08/30/1976 SPEC - 5720�,' a SPECIAL CONFERENCE MEE1'ING August 30, i976 1. Consideration of Making Appiication for Loca� Pub]ic Works Projects 2. Discussion Regarding 1977 Proposed Budget 0 r �. �' LOCAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPI'LAL DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTMENT ACT Projects £or the City of Fridley 1. Parks & Recreation a. Bikeway/Walkway Riverban:c Trail (Riverview Heights) Railroad Tracks ' Locke Park • b. Shelter Buildings Commons Madsen ' Flanery c. Park Landscaping d. Parking Lot Improvement Commons West Moore Lake Beach Locke Park (West Lot) � ., ' e. Park Lighting f. FoQt Bridges - . Moore Lake Beach TH 47 at Rice Creek (West Side) g. Park Development (Apparatus) h.� Islands af Peace Shelter Building Bridge Docking 2. Natural Resource North Park Parking Lot Chain Link Fence Shelter Building 3. Civic Center Utilization Study Reception Area Library Area 4. Police Police Garage (Requires Land Acquisition) � i i�• �.- Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Act Projects for City of Fridley Page 2 5. Public Works Well and Filtration Plant Construction NPDES Permit Compliance Construction Water Transmission and Distribution System (Loop Water Mains) •' Sanitary Sewer Collection System Relay Sewer Laterals - Hyde Park & Other Problem Areas '� . ;