use and enjoymenf�of'p"a"rlrl:s pa�kways, playgrounds, lakes, streams and the facilities thereof which shall be etfective upon passage by the Commission. At the discretion of the Commission, regulations may be posted at particular facilities under its control. A copy ot all rules and regulations shall be available for review in the oifice ot Parks and Recreation Director. 508.30. Excluslon Any person who shall violate such rules or regulations or who refuses to subject himself thereto may be, in addition to all other penalties providad by this Code, excluded from the use of such facilities. 508.31. Tratt(c Regulattons The motor vehicle regulations or traftic regulations applicable to City streets within the City of Frldley shall be applicable in all respects to the ownership, use and occupancy of motor vefiicles in the areas under the control ot the o is �on. The Police, or its duly authorized agent may remove any vehicle found in violation of said regulalions or which remain in said areas after closing hours. 508.32. Towing No d�{ver o1 any vehicte shall tow behind or on the side or push {n S�ont of ft any toboggan, sled, ice skates, roller skates, blcycle, coaster, toy vehicle or any other sliding or coasting devlce, nor permit any person in or upon such dovlce to attach same or himself to sald vehlcle nor permit any person to board or allght trom no� hang onto sald vehicle then in motion. 508.32 Anlmats Unattended Animals Parades Entertainments r. �� Public Speaking Flres Rufes �'':� Y Exctusion Traffic Regulations � Towing 508-3 608.33. Pasaengers � Persons riding In or upon said devices or vehicles In violation o( Sectlon 508.32 shail be held to be fn violation thereof. . ' 508.34. Roadways • No motor vehicle or snowmobile shall be permitted to drive on or upon park lands except roadways, parking :.-.,� tots, and areas designated by ark� and Re e�j,p�s�i„�onr except such motor vehicles or snowmobiles + operated by the City of Fridtey or under their direction for park maintenance or emergency purposes. (Ref. 445} 508.35. Vehicle for Sale Signs Na ' ns shall drive or park any vehicle upon any park or parkway displaying a sign indicating that it fs (or sale ...,, or exchange or otherwise displaying advertising. 508.36. Washing ' No person shall wash, grease or repair any vehicle on any park, boulevard, or parkway except such repairs as are required by an emergency. 508.37. Impounding Cars Any unoccupied motor yehicie or snowmobile found in violation of the provisions of this chapter may be immediately removed and impounded by any police officer or duly authorized person in accordance with this chapter. (Ref. 445) . 508.38. Boats, Boaiing and Water Skiing Permit (X Ref. Chapter 701 of City Code) 508.39. the City may authorize the issuance of permits for uses and activities in which the holders thereof request permission (a) to remain in the parks or on the parkways during otherwise prohibited hours; (b) to post notices; (c) to park vehicles in otherwise unauthorized areas. 508.40. Penalties Any violation of this chapter is a misdemeanor and is subject to all penaities provided for such violations under ihe provisions of Chapter 901 of this Code. • � 508.40 Pessenpsn Roedways Vehtcle lor Sale Signs Washing � Impounding Cars Boats, Boati�g and Water Skiing� Permit Penalties 0 508•4 � i z . SUtS. Z I' � ' .' �� i . OROINANCE N0. 586 1975 �1 . AN ORDINAt10E At�;ENDIhG CIIAPTER 508 OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY RELATING TO PARKS AND PARK'�IAYS. • • - ,4 � � � j The City Council of the City of Frid1ey does orda1n as follows: 1 . '• � SECION 1. �Section 508.21 Clcoholic Beverage, is amended to • � read as follows: • . � � 508.21 Alcoholic Beverage . . � �: } LJ It shall be unlawful for any person to have in his possession or to . � tonsume any intoxicating liquor or nonintoxicatino malt liquor in or • � u n an Cit ark, parkw_a�Y. o.r bathing beach except as provided n _ subdivisions , and 3 below: ( . ' � Subd. 1. Not withstandin laws to the contrar ossession and consum tion of nom ntoxicating ma t iquor �s permiLted in Locke ar . . Subd. 2 The Cit Council m�Tant permission to consume nonintoxicating malt �quor in other C�L,� �arks to neiqhborhood Qroups. . , Subd. 3 Not withstandir� an la�•rs to the contrary, u�on apprava_l �of Cit� ,� Council, and issuance of a permit, a club or charitable, re 4ious �or nonpro�it public or private o�aniaation may sell and allo�•r � u�yers to consume nor�intox�cafiiny mait iiquor in the Comr.orts Park. i . � . � ,� i � . --r � . i � � . � � -- :r.� I . � . � I PASSED A�"�D AOOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIt. OF THE CITY OF t'RIDLEY T11IS 7TH � DAY OF JULY , 1975. t�kY�' �`FfIiLT!{i� . ' ATTEST: . . � � � • � . � �':; K— . r� I • � � t''� First Reading: June 16, 1975 - ' Second Reading: �i,�y�— T9'1� Publish: 3uly 16, 1975 I , � • � _j ,(J ��-- ��! .c _ _ _ �___.r __ _._,.�,_,.�„� LOCAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTMENT ACT Projects for the City of Fridley 1. Parks & Recreation a. Bikeway/Walkway Riverbank Trail (Riverview Heights) Railroad Tracks ' Locke Park b. Shelter Buildings Commons Madseri Flanery c. Park Landscaping d. Parking Lot Improvement Commons West Moore Lake Beach Locke Park (West Lot) .; ' e. Park Lighting f. Foot Bridges - Moore Lake Beach TH 47 at Rice Creek (West Side) g. Park�Development (Apparatus) h.• Islands of Peace Shelter Building Bridge Docking 2. Natural Resource North Park Parking Lot Chain Link Fence Shelter Building 3. Civic Center Utilization Study Reception Area Library Area 4. Police Police Garage (Requires Land Acquisition) Local Public Wnrks Capital Development and Investment Act Projects for City of Fridley Page 2 5. Public Works Well and Filtration Plant Construction NPDES Permit Compliance Construction Water Transmission and Distribution System (Loop Water Mains) , ' Sanitary Sewer Collection System • Relay Sewer Laterals - Hyde Park & Qther Problem Areas �� a )